IELTS Charlie

Your Guide to IELTS Band 7

IELTS Advantages Disadvantages Essay: tips, mistakes, questions & essays

In this lesson we are going to look at how to answer an IELTS Advantages Disadvantages essay.

You will learn about this  IELTS Writing Task 2  essay, using  authentic IELTS essay questions , plus the most common mistakes. And I will finish with an  IELTS model essay  written by me in response to a  sample IELTS essay question . So let’s get started!

What Is Your Task?

In this IELTS question type, you are presented with a situation, a development or a trend. Your task is to discuss the advantages and disadvantages related to this situation, development or trend.

In some tasks, you may also be asked to give an opinion on whether the advantages are more  significant  than the disadvantages. These “outweigh” questions are more common in the IELTS Academic Writing Test, but they can also appear in the IELTS General Training Writing Test.

In many countries, paying for things using mobile phone (cellphone) apps is  becoming increasingly common. 

Does this development have more advantages or more disadvantages? 

Cambridge IELTS 15 General Training Test 4

How To Plan An IELTS Advantages Disadvantages Essay

If you are aiming for a high band score (band 7 and above) it is absolutely vital that you plan your essay. A good plan will help you to see if you have answered the question, developed your ideas and organised them BEFORE you start writing.

We’re going to plan an essay using my  4 Step Planning Process .

4 Step Planning Process

Step 1: Understand The Task

First, you need to make sure you understand exactly what you need to write about. So you need to read the question carefully, not quickly!

Think about these three questions:

What is the topic about?

What is the topic NOT about?

How should you respond to the topic?

Let’s go back to this essay question, and answer those 3 questions:

The topic is about mobile phone payments, such as digital wallets, payment apps like Google Pay and Apple Pay, and QR code payments.

The task is NOT about mobile phone apps in general, so don’t discuss the advantages of mobile phones or mobile apps. The task is specific to payment apps.

The question “does this development have more advantages or more disadvantages?” tells you how to respond to the topic. You simply need to answer that question.

Step 2: Decide Your Position

Next, you need to decide your position. In other words, you need to decide what you think.

In an advantages disadvantages essay, your position is your answer to the question .

So in the example question above, your position is your answer to the question: “does this development (i.e. paying for things using mobile phone apps) have more advantages or more disadvantages?”

Step 3: Extend Your Ideas

When you decided your position, you may have started thinking about the reasons for your position, the reasons for your answer. In other words, WHY are you taking this view?

Giving reasons for your view is essential in an IELTS essay. In fact, all IELTS questions tell you to “give reasons for your answer”. So in Step 3, you need to think about your reasons a little more.

However, just presenting your  reasons is not enough. You need to develop them.

The two best ways of developing your ideas is by:

  • giving explanations of what you mean
  • giving specific examples which illustrate what you mean

Together, these add more detail to your answer.

You MUST do this to get Band 7. If you fail to develop your ideas in detail, your band score for Task Response may be limited to Band 6.

Read more about how to develop your ideas in an IELTS essay.

Step 4: Structure Your Essay

The final step in the planning process is to structure your essay. This simply means deciding which main ideas to put in which paragraphs.

I suggest you use almost exactly the same structure, regardless of whether you are taking the Academic or General Training Test:

  • Paragraph 1: introduction
  • Paragraph 2: discuss  what you think   are  the advantages
  • Paragraph 3: discuss  what you think are  the disadvantages
  • Paragraph 4 (Ac): explain if you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages
  • Paragraph 4 (GT): summarise your views

IELTS advantages disadvantages essay questions are usually on topics where there are both advantages AND disadvantages. In other words, if you argue that there are only advantages, the IELTS examiner might decide your essay lacks balance, and this could limit your band score for Task Response.


How To Write Your IELTS Advantages Disadvantages Essay

Let’s go through how to write the different parts of the essay.

How To Write The Introduction To an IELTS Advantages Disadvantages Essay

In the introduction to an IELTS Advantages Disadvantages essay, you need to do one or two things.

If you are asked “what are the advantages and disadvantages?” , then just briefly introduce the topic of the essay.

If you are asked for an opinion – e.g. “ do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages”, or “does this development have more advantages or more disadvantages?”, then also add a second sentence where you present your answer to this question.

Introduce The Topic

You should begin with a background sentence which introduces your reader to the topic of the essay. The best way to do this is to paraphrase the topic statement.

How To Paraphrase

Think about the meaning of the topic statement, and briefly rewrite it using your own words. Try not to use the same grammatical structures as in the essay question, and try to move language around. In other words, be flexible. This is important if you are aiming for a Band 7 or higher.

In the example essay question above, the topic statement said:

“In many countries, paying for things using mobile phone (cellphone) apps is becoming increasingly common.”

Here is one way of paraphrasing this:

“Purchasing goods with apps on mobile phones has grown in popularity over recent years.”

This sentence has the same general meaning as the original sentence, but uses different vocabulary and different grammatical structures.

How NOT To Paraphrase

When you paraphrase, do NOT just change individual words with synonyms, or you will get some very strange sentences, e.g.

“In a lot of nations, buying items using portable communication software is becoming more customary.”

DON’T DO THIS! It sounds unnatural and can be confusing for your reader.

Give Your Opinion

If you are asked questions like:

  • “do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages”, or
  • “does this development have more advantages or more disadvantages?”

then you are being asked for your opinion, in addition to a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages.

So write a 2nd sentence in which you clearly answer this question. e.g.

“In my view, this development has significant drawbacks overall.”

There’s little point in adding a scope sentence:  “This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this development.” This kind of sentence doesn’t add much to your essay and the language is quite basic.

Just start writing the body.

How To Write The Body Paragraphs

In an IELTS Advantages Disadvantages essay, you need to present the advantages and disadvantages in the body paragraphs.

Write the advantages and disadvantages in separate paragraphs.

Each main body paragraph should contain:

  • An advantage (or disadvantage) – your main idea
  • A more detailed explanation of this
  • An example which illustrates this
  • You can also include a 2nd advantage or 2nd disadvantage in the same paragraph.

This structure is what is meant by developing your ideas, and it is essential for a Band 7.

You can read more about  developing your ideas here .

How To Write The Conclusion

In the conclusion to an IELTS Advantages Disadvantages essay, what you write depends on the question.

If you are asked “what are the advantages and disadvantages?” then just write a summary of your ideas.

If you are asked for your opinion – e.g. “do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?” – then answer this question in the conclusion.

Do NOT write any new ideas in your conclusion. If you think of new ideas while writing your conclusion, forget them! It’s too late

Common Mistakes in an IELTS Advantages Disadvantages Essay

These are the most common mistakes made by Test Takers when writing an IELTS Advantages Disadvantages essay:

  • presenting too many advantages and disadvantages: you MUST develop ALL of your ideas to get a high band score, so it’s best to present 3 or 4 advantages / disadvantages in total and explain them all
  • not answering the “do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?” question. This question does not appear in all advantages disadvantages essays, but when it does, you must answer it
  • writing an overly general statement about the topic in the introduction (e.g. Education is a topic of hot debate)
  • The advantages / disadvantages are not explained and illustrated in enough detail. You need to develop all of your points to get a Band 7.
  • Not fully understanding the essay question. This is often caused by reading the question quickly, not carefully.
  • Using memorised phrases (e.g. “a hot topic”, “in a nutshell”, “pros and cons”)
  • Using “research studies” as examples: examples should illustrate your ideas, not prove them. Read about  how to use examples in IELTS essays .
  • Trying to use rare or “novel” language: examiners are looking for groups of words used naturally, not rare words.

Sample IELTS Advantages Disadvantages Essay Questions

In the future all cars, buses and trucks will be driverless. The only people travelling inside these vehicles will be passengers. Do you think the advantages of driverless vehicles outweigh the disadvantages?

(Cambridge IELTS 16 Academic Test 4)

In some cultures, children are often told that they can achieve anything if they try hard enough. What are the advantages and disadvantages of giving children this message?

( Cambridge IELTS 15 Academic Test 4 )

Today more and more tourists are visiting places where conditions are difficult, such as the Sahara desert or the Antarctic. What are the benefits and disadvantages for tourists who visit such places?

(Cambridge IELTS 12 General Training Test 5)

At the present time, the population of some countries includes a relatively large number of young adults, compared with the number of older people. Do the advantages of this situation outweigh the disadvantages?

(Cambridge IELTS 12 Academic Test 6)

Model IELTS Advantages Disadvantages Essays

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Charlie is a former IELTS Examiner with 25 years' teaching experience all over the world. His courses, for both English language learners and teachers, have been taken by over 100,000 students in over 160 countries around the world.

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Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Free Education

Students are often asked to write an essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Free Education in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Free Education


Free education means offering learning without charging students. It has both advantages and disadvantages.

Free education can help everyone, especially those who can’t afford fees. It promotes equality, as all students get the same opportunities.


However, free education can strain government budgets. Also, it may lead to overcrowded classrooms and less attention to each student.

While free education has clear benefits like promoting equality, it also has drawbacks like potential overcrowding. It’s important to balance these factors.

250 Words Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Free Education

Advantages of free education.

One significant advantage of free education is the promotion of equality. It enables students from all socioeconomic backgrounds to have equal access to learning opportunities, thereby reducing income-based educational disparities. Additionally, free education can lead to a more educated populace, which is crucial for societal growth and development. As more people gain access to quality education, the pool of skilled labor increases, fostering economic growth.

Disadvantages of Free Education

On the downside, free education can strain public resources. Governments must find ways to fund education, which may lead to increased taxes or cuts in other areas. Furthermore, the surge in student numbers can lead to overcrowded classrooms and reduced quality of education. Lastly, free education might devalue degrees. If everyone has a degree, it becomes less of a differentiating factor in the job market, potentially leading to credential inflation.

In conclusion, free education carries both significant benefits and challenges. While it promotes equality and economic growth, it also poses financial challenges and potential devaluation of degrees. Therefore, it’s crucial to strike a balance, perhaps through a mixed system that combines free and fee-paying education, to ensure sustainable and equitable access to education.

500 Words Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Free Education

Education is a fundamental human right and an essential tool for societal development. The concept of free education has been embraced by some countries, while others still debate its feasibility. This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of free education.

Free education has several advantages. Primarily, it promotes equal opportunity. By eliminating financial barriers, all individuals, regardless of their socioeconomic status, have the same chance to acquire knowledge and skills. This fosters social mobility, as education is a key determinant of one’s future prospects.

Lastly, free education can help reduce social issues such as crime and poverty. Studies have shown a correlation between education and reduced crime rates. Similarly, education equips individuals with the skills needed to secure well-paying jobs, thereby reducing poverty levels.

Despite these advantages, free education also has its drawbacks. The most significant is the financial burden it places on the government. Free education requires substantial funding to maintain high-quality standards, and this could lead to increased taxes or cuts in other public services.

Another disadvantage is the possibility of diminished value perception. When education is free, students may not value it as much, leading to a lack of motivation or commitment. This could result in lower academic performance and higher dropout rates.

In conclusion, free education has both advantages and disadvantages. While it promotes equal opportunity, enhances workforce education, and helps reduce social issues, it also places a financial burden on the government, may lead to resource strain, and potentially diminishes value perception. Therefore, the implementation of free education requires careful planning and consideration to maximize its benefits while mitigating the drawbacks. The debate on free education is complex and multifaceted, reflecting the significant role education plays in society.

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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  • Essay Task 2

Guide to Advantage Disadvantage IELTS Essay Type

  • Essay Types
  • Double Question
  • Advantage Disadvantage
  • Problem Solution
  • Essay Length

ielts essay advantage disadvantage type

IELTS advantage/disadvantage essays ask you to write about the benefits and drawbacks of a topic as well as (sometimes) asking for your opinion.  This guide covers everything you need to know to complete an Academic IELTS advantage/ disadvantage essay. Let’s start preparing with Benchmark IELTS!

Table of Contents

1.1 understanding the question, 1.2 example advantage/disadvantage questions, 2.1 essay structure 1, 2.2 essay structure 2.

  • 3.1 Identify key words and phrases

3.2 Organise your ideas

3.3 identify vocabulary, 4.1 introduction, 4.2 main body paragraphs, 4.3 conclusion, 5.1 complete the sample advantage/disadvantage essay, 5.2 advantage/disadvantage sample essay, 1. advantage/ disadvantage essay overview.

This section of the guide will show you how to identify an IELTS advantage/disadvantage question.

Remember, there are five main types of writing task 2 questions:

  • Advantage/disadvantage
  • Double question
  • Problem/solution

It is very important to understand what type of question you are given in the exam so you can respond in an appropriate way: different question types will require different responses.

Advantage/disadvantage essay questions can be presented in several different ways.

Here are some examples of the way an advantage/disadvantage question may be worded:

  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and give your opinion.
  • Describe the advantages and disadvantages of _____ and give your opinion.
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of _____?

You may also see questions using synonyms for advantage and disadvantage, for example:

  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of…?

Be careful, the question itself might not always use words or phrases relating to advantage/disadvantage and they could be hidden in the statement,  as seen here:

  • Some people believe that using a bicycle as your main form of transport has a lot of advantages , whereas others believe that it has many disadvantages . Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Here is another example of a question where you are asked to give your opinion:

  • Do the advantages of … outweigh the disadvantages

After you have identified the essay type , you need to understand what you are being asked to do. To do well in the Task achievement marking component, you need to ‘ address all parts of the task’ .

This type of essay question will always be split into two parts:

  • The IELTS statement
  • The question

You must always write about both the advantages and disadvantages of the given topic. As we can see in example questions 1-6, sometimes you are asked to give your opinion on the question, and sometimes you are not. Let’s compare the following questions:

You are not being asked to give your opinion

Here are some example advantage/disadvantage essay questions:

In the past, when students did a university degree, they tended to study in their own country. Nowadays, they have more of an opportunity to study abroad.

Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

Today children spend a lot of their free time watching TV.

Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages of this practice?

Also, read the following IELTS Essay Writing Guides

  • IELTS Discussion Type Questions
  • Double Question IELTS Essay Topics
  • Opinion-based Task 2 IELTS Guide
  • Problem Solution IELTS Writing Task Statement

The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace. Nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy.

The benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In the past, when students did a university degree, they tended to study in their own country. Nowadays, they have the opportunity to study abroad.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this development?

More and more people prefer to read news online rather than on paper.

Do you think the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience.

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2. Essay Structures for Advantage/Disadvantage Essays

There is more than one way to structure your advantage/disadvantage essay. You could take a thesis-led (opinion in the introduction) or an evidence-led (opinion in your conclusion).

You could also choose to focus on one or more than one advantage/disadvantage in each of your main body paragraphs.

The next two sections will give you two possible ways that you could structure your essay using four clearly organized paragraphs.

Thesis-led approach

Evidence-led approach

3. Planning your Advantage/Disadvantage Essay

Before you start writing your essay, you should give yourself 5 minutes to analyze the question and organize your ideas . Follow the tips below to create a well-planned essay!

3.1 Identify keywords and phrases

It sounds simple, but it is very important that you read the question carefully and understand what you are being asked to write about. To analyze the question, first, identify any keywords and phrases .

You should first identify the topic of the essay. If you do not write about the correct topic, you will score poorly in Task achievement . The general topic can always be found in the IELTS statement.

Let’s take a look at one of the previous examples:

The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace . Nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy .

The topic words are underlined and show the general topic of this essay question in nuclear weapons/power/technology .

After you have identified the general topic, you need to locate other keywords that give you more detail about the topic. In this question, the words world peace and cheap and clean energy in bold give you more information about the general topic. Therefore, your essay should only relate to these aspects of nuclear weapons/power/technology .

Now take a look at the question for our model answer at the end of this guide. Can you identify the general topic?

This is an important step that is often skipped by test-takers. By quickly writing down your key ideas, you will avoid repeating or missing any points and improve your score in both Task achievement and Coherence and cohesion .

You could use bullet points , columns , or another preferred method of writing down ideas . Here is an example for our sample essay:

Take a look at our Master Guide for a more in-depth look at idea generation and organizing your ideas.

Taking a moment to write down more uncommon vocabulary related to the essay topic will not only make you feel more relaxed in the exam but will also help you to improve your score in Lexical resources .

This doesn’t have to be a long list, just a few ideas that come into your mind. Here are some examples of the topic of studying abroad:

  • Culture shock
  • Language barrier
  • Broaden one’s horizons

4. Writing your Advantages/Disadvantages Essay

Your introduction should be the shortest paragraph in your essay (about 40-60 words is perfect).

You need to rephrase the IELTS statement in your own words. This is known as paraphrasing (a key skill to develop for the IELTS exam).

Take a look at our example:

In the past, when students did a university degree, they tended to study in their own country. Nowadays, they have the opportunity to study abroad. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this development?

You can also briefly state what your essay will be about in one clear sentence. For instance:

This essay will discuss both points of view and then I will give my opinion.

If you are taking a thesis-led approach, you can use one of the following sentence starters to briefly give your opinion:

  • I believe that…
  • It is my belief that…
  • In my opinion,…

A note on the use of the first person ‘I’: Unlike writing task 1, it is appropriate to use the first person in your writing task 2 essay. In fact, it is unavoidable when giving your opinion. But , you should not overuse ‘I’ in your essay and we recommend you limit your use to your introduction and conclusion.

Topic sentences Usually, the first sentence of your main body paragraph will be a topic sentence . The purpose of your topic sentence is to introduce the main idea of your paragraph .

You should include one topic sentence for each advantage/disadvantage . This means that, if your main body paragraphs focus on two advantages/disadvantages , then you should have two topic sentences per paragraph.

Here’s an example: One advantage of studying abroad is that students can improve their language skills.

Here are some other sentence starters you can use for your essays (you can replace the underlined words with vocabulary linked to your topic):

  • One advantage of studying abroad is that ….
  • Another benefit of studying abroad is that…
  • One downside of studying abroad is that…
  • Another downside of studying abroad is that…

Supporting sentences You should then expand on your topic sentence with a supporting sentence/sentences . Your sentence(s) could either describe a result of the advantage/disadvantage, go into more detail , or explain the reason(s) why these benefits/drawbacks occur.

Our example supporting sentence describes a result of the advantage given in the topic sentence.

Topic sentence – One advantage of studying abroad is that students can improve their language skills.

Supporting sentence – This means that when the students return to their home countries, they will have more employment opportunities.

Here are some sentences starters you can use to begin your supporting sentences:

  • This is because…
  • The result/consequence/reason is that…
  • This means that…
  • As a result/consequence,…
  • In other words,…  

Giving examples For all writing task 2 essay types , you must support your response with examples. Do not personalize your examples and link them to your life instead, Keep your examples more general . Also, do not refer to made-up statistics .

Here are some instances of suitable and non-suitable examples:

Suitable For example, many young people who study in an English-speaking country for a few years develop strong communication skills and have the confidence to work in an international company when they return home.

Not suitable My cousin spent three years in an English-speaking country and they got an excellent job with an international country when they came back to Spain. ( this example is too personal as it refers to the writer’s family ) ❌

According to statistics, international students are 30% more likely to get a job in an international company when they study overseas. ( this example contains a made-up statistic )

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You must include a conclusion to achieve a good score in Task achievement . Your conclusion does not have to be very long, but it needs to be clear and do two main things:

  • Paraphrase yourself : summarise the key points in your body paragraphs
  • Give your opinion : It depends if you have taken an evidence-led or thesis-led approach, you will either be re-stating the opinion given in your introduction or giving your opinion for the first time.

Make your conclusion easy to identify for the examiner by starting with linking phrases such as:

  • To sum up,…
  • To summarise,…
  • In conclusion,…

When you are paraphrasing the main points of your essay, you need to state that you have examined both sides of the argument (as that is what the question has asked you to do). To do this, consider using a phrase like:

In conclusion, having looked at this topic in detail, it is clear that there are both advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad .

You would need to replace the underlined section with your essay topic.

To give your opinion, you need to use a range of cohesive devices to introduce each example such as:

  • From my perspective,…
  • In my view,…

You then need to clearly state which side of the argument you agree with (advantage or disadvantage). Remember, your actual opinion does not matter, it is how you present your opinion using English that is important.

Here are some example sentences to do this effectively:

  • In my opinion, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
  • From my perspective, the drawbacks outweigh the benefits .

5. Example Advantage/Disadvantage Essay and Exercise

Now you’ve taken a look at how to write an advantage/disadvantage essay, let’s look at a model answer.

We have removed some of the words so you can put your knowledge to the test.

Select the correct missing words and complete the model answer.

years, it has become much more common for to complete their degree overseas instead of their country. Many believe that there are significant of doing this, while others argue that there are also connected to studying abroad. This essay will discuss both points of and then I will give my opinion.

One advantage of abroad is that students can improve their skills. This means that when the students return to their home countries, they will have more employment opportunities. , many young people study in an English-speaking country for a few years develop strong communication skills and have the confidence to work in an international company when they return home. benefit of studying abroad is that you can develop a better understanding of other cultures, for , learning about a country's customs, traditions and cuisines. The consequence of this is that people become more open-minded.

, there are some disadvantages of studying abroad. One is that students may miss their friends and family and feel . They may also find it difficult to connect with other students and make friends due to a . Another disadvantage is that students can experience a real culture shock when moving to another country. This is because the culture and language may be different which could lead to frustration for the student and with their study experience.

To , it is clear that there are both advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad. In my , the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. Although it is true that the experience may be challenging at first, on , if you study abroad you will have an enriching experience that will broaden your horizons and increase your future prospects.

/ 21

In recent years, it has become much more common for students to complete their degree overseas instead of their house country. Many persons believe that there are significant benefits of doing this, while others argue that there are also drawbacks connected to studying abroad. This essay will discuss both points of mind and then I will give my opinion.

One advantage of study abroad is that students can improve their employee skills. This means that when the students return to their home countries, they will have more employment opportunities. An example, many young people who study in an English-speaking country for a few years develop strong communication skills and have the confidence to work in an international company when they return home. On the other hand benefit of studying abroad is that you can develop a better understanding of other cultures, Example , learning about a country’s customs, traditions and cuisines. The consequence of this is that people become more open-minded.

In the other hand, there are some disadvantages of studying abroad. One backdraw is that students may miss their friends and family and feel homesad. They may also find it difficult to connect with other students and make friends due to a language barrier . Another disadvantage is that students can experience a real culture shock when moving to another country. This is because the culture and language may be different which could lead to frustration for the student and dissatisfaction with their study experience.

To overall , it is clear that there are both advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad. In my thought, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. Although it is true that the experience may be challenging at first, on balance , if you study abroad you will have an enriching experience that will broaden your horizons and increase your future prospects.

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This was very useful to improve my writing skill

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IELTS Advantage Disadvantage Sample Essay Questions

Below is a list of IELTS sample essay questions for advantage / disadvantage essays in writing task 2. These essay types are often taught together with discussion essays but I think it is worth studying them separately to be better prepared.

Advantage / Disadvantage Essay Tips

  • spend time planning the benefits and drawbacks of the statement given
  • make sure you have relevant supporting points
  • put your advantages together in one body paragraph and the same with the disadvantages
  • follow a safe advantage disadvantage essay model

Advantage / Disadvantage Essay Questions

It is becoming increasingly popular to have a year off between finishing school and going to university. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?
Some people think that it would be better for large companies and industry to move to regional areas outside large urban centers. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
With the rise of e-books comes the decline in paper books. Some people see this as a good step forward while others do not. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?
The rise of convenience foods has helped people keep up with the speed of the modern life style. What are the advantages of this trend? Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
There seems to be an increasing trend towards assessing students through exams rather than continual assessment. What are the advantages and disadvantages of exams as a form of assessment?
Space exploration costs tax payers an exorbitant amount of money each year. What are the advantages and disadvantage of spending money on space exploration?
Many elderly people are no long looked after by their families but are put in care homes or nursing homes. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?
It is often considered that change is more beneficial to people than trying to avoid it and have everything remain the same. Do you think the advantages of change outweigh the disadvantages?

Other IELTS Essay Questions

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IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Essay Lesson

IELTS advantages and disadvantages questions normally give you a statement and ask you to comment on the advantages and disadvantages of that statement.

The problem is that there are 2 different types of advantages and disadvantages essays, each requiring a different approach. If you answer them differently, you risk losing many easy marks.

This lesson will look at each of the three question types and suggest a standard sentence-by-sentence structure for each of them.  There will also be sample answers for each of the three questions to help you compare and understand the two approaches.

education disadvantages essay

In some countries, young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this.

Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary schools rather than secondary schools.

Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

Question 1 simply asks us to discuss the advantages and disadvantages. It does not ask for our opinion or says which side is better or worse, so we should not include this information in our answer.

This requires a simple structure in which the student will look at the advantages in one paragraph and the disadvantages in the other.

Question 2 is different because we have to say if the advantages are stronger than the disadvantages. Notice I didn’t say ‘if there are more advantages than disadvantages’. The question is not asking you to talk about numbers but comment on the overall weight of the advantages or disadvantages.  For example, there are many advantages to travelling by private jet, but there is one huge disadvantage (the cost) that stops most people from flying that way, and therefore the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

In this example, we will have to decide which side (advantages or disadvantages) is stronger, affecting our structure. If you choose advantages, you will have to say why these are much stronger than the disadvantages and why the disadvantages don’t hold much weight. You would also have to make this clear in your thesis statement.

Structure for Essay 1


Sentence 1- Paraphrase question

Sentence 2- Outline sentence

Supporting Paragraph 1 (Advantages)

Sentence 3- Topic sentence (2 Advantages)

Sentence 4- Explain first advantage

Sentence 5- Explain second advantage

Sentence 6- Example of second advantage

Supporting Paragraph 2 (Disadvantages)

Sentence 6- Topic sentence (2 Disadvantages)

Sentence 7- Explain first disadvantage

Sentence 8- Explain second disadvantage

Sentence 9- Example of second disadvantage

Sentence 9- Summary of main points

Structure for Essay 2

Sentence 2- Thesis statement (state which one outweighs the other)

Sentence 3- Outline sentence

Main Body Paragraph 1 (Stronger Side)

Sentence 4- Topic Sentence

Sentence 5- Explain why it is strong

Sentence 6- Example

Sentence 7- Topic Sentence

Sentence 8- Explain why it is strong

Sentence 9- Example

Main Body Paragraph 2 (Weaker Side)

Sentence 10- Topic Sentence

Sentence 11- Explain why it is not strong

Sentence 12- Example

education disadvantages essay

Sentence 13- Summary of main points and restate position.

Question 1 Advantages and Disadvantages Sample Answer

Before college, many young people are advised that a year of working or travelling may be a good option. This essay will suggest that experience gained and money saved are the biggest advantages of this, but delaying careers and reducing motivation to study are the primary disadvantages.

The main advantages of a gap year are learning more about the world and earning money. For students who have just finished secondary school, working or travelling for a year will allow them to learn what life is like outside of the education system. Also, third-level education is very expensive, and many students decide to work for 12 months and save money before they begin their studies. The average student at a UK university requires over £10,000 per annum to survive, and many drop out because they cannot afford to stay.

Despite these advantages, students lose a year that could have been used to advance their future careers, and they often get used to working or travelling and don’t want to return to a life of study. As job markets are very competitive, an extra year of experience can make a massive difference when applying for jobs, and those who took a gap year are at a disadvantage. Moreover, some decide to bypass university altogether and go straight into a job that is beneath their capabilities or may not offer the same prospects their future career might have. For instance, jobs in the service industry are easy to get without a third-level education, and many gap students fill these roles only to be stuck in them for the rest of their lives.

In conclusion, taking a break from studies can be advantageous if it allows people to accumulate savings or learn more about the world. However, they should also be careful that it does not delay the start of their careers and lead to disillusionment with education.

Question 2 Advantages and Disadvantages Sample Answer

Some authorities think that it is more favourable for pupils to begin studying languages at primary school instead of secondary school. This essay will argue that the advantages of this outweigh the drawbacks. The essay will first demonstrate that the earlier someone learns an additional language, the more likely they are to master it and that it brings added cognitive benefits, followed by an analysis of how the primary disadvantage, namely confusion with their native tongue, is not valid.

The main reason to start kids off with foreign languages early is that this increases the likelihood they will achieve fluency in adulthood. That is to say that they will have far more years to perfect their skills, and speaking bilingually will seem perfectly normal. For example, in countries such as Holland and Norway, where English is taught from a very young age, most adults speak it at an advanced level. Learning a second language also helps to improve overall cognitive abilities. In other words, it benefits the overall development of a child’s brain. It is well known that bi-lingual children are significantly more likely to score higher in Mathematics and Science.

Those opposed to this say that it causes the child to become confused between their mother tongue and the other language. However, there is actually no evidence to support this view and children from bilingual families do just as well in both languages. My son was brought up speaking both Vietnamese and English and outperforms most of his classmates in both.

On balance, the fact that early foreign language learning leads to higher fluency and improved brain function clearly outweighs the flawed argument that it impairs the uptake of native languages.

Advantages and Disadvantages Essay Next Steps

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IELTS Writing Task 2: Advantage/Disadvantage Sample Essay

Thumbs pointing up and down to show advantages disadvantages essay

In this post, we’re going to look at an IELTS Writing Task 2 advantages and disadvantages sample essay. In this type of Task 2 question, you will read a description of a common situation or practice. From there, you’ll describe the advantages and disadvantages of the idea you were presented with. For more background info and advice on this particular question type, you can go to my post on the Task 2 question types in IELTS Writing.

In this article, I’ll show you a sample advantage/disadvantage prompt and a model essay that responds to the prompt. The model essay is an example of band 9 level writing—this is the highest score you can get on the Writing section. I’ve patterned the essay after this IELTS Writing Task 2 template , which was created by Magoosh IELTS expert Rachel Kapelke-Dale.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Advantages and Disadvantages Sample Essay

Before we get started, you should of course first read the sample prompt.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Advantages and Disadvantages Sample Essay Question

With modern transportation, workers and students are increasingly mobile, and have more and more opportunities to study and work abroad. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this development. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

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Write at least 250 words.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Advantages and Disadvantages Model Essay (Band 9)

Nowadays, both work and study can easily take a person out of their home country. This can be good because people can explore new cultures now more than ever. At the same time, world travelers may become disconnected from their own home countries. In this essay, I will take a closer look at the aforementioned key advantage and key disadvantage.

To be sure, ordinary people now have unprecedented access to life abroad. It is easier than ever to work or study in a foreign land for months and even years. Many large international corporations offer overseas work to their employees, just as nearly all universities provide study abroad options at partner campuses overseas. Ultimately, nearly any adult anywhere in the world can potentially immerse themselves in another language or culture, with support from their bosses or teachers.

The problem is that international workers and students sometimes become unconcerned with the affairs in the nations they are from. This kind of apathy can prevent people from doing their civic duty. As one example, people from countries with compulsory military service may spend years abroad and even renounce their citizenship to avoid protecting their homeland. Even more commonly, people who go abroad may choose not to vote in elections back home, failing to make their voice heard on important matters. So modern mobility can undermine one’s ability or desire to make a difference back home.

Learning about other cultures by actually living abroad is a powerful tool for better intercultural understanding. However, as valuable as this is, sometimes going abroad can cause people to ignore the importance of their own culture and country. Not all students and workers should go abroad, and the ones that do should not forget their role in their country of origin.

Word count: 294

Scoring Rationale

This IELTS Writing Task 2 advantages and disadvantages sample essay is held to the same standards as any other Writing Task 2 essay. These standards are listed in the official rubric for IELTS Writing Task 2 . If you read the level 9 description carefully and compare it to this essay, you should see the reasons it has a top score. But I’ve also included scorer commentary immediately below.

Scorer Commentary (Advantage/Disadvantage IELTS Essay Sample, Band 9)

The score report below is based on the official IELTS Writing Task 2 rubric . This report also looks very similar to the Magoosh IELTS essay scoring service .

Overall Band Score: 9

CATEGORY Task Achievement/Response Coherence and Cohesion Lexical Resource Grammatical Range and Accuracy
SCORE 9 9 9 9

What was done well in the essay:

  • This essay has over 250 words. This is a small but important way to avoid needlessly losing points due to the IELTS Writing word count penalty .
  • The essay does a good job of covering both the advantages and disadvantages. The advantage of easy access to foreign experiences is explored in the first body paragraph. The disadvantages of becoming too distant from one’s home community is similarly explored in the second paragraph.
  • Each paragraph has a clear topic sentence, followed by supporting details, examples, and a concluding sentence that wraps things up nicely.
  • Transitional phrases such as “to be sure” and “even more commonly” are used to clearly link ideas between paragraphs and within paragraphs.
  • Vocabulary and grammar are used very fluently; this essay is free of any serious errors in this aspect of English.

More IELTS Writing Task 2 Example Responses

If you found this example essay helpful, you’ll love the rest of them. Click the links below to access model responses for the other common Task 2 question types.

  • Two-Part Question Essay
  • Causes/Solutions Essay
  • Discussion Essay
  • Agree/Disagree Essay

David Recine

David is a Test Prep Expert for Magoosh TOEFL and IELTS. Additionally, he’s helped students with TOEIC, PET, FCE, BULATS, Eiken, SAT, ACT, GRE, and GMAT. David has a BS from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and an MA from the University of Wisconsin-River Falls. His work at Magoosh has been cited in many scholarly articles , his Master’s Thesis is featured on the Reading with Pictures website, and he’s presented at the WITESOL (link to PDF) and NAFSA conferences. David has taught K-12 ESL in South Korea as well as undergraduate English and MBA-level business English at American universities. He has also trained English teachers in America, Italy, and Peru. Come join David and the Magoosh team on Youtube , Facebook , and Instagram , or connect with him via LinkedIn !

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2 responses to “IELTS Writing Task 2: Advantage/Disadvantage Sample Essay”

Paromita Kundu Avatar

will it be correct to include brain drain and the problem of excessive number of immigrants in the disadvantage part?

Magoosh Expert

Hi Paromita,

If you can support these ideas in the essay and explain why they are disadvantages, then that could work if your reasoning is sound.

Hope that helps! 😀

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‘Advantage & Disadvantage’ Essay in IELTS: Tips, Structure and Samples


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  • Dec 16, 2023


The advantage/disadvantage essays in IELTS writing require students to critically evaluate a topic and formulate cohesive answers that weigh both advantages and disadvantages. Want to ace the advantages/disadvantages section of IELTS writing? Here’s a pro tip: make a mental note of five to ten drawbacks and benefits right off the bat to get a head start for your answer. This approach will help you save a lot of your time and even aid you in crafting cohesive and comprehensible arguments, ultimately bolstering your score. In this blog, we will talk about the IELTS advantage disadvantage in essay.

This Blog Includes:

Best tips for advantages and disadvantages ielts essay in 2024, what is the structure of an advantage disadvantage ielts essay , top 10 most common ‘advantages & disadvantages’ essay topics in ielts writing, ielts advantage disadvantage essay sample answers .

Here are some of the best tips for writing well-articulated, coherent and cohesive essay answers for the much-dreaded advantages and disadvantages questions in IELTS writing. Have a look. 

  • Dedicate at least ten minutes to comprehend all the advantages and disadvantages about the given topic. 
  • After making a mental note of all the advantages/disadvantages, ensure that your points are supporting the topic. A quick advice would be to stick to the topic and not digress further. 
  • Everything you write should be structured in a well-articulated and cohesive manner that is comprehensible for the readers. It is necessary that you keep your advantages and disadvantages separate. For example, if you are enlisting the advantages in one paragraph, then ensure to put your disadvantages in another paragraph. 

The structure of the advantages and disadvantages essays in IELTS writing comprises two primary segments, i.e., the introduction, body paragraphs and a conclusion. Let us delve deeper into the structure of the answer below. 


The introduction part requires you to paraphrase the topic of the essay by using different vocabulary and synonyms. Once you are done paraphrasing the topic, you’ll need to give the readers an idea about the gist of the essay and what to expect. 

Body Paragraphs

In your first body paragraph, i.e., Body paragraph 1, you’ll be required to state the advantages of the topic. You must back your answer by providing legitimate reasons, points and examples. You can even state some anecdotal experiences to support your opinion. On the contrary, you must state the disadvantages in the body paragraph 2. You can support this by providing examples and valid points. 

In the end, you’ll need to conclude the topic by summing up the entire essay in a sentence or two. 

The “advantages and disadvantages” question is predominantly asked in IELTS writing task 2. One must have a good understanding of such questions to score well in the writing section of the IELTS exam. Mastering these high-scoring questions can significantly improve your overall IELTS score. To familiarise yourself with these examples, refer to the following sample questions covering various topics. By practising with these and similar questions, you’ll be well-prepared to tackle such types of questions on your actual test. Here are some sample questions for the IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Essay. 

  • Many believe that the goal of one’s career should be to pursue a passion. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of pursuing a passion in this day and age.
  • Nowadays, most countries can improve the standard of living through economic development, but some social values are lost as a result. Do you think the advantages of this phenomenon outweigh the disadvantages?
  • Schools should use films, computers and games instead of books. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using such a medium of education. 
  • Virtual reality can be used for therapeutic interventions and mental health treatments. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  • Young people are often influenced in their behaviours by others in the same age group. Some argue that peer pressure is important, while others feel it has distinct disadvantages. Do the disadvantages of peer pressure outweigh the advantages?
  • Many People Believe that countries should produce food for the whole population and import as little food as possible. Explain the advantages and disadvantages. 
  • Some people feel that the media should not openly share the private lives of celebrities. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of being active on social media as a celebrity. 
  • These days, many people like to watch live performances (like shows or concerts) at home, either on TV or on a computer, instead of attending in person. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh its disadvantages?
  • Government money should be used to support children in school for sports rather than to support professional sports and arts that perform for the general public. Explain the advantages and disadvantages. 
  • Fossil fuels are the main source of energy around the world today. In some countries, the use of alternative sources of energy is replacing fossil fuels. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the scenario.

If you’re an IELTS test-taker worried about the writing section, especially the advantage/disadvantage questions, going through some of the sample answers given below can be a great help! It won’t just give you a clear understanding of the answer structure, but it will also equip you with valuable skills to develop coherent and cohesive responses. So, let’s dive into some sample answers and see how to tackle these questions effectively.

Sample 1 

  • Question: These days, many people like to watch live performances (like shows or concerts) at home, either on TV or on a computer, instead of attending in person. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh its disadvantages?

Ans: The advent of technology has revolutionised the way we consume entertainment with a growing trend of watching live performances, such as concerts and shows, at home through TV or computer, instead of attending in person.This essay will explore the advantages and disadvantages of this trend and evaluate whether the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.

To begin with, the most significant advantage of watching live performances at home is convenience. With busy schedules and geographical constraints, attending a live performance in person can be challenging for many. Watching these performances at home eliminates travel time and costs, and allows viewers to enjoy the show at their own pace. Moreover, it provides an opportunity for people living in remote areas or those with mobility issues to experience performances they might otherwise miss. Another advantage is the potential for a larger audience. Performances broadcasted on TV or streamed online can reach millions of viewers worldwide, far exceeding the capacity of any physical venue. This not only benefits viewers who get to enjoy a wider variety of performances but also performers who gain increased exposure and potential revenue.

However, this trend is not without its disadvantages. The most notable one is the lack of atmosphere and communal experience that attending a live performance offers. The energy of the crowd, the immediacy of the performance, and the shared experience with fellow attendees are unique aspects that cannot be replicated in a home setting. Furthermore, there is a risk that this trend could lead to a decline in traditional performing arts venues. If more people choose to watch performances at home, these venues might struggle to survive, leading to potential job losses in the industry and a loss of cultural heritage.

In conclusion, while watching live performances at home offers numerous advantages such as convenience and accessibility, it also has its drawbacks including a diminished atmosphere and potential harm to traditional venues. However, considering the increasing globalisation and digitalization of our world, it seems that the advantages do outweigh the disadvantages. The key lies in finding a balance – leveraging technology to make performances more accessible while still preserving and supporting traditional venues.

Question: In many cities, problems related to overpopulation are becoming more common. Some governments are now encouraging businesses and individuals to move out of cities to rural areas. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?

Ans: In recent years, the issue of overpopulation has become a pressing concern in many cities around the world. As a result, some governments are encouraging businesses and individuals to move to rural areas. While there are some benefits to this trend, it also has its drawbacks. In this essay, I will discuss how the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages.

On the one hand, there are several advantages to encouraging businesses and individuals to move to rural areas. First and foremost, it can help to alleviate the problem of overpopulation in cities. With fewer people living in urban areas, there will be less strain on infrastructure and resources such as housing, transportation, and water. Moreover, moving to rural areas can lead to a lower cost of living. Land, property, and goods tend to be cheaper in rural areas, which can save people money in the long run. 

Additionally, moving to a rural area can offer a more peaceful and tranquil way of life, away from the noise, pollution, and stresses of city living.

On the other hand, there are also several disadvantages to this trend. One of the biggest drawbacks is the lack of infrastructure and services in rural areas. Many rural areas do not have the same level of access to healthcare, education, and other essential services as urban areas do. 

This can make it difficult for businesses and individuals to thrive and succeed. Furthermore, moving to a rural area can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness, especially for those who are used to the hustle and bustle of city life. Finally, for those who depend on urban jobs or have family ties in cities, moving to a rural area may not be a feasible option.

In conclusion, while there are some benefits to encouraging businesses and individuals to move to rural areas, the disadvantages should not be overlooked. It is essential to consider the lack of infrastructure and services in rural areas, as well as the potential feelings of isolation and loneliness. 

Therefore, governments need to strike a balance between encouraging people to move to rural areas and ensuring that there are adequate resources and services available to support them.

So that was all about IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages essays. Hope the blog could have covered all your queries regarding the topic. 


Ans: These essays require students to state the negatives and positives of the given topic. 

Ans: These essays are segregated into three segments, i.e., introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. 

Ans: The IELTS writing section takes around 60 minutes to complete. 

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Shubham Das

Shubham Das has been working as an educational content writer for the past two years and has a background in filmmaking & screenplay/ teleplay writing. He is fascinated by the human psyche, literature and cinema.

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Essay on Online Education | Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Education Essay

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Online Education: Online learning is one of the imminent trends in the education sector around the globe. This mode of learning is done through the internet. With advanced and upgraded technologies, this mode of learning has been made simpler. Online Education is also preferred in higher learning Institutions. This article will render the students about online education, its outcomes, and advantage in short and long essays on Online Education.

You can also find more  Essay Writing  articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long and Short Essays on Online Education for Students and Children in English

We provide children and students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a short essay on Online Education in Lockdown of 150 words on the topic “Online education in India Essay” for reference.

Short Essay on Online Education 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Online Education advantages and Disadvantages is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Education is an integral part of people’s lives; it will either make them or break them in the prospect depending on their careers. Education is broadly diverse today compared to the 1950s because of progressions in teaching methods and other prominent inventions that implement more apparent teaching techniques.

In E-learning, the students study from home or any other place, that is most convenient for them. They can acquire learning material online. The study materials in online education could be texts, audio, notes, videos, and images. However, the method of study has its benefits and various drawbacks too.

Online education is suitable for those who can not visit or obtain the traditional education method for one reason or the other. Nearly 6.1 million college students are currently attending online courses, and this number is growing by around 30 percent yearly.

Online education provides a myriad of advantages for people, as well as companies because it allows for, among others, flexibility. A great way to benefit more from online education is to consolidate online education and traditional ways of teaching.

Online Education Essay

Online Education Essay 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Online Education 400 Words in English is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

Introduction:  Online education is an amenable instructional delivery process that includes any learning that takes place via the internet. Online learning enables educators to communicate with students who may not be capable of enrolling in a traditional classroom course and assists students who need to work on their own schedule and at their own speed.

Every discipline is registering a surge in the volume of distance learning and imparting of online degrees, with remarkable pace. Schools and institutions that offer online education are also growing in number. Students pursuing degrees through online methods must be scrupulous in ensuring their coursework is completed through a valued and credentialed university.

Online education is known to offer the benefit of synergy. Here, the format employed makes room for dynamic communications between students and the teachers. Through these communications, sources are shared, and an open-ended synergy evolves through a learning process. When each person bestows a view or opinion through discussions and comments on others’ work course, it benefits the student to learn better. This unique advantage is manifested in a student-centred virtual learning environment that online learning format alone can contribute.

With online classes, we don’t need to travel to a different city or commute long distances. We can stay where we are and keep our current job while we work toward improving our career with an online degree. Online education also helps digital nomads—someone who espouses a technology-enabled or location-independent lifestyle. We can watch lectures and complete our coursework wherever we are.

Whether we are a full-time or part-time online student, the online education experience provides a much more manageable schedule. Online education has gained much approval on account of its cheapness. Such is the fact that online courses are more affordable than those offered at schools or colleges. While studying in universities, we may have to spend some money such as transportation, lodging, and meals, online education may not require such expenses.

One of the important aspects of online learning is its inherent flexibility, however, there is a catch, one has to be extremely self-motivated. The best online students develop various approaches for staying up to date on their coursework. Things like setting aside time every week to study and create a workspace with minimal distractions can help immensely.

Conclusion on Online Education Essay

Online education’s potential advantages involve increased educational access; it provides a high-quality learning opportunity, improves student outcomes and skills, and expands educational choice options. Therefore, location, time, and quality are no longer considered factors in seeking degree courses or higher education because of online education.

10 Lines on Online Education Essay

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Education Essay

Introduction to Online Education Essay:  Online education refers to the type of knowledge which is imparted through the internet. Millions of people globally are enrolled in online courses and can learn from the comfort of their homes. Online education can come in different ways; they could be educational webinars and videos on the internet or even face to face learning on the laptop with the teacher, which utilises the internet.

Online education contributes a myriad of advantages for people, as well as companies because it provides flexibility among other work. This indicates that despite people’s physical locations, they can accomplish the same level of education by taking similar online courses.

Teachers and professors optimise the timelessness and focus of the learning curriculum while students are able to fit learning time into their hectic schedules. Online education offers extensive benefits to students by giving a manageable schedule, student enhancement and augmented education access and choice.

Advantages of Online Education 

Online education enables us to learn from various mentors and teachers in different areas, increasing our knowledge and perspective. It reduces nervousness among students, as many are able to communicate more through online education than regular classes. One can learn from merely anyplace as long as they have an available internet device.

Online education normally provides a chance to study at our own speed as there is no rush. Most online courses are usually enjoyable and more comfortable compared to attending traditional classes. It spares you the inconvenience of having to travel to a particular destination every single day.

Online education usually is more affordable. Online education further happens to be comparatively cheaper in comparison to conventional educational approaches. Under traditional university programs, the students are required to compensate for transportation, textbooks, institutional facilities such as gyms, libraries, swimming pools, and other costs that expedite the cost of university education up. Online education, on its part, charges only for tuition and additional essential expenses. Virtual education thus offers both the wealthy and the poor an opportunity.

It allows one to learn innovative approaches through the internet and therefore become more skilful. In online education, if there are any variations in the syllabus, updates can be done instantly compared to conventional means of education.

Online education is flexible and adaptable since one can study at any time, even at midnight. It can help increase the grades of some people as compared to standard traditional education. Some people learn more through online education.

There is no need to wait for office hours to speak to the instructor; you can immediately access them through chat or email. There is considerably a large amount of educational information on the internet. Online education can also help one to be in the mix of a diverse group of people from varied educational, social, cultural and philosophical backgrounds. The subject matter is always available on the internet, unlike traditional education.

Disadvantages of Online Education

The advantages that online education brings to students are immense and indisputable. Pursuing an online course is an excellent option in education, particularly when traditional learning situations have many obstacles, such as commuting or distance. However, as everything has two sides, online education also has some fundamental drawbacks that can be inconvenient.

Using the computer too much can make the students prone to plagiarism. It can also cause vision problems as we sit near the laptop almost the whole day. Online education may also hinder physical development. Online education can be quite complicated for a person to be accountable for their own learning without someone to drive them to do something.

Online education detaches you from your classmates. One might need to put in extra time in some cases to understand the learning process. It is easier to cheat in an online exam than when in a class and hence may not be advisable during exams. Online education also gives one a lot of autonomy which may be critical for our learning. There are a number of distractions on the internet through adverts, and this might interrupt our learning. Online education also has significantly less self-assessment.

Online education has both advantages and shortcomings, but it is an excellent method of learning that can help develop a student’s performance. To succeed in online education, one should choose an ideal university and course to avoid pursuing education from among the various suspicious universities that employers may reject. The other most essential thing is to assure that one needs to maintain communication with the school faculty and fellow students. The important point is proper time administration that helps one manage our time to complete and submit prescribed assignments in time.

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IELTS Essay On Education Simplified: New Writing Task 2 Essay Samples

  • Last Updated On July 29, 2024
  • Published In IELTS Preparation 💻

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The IELTS Essay on Education writing task 2 tends to be one of the most overwhelming tasks in the IELTS exam. Most of the students get scared of this section because of the unpredictability of essay topics. Moreover, a student is expected to write an English essay of 250 words in just 40 minutes that seems challenging.

Table of Content

These English IELTS essay topics are opinion-driven and test how thoughtfully students can express their knowledge and skills. The IELTS writing task 2 essay generally encompasses the subjects of the role of education, university education, environment, science & information technology, and gender equality.

IELTS Essay On Education Simplified: New Writing Task 2 Essay Samples

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The best way advisable to students preparing for IELTS is that they undergo thorough practice to understand not just the subject topics but also the structure of the essay to get a high band in the IELTS test. In this article, we present the IELTS education essay model answer for writing task 2 to help you get clarity of the structure and the use of good vocabulary.

IELTS essay on education

IELTS Essay on Education Writing Task 2: Sample 1

Some people say that children should be encouraged with a competitive feeling right from a tender age, and others say that children must be taught cooperation rather than competitiveness in primary school and high school. In your opinion, what should be the right approach?

Sample Answer 1 :

Young people are the hope and strength of every society who will one day run the nation with their intelligence and skills. Therefore, some people firmly believe that inculcating the feeling of competitiveness will pave the way for a better future. However, others are inclined towards imbibing in them the values of cooperation. Garnering the thoughts of C.S Lewis, “Education without values, as useful as it is, rather makes a man a more clever devil,” I too believe in the power of cooperation. Here I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both values.

Competitive values cannot be ignored in children, for they instil the zeal to excel in school as well as for their university degrees. It is the desire to surpass others that drives a child for the best academic performance. The competitive nature of school where students are awarded for their best among the rest of their performance accelerates their hard work in the right direction. Winning in any activity not just fosters a sense of decision making but also leads to fulfilment and self-achievement.

Moreover, competitive values infuse self-independence and self-confidence in pupils, which brings them laurels in academics, sports, cultural activities, and professionally. This stands true when children grow to become a vital part of a country’s growth. The qualities of governing, balancing work, and pushing the envelope harder to reach goals enable them to contribute to nation-building.

While competitive values provide children with the zest to become the best in their profession, it is needless to say that without the values of cooperation, their skills will not stand effective. Man is a social animal and the inherent need to stay connected with other people is what gives him a purpose in life. This is where cooperation offers children the art of teamwork, tolerance, patience and co-existence. Competitiveness without cooperation will eventually result in rivalry amongst peers that proves good for nobody.

In recent years,  this has been evident from sports, where teamwork is considered to be the most vital element. Even the President of a nation needs his/her cabinet ministry for support at every level. While a place where none gets along with each other is doomed for failure, no matter the skills and knowledge. To conclude, after gauging both competitive and cooperative values, I strongly feel that both values carry their advantages and must be taught in conjunction to garner the benefits for children.

IELTS Essay on Education Writing Task 2: Sample 2

Some parents believe that children should have educational activities in their leisure time as part of their recreation; otherwise, it is just a waste of time for children. What do you think of this notion? Explain with advantages and disadvantages.


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Sample Answer 2 :

It is always a bonus when one activity has the capability to offer double benefits, and this viewpoint stands true for children’s leisure time that delivers educational benefits as well. This concept of amalgamating education with recreation is drawing the interest of not just parents but also academicians, who believe that the absence of learning while playing makes the whole experience pointless.

By the same token, I feel every child’s activity must have some educational value as a takeaway. This is further supported by the examples of the internet game Pokemon, which aims at imparting analytical and strategic learning.

Recreational activities are the gateway to the responsive and refreshed mind of children, and taking advantage of this to infuse learning can prove to be highly beneficial. It is the world outside of the classroom where most children let their creativity find wings through leisurely activities. For example, Sweden has legally imposed that all children’s toys must have an educational value.

Furthermore, they also have a rule which specifies that the toys must be approved by scientific research so that children can gain maximum benefits from the toys while they have fun.

On the contrary, games with no educational value simply waste the time of children where they gain no practical knowledge in any area. If, however, every game is intertwined with informational data, no matter how small, it will help in the cognitive development of children. There is no denying that the time spent uselessly on leisurely activities with no educational value is a waste of time and energy for children whose mind is highly impressionable and can be guided to fun learning experiences. To conclude, scientific evidence pertaining to fun games with educational value is a clear indication of why children’s leisure activities should have an element of analytical and strategic learning involved.

IELTS essay on education

Many students find IELTS to be difficult. IELTS writing assignment 2 might be difficult due to time constraints and perspective essays. Practice is the most effective technique to handle this. A strong IELTS score demonstrates how proficient your English is and increases your chances of getting into a reputable institution. To learn more, you can take the help of Leap Scholar’s free counselling session.

One of the most challenging parts of IELTS writing task 2 is often the essay on education . This section requires students to write an essay of 250 words in just 40 minutes on various education-related topics. Preparing for this task by understanding the structure and practicing different topics can significantly improve your performance.

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1. what is the best way to prepare for the ielts essay.

Ans: Students must guide their preparation for the IELTS essay according to different steps. You can start with taking practice tests that will identify your strengths and weaknesses to further improve your skills. Make sure you understand the format and are aware of the exam time constraints. Also, develop your English writing skills with good vocabulary, transition words, and grammar.

2. What is the structure of the IELTS Essay?

Ans: A typical IELTS essay is divided into four sections/paragraphs. The first section starts with an introduction that addresses the essay topic and paraphrases the question/title. This will be followed by restating the main idea 1 in the second paragraph. The third paragraph will explain the main idea 2. The English essay will conclude in the fourth paragraph by summarizing the ideas.

3. Can you brief the criteria for Task 2? What exactly does the examiner look for in IELTS Essay, Writing Task 2?

Ans: The Task 2 Essay Writing Test follows the criteria: a. Task Achievement: Clearly address the question and the task by developing the points with examples and quotes. b. Cohesion and Coherence: A well-organized essay with defined paragraphs, idea development and proper transitioning. c. Grammatical Accuracy and Range: Grammatical structures, including sentence formation. d. Lexical Resource: The appropriateness of vocabulary usage and correct spelling.

4. What is the variety of English essay question types one gets in IELTS essay writing task 2?

Ans: There are five main essay question types in IELTS essay writing task 2: a. Advantages and Disadvantages b. Discussion (weigh both the views and express your opinion) c. Opinion based (agree or disagree with the point) d. Problem and Solution based e. Two-part question

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Ishika Maheshwari

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Advantages and Disadvantages Topics/Questions 2024

The list of Task 2 Advantages and Disadvantages topics that were added by IELTS student in 2024 . These Advantages and Disadvantages questions could be repeated from previous months. Keep in mind that the provided Advantages and Disadvantages questions are not predictions. The collection of Advantages and Disadvantages questions is updated every hour. Choose one of the topics and start practicing answering this type of question to prepare for the IELTS exam and to get a good grade.

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Advantages–Disadvantages Essay Questions in IELTS Writing Task 2

Learn how to answer Advantages–disadvantages essay questions in IELTS writing Task 2 with an overview, recommended approach and practice question. by Tim Martyn

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Example question

Recommended approach, practice question.

Advantages–disadvantages essay questions are a common question type in IELTS writing Task 2. You’ll be presented with a statement about some kind of trend or phenomenon. You’ll either be asked what the advantages and disadvantages are, or whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Here are some key points about Advantages–disadvantages essay questions:

  • You should spend no more than 40 minutes on the task.
  • You should write at least 250 words – you’ll be penalised if your answer is too short.
  • Task 2 is worth two thirds of your total writing mark; Task 1 is worth one third.
  • You must write in full sentences, not bullet points or note form.

Here’s an example Advantages–disadvantages essay question.

Write about the following topic: Some people choose to be self-employed rather than work for an employer. Do you think the advantages of being self-employed outweigh the disadvantages? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Here’s my recommended approach for answering Advantages–disadvantages essay questions. We’ll use the example question to go through the steps you need to take.

IMPORTANT: The overall approach is the same for all  Task 2  question types (i.e. discussion, opinion, advantages–disadvantages and two-part essay questions). This is important because, on test day, you could get a question that doesn’t fall neatly into any of these categories. However, if you learn and practise applying the overall approach, you should be able to respond flexibly to any question you’re presented with. Also, while I generally recommend writing 4-paragraph essays, there are other structures you can use to write an effective essay.

Step 1  >  Analyse the question

The first step is to analyse the question. This is crucial – if you don’t take the time to analyse the question properly, you may misunderstand what it’s asking you or fail to respond to key parts of the question. Here’s our question prompt again.

You can see that we’ve been presented with a straightforward statement about being self-employed, and we’re being asked whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. The phrase Do you think and the verb outweigh are important here. They make it clear that the question is asking for our opinion. We need to make it clear to the examiner whether we think there are more advantages or more disadvantages. If we don’t do this, our score for Task Response will be affected.

IMPORTANT: Some Advantages–disadvantages essay questions don’t require you to give your opinion. These questions are usually worded like this: What are the advantages and disadvantages of being self-employed?

Step 2  >  Think of ideas

Once you fully understand the question and what you’re required to do, the next step is to spend a few minutes thinking of ideas for your essay. Don’t try to brainstorm as many ideas as you can – all you need is a few good ideas. If you’re having trouble coming up with ideas, try asking yourself these questions:

  • What are the most obvious ideas?
  • If you asked 100 people for their ideas, what do you think most of them would say?

For Advantages–disadvantages essay questions, you need to think of ideas for both sides (i.e. advantages and disadvantages). Because the words advantages and disadvantages in the question are in the plural form, you need to think of more than one advantage and more than one disadvantage. If the question asks you whether there are more advantages or more disadvantages, you also need to make a decision about that.

Step 3  >  Make a plan

Once you’ve thought of some ideas, it’s time to make a plan. I’d recommend that you spend about 5 minutes on your plan. It doesn’t need to be very detailed, but it’s important to think about what examples you’ll use and how you’ll explain your points. If you think of these things in advance, you’ll be able to connect your ideas more effectively when you’re writing your essay. Don’t try to write in full sentences – you can use symbols and abbreviations. The important thing is just to get your ideas down on paper. The plan for this essay might look something like this.

both advantages + disadvantages, but disadvantages > advantages
– free to set own schedules (i.e. don’t need to work 9–5)
– can choose clients and projects, don’t need to do things they don’t want to = sense of control
– irregular income, can’t pay themselves consistent salary, can’t apply for mortgage, etc.
– don’t have benefits (e.g. sick pay and annual leave), reluctant to take time off
– lack of structure in workday = less motivated
both advantages + disadvantages, but signif. disadvantages mean not the right choice for most ppl.

Step 4  >  Write the introduction

Now that you’ve thought of ideas for your essay and made a plan, it’s time to write the introduction. IELTS doesn’t specify what you need to include in your introduction, but for Advantages–disadvantages essay questions, I recommend that you include:

  • a paraphrase of the statement given in the question;
  • a statement about whether you think there are more advantages or more disadvantages.

Let’s look at each of these parts one by one.

1. A paraphrase of the statement given in the question

An easy and effective way to start your introduction is to paraphrase the statement given in the question. At this stage, don’t state whether you think there are more advantages or disadvantages – we’ll do that in the second part of the introduction. Keep in mind that you mustn’t copy the exact wording used in the question. Instead, you need to use synonyms and other forms of paraphrasing. You won’t be able find synonyms for everything. In fact, some words shouldn’t be replaced because doing so would change the meaning. Our paraphrase could be something like this: The vast majority of people work as employees in a company, but a growing number of people are making the decision to work for themselves.

2. A statement about whether you think there are more advantages or more disadvantages

In the second part of the introduction, you should clearly state whether you think there are more advantages or more disadvantages. An easy way to introduce this opinion is to use a conjunction such as While to introduce the side (i.e. advantages or disadvantages) that you think is less strong, and then make your opinion clear by using a phrase like I believe and the verb outweigh to introduce the side that you think is stronger. Here’s how we could write this statement: While being self-employed does have its benefits, I believe that they are outweighed by the drawbacks.

If we put the two parts of the introduction together, this is what we have.

The vast majority of people work as employees in a company, but a growing number of people are making the decision to work for themselves. While being self-employed does have its benefits, I believe that they are outweighed by the drawbacks.

Step 5  >  Write the body paragraphs

The next step is to write the body paragraphs. Your first body paragraph should be about the side (i.e. advantages or disadvantages) that you think is less strong. Your second paragraph should be about the side you think is stronger. Note that your second body paragraph may be longer than your first body paragraph. This is fine because you’re likely to have more reasons to support the side you think is stronger. A linking word such as While , Despite or However can help you introduce the stronger side. Make sure it’s clear that you’re giving your opinion. Don’t be afraid to use phrases such as I believe that and I am of the view that . Here are some possible body paragraphs for our example.

There are clear benefits to being self-employed. First of all, those who run their own businesses are usually free to set their own schedules. Unlike employees, there is no requirement for them to work 9 to 5, so those who are more productive in the afternoon, for example, can simply start their workday later. In addition, the self-employed can pick and choose the projects they want to work on and the clients they want to work with. For instance, if a client is fussy or otherwise difficult to work with, business owners can opt not to work with them again. This can give self-employed people a sense of control over their work lives. However, I am of the opinion that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. A significant drawback is the fact that people who work for themselves tend to have irregular income. Their business earnings inevitably fluctuate month to month, which means they are unable to pay themselves a consistent salary. This can have a detrimental impact on many aspects of their lives, including their ability to make long-term plans and apply for a mortgage. In addition, those who run their own businesses do not enjoy the same benefits as their traditionally employed counterparts. For example, employees are entitled to annual leave and sick pay. Even though self-employed people can take annual leave and sick days if they wish, in practice they rarely do because of fear of losing clients and income. This situation can negatively impact their physical and mental well-being. Finally, many self-employed people find that the lack of structure in their workday makes it difficult to stay motivated. This sometimes means that they end up working longer hours each day to get their work done because of their lack of productivity.

Step 6  >  Write the conclusion

The next step is to write the conclusion. All you need to do here is summarise the statement in the question and, again, make it clear what your own opinion is. Don’t just copy the words you used in other parts of the essay – use synonyms and paraphrasing as much as you can. Start your conclusion with In conclusion or To conclude . Here’s a possible conclusion for our example.

In conclusion, even though there are no doubt advantages of being self-employed, I believe that the significant disadvantages make traditional employment the right choice for most people.

Step 7  >  Check your work

The final step is to check your work. At this stage, you won’t have time to make any major changes, but it’s still an important step. Things to check for:

  • whether you’ve used an adequate range of grammar and vocabulary;
  • your word count.

Now it’s your turn to practise. Try the Advantages–disadvantages essay question below using the approach outlined above.

Write about the following topic: Many parents encourage their teenage children to get a part-time job while they are still in high school. Do you think the advantages of high school students having a part-time job outweigh the disadvantages? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

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Click below for a sample answer.

High school students are often encouraged by their parents to work part-time while they are still at school. Despite the fact that part-time employment has some downsides for students still in high school, I do feel that these are outweighed by the benefits.

A part-time job can come with a number of disadvantages for high school students. Firstly, balancing a part-time job and school commitments can lead to time management challenges, potentially impacting the student’s ability to focus on their studies, complete assignments and perform well academically. The pursuit of a part-time job can also limit a student’s ability to do sport and exercise and reduce the amount of time they have available to spend with family and friends. This can take a toll on their physical and mental well-being.

Despite these challenges, I feel that, on balance, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Firstly, a part-time job provides practical exposure to the world of work, helping students develop important skills such as time management, responsibility and teamwork. This hands-on experience can contribute to their personal growth and preparation for future careers. Additionally, a part-time job can teach financial literacy. High school students with a part-time job learn to manage their earnings and make informed decisions about spending and saving. It also gives them a sense of independence as they no longer have to fully rely on their parents for money. This is an important part of becoming an adult and a first step towards eventually leaving the family home.

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Inclusive Education: Advantages and Disadvantages Essay

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Inclusive education is a modern concept within which differently-abled students are put in classrooms that are appropriate for their age and meet their needs. Thus, students with special needs do not attend separate classes, nor are they institutionalized. Even though the idea of inclusive education and general classrooms might make sense on paper, there are both advantages and disadvantages to its implementation, which I will discuss in the present paper.

The first and main disadvantage of general classrooms is better learning outcomes in students with disabilities. Inclusive education encourages academic attainment, as in receiving higher grades and spending more hours per day and more years in general in school – something that might be dismissed by an institution. Tehir et al. discovered that school students with disabilities who went to inclusive schools had more chances to enter post-secondary education as compared to their peers who studied separately (15).

As for non-disabled students attending inclusive school, studies have found that the presence of people with special needs in the classroom had whether a neutral or positive impact on their learning experiences. Tehir et al. monitored the academic achievements of non-disabled students in the same classes as students with Down syndrome and revealed that in a year’s time, their grades had not deteriorated (9). As for me, interaction with students with special needs taught me compassion and respect towards those who are different from me.

Reforming education to make it more inclusive is a complicated process for everyone involved. First, we cannot make generalizations about people with special needs: for instance, some disorders allow them to retain high functionality. On the other hand, a number of disorders might be extremely disruptive to the learning process. Tehir et al. state that putting several students with severe mental and emotional issues in a single classroom present a significant challenge for a teacher (8). Other students may also suffer as the teacher’s attention is reoriented away from them.

Further, there might be a discrepancy between the ideal that a school seeks to attain and the level of preparation. Putting special needs students in general classrooms cannot and should not precede changing and equipping spaces with necessary gadgets and pieces of furniture. This fact leads me to the next point – financial issues derived from inclusive education implementation. Many schools are underfunded and have to be very thoughtful about the distribution of resources. Accommodating students with disabilities might drain money from other much-needed or urgent expenses. Lastly, teachers may lack training and experience in handling students with special needs, which may result in burnout and job dissatisfaction.

In alignment with the concept of inclusive education, a school should seek empowerment through diversity and support and encourage all students despite the challenges they might have. Studies have shown that joining their peers at inclusive schools helps students with disabilities to receive better grades and have brighter perspectives. However, the implementation of the concept might be strenuous and put a burden on teachers and non-disabled students and challenge a school financially.

Tehir, Thomas, et al. A Summary of the Evidence on Inclusive Education . 2016. Web.

  • Individualized Family Service Plan and Cooperative Teaching: Special Education
  • Young Children With Special Needs
  • Education Considerations for Students With Autism
  • Disabled Students in the United States
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  • Chicago (A-D)
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IvyPanda. (2021, June 13). Inclusive Education: Advantages and Disadvantages.

"Inclusive Education: Advantages and Disadvantages." IvyPanda , 13 June 2021,

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Inclusive Education: Advantages and Disadvantages'. 13 June.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Inclusive Education: Advantages and Disadvantages." June 13, 2021.

1. IvyPanda . "Inclusive Education: Advantages and Disadvantages." June 13, 2021.


IvyPanda . "Inclusive Education: Advantages and Disadvantages." June 13, 2021.

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Disadvantages of Spartan Education

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September 24, 2013

Valley News

Perhaps it’s unsurprising, then, that an estimated 9 percent of parents don’t send their 5-year-olds to kindergarten anymore. They wait a year so that their savvy 6-year-olds can better handle the curriculum. This so-called “academic redshirting,” a nod to the practice of keeping young athletes on the bench until they are bigger and more skilled, is highly controversial. The National Association of Early Childhood Specialists and the National Association for the Education of Young Children fiercely oppose it, saying that redshirting “labels children as failures at the outset of their school experience.” Studies that have evaluated how well redshirted kids fare compared to their schooled-on-time peers conclude that redshirting provides no long-term academic or social advantages and can even put kids at a disadvantage.

The practice has become even more controversial in recent years over claims that some parents do it for the wrong reasons: They redshirt their kids not because their kids aren’t ready for school, but because, in the age of parenting as competitive sport, holding them out might give them an academic, social and athletic edge over their peers. If little Delia is the star of kindergarten, they scheme, maybe she’ll ride the wave all the way to Harvard. Gaming the system this way, of course, puts other kids at a disadvantage.

Yet some experts say that redshirting can be extremely appropriate and helpful for certain kids, and they aren’t convinced by the research pooh-poohing the practice. That’s because the impact of redshirting is very difficult to evaluate, as kids who are held back are fundamentally different in many ways from kids who go to kindergarten on time, so the conclusions of some studies might be flawed. And even if redshirting might not be beneficial when effects are averaged, there could be a subset of kids who really benefit from the extra “gift of time.” But before I get into that, let me summarize some of the studies.

In 2006, researchers at the University of Texas at Austin and the University of Southern California analyzed national data collected over many years from 15,000 26-year-olds. They compared what became of kids who had been redshirted to what became of kids who had been young for their class but not redshirted. They found that the redshirted kids performed worse on 10th-grade tests, were twice as likely to drop out of school, and were less likely to graduate from college; the only advantage to redshirting was that redshirted kids were marginally more likely to play varsity sports in high school.

Other research suggests that redshirted kids are less motivated and engaged than their younger peers in high school and that they are more likely to require special education services. And in a 2008 review, David Deming, an economist of education at Harvard University, and Susan Dynarski, an education and public policy expert at the University of Michigan, concluded that redshirted kids also tend to have lower IQs and earnings as adults. This latter finding is probably linked to the fact that redshirted teens are more likely to drop out of high school than non-redshirted teens. Redshirted kids tend to have lower lifetime earnings, too, because they enter the labor force a year later.

If all this makes you think redshirting is a really bad idea, you’re not alone. Many articles, including a piece published at Slate and a 2011 New York Times op-ed titled “Delay Kindergarten at Your Child’s Peril,” have deftly argued against the practice. Others point out that redshirting could be bad on a societal level, too: When lots of kids in school are redshirted, parents demand a more advanced curriculum — they often “argue that they have invested in a child’s education, and the school must now individualize to meet a 6-year-old’s needs,” says Beth Graue, a curriculum and instruction expert at the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Center for Education Research — and this could create a vicious cycle making kindergarten more and more challenging, encouraging more and more redshirting. And when redshirting is common, it can put young low-income children at a disadvantage, because these kids may not be ready for the curriculum, yet their parents often can’t afford to pay for an extra year of preschool.

Yet as I mentioned earlier, the impact of redshirting is not as clear-cut as it sounds. First, much of the research on redshirting is pretty old — some of the key studies I cited relied on cohorts of kids who were redshirted in the late ’70s or early ’80s, and kindergarten has changed a lot since then. Redshirting has also become more common over the years, although it started becoming popular as early as the 1990s. Second, redshirted kids are usually vastly different from non-redshirted kids before they even get to school, so it can be difficult to separate the effects of redshirting from these fundamental differences. Redshirted kids these days are most likely to be boys who come from affluent families — one study from California reported that parents who redshirt their kids earn, on average, 40 percent more than those who don’t — because, as mentioned earlier, low-income parents typically can’t afford to pay for another year of preschool. So when researchers compare redshirted kids to non-redshirted kids, they’re often comparing socio-economic apples and oranges.

At this point, I know you’re pulling your hair out and just want to know: So what should I do when it comes time to enroll my kid in kindergarten? I asked this of Deborah Stipek, the former dean of the Stanford Graduate School of Education, who has studied redshirting and relative age effects. She says that parents should consider more than just their child when it comes time to make enrollment decisions — they need to consider their kindergarten, too.

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