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How People Should Treat Animals Essay Examples

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Abuse , Violence , Animal Abuse , Animals , Pets , Treatment , Torture , Bullying

Words: 2000

Published: 02/17/2020


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Introduction As it known, the recent issue of cruelty to animals is particularly acute. Many countries have adopted laws to protect animals; animal cruelty is a criminal offense. Thus, according to the social opinion, a person must not only prevent animal abuse, but also take care of them. But is it not dangerous – to concern excessively for animals? On the one hand, animal abuse is an act of cruelty which must be punished, but on the other hand, the excessive treatment sometimes can harm animals even not lesser than abuse.

In this report, the problem of animal abuse and excessive concern about them will be discussed.

Animal Abuse The issue of animal cruelty is long overdue. In fact, the world is full of cruelty and violence, but if a person is at least able to seek help, can somehow protect themselves, aware of their rights, the animals are deprived of such opportunities. Every now and then the stories about animal cruelty reveal, there are a variety of materials in the media, world wide web, which confirms that it is worth to think seriously about what animal rights protection and promotion of humane treatment of animals needed today as never before. Protecting the rights of animals is required, the animals, of course, have the right to be guarded against abuse, harassment or inappropriate content, as a result of which they suffer. Animals - this is not material for the spending allowance for experimental or scientific experiments. Unfortunately, many people who give birth to animals, do not realize that this is not mere entertainment. The cruelty to animals must be stopped, because just like humans, animals feel pain, the attitude towards them. But some individuals can simply take it out on the poor animals for their personal failures or bad mood. In addition, pet owners do not realize the responsibility they take on when they decide to shelter themselves a pet. Many cats and dogs on the streets because their owners got bored with the old toys. Humane treatment of animals is not known so the owners. Get a pet for fun, some forget that these animals need care. As a result, often the animals that were on the street, or are killed because they are not adapted to living in such conditions, if they grew up in an apartment, or altogether euthanized. Because animals need to be protected from such irresponsible owners. Millions of animals have never known the humane treatment by their own masters. So, unfortunately, there are cases where, for example, animal cruelty is evident in the fact that the birds are locked in small cells, inhospitable, and the latter are only a beautiful interior decoration. Animals have to live in deplorable conditions, limitation of movement, mud, and even at all - hunger. It is terrible to think how many animals subjected to abuse by people. And yet, all of that in these cases can the law do about animals - it's fine the offender. Sure, the fight against violations of the law to protect the rights of animals from abuse should be strengthened. Humane treatment of animals is a must. After all, if a person acquiring a pet, expect to find in him a friend for many single people pets - this is the only way to not feel alone. But why do people sometimes forget that animals need our care and protection? Sometimes there are strange and incomprehensible changes - once the pet becomes a burden to their owners when sick or old. For example, a dog who all his life faithfully served his master, can become useless when it becomes weak. People live in a civilized society, and cruelty to animals is just not compatible with the concepts of humanity and morality. Each of us, in the treatment of animals should be regulated not only by the law of the animals, but also their own morals. Animal protection should be a priority for every self-respecting man. Modern society often refers to an unprecedented abuse and cruelty to animals. Previously, the only form of animal cruelty, the media coverage was the mistreatment of circus animals. Today, thanks to the efforts of NGOs, people will learn more information and statistics about the ill treatment of animals. Outrage over the animals, called experiments on animals - the biggest danger, discovered in recent years. In 2006, the Council on Ethics for animals at the Ministry of Justice in Denmark found that the sexual relationship between man and dog is not subject to prohibition and can not be considered cruel treatment, except in cases where such a relationship demonstrates openly or animals used for the filming of pornography and sex show. Only one of the ten members of the Council opposed the decision. A deputy from the right Danish People's Party, Christian Hansen was shocked by the decision, demanding to bring this issue to a referendum. According to a study of the Fund for the Protection of Animal Rights in the United States in five states of the country the punishment for animal abuse "is not consistent with the values ​​of American society." According to Broom, D.M.,“in 2009 in the U.S. there were 832 cases of cruelty to animals. of ill- treatment of animals used for providing information online source. States such as Florida (68 cases), California (50 cases) and Pennsylvania (51 cases) were the leaders in the number of cases of animal cruelty” (10). It also have been found different ways of cruelty to animal. A recent report by non-governmental organizations reported that research laboratories do not fulfill the rules and regulations for animals. Some of those facts about the mistreatment of animals in laboratories are dire. Cruelty to animals is a fairly common phenomenon among laboratory workers. Animals suffer ill-treatment, for example, they poured water pressure hoses, they have a variety of harmful chemicals and bleaches. Animals were forced to swallow a variety of chemicals to conduct testing. This practice is carried out under the name of animal experiments, it is illegal and unethical, as well as other forms of animal cruelty. Prevent cruelty to animals is possible by taking the necessary measures. The following is information about the various forms of animal cruelty. There are many laws against cruelty and animal welfare programs that exist in all states and U.S. territories. These laws prohibit the abuse, torture, beating, mutilation and unnecessary killing of animals. They also include neglect, refusal or withdrawal of the animals with food, water and shelter. There are many organizations that have been established in order to monitor the animal cruelty and take action against violators. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), an animal rescue agencies, animal shelters, etc., investigating cases of animal abuse. If these agencies do not have the police or sheriff's department may take appropriate action. Once it has gathered enough evidence, the prosecution filed a local, regional or federal attorney. According to the U.S. legislative history of Welfare Act, “the primary federal law relating to animal care and conditions in the US is the Animal Welfare Act of 1966, amended in 1970, 1976, 1985, 1990, 2002 and 2007. It is the only Federal law in the United States that regulates the treatment of animals in research, exhibition, transport, and by dealers. Other laws, policies, and guidelines may include additional species coverage or specifications for animal care and use, but all refer to the Animal Welfare Act as the minimum acceptable standard” (23)

Excessive Care of Animals

According to Caroline Hewson, “Animal welfare is the physical and psychological well-being of animals.” But some people harm animals in their longing to make animal welfare being perfect. Most of the problems with excessive care of the animals cause the pet owners. Most owners are often lightly to care for a pet and do not care about the daily routine pet. The most important role in the life of a pet plays his diet. Many people are overfed animal that causes him obesity and heart problems. Some just do not bother to clean up after him, and walk in timely manner. This is leading to unsanitary conditions at home and increases the risk of infectious diseases for animal. Pets are almost always different from their homeless relatives groomed appearance. But it should known that excessive care of a pet can have an adverse effect on his health. It's no secret that homeless animals are taking baths in the rain jets. This fact makes one wonder whether or not pets frequent water treatment? Veterinarians are often advised not to bathe the pet as it significantly lowers the immune system. Especially dangerous frequent water treatments using special detergents that simply destroys the protective function of the skin. Most cats are clean animals are considered. Therefore, cats rarely bathed, and the complete absence of water treatment does not prevent them stay clean. But dogs are less cleanly, so from time to time require bathing. But the use of special shampoos is relevant only if the dog get covered in something far from sanitary norms and it comes from simply unbearable stench. In other cases it is sufficient to wash the pet's usual clean under running water. Special mention deserves the nail clipping animals. By the way, cats are able to independently remove dead skin and nails in need of human assistance only in the event of illness or old age. But dogs need grooming claws every two weeks. Carefully inspect the animal's claw clearance – only the dark part can be cut. Another important aspect of the harm of excessive pet care are unskilled workers of humannity services for homeless or wild animals. Not every volunteer for working with such animals. The fact that the care of wild or stray animals in the first place, remember that sooner or later the animal is likely to have to let go at will, into the wild. Excessive concern about the animal may cause blunting of the natural instincts of the animal. Caught in the wild, the animal may not be able to find their own food or to survive in the cold - and all because it is already used to getting food from human hands and live in warmth. Professional vets know how to deal with these animals, so their work is very important.

In this essay has been discussed how people should treat animals. On the one hand, animals abuse is a cruel action and must be prevented and punished, but on the other hand, the excessive care is also harmful. The schools need to teach children how they can deal with animal cruelty. Above all, children need to know about animal rights, and that cruelty to animals is illegal. Kindness and compassion towards animals - the most important factor. Some children enjoy the activities related to the torture of animals. Such behavior is harmful not only to animal suffering, but also the people who interact with these children. Animals, like humans, suffer from abuse. If a child understands this, he will most likely be suspended from such actions, and will also discourage people who do this. People should know this to know, how care about animals better.

Works Cited

Arluke, Arnold. “Brute Force: Animal Police and the Challenge of Cruelty”, Purdue University Press (August 15, 2004), hardcover, 175 pages, ISBN 1-55753-350-4. An ethnographic study of humane law enforcement officers. Lea, Suzanne Goodney (2007). “Delinquency and Animal Cruelty: Myths and Realities about Social Pathology”, hardcover, 168 pages, ISBN 978-1-59332-197-0. Lea challenges the argument made by animal rights activists that animal cruelty enacted during childhood is a precursor to human-directed violence. Munro H. (The battered pet (1999) In F. Ascione & P. Arkow (Eds.) “Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, and Animal Abuse”. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press, 199–208. Hewson, Caroline J. (2003). "What is animal welfare? Common definitions and their practical consequences". The Canadian Veterinary Journal, 44 (6): 496–9. PMC 340178. PMID 12839246. Broom, D.M., (1991). “Animal welfare: concepts and measurement”. Journal of Animal Science, 69(10): 4167-75 "Legislative History of the Animal Welfare Act". PDF, Retrieved 7 April 2010. Brown, Congressman G.E. (1997). “30 Years of the Animal Welfare Act”. Animal Welfare Information Center Bulletin 8: 1-2, 23.


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English Compositions

Short Essay on Kindness to Animals [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

In this lesson today, you will learn how to write short essays on the topic of Kindness to Animals. In this lesson, I am going to adapt a simplistic approach to writing these essays that all kinds of students can easily understand. 

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Short essay on Kindness to Animals in 100 Words

All the living creatures on this planet have the right to live freely in nature. Today, however, many animals all over the world are suffering because of human cruelty. People don’t just kill animals for their meat but also their skins, tusks, horns, teeth, feathers and fur. Many animals are kept captive, tortured and made to perform in front of crowds of people.

Innocent lab animals are used all over the world to test newly developed chemical formulations. We should be kind to animals and all living creatures. We should never harm animals. Instead, we should feed them and take care of them whenever we can. After all, having compassion for others is what truly makes us human. 

Short essay on Kindness to Animals in 200 Words

For thousands of years, human beings have hunted animals not just for food, but also for sports and fun. Many animals like elephants and horned rhinoceros have been killed for centuries for their tusks and horns. Animals like lions, tigers, monkeys and even dolphins are kept captive, tortured and made to perform in front of crowds of people.

The livestock animals kept in farms for their milk and meat live in such terrible conditions, unable to move freely. And of course, we can not forget the lab animals. Rabbits, guinea pigs, rats and mice are used all over the world to test new chemical formulas developed for humans. 

In our day to day life, we all have come across people throwing stones at street dogs or kicking them. Many people don’t even think twice before running their cars over street animals. We must ask ourselves if the innocent animals deserve our cruelty.

They don’t bother us and just want to live peacefully. We should become more kind and compassionate towards animals and all other living beings. We shouldn’t harm animals or let others harm them. We should feed and take care of helpless animals. After all, having compassion for others is what truly makes us human. 

Short essay on Kindness to Animals in 400 Words

All living beings on this planet were created and given life by the same divine force. All of us, whether it is human beings, plants or animals, have the right to live and be free. In the olden days, most kings and emperors spent their free time going on hunts to kill animals like deer, tigers, lions and elephants. The hunted animals were not eaten but just served as a trophy for the king.

Many big animals like elephants and horned rhinoceros are still killed for their tusks, horns and skins. Marine animals like sharks and whales are also killed to be served as delicacies in several high-end restaurants. Over the years, the population of these animals has greatly decreased and many exotic species are on the verge of becoming extinct. 

We don’t have to go far to see animals suffering because of human cruelty. It is not hard to notice how mistreated the street dogs are. People throw stones at them, kick them and some even run their cars over them. Many animals are kept captive and made to perform in circuses. The livestock animals kept in farms for their milk and meat live in such terrible conditions, unable to move freely.

Their babies are taken away from them and killed as the people running the farms don’t see any value in keeping them alive. Horses and bullocks kept for pulling carts and ploughs are often not fed properly and made to work until they collapse. If we take a look at the cosmetic industry, so many high-end brands test their products on innocent animals. Rabbits, guinea pigs, rats and mice are all used to test new chemical formulas developed for beauty products. This greatly harms them. 

Animals have every right to live freely in nature. Just because they cannot defend themselves, does not mean that we should keep torturing them for our gain. Kindness to animals and all other living creatures is a virtue. We should not harm animals and we should stop others from harming them as well. Many animals have lost their habitat and food sources because of deforestation and infrastructure developments done by human beings.

We should feed and take care of such animals instead of viewing them as a nuisance. Governments all over the world have taken various steps to stop illegal hunting and many organisations are trying their best to make life less cruel for farm and lab animals. But they can only do so much. It is on each one of us to become more compassionate and kind towards animals so that all living beings can live freely on this planet. 

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Animals deserve to be treated humanely but not as humans.

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About the Author

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Madilynne Clark

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As a farm girl and daughter of a veterinarian, I treat animals humanely but not as humans. There is a big difference between these philosophies.

Let’s start out simple – my dog sleeps on the floor. She has her own dog bed but prefers to sleep by my side of the bed on the carpet or by my son’s crib. She would love to sleep on my bed, but the two nights this has been allowed, she hogged the king-size bed, stole my pillow (she loves pillows), and woke me up at 5 a.m. with a slobbery kiss. When our dog whines to get on the bed, I remind myself that she is a dog, not a human, and will be fine on the floor.

There is a big difference between humane and human.

  • Humanely is defined as treating something with compassion and benevolence.
  • Human is defined as relating to, or characteristic of humans.

Thus, when it comes to animal welfare, everyone is obligated to treat animals humanely but not as humans. Why? Because the treatment of animals as humans can endanger their welfare. When animal activists believe they know what is best for an animal, often it is because they are treating the animal as humans but very inhumanely.

A news story last month from Eden Valley, Minnesota illustrates this heartbreaking reality.

At 5:30 a.m. on July 17 th , the Sherriff’s Office responded to a call at Lang Farms, LLC . The report of burglary/vandalism was quickly confirmed by law enforcement and the loss is staggering. Lang Farms, LLC raises mink for pelts and in-humane criminals decided between late Sunday night and early Monday morning to “protect” these animals. Trespassing on private property, the criminals dismantled the exterior fence around the barns and released all the mink from their cages. Animal right activists are being blamed.

As of July 23 rd , Dan Lang, owner of Lang Farms estimated just under 40,000 mink had been released and because they are domesticated they have no hope of surviving. So far 11,000 mink have been recovered alive, 15,000 mink have died and about 14,000 are unaccounted for. The economic loss alone is over $750,000 not to mention the lost genetics because the farmer will not be able to determine who is who and has lost generations of breeding stock. Not to mention the consequences on native wildlife and habitat as 14,000 domesticated mink take up residence.

essay how to treat animals kindly

The farmer is not inhumane because the mink live in a barn and are kept separated in cages. Dan Lang’s compassion and humanity are evident.

Shortly after the incident he said, ““I’m so sick of crying. It’s unbelievable. For the first time in my life this morning, I didn’t want to be [in the barns]. … I want to be by my animals but I can’t bear to see what’s going on anymore. I wish these people that did this would come here every day for two weeks, and they could help pick up the dead ones.”

Time and time again, animal right activists claim the higher ground of humane treatment of animals, ignoring those farmers and ranchers who care for the animals daily. Having gone on veterinary calls for decades the practices targeted by activists appall me because these practices are done for the good of the animals. Animal care practices are scientifically tested, evolving, and medically necessary. When activists target these practices and production methods, they are not just hurting the farmer but are endangering the animal’s welfare.

Animals deserve to be treated humanely and it is our responsibility as humans to treat them with compassion and benevolence. However, we should not treat them as humans because it is often inhumane to do so. Situations, like with Lang Farms, infuriate me because thousands of mink died pointlessly, in an inhumane and gruesome death due to heat exhaustion, lack of food and water, or fighting with other mink.

The next time PETA, Humane Society of the United States, Animal Liberation Front, or some other animal justice group attacks farmers and ranchers for using scientifically backed practices, please trust the farmer and research the situation before endangering the lives of thousands of animals.

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Kindness to Animals Essay

The kindness to animals essay covers why we should always show compassion to animals. There are a few advantages to being kind to animals, and they are listed in the article. Some of these include showing respect for animals, being kind to them, and helping preserve our environment as it provides shelter to animals. Kindness to animals essay teaches us to be kind and tolerant towards furry friends.

Some people think that animals don’t have feelings or emotions, but they do. The relationship between humans and animals is much more than just giving them food and shelter. A human’s well-being depends on all living things, including animals. Humans are responsible for the treatment of domestic animals .

Kindness to animals is a common practice that many people engage in today. It is always a nice feeling to help animals in need. There are many ways that you can show kindness towards them. You can share your food with them, get a pet for yourself, or volunteer for an animal shelter.

Animals have an impact on our lives in many ways. As a society, we have focused more on human beings, which has caused a lot of harm to our planet and the animals that live on it. It is important to make decisions that help preserve wildlife to protect humans and animals.

essay how to treat animals kindly

Importance of Protecting Animals

Animal activism and animal rights have been a growing trend in recent years. Animal advocates preach kindness to animals, highlighting that just as humans should be kind to each other, they should also extend that kindness to the wildlife around them. There are different types of animal activism by the people who believe in protecting animals.

There are many reasons to take care of animals and levels of kindness one can show to an animal. Some people believe that animals are a reflection of ourselves, and if we have loving animal companions, it will make us feel more fulfilled. There is also the argument that animals have the same rights as humans and that they should be protected for their welfare.

Kindness to animals essay discusses the benefits of animal-friendly practices and ideas. It also provides resources for those who want to make a difference in their own lives, whether they are working in the animal industry or not.

Many wild animals are suffering and dying because of human cruelty. The best way to help is to be kinder. We should treat all animals with care, respect, love, kindness, and dignity.

Frequently Asked Questions on Kindness to Animals Essay

Why should kids refer to byju’s kindness to animals essay.

Kids must refer to BYJU’S kindness to animals essay because it discusses the benefits of animal-friendly practices and philosophies. Animals need to be protected because they are an important part of our ecosystem. Also, when an animal becomes extinct, this could have a huge impact on the ecosystem.

Why should we protect the animals?

Animals are a precious part of our world, and we should protect them. There are many animals that have been endangered because of human activities, like the animals in Africa that have been killed by poaching. We need to protect these animals so that we can stop global warming and other environmental issues.

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How to Be Kind to Animals

Last Updated: June 9, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Pippa Elliott, MRCVS . Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years. There are 16 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 196,987 times.

Animals of all kinds enrich our lives. They can be our friends or inspire our imagination. Whether it’s a house pet such as a cat, a domesticated animal like a horse, or even a wild animal like an owl or alligator, animals deserve kindness from humans. By caring for pets and domesticated animals and respecting animals in the wild, you can show your kindness to any animal.

Caring for Pets or Domesticated Animals

Step 1 Make a lifelong commitment.

  • Why do I want a pet?
  • Do I have enough time and money to care for my pet?
  • How well would an animal fit in my home? Am I allowed to have pets in my rental property?
  • Who will care for my pet if I am away, ill, or pass away?

Step 2 Promote your animal’s health.

  • Make sure your animals receive yearly vaccinations against rabies and other diseases. Schedule vaccinations as a part of your pet’s annual visit to the vet.
  • Groom your animals as necessary for their species. For example, brush your horses, dogs, and cats regularly. [3] X Trustworthy Source American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Leading organization dedicated to the prevention of animal cruelty Go to source
  • Watch for fleas and other pests like ear mites and treat them accordingly.

Step 3 Give animals a comfy personal space.

  • Prepare a cozy sleeping space with items like a pet bed, box with a blanket, or a nice pile of clean hay. Put a personal item in the space to remind her of your scent.
  • Create other spaces where your animals can eat, play, and go to the bathroom. Keep eating and bathroom spaces as far apart as possible because many animals won’t eat near where they defecate.
  • Allow smaller animals like cats and dogs to live inside with you.
  • Make sure smaller pets and domesticated animals that stay outside have proper shelter. For example, any animal needs a roof to protect it from rain, snow, or other bad weather. This is especially important for smaller animals because they are not able to regulate their body temperatures in extreme hot or cold. [4] X Research source
  • Keep your pets’ and animals’ spaces as clean as possible. For example, if you have turtles or fish, clean the tank once a week. Likewise, clean a kitty litter box every day. [5] X Research source

Step 4 Feed your animals regularly.

  • Give your animals food at the same times every day to establish a routine. [7] X Research source Ask your vet or conduct online research to figure out how often you should feed your pet for optimal health.
  • Feed your animals food that is appropriate for their species. For example, give cats and dogs a mixture of moist and dry foods and pigs vegetables and fruits. [8] X Research source You can ask your vet or local pet store or conduct online research to figure out what brands and types of food are best for your best. Aim to get the highest quality food you can afford to promote your pet’s health.
  • Make sure pets and other animals always have bowl of fresh and clean water in addition to their food. [9] X Research source Change the water at least once daily and more often if your pet drinks it or something like food falls in the bowl.
  • Avoid giving your pet or domesticated animal table scraps or other human foods like chocolate because these can harm their health and even be fatal. [10] X Trustworthy Source American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Leading organization dedicated to the prevention of animal cruelty Go to source Talk to your vet about what types of foods to absolutely keep away from your pets.
  • Reward your pet with treats when they are being good. Be careful not to feed your animals too many treats, which are often filled with sugar and can contribute to unhealthy weight gain.

Step 5 Interact at the right times.

  • Avoid moving or playing with your animal when she is sleeping, eating or drinking, and cleaning herself. Doing so may scare, stress, or annoy animals, which could result in an unpleasant reaction.
  • Avoid chasing pets because this can scare them. Although you might be tempted to show your animal love by following her and picking her up or interacting with her, this often goes against animal behavior. Allow pets and other animals approach you whenever they want. [11] X Research source
  • Position yourself at your animal’s height to appear less threatening. This can relax them and ensure they are comfortable getting your attention.

Step 6 Show your love.

  • Pet or stroke and pick up your animals gently. Avoid squeezing your animal or pull her tail while you pet or stroke her. [13] X Research source
  • Reciprocate any affection your animal shows you. This helps form a bond of trust and love between you and your animal. Part of this includes talking to your pet and referring to her by name.
  • Play with your animal. Most pets and animals are naturally energetic and require play to stay happy and healthy. Give them toys, take them for walks, and do any other type of activity your animal enjoys.
  • Be patient with your animal if she makes a mistake. Don’t yell, hit, or do anything else retaliatory towards her. Pets learn best from positive responses and may learn to fear you if you yell at or hit them.

Step 7 Report suspected animal abuse.

  • animals that are chained in yards without proper food, water, or shelter
  • hitting or kicking animals, or even screaming at them.

Handling Animals with Care

Step 1 Avoid forcing any animal.

  • Consider putting yourself at the level of the animal to help calm it. [14] X Research source Kneel down to smaller animals such as dogs, cats, rabbits, or turtles. Avoid putting your face directly in front of an animal’s face, which may stress it and cause you harm.
  • Keep in mind that animals respond to you the way you treat them.

Step 2 Approach animals slowly.

  • Avoid approaching an animal from its blind spots, which can startle it. This may traumatize the animal or could wind up in an injury for you.
  • Let dogs, cats, and other animals sniff you before you handle it. Extend your hand and let the animal smell you. It will decide if you can approach it more closely from here. Consider washing your hands if you are touching multiple animals as some pets may not like the smell of another species.
  • Give the animal a few seconds or minutes to approach you. Some animals may be naturally timid and need a little while to get used to your presence. Approaching them before an animal shows it wants your attention can cause it stress.

Step 3 Pick up your animal calmly.

  • Place your hands under the animal’s legs or on the legs and belly. This provides a stable base so she feels safe. You can also gently move your arms underneath your animal if she is larger. Remember to stay calm and be patient so that you don’t startle your animal. If the animal shows any signs of not wanting to be picked up, allow it to go free and try again another time.
  • Use proper methods for larger animals. For example, if you need to pick up a horse, cow, or a pig, make sure you have the proper equipment such as a crane that supports the legs, head, and belly.
  • Stand up slowly once you have a good handle of your pet. This can minimize the risk of startling the animal and traumatizing it.
  • Avoid picking up an animal by its head, individual legs, or tail. No exceptions, otherwise you can seriously harm and traumatize the animal.

Step 4 Hold your animal stably.

  • Keep your animal in a balanced position so that she feels safe. Avoid flipping animals, which can not only traumatize, but also harm them. [15] X Research source
  • Consider sitting down with your pet to help both of you relax. This may allow the animal to snuggle into you and further establish your bond of trust. Make sure you talk to your pet and stroke her while you are holding her.

Respecting Wild Animals

Step 1 Remember that wild animals are just that—wild.

  • Be aware that many species of animals, such as alligators, cannot be tamed and you shouldn’t make an attempt to tame them or their offspring. [17] X Research source
  • Be aware that it is often against the law to keep wild animals without a special permit. [18] X Research source

Step 2 Enjoy wildlife from afar.

  • Avoid chasing, touching, or picking up wild animals.
  • Remain quiet and still when watching wildlife. Use binoculars and cameras to get close to wildlife with your eyes.
  • Keep your pets away from wild animals to prevent disease transmission or any unpleasant interactions.
  • Stay away from habitats or wild animal areas at mating times or when they are protecting their young.

Step 3 Avoid feeding wild animals.

  • Keep any food, including pet food, you have outside securely stored in containers with lids.
  • Place trash in secured bins or sealed bags. If you are camping, hiking, or taking a nature walk, look for areas designated for trash. Never throw garbage on the ground or leave it sitting in your yard or elsewhere.
  • Be aware that the salt from sweat on shoes or boots and scented toiletries can also attract wild animals.
  • Never use food to bait a wild animal to come closer to you.

Step 4 Allow animals to thrive in your area.

  • Use organic lawn and garden treatments. Not only can this protect wildlife, but also your pets.

Step 5 Take care when driving.

  • Avoid swerving to not hit an animal on major roads. This can lead to major accidents and even human fatalities. Do your best to not hit the animal.
  • Never go out of your way to hit an animal with your car. It’s cruel and could get you in legal trouble if someone sees you.

Step 6 Respect wild meat.

  • Contact park rangers if you are in a natural park.
  • Call your local wildlife rehabilitator, conservation commission, or police department if you are not in a park. Your local humane society will also have information about who you can contact.

Step 8 Support animal conservation efforts.

  • Consider making an annual donation to conservation groups such as the World Wildlife Foundation. [21] X Research source Groups like this can use the money to protect threatened and endangered species around the world. However, if you want to help animals in your local area, make a donation to a local nature reserve or park.
  • Offer your time to a local part or animal facility. This can help them save administrative funds and divert them to important efforts such as vaccinations or rebuilding natural habitats.

Expert Q&A

Pippa Elliott, MRCVS

  • It can take a little while for new pets and domesticated animals to approach you; don't be discouraged if it doesn't happen quickly. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Engaging an animal—by holding or petting, for example-- against its wishes may traumatize or harm them or you. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • If an animal appears agitated, leave the area and allow it to calm down. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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  • ↑ https://online.uwa.edu/news/empathy-in-animals/
  • ↑ https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/article/cats-secure-attachment/
  • ↑ https://www.aspca.org/news/hair-comes-trouble-why-pets-need-regular-grooming
  • ↑ https://animalfoundation.com/whats-going-on/blog/basic-necessities-proper-pet-care
  • ↑ https://nap.nationalacademies.org/resource/10668/dog_nutrition_final_fix.pdf
  • ↑ https://www.saugusanimalhospital.com/blog/2017/october/-what-kind-of-food-how-much-and-how-often-/
  • ↑ https://www.msdvetmanual.com/dog-owners/routine-care-and-breeding-of-dogs/routine-health-care-of-dogs
  • ↑ https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control/people-foods-avoid-feeding-your-pets
  • ↑ https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/why-punishment-should-be-avoided
  • ↑ https://www.southernazvets.com/5-healthy-ways-to-show-your-love-for-your-pet/
  • ↑ https://www.vetstreet.com/our-pet-experts/how-to-pet-a-dog
  • ↑ https://www.ruralareavet.org/PDF/Animal_Handling.pdf
  • ↑ https://www.eekwi.org/animals/leave-wild-animals-wild
  • ↑ https://aldf.org/article/laws-that-protect-animals/
  • ↑ https://www.gov.uk/report-dead-animal
  • ↑ https://www.worldwildlife.org/

About This Article

Pippa Elliott, MRCVS

To be kind to animals, always respect their personal space by allowing them to approach you when they’re ready. Additionally, try to avoid chasing or grabbing them, since that can be quite scary to an animal. When a domesticated animal approaches you, pet or stroke it gently so that it feels comfortable with you. However, if you encounter a wild animal, only admire it from afar so you don’t disturb it in its natural habitat. For more advice from our Veterinary co-author, including how to pick up and hold a domesticated animal, keep reading. Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How Should We Treat Our Fellow Creatures?

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To the Editor:

Re “ According Animals Dignity ,” by Frank Bruni (column, Jan. 14):

The idea that mammalian species, especially our domesticated pets, have emotions like our own is not new: Charles Darwin articulated that belief in his 1872 monograph, “The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals.” But our views of animal emotions, like Darwin’s, are still based more on anthropomorphism than on hard scientific knowledge, recent claims to the contrary notwithstanding.

Brain scans are notoriously indirect, low resolution, correlative and often wildly overinterpreted. The simple fact is that it is still very hard to know in a scientifically rigorous manner what animals are thinking or feeling. What I find disturbing, however, is the implication that animals should be accorded “dignity” only because we think that they have emotions or feelings like our own.

Animals should be treated with dignity and respect whether or not we truly understand, or only think we understand, the complex workings of their inner lives.

DAVID J. ANDERSON Pasadena, Calif., Jan. 14, 2014

The writer is a professor of biology and a neuroscientist at Caltech.

The Enlightenment philosopher Jeremy Bentham wrote in 1789:

“The day may come when the rest of the animal creation may acquire those rights which never could have been withholden from them but by the hand of tyranny. ... A full-grown horse or dog is beyond comparison a more rational, as well as a more conversable animal, than an infant of a day or a week or even a month old. But suppose the case were otherwise, what would it avail? The question is not, Can they reason? Nor, Can they talk? but, Can they suffer ?”

THOMAS ZIPP Cleveland, Jan. 14, 2014

Frank Bruni appropriately advocates concern for the well-being of animals. I encourage him (and others) to join in the covenant I made 40 years ago out of respect for all sentient beings. My agreement with the animals: I don’t eat them, and they don’t eat me.

SIMON ARONIN White Plains, Jan. 14, 2014

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Community in Mission

Blog of the Archdiocese of Washington

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On Kindness to Animals and Why It Is an Important Virtue to Cultivate


This certainly applies to our treatment of animals. There are some extremists who would equate the dignity of animals with that of humans, failing to understand that human abilities are exceptional and unique due to the capacities of our soul, made in the image of God. Others think it immoral for us to make use of animals as beasts of burden or for necessary food. Still others think that animal companions can replace healthy human relationships (rather than merely augment them).

But whatever the extremes and errors of our time, our animals do have important roles in helping us to become more human. St. Thomas Aquinas set forth the paradoxical notion that animals can help us to be more humane and more human:

Blood was forbidden, both in order to avoid cruelty, that they might abhor the shedding of human blood, as stated above (3, ad 8) … For the same reason they were forbidden to eat animals that had been suffocated or strangled: because the blood of these animals would not be separated from the body: or because this form of death is very painful to the victim; and the Lord wished to withdraw them from cruelty even in regard to irrational animals, so as to be less inclined to be cruel to other men, through being used to be kind to beasts (Summa Theologica, I, IIae, 102, art 6, ad 1).

St. Thomas links the avoidance of excessive cruelty to animals with a greater respect and gentleness for human life. As any psychotherapist or exorcist will tell you, the penchant for cruelty to human beings in sadists and murderers often began (usually in childhood) with cruelty to animals. Further, kindness to animals can help augment kindness to fellow human beings.

While distinct from animals, we share many bodily similarities including sensitivity to pain and suffering. It is a grave defect of character to be insensitive to the suffering of sentient creatures, animal or human. It is a not a far journey from relishing inflicting pain on animals to enjoying doing the same to human beings.

On a more positive note, as we learn to be patient and gentle with animals (especially pets), we can acquire the skills to be patient and gentle with our fellow humans. Admittedly, though, human beings are far more complicated and far less innocent than animals, whose behavior we can easily excuse.

This also helps debunk a demand for equivalence that sometimes emerges. The usual complaint goes something like this: “You’re kinder to your dog than you are to me!” Perhaps on some level this may be true, but our relationship to our pets is different because we reasonably expect less from them. They do not have rational souls and cannot be expected to behave justly or reasonably. But fellow human beings need more correction and must answer to a higher set of standards. Thus we are reasonably harder on them, given the nature of our relationship with them and what is rightly expected of them. Correction of a human person who may one day merit Heaven or Hell is more important for him than it is for an animal, which has no such consequences attached to its actions. So, it makes sense that we are harder on one another and expect more than we do from our animals.

That said, learning to express patience and kindness to an animal does help us to learn the language of kindness and gentleness that can, and often should, be granted to fellow human beings. It helps to awaken and train a tenderness in us.

In the Summa Theologica , St. Thomas also comments on the prohibition of boiling a kid goat in the milk of its mother:

Although the kid that is slain has no perception of the manner in which its flesh is cooked, yet it would seem to savor of heartlessness if the [mother’s] milk, which was intended for the nourishment of her offspring, were served up on the same dish (Summa Theologica I, IIae, 106 art. 5 ad 4).

Although Thomas does state other reasons for the prohibition (e.g., that it is the practice of the pagans), the avoidance of cruelty is stressed.

Pointless cruelty is never a good thing to allow in the human person , even if it is (only) directed toward lower forms of life. It is too easily transferred to the way we regard and treat one another.

Kindness to animals, therefore, is an important virtue to cultivate. We need not embrace excesses such that we fail to make proper use of animals as God intended (to assist us and even to be food for us). Neither must we bestow rights on them that have no corresponding duties or presuppose qualities they do not have. But pointless cruelty to animals that does not recognize their status as sentient beings harms not only them but us as well.

The paradox, then, is this: Our humanity is partially nurtured by our treatment of and experience with animals, both wild and tame. Kindness to animals, even if a virtue subject to excessive and even bizarre applications today, remains an important virtue for us.

The picture at the upper right is of my cat, Jewel (a.k.a. Jewel the Kidda, L’il Girl, and The Queen of Sheba).

2 Replies to “On Kindness to Animals and Why It Is an Important Virtue to Cultivate”

God gives us dogs as examples of faithfulness and trust. God gives us cats to show that we’re not always in control, and that it’s entirely human to welcome mystery into our lives.

There is an aspect of animal cruelty that this post doesn’t touch on: factory farms. Pigs, in particular, from what I’ve read, are treated most cruelly on in thoses places.

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Teaching kindness towards animals and developing empathy

essay how to treat animals kindly

Key points:

  • Toddlers and pre-kindergarten children often inadvertently behave in ways that are not kind to animals, but early education about kindness to animals can help them develop empathy, self-control, and a better understanding of themselves.
  • Spending time with animals can improve children’s physical and psychological well-being.
  • Ideas for teaching children kindness towards animals include introducing them to different types of animals through books and bird feeders, showing them how to pet animals safely, and explaining to them why teasing animals or behaving aggressively towards them is not okay.
  • Brightly provides a list of books that can be helpful for teaching toddlers about how to treat animals kindly.

Without having cruel intentions, most toddlers and pre-kindergarten children are simply too young to realize that pulling or squeezing an animal’s ears, hair, or just using them to explore and get funny reactions is actually not so funny for the cat, dog, bird, or bug in question. But this doesn’t mean that they can’t learn about kindness towards all kind of creatures at an early age. Quite the contrary!

essay how to treat animals kindly

Teaching your child how to coexist safely and lovingly with nature and animals can help them develop self-control, learn about boundaries, develop empathy, and know more about their own self and preferences. It also means that your toddler will be less likely to have bad experiences when interacting with an animal that can defend itself.

More so, it is known that spending time with animals and pets is good for both for the physical and psychological well-being of children, and is a great first step towards raising a nature-loving child.

Here are some ideas on how to help your child to be kind towards animals:

  • Books can be a good tool to show your kid different kinds of animals, so that they get comfortable around aquatic animals and winged, furry, or scaled ones too.
  • Have a bird-feeder on your porch, window, or backyard.
  • Show them how to kindly and safely touch a well-domesticated animal. You can start with modeling how to pet a cat or a dog using a stuffed animal. You can also play pretend and have you or your toddler be a puppy, and emphasize about gentleness and slow movements.
  • Explain that animals have feelings and that they can be hurt by pulling and trampling, just as that behavior would hurt them.
  • Discourage teasing an animal. Explain how it’s not nice to bother an animal that’s eating or napping, or to take away from them a loved toy. Animals dislike being treated rudely just as much as people do.
  • Teach caution around unfamiliar animals. You can tell your child not to go near an animal (other than your house pet if you have one) without an adult around.

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Steve Stewart-Williams Ph.D.

Rewriting Morality III: How Should We Treat Animals?

After darwin, how should we treat other animals.

Posted July 10, 2010

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This is the third and final post dealing with the implications of evolutionary theory for our traditional moral beliefs and practices (see Rewriting Morality I and Rewriting Morality II ). In this installment, we'll look at the question of the proper treatment of nonhuman animals in the light of Darwin's theory.

As I argued in my first post , traditional moral systems are undergirded by a view known as the doctrine of human dignity . The central tenet of this doctrine is the idea that human life is sacred - that it has supreme worth and infinite value. The flipside of the doctrine of human dignity is the idea that all other animals occupy a lowly ranking on the scale of life. Saint Thomas Aquinas expressed this view when he suggested that animals exist for the sake of humans, not for their own sake, and thus that ‘It is not wrong for man to make use of them, either by killing or in any other way whatsoever'.

This is a sentiment many people have lived by. Historically, and even today, we have treated other animals abysmally. This is one of my favourite quotations; it comes from the Reverend W. R. Inge:

"We have enslaved the rest of the animal creation, and have treated our distant cousins in fur and feathers so badly that beyond doubt, if they were able to formulate a religion, they would depict the Devil in human form."

A number of commentators have gone so far as to liken our treatment of the animals to the Nazi Holocaust. Here's another quotation, this one from the author Isaac Bashevis Singer:

"They have convinced themselves that man, the worst transgressor of all the species, is the crown of creation. All other creatures were created merely to provide him with food, pelts, to be tormented, exterminated. In relation to them, all people are Nazis; for the animals it is an eternal Treblinka [a Nazi extermination camp]."

Let's now look at what an evolutionary perspective contributes to the debate. First and foremost, evolutionary theory challenges the doctrine of human dignity. As we've seen, Darwin's theory undermines the idea that we were made in the image of God, and it undermines the idea that we are distinguished in any morally significant way from the other animals by our possession of the faculty of reason. Moreover, it undermines the brute distinction between human beings and all other life, a central element of the doctrine. It does this by stressing our common origin and our kinship with the animals. Chimpanzees, dolphins, frogs - Darwin taught us that these are literally our distant relatives. Certainly, it is easy enough in practice to draw a human/animal distinction, and to import this into our moral reasoning. But evolutionary theory shows that this distinction has none of the significance it was once assumed to have. As such, its application in the moral sphere - that is, our habit of extending our moral concern only as far as the outskirts of our own species - suddenly starts to look arbitrary and unjustified. Why should our moral circle be limited to our species rather than to, say, our taxonomic class (i.e., mammals)? Why, for that matter, should it be limited to our species rather than to the racial group we belong to?

Evolutionary theory also undercuts a number of other arguments aimed at justifying the exploitation of animals. This includes the argument that God put the animals here for our sake. Before scientists pieced together a picture of the history of life on earth, this might have seemed like a reasonable claim. It's not reasonable anymore. We know now that the vast majority of animals finished their sojourn on this planet long before we evolved. We also know that we and the other animals came about through the same natural process, and that our so-called ‘creator' (i.e., natural selection) had no special affection for us. In light of these facts, the suggestion that animals are here for our use seems self-centred, quaint, and - to be clear about this - patently false. As the Pulitzer Prize-winning author Alice Walker wrote, nonhuman animals ‘were not made for humans any more than black people were made for whites or women for men'.

Another traditional justification for the exploitation of other animals comes from the Cartesian view that nonhuman animals are merely nonconscious automata, and thus that we need not worry that the way we treat them could cause them any suffering. But an evolutionary perspective drastically lowers our confidence in this view; after all, we are conscious beings (conscious automata perhaps), and we came about through the same process as every other animal. This being the case, it seems unreasonable to deny that any species other than our own is conscious or has the capacity to suffer, especially in the case of those animals that have very similar brains to our own.

And this brings us to a crucial point. If we decide - and this is our decision; it's not imposed on us from above - if we decide that reducing the amount of suffering in the world is a good ethical principle to live by, then it seems unwarranted and ultimately arbitrary to extend this principle to human beings but not also to extend it to other animals capable of suffering. Why should the suffering of nonhumans be less important than that of humans? Surely a universe with less suffering is better than one with more, regardless of whether the locus of suffering is a human being or not, a rational being or not, a member of the moral community or not. Suffering is suffering, and these other variables are morally irrelevant.

Of course, this is not to imply that all animals should be treated equally; no one would accept that the life of an ant is as important as the life of a human or a chimpanzee, or that swatting a fly should be considered an act of murder. But if we take the reduction of suffering as the foundation stone of our moral system, we may find a principled solution to this conundrum. The solution is to accord animals moral status in proportion to their degree of sentience or their capacity to suffer. Think about it. Why do we consider it morally repugnant to torture human beings? It's not because they're capable of language or rational thought, or because they're embedded in a social network of reciprocal rights and duties, or because they're members of our own species. It's because it causes them pain and trauma . If it didn't, we wouldn't worry about it. Of course, there is no ultimate justifaction for adopting the reduction of suffering as the basis of our morality . It comes down to a choice. I don't know about you, though, but I'd prefer to live in a world with less suffering than with more. I'd also prefer to live in a world where the ascendent moral principle is "reduce unnecessary suffering" than one in which it is "only be nice to creatures who can return the favour, or who can talk, or who happen to have the same kind of genome as you".

Svetlana with her mother, Gohari, her son Boris, and their cousin, Arthur

With the reduction of suffering as our guiding principle, we now have a solid and sensible rationale for many of our core ethical intuitions. Humans have a far greater capacity to suffer than flies; therefore, it is far worse to harm a human than to harm a fly. Similarly, humans presumably have a greater capacity to suffer than chimpanzees - we are locked into tighter emotional bonds, we grieve for longer - and therefore it is somewhat worse to harm a human than a chimp.

A lot of people would happily go along with me this far. However, this approach to morality also has some implications that many will find hard to swallow. For a start, if we accept that moral worth should be apportioned on the basis of the capacity to suffer, we would also have to accept that it would be worse to harm a member of a hypothetical species with a greater capacity to suffer than us than it would be to harm a human. For a more down-to-earth example, we need look no further than the work of the Australian bioethicist Peter Singer. Singer has argued, for instance, that the life of an anencephalic human infant (an infant born with little or no cerebral cortex) is worth less than the life of a healthy adult chimpanzee, or even a healthy dog, and that it would therefore be worse to kill or experiment on the chimp or the dog than it would be the infant. This is because the infant doesn't experience pain (or anything else), whereas the chimp and dog do. Such a view is utterly incompatible with the doctrine of human dignity, and if this view seems wrong to you, presumably this is because that pre-Darwinian moral outlook is still operative in your thinking. But can you justify it?

Once we accord nonhuman animals the moral standing they deserve, our relationship with them is transformed. For one thing, we recognize that prejudice and discrimination against other species ( speciesism ) is just as morally abhorrent as any other form of prejudice and discrimination, including racism and sexism. Indeed, Singer has made the extremely interesting and challenging point that the amount of suffering and pain caused by the tyranny of human beings over other animals (particularly in food production) far exceeds that caused by sexism, racism, or any other existing form of discrimination, and that for this reason, the animal liberation movement is the most important liberation movement in the world today . A moral system anchored in evolutionary theory is entirely consistent with this position. Women and disadvantaged ethnic groups have never been farmed, killed for sport, or systematically experimented on in anything like the numbers that nonhuman animals have. Furthermore, unlike women and slaves, nonhumans cannot talk or campaign for their own liberation, and, because they can't vote, they're not a high priority for most politicians. This further underscores the importance of the animal liberation movement.

None of the ethical conclusions we've surveyed in this post, or in the earlier post on suicide and euthanasia , are logically necessary implications of evolutionary theory, and it is certainly not the case that everyone who accepts the theory accepts these ideas. The reason evolutionary theory is important is that these kinds of ideas would be virtually unthinkable from a pre-Darwinian standpoint. Darwin shows us, if nothing else, that the ideas should be thinkable. His theory opens up the floor for debate on these issues, freed from the dogma that human life is infinitely valuable whereas the lives of nonhuman animals are utterly devoid of any value.

-For a more detailed discussion of this and related issues, see Darwin, God and the Meaning of Life by Steve Stewart-Williams - available now from Amazon.com , Amazon.ca , and Amazon.uk .

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Steve Stewart-Williams Ph.D.

Steve Stewart-Williams, Ph.D. , is a professor of psychology at the University of Nottingham Malaysia, and the author of the book Darwin, God, and the Meaning of Life .

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Teaching Kids How to Treat Animals Kindly

essay how to treat animals kindly

How many times have you heard of cases where kids are involved in incidents of cruelty towards harmless animals? Violent films and video games that kids are exposed to these days can in some cases make them more aggressive and less compassionate or desensitize them. Others just don’t understand what their actions truly mean; that animals feel fear, and pain and that death is real not like in TV.

Children can be made more compassionate, kind and empathetic members of society if adults take meaningful steps and teach them the ways to treat animals kindly. Learning begins at an early stage and if children today learn to treat animals kindly, it can help pave a way to a better and more responsible society in the future. School is the best place where a child can learn to love animals. The sooner a school implements such lessons, the better.

A child feels more inclined to love and appreciate something when he or she feels adequately convinced about its goodness. Young kids in the age groups of 3 to 4 years can be told about the joys of keeping pets and how pets like dogs, cats can be the most loving and selfless friends. Children can also learn to appreciate animals through entertaining cartoon shows and story books about characters like Kipper the Dog, Tweety the cute yellow canary and Snoopy, the well known Charlie Brown character. Parents and teachers can take children to animal shelters and encourage them to help with small tasks, such as cleaning kennels, feeding rescued animals and grooming dogs and cats.

Children also learn when adults set precedents for them. Adults must speak out when they witness cruelty to animals. By turning a blind eye to such things, a parent or guardian communicates to children that cruelty may be okay. It is not essential to get into a major confrontation with anyone but whenever appropriate, the incident must be reported to proper authorities. Prevention of cruelty to animals is important at all levels. Many animal lovers are also vegetarians or vegans and kids too can be taught about the goodness of a vegetarian diet. This helps them be aware of numerous benefits of vegetarianism while also becoming more loving and kind toward animals. You can further their love for animals by gifting only toys that will encourage their learning and motor skills instead of ones like violent video games or toy guns.

Teach kids to treat animals kindly and it will help them become more mature, understanding and noble members of our society!

Ripple Kindness Project

5 Tips to Teach Children to Be Kind to Animals

Girl With Her Face Against A Horse. Caption: 5 Tips For Teaching Kids To Show How To Be Kind To Animals

When we teach children to be kind to animals, we're showing them the importance of extending compassion and empathy to other living beings. It's an important and valuable lesson that will help them connect on many levels.

Animals can teach kids about  empathy , kindness, and self-esteem. one research paper said: "studies on pet ownership and social development provided evidence for an association with increased social competence; social networks; social interaction and social play behaviour.".

These tips give you 5 ways to show kindness to animals and to teach kids about their behaviour and the importance of respecting their environment.

1. Observing animals in the wild

The best way to show children that animals have their own unique place in the world is by observing them in their natural habitat. Taking children to see captive animals perform tricks in a circus or in a theme park reinforces the problematic idea that animals exist for the sole purpose of serving humans (i.e. through entertainment).

Spending time in nature (e.g. bushwalking, visiting a park) is a great way to help your child develop a deep connection and reverence for the natural world. Teach your child the importance of respecting wild animals from a distance and protecting their habitat by not littering. This is an important way they can be kind to animals.

2. Read books about the natural behaviours of other animals

Most children have a natural fascination for animals and are eager to learn about them. Choose books that focus not only on the habitat, diet, and physical traits of different species but on their social, emotional and behavioural traits (e.g. chimpanzee forming social hierarchies, elephants working together to protect young calves). Talk to your child about which qualities humans share with other animals – you may be surprised by how insightful their responses can be.

125 True Stories Of Amazing Animals

3. Give them responsibility for caring for an animal

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If you care for an animal at home, give your child responsibility for meeting its basic needs by setting them age-appropriate tasks (e.g. refilling the water bowl). Teaching children the importance of responsible pet guardianship is a valuable way to nurture kindness and consideration for the needs of others.

Emphasize the importance of providing food, fresh water, and regular exercise to be kind to animals under your care. Don’t forget to also emphasize the importance of providing regular companionship and love – animals feel loneliness, just like we do.

4. Encourage respectful behaviour and language

For toddlers and children handling animals for the first time, teach them to be gentle and to avoid touching an animal who shows clear signs of wanting to be left alone. Discourage your child from taunting animals, even if it’s only verbal, as this can lead to a pattern of disrespect which can manifest into something more sinister down the track. If you have an unwanted house guest, like a cockroach or a mouse, consider trapping it safely and releasing it outside. Children learn best by following your example, and setting an example of peaceful, considerate and respectful behaviour is one of the most powerful lessons they can learn from you.

A Selection Of Colored And Uncolored Kindness Coloring Pages For Kids To Build Positive Character Traits By Ripple Kindness Sel Activities

5. Visit a local animal shelter

Visiting a local animal shelter will teach your child about the positive and negative impacts humans can have on other animals. Thousands of healthy, unwanted dogs and cats are abandoned and euthanised every year due to human actions. Animal shelters play a crucial role in rehoming abandoned animals and giving them a second chance to find a loving home. You can help your child make a difference by donating food and blankets or making handmade pet toys for shelter dogs and cats. Creating signs and posters to educate the local community on responsible pet guardianship is another way you can work together to create awareness. By practising active citizenship in your community and participating in volunteer work, your child will feel empowered in their ability to make a positive change to the lives of others.

If you would like to share how your children show kindness towards animals, please submit your story and photos (if you have them) here . 

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AUTHOR: Valerie Wangnet ThinkKind Australia  provides free humane education resources for parents and teachers to encourage children to be kind to animals. To find out more about their free Kindness Club Kit for schools and quarterly student magazine aligned to the National Curriculum visit their website or follow them on facebook  or twitter .

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It’s nice that you talked about how animals could teach kids about empathy, kindness, and self-esteem. My wife and I are animal lovers and we want our daughter to be kind to animals too. So in order to encourage that, we are thinking of taking her to a petting zoo.

There really isn’t anything quite like the special bond a child forms with a pet.

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Essay on Cruelty On Animals

Students are often asked to write an essay on Cruelty On Animals in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Cruelty On Animals


Cruelty on animals is a big problem. It means hurting animals on purpose. This can include not giving them food or water, hitting them, or not taking care of them when they are sick. It is wrong and against the law.

Types of Cruelty

There are two types of cruelty: active and passive. Active cruelty means hurting animals on purpose. Passive cruelty is when people don’t take care of their animals. They might not give them food, water, or medical care. Both types are harmful.

Effects on Animals

Cruelty can hurt animals in many ways. They can get sick or injured. They can also become scared of people. Some animals might even die because of cruelty.

Preventing Cruelty

We can stop cruelty by being kind to animals. We should take care of them and give them what they need. It’s also important to tell an adult if we see someone being cruel to an animal.

250 Words Essay on Cruelty On Animals

What is animal cruelty.

Animal cruelty is when people harm animals or do not care for their well-being. It can be physical, like hitting or hurting animals on purpose, or neglect, like not giving an animal food, water, and shelter.

Types of Animal Cruelty

There are two main types of animal cruelty. First, active cruelty, which means people purposely hurting animals. This can include kicking, hitting, or starving an animal. Second, passive cruelty, which is when people neglect animals. They may not mean to hurt the animal, but by not taking care of it, they cause harm.

Animal cruelty can cause animals to get sick, hurt, or even die. Animals who are hurt by people often become scared and may have trouble trusting people again. They can also become sad and not want to eat or play.

How to Stop Animal Cruelty

There are many ways to stop animal cruelty. If you see someone hurting an animal, tell an adult or call the police. You can also help by adopting animals from shelters instead of buying them from pet stores. Educating others about the importance of treating animals kindly can also make a big difference.

Animal cruelty is a serious problem, but we can all do our part to help stop it. By treating animals with kindness and respect, and by speaking up when we see them being mistreated, we can help ensure that all animals live happy, healthy lives.

500 Words Essay on Cruelty On Animals

Forms of animal cruelty.

There are many ways in which animals are mistreated. Some people hurt animals directly by hitting them or not giving them food or water. This is called physical abuse. Other times, animals are treated badly by being kept in very small spaces where they cannot move around. This is known as neglect.

Animals are also used in harmful experiments in some labs. They are given drugs or have operations done on them that can cause them pain. This is called animal testing. It is another form of animal cruelty that is often hidden from the public.

Effects of Cruelty on Animals

Cruelty to animals also affects our environment. Animals are an important part of our world. They help to keep things in balance. When they are hurt or killed, it can upset this balance and cause problems for other animals and even for us.

What Can Be Done to Stop Animal Cruelty

There are many things that we can do to help stop animal cruelty. One of the most important things is to be kind to animals. We should treat them with respect and care. If we see someone being cruel to an animal, we should tell an adult or call the local animal control.

Cruelty to animals is a big problem, but it is one that we can help to solve. By treating animals with kindness, standing up against cruelty, and making good choices about what we buy, we can make a difference. Remember, every creature deserves to live a life free from pain and fear. Let’s all do our part to make sure that happens.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

Happy studying!

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