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How expression a=b=c (Multiple Assignment) evaluates in C programming?

Since C language does not support chaining assignment like a=b=c ; each assignment operator ( = ) operates on two operands only. Then how expression a=b=c evaluates?

According to operators associativity assignment operator ( = ) operates from right to left, that means associativity of assignment operator ( = ) is right to left.

Expression a=b=c is actually a=(b=c) , see how expression a=(b=c) evaluates?

  • Value of variable c will be assigned into variable b first.
  • Then value of variable b will be assigned into variable a .

Finally value of variables a and b will be same as the value of variable c .

Consider the following program

Assigning a value to multiple variables of same type

By using such kind of expression we can easily assign a value to multiple variables of same data type, for example - if we want to assign 0 to integer variables a , b , c and d ; we can do it by following expression:

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Assignment operators.


Assignment and compound assignment operators are binary operators that modify the variable to their left using the value to their right.

Operator Operator name Example Description Equivalent of
= basic assignment a = b becomes equal to
+= addition assignment a += b becomes equal to the addition of and a = a + b
-= subtraction assignment a -= b becomes equal to the subtraction of from a = a - b
*= multiplication assignment a *= b becomes equal to the product of and a = a * b
/= division assignment a /= b becomes equal to the division of by a = a / b
%= modulo assignment a %= b becomes equal to the remainder of divided by a = a % b
&= bitwise AND assignment a &= b becomes equal to the bitwise AND of and a = a & b
|= bitwise OR assignment a |= b becomes equal to the bitwise OR of and a = a | b
^= bitwise XOR assignment a ^= b becomes equal to the bitwise XOR of and a = a ^ b
<<= bitwise left shift assignment a <<= b becomes equal to left shifted by a = a << b
>>= bitwise right shift assignment a >>= b becomes equal to right shifted by a = a >> b
Simple assignment Notes Compound assignment References See Also See also

[ edit ] Simple assignment

The simple assignment operator expressions have the form

lhs rhs
lhs - expression of any complete object type
rhs - expression of any type to lhs or with lhs

Assignment performs implicit conversion from the value of rhs to the type of lhs and then replaces the value in the object designated by lhs with the converted value of rhs .

Assignment also returns the same value as what was stored in lhs (so that expressions such as a = b = c are possible). The value category of the assignment operator is non-lvalue (so that expressions such as ( a = b ) = c are invalid).

rhs and lhs must satisfy one of the following:

  • both lhs and rhs have compatible struct or union type, or..
  • rhs must be implicitly convertible to lhs , which implies
  • both lhs and rhs have arithmetic types , in which case lhs may be volatile -qualified or atomic (since C11)
  • both lhs and rhs have pointer to compatible (ignoring qualifiers) types, or one of the pointers is a pointer to void, and the conversion would not add qualifiers to the pointed-to type. lhs may be volatile or restrict (since C99) -qualified or atomic (since C11) .
  • lhs is a (possibly qualified or atomic (since C11) ) pointer and rhs is a null pointer constant such as NULL or a nullptr_t value (since C23)
has type (possibly qualified or atomic(since C11)) _Bool and rhs is a pointer or a value(since C23) (since C99)
has type (possibly qualified or atomic) and rhs has type (since C23)

[ edit ] Notes

If rhs and lhs overlap in memory (e.g. they are members of the same union), the behavior is undefined unless the overlap is exact and the types are compatible .

Although arrays are not assignable, an array wrapped in a struct is assignable to another object of the same (or compatible) struct type.

The side effect of updating lhs is sequenced after the value computations, but not the side effects of lhs and rhs themselves and the evaluations of the operands are, as usual, unsequenced relative to each other (so the expressions such as i = ++ i ; are undefined)

Assignment strips extra range and precision from floating-point expressions (see FLT_EVAL_METHOD ).

In C++, assignment operators are lvalue expressions, not so in C.

[ edit ] Compound assignment

The compound assignment operator expressions have the form

lhs op rhs
op - one of *=, /= %=, += -=, <<=, >>=, &=, ^=, |=
lhs, rhs - expressions with (where lhs may be qualified or atomic), except when op is += or -=, which also accept pointer types with the same restrictions as + and -

The expression lhs @= rhs is exactly the same as lhs = lhs @ ( rhs ) , except that lhs is evaluated only once.

If lhs has type, the operation behaves as a single atomic read-modify-write operation with memory order .

For integer atomic types, the compound assignment @= is equivalent to:

addr = &lhs; T2 val = rhs; T1 old = *addr; T1 new; do { new = old @ val } while (! (addr, &old, new);
(since C11)

[ edit ] References

  • C17 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:2018):
  • 6.5.16 Assignment operators (p: 72-73)
  • C11 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:2011):
  • 6.5.16 Assignment operators (p: 101-104)
  • C99 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:1999):
  • 6.5.16 Assignment operators (p: 91-93)
  • C89/C90 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:1990):
  • 3.3.16 Assignment operators

[ edit ] See Also

Operator precedence

Common operators

a = b
a += b
a -= b
a *= b
a /= b
a %= b
a &= b
a |= b
a ^= b
a <<= b
a >>= b


a + b
a - b
a * b
a / b
a % b
a & b
a | b
a ^ b
a << b
a >> b

a && b
a || b

a == b
a != b
a < b
a > b
a <= b
a >= b


a, b
(type) a
a ? b : c

(since C11)

[ edit ] See also

for Assignment operators
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Assignment Operators in C

In C language, the assignment operator stores a certain value in an already declared variable. A variable in C can be assigned the value in the form of a literal, another variable, or an expression.

The value to be assigned forms the right-hand operand, whereas the variable to be assigned should be the operand to the left of the " = " symbol, which is defined as a simple assignment operator in C.

In addition, C has several augmented assignment operators.

The following table lists the assignment operators supported by the C language −

Operator Description Example
= Simple assignment operator. Assigns values from right side operands to left side operand C = A + B will assign the value of A + B to C
+= Add AND assignment operator. It adds the right operand to the left operand and assign the result to the left operand. C += A is equivalent to C = C + A
-= Subtract AND assignment operator. It subtracts the right operand from the left operand and assigns the result to the left operand. C -= A is equivalent to C = C - A
*= Multiply AND assignment operator. It multiplies the right operand with the left operand and assigns the result to the left operand. C *= A is equivalent to C = C * A
/= Divide AND assignment operator. It divides the left operand with the right operand and assigns the result to the left operand. C /= A is equivalent to C = C / A
%= Modulus AND assignment operator. It takes modulus using two operands and assigns the result to the left operand. C %= A is equivalent to C = C % A
<<= Left shift AND assignment operator. C <<= 2 is same as C = C << 2
>>= Right shift AND assignment operator. C >>= 2 is same as C = C >> 2
&= Bitwise AND assignment operator. C &= 2 is same as C = C & 2
^= Bitwise exclusive OR and assignment operator. C ^= 2 is same as C = C ^ 2
|= Bitwise inclusive OR and assignment operator. C |= 2 is same as C = C | 2

Simple Assignment Operator (=)

The = operator is one of the most frequently used operators in C. As per the ANSI C standard, all the variables must be declared in the beginning. Variable declaration after the first processing statement is not allowed.

You can declare a variable to be assigned a value later in the code, or you can initialize it at the time of declaration.

You can use a literal, another variable, or an expression in the assignment statement.

Once a variable of a certain type is declared, it cannot be assigned a value of any other type. In such a case the C compiler reports a type mismatch error.

In C, the expressions that refer to a memory location are called "lvalue" expressions. A lvalue may appear as either the left-hand or right-hand side of an assignment.

On the other hand, the term rvalue refers to a data value that is stored at some address in memory. A rvalue is an expression that cannot have a value assigned to it which means an rvalue may appear on the right-hand side but not on the left-hand side of an assignment.

Variables are lvalues and so they may appear on the left-hand side of an assignment. Numeric literals are rvalues and so they may not be assigned and cannot appear on the left-hand side. Take a look at the following valid and invalid statements −

Augmented Assignment Operators

In addition to the = operator, C allows you to combine arithmetic and bitwise operators with the = symbol to form augmented or compound assignment operator. The augmented operators offer a convenient shortcut for combining arithmetic or bitwise operation with assignment.

For example, the expression "a += b" has the same effect of performing "a + b" first and then assigning the result back to the variable "a".

Run the code and check its output −

Similarly, the expression "a <<= b" has the same effect of performing "a << b" first and then assigning the result back to the variable "a".

Here is a C program that demonstrates the use of assignment operators in C −

When you compile and execute the above program, it will produce the following result −

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1. Simple Assignment Operator (=)

Example of simple assignment operator.

2. Compound Assignment Operators

+=addition assignmentIt adds the right operand to the left operand and assigns the result to the left operand.
-=subtraction assignmentIt subtracts the right operand from the left operand and assigns the result to the left operand.
*=multiplication assignmentIt multiplies the right operand with the left operand and assigns the result to the left operand
/=division assignmentIt divides the left operand with the right operand and assigns the result to the left operand.
%=modulo assignmentIt takes modulus using two operands and assigns the result to the left operand.

Example of Augmented Arithmetic and Assignment Operators

&=bitwise AND assignmentIt performs the bitwise AND operation on the variable with the value on the right
|=bitwise OR assignmentIt performs the bitwise OR operation on the variable with the value on the right
^=bitwise XOR assignmentIt performs the bitwise XOR operation on the variable with the value on the right
<<=bitwise left shift assignmentShifts the bits of the variable to the left by the value on the right
>>=bitwise right shift assignmentShifts the bits of the variable to the right by the value on the right

Example of Augmented Bitwise and Assignment Operators

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Assignment Operators in C

c language multiple assignment

Assignment operators are used for assigning value to a variable. The left side operand of the assignment operator is a variable and right side operand of the assignment operator is a value. The value on the right side must be of the same data-type of the variable on the left side otherwise the compiler will raise an error.

Different types of assignment operators are shown below:

1. “=”: This is the simplest assignment operator. This operator is used to assign the value on the right to the variable on the left. Example:

2. “+=” : This operator is combination of ‘+’ and ‘=’ operators. This operator first adds the current value of the variable on left to the value on the right and then assigns the result to the variable on the left. Example:

If initially value stored in a is 5. Then (a += 6) = 11.

3. “-=” This operator is combination of ‘-‘ and ‘=’ operators. This operator first subtracts the value on the right from the current value of the variable on left and then assigns the result to the variable on the left. Example:

If initially value stored in a is 8. Then (a -= 6) = 2.

4. “*=” This operator is combination of ‘*’ and ‘=’ operators. This operator first multiplies the current value of the variable on left to the value on the right and then assigns the result to the variable on the left. Example:

If initially value stored in a is 5. Then (a *= 6) = 30.

5. “/=” This operator is combination of ‘/’ and ‘=’ operators. This operator first divides the current value of the variable on left by the value on the right and then assigns the result to the variable on the left. Example:

If initially value stored in a is 6. Then (a /= 2) = 3.

Below example illustrates the various Assignment Operators:

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Assignment operator in c.

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Last Updated on June 23, 2023 by Prepbytes

c language multiple assignment

This type of operator is employed for transforming and assigning values to variables within an operation. In an assignment operation, the right side represents a value, while the left side corresponds to a variable. It is essential that the value on the right side has the same data type as the variable on the left side. If this requirement is not fulfilled, the compiler will issue an error.

What is Assignment Operator in C language?

In C, the assignment operator serves the purpose of assigning a value to a variable. It is denoted by the equals sign (=) and plays a vital role in storing data within variables for further utilization in code. When using the assignment operator, the value present on the right-hand side is assigned to the variable on the left-hand side. This fundamental operation allows developers to store and manipulate data effectively throughout their programs.

Example of Assignment Operator in C

For example, consider the following line of code:

Types of Assignment Operators in C

Here is a list of the assignment operators that you can find in the C language:

Simple assignment operator (=): This is the basic assignment operator, which assigns the value on the right-hand side to the variable on the left-hand side.

Addition assignment operator (+=): This operator adds the value on the right-hand side to the variable on the left-hand side and assigns the result back to the variable.

x += 3; // Equivalent to x = x + 3; (adds 3 to the current value of "x" and assigns the result back to "x")

Subtraction assignment operator (-=): This operator subtracts the value on the right-hand side from the variable on the left-hand side and assigns the result back to the variable.

x -= 4; // Equivalent to x = x – 4; (subtracts 4 from the current value of "x" and assigns the result back to "x")

* Multiplication assignment operator ( =):** This operator multiplies the value on the right-hand side with the variable on the left-hand side and assigns the result back to the variable.

x = 2; // Equivalent to x = x 2; (multiplies the current value of "x" by 2 and assigns the result back to "x")

Division assignment operator (/=): This operator divides the variable on the left-hand side by the value on the right-hand side and assigns the result back to the variable.

x /= 2; // Equivalent to x = x / 2; (divides the current value of "x" by 2 and assigns the result back to "x")

Bitwise AND assignment (&=): The bitwise AND assignment operator "&=" performs a bitwise AND operation between the value on the left-hand side and the value on the right-hand side. It then assigns the result back to the left-hand side variable.

x &= 3; // Binary: 0011 // After bitwise AND assignment: x = 1 (Binary: 0001)

Bitwise OR assignment (|=): The bitwise OR assignment operator "|=" performs a bitwise OR operation between the value on the left-hand side and the value on the right-hand side. It then assigns the result back to the left-hand side variable.

x |= 3; // Binary: 0011 // After bitwise OR assignment: x = 7 (Binary: 0111)

Bitwise XOR assignment (^=): The bitwise XOR assignment operator "^=" performs a bitwise XOR operation between the value on the left-hand side and the value on the right-hand side. It then assigns the result back to the left-hand side variable.

x ^= 3; // Binary: 0011 // After bitwise XOR assignment: x = 6 (Binary: 0110)

Left shift assignment (<<=): The left shift assignment operator "<<=" shifts the bits of the value on the left-hand side to the left by the number of positions specified by the value on the right-hand side. It then assigns the result back to the left-hand side variable.

x <<= 2; // Binary: 010100 (Shifted left by 2 positions) // After left shift assignment: x = 20 (Binary: 10100)

Right shift assignment (>>=): The right shift assignment operator ">>=" shifts the bits of the value on the left-hand side to the right by the number of positions specified by the value on the right-hand side. It then assigns the result back to the left-hand side variable.

x >>= 2; // Binary: 101 (Shifted right by 2 positions) // After right shift assignment: x = 5 (Binary: 101)

Conclusion The assignment operator in C, denoted by the equals sign (=), is used to assign a value to a variable. It is a fundamental operation that allows programmers to store data in variables for further use in their code. In addition to the simple assignment operator, C provides compound assignment operators that combine arithmetic or bitwise operations with assignment, allowing for concise and efficient code.

FAQs related to Assignment Operator in C

Q1. Can I assign a value of one data type to a variable of another data type? In most cases, assigning a value of one data type to a variable of another data type will result in a warning or error from the compiler. It is generally recommended to assign values of compatible data types to variables.

Q2. What is the difference between the assignment operator (=) and the comparison operator (==)? The assignment operator (=) is used to assign a value to a variable, while the comparison operator (==) is used to check if two values are equal. It is important not to confuse these two operators.

Q3. Can I use multiple assignment operators in a single statement? No, it is not possible to use multiple assignment operators in a single statement. Each assignment operator should be used separately for assigning values to different variables.

Q4. Are there any limitations on the right-hand side value of the assignment operator? The right-hand side value of the assignment operator should be compatible with the data type of the left-hand side variable. If the data types are not compatible, it may lead to unexpected behavior or compiler errors.

Q5. Can I assign the result of an expression to a variable using the assignment operator? Yes, it is possible to assign the result of an expression to a variable using the assignment operator. For example, x = y + z; assigns the sum of y and z to the variable x.

Q6. What happens if I assign a value to an uninitialized variable? Assigning a value to an uninitialized variable will initialize it with the assigned value. However, it is considered good practice to explicitly initialize variables before using them to avoid potential bugs or unintended behavior.

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  • int main ( )
  • int y = 10000 ;
  • int y = 34 ;
  • printf ( "Hello World! %d \n " , y ) ;

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  • printf ( "%d \n " , chr ) ;

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  • printf ( "%d" , sizeof ( s ) ) ;

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  • enum animals { TIGER = 8 , LION , RABBIT , ZEBRA } ;
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  • printf ( "%d \n " , k ) ;

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  • printf ( "" ) ;
  • void main ( )
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40. Will the following C code compile without any error?

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41. What will be the final value of x in the following C code?

  • int x = 5 * 9 / 3 + 9 ;

42. What will be the output of the following C code? (Initial values: x= 7, y = 8)

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  • printf ( "%f, %d" , x , y ) ;

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  • char c = 97 ;
  • printf ( "%d, %d, %d \n " , sizeof ( i ) , sizeof ( c ) , sizeof ( c + i ) ) ;

44. What is the difference between the following 2 C codes?

  • #include <stdio.h> //Program 1
  • int d , a = 1 , b = 2 ;
  • d = a ++ + ++ b ;
  • printf ( "%d %d %d" , d , a , b ) ;
  • #include <stdio.h> //Program 2
  • d = a ++ +++ b ;

45. What will be the output of the following C code snippet?

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46. What will be the value of the following assignment expression?

47. What will be the output of the following C function?

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  • reverse ( 1 ) ;
  • void reverse ( int i )
  • if ( i > 5 )
  • printf ( "%d " , i ) ;
  • return reverse ( ( i ++, i ) ) ;

48. What will be the final values of i and j in the following C code?

  • int x = 0 ;
  • int f ( )
  • if ( x == 0 )
  • return x + 1 ;
  • return x - 1 ;
  • int g ( )
  • return x ++;
  • int i = ( f ( ) + g ( ) ) | g ( ) ; //bitwise or
  • int j = g ( ) | ( f ( ) + g ( ) ) ; //bitwise or

49. Comment on the following C statement.

50. How many times i value is checked in the following C program?

  • int i = 0 ;
  • while ( i < 3 )
  • printf ( "In while loop \n " ) ;

51. What will be the output of the following C code?

  • if ( i == 2 )
  • printf ( "In while loop " ) ;
  • } while ( i < 2 ) ;
  • printf ( "%d \n " , i ) ;

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58. Which part of the program address space is p stored in the following C code?

  • p = & i ;

59. Which of the following sequences are unaccepted in C language? a)

59. Comment on the output of following C code.

  • main ( )
  • char * p = 0 ;
  • * p = 'a' ;
  • printf ( "value in pointer p is %c \n " , * p ) ;

60. What is the output of this C code?

  • if ( sizeof ( int ) > - 1 )
  • printf ( "True" ) ;
  • printf ( "False" ) ;

61. What is the output of this C code?

  • char * p = "Sanfoundry C-Test" ;
  • p [ 0 ] = 'a' ;
  • p [ 1 ] = 'b' ;
  • printf ( "%s" , p ) ;

62. What is the output of this C code?

  • float f = 0.1 ;
  • if ( f == 0.1 )

63. What is the output of this C code?

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  • if ( n > 0 )
  • if ( m > 0 )

Chapterwise Multiple Choice Questions on C Programming

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2. Multiple Choice Questions on Control Flow Statements in C

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7. MCQs on Floating Point & Sizeof Operator in C

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15.13 Structure Assignment

Assignment operating on a structure type copies the structure. The left and right operands must have the same type. Here is an example:

Notionally, assignment on a structure type works by copying each of the fields. Thus, if any of the fields has the const qualifier, that structure type does not allow assignment:

See Assignment Expressions .

When a structure type has a field which is an array, as here,

structure assigment such as r1 = r2 copies array fields’ contents just as it copies all the other fields.

This is the only way in C that you can operate on the whole contents of a array with one operation: when the array is contained in a struct . You can’t copy the contents of the data field as an array, because

would convert the array objects (as always) to pointers to the zeroth elements of the arrays (of type struct record * ), and the assignment would be invalid because the left operand is not an lvalue.

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Does C support multiple assignment of the type a , b = 0, 1 like python does?

The following code gives output : 0 1 and obviously does not raise any error. Does C support the same?

  • variable-assignment
  • multiple-assignment

chtnnh's user avatar

  • 2 No. The closest it comes is this . –  meowgoesthedog Commented Sep 4, 2018 at 14:59
  • 1 Often when a language does not support a feature of interest, it means that the language has other ways to approach the higher level problem. What is the need to do multiple assignments? –  chux - Reinstate Monica Commented Sep 4, 2018 at 15:31
  • @chux I needed to interchange the values of 3 variables inside the body of my for loop –  chtnnh Commented Sep 4, 2018 at 15:36
  • You can do something like this: void AssignValues(int values[], ... ); which would let you implement the first line like this: int vals[]={0,1};AssignValues(vals, a, b); but implementing it would be.... nasty. –  Tim Randall Commented Sep 4, 2018 at 18:35

3 Answers 3

No, C does not support multiple-assignment, nor has it language-level support for tuples.

The above is, considering operator precedence , equivalent to:

Which is equivalent to:

The closest C-equivalent to your Python code would be:

That would be needlessly complex and confusing though, thus prefer separating it into two statements for much cleaner code:

Deduplicator's user avatar

C does not support list assignments as Python does. You need to assign to each variable separately:

dbush's user avatar

No C does not support multiple assignments like this.

Compilation passes since a , b = 0 , 1 is grouped as a, (b = 0), 1 . a and 1 are no-ops but still valid expressions; the expression is equivalent to

with a not changed.

Interestingly, you can achieve your desired notation in C++ with some contrivance and a minor change in the syntax.

Bathsheba's user avatar

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c language multiple assignment


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    C is a procedural programming language. It was initially developed by Dennis Ritchie in the year 1972. It was mainly developed as a system programming language to write an operating system. The main features of C language include low-level access to memory, a simple set of keywords, and a clean style, these features make C language suitable for sys

  7. Assignment Operators in C

    Simple assignment operator. Assigns values from right side operands to left side operand. C = A + B will assign the value of A + B to C. +=. Add AND assignment operator. It adds the right operand to the left operand and assign the result to the left operand. C += A is equivalent to C = C + A. -=.

  8. Operators in C

    Operators are symbols used for performing some kind of operation in C. There are six types of operators, Arithmetic Operators, Relational Operators, Logical Operators, Bitwise Operators, Assignment Operators, and Miscellaneous Operators. Operators can also be of type unary, binary, and ternary according to the number of operators they are using.

  9. C Examples

    Program. C Program to Print an Integer (Entered by the User) C Program to Add Two Integers. C Program to Multiply Two Floating-Point Numbers. C Program to Find ASCII Value of a Character. C Program to Compute Quotient and Remainder. C Program to Find the Size of int, float, double and char. C Program to Demonstrate the Working of Keyword long.

  10. C Programming Assignment Operators

    Assignment Operators in C are used to assign values to the variables. They come under the category of binary operators as they require two operands to operate upon. The left side operand is called a variable and the right side operand is the value. The value on the right side of the "=" is assigned to the variable on the left side of "=".

  11. Operator Precedence and Associativity in C

    The concept of operator precedence and associativity in C helps in determining which operators will be given priority when there are multiple operators in the expression. It is very common to have multiple operators in C language and the compiler first evaluates the operater with higher precedence. It helps to maintain the ambiguity of the ...

  12. Assignment Operators in C

    1. "=": This is the simplest assignment operator. This operator is used to assign the value on the right to the variable on the left. Example: a = 10; b = 20; ch = 'y'; 2. "+=": This operator is combination of '+' and '=' operators.This operator first adds the current value of the variable on left to the value on the right and then assigns the result to the variable on the left.

  13. Practice C

    Solve these beginner friendly problems online to get better at C language. Courses. Learn Python 10 courses. Learn C++ 9 courses. Learn C 9 courses. Learn ... Single vs Multiple Lines Quiz: Easy: Basic Expression Printing Test: Easy: String Formatting Exercise ... Variable Assignment : Easy: What is the output: Easy: Output The Difference - MCQ ...

  14. C Operators

    Comparison operators are used to compare two values (or variables). This is important in programming, because it helps us to find answers and make decisions. The return value of a comparison is either 1 or 0, which means true ( 1) or false ( 0 ). These values are known as Boolean values, and you will learn more about them in the Booleans and If ...

  15. C Declare Multiple Variables

    C Exercises. Test Yourself With Exercises. Exercise: Fill in the missing parts to create three variables of the same type, using a comma-separated list: myNum1 = 10 myNum2 = 15 myNum3 = 25; printf("%d", myNum1 + myNum2 + myNum3); Submit Answer ». Start the Exercise. Previous Next .

  16. Assignment Operator in C

    Types of Assignment Operators in C. Here is a list of the assignment operators that you can find in the C language: Simple assignment operator (=): This is the basic assignment operator, which assigns the value on the right-hand side to the variable on the left-hand side. Example: int x = 10; // Assigns the value 10 to the variable "x"

  17. C MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

    What will be the value of the following assignment expression? (x = foo())!= 1 considering foo() returns 2. a) 2 b) True c) 1 d) 0 View Answer. Answer: c ... Multiple Choice Questions on Control Flow Statements in C. The section contains C Language multiple choice questions on switch statements, if-then-else statements, for and while loops ...

  18. C Tutorial

    Test yourself with multiple choice questions. Get Certified. Document your knowledge. ... Learn C. C is a general-purpose programming language that has been widely used for over 50 years. C is very powerful; it has been used to develop operating systems, databases, applications, etc.

  19. Structure Assignment (GNU C Language Manual)

    15.13 Structure Assignment. Assignment operating on a structure type copies the structure. The left and right operands must have the same type. Here is an example: Notionally, assignment on a structure type works by copying each of the fields. Thus, if any of the fields has the const qualifier, that structure type does not allow assignment:

  20. Does C support multiple assignment of the type a , b = 0, 1 like python

    1. No C does not support multiple assignments like this. Compilation passes since a , b = 0 , 1 is grouped as a, (b = 0), 1. a and 1 are no-ops but still valid expressions; the expression is equivalent to. b = 0. with a not changed. Interestingly, you can achieve your desired notation in C++ with some contrivance and a minor change in the syntax.