• Dental School

10 Dental School Personal Statement Examples

Including key tips for a strong dental school personal statement.

Dental School Personal Statement Examples

Before you start crafting your own stellar dental school personal statement, you must review some dental school personal statement examples. Why? These sample essays can help you brainstorm and reflect on what you would like to include in your essay. This blog dives into some dental school personal statement examples from our own past successful students, and then our  dental school advisors  will go over our proven strategies to help you create your own from scratch! As you review these examples keep in mind that these are final works and the result of multiple rounds of reviews by our admissions experts as part of our  application review  programs. Writing fantastic statements for dental school requires patience and multiple rounds of revisions before a perfect statement can be written.

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Dental school personal statement example #1.

In the final moments of a key game in a hockey tournament, I jumped over the boards and onto the ice without putting my mouth guard back in place. It was attached to my helmet, but I had a chance for the puck, and I took it. Moments later, an opponent’s stick caught me in the face, knocking out my front tooth. Play stopped, and my team found my tooth on the ice. I looked to the bleachers. My mom was already on the phone getting initial instructions from our dentist for saving the tooth. Within 15 minutes, we were outside the clinic as my dentist unlocked the door, despite it being a Saturday night. As I was treated within half an hour, my tooth could be saved by stabilizing it as it healed. Until that moment, I thought of my dentist as someone I only saw every six months; I hadn’t seen her as a critical part of my healthcare team.

I realized from this experience that time is a factor in dental care, and thus a career in dentistry. My tooth was saved because I lived in an urban centre and had immediate access to care, not to mention the continuity of care I’ve had since I was a child. My mother is employed and has good dental coverage, but this is not the case for many. Without timely check-ups, both oral and medical issues that could be detected and prevented can become more serious conditions.

With this awareness, I have for the last 6 years volunteered in two ways. In the time since my hockey accident, I’ve worked with my dentist on a safety awareness campaign for young hockey players and their families, teaching about the necessity of mouth guards, as well as how a quick response to such injuries may help in recovery. I’ve also worked alongside dentists for the Smiling Children Foundation in vulnerable neighborhoods, where dental neglect is not uncommon, and continuity of care is rare. Recently, we set up a mobile clinic in a school, where I record personal information and take a medical history for each child. A young boy, 10 years old, complained of constant headaches and pain in his body. Upon examination, the dentist noticed his gums were dark purple in places and bled easily. Our team alerted a community doctor of a potential immune disorder, and the young boy was diagnosed and treated, returning to good health within months. That day, I learned that oral healthcare is holistic healthcare, and that it is a privilege to support those who may not have time, resources, or access to oral healthcare.

I have had this privilege in what began as dental shadowing and is now part-time employment, where I liaise between patients and insurance companies, manage team schedules, and comfort anxious patients. This might be as simple as holding a hand while the dentist performs the procedure. Or, I might hold a baby while the father sees the hygienist. I’ve learned to read an X-ray accurately, prepare the instruments needed for a procedure, and balance the books. I have been mentored by both a medical and business professional, and I have borne witness to our patients’ high and low points. I have worked hard to understand what goes into growing and maintaining a successful dental practice and feel capable to meet the challenge of the multiple roles required in this dynamic vocation.

It bears mentioning why my first-year grades are not what I’d hoped they would be. I joined a good number of co-curricular clubs with the intention of participating in our campus community and developing my professional skills. By midterm, I realized I had oversubscribed myself. Unfortunately, willpower and desire were not enough. My grades suffered as I tried to manage my responsibilities. By attending time management seminars and learning to manage time rather than be managed by time, I was able retrieve my grades. From 2nd year forward, I’ve maintained a 4.0 GPA while moving up the ranks of student organizations and taking an active role in a research project. Resilience is like a muscle that needs time, exercise, and perseverance to build.

From a sports accident, to volunteer work in an underserved community, to employment in a dental office and an academic career that shows both mistakes and recovery, I have thought carefully about what dentistry is. A dentist is part of a larger healthcare team, and a dentist can often treat not only a single patient over decades, but provide intergenerational care to a family. I aspire to dentistry to accompany my patients through life, 6 months at a time, offering compassionate, whole-person healthcare. (4,497 characters, including spaces)

  • Inciting incident: the moment that influenced the student’s outlook on dentistry as a career is highlighted in spades. Seeing the structure here as almost like a story, you’re taking the reader on a journey from point A to point B. For the personal statement, your opening should hook in the reader. This writer does this well.
  • Addresses weaknesses: the student mentions how their first-year grades weren’t what they’d hoped for. They acknowledge their faults and briefly outline the circumstances without making excuses before getting into the most important part: what they did to improve or learn from their mistakes. If you’re in a position to use your personal statement as a way to address gaps or inconsistencies, then you can follow the same rule.
  • Major experiences are detailed: you need to show the admissions committee that dentistry is the right career for you. The best way to do this is to describe clinical experiences, ideally in a dental setting. The student who wrote this sample described their experiences shadowing, being a part-time employee, and volunteering at a foundation. If you have many experiences like these, don’t simply list them off, but select a few to describe in more depth.

Want some tips for writing a dental school personal statement? Check out this video:

"Ready, Set, Bake,” shouted the host of Bake-Off. I was 16 and a contestant of a televised baking show. Our 6th challenge gave us 3 hours to perfectly bake the most decadent and timing consuming dessert: the mille-feuille – layers of puff pastry, filled with whipped cream and custard, and glazed on top. Despite being the only teenager in a field of contestants ranging from 20-70 years of age, I’d made it through several days of cuts for one of the spots on the show. I wish I could say that my dessert was a masterpiece, but as the timer counted down and I plated it, the filling oozed, and the pastry crumbled. I’d made to the Top Six, but the mille-feuille defeated me and I was asked to hang up my apron. As I reflect on this experience, the solo and team challenges, the practice to get on the show, the mastery needed to gain a top spot, I realize that I’m grateful even for the defeat, because I learned valuable lessons that helped me develop key qualities and skills that are in-line with the core competencies necessary for dentistry, my chosen profession. Both dentistry and competitive baking require innovation and excellence, communication and accountability, and the necessity of precision, focus, and a steady hand.

Both of my parents are dentists. While the influence of their careers on my own access to knowledge cannot be underestimated, I have been deeply cognizant of making an autonomous career decision. That decision is my own, but my parents have admittedly opened unique conversations around ethics, technology, and patient care to me. My earliest memories include attending dental conferences with them and being encouraged to explore the Exhibits Floor, where I learned about the newest dental products and treatments and “test drove” the latest innovations in dentistry. I developed an aptitude for predicting which products and technologies were gimmicks and which would effectively support excellence in patient care. This knack has made me something of an informal consultant for my parents and their colleagues, who value my insights on innovation and efficacy of new treatments.

While technology is at the forefront of change, what remains consistent over time is the importance of communication and accountability to provide excellent patient care. I’ve had the privilege to shadow Dr. Ann Lee, an oral surgeon, over the past 3 years. Among many things, she showed me that inherent in communication is accountability. Many of her patients are children and teens having teeth extracted for orthodontic reasons. The son of a family who had been Dr. Lee’s patients for over a decade arrived for a complicated wisdom tooth extraction. Despite familiarity with the family, the doctor painstakingly reviewed the extraction process to prepare them effectively. The procedure went well in the office; however, on the way home, the boy began haemorrhaging. An artery had been compromised during the surgery. I watched as Dr. Lee packed bone wax around the artery to stem the bleeding. What struck me about this experience was the standard of accountability to which the surgeon held herself, as she communicated with the family by phone, made a house call later that evening on her way home, and remained on-call over the weekend to ensure the safety and healing of the child. The family maintained their trust in Dr. Lee because of her open communication and sense of accountability. I also learned just how fragile and technical dental work is, requiring both dexterity and precision.

Volunteering in a dental brigade in Haiti, Mirlande, 6, taught me about vulnerability and trust. Mirlande was scared and reluctant to open her mouth for her first dental exam. I took her aside and, as she watched, I carved a perfect tooth from soap using dental instruments. I carved slowly and precisely, and then presented her with the gift. She put the tooth in her pocket and then allowed me to clean her teeth. I was immediately struck by the vulnerability of not only soft tissue, but of hearts, as she leaned back and opened her mouth in trust. This moment solidified my decision to become a dentist.

Though the earlier comparison between baking and dentistry is merely an analogy, it is one that suggests I have developed key skills and am aware of the core competencies a dentist must hold to best serve their patients professionally and ethically. Dentistry is my vocation, baking a hobby, but both speak to my investment in excellence, precision, and doing for others.  (4,500 characters, including spaces)

A dental school personal statement is your opportunity to show admissions committees who you are as a person and aspiring dental professional, aside from your CV, GPA, Dental Aptitude Test (DAT) score, and other quantitative data. As any personal statement essay, the dental school personal essay should be a narrative account that gives the admissions committee the opportunity to learn more about you than what can be conveyed in a dry document like a CV or transcript. 

For dental school  ADEA AADSAS  applications, the American Dental Education Association requires an essay of no more than 4,500 characters (including spaces), which must demonstrate your key personal qualities, aspirations, and reasons for pursuing a career in dentistry to the schools to which you are applying. This process isn’t as standardized in Canadian programs, so you’ll need to check the application requirements for the programs and schools to which you are applying to see if a personal statement is required. In doing so, you can also learn whether there are any specific requirements regarding the length of the essay, whether there is a specific prompt to which you must respond in your dental school personal statement, and whether there are any other application requirements.

Want some more personal statement examples? Watch this video:

Writing a Strong Dental School Personal Statement

If you're applying to  dental schools in Canada  or the US, a personal statement, or similar essay, is often required as part of your application package, regardless of whether you're applying through AADSAS or  TMDSAS . It’s important to craft a statement that draws from your experiences, such as your dental school extracurriculars. You can also refer to your dental school application experience examples , or even your dental school letter of recommendation for help. This blog will help you understand the key things you must do (and that you must avoid) in composing your essay, with dental school personal statement examples that demonstrate these strategies, so that you can draft the strongest, most compelling dental school personal statement possible.

1. Tell a story

Ideally, you will craft a story or detail a defining moment that helped you realize why this is the profession you want to pursue. Providing an anecdote or vignette – perhaps an experience you’ve had as a dental patient, an interaction you’ve witnessed as a volunteer or while shadowing a dental care professional, a story about someone you know, etc., – is often a useful way of giving the evaluators a window into your life and motivations.

2. Demonstrate why you’re a “good fit”

Your dental school personal statement should also express why you are a strong candidate and a "good fit" for the school and program, while stirring the interest of your reader. Review our blog,  dental school acceptance rates  to find out which schools are best suited for you. Admissions committees will review hundreds of these personal statements, so draw on the values of the profession and the mission of the institution to highlight your alignment with the vision and goals of this vocation, and do so in a way that is engaging and enjoyable to read. Again, narrative is a great way of doing this – people love stories and are often naturally drawn in by them. Bear this in mind as you begin drafting your essay.

Here are some more tips for writing a dental school personal statement:

3. Be authentic and readable

In your personal statement, you want to present your very best self, emphasizing your genuine passion for the field and your enthusiasm for working in a healthcare profession like dentistry. Don’t try to cram in complicated terminology or jargon, thinking it will make you sound smarter (it won’t – true experts know how to explain their ideas effectively to an audience of non-specialists), and don’t rely on clichés (e.g., “I want to help people” – this is a lovely desire, but it’s over-used and too generic). Use polished prose that represents your genuine voice and reasons for pursuing the profession, and write in a way that will be comprehensible even to those outside this particular specialization. This can take practice. You might go through multiple drafts of your essay before you’re confident in submitting it. If you’re having trouble getting to this point, consider dental school admissions consulting . 

4. Express your desired contributions to the field

Quite simply, you need to explain why you will be a good dentist, in both practical terms and in terms of devoting yourself to patient care. You need to show that you know how to become a dentist in terms of skills and experience; there will be other opportunities to address other aspects of your candidacy through things like the dental school manual dexterity question or the multiple mini interview (MMI) collaboration station . For now, answer the following questions: what does it mean to you to dedicate yourself to the profession and to patients? What experiences have you had with the dental profession so far, and how have these impacted you? What are your priorities as an aspiring dentist? Thinking through these questions, while also pointing to concrete experiences or accomplishments that support your responses, will help the committee see not just who you are now, but who you are working to become as you pursue the goal of becoming a dental professional.

Need help with your dental school application? Learn what our students say about our services:

Things to Avoid in a Dental School Personal Statement

Here are some key “don’ts” in composing your dental school personal statement:

1. Don’t summarize your CV

Your personal statement shouldn’t simply repeat information available elsewhere in your application materials. Referring to experiences discussed in those materials, for the purpose of expanding on them or contextualizing them, is fine. Just ensure that you’re actually doing that work and demonstrating the significance of the experience(s) you describe. For example, if your CV indicates that you’ve done volunteer work at a dental clinic or with an organization, it’s totally fine to discuss this volunteer work in your personal statement; however, that discussion must go beyond what is offered in your other application materials. Your dental school personal statement shouldn't be a dry recitation of events in your CV. It should be a persuasive and engaging work that draws on just a few select experiences that epitomize your interests, priorities, and the work you've done so far in working toward becoming a dentist. For example, instead of giving names, dates, and general facts about your experience as a volunteer, you can tell a story of a particularly meaningful accomplishment or interaction, reflecting on how it helped solidify your desire to pursue this career.

2. Don’t dwell on negative experiences

If you’ve overcome challenges or if there are less-than-ideal aspects of your educational experience so far (such as a term where your GPA took a dip), it’s fine to address these in a personal statement essay. However, it is crucial that you reflect on this from a perspective of growth, resiliency, and capacity for improvement, rather than focusing on the negatives. If your grades took a hit one term because of extenuating circumstances, by all means, take some time to explain this, if you think it will be helpful (and it often is). However, the discussion around the circumstances should be minimal – just a set-up for a more substantial discussion of what you learned, how you grew, etc. – and you shouldn’t use this as an opportunity to make excuses. Rather, briefly describe the event, own up to your mistake or misstep (if applicable), and then spend the most time explaining how you addressed the issue, how you moved past it, and why you will be a better future professional for having gone through it.

Probably the biggest mistake students make is to not take the personal statement seriously enough, waiting until just a few days before it’s due to even begin. You must begin early – a strong personal statement essay can take months and numerous revisions to be the best it can possibly be. You need to put a lot of thought into this document, as it is a very important component of your application. This is your chance – and often your only chance – to address the evaluators on a human level, prior to answering  dental school interview questions , including   MMI questions . So, rather than thinking of this as a chore, think of it as an opportunity to demonstrate your best self to the admissions committee. 

4. Don’t submit your dental school personal statement without getting expert feedback

The personal statement isn’t just about what you’ve done, it’s about who you are – what your values are, what your priorities are, what your reasons for pursuing this profession are, and how all of these things align with the discipline and school you are approaching with your application package. Getting expert feedback from those on the “other side” of such applications, those who have gone through the process successfully or those who have been part of admissions committees, will give you incredibly valuable insights into how to make your own personal experiences stand out and work for you most effectively. At this stage of your professional development, you face a wealth of “unknown-unknowns”; i.e., things that you don’t even know to look for or consider, because it's likely that you simply haven’t been exposed to the field or the process long enough or in an official capacity. This can be a considerable hindrance, so don’t try to take on this task alone. Seek out expert feedback, and do so early enough that you can review, revise, and implement any necessary changes to make your dental school personal statement the best it can possibly be.

8 Dental School Personal Statement Examples

Dental school personal statement example #3, dental school personal statement example #4, dental school personal statement example #5, dental school personal statement example #6, dental school personal statement example #7, dental school personal statement example #8, dental school personal statement example #9, dental school personal statement example #10.

  • Starting too late. Getting your personal statement right requires multiple edits and revisions. If you start working on your statement too late, you risk running out of time for proper revisions and edits, leaving a rushed, sub-par statement. Remember, your personal statement is a direct reflection of who you are as a person, and who you'll become as a dentist. It's not something that can be, nor should be rushed.
  • Showing instead of telling, for example, saying “I'm a great listener” instead of demonstrating that you're a great listener through real examples in your essay.
  • Focusing on too many experiences. In general, it's best to discuss 2-3 experiences in your personal statement. You should be able to discuss each experience in-depth, and reflect on what you learned from a particular experience. Too many experiences crammed in doesn't allow you to really expand on each experience and doesn't provide an in-depth analysis of how this experience was transformative on your path to becoming a dentist.
  • Listing information that's already found in your application materials. Your personal statement is not a list, instead, it should be a story of your journey to dentistry.
  • Jumping around in time. Your personal statement should be in chronological order, beginning with your initial interest in dentistry and evolving to your absolution that dentistry is the right career path for you. Jumping around in time makes for a disjointed essay that will come across as confusing to admissions committee members. In addition, you want to ensure that you utilize strong transitional sentences, as these tie together paragraphs and aid in the overall flow of your essay.
  • Spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. Mistakes and errors in your personal statement are harmful because they tell admissions committees that you're not detail-oriented, you rushed your statement and because of that, you don't really care about it, or their program. Ensure your statement is reviewed multiple times, ideally with a professional's help, to ensure your essay puts your best foot forward and is free from any spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.
  • Boasting. While you can certainly highlight a few key accomplishments in your statement, such as finishing at the top of your class or raising money for a good cause, it's important that you are tactful in how you phrase your accomplishments. You always want to be humble, and think about what an achievement means to you and why. Lastly, it's a good idea to reflect on what you learned from your achievements and how that can translate in your career as a dentist.

While the majority of your personal statement should be about you - your experiences and how they relate to your decision to pursue dentistry, you can certainly include information relating to another person. For example, you could mention a family member's struggle with a disease, a patient's story, or a conversation with a dentist. As long as you circle back to why this story is significant in your pursuit of dentistry, what you learned from the experience or even how an experience changed your point of view.

Your personal statement must adhere to the ADEA's character count of 4500 characters, including spaces. However, this doesn't mean that you must include this many characters. As long as your essay is below the count, it's most important that you focus on creating a powerful, in-depth essay that proves to the admissions committee why you want to be a dentist and why you would be suitable for a career in this field, then it's perfectly acceptable.

Your personal statement is one of the most important aspects of your entire dental school application. It will serve as your introduction to admissions committees – letting them know who you are a person, who you are as a candidate, and essentially, that you're suitable for a career in dentistry. A poorly crafted personal statement can result in rejection from dental school, so it's essential that your statement is both engaging and memorable to secure you an invitation to interview.

No, remember, this information will be included elsewhere in your application, so it's not suitable to include this in your personal statement.

  • Brainstorm ideas.
  • Create an outline.
  • Focus on body paragraphs first using a maximum of 3 experiences.
  • Ensure you SHOW what you learned (don’t tell) by using examples.
  • Write your conclusion.
  • Write your introduction last.
  • Attention-grabbing introduction: Not just a thesis statement, but something interesting to draw the reader in, like a quote or a story.
  • Transitions: These should lead from one paragraph to the next, creating flow. Use linking words such as however, additionally, also, next, etc.
  • Strong examples: This way you are showing, not telling.
  • Clear and direct language: Your language does not have to be fancy, what's most important is that it's easy to read and follow. For example, “utilize” is one of the most over-used words in academic essays and “use” works just as well.
  • Conclusion: This should summarize your main points, but also leave the reader with a compelling closing sentence that makes them want to find out more about you. For example, include a call back to your opening anecdote and highlight how far you have come.

Dental school personal statement editing, just like medical school personal statement editing , is very important. Begin by writing the BEST first draft you can and then begin your edit. Don’t write something of average quality, half-done, or way over the character limit. Trying to work from these copies will only create confusion and delays. Next, you should read your essay out loud to yourself sentence by sentence to ensure it flows well and to catch any grammatical errors. Each sentence should be contributing to the overall point. If you find yourself repeating your thoughts in multiple forms, think about paring your sentences down. Quality is more important than quantity.

Next, repeat this process 2-3 times. Resist the urge to keep tinkering over and over again. There are multiple strong ways to word sentences and express your thoughts. There are probably even multiple experiences you could highlight and have an equally strong personal statement. However, obsessing over each sentence and word once you have written a strong statement will just lead to changing too many things, delays, you feeling nervous, and sometimes even a weaker essay than you started with!

Yes, you can definitely mention experiences in your personal statement that are non-academic or not related to dentistry. A strong experience to mention should be one that taught you important skills and that influenced your decision to pursue dentistry. Personal experiences can also have a strong influence on which profession you pursue, so you can definitely mention non-academic experiences.

It’s certainly normal to want input from others when we are crafting personal statements. A strong reviewer is one who has experience and expertise with professional school applications and has helped other students before. For example, someone with an advanced degree like a practicing dentist or other professional. Even though you may feel tempted to ask friends and family, you may want to refrain from this, as they are often invested in your success and may find it hard to be objective.

Try to find someone who does not know you so well so they can give objective guidance. The other thing you want to avoid is having “too many chefs in the kitchen.” Too many different people reviewing your statement is only going to pull it in too many different directions, ultimately leading to confusion and even more delays. And again, some students might feel more comfortable using a dental school admissions consulting service for this aspect of their application.

Just like you would address this during an interview, your statement can address areas of concern by following these steps:

  • Take responsibility.
  • Explain mitigating factors.
  • Don't make excuses.
  • Share strategies for what you learned and how you would avoid a situation like this in the future. 
  • Make sure you end on a positive or proactive note.

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Yutika Maharaj

Hi there Do you have any sample personal statements for a foreign trained dentist applying to ADEA PASS and ADEA CAAPID. Thanks

BeMo Academic Consulting

Hi Yutika! Thanks for your comment. As an international applicant, your personal statement should follow the same structure and contain pertinent info about yourself and your application. Use these samples to construct your own, unique narrative!

It is remarkable, very good information

Thanks, Code!

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Dentistry Personal Statement Examples

Last updated: 05/10/2022

  • Is Medicine Right for Me?
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  • The Daily Life of a Doctor
  • How to apply to medical school
  • Different Routes into Medicine
  • Factors to Consider
  • Medicine at Oxford and Cambridge
  • Your Fifth UCAS Choice
  • Getting Your Grades
  • Extra-curricular Activities
  • What is the UCAT?
  • Preparing for Your UCAT Test Day
  • After Your UCAT
  • BioMedical Admissions Test (BMAT)
  • Work Experience and Dental Schools
  • NHS Work Experience
  • Personal Statement
  • Medicine PS Examples
  • Dentistry PS Examples
  • UCAS References
  • Medical and Dental School Interviews
  • Multiple Mini Interviews (MMIs)
  • Medical School Interview Questions
  • Dental School Interview Questions
  • Graduate Entry Courses
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  • International students
  • Taking a Gap Year
  • Medicine in Australia and NZ
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  • Other Roles in Healthcare
  • What Our "Plan B" Looked Like
The personal statement is changing to a series of free text questions for 2026 entry onwards, however it remains unchanged for 2025 entry. Keep an eye on our live updates page for guidance on these changes.

Writing a dentistry personal statement that you’re proud of is hard.

Many students struggle to boil down their skills and experiences to just 4,000 characters and it is tricky to know where to focus. 

Example statements are a great way to gain this insight.

In this article, we cover the following:

  • Strong and weak dentistry personal statements 
  • A breakdown of other peoples’ successes and mistakes
  • Ideas for what to include in your own personal statement 

Once you've read this, check out dental interview questions to build on what you've learnt.

For an overview of personal statement writing, read our Personal Statement Guide for Medical and Dental Schools . This is essential reading and goes further than just examples!

Strong personal statement example

“I first became interested in studying dentistry between the ages of 12 and 15, when I visited my local dentist frequently to get my braces checked and tightened. 

I talked with her at length about the nature of her job and was struck by the huge impact she could have on the people she met daily. 

She actively improved the quality of life of every patient she encountered, and had to astutely apply scientific principles in a social setting in order to make patients feel at ease and achieve the best results. I was truly inspired by this experience and decided to investigate dentistry as a career.

In order to deepen my insight into the profession I carried out a week’s work experience in a local dental hospital. I saw how dentists of every stage were keen to learn, constantly assessing their performance and striving to improve. 

This drove home the importance of self-awareness and constant reflection, but also introduced me to the idea of lifelong learning which is something I find particularly attractive. 

During this placement I also took my first look inside a patient’s mouth and observed dentists constructing bridges, veneers and crowns. This exposed me to the aesthetic side of dentistry - a dentist not only aims to alleviate pain but can engage with the more cosmetic aspect of healthcare, something that most medical specialties cannot match. 

I organised a number of work experience placements in local dental surgeries, and throughout my shadowing was struck by the bonds dentists formed with their patients. They often had to utilise great communication skills and empathy to calm down or reassure anxious patients, and they worked hard to build up a rapport with everyone who entered the surgery. This encouraged patients to attend checkups more frequently and be more open about their worries, thereby improving the quality of care they received. 

As a result of my reflection on these experiences, I took up weekly volunteering in a local care home and reading to children in the dental hospital. These opportunities helped me become a far better communicator, as many of the residents of the care home were elderly or suffered from dementia meaning I had to adopt different visual or verbal strategies to get my message across. Many of the young patients in the dental hospital felt lonely and nervous, and by empathising with them I was able to help them relax and focus on the positives.

Outside academia, I play water polo and run in my school’s athletic team. Both of these sports have helped me become a better team player and I’ve learned that you can always achieve the best results by working efficiently in a team rather than going it alone. 

I am a particularly ambitious sportsperson and I’ve received the Most Valuable Player award in my waterpolo league for three years running, and have been a captain for four. 

As a captain, I am a decisive leader; In the heat of a match it’s important for me to make snap decisions and for my teammates to trust me. However, out of the pool I take every view into account and try to make sure that everyone has been heard and feels involved. 

I also try to identify the strengths and weaknesses of everyone in the team - myself included - so that we can play to our strengths in matches and work on our weaknesses in training.  

I think that the ambition, teamwork and leadership I’ve demonstrated through my sports will serve me well as a dentist, allowing me to work efficiently with others while constantly striving to improve personally. My participation in these sports has also allowed me to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Becoming a dentist would allow me to have a truly positive effect on the people I work with, while also challenging me and ensuring I’m always learning and improving. I believe that my work experience, volunteering and extracurricular activities have provided me with the skills and insight necessary to become an empathetic and effective dentist.”

Strong personal statement analysis

This example displays many characteristics of a good personal statement. 

  • Well structured.
  • The candidate comes across as well-rounded and motivated, without appearing arrogant.
  • There are some minor areas that could be improved, but overall we think that this personal statement would impress university assessors.


  • The introduction uses an anecdote to illustrate the candidate’s interest in dentistry. This is a good way to show how your interest in dentistry might have started, but it wouldn’t be suitable to write that you decided to apply to dentistry simply because you liked seeing your dentist as a child. The candidate doesn’t fall into this trap, and makes sure to highlight that this experience only inspired them to do further investigation into the career.
  • The candidate goes on to describe how they deepened their insight in the main body paragraph, adding cohesiveness.
  • The candidate also demonstrates some good insight into dentistry by discussing the unique blend of social skills and scientific knowhow required by dentists.

Main body paragraphs 

  • Variety - the candidate’s three main body paragraphs discuss some of their work experience placements, volunteering roles and extracurricular interests. 
  • Quality over quantity - they focus far more on individual experiences while going into more detail, and avoiding lists (although they witnessed a huge number of things during a week of work experience, they choose to focus on a couple of key experiences).
  • Insight - the statement demonstrates insight into the profession on multiple occasions. They talk about the prominence of lifelong learning, the aesthetic/cosmetic side of dentistry, and how building a rapport with patients can lead to better outcomes.

Re-read the example, consider how the candidate: 

  • Reflects on their experiences 
  • Built on their experience
  • Demonstrates relevant skills
  • Demonstrates that they are ready for the challenges inherent in dentistry


  • Short, brief, and succinct. It doesn’t introduce any new information.
  • The candidate doesn’t really speak enough about why they chose to study dentistry over medicine. They mention the dual focus on health and cosmetics, but could mention some other factors as well - for example, the fact that dentistry is more specialised from the start of the degree than medicine.
  • They could show some more awareness of current news in the dental world.
  • The candidate could also speak a little more about the challenges dentists face in the workplace and how they would cope.
  • Discussion of paid employment would also have been beneficial.
Find more in-depth advice, tips and examples in our Personal Statement Course .

Weak personal statement example

“Dentistry has fascinated me from a very early age, as to me it seems like the perfect combination of practical and mental challenges. This has become even stronger since my brother found work as a dentist, having recently graduated from manchester University.

For the past 4 years, I’ve been looking after a local elderly lady who sometimes struggles to go shopping or carry out her daily tasks. This has helped me appreciate the satisfaction one can gain from helping others, and inspired me to pursue a career which will allow me to improve the lives of those around me - like dentistry!

As a result of my interest in medicine, I studied biology, physics and maths at A-Level. 

I’ve also carried out a variety of work experience placements over the years. During my GCSEs, I spent a week volunteering in a local NHS surgery, which exposed me to some of the challenges dentists face; they were often overworked, and had to deal with frustrated and anxious patients on a daily basis. 

I really enjoyed this experience, so I decided to take on another two week block at a dental hospital . While I was there, I shadowed receptionists, helping them to book appointments and organise the dentists’ timetables. I also managed to see dentists make diagnoses and watch a huge range of different dental procedures, from regular checkups to fillings and root canals. I spent time in the in-house dental laboratory, and was taken through the construction of veneers, crowns and bridges. I was also able to shadow dentists over a whole day in their life, seeing the admin and meetings they had to trudge through on top of the more exciting clinical work.

In my free time I enjoy playing the violin and listening to music. I am also a dedicated member of a number of sports teams, including basketball, tennis and hockey. I am proficient at both individual and team sports, showing that I can work well with others, but also self-motivate and set my own targets. 

I also enjoy watching films and socialising with my friends. More recently, I’ve really enjoyed keeping up with current dental news by reading the Journal of Dental Research and my brother’s old copies of the British Dental Journal.

Looking to the future, my great ambition is to work within the dentistry profession, where I believe I could have a really positive impact on the lives of the patients I work with. 

My work experience has set me up well to succeed, and I feel I have the desire and commitment to stick the course and become a successful yet empathetic dentist”

Weak personal statement example analysis

  • Likely not to score well
  • It isn’t nearly long enough (2520 characters) 
  • It hasn’t been proofread and contains errors
  • Did the candidate genuinely want to study dentistry from a young age? If it is true, it implies that they made this important decision based on an emotional impulse as a child.
  • Being inspired to go into dentistry just because your sibling did is also not recommended. Just because it was right for them doesn’t make it right for you. 
  • The mention of helping an elderly neighbour is good, but too brief. This is a great experience to reflect on and use to demonstrate both your motivations to study dentistry and your suitability for a caring role.
  • At no point in the statement does the candidate explain why another caring profession wouldn’t be just as suitable for them. 
  • There’s no mention of anything particularly specific to dentistry.

Main body paragraphs

  • The first paragraph follows a list, with the candidate demonstrating that they have a real range of work experience placements (which is good) but without going into sufficient detail.
  • There is very little reflection throughout these paragraphs. The candidate clearly has a good breadth of experience but can’t really explain anything they learned from it.
  • They demonstrate very few relevant skills throughout the statement. They should talk more about how each experience they’ve had has improved them, either by helping them develop or demonstrate key skills that dentists need. Then, they should explain why dentists need these skills in the first place. 
  • Describing the dentist’s admin and meetings as a ‘trudge’ and clinics as ‘exciting’ isn’t wise. This may be the case, but the reality is that dentists do spend a lot of their time writing notes, filling out paperwork and liaising with other healthcare professionals. If you find this particularly boring you either won’t be able to handle the job in the first place, or you’ll cut corners and thereby put patients at risk.
  • There’s no mention of the importance of a work-life balance when talking about how they relax.
  • It is crucial not to lie in your personal statement. It is possible that they do 'really enjoy' reading dental journals, but it is likely that your interviewers will latch onto this and quiz you repeatedly on it. 

However, it is worth mentioning the things these main body paragraphs do well:

  • There is some reflection on the challenges faced by dentists, which will reassure the assessors that the candidate does have some insight and can reflect on their experiences.
  • The candidate discusses the skills they demonstrated through their sports which is exactly the right thing to do. The only thing they’re missing is a linking of this to dentistry.
The Ultimate Guide to Studying Dentistry in the UK
  • Remains brief and concise while summarising the rest of the statement and finishing with a strong, confident claim. 
  • It is better to show “desire and commitment” to the profession earlier in the statement before introducing it in the conclusion. 
  • Saying that work experience will set you up well for a career in dentistry is simply not true. Watching a couple of weeks’ worth of dental procedures will not make you a better dentist later in life. It is the reflection on those experiences that assessors are looking for.

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Dental School Personal Statement Examples

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Applying to dental school can feel daunting enough, let alone when you need to start your statement, but we're here to help you every step of the way. Inspira’s dental school personal statement database gives you an inside scoop on what top statements look like and offers inspiration to create a personal statement that stands out to the admissions office!

How Does the Dental School Personal Statement Examples Database Work?

To access our database, all you have to do is provide your name and a valid email address. Once you’ve done that, you’ll have access to +15 unique and successful dental school personal statement samples from the country's top schools. Whether you’re just beginning or working on your conclusion and don’t know how to bring your story full circle, this resource will benefit you.

Tips for Ensuring Your Statement is Impactful

Simply provide your first and last names and a valid email address to access our database.

Once submitted, you'll gain access to our successful vet school personal statement samples—a valuable resource to guide you in writing your own statement.

Take a look through our database and use these examples to create a personal statement that stands out to the admissions office!

Tips for Ensuring Your Statement is Impactful 

1. show, don't just tell.

Rather than simply listing your strengths or great qualities, demonstrate them through concrete examples and anecdotes. Show how you've applied your skills in situations, how you’ve grown from an experience and how these experiences have shaped your journey toward dental school.

2. Emphasize Your Distinctive Perspective

Within your personal statement, highlight what makes you stand out. Your first step is identifying your special qualities, experiences, or perspectives that will differentiate you from other applicants. Allow the admissions committee to get to know you on a human level.

3. Explicitly Address “Why Dentistry”

You must clearly articulate to the admissions committee why you want to become a dentist. Speak to the specific aspects that inspire you. This could look like providing comprehensive patient care, advancing dental research, or even advocating for equitable access to oral health to an underserved community or group.

Here are frequently asked questions about dental school personal statements.

1. What Should Be Included In A Dental School Personal Statement?

A dental school personal statement should explain why you are passionate about dentistry. It should also highlight relevant experiences demonstrating your readiness, understanding of the profession, and personal qualities that make you a strong candidate.

2. How Do Personal Experiences Enhance A Dental School Application?

Your personal experiences enhance a dental school application by demonstrating your commitment, responsibility, and passion. They provide concrete, authentic examples of your skills, character, and readiness for the challenges of dental school.

3. How Long Should A Dental School Personal Statment Be?

Your dental school personal statement should be double-spaced, one page long, and not exceeding 4,500 characters. It should give dental schools a clear understanding of who you are outside of the numbers and statistics.

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Dentistry personal statements

Dentistry students

On this page you'll find a collection of real personal statements written by students applying to study dentistry and related courses at university.

These personal statements are written by real students - don't expect them all to be perfect! But by reading through a few of these samples, you'll be able to get some ideas and inspiration for your own personal statement. 

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Successful Personal Statement For Dentistry At King’s College London

Last Updated: 8th April 2020

Author: Adi Sen

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Welcome to our popular Personal Statement series where we present a successful Personal Statement, and our Oxbridge Tutors provide their feedback on it. 

Today, we are looking through a Dentistry applicant’s Personal Statement that helped secure a place at King’s College London, Birmingham and Aston University. The Dentistry Course at KCL combines the latest thinking in dental education with early clinical experience.

Read on to see how this candidate wrote a Personal Statement that demonstrates the qualities to work in a clinical environment. 

Here’s a breakdown of the Personal Statement:


The universities this candidate applied to were the following:


Enrolling on our Dentistry comprehensive Programme will give you access to Personal Statement redrafts. 

With our  Dentistry Premium Programme, your tutor will give you regular actionable feedback with insider tips on how to improve and make your Personal Statement top-quality for the best chances of success.  

Discover our Premium Programmes today to learn how you can enrol and triple your chances of success.  

Dentistry Personal Statement

Everyone has the right to a good smile. A smile can have a major effect on a person’s self-esteem, confidence and happiness. It would give me great satisfaction being able to have a positive effect on a patient’s quality of life by being able to influence these and many more factors. Dentistry as a prospective career path has always been a very appealing profession because I am interested in caring for people and also enjoy the creativity involved with the profession.

My work experience has further fuelled my desire to study dentistry, because it has shown me how rapidly expanding the dental sector which allows continuous learning. I have worked at Smiledent Dental Practice where I shadowed the dentists and the dental nurses. This experience has highlighted the importance between the balance of leadership and teamwork required to achieve the best treatment for the patients and the efficient running of a dental practice. Furthermore, I witnessed the need to gain the trust of the patient and build a patient-dentist relationship, to allow for a smooth successful treatment.

Apart from a dental practice, I have also volunteered at Haselbury Junior School organising activities for young children at an afterschool club for three months. Working with young children taught me to adapt my communication skills, using simple vocabulary and body language. During this time, it also gave me a sense of care and responsibility towards the children. This motivated me to work with people at the opposite end of the age spectrum. I therefore volunteered at The Haven Day Centre which was a humbling yet valuable experience. I enjoyed being a pillar of support to the elderly trying to entertain them and it was a warming experience to witness their joy.

Moreover, I have regularly attended St John Ambulance Cadets for the past three years. I am now a senior member in the division teaching younger peers first aid thoroughly enjoying the additional responsibility involved in nurturing others.

In addition, I have a keen academic interest. The transmission of diseases, prevention and immunology in Biology, has emphasised to me the significance of hygiene and how rapidly diseases can spread which is vital in the field of dentistry. In Chemistry, I have particularly enjoyed learning about molecular bonding enabling me to understand why particular materials have properties that make them suitable for their job. I have thoroughly enjoyed and flourished in the practical aspects of both subjects. The experiments have allowed me to put into practice/apply the knowledge I have acquired in lessons. Studying mathematics has improved my problem-solving ability acquiring practice to reach answers with a methodical yet flexible approach. In years 9 and 12, I was invited to attend lectures at the London Metropolitan University and the Royal Institution of Mathematics over a series of weekends. As a result, I had the opportunity to study branches of mathematics outside the syllabus which thoroughly challenged me. Additionally, geography has helped develop a creative aspect of academic life. In the human sector, I enjoyed the topic about smoking because it taught me the history and origins of smoking and the widespread effect it has on the body including the gums and teeth.

As part of my research, I have expanded my dental knowledge using several websites to gain extra information. I have been fascinated by crowns and root canal treatments because I am fond of the creativity involved such as choosing tooth colours, shape and material to ensure practicality for the patient and simultaneously rectify tooth damage.

Finally, from my work experience in a dental practice and I believe would thrive in such an environment.

For more inspiration, take a look through our other successful Personal Statement a nalysis articles:

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Download our Free Personal Statement Starter Guide 

Good Points Of The Personal Statement

Clear structure and the student gives good insight into his/her motivation for the study of dentistry as well as providing evidence for his/her personal, professional, and academic development. It becomes very clear that the student is dedicated to the subject and disciplined in the pursuit of his/her goals. Having a good experience from work attachments is a further strong point, demonstrating the student’s enthusiasm for the subject. The student also shows a good range of other achievements and activities that contribute to the overall, very positive, impression of a dedicated and well-rounded individual.

Bad Points Of The Personal Statement

At times, the style of the statement is somewhat unclear. Particularly towards the end, one gets the impression that the student ran either out of space or out of ideas as the different aspects raised in the text are not discussed to their full effect, making them significantly less relevant for the overall quality of the statement. This is particularly a problem with the conclusion which makes little to no sense.

UniAdmissions Overall Score:

An average statement that demonstrates some good and relevant work experience and patient exposure. Unfortunately, the statement is let down by some stylistic weaknesses that reduce the overall strength of the content, at least in some parts.

And there we have it – a King’s College London Dentistry Personal Statement with feedback from our expert tutors. 

Remember, at KCL, the Admissions Tutors are often the people who will be teaching you for the next few years, so you need to appeal directly to them.

Our Free Personal Statement Resources page is filled with even more successful personal statements and expert guides.

Our expert tutors are on hand to help you craft the perfect Personal Statement for your Dentistry application.

With our  Dentistry Premium Programme we help you craft the perfect  Personal   Statement , achieve a highly competitive UCAT and BMAT  score and teach you how to  Interview effectively.

Discover our  Dentistry Premium Programme  by clicking the button below to  enrol and triple your chances of success.

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Personal Statement for Dentistry

A strong personal statement is important for a successful application.

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Some dental schools will use your personal statement as the basis of your interview. Others put less emphasis on its importance. However, it is likely to be used to assess your suitability for the course at some stage.

In addition to your academic capability, it gives you the opportunity to reflect on what you’ve learned from work experience. It demonstrates you have the personal skills required for dentistry.

  • your reasons for applying
  • how your work experience has prepared you for the course and career
  • supporting information, like extra-curricular activities.

You have a limit of 47 lines or 4,000 characters (including spaces). The form will cut off if you go over the limit. Leave room for breaks between paragraphs.

Common mistakes on a personal statement

Try to avoid these mistake commonly made on personal statements.

Say what you learned, not just what you saw or enjoyed. For example:

  • What did you learn about good patient care?
  • How did your experiences challenge your views of the profession?
  • What does this mean for you as a prospective dental professional?

Talk clearly about your experiences to highlight your enthusiasm.

Instead of saying ‘I have always longed to be a dentist’, say ‘I have wanted to be a dentist since I was 11, after my experience of....’

If you don’t know how to express why you want to be a dentist, ask yourself ‘Why not?’

Why do you want to be a dentist and not a doctor? What is the difference between the roles? What does the first role provide that the second doesn’t?

Try to be as specific as you can.

In an example about shadowing, instead of saying 'the dentist’s empathy skills calmed the patient down', be more focused. What did the dentist do specifically? Was it their tone of voice? Or their body language?

Highlight that you understand the realities of dentistry. Words like ‘enlightened’, ‘privileged’ and ‘longed’ are too romantic for a personal statement.

Your statement should follow a logical structure. For example:

  • Firstly, explain why you want to pursue this career
  • Then, highlight how you have prepared with work experience
  • End by showcasing your other skills, hobbies and interests

You don’t need to give the names of specific practitioners, hospitals, practices or procedures. Instead focus on what you learned about the profession and quality patient care.

Give examples of this throughout your personal statement.

Get feedback on your personal statement

As a Newcastle University student or registered recent graduate , you can get feedback on your personal statement from the Careers Service. All our careers consultants have experience of personal statements for dentistry.

The Careers Service does not check grammar or proof read. Please see the Academic Skills Team for advice on using grammar and punctuation. They do not offer a proof reading service.

Book an online or in person guidance appointment via MyCareer , or use the Careers Service drop-in service to get statement feedback.

Further information

  • MedicPortal.com - advice on writing a personal statement for dentistry
  • Dental Schools Council - advice on making an application and personal statements
  • Prospects Dentist profile - includes information on the role and the skills needed to become a dentist. This is useful for when writing a personal statement
  • UCAS - guide on writing a personal statement
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Dentistry Personal Statement Examples – KCL (Emmy)

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Welcome to our collection of Dentistry Personal Statement Examples! We’ve searched far and wide to find personal statements from successful applicants all around the UK and asked them to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of their work for your own inspiration. Today’s subject is from Emmy, who studies Dentistry at King’s College London.

Emmy applied to study Dentistry back in 2021 at four amazing UK Dental Schools, KCL, Queens University Belfast and University of Birmingham and Newcastle University. She received offers from all of them and even received a scholarship from KCL!

UniversityKing’s College LondonQueens University BelfastUniversity of Birmingham Newcastle University
Offer? Yes – with ScholarshipYesYesYes

Let’s read the personal statement that got her a place at KCL, or skip straight to her feedback to learn what made her personal statement a success!

Please be aware that these examples are meant purely for the sake of inspiration, and should absolutely NOT be used as a model around which to base your own personal statement. UCAS have a rather strict system that detects plagiarism .

KCL Dentistry Personal Statement Example

Whole personal statement.

There is a certain delight in being naturally curious. Yet this got me in trouble as a child, from asking too many questions to fidgeting to keep my hands busy. In an attempt to nurture my inquisitive character while suppressing my desire to dismantle furniture, I was often encouraged to visit the local museum where my fascination with the osteology of an ancient carnivore led to my discovery of the gargantuan carnassial teeth, fuelling my primitive interests in the morphology and function of teeth. As I grew older, reading texts like ‘The Health Gap’ fired a passion to engage in the ordeals of social justice and the issue of poor oral health within the NHS, developing my first taste of what would become a fascination with dentistry.

Witnessing the inner workings of NHS practices in areas of high dental need over a week was eye-opening. The sheer variety of cases piqued my interest; allowing me to realise that dentistry is both a stimulating and demanding vocation that is in turn, highly rewarding. The attention to detail taken while placing a filling highlighted that dentistry requires a substantial level of manual dexterity as well as precision and flair. Heading the Dental Society hones these skills, practising needlework to develop dexterity and discussing pertinent dental cases to increase exposure to the field. The fitting of a CEREC crown during a one week placement at a cosmetic practice opened my eyes to technological advancements in the field, prompting further research into possible future innovations.

Completing a Discover Dentistry course placed what I had learnt in dental practice into the wider context of public dental health issues. A culmination of these valuable experiences highlighted that both the beauty and triviality of dentistry lie in the nature of a simple smile; an often overlooked hallmark of social interaction. Shadowing dentists over two weeks during the Goodwill Ambassador Programme offered a striking contrast to previous placements, broadening the parameters of dentistry as a profession that is not only restorative or aesthetic but potentially life saving. While observing the care of a trigeminal neuralgia patient, I was truly able to value the importance of patient autonomy and trust; further affirming that dentistry truly touches lives on a massive scale.

Working as part of a multidisciplinary team in a dental hospital highlighted the level of effective communication required in the profession, urging me to draw parallels while managing the Debate Society at college. The methodical nature of the surgical team under the oral surgeon’s guidance while treating a motor vehicle trauma patient was provoking. Besides the need for efficient communication, it was clear to me that leadership and management skills were vital; skills that I too, have developed through the Silver DofE Award and leading my team through Young Enterprise. Being a scholarship recipient constantly pushes the horizons of my academic abilities, nurturing my thirst for knowledge and fuelling rigorous self-motivation.

Beyond academia, I lead a local charity tutoring disadvantaged children which has given me a deep grounding in community work; stressing the significance of continued community care as well as the values of patience and trust when working with children. Being awarded Best Speaker at the Welsh Debating Championships and being invited to speak at the MDA Awards has fostered an articulate character with the ability to think quickly; making critical decisions under tremendous pressure.

Looking back, it was my curious nature towards the world around me that drove me to explore a career in such a complex and multifaceted field. Grasping every experience extended to me with the same open-minded perspective has encouraged me to constantly broaden the frontiers of my perception of dentistry; a vocation that is highly challenging yet calls to me as one that will fulfil my desire to truly make a difference in society.

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KCL Dentistry Personal Statement Example Analysis

Now, let’s go section by section and see what Emmy has to say about what she wrote:  



I have made sure to be really personal in the introduction, something I felt is really key to the opening of your personal statement – it may seem obvious but it isn’t easy to do. I have drawn on my own experiences and related them to the curiosity and fascination I developed with teeth. My use of humour in the opening sentences, is something I really wanted to convey as I wanted to show the universities I was applying to the type of person I am. 

For an introduction, it is likely on the longer sider and there might have been ways to shorten it so that I had more characters to use later in my personal statement but I wasn’t able to cut it down. 

Paragraph 1

Work experience is an essential part of a Dentistry application, so mentioning that I have done some was something I wanted to get into my personal statement. As well, I have mentioned some hobbies and extracurriculars that I do that directly relate to the skills required to be a dentist – e.g., doing needlework to help with manual dexterity.  

It reads a little disjointed. I mentioned my work experience, then being part of the Dental Society, then doing needlework, before going back to talking about my work experience. With a restructure, this would’ve flown better than it currently does and not seem so disjointed. I also should have spoken more about the overall value I gained from my work experience rather than mentioning somethings that I saw. 

Paragraph 2

The intention of this paragraph was to showcase my active interest in Dentistry and that I am taking steps to nurture this by completing courses and programmes. I have talked about the value and importance of patient autonomy and trust which are key concepts in Dentistry, so I wanted to get across that I am aware of this and have been considering them. 

When talking about the Discover Dentistry course, I mention “a culmination of these valuable experiences,” but I don’t actually discuss what these experiences were and why they had such a profound effect on me. Looking back, it would have been far more beneficial to have done so. 

Paragraph 3

I have managed to relate what I witnessed during my work experience to my own experiences. The way I saw the dental team working together and communicating together showed me just how vital a skill it is, and used it to mention my Duke of Edinburgh Award and how it has developed my communication skills. 

Perhaps the final sentence about being a scholarship recipient isn’t entirely relevant here, or at all, and would have been better to have removed it to allow me some additional characters to use elsewhere. 

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Paragraph 4

Understanding and being a part of your community is a big part of being a dentist; knowing this, I have related it to charity work I have done to show that it is a value important to me. As well, having taken part in a debating championship means that I am very articulate, which is so important when working as a dentist.

Again, as I have in previous paragraphs I possibly have focussed too much on mentioning an experience I have had without going into any real depth about what it meant to me and how it has impacted me. 

What I feel is important with a conclusion, and is what I have done, is linked it back to the introduction. By tying in that thread about my curious nature it makes the whole thing come full circle and makes it feel cohesive. 

My final sentence is very cliched, which would’ve been better to avoid as the admissions teams would have heard it all before. At sometimes it does read as though I have swallowed a thesaurus to try and make myself sound more sophisticated – this really wasn’t needed.  

Final Thoughts

Well, I must’ve done something right to get four offers and a scholarship! What I really wanted to make sure of was that I got across my own experiences, and they have fostered my dream to pursue Dentistry. As well, I feel I have been personal which is a skill people often struggle with, and friends of mine found difficult when we were writing our statements. Overall I am overwhelmingly happy with my personal statement. 

I definitely could’ve been a lot more concise in places which would have allowed me to go into more depth about my work experience and the value I gained from it. The only thing I think I would probably change looking back might be seeing if could shorten my introduction as it is a bit longer than is necessary. 

So there you have it! This personal statement helped Emmy get 4/4 offers in her application!

Everyone has different experiences and abilities, so you may not be able to relate to everything that was said in this personal statement. However, the information and advice provided by Emmy is universal and will help any applicant write a better personal statement!  

Be sure to check out more Medicine Personal Statement Analyses to see advice from all different kinds of applicants, including Ali Abdaal himself! Or if you want to get started on your own statement, check out 6med’s Medicine Mastery Bundle for all the support and resources you’ll ever need for your whole application.

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Dentistry personal statement example (international student).

I have always felt that we, as humans, have an inborn desire to want to help others. Having been raised amongst doctors, this passion has blossomed into a responsibility I am beginning to understand, through my choice of studies and extra curricula.

I believe dentistry is my permanent source of satisfaction, providing the best of professional, and personal aspects of life. Today, dentists do more than drill and fill their patients' teeth; they improve the quality of life of people through diagnosis, treatment and prevention of oral diseases and conditions involving teeth and surrounding tissues.

The statement, 'as long as people will have mouths, people will need dentists' highlights how a dentist is an imperative necessity of the society and has convinced me to pursue dentistry as a means of serving the community.

To gain an insight into the real world of dentistry I joined the dental unit in a private hospital. Here, I observed many procedures including Root Canal Treatment. Collaboration with staff and interaction with patients proved fascinating. The idea of how dentists give patients from all walks of life a confident smile, and forge a close bond with them over time impressed me.

Moreover, shadowing inspirational figures such as my Aunt, who taught me the fine traits of a dentist; a dentist I worked with; and reading successful dentists' interviews online has enlightened me to the commitment required, likewise, the challenges which lie ahead. Knowing I am capable, as reflected by my academic achievements, my fervour to fulfil my ambition as dentist has intensified - with no trace of doubt in my mind.

I worked in my school canteen as an accountant; I was then promoted to a manager and was the first student to become one. As manager I had to multitask: train employees, delegate work, command and monitor my subordinates despite their seniority, tackle pressure, make quick decisions, accommodate customers and respond to complaints.

Handling canteen matters alongside attending lessons taught me time management which will help me become an efficient dentist. In addition, I worked at a preschool with children from a myriad of countries. Among them was a disabled child.

This taught me to be unprejudiced, appreciate diversity and enhanced my interactive skills, which are essential as dentistry is a social practice. I also volunteered at a charity art exhibition which aided my communication skills, and ability to follow orders.

As for extracurricular activities, athletics has played a major role in my life. It has aided my fitness, stamina, eye to hand co-ordination, reflexes to varied stimuli and ability to rise up to challenges. Individual activities have promoted my independence, whereas team sports have enhanced my teamwork and interpersonal skills.

In addition, captainship has boosted my leadership and organisational skills as well as sense of responsibility and discipline.

To counter the stress from studies, I engage myself in card games which have developed my strategic thinking.

I also listen to music, watch TV, socialise with my friends, bake and read. Frequent hand stitching and clay modelling have improved my precision and manual dexterity considerably, which are vital since dentistry encompasses an artistic flair.

Besides admiring England's education and greenery, completing my studies in the country where my schooling initially began would be an honour beyond words. Due to my father's job in Riyadh, I wasn't able to continue; now is my chance. My Irish nationality has facilitated my annual visits to the UK and familiarity to the country; hence, moving will be a smooth transition. I believe my dedication to my future career, coupled with my skills and attributes will help me adapt to university life and guarantee me success in this demanding profession.

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This personal statement was written by hirakay for application in 2010.

hirakay's Comments

I got 3 interview calls for Dentistry, plus an interview for bio chem engineering.

This personal statement is unrated

Related Personal Statements

That's brilliant, how did you.

Fri, 24/09/2010 - 00:28

That's brilliant, how did you manage to write it?=)

Probably one of the best

Wed, 29/09/2010 - 23:29

Probably one of the best personal statements I have ever read. Very eloquent, straight-forward, and well-written.

wow, I am only left with one

Sat, 28/07/2012 - 00:40

wow, I am only left with one word after reading this statement...perfection

this is by far the best

Fri, 27/09/2013 - 14:32

this is by far the best personal statement i have read...it just flows amazingly well!!

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You'll need great grades and a spot-on personal statement to catch the eye of a dental school and nab an interview for a place on one of these demanding courses. The good news is the schools themselves are pretty open about what they're looking for from a dentistry personal statement. For more advice about studying dentistry, see our dentistry subject guide .

Motivation and commitment

As the University of Liverpool's dental school says: 'applicants must demonstrate motivation and commitment to a career in dentistry'. So how can you achieve this?

One way is to explain what first attracted you to dentistry, and what, as the University of Manchester puts it, 'has sustained or confirmed this choice'.

The University of Sheffield's dental school wants you to demonstrate your knowledge of the profession, what attracts you to it, and that you’ve researched the possible career opportunities. Be honest about what's fuelling your ambitions (ideally that you're driven by the impact you can have on society at large, rather than the earning potential).

As well as evidence of your commitment to the profession, King’s wants you to demonstrate a 'realistic appreciation of the academic, physical, and emotional demands of a dental degree programme and career', bringing us nicely on to…

Dental experience

Before you apply, you need to have made efforts to gain an insight into the profession through work experience or observation, especially in general dental practice. As for where and how much, here’s how some dental schools view it:

  • Dundee and Cardiff don’t specify how much, but both expect you to take every opportunity to gain as much as you can.
  • Sheffield expects it to be in a general dental practice.
  • Liverpool says it should preferably be in a dental practice or hospital 'and preferably in more than one establishment'.
  • Bristol ideally wants you to have experienced various fields of dentistry, such as general practice, hospital, community or laboratory.
  • Manchester wants you to have had at least two weeks' experience or observation in general practice, and to state how much in your statement. If you also have additional experience in a specialist area of dentistry, all the better.
  • King’s adds that if you’ve been unable to observe in a dental establishment then, at the very least, they want you to reflect on any work experience you’ve had in a caring environment or in another setting where you’ve interacted with the general public. But clearly, they would also then expect you to demonstrate your knowledge of dentistry in other ways in your statement.

Of course, it won’t be enough just to say you’ve had the experience. What matters is that you write about it in a way that demonstrates the insight you’ve gained into the role of a dentist and, as Cardiff describes it, 'an understanding of the demands of dental training and practice'.

So, within your 47 lines, outline the breadth and duration of the experience you’ve had but, even more importantly, describe what you’ve learned from it. To do this, it might be best to focus on the highlights and the key things you gained – tutors would rather read about what you learned from observing one filling than a list of all the procedures you saw. What counts is the quality of your observations and how they’ve influenced your understanding.

Note that both King’s and Cardiff mention an awareness of the demands of the degree as well as the career – research dentistry courses in our search tool  and get to an open day .

Leadership and non-academic achievements

Most dental schools also want to read something about you as a person and your extracurricular interests. Be selective and prioritise what you think is paramount.

  • Reflect on anything that genuinely shows strong teamwork and leadership qualities, like your part-time job, sport, drama, Duke of Edinburgh Award, positions of responsibility, or whatever you do that showcases them.
  • Demonstrate self-motivation through significant ongoing commitment to school, college or community activities, volunteering, charity work, sports teams, mentoring, and so on.
  • Show you have a range of hobbies and interests too, you can manage your time well alongside your studies, you’re well-read, well-rounded, and know how to relax when you take a break from studying.
  • Show your caring attitude, a sense of social responsibility, courtesy, an interest in people and their welfare, or the ability to reassure people and put them at ease.
  • Demonstrate effective communication and that you can explain complex information simply and coherently.
  • Demonstrate logic, independent thought, goal-setting, problem-solving, organisation, reliability, conscientiousness, and that you’re up for a challenge.

Give them a glimpse of you as a person, what you enjoy doing, and what you feel passionate about or excel at.

Manual dexterity

Dentistry admissions tutors also need to feel confident that you have the necessary fine motor skills to perform intricate tasks.

There are some subtle ways to convince them about this in your personal statement – mentioning your active involvement in arts and crafts, playing an instrument, model-making, maintaining your car or bike, or whatever else you do that requires good coordination and attention to detail.

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Completing the UCAS form

All applications are coordinated by the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS).

There is lots of helpful information about submitting your application available on the  UCAS website . 

Our UCAS codes are:

  • Five-year Dentistry (BDS) : A206
  • Six-year Dentistry (BDS) with a foundation year : A204
  • Three-year Dental Hygiene and Therapy (BSc)  (combined dental hygiene/dental therapy): B840

Completing your UCAS form

For applicants who are applying to Medicine and Dentistry courses (as well as Oxbridge), the deadline for submitting the UCAS form is the October deadline set by UCAS. We are not able to accept late applications.

The UCAS form is your opportunity to tell us about your current qualifications and how you match up to our published entry criteria. The form needs to be complete and accurate at the point of submission and is assessed as it is received.

All qualifications, including those which are pending and any in which you have been unsuccessful, must be declared. For pending qualifications, a predicted grade from an appropriate educational professional at your current institution of study should be provided.

Please note that we do not normally accept subsequent declarations of additional qualifications or revised predicted grades that are provided to us after the UCAS deadline, so it is important that your form is accurate at the point of submission.

Applicants who meet the minimum academic requirements for dentistry at The University of Manchester progress to the next stage of the selection process.

Personal statement

You will be required to write a personal statement as part of your UCAS application, and this will be seen by the admissions departments for each of your course choices.

At Manchester, we do not usually read the personal statement of a Dentistry applicant that comes to us via UCAS; instead, we ask applicants to complete a  Non-Academic Information Form .

However, we do reserve the right to read any personal statements where appropriate. Any personal statements that we are notified by UCAS as having been identified by the similarity detection service will result in an unsuccessful decision, irrespective of the percentage of similarity detected.

This is likely to be written by your head teacher, college principal or the head of your year/form tutor. If you are not at school, you should approach an academic supervisor whenever possible. A 'character reference' is not sufficient.

We do, however, want to know what the writer of the reference thinks about you as a person, not just about your academic achievements and potential.

We strongly recommend that any mitigating circumstances that may have affected your academic performance or any other aspect of the information contained in the UCAS form should be included in the referee's report. Once we have received an application, we would also expect to be informed of any mitigating circumstances that might occur during the application process. Please contact us for further information on mitigating circumstances.


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    Dentistry personal statements. On this page you'll find a collection of real personal statements written by students applying to study dentistry and related courses at university. These personal statements are written by real students - don't expect them all to be perfect! But by reading through a few of these samples, you'll be able to get ...

  10. Successful Personal Statement For Dentistry At King's College London

    Dentistry Personal Statement. Everyone has the right to a good smile. A smile can have a major effect on a person's self-esteem, confidence and happiness. It would give me great satisfaction being able to have a positive effect on a patient's quality of life by being able to influence these and many more factors.

  11. Dental school personal statements

    Personal statement. Some dental schools will use your personal statement as the basis of your interview. Others put less emphasis on its importance. However, it is likely to be used to assess your suitability for the course at some stage. In addition to your academic capability, it gives you the opportunity to reflect on what you've learned ...

  12. PDF Writing Your Personal Statement

    Your personal statement is the first chance to communicate your true self. Below are some suggestions on how to approach this task and what kinds of topics to address in you statements. Begin by sitting down in a comfortable place and writing; don't worry about fitting it on just one page, just write. Write about who you are, your family ...

  13. PDF A Guide to Writing the Dental School Personal Statement

    By reading this article, you'll receive valuable knowledge regarding the personal statement from interviews conducted with dental school admissions, dental students, and dentists. You'll also learn more about writing strategies for the personal statement, how to stand out, red flags, and what admissions committees are looking for. Methods.

  14. Dentistry Personal Statement Examples

    Dentistry Personal Statement Example 9. From a very early age, I have always wanted to be a healthcare professional because of my love of science and caring nature. I attended a medical school successfully completed my second year of study. I shared my accommodation with dentistry students and I began questioning whether I had made the right ...

  15. Dentistry Personal Statement Example

    This personal statement is unrated. Dentistry is my passion. During a summer abroad, I had the chance to spend time with my uncle, a self-employed dentist, and this was the beginning of my commitment to study such a privileged degree with profound passion. Through this experience, I was able to perceive dentistry as a lifestyle that can enhance ...

  16. Dentistry Personal Statement

    Inspire your Dentistry personal statement with our UCAS examples and learn from previous students who have already applied to university. Order Prospectus; Course Degree Quiz; ... Personal Statement Advice on your statement. Postgraduate Info on postgraduate study. Student Finance Advice on managing finance.

  17. Dentistry Personal Statement Examples

    We've searched far and wide to find personal statements from successful applicants all around the UK and asked them to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of their work for your own inspiration. Today's subject is from Emmy, who studies Dentistry at King's College London. Emmy applied to study Dentistry back in 2021 at four amazing UK ...

  18. Dentistry Personal Statement Example (International Student)

    I got 3 interview calls for Dentistry, plus an interview for bio chem engineering. This personal statement is unrated. I have always felt that we, as humans, have an inborn desire to want to help others. Having been raised amongst doctors, this passion has blossomed into a responsibility I am beginning to understand, through my choice of ...

  19. Dentistry Personal Statement 2

    Example 2 - Inspire your Dentistry personal statement with our UCAS examples and learn from previous students who have already applied to university. Order Prospectus; Course Degree Quiz; ... Personal Statement Advice on your statement. Postgraduate Info on postgraduate study. Student Finance Advice on managing finance.

  20. Dentistry Personal Statement Advice

    Show your caring attitude, a sense of social responsibility, courtesy, an interest in people and their welfare, or the ability to reassure people and put them at ease. Demonstrate effective communication and that you can explain complex information simply and coherently. Demonstrate logic, independent thought, goal-setting, problem-solving ...

  21. Completing the UCAS form

    Applicants who meet the minimum academic requirements for dentistry at The University of Manchester progress to the next stage of the selection process. Personal statement. You will be required to write a personal statement as part of your UCAS application, and this will be seen by the admissions departments for each of your course choices.

  22. Faculty of Dentistry

    Graduates of the Faculty of Dentistry receive the qualification of Doctor of Dentistry. The degree is granted to students after the completion of their 5-year full-time program. About 300 students are admitted annually. The Faculty of Dentistry also provides postgraduate training: internships, residency, PhD and other doctoral programs.

  23. Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry

    In February 1920, when the Kovarsky dental school went under the jurisdiction of Narkomzdrav (the People's Commissariat of Health), the Kovarsky school was transformed into a dental research center by the decision of Narkomzdrav's dental health division in order to bring together all dental care units that existed at the time in different parts of Moscow — a demonstration dispensary, a ...