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How Long Is IB EE? Minimum and Maximum Word Count

As a seasoned IB writer, I’ve seen my fair share of extended essays ranging from the succinctly brilliant to the lengthy and sprawling. So, let’s cut to the chase: What exactly is an IB extended essay, and why is its word count crucial? This essay, a cornerstone of the International Baccalaureate diploma , challenges students to focus on a topic they choose. Managing the minimum and maximum word count is crucial, setting the stage for well-structured research of your chosen subject.

What Is the Word Count Requirement for the Extended Essay?

From my extensive experience guiding students through the intricacies of IB extended essay writing, I can confidently say that understanding word count is crucial to your success. Firstly, the absolute upper limit for an extended essay is 4,000 words. This is a strict threshold. According to general IB criteria, essays exceeding this count risk being penalized, affecting your overall score. This cap is in place to encourage precision and conciseness in your argumentation and analysis.

While the IB mandates no official minimum word count, aiming for at least 3,500 words is widely recommended. Writing fewer than 3,500 words may signal that you have not researched your topic thoroughly. In my opinion, adhering to this suggested minimum helps ensure that you’ve adequately developed and substantiated your essay’s argument with sufficient evidence. From my experience, students who meet or come close to the recommended minimum tend to produce essays that feel complete and robust, reflecting well on their overall investigative and analytical skills.

Balancing between these word counts — not too brief, yet not verbose — is an art form. As you plan and draft your essay, consider these numbers as guides, not just limits. The goal is to build a compelling argument within this range, using each word effectively to strengthen your case.

Extended Essay Word Count for Each Section

Understanding how to allocate your word count across different sections is essential for maintaining a well-structured and balanced argument. In my experience, a clear plan for distributing words helps ensure that each section of your essay receives adequate attention and contributes effectively to your thesis.

Introduction (300-400 words)

The introduction sets the stage for your essay. It should clearly state your research question, provide some background on the topic, and outline the scope of your investigation. This section should capture the reader’s interest and explain why the topic is worth attention. Around 300 to 400 words are generally sufficient to lay a solid foundation without preempting the detailed analysis that will follow.

Body (2800-3200 words)

The body is where you will develop your argument, analyze data, and discuss evidence. This section should be the heart of your essay and use most of your word count. Here’s a breakdown of how you might structure the body:

  • Literature Review (500-600 words) . Discuss existing research and different perspectives on your topic.
  • Methodology (300-400 words) . Explain the methods used to gather and analyze data.
  • Analysis (1400-1600 words) . The bulk of your word count should go here, where you critically analyze your findings.
  • Discussion (600-700 words) . Interpret the implications of your findings in light of your research question and existing literature.

Managing the word count across these sections effectively ensures that your essay is balanced and provides a detailed investigation within the constraints set by the IB. From my experience, essays that adhere to these guidelines are more coherent and received better by examiners.

Conclusion (300-400 words)

In the conclusion, you wrap up the essay by summarizing your findings and restating how they answer the research question. This section should also reflect on the implications of your findings and suggest areas for further research. Keeping it concise and focused is critical, so aim for 300 to 400 words.

Appendices and Bibliography

While the appendices and bibliography are essential components of your essay, remember that words here do not count towards your overall word count. Use appendices for supporting documents and data, and ensure your bibliography is comprehensive and formatted correctly.

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exteded essay word count

How Many Pages and Paragraphs Are in a 4000-Word EE?

In my opinion, the formatting of your Extended Essay is as crucial as the content itself. According to general IB criteria, your essay should be typed in a clear, readable font like Times New Roman or Arial, at a size of 12 points. These options are standard across most academic writing, ensuring your work is accessible and professionally presented.

When double-spaced, the typical requirement for the extended essay, a 4000-word document will usually span about 15 to 16 pages. This estimate includes a title page and often a table of contents, which, while they do not contribute to the word count, are essential parts of your essay’s structure.

As for the structure within those pages, from my experience, it’s prudent to aim for about 100 to 150 words per paragraph. This guideline helps maintain clarity and coherence in your argumentation. With this approach, you would expect to have approximately 27 to 40 paragraphs. Each paragraph should ideally present a distinct idea or piece of evidence, systematically building your case and supporting your thesis.

This structure not only aids in the logical flow of your essay but also makes it easier for your examiners to follow and appreciate your analysis. Remember, a well-organized essay reflects your ability to think critically and organize knowledge, which is at the heart of the IB philosophy.

Tips for Managing Your IB Extended Essay Word Count

Managing the word count in your extended essay can be a daunting task. As a seasoned IB writer, I’ve guided many students through this process, helping them meet and effectively use their word limit to produce compelling and thorough research essays. In my experience, efficiently managing your word count is as crucial as the research and analysis. Here are some tips I’ve found invaluable, and I believe they can help you write a well-balanced essay.

Plan Your Essay Structure

In my opinion, the best way to manage your word count begins before you even start writing. Creating a detailed outline of your essay is crucial. It should include a breakdown of how many words you allocate to each section. As I know from guiding IB students, an outline keeps your writing on track. It ensures that each part of your essay contributes effectively to the argument without one section disproportionately consuming the word count.

Write Concisely

According to general IB criteria, clarity and precision are highly valued in an Extended Essay. From my experience, students often struggle with being verbose in their writing. My advice is to prioritize clarity and conciseness. Avoid convoluted sentences and overcomplicated vocabulary that inflate your word count unnecessarily and obscure your points. Instead, focus on being direct. A well-chosen word can often do the job of five.

Use the Iterative Editing Process

As I often tell my students, writing is only the first step. The real magic happens during editing. It’s essential to check for grammatical errors and consistency and refine and reduce your word count. From my experience, always aim to write your first draft slightly over the word limit. This strategy allows you more creative freedom initially, and later, you can trim down excess without the pressure of adding more content.

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Focus on the analysis, not just description.

A common pitfall for many IB students is spending too many words describing their topic or recounting their research without adequately analyzing it. As I know, and as general IB criteria suggest, the Extended Essay is an analytical research paper, not just a report. Make sure you dedicate a significant portion of your word count to interpreting your findings, discussing implications, and reflecting on the significance of your results concerning your research question.

Regularly Check Your Word Count

Throughout the writing process, keeping an eye on your word count is vital. As I advise, check your word count after completing each section to ensure you’re within the expected range. This strategy helps prevent a last-minute realization that you need significant cuts or additions, which can be disruptive and stressful.

Seek Feedback

Finally, don’t underestimate the value of external feedback. Sharing your draft with peers, teachers, or even former IB students like myself can provide new perspectives on effectively managing your word count. Often, they can identify areas where the writing is unclear or overly verbose, which you might have missed.

So, effectively managing the word count in your IB extended essay isn’t just a formal requirement — it improves the quality and clarity of your argument and makes your insights stand out. Every word in your essay should serve a purpose, whether building an argument, providing evidence, or analyzing data.

Remember that the word count is not just a number but a framework to create a clear, focused, and insightful argument. With careful planning, a disciplined approach to writing, and thorough editing, you can master the art of precision. And if you need help or simply want to  buy an extended essay  from the best IB writers, simply contact our experts and place an order.

Nick Radlinsky

Nick Radlinsky

Nick Radlinsky is a devoted educator, marketing specialist, and management expert with more than 15 years of experience in the education sector. After obtaining his business degree in 2016, Nick embarked on a quest to achieve his PhD, driven by his commitment to enhancing education for students worldwide. His vast experience, starting in 2008, has established him as a reputable authority in the field.

Nick's article, featured in Routledge's " Entrepreneurship in Central and Eastern Europe: Development through Internationalization ," highlights his sharp insights and unwavering dedication to advancing the educational landscape. Inspired by his personal motto, "Make education better," Nick's mission is to streamline students' lives and foster efficient learning. His inventive ideas and leadership have contributed to the transformation of numerous educational experiences, distinguishing him as a true innovator in his field.

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IB Extended Essay: 250+ Ideas and Guide

Charles Whitehouse

What is the IB Extended Essay?

The Extended Essay , along with the Creativity, Activity, Service component and Theory of Knowledge , forms an integral part of the IB Diploma Programme . It offers IB high school students an opportunity to explore a topic of personal interest in-depth, develop research and writing skills, and experience the rigours of academic investigation.

One of the distinguishing features of the IB Extended Essay is its length. It requires students to write a substantial essay of up to 4,000 words, which is equivalent to about 16-20 pages. This allows students to delve into their chosen subject matter and demonstrate their ability to engage with complex ideas.

Over 88,000 IBDP students across the globe undertook the Extended Essay in 2022 as part of their IB Diploma requirements. It has been lauded as an effective preparation for university-level research and writing, helping students develop critical thinking, analytical, and independent research skills.

The Extended Essay is an opportunity for students to apply the knowledge and skills gained from their chosen subjects in a multidisciplinary manner. It encourages interdisciplinary exploration, enabling students to connect different areas of knowledge and develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

In order to successfully complete the Extended Essay, students must adhere to a structured process that includes selecting a research question, conducting thorough research, organising their findings, and presenting their analysis and conclusions in a coherent manner. By undertaking the IB Extended Essay, students not only enhance their academic skills but also develop essential skills such as time management, critical thinking, and independent inquiry.

How to Choose Your Extended Essay Research Question?

Choosing a research question for your IB Extended Essay is a crucial step that sets the direction and scope of your investigation. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind when selecting your research question:

1. Personal Interest: Choose a topic that genuinely interests you. Passion for the subject matter will fuel your motivation and dedication throughout the research process.

2. Feasibility: Ensure that your research question is manageable within the constraints of the Extended Essay. Consider the availability of resources, time required for research and analysis, and the scope of the topic.

3. Specificity: Formulate a research question that is focused and specific. A broad question may lead to a lack of depth in your analysis, while a narrow question may limit the availability of relevant sources and data.

4. Relevance: Select a research question that is relevant to the subject you are investigating. It should align with the objectives and content of the chosen subject area.

5. Novelty: Aim for a research question that offers a unique perspective or contributes to existing knowledge. Originality in your approach and analysis can make your Extended Essay stand out.

6. Consultation: Seek guidance from your teachers, mentors, or IB tutors . They can provide valuable insights and help you refine your research question.

Remember that your research question will shape the entire trajectory of your Extended Essay, so take the time to carefully consider and refine it before proceeding with your research.

Now, let's explore a variety of ideas for each subject, providing you with a diverse range of potential topics to consider for your IB Extended Essay.

Top 10 IB Extended Essay Subjects in 2022

Top 10 IB Extended Essay Subjects in 2022

Extended Essay Ideas for Each Subject

1. How Do Fibonacci Sequences Apply in Real World Scenarios?

2. Do Fractals Have a Role in Modelling Weather Patterns?

3. Is the Monty Hall Problem Really Counter-Intuitive? A Statistical Analysis.

4. To What Extent Does the Golden Ratio Appear in Architecture?

5. How Does Bayesian Probability Predict Election Outcomes?

6. The Role of Game Theory in the Cold War: A Mathematical Perspective.

7. Can Catastrophe Theory Model Stock Market Crashes?

8. How Effective are Neural Networks in Predicting Future Events?

9. A Study of the Mathematical Strategies Employed in Chess.

10. Comparing the Accuracy of Different Numerical Methods for Solving Differential Equations.

11. Is Bitcoin's Value Deterministic or Stochastic?

12. How Does Voronoi Diagram Optimize Emergency Service Locations?

13. Using the Markov Chain to Predict Weather Patterns.

14. To What Extent is RSA Encryption Secure?

15. How Does Linear Algebra Apply in Computer Graphics?

16. An Investigation into the Math Behind Google's PageRank Algorithm.

17. How Effective is the Math Behind Machine Learning Algorithms?

18. Exploring the Effect of Maths in Optimising Traffic Flow.

19. Are There Mathematical Patterns in Successful Lottery Numbers?

20. How Efficiently Can Prime Numbers Be Generated?

Have a look at our comprehensive set of IB Study Notes and IB Practice Questions , developed by expert IB teachers and examiners!

English Literature

1. The Role of Feminism in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice.

2. A Study of Racial Identity in Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye.

3. Is Hamlet Truly Mad or Just Pretending? An Analysis.

4. The Impact of Post-Colonialism in Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart.

5. How Does Orwell Use Language to Depict Dystopia in 1984?

6. The Influence of Gothic Elements in Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights.

7. The Depiction of Mental Illness in Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar.

8. The Role of Nature in William Wordsworth's Romantic Poetry.

9. The Effect of Social Hierarchy in F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby.

10. How Does Harper Lee Convey Themes of Racial Injustice in To Kill a Mockingbird?

11. Exploring Gender Stereotypes in George Eliot's Middlemarch.

12. The Role of Supernatural in Shakespeare's Macbeth.

13. Exploring the Influence of Marxism in George Orwell's Animal Farm.

14. A Study of Homosexuality in Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray.

15. How Does Virginia Woolf Explore Feminism in Mrs Dalloway?

16. The Depiction of War in Erich Maria Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front.

17. The Role of the American Dream in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman.

18. The Use of Symbolism in Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter.

19. A Study of Isolation in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein.

20. The Impact of Social Class in Charles Dickens' Great Expectations.

1. How Do Different pH Levels Affect the Activity of Enzymes in Yeast?

2. Investigating the Effects of Light Intensity on the Rate of Photosynthesis.

3. How Does Temperature Affect the Germination of Seeds?

4. Impact of Varying Salinity Levels on Brine Shrimp Survival Rates.

5. The Role of Epigenetics in Gene Expression: Case Study on Identical Twins.

6. To What Extent Do Different Antibiotics Inhibit Bacterial Growth?

7. How Does Caffeine Affect the Heart Rate of Daphnia?

8. An Investigation into the Impact of Pollution on Local Plant Diversity.

9. The Impact of Various Drugs on the Pulsation Rate of Lumbriculus variegatus.

10. Comparing the Efficacy of Natural Vs. Synthetic Pesticides on Plant Growth.

11. The Role of Gut Microbiota in Obesity: A Literature Review.

12. Does the Level of Vitamin C in Oranges Change Over Time?

13. How Do Different Types of Soil Affect Earthworm Activity?

14. Investigating the Correlation Between Altitude and Plant Biodiversity.

15. Analysis of Microplastic Concentration in Local Freshwater Bodies.

16. Impact of Noise Pollution on Birdsong: A Case Study.

17. A Comparison of Antibacterial Properties in Manuka Honey Vs. Regular Honey.

18. The Effect of Different Light Wavelengths on the Growth of Pea Plants.

19. How Does Exercise Intensity Impact Blood Glucose Levels?

20. Is There a Correlation Between Water pH and Aquatic Life Diversity?

1. How Does Temperature Affect the Rate of Reaction in the Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide?

2. Investigating the Effectiveness of Different Antacids on Stomach Acid.

3. A Comparative Study on the Vitamin C Concentration in Different Citrus Fruits.

4. How Does Cooking Time Affect the Vitamin C Levels in Vegetables?

5. To What Extent Does Enzyme Concentration Affect the Fermentation of Yeast?

6. Analysis of Caffeine Content in Different Types of Tea .

7. The Effect of Different Factors on the Corrosion of Iron.

8. How Does the Concentration of Sodium Chloride Affect the Electrolysis of Water?

9. Comparing the Energy Output of Different Biofuels.

10. The Effect of Temperature on the Crystal Size in the Recrystallisation Process.

11. Comparing the Acidities of Natural and Processed Foods.

12. Investigating the Effect of Various Catalysts on the Rate of Hydrogen Peroxide Decomposition.

13. Synthesis of Aspirin: A Study on the Purity of the Product.

14. Comparing the Efficiency of Different Types of Solar Panels.

15. Investigating the Impact of Carbonation on pH Levels in Various Soft Drinks.

16. The Effect of Chelating Agents on the Solubility of Metal Ions.

17. A Study on the Photodegradation of Dyes Using Titanium Dioxide.

18. How Do Different Sugar Types Affect Fermentation Rates in Yeast?

19. Analysis of Water Hardness in Various Local Water Supplies.

20. Investigating the Efficacy of Different Water Filtration Methods in Removing Heavy Metals.

1. Investigating the Relationship Between the Drop Height and Crater Size in a Simulated Impact.

2. How Does the Angle of Incidence Affect the Efficiency of a Solar Panel?

3. Analysing the Relationship Between the Length of a Pendulum and Its Period.

4. To What Extent Does the Mass of a Projectile Affect Its Range?

5. Investigating the Factors Affecting the Drag Force on a Falling Object.

6. A Study on the Efficiency of Different Insulating Materials in Reducing Heat Loss.

7. How Does the Depth of Water Affect Wave Speed?

8. The Relationship Between the Angle of Release and the Distance Traveled by a Trebuchet.

9. Investigating the Effect of Surface Area on Terminal Velocity.

10. How Does the Thickness of a Wire Affect Its Electrical Resistance?

11. The Impact of Varying Air Pressure on the Lift Force of an Airfoil.

12. Analysing the Relationship Between the Magnitude of an Earthquake and the Distance from the Epicentre.

13. Investigating the Factors Affecting the Speed of Sound in Different Media.

14. How Does the Concentration of a Solution Affect Its Refractive Index?

15. The Effect of Various Materials on the Absorption of Radiation.

16. A Study on the Efficiency of Wind Turbines at Different Wind Speeds.

17. Investigating the Effect of Temperature on the Viscosity of Liquids.

18. How Does the Type of Material Affect the Transmission of Sound Waves?

19. The Relationship Between the Angle of a Ramp and the Frictional Force Acting on an Object.

20. A Study on the Factors Affecting the Strength of Electromagnets.

1. The Impact of Social Media on Teenagers' Mental Health: A Cross-Cultural Study.

2. Investigating the Role of Parenting Styles in Child Development.

3. The Effect of Sleep Deprivation on Cognitive Performance.

4. How Does Classical Conditioning Apply in Advertising Strategies?

5. The Impact of Colour on Consumer Behaviour: A Study in Retail Settings.

6. The Role of Social Support in Coping with Stress.

7. To What Extent Does Personality Influence Career Success?

8. Investigating the Effect of Group Dynamics on Decision Making.

9. The Impact of Music on Cognitive Task Performance.

10. A Study on the Effectiveness of Different Techniques for Reducing Test Anxiety.

11. The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Academic Performance.

12. Analysing the Impact of Stereotype Threat on Test Performance.

13. Investigating the Factors Affecting the Formation of False Memories.

14. How Does the Bystander Effect Manifest in Online Settings?

15. The Role of Mindfulness in Reducing Stress and Anxiety.

16. Analysing the Impact of Gender Stereotypes on Occupational Choices.

17. Investigating the Influence of Cultural Background on Conflict Resolution Styles.

18. The Impact of Video Games on Aggression: A Meta-Analysis.

19. A Study on the Factors Affecting Altruistic Behaviour.

20. The Role of Attachment Styles in Romantic Relationships.

1. Investigating the Impact of Unemployment on Crime Rates in Urban Areas.

2. The Effect of Immigration on Wage Levels: A Case Study.

3. To What Extent Does Government Spending Influence Economic Growth?

4. A Comparative Analysis of the Economic Impact of Tourism in Coastal Vs. Inland Regions.

5. Assessing the Impact of Brexit on the UK's Trade Balance.

6. The Role of Microfinance in Alleviating Poverty in Rural India.

7. Investigating the Effects of Minimum Wage Policies on Small Businesses.

8. The Impact of Covid-19 on the Global Supply Chain: A Study on the Auto Industry.

9. How Do Oil Prices Affect Inflation Rates? A Historical Analysis.

10. A Study on the Relationship Between Income Inequality and Economic Growth.

11. The Effect of Trade Tariffs on Domestic Industries: The Case of US-China Trade War.

12. The Role of Foreign Direct Investment in Economic Development of Emerging Markets.

13. To What Extent Does Education Contribute to Economic Productivity?

14. The Impact of Climate Change Policies on the Energy Sector.

15. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Fiscal Policy in Combating Recessions.

16. The Role of the Informal Economy in Urban Development: A Case Study.

17. Investigating the Correlation Between Real Estate Prices and Economic Growth.

18. The Impact of Population Aging on Healthcare Expenditure .

19. Assessing the Economic Consequences of Natural Disasters: A Case Study.

20. The Effect of Technological Advancements on Employment Rates in the Manufacturing Sector.

Business Management

1. The Impact of Leadership Styles on Employee Motivation in Tech Start-ups.

2. How Does Corporate Social Responsibility Influence Brand Image?

3. The Role of Human Resource Management in Employee Retention.

4. Investigating the Impact of E-commerce on Traditional Retail Businesses.

5. How Do Changes in Interest Rates Affect Small Business Financing?

6. The Role of Innovation in the Competitive Advantage of Businesses.

7. Investigating the Effects of Workplace Diversity on Team Performance.

8. The Impact of Organisational Culture on Employee Job Satisfaction.

9. How Does Supply Chain Management Affect the Profitability of Manufacturing Firms?

10. The Role of Digital Marketing in Enhancing Customer Engagement.

11. Assessing the Impact of Brexit on the Business Strategy of UK-based Companies.

12. The Effect of Ethical Practices on Business Reputation.

13. Investigating the Role of Strategic Alliances in Enhancing Market Position.

14. The Impact of Covid-19 on Remote Work Policies: A Case Study.

15. How Does Customer Relationship Management Influence Customer Loyalty?

16. The Effect of Government Regulations on Startup Ecosystem.

17. Evaluating the Role of Corporate Governance in Financial Performance.

18. The Impact of Merger and Acquisition on Employee Morale.

19. The Effect of Green Initiatives on Business Sustainability.

20. The Role of Business Intelligence in Decision-making.

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1. Investigating the Impact of Urbanisation on Local Biodiversity: A Case Study.

2. The Role of Climate Change in the Spread of Vector-borne Diseases.

3. The Effect of River Diversions on Local Ecosystems.

4. Assessing the Impact of Deforestation on Local Climate: A Case Study.

5. The Role of Tourism in the Sustainable Development of Coastal Regions.

6. Investigating the Impact of Gentrification on Urban Neighbourhoods: A Case Study.

7. The Effect of Climate Change on the Availability of Freshwater Resources.

8. Assessing the Impact of Agricultural Practices on Soil Erosion in Rural Areas.

9. Analysing the Relationship Between Population Density and Transportation Infrastructure.

10. The Role of Renewable Energy in Reducing Carbon Emissions: A Case Study.

11. Investigating the Impact of Land Reclamation on Coastal Ecosystems.

12. The Effect of Urban Sprawl on Air Quality in Major Cities.

13. Assessing the Vulnerability of Coastal Communities to Sea Level Rise.

14. The Impact of Industrialisation on River Water Quality: A Case Study.

15. How Does Waste Management Affect the Sustainability of Urban Areas?

16. Investigating the Relationship Between Income Inequality and Spatial Segregation.

17. The Role of Urban Green Spaces in Enhancing Residents' Well-being.

18. The Impact of Natural Disasters on Economic Development in Small Island Nations.

19. Analysing the Factors Affecting the Distribution of Earthquakes and Volcanic Activity.

20. The Effect of Land Use Change on Flood Risk in Urban Areas.

Computer Science

1. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Different Machine Learning Algorithms in Predicting Stock Prices.

2. Investigating the Impact of Encryption Techniques on Data Security.

3. The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Automating Routine Tasks.

4. How Does the Implementation of Blockchain Technology Affect Supply Chain Management?

5. Assessing the Impact of Social Media Algorithms on User Behaviour.

6. The Effect of Augmented Reality on the User Experience in Mobile Applications.

7. Investigating the Feasibility of Quantum Computing in Solving Complex Problems.

8. The Role of Big Data Analytics in Enhancing Business Decision-making.

9. Analysing the Factors Affecting the Adoption of Cloud Computing by SMEs.

10. The Impact of Cybersecurity Measures on the Prevention of Data Breaches.

11. Investigating the Ethical Implications of Facial Recognition Technology.

12. The Effect of Internet of Things on Energy Efficiency in Smart Homes.

13. Assessing the Impact of Virtual Reality on Gaming Industry.

14. The Role of Natural Language Processing in Enhancing Human-Computer Interaction.

15. How Does the Development of Autonomous Vehicles Affect Traffic Management?

16. Investigating the Scalability Issues in Distributed Systems.

17. The Effect of Software Development Methodologies on Project Success Rates.

18. The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Job Market: A Case Study.

19. Analysing the Factors Affecting the Performance of Mobile Networks.

20. The Role of Bioinformatics in Personalised Medicine.

Environmental Systems and Societies

1. Investigating the Impact of E-waste on Soil and Water Quality.

2. The Effect of Climate Change on Coral Reef Ecosystems.

3. Assessing the Impact of Invasive Species on Native Biodiversity.

4. The Role of Sustainable Agriculture in Reducing Environmental Degradation.

5. Analysing the Factors Affecting the Ozone Layer Depletion.

6. The Impact of Plastic Pollution on Marine Life: A Case Study.

7. Investigating the Feasibility of Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies.

8. The Role of Urban Planning in Reducing Air Pollution in Cities.

9. The Effect of Overfishing on Marine Ecosystems: A Case Study.

10. Assessing the Impact of Renewable Energy Sources on Carbon Emissions.

11. Investigating the Relationship Between Deforestation and Climate Change.

12. The Impact of Industrial Pollution on Local Communities' Health: A Case Study.

13. The Role of Waste Management in Reducing Ocean Pollution.

14. The Effect of Pesticides on Soil Microorganism Diversity.

15. Assessing the Impact of Dams on River Ecosystems.

16. Investigating the Efficacy of Reforestation Efforts in Carbon Sequestration.

17. The Role of Environmental Education in Promoting Sustainable Consumption Behaviours.

18. The Effect of Acid Rain on Forest Ecosystems: A Case Study.

19. Analysing the Impact of Mining Activities on Local Water Quality.

20. The Role of Green Infrastructure in Enhancing Urban Sustainability.

Social and Cultural Anthropology

1. Investigating the Impact of Globalisation on Indigenous Cultures: A Case Study.

2. The Role of Language in Shaping Cultural Identity.

3. Analysing the Influence of Cultural Practices on Gender Roles.

4. The Effect of Migration on Cultural Assimilation: A Case Study.

5. The Impact of Western Media on Body Image Perceptions in Non-Western Societies.

6. Investigating the Relationship Between Religion and Social Norms in a Given Society.

7. The Role of Cultural Traditions in Shaping Food Habits.

8. The Impact of Social Media on Cultural Exchange: A Case Study.

9. Analysing the Influence of Socioeconomic Status on Educational Attainment.

10. The Effect of Colonialism on Cultural Diversity: A Case Study.

11. Investigating the Role of Folklore in Preserving Cultural Heritage.

12. The Impact of Urbanisation on Traditional Social Structures: A Case Study.

13. The Role of Music and Dance in Cultural Expression.

14. Analysing the Influence of Cultural Factors on Mental Health.

15. The Effect of Cultural Beliefs on Healthcare Practices: A Case Study.

16. Investigating the Impact of Tourism on Local Cultures.

17. The Role of Rituals and Ceremonies in Social Cohesion.

18. The Impact of Legal Systems on Gender Equality: A Comparative Study.

19. Analysing the Cultural Adaptations of Immigrants in a New Society.

20. The Role of Art and Literature in Reflecting Social Changes.

Visual Arts

1. Investigating the Influence of Social Issues on Banksy's Street Art.

2. The Impact of Japanese Art on Claude Monet’s Painting Style.

3. Analysing the Representation of Women in Renaissance Paintings.

4. The Role of Surrealism in Salvador Dali's Artistic Expression.

5. Investigating the Cultural Symbolism in Frida Kahlo’s Self-portraits.

6. The Impact of Pop Culture on Andy Warhol's Art .

7. Analysing the Use of Light and Shadow in Caravaggio's Paintings.

8. The Role of Spirituality in Wassily Kandinsky's Abstract Art.

9. The Influence of African Art on Picasso's Cubist Period.

10. The Depiction of War and Its Aftermath in Otto Dix's Works.

11. Investigating the Use of Colour in Mark Rothko’s Abstract Paintings.

12. The Role of Indigenous Culture in Emily Carr's Landscape Paintings.

13. Analysing the Evolution of Political Themes in Chinese Contemporary Art.

14. The Effect of the Harlem Renaissance on Aaron Douglas' Art.

15. Investigating the Use of Geometric Shapes in Kandinsky’s Abstract Art.

16. The Role of Dutch Culture and Society in Vermeer's Paintings.

17. The Depiction of Nature in Georgia O'Keeffe's Works.

18. Analysing the Impact of Feminism on Barbara Kruger's Art.

19. Investigating the Influence of Post-Impressionism on Vincent van Gogh’s Style.

20. The Representation of the American Dream in Edward Hopper's Paintings.

World Studies

1. Investigating the Global Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Mental Health.

2. The Effect of Climate Change on Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa.

3. Analysing the Influence of Globalisation on Indigenous Cultures.

4. The Role of International Law in Resolving Border Disputes: A Case Study.

5. Investigating the Impact of Global Trade Policies on Developing Economies.

6. The Effect of Globalisation on Income Inequality: A Comparative Study.

7. Analysing the Influence of Western Media on Global Perceptions of Beauty.

8. The Role of International Organizations in Addressing the Refugee Crisis.

9. Investigating the Global Response to the Rise of Cybercrime.

10. The Impact of Climate Change on Natural Disaster Frequency and Severity Worldwide.

11. Analysing the Influence of Globalisation on Language Diversity.

12. The Role of Technology in Bridging the Education Gap in Developing Countries.

13. Investigating the Global Impact of Antibiotic Resistance.

14. The Effect of International Trade on Cultural Exchange: A Case Study.

15. Analysing the Impact of Global Warming on Polar Ecosystems.

16. The Role of the United Nations in Promoting Global Gender Equality.

17. Investigating the Impact of Social Media on Political Activism Worldwide.

18. The Effect of Globalisation on the Sustainability of Traditional Crafts.

19. Analysing the Global Strategies for Wildlife Conservation.

20. The Role of International Cooperation in Space Exploration.

How to Write a Great IB Extended Essay

Crafting an exceptional IB Extended Essay requires a combination of strategic planning, critical thinking, and effective writing. In this guide, we will provide you with valuable insights and practical advice to help you excel in your writing journey and produce an outstanding essay.

1. Develop a Clear and Coherent Structure : Creating a well-organised structure is crucial to convey your ideas effectively. Start by outlining the main sections and subtopics of your essay. Ensure a logical flow of information, with each paragraph building upon the previous one. This will guide the reader through your arguments and analysis smoothly.

2. Conduct Thorough and Methodical Research : Thorough research forms the foundation of a strong Extended Essay. Dive into reputable sources, including academic journals, books, and credible websites. Gather evidence, data, and expert opinions to support your arguments. Take meticulous notes and properly cite your sources to maintain academic integrity.

3. Apply Critical Thinking and Evaluation : Engage in critical analysis by examining and evaluating the evidence you've gathered. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of different viewpoints, theories, or methodologies. Develop your own informed perspective and present a well-reasoned argument supported by reliable evidence.

4. Craft Engaging and Coherent Paragraphs : Each paragraph should focus on a specific idea or argument, clearly stated in a topic sentence. Support your claims with evidence, examples, and relevant data. Use smooth transitions between paragraphs to ensure a cohesive and coherent essay.

5. Revise, Edit, and Proofread : Give yourself ample time for revising, editing, and proofreading your essay. Review your work for clarity, coherence, and consistency. Check for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. Consider seeking feedback from teachers, peers, or mentors to gain valuable insights and improve your essay further.

We asked one IB teacher what they had to say about writing a great essay:

"The key is to choose a topic that truly ignites your curiosity, one that you are passionate about exploring. Don't be afraid to think outside the box and delve into uncharted territories. Remember, this is your chance to showcase your unique perspective and make a meaningful contribution to your chosen field. Embrace the research process, be diligent in gathering reliable sources, and let your creativity shine through in your writing. And most importantly, enjoy the journey of discovery and growth that the Extended Essay offers."

Remember, the IB Extended Essay is an opportunity to demonstrate your intellectual curiosity, research skills, and ability to present a coherent argument. Choose a topic that genuinely interests you, stay organised throughout the process, and invest time in thoughtful analysis and writing. To maximise your chances of success, you may also want to purchase an Extended Essay textbook or get the help of an IB Extended Essay tutor .

IB Extended Essay Grade Distribution in 2022

IB Extended Essay Grade Distribution in 2022

Finding Reliable Sources for Your Extended Essay

When writing your IB Extended Essay, it is essential to rely on credible and trustworthy sources. Follow these strategies to find reliable information:

1. Use Academic Databases: Access reputable databases like JSTOR and PubMed to find scholarly articles and research papers relevant to your subject.

2. Consult Library Resources: Take advantage of books, encyclopaedias, and reference materials available in your school or local library.

3. Explore Digital Libraries: Visit digital libraries such as the Digital Public Library of America and Europeana for access to a wide range of digitised resources.

4. Evaluate Websites Carefully: Verify the credibility of the author or organisation, check for peer-reviewed articles or references, and consider the domain (.edu, .gov, or .org) for reliable information.

5. Utilise Scholarly Search Engines: Utilise specialised search engines like Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic to find academic publications.

6. Consult Subject-Specific Journals: Look for reputable journals in your field and review their latest issues for current research.

7. Seek Guidance from Librarians and Experts: Librarians and subject experts can offer valuable assistance in finding reliable sources and publications.

By following these strategies and critically evaluating the sources you find, you can ensure the credibility and integrity of your Extended Essay research. Reliable sources will strengthen your arguments and provide a solid foundation for your essay.

Strategies for Conducting Primary and Secondary Research

To conduct comprehensive primary and secondary research for your essay, consider the following strategies:

Primary Research

Surveys and Questionnaires: Create well-designed surveys or questionnaires to collect data directly from participants. Utilise online survey tools like Google Forms or SurveyMonkey for wider reach and convenient data analysis.

Interviews: Conduct interviews with subject experts, professionals, or individuals relevant to your research topic. Prepare insightful questions and record their responses for later analysis.

Experiments and Observations: Design and conduct controlled experiments or observations to gather firsthand data. Document procedures, measurements, and observations accurately.

Secondary Research

Literature Review: Conduct a thorough review of existing scholarly articles, books, and reports. Analyse and synthesise the information to identify research gaps and contribute to the existing knowledge.

Online Databases: Utilise reputable academic databases such as PubMed, JSTOR, and IEEE Xplore to access peer-reviewed articles and research papers specific to your subject area.

Government and Institutional Sources: Explore official government websites, research repositories of educational institutions, and databases of international organisations for reliable data, reports, and statistics.

Subject-Specific Sources: Identify subject-specific journals, publications, and conferences related to your research topic. These sources provide up-to-date research and insights from experts in the field.

Remember to consider ethical considerations throughout your research process, including obtaining necessary permissions, maintaining confidentiality, and respecting the rights and privacy of participants. Documentation of your research methods, sources, and any challenges faced is crucial. Analyse and interpret your findings critically, using them as evidence to support your arguments and contribute to your overall analysis.

Formatting and Structure Guidelines for the IB Extended Essay

To ensure a well-organised and coherent IB Extended Essay, consider the following structure as a guideline:

1. Title Page : Include essential information such as the title, subject, research question, and candidate number. Refer to the official IB Extended Essay Guide for specific requirements.

2. Abstract: Provide a concise summary of your essay, outlining the main research question, methodology, key findings, and conclusions. Limit the abstract to 300 words.

3. Table of Contents : Create a clear and accurate table of contents that outlines the structure of your essay, including sections, subheadings, and page numbers.

4. Introduction : Start with an engaging introduction that presents the research question, provides background information, and explains the significance of the topic. Clearly state the aim and objectives of your research.

5. Body : The body of your essay should delve into your research in-depth. Organize your content into coherent paragraphs, each addressing a specific aspect of your research. Consider the following elements:

a. Literature Review: Provide an overview of the relevant literature and theories related to your research topic. Analyse existing research, highlight key concepts, and discuss any debates or gaps in knowledge.

b. Methodology: Describe the research methodology employed, including the research design, data collection methods, and ethical considerations. Explain why the chosen methods are appropriate for addressing your research question.

c. Data Analysis and Findings: Present your findings based on the data collected. Use appropriate analysis techniques, such as statistical analysis or qualitative coding, to interpret your data and draw meaningful conclusions. Include tables, charts, or graphs to support your findings.

d. Discussion: Analyse and interpret your findings in the context of your research question. Explore the implications of your results, compare them with existing research, and discuss any limitations or challenges encountered during the research process.

6. Conclusion : Summarise your key findings, address your research question, and draw meaningful conclusions based on your analysis. Reflect on the implications and broader significance of your research. Highlight any recommendations for future research or areas for further exploration.

7. References : Include a comprehensive list of all sources consulted in your research. Follow the appropriate citation style (e.g., MLA, APA, or Chicago) for in-text citations and the bibliography. Accurately cite all sources, including books, articles, websites, and any other references used.

8. Appendices (if applicable): Include any supplementary materials, such as raw data, charts, graphs, or additional supporting evidence that are relevant to your research.

Typically, the Extended Essay has a word limit of around 4,000 words. It is important to note that this word count does not include footnotes, citations, and the bibliography. Additionally, the essay should be formatted using a standard font (e.g., Times New Roman or Arial) and a font size of 12 points. It is recommended to have double-spacing throughout the essay and to include page numbers.

The IB Extended Essay Assessment Criteria and Grading

The IB Extended Essay is assessed by examiners appointed by the IB on a scale of 0 to 34. Your essay will be evaluated based on five criteria, each carrying a specific point value. It is crucial to comprehend these criteria and how they relate to letter grades to gauge your performance accurately. Here's an overview of the assessment criteria:

Criterion A: Focus and Method (6 points maximum) Demonstrate a clear research question and a well-defined approach. Show how you applied appropriate research methods to investigate your topic.

Criterion B: Knowledge and Understanding (6 points maximum) Display a strong understanding of the subject matter, relevant concepts, and theories. Support your arguments with accurate and relevant evidence.

Criterion C: Critical Thinking (12 points maximum) Apply critical thinking skills to analyse and evaluate information, theories, and arguments. Demonstrate the ability to consider alternative viewpoints and draw well-reasoned conclusions.

Criterion D: Presentation (4 points maximum) Organize your essay effectively with a clear and logical structure. Use proper formatting, referencing, and citation methods consistently.

Criterion E: Engagement (6 points maximum) Engage in a reflective process throughout your research and writing. Show awareness of the strengths, limitations, and implications of your research.

To determine your letter grade, it is important to understand how the rubric assessment points correlate to the overall score. Here is a rough estimation of how the point values align with letter grades:

  • 30-34: Excellent - A
  • 25-29: Good - B
  • 17-24: Satisfactory - C
  • 9-16: Mediocre - D
  • 0-8: Elementary - E

However, relying solely on these point values is not sufficient. It is crucial to thoroughly read and comprehend the specific grade descriptors provided by the IB. These descriptors offer comprehensive information about the expectations and criteria that examiners consider when assigning letter grades.

The grade you receive on your IB Extended Essay contributes to your overall International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme points score. The Extended Essay and Theory of Knowledge combined are worth up to 3 points of the total 45 points available for the IBDP .

IB Extended Essay and TOK points matrix

IB Extended Essay and TOK points matrix

Final Thoughts

The IB Extended Essay is a challenging yet rewarding endeavour that allows high school students to showcase their research and analytical skills. With proper guidance and adherence to the assessment criteria, students have the opportunity to excel and achieve outstanding results. Embrace this opportunity to delve into a topic of interest, conduct in-depth research, and present your findings in a well-structured and engaging manner. Remember to consult reputable sources, seek guidance from your supervisor, and enjoy the journey of exploration and academic growth through the IB Extended Essay.

Is the IB Extended Essay hard?

The IB Extended Essay is undoubtedly a challenging undertaking, requiring significant effort and dedication, and is one of the hardest IB subjects . It is estimated that between 70% and 80% of IB students successfully complete the Extended Essay each year. Less than 14% of students received an A in the extended essay in 2022, showing its difficult.

Can you change your research question after starting the Extended Essay?

Yes, it is possible to change your research question after starting the Extended Essay. However, it is important to consult with your supervisor and ensure that the new research question still meets the requirements and aligns with the subject area you are pursuing.

When is the deadline to submit the Extended Essay?

The deadline to submit the Extended Essay can vary depending on the policies and timelines set by individual schools. In most cases, schools establish internal deadlines to ensure students have ample time to complete and revise their essays before the final submission. The typical deadline for submitting the Extended Essay is often set in the first half of the senior year, ranging from November to January. It is essential to check with your school's IB coordinator or Extended Essay coordinator for the specific deadline applicable to your academic institution.

Can you fail the Extended Essay?

Yes, it is possible to fail the Extended Essay if the work does not meet the required standards or does not fulfil the assessment criteria set by the IB. It is important to carefully follow the guidelines, seek guidance from your supervisor, and ensure your essay demonstrates strong research, analysis, and critical thinking skills. In 2022, 1.1% of students did not received no grade for their Extended Essays.

Can you fail the Extended Essay and still pass the IB?

Yes, it is possible to fail the Extended Essay and still pass the overall IB Diploma Programme. The Extended Essay contributes to a maximum of 3 points out of the total 45 points available for the diploma. Failing the Extended Essay means not earning any points from this component, but it does not necessarily mean failing the entire IB Diploma.

Can you collaborate with other students on the Extended Essay?

The IB allows limited collaboration with other students on the Extended Essay. While you can seek advice and support from others, it is important to maintain individual responsibility for your research, writing, and analysis. Collaboration should not compromise the integrity of your work, and any collaborative effort should be properly acknowledged and cited in your essay.

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Professional tutor and Cambridge University researcher

Charles Whitehouse

Written by: Charles Whitehouse

Charles scored 45/45 on the International Baccalaureate and has six years' experience tutoring IB and IGCSE students and advising them with their university applications. He studied a double integrated Masters at Magdalen College Oxford and has worked as a research scientist and strategy consultant.

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IB English, the HL Essay: All You Need to Know

ib essay length

Written By Our IB++Tutor Birgitte J.

What You Need to Know

  • The HL Essay is a 1200-1500 word formal essay and it is based on a literary work studied as part of the course. You cannot use the same work for the IO or the Paper 2 [1] for this essay.
  • In the IB Language and Literature course [2] , the essay can also be based on a non-literary or collection of non literary text(s).
  • You develop a line of inquiry , a question that lends itself to an argument focused on how a theme or message is conveyed through literary features.
  • The essay is completed in your own time and you should get some feedback from your teacher during the development of the essay.
  • You do not have to incorporate secondary sources beyond the text you are working with.

ib essay length

The paper is externally assessed, meaning the final grade given is from the IB Examiner, not from your teacher. However, your teacher will give a predicted grade that is sent to the IB [3] .

How to Approach the Essay

The essay requires you to construct a focused, analytical argument, examining the work from a broad literary or linguistic perspective. It also requires you to adhere to the formal framework of an academic essay, using citations and references.

Connection to the Learner Portfolio

The HL essay is based on the exploration you have engaged with in the Learner Portfolio [4] . In the lead-up to the drafting of the essay, you must decide which text to focus on for further investigation, and which topic to write about. In choosing the topic, you can consult the course’s seven central concepts. You can choose any text with the exception of the texts used for the Internal Assessment (the IO) or the Paper 2.

How to choose a text

Don’t wait until the last minute and talk with your teacher about the text you want to use and the focus you are considering. Write your ideas out to make sure your line of inquiry is focused and appropriate for an analytical argument of a paper of this length.

In the case of a collection of short stories, poems, song lyrics or any short literary text, you may choose to use just one literary text from the work. However, It may be necessary to use more than one literary text from the work chosen.

The Language and Literature course only *

In the case of short non-literary texts, it may be necessary to use more than one from the same text type by the same author, for example the same creative advertising agency, cartoonist, photographer or social media user. At least one of these texts must have been studied in class. (If using a text in translation it must be a professional and published translation).

Determining the Topic and the 7 Course Concepts

It’s helpful but not mandatory to start with the seven central concepts of the course in generating or determining a topic for the essay. The questions below are meant as starting points for the focus of the essay, not as complete lines of inquiry which should be more specific to the chosen text (see examples of lines of inquiry below).

Questions may include; How is identity represented in the text? How are the characters in the text representative of a group? How does the text reflect the identity of the writer?

Questions may include; How is an aspect of the text representative of a culture or a particular place? How is a group of people or an institution conveyed? How is the text representative of a cultural perspective?


Questions may include; How is the text representative of an individual or collective creativity, or lack of creativity? How is the text a reflection of the creativity of the writer?


How is communication or lack of communication conveyed in the text? How does the text itself communicate with the reader? How are aspects of communication illustrated through literary features?


How is change or development illustrated in the text? How are characters transformed through action, communication or events in the text? What is the relationship between transformation and the goals, values and beliefs conveyed in the text?


How is a perspective or different perspectives represented in the text? How is a shift in perspective portrayed? How is the writer’s perspective revealed through the text?


How does the text represent a particular theme or message? How are attitudes conveyed? In what way is reality or the world within the text represented?

IB English Language and Literature Guide examples of lines of inquiry

  • Identity —how does Ralph Ellison, in his novel Invisible Man, succeed in making his narrator a convincing spokesperson for the concerns of African-Americans in the 20th century?
  • Culture —how does Robert Capa represent post-Second World War France to qualify/exemplify the brutalities of the French population on former Nazi collaborators in La Femme Tondue? (Language A: language and literature only)
  • Creativity —how do Mario Testino’s portraits manage to convey the personalities of those portrayed in original ways? (Language A: language and literature only)
  • Communication– which view of love does Matt Groening convey in Love is Hell? (Language A: language and literature only)
  • Transformation– in what ways does The Alan Parsons Project’s Tales of Mystery and Imagination offer a transformative re-reading of Edgar Allan Poe’s tales?
  • Perspective– how does Mary Shelley’s protagonist in Frankenstein use the motif of dangerous knowledge to show the perspective of fear and anxiety of excesses in scientific enterprise in early 19th century Europe?
  • Representation– through what means does Juan Rulfo successfully convey the representation of realistic and non-realistic characters and situations in Pedro Páramo?​

A Final Note on the Learner Portfolio and the HL Essay

The Learner Portfolio is not assessed but schools are required to keep it on file. It is intended to be a platform for reflecting on the texts studied, facilitating development of independent thinking. The reflections may include responses to cultural perspectives and values, inter-relationships and identities as it relates to topics and themes in the texts studied. The reflections may serve as a springboard for the line of inquiry in the HL essay. For example, you may keep a record of themes present, reflections on how particular passages within the texts reflect those themes, or how themes and passages convey one of the 7 central concepts.

[1] Paper 2 is cancelled for the 2022 cohort. No announcement has been made for the 2023 at the time this article was written.

[2] There are 3 IB English courses. The two most common are IB English A: Literature SL/HL, a course focused on literature (Poetry, drama, short stories and novels) and the IB English Language and Literature SL/HL course, focused on literature AND a variety of non-literary (non-fiction) text types.

[3] The examiner’s grade is independent from your teacher’s predicted grade.

[4] An individual collection of student work compiled during the course in which you explore and reflect on the texts throughout the course.

  • About the IB
  • Exam pattern
  • Extended Essay
  • IB Languages
  • IB Subjects
  • IB Success Tips
  • Internal Assessment (IA)
  • Online learning
  • Predicted Grades


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What Is An Extended Essay & How to Write It?

Read this article for 5 tips to ace your IB Extended Essay. this article shows IB students how to write an Extended Essay for IB Diploma.

What Is An Extended Essay & How to Write It?

Table of content

Introduction , what is ib extended essay, choosing your mentor, how to select your topic, the structure of ib extended essay, research question, table of contents, methodology, the main body, the conclusion, bibliography, ib extended essay checklist.

Introduce and elaborate topic that you are researching in your EE.

  • A crisp description of what you will explore and how you will do so. If you are aiming at a particular firm/industry, discuss the problems and your investigation method.
  • To provide context to your question, you must address the situation from where the question is coming.
  • State your research question and emphasize the importance of answering that question.
  • Please describe how your research is helpful and exciting and how it is valuable to your audience.

This article will reveal helpful information on what your IB Extended Essay (EE) requires. Consider this your IB Extended Essay Checklist, which covers everything you must know about your EE.

Hey! Make sure you listen to Ivy, who will explain what NOT to do on your EE.

These mountains you are carrying, you were only supposed to climb!

Understand that no warrior ever conquered the battlefield with an unhinged mind. We say this because, being past IB students, we have seen and faced what we are about to and have a good knowledge and acquired the ability to differentiate between more enormous beasts and smaller beasts.

IB Extended Essay  is a smaller beast considering that you give it enough time before it becomes more prominent. All you need to do is relax your mind, de-stress and follow a simple procedure explained further in the article. There is no need to panic. Trust us, listen to us, and be like us!

Moving ahead from punny insertions, let us tell you why the IB extended essay can be an easy and exciting mountain to climb:

  • Subject of your choice (Good practice to choose from your HLs)
  • Independence of choosing a topic  
  • Choice of choosing your mentor
  • Continuous feedback and support from your chosen mentor.

IB extended essay (IB EE) is another one of the mandatory requirements of the IB Diploma Programme. It is a mini-thesis that you write under the supervision of a mentor/advisor. Your mentor will be an IB teacher from your school. The students must conduct independent research on a topic of their choice, which must be at most the limit of 4000 words. You begin by choosing a research question as a topic that will be further approved by IBO. It is up to you to either do a typical research paper, conduct an experiment/solve a problem-type EE.

I can write too many paragraphs giving you unnecessary information but let’s cut to the chase and admit the heart wants what it wants. You will go with an advisor/mentor with whom you will connect the most. However, suppose your judgment is clouded between the advisor you want to choose solely because you click with them better and the mentor who is knowledgeable about your chosen topic and can help you improve your research work. In that case, the choice is pretty straightforward: listen to your brain. Get rid of your toxic love and make a wise decision to choose a knowledgeable mentor. If you are lucky, the mentor you connect with and the one with ample knowledge about your chosen topic will be the same person. On that note, consider only two things while choosing your advisor:

  • An advisor who is familiar with your topic 
  • An advisor who will push you to be your best

Before diving into the topic selection and the structure of your IB extended essay, refer to this table to get an insight into the grade breakdown table. This will be helpful in your planning phase.

NoExtended EssayTheory of KnowledgeTotal Grade





















Moving ahead towards essential aspects of this article. After choosing your mentor, the next step for ‘how to write an EE’ is choosing a topic with the help of your mentor’s input. It is as essential as our  TOK Essay  and  TOK presentation .

Keep the following in mind while selecting your topic:

  • Choose a topic that interests you.
  • A topic that has enough resources and material.
  • Choose a topic that is neither too narrow (so you have enough material) nor too broad (to avoid exceeding the word limit of 4000 words)

Before we dive into the structure, let us make one thing clear, there is a difference between the title and the research question. A title is different from your research question. Your research question is a clear and focused summative statement of your research. For instance, “The Effect of Gender and Age on the photoreceptor cells in the human retina” is a title whereas the following as the examples of research questions:

“Does the efficiency of Rods and cones decrease with age?

“What is the efficiency of L-cone vs M-cone vs S-cone?“

“To what extent are rod cells more efficient than the three cone cells?”

“Does the efficieny of rods and cones differ between genders?”

This will include the following:

  • Introduction

Quick Note: The content on this page will not be included in your essay word count.

NO ABSTRACT REQUIRED. The latest IB guide states that an abstract should not be included in EE anymore.

You should split this section into two major areas to cover all the essential aspects.

  • Section - 1 Explaining your sources
  • Section - 2 Related topics, theories, and arguments that you will use to explore

Quick Note: Ensure that besides giving the readers an insight into the theories, arguments, and resources you plan to use for your research, you also point out the weaknesses and limitations.

Section- 1: Sources

  • Describe each of your major sources of primary and secondary research.
  • Inform the readers how these sources are helpful.
  • To provide the readers with insight into each source's weaknesses or limitations. For example, there may have been room for bias or a limited scope of your research. Or there are other reasons why other data you used could be unreliable or invalid.
  • Some useful sources of secondary research are company annual reports, news articles, magazine articles, business textbooks, and encyclopedias.
  • Mention any adjustments (at least one) you made to your research as you progressed with your EE.

Section- 2: Related topics, theories, and arguments

  • Briefly explain the ideas you will use and why (what are you aiming to support by using these).
  • Address weaknesses or limitations of each addressed topic, theory, or related argument.
  • Mention any changes made to these as you progressed with your EE.

This part of your essay will be the most elaborate. It will concentrate on research, analysis, discussion, and evaluation.

To maintain the flow of your previous section, we suggest splitting this section into two parts, identical to the previous bifurcation, to showcase your understanding of the IB concepts learned in your business management class and the other addressing the insightful material outside of your course.

Section-1: Related arguments, theories, and topics form your course learning

  • Include 4 or 5 of these to help you answer your research question.
  • It is suggested that you include at least one financial element. Address your qualitative tools before the quantitative ones.

Section- 2: Beyond your Course

Take up this section as an opportunity for you to educate your reader/evaluator.

  • Review several related theories and concepts more extensively than the course does.
  • Impress your reader by giving the sense that you know how the particular industry works. Showcase your expertise or knowledge gained through expert opinions in several aspects of your question.
  • Please add some analytical insight in this section rather than just descriptive. Be careful to ensure that all of your theories in this section are really helping you answer your research question.
  • You can use a graph here, but it must link to the research question.
  • Use theories and supportive arguments that apply to your research and are beyond your course (if relevant).

Quick Note: Relate every paragraph to your research question.

This section is self-explanatory. It is time to bind all your areas together.

  • It would help if you concentrated on making your EE sections cohesive.
  • Please address what you have researched and how it helps answer your research question.
  • Keep everything new in your conclusion.
  • Shine through by including mini-conclusions to synthesize your essay.
  • You can include several evaluative insights as well, if applicable.
  • Mention some weaknesses and limitations of your research and their effect on your research. You can even address the inaccuracies these limitations may have caused and state the reason behind them.
  • Explain at least one thing that you would have done differently if you were to do it again.

Quick Note: Don’t include a recommendations section in your EE

This section gives the reader an insight into your research resources. It may include:

  • Books –textbooks, internet resources, journals, academic papers, competitor interviews, etc.
  • Primary Resource (if applicable) –Interview, data (focus group, survey, etc.).

Quick note: The content on this page will not be included in your essay word count.

Take this section as more of an essential formality of showcasing the process of hard work that you have put in.

  • Transcripts from your interviews,
  • The additional analysis you didn't fit in the body of your EE.
  • Any other exciting data which you would like to refer to in the body of your work.

With this, we come to the end of our article on what is an IB extended essay and how to write an extended essay. As we mentioned earlier, it is relatively easy. All you need is dedication, set timelines, and proper research. So, don't worry; no rabbits can pull out your hat today. If you want to score a 36 on 36 your Extended Essay, check out our  Extended Essay Guide , which offers '5 never heard before' tips to help you write a quality essay.

Make an IB Extended Essay Checklist! I cannot emphasize enough on this point. The submission for your EE happens simultaneously when you are expected to take your exams. There will be a million things that you would have to keep track of. There is a high chance of forgetting to make that final edit or perfecting your EE's introduction in the midst of it all. Therefore, an IB Extended Essay Checklist will ensure you do everything. IB Extended Essay Checklist will be your savior during the final submission days.

We want Nail IB to be your virtual companion to hustle through IB. We have many helpful blogs that will help you navigate your way through IB. Apart from our blogs, we offer a "Take A Test' module, which allows IB students to evaluate their level in the IB Program. Make sure to try a  test  and see your strengths and weaknesses. And finally, to ensure you have all the resources you might need to nail IB, we have curated special  student bundles  for your convenience.

IB Resources you will love!


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Extended Essay vs. Internal Assessment

Extended Essay vs. Internal Assessment

As a seasoned IB writer with years of experience, I’ve seen countless students grapple with the differences between the IB Extended Essay (EE) and Internal Assessment (IA). Understanding these two critical components of the IB curriculum is essential for success. Getting a clear grasp of EE vs. IA can significantly affect your academic path.

What Is the IB Extended Essay?

The Extended Essay is undoubtedly a central element of the IB Diploma Program . As a 4,000-word research paper, it offers a unique opportunity to focus on a topic of personal interest and to engage with it in depth. From my extensive experience with the IB, I can attest that the EE significantly hones your research skills and improves your ability to articulate complex ideas with clarity and depth.

The Extended Essay is structured with thorough organization and planning. It begins with an introduction in which you lay out your research question and hypothesis, establishing the context for the investigation. The body paragraphs develop your argument, each building on the previous one to form a coherent and compelling analysis. The conclusion summarizes your findings and distills your extensive research into a conclusive statement. As I have learned from experience, mastering this structure is essential for writing an essay that is not only informative but also engaging and persuasive.

According to the general IB criteria, which I have become very familiar with over the years, the Extended Essay is assessed through several criteria:

  • Criteria A focuses on the research question and the methodological approach, ensuring the essay’s foundation is solid and academically valid.
  • Criteria B evaluates the depth of knowledge and understanding of the chosen topic, looking for evidence of extensive research and insightful discussion.
  • Criteria C is about critical thinking; it examines the ability to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information.
  • Criteria D and E assess the presentation and the student’s engagement with their research topic, respectively.

These criteria ensure that the essay adheres to academic standards and reflects genuine intellectual engagement and personal academic inquiry, which I consider critical for success in the Extended Essay.

What Is an Internal Assessment in the IB Curriculum?

The Internal Assessment is a distinctly practical component of the IB DP. In my experience, the IA is a project that encapsulates the application of theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios directly within the classroom setting. This unique aspect of the IB curriculum allows for a hands-on approach to learning, which significantly boosts student engagement and deepens their understanding of the subject matter.

The structure of the Internal Assessment is methodically designed to develop analytical and evaluative skills. Typically, it comprises:

  • Introduction . Here, students outline their investigation, presenting their hypothesis and research objectives.
  • Data Collection and Analysis . Students undertake to gather relevant data through experiments, surveys, or other research methods, followed by a critical analysis of the data gathered.
  • Conclusion . This section synthesizes the findings, links to the hypothesis, and discusses the implications.
  • Reflection . Encourages students to reflect on what they have learned throughout the investigative process and how it applies to their education.

According to general IB criteria, Internal Assessments are evaluated based on several critical aspects:

  • Criteria A assesses the student’s ability to design and plan a coherent research project.
  • Criteria B focuses on the techniques for gathering and analyzing data, ensuring that methods are appropriate and that they handle the data accurately.
  • Criteria C examines how researchers draw conclusions from the data and evaluates the reasoning behind these conclusions.
  • Criteria D assesses the clarity and structure of the written report, examining how effectively the report communicates the information and ideas.

Each IB subject has specific IA requirements, which introduce a level of versatility that is both challenging and beneficial. As I know from working closely with numerous students, this tailored approach ensures that the IA can be closely aligned with the student’s interests and academic strengths, making the learning experience both personal and profound.

EE vs. IA

EE vs. IA: Which is More Challenging?

Both the Extended Essay and the Internal Assessment present unique challenges. As a seasoned IB writer, I have mentored countless students through these critical components and seen firsthand how they test different skills and aptitudes. In my experience, whether one finds the EE or the IA more mainly challenging depends on the student’s strengths, interests, and approach to learning.

Individual vs. Collaborative Efforts

In my experience, one significant difference is the scope of work. The Extended Essay is an individual project requiring a student to conduct independent research on a chosen topic, culminating in a 4,000-word essay. This level of independence can be intimidating, but it can also be extremely rewarding for those who are self-motivated and passionate about their subject.

On the other hand, while most Internal Assessments are individual projects, some subjects may allow for group work or data collection that involves others. This aspect introduces dynamics of teamwork and collaboration, which might ease the burden for some students but can present coordination challenges for others.

Depth of Research

According to general IB criteria, the EE demands a considerable depth of research, akin to undergraduate-level writing. It includes forming a central argument, engaging with secondary sources, and developing a scholarly analysis. As I know, the depth and breadth required for the EE can be a significant challenge for students unfamiliar with such extensive research and academic writing.

Conversely, the IA tends to be more focused on applying existing knowledge to practical situations. While it also requires research and analysis, the scope is usually narrower, often involving experiments or practical applications related to the coursework. This task can be challenging but is usually less intimidating regarding the volume and depth of content than the EE.

Time Management and Planning

Time management plays a crucial role in both projects. From my experience, the EE demands long-term planning and discipline, as students must manage a large-scale project over several months. This task requires sustained motivation and careful pacing to ensure that the research, writing, and revision stages are balanced and that the final product is coherent and polished.

While also requiring good time management, the IA often has more immediate deadlines and shorter timescales. The tasks are more segmented, which can make the project feel more manageable. However, if not appropriately managed, procrastination can still undermine the quality of the work.

Subjective Interests and Personal Engagement

Finally, personal interest significantly impacts how challenging a student finds the EE or the IA. In my opinion, a student who chooses a topic they are passionate about for their EE might find the process more enjoyable and less daunting despite its length and depth. Conversely, an IA in a subject that a student finds difficult or unengaging can be a more formidable challenge, regardless of the shorter length or narrower scope.

More Topics to Read:

  • Can Extended Essays with a Generic Topic Score Well or Do They Have to Be Quite Original?

Using Extended Essay Topics That Are Already on the Internet. Is It Good?

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  • How to Create a Research Question for Your IB Extended Essay?

Don’t let the stress of the IB curriculum hold you back.

Are you struggling to come up with topic suggestions for your IB Extended Essay? Or do you need help with Internal Assessment?

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A female student standing still and smiling while holding a pen and a notebook, presumably contemplating IB IA topic suggestions.

Extended Essay and Internal Assessment: IB Student Insights

Many students appreciate the autonomy that EE provides. Unlike regular coursework, EE allows them to focus on a topic that fascinates them, which can be incredibly rewarding. In my interactions, students often say that choosing a topic they are passionate about makes the research process more engaging and less burdensome. However, this freedom comes with challenges primarily related to self-discipline and time management.

The IA is generally viewed by students as more hands-on compared to the EE. It involves the practical application of theoretical knowledge, which can be very satisfying, especially for students who thrive on concrete tasks. For instance, conducting experiments and reporting on subjects like Biology and Chemistry offers a break from traditional exams and textbooks. This application of theory to practice not only enhances understanding but also keeps students engaged.

Students often find that the IA’s narrower scope and the structured guidance they receive make it less intimidating than the Extended Essay. IA requirements are more clearly defined, which can simplify the planning and execution phases. However, students must still demonstrate high precision in their methods and clarity in their documentation. These skills are particularly honed through this rigorous process.

Also, both the EE and IA require effective time management, but the strategies may differ due to the nature of the tasks. The EE demands long-term planning, with milestones for completing research, writing, and revision. In contrast, the IA often has more immediate deadlines and requires a steady, consistent effort over a shorter period. Balancing these projects, regular coursework, and extracurricular activities is a common challenge for IB students.

The perceived difficulty of each component often depends on the student’s strengths and academic interests. Some find the EE’s analytical and independent nature more challenging, while others need help with the IA’s practical and sometimes collaborative aspects.

Understanding the distinction between the Extended Essay and Internal Assessment is crucial for success in the IB Diploma Programme. Both components are essential, providing distinct challenges and learning opportunities. Approach both with dedication, and you will notice that they significantly improve your academic and personal development.

By the way, our experts at IBWritingService.com are always ready to help you with Extended Essay writing and give topic suggestions.

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IB History Extended Essay: The Complete Guide for Students

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by  Antony W

June 9, 2024

ib history extended essay

This is the complete guide on IB History Extended Essay.

History is a fascinating subject, and most students taking it enjoy digging up juicy bits here and there. However, when it comes to in-depth research culminating in a 4000-word essay, all the fun seems to come to a premature end. As with other IB subjects, the extended essay in history can cause students many sleepless nights.

Now that you’re here, though, you can say goodbye to all the stress and pressure you feel. Help for Assessment is a team of IB experts here to get you that A in the essay. All you have to do is leave us your order here and let us do the rest.

If you prefer to go through this guide first, let’s get to it. We will explore the what and how of exceptional history EEs.

Understanding the IB History Extended Essay

For most students, the History internal assessment and the extended essay can have some confusing similarities, yet they are completely different.

For one, the history EE is 4000 words long while the IA is 1500 words in length. Second, the EE is a more in-depth exploration with an emphasis on primary sources while the IA can get away with a slightly more cursory approach. Grading and structure are also quite different.

The extended essay in history is a 4000-word essay written after thorough, independent research on a chosen historical topic . It is designed to prepare students for the undergraduate research they will be expected to do in university.

Apart from this, it is also designed to develop and sharpen the student’s research, analytical, and communication skills. In the process, students are supposed to develop the capacity to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize knowledge, according to the IBO website.

The first step to dealing with the History EE is coming up with the right history essay topic , which we have already dealt with exhaustively. However, you should remember that the extended essay topic needs to be different to the one you used in the IA for increased diversity.

History Extended Essay Assessment Criteria

The assessment criteria and guidelines provided by IBO will guide us on how to write an outstanding history extended essay. We want an A-grade essay, so it pays to know what the IBO deems an “A” grade essay.

Focus and method (6 points)

This criterion is mainly about the research question that you choose to handle. The topic must be historical, i.e, it took place not less than 10 years past.

It must also be very specific and straightforward to allow a deep analysis while being sufficiently wide for the word count. Ideally, you should confine the research question to a specific period, country, people, etc.

Your instructor will have to vet the topic chosen, but the research question is mainly up to you. For an A, the topic must be accurate, effective, properly focused, and clearly stated.

Focus also covers the research methodology used, which must be exhaustive, effective, and credible.

Knowledge and understanding (5-6 marks)

You need to show that you understand the place of the RQ chosen in the wider historical context. You also have to show proper use of the relevant historical terms and concepts, again adhering to the ten-year rule.

To get top marks for this, your essay should demonstrate an in-depth understanding and knowledge of the chosen topic, then explore that topic effectively using methods learned in the coursework and textbooks.

Critical thinking (12 points)

You need to display a “critical engagement with the past”, which means that instead of just quoting what other sources say, you need to show personal initiative to explore and analyze them to come up with compelling arguments.

Such arguments must be supported by an analysis of the research material followed by consistent conclusions.

In other words, examiners are looking for an analytical rather than a descriptive essay. For example, having identified your position relative to what your sources state, you should be able to draw convincing, well-supported arguments for or against it.

After doing that, go ahead and offer an analysis of the evidence and show how reliable and/or accurate you think it is.

To get the full 12 marks, your essay must have:

  • A focused and well-reasoned argument or arguments developed from the research.
  • A conclusion that is consistent with and reflective of the analysis and material.
  • Have well-structured and coherent arguments. Minor inconsistencies, while allowable, do not hinder the major argument or invalidate the conclusions.
  • Critical evaluation of the research

Presentation (4 marks)

As with other extended essays, this criterion evaluates how well the entire essay is presented in relation to accepted academic standards.

To begin with, the essay should have a section/subsection structure arranged logically and formatted acceptably.

Second, any charts, tables, graphs, and other figures should only be used where you feel they illustrate a certain point more clearly. They should have proper naming and explanation.

Any text, figures, calculations, or anything else you use directly from a source must also be clearly and carefully acknowledged, including a corresponding entry in the bibliography.

To get the full marks for presentation, you should have a clear layout that supports and simplifies the reading and evaluation of the essay.

Engagement (6 marks)

This criterion evaluates how well you interact with the research process. You are supposed to show personal engagement with clear insights into your thought process and decision-making.

You show this by giving clear evidence of your conclusions, with no assumptions made.

One of the best ways to show personal engagement is to be critical of your own methods and conclusions, showing where you thought you should have done better.

Describe any challenges you faced and the solutions you adopted.

Getting the full marks for engagement will entail reflections in your decision-making and evaluations and mentions of any challenges experienced or questions raised.

The said reflections should communicate “a high degree of intellectual and personal engagement” with the research question. In short, you should demonstrate authenticity, intellectual initiative, and a creative approach using your own unique voice.

Get Help for the History Extended Essay

Help for Assessment is dedicated to getting you that coveted top grade in the history extended essay. If the essay is too much for you, we can do more to help – we will write the entire essay for you and ensure fully original, thoroughly researched, and error-free essays.

Our IB experts ensure top quality every time, and all you need to do is leave us your order . We will handle the essay for you at the most affordable prices, and we will even give you up to 25% off your first order.

About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.


Extended Essay Guide: The Conclusion

  • Purpose of Guide
  • Writing Your Research Question
  • Finding Resources
  • Research Plan Ouline
  • Drafting Your Paper
  • The Introduction
  • The Conclusion
  • Citations/Bibliography
  • Proofreading Your Paper
  • IB Assessment Criteria/Subject Specific Guides/Exemplars/Etc

Extended Essay Conclusion

A conclusion is not merely a summary of the main topics covered or a re-statement of your research question, but a synthesis of key points and, if applicable, where you recommend new areas for future research. For most essays, one well-developed paragraph is sufficient for a conclusion, although in some cases, a two or three paragraph conclusion may be required.

  • A Brief Guide to Writing an EE Conclusion

Checklist for the Conclusion

Another writing tip.

New Insight, Not New Information!

Don't surprise the reader with n ew information in your conclusion that was never referenced anywhere else in the paper. If you have new information to present, add it to the discussion or other appropriate section of the paper. Note that, although no actual new information is introduced, the conclusion is where you offer your most "original" contributions in the paper; it's where you describe the value of your research, demonstrate that you understand the material that you’ve presented, and l ocate your findings within the larger context of scholarship on the topic, including describing how your research contributes new insights or value to that scholarship.

Conclusions . The Writing Center. University of North Carolina.

Twelve Steps to Writing an Effective Conclusion . 

  • << Previous: The Introduction
  • Next: Citations/Bibliography >>
  • Last Updated: Nov 15, 2016 1:55 PM
  • URL: https://baltimorecitycollege.libguides.com/eeguide

IB English Paper 1 Explained

Ace your IB English Paper 1 exam with the #1 IB English Resource for 2022 as Voted by IB Students & Teachers

IB English Paper 1 is one of those nerve-wracking experiences that everyone has to endure. It's especially scary because you have no idea what you'll end up writing for your final exam–and your grades depend on it!

The best preparation you can do is be acutely aware of the exam structure and proven strategies that have worked for past IB7 graduates.

If you want to fully wrap your head around the IB English Paper 1 guided analysis, then this quick guide is for you.

Meet your instructor Jackson Huang, Founder of LitLearn. His mission is to make IB English as pain-free as possible with fun, practical lessons. Jackson scored an IB45 and was accepted to Harvard, Amherst, Williams Colleges, and full scholarships to University of Melbourne & Queensland.

Photo of LitLearn instructor Jackson Huang

What is a Paper 1 exam?

In a Paper 1 exam, you are given two mysterious, unseen texts . Each text is between 1-2 pages in length.

For SL students, you're in luck! Your task is to write a guided analysis on just one of the two texts. Total marks: 20. You have 1 hour and 15 minutes.

For HL students, you're in less luck… Your task is to write two guided analysis essays–one on each of the texts. Total marks: 40. You have 2 hours and 15 minutes.

The mystery text types you'll get for Paper 1 depend on whether you're in IB English Language & Literature or IB English Literature.

For IB English Literature , Paper 1 text types belong to four neat categories (hooray!):

  • Fictional prose (e.g. short stories, extracts from novels)
  • Non-fiction prose (e.g. scientific articles, extracts)
  • Dramatic plays

For IB English Language and Literature , your text types could be… really… anything. Be prepared to be surprised. Typically, at least one of the text types will include some visual element like an image, photo, or cartoon. Here's the (non-exhaustive) list of Lang Lit text types:

  • Magazines, blogs, articles and editorials
  • Speeches, interview scripts, radio transcripts
  • Instruction manuals, brochures
  • Comic strips, political cartoons
  • … and the list goes on…

What do I write in a guided analysis?

For each Paper 1 text, the IB English Gods pose a short, open-ended question.

This question is called the guiding question , and your essay must focus on answering this guiding question using analysis (we'll explain “analysis” in a second).

Examples of guiding questions:

  • How does the writer characterize the protagonist's state of mind?
  • How and to what effect do textual and visual elements shape meaning?
  • How is narrative perspective used to create meaning and effect?

Even though you're technically allowed to choose your own focus and ignore the default guiding question, it's highly recommended that you go along with what's given… unless you really don't know how to answer it, or you're super confident in your Paper 1 skills.

Now, what are we supposed to do with the guiding question?

Guiding questions always ask you to explain how and why certain language or visual choices are used to build one or more central ideas .

And so the vague instruction "Answer the guiding question" actually translates to something very specific:

Explain  how and why the writer uses specific language to build their central idea(s).

This sentence pretty much sums up not just IB English Paper 1, but the gist of analysis and IB English overall.

Writing Deep, Insightful Analysis

If you want to get a high score on Paper 1 (and every IB English assessment in general), you must know how to write deep, insightful analysis.

After helping numerous IB English students at LitLearn, we've found that weak analysis is the #1 reason students struggle in IB English.

Biggest Mistake

The main mistake you're likely making is that your analysis doesn't dig deep enough .

Students make the mistake of only touching the surface-level meaning of the texts. For example, common mistakes include:

  • only recounting the plot
  • mentioning techniques and ideas without digging into the how and why
  • not identifying the most relevant techniques for analysis.

The diagram below shows the difference between surface-level meaning, deep analysis, and deeper analysis.

Shallow and deep meaning in IB English Paper 1 analysis

If you're unsure about how to write strong analysis for IB English, or you're not confident in what to look for in your texts, then you should watch this free 7-minute video lesson from Learn Analysis: Analysis Foundations.

Learn Analysis

No sign up or credit card required.

Essential Techniques you need to know

So how do we write strong analysis that scores highly on Criterion B?

First things first, we need to know how to analyze the major literary and visual techniques (visual for Lang Lit), so that we can quickly find and analyze them under exam stress.

If you're cramming for Paper 1, here are the 7 most important techniques and concepts that you should know for IB English Paper 1. They apply to all text types in Lang Lit as well as Literature:

  • Tone, atmosphere and mood
  • Diction and voice
  • Metaphor, simile, and personification
  • The 4 main types of imagery
  • The 3 types of irony
  • Juxtaposition and contrast
  • Grammatical and structural techniques

There's a bunch more, but these 7 categories make a great starting point. The first step is to learn their names and definitions, and flashcards are an excellent way to do this.

Of course, memorizing isn't enough. We also need to know the common effects and purposes behind each of these core techniques, so that we can build a mental library of the most common ways to deeply analyze each technique. If you don't study each technique in detail, it's much harder to invent deep analysis on-the-spot during an exam.

We go deep into each of the techniques in Learn Analysis . Here are just a couple of them to get you started.

Level 1 Techniques

Your One Mission in Paper 1

Let's quickly recap what you need to do in a Paper 1.

  • You need to discuss the characters, themes and plot of a chosen  literary text, OR the visual and stylistic elements (diagrams, headings, titles, images) for a non-literary text.
  • You then need to explain how and why these aspects were achieved by the writer or artist.

These two points are helpful as a basis for understanding, but they won't help you get concrete words onto the exam page. What we need now is a practical guide to writing an actual essay:

  • Deciding on a good  thesis
  • Choosing the right  points
  • Choosing the right structure

A Practical Guide to Writing a Paper 1 essay

An IB English Paper 1 essay boils down to 3 separate parts:

  • An introduction paragraph : contains a thesis and an outline of your points
  • A body (usually 3 paragraphs) : contains your points
  • A conclusion : wraps up the essay

Choosing a thesis

The thesis or subject statement is a single sentence in the introduction of the guided analysis that states how the writer achieves their overall purpose.

This is also the main argument that you are trying to prove in your essay, and it's typically related to the guiding question . The examiner can usually judge the strength of your analytical skills JUST from your subject statement alone, so it needs to be well-written!

Choosing the right essay structure for IB English Paper 1

Every text works best with a specific paragraph structure. Finding this match isn't always easy, but it's also one of the most important things to get right in your Paper 1 guided analysis.

You can organise your essay by:

  • ideas or themes
  • sections (sequential, e.g. stanza by stanza for poems)
  • the ‘Big 5'
  • and probably a whole host of other acronyms that English teachers love to invent.

Criterion C for IB English Paper 1 is Organisation . It's worth a whole 5/20 marks, so it's definitely in your best interest to choose the most appropriate structure for your essay.

Pro Tip: I recommend students to stay away from the Big 5 . Sure, it's useful as a memory device to tell you what elements to look for in a text, but it's not a good essay structure for analysis.

Why? Because analysis is about examining the causal interplay between techniques, stylistic choices, audience, tone, and themes. The Big 5 and SPECSLIMS artificially silo these components in your discussion.  Heed my advice or pay the price! (notice that rhyme?)

So in my opinion, there are only two types of structure that are most  conducive (yep, another new vocab, omnomnom) to getting a 7. Ideas/themes  and Sections . Take this as a hot tip and run with it. If your teacher is forcing you to use other structures, then you'll need to know why this is recommended.

We go into much more depth and explain it all inside Learn Analysis.

Pro members only

Writing body paragraphs: Why and How

Once you've chosen the best structure for your essay and decided on a strong thesis as your central argument, the rest of the essay needs to revolve around proving  this argument.

How do you prove this subject statement? You do it by looking at individual points. These smaller points support smaller, more specific aspects of the overall thesis.

The idea is that each body paragraph, or point, aims to prove a separate, smaller aspect of the bigger thesis. It's like a jigsaw puzzle : You must piece together smaller, more manageable pieces to build the bigger argument (i.e. the thesis).

In reality, this translates into writing 2, 3 or 4 points, each of which fits snuggly it its own paragraph or multiple paragraphs (depending on the complexity of the point).

In each point, you must include:

  • Quotes, references to images, titles, headings, or visual elements. This is the evidence.
  • Analysis of language and literary techniques.  Use specific quotes from the text and explain how and why they are used by the writer to shape his/her message.

Obviously, this is a quick summary of how to write a high-quality body paragraph. We dive deeper into the specific details of how to structure a body paragraph in the guided analysis.

Planning ahead

Ironically, the most important part of IB English Paper 1 is not the analysis itself (well it is, but not really). The part you have to get right the first time is the plan. Most students do not know how to plan effectively, or get flustered in the exam and don't plan, or don't even try to plan because they think they're above it. Big mistake!

Before you even begin writing, you should plan out your essay in sufficient detail. You will lose track of time, thought and sanity if you do not have a clear road map of every part of your essay before you begin writing.

You can learn how to annotate and plan quickly & efficiently using the flowchart method, which we demonstrate inside Learn Analysis and Paper 1 .

In the Pro lesson below, we go into detail on exactly how to plan a Paper 1 essay effectively and efficiently under exam conditions.

How do I practice for Paper 1?

Most students think that doing a lot of practice papers is the best way to improve in Paper 1. However, there's a much more efficient, targeted method to study for Paper 1.

We work our way up from the smallest, most manageable chunks of analysis to the full Paper 1 exam. It's a good idea to reserve real IB English past papers for 2 months before your final exam so that you don't run out of past papers--they are the best preparation for the final exam. Also, if your analysis skills aren't already strong, doing real past papers is a waste of an excellent exam prep resource.


Quote analysis exercises with exemplar IB7 solutions

Short guided analysis exercises with exemplar IB7 solutions

1 hour practice exams with detailed markschemes or video solutions

IB past paper solutions: Exemplar essay plans and full essay responses


Paper 1 Practice Exams

Past Paper 1 Solutions

Paper 2 Guide

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Higher Level Essay

Whether you are an HL Literature student or HL Lang/Lit student, the HLE requires some special attention.  The good thing about this assessment is that it’s a processed – rather than on-demand – piece of writing.  This means you can take your time, put in the work, and produce something that you love and makes you proud.  Our students crush this assessment!  Use the same resources they do and enjoy your success.

HLE Writing Guide

Writing this assessment doesn’t have to be challenging.  In fact, we think it can be fun and rewarding!  Let us guide you through the entire writing process, from line of inquiry to the last word of your conclusion.  Our students do well on this assessment, and so can you.

ib essay length

Part of our  IBDP English A Student Toolkit , this resource includes:

  • 100-page course book with guidance on films, photos, cartoons, and many other non-literary BOWs
  • 5 sample papers across genres
  • Examiner scores and comments
  • Line of Inquiry guidance
  • Step-by-step approach to building the HLE in small and manageable chunks
  • Complete set of graphic organizers to guide students from start to finish

Developing a Line of Inquiry and Thesis

The Line of Inquiry (LOI) and thesis are the cornerstone of the assessment, so don’t proceed until these are under control.  Sadly, many students get off to a poor start with this step, and this means they end up writing either a shallow essay or one that doesn’t really satisfy the requirements of the task.  These videos should help you unlock the task.

Start with a text you love and work toward developing a literary or linguistic perspective. Watch this video and start your pathway to success.

How To Write the Line of Inquiry

If the first method didn't work for you, please try another approach.

How to Write the Line of Inquiry (part 2)

Turn that LoI into a clear, precise, and insightful thesis statement that will drive the essay.

HLE Sample Thesis Statements and Writing

The HLE Complete Course from Start to Finish

We feel this is some of our best work.  Teachers and students around the world have commented that this HLE series gets the job done and results in some powerful writing that makes students proud.  Please take the time and work through the videos sequentially.  Work along side with us.  Let us guide you to HLE success!

Choose your text and write the LOI.

Student planning doc

Model Student planning doc

Time for brainstorming and outlining.

Student Organizer

Completed Sample Organizer

Master the intro and conclusion.

Sample Intro and Conclusion

Learn how to write strong HLE body paragraphs.

Sample Body Paragraphs

Learn to revise, edit, and polish the final product.

Final instructions before submission

Dave’s complete sample HLE

Some Sample Papers

Sometimes it’s easier to just look at a final product, break it down, and see how other students have approached the HLE.  That’s why Dave and Andrew selected some strong papers, highlighted them, and discussed their strengths and weaknesses.  We’ve examined tons of these things, so listen carefully.  Lots of tips and tricks in these videos to help you pick up some extra points and crack into that mark band you want and deserve.  Understand the task.  Work hard.  Defeat the HLE and allow yourself to beam with pride.  Go ahead, you’ve earned it.

You’ve probably noticed that Andrew and Dave love drama. Dialogue, stage directions, props…they’re amazing! Watch our student crush this HLE on Death and the Maiden by Dorfman. What can you steal from this essay in terms of ideas, organization, and overall approach? Document: HLE Student Sample – Drama

Poetry anyone? Andrew and Dave love poetry for the HLE. They are complete “mini works” with a clear beginning, middle, and end. They are rich in techniques. They are complex and have deep meaning. In short, they rock. Just remember that for the HLE, “short texts need friends.” Document: HLE Student Sample – Poetry

Looking For More Support?

Hey, nobody said this thing would be easy.  No worries.  We’ve got you covered.  Perhaps you want to see some more student writing?  Check.  We’ve got that.  Perhaps you want to know some key points to include?  Check.  We got that too.  You’re almost there!  Finish these last two videos, add some finishing touches to your work, and submit that baby in with pride and confidence.

So you watched the videos above but are still concerned about “showing deep thinking” on the HLE? It’s ok – we know this is tough. Check out this video to see several samples of how to build big thinking into your writing. Document: Showing Deep Thinking in the HLE

We know, we know. The content is overwhelming and it’s just too much at times. You just want the top ten tips for success? Fine. Here you go. But don’t forget to go back and watch the rest of these videos when you’re feeling more energy. They’re a set. Watch them all and ace the HLE.

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IB English A Language and Literature: HL Essay Assessment Considerations

Please note:  The purpose of this information is to elaborate on the nature of the IB assessment task, define and explain the assessment criteria and their implications, share observed challenges in students’ submitted assessment work, and offer strategies and approaches for assessment preparation. 

This post is not meant to replace a reading of the IB Language A Subject Guides or the Teacher Support Materials available on MYIB.  Those resources should always be a first stop for teachers when checking the requirements of each assessment task and how the task should be facilitated. 

HL Essay Overview

Nature of the task.

  • Students are asked to develop a line of inquiry of their choice in connection with a work or body of work studied in the course.
  • In this context, teachers serve as advisors.  The HL essay is an opportunity for students “to develop as independent, critical and creative readers, thinkers and writers” [1] which suggests there should be some degree of autonomy in choosing a work or body of work and determining the line of inquiry.
  • The final essay is a focused argument critically examining a broad literary or linguistic perspective in one of the works or bodies of work studied in the course.  The focus of the critical examination should be appropriate for the discipline; while there may be some overlap with other disciplines (e.g., art or film), teachers will need to use their professional judgement to evaluate appropriate boundaries for the line of inquiry [2] .
  • The essay should be developed “over an extended period of time” [3] .  Adequate time should be given for students to refine their ideas, plan their arguments, draft, and revise their essays.  Teachers are expected to play an active role guiding and facilitating this process.
  • The essay is formal and should adhere to the conventions of an academic essay in its structure and use of citations.  
  • In the marking of the assessment task, there is equal quantitative value placed on the ideas presented in the essay (10 marks) and the essay’s organization and use of language (10 marks).  Maximum: 20 marks. [4]
  • The final essay produced for submission needs to be 1200-1500 words in length.  Examiners will not read more than 1500 words. [5]

Explanation of the task

  • It is important that students develop a line of inquiry that is focused, analytical, and (when relevant) literary before they begin researching and writing.  Students do not need to name literary or textual features in their question; however, the question should lend itself to an analytical investigation of the work that is appropriate for the discipline.
  • The seven course concepts (identity, culture, creativity, communication, transformation, perspective, and representation) may serve as a starting point when developing a line of inquiry. [6]
  • The discussion, ideas, and inspiration for the HL Essay will ideally come from the student’s Learner Portfolio.  Students may expand on an idea, activity, or smaller-scale assessment explored in class as inspiration for selecting a topic and developing a line of inquiry.  Students may also explore their own, self-generated lines of inquiry.
  • Each student’s line of inquiry should develop from their own work or ideas about the work.  Ideally, the learner portfolio will document this evolution (in some form).

Selection of work

  • Students base their essays on one work or body of work studied in the course. Students may choose any work or body of work, except for the works/body of work used for the Individual Oral or the works chosen for the Paper 2 exam. 
  • Students should consult with their teachers when selecting a text, work, or body of work to ensure the material is rich enough to support a focused, analytical argument of this length.
  • Documentaries and full features films are full, non-literary “works” and are acceptable material on which to base a line of inquiry for the HL Essay.
  • Literary bodies of work include collections of short stories, poetry, essays, graphic narratives, etc.
  • Non-literary bodies of work may include an advertising campaign, a journalist’s published articles or editorials, a photojournalist’s series of photographs, related public service announcements or campaigns, research and relevant publications by an organization (such as Human Rights Watch), a series of texts or shows by an interviewer, commentator or satirist, a podcast series, an editorial cartoonist’s publications, etc. [7]  
  • The texts in the body of work must share authorship.  This means the texts are written or produced by a single author or are written and produced by collaborators that share a single authorship (such as an advertising agency, corporation, non-profit organization, television show, writer and graphic illustrator, etc.) [8]
  • Students may base their essay on one text in a body of work (e.g., one short story in a collection), however students need to be careful to sustain a “broad literary [or linguistic] investigation” as opposed to a close reading or commentary.  They are expected to make explicit connections in the essay between the text and the author’s body of work. [9]  
  • In most cases, it will be appropriate for a student to reference at least 2-3 texts in an author’s body of work. 
  • Students may explore and use any texts from an author studied in class, even if the specific texts were not part of the course study.  This might be appropriate if the student’s specific literary investigation cannot be supported with the specific texts studied but could be supported with other texts by the author. [10]

Determining the topic (and line of inquiry)

  • The essay needs to be focused on a broad literary or linguistic investigation that addresses a concept developed in the work or body of work. 
  • Students who struggle to identify a suitable concept can use one of the seven course concepts as a starting place to develop their line of inquiry (e.g., What does the work communicate about…? In what ways does the work transform our perspective on…?  To what extent does the work represent…? )
  • Students should be encouraged to explore a concept that is significant to them and their reading of the work. 
  • Teachers can advise and coach students through the process of selecting a topic and developing a line of inquiry, but teachers are not supposed to assign topics (or works) to students. [11]

What is the HL Essay Assessing?

Criterion a:  knowledge, understanding, and interpretation (5 marks), defined terms.

Knowledge of a work is shown by recalling For literary works, this includes details related to plot, characters, conflicts, setting, use of language, etc., and specific details about a work’s genre, era, or style.  For non-literary works, this includes details related to the subject of the writing (people, places, context, etc.) and specific details about a work’s text-type, publication medium, place of origin, audience, etc. In both text forms, these details are clearly evident and verifiable.
Understanding may be demonstrated through summary, interpretations, inferences, and explanations because they require students to from the work.  In this construction, students use their general knowledge and understanding (of people, relationships, cultures, literary principles, text forms, etc.) to process or infer meaning that is communicated , heavily implied, or self-evident.     
An “interpretation” is an argument about a work’s .  Sometimes this “meaning” is thought of as the “author’s purpose” but works might also communicate meaning to a reader unintended by the author.  Interpretive arguments identify complex ideas and issues developed by an author and usually pay close attention to details and ambiguities in a work.  Because the communication and deconstruction of implicit meanings is a complex process, interpretations tend to appreciate tensions and contradictions in a work as well as the ways in which a work’s culture or the reader’s culture might influence interpretive conclusions.  In all cases, interpretations are persuasive arguments that need to be supported with clear references to the work.
Implications refer to the ideas the work may be without explicitly stating them or feelings the work may be evoking without explicitly telling the viewer or audience to feel them.  
Students are expected to make references to the work that may include . Depending on the student’s claim, one may be more appropriate than the others (e.g., claims about language and style often benefit from direct quotes; broader authorial choices can be explained through paraphrase.)
  • Students need a clear, cohesive thesis statement in the introduction of the essay that states the conclusions the student has drawn in response to the line of inquiry.  The “conclusions” are the student’s central argument for the essay. 
  • Students need to understand the difference between demonstrating understanding of a work and offering interpretations of the work’s meanings.  An essay must offer interpretations of the work’s implications to score at least a “satisfactory” mark in Criterion A.
  • Good to excellent knowledge and understanding comes from knowing the works very well which usually requires multiple readings .  Clear references, explanations, and detailed analysis in support of asserted interpretations are a more effective demonstration of knowledge and understanding than summary.  
  • When analyzing texts from a “body of work”, students are expected to make claims and connections to the body of work.  If the focus of the essay is on an individual text (such as a short story or poem), it is important that the analysis be treated as a “broad literary [or linguistic] investigation”.  Teachers will need to evaluate the extent to which this is possible for each individual text.  It may be helpful for teachers and students to consult articles in scholarly journals to see examples of how a broad literary investigation can be approached with a shorter, individual text.

Activities and protocols that develop skills related to knowledge, understanding, and interpretation.

ib essay length

Formulating Interpretive Statements

This activity scaffolds the process of developing an “interpretive statement” in response to a text or work.  This is achieved through a sentence completion exercise […]

Continue Reading

ib essay length

Concept Formation

In this activity, students use small examples to establish what a concept is (and is not).  This inductive strategy works to give depth, ownership, and […]

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Critical Lenses

Critical lenses help students engage with different perspectives with which to approach the reading and interpretation of a work.  Each lens contains questions that provoke […]

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Journal Writing

Journal writing helps students develop important thinking skills.  There are the traditional approaches used in the younger years, like imagining a minor character’s point of […]

Criterion B:  Analysis and evaluation (5 marks)

Textual features are aspects of the work that the reading experience.  These include aesthetic features (images, graphs, bold, italics, etc.), organizational features (such as a table of contents, headings, index, etc.), supplemental features (such as a glossary, footnotes, primary source material, captions, etc.), literary features (such as figurative language, analogies, conceits, etc.), and linguistic features (such as rhetoric, sentence structure, ellipses, parentheses, etc.).
“Broader” authorial choices are embedded the work and effect the work as a .  These might include choices in structure, narrative perspective, genre, style, setting, characters, repeated patterns of imagery or figurative language, motifs, etc. 
To analyze is to separate and identify the parts of a whole to discover its . The “whole” is the work.  One can begin to breakdown the parts of a literary or non-literary work by considering its form, mode, structure, features, and use of language.
When students “evaluate”, they are appraising the author or creator’s choices in the context of their interpretations.  Students show appreciation for the features that play a significant role in developing interpretive meaning and producing relevant effects by critically examining of choices made within the work.
Meaning can refer to the the author or creator consciously or unconsciously conveys to the reader or audience as well as the feelings created for the reader or audience in relation to those ideas.
  • This criterion asks students to critically analyze, evaluate, and compare how meaning is constructed and communicated in a work or body of work.
  • The discussion, analysis, and evaluation of literary or linguistic features must work to develop the line in inquiry and central argument for the essay.  This is a common shortcoming in student essays.
  • The interrelationships of authorial choices and their effects may be complex, which requires thoughtful organization in the planning stage of the essay. 
  • Assertions that make judgements about a writer’s competency or simply state a preference for an author or style are not literary evaluations.
  • An insightful literary analysis usually includes an appreciation of form-specific features.

Activities and protocols that develop skills related to analysis and evaluation

ib essay length

Why might this detail matter?

This activity gets students to think about the significance of minor details in a work.  These details can be used as evidence to form the […]

ib essay length

Ladder of Abstraction

This activity allows students to process the ways in which details from a work might represent larger abstract ideas. Process Divide students in groups of […]

ib essay length

Appoint a Devil’s Advocate

This protocol invites divergent thinking in a group and works to facilitate a culture where different ideas are viewed as collaborative rather than combative.  Preparation […]

ib essay length

This activity helps students visually see and appreciate the ways in which parts make up a whole.  One of the challenges many students have is […]

Criterion C:  Focus, organization, and development (5 marks)

A focused essay sustains its attention on developing the line of inquiry.
An essay is organized when claims, details, references, and analysis are purposefully arranged.  On an essay level, students carefully consider how to most logically and persuasively develop the line of inquiry based on the points and evidence they have collected in support of their central argument.  On a paragraph level, students consider how to arrange their claim, evidence, analysis, and evaluation so that the paragraph’s point is effectively communicated to the reader.
On an essay level, paragraphs work together to effectively develop an argument.  On a paragraph level, the evidence, analysis, and evaluation are connected entities that effectively develop the paragraph’s claim.
To develop an argument is to gradually make the argument clearer and more detailed as claims, references, explanations, and analysis build upon one another in an illustrative manner.
Supporting examples can be references, quotes, or excerpted images from a work; but they can also come in the form of a précis , which is helpful when students are analyzing broader authorial choices. 
Supporting examples are integrated when they are infused with the explanation, analysis, and evaluation that develops the essay’s central argument.  This includes: (1) embedding quotes, fragmented quotes, or references into the essay’s sentences, (2) embedding relevant images into the body of the essay, (3) effectively using complex and compound sentence structures so that references to the work are connected to the essay’s analysis and evaluation.
  • The line of inquiry (which includes the topic) should be clearly stated either as the title or in the introductory paragraph of the essay. 
  • The thesis (or argument) for the essay should be clearly communicated in the introductory paragraph. 
  • Effective organization helps students maintain focus, achieve cohesion, and develop claims.  This means considering the most effective way to present the argument and its supporting evidence and analysis (chronologically, most persuasive evidence first, by sub-topic, cause and effect relationships, first impressions vs. later reflections, claims and counter claims, etc.).
  • Each paragraph should be a point of development that supports the conclusions drawn from the line of inquiry (i.e., the essay’s central argument).  The nature of the argument and the substance of the analysis should determine the number of paragraphs, their length, and their order.  Forcing an argument into a formulaic essay structure can be limiting.
  • Purposeful transitions create cohesion and logically take the reader through the essay’s evidence-based claims.
  • Essays organized by authorial choices tend to be limiting because they struggle to appreciate the interdependency of features’ effects.
  • One citation method should be sustained throughout the essay.

Activities and protocols that develop skills related to organization and development

ib essay length

Generate, Sort, Connect, Elaborate: Concept Mapping IDEAS in a Work

This activity asks students to individually identify ideas and issues developed in a work and collaboratively connect and develop one another’s ideas.  This ultimately helps […]

ib essay length

Making a Précis

This activity guides students on how to distill a text into 100-200-word précis or summary.  This is a helpful skill for preparing a passage response […]

ib essay length

This protocol helps students consider which ideas, issues, and feelings are playing a significant role in shaping their personal response to a work. Process Give […]

ib essay length

Sort Card Activity

This activity helps students organize information and identify conceptual trends.  This activity models a process that students can use when planning their own essays and […]

ib essay length

Significant Quotes

Who said it?  What is the context? and Why is this quote significant? may seem like an archaic exercise in today’s educational landscape, but the […]

Criterion D:  Language (5 marks)

Clear languageLanguage is clear when the selection of words and the arrangement of words effectively articulate meaning.
Varied languageLanguage is varied when the student uses different words to acutely communicate knowledge, understanding, and meaning.
AccuracyLanguage is accurate when it uses grammatically correct structures, spelling, and capitalization.
RegisterThe “register” refers to the style of the written language.
  • A wider vocabulary and knowledge of sentence structures gives students more language tools to express abstract and complex thoughts. 
  • Correct use of terminology may be considered in awarding marks in this criterion; however, jargon is not the sole focus. 
  • When students use vocabulary and sentence structures that are comfortably in their repertoire, they usually express their thinking more clearly.  When students stretch to use words or sentences structures with which they are not familiar, they risk miscommunication.
  • An essay does not need to be flawless to earn top marks in this criterion, however the expectation for language to be clear, varied, and accurate is higher in this component.  This is because students have an opportunity to revise their essays.
  • Voice is welcomed in all IB assessment tasks: formal writing does not need to be turgid.

Activities and protocols that develop skills related to use of language

ib essay length

Interpretive Statement Wall

This protocol helps students develop revision skills by asking clarifying and critical questions about each other’s interpretive statements or thesis statements.  This helps students develop […]

ib essay length

Evaluating Thesis Statements

This activity helps students understand the role language plays in communicating specific and complex ideas in a thesis statement.  The approach invites active collaboration, and […]

ib essay length

Discussion Posts and Personalized Learning

This formative assessment gives students an opportunity to personalize their learning while engaging in collaborative discussion with their peers around their chosen text(s) or work. […]

ib essay length

This protocol helps students generate ideas in response to a work. Process Give students a writing task, asking them to identify one thing they think […]

[1] Language A: Language and Literature Guide, First assessment 2021 , IBO: 2019. pp. 42.

[2] To gain an understanding or confidence in evaluating analysis that is “appropriate for the discipline”, teachers may want to invest some time perusing scholarly articles written on works they teach or are familiar with using a database such as JSTOR or Ebscohost.  These titles and articles an also be shared with students as guides and exemplars.

[4] Ibid, pp. 45.

[5] Ibid, p. 42.

[6] Ibid, p. 43.

[7] A list of text types can be found on p. 22 of the Language A: Language and Literature Guide.  As mentioned in the guide, the list is not exhaustive.

[8] “Selection of work”. Language A: Language and Literature Guide, First assessment 2021 , IBO: 2019, p. 43.

[11] Language A: Language and Literature Guide, First assessment 2021 , IBO: 2019. p. 44.

[12] Definition:  a short statement of the main points.

Photo by Marcel Friedrich on Unsplash

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  • Paper 2 - Features of the Literary Genre
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  • Paper 2 - Unpacking the Criteria
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ib essay length

We are all told frequently that the key to success is the ability to understand the assessment criteria and what is expected of us. By doing this, looking at examples of work, and engaging in peer-to-peer assessment, the logic goes that we will improve our output. However, as a teacher and a school leader, examiner and teacher trainer, I know that five different teachers all looking at the same criteria would give the work five different marks. So where does that leave you?

What Good Looks Like

It's essential, when looking at sample work, your own work, and the work of your peers (as you try to prepare, revise and get ready for this final assessment), to know what skills and understandings are required in which criteria. The criteria itself - like any "objective" criteria for anything - is only a sliding scale of value judgements (good understanding; adequate understanding; some understanding), so performance in each criterion is based on agreements between examiners on what good should look like.

Here you can find a plain-speaking guide as to what is rewarded (or penalised) in each criterion.

Criterion Explanations

A: Knowledge, understanding and interpretation (10)

This criterion is highly weighted in terms of marks, and is looking to see that you have good knowledge and understanding of the thematic meaning of the works "under the surface". Knowledge can be shown by plenty of detailed references to the works (plot, character, key moments) and, of course, with quotation. 

Crucially, the ability to compare and contrast is registered in this criterion. And the knowledge shown about both works should be in the context of the ideas of the question in order to gain credit for being appropriate understanding.

B: Analysis and evaluation (10)

This is another heavily weighted criterion, and the explanation of what analysis and evaluation means and how to develop your skills in this area is explored more deeply in  Paper 2 - Analysis and Evaluation . 

Overwhelmingly, this is where an examiner would expect to see and would reward explicit discussion of the literary features specific to the genre being studied. All too often, students only discuss plot, character and theme, therefore failing to give (and receive) full credit for appreciation of the tools of the trade and the craft of the writer. A playwright, after all, has many different considerations and employs a different skill-set to a poet and a novellist. Thematic meaning and message is key to a writer, why they write, and to the value of the literary art, but to score well in analysis and evaluation, deconstructing the way that theme is crafted and conveyed is essential. 

Also important here is what used to be called "response to question". A well-structured response - as outlined in  Paper 2 - Structuring an Essay  - is always explicit in how the point that is being made connects to the question and the overall, analytical argument. So clearly and effectively articulated reasoning as to how any paragraph connects to the overall question is rewarded here.

C: Focus and organisation (5)

This criterion considers your own structure and organisation of response. There are a few things an examiner considers beyond the more holistic "does it feel well-organised?" question:

Are the basics there? Is there an introduction (one that addresses the question in the first sentence of the response, and that sets out a thesis statement as a "map" of the essay)? Is there a conclusion? 

What is the overall word length? I would suggest that essays should be between 800 and 1000 words in length (in 1 hour and 45 minutes). Much less that that should be penalised in criterion A, but probably in C too. I would say the same for essays that were considerably longer than that, as they probably lack sharp focus.

Are there clear analytical points as the topic sentences of each paragraph? I would suggest following the "Author-Choice-Effect" structure - Miller uses a biased narrator to highlight the clash of cultures between Italian and American justic systems - that create a sharp connection between the craft of the author, the tools they use, and the thematic question being answered. But essays that have 100 words of plot re-telling at the start of each paragraph before they get to an analytical point just aren't well-organised enough.

Body paragraphs - are they equitable in length? Essays with one or two very long paragraphs and other shorter ones always get criticised. Is each work given equal weighting in the essay? If not, marks will be lower. Is the essay comparative in structure? I propose one body paragraph about one, one about the other, and then one about both. However, ensuring each body paragraph is about both works also solves the problem. But it must be comparative in structure - not just with some comparative conjunctions, like "similarly" - and each work must be considered equally.

Are quotations used and embedded within the essay effectively? This is another skills of literary organisation. 

D: Language (5)

Traditionally this is the criterion for which inexperienced teachers and examiners undergrade students. At Standard Level at least, as long as the essay could be understood by the examiner with some attempt at a formal register, the student would gain 3 marks. At Higher Level, there usually needed a little more accuracy in terms of punctuation (the basics of capital letters and full stops, rather than the curse of comma-splicing), and the titles of the works needed to be cited at least semi-accurately (they should be in italics, of course, or underlined when handwritten, for novels and plays. Not speech marks. But poems should be in speech marks, with the collection in italics). 

Most serious students with a strong level of language should be able to get 4 marks in this criterion, especially if they use some technica terminology when discussing the literary features. However, it has always been very difficult to get 5, for it requires high-level vocabulary used appropriately (and sparingly as necessary), and involves such careful precision and concision when writing. Less can often be more with this criterion; there is rarely much benefit from swallowing the thesaurus!

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English A: Language and Literature Support Site

Hle assessment criteria, criterion a: knowledge, understanding and interpretation.

  • To what extent does the essay show knowledge and understanding of the work or body of work?
  • To what extent are interpretations drawn from the work or body of work to explore the topic?
  • To what extent are interpretations supported by relevant references to the work or body of work?
Marks Descriptor
1 The essay shows knowledge and understanding of the work or body of work. Interpretations are relevant to the topic and supported by references to the work or body of work.
2 The essay shows knowledge and understanding of the work or body of work. Interpretations are relevant to the topic and supported by references to the work or body of work.
3 The essay shows knowledge and understanding of the work or body of work. Interpretations are relevant to the topic and supported by references to the work or body of work.
4 The essay shows a knowledge and understanding of the work or body of work. Interpretations are to the topic and supported by appropriate references to the work or body of work.
5 The essay shows knowledge and understanding of the work or body of work. Interpretations are to the topic and supported by convincing references to the work or body of work.

Criterion B: Analysis and evaluation

  • To what extent does the essay show analysis and evaluation of how the author uses stylistic and structural features to construct meaning on the topic?
Marks Descriptor
1 The essay shows analysis and evaluation of how uses stylistic and structural features to construct meaning on the topic.
2 The essay shows analysis and evaluation of how uses stylistic and structural features to construct meaning on the topic.
3 The essay shows analysis and evaluation of how uses stylistic and structural features to construct meaning on the topic.
4 The essay shows analysis and evaluation of how uses stylistic and structural features to construct meaning on the topic.
5 The essay shows analysis and evaluation of how uses stylistic and structural features to construct meaning on the topic.

Criterion C: Coherence, focus and organisation

  • To what extent does the essay show coherence, focus and organisation?
Marks Descriptor
1 The essay shows coherence, focus and organisation.
2 The essay shows coherence, focus and organisation.
3 The essay shows coherence, focus and organisation.
4 The essay shows coherence, focus and organisation.
5 The essay shows coherence, focus and organisation.

Criterion D: Language

  • To what extent is the student’s use of vocabulary, tone, syntax, style and terminology accurate, varied and effective?
Marks Descriptor
1 The student’s use of vocabulary, tone, syntax, style and terminology is accurate, varied and effective.
2 The student’s use of vocabulary, tone, syntax, style and terminology is accurate, varied and effective.
3 The student’s use of vocabulary, tone, syntax, style and terminology is accurate, varied and effective.
4 The student’s use of vocabulary, tone, syntax, style and terminology is accurate, varied and effective.
5 The student’s use of vocabulary, tone, syntax, style and terminology is accurate, varied and effective.


  1. IB Extended Essay Guide: Topics and Tips

    ib essay length

  2. How To Write A Perfect Extended Essay in IB English

    ib essay length

  3. Ib extended essay. Facharbeit & Extended Essay. 2022-11-06

    ib essay length


    ib essay length

  5. IB History Essay Writing Structure by History Toolbox

    ib essay length

  6. IB Extended Essay Guide: Topics and Tips

    ib essay length


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  1. Extended essay

    The extended essay is an independent, self-directed piece of research, finishing with a 4,000-word paper. One component of the International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) core, the extended essay is mandatory for all students. Read about the extended essay in greater detail. You can also read about how the IB sets deadlines for ...

  2. The Complete IB Extended Essay Guide: Examples, Topics, and Ideas

    Conclusion. References and bibliography. Additionally, your research topic must fall into one of the six approved DP categories, or IB subject groups, which are as follows: Group 1: Studies in Language and Literature. Group 2: Language Acquisition. Group 3: Individuals and Societies. Group 4: Sciences.

  3. How Long is Extended Essay? Minimum and Maximum Word Count

    An IB Extended Essay should have a minimum of 1,500 words and a maximum of 4,000 words. It is important to stay within the specified word count, as going over the limit can lead to lower grades. When writing your extended essay, it is important to make sure that each paragraph is well structured and contains only relevant information.

  4. Extended Essay Word Count: IB EE Word Count Limits

    Firstly, the absolute upper limit for an extended essay is 4,000 words. This is a strict threshold. According to general IB criteria, essays exceeding this count risk being penalized, affecting your overall score. This cap is in place to encourage precision and conciseness in your argumentation and analysis.

  5. PDF Extended Essay Handbook

    IB diploma. It is intended to promote high-level research, writing skills, intellectual discovery, and creativity. ... The length of your extended essay will be no more than 4000 words (approximately 15-16 pages) and should take approximately 40 hours of work to complete. You are, to a large extent, responsible for your own independent learning ...

  6. IB Extended Essay: 250+ Ideas and Guide

    One of the distinguishing features of the IB Extended Essay is its length. It requires students to write a substantial essay of up to 4,000 words, which is equivalent to about 16-20 pages. This allows students to delve into their chosen subject matter and demonstrate their ability to engage with complex ideas.

  7. IB English, the HL Essay: All You Need to Know

    Written By Our IB++Tutor Birgitte J. What You Need to Know. The HL Essay is a 1200-1500 word formal essay and it is based on a literary work studied as part of the course. You cannot use the same work for the IO or the Paper 2 [1] for this essay. In the IB Language and Literature course [2], the essay can also be based on a non-literary or ...

  8. What Is An Extended Essay & How to Write It?

    IB extended essay (IB EE) is another one of the mandatory requirements of the IB Diploma Programme. It is a mini-thesis that you write under the supervision of a mentor/advisor. Your mentor will be an IB teacher from your school. The students must conduct independent research on a topic of their choice, which must be at most the limit of 4000 ...

  9. IB English A Extended Essay Topics

    Topics to Read: IB Extended Essay Topics: Business and Management. IB Extended Essay Topics: Physics. IB Extended Essay Topics: Economics. IB Extended Essay Topics: Sports and Health Science. IB Extended Essay Topics: Geography. IB Extended Essay Topics: Global Politics. IB World Studies Extended Essay Ideas. IB Results Remark Procedure.

  10. PDF Extended essay

    The Extended Essay (EE) is an essential component in the IB Diploma Program. The purpose of the essay is to allow students to engage in independent research and pursue knowledge in a subject area of personal interest. The students will be required to communicate their information in a logical manner and present the final essay according to the ...

  11. Extended Essay vs. Internal Assessment: IB Guide

    Subscribe. In the IB curriculum, the Extended Essay and the Internal Assessment stand out as both challenges and opportunities for students. In this article, we discuss the nuances of each component, offer insights from experienced IB educators, and reflect on student experiences to provide a comprehensive understanding of these academic tasks.

  12. IB English Higher Level Essay (HLE) Explained

    The HL Essay (HLE) is a 1200-1500 word essay about a text studied in the IB English course. For Lang Lit, the work you choose to analyze can be literary or non-literary, but for IB English Literature the text must be literary. The HLE will make up 25% of your final IB English HL grade, and it is graded externally.

  13. How Long Is An IB Extended Essay? Let's Find Out

    An extended essay should not be more than 4,000 words long. IB advises instructors never to read any more words past the set limit. And exceeding the 4,000-word mark can actually get you penalized. Your first draft can be as long as 6,000 words or maybe even more. When working on your final copy, you'll often find yourself deleting some ...

  14. IB History Extended Essay: The Complete Guide for Students

    Understanding the IB History Extended Essay. For most students, the History internal assessment and the extended essay can have some confusing similarities, yet they are completely different. For one, the history EE is 4000 words long while the IA is 1500 words in length. Second, the EE is a more in-depth exploration with an emphasis on primary ...

  15. LibGuides: Extended Essay Guide: The Conclusion

    Extended Essay Conclusion. A conclusion is not merely a summary of the main topics covered or a re-statement of your research question, but a synthesis of key points and, if applicable, where you recommend new areas for future research. For most essays, one well-developed paragraph is sufficient for a conclusion, although in some cases, a two ...

  16. IB English Paper 1 Explained

    Each text is between 1-2 pages in length. Task. For SL students, you're in luck! Your task is to write a guided analysis on just one of the two texts. Total marks: 20. You have 1 hour and 15 minutes. For HL students, you're in less luck… Your task is to write two guided analysis essays-one on each of the texts. Total marks: 40.

  17. Top 8 Tips for Earning a Level 7 on the IB English HL Essay

    8 Tips for Earning a Level 7 on the IB English HL Essay (with Examples) Top 8 Tips for Earning a Level 7 on the IB English HL Essay. 2. Decide on your Topic by Brainstorming Wider Themes. 3. Consolidate your Line of Argument in a Thesis Statement. 4.

  18. Higher Level Essay

    Work hard. Defeat the HLE and allow yourself to beam with pride. Go ahead, you've earned it. IB English - Higher Level Essay - Sample Paper (Dorfman) You've probably noticed that Andrew and Dave love drama. Dialogue, stage directions, props…they're amazing! Watch our student crush this HLE on Death and the Maiden by Dorfman.

  19. DP extended essay updates

    The new extended essay (EE) will be launched in February 2025. First assessment will take place in May 2027. Below you will find an overview of the course updates. For a technical breakdown of the DP curriculum and assessment methods for this course, read the extended essay subject brief. You also can view information on the current extended ...

  20. IB English A Language and Literature: HL Essay Assessment

    In the marking of the assessment task, there is equal quantitative value placed on the ideas presented in the essay (10 marks) and the essay's organization and use of language (10 marks). Maximum: 20 marks. [4] The final essay produced for submission needs to be 1200-1500 words in length. Examiners will not read more than 1500 words.

  21. Deadline

    Last updated: 06 June 2023. The International Baccalaureate® (IB) sets a submission date for the extended essay, which is communicated to schools. It is each school's responsibility to ensure that all candidate work is received by the IB, with the required paperwork received by the submission date set.

  22. Paper 2

    What is the overall word length? I would suggest that essays should be between 800 and 1000 words in length (in 1 hour and 45 minutes). Much less that that should be penalised in criterion A, but probably in C too. I would say the same for essays that were considerably longer than that, as they probably lack sharp focus.

  23. English A: Lang Lit: HLE Assessment criteria

    Descriptor. 1. The essay shows little analysis and evaluation of how the author uses stylistic and structural features to construct meaning on the topic. 2. The essay shows some analysis and evaluation of how the author uses stylistic and structural features to construct meaning on the topic. 3.