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A step-by-step guide to using Google Bard

By The IFTTT Team

August 06, 2024

A step-by-step guide to using Google Bard

Recently released as a potential strong competitor to the ever-popular ChatGPT, Google Bard has been making headlines with its new set of revolutionary features.

Google has been at the forefront of artificial intelligence (AI) technology for years, and its latest development, Google Bard AI, is no exception. This free AI-powered tool is designed to help users generate creative content, from song lyrics to poetry. The tool is also helpful in creating dialogue for stories and scripts, and can even summarize YouTube videos. Like ChatGPT, Google Bard's AI-powered algorithms are intelligent enough to understand the context of the user's input and generate unique content.

In this article, we will explore how to use Google Bard AI and how it can benefit your creative process. To finish, we will introduce IFTTT , our free automation platform that can help with all types of projects with our new AI tools.

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What is Google Bard AI?

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Google Bard AI is a machine learning model that has been trained on Google's proprietary language model called PaLM. After the widespread success of ChatGPT in the past years, the Google Bard chatbot was released in March 2023, allowing users in the United States and UK to join a waitlist.

Google Bard uses advanced natural language processing and deep learning techniques to generate creative content based on user input. Using this technology, the chatbot can create content that is contextual, personalized, and engaging. This makes it an ideal tool for content creation, whether it be for business, marketing, or personal use.

When Google Bard is asked about its purpose, it responds with the following points:

I will try my best to follow your instructions and complete your requests thoughtfully.

I will use my knowledge to answer your questions in a comprehensive and informative way, even if they are open-ended, challenging, or strange.

I will generate different creative text formats of text content, like poems, code, scripts, musical pieces, emails, letters, etc. I will try my best to fulfill all your requirements.

Google Bard is a powerful tool for content creation, but it's important to remember that it is not a replacement for human creativity. The AI can generate interesting content, but it won't be able to create content with the same depth and feeling as a human. That being said, it can still be a useful tool for creating content quickly and efficiently.

So whether you're looking to create a blog post, an article, a script, or a song, Google Bard AI can help you make it happen.

How to use Google Bard

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One of the main benefits of Google Bard is how incredibly easy it is to get started using the chatbot. If you have a Google account (which we are almost sure you do), then you can access Google Bard in a few clicks, free of charge.

Here are the steps on how to use Google Bard:

  • Access Google Bard: Go to bard.google.com and sign in with your Google account.
  • Provide a prompt or question: In the text box at the bottom of the screen, type in your prompt or question. Be as specific and clear as possible.
  • Submit the prompt or question : Press Enter or click the "Submit" button. Bard will process your request and generate a response.
  • Review Bard's response: Bard will display its response in the main chat window. You can read the response, provide feedback, or ask follow-up questions.
  • Modify or export Bard's response (optional): If you want to modify Bard's response, you can use the editing tools provided. You can also export the response to a text file or share it directly with others.
  • Continue the conversation (optional): You can continue the conversation with Bard by asking additional questions or providing feedback on its responses.

If needed, there is also a speech-to-text feature that allows you to speak into the microphone of your phone or computer to generate a prompt for Bard to respond to. You can also upload an image or audio file to provide Bard with additional context.

Using Google Bard effectively

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As with any AI chatbot, what you put in is what you get out. Language models work by recognizing certain patterns in the input that it is given, meaning that formulating the right input can yield the perfect response you are looking for. Below are some general guidelines on how to make the most out of Google Bard.

1. Provide clear and concise prompts: The more specific and clear you are in your prompts, the better Bard will understand your requests and generate relevant responses. Avoid vague or ambiguous prompts that could lead to misinterpretations or inaccurate results.

2. Break down complex tasks into smaller steps: For larger or more intricate tasks, divide them into smaller, more manageable steps. Ask Bard for assistance with each step to refine the process and achieve better outcomes.

3. Utilize Bard for brainstorming and idea generation: When stuck on a problem or seeking fresh perspectives, engage Bard to generate ideas. Its ability to process vast amounts of information and synthesize different concepts can lead to novel insights and solutions.

4. Provide feedback and refine responses: As Bard generates responses, provide feedback to indicate whether it meets your expectations. This feedback helps Bard learn and adapt to your preferences, leading to more tailored and satisfactory results.

5. Fact-check and verify information: While Bard provides comprehensive and informative responses, it's crucial to independently verify and cross-check information, especially when dealing with sensitive or critical subjects.

What can I use Google Bard for?

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Google Bard can be used in a wide range of applications, from business to personal projects and more. With the power of the PaLM language model, you can access the answers to almost any question you may have with a few clicks. If that isn't powerful, we don't know what is.

Google Bard excels in certain situations, such as creative writing. Bard can help you create various creative text formats, whether you're writing a poem to express your emotions, crafting a script for a short film, composing a song to share your passion for music, or drafting an email to a friend or colleague.

Another notable use case for Bard is research and learning. Bard can answer your questions on various topics, from history and science to current events and pop culture. It can provide summaries of complex topics, helping you gain a better understanding of the world around you. Additionally, (listen up, students) Bard can summarize lengthy articles and web pages, saving you time and effort when researching a topic. It can extract the key points and main ideas, allowing you to quickly grasp the essential information.

Bard can enhance productivity by automating many of the writing tasks that would otherwise be daunting. An example of this is how the chatbot can translate text, documents, and conversations between languages, breaking down language barriers and fostering communication with people from different cultures. Bard is capable of even generating code snippets in various programming languages, assisting you in writing code for your projects.

AI Tools with IFTTT

Since Google Bard is so new, IFTTT is still working on integrations with the service. Stay tuned to see all the genius ideas our creators and community come up with!

In the meantime, we are excited to announce that our line of AI tools is being used by thousands to automate daily personal and business tasks. Needing to start your own business, grow your brand's community, or monitor customer feedback? AI tools with IFTTT can help you do all of these things and more.

IFTTT stands for "If This, Then That," and our platform allows users to connect over 800 different apps and devices using simple statements called applets. For example, you could set up an applet that automatically saves any Gmail attachments to your Google Drive.

Our newly released AI tools are designed to help users automate repetitive tasks, research and optimize workflows, and more. The best thing about our AI tools is that they're entirely free to use with your IFTTT account.

Top AI Tools with IFTTT

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Generate a draft blog post for a topic

This automated tool will generate a draft blog post based on a given topic. You can select the length of the article, the tone, and even the desired keywords to be included in the post. These can be used free of cost on your website, blog, or other forms of media.

Ask an AI any question

This tool allows you to ask a question and get an AI-generated response. This can be used for research purposes, sparking creativity, or simply for fun. You can also customize the tone of the AI's response and even request specific sources to be used in its answer.

AI-generated tweets for your Blog posts

This AI-generated tool will generate tweets when your blog is posted automatically. It's an efficient way to share your content on social media, and ensures that the right keywords are used for maximum reach.

To enable these Applets and millions more (yes, millions), try IFTTT today for free!

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How to Use Bard for Creative Writing

Bard is a powerful tool designed specifically for creative writing that gives writers access to a plethora of options to enhance their work. Bard provides a user-friendly interface and extensive features to make composing poetry, prose, and scripts easier. It is a constant partner, sparking creativity and refining concepts from conception to completion.

Bard supports a wide range of writing preferences and styles with tools for collaboration, organizing, and discovery. It is an adaptable platform that allows authors to reach their greatest potential by fluidly switching between brainstorming and refining final texts. Together, we will explore the various ways that Bard may be used to stimulate creativity.

Exploration and Idea Generation

Writing process, editing and revising, feedback and iteration, finalization and polishing, prompt 1: character development with song, prompt 2: high-quality poems, prompt 3: dialogue in verse, prompt 4: poetry in the style of shakespeare verse, prompt 5: usage of traditional ballads, prompt 6: prose with rhythm, prompt 7: experimentation, wrapping up, faqs – how to use bard for creative writing.

Your first step should be to begin by interacting with the UI. Become familiar with its interface, available menus, and features. 

1. Try Out Some Brainstorming Tools

Bard has features specifically designed for generating ideas and brainstorming sessions. Make use of these resources to record any ideas, themes, characters, or story elements that occur to you. 

2. Writing Activities & Prompts

Try out several writing activities to push your creativity or master particular techniques or discover new genres.

Prompt Writing

3. Configure Preferences

To make the platform your own, go through Bard’s settings and customization choices. Set up a writing environment that suits your tastes and workflow by adjusting the font styles, backdrop colors, or layout settings.

4. Use Assistance Resources

Consult the platform’s assistance resources in the event that you run into any issues or have inquiries regarding Bard’s functionalities.

1. Starting Your Draft

Immerse yourself in Bard’s writing space from the starting. With formatting settings and alerts out of the way, this area is meant to let you concentrate just on your work. To begin your draft, either open a new document or choose an already-existing project.

2. Making Use of capabilities for Efficiency

As you get writing, use Bard’s many capabilities to increase your productivity. To safeguard you against possible data loss, the auto-save option, for example, makes sure that your work is continuously stored. Bard’s version history also gives you a piece of mind while you experiment with different writing directions by enabling you to keep track of changes and go back to earlier drafts if necessary.

3. Accepting Originality

Don’t forget to embrace your originality on Bard’s platform, even though structure and order are crucial. To give your writing life, try experimenting with various voices, writing styles, and viewpoints. Bard gives you the freedom to let your imagination run wild and write about new topics, whether you’re composing complex prose, moving poetry, or captivating conversation.

4. Seeking Inspiration

Bard provides tools to ignite your creativity if you’re feeling stuck or in need of some motivation. To spark your creativity and get beyond any obstacles in the way, use the platform’s writing prompts, activities, and inspiring quotations. In order to network with other authors, exchange ideas, and get ideas from the community’s combined creativity, participate in Bard’s writing groups or community forums.

Writing Folder Structure

1. Examine the Draft

Go over your draft in Bard and mark up the places that need work.Emphasize portions that require clarification or that have an erratic pace.

2. Make Use of Editing Tools

To identify mistakes, make use of Bard’s integrated grammar and spell checks and to  guarantee style, font, and spacing uniformity across your work, use formatting tools.

3. Work Together with Others

Send your work straight to editors or dependable colleagues inside Bard. Enable the comments and annotation capabilities for collaborative editing to foster positive feedback.

4. Editing Procedure

  • Based on the comments you’ve received, make the suggested alterations and improvements.
  • To enhance readability, coherence, and flow, make structural changes.
  • Rewrite your text several times, paying attention to grammar, clarity, and maintaining the intended tone.

5. Taking Follow Up

  • Using task management options or Bard’s progress indicators, keep an eye on your editing progress.
  • To keep editing sessions moving forward and productive, set attainable goals for each one.

6. Final Analysis

  • Make sure all of the adjustments have been incorporated smoothly by doing a last check of your updated document.
  • To see how your work will look when it’s finished, use Bard’s preview mode before exporting.

1. Distribute Your Work

Select certain drafts or pieces from Bard to distribute to writing groups or reliable readers. Send links or invites to collaborators using Bard’s sharing features to make sure they can easily access your work.

2. Assess and Examine Input

Examine comments methodically, taking into account every recommendation or criticism. To find areas that need work, keep an eye out for trends or frequently asked questions.

3. Pose Explicit Questions

To gain more insight into the viewpoints of your feedback sources, interact with them. Ask targeted queries to explain ambiguous areas or to investigate possible fixes.

4. Put Edits Into Practice

Based on the comments you have received, carefully rewrite the document with an emphasis on improving coherence overall and fortifying any weak points. To keep track of revisions and contrast various versions of your work, use Bard’s version history tool.

1. Formatting

A document’s formatting should be constant throughout, with typefaces, spacing, and alignment changed as necessary. For organization and clarity, add styles like headers, subheadings, and emphasis using Bard’s formatting tools.

2. Proofreading

Make a careful run over the text to ensure that all spelling, grammar, and punctuation are correct. To help with the proofreading process, make use of Bard’s grammar and spell check recommendations. However, also take into account manual review for more subtle errors.

3. Readability

Evaluate your writing’s readability by taking phrase length, intricacy, and clarity into account. To find places that could need explanation or simplicity, use Bard’s readability analysis tools or third-party plugins.

4. Regularity

Make sure that the language, tone, and style are all the same across your text. To keep reoccurring words or phrases consistent, use Bard’s search and replace functionality.

5. In Preview Mode

Use Bard’s preview mode to see the formatting and layout of your content as well as how it will seem to readers. Optimize the way your work is presented by making any required changes in light of the preview.

6. Export Configurations

Select the suitable export format, such as Word, PDF, or HTML, for your finished work. Tailor the export options in Bard to the needs of your target readership or publishing outlet.

Compose ballads or songs from your characters’ points of view, illuminating their innermost feelings, desires, and difficulties.

Prompt: Write a song from the perspective of a villain who is misunderstood, explaining their reasons and motives for their deeds.

Character development with song

Write poems that describe the places, people, or historical events that take place in your imaginary universe. Use rhythm and different imagery to make the descriptions come to life.

Prompt: Write a poem capturing the enchantment and mystery of a forest full with mythical animals.

High quality poems

 Try your hand at creating character dialogue in verse form by including melody and cadence into their exchanges.

Prompt: Write a conversation in which two star-crossed lovers use lyrical exchanges to explain their conflicted feelings.

Dialogue in verse

Prompt: Write a monologue about a protagonist who has been deceived and is struggling with sentiments of loss, betrayal, and wrath.

Poetry in Shakespeare Verse

Traditional ballads may be used to tell stories by rhyming and combining rhythm and rhyme to tell tales of bravery or epic exploits.

Prompt: Write a fable about a lone warrior who sets out on a mission to defend their realm from darkness in response to the prompt.

Usage of Traditional Ballads

Try introducing cadences and rhythmic patterns to your prose to improve the storytelling’s flow and melody.

Prompt: Write a piece that describes a storm at sea in rhythmic writing, emphasizing the powerful gusts and chaotic waves.

Prose with Rhythm

To give your work a distinctive touch, consider incorporating bardic traditions into your experimental poetry or storytelling pieces, such as sonnets, haikus, etc.

Prompt: Compose a sequence of haikus that depict the ephemeral moments of beauty and reflection that a wandering traveler on a self-discovery trip experiences.


Bard is an all-inclusive tool in the creative writing domain, providing a list of features and tools suited for each step of the procedure. Bard facilitates creativity, organization, and teamwork in writers by streamlining the writing process from conception to publishing. Bard’s broad features and easy-to-use interface enable writers to express their ideas, hone their writing, and tell their tales to a global audience.

Writers can experience a rewarding path of self-expression, personal development, and creative accomplishment by utilizing Bard’s tools and participating in its lively community. Bard is a shining example of a creative writer who leads others toward happiness and success in the field of writing.

Is Bard appropriate for writers at all skill levels, including novices?

Absolutely, Bard supports writers at all skill levels with its user-friendly tools and materials that foster development.

Is it convenient to access Bard across numerous devices?

Yes, Bard is made to work on a variety of devices, giving writers who are always on the road flexibility and ease.

Does Bard provide assistance with peer feedback and collaboration?

Without a doubt, Bard promotes a dynamic atmosphere for writer collaboration and feedback by providing options like sharing, commenting, and annotation.

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10 helpful ways to use Bard

Aug 10, 2023

[[read-time]] min read

You can ask Bard to help generate code, brainstorm creative ideas, compare options and much more.

The Bard logo — two star-like, multi-colored shapes — up against a white background.

On the user experience team, we’re focused on the different ways people use Bard . Over the past few months, we've learned that they’re coming to it for help with all sorts of projects — like writing resumes, creating workout routines and planning dream vacations. And now that Bard is available in most of the world and in the most widely spoken languages, even more people can use it to get things done.

If you’re new to Bard and not sure how to get started, here are 10 ways to try it out:

1. Learn something new

Get a crash course on any topic you’re interested in. For example, you can ask Bard for an introduction to tennis to get ready for your first lesson or fast facts about whales before you go whale watching.

2. Analyze images and create related content

Upload a picture and ask Bard to share information about the image or create content based on it. Try sharing a photo of handwritten notes you took during a meeting and asking Bard to write a recap email using them. Or upload a photo from your last vacation and ask Bard to generate a caption for it.

3. Write a draft

Bard can help you write content like emails, cover letters, blog posts and business plans. Start with a simple prompt — like “Write a cover letter for a social media manager role” — and Bard will provide three distinct drafts to choose from. Change the tone and style (simple, long, short, professional or casual), then export it right to Gmail or Google Docs. Or have fun by asking Bard to write a bedtime story that it can read out loud to your kids.

4. Compare your options

Create comparisons for a wide range of topics, with relevant information to help you understand them better and find the best options for you. For instance, you can ask, “What are the pros and cons of buying a leather couch?” and even pin the response to easily refer back to it later.

5. Start a project

Tackle a new project with help from Bard. For example, you can ask it to help plan a surprise retirement party for a coworker or create a four-week workout plan that'll get you in shape for a 5K race.

6. Generate code

People are continuing to use Bard for help with coding tasks , including explaining code snippets. This is particularly helpful if you’re learning about programming for the first time, or you need more support to understand what a block of code might output.

7. Plan a trip

Got a vacation coming up? Let Bard help with the planning. Ask for information about a specific destination or ask it to create an entire itinerary with all the activities and attractions you want to experience. You can customize your itinerary even further by sharing more details, like: “Start a trip planning doc for me and friends — we're visiting Ireland for a week in the spring and want to go on a road trip.” Bard also includes images in its responses to give you a much better sense of where you’re headed. And you can share its response with others.

8. Brainstorm creative ideas

If you’re up against a creative challenge, Bard can be a helpful starting point. For example, if you're an artist, you could ask Bard to suggest a new tagline for your studio, or upload a photo of your latest work and ask Bard to help you come up with a title.

9. Better express your thoughts and feelings

We all have those moments when we try to express an idea but can't quite get the words right. Bard can act as your own personal editor, helping to organize your thoughts and offering wording and grammar suggestions. For example, you can ask Bard to write a response apologizing for not being able to attend a friend’s wedding , or simply ask Bard, “What’s a better way to say…?”

10. Just chat

You don’t need to have a specific project in mind to use Bard. You could just have some fun by asking Bard to tell you a joke or chatting about your hobbies and interests. You can even ask Bard to act as your favorite character and have a conversation with them.

Remember: To get the most out of Bard, don’t be afraid to ask follow-up questions. Creating a back-and-forth dialogue can help you better understand Bard's responses, learn more about a topic and have a more productive conversation.

Try Bard today and test these tips.

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The Ultimate List of Best Google Bard Prompts for Everything

Google‘s new AI chatbot Bard has taken the world by storm. While still in its testing phase, Bard has shown immense potential in generating helpful information, creative ideas, and well-written content with just a few prompts.

But not all Bard prompts are made equal. To really unlock Bard‘s potential, you need to learn how to phrase prompts in a clear, concise way.

That‘s why I‘ve put together this comprehensive guide on the best Bard prompts for every purpose. Whether you need help with marketing, business, writing, programming, resumes, or anything else, this guide has you covered!

Introduction to Google Bard

Before we dive into the prompts, let‘s briefly go over what Bard is and why phrasing prompts effectively is so important.

Launched in February 2023, Bard aims to provide helpful, high-quality responses to natural language questions and conversations. It utilizes large language models developed by Google Research to generate human-like outputs.

Bard can summarize long texts, translate languages, write creative content, answer complex questions, and more based on the prompts you provide.

However, Bard is not perfect. It may sometimes generate incorrect or nonsensical information if the prompts are too vague or broad.

That‘s why learning how to phrase effective prompts is critical to get the most out of Bard. The prompts need to be clear, specific, and provide enough context for Bard to understand exactly what you need.

With the right prompts, Bard can be an invaluable assistant for everything – from marketing tactics to programming help and resume reviews.

Now let‘s look at some of the best Bard prompts for various purposes.

Best Google Bard Prompts for Marketing

Marketing professionals can leverage Bard in many ways to market products, create ads, devise strategies, and more. Here are some of the most effective marketing prompts for Bard:

For Content Marketing

Create a marketing plan to promote [product] to [target demographic] focusing on [content format such as blogs, videos, etc.]. Include key strategies and sample topics.

Write a 500-word blog post about [key features of a product] aimed at [customer persona]. The tone should be friendly and incorporate customer benefits.

Suggest 5 potential names for our video series about [topic] targeted to [demographic]. The names should be catchy and descriptive.

For Social Media Marketing

Create 3 Facebook ad variations for [product] focused on [benefits]. Use attention grabbing copy and relevant images.

Draft 5 engaging tweets connecting [our brand] to trending topics like [pop culture event]. The tone should align with our brand voice.

Suggest a month-long content calendar for Instagram marketing [type of product] including mix of posts, stories, reels etc.

For Advertising and Promotions

Write a radio ad script for [product] highlighting [key features]. Keep it under 30 seconds and use persuasive language.

Create a digital banner ad for [service] focused on [customer segment]. Use compelling copy and visuals.

Design an email drip campaign for customers who recently bought [product]. Include 4 emails over 2 weeks with tips for using the product.

For SEO and Website Optimization

Analyze the website of our competitor [name] selling [product]. Suggest 3 ways we can improve website SEO and user experience.

Recommend meta title and meta description for our blog post titled "[blog headline]". Include relevant keywords.

Create an SEO content plan for our [industry name] website to drive organic traffic. Include 10 topic ideas optimized for SEO.

Best Google Bard Prompts for Business

From strategic planning to financials, operations, and competition analysis – Bard can provide invaluable business insights through the right prompts:

For Strategy and Planning

Analyze the digital marketing strategy of [company] in [industry]. Suggest 3 improvements tailored to their target audience and brand positioning.

Provide an overview of key trends and growth opportunities in the [industry name] market for the next 5 years.

Create a positioning statement for [product/service/brand] highlighting the key differentiators.

For Finance and Forecasting

Develop a 3-year financial forecast for a funded startup in [industry], including projected revenue, expenses, and cash flow. Assume starting capital is $500K.

Explain the key financial ratios used to assess the financial health of a public company. Provide examples for each.

Compare the financial performance of the top 3 companies in [industry] over the past 5 years based on profitability, revenue growth and other relevant metrics. Recommend which has performed the best financially.

For Competition and Market Analysis

Analyze the competitive landscape for [specific product/service]. List the top 5 competitors, their positioning, strengths and weaknesses compared to [your company].

Review the marketing strategies of the top performing companies in [industry]. Suggest 3 best practices we could adopt to better reach [target customers].

Assess the opportunities and risks of [your company] entering the [new geographical market] based on competitive factors, cultural nuances, customer needs and business regulations.

For Operations, Processes and Change Management

Recommend 5 ways [type of business] can streamline their inventory management process to reduce costs and wastage. Provide examples.

Suggest key performance indicators (KPIs) [company] should track to measure the effectiveness of their new [process]. Explain why you chose these.

Create a 6-month change management plan for [company] as they undergo a switch to a new [system, technology, process etc.]. Include communication, training and other elements.

Best Google Bard Prompts for Writing

Whether you need help brainstorming ideas, improving existing content, or writing something from scratch, Bard is an amazing writing companion. Here are some helpful prompts:

For Writing Blog Posts and Articles

Write a 600 word blog post comparing the pros and cons of [topic options]. Include 3-4 key benefits and drawbacks of each option.

Create an outline for a beginner‘s guide to [complex topic]. Include main sections, subsections and a paragraph describing the content of each.

Develop a blog post titled "The 5 Most Common Mistakes to Avoid When [Action]" for [target audience].

For Crafting Emails, Newsletters and Updates

Write a professional email to [name] requesting [desired info/meeting etc.]. Use a courteous tone and include all pertinent details.

Draft a monthly newsletter for [company] highlighting company news, product updates and industry trends in a visually engaging format.

Create an email template we can send to customers who have abandoned their shopping cart. Offer a 10% discount code and product recommendations.

For Optimizing Existing Content

Review this [500 word article] and edit it to better suit [different target audience]. Maintain core information but adapt tone and details.

This blog post contains many grammar errors and unclear sentences. Please edit it to improve readability while preserving the core ideas.

Summarize this [long informational text] in a 200 word overview focusing on the key facts and takeaways.

For Creative Writing and Storytelling

Write a short fairy tale aimed at 7 year olds with a moral lesson about [value]. Include imaginative elements like talking animals.

Describe a dystopian future society where [unexpected scenario/occurrence] has happened. What are some key attributes of that society?

Suggest 5 potential names for the main character in a new [genre] novel. Ensure they suit the character‘s personality and background.

Best Google Bard Prompts for Programming and Web Development

Whether you need help planning a new website, debugging code or explaining a concept, Bard can provide useful insights for programmers through well-phrased prompts:

For Planning Technical Projects

Provide a high-level overview of how you would design the architecture for an e-commerce website like Amazon. Include key components.

Explain the steps involved in migrating an existing website from [old technology] to [new technology].

Suggest 5 ways to improve page load speed for an image-heavy blog focusing on [topic]. Provide examples.

For Writing Code

  • Identify 3 potential optimizations in this JavaScript code to improve performance. Explain your recommendations.

Write a Python function that takes a list of numbers as input and returns the mean value. Include docstring comments explaining it.

Generate HTML and CSS markup to create a responsive navigation bar for a website. Include examples for desktop and mobile views.

For Explaining Technical Concepts

Explain the key differences between Surface Web and Deep Web in simple terms.

Provide a beginner-friendly explanation of how public key cryptography works and its role in secure communications.

Explain the purpose of normalization in database design. Provide examples of 1NF, 2NF, 3NF normal forms.

For Resolving Errors and Issues

  • Review this error log and identify the likely cause of the problem and steps to debug it.
  • This code snippet is intended to [explain purpose]. However, it is throwing an error [explain error]. Please fix the code and explain the issue.
  • The website is experiencing slow load times intermittently. Suggest 5 possible reasons for this issue and how to troubleshoot each one.

Best Google Bard Prompts for Creating and Optimizing Your Resume

Whether you need help writing a resume from scratch or optimizing an existing one, Bard can provide useful recommendations through targeted prompts.

For Writing an Effective Resume

Write a resume introduction for a [role] emphasizing my skills in [key skills]. Align it with the requirements of [target companies].

I have [x] years of experience in [field]. Please write a resume for me targeting [job type] roles that highlights my most relevant skills and achievements.

I do not have formal work experience. Please write a resume for [job] highlighting my academic projects and freelance work most relevant to the role.

For Tailoring Your Resume

Update my resume for [specific role]. My current resume covers [different field]. Tailor content to focus on skills needed for the new role based on this job description [link].

I applied for [job title] at [company] but did not get an interview. Review my resume and suggest improvements to better match their requirements.

Adapt my resume to appeal to a [different country‘s hiring culture] for [job type] roles. Focus on achievements and skills valued there.

For Resume Design and Formatting

  • Improve the formatting of this resume draft using consistent structure, clear section headings, readable fonts and whitespace.

Draft resume

Design an aesthetically pleasing one-page resume that stands out and captures attention. Incorporate graphics, colors, layout, etc. creatively.

Convert this text-heavy resume to a more visually engaging one-page infographic resume incorporating key data points, stats, charts or icons.

For Identifying Resume Gaps

  • Does this resume effectively showcase the candidate‘s fit for a [role in industry] based on required hard and soft skills? Identify any gaps.

Resume draft

Review this resume from a hiring manager‘s perspective. Does it highlight achievements convincingly? Identify any weak areas that need improvement.

Assess if this resume is optimized for applicant tracking systems. Recommend any improvements needed in formatting, keywords, or content structure.

I hope you find these prompts useful for getting the most out of Google Bard! Feel free to tweak or expand on them for your specific needs. Proper prompting is an art that takes practice, but it enables you to leverage the full potential of this powerful AI assistant.

Let me know if you have any other great Bard prompt ideas for topics I haven‘t covered. I‘m always looking to expand this guide with more practical, real-world examples. Happy prompting!

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r/Bard is a subreddit dedicated to discussions about Google's Gemini (Formerly Bard) AI. This subreddit is not affiliated with Google.

I love using bard for creative writing, anyone else?

The grey one is my prompt. I got the gemini app working early (DE). I know I give the AI a lot of input, but what surprises me is how it makes subtle changes. I really like that it made the connection between the tall grass and the need for bright clothes and binoculars. It's just a fun thing to write your own fanfiction with Ai like this.

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Chatgpt vs google bard: which is better we put them to the test., we compare two top ai language models in seven categories to pick a winner..

Benj Edwards - Apr 5, 2023 1:30 pm UTC

An AI-generated image of two robots fighting in an arena.

In today's world of generative AI chatbots, we've witnessed the sudden rise of OpenAI's ChatGPT , introduced in November, followed by Bing Chat in February and Google's Bard in March. We decided to put these chatbots through their paces with an assortment of tasks to determine which one reigns supreme in the AI chatbot arena. Since Bing Chat uses similar GPT-4 technology as the latest ChatGPT model, we opted to focus on two titans of AI chatbot technology: OpenAI and Google.

Further Reading

We tested ChatGPT and Bard in seven critical categories: dad jokes, argument dialog, mathematical word problems, summarization, factual retrieval, creative writing, and coding. For each test, we fed the exact same instruction (called a "prompt") into ChatGPT (with GPT-4) and Google Bard. We used the first result, with no cherry-picking.

It's worth noting that a version of ChatGPT based on the earlier GPT-3.5 model is also available, but we did not use that in the test. Since we used GPT-4 only, we will refer to ChatGPT as "ChatGPT-4" in this article to reduce confusion.

Obviously, this is not a scientific study and is intended to be a fun comparison of the chatbots' capabilities. Outputs can vary between sessions due to random elements, and further evaluations with different prompts will produce different results. Also, the capabilities of these models will change rapidly over time as Google and OpenAI continue to upgrade them. But for now, this is how things stand in early April 2023.

To warm up our contest of wits, we asked ChatGPT and Bard to write some jokes. And since the pinnacle of comedy can be found in the form of dad jokes, we wondered if the two chatbots could author some unique ones.

Prompt: Write 5 original dad jokes

  • A screenshot of 5 "dad jokes" from Google Bard. Benj Edwards / Ars Technica
  • A screenshot of 5 "dad jokes" from ChatGPT-4. Benj Edwards / Ars Technica

Out of Bard's five dad jokes, we found three of them verbatim on the Internet using a Google search. One of the examples (the "grapes" one) is half-borrowed from a tweet of a Mitch Hedberg joke, but it's corrupted by regrettable wordplay that we'd rather not attempt to interpret. And surprisingly, there is one seemingly original joke (about the snail) that we can't find anywhere else, but it doesn't make sense.

Meanwhile, ChatGPT-4's five dad jokes were 100 percent unoriginal, all lifted completely from other sources, but they were delivered accurately. Since dad jokes should arguably be more groan-worthy than clever, it seems that Bard edged out ChatGPT-4 here. Bard also attempted to create original jokes (following our instruction), although some failed horribly in an embarrassing way (which is dad-like), and even put its foot in its mouth, so to speak, in an unintentional way (also dad-like).

Winner: Bard

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Unlock The Power Of Creative Writing With Google Bard

April 11, 2023

Bard Ai

Google’s latest artificial intelligence project is named Google Bard AI. This effort is part of Google’s broader “Code Red” push to advance the status of AI and aims to enhance AI’s linguistic and creative capabilities. The project’s primary goal would be to build a language model capable of producing original content via writing.

Bard AI: What Is It?

Bard AI is just a language model developed specifically to produce original prose. The image has been educated on various written works, from novels to song lyrics. The artificial intelligence project may generate many different types of literature, including fiction and poetry. The creation of Bard AI represents a major milestone in the growth of AI word embedding and may usher in a new era in creative writing.

As part of their “Code Red” mission to advance the status of AI, Google has created a new communication model called Bard AI. Bard AI aims to enhance AI’s linguistic and creative capabilities and serve as a hub for producing original content. Bard AI, in contrast to more conventional language models, is not only able to comprehend language but also to create entirely original content.

Bard AI has been taught various literature, including novels, poems, and songs, to develop various writing styles, spanning fiction to poetry. The AI model has indeed been taught to produce grammatically sound and evocative work.

The algorithm also considers the surrounding information to provide content that is pertinent to the discussion at hand. This implies the AI model may generate material that is fresh, stimulating, and emotionally resonant; it’s a great resource for authors stuck for ideas.

Unlock Your Creative Potential With Bard

creative writing bard

Bard, Powered by Google’s LaMDA Language Model and Dialogue Apps, Frees Up Your Creativity. LaMDA is a collection of large language designs (LLMs) designed to improve how robots interact with people in conversation. The context provided by the transformer architecture used by LaMDA allows the AI to recognize important information scattered across a sentence’s words. Thus, the created discussion flows well and seems genuine.

LLMs are self-supervised neural networks with as many as 137 billion parameters. The 1.56 trillion lines of online content and public conversation data that Google used to pre-train LaMDA. Wikipedia, source code snippets from programming sites, tutorials, and forum threads are all examples of this. The wide variety of literary, nonfictional, technology trends , conversational, and other forms of language in this training material makes it ideal for teaching LaMDA.

Google Bard is still in its early phases of development compared to other artificial intelligence writing tools available in the market, like Chat-GPT. Yet, early user reviews suggest it may produce material in various genres, from poetry and song lyrics to short stories. It is also superior to previous AI writing tools since it can generate material responding to user inputs and suggestions, making the writing process more participatory and collaborative.

In addition, Bard may get feedback from the web, so it always has the most recent data. Several ChatGPT users have pointed out inconsistencies in the material supplied by Bard, reminding us that there is always the possibility for mistakes in the AI-generated content.

Is Bard Able to Maintain a Blog?

Well, yes, Bard can do that! Bard can assist you in brainstorming topics, creating an outline, and writing interesting, insightful content. He can also assist you in editing the post’s layout and adding media. If you are using Bard to get the Google Bard benefits or create a blog post, consider the following advice:

  • Build up a catchy opening and catchy headline.
  • Communicate directly.
  • Make sure your post makes sense.
  • Images and video clips may be used to break up the text.
  • Don’t hit “publish” until you’ve checked for errors.
  • Bard can assist you in taking care of all of these details so that you can concentrate on writing great material for your audience.

Bard AI vs. ChatGPT

creative writing bard

OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Bard AI are state-of-the-art artificial intelligence models. Both methods attempt to generate and analyze natural language, but each has unique strengths and weaknesses.

OpenAI’s ChatGPT is a free and public language model. It is a utility infrastructure model trained on a huge dataset and produces state-of-the-art results in several NLP tasks. In addition to answering questions and completing texts, ChatGPT may also generate conversations and provide new questions.

On the other hand, Google’s Bard AI is a programming model that can produce innovative literature because of its extensive training. It’s a subset of Google’s broader “Code Red” effort to improve AI. In contrast to more conventional word embedding, Bard AI can comprehend language and create exclusive fresh, original content. The model has been taught to generate technically accurate and emotionally engaging writing across a wide variety of genres, from fiction to poetry.

What Bard Means to Writers and Creativity in the Long Run

As Google Bard is just getting started, it’s difficult to predict how it will affect the publishing sector or anything else. As it is only accessible to U.S. and U.K. beta testers, only a select few authors may have had the chance to try it out. Bard can become an invaluable tool for writers trying to save time and find inspiration because of its capacity to create high-quality text in various genres and forms.

The efficiency and productivity of writers may improve due to using Bard. Writers could conserve their time and energy by employing Bard to develop ideas and recommendations. Bard’s decision to make writing tools available to aspiring writers may also pave the way for them to break into the publishing business in other ways.

Some authors may fear that Bard and similar artificial intelligence-powered writing tools may threaten their livelihoods. As we’ve already shown, however, AI-generated material will only partially replace human ingenuity. It is quite improbable that Bard will never replace human authors entirely.

Regarding artificial intelligence language models, Bard AI represents a giant leap ahead. With this work, individuals will have an easier time coming up with original and powerful writing pieces, which might have far-reaching effects on the creative writing business.

In the future, initiatives like Bard AI may grow far more sophisticated and powerful as AI advances. Bard artificial intelligence can revolutionize how we think about writing and content production because of its linguistic comprehension and capacity to produce fresh, original prose.

Picture of Vipin Maru

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Unleashing Creativity: Exploring the Power of Bard AI in Creative Writing Tasks

Unleashing Creativity: Exploring the Power of Bard AI in Creative Writing Tasks

B ard AI is an innovative language model developed by OpenAI that is designed to empower users with the ability to generate creative and engaging text content. Built upon OpenAI’s advanced GPT-3.5 architecture, Bard AI has been trained on a massive corpus of text data to learn the nuances of human language and unleash the power of creativity. With its ability to generate a wide range of text content, including stories, poems, scripts, and more, Bard AI is a versatile tool that has garnered attention for its potential to revolutionize the creative writing process.

Bard AI is not just limited to generating text content, but it can also assist users in a variety of creative tasks, such as brainstorming ideas, providing writing prompts, and offering suggestions for improving writing quality. Its advanced capabilities, flexibility, and customizability make it a powerful tool for writers, content creators, educators, and anyone looking to unlock their creative potential.

How Bard AI Works:

Bard AI operates on the basis of input prompts and generates text content accordingly. A user can provide a prompt that specifies the type of content they want to generate, such as a story, poem, or script. Bard AI then uses its language generation capabilities to generate text content that is relevant to the prompt and meets the desired criteria.

One of the key features of Bard AI is its ability to generate creative and original content. The model is capable of producing text that is engaging, imaginative, and unique, making it a valuable tool for writers who are looking to spark their creativity or overcome writer’s block. Bard AI can generate content in different styles, tones, and genres, allowing users to customize the output according to their preferences.

Moreover, Bard AI allows users to provide additional instructions or specifications within the prompts. Users can specify the format, tone, or style of the desired content, or ask the model to think step-by-step or provide feedback on the generated content. This dynamic instruction feature enables users to have more interactive and iterative interactions with the model, making it a versatile tool for creative tasks that require customization.

Capabilities of Bard AI:

Bard AI offers a range of capabilities that make it a powerful tool for generating creative text content. Some of its key capabilities include:

Creative Writing:

Bard AI is capable of generating creative and engaging text content, including stories, poems, scripts, and more. The model can generate content in different styles, tones, and genres, allowing users to tailor the output to their specific requirements. This makes Bard AI a valuable tool for writers who are looking to overcome writer’s block, generate new ideas, or add a creative twist to their writing.

Idea Generation:

Bard AI can assist users in brainstorming ideas for their writing projects. Users can provide a prompt that specifies the type of idea they are looking for, and Bard AI can generate a list of potential ideas that can serve as inspiration for their writing. This makes Bard AI a useful tool for content creators, educators, and anyone looking to generate fresh ideas for their creative projects.

Writing Prompts:

Bard AI can generate writing prompts that can serve as starting points for users’ writing projects. Users can specify the type of prompt they want, such as a story prompt, poem prompt, or script prompt, and Bard AI can generate prompts that are relevant to their requirements. This makes Bard AI a valuable tool for writers who are looking for inspiration or direction for their writing.

Writing Quality Improvement:

Bard AI can provide suggestions for improving the quality of users’ writing. Users can provide a draft of their writing and ask Bard AI for feedback or suggestions for improvement. The model can offer suggestions on grammar, syntax, style, and other aspects of writing, helping users to refine their work and make it more polished. This makes Bard AI a useful tool for writers who are looking to enhance the quality of their writing and receive feedback on their work.


Bard AI allows users to customize the output according to their preferences. Users can provide specific instructions within the prompts, specifying the format, tone, style, or other criteria for the generated content. This customization feature enables users to have more control over the output and tailor it to their specific needs, making Bard AI a versatile tool for creative tasks that require customization.


Bard AI is not limited to any particular genre or style of writing. It can generate content in various styles, tones, and genres, making it a versatile tool for different types of creative writing projects. Whether it’s a fantasy story, a romantic poem, a comedic script, or any other genre, Bard AI can adapt its language generation capabilities to suit the requirements of the prompt, making it a flexible tool for a wide range of creative tasks.

Interactive and Iterative:

Bard AI allows users to have interactive and iterative interactions with the model. Users can provide prompts, review the generated content, and provide feedback or ask for revisions. This iterative process enables users to collaborate with the model and refine the output until it meets their satisfaction. This makes Bard AI a valuable tool for creative tasks that require multiple iterations and refinements.

Potential Applications of Bard AI:

Bard AI has the potential to revolutionize the creative writing process and find applications in various fields. Some of the potential applications of Bard AI include:

Writing Assistance:

Bard AI can serve as a virtual writing assistant, helping writers to overcome writer’s block, generate ideas, provide prompts, and offer suggestions for improving the quality of their writing. This can be particularly useful for writers who are stuck in their creative process or looking for inspiration and direction for their writing projects.

Content Creation:

Bard AI can be used by content creators, bloggers, and social media managers to generate engaging text content for their websites, blogs, or social media posts. The model can generate content in different styles and tones, allowing content creators to customize the output according to their brand voice or target audience.


Bard AI excels at precise and fluent language translation that will benefit tasks such as website translation, document conversion, or customer support chats. Its capabilities extend to vital areas like medical and government document translation, ensuring crucial information accessibility. As Bard AI evolves, it promises to become an even more potent and versatile tool, particularly valuable for cross-lingual communication.

Bard AI can be used as an educational tool to assist students in their writing assignments, help them brainstorm ideas, or provide feedback on their writing. It can also be used by educators to generate writing prompts or create sample texts for instructional purposes.


Bard AI can be used in the entertainment industry for generating scripts, stories, and other creative content for movies, TV shows, video games, and other forms of media. It can also be used by authors, playwrights, and poets to generate new ideas or add a creative twist to their works.

Marketing and Advertising:

Bard AI can be used in the field of marketing and advertising to generate catchy slogans, taglines, and other text content for advertisements, campaigns, and branding purposes. The model can generate content that is engaging, unique, and tailored to the target audience, helping businesses to create compelling marketing materials.

Challenges and Limitations:

While Bard AI offers advanced language generation capabilities and customization options, it also has some challenges and limitations. Some of the challenges and limitations of Bard AI include:

Ethical Considerations:

As with any AI-powered technology, there are ethical considerations associated with Bard AI. The model generates text content based on the patterns it has learned from the training data, which may include biases, misinformation, or inappropriate content. Users need to be mindful of the ethical implications of using AI-generated content and ensure that the output aligns with ethical guidelines and standards.

Accuracy and Quality:

Although Bard AI is capable of generating creative and engaging text content, it may not always produce accurate or high-quality content. The model’s output may sometimes contain errors, inconsistencies, or irrelevant information. Users need to carefully review and edit the generated content to ensure its accuracy and quality, especially if it is used for professional writing or published works.

Lack of Originality:

While Bard AI can generate text content based on the prompts provided, it may not always produce truly original content. The model relies on the patterns it has learned from the training data, which may limit its ability to generate truly unique and original content. Users need to be cautious about the originality of the generated content and ensure that it does not violate copyright or intellectual property laws.

Human Touch:

Despite its advanced language generation capabilities, Bard AI may lack the human touch and creativity that comes with human-authored content. Writing is not just about the words, but also about the emotions, perspectives, and nuances that humans bring to their writing. Bard AI may struggle to capture the human touch and may not always produce content that resonates with readers on an emotional or personal level.

Dependency on Prompts:

Bard AI relies heavily on the prompts provided by users to generate content. If the prompts are not clear, specific, or well-constructed, the generated content may not meet the desired expectations. Users need to ensure that the prompts are carefully crafted to guide the model in generating the desired content accurately.


B ard AI is a powerful language model that offers advanced language generation capabilities for creative writing tasks. Its ability to generate engaging and customizable text content makes it a valuable tool for writers, content creators, educators, and other professionals in various fields. However, it also has challenges and limitations that users need to be aware of, including ethical considerations, accuracy and quality of output, lack of originality, dependency on prompts, and the absence of the human touch. Despite these limitations, Bard AI has the potential to revolutionize the creative writing process and find applications in various domains. With careful and responsible use, Bard AI can be a valuable assistant for writers and other professionals seeking creative content generation.


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Sare Jahan Se Achha Creative Writing Contest 2024 by StoryMirror [Open to All; Attractive Prizes; No Participation Fee]: Submit by Aug 31

  • Priyanka Barik
  • Aug 13, 2024

Submissions are invited for the Sare Jahan Se Achha Creative Writing Contest 2024 by StoryMirror. The last date of submission is August 31, 2024.

About StoryMirror

StoryMirror is a Digital Library – A platform that offers you an opportunity to use your own creative thoughts and ideas to create immaculate stories, poems, audio, and quotes. You can earn your identity as an influencing writer on StoryMirror.

StoryMirror believes that everyone is creative and there should be a platform where they can get their creative expressions well appreciated. You can publish your ingenious expressions through various formats on StoryMirror.

Contest Details

Welcome to the grand stage of creativity and expression, where the quill becomes the sword, and the ink spills stories that echo across time. As the sun rises on the horizon of India’s 78th Independence Day, StoryMirror invites you to embark on an extraordinary literary journey that transcends borders, eras, and emotions.

“ Saare Jahan Se Achha Sagas season 2″  by StoryMirror is not just a writing contest; it’s a celebration, a tribute, and a canvas for your imagination to paint the vivid hues of India’s journey towards independence and the limitless possibilities that lie beyond. This contest isn’t merely about prose and poetry; it’s about channeling your heart and soul into words that resonate with the spirit of the nation.

Joining Hands Across Generations:

“Saare Jahan Se Achha Sagas” is an opportunity for the elders to share their recollections of history and impart the values of freedom to the younger generation. Simultaneously, it invites the youth to infuse their creativity with the lessons of the past and paint a vision of a united, progressive future.

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 Entrants are encouraged to explore the theme of freedom.

  • Participants can submit their entries in the form of short stories and poems that capture the essence of independence day/ freedom.
  • Originality All submissions must be original work created by the participant. Plagiarized content will result in disqualification.
  • There is no word limit.
  • There is no participation fee.

Submissions must be in English, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Odia & Bangla.

  • Top 10 entries in each language and category will be awarded StoryMirror discount voucher worth Rs.150/-
  • All participants will receive a participation certificate.

How to Submit?

Interested participants can submit online via this link .

Submission Deadline

The last date of submission is August 31, 2024.

Email: neha[at]storymirror[dot]com

Click here to view the official notification of Sare Jahan Se Achha Creative Writing Contest 2024 by StoryMirror.

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Google Gemini (Bard) vs ChatGPT – Which AI Tool is Best in 2024?

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August 7, 2024

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AI chatbots are making everyone’s life easier.

But two tools have entirely transformed people’s work: Google Gemini (previously Bard) and ChatGPT.

No one thought AI tools would become a solid part of our workday to the extent they already have.

And why not? An AI chatbot will take a lot off your plate—from doing academic research and writing emails to coding and composing songs!

Productivity hacks have a new name: AI.

The real question is: Is using artificial intelligence a novelty for organizations, or will it help people work smarter? 

We will do an ultimate showdown between Google Gemini and ChatGPT for you to decide based on facts.

We also have a great third option for people who want more. So, stay with us till the end! 

Avatar of person using AI

What is Google Gemini?

Bard AI

In February of 2023, Google released an artificial intelligence bot, Bard.

Experts claim Bard (now Gemini) is Google’s response to OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

Gemini is built on Google’s AI language model for dialogue applications (LaMDA).

According to Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google and Alphabet, Gemini is an experimental conversational AI service that answers questions and provides information like Google search in a refined manner.

He says: “The technology can combine the breadth of the world’s knowledge and draw on information from the web to provide fresh, high-quality responses.”

Interestingly, human reviewers assess Gemini’s conversations to improve the quality of responses.

Gemini’s strength lies in its ability to offer simple and contextual answers (as opposed to endless pages of web content).

Google Gemini features

The way Gemini retrieves information is what sets it apart from other AI chatbots.

It extracts data in real-time, having been trained in conversational data (instead of books, articles, etc.), making it a chattier chatbot than others.

Here’s a look at its top three features:

1. Gemini extensions

Google keeps upgrading Gemini’s features, with the latest one being—Gemini Extensions—a chatbot that pulls your information from Gmail, Google Docs, Google Maps, Google Drive accounts, and more.

For instance, let’s assume you plan to go to the Grand Canyon with your work team.

Instead of juggling multiple tabs and wasting time asking who’s free and when, let Google Gemini’s AI model take over.

This AI-powered tool will:

  • Get the dates that work for everyone from Gmail
  • Look up real-time flight as well as hotel details
  • Send Google Maps directions to the airport
  • Provide YouTube videos of things to do there

2. Assistant with Gemini

Google Gemini has also rolled out a new feature that may be particularly interesting to you: Assistant in Gemini. It is the marriage of a personalized assistant that will listen to you and a generative AI technology that will reason with and respond to you.

Use text, voice, or images to interact with this tool and get your personalized assistant.

Here’s an example of how helpful the Assistant in Google Gemini is:

Say you want to upload a pic of your puppy on social media. But you struggle with ‘smart’ captions.

Assistant with Gemini will help.

All you need to do is float the overlay on top of your photo and ask it to pen a quick social media post for you.

Google bard assistant

Assistant with Gemini will use the image as the primary visual cue and curate a contextual post for you.

This conversational overlay has a first-mover advantage, having never been tried by any brand before!

3. “Google it” (G) button

Gemini has also introduced another exciting feature with its ‘Google it’ button to double-check its answers quickly.

When you click on the ‘G’ icon after a result, Gemini reviews the response and evaluates if there is similar content across the web to substantiate it.

google bard Ai vs google search

To get insights into similar content by Google Search, click the highlighted phrases.

Share a Gemini chat with a public link to continue the conversation with someone else. The person you share it with can ask Gemini additional questions about that topic and build on the exchange.

Google Gemini Limitations

While Google Gemini stands out with its unique features and extensive real-time information capabilities, it’s important to address the limitations that users might face. Understanding these constraints adds a layer of transparency and helps users set realistic expectations. Here are a few Google Gemini limitations to consider:

  • Dependence on the internet: Gemini requires an active internet connection to function, limiting its accessibility in areas with poor connectivity.
  • Data Privacy Concerns: Given Gemini’s integration with personal Google services like Gmail and Drive, users may have concerns regarding how their data is used and protected.
  • Limited Contextual Understanding: While Gemini is proficient in handling a wide range of queries, its ability to understand and process highly nuanced or domain-specific questions can be limited.
  • Inconsistencies in Responses: Occasionally, Gemini may produce responses that lack consistency or contradict previous answers, reflecting the challenges in maintaining coherence over extended interactions.
  • Adaptation to New Information: Gemini’s ability to incorporate the latest developments or breaking news into its responses can be delayed, impacting the relevancy of its answers.

Google Gemini pricing

  • Free to use with no caps on the number of questions you ask!

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT product example

Released in November 2022, ChatGPT is OpenAI’s AI-powered chatbot that answers questions and prompts in any format you want.

ChatGPT’s superpower is that despite being an artificial intelligence tool, it carries out human-like conversations.

Moreover, this generative AI tool does what only humans have been capable of doing until now—creative thinking.

  • Write poems, emails, blogs, articles, content calendar templates , social media posts, essays, etc.
  • Summarize podcasts and transcripts
  • Solve complex Mathematical problems
  • Identify keywords for SEO

ChatGPT features

  • ChatGPT pulls information from mountains worth of data and large AI language models to formulate natural, human-like responses for entertainment, business, and educational use cases 
  • Contrary to what people believe, ChatGPT is not sentient
  • ChatGPT formulates responses from the transformer predicting text. This includes the next word, sentence, paragraph, and so on based on the sequences of text that experts have trained on

1. New voice and image capabilities

Want to have a voice conversation or show ChatGPT what you’re talking about? Well, now it’s possible.

ChatGPT is rolling out new voice and image capabilities, offering a more intuitive interface type.

Say you’re at home and want to know what to make for dinner.

You only need to snap a picture of your fridge and pantry to get suggestions! Ask follow-up questions for a step-by-step recipe! 

2. Custom versions of ChatGPT—GPTs

ChatGPT custom GPTs

If you think ChatGPT does not offer personalized inputs, the platform’s new GPTs update will surprise you.

You can now create your custom version of ChatGPT for any specific purpose in your daily life—and share said creation with others:

For example, GPTs help teach your kid math or even design stickers, for that matter.

Test drive the platform to see for yourself!

3. Prompt examples

The platform has also made initiating a new conversation slightly less intimidating, thanks to the introduction of ‘Prompt Examples.’

So now, instead of staring at the blank space, use sample AI prompt templates at the beginning of a chat to drive engaging and meaningful conversations.

ChatGPT Limitations

Despite the impressive capabilities that ChatGPT brings to the table, it has its limitations. Understanding these limitations is crucial for users to set realistic expectations and find workarounds for their specific needs. Here’s a look at some of the notable limitations of ChatGPT:

  • Data Recency: ChatGPT’s knowledge is based on information available up to its last training cut-off. This means it can’t provide updates or information on events that occurred after this date.
  • Misinformation Risk: Given its reliance on pre-existing data, ChatGPT may inadvertently generate responses that contain inaccuracies or outdated information.
  • Context Understanding: While ChatGPT is skilled at generating human-like responses, it may struggle with understanding the context or nuances of certain questions, leading to irrelevant or generic answers.
  • Ethical and Moral Reasoning: ChatGPT may not always align with human ethics or moral reasoning, especially in situations that require nuanced understanding and empathy.
  • Dependence on Input Quality: The quality of ChatGPT’s responses heavily relies on the clarity and specificity of the input prompts. Vague or ambiguous questions may lead to unclear or unsatisfactory answers.

ChatGPT pricing

  • ChatGPT-4: $20 /month

ChatGPT vs Google Gemini: Is There a Winner?

We’ve covered ChatGPT and Google Gemini’s unique features to make your life easier.

But let’s address the elephant in the room: ‘Is one better than the other?’

Read on to explore a few critical differences between ChatGPT and Google Gemini and understand if there is a clear winner.

1. Generative capabilities

Gemini doesn’t boast the same generative AI capabilities as ChatGPT.

Let’s see what these AI tools show when I write the prompt, ‘Write an essay on why we feel sad about Matthew Perry dying.’

First up, we have Gemini’s response:

Bard example prompt

While Gemini’s goal (at least at the moment) is to support Google search, it also writes creatively for you. The conclusive message on mental health towards the end is an excellent addition to the essay, which differs from the ChatGPT version.

ChatGPT, too, does a great job of delivering a high-quality essay that doesn’t stray off the path.

Chatgpt prompt example

The verdict: It is a tie when it comes to evaluating the generative AI capabilities of both ChatGPT and Google Gemini. 

2. Training model

One of the key differences between Google Gemini and ChatGPT is the type of Large Language Models (LLMs) they employ.

While Gemini is on the PaLM 2 architecture, ChatGPT is on the Transformer architecture.

But what does this mean for a user like you and me?

ChatGPT’s research stems from feeding training data into the system. Naturally, the research quickly becomes dated.

Gemini, in contrast, scours web pages in real-time, making the conversations more relevant to ensure more up to date answers.

Our verdict: Gemini has the upper hand for the latest information, given its training model.

3. Modify responses + Image uploads

Google bard modify responses

Google Gemini allows users to modify the response by the tool and offers many options for the same.

The AI chatbot also enables you to upload image attachments.

Both these features are not available on the free version of ChatGPT. However, ChatGPT allows you to give feedback on the response and regenerate it.

Our verdict: Both ChatGPT and Google Gemini give users some options regarding making changes to the response quality. So, it would be a tie .

4. Integrations

In terms of integrations, Google Gemini’s extensions offer more convenience as they are tailored for common Google tools that people use every day.

On the other hand, ChatGPT offers unique custom versions (GPTs) to suit personal needs.  It also allows image and voice inputs.

Our verdict: ChatGPT has an edge for offering custom versions, but Google Gemini’s extensions are a massive source of help to most users who work with multiple Google tools.

5. User Experience and Accessibility

When evaluating Google Gemini and ChatGPT, considering the user experience and ease of accessibility is critical. Google Gemini seamlessly integrates with all other Google apps, making it inherently more accessible for users already within the Google ecosystem. Its intuitive interface and conversational overlay make it easy for users of all levels of technological proficiency to engage with Gemini.

ChatGPT, while not directly integrated with specific platforms, is known for its responsive and straightforward user interface. Its capability to understand and generate human-like text across various topics makes it accessible and valuable to a broad audience. ChatGPT’s introduction of voice and image capabilities also significantly enhances its accessibility, catering to users who prefer audio-visual interactions over text.

Our verdict: For Google Workspace users, Gemini may offer a more seamless experience. However, ChatGPT’s versatile and user-friendly interface, coupled with its innovative voice and image features, makes it highly accessible and appealing to a wide range of users, marking this category as a tie.

Google Gemini Vs. ChatGPT on Reddit

Let’s turn to Reddit to see what users say about ChatGPT Vs. Google Gemini rivalry.

When you search Google Gemini Vs. ChatGPT on Reddit , you’ll see polarizing opinions on both.

Some users say, “Google might have a scale advantage in data and compute.” Plus, another user notes, “The fact that LaMDA isn’t a static model and is constantly updating itself is a massive advantage over GPT-3.5.”

But not all scales tip in favor of Gemini. 

Some users feel that ChatGPT’s responses provide more quality and accurracy as compared to Gemini.

Here’s an interesting distinction a user makes that might be worth looking into:

“For looking up current information, Gemini is a mile better than ChatGPT with browsing. The “with browsing” implementation in Bing and ChatGPT is absolutely terrible. I’m presuming Google can leverage cached search queries to return current information much more quickly. Gemini also does a much better job of formatting responses, it includes pictures etc., and it’s faster.

However, Google Gemini provides a lot of fake/unreliable information, IMO more than ChatGPT does. And I don’t think it’s as good at the “other” sorts of “write me a poem” kinds of tasks. So personally I think this is now a 2-way race. ChatGPT for raw capability of the model, Gemini for current info lookup and usability in general .”

The Best Alternative to ChatGPT vs. Google Gemini

I tried using Google Gemini and ChatGPT to spin a blog on its comparative features.

However, both AI tools need more regarding factual accuracy and verified research.

AI is still evolving in the new-age battle of Google Gemini vs ChatGPT alternatives . 

Luckily, a third option is a better natural fit for your AI chatbot needs: ClickUp AI .  

1. ClickUp Brain

Instead of streamlining workflows, spend your time ideating, creating, and doing things a machine will not do.

And ClickUp Brain cuts your workflow time in half. Tailor this AI-powered assistant to any role of your choosing.

It comprises hundreds of research-backed AI tools for every function and use case—from project management and customer support to product engineering and marketing.

For instance, get a personal copy editor who will work on your writing to make it clearer, more concise, and more engaging.

You don’t need to invest in separate AI writing tools to get the job done.

Use pre-structured headers, tables, etc., to structure your content better. All in all, ClickUp is one of the best AI content generators in the market that focuses on content quality, accuracy, and relevance.

ClickUp Brain has advanced summarising capabilities. See a long comments thread on a task? Use ClickUp Brain to summarise the whole thread for you in seconds so you grasp the context immediately.

Just got off a long customer meeting. Get to the critical action points sooner with ClickUp AI.

2. ClickUp Docs

Creating wikis, Docs, etc., is one part of the equation, but mapping it to your workflows and allowing the team to work on it together is equally important. ClickUp Docs does this and more.

Features like nested pages and styling options take your Doc to the next level.

With ClickUp Docs, embed bookmarks and add tables to roadmaps, knowledge bases, and other documents.

Using Google Docs, edit with the team in real-time, tag comments like you’d tag on Instagram or Facebook, assign action items, and more.

3. ClickUp Tasks

Organizing tasks are the foundation for successful projects. Use ClickUp Tasks to assign tasks to multiple assignees and add comment threads for different tasks.

Save time with shareable screen recordings and leave little to no chance for errors

But ClickUp Tasks is not unidimensional—it lets you customize subtasks and surface the information you need at your fingertips!

Customize your Workspace and manage work while defining task types your team understands best.

Try all these features for free and supercharge your productivity.

ClickUp pricing

  • Free Forever: $0
  • Unlimited: $7 per member per month
  • Business: $12 per member per month
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing
  • ClickUp AI: Add to any paid plan for $5 per member per month

Optimize your Workflows with AI Tools

ClickUp’s AI chatbot automates every aspect of your work so that you can focus on what truly matters—your customers.

Instead of toggling between AI project management tools , designing apps, and content creation apps , get everything together with ClickUp. You get the added advantage of simple navigation across various tools and effective collaboration between multiple teams.

Sign up for ClickUp’s Free Forever Plan to see how ClickUp AI supercharges your productivity 10x.

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Section 1

Hotel Chelsea

…Eyeing the traffic circulating the lobby hung with bad art. Big invasive stuff unloaded on Stanley Bard in exchange for rent. The hotel is an energetic, desperate haven for scores of gifted hustling children from every rung of the ladder. Guitar bums and stoned-out beauties in Victorian dresses. Junkie poets, playwrights, broke-down filmmakers, and French actors. Everybody passing through here is somebody, if nobody in the outside world…I place my hand on the doorknob, sensing nothing but silence. The yellow walls have an institutional feel like a middle school prison. I use the stairs and return to our room. I take a piss in the hall bathroom we share with unknown inmates…(43).

Hotel Chelsea is an essential location in the development of Patti Smith and Robert Mapplethorpe into the renowned artists we know them as today. In chapter three of Just Kids , Patti Smith delves into the absurdity and uniqueness of their stay at Hotel Chelsea. Besides being a haven for artists and newly forming performers, Hotel Chelsea provided a collaborative atmosphere, encouraging expression in new ways never created before.

Smith relates the Hotel to more of a dormitory or prison: “The yellow walls…unknown inmates” (43). While the Hotel is home to numerous new artisans, the sheer number of individuals in once place can be isolating. It is a perfect place for an artist to cultivate their talent, however surrounded by many other artists, the creative process can feel mundane and detaching, as it can be a long haul before reaching fame. They must first subscribe to a lifestyle of poverty and squalor before achieving any sort of celebrity. They all are enslaved to the grueling progression of having their work recognized, and almost feel as if they have no other option than to try and finish the process, even if it consumes their entire life. The ‘inmates’ must muster enough energy to eventually get out of the jail that is the stage of being unrecognized, and pursue further to they can eventually check out of the Hotel.

                  There are also the omnipresent and spiritual aspects of the Hotel, lending to its ghostly nature and its attractiveness to up and coming artists: “The Chelsea was like a doll’s house in the Twilight Zone, with a hundred rooms, each a small universe. I wandered the halls seeking its spirits, dead or alive…loitering before the name plate of Arthur C. Clarke hoping he might suddenly emerge” (112). The hotel is a spiritual haven, allowing current and past artists to lend a creative arm to each artist’s process.

                  Celebrity is also integral to the hotel’s prestige. If an artist wanted to make it, they had to have stayed in Hotel Chelsea. Smith notes poets Allen Ginsberg and Dylan Thomas, novelist Thomas Wolfe, model Edie Sedgwick, and music artist Bob Dylan as notable residents. They all do not necessarily share a common medium of artistic expression, but even just living in close quarters to other artistic minds can spur the artistic process. It is this collaboration that ultimately drove artists to live in the famed building. While not necessarily famous yet, all the artists assumed the role of a celebrity just because they were living in the building. They respected each occupant’s artistic talent and their commitment to the ever changing downtown artistic scene.

                  The real significance of this location in Smith and Mapplethorpe’s journey is that it started off as a mystical haven for artists and resulted in the artistic notion of success by proximity. Before getting to Hotel Chelsea, there was little hope for the artists both in the celebrity and artistic realm. By combining both the supernatural elements and the live tenants, the best artwork was achieved. It did not matter that both of the artists were poor or could not afford their rent. They traded artwork for their place in the society of artists in order to further their careers and engage in productive dialogue. It did not matter to them that the building was equivalent to a penitentiary: they had the divine, they had each other, and they had the numerous famous and up and coming artists to push them further and explore new ways of expressing themselves that no one had even dared to try before. Including Hotel Chelsea in Patti Smith’s life is including her best working self: enslaved to the art process but creating her best pieces.

                  Today, Hotel Chelsea has undergone renovations, rarely allowing tenants to stay long term. There are several aspects of the hotel that still live on: various tenants when they moved in in the 1980’s, were determined to keep the apartments the way they were passed on to them. The lobby no longer ha artwork which tenets used to trade for rent, but there is still a lasting sculpture of a child on a swing, made by 1960’s resident Eugenie Gershoy. While it is no longer a safe haven for artists, the current occupants still insist there is the spiritual element of the building. In an interview with Vanity Fair, several residents noted that the spirits of the hotel still haunt the landmark, but the motives for living there are quite different: “People do their best work here…But the spirit of the place, what inspired people to live here, has been drained.” The tenants of an apartment in which composer Virgil Thomson used to live noted: “Virgil is still present in this place. Like a benign, gentle ghost.” Even though the Hotel is no longer the same Hotel Chelsea when Patti Smith and Robert Mapplethorpe camped out there, upon visiting you can still feel the same energy and mystical components of the Hotel, forever living in the walls.

Storyboarding Patti Smith's Life through Just Kids


  1. Unlock The Power Of Creative Writing With Google Bard

    creative writing bard

  2. Unleashing Creativity: Exploring the Power of Bard AI in Creative

    creative writing bard

  3. How To Use Google Bard To Write An Essay ?

    creative writing bard

  4. Creative Writing with Google Bard

    creative writing bard

  5. How to use Google Bard and ChatGPT for creative writing

    creative writing bard

  6. Ad Creative Variations in Google Ads

    creative writing bard


  1. Bard Written Arts Program

    The Written Arts Program. encourages students to experiment with their own writing in a context sensitive to intellectual, historical, and social realities, and the past and current literary landscapes. Students are encouraged to consider how their writing is and can be an act of critical and creative engagement, a way of interrogating and ...

  2. How to use Google Bard to generate creative writing prompts

    Google Bard is a large language model chatbot that can be used for a variety of tasks, including generating creative writing prompts. Bard's vast knowledge base and ability to understand complex ...

  3. Bard MFA

    Bard MFA Milton Avery Graduate School of the Arts PO Box 5000, 30 Campus Road Annandale-on-Hudson, NY 12504-5000 Contact Us: Tel: 845-758-7481 Fax: 845-758-7507 E-mail: [email protected] Apply Now! About the Program. Join Our Mailing List ...

  4. Creative Writing with Google Bard

    Here are some tips: Be specific with your prompts: The more details you give Bard, the better it can understand your vision. Experiment and have fun: Don't be afraid to try out different ideas ...

  5. A step-by-step guide to using Google Bard

    Google Bard excels in certain situations, such as creative writing. Bard can help you create various creative text formats, whether you're writing a poem to express your emotions, crafting a script for a short film, composing a song to share your passion for music, or drafting an email to a friend or colleague.

  6. How to Use Bard for Creative Writing

    Bard is an all-inclusive tool in the creative writing domain, providing a list of features and tools suited for each step of the procedure. Bard facilitates creativity, organization, and teamwork in writers by streamlining the writing process from conception to publishing.

  7. Mastering Creative Writing with ChatGPT and Google Bard

    This guide is designed to show you how to use AI tools like ChatGPT and Google Bard for creative writing. For centuries, writers have wrestled with the blank page, seeking to breathe life into ...

  8. 10 ways Bard can help you get things done

    8. Brainstorm creative ideas. If you're up against a creative challenge, Bard can be a helpful starting point. For example, if you're an artist, you could ask Bard to suggest a new tagline for your studio, or upload a photo of your latest work and ask Bard to help you come up with a title. 9. Better express your thoughts and feelings

  9. Unveiling Google Bard: The New Maestro of Creative Writing and ...

    The Creative Writing Toolkit. Google Bard is a treasure trove for writers, bloggers, and anyone with a penchant for the written word. Imagine having a co-writer who never tires, offering fresh ...

  10. The Ultimate List of Best Google Bard Prompts for Everything

    Best Google Bard Prompts for Writing. Whether you need help brainstorming ideas, improving existing content, or writing something from scratch, Bard is an amazing writing companion. Here are some helpful prompts: For Writing Blog Posts and Articles. Write a 600 word blog post comparing the pros and cons of [topic options].

  11. Bard is now a creative writing genius! : r/Bard

    Bard is now a creative writing genius! I'm not sure what the hell they did with Gemini, but it has made Bard a creative writing genius!! I'm blown away to the point of literally having my mouth wide open with almost everything Bard has come up with. I've been going through the edits for my novel, and there were quite a few parts that were a bit ...

  12. Unlock The Power Of Creative Writing With Google Bard

    Apr 11. --. Google's latest artificial intelligence project is named Google Bard AI. This effort is part of Google's broader "Code Red" push to advance the status of AI and aims to enhance ...

  13. Bard: Google's Next-Generation AI for Creative Writing

    Bard is an advanced natural language processing (NLP) model developed by Google's research team, aimed at generating human-like text with a focus on creative writing.

  14. I love using bard for creative writing, anyone else? : r/Bard

    I love using bard for creative writing, anyone else? Discussion. The grey one is my prompt. I got the gemini app working early (DE). I know I give the AI a lot of input, but what surprises me is how it makes subtle changes. I really like that it made the connection between the tall grass and the need for bright clothes and binoculars.

  15. ChatGPT vs Google Bard: Which is better? We put them to the test

    We tested ChatGPT and Bard in seven critical categories: dad jokes, argument dialog, mathematical word problems, summarization, factual retrieval, creative writing, and coding.

  16. Unlock The Power Of Creative Writing With Google Bard

    The creation of Bard AI represents a major milestone in the growth of AI word embedding and may usher in a new era in creative writing. As part of their "Code Red" mission to advance the status of AI, Google has created a new communication model called Bard AI.

  17. AI Tools Assist in Creative Writing and Storytelling

    This article explores how AI tools like ChatGPT and Google Bard are shaping creative writing. While they excel at generating coherent narratives, they often lack emotional depth, highlighting the ...

  18. How can Google Bard help me with my writing?

    Creative writing: Bard can help you with creative writing by generating ideas, providing feedback on your writing, and even writing for you. Bard can also help you to improve your writing style ...

  19. Unleashing Creativity: Exploring the Power of Bard AI in Creative

    Creative Writing: Bard AI is capable of generating creative and engaging text content, including stories, poems, scripts, and more. The model can generate content in different styles, tones, and genres, allowing users to tailor the output to their specific requirements. This makes Bard AI a valuable tool for writers who are looking to overcome ...

  20. Everything new about the DnD 2024 Bard

    The DnD 2024 Bard sings the same songs you know from fifth edition, but some of the tunes have markedly changed. Magical Secrets, Bardic Inspiration, and the Bard subclasses have all had a costume change for the 2024 Player's Handbook. ... She has a degree in Creative Writing and English Literature, and you can also find her writing at Pocket ...

  21. Sare Jahan Se Achha Creative Writing Contest 2024

    Submissions are invited for the Sare Jahan Se Achha Creative Writing Contest 2024 by StoryMirror. The last date of submission is August 31, 2024. About StoryMirror. StoryMirror is a Digital Library - A platform that offers you an opportunity to use your own creative thoughts and ideas to create immaculate stories, poems, audio, and quotes ...

  22. Review

    Their presence is definitely felt, though. There's an instance when a prisoner is charged with incitement, and subsequently put in solitary confinement, after his creative writing assignment is found to contain violent rhetoric. He was essentially punished for completing his homework.

  23. Tatar language

    Tatar, along with Russian, is the official language of the Republic of Tatarstan. The official script of Tatar language is based on the Cyrillic script with some additional letters. The Republic of Tatarstan passed a law in 1999, which came into force in 2001, establishing an official Tatar Latin alphabet.

  24. Tatar alphabet

    History of Tatar writing. Before 1928, the Tatar language was usually written using alphabets based on the Arabic alphabet: İske imlâ alphabet before 1920 and Yaña imlâ alphabet in 1920-1927. Some letters such as چ and پ were borrowed from the Persian alphabet and the letter ﯓ (called nef or sağır kef) was borrowed from Chagatai.

  25. How to use Google Bard and ChatGPT for creative writing

    Utilizing the combined capabilities of Google Bard and ChatGPT for the purpose of creative writing unveils an expansive universe of creative potential, offering writers an unprecedented ...

  26. Boris ILYIN Obituary (1918

    Boris ILYIN Obituary. Boris Ilyin. August 28, 1918 -August 10, 2014. Boris Ilyin was born in Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia in the midst of the Bolshevik revolution. When he was five years old, he and ...

  27. Google Gemini (Bard) vs ChatGPT

    Experts claim Bard (now Gemini) is Google's response to OpenAI's ChatGPT. Gemini is built on Google's AI language model for dialogue applications (LaMDA). According to Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google and Alphabet, Gemini is an experimental conversational AI service that answers questions and provides information like Google search in a ...

  28. Hotel Chelsea

    Big invasive stuff unloaded on Stanley Bard in exchange for rent. The hotel is an energetic, desperate haven for scores of gifted hustling children from every rung of the ladder. ... The hotel is a spiritual haven, allowing current and past artists to lend a creative arm to each artist's process. Celebrity is also integral to the hotel's ...

  29. Culture of Tatarstan

    Traditional (folk) Tatar music is based on the pentatonic scale. The first Tatar opera was staged in 1925. It was composed by Sultan Gabyashi in collaboration with Vasili Vinogradov. Farit Yarullin was the creator of the first Tatar ballet, known as Şüräle. Modern Tatar music includes practically all existing musical genres.

  30. "View River River View" by Lillian Merrill Ogden

    Abstract While practices of land conservation are inherently linked to colonization, public parks offer opportunities for interspecies community, care, and solidarity. Perception and embodiment of the viewshed is complicated by structural understandings of ecological restoration, historical preservation, and our understandings of how space and place manifest. Concepts like haunting, attunement ...