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Why I Love Gardening: How It Changed My Life

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Have you ever wondered why some people love gardening and treat their plants like prized possessions? I will share my gardening story here today, starting with my childhood. My grandmother introduced me to gardening. We would spend time planting and caring for different crops in her beautiful backyard.

I’ll share why I love gardening and how it has become an important part of my life. You will also learn about the scientifically proven benefits of gardening, from reducing stress to improving mental health.

Get ready to dig in. Understanding why people love gardening might inspire you to pick up a trowel and join the fun.

7 Key Takeaways on My Love for Gardening

  • My grandmother introduced me to gardening and made it a cherished family tradition.
  • Gardening with family can create lasting memories and strengthen relationships.
  • I faced many challenges in gardening but learned and grew from each one.
  • Gardening offers peace and relaxation, reducing stress and improving heart health.
  • Growing my own fruits and vegetables provides nutritious, fresh food and a sense of accomplishment.
  • Gardening helps reduce carbon footprints, increase biodiversity, and conserve water.
  • Gardening allows me to express my creativity, transforming my space into a beautiful, ever-changing work of art.

My Gardening Story: From Novice to Enthusiast

I’m sharing my story about starting a garden, from the first feeling that inspired me to the challenges that made me doubt my gardening skills. Whether you’re new to gardening or have been doing it for years, I hope my gardening journey resonates with you.

My Love of Gardening – The Initial Spark

My grandmother Jenny holding me when I was still a young girl, the main reason why I love gardening.

I always admired my grandmother Jenny’s gardening skills. But it wasn’t until a sunny afternoon in her backyard that I became interested in gardening myself. We were there to grow tomatoes. She handed me a tiny seedling and shared stories of her own grandmother doing the same. It’s a family tradition!

Over time, the tiny seedling had grown into a large tomato plant with many juicy red tomatoes. Harvesting those tomatoes with my grandma was a joy I won’t forget. We spent hours in her kitchen making delicious homemade spaghetti sauce out of them. Just the smell alone brought back so many memories.

My time in the garden with my grandma showed me that gardening is more than just a hobby; it’s a way to connect with our roots — literally and figuratively. The garden became something we both loved, bringing us closer together and creating a strong bond. Now, I share that same bond with my daughters.

If the garden is your favorite place, consider inviting other family members to join you in the dirt. It’s a great way of bonding with people. The memories you’ll create will be worth every ounce of soil.

Overcoming My Challenges With Gardening

My daughter and I are standing in a lush garden filled with tomato plants, one of the reasons why I love gardening.

Gardening isn’t all sunshine and blooming roses. It has its thorny moments, but the good thing is that every setback teaches us to be strong.

My first attempts at all aspects of gardening didn’t go very well. I watered the plants too much, didn’t realize how important sunlight was, and neglected to take care of the soil. It was a learning experience, to say the least.

But I didn’t give up. Instead, I saw these moments as opportunities to learn. I read books, went to workshops, and asked experienced gardeners in my community for advice.

I’ll share some other challenges I faced with gardening and the life lessons I learned:

  • Bugs – Dealing with annoying bugs can be a big problem for gardeners. When I first dealt with aphids, my beautiful roses suffered a lot. Instead of using chemical sprays, I used natural ways to control pests . I brought helpful bugs like ladybugs and lacewings to my garden and planted companion plants.
  • Soil – I learned that different soil types pose challenges for my plants. To address this, I became knowledgeable about soil. I improved my clay soil with compost . I added organic matter to my sandy beds. I also tried using raised beds and containers for more control over the growing medium.
  • Weather – Mother Nature can be unpredictable, from scorching heat to unexpected frosts. I lost some of my favorite plants due to extreme weather, but I started planting with the climate in mind instead of getting upset. I used drought-tolerant plants and protective coverings like shade cloths and frost blankets to help my strong plants thrive.

I encountered many challenges, but each one helped me become a better gardener and more determined to succeed. Gardening has shown me that setbacks are just opportunities in muddied overalls.

Reasons Why I Love Gardening

Gardening is more than just a hobby for me. I find joy and peace in it. In the following sections, I will explain why I love gardening and how it enriches my life.

1. Gardening as My Therapeutic Escape

My grandmother and my younger self joyfully picking green tomatoes together in her garden, the moment that made me realize why I love gardening.

Gardening is my refuge, sanctuary, and personal therapist. Everything else fades away when I enter my garden. Caring for plants in this lovely space, feeling the soil, and watching them grow brings peace and joy to people who experience it.

Research shows that spending time in nature can help reduce stress and anxiety and lower blood pressure ( source ). Gardening also improves your heart rate, making it heart-healthy.

Gardening is calming because it engages multiple senses. You see bright colors, feel soft petals, and smell earthy scents, contributing to your overall peace. This moment with nature relaxes me, and you’ll be surprised at how this simple act can transform your mental state. 

2. Gardening as My Lifelong Learning Pursuit

My daughter and I smile joyfully while standing in a sunlit tomato garden, one of the reasons why I love gardening.

Gardening is a lifelong journey of learning. It’s always changing and requires us to stay open to new knowledge. It’s like finding a hidden library, where each plant and plot offers something new to discover.

The more time I spend in the garden, the more I realize that the soil is not just a place for plants to grow — it’s also fertile ground for my personal growth.

Here are a few of the many skills and insights gardening has taught me:

  • Creative Problem-Solving – Every season brings challenges, like pests, diseases, and climate issues. But these problems also create opportunities for innovation. You can try approaches like companion planting. You can also use homemade remedies. Or, you can just observe and adapt.
  • Experimentation – Gardening is a fun and interesting hobby for curious people. Over the years, I have tried growing different types of plants. Some of my experiments succeeded. Others taught me about resilience and letting go.
  • Patience – Gardening teaches us that good things take time. It shows us the value of patience and care. When we see the first shoots or blooms, it feels even more rewarding.

Gardening isn’t just about turning empty land into lush gardens. It has made me a lifelong learner and enhanced my awareness of life. It’s a journey of never-ending fascination and self-discovery, all sparked by planting and watching a seed grow.

3. Gardening as My Source of Fresh, Nutritious Food

A white plate filled with various fresh leafy greens is placed on a rustic wooden table, one of the reasons why I love gardening.

My garden is not just a piece of land; it’s where I grow fresh, healthy food. Gardening has changed the way I think about food. The happiness I feel when I pick a ripe tomato or bite into a freshly harvested cucumber is amazing. It’s not just about the taste; it’s about the incredible nutrition.

Here’s how growing your own delicious produce can be a game-changer for your diet:

  • Nutritional Superiority – Growing your own fruits and vegetables at home can result in produce that tastes better. It is also more nutritious than the store’s. This is because you have full control over the soil quality, the fertilizers, and the methods used to control pests.
  • Rich in Antioxidants – When you grow your own crops, you can enjoy them at their best. They’re packed with vital antioxidants that are good for your health.
  • Variety and Seasonality – Ever wondered why a tomato from the farmers’ market tastes better than one from the supermarket in the winter? Homegrown produce lets you try different varieties of plants and fruit-bearing trees and enjoy food when it’s in season and at its best.
  • Reduced Chemical Exposure – Controlling plant growth can help you avoid or reduce synthetic pesticides and herbicides. This helps ensure that your food is as clean and safe as possible.

I find it satisfying to know that the food on my plate comes from just steps away. I eat mindfully, savoring each bite. I appreciate the journey from seed to table. I’ve learned that the freshest, healthiest food is not just an indulgence. It’s a daily celebration of nature’s gifts.

4. Gardening’s Positive Environmental Impact

A person's hands gently surrounding a small green seedling planted in the soil, embodying why I love gardening.

Gardening is not just about making our surroundings beautiful. It is also about taking care of the earth we live on. Gardening has a big positive effect on the environment and goes beyond just the surface.

Let me walk you through some of the key reasons gardening is good for the environment :

  • Carbon Footprint Reduction – By growing my own food, I’ve reduced the produce I buy from stores. Store-bought produce often travels long distances, adding to carbon emissions. I also compost kitchen scraps and yard waste. This reduces the organic matter that goes to landfills. It helps stop the creation of harmful greenhouse gases.
  • Increased Biodiversity – I planted various plants and wildlife-friendly trees in my garden. I’ve created homes and food for pollinators, birds, and helpful insects. Watching these different species thrive in my garden has made me realize how important it is to conserve and protect the intricate web of life.
  • Water Conservation – I use smart watering methods, including collecting rainwater and using drip irrigation. They have helped me use less water. Putting mulch on garden beds keeps the soil moist, so I don’t have to water as much.
  • Soil Health and Conservation – I’ve improved my soil’s health. I did this by switching from synthetic fertilizers to organic amendments and compost. This has made the soil more resilient and less likely to erode. Practices like crop rotation and cover cropping keep the soil’s structure and fertility good. They stop nutrients from running off into nearby water bodies.

Gardening may seem small, but it greatly impacts the environmental balance when many people garden. It has given me a real way to help the environment, making me feel a strong connection to wildlife and our planet.

5. Gardening as My Creative Outlet

I’ve always loved art, but it wasn’t until I started gardening that I found a truly dynamic creative outlet. Gardening is like painting with nature. I’m the director, and the plants are my actors. Every step allows me to use my artistic instincts, from planning to seeing the changes each season.

My garden is like a blank canvas. I can shape it with my ideas and a few basic design principles. Planning the layout of beds, walkways, and focal points is where the fun begins. Choosing beautiful plants with colors, textures, and heights creates a masterpiece.

You must capture your artistic vision to create a successful garden design plan . You must also think about the practical aspects of your space and climate. By thoughtfully placing plants of different heights and textures, you can add depth and layers to your landscape.

Your garden is always changing. Feel free to try new things, take risks, and let your personality show. It’s a way to express yourself, whether in an outdoor garden or an indoor space. A touch of nature makes every environment more vibrant and personal, adjusting to the pace of life around it.

24 Creative Garden Container Ideas

My Love for Gardening Final Thoughts

Gardening has taught me patience, resilience, and the beauty of life’s cycles. It’s given me a sense of purpose, a sanctuary to retreat to, and the joy of nurturing something from seed to bloom. In the garden, I’ve found solace during difficult times and celebration during moments of triumph.

I highly recommend it if you haven’t started this green journey yet. The benefits are varied, like the flowers in a meadow. They offer a break from city life. They are a chance to grow as a gardener and person. And they bring the joy of watching life thrive under your care.

Don’t forget the satisfaction of growing your own fruits and vegetables in the summer. From crunchy lettuce to juicy tomatoes, the rewards are visual and delicious. There’s a sense of accomplishment in knowing that you contributed to the growth and nourishment of these plants.

So, get a trowel, put your hands in the soil, and let gardening change your life. It’s a love affair that will only strengthen over time, enriching your beautiful life.

What’s Your Gardening Story?

Now it’s your turn to step into the spotlight. I want to hear your amazing stories about gardening, your successes, and even your epic failures. Gardening is a journey we all take, and each journey is unique.

Share your experiences to help us build a connected community of advocates of gardening. We aim to celebrate gardening’s joy and learn from its challenges. By sharing your story, you can deepen our understanding of gardening. Plus, it will inspire others to start and explore new things.

Whether you have a big backyard or just a single windowsill, your opinion is important, and I’m excited to hear it. The garden is a place for plants and us to grow, so let’s grow together.

My Love for Gardening FAQs

1. what is a person who loves gardening.

People who enjoy gardening are often called gardeners or horticulturists. They like growing and caring for plants and find happiness and relaxation in this activity.

2. Is Gardening a Girly Hobby?

Gardening is not a girly hobby. People of all genders enjoy it. It offers benefits and pleasures that appeal to a wide range of individuals.

3. Why Do Humans Like Gardening?

Gardening is popular because it brings a sense of calm and a connection with nature. It also provides exercise and stress relief. It’s a multi-sensory experience that promotes well-being. Watching plants grow and thrive gives us a feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment.

4. Does Gardening Release Dopamine?

Engaging in gardening activities, such as planting and harvesting, can trigger dopamine release. It is a neurotransmitter linked to pleasure and reward. It adds to happiness and satisfaction.

5. Does Being Around Plants Make You Happy?

Being around plants can make you happy. Plants can reduce stress and improve mood. They enhance well-being through their calming presence and connection with nature.

Learn more about gardening through these interesting reads:

  • Tips for Starting a Vegetable Garden
  • Ways to Keep Animals Out of Garden
  • Wild Edible Plants Guide
  • Facts About Flowers

Fast Growing Trees and Plants

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7 life lessons your garden can teach you, "i say, if your knees aren't green by the end of the day, you ought to seriously re-examine your life." - from calvin & hobbes by bill watterson.

Editor’s note: This article has been updated .

A garden delights every sense – the bees humming amongst the flowers in garden beds , the soft dirt between our fingers, the bright colors of ripening fruits amidst the greens, the taste of a freshly picked tomato. But true garden lovers know that the benefits of gardening aren’t just physical. As the years pass season to season, gardens teach us things about life that change who we are.

1. Learning to look at things from a different perspective can save you a lot of heartache

My green thumb came only as a result of the mistakes I made while learning to see things from the plant’s point of view. – H. Fred Dale

There are gardeners who battle against the elements, fighting to put a specific plant in a specific place, only to find that the same pests return year after year to destroy their best-laid plans. ‘Why don’t the chemicals work?’ they cry, and, ‘What am I doing wrong?’ When you’re beating your head against the wall because the same old thing isn’t working any more, maybe it’s time to reevaluate and try something new. Change is good, especially being able to see something with new eyes.

2. Optimism is important

Gardening is a matter of your enthusiasm holding you up until your back gets used to it. – Author Unknown

Seed catalogs arrive when snow is still on the ground in most places, and garden planning is really just an act of imagination. The failures of the previous year and the hard knots in your lower back have faded away just long enough to dream of an even better garden this year. Trusting that the future holds the possibility of better things, new growth, and sunshine (as well as much-needed rain) is the first step to making good things happen.

3. The most beautiful things in life are sandwiched between a rock and a hard place

In gardens, beauty is a by-product. The main business is sex and death. – Sam Llewelyn

One of everyone’s least favorite gardening jobs is thinning seedlings (or at least mine is). I feel guilty every time I pinch away the tiny little plant which has just sprung from the soil. Plants die, either through their natural cycle, or because something killed them. They rely on the nitty-gritty business of bees and wind to produce seeds, and they struggle through the soil around rocks and tiny creatures just waiting to devour them. The garden is a battleground of survival, but through it all is this miraculous and beautiful life, which is not only thriving, it’s exuberant in its existence. Life needs that struggle and the reality of sex and death to create the beauty within it.

4. It’s okay to be alone sometimes

It is good to be alone in a garden at dawn or dark so that all its shy presences may haunt you and possess you in a reverie of suspended thought. – James Douglas, Down Shoe Lane

There are a few people who revel in aloneness, but there are many more of us who find it insufferable to be alone, in the quiet, with our own thoughts. The magic of the garden is that it somehow always feels okay to be out amidst the plants, sweating and pulling weeds, feeling the satisfaction and pride of a well-tended garden, absolutely alone. If you must choose between the meditation of sitting in a quiet room and the meditation of gardening, it’s far easier to empty your mind in the physical exertion of a garden than it is in the dark, sitting on the floor. And then, in the quiet of your mind surrounded by the noisy chaos of wind, bees, birds and crawly things, you will find that being alone is often good.

5. Every good thing requires hard work

Our England is a garden, and such gardens are not made by singing, “Oh, how beautiful!” and sitting in the shade… – Rudyard Kipling, ‘The Glory of the Garden’

First-time gardeners are surprised by the time it takes to make a good garden. There are anthropologists who argue that one of humanity’s biggest mistakes was to switch from hunter-gatherers to farmers, because it took up so much more of our day and our energy. We chose the life of agriculturalists because it produced a surplus – a way of creating some insurance for the future. Hard work is the secret ingredient for every good thing in life, especially really hard work. The harder you work at something, the better it will be.

6. Failure is the necessary stepping stone to success

A garden is always a series of losses set against a few triumphs, like life itself. – May Sarton

Every year in the garden is a circle of successes, and even more failures. Which variety of lettuce will do better in the heat? Why did I have so many cutworms ? Why didn’t my carrots sprout? It’s an experiment that takes place over and over again to find the right formula, and often there isn’t one. What worked one year might not work the next.

A ‘successful’ garden is a misnomer: there is no such thing as 100% success in gardening. When you are dealing with nature, there are no guarantees. There is also not a single successful person who does not have a long story to tell about the extreme failures they experienced on the road to that success. If you were only able to take one skill to a deserted island, being able to fail well and learn from failure will be the secret to finding your way out.

7. The unexpected can often be beautiful and magnificent

You can plan ahead but the unexpected will happen and it’s not always a bad thing. Many things grow in the garden that were never sown there. – Thomas Fuller, Gnomologia

Just like our gardens, life is short, fraught with the unexpected, filled with failure and adversity, and never seems to go as we planned. It’s also magnificent in its beauty as we experience love and laughter, adventures, and the small joys that can fill us with sublime happiness.

Almost none of the happiest moments in life are planned – instead, it’s the spontaneity of life that is the most delightful part. Let us revel in the little things and find joy in the dirt !

Eartheasy Blog - & life lessons your garden can teach you

About the Author

Nicole Faires Nicole Faires is an urban farmer and best-selling author of books on sustainable agriculture and food policy. Originally from Montana, she now lives with her family on the West Coast. Find out more at or connect with her on LinkedIn.

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Essay on My Garden for Students and Children

500+ words  essay on my garden.

Essay on My Garden – A Garden is the best place in the house according to me. As it is the only place where a person can get relief from a busy life. Moreover having a garden in the house welcomes many health benefits. For instance, a garden has many plants that give oxygen.

Essay on My Garden

Furthermore, the smell of the flowers can refresh a person’s mind in the morning. However, in this era, people are not able to build a garden, because of the lack of space. And also some think that it is a waste of space. So the gardens are no more present in the house. On the other hand gardens in the houses are necessary. In order to lead a peaceful life, a garden plays a major role.

My garden contains different types of plants. For instance, it has different flowers such as roses, sunflowers, Lilies, daisies. These flowers are the easiest to grow and flourish the environment with their beautiful smells. Moreover, the colors of these flowers make a garden look beautiful.

Further, my garden has different vegetables growing in them. For example vegetables like tomato, carrots, sweet potato, cauliflower, bell pepper, etc. These are the easiest to grow. Apart from this, they have various health benefits. Furthermore, this ensures that the vegetables are fresh and free from any chemicals.

The garden has grass all over the area. As a result, this makes it the best place for any exercise. Furthermore, it has a soft ground where children can play different sports.

This ensures that they do not get hurt even if they fall down while playing. Further, my garden has a swing too which is my favorite. Because I can spend hours swinging on it and do not get bored. Sometimes I spend my entire day in the garden completing all my tasks there. But this is only possible whenever I have a holiday.

Get the huge list of more than 500 Essay Topics and Ideas

The Gardener

As he loves taking care of the garden. Moreover, he is the only person who has set up the entire. My father is a nature lover. Therefore he takes out time from his busy schedule and takes care of the garden. He always tries new things in the garden. For instance last week he brought some new varieties of flowers. Some of them were climbers, bulbs, and perennials.

what have you learned in gardening essay

As a result, my garden is now full of flowers and is the brightest of all. Apart from my father, there is another person whom my father has appointed to take care of the garden. Because he has to stay away from the house so the gardener comes at that time. Furthermore, the work of grooming and cutting the plants is the duty of the gardener.

Birds in My Garden

Every day in the morning I can hear the chirping of many birds. Birds like sparrow, pigeon and Indian myna come to wake us up in the morning. Moreover, the peacock also comes occasionally in the garden. At that time the whole family gathers together to have a look at the beautiful feathers. In conclusion, the time spent in my garden is the most beautiful garden in the entire day.

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Name any two flowers that grow in a garden.”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “The two flowers that grow in a garden are roses and sunflowers. Moreover, these flowers are the easiest to grow. Therefore they are found mostly in gardens.”} }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What are the benefits of having a garden in the house?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”The benefits of having a garden in the house are- the person gets fresh air in the environment of the benefits. Moreover, it enhances the look of the house and makes it beautiful.”} }] }

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Growth Lessons: Valuable Insights Gardening Teaches About Life

Last Updated on February 14, 2024 by Lifevif Team and JC Franco

Ah, gardening. It’s a delight to me in every sense of the word. There are days where I find myself chained to my desk, but daydreaming about working among the buzzing bees, sniffing the fresh petals of new blooms, crunching into a just-ripened green bean, and feeling the soft, enriched earth between my fingers. Gardening is my thing…it’s my solution to all problems.

It’s true that gardening is a delight to the senses, but as a true gardening enthusiast, I know that there’s so much more to gardening than just the sensory and physical experience. There are also life lessons to be learned from gardening.

Gardening has various physical and health benefits, but what do we learn if we look at gardening as a metaphor? That’s what the below life lessons serve to do. It’s true that gardening can teach us valuable life lessons. I have learned a lot from gardening myself. If you would like to find out how gardening has taught me many special life lessons, read on – I would love to share these valuable nuggets of inspiration with you.

In all my years of gardening , I have learned far more than just 20 life lessons. However, I feel that these 20 are of the most value to avid gardeners or even newbies to the community of green fingers. Let’s take a look at  how  gardening has taught me these things.

20 valuable life lessons gardening has taught me:

Table of Content

1. Always consider different perspectives.

When I first started gardening, I would look at a plant and assume that I knew what was best for it. I would pot it or plant it, I would water and feed it, I would position it – all of this was based on what  I  thought was best. In the end, some of the plants made it clear that my ideas of what was best for them, wasn’t quite what they had in mind. 

From my perspective, everything seemed great and should have worked, but from the plant’s perspective, things weren’t so great. Due to a process of trial and error, I eventually learned the importance of considering the plant’s perspective first…and this is something that has proven useful in other areas of my life and human interactions too.

2. A positive outlook is absolutely essential.

In my garden, plants sometimes take a knock from nature. It could be excessive heat, heavy rain, hail, or even an insect invasion. In these cases, I have learned to assess the damage, do what I can to help the plant, and be positive that it will pull through. If I only focused on the negative, I might not see fit to assist the plant, and it could end in its ultimate demise. This positive outlook on even negative situations seems to have filtered through into all areas of my life.

3. Adaptability is essential.

Whether you bring a plant home from the nursery or grow one from seed and then need to transplant it, that plant needs to learn to adapt fairly quickly in order to survive. Some plants take a knock and spend a few days looking wilted or discolored, but in the end, they adapt and start to make the most of their new environment. This has taught me that being adaptable is essential to growth and that we should make the most of the environment that we are in.

4. Even the smallest growth is to be appreciated and celebrated.

In life, we tend to take a look at small personal growth and discredit it. Perhaps you lose 1kg on your diet instead of the 5kg you were aiming for. Or perhaps you have only learned 5 new words of that new language you are learning, instead of full sentences. Any growth is growth towards reaching your goals. Plants have taught me this. 

Even the smallest amount of growth is essential in a plant’s life. Without it, it wouldn’t be able to reach the next stage, which is possibly the stage that spurs them on to thriving.

5. Be consistent and reliable.

Plants are plants. They do what they do. You won’t find a Chamomile flower responding to certain conditions favorably one day and then unfavorably the next. You won’t find a red rose changing color to become a different color by tomorrow. Plants are consistent and behave reliably. I learned that this is actually quite valuable in my own life. 

The more reliable and consistent you are, the better things can go for you, because people learn to trust and respect you for whom and what you are.

6. A little bit of dirt is good for the body and soul.

Before I became an avid gardener, I must admit that I wasn’t too keen on getting my hands dirty. Now, I love digging my hands into the soil and making a mess. The end result is always something beautiful. Getting my hands dirty has become a great way to relax and unwind. I also learned that it’s  good  for my health because the soil has bacteria in it that’s good for your immune system. That’s interesting, isn’t it?

7. Death is the circle of life.

For many, including me, death can be a scary concept. It can be so scary to think about that we, as humans, put it out of our minds. We never give much thought to the fact that we are approaching our deaths (I hope that thought doesn’t stress you out too much right now!). By encountering plants going through their natural cycle of birth, life, death – repeat, I have become more comfortable and understanding of the concept of death and how it is part of the circle of life.

8. Failure  is a driving force of success.

In the garden, when a plant doesn’t take to its new environment or when a design idea fails, you don’t give up. Instead, you try something new. You assess the situation; you Google possible solutions, and you get right to work trying to rectify the situation. I have learned that this very same approach can work wonders in life. In fact, mistakes often result in success because once you know what doesn’t work, you can create scenarios that  do  work in your life. 

9. Relying on others is important and necessary.

My plants are my babies. I spend time tending them often. Without my care, the plants in my garden would wither and die. For a long time, I didn’t give much thought to this. I am an independent person, and often I struggled to rely on other people. Until I realized that my plants rely solely on my care. And because of this lesson, I have become more focused on allowing myself to rely on others. Their care and support might just help me to get to where I need to be quicker.

10. Selfishness is merely a hurdle to your ultimate success.

Something I have noticed over the years is that plants lack selfishness. Even if you aren’t the best gardener, your plant won’t purposely punish you for it. Instead, your plant will do the best it can and give as much as it can, regardless. This has taught me that holding back and being selfish won’t do much for my progress, and it is better to always be the best I can be and give as much as I can, if I want to progress easily. 

11. Purposeful acceptance of other’s differences.

Accepting others with all of their quirks and differences is something I learned from gardening. After all, all the plants in your garden are different in some way or another. Yet they are also all quite essential to your overall creation.

12. Creativity and hard work offer great rewards.

A beautiful garden is impossible without a healthy dose of creativity and hard work . The harder I worked and the more creative I was willing to be, the better my garden became. That is something that I have learned applies to other areas of life too. 

13. Being alone is sometimes where the magic happens.

Gardening can be done as a family or as a group, but often it’s done solitarily. I have found that I can do a lot of thinking and processing of emotions while I silently work in my garden. This is where many of my personal breakthroughs and growth have come from. 

14. Nothing thrives without consistent hard work and dedication.

If I only tended my garden when I had a free moment or if I wasn’t willing to do the heavy lifting, digging, wheelbarrowing, and other hard tasks, my garden would be simply average, instead of the awesome garden, it is today. I have a set gardening schedule that I dedicate my time to. In life, it is much the same. If you are consistent in your efforts and committed to your causes, you will thrive. 

15. The consequences of being irresponsible.

One of the biggest lessons I learned as a gardener was that of consequences. At one point, I got thoroughly distracted from my gardening tasks and was quite irresponsible. It seemed like all would be okay, but then one day, when I wandered outside with a cup of tea to admire my garden, I saw that many of the plants had withered, the vegetables had been eaten by insects, and the soil seemed to have lost its health. The consequences of my irresponsible behavior were the destruction/death of my beautiful garden. 

In life, it is much the same. If you neglect what is important, it may take a while, but you will eventually see those important things become damage or fall apart. 

16. With a little bit of care, the weak can become strong.

I have met many people in my life who have appeared weak because they are depressed or downtrodden by life in some way or another. I have never known how to take care of them, but then gardening taught me how. 

In my garden, there are sometimes newbie plants that seem weak, withered, and ready to die. With a bit of care and attention, most of these plants have popped right back up and thrived. In fact, one particular Chili plant that took a bad knock from a heavy hail storm a few years ago is now my strongest and most fruit-producing plant. 

17. Give more than you take.

As humans, we seem to be hardwired to want to take, take, and take. Some of us give back, but it’s easier to take, isn’t it? My garden taught me that this is no way to live. Plants take very little from us, and in return, they give us beautiful flowers and delicious fruits and vegetables. We can learn a lot from that.

18. Trusting others is important and rewarding.

If my plants didn’t open up to me and trust me, I wouldn’t have much of a garden at all. All of my plants trust me to ensure that they are protected, well-fed, and watered. I learned a lot about trust from this. Not only because my plants have to trust me, but also because I have to be someone that they  can  trust. 

19. Water is the elixir of life.

Yup, it’s true for both plants and humans. Without water, we can’t live for too long. Without water, my garden simply dies. It is much the same with humans. We can go for about  3 weeks  without food, but can only live approximately  3 to 4 days  without water. 

20. In the end,  you always reap what you sow .

If you plant a chili seed, a chili plant will grow. Much the same, if you live a life of unkindness, unkindness will find its way back to you. This has really made me think about how I act, react, and treat people. 

What Life Lessons Will  Your  Garden Teach You?

While I am fully in tune with the life lessons taught to me by my garden, it would be interesting to know what your garden has taught you. Perhaps it’s time for you to give it some thought.

what have you learned in gardening essay

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JC Franco is a New York-based editor for Lifevif. He mainly focuses on content about faith, spirituality, personal growth, finance, and sports. He graduated from Mercyhurst University with a Bachelor’s degree in Business, majoring in Marketing. He is a certified tennis instructor who teaches in the New York City Metropolitan area. In terms of finance, he has passed the Level I exam of the CFA program.

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10 Awesome Life Lessons Learned in the Garden

May 26, 2017 by Tiffany Davis Leave a Comment

10 Awesome Life Lessons Learned in the Garden

Planning in life, planning in the garden – both pretty critical if you want to succeed. You have to know what your goals are so you make a plan to achieve them. In a garden you don’t just scatter seeds about willy nilly…not if you want to have any real results. You make some sort of plan out for where each seed will be planted, at what depth and how far apart…if we only gave our lives such detailed thought.

The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul.  ~Alfred Austin

Beauty Isn’t Everything

Beauty is to be appreciated, sure; but some beautiful stuff is down right deadly. In life we must learn to appreciate beauty but know it isn’t everything. Ask a vegetable gardener about gorgeous butterflies and birds…they are a wonder to see but can wreak havoc in your garden.

Learn from Your Mistakes 

what have you learned in gardening essay

French Breakfast Radishes

If you haven’t made a mistake in your garden, you must not have been gardening long. Every garden will have pests, underwhelming harvests and death. But I know I’ve learned something from every mistake I’ve made. I have also learned to reach out to other gardeners (as we should reach for wisdom in life) and ask for help. I’m not saying I’ve never repeated a mistake but I’m getting better all the time.

A Good Foundation is Key

The bible talks about building your house on a rock for a strong foundation. A garden’s foundation is good soil. Without a healthy foundation it won’t matter if you have organic, non-gmo seeds; you can’t throw those babies in sand and hope they’ll grow. In life, as in the garden, we need a strong foundation to grow and achieve our goals. Many of us didn’t get that growing up but we can bring in some healthy people, faith, books and such to “fertilize” our foundation until it is ready to support life.

You Reap What You Sow

Cliche of all cliches but it is a cliche because it rings true! If you sow good organic seeds in that healthy foundation you are going to grow amazingly healthy food to nourish you and your loved ones. In life we need to sow the sort of goodness we want to grow (love, respect, charity, goodwill).

10 Awesome Life Lessons Learned in the Garden

My garden last winter.

Timing is Everything 

Here in Phoenix I do not grow salad greens in the summer. Most of the country is planting and harvesting their salad greens in the summer months, but I grow them in the fall and winter. So if I based my garden (aka my life) on everyone else’s timing my garden and efforts would fail. Those tender greens would literally burn up in the scorching 110 (+) degrees and nothing but frustration would  be grown. In the garden, as in life, we need to know the timing for our pursuits may not be the same as someone else’s.

Variety is the Spice of Life

Diversity is key to a healthy and vibrant life. In the garden if we continue to plant only one or two things in the same space, year after year, it will cause disease and pests to become rampant. Variety in vegetables, fruits and herbs brings vibrant life to the garden by feeding in what the last crop took. Life gets boring in black and white – add some color and diversity to spice it up!

I like gardening — it’s a place where I find myself when I need to lose myself. ~ Alice Sebold

Location, Location, Location

Location isn’t just important – it is everything. Some plants crave all day sun, while others need a little shade to grow properly. We need to be in the right location in life to grow and succeed just like our vegetable gardens. Sometimes you have to play around with the perfect place to put that raised bed; but once it is right you just know it.

10 Awesome Life Lessons Learned in the Garden

Sit on your porch, sip your coffee and admire the beautiful flowers of your zucchini, chives or even the artichokes you forgot to harvest. Sure, they might not smell as good as the roses but they should be admired for the stunning displays they make. Even a purple cabbage can be ornamental. Life is short, don’t be so busy that you miss the stunning awesomeness all around you!

Crap Isn’t the End

Garbage will come and go. But if you know how to compost it, well crap can make some pretty awesome soil full of rich microbes to feed your garden. Life will hand you some crap; that’s a given. But handle your crap with grace and you never know what amazing thing will come out of it in time. Just know what to toss in your compost and what to shovel in the garbage while holding your breath. 😉

BONUS Lesson – Generosity 

My garden has given me many lessons in sharing my abundance. There is nothing like sharing tomatoes, zucchinis, carrots or other garden deliciousness with a neighbor. Sure, I worked hard for that harvest but sharing it with someone who is blessed to enjoy it gives me a lot of joy.

Well there are my 10 awesome life lessons learned in the garden, and a bonus lesson. What has your garden taught you?

The greatest fine art of the future will be the making of a comfortable living from a small piece of land.  ~Abraham Lincoln

what have you learned in gardening essay

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The secrets to vegetable gardening.

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Essay on Importance of Gardening

Students are often asked to write an essay on Importance of Gardening in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Importance of Gardening


Gardening is a fun and rewarding activity. It not only beautifies our surroundings but also offers numerous benefits.

Health Benefits

Gardening is a form of exercise that improves physical health. It also reduces stress, enhancing mental wellbeing.

Environmental Impact

Gardens absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, helping to combat climate change. They also provide habitats for wildlife.

Learning and Creativity

Gardening teaches patience and responsibility. It also fosters creativity, as we design and care for our garden.

250 Words Essay on Importance of Gardening

The therapeutic value of gardening.

Gardening, often perceived as a mundane activity, is in fact a multifaceted discipline that offers a plethora of benefits. It serves as a therapeutic outlet, fostering a connection with nature that is vital in our increasingly urbanized world.

Physical Health and Gardening

Gardening is a form of exercise that promotes physical health. The activity of digging, planting, and watering involves considerable physical effort, contributing to cardiovascular health. Moreover, exposure to sunlight during gardening provides a natural source of vitamin D, essential for bone health and immune function.

Mental Health Benefits

Gardening also offers significant mental health benefits. The nurturing of plants can be a meditative practice that helps reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. The sense of accomplishment derived from watching a plant grow and thrive can boost self-esteem and promote a positive outlook.

Ecological Impact

The ecological impact of gardening is another crucial aspect. It encourages biodiversity, providing habitats for various insects and birds. Additionally, gardening promotes environmental awareness and responsibility, as it necessitates an understanding of the natural cycles and the delicate balance of ecosystems.

Community Building

Finally, gardening can foster community spirit. Community gardens are spaces where individuals can work together, share knowledge, and build relationships. They serve as a platform for social interaction and community development.

500 Words Essay on Importance of Gardening

Gardening, often perceived as a hobby or pastime, holds a profound significance that extends beyond the realm of simple recreation. It is a multifaceted activity that intertwines human life with nature, contributing to both physical and mental health, environmental sustainability, and community engagement.

The Physical and Mental Health Benefits

Gardening is a form of moderate-intensity exercise that can help maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of heart disease, obesity, and other health-related issues. It involves a variety of physical activities such as digging, planting, weeding, and watering, which can improve strength, flexibility, and motor skills.

Gardening, particularly when it involves the cultivation of native plants and organic practices, can have a significant positive impact on the environment. Gardens act as mini ecosystems, providing habitat for local wildlife, including insects, birds, and small mammals. They can also improve air and soil quality, as plants absorb carbon dioxide and other pollutants, while enriching the soil with organic matter.

Moreover, vegetable and fruit gardens contribute to food sustainability, reducing dependence on commercial agriculture, which often involves harmful pesticides and fertilizers. This not only benefits the environment but also ensures healthier and more nutritious food for the gardener.

Community Engagement and Education

Furthermore, gardening can be an effective educational tool, especially for students studying biology, ecology, and environmental science. It offers a hands-on understanding of plant life cycles, photosynthesis, pollination, and other key concepts, making learning more engaging and applicable.

In conclusion, gardening is much more than a leisure activity. It is a conduit for physical and mental well-being, environmental preservation, and community building. By embracing gardening, we not only enhance our personal lives but also contribute to a more sustainable and interconnected world. The importance of gardening, therefore, cannot be overstated, as it is an activity that nurtures not just plants, but people and the planet as well.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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  • Essay on Gardening


Gardening Essay

Gardening is indeed a favourite pastime for us. With our busy and concrete lifestyle, gardening is the only way that keeps us connected to mother nature. Gardening gives us immense joy, as we can see the shrubs and the flowers growing right from their tender stage till it completely shoots and lush into their green life. This literally gives us a sense of mortality which the living creatures have on this planet.

Gardening keeps our daily life fresh, watering the plants, nurturing them, cleaning them all gives us a sense of freshness and calmness in our mind.

Essay on Gardening for Students

In this essay on gardening, the gardening paragraph has been described in detail. A garden can be defined as a piece of property that is structured near or around our house. Different kinds of trees, beautiful flowers, fruits, vegetables, and so on are cultivated. 

People are fond of grooming many types of gardens. A flower garden which consists of varieties of beautifully scented flowers, a fruit garden that holds nutritious fruits, a vegetable garden is very much loved by the households as they bear healthy vegetables which are then cooked and included in their meal are the best examples. Apart from these, botanical gardens and medicinal herb gardens that cure diseases are also included in the hobby.

We love to grow fruit or vegetable gardens near our homes, as this gives us the opportunity to savour the fruit of our hard work in real. These kinds of gardens are known as gardens of the kitchen. Colleges have their own gardens in order to work as a learning lad for the students. Gardening gives us an insight into some of the best practices of the same.

Gardening as a Hobby Essay

Gardens are a good and enjoyable pastime. Enjoying in the fenced lap of nature is something which would seem artificial to the common people but quite peaceful to the city people as they are busy in the other parts of their life, hustling to get something, but gardening helps them to re-start fresh their mornings or evenings. The garden is surrounded by a fence to protect them from stray animals like dogs, cats, or cows. Usually, these fences are made of wood or bamboo.

The garden is designed into splits, the splits are the various parts. All the sections split into flower beds. While every bed is surrounded by an earthen uplift. For these flower crops, fruit trees, vegetables, and medicinal herbs, some parts are intended to be cared for.

In different seasons, people also plant seasonal vegetables. Pumpkin, gourd, lettuce, bitter gourd, garlic, tomato, potato, brinjal, bean, pea, cabbage, turnip, cauliflower, radish, carrots, chilies, and other vegetables. While, among fruit trees apples, chikoos, oranges, plums, etc. In addition to this people also grows climbers and creepers to decorate their garden. Among these includes a money plant, various shrubs. All of these come under the kingdom of plants.

How to Take Care of Plants Essay

People root the grasses, prepare the beds, sow the seeds, plant the trees, and water the crops on a routine basis. People work in their gardens both during the morning and evening, they keep their garden neat and tidy.

We must love and nurture the gardens as well. We must keep in mind to take care of the insect crops in the garden. For these crops, insects can be dangerous. On the crops, flowers, and fruit crops, insects lay eggs, thus we need to sprinkle insecticides that can destroy these eggs. In the soil as well, lime should be occasionally blended to kill the germs and the bacteria that breed in it. This helps the soil’s fertility to improve.

If we attempt to write any 5 Simple Sentences about Garden it can be as follows:

Gardening refines the mood and calms the life of the individual practising it.

In the gardens, we grow various flowers, fruits, and vegetables.

We tender and care for the life of these beautiful crops, thus we grow them with utmost love and care.

These plants in our garden purify the air around us, thus making the air healthy which we breathe.

Also, watching greenery is good for our eyesight. Gardening gives us the scope for the same.

Short Essay on Pleasure of Gardening

Gardening gives us pleasure as we watch the plants grow. With our care, love, and nurture we see the plants growing and flowers blooming, this is a sight to cherish, thus we say gardening gives us a sense of pleasure and enjoyment. From our garden we can get fruits, vegetables and flowers, by this we can enjoy our own hard work. We can get healthy fruits, vegetables, and flowers to decorate. Thus, in this manner too, gardening helps us.

If you will take the time to stop and enjoy gardening, you will realize that it can offer you many pleasures. Finding the perfect plant for your garden can even make you feel an essence of accomplishment. If you’ve got enough space in your garden, you can plan a small pond or a recreation spot into your garden, creating a haven for yourself to simply relax and enjoy the beauty of nature. 

If there are certain flowers you like, you can incorporate them into particular places in your garden. Each time you step out you will see those flowers blooming giving you a true feeling of well-being.

Short essay on Gardening in 100 Words

Gardening is a really good practical activity. You can grow your own vegetables and fruits and thereby you can ensure that you have healthy organic food on the table. When you cook vegetables from your garden, you do so knowing that you’re getting the freshest meal. Gardening necessitates learning about different plants that thrive in various conditions and planning the layout of the garden. Achieving all these gives obvious mental happiness and it opens up our mood.

Gardens can provide a healthier diet, a healthier lifestyle, and also financial relief. Gardening is also a great life lesson that is passed on through generations. it is a great learning experience, no matter the age.

Benefits of Gardening

Health Benefits: Regular gardening activities can be really health-promoting. Gardening can help you encourage mindfulness, lower the stress level and improve the quality of life.  

Environment Benefits:   We all know that human activities have had a serious impact on the environment. Plants and trees generate fresher and cleaner air by releasing oxygen after absorbing carbon dioxide, thereby reducing pollutants in the atmosphere. Plants also prevent erosion because roots hold soil in place.

Vegetable Growth:   Vegetable gardening provides us with various benefits. Growing your own vegetables enables you to know what you have used to help the vegetables grow, and not worry about pesticides and other chemical residues that may have been spread around on the vegetables . 

Importance of Garden in Our Life

Gardening may seem like a hobby, while in reality gardening is actually useful and thus essential to us.

Gardening includes physical activity, like - weeding, plant watering, mulching, trellising, and harvesting–all of these involve the gardener’s physical labour input. Therefore, gardening becomes a great booster to our workout routine as well.

Gardening is indeed a very practical activity. We can develop our own vegetables and fruits, which will allow us to have good food on the table.

Aesthetic gardening brings a sense of pleasure to human beings. Ornamental gardening is a real beauty. Furthermore, these flowers that we grow serve as decorative items for most occasions like births, anniversaries, weddings, birthdays, and funerals.

Characteristics of botanic gardens

The following is a list of criteria that may be met in part or whole by any institution that is considered to be a botanic garden:

Open to the public

A fundamental scientific basis for the collections

Adequate documentation of the collections, including the wild origin

Observations of the plants in the collections

Appropriate labelling of the plants

A source of information to other gardens, institutions, and the public

Exchange of seed or other materials with other botanic gardens, arboreta, or research institutions

The undertaking of technical or scientific research on plants in the collections.

Maintenance of research programs in plant taxonomy in associated herbaria.

Tips for writing an essay on gardening

Identify the requirements

Follow the traditional structure of an essay

Start writing early 

Stick to your topic

Use relevant sources 

Don’t forget to pay attention to the conclusion 

Proofread your essay

Gardening is one way to express our love, care, and nurture. Gardening is quite similar to watching and growing an infant. While gardening one can imagine the life cycle of the plant starting from the embryo till the plant shoots up to bear fruits. Gardening gives us immense pleasure and soothes our minds.


FAQs on Essay on Gardening

1. Define a Botanical Garden?

Botanical Garden is a garden which is dedicated to collection, cultivation and they are displayed in a wide range of plants which are labelled with their botanical names.

A botanical garden is also known as the botanic garden, this is a collection of living plants that are designed chiefly to illustrate the relationships which exist among the plant groups. The botanical garden is a type of display garden that concentrates on woody plants like shrubs and trees. Botanical Garden acts as a germplasm collection and helps the development of new hybrids.

2.What Type of Plants is Best for the Garden?

Different types of vegetables which we like to eat are the best plants to grow in the garden. Plant head lettuce, a lettuce cutting mix, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and carrots are a good start to this. Most of the plants need space and if you don't let them have their own little piece of territory, there may be hell to pay. You should be realistic with your garden plant ideas by starting simply with a piece of paper, a tape measure, and a ruler to measure up the size of your plot.

3.How can I Design my Garden?

We can give a shape to our garden lawn, we can plan our planting, the paving can be done beautifully in order of distinct levels. Gardening is not very tough, but also not too easy. It needs a perfect combination of hard work and knowledge. The hard work is that you need to do, no one can help you with that. Knowledge is something that can be gained by reading books, blogs, and watching videos. You can start by learning the sunlight and wind exposure of your place, as well as your soil structure and health. You need to decide how you want to use the space within the limits discovered above, and be sure to do some reading on the different flower bed styles and about how you can design them.

Life Lessons I Learned from Trees – Gardenuity

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Throughout time, we’ve turned to nature to understand and define the human experience.

We reap what we sow, we turn over new leaves, we put down deep roots, and so on and so forth. Perhaps because we are inextricably part of nature or perhaps because the same rules that describe the earth describe all things, nature has so much to teach us.

Specifically, we can learn important life lessons and qualities from trees.

Last June, I spent time in New Mexico alone for a sort of artistic residency, hiking all day every day for two weeks. Thus, began a fascination with the arboreal world that has endured a full year to the date.

Throughout, I’ve been constantly impressed with the number of lessons we can learn from trees: grow towards the light, grow deep before you grow tall, learn to bend with the wind, be patient… Each of those nuggets of wisdom is invaluable.

However, if there’s one thing I think we should learn from trees, it’s this life lesson. People often bother themselves about whether their trees are growing too close together. It’s a common concern among gardeners and homeowners.

The worry is that, like most life, trees that are close to each other will compete with each other for resources. And if this is the case, one of those trees will die.

This concern stems directly from the foresting industry. Foresters’ main objective is that trees grow as fast as possible. Therefore, it makes sense to increase each tree’s access to resources by thinning out the competition. And, in a way, it works. Foresters grow thick and tall trees. But at a mere 100 years old, these trees are felled.

The interesting thing is, when trees are allowed to grow older than 100 years, they grow much better when they collect thickly in a forest situation.

In fact, trees of the same species are more than just uncompetitive — they actively give resources to the trees around them. Former forester Peter Wohlleben explains how and why this happens in his book  The Hidden Life of Trees .

Beneath the soil, the root system of a forest is extensive and complicated. Each tree extends nearly twice the spread of its crown. Then, each tree’s root system is inextricably connected with the trees around it, creating a complex network system cleverly coined the “wood wide web.”

Forrest with lens flare

Trees are literally always in physical contact with each other. But they’re also in a sort of telepathic contact with each other…insofar as plants can be. No, trees don’t have brains. But they do have an awareness, a sort of sensory understanding of the surrounding plants. This awareness is not used to take out the competition.

Instead, it’s utilized to boost the surrounding trees. Research reveals that trees communicate with each other for their own benefit.

For example, trees warn each other through chemical signals, sent through fungal networks at their roots, when insects attack. They also literally feed each other.

In a healthy forest, the rate of photosynthesis is the same for all trees in a similar area, regardless of their strength or access to the sun. This has to mean they’re equalizing the sugar — they’re sharing. If a tree recognizes a friend in need, it redistributes its sugar so the entire community grows at a similar pace.

Trees instinctively know that there are advantages to working together. A complete forest stabilizes the climate by moderating temperature, wind, etc. If a tree were to eliminate the “competition,” the whole group of trees would suffer. In fact, every tree is valuable to the community, so every tree’s distress call is heard and responded to.

As Wohlebben put it, because trees know that ‘a chain is only as strong as its weakest link,’ “…they do not hesitate to help out.”

Trees show us how to grow into our strongest selves. And, contrary to popular belief, it’s not through the individualistic competitive race we’ve been told is necessary for achieving our potential. Other’s successes only bolster ours.

When we connect with the other organisms around us and when we focus on creating an environment that benefits those around us, we’ll ultimately taste more happiness and success in our lifetime.

For more information, check out  The Hidden Life of Trees  by Peter Wohlleben. Share what you’ve learned from nature with us!  @gardenuity

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Essay on Gardening | Gardening Essay for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Gardening: Gardening is such an activity, which can be both considered as a discipline and as a habit. Many people do Gardening based on their hobbies and their love for plants. Whatever it is, Gardening is, no doubt, a very accurate and beautiful skill.

The topic of Gardening is popular among school students who are asked to write essays on this particular topic. We have compiled for them one extended Essay, one short essay, and a set of ten lines on the subject of Gardening. They can refer to these sample pieces and take help. They are asked to write such compositions in their assignments and examinations.

You can read more  Essay Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Long and Short Essays on Gardening for Students and Kids in English

The short Essay is 100-150 words long. Essay on Gardening is usually convenient for students in classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. The Gardening Essay is of 450-500 words; students require it of grades 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Long Essay on Gardening in English 500 Words

For many people, Gardening is an addictive hobby. For others, it is a strict disciplinary measure to keep their garden neat and tidy. The garden or the surrounding lawn of a house is very important. It not only adds to the visual beauty of the place, but also allows the residents to dwell a bit amidst nature. People who are fond of plants and flowers usually prefer to keep gardens; they are also generally interested in Gardening and treat it as their hobby.

Gardening is a very skillful hobby, and it also makes the practitioner a very patient and hardworking person; this is so because Gardening requires utmost dedication and care. A garden is a very dear place for the owner. Having a garden of one’s means one can stroll in it whenever one wants. Having a garden allows people to grow fruits and vegetables of their own; they can do organic and ayurvedic plantations. Many people even carry out hybrid planting to obtain a hybrid quality of flowers and seeds.

Growing flowers in the garden make it look gorgeous and colorful; they also bring a natural fragrance within the living spaces. Flowers are an essential part of the garden and add to the marvel of the place. For these various reasons, having a garden surrounding the house is desirable. However, to reap the benefits of a beautiful garden, one should also take good care of it and maintain it. This is why the practice of Gardening is essential.

Gardening includes the growing of plants and flowers, maintenance of the plants, and the timely care of them. It is a tricky business, and whoever does not have prior experience can face difficulties in the beginning. It is not an easy task. Growing plants takes patience. Planting seeds on the ground and regularly watering it would not suffice. Other factors, such as soil fertility, the surrounding temperature, the manure, etc. need to be taken care of.

They also need sufficient sunlight for photosynthesis and nourishment. People who have a genuine love for growing plants can take the responsibility of gardening themselves. Those who want to have a garden but are not very interested in the gardening part can hire a professional gardener who would do the job for them.

Gardeners basic chores include daily watering of the plants, looking after their nourishment, supplying the soil with manure and fertilizers, and planting new seeds. New plants can also be grown by buying saplings from the nursery. If interested, bonsais can also be improved.

Thus Gardening is an exciting activity. It does require utmost dedication, but it is worth the wait. Gardening helps a person to buildable hands, which can look after the very minutest of details. It makes the gardener faithful and patient. Gardening also incites a newfound love for plants in the mind of the gardener. It is an investing job and requires an able, responsible person.

Short Essay on Gardening in English 150 Words

Gardening includes a wide array of activities under its domain. Broadly, Gardening is the practice of growing plants in a garden. Many houses, apartments, buildings, and offices possess yards; they are of various sizes, and depend upon the amount of area available. Many people also love to grow a kitchen garden – that is, a garden where only vegetables and edible plants, flowers, and herbs are cultivated. The activity of Gardening needs to be done very carefully. Accuracy is of importance. One wrong move here or there can result in the entire ruination of the plant. Thus it should be done by taking sufficient time and with proper care.

10 Lines on Essay on Gardening in English

  • Gardening includes in its domain growing, cultivating and planting of new plants and taking care of them.
  • Plants are an essential item of nature.
  • Having them cultivated in a garden helps us to remain in constant touch with greenery and nature.
  • Garden makes a house look gorgeous. For this purpose, Gardening is of necessity.
  • Without Gardening, the garden would look wild and dirty with excessive growth and dense bushes.
  • Gardening is a tiresome task, and it needs to be done regularly.
  • Gardening is more than just watering of plants.
  • It also includes nipping, clipping and cutting of bushes and dense growth wherever necessary.
  • The mark of good Gardening is seen in the beauty of the garden itself.
  • The first step to having a garden is to have a dedicated and skillful gardener.

FAQ’s on Essay on Gardening

Question 1. Is gardening a hobby?

Answer: Yes. Gardening is a hobby. It is an entertaining activity to do and can also serve as a productive pastime. People can do it in their leisure time as well.

Question 2. Is Gardening important?

Answer: Yes. Gardening is important. Without Gardening, the garden loses its beauty and charm; the plants die from being neglected.

Question 3. Is gardening an expensive job?

Answer: Not necessarily. Gardening can be done from scratch with necessary gardening tools that are cheap and easy to get. However, the top level of professional Gardening is expensive and requires a lot of materials.

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what have you learned in gardening essay

  • Plant Guide

Lessons Learned in 25 Gardening Years

Learning the techniques and plants that work.

what have you learned in gardening essay

Today’s photos come from Jenny McCoy in Des Moines, Iowa.

I have been gardening for about 25 years, and this particular garden is about nine years old. I am proud of the fact that it is slowly coming around to what I want it to be. Every spring when things are just starting to come up, I spend lots of time moving them around in a quest for perfection, which of course will never happen. But it’s the journey that’s fun! Also, I am committed to doing this without pesticides or any chemicals that would harm birds and pollinators.

I have learned a lot from my failures along the way as well. Like I can’t miss a day of putting Liquid Fence on my front yard flowers, lest the deer lop off the top of my ‘Casa Blanca’ lilies (Zones 5–10), making me wait another year for their spectacular and fragrant blooms. Luckily, my backyard has a high fence, so deer are not a problem, but I definitely have the same problem with rabbits! I have also learned what plants I like and what is not worth the frustration. For example, while I think Moonbeam Coreopsis is beautiful, for me it was always a struggle, because grass would grow up through the plant and it was very difficult to get rid of. I have also learned to pull my ‘Bubblegum Pink’ Phlox paniculata (Zones 4–8) and Cheyenne Spirit coneflower (Echinacea ‘Cheyenne Spirit’ Zones 3–9) volunteers, lest they take over the whole garden!

My favorite plants are my bright red Oriental poppies because of the “Look at Me” statement they make when they bloom; my yellow Itoh peony (a gift from my boyfriend’s mom), my Casa Blanca lilies, and my new-this-year David Austin ‘Harlow Carr’ roses, which have begun forming a hedge under a west-facing window in my backyard. And how can I forget my climbing William Baffin rose?

In terms of my hopes for the future, I am trying to get my flowers organized in waves for more impact, while keeping the garden natural looking and making the most impact from seasonal blooms. I am also to the point where I am generating extra plants from dividing, so I have begun to create a new garden in the front of my house. I am looking forward to seeing how that develops. I have also found lots of fun plant swap sites on social media, so I am learning that lots of people want the plants that are overtaking my garden, and in exchange I can find some fun new varieties to try.

Finally, I am learning about incorporating vegetables into my garden, thanks to a talk I heard this spring by Brie Arthur at the Des Moines Botanical Garden. I planted some okra among the flowers this year and am enjoying the fruits of that now. She also suggested buckwheat as a garden addition, which I may try next year.

I do have one funny story: When I was checking out my garden after work last week, I noticed a vine with yellow flowers clinging to a trellis full of Clematis and a tall canna . I wondered what it could be. Upon closer review, I realized it was a cucumber vine. I have never grown cucumbers in my garden. But I am taking advantage of the bonus vegetables and must have a bird or chipmunk to thank for the nice surprise.

what have you learned in gardening essay

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It is all so very lovely!

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Thank you so much!

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Hi, Jenny, your commentary and your photos are a delightful reflection of each other...each communicating a very appealing and colorful exuberance. Your pictures indicate that you are achieving your goal of a very full and natural looking garden. Your plantings have a pleasing rhythm of repetition of color with lots of varied shapes going on that keep things lively and interesting. Sincerest congrats on everything looking so great.

Thank you! It is a work in progress but there is nothing I enjoy more than being out there moving plants around! :)

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Beautiful, lush, colorful flower beds! I love your William Baffin climbing rose. I planted a bare root plant of the same variety couple of years ago but it is still small. How long did it take for yours to grow so big and floriferous? Thank you for sharing pictures of your wonderful garden.

Thank you! That rose has been there for probably 7-8 years. It started blooming prolifically maybe 4-5 years after I planted it? I always wanted a climbing rose over a gate. My challenge now is how to train it to do that. I recently installed a horizontal 2x6 over the gate so it give it something to cling to.

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So beautiful! The border along the pool is spectacular. We are having a pool put in soon and I'm going to borrow ideas from your border. : )

Love it and thank you!

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Gorgeous flower beds all around your nice pool! I too have found a few surprises- blooming in my grass-, so I really enjoyed the story of finding the cucumber in your garden! Nice hearing how long you have been gardening and how long you have had this garden. I'm starting a new garden after moving, and like hearing your experiences- I agree you learn what plants work, and go with it! and so true failures are part of the learning process for sure. I once lived in Des Moines long ago so I especially enjoyed seeing your garden.

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That was a refreshing garden expose. Thanks for sharing and best of luck in the future.

Awww thanks! It's a labor of love!

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OMG Jenny, I am in love with your garden. Your choice of flowers and the color combinations are gorgeous. I have the same flowers and similar fence line but your groupings are 100% better. Just looking at your garden have inspired me to go in and move some things around. Thank you so very much for sharing your beautiful handy work. Be Blessed.

You are so sweet! Thank you so much! It has been trial and error every year. I still think I need more taller plants on the back on the right side lol! And still trying to make groupings a little better. It is definitely a process! The funny thing is that the patterns of plants are really just because I kept dividing what I had because I didn't want to spend the money on new ones! I think that worked out for the better because it has given it some consistency and repetition.

After seeing your post, I have cleaned out my neglected corner area, amended the soil and made some changes. I divided & planted some daylilies and Irises. I will be adding some yarrow, blackeyed susan & salvia by this weekend. I also threw out some coneflower seeds. There's already a climbing rose cutting, some shrub roses, a few daisies and 2 Texas stars struggling to hold on in this bed. I am hoping for a blessing cause this area gets less than 5 hours of morning sun. Thank you so much for sharing your garden. It inspired me more than you will ever know. :-) Thank you. Have a great day.

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How to Write an Essay on Gardening

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Composing different types of academic papers is not easy. However, you might face a true challenge if you are assigned to write an essay on gardening. How can you cope with this difficult task? Are there any win-win strategies to develop a brilliant solution? Find out all the answers in this post.

Most Effective Way to Complete Your Assignment 

Many students spend hours and days trying to write a nice essay. However, there is no guarantee that your paper will appear well-written and that you will get an excellent grade for your assignment. The truth is that some learners are good in dozens of various fields except writing. If you are one of them, there is still a chance to cope with your assignment with minimum effort by using a paperwriter . You can choose the best essay writing service online and hire a professional writer to complete your college task.

If you don’t know which one is the best for your needs, you can read the reviews of various services shared by other learners. For example, feel free to start with exploring essaypro reviews reddit and other solutions to find the best quality service. In case you choose an expert service, you will have an opportunity to get all your essays on gardening done before the deadline.

Top Prompts For Writing an Essay on Gardening 

If you still decide to compose a paper by yourself, look for some tips and discover the most effective solutions below.

Explore the Requirements Different essays have different requirements, such as a history essay writer . Before you begin writing, it is important to find the guidelines for composing your essay shared by the professor. You will definitely find tons of useful information there. This includes the paper’s volume, structure, formatting, available topics, and other important data. If you understand the requirements for your essay on gardening, you have 50 percent of the job done. Moreover, if you strictly follow the guidelines shared by the professor, you have a higher chance of getting a good grade.

Start Writing Early  Writing might often appear more complicated than it might seem at first glance. Therefore, it is better to start composing your paper far in advance. This simple trick will help you have enough time for doing the research, creating an outline, and editing. Moreover, if you suddenly feel stuck, you will have extra time to get help.

Follow Traditional Essay Structure  Writing an essay on gardening is not the best time to show off your creativity. Although you might choose an out-of-the-box topic, it is essential to follow a traditional structure of an academic paper. Make sure your essay has an introduction, the body, and the conclusion. Many students fail to follow this simple rule and are doomed to failure when composing their essays.

It is also worth mentioning that your body paragraphs should not be too wordy and should contain a very limited number of facts and arguments. For example, if you write an essay about piedmont soil , it is necessary to point out a few types of soil in your academic paper. Avoid choosing too broad of concepts so not to get lost in dozens of terms and statistical data.

Use Relevant Sources  Make sure all the sources you plan to use when composing your essay are fresh and relevant. This will help you avoid including any outdated facts and other types of data in your essay. Moreover, pick up only reliable solutions and stay away from forums and online conversations of “experienced gardeners.” It is better to use books, scientific journals, and the results of recent research in your paper.

Stick to Your Topic Many diligent students try to cover as many facts as possible in their essays. However, this is a common mistake that is better avoided. The fact is that all students should show off their analytical skills when composing various academic papers. This means you need to choose the most important facts and supportive examples for your topic but not come up with loads of data.

Pay Attention to the Conclusion  The conclusion is an essential part of any academic paper. If you need to write an essay on gardening, don’t forget to pay extra attention to the conclusion. Make sure not to include any new facts in this part but summarize the data you’ve already mentioned in the body paragraphs. Moreover, try to be brief, precise, and concise to finalize your academic paper in the most brilliant way.

Proofread Your Paper  Proofreading and editing are the must-do stages of any academic writing. To avoid any mistakes, inconsistencies, and misprints, it is better to proofread your essay at least a couple of times.

Composing a winning essay on gardening is a complex process that requires advanced writing approaches. However, if you try to follow the tips above, you will likely complete your assignment much easier.

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what have you learned in gardening essay

MSU Extension

Gardening with young children helps their development.

Kittie Butcher, Michigan State University Extension , and Janet Pletcher, Lansing Community College - April 24, 2017

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Gardening with children provides them with skills to help your child’s development. You and your children will enjoy every stage of the process.

Young children can practice locomotor skills, body management skills and object control skills in the garden.

May is the perfect time of year in Michigan to start a gardening project with your children. Gardening with children provides the perfect combination of skills and tasks to address your child’s development. For example, gardening is a great physical development activity.

Young children can practice locomotor skills, body management skills and object control skills while they move from one place to the other carrying tools, soil and water. They will be moving their bodies using large muscles and using muscles to balance and manage objects too. Fine motor skills such as whole-hand grasping and the pincer grasp (necessary skills for writing) are employed in gardening when children use a trowel or rake and pick up tiny seeds to plant. Further, being outdoors in the fresh air and moving around a lot is a good way to get exercise.

Another aspect of physical development is the sensory stimulation that you can experience in a garden. Water is a critical part of gardening and, if your child enjoys nothing else, playing with the hose or the watering can be a highlight. Feeling the texture of the soil or the plant leaves is also interesting, as is the smell of the fresh garden and its plants.

Of course, most gardens are a visual explosion of colors, tones and shades. If you plant edible plants, this is one of the few areas where you can actually safely employ your child’s sense of taste. Children are often more willing to try a new food if they have been involved in the process of growing it.

Literacy skills can be part of gardening, too. Learning the names of different plants and reading what their growth requirements are on the seed or plant packages is a literacy activity. Another reading/writing activity could be making a map of your garden or your yard and labeling the plants in it. A map of the area that you plant can be really helpful when those seeds start to sprout and you are not sure which one is a weed and which is the vegetable or flower you planted!

Cognitive development is all about intellectual skills such as remembering and analyzing information and predicting outcomes. You can do plenty of that in your garden with children. By asking open-ended questions about what you have already done in your garden and what they think you should do next, you are helping them think through the processes of preparing the soil, planting, watering and weeding. Ask them to tell you about the differences between the various plants you are growing or the different parts of the plants themselves. Show them the entire plant—roots, stem, leaves, flowers and seeds—or let them draw the plant at different stages of growth.

Finally, working together on your garden with your children is togetherness time. You build bonds with children and create memories from your experiences in the garden. While your children are learning a lifelong love of growing things, you are learning more about your children—how they think, what they like and dislike and how capable they really are. Your plants can create a beautiful environment, whether they are in a garden, a raised bed or a pot, and you and your children will enjoy every stage of the process.

For more ideas about activities and articles on child development, academic success, parenting and life skill development, please visit the Michigan State University Extension website.

This article was published by Michigan State University Extension . For more information, visit . To have a digest of information delivered straight to your email inbox, visit . To contact an expert in your area, visit , or call 888-MSUE4MI (888-678-3464).

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Essay on Gardening in English for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

The term “ Gardening ” is used for the practice of growing plants in an area especially assigned only for such activities. The area where gardening is done is called the “Garden”. Many houses today, have their own gardens; though, big or small, depending on the available area. These gardens are used mainly for growing decorative plants and flowers to augment the overall beauty of the house.

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Though, sometimes people also grow leaf vegetables (spinach, cabbage, lettuce etc), root vegetables (carrot, potato, onion etc) and sometimes herbs (basil, mint coriander etc). Apart from making the house look more refreshing and beautiful, a garden also supplements its kitchen supplies. Today gardening has become a favorite activity, a kind of hobby for many city dwellers as well as villagers. In the succeeding long and short essays on gardening we will know much more about this useful hobby of many.

Long and Short Essay on Gardening in English

Below we have provided Long and Short Essay on Gardening of varying lengths in English.

These Gardening essay will improve your knowledge about gardening and motivate you to adopt it as a hobby.

These Gardening Essays have been written in simple and easy to grasp language, making it easy for you to reiterate or write it down whenever the need arises.

These essays will prove useful in your school essay and debate competitions and several similar occasions.

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Essay on Gardening: Importance of Gardening – Essay 1 (250 words)


Plants are absolutely essential to life. None of our basic functions from breathing to eating to drinking would be possible without plants. Plants not only act as food sources but also release oxygen and help maintain the water table. The simple fact of the matter is that without plants we would not survive.

Importance of Gardening

While there are many plants growing in the wild, people also cultivate and grow certain plants, bushes and shrubs in their homes or yards. This activity is known as gardening. While it may appear as a hobby to some, the fact is that gardening is actually quite beneficial and, therefore, important to us.

  • Gardening is a fairly physical activity. It involves weeding, watering of plants, mulching, trellising and harvesting – all of which require physical labour from the gardener. Hence, it becomes an excellent addition to your exercise routine.
  • Gardening is also a very practical activity. It allows you to grow your own vegetables and fruits thus ensuring that you have healthy food on the table. When you harvest vegetables from your garden, you do so knowing that you’re getting the freshest produce possible.
  • Gardening for aesthetics appeals to the human need for beauty. Ornamental gardening caters to the side of us that is delighted by beauty. In addition, flowers are a part and parcel of most occasions such as births, anniversaries, weddings, birthdays and funerals.
  • Gardening also helps sharpen problem solving skills. Researching the best methods to make your garden grow, experimenting with different techniques and designing irrigation systems that work for you all help in improving your skills at creativity, problem solving and planning.

Most people dismiss gardening as a mere hobby. They ignore or downplay the benefits you can get from gardening regularly. The fact is that it is much more than a recreational activity. Imagine what the world would look like without any gardens.

Essay on Gardening: Pleasure of Gardening – Essay 2 (300 words)

Although gardening is a fairly physical activity, it can also be a very relaxing one. It is also remarkably versatile; a garden can range from a single potted plant to an entire greenhouse or yard. In addition, watching something come alive, grow and thrive because of your efforts can be a very satisfying experience. Gardening is often called pleasurable for which there are several reasons.

Pleasure of Gardening

The modern world is a fast paced world. Everyone is in a hurry or extremely busy. Even when people have spare time, they prefer to fill it up with chores of some kind. However, gardening by its very nature is a slow activity. It encourages you to slow down, reconnect with nature and learn to find joy in doing something rather than doing it because it is necessary.

Gardening can offer you many pleasures if you just take the time to stop and enjoy them. Finding the right type of plants for your garden can make you feel a sense of accomplishment. If you have enough space, you can plan a small pond or a recreation spot into your garden, creating a haven for yourself to simply relax and enjoy nature’s beauty. If there are particular flowers you like, you can incorporate them into specific places in your garden. Each time you step out you will see these flowers blooming giving you a feeling of well-being.

To many it may seem that gardening doesn’t fit into the 21 st century which is all about moving fast and getting quick results. However, the opposite is true; gardening provides you with a safe haven from the rigours of the world and your life allowing you to slow your frenetic space and simply be.

Essay on Gardening: A Hobby – Essay 3 (350 words)

The whole point of having a hobby is to spend one’s leisure time in a manner that is both relaxing and useful. Different people have different hobbies, i.e. people differ in their ideas about what helps them relax. Some common hobbies enjoyed by plenty of people are philately, numismatics, swimming, photography and gardening. Having a hobby doesn’t only relax you, but also provide you with boosts of energy that help you in your professional life.

Gardening as a Hobby

Gardening requires quite a bit of manual labour on the part of the gardener. For this reason, some people wonder how it can relax you as a hobby is supposed to. However, for people who like gardening it can be relaxing just to feel the earth on your palms or getting quiet moments or even help you create beauty.

If you decide to take up gardening as a hobby and have no prior experience with it, it is best for you to research gardening. You can do this with the help of books on gardening and online websites. Also keep in mind that caring for different plants can be easy or difficult, depending upon the plants. New gardeners can get confused quite easily. However, following a few basic tips helps enormously in growing your garden.

The best part about having gardening as a hobby is that it can be done anywhere. If you have a yard, you can garden there. If your living space is small you can arrange a few potted plants and take care of them.

Gardening is a great hobby for everyone from working professionals to retirees. It allows you to connect with your environment and with nature. However, it is important to remember that you should not just jump in with both feet or your attempts at gardening are bound to fail. Instead, learn as much as you can, take in basic tips and tricks and take baby steps. You will find that when given proper attention, a garden can soothe your soul and gardening can calm and centre you.

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Essay on Gardening: Recreation to Mind – Essay 4 (400 words)

The 21 st century is the era of instant everything – instant coffee, instant meals, instant orders, instant mails, instant communication and, most importantly, instant results. Theoretically, all these instant things are meant to free up your time. However, in reality, the more time you free up, the more chores you have to do. As a result, not only do you have to have everything done in an instant but also add more things that need to be done instantly. It is no wonder people burn out relatively fast these days. We are setting a pace that is impossible to keep up without negative consequences. Not only does our body protest through various conditions and syndromes but also our mind through mental illnesses and strain.

Gardening as Recreation for the Mind

Gardening requires quite a bit of physical labour, a factor that makes many people reject it as too much on top of everything else. However, that is only one aspect of gardening. The other lesser known aspect, or rather the aspect that only becomes obvious when you actually garden, is the immense restfulness your mind can experience while gardening.

By its very nature, gardening is a slow process. There is no instant gratification here. Instead, it yields its best results when you take time over it and pay attention to details. More importantly, the manual labour exercises your body while leaving your mind free to ruminate over anything and everything – something that is becoming increasingly rare in the frenetic pace of life. It also teaches you the value of waiting for some things; they are better for the wait and you enjoy them more. Think of the fragile begonia plant that you have babied into blooming. The attempt takes time and energy on your part, but the end result is beautiful to the senses.

Gardening also allows you to be in the presence of nature even if that presence is a small potted plant. As the plant grows and thrives, you feel satisfaction from a job well done. The hours that you put into your garden yield beautiful results that please and satisfy your mind, lowering stress and allowing your mind to relax.

In a life that is increasingly fast-paced, frenetic and stressful, your garden becomes an oasis of calm and tranquillity. Spending even an hour working on your garden can help you relax, lower your stress levels and allow your mind to rejoice in the peace that your garden offers. There can be no better recreation for your mind.

Essay on Gardening: Advantages – Essay 5 (450 words)

Gardening is often seen as too slow an activity in a modern fast-paced world. People wonder why they should spend time on something as leisurely as gardening when every free moment is taken up with doing more chores. However, gardening isn’t just about making your surroundings more aesthetically pleasing; it is also about the many benefits it provides you.

Advantages of Gardening

Health benefits –.

Gardening is a very physical activity. Incorporating an hour or so of gardening can do wonders for your health, the most obvious benefit being weight loss. It doesn’t stop there – studies have shown that gardening helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure and reduce stress and depression. Studies even show that merely looking at a garden is enough to affect blood pressure, heart, muscles and even the electric activity in the brain. It generates feelings of tranquillity and peace and can be very therapeutic overall.

Environmental Benefits –

There can be no denying the fact that human presence has impacted the environment drastically. However, we can reduce and mitigate this impact by gardening. Plants release oxygen after taking in carbon dioxide thereby generating fresher and cleaner air. Plants also prevent soil erosion because their root systems hold the soil in place. Rain gardens allow you to collect rainwater and prevent pollutants from mixing with lakes and streams. If you have an efficient landscape design around your house, it can help keep the house warmer in winters and cooler in summers, thereby, reducing your energy consumption by as much as 20 percent.

Property Value Increase –

From a purely aesthetic point of view, a well-maintained garden adds to the property value of your house by enhancing its curb-appeal. It can also encourage people to put in offers for the property faster than they would for an average home.

Vegetable Growth –

Growing vegetables in your garden has a twofold advantage for you. For one thing, you don’t have to worry about what pesticides and chemicals have been used on the vegetables because you know exactly what you have used to help them grow. Secondly, you get an immense sense of self-satisfaction from providing for yourself and your family in the most basic way.

As you continue down the gardening path, you will learn more and become more proficient. As you know more, you will also be able to contemplate more possibilities for your garden. Gardening doesn’t just help you physically, it also helps you mentally. In addition, it allows you to contribute to environmental health and even your own table. Although gardening yields relatively slow results, those results leave a deeper impact and are much more long-lasting.

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At the Democratic Convention, a Historic Nomination

What story did the democrats tell about kamala harris and will it be enough to win.

what have you learned in gardening essay

Hosted by Sabrina Tavernise

Featuring Astead W. Herndon and Reid J. Epstein

Produced by Lynsea Garrison Rob Szypko Jessica Cheung Asthaa Chaturvedi and Shannon Lin

Edited by Rachel Quester

Original music by Rowan Niemisto Marion Lozano Dan Powell and Diane Wong

Engineered by Chris Wood

Listen and follow ‘The Daily’ Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | YouTube | iHeartRadio

Last night, at the Democratic National Convention, Vice President Kamala Harris accepted her party’s nomination, becoming the first woman of color in U.S. history to do so.

Astead W. Herndon and Reid J. Epstein, who cover politics for The Times, discuss the story this convention told about Ms. Harris — and whether that story could be enough to win the presidential election.

On today’s episode

what have you learned in gardening essay

Astead W. Herndon , a national politics reporter and the host of the politics podcast “ The Run-Up ” for The New York Times.

what have you learned in gardening essay

Reid J. Epstein , who covers politics for The New York Times.

Kamala Harris and her husband, Doug, stand in front of a photo of the American flag, smiling and embracing.

Background reading

Kamala Harris promised to chart a “new way forward” as she accepted the nomination.

“The Run-Up”: It’s her party now. What’s different?

There are a lot of ways to listen to The Daily. Here’s how.

We aim to make transcripts available the next workday after an episode’s publication. You can find them at the top of the page.

The Daily is made by Rachel Quester, Lynsea Garrison, Clare Toeniskoetter, Paige Cowett, Michael Simon Johnson, Brad Fisher, Chris Wood, Jessica Cheung, Stella Tan, Alexandra Leigh Young, Lisa Chow, Eric Krupke, Marc Georges, Luke Vander Ploeg, M.J. Davis Lin, Dan Powell, Sydney Harper, Michael Benoist, Liz O. Baylen, Asthaa Chaturvedi, Rachelle Bonja, Diana Nguyen, Marion Lozano, Corey Schreppel, Rob Szypko, Elisheba Ittoop, Mooj Zadie, Patricia Willens, Rowan Niemisto, Jody Becker, Rikki Novetsky, Nina Feldman, Will Reid, Carlos Prieto, Ben Calhoun, Susan Lee, Lexie Diao, Mary Wilson, Alex Stern, Sophia Lanman, Shannon Lin, Diane Wong, Devon Taylor, Alyssa Moxley, Olivia Natt, Daniel Ramirez and Brendan Klinkenberg.

Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landsverk of Wonderly. Special thanks to Sam Dolnick, Paula Szuchman, Lisa Tobin, Larissa Anderson, Julia Simon, Sofia Milan, Mahima Chablani, Elizabeth Davis-Moorer, Jeffrey Miranda, Maddy Masiello, Isabella Anderson, Nina Lassam and Nick Pitman.

Astead W. Herndon is a national politics reporter and the host of the politics podcast “The Run-Up.” More about Astead W. Herndon

Reid J. Epstein covers campaigns and elections from Washington. Before joining The Times in 2019, he worked at The Wall Street Journal, Politico, Newsday and The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. More about Reid J. Epstein



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    The Gardening Essay is of 450-500 words; students require it of grades 7, 8, 9, and 10. Long Essay on Gardening in English 500 Words. For many people, Gardening is an addictive hobby. For others, it is a strict disciplinary measure to keep their garden neat and tidy. The garden or the surrounding lawn of a house is very important.

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  25. At the Democratic Convention, a Historic Nomination

    The Daily is made by Rachel Quester, Lynsea Garrison, Clare Toeniskoetter, Paige Cowett, Michael Simon Johnson, Brad Fisher, Chris Wood, Jessica Cheung, Stella Tan ...