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Getting College Essay Help: Important Do's and Don’ts

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College Essays


If you grow up to be a professional writer, everything you write will first go through an editor before being published. This is because the process of writing is really a process of re-writing —of rethinking and reexamining your work, usually with the help of someone else. So what does this mean for your student writing? And in particular, what does it mean for very important, but nonprofessional writing like your college essay? Should you ask your parents to look at your essay? Pay for an essay service?

If you are wondering what kind of help you can, and should, get with your personal statement, you've come to the right place! In this article, I'll talk about what kind of writing help is useful, ethical, and even expected for your college admission essay . I'll also point out who would make a good editor, what the differences between editing and proofreading are, what to expect from a good editor, and how to spot and stay away from a bad one.

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Table of Contents

What Kind of Help for Your Essay Can You Get?

What's Good Editing?

What should an editor do for you, what kind of editing should you avoid, proofreading, what's good proofreading, what kind of proofreading should you avoid.

What Do Colleges Think Of You Getting Help With Your Essay?

Who Can/Should Help You?

Advice for editors.

Should You Pay Money For Essay Editing?

The Bottom Line

What's next, what kind of help with your essay can you get.

Rather than talking in general terms about "help," let's first clarify the two different ways that someone else can improve your writing . There is editing, which is the more intensive kind of assistance that you can use throughout the whole process. And then there's proofreading, which is the last step of really polishing your final product.

Let me go into some more detail about editing and proofreading, and then explain how good editors and proofreaders can help you."

Editing is helping the author (in this case, you) go from a rough draft to a finished work . Editing is the process of asking questions about what you're saying, how you're saying it, and how you're organizing your ideas. But not all editing is good editing . In fact, it's very easy for an editor to cross the line from supportive to overbearing and over-involved.

Ability to clarify assignments. A good editor is usually a good writer, and certainly has to be a good reader. For example, in this case, a good editor should make sure you understand the actual essay prompt you're supposed to be answering.

Open-endedness. Good editing is all about asking questions about your ideas and work, but without providing answers. It's about letting you stick to your story and message, and doesn't alter your point of view.


Think of an editor as a great travel guide. It can show you the many different places your trip could take you. It should explain any parts of the trip that could derail your trip or confuse the traveler. But it never dictates your path, never forces you to go somewhere you don't want to go, and never ignores your interests so that the trip no longer seems like it's your own. So what should good editors do?

Help Brainstorm Topics

Sometimes it's easier to bounce thoughts off of someone else. This doesn't mean that your editor gets to come up with ideas, but they can certainly respond to the various topic options you've come up with. This way, you're less likely to write about the most boring of your ideas, or to write about something that isn't actually important to you.

If you're wondering how to come up with options for your editor to consider, check out our guide to brainstorming topics for your college essay .

Help Revise Your Drafts

Here, your editor can't upset the delicate balance of not intervening too much or too little. It's tricky, but a great way to think about it is to remember: editing is about asking questions, not giving answers .

Revision questions should point out:

  • Places where more detail or more description would help the reader connect with your essay
  • Places where structure and logic don't flow, losing the reader's attention
  • Places where there aren't transitions between paragraphs, confusing the reader
  • Moments where your narrative or the arguments you're making are unclear

But pointing to potential problems is not the same as actually rewriting—editors let authors fix the problems themselves.

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Bad editing is usually very heavy-handed editing. Instead of helping you find your best voice and ideas, a bad editor changes your writing into their own vision.

You may be dealing with a bad editor if they:

  • Add material (examples, descriptions) that doesn't come from you
  • Use a thesaurus to make your college essay sound "more mature"
  • Add meaning or insight to the essay that doesn't come from you
  • Tell you what to say and how to say it
  • Write sentences, phrases, and paragraphs for you
  • Change your voice in the essay so it no longer sounds like it was written by a teenager

Colleges can tell the difference between a 17-year-old's writing and a 50-year-old's writing. Not only that, they have access to your SAT or ACT Writing section, so they can compare your essay to something else you wrote. Writing that's a little more polished is great and expected. But a totally different voice and style will raise questions.

Where's the Line Between Helpful Editing and Unethical Over-Editing?

Sometimes it's hard to tell whether your college essay editor is doing the right thing. Here are some guidelines for staying on the ethical side of the line.

  • An editor should say that the opening paragraph is kind of boring, and explain what exactly is making it drag. But it's overstepping for an editor to tell you exactly how to change it.
  • An editor should point out where your prose is unclear or vague. But it's completely inappropriate for the editor to rewrite that section of your essay.
  • An editor should let you know that a section is light on detail or description. But giving you similes and metaphors to beef up that description is a no-go.


Proofreading (also called copy-editing) is checking for errors in the last draft of a written work. It happens at the end of the process and is meant as the final polishing touch. Proofreading is meticulous and detail-oriented, focusing on small corrections. It sands off all the surface rough spots that could alienate the reader.

Because proofreading is usually concerned with making fixes on the word or sentence level, this is the only process where someone else can actually add to or take away things from your essay . This is because what they are adding or taking away tends to be one or two misplaced letters.

Laser focus. Proofreading is all about the tiny details, so the ability to really concentrate on finding small slip-ups is a must.

Excellent grammar and spelling skills. Proofreaders need to dot every "i" and cross every "t." Good proofreaders should correct spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar. They should put foreign words in italics and surround quotations with quotation marks. They should check that you used the correct college's name, and that you adhered to any formatting requirements (name and date at the top of the page, uniform font and size, uniform spacing).

Limited interference. A proofreader needs to make sure that you followed any word limits. But if cuts need to be made to shorten the essay, that's your job and not the proofreader's.


A bad proofreader either tries to turn into an editor, or just lacks the skills and knowledge necessary to do the job.

Some signs that you're working with a bad proofreader are:

  • If they suggest making major changes to the final draft of your essay. Proofreading happens when editing is already finished.
  • If they aren't particularly good at spelling, or don't know grammar, or aren't detail-oriented enough to find someone else's small mistakes.
  • If they start swapping out your words for fancier-sounding synonyms, or changing the voice and sound of your essay in other ways. A proofreader is there to check for errors, not to take the 17-year-old out of your writing.


What Do Colleges Think of Your Getting Help With Your Essay?

Admissions officers agree: light editing and proofreading are good—even required ! But they also want to make sure you're the one doing the work on your essay. They want essays with stories, voice, and themes that come from you. They want to see work that reflects your actual writing ability, and that focuses on what you find important.

On the Importance of Editing

Get feedback. Have a fresh pair of eyes give you some feedback. Don't allow someone else to rewrite your essay, but do take advantage of others' edits and opinions when they seem helpful. ( Bates College )

Read your essay aloud to someone. Reading the essay out loud offers a chance to hear how your essay sounds outside your head. This exercise reveals flaws in the essay's flow, highlights grammatical errors and helps you ensure that you are communicating the exact message you intended. ( Dickinson College )

On the Value of Proofreading

Share your essays with at least one or two people who know you well—such as a parent, teacher, counselor, or friend—and ask for feedback. Remember that you ultimately have control over your essays, and your essays should retain your own voice, but others may be able to catch mistakes that you missed and help suggest areas to cut if you are over the word limit. ( Yale University )

Proofread and then ask someone else to proofread for you. Although we want substance, we also want to be able to see that you can write a paper for our professors and avoid careless mistakes that would drive them crazy. ( Oberlin College )

On Watching Out for Too Much Outside Influence

Limit the number of people who review your essay. Too much input usually means your voice is lost in the writing style. ( Carleton College )

Ask for input (but not too much). Your parents, friends, guidance counselors, coaches, and teachers are great people to bounce ideas off of for your essay. They know how unique and spectacular you are, and they can help you decide how to articulate it. Keep in mind, however, that a 45-year-old lawyer writes quite differently from an 18-year-old student, so if your dad ends up writing the bulk of your essay, we're probably going to notice. ( Vanderbilt University )


Now let's talk about some potential people to approach for your college essay editing and proofreading needs. It's best to start close to home and slowly expand outward. Not only are your family and friends more invested in your success than strangers, but they also have a better handle on your interests and personality. This knowledge is key for judging whether your essay is expressing your true self.

Parents or Close Relatives

Your family may be full of potentially excellent editors! Parents are deeply committed to your well-being, and family members know you and your life well enough to offer details or incidents that can be included in your essay. On the other hand, the rewriting process necessarily involves criticism, which is sometimes hard to hear from someone very close to you.

A parent or close family member is a great choice for an editor if you can answer "yes" to the following questions. Is your parent or close relative a good writer or reader? Do you have a relationship where editing your essay won't create conflict? Are you able to constructively listen to criticism and suggestion from the parent?

One suggestion for defusing face-to-face discussions is to try working on the essay over email. Send your parent a draft, have them write you back some comments, and then you can pick which of their suggestions you want to use and which to discard.

Teachers or Tutors

A humanities teacher that you have a good relationship with is a great choice. I am purposefully saying humanities, and not just English, because teachers of Philosophy, History, Anthropology, and any other classes where you do a lot of writing, are all used to reviewing student work.

Moreover, any teacher or tutor that has been working with you for some time, knows you very well and can vet the essay to make sure it "sounds like you."

If your teacher or tutor has some experience with what college essays are supposed to be like, ask them to be your editor. If not, then ask whether they have time to proofread your final draft.

Guidance or College Counselor at Your School

The best thing about asking your counselor to edit your work is that this is their job. This means that they have a very good sense of what colleges are looking for in an application essay.

At the same time, school counselors tend to have relationships with admissions officers in many colleges, which again gives them insight into what works and which college is focused on what aspect of the application.

Unfortunately, in many schools the guidance counselor tends to be way overextended. If your ratio is 300 students to 1 college counselor, you're unlikely to get that person's undivided attention and focus. It is still useful to ask them for general advice about your potential topics, but don't expect them to be able to stay with your essay from first draft to final version.

Friends, Siblings, or Classmates

Although they most likely don't have much experience with what colleges are hoping to see, your peers are excellent sources for checking that your essay is you .

Friends and siblings are perfect for the read-aloud edit. Read your essay to them so they can listen for words and phrases that are stilted, pompous, or phrases that just don't sound like you.

You can even trade essays and give helpful advice on each other's work.


If your editor hasn't worked with college admissions essays very much, no worries! Any astute and attentive reader can still greatly help with your process. But, as in all things, beginners do better with some preparation.

First, your editor should read our advice about how to write a college essay introduction , how to spot and fix a bad college essay , and get a sense of what other students have written by going through some admissions essays that worked .

Then, as they read your essay, they can work through the following series of questions that will help them to guide you.

Introduction Questions

  • Is the first sentence a killer opening line? Why or why not?
  • Does the introduction hook the reader? Does it have a colorful, detailed, and interesting narrative? Or does it propose a compelling or surprising idea?
  • Can you feel the author's voice in the introduction, or is the tone dry, dull, or overly formal? Show the places where the voice comes through.

Essay Body Questions

  • Does the essay have a through-line? Is it built around a central argument, thought, idea, or focus? Can you put this idea into your own words?
  • How is the essay organized? By logical progression? Chronologically? Do you feel order when you read it, or are there moments where you are confused or lose the thread of the essay?
  • Does the essay have both narratives about the author's life and explanations and insight into what these stories reveal about the author's character, personality, goals, or dreams? If not, which is missing?
  • Does the essay flow? Are there smooth transitions/clever links between paragraphs? Between the narrative and moments of insight?

Reader Response Questions

  • Does the writer's personality come through? Do we know what the speaker cares about? Do we get a sense of "who he or she is"?
  • Where did you feel most connected to the essay? Which parts of the essay gave you a "you are there" sensation by invoking your senses? What moments could you picture in your head well?
  • Where are the details and examples vague and not specific enough?
  • Did you get an "a-ha!" feeling anywhere in the essay? Is there a moment of insight that connected all the dots for you? Is there a good reveal or "twist" anywhere in the essay?
  • What are the strengths of this essay? What needs the most improvement?


Should You Pay Money for Essay Editing?

One alternative to asking someone you know to help you with your college essay is the paid editor route. There are two different ways to pay for essay help: a private essay coach or a less personal editing service , like the many proliferating on the internet.

My advice is to think of these options as a last resort rather than your go-to first choice. I'll first go through the reasons why. Then, if you do decide to go with a paid editor, I'll help you decide between a coach and a service.

When to Consider a Paid Editor

In general, I think hiring someone to work on your essay makes a lot of sense if none of the people I discussed above are a possibility for you.

If you can't ask your parents. For example, if your parents aren't good writers, or if English isn't their first language. Or if you think getting your parents to help is going create unnecessary extra conflict in your relationship with them (applying to college is stressful as it is!)

If you can't ask your teacher or tutor. Maybe you don't have a trusted teacher or tutor that has time to look over your essay with focus. Or, for instance, your favorite humanities teacher has very limited experience with college essays and so won't know what admissions officers want to see.

If you can't ask your guidance counselor. This could be because your guidance counselor is way overwhelmed with other students.

If you can't share your essay with those who know you. It might be that your essay is on a very personal topic that you're unwilling to share with parents, teachers, or peers. Just make sure it doesn't fall into one of the bad-idea topics in our article on bad college essays .

If the cost isn't a consideration. Many of these services are quite expensive, and private coaches even more so. If you have finite resources, I'd say that hiring an SAT or ACT tutor (whether it's PrepScholar or someone else) is better way to spend your money . This is because there's no guarantee that a slightly better essay will sufficiently elevate the rest of your application, but a significantly higher SAT score will definitely raise your applicant profile much more.

Should You Hire an Essay Coach?

On the plus side, essay coaches have read dozens or even hundreds of college essays, so they have experience with the format. Also, because you'll be working closely with a specific person, it's more personal than sending your essay to a service, which will know even less about you.

But, on the minus side, you'll still be bouncing ideas off of someone who doesn't know that much about you . In general, if you can adequately get the help from someone you know, there is no advantage to paying someone to help you.

If you do decide to hire a coach, ask your school counselor, or older students that have used the service for recommendations. If you can't afford the coach's fees, ask whether they can work on a sliding scale —many do. And finally, beware those who guarantee admission to your school of choice—essay coaches don't have any special magic that can back up those promises.

Should You Send Your Essay to a Service?

On the plus side, essay editing services provide a similar product to essay coaches, and they cost significantly less . If you have some assurance that you'll be working with a good editor, the lack of face-to-face interaction won't prevent great results.

On the minus side, however, it can be difficult to gauge the quality of the service before working with them . If they are churning through many application essays without getting to know the students they are helping, you could end up with an over-edited essay that sounds just like everyone else's. In the worst case scenario, an unscrupulous service could send you back a plagiarized essay.

Getting recommendations from friends or a school counselor for reputable services is key to avoiding heavy-handed editing that writes essays for you or does too much to change your essay. Including a badly-edited essay like this in your application could cause problems if there are inconsistencies. For example, in interviews it might be clear you didn't write the essay, or the skill of the essay might not be reflected in your schoolwork and test scores.

Should You Buy an Essay Written by Someone Else?

Let me elaborate. There are super sketchy places on the internet where you can simply buy a pre-written essay. Don't do this!

For one thing, you'll be lying on an official, signed document. All college applications make you sign a statement saying something like this:

I certify that all information submitted in the admission process—including the application, the personal essay, any supplements, and any other supporting materials—is my own work, factually true, and honestly presented... I understand that I may be subject to a range of possible disciplinary actions, including admission revocation, expulsion, or revocation of course credit, grades, and degree, should the information I have certified be false. (From the Common Application )

For another thing, if your academic record doesn't match the essay's quality, the admissions officer will start thinking your whole application is riddled with lies.

Admission officers have full access to your writing portion of the SAT or ACT so that they can compare work that was done in proctored conditions with that done at home. They can tell if these were written by different people. Not only that, but there are now a number of search engines that faculty and admission officers can use to see if an essay contains strings of words that have appeared in other essays—you have no guarantee that the essay you bought wasn't also bought by 50 other students.


  • You should get college essay help with both editing and proofreading
  • A good editor will ask questions about your idea, logic, and structure, and will point out places where clarity is needed
  • A good editor will absolutely not answer these questions, give you their own ideas, or write the essay or parts of the essay for you
  • A good proofreader will find typos and check your formatting
  • All of them agree that getting light editing and proofreading is necessary
  • Parents, teachers, guidance or college counselor, and peers or siblings
  • If you can't ask any of those, you can pay for college essay help, but watch out for services or coaches who over-edit you work
  • Don't buy a pre-written essay! Colleges can tell, and it'll make your whole application sound false.

Ready to start working on your essay? Check out our explanation of the point of the personal essay and the role it plays on your applications and then explore our step-by-step guide to writing a great college essay .

Using the Common Application for your college applications? We have an excellent guide to the Common App essay prompts and useful advice on how to pick the Common App prompt that's right for you . Wondering how other people tackled these prompts? Then work through our roundup of over 130 real college essay examples published by colleges .

Stressed about whether to take the SAT again before submitting your application? Let us help you decide how many times to take this test . If you choose to go for it, we have the ultimate guide to studying for the SAT to give you the ins and outs of the best ways to study.

Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?   We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download them for free now:

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Anna scored in the 99th percentile on her SATs in high school, and went on to major in English at Princeton and to get her doctorate in English Literature at Columbia. She is passionate about improving student access to higher education.

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How To Write Coursework: Step By Step Guide Including Types, Structure, & Tips!

Rebekah Marshall

May 30, 2024

Read Time: 9 min

how to write coursework

Are you wondering, ‘How to write coursework?’ Writing coursework, the most significant part of any academic program, demands much time and energy. To finish high-quality coursework before a deadline, students must submit numerous work pages, perform experiments, hone their public speaking abilities, seek teacher assistance, analyze and discuss data, present material, and much more. In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about coursework, from understanding its importance to mastering the writing process. Whether you’re a student looking for tips or simply curious about coursework, this article by professional writers at our  coursework writing service  has got you covered. Let’s dive in!

What is Coursework?

Wondering  what is coursework ? Well, coursework is schoolwork that shows what the student knows and how well they understand what they have learned. It could be based on an experiment or a science project, and it could have as much information as needed.

The coursework can have a very different theme, thesis, work area, subject, and tasks. That’s why students should know what they need to do, even if they’ve done and read a lot of work like this before. Most of the time, tools like the free plagiarism checker on the Internet are also used to check these papers for mistakes in language and plagiarism.

✅Pro Tip:  Take note! Each document has its structure and formatting. Before writing the main parts, students have to come up with a topic and thesis. They also have to plan out the main structure. Only then can they start writing the content for each area.

How to Write a Coursework Introduction?

In order to receive a good score on your coursework, you should adhere to its prescribed format. Choosing a solid topic is, of course, the starting point. It is not particularly complex, but it is significant enough to warrant investigation. Your chances of writing outstanding coursework improve if your topic is narrowly focused and appropriately selected. When does the coursework begin? Contrary to what most students expect, this is not an introduction-focused assignment. At the outset of your coursework, it is helpful to state the primary points you will be making throughout the paper, outline your goals for the coursework, and compose a thesis statement that will clarify the topic’s importance.

Types of Coursework

First, you should know that there are different types of coursework. You need to know about each type of coursework to understand how to write coursework. You can quickly learn the basics and use them in your work by reading the full explanation below. Don’t forget how different things are. Because of this, you should try to understand this part of the problem as best as you can.

Types of coursework

Analytical essay

Analytical essay is very popular, and it uses three sources that are linked together. The same idea runs through them all. You can really pay attention to the written, spoken, and video sources that are relevant to your subject. You should also write for a specific group if you want to be more detailed and correct.

Essay with supportive comments

You need to find one piece of the media part here. You can read or watch it from the source. Following that, you will include your own specifics and details that are closely linked to the English language.

A creative paper with some comments

To achieve this, you need to write a paper that shows how well you can communicate with a certain group of people. The style of your paper needs to be the same as the one you were assigned.

Analytical study

This is one of the most accessible choices here, but it looks great. Someone will have to choose, or they will be given work. His job is to look into it in great depth. The student should show that they fully understand the piece. Moreover, teachers will examine the words, phrases, and specifics used in writing.

Coursework Outline

Each kind of paper has its own structure. Even coursework isn’t an exception. As usual, coursework has a


  • Bibliography page

Some professors have extra rules that you must follow in order to do well on the work.

All coursework parts should be written correctly and in line with the basic rules. Also, the thesis, opening, body, and conclusion should all have text that flows well with each other. Getting an A+ grade and making a good mark on your teacher makes sense.

✅Pro Tip:  Some people might wonder why structure is so important for coursework. The reason for this is that coursework is not the same as an essay; it is a more complex piece, similar to a research paper or even a dissertation. It should sound and look like a business.

How to Write Coursework? Step-by-Step Guide

You will require a lot of time to complete these tasks because they are hard, and you need to know how to write each part perfectly. We’re going to tell you about this below. Always remember that you have to perform good research, which requires more time than writing any other paper.

how to write coursework? Step by step guide

Understand the task requirements

It is crucial to fully understand the assignment summary before starting to write coursework. Take note of the word count, formatting requirements, and specific tasks that need to be done as you carefully review the document. If you are confused about anything in the research, you should not be shy about asking your professor or fellow students for clarification. Moreover, you will be well-prepared for success if you know what is required from the start.

Choose a topic

It is very important to be able to select a good topic for your coursework. Everything that is done will be related to the theme that was picked. If you let them pick, the subject should be something they want to write about. As a writer, you often have the opportunity to choose or create your topic, even though your teachers may provide you with precise instructions. For example, you may choose to focus on a topic from a course that you liked most or that you knew very well.

But before you choose a topic, you must make sure that you can properly control, measure, and modify it. Moreover, it is best not to pick topics that are unclear or too broad. This could make it complex to come up with a good thesis because they make it hard to meet the word limit and don’t fit the topic.  Additionally, students can ask for assistance and tips in picking the right subject to write about if they don’t know what to write about. For instance, you can look at projects that other students have already turned in to get an idea of how they handled certain subjects.

Perform Research

Coursework that is both informative and interesting can be built upon the research. Use a variety of reliable resources, such as peer-reviewed publications, books, and, if relevant, primary sources. Write down all of the important points, arguments, and supporting evidence in an orderly fashion. Give academic works and peer-reviewed publications more weight when determining a source’s credibility and usefulness.

Come up with an outline

You should only write your note after you have gathered all the information that is important to the subject. Before starting to scribble, a university student must jot down the paper’s structure. Last but not least, the project is set up like a piece, and students have to copy what they do. An essay usually has an introduction, a body with important ideas, and a decision at the end. Structure planning is especially important for bigger projects because sending a lot of information that needs to be simplified can lead to a message that is disorganized and hard to understand. This changes how the paper is done and how the data is shown in a big way.   The message is regarded as the polite portion since these factors—such as grammar, text selection, punctuation, and text count limitations—are examined throughout the evaluation. In other words, you need to get better at writing if you want to do good work in the standard essay style. For tough science plans, you need to be more analytical and interpretive so that you can clearly see what the facts in your message mean. Apart from that, you want a calm, supporting space that is free of any unnecessary distractions so that you can focus better, which is important for thought and message. You can cut down on outside distractions by turning off the TV and logging out of all your social media accounts.

Write the Draft

These assignments are difficult, so you will need a lot of time to complete them. You have to manage your time wisely. You also need to know how to properly write each part. This is what we’ll talk about next. Remember that you need to do good research, which takes more time than writing any other kind of paper.

How to write a coursework introduction? Start with a hook. People should pay attention to this one line. You can use anything—a joke, a fact, a number, or something else. Then you need to give a short outline of what you will talk about in the parts that follow. You can also look at examples of past work and find out more about this step. Is it really that important? Some students would rather do it at the end of the assignment.

There will be major parts to all of your coursework assignments where you need to present all of your facts and information. This section is the most important. Remember that each part needs to be well-written, free of mistakes, and follow the rules. Moreover, you need to explain one paragraph in detail. That last one means you will focus on making one point at a time. Move on to the next line when you’re done. In related pieces, this is what is expected to be there. A common mistake is putting the facts you want to show in the wrong order.

How to write a conclusion for coursework? You will require powerful reasoning that is done right in this situation. Moreover, you should discuss about the aspects and what you found at the end of the piece. Do not insert anything new to this, and don’t try to stay positive or negative about the topic. Furthermore, don’t be vague, and try to end on a strong note that makes people think.

Change and edit

Put your coursework’s first draft away for a while before modifying it. Take a break now to refocus on your work as well as make your mind clear. When you get back, carefully check over your coursework again, giving special attention to factors like spelling, language, punctuation, and how well it all makes sense.  Explore other ways to make your arguments stronger, build your writing flow better, and get rid of words that are repeated too much. You may wish to get feedback from peers, professors, or writing services to search for ways to improve your coursework and make it even better.

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Helpful Coursework Writing Tips

It is possible to complete a coursework assignment quickly and still get good grades. You can do minimum work and get more done if you apply these tips from the beginning. They are used by experienced students in all of their projects as well as research:

  • It is crucial to plan your coursework. If you require spending time on other classes and other activities, start planning your activities by writing the introduction to the main show. Moreover, make sure you have a few days to fix and revise your work, even if you think it’s good enough to go.
  • Arrange your workspace so that you can focus on studying. There are numerous places to study, like at home, the library, or even the park. Just ensure you choose a place where no one will bother you and where you will enjoy your work. Also, take a break to make your writing clearer and go over the lines you’ve made.
  • Talk about your work with other students who don’t know how to write coursework. Talking about your own experiences can help you do better research and write pieces that are easier to understand and more interesting. You can also look at other students’ work to learn how to present information and skills correctly.
  • It’s safe to view your files from different devices if you use services like Google Drive, cloud databases, and so on. Some services can store your texts, tables, images, and diagrams, and there is also a way to read texts and make comments.
  • Students show what they’ve learned in class by writing coursework. Many hours of study and attention are needed for this process. It is important to make sure that your coursework is easy to read and understand, and free of grammatical mistakes and plagiarism.
  • The students need to know the writing standards. Before writing the main parts, you should also think about how the work is structured and formatted. To find out more, students can read finished papers and look over coursework that has already been written by experts.

There are ways to make this process easier, even though it can be hard and time-consuming. Planning and scheduling, having a useful workspace, and getting can all help you get what you need faster and with less work.

Do’s and Don’ts Based on Our Nerdwriters Personal Experiences

You probably already know that our writers have seen a lot of examples of coursework. Their years of experience make it clear what they can do. When we asked them, they told us the three most common mistakes students made with their coursework and gave us three pieces of advice.

Not following instructions

Some students keep ignoring their teachers’ instructions, even though it seems like such a simple thing to do. Many of them only looked into three or four of the five things their professors asked them to, and some wrote much less or much more than 3000 words. Finally, some students don’t understand the question they were given, research the wrong subject, or don’t do the type of study they were told to do.

Not logical

Some people are good at writing. Students often need to be more balanced because they jump around from idea to idea, missing links, or not going into enough detail on their point.

Technical problems

Typos, bad grammar or style, and casual language often sneak into students’ writing without them even realizing it.

  • Read your question again and again. Being safe is better than being sorry, even if you’re sure you got everything right. Read the instructions again slowly, focusing on each part.
  • If you need help, ask for it. It doesn’t matter what’s wrong: if you can’t finish your coursework and want the best, most original papers, talk to professionals. They are going to help you.
  • Don’t worry about it looking like you’re losing time. Some students don’t see the point in making outlines or drafts. Though they may take some time, you’ll save time because you’ll spend less time writing. Build a strong foundation for your coursework.

Wrapping Up

If you have read the blog till this paragraph, you must know what coursework is and how to write coursework. When writing coursework, students demonstrate their course knowledge. This method needs careful study. Coursework should be proofread for grammar, plagiarism, and readability. Students must know what to make and the requirements. Before composing the main sections, evaluate the work’s structure and layout. Students can read already-composed articles and examine expert researchers’ work to learn more. Sometimes this procedure is hard, but there are ways to make it easier. If you need assistance with your coursework and are looking for a convenient service that can swiftly provide you with the best results, go no further than  Nerdpapers . Effective coursework writing is difficult and time-consuming, but our specialists can guarantee that you will get a high-quality assignment if you ask them for assistance. 

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Placing an order with our service is easy when you need writing or editing assistance. Follow the instructions below, and you will be all set for your coursework assistance. See the steps below:

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Set your deadline, the number of pages, formatting, subject, and title of your paper, and upload instructions for your assignment. You can also choose the writer’s level, depending on the complexity of your task

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Professional coursework writers.

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Find your reliable custom coursework writing service that works your way!

As you might already know, working on coursework is always time-consuming and challenging since you must include all types of work, from reflective essays to school debates. It can easily become challenging to get things done on time. This is where our custom coursework writing service becomes helpful because we know how to handle all the possible assignments that match the highest standards. Allowing you to communicate directly, we provide affordable and plagiarism-free help, from good topic selection and tips on how to write a thesis to final editing and proofreading. If you are a college student feeling stuck and lost with no clue what to write next, we are always here for you. Read on to find out what academic help is on offer!

Learn what kind of essays we can offer

We are happy to offer all types of essays for you that must be included in your college coursework. In most cases, you may have to complete a list of tasks or provide a single assignment that will include information on something you have studied through the course. Our custom coursework help will address every aspect of your grading rubric and provide the most efficient solution. As a rule, it may include but is not limited to the following types of work that you may have to write:

  • Reflective and creative writing;
  • Argumentative essay writing;
  • School debates and discussions;
  • Lab reports and coursework analysis;
  • Dissertation writing and thesis statements;
  • Personal statements and purpose writing;
  • Interdisciplinary coursework writing.

Our custom coursework writing services can assist you in many academic subjects, including Healthcare, Law, Business Management, History, Marketing, Psychology, Social Sciences, Education, Political Sciences, IT, Fashion Studies, and more.

If you need an interdisciplinary approach to writing, we can provide you with the best coursework assistance and write based on several subjects. Just let your writer know what must be done, and make sure that you share your instructions, lecture notes, or anything that can help us assist you better. Remember that the more information you tend to share with our coursework writing service, the better it will be. You are all set since you can talk to your helper directly and enjoy free revisions!

Benefits of our coursework writing service

As you plan to place an order with our company, you have numerous guarantees and mechanisms that keep you safe regarding your finances and the quality of your work. First, we should mention that we do not use pre-written material as we write and offer only original coursework assistance. It means that you will never run into plagiarism issues!

Some other benefits of your custom-written coursework include the following:

  • Direct communication with a chosen writer.
  • Affordable prices and safe payment methods.
  • Free revisions to make things perfect.
  • Professional editing and proofreading services.
  • Timely coursework delivery in as little as 3 hours.
  • You pay only when you are happy with the final coursework.
  • Plagiarism-free work and formatting help.
  • You can hire a coursework writing service based on various writing levels.
  • Confidential and legitimate USA service.
  • 24/7 customer support.

When you are worried about finding the right sources or citing your arguments correctly, talking to your writer directly helps eliminate all the possible issues. You can use a free revision if you need to get something corrected or bring in certain changes as you write. It helps to bring things to perfection and save time on post-editing. If you have questions left as you place your order or need help with coursework that requires something special, we shall be ready to assist you 24/7 by guiding you through every issue you may have!

How to purchase coursework on our website?

If you have all of your lecture notes and instructions prepared, it will not take more than ten minutes to finish things. If you are ready to buy coursework from our service, you should take the following steps:

  • Click on the “Hire a Writer” button first and then choose between “writing” and “editing”, depending on what kind of coursework help you need.
  • Specify your deadline and the number of pages that an expert must write.
  • Type in your coursework title and choose your academic subject.
  • Specify formatting and the number of sources that must be cited.
  • Provide you with a grading rubric and comments. Upload instructions or write your recommendations.
  • Choose your writer’s level. Our custom coursework writers are divided into three categories. The first is “All Writes”, the second is Gold (Our top 50 specialists), and the third is Platinum, which grants you access to our top 20 specialists in your chosen subject. If you need to write something complex and demanding, choosing Gold or Platinum experts is recommended!

Now, you are ready to choose your writer from the list of available specialists. You can ask questions and see who fits your needs the best way. If you cannot find a fitting writer, we can do it for you at only $9.99. Once you find your writer and share your write my coursework for me request, you must pay a deposit to let your chosen specialist start working. The funds will be kept secure in your account and won’t be released to the writer until the task is done. Do not forget that you can ask questions and enjoy free coursework revisions!

Reasons to choose our custom coursework writing service

One of the primary reasons to choose our coursework writing service is the presence of direct contact with a chosen writer and the experience of our specialists, who know what is expected. Turning to the past assignments we have done, we know what must be done, even for the most demanding essay types and academic subjects. Our custom coursework service provides genuine support from the topic selection and a thesis statement to the final formatting of your coursework bibliography and proofreading. It means that no matter where you might be stuck with your assignment, we can help you continue to write and finish things on time.

Another vital reason is the presence of affordable prices and fully original work. We also offer a free plagiarism-detection tool, which every student can use to check things again. As a company, we represent a legitimate service that works hard to provide timely academic writing and editing help. Remember that our custom coursework writing help is only meant to assist you and show you how to complete your work correctly!

Now, if you are an ESL student, our professional writing and editing services will be second to none in correcting grammar, logic, and spelling, among other things! We always write every assignment from scratch and keep up with your style and objectives. We always care for every student and do our best to provide genuine care and support 24/7!

If your English is not up to the standards, our college coursework help knows how to help you in the best way possible. Even if it’s late at night, and you cannot get in touch with a college professor, all you must do is share your concerns with our customer support agent!

Extra advantages to consider

Speaking of extra benefits to consider, as you approach university coursework writing services, we would like to mention the following advantages of our company, just to sum things up for you:

  • Free revisions make it easy to bring in minor corrections.
  • Affordable prices without a set number help to keep things competitive.
  • A wide coverage of essay types and academic subjects.
  • Experienced writers with knowledge in more than one topic.
  • Only native English speakers with extra writing skills.
  • Proofreading and editing include all types of writing corrections.
  • Creative writers are available for specific tasks.

And most importantly, it’s the direct contact with your writer and the ability to choose your specialist and write things customized! Enjoy the best coursework writing service experience, talk to someone you like, and become a happy coursework owner!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is your coursework writing service legit.

Yes, we represent a legitimate custom academic writing and editing company that provides you with all types of assistance. We provide you with formatting, styling, and all types of college help on a legitimate and plagiarism-free basis.

Can you help me to format my assignment?

Yes! You can request any essay type and formatting for your coursework. If unsure what must be done, you must share your grading rubric and let our experts assist you. If you need to revise your coursework in another style, we can do that too!

What are your approximate prices?

We do not have any set prices because it will always depend on your deadline, coursework type, writer’s level, and the type of your work. We keep our prices affordable and will help you to find the best solution.

Can you help me to find sources for my coursework?

Yes, your writer will be able to find trustworthy and verified sources to match your grading rubric’s requirements and your arguments. Just share how many sources you need for your coursework writing, and we shall do the rest by providing you with all the necessary!

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There are elements of coursework that resemble or are constructed to run along the lines of laboratory work, other kinds of experimental work such as polls, surveys, and other observational studies, or can include scientific research in subjects such as the sciences, where it is difficult to prove the coverage of material through exams.

Steps to Carry out Successful Coursework

  • Carefully select a topic and decide on the goal of your coursework. Make sure you understand all the requirements of your coursework, as well as the topic itself. When choosing your topic, try adhering to the rule of the golden middle: choose a topic that is not too hackneyed (because writing coursework on the same topic everyone does is pointless), but which is also not too specialized and under-researched (because you will need sources, and it is better that you are able to find them easily). Narrow the topic down, if it is possible—make sure there is only one way to understand it, and that it articulates your subject in a clear way.
  • Consult with your teachers, especially with the teacher who is supervising your coursework. Ask his or her opinion on the topic you have chosen and for some possible advice on how to narrow or improve it. Teachers may give you a hint on whether your topic is promising and perspective, where to start your research from, what difficulties you may encounter, and so on.
  • After you have decided on the topic and your goal, create an approximate plan of your coursework’s structure. Different colleges and universities may have different requirements for coursework structure and contents, so you should figure it out before you begin the process of planning. It is not final yet, and later you will correct it, but at this point you need this plan to have a point to start from.
  • Decide on research methods. Depending on your topic, methods may include experiments, observations, polls, comparisons, analysis, and so on, along with standard methods such as studying resources on the subject. Check these methods with your supervising teacher.
  • Figure out where you can find all the needed information, gather the equipment necessary for your research methods, and do the research. While researching, make sure to take notes. Also, check your coursework structure plan and make corrections, if needed. Your notes should be easy to read and navigate.
  • Based on your structure plan and your research materials, create an outline of your coursework. Basically, an outline is a more detailed version of a structure plan. After you create it, craft the first draft of your coursework.
  • Keep working on your draft unless you make it look like a final copy. Consult with your supervising teacher as often as possible.
  • Before submitting your coursework, make sure to proofread and edit it. Also, you should check all the data in it for accuracy, consistency, and credibility.

Topic Selection

Proper topic selection accounts for a large portion of your academic coursework—therefore it is important to make a reasonable and balanced choice. There are several ways to pick a suitable topic. Sometimes a consultation with a tutor may help you narrow down your subject to a certain topic. However, it might happen that you will need to decide on your own. To do so, move from universals to particulars. Brainstorming and mind-mapping techniques will help you.

Define the field for your future research; say it is American literature—then decide on a school: romanticism, realism, decadency, Beat, and so on. For example, you can choose Beat literature, and one of its brightest representatives, Jack Kerouac. Keep on narrowing the subject down: choose one of his novels—let it be “On the Road.” Now, think over problems, characters, events, and relationships described in the novel. After you have finished with all the procedures as previously stated, your topic for the coursework on American literature might sound like, “The Personality of Dean Moriarty as Freedom Personified by Jack Kerouac.”

And finally, remember, that successful academic coursework can be written only successfully if the topic is of interest to you.

Key Points to Consider

  • The research phase is crucial for any coursework. Anytime you feel like making a shortcut or try to skip this phase and get down to writing, do not do this. On the contrary, you should aim to gather as much data from different resources as you can; this includes books, journals, websites, results of experiments, and so on. Therefore, you should dedicate about 60% of your time to researching.
  • The content of your coursework should be based on accurate, relevant, and credible information. All the data you use in your coursework should be aimed at proving your research hypothesis, or thesis statement, and the paper itself should be a deep analysis of the topic.
  • Usually, students procrastinate as long as possible, and rush into writing coursework in the last week or two before the due date. Perhaps, this is one of the reasons why there are usually so many mistakes and typos in coursework. Sometimes, typos and inattentiveness can become reasons for you completely negating the whole argument of your paper. So, to be on the safe side, make sure to reread your paper before you submit it; also, use MS Word, Google Docs, or other similar text-processing software to be able to notice mistakes easier.
  • Make sure your coursework is easy to read and to comprehend. Use subheadings: they are a good way to mark semantic transitions within the text. They also break the text into smaller chunks, making it more reader-friendly. Use transition words to clearly show how the ideas, arguments, and evidence in your work are connected. Mind the length and structure of your sentences; long, complicated sentences are harder to understand, but short sentences do not let you fully convey your thought. Also, you should make sure the words you are using are precise and accurate, and that you fully understand their meaning.

Dos and Don’ts



Common Mistakes

  • Not allocating enough time for research. Although this is the most crucial step of writing coursework, many students tend to try to shortcut it and get down directly to writing.
  • Not proofreading or editing enough. This is important, because sometimes the cost for making a mistake is too high. Overlook a simple “not” in the concluding and summarizing part of your coursework, and your entire argumentation may be denied or ruined.
  • Submitting your coursework exactly on the due date. This way, students often deprive themselves of time they could use to double-check the paper and correct the mistakes.
  • Missed citations, improper formatting, gullible statements, excessive simplification (or, on the contrary, complication) of the text.
  • Not making the text reader-friendly.

Now that you have acquainted yourself with the basic academic coursework writing tips and rules, you can check out our academic coursework samples to link theory with practice.

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To get your coursework done by the best experts in the field, you only have to share your instructions and hire an expert that suits your topic, style, and deadline needs. Check out our coursework writing services, choose the one that suits your needs, and get the best coursework assistance possible!

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Academic Coursework Writing Guide

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Welcome to The Knowledge Nest's Academic Coursework Writing Guide! In this comprehensive guide, we will provide you with invaluable insights, expert tips, and effective strategies to help you excel in your academic coursework. Whether you are a high school student, college student, or pursuing advanced studies, mastering the art of coursework writing is essential for your success.

Understanding Academic Coursework

Academic coursework refers to the assignments and projects assigned to students as part of their educational curriculum. It presents an opportunity for students to demonstrate their understanding of the subject matter, apply critical thinking skills, and showcase their research capabilities. Coursework typically includes essays, research papers, laboratory reports, case studies, and more.

Importance of Well-Written Coursework

Well-written coursework plays a crucial role in achieving academic excellence. It not only contributes to your overall grades but also helps you develop essential skills such as research, analysis, and writing. Additionally, it serves as a reflection of your knowledge and commitment to your academic pursuits.

Effective Coursework Writing Strategies

1. analyze the assignment.

Before you begin writing your coursework, carefully read and analyze the assignment guidelines. Understand the requirements, topic, and any specific instructions given by your instructor. This will ensure that you stay focused and tailor your work accordingly.

2. Plan and Organize

Effective planning and organization are essential for successful coursework completion. Create a timeline for each task, allocate sufficient time for research, writing, and revision. Divide your coursework into manageable sections, allowing yourself ample time to delve into the subject matter and produce high-quality work.

3. Conduct Thorough Research

Research is a fundamental aspect of coursework writing. Gather relevant and reliable sources such as academic journals, books, and reputable websites. Take comprehensive notes, ensuring you properly attribute all sources used. This will strengthen the credibility of your coursework and showcase your ability to engage with scholarly material.

4. Develop a Clear Thesis Statement

A strong thesis statement forms the foundation of your coursework. It encapsulates the main argument or perspective you will present in your work. Your thesis statement should be clear, concise, and relevant to the topic at hand. It will guide your research and help you maintain a coherent flow throughout your coursework.

5. Structure Your Coursework

Organize your coursework in a logical manner. Divide it into sections such as introduction, main body paragraphs, and conclusion. Each section should have a clear purpose and flow seamlessly into the next. Use appropriate headings and subheadings to enhance readability and highlight key arguments or concepts.

6. Write Clearly and Concisely

Effective communication is essential in coursework writing. Use clear and concise language to express your ideas. Avoid excessive use of complex vocabulary or jargon that may confuse readers. Support your arguments with evidence and examples, ensuring your reasoning is logical and well-articulated.

7. Edit and Proofread

Never underestimate the importance of editing and proofreading your coursework. Review your work for grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and inconsistencies. Ensure your referencing and citations adhere to the required formatting style (e.g., APA, MLA). Take the time to polish your work and make necessary revisions before submission.

Mastering the art of academic coursework writing is a valuable skill that will benefit you throughout your educational journey. By following the strategies outlined in this guide, you can enhance your coursework writing abilities, ultimately leading to improved academic performance. Remember, coursework is not just an assignment, but an opportunity to showcase your intellectual prowess and passion for learning.

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How to Utilize a Coursework Writing Service for Maximum Academic Benefit?

Picture of Farha

  • Last Updated On July 12, 2024

How to Utilize a Coursework Writing Service for Maximum Academic Benefit image

In the modern education domain, a coursework writing service is a valuable resource for students seeking academic assistance. This trend has gained traction due to the growing demands on students’ time and the desire for top-notch academic performance.

Sometimes, students feel really busy with lots of schoolwork, essays, and assignments in today’s fast-paced school life. Many students are now using coursework writing services to help with this.

This comprehensive article is designed to assist you in optimizing the benefits of such services. It will provide insights into selecting the most suitable provider and share inspiring success stories from fellow students who have found valuable assistance through these resources.

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Benefits of Using a Coursework Writing Service

Time management.

One of the primary benefits of utilizing coursework writing services is efficient time management. Students juggling multiple courses can delegate the time-consuming task of research and writing, allowing them to focus on other academic priorities. This not only relieves the burden of extensive workload but also empowers students to allocate their time strategically. As a result, they can engage more deeply in class discussions, dedicate time to understanding complex concepts, and pursue additional learning opportunities, contributing to a more holistic and enriching educational experience.

Quality Assurance

In addition to efficient time management, coursework writing services offer the invaluable assurance of high-quality work. By engaging these services, students can be confident in receiving coursework that is not only well-researched but also meticulously crafted to meet stringent academic standards. The guarantee of quality extends to aspects such as proper formatting, adherence to citation styles, and overall coherence in content.

This commitment to excellence not only contributes to academic success but also cultivates a sense of confidence and competence among students. The assurance of receiving top-notch work allows students to submit assignments with the assurance that their efforts align with the expectations of their academic institutions.

Moreover, the exposure to professionally written coursework serves as a learning opportunity for students, providing them with exemplary models to enhance their writing skills. This dual advantage of quality assurance and skill development underscores the multifaceted benefits that coursework writing services bring to students navigating the complexities of modern academia.

Expert Guidance

Engaging with professional writers not only ensures high-quality work but also provides students with invaluable expert guidance. These seasoned writers bring a wealth of experience to the table, possessing a deep understanding of the nuances of academic writing. Students can glean insights into effective research methodologies, learn how to articulate complex ideas clearly, and grasp the finer points of structuring compelling arguments.

The mentorship aspect of this engagement goes beyond the immediate completion of coursework; it becomes a transformative learning experience. Students can receive constructive feedback, understand the rationale behind certain writing choices, and develop a more profound appreciation for the art of academic expression.

Furthermore, this interaction with experts fosters a collaborative learning environment, bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. As students absorb the lessons from professional writers, they not only enhance their current assignments but also acquire skills that will serve them well in their future academic and professional endeavors. The guidance from these experts, much like the support of an online tutor , becomes a cornerstone for academic growth and proficiency in the art of effective communication.

Stress Reduction

In the face of an overwhelming academic workload, the use of a coursework writing service becomes a valuable ally in stress management. The pressures of multiple courses, tight deadlines, and intricate assignments can take a toll on a student’s mental well-being. By entrusting certain aspects of their workload to professional writers, students alleviate a significant source of stress.

Reduced stress levels have a cascading effect on a student’s mental health and overall well-being. With a more manageable workload, students can approach their studies with a clearer and calmer mindset. This, in turn, fosters improved concentration, better retention of information, and a more positive attitude toward learning.

Moreover, the stress reduction contributes to a healthier work-life balance. Students can allocate time not just to academic pursuits but also to personal interests, relaxation, and social interactions. The resulting equilibrium enhances their overall quality of life, fostering resilience and adaptability in the face of academic challenges.

How to Choose the Right Coursework Writing Service?

Research reputable services.

Before choosing a coursework writing service, conducting thorough research is crucial for a successful academic partnership. Start by seeking out reputable providers with a proven track record of delivering high-quality work. Look for customer reviews, testimonials, and ratings to gauge the satisfaction levels of previous clients. Platforms that provide transparent information about their writers’ qualifications, expertise, and the processes involved in creating coursework are typically more trustworthy.

Moreover, consider reaching out to peers or academic advisors for recommendations, as personal experiences can offer valuable insights. Investigate the service’s commitment to meeting deadlines, maintaining confidentiality, and providing customer support. A careful evaluation of these factors ensures that the selected service aligns with your academic needs and standards.

By investing time in thorough research, you not only mitigate the risks associated with unreliable services but also set the foundation for a beneficial collaboration that can significantly enhance your academic journey. Remember, a well-informed choice is key to maximizing the positive impact of coursework writing services on your educational experience.

Check Customer Reviews

Examining feedback from previous users is a pivotal step in making an informed decision when selecting a coursework writing service. Positive reviews serve as a strong indicator of a reliable service with a satisfied customer base. These reviews provide insights into the strengths of the service, such as timely delivery, high-quality content, and effective communication with clients.

When exploring reviews, pay attention to specific aspects highlighted by users. Positive experiences regarding the expertise of the writers, adherence to guidelines, and the overall reliability of the service can instill confidence in your decision-making process. Look for testimonials that resonate with your academic needs and expectations.

However, it’s equally important to be discerning. A service with a mix of positive and constructive reviews may offer a more balanced perspective. Assess how the service addresses and resolves any issues raised by users, showcasing their commitment to customer satisfaction.

In essence, leveraging the experiences of previous users through reviews empowers you to make a well-founded choice, increasing the likelihood of a successful collaboration with a coursework writing service that aligns with your academic goals.

Evaluate Pricing and Discounts

Affordability stands as a crucial factor when considering a coursework writing service. Take the time to thoroughly evaluate the pricing structures offered by different providers. Look for transparency in pricing and ensure that there are no hidden fees. Some services may offer various packages or customization options to cater to different budgetary constraints.

Additionally, inquire about any available discounts or promotions that could enhance the cost-effectiveness of the service. Some providers may have special offers for first-time users, bulk orders, or seasonal promotions. By being diligent in exploring these options, you can potentially make the service more financially feasible while maintaining the quality and reliability of the assistance provided.

Striking a balance between affordability and quality ensures that you derive the maximum value from the coursework writing service without compromising on your budgetary considerations. Taking the time to assess these financial aspects further refines your decision-making process, allowing you to select a service that not only meets your academic needs but also aligns with your financial constraints.

Assess the Expertise of Writers

It’s paramount to ensure that the coursework writing service you choose employs qualified writers with expertise in your specific academic field. This guarantees the delivery of well-informed and relevant content tailored to the nuances of your subject matter. Look for services that provide information about their writers’ educational backgrounds, professional experience, and specialization areas.

A team of qualified writers ensures that your coursework is handled by individuals who not only possess a strong command of the subject but are also familiar with the academic expectations and standards within your field of study. This expertise enhances the quality of the work produced, contributing to a more insightful and academically rigorous outcome.

Before finalizing your decision, inquire about the writer selection process employed by the service. Services that prioritize hiring writers with advanced degrees, relevant experience, and a track record of successful academic writing are more likely to deliver content that meets or exceeds your expectations. Choosing a service with a team of qualified writers enhances the likelihood of a fruitful collaboration, ensuring that your coursework reflects a deep understanding of your academic discipline.

Understanding the Process

Placing an Order

Initiating the process involves providing details about the coursework requirements. Be specific to receive tailored assistance.

Communication with the Writer

Maintaining open communication with the assigned writer is vital. It allows for updates, clarifications, and the opportunity to provide additional instructions.

Revisions and Feedback

Most services offer revision options. Providing constructive feedback ensures the final work aligns with your expectations.

Final Delivery and Submission

Plan to review the completed coursework before the submission deadline. This allows for any last-minute adjustments.

Common Concerns Addressed

Plagiarism Issues

Legitimate services guarantee plagiarism-free work. Requesting a plagiarism report adds an extra layer of assurance.

Plagiarism issues image

Confidentiality and Privacy

Privacy concerns are valid. Reputable services have robust confidentiality policies in place.

Ethical Considerations

While utilizing coursework writing services is acceptable, maintaining academic integrity and using the provided material responsibly is essential.

Tips for Maximizing Academic Benefit

Learning from the Completed Coursework

Use the completed coursework as a learning resource. Analyze the structure, research methodology , and writing style to enhance your skills.

Using It as a Study Guide

The completed work can serve as a comprehensive study guide. Break down complex concepts and understand the methodology used in the coursework.

Seeking Clarification from the Writer

If certain aspects are unclear, don’t hesitate to seek clarification from the writer. This enhances your understanding of the topic.

Personalizing the Content for Better Understanding

Tailor the coursework to your learning style. Add notes or make modifications to ensure they align with your understanding of the subject matter.

Perplexity in Academic Writing

Perplexity in academic writing refers to a state of confusion or uncertainty experienced by writers when dealing with complex ideas, intricate concepts, or challenging subject matter. It occurs when the writer encounters difficulties in expressing thoughts clearly or comprehending the intricacies of a particular topic. This perplexity may stem from the complexity of the subject, unclear instructions, or a lack of familiarity with the academic conventions.

To address perplexity in academic writing, writers can engage in thorough research, seek clarification from instructors or peers, and break down complex ideas into smaller, more manageable components. Additionally, revising and editing drafts with a critical eye can help refine the expression of ideas, ensuring clarity and coherence in the final piece. Developing a strong understanding of the subject matter and practicing effective communication strategies are key to overcoming perplexity in academic writing.

Understanding Perplexity in Coursework

Perplexity in academic writing refers to the challenge writers face when dealing with intricate concepts or complex ideas, attempting to convey them in a clear and understandable manner. It involves the difficulty of articulating intricate thoughts without sacrificing clarity or coherence. In the context of academic writing, where precision and clarity are paramount, managing perplexity is crucial for effective communication.

To navigate this challenge, writers employ strategies that involve breaking down complex ideas into digestible segments. This can include providing clear definitions, using concrete examples, and organizing information in a logical structure. Additionally, incorporating visuals like charts or graphs can enhance the understanding of complex data. The goal is to maintain the depth and richness of the content while ensuring that the reader can follow the writer’s argument or explanation without undue confusion.

Effective academic writing, therefore, involves a delicate balance between the complexity of ideas and the clarity of expression. Writers must strive to communicate sophisticated concepts in a manner that is accessible to their intended audience, minimizing perplexity and fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Balancing Complexity and Clarity in Content

Presenting complex ideas in an easily understandable way demands a delicate balance that writers in academic contexts must navigate adeptly. The challenge lies in maintaining the depth and nuance of intricate concepts while ensuring clarity and accessibility for a diverse audience. Striking this balance involves several key considerations:

  • Audience Awareness: Writers must have a clear understanding of their audience’s background and familiarity with the subject matter. Tailoring the complexity of ideas to match the audience’s level of expertise is essential.
  • Effective Communication: Clarity in expression is paramount. Writers should use straightforward language, concise sentences, and well-defined terms to avoid ambiguity. A careful choice of words ensures that the meaning is conveyed accurately.
  • Structured Organization: Organizing information logically and coherently helps readers follow the progression of ideas. Clearly delineated sections, headings, and transitions contribute to a seamless flow of thought.
  • Use of Analogies and Examples: Analogies and real-world examples serve as powerful tools to simplify complex ideas. Relating abstract concepts to familiar scenarios aids in comprehension and makes the content more relatable.
  • Visual Aids: Incorporating visual elements such as charts, graphs, or diagrams can enhance understanding by providing a visual representation of complex data or relationships.
  • Avoidance of Jargon Overload: While specialized terminology is necessary in academic writing, overuse can hinder understanding. Writers should strike a balance by defining terms when introduced and ensuring that jargon is essential for conveying precise meaning.
  • Revision and Editing: Continuous refinement through the revision process is vital. Writers should review their work with a critical eye, seeking areas where complexity can be reduced without sacrificing the essence of the ideas.
  • Seeking Feedback: Obtaining feedback from peers or instructors allows writers to gauge the effectiveness of their communication. External perspectives can identify areas where further clarification or simplification is needed.

By skillfully managing these elements, writers can achieve the delicate balance required to present complex ideas in an easily understandable way. This ensures that academic writing not only demonstrates depth and sophistication but also fosters comprehension and engagement among diverse readers.

The Role of Coursework Writing Services in Managing Perplexity

Coursework writing services play a crucial role in managing perplexity in academic writing by employing effective communication strategies and delivering high-quality content. Here’s how these services contribute to addressing and mitigating perplexity in coursework:

  • Expert Writers with Subject Proficiency:

Services often hire writers with advanced degrees and expertise in specific subjects. This ensures that the content is written by individuals who possess a deep understanding of the subject matter, reducing the likelihood of confusion or miscommunication.

  • Clarity in Expression:

Professional writers are skilled in expressing complex ideas with clarity. They use precise language, well-defined terms, and structured organization to ensure that the coursework is easily comprehensible, addressing potential sources of perplexity.

  • Tailored to Audience Needs:

Writers consider the academic level and background of the audience when crafting coursework. Tailoring the content to meet the expectations of the audience helps strike the right balance between complexity and accessibility.

  • Thorough Research and Analysis:

These services conduct thorough research to ensure the accuracy and depth of the coursework. By presenting well-researched and analyzed information, they contribute to a more nuanced understanding of complex topics.

  • Use of Examples and Illustrations:

Incorporating relevant examples and illustrations is a common practice in coursework writing. These aids help clarify abstract concepts, making them more tangible and relatable for the reader.

  • Revision and Editing Processes:

Professional coursework services often have rigorous revision and editing processes. This ensures that the content is refined and polished, minimizing the risk of unclear or confusing passages that could contribute to perplexity.

  • Timely Delivery:

Meeting deadlines is crucial in academic settings, and coursework writing services understand the importance of timely delivery. Avoiding last-minute rushes contributes to a more organized presentation of ideas, reducing the chances of perplexity due to rushed or incomplete work.

  • Feedback Mechanisms:

Some services offer communication channels for clients to provide feedback. This interactive process allows for clarification on specific points, ensuring that the final coursework aligns with the client’s expectations and minimizes any potential sources of confusion. By addressing these elements, coursework writing services actively contribute to managing perplexity in academic writing. They offer a valuable resource for students seeking assistance in navigating complex coursework, fostering a clearer and more effective communication of ideas within the academic context.

Burstiness and Academic Creativity

“Burstiness” in the context of academic creativity refers to the sporadic, intense surges of creative thinking or productivity that individuals experience. This phenomenon involves periods of heightened intellectual activity, where ideas flow rapidly and innovatively. Burstiness is not a constant state but rather a dynamic and episodic occurrence.

In the domain of academia, burstiness can significantly impact creative processes. Here’s how:

  • Idea Generation:

Burstiness often leads to prolific idea generation. During these bursts, individuals may conceive novel concepts, theories, or solutions to academic problems, fostering creativity in their research or writing endeavors.

  • Productivity Spikes:

Academic creativity is often marked by bursts of intense productivity. These periods may involve writing prolifically, conducting extensive research, or making significant progress on a project. Innovation and Breakthroughs:

Burstiness is closely linked to moments of innovation and breakthroughs. Creative insights that propel academic fields forward often occur during these intense bursts of intellectual activity.

  • Problem-Solving:

Burstiness can aid in problem-solving within academia. During these periods, individuals may approach challenges with fresh perspectives, leading to creative solutions and a deeper understanding of complex issues.

  • Collaboration and Synergy:

Burstiness can be contagious within academic communities. When one individual experiences a burst of creativity, it can spark collaborative efforts and synergies, leading to shared bursts of inspiration among peers. However, it’s important to note that burstiness is inherently unpredictable and cannot be forced. It may arise from a variety of factors, including a change in environment, exposure to new ideas, or even a well-timed break from academic routines.

To harness burstiness for academic creativity, individuals can create environments that foster inspiration, engage in diverse experiences, and cultivate a mindset that welcomes periods of intense intellectual activity. Balancing structured work routines with the flexibility to accommodate bursts of creativity allows academics to leverage these surges for maximum creative output in their scholarly pursuits.

Defining Burstiness in Coursework

“Burstiness” in the context of academic creativity refers to intermittent, intense surges of creative energy and productivity. It describes periods where individuals experience a rapid influx of inventive ideas, heightened intellectual activity, and increased motivation. These bursts are characterized by a temporary state of hyper-productivity and imaginative thinking.

In the field of coursework, burstiness can have a profound impact on the quality and effectiveness of academic endeavors:

  • Innovative Assignment Approaches:

Burstiness can lead to innovative approaches when conceptualizing and completing assignments. During these bursts, students may generate unique ideas, novel perspectives, or creative solutions to academic challenges, enhancing the overall quality of their coursework.

  • Rich Content Development:

Intense bursts of creativity often result in the generation of rich and insightful content. Students experiencing burstiness may find themselves capable of expressing complex concepts with clarity and depth, elevating the overall impact of their coursework.

Efficient Time Management:

Burstiness can contribute to more efficient time management. During periods of heightened creativity, students may find themselves completing coursework tasks more quickly and effectively, allowing for a more balanced distribution of effort across various assignments.

  • Enhanced Critical Thinking:

Intense bursts of creativity stimulate enhanced critical thinking. Students may engage in more profound analyses, connections between ideas, and innovative interpretations, elevating the intellectual rigor and impact of their coursework.

  • Increased Motivation:

Burstiness is often accompanied by increased motivation. This heightened motivation can drive students to delve deeper into their coursework, undertake additional research, and explore diverse perspectives, resulting in a more comprehensive and impactful academic output.

To harness burstiness for coursework, students can create environments conducive to inspiration, embrace diverse learning experiences, and maintain a flexible mindset. Cultivating habits that encourage bursts of creativity, such as taking breaks, seeking out new perspectives, and fostering a positive mindset, allows students to optimize the impact of these sporadic but powerful periods of heightened creativity in their academic endeavors.

Fostering Creativity in Academic Projects

Fostering creativity in academic projects involves creating an environment that encourages innovative thinking, embraces diverse perspectives, and allows for flexibility. The concept of “burstiness,” characterized by intermittent and intense surges of creative energy, can significantly contribute to this creative process. Here are strategies for fostering creativity in academic projects and how burstiness plays a role:

Create a Stimulating Environment:

Burstiness Contribution: An environment that stimulates creativity often triggers bursts of inspiration. Ensure that your study or work environment includes elements like natural light, inspirational visuals, and a variety of resources to spark creative thinking. Encourage Diverse Experiences:

Burstiness Contribution: Exposure to diverse experiences can fuel bursts of creative energy. Engage in activities outside your academic routine, explore different subjects, and seek out experiences that challenge and broaden your perspective. Embrace Mindfulness Practices:

Burstiness Contribution: Mindfulness practices, such as meditation or reflection, can enhance your receptiveness to bursts of creativity. These practices create mental clarity, making it easier to recognize and capitalize on moments of inspiration. Set Flexible Work Patterns:

Burstiness Contribution: Adopting flexible work patterns accommodates bursts of creativity. Allow yourself the freedom to explore ideas spontaneously and adapt your schedule to maximize the impact of these creative surges. Collaborate and Share Ideas:

Burstiness Contribution: Collaboration with peers or mentors can contribute to bursts of creative thinking. Discussing ideas with others, receiving feedback, and building on each other’s insights can trigger intense periods of innovative thought. Take Breaks and Rest:

Burstiness Contribution: Adequate rest is essential for bursts of creativity. Breaks, walks, or short naps can refresh your mind, making it more receptive to creative surges when you return to your academic projects. Experiment with Different Perspectives:

Burstiness Contribution: Challenge your thinking by experimenting with different perspectives. Shift your viewpoint, explore alternative interpretations, and allow bursts of creativity to arise from the exploration of diverse intellectual pathways. Cultivate a Growth Mindset:

Burstiness Contribution: A growth mindset fosters openness to new ideas and challenges. Embrace the belief that intelligence and creativity can be developed, contributing to a mindset that welcomes and nurtures bursts of innovative thinking. By integrating these strategies into your academic approach, you create an environment conducive to fostering creativity. Burstiness then becomes a dynamic force within this framework, propelling moments of heightened inspiration and innovative thinking, ultimately enriching the quality and impact of your academic projects.

Leveraging Burstiness for Impactful Coursework

Leveraging burstiness for more impactful and memorable coursework involves recognizing and harnessing those moments of intense creativity. Here’s how students can make the most of burstiness to elevate the quality and impact of their academic projects:

  • Leveraging Burstiness: Understand your patterns of burstiness. Recognize when you are most creatively charged, whether it’s during specific times of the day or in response to certain stimuli. Embrace Spontaneity:
  • Leveraging Burstiness: Allow yourself to embrace spontaneity when bursts of creativity strike. Be open to deviating from your planned schedule to explore and develop the creative insights that emerge unexpectedly. Carry a Creative Notebook:
  • Leveraging Burstiness: Keep a creative notebook or digital note-taking tool handy. Capture ideas, thoughts, and bursts of inspiration as they occur. This ensures that you don’t lose valuable insights and can revisit them during the coursework creation process. Set Aside Dedicated Burstiness Time:
  • Leveraging Burstiness: Recognize the potential of burstiness and allocate dedicated time in your schedule for creative exploration. This intentional approach allows you to channel bursts of creativity into specific aspects of your coursework. Create a Dynamic Workspace:
  • Leveraging Burstiness: Design your study space to accommodate bursts of creativity. Include elements that inspire you, such as motivational quotes, visuals, or artifacts that trigger creative thinking. Integrate Multimedia Elements:
  • Leveraging Burstiness: When a burst of creativity strikes, consider integrating multimedia elements into your coursework. Visuals, diagrams, or multimedia presentations can enhance the impact of your work and make it more memorable. Collaborate During Creative Peaks:
  • Leveraging Burstiness: Leverage burstiness for collaborative efforts. When you experience creative peaks, engage in group discussions, brainstorming sessions, or collaborative projects with peers to capitalize on shared bursts of inspiration. Combine Burstiness with Structured Work:
  • Leveraging Burstiness: Blend bursts of creativity with structured work. While spontaneous bursts are valuable, integrating them into a well-planned coursework schedule ensures that creativity enhances, rather than disrupts, your overall academic process. Reflect on Creative Insights:
  • Leveraging Burstiness: Take time to reflect on the creative insights generated during bursts of inspiration. Consider how these insights can be woven into your coursework to add depth, originality, and memorability. Stay Flexible and Adaptive:
  • Leveraging Burstiness: Maintain a flexible and adaptive mindset. Be willing to pivot and adjust your approach based on the creative bursts that occur, allowing your coursework to evolve organically in response to these moments of inspiration. By actively recognizing and leveraging burstiness, students can infuse their coursework with a sense of freshness, originality, and impact. These bursts of creativity not only enhance the quality of the work but also contribute to making the coursework more memorable and engaging for both the student and the audience.

Detailed Analysis of a Student’s Experience

Case Study: Bridging Academic Challenges with Coursework Writing Services

Student Profile: Sophia, a third-year psychology major, found herself overwhelmed by a demanding semester, juggling multiple courses, extracurricular commitments, and a part-time job. As she faced an imminent deadline for a complex research paper, Sophia realized she needed support to navigate the academic challenges without compromising the quality of her work.

Challenge: Sophia’s schedule left her with limited time to conduct in-depth research and produce a well-structured and insightful research paper. Faced with the pressure to maintain high academic standards, she sought a solution to ensure the excellence of her coursework.

Decision to Utilize a Coursework Writing Service: After thorough research and consideration, Sophia decided to utilize a reputable coursework writing service known for its expertise in psychology-related assignments. She chose a service that provided a transparent process, including communication with the assigned writer, adherence to academic standards, and a history of positive reviews.

Engagement with the Service: Sophia communicated her specific requirements and expectations to the service, emphasizing the need for original research and a comprehensive analysis of psychological theories. The service promptly assigned an experienced writer with a background in psychology, fostering a collaborative environment through regular updates and feedback loops.

Quality Assurance and Timely Delivery: The writer provided drafts for Sophia’s review, ensuring that the coursework aligned with her vision. The service demonstrated a commitment to high-quality work, addressing Sophia’s feedback and incorporating additional insights. The emphasis on meeting deadlines alleviated Sophia’s stress, allowing her to focus on understanding challenging course concepts.

Outcomes: The completed coursework exceeded Sophia’s expectations. It showcased a deep understanding of psychological theories, a thorough literature review, and meticulous attention to detail. Sophia not only met her submission deadline but also gained valuable insights from the professionally crafted content.

Academic Impact: Sophia’s collaboration with the coursework writing service positively impacted her academic performance. The research paper received accolades for its clarity, depth, and original insights. Furthermore, Sophia used the completed work as a learning tool, studying the structure and writing style to enhance her own skills in subsequent assignments.

Conclusion: Sophia’s case exemplifies the strategic and responsible use of a coursework writing service to overcome academic challenges. By choosing a reputable provider, maintaining open communication, and leveraging the completed coursework as an educational resource, Sophia not only met her immediate academic needs but also enhanced her overall academic proficiency. This case underscores how coursework writing services can be valuable tools when used judiciously, contributing to a student’s success in navigating complex academic demands.

Challenges Faced and Overcome

Challenges Faced by Sophia:

Time Constraints:

Sophia faced the challenge of managing a busy schedule with multiple courses, extracurricular commitments, and a part-time job. This left her with limited time to conduct thorough research and dedicate the necessary effort to produce a high-quality research paper. Complex Course Material:

The research paper required a deep understanding of complex psychological theories and concepts. Sophia, like many students, found herself grappling with intricate subject matter that demanded extensive research and critical analysis. Pressure to Maintain Academic Standards:

As a psychology major, Sophia felt the pressure to maintain high academic standards. The research paper was a significant component of her course, and she sought to deliver work that not only met the assignment requirements but also reflected her commitment to excellence. How the Coursework Service Helped Overcome Challenges:

The coursework writing service provided Sophia with a valuable solution for efficient time management. By outsourcing the time-consuming task of research and initial drafting to a professional writer, Sophia could focus on other academic priorities and responsibilities. Expertise in Psychology:

The service assigned an experienced writer with a background in psychology to Sophia’s project. This expertise was crucial in navigating the complexities of the subject matter. The writer’s understanding of psychological theories ensured the delivery of well-informed and relevant content. Reduction of Academic Pressure:

Collaborating with the coursework writing service alleviated the academic pressure on Sophia. Knowing that she had professional support allowed her to approach the assignment with a clearer mindset, reducing stress and enabling her to engage more deeply with the course material. Adherence to Academic Standards:

The service demonstrated a commitment to academic standards. Sophia’s collaboration with the assigned writer included open communication and feedback loops. This ensured that the completed coursework not only met but exceeded the academic expectations, contributing to Sophia’s overall academic success. Learning Resource:

Instead of viewing the coursework service as a mere means to an end, Sophia leveraged the completed work as a learning resource. Studying the structure, writing style, and the depth of analysis in the provided content allowed her to enhance her own skills and understanding of the subject matter. In summary, the coursework writing service effectively addressed Sophia’s challenges by providing efficient time management, subject expertise, and a collaborative approach that exceeded academic standards. This collaborative effort not only helped Sophia meet the immediate demands of the research paper but also served as a catalyst for her ongoing academic growth and success.

Academic Improvement After Utilizing a Coursework Writing Service

Exceptional Quality of Work:

The collaboration with the coursework writing service resulted in a research paper of exceptional quality. The content reflected a deep understanding of complex psychological theories, meticulous research, and comprehensive analysis. The high-quality work demonstrated Sophia’s commitment to academic excellence. Recognition from Instructors:

Sophia’s submitted research paper received recognition from her instructors. The clarity, depth, and original insights showcased in the coursework caught the attention of the academic faculty, contributing to positive feedback and affirming Sophia’s academic capabilities. Improved Grades:

The impact on Sophia’s academic performance was tangible through improved grades. The research paper, a significant component of her course, contributed positively to her overall grade in the subject. Sophia’s commitment to delivering high-quality work was reflected in her academic achievements. Enhanced Understanding of Course Material:

Leveraging the completed coursework as a learning resource had a lasting impact on Sophia’s understanding of the course material. By studying the structure, writing style, and depth of analysis in the provided content, Sophia enhanced her grasp of complex psychological concepts, contributing to a more profound comprehension of her major. Confidence Boost:

The successful collaboration with the coursework writing service boosted Sophia’s confidence in her academic abilities. Knowing that she could navigate challenging assignments with support allowed her to approach future coursework with increased self-assurance, positively impacting her overall academic experience. Application of Learnings in Subsequent Assignments:

Sophia applied the insights gained from studying the completed coursework to her subsequent assignments. The experience served as a model for effective research, analysis, and presentation, enhancing the overall quality of her work in future academic endeavors. Reduction in Academic Stress:

The positive impact extended beyond grades. Sophia experienced a reduction in academic stress, as the coursework writing service provided a strategic solution for managing her workload. This reduction in stress contributed to a healthier and more balanced approach to her studies. Recognition of Personal Growth:

Sophia’s successful utilization of the coursework writing service not only reflected in her grades but also in her personal growth as a student. The ability to navigate challenges, seek support when needed, and leverage resources for academic success demonstrated resilience and a proactive approach to learning. In summary, the positive impact on Sophia’s academic performance was evident through exceptional work quality, improved grades, enhanced understanding of course material, increased confidence, and the application of learnings in subsequent assignments. The collaboration with the coursework writing service not only addressed immediate challenges but also contributed to Sophia’s ongoing academic success and growth.

Student Perspectives

Student Perspectives on Coursework Writing Services:

Interview 1: Positive Experience – Academic Assistance

Student: Ananya, Computer Science Major

Experience: Ananya shares a positive experience, “I turned to a coursework writing service during a challenging semester. The writer had a solid understanding of coding, and the assistance was invaluable. It not only saved me time but also improved my coding skills. It felt like having a tutor who catered to my specific needs.”

Interview 2: Ethical Concerns – Academic Integrity

Student: Arjun, Engineering Student

Concerns: Arjun expresses ethical concerns, “While the convenience is tempting, I worry about the ethics. Using a service might mean not fully engaging with the learning process. It’s about personal integrity and the pride that comes from independently overcoming academic challenges.”

Interview 3: Balanced Approach – Responsible Use

Student: Nia, Business Administration Major

Perspective: Nia advocates for a balanced approach, “I’ve used coursework writing services sparingly. It’s about responsible use—ensuring there’s no plagiarism and using the completed work as a reference. These services can be a tool, but maintaining academic integrity is crucial.”

Interview 4: Learning Opportunity – Model for Improvement

Student: Vikram, Psychology Major

Learning Perspective: Vikram sees it as a learning opportunity, “Using a service isn’t just about getting the assignment done. It’s a chance to learn from professionals. I studied how they approached the topic, and it became a model for improvement in my future assignments.”

Interview 5: Peer Influence – Mixed Opinions

Student: Aisha, Literature Student

Influence: Aisha reflects on peer influence, “Some friends swear by these services, while others avoid them. Peer opinions played a role in my decision, but ultimately, I considered my own workload and priorities before trying one. It’s a personal choice.”

Interview 6: Practical Necessity – Time Management

Student: Rajat, Medical Studies

Practicality: Rajat emphasizes practicality, “In medical studies, time is a luxury. There were moments when using a coursework service was a necessity to balance patient care and assignments. It’s a pragmatic solution when time constraints are extreme.”

Interview 7: Cautionary Approach – Independent Learning

Student: Kavya, History and Political Science Major

Cautionary Stance: Kavya takes a cautionary approach, “I’ve heard mixed opinions. While I understand the challenges, I prefer tackling them independently. It’s about the joy of personal accomplishment and maintaining the authenticity of the learning journey.”

Interview 8: Cultural Perspectives – Individual Effort

Student: Aradhya, Literature Major

Cultural Influence: Aradhya reflects on cultural perspectives, “In my culture, there’s a strong emphasis on individual effort in academics. It shapes my belief in facing challenges independently. It’s about personal growth and maintaining the integrity of the learning process.”

These student perspectives showcase the varied experiences and opinions regarding the use of coursework writing services. From positive outcomes to ethical concerns, the interviews reflect the diverse factors that influence students’ decisions in utilizing these services.

Interviews with Students Who Have Used Coursework Writing Services

Positive Experience – Academic Support

Student: Aisha, Computer Science Major

Experience: Aisha shares a positive experience with coursework writing services. “Last semester, I was overwhelmed with coding assignments and a tight deadline. I decided to try a writing service, and it was a game-changer. The writer had a computer science background and delivered quality work. It wasn’t just about getting the assignment done; it helped me understand complex coding concepts better.”

Interview 2: Balanced Approach – Responsible Use

Student: Raj, Business Administration Major

Perspective: Raj advocates for a balanced approach. “I’ve used coursework writing services when I had multiple projects. It’s about responsible use. I see it as a tool to manage time effectively, but it’s crucial to avoid plagiarism and use the completed work as a reference for improvement. It’s about finding a balance between getting assistance and taking responsibility for your learning.”

Interview 3: Skeptical Stance – Ethical Concerns

Student: Karthik, Engineering Student

Concerns: Karthik expresses ethical concerns about these services. “I’m skeptical about using them. It feels like a shortcut, and there’s a risk of plagiarism. I believe in facing academic challenges independently. It’s about personal growth. Relying on external help may compromise the integrity of the learning process.”

Interview 4: Practical Necessity – Time Constraints

Student: Priya, Medical Studies

Practicality: Priya views these services as a practical necessity. “In medical studies, the workload is intense. There were times when I had to prioritize patient care over assignments. Coursework services helped me manage time efficiently without sacrificing the quality of my work. It’s a practical solution when faced with extreme time constraints.”

Interview 5: Learning Opportunity – Model for Improvement

Student: Anand, History Major

Learning Perspective: Anand sees these services as a learning opportunity. “I used a service for a complex historical analysis. Instead of just submitting the work, I studied it. The writing style, research approach—it was a model for improvement. It contributed to my own growth as a student and a historian.”

Interview 6: Cautionary Approach – Academic Integrity

Student: Neha, Psychology Major

Cautionary Stance: Neha takes a cautionary approach. “I’ve heard peers talk about these services, but I prefer facing academic challenges on my own. It’s about maintaining academic integrity. The sense of accomplishment is essential. I believe in the authenticity of the learning experience, even if it means tackling difficulties.”

Interview 7: Peer Influence – Mixed Opinions

Student: Arjun, Electrical Engineering Major

Influence: Arjun acknowledges the influence of peers. “I heard mixed opinions from friends. Some had positive experiences, while others were skeptical. It made me consider both sides before trying a service. Peer influence plays a role, but it’s crucial to make a decision based on your own values and priorities.”

Interview 8: Cultural Perspectives – Varied Beliefs

Student: Kavya, Literature Major

Cultural Influence: Kavya reflects on cultural perspectives. “In my culture, there’s a strong emphasis on individual effort in academics. It shapes my belief in facing challenges independently. While I understand the practicality of these services, cultural values influence my decision to prioritize individual growth and authenticity.”

These interviews reflect the diverse experiences and opinions of students regarding the use of coursework writing services. From positive experiences to cautionary approaches, the perspectives showcase the complexity of students’ decisions influenced by academic disciplines, personal values, and cultural backgrounds.

Varied Opinions and Experiences

Positive Perspective – Academic Support:

Proponents of coursework writing services highlight them as valuable academic support tools. Students in favor argue that these services offer assistance during challenging times, helping them manage multiple assignments, meet deadlines, and maintain academic performance. They appreciate the convenience and expert guidance provided by professional writers.

Balanced Approach – Responsible Use:

Some students advocate for a balanced approach, emphasizing responsible use. They acknowledge the potential benefits of coursework writing services in terms of time management and learning opportunities. However, they stress the importance of using these services responsibly, avoiding plagiarism, and viewing the completed work as a reference for personal improvement.

Skeptical Stance – Ethical Concerns:

A portion of students holds a skeptical stance, expressing ethical concerns about using coursework writing services. They argue that relying on external assistance may compromise the integrity of the educational process. Concerns include the potential for plagiarism, the lack of personal academic growth, and the ethical implications of submitting work that is not entirely one’s own.

Practical Necessity – Time Constraints:

Some students view coursework writing services as a practical necessity, especially when facing extreme time constraints. Those with part-time jobs, family responsibilities, or overwhelming academic schedules argue that these services offer a pragmatic solution to manage the workload effectively without sacrificing quality or jeopardizing their overall well-being.

Learning Opportunity – Model for Improvement:

A subset of students sees coursework writing services as a learning opportunity. They believe that engaging with professional writers provides a model for improvement. By studying the completed work, students can gain insights into effective research, writing techniques, and presentation styles, contributing to their own academic development.

Cautionary Approach – Academic Integrity:

A cautionary approach is taken by students who prioritize academic integrity. They emphasize the importance of independently tackling academic challenges, arguing that the use of coursework writing services may compromise the authenticity of the learning experience. These students believe in facing difficulties as an integral part of academic growth. Peer Influence – Mixed Opinions:

Students’ opinions on coursework writing services can be influenced by their peers. Some may be swayed by positive experiences shared by friends, leading them to consider these services as a viable option. Conversely, negative experiences or ethical concerns expressed by peers may deter some students from utilizing such services. Cultural Perspectives – Varied Beliefs:

Cultural backgrounds can influence opinions on using coursework writing services. Students from cultures that prioritize individual effort and academic integrity may be more cautious, while those from cultures emphasizing practical solutions and collective support may be more accepting of external assistance. In summary, the range of opinions on using coursework writing services reflects the diverse perspectives within the student community. While some see them as valuable tools for academic support and improvement, others raise ethical concerns and emphasize the importance of maintaining academic integrity. The attitudes towards these services are shaped by individual values, academic priorities, and cultural influences.

Recommendations for Peers

  • “Being a computer science major, managing coding assignments and projects can get overwhelming. Coursework writing services have been a real support. I suggest choosing a service where the writers have expertise in coding. It’s not just about completing the task; it’s about gaining insights that elevate your coding skills.”
  • “Literature studies involve deep analysis and crafting intricate essays. Coursework writing services were a lifesaver for me. My recommendation is to communicate openly with the writer about your interpretations of the text. It turns the collaboration into a valuable learning experience, ensuring the final essay reflects your unique insights.”
  • “For business majors dealing with reports, case studies, and market analyses, coursework writing services are a blessing. I recommend selecting a service familiar with business language and strategies. They not only deliver on time but also bring a fresh perspective that enhances the overall impact of your coursework.”
  • “Understanding complex psychological theories can be challenging. Coursework writing services with writers specialized in psychology add a different dimension. My recommendation is to engage in a collaborative dialogue with the writer to tailor the content to your vision. It not only meets deadlines but also broadens your understanding of the subject.”
  • “Engineering coursework demands extra effort, and coursework writing services provide valuable support. I recommend choosing a service that assigns writers with engineering backgrounds. They not only grasp the technical aspects but also ensure your coursework aligns with industry standards, contributing to both academic and professional success.”
  • “Dealing with historical analyses and political theories requires a unique approach. Coursework writing services can offer valuable perspectives. My recommendation is to choose a service that values research and originality. It’s not just about meeting deadlines; it’s about presenting a distinct viewpoint that adds to the academic discourse.”
  • Is using a coursework writing service considered cheating? Utilizing a coursework writing service is not considered cheating as long as the provided material is used responsibly, adhering to academic integrity.
  • How can I ensure the coursework is original and not plagiarized? Reputable services provide plagiarism-free guarantees and often offer plagiarism reports upon request.
  • What should I do if I’m not satisfied with the completed coursework? Most services offer revision options. Communicate your concerns and provide specific feedback for improvements.
  • Are coursework writing services affordable for students? Pricing varies, but many services offer student-friendly rates, and some provide discounts or promotions.
  • Can I learn from the completed coursework for future assignments? Absolutely! Use the completed coursework as a study guide to enhance your understanding and improve your writing skills.

In conclusion, coursework writing services present a valuable support mechanism for students grappling with the pressures of academia, offering benefits ranging from efficient time management to expert guidance. However, it is imperative to approach these services responsibly and ethically. By viewing completed coursework as educational resources, seeking clarification, and personalizing content, students can maximize their academic benefit. Ethical considerations are paramount, emphasizing the importance of using such services as supplements to personal efforts, and maintaining academic integrity. In doing so, students not only alleviate immediate challenges but also foster a sustainable approach to academic success and personal development.

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How to Write a Coursework: Examples and Tips

Coursework is not like other assignments at a college or university. This task requires much more time and effort, which is necessary for research, planning, and writing. In our article, you will learn how to write your academic coursework and find high-quality examples that will help you get inspired for your work. EssayShark knows how to create the best coursework and is ready to share the experience!

Meet Coursework

If you want to know what is academic coursework, then you are on the right site. Academic coursework refers to the various tasks that are given to students as part of their educational program. These tasks are designed to assess students’ knowledge of the subjects they are studying. Coursework may include:

  • Essays and research papers . Written assignments require students to research a topic, conduct research, and present their findings in a structured format. In difficult moments when completing such tasks, you can always tell our professionals, “ Write my essay for me .”
  • Laboratory reports. Science and engineering courses include conducting experiments and documenting results and conclusions. Work throughout the semester must support the coursework.
  • Homework. Regular assignments, given to reinforce lessons learned in class, are often used during term paper writing. They become the foundation for completing such a voluminous task.
  • Practical works. Practical experience gained outside the classroom, often related to the subject of study, such as internships or research projects. During the research, the results of practical work are an excellent reinforcement of expertise.

How to Write a Coursework in a Few Simple Steps

Our writers are happy to share their years of experience creating various academic assignments. We have put together a detailed guide on how to write a coursework that will inspire you to get started.

Choosing a Topic for Coursework

The entire process of your work on the project will depend on which topic you choose. Your research can take much less time and be more enjoyable if you find a topic that inspires you. Use the tips below to determine the best topic for your coursework:

  • Make a list of topics suggested to you and analyze it.
  • Give preference to the topic that best suits your specialization.
  • Pay attention to the topics that interest you most.
  • Explore the number of information resources from which you can obtain data for coursework.
  • Be inspired by the work of students who received positive feedback.
  • Avoid topics you do not understand to avoid difficulties during work.

Gathering Information for the Project

To write coursework, you must spend more than one day researching, which will make up most of the project. In difficult moments, you can always turn to coursework writing help , and our professionals will find a way to relieve you of stress. Information sources such as books, online libraries, podcasts, and magazines become indispensable assistants during research.

You should base the project on a specific hypothesis, for which you need to find a method for collecting data. Choose what suits you best and follow the information that will help you succeed in your task. What three methods of collecting information are available to students?

  • Personal research. A summary of all possible relevant studies on the topic that other authors have conducted. This method uses various sources of information available on the Internet or in the library.
  • Survey or interview. During the research, the student conducts an interview and asks questions to a respondent with the necessary competence in the field of study. For example, this could be a survey of a professor who wrote a doctoral thesis on a chosen topic.
  • Group discussion. Gathering in groups, students discuss the information they found and share the sources they refer to in their coursework. Collective research reveals the topic much more extensively.

No matter your research methods, taking notes on each reliable source is best. This will help you retain the information you found and save time searching again. Write down the page numbers, websites, or even minutes of podcasts where you find the information you need.

How to Write a Coursework According to a Detailed Plan

Planning work on the coursework is the next stage after preliminary research. Of course, the structure of the plan depends on the subject of the project, and our coursework writing service has compiled a brief description of the basic plan.

  • Start with an introduction to the topic. Write the essence of your chosen topic and mention famous authors who will become an authoritative example and may be of interest.
  • Demonstrate the essence of the problem/task. Analyze the main objectives of your topic and provide the essential information you found in the necessary sources.
  • Writing the main part of the project. Review the information in detail and analyze the critical issues in your work to provide constructive solutions.
  • Providing methodology. Describe the methods you used during your analysis or research.
  • The discussion of the results. In your conclusions, demonstrate what results you came to and bring them to the main topic of your coursework.
  • Compiling a bibliography. Make a list of all the references you referenced while writing, considering the formatting described in your assignment.

Coursework Introduction

Once you start working and know precisely the coursework definition, after preliminary research and drawing up a plan, it’s time to draw up an introduction. Do not underestimate the introduction because the overall impression of the entire project depends on it. In the first paragraph, you need to interpret the main tasks assigned. Also, in the introduction, you need the following:

  • Write attention-grabbing sentences.
  • Briefly provide background information from the assignment.
  • Focus on the significance of the problem you solved or analyzed.
  • Write a clear statement of the thesis you have come up with.

Understanding how to write a coursework introduction will give you an advantage during the professor’s review. After all, how you present your thoughts at the beginning of the project will demonstrate how competent you are in the topic and set the level for the entire coursework.

How to Write a Coursework Report: Tips From Top Writers

Our writers have been helping students with coursework for many years and know how to create a project that will surprise every reader. Deciding whether to buy coursework online or write it yourself is an eternal dilemma. Every expert has their writing secrets, and we are happy to share some of them with you so that you can get a high grade.

  • Keep track of time management. You don’t need to put off doing work until later to avoid procrastination. It takes a lot of time to maintain the quality of the text and have time to research all the issues. Therefore, evenly distribute your time at work in your schedule to submit the project for review on time.
  • Choose trusted sources of information . It can be tough to analyze information because several sites may have different definitions of the same value. Use only verified information that will not harm your coursework. If you know what is coursework, you clearly understand the importance of the reliability of the research.
  • Follow the citation rules. The originality of the content in your coursework affects the final result. Your thoughts may agree with previously published articles, but all you need to do is rewrite parts that are not original. Follow the citation rules when mentioning an expert’s opinion and citing a specific source.
  • Avoid empty words. A course project is a lengthy task with much text, but this is not a reason to dilute the text with unnecessary context. Every sentence you write should make sense and reveal the essence of your project. You can always tell us, “ write my coursework ” and receive a high-quality project filled with information.
  • Editing is everything. Include several editing steps in your work plan. After writing each chapter of your coursework, edit it. It is best to edit the text after a break to avoid missing essential mistakes. After you complete the coursework, review the project yourself and ask a friend to review it again.

Coursework Examples From Professional Writers

In any job, having a quality example to inspire you is a chance to improve your skills. We are confident that our coursework sample will help you find the right path to success. With the help of our guide, you will not only learn how to write coursework but also see how a professional writer creates similar assignments.

Being a student means constantly watching and studying other people’s success because it is part of the learning process. If you want to see how to cite or format your project correctly, then our marketing coursework sample will help you. With us, you can easily return your lost muse and understand that coursework is not as scary as it seems. You will always find the support you need on our website, whether editing, writing, or searching for a quality example!

Photo by Kelly Sikkema from Unsplash

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Full Guide on How to Write a Coursework with Tips and Topics

coursework writing

Defining What is Coursework

Coursework writing guide, additional tips for coursework writing, useful coursework topics, final advice.

Picture this: it's a sunny day, and you're walking across your university campus, feeling energized and motivated. But as you look at your schedule, you notice the looming deadlines for your coursework assignments. Suddenly, your excitement turns into anxiety as you realize you're not quite sure what coursework even entails. Fear not, as we're here to help! In this paragraph, we'll define what is coursework and explore its various forms, so you can approach your assignments with confidence and clarity.

Coursework definition goes as a set of academic assignments, exercises, or projects that students are required to complete as part of their course requirements. It can take different forms, including essays, reports, presentations, research papers, lab reports, and other assignments.

Coursework aims to assess students' knowledge, understanding, and skills in a particular subject or field of study. Coursework assignments are usually completed outside of class time and are often graded by instructors to determine the student's level of achievement in the course.

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of writing coursework? You're not alone. Coursework assignments can be challenging, especially if you're unsure of what's expected of you. But we've got you. We've prepared a comprehensive guide to fulfill your concern for 'how to write my coursework' that provides tips, strategies, and step-by-step instructions to help you produce high-quality assignments.

Our guide covers everything from choosing a topic to conducting research, developing a thesis, and structuring your coursework effectively. Whether you're a seasoned writer or new to coursework assignments, our guide is designed to help you succeed. So, let's dive in and get started.

To further ease your academic journey, you can also explore the option to buy coursework , which offers a tailored solution to meet your specific needs and ensure you achieve the best possible results.

Structure and Outline of a Coursework

The structure and outline of a coursework can vary depending on the specific type of assignment and subject matter. However, there are some commonalities between different types of coursework writing.

For instance, good coursework assignments follow a typical academic format that includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Many coursework assignments require a reference list or bibliography to cite sources used in the research process.

Thesis and dissertation projects may have slightly different structures, often requiring additional sections such as a literature review, methodology, and discussion section. Research papers may also have another format, depending on the assignment's requirements and the subject matter.

coursework outline

Despite these variations, coursework assignments generally adopt a typical outline format that includes the following:

  • The title page - includes the assignment title, the student's name, the course title, and the date.
  • Table of contents - provides a list of the major sections and subsections of the assignment.
  • Abstract - a summary of the assignment that highlights the key points.
  • Introduction - provides an overview of the topic and the purpose of the assignment.
  • Body paragraph(s) - presents the main argument or analysis of the assignment, supported by evidence and research.
  • Conclusion - summarizes the main points of the assignment and provides a final analysis or evaluation.
  • Reference list - lists all sources used in the research process.

By following this coursework outline format and adapting it to the assignment's specific requirements, students can create clear, well-structured coursework papers. But if you need a professional writer's help, you can just ask us: 'Can you write my paper ?' and that's all the effort you need to make for a perfect paper.

How to Write a Coursework Introduction

The introduction is a crucial part of any coursework writing process, as it sets the tone for the rest of the paper and helps to engage the reader. Here are some points to help you master how to write a coursework introduction:

  • Explain the significance of your coursework topic - Start briefly explaining why your issue is essential, and highlight its relevance and potential impact.
  • Identify the main problem/question - By providing readers with a brief insight into the issue you'll be exploring, you can give them a sense of the scope and focus of your study.
  • Establish clear goals - This will help you stay focused and ensure your research aligns with your objectives.
  • Craft a thesis statement - By clearly stating what you hope to achieve and the results you plan to obtain, you can establish a roadmap for your research.
  • End your introduction with a thought-provoking statement - This can help to capture their attention and motivate them to continue reading your work.

Following these pointers, you can create a solid and engaging introduction that sets the stage for a well-structured and impressive coursework assignment.

Not Ready to Complete Your Upcoming Coursework?

Our writers have extensive experience creating a wide range of essays and research papers

coursework writing

How to Write a Summary of Coursework in Resume

If you're a student, your resume may lack work experience, but that doesn't mean you have nothing to offer to potential employers. Including a summary of your relevant coursework writing can showcase the skills you're developing and help employers understand why you're a good fit for the job or internship.

To help you learn how to write a summary of coursework in resume, we gathered some tips:

  • Use single-column format - list the relevant courses under a section titled 'Relevant Coursework.' This format resembles the education section on your resume and presents the coursework in a simple list form.
  • Multi-column format - If you're applying for a job that requires expertise in multiple fields, you can group the columns into sections using a multi-column layout. For example:

- Academic Writing

- Internship involving Research

- Oral Communication Skills

  • Detailed Format - The detailed format offers a more comprehensive view of the coursework you choose to include on your resume. This format resembles the professional experience section, where you provide details about the course and two to four bullet points highlighting the study's relevant learnings or achievements.

How to Write a Coursework Report

How to write a coursework report can be a common question among students. A coursework report allows students to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of a particular topic, concept, or issue by conducting research, analyzing data, and presenting their findings in a written report. If you find it challenging to write this report before your deadline, you can say the magic words 'write my coursework report,' and an online paper writing service will provide it to you quickly.

The structure of a coursework report typically consists of several key components, including:

1.0 The Introduction

2.0 Key Issues (provides an overview of the main topics covered in this report, leading into sections 2.1 and 2.2)

2.1 Sub-topic 1

2.2 Sub-topic 2

3.0 Key Issues (outlines the main topics covered in this section, leading into sections 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3)

3.1 Sub-topic 1

3.2 Sub-topic 2

3.3 Sub-topic 3

4.0 Conclusions (summarizes the essential findings and insights, representing 5-10% of the word count)

5.0 Recommendations (provides actionable suggestions based on the conclusions and analysis presented in the report)

In this paragraph, we provided seven coursework writing tips that will help you to write your academic paper, definition essay examples , or any coursework perfectly:

tips for oursework

  • Start Early : Begin working on your coursework as soon as possible to avoid last-minute stress and ensure you have enough time for proper planning, research, writing, and editing.
  • Choose a Clear and Interesting Topic : Choose a topic that you are eager to write coursework about and is clear and specific. A precise topic will help you focus your research and writing, while an interesting topic will keep you engaged and motivated.
  • Use Evidence Effectively: Use evidence such as quotes and statistics to support your arguments, but use them selectively. Ensure your evidence is relevant and supports your main points, and always cite your sources correctly.
  • Follow the Instructions: Pay close attention to the instructions given by your professor, and ensure you understand the coursework requirements.
  • Structure Your Paper : Organize your paper into clear sections with headings and subheadings. This will make it easier for your readers to follow your arguments and understand your ideas.
  • Revise and Edit: Once you have completed your coursework, revise and edit it carefully. Check for spelling and grammar errors, and make sure your ideas are presented clearly and coherently.
  • Use Feedback: If you receive feedback from your professor or peers, use it to improve your coursework. Consider the feedback carefully and make revisions where necessary.

To help you create your coursework examples effectively, we gathered some topics for you to write about:

Psychology Coursework:

  • Investigating the impact of stress on memory
  • Examining the effectiveness of different types of therapy for treating depression
  • Analyzing the effects of social media use on mental health

History Coursework:

  • Examining the causes and consequences of a particular historical event
  • Analyzing the impact of a particular historical figure on their time period
  • Investigating the role of propaganda in a particular historical context

Computer Science Coursework:

  • Developing a computer program to solve a particular problem
  • Analyzing the performance of different algorithms for a particular task
  • Examining the security risks associated with a particular technology or system.

If you read the article till this paragraph, you now know what is a coursework and even how to write a resume for coursework that is effective. But if you still need further guidance, you can leave a request " write my coursework " to our coursework writing service and be sure that it will be perfectly done. You can also use our platform to write an extended essay or a research paper with any level of complexity!

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  • How to Make Your Coursework as Good as It Can Possibly Be

coursework writing

Many GCSE and A-level subjects are assessed in part by coursework in addition to exams, meaning that the mark you receive for coursework contributes to your overall grade. Many students prefer coursework, because it’s a chance to showcase your academic abilities away from the high-pressured environment of the exam room, making it ideal for those who don’t perform to the best of their abilities in exams. However, the time you have available for coursework, in contrast with the time constraints of the exam room, can lull some students into a false sense of security. Coursework is arguably just as challenging as exams, just in different ways – and, given the fact that you have more time, much higher standards are expected of you in coursework than in exams. Careful planning and research are needed for successful coursework, as well as strong data-gathering and essay-writing skills. In this article, we look at how to produce excellent coursework, from planning to proofreading. This information might also be useful to you if you’re planning on attending an Oxford Summer School this summer.

What is coursework?

GCSE and A-level coursework typically takes the form of an extended essay or project. Its objectives vary from one subject to another, but there’s usually an emphasis on the student conducting independent research into a topic of their own choice. Thus coursework often takes the form of some sort of investigation; it may, therefore, help to have your ‘detective’ hat on as you explore, investigate and analyse your topic. You can usually work on your coursework at home, though it’s sometimes completed under controlled conditions through sessions at school. To give you a better idea of how coursework varies from one subject to another, here are some examples:

  • English – English coursework usually takes the form of an extended essay with a title of your choice. You’re usually given a choice of themes and/or texts to explore, and you could choose a format such as a comparison between a set text and another one.
  • Geography – Geography coursework usually focuses on the gathering, reporting and interpretation of data designed to answer a particular geographical question. You could investigate usage of a shopping centre, for example, or look at erosion on a particular beach.
  • Sciences – coursework for science subjects often takes the form of a scientific project or experiment that you conduct and report on yourself.

Before you start work on your coursework, it’s essential that you have a thorough understanding of the rules. Failing to conform to the rules – inadvertently or not – may result in your coursework (or possibly even your entire qualification) being disqualified, so it’s a serious matter.

  • No plagiarism – this is particularly dangerous given the ready availability of relevant information on the internet these days. Make sure everything is in your own words; you’ll need to sign a declaration stating that it’s your own original work.
  • There’s only so much help your teacher can give you . They can provide guidance on what you need to include, and on what the examiners will be looking for. You can ask them questions, but they’ll usually only be able to check through your first draft once and offer broad hints on updating it.
  • Check the word count , and stick to it. Find out whether footnotes, appendices and bibliographies are included in the word count.
  • Check what topics you’re allowed to do your coursework on; if there’s an exam on this topic, you’ll almost certainly have to choose a different one for your coursework.

Choose your topic wisely

Ideally, choose something you’re genuinely interested in, as your enthusiasm will come across and you’ll find it more enjoyable to write. If there’s something you’ve been working on for the course so far that you’ve particularly enjoyed, you may be able to focus more on this as part of your coursework. For science coursework, you’ll need to choose something to investigate that you can measure, change and control; it should be what’s called a ‘fair test’, meaning that you have to acknowledge all the controls you use in the experiment and why. Try not to pick a topic for which the scope is too vast, as you’ll struggle to research it properly and you’re unlikely to do it justice, and it’ll be hard to keep within the word limit. Ask your teachers for some guidance on choosing your topic if you’re not sure what to write about; they might even tell you a bit about what previous students have done to give you some inspiration.

Plan how long it’s going to take

Never leave your coursework until the last minute, even if this is your normal approach to essays and it usually works for you. Make sure you understand when the deadlines are, including time for submitting a first draft for comments from your teacher. Then schedule blocks of time for working on it, allowing plenty of time before the deadline to cater for any unexpected delays. Allow ample time for making corrections based on teacher feedback on your first draft, and keep some time aside before the deadline for final editing and proofreading. Because actual deadlines are few and far between, you’ll need to take responsibility for the writing process and impose some deadlines on yourself to ensure it’s finished in time. Write down your deadlines on a calendar, with the coursework broken into stages and dates assigned to each, by which time each task should be complete. You can base your stages on the next few points in this article – research and data gathering, a structure plan for the piece of work, writing up, and so on.

Conducting your research and gathering data

As coursework is primarily a research exercise, the research phase is crucial, so don’t be tempted to skimp on it and go straight to writing up. Use as many different resources as you can to gather data: books, journals, newspapers, television, radio, the internet and anything else you think might be relevant. For science and Geography coursework, you’ll need to base your work on a hypothesis, so the research stage should start by coming up with at least one hypothesis, otherwise your research will lack direction. The research phase for some subjects may involve site visits for gathering data, so allow plenty of time for this, particularly if you need your parents to drive you somewhere to do so. If it’s a scientific experiment you’re conducting for your coursework, you’ll need to pay careful attention to planning the experiment using rigorous scientific methods (also noting what Health and Safety precautions you are taking), as well as reading up on the background and theory so that you have an idea of what to expect from the outcome of your experiment. In the research stage, make notes about what you expect to happen, so that you can later compare your expectations with what actually did happen. The experiment itself also forms part of the research and data-gathering stage for your science coursework; in the write-up stage, which we come onto shortly, you analyse and write up the results.

Plan your structure

Once you’ve completed your research, the process of writing up begins. Before you get down to the actual writing, however, it’s advisable to write a plan for how you’re going to structure it – essentially an essay plan for English coursework and other subjects for which the coursework is based on an extended essay. It’ll look slightly different from an essay plan for science subjects and others that revolve around project work, but the principle is the same: plan out what order you’re going to present your information in. For big projects, this is particularly important, because with a lot of information to convey, you risk being disorganised and waffling.

Writing up your project

For any coursework, but particularly coursework based around an extended essay, you’ll need to perfect your essay-writing abilities. For science coursework, writing up your project also involves data analysis, as you interpret the results of your experiment and work your notes into formal scientific language.

When you’re writing up, it’s important to find a place where you can work quietly, without distractions that could cause you to make careless errors. You wouldn’t want noise or distractions when you were in an exam room, so treat your coursework with the same reverence.

Supporting materials and images

For some subjects, namely the sciences and Geography, it would be appropriate to include images, graphs, charts, tables and so on in your coursework. For example, for Geography coursework, your extra material could include annotated images and maps of the site you’re talking about, plus tables, graphs and charts. An appendix could then detail your raw data; if, for example, your coursework focused on the results of a survey, you could put the raw survey responses in an appendix and provide summaries and analysis in the main body of the coursework.

Footnotes and bibliography

As we said earlier, it’s important that you always use your own words in your coursework to avoid the possibility of falling foul of plagiarism rules. However, it’s acceptable to quote from another source, as you would in any piece of academic writing, but you must make sure that you state where it is from and use quotation marks to show that it’s a quote from somewhere else. The best way of citing another work is to use a footnote; word processors will allow you to insert one, and it just puts a little number at the end of the sentence and another in the footer of the document, into which you put the name of the author and work, and the page within that work that the quote can be found. At the end of your piece of work, include a bibliography that includes a list of every external source you’ve used in the creation of your coursework. Stick to a set formula when including books. A common format is: Author Surname, Initial. (Date) – Title of Book , page number For example: Lewis, C.S. (1960) – Studies in Words , p. 45 When you get to university, you’ll be expected to include footnotes and bibliographies in all your essays, so it’s a good habit to get into and coursework gives you good practice at it.

The final pre-submission check

Having completed a first draft, received feedback from your teacher, and honed your work into a finished piece of coursework, have a final check through it before you send off your coursework for submission.

  • Sense check : have a read through your completed piece of work and check that it all makes sense. Make sure you haven’t contradicted yourself anywhere, or repeated yourself, or laboured the point. If there are any facts that you may have meant to look up to double check their accuracy, do so now.
  • Word count : ensure that the completed work falls within the word count, and double check whether the bibliography should be included in the word count. If you’ve exceeded it, you’ll need to work through the piece and tighten up your writing, omitting unnecessary information, reordering sentences so that they use fewer words, and so on.
  • Proofread : check your spelling and grammar, and ensure that there are no typos. Don’t just use the spellcheck – go through it with a fine toothcomb, manually, and if you can, ask someone to read through it for you to see if they spot anything you haven’t.
  • Formatting : check that you’ve included page numbers, and that the font and line spacing is consistent throughout the work. Ensure that the font is plain and easy to read, such as Arial or Times New Roman.
  • Bibliography : check that you’ve included everything, that the format is the same for all sources mentioned, and that the right information is included for each.

Once this stage is complete, you’re ready to submit your coursework along with your declaration that it’s entirely your own work. Get ready for a feeling of immense satisfaction when you finally send off your hard work!

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I am grateful to have found TutorChamps for my coursework help. They not only helped me meet my deadlines but also ensured that the content was original and free from any plagiarism. Their attention to detail and commitment to delivering high-quality work was evident throughout the process. With their support, I was able to achieve excellent grades. Thank you, TutorChamps!

TutorChamps is a reliable coursework help service that I would recommend to any student in need. Their team of tutors possesses in-depth knowledge of various subjects and provided me with comprehensive solutions to my assignments. The customer support was excellent, addressing all my queries promptly. TutorChamps proved to be a valuable resource, and I'm thankful for their assistance.

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I had a fantastic experience with TutorChamps for my coursework help. Their professionalism and expertise were apparent from the start. They followed all the instructions provided and delivered the completed work on time. The quality of the content was exceptional, showcasing their dedication to ensuring customer satisfaction. TutorChamps is definitely a trustworthy choice for academic support.

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Here, we have answered the most frequently asked questions from our students. If you have any further inquiries, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.


What is TutorChamps and how can they help with coursework?

TutorChamps is a coursework help service that provides academic assistance to students. They have a team of expert tutors who can help with various subjects and assignments, ensuring high-quality and timely completion of coursework.

How can I avail TutorChamps' coursework help service?

Availing TutorChamps' coursework help service is simple. You can visit their website, fill out the necessary details regarding your assignment requirements, and submit your request. Their team will review your requirements and provide you with a quote and timeline for completion.

Are the tutors at TutorChamps qualified to handle my coursework?

Yes, the tutors at TutorChamps are highly qualified and experienced in their respective fields. They have expertise in various subjects and are capable of handling coursework at different academic levels, ensuring accurate and comprehensive assistance.

Can TutorChamps help with urgent coursework deadlines?

Yes, TutorChamps understands the importance of meeting deadlines. They offer assistance with urgent coursework deadlines and strive to deliver the completed assignments within the specified timeframe, without compromising on quality.

Is my personal information safe with TutorChamps?

Absolutely. TutorChamps values the privacy and confidentiality of their clients. They have strict data protection measures in place to ensure that your personal information remains secure and confidential.

What if I need revisions or have additional requirements for my coursework?

TutorChamps offers free revisions to ensure customer satisfaction. If you need any changes or have additional requirements for your coursework, you can communicate them to their team, and they will make the necessary revisions to meet your expectations.

Motivational Story

TutorChamps has started a new initiative to inspire its students by sharing real motivational stories. So that students can get that motivation which will help them to deal with personal problems and perform better in academics.

The inspiration of Bill Gates

A very rich man whom Bill Gates, the richest man in the world, considers his best friend and inspiration.

A boy from a simple family who teaches the world that being kind matters. He is such a successful person that the entire world economy revolves around him. Despite earning billions of dollars, his honesty and professionalism are personified. We are talking about Warren Buffett the owner of Berkshire Hathaway here.

Warren Buffett is known as the owner of Berkshire Hathaway and one of the best investors in the stock market. According to the ranking released by Forbes magazine, he is one of the richest people in the world. According to the list released in 2008, his net worth is more than 62 billion US dollars.

Warren Buffett was born on 30th August 1930, in the Nebraska town of Omaha. As he is originally from Omaha, he is also called the Devani of Omaha or the Oracle of Omaha. Warren’s father’s name was Howard Buffett and his mother’s name was Leela Stoll. His father was also an investor and advisor in the stock market, so we can correctly say that Warren had inherited the art of investing. Following in the footsteps of his father, he also decided to find his future in the stock market.

Warren got the opportunity to work properly when Benjamin Graham hired him in his firm with a salary of $ 12,000. It was during this job that he got the understanding of how to use the ups and downs of the stock market to his advantage.

Two years later Benjamin Graham retired. Buffett again planned to start his work and formed an investment firm called Buffett Partnership Limited. With his earnings in this firm, Buffett bought his first and current house for 31 thousand 500 dollars.

After this, Warren moved further and further in his career, and by 1962, just at the age of 32, America got a new millionaire – Warren Buffett.

The net worth of their partnerships was more than $ 71.7 million, and in this, more than 10 lakh 25 thousand was from Warren alone.

After this, Berkshire Hathaway came into his life. Warren immediately started buying more shares of this company and by 1965 he took control of the company. When he completed this phase, he was only 35 years old.

Warren started climbing the ladder of success. While working with this company, he wrote letters as the chairman, which became famous all over the world.

In 1979, Warren’s name first appeared on the Forbes rich list. Earlier, he too had to face investigation while purchasing some of the shares, but Warren came out of it spotless. After this, Warren shortened the word success too. He was appreciated as the greatest capital manager of all time.

In 2008, he even won the title of being the richest man in the world, beating Bill Gates. At the age of 75, he announced his retirement and transferred a large part of his wealth to the Melinda Gates Foundation, and chose Simpson as his successor.

Are you someone who is stuck on the journey of brilliance with no mentors to help you pass through? We at TutorChamps understand the importance of having a mentor when it comes to your studies and making them more understandable and easy. Just to help students and scholars like you around the world, we are here to provide you with the perfect coursework assistance you need. TutorChamps is everything you will ever need to ace your coursework with no difficulty.

Are you wondering “Who will do my coursework”? TutorChamps has got you covered!

As a student, you may detect yourself overwhelmed with coursework assignments, specifically if you have to even them with other responsibilities. Fortunately, there are multitudinous online platforms that provide coursework help services. Nevertheless, it's important to select an estimable and dependable platform to avoid falling victim to fraudsters. One platform that stands out in furnishing coursework help is TutorChamps.

TutorChamps is an online platform that offers coursework help to students from all academic levels. The platform has a team of ...

largely good teachers who are well-caught up in different academic disciplines. When you seek coursework help from TutorChamps, you can relax and be comforted that your work will be handled by an expert in the field. TutorChamps ensures that their teachers are well-trained and have applicable academic credentials to guarantee quality work.

One of the main reasons why TutorChamps is the best alternative to EduBirdie is because of its strict plagiarism policy. At TutorChamps, all coursework assignments are checked for plagiarism using advanced plagiarism discovery software. This ensures that all work submitted is original and free from plagiarism. In contrast, EduBirdie has been blamed in history for furnishing reproduced work to students. TutorChamps also offers substantiated coursework help services. Unlike EduBirdie, where you're paired with an arbitrary writer who may not understand your academic requirements, TutorChamps allows you to choose your preferred instructor. This way, you can choose an instructor who's well-briefed in your academic discipline and who understands your academic requirements.

Another advantage of seeking coursework help from TutorChamps is their affordability. The platform understands that utmost students operate on a tight budget and strives to give affordable coursework help services. TutorChamps also offers flexible payment options, which makes it simple for students to pay for their services. TutorChamps likewise guarantee the timely delivery of coursework assignments. The platform ensures that all assignments are delivered before the deadline, giving students enough time to reevaluate their work before submission. In contrast, EduBirdie has been blamed for furnishing late assignments, which can be expensive for students who may miss submission deadlines.

TutorChamps is the best alternative to EduBirdie when seeking coursework help services. The platform offers quality, original, and substantiated coursework help services at an affordable price. TutorChamps also guarantees timely delivery of coursework assignments, giving students enough time to reanalyze their work before submission. With TutorChamps, you can relax and be reassured that your coursework assignment is in safe hands.

We’re known to provide the best coursework help service

As a student, you're likely to face a variety of coursework assignments throughout your academic career. Completing these tasks can be burdensome, especially if you have other academic or individual obligations that need your concentration. Fortunately, TutorChamps is here to support you. TutorChamps can give you professional and dependable backing in completing your coursework assignments. So why should you opt for TutorChamps for your coursework help needs, especially if you need to do my coursework?

Professional and Endured Tutors

TutorChamps has a team of professional and educated teachers who are experts in their separate fields. They've years of experience in furnishing coursework to help students and are well-briefed in the academic conditions of varied universities. Their experience ensures that your coursework is well-delved, well-written, and meets all the academic norms. When you seek coursework help from TutorChamps, you can be confident that your work is in good hands.

Tailored Coursework Help

At TutorChamps, we understand that every student's coursework requirements are non-identical. Thus, we give customized coursework help that's acclimatized to meet the individual requirements of each student. Our teachers work nearly with students to understand their coursework conditions and give individualized results that manage their special requirements. This substantiated path ensures that you get the exact coursework help you need, which increases your chances of scoring your academic goals.

Accessible Prices

As a student, you're likely to have a restricted budget. At TutorChamps, we understand this and strive to keep our prices accessible. We trust that every student deserves access to high-quality coursework help, regardless of their financial situation. When you take TutorChamps for your coursework help needs, you can be confident that you're getting the best value for your money.

Timely Delivery

We understand the significance of gathering deadlines when it comes to coursework. At TutorChamps, we guarantee timely delivery of your coursework so that you can submit it within the deadline. Our teachers work efficiently to assure that your coursework is completed on time without compromising on quality. When you seek coursework help from TutorChamps, you can be confident that you'll never miss a deadline.

Plagiarism- Free Work

At TutorChamps, we understand the significance of submitting original and plagiarism-free coursework. Thus, our teachers assure that all coursework is written from scratch and is free from any plagiarism. We also give a plagiarism report along with the coursework to give you comprehensive peace of mind. When you take TutorChamps for your coursework help needs, you can be confident that your work is 100 original and unique.


At TutorChamps, we understand that students may need coursework help at any time. Thus, we give 24/7 availability to our students so that they can reach out to us at any time for coursework help. Whether it's early in the morning or late at night, our teachers are invariably accessible to give coursework help. When you take TutorChamps for your coursework help needs, you can be confident that you'll constantly have access to the help you need.

Free Revisions

We understand that students may need revisions or alterations to their coursework from time to time. Thus, we give free revisions to our students until they're pleased with the final result. We strive to give coursework help that meets the prospects of our students. When you take TutorChamps for your coursework help needs, you can be confident that you'll admit a final product that meets all of your conditions.


We understand the significance of confidentiality when it comes to coursework help. Thus, we take all necessary measures to guarantee that your individual information and coursework are kept nonpublic.

TutorChamps can assist you perfectly if you need someone to write my coursework

TutorChamps can help you in completing your coursework assignments, especially when you need someone to write your coursework. Here, we will talk about how TutorChamps can support you with your coursework, especially in terms of research and planning.

Research Assistance

Research is an essential element of coursework assignments. It requires a lot of time, trouble, and concentration on detail. yet, not all students are accomplished at conducting research or have access to the necessary resources. That is where TutorChamps comes in. Our expert teachers are masterful at conducting research and have access to varied academic resources such as online databases, journals, and libraries. When you seek coursework help from TutorChamps, our teachers will conduct expansive research on your behalf and collect applicable and dependable sources to support your coursework.

Planning and Outlining

Operative planning and outlining are vital to the success of any coursework assignment. It helps to assure that your coursework is well-organized, coherent, and meets all the academic conditions. Our expert teachers can support you with this process by working out with you to develop a complete plan and figure for your coursework. This includes associating the main objects of your coursework, creating a clear and brief thesis statement, and outlining the crucial points and assertions that support your thesis statement. By working out with our teachers, you can be confident that your coursework will be well-budgeted and structured, which will make the writing process much easier.

Writing Assistance

Once the exploration and planning stages are comprehensive, it's time to start writing your coursework. This can be a daunting task, especially if you are not confident in your writing skills. Our expert teachers can support you with this process by furnishing writing assistance. This includes reviewing and editing your coursework for grammar, syntax, spelling, and punctuation errors, as well as assuring that your coursework meets all the academic conditions. Our teachers can also give feedback and suggestions to support you to improve your writing skills, which will profit you in your future academic trials.

Formatting Assistance

Proper formatting is pivotal to the success of any coursework assignment. It helps to guarantee that your coursework meets all the academic conditions and is offered in a professional and polished manner. Still, different universities have distinct formatting conditions, which can be confusing for students. Our expert teachers are well-apprised in the formatting conditions of various universities and can support you with this process. This includes assuring that your coursework is formatted rightly, with proper headlines, perimeters, citations, and sources.

In conclusion, TutorChamps can deliver you complete coursework help that meets all of your academic needs. Our expert teachers can help you in conducting research, calculating and outlining, writing, formatting, and guaranteeing that your coursework is plagiarism-free and delivered on time. With our help, you can be confident that your coursework will meet all of the intellectual norms and conditions, and will support you to achieve your academic pretensions.

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Manage your assignments with ease using skilled writers

The question of "do my coursework quality" arises when you approach a complex college assignment for the first time.

With all the research, planning, and analysis required, it can be quite challenging and time-consuming. That's why seeking assistance from a professional writer can be a wise choice.

Firstly, you can pick an author proficient in your exact area of study. They will have more knowledge and comprehension of the subject matter, helping you to deal with all the subtleties of the topic.

Secondly, a professional academic writer surely knows how to format coursework correctly according to the required style guidelines. This can save you many hours that you can put toward other things.

Lastly, hiring an academic writer can provide you with a fresh perspective on your work. When you are too close to your own writing, it can be difficult to see where you need to rewrite something or enhance the flow of your ideas. A professional writer can offer a new set of eyes and valuable feedback, helping you to improve the quality and depth of your coursework.

We value your privacy

Asking a service to do my coursework for me can be intimidating. We get it. You may have concerns about the privacy of your personal data. However, we can assure you that your information is safe with us. That's why our customers trust us with their college assignments.

  • Your collaboration with us will always remain private. We value your trust and are dedicated to providing a secure and enjoyable experience for you. Whether it's submitting your assignments or discussing your academic needs, rest assured that all communications and files shared with us are treated with the utmost care.
  • No third-party sharing of your personal information is ever allowed. We abide by strict security measures to protect your data from any unauthorized access. Our whole team, from support agents to proofreaders, understands the importance of privacy and are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your coursework.
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How to Write a Coursework: Complete Guide


In all academic writing assignments, coursework is the most important. It reveals students` writing skills. This type of academic writing is used to assess a student’s understanding of a subject. Coursework combines all the requirements needed in all types of academic writing. This means that a perfect coursework paper requires more than just decent and basic writing skills. However, this has been made easier by our team of experts who have combined their experience and expertise to create a guide on how to write an excellent coursework paper and ultimately improve our writing.

Coursework is a type of academic writing that can show the full capabilities of a student. It offers a different environment from an exam room while giving a student a chance to excel. The coursework assignment is an opportunity if you look at it in a literal way. If you cannot perform well in your exams, it can be a lifesaver, but it can be as challenging as an exam.

If that is not enough, our experts can also craft the best coursework paper for you to reinvent your writing ultimately. They have passed through special vetting and training to allow them to provide the highest quality of work for customers. Our company’s primary goal is not to make money but to give the top quality services to students all across the world at affordable prices.

Table of Contents

Coursework Simplified – What is Coursework?

Coursework papers can be described as an extension of a school project or essay. The role of coursework varies from different disciplines that a student is majoring in. When writing your coursework paper, conducting relevant research plays a very vital role. The emphasis required is independent for various topics. Doing the research is like an investigation, and every bit of detail matters largely. Act like a detective when searching, analyzing, and investigating sources of information for your topic.

How to Write a Good Coursework

We strongly recommend you to begin your coursework as soon as you are given such a task. Brilliant coursework needs a lot of time, so you have to start as early as possible. Always stay calm so that you cannot mess up your performance due to pressure. Do not rush to complete your assignment on one sitting. Divide your workload precisely and work slowly from day to day. This way, you can have manageable work to do every day, enabling you to pay great attention to your assignment.

Brilliant Writing Tips – How to Start a Coursework

The most important and vital part of coursework writing is research. Always make sure all the sources of information you use are credible. Various sources like material written by authentic writers, visiting the libraries, surfing the internet, or written class notes can be used as great sources.

Try to be organized and make an efficient timetable before you start working on your assignments. Follow your set timetable and avoid rushing your work. Never work on your coursework when your deadline is approaching. In case of emergencies, preset a completion date before you are required to submit your work.

The Perfect Way on How to Structure a Coursework

If you want to excel in coursework writing, you need to have a good structure. This means:

  • Structuring your coursework is essential for all academic writing for a reason. A structure allows a writer to thoroughly layout your assignments and plans on how your final paper will look.
  • A coursework structure is created after finishing the studying of your research sources. When doing this, you can loom at good coursework written by other students.
  • Be careful not to have plagiarism because it is a huge mistake that can cause you to ultimately fail your coursework paper.
  • Create a structure that can provide you with reliable follow up when writing your assignment.

A Proven and Brilliant Coursework Introduction

The introduction is what draws in a reader. It should be enticing but short. Your beginning statement should always draw in your reader. This will make the argument or information interesting, leaving your reader asking for more. Once you have a great beginning and all the context needed, countercheck your paper to make sure it is consistent and coherent. Don’t be discouraged if you write your introduction many times, it means you have a grasp of the right thing to do.

A Great Coursework Body

The body is where a writer states the main argument and fully develops it. Each paragraph should contain a key point clearly supporting an argument. The follow up should support all key points and be backed up with substantial evidence. The body of the essay is the building block for the coursework assignment. The body paragraph will be quite readable if it doesn’t contain large chunks of text. Simple paragraphs of 4-5 lines are quite enough.

A Moving Coursework Conclusion

A conclusion plays an important role in paper writing. It helps to reinforce your argument or main idea of your paper. Our experts insist that you have to restate the thesis statement and main idea of the coursework. Without a good conclusion, your essay will look blunt. This will make your assignment seem incomplete.

All this said, not everyone can put together with outstanding coursework. That’s why our experts have dedicated their valuable time and effort to writing brilliant coursework.

Our ‘ write my coursework for me ‘ service guarantee high-quality coursework papers that no writing service can top. Why hustle any longer with endless coursework assignments. Use our cheap coursework writing service to get outstanding academic papers. Use your time for other things while our writers toil. Order a paper now!

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[2024] 180 Free Online Writing Courses to Improve Your Skills

From grammar to creative writing to technical writing, these free online courses will help you hone your writing skills.

Writing Courses

Becoming a better writer can help you achieve professional and personal goals. Whether you’re preparing for university studies, drafting résumés and cover letters, writing sales copy, or trying to preserve your own memories, you need to be able to communicate through writing. Fortunately, free writing courses abound to guide you in your writing journey.

Want to start writing fiction? There’s a course for that, several actually. There are also free writing online courses that will teach you to write better business emails, create compelling online posts and social media updates, and prepare technical reports. English language learners, teachers, and grammar nerds will also find some courses on this list. In short, whatever it is that you’re writing, chances are you can improve your craft with one or more of the courses below.

And for more resources, take a look at Learn English as a Second Language (ESL) with Hundreds of Courses and Sites .

Quick note:All of the featured courses in this article are either entirely free or free-to-audit. If you want to explore paid courses to help you become a better writer, simply type your topic of interest into the search field or browse our Humanities subjects .

For more courses, browse Class Central’s catalog of over 200K online courses or find all our free certificates articles here . Or visit our Best Courses Guides for writing:

  • 10 Best English Grammar Courses to Take in 2024
  • 7 Best Email Marketing Courses to Take in 2024
  • 7 Best Content Marketing Courses to Take in 2024
  • 11 Best Copywriting Courses to Take in 2024
  • 10 Best Creative Writing Courses to Take in 2024

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  • Screenwriting/Script Writing Courses
  • Grant Writing Courses

Free Grammar Courses

coursework writing

Verb Tenses and Passives University of California, Irvine via Coursera In this course, you will review the verb tenses that you learned in beginning English classes and learn about a few tenses you may not know very well. ★★★★★ ( 1 rating )

Conjunctions, Connectives, and Adverb Clauses University of California, Irvine via Coursera In this course, you will learn about a lot of different ways to join ideas to make more complex and interesting sentences.

Grammar and Punctuation University of California, Irvine via Coursera After completing this course, you will be able to: – identify the correct verb tenses to use – use commas effectively – utilize several different sentence types – write more effectively in English ★★★★☆ ( 33 ratings )

Adjectives and Adjective Clauses University of California, Irvine via Coursera Adjectives and adjective clauses are very common in English, so students need to be able to understand them when they see them or hear them. ★★★☆☆ ( 4 ratings )

Perfect Tenses and Modals University of California, Irvine via Coursera In this course, you will learn about important intermediate verb tenses, including present perfect, present perfect progressive, past perfect, and past perfect progressive. You will also learn about common modal verbs used in English. ★★★★★ ( 6 ratings )

Tricky English Grammar University of California, Irvine via Coursera While it’s easy for non-native speakers to get overwhelmed by confusing grammar rules, in this course, we’ll provide you with tips that will help you understand the rules more easily and give you lots of practice with the tricky grammar of everyday English. ★★★★☆ ( 2 ratings )

Noun Clauses and Conditionals University of California, Irvine via Coursera In this class, you will learn about the advanced grammar concepts of noun clauses and conditionals.

Just Reading and Writing English 1 Tsinghua University via Coursera Do you want to communicate with English speakers fluently? The course consists of 6 units with different topics: feelings, staying healthy, learning, university, cultural differences, and cities. From this course, you will have a good knowledge of primary English reading and writing skills in your daily life.

Just Reading and Writing English 2 Tsinghua University via Coursera Do you want to read and write better in English? The course consists of 6 units with different topics: education, manners, personal communication, purpose of living, cultural studies, life science. From this course, you will have a good knowledge of intermediate English reading and writing skills.

Just Reading and Writing in English | 生活英语读写 Tsinghua University via edX Learn how to read and write in English in the context of lectures and academic texts. 以读促写,以写辅读!掌握正确的阅读技巧和写作技巧,让你实现一次英语读写的飞跃! ★★★★★ ( 1 rating )

Writing and Editing: Word Choice and Word Order University of Michigan via Coursera This course will teach you how to use your written words to become more persuasive. ★★★★★ ( 2 ratings )

Writing and Editing: Drafting University of Michigan via Coursera This third course in the “Good with Words: Writing and Editing” series will give you a number of strategies to help with what is often the most intimidating, even paralyzing part of the writing process: getting started.

Writing and Editing: Structure and Organization University of Michigan via Coursera This second course in the Good with Words: Writing and Editing series will help you become an effective architect of information, both with your sentences and with your paragraphs. You’ll learn that the traditional advice to “Show, don’t tell” is incomplete and that skilled writers actually switch back and forth between showing and telling.

Writing and Editing: Revising University of Michigan via Coursera This fourth and final course in the “Good with Words: Writing and Editing” series will help you master perhaps the most important step in the writing process: revising. You’ll learn about the difference between editing and proofreading.

Effective Writing Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee via Swayam The purpose of this writing course is to familiarise students with the nuances of effective writing so that they can better understand the subtle art of writing. It allows them to write with clarity, precision, and subtlety to express their ideas on various occasions while considering the concepts of appropriateness and accuracy. ★★★★★ ( 2 ratings )

English Grammar and Style University of Queensland via edX Learn key concepts and strategies in grammar and style to help enhance your writing and confidently respond to the demand of high levels of literacy in the 21st century. ★★★★☆ ( 32 ratings )

Enhance your Writing with Adverb Clauses University of California, Irvine via Coursera In the first part of the course, you’ll learn some basic information about adverb clauses. Then, we’ll dive into the categories of ideas that adverb clauses express, and you’ll practice using subordinating conjunctions–the many grammar words that start adverb clauses.

Enhance your Writing with Adjective Clauses University of California, Irvine via Coursera Do you have a hard time describing things, people, and places in English? This course will show you how to be more descriptive in your writing by incorporating adjective clauses in complex sentences.

Enhance your Writing with Noun Clauses University of California, Irvine via Coursera This course is designed to hold your hand step-by-step through the most basic concepts of noun clauses all the way to the end goal of writing a paragraph with varied noun clauses.

A Beginner’s Guide to Writing in English for University Study University of Reading via FutureLearn Learn how to use English for study at university or college and develop your writing skills, vocabulary and grammar. ★★★★☆ ( 23 ratings )

Common English Grammar Mistakes and How to Fix Them–Sampler via Udemy Master Your Grammar Errors, Master Commonly Confused Words and Phrases, and Achieve Success and Credibility as a Writer

English Grammar and Speaking Course: Essential Verb Tenses! via Udemy Practice using Essential Verb Tenses in Conversation!

English Foundation Course 2023: Grammar and Speaking Upgrade via Udemy Become fluent by improving all your English Skills. Build a strong English foundation in grammar, speaking, and more!

English Grammar via Udemy Learn the English grammar you need to understand and use English today!

Basic English Grammar Course in Hindi via Udemy Level 1 for beginners

Grammar via Independent Grammar is the collection of rules and conventions that make languages go. This section is about Standard American English, but there’s something here for everyone.

Grammar matters The Open University via OpenLearn Grammar matters because, combined with vocabulary choice, it is our main way of making meaning. This free course introduces you to one approach used to understand how meanings relate systematically…

Vocabulary, Phrases, Idioms, Grammar via YouTube ★★★★★ ( 2 ratings )

Free Essay Writing Courses

coursework writing

Getting Started with Essay Writing University of California, Irvine via Coursera By introducing you to three types of academic essays, this course will especially help prepare you for work in college classes, but anyone who wants to improve his or her writing skills can benefit from this course. ★★★★☆ ( 18 ratings )

How to Write an Essay University of California, Berkeley via edX An introduction to academic writing for English Language Learners, focusing on essay development, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. ★★★★☆ ( 28 ratings )

Advanced Writing University of California, Irvine via Coursera After completing this course, you will be able to plan and write a more sophisticated argument essay. ★★★★☆ ( 7 ratings )

Writing a Personal Essay Wesleyan University via Coursera This class is the chance to create your personal essay or extend into a full memoir — from planning and structure to bold narrative brushstrokes to the layering of significant detail.

Memoir and Personal Essay: Managing Your Relationship with the Reader Wesleyan University via Coursera The blank page can be the most daunting obstacle in writing. In this course, aspiring writers will assemble a “starter kit” for approaching the blank page by developing constructive ways to think about the writing process as a whole. ★★★★★ ( 1 rating )

Writing your World: Finding yourself in the academic space University of Cape Town via Coursera In this course, we provide practical insights into how to write an academic essay. We show you how to develop the academic skills needed to be a competent academic writer. ★★★★★ ( 3 ratings )

Developing Your Research Project University of Southampton via FutureLearn Undertaking an Extended Project Qualification, IB extended essay or any other scholarly research? This guides you step-by-step. ★★★★☆ ( 6 ratings )

Writing Skills for University Success University of California, Irvine via Coursera In this course, you’ll learn how to write effectively in different academic formats, especially essays and longer research papers. ★★★★★ ( 1 rating )

Essay Writing Course via YouTube

Essay Writing via YouTube

Introduction to Research for Essay Writing University of California, Irvine via Coursera This is the last course in the Academic Writing specialization before the capstone project. By the end of this course, you will be able to complete all the steps in planning a research paper. ★★★★★ ( 7 ratings )

Essay and report writing skills The Open University via OpenLearn Writing reports and assignments can be a daunting prospect. Learn how to interpret questions and how to plan, structure and write your assignment or report. This free course, Essay and report …

The PTE 85+ Academic Essay Writing Course via Udemy Mastering the Writing Exam

Free Journalism Courses

coursework writing

English for Journalism University of Pennsylvania via Coursera This course is designed for non-native English speakers who are interested in developing the skills needed for a career in modern journalism. ★★★★☆ ( 15 ratings )

Digital Culture and Writing University of Burgundy via EMMA Born from the desire to support a wide public facing the emergence of digital technology, the team of teachers from the university of Burgundy (uB), accompanied by colleagues from other universities, offers its MOOC DCW (Digital culture and Writing) publish and share on the web.” It provides an overview of the potentialities of digital writing and culture, for publish, share and communicate.

English for Journalists, Part 1 University of California, Berkeley via edX Improve your English grammar, vocabulary and writing skills through exciting topics in journalism and world news.

Writing and Disseminating Grey Literature Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS) via Coursera If you are a researcher, academic, student, development sector professional or a practitioner who is keen to reach the research-based knowledge you have created to a wider audience, this course is for you. Using formats such as data stories, photo narratives, opinion pieces and infographics, digital, print, and multimedia channels can help researchers reach a much wider audience when they adopt newer writing techniques.

What is news? Michigan State University via Coursera This course will guide you through the basic elements of professional journalism and the news values and ethics of covering real-world issues and events. The overview and examples of the types of news coverage helps introduce the different types of journalism, such as social media, multimedia, print, visual and broadcast, and how professional journalists effectively use each format. ★★★★★ ( 3 ratings )

Effectively delivering the news to your audience Michigan State University via Coursera You will learn the process, planning, requirements of how journalists develop their news reports. There are many ways to report news reports, and you will learn different forms of how to perform reporting and writing to serve different audiences.

Journalism 101 via YouTube This series covers topics such as Newswriting, finding story ideas, interviewing sources and quoting sources, leading a lead and organising news stories, covering breaking news and ethics in journalism. ★★★★★ ( 3 ratings )

English for Journalism via YouTube

Journalism, the future, and you! Michigan State University via Coursera You will explore areas such as being an international correspondent, self-publishing in journalism, as well as how to freelance in the field. ★★★★★ ( 2 ratings )

Investigative Journalism for the Digital Age Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas via Independent We are now making the content free and available to students who took the course and anyone else who’s interested in investigative reporting and data journalism basics, including experienced investigators who seek to deepen their skills on complex investigations, collaborations and data journalism. ★★★★☆ ( 4 ratings )

Equity & ethics in data journalism: Hands-on approaches to getting your data right Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas via Independent During this four-week course, you will learn about tools and techniques that will help you tell data stories fairly and ethically. Specifically, this course will guide you hands-on through the process of learning to identify inequity and hidden bias at seven key stages of the data journalism lifecycle. ★★★★★ ( 1 rating )

Data Journalism and Visualization with Free Tools Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas via Independent This resource page features course content from the Knight Center for Journalism in the America’s massive open online course (MOOC) titled “Data Journalism and Visualization with Free Tools.”. ★★★★★ ( 1 rating )

Journalism in a pandemic: Covering COVID-19 now and in the future Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas via Independent Produced in collaboration with the W.H.O., UNESCO and UNDP, this course helps journalists to improve their coverage of the pandemic. It’s also offered in French, Spanish and Portuguese.

Introduction to Journalism and Reporting University of Kent via FutureLearn Explore what makes good journalism as you learn about its origins and where news reporting stands today.

English for Journalists, Part 2 University of California, Berkeley via edX Improve your English grammar, vocabulary and writing skills through topics in journalism including free speech, sports, humor and broadcast writing.

Teaching Writing Process Johns Hopkins University via Coursera Half a century ago, a revolution took place in the teaching of writing. Educators asked, “What if we were to study how professional writers wrote, as a way to learn how we might teach writing more effectively?”

Free Creative Writing Courses

coursework writing

Start Writing Fiction The Open University via FutureLearn Get started with your own fiction writing, focusing on the central skill of creating characters, with this hands-on course. ★★★★☆ ( 21 ratings )

Writing for Young Readers: Opening the Treasure Chest Commonwealth Education Trust via Coursera This course is for curious students and aspiring authors with a passion for writing for young readers. This course will guide you with a combination of video lectures, online readings, peer reviews, and guest appearances from world-renowned children’s authors. ★★★★☆ ( 13 ratings )

Creative Writing: The Craft of Plot Wesleyan University via Coursera In this course aspiring writers will be introduced to perhaps the most elemental and often the most challenging element of story: plot. We will learn what keeps it moving, how it manipulates our feelings, expectations, and desires. We will learn how to outline and structure a plot, discuss narrative arc, pacing and reversals and reveal the inevitable surprise: connecting the beginning, middle and end. ★★★★☆ ( 15 ratings )

Creative Writing: The Craft of Style Wesleyan University via Coursera Your style is as unique and distinctive as your face, your voice, except that you can choose it, you can can work on it, enhance it. In this course we will introduce aspiring writers to the art of putting pressure on written language. We will study the use of metaphor and imagery, and demonstrate how clarity, grace, and inventiveness in word choice are imperative to a story’s success. ★★★★☆ ( 8 ratings )

Script Writing: Write a Pilot Episode for a TV or Web Series (Project-Centered Course) Michigan State University via Coursera In this project-centered course, you will design a series bible and write a complete pilot episode for your own unique television or web series, be it drama or comedy or something in between. You’ll learn to break down the creative process into components, and you’ll discover a structured process that allows you to produce a polished and pitch-ready script in just a few weeks. ★★★★☆ ( 3 ratings )

Transmedia Writing Michigan State University via Coursera In this project-centered course you will develop your own, original, intellectual property (IP) into a transmedia project containing written versions of your IP on various platforms. You will begin your novel, adapt the first chapters of your novel into the opening scenes of a film or TV show and create a game design concept of your IP.

Writing in First Person Point of View Wesleyan University via Coursera If you have always wanted to tell your own story—in a memoir, first-person essay, or any other form of autobiographical non-fiction—but felt you lacked the tools or the framework, this is the class for you.

Creative Writing: The Craft of Setting and Description Wesleyan University via Coursera In this course aspiring writers will be introduced to the techniques that masters of fiction use to ground a story in a concrete world. From the most realist settings to the most fantastical, writers will learn how to describe the physical world in sharp, sensory detail. ★★★★☆ ( 12 ratings )

Writing Stories About Ourselves Wesleyan University via Coursera In this course, creative nonfiction writers will explore traditional storytelling methods, especially those which overlap between fiction and memoir.

Sharpened Visions: A Poetry Workshop California Institute of the Arts via Coursera Why just write poems when you can write better ones? This course is built on the notion that the most exciting writing begins after the first draft. ★★★★☆ ( 19 ratings )

Writing successfully for the Stage University of Cambridge via edX Learn to structure your dramatic writing to a professional standard, as well as develop professionally transferable communication skills. This course will broaden your understanding of how to write engaging and interesting stories in order to attract producers and directors to your work. You will understand how to write effective dialogue, and how to edit your work.

Stand Up!; Comedy Writing and Performance Poetry University of Cambridge via edX Prepare to perform your comic writing and/or poetry to a live audience, as well as develop transferable writing skills and communication expertise that will be relevant in any profession. This course will broaden your understanding how to structure a stand-up comedy set, as well as allow you to understand how to use narrative form in your performance poetry texts.

Finding your voice as a playwright University of Cambridge via edX Learn to deepen your creative practice as a playwright, as well as develop professionally transferable writing skills and communication expertise. This course will broaden your understanding of how to start a career successfully as a professional dramatist, as well as offer you insights in how to maximise and enjoy the processes of your personal creativity.

Write Your First Novel Michigan State University via Coursera Write your first novel.

Creative Writing Brigham Young University via YouTube I’m Brandon Sanderson, and I write stories of the fantastic: fantasy, science fiction, and thrillers. Learn about plot, wordbuilding, short stories, character, and publishing. ★★★★★ ( 6 ratings )

Video Game Writing Essentials The University of British Columbia via edX Learn the essentials of writing for video games, from how games are developed and what game writers do, to the ways game stories differ from other kinds of stories.

Writing Video Game Characters The University of British Columbia via edX Learn how to make effective, memorable video game characters, from protagonists and antagonists to NPCs.

Writing Video Game Scenes and Dialogue The University of British Columbia via edX Learn the fundamentals of writing cinematics, cutscenes, and in-game dialogue.

Working as a Game Writer The University of British Columbia via edX Learn what it takes to work as a video game writer: from resumes to writing tests to contracts and NDAs.

Interactive Narrative The University of British Columbia via edX Learn how to use player choice and interactivity to create compelling game experiences

Building your Screenplay University of Cambridge via edX Learn to strengthen you skills as a screenwriter, while diversifying your knowledge and understanding of the demands of global film and TV production. Find out how to become a powerful visual story-teller; understand how to build effective structure within your screenplay; develop professionally transferable writing skills and communication expertise.

How to Write Your First Song The University of Sheffield via FutureLearn Get a practical introduction to the mechanics of songwriting and meet established songwriters with this free online course ★★★★★ ( 166 ratings )

Songwriting: Writing the Lyrics Berklee College of Music via Coursera There’s a songwriter lurking somewhere inside you, peeking around corners, wondering if it’s safe to come out. Now it is. This course is an invitation to let your inner songwriter step into the sunlight. All it takes is a simple “yes” and you’ll be climbing that windy hill, marveling at the view. ★★★★★ ( 24 ratings )

Creative Writing: The Craft of Character Wesleyan University via Coursera At the center of a good story are the characters in it. In this course aspiring writers will discover how to build and bring to life complex, vivid and unforgettable characters. ★★★★☆ ( 7 ratings )

Creative writing and critical reading The Open University via OpenLearn This free course, Creative writing and critical reading, explores the importance of reading as part of a creative writer’s development at the postgraduate level. You will gain inspiration and ideas…

Creative Writing – Writer’s Block Workbook Volume 1 Month 1 via Udemy Five weeks’ worth of beginnings to create 100+ new pieces with tips to help your writing ongoing. Plus bonus content.

Creative Writing – Writer’s Block Workbook Volume 2 Month 1 via Udemy Five weeks’ worth of keywords to create 100+ new pieces with tips to help your writing ongoing. Plus bonus content.

Start writing fiction: characters and stories The Open University via OpenLearn Start writing fiction is a free course that helps you to get started with your own fiction writing, focusing on the central skill of creating characters. ★★★★★ ( 1 rating )

Playing with Poetry: Creative Writing and Poetics University of Newcastle via FutureLearn Have fun writing poetry as you explore and create various forms of poetry and experiment with different poetic ideas.

Start writing fiction The Open University via OpenLearn Have you always wanted to write, but never quite had the courage to start? This free course, Start writing fiction, will give you an insight into how authors create their characters and settings. … ★★★★★ ( 1 rating )

Free Copywriting Courses

coursework writing

Copywriting: Improve User Experience One Word at a Time via openSAP In this course, you’ll learn why copy is so important for your users’ experience and how copywriting fits into the design-led development process. Domain experts provide insights and best practices, and by participating in the exercises, you’ll get practical experience in writing copy. ★★★★★ ( 1 rating )

Copywriting Foundations: Sell Using Your Words In 2020 via Udemy How To Listen To Your Target Market & Focus Your Message To Make Your Copywriting 10x As Effective

155 Years of Copywriting Insights Taught In 1.5 Hour Course! via Udemy “This is the most refreshing, clear, straight forward and useful course on copywriting you could wish for.” – Eva ★★★★★ ( 5 ratings )

Copywriting Secrets via YouTube Get tips on how to start your career as a copywriter, write better emails and increase your income as a copywriter ★★★★★ ( 14 ratings )

Learn Copywriting via YouTube

The Science of Copywriting via YouTube ★★★★☆ ( 3 ratings )

Copywriting for Beginners and Pros With Exercises via YouTube Copywriting is the practice of composing persuading texts. Copywriting is used to sell products, ideas, ideologies, etc. Copywriting is an important component on web pages, in blog posts, advertisements, social media posts, videos, and podcasts. This video series is the first one in the free online copywriting course Professional Copywriting Made Easy. ★★★★☆ ( 42 ratings )

Copywriting Course via YouTube This playlist covers everything you need to know to start a freelance copywriting business in 2021. ★★★★☆ ( 6 ratings )

Copywriting 101 – Training Sessions for Freelance Writers via YouTube ★★★★★ ( 1 rating )

Copywriting Persuasion Challenge via YouTube ★★★★★ ( 11 ratings )

Copywriting para Iniciantes via Udemy Descubra o que é Copy, como funciona, para que serve e de que forma utilizar para aumentar suas vendas com persuasão

Free Academic Writing Courses

Academic Writing Courses Illustrated Banner

Writing in English at University Lund University via Coursera This course aims to give you an understanding of the conventions of academic writing in English and to teach you the components and benefits of what is called process writing.

Discovering Your PhD Potential: Writing a Research Proposal via FutureLearn Learn how to research and write a high-quality research proposal for postgraduate applications.

An Intermediate Guide to Writing in English for University Study University of Reading via FutureLearn Improve your academic English skills further, learning about critical analysis, using sources, avoiding plagiarism and more. ★★★★☆ ( 1 rating )

Project: Writing a Research Paper University of California, Irvine via Coursera Welcome to the capstone project for the Academic English: Writing Specialization! This project lets you apply everything you’ve learned and gives you the practice you need for college classes by having you write a research paper.

College Composition Modern States via Independent This course will prepare you to pass the College Board’s CLEP College Composition exam

Writing in the Disciplines Professional Development Course (HE) Excelsior College via Canvas Network This course on Writing in the Disciplines offers a modular curriculum that explores the meaning of genre, why and how to develop genre-based writing assignments, and effective techniques for using writing to enhance learning.

Academic Writing in English for ESL Learners University College London via FutureLearn Develop your academic writing skills in English as a second language (ESL) learner and advance your English writing at university.

论文写作初阶(Academic Writing and Research) Peking University via Coursera 本课面向有志于学术研究和具有论文写作需求的高年级本科生和研究生同学,适合人文社会科学、特别是法学专业的学生学习,也欢迎理工科学生选修。教学内容主要集中于学术研究的基本方法与一般理念,既包括学术论文的提问、选题、谋篇、布局和实际写作,也包括学术资源特别是综合性与专业性数据库的检索和使用。

La recherche documentaire École Polytechnique via Coursera Ce cours vise principalement à permettre aux étudiants d’identifier les sources pertinentes dans un domaine donné, leur apprendre à construire un état de l’art et à évaluer les sources, en particulier celles en accès libre sur Internet.

Academic English: How to Write an Essay University of Queensland via edX A practical and introductory course to build your skills in academic writing. ★★★★★ ( 2 ratings )

College Foundations for English Composition University System of Georgia via Desire2Learn English Learning Support Course is an English preparatory course focusing on the skills required for effective writing in a variety of contexts, with emphasis on exposition, analysis, and argumentation, and also including introductory use of a variety of research skills.

English Composition I Duke University via Coursera You will gain a foundation for college-level writing valuable for nearly any field.

Academic Writing Made Easy Technische Universität München (Technical University of Munich) via edX Struggling with writing an academic text? This MOOC will ease the pain – and make your writing shine. ★★★★★ ( 48 ratings )

Academic Writing H.N.B Garhwal University (A Central University) Srinagar Garhwal via Swayam This course aims to fill this gap by providing the fundamental knowledge required for effective and result oriented academic writing. It is a foundation course and the application of this knowledge completely depends on an individual learner and his or her area of research. ★★★★★ ( 1707 ratings )

Academic Writing University of Adelaide via edX The academic writing course targets individuals transitioning from non-academic backgrounds, catering to school leavers and professionals re-entering higher education.

Introduction to Academic Writing O.P. Jindal Global University via Coursera Welcome to the Introduction to Academic Writing course! By the end of this course, you will gain an in-depth understanding of reading and writing as essential skills to conduct robust and critical research.

Teaching Writing Final Project Johns Hopkins University via Coursera One of the goals of the Teaching Writing specialization has been to help every learner consider ways to adapt what they are learning and apply it to their specific situation, needs and interests.

Free Business Writing Courses

coursework writing

High-Impact Business Writing University of California, Irvine via Coursera Effective writing is a powerful tool in the business environment. Learn how to articulate your thoughts in a clear and concise manner that will allow your ideas to be better understood by your readers. ★★★☆☆ ( 8 ratings )

Writing Professional Email and Memos (Project-Centered Course) University System of Georgia via Coursera Want your workplace writing to make a positive impression? At the end of this course, you will be a more confident writer, able to create higher quality professional documents more quickly. ★★★★☆ ( 12 ratings )

Better Business Writing in English Georgia Institute of Technology via Coursera Do you need to write more easily and effectively in English? This course will provide the tools to help you do just that.

English for Effective Business Writing The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology via Coursera This course aims to improve your Business English writing skills by developing your use of vocabulary, grammar, understanding of different business writing genres, and your ability to write professional business documents. ★★★★☆ ( 1 rating )

Business Writing University of Colorado Boulder via Coursera This course will teach you how to apply the top ten principles of good business writing to your work, how to deploy simple tools to dramatically improve your writing, and how to execute organization, structure, and revision to communicate more masterfully than ever. ★★★★☆ ( 5 ratings )

Write Professional Emails in English Georgia Institute of Technology via Coursera This is a course to help you write effective business emails in English. ★★★★☆ ( 5 ratings )

Business Writing Techniques Doane University via edX Business Writing Techniques, will expand on the different communication styles and discuss the best practices of business writing by providing real-world scenarios and applications.

Rhetoric: The Art of Persuasive Writing and Public Speaking Harvard University via edX Gain critical communication skills in writing and public speaking with this introduction to American political rhetoric. ★★★★★ ( 5 ratings )

English for Doing Business in Asia – Writing The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology via edX Introducing strategies for developing your written English communication skills in the context of doing business in Asia.

Redacción de documentos empresariales de gran impacto University of California, Irvine via Coursera En el ambiente empresarial, el saber escribir con eficacia es una poderosa herramienta. Aprende a expresar tus pensamientos de una manera clara y concisa para que las personas que lean lo que escribes capten mejor tus ideas. ★★★★★ ( 1 rating )

(Business Writing) الكتابة في مجال الأعمال University of Colorado Boulder via Coursera لا شك أن إتقان الكتابة من أهم المهارات التي يمكنك تعلمها بُغية تحقيق النجاح في مجال الأعمال. وقد استخدمت أكثر من سبعين شركة وعشرين ألف طالب – من الكتاب المحترفين والموظفين الجدد والمتحدثين باللغة الإنجليزية لغير الناطقين بها وحتى المديرين المتمرسين – الأساليب المستخدمة في الكتابة في مجال الأعمال لتعزيز قدرتهم على التواصل وإطلاق أفكارهم. ستعلمك هذه الدورة التدريبية كيفية تطبيق المبادئ العشرة الأفضل للكتابة الجيدة في مجال الأعمال على عملك وكيفية نشر أدوات بسيطة لتحسين كتابتك بشكل كبير وكيفية تنفيذ التنظيم والبنية والمراجعة للتواصل بشكل أكثر براعة من أي وقت مضى.

English for Business and Entrepreneurship University of Pennsylvania via Coursera This course is designed for non-native English speakers who are interested in learning more about the global business economy. ★★★★★ ( 7 ratings )

Using Email for Networking in English University of Washington via edX Improve your writing skills. Write effective emails including great subject lines, greetings, and closings. You’ll be more confident as you communicate for business, send messages, expand your network, and search for jobs in English. ★★★★★ ( 1 rating )

Smart English Basics for Professionals – Spoken English – Communication Skills Great Learning via YouTube Great Learning brings you this video on “Smart English Basics For Professionals”. This course will help you improve your business communication in a professional environment.

Learn Business English Great Learning via YouTube

Academic and Business Writing University of California, Berkeley via edX An introduction to academic and business writing for English Language Learners, focusing on grammar, vocabulary, structure, editing, and publication. ★★★★☆ ( 18 ratings )

Writing for Business Advanced University of Glasgow via Coursera This course will teach you how to apply advanced principles and strategies to produce successful business writing.

Free Technical Writing Courses

coursework writing

Writing in the Sciences Stanford University via Coursera This course teaches scientists to become more effective writers, using practical examples and exercises. Topics include: principles of good writing, tricks for writing faster and with less anxiety, the format of a scientific manuscript, peer review, grant writing, ethical issues in scientific publication, and writing for general audiences. ★★★★★ ( 14 ratings )

Discovering Science: Science Writing University of Leeds via FutureLearn What science discoveries will you choose to write about? ★★★★☆ ( 28 ratings )

How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper (Project-Centered Course) École Polytechnique via Coursera In this project-based course, you will outline a complete scientific paper, choose an appropriate journal to which you’ll submit the finished paper for publication, and prepare a checklist that will allow you to independently judge whether your paper is ready to submit. ★★★★★ ( 5 ratings )

Writing Skills for Engineering Leaders Rice University via Coursera In this course, you’ll learn essential writing skills that you can apply in your daily activities on the job as an engineering leader.

Writing, Presenting and Submitting Scientific Papers in English | 英文科技论文写作与学术报告 Tsinghua University via edX Learn how to properly write a scientific paper, based on international standards, and effectively make a presentation to submit proposals for funding. 表达与交流是拔尖创新科技人才最重要的综合能力。培养英文科技论文写作与学术报告的能力,帮助你打开世界科坛大门,与国际同行平等交流。 ★★★★★ ( 1 rating )

Requirements Writing University of New South Wales via Coursera Welcome to “Requirements Writing”. As the title indicates, over the next four weeks, we will be looking at the important task of writing of text-based requirement statements.

Technical Report Writing for Engineers The University of Sheffield via FutureLearn Get an introduction to technical report writing. Find out how to communicate your ideas through well-written engineering reports. ★★★★★ ( 177 ratings )

English Language for Competitive Exams Indian Institute of Technology Madras via Swayam The course aims to help participants develop their English language skills, particularly those planning to appear for competitive exams that test their English language abilities.

Writing Case Studies: Science of Delivery Princeton University via edX Learn how to write “science of delivery” case studies, which help us understand how practitioners implement complex policies or programs.

The Language of Leaders: Learn to Write with Confidence State Bank of India via edX Enhance your leadership role through powerful writing skills.

NIeCer 103: Scientific Writing in Health Research AICTE via Swayam Communicating research findings to the scientific community is the responsibility of every researcher. Our course will explain the fundamental concepts in drafting a scientific manuscript to effectively communicate research findings.

Writing READMEs via Udacity Documentation is an important part of the development process. Learn to write READMEs using Markdown so your code can be used by other humans! ★★★☆☆ ( 2 ratings )

ENGL210: Technical Writing via Saylor Academy

Technical Writing: A Quick Start to Software Documentation via Udemy A quick and direct overview of the end-to-end processes for writing software documentation

Free Résumé Writing Courses

coursework writing

Writing Winning Resumes and Cover Letters University of Maryland, College Park via Coursera How can you bring your resume to the top of the pile? You will learn how to convert a boring resume into a dynamic asset statement that conveys your talents in the language that an employer understands. ★★★★☆ ( 6 ratings )

How to Succeed at: Writing Applications The University of Sheffield via FutureLearn This free three week course will help you produce a perfect CV, application and online profile when applying for a job or course. ★★★★★ ( 440 ratings )

How to Write a Resume (Project-Centered Course) State University of New York via Coursera In this project-centered course, you will craft an essential cornerstone of the modern-day job or internship search: the resume. When you complete the course, you’ll have an eye-catching resume that lets your professional strengths shine. ★★★★☆ ( 15 ratings )

Refresh Your Resume Grow with Google via Udacity Create a targeted resume that gets the attention of recruiters and lands you an interview in tech. ★★★★☆ ( 1 rating )

Craft Your Cover Letter via Udacity Write a compelling narrative that showcases your value to the company. ★★★★☆ ( 2 ratings )

How to Write a Winning Resume – Top Resume Writing Tips via YouTube In this series of videos, you’ll learn how to write a resume that will get you noticed. You’ll learn some of my top resume writing secrets! You’ll also discover where to find a sample resume template and example that you can download today and tailor to apply for your next dream job. Enjoy! ★★★★★ ( 2 ratings )

How to Write a Resume – Animated via YouTube

PRDV102: Resume Writing via Saylor Academy ★★★★★ ( 3 ratings )

Comprehensive guide for resume writing via Udemy Resume writing and template creation for all QA professionals. Learn some cool resume writing tricks to maximize calls

How to Make a Good Resume – Resume for Jobs Great Learning via YouTube Great Learning brings you this video on “How to Build a Good Resume’ where the video starts off by discussing the importance of a CV, followed by discussing six essential steps of writing your resume. ★★★★☆ ( 1 rating )

Free Screenwriting/Script Writing Courses

coursework writing

Write A Feature Length Screenplay For Film Or Television Michigan State University via Coursera Write a Full Length Feature Film Script.

The Fundamentals of Screenwriting via YouTube ★★★★★ ( 3 ratings )

An Introduction to Screenwriting University of East Anglia via FutureLearn This online course explores the key concepts and fundamental principles involved in the process of screenwriting. ★★★★★ ( 6 ratings )

Screenwriting Masterclass for Beginners via YouTube

Screenwriting via YouTube

Screenwriting Tips via YouTube

The Screenwriting Life via YouTube

Free Grant Writing Courses

coursework writing

Grant Writing and Crowdfunding for Public Libraries University of Michigan via edX Learn how to increase your impact, innovate, and overcome often static funding through various fundraising and grant writing approaches.

Grant Writing Texas Instruments via YouTube ★★★★☆ ( 4 ratings )

Grant Writing for Beginners via YouTube Grant Writing For Beginners playlist provides you with insight to help you write winning grant proposals that get funded! These videos help you to learn grant writing quickly. ★★★★☆ ( 4 ratings )

Grant Writing for Nonprofits via YouTube We’ve included some videos on various Grant tips like Walmart Community 1 HR Grants, Grants in a Box and Grant Templates. Other helpful topics revolve around Program Officers, Letters of Inquiry (LOI), Unsolicited Proposals and various other Grant processes. ★★★★★ ( 1 rating )

Amazing People Share Nonprofit & Grant Writing Advice via YouTube

Comments 40

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Sabihe Tavakoli 11/2/2014 at 11:26pm

I would like to write children books and I am interested in taking a course to help me with that.

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Kiki 4/29/2019 at 10:07pm

Have you ever found any learning resources for that? I would also love to improve my children-book writing skills.

Looking forward to your reply!

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Venu 11/12/2019 at 10:18pm

I really enjoyed this course.

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Purushottam Tamang 12/8/2014 at 10:20pm

I would like to improve my English writing skills that helps me for report writing and I am very interested in taking report writing course. please help me with that.

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Augustine Kastherody 6/27/2015 at 1:44am

I enrolled already and want to do my master of Science in Infection Prevention and Control through online and I am interested in taking a course to assist me in managing my study.

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P. Davis, Sr 5/21/2021 at 8:17am

I am a retired senior citizen [85 years] who enjoys writing. I have a Bachelors’s Degree and plan to enroll in a graduate humanities course that requires heavy writing. My plan is to refresh my writing skills and I am searching for an online [graduate level] academic writing refresher course. Any recommendations will be greatly appreciated. My e-mail address is [email protected] .

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roV83 1/22/2015 at 8:55am

I am interested in non-fiction writing and want to learn the basics

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J Sheen 5/27/2016 at 8:08pm

Have you found a creative nonfiction course online by chance you’d want to recommend?

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mir shaukat ali 2/9/2015 at 2:43pm

Dear sir, I am engineer , i job iptv company but my writing English knowledge is very poor ,please tell me how to improve writing skill such as email writing, mag writing etc, please any body help me

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Fatima Camelo 11/26/2018 at 12:39pm

My name is Fátima and I’m also an engineer but my friend you should read more and more because this way you’re going to write beter and will develop your english.

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SH 4/27/2015 at 12:07am

This is a great collection. Thank you very much Mr Dhawal.

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Nathanel TEGAYOMBI 4/28/2015 at 12:48pm

Dear sir,I appreciate your programs which help a big number of people from different corners of the world.So as a student of school of journalism,I would like to improve my English in terms of writing skills,and I wish you to help me become a future storyteller.Thanks

Yours faithfully

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Cathy Johns 6/10/2015 at 5:32am

Am very intrested in this.

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kakar 8/6/2015 at 3:32am

sir we have a lot of problem in English understanding as well as in writing so sir tell us the perfect way that help in all skill of english.

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Arvind Ramanujam 8/9/2015 at 11:56pm

Thanks for the info.

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Jaylee M Wayne 9/26/2015 at 8:49am

I would like to write a novel and I am also interested in taking coures

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Alexiaga 9/28/2015 at 2:07pm

Whatever kind of English you want to write, mastering essential English grammar is essential. Here is a good site wher you can check out the main topics of English grammar, including points not always dealt with in grammars, such as style and sentence-structure.

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jaspreet singh 11/3/2015 at 9:51am

The one which i need to recommend is this is not free but this can help you to enhance your skills

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berna gurning 5/30/2016 at 8:41pm

Dear Disqus, i am interested in writing essays so i can write excellent journals, articles, and assignments as well

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Mark Sandel 7/8/2016 at 4:43am

Thanks that an awesome course list. I was looking for “how to write better” courses for a long time until finding this one. The list looks reasonable and much longer than I have expected. However, I still have doubts, is it possible to learn how to write better, just interacting with a tutor online (and this is the best option) or watching the video? Well right now, I am pretty concerned with the quality of my writing and readers experience. Starting from the winter, I started to user style checkers . They are a bit unusual for me but undoubtedly helpful.

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kilopko 8/27/2016 at 5:12am

Free online courses are the best as well as sometimes it’s very much worthy way out to learn something innovative as well as profession in proper manner. in order to make the move precise as well as professional each stated way out is the key factors to do well in writing the essay part in proper manner so that anyone could get the possible approaches in precise manner.

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Alexis 1/12/2017 at 6:22pm

If you’re looking how to make money online as a freelance writer, I highly recommend http:/ It’s a free e-course that teaches you how to get started as a freelance writer online. So far, it’s been amazing and membership is free!

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Elisheva Reynolds 2/21/2017 at 7:52pm

I would like to write fantasy/romance/adventure type fiction novels…I would like to be an author, one whose books I would even read.

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Damien Clarke 3/1/2017 at 9:12am

I am currently working on developing my writing skills, so as to tackle the various hot topics in my niche, which is technology. Can anyone advise if there are good topics, which work on this specifically ?

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Susie Bell 4/30/2017 at 6:39am

I am writing stories for young people and adults. I have a learning difficulty so I can’t do any courses. I am a new writer who is an unsolicited writer, can’t find a literary agent. Susie Bell.

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ellaalex 5/10/2017 at 1:30am

Article Snipper Online tool is a one-click article rewriter that requires no signup or registration if you want to use the free version. All you need to do is enter human readable text and you will get human readable text out. check our free article spinner tool:

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Wan Smith 1/7/2018 at 11:00pm

Surely one would be suggested with these online courses to develop a clear sense of writing and develop great story telling vibes in one self. if you lack the major ideas than you should take online classes as above mentioned that these classes provides well information and intense thinking skills.

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homework doer 4/2/2018 at 5:05am

Firstly you have to know some basic tips for writer. They are pretty simple but forget about the. Reread on the next day. Many errors don`t come up right away. Re-reading the text immediately after writing will help cross out a couple of errors, but it’s best to do it after a while, ideally – the next day. So you can come up with a fresh mind to check your creativity, and I assure you that you will want to correct and remake a lot.

In the book “”American Psycho”” extensive descriptions of how the main character shaves, applies gel on the body and dresses in a suit from Brioni and shoes from Prada are an artistic feature. You’d better get rid of excess water. Don`t write as much as possible. Short sentences is only what is really needed. There is too much information on the Internet, and nobody will read meaningless paragraphs of the text. To write interesting, you should have interesting life. I came to this conclusion after spending five days at home, not going anywhere and doing nothing. I had no idea in my head, and there was no question of writing anything. You have to try something new, to leave the comfort zone, because without it you will be the same as everyone else. And you don`t want to, do you? Write every day

At least something. Don`t tell yourself that you have no ideas. They are always:

What you dreamed about today. What interesting things did you learn today / yesterday / this week. What would you do if you got a million dollars (you can even dream about a billion). Why this day was good. How could one live this day better. What would you like to change in today’s day. Why do you have no inspiration and what needs to be done to make it appear. What is useful you have done. What would you teach a stranger. Why do we need an appendix

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Kathy Bretz 4/12/2018 at 10:13pm

I would like to learn technical writing, can I do this without a certificate or degree? thanks.

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Author Thison Schultz 4/29/2018 at 7:12pm

I can’t afford a writing class, is this free? I want to follow my passion to become a writer. I need your advice how to write a novel. I really want to do this. I love to read mystery novels. I can’t do anything else, Except to become a writer. I can’t succeed if I don’t take this writing course. This is my only chance to become a writer. If don’t I will fail of my future. I can’t take this anymore. I really want to become a great writer. I don’t have the money to do it.

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Isla 12/12/2018 at 3:03pm

i love to write and i wanna be a writer too

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TB 1/10/2019 at 2:39pm

@ Dhawal Shah

I just wanted to point out that not all of these courses are actually free. For example the two UBCx How to Write courses are $295 each with no option, that I could find, to audit or even to take a limited version.

I’m sure there are others from this list as well, particular those on EdX as they (EdX) have been moving away from offering their courses for free.

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mamta prasad 2/12/2019 at 11:20pm

great resources keep it up! ! !

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Nihal Singh 3/22/2019 at 5:20am

Nice Article, Your article helps to improve the writing skills for all the thesis writers and the students and the online courses are helped to gain knowledge from home itself. Thanks for sharing.

' src= 8/21/2019 at 3:51am

Learning how to write a good essay with a powerful introduction, clear arguments and well-crafted conclusion is a great way to build a foundation of writing skills. This 8-week course starts with the basics of grammar and sentence construction and quickly advances to thesis development and essay writing with tools for creating outlines and editing your work. Dr. Maggie Sokolik of the College Writing Programs at the University of California, Berkeley guides students through this excellent introductory writing course in which participants can get a great deal of practice writing and interact with other students from around the world. Links to optional online textbooks are provided.

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David Walker 5/10/2020 at 3:28pm

I’m looking for a writing course that teaches you how to hand write smoothly and legibly. To have flow in writing , that looks elegant on the sheet of paper. Were all the letters are easily read by anyone. The art of writing.

DSW David Walker

David Walker 5/14/2020 at 2:22pm

Do you have a penmanship course?

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Andrew Ralphs 7/12/2023 at 5:00pm

FutureLearn is NOT FREE – I hate the way these types of sites either deliberately mislead or do not get their facts right !!!

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BRIAN LOPEZ 5/7/2024 at 2:42pm

This feels a bit outdated and the ratings are awkward so I have no idea how efficient some of these are. Having Technical Writing/Business writing in your pocket is not a bad thing! I forgot the other one…

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Danielle Wright 6/29/2024 at 7:03pm

This was advertised that it is for free. But it is not

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Writing as a College Student

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Writing at the college level involves new expectations that may require new strategies. While specific genres of writing have distinct purposes, college writing helps you develop skills such as thinking critically, communicating professionally, and articulating yourself well. Although common writing expectations and strategies are listed below, always follow assignment guidelines and write with your audience in mind.

General College Writing Expectations

Writing as a college student can seem daunting, but drawing on your previous writing experience and relying on instructors and campus resources can help to ease the transition. Although writing assignments may differ, many have similar expectations to those listed below.

  • Understand what the assignment is asking . Assignment guidelines can be confusing or lengthy, and reading carefully and slowly can help to make sense of them.
  • Refer to assignment guidelines , rubrics, and class policies for questions about the assignment
  • Learn the conventions of your discipline , including genre, audience, citation style, and AI policies. Notice the writing style used in your field, then practice using it in your assignments.
  • Ask questions of instructors, writing center tutors, and librarians.
  • Present clear, coherent ideas . Consider if a reader would understand what you intend to say.
  • Maintain a professional tone appropriate for your audience and their needs.
  • Improve writing mechanics , such as spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Writing mechanics can be complicated, but your skills can improve with practice.
  • Read feedback on your assignments, and incorporate those suggestions into your future work.

Refining Your Writing Skills

Using effective strategies when approaching writing assignments can help you mitigate worries, strengthen writing skills, increase confidence, and improve writing efficiency.

  • Start assignments early to ensure you have ample time to pace your work.
  • Break projects into smaller, manageable tasks ; set reasonable and achievable goals.
  • Organize your work by using consistent note-taking techniques, such as highlighting, color-coding, or annotating. Experiment with different ways to accomplish your writing assignments, and keep track of any requirements, deadlines, and rubrics.
  • Join a study group to encourage accountability, collaborate with others, and receive support.
  • Regulate your time and energy for writing. One part of an assignment may require more effort than another part. Allocate your energy mindfully to help make writing sessions more productive
  • Set aside time for both writing and self-care . Scheduling time to work and take breaks can improve your writing capacity and save you time in the long run.
  • Create an environment for your writing needs. Consider different times, locations, and comforts that work for you (e.g., morning, evening; library, bedroom; snacks, lighting).
  • Approach writing assignments with a positive and confident attitude . Remember that college work is centered on continual learning, and the writing process will have ups and downs.
  • Use campus resources and opportunities . Consult with peers, talk with instructors or advisors, explore library services (in-person and online), and attend university workshops.

Developing Your Writing Process

College writing assignments can be complex, and assignments can build on each other within a course. It may also involve in-depth academic research. Create and maintain a personal writing process to organize your writing, research, and personal time.

  • Prewriting : Understand the assignment requirements and identify your audience and tone. Brainstorm potential topics to expand on when writing later.
  • Outlining : Determine your main point for the writing assignment. Create sections with brief notes and develop your thoughts from prewriting.
  • Drafting : Elaborate on your outline and form sentences or paragraphs. Write about your thoughts and arguments in detail. If needed, add sources by using quotations, paraphrases, and summaries.
  • Revising : Read your draft and adjust it to clarify points and strengthen the argument.
  • Editing : Check for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Change the format according to a style guide, example, or template.
  • Writing processes are cyclical and take time . The first draft is not your final draft. Steps such as drafting and revising often occur more than once.
  • Read the assignment guidelines carefully, and ask your professor about research requirements such as the number and type of sources required (e.g., primary, popular, peer-reviewed, etc.).
  • Adjust your research topic to fit the requirements of the assignment. Narrow or broaden your topic by considering timeframes, locations, demographics, and contemporary issues.
  • Identify your audience and adapt to their level of familiarity with your topic. Determine whether terms and concepts need to be explained. Your audience determine your tone or style.
  • Identify patterns of feedback you receive from instructors, peers, or writing consultants. Use that feedback (both positive and negative) to inform your future writing.
  • Avoid plagiarism by tracking and citing sources using your assigned citation style.
  • Contribute to a larger academic conversation by connecting your ideas to sources through summary, analysis, and synthesis.
  • Use library resources such as the physical library, online academic databases, and library research tutorials to become familiar with your field of study and help you identify relevant, credible sources to incorporate in your writing.
  • Chat with a research librarian or meet with a writing center consultant for help finding, reading, and writing with sources.
  • Learn how AI can facilitate or frustrate your writing and learning processes . Understand AI policies and expectations as outlined by your instructor, department, and university. AI policies and expectations may vary by instructor or program.
  • Know that strengthening your digital literacy , information literacy , and academic reading skills will help you develop as a college-level writer.

As a college writer, you will continually grow and improve. College is a learning environment. Getting support from others can ease anxiety and build your confidence as a writer. If you feel overwhelmed, remember that you are in college to learn, and faculty, peers and the Writing Center are here to help.

Utah Valley University

Purdue Online Writing Lab Purdue OWL® College of Liberal Arts

Using Bloom’s Taxonomy

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Bloom’s Taxonomy is a framework for identifying and organizing what educators want students to learn from a given instructional activity. It was originally conceived to create common learning objectives across courses and departments and to provide educators with standardized language to use when framing learning goals for curricula and comprehensive examinations. Now, Bloom’s taxonomy can be used as a potential model for framing educational objectives within a course and as a guide to structure activities and assessment based on learning goals.

Bloom’s Taxonomy is useful for framing writing instruction in engineering courses as it helps instructors and TAs create assignments that will enhance students’ understanding of important concepts and ideas and enable them to meet the key course objectives.

Objectives created using Bloom’s Taxonomy are based on two dimensions: 1) knowledge and 2) cognitive processes. The knowledge dimension indicates the type of content or subject matter that students will work with, while the cognitive processes dimension dictates what students will have to do with that content (the tasks they will have to perform as they think and write). Below we provide two lists that break down the knowledge and cognitive process dimensions and then a table that shows how the two dimensions work together:

Knowledge CP Dimensions Table

Instructors and TAs can use the table shown above to create prompts that ask students to perform specific writing tasks that address different types of content or knowledge taught within the course.

When writing exercises are used in an engineering course, any standard calculation-based homework problem can be leveraged to target different levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Below we provide one example, taken from a Purdue fluid mechanics course, which illustrates this expansion with the use of writing prompts:

Bloom Taxonomy Prompts

You’ll notice that all the prompts that follow use one of the tasks from the cognitive processes dimension list, and then identify specific content (knowledge) that students should engage with.

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Khan Academy Blog

Introducing Khan Academy’s Expanded Digital SAT Reading & Writing Course

posted on August 5, 2024

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By Jessica Hendel , Senior Content Creator and Prompt Engineer

We are excited to announce the expansion of Khan Academy’s Digital SAT Reading and Writing course ! This course expansion offers more practice items and mastery opportunities for learners and supports multiple implementation models for educators and administrators. 

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What’s new?

Our expanded Digital SAT Reading and Writing course includes more than 100 new practice questions across 11 different digital SAT Reading and Writing skills and three difficulty levels. Instead of quizzes, learners will encounter unit tests that cover three to four  skills, providing ample opportunities to master each skill. The course has also been restructured from five units to 11, with unit names now referencing the Reading and Writing domains used by the College Board. This alignment bridges the gap between Khan Academy’s course and the College Board’s SAT materials, facilitating a more seamless learning experience.

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Why it’s valuable for students and families

For students aiming to excel in the SAT, this course offers an extensive array of practice content that caters to a variety of skill levels. With its clear reference to College Board domains, the enhanced course structure allows learners to better understand and navigate the materials. The unit tests replace traditional quizzes, offering comprehensive assessments that help students identify and focus on areas in need of improvement. For families, this course provides a robust, free resource that meets their children’s needs for SAT prep, ensuring they are well prepared for one of the most critical exams of their educational journey.

Why it’s valuable for educators and administrators

Educators and administrators will find this expanded course invaluable for supporting student success. Aligned to the College Board’s Reading and Writing domains, the new course structure makes lesson planning and coverage more straightforward and comprehensive. The progress-tracking details and performance analytics allow educators to monitor student growth and address specific learning needs effectively. Administrators can utilize this data to evaluate overall school performance and implement targeted interventions to boost SAT scores.

By incorporating Khan Academy’s expanded Digital SAT Reading and Writing course into your curriculum, you can provide your students with the tools they need to achieve their highest potential on the SAT. This course is designed to make SAT preparation effective, accessible, and engaging, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to succeed. Together, we can make sure every student is prepared for the SAT and beyond!

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Maren Morris Reveals Writing This New Song Inspired Her to Come Out as Bisexual: 'Shot of Courage I Needed' (Exclusive)

"I didn't ever feel before I had the courage to say that, and it was something that I knew for decades," Morris tells PEOPLE of of coming out as bisexual

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Ashley Osborn

Maren Morris is opening up about the art of self discovery.

In this week's issue of PEOPLE, the music superstar reveals that she found the courage to come out as bisexual after writing her new song " Push Me Over ."

"I didn't ever feel before I had the courage to say that, and it was something that I knew for decades, but I think it was just the timing of: I'm in a space to say this without anything really getting misconstrued, and it's Pride Month," Morris, 34, says of her Instagram revelation in June. "I also had just felt comfortable in myself enough to write a song like 'Push Me Over.' It gave me the little shot of courage I needed, I guess."

In May, Morris teased on Instagram that she was working with songwriter-producer Tobias Jesso Jr. and the pop trio MUNA , which is comprised of fellow queer artists Katie Gavin, Josette Maskin and Naomi McPherson. "A week of horny songs and fiction," Morris captioned a selfie at the time.

The result: "Push Me Over," a funky, flirty highlight from Morris' new EP Intermission .

On the track, she sings: "Necklace rests just so, on your collarbone / Makes me want to know / How your perfume smells on me later / Can you take control? Show me where to go / Ain't been here before / Don't know what it is, but I like the flavor / Want you in my bed / 'Cause I don't need no more friends / The more that you come closer / Want you to push me over."

And the Grammy winner says writing about women came "weirdly enough" naturally.

Maren Morris/Instagram

"I do feel like I was with the perfect group of people to write that song with. I hadn't worked with MUNA before, and I've just been a fan of theirs for so long. They're incredible songwriters, Naomi's an incredible producer, so being able to have this heart-to-heart with them about my experience, and then also being able to just freak out over each other's talents is so fun," Morris says. "It was just such an easy day. You don't always get those. It just came together so perfectly, it's almost suspiciously easy. It was really fun to connect with them through that lens, and I'm so excited that they're on this project."

Morris, who is on the road for her RSVP Redux tour , first opened up about her sexuality in a June 9 Instagram post, writing: "happy to be the B in LGBTQ+ ... happy pride."

"It didn't really feel like coming out," Morris says of her decision to make the announcement. "It just felt like, 'Oh, and by the way, I'm kind of in the club too, so happy pride.' It was the most free, fun, silly way to do it."

Following the post, Morris received a wave of love from her fans and followers.

"The support outpour was really, really encouraging and obviously so nice. You just never know," the outspoken singer says. "There's so many things I have said that could be polarizing, and this just felt like if it connects with somebody or feels like they feel a little bit braver, knowing artists that they admire or love is too, that's obviously an amazing byproduct of being honest with yourself. But also, I don't know if that many people were surprised."

Steve Jennings/Getty

Intermission , which Morris dropped on Friday, Aug. 2, marks the largest body of work the singer has released since she revealed last September that she was taking a step back from the "toxic" parts of the country-music industry after years of calling out racism and misogyny in the business.

Nearly a year later, Morris acknowledges the genre is still part of her DNA: “There’s just something about country music and my upbringing and the way that I’ve learned to write songs that I will never shake and don’t want to.”

But she’s found freedom in reclaiming her voice.

“I’m trying new things and feeling comfortable to do so,” adds Morris, who feels “truly liberated in myself and in my work.”

And she sounds more self-assured and better than ever on Intermission, on which she moves on and finds strength in vulnerability after her career reset and subsequent divorce from fellow singer-songwriter Ryan Hurd , 37. (The pair share son Hayes , 4.)

“This feels like an amazing journey of discovery,” she says, “and also the heartbreak of the death of a relationship and what fun and joy you find in the aftermath of a trauma or a tragedy like that.”

For more on Maren Morris, pick up the news issue of PEOPLE, on newsstands everywhere Friday.

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BactiVac Online: Training Course 2024

The bactivac network will be hosting an online training course on ‘journal article writing’ which will be delivered on 03 and 05 december 2024. places for our online course are available for bactivac members only and are allocated via a competitive process..

Please note, Journal Article Writing course will be delivered online via Zoom . Full attendance on both dates is a mandatory requirement. 

Who is it aimed at

  • Researchers and health care practitioners who are contributing to the existing body of scientific knowledge in their field in the form of peer-reviewed academic journal articles.
  • Researchers currently working on writing/developing one or more scientific manuscripts for publication in an academic journal (as the first author).
  • Researchers planning to begin writing a scientific manuscript within the next 3-6 months for publication in an academic journal (as the first author).
  • Researchers who have never written a scientific paper as the first author
  • Researchers who have previously submitted a scientific manuscript for publication in an academic journal (as the first author) and have been rejected.
  • Researchers based in LMICs .
  • Early career researcher (individuals who do not currently hold a substantive position within their organisation).

Preference for the allocation of places will be given to:

  • Researchers with fewer than 5 publications (either as first author or as a co-author) i.e., researchers with less experience of writing scientific manuscripts
  • Applicants who are based in LMICs

What will be covered

  • How to plan, develop and write high-quality manuscripts for publication using real life examples.
  • How to plan and structure each part of a scientific manuscript, including the abstract and article title.
  • Effective data presentation skills, looking at and critiquing example tables and figures. 
  • Writing skills that participants need to succeed when publishing.
  • Project management for manuscripts and the formal writing cycle.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this course, participants will be able to: 

  • Describe and effectively lead the manuscript review and writing process 
  • Understand key issues underlying manuscript authorship, integrity and ethics 
  • Manage data and references as well as present data clearly in tables and figures 
  • Understand the requirements for each section of the journal article text and draft a concise manuscript abstract and text 
  • Edit your own work to improve organisation and style and remove typos.

Who will be delivering the course

The training course will be delivered by Nicholas Burger from Scriptoria who holds a PhD in the health sciences where he has won numerous fellowships and awards for his research. Nicholas has nearly a decade of experience working internationally with researchers and governmental programmes to support research communication and evidence-based decision making. 

Applications open: 07 August 2024

Applications close: 22 September 2024, 23:59 hours UK time

Outcome notification email: no later than 30 October 2024

Course date & time: Tuesday 03 December 2024 & Thursday 05 December 2024 - 13:00 - 16:30 (UK time)

Applicants must be a member of the BactiVac Network, applications for membership can be processed alongside applications to attend this Course. 

For all queries, please contact the BactiVac Administration Team:  [email protected]  

Keep up to date by following us on X (Twitter)  @BactiVac , using  #BactiVacEvents , #BactiVacFunding and #BactiVacOnline and on  LinkedIn.  You can also download BactiVac Online Training Course flyer (PDF, 8.83MB) to circulate and/or display within your organisation.

Good luck, and we hope to see you in December!

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Minnesota Law

Journal of Law, Science and Technology: Research and Writing – 7602

This course provides an opportunity to research and write a journal note under faculty supervision. Each student will write an outline and at least three drafts, and will also orally present and answer questions about their note. The course is required for and open only to staff members of Minnesota Journal of Law, Science & Technology.

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Francis Shen

Francis Shen

Credits 1F/1S Course Journal of Law, Science and Technology: Research and Writing Graduation Requirements Second Year Legal Writing Student Year Upper Division Grade base H/P/LP/F Course type JRNL

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CNN values your feedback

Live Updates

August 5, 2024 - Tropical Storm Debby updates

Aditi Sangal

What we covered here

  • Tracking Debby: Debby has weakened from a hurricane to a 50 mph tropical storm as it moves from Florida into Georgia. The system landfalled Monday morning near Steinhatchee in Florida’s Big Bend area, according to the National Hurricane Center. See Debby’s projected path.
  • Historic rainfall: Debby is expected to unleash potentially historic rainfall in Georgia and South Carolina that could cause catastrophic flooding. Tropical systems are slowing down  over time, studies show, making them more likely to produce greater rainfall totals.
  • Deadly storm: At least four people have died from the storm in Florida: one from a downed tree , one on a slick road and two after a single-vehicle wreck. One person died in Georgia due to a falling tree.
  • The role of climate change: Global warming caused by fossil fuel pollution is causing wetter storms and storms to strengthen more rapidly. Debby tracked through near-record warm waters in the Gulf of Mexico, which helped it rapidly intensify .
  • If you are in an area of low connectivity, get the latest CNN updates  here .

Our live coverage of Tropical Storm Debby has moved here.

Savannah mayor is "terrified" for "absolutely unprecedented" impacts of Debby

A resident walks through rising flood waters in Savannah, Georgia, as heavy rains from Tropical Storm Debby caused widespread flooding on Monday, August 5

Van Johnson, the mayor of coastal Savannah, Georgia, said he is “terrified” as the city braces for “a night of extensive raining and flooding” brought by Tropical Storm Debby – an event he believes could be catastrophic for the city.

The storm is forecast to be “absolutely unprecedented” for the area, the mayor said, noting severe flooding is the biggest concern.

“Parts of this city will be underwater days from now,” Johnson said, adding, “I’ve been doing storms around here for 30 years and I’ve not experienced anything forecasted like this is. We’ve been in the eye of a storm and we have not experienced this.”

The city has implemented a curfew from 10 p.m. Monday to 6 a.m. Tuesday. But the mayor fears people will not take the storm seriously and try to venture outside, putting themselves and first responders in danger.

“I want Debby to come and go and I won’t be sleeping until she’s gone.”

Debby heads towards Georgia as officials prepare for heavy rain and catastrophic flooding. Catch up here

A teenager died Monday, August 5,  in Levy County, Florida, as high winds from Hurricane Debby blew a tree onto his home, according to the Levy County Sheriff’s Office.

Debby made landfall at a hurricane in the Big Bend of Florida on Monday morning and is now crawling toward the Georgia coast. 

For the next few days, Debby — now a tropical storm — will dump historic levels of rain and bring catastrophic flooding. Widespread rainfall totals of at least a foot are expected to stretch from northern Florida to southeastern North Carolina through Friday night.

At least five deaths have been attributed to the storm so far, according to officials — four in Florida and one in Georgia.

Here’s what to know about the storm :

  • The latest forecast: Though Debby’s wind speeds are decreasing, torrential, flooding rainfall will still be the biggest threat to the Southeast and last for much of the week, according to the National Hurricane Center . Charleston , South Carolina, could get over 2 feet of rain in just five days, more than the city typically records in an entire summer. A similar situation could develop in Savannah, Georgia, which could receive a summer’s worth of rain in less than a week. City Manager Jay Melder called it a “once-in-a-thousand-year potential rainfall event.”
  • Storm deaths: A 13-year-old died Monday morning in Levy County, Florida, after a tree blew onto his home , according to the Levy County Sheriff’s Office. A 64-year-old man was killed when his tractor-trailer plunged off an interstate bridge in Tampa, Florida, after he lost control on a wet roadway . A 38-year-old female and 12-year-old male are dead after a single-vehicle crash Sunday night in Dixie County, Florida, the Florida Highway Patrol said. In Georgia, a 19-year-old died after a tree fell on the side of a house, according to Colquitt County  Coroner C. Verlyn Brock .
  • Watches, warnings and precautions: A tornado watch has been issued by the Storm Prediction Center for more than 1.5 million people in coastal Georgia and South Carolina until 1 a.m. ET, which includes Charleston and Savannah. A tropical storm watch is also in effect from north of South Santee River, South Carolina, to Cape Fear, North Carolina, according to the NHC. The city of Savannah issued a curfew from 10 p.m. ET Monday to 6 a.m. ET Tuesday. Residents in Charleston are also under a curfew, starting at 11 p.m. ET Monday , according to the mayor.
  • Response : The Sarasota Police Department in Florida evacuated about 500 people from flooded homes. Urban search and rescue crews also went door-to-door in the coastal communities of Suwannee and Horseshoe Beach in Florida earlier Monday. Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp has authorized the deployment of up to 2,000 Georgia National Guard troops. North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper signed an executive order declaring a state of emergency . President Joe Biden also approved an emergency declaration request from South Carolina, the White House said.
  • The rest of the week: The system is expected to move slowly through southeastern Georgia until its center emerges over the Atlantic around mid-afternoon Tuesday. By Tuesday night, Debby will stall just off the coast of South Carolina through at least Thursday morning. Another landfall is possible sometime Thursday as the storm moves north over the South Carolina coast and then pushes into central North Carolina Friday.

Charleston under city-wide curfew starting at 11 p.m. ET in anticipation of Tropical Storm Debby

The mayor of Charleston, South Carolina, issued a city-wide curfew starting at 11 p.m. ET as officials prepare for an anticipated 10 to 12 inches of rain.

During a  news conference  on Monday, Cogswell said the rainfall is likely to occur between midnight and 10 a.m. ET Tuesday.

Entry to the peninsula will be closed starting at 11 p.m. ET and officials plan to reassess tomorrow at 10 a.m. ET.

“If you live on the peninsula, we’re imploring you to stay put. If you work on the peninsula, you need to leave before 11 p.m.,” Cogswell said.

City officials will hold another news conference Tuesday morning after the 10 a.m. ET assessment.

Teen killed by falling tree in south Georgia marks fifth storm death

A teenager died in Moultrie, Georgia, after a tree fell on the side of a house Monday afternoon during Tropical Storm Debby, according to Colquitt County Coroner C. Verlyn Brock .

The 19-year-old male died after a tree fell onto the side porch of a home on 13th Avenue SW in Moultrie, according to Brock. He was pronounced dead at 3:40 p.m. ET. 

Moultrie is located in south Georgia, around 200 miles south of Atlanta.

This is the fifth storm-related death reported from Tropical Storm Debby and the first storm-related death reported in Georgia. 

Biden approves emergency declaration for South Carolina as Tropical Storm Debby approaches

President Joe Biden has approved an emergency declaration request from South Carolina to mobilize relief for Tropical Storm Debby, the White House said in a statement.

South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster   declared a state of emergency in advance of the storm’s arrival. 

Debby initially made landfall in Florida on Monday morning. Another landfall is possible sometime Thursday as Debby moves north over the South Carolina coast and then pushes into central North Carolina Friday.

Officials in South Carolina have been urging residents to prepare for heavy rain and possible flooding as the storm makes its way through the Gulf.

Charleston could both be drenched with a month’s worth of rain in a single day — and perhaps even an entire summer’s worth of rain over the course of the storm. More than 2.5 inches of rain have already fallen in the city, shattering the rainfall record for the date.

CNN’s Mary Gilbert contributed reporting to this post.

North Carolina governor declares state of emergency

North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper signed an executive order declaring a state of emergency as it braces for the impacts of Tropical Storm Debby, according to a news release from his office.

The storm may bring “life threatening flash flooding,” river flooding, wind gusts that may reach 40 mph, coastal impacts and other effects to North Carolina, according to the release.

The order activates the State Emergency Operations Plan and makes it easier for “vehicles supporting emergency relief efforts” to travel throughout the state, transporting crucial goods like food and medical supplies, the release said.

The governor’s office encouraged North Carolina residents to monitor the forecast and to create an emergency plan ahead of the severe weather.

Debby's winds continue to decrease but threat of flooding will linger through the end of the week

A man walks through storm surge on the flooded road into Horseshoe Beach, Florida, on  Monday, August 5.

The maximum sustained winds with Tropical Storm Debby continue to decrease — now down to 50 mph, according to the 5 p.m. advisory from the National Hurricane Center. The storm also continues to slow down and is now moving at just 6 mph, half of its forward speed from just 24 hours ago.

Debby is located near the Florida/Georgia border, about 30 miles southeast of Valdosta, Georgia. 

The tropical storm warning and storm surge warning for the Florida Gulf Coast have been discontinued. A tropical storm watch has been issued from north of South Santee River, South Carolina, to Cape Fear, North Carolina.

Debby is expected to slowly move across southeast Georgia before the center emerges over the Atlantic Ocean late Tuesday. From late Tuesday into Thursday, the center will move slowly just offshore of Georgia and the South Carolina coast. During this period the circulation of the system will be pushing copious amounts of moisture onshore into Georgia and the Carolinas, producing extreme rainfall and likely very dangerous flooding.

Police search for a missing boater after discovering his partially sunk vessel in Florida

Brian J. Clough is seen in an undated photo.

Florida police are searching for a missing boater after his vessel was found partially sunken with his dog aboard on Monday.

The Gulfport Police Department said 48-year-old Brian J. Clough anchored his sailboat near Gulfport’s Veterans Park, where it remained through Tropical Storm Debby.

A community member saw Clough’s boat had partially sunk by late Monday morning and noticed his dog was still aboard the vessel.

“The man also searched some of the vessel for Clough, but he was not found,” the police department said.

Police checked with the local boating community, but Clough has not been located as of Monday evening.

Police said when weather conditions improve, additional resources will be used in the search for Clough.

CNN’s Cara-Lynn Clarkson contributed to this report.

Second flash flood emergency issued in Florida

Extreme rainfall from Tropical Storm Debby has forced forecasters to issue another flash flood emergency in Florida, this time in Baker, Hamilton and Suwannee counties in northern Florida.

Flash Flood Emergency including Lake City FL, Watertown FL and Five Points FL until 7:45 PM EDT — @NWSFlashFlood (@NWSFlashFlood) August 5, 2024

The storm has already dropped 8 to 12 inches over the area, which includes Lake City, a town of more than 10,000 people just south of Interstate 10. Another 3 to 5 inches of rain is possible.

The emergency is in effect until 7:45 p.m. ET.

Flash flood emergencies are the most severe flooding warning and are only issued in rare situations when there is a significant threat to lives and properties.

A flash flood emergency was issued earlier in the afternoon for areas to the west of Lake City, including Live Oak.

At least 500 people rescued from flooded homes in Sarasota, Florida, police department says

First responders help people evacuate their homes in Sarasota, Florida, on Monday.

First responders in Sarasota, Florida helped hundreds of people evacuate from homes flooded by Debby.

The Sarasota Police Department said these water rescues transported about 500 people to higher ground. The city got more than 12 inches of rain from the storm  — more than a month’s worth.

Personnel will continue to conduct rescues throughout the day Monday and into Monday night, the Sarasota Police Department said.

The post also included photos of the water rescues, showing residents and their pets being loaded into boats in flooded streets.

Tornado watch issued for Charleston and Savannah as Debby lashes area

A tornado watch has been issued by the Storm Prediction Center for more than 1.5 million people in coastal Georgia and South Carolina until 1 a.m. EDT as Debby continues to trudge across the Southeast.

A tornado watch has been issued for parts of Georgia and South Carolina until 1 AM EDT — NWS Tornado (@NWStornado) August 5, 2024

It includes Charleston, South Carolina, and Savannah, Georgia.

Tornadoes frequently occur with landfalling tropical storms and hurricanes. They tend to be associated with outer-rain bands and can spin up quickly and are often short-lived. This means they can occur with little to no warning, unlike with traditional tornadic storms in the central and southern US.

Roads are already flooding in Charleston before Debby's worst rain arrives

Some roads are already flooding in Charleston, South Carolina, according to the city’s police department, as soaking rain moves in ahead of Debby’s prolonged deluge.

More than 2.5 inches of rain have already fallen in the city, shattering the rainfall record for the date.

While today is far from one of the wettest days the city has ever encountered, the current flooding is going to place the area in a precarious position for the days ahead. 

Much heavier rain is expected Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Each day has the potential to break be one of the city’s 10-wettest days on record. With little-to-no time for floodwaters to recede, each day of torrential rainfall will raise the life-threatening flood threat more than the last. 

Through Friday night, 20 to 30 inches of rain could overwhelm the city. 

As the weather impacts from #Debby affect our area, remember, DO NOT DRIVE AROUND BARRICADES and avoid travel unless necessary. Some roads are already being closed due to flooding. If you must travel, use this link for the most up-to-date road closures: … — Charleston P.D. (@CharlestonPD) August 5, 2024

2 more storm-related deaths from Debby after single-vehicle wreck Sunday night

A 38-year-old female and 12-year-old male are dead, and a 14-year-old male is in serious condition after a single-vehicle crash Sunday evening in Dixie County, Florida, the Florida Highway Patrol said.

Witnesses told police it looked like the vehicle “lost control due to the inclement weather and wet roadway. After losing control, the vehicle struck the guardrail in the center median, then re-directed, overturning, leaving the roadway to the right,” according to the statement from the state Highway Patrol. 

The driver and one passenger died at the scene and the other passenger was transported to UF Health system for treatment. 

None of the three people were wearing seatbelts, according to law enforcement.

Police are still investigating the crash. The county’s medical examiner’s office is working to determine the cause of death.

This marks at least four people killed by Tropical Storm Debby in Florida.

Photo: Car underwater in flash flood emergency area in Florida

A car is seen submerged in floodwaters in Live Oak, Florida, on Monday.

Extreme rain continues to fall over Live Oak, Florida, where a flash flood emergency is in effect.

More than 10 inches of rain has fallen from the storm and the resulting floodwaters have risen high enough to cover the doors on this car.

Forecasters warn of "catastrophic" and "unprecedented" flooding

Don’t let Debby’s status as a tropical storm fool you – this storm is packing a serious punch. Torrential, flooding rainfall is the biggest threat Debby poses to the Southeast and it’ll last for much of the week.  

A rare high risk, level 4 of 4, of flooding rainfall is in place Monday from northern Florida to far southern South Carolina. High risks are issued on fewer than 4% of days per year on average, but are responsible  for 83% of all flood-related damage and 39% of all flood-related deaths , research from the Weather Prediction Center shows.

Tuesday, that high risk area will focus from southeastern Georgia to much of eastern South Carolina.  

“Expect a widespread 4 to 8 inches of rain with locally higher amounts just during (Tuesday),” the Weather Prediction Center warned. “There will likely be numerous instances of significant to catastrophic flooding for both rural and urban areas along with rising streams.” 

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The flood threat for Florida will only diminish slightly Tuesday and remain quite concerning.

“Due to the likely hard hit nature of this area by Tuesday, even smaller amounts of rain are likely to result in outsized impacts,” the WPC warned. 

Flood threats could become even more dire for parts of Georgia and South Carolina on Wednesday once the area becomes very water-logged.  

“By this point, the multi-day storm accumulation will likely be in the double digits with maxes in the 20 to 30 inch range near the Savannah metro and all along the Carolina Coastal Plain,” the WPC continued.  

With rainfall totals of this level, “catastrophic flooding would be likely/definite and compounded by coastal surge and waves,” according to the WPC. Impacts will be very serious.”

“With these expected rainfall totals, impacts will be widespread and severe, likely including numerous flooded homes and structures, damage to roadways including washouts, and unprecedented flooding along and near smaller creeks and streams,” the National Weather Service in Charleston, South Carolina, warned. The office covers the region expected to be hit hardest by Debby. 

Hurricane Debby washes $1 million in cocaine ashore in the Florida Keys

Twenty-five packages of cocaine weighing about 70 pounds washed ashore along on a beach in Islamorada, Florida, on Sunday, according to a social media post from US Customs and Border Patrol. 

According to the agency in Miami, a good samaritan discovered the drugs and alerted authorities. The cocaine has a street value of more than $1 million dollars.

Hurricane Debby blew 25 packages of cocaine (70 lbs.) onto a beach in the Florida Keys. Good Samaritan discovered the drugs & contacted authorities. U.S. Border Patrol seized the drugs, which have a street value of over $1 million dollars. #Hurricane #Debby #Florida #floridakeys — Samuel Briggs II (@USBPChiefMIP) August 5, 2024

Samuel Briggs, the acting chief patrol agent of the US Border Patrol Miami Sector  shared a photo of the packages in a post on X.

Islamorada is in the Florida Keys about 80 miles from Key West.

Debby slows further, nears the Florida-Georgia border

Tropical Storm Debby has lost a bit more strength as its center tracks over northern Florida. The storm now has sustained winds of 65 mph, down 5 mph from late Monday morning, according to the National Hurricane Center.

Debby is located about 10 miles northwest of Live Oak, Florida, where a flash flood emergency is in effect, and continues to slow down, now moving to the north-northeast at 7 mph. Tropical storm-force winds reach up to 140 miles from Debby’s center.

Tropical storm warnings remain in effect from Indian Pass to Aripeka along the Florida Gulf coast and from St. Augustine, Florida, to the South Santee River in South Carolina – which includes Savannah, Georgia, and Charleston, South Carolina.

Debby will likely lose additional strength over the next 24 to 36 hours as it tracks out of Florida, through southeastern Georgia and emerges into the Atlantic Ocean, just off the coast of South Carolina. The storm may regain some strength midweek as it unloads life-threatening rainfall along the Southeast coast.

Second person dies in Debby after tractor-trailer plunges off bridge on a storm-slickened highway

A tractor-trailer is lifted from a canal near Tampa, Florida, on Monday.

A tractor-trailer plunged off an interstate bridge and into a canal near Tampa, Florida, early Monday, killing the driver. The 64-year-old Mississippi man lost control on the wet roadway, according to the Florida Highway Patrol.

It’s the second death blamed on severe weather conditions from Debby, which made landfall as a hurricane and is now a tropical storm.

The accident happened at about 2:30 a.m. on Interstate 75, northeast of downtown Tampa.

 “The vehicle rotated, collided with a concrete barrier wall along the outside shoulder and traveled over the wall,” the highway patrol said in a press release. “The trailer came to rest hanging from the bridge while the cab separated and fell into the Tampa Bypass Canal.”

 A portion of the trailer went off the bridge and hit water.

 “Upon arrival, the first unit found the truck teetering on the guard rail, with the cab still out of the water,” Hillsborough County Fire Rescue said. “About 15 minutes into the incident, the front cab became submerged.”

Flash flood emergency issued in Florida

Life-threatening flooding is unfolding in Florida this afternoon as Debby deluges the state and the Southeast.

A flash flood emergency was recently issued for the state’s Suwannee County where between 10 and 15 inches of rain have fallen and additional rainfall of 3 to 6 inches is possible, according to the National Weather Service in Jacksonville.

Flash flood emergencies are the most severe flooding warning and is only issued in rare situations when flooding threatens lives and properties.

“Flash flooding is already occurring,” the NWS warned. “This is a PARTICULARLY DANGEROUS SITUATION. SEEK HIGHER GROUND NOW!”

The flash flood emergency is in effect until 6:15 p.m. EDT Monday, but Debby’s rain will impact the region for much of this week.

Parts of the Suwannee River are forecast to reach  major flood stage  in the coming days as the rainfall drains into the waterway.

Flash Flood Emergency continues for Live Oak FL, Branford FL and Fort White FL until 6:15 PM EDT — @NWSFlashFlood (@NWSFlashFlood) August 5, 2024

Watch: Storm surge surrounds hotel in Cedar Key, Florida

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New video shows Debby’s storm surge surrounding the Faraway Inn in Cedar Key, Florida, which had just opened up following damage from Hurricane Idalia nearly a year ago.

Hurricane Debby brought more than 6 feet of storm surge to Cedar Key, which is around 40 miles southeast of where the storm made landfall on Monday morning.

The inn’s owner Aimee Firestine lives in Chiefland, Florida, and told CNN the video was taken around 7:30 am Monday morning using the inn’s surveillance camera. 

“We are home just trying to prepare for what we will see when we are able to return,” Firestine said.

“Definitely heart breaking knowing we just opened up that building this past Memorial Day from Idalia damage. The cottage on the right is still under repairs from Idalia.”

Video in this post is courtesy of the Faraway Inn/Facebook

Search and rescue crews checking on hard-hit Florida coastal communities

Miami Search and Rescue Fire Department personnel search for people in flooded houses as Debby affects the gulf coast in Suwannee, Florida, on August 5.

Urban search and rescue crews are going door-to-door Monday in two hard-hit coastal Florida communities to examine the impact of Debby after it made landfall nearby as a hurricane. 

“A heavy presence of National Guard and FL Urban Search and Rescue from Task Force 1 and 2, is in the County and entering the coastal communities of Suwannee and Horseshoe Beach,” Dixie County Fire Rescue  announced on Facebook .

Debby, which has since weakened to a tropical storm, made landfall near Steinhatchee, Florida, about 35 miles away from Horseshoe Beach.

Dixie County Fire Rescue said about 78% of the county is without power.

Savannah warns residents of “once-in-a-thousand-year potential rainfall event”

Officials around Savannah, Georgia, are warning people to prepare for a level of flooding the city has never seen before as Tropical Storm Debby slowly makes its way to Georgia.

Forecasts call for the possibility of 20 inches of rain in a two to three-day period. Officials in Chatham County — which includes Savannah — say residents are used to flooding during heavy rain, but this is likely to be worse than what they’ve ever seen.

“This type of rain hovering over us, coming with the intensity that they tell us that it’s coming — it’s going to catch a whole lot of people by surprise,” Chatham County Chairman Chester Ellis said.

One sign residents are taking the warnings seriously is that multiple sandbag stations ran out of supplies Sunday night, according to county officials, who say they are working to get them all restocked today.

A countywide 10 p.m. ET curfew goes into effect Monday night, with Ellis saying “blinding rain” will make it dangerous for anyone who tries to travel when the storm arrives.

Savannah Mayor Van Johnson asked businesses to empty their offices early, if possible. “If you just can, we’re asking that you show your employees some grace by allowing them to leave and get home in a safe manner,” he said.

CNN Meteorologist Brandon Miller contributed to this report.

Major Georgia ports close ahead of Tropical Storm Debby impacts

Some major Georgia ports are planning to close this week ahead of the severe weather brought by Tropical Storm Debby, according to Georgia Ports Authority .

The Port of Savannah will close it’s terminal at 3 p.m. ET today and won’t reopen until Wednesday, with a delayed start. The Port of Brunswick is not receiving inbound vessels until the storm passes and the Coast Guard gives the all clear. 

Colonels Island and Mayor’s Point Terminal gates will close today at noon and reopen Wednesday, if weather permits.

Debby has weakened from a hurricane to a tropical storm. Here's what you need to know

A Florida National Guard vehicle drives through a flooded street from the rain and storm surge caused by Debby on August 5 in Cedar Key, Florida.

Tropical Storm Debby is moving over northern Florida at 70 miles per hour. However, before it weakened, high winds from the hurricane blew a tree onto the mobile home of a teenager, killing the 13-year old , according to Lt. Scott Tummond of the Levy County Sheriff’s Office. 

Here’s what else to know:

Landfall: The hurricane made landfall Monday morning near Steinhatchee in Florida’s Big Bend area, according to the National Hurricane Center.

Speed: Debby’s forward speed is expected to slow so dramatically that an average person could walk faster than it. It is forecast to only travel a distance of less than 200 miles — from southeastern Georgia to the South Carolina coast — in about 60 hours from Tuesday morning to Thursday afternoon. That means the storm’s average pace would be around 3 mph for 2.5 days, which is slower than an average adult can walk, research has found . This slow movement is the reason for the dire rainfall and flooding forecasts for the region.

Flight disruptions: Severe weather from Debby forced the Federal Aviation Administration to delay flights on the ground in Fort Lauderdale and Fort Myers — and the FAA says the delays are likely to get worse.

Rainfall: Debby has already unloaded massive amounts of rain over Florida and there’s much more still to come. The Sarasota-Bradenton area averages more than 9 inches in August, but well exceeded that from the storm. Here are the top rainfall reports in the state so far, measured from Saturday morning to Monday morning: 

  • Lakewood Ranch: 16.56 inches 
  • Parrish: 14.66 inches 
  • Siesta Key: 12.57 inches 
  • Sarasota, Bradenton International Airport: 12.43 inches 
  • Pinellas Park: 12.11 inches 

Here's what Debby looks like from space

Debby’s dangerous impacts are far from over and one of the reasons why can be clearly seen from satellite imagery this morning: It is a wide-reaching storm. 

The storm’s center is approaching the Florida-Georgia border, but rain from the storm is already drenching large portions of Georgia and South Carolina. 

A strong area of high pressure out over the Atlantic is helping to pull some of Debby’s moisture even farther north too, as seen by the very cloudy conditions from North Carolina to the top right corner of the imagery. 

The weather is largely dry elsewhere in the imagery above, but some lingering wildfire smoke can be seen over parts of the Tennessee and Mississippi valleys. The smoke appears as a very thin light grey tint slightly obscuring the typical green of the surface below.

Charleston mayor says city is preparing for "unprecedented" amounts of rainfall

The city of Charleston in South Carolina is set to receive “unprecedented” amounts of rainfall causing severe flooding Monday, as a result of Tropical Storm Debby, according to the mayor.

Cogswell urged residents to gather supplies now, in advance of the storm, and then stay inside.

“This is going to be an unprecedented amount of rainfall that will result in pretty severe flooding and areas that don’t normally flood,” he said.

Cogswell said he is coordinating with federal and state partners to prepare and has enacted an emergency protocol that will allow him to close down parts of the city, if needed.

Debby will move so slow you could walk faster than it

Debby’s forward speed is expected slow so dramatically that an average person could walk faster than it.

Debby is forecast to only travel a distance of less than 200 miles – from southeastern Georgia to the South Carolina coast – in about 60 hours from Tuesday morning to Thursday afternoon.

That means the storm’s average pace would be around 3 mph for 2.5 days, which is slower than an average adult can walk, research has found .

This slow movement is the reason for the dire rainfall and flooding forecasts for the region.

Debby's strong winds buffet Florida

Taylor County firefighters remove a fallen tree from a road as Debby passes through the area in Keaton Beach, Florida, on August 5.

Debby pounded the Gulf Coast of Florida with widespread strong wind gusts of 40 to 60 mph Sunday through Monday morning. These gusts have been strong enough to bring down trees, which have killed at least one person .

Here’s where the system’s strongest winds have occurred in the state: 

  • Chiefland: 76 mph 
  • Cedar Key: 67 mph 
  • Sarasota, Bradenton International Airport: 64 mph 
  • St. Petersburg: 63 mph  
  • Perry: 62 mph
  • Clearwater Beach: 61 mph 

Flight cancellations and delays climb due to Hurricane Debby

Severe weather from Hurricane Debby has forced the Federal Aviation Administration to delay flights on the ground in Fort Lauderdale and Fort Myers — and the FAA says the delays are likely to get worse.

“Hurricane Debby is making its way northeast across Florida impacting all airports in its path,” the FAA said in a publicly available airspace operations plan.

Flight cancellations continue to climb nationwide, with flights leaving Orlando, Tampa, and Miami being hit the hardest. FlightAware says as of 11 a.m. EDT, airlines have canceled more than 1,500 US flights. American Airlines has canceled about one in 10 of its Monday flights while Southwest Airlines has canceled about one in 20.

Teen killed by fallen tree in Florida is the first confirmed storm death from Hurricane Debby

A fallen tree is seen on a mobile home in Fanning Springs, Florida, where a 13-year-old boy was killed on Monday morning.

A teenager died Monday morning in Levy County, Florida, as high winds from Hurricane Debby blew a tree onto his home, according to Lt. Scott Tummond of the Levy County Sheriff’s Office. 

The 13-year-old boy was crushed inside a mobile home, Tummond said.

It is the first confirmed death due to the storm.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with this family as they deal with this tragedy,” Tummond said in a written statement. “We encourage everyone to use extreme caution as they begin to assess and clean up the damage. Downed powerlines and falling trees are among the many hazards. One life is too many.”

Debby is now a tropical storm and it's slowing down

Storm chasers check the wind speed on Monday in Horseshoe Beach, Florida.

Debby has weakened from a hurricane to a strong, 70 mph tropical storm as it moves over northern Florida.

The storm will continue to weaken while it’s over land, but its most significant impact will not: potentially catastrophic flooding.

The latest advisory from the National Hurricane Center said the storm had started to put on the brakes and its forward speed had slowed from 10 mph to 8 mph. It will eventually slow to walking speed.

This slow speed will allow the storm to drop potentially historic amounts of rain on Georgia and South Carolina in the coming days.

Savannah sets curfew to start at 10 p.m. ET ahead of potential flooding from Debby

Hershey Stepherson, left, and Bryan Burc, right, fill a sandbag while preparing for Hurricane Debby on Monday in Savannah, Georgia.

The city of Savannah, Georgia, issued a curfew Monday as it prepares for potentially heavy flooding from Hurricane Debby.

“In anticipation of winds, intensive rain and flooding tonight, I will be issuing a curfew for the City of Savannah tonight starting Monday, August 5 at 10 pm until Tuesday, August 6 at 6 am,” Mayor Van Johnson  announced on Facebook .

Debby made landfall in the Big Bend of Florida on Monday morning and is now crawling across northern Florida toward the Georgia coast. Savannah could see a month’s worth of rain in a single day, according to forecasts.

More than a month's worth of rain has already fallen in Florida, causing rivers to rise

A person looks on at a flooded street caused by the rain and storm surge from Hurricane Debby on August 5 in Cedar Key, Florida.

Debby has already unloaded massive amounts of rain over Florida and there’s much more still to come.

The Sarasota/Bradenton area averages more than 9 inches in August, but well exceeded that from the storm.

Here are the top rainfall reports in the state so far, measured from Saturday morning to Monday morning: 

Totals in the Big Bend region are also climbing. Six to 8 inches of rain have fallen there since Sunday night.  

Torrential rain has triggered least 10 flash flood warnings in Florida since midnight and caused area waterways to swell. Parts of the Manatee River rose to major flood stage just south of Tampa.  

A few more waterways around the Tampa area will reach major flood stage early this week while some in the northern part of the state are forecast to reach at least moderate flood stage.  

Where Debby could drop historic rainfall

Debby is far from the most powerful tropical system to slam the Southeast, but it may go down in history as one of the region’s most prolific rain-producers.  

Widespread rainfall totals of at least a foot will stretch from northern Florida to southeastern North Carolina through Friday night. But some areas – especially coastal South Carolina and Georgia – could pick up as much as 30 inches of rain in the same timeframe. 

Hurricane Florence in 2018 is the most prolific rainfall-producing storm in South Carolina history. It dropped 23.63 inches of rain.  

Charleston, South Carolina, could get over 2 feet of rain in just five days, more than the city typically records in an entire summer – from June to August. Charleston has never recorded more than 18 inches of rain in a 5-day period. Data for the city’s airport weather reporting station date back to 1937.  

A similar situation could develop in Savannah, Georgia, which could receive a summer’s worth of rain in less than a week. Savannah has never recorded more than 16.25 inches of rain in a 5-day period since 1945. Georgia’s most prolific rain-producing storm was 1994’s Alberto which unloaded 27.85 inches of rain.

Rainfall totals anywhere near the forecast’s upper end of 2.5 feet will not only shatter a statewide record and numerous daily records, but also cause life-threatening flash flooding.

Day after day of relentless heavy rain will overwhelm soil and cause area waterways to swell. For low-lying areas near the coast, floodwaters may struggle to drain away from land especially around midweek when Debby is forecast to stall just off the coast.

Debby’s winds could drive storm surge flooding while heavy rain floods areas inland.

Governor authorizes National Guard deployment as Georgia prepares for impact of Hurricane Debby

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp has authorized the deployment of up to 2,000 Georgia National Guard troops to help the state’s response to Hurricane Debby.

Kemp issued the executive order Monday, after the Category 1 storm made landfall in the Big Bend region of Florida. The troops will be used “in preparation, response, and recovery efforts,” the order said.

Debby is expected to cross into southern Georgia by mid-afternoon Monday and move slowly through the southeastern area of the state. It is forecast to slow down by Tuesday night and stall off the coast of South Carolina, bringing torrential rain to parts of Georgia and South Carolina. 

On Saturday, Kemp declared a state of emergency for Georgia as Debby approached.

Hurricane Debby damages resort still recovering from Hurricane Idalia nearly a year ago

Flooding is seen at Firefly Resort Cottages in Cedar Key, Florida, on Monday.

Ian Maki, who owns Firefly Resort Cottages in Cedar Key, Florida with his husband, said his business has been impacted by hurricanes since it opened in 2018. Today, the storm surge from Debby has already damaged three cottages.

Losing the cottages for several months in these scenario costs the couple tens of thousands of dollars. While repairing the damages to their cottages from Idalia, which struck last August, Maki said he was keeping an eye on Debby.

“We have been watching Debby since she was barely a bump in the Atlantic and, since we just went through this, we just stopped doing what we had been doing to repair damage from Idalia and started prepping for this one. So far, so good. We know these cottages will see water, they have already so many times,” he said.

Tornado watch issued for parts of Florida and Georgia

A tornado watch is in effect for over 11 million people in central and northern Florida, and southeastern Georgia until 4 pm EDT as Hurricane Debby moves inland. Tampa, Orlando and Jacksonville in Florida, and Savannah, Georgia, are included in the watch.

Tornadoes frequently occur with landfalling tropical storms and hurricanes. They tend to be associated with outer-rain bands and can spin up quickly and are often short-lived. This means they can occur with little-to-no warning, unlike with traditional tornadic storms in the central and southern US.

Last month, Beryl and its remnants produced more than 50 tornadoes from Texas to the Northeast for up to 3 days after landfall.

A tornado watch has been issued for parts of Florida and Georgia until 4 PM EDT — NWS Tornado (@NWStornado) August 5, 2024

Power outages in Florida top 300,000 as 3 states prepare for drenching rain

Power outages grew to more than 300,000 customers after Hurricane Debby made landfall in Florida Monday morning, according to .

The outages are impacting the state’s Big Bend region, where the Category 1 storm made landfall near Steinhatchee, rolling thorough the same area hit by Hurricane Idalia 11 months ago.

With traffic lights out and roads slick or flooded, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis encouraged people in the affected areas to stay indoors.

The storm’s pace is expected to slow as it moves across Florida then into Georgia and South Carolina, with the cities of Savannah and Charleston preparing for the possibility of a month’s worth of rain in a single day.

The hurricane is causing headaches for air travelers, too. The  Federal Aviation Administration  reported storm-related flight delays of over an hour Monday morning in Miami, Fort Lauderdale and Orlando.

Hurricane Debby will begin to weaken as it moves inland

Visitors look out of a hotel window as Hurricane Debby makes landfall in Perry, Florida, on Monday, August 5.

Hurricane Debby’s eye has moved inland, cutting it off from the warm water of the Gulf of Mexico, which will begin to weaken the storm.

Weakening of the sustained winds will continue through the morning, but heavy rain will remain a dangerous threat as the storm slows down over northern Florida and southern Georgia later today and tonight.

Any additional weakening will result in Debby once again being designated a tropical storm, which have sustained winds between 39 and 74 mph.

Here’s where Debby is headed next 

A satellite image taken at 8:16 a.m. ET on Monday shows Hurricane Debby over northern Florida.

Debby is still a Category 1 hurricane as it pushes inland over Florida’s Big Bend region but will quickly become a tropical storm as the system is cut off from the warm water fueling it.  

The reduction in wind speed won’t do much to limit Debby’s wrath, as torrential, flooding rainfall will spread over large portions of Florida and southern Georgia this morning and last for days.  

Debby will track generally to the north-northeast and its center is likely to cross into southern Georgia by mid-afternoon. The system will move slowly through southeastern Georgia until its center emerges over the Atlantic around mid-afternoon Tuesday.  

Debby could slow down to walking speed by Tuesday night and stall just off the coast of South Carolina through at least Thursday morning. Torrential rainfall could pound parts of Georgia and the Carolinas during this time – especially coastal South Carolina.  

Another landfall is possible sometime Thursday as Debby moves north over the South Carolina coast and then pushes into central North Carolina Friday. Debby will likely lose strength quickly once it moves back over land later this week and become a tropical depression.

All told, Debby could unload up to 30 inches of rain on parts of South Carolina through Friday night and more than a foot of rain from northern Florida to southeastern North Carolina.  

Here’s a look at Debby’s projected path:

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Citrus County is still recovering from Hurricane Idalia's flooding as Hurricane Debby impacts the area

Officials in Citrus County, Florida, are keeping an eye on Hurricane Debby’s storm surge as the community is still recovering from the flooding damage of  Hurricane Idalia  a year ago.

Debby made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane near Steinhatchee, just 9 miles southeast of where Category 3 Idalia made landfall on August 30, 2023. 

Many residents in Citrus County, south of Steinhatchee on Florida’s Gulf Coast, are just finishing up renovations to repair the devastating flood damage from Idalia, Kinnard said.

The area is hoping for just 3 to 5 feet of storm surge from Debby, Kinnard added. “If that happens, we’re in pretty good shape. Anything over that, and unfortunately, we have a lot of homes with water in them.”

Once the storm settles down, officials will work to get the power turned back on and debris cleaning companies will move in to tackle the mess, Kinnard added.

“We’re prepared, the city’s prepared. And we’re just hoping for the best here.”

Residents encouraged to stay prepared as Debby moves inland, with flooding concern lasting for days

Flooding is seen in Steinhatchee, Florida, on Monday.

Gov. Ron DeSantis said Florida residents need to stay prepared as Hurricane Debby made landfall Monday morning as a Category 1 hurricane.

The storm made landfall near Steinhatchee, very close to where Hurricane Idalia tore through Florida’s Big Bend region nearly a year ago. However, the governor said officials don’t expect the damage to be as substantial this time.   

“The maximum sustained winds for Debby have reached 80 miles an hour, with higher gusts throughout the storm area,” DeSantis said. “To contrast that with Idalia, Idalia reached close to 120 miles per hour in sustained winds.” 

With more than 200,000 power customers knocked out of service, according to the tracking site , DeSantis said restoring electric service will be a major priority.

“We do have 17,000 linemen that are ready to assist with restoring power immediately,” DeSantis said. 

With Debby expected to take a slow-moving track along northern Florida, state Emergency Management executive director Kevin Guthrie said people need to be prepared to deal with the hurricane’s effect for much of this week. 

“This is going to be an event that is going to be probably here for the next five to seven days – maybe as long as 10 days depending on how much rainfall we get,” Guthrie said. 

Debby rapidly intensified before landfall. Here's what it means and why it matters

Hurricane Debby rapidly intensified ahead of its landfall in Florida, joining a growing list of recent storms to accomplish the feat, as the planet warms and stacks the deck in favor of strengthening storms.

Rapid intensification is exactly what it sounds like: A storm increasing in strength over a short period of time. But a storm can’t be considered a rapid intensifier unless its winds increase by 35 mph in 24 hours or less, a feat Debby accomplished early Monday before landfall.

The storm strengthened from a 45 mph tropical storm at 2 a.m. on Sunday to an 80 mph hurricane at 2 a.m. Monday.

Storms need a few basic ingredients to strengthen: warm water, warm, moist air, and favorable upper-level winds that won’t rip it apart.

Debby had one of those ingredients in abundance. The storm tracked through near-record warm water temperatures in the eastern Gulf of Mexico. This provided ample fuel for the storm to tap into and rapidly intensify, despite having to fight off some dry air and hostile upper-level winds.

Recent observations show extensive warmth in the eastern Gulf of Mexico, where 31+°C waters are two or more degrees above normal. The energy these warm waters provide, alongside weak vertical wind shear, support the NHC’s 11am EDT 4 August forecast for Debby to rapidly intensify. — Dr. Kim Wood (@DrKimWood) August 4, 2024

Ocean temperatures in the North Atlantic have been record or near-record warm since last year. More than  90% of warming  around the globe over the past 50 years has taken place in the oceans, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

This warming, caused by fossil fuel pollution, is making rapid intensification  more likely , and more and more storms are doing it as they approach landfall, making them harder to prepare for. 

Parts of Florida seeing storm surge, inundation and flooding, Gov. DeSantis says

Hurricane Debby is already is impacting parts Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis said Monday morning.

Debby makes landfall eerily close to where Idalia did nearly a year ago

Hurricane Debby just made landfall as an 80 mph Category 1 storm in Florida’s Big Bend region, a sight that’s all too familiar for residents there.

The landfall location near Steinhatchee, Florida, was just 9 miles southeast of where Category 3 Hurricane Idalia made landfall nearly a year ago at 7:45 a.m. on August 30.

Hurricane Debby has made landfall. Here's what you should know

A satellite image captured at 7 a.m. ET Monday shows Hurricane Debby as the storm made landfall.

Hurricane Debby has been bringing heavy rainfall, high wind gusts and storm surge along the west coast of Florida since Sunday night.

On Monday morning, it made landfall near Steinhatchee with winds of 80 mph, according to the National Hurricane Center at 7 a.m. EDT.  

The landfall is within 20 miles of Hurricane Idalia’s landfall, which also came ashore in the Big Bend of Florida in August 2023 as a Category 3 hurricane with 125 mph winds.

Now that the storm has made landfall, weakening will begin, and Debby should become a tropical storm by early afternoon as the center of the storm nears the Georgia line.

Here’s what to know about the storm as it sweeps through:

  • Hundreds of thousands without power: More than 200,000 homes and businesses are without power across Florida as Debby’s hurricane-force winds begin to batter the state, according to .
  • Strong winds: Debby has winds of 80 mph and is now moving north-northeast at 10 mph, 2 mph slower than the update last hour.

A string of watches and warnings are in effect:

  • Hurricane warning: In effect for the Florida coast from Yankeetown to Indian Pass
  • Tropical storm warning: In effect for the Florida coast south of Yankeetown to Boca Grande; west of Indian Pass to Mexico Beach; from St. Augustine to South Santee River, South Carolina
  • Storm surge watch: In effect for the Florida coast from Englewood northward to the middle of Longboat Key, including Charlotte Harbor
  • Storm surge warning: In effect for the Florida coast from the middle of Longboat Key northward to Indian Pass, including Tampa Bay; along the Georgia and South Carolina coast from the mouth of the St. Mary’s River to South Santee River

The main threat will be flooding, both from storm surges and heavy rainfall. Freshwater flooding, which is caused by rainfall, has become the  deadliest impact of tropical systems in the last decade, according to the hurricane center — a threat made more dangerous as the world warms from fossil fuel pollution.

Hurricane Debby makes landfall near Steinhatchee in Florida's Big Bend region

Hurricane Debby has made landfall in Florida near Steinhatchee with winds of 80 miles per hour, according to the National Hurricane Center at 7 a.m. EDT.

Now that the storm has made landfall, weakening will begin, and Debby should become a tropical storm by early afternoon as the center of the storm nears the Georgia line. 

The storm is forecast to slowly move toward and along the Southeast coast in the next couple of days, bringing life-threatening and potentially historical rainfall totals across parts of Florida, Georgia and South Carolina.

More than 200,000 customers without power as Hurricane Debby makes landfall

Power outages in Florida impacted more than 200,000 customers Monday morning as Hurricane Debby made landfall along the Big Bend region of Florida.

More than 213,000 customers were without power, according to the tracking website . That includes nearly half of the electric customers in Dixie and Taylor counties, the areas nearest the hurricane’s landfall.

Hundreds of flights canceled and delayed as Debby approaches

Hundreds of flights were canceled or delayed Monday.

Several airports were impacted, according to FlightAware , including:

  • Charleston International Airport: More than 50 cancellations
  • Orlando International Airport: Almost 90 cancellations and more than 50 delays
  • Tampa International Airport: More than 60 canceled flights

While not within the storm’s direct path, Miami International Airport, Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport and Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport are all seeing cancellations and delays this morning.

If you've ever wondered how hurricanes are named, CNN's meteorologist explains

Hurricanes are named using every letter of the alphabet, except q, u, x, y and z.

There are six lists of names that are in rotation — the names used this year will be used again in 2030. 

But, if a storm is so impactful it will be remembered for years to come, the name is retired. For example, there will never be another Hurricane Katrina.

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Related article Ever wonder how hurricanes are named? CNN's meteorologist explains | CNN

Storm surge of 5.5 feet measured at Cedar Key, Florida, as Debby nears landfall

High water levels are seen in Cedar Key, Florida, early on Monday, August 5.

Storm surge is rapidly piling up on shore in Florida’s Big Bend region as Hurricane Debby is nearing landfall.

High tide was supposed to occur around 4 a.m. at Cedar Key, but Debby’s powerful winds pushing onshore has caused the water level to rise by about a foot since then.

Water levels may continue to rise more in the next couple of hours as the storm’s wind continue to be onshore. 

Hurricane Debby slowing slightly as it nears landfall in Florida

The eyewall of Debby is moving onshore and landfall in the Florida Big Bend is expected within a couple of hours, according to the National Hurricane Center’s 5 a.m. ET update.

Debby has winds of 80 mph and is now moving north-northeast at 10 mph, 2 mph slower than the update last hour.

Florida’s Big Bend coastline is seeing the worst of Debby’s conditions now as the eye passes. 

Numerous reports of sustained tropical-storm-force winds have been made, but the strongest so far is in Horseshoe Beach, where a weather station recently recorded a sustained wind of 65 mph and gusts of up to 95 mph.

Catastrophic flooding potential: Debby’s forward speed is expected to slow even more after landfall, and there is high confidence that the storm’s slow movement over the Southeastern US will result in catastrophic flooding in some locations, dropping months’ worth of rain in the next several days.

Hurricane Debby nearing landfall in northern Florida

A satellite image captured at 4 a.m. ET Monday shows Hurricane Debby nearing landfall.

Hurricane Debby is nearing landfall, with the eyewall moving onshore in the Florida Big Bend area, according to a special 4 a.m. ET update from the National Hurricane Center.

Landfall is when the center of the eye moves over land.

Debby has sustained maximum winds of 80 mph, with stronger gusts. It is about 40 miles west-northwest of Cedar Key, 80 miles south-southeast of Tallahassee, Florida, and is moving to the north-northeast at 12 mph.

More than 100,000 homes and businesses without power across Florida

Hillsborough County Sheriff's office shared photos of a downed tree and power line in Citrus Park, Florida, on August 4.

More than 100,000 homes and businesses are without power across Florida as Debby’s hurricane-force winds begin to batter the state, according to .

The majority of outages are in north-central Florida, including Levy and Suwannee counties.

City-by-city forecast: Here's what to expect along Hurricane Debby's expected path

Hurricane Debby is bringing gusty winds and life-threatening flooding across Florida early Monday.

After making landfall in Florida’s Big Bend later Monday morning, the storm is expected to push northeastward, where Georgia and South Carolina are bracing for severe weather.

Here’s what to expect along Debby’s path:

Near Steinhatchee, Florida (in potential landfall area):

  • Alerts: Hurricane warning, storm surge warning, flood watch, tornado watch
  • Winds: 65-85 mph with gusts up to 95 mph expected. Peak winds through Monday evening
  • Storm surge: 7-10 feet, with peak surge through Monday evening
  • Rainfall: Up to 10-15 inches possible, with peak through Monday afternoon
  • Tornadoes: Possible until 6 a.m. Monday

Tallahassee, Florida

  • Alerts: Tropical storm warning and flood watch
  • Winds: 10-20 mph with possible gusts up to 30 mph. Winds could exceed 50 mph and will peak through late Monday afternoon
  • Rainfall: 4-8 inches possible, peaking through early Monday afternoon

Jacksonville, Florida

  • Alerts: Tropical storm warning, flood watch, tornado watch 
  • Winds: 15-25 mph with gusts as high as 50 mph, peaking from Monday night to Tuesday morning
  • Storm surge: 1-3 feet possible
  • Rainfall: 4-8 inches, peaking from Monday morning to Wednesday evening
  • Tornadoes: Possible until 6 a.m. Monday 

Savannah, Georgia

  • Alerts: Tropical storm warning, flood watch, storm surge warning
  • Winds: 30-40 mph with gusts up to 50 mph, peaking from Tuesday evening to Wednesday afternoon
  • Storm surge: 2-4 feet, with peak surge beginning Monday afternoon
  • Rainfall: 12-18 inches, peaking from Monday afternoon to Wednesday evening

Charleston, South Carolina

  • Winds: 25-45 mph with gusts to 45 mph, peaking from 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. Thursday
  • Storm surge: 2-4 feet, with peak beginning Monday afternoon
  • Rainfall: 12-18 inches with totals up to 30 inches, peaking Monday night to Thursday night

Hurricane Debby grows even stronger as it closes in on Florida's coast

Men walk amid strong winds as Tropical Storm Debby approaches, in St. Petersburg, Florida, U.S. on August 4.

Hurricane Debby is now packing maximum sustained winds of 80 mph and is just 40 miles west of the Floridian island of Cedar Key, the National Hurricane Center said in an advisory at 2 a.m. ET.

The storm is forecasted to reach 85 mph before it slams into the coast Monday morning.

Though Debby has yet to make landfall, its hurricane-force winds extend outward up to 45 miles from the center and tropical-storm-force winds stretch for up to 140 miles, according to the hurricane center. 

This means strong winds and heavy rains are already bringing hazardous conditions to some areas, including flooding and debris-covered roads.

St. Petersburg has seen over a month’s worth of rainfall — 9.89 inches — in the last 48 hours, eclipsing its August average of 8.39 inches, the hurricane center said. More than 11 inches of rain have been reported in Pinellas Park and Palm Harbor.

High-water rescues in Tampa Bay area after Hurricane Debby causes life-threatening flooding

The Shore Acres neighborhood begins to flood from high tide in the Tampa Bay while Tropical Storm Debby approaches the gulf coast, in St. Petersburg, Florida, U.S., on August 4.

High-water rescues were underway Sunday night in Pinellas County, Florida, as incoming Hurricane Debby whipped up heavy rains, storm surge and dangerous flooding, emergency officials said.

Emergency crews in the county, which includes the cities of Clearwater and St. Petersburg, were fielding very high volumes of 911 calls Sunday night.

A flash flood warning has been issued for more than 2 million people across an area that includes the Pinellas, Manatee and Sarasota counties, as well as parts of Hernando and Hillsborough counties, the National Weather Service said.

Between 5 to 10 inches of rain have fallen in the area and as many as four more inches are possible.

The Sunshine Skyway Bridge — a key transportation artery in Lower Tampa Bay — has been closed “due to high winds and inclement weather,” the Florida Highway Patrol announced.

The Clearwater Police Department has also reported debris on roadways, down trees and flooded parking lots.

Debby’s arrival cements exceptionally early start to hurricane season

Debby is the fourth named storm of the Atlantic hurricane season and the second named hurricane.

Debby’s arrival continues to cement an exceptionally early start to the hurricane season after Hurricane Beryl tore through the Caribbean and Texas last month as the  earliest Category 5 Atlantic hurricane on record.

The second Atlantic hurricane does not occur, on average, until August 26.

Florida, Georgia schools announce closures ahead of Debby landfall

School systems in Florida and Georgia have announced closures ahead of Hurricane Debby’s landfall. 

Florida State University, Florida A&M University, University of Florida, University of North Florida, and University of South Florida will be closed on Monday, according to the  Florida Department of Education . 

About two dozen K-12 school systems in the state have announced closures for Monday, including  Duval County Public Schools and Leon County Schools . 

Several school systems in Georgia have also announced closures. 

Savannah-Chatham County Public School System will have a half-day on Monday, and will be closed on Tuesday and Wednesday, according to its  website . 

Long County Schools  has announced  that schools will be delayed until Thursday due to the storm. 

Savannah State University and  Georgia Southern University have also suspended operations.

Hurricane Debby has become a Category 1 storm after strengthening in the Gulf of Mexico

A wave crashes ashore as the region prepares for the possible arrival of Debby in Cedar Key, Florida, on August 4.

Debby,  the fourth named storm of the Atlantic hurricane season, has become a Category 1 storm, according to the National Hurricane Center.

The storm, located about 100 miles west-northwest of Tampa, Florida, with maximum   sustained winds of 75 mph, is expected to make landfall in Florida’s Big Bend region Monday morning.

Debby began dumping rain on parts of the state earlier Sunday as a tropical storm and is expected to unload potentially historic amounts of rainfall over the southeastern United States.

Debby is the second hurricane of the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season after Hurricane Beryl hit Texas last month. On average, the second hurricane does not occur in the Atlantic until August 26th, as 2024 continues to pace ahead of normal.

Florida, Georgia and South Carolina governors have declared states of emergency

A sign warns of a storm surge before the possible arrival of Debby, in Cedar Key, Florida on August 4.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis ,  Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp  and  South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster   have   declared states of emergency ahead of Hurricane Debby’s landfall.

DeSantis said Sunday that he’d activated the Florida National Guard so it would be poised to assist with humanitarian needs as well as search and rescue.

DeSantis called on residents to finish their preparations and to brace for power outages, “particularly in parts of the state like here in Tallahassee.”

DeSantis also urged Florida residents to avoid floodwaters ahead of the storm’s potentially significant flooding impacts, particularly in North Central Florida.

Storms are getting wetter in a warming world

Hurricane Debby’s alarming rainfall potential is exactly the kind of forecast scientists say is more likely in a world warming due to fossil fuel pollution.

As Earth’s atmosphere warms, it can hold more moisture — 7% more for each degree Celsius increase in warming — which it can then wring it out in more intense spurts.

Scientists say this is happening in hurricanes, too, and also increasing the total amount of rain the storms can produce .

A study in the wake of the 2020 hurricane season, the most active on record , found hourly rainfall rates in all storms were made 5 to 10% more extreme by global warming, with an even more substantial impact on hurricanes.

Debby isn't alone: Storms are slowing down

Palm trees blow from Tropical Storm Debby's bands in Ft. Myers Beach, Florida, on August 4.

Debby is forecast to slow down enough that the storm will essentially park itself over the southeastern United States for multiple days, ringing out potentially historic amounts of rain in the process.

This dangerous wrinkle in the forecast might seem unusual, but it’s part of a trend in recent years as the planet’s atmosphere warms due to fossil fuel pollution.

The forward speed of tropical cyclones — the all-encompassing term for tropical storms, hurricanes, typhoons — slowed by 10% globally between 1949 and 2016, a 2018 study found .

There is some variation among ocean basins. The study found a 20% to 30% slowdown over land areas affected by North Atlantic and North Pacific tropical cyclones, respectively.

Tropical cyclones have slowed more in the Northern Hemisphere, which is significant because that is where a majority of storms occur each year.

There have been notable examples of this in recent years including 2018’s Hurricane Florence and 2017’s Hurricane Harvey, which broke the rainfall record for any US tropical cyclone when it unleashed more than 60 inches of rain on Texas.

A rare high risk for flooding rain is in effect. Here's why it's a big deal

A truck drives through high water in St. Petersburg, Florida, on August 4.

Weather Prediction Center forecasters have issued rare high risk forecasts for Debby’s rain over the Southeast in what is one of the most serious signs of the storm’s flood potential.

Storm rainfall totals of 10 to 20 inches are expected throughout the week as the system slows down. Some localized spots could see 30 inches of rain. This prompted the WPC to issue level 4 of 4, or high risks, for flooding rainfall.

Level 4 of 4 risks are only issued on about 4% of days annually but account for 39% of flood-related fatalities and 83% of flood-related damages in the continental US.

Freshwater flooding, which is caused by rainfall, has become the  deadliest aspect  of tropical systems in the last decade, according to the Hurricane Center — a threat made more dangerous as the world warms from fossil fuel pollution.

Potentially historic amounts of rain could fall over Georgia and South Carolina

As a slow-moving Hurricane Debby churns along the Georgia-Carolina coastline heading into the new week, it could lead to seemingly endless amounts of rain for days, with totals potentially reaching over 2 feet.

The heaviest rain amounts could even top 30 inches or more, depending on how long Debby meanders, with some forecast models showing the storm could linger through at least Thursday.

The cities of Savannah, Georgia, and Charleston, South Carolina, could both be drenched with a month’s worth of rain in a single day — and perhaps even an entire summer’s worth of rain over the course of the storm.

Potentially historic: Such exceptional rainfall would challenge state records for rain from a tropical cyclone: In Georgia, the record is 27.85 inches from 1994’s Alberto, while South Carolina’s record is 23.63 inches from Florence in 2018.

With an uptick in the intensity forecast comes an increase in forecasted   storm surge, which occurs when ocean water is pushed inland by the onshore winds of a hurricane. Storm surge flooding above ground could rise to 6 to 10 feet along Florida’s Big Bend, and coastal Georgia and South Carolina could see surges reach 2 to 4 feet.

The role of climate change: A warmer atmosphere holds more moisture and can dump heavier rain. Warmer oceans can fuel stronger hurricanes, packing a punch with higher storm surge thanks to sea-level rise.

Warmer air and ocean temperatures fueled by human-induced climate change can lead to wetter tropical systems.

Biden has approved a disaster declaration for Florida

Sandbags are placed in front of the entrance to a candy shop in Madeira Beach, Florida, on August 4.

US President Joe Biden authorized a disaster declaration for Florida on Sunday as Debby swept across the state ahead of strengthening to a hurricane.

Debby will arrive in a region still recovering from Hurricane Idalia

Ken Kruse looks out at the flood waters from Hurricane Idalia surrounding his apartment complex  in Tarpon Springs, Florida, on August 30, 2023.

Florida’s Big Bend area   is still recovering from a devastating blow  by Category 3 Hurricane Idalia  last August.

Idalia caused  “significant damage”  after it ripped into Florida with 125 mph winds and record-setting storm surge.

National Hurricane Center forecasts called for Idalia to  rapidly intensify  and strengthen all the way up to landfall. And for 24 hours, that proved to be true.

The hurricane’s winds  increased by 55 mph , pushing Idalia into a 130-mph, Category 4 – a rate of intensification so exceptional it ranks in the top 0.4% of Atlantic storms since 1982, according to NOAA research meteorologist John Kaplan.

The storm left more than 100,000 Floridians without power, set new records for surge and triggered mandatory evacuation orders across the state.

Florida has been bracing for the deluge and urging residents to prepare

Tom Street, left, and Dan Norman place plywood over the windows of a business as they prepare for the possible arrival of Debby in Cedar Key, Florida, on August 4.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis declared a state of emergency for most of the state’s 67 counties to mobilize resources as storm Debby churned toward the Sunshine State.

Sandbag distribution began last week for residents in several communities in the Orlando and Tampa metro areas. Multiple counties in the state’s panhandle – including Escambia, Okaloosa and Santa Rosa – started distributing sandbags on Thursday.

Hurricane Center Director Michael Brennan urged residents to prepare multiple days of food, water and prescription medicines.



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    The Writing program offers academic and genre advising to discuss the sequencing of your courses, differences between genres, relevant opportunities, approval of related courses, and confirming progress toward degree. You may write to the advisors directly , or to Mitchell Glazier (tmg2153), Program Assistant, to help schedule the meeting .

  24. Maren Morris Says Writing New Song Gave Her 'Courage' to Come Out as

    Maren Morris tells PEOPLE writing her funky new song "Push Me Over" with the pop group MUNA gave her the "courage" to come out as bisexual in an Instagram post in June.

  25. BactiVac Online: Training Courses 2024

    The BactiVac Network will be hosting an Online Training Course on 'Journal Article Writing' which will be delivered on 03 and 05 December 2024. Places for our online course are available for BactiVac members only and are allocated via a competitive process. BactiVac Online: Journal Article Writing Course 2024 ...

  26. Journal of Law, Science and Technology: Research and Writing

    This course provides an opportunity to research and write a journal note under faculty supervision. Each student will write an outline and at least three drafts, and will also orally present and answer questions about their note. The course is required for and open only to staff members of Minnesota Journal of Law, Science & Technology.

  27. August 5, 2024

    A resident walks through rising flood waters in Savannah, Georgia, as heavy rains from Tropical Storm Debby caused widespread flooding on Monday, August 5