Black Mesa Experimental Weaponry

Half-Life Wiki

Black Mesa Announcement System

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The Black Mesa Announcement System is the public address system used throughout the Black Mesa Research Facility , relaying audible messages and announcements across the facility with a male voice. Additionally, a similar announcement system is mounted on trams to give general information about the facility and mention each stop, with a prerecorded female voice. Judging from its mechanical voice and fragmented, disjointed speech, it is probably a basic AI, similar to the Overwatch Voice .

  • 1.1.1 Hazard Course
  • 1.1.2 Sector C, before the incident
  • 1.1.3 Sectors C & B
  • 1.1.4 Sector D Administration
  • 1.1.5 Sector D High Security Storage Facility
  • 1.1.6 Silo D Experimental Propulsion Labs
  • 1.1.7 Sector E Track Control
  • 1.1.8 Silo E Launch Control
  • 1.1.9 Biological Waste Processing Plant & Advanced Biological Research Lab
  • 1.1.10 Central Command and Communications Center
  • 1.1.11 Lambda Reactor Complex, Main Reactor Facility & Hazardous Materials Handling Bays
  • 1.2 Opposing Force
  • 1.3 Blue Shift
  • 2.1 Half-Life
  • 2.2 Blue Shift
  • 2.3 Opposing Force
  • 3 Behind the scenes

List of announcements [ ]

Of note is that not all these announcements are heard in-game and are sometimes only found in the file "sentences.txt" located in each game's sound folder, showing that many more messages were originally to be heard during the games.

Half-Life [ ]

Hazard course [ ].

  • Access denied.
  • Access is denied.
  • Unauthorized access.
  • Illegal access.
  • This door is locked.
  • Entry forbidden.
  • Entry not permitted.
  • No unauthorized personnel.
  • You do not have access to this facility.
  • Sorry, you may not enter.
  • Sorry, this door is locked.
  • Please, move away from this area.
  • Please, move away from door.
  • You will not get in.
  • Entry is not an option.
  • Will we do this all day?
  • Move on immediately.
  • No. No. And NO.

Sector C, before the incident [ ]

  • Hello. The Automatic Diagnostic and Announcement System welcomes you to the Black Mesa Research Facility. Remember: have a secure day! (from vox_login.wav , an unused sound file)
  • Agent Coomer , report to Topside Tactical Operations Center.
  • Inspection team to Radioactive Materials Handling Bay.
  • Agent 16, report to Administration Sub-Level 2.
  • Dr. Johnson , please call Observation Tank 1.
  • Dr. West , please report to Lambda Reactor Complex .
  • Dr. Cross , call 729 please.
  • Sergeant Bailey to Topside Checkpoint Bravo.
  • Cryogenic Safety Crew, report status at 1100 please.
  • Coded message for Captain Black, Command and Communication Center.
  • Sector C science personnel, report to Anomalous Materials test lab.
  • Dr. Freeman to Anomalous Materials test lab immediately.
  • Attention. Experimental Propulsion Lab test fire in 90 minutes.
  • Hydro Plant now operating at 60%.
  • Black Mesa topside temperature is 93 degrees.
  • Launch officer reports, alpha satellite deploy is nominal.
  • Dr. Birdwell reports superconducting interchange is activated.
  • Attention. Report any security violation to Administration Sub-Level 1.
  • Attention. Service personnel, please clear Helicopter Hangar 1.
  • Shield inspection: crew reports primary reactor nominal.
  • Transportation control reports, all systems on time.
  • Dr. Victor , report to Supercooled Laser Lab please.
  • Sergeant Guthrie , report to Topside Motorpool immediately.
  • Uranium shipment inspection team to Sector D.

Sectors C & B [ ]

  • Warning, high energy detonation detected in Materials Laboratory.
  • Attention, security personnel to Sector C immediately.
  • Warning, unauthorized biological forms detected in Sector C.
  • Warning, unauthorized biological forms detected in Coolant Maintenance Area.
  • Any damage control team to Sector C immediately.
  • Warning, Sector C elevator failure. Do not use.
  • Biohazard warning in Sector B and C.
  • Attention. Sector C science personnel, evacuate area immediately.
  • Warning, flooding detected on Sub-Level 3, Sector B.
  • Warning, anomalous energy field detected in Administration Center.
  • Attention. Any Sector C science personnel, please report status.
  • Attention. Sector C science personnel, please report status immediately.

Sector D Administration [ ]

  • Emergency clean-up team to Biological Waste Processing Plant.
  • Attention administration personnel, evacuate Sector D immediately.
  • Attention, security personnel to Sector D.
  • Service team, check Elevator 1, Sector C.
  • Warning, unauthorized biological forms detected in ventilation system.
  • Lieutenant Backman and cleanup team to Sub-Level 3.
  • Danger, turret defense systems activated, Sector D.
  • Security officer reports men down in Sector D, medical help required.
  • Extreme danger, all turret defense systems activated, Sector D.
  • Turret repair personnel to High Security Materials Storage Area.
  • Attention. Electric shock hazard detected in Administration Center.
  • Security officer reports medical emergency, Administration Center.

Sector D High Security Storage Facility [ ]

  • Attention. All science personnel report topside for immediate questioning.
  • All personnel evacuate High Security Materials Storage Facility.
  • Emergency Uranium Containment Team to Sector D.
  • Turret maintenance team to Central Command and Communications Center.
  • Military personnel, prosecute Kilo-India-Lima with extreme force.
  • Attention. This announcement system is now under military command.
  • Search and Destroy Force Bravo reports secondary objective terminated.
  • Bravo Force reports Hotel-Sierra-Mike facility is secured.
  • Attention. All military personnel, atomic-biological-chemical alert.
  • Attention. All military personnel, extreme atomic-biological-chemical alert.
  • Attention. Black Mesa Announcement System is now under military command.
  • (If fire door is touched) Fire containment door is down.

Silo D Experimental Propulsion Labs [ ]

  • Attention. Experimental rocket test fire disengaged.
  • Repair crew report to Track Control, Sector E .
  • Maintenance Team Blue, check heat exchange coolant level.
  • Maintenance Team Green, check voltage on Cable 729.
  • Medical Team to Materials Storage Facility, Team Bravo reports men down.
  • Alpha Force move out, science personnel resistance extreme.
  • Attention. All Black Mesa security personnel wanted for immediate questioning.
  • Attention. Gordon Freeman, report to military personnel for immediate security check.
  • Warning, hostile biological forms detected in Track Control, Sector E.

Sector E Track Control [ ]

  • Warning. Track power failure. Check lower level power plant.
  • Maintenance team yellow, please service Relay-394.
  • Delta team reports Launch Control secured.
  • Danger, turret defense systems activated, Silo E.
  • Sector E Track Control, please report status.
  • Echo force reports perimeter breach, Sector E.
  • Attention, Search and Destroy Force go to Code 3. Eliminate all biological forms.
  • Danger, unauthorized detonation detected in Experimental Propulsion Lab.
  • (only if tram is approached during Gargantua scene) Main power is not on.

Silo E Launch Control [ ]

  • Attention, clear Silo E launch area immediately.
  • Containment inspection team to Advanced Biological Research Lab.
  • Medical team to Sector E , Echo Team has men down.
  • Alert military personnel, authorized to prosecute Gordon Freeman with extreme force.
  • Alert military personnel, you are authorized to shoot the renegade on sight.
  • Alert, squad in Silo E, Freeman may be operating inside your perimeter.
  • Launch Control train activity detected.
  • Medical team to Sector E, Echo Team squad failed to reach checkpoint.
  • Satellite Rocket Loading Bay reports status green.
  • (only if exit is walked into) Emergency blast door/shield activated.

Biological Waste Processing Plant & Advanced Biological Research Lab [ ]

  • Warning. Emergency containment system activated.
  • Alert! Biological containment breach detected.
  • Warning, biological sterilization system activated.
  • Attention, hostile alien military force detected, Advanced Biological Research Lab.
  • Search and Destroy Force reports backup required, engaged with extreme resistance.
  • Topside Containment Force alert, hostile alien military force detected.
  • High Power Laser status is green.
  • Alien containment system failure, use sterilization chamber.
  • Attention. All topside military personnel, clear Helicopter Hangar 4.
  • Alien breach, Topside Checkpoint Alpha, Checkpoint Delta
  • Alert Topside Containment Force, use any force to prosecute Gordon Freeman. You are authorized to shoot on sight.
  • Alert Topside Containment Force, Freeman may approach your perimeter.
  • Gordon, all science personnel will be terminated until you surrender.

Central Command and Communications Center [ ]

  • Warning, Primary Antenna failure detected.
  • Clear Topside Motorpool for emergency medical helicopter.
  • Warning, Topside Armory security bypass detected.
  • Warning, radiation leak detected in Primary Antenna area.
  • Search and Destroy Force Kilo, Central Command reports hostile alien force inside perimeter.
  • Message for Gordon Freeman, you will not escape this time.
  • Attention all units, renegade Freeman is now your primary target.
  • Alert remaining containment force, Freeman may have experimental weapon.
  • All personnel evacuate Lambda Complex , extreme dimensional malfunction detected.
  • Fire Control Team to Topside Armory, Checkpoint Delta, Topside Hydro Plant.
  • (If generic containment door is touched) Emergency containment door engaged.

Lambda Reactor Complex, Main Reactor Facility & Hazardous Materials Handling Bays [ ]

  • Warning, cross-dimensional power field activity detected
  • Warning, unauthorized biological force detected in cross-dimensional power field.
  • All personnel evacuate Lambda Complex, extreme dimensional malfunction detected.
  • Unauthorized activity detected in Main Reactor Core.
  • Danger, high energy exchange detected in Radioactive Materials Handling Bay.
  • Biological force detected in Primary Coolant System.
  • Lambda Complex reports dimensional contamination.
  • Lambda Complex reports dimensional containment system failure.
  • Warning, Cross-Dimensional Portal Device power level is 120%.
  • Attention Lambda Complex personnel, Primary Core activated.
  • (if supply door near level A ladder is touched) 1. Sorry, this door is inoperative. 2. Sorry, door out of service. 3. Door damage detected. Please call service personnel.

Opposing Force [ ]

  • Immediate medical attention required in Sector 27.
  • Operations personnel report to Emergency Control Zone for contamination cleanup, Alpha-7 access required.
  • Attention, Supply Team required in Lower Maintenance Chamber Sub-Sector B.
  • Security breach detected in Silo 32.
  • Warning, extreme radiation leak detected in Reactor core 8. Time to reach minimum safe distance: 14 minutes.
  • Dr. Guthrie , report to Inspection Lab 6 immediately.
  • Attention, Dr. Freeman report to Research Administration Center for questioning.
  • Remaining science personnel, report to Medical Lab 6 for radiation exposure inspection.
  • Warning, severe damage detected in ventilation systems under Research Lab 2, evacuate area immediately.

Blue Shift [ ]

  • Warning, main power failure in Levels 3, 5 and 8.
  • Warning, extreme electromagnetic field hazard in Sector C.
  • Attention. Dr. Freeman, report to Anomalous Materials lab.
  • Dr. Cross and Dr. Green, you are required in the Anomalous Materials operations center.
  • All security personnel, check clearance with Inspector White.
  • Attention Science Team, decontamination required in Anomalous Materials lab.
  • Attention. Topside leave has not been authorized with administration.
  • Warning. Do not deactivate containment field systems.
  • Announcement. Topside satellite communication dish has been disengaged.
  • Laser containment system access is forbidden to inspection personnel.
  • Announcement. Waste disposal control will proceed at 135.
  • Anomalous Materials test not open to unauthorized personnel.
  • Attention. All science personnel evacuate Level 3 immediately.
  • Attention. This announcement system now under military command.
  • Attention. Black Mesa Announcement System now under military command.
  • Attention. Science Team, report to nearest security checkpoint immediately.
  • Attention all military personnel, intruder detected in Level 3.
  • Attention. All science personnel report to north transportation platform immediately.
  • Warning. Unauthorized biological forms detected in ventilation system.
  • Charlie Team reports Bravo Foxtrot Johnson facility is secured.
  • Search and destroy squad alpha, reports secondary objective terminated.

Announcements on trams [ ]

Good morning and welcome to the Black Mesa Transit System. This automated train is provided for the security and convenience of the Black Mesa Research Facility personnel. The time is 8:47 AM. Current topside temperature is 93 degrees with an estimated high of 105. The Black Mesa Compound is maintained at a pleasant 68 degrees at all times.

This train is inbound from Level 3 Dormitories to Sector C Test Labs and Control Facilities. If your intended destination is a high-security area beyond Sector C, you will need to return to the central transit hub in Area 9 and board a high-security train. If you have not yet submitted your identity to the retinal clearance system, you must report to Black Mesa personnel for processing before you will be permitted into the high-security branch of the transit system.

Due to the high toxicity of material routinely handled in the Black Mesa Compound, no smoking, eating, or drinking are permitted within the Black Mesa transit system. Please keep your limbs inside the train at all times. Do not attempt to open the doors until the train has come to a complete halt at the station platform. In the event of an emergency, passengers are to remain seated and await further instruction. If it is necessary to exit the train, disabled personnel should be evacuated first. Please stay away from electrified rails and proceed to an emergency station until assistance arrives.

A reminder that the Black Mesa Hazard Course Decathlon will commence this evening at 1900 hours in the Level 3 facility. The semi-finals for high-security personnel will be announced in a separate, secure-access transmission. Remember: more lives than your own may depend on your fitness.

Do you have a friend or relative who would make a valuable addition to the Black Mesa team? Immediate openings are available in the areas of Materials Handling and low-clearance security. Please contact Black Mesa personnel for further information. If you have an associate in the background of Theoretical Physics, Biotechnology, or other high-tech disciplines, please contact our Civilian Recruitment Division. The Black Mesa Research Facility is an equal opportunity employer.

A reminder to all Black Mesa personnel: regular radiation and biohazard screenings are a requirement of continued employment in the Black Mesa Research Facility. Missing a scheduled urinalysis or radiation checkup is grounds for immediate termination. If you feel you have been exposed to radioactive or other hazardous materials in the course of your duties, contact your Radiation Safety Officer immediately! Work safe, work smart. Your future depends on it.

Now arriving at Sector C Test Labs and Control Facilities. Please stand back from the automated door and wait for the security officer to verify your identity. Before exiting the train, be sure to check your area for personal belongings. Thank you and have a very safe and productive day.

Good morning and welcome to the Black Mesa transit system. This automated train is provided for the comfort and convenience of Black Mesa residents and visitors to the Black Mesa Research Facility. The time is 8:42 AM. Current topside temperature is 91 degrees with an estimated high today of 105. The Black Mesa Compound is maintained at 68 degrees at all times.

This train is inbound from the Area 8 Topside Dormitories to the Central Transit Hub in Area 9. Please keep your limbs inside the train at all times. Do not attempt to open the doors until the train has come to a complete halt at the station platform. In the event of an emergency, passengers are to remain seated and await further instruction. If it is necessary to exit the train, disabled passengers should be evacuated first. Please stay away from electrified rails and proceed to an emergency station until assistance arrives.

If your intended destination is a high-security area beyond Sector C, you will need to board a high-security train in the Central Transit Hub. If you have not yet submitted your identity for the retinal clearance system, you must report to Black Mesa personnel for processing before you will be admitted to the high-security branch of the transit system. If you wish to transfer to the Sector B or C medium-security lines, you may do so before you reach the Central Transit Hub, at the Area 9 Security Checkpoint. Access to the medium-security branch of the transit system is for employees of the Black Mesa Research Facility and authorized visitors ONLY and requires that you wear your security badge at all times...

This train is now transferring to the Sector C line of the transit system. This is a medium security area of the Black Mesa Facility. Be sure to wear your identification badge at all times. Now arriving at Area 3 Security Facilities. Please stand back from the automated door until it has fully opened. Before exiting the train, be sure to check your area for personal belongings. Thank you, and have a safe and productive day!

Note : This announcement is not heard every time. It may be skipped as the next map loads.

[sparks, randomly changing speed and pitch through the whole clip] This train is inininbound from frorom [garbled] Seccttorr Cccc... Please keep your legs ininiinside the train at all times. [garbled] have an associate with a background in the areas of theothethetheoretical physicssss, biotecchhnology, or other high tech didididisciplines? Please contact our Civilian Recruitment Di-didivision. A rerere- [spark] reminder to all Black Mesa personnenel. [garbled] Regular radiation and biohazard s-ss-sc-screenings are a requirement of continued employment in the in the in thethe- in the Black Mesa Research Facility. Dododo not- do not attempt to open the dodoors until the trai-i-i-i-in has come to a complete halt at the attheattheatthe- [garbled] station platform. Now arriving a-a-at [garbled] [cuts]

Behind the scenes [ ]

  • While referred to several times as "Black Mesa Announcement System", it was originally known as "Automatic Diagnostic and Announcement System", as heard in an unused sound file, "vox_login.wav".
  • Kathy Levin , who provided the female voice for the Black Mesa Announcement System, also voiced Gina Cross. This suggests Cross herself might have recorded it, although this might just be related to game limitations.
  • Announcements are not pre-recorded, but actually spliced together from a limited dictionary of pre-recorded sound snippets. This method of stringing words together is known as concatenation . A video of all snippets is available on Youtube.
  • Half-Life 2 ’s equivalent is the Overwatch Voice .
  • Portal ’s equivalent is the Aperture Science Speaker System .
  • The male announcement voice is used as the announcer in Team Fortress Classic .
  • The male announcement voice is not voice-acted, but is instead a vocoder with artificial reverb added on top.
  • Foreign language versions of Half-Life use fully recorded sentences instead of combined words. The announcements also appear to be spoken by a human. [source?]
• • • • • • • • • • • • • (cut) • • • • • • • • • : / / • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • (cut) • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • (cut) • • • • • • • (cut) • (cut) • • • (cut) • • • • •
• • • • • • • (cut) • • • • (cut) • (cut) • • • • • • (cut) • • • • • • • • • (cut) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • (cut)
(cut) • • • • • • (cut) • • • • • • • • • •
• • •
• • • (cut) • (cut) • (cut) • (cut) • • • • • (cut) • (cut) • • • • (cut) • (cut) • (cut) • • • • (cut) • (cut)
• •
Other personnel
• • • • • • • (cut) • • • • • • • • (cut) • (cut) • • • (cut) • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • : / / / / / / • • • • • • • •
Transportation • •
Other • • • •
  • 2 The G-Man

Black Mesa Research Facility

  • VisualEditor

Test chamber AYool

The Black Mesa test chamber in Half-Life , where the resonance cascade is caused

The Black Mesa Research Facility is the primary setting for Half-Life and its three expansions, Opposing Force , Blue Shift and Decay . The base is a decommissioned ICBM launch silo in the New Mexico desert that has been turned into a scientific research complex. The facility is depicted as a vast complex of underground research laboratories as well as surface constructions such as offices, chemical waste disposal plants, and personnel dormitories, all powered by a hydroelectric dam and connected by a tram system.

Over the course of the series, Black Mesa is revealed to be conducting top-secret research into various fields, such as teleportation and experimental weapons research. Prior to the beginning of Half-Life , scientists experimenting on teleportation discover Xen, a border dimension somehow intricately involved in the teleportation process. Creatures and crystals from Xen are consequently brought back to the facility for testing. At the beginning of Half-Life , one such crystal, revealed in Episode Two to have been provided by the G-Man , is put through an anti-mass spectrometer and causes a resonance cascade, tearing the spacetime continuum. As a result, Xen creatures are teleported into the facility and prey on its human inhabitants.

The resulting crisis is seen from several points of view in Half-Life and its expansions. In Half-Life , protagonist Gordon Freeman is introduced to the facility in a notable sequence involving very little interactivity. [1] This serves to foreshadow many of the challenges the player will face, as well as the labyrinth-like structure of the game. [2] Eventually, the player fights through the facility and teleports to Xen to try to seal the tear from the other end, where a Xen creature is keeping it open. Blue Shift shows the events from the viewpoint of a security guard, Barney Calhoun , who joins a group of scientists who use the teleportation technology to evacuate survivors from the base. In Decay , another group of scientists attempt to close the tear through their own equipment, before calling in the US military to assist with the situation. The military situation is shown through the eyes of Adrian Shephard in Opposing Force , where US Marines are ordered to kill the entire population of Black Mesa as well as the alien attackers, but are overwhelmed and forced to withdraw, allowing for black operations units to detonate a nuclear warhead in the facility, ultimately destroying it. However, the fracture in the spacetime continuum remains, allowing the Combine to invade and occupy Earth.

References [ | ]

  • ↑ - The Gameplay Video Segmentation Method A heuristic method for gameplay analysis using video segmentation - Sandra Neubauer
  • ↑ Struggling towards a Goal Challenges & the Computer Game - Sara Mosberg Iversen
This page uses content from . The original article was at . The list of authors can be seen in the . As with , the text of Wikipedia is available under the . The content might also be available under the terms of the .
  • 1 Desktop Destroyer Game
  • 2 Knock on the Coffin Lid

Black Mesa Research Facility

  • Edit source


The Black Mesa Research Facility , colloquially known as Black Mesa , is a top-secret scientific research complex built in the New Mexico desert in the United States. The site was the focal point of the Black Mesa Incident .

  • 2.1 Black Ops
  • 3 Known personnel
  • 4 References

Overview [ ]

Black Mesa is a top-secret, highly classified research facility, with its existence always being denied by the government, comprised of various complexes within the New Mexico desert in the United States. Within the modification Black Ops , only an outside entrance and a parking garage area are seen. [1]

Appearances [ ]

Black ops [ ].

By 1997, black trucks operated by the Black Ops were seen coming in and out of Metro City , transporting weapons and operatives to the Black Mesa Research Facility in preparation for an experiment within the Anomalous Materials Lab. [1]

In 1998, a failed experiment within the Anomalous Materials laboratory at the Black Mesa Research Facility triggered a rare quantum event known as a Resonance Cascade, which ruptured the space-time continuum and allowed for Xenian aliens to be dispersed onto Earth from the borderworld. [1]

Eventually, Black Ops operative Declan Walker is given the assignment of destroying Black Mesa with a thermonuclear device. In the parking garage, Walker is shot by Adrian Shephard who disarms the nuke, however, the nuke is reactivated once again by the G-Man . The facility begins shaking and crumbling, presumably due to the emergence of the Gene Worm, causing Walker to flee the area. [1]

Known personnel [ ]

  • Dr. Gallagher (formerly)

References [ ]

  • ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Black Ops (Mod) | Half-Life Modified Universe Wiki | Fandom
  • 1 Azure Sheep
  • 2 Absolute Redemption
  • 3 Kate L'Agneau

Black Mesa Research Facility

  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Architecture
  • 3 Environment


Where it all began, the research center built out of a military base in Black Mesa, New Mexico. It becomes a large complex of laboratories, an Anti-Mass Spectrometer , and more questionable structures by the time Dr. Gordon Freeman first steps inside. This facility is the major setting for Half-Life , with Xen being the other large setting.

For convenience, the industrial portion of Black Mesa (near the end of Half-Life and Opposing Force ) is listed separately .


The structure is largely concrete on the outside, and apparently metal in the laboratory areas. The largest change in design occurs when going into the industrial area .

In the laboratories, the ceilings are high, corners can be curved, and computers line several walls. The facility is well-ventilated, so vent sections can be used to get past blockades (and tend to be full of headcrabs ). Overall, the architecture in the laboratory section is simple, designed solely to serve the lab's function.

Outside, the structure is more clearly a military base, with its heavy use of concrete and metal doors. The mesa that the facility seems to be built into has a relatively awkward shape, which allows for sheer rock faces to serve as barriers and stone archways to add to the atmosphere.


Since Black Mesa is in New Mexico, the surrounding area is largely desert. There are several other mesas surrounding the facility, some of which can be seen in the cliff sequence about halfway through Half-Life . Water is fairly uncommon outside of laboratories, or the one river Gordon swims through. Therefore, water should be used minimally, or as something more dangerous such as radioactive waste.

Lighting, where it works (the accident causes several power problems), should be clean and sterile. Whites and soft blues tend to give this impression best. Outdoors, the sun should feel hot- this is New Mexico, after all. A near yellow-orange color can produce this effect. Hazard lights are turned on in several places where damage is higher, such as the office area, and can provide a good lighting situation for sudden attacks.

Sounds can vary from military radio messages, to laboratory activity sounds, to alien cries. Which one is appropriate depends on where the player is, and what has already happened- alien cries would seem highly out of place if no aliens have shown yet. In general, the sounds are used both to create a horror feeling and to warn the player of what may be to come.

Virtually every creature that appeared in Half-Life made its way into Black Mesa. Vortigaunts , headcrabs , and zombies are commonplace. Ichthyosaurs occasionally populate the waterways. Some boss creatures also make their way into Black Mesa, while some larger ones remain in the Xen world.

Along with the alien creatures, soldiers and assassins appear to deter Gordon. Coming to his assistance are the scientists and the security guards . However, for the bulk of the game, Gordon is on his own, followed only by Gman .

  • Wikipedia:Black Mesa Research Facility
  • Black Mesa (Source)
  • Regions & Atmospheres
  • Half-Life Continuity

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  • » Equipment
  • » Aircraft

black mesa experimental entities

ManufacturerOKB-293, Khimki/Bilimbay, Russia
Primary RolePrototype Aircraft
Maiden Flight15 May 1942

Contributor: C. Peter Chen

ww2dbase Soviet aircraft engineers A. Y. Bereznyak and A. M. Isayev began working on rocket-powered aircraft designs as early as 1938. Satisfied with the progress in late Jul 1941, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin ordered a prototype to be completed in about a month. Because the prototypes were planned to be made from plywood and fabric, furniture workers local to the OKB-293 design bureau were summoned to speed up the work. With only a slight delay, the first prototype, named BI-1 ( Blizhnii Istrebitel , "close range"), was ready for unpowered flight on 1 Sep. In Oct 1941, OKB-293 was evacuated to Bilimbay, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia in Central Asia; shortly after, a test stand was build on the shore of Lake Bilimbay, which was used throughout the winter to test the engine. During one of the testing sessions in Feb 1942, the rocket engine exploded, a broken propellant line spraying the nitric acid fuel all over aircraft engineer Arvid Pallo; mechanics saved him from severe burns by quickly dumping him in a tank full of a sodium carbonate solution kept nearby for the very purpose of neutralizing the acid. By Apr 1942, the BI-1 prototype aircraft was finally ready for testing. At 1902 hours on 15 May 1942, with test pilot Grigory Bakhchivandzhi at the helm, the BI-1 prototype aircraft took off from the nearby Koltsovo Airfield, reaching a maximum altitude of 840 meters and maximum speed of 400 kilometers per hour. Although the engine experienced slight overheating and the landing gear broke upon landing, the first test, which lasted 3 minutes and 9 seconds, was considered successful. The second prototype, BI-2, took its first flight at the start of the following year, again with Bakhchivandzhi at the helm. Two days later, test pilot Konstantin Gruzdev took BI-2 for its second flight; with the restriction on throttle lifted, BI-2 reached the altitude of 2,190 meters and the speed of 675 kilometers per hour. On 27 Mar, on the fourth and final flight of the BI-3 prototype aircraft, a top speed of more than 800 kilometers per hour was reached, but the aircraft soon lost control, crashing to the ground and killing Bakhchivandzhi; Boris Kudrin and M. K. Baykalov would together replace Bakhchivandzhi as the project's test pilots. In May 1943, OKB-293 was moved back to Khimki near Moscow, Russia, where the work on the BI fighter design continued. Six more prototype aircraft were built between 1943 and 1945, utilizing different engine designs, including one (BI-6) with a ramjet engine, a departure from the previous rocket engines. In 1945, as the European War slowly drew to its end, support for this project was withdrawn.

ww2dbase Source: Wikipedia

Last Major Revision: Jun 2012

BI Timeline

 Soviet aircraft engineer A. M. Isayev proposed to use compressed air rather than a pump to force propellant into the rocket engine that he was developing for a new fighter design.
 Soviet aircraft engineers met to compile a report on their rocket-powered fighter development, which was to be forwarded to Joseph Stalin.
 Joseph Stalin, satisfied with the progress of the rocket-powered fighter development project, issued an ordered in late Jul (and dated for 1 Aug 1941) for a prototype aircraft to be completed in a little more than a month.
 The BI-1 rocket-powered prototype aircraft was ready for unpowered flight at Khimki, Moscow Oblast, Russia.
 The experimental rocket engine for the BI-1 prototype aircraft exploded during a test in Bilimbay, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia, spraying nitric acid fuel all over aircraft engineer Arvid Pallo; mechanics saved him from severe burns by quickly dumping him in a tank full of a sodium carbonate solution kept nearby for the very purpose of neutralizing the acid. Test pilot Grigory Bakhchivandzhi was slightly injured as the head of the rocket engine punched into the cockpit.
 The BI-1 rocket-powered prototype aircraft successfully underwent a low-power test at Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg), Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia, lifting the aircraft about one meter off the ground.
 Soviet test pilot Grigory Bakhchivandzhi made the first powered flight in the experimental Berezniak-Isaev BI-1 rocket-powered interceptor at Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg), Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia, reaching an altitude of 840 meters and reaching the speed of 400 kilometers per hour.
 The BI-2 rocket-powered prototype aircraft took its first flight at Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg), Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia (the second flight of the design), reaching an altitude of 1,100 meters and reaching the speed of 400 kilometers per hour.
 The BI-2 rocket-powered prototype aircraft took its second flight at Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg), Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia, reaching an altitude of 2,190 meters and reaching the speed of 675 kilometers per hour.
 The BI-3 rocket-powered prototype aircraft took its first flight at Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg), Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia (the fourth flight of the design), reaching the altitude of 4,000 meters.
 The BI-3 rocket-powered prototype aircraft took its second flight at Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg), Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia.
 The BI-3 rocket-powered prototype aircraft took its third flight at Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg), Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia.
 The BI-3 rocket-powered prototype aircraft took its fourth flight at Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg), Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia, reaching the speed of more than 800 kilometers per hour. The aircraft would lose control during flight, crashing to the ground and killing test pilot Grigory Bakhchivandzhi.
 The BI-7 rocket-powered prototype aircraft took its first flight at Khimki near Moscow, Russia (the eleventh flight of the design); a problem with the landing gear was reported during this flight.
 The BI-7 rocket-powered prototype aircraft took its second flight at Khimki near Moscow, Russia.
 The BI-7 rocket-powered prototype aircraft underwent a unpowered glider test at Khimki near Moscow, Russia.


MachineryOne Dushkin D-1A-1100 liquid-fuel rocket engine rated at 1100kgf of thrust
Armament2x20mm ShVAK cannon
Span6.48 m
Length6.40 m
Height2.06 m
Wing Area7.00 m²
Weight, Empty958 kg
Weight, Maximum1,683 kg
Speed, Maximum800 km/h
Service Ceiling4,000 m


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  1. Black Mesa Experimental Entities (Utilities)

    black mesa experimental entities

  2. Black mesa experimental entities

    black mesa experimental entities

  3. Half-Life

    black mesa experimental entities

  4. Uncovering Strange Experiments

    black mesa experimental entities

  5. Black Mesa: Definitive Edition

    black mesa experimental entities

  6. Steam Workshop::Black Mesa Experimental Entities (Machinery)

    black mesa experimental entities


  1. Steam Workshop::Black Mesa Experimental Entities (Machinery)

    63 items. Kurome's Server Collection. 186 items. Description. The pack that contains all the large machinery, Anit-Mass Spectrometer, Lambda Teleporter you name it. It also has nukes cause why not. Findable under Entities Tab-->Black Mesa. List of Entities | General usage of Entities.

  2. Steam Workshop::Black Mesa Experimental Entities (Utilities)

    Subscribe to downloadBlack Mesa Experimental Entities (Utilities) BME yet split again, this time all of the small things where seperated into here, while the main addon remains for the larger machinery like the Anti-Mass Spectrometer, or Primary Laser. It also makes this a more flexible addon for use in servers, since it doesn't have the ...

  3. Black Mesa Experimental Entities (Machinery)

    Security door. HC1/2 door. Airlock door. List of Wire Entities, find able under Black Mesa Wire tab. --Laser Reciever--. Direct a Aux laser beam into it to send a wire signal. --Ceiling Sentry--. Turret that fires at all living beings, like the HECU sentry but for the ceiling, requires wire inputs to activate.

  4. List of Black Mesa entities

    Also, remember to check for any notes left by the tagger at this article's talk page. This is a complete list of all Black Mesa entities. Note:Some Half-Life 2 and Team Fortress 2 entities are also available in Black Mesa. Also some other entities was taken from other Source Engine branches and games. Note:Some entities from Black Mesa 2012 not ...

  5. Black mesa becomes mountable on gmod. What's the first thing

    there is a mod called Black Mesa Experimental Entities which does just that and some more, its got a buncha props and textures from Black Mesa and you can operate things like the Anti-Mass Spectrometer ... Unrelated,but pre covid i had an idea to take the source engine and litteraly make a game like black mesa but being a half life/souls like ...

  6. Black mesa experimental entities

    Модификация из видео -Музыка в видео: Mike Franklyn Плейлист ...

  7. Black Mesa Experimental Weapons Mod Showcase Garry's mod

    Click the 🔔 icon to receive notificationsmod here make sure to subscribe to the required items for this to work

  8. Overview of Black Mesa

    I am merely hosting it here. This is a complete overview of all the maps in Half-Life put together. Obviously, some parts. overlap one another. Definitely an interesting look at the whole layout. (Click to enlarge, of course) 3351x4768, 2035kb. Other Images of Intrigue. An entrance to the Black Mesa.

  9. Black Mesa Experimental Entities (Machinery)

    Black Mesa Experimental Entities (Machinery) 🎮Garry's Mod 📦0.9 GB 📥10 ⏳5 мая 2024 г. (4 месяца назад) 📝3 янв. 2021 г. (4 года назад) The pack that contains all the large machinery, Anit-Mass Spectrometer, Lambda Teleporter you name it. It also has nukes cause why not.

  10. Black Mesa Announcement System

    The Black Mesa Announcement System is the public address system used throughout the Black Mesa Research Facility, relaying audible messages and announcements across the facility with a male voice. Additionally, a similar announcement system is mounted on trams to give general information about the facility and mention each stop, with a prerecorded female voice. Judging from its mechanical ...

  11. Black Mesa Research Facility

    The Black Mesa Research Facility is the primary setting for Half-Life and its three expansions, Opposing Force, Blue Shift and Decay. The base is a decommissioned ICBM launch silo in the New Mexico desert that has been turned into a scientific research complex. The facility is depicted as a vast complex of underground research laboratories as well as surface constructions such as offices ...

  12. Black Mesa Research Facility

    The Black Mesa Research Facility, colloquially known as Black Mesa, is a top-secret scientific research complex built in the New Mexico desert in the United States. The site was the focal point of the Black Mesa Incident. Black Mesa is a top-secret, highly classified research facility, with its existence always being denied by the government, comprised of various complexes within the New ...

  13. Black Mesa Research Facility

    Introduction. Where it all began, the research center built out of a military base in Black Mesa, New Mexico. It becomes a large complex of laboratories, an Anti-Mass Spectrometer, and more questionable structures by the time Dr. Gordon Freeman first steps inside. This facility is the major setting for Half-Life, with Xen being the other large ...

  14. Map of the Black Mesa Research Facility (OC) : r/HalfLife

    Hello!, this is a map of the Black Mesa Facility found in Half-Life 1 and all of its spinoffs! (blue shift, etc.) After researching for about 2 hours, I just came to the conclusion that the B.M.R.F. was located in Black Mesa National Park in New Mexico, so yeah that's that. I hope you like it! Reply. [deleted]•.

  15. Black Mesa Research Facility

    The Black Mesa Research Facility (also simply called Black Mesa) is a fictional underground laboratory complex that serves as the primary setting for the video game Half-Life and its expansions, as well as its unofficial remake, Black Mesa.It also features in the wider Half-Life universe, including the Portal series. Located in the New Mexico desert in a decommissioned Cold War missile site ...

  16. Steam Workshop::Black Mesa Experimental Weaponry

    186 items. Description. BME Weaponry houses overpowered weapons built in the Black Mesa Research Facility for the use in hazardous environments, comes with all your favorite weapons such as the gauss/tau cannon, the gluon gun/egon, the displacer from opfor, some quake & tfc weapons and much more. It also comes with an Achievement system ...

  17. Steam Community :: Black Mesa Experimental Entities (Machinery

    Black Mesa Experimental Entities (Machinery) Description Discussions 54 Comments 1184 Change Notes. Start a New Discussion Discussions Rules and Guidelines. Start a New Discussion < > Showing 1-15 of 54 active topics 330 Jun 24 @ 10:36am PINNED: Ideas for new ...

  18. "Sunset"

    Sunset "Sunset" may refer to: Sunset (US) - Melodic Heavy Metal from San Francisco, California, United States Sunset (RU) - Doom/Death Metal (early); Gothic/Industrial (later) from Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia Sunset (US) - Experimental Black/Death Metal from Michigan, United States - Experimental Black/Death Metal from Michigan, United States

  19. Merkithaasikha

    Country of origin: Russia Location: Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk Oblast Status: Active Formed in: 2009 Genre: Ambient Black/Drone/Doom Metal, Experimental

  20. Steam Community :: Black Mesa Experimental Entities (Machinery

    gg-3883 is found in black mesa misc. and all of the other entites i just listed are in the regular black mesa category. "fully active" means activating the spectrometer by the small console, then fully activating it via the large one, if done correctly, 3 beams of energy should appear around the central one. #3. ТандумВерде Feb 5 ...

  21. BI Prototype Aircraft

    By Apr 1942, the BI-1 prototype aircraft was finally ready for testing. At 1902 hours on 15 May 1942, with test pilot Grigory Bakhchivandzhi at the helm, the BI-1 prototype aircraft took off from the nearby Koltsovo Airfield, reaching a maximum altitude of 840 meters and maximum speed of 400 kilometers per hour.

  22. Sverdlovsk Oblast

    Sverdlovsk Oblast ( Russian: Свердло́вская область sveerd-LOHV-skuh-yuh OH-blust') is a region in Russia's Urals Region. Set right in the middle of the Urals region, Sverdlovsk Oblast borders seven other regions; Khantia-Mansia to the northeast, Tyumen Oblast to the east, Kurgan Oblast to the southeast, Chelyabinsk Oblast to ...

  23. Black Mesa Experimental Entities (Machinery)

    Black Mesa Experimental Entities (Utilities) Erstellt von. NextKuromeThe76Soldier Im Spiel Black Mesa. Alle 12203 Kollektionen von NextKuromeThe76Soldier und anderen Leuten ansehen (ohne versteckte Kollektionen) 45,029: Einzelaufrufe: 24,691: Aktuelle Abonnenten: 2,543: