how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

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Guide to lead assignment rules in Salesforce

Use SFDC lead assignment rules to get more done, create a better experience, and close deals faster.

Rachel Burns

Rachel Burns Jul 24, 2023

15 min read

Guide to lead assignment rules in Salesforce

Table of contents

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What are Salesforce lead assignment rules?

What if your sales team could spend their valuable time connecting with prospects and closing deals — instead of losing time doing admin work like assigning and organizing leads?

When you automate lead assignment and routing, your sales team can:

Boost sales team productivity and efficiency

Prevent high-quality leads from slipping through the cracks

Create a better experience for potential customers

Speed up your entire sales pipeline to close more deals, faster

In this blog post, we'll discuss the ins and outs of Salesforce lead assignment. We'll cover the benefits, how to plan your lead assignment strategy, and a step-by-step walkthrough of adding lead assignment rules in Salesforce. We'll also explore the power of scheduling automation to simplify and speed up lead assignment, routing, and qualification.

Key takeaways:

Lead assignment rules help sales teams boost productivity, respond to leads faster, and make better data-driven decisions. 

Matching leads with the right sales reps and teams creates a better customer experience by responding to leads faster and giving them personalized attention.

Before you set up your lead assignment rules, work with your sales, marketing, and RevOps teams to understand your lead generation processes and sales team structure.

Within Salesforce lead management settings, rule entries are the individual criteria and actions. A “lead assignment rule” refers to a set of rule entries. 

Automating lead routing , qualification, and booking with Calendly helps your team be more efficient and organized while creating a better experience for prospective customers.

6 benefits of creating lead assignment rules in Salesforce

Why should your team take the time to set up lead assignment rules in Salesforce? Here are six great reasons:

Ensure leads are assigned to the right reps and teams: Lead assignment rules mean each incoming lead is directed to the salesperson or team who has the relevant expertise and skills to engage and convert that lead. Automated lead assignment also prevents leads from falling through the cracks by making sure each lead is assigned to a rep or team, rather than relying on manual assignment.

Respond to leads faster: With lead assignment rules, leads are automatically assigned to the right salesperson, reducing response time and increasing the chances of converting leads into customers .

Boost sales team productivity: Automating lead assignment reduces manual work for RevOps teams and sales managers. Lead assignment rules also help identify and prioritize leads more likely to convert, saving time and resources that would otherwise be wasted on pursuing poor-fit leads. These time savings let sales teams focus on nurturing leads and closing deals.

Create a better customer experience: Leads can be assigned to sales reps who have relevant industry or product expertise, understand their unique needs, and can provide personalized solutions. This tailored approach creates a better experience for leads, which results in more conversions and higher customer satisfaction.

Improve sales forecasting: With well-defined lead assignment rules, you can gather more accurate data on lead distribution and conversion rates. This data can be used for sales forecasting, data driven decision-making, and resource allocation.

How to create lead assignment rules in Salesforce

Step 1: build your lead assignment strategy.

Before you go into your Salesforce instance and set up lead assignment rules, you need to figure out what exactly those rules will be. The options are limitless — where should you start?

It’s time to bring RevOps, sales, and marketing together to answer some questions:

Lead sources: Where do leads come from? Do we use marketing forms through Salesforce web-to-lead forms or a third-party integration? Are we importing leads via the data import wizard?

Sales team structure: How is the sales team structured? Are different teams or individuals specialized in specific products, industries, use cases, or regions?  

Lead data: What info do we request from new leads? Which standard and custom fields do we require?

Sales territories: How are sales territories defined? Are there specific regions, countries, or territories we should take into account for lead assignment?

Integrations : Do we have any third-party integrations with lead assignment or distribution features? Are we using those features?

Special circumstances: Are there any priority levels or tiers for leads that require special attention? For example, do we have a designated rep or queue for leads with complex needs and use cases?

Poor fits: What should we do with leads who don’t meet any of our criteria?

It’s a lot of information to gather and organize, but it’s important to learn as much as possible up front to cover every scenario and equip your sales team with accurate data. Putting this time and effort in now will pay off tenfold in productivity once your lead rules are in place!

Step 2: Set up lead assignment rules in Salesforce

You’re almost ready to enter your lead assignment rules in SFDC . First, let’s go over some terminology. We’ve been talking about lead assignment rules as individual directives: “If the lead matches X, then do Y.” Within Salesforce lead management settings, a “lead assignment rule” refers to a set of rule entries. Rule entries are the individual criteria and actions (“If X, then do Y”). An assignment rule can consist of up to 3,000 rule entries, and you can only have one active assignment rule at a time.

For example, a rule entry can assign all leads interested in a particular product to a queue of reps who are experts on that product. In Salesforce, a lead queue is essentially a bucket for unassigned leads, and you can choose which sales reps can pull leads from each queue.

Another rule entry can assign all leads from companies with over 5,000 employees to your top enterprise sales rep.

To create a lead assignment rule in Salesforce: 

From Setup, enter “Assignment Rules” in the Quick Find box, then select Lead Assignment Rules.

Enter the rule name. (Example: 2023 Standard Lead Rules)

Select “Set this as the active lead assignment rule” to activate the rule immediately.

Click Save.

Click the name of the rule you just created.

Click New in the Rule Entries section.

Enter an order number that tells Salesforce when to run this rule entry in relation to other rule entries. For example, if you want this to be the first criteria Salesforce looks at when assigning a lead, enter number one.

Select the rule criteria. What attributes must the lead have before Salesforce applies the rule entry? You can use any standard or custom field in the lead record for your criteria. For example, you want to assign leads to your U.S.-based enterprise sales team, so the company size field must be equal to or greater than 5,000 and the country field must equal the United States. You can include up to 25 filter criteria.

Choose the user or queue to be the assignee if the lead meets the criteria. For example, assign to the U.S.-based enterprise sales team queue.

Optional: Choose an email template to use when notifying the new lead owner. After you set up your lead rules, you can also use Salesforce Flow automations to notify lead owners via other channels. For example, at Calendly, we integrate Salesforce with Slack, and a workflow automatically notifies sales reps via Slack when a lead is assigned to them.

Screenshot of the Rule Entry Edit screen in Salesforce. The criteria fields include Lead: Created By equals and Lead: Country equals United Kingdom, France. The selected queue is UK + France Leads.

Salesforce goes through the rule entries in order until it finds one that matches the lead's info, then routes the lead accordingly. 

Let's say you have small business, mid-market, and enterprise sales team queues. Your first three rule entries would match company size to each of those three queues. If they don't have a company size listed, or the company size doesn't match any of the values in your rule entries, Salesforce will move on to the industry rule entries.

To make sure no leads fall through the cracks, you also need to set a default lead owner. If the assignment rules fail to locate an owner, or you don’t set up assignment rules, web-generated leads are assigned to the default lead owner.

To select a default lead owner:

From Setup, enter “Lead Settings” in the Quick Find box, then select Lead Settings and click Edit.

Define the Default Lead Owner. The Default Lead Owner can be a specific user or a queue.

Save your settings.

Salesforce lead assignment rule examples

As we mentioned earlier, your rule entries can include up to 25 filter criteria.

Simple rules include just one filter criteria:

By country or state/province: Route leads from specific states or countries to sales representatives who understand the regional market. You need this rule if your team uses sales territories to divide leads. For example, if the state/province equals Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, or Washington, assign the lead to the West Coast queue.

By language: Assign leads to sales reps who speak the same language.

By industry: Assign leads from different industries to salespeople who have experience working with those industries.

By company size: Assign leads based on the size of the company, assigning larger companies to a dedicated enterprise sales team.

Complex rules use two or more filter criteria. For example, you could route leads from specific states or provinces to salespeople based on their sales territory and the company size. If you have a particular rep (Bob) working enterprise leads on the West Coast, your filter criteria could say: If the state/province equals Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, or Washington, and the company size equals greater than 5,000, assign the lead to Bob.

These are just a few examples. Lead assignment rules can be customized to fit your team’s and customers’ needs. Review your strategy to choose the right combination of criteria for your sales processes, products, and customers.

What does the built-in Salesforce lead process look like in action?

A website visitor named Nora fills out a contact form to learn more about your product. She shares her name, email address, company name (Acme Inc.), and company size. You use Salesforce’s built-in web-to-lead forms , so Nora’s form submission automatically creates a lead record.

Your team has set up lead assignment rules that assign leads to sales queues based on their company size. Acme Inc. has 5,000 employees, so Nora is automatically assigned to the enterprise sales team queue.

Enterprise sales team queue members receive an email notification that a new lead has been added to the queue. Taylor, an enterprise sales rep in Acme Inc.’s territory, assigns Nora’s lead record to themself.

Taylor emails Nora to set up a qualification call.

Nora, who has been waiting to hear back from your team, agrees to meet with Taylor. After some email back-and-forth, they find a time that works.

What are the limitations of Salesforce’s built-in lead assignment rules?

Salesforce’s built-in lead assignment rules are a great place to start, but there are a few critical limitations, especially for enterprise sales teams:

Single level of evaluation: Salesforce assignment rules operate based on a single level of evaluation, meaning that once a rule matches the criteria and assigns a lead, the evaluation process stops. Your team might miss out on important info, like a complex use case or unique industry, when matching the lead with a rep.

No built-in round robin distribution: Round robin lead distribution is the process of assigning leads to reps based on factors like team member availability or equal distribution for a balanced workload. Salesforce lead assignment rules don't include an easy way to set up round robin distribution — you need an additional tool like Pardot, one of the round robin apps on AppExchange , complex Apex code , or a third-party lead routing platform .

No lead escalation settings: Lead escalation is the process of flagging a lead to higher levels of management or specialized teams for further assistance or action. This process comes into play when a lead requires additional attention or intervention beyond the assigned salesperson or team's capabilities. Unfortunately, Salesforce doesn’t have built-in settings for lead escalation rules. If your customer success team uses Service Cloud, you can set up escalation rules for customer support case escalations, but this feature isn’t included in Sales Cloud.

High maintenance for large organizations: Managing and maintaining a comprehensive set of assignment rules can become challenging and time-consuming in large organizations with complex sales structures and multiple teams or regions. Sure, you can include up to 3,000 rule entries in a single lead assignment rule, but that’s a lot to set up and keep up to date — especially if you’re trying to save your team time, not add to their workload.

Built-in Salesforce lead assignment rules and automations are a solid starting point, but what about automating lead qualification and booking? If you use Salesforce on its own, your reps might still spend a ton of time on lead reassignment to balance their workload, manual lead qualification, and email back-and-forths to schedule sales calls.

That’s where Calendly comes in.

How to automate lead assignment, qualification, and booking with Calendly

Your scheduling automation platform can be an excellent lead generation, qualification, and routing tool — especially when it integrates with Salesforce. Calendly’s Salesforce integration helps your team be more efficient and organized while creating a better experience for prospective customers.

When a lead books a meeting via a sales rep or team’s Calendly booking page, Salesforce automatically creates a new lead, contact, or opportunity. If the lead already exists in your Salesforce instance, the event is added to the lead’s existing record, so you don’t end up with duplicate lead records or time-consuming manual reassignment.

What if you don’t want to let just anyone book a meeting with your team? When you add Calendly Routing to your marketing forms, you can show scheduling pages only to leads who meet your qualifications, like prospects from specific industries or companies of a certain size. That way, your busy team can spend time on the most valuable deals.

Calendly Routing works with HubSpot , Marketo , Pardot , and Calendly forms and is built for your Salesforce CRM. You can use any form field (email, domain, company name) in any Salesforce standard object to match visitors with their account owner. Account lookups let you send known leads or customers from your website form directly to their account owner’s booking page, without needing to manually reassign leads to the right rep.

Screenshot showing Calendly integrates with Salesforce lookup to match and schedule leads and customers based on real-time CRM account ownership.

Remember the lead assignment example we walked through earlier featuring Nora from Acme Inc.? Here's what that process looks like when you add Calendly:

Nora fills out your “contact sales” form, which is already built in HubSpot, connected to Calendly Routing , and enriched with Clearbit .

She enters her email address in the form, and Clearbit fills in the company name, size, and industry. This shortens the form, so Nora only has to input her name and job title.

Calendly checks to see if Acme Inc. has an account in your Salesforce instance. They don’t, so the next step is lead qualification .

Based on Nora’s information — company size, industry, job title — she’s a highly qualified lead, so she’s automatically routed to the booking page for your enterprise sales team.

Nora is happy about that, and immediately books a meeting time that works for her, with the exact team she needs to talk to.

On the backend, Calendly’s Round Robin meeting distribution is set to optimize for availability, so it assigns the meeting to the first available sales rep — in this case, Taylor. This automation helps your team respond to meeting requests faster, hold initial sales calls sooner, and balance the workload across reps.

Calendly creates a lead record in Salesforce with the info Nora entered into your website form (including the data from Clearbit) and an activity log of any meetings she books with your team via Calendly. Salesforce automatically makes Taylor the lead owner.

If you were relying on Salesforce’s built-in lead assignment rules, Nora’s lead record would have gone to an enterprise sales queue, and she would have had to wait for a rep to pick up the lead and reach out to her to book a meeting.

“ A good tool is one that’s so simple, sales reps can basically forget about it and let the meetings roll in. That’s essentially what happened when we implemented Calendly. ”

Testimonial author

Sales Enablement Manager at SignPost

What happens if a lead doesn’t qualify for a meeting? Instead of sending them to a booking page, you can display a custom message with next steps, ask them for more information, or redirect them to a specific URL, like a piece of gated content or a webinar signup page.

Screenshot showing Calendly’s built-in routing logic feature.

Automating lead assignment with Calendly Routing has been a game changer for RCReports , a compensation analysis solution for accountants and business valuators. Before connecting Calendly Routing with their Salesforce instance, RCReports’ AEs spent at least five hours a month reassigning leads booked on the wrong calendar. This created a disjointed customer experience and frustration for the sales and marketing teams.

“ Now that we’ve implemented Calendly’s routing feature with Salesforce integration, demos are always booked with the correct AE, reducing friction for both our team and the customer. ”

Testimonial author

Abbie Deaver

Director of Marketing at RCReports

Users on Calendly’s Teams plan and above can connect Calendly to Salesforce. The full suite of Salesforce routing features , including routing by Salesforce ownership, is available on Calendly’s Enterprise plan.

To learn more about Calendly Routing, get in touch with our sales team .

Spend less time on manual lead assignment and more time closing deals

When you automate Salesforce lead assignment and routing, high-value leads stop slipping through the cracks, the workload is balanced across the team, leads are matched with the sales reps best equipped to help them, and team members have more time to focus on connecting with prospects and closing deals. 

The results? A more productive team, faster sales cycle, higher conversion rates, and better customer experience.

How Calendly Uses Calendly

Webinar: How Calendly Uses Calendly to Close More Deals

Rachel Burns

Rachel is a Content Marketing Manager at Calendly. When she’s not writing, you can find her rescuing dogs, baking something, or extolling the virtue of the Oxford comma.

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Running Lead Assignment Rules From Salesforce Flow

Running Lead Assignment Rules From Salesforce Flow

Last Updated on February 14, 2022 by Rakesh Gupta

To understand how to solve the same business use case using Process Builder . Check out this article Getting Started with Process Builder – Part 49 (Running Lead Assignment Rules From Process Builder) .

Big Idea or Enduring Question:

How do you run the lead assignment rule from the Salesforce flow? Lead assignment rules allow us to automatically assign Leads to the appropriate queue or user. A Lead assignment rule consists of multiple rule entries that define the conditions and order for assigning cases. From a Salesforce User interface, a user can trigger assignment rules by simply checking the Assign using the active assignment rules checkbox under the optional section.

The problem arises when you need to insert or update the Leads from Salesforce Flow and wants to trigger assignment rules. Using the Salesforce Flow a Lead will be inserted or updated but the assignment rule will not be triggered as there is no check box to use the organization’s assignment rule or a prompt to assign using the active assignment rule.

Let’s start with a business use case.


After reading this blog post, the reader will be able to:

  • Running the lead assignment rules from Salesforce Flow
  • Understand @InvocableMethod Annotation
  • How to call an Apex method using Salesforce Flow

Business Use Case

Pamela Kline is working as a System administrator at Universal Containers (UC) . She has received a requirement from the management to update the following Lead fields when Lead Source changed to Partner Referra l .

  • Status = Working – Contacted
  • Rating = Hot

As data changed by the process, she wants to fire the assignment rule as soon as the process updates the lead record.

Automation Champion Approach (I-do):

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

Guided Practice (We-do):

There are 4 steps to solve Pamela’s business requirement using Salesforce Flow and Apex. We must:

  • Setup a lead assignment rule
  • Create Apex class & Test class
  • Define flow properties for record-triggered flow
  • Add a decision element to check the lead source
  • Add an assignment element to update status & rating
  • Add a scheduled path
  • Add a decision element to check if lead source changed
  • Add action – call an Apex class to invoke lead assignment rule

Step 1: Setting Up Lead assignment Rule

  • Click Setup .
  • In the Quick Find box, type Lead Assignment Rules .
  • Click on the Lead Assignment Rules | New button .
  • Now create an assignment rule, as shown in the following screenshot:

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

Step 2: Create an Apex class and Test class

Now, we have to understand a new Apex annotation i.e . @InvocableMethod . This annotation lets us use an Apex method as being something that can be called from somewhere other than Apex . The AssignLeadsUsingAssignmentRules class contains a single method that is passing the ids of the Leads whose Lead Source changed to Partner Referral . Create the following class in your organization.

  • In the Quick Find box, type Apex Classes .
  • Click on the New button .
  • Copy code from GitHub and paste it into your Apex Class.
  • Click Save.

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

Step 3.1: Salesforce Flow – Define Flow Properties for Before-Save Flow

  • In the Quick Find box, type Flows .
  • Select Flows then click on the New Flow .
  • How do you want to start building : Freeform
  • Object : Lead
  • Trigger the Flow When : A record is created or updated
  • Condition Requirements: None
  • Optimize the Flow For : Fast Field Updates
  • Click Done .

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

Step 3.2: Salesforce Flow – Using Decision Element to Check the Lead Source

Now we will use the Decision element to check the lead source to ensure that it is equal to Partner Referral.

  • Under Toolbox , select Element .
  • Drag-and-drop Decision element onto the Flow designer.
  • Enter a name in the Label field; the API Name will auto-populate.
  • Under Outcome Details , enter the Label the API Name will auto-populate.
  • Resource: {!$Record.LeadSource}
  • Operator: Equals
  • Value: Partner Referral
  • When to Execute Outcome : Only if the record that triggered the flow to run is updated to meet the condition requirements

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

Step 3.3: Salesforce Flow – Adding an Assignment Element to Update Rating and Status

  • Drag-and-drop the Assignment Element element onto the Flow designer.
  • Enter a name in the Label field- the API Name will auto-populate.
  • Field: {!$Record.Rating}
  • Add Condition
  • Field: {!$Record.Status}
  • Value: Working – Contacted

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

  • Click Save .
  • Enter Flow Label the API Name will auto-populate.
  • Click Show Advanced .
  • API Version for Running the Flow : 53
  • Interview Label : Record-Trigger: Lead Before Save {!$Flow.CurrentDateTime}

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

Step 4.1: Salesforce Flow – Define Flow Properties for After-Save Flow

  • Field : Lead Source
  • Operator: Euqals
  • Optimize the Flow For : Action and Related Records

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

Step 4.2: Salesforce Flow – Add Scheduled Paths

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

  • Under SCHEDULED PATHS , click on the New Scheduled Path .
  • Under Scheduled Path Details , enter the Label the API Name will auto-populate.
  • Time Source : Lead: Last Modified Date
  • Offset Number : 1
  • Offset Options : Minutes After

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

Step 4.3: Salesforce Flow – Adding an Action to Call Apex class to Trigger Lead Assignment Rule

  • Drag-and-drop the Actions element onto the Flow designer.
  • Select the AssignLeadsUsingAssignmentRules Apex class.
  • Field: LeadIds
  • Value: {!$Record.Id}

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

  • Interview Label : Record-Trigger: Lead After Save {!$Flow.CurrentDateTime}

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

Proof of Concept

Now onward, if a business user updates the Lead Source to Partner Referral , Process Builder will automatically update Status , Type , and Assign it to the right user or queue based on the lead assignment rule.

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

Monitor Your Schedule Flow

To monitor Flows that are scheduled, navigate to the following path:

  • Navigate to Setup (Gear Icon) | Environments | Monitoring | Time-Based Workflow .

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

  • Use the Delete button to delete the time-based Flow job from the queue.

Formative Assessment:

I want to hear from you! What is one thing you learned from this post?  How do you envision applying this new knowledge in the real world? Let me know by Tweeting me at @automationchamp , or find me on LinkedIn.

Submit Query!

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9 thoughts on “ running lead assignment rules from salesforce flow ”.

It ran repeatedly, every minute, over and over again. I was getting notification email every minute when testing. I did the same steps as you mentionned, with a record triggered flow containing the apex action.

I found that this ran repeatedly, every minute, over and over again. Was easy to spot because I modified the Apex to include sending the user notification email as well – so I was getting notification email every minute when testing.

When I updated the ‘Time Source’ in the flow scheduled path from ‘Time Source: Lead: Last Modified Date’ to ‘Time Source: When Lead is Created or Updated’ that seems to have solved the problem.

Was curious if you had the same experience or if there was some other nuance happening.

It also looks like you had originally intended to use a decision element in step 4.3 but changed that to flow entry requirements, likely because the scheduled path can’t assess the prior and current values the same way the starting node can.

Thank you for sharing your valuable feedback. I have a quick question for you: When executing the Apex class, do you utilize a Record-triggered Flow or a Scheduled-triggered Flow?

after the apex class fires, noticed the lead owner is assigned to default lead owner, instead of using lead assignment rule. Any clue?

Thank you for an excellent tutorial 🙂 you solved my problem! Very much appreciated

Anyone getting issues with an error on mass updates “Apex error occurred: System.QueryException: List has more than 1 row for assignment to SObject “? if each one is called individually, I don’t understand how there is more than 1 row for assignment. Sometimes I get an email with this error only to see that the trigger actually worked for the specified record so a bit odd. Thanks!

Thank you for the great tutorial. Why add the 1 minute wait? Is that just to take avoid too much synchronous automation? Or is it required for another reason?

You’re right Kevin (to make the process asynchronous).

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how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

How to set up lead assignment rules for lead routing in Salesforce?

Unsure how to set up lead assignment rules and lead routing in Salesforce? This article covers it step-by-step

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

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No matter how much I dread Salesforce, I’ve got to admit Salesforce’s assignment rules are incredible.

Assignment rules in Salesforce help your team determine who gets what leads and cases based on specific criteria you set up. It's all about streamlining your GTM process and making sure nothing falls through the cracks.  

Picture this: your organization is rocking different GTM motions, right? Inbound leads, website-generated leads, event imports, you name it. Well, guess what? You can create assignment rules for each of these motions. 

For example, you can have a kickass rule for inbound leads and another one for event follow-ups. Oh, and don't forget about cases. You can set up rules for weekdays, weekends, and holidays. It's all about keeping things organized and making sure the right people are on the case.  

But here's the kicker. As your organization grows, things get messy. You're stuck with just one rule in Salesforce. One! 

Seriously, even your carbonated sugar water has more variety.

So, what do some organizations do? They create this massive assignment ruleset and cram every rule entry in there. It doesn't matter if it's for inbound, event follow-up, segmentation, or territories—they just shove it all in one place. Talk about a recipe for chaos!

In this post, I'm gonna share some best practices for Salesforce lead routing and assignment rules. We'll show you how to keep your team engaged with those precious leads and speed up your time-to-revenue. 

Ready? Let's do this!

How to define lead assignment rules for lead routing in Salesforce?

When it comes to assignment rules in Salesforce, your Salesforce administrator can only have one active rule at a time for your go-to-market motions. This assignment rule serves a dual purpose: automating lead routing when new leads enter your CRM and managing customer-facing processes within your CRM.  

Let's start with the lead assignment rules. 

Lead assignment rules define how leads are assigned to your sales reps. Whether they're manually created, captured from your website, or imported through SFDC's Data Import Wizard, these rules ensure proper allocation. Additionally, case assignment rules come into play when you want to assign support questions. Think of this as a use case for customer support and customer success functions.

Getting the basic flow for your lead assignment and routing in Salesforce right

Every organization is different with unique GTM motions. With that in mind, here are a few questions to ask yourself (and your entire GTM team) before you begin setting up your lead routing.  ‍

Psst… I’ve been burned by not getting this right.  

  • How are leads entering your CRM? 
  • When leads enter the CRM, what happens? 
  • How and when should leads be passed off to your team members? (think lead qualification, interests, activity, contact properties, and behavior) 
  • Which of your salespeople and account executives touch leads and when? 
  • When are leads considered sales or marketing qualified? 

When you have answers to the above questions, you’ll have a good picture of how your leads flow through your CRM.

How to set up a lead assignment in Salesforce for lead routing?

To get started with assignment rules in Salesforce, follow these steps:  

  • Login to Salesforce and click on Setup in the upper right corner of the horizontal navigation bar.

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

  • In the Setup search box, type "assignment rules" and select either Lead Assignment Rules. ‍

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

  • Click on New to create a new assignment rule. 
  • In the Rule Name box, provide a name for your rule.
  • Once done, click Save. ‍

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

  • Open your newly created rule and select New in the Rule Entries section to define your rule criteria. a. In Step 1 of the "Enter the rule entry" window, enter an Order for your new rule. The Order determines the processing sequence, similar to a queue. ‍

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

          b. In Step 2, decide whether your rule should be based on meeting specific criteria or a formula. In the "Run this rule if" dropdown box, choose either "criteria are met" or "formula evaluates to true".            

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

      c. Once you’ve selected how you want to trigger the rules, use the drop down to set the criteria for the rule entry ‍

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

     d. Finally, in Step 3, select the user or queue to whom your rule will assign the new lead or case. You can use the lookup feature to find specific users or a queue

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

    e. Once you've completed Step 3, click Save. ‍ That’s it! You’ve now set up a lead assignment rule in Salesforce. ‍ If you’d like some inspiration for your next lead assignment rule, consider this example:

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

In the above example, you can see that we are: 

  • Disqualifying leads that come from competitors
  • Routing leads that come from our partnerships to partnerships expert
  • Routing leads that have less than 5000 employees to Joe Cavill
  • Sending leads who have more than 5000 employees to Jessica

Two reasons why your lead assignment might not work as expected

If you're facing issues with your lead or case assignment rules not functioning properly, here are a few tips to troubleshoot and identify the root cause quickly.  

  • First and foremost, check if the assignment rule is active. Remember, you can have only one active case or lead assignment rule at a time. 
  • Next, ensure that the record is assigned to the correct user or queue and verify that the checkbox "Assign using active assignment rule" has been selected. To support this step, consider enabling field History tracking on the case or lead owner and adding object History (case or lead) to your page layout. 

These measures can help track any changes made to ownership.  

One common issue to watch out for is overlapping rule entries or entries in the wrong order. When you have multiple rule entries, it's possible for them to overlap, leading to unpredictable record assignments. 

For example, if entry #1 assigns New York leads to Henry and entry #2 assigns Demo Request leads to Terry, Henry might end up receiving Demo Request leads intended for Terry. To avoid such confusion, review the order and arrangement of your rule entries carefully. 

Disadvantages of lead assignment and lead routing with Salesforce

When it comes to implementing lead assignment and routing on Salesforce, there are a few downsides you need to be aware of. Here's a list of potential hiccups you might encounter along the way. 

  • Round-robin or custom distribution: First up, let's talk about the nuances of round-robin or custom logic lead distribution. When you have a team of AEs, you naturally want to set up fair distribution or implement your own custom logic. However, doing this in Salesforce can be quite challenging, especially when you need to consider all those pesky edge cases. What if the lead is assigned to an AE and she falls sick on the day of the demo call? Naturally, a teammate takes the demo. Now, how do you add the original AE back to the queue and give her another lead since this got reassigned to someone else?
  • Lead-to-account matching: Picture this scenario: a lead is already in your Salesforce CRM and has been assigned to an AE. Now, when they come back and book a demo with you, you definitely don't want them to go through a round-robin distribution and get assigned to someone else on the team, right? You want them to stick with their designated rep. Unfortunately, achieving this in Salesforce is impossible.
  • Complex lead qualification: Lead qualification shouldn’t require you to write complex code. Unfortunately, that’s what it’ll take when you try to do lead qualification with Salesforce.
  • Routing log: Imagine your sales rep reaches out to you, wondering why a lead didn't get assigned to them. Well, in Salesforce you can track an object’s history to see when properties change, but you won't have a clear way to track all the steps that led to the assignment (or lack thereof). It becomes a guessing game, and nobody wants to play that.
  • Instant scheduling: And finally, we have the big one. When you have a qualified lead that's been routed to the right sales rep, wouldn't it be amazing to book a call with them right away? No need to make them wait for an email or phone call from your sales rep. Unfortunately, no matter how many workflows you create or stitch together, this is simply not possible with Salesforce. 

These are the challenges you might face when implementing lead routing on Salesforce. But hey, awareness is the first step toward finding solutions, right? Keep these in mind as you navigate the world of Salesforce.

How RevenueHero simplifies lead assignment for you in Salesforce?

At first, it seems pretty straightforward, but here's the catch: you're limited to having just one rule. Now, imagine as your GTM motions get more complex and your organization grows. 

That one rule starts to feel like a ticking time bomb, ready to explode with multiple defining rule entries. With each entry you add, the rule becomes more unwieldy and harder to manage. 

With RevenueHero integrated to your Salesforce CRM, here’s what you’ll get:

  • Show the right sales rep’s calendar after a form is submitted.
  • Auto-qualify leads after form-submit using custom logic.

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

  • Automatically log all meeting activity to your Salesforce CRM to create custom reports.
  • Use custom Round-robin logic and weighted assignments to ensure smoother account handovers.

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

  • Eliminate tedious CRM cleanups and matching errors by automating lead to account matching. 

Of course, I’m a bit biased. But based on what existing customers say, Salesforce works. But Salesforce + RevenueHero makes you win.

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No SDR qualification or BANT interrogation. Just a live demo of the product, tailor-made to your business.

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Getting Started with Lead Assignment Rules in Salesforce

Or Goldenberg

Lead Assignment Rules in Salesforce are a powerful tool that allow your GTM (Go-To-Market) teams to automate the process of generating leads and assigning them to the most suitable sales representatives based on specific criteria. Managing and assigning leads becomes key, particularly when dealing with high daily volumes and considering the priority of leads based on various factors. And, as we all know, speed to lead is crucial : if you waste even one minute, your conversion plummets by a shocking 391%.

Ideally, your organization should employ different lead assignment rules tailored to your go-to-market strategies and motions. For instance, the assignment rules for leads generated from a demo request on your website may differ from those for leads obtained through downloading an ebook.

A lead assignment rule consists of a prioritized set of rule entries that dictate how leads are assigned throughout your go-to-market motions, either to a specific user or to a Salesforce Queue. These rules are automatically triggered when leads are created and can also be applied to existing records.

However, there is one significant constraint with Salesforce assignment rules: only one can be active at any given time. This means that as your business scales and you implement multiple business processes, you'll need to consolidate all the complex logic into a single comprehensive assignment rule with multiple rule entries. As you can imagine, managing, maintaining, and updating such an operation can become increasingly challenging over time.

Salesforce Lead Assignment Rules Examples

  • Leads from Enterprise Accounts with ARR greater than $200M are assigned to Enterprise SDR Queue.
  • Leads from accounts with ARR greater than $50M (and less than $200M) are assigned to Mid Market SDR Queue.
  • Leads reaching Nurture Lead Status are directed to SDR 1.
  • Irrelevant leads with a ‘’ domain are routed to a dummy user and disregarded.
  • Distribute leads to reps based on their respective sales territories.

Salesforce Lead Assignment Rules: A step-by-step guide

Here is a step-by-step guide to help you set up Salesforce Lead Assignment Rules in keeping with your business needs and sales strategies.

Step 1: Log in to Salesforce:

Access your Salesforce account using your credentials.

Step 2: Navigate to Setup:

Click on the gear icon in the screen's upper-right corner to access the Setup menu.

Step 3: Access Lead Assignment Rules:

In the Setup menu, search for "Lead Assignment Rules" in the Quick Find box. Click on "Lead Assignment Rules" under the "Leads" section.

Step 4: Create a New Rule:

Click on the "New Lead Assignment Rule" button to create a new rule.

Step 5: Define Rule Entry Criteria:

Enter a suitable name for the rule and specify the rule's entry criteria.

You can decide whether to write a formula or build a prioritized set of rule entry criteria. The logic you define determines the conditions that need to be met for the rule to trigger.

Step 6: Specify Rule Assignments:

Choose the desired assignment method for your leads. Salesforce provides different assignment options, such as assigning leads to Queues or specific users. Select the appropriate option based on your business requirements, and (optionally) choose an email template to be sent to the new owner of the lead.

Step 7: Save and Activate the Rule:

Once you have configured all the necessary settings, click the "Save" button to save the lead assignment rule. After saving, activate the rule to make it operational.

Step 8: Test and Validate:

It is essential to test the rule and ensure that leads are being assigned as expected. Create test leads and verify their assignments based on the defined criteria. Make any necessary adjustments or refinements to the rule if required.

Salesforce editions and permissions for Lead Assignment Rules

After gaining an understanding of how lead assignment rules can benefit your business and determining their suitability, you may wonder, "Do I have the appropriate Salesforce edition?" The short answer is, “Yes.” Salesforce has now made this feature available in every edition.

In terms of user permissions, certain requirements must be met to view and edit lead assignment rules in Salesforce. Users must have the "Manage Leads" permission and the ability to "View Setup and Configuration" in order to access lead assignment rules. For editing purposes, users need the "Customize Application" permission along with either the "Modify All Data" or "Modify Leads" permission. If you are unable to locate this section in Salesforce or encounter difficulties with viewing or editing assignment rules, reach out to your Salesforce administrator to verify that you have the necessary permissions in place.

Assignment rules limits and challenges

Salesforce Lead Assignment Rules, while suitable for small teams with straightforward rules, come with significant limitations that can hinder efficiency for larger teams. These limitations become more apparent as the volume of leads increases and more complex use cases arise.

One major drawback is the stringent limits imposed by Salesforce on the number of rules, entries, and actions allowed per rule. These limits are illustrated in the following table:

Limits in Salesforce

However, there are additional factors to consider when utilizing assignment rules in Salesforce. It is crucial to be aware of the following challenges before embarking on building your entire logic using Salesforce's native functionality:

  • Limited to Leads and Cases: Assignment rules only apply to the lead and case objects. While this may suffice for simple and initial use cases, it falls short when implementing ABM (Account Based Marketing) strategy or when the need to route Opportunities arises.
  • Complex QA and Audit: Salesforce's native functionality lacks versioning or debugging tools, making testing and troubleshooting assignments a laborious task. Additionally, there is no built-in record of why a lead was assigned in a particular way, further complicating the auditing process.
  • Limited Assignment Options: When using assignment rules, you can only assign a Lead record to a specific user or a Salesforce Queue. Managing more intricate assignments, such as round-robin distribution, becomes challenging and costly to implement within the confines of assignment rules.
  • Single Active Rule: As mentioned previously, Salesforce restricts the use of only one active lead assignment rule at a time. This means that despite having multiple processes with distinct underlying logic, you are forced to consolidate them into a single, busy rule, making management and updates cumbersome.

Considering these challenges, it becomes evident that relying solely on assignment rules may not provide the flexibility and functionality required for more complex lead management scenarios.

How Sweep Simplifies Salesforce Lead Assignment

Although assignment rules in Salesforce offer a powerful solution with a short learning curve, we recognize that the drawbacks can become a significant pain point as businesses grow and the native Salesforce tools may not fully support your team's needs.

To address these challenges, we have developed Sweep's Assignment tool, a visual no-code solution designed to simplify the implementation of assignment logic within Salesforce. This empowers organizations to build their go-to-market motions while maximizing assignment efficiency. The benefits of using Sweep's Assignment capabilities include:

  • Assigning any object: From Opportunities to Accounts & Contacts and custom objects, you can apply assignment logic across various Salesforce objects.
  • Achieving full visibility: Gain a comprehensive understanding of your business processes and easily track where assignments are taking place.
  • Managing round-robin groups: Distribute leads equally among sales representatives using round-robin assignment to ensure fairness, or add weights to better control assignments between reps.
  • Simplifying territory management and assignment: Streamline the process of managing territories and assigning leads based on specific territories.
  • End-to-end lead routing capabilities: Enhance the lead routing process with advanced features such as Lead Deduplication and Lead-to-Account Matching, ensuring that leads always receive a seamless buying experience.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about how Sweep Assignment can assist your business as it scales, please don't hesitate to contact me at [email protected]. I would be delighted to show you around or provide further insights into Salesforce Lead Assignment Rules.


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A short but mighty guide to salesforce lead routing.

By Nathan Bellehsen

In this article, we’ll cover how to route your leads and what type of lead routing rules you can set up, while also offering free templates for you to use in your own lead routing process.

What is Lead Routing?

  • A form on your website
  • Created manually from your customer service
  • A list uploaded after a tradeshow.
  • Round robin and weighting aren’t supported, which can make it tricky to distribute leads evenly.
  • Whenever a sales development rep (SDR) or account executive (AE) leaves the company, you have to manually update the entirety of your routing logic.
  • Out-of-office status isn’t taken into consideration and leads could be mistakenly assigned to reps on vacation. 

How Not to Route Your Leads

  • The real account owner will be frustrated you sent their lead to someone else.
  • The fake account owner will be frustrated they wasted their time sending an email to a lead someone else owns.
  • The customer is going to be frustrated because they have two sales reps trying to send them one-pagers. 

What Types of Lead Routing Rules Should You Set Up?

Geographic territory, company size.

  • Company size = 1-50 employees = SMB
  • Company size = 51-200 employees = Mid-Market
  • Company size = 251-5,000 employees = Enterprise

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

Product Line

Account ownership vs. lead to account matching vs. round robin.

  • Account Ownership refers to a time when a rep owns a specific account in your org’s CRM. This means any existing contact associated with a specific account will automatically be assigned to the current account owner after they fill out a form.
  • Lead to Account Matching means any inbound lead that is related in a way to an existing account (e.g. the email domain matches an existing account website domain) will automatically be assigned to the current account owner.
  • Round Robin , on the other hand, refers to scenarios when leads are assigned to a queue that alternates recipients. This can either be equal or weighted based on factors such as tenure or performance. 

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Free Lead Routing Templates You Can Steal

  • General use cases
  • Routing diagrams for advanced use cases
  • Click the link
  • Create a free Miro account
  • Duplicate board
  • Start routing!

Final Thoughts

Nathan bellehsen.

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Assignment Rules In Salesforce

by Atul Gupta | Jun 1, 2021 | CV Newsletter

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Assignment rules in Salesforce are basically used to automatically assign Case or Lead to the owner (Queue or User). This assignment rule is used to automate owner assignments on Lead and Case based on conditions on Case and Lead.

Types of Assignment Rule

There are two types of assignment rules .

  •  Lead Assignment Rules
  • Case Assignment Rules

Lead Assignment Rule:

The Lead Assignment rule describes how leads are assigned to queues or users as they are created manually, imported via the Data Import Wizard, or captured from the web.

Case Assignment Rule:

In Case Assignment rule, it specifies how cases are assigned to users or queues as they are created manually, using On-Demand Email-to-Case, Email-to-Case, Web-to-Case, the Customer Portal and Outlook.

Create or Set-up assignment rules

  • From Setup, enter Assignment Rules in the Quick Find box, then select any one assignment rule either Lead Assignment Rule or Case Assignment Rule .
  • Click New , and then give the rule a name. If you want to make it active then check the active box then click Save .
  • To create the rule entries, click New . For each entry, you can specify:
  • Order: Set the order in which the entry will be processed in the rule, for example, 1, 2, 3. It matches the criteria of the entry according to the order. When a match is found, it processes the item.
  • Criteria : Here, write the condition so that when it meets with criteria it automatically assigns to queues or users on Lead/Case.  Enter the rule criteria.
  • User : Choose here either users or queues to assign on Lead/Case.
  • Do Not Reassign Owner : It defines that the current owner on a case or lead will not be reassigned to the case or lead when it is updated.
  • Email Template : You can choose a template to use for the email that is automatically sent to the new owner of Lead/Case. No email will be sent if no template is specified. While assigning a lead or case to a queue, the notification goes to the Queue Email specified for the queue and all queue members.
  • Predefined Case Teams : It describes the predefined case team to add to a case when it matches the condition.
  • Replace any existing predefined case teams on the case : It describes that any existing predefined case teams on the case are replaced with the predefined case teams on the condition when a case matches the condition.

After this setup, click Save , or Save & New to save the entry and create more entries.

Assignment Rule Example:

Following is the Lead Assignment rule which assigns Lead to queues based on City, Company, and Industry.

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

Like this, you can create more rules for assigning a different Queue/User for different criteria.

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

Atul Gupta is CloudVandana’s founder and an 8X Salesforce Certified Professional who works with globally situated businesses to create Custom Salesforce Solutions.

Atul Gupta, a dynamic leader, directs CloudVandana’s Implementation Team, Analytics, and IT functions, ensuring seamless operations and innovative solutions.

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G2 Recognizes Lead-to-Account Matching and Routing as Newest Tech Category, with LeanData the #1 Vendor

G2 Recognizes Lead-to-Account Matching and Routing as Newest Tech Category, with LeanData the #1 Vendor

Leandata showcases power of modern revenue orchestration at opsstars 2022, leandata announces winners of the 2022 opsstars awards, what are lead assignment rules in salesforce.

Lead assignment rules are a powerful feature within Salesforce to assist your team’s automation of its lead generation and customer support processes. Assignment rules in Salesforce are used to define to whom your Leads and Cases (customer questions, issues or feedback) are assigned based on any one of a number of specified criteria you determine. 

Organizations typically develop lead assignment rules for their GTM processes or flows:

  • Rules for inbound Leads
  • Rules for website-generated Leads
  • Rules for importing Leads from an event

For case assignments, a company might establish one case assignment rule for weekdays and another assignment rule for weekends and holidays. 

A lead or case assignment rule often consists of multiple rule entries to specify exactly how leads and cases are assigned throughout your go-to-market teams. For example, related to customer service inquiries, a standard case assignment rule might have multiple entries. Cases with “Type equals Gold” are assigned to the Gold Level service queue, cases with “Type equals Silver” are assigned to the Silver Level service” queue, and so on. 

flowchart with arrows and people

As organizations grow and scale, they operationalize multiple GTM motions: inbound, outbound, account-based, upsell/cross-sell, and hybrid. However, many are limited to having just one rule in Salesforce.

As a work-around, many organizations create one massive lead assignment ruleset. They then wedge all of their rule entries into that one big ruleset, regardless of how many different motions that represents. Over time, Salesforce lead assignment rules can quickly become unmanageable .

This post covers the best practices for Salesforce lead and case assignment rules. The ultimate goal is to fully engaging your hard-won leads and speed up your organization’s time-to-revenue.

How to Define Assignment Rules

Your Salesforce administrator can only have one rule in effect at any particular moment in your go-to-market motions, and that assignment rule is intended to both automate lead generation processes and other customer-facing processes routed through your CRM. 

Lead assignment rules specify how leads are assigned to users or queues as they are created manually, captured from your website, or imported via SFDC’s Data Import Wizard.

Case assignment rules determine how cases are assigned to users or put into queues as they are created, either manually or through the use of Web-to-Case, Email-to-Case, On-Demand Email-to-Case, the Self-Service portal, the Customer Portal, Outlook, or other data generation applications.

Criteria for Lead Assignment Rules

Okay, so you’ve decided that lead assignment rules in Salesforce make sense for your revenue operations team – now what?

Well, first, you’ll need to determine the edition of your Salesforce instance. Lead assignment rules are available in the Group, Essentials, Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer Editions of SFDC. Case assignment rules, conversely, are available only in the Professional, Enterprise, Performance, Unlimited, and Developer editions.

With regard to User Permissions, to view assignment rules, you’ll need View Setup and Configuration permissions. However, to create or change assignment rules, you’ll need Customize Application. If you are not your organization’s Salesforce administrator, you should check with them before attempting to head off on your own.


How to Create Salesforce Lead Assignment Rules

Creating lead and case assignment rules in Salesforce is a relatively straightforward process. 

  • Login to Salesforce and select Setup in the upper right corner of the horizontal navigation bar.
  • In the Setup search box , type “assignment rules” and then select either Lead Assignment Rules or Case Assignment Rules.
  • Select New to create a new assignment rule.
  • In the Rule Name box, type a name and specify whether it should be active for leads or cases created manually and by those created automatically by web and email. When done, click Save .
  • Click open your newly created rule and select New in the Rule Entries to specify your rule criteria.
  • Step 1 in the “Enter the rule entry” window requires you to enter an Order for your new rule (the Order is the order in which the entry is processed, like a queue).
  • In Step 2, you determine whether your new rule is based on meeting a set of criteria or a formula. In the Run this rule if the dropdown box, select either “criteria are met” or “formula evaluates to true.”
  • Lastly, in Step 3, select the user or queue to whom your rule will assign your new lead or case (use the lookup feature to find specific users or a queue). After completing Step 3, select Save .

Why Are Your Salesforce Lead Assignment Rules Not Working?

If you discover your lead or case assignment rules are not working, here are a few tips to quickly troubleshoot the root cause.

First, check to ensure the assignment rule is active. Remember, only one case or lead assignment rule can be active at one time. Secondly, ensure the record is assigned to the correct user or queue.

Make certain to select the checkbox Assign using active assignment rule . In support of this step, enable field History tracking on case or lead owner, as well as add object History (case or lead) in your page layout. 

One common problem is overlapping rule entries, or rule entries in the wrong order. With dozens of rule entries, many will overlap, causing records to get assigned unpredictably. For example, if entry #1 assigns California leads to John, and entry #2 assigns Demo Request leads to Jane, then John might wonder why he’s receiving Demo Requests leads who are supposed to go to Jane. 

Assignment Rule Examples

The image, below, shows sample rule entries being entered into Salesforce for a variety of “what if” situations:

  • Junk leads containing “test” are sent to an unassigned queue
  • Demo requests are routed directly to SDR 3
  • Leads at accounts with over $100 million in annual revenue are routed to AE 1
  • Leads in certain states are sent to their respective representatives


How LeanData Simplifies Salesforce Lead Assignment

Creating lead and assignment rules in Salesforce is relatively straightforward. However, as your GTM motions become more and more complex, it becomes necessary to populate that one rule with multiple defining rule entries. As you grow and scale, your rule threatens to become unwieldy. Then these problems arise:

  • Difficulty in both comprehending and managing
  • Poor visibility, making it difficult to troubleshoot and validate
  • Restrictions allowing only the criteria on the routed record


LeanData’s lead routing flow and assignment solution is a native Salesforce application that allows users to create flows in an easy-to-understand visual graph. Its visible representation of an organization’s desired lead flow affords many benefits to users, including:

  • Easier ability to visualize and understand complex flows
  • Real-time visibility of the routing of leads and the ability to quickly troubleshoot and make adjustments
  • At-a-glance ability to use information on matched records for routing decisions and actions


Assignment rules in Salesforce are a relatively easy-to-learn feature that can be very quickly implemented, delivering a flexible and powerful logic to your CRM processes. Automating your lead and customer processes will accelerate your GTM motions and deliver your organization a sustainable competitive advantage.

For more best practices, read the eBook, “ Best Practices for a Winning B2B Marketing Data Strategy .”

  • lead assignment rules
  • lead assignment rules salesforce

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

Ray Hartjen

Ray Hartjen is an experienced writer for the tech industry and published author. You can connect with Ray on both LinkedIn  &  Twitter .

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How to Re-run Salesforce Lead Assignment Rules: Flows & Apex

Salesforce Lead assignment rules ensure Leads are assigned to the appropriate user or queue for follow up. They also liberate marketers from trying to maintain sales territory logic within their Marketing Automation Platform (MAP).

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When a new Lead is created, Salesforce will use logic you’ve configured to assign the record to the appropriate user or queue. But what if you need to re-run that logic on existing records ?

In this post:

Re-running Lead Assignments for just a few Leads

If you only need to do this for a single Lead record, the solution is simple.  Edit the record and select the optional “ Assign using active assignment rule “ checkbox.

Edit Lead Screenshot with Assign box checked

If you need to do a one-time batch reassignment of a number of records, export the relevant Lead Ids.  Then use the Apex Data Loader to trigger assignment rules to fire. You can grab the ID of the appropriate Lead Assignment Rule from the URL bar when viewing the rule in Setup. It will always start with the prefix “01Q” .

Assignment Rule Id from URL bar

But you may want to automatically re-run Salesforce Lead Assignments

But you may want to re-run assignment rules automatically under certain conditions. For example:  you may assign Leads under a certain Lead Score to a Queue.  When the Lead Score increases over the threshold, you then want to re-run assignment rules to assign to an inside sales rep for follow up.

To do this, we combine Flow and an Apex Invocable method. We take advantage of the power of Apex with the flexibility to declaratively (clicks, not code!) control the logic of when to re-run the assignment rules, without having to edit any code.

Using Apex for Salesforce Lead Assignment Rules

Let’s start with the code.

Since we’re writing code here, we’ll need to start in a sandbox org first before deploying to production. You’re smart and already knew that you’d NEVER make changes in production without first testing in a sandbox ( right?! ), but in this case, Salesforce doesn’t trust you either way and forces you to write your code in a sandbox org before moving to production.

We’ll be creating an Apex class with a single method with the @InvocableMethod annotation, which allows us to call our Apex from within a Flow. The method accepts a single parameter (a list of the Lead Ids to be assigned) that you’ll pass into the method from your Flow.

That’s it. Just those four lines are all you need in your code. The logic for firing the assignment rules will be configured in one or more Flows.

Now, in order to actually deploy this to your production org, you’ll also need to create a test class to cover your code and ensure that it functions as expected in your environment. A sample test class might look like this (but this is extremely basic):

Work with a developer to ensure you’re accounting for any requirements specific to your Salesforce instance.

Using Salesforce Flows for Lead Assignment Rules

Now we’ll create our declarative logic of when to fire the code, using a Flow.

1) Create a new Flow by searching for Flows under Setup and clicking the New Flow button in the top right. This example is for a Record-Triggered Flow , but you can design it a number of ways.

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

2) Select the Lead object for your Flow and configure the trigger for when a record is created or edited .

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

3) Then set the Entry Conditions.  In this use case, we want to re-assign Leads after they meet a certain Lead Score. Select “custom condition logic is met. ” Set the condition that the Lead Score is greater than or equal to 100.

Under the “When to Run the Flow for Updated Records” section, select the option to only execute when a record is updated to meet the condition requirements . This means we’ll only execute the actions if the record previously did not meet the criteria, but now does after being updated.

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

4) Without getting into too much detail, because of Triggers and Order of Execution , we can’t call our code in an immediate action. Instead, we’ll create a scheduled path to call our Apex method.

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

In this case, we want the logic to execute ASAP, so we’ll set the schedule for 0 minutes from now.

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

5) Once saved, we can create a new action. Click to Add a New Element , and select an Action type. Give your action a name, and select the Apex class you created earlier. Set the Apex Variables leadIds using the Field Reference of the Lead Id that started the process.

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

6) After saving, your Flow looks like this:

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

Activate your flow, test in your sandbox, and deploy to your production org. Since the code is fired under a scheduled action, there is a slight delay before the reassignment happens. In my experience, it’s usually <2 minutes, but you can monitor this under Setup > Flows and viewing the Paused and Waiting Interviews section.

Scheduled Action Monitoring

The nice part about this approach is that if your requirements change – for example if your Lead Score threshold changes to 150 instead of 100 – you can change the logic in your Flow (Step 3) without having to touch any code.

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

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Salesforce lead assignment rules – Salesforce Tutorials

Creating and managing salesforce lead assignment rules .

In this Salesforce tutorial we are going to learn about What is an assignment Rules , How can we create and manage Salesforce lead assignment rules, and why should we create assignment rules in Salesforce.

What is an Assignment Rule?

Assignment Rules are used to assign Leads and Cases automatically to the assigned users based on criteria. There are two types of Assignment Rules in Salesforce they are

  •  Lead Assignment Rules and
  • Case Assignment Rules.

What are Salesforce lead assignment rules?

Salesforce lead assignment rules defines the administrators to assign a lead to users and queues based on criteria. A lead can be generated either by manually or generated from the web.

What are case Assignment Rules?

Salesforce lead assignment rules defines the administrators to assign a Case to users and queues based on criteria. A Case can be generated  by manually , generated from the web to case, Email to case etc.

How to create Salesforce lead assignment rules?

Salesforce lead assignment rules

Creating and Managing Salesforce lead assignment rules are very important. Let us learn how to create lead assignment rules in To create assignment rules login Salesforce and navigate to Setup | Build | Customize | Lead | Lead Assignment Rules.

  • Click on Lead assignment rules as shown above.

Salesforce lead assignment rules

Click on New Button to create new Salesforce lead assignment rule.

Salesforce lead assignment rules

  • Enter Rule name.
  • The assignment rule must be activated as shown above.
  • Click on Save button.

There are only one standard rule in our salesforce. If we create new Assignment rule in Salesforce the first standard rule will be automatically deactivated. At a single point of time only one assignment rule is active. For a single rule there can be multiple rule entries.

Salesforce lead assignment rules

  • When creating Rule entry we have to learn about these three Order number, Criteria and Assigned to.

Salesforce lead assignment rules

How to create New Rule entries in Salesforce Lead Assignment Rules.

In Salesforce we can create many rule entries for single Assignment Rule.

Salesforce lead assignment rules

  • Click on New Button to create new Rule entry.

Salesforce lead assignment rules

  • In step 1 :- Enter Sort order as #1.
  • In Step 2 :- Enter rule criteria as shown above.
  • In Step 3 :- Select the user or queue to assign the lead.
  • Select user and Email template as shown above.

Learn how to create Email template in Salesforce.

Salesforce lead assignment rules

We have created two Rule entries with order 1 and Order 2. In this Salesforce lead assignment rules, Generated leads will be automatically assigned to the country United State and Country United Kingdom.

Conclusion :

In this Salesforce Tutorial we have learned about What is Assignment rule and How to create Salesforce lead assignment rules. Like wise case assignment rules are also similar to lead assignment rules.

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Salesforce Lead Assignment rules


  • Dec 28, 2023

Salesforce Lead Assignment rules automate your org lead generation and support processes. Lead Assignment Rules are a powerful tool that enables the automatic assignment of leads to the right sales representatives based on specific criteria.

What is Salesforce Lead Assignment rules?

Lead assignment rules are used to specify how leads are assigned to users or queues. This is used to assign the owner of leads based on lead generation, like leads created from the web or imported from a data loader.

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Type of Assignment Rule 

There are two types of assignment rules we have in Salesforce.

  • Lead Assignment Rules
  • Case Assignment Rule

How to create lead Assignment Rules

Let’s see the step-by-step guide to set up the lead assignment rules.

  • Creating Lead Assignment Rule
  • Creating Lead Assignment Criteria
  • Specify the lead assignment method
  • Activate the lead assignment rules
  • Test the lead assignment rules

Consideration for Lead Assignment Rules

  • We can create as many assignment rules as possible, but only one can be active.

Lead Assignment Rules can help streamline your lead management process, improve lead conversion rates, and increase sales productivity by ensuring that the right leads are assigned to the right representatives.


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Upload Leads with Lead Assignment Rule in Salesforce ?

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How to upload Leads with Assignment Rule in Salesforce ?

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how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

No we can assign the lead with dataloader as well for that we have to goto setting in dataloader application and we have to provide the assignment rule Id of leads

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

Hi @Lokesh thanks for sharing the information. I was not aware about it. I hope your comment will help many learners :) I will edit the post accordingly. Thank you

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Lead assignment rule in a trigger

The objective is to have assignment rules fired on a Lead record creation. It seems the rule can be assigned only when using "update" DML in an "after insert" trigger. Why does another DML must be executed after insert to have lead assignment rule assigned?

Moreover, testing of the rule assignment fails even though the rule has been assigned to the Lead. We cannot test assignment rule outcome (ownerId=defaultQueueId for example) since the rule will change on PROD eventually.

  • assignment-rules

RadDeveloper's user avatar

  • I am trying to understand your code. I also want to run the Lead Assignment rule via triggers. Could you please let me know that why you have used the line: ls.add(new Lead(id =;? Thanks in advance for your help. Kind regards, –  user7797 Commented Apr 9, 2014 at 14:36
  • Leads, being inserted, are added to the list so they can be updated in order to get the assignment rule assigned (see Database.update(ls, dmo)). A lead record in the update list only needs "id" field and no other field should be updated. –  RadDeveloper Commented Apr 14, 2014 at 22:45

2 Answers 2

Lead reassignment within a trigger can be done with future methods such as the following. Your after insert / after update trigger will need to collect up a set of lead ids that qualify for reassignment and then once all other afterinsert/afterupdate operations are complete, call the future method below:

Note use of DmlOptions:

cropredy's user avatar

  • Works! The assignment to dmo can be made outside the loop, by the way. –  Sander de Jong Commented Oct 15, 2020 at 14:29
  • @SanderdeJong - optimized code per your suggestion –  cropredy Commented Oct 15, 2020 at 16:31

DMLOptions are additional settings you can specify when you are performing DML in Apex. They don't apply to data input by any other means (unless, like you've discovered, you issue an explicit update)

DMLOptions settings take effect only for record operations performed using Apex DML and not through the Salesforce user interface.

If you are loading in this data via Data Loader, you can specify the assignment rule to use in the Data Loader Settings.

As for the assertion, have you tried enclosing the test within Test.startTest() and Test.stopTest(). (It might also be an idea to assert in the trigger context, as I'm not sure the DMLOptions would survive / be available after the completion of the DML Operation.)

techtrekker's user avatar

  • Thanks for the response. I will be using update DML in order to assign default lead assignment rule to records (I think there should be consistency in how records are processed regardless of how they are created). Test method fails regardless of Test.start/stopTest. –  RadDeveloper Commented Jul 4, 2013 at 21:23
  • 4 DMLOptions apply to DML initiated from Apex Code (such as in Visualforce). Once you're in a trigger, the DML has already started, and so the DMLOptions have no effect (because they were already given by the initial DML function). –  sfdcfox ♦ Commented Jul 6, 2013 at 2:35

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how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

How to Mass Convert Leads in Salesforce

How to Mass Convert leads in Salesforce in 2 easy steps

Are you tired of converting leads one by one in Salesforce? It can be a real time-drain. Luckily, there’s a faster way to get it done.

Salesforce doesn’t offer a built-in option for bulk lead conversion, and while tools like Data Loader or Apex Triggers can help, they’re not always the easiest or quickest solutions. That’s where XL-Connector 365 comes in—it simplifies the whole process, making it easier to convert leads in bulk without the hassle.

This blog will show how XL-Connector 365 can save you time, reduce errors, and make lead conversion a breeze. Let’s get started!

Mass Convert Leads in Salesforce: A Common Task for Salesforce Users

Mass lead conversion in Salesforce helps Salesforce Administrators and sales teams quickly turn multiple leads into contacts, accounts, and opportunities at once. This process saves time, reduces manual errors, and ensures data consistency.

By automating lead conversion, you can improve productivity, handle large data volumes easily, and keep your reports accurate and up-to-date.

Common Challenges When Mass Converting Leads

Despite its benefits, mass converting leads isn’t always simple. Several challenges can arise:

  • Field Mapping Issues : Organizations often use custom fields, and during the lead conversion, these fields need to be correctly mapped. If they’re not, you might lose important data or have it end up in the wrong field.
  • Duplicate Records : One of the most common problems is the creation of duplicate accounts or contacts. It can happen when multiple leads have similar information, leading to cluttered and inaccurate records.
  • Automation Conflicts : Sometimes, automation, such as workflows or validation rules, can interfere with the mass conversion process. This can result in errors or even failed conversions, making it essential to ensure your automation works well with lead conversion.
  • Unqualified Leads:  Ensure leads meet the necessary criteria before converting them into contacts, accounts, or opportunities. This helps you focus on the prospects that truly matter.

Jumping straight into mass conversions without testing can lead to issues. It’s wise to start with a small sample of leads to identify problems, such as data mapping errors or validation rule inconsistencies. Testing ensures that everything runs smoothly when you’re ready for larger conversions.

Need more insights? Take a look at Considerations for Converting Leads.

How to mass convert leads in a few steps.

Managing bulk lead conversions in Salesforce can be simple with the right tools. XL-Connector 365, a powerful Excel to Salesforce data management tool, helps you handle and convert multiple leads efficiently. Following a few steps, you can convert your leads into active customer records, making your sales process more effective.

To convert leads in bulk, install XL-Connector 365 if you haven’t already. Then, follow the steps below to get started. 

Salesforce Lead conversion process with XL-Connector 365

When converting a bulk of Lead records in Salesforce from an Excel spreadsheet, you must prepare data with all required fields, including these two key pieces of information:

  • Lead Status (In which Closed-Converted picklist value must be set to ‘Converted’ in Salesforce)

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

Step 1: Extract Lead Records

Let’s pull leads for conversion using SOQL in XL-Connector 365:

SELECT Id, Name, Status FROM Lead WHERE IsConverted= FALSE

Mass Convert Leads in Salesforce using XL-Connector 365

Learn more about extracting data: Importing Data from using SOQL (Salesforce Object Query Language)

To Convert Leads, first mark the status of the Leads to be converted to Closed- Converted in your sheet. Select the leads you want to convert. Then, go to Admin Tools and click on Convert Leads.

Mark status as closed Converted

Step 2: Configure conversion Settings

  • Map the Lead Id column and Convert Statuses column for the conversion process.

Select leads for Mass Convert using XL-Connector 365

  • You can specify an Owner Id column to assign new owners to the resulting Contact, Account, and Opportunity records.
  • Optionally, you can map columns in your Excel sheet to fields on the Contact, Opportunity, Account, and related Person Account in Salesforce. It helps transfer data and set record types by including the appropriate record type Ids.

Set mappings for Mass Convert Leads in Salesforce

  • You can configure additional parameters for the conversion process, such as Sending an email, bypassing the account/contact dedupe check, etc. These are set to False by default but can be changed to True through the user interface if needed.

Set parameters while Mass Converting leads in Salesforce

  • The tool allows you to save the settings and mappings as Flows with the “Run and Save” option. After the conversion, you can also track the operation results with newly added columns for Account ID , Opportunity ID , and Contact ID of the records created during the Lead conversion process.

Results for Mass Convert Leads in Salesforce using XL-Connector 365

Did you know that you can also use XL-Connector to bulk convert leads in Salesforce? The bonus for this tool is that it’s not limited to lead management; you can also effortlessly manage Salesforce metadata .

Additionally, both XL-Connector and XL-Connector 365 operate under the same license, providing you support on all Excel platforms and more flexibility without extra cost.

Track Monthly Converted Leads Dynamically

Monitoring monthly lead conversions is vital for businesses to evaluate sales performance and make data-driven decisions. Using XL-Connector 365, we can efficiently extract this data through dynamic SOQL queries. Rather than manually changing filters, users can modify cell values in a sheet to access converted leads for any specific month or year.

Applications of Monthly Converted Leads:

  • Sales Performance Review: Analyze monthly conversions to assess sales team performance.
  • Marketing Impact: Measure how many leads are converted from specific marketing campaigns.
  • Resource Planning: Allocate resources based on monthly conversion trends.
  • Data Auditing: Verify the accuracy of lead conversion data in Salesforce.

Extract Data: Use XL-Connector 365 to pull the lead data from Salesforce for the current month. We use SOQL queries to get details about the converted leads, including their conversion dates and related information such as Account Id.

Get Lead records

When working with XL-Connector 365, we can apply dynamic filters based on cell values. It makes fetching converted leads for a specific month and year easier. Instead of updating SOQL filters every time, you only need to change the cell value and refresh to get the leads that meet the criteria. SOQL would be:

SELECT Id, Name, IsConverted, ConvertedDate, ConvertedAccountId, ConvertedContactId, ConvertedOpportunityId FROM Lead WHERE CALENDAR_YEAR(ConvertedDate) = {{Lead1!B1}} AND CALENDAR_MONTH(ConvertedDate) = {{Lead1!B2}}

In the above SOQL, we use {{Lead1!B1}} where ‘Lead1’ is the name of the sheet and ‘B1’ refers to the cell value.

SOQL for retrieving lead records

Let’s specify the starting cell as A3. We can also query all records, including those from the Salesforce Recycle Bin.

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

Run and save the query. Since we have selected the year as 2024 and the month as September, we will retrieve all the associated converted leads.

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

Similarly, change the month to 8 and click on the “Run Flow” option to rerun the flow step. You will see that the sheet is updated with new records.

how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce


To wrap up, XL-Connector 365 makes bulk lead conversion in Salesforce much easier. It saves time, reduces errors, and helps you manage large amounts of data without the usual headaches. Whether mapping fields or pulling monthly converted lead data, XL-Connector 365 gives you the flexibility and efficiency you need.

If you’re tired of doing lead conversions individually, this tool is a great solution to get the job done faster and more accurately.

Ready to simplify lead conversions? Install XL-Connector 365 today!

Rajeshwari Jain

Rajeshwari Jain


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  1. How To Create And Manage Assignment Rules In Salesforce

    how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

  2. Lead Assignment Rules Salesforce

    how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

  3. Salesforce Lead Assignment Rules

    how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

  4. How to use Salesforce lead assignment rules

    how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

  5. How to setup a Criteria-Based Lead Assignment Rule in Salesforce

    how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce

  6. Lead Assignment Rules Salesforce

    how to export lead assignment rule in salesforce


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  2. How to Export a Report in Salesforce (Full 2024 Guide)

  3. Create Validation Rules in Salesforce

  4. How to Export Multiple Permission Sets in Salesforce?

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  6. Salesforce CPQ Lesson # 16 Product Rule- Selection


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  2. Assignment Rules

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  4. Guide to lead assignment rules in Salesforce

    From Setup, enter "Assignment Rules" in the Quick Find box, then select Lead Assignment Rules. Click New. Enter the rule name. (Example: 2023 Standard Lead Rules) Select "Set this as the active lead assignment rule" to activate the rule immediately. Click Save. Click the name of the rule you just created.

  5. Set the option 'Assign using active assignment rules' to ...

    7. Click the 'Layout Properties' button on the palette and disable the 'Show on edit page' and 'Select by default' Case Assignment Check-box and click OK, then click Save. 4. Test and confirm that when a user creates a new case/lead, the 'Assign using active assignment rules' checkbox is set to true. Save the case/lead.

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  7. Set up lead assignment rules for lead routing in Salesforce

    Login to Salesforce and click on Setup in the upper right corner of the horizontal navigation bar. ‍. In the Setup search box, type "assignment rules" and select either Lead Assignment Rules. ‍. ‍. Click on New to create a new assignment rule. In the Rule Name box, provide a name for your rule. Once done, click Save.

  8. Create a Round Robin Lead Assignment Rule

    In Setup, search for Lead Assignment Rules, and open it. Click New. Name your rule Round Robin Assignment Rule, and click Save. Click to open Round Robin Assignment Rule. In the Rule Entries section, clickNew. In Sort Order, enter 1. Set the rule criteria by choosing Round Robin in the Field dropdown, Equals in the Operator dropdown, and 1 in ...

  9. Getting Started with Lead Assignment Rules in Salesforce

    Access your Salesforce account using your credentials. Step 2: Navigate to Setup: Click on the gear icon in the screen's upper-right corner to access the Setup menu. Step 3: Access Lead Assignment Rules: In the Setup menu, search for "Lead Assignment Rules" in the Quick Find box. Click on "Lead Assignment Rules" under the "Leads" section.

  10. A Short But Mighty Guide to Salesforce Lead Routing

    Lead routing is what happens after a lead enters your CRM and before they're in the hands of a sales rep - this is also called Lead Assignment Rules in Salesforce. Leads can come from different sources: A form on your website. Created manually from your customer service. A list uploaded after a tradeshow.

  11. How To Create And Manage Assignment Rules In Salesforce

    Create or Set-up assignment rules. From Setup, enter Assignment Rules in the Quick Find box, then select any one assignment rule either Lead Assignment Rule or Case Assignment Rule. Click New, and then give the rule a name. If you want to make it active then check the active box then click Save. To create the rule entries, click New.

  12. What Are Lead Assignment Rules in Salesforce?

    How to Create Salesforce Lead Assignment Rules. Creating lead and case assignment rules in Salesforce is a relatively straightforward process. Login to Salesforce and select Setup in the upper right corner of the horizontal navigation bar.; In the Setup search box, type "assignment rules" and then select either Lead Assignment Rules or Case Assignment Rules.

  13. How to Re-run Salesforce Lead Assignment Rules: Flows & Apex

    If you need to do a one-time batch reassignment of a number of records, export the relevant Lead Ids. Then use the Apex Data Loader to trigger assignment rules to fire. You can grab the ID of the appropriate Lead Assignment Rule from the URL bar when viewing the rule in Setup. It will always start with the prefix "01Q".

  14. Salesforce lead assignment rules

    In Salesforce we can create many rule entries for single Assignment Rule. Click on New Button to create new Rule entry. In step 1 :- Enter Sort order as #1. In Step 2 :- Enter rule criteria as shown above. In Step 3 :- Select the user or queue to assign the lead. Select user and Email template as shown above. Click on Save button.

  15. Trigger Assignment Rules with Data Loader

    Add the Assignment Rule ID to the Data Loader Settings. Open the Data Loader. Press the "Settings" drop down menu, and click "Settings". In the "Assignment rule" text box, paste the Assignment Rule ID you obtained. Now when you run the insert, update or upsert, the assignment rule that you entered will be considered and fired for any record ...

  16. Salesforce Lead Assignment rules

    Salesforce Lead Assignment rules. Hema. Dec 28, 2023. Salesforce Lead Assignment rules automate your org lead generation and support processes. Lead Assignment Rules are a powerful tool that enables the automatic assignment of leads to the right sales representatives based on specific criteria.


    An assignment rule dictates to whom a lead or case is assigned based on criteria that is specified within Salesforce. Typically, your organization will have ...

  18. Upload Leads with Lead Assignment Rule in Salesforce

    Yes it is possible with data loader, we can add the assignment rule id in data loader settings.Now when you run the insert, update or upsert, the assignment rule that you entered will be considered and fired for any record meeting the criteria of the assignment rule. You can also use Data Import Wizard to assign the rule to leads.

  19. Lead Assignment Rules in Salesforce

    Lead Assignment Rules in Salesforce | How to Create Lead Assignment Rules in Salesforce in 2021Thanks for Watching! Buy Me a Coffee:

  20. Create Assignment Rules for Lead Distribution

    From Setup, enter Leads in the Quick Find box, then select Lead Assignment Rules. Create a lead assignment rule, let's call this All Channel Sales Leads. Create rules to filter leads by record field values or user criteria and assign them to the lead inbox queue. You can also create rules to directly assign leads to partner users.

  21. Lead assignment rule in a trigger

    The objective is to have assignment rules fired on a Lead record creation. It seems the rule can be assigned only when using "update" DML in an "after insert" trigger. Why does another DML must be ... DMLOptions settings take effect only for record operations performed using Apex DML and not through the Salesforce user interface.

  22. Assignment Rule Header

    The Assignment Rule header is a request header applied when creating or updating Accounts, Cases, or Leads. If enabled, the active assignment rules are used. If disabled, the active assignment rules are not applied. If a valid AssignmentRule ID is provided, the AssignmentRule is applied. If the header is not provided with a request, REST API defaults to using the active assignment rules.

  23. Export Leads with or without tags

    To export all records: "Read" on the records. You can use the Apex Data Loader export wizard to export Leads with or without Tags from Salesforce. When you export, you can choose to include (Export All) or exclude (Export) soft-deleted records. Note: To learn more about Tags, please review the Enable Tags documentation. 1. Open the Data ...

  24. How to Mass Convert leads in Salesforce in 2 easy steps

    Salesforce Lead conversion process with XL-Connector 365. When converting a bulk of Lead records in Salesforce from an Excel spreadsheet, you must prepare data with all required fields, including these two key pieces of information: Lead Id; Lead Status (In which Closed-Converted picklist value must be set to 'Converted' in Salesforce)