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abnkkbsnplako movie review tagalog

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abnkkbsnplako movie review tagalog

REVIEW: ABNKKBSNPLAko?! The Movie offers a nostalgic look at Pinoy school life

ABNKKBSNPLAko?! The Movie , the film adaptation of Bob Ong’s literary hit, is a treat for anyone who grew up in the late ‘80s through the ‘90s as made evident by its pop culture references—from Menudo to Bagets —and idiosyncratic details of Pinoy school life like nutriban (nutrition bun), “Flames,” and “Spirit of the Pen.”

But truly, the film Aba, Nakakabasa Na Pala Ako ?! is for anyone who has gone through (or is still going through) the pains and joys of growing up highlighted by one’s first love, first kiss, and first heartbreak, also acne break outs, failed exams, “cutting classes,” graduation, and friendships that last a lifetime.

Like the book, the film’s strength lies in nostalgia, driven by the main character Roberto’s (Jericho Rosales) narration of his elementary to college days and his present self as a 30-something public school teacher. The audience is in for (pardon the cliché) an emotional rollercoaster ride—poignant at times, but, mostly laugh-out-loud funny.

The story begins with Roberto facing a dilemma about showing up or not to his high school reunion, which to him will only give his career-successful classmates an opportunity to brag about their achievements. Roberto also runs into his erstwhile girlfriend, (un-)named “Special Someone” (Andi Eigenmann) in the film, who he never really got over long after she dumped him in college. These events cause Roberto to feel insecure and unsure of his status in life, prompting him to take a trip down memory lane.

Ned Trespeces’s screenplay creatively interweaves the present events with flashbacks from Roberto’s days as a student. The scenes of Roberto’s misadventures with his two childhood best friends, Ulo (Vandolph Quizon) and Portia (Meg Imperial), exude life and laughter in the film. By the time the film hits Roberto’s college days, the audience “grows up” with the main character as he hits rock bottom and eventually gets out of his funk.

The interspersing past and present scenarios uniquely depict coming of age as a theme because even when the main character has grown up, he has yet to come to terms with self-acceptance, let alone heartbreak.

Although the film suffers with a badly concluded story—which is understandable because the book is actually a fictional memoir that doesn’t have an actual plot—director Mark Meily succeeds in adapting a book celebrated for its juvenile accounts.

ABNKKBSNPLAko?! The Movie does away with the phoney glitz and glamour of mainstream cinema and instead portrays its subject matter with sincerity. Among the strengths of the film are the playful cinematic shots as well as the musical scoring that strongly complements its main themes.

Jericho Rosales is commendable for being a natural on screen. The actor clearly enjoyed playing his character. His onscreen sidekicks, Vandolph Quizon (whose antics are reminiscent of the late Comedy King Dolphy) and the beautiful Meg Imperial (who nailed her role as the tomboy Portia), made for a strong supporting cast.

ABNKKBSNPLAko?! The Movie is graded A by the Cinema Evaluation Board.

Ed's Note: The "PEP Review" section carries the views of individual reviewers and does not necessarily reflect the views of the PEP editorial staff.

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Nostalgia in film version of Bob Ong’s ‘ABNKKBSNPLAko?!’

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ABNKKBSNPLAko?! It's back to school for stars Vandolph Quizon, Meg Imperial, Andi Eigenmann, and Jericho Rosales. Photo from the film's Facebook page

MANILA, Philippines –  “ Ang cool nito !” (This is cool!), exclaimed the elusive author Bob Ong in his message read in the February 6 press conference for his novel turned film  ABNKKBSNPLAko?! 

Although the bestselling author has been keeping his indentity a mystery, Bob Ong had earned a following for his social commentary, hidden under the guise of witty anecdotes about Pinoy life.

His first book ABNKKBSNPLAko?! (Aba, Nakakabasa Na Pala Ako?!) has now come to the big screen  – a trip from  the blissful days of elementary to the angst-filled times of high school, all the way to the defining moments in the grown-up world.

First love never dies?

The story of Roberto Ong (Jericho Rosales) is set way after the last school bell has rung.

The narrative traces the story of the 30-something teacher who is faced with the dilemma of wanting to attend an elementary school homecoming, but having little confidence to face his successful batchmates.

Insecure of how his life turned out, he decides to skip the celebration –  but friends Ulo (Vandolph Quizon) and Portia (Meg Imperial) aren’t having it. In the end, he’s convinced by the thought of seeing a certain “special someone” (Andi Eigenmann), who was an integral part of his growing-up years.

Roberto backtracks to his earlier days, recalling memories of his escapades as a school boy and his unforgettable romance with that “special someone.”

But more than Roberto’s quest for a long lost love, the main highlight of the film is the endearing bond between childhood friends, as seen in his adventures and misadventures with Ulo as well as his somewhat love-hate relationship with Portia.

Watch the trailer here:

We all have our own story

The film was lauded by the Film Development Council of the Philippines, earning an A from the organization’s Cinema Evaluation Board for its “engaging and refreshing” take on nostalgia.

In a press conference about the film, the actors and director Mark Meily agreed that the film had the power to transport older viewers back in time. The viewing experience was different for each person, said the director.

He said viewers remember their own experiences while watching the film, in turn, creating a version of the story that’s unique to them.  “We might be looking at the same movie, pero ‘yung story niya , ‘ yung effect sa ‘yo nag-iiba. ” ( We might be looking at the same movie, but the story and effect on the viewers vary)

Eigenmann noted that anyone with friends can easily relate to the film.

“K ung nabasa mo ‘yung libro, maiisip mo ‘yung mga nangyari sa ‘yo nung nakaraan… it’s about elementary days, high school days, puppy love, insecurities … so ang daming makakarelate.”  (If you’ve read the book, you’ll think of what you experienced in the past… it’s about elementary days, high school days, puppy love, insecurities…a lot of people will be able to relate.)

SPECIAL SOMEONE. We all had that ultimate crush. Photo from the film's Facebook

Let comedy come naturally

Though Rosales and Eigenmann are actors best known for serious and dramatic roles, with the already witty and humorous script, they said the funny came naturally.

“The movie’s all about fun, hindi siya slapstick, ‘ yung situation ‘ yung nakakatawa talaga eh,”  said Rosales, who found that comedy is more than nailing the perfect punchline or making the ugliest faces. It’s all about understanding the scene and working as a team, he said. 

“Walang mahirap na eksena basta naiintindihan mo, comedy o drama . So para sa akin ganoon lang ‘yon. ‘Wag mong isipin na ikaw yung mag-ca- carry ng eksena, lahat kayo.”  (No scene is hard so long as you understand it, whether comedy or drama. So for me, it’s just that. Don’t think you’re the only one carrying the scene, everyone is.)

Smilarly, Eigenmann, who described her last film  Momzillas as a slapstick kind of comedy, said all she had to do for ABNKKBSNPLAko?!  was to put herself in the situation and understand the character’s views. She said that she was confident the film will have the audience laughing effortlessly.

But even Quizon, who grew up in the world of comedy, admitted that there was a need to keep his acting techniques fresh. He narrated how Meily once told him his acting style had become dated.

With a chuckle, Quizon narrated how Meily told him, “ Ang luma ng acting mo” (Your acting is old-fashioned), after his reacting with an adlib in one scene.

NATURALLY FUNNY. Actors find themselves in genuinely amusing situations. Photo from the film's Facebook

Homework from Bob Ong: Go write!

Many people think critical stories aren’t fit for mainstream cinema, said Bob Ong in his message. But the author said a critical mind is exactly what Philippine cinema needs.

With his belief in the power and responsibility attached to positive media, the author urged the public to write and to contribute stories for the enrichment of Pinoy cinema.

“Sa pananaw ko, kung mapanuri ka, higit kang obligadong mag-ambag ng materyal na makakatulong sa ikabubuti ng pelikulang Pilipino.”  (In my opinion, if you’re critical, you have an obligation to contribute material that can help in the betterment of Filipino movies.)

“ Gusto ko lang ipaalala kung may mga kwento kayong gustong isulat kung hindi kayo abala sa mga day job niyo, ituloy niyo lang,” he said.  (I just want to remind everyone, that if you have a story you want to write while you aren’t busy with your day job, go ahead.)

“ Walang imposible.”  (Nothing is impossible.)

ABA, NAKAKASULAT NA PALA AKO?! Bob Ong encourages the public to write. Photo from the film's Facebook

–  Rappler.com

Bob Ong’s ABNKKBSNPLAko The Movie’ opens in cinemas on February 19

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Bob Ong’s ‘ABNKKBSNPLAko?!’ is now a movie

  • BY Pam Pastor
  • January 25, 2014

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In 2001, when Bob Ong’s “ABNKKBSNPLAko?!” hit bookstore shelves, all his publisher wanted was to sell the 500 copies it had printed. “We didn’t even think a reprint would happen,” said Nida Gatus-Ramirez, Visprint Inc.’s publishing manager.

But there was something about that little green book that touched readers. Maybe it was the author’s candid retelling of his student days or perhaps the way he could make them laugh out loud. People from all walks of life—including those who used to buy only English books and those who didn’t even think they liked reading books— bought and enjoyed it, sharing the gospel of Bob Ong with friends and reading it over and over again.

Twelve years, 240,000 copies, eight other books and a board game later, Bob Ong has managed to stay anonymous (yes, the name is a pseudonym, but if you’re a fan, you already know that). Last year, Visprint Inc. released an updated hardcover version to celebrate the book’s 12th anniversary.

This year, “ABNKKBSNPLAko?!” marks another milestone: Its movie version will hit theaters on Feb. 19. Produced by Viva Films, it stars Jericho Rosales, Andi Eigenmann, Vandolph Quizon and Meg Imperial.

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In this Super interview, we quizzed the author, actor Jericho Rosales and director Mark Meily about this iconic book’s journey to the big screen.

‘Life’s been noisier’

How does it feel to have “ABNKKPSNPLAko?!” turned into a movie?

Bob Ong: Weird. Good weird.

abnkkbsnplako movie review tagalog

When did you first realize that the book had made it big?

Seeing it on a best-sellers list was a good clue.

We know you were writing under a pseudonym—is there a part of you that wishes you could have used your real name, or do you enjoy the anonymity?

Enjoy might not be the best word. But no, I couldn’t see myself as a public figure.

Don’t you ever think, “Damn I wish I could go to my book launch and sign books” or “I want to tell that girl riding the MRT that she’s reading my book”?

abnkkbsnplako movie review tagalog

It’s more of, “I wish I could personally hear from the people whose lives were touched by my books.” It would also be nice to hear laughter and see real smiles instead of emoticons. As for signing books, who likes that?! Yes for the second question. Oftentimes the case in bookstores.

Does your anonymity play a role in your writing process? Do you feel a bigger sense of freedom because people don’t know who you really are?

Yes. Imagine how honest and more passionate secret admirers are with their love letters. Or how savage and daring trolls are when they hurl words online without a care. Without the hurdles of reputation, we tend to be more of who we really are.

How hard or easy has it been to keep your true identity a secret? Are you surprised that people still haven’t figured it out?

abnkkbsnplako movie review tagalog

It’s not that it’s hard or easy, I just find it odd that some people would trouble themselves and be bothered with who I am, yet just be OK with how things are going on in this country. Like, so my real name is Rogelio Manglicmot and I am an electrician and I look just like your uncle. How does that affect the course of your life?

Do your friends and family know that you’re Bob Ong? (Para kang superhero!)

I told my father and my best friend. I never trusted them again. <*ngiti*>

Did your desire to remain anonymous affect your involvement in the filmmaking process? What was the deal with the studio—how much power did you have over the movie and how much freedom did you give the studio in using your material?

Yes. I gave the filmmakers full creative control after putting my two cents in.

How easy was it to relinquish control?

abnkkbsnplako movie review tagalog

Did you ever visit the set?

Who wrote the script?

Ned Trespeces (“Jologs,” 2002). Viva put good people in the project.

Have you seen the movie? What do you think?

No, I haven’t. If we can get over the usual book-film conflict, I think the movie should be enjoyable on its own merits.

How do you feel about Jericho Rosales being cast to play you? Is there any other actor who you felt could play the role?

It’s surreal and funny to actually see a real actor play me. Jericho Rosales isn’t bad, but I was under the impression that readers actually picture me more as Christian Bale when they read the book. True story.

You’ve written a number of other books. Would you like to see any of them on the big screen, too?

Yes and no. Yes, because I wish to see “Alamat ng Gubat” on the big screen or an entirely new story that I’ll write. I just think that we have many unbelievably talented artists; that given good material, we could give Pixar a run for its money. And no, because I realized marketing a film requires an awful lot of self-pimping.

It’s been 12 years since your first book was published. How do you feel about your great success? Has it changed the way you write?

I’m no longer as “anonymous” as I used to be. Life’s been noisier. If I could take back all the good and bad, ideally I’d want only less than half of this “success.”

You’ve managed to avoid one thing that usually comes with success— fame. We’re curious to know the biggest impact that success has had on your life.

My Internet access subscription is no longer prepaid.

How did being Bob Ong change your life?

As an observer, I now have better seats from where I could see a bigger picture of the world. Life’s clearer when you see it from more than one vantage point.

What do you have in store for your fans?

There are two more movies coming. If I survive the limelight, don’t decide to quit and God wills, I should have fiction and a long overdue nonfic before the year ends.

Any tips for aspiring writers?

For best results, find your purpose.

Do you still like Comic Sans?

Not as much. My support group proved to be very helpful.

People love reading your books, but we want to know what you enjoy reading.

A decade ago, I’d say philosophy, humor and world affairs. Now I just read for research. I also have four unread books of “Wimpy Kid” and am trying to finish “The Giver” before they show the movie.

‘A movie made for me’

Why did you say yes to this role?

Jericho Rosales: Gosh, for me, this is a very important role to play. Bob Ong has millions of fans and the book has millions of fans. When I got the script, I remembered my childhood. I remembered my high school days and my elementary days. It was just … feeling ko it was a movie prepared for me. I’m honored. I got super-excited. I said, “I have to play this role.” We had fun doing it and now everybody’s excited.

Were you familiar with Bob Ong and his book before being cast in the movie?

No. They sent me the book, they sent me the script, and that’s when I became a fan. Iba ’yung writing niya eh.

Did you feel any pressure, knowing that the book has a big fan base?

No. I knew immediately that the movie would have enough support. We have Mark Meily, the cast… And even before we started filming, we were already having fun. During my contract signing sa Viva, it felt really good and right. I believe that it’s meant to be. Walang pressure. I hate putting pressure on myself.

So, you weren’t pressured by the fact that you’re portraying someone who’s practically an icon?

I guess it really helped that marami akong experiences na pinagdaanan, like what he wrote in the book. From elementary, ’yung classroom issues niya, ’yung teacher issues niya, insecurities, everybody has insecurities. And enjoying high school life, falling in love with someone, not being able to do anything about it, feeling like a loser, feeling helpless, feeling torpe, feeling lost in high school.

You felt that?

Yeah, in high school I was really quiet. Elementary lalo na. Quiet lang ako, dun lang ako sa flagpole, kakain ako. I’m really shy. So my mother and my family nagulat when I joined a contest before (and) nung naging artista na ako. So it really helped that naka-connect ako sa story ni Bob Ong.

What were things like on set? Any memorable shooting stories?

The reunion scene and the prom, I would never forget them because never ako naka-attend ng prom ever, hindi ko na-experience ’yun.

What were you like as a student?

Really quiet. I studied hard naman always pero maaabutan ako ng issues ko as a kid, so maiiwanan na ako ng mga homework, assignments… Walang biro ’to, nangopya din ako, nagpakopya din ako, naghabol din ako, natulog sa classroom, nagkalat, nag-ingay, nag-cutting classes. When I was in high school, I would cut classes to watch movies. Iipunin ko ’yung baon ko so I’ll have popcorn money and movie money. I really loved watching movies. Maybe that’s why I’m doing movies now.

Tell us about your favorite teacher.

Sa Bicol ’to. I went to six schools kasi in elementary. Sa Bicol, I joined an English contest. Ginabi kami dun sa contest. My house sa probinsya was 3 kilometers away from the school and I walked every day. And you had to walk the road barefoot. My favorite teacher asked me to stay sa house niya. Being a mama’s boy, ayoko ’di ba? So she let me go. My house, sobrang daming nakakatakot na ghost stories, mga lumulutang… I got scared. Umuwi ako sa bahay na umiiyak. But I’ll never forget her, she was caring and loving.

What was the craziest thing you did as a student?

This was in elementary. Inilalagay ko ’yung lapis sa table tapos babasagin mo (slams down his hand). I dared myself, I wanted to be tough. So I got the pencil of one of the toughest students in class and I broke it in front of him. He got mad. He was about to punch me. In my head ang dami nang nangyayari. Then I punched his face. Eh uso si Hulk Hogan dati ’di ba, ’yung gumaganun (mimics the angry wrestler), ’yung hindi tinatablan. Natakot ako. I started crying. Then I ran to my teacher and I confessed my sin.

Meron pang isa, ’yung hinabol ako ng flying kick kasi I made fun of him. Medyo may pagka-naughty ako eh.

‘My kids were reading the book’

What attracted you to this project?

Mark Meily: I was invited by Vincent del Rosario for a meeting in December 2012. I had heard about the book years ago because my kids were reading it. I thought it was a fresh idea to do a Bob Ong film starting with his No. 1 best seller and his first book.

While working on the movie, did you feel any extra pressure knowing that “ABNKKBSNPLAko?!” has a huge fan base?

Yes, even before the script was written. When I was reading the book, ang question ko lagi is, “Paano mo gagawing script ’to? Paano mo gagawing kwento ’to?” Kasi episodic, ’di ba, hiwa-hiwalay… pati ’yung time elements. You have to have a character play Roberto’s character from grade school hanggang pagtanda. ’Yung casting, nagwo-worry na ako. Who would be the perfect actor to play nung ganung kalaking range? Eventually it fell into place. Magaganda ’yung characters. ’Yung script ni Ned focused on growing up and falling in love, the important things that happen in life, coming of age.

Does the movie stay true to the book? Or did you have to make a lot of changes to the material?

Yes. It’s not fiction, it’s not a narrative book. We did stick to the book as much as we could. We took out some parts only because magiging masyadong episodic ’yung film. We added some scenes para ma-thread ’yung istorya.

What was it like working with Jericho Rosales?

Si Jericho kasi I’ve known him since 2008. ’Yung dynamics namin as actor and director, very grounded na ’yung relationship namin. I would say one thing and he knows … amazing ’yung repertoire niya of emotions. Sabi ko nga, somebody with this intellect, skill and talent would be somebody who probably went to an acting school in New York. Grabe ’yung pagkakaintindi niya eh. Imagine, he’s playing the role of a high school student hanggang tumanda siya to his mid-30s na kailangang maging credible siya playing the part, but at the same time, hindi “’di ba, parang ang tanda na niya” or “parang ang bata niya.” When we saw the film, ang galing. Maniniwala ka eh. Uy, high school. Uy, college. Uy lumipat ng college. Very effortless ’yung pag-grow niya.

Did working on the movie bring back your own school memories?

Very much. Especially ’yung high school. Ang daming eksena dun sa movie na nangyari eh. ’Yung “pumoop,” of course hindi ako ’yun, ’yung classmate ko. ’Yung tumawid sa baha, I remember, nag-cut classes ako para manood ng isang movie sa Quad, Makati. Eh August ’yun, panahon ng baha. Tumawid talaga ako sa baha na pagkalayo-layo. Alam ko ’yung experience.

Which movie was that?

“Brother Sun Sister Moon,” replay nung movie. Pagdating ko sarado ’yung movie house kasi nga may bagyo. Hanggang ngayon hindi ko pa napapanood ’yung movie.

What kind of student were you?

Tahimik. Sabi nung friends ko tahimik daw ako. Pero meron akong kalokohan, may mga ginagawa akong mga kalokohan na later on ko na lang in-admit na I was the one who did it. Mga practical joke. There was one time in high school, trip lang, nilagyan ko ng pintura ’yung silya nung classmate namin. Same color, brown, but it’s fresh paint. So pag-upo niya… Tapos gumawa ako ng parang magazine na parang ginawan ko ng spoof ’yung teachers, may drawings tapos may article, may caricatures ng teachers. Walang nakakaalam kung sino ’yung gumawa, pero kumalat ’yung paper na ’yun.

Like most Filipino students, sobrang hirap ako sa math. Ang daming experiences ko in all those years na it would have been more interesting, I would have been more diligent kung magaling ’yung teacher. That’s what happened in the book eh. Ang dami niyang mga hinaing sa teachers, ang dami niyang reklamo sa mga weirdong teacher, magagaling na teacher, pero eventually siya mismo naging teacher.

What do you want people to take away from watching this movie?

That being in school is important because you will learn much about life. Learning about life and getting an education are different things. Mas importante ang learning about life, and you also get that in school. Malaking bagay ang contribution ng school.

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Review by Jed Chua

Abnkkbsnplako 2014.

Watched Apr 09 , 2020

Jed Chua’s review published on Letterboxd:

Fun, simple, and nostalgic. The big screen adaptation of Bob Ong's "ABNKKBSNPLAko?!" will make you laugh, cheer, and reminisce and connect with your childhood to young adulthood to actual adulthood.

Bob (Jericho Rosales) is currently teaching at his former high school when he finds out that his batch will have its high school reunion in two weeks. As he tries to decide if it is a worthwhile cause considering he isn't proud of the choices he has made, he looks back at his childhood - especially as a student through elementary, high school, and college - through the good times and the bad times to guide him.

While we haven't read the well-received book of the same name, "ABNKKBSNPLAko?!" the movie was a great experience overall. The film was paced lovingly as we brush through the life of Bob through various phases in his life seamlessly even if we had to go back and forth between each one numerous times. The narration done by Jericho Rosales on the background was actually outstanding as he puts so much more life and complexity into his character through words alone. While the film suffers from predictable tropes and some issues with its narrative development, the end result is still quite acceptable and minor considering that the actual material focuses more on Bob's journey with himself and his closest friends rather than his love interest alone. The film also showcased a lot of nostalgic fluff during grade school, high school and even college and it was fun to actually reminisce. Overall, "ABNKKBSNPLAko?!" is simple but entertaining especially with its flashy visuals and undeniable natural comedy in tow. It might lack more drama but it doesn't really needed much from that aspect for it to be effective.

Source: www.reeladvice.net/2020/04/abnkkbsnplako-movie-review.html

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Movie Review: ABNKKBSNPLAko (2014)


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Colleen’s rating: 7/10

Hi, everyone! Today I’m gonna be doing a review of a Filipino movie that I think deserves more recognition: Mark Meily’s ABNKKBSNPLAko .

The movie ABNKKBSNPLAko is based on the book of the same title written by Bob Ong. Watching the movie reminded me a lot of the reasons why many of us back then loved Bob Ong and his books. ABNKKBSNPLAko successfully channeled Bob Ong’s narrative style through the use of a narrator. Some would say that using a voiceover for a movie is too convenient and lazy, but the use of voiceover in this movie isn’t jarring at all so I think it works. The narrator is genuine, funny, and relatable, and although sometimes Jericho Rosales’ character borders on being the “everyman” type, I still think that somehow, the character stands out and goes through decent character development. Rosales’ two sidekicks, played by Vandolph Quizon and Meg Imperial, are equally charming, although I would have preferred seeing more solid character development for both, or at least more solid characters, period.

The only “main character” that I just can’t sympathize with is the leading lady played Andi Eigenmann. The unnamed woman whom we only know as Special Someone isn’t quite an MPDG (Manic Pixie Dream Girl), but she functions in the same way. I also don’t like how the movie presented a wrong image of the LGBT community through Imperial’s character. It’s wrong to say that Portia “became” a lesbian because she got rejected by Roberto in the past. Gender just doesn’t work that way.

Let me get back to Eigenmann’s character. Special Someone is too forgettable—we aren’t allowed beneath the surface. All we know about her is that she’s beautiful and her favorite color is pink, and a real woman is far more than those. Special Someone is the kind of character that you’ll see in a lot of Filipino movies today, and that’s disappointing to say the least. We need more roles that stay true to what women really are.

In terms of plot, I’m still quite bitter about it ending with Roberto and Special Someone ending up together because for the most part, that isn’t really what I would call a “happy ending” since Roberto is still being used as a rebound. But overall, I do think that ABNKKBSNPLAko has a pretty solid plot. The soundtrack also stood out for me as many of the songs reminded me of my own high school days. I would’ve given this movie a higher score if it didn’t focus on Roberto’s love life because tbqh that’s the least I cared about while watching the movie.

The gem of this movie is the friendship between Roberto, Portia, and Ulo. The story of the three of them alone is enough to keep the movie together. If you’re looking for a throwback movie then ABNKKBSNPLAko is perfect for you.

  • #movie review
  • #ned trespeces
  • #mark meily
  • #abnkkbsnplako
  • #jericho rosales
  • #andi eigenmann
  • #meg imperial
  • #vandolph quizon

abnkkbsnplako movie review tagalog

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abnkkbsnplako movie review tagalog


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Friday, march 14, 2014, flick review: bob ong's abnkkbsnplako the movie.


abnkkbsnplako movie review tagalog

I never read the book or any of Bob Ong's. With the movie version, I am not really a fan of comedy but with Jericho around, panoorin ko sya. Lol. he is so charming. Vandolph is ok when it comes to comedy and the movie might be corney but still will make us laugh. Pampaalis ng stress kahit papaano. Tess

abnkkbsnplako movie review tagalog

Well, no question about Jericho's capability in this role. In fact he still fit in this one. It might be corny in one way, but I'd prefer this type of comedy anyway. I'd still recommend this as the flick has its own way of cracking jokes in such intelligent way. (no slapsticks per se)

I enjoyed the book. I remember reading out loud some chapters of it to brighten the mood at our office. And I remember that there isn't a profound love story in it. Unfortunately, our movies rely heavily on the mushy, pa-cute love stories. Hehe!

reality bites. now, only if mainstream executives will take a glimpse and seriously focus on them, the world will be a better place. (no kidding. hehehe)

abnkkbsnplako movie review tagalog

Reading the book first always spoils the movie for me. Most of the time the book and the movie is slightly different -- because of the commercial aspect, I guess =)

and too good to be harsh but true, this flick ended up being another victim of that case.

I never really read any of Bob Ong's book, but i will try to check out this movie , as an OFW I sometimes misses Filipino movies

Not so good feedback but I'm still glad local books are getting mainstream attention. I think this would be a nice trend.

yes, indeed. no question about it. though on a serious note, let's hope these guys will focus ont he real message and not on the romantic value one can get.

abnkkbsnplako movie review tagalog

Everyone's been talking about this movie at my school. After reading your review, I finally understand. It still looks entertaining though so I might give it a shot soon! :)

there's no question about their aliw factor. by the way, thanks for appreciating!

hmm... i can't find Bob Ong's ABNKKBSNPLAko?! movie in my country, maybe i will check out the book instead.

I'm happy someone wrote what I want to say for a long time. haha. I watched the movie and I am dissapointed. Nanghinayang nga ako sa 200 ko eh. Bad execution.

well, you can always say whatever you want to, even if it turns out that some other guys like me had the same sentiment as yours. naku, yun lang, naka sa engrandeng sinehan ka pa kasi nanuod nyan (let me guess: Gateway? LOL). You actually nailed it: indeed, a bad execution on the filmmakers' part, kaya ang resulta ay parang 'wasted potential' lang.

Feel free to make a comment as long as it is within the bounds of the issue, and as long as you do it with decency. Thanks!

Make Me Blush

Sunday, february 23, 2014, mark meily's "abnkkbsnplako the movie" - plotless nostalgia.

abnkkbsnplako movie review tagalog

Jericho Rosales is Roberto Ong.

abnkkbsnplako movie review tagalog

Tender moment with mother and son (above); Teacher Giselle Sanchez " ". The wonders of elasticity indeed. ;)
Andi Eigenmann plays the elusive " ".
Vandolph Quizon, Meg Imperial, Andi Eigenmann and Jericho Rosales
Jericho Rosales: Waiting to exhale.
Andi Eigenmann
Meg Imperial


mahirap atang seryosohin ang isang taong responsable sa el presidente. - juan

abnkkbsnplako movie review tagalog

Right. I distinctly remember what a struggle it was to watch "El Presidente". It was overwrought and reeking with self importance. It was a tiresome watch, but the "reviews" were bafflingly glowing.

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abnkkbsnplako movie review tagalog

ABNKKBSNPLAko?! (2014)

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Jericho Rosales

Roberto Ong

Andi Eigenmann

Special Someone

Meg Imperial

Bing Pimentel

Nanay Lucing


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abnkkbsnplako movie review tagalog


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    ABNKKBSNPLAko?! The Movie, the film adaptation of Bob Ong's literary hit, is a treat for anyone who grew up in the late '80s through the '90s as made evident by its pop culture references—from Menudo to Bagets—and idiosyncratic details of Pinoy school life like nutriban (nutrition bun), "Flames," and "Spirit of the Pen.". But truly, the film Aba, Nakakabasa Na Pala Ako?! is ...

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