101 Planners

Checklist Template Word and Excel

There is no reason to create a checklist template from scratch. Save your time and money and download any of our 32 free checklist templates . You are sure to find a format that you love!

checklist templates

If you are not sure how to create a checklist in Word then use our free ready-made checklists. Each free editable checklist template in Word is available in different formats. Select the layout that will best suit your needs. The text is editable so select according to the layout and not according to the titles.

We also offer an Excel checklist template for various purposes.

  • Click on “Word” to open the Microsoft Word checklist template.
  • Click on “PDF” to open the editable PDF checklist version.
  • Click on “Excel” to open the checklist Excel.

Free Checklist Template Word

Daily checklist template.

These are blank checklist templates that can be used for any purpose. You can type the list of items in both the Word and the editable PDF version. For example, if you want to make a task list template, you can type your list of tasks before you print it. You can also print a blank list template and fill in the list of tasks by hand.

Checklist template Word

Checklist Word (15 Lines)

This is a blank list template with 15 lines.

Word | Editable PDF | Excel

Editable Checklist

Editable Checklist Template Word (20 Lines)

Each checklist template PDF format is editable.

Word | Editable PDF

This is a simple to-do list.

How to create a checklist

Simple Checklist Template Word (Two Columns)

10 lines

Blank Checklist Template (10 Lines)

Editable checklist template

Word | Editable PDF | Excel | Image

Mark each task as high or low priority. Once a task is complete, strike it out. This template doesn’t have a complete box for those who love to strikeout a complete task because it is so satisfying 🙂

Task list with priorities

Mark each task as high or low priority. When complete, mark it as done or delegated. If you delegate a task, you can mark it as delegated. Once you confirm it is complete, then mark the “done” box as well. This check-off list has a done box to mark completed tasks. The previous one doesn’t.

Weekly Checklist Template

This weekly to-do list printable has one section for each day and one section for weekly tasks. One version starts on a Sunday and the other one starts on a Monday. This is a great tool for priority management. When you plan your entire week it is easier to take your priorities into account.

Weekly Checklist Template

From Sunday to Saturday.

Weekly Checklist from Monday

From Monday to Sunday.

Weekly Goal Planner

This weekly checklist will keep you focused and balanced. Each day you set three tasks that you must get done and three tasks that you would like to get done. It also reminds you to focus on your accomplishments and draw conclusions for the future. We often set too many goals and land up getting nothing done. This weekly task list will help you prioritize and be effective.

Weekly template

Sunday Start: Editable PDF | Word | Image | Excel

Monday Start: Editable PDF | Word | Image | Excel

Get done this week

The following templates have a list of your weekly projects and weekly tasks. Those are the projects you want to complete that week. Once you have decided on the projects, you will write the tasks required to complete each project. Assign each task to the day you would like to complete it. If there are tasks that will only be done the next week then add them to next week’s weekly task list (the bottom right corner).

Select a free printable weekly to-do list template with a blank background (Word or PDF) or with colored backgrounds to fit any sized planner. Each weekly to-do list enables you to see a week at a glance. You can plan your week effectively and ensure that everything you need to do gets done.

Weekly tasks template

From Sunday to Saturday

PNG | Editable PDF | Bullet Journal Version

Weekly tasks

From Monday to Sunday

Monthly Checklist Template

monthly to do list

Image | Editable PDF | Word | Excel

bill checklist

This is a bill checklist but since the text can be edited it can be used for any purpose if you want to track monthly tasks. Fields: Bill, due date, January to December. See more bill checklist templates.

monthly checklist

Fields: Checkbox (to mark when a task is complete), tasks, January to December.

To Do List Template Word

Checklist template Word

Editable PDF | Word | Image | Excel

Checklist with priorities

Things to do, places to call, people to call, and things to buy.

Things to do, places to call, people to call and things to buy.

Editable PDF | Word | Image

To do list with due date

Word | Excel | Editable PDF | Image

If you want to change the titles then select the Word to-do list template and edit the text.

To-Do List Template Excel

checklist Excel

This Excel checklist template comes in various formats and layouts depending on your specific project.

Project and Task Checklist

This Excel template lists two projects and the tasks required to complete or work on the project. Each task is assigned a priority and status from a drop-down list. You enter the due date, the owner and add notes if you have any. You can auto-sort the tasks to list them according to the due date or priority. There is a column to assign tasks to people. If you don’t delegate then you can hide the column with the tasks “owner”. To do this, select the F column by clicking on the mouse from the owner header. Right-click on your mouse and select hide. If you do delegate tasks then go to the owner tab and list the people you delegate your tasks to. They will then appear in a drop-down list under owner. If you do use this spreadsheet for a team project and delegate some of the tasks then you might want to save it in Google sheets to share the document so that everyone can keep track of your progress. When you select “completed” from the status column, the task appears as complete (via strike-through text).

To Do List Template Excel

Word | Editable PDF | Excel | PNG

Project and Task Checklist

This project checklist is similar to the one above but the tasks are organized per project. If you have more than two projects you can duplicate the tab or save each spreadsheet under a different name to create a document for each project.

Project and task checklist with a percentage of the final project

Word | Editable PDF | PNG | Excel -> Shows the Percentage Complete

The Excel checklist automatically calculates the percentage complete of the project each time a task is marked as complete.

Action Item Template

Action Item List

This is an action item list to track action items , who they were assigned to, due date and priority.

Homework Checklist

Homework Checklist

If you select the Excel version then there is a dropdown list to select the subject, priority and the status. You can edit the list of subjects under the “subjects” tab. Each subject is automatically assigned a color code.

This homework planner  can track your homework assignments, the subjects, due dates, and the status of each assignment. There is a dropdown list to select the subject and each subject will be marked with a different color. To change the list of subjects, go to the subject tab and list each subject. The priority can be either urgent, high, normal or low. The status is either “to do” or “done”. You can change the priority or the status in the tabs.

Why Use a Checklist

A checklist lists everything that you need to get to do so that you don’t forget anything and it helps you prioritize your tasks.

When you check off a task you get a feeling of satisfaction which inspires you to complete your list of tasks and check them all off. A check off list is so satisfying 🙂

A checklist is one of the most effective tools to get organized, to be productive, and to get things done. However, if your list includes tasks that do not align with your goals then it might have the opposite effect and actually cause you to be ineffective. The following tools will help you use a to-do list to become more productive and to reach your goals.

One of the biggest advantages of offloading your task list onto your checklist is getting it off your mind. Your mind should be used to process information and not to store information. When you store your list of tasks in your head instead of on paper you create a mental load that disturbs you even if you are not aware of it.

According to Brian Tracy, author of the “ Eat That Frog ” book, productivity improves by 25% when you work from a list. You save a lot of time when you don’t have to decide what to do.

How to Create a Checklist

Decide how often you want to start a new task list. We have generic blank checklist templates and those that are for specific periods such as a day, week, month or even year. Decide what will work for you.

Instead of dividing tasks per period, you can divide them according to specific areas in your life. For example, we offer the following:

  • Grocery List
  • Camping Checklist
  • Travel Checklist
  • Party Planning Checklist
  • What to Pack in Hospital Bag
  • Baby Registry Checklist

Select any template and print it. To see how it is going to look, see the checklist example above the download links.

If you have tasks that are required to complete assignments that you repeat often then create a new checklist for each assignment. For example, to publish an article you will need to conduct research, write the article, get images, edit, etc. Create a checklist that will include a list of tasks for each stage required.

Checklists can be very effective in the workplace if certain tasks repeat themselves. For example, in a restaurant, you might want to create a checklist with the list of tasks required to close, clean, and lock up each day. This will ensure that nothing falls between the cracks.

How to Make a Checklist in Word

If you are not sure how to create a checklist in Word, you can use any ready-made checklist in Word format on this page and adapt it to your needs. Use the checklist format that is closest to what you would like to create.

Select a layout that you like and click on “Word” to open the Microsoft Word version.

If you prefer to start from scratch or you want to add the list to another document, then open any layout and copy the list you want. To copy, select the list and then click on control and C. Go to the place where you want to paste your list and click on control and V to paste the previously copied list.

This page is for people looking for a printable blank checklist. If you prefer to use a printable checklist template with any of our 101 backgrounds, then please check these checklists .

How to Make a Checklist in Excel

With our free templates, you don’t even need to know how to use Excel to know how to create a checklist in Excel. Simply select any Excel checklist template from the selection above and download it to your PC. There are many different layouts and designs available.

How to Make a Checklist with Google Docs

Google Docs is a free alternative to Microsoft Office. You can access Google Docs both online and offline. You can also share your checklists with others. They can view and edit them. This is really helpful when you create a shopping list, grocery list , or chore list and different people can access the list online or offline. At work, you can create and use to-do lists when working with others on a project.

You can install the Google Docs app on your phone and then access the checklist anywhere.

You don’t need to create a checklist with Google Docs from scratch. You can download any of our free checklist templates and open them with Google sheets or Google Docs.

If you prefer to create a checklist from scratch then see the instructions below.

  • Open your web browser.
  • Go to Google Docs.
  • Open a blank new document or download one of our checklist templates and open it. You can also download any of our Word checklist templates.
  • Add a title.
  • Click on the “bulleted list” in the toolbar.
  • You will see a visual list of the available bullets. Select the square bullets.

checklist function google docs

7. A checklist bullet will appear on your blank page.

8. Add the task description.

9. When you have completed your checklist you can mark off items once they are complete. To do this, you click on the checklist icon and the task will be marked complete.

10. Share the link with others and let them add tasks to the checklist template or mark them as done.

How to Make a Checklist with Google Sheets

  • Go to Google Sheets.
  • Open a blank new document or download one of our Excel checklist templates and open it.
  • To add a checkbox, go to “Insert” and click on “Checkbox”.
  • Add the task description.
  • When you have completed your checklist, you can mark off items once they are complete. To do this, you click on the checklist icon and the task will be marked complete.
  • Share the link with others and let them add tasks to the checklist template or mark them as done.

Digital Checklist

If you prefer to use a digital checklist then check out our online checklist . If you register, then you can access it from any device. You can also install the Google Docs app on your phone and then access your checklist anywhere. It’s a free app and will enable you to access your checklists online and offline and to share them with others.

How To Use a Checklist

Once you have selected your template you will want to add your task list. You can either type your list before you print or write it after you print.

  • Start with a brain dump . We offer a free printable brain dump template to complete this step. A brain dump is basically a process to get all tasks off your mind and onto paper. Write down as much as you can and you can always eliminate items at a later stage.
  • Take out your list of goals and reread them. If you don’t have a list of your goals then you will want to print our free printable goal planner . This will help you set goals for each area in your life.
  • Go through each item on your checklist and decide if it is aligned with your goals or not. If completing that task will bring you closer to reaching any of your goals then keep the task on your list. If the task is not something that has to be done and will not bring you closer to any of your tasks then this goal is simply a distraction and should be taken off your task list.
  • Once you have a list of tasks that you want to get done see if there are any tasks that can be completed in 2 minutes or less. If you can complete any task in this time frame then do it now. I read this rule in David Allen’s bestselling book “Getting Things Done,” and it has made me a lot more productive.
  • Move your final to-do list to the to-do list template that you chose to use. Add the list in your order of priority. If anything needs to be done by a specific date then add the due date. I personally like to distinguish between tasks I must get done and tasks I would love to get done (but usually don’t 😊). If you like this distinction, then select a template that offers similar sections. We have a few of those on this page. Remember, if you are using a Word template then you can always change the titles to make it perfectly meet your needs.
  • Keep your checklist manageable. Don’t add more than you can actually do to your weekly checklist. Add a reasonable number of tasks and get them done. If you add too many you will become overwhelmed and land up getting less done.
  • Now start completing your tasks and marking them off on your list. Structure your list logically. For example, if you have three things that you have to do at the mall then put them all together. You don’t want to get home only to find that there was one more thing that you didn’t get done there.
  • When you add new tasks to your list, don’t forget to check if they are aligned with your goals to ensure you don’t waste your time being unproductive.

How to Make your Checklist More Effective?

Set a deadline for each task on your checklist.

Your to-do list will be even more efficient if you use the 80/20 rule , also called the Pareto Principle. According to the 80/20 rule, every list of 10 tasks should include 2 that are much more important than the others. Focus on those 2 important tasks. A common mistake is to focus on the easy tasks first (the 80%) and procrastinate on the 20% that really matters. The Eat That Frog book refers to these tasks as “frogs” and suggests you “eat” them first. In order to determine which of the tasks on your checklist should be completed first, the author, Brian Tracy suggests the ABCDE method. According to the ABCDE method, you assign each task a letter from A to E.

  • Tasks marked with an A are the highest priority.
  • Tasks marked with an E are the lowest priority.

A tasks, are often the most challenging. The author calls them your frogs and suggests you eat them first! Keep working on these tasks until you complete them. Getting your A tasks completed is the key to success.

Photo of Nicole

7 thoughts on “Checklist Template Word and Excel”

Thank you – it’s just what I needed! 🙂

Thank you so much for creating these. It saved me a lot of time.

I cant belive i disscovered this website just now ! it saved me so much moeny that I used to spend on planners that didnt acyually worked for me ! thank you so much !!!

Thank you so much. I am grateful

This is a great checklist template! I’m going to start using it for my blog posts.

Amazing thank you!!

Thank you creating and sharing

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Develop Good Habits

27 Printable Daily Checklist (and To Do List) Templates

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If you want to achieve maximum efficiency and productivity, a checklist can be one of your strongest allies.

The simplicity of a checklist is what makes it one of the best tools for managing your daily routine and helping you get things done. Many professionals are encouraged to use checklists to accomplish tasks and minimize errors .

Today’s article features some of the best examples of daily checklist templates to organize your day.

First, let’s quickly discuss some of the advantages of using a checklist or to-do list.

Table of Contents

The Importance of a Checklist

These are a number of the things that you’ll likely appreciate when you start using a checklist or to-do list for managing your day-to-day tasks:

  • Minimizes mistakes when you’re doing repetitive tasks.
  • Makes it easier to determine activities or tasks you can delegate.
  • Increases your productivity.
  • Keeps you motivated. Nothing beats the sense of satisfaction after you’ve crossed an item off your checklist. This usually encourages you to accomplish even more.
  • Increases creativity by clearing up headspace to allow you to focus on the more important stuff.

Here are the examples we’ve collected for you. These printables are free to download. Some are editable, and all are designed to help you accomplish more each day.

1. Daily Routine Checklist

daily checklist template | daily checklist template word | daily checklist template excel

Download the PDF

We’ve designed this checklist to make it easy for you to keep track of your daily routine and other to-dos. It has space for writing up to 12 tasks or activities.

Tick boxes are found at the beginning of each line, and a “notes” box at the bottom of the page allows you to write down important reminders or even unexpected insights.

2. Daily To-Do List

daily checklist template free | daily checklist template free printable | daily checklist template pdf

This bulleted to-do list is quite useful for listing and keeping track of all your tasks for the day. In case you need a reminder of the day’s priorities, there is a dedicated space for writing down the goals of the day.

The images of the sun and coffee cup found at the top of the page are visual reminders to keep a cheerful attitude while attending to your daily tasks.

3. Daily Routine Checklist

to do list printable | to do list meaning | to do list ideas

via Maple Planners .

This template features a section for writing the activities in your daily routine, as well as stuff you need to take care of. The schedule is divided into three main sections: morning, afternoon, and evening.

There are columns for each day of the week, and you can put a checkmark in the appropriate box to signify that you’ve accomplished a certain task.

Spaces are also allocated for writing your weekly routine and keeping notes available at a glance.

4. Get Things Done Checklist

system administrator daily checklist template excel | caregiver daily checklist template | retail store daily checklist template

via Puffin Pages Co.

Looking for a no-frills checklist? If so, you might be interested in the example above from Puffin Pages Co.

This minimalistic template helps you focus on the things you’re meant to get done for the day.

Because it is unlabeled, this can serve as an all-purpose checklist. Monitor your daily routines, use it for creating a streamline process for your work, or use it as a habit tracker .

5. To Do List for the Girl on the Go

daily checklist template word | free checklist template word | free editable checklist template word

via Positivity Is Pretty .

A checklist ensures that you get things done in a timely manner, regardless of how busy your day is going. This next example is ideal for those who want a straightforward template that allows them to write down everything they need to do in stream-of-consciousness form.

The template comes with pink checkboxes so you can tick off items from your list when they are done. You might also want to celebrate this accomplishment by rewarding yourself accordingly. ( Here are some reward suggestions for completing your tasks. )

6. Things to Do

daily checklist template google docs | blank daily checklist template | weekly checklist template

via Organise My House .

With a checklist such as this one, you can easily take note of everything you need to accomplish for the day. It has a minimalist design that you can embellish or customize according to your preferences.

7. Daily Docket

to do list examples | to do list free | printable daily checklist template

via Saturday Gift .

This charming template has space for listing down your schedule for the day in one-hour blocks.

In addition, it features a slot for writing down three daily goals. A block of space is also reserved for “things to do.”

Finally, there is a space for writing down dinner plans.

8. Editable Routine Checklist

This printable routine checklist is great for those looking for an editable template. It gives you complete control of the management of the information that you keep in your checklist.

In addition to being editable, in can be downloaded in three different sizes:

These different sizes can fit as an insert into your daily planner or be printed out and placed on the fridge door.

9. My Daily Routines

If the tasks or routines you do each day need to be categorized based on when you do them, then this colorful template may be perfect for you.

This template has provisions for listing your morning and evening routines. Similar to the two previous examples, it also has boxes representing each day of the week. This makes it easier to monitor the tasks you’ve already accomplished and those that still need your attention.

10. It's All in the Details To Do List

This template has provisions for different categories of tasks and activities that you might do throughout the day.

There are spaces provided where the user of this checklist can easily identify:

  • What to do today
  • Where they need to go
  • What to pick up
  • Which appointments they have and at what time
  • What groceries to buy
  • What to clean
  • What to cook
  • Whom to email, call, and/or text

This template is incredibly detailed, so you will feel super productive when you check off all the items on the list.

11. Pastel Themed Daily To Do

If you are looking for something colorful, this pastel-themed checklist might be the call.

It has spaces for priorities and other daily tasks. It also has spaces where you can list down calls you need to make, appointments for the day, and morning and pre-bedtime tasks.

This template stands out because of a couple of unique features, including the water tracker (ensures you are meeting the day’s quota for water intake ) and the “I’m Thankful For” section (encourages a habit of gratitude despite your hectic schedule).

12. 4-Section To-Do List

This template for your daily routine checklist is divided into four blocks. It allows you to assign each of your tasks to a specific category (e.g., shopping, work, chores, self, etc.).

As a template from On:Planners, you can print this template in several sizes, including A4, Letter, A5 Filofax, and Happy Planner Mini.

13. Daily Self-Care Checklist

We cannot emphasize enough how important it is to have a daily self-care routine. This checklist template ensures that you’re carving out time to care for yourself every day.

It has a pre-filled list of activities or habits that comprise your self-care routine. The template also features checkboxes for every day of the week. All you have to do is put a check by an activity or habit if you’ve done it for the day.

Some of the self-care habits listed on this template include:

  • Practice positive affirmation
  • Wake up early
  • Get a good night’s sleep

14. Stylish To-Do List

If you’re looking for a stylish template to keep track of your daily activities, here’s one from Birkley Lane Interiors. This pink template has two styles, one of which features a list template with checkboxes for each list item. The template has provisions for up to 28 items or daily to-dos.

15. Floral Day Planner

This template is from a set of printables inspired by the month of September. It features a floral theme and several sections meant to organize your daily tasks and keep track of what needs to be done for the day.

16. You Shall Not Cram To-Do List

Here is a collection of cute templates for your daily routines and to-dos. You can choose from several eye-catching color schemes, such as lavender, pumpkin, and sky blue.

This template allows you to note up to 13 items. A funny motivational quote is found at the bottom of the page, which says, “You shall not cram.”

17. Simple Daily Planners

This set of printables was designed to help you stay productive and organized even on the busiest days.

There are different layouts to choose from, but each printable template allows you to list down your daily tasks or to-dos and easily access them for quick reference.

18. A Very Simple Template

Keep track of your activities, tasks, and appointments for the day with this simple template. You can also use it to set your daily priorities, plan out a project, and keep life organized.

The template has check-off boxes next to each blank. It lets you list up to 16 different items in a single page.

19. Everything To-Do List

This template, with the header My Everlasting Non-Stop Eternal Never Ending To Do List ,is ideal for those who love making lists for everything.

It has two columns, allowing you to list down 32 things that need your attention for the day. Instead of regular checkboxes, there are stars before each blank for you to keep track of your daily tasks.

20. Colorful Checklist

This colorful template gives off cheery vibes, even when you’re faced with challenging tasks on your daily checklist.

You can choose between a single-page check-off sheet (26 items) and a 2-column checklist (52 items). Checkboxes are located before each blank.

21. Lined To-Do List

This lined checklist allows you to keep track of your daily tasks quite easily. Lines are provided for listing up to 24 tasks.

Next to every line is a check-off space for you to mark the task as “Done.” The template is available in green, blue, purple, and pink.

22. Master Checklist Template

This template is ideal if you need a checklist where you can write practically every task you need to take care of. It’s quite useful if you are organizing or planning on a large-scale basis.

You can use this template to group tasks according to category or priority. Your list provides an at-a-glance view of what you need to take care of, eliminating the hassle of flipping through a number of pages.

23. Goal To-Do List

This template provides a consolidated place for writing your plans for achieving a specific goal. It has a spot where you can write the exact goal you want to achieve.

There are 27 blank spaces for writing specific tasks and short-term goals that bring you closer to fulfilling your main goal.

24. The Packing List

Traveling soon? Here’s a checklist to make sure that you’ve got everything you need for a trip.

You can write your travel info and the date of travel near the upper portion of the page.

The template is divided into 4 sections, allowing you to organize your list according to categories. You can list down 10 items in each section. Checkboxes ensure that progress of tasks and items to bring can be easily tracked.

25. A Straightforward Checklist

Here’s another template with a simple design to help keep your day running smoothly. This template has 33 spaces, with respective checkboxes by every line.

With this checklist, you can increase your productivity, streamline your work process, or simply keep track of items and tasks you need to accomplish toward a bigger long-term goal.

26. Cleaning Checklist

Keeping your house or personal space clean can be a challenge, but there’s hope with this template.

It gives you the opportunity to create a routine for de-cluttering and deep cleaning your space. This checklist helps you plan the cleaning tasks you need to accomplish on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

The template comes in several designs, such as a basic black-and-white and a pink-and-blue theme.

27. The Ultimate List

If you constantly have a busy schedule or days filled with different activities and commitments, you might want to try this template, which helps you stay on top of your schedule.

The template provides prompts for managing your day, keeping you on top of the following:

  • What you need to do
  • Where you must go (and what to pick up/do there)
  • Appointments to keep
  • Things you need (whether to get or buy)
  • Stuff to fix

Final Thoughts on Daily Checklist Templates

There you have it—27 examples of a daily routine template that helps you stay organized and productive.

We hope you enjoyed browsing through this collection of daily checklists, and that you’ve found a great template that will work for the purpose you have in mind.

For more information about time-management and productivity tools, you might want to visit the following posts:

  • Free Printable Habit Tracker
  • 31 Free Printable Habit Tracker Templates for Your Goals
  • 11 Printable Morning Routine Checklists for Adults & Students
  • Morning Routine Checklist for Kids
  • 11 Best Productivity Apps for Your Android or iOS Device

Finally, if you want to level up your productivity and time management skills, then watch this free video about the 9 productivity habits you can build at work .

daily checklist template | daily checklist template free printable | free editable checklist template

Blessed Homeschool

Homeschool Daily Checklist + FREE Printable for Your Kids

Just so you know, this post contains affiliate links. That means if you use them to make a purchase, I may earn a commission. You can read my full affiliate disclosure  HERE .

Balancing homeschooling, housekeeping and running a business is challenging. One thing that helps me stay organized is a good homeschooling checklist! Today I’m going to share with you my homeschool daily checklist (and yes – there’s a free printable at the end of the post!).

Everyone is different, but I personally love to have a routine to follow in our homeschool. When I first began homeschooling , I scheduled everything out to the hour each day, thinking that if I could just have the perfect plan and schedule, my homeschool would run smoothly.

Those of you with multiple little ones can empathize with me on how that actually turned out! That schedule was out the door after the first month (I really tried for a few weeks!).

Don’t get me wrong – schedules can be great. I used to teach high school math, so it’s no wonder I tried to run my homeschool in a similar fashion, schedule-wise. But at this time in our lives, a loose routine and a homeschool daily checklist is working much better!

This simple, FREE printable checklist helps keep my kids on task and organized in our homeschool.  Grab your homeschool daily checklist today.

I use a homeschooling checklist to not only keep me on track with what we have to accomplish each day, but to help teach my kids to manage their time well.

Not only does it help them learn how self-regulate, but having a checklist helps them take ownership about moving through their school day without me nagging them every step of the way (who wants that?). Plus, it’s satisfying to check off all those little boxes and see what you’ve accomplished that day!

Using Our Homeschool Checklists

I’m often asked what our homeschool routine looks like, so I wanted to share that first so you can see how we use our checklists.

Note : the one thing I do not put on our homeschool daily checklist is a list of specific chores . I created separate chore charts to use for that, as we use a zone cleaning method with our kids in our home. You can read more about that here !

So once the kids wake up, they have breakfast and get ready for the day (get dressed, brush teeth and hair). I used to include those tasks on our charts, but since my kids are a little bigger now, they are more habits than anything.

Most days we’ll then together to pray or do our bible lesson before separating into individual school work.

daily assignment checklist template

This year we are using BJU Press Homeschool for most of our curriculum, and it has been a blessing in this season! My older kids (3rd, 2nd, and 2nd grade) have gotten a chance to be more self-directed in their school work while I chase the toddler around. The mixture of independent and parent-led learning has been a good balance for us.


On their checklists, I write down each thing they need to finish daily. This varies per child, but for example, my son’s checklist typically reads :

  • Heritage Studies/Science
  • Handwriting
  • 15 Minutes Piano
  • AWANAS work
  • 30 minutes of silent reading
  • Chores (listed on here as a reminder to finish them!)

So mostly I list out the subjects he needs to complete, along with anything else that week that needs to get done.

The great thing about a homeschool checklist is that it isn’t tied to a strict time, but gives my kids a guideline of what is expected of them.

It’s also very helpful for me, since I have kids at different levels and I am not working with all of them at once all the time… it helps me keep track of who has done what!

I also jokingly call our checklists the “Can I have electronics?” form , because before we started using them, that’s inevitably what I would get asked all day. Now my kids know that if they want to have the privilege of using their electronics, they need to show me that their charts are completed.

Most days my kids get through their entire list, but if they don’t, they know they have to do a little bit extra the next day or on the weekend (we will discuss these expectations together depending on the circumstances).

Filling Out Your Homeschool Checklist Printable

I hope these checklists will also be a super easy way for you to help your kids keep track of their daily tasks!

There are 10 different designs I have created; let your student pick out their favorite one (might make it a little more fun to complete). You can print one out for each week and put it in the front of a binder or planner. Another great option is to laminate it or stick it in a page protector and use a dry-erase marker!

The Daily Task list and Weekly Habit sections are editable , so if you are going to print them weekly, you can easily edit them on your computer first.

daily assignment checklist template

(The blue editable fields will print clear when you print the homeschool checklists!)

Simply list out the tasks you would like your kids to complete each day in your homeschool. Most likely this will be school work or subjects, but if you don’t have chore charts , you might also include chores (really anything that needs to be completed each day).

It’s best to be specific with your tasks when applicable! For example, writing “30 minutes violin practice” is better than just “practice violin”, so your child has a boundary to follow.

Homeschool Habit Tracker Checklist

Use the “Weekly Habits” space at the bottom to track things that might not get done every day, but you still want your kids to get into a good habit of doing them!

For us, I included music practice and silent reading on our checklist as things I want done every day, but you could include them in the habit section instead. Bible study or devotion time might be good to write in if your kids are working on that habit.

The mother who takes pains to endow her children with good habits secures for herself smooth and easy days. Charlotte Mason

If your kids are working on personal care habits like brushing their teeth, daily bathing, brushing their hair, or picking up their rooms, those could go in the habits section.

Talk with your kids and let them help you come up with good habits they want to work on! Then look over their lists each week to see if they are meeting their goals. After a few weeks of creating the habits, take them off the checklist and see how they do keeping it up.

Teaching Your Kids to Use the Homeschool Daily Checklist

If this is the first time you have used a homeschool daily checklist, it may take time for your kids to be able to use them independently. They may need practice, and for you to guide them through it a bit at first.

Soon, they will begin to appreciate the direction having a checklist gives them as they work through their day.

daily assignment checklist template

As you teach them the skills they need to use a checklist, you will love to see them become more independent and able to move from task to task unprompted.

  • When you first start, add tasks that are manageable for your kids , so they can feel that sense of accomplishment when they complete everything. Keep time in mind too – you don’t want to add too many things that it becomes impossible to complete within your day.
  • A good idea is to sit down and have your kids talk you through the checklist – let them explain to you what they will have to do to check off each item . This lets you know that they understand the expectations, and that the tasks you wrote are clear!
  • Help your kids set goals , and maybe even a reward for finishing their homeschool daily checklist. Like I said, screen time/electronics is a big motivator for us, but it might be something different in your home.

Finally, make sure YOU take time each day to go over the checklist and actually check it! Make sure to hold your kids accountable to finishing their tasks; if they don’t think someone will check it, they will be tempted to cut corners (or not even use the tool).

daily assignment checklist template

Get your FREE Homeschool Daily Checklist

I hope that you will enjoy using a homeschool daily checklist! I created 10 different designs, so your kids can choose their favorite one to use.

daily assignment checklist template

FREE Homeschool Checklists

Help your kids stay organized and on-task in your homeschool with my Homeschool Daily Checklist – exclusive for Blessed Homeschool Subscribers!

Please check your email to download your checklists.  Enjoy!


The ability to work through a checklist independently is a great skill to teach your kids, and I hope this helps them stay focused and on task in your homeschool!

Drop a comment below – let me know if you have tried the checklists! Which design do your kids love the most?

daily assignment checklist template

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  • 6 Ways to Help Your Kids Create Good Habits
  • Effortlessly Create and Organize a Homeschool Portfolio
  • The Best Chore Charts for Kids (You’ll LOVE this System!)

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daily assignment checklist template

More homeschool inspiration...

daily assignment checklist template


Thank you for this amazing resource! Such an amazing way to use a checklist for homeschooling. Pinned to save!

Hi, We’ve been using your checklist this year and my children love it! I can’t find where I downloaded it to, and I have tried several times to complete your email signup to get the files again but haven’t received them. We appreciate the time you spent on the cute graphics and would love to keep using these! Thank you for your help. Liz

Just sent you a link via email – thanks Liz!

Fun checklist! I’m sure my kids would love the designs, but I’m looking for a checklist that includes Saturday and Sunday. We don’t always follow the M-F workweek in our homeschool!

Thanks Alison! I have a 7-day version as well; just emailed it to you!

I haven’t received the checklists via email although I’ve signed up a couple of times. Any help you can send my way? Thanks

Absolutely – just emailed!

I also have tried signing up several times and am not receiving the checklist. I would really like to try them! I did receive one email titled checklists but it was on a different topic with no checklists. Could you please send them to me? Thanks!

Yes! Sent! So sorry, no idea why it’s not working <3

My first year of homeschooling. A little nervous but I won’t give up as I know this is what’s best for my babies.1 kindergartener, 2 first graders, and 1 second grader! Really need all the help I can get with checklist, chore chart, and really anything to help ease my mind! Thank you for helping mommas out!!

You can do this!! Two first-graders…fellow twin mama? Are you going to use a particular curriculum this year?

Hi Sara, I’ve tried with two different emails to get the download for the checklist but I’m not having success. Are you able to send via email?

Yes! Just sent it to you 🙂

I have tried twice to out in my email to receive these Checklists, but hve still not received them (athough I have received other emails from you). Can you please send them to me again?

P.S. I absolutely love your Youtube channel and so glad to now see your blog, as well! 🙂

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Teaching with Jennifer Findley

Upper Elementary Teaching Blog

Free Assignment Checklists for Google Classroom

Keeping your students’ assignments organized each week can be easier said than done. Using these FREE assignment checklists for Google Classroom (with spots for reminders and messages) will hopefully make your life (and your students’ and parents’ lives) a little easier while teaching in a digital classroom.

Help keep students (and parents) organized with Google Classroom using these FREE digital assignment checklists! There are digital assignment checklists for daily assignments, weekly assignments, and subject-specific assignments!

Using Assignment Checklists in Google Classroom™

Google Classroom™ is not super intuitive as a learning platform. When posting multiple assignments a day/week, it can be tricky for 8-10 year olds to stay organized and find what they need.

One solution that many teachers use is to have an assignment checklist slide to help students find the assignments and keep track of which tasks have been completed.

To help you implement this with your digital learning, I have some FREE assignment checklists for you (available for download in the section titled Download the FREE Assignment Checklists for Google Classroom™ Here).

There are several versions of the digital weekly assignments for you to choose from. Variations are included for different amounts of assignments, different subject areas, and even different color schemes. I recommend saving a master copy of all of the slides and then making copies of the ones you want to use.

Here are some of the versions:

  • Weekly Assignment Checklists
  • Daily Assignment Checklists (with Today and with Days of the Week)
  • Subject-Specific Assignment Checklists (Math, ELA, Reading, Writing, Science, Social Studies)

FREE digital assignment checklists for Google Classroom!

Each slide comes with editable spaces to list assignments and link to them right in your Google Drive or Classroom page. There are also sticky notes to add reminders, inspirational messages to your students, or additional links. This would be a great spot to post a fun challenge, extension, or early finisher activity.

FREE digital assignment checklists for Google Classroom!

To keep your students even more organized, there are moveable checkmarks to keep track of which assignments they have completed as they make their way through the week.

Linking Classroom Assignments to Digital Assignment Checklists

After you have uploaded any necessary files to your Drive and posted all of your assignments and materials to your Classroom, you’re ready to link everything to the checklist slide!

Choose the assignment you want to link to. Click on the three dots and select “Copy link” from the dropdown menu options.

Select the text you want to link the assignment to. You can change the name of the assignment and then click “Insert link.” A window will pop up. Paste the link into the space provided.

Help keep students (and parents) organized with Google Classroom using these FREE digital assignment checklists! There are digital assignment checklists for daily assignments, weekly assignments, and subject-specific assignments!

Assigning Weekly Checklists in Google Classroom™

When your Weekly Checklist is complete with assignments, links, and notes, you are ready to share it with your students in Classroom!

Step 1: Create a new assignment.

Step 2: Title it something like “Assignment Checklist for Week of April 27th” and add instructions as needed. (That way, you can create a new one each week and stay organized.)

Step 3: Add the file from Google Drive and choose “Make a copy for each student” (since they will be editing it by dragging checkmarks over to completed assignments).

Step 4: Add a due date. (I recommend the end of the week/day that the checklist is for.)

Step 5: Click “Assign” and you’re all set!

daily assignment checklist template

Quick Checklist for Posting to Google Classroom™

  • Upload any files needed for the week’s assignments to Drive
  • Post assignments for the week to Google Classroom
  • Link to each assignment on the assignment checklist
  • Link to other important sites or pages from the sticky notes on the page
  • Upload the linked assignment checklist to your Google Classroom as an assignment (and make sure you make a copy for each student!) and set due date as the end of the week

Download the FREE Assignment Checklists for Google Classroom™ Here

Download the free assignment checklists AND a printable/downloadable guide to using them by clicking HERE or on the image shown.

Help keep students (and parents) organized with Google Classroom using these FREE digital assignment checklists! There are digital assignment checklists for daily assignments, weekly assignments, and subject-specific assignments!

More Digital Learning Resources

Blog posts and free guides.

How to Assign Google Forms

How to Create Google Form Assignments

Viewing and Analyzing Responses in Google Forms

How to Assign Google Slides

How to Have Students Show Their Math Work Digitally – Free Student Google Slides Guide

Tips for Distance Learning Planning

Digital Learning Activities

Google form – reading activities.

Reading Review Activities – These include 8 forms and each form focuses on one specific skill.

Main Idea Differentiated Practice – These are perfect for assigning differentiated reading practice (texts at two levels to your students). 

Text Structure Differentiated Practice – Another option for differentiating your reading practice easily.

Reading Test Prep Task Cards –  This is perfect for reading review! It includes 8 Google Forms in all (with 8 mixed skill questions per form).

Google Slides – Math Activities

4th Grade Math Test Prep Review

5th Grade Math Test Prep Review

4th Grade Math Differentiated Skill Sheets

5th Grade Math Differentiated Skill Sheets

Math Choice Boards (Grades 3-5 Available)

5th Grade Math Skill Posters

5th Grade Math Journal Prompts

Decimal of the Day Review

Find the Error Math Tasks (Grades 3-5 Available)

Google Slides – Literacy Activities

4th & 5th Grade Reading View

Color by Reading Activities

Reading Interactive Notebook

Color Coding Text Evidence Printables

Reading Intervention Passages with Read Aloud Audio

4th & 5th Grade Reading Flipbooks

Theme Activities – Printable and Digital Versions

Inference Activities – Printable and Digital Versions

5th Grade Language Review

5th Grade Language Posters

Finish the Story! Engaging Narrative Writing Center

Share the Knowledge!

Reader interactions, 23 comments.

' src=

April 29, 2020 at 2:35 pm

Hi! I tried using your checklist but it’s looking a bit messy because the URL’s that I’m copying from google classroom are very long. Is the URL supposed to show when I paste it to the text box? Thanks!

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September 4, 2020 at 5:02 pm

No – click the hyperlink button after you highlight the TEXT.

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April 29, 2020 at 2:37 pm

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS! It is going to help my fifth graders sooooo much. Much appreciated.

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April 29, 2020 at 6:27 pm

OMG!!! This is pretty awesome. Thank you for sharing this with us!! I was just looking for a checklist.

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April 30, 2020 at 1:32 pm

Is there any way that I can change the title of the slide? I teach Wellness and just want to change the Weekly to Quarter 4. Thank you, Patty

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May 2, 2020 at 3:43 pm

Thank you these wonderful resources!

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May 3, 2020 at 5:52 pm

Is it possible to change the titles and colors of that header?

Do you have the double-column available that has an editable title, or can you make an ELA and Math that have two columns of six assignments?

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May 4, 2020 at 11:24 pm

This is so neat, and so wonderful, and I am actually so excited to use it! Thank you for posting such a great resource for us to use!

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May 19, 2020 at 2:37 pm

Is there a way to use this agenda so that when I child clicks on a link to the assignment it will take them directly to “their copy” of the assignment. If I made an assignment in which each student will have their own copy when opened, will this agenda work?

May 19, 2020 at 2:38 pm

Hi, i love this agenda…

Can it be used when a google classroom make a new copy for each student. If I put the link for the assignment in the agenda, will it take the child directly to “their copy”?

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July 14, 2020 at 4:15 am

Can you make one where we can change out the title? I’d like to make it Engineering Weekly assignments.

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August 6, 2020 at 4:40 pm

Thank you so much! I’m excited for my students but also for myself to have some organization! I love this, thank you for sharing!

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August 24, 2020 at 6:33 am

You are so creative! I love your blog and your ideas!

Thank you for this!

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August 31, 2020 at 8:36 am

Boy, did I need this! Thank you so much.

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September 1, 2020 at 3:52 pm

Hi Jennifer I was trying to make a copy of this checklist and it kept giving me a google error is there any way you can send me a link to it! Thank you so much! Your resources are saving my life!

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September 19, 2020 at 11:07 pm

Thank you! This checklist is just what I was looking for.

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September 22, 2020 at 12:52 pm

Hi Jennifer. I love the Weekly Assignment checklist, but I was wondering of there is a way to edit the weekly heading to add the dates of the week. Thank you,

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September 26, 2020 at 7:32 pm

I have used these both online and in print with elementary students, including with my students with moderate to severe disabilities. Cute without being visually overwhelming. Thanks!

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November 13, 2020 at 11:29 pm

Is there a way to create a checklist that when the student submits the assignment it automatically checks it off?

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November 18, 2020 at 6:45 am

Thank you so much. I have been looking for a kid friendly and parent friendly way for my students to keep up with assignments that are due. You are awesome for sharing this for free!

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November 18, 2020 at 12:30 pm

I teach high school and this is going to be a game changer for keeping my struggling students organized! Thank YOU!

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January 11, 2021 at 10:37 am

These are awesome! Thank you so much for these!

' src=

October 7, 2021 at 2:09 am

Oh my goodness, just what I was looking for. Thank you!!

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Welcome Friends!

I’m Jennifer Findley: a teacher, mother, and avid reader. I believe that with the right resources, mindset, and strategies, all students can achieve at high levels and learn to love learning. My goal is to provide resources and strategies to inspire you and help make this belief a reality for your students.

  • TemplateLab
  • Homework Planners

15 Printable Homework Planners (PDF, Word, Excel)

Just because you’re a student, that doesn’t mean that you always have things under control. A lot of times, you might feel that you “don’t have enough time” because you have so many things to accomplish like school work, projects , review, and homework. To make at least one of these aspects easier, creating a homework planner is essential.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Homework Planner Templates
  • 2 Information to include in your homework planner
  • 3 Tips for creating your own homework planner
  • 4 Best Homework Planners
  • 5 Using a notebook or binder for your homework planner
  • 6 Free Homework Planners
  • 7 How to use your homework planner?

Homework Planner Templates

Free College Homework Planner

Information to include in your homework planner

If you want to improve your time management skills through a homework planner, make sure to use the planner wisely. Avoid any crisis and conflict by including this information:

  • Regular times for you to do your homework
  • The due dates of your homework assignments
  • The dates of your tests
  • Any special events you have to attend wherein you won’t have time for homework
  • The deadlines of signing up for standardized tests
  • The due dates for school-related fees
  • The dates of school holidays

Tips for creating your own homework planner

It can be quite tricky to keep track of all the due dates of your homework without using a homework planner, a student planner template or any other kinds of organizational strategy. If you plan to create your own homework planner printable template, here are some tips:

  • Think about the types of weekly homework planner sheets to include. If you want to remain organized, you must use different types of planning lists, one of which is the homework planner printable.
  • Select the type and color of the paper to use when you print out your student planner template. You may also want to think about the type of template to use to organize all the information you need for school. After choosing and downloading a template, either customize it according to your needs or use it as it is.
  • After printing out the sheets of your daily, monthly or weekly homework planner, arrange the sheets in the order you want them to appear in your binder or notebook. Think about how you plan to use the sheets of your planner to find the perfect arrangement.
  • Organizing the different sections of your template allows you to keep all of your similar sheets for planning in one place. This is what successful planners to and it’s what allows you to remain flexible as you deal with your daily tasks.
  • Create different sections for your homework planner. Mark these sections using sheets of colored paper, stick-on dividers or other types of dividers to make it easier for you to locate the different sections.
  • Design the front cover of your planner. Here, you can express yourself using your own ideas and creativity. You can either create a design on your computer or use craft supplies to come up with a lovely design. If you think it will motivate you more, come up with a design that makes you feel inspired.
  • Name the sections of your planner. You can use the different subjects in your school as the names of the sections, the months of the year, and more, depending on what you need.
  • After marking the sheets and sections clearly, bind the sheets together. The simplest way to do this is with a stapler. Then fold a strip of paper over the entire side of the bound sheets to give your planner a neat look. After this, you can start using your planner!

Best Homework Planners

Free Student Homework Planner

Using a notebook or binder for your homework planner

Apart from creating your homework planner from scratch, you can also use either a notebook or a binder. Here are some steps to guide you:

Standard notebook

  • Select a notebook to use. Although using a homework planner printable is very convenient, decorating a notebook and using it for your planner is an excellent way for you to express yourself.
  • Decorate the notebook by starting with the cover. Use paint, stickers, and other craft supplies to do this.
  • Divide the notebook into how many sections you need for your planner. Think about how many sections you need then think about how many pages of the notebook you need for each of the sections.
  • Label the sections either by hand or using printed labels. You can also decorate the label covers of the notebook as you may see fit.
  • Create a calendar for your planner or print out a calendar template and attach it to your notebook in some way. This makes it easier for you to keep track of dates and deadlines.
  • Create the daily, weekly or monthly planning sheets. You can organize your plans easily by dividing the sheets or pages into equal sections for you to write your notes . Then you can start using the notebook to plan your homework!
  • Select the binder to use for your homework planner. In your selection process, consider the size of the banner. If you need a lot of space for your planning, you may choose a bigger binder. However, a smaller one is a lot easier to carry around. Therefore, considering the size is very important.
  • Think about the planning method you’d like to use. You can have daily, weekly or monthly planning or to-do lists . Using a binder is a lot easier, especially in terms of adding new sections when you need them.
  • Print out the homework or student planner templates you need after downloading or designing them. You can either use the templates you’ve downloaded or customize them as needed.
  • Insert all of the planning sheets and dividers into your binder. As you insert these sheets, separate them using standard dividers to make it easier for you to find the different sections. Using dividers also makes it easier for you to label the different sections for better organization.
  • After this, you can start using your homework planner!

Free Homework Planners

Free Daily Homework Planner Template - TemplateLab.com

How to use your homework planner?

Sometimes it’s hard to think about how you can accomplish all of your homework when your teachers keep piling everything on as if there’s no tomorrow. But as a student, the only thing you can do is to deal with what you’re given. The best way to do this is to remain organized by using a homework planner.

Without the proper organization and time management skills, you might not be able to get the top grades you’re hoping for. Now that you know how to create a daily, monthly or weekly homework planner, here are some tips for using it:

  • Select the right type of planner When you’re thinking about the type of planner to use, take your time. Select one which can accommodate all of the information you need but which still fits into your bag. Also, stay away from the store-bought ones with zippers or locks which are a challenge to open.
  • Name your planner Small as this detail may be, it’s important to name your planner to remind you to keep using it. When you assign a name to an object, you’re also giving it a strong purpose in your life. Choose whatever name you want, make sure that it stands out!
  • Incorporate the planner into your daily routine Make sure to bring the planner along with you at all times, especially when you go to school. Also, make sure to check the information written inside at the start and at the end of each day.
  • Jot down the information ASAP As soon as your teachers assign you with homework, jot down the most important details right away. Make this a habit and it soon becomes automatic for you. Write down the assignment on your planner, the due date, and other relevant details.
  • Learn how to use backward planning Whenever you write down any due date in your planner, keep going back to that homework to remind yourself that the due date is fast approaching.
  • Color-coding systems work wonders Use colored dividers, stickers, papers, highlighters, and more to organize your planner. This makes it easier for you to understand and identify the information written on your planner.
  • Make sure to include everything in your homework planner You must write down all the possible information in your planner, even the information about events, holidays, and other times which might take you away from doing your homework. If you don’t include this information, you can’t manage your time effectively.
  • Use tabs and flags Using tabs and flags makes it easier for you to indicate due dates, finished homework, end of terms, and more. These serve as an excellent visual tool which constantly reminds you of what you need to accomplish.
  • Keep the old pages and sheets in a separate file Since you’ll input everything in your planner, this means that each of the sheets contains important information. Therefore, you must keep the old pages in a separate file in case you need to use them as for reference later on.
  • Congratulate yourself for creating an organizational system After creating your homework planner and following all of these tips, congratulate yourself for creating your own organizational system. As long as you stick with the planning, doing your homework becomes a lot easier.

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No matter the size of your classroom, easily keep track of students’ daily assignments in a professional spreadsheet with Jotform’s free Daily Assignment Checklist! To get started, fill out the attached form with student and assignment information — then update the spreadsheet as you go, monitoring completion dates, assignment descriptions, and even including file uploads of finished assignments straight to your spreadsheet.

With Jotform’s easy-to-use interface, you can quickly add new rows and columns, include extra tabs to separate information for different classrooms, or update label names and colors for a personalized touch. You can even download your checklist as a PDF, CSV, or Excel file in a single click, or automatically sync your spreadsheet with other accounts like Google Drive, Dropbox, and more. Better manage student assignments and due dates online with a free Daily Assignment Checklist — and enjoy more time to focus on teaching your students.


  • Assignments
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WTO / Education / Charts / 22 Free Printable Homework Planners (Templates)

22 Free Printable Homework Planners (Templates)

A homework planner serves as an essential tool, similar to a journal, that enables students to keep track of their assignments and deadlines.

Utilizing this planner ensures you remain up-to-date with all your homework and assignments, along with their respective due dates.

Employing this planner minimizes the chances of overlooking deadlines, helping you stay organized and focused throughout your academic journey.

As a student, possessing such a planner is crucial in managing your school work efficiently and avoiding last-minute scrambles. This tool allows you to stay informed about upcoming tasks and prioritize your homework based on deadlines and task complexity.

Regardless of whether you choose a physical notebook or a digital planner, having a planner simplifies school life management. By utilising a template to create your personalised planner for homework, you can effectively organise your tasks and time, allowing for a more relaxed mental state.

Editable Templates

Free Printable Homework Planner Template 01 for Word File

Why Keep a Homework Planner? 

You can get many benefits as a student if you choose to keep a planner for your homework and assignments. With it, you will be able to improve your productivity, especially if you have a part-time job . It would be best if you have this planner to ensure that you dedicate enough time to each task and complete them all successfully. This way, you will increase your productivity and, hence, achieve better and higher-quality output.

This planner will help you plan your time properly . With a planner, you can manage your time wisely, which will help you meet your deadlines and avoid any stress. In addition, a planner will help you improve your organisational skills. That means you will be a more organized student with fewer instances of forgetfulness and confusion. You will learn how to keep your commitments and meet your deadlines.

Another important aspect of the planner is that you will be able to track your achievements and goals. Making a list of your assignments, homework, and to-do lists in your planner will help you track what you have completed and what is still pending. This planner will also make you more responsible. This means, with a planner, you are more likely to develop a sense of responsibility that will ensure you remain focused on your school tasks and achieve all your goals as planned. 

How to Create a Homework Planner?

You need to know how to create this planner because having one is important and beneficial. You can use any of the ways mentioned below to create your own planner according to your requirements.

Explained below are the five ways you can create your planner:  

Method 1: Design your own homework planner

  • Choose all the planning sheets you will need in your planner. This may include a monthly calendar, a weekly planning sheet, and a daily to-do list . You can use sticky notes to add information to your calendar or choose to use sticky notes to add important details to specific dates.
  • The next step is to download free templates for different kinds of sheets that you have chosen for your homework planner and then print them. You can use notebook paper, blank printing paper, or other printed papers for printing, depending on your style and planning design.
  • You should then organize your papers in a way that you want them to appear in your planner. You can start with the monthly sheets, then the weekly ones, and finally the daily papers. Because school schedules are usually divided into weeks rather than months, having separate sheets for weeks and days ensures continuity in planning even if the month changes midweek. 
  • The next step is to create sections for your planner by using color-coded sheets, dividers, tape, or post-notes to mark the presence of two sections or mark important sections.
  • After that, you can creatively design your planner cover by drawing and painting it, decorating it with your favorite stickers, or designing and printing out a cover on the computer.
  • Since you already have the sections divided, you need to decide what each section will include. You can categorize your planner sections according to subjects. Monthly, weekly, and daily categories can be created within the sections.
  • The final step in designing your own planner is to bind the papers together and put a cover. You can choose to either glue or staple the papers together. Your planner is now ready for you to add information about your assignments and homework. You can use your planner for assignments from one class or different classes. Make sure to highlight each task using a different color of ink.

Method 2: Use a standard notebook

  • The first step is to choose a planner notebook based on what you need and the number of assignments and homework you might receive for each class, from the various homework planners available. 
  • The next step is to decorate your notebook, a journal, or a composition book. Be creative and either draw or glue decorations on your notebook. Decorating your planner will help you stay motivated when using a planner.
  • Then, you should divide your notebook into sections like the ones mentioned earlier: the monthly sections, weekly sections, and daily to-do list. You can count the number of sheets you need for each section and divide them using dividers, folding corners of the papers, and using tape or coloured sheets.
  • Ensure that you label all the sections that you have created in your planner to make it easier to indicate the right information in the right place. You can create the label by writing, drawing, or using stickers.
  • The next step is to draw your calendars so that you can plan your month based on the information in your planner. You should make a calendar by drawing a large box, dividing it into four columns and seven rows, naming the days of the week on top of each column, naming the months, and including the correct dates.
  • Ensure that you create your weekly planning sheets since these are the ones you will use the most. Most of your homework and your assignment will be included in the weekly sections. You will need to divide it into eight columns, seven for the days of the week and one extra column for notes.
  • The final step of using a standard notebook to create your planner includes the required assignments and homework. Ensure you organize your tasks based on deadlines to ensure you meet all your deadlines.

Method 3: Use a binder

  • Choose a binder that will fit all the necessary papers that you need to include in your planner. This includes the assignments sections, the calendars, and the weekly planners. Try to minimize the number of papers in the binder so that you can easily access information about your assignments.
  • The next step is to decide how you want to organize your planner for your homework. You should include the monthly calendar, weekly sections, and daily to-do lists. Using a binder will make it easier to add more sections and papers in the future when needed. That means you do not have to focus much on the number of papers for each section.
  • The next step is to print out your planning sheets, including blank calendars and blank weekly planning sheets. You can edit and download customized homework planning sheet templates and then print them for use. After printing, insert these planning sheets into your binder.
  • The fourth step will be to divide your planning sheets using dividers so that you can separate and access each section easily. You should also label these sections appropriately. Finally, you should open your binder rings and insert the to-do list, the weekly sections, the calendar, and a special index page to help you with arranging the pages.
  • The final step is to include your homework and assignments sections. At this point, the binder is ready to be used as a homework planner, and you can start planning and organizing your schoolwork.

Method 4: Use a digital planner

  • Select a digital planner that can be used on your laptop, iPad, or smartphone. For example, you can use note-taking or other calendar apps as your digital planner for your homework.
  • The next step is to either take notes or design a custom planner meant to organize your school homework and assignments directly into the apps.
  • Finally when including details about your assignment, ensure you focus on these three important times; new semester, new year or new season, Sundays, and classes.
  • For the upcoming semester (year or season), you can include all the set dates for important activities like tests and deadlines. The apps help you update your weekly sections on Sundays, as they mark the start of the new week. Finally, in class, you can use the app to update information in your planner for to-do lists, key dates, lengthy assignments, projects, tests, and final exams.

Method 5: Use a template

You can also choose to use a template to prepare your planner for homework. A template is the easiest method to use since you will be required to download a premade planner and customize it to suit your homework needs.

You can easily edit a template and fill in the required information. Also, you can choose to download and print it, then paste it in your notebook to use as your daily planner. Whatever method you choose, the template for homework planner is not time-consuming and guarantees you less stress during the preparation process.

Free Customizable Homework Calendar Template as Word File

In the case of a to-do list, you do not have to mention every single thing you intend or plan to do during the day. This will be difficult if something unexpected occurs or you decide to do something other than what you planned. As a student, the best way is to organize the tasks you need to complete immediately, the tasks you will complete in a couple of hours, and the tasks you will do on another day. It is about which assignment or homework is the most important.

What to Include in a Homework Planner

The information in this section will help you create a comprehensive planner that will assist you in organizing your homework and assignments.

Here is what you need to include in your planner once you have created it using any of the methods mentioned above:

Regular times for homework

You need to include a regular block of homework time. This is the time that you have dedicated to doing your homework. Setting regular times for homework is important, as it will help you plan for extra study and other school work you may have.

Due dates of homework assignments

The deadlines and due dates for your homework and assignments should also be included in the planner. This will help you remember what you need to do and when to ensure you submit your work on time.

Dates of tests

Your planner should include information about your homework and the test dates. You need to plan and organize your time to study and prepare for your tests. Including this information will help you stay informed about the upcoming tests.

Any special events to attend

In case you need to attend a dance, party, celebration, or any other special event, you should include it in your planner. This is important, as you will not have time for your homework if you have not planned it properly in your schedule.  

Deadlines for signing up for standardized tests

Standardized tests like the SATs are important tests for you as a student. If you are interested in taking such exams, you need to note the deadlines for registering for these standardised tests in your homework planner. That way, you can prepare for the tests and stay alert about applying.

Your planner should also have information about your school fee due date. You have to remind your parents or guardians about paying your school fees, and that is why it is important to include this information in your planner.

Dates of school holidays

Since you will be checking your planner for information about your homework, assignments, and tests, the planner is a good place to indicate the dates of any upcoming school holidays. This will help you remember to do all that is required before the school holiday.

Best Practices to Follow

When creating and filling your  planner, there are tips that you should remember. These tips are some of the best practices you need to adapt and follow for effective homework planning.

Some of these best practices include the following:  

1. Choose the right planner for you

It is important to choose the right planner for your homework and assignment needs. Your planner is meant to help with your school life by organizing your schoolwork. That means choosing your planner is the first and most important thing you should do. Choose what is most suitable for you, whether it is a notebook or a digital planner.

2. Set weekly goals

You need to include your weekly goals in your planner. Apart from your homework and assignments, you can also include your weekly goals in the planner. An example of a weekly goal can be studying for about 45 minutes to improve your grades.

3. Keep track of upcoming assignments

For the planner to be beneficial, remember that it is not enough to note your homework and assignment details. As a student, you must track those assignments that are due soon. It will not be beneficial to have a homework planner and still forget to complete assignments on time.

4. Practice time management

When creating and filling in your planner, you need to practice time management. As a student, managing school and your personal life requires you to learn how to manage your time. Ensure you allocate appropriate time for each school task, homework, and assignment. That way, you can have more time to indulge in other activities.

5. Keep it positive 

Ensure to include positive information in your planner. You can congratulate yourself by adding positive notes in the planner every time you complete your work and school assignments. This will encourage you to stay focused on adhering to the planner.  

Final Thoughts

As a student, you need to have a method to organise your school work and your personal time. You might feel overburdened or even forget to complete some of these tasks as you balance your homework, assignments, and other schoolwork. That is why you need a homework planner. You can easily make a planner to ensure you stay organized and responsible, and always remember to complete your homework. Use our customized templates to create your planner today.

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Madison Edgar

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15 Checklist, Schedule, and Planner Templates for Students


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Templates are extremely useful for business documents, but for students they can be lifesavers.

You have enough to think about during the school year, so using a template can save a ton of time. Put your mind on your classes and use these helpful checklist and planning templates for the rest.

1. Homework Checklist

homework checklist teacher vision

For a plain and simple homework checklist, this template from TeacherVision is great for younger students, but can work for any age. Each subject is in its own spot with days of the week and check boxes to mark off as you complete assignments.

2. Printable Homework Planner

printable homework planner tidyform

This next homework planner from TidyForm lets you easily plan your assignments for each day of the week and even the weekend. Instead of listing out the subjects, you can enter them yourself for the day and include details with due dates for each.

Note: you will need a PDF editor to make changes to the template on your computer.

3. Homework Schedule

homework schedule tidyform

Another planner from TidyForm breaks down your days into time blocks. Each hour slot is along the left side of the sheet with the seven days of the week across the top. This one is great for assignments, but you could use it for class schedules or work shifts to plan your entire week ahead of time.

It is a basic template, but a useful one.

4. Class Schedule and Planner

class schedule template tidy templates

If you need a more detailed planner, this schedule is intended for classes. However, it can also be used for more. It uses time blocks like the TidyForm planner, but breaks them down into increments that you choose. Adjust the start time and interval minutes and the sheet automatically updates. You can add your classes, pop in your homework time, and add shifts for work all in one place.

5. Assignment Schedule

assignment schedule vertex42

This template from Vertex42 is another with time blocks in 30-minute increments. And, this one has even more detail. On one side of the template, you can list out classes with assignments, dates, and times.

On the other side, you can add your class schedule or plan your homework and projects. The workbook also includes a Homeschool tab for parents homeschooling their children. Overall, it's a good dual-purpose option.

6. Multiple-Task Planner

multiple task planner onenotegem

If you are a OneNote user, check out this option from OneNoteGem. You can quickly fill out subjects and assignments for five days of the week. This is ideal for classes that have many tasks on the same day.

For example, you may need to work on a group project, research a paper, and finish an assignment in one day. The template has a good amount of room for those to-dos.

7. Student Notebook

student notebook onenotegem

Also, for OneNote you can download an entire student notebook template. Just scroll further down on the OneNoteGem templates page for this option.

What's nice about this template is that the notebook includes sections for planners, five classes, and research along with note-taking tips.

8. Class Schedule

class schedule vertex42

For a neat and flexible class schedule template, this one is available for Excel, OpenOffice, and Google Sheets. It is basic with time slots broken into 15-minute increments on one tab and 30-minute increments on another. Plus, it includes seven days of the week, unlike many others. For college students, this is a terrific class schedule template.

9. Student Planner

student planner vertex42

With a student planner that lists your subjects by week, you can stay on track every single day. Vertex42 has two templates to pick from that offer different layouts.

One option has the subjects down the left side with days of the week across the top. The other template is the reverse of that. Each has spots for to-dos and notes and is available for either Excel or as a PDF.

10. All-in-One Schedule and Budget

all-in-one schedule and budget office

For an all-in-one workbook for college, this Excel template has sheets for classes per term, course credits, a college budget, and textbooks. You can keep everything in one place. You can also track your overall progress and your current GPA.

11. Student Calendar

student calendar office

Another planner from Microsoft Office is this 12-month student calendar. There is a tab for each month, spots for a weekly schedule, and a section for assignments. The year cell is editable making it reusable for your entire college career.

This template makes planning study time and homework a breeze.

12. Dorm Room Checklist

Dorm Room Checklist

If you are heading to a dorm room for college, there is no better way to make sure you have everything than with this checklist template. You can add box numbers for packing and checks when you pack the items.

The template gives you sections such as kitchen supplies, electronics, computer equipment, safety items, and more.

13. Back to School Checklist

Back To School Checklist

For parents with kids in elementary or middle school, this checklist is perfect for back-to-school time. One column has tasks to take care of like verifying immunizations and obtaining a school supply list. The second column has items to purchase from clothes and a backpack to school supplies.

If you have a youngster getting ready for a new school year, this is the template for you.

14. College Budget

college student budget vertex42

When you need to keep an eye on your college budget, this template is just for it. The top section is for your funding and income with the bottom for your expenses. The most common types of college-related items are included, making this a convenient template for college students.

15. Monthly College Budget

monthly college budget office

This monthly budget tracker from Microsoft Office gives you a simple way to view your cash flow. You can glance at the pie charts at the top to get an overview of your income and expenses by month. Change the values below to add your items and the charts change automatically.

It's one simple sheet with everything you need to budget each month.

Time for Class!

For classes, assignments, budgeting, supplies, course credits, and all that goes with these things, make sure you are prepared when the bell rings or classroom door closes. Now that you have these 15 awesome template options, you are on your way to starting the school year off right.

You might also check out these essential Windows apps for students to help with school.

Image Credits: Rawpixel.com/Shutterstock

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Free Microsoft Word Task List Templates, Planners, and Checklists

By Kate Eby | August 30, 2023

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Task lists, planners, and checklists help enable efficiency and productivity. Use these editable Microsoft Word task list templates, planners, and checklists to prioritize, manage, and track essential daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. 

Included on this page, you’ll find a daily task list template , a weekly task planner , a printable daily task planner template , and a project task list with Gantt chart template . There are also fillable Microsoft Word templates for a prioritized task checklist and a task tracker .

Weekly Task List Template for Microsoft Word

Weekly Task List Template Microsoft Word

Download the Weekly Task List Template for Microsoft Word

List, categorize, and describe weekly tasks with this fillable task list template. Use the status legend to view any updates for essential tasks. This weekly task list template also features a Notes column for adding comments, along with seven days of due dates for each task. 

To document, prioritize, and manage tasks in a variety of ways, check out this collection of free task list and checklist templates .

Weekly Task Planner Template for Microsoft Word

Weekly Task Planner Template Microsoft Word

Download the Weekly Task Planner Template for Microsoft Word

Use this task planner template to organize and detail tasks for each day of the week. This template's Tasks column allows you to prioritize and compare weekly tasks to daily listings so that you can stay on track. The editable planner layout provides an overview of tasks, reminders, and notes that is easy to follow.

Manage project tasks and update team members, personnel, and other stakeholders with this resource of free project task list templates for project management .

Daily Task List Template for Microsoft Word

Daily Task List Template Microsoft Word

Download the Daily Task List Template for Microsoft Word

Schedule daily tasks throughout the week with this editable template. Use the hourly rows to list tasks for specific hours or break them down across multiple hourly intervals. This daily task list template's seven-day layout maximizes scheduling flexibility.

Use this personal task list template for task prioritization, management, and visualization solutions.

Printable Daily Task Planner Template for Microsoft Word

Printable Daily Task Planner Template Microsoft Word

Download the Printable Daily Task Planner Template for Microsoft Word

This fillable daily task planner template is easy to use and designed for printing. Organize and prioritize tasks for each day. Add the date for the day of its use and breakout to-dos, top priorities, people to contact, places to go, and activities you can move to another day. Customize this template by changing the section labels to suit your needs.

To plan and manage priorities in a spreadsheet, check out this collection of free to-do list templates in Excel .

Project Task List with Gantt Chart Template for Microsoft Word

Project Task List with Gantt Chart Template Microsoft Word

Download the Project Task List with Gantt Chart Template for Microsoft Word

Use this fillable project task list with Gantt chart template to list and detail task assignments using their start and end dates and quickly see how long each will take to complete. The Gantt chart provides a visual overview of project tasks to enable your team to see their status and update project sponsors. Add details about the project, such as the project manager, deliverables, scope, and the person responsible for each task. Use this template to document status updates for all project tasks and the overall project status.

Prioritized Task Checklist Template for Microsoft Word

Prioritized Task Checklist Template Microsoft Word

Download the Prioritized Task Checklist Template for Microsoft Word

Use this prioritized checklist template to categorize tasks as high, medium, and low priority. This fillable template features a check box, due date, and status update for each task so you can easily manage and track them. List more tasks in the Additional Tasks section or customize it with a new label that better suits your needs.  

Track project tasks, their priorities, statuses, and more with this collection of free project checklist templates .

Microsoft Word Task Tracker Template 

Task Tracker Template Microsoft Word

Download the Task Tracker Template for Microsoft Word

Use this template to list and track important tasks by title, priority, start and due dates, and completion percentage. This editable template is formatted for simplicity and accessibility, providing only essential details. It includes a Comments column for additional task notes and reminders.

Easily Track and Monitor and Tasks in Smartsheet

Empower your people to go above and beyond with a flexible platform designed to match the needs of your team — and adapt as those needs change. 

The Smartsheet platform makes it easy to plan, capture, manage, and report on work from anywhere, helping your team be more effective and get more done. Report on key metrics and get real-time visibility into work as it happens with roll-up reports, dashboards, and automated workflows built to keep your team connected and informed. 

When teams have clarity into the work getting done, there’s no telling how much more they can accomplish in the same amount of time.  Try Smartsheet for free, today.

Discover why over 90% of Fortune 100 companies trust Smartsheet to get work done.

Simply Convivial

Create a Stellar Homeschool Checklist Routine

daily assignment checklist template

Every time I share a photo of our kids’ homeschool checklists, I get requests for the template or questions about how we make checklists work in our homeschool.

We’ve been using weekly checklists for more than 5 years. For a year and a half we used Trello for our homeschool , but then returned to paper in order to reduce screen time and screen-distraction excuses.

Now all 5 students have a weekly homeschool checklist, even the 5-year-old. She is the first 5-year-old to have a checklist, though. I gave her one because she wants to be like the other kids – and that’s ok.

I started my oldest two on checklists when my oldest was 4th or 5th grade . Then my third joined the checklist ranks in 3rd grade and Knox got his first at 6-years-old because he could read and needed a list of options of things to do while the rest of us were doing school.

That first year – or two! – of checklist use is not “independent work” in reality. It’s training for independent work and it really does take a school year or two to teach them how to independently use a checklist. I always need to remind any student under ten to check the list between each task.

Today, I’m going to share my process for creating and maintaining our weekly homeschool student checklists.

Yes, there’s a blank template to download for free at the end of the post. I knew you’d ask. You’re welcome.

All the parts of a homeschool checklist routine

What we all must remember as we print off and hand off the checklist is that checking off boxes is never the point.

With the checklists, they are learning to follow instructions, learning to do the next thing without prompting – and it takes time and practice to learn those things. And, of course, with the items on the checklist, the point isn’t simply to cross them off, but to learn and practice them as well, whether it be writing or typing or piano or reading or anything else.

So remember that the checklist is a small tool the children are learning. If it becomes a stumbling block, it’d be better to throw it out that trip them up. There’s plenty of time to learn how to check boxes. What matters most is learning the skills and gaining the knowledge that the checklists point to.

Let them use checklists as a tool for self-direction as much as possible, rather than a tool of mom’s micromanagement. If you aren’t clear on your goals for your children, working through Art of Homeschooling will help you clarify that for yourself and apply it to practical pieces like homeschool checklists.

Make Your Homeschool Checklist Templates

I do most of the planning for our homeschool year in the summer. I plot out the calendar, see how many weeks we’ll have, choose the break weeks, and then start counting pages or chapters and doing basic math in order to come up with a rough estimate of how much must be done each week in each subject.

Sometimes this math tells me we need another book to supplement, sometimes it tells me I need to make hard choices and cut a book, but without estimating how much time we have and how much we will likely need, I would end up with an overwhelming book list and an unreasonable number of assignments.

As I sketch out what each student will work on that year, I make a ballpark estimate – trying to guess high – for how many minutes per week that assignment will take. I include Morning Time and math and piano practice in their weekly time estimates, then divide that by 5.

How I make homeschool checklsits

My goal is to keep the estimated work load at around 4 hours per day for high school, 3-3.5 for middle school, and 2ish for elementary.

Then I spread the work out over the week for all but my high school student, so they have a roughly similar amount of work, with alternation of kinds, each school day. For my high schooler, I look at what must be daily work and what simply needs to be done in the week and separate those out on his checklist so he can choose what he does when.

Then I start filling in the weekly checklists, which are simple tables in the word processor, using a column for every day and a row for each subject – including a row for morning hygiene and chores and a row at the end for EHAP (tidying up their school things).

I try to take into account the level of activity or responsibility happening in the day of the week so that the more difficult work is on the more free and open days and the lighter work – or less work – is assigned on busy days. That becomes more difficult as there are more older kids with more intense activities (I’m looking at you, NCFCA), but I do my best and we adjust as needed as we go.

So, before we start school, we each have a basic outline for each day of our school week. The younger students days are very similar, but the middle school and high school students’ days have more variety because they’re doing more things.

Why I make weekly homeschool checklists

That is, I didn’t really need to do a weekly checklist for elementary school children because each day was almost identical; however, I still did and do because I don’t want to remake or print a list every day or always have to tell them every little thing.

I also think that a weekly list helps us with consistency. If I were to rewrite the list every day (ala spiral notebooks), I would let myself and my kids off the hook for today’s work because I would tell myself that I’d just put it on tomorrow’s list. Some seasons of life need that flexibility, but I don’t have any legitimate reason to procrastinate anyone’s work at this point.

Seeing the week at a glance helps teach us the truth of Charlotte Mason’s saying:

This idea of definite work to be finished in a given time is valuable to the child, not only as training him in habits of order, but in diligence; he learns that one time is not ‘as good as another’; that there is no right time left for what is not done in its own time; and this knowledge alone does a great deal to secure the child’s attention to his work.

For this to work, however, I must keep a realistic portion of work that is actually manageable. That takes experience to figure out, but is worth the experimentation and observation and attention and energy.

Every 6-8 weeks: Evaluate the Homeschool Checklists

No matter how well-thought-out or how well organized, there are always adjustments to be made after a few weeks of actual use. The reality is always different from the ideal.

I print out the checklists week by week, so I can make quick edits here and there as needed that first term, but I save any major overhauls for our PREP week without school, which come every six weeks on our year-round homeschool schedule .

It’s not only the formatting or the assigning certain work to certain days that needs to be reevaluated. It’s also how the whole process works.

  • Do the checklists have a home? Do they stay there? Is it working?
  • Are the checklists being used? Are they being checked? Are they kept accurately? What pep talks need to happen about checklist use (i.e. – no checking things off before you do them; see 5 Tips for Using Homeschool Checklists)
  • Is the work load about right? Does something need to be cut?
  • Are the assignments clear to the student? Does he understand? Do they need to be more specific?
  • Does anything else the student is responsible for (hygiene, chores, etc.) need to go on the checklist?

These are the sorts of questions to ask as you evaluate how the checklists are working in your homeschool day.

Be persistent and troubleshoot!

Although the goal is for the checklists to smooth the path and help everyone stay on track without nagging, that will likely not happen until you’ve been using them for 18 months at least. Don’t give up after the first six weeks.

Referring to a checklist between each task and staying focused, deliberately moving through a list of assignments without needing reminders, is a skill that needs to be learned and practiced before the training wheels of mom-as-reminder can come off.

Even with a checklist for the first year or two (of each student’s first year or two – so it might be a decade of this!), you will need to follow up all morning long and at the end of the school day.

One hint for speeding up the process: If there’s a checklist, never tell them what to do next unless it’s lessons you’re teaching directly. If they ask you or if you see them dawdling or playing, turn them to the checklist and not to you – that’s the habit you want to build; therefore, we need to build it, not undermine it.

Weekend: Print & Fill in the Homeschool Checklists

Every week – supposedly on Friday or Saturday but more often than not on Monday morning – I fill out each student’s checklist with their work for the week.

The checklist provides the structure and the assignment, but I add the chapter number here, the math page there, the online class video number here, the page numbers there. On my middle student’s lists I add what continent they’re working on that week – same assignments (fill in a map, draw a map), but the continent rotates on a loop schedule.

During that summer planning, I put all the chapter numbers or page numbers for daily assignments in a spreadsheet, so this is fairly quick work. I can refer to what’s next on my spreadsheet and jot it on their checklist. I used to type it in before printing, but have found it’s actually faster and simpler to have the paper and the spreadsheet at the same time, quickly filling in the spots that need specific assignments.

Every Day: Check the Homeschool Checklists

Yes: every one, every day.

The more you do, the better and sooner the checklists will work for you, in direct proportions.

Unless they are held accountable to complete that work, they don’t have the staying power or inner motivation to finish it as instructed – even good, obedient kids (except for the few personalities who are inherently checklist-completion-nazis; these are the children begging you for a checklist – not necessarily the ones making their own, but those who want to follow instructions from outside themselves).

This is merely immaturity, not a gigantic character flaw. It can become a character flaw, as most of us know (how many times do we complete our checklists every day without external motivation?), but learning the self-control and the habit of not moving on with the day before the list is complete is a skill that takes time and repetition and accountability to build.

Giving them accountability is a major part of our responsibility has homeschooling parents.

A checklist only works if you check it.

When you first give your children checklists, the first several months – maybe the first year – will primarily be about whether or not you mean what you say. And you can only prove that you do by standing behind your written list and checking in with them, preferably every single day.

Do not wait for your child to come to you with a problem. Watch. Notice. Pay attention.

Have posted consequences for checking off a box when the task isn’t completed.

At our house, I always correct all the math pages every day. I do this not only because I don’t want to tempt my children to cheat, but also because it’s the only way I can keep my pulse on how they’re actually doing.

Also at our house, a school day isn’t done until I’ve marked their checklist day off. So if they’re playing and I haven’t seen their checklist, then there’s a problem. They may play after showing me their checklist. When I mark the checklist with a star, their school day is over.

You’ll see in the examples of checklists below, though, that crossing an item on the checklist out completely was not a rare occurrence. However, I had to approve their completed work. It was not something they could decide by themselves. They had to learn that lesson, which they could because I was checking their lists daily.

Keys to meaningful checklists

We know what we mean when we put something on a checklist, but that doesn’t mean our kids know what we mean when they look at the checklist. Telling them once isn’t going to work, either.

“Practice piano,” it turns out, is actually a very vague task. It is what our checklists say, because I can’t write a full descriptive complete sentence for every box on everyone’s list. First, for many months, I did spell it out on the white board and aloud in Morning Time: They could only check off “practice piano” if they completed every single item on the list the teacher gave them. Anything short of that was equivalent to a lie.

Now we can just say, “practice piano” on the list and there is rarely a drawn out, “But did you do your scales?” conversation.

But that first year needs extra hand-holding and clarification. It’s obvious to you what you mean, but it’s not obvious to your child. Also, saying it once isn’t enough. You need to ask questions, clarify, and hold the line. Be clear, but firm, day in and day out until everyone gets the habit of looking at the list and following through.

A checklist must be super-specific  and  explained.

If checklists have been a problem for you, it may be because you and your child function from different understandings of what the task means and what done looks like. Expect push back without letting it ruffle you.

Try, each Monday for several weeks, to sit down with your child and his checklist and have  him  tell you what each task on there means and what done looks like. By listening rather than always talking, we will quickly root out miscommunication.

However, we should assume miscommunication and misunderstanding rather than rebellion and disobedience first. We need to try to keep the conversation cheerful and positive, rather than putting our kids on the defensive all the time. That is not a good posture for learning. Disobedience isn’t, either, but we’ll be ahead if we can short-circuit a confrontation by saying, “Oh, you must have forgotten! Piano practice includes scales. Go do them now.”

A homeschool checklist gives ownership

If we give our kids a checklist, we have to allow them some say in how they use it. If we want our kids to become self-directed, then we need to give them ownership. Our kids should have some say in the order they do their work, in how they mark things off, in whether or not they doodle on their list.

We  want  them to have ownership of their learning, and that begins with baby steps and with missteps. Let them learn first-hand that it really is better to do math first by putting it off to the end. Add exercise or something physical to their list so they can learn to recover from strenuous mental work with fresh air and physical work.

Free homeschool checklist templates!

daily assignment checklist template

Get 5 of my favorite homeschool checklist templates!

Jumpstart your homeschool checklist practice by starting with one of my proven formats. Open, edit, and make them your own! Plus, get tips and followup, too –


Ive been reading yoir blog for years. I keep trying to implement your methods, especially the EHAP (we call it “Evening Tidy”), checklists, and Weekly Review. But I feel jaded, because my life is so messy that we never seem to have the same daily routine, and I cant seem to build lasting habits, because they are always getting interrupted. I might go 2 weeks but then “something happens”, stuff outside of my control is always coming up. I have really considered if I actually DO have control, but alas, it seems not. I planned the whole school year, but now we are hopelessly behind. So I feel very discouraged that I put in SO much effort just to have to revamp the whole thing 6 weeks in. Im beginning to wonder if I should become a “Spirit Led” School planner, amd just write down what weactually do, after we do it. I welcome your thoughts.

What works when there are babies and pregnancies and a lot going on (especially with a tired mama!) is different from what works when everyone is sleeping through the night and capable of following directions. I did use checklists when I was in the toddler + pregnant + not sleeping phase as a survival tool – but Morning Time was pretty much all I directly led during that time. Everything else was audio books and independent work so that I could direct them to do the next thing and look at their work. And we didn’t do much – I had my priorities – Morning Time, math, and good books (whether they came by reading aloud, audio books, or free reading). If those things were happening, then education was happening and it was good. Other things on their lists at that point like mapwork might not happen every time, but it also wasn’t anything they were behind on if it didn’t happen. It took us 2 1/2 years to work through Latin For Children, but we just kept going along. What they got was better than having none at all.

Falling off the bandwagon – or jumping off or being pushed off – definitely happens. It happens to me. It happens to most people. It happens more often the more people are involved in your life. The people are the important part – and the education is for them, too. They aren’t for it. We just have to keep rolling with the punches and not give up. Get back up, keep trying. Repent. Rejoice. Repeat. – and remember that nothing is or can be optimal when you aren’t sleeping through the night. So don’t expect it to be. Just muddle on through.

Have you seen my post on How to Lesson Plan So You’re Never Behind? http://simplyconvivial.com/2016/simple-homeschool/ and my post on Pam’s site about homeschooling with toddlers: https://pambarnhill.com/homeschool-toddlers/

Hope that helps! You’re doing a good work. Hang in there and don’t grow weary. There is no secret for making it easy. There’s just repent, rejoice, repeat.

Hi, I am wondering how you make your templates. Are you using Excel, or making tables in Word? Thanks.

I’m on a Mac, so I use Pages, the Apple word processor – they’re just tables, nothing too fancy. :)

I’m in a similar place as “Meg mom to 8” who made the first comment (lots of toddlers and a baby in addition to all the older kids). I’m also a natural list maker and that helps, but I’m still very overwhelmed with the amount of schooling that needs to happen every day. I’m really interested in what you said in your response to Meg about planning less. Really – is just MT and math and reading stacks of good books enough? I’m intrigued because that sounds so doable and yet still rich with ideas and deep content. Can you tell me just a bit about what MT would look like in this scenario?

Hi there! I am having trouble finding the link for the homeschool checklist? Are those still available? I am probably just not seeing it. Thanks!

Oh man….just found the button! Sorry!

Hi Mystie! We so appreciate you. I am also having trouble accessing the link. The “download” button is inactive. Perhaps because it’s a Mac doc?

Scratch the previous request. I found the link in another post! Thanks!

The “download” button doesn’t seem to work. :) Love your resources!

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Home » Report Templates » Organize Your Study Schedule with this Assignment Planner Template (Excel / PDF)

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Organize your study schedule with this assignment planner template (excel / pdf).

An assignment planner template is a useful tool that enables you to organize your assignments and complete them on time. Having this tool is beneficial for both the students and the people who are assigned to work on a specific project over a specific period.

Furthermore, the assignment planner streamlines your process of planning the assignment and ensures an organized approach to your work. Using this template improves time management, reduces stress, and enhances the quality of your assignment.

Why should you use the assignment planner template?

The assignment planner template provides you with an effective way to manage your assignments. Anyone whose aim is to achieve academic or professional success should use this template. It ensures that your assignment is comprehensive and aligned with the set objectives. The planner helps you improve time management skills and key competencies that are crucial in both academic and professional settings. In addition, it enables you to break down complex tasks into manageable steps so that you can complete your task systematically. Also, it improves the quality of your final product by reducing the last-minute rushes.

Important components of the assignment planer:

The assignment planner should include the following details;

Assignment overview

In this section, you have to specify the assignment’s main topic or question. Describe your assignment precisely to avoid confusion.

Mention the due dates in front of each assignment so that you know how much time you have to complete them. You can organize them according to your priority level.

Completion status

When you keep track of your assignment status, it informs you which work you have started, are in progress, is completed, or require revision.

Subject and type

Classify your assignments into their respective subjects or group them by type.

monthly assignment planner template for student

School assignment planner:

An assignment planner is very important for the students as they are mostly bound to have assignments. It provides them with due dates for different assignments that they have to do. The planner can be used as a timeline that makes sure the students are on time in terms of the assignments.

Assignment Planner Excel Template

weekly assignment planner excel template

Assignment Planner Template Excel

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Assignment Schedule Template

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Free Printable Assignment Planner

free printable assignment planner

Printable Weekly School Assignment Planner Template

printable weekly school assignment planner template

School Assignment Schedule Template

school assignment schedule template

Student Assignment Planner Template

student assignment planner template

Weekly Assignment Planner Template

weekly assignment planner template

Work assignment planner:

Professionals can use the work assignments planner to record special projects if they are assigned to do a lot of tasks daily . Also, they use it to write additional responsibilities that are assigned to them by the company. The planner also helps them in managing their time.

The assignment planner template can be used by students , researchers, and professionals who have been assigned different assignments along with the due dates.

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I am Ryan Duffy and legal writer. I received a bachelor of business administration (BBA) degree from London Business School. I have 8+ years of writing experience in the different template fields and working with ExcelTMP.com for 7 years. I work with a team of writers and business and legal professionals to provide you with the best templates.


Homework Checklist

Teachers often face the challenge of keeping track of Homework assignments for various classes. Students struggle to remember which tasks are due when. This disorganization leads to missed deadlines and stress for both sides. A solution is needed to streamline this process, making it easier for everyone to stay on top of assignments. We design easy-to-use homework checklists that can get printed right from your own home. These checklists help students track their assignments, due dates, and completion status. With clear sections and a simple layout, kids can stay organized and motivated to keep on top of their work. It makes life easier for both students and parents to ensure nothing gets missed.

Homework Checklist

Table of Images 👆

  • Student Homework Checklist Editable
  • Weekly Homework Charts
  • Homework Charts
  • Daily Homework Checklist
  • Homework Chart Template
  • Homework Planner Template For College Students
  • Weekly Student Homework Checklists
  • Weekly Assignment Sheet
  • Daily Homework Chart
  • Cute To-Do List Template
  • Homework Reward Charts
  • Classroom Incentive Chart
  • Behavior Reward Chart Template
  • My School Week Homework Planner For Elementary
  • Student Homework Planner Template

Student Homework Checklist Printable Editable

A printable homework checklist is a useful tool to help you stay organized and keep track of your assignments. It allows you to list each homework task and mark it off once completed. This checklist can be beneficial for students of all ages, as it helps to prioritize tasks and ensures that nothing is forgotten or overlooked.

Life's too short to be stuck doing assignments all day, right? So, while you're out there making the most of it, Edubirdie got your back with the homework stuff. Think of it like a win-win situation – you keep chasing what you love, and they do the homework .

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Recent Comments

daily assignment checklist template

Nov 27, 2022

Thank you for sharing this helpful free printable homework checklist! It's a practical resource that will surely make organizing my assignments easier.

Nov 1, 2022

A free printable homework checklist is a helpful tool to keep track of your assignments and ensure that you stay organized and complete your tasks on time.

Oct 26, 2022

A free printable homework checklist allows students to keep track of their assignments and tasks, ensuring they stay organized and never miss a deadline.

daily assignment checklist template

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Checklist Templates

8+ assignment checklist templates – samples, examples.

Numerous tasks pile up on us every day. We have house chores, work, exercise and more. With everything that’s happening, we usually think that we can’t get any busier. However, we end up making a new checklist from time to time, especially when those in power give us new assignments.

daily assignment checklist template

Checklist Template Bundle

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  • Google Docs

Assignment Checklist Template

assignment checklist template

Student Assignment Checklist Template

student assignment checklist template

Teacher Assignment Checklist

teacher assignment checklist

School Assignment Checklist

school assignment checklist

Assignment Task Checklist

assignment task checklist

How to Write an Assignment Checklist

  • To think of it like writing a training checklist template . This will make the checklist short and concise, avoiding confusion.
  • Prioritize the assignments nearing their due date and put them on the top of the list.
  • Write specific details regarding each assignment.

How to Submit an Assignment Checklist

  • Email – This is the fastest way of submission usually in checklist template in PDF, thanks to the Internet.
  • Snail Mail – If it is the preferred method of submission, then you can definitely snail mail your checklist.
  • In Person – You can also visit their office and personally deliver the checklist to them.

Assignment Checklist for Course

assignment checklist for course

Assignment Submission Checklist

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Assignment Checklist for Project

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Daily Assignment Checklist

daily assignment checklist

Guidelines for Assignment Checklist

  • Context is coherent and purpose is definitively evident.
  • The arrangements must be properly organized, similar to how project checklist templates look.
  • Columns, boxes, diagrams and examples are necessary and should be used aptly.
  • Avoid making irrelevant descriptions, specifications or information.
  • Must summarize the main idea, major points and averts in proposing new ideas that may come in conflict with the context.

More in Checklist Templates

Google Classroom Assignment Tracker Template

Assignment to-do list template, college assignment template, professional assignment template, blank assignment template, sales lead assignment slip template, assignment planner template, interview and writing essay assignment template, assignment notebook template, case brief assignment template.

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File Formats

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  2. Assignment Checklist Template

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  4. EDITABLE Digital Weekly Assignment Checklist by ClassroomCreative

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  5. Daily Assignment Checklist Template

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  6. Free Printable Daily Assignment Sheets

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