Quantifiers Much and Many PPT

Download this PPT for teaching the quantifiers much and many. This PowerPoint lesson includes a review countable and uncountable nouns and instructions on how to use the English quantifiers ‘many’ and ‘much’.

Quantifiers Much And Many


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Published by Marcus Harrison Modified over 5 years ago

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Presentation on theme: "QUANTIFIERS."— Presentation transcript:



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Aug 04, 2014

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QUANTIFIERS. How to “ count ” in English…. COUNTABLE NOUNS. Have singular & plural (car / cars) You can count them (a car/ three cars / some cars). UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS. Only have singular ( sugar ) You can’t count them ( 3 sugars )

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Presentation Transcript

QUANTIFIERS Howto “count” in English…

COUNTABLE NOUNS • Have singular & plural (car / cars) • You can countthem (a car/ three cars / some cars)

UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS • Onlyhave singular (sugar) • Youcan’tcountthem (3 sugars) • We needquantifierstocountthem ( a bit of sugar, twospoonsof sugar)

COUNTABLE OR UNCOUNTABLE? • Somenouns can be dual (bothcountable and uncountable: • -Chocolate uncountable(give me a bar of chocolate / I needsome chocolate) • -Chocolate countable: (I had5 chocolates)

COUNTABLE OR UNCOUNTABLE? • Chickenuncountable: (I´dlikesomepiecesof chicken) • Chickencountable: (theyhad6 chickensin theirfarm)


MANY • With plural countablenouns. • I havemanybooks.

MUCH • Withuncountablenouns. • I don’thavemuchtime ormoneybutI’mhappy.

A LOT OF • Withcountableoruncountablenouns. • I havea lot of books. • I don’thavea lot of time ormoney.

(A) LITTLE • Withuncountablenouns. • He has (a) littlemoney.

(A) FEW • Withcountablenouns. • I have (a) fewfriends.

A lot of vs. a lot. • Alot of + NOUN. (A lot of people). • VERB + a lot. (I sleepa lot. ) ( I sleep a lotof).

TOO, TOO MANY, TOO MUCH. • I’mstressed. I havetoomuchwork. • Mydietisreallyunhealthy. I eattoomanypizzas. • I don’twanttogoout. I’mtootired. • TOO: “more thanisgood”. Toomuch + uncountablenoun (coffee, time) orafter a verb. (I smoketoomuch) Toomany + countablenoun (people, cars). Too + adjective (NOT I’mtoomuchtired).

ENOUGH • Do youeatenough vegetables? • Shedoesn’tsleepenough. • Myfridgeisn’tbigenough. • Enough: “allthatisnecessary” Enough + noun Verb + enough Adjective / adverb + enough

TOO, TOO MUCH, TOO MANY or ENOUGH? • I’mnotveryfit. Idon’t do _______ exercise. • Ican’twalktoschool. It’s _______ far. • There are ________ cars ontheroadstoday. • Ispend _____ time onthecomputer–itgives me headaches. • Idon’tsleep __________ - only 5 or 6 hours, but i reallyneed 8. • Iwas _______ illtogotoworkyesterday. • Therewere ________ people at theparty, so itwasimpossibleto dance. • Ialwayshave ________ work and not ____________ free time. ENOUGH TOO TOO MANY TOO MUCH ENOUGH TOO TOO MANY TOO MUCH ENOUGH

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55 Quantifiers English ESL powerpoints



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    QUANTIFIERS. Published by James Pugh Modified over 10 years ago. Embed. Download presentation. Presentation on theme: "QUANTIFIERS."—. Presentation transcript: 1 QUANTIFIERS. 2 Quantifiers are words that are used to state quantity or amount of something without stating the exact number.

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    Quantifiers Much and Many PPT. Download this PPT for teaching the quantifiers much and many. This PowerPoint lesson includes a review countable and uncountable nouns and instructions on how to use the English quantifiers 'many' and 'much'.


    Presentation on theme: "QUANTIFIERS."— Presentation transcript: 1 QUANTIFIERS. 2 quantifiers We use quantifiers when we want to give someone information about the number of something: how much or how many. We use HOW MANY with plural countable nouns. How many chairs do you need? ...

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    Quantifiers for inde. You can use this pow. 784 uses. gzdfrt. Quantifiers a lot a . It is a controlled p. 219 uses. yengiao. Quantifiers Game - S. This game is about s. 2311 uses. jeremywallace916. Quantifiers - many, This PowerPoint was .