nuclear energy in kazakhstan essay

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Nuclear Energy in Kazakhstan? The Problem of Accountability

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In Kazakhstan, the topic of nuclear energy comes wrapped in the legacy of the Semipalatinsk, the Soviet nuclear testing site.

Nuclear Energy in Kazakhstan? The Problem of Accountability

The summer of 2021 was one of the hottest on record, seeing an increase of average temperatures worldwide. This has contributed to the urgency of ongoing conversations about climate change, which is behind the increase in temperatures, and the actions needed to tackle it. One of the key issues is energy decarbonization and how to achieve it. Nuclear energy is one of the more controversial avenues for a transition to decarbonized energy, with inconsistent public support and debates about whether its classification as a sustainable energy source is justified .

Kazakhstan was not spared the hot summer, with high temperatures causing drought and massive livestock losses in Western Kazakhstan, which has led to discussions about the desertification of Central Asia. Climate change mitigation and adaptation were one of the core topics Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev included in his early September State of the Nation Address. Tokayev has set a goal of Kazakhstan reaching net-zero emissions by 2060, suggesting replacing coal and gas as the main sources of energy in the country with nuclear and hydroelectric energy. Tokayev announced the commencement of research on developing nuclear energy, but did not clarify actions regarding hydroelectric energy. This represented a shift from a May 2021 speech , in which Tokayev discussed the possibilities for renewable energy avenues that were absent from his September address, and comments made in July 2019 regarding a referendum on nuclear energy.

Russian President Vladimir Putin earlier offered his support for a nuclear plant in Kazakhstan. According to Kazakhstani energy expert Asset Nauryzbayev, the project under consideration involves purchasing equipment from Russia. The new power plant is planned to be located at Lake Balkhash, which has a fragile ecosystem, but is close to a highway located between Nur-Sultan and Almaty. 

The proposal to decarbonize the Kazakh economy was received abroad with cautious optimism, as otherwise Kazakhstan is unlikely to meet its Paris Agreement commitments due to its carbon-intensive energy industry, with high rates (up to 15 percent) of “fugitive emissions,” or leaks of oil and gas during the extraction process. 

Domestically, the proposition was met with resistance from environmental activists and the expert community and received with disdain on social media. For example, a recent roundtable of experts moderated by Kazakhstani journalist Vadim Boreiko countered statements made by government-adjacent experts. This resistance can be attributed to the complicated nuclear Soviet legacy in Kazakhstan, concerns about the economic and environmental desirability of the nuclear energy industry, and intensified ties with Russia that come with the proposed nuclear projects. 

In Kazakhstan, the topic of nuclear energy comes wrapped in the legacy of the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site, where the Soviet Union conducted nuclear testing with lethal and long-lasting health consequences for locals. The Nevada-Semipalatinsk anti-nuclear social movement in the 1990s made public the enormous costs for Kazakhs of hosting the Soviet Union’s nuclear and chemical weapons facilities,. This legacy still shapes public perception of all nuclear issues. 

At first, this legacy was taken seriously by Tokayev, as he proposed conducting a referendum on nuclear energy, but later he brushed off these concerns as an irrational “ radiophobia ” that Kazakhstan can easily get rid of. The Soviet legacy also feeds into growing suspicions about Kazakhstan once again becoming more dependent on Russia via the proposed nuclear projects. The nuclear power plant that is being discussed today will depend on Russia for funding, equipment and training. 

Moreover, Kazakh experts raise similar concerns as their Western counterparts, asking whether nuclear power would be the best solution for Kazakhstan, given the full carbon life cycle of a nuclear power plant. Another concern is the framing of nuclear and hydroelectric as the only two alternatives to fossil fuels. Hydroelectric energy is very costly in Kazakhstan, which has a scarcity of general water resources. Meanwhile, less contentious renewable energy sources were not mentioned in Tokayev’s address as viable alternatives, thus creating a false dichotomy: It’s either nuclear and hydroelectric or coal.

Additional key problems that make ensuring the safety of nuclear energy difficult in Kazakhstan are accountability and transparency, problems that are quite common in Kazakhstan. 

Following the 2011 Fukushima disaster in Japan , nuclear risk management received a push for accountability from stakeholders in civil society. For example, an assortment of different political groups in the European Parliament called for “a watch on nuclear transparency” and launched the Nuclear Transparency Group. The call for involvement of a wider group of actors was frequently justified by the strong bias in favor of nuclear safety that the nuclear energy industry actors possessed. Involving stakeholders from non-nuclear energy sectors, less affected by the safety bias, thus improves accountability and allows for the prevention of some errors.

Another topic that became widely discussed after the Fukushima disaster was corruption in the nuclear industry, so a stronger accountability system became even more necessary. Thus, public participation is crucial for ensuring the safety of nuclear power plants. In China, for example, there are attempts to bring the public into the discussion, which is difficult to do with a weak civil society — consequently this weakens accountability. It is even more important for nuclear waste management , as that also has long-lasting consequences for the environment of the stakeholders involved. 

While International Atomic Energy Agency regulations are to account for the technological safety of the nuclear plant by, for instance , carrying out the Integrated Nuclear Infrastructure Review, the governance aspect is left largely unaccounted for without a strong civil society. So, within the context of the general lack of transparency and accountability in Kazakhstan and recent precedents of environmental oversight, the safety of the nuclear plant raises questions. 

Kazakhstan struggles with transparency, which affects the way it deals with environmental crises. This lack of accountability and the problems it causes have not gone unnoticed and a new environmental code was passed recently. The code elaborates on citizen participation in environmental decision-making, with Article 26 making it necessary for state representatives to assist civil society representatives in defending their environmental rights. However, such participation is severely limited by laws that only allow for political protests that are previously agreed upon by the local government. 

This tensions has been on display in recent conflicts such as that surrounding the destruction of the Malyi Taldykol lake in Nur-Sultan. Akimat representatives arrived to the protest — activists flamingo birdwatching at the lake — to warn them about the lack of permission for a political protest. The case of Malyi Taldykol also shows the limitations of other participation mechanisms included in the new environmental code, as the working group meetings with independent experts that are included in the code can be conducted irregularly and then stopped abruptly, while not providing the required documentation or scientific basis for their actions and making false promises. Nevertheless, earlier activists were able to defend the Kok-Zhailau national park , but mechanisms to reliably protest are still lacking . Kazakhstani civil society is slowly and steadily emerging, but it also experiences direct pressure and strain from the national government. 

These problems with both the legislation and the practice of environmental affairs in Kazakhstan may impede the implementation of an accountability system for any future nuclear power plant. The systematic repression of civil society impedes the meaningful participation of citizens, and the participation that is still possible is curtailed by legal restrictions. Much of this is not taken into consideration by Tokayev’s “listening state.”  

The shift away from Tokayev’s earlier suggestion of a referendum on nuclear power highlights the lack of avenues for public input in the decision-making process regarding a potential nuclear power plant. Within the context of the larger problems of corruption and a lack of transparency in the Kazakh government, accountability similar to that which exists within the EU regarding nuclear safety is not possible.

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Nuclear Power in Kazakhstan

Ernar sagatov october 24, 2010, submitted as coursework for physics 240 , stanford university, fall 2010.

Kazakh uranium reserves.

Kazakhstan is a former Soviet republic situated in Central Asia. It borders with Russia, China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. While Kazakhstan was a part of USSR, it served as a base for raw metals of Soviet Union. Therefore, Soviet government put a considerable amount of effort into developing heavy industry and the entire infrastructure of the country. After the collapse of the Union in 1991, heavy industry has become the driving force of economic development of the country. As a result, for the economic prosperity of Kazakhstan, a reliable and effective functioning of the industry is required. This, in turn, relies on a continuous supply of electrical power. Additionally, electricity is an intrinsic factor of ensuring civilized living conditions for 15.4 million people. [1] This paper will investigate the potential of the country in nuclear industry as an alternative source for electricity generation for the country in the future.

In 2003, about 70% of electrical power in Kazakhstan was generated from coal. The rest was partitioned among water, gas and oil as indicated in Table 1. Industry was the main consumer of electrical power with 68.7% of total consumption. The rest was partitioned among households, agriculture and so forth as indicated in Table 2. In Kazakhstan, the rated capacity of electrical power production is 18,331 MW. 87.7% of this is made by thermal plants and 12.3% by hydroelectric power stations. Condensation power plants provide 48.9% of the rated capacity (36.6% heating plants and 2.3% gas turbine plants). The Government of Kazakhstan expects electrical power consumption to be 78 billion kWh (2.8 x 1017 joules) in 2010 and 91 billion kWh (3.3 x 1017 joules) in 2015. [2] The only nuclear power plant in Kazakhstan was closed in 1997, which brought the fraction of electricity generation of the country from nuclear sources to zero. [3]

Source Proportion of Total
Coal 70.0%
Hydro 14.6%
Gas 10.6%
Oil 4.9%
total 100.0%

For assessing Kazakhstan's nuclear energy generation capability, its current achievements and potential in each step of nuclear fuel cycle will be considered. Uranium must go through several steps to produce an efficient fuel, which will then be used in a nuclear reactor to produce electricity. These steps are usually divided into two main groups - the front end and the back end of nuclear cycle. The front end is composed of mining and milling, conversion, enrichment and fuel fabrication. The back end refers to temporary storage, reprocessing, and recycling before eventual disposal as waste. [4]

Uranium Mining and Milling

Consumer Proportion of Total
Industry 68.7%
Households 9.3%
Sevice 8.0%
Transport 5.6%
Agriculture 1.2%
total 92.8%

Uranium ore can be recovered through conventional open pit mining or deep shaft mines. It can also be recovered through the in-situ leaching method (ISL). Nearly all of Kazakhstan's uranium mines use ISL method [5]. ISL method is applicable only to sandstone-hosted uranium deposits. These deposits should also be located below the water table in a confined aquifer. The main mechanism of the method is the dissolution of uranium. It is dissolved in either sulfuric acid or a mildly alkaline solution that is injected into the aquifer through a borehole. [4] Uranium orebody is left in the ground. The uranium-bearing solution is then pumped back up to the surface, leaving the rock undisturbed, through another borehole. [4]

In Kazakhstan, uranium exploration started in 1948. Economic mineralization was found in several parts of the country. Today Kazakhstan possesses 1.6 million tons of U reserves. Most of Kazakhstan's uranium reserves (73.9%) are concentrated in the Southeast of the country. There is another 16.5% in the North and 1.8% in the Southwest. State-owned national nuclear company Kazatomprom is the only organization that is involved in uranium mining, reprocessing, export and import operations on the territory of Kazakhstan. Kazatomprom is a holding company with six affiliates and some joint ventures with partners such as Cameco, COGEMA, TVEL and TENEX. [6][7] Currently, Kazakhstan is the world's largest uranium exporter with 14,020 tons of U per year. The country is planning to produce 18,700 tons of U in 2015 and 27,000 tons of U in 2025. [3]

The nuclear fuel cycle. [4]

Conversion and Enrichment

Milled uranium oxide, U3O8, must be converted to uranium hexafluoride, UF6. [4] In June 2008, Kazatomprom and Cameco Corporation established a new joint venture - Ulba Conversion LLP. Annual capacity at the future enterprise is planned at 12,000 tonnes UF6. Commission and production with an annual capacity of 750 tonnes UF6 is planned to start in 2014. [9]

During the enrichment process, uranium hexafluoride is enriched to produce uranium oxide. As part of the process, gaseous uranium hexafluoride is separated into two streams. One stream is enriched to the required level, which is 3-4%, and is known as low-enriched uranium. The second stream is gradually depleted in U-235 and is known as depleted uranium or "tails." At present, the construction of a uranium enrichment plant in Angarsk (Russia, Irkutsk oblast) is at a stage of feasibility study development and coordination with the first product output planned for 2011. It is intended that a 5,000 kSWU design capacity will be achieved by 2013. [10] According to Kazatomprom's press center, uranium will be enriched using an economically sound, energy-saving gas-centrifugal method.

Province Tonnes U Proportion of Total
Chu-Sarysu 968000 60.50%
Syrdarya 198400 12.40%
Northern 256000 16.50%
Ill 96000 6.00%
Caspian 24000 1.80%
Balkash 6000 0.40%
Total 1548400 97.60%

Fuel Fabrication

The next stage of the nuclear fuel cycle, after enrichment, is production of fuel pellets from uranium dioxide (UO2). Fuel pellets are one of the main compounds of nuclear fuel for Nuclear Power Plant (NPP). The Ulba Metallurgical Plant (UMP), a subsidiary enterprise of Kazatomprom in Ust-Kamenogorsk, is one of the world's largest enterprises producing fuel compounds for NPP. UMP has been supplying Russian reactors with fuel for roughly 40 year now. Kazatomprom is also a certified supplier of uranium dioxide powder to an American company General Electric. [11]

In 2007, Kazatomprom and the China Guangdong Nuclear Power Corporation (CGNPC) signed cooperation agreements, as a result of which Kazatomprom will also become one of the nuclear fuel suppliers for CGNPC's NPPs. At present, Kazatomprom conducts active work on qualification tests and fuel compound certification together with its partners from Japan, Korea, China, the USA, France, and Canada. [11]

Power Generation

Currently, there is no electricity generation from nuclear sources in Kazakhstan.[3] The country's only fast breeder reactor operated in Aktau (MAEK-Kazatomprom) from 1972 to 1999.[8] Plans exist to start building a new plant at Aktau in 2011. The plant will host two VBER-300 reactor units, which are products of Atomnye Stancii.[3] Atomnye Stancii is a joint venture between Russia and Kazakhstan that was designed to design, build and sell small and medium sized reactors. The existing site of MAEK-Kazatomprom in Aktau has the necessary infrastructure for the construction and operation of NPPs and this will make project implementation significantly cheaper. [9]

2003 2004 2005 2005
Tonnes U 2946 3712 4362 5281
Revenue (KZT million) 28,330 36,849 50,567 89,422
Conversion Factor 151.9 140.8 134.2 684.7
Revenue (US $ million) 186.5 261.7 376.9 684.7

Kazakhstan has the world's second largest uranium reserves (Table 5). In 2009, it became a leader in uranium ore production with 14000 tonnes of U per year. In cooperation with Canadian Cameco Corporation, Kazakh Kazatomprom is planning to start the operation of uranium hexafluoride conversion plant by 2014.[9] In cooperation with Russian, Kazatomprom is currently running feasibility study of a uranium enrichment plant in Angarsk, Russia. The first product output is planned for 2011.[10] Kazakhstan can also produce fuel for its NPPs domestically at Ulba Methalurgical Plant in Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan. Thus, building a nuclear power plant will increase Kazakhstan's energy independence and, as a result, national security.

Rank Country World's Percentage
1 Australia 23%
2 Kazakhstan 15%
3 Russia 10%
4 South Africa 8%
5 Canada 8%

It should be noted that the nuclear fast-breeder reactor BN-350 has operated in Aktau, for more than 25 years, on the base of the Mangistau nuclear energy complex.[13] There is qualified staff that for 50 years has provided the constant operation of BN-350 and is now dealing with reactor decommission.[13] There are specialists from the institute of nuclear physics in place, and new staff could be educated while the plant is built.[13] Thus, Kazakhstan is ready for NPP's construction and operation.

© Ernar Sagatov. The author grants permission to copy, distribute and display this work in unaltered form, with attribution to the author, for noncommercial purposes only. All other rights, including commercial rights, are reserved to the author.

[1] " Kazakhstan ," CIA World Factbook 2010.

[2] " Power Resources of Kazakhstan ," KazAtomExpo, 2010 (in Russian).

[3] T. Kassenova, " Kazakhstan's Nuclear Ambitions ," Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 28 Apr 08.

[4] " The Nuclear Fuel Cycle ," World Nuclear Association, August 2010.

[5] " In Situ Leaching (ISL) Mining of Uranium ," World Nuclear Association, June 2009.

[6] M.Dzhakishev, " Uranium Production of Kazakhstan as Potential Source for Covering the World Uranium Shortage ," Nuclear World Association Annual Symposium, 2004.

[7] C. Garrett and Z. Aidymbekova, " Uranium Mining in Kazakhstan and Pervasive State Participation ," Macleod Dixon LLP, 2008.

[8] " Uranium and Nuclear Power in Kazakhstan ," World Nuclear Association, 29 Oct 10.

[9] " Conversion ," KazatomProm, 10 Dec 10 (in Russian).

[10] " Enrichment ," KazatomProm, 10 Dec 10 (in Russian).

[11] " Fuel Pellets ," KazatomProm, 10 Dec 10 (in Russian).

[12] M. Á. P. Martin, " Geo-Economics in Central Asia and the 'Great Game' of Natural Resources: Water, Oil, Gas, Uranium and Transportation Corridors ," Real Institute Elcano, April 2010.

[13] " VBER-300 ," KazatomProm, 10 Dec 10 (in Russian).

nuclear energy in kazakhstan essay

(Updated 2016)

This report provides information on the status and development of nuclear power programmes in Kazakhstan, including factors related to the effective planning, decision making and implementation of the nuclear power programme that together lead to safe and economical operations of nuclear power plants.

The CNPP summarizes organizational and industrial aspects of nuclear power programmes and provides information about the relevant legislative, regulatory and international framework in Kazakhstan.


1.1. energy information, 1.1.1. energy policy.

Kazakhstan is a net energy exporter, with large reserves of uranium, oil and coal. Fossil-fired power plants are the basis of the electric energy. The energy policy aims to achieve energy independence through electric power production with maximum use of cheap, low-grade coal. Introduction of nuclear power is included as a necessary option for energy security.

There are six gas pipelines that connect Kazakhstan to other central Asian republics and Russia, but the gas producing regions in the western part of Kazakhstan are not connected to the populous southeast and industrial north parts of the country. Kazakhstan has a major need for more gas pipelines. Kazakhstan is rich in natural resources, but its power sector needs considerable rehabilitation and upgrading to improve the efficiency of energy production and use. The TRACECA Program (Transport System Europe-Caucasus-Asia) is developing an East-West corridor from Central Asia, through the Caucasus, across the Black Sea to Europe.

Kazakhstan is in the process of transition toward a free market, privatization in energy, and encouraging foreign investment to exploit the oil and gas resources of the country. In 1997, the government of Kazakhstan issued a decree on privatization and restructuring in the energy sector. Through this decree, all companies in the energy sector have gone through an incorporation process and are legally prepared for future privatization and restructuring. The Ministry of Oil and Gas and Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan are the main government entity responsible for implementing the policy.

The energy policy of Kazakhstan aims to achieve energy independence through electric power production with maximum use of its cheap, low-grade coal. Table 2.1 shows the dynamical increase of the production of coal, oil and natural gas in the last few years.











1.1.2. Estimated Available Energy

Kazakhstan, the second largest of the former Soviet republics in territory, possesses enormous fossil fuel reserves (see Table 1) as well as plentiful supplies of other minerals and metals. It also is a large agricultural – livestock and grain – producer. Kazakhstan’s industrial sector rests on the extraction and processing of these natural resources and also on a growing machine-building sector specializing in construction equipment, tractors, agricultural machinery, and some defence items.


(1) (2) (3)
170 200 6 500 1 820 1 500 000 2 350 3 900 000
942.20 31.16 66.28 328.31(372.08 47.2 5.525

* Solid, Liquid: Million tons; Gas: Billion m 3 ; Uranium: Metric tons; Hydro, Renewable: TW

Power plants fuelled with coal and crude oil are the basis of Kazakhstan’s electrical energy. Coal is the country’s largest industry, with planned further development if corresponding investments are secured. Coal reserves are estimated at 64 billion tons. Annual hard coal production is about 111.8 million tons; brown coal production is estimated at 4.6 million metric tons. Kazakhstan also has a well-developed oil and gas industry. More than 1,600 oil and gas fields have been located in Tengiz and Karachaganak, containing more than 2.9 billion tons of conditional fuel. Natural gas production was estimated at 5,416 million m 3 in 1993. Kazakhstan has begun building a major oil pipeline, 1,200 km from the west to the east. Construction of three new oil refineries is planned. Every year, about 25 million tons of liquid hydrocarbons and 7 billion m 3 of natural gas are extracted. About 20% of the world’s uranium reserves are in Kazakhstan.

1.1.3. Energy Statistics

Information not available.


         Average annual growth rate (%)
  1990 2000 2005 2010* 2000 to 2010
 Energy consumption**        
       - Total 5.55 2.31 3.01 3.83 5.19
- Solids*** 1.62 0.84 1 1.11 2.83
- Liquids 0.74 0.28 0.38 0.53 6.59
- Gases 0.43 0.19 0.18 0.81 15.60
- Other 2.76 1.01 1.45 1.37 3.10
 Energy production
       - Total 6.42 4.67 6.33 8.33 5.96
- Solids*** 2.5 1.45 1.56 1.99 3.22
- Liquids 1.08 1.48 2.28 2.88 6.88
- Gases 0.24 0.31 0.33 1.02 12.65
- Other**** 2.6 1.44 2.16 2.44 5.42
 Net import (Import - Export)
       - Total -0.24 -1.63 -2.58 -3.12 6.71

* Latest available data

** Energy consumption = Primary energy consumption in country.

*** Solid fuels include coal, lignite

**** - hydro, atomic in 1990 year, and other

Source: The Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Statistics

1.2. The Electricity System

1.2.1. electricity system and decision making process.

To ensure sustainable and balanced growth of the economy through the effective development of the power industry, the need to implement the following tasks:

Modernization, reconstruction of existing generating capacity and construction of new generating capacity.

Construction, modernization and reconstruction of power facilities.

The development of the coal industry.

Improving the structure of the electricity market:

Entering the market power;

the development of the spot market through legislative recognition norms sale-purchase certain volumes of electricity in spot trading.

Involvement in the balance of renewable energy sources.

1.2.2. Structure of Electric Power Sector

The total length of electric lines of all voltages is more than 460,000 km. The first section of the international Siberia-Kazakhstan-Ural transmission line (1,900 km) is operational. This line is expanded to the south to connect north and south Kazakhstan and the power grids in Central and Middle Asian countries. Electricity production is given in Table 3.

The biggest producers of electricity in Kazakhstan are - the "Euro-Asian Power Corporation" (in 1998 14% of total power production), the Joint-stock Company "GRES-2" Pavlodar Region (8.9%), the "Kazakhmis Corporation" (8.5%), the Closed Joint-stock Company "Almaty Power Consolidated" (7.8%), the Open Joint-stock Company "Ispat-Karmet" (6.8%), LLP, "Karaganda Power" (4.4%) and the Joint-stock Company "Aluminium of Kazakhstan" (3.9%).

1.2.3. Main Indicators


18.993 19.128 20.844 21.307
Thermal 16.774 16.706 16.973
Gas 1.546 16.17
Wind 0.006 0.076
Solar 0.002 0.055
Hydro 2.314 2.584 2.587
67.847 82.629 93.94 90.8
Thermal 59.5 72.47 78.77 74.09
Gas 6.92 7.28
Wind 0.009 0.13
Solar 0.001 0.05
Hydro 8.21 10 8.24 9.25
67.717 76.560 91.66 90.85

* – Preliminary data


51.6 71.6 80.35 82.66 90.53 91.88 91.66 90.85
3.48 4.7 5.03 5.03 5.35 5.4 5.26 5.14

Source: The Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on statistic


2.1. historical development and current organizational structure, 2.1.1. overview.

The nuclear scientific-industrial complex in Kazakhstan was established as a unified part of the atomic industry and science in the former Soviet Union.

Kazakhstan's uranium industry consists of uranium prospecting firms, a number of natural mines using mining and underground leaching techniques, and a metallurgical plant producing fuel pellets for NPP fuel assemblies. The power plant at Aktau (MAEC) was shut down in June 1999. It consisted of natural gas units and a nuclear unit. The latter unit is a BN-350 sodium cooled fast neutron reactor.

On the territory of the former Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site three research reactors are engaged in testing and development of nuclear space engines and safe nuclear power plants (NPP). The fourth research reactor is located at the RSE Institute of Nuclear Physics, near Almaty.

The following enterprises are involved in the nuclear industry:

RSE "Institute of Nuclear Physics," situated in Almaty;

NNC, situated in Kurchatov, has the following branches:

"Institute of Atomic Energy"

"Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology";

2.1.2. Current Organizational Structure

nuclear energy in kazakhstan essay

2.2. Nuclear Power Plants: Overview

2.2.1. status and performance of nuclear power plants.


FBR 52 Permanent Shutdown MAEC-KAZ MAEC-KAZ 1964-10-01 1972-11-01 1973-07-16 1973-07-16 1999-04-22
Data source: IAEA - Power Reactor Information System (PRIS).

2.2.2. Plant Upgrading, Plant Life Management and License Renewals

BN-350 reactor facility - fast neutron sodium-cooled reactor - is located near Aktau city in the part of the eastern Caspian Sea shore belonging to the Republic of Kazakhstan. It was designed and built for electricity generation and seawater desalination for the Aktau region.

The BN-350 reactor was commissioned in 1973 and operated for its design life of 20 years.

In 1993, on the basis of estimation of actual reactor condition, qualified personnel availability and taking into consideration significant progress in fulfillment of measures by safety enhancement, a lifetime extension until 2003 was granted. Thereafter it operated on the basis of annual licenses of the regulatory body - The Kazakhstan Atomic Energy Committee (KAEC) and positive conclusion of its safety level from General Designer (VNIPIET, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation), Chief Designer (OKBM, Nizhni Novgorod, Russian Federation) and research Manager (FEI, Obninsk, Russian Federation) of reactor facility.

Due to financial and technical problems it was concluded that the further use of the reactor is not safe. In April 1999, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan adopted the Decree on the Decommission of BN-350 reactor.

As the decision on the reactor decommissioning was adopted before the end of scheduled operation (2003), the plan to decommission the BN-350 reactor had not yet been developed. To determine the activities required for ensuring reactor safety and preparation for decommissioning, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan had developed and approved a "Plan of priority measures on BN-350 reactor decommissioning". This plan has the status of managerial and ruling document and defines the activity on provision of safety for the BN-350 and preparation of decommissioning while the "Project of BN-350 Decommissioning" is being approved. By now, the following activities have been fulfilled:

All spent nuclear fuel had been transferred from the interim spent fuel storage facility at the BN-350 site to the long-term spent fuel storage facility at Baikal-1 site.

Drainage of primary radioactive sodium has been carried out and is in storage vessels. Secondary nonradioactive sodium is drained and utilized.

Technical design of the Liquid Radioactive Waste Processing Facility has been developed.

Technical task for the Solid Radioactive Waste Processing Facility design has been developed.

The main works on Combined Engineering and Radiation Survey (KIRO) of systems and components of primary and secondary cooling circuits, as well as of other reactor plant engineering systems and external communications have been completed.

Scheduled decommissioning phases


Reactor core defuelling
Partial dismantling
Spent fuel packaging period
Spent fuel store period in the reactor pool

Management of fuel removal


Transfer to at-reactor facility
Storage in on-site facility
Under water storage
“Cold run” with TUK-123
December of 2009
TUKs with spent nuclear fuel have been transferred to long-term spent fuel storage facility at Baikal-1 site
January of 2010
November 2010
TUKs with spent nuclear fuel are set to long-term spent fuel storage facility at Baikal-1 site
November 2010

2.3. Future Development of Nuclear Power Sector

According to Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan NPP will be constructed after Government Resolution

No data available data for sections 2.3.1-2.3.5


Station/Project name Type Capacity Expected Construction Start Year Expected Commercial Year

2.4. Organizations Involved in Construction of NPPs

Not applicable

2.5. Organizations Involved in Operation of NPPs

The BN-350 reactor is owned by National Atomic Company "KAZATOMPROM" and operated by LLP "MAEC-Kazatomprom". The reactor was shut down according the decree of the Kazakhstan Government on April 22, 1999. The decision was taken to place it into SAFSTOR state for 50 years with subsequent final dismantling. Now the works on putting of the reactor into SAFSTOR are carrying out. The fuel is unloaded and packaged into canisters and now they are in a temporary store in the reactor cooling ponds. TUKs with spent fuel are transferred from BN-350 site long-term spent fuel storage facility at Baikal-1 site.

About 200 people are working at the power plant. There are 4 shifts. The task of these shifts is maintenance of the reactor in nuclear, radiation and fire safety.

2.6. Organizations Involved in Decommissioning of NPPs

In the decommissioning of nuclear power plants involved different organizations. Some of them are:


RSE "Institute of Nuclear Physics

National Atomic Company "KAZATOMPROM


2.7. Fuel Cycle Including Waste Managemen

Kazakhstan has more than 50 uranium deposits in six provinces: the Kokshetau province in the north and the Pribalkhashsky province in the south have endogenetic type uranium deposits; Iliskaya, Chu-Sarysu, Syr-Dariya, and Prikaspiy provinces have endogenic type deposits. Deposits in Chu-Sayusu and Syr-Dariya provinces are located in sand penetrating sediments and are useful for in-situ leaching processes.

Waste from uranium mining and milling constitutes more than 90% of all radioactive waste in Kazakhstan. Therefore, implementation of the Republic's Concept on the radioactive waste management is the main task.

The Ulba Metallurgical Plant (UMZ) started production of UO 2 fuel pellets in 1976. Physical and chemical technologies are used at all stages of production, from treatment of UF6 material, to conversion into UO 2 , production of UO 2 pellets, and sintering of the pellets. Quality control is maintained during all process stages. The design capacity of the plant is 2,000 tons of pellets per year. Fuel assemblies from UMZ are used at nuclear power plants in Russia, Ukraine, and other countries. The U 235 content is 1.6-5 %. UMZ also produces rare earth metal products and super conducting materials.

The International Atomic Energy Agency Low Enrichment Uranium Bank will be sited in Kazakhstan (JSC “UMZ”).

2.8. Research and Development

2.8.1. r&d organizations.

RSE «Institute of Nuclear Physics»

RSE «National Nuclear Centre»

2.8.2. Development of Advanced Nuclear Power Technologies

Kazakhstan has three research reactors at the National Nuclear Centre and one research reactor at Institute Nuclear Physics where the following research is carried out:

radiation material science; study of the interaction between construction materials and coolants; investigation of fission produced emission from fuel rods, its precipitation and filtration under different conditions;

safety of nuclear power plants; fuel assemblies and rod tests at transition and break-down modes of operation; simulation of reactor core fragment melting and interaction of melted material with coolant;

development and implementation of nuclear physics methods and technologies; production of isotopes for different applications, for example, thallium-201 chloride for early diagnostics of heart decease.

The work on creation and development of Kazakhstan nuclear power composed one of the principal sections in the Republican Target Scientific-and-Technical Program elaborated in 1992 - 1993 and defined goals, tasks and directions of the National Nuclear Center and its institutions.

Kazakhstan Governmental Resolution #925 dated August 20, 2002 adopts the development concept for uranium industry and nuclear power engineering of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the years 2002-2030. The tasks put by in the concept aim at transformation of Kazakhstan power engineering into a high-tech, science intensive, dynamically developing branch that would become a solid basis of forced and sustainable development of the national economics and the nation's prosperity improvement. Now, a national program of RK nuclear industry and power engineering development is under elaboration.

The Program covers the period 2000 to 2030 and defines a strategy of the first stage in creating and developing the national nuclear power.

One of the first steps in carrying out this program was to conduct a feasibility study for construction of nuclear power plants. The NNC RK specialists performed a great work to conduct feasibility studies for building nuclear power plants in certain regions (South Kazakhstan NPP), to validate investments in construction of low-power atomic plants in Leninogorsk and Kurchatov, to develop feasibility proposals on use of nuclear power sources in order to solve problems of Almaty heat-and-power supply.

A successful development of the nuclear power is impossible without solving problems of its safe operation. To create reactors of enhanced safety and systems for localizing design and out-of-design accidents there is a need for detailed analysis of processes related to core melting, fuel, material and nuclear reactor structure behavior in transient and accident modes. One of the directions to validate nuclear power safety is experimental simulation of processes accompanying specific phases in evolution of NPP severe accidents that involve reactor core melting.

At present final phases of severe accidents are least examined when core materials melt (corium) falls on a lower head of the reactor power vessel. The work in this direction on the Semipalatinsk experimental base was started in 1983 and is still continued.

The uniqueness of NNC RK experimental base, results and experience gained through studying the behavior of nuclear reactor fuel, material and structure in simulating transient and accident operation modes cause interest of specialists from different countries.

The most important studies in recent years are those on two projects: experimental studies to validate light-water reactor safety ( COTELS project ) and experimental studies to validate safety of fast reactors ( EAGLE project ).

2.8.3. International Co-operation and Initiatives

Kazakhstan national projects under the program of technical cooperation with

IAEA for 2012-2014

Nuclear Knowledge Management and Preservation in Kazakhstan.
High-Performance Neutron Activation Analysis for Needs of Kazakhstan Industry.
Supporting Upgrades and Conversion of WWR-K Reactor to Low-enriched Uranium Fuel.
Supporting Radioecological Monitoring.

European Regional projects of IAEA for 2014-2015 in which Kazakhstan is taking part

Establishing National Legal Frameworks

Extending and Diversifying the Application of Nuclear Technology in Cultural Heritage
Enhancing Use and Safety of Research Reactors through Networking, Coalitions and Shared Best Practices
Supporting Air Quality Management (Phase II)
Introducing and Harmonizing Standardized Quality Control Procedures for Radiation Technologies

Establishing a Safety Infrastructure for a National Nuclear Power Programme
Strengthening Capabilities for Nuclear Power Plant Lifetime Management for Long Term Operation
Enhancing Energy Planning, Nuclear Power Infrastructures and Nuclear Safety Oversight for Countries Considering Developing or Expanding Nuclear Power Programmes
Supporting Fruit Fly Pest Prevention and Management in the Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean
Strengthening Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography/Computed Tomography (SPECT/CT) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET)/CT Hybrid Imaging Applications for Chronic Disease Diagnosis
Establishing Quality Assurance/Quality Control in X Ray Diagnostics
Improving Radiotherapy Services through Strengthened Knowledge of Radiation Oncologists and Radiation Therapists
Building Capacity for Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology in the Commonwealth of Independent States
Strengthening Medical Physics in Radiation Medicine
Building Capacity for Developing and Implementing Integrated Programmes for Remediation of the Areas Affected by Uranium Mining
Supporting Decommissioning and Waste Management for the Chernobyl, Ignalina and A1 Nuclear Power Plants
Strengthening Radioactive Waste Management Capabilities
Strengthening Education and Training Infrastructures and Building Competence in Radiation Safety
Strengthening the Inspection Capabilities and Programmes of the Regulatory Authorities
Establishing a Sustainable National Regulatory Infrastructure for Nuclear and Radiation Safety
Supporting Decommissioning Implementation for Facilities Using Radioactive Material
Supporting Environmental Remediation Programmes
Supporting Safe Management of Uranium Production Legacy Sites
Supporting the Return to Normal Radiological Environmental Conditions for the Territories Affected by the Chernobyl Accident
Establishing Enhanced Approaches to the Control of Public Exposure to Radon
Strengthening National Capabilities for Radiological Protection of Workers and Occupational Exposure Control
Strengthening Nuclear Safety Assessment Capabilities Through the use of the Safety Assessment, Education and Training (SAET) Programme
Strengthening and Harmonizing National Capabilities for Response to Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies
Improving Operational Safety of Nuclear Power Plants
Strengthening Member State Technical Capabilities in Medical Radiation Protection

2.9. Human Resources Development

When Kazakhstan officially decides to start a NPP, it will be necessary to have a constant flow of highly qualified human resources on all topics related to nuclear power, but since the country has not taken any decision yet, preparing of these human resources is not an immediate priority

2.10. Stakeholder Involvement

The KAEC is the institution in charge of interacting with stakeholders concerned in the country’s current situation in the nuclear field. One of its roles is to supervision on nuclear energy uses spread Public Information and Promotion office by means of presentations, seminars, visits to nuclear and radiological facilities, and through its website.


3.1. safety authority and the licensing process, 3.1.1. regulatory authority(s).

Atomic Energy Committee of the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the regulatory authority.

3.1.2. Licensing Process

The licensing stages for nuclear installations can be briefly represented as follows:

Application for the License;

Analysis of application materials;

Inspection at the nuclear installation;

Conclusion on application materials examination;

Conclusion on nuclear installation inspection;

General conclusion on obtaining license; License.

3.2. National Laws and Regulations in Nuclear Power

Main national laws

Law on use of atomic energy;

Law on radiation safety of population;

Law on licensing;

Ecology Code

Main Regulations in nuclear power

Provision on licensing rules and qualifying requirements claimed to licensable kinds of activities in the sphere of atomic energy use

Regulation on the Atomic Energy Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Technical rules “Nuclear and radiation safety of research nuclear facilities”, adopted by the Government Provision

Technical rules “Nuclear and radiation safety of NPP”, adopted by the Government Provision

Technical rules “Nuclear and radiation safety”, adopted by the Government Provision

All regulating documents have been compiled into a "List of main technical documents of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of atomic energy use”.



NPT related agreement INFCIRC/504
Entry into force
Additional protocol
Entry into force
Supplementary agreement on provision of technical assistance by the IAEA
Entry into force
Agreement on privileges and immunities
Entry into force
Entry into force
Convention on the physical protection of nuclear material
Entry into force
Convention on early notification of a nuclear accident
Entry into force
Convention on assistance in the case of a nuclear accident or radiological emergency
Entry into force
Convention on nuclear safety
Entry into force
Joint convention on the safety of spent fuel management and on the safety of radioactive waste management
Entry into force
Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage
Entry into force
Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material
ZANGGER Committee
Nuclear Export Guidelines
International Convention on Struggle with Acts of Nuclear Terrorism


The Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan on the Peaceful use of Atomic Energy.

The Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan on Transportation of fission materials.

Agreement of KAEA and GAN of the Russian Federation on co-operation in the field of nuclear safety.

Agreement of KAEA and NRC of the USA on technical information exchange and co-operation in the field of nuclear safety.

The Agreement for Co-operation between the United States of America and the Republic of Kazakhstan concerning Peaceful uses of nuclear energy.

The Agreement for co-operation between European Atomic Energy Community and the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of nuclear safety.

The Agreement for co-operation between European Atomic Energy Community and the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of guided nuclear fusion.

The Agreement for cooperation between the Republic of Korea and the Republic of Kazakhstan concerning Peaceful uses of nuclear energy.


Committee of Atomic and Energy Supervision and Control of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Orynbor St. 10, House of Ministries
Astana, 010000
Tel: 7 7172 50 29 53
Fax: 7 7172 50 30 73

Nuclear Technology Safety Centre
Lisa Chaikinoi St. 4
Almaty, 050020
Tel: 7 7272 646 801
Fax: 7 7272 646 803

Republican State Enterprise “National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan”
Lenin St. 6, Vostochno-Kazakhstanskaya oblast, 071100
Tel:. 7 722-51-2-33-33,
Fax: 7 722-51 2-38-58
Republican State Enterprise “National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan” , branch Institute of Radiation Safety and Ecology”
Krasnoarmejskaya St. 4, Vostochno-Kazakhstanskaya oblast, 071100
Tel./Fax: 7 7225 123 413
Republican State Enterprise “National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan” , branch Institute of Atomic Energy,Krasnoarmejskaya St. 10, Vostochno-Kazakhstanskaya oblast, , 071100
Tel: 7 7225 123 202
Fax: 7 7225 123 125
Republican State Enterprise Institute of Nuclear Physics, Ibragimova St.1, Almaty , 050032
Tel: 7 7272 546 467
Fax: 7 7272 546 517
"MAEC-Kazatomprom" LLP, Aktau, Mangistauskaya oblast, 130000
Tel: 7 7292 564 821
Fax: 7 7292 334 364
National Atomic Company "KAZATOMPROM"
Kunaev st. 10, Astana, 010000
Tel: 7 7272 615 425
Fax: 7 7272 503 541

Joint Stock Company "UMZ", Abai St. 102
Ust-Kamenogorsk, 071100
Tel: 7 7232 298 009
Fax: 7 7232 240 683

Report coordinator:

Murat Tulegenov

Institution: Department of development of nuclear and energy projects of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Contacts: [email protected] ; [email protected]

Focal persons: Igor Panov, Tuyakbayev Kanat ;

Institution: Institution: Department of development of nuclear and energy projects of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Committee of Atomic and Energy Supervision and Control of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Contacts: [email protected] ; [email protected]

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Fact Sheet Jan 16, 2024

Nuclear Disarmament Kazakhstan

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Arsenal and Missile Types

NPT Non-Nuclear Weapon State, Formerly Possessed Nuclear Weapons

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Arsenal Size

  • Kazakhstan possesses no nuclear weapons.
  • Kazakhstan formerly had 1,410 Soviet strategic nuclear warheads placed on its territory and an undisclosed number of tactical nuclear weapons .
  • One of the Soviet Union’s two major nuclear test sites was located at Semipalatinsk, where at least 460 nuclear tests took place.

Estimated Destructive Force

Commitments and policies, progress in disarmament.

  • Kazakhstan transferred all of its Soviet-era nuclear weapons to the Russian Federation by April 1995.
  • As part of the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Program the United States assisted Kazakhstan in removing 1,322 lbs of HEU from the Ulba Metallurgical Plant in Ust-Kamenogorsk. The United States paid Kazakhstan $25 million for the HEU transfer.
  • An IAEA -controlled LEU nuclear fuel bank has been constructed at the Ulba Metallurgical Plant and became operational in October 2019.
  • The Semipalatinsk nuclear test site was officially closed in 1991.
  • From 1995 to 2001, as part of the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, the United States assisted Kazakhstan sealing 13 bore holes and 181 tunnels at the test site.
  • From 2012 to 2019 the National Nuclear Security Agency (NNSA) and the Netherlands completed two major radiological security programs in Kazakhstan. These projects secured more than thirteen thousand radioactive sources from Kazakhstan’s National Nuclear Center and the Mangystau Atomic Energy Complex.
  • Kazakhstan initiated a UN General Assembly resolution calling for an International Day Against Nuclear Tests, inaugurated in 2010, in support of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) .
  • In September 2020 Kazakhstan and the United States downblended the last supply of HEU in the country. 2.9 kg of unirradiated HEU was converted to LEU. They also committed to converting the research reactor at Kazakhstan’s National Nuclear Center from and HEU fueled reactor to an LEU fueled reactor by 2021.
  • Security risks, increasingly scrutinized after 9/11, revealed the possibility of scavengers accessing plutonium in the sealed bore holes and tunnels at the site. Between 2001 and 2012 scavengers came within yards of the unguarded fissile material , although there is no indication that any plutonium was removed. October 2012 marked the ceremonial end of the 17-year operation to secure the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site.

nuclear energy in kazakhstan essay

Nuclear Weapon Related Policy

  • Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)
  • Ratified the Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (PTBT)
  • Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT)
  • START I (the first Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty)
  • Ratified the Lisbon Protocol to START I
  • Ratified the Central Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone
  • Signed the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW)
  • Kazakhstan is the only Soviet successor state to have signed the TPNW
  • Kazakhstan is a party to the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CTSO)
  • Kazakhstan permits the testing of Russian ICBMs and ballistic missile defense technology at the Kapustin Yar testing range. One-quarter of that range is located in Kazakhstan.
  • Kazakhstan signed an agreement with a South Korean energy company, Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power, to begin the introduction of nuclear power to Kazakhstan in 2022.

Kazakhstan is the only former Soviet Central Asian nation to ratify the Convention on Nuclear Safety (CNS).

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Information and analysis of nuclear weapons disarmament proposals and progress in Russia

  • Joseph Cirincione, Jon B. Wolfsthal, Miriam Rajkumar, Deadly Arsenals: Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Threats, (Washington, DC, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2005).
  • “The Soviet Union’s Nuclear Testing Programme,” Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO),
  • Tom Collina, “The Lisbon Protocol at a Glance,” Arms Control Association, July 2008,
  • IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano, “Statement to Conference for a Nuclear-Weapons-Free World,” Astana, 12 October 2011,;
  • “Semipalatinsk Revisited: Old Nuclear Test Site Sets New Course,” International Atomic Energy Agency, 31 August 2006,
  • “STS Nuclear Infrastructure Elimination and Conversion,” National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
  • “IAEA LEU Bank Becomes Operational with Delivery of Low Enriched Uranium,” 17 October 2019,
  • “Inventory of International Nonproliferation Organizations and Regimes: Kazakhstan,” James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, updated 18 November 2011,
  • NWFZ Clearinghouse, James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies,
  • “NNSA and the Netherlands Help Kazakhstan Improve Radioactive Source Management,”, Accessed 1 February 2021,
  • “Kazakhstan Statement at the 2015 NPT Review Conference,” Statement by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2015 NPT Review Conference, 27 April 2015,
  • “International Day Against Nuclear Tests,” United Nations, accessed 13 July 2015,
  • “Kazakhstan and U.S. Cooperate to Eliminate Highly Enriched Uranium in Kazakhstan,”, Accessed 1 February 2021,
  • Eben Harrell and David E. Hoffman, “Plutonium Mountain: Inside the 17-Year Mission to Secure a Legacy of Soviet Nuclear Testing,” Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard University, 15 August 2013,
  • Kühn, Ulrich, and Ulrich Kühn, “Kazakhstan – Once More a Testing Ground?” Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Accessed 1 February 2021,
  • “Kazakh, Korean companies to cooperate in nuclear power projects,” World Nuclear News, June 29, 2022,

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The case for nuclear energy in Kazakhstan

nuclear energy in kazakhstan essay

As the world shifts toward clean and sustainable energy, Kazakhstan stands on the cusp of a significant move into nuclear energy. Kazakh president Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has suggested a national referendum to gauge the country’s position on building a nuclear power plant, setting the stage for an in-depth discussion about the nation’s energy trajectory.

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Kazakhstan's nuclear energy referendum to be held this year

27 June 2024

President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has said that a referendum on plans for a nuclear power plant in Kazakhstan will be held this autumn.

nuclear energy in kazakhstan essay

In a speech to media representatives in the country, the president said that "a stable source of energy is necessary for the development of the economy". He said there was "a comprehensive discussion" taking place about the proposed nuclear power plant with "different opinions" and he said the country's mass media "should also actively participate in this process".

He added: "There is a great opportunity to develop nuclear energy in the country. It should be used correctly, effectively. The people will make the final decision on this issue. The referendum will be held this autumn and the government will determine the exact date."

The potential reintroduction of nuclear power is aimed at reducing the country's reliance on fossil fuels, diversifying its energy mix and reducing CO2 emissions. Kazakhstan Nuclear Power Plant (KNPP), which has been designated as the owner/operator of the future plant, began preparing a feasibility study in 2018 to justify the need for nuclear power, the choice of the location for plant construction and to review the plant's projected power output.

Although a positive result in the referendum will be needed for the project to go ahead, some details of the proposed plan have already been emerging, with the World Nuclear Spotlight event in April in the country hearing that a site at Ulken, on the shores of Lake Balkhash, had been identified as the most suitable location, with  Kurchatov as a backup region . The proposed first nuclear power plant would be a large reactor but there are also options for using small modular reactors to replace retiring coal plants in the years to come. The government's target is for nuclear to produce a 5% share of the national generation mix by 2035.

The background

Kazakhstan has 12% of the world's uranium resources and in 2022 it produced 43% of the world's uranium. It has three operating research reactors and a  Russian-designed BN-350 sodium-cooled fast reactor operated near Aktau for 26 years, until 1999.

In November 2023, an International Atomic Energy Agency team conducted a five-day Site and External Events Design (SEED) mission to review the country's site selection process. In January 2023, the Ministry of Energy said that four foreign potential suppliers of nuclear technology were being considered - EDF of France, China National Nuclear Corporation, Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power and Rosatom of Russia.

Researched and written by World Nuclear News

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Kazakhstan looks at possible nuclear power plant sites

Kazakhstan is considering the village of Ulken in the Alma-Ata region and the city of Kurchatov in the East Kazakhstan for the possible construction of its first large nuclear power plant.

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The village of Ulken and the city of Kurchatov region, Minister of Energy Magzum Mirzagaliyev announced at a briefing on 28 December. “We have now calculated a balance of production and consumption of electricity until 2035. We clearly see the need to build a nuclear power plant in order to provide our population and our economy with electricity. It takes up to 10 years on average," he said.

“Ulken looks more interesting from the point of view of infrastructure availability, because there is a north-south power transmission line there. In addition, the village is closer to our main consumers – this is the southern region,” he added, while stressing that the final decision on the site has not yet been made.

In 2019, Russian President Vladimir Putin, at a meeting with Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, proposed expanding cooperation in the energy sector by building a nuclear power plant in Kazakhstan using Russian technologies. In September 2021 Tokayev ordered a  study into the possibility of developing safe nuclear energy in the republic within a year. Speaking at the Forum of Interregional Cooperation between Kazakhstan and Russia in September, Putin said Russia could build a NPP and provide other support to Kazakhstan. In November, Tokayev said that Kazakhstan would have to take a decision to build a nuclear power plant on its territory, in face of emerging signs of an energy shortage.   

Recently the Chairman of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of Kazakhstan, manager of the international financial centre Astana, Kairat Kelimbetov noted that one of the directions of Kazakhstan’s economic development is decarbonisation. “This is a transition to a new state from the energy model, in which we have coal-fired power engineering accounting for 70%. We have made various long-term commitments: Kazakhstan must become carbon neutral by 2060. We were in Glasgow, and by 2030 we must reduce our carbon dioxide emissions by 15%,” he said.

In order to implement these plans, the country needs to attract investments in solar and wind energy, he said, but added that this will not completely replace coal. “Gas is needed somewhere, and here we are cooperating with Gazprom, but, most likely, Kazakhstan will have to build a nuclear power plant. We are already in talks, with Rosatom and others.”  

In December, NuScale Power and Kazakhstan Nuclear Power Plants Limited Liability Partnership (KNPP) announced that they had signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to explore the deployment of NuScale VOYGR small modular reactor (SMR) power plants in Kazakhstan.

The first suggestion to build a new nuclear power plant was expressed in 1997 by the Minister of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Vladimir Shkolnik. Then he meant the construction of a new nuclear power plant to replace the decommissioned power unit of the Mangistau nuclear power plant (MAEK). Since then, there have been several negotiations that have led nowhere.

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What will the construction of a nuclear power plant bring to Kazakhstan? Expert opinion from France

nuclear energy in kazakhstan essay

In Kazakhstan, amidst global trends towards the transition to clean energy sources, the topic of constructing a nuclear power plant (NPP) is becoming increasingly relevant. With the growing demand for reliable and stable energy capacities, the government is considering the possibility of creating its own NPP, which would not only strengthen Kazakhstan's energy security but also position the country as a leader in the nuclear industry in Central Asia. The construction of an NPP opens new horizons for attracting advanced technologies, international cooperation, and investments, which will ultimately contribute to the sustainable economic development of the country.

However, along with the prospects, this project raises many questions regarding safety, ecology, and public support. These aspects are discussed in an interview with Edgar Siberger, a business development expert in the nuclear industry from the international company Assystem, France. In a conversation with Executive Editor Arman Korzhumbayev, Siberger shares his views on the challenges and opportunities awaiting Kazakhstan on the path to building its first nuclear power plant.

How do you think Kazakhstan's strategic position in Central Asia influences decision-making in the field of nuclear energy, especially in relation to neighboring countries?

Kazakhstan, as the largest country in Central Asia, plays a key role in the region, especially in terms of energy. Its strategic location and vast resources, including the largest uranium reserves in the world, make Kazakhstan an important player in nuclear energy. Decision-making in this area is largely dependent on neighboring countries and international partners. Kazakhstan actively cooperates with Russia, China, and other countries in the field of nuclear energy, which opens up opportunities for creating effective regional energy systems. Such cooperation also helps Kazakhstan strengthen its energy independence and ensure stability in the region.

What mechanisms do you consider effective in managing international cooperation on nuclear and energy projects, and how can they be applied to Kazakhstan's NPP construction plans?

On the international stage, the key mechanisms for successful cooperation are transparency, trust, and clear legal frameworks. It is important to establish sustainable and long-term relationships with partners, based on mutual interests. For Kazakhstan, this means active participation in international organizations such as the IAEA and the development of bilateral agreements with leading nuclear powers. Applying these mechanisms to NPP construction projects in Kazakhstan will not only attract advanced technologies but also ensure compliance with high safety standards, which is crucial for the successful implementation of such projects.

From your perspective, what new opportunities in the nuclear industry could Kazakhstan capitalize on as it moves forward with its NPP plans?

Kazakhstan has unique opportunities not only as a uranium supplier but also as a producer of nuclear energy. With the growing interest in clean energy sources, Kazakhstan can become a leader in the development of small modular reactors (SMRs), which offer more flexible and economically advantageous solutions for energy supply. Additionally, Kazakhstan should consider participating in international projects for the development and implementation of nuclear waste recycling technologies, which could significantly increase the added value in the country's nuclear industry.

Based on your professional experience, what measures could the Kazakh government implement to attract foreign investments and expertise and ensure the success of the project?

To attract foreign investments and expertise, Kazakhstan needs to focus on creating favorable conditions for investors. This includes developing and implementing clear and predictable legal frameworks, ensuring long-term stability in the investment environment, and guaranteeing transparency in the contracting process. Additionally, it is important to establish partnerships with leading global companies in the nuclear industry, which can bring in the necessary knowledge and technologies. Kazakhstan should also consider providing tax incentives and other financial stimuli to attract strategic investors.

How important is public support for the success of nuclear projects? What mechanisms does the French nuclear regulator usually use to ensure support for its energy strategy and effective communication with the general public?

Public support plays a crucial role in the success of any nuclear project. In France, where nuclear energy is the main source of electricity, regulators place great emphasis on communication with the public. The main mechanisms include transparent information about safety, environmental aspects, and the benefits of nuclear energy. Public hearings, meetings with local communities, and educational programs are regularly held. It is important to ensure that people have the opportunity to ask questions and receive answers, which builds trust and reduces concerns. Kazakhstan should pay attention to these practices and adapt them to its conditions to ensure broad support for its nuclear initiatives.

Thank you very much, Edgar, for an interesting conversation and valuable insights!

Thank you for the opportunity to discuss such important issues! I am confident that Kazakhstan has all the chances to become a leader in the nuclear industry in Central Asia.

nuclear energy in kazakhstan essay


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Arms Control and Proliferation Profile: India

India possesses an estimated arsenal of 164 plutonium-based nuclear warheads developed outside of the NPT, as it is not a signatory to the treaty. It is actively seeking to expand its nuclear capabilities to form a more mature nuclear triad, including the current development of ICBM and SLBM capabilities. India’s warheads are believed to be stored in a disassembled state, greatly increasing the time required to deploy nuclear weapons, though it remains to be seen whether its nuclear posture and policy will shift with the development of new delivery systems. Though Washington has pushed for increased inclusion of India in nonproliferation regimes in recent years, India still does not allow for international inspections at all of its nuclear facilities and maintains fissile material that could be developed into nuclear weapons. China and other countries blocked India’s bid to become a member of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) in January 2017.

Major Multilateral Arms Control Agreements and Treaties

Export Control Regimes, Nonproliferation Initiatives, and Safeguards

Nuclear Weapons Programs, Policies, and Practices

  • The Nuclear Arsenal, an Overview

Delivery Systems

Fissile Material

Proliferation Record

Nuclear Doctrine

Biological Weapons

Chemical Weapons

Other Arms Control and Nonproliferation Activities

Bilateral Talks with Pakistan

Nuclear Security Summits

Conference on Disarmament (CD)

Nuclear Cooperation Agreements

Civilian Nuclear Trade with India & the 123 Agreement


Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty

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Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (CPPNM)


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CPPNM 2005 Amendment

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International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism




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UN Security Council Resolutions and

The Nuclear Arsenal, An Overview

India developed nuclear weapons outside of the nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT). As of March 2023, India is estimated to have an arsenal of about 164 nuclear warheads for deployment in a nascent nuclear triad. India’s warheads have plutonium cores and are believed to be stored separately from their delivery systems.

India is currently expanding its fleet of ground-launched ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons, modernizing its nuclear-capable fleet of aircraft, and working to put its submarine-based deterrent into operation. India has conducted nuclear tests on three occasions, though it claimed the first one was a “peaceful” nuclear explosion. One test involved two simultaneous explosions while another involved three synchronized blasts.

Land-Based Ballistic Missiles

· The Indian Armed Services deploys nuclear-capable short, medium, and intermediate-range ballistic missiles under the control of its Strategic Forces Command (SFC). The Agni Missile series is the mainstay of its ground-launched nuclear forces, with four types of mobile land-based Agni missiles currently deployed.

· Many of India’s ballistic missiles have been developed as part of its ambitious Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme (IGMDP), managed by the Indian Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO).

· In recent years, Delhi has focused on developing solid-fueled ballistic missiles such as the Agni-P, the Agni-IV, and the Agni-V international ballistic missile (ICBM). These new missiles can be stored in a sealed, climate-controlled tube, which can significantly reduce the time required for preparation and launch.

For more information on India’s ballistic missiles, see the Worldwide Ballistic Missile Inventories factsheet.

Sea-based Missiles/Dual-Capable Fighter Aircraft

· India’s Mirage 2000H, a French plane (also utilized by French nuclear forces until 2018), is known to be nuclear-capable and can deliver gravity-based nuclear bombs.

· It is likely that India’s Jaguar IS fighter-bombers were been modified to deliver nuclear payloads, with two of the four squadrons suspected of having a secondary nuclear mission . However, the Jaguars are now slated for retirement over the next 15 years.

· In June 2016, India’s Sukhoi-30 MKI fighter jet (a Russian aircraft) completed its first flight equipped with the nuclear-capable BrahMos, and 40 of these aircraft are expected to be modified to carry this missile.

· India has been upgrading its aging air force with newer aircraft capable of taking over the air-based nuclear strike role. In September 2016, India signed an agreement with France for the delivery of 36 Rafale fighters (down from its original plan to purchase 126 planes)—after delays due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the full shipment of aircraft was completed in 2022. The Rafale serves a nuclear mission for the French Air Force and can take over that role for the Indian armed forces in the future.

Cruise Missiles

· The BrahMos is a nuclear-capable land-attack cruise missile jointly developed between Russia and India. Its developers list a flight range of 290 km, however, most sources place its range at 300-500 km depending on which variant or launch platform is used. India reportedly conducted a test launch of an extended-range version of the BrahMos in March 2017 that will be able to travel approximately 600 km. It can carry a single nuclear or conventional payload. BrahMos variants can be launched from land-based, ship-based, submarine-based, and air-launched systems, and have been in service since 2005. In 2022, a BrahMos missile was accidentally fired into Pakistan.

· The Brahmos-II, a hypersonic version of the supersonic BrahMos, is currently under development as a joint venture with Russia. Due to Russia’s signatory status in the MTCR (limiting its ability to help other countries develop missiles with ranges over 300 km), the original striking-range of the BrahMos-II was planned at 290 km. However, now that India was inducted into MTCR in June 2016, BrahMos missiles are anticipated to have an extended range of 600 km. A technology demonstrator was test-fired in 2020, with flight trials planned for after 2025.

· The Nirbhay is an indigenous, nuclear-capable land-attack cruise missile currently under development by India. It has an estimated range of 800-1,000 km and can carry a single conventional or nuclear payload, although doubt surrounds its nuclear capability. The Indian Ministry of Defense has moved to acquire 300 Nirbhay missiles for all three armed forces branches, and with the most recent testing in 2021 only a partial success, three more tests are slated before the missile enters service.

  • All of India’s nuclear weapons are plutonium-based.
  • According to material posted by the International Panel on Fissile Materials in 2023, India has approximately 0.7 ± .15 metric tons of plutonium available for nuclear weapons— enough to produce over 100 additional warheads—and up to another 8.5 ± 4.9 metric tons of reactor-grade plutonium in spent fuel, which could be reprocessed for weapons use.
  • Much of its weapons-grade plutonium has been produced at its CIRUS reactor (shut down in 2010), and the Dhruva heavy-water reactor.
  • In 2005, India planned to build 6 fast-breeder reactors which would dramatically increase the speed at which India produces plutonium for its nuclear energy program. Two prototypes were expected to be fully functional by October 2017, however, India has experienced a number of setbacks, with the Department of Atomic Energy now hopeful that the fast breeder reactor at Kalpakkam would be completed by 2024.
  • India agreed in 2006 to allow 14 of its 22 nuclear reactors to be monitored by the IAEA. The IAEA has since signed agreements to safeguard 20 of India’s reactors, most recently in December 2019.

Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU)

  • India produces non-weapons grade HEU to fuel the reactor cores for its nuclear submarine program. It is believed to be enriched to 30–45 percent uranium-235.
  • According to material posted by the International Panel on Fissile Materials in 2023, India’s HEU stockpile is approximately 4.5 ± 2 tons enriched to about 30% uranium-235. India enriches uranium at the RMP facility, which is being expanded .
  • India is currently constructing an enrichment facility for civilian and military purposes at Challakere, Karnataka, deemed the “ nuclear city ” due to the presence of the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Defence Research & Development Organization (DRDO), and Indian Institute of Science (IISc) there.
  • Under the U.S. “Atoms for Peace” initiative, India was a recipient of training and technological transfers intended for peaceful purposes but leveraged for its nuclear weapons program. India’s first nuclear test was of a device derived partially from Canadian and U.S. exports designated for peaceful purposes. That test spurred the United States and several other countries to create the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) to more severely restrict global nuclear trade.
  • The U.S. helped secure a waiver for India on export restrictions of nuclear materials in 2008, causing some to allege that U.S. strategic interests lead Washington to turn a blind eye to proliferation concerns in India.
  • India’s modernization programs and general militarization have resulted in active commercial arms deals and exchanges of military technology with other countries. This has not been limited to the purchase of French and Russian fighter jets and is further exemplified by the joint Russian-Indian development of the BrahMos cruise missile.
  • India is not a signatory to the nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT).

Indian nuclear planning has been largely based on an unofficial document released in 1999 by the National Security Advisory Board known as the draft nuclear doctrine . This document calls for India’s nuclear forces to be deployed on a triad of delivery vehicles of “aircraft, mobile land-based missiles and sea-based assets,” designed for “punitive retaliation.” Indian officials say the size of their nuclear stockpile is based on maintaining a “credible minimum deterrent” and that its abilities must enable an “adequate retaliatory capability should deterrence fail.” Although India reiterated in January 2003 that it would not use nuclear weapons against states that do not possess such arms and declared that nuclear weapons would only be used to retaliate against a nuclear attack, the government reserved the right to use nuclear weapons in response to biological or chemical weapons attacks.

However, given the offensive restructuring of India’s nuclear forces, recent debate has centered on whether India may be considering a “preemptive nuclear counterforce” doctrine. India’s nuclear warheads are believed to be stored in a disassembled state, with the fissile core kept separate from the warhead package. This practice greatly increases the time required to deploy the weapons. However, it remains to be seen how this command-and-control practice will adapt to India’s new submarine nuclear forces and other technologies that enable higher readiness and flexibility.

  • India ratified the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) in 1974 and there is no evidence that suggests it has an offensive biological weapons program.
  • The Indian biotechnology private sector is highly sophisticated and the government conducts biodefense research through the DRDO.
  • India ratified the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) in 1996 and supports the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). India hosted the OPCW 12th Regional Meeting of National Authorities in Asia in 2014.
  • In 1992 India signed the India-Pakistan Agreement on Chemical Weapons for the “complete prohibition of chemical weapons.” Upon signing, both India and Pakistan declared that they did not possess chemical weapons—India lied. However, in 1999 and 2000, Pakistan accused India of launching chemical weapons into Pakistan, an accusation India has denied.
  • In 1997, India declared 1,044 metric tons of sulfur mustard stockpiles. India completed the destruction of its stockpile on schedule in 2009, becoming the third country to completely destroy its chemical weapons.
  • India-Pakistan non-Attack Agreement, entered into force in January 1991.
  • In 1992 India signed the India-Pakistan Agreement on Chemical Weapons for the “complete prohibition of chemical weapons.”
  • After their tit-for-tat nuclear tests in 1998, Pakistan and India volunteered to abstain from nuclear testing.
  • Established a hotline to reduce the risk of accidental nuclear war and agreed to exchange advance notifications of ballistic missile flight tests.
  • In 2007, the fifth round of talks regarding the review of nuclear and ballistic missile-related confidence-building measures took place as part of the Composite Dialogue Process.
  • Talks have stalled since 2019 over tensions in Kashmir, though the U.S. has supported Pakistani efforts to resume dialogue.

In April 2010, India attended the first Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) in Washington, DC where participants included 47 countries, 38 of which were represented at the head of state or head of government level, and the heads of the United Nations, the International Atomic Energy Agency, and the European Union. At the summit, the participants unanimously adopted the goal of securing all vulnerable nuclear material in the next four years. India has also attended the 2012 NSS in Seoul, the 2014 NSS in The Hague, and the 2016 NSS held again in Washington, DC where attendees developed action plans for five global organizations to continue the work of the summits.

Established in 1979 as a multilateral disarmament negotiating forum by the international community, India has been a regular and active participant in the CD. India favors negotiation of a fissile material cutoff treaty that is “effectively verifiable,” which is a condition opposed by the United States. At the CD (and elsewhere), India has consistently called for general nuclear disarmament by all states.

India has nuclear cooperation agreements with a number of states: the U.S., the U.K., Russia, France, Namibia, South Korea, Mongolia, Canada, Argentina, Kazakhstan, and Japan .

In 2014, India and Australia signed a civil nuclear agreement enabling the sale of Australian uranium to support India’s growing nuclear energy needs.

The United States signed a controversial agreement with India to repeal most U.S. and multilateral civilian nuclear trade restrictions on India. In 2006, Congress amended its own domestic legislation to allow nuclear trade with India to proceed. The two governments later concluded a “ 123 Agreement ” (the U.S.–India Civil Nuclear Agreement), which was approved by Congress and signed into law in October 2008 after India received a waiver from the NSG that September. However, current NSG guidelines include the prohibition of exports to countries that do not open all nuclear facilities to international inspections, such as India and Pakistan. The United States has pushed for India to become a member of the NSG, but in January 2017, China and other countries blocked India's membership bid on the grounds that India has not yet signed the NPT.


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Analysis of the spatiotemporal variability of hydrological drought regimes in the lowland rivers of kazakhstan.

nuclear energy in kazakhstan essay

1. Introduction

  • By type of drought: meteorological (atmospheric), soil (agroclimatic), and hydrological
  • By duration of drought: short (duration up to 30 days) and long (more than 30 days)
  • Air temperature: high up to 30 °C and very high above 30 °C;
  • Soil temperature: high up to 40 °C and very high above 40 °C;
  • Water temperature: high up to 28 °C and very high above 28 °C.
  • Hydrogeological: type of water supply of a river or lake, conditions of water occurrence, groundwater supply regime, conditions of underground water supply, and type of hydraulic connection with the river;
  • Morphometric: depth of erosion incision of the channel and catchment area;
  • Meteorological: air temperature, soil temperature, water evaporation, evaporation from soil, and transpiration by vegetation;
  • Anthropogenic water withdrawal for irrigation, water withdrawal by industry, water withdrawal for municipal and domestic needs, and water withdrawal for agricultural needs.
  • Water resource deficits (hydrological droughts can significantly reduce water reserves, leading to serious economic and social consequences);
  • Under conditions of a changing climate, hydrological anomalies, including droughts, are becoming more pronounced;
  • Threat to agriculture (hydrological droughts can lead to reduced crop yields, with negative impacts on food security and human well-being);
  • Droughts can cause soil degradation and changes in ecological systems, which directly affect the sustainability of regions;
  • Assessment and analysis of hydrological drought characteristics are necessary for effective water resources management and the development of drought prevention and mitigation measures.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. description of the study area, 2.1.1. zhaiyk–caspian water management basin, 2.1.2. tobyl–torgai water management basin, 2.1.3. yesil water management basin, 2.1.4. nura–sarysu water management basin, 2.2. research materials.

  • Seventeen hydrological posts in the Zhaiyk–Caspian WMB;
  • Twelve hydrological posts in the Tobyl–Torgai WMB;
  • Seven hydrological stations in the Yesil WMB;
  • Nine hydrological posts in the Nura–Sarysu WMB.
  • Eighteen meteorological stations in the Zhaiyk–Caspian WMB;
  • Eleven meteorological stations in the Tobyl–Torgai WMB;
  • Seven meteorological stations in the Yesil WMB;
  • Ten meteorological stations in the Nura–Sarysu WMB.

2.3. Research Methods

  • A gamma distribution function with the following form is constructed from the precipitation sums data:
  • The cumulative probability function of a standard normally distributed random variable is constructed on the basis of the distribution density;
  • Using the obtained normal distribution, the sums of precipitation are reduced to the form of SPI. A classification of drought conditions is shown in Table 3 .
  • Soil moisture changes respond to precipitation anomalies on a short-term scale;
  • Groundwater and river flow conditions reflect long-term precipitation anomalies.
  • One–two months for meteorological drought;
  • One–six months for agricultural drought;
  • Six–twenty-four months and more for hydrological drought.
  • Zhaiyk–Caspian water management basin

4. Discussion

4.1. zhaiyk–caspian water management basin, 4.2. tobyl–torgai water management basin, 4.3. yesil water management basin, 4.4. nura–sarysu water management basin, 5. conclusions, author contributions, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

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Click here to enlarge figure

Hydrological StationDistance from the River Mouth
Watershed Area
(km )
Average Height of the Basin, (m)Runoff Observation PeriodNumber of Years of
Zhaiyk–Caspian WMB
1Zhaiyk-Kushum732190,000 1912–1918, 1920–2021109
2Zhaiyk-Makhambet145230,000 1936–1941, 1943–202185
3Or-Bogetsay20874803501958–1997, 2000–202162
4Elek-Shelek11237,3002501949–2006, 2008–202172
5Kargaly-Karagala750003701957–2001, 2003–202164
7Ulken Kobda-Kobda17281102401961–202161
8Shyngyrlau-Kentubek8746601301954–2000, 2005–2006, 2011–202160
9Shagan-Kamenny11640001301931–1941, 1948, 1950–201073
10Derkul-Beles5418201011963–1988, 1990–1995, 1997, 1998, 2002–2007, 2009–202152
11Karaozen-Zhalpaktal17813,200 1981, 1982, 1984–1991, 1994–1998, 2000–2002, 2004–2005, 2008–2015, 2017–202132
12Saryozen-Bostandyk20511,000 1975–1978, 1980–1992, 1994, 2008–2009, 2011–2021
13Oiyl-Oiyl42017,100 1981, 1984–202139
15Sagyz-Sagyz348 1601954–1978, 1980–199238
16Olenty-Zhympity1271290801964–1997, 2007, 2009–202148
17Kopyrankaty-Algabas5723801957–1998, 2000–2004, 2006–202153
Tobyl–Torgai WMB
1Tobyl-Akkarga154928203241959–1967, 1969, 1974–1976, 1978–1991, 2004, 2006–2008, 2010–201840
2Tobyl-Grishenka139913,4003201937–1997, 1999–202184
3Tobyl-Kostanay118544,8002681931–1997, 1999–202190
4Ayat-Varvaryinka8510,3002851952–1997, 1999–202169
5Togyzak-Togyzak7079702691936, 1940–1997, 2004–202177
6Obagan-Aksuat10222,3001781938–1944, 1958–1961, 2003–2005, 2007, 2012–202125
7Torgay-Tusum Sands47456,5002281940–1981,1983–1995, 1999–2006, 2010–202175
8Karatorgay-Urpek2915,0003661941–1944, 1947–1990, 1992, 1993, 1995, 2001–2005, 2010–202167
9Sarytorgay-Sarytorgay358704001960–1980, 1982–1984, 1986, 1987, 2009–202139
10Yrgyz-Shenbertal22926,8002701961–1996, 2005, 2006, 2009–202151
11Damdy-Damdy651850 1955, 1956, 1959–1963, 2010–202119
12Uly Zhylanshyk-Korgantas3971706451958–198629
Yesil WMB
2Moiyldy-Nikolayevka224725301973–1995, 2001–202149
3Kalkutan-Kalkutan4416,5003611937–1940, 1955, 1956, 1958–202170
4Zhabay-Atbasar1685303641936–1940, 1944, 1945, 1947–202182
5Akkanburlyk-Vozvyshenka1262503151938–40, 1951–1990, 2003–202162
7Silety-Izobilnoye13414,6003401959–1965, 1968–202161
Nura–Sarysu WMB
1Nura-Besoba89410509001960–2006, 2011–202158
4Nura-Koshkarbayeva36950,7606061960–2015, 2017–202162
6Con-Birlik3810,3004501950–1955, 1957–1966, 1968–1991, 1996, 2001–2005, 200747
7Kulanotpes-Sherbakovsky12445304931962–1965, 1967–199735
8Sarysu-189th passage69826,9006351962–1997, 2000–202158
9Zhamansarysu-Atasu2.592007111932–1997, 2009–202157
SPI Value IntervalsCharacterization of the Dryness Category of the Territory
2.0+Extremely wet
1.5 to 1.99Very wet
1.0 to 1.49Moderately wet
−0.99 to 0.99Near normal
−1.0 to −1.49Moderately dry
−1.5 to −1.99Severely dry
−2 and lessExtremely dry
Index ValueDescription
SDI ≥ 2Extremely Wet
2 ≥ SDI ≥ 1.5Very Wet
1.5 ≥ SDI ≥ 1Moderately Wet
1 ≥ SDI ≥ −1Near Normal
−1 ≥ SDI ≥ −1.5Moderately Dry
−1.5 ≥ SDI ≥ −2Severe Dry
SDI ≤ −2Extremely Dry
Meteorological StationDrought Initial DateDrought End DateDuration of Drought, MonthsSPI MinimumSPI AccumulatedSPI
Zhaiyk–Caspian water management basin
Ural’skJuly 1943September 194526−2.08−25.37−0.98
October 1949September 195683−3.02−115.71−1.39
November 1975October 197611−2.12−16.34−1.49
MakhambetJanuary 1977October 197933−2.08−25.06−0.76
KamenkaJune 1972August 197314−2.53−22.82−1.63
June 1975September 197615−3.3−31.62−2.11
ZhalpaktalAugust 1929May 193121−2.68−28.47−1.36
August 1937May 194145−2.78−56.87−1.26
December 1944September 19459−2.75−14.43−1.6
January 1949June 195241−2.83−67.92−1.66
October 1955July 19569−2.92−14.93−1.66
March 1976December 197721−2.07−16.79−0.8
KaztalovkaNovember 1975August 19769−2.04−13.04−1.45
April 1999September 200017−2.01−20.46−1.2
April 2003July 200863−2.54−67.18−1.07
ShyngyrlauNovember 1939November 194012−2.43−22.29−1.86
August 1951August 195436−2.32−36.87−1.02
September /2014April 201619−4.02−44.61−2.35
DzhambeityJune 1936November 194053−2.42−73.11−1.38
April 1950September 195341−2.83−41.51−1.01
October 1955October 195612−2.78−20.74−1.73
March 2015April 201613−2.5−22.67−1.74
AktobeJune 1930September 193227−2.37−28.5−1.06
September 1933July 194194−3.27−140.96−1.5
April 1950September 195677−2.83−90.66−1.18
August 1975October 197614−2.05−11.75−0.84
NovorossiyskoyeJune 1930August 193114−2.99−18.76−1.34
October 1932August 1941106−3.46−212.42−2
August 1944September 194513−2.71−25.78−1.98
KosistekAugust 1965June 19669−2.28−9.34−1.04
August 1975December 197728−2.68−31.43−1.12
August 2010August 201112−2.01−14.26−1.19
November 2012September 201310−2.1−14.56−1.46
March 2015February 201611−2.11−8.84−0.8
June 2019July 202013−2.09−15.43−1.19
RodnikovkaDecember 1939April 194116−2.61−25.66−1.6
April 1944August 194516−3.71−41.28−2.58
May 1950December 195343−2.72−48.48−1.13
September 1975July 197610−2.3−8.87−0.89
August 2010September 201113−2.03−15.71−1.21
November 2012September 201310−2.25−15.87−1.59
February 2015March 201613−2.48−18.12−1.39
Il’inskySeptember 1975July 197610−2.68−14.92−1.49
September 2012September 201312−2.53−20.65−1.72
EmbaJuly 1929July 193124−2.44−28.74−1.2
July 1933November 193752−2.59−78.96−1.52
September 1944December 194515−2.49−22.27−1.48
September 1951May 195320−2.15−18.25−0.91
MugodzharskayaJune 1936March 194045−2.62−64.81−1.44
January 1949September 195020−3.01−25.91−1.3
August 1951October 195326−3.47−44.61−1.72
January 2019January 202012−2.05−13.92−1.16
KaraulkeldyJuly 1939May 194122−2.18−23.49−1.07
March 1949May 195350−3.37−65.87−1.32
October 1955October 195612−2.17−11.22−0.94
June 1975July 197837−2.82−43.97−1.19
UilDecember 1935August 194168−3.1−123.35−1.81
September 1951September 195212−2.16−9.02−0.75
October 1955July 19569−2.17−9.84−1.09
August 1975September 197613−2.66−17.08−1.31
ShalkarApril 1944March 194623−3.3−41.34−1.8
June 1951June 195212−2.75−19.47−1.62
April 1955June 195614−2.87−30.88−2.21
June 1957April 195810−2.17−11.87−1.19
AyakkumDecember 1950September 195221−2.77−36.46−1.74
October 1996April 19976−2.2−9.18−1.53
Tobyl–Torgai water management basin
DzhetygaraJanuary 1952May 195652−2.31−53.73−1.03
August 1961September 196325−2.33−36.38−1.46
November 1975November 197612−2.08−11.42−0.95
ArshalinskyJune 1973July 197413−2.19−9.92−0.76
August 1975December 197728−3.04−40.99−1.46
April 2009November 201019−2.16−19.2−1.01
TobolDecember 1951June 195318−2.65−25.86−1.44
July 1955May 195610−2.52−21.93−2.19
July 1995May 199946−2.86−80.96−1.76
ArkalykSeptember 1955January 195828−2.78−37.77−1.35
September 1975June 19769−2.05−7.23−0.8
AmangeldySeptember 1975October 197613−2.24−12.53−0.96
EkidynAugust 1975May 197833−2.61−41−1.24
December 1993November 199411−2.28−11.29−1.03
August 2006August 200712−2.71−15.82−1.32
IrgizAugust 1927June 192810−2.13−12.1−1.21
April 1944December 194520−3.65−40.84−2.04
November 1991October 199211−2.08−10.4−0.95
KomsomolskoyeJuly 1975April 197833−3.01−34.91−1.06
May 1996November 199718−2.13−17.9−0.99
KarabutakSeptember 1951May 195320−2.01−16.71−0.84
August 1955May 19569−2.66−17.3−1.92
July 1975October 197951−2.9−71.37−1.4
KulzhambaiMarch 1996March 199712−2.28−16.74−1.4
January 2006January 200824−2.89−29.36−1.22
KushmurunJune 1945July 194613−2.58−16.5−1.27
March 1949July 195016−2.78−19.82−1.24
September 1951August 195323−2.23−35.67−1.55
July 1998June 199911−2.03−15.58−1.42
Yesil water management basin
ArshalyJune 1977May 197811−2.09−9.33−0.85
November 1991August 19929−2.17−14.05−1.56
January 1998May 200028−2.31−34.77−1.24
August 2006June 200710−2.01−10.73−1.07
AstanaDecember 1950July 195331−3.97−71.65−2.31
August 1955April 195832−3.62−43.67−1.36
June 1982May 198311−2.17−9.15−0.83
AkkolJuly 1935September 193950−3.23−89.9−1.8
September 1940October 194113−2.32−21.3−1.64
July 1952May 195422−2.26−14.4−0.65
October 1955March 195717−2.1−15.56−0.92
January 1998February 200025−2.29−22.77−0.91
BalkashinoSeptember 1936August 194159−2.22−57.68−0.98
September 1951July 195322−2.71−37.11−1.69
AtbasarJune 1937October 193816−2.24−24.28−1.52
May 1949July 195350−3.27−89.33−1.79
June 1955May 195835−3.03−51.59−1.47
October 1968July 19699−2.15−17.2−1.91
RuzayevkaApril 1937August 193816−2.78−30.58−1.91
August 1948August 195024−2.48−32.51−1.35
September 1951June 195321−2.22−24.85−1.18
July 1965July 196612−2.88−25.85−2.15
July 1975August 197725−2.63−33.04−1.32
EreimentauDecember 1955July 195831−2.7−38.63−1.25
August 1965June 196610−2.11−10.54−1.05
May 1998June 199913−2.64−18.79−1.45
November 2010October 201111−2.64−17.68−1.61
Nura–Sarysu water management basin
Bes-ObaAugust 1944August 194624−2.03−27−1.12
April 2012July 201651−2.03−41.93−0.82
KaragandyAugust 1944August 194624−2.29−43.39−1.81
October 1950February 195440−3.52−62.49−1.56
October 1955December 195726−2.17−31.04−1.19
Aksu-AyulyJanuary 1951December 195335−2.61−44.07−1.26
August 1955May 195833−2.5−42.32−1.28
KorneevkaAugust 1974June 197846−2.7−56.49−1.23
September 1997July 199810−2.41−16.72−1.67
May 1999May 200012−2.73−8.53−0.71
July 2003April 20049−2−8.82−0.98
RodnikovskyJuly 1997June 199923−3.54−46.9−2.04
ZharykDecember 1936March 193815−2.82−33−2.2
March 1939June 194799−3.47−153.35−1.55
November 1950January 195438−2.87−51.47−1.35
August 1955March 195831−2.39−49.51−1.6
Zhana ArkaJuly 1940February 194219−2.16−25.71−1.35
January 1945May 194728−2.52−25.69−0.92
May 1951September 195216−3.39−35.26−2.2
September 1955April 195831−2.45−44.53−1.44
December 1991September 19929−2.18−10.61−1.18
ZhezkazganMarch 1939February 194011−2.13−7.78−0.71
April 1944January 194621−3.32−54.53−2.6
January 1951June 195329−2.92−49.64−1.71
ZlikhaMay 1957April 195811−2.21−12.89−1.17
November 1995April 199941−3.28−65.94−1.61
KyzyltauJuly 1950June 195223−3.02−49.91−2.17
December 1998September 200133−3−60.2−1.82
Hydrological PostObservation PeriodWhole Observation
Conditionally Natural
Period up to 1973
Current Period after 1974
Number of CasesSDI Number of CasesSDI Number of CasesSDI Number of CasesSDI Number of CasesSDI Number of CasesSDI
Zhaiyk–Caspian water management basin
Tobyl–Torgai water management basin
Torgay-Tusum Sands1940–202142−2.31392.5618−2.31392.5624−2.15231.57
Uly Zhylanshyk-Korgantas1958–198716−2.08132.0510−2.08131.536−1.2772.05
Yesil water management basin
Nura–Sarysu water management basin
Sarysu-189th passage1962–202135−1.73243.617−1.4551.2228−1.73193.61
The statements, opinions and data contained in all publications are solely those of the individual author(s) and contributor(s) and not of MDPI and/or the editor(s). MDPI and/or the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to people or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content.

Share and Cite

Birimbayeva, L.; Makhmudova, L.; Alimkulov, S.; Tursunova, A.; Mussina, A.; Tigkas, D.; Beksultanova, Z.; Rodrigo-Clavero, M.-E.; Rodrigo-Ilarri, J. Analysis of the Spatiotemporal Variability of Hydrological Drought Regimes in the Lowland Rivers of Kazakhstan. Water 2024 , 16 , 2316.

Birimbayeva L, Makhmudova L, Alimkulov S, Tursunova A, Mussina A, Tigkas D, Beksultanova Z, Rodrigo-Clavero M-E, Rodrigo-Ilarri J. Analysis of the Spatiotemporal Variability of Hydrological Drought Regimes in the Lowland Rivers of Kazakhstan. Water . 2024; 16(16):2316.

Birimbayeva, Lyazzat, Lyazzat Makhmudova, Sayat Alimkulov, Aysulu Tursunova, Ainur Mussina, Dimitris Tigkas, Zhansaya Beksultanova, María-Elena Rodrigo-Clavero, and Javier Rodrigo-Ilarri. 2024. "Analysis of the Spatiotemporal Variability of Hydrological Drought Regimes in the Lowland Rivers of Kazakhstan" Water 16, no. 16: 2316.

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Ukraine war latest: Ukraine blows hole in another Russian bridge; Kursk offensive puts 'new constraints' on Putin's war plans

Ukraine has attacked a second Russian bridge in the Kursk region in a week as it continues its offensive across the border. Analysts say the incursion has put pressure on Russian forces across the frontline and forced Vladimir Putin to decide how to defend the border long-term.

Sunday 18 August 2024 20:20, UK

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  • Kursk offensive puts new pressures on entire Russian frontline, analysts say
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  • Russia launches third ballistic missile attack on Ukrainian capital this month
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Ukraine is "still inflicting losses" on Russia, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has said in his nightly address.

He claimed Ukraine's operation in Russia's Kursk region is damaging "the Russian army, state, their defence industy and their economy".

Mr Zelenskyy posted a video showing a growing cloud from a bridge explosion, with one of its sections destroyed.

He also thanked his soldiers stationed over the Russian border and asked his Ukraine's allies to speed up the delivery of promised military aid.

"Regarding deliveries from our partners - need acceleration, we ask very much. War has no holidays," he warned.

Yesterday, the German government was forced to deny rumours it is planning to halve its military aid to Ukraine in 2025.

A crater was left in the Kyiv region in the aftermath of a Russian missile attack.

Images show locals looking on at the destruction left by the strike, in a seemingly rural area.

Parts of the missile remained scattered across the ground.

This comes after Russia launched its third ballistic missile attack on Kyiv this morning (see 07:35 post).

Preliminary data showed all missiles were destroyed on their approach to the city, the military administration of the Ukrainian capital said. 

Two people have been killed in a Ukrainian shelling of Donetsk, according to the Russian-installed mayor.

A man and a woman were said to have been killed on Sunday, local mayor Alexei Kulemzin said.

Sky News has not been able to independently verify his claim.

It would continue Kyiv's push into Russian territory and their newfound aggression in the face of Russia's invasion.

This comes after, earlier in the day, Russian forces were said to have taken control of the village of Svyrydonivka, in the same region, according to TASS state news agency.

Chechnya President Ramzan Kadyrov has invited Elon Musk to Russia after being filmed behind the wheel of one of Tesla's Cybertrucks mounted with a machine gun.

Kadyrov, sanctioned by the US after being linked to numerous human rights violations, said he "literally fell in love" with the car and would donate it to Russian forces fighting in the invasion of Ukraine.

The president, who rules over Chechnya, a republic within the Russian Federation, claimed he received the truck from Musk, although this was not independently confirmed.

Messages left with Tesla by AP seeking comment were not immediately returned.

"It's not for nothing that they call this a cyberbeast. I'm sure that this beast will bring plenty of benefits to our troops."

Inviting Musk to Chechnya, Kadyrov said: "I don't think the Russian foreign ministry would mind such a trip.

"And, of course, we're waiting for your new developments that will help us finish our special military operation." 

Russian officials often refer to its invasion as a "special military operation".

More than 3,000 people were evacuated in 24 hours between Friday and Saturday from areas in Russia's Kursk region, according to local authorities.

Russia says the Ukrainian incursion has led to the evacuation of more than 120,000 civilians in total.

More than 10,000 Kursk residents were staying at temporary accommodation centres across the country, the Russian Emergency Ministry said.

Kyiv's offensive came as a shock to Yan Furtsev, an activist and member of the local opposition party Yabloko.

"No one expected that this kind of conflict was even possible in the Kursk region. 

"That is why there is such confusion and panic, because citizens are arriving [from frontline areas] and they're scared, very scared."

Russia has denied any talks were taking place with Kyiv about halting strikes on energy targets before Ukraine's Kursk offensive.

The Washington Post reported yesterday the incursion derailed indirect talks on civilian infrastructure facilities, with delegations set to be sent to Qatar.

The agreement would have amounted to a partial ceasefire, the Post said.

But Russian foreign ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova refuted the report: "No one broke anything off because there was nothing to break off.

"There have been no direct or indirect negotiations between Russia and the Kyiv regime on the safety of civilian critical infrastructure facilities." 

Ukraine's government did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment. 

Ukraine has dismissed Belarusian border tension claims as false.

President Aleksandr Lukashenko was just trying to "appease" Russia when he said he was sending a third of the Belarusian army to the Ukrainian border, said Andrii Demchenko, spokesperson for the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

"We have not seen an increase in the equipment or manpower of Belarusian units near our border," he said.

"The situation on the border with the Republic of Belarus remains unchanged. 

"As you can see, Lukashenko's rhetoric is consistent, exacerbating the situation at regular intervals to appease the terrorist country."

We can now bring you video of the Ukrainian strike on the second bridge in Kursk this week.

A plume of smoke can be seen erupting from the construction in footage  published by the Ukrainian air force.

The attacks on bridges crossing the river Seym, one in Zvannoe and the other in Glushkovo, are thought to be attempts to hamper Russian attempts to resupply its troops in the region.

We've had more details from Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko on his movement of troops to the Ukrainian border.

Minsk has deployed nearly a third of its armed forces along the entire border, the Belta state news agency reported.

The exact number of soldiers was not specified, but Belarus' professional army consists of 48,000 and around 12,000 state border troops, according to the 2022 International Institute for Strategic Studies' Military Balance.

The president claimed Ukraine had stationed more than 120,000 troops at its border with Belarus.

"Seeing their aggressive policy, we have introduced there and placed in certain points - in case of war, they would be defence - our military along the entire border," Belta cited Mr Lukashenko as saying in an interview with Russian state television.

Yesterday, Kyiv said it had seen no signs of a Belarusian troop build-up at the border.

Belarusian defence minister Viktor Khrenin said on Friday there was a high probability of an armed provocation from Ukraine and that the situation at their shared border "remains tense". 

Western leaders have left "handcuffs" on Ukrainians using their donated weapons because they fear playing to Vladimir Putin's agenda,  military analyst Sean Bell  says.

While the UK gave Ukraine free reign over its donated Storm Shadow missiles, so long as they hit military targets, the British government wants consensus with the US before they are used inside Russia - and "the US is rather cautious still".

Bell explains the argument made in the West - especially the US - is that they do not want to lend any credence to Putin's claims that Russia is fighting NATO or the West, rather than Ukraine.

" The risk is it plays to that agenda and Putin starts saying 'I'm actually in a war against the West' and therefore starts to respond accordingly."

Bell said: "But these handcuffs on the Ukrainians led to President Zelenskyy last night, in his nightly address, praising the West, particularly singling out the UK, for providing great weapons but also urging that the limitations are freed."

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Dr. Kgosientsho Ramokgopa Withdraws 2,500MW Nuclear Procurement Determination

The minister acknowledged that the omission came to light only after court papers were filed, prompting the withdrawal of the gazette to allow for public consultation..

Dr. Kgosientsho Ramokgopa Withdraws 2,500MW Nuclear Procurement Determination

  • South Africa

Minister of Energy and Electricity, Dr. Kgosientsho Ramokgopa, has announced the withdrawal of the Ministerial Determination for the procurement of 2,500MW of nuclear energy. The decision was made to ensure that the process includes public participation, which had been overlooked, leading to legal challenges. Speaking at a media briefing in Pretoria, the Minister emphasized the importance of transparency and public confidence in the procurement process.

The determination, previously supported by the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa), faced criticism for not including public comments, which led to legal pressure. The Minister acknowledged that the omission came to light only after court papers were filed, prompting the withdrawal of the gazette to allow for public consultation.

Although this decision will delay the nuclear procurement process by an estimated three to six months, Dr. Ramokgopa stressed the need to protect the integrity and transparency of the process. He assured the public that the government remains committed to including nuclear energy in South Africa's future energy mix, as outlined in the Integrated Resource Plan 2019.

Despite the setback, the Minister reiterated that nuclear energy remains a crucial part of the country's energy security strategy, and the procurement process will proceed once public input has been adequately considered and Nersa's concurrence is obtained.

  • Dr. Kgosientsho Ramokgopa
  • nuclear energy

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nuclear energy in kazakhstan essay

Nuclear energy is a form of energy released from the nucleus, the core of atoms, made up of protons and neutrons. This source of energy can be produced in two ways: fission – when nuclei of atoms split into several parts – or fusion – when nuclei fuse together.

The nuclear energy harnessed around the world today to produce electricity is through nuclear fission, while technology to generate electricity from fusion is at the R&D phase. This article will explore nuclear fission. To learn more about nuclear fusion, click here .

What is nuclear fission?

Nuclear fission is a reaction where the nucleus of an atom splits into two or more smaller nuclei, while releasing energy.

For instance, when hit by a neutron, the nucleus of an atom of uranium-235 splits into two smaller nuclei, for example a barium nucleus and a krypton nucleus and two or three neutrons. These extra neutrons will hit other surrounding uranium-235 atoms, which will also split and generate additional neutrons in a multiplying effect, thus generating a chain reaction in a fraction of a second.

Each time the reaction occurs, there is a release of energy in the form of heat and radiation . The heat can be converted into electricity in a nuclear power plant, similarly to how heat from fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil is used to generate electricity.

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Nuclear fission (Graphic: A. Vargas/IAEA)

How does a nuclear power plant work?

Inside nuclear power plants, nuclear reactors and their equipment contain and control the chain reactions, most commonly fuelled by uranium-235, to produce heat through fission. The heat warms the reactor’s cooling agent, typically water, to produce steam. The steam is then channelled to spin turbines, activating an electric generator to create low-carbon electricity.

Find more details about the different types of nuclear power reactors on this page .

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Pressurized water reactors are the most used in the world. (Graphic: A. Vargas/IAEA)

Mining, enrichment and disposal of uranium

Uranium is a metal that can be found in rocks all over the world. Uranium has several naturally occurring isotopes , which are forms of an element differing in mass and physical properties but with the same chemical properties. Uranium has two primordial isotopes: uranium-238 and uranium-235. Uranium-238 makes up the majority of the uranium in the world but cannot produce a fission chain reaction, while uranium-235 can be used to produce energy by fission but constitutes less than 1 per cent of the world’s uranium.

To make natural uranium more likely to undergo fission, it is necessary to increase the amount of uranium-235 in a given sample through a process called uranium enrichment. Once the uranium is enriched, it can be used effectively as nuclear fuel in power plants for three to five years, after which it is still radioactive and has to be disposed of following stringent guidelines to protect people and the environment. Used fuel, also referred to as spent fuel, can also be recycled into other types of fuel for use as new fuel in special nuclear power plants.

What is the Nuclear Fuel Cycle?

The nuclear fuel cycle is an industrial process involving various steps to produce electricity from uranium in nuclear power reactors. The cycle starts with the mining of uranium and ends with the disposal of nuclear waste.

Nuclear waste

The operation of nuclear power plants produces waste with varying levels of radioactivity. These are managed differently depending on their level of radioactivity and purpose. See the animation below to learn more about this topic.

Radioactive Waste Management

Radioactive waste makes up a small portion of all waste. It is the by-product of millions of medical procedures each year, industrial and agricultural applications that use radiation and nuclear reactors that generate around 11 % of global electricity. This animation explains how radioactive waste is managed to protect people and the environment from radiation now and in the future.

The next generation of nuclear power plants, also called innovative advanced reactors , will generate much less nuclear waste than today’s reactors. It is expected that they could be under construction by 2030.

Nuclear power and climate change

Nuclear power is a low-carbon source of energy, because unlike coal, oil or gas power plants, nuclear power plants practically do not produce CO 2 during their operation. Nuclear reactors generate close to one-third of the world’s carbon free electricity and are crucial in meeting climate change goals.

To find out more about nuclear power and the clean energy transition, read this edition of the IAEA Bulletin .

What is the role of the IAEA?

  • The IAEA establishes and promotes international standards and guidance for the safe and secure use of nuclear energy to protect people and the environment.
  • The IAEA supports existing and new nuclear programmes around the world by providing technical support and knowledge management. Through the Milestones Approach , the IAEA provides technical expertise and guidance to countries that want to develop a nuclear power programme as well as to those who are decommissioning theirs.
  • Through its safeguards and verification activities, the IAEA oversees that nuclear material and technologies are not diverted from peaceful use.
  • Review missions and advisory services led by the IAEA provide guidance on the activities necessary during the lifetime of production of nuclear energy: from the mining of uranium to the construction, maintenance and decommissioning of nuclear power plants and the management of nuclear waste.
  • The IAEA administers a reserve of low enriched uranium (LEU ) in Kazakhstan, which can be used as a last resort by countries that are in urgent need of LEU for peaceful purposes.

This article was first published on on 2 August 2021.

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  • Nuclear explained
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Tennessee 'Opportunities Workshop' Ramps Commercial Nuclear Power Prospects for Data Centers

The Sequoyah Nuclear Plant is a nuclear power generating station located on 525 acres located 7 miles east of Soddy-Daisy, Tennessee, and 20 miles north of Chattanooga.

In the roughly two years since Chat-GPT made AI and its impact on data centers a central topic of conversation, the issue of finding enough power for data center growth and expansion has also become of central interest. That interest has made the prospect of more nuclear power a primary concern of the data center industry.

Why Nuclear Energy?

According to the  U.S. Energy Information Administration's February 2024 report, total power generation last year, from all sources, was 4,178 billion kWh. And as of 2024, the 94 nuclear reactors operating in the United States generate about 19% of the nation's total power production. 

Renewables (wind, hydro, solar, biomass, etc.) were responsible for slightly more, at 21%, but what that means is that nuclear generates just under 50% of all available clean power.

For an industry such as the data center sector that is rapidly making sustainability, decarbonization,   and energy procurement primary focuses of interest, nuclear has become a high profile topic. To wit, the modeling of power system decarbonization has implied that the U.S. will need as much as 770 GW of additional clean, firm generation capacity to reach net-zero by the year 2050. 

This aligns with the U.S. joing 28 other countries in a pledge to triple nuclear power production by 2050. As shown in the following chart, the value proposition for the decarbonization of power generation puts the potential development of nuclear power at the top of the list.


Nuclear Opportunities Workshop

In July at the East Tennessee Economic Council’s  Nuclear Opportunities Workshop in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Brian Smith, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Reactors, Office of Nuclear Energy, U.S. Department of Energy, spoke on the government’s efforts to, if not restart, then perhaps reinvigorate the development of nuclear power in the U.S. 

Many of the development programs and funding opportunities for nuclear energy predate the more recent focus on the significant power demands of the data center industry.

Smith pointed out the importance of investments in public/private development intitiatives, acknowledging that efforts initially funded in 2020 by the Advanced Reactor Demonstration Program (ARDP),  which supported cost-shared programs with industry partners, and have recently started breaking ground and becoming tangible potential assets for power generation.

The ARDP is leveraging the capabilities of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s  National Reactor Innovation Center, which works with the seventeen existing DOE national laboratories to examine the challenges and address issues that hinder progress with the development of nuclear power.

Secretary Smith commented that in his role with the DOE, he often sits down with data center companies who tell him that they're really interested in nuclear energy - but don’t really know what that means.

He stated jokingly that "much of their knowledge is based on watching the Simpsons."

More seriously, he said he finds himself often putting the current state of nuclear power into context, identifying the large-scale reactors that represent the current power generation facilities and explaining how microreactors and small modular reactors (SMRs) can fit into the future plans of these data center companies.

Where Is the Money Going?

Some of the funding for nuclear energy expansion has been for very basic things.

For example, 2023’s national security supplemental appropriations bill included $2.7 billion to increase domestic uranium enrichment, critical for the operation of nuclear power plants.

Low-enriched uranium (LEU – 3%-5% fissile U235-isotope), sourced from three different domestic sites, is used by most existing commercial nuclear reactors. This investment is absolutely critical to the future of domestic nuclear power.

High assay-low enrichment uranium (HALEU – 5%-20% U235) is being used by many of the new, advanced reactor designs, including several of the SMR and microreactor designs that have been proposed and are currently under development.

However, one of the only sources for readily available HALEU fuel, as noted in news reports earlier this year, is via purchases made from Russia, a not-too-viable solution given the current global political situation.

Money is also being spent to further drive the public/private partnership aspect of available funding.

Smith told us, “There was somebody that I really respect in this industry who said, 'Hey, you know, one thing that I see lacking at DOE: you all are real good at the R&D, everything you do with the labs, everything that you do to support demonstration -- but you all don't do commercialization all that well.” 

Addressing this industry concern, of the $900 million available in the fiscal 2024 budget for projects to actually deploy a generation 3+ SMR, $800 million requires that the primary applicant for the funding must be a utility company.

Smith added, “We want the utilities to partner up with the technology vendors, show us your best ideas, and go and actually deploy a Gen 3+ SMR.”  

He also pointed out that this notion represents a shift in thinking from the perspective of the DOE, with the active encouragement of commercial utilities connecting to many of the DOE startup-funded advanced nuclear partners.

What’s Next?

It’s clear that the data center industry is taking nuclear power seriously. Hyperscalers Amazon, Google, and Microsoft have all expressed significant interest in utilizing nuclear power.

Amazon purchased space from Talen Energy collocated with a nuclear power plant earlier this year. Microsoft and Google have teamed up with Nucor on clean energy projects. Bill Gates, through his TerraPower nuclear startup, spent $2 billion to match the $2 billion from the federal government, and we’ve covered many of the letters of intent signed with  startup Oklo to provide significant power capacity to data centers .

Many of the advanced nuclear startups are looking to have demonstration reactors running in the next two to three years, with full scale power generation available by early 2030.

What that tells us now is that there is no simple answer. It’s not only a technology issue, as all eyes will continue to be focused on the NRC and the approval process for deploying commercial nuclear power. Changes are being made, but the extended, multi-decade time frame that many commercial reactors saw in the past is unacceptable for future deployments.

From listening to speakers representing the government at the conference, this is also an issue that the DOE and NRC will be addressing -- hopefully, in time to meet the energy demands of the data center industry and the rest of the country.

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  21. Kazakhstan's nuclear energy referendum to be held this year

    to be held this year. 27 June 2024. President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has said that a referendum on plans for a nuclear power plant in Kazakhstan will be held this autumn. In a speech to media representatives in the country, the president said that "a stable source of energy is necessary for the development of the economy".

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    The LEU contained within the Bank can be used to produce enough nuclear fuel to power a large city for three years. The Republic of Kazakhstan and the IAEA have agreed to strengthen collaboration in the peaceful applications of nuclear science and technology, following IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi's visit to the country this week.

  23. Kazakhstan looks at possible nuclear power plant sites

    Share this article. Kazakhstan is considering the village of Ulken in the Alma-Ata region and the city of Kurchatov in the East Kazakhstan for the possible construction of its first large nuclear power plant. The village of Ulken and the city of Kurchatov region, Minister of Energy Magzum Mirzagaliyev announced at a briefing on 28 December.

  24. What will the construction of a nuclear power plant bring to Kazakhstan

    In Kazakhstan, amidst global trends towards the transition to clean energy sources, the topic of constructing a nuclear power plant (NPP) is becoming increasingly relevant. With the growing demand ...

  25. Arms Control and Proliferation Profile: India

    India has nuclear cooperation agreements with a number of states: the U.S., the U.K., Russia, France, Namibia, South Korea, Mongolia, Canada, Argentina, Kazakhstan, and Japan. In 2014, India and Australia signed a civil nuclear agreement enabling the sale of Australian uranium to support India's growing nuclear energy needs.

  26. Water

    Feature papers represent the most advanced research with significant potential for high impact in the field. A Feature Paper should be a substantial original Article that involves several techniques or approaches, provides an outlook for future research directions and describes possible research applications. ... The Republic of Kazakhstan ...

  27. Ukraine war latest: Ukraine blows hole in another Russian bridge; Kursk

    Ukraine has attacked a second Russian bridge in the Kursk region in a week as it continues its offensive across the border. Analysts say the incursion has put pressure on Russian forces across the ...

  28. Dr. Kgosientsho Ramokgopa Withdraws 2,500MW Nuclear Procurement

    The Minister acknowledged that the omission came to light only after court papers were filed, prompting the withdrawal of the gazette to allow for public consultation. ... He assured the public that the government remains committed to including nuclear energy in South Africa's future energy mix, as outlined in the Integrated Resource Plan 2019.

  29. What is Nuclear Energy? The Science of Nuclear Power

    The Science of Nuclear Power. Nuclear energy is a form of energy released from the nucleus, the core of atoms, made up of protons and neutrons. This source of energy can be produced in two ways: fission - when nuclei of atoms split into several parts - or fusion - when nuclei fuse together. The nuclear energy harnessed around the world ...

  30. Tennessee 'Opportunities Workshop' Ramps Commercial Nuclear Power

    Nuclear Opportunities Workshop. In July at the East Tennessee Economic Council's Nuclear Opportunities Workshop in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Brian Smith, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Reactors, Office of Nuclear Energy, U.S. Department of Energy, spoke on the government's efforts to, if not restart, then perhaps reinvigorate the development of nuclear power in the U.S.