Present Your Paper

Get ready to present your paper at a conference. A key part of the research and review process is presenting and defending your work in front of peers at a conference.

The first step in getting ready to present your paper is to determine what key message you want to communicate to your audience. Most conference presentations are 10-20 minutes long, so you will not have time to present all the details of your work. The objective of your presentation is to get people interested in your work, not to explain it to them fully.

Organize your talk with these tips:

  • Begin by stating the purpose or goal of your research. Tell the audience why your work is important.
  • Provide a very brief literature review. This will give the audience some context.
  • Move on to the main points of your own research.
  • Conclude by reiterating the importance of your research and emphasizing the key points.

Tips for Creating Presentation Slides

Remember that your slides do not have to tell the story on their own. Slides are meant to illustrate your work, not explain it entirely.

  • Use graphics where possible. Limit text to phrases and bullet points, rather than full sentences.
  • Once you have drafted your slides, record yourself practicing your talk with the slides so that you can identify areas for improvement.
  • Be sure to stay within your time limit and leave time for questions from the audience.

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Presentation Guidelines

Important dates.

August 7, 2021 – Final Paper, PowerPoint PDF, Electronic Copyright Submission Deadline

August 7, 2021 – Author Registration Deadline

Oral presentation Instructions

Presenters are required to present their paper as a live, online Zoom presentation, followed by Q&A during their scheduled timeslot. Live presentation of Oral papers is a requirement for publication in IEEE Xplore. Time slots for Oral papers will be 15-minutes total, consisting of a 10-minute live presentation and a 5-minute Q&A.

Presentation duration : 10 minutes + 5 minute Q&A

Presentations should be clearly structured and should contain the essential elements of the accepted formal paper.  Please include such content as the problem, the background, the innovative approach, the new results, and any comparative evaluation that the author wishes to present.  The presenter should prepare a reasonable number of PowerPoint slides, so as not to exceed the time limit. Typically, 1 slide is presented in 1 minute. Slides should not be overcrowded by text and graphics. Too much text should be avoided. Slides should support the presentation, they should not simply be read by the presenter. Graphics help in communication, are more understandable and point out the basic ideas. Use large fonts so as they are readable without efforts; typically, 20 point fonts should be used.

Please fill out the presenter biography within your EDAS account. This will help the session chair introduce you during the session.

Publishing your paper

All accepted papers are expected to be presented. If the primary author or co-author(s) are not able to attend due to extenuating circumstances, a substitute presenter should be found.

If authors like to post their papers electronically on any web site, any ftp site, or any other electronic dissemination technique, they must include the IEEE Copyright notice on the initial screen displaying the IEEE-copyrighted material. Additional information is available  here .


Well constructed visuals can make your presentation more exciting, effective and memorable. However, in order for the visuals to accomplish this, it is critical that they be properly planned and prepared or they can become a liability rather than an asset. The guidelines on these pages are designed to help you make the most of your visual presentation.

General Guidelines

  • Keep it simple. It is easier for the audience if you use three simple visuals than a single complex one.
  • Keep your audience in mind when designing your visual aids. What terminology will they understand? What examples have meaning for them?
  • Proofread very carefully. Try to have someone else proof in addition to yourself. It is hard to overlook errors when they are magnified in front of an audience. Remember, even a small error in such a focal part of your program can undermine the credibility of your entire presentation.
  • Fonts should be clear and easy to read. Use Helvetica or similar sans serif fonts. Decorative fonts are not recommended. Use only one typeface per visual. Add variety by using different sizes and bolding title lines.
  • Colored fonts should have a dark background (dark blue is best) with primary titles in either yellow or white and secondary titles in the remaining color. Details should be shown in clear bright, light contrasting colors. Use no more than three colors per visual.
  • Avoid using shades of the background color for titles or details.
  • Avoid commercial endorsements. A photograph of apparatus which incidentally includes a trade name is allowed, but a table comparing attributes of identified vendor’s products will not be allowed. There is much gray area in between these two examples; discuss any concerns you may have with your session chair. The display of the logo of the company with which you are associated is restricted for use to the first and last PowerPoint slides or visuals (usually the title slide). This restriction applies to logos of educational institutions as well.
  • Test your presentation ahead of time. Make sure it is easy to read from an appropriate distance, and that everything is in the proper order.

Graphs, Charts and Diagrams

Tabular charts.

Tabular charts are used to show raw data and numerical relationships. Use only a few key examples on the visual to illustrate your point. Bar Graphs

Bar graphs are used to show absolute data or relationships and comparisons. Be sure to include scales and values. Be sure the type is legible. Pie Charts

Pie charts are good for illustrating percentage relationships or parts of a whole. No more than eight segments are recommended. Line Graphs

Line graphs are ideal for illustrating trends or performance over time. Your scale should include significant dates and milestones. Graphs should include no more than three lines. In black and white visuals, the lines should be distinctly different, e.g., dashed, solid, dots, etc. In color visuals, the lines should be easily differentiated colors which contrast well with the background. Block or Process Diagrams

Block or process diagrams are good for illustrating structural relationships and designs. Graphics of this type show how each piece contributes to the whole. Avoid overcrowding. Limit your chart to no more than 10 simple geometric shapes and titles connected by lines and arrows. One-Line Diagrams

IST 2021 papers often contain electrical one-line diagrams which are an integral part of a technical discussion. You should limit applying these to needed segments of a system to make them legible to the audience. Photographs

Good quality photographic visuals can make a major contribution to your presentation. Be extra careful with photographs: they must be very crisp and clear, with high contrast between light and dark areas. Do not superimpose text over the image. If text is needed on the visual, it should be placed in areas that have been cleared of the image. Be sure to test your photos, projecting them to the size they will be when used to ensure that they are clear and easily recognizable.

Text Pointers

The text (or word) portion of presentations is used to state facts or objectives. When lines of text alone do not illustrate your point, a chart, graph or graphic might be more appropriate.

  • Avoid using more than six or seven words (30–40 characters) per line, six or seven lines per visual. Make sure type is well spaced and not crowded.
  • Eliminate words that do not add meaning, for example: the, an, etc.
  • Avoid complete sentences. Use bulleted phrases.
  • Be consistent in grammatical construction of lists; for example, use all verbs or use all noun phrases.
  • Use 36 point type for all titles, and for the text of visual aids to be used in very large rooms.
  • Use at least 18 point type for the main text in other than the largest rooms.
  • Use bullets at beginning of lines to separate ideas.
  • Use functions in PowerPoint that allow you to build information, bullet by bullet, on a slide, to keep the audience from reading ahead.

Title Pages

Use title pages to introduce new topics or add special emphasis to a very important point. The best titles are a few simple lines in large type.

Special Thanks

Conference sponsors.

Sponsored by IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Society, and TC-19 Technical Committee on Imaging Signals and Systems in conjunction with the IEEE International School of Imaging

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Local Sponsors

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Instructions for Presentation Preparation

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Prospective presenters for the 2022 NIGERCON are required to read and follow the instructions below. Kindly note that papers not presented at the Conference will not be processed for Xplore.

There will be two methods of presentation: In-person and virtual. In-person presenters are to produce a PowerPoint presentation while online presenters are to produce a video of their presentation. If you have any questions, please email or .

Presentation Template

All presenters (In-person and Virtual) are to prepare their presentations using the approved conference template. The Conference Template can be downloaded from this link:

Please note:

  • 16×9 aspect ratio (widescreen) is recommended for all presentations.
  • Also, the maximum slides per presentation is fifteen (15).

Title of Presentation

For ease of sorting, technical paper presenters are to use the Track and paper identification number from EasyChair and the First author’s surname to name their presentation file or video. For example, John Doe with a paper submitted to Track 5 with the paper ID of 13 will be named as follows: Track5_paper_13_Doe.mp4 (for videos for virtual presenters) or Track5_paper_13_Doe.PPTX (for PowerPoint presentations from In-person presenters).

Presentations for Keynotes, panels, tutorials, and Workshops are to be captioned as illustrated below.

  • Keynotes – Keynote_First-name_Last-name. For example, “ Keynote_John_Doe ”.
  • Panels – Panel_First-name_Last-name. For example, “ Panel_John_Doe ”.
  • Tutorials – Tutorial_First-name_Last-name. For example, “ Tutorial_John_Doe ”.
  • Workshops – Workshop_First-name_Last-name. For example, “ Workshop_John_Doe ”.

How to Submit your Presentation

All presentations are to be submitted on or before 10 th May 2022.

  • In-Person Presentation: PowerPoint presentations are to be uploaded via this link:
  • Online Presenters: Videos are to be uploaded via this link: .

Specifications for videos to be submitted

  • All video files must be in MP4 Format.
  • A bit rate of 1mbps or less (*Note: The platform will accept videos with a higher bit rate, but some quality may be lost during the upload process).
  • The file size should not exceed 200MB.
  • A resolution of 720p HD is good.
  • Technical paper (for authors) presentations not to exceed 15 minutes
  • Exhibitor Technical Presentations not to exceed 30 minutes
  • Tutorials not to exceed 2 hours, broken down into 1-hour segments.
  • Keynote / Plenary speeches not to exceed 30 minutes
  • Workshops / Special Sessions not to exceed 60 minutes
  • Panel sessions not to exceed 60 minutes

How to prepare a good video

There are several video conferencing tools available to easily record a presentation. In this method, you can show your face via webcam (if you’d like) and display your slides as you talk. You can use any meeting software to obtain quality recordings and generate an MP4 format file.

Here are some links to instructions on recording a meeting on common platforms:

  •   WebEx: Video Conferencing – Record a Cisco Webex Meeting
  • Google Meet: Record a video meeting – Meet Help
  • Zoom: Local Recording – Zoom Help Center
  • GoToMeeting: How to Record a GoToMeeting Session.
  • Microsoft Teams: Record a meeting in Teams – Office Support

Alternatively, presenters can use the two-step method stated below:

  • Create Voice Over Powerpoint: with-narration-and-slide-timings-0b9502c6-5f6c-40ae-b1e7-e47d8741161c and convert to MP4

Tips for recording a good video

  • Use as quiet an area as possible;
  • Avoid areas that have echo;
  • Rooms should be fairly
  • Sound dampening with carpeting, curtains, furniture.
  • Hardline internet connection recommended, but if unavailable, a strong Wi-Fi connection;
  • Good headset with a microphone close to mouth BUT away from direct line of mouth to reduce “pops”. Avoid using the default built-in microphone on the computer;
  • Do a test recording of a couple of minutes and review the sound and picture quality, MP4 format, and bitrate before recording the entire presentation. Adjust if needed.

oral presentation guidelines

Oral session logistics.

  • Each session room will be set with an LCD projector, a microphone, and a laser pointer. A presentation laptop will be provided in the session room – no personal laptops will be permitted. Speakers shall bring their presentations for upload to the Computer Room (rooms Berlin and Bruxelles) no later than 2 hours before the beginning of their session. A person from the staff will upload the presentation and you will be able to check it on our systems. Accepted formats for presentation files are PowerPoint and PDF.
  • Each oral presentation is allocated 15 minutes. You should spend about 12 minutes for presentation of the problem, the background, the innovative approach, the new results, and - if appropriate - the comparative evaluation. The remaining 3 minutes should be reserved for questions and discussion with the attendees.
  • The presenters should introduce themselves to the session chairs before the beginning of the session to allow a smooth running of the session

suggestions for a good oral presentation

  • The presenter should prepare a reasonable number of slides – a Power Point or PDF file, so as not to exceed the 15 minute time allocation. Typically, one (1) slide is presented in one to two minutes. Additional backup slides could be prepared to support anticipated responses to attendees' questions.
  • Each slide should not be crowded by text and graphics. Too much text should be avoided: slides should support the presentation; they should not be simply read by the presenter. Graphics help in communications, are more understandable, and point out the basic ideas. Use large fonts so they can be read without difficulty by the audience; typically 18-20 point fonts should be used.
  • The presentation should be clearly structured. The basic problem and innovative approach should be clearly stated. Background and previous work should be summarized to provide a prospective for the results presented in the paper. The results should be clearly outlined and evaluated. Appropriate comparison with previous results should be presented. Conclusions should summarize the work performed and point out the main innovation and results. Future work and developments could also be articulated – time permitting.

poster presentation guidelines

Poster session logistics.

  • The poster sessions will be 90 minutes to two hours long.
  • The Authors(s) are expected to:
  • Be set up prior to the session.
  • Be present at their poster for the entire two hour session.
  • Explain their paper to the collected audience and answer questions as appropriate.
  • The Poster Exhibition is in the exhibition space Etoile, at the first floor of the Congress Center
  • NSS Poster setup can begin as early as Sunday evening (30 October). Authors are encouraged to leave their posters on display until 12:30 of Wednesday, 2 November - if possible. All NSS poster need to be collected by the authors by Wednesday, 2 November, at 12:30. For all information about the NSS Poster Session logistics, please contact the NSS Poster Session Chairs, Ingrid Gregor and Natalia Potylitsina-Kube .
  • MIC Poster setup can begin as early as Wednesday 14:00 (2 November). Authors are encouraged to leave their posters on display until 12:00 of Saturday, 5 November - if possible. All MIC poster need to be collected by the authors by Saturday, 5 November at 12:00. Note for authors presenting on Wednesday afternoon: your posters must be in place by 16:00.
  • It is strongly suggested that authors provide a supply of contact information sheets, that include the author's photo, for attendees' use when the author is not present.
  • Poster locations are assigned. Authors will be notified of their location by email from the Program Chair.
  • Maps of the Poster Session layout will be provided.
  • Poster which are not collected by the author at the end of the respective period will be discarded
  • The area for your poster materials is 2.39 m tall by 0.94 m wide (NOTE: vertical orientation) with a 1 inch (2.54 cm) border. As an example, the typical A0 size poster is 1.189 m x 0.841 m.
  • All poster materials shall be provided by the Author(s).
  • Push pins will be provided at the Conference to attach poster materials to the poster board.
  • Please review your poster dimensions before you arrive to ensure that it will fit in the defined space.

suggestions for a good poster presentation

  • The title of the poster session should be displayed in large font, 36 – 60 point, to help the audience find your paper.
  • Your main point or conclusion should be in large font if it is not covered in the title.
  • A font below 18 point is difficult for the audience to read. Try to use this font size as the minimum on your presentation.
  • Avoid large sections of text in all capitals; it can be difficult to read. Use capitals and/or BOLD to emphasize your points.
  • Display the highlights of your presentation in larger font, 24 - 40. Use color to emphasize the important points.
  • Pictures, charts, and graphs are very effective when kept simple. Too much detail will obscure the main points. Use color!
  • Information flow is most effective if it is from left to right and top to bottom.
  • Your posted materials should be as self-explanatory as possible. Attract the audience’s attention and then answer detailed questions. Remember that attendees will also be viewing your poster when you are not present.
  • Consider that the viewers will be two to three meters away from your material and adjust the print font, charts, graphs, and figures accordingly. The audience will not have the time or the space to read pages of text.
  • The audience at poster sessions moves! They may want to visit several posters during the session. If you are planning to give a presentation of your material, it will probably have to be repeated several times as the audience changes. Be brief, hit the high points, and invite questions.
  • Some visitors may be very interested in your topic and will want to monopolize your session time with questions. This may turn away other visitors that are also interested. Recognize this as a factor and be prepared to acknowledge all visitors.
  • If you want to interact with certain audience members at a later time, offer business cards or contact information.
  • To maintain poster quality, posters printed on paper should be rolled and not folded for transportation.

important IEEE policy announcement

The Poster Session Chair(s) will be present in the room and will verify attendance at the assigned Poster Session. The paper must be presented at the conference to be published in the IEEE 2016 NSS/MIC Conference Proceedings and IEEE Xplore®. The IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference (e.g., removal from IEEE Xplore®) if the paper is not presented during the conference.

Papers are reviewed on the basis that they do not contain plagiarized material and have not been submitted to any other conference at the same time (double submission). These matters are taken very seriously and the IEEE NPSS society will take action against any author who has engaged in either practice.

IEEE Web Page on Plagiarism

IEEE Web Page on Double Submission

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Instructions for All Technical Paper Presentation

These instructions apply to all accepted technical papers, presentations in Workshops, Special Sessions, and Industry Forums. You will need to prepare a presentation and a recording of your presentation. The duration of the presentation should be 20 minutes in length for technical papers. If you are presenting in a Workshop, Special Session, or Industry Forum, please follow the instructions for the length of the presentation from the organizer. You will also need to attend the discussion of your paper as scheduled in the program during the week of June 28th- July 1st, 2021. All presentation recordings will be available online for viewing June 20th – July 1st, 2021.

Deadline for uploading recorded videos and presentations: May 31st, 2021.

There are several video conferencing tools available to easily record a presentation. In this method, you can show your face via webcam (if you would like) and display your slides as you talk. You can use any meeting software as long as you get a good quality recording and your final file is in the MP4 format. Here are some links to instructions on recording a meeting on common platforms:

  • WebEx: Video Conferencing – Record a Cisco Webex Meeting
  • Skype: Skype for Business: Recording a Meeting | Information Technology Services | Bemidji State University
  • Google Meet: Record a video meeting – Meet Help
  • Zoom: Local Recording – Zoom Help Center
  • Gotomeeting: How to Record a GoToMeeting Session | Techwalla and How to Convert and Open the GoToMeeting Recordings
  • Microsoft Teams: Record a meeting in Teams – Office Support
  • Create Voice Over Power point and convert to MP4

Audio/Video File Requirements:

  • All files must be in MP4 Format
  • 1mbps bitrate: To check the bit rate, right click on the file name, click on properties, go to the details tab, and look for total bitrate.
  • Resolution = maximum 720p HD
  • The length of the presentation must comply with the specification of your session.
  • Please use the following naming convention: SID.pptx, SID.pdf, SID.mp4, where SID is your session ID, the code that was entered in front of your paper/poster title in the program.

Tips for Recording:

  • Use as quite an area as possible
  • Avoid areas that have echo
  • Rooms should be fairly small
  • Sound dampening with carpeting, curtains, furniture
  • Strong Wi-Fi connection
  • Good headset with microphone close to mouth BUT away from direct line of mouth to reduce “pops”. Avoid using default built-in microphone on computer.
  • Do a test recording of a couple of minutes and review the sound and picture quality, MP4 format, and bit rate before recording the entire presentation. Make adjustments if needed.

Standards and Templates (for PPT, PPTX, and PDF):

16×9 pdf16x9 pptx16x9

As a reminder, your accepted paper will be published to the proceedings and to IEEE Xplore after your presentation at the conclusion of the Virtual World Forum.

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  • IEEE Paper Format | Template & Guidelines

IEEE Paper Format | Template & Guidelines

Published on August 24, 2022 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on April 6, 2023.

IEEE provides guidelines for formatting your paper. These guidelines must be followed when you’re submitting a manuscript for publication in an IEEE journal. Some of the key guidelines are:

  • Formatting the text as two columns, in Times New Roman, 10 pt.
  • Including a byline, an abstract , and a set of keywords at the start of the research paper
  • Placing any figures, tables, and equations at the top or bottom of a column, not in the middle
  • Following the appropriate heading styles for any headings you use
  • Including a full list of IEEE references at the end
  • Not including page numbers

IEEE example paper

To learn more about the specifics of IEEE paper format, check out the free template below. Note that you may not need to follow these rules if you’ve only been told to use IEEE citation format for a student paper. But you do need to follow them to submit to IEEE publications.

Table of contents

Ieee format template, ieee heading styles, frequently asked questions about ieee.

The template below can be used to make sure that your paper follows IEEE format. It’s set up with custom Word styles for all the different parts of the text, with the right fonts and formatting and with further explanation of key points.

Make sure to remove all the explanatory text in the template when you insert your own.

Download IEEE paper format template

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IEEE recommends specific heading styles to distinguish the title and different levels of heading in your paper from each other. Styles for each of these are built into the template.

The paper title is written in 24 pt. Times New Roman, centered at the top of the first page. Other headings are all written in 10 pt. Times New Roman:

  • Level 1 text headings begin with a roman numeral followed by a period. They are written in small caps, in title case, and centered.
  • Level 2 text headings begin with a capital letter followed by a period. They are italicized, left-aligned, and written in title case.
  • Level 3 text headings begin with a number followed by a closing parenthesis . They are italicized, written in sentence case, and indented like a regular paragraph. The text of the section follows the heading immediately, after a colon .
  • Level 4 text headings begin with a lowercase letter followed by a closing parenthesis. They are italicized, written in sentence case, and indented slightly further than a normal paragraph. The text of the section follows the heading immediately, after a colon.
  • Component headings are used for the different components of your paper outside of the main text, such as the acknowledgments and references. They are written in small caps, in title case, centered, and without any numbering.

IEEE heading styles

You should use 10 pt. Times New Roman font in your IEEE format paper .

For the paper title, 26 pt. Times New Roman is used. For some other paper elements like table footnotes, the font can be slightly smaller. All the correct stylings are available in our free IEEE format template .

No, page numbers are not included in an IEEE format paper . If you’re submitting to an IEEE publication, page numbers will be added in the final publication but aren’t needed in the manuscript.

IEEE paper format requires you to include an abstract summarizing the content of your paper. It appears at the start of the paper, right after you list your name and affiliation.

The abstract begins with the word “Abstract,” italicized and followed by an em dash. The abstract itself follows immediately on the same line. The entire section is written in bold font. For example: “ Abstract —This paper discusses … ”

You can find the correct format for your IEEE abstract and other parts of the paper in our free IEEE paper format template .

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If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the “Cite this Scribbr article” button to automatically add the citation to our free Citation Generator.

Caulfield, J. (2023, April 06). IEEE Paper Format | Template & Guidelines. Scribbr. Retrieved August 14, 2024, from

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Jack Caulfield

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Oral Presentation Guidelines

Observing Your Allotted Time

  • The total time allotted to each speaker is 15 minutes. You should plan to speak for 12 minutes and leave 3 minutes for questions.
  • Invited speakers have twice this time, 30 minutes in total, and they should plan to speak for about 25 min, leaving 5 min. for questions.
  • There is NO EXCUSE for using more than your allotted time. Rehearse your presentation several times; projecting slides and doing anything else you would otherwise expect to do at the meeting. It is a discourtesy to your audience, the Session Chair and the other speakers to exceed your allotted time. The Session Chairs are instructed to adhere to the printed schedule for the session. With parallel sessions this is critical to the overall success of the conference.

Organization of Oral Sessions

  • There are eight parallel sessions in the conference and the Technical Program Committee will try to minimize conflicts of topics between parallel sessions.
  • The conference will be equipped with a computer video projector and a computer that is connected to the projector for each oral presentation room. Normal audio equipment such as microphones will be provided.
  • The computers are equipped with Windows 10 as well as Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 (Office) , Internet Explorer/Edge (latest), Adobe Acrobat Reader DC/Flash Player , Windows Media Player 12 and QuickTime 7 .
  • To submit (upload) the presentation data, use the unique (personalized) link to the paper management system. The unique link to the paper management system will be emailed to the presenting author. Please upload the presentation materials no later than 24:00 (PST), Thursday, 18 October 2018 .
  • All the authors are requested to (a) visit the Speaker Ready Room at least one day prior to the session, (b) verify their presentation for compatibility and proper operation. If necessary, especially if you have embedded multi-media content, you will have the final opportunity to adjust or tweak your presentation at that time. We suggest the presenting author to bring his/her own computer and a USB thumb drive with presentation materials as backup.
  • Since your computer may have sophisticated fonts (such as special equation symbols) that the conference computers may not have, it is suggested that when you save your PowerPoint presentations, use “Save As” from your “File” pull-down menu. When a dialog box pops up, click on the “Tools” menu on that dialog box and select “Save Options”. Then, check the option “Embed true type fonts”. Click “OK” and then click “Save”. This allows you to include the fonts you are using in your presentations to minimize the font incompatibility problems. Otherwise, any fonts that are not recognized by the conference computers will be incomprehensible. In addition to the default “.pptx” file format, we suggest that you also save a copy of your presentations in the “.ppsx” (PowerPoint Show) format (the “.ppsx” version may also include some of the special fonts in your presentations). If you have a full version of Adobe Acrobat, we suggest you also save (or print) your presentations into a “.pdf” format and thus you will be able to use the free Adobe Reader software to present in case nothing else would work.

Good Practices

  • Show no more than 1 slide per minute of speaking time. This means approximately 10-12 slides MAXIMUM for the 12 minutes presentation at the symposium. Remember, the last three minutes of the presentation are for questions from the audience. It detracts from the quality of the presentation to flash numerous graphs, equations, or tables on the screen in rapid sequence in an effort to squeeze a presentation into its allotted time.
  • We recommend a presentation format of 16:9, 4:3 is also acceptable.
  • Make the letters on your slides BIG ENOUGH. Suggested minimum font is 14.
  • Put no more than 12 lines of text or 4 curves on any slide.
  • Avoid lengthy tabulations of numerical data and limit equations to those for which the terms can be properly defined.
  • Your audience needs time to interpret the data that you present. While you are very familiar with the data displayed, the audience is not. Describe the abscissa, coordinates, units and the legend for each curve.
  • When you display a curve, tell the audience what they should be looking for in order to grasp the point you are trying to make. The audience will not have time to figure it out for themselves.
  • Use repetition in your talk to ensure the facts are understood by the audience.
  • In addition to the body of the talk, present an introduction and a summary or conclusion.
  • Include only information or data that can be properly explained in the allotted time.
  • Repeat any questions that are posed to you.
  • If a question requires a lengthy reply, suggest that you and the person asking the question meet after the presentation. Then take the discussion out of the meeting room.

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September 23-26, 2024 • Rotterdam, Netherlands

Join us at ICRA@40 for a special commemorative edition marking the 40th anniversary of the ICRA Conference, honoring four decades of groundbreaking research and innovation in robotics and automation. 

ICRA@40 is a four-day SINGLE-TRACK conference featuring plenary sessions, distinguished talks and debate panels to explore the past and envision the future with the most renowned academics and industry experts in robotics and automation.

Enjoy ICRA@40 industry-focused day , dedicated to unveiling cutting-edge advancements and technological breakthroughs, stimulating panels, a bustling job fair and vibrant startup showcases.

CFP for Late-Breaking Abstracts and Videos

We are seeking the submission of extended abstracts with new ideas that highlight innovative concepts, open-ended themes, and novel directions as well as videos that showcase novel results or summarise the achievements in the last 40 years in the field of robotics and automation. The emphasis should be on real robotics and automation systems. 

We encourage submissions from all areas of robotics and automation.

Important update below!

We  received 509 contributions: 295 Extended Abstracts, 49 Video Submissions, and 165 papers transferred from IEEE RAS journals (RAL, TRO, RAM, TASE). All submissions were screened by the organization committee. We encourage authors of extended abstracts to leverage the opportunity to discuss their work at ICRA@40 to further develop their extended abstracts into full-fledged submissions to RAS journals and conferences.


Please  prepare the final version of your contribution and upload it via your PaperPlaza account at .

The final version of your contribution must be in pdf and must follow the ICRA double-column format. Templates are available at the IEEE RAS PaperPlaza Conference/Journal Management System ( ).

  Make  sure to follow the guidelines:

  • Extended Abstract : 2 pages plus 1 page for references and a video of max 20MB

  • Stand-alone Video : 1-4 minutes, maximum 50 MB and 1 page description in pdf

  • Accepted Journal papers : please upload the final version of your accepted paper

In addition, you will also have to upload a 1 page Digest PowerPoint using the template provided below along with the final version of your paper.

The deadline for submitting the final version of your contribution is

July 31, 2024, types of submission .

Submissions for ICRA@40 have two types

1. Accepted Journal Papers

Papers accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO), the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), the IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine (RAM) and IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (T-ASE)  will be given the possibility to present at ICRA@40.

2. Extended Abstracts

We welcome extended abstracts of up to 2 pages plus 1 page for references  that describe novel results or research directions. Accepted contributions will be presented as posters and allocated a slot in the poster sessions (Refer to the programme). Accepted extended abstracts will be made available online but will not be published in IEEE Xplore. All submissions must be in pdf and must follow the ICRA double column format. Templates are available at the  IEEE RAS PaperPlaza Conference/Journal Management System .

Accompanying videos may be submitted, with submission guidelines:

A video that was NOT submitted with the initial submission of an extended abstract will NOT be accepted at a later date.

  • File size: up to 20MB   • Format (only one of the following should be used): mpeg, mp4, mpg   • Maximum duration: 180 sec.   • Minimum height: 480   • Minimum frame rate (fps): 20   • Scan type: Progressive

Stand-alone Video Submission

We encourage submissions of stand-alone videos in the following themes:

  1. NOVELTY : novel scientific or technological breakthrough;

  2. HISTORY : most early examples of autonomous 40 years old or beyond;

  3. DIDACTIC : video with educational content, either summarising achievements in a domain or presenting a novel approach in a didactic/tutorial manner;

  4. FUNNY/UNCANNY : any video of unique, amusing, or unexpected nature.

The emphasis should be on real robotics and automation systems.

To submit a stand-alone video to ICRA@40, please refer to the following instructions:

  • Duration : 1-4 minutes. • Size : up to 50 MB.   • Format (only one of the following should be used): mpeg, mp4, mpg   • Maximum duration : 240 sec   • Minimum video quality : 720p   • Minimum frame rate (fps): 24   • Codecs : Do not use special codecs in order to provide as much portability across platforms as possible. Any variance from the suggested formatting may result in difficulties playing the file on different platforms and could be blocked.   • If recorded footage is sped up in the video, the speedup factor should be clearly indicated.   • Audio is optional, but lack of audio should have minimal impact on the comprehension of the video.   • Structure : The video must include at the beginning a video cover with the title, authors and affiliation and the credits at the end.

The submission of the videos will be through the electronic submission process via PaperPlaza .

Each video submission must be accompanied by a one-page description in PDF file format, using the smae paper template that are available here  which includes:

  • title, authors, and affiliation   • video category (regular video OR blooper)   • 200-word abstract, and   • contact information

The selected videos (and the PDF descriptions) will be linked in the program. Videos will be displayed during the conference and to the public via social media and IEEE TV and may be used in the Robotics History project.

Distinguished Talk Abstract (by Invitation Only)

If you are an invited speaker, you can submit a maximum 1 page abstract and short biography as pdf via PaperPlaza

Accepted Journal papers

Papers accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO), the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), the IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine (RAM) and IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (T-ASE)  presentation at ICRA @ 40 . This applies to all non-evolutionary papers accepted from September 1 2023 until May 31, 2024.

Important Deadlines

All deadlines are 11:59 PM Pacific time

  • IEEE Xplore Digital Library
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  • How to utilize collateral & templates
  • IEEE Corporate Presentation Templates
  • Digital use collateral
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New IEEE Corporate Overview and presentation template versions available now!

Together, we make the brand stronger.  The IEEE Brand Experience website offers expansive tools and resources to make it easier for you to represent the brand and to showcase the organization in various ways.

As part of the IEEE Brand overview section on the site, you can find resources including the new IEEE Corporate Summary Presentation. A full detailed version was recently updated for use in communicating the wide-ranging influence and businesses of IEEE. These presentations are useful for introducing or refreshing the scope of IEEE to an audience.

Look for the following versions for use in your IEEE presentations:

  • Download IEEE at a Glance version  (PPTX, 7.5 MB)
  • Download full detailed version  (PPTX, 24 MB)
  • View Google Slides version template (W hen using the Google Slides version, please ensure you make a copy of the file locally for your use. See tutorial. )

image showing ieee powerpoint widescreen template

Download the latest IEEE presentation templates

Looking for another pre-branded design theme?

image showing powerpoint design alternates

Visit the IEEE Presentation Templates section and view the many visual themes, all with built-in “unmistakably IEEE”  brand!

Next month, get tips and tricks on converting old presentations! 

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  1. PPT

    ieee paper presentation ppt

  2. IEEE Corporate Presentation Templates

    ieee paper presentation ppt


    ieee paper presentation ppt

  4. PPT

    ieee paper presentation ppt

  5. PPT

    ieee paper presentation ppt

  6. PPT

    ieee paper presentation ppt


  1. IEEE Corporate Presentation Templates

    Alternate Color Presentation Templates. These decks each contain a full set of slides in one color theme with coordinating imagery. Select IEEE Brand Blue or one of the 3 additional colors from the approved IEEE Brand Color Palette. Red (Pantone 200) - PowerPoint Template (PPTX, 12.4 MB)

  2. Present Your Paper

    Learn how to prepare and deliver your paper at a conference with IEEE. Find tips for organizing your talk, creating slides, and practicing your presentation.

  3. Resource: The IEEE Corporate PowerPoint Presentation Template

    Resource: The IEEE Corporate PowerPoint Presentation Template Based on feedback from across the organization on the current corporate PowerPoint presentation template, the Experience Design team has revised the template in the hopes of better serving organizational presentation needs. The goals of the new template are to: Offer a more attractive design aesthetic that better represents […]

  4. Templates

    This section provides templates for digital use. These templates can be customized for a variety of uses, all with correct IEEE branding. These templates include email banner templates, email templates, an icon library, PowerPoint templates, report templates, and website templates. View and download digital use collateral.

  5. Presentation Guidelines

    Learn how to prepare and deliver your oral presentation at IST 2021, a conference on intelligent systems and technologies. Find out the requirements, deadlines, tips and best practices for creating effective visuals and slides.

  6. IEEE

    IEEE strongly encourages use of the conference manuscript templates provided below. IEEE conference templates contain guidance text for composing and formatting conference papers. Please ensure that all guidance text is removed from your conference paper prior to submission to the conference. Failure to remove template text from your paper may ...


    yC ‰ ppt/_rels/presentation.xml.rels ¢ ( ¼•Ñjƒ0 †ï { ÉýŒÚÖn£Ú›1èÅ`lÝ ¤zÔ0MB'uóí Ú!ZÊa ÁËü& >¾pp³ýéÚà Úp)2 ‡ @ ²ä¢ÎÈÇþùîž Æ2Q²V ÈH †lóÛ›Í ´ÌºC¦áÊ ®E˜Œ4ÖªGJMÑ@ÇL( ÷¥'ºcÖ-uM +>Y 4‰¢"êq É' Á®ÌˆÞ•îþ}¯à?ݲªx O²øê@Ø+WPÓò \!Ó5ØŒœ- é:tm ...

  8. PPTX PowerPoint Presentation

    This Presentation is supported by the IEEE Electronics Packaging Society's Distinguished Lecturer Program. IEEE at a Glance. Our Global Reach. 400,000+ Members. 46. Technical Societies and Councils. ... PowerPoint Presentation Keywords: CTPClassification=CTP_NWR:VisualMarkings=

  9. PDF Instructions for Oral and Poster Presentations

    Instructions for Poster Presentations (Session Code: WTHPE) Poster Display and Removal Time and Date Set-up 13:30 - 15:30, April 9 Presentation Time 18:30 - 20:30, April 9 18:30 - 20:30, April 10 Each/same poster paper will be presented TWICE in the same poster session (WTHPE) during the above date/time. Removal 09:00 - 15:00, April 11

  10. Instructions for Presentation Preparation

    In-person presenters are to produce a PowerPoint presentation while online presenters are to produce a video of their presentation. If you have any questions, please email [email protected] or [email protected]. Presentation Template. ... Technical paper (for authors) presentations not to exceed 15 minutes;

  11. presentation guidelines

    Accepted formats for presentation files are PowerPoint and PDF. Each oral presentation is allocated 15 minutes. You should spend about 12 minutes for presentation of the problem, the background, the innovative approach, the new results, and - if appropriate - the comparative evaluation. ... The IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from ...

  12. A Template for Success

    There are also numerous color and design alternates for use. View the options for editable branded presentation templates for staff meetings and any IEEE marketing communications. Visit the Presentation Templates section of the site and view the many visual themes, all with built-in "Unmistakably IEEE" brand. 5.

  13. Instructions for All Technical Paper Presentation

    These instructions apply to all accepted technical papers, presentations in Workshops, Special Sessions, and Industry Forums. You will need to prepare a presentation and a recording of your presentation. The duration of the presentation should be 20 minutes in length for technical papers. If you are presenting in a Workshop, Special Session, or ...

  14. IEEE Paper Format

    Download IEEE paper format template. Note IEEE is the publisher of a large number of journals and other publications, and the formatting guidelines differ somewhat for submissions to different journals. If you're submitting to an IEEE publication, it's recommended to use their template selector to find the right format for your purposes.

  15. Preparing Your Presentation

    Refer to the IEEE IEDM PowerPoint template as a guide for formats and presentation recommendations. Page set-up: IEDM uses a widescreen 16:9 aspect ratio for all presentations. The provided PowerPoint template uses a 13.33″ wide, 7.5″ high landscape page setup. Leave 1/2″ or 1cm margin on all four sides.

  16. Oral Presentation Guidelines

    Oral Presentation Guidelines. Observing Your Allotted Time. The total time allotted to each speaker is 15 minutes. You should plan to speak for 12 minutes and leave 3 minutes for questions. Invited speakers have twice this time, 30 minutes in total, and they should plan to speak for about 25 min, leaving 5 min. for questions.

  17. Paper presentations

    Paper presentations Abstract: Presents the table of contents/splash page of the proceedings record. Published in: 2016 Conference on ... Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 17 November 2016 ISBN Information: Electronic ISBN: 978-1-5090-0849- Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN: 978-1-5090-0850-6 INSPEC Accession Number: Persistent Link : https ...

  18. New versions of IEEE corporate presentation template now available

    Based on requests from both staff and volunteers, the IEEE corporate PowerPoint (PPT) template suite has been expanded to include the following new versions, in both full and widescreen formats: A consolidated version with a smaller file size — ideal when you are working in areas with limited Internet bandwidth. A Keynote version for Mac.

  19. Ieee Format Paper PowerPoint PPT Presentations

    The process of preparing a research paper on Big Data using the IEEE referencing style is referred to as IEEE paper writing on Big Data for Oxford. This research paper will examine a number of Big Data-related topics, including its history, uses, and problems, as well as creative solutions. | PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to download.

  20. Call for Contributions

    Join us at ICRA@40 for a special commemorative edition marking the 40th anniversary of the ICRA Conference, honoring four decades of groundbreaking research and innovation in robotics and automation.. ICRA@40 is a four-day SINGLE-TRACK conference featuring plenary sessions, distinguished talks and debate panels to explore the past and envision the future with the most renowned academics and ...

  21. New IEEE Corporate Overview and presentation template versions

    As part of the IEEE Brand overview section on the site, you can find resources including the new IEEE Corporate Summary Presentation. A full detailed version was recently updated for use in communicating the wide-ranging influence and businesses of IEEE. These presentations are useful for introducing or refreshing the scope of IEEE to an audience.