Scoping Reviews

  • What is a Scoping Review?
  • Best Practices
  • Review Protocol

Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion criteria, exclusion criteria.

  • Database Search Strategies
  • Study Selection (Screening)
  • Data Extraction
  • Reference Management

Specify study characteristics (e.g., PICOS, length of follow-up) and report characteristics (e.g., years considered, language, publication status) used as criteria for eligibility, giving rationale. 

Think about criteria that will be used to select articles for your literature review based on your research question.  These are commonly known as  inclusion criteria  and  exclusion criteria .  You may introduce bias into the final review if these are not used thoughtfully. 

According to the PRISMA-SCcR Checklist , item 6 , authors should "specify characteristics of the sources of evidence used as eligibility criteria (e.g., years considered, language, and publication status), and provide a rationale."

Inclusion criteria are the elements of an article that must be present in order for it to be eligible for inclusion in a literature review.  

For example, included studies must:

  • have compared certain treatments
  • be experimental or observational or both
  • have been published in a certain timeframe (must have compelling reason)
  • be certain publication type(s)
  • have recruited a certain population

Exclusion criteria are the elements of an article that disqualify the study from inclusion in a literature review.  

For example, excluded studies: 

  • used qualitative methodology
  • used a certain study design (e.g, observational)
  • are a certain publication type (e.g., systematic reviews)
  • were published before a certain year (must have compelling reason)
  • used animal models
  • was published in a language other than English
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Chapter 3: defining the criteria for including studies and how they will be grouped for the synthesis.

Joanne E McKenzie, Sue E Brennan, Rebecca E Ryan, Hilary J Thomson, Renea V Johnston, James Thomas

Key Points:

  • The scope of a review is defined by the types of population (participants), types of interventions (and comparisons), and the types of outcomes that are of interest. The acronym PICO (population, interventions, comparators and outcomes) helps to serve as a reminder of these.
  • The population, intervention and comparison components of the question, with the additional specification of types of study that will be included, form the basis of the pre-specified eligibility criteria for the review. It is rare to use outcomes as eligibility criteria: studies should be included irrespective of whether they report outcome data, but may legitimately be excluded if they do not measure outcomes of interest, or if they explicitly aim to prevent a particular outcome.
  • Cochrane Reviews should include all outcomes that are likely to be meaningful and not include trivial outcomes. Critical and important outcomes should be limited in number and include adverse as well as beneficial outcomes.
  • Review authors should plan at the protocol stage how the different populations, interventions, outcomes and study designs within the scope of the review will be grouped for analysis.

Cite this chapter as: McKenzie JE, Brennan SE, Ryan RE, Thomson HJ, Johnston RV, Thomas J. Chapter 3: Defining the criteria for including studies and how they will be grouped for the synthesis [last updated August 2023]. In: Higgins JPT, Thomas J, Chandler J, Cumpston M, Li T, Page MJ, Welch VA (editors). Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions version 6.5. Cochrane, 2024. Available from .

3.1 Introduction

One of the features that distinguishes a systematic review from a narrative review is that systematic review authors should pre-specify criteria for including and excluding studies in the review (eligibility criteria, see MECIR Box 3.2.a ).

When developing the protocol, one of the first steps is to determine the elements of the review question (including the population, intervention(s), comparator(s) and outcomes, or PICO elements) and how the intervention, in the specified population, produces the expected outcomes (see Chapter 2, Section 2.5.1 and Chapter 17, Section 17.2.1 ). Eligibility criteria are based on the PICO elements of the review question plus a specification of the types of studies that have addressed these questions. The population, interventions and comparators in the review question usually translate directly into eligibility criteria for the review, though this is not always a straightforward process and requires a thoughtful approach, as this chapter shows. Outcomes usually are not part of the criteria for including studies, and a Cochrane Review would typically seek all sufficiently rigorous studies (most commonly randomized trials) of a particular comparison of interventions in a particular population of participants, irrespective of the outcomes measured or reported. It should be noted that some reviews do legitimately restrict eligibility to specific outcomes. For example, the same intervention may be studied in the same population for different purposes; or a review may specifically address the adverse effects of an intervention used for several conditions (see Chapter 19 ).

Eligibility criteria do not exist in isolation, but should be specified with the synthesis of the studies they describe in mind. This will involve making plans for how to group variants of the PICO elements for synthesis. This chapter describes the processes by which the structure of the synthesis can be mapped out at the beginning of the review, and the interplay between the review question, considerations for the analysis and their operationalization in terms of eligibility criteria. Decisions about which studies to include (and exclude), and how they will be combined in the review’s synthesis, should be documented and justified in the review protocol.

A distinction between three different stages in the review at which the PICO construct might be used is helpful for understanding the decisions that need to be made. In Chapter 2, Section 2.3 , we introduced the ideas of a review PICO (on which eligibility of studies is based), the PICO for each synthesis (defining the question that each specific synthesis aims to answer) and the PICO of the included studies (what was actually investigated in the included studies). In this chapter, we focus on the review PICO and the PICO for each synthesis as a basis for specifying which studies should be included in the review and planning its syntheses. These PICOs should relate clearly and directly to the questions or hypotheses that are posed when the review is formulated (see Chapter 2 ) and will involve specifying the population in question, and a set of comparisons between the intervention groups.

An integral part of the process of setting up the review is to specify which characteristics of the interventions (e.g. individual compounds of a drug), populations (e.g. acute and chronic conditions), outcomes (e.g. different depression measurement scales) and study designs, will be grouped together. Such decisions should be made independent of knowing which studies will be included and the methods of synthesis that will be used (e.g. meta-analysis). There may be a need to modify the comparisons and even add new ones at the review stage in light of the data that are collected. For example, important variations in the intervention may be discovered only after data are collected, or modifying the comparison may facilitate the possibility of synthesis when only one or few studies meet the comparison PICO. Planning for the latter scenario at the protocol stage may lead to less post-hoc decision making ( Chapter 2, Section 2.5.3 ) and, of course, any changes made during the conduct of the review should be recorded and documented in the final report.

3.2 Articulating the review and comparison PICO

3.2.1 defining types of participants: which people and populations.

The criteria for considering types of people included in studies in a review should be sufficiently broad to encompass the likely diversity of studies and the likely scenarios in which the interventions will be used, but sufficiently narrow to ensure that a meaningful answer can be obtained when studies are considered together; they should be specified in advance (see MECIR Box 3.2.a ). As discussed in Chapter 2, Section 2.3.1 , the degree of breadth will vary, depending on the question being asked and the analytical approach to be employed. A range of evidence may inform the choice of population characteristics to examine, including theoretical considerations, evidence from other interventions that have a similar mechanism of action, and in vitro or animal studies. Consideration should be given to whether the population characteristic is at the level of the participant (e.g. age, severity of disease) or the study (e.g. care setting, geographical location), since this has implications for grouping studies and for the method of synthesis ( Chapter 10, Section 10.11.5 ). It is often helpful to consider the types of people that are of interest in three steps.

MECIR Box 3.2.a Relevant expectations for conduct of intervention reviews

Predefining unambiguous criteria for participants ( )

Predefined, unambiguous eligibility criteria are a fundamental prerequisite for a systematic review. The criteria for considering types of people included in studies in a review should be sufficiently broad to encompass the likely diversity of studies, but sufficiently narrow to ensure that a meaningful answer can be obtained when studies are considered in aggregate. Considerations when specifying participants include setting, diagnosis or definition of condition and demographic factors. Any restrictions to study populations must be based on a sound rationale, since it is important that Cochrane Reviews are widely relevant.

Predefining a strategy for studies with a subset of eligible participants ( )

Sometimes a study includes some ‘eligible’ participants and some ‘ineligible’ participants, for example when an age cut-off is used in the review’s eligibility criteria. If data from the eligible participants cannot be retrieved, a mechanism for dealing with this situation should be pre-specified.

First, the diseases or conditions of interest should be defined using explicit criteria for establishing their presence (or absence). Criteria that will force the unnecessary exclusion of studies should be avoided. For example, diagnostic criteria that were developed more recently – which may be viewed as the current gold standard for diagnosing the condition of interest – will not have been used in earlier studies. Expensive or recent diagnostic tests may not be available in many countries or settings, and time-consuming tests may not be practical in routine healthcare settings.

Second, the broad population and setting of interest should be defined . This involves deciding whether a specific population group is within scope, determined by factors such as age, sex, race, educational status or the presence of a particular condition such as angina or shortness of breath. Interest may focus on a particular setting such as a community, hospital, nursing home, chronic care institution, or outpatient setting. Box 3.2.a outlines some factors to consider when developing population criteria.

Whichever criteria are used for defining the population and setting of interest, it is common to encounter studies that only partially overlap with the review’s population. For example, in a review focusing on children, a cut-point of less than 16 years might be desirable, but studies may be identified with participants aged from 12 to 18. Unless the study reports separate data from the eligible section of the population (in which case data from the eligible participants can be included in the review), review authors will need a strategy for dealing with these studies (see MECIR Box 3.2.a ). This will involve balancing concerns about reduced applicability by including participants who do not meet the eligibility criteria, against the loss of data when studies are excluded. Arbitrary rules (such as including a study if more than 80% of the participants are under 16) will not be practical if detailed information is not available from the study. A less stringent rule, such as ‘the majority of participants are under 16’ may be sufficient. Although there is a risk of review authors’ biases affecting post-hoc inclusion decisions (which is why many authors endeavour to pre-specify these rules), this may be outweighed by a common-sense strategy in which eligibility decisions keep faith with the objectives of the review rather than with arbitrary rules. Difficult decisions should be documented in the review, checked with the advisory group (if available, see Chapter 1 ), and sensitivity analyses can assess the impact of these decisions on the review’s findings (see Chapter 10, Section 10.14 and MECIR Box 3.2.b ).

Box 3.2.a Factors to consider when developing criteria for ‘Types of participants’

MECIR Box 3.2.b Relevant expectations for conduct of intervention reviews

Changing eligibility criteria ( )

Following pre-specified eligibility criteria is a fundamental attribute of a systematic review. However, unanticipated issues may arise. Review authors should make sensible post-hoc decisions about exclusion of studies, and these should be documented in the review, possibly accompanied by sensitivity analyses. Changes to the protocol must not be made on the basis of the findings of the studies or the synthesis, as this can introduce bias.

Third, there should be consideration of whether there are population characteristics that might be expected to modify the size of the intervention effects (e.g. different severities of heart failure). Identifying subpopulations may be important for implementation of the intervention. If relevant subpopulations are identified, two courses of action are possible: limiting the scope of the review to exclude certain subpopulations; or maintaining the breadth of the review and addressing subpopulations in the analysis.

Restricting the review with respect to specific population characteristics or settings should be based on a sound rationale. It is important that Cochrane Reviews are globally relevant, so the rationale for the exclusion of studies based on population characteristics should be justified. For example, focusing a review of the effectiveness of mammographic screening on women between 40 and 50 years old may be justified based on biological plausibility, previously published systematic reviews and existing controversy. On the other hand, focusing a review on a particular subgroup of people on the basis of their age, sex or ethnicity simply because of personal interests, when there is no underlying biologic or sociological justification for doing so, should be avoided, as these reviews will be less useful to decision makers and readers of the review.

Maintaining the breadth of the review may be best when it is uncertain whether there are important differences in effects among various subgroups of people, since this allows investigation of these differences (see Chapter 10, Section 10.11.5 ). Review authors may combine the results from different subpopulations in the same synthesis, examining whether a given subdivision explains variation (heterogeneity) among the intervention effects. Alternatively, the results may be synthesized in separate comparisons representing different subpopulations. Splitting by subpopulation risks there being too few studies to yield a useful synthesis (see Table 3.2.a and Chapter 2, Section 2.3.2 ). Consideration needs to be given to the subgroup analysis method, particularly for population characteristics measured at the participant level (see Chapter 10 and Chapter 26 , Fisher et al 2017). All subgroup analyses should ideally be planned a priori and stated as a secondary objective in the protocol, and not driven by the availability of data.

In practice, it may be difficult to assign included studies to defined subpopulations because of missing information about the population characteristic, variability in how the population characteristic is measured across studies (e.g. variation in the method used to define the severity of heart failure), or because the study does not wholly fall within (or report the results separately by) the defined subpopulation. The latter issue mainly applies for participant characteristics but can also arise for settings or geographic locations where these vary within studies. Review authors should consider planning for these scenarios (see example reviews Hetrick et al 2012, Safi et al 2017; Table 3.2.b , column 3).

Table 3.2.a Examples of population attributes and characteristics

Intended recipient of intervention

Patient, carer, healthcare provider (general practitioners, nurses, allied health professionals), health system, policy maker, community

In a review of e-learning programmes for health professionals, a subgroup analysis was planned to examine if the effects were modified by the (doctors, nurses or physiotherapists). The authors hypothesized that e-learning programmes for doctors would be more effective than for other health professionals, but did not provide a rationale (Vaona et al 2018).

Disease/condition (to be treated or prevented)

Type and severity of a condition

In a review of platelet-rich therapies for musculoskeletal soft tissue injuries, a subgroup analysis was undertaken to examine if the effects of platelet-rich therapies were modified by the (e.g. rotator cuff tear, anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, chronic Achilles tendinopathy) (Moraes et al 2014).

In planning a review of beta-blockers for heart failure, subgroup analyses were specified to examine if the effects of beta-blockers are modified by the (e.g. idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy, ischaemic heart disease, valvular heart disease, hypertension) and the (‘reduced left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF)’ ≤ 40%, ‘mid-range LVEF’ > 40% and < 50%, ‘preserved LVEF’ ≥ 50%, mixed, not specified). Studies have shown that patient characteristics and comorbidities differ by heart failure severity, and that therapies have been shown to reduce morbidity in ‘reduced LVEF’ patients, but the benefits in the other groups are uncertain (Safi et al 2017).

Participant characteristics

Age (neonate, child, adolescent, adult, older adult)



PROGRESS-Plus equity characteristics (e.g. place of residence, socio-economic status, education) (O’Neill et al 2014)

In a review of newer-generation antidepressants for depressive disorders in children and adolescents, a subgroup analysis was undertaken to examine if the effects of the antidepressants were modified by . The rationale was based on the findings of another review that suggested that children and adolescents may respond differently to antidepressants. The age groups were defined as ‘children’ (aged approximately 6 to 12 years), ‘adolescents’ (aged approximately 13 to 18 years), and ‘children and adolescents’ (when the study included both children and adolescents, and results could not be obtained separately by these subpopulations) (Hetrick et al 2012).


Setting of care (primary care, hospital, community)

Rurality (urban, rural, remote)

Socio-economic setting (low and middle-income countries, high-income countries)

Hospital ward (e.g. intensive care unit, general medical ward, outpatient)

In a review of hip protectors for preventing hip fractures in older people, separate comparisons were specified based on (institutional care or community-dwelling) for the critical outcome of hip fracture (Santesso et al 2014).

3.2.2 Defining interventions and how they will be grouped

In some reviews, predefining the intervention ( MECIR Box 3.2.c ) may be straightforward. For example, in a review of the effect of a given anticoagulant on deep vein thrombosis, the intervention can be defined precisely. A more complicated definition might be required for a multi-component intervention composed of dietary advice, training and support groups to reduce rates of obesity in a given population.

The inherent complexity present when defining an intervention often comes to light when considering how it is thought to achieve its intended effect and whether the effect is likely to differ when variants of the intervention are used. In the first example, the anticoagulant warfarin is thought to reduce blood clots by blocking an enzyme that depends on vitamin K to generate clotting factors. In the second, the behavioural intervention is thought to increase individuals’ self-efficacy in their ability to prepare healthy food. In both examples, we cannot assume that all forms of the intervention will work in the same way. When defining drug interventions, such as anticoagulants, factors such as the drug preparation, route of administration, dose, duration, and frequency should be considered. For multi-component interventions (such as interventions to reduce rates of obesity), the common or core features of the interventions must be defined, so that the review authors can clearly differentiate them from other interventions not included in the review.

MECIR Box 3.2.c Relevant expectations for conduct of intervention reviews

Predefining unambiguous criteria for interventions and comparators ( )

Predefined, unambiguous eligibility criteria are a fundamental prerequisite for a systematic review. Specification of comparator interventions requires particular clarity: are the experimental interventions to be compared with an inactive control intervention (e.g. placebo, no treatment, standard care, or a waiting list control), or with an active control intervention (e.g. a different variant of the same intervention, a different drug, a different kind of therapy)? Any restrictions on interventions and comparators, for example, regarding delivery, dose, duration, intensity, co-interventions and features of complex interventions should also be predefined and explained.

In general, it is useful to consider exactly what is delivered, who delivers it, how it is delivered, where it is delivered, when and how much is delivered, and whether the intervention can be adapted or tailored , and to consider this for each type of intervention included in the review (see the TIDieR checklist (Hoffmann et al 2014)). As argued in Chapter 17 , separating interventions into ‘simple’ and ‘complex’ is a false dichotomy; all interventions can be complex in some ways. The critical issue for review authors is to identify the most important factors to be considered in a specific review. Box 3.2.b outlines some factors to consider when developing broad criteria for the ‘Types of interventions’ (and comparisons).

Box 3.2.b Factors to consider when developing criteria for ‘Types of interventions’

Once interventions eligible for the review have been broadly defined, decisions should be made about how variants of the intervention will be handled in the synthesis. Differences in intervention characteristics across studies occur in all reviews. If these reflect minor differences in the form of the intervention used in practice (such as small differences in the duration or content of brief alcohol counselling interventions), then an overall synthesis can provide useful information for decision makers. Where differences in intervention characteristics are more substantial (such as delivery of brief alcohol counselling by nurses versus doctors), and are expected to have a substantial impact on the size of intervention effects, these differences should be examined in the synthesis. What constitutes an important difference requires judgement, but in general differences that alter decisions about how an intervention is implemented or whether the intervention is used or not are likely to be important. In such circumstances, review authors should consider specifying separate groups (or subgroups) to examine in their synthesis.

Clearly defined intervention groups serve two main purposes in the synthesis. First, the way in which interventions are grouped for synthesis (meta-analysis or other synthesis) is likely to influence review findings. Careful planning of intervention groups makes best use of the available data, avoids decisions that are influenced by study findings (which may introduce bias), and produces a review focused on questions relevant to decision makers. Second, the intervention groups specified in a protocol provide a standardized terminology for describing the interventions throughout the review, overcoming the varied descriptions used by study authors (e.g. where different labels are used for the same intervention, or similar labels used for different techniques) (Michie et al 2013). This standardization enables comparison and synthesis of information about intervention characteristics across studies (common characteristics and differences) and provides a consistent language for reporting that supports interpretation of review findings.

Table 3.2.b   outlines a process for planning intervention groups as a basis for/precursor to synthesis, and the decision points and considerations at each step. The table is intended to guide, rather than to be prescriptive and, although it is presented as a sequence of steps, the process is likely to be iterative, and some steps may be done concurrently or in a different sequence. The process aims to minimize data-driven approaches that can arise once review authors have knowledge of the findings of the included studies. It also includes principles for developing a flexible plan that maximizes the potential to synthesize in circumstances where there are few studies, many variants of an intervention, or where the variants are difficult to anticipate. In all stages, review authors should consider how to categorize studies whose reports contain insufficient detail.

Table 3.2.b A process for planning intervention groups for synthesis

1. Identify intervention characteristics that may modify the effect of the intervention.

Consider whether differences in interventions characteristics might modify the size of the intervention effect importantly. Content-specific research literature and expertise should inform this step.

The TIDieR checklist – a tool for describing interventions – outlines the characteristics across which an intervention might differ (Hoffmann et al 2014). These include ‘what’ materials and procedures are used, ‘who’ provides the intervention, ‘when and how much’ intervention is delivered. The iCAT-SR tool provides equivalent guidance for complex interventions (Lewin et al 2017).

differ across multiple characteristics, which vary in importance depending on the review.

In a review of exercise for osteoporosis, whether the exercise is weight-bearing or non-weight-bearing may be a key characteristic, since the mechanism by which exercise is thought to work is by placing stress or mechanical load on bones (Howe et al 2011).

Different mechanisms apply in reviews of exercise for knee osteoarthritis (muscle strengthening), falls prevention (gait and balance), cognitive function (cardiovascular fitness).

The differing mechanisms might suggest different ways of grouping interventions (e.g. by intensity, mode of delivery) according to potential modifiers of the intervention effects.

2a. Label and define intervention groups to be considered in the synthesis.


For each intervention group, provide a short label (e.g. supportive psychotherapy) and describe the core characteristics (criteria) that will be used to assign each intervention from an included study to a group.

Groups are often defined by intervention content (especially the active components), such as materials, procedures or techniques (e.g. a specific drug, an information leaflet, a behaviour change technique). Other characteristics may also be used, although some are more commonly used to define subgroups (see ): the purpose or theoretical underpinning, mode of delivery, provider, dose or intensity, duration or timing of the intervention (Hoffmann et al 2014).

In specifying groups:

Logic models may help structure the synthesis (see and ).

In a review of psychological therapies for coronary heart disease, a single group was specified for meta-analysis that included all types of therapy. Subgroups were defined to examine whether intervention effects were modified by intervention components (e.g. cognitive techniques, stress management) or mode of delivery (e.g. individual, group) (Richards et al 2017).

In a review of psychological therapies for panic disorder (Pompoli et al 2016), eight types of therapy were specified:

1. psychoeducation;

2. supportive psychotherapy (with or without a psychoeducational component);

3. physiological therapies;

4. behaviour therapy;

5. cognitive therapy;

6. cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT);

7. third-wave CBT; and

8. psychodynamic therapies.

Groups were defined by the theoretical basis of each therapy (e.g. CBT aims to modify maladaptive thoughts through cognitive restructuring) and the component techniques used.

2b. Define levels for groups based on dose or intensity.

For groups based on ‘how much’ of an intervention is used (e.g. dose or intensity), criteria are needed to quantify each group. This may be straightforward for easy-to-quantify characteristics, but more complex for characteristics that are hard to quantify (e.g. duration or intensity of rehabilitation or psychological therapy).

The levels should be based on how the intervention is used in practice (e.g. cut-offs for low and high doses of a supplement based on recommended nutrient intake), or on a rationale for how the intervention might work.

In reviews of exercise, intensity may be defined by training time (session length, frequency, program duration), amount of work (e.g. repetitions), and effort/energy expenditure (exertion, heart rate) (Regnaux et al 2015).

In a review of organized inpatient care for stroke, acute stroke units were categorized as ‘intensive’, ‘semi-intensive’ or ‘non-intensive’ based on whether the unit had continuous monitoring, high nurse staffing, and life support facilities (Stroke Unit Trialists Collaboration 2013).

3. Determine whether there is an existing system for grouping interventions.


In some fields, intervention taxonomies and frameworks have been developed for labelling and describing interventions, and these can make it easier for those using a review to interpret and apply findings.

Using an agreed system is preferable to developing new groupings. Existing systems should be assessed for relevance and usefulness. The most useful systems:

Systems for grouping interventions may be generic, widely applicable across clinical areas, or specific to a condition or intervention type. Some Cochrane Groups recommend specific taxonomies.

The (BCT) (Michie et al 2013) categorizes intervention elements such as goal setting, self-monitoring and social support. A protocol for a review of social media interventions used this taxonomy to describe interventions and examine different BCTs as potential effect modifiers (Welch et al 2018).

The has been used to group interventions (or components) by function (e.g. to educate, persuade, enable) (Michie et al 2011). This system was used to describe the components of dietary advice interventions (Desroches et al 2013).


Multiple reviews have used the consensus-based taxonomy developed by the Prevention of Falls Network Europe (ProFaNE) (e.g. Verheyden et al 2013, Kendrick et al 2014). The taxonomy specifies broad groups (e.g. exercise, medication, environment/assistive technology) within which are more specific groups (e.g. exercise: gait, balance and functional training; flexibility; strength and resistance) (Lamb et al 2011).

4. Plan how the specified groups will be used in synthesis and reporting.

Decide whether it is useful to pool all interventions in a single meta-analysis (‘lumping’), within which specific characteristics can be explored as effect modifiers (e.g. in subgroups). Alternatively, if pooling all interventions is unlikely to address a useful question, separate synthesis of specific interventions may be more appropriate (‘splitting’).

Determining the right analytic approach is discussed further in .

In a review of exercise for knee osteoarthritis, the different categories of exercise were combined in a single meta-analysis, addressing the question ‘what is the effect of exercise on knee osteoarthritis?’. The categories were also analysed as subgroups within the meta-analysis to explore whether the effect size varied by type of exercise (Fransen et al 2015). Other subgroup analyses examined mode of delivery and dose.

5. Decide how to group interventions with multiple components or co-interventions.

Some interventions, especially those considered ‘complex’, include multiple components that could also be implemented independently (Guise et al 2014, Lewin et al 2017). These components might be eligible for inclusion in the review alone, or eligible only if used alongside an eligible intervention.

Options for considering multi-component interventions may include the following.

and Welton et al 2009, Caldwell and Welton 2016, Higgins et al 2019).

The first two approaches may be challenging but are likely to be most useful (Caldwell and Welton 2016).

See Section . for the special case of when a co-intervention is administered in both treatment arms.

In a review of psychological therapies for panic disorder, two of the eight eligible therapies (psychoeducation and supportive psychotherapy) could be used alone or as part of a multi-component therapy. When accompanied by another eligible therapy, the intervention was categorized as the other therapy (i.e. psychoeducation + cognitive behavioural therapy was categorized as cognitive behavioural therapy) (Pompoli et al 2016).


In a review of psychosocial interventions for smoking cessation in pregnancy, two approaches were used. All intervention types were included in a single meta-analysis with subgroups for multi-component, single and tailored interventions. Separate meta-analyses were also performed for each intervention type, with categorization of multi-component interventions based on the ‘main’ component (Chamberlain et al 2017).

6. Build in contingencies by specifying both specific and broader intervention groups.

Consider grouping interventions at more than one level, so that studies of a broader group of interventions can be synthesized if too few studies are identified for synthesis in more specific groups. This will provide flexibility where review authors anticipate few studies contributing to specific groups (e.g. in reviews with diverse interventions, additional diversity in other PICO elements, or few studies overall, see also ).

In a review of psychosocial interventions for smoking cessation, the authors planned to group any psychosocial intervention in a single comparison (addressing the higher level question of whether, on average, psychosocial interventions are effective). Given that sufficient data were available, they also presented separate meta-analyses to examine the effects of specific types of psychosocial interventions (e.g. counselling, health education, incentives, social support) (Chamberlain et al 2017).

3.2.3 Defining which comparisons will be made

When articulating the PICO for each synthesis, defining the intervention groups alone is not sufficient for complete specification of the planned syntheses. The next step is to define the comparisons that will be made between the intervention groups. Setting aside for a moment more complex analyses such as network meta-analyses, which can simultaneously compare many groups ( Chapter 11 ), standard meta-analysis ( Chapter 10 ) aims to draw conclusions about the comparative effects of two groups at a time (i.e. which of two intervention groups is more effective?). These comparisons form the basis for the syntheses that will be undertaken if data are available. Cochrane Reviews sometimes include one comparison, but most often include multiple comparisons. Three commonly identified types of comparisons include the following (Davey et al 2011).

  • newer generation antidepressants versus placebo (Hetrick et al 2012); and
  • vertebroplasty for osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures versus placebo (sham procedure) (Buchbinder et al 2018).
  • chemotherapy or targeted therapy plus best supportive care (BSC) versus BSC for palliative treatment of esophageal and gastroesophageal-junction carcinoma (Janmaat et al 2017); and
  • personalized care planning versus usual care for people with long-term conditions (Coulter et al 2015).
  • early (commenced at less than two weeks of age) versus late (two weeks of age or more) parenteral zinc supplementation in term and preterm infants (Taylor et al 2017);
  • high intensity versus low intensity physical activity or exercise in people with hip or knee osteoarthritis (Regnaux et al 2015);
  • multimedia education versus other education for consumers about prescribed and over the counter medications (Ciciriello et al 2013).

The first two types of comparisons aim to establish the effectiveness of an intervention, while the last aims to compare the effectiveness of two interventions. However, the distinction between the placebo and control is often arbitrary, since any differences in the care provided between trials with a control arm and those with a placebo arm may be unimportant , especially where ‘usual care’ is provided to both. Therefore, placebo and control groups may be determined to be similar enough to be combined for synthesis.

In reviews including multiple intervention groups, many comparisons are possible. In some of these reviews, authors seek to synthesize evidence on the comparative effectiveness of all their included interventions, including where there may be only indirect comparison of some interventions across the included studies ( Chapter 11, Section 11.2.1 ). However, in many reviews including multiple intervention groups, a limited subset of the possible comparisons will be selected. The chosen subset of comparisons should address the most important clinical and research questions. For example, if an established intervention (or dose of an intervention) is used in practice, then the synthesis would ideally compare novel or alternative interventions to this established intervention, and not, for example, to no intervention. Dealing with co-interventions

Planning is needed for the special case where the same supplementary intervention is delivered to both the intervention and comparator groups. A supplementary intervention is an additional intervention delivered alongside the intervention of interest, such as massage in a review examining the effects of aromatherapy (i.e. aromatherapy plus massage versus massage alone). In many cases, the supplementary intervention will be unimportant and can be ignored. In other situations, the effect of the intervention of interest may differ according to whether participants receive the supplementary therapy. For example, the effect of aromatherapy among people who receive a massage may differ from the effect of the aromatherapy given alone. This will be the case if the intervention of interest interacts with the supplementary intervention leading to larger (synergistic) or smaller (dysynergistic/antagonistic) effects than the intervention of interest alone (Squires et al 2013). While qualitative interactions are rare (where the effect of the intervention is in the opposite direction when combined with the supplementary intervention), it is possible that there will be more variation in the intervention effects (heterogeneity) when supplementary interventions are involved, and it is important to plan for this. Approaches for dealing with this in the statistical synthesis may include fitting a random-effects meta-analysis model that encompasses heterogeneity ( Chapter 10, Section 10.10.4 ), or investigating whether the intervention effect is modified by the addition of the supplementary intervention through subgroup analysis ( Chapter 10, Section 10.11.2 ).

3.2.4 Selecting, prioritizing and grouping review outcomes selecting review outcomes.

Broad outcome domains are decided at the time of setting up the review PICO (see Chapter 2 ). Once the broad domains are agreed, further specification is required to define the domains to facilitate reporting and synthesis (i.e. the PICO for comparison) (see Chapter 2, Section 2.3 ). The process for specifying and grouping outcomes largely parallels that used for specifying intervention groups.

Reporting of outcomes should rarely determine study eligibility for a review. In particular, studies should not be excluded because they do not report results of an outcome they may have measured, or provide ‘no usable data’ ( MECIR Box 3.2.d ). This is essential to avoid bias arising from selective reporting of findings by the study authors (see Chapter 13 ). However, in some circumstances, the measurement of certain outcomes may be a study eligibility criterion. This may be the case, for example, when the review addresses the potential for an intervention to prevent a particular outcome, or when the review addresses a specific purpose of an intervention that can be used in the same population for different purposes (such as hormone replacement therapy, or aspirin).

MECIR Box 3.2.d Relevant expectations for conduct of intervention reviews

Clarifying role of outcomes ( )

Outcome measures should not always form part of the criteria for including studies in a review. However, some reviews do legitimately restrict eligibility to specific outcomes. For example, the same intervention may be studied in the same population for different purposes (e.g. hormone replacement therapy, or aspirin); or a review may address specifically the adverse effects of an intervention used for several conditions. If authors do exclude studies on the basis of outcomes, care should be taken to ascertain that relevant outcomes are not available because they have not been measured rather than simply not reported.

Predefining outcome domains ( )

Full specification of the outcomes includes consideration of outcome domains (e.g. quality of life) and outcome measures (e.g. SF-36). Predefinition of outcome reduces the risk of selective outcome reporting. The should be as few as possible and should normally reflect at least one potential benefit and at least one potential area of harm. It is expected that the review should be able to synthesize these outcomes if eligible studies are identified, and that the conclusions of the review will be based largely on the effects of the interventions on these outcomes. Additional important outcomes may also be specified. Up to seven critical and important outcomes will form the basis of the GRADE assessment and summarized in the review’s abstract and other summary formats, although the review may measure more than seven outcomes.

Choosing outcomes ( )

Cochrane Reviews are intended to support clinical practice and policy, and should address outcomes that are critical or important to consumers. These should be specified at protocol stage. Where available, established sets of core outcomes should be used. Patient-reported outcomes should be included where possible. It is also important to judge whether evidence of resource use and costs might be an important component of decisions to adopt the intervention or alternative management strategies around the world. Large numbers of outcomes, while sometimes necessary, can make reviews unfocused, unmanageable for the user, and prone to selective outcome reporting bias. Biochemical, interim and process outcomes should be considered where they are important to decision makers. Any outcomes that would not be described as critical or important can be left out of the review.

Predefining outcome measures ( )

Having decided what outcomes are of interest to the review, authors should clarify acceptable ways in which these outcomes can be measured. It may be difficult, however, to predefine adverse effects.

C17: Predefining choices from multiple outcome measures ( )

Prespecification guards against selective outcome reporting, and allows users to confirm that choices were not overly influenced by the results. A predefined hierarchy of outcomes measures may be helpful. It may be difficult, however, to predefine adverse effects. A rationale should be provided for the choice of outcome measure

C18: Predefining time points of interest ( )

Prespecification guards against selective outcome reporting, and allows users to confirm that choices were not overly influenced by the results. Authors may consider whether all time frames or only selected time points will be included in the review. These decisions should be based on outcomes important for making healthcare decisions. One strategy to make use of the available data could be to group time points into prespecified intervals to represent ‘short-term’, ‘medium-term’ and ‘long-term’ outcomes and to take no more than one from each interval from each study for any particular outcome.

In general, systematic reviews should aim to include outcomes that are likely to be meaningful to the intended users and recipients of the reviewed evidence. This may include clinicians, patients (consumers), the general public, administrators and policy makers. Outcomes may include survival (mortality), clinical events (e.g. strokes or myocardial infarction), behavioural outcomes (e.g. changes in diet, use of services), patient-reported outcomes (e.g. symptoms, quality of life), adverse events, burdens (e.g. demands on caregivers, frequency of tests, restrictions on lifestyle) and economic outcomes (e.g. cost and resource use). It is critical that outcomes used to assess adverse effects as well as outcomes used to assess beneficial effects are among those addressed by a review (see Chapter 19 ).

Outcomes that are trivial or meaningless to decision makers should not be included in Cochrane Reviews. Inclusion of outcomes that are of little or no importance risks overwhelming and potentially misleading readers. Interim or surrogate outcomes measures, such as laboratory results or radiologic results (e.g. loss of bone mineral content as a surrogate for fractures in hormone replacement therapy), while potentially helpful in explaining effects or determining intervention integrity (see Chapter 5, Section ), can also be misleading since they may not predict clinically important outcomes accurately. Many interventions reduce the risk for a surrogate outcome but have no effect or have harmful effects on clinically relevant outcomes, and some interventions have no effect on surrogate measures but improve clinical outcomes.

Various sources can be used to develop a list of relevant outcomes, including input from consumers and advisory groups (see Chapter 2 ), the clinical experiences of the review authors, and evidence from the literature (including qualitative research about outcomes important to those affected (see Chapter 21 )). A further driver of outcome selection is consideration of outcomes used in related reviews. Harmonization of outcomes across reviews addressing related questions facilitates broader evidence synthesis questions being addressed through the use of Overviews of reviews (see Chapter V ).

Outcomes considered to be meaningful, and therefore addressed in a review, may not have been reported in the primary studies. For example, quality of life is an important outcome, perhaps the most important outcome, for people considering whether or not to use chemotherapy for advanced cancer, even if the available studies are found to report only survival (see Chapter 18 ). A further example arises with timing of the outcome measurement, where time points determined as clinically meaningful in a review are not measured in the primary studies. Including and discussing all important outcomes in a review will highlight gaps in the primary research and encourage researchers to address these gaps in future studies. Prioritizing review outcomes

Once a full list of relevant outcomes has been compiled for the review, authors should prioritize the outcomes and select the outcomes of most relevance to the review question. The GRADE approach to assessing the certainty of evidence (see Chapter 14 ) suggests that review authors separate outcomes into those that are ‘critical’, ‘important’ and ‘not important’ for decision making.

The critical outcomes are the essential outcomes for decision making, and are those that would form the basis of a ‘Summary of findings’ table or other summary versions of the review, such as the Abstract or Plain Language Summary. ‘Summary of findings’ tables provide key information about the amount of evidence for important comparisons and outcomes, the quality of the evidence and the magnitude of effect (see Chapter 14, Section 14.1 ). There should be no more than seven outcomes included in a ‘Summary of findings’ table, and those outcomes that will be included in summaries should be specified at the protocol stage. They should generally not include surrogate or interim outcomes. They should not be chosen on the basis of any anticipated or observed magnitude of effect, or because they are likely to have been addressed in the studies to be reviewed. Box 3.2.c summarizes the principal factors to consider when selecting and prioritizing review outcomes.

Box 3.2.c Factors to consider when selecting and prioritizing review outcomes Defining and grouping outcomes for synthesis

Table 3.2.c outlines a process for planning for the diversity in outcome measurement that may be encountered in the studies included in a review and which can complicate, and sometimes prevent, synthesis. Research has repeatedly documented inconsistency in the outcomes measured across trials in the same clinical areas (Harrison et al 2016, Williamson et al 2017). This inconsistency occurs across all aspects of outcome measurement, including the broad domains considered, the outcomes measured, the way these outcomes are labelled and defined, and the methods and timing of measurement. For example, a review of outcome measures used in 563 studies of interventions for dementia and mild cognitive impairment found that 321 unique measurement methods were used for 1278 assessments of cognitive outcomes (Harrison et al 2016). Initiatives like COMET ( Core Outcome Measures in Effectiveness Trials ) aim to encourage standardization of outcome measurement across trials (Williamson et al 2017), but these initiatives are comparatively new and review authors will inevitably encounter diversity in outcomes across studies.

The process begins by describing the scope of each outcome domain in sufficient detail to enable outcomes from included studies to be categorized ( Table 3.2.c Step 1). This step may be straightforward in areas for which core outcome sets (or equivalent systems) exist ( Table 3.2.c Step 2). The methods and timing of outcome measurement also need to be specified, giving consideration to how differences across studies will be handled ( Table 3.2.c Steps 3 and 4). Subsequent steps consider options for dealing with studies that report multiple measures within an outcome domain ( Table 3.2.c Step 5), planning how outcome domains will be used in synthesis ( Table 3.2.c Step 6), and building in contingencies to maximize potential to synthesize ( Table 3.2.c Step 7).

Table 3.2.c A process for planning outcome groups for synthesis

1. Fully specify outcome domains.

For each outcome domain, provide a short label (e.g. cognition, consumer evaluation of care) and describe the domain in sufficient detail to enable eligible outcomes from each included study to be categorized. The definition should be based on the concept (or construct) measured, that is ‘what’ is measured. ‘When’ and ‘how’ the outcome is measured will be considered in subsequent steps.

Outcomes can be defined hierarchically, starting with very broad groups (e.g. physiological/clinical outcomes, life impact, adverse events), then outcome domains (e.g. functioning and perceived health status are domains within ‘life impact’). Within these may be narrower domains (e.g. physical function, cognitive function), and then specific outcome measures (Dodd et al 2018). The level at which outcomes are grouped for synthesis alters the question addressed, and so decisions should be guided by the review objectives.

In specifying outcome domains:

In a review of computer-based interventions for sexual health promotion, three broad outcome domains were defined (cognitions, behaviours, biological) based on a conceptual model of how the intervention might work. Each domain comprised more specific domains and outcomes (e.g. condom use, seeking health services such as STI testing); listing these helped define the broad domains and guided categorization of the diverse outcomes reported in included studies (Bailey et al 2010).

In a protocol for a review of social media interventions for improving health, the rationale for synthesizing broad groupings of outcomes (e.g. health behaviours, physical health) was based on prediction of a common underlying mechanism by which the intervention would work, and the review objective, which focused on overall health rather than specific outcomes (Welch et al 2018).

2. Determine whether there is an existing system for identifying and grouping important outcomes.

Systems for categorizing outcomes include core outcome sets including the and initiatives, and outcome taxonomies (Dodd et al 2018). These systems define agreed outcomes that should be measured for specific conditions (Williamson et al 2017).These systems can be used to standardize the varied outcome labels used across studies and enable grouping and comparison (Kirkham et al 2013). Agreed terminology may help decision makers interpret review findings.

The COMET website provides a database of core outcome sets agreed or in development. Some Cochrane Groups have developed their own outcome sets. While the availability of outcome sets and taxonomies varies across clinical areas, several taxonomies exist for specifying broad outcome domains (e.g. Dodd et al 2018, ICHOM 2018).

In a review of combined diet and exercise for preventing gestational diabetes mellitus, a core outcome set agreed by the Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth group was used (Shepherd et al 2017).

In a review of decision aids for people facing health treatment or screening decisions (Stacey et al 2017), outcome domains were based on criteria for evaluating decision aids agreed in the (IPDAS). Doing so helped to assess the use of aids across diverse clinical decisions.

The Cochrane Consumers and Communication Group has an agreed taxonomy to guide specification of outcomes of importance in evaluating communication interventions (Cochrane Consumers & Communication Group).

3. Define the outcome time points.

A key attribute of defining an outcome is specifying the time of measurement. In reviews, time frames, and not specific time points, are often specified to handle the likely diversity in timing of outcome measurement across studies (e.g. a ‘medium-term’ time frame might be defined as including outcomes measured between 6 and 12 months).

In specifying outcome timing:

In a review of psychological therapies for panic disorder, the main outcomes were ‘short-term’ (≤6 months from treatment commencement). ‘Long-term’ outcomes (>6 months from treatment commencement) were considered important, but not specified as critical because of concerns of participant attrition (Pompoli et al 2018).

In contrast, in a review of antidepressants, a clinically meaningful time frame of 6 to 12 months might be specified for the critical outcome ‘depression’, since this is the recommended treatment duration. However, it may be anticipated that many studies will be of shorter duration with short-term follow-up, so an additional important outcome of ‘depression (<3 months)’ might also be specified.

4. Specify the measurement tool or measurement method.

For each outcome domain, specify:

Minimum criteria for inclusion of a measure may include:

(e.g. consistent scores across time and raters when the outcome is unchanged), and (e.g. comparable results to similar measures, including a gold standard if available); and

Measures may be identified from core outcome sets (e.g. Williamson et al 2017, ICHOM 2018) or systematic reviews of instruments (see COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement INstruments (COSMIN) initiative for a database of examples).

In a review of interventions to support women to stop smoking, objective (biochemically validated) and subjective (self-report) measures of smoking cessation were specified separately to examine bias due to the method used to measure the outcome (Step 6) (Chamberlain et al 2017).

In a review of high-intensity versus low-intensity exercise for osteoarthritis, measures of pain were selected based on relevance of the content and properties of the measurement tool (i.e. evidence of validity and reliability) (Regnaux et al 2015).

5. Specify how multiplicity of outcomes will be handled.

For a particular domain, multiple outcomes within a study may be available for inclusion. This may arise from:

Effects of the intervention calculated from these different sources of multiplicity are statistically dependent, since they have been calculated using the same participants. To deal with this dependency, select only one outcome per study for a particular comparison, or use a meta-analysis method that accounts for the dependency (see Step 6).

Pre-specify the method of selection from multiple outcomes or measures in the protocol, using an approach that is independent of the result (see ) (López-López et al 2018). Document all eligible outcomes or measures in the ‘Characteristics of included studies’ table, noting which was selected and why.

Multiplicity can arise from the reporting of multiple analyses of the same outcome (e.g. analyses that do and do not adjust for prognostic factors; intention-to-treat and per-protocol analyses) and multiple reports of the same study (e.g. journal articles, conference abstracts). Approaches for dealing with this type of multiplicity should also be specified in the protocol (López-López et al 2018).

It may be difficult to anticipate all forms of multiplicity when developing a protocol. Any post-hoc approaches used to select outcomes or results should be noted at the beginning of the Methods section, or if extensive, within an additional supplementary material.

The following hierarchy was specified to select one outcome per domain in a review examining the effects of portion, package or tableware size (Hollands et al 2015):

Selection of the outcome was made blinded to the results. All available outcome measures were documented in the ‘Characteristics of included studies’ table.

In a review of audit and feedback for healthcare providers, the outcome domains were ‘provider performance’ (e.g. compliance with recommended use of a laboratory test) and ‘patient health outcomes’ (e.g. smoking status, blood pressure) (Ivers et al 2012). For each domain, outcomes were selected using the following hierarchy:

6. Plan how the specified outcome domains will be used in the synthesis.

When different measurement methods or tools have been used across studies, consideration must be given to how these will be synthesized. Options include the following.

and ). There may be increased heterogeneity, warranting use of a random-effects model ( ).

In a review of interventions to support women to stop smoking, separate outcome domains were specified for biochemically validated measures of smoking and self-report measures. The two domains were meta-analysed together, but sensitivity analyses were undertaken restricting the meta-analyses to studies with only biochemically validated outcomes, to examine if the results were robust to the method of measurement (Chamberlain et al 2017).

In a review of psychological therapies for youth internalizing and externalizing disorders, most studies contributed multiple effects (e.g. in one meta-analysis of 443 studies, there were 5139 included measures). The authors used multilevel modelling to address the dependency among multiple effects contributed from each study (Weisz et al 2017).

7. Where possible, build in contingencies by specifying both specific and broader outcome domains.

Consider building in flexibility to group outcomes at different levels or time intervals. Inflexible approaches can undermine the potential to synthesize, especially when few studies are anticipated, or there is likely to be diversity in the way outcomes are defined and measured and the timing of measurement. If insufficient studies report data for meaningful synthesis using the narrower domains, the broader domains can be used (see also ).

Consider a hypothetical review aiming to examine the effects of behavioural psychological interventions for the treatment of overweight and obese adults. A specific outcome is body mass index (BMI). However, also specifying a broader outcome domain ‘indicator of body mass’ will facilitate synthesis in the circumstance where few studies report BMI, but most report an indicator of body mass (such as weight or waist circumference). This is particularly important when few studies may be anticipated or there is expected diversity in the measurement methods or tools.

3.3 Determining which study designs to include

Some study designs are more appropriate than others for answering particular questions. Authors need to consider a priori what study designs are likely to provide reliable data with which to address the objectives of their review ( MECIR Box 3.3.a ). Sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 cover randomized and non-randomized designs for assessing treatment effects; Chapter 17, Section 17.2.5  discusses other study designs in the context of addressing intervention complexity.

MECIR Box 3.3.a Relevant expectations for conduct of intervention reviews

Predefining study designs ( )

Predefined, unambiguous eligibility criteria are a fundamental prerequisite for a systematic review. This is particularly important when non-randomized studies are considered. Some labels commonly used to define study designs can be ambiguous. For example a ‘double blind’ study may not make it clear who was blinded; a ‘case-control’ study may be nested within a cohort, or be undertaken in a cross-sectional manner; or a ‘prospective’ study may have only some features defined or undertaken prospectively.

Justifying choice of study designs ( )

It might be difficult to address some interventions or some outcomes in randomized trials. Authors should be able to justify why they have chosen either to restrict the review to randomized trials or to include non-randomized studies. The particular study designs included should be justified with regard to appropriateness to the review question and with regard to potential for bias.

3.3.1 Including randomized trials

Because Cochrane Reviews address questions about the effects of health care, they focus primarily on randomized trials and randomized trials should be included if they are feasible for the interventions of interest ( MECIR Box 3.3.b ). Randomization is the only way to prevent systematic differences between baseline characteristics of participants in different intervention groups in terms of both known and unknown (or unmeasured) confounders (see Chapter 8 ), and claims about cause and effect can be based on their findings with far more confidence than almost any other type of study. For clinical interventions, deciding who receives an intervention and who does not is influenced by many factors, including prognostic factors. Empirical evidence suggests that, on average, non-randomized studies produce effect estimates that indicate more extreme benefits of the effects of health care than randomized trials. However, the extent, and even the direction, of the bias is difficult to predict. These issues are discussed at length in Chapter 24 , which provides guidance on when it might be appropriate to include non-randomized studies in a Cochrane Review.

Practical considerations also motivate the restriction of many Cochrane Reviews to randomized trials. In recent decades there has been considerable investment internationally in establishing infrastructure to index and identify randomized trials. Cochrane has contributed to these efforts, including building up and maintaining a database of randomized trials, developing search filters to aid their identification, working with MEDLINE to improve tagging and identification of randomized trials, and using machine learning and crowdsourcing to reduce author workload in identifying randomized trials ( Chapter 4, Section ). The same scale of organizational investment has not (yet) been matched for the identification of other types of studies. Consequently, identifying and including other types of studies may require additional efforts to identify studies and to keep the review up to date, and might increase the risk that the result of the review will be influenced by publication bias. This issue and other bias-related issues that are important to consider when defining types of studies are discussed in detail in Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 .

Specific aspects of study design and conduct should be considered when defining eligibility criteria, even if the review is restricted to randomized trials. For example, whether cluster-randomized trials ( Chapter 23, Section 23.1 ) and crossover trials ( Chapter 23, Section 23.2 ) are eligible, as well as other criteria for eligibility such as use of a placebo comparison group, evaluation of outcomes blinded to allocation sequence, or a minimum period of follow-up. There will always be a trade-off between restrictive study design criteria (which might result in the inclusion of studies that are at low risk of bias, but very few in number) and more liberal design criteria (which might result in the inclusion of more studies, but at a higher risk of bias). Furthermore, excessively broad criteria might result in the inclusion of misleading evidence. If, for example, interest focuses on whether a therapy improves survival in patients with a chronic condition, it might be inappropriate to look at studies of very short duration, except to make explicit the point that they cannot address the question of interest.

MECIR Box 3.3.b Relevant expectations for conduct of intervention reviews

Including randomized trials ( )

if it is feasible to conduct them to evaluate the interventions and outcomes of interest.

Randomized trials are the best study design for evaluating the efficacy of interventions. If it is feasible to conduct them to evaluate questions that are being addressed by the review, they must be considered eligible for the review. However, appropriate exclusion criteria may be put in place, for example regarding length of follow-up.

3.3.2 Including non-randomized studies

The decision of whether non-randomized studies (and what type) will be included is decided alongside the formulation of the review PICO. The main drivers that may lead to the inclusion of non-randomized studies include: (i) when randomized trials are unable to address the effects of the intervention on harm and long-term outcomes or in specific populations or settings; or (ii) for interventions that cannot be randomized (e.g. policy change introduced in a single or small number of jurisdictions) (see Chapter 24 ). Cochrane, in collaboration with others, has developed guidance for review authors to support their decision about when to look for and include non-randomized studies (Schünemann et al 2013).

Non-randomized designs have the commonality of not using randomization to allocate units to comparison groups, but their different design features mean that they are variable in their susceptibility to bias. Eligibility criteria should be based on explicit study design features, and not the study labels applied by the primary researchers (e.g. case-control, cohort), which are often used inconsistently (Reeves et al 2017; see Chapter 24 ).

When non-randomized studies are included, review authors should consider how the studies will be grouped and used in the synthesis. The Cochrane Non-randomized Studies Methods Group taxonomy of design features (see Chapter 24 ) may provide a basis for grouping together studies that are expected to have similar inferential strength and for providing a consistent language for describing the study design.

Once decisions have been made about grouping study designs, planning of how these will be used in the synthesis is required. Review authors need to decide whether it is useful to synthesize results from non-randomized studies and, if so, whether results from randomized trials and non-randomized studies should be included in the same synthesis (for the purpose of examining whether study design explains heterogeneity among the intervention effects), or whether the effects should be synthesized in separate comparisons (Valentine and Thompson 2013). Decisions should be made for each of the different types of non-randomized studies under consideration. Review authors might anticipate increased heterogeneity when non-randomized studies are synthesized, and adoption of a meta-analysis model that encompasses heterogeneity is wise (Valentine and Thompson 2013) (such as a random effects model, see Chapter 10, Section 10.10.4 ). For further discussion of non-randomized studies, see Chapter 24 .

3.4 Eligibility based on publication status and language

Chapter 4 contains detailed guidance on how to identify studies from a range of sources including, but not limited to, those in peer-reviewed journals. In general, a strategy to include studies reported in all types of publication will reduce bias ( Chapter 7 ). There would need to be a compelling argument for the exclusion of studies on the basis of their publication status ( MECIR Box 3.4.a ), including unpublished studies, partially published studies, and studies published in ‘grey’ literature sources. Given the additional challenge in obtaining unpublished studies, it is possible that any unpublished studies identified in a given review may be an unrepresentative subset of all the unpublished studies in existence. However, the bias this introduces is of less concern than the bias introduced by excluding all unpublished studies, given what is known about the impact of reporting biases (see Chapter 13 on bias due to missing studies, and Chapter 4, Section 4.3 for a more detailed discussion of searching for unpublished and grey literature).

Likewise, while searching for, and analysing, studies in any language can be extremely resource-intensive, review authors should consider carefully the implications for bias (and equity, see Chapter 16 ) if they restrict eligible studies to those published in one specific language (usually English). See Chapter 4, Section 4.4.5 , for further discussion of language and other restrictions while searching.

MECIR Box 3.4.a Relevant expectations for conduct of intervention reviews

Excluding studies based on publication status ( )

Obtaining and including data from unpublished studies (including grey literature) can reduce the effects of publication bias. However, the unpublished studies that can be located may be an unrepresentative sample of all unpublished studies.

3.5 Chapter information

Authors: Joanne E McKenzie, Sue E Brennan, Rebecca E Ryan, Hilary J Thomson, Renea V Johnston, James Thomas

Acknowledgements: This chapter builds on earlier versions of the Handbook . In particular, Version 5, Chapter 5 , edited by Denise O’Connor, Sally Green and Julian Higgins.

Funding: JEM is supported by an Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Career Development Fellowship (1143429). SEB and RER’s positions are supported by the NHMRC Cochrane Collaboration Funding Program. HJT is funded by the UK Medical Research Council (MC_UU_12017-13 and MC_UU_12017-15) and Scottish Government Chief Scientist Office (SPHSU13 and SPHSU15). RVJ’s position is supported by the NHMRC Cochrane Collaboration Funding Program and Cabrini Institute. JT is supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care North Thames at Barts Health NHS Trust. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health.

3.6 References

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Lewin S, Hendry M, Chandler J, Oxman AD, Michie S, Shepperd S, Reeves BC, Tugwell P, Hannes K, Rehfuess EA, Welch V, Mckenzie JE, Burford B, Petkovic J, Anderson LM, Harris J, Noyes J. Assessing the complexity of interventions within systematic reviews: development, content and use of a new tool (iCAT_SR). BMC Medical Research Methodology 2017; 17 : 76.

López-López JA, Page MJ, Lipsey MW, Higgins JPT. Dealing with multiplicity of effect sizes in systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Research Synthesis Methods 2018; 9 : 336–351.

Mavridis D, Salanti G. A practical introduction to multivariate meta-analysis. Statistical Methods in Medical Research 2013; 22 : 133–158.

Michie S, van Stralen M, West R. The Behaviour Change Wheel: a new method for characterising and designing behaviour change interventions. Implementation Science 2011; 6 : 42.

Michie S, Richardson M, Johnston M, Abraham C, Francis J, Hardeman W, Eccles MP, Cane J, Wood CE. The behavior change technique taxonomy (v1) of 93 hierarchically clustered techniques: building an international consensus for the reporting of behavior change interventions. Annals of Behavioral Medicine 2013; 46 : 81–95.

Moraes VY, Lenza M, Tamaoki MJ, Faloppa F, Belloti JC. Platelet-rich therapies for musculoskeletal soft tissue injuries. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2014; 4 : CD010071.

O'Neill J, Tabish H, Welch V, Petticrew M, Pottie K, Clarke M, Evans T, Pardo Pardo J, Waters E, White H, Tugwell P. Applying an equity lens to interventions: using PROGRESS ensures consideration of socially stratifying factors to illuminate inequities in health. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2014; 67 : 56–64.

Pompoli A, Furukawa TA, Imai H, Tajika A, Efthimiou O, Salanti G. Psychological therapies for panic disorder with or without agoraphobia in adults: a network meta-analysis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2016; 4 : CD011004.

Pompoli A, Furukawa TA, Efthimiou O, Imai H, Tajika A, Salanti G. Dismantling cognitive-behaviour therapy for panic disorder: a systematic review and component network meta-analysis. Psychological Medicine 2018; 48 : 1–9.

Reeves BC, Wells GA, Waddington H. Quasi-experimental study designs series-paper 5: a checklist for classifying studies evaluating the effects on health interventions – a taxonomy without labels. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2017; 89 : 30–42.

Regnaux J-P, Lefevre-Colau M-M, Trinquart L, Nguyen C, Boutron I, Brosseau L, Ravaud P. High-intensity versus low-intensity physical activity or exercise in people with hip or knee osteoarthritis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2015; 10 : CD010203.

Richards SH, Anderson L, Jenkinson CE, Whalley B, Rees K, Davies P, Bennett P, Liu Z, West R, Thompson DR, Taylor RS. Psychological interventions for coronary heart disease. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017; 4 : CD002902.

Safi S, Korang SK, Nielsen EE, Sethi NJ, Feinberg J, Gluud C, Jakobsen JC. Beta-blockers for heart failure. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017; 12 : CD012897.

Santesso N, Carrasco-Labra A, Brignardello-Petersen R. Hip protectors for preventing hip fractures in older people. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2014; 3 : CD001255.

Shepherd E, Gomersall JC, Tieu J, Han S, Crowther CA, Middleton P. Combined diet and exercise interventions for preventing gestational diabetes mellitus. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017; 11 : CD010443.

Squires J, Valentine J, Grimshaw J. Systematic reviews of complex interventions: framing the review question. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2013; 66 : 1215–1222.

Stacey D, Légaré F, Lewis K, Barry MJ, Bennett CL, Eden KB, Holmes-Rovner M, Llewellyn-Thomas H, Lyddiatt A, Thomson R, Trevena L. Decision aids for people facing health treatment or screening decisions. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017; 4 : CD001431.

Stroke Unit Trialists Collaboration. Organised inpatient (stroke unit) care for stroke. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2013; 9 : CD000197.

Taylor AJ, Jones LJ, Osborn DA. Zinc supplementation of parenteral nutrition in newborn infants. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017; 2 : CD012561.

Valentine JC, Thompson SG. Issues relating to confounding and meta-analysis when including non-randomized studies in systematic reviews on the effects of interventions. Research Synthesis Methods 2013; 4 : 26–35.

Vaona A, Banzi R, Kwag KH, Rigon G, Cereda D, Pecoraro V, Tramacere I, Moja L. E-learning for health professionals. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2018; 1 : CD011736.

Verheyden GSAF, Weerdesteyn V, Pickering RM, Kunkel D, Lennon S, Geurts ACH, Ashburn A. Interventions for preventing falls in people after stroke. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2013; 5 : CD008728.

Weisz JR, Kuppens S, Ng MY, Eckshtain D, Ugueto AM, Vaughn-Coaxum R, Jensen-Doss A, Hawley KM, Krumholz Marchette LS, Chu BC, Weersing VR, Fordwood SR. What five decades of research tells us about the effects of youth psychological therapy: a multilevel meta-analysis and implications for science and practice. American Psychologist 2017; 72 : 79–117.

Welch V, Petkovic J, Simeon R, Presseau J, Gagnon D, Hossain A, Pardo Pardo J, Pottie K, Rader T, Sokolovski A, Yoganathan M, Tugwell P, DesMeules M. Interactive social media interventions for health behaviour change, health outcomes, and health equity in the adult population. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2018; 2 : CD012932.

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exclusion and inclusion criteria in a literature review

Systematic Reviews for Health Sciences and Medicine

  • Systematic Reviews
  • The research question
  • Common search errors
  • Search translation
  • Managing results
  • Inclusion and exclusion criteria
  • Critical appraisal
  • Updating a Review
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Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

Inclusion and exclusion criteria set the boundaries for the systematic review.  They are determined after setting the research question usually before the search is conducted, however scoping searches may need to be undertaken to determine appropriate criteria.  Many different factors can be used as inclusion or exclusion criteria. Information about the inclusion and exclusion criteria is usually recorded as a paragraph or table within the methods section of the systematic review.   It may also be necessary to give the definitions, and source of the definition, used for particular concepts in the research question (e.g. adolescence, depression).  

exclusion and inclusion criteria in a literature review

Other inclusion/exclusion criteria can include the sample size, method of sampling or availability of a relevant comparison group in the study.  Where a single study is reported across multiple papers the findings from the papers may be merged or only the latest data may be included.

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Systematic Reviews: Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

  • What Type of Review is Right for You?
  • What is in a Systematic Review
  • Finding and Appraising Systematic Reviews
  • Formulating Your Research Question
  • Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
  • Creating a Protocol
  • Results and PRISMA Flow Diagram
  • Searching the Published Literature
  • Searching the Gray Literature
  • Methodology and Documentation
  • Managing the Process
  • Scoping Reviews

Defining Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria

An important part of the SR process is defining what will and will not be included in your review. 

Inclusion and exclusion criteria are developed after a research question is finalized but before a search is carried out. They determine the limits for the evidence synthesis and are typically reported in the methods section of the publication. For unfamiliar or unclear concepts, a definition may be necessary to adequately describe the criterion for readers. 

Some examples of common inclusion/exclusion criteria might be:

  • Date of publication : only articles published in the last ten years
  • Exposure to intervention/ or specific health condition : only people who have participated in the DASH diet
  • Language of Publication* : only looking at English articles 
  • Settings : Hospitals, nursing homes, schools
  • Geography : specific locations such as states, countries, or specific populations

*note of caution: research is published all over the world and in multiple languages. Limiting to just English can be considered a bias to your research.

  • Common Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria from the University of Melbourne

What happens if no study meets my inclusion/exclusion criteria?

Empty reviews are when no studies meet the inclusion criteria for a SR. Empty reviews are more likely to subject to publication bias, however, they are important in identifying gaps in the literature. 

  • Unanswered questions implications of an empty review Slyer, Jason T. Unanswered questions, JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports: June 2016 - Volume 14 - Issue 6 - p 1-2 doi: 10.11124/JBISRIR-2016-002934
  • Rapid Prompting Method and Autism Spectrum Disorder: Systematic Review Exposes Lack of Evidence Schlosser, R.W., Hemsley, B., Shane, H. et al. Rapid Prompting Method and Autism Spectrum Disorder: Systematic Review Exposes Lack of Evidence. Rev J Autism Dev Disord 6, 403–412 (2019).
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Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)

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  • Inclusion & Exclusion Criteria
  • Acquiring Evidence
  • Appraising the Quality of the Evidence
  • Writing a Literature Review
  • Finding Psychological Tests & Assessment Instruments

Selection Criteria

Inclusion and exclusion are two sides of the same coin.

Inclusion and exclusion criteria are determined after formulating the research question but usually before the search is conducted (although preliminary scoping searches may need to be undertaken to determine appropriate criteria).  It may be helpful to determine the inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria for each PICO component.

Be aware that you may  introduce bias  into the final review if these are not used thoughtfully. 

Inclusion and exclusion are two sides of the same coin, so—depending on your perspective—a single database filter can be said to either include or exclude. For instance, if articles must be published within the last 3 years, that is inclusion. If articles cannot be more than 3 years old, that is exclusion. 

The most straightforward way to include or exclude results is to use database limiters (filters), usually found on the left side of the search results page.

Inclusion Criteria

Inclusion criteria are the elements of an article  that must be present  in order for it to be eligible for inclusion in a literature review. Some examples are:

  • Included studies must have compared certain treatments
  • Included studies must be a certain type (e.g., only Randomized Controlled Trials)
  • Included studies must be located in a certain geographic area
  • Included studies must have been published in the last 5 years

Exclusion Criteria

Exclusion criteria are the elements of an article that  disqualify the study from inclusion  in a literature review. Some examples are:

  • Study used an observational design
  • Study used a qualitative methodology
  • Study was published more than 5 years ago
  • Study was published in a language other than English
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  • Introduction
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  • Systematic Review Guidelines
  • 1. Formulate a Research Question
  • 2. Develop a Research Protocol
  • 3. Conduct a Thorough Literature Search
  • 4. Apply Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
  • 5. Perform Data Extraction/Abstraction
  • 6. Conduct a Quality Appraisal of Included Studies
  • 7. Complete Data Analysis and Compile Results
  • 8. Interpret Results
  • How to Appraise a Systematic Review
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Systematic Review Overview : 4. Apply Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

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Step 4. Apply Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

At the beginning of large systematic reviews, researchers discuss and develop a series of inclusion and exclusion criteria to fit in with their review question and/or the brief provided by whoever is funding the project.

Systematic reviews often exclude studies if they do not conform to specific study designs, are not written in English or within a certain time frame. As a researcher, you should be cautious of any bias you might introduce into the review by adding certain inclusion or exclusion criteria. For example: limiting to studies in English may miss important studies published in other languages, leading to language bias.

All decisions to include or exclude certain studies or groups of studies should be documented in the methods section of the research proposal/protocol - this way it can be demonstrated that a systematic process has been followed.

In large systematic reviews, the inclusion/exclusion criteria are applied by at least 2 reviewers to all the studies retrieved by the literature search. A strategy to resolve any disagreements between the reviewers should be outlined in the protocol, such as bringing in a third screener.

There are two levels of the screening process. The first level of screening involves scanning the titles and abstracts of the articles; those that are clearly irrelevant can be excluded.

Full text papers are obtained for the remaining articles and the criteria are applied again for the second level of screening on the full text. Those that meet the criteria are included in the review (although sometimes if too many papers are obtained, the question and criteria are refined and the process repeated). At this stage of screening, the reason for exclusion(s) must be recorded. This process is represented by the following flow diagram ( See PRISMA Flow Diagram ).

Key Points Regarding Study Selection

  • Section 1.3.2. Process for Study selection (, actual page #35)
  • Studies should be selected in an unbiased way, based on selection criteria that flow directly from the review questions, and that have been piloted to check that they can be reliably applied.
  • Study selection is a staged process involving sifting through the citations located by the search, retrieving full reports of potentially relevant citations and, from their assessment, identifying those studies that fulfill the inclusion criteria.
  • Parallel independent assessments should be conducted to minimize the risk of errors of judgment. If disagreements occur between reviewers, they should be resolved according to a predefined strategy using consensus and arbitration as appropriate.
  • The study selection process should be documented, detailing reasons for inclusion and exclusion.

Tips to Improve Inter-Rater Reliability / Screener Selection Accuracy

While awaiting search strategy development and final citation results:

  • Provide clear and explicit inclusion and exclusion criteria, with definitions and explanations where warranted.
  • Conduct thorough training for all involved.
  • Provide clear guidelines which should be reviewed by all prior to starting the activity.
  • Provide pilot testing or beta testing of screening tools/procedures, using samples/subsets of real data (with test inter-rater reliability calculations to determine preliminary agreement or variability).
  • Optional: pilot or beta test screeners in pairs: one screener with previous experience paired with a more novice screener.
  • Conduct ongoing, active surveillance/auditing of activities (can see if/when going off course)
  • Provide ongoing opportunities for discussion, education, and training.
  • The Screening Phase for Reviews Tutorial (5 min+) This tutorial presents information on the screening process for systematic reviews or other knowledge syntheses, and contains a variety of resources including guidelines, best practices, tips, and tools for successfully preparing to complete this important research stage.
  • 1. Slavin RE. Best evidence synthesis: an intelligent alternative to meta-analysis. J Clin Epidemiol. 1995 Jan;48(1):9-18.
  • 2. Eysenck HJ. Meta-analysis and its problems. BMJ. 1994 Sep 24;309(6957):789-92.
  • 3. Moher D, Fortin P, Jadad AR, Juni P, Klassen T, Le Lorier J, et al. Completeness of reporting of trials published in languages other than English: implications for conduct and reporting of systematic reviews. Lancet. 1996 Feb 10;347(8998):363-6.
  • 4. Vickers A, Goyal N, Harland R, Rees R. Do certain countries produce only positive results? A systematic review of controlled trials. Control Clin Trials. 1998 Apr;19(2):159-66.
  • 5. Moher D, Pham B, Klassen T, Schultz KF, Berlin J, Jadad AR, et al. Does the language of publication of reports of randomized trials influence the estimates of intervention effectiveness reported in meta-analyses? Systematic Reviews: Evidence in Action,
  • 6. PRISMA Statement. "The PRISMA Statement consists of a 27-item checklist and a four-phase flow diagram. It is an evolving document that is subject to change periodically as new evidence emerges. In fact, the PRISMA Statement is an update and expansion of the now-out dated QUORUM Statement. This website contains the current definitive version of the PRISMA Statement."
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  • Next: 5. Perform Data Extraction/Abstraction >>
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Literature searching and finding evidence.

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Establish your Inclusion and Exclusion criteria

  • Find related search terms
  • Subject Heading/MeSH Searching
  • Select databases to search
  • Structure your search
  • Search techniques
  • Search key databases
  • Manage results in EBSCOhost and Ovid
  • Analyse your search results
  • Document your search results
  • Training and support

These criteria help you decide which pieces of evidence (for example, which primary research studies) will/will not be included in your work. Using specific criteria will help make sure your final review is as unbiased, transparent and ethical as possible.

How to establish your Inclusion and Exclusion criteria

To establish your criteria you need to define each aspect of your question to clarify what you are focusing on, and consider if there are any variations you also wish to explore. This is where using frameworks like PICO help:

Example:   Alternatives to drugs for controlling headaches in children.

Using the PICO structure you clarify what aspects you are most interested in. Here are some examples to consider:


A specific age group? Teenagers and adolescents?

    Alternatives to drugs

What alternatives are there? Complementary therapies? Alternative medicines? Changes in lifestyle? All three?

If you decide to focus on 'complementary therapies' do you want to examine all therapies or a specific therapy like holistic therapy?


All drugs that treat headaches, or a group of drugs, or a specific drug?


All types of headaches, or a specific type such as tension headaches or migraines?

The aspects of the topic you decide to focus on are the  Inclusion  criteria.

The aspects you don't wish to include are the  Exclusion  criteria.

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How to Conduct a Systematic Review: A Narrative Literature Review

Nusrat jahan.

1 Psychiatry, Mount Sinai Chicago

Sadiq Naveed

2 Psychiatry, KVC Prairie Ridge Hospital

Muhammad Zeshan

3 Department of Psychiatry, Bronx Lebanon Hospital Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Bronx, NY

Muhammad A Tahir

4 Psychiatry, Suny Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY

Systematic reviews are ranked very high in research and are considered the most valid form of medical evidence. They provide a complete summary of the current literature relevant to a research question and can be of immense use to medical professionals. Our goal with this paper is to conduct a narrative review of the literature about systematic reviews and outline the essential elements of a systematic review along with the limitations of such a review.

Introduction and background

A literature review provides an important insight into a particular scholarly topic. It compiles published research on a topic, surveys different sources of research, and critically examines these sources [ 1 ]. A literature review may be argumentative, integrative, historical, methodological, systematic, or theoretical, and these approaches may be adopted depending upon the types of analysis in a particular study [ 2 ].

Our topic of interest in this article is to understand the different steps of conducting a systematic review. Systematic reviews, according to Wright, et al., are defined as a “review of the evidence on a clearly formulated question that uses systematic and explicit methods to identify, select and critically appraise relevant primary research, and to extract and analyze data from the studies that are included in the review” [ 3 ]. A systematic review provides an unbiased assessment of these studies [ 4 ]. Such reviews emerged in the 1970s in the field of social sciences. Systematic reviews, as well as the meta-analyses of the appropriate studies, can be the best form of evidence available to clinicians [ 3 ]. The unsystematic narrative review is more likely to include only research selected by the authors, which introduces bias and, therefore, frequently lags behind and contradicts the available evidence [ 5 ].

Epidemiologist Archie Cochrane played a vital role in formulating the methodology of the systematic review [ 6 ]. Dr. Cochrane loved to study patterns of disease and how these related to the environment. In the early 1970s, he found that many decisions in health care were made without reliable, up-to-date evidence about the treatments used [ 6 ].

A systematic review may or may not include meta-analysis, depending on whether results from different studies can be combined to provide a meaningful conclusion. David Sackett defined meta-analysis as a “specific statistical strategy for assembling the results of several studies into a single estimate” [ 7 - 8 ].

While the systematic review has several advantages, it has several limitations which can affect the conclusion. Inadequate literature searches and heterogeneous studies can lead to false conclusions. Similarly, the quality of assessment is an important step in systematic reviews, and it can lead to adverse consequences if not done properly.

The purpose of this article is to understand the important steps involved in conducting a systematic review of all kinds of clinical studies. We conducted a narrative review of the literature about systematic reviews with a special focus on articles that discuss conducting reviews of randomized controlled trials. We discuss key guidelines and important terminologies and present the advantages and limitations of systematic reviews.

Narrative reviews are a discussion of important topics on a theoretical point of view, and they are considered an important educational tool in continuing medical education [ 9 ]. Narrative reviews take a less formal approach than systematic reviews in that narrative reviews do not require the presentation of the more rigorous aspects characteristic of a systematic review such as reporting methodology, search terms, databases used, and inclusion and exclusion criteria [ 9 ]. With this in mind, our narrative review will give a detailed explanation of the important steps of a systematic review.

Preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis protocols (PRISMA-P) checklist

Systematic reviews are conducted based on predefined criteria and protocol. The PRISMA-P checklist, developed by Moher, et al., contains 17 items (26 including sub-items) comprising the important steps of a systematic review, including information about authors, co-authors, their mailing and email addresses, affiliations, and any new or updated version of a previous systematic review [ 9 ]. It also identifies a plan for documenting important protocol amendments, registry names, registration numbers, financial disclosures, and other support services [ 10 ]. Moher, et al. also state that methods of systematic reviews involve developing eligibility criteria and describing information sources, search strategies, study selection processes, outcomes, assessment of bias in individual studies, and data synthesis [ 10 ].

Research question

Writing a research question is the first step in conducting a systematic review and is of paramount importance as it outlines both the need and validity of systematic reviews (Nguyen, et al., unpublished data). It also increases the efficiency of the review by limiting the time and cost of identifying and obtaining relevant literature [ 11 ]. The research question should summarize the main objective of a systematic review.

An example research question might read, “How does attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affect the academic performance of middle school children in North America?” The question focuses on the type of data, analysis, and topic to be discussed (i.e., ADHD among North American middle school students). Try to avoid research questions that are too narrow or broad—they can lead to the selection of only a few studies and the ability to generalize results to any other populations may be limited. An example of a research question that is too narrow would be, “What is the prevalence of ADHD in children and adolescents in Chicago, IL?” Alternately, if the research question is too broad, it can be difficult to reach a conclusion due to poor methodology. An example of a research question that is too broad in scope would be, “What are the effects of ADHD on the functioning of children and adolescents in North America?”

Different tools that can be used to help devise a research question, depending on the type of question, are: population, intervention, comparator, and outcomes (PICO); sample, phenomenon of interest, design, evaluation, and research type (SPIDER); setting, perspective, intervention, comparison, and evaluation (SPICE); and expectation, client group, location, impact, professionals, and service (ECLIPSE).

The PICO approach is mostly used to compare different interventions with each other. It helps to formulate a research question related to prognosis, diagnosis, and therapies [ 12 ].

Scenario: A 50-year-old white woman visited her psychiatrist with a diagnosis of major depressive disorder. She was prescribed fluoxetine, which she feels has been helpful. However, she experienced some unpleasant side effects of nausea and abdominal discomfort. She has recently been told by a friend about the use of St. John’s wort in treating depression and would like to try this in treating her current depression. (Formulating research questions, unpublished data).

In the above-mentioned scenario, the sample population is a 50-year-old female with major depressive disorder; the intervention is St. John’s wort; the comparison is fluoxetine; and the outcome would be efficacy and safety. In order to see the outcome of both efficacy and safety, we will compare the efficacy and safety of both St. John’s wort and fluoxetine in a sample population for treating depression. This scenario represents an example where we can apply the PICO approach to compare two interventions.

In contrast, the SPIDER approach is focused more on study design and samples rather than populations [ 13 ]. The SPIDER approach can be used in this research question: “What is the experience of psychiatry residents attending a transgender education?” The sample is psychiatry residents; the phenomenon of interest is transgender education; the design is a survey; the evaluation looks at the experience; and the research type is qualitative. 

The SPICE approach can be used to evaluate the outcome of a service, intervention, or project [ 14 ]. The SPICE approach applies to the following research question: “In psychiatry clinics, does the combined use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) and psychotherapy reduce depression in an outpatient clinic versus SSRI therapy alone?” The setting is the psychiatry clinic; the perspective/population is the outpatient; the intervention is combined psychotherapy and SSRI; the comparison is SSRI alone; and the evaluation is reduced depression. 

The ECLIPSE approach is useful for evaluating the outcome of a policy or service (Nguyen, et al., unpublished data). ECLIPSE can apply in the following research question: “How can a resident get access to medical records of patients admitted to inpatient from other hospitals?” The expectation is: “What are you looking to improve/change to increase access to medical records for patients admitted to inpatient?” The client group is the residents; the location is the inpatient setting; the impact would be the residents having easy access to medical records from other hospitals; and the professionals in this scenario would be those involved in improving the service experiences such as hospital administrators and IT staff.

Inclusion and exclusion criteria

Establishing inclusion and exclusion criteria come after formulating research questions. The concept of inclusion and exclusion of data in a systematic review provides a basis on which the reviewer draws valid and reliable conclusions regarding the effect of the intervention for the disorder under consideration [ 11 ]. Inclusions and exclusion are based on preset criteria for specific systematic review. It should be done before starting the literature search in order to minimize the possibility of bias.

Eligibility criteria provide the boundaries of the systematic review [ 15 ]. Participants, interventions, and comparison of a research question provide the basis for eligibility criteria [ 15 ]. The inclusion criteria should be able to identify the studies of interest and, if the inclusion criteria are too broad or too narrow, it can lead to an ineffective screening process.

Protocol registration

Developing and registering research protocol is another important step of conducting a systematic review. The research protocol ensures that a systematic review is carefully planned and explicitly documented before the review starts, thus promoting consistency in conduct for the review team and supporting the accountability, research integrity, and transparency of the eventually completed review [ 10 ]. PROSPERO and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews are utilized for registering research protocols and research questions, and they check for prior existing duplicate protocols or research questions. PROSPERO is an international database of prospectively registered systematic reviews related to health care and social sciences (PRISMA, 2016). It is funded by the National Institute for Health Research. The Cochrane Collaboration concentrates on producing systematic reviews of interventions and diagnostic test accuracy but does not currently produce reviews on questions of prognosis or etiology [ 16 ].

A detailed and extensive search strategy is important for the systematic review since it minimizes bias in the review process [ 17 ].

Selecting and searching appropriate electronic databases is determined by the topic of interest. Important databases are: MEDLARS Online (MEDLINE), which is the online counterpart to the Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System (MEDLARS); Excerpta Medica Database (EMBASE); and Google Scholar. There are multiple electronic databases available based on the area of interest. Other important databases include: PsycINFO for psychology and psychiatry; Allied and Complementary Medicine Database (AMED) for complementary medicine; Manual, Alternative, and Natural Therapy Index System (MANTIS) for alternative medical literature; and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) for nursing and allied health [ 15 ].

Additional studies relevant for the review may be found by looking at the references of studies identified by different databases [ 15 ]. Non-indexed articles may be found by searching the content of journals, conferences proceedings, and abstracts. It will also help with letters and commentaries which may not get indexed [ 15 ]. Reviewing clinical trial registries can provide information about any ongoing trials or unpublished research [ 15 ]. A gray literature search can access unpublished papers, reports, and conference reports, and it generally covers studies that are published in an informal fashion, rather than in an indexed journal [ 15 ]. Further search can be performed by selecting important key articles and going through in-text citations [ 15 ].

Using Boolean operators, truncation, and wildcards

Boolean operators use the relationship between different search words to help with the search strategy. These are simple words (i.e., AND, OR, and NOT) which can help with more focused and productive results (poster, Jahan, et al.: How to conduct a systematic review. APPNA 39th Summer Convention. Washington, DC. 2016). The Boolean operator AND finds articles with all the search words. The use of OR broadens the focus of the search, and it will include articles with at least one search term. The researchers can also ignore certain results from the records by using NOT in the search strategy.

An example of AND would be using “depression” AND “children” in the search strategy with the goal of studying depression in children. This search strategy will include all the articles about both depression and children. The researchers may use OR if the emphasis of the study is mood disorders or affective disorders in adolescents. In that case, the search strategy will be “mood disorders” OR “affective disorders” AND “adolescents.” This search will find all the articles about mood disorders or affective disorders in adolescents. The researchers can use NOT if they only want to study depression in children and want to ignore bipolar disorder from the search. An example search in this scenario would be “depression” NOT “bipolar disorder” AND “children.” This will help ignore studies related to bipolar disorder in children.

Truncation and wildcards are other tools to make search strategy more comprehensive and focused. While the researchers search a database for certain articles, they frequently face terminologies that have the same initial root of a word but different endings. An example would be "autism," "autistic," and "autism spectrum disorder." These words have a similar initial root derived from “autis” but they end differently in each case. The truncation symbol (*) retrieves articles that contain words beginning with “autis” plus any additional characters. Wildcards are used for words with the same meanings but different spellings due to various reasons. For the words with spelling variations of a single letter, wildcard symbols can be used. When the researcher inputs “M+N” in the search bar, this returns results containing both “man” or “men” as the wildcard accounts for the spelling variations between the letters M and N.

Study selection

Study selection should be performed in a systematic manner, so reviewers deal with fewer errors and a lower risk of bias (online course, Li T, Dickersin K: Introduction to systematic review and meta-analysis. 2016. #). Study selection should involve two independent reviewers who select studies using inclusion and exclusion criteria. Any disagreements during this process should be resolved by discussion or by a third reviewer [ 10 ]. Specific study types can be selected depending on the research question. For example, questions on incidence and prevalence can be answered by surveys and cohort studies. Clinical trials can provide answers to questions related to therapy and screening. Queries regarding diagnostic accuracy can be answered by clinical trials and cross-sectional studies (online course, Li T, Dickersin K: Introduction to systematic review and meta-analysis. 2016. #). Prognosis and harm-related questions should use cohort studies and clinical trials, and etiology questions should use case-control and cohort studies (online course, Li T, Dickersin K: Introduction to systematic review and meta-analysis. 2016. #).

Data screening and data extractions are two of the major steps in conducting a systematic review [ 18 ]. Data screening involves searching for relevant articles in different databases using keywords. The next step of data screening is manuscript selection by reviewing each manuscript in the search results to compare that manuscript against the inclusion criteria [ 18 ]. The researchers should also review the references of the papers selected before selecting the final paper, which is the last step of data screening [ 18 ].

The next stage is extracting and appraising the data of the included articles [ 18 ]. A data extraction form should be used to help reduce the number of errors, and more than one person should record the data [ 17 ]. Data should be collected on specific points like population type, study authors, agency, study design, humanitarian crisis, target age groups, research strengths from the literature, setting, study country, type(s) of public health intervention, and health outcome(s) addressed by the public health intervention. All this information should then be put into an electronic database [ 18 ].

Assessing bias

Bias is a systematic error (or deviation from the truth) in results or inferences. Biases can change the results of any study and lead to an underestimation or overestimation of the true intervention effect [ 19 ]. Biases can impact any aspect of a review, including selecting studies, collecting and extracting data, and making a conclusion. Biases can vary in magnitude; some are small, with negligible effect, but some are substantial to a degree where an apparent finding may be entirely due to bias [ 19 ]. There are different types of bias, including, but not limited to, selection, detection, attrition, reporting, and performance.

Selection bias occurs when a sample selected is not representative of the whole general population. If randomization of the sample is done correctly, then chances of selection bias can be minimized [ 20 ].

Detection bias refers to systematic differences between groups in how outcomes are determined. This type of bias is based on knowledge of the intervention provided and its outcome [ 19 ].

Attrition bias refers to systematic differences between groups in withdrawals from a study [ 19 ]. The data will be considered incomplete if some subjects are withdrawn or have irregular visits during data collection.

Reporting bias refers to systematic differences between reported and unreported findings, and it is commonly seen during article reviews. Reporting bias is based on reviewer judgment about the outcome of selected articles [ 20 ].

Performance bias develops due to the knowledge of the allocated interventions by participants and personnel during the study [ 20 ]. Using a double-blind study design helps prevent performance bias, where neither the experimenter nor the subjects know which group contains controls and which group contains the test article [ 14 ].

Last step of systematic review: discussion

The discussion of a systematic review is where a summary of the available evidence for different outcomes is written and discussed [ 10 ]. The limitations of a systematic review are also discussed in detail. Finally, a conclusion is drawn after evaluating the results and considering limitations [ 10 ].

Discussion of the current article

Systematic reviews with or without a meta-analysis are currently ranked to be the best available evidence in the hierarchy of evidence-based practice [ 21 ]. We have discussed the methodology of a systematic review. A systematic review is classified in the category of filtered information because it appraises the quality of the study and its application in the field of medicine [ 21 ]. However, there are some limitations of the systematic review, as we mentioned earlier in our article. A large randomized controlled trial may provide a better conclusion than a systematic review of many smaller trials due to their larger sample sizes [ 22 ], which help the researchers generalize their conclusions for a bigger population. Other important factors to consider include higher dropout rates in large studies, co-interventions, and heterogeneity among studies included in the review.

As we discussed the limitations of the systematic review and its effect on quality of evidence, there are several tools to rate the evidence, such as the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) system [ 22 ]. GRADE provides a structured approach to evaluating the risk of bias, serious inconsistency between studies, indirectness, imprecision of the results, and publication bias [ 22 ]. Another approach used to rate the quality of evidence is a measurement tool to assess systematic reviews (AMSTAR) [ 23 ]. It is also available in several languages [ 23 ].


Despite its limitations, a systematic review can add to the knowledge of the scientific community especially when there are gaps in the existing knowledge. However, conducting a systematic review requires different steps that involve different tools and strategies. It can be difficult at times to access and utilize these resources. A researcher can understand and strategize a systematic review following the different steps outlined in this literature review. However, conducting a systematic review requires a thorough understanding of all the concepts and tools involved, which is an extensive endeavor to be summed up in one article.

The Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions and the Center for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD) provide excellent guidance through their insightful and detailed guidelines. We recommend consulting these resources for further guidance.

Given that our article is a narrative review of the scholarly literature, it contains the same limitations as noted for any narrative review. We hope that our review of the means and methods for conducting a systematic review will be helpful in providing basic knowledge to utilize the resources available to the scientific community.

The content published in Cureus is the result of clinical experience and/or research by independent individuals or organizations. Cureus is not responsible for the scientific accuracy or reliability of data or conclusions published herein. All content published within Cureus is intended only for educational, research and reference purposes. Additionally, articles published within Cureus should not be deemed a suitable substitute for the advice of a qualified health care professional. Do not disregard or avoid professional medical advice due to content published within Cureus.

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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How to Conduct a Literature Review (Health Sciences and Beyond)

  • What is a Literature Review?
  • Developing a Research Question

Selection Criteria

Inclusion criteria, exclusion criteria.

  • Database Search
  • Documenting Your Search
  • Organize Key Findings
  • Reference Management

You may want to think about criteria that will be used to select articles for your literature review based on your research question.  These are commonly known as  inclusion criteria  and  exclusion criteria .  Be aware that you may introduce bias into the final review if these are not used thoughtfully.

Inclusion criteria are the elements of an article that must be present in order for it to be eligible for inclusion in a literature review.  Some examples are:

  • Included studies must have compared certain treatments
  • Included studies must be experimental
  • Included studies must have been published in the last 5 years

Exclusion criteria are the elements of an article that disqualify the study from inclusion in a literature review.  Some examples are:

  • Study used an observational design
  • Study used a qualitative methodology
  • Study was published more than 5 years ago
  • Study was published in a language other than English
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  • Next: Databases >>
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Literature Review Basics and Searching Skills

  • Selecting Criteria
  • Getting Started
  • Developing Research Questions
  • Selecting Databases
  • Searching Databases
  • Documenting Searches
  • Organizing Findings
  • Managing Citations & References
  • Submitting Your Manuscript
  • Finding Help

Selection Criteria

You may want to think about criteria that will be used to select articles for your literature review based on your research question. These are commonly known as  inclusion criteria  and  exclusion criteria . Be aware that you may introduce bias into the final review if these are not used thoughtfully.

Inclusion Criteria

Inclusion criteria are the elements of an article that must be present in order for it to be eligible for inclusion in a literature review.  Some examples are:

  • Included studies must have compared certain treatments
  • Included studies must be experimental
  • Included studies must have been published in the last 5 years

Exclusion Criteria

Exclusion criteria are the elements of an article that disqualify the study from inclusion in a literature review.  Some examples are:

  • Study used an observational design
  • Study used a qualitative methodology
  • Study was published more than 5 years ago
  • Study was published in a language other than English
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  • Next: Selecting Databases >>
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Literature Reviews: Systematic, Scoping, Integrative

  • Introduction to Literature Reviews
  • Creating a Search Strategy

Using Limits and Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria

Filters and Limits

Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

Limits and Inclusion Criteria

  • Review Protocols
  • Elements of a Systematic Review
  • Review Tools and Applications
  • Writing a Literature Review

Ask A Librarian

Once you have some search results, you will need to decide which articles you will actually use in your literature review. This can be done using filters/limits in the databases, applying inclusion/exclusion criteria, and appraising the articles.

Filters and limits (the name varies by database) are tools the database provides to help you narrow your search results. Different databases offer different filters, but these are some of the more common ones you'll find.

  • Publication year
  • Language of the article
  • Age of study subjects
  • Study design

Your search terms and the filters/limits you apply are generally not enough to narrow your results to the most relevant and highest quality studies for your project. The final step to selecting these studies is to apply your inclusion and exclusion criteria. Basically, these are the reasons why you keep (include) or reject (exclude) articles as you look through the results, reading titles and abstracts (and sometimes the whole article)

Examples of types of Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria

  • PICO(T) elements - if one of the main elements of your topic does not match those of the study, you may need to exclude it
  • Age - if you can't use a filter/limit to exclude studies that do not focus on the age group you require, you may need to exclude those studies yourself.
  • Setting - i.e. home, acute care, assisted living facility
  • Study Design - sometimes a filter/limit doesn't exist for the study design you're interested in; in that case you'll need to look through articles to find that detail yourself.
  • Number of subjects - do you have a minimum study group size? 
  • Study drop-out rate  

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  • Next: Review Protocols >>
  • Last Updated: Sep 13, 2024 11:03 AM
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exclusion and inclusion criteria in a literature review

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Literature Reviews

Determine inclusion and exclusion criteria.

  • What is a literature review?
  • Steps in the Literature Review Process
  • Define your research question
  • Choose databases and search
  • Review Results
  • Synthesize Results
  • Analyze Results
  • Librarian Support
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools

Once you have a clearly defined research question, make sure you are getting precisely the right search results from searching the databases by making decisions about these items:

  • Would the most recent five years be appropriate?
  • Is your research from a more historical perspective?
  • Where has this type of research taken place?
  • Will you confine your results to the United States?
  • To English speaking countries?
  • Will you translate works if needed?
  • Is there a particular methodology, or population that you are focused on?
  • Are there adjacent fields in which this type of research has been conducted that you would like to include?
  • Is there a controversy or debate in your research field that you want to highlight
  • Are you creating a historical overview? Is this background reading for your research?
  • Is there new technology that can shed light on an old problem or an old technology that can be used in a new way?
  • Last Updated: Aug 26, 2024 5:59 AM
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Conducting your literature review

  • Introduction
  • Your literature review
  • Defining a research question
  • Choosing where to search
  • Search strings
  • Limiters and filters

Developing inclusion/exclusion criteria

  • Managing your search results
  • Screening, evaluating and recording
  • Snowballing and grey literature
  • Further information and resources

A feature of the systematic literature review is using pre-specified criteria to include/exclude studies. Through searching the literature and formulating your review questions, for example by using PICO, PEO , etc., you will be able to define the specific attributes that research studies must have to be eligible for inclusion in your review, along with other attributes that will exclude them. These attributes will form your inclusion and exclusion criteria, which you will use to assess the relevance and quality of the studies to be included in your final analysis.

Examples of inclusion/exclusion criteria could be:

  • Language, e.g., only include articles published in English.
  • Timeframe, e.g., papers published after a certain date.
  • Geographic location, e.g., UK only.
  • Format, e.g., peer reviewed journal articles.
  • Type of research, e.g., case studies, empirical papers, qualitative research.

To justify their use, you will need to provide a rationale for each of your inclusion/exclusion criteria.

You will find examples of inclusion/exclusion criteria in research theses on CERES, Cranfield’s repository. Simply keyword search for “systematic review”.

  • << Previous: Running your search and reporting search terms
  • Next: Managing your search results >>
  • Last Updated: Jul 23, 2024 4:06 PM
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exclusion and inclusion criteria in a literature review

Systematic reviews

  • Defining your research topic
  • Developing a protocol
  • Finding existing systematic reviews and registration sites

Inclusion/exclusion criteria

  • Conducting a comprehensive search
  • Searching for grey literature
  • Handsearching
  • Screening your search results
  • Critical appraisal
  • Extracting data
  • Data synthesis and meta-analysis
  • Reporting your results
  • Managing your citations
  • Scoping reviews
  • Other Systematic Review tools
  • Searching health databases This link opens in a new window
  • Additional support This link opens in a new window

Will you restrict by dates, study designs, populations (age, gender, ethnicity, diseases, location, psychosocial or emotional factors), languages of references, interventions, outcomes etc.? Clear eligibility criteria will make it easier to identify relevant articles at the screening stage.

The resources below may assist to better inform your decisions:

  • Cochrane: Defining the criteria for including studies Chapter 3 of the Cochrane Handbook provides advice on selecting inclusion and exclusion criteria
  • Designing Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria A useful article, published in 2020 by Hornberger & Rangu and available via the Scholarly Commons, University of Pennsylvania
  • JBI Manual for Evidence Synthesis Provides guidance to authors for the conduct and preparation of JBI systematic reviews and evidence syntheses.
  • << Previous: Finding existing systematic reviews and registration sites
  • Next: Conducting a comprehensive search >>
  • Last Updated: Jun 27, 2024 10:56 AM
  • URL:

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The relationship between training load and injury risk in basketball: a systematic review.

exclusion and inclusion criteria in a literature review

1. Introduction

2. materials and methods, 2.1. literature search, 2.2. selection criteria, 2.3. quality assessment, 2.4. data extraction and analysis, 3.1. article identification, 3.2. description of the included articles, 3.3. definitions of injury, 3.4. measures of load, 3.5. assessment of article quality, level of evidence, and conflict of interest, 4. discussion, 4.1. load monitoring in basketball, 4.2. training and/or competition time and injury risk, 4.3. relative load, rapid changes in load, and injury risk, 4.4. minutes played per game (mpg) and injury risk, 4.5. sleep and injury risk, 4.6. competition calendar congestion and injury risk, 4.7. limitation, 4.8. practical applications and future direction, 5. conclusions, author contributions, institutional review board statement, informed consent statement, data availability statement, acknowledgments, conflicts of interest.

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VariableSearch Strings
Training load and/or competition load“load *” OR “workload *” OR “train *” OR “compet *” OR “recovery” OR “volume *” OR “intensit *” OR “duration *” OR “stress *” OR “congestion” OR “saturation” OR “distance” OR “exposure *” OR “hours” OR “days” OR “weeks” OR “jump *” OR “psychosocial *” OR “travel” OR “acute:chronic load ratio” OR “acute: chronic workload ratio” OR “ACWR” OR “exponentially weighted moving average” OR “EWMA” OR “perception of effort” OR “rating of perceived exertion” OR “RPE”
ArticlesParticipantsInjury DefinitionInternal LoadExternal LoadSummary of Findings
Anderson et al. [ ]
1 season
n = 12
All female
Age 18–22
An injury was defined as a circumstance in which the athlete received an evaluation from the team’s student athletic trainer and ATC and required limiting their practice for at least 1 day NilA moderately positive correlation was found between weekly injuries and total weekly training load (p ≤ 0.01; r = 0.675) and between strain and monotony (p ≤ 0.01; r = 0.668) in A Pearson Product Moment correlation
Gianoudis et al. [ ]
1 season
n = 46
28 males
18 females
High school
Mean age 16.0
An injury was defined as an incident related to physical activity, that resulted in either time lost from athletic participation, medical diagnosis and treatment, or the presence of pain or discomfortNil No significant differences were found in the average weekly participation hours of physical activity of injured and uninjured players in independent t test (p = 0.67)
Caparrós et al. [ ]
7 seasons
n = 44
F.C. Barcelona
No gender information
Age 27.6 ± 4.1
Time-loss injury: any injury occurring during a practice season or matches that caused an absence for at least the next practice session or matchNil A strong positive correlation between exposure (total number of practices and hours of exposure) and the total number of injuries in Pearson’s correlation (r = 0.77; p = 0.04)
Weiss et al. [ ]
1 season
n = 13
Australia New Zealand Basketball League
All male
Age 24.4 ± 4.7
Self-reported injury: Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center Injury Questionnaire NilProportions of injured squad members at workload ratios between 1.0–1.49 were substantially less than those observed at all other ratios by clear small to moderate amounts. Workload ratios ≤ 0.5, between 0.5–0.99, and ≥1.5 resulted in 1.5, 1.4, and 1.7 times more injured players, respectively. Comparisons between all other workload ratio ranges were trivial-to-small in magnitude and unclear, using the 90% CI to determine the significance
Caparrós et al. [ ]
3 seasons
n = 33
Professional team
All male
Age 24.9 ± 2.9
Time-loss injury: any injury (contact and non-contact) occurring during a practice session or game that caused an absence for at least the next practice session or competitionNil A significant higher risk of injury during games were found in athletes with ≤3 decelerations with 2 m/s (IRR, 4.36; 95% CI, 1.78–10.6) and those running ≤ 1.3 miles (lower workload) (IRR, 6.42; 95% CI, 2.52–16.3) (p < 0.01 in both cases)
Piedra et al. [ ]
1 season
n = 11
Women’s league 1
All female
Age 23.36 ± 2.99
Muscular pain/injuries required attention of the team physiotherapist/time-loss injury: any injury that occurred during training or a game and that led to the absence for at least the following session or game Several significant differences were observed between the injury risk values and the morning RPE (F = 5.0811; p = 0.032), the sRPE of the morning practices (F = 7.3585; p = 0.010) and the total time of exposure (F = 3.5055; p = 0.064) in the one-way ANOVA test. Significant negative relationship was observed between total training time and the number of time-loss injuries (rho = −0.797; p = 0.003) in the Spearman Rho test, as well as a possible association was observed between exposure time and a lower risk of time-loss injury (R = 0.645) in lineal regression analysis
Watson et al. [ ]
2 seasons
n = 19
All male
No age information
Time-loss injury: recorded by the team athletic trainer NilIn the initial prediction models that were conducted separately, several factors were found to be significantly predictive of in-season injury. These factors included mood, fatigue, stress, soreness, and sleep duration (p < 0.001 for all), with odds ratios ranging from 0.41 to 0.57. However, in the subsequent multivariable models, only sleep duration and soreness remained significant, independent predictors, with odds ratios ranging from 0.52 to 0.69 and 0.65, respectively (p < 0.001 and p = 0.024, respectively). Mood, fatigue, and stress were no longer significant predictors, with odds ratios ranging from 1.1 to 1.2 and p values ranging from 0.43 to 0.69.
Benson et al. [ ]
1 season
n = 49
25 males
24 females
High school teams in Calgary, AB
Age 16.5 ± 0.6
Medical attention/time-loss injury: any physical complaint, including pain, ache, joint instability, stiffness, or any other complaint resulting from participating in basketball-related activities A low workload accumulation over 3 and 4 weeks coupled with a high 1-week workload could contribute to injury risk
Doeven et al. [ ]
1 season
n = 16
Dutch Basketball League
All male
Age 24.8 ± 2.0
Self-reported injury: Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center Questionnaire No significant differences for severity scores and time loss were observed between short-term match congestion and regular competition
Ferioli et al. [ ]
2 seasons
n = 35
Italian Basketball League (D1-D3)
All male
Age 24 ± 6
Time-loss injury (non-contact injuries only): when a player was unable to fully take part in future
basketball training or match due to physical complaints
The study did not find any significant associations between the load markers and non-contact injuries (all p > 0.05). Additionally, the load markers exhibited no ability to predict injuries, as evidenced by the low Area Under the Curve (AUC) range of 0.468 to 0.537 and Youden index range of 0.019 to 0.132.
Garcia et al. [ ]
1 season
n = 8
Pardinyes competed in the “Leb plata” category
All male
Age 23.5 ± 2.56
A time-loss injury in basketball refers to a physical ailment sustained by a player during a match or training, caused by excessive transfer of energy that surpasses the body’s ability to maintain its structural and/or functional integrity. Such injuries result in the player being unable to fully participate in future basketball training or match play. A directly proportional but statistically non-significant relationship was observed in the connection between microtrauma injuries and RPE (F = 3.492; p = 0.112), but there is a directly proportional and statistically significant association between the team’s RPE and the one perceived by the coach (r = 0.775; p < 0.001)
Orringer & Pandya [ ]
3 seasons
n = 34
All male
Age 26.6 ± 4.89
Significant in-game injury leading to missing at least 10 consecutive games from (accessed on 21 July 2021)Nil A higher number of minutes played per game in the three (4.9% increase, p = 0.04), five (5.8% increase, p = 0.004), and ten (4.0% increase, p = 0.02) games prior to the injury were significantly associated with a greater likelihood of injury occurrence.
Seibel et al. [ ]
1 season
n = 16
All female
No age information
Injury data were extracted from medical injury reports generated as injuries occurred The study found that rapid eye movement (REM) sleep was the most significant contributor to injuries, with a 0.11 correlation coefficient for CORR, 2.7% for XGB, and 12.9% for RFC models. Additionally, low (<20%) and high (>30%) percentages of REM sleep increase the likelihood of injury. The partial dependence plots (PDPs) indicated that sleep disturbances increase when the respiratory rate falls outside the typical range of 12–18 repetitions per minute. Consequently, this increases the risk of injury.
Menon et al. [ ]
5 seasons
n = 196
All male
No age information
Season-ending injuries (SEIs) from Pro Sports Transactions: any injury that resulted in failure to return at least 5 games before the end of the team’s game scheduleNil A SEIs was significantly associated with minutes per game (odds ratio, 1.06, 95% confidence interval, 1.04–1.08, p < 0.001)
StudyNOS ScoreLevel of Evidence
SelectionComparabilityOutcomeTotal Scores
Anderson et al. (2003) [ ]3126G1
Gianoudis et al. (2008) [ ]2024P0
Caparrós et al. (2016) [ ]4127G1
Weiss et al. (2017) [ ]3115P1
Caparrós et al. (2018) [ ]3137G1
Piedra et al. (2020) [ ]4127G1
Watson et al. (2020) [ ]3238G2
Benson et al. (2021) [ ]3238G2
Doeven et al. (2021) [ ]3115P1
Ferioli et al. (2021) [ ]3137G1
Garcia et al. (2022) [ ]3115P1
Orringer and Pandya (2022) [ ]3137G1
Senbel et al. (2022) [ ]3238G2
Menon et al. (2024) [ ]3126G1
Median (range)3 (2–4)1 (0–2)2 (1–3)6 (4–8)1 (0–2)
The statements, opinions and data contained in all publications are solely those of the individual author(s) and contributor(s) and not of MDPI and/or the editor(s). MDPI and/or the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to people or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content.

Share and Cite

Chan, C.-C.; Yung, P.S.-H.; Mok, K.-M. The Relationship between Training Load and Injury Risk in Basketball: A Systematic Review. Healthcare 2024 , 12 , 1829.

Chan C-C, Yung PS-H, Mok K-M. The Relationship between Training Load and Injury Risk in Basketball: A Systematic Review. Healthcare . 2024; 12(18):1829.

Chan, Chi-Chung, Patrick Shu-Hang Yung, and Kam-Ming Mok. 2024. "The Relationship between Training Load and Injury Risk in Basketball: A Systematic Review" Healthcare 12, no. 18: 1829.

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  • Open access
  • Published: 17 September 2024

Mapping health-related quality of life of children and families receiving pediatric invasive home mechanical ventilation: a scoping review protocol

  • Keisha White Makinde   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Maysara Mitchell 1 ,
  • Alexandra F. Merz 1 &
  • Michael Youssef 1  

Systematic Reviews volume  13 , Article number:  236 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

Metrics details

Children utilizing invasive home mechanical ventilation (administered via tracheostomy tube) receive intensive care at home without the support of trained staff typically present in an intensive care unit; within the context of worsening home nursing shortages, much of the 24/7 care burden falls to families which are likely under supported. Prior reviews have explored the quality of life of children receiving various forms of mechanical ventilation, without addressing the impact on the family. Additionally, the literature inconsistently differentiates the unique experience of families with children using invasive home mechanical ventilation from non-invasive, which has lower morbidity and mortality and requires less nursing care in the home. Therefore, our study aims to explore and map the existing literature regarding the impact of invasive home mechanical ventilation on the child and family’s quality of life. Identified gaps will inform future research focused on improving the family quality of life of children with invasive home mechanical ventilation.

Five databases will be searched using keywords and controlled vocabulary to identify relevant studies: Ovid Medline, Embase, Scopus, and Cochrane Library. English language studies will meet inclusion criteria if they include primary research studies of children or families of children utilizing invasive home mechanical ventilation at home and assess quality of life. Children and young adults aged 0–25 years will be included. We exclude studies of hospitalized children, studies focused solely on healthcare professional experiences or clinical outcomes, and those focused on the period surrounding discharge from admission for tracheostomy placement. Two independent reviewers will screen studies at the title/abstract and full-text levels. Two independent reviewers will extract data from relevant studies. Disagreements will be resolved by an independent third reviewer. A targeted grey literature search will be performed utilizing ProQuest,, WHO trial registry, Google Scholar, and professional societies. Findings will be presented in tables and figures along with a narrative summary.

This scoping review seeks to map the literature and provide a descriptive report of the health-related quality of life of children using invasive home mechanical ventilation and their families.


Open Science Framework

Date of Registration: November 29, 2023.

Peer Review reports

The number of children with medical complexity who utilize medical technology is growing [ 1 , 2 , 3 ]. This has resulted in increased survival and longer lifespan [ 4 , 5 ]—two quality metrics frequently used to assess the quality of healthcare received. Yet, stakeholders, payors, and patient advocates have highlighted the importance of quality of life as a critical metric that should also be used to determine the success or failure of a healthcare intervention [ 6 , 7 , 8 ]. Despite this, there has been a lag in the collection of quality of life indicators and integration into metrics for high-quality healthcare, particularly for new pediatric technologies [ 7 , 9 ]. This scoping review protocol focuses on quality of life in regards to a medical technology which provides the highest level of medical life support available in the home setting—pediatric invasive home mechanical ventilation (HMV).

Home mechanical ventilation is a vital intervention for children experiencing chronic respiratory failure, promoting respiratory stability and enhanced longevity in the comfort of a child’s home. HMV has the potential to benefit children with respiratory conditions by improving alveolar ventilation, alleviating symptoms associated with chronic respiratory failure, improving blood gases, reducing morbidity and mortality, and enhancing the child’s quality of life [ 10 ]. HMV can be administered either invasively or noninvasively. Non-invasive HMV (for instance bilevel positive airway pressure (BIPAP)) provides a lower amount of breathing support and is administered via mask. Conversely, invasive ventilation provides a much higher amount of breathing support and is administered via a surgically placed tracheostomy tube which connects to the breathing machine. Originally conceived for pediatric patients with isolated spinal injury or neuromuscular conditions 11, over time the use of invasive HMV has expanded to treat children with more complex diseases and multiple comorbidities. Typical pediatric patients utilizing invasive HMV may have primary lung diseases such as chronic lung disease of prematurity [ 12 , 13 ], underlying genetic conditions such as congenital central hypoventilation syndrome [ 14 ], and cardiopulmonary disease [ 4 , 13 , 15 ]. Invasive HMV is associated with a higher risk for morbidity, frequent and high acuity readmission, and higher mortality compared with non-invasive ventilation [ 4 , 16 ]. Any sudden loss of tracheostomy patency (e.g., mucus plug, accidental tracheostomy decannulation) or loss of ventilator function (e.g., loss of power in the home, unaddressed ventilator alarms) would be imminently life threatening. Due to the tenuousness of maintaining a patent airway, the American Thoracic Society guidelines recommends that optimal care for children with invasive home mechanical ventilation requires 24/7 hands-on nursing care in the home, two trained family caregivers living in the child’s household, along with monitoring equipment and regular multidisciplinary clinic visits [ 8 ]. In reality, the extensive and unrelenting nursing shortages throughout the country [ 17 , 18 ] mean that much of the in-home care falls to parents and families creating a significant burden for which they are underprepared.

Parents of children who utilize HMV are expected to provide extensive and ongoing care for their child—administering medications, managing medical emergencies that may arise, and calling off from work when home nursing services are inaccessible. There are few studies that examine the impacts on the family for children with invasive HMV [ 19 , 20 ]. On preliminary search, available studies focus on the parent [ 19 , 21 ] with little information on siblings or how the family’s functioning is impacted. Studies of HMV (including both invasive and non-invasive) highlight that a parent’s assumption of the primary caregiver role for their ventilator-dependent child can exacerbate financial burdens [ 9 , 10 ], sleep deprivation [ 10 ], and anxiety, impacting the overall family quality of life [ 11 ]. Chan et al. and Wang and Barnard interviewed parents of children who utilize ventilators at home and expose the significant strain on personal and romantic relationships, lack of friends and supports, frequent needs to transition between parent and caregiver, and constant worry that the child might suddenly die [ 22 , 23 ]. Further complicating the situation, nearly half of parents of children with any medical technology use (ranging from nebulizers and glucose monitors to ventilators) endorse having a need for respite care within the past year, yet only half of those needing respite had their needs met, often due to lack of availability or cost [ 24 ]. Considering these are the lived experiences of families of mostly children with non-invasive ventilation, it is imperative to understand more about the family quality of life of children utilizing invasive home mechanical ventilation given its increased demands for nursing, family caregiving, and higher morbidity and mortality.

Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) is a multidimensional concept described by many scholars which can be thought of as an individual’s outlook or perspective on life and its resultant satisfaction (or dissatisfaction) given the presence of a medical condition. This perspective is grounded in the context of the individual’s culture and value systems which are related to their goals, expectations, and concerns [ 25 ]. For the purpose of this review, we focus on the health-related quality of life of children, adolescents, and young adults with invasive home mechanical ventilation. For this protocol, we focus on the following domains [ 26 , 27 ]: (1) physical functioning, (2) psychological functioning, (3) social functioning, (4) cognitive functioning, and (5) general well-being.

We use the theory of health-related family quality of life (HRFQOL) as coined by Radina et al. [ 28 ] as the unifying theory for this review; the theory (see Fig.  1 ) defines HRFQOL as the intersection between the patient’s health-related quality of life and the family’s quality of life. Health-related family quality of life (HRFQOL) comprises 3 concepts: emotional closeness, family sense of coherence, and family functioning (see Fig.  2 ). For this review, we focus on the concepts and sub-concepts delineated by Radina et al. (see Fig.  2 ).

figure 1

Diagram of domains of quality of life

figure 2

Conceptual model of the theory of health-related family quality of life

Family can have many definitions. For the purposes of this review, we draw upon the definition of family quality of life offered by Park et al. as “people who think of themselves as part of the family, whether related by blood or marriage or not, and who support and care for each other on a regular basis” [ 29 ].

Tracheostomy is a surgical airway management procedure whereby an incision is made in the trachea to divert the passage of air for breathing. Tracheostomy is used interchangeably with tracheotomy for the purposes of this review. Patients with a tracheostomy may breathe independently or with assistance of a ventilator. For this review, we focus on patients with tracheostomy who utilize mechanical ventilation.

Mechanical ventilation is a type of assisted breathing whereby a medical device (i.e., ventilator) is used to fully or partially provide artificial ventilation. Practically, the support can be positive pressure ventilation (pressure-supported ventilation or bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP) or continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). For this review, we focus on any level of mechanical ventilation that is administered through a tracheostomy. Patients with isolated oxygen use without ventilator support will be excluded. Invasive mechanical ventilation refers to ventilation delivered through a breathing tube—an endotracheal tube or tracheostomy tube. For the purpose of this review, we focus solely on invasive mechanical ventilation delivered via tracheostomy tube.

We define home as a location where the patient primarily lives with family. We exclude long-term care facilities in the definition of home for this study.

A preliminary search of PROSPERO, MEDLINE, the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, and JBI Evidence Synthesis was conducted, and no current or in-progress scoping reviews or systematic reviews on this specific topic of interest. Mattson et al. [ 30 ] recently published a scoping review focused on quality of life of children with home mechanical ventilation; although informative, this review does not differentiate the experience of children living with invasive mechanical ventilation and their families. Our scoping review differs in two key ways. First, we focus on the family’s quality of life instead of the child’s quality of life. Secondly, we spotlight the experiences of children with invasive home mechanical ventilation, given their increased medically fragility, requisite home nursing needs, and higher risk of morbidity and mortality. Additionally, our review is strengthened by the use of a framework definition of health-related family quality of life from Radina et al. [ 28 ]which extends our focus beyond the challenges faced by parents to include the impact on the entire family unity, including siblings and extended family. By utilizing this approach and definition, we have preliminarily identified additional studies meeting our criteria which were not included in the review conducted by Mattson and colleagues, underscoring the differences in our search and screening approaches.

The existing literature predominantly focuses on mortality rates and medical outcomes of children utilizing HMV, with limited attention to the vital issue of family quality of life; though it is significantly impacted when intensive medical care is introduced in the home environment [ 31 ]. In addition to the few studies available, even fewer focus on family-level quality of life indicators or experiences of families with medically complex children. While previous scoping reviews have explored these concepts separately, no scoping review has reviewed both the health-related quality of life of the pediatric patient as well as the family quality of life of the overall family unit. Additionally, we aim to provide an updated overview of the literature, given the most recent scoping reviews assessed studies through 2020 [ 30 , 32 ].

The primary objective of this scoping review is to comprehensively map the existing literature on pediatric invasive mechanical ventilation in the home environment to understand the child’s health-related quality of life (HRQOL) and the health-related family quality of life (HRFQOL).

Authors will utilize the JBI Manual for Evidence Synthesis Chapter 11 entitled “Scoping Reviews” as a guideline for rigorous procedures [ 33 ]. Authors will utilize the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) as a guideline for reporting the findings of the scoping review [ 34 ].

This review will consider primary studies that include pediatric patients (0–25 years) who utilize invasive HMV, as well as the experiences of their family members. Furthermore, this review will consider studies that explore (1) the relationship between pediatric invasive HMV and health-related family quality of life (HRFQOL), (2) the relationship between pediatric invasive HMV and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) among children, adolescents, and young adults and their families, and (3) studies that address the experiences of children who utilize home mechanical ventilation with a tracheostomy. Studies must be published in English from 2004 to 2024 to meet inclusion criteria. This review will consider studies that explore the presence of invasive mechanical ventilation in the home environment. Studies that address the presence of invasive mechanical ventilation in the healthcare setting or within long-term care facilities will not be included. This scoping review will consider quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods study designs for inclusion.

The search strategy will aim to locate published primary studies and grey literature, excluding reviews, and text and opinion papers. An initial limited search of the literature was undertaken by the medical librarian to identify studies on the topic. The text words contained in the titles and abstracts of relevant studies, and the index terms used to describe the studies, were used to develop an initial search strategy for Embase. The search strategy, including all identified keywords and index terms, will be adapted for each included information source. The initial search strategy will be piloted and adapted in partnership with the medical librarian to develop the final search strategy (see Appendix 1). Studies published in an English publication between 2004 and 2024 will be included. The databases to be searched include Ovid Medline 1946-, 1947-, Scopus 1823-, and Cochrane Library 1996-.

Following the search, all identified records will be collated and uploaded into Endnote v.21 (Clarivate Analytics, PA, USA) and Covidence (Veritas Health Innovation, Melbourne, Australia), and duplicates removed. Covidence will be used to screen and manage the results of the scoping review to optimize collaboration and thoroughness among the research team. Pilot testing of source selection will be conducted prior to screening. The primary investigator will select a random sample ( n  = 20) of studies, which will be independently reviewed by all reviewers. Reviewers will screen the titles and abstracts using the inclusion and exclusion criteria provided in Covidence. After all pilot studies have been reviewed, reviewers will meet to discuss inter-rater reliability. If reliability is > 75%, reviewers will proceed with Screening. If reliability does not reach 75%, reviewers will have an in-depth discussion regarding discrepancies. Inclusion and exclusion criteria will be modified to meet newly shared understanding. Then reviewers will separately pilot the revised criteria. The formal screening will proceed once 75% agreement is reached.

During screening, titles and abstracts will be assessed by 2 independent reviewers against the inclusion criteria. Reviewers 1 and 2 will independently assess the title and abstract of each article using Covidence’s title and abstract screening feature. If there is disagreement among Reviewers 1 and 2, Reviewer 3—the primary investigator—will review the title and abstract to make the final determination on the article’s eligibility. To ensure fidelity to protocol, the primary investigator will provide oversight and review a random selection of screenings completed by Reviewers 1 and 2 to confirm adherence to review protocol. Potentially relevant papers will be retrieved in full and imported into Covidence.

During full-text review, the full text of selected citations will be assessed in detail against the inclusion criteria by 2 independent reviewers. Reasons for exclusion of full-text papers that do not meet the inclusion criteria will be recorded and reported in Covidence. Any disagreements that arise between the reviewers at each stage of the selection process will be resolved through discussion or with a third reviewer. The results of the search will be reported in full in the final scoping review and presented in a PRISMA flow diagram [ 21 ]. To ensure fidelity to protocol, the primary investigator will provide oversight and review a random selection of full texts completed by Reviewers 1 and 2 to confirm adherence to review protocol.

Several sources will be used to inform the grey literature search, which will be an adaptation of methods described by Godin et al. 35 . Utilizing keywords identified previously, we will search ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, National Library of Medicine clinical trials registry (, World Health Organization International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (, Google Scholar, and relevant professional societies to identify clinical guidelines, dissertations and thesis, reports, and other findings from organizations that fit the inclusion criteria for this scoping review. The intention remains to identify and map the scientific literature and consensus statements from reputable sources while excluding sources with individualistic viewpoints, such as social media and blog postings.

Prior to the start of data extraction, the data extraction instrument will be pilot tested on 3 sources to ensure all relevant results are consistently extracted. Each reviewer will read the pilot studies and extract data using the extraction instrument in Covidence. Team members will then meet to discuss discrepancies, offer clarification, and make any modifications to the extraction instrument. Extraction will begin once consensus on the extraction instrument is reached.

Data will be extracted from papers included in the scoping review by 2 independent reviewers using a data extraction tool developed by the reviewers (see Appendix 2). The data extracted will include specific details about the population, concept, context, methods, and key findings, relevant to the review question. A draft extraction tool is provided (see Appendix 2). The draft data extraction tool will be modified and revised as necessary during the process of extracting data from each included paper. Modifications will be detailed in the full scoping review. Any disagreements that arise between the reviewers will be resolved through discussion or with a third reviewer. Authors of papers will be contacted to request missing or additional data, where required.

We will first present a flow diagram of our scoping review methodology including the study selection process. Extracted data will be analyzed using figures and tables, frequency counts of concepts, populations, and study characteristics. Then, we will utilize a table to present an overview of study characteristics including year, country, participant characteristics, and methodology. Lastly, we will present in a table an overview of themes and concepts elicited in the included studies.

This scoping review has begun and is in the data selection phase at submission. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were revised following screening. Notably, we exclude conference abstracts; although these are often published in peer-reviewed journals, they many times do not include thorough details of the data and results to allow us to extract findings with confidence that they represent the true and full findings of the primary research. Additionally, conference abstracts often presented preliminary results which may have changed following the abstract acceptance. We conducted a search using the abstract first author to determine if a manuscript was available; none of our conference abstracts had corresponding manuscripts and thus were excluded. We also had several clinical trial registrations returned in our search protocol; these registrations were excluded from review; however, the authors contacted the clinical trial primary investigator to ascertain if the study had concluded and if a published manuscript was available; if manuscripts become available in the process, we will add them to title/abstract screening and perform screening consistent with the full protocol.

Availability of data and materials

Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no datasets were generated or analyzed during the current study.


Bilevel positive airway pressure

Continuous positive airway pressure

Health-related quality of life

Health-related family quality of life

Home mechanical ventilation

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Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine, 660 South Euclid Avenue, MSC 8116-0043-08, Saint Louis, MO 63110-1010, USA

Keisha White Makinde, Maysara Mitchell, Alexandra F. Merz & Michael Youssef

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Keisha White Makinde participated in the conception and design of this protocol, drafting and revision of manuscript, and approval of final version. Maysara Mitchell participated in the conception and design of this protocol, drafting and revision of manuscript, and approval of final version. Alexandra Merz participated in the design of this protocol, revision of manuscript, and approval of final version. Michael Youssef participated in the design of this protocol, revision of manuscript, and approval of final version.

Authors’ information

Dr. KWM is a pediatric hospice and palliative medicine physician-scientist interested in understanding racial and ethnic health disparities and promoting health equity in patients facing serious illness. Dr. KWM has extensive educational background focused on the biopsychosocial experiences of individuals with illness, including a bachelor’s degree in Sociology and Medicine, Health, and Society and Master of Public Health. As an attending physician, Dr. KWM cares for children with serious illness including children who utilize home mechanical ventilation seen at St. Louis Children’s Hospital with a focus on interdisciplinary, family-centered, holistic care.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Keisha White Makinde .

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Appendix 1 Search strategy

Search conducted on March 8, 2024.



Records retrieved


“adolescence”/exp OR “child”/exp OR “preschool child”/exp OR “adolescent”/exp OR “pediatrics”/exp OR “juvenile”/exp OR “child”:ti,ab OR “children”:ti,ab OR “preschool child”:ti,ab OR “preschooler”:ti,ab OR “adolescent”:ti,ab OR “teenager”:ti,ab OR “teenagers”:ti,ab OR “teen”:ti,ab OR “teens”:ti,ab OR “teenage”:ti,ab OR “juvenile”:ti,ab OR “juveniles”:ti,ab OR “youth”:ti,ab OR “youths”:ti,ab OR “paediatric care”:ti,ab OR “paediatrics”:ti,ab OR “pediatric care”:ti,ab OR “pediatrics”:ti,ab OR babies:ti,ab OR baby:ti,ab OR boy:ti,ab OR boys:ti,ab OR girl:ti,ab OR girls:ti,ab OR infant:ti,ab OR infants:ti,ab OR kid:ti,ab OR kids:ti,ab OR newborn:ti,ab OR newborns:ti,ab OR pubescent:ti,ab OR “school child”:ti,ab OR “school children”:ti,ab OR schoolchild:ti,ab OR schoolchildren:ti,ab OR toddler:ti,ab OR toddlers:ti,ab


“home”/exp OR “home”:ti,ab OR “transitional home”:ti,ab OR “household”/exp OR “domestic unit”:ti,ab OR “household”:ti,ab


(“invasive ventilation”/exp OR “artificial ventilation”/exp OR “mechanical ventilator”/exp OR “invasive mechanical ventilation”:ti,ab OR “home invasive mechanical ventilation”:ti,ab OR “invasive home mechanical ventilation”:ti,ab OR “invasive respiratory support”:ti,ab OR “invasive ventilation”:ti,ab OR “invasive ventilatory support”:ti,ab OR “artificial respiration”:ti,ab OR “artificial respiratory support”:ti,ab OR “artificial ventilation”:ti,ab OR “artificial ventilatory support”:ti,ab OR “controlled respiration”:ti,ab OR “controlled ventilation”:ti,ab OR “mechanical respiration”:ti,ab OR “mechanical ventilation”:ti,ab OR “home mechanical ventilation”:ti,ab OR “home mechanical ventilator”:ti,ab OR “bt-v2s”:ti,ab OR “elisee 150”:ti,ab OR “life2000”:ti,ab OR “plv-100”:ti,ab OR “respironics v60”:ti,ab OR “servo-air”:ti,ab OR “servo-air niv”:ti,ab OR “servo-i”:ti,ab OR “servo-n”:ti,ab OR “servo-s”:ti,ab OR “servo-u mr”:ti,ab OR “tangens 2c”:ti,ab OR “trilogy 100”:ti,ab OR “mechanical ventilator”:ti,ab OR “mechanical ventilators”:ti,ab) OR (“tracheostomy”/exp OR “open surgical tracheostomy”:ti,ab OR “open tracheostomy”:ti,ab OR “tracheostomy”:ti,ab OR “tracheotomy”:ti,ab OR tracheotomies:ti,ab)


“quality of life”/exp OR “happiness”/exp OR “wellbeing”/exp OR “family conflict”/exp OR “family support”/exp OR “sibling relation”/exp OR “child parent relation”/exp OR “happiness”:ti,ab OR “well being”:ti,ab OR “wellbeing”:ti,ab OR “wellness”:ti,ab OR “family conflict”:ti,ab OR “family conflicts”:ti,ab OR “interparental conflict”:ti,ab OR “interparental conflicts”:ti,ab OR “marital conflict”:ti,ab OR “marital conflicts”:ti,ab OR “parent child conflict”:ti,ab OR “parent child conflicts”:ti,ab OR “family support”:ti,ab OR “kin support”:ti,ab OR “kinship support”:ti,ab OR “sibling relation”:ti,ab OR “sibling relations”:ti,ab OR “sibling rivalry”:ti,ab OR “child parent relation”:ti,ab OR “child parent relationship”:ti,ab OR “parent child relation”:ti,ab OR “parent child relationship”:ti,ab OR “parent infant bonding”:ti,ab OR “parent infant relation”:ti,ab OR “parent to child relation”:ti,ab OR “parent to child relationship”:ti,ab OR “parental role”:ti,ab OR “parenting”:ti,ab OR “family relations”:ti,ab OR “family relationship”:ti,ab OR “family relation”:ti,ab OR “family relationships”:ti,ab OR fqol:ti,ab OR “hrql”:ti,ab OR “health related quality of life”:ti,ab OR “life quality”:ti,ab OR “quality of life”:ti,ab OR “health related family quality of life”:ti,ab OR “health-related quality of life”:ti,ab OR “hr fqol”:ti,ab OR “family harmony”:ti,ab OR “family happiness”:ti,ab OR “family life satisfaction”:ti,ab)


Appendix 2 Data extraction instrument

exclusion and inclusion criteria in a literature review

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White Makinde, K., Mitchell, M., Merz, A.F. et al. Mapping health-related quality of life of children and families receiving pediatric invasive home mechanical ventilation: a scoping review protocol. Syst Rev 13 , 236 (2024).

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Received : 21 December 2023

Accepted : 06 September 2024

Published : 17 September 2024


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  • Published: 17 September 2024

Reporting nasal pressure injuries in neonates receiving non-invasive ventilation: a scoping review

  • Alexander E. Graf   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Simon Bellido 2 ,
  • Chellapriya Vythinathan 3 ,
  • Jigar Govind 1 ,
  • Lawrence Fordjour 4 ,
  • Sydney C. Butts 1 &
  • Ann Woodhouse Plum 1  

Journal of Perinatology ( 2024 ) Cite this article

Metrics details

  • Physical examination
  • Risk factors
  • Signs and symptoms


Although neonates receiving Non-Invasive Ventilation (NIV) for respiratory support are at risk for nasal pressure injuries, efforts to standardize reporting are limited. A scoping review was conducted to identify the reporting systems used for describing these injuries.


PubMed, Embase, and Web of Science were queried for papers reporting nasal injury with NIV usage in neonates. The primary outcome was reporting system usage.

705 titles and abstracts were screened. 40 papers met inclusion criteria. Most studies were Randomized Clinical Trials (37.5%) or cohort studies (37.5%). Most commonly, nasal injuries were reported using a unique, descriptive scale developed by the authors (10 studies, 25%). The Fischer et al 2010 scale, a three-stage reporting system, was used in 8 studies (20%). While 15 studies (38.0%) reported on specific anatomic subsite injury, only 2 studies (5.0%) employed endoscopy for assessment.


Wide heterogeneity in pressure injury reporting secondary to NIV exists across specialties, institutions, and literature.

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Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University, Brooklyn, NY, USA

Alexander E. Graf, Jigar Govind, Sydney C. Butts & Ann Woodhouse Plum

College of Medicine, SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University, Brooklyn, NY, USA

Simon Bellido

Department of Pediatrics, SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University, Brooklyn, NY, USA

Chellapriya Vythinathan

Department of Neonatology, SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University, Brooklyn, NY, USA

Lawrence Fordjour

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Alexander E. Graf: design, conduct, analysis, manuscript writing, approved final version, accountable for all work. Simon Bellido: design, conduct, analysis, manuscript writing, approved final version, accountable for all work. Jigar Govind: design, conduct, analysis, manuscript writing, approved final version, accountable for all work. Chellapriya Vythinathan: design, conduct, analysis, manuscript writing, approved final version, accountable for all work. Lawrence Fordjour: design, analysis, manuscript revision, approved final version, accountable for all work. Sydney Butts: design, analysis, manuscript revision, approved final version, accountable for all work. Ann Plum: design, conduct, analysis, manuscript revision, approved final version, accountable for all work.

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Correspondence to Alexander E. Graf .

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The authors declare no competing interests.

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Graf, A.E., Bellido, S., Vythinathan, C. et al. Reporting nasal pressure injuries in neonates receiving non-invasive ventilation: a scoping review. J Perinatol (2024).

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Received : 11 December 2023

Revised : 28 April 2024

Accepted : 13 May 2024

Published : 17 September 2024


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exclusion and inclusion criteria in a literature review

The role of women and the obstacles to biodiversity conservation in developed and developing countries

  • Published: 16 September 2024

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exclusion and inclusion criteria in a literature review

  • Helyone Sarita das Mercês Lima   ORCID: 1 &
  • Helenilza Ferreira Albuquerque Cunha   ORCID: 1  

Women play several significant roles in biodiversity conservation, be they linked to conservation’s main activities or decision-making. However, there are countless barriers and disparities capable of affecting the performance of their roles. From this perspective, this study aimed to investigate and compare the roles played by women in the conservation and management of biodiversity. Additionally, it sought to evaluate the obstacles and disparities they face in this process, focusing on both developed and developing countries. We carried out a systematic review of the literature, using the PRISMA Protocol to avoid biased data. We reviewed 400 articles. However, only 73 articles were included in this study, as they met the inclusion criteria. We used the Discursive Textual Analysis method to identify the categories of roles and obstacles found in the articles. We have identified 8 categories of roles played by women in biodiversity conservation and 11 obstacles/difficulties faced by them to perform their role. Developed countries did not show conservation’s main activities, only environmental governance categories, biodiversity management, and others (environmentalist movements). Concerning developing countries, ‘management of natural resources’ was the most cited category in the analyzed studies. There were several main activities related to agriculture in developing countries, mainly agroecology, sustainable agriculture, and agrobiodiversity. Developed countries stood out for double shifts, lack of public policies, lack of financing, gender discrimination, cross-sectional factors, and climatic skepticism, as obstacles to biodiversity conservation. We have concluded that there are differences in the roles played by women in developed and developing countries. We understood that the cross-sectional factors, that is, factors that encompass ethnicity, race, age, geographic location, gender, religion, sexual orientation, and/or the condition of a person with a disability, were the most observed obstacle/difficulty in both developing and developed countries.

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exclusion and inclusion criteria in a literature review

Source : Elaborated by the authors, 2023

exclusion and inclusion criteria in a literature review

Data Availability

The entire dataset supporting the results of this study is available on request from the corresponding author: Name of corresponding author: Helenilza Ferreira Albuquerque Cunha Reason for restriction: the authors understand that they can make the data available upon request, as it would be important for the authors to know the purpose of using these data.

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Lima, H.S.M., Cunha, H.F.A. The role of women and the obstacles to biodiversity conservation in developed and developing countries. Environ Dev Sustain (2024).

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Received : 29 August 2023

Accepted : 05 September 2024

Published : 16 September 2024


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  1. Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria

    Exclusion criteria are the elements of an article that disqualify the study from inclusion in a literature review. For example, excluded studies: used qualitative methodology; used a certain study design (e.g, observational) are a certain publication type (e.g., systematic reviews) were published before a certain year (must have compelling reason)

  2. Chapter 3: Defining the criteria for including studies and how they

    First, the diseases or conditions of interest should be defined using explicit criteria for establishing their presence (or absence). Criteria that will force the unnecessary exclusion of studies should be avoided. For example, diagnostic criteria that were developed more recently - which may be viewed as the current gold standard for diagnosing the condition of interest - will not have ...

  3. Inclusion and exclusion criteria in research studies: definitions and

    Establishing inclusion and exclusion criteria for study participants is a standard, required practice when designing high-quality research protocols. Inclusion criteria are defined as the key features of the target population that the investigators will use to answer their research question. 2 Typical inclusion criteria include demographic ...

  4. Define Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria

    Tip: Choose your criteria carefully to avoid bias. For example, if you exclude non-English language articles, you may be ignoring relevant studies. The following 6-minute video explains the relationship between inclusion and exclusion criteria and database searches.

  5. LibGuides: Systematic Reviews : Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

    A type of literature review that uses a systematic and rigorous approach to identify, select, appraise, and synthesize all available evidence on a particular topic. ... The inclusion and exclusion criteria must be decided before you start the review. Inclusion criteria is everything a study must have to be included. Exclusion criteria are the ...

  6. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

    Step 1: Developing and testing criteria. Developing the inclusion and exclusion criteria may involve an iterative process of refinement during review conceptualization and construction (see Chapter 2).During conceptualization, criteria may be adjusted as reviewers scope the likely literature base, consult stakeholders, and explore what questions may be feasible or relevant.

  7. Avoiding Bias in Selecting Studies

    The EPC should carefully consider whether PICOTS criteria are effect modifiers and how inclusion and exclusion criteria may potentially skew the studies and thus results reported in the review. Table 2 below suggests potential implications or biases that may result from specific hypothetical examples of inclusion and exclusion criteria.

  8. Selecting Studies for Systematic Review: Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

    The eligibility criteria are liberally applied in the beginning to ensure that relevant studies are included and no study is excluded without thorough evaluation. At the outset, studies are only excluded if they clearly meet one or more of the exclusion criteria. For example, if the focus of review is children, then studies with adult ...

  9. Inclusion and exclusion criteria

    Inclusion and exclusion criteria set the boundaries for the systematic review. They are determined after setting the research question usually before the search is conducted, however scoping searches may need to be undertaken to determine appropriate criteria. Many different factors can be used as inclusion or exclusion criteria.

  10. Systematic Reviews: Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

    An important part of the SR process is defining what will and will not be included in your review. Inclusion and exclusion criteria are developed after a research question is finalized but before a search is carried out. ... they are important in identifying gaps in the literature. Unanswered questions implications of an empty review. Slyer ...

  11. Inclusion & Exclusion Criteria

    These are commonly known as inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria, and they set the boundaries for the literature review. Inclusion and exclusion criteria are determined after formulating the research question but usually before the search is conducted (although preliminary scoping searches may need to be undertaken to determine appropriate ...

  12. 4. Apply Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

    In large systematic reviews, the inclusion/exclusion criteria are applied by at least 2 reviewers to all the studies retrieved by the literature search. A strategy to resolve any disagreements between the reviewers should be outlined in the protocol, such as bringing in a third screener. There are two levels of the screening process.

  13. Establish your Inclusion and Exclusion criteria

    Using specific criteria will help make sure your final review is as unbiased, transparent and ethical as possible. How to establish your Inclusion and Exclusion criteria To establish your criteria you need to define each aspect of your question to clarify what you are focusing on, and consider if there are any variations you also wish to explore.

  14. How to Conduct a Systematic Review: A Narrative Literature Review

    Inclusion and exclusion criteria. Establishing inclusion and exclusion criteria come after formulating research questions. The concept of inclusion and exclusion of data in a systematic review provides a basis on which the reviewer draws valid and reliable conclusions regarding the effect of the intervention for the disorder under consideration ...

  15. Selection Criteria

    Exclusion criteria are the elements of an article that disqualify the study from inclusion in a literature review. Some examples are: Study used an observational design; Study used a qualitative methodology; Study was published more than 5 years ago; Study was published in a language other than English

  16. LibGuides: Systematic Reviews: Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

    A balance of specific inclusion and exclusion criteria is paramount. For some systematic reviews, there may already be a large pre-existing body of literature. The search strategy may retrieve thousands of results that must be screened. Having explicit exclusion criteria from the beginning allows those conducting the screening process, an ...

  17. Sample Selection in Systematic Literature Reviews of Management

    I used somewhat relaxed inclusion criteria to avoid excluding many of the earlier systematic reviews that did not necessarily refer to the Tranfield et al. (2003) article or did not use the term systematic literature review. That is, I used the question of whether the articles disclosed their inclusion or exclusion criteria as my overriding ...

  18. Guidelines for writing a systematic review

    The most robust review method, usually with the involvement of more than one author, intends to systematically search for and appraise literature with pre-existing inclusion criteria. (Salem et al., 2023) Rapid review: Utilises Systematic Review methods but may be time limited. (Randles and Finnegan, 2022) Meta-analysis

  19. Selecting Criteria

    Exclusion criteria are the elements of an article that disqualify the study from inclusion in a literature review. Some examples are: Study used an observational design; Study used a qualitative methodology; Study was published more than 5 years ago; Study was published in a language other than English

  20. Limits and Inclusion Criteria

    Using Limits and Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria. Once you have some search results, you will need to decide which articles you will actually use in your literature review. This can be done using filters/limits in the databases, applying inclusion/exclusion criteria, and appraising the articles.

  21. Determine inclusion and exclusion criteria

    What is a literature review? Steps in the Literature Review Process; Define your research question; Determine inclusion and exclusion criteria; ... Analyze Results; Write; Librarian Support; Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools; Determine inclusion and exclusion criteria. Once you have a clearly defined research question, make sure you are ...

  22. Developing inclusion/exclusion criteria

    A feature of the systematic literature review is using pre-specified criteria to include/exclude studies. Through searching the literature and formulating your review questions, for example by using PICO, PEO, etc., you will be able to define the specific attributes that research studies must have to be eligible for inclusion in your review, along with other attributes that will exclude them.

  23. How do I guides: Systematic reviews: Inclusion/exclusion criteria

    Clear eligibility criteria will make it easier to identify relevant articles at the screening stage. The resources below may assist to better inform your decisions: Cochrane: Defining the criteria for including studies. Chapter 3 of the Cochrane Handbook provides advice on selecting inclusion and exclusion criteria.

  24. The Effectiveness of Psychological Intervention for Women Who Committed

    All types of study designs were considered for this review (S). Exclusion criteria were: (a) literature review; (b) reviews, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses; (c ) studies that collected and analyzed only qualitative data (e.g., interview); (d) papers not peer-reviewed (i.e., gray literature), and (e) studies not written in English ...

  25. Healthcare

    The present study employed specific inclusion criteria to identify studies for analysis. Only prospective or retrospective cohort designs were considered, with the exclusion of case studies, case series, case-control studies, review papers, or purely epidemiology [11,13]. The study population consisted of basketball athletes participating at ...

  26. Aphasia therapy software: an investigation of the research literature

    2.1.2. Selecting literature. Inclusion and exclusion criteria for article selection were largely adapted from those defined by Zheng et al. (Citation 2016), with some additions in order to accommodate to our specific research questions. The inclusion/exclusion criteria are summarised in Table 2.

  27. Mapping health-related quality of life of children and families

    This scoping review seeks to map the literature and provide a descriptive report of the health-related quality of life of children using invasive home mechanical ventilation and their families. ... Reviewers will screen the titles and abstracts using the inclusion and exclusion criteria provided in Covidence. After all pilot studies have been ...

  28. A systematic review and meta analysis on digital mental health

    Following the evaluation by exclusion criteria, 30 studies were selected for risk of bias evaluation. ... all data is provided to replicate assessment of literature according to inclusion criteria ...

  29. Reporting nasal pressure injuries in neonates receiving non-invasive

    Full-text review yielded 37 studies that satisfied inclusion criteria. Review of the reference lists of the included studies identified three additional studies meeting inclusion criteria.

  30. The role of women and the obstacles to biodiversity conservation in

    Thus, to achieve the proposal of this research, we conducted a systematic review of the literature in scientific publications of indexed journals, using the PRISMA Protocol to avoid biased data and maintain the scientific rigor of the research. For the selection of articles, inclusion and exclusion criteria were respected.