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A world without trees inspire article.

Author(s): Hannah Voak

Contemplating the consequences of a tree-free planet.

There are approximately 3.04 trillion trees on planet Earth ( Crowther et al, 2015 ), covering 31% of the world’s land surface w1 . Today, for Earth day , we’re taking a look at trees.

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Around 15 billion trees are cut down each year. So, hypothetically speaking, it would take just over 200 years for the world’s forests to completely disappear. While this scenario is unlikely, what would be the consequences of a tree-free planet? Let’s start with perhaps the most obvious difference – oxygen concentration.

A lack of oxygen?

Oxygen makes up roughly 21% of the Earth’s atmosphere, but you probably know that already. What you might be surprised to find out, however, is that only half of this oxygen is produced through photosynthesis in trees and other plants on land. The other half is produced in oceans, by microscopic marine organisms called phytoplankton. The environment would not be devoid of oxygen if all trees were lost but the oxygen level would be lower. Would it be sufficient for humans to survive? In one year, a mature leafy tree produces as much oxygen as ten people breathe. If phytoplankton provides us with half our required oxygen, at current population levels we could survive on Earth for at least 4000 years before the oxygen store ran empty. However, that’s not considering a number of other factors: increasing population size, for example, would reduce the amount of oxygen available, whilst phytoplankton blooms due to an abundance of carbon dioxide could increase oxygen levels.  

Suffocating smog

Whilst there may be enough oxygen for humans to survive on Earth, at least to begin with, the air we breathe could still be responsible for our demise. Like giant filters, trees help to cut down on pollution levels. Leaves intercept airborne particles and ozone, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and other greenhouse gases are absorbed through the leaves stomata. In 2012, outdoor air pollution was estimated to cause 3.7 million premature deaths worldwide w2 . Imagine the impact removing these environmental sieves would have on humankind. Air-pollution masks would become a necessity and bottled ‘clean air’ could come at a premium.

Full of hot air?

essay on earth without trees in

Armed with pollution masks, would the climate and temperature still be suitable for us? One important consideration is carbon dioxide. In one year, an acre of mature trees soaks up the same amount of carbon dioxide that we produce by driving the average car 26 000 miles. Since human activities like this increase the normal level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, cutting down trees would tip the balance even further, not to mention the enormous amount of stored carbon that would be released from doing so.

Deforestation is already responsible for up to 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions and you might think that an overwhelming increase in carbon dioxide would result in a much warmer planet. However, the relationship between trees and global temperature is much more complicated.

Energy and water fluxes between trees and the atmosphere also play a role and a tree’s colour, for example, can affect the amount of the Sun’s energy that is absorbed or reflected. Studies have shown that Europe’s trees have actually caused a slight increase in regional temperatures since 1750 w3 , while transpiration from plants in tropical forests cools the surface temperature. Therefore, whether the temperature becomes too hot to handle could depend on many factors, although a recent study concluded that reducing forest size increases average air surface temperatures in all climate zones ( Alkama & Cescatti, 2016 ).

essay on earth without trees in

If you often get caught in the rain without an umbrella this next consequence may seem appealing at first: removing trees might reduce rainfall. Lands would quickly dry out as less moisture is returned to the atmosphere, a crucial role of trees in the water cycle. A study in 2012, for example, found that by 2050 destruction of tropical rainforests would reduce rain across the Amazon basin by up to 21% in the dry season ( Spracklen et al, 2012 ). It could also drive significant and widespread shifts in rainfall distribution, affecting agriculture locally and further afield w4 . Without trees we would not only live in a world of widespread drought, but we would likely be exposed to more frequent extreme weather events such as flooding, when it does rain. In which case, our natural, resilient safety buffer would not be there to lessen the blow.

Substandard soil

Without trees and roots to hold soil together, erosion would quickly occur and heavy rains would easily wash soil away. The soil would also be full of dangerous chemicals and pollutants that are normally filtered by trees, so attempting to grow anything on Earth would prove difficult. Plants are the foundation of all food chains. Without trees there would be no paper, no pencils, even no coffee or tea, but more fundamentally there would also be no food for animals, or us, to eat. And since 70% of the Earth’s land animals and plants live in forests, the majority would lose their habitat.

essay on earth without trees in

The prospect of a world without trees looks very grey (and much less green). Even if we survived on dirty air, endured catastrophic climatic events and found a way to sustain ourselves, would it be a world in which you wanted to live? What other theories do you have about what a tree-free planet would be like? Tell us in the comments section; we’d love to hear your ideas!

And, if this article has got you thinking about the value of trees, you can help the Earth Day Network reach its goal of planting 7.8 billion trees over the next 5 years.

  • Alkama R, Cescatti A (2016) Biophysical climate impacts of recent changes in global forest cover . Science, 351(6273), pp.600-604. DOI:10.1126/science.aac8083
  • Crowther et al (2015) Mapping tree density at a global scale . Nature , 525(7568), pp.201-205. DOI:10.1038/nature14967
  • Spracklen D, Arnold S, Taylor C (2012) Observations of increased tropical rainfall preceded by air passage over forests . Nature, 489(7415), pp.282-285.

Web References

  • w1 – The World Data Bank gives information about global forest area
  • w2 – Key facts about outdoor air quality and health from the World Health Organization
  • w3- This article from Science mag explains how European’s trees have been warming the planet
  • w4 – Large scale deforestation in the tropics could shift rainfall patterns and affect agriculture, as explained in this article.

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What Would a World Without Trees Look Like?

  • 16th March 2024

It is often said that you never know what you’ve got until it has gone. We hope this startling piece helps you deepen your connection with trees everywhere, strengthening your love of parklands, green spaces and forests. We need trees in abundance, especially mature stock and we need them everywhere.

This shocking thought exercise explores what could happen if deforestation ran riot across the globe at the same rate it continues to take place in the Amazon.

Put simply, a planet devoid of trees would lead to a range of significant negative consequences that would affect both the environment and all life on Earth.

  • Loss of Oxygen Production: Trees play a critical role in producing oxygen through photosynthesis. Without them, the Earth’s oxygen levels would decrease, impacting the respiratory health of many organisms, including we humans and all wildlife.
  • Increased Carbon Dioxide Levels: Trees absorb carbon dioxide and that helps to regulate the Earth’s climate. Without them, we would see a disturbing rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels which would contribute to the greenhouse effect and increase global heating.
  • Loss of Critical Biodiversity: Trees provide crucial habitats for a vast array of species. The removal of them would lead to shocking declines in biodiversity from the many plants and animals that depend on forests for their survival.
  • Soil Erosion: Tree roots anchor the soil and prevent erosion. Without trees, there would be a significantly increased risk of loss of life to humans and wildlife and greater damage from flash flooding. Further, we’d undoubtedly experience degradation of residential and commercial property, a devastating loss of fertile soil and there would be enormous disruption to many of our ecosystems.
  • Disruption of Water Cycles: Trees play a crucial role in the water cycle by absorbing and releasing H2O through a process called transpiration. Without trees, we would experience alterations in local and global water cycles, potentially leading to devastating changes in rainfall patterns and increased risk of flooding and drought across the planet.
  • Loss of Medicinal Resources: Many plant species found in forests around the world have a wide range of medicinal properties. An absence of trees would also mean a loss of potential pharmaceutical resources. It would impact wildlife which has an amazing ability to use natural resources to heal its own kind. It would also affect many indigenous practitioners of traditional medicine that help humans too. It would also, undoubtedly, negatively impact scientific research.
  • Negative Impact on Climate: Trees act as carbon sinks which means they drawdown, absorb and lock in carbon dioxide. Without trees, the Earth’s capacity to mitigate global heating would be severely compromised, leading to more extreme weather events, rising temperatures and a wide variety of other climate-related challenges, including inevitable and unnecessary death to humans and wildlife.
  • Negative Impacts on Weather Patterns: The existence of forests also influences local and regional weather patterns. A catastrophic removal of trees would disrupt these patterns, leading to changes in temperature, humidity and precipitation.
  • Diminished Aesthetic and Recreational Value: Visually, trees contribute greatly to our neighbourhoods and recreational spaces. They also create colourful green zones where we can spend time in solitude connecting with Mother Nature, or simply hanging out with  friends and family. The absence of trees would result in a devastating loss of the aesthetic value that we all take for granted. It would also limit our opportunities for pure and simple fun.
  • Economic Consequences: Many industries, including those involved in timber and paper production, rely on trees as a renewable resource. A global loss of trees would impact these and many other industries, leading to potentially unsurmountable economic challenges for communities who are dependent on properly managed forests.

Trees are the key to maintaining a balanced and healthy environment for everyone and everything on Earth. A world without them would have incalculable, far-reaching and detrimental effects on the planet’s ecosystem, the climate and the biodiversity we’re all dependent upon. It would also be absolutely devastating to the health and well-being of all living and breathing organisms. 

We hope the knowledge you’re able to glean from Trees Are The Key Awareness Week deepens your love and understanding of what mature trees give us all. We also hope it fires up your passion to protect them and to help us get new saplings in the ground in Kenya, too!To boost our ability to mitigate the climate emergency, please visit .

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What would happen if there were no trees on earth?

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Imagine a world without trees. How different would it be? Scientists have gathered the information and discovered what would happen if trees truly weren’t around.

One of the trees’ most important properties is they act as carbon sinks, meaning they absorb carbon dioxide (CO) for energy use during photosynthesis. If trees weren’t around to do this, CO levels in the atmosphere would be much higher.

Trees also provide habitats for many living organisms on Earth, some of which would struggle to survive without trees. Birds use trees as nests while some trees even provide homes for animals like squirrels and owls.

Without trees, these creatures would struggle to find new places to live.

Trees also act as natural water filters. They take up moisture from the ground and release it into the air through transpiration – this is called the water cycle.

If trees weren’t around to perform this process, rainforests would begin to dry out, resulting in major problems for animal life.

These trees are called primary producers because they produce their own food energy. If trees weren’t around, animals and other organisms would struggle to get hold of food.

Another important role trees play is they absorb water via their roots and release it into the atmosphere for humans and animals to use.

People often go on hikes in forests to get away from the city and enjoy the trees’ cooling effect on a hot day. If trees weren’t present, temperatures would be much higher than they already are across the globe.

Which species will suffer if there were no trees?

Many trees are very tall, and without trees, the tallest land animals on Earth would suffer. Giraffes, for example, need trees to reach their food from the top of trees. In fact, trees provide habitats for many tall species of animals such as giraffes, elephants and pandas.

Other species would survive only in heavily protected areas due to deforestation. The trees’ roots help to reduce soil erosion, and without trees, much more soil would erode. This would cause rivers and seas to overflow, which could make floods much worse than they already are.

If trees weren’t around Earth’s temperature would change dramatically due to the heat trapped in trees. Trees provide shade to cool things down like roads and buildings, so without trees roads and cities would become very hot.

This would cause people to have to use more energy for power supplies, and many trees are logged for this purpose.

In the end, trees truly are vital to Earth’s health, and without trees, temperatures would significantly rise, soils would erode faster and floods would be worse.

  • See also : what would happen if the sun stops shining?
  • See also : what would happens if there was no moon

Only trees with similar properties might survive if there were no trees on Earth. Due to all these points, it is clear that trees are definitely not just “the green things in the middle of a path”. Trees are much more than this!

Do trees need support to continue surviving on Earth?

Yes, trees need support to continue surviving on Earth.

Without trees, soil erosion would be much higher leading to floods if trees weren’t around. Also, many animals like pandas and giraffes would struggle where they live because trees provide them with habitats like nests and homes.

Furthermore, trees provide food for other organisms and absorb water which helps humans grow crops. Overall

trees provide many benefits for Earth and without trees, the environment would be much different.

But trees also need support to continue surviving on earth. Some pandas and giraffes could struggle in places where trees cannot reach their habitat. If trees were not around, floods would get worse from soil erosion which could damage habitats of animals living near rivers and coasts.

Also, trees absorb water which helps humans grow crops. Overall trees provide many benefits for Earth and without trees, the environment would be much different.

The trees are an important part of our planet’s ecosystem, but this article provides information on why trees are not just “the green things in the middle of a path”.

Finally, if trees weren’t around global temperatures would increase dramatically due to trees’ heat-trapping properties.


What do you think?

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Written by Harden Elkington


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What would happen if there would be no trees?

Trees: trees are the most important natural resource for all the living organisms in this world. if there are no trees around us following situations can occur: without trees, forest areas would become drier and more prone to extreme droughts . oxygen - carbon dioxide cycle would be disturbed. due to the absence of the firm roots of these trees and the barrier effect they provide, heavy rains would lead to frequent flooding. massive erosion would impact oceans, smothering coral reefs and other marine habitats too. islands stripped of trees would lose their barriers to the ocean, and many would be washed away..


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Can You Imagine a World Without Trees?

The world needs trees. learn about the different threats trees are facing and how arboreta are aiming to help..

By The Morton Arboretum

Korean collection at The Morton Arboretum (2014-09-09) by The Morton Arboretum and Earl Richardson, independent contractor The Morton Arboretum

Trees are the cornerstone of Earth's ecosystems

They provide habitat for animals and other plants. We need them. Despite their critical importance to people and ecosystems, at least 10 percent of the world’s roughly 100,000 tree species are threatened with extinction. 

Trees make our lives better in ways we may not notice. They clean air, store carbon, and provide food, timber, fuel, and medicine. Scientists call these benefits “ecosystem services.” Humans would have to pay billions of dollars for these services if we let our trees die.

Trees are increasingly vulnerable in a changing world. It can take decades for trees to reach maturity and reproduce and they can’t move when their habitat becomes inhospitable. Since trees stay where they are planted and many have seeds that are not easily dispersed, they are often trapped in a rapidly changing environment.

Michael Le and Andrew Muñoz measure the height of a tree at the Tollway (2018) by Jeff Ross The Morton Arboretum

Tree conservation means that we are trying to make sure trees will be around for future generations. A tree surviving does not mean it has been conserved. A tree is considered successful if it survives, grows, and reproduces.

Arboreta are leaders in tree conservation. Arboreta are botanical gardens specializing in trees. They conduct scientific research, promote conservation, and engage in outreach and education Arboreta share seeds, living specimens, research, knowledge, and skills to make sure trees will be around for future generations.

Living collections at an arboretum can be defined as trees that are grown with a purpose. Scientists and researchers study these trees, learn how they grow, and understand what it takes to keep them safe and healthy.

Morton staff by large Quercus oglethorpensis (2017) by Matt Lobdell The Morton Arboretum

Working together, researchers have identified many threats to trees, including overharvesting by humans, pests and diseases, climate change, adverse urban conditions, and decreasing diversity. Let’s look at some examples and how arboreta are responding to them. 

CHANGE bench in the maple (Acer) collection at The Morton Arboretum (2013-06-11) by The Morton Arboretum The Morton Arboretum

Climate Change

Some trees are no longer adapted to where they once grew. Because of climate change, habitats are shifting and causing unpredictable weather patterns. These changing conditions leave trees more vulnerable to pests and diseases and increase the intensity of forest fires.

Lane Scher flies a drone in winter (2018) by Michael Hudson The Morton Arboretum

While there is no solution to climate change, arboreta document the observable changes in trees and their habitats. They analyze and share the results of their research in order to advocate for effective responses to climate change.

Cut logs in the winter (2016) by The Morton Arboretum The Morton Arboretum


People sometimes overharvest trees because they provide such important products. Overharvesting taken to its extreme can wipe out entire naturally occurring populations. Arboreta build awareness about overharvesting by educating businesses, policymakers and the general public.

Emerald ash borer (March 3, 2016) by Sam Droege The Morton Arboretum

Pests like aphids, beetles, borers, and moths threaten trees around the globe. Their impact can be devastating as they enter new regions. At The Morton Arboretum, scientists and breeders have been breeding pest and disease-resistant trees. 

Urban Conditions With compacted soil, restricted growth areas, and pollution, urban environments are challenging for trees. Research has identified species that can thrive in urban areas and techniques to help them survive. Arboreta share this information with city planners and other leaders.

Matt Lobdell in the Oak Collection (2015-09-17) by The Morton Arboretum and Michael Hudson, independent contractor The Morton Arboretum

Overharvesting, pests, diseases, climate change, adverse urban conditions, and decreasing diversity -- the list of threats may seem overwhelming, but arboreta are making great progress in addressing each one. 

The Morton Arboretum - The Champion of Trees (2015-04-16) by The Morton Arboretum The Morton Arboretum

Scientists, conservationists, and other advocates are working on the behalf of trees. You, too, can be a champion of trees by supporting this important work.

Great Trees

The morton arboretum, what is an arboretum.

Essay For Students | [Best] Essay writing in English language.

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If there were no TREES essay in English.

Hello friends, today we have brought an imaginary essay on what if there were no trees on earth. In this essay, we have discussed what will happen if there are no trees around us. So let us start with the essay.

If there were no trees essay in English

If there were no trees.

Like every day I with all of my village friends were playing a cricket match. The match was at a very exciting point where our team needed four runs from one ball of the last over. Our team captain Amit was at the strike he hit a hard shot towards the boundary we knew we will win now.

But unfortunately, we lost the match, not because the fielder field the ball but because the ball got stopped by the tree present in the ground. I was very angry and just there was one thought in my mind if there was no tree than we would have won the match.

When I returned back to the home the thought that we lost that cricket match because of the tree, was getting into my mind. That time one thought came to my mind that how grateful it will be if there were no trees around us.

Then I just started to imagine what would happen if there were no trees. The first thing that I thought was we would have won that cricket match. But if there will be no tree then on cricket ground we sit under a tree because it gives us shadow it will also get vanished we will not get its shadow. And if there will be no shadow that we have to face the heat of the burning sun.

If there will be no trees then how can we visit to beautify flower gardens? There will be just stones present instead of a flowering plant in the garden. Not only that but birds will also get disappeared as there will be no food for them to eat.

Without trees, we will not get fruits to eats and there will be no vegetable and food for us, that what we will eat? If there are no trees then it will be difficult for us to live on the earth. Without trees, we will not get oxygen for us and without oxygen, we can not survive.

If there are no trees it is impossible to live on this planet. Without trees, we will not get anything to eat nor we will get air to breathe. Water will get evaporate as there will be no shadow of trees. Sun will make us burn under his heat. The whole planet earth will be transformed into a Desert.

Life is not possible without trees, If there are trees there is life. If there are no trees this is a terrible imagination which one can imagine. And so we must plant more and more plants possible for us and must stop the unnecessary cutting of trees.

Friends what do you think what would happen if there were no trees on our planet tell us by commenting below.

If there were no trees this essay can be used by students of class 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th for there educational purpose. This essay can also be used on the topics given below.

  • What would happen if there were no trees?
  • If there were no trees on earth.

Friends did you liked this essay and if you need an essay on any topic the let us know by commenting below.

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essay on earth without trees in

I need good essay on if there are no trees what will happen

essay on earth without trees in

Ok, we will be happy to write another essay soon.

It is important to not cut trees

Yes definitely

The way u have think and write the essay it's perfect.I really like your way to imagine this

Thank You very much I am happy for your comment :)

Yes thanks to say to me important of trees in our life 🙂

Welcome we are happy this essay was so much helpful to you :)

Thank you this really helped me a lot

Welcome we are happy that this essay helped you :)

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No Trees... No Humans.

Even if our species survived the devastation of deforestation, life as we know it would be very different from now in 2011, where only half of the world's forests are gone. Scientists speculate our great-grandchildren might not even have the chance to visit the great Amazon rainforest in 50 years! Yet on such a dry, lifeless world, no one would be left to experience the disastrous consequences of deforestation. Little tribulations like the decrease of property value and potential increase of urban noise become irrelevant compared to other calamities like roadside spills, animal wastes, water runoff into streams, and sewage/farm chemicals left unfiltered. For now, let's find out the local and global effects of deforestation:

FILTHY AIR: Without trees, humans would not be able survive because the air would be unsuitable for breathing. If anything, people would have to develop gas masks that filter the little oxygen that would be left in the air. Trees are a crucial part of the carbon cycle , a global process in which carbon dioxide constantly circulates through the atmosphere into organism and back again. Carbon is the second most valuable element to life, you know, after water. Anyway, trees take carbon from the atmosphere through photosynthesis in order to make energy. This carbon is then either transferred into oxygen and released into the air by respiration or is stored inside the trees until they decompose into the soil. Therefore, the absence of trees would result in significantly HIGHER amounts of carbon dioxide in the air and LOWER amounts of oxygen! The filthy air would also be full of airborne particles and pollutants like carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide and its temperature may increase by up to 12 F.

LIFELESS SOIL: If the air hadn't already wiped out everybody, the next disastrous consequence of deforestation is its damaging effect on soil. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, 2.5 billion people depend on agriculture for their livelihood. If deforestation get its way, those people won't be the only ones affected. The soil would become full of dangerous chemicals and pollutants that are usually filtered by trees. In addition, soil erosion is currently prevented by trees because they protect the land. However, soil would be unprotected, and vulnerable to reduction in soil quality and top soil nutrients. Soil erosion would become more prevalent, and eventually all the soil will lose its arability and agriculture will fall...leaving us people to starve.

CHRONIC DROUGHT: Arid conditions will surface not only because of dangerous unfiltered substances, but also because at one point it will rarely rain. Sounds crazy, right? During the "dry season," trees regulate and anchor the dirt by releasing water. Deforested areas, however, are liable to chronic droughts that obstruct river navigation, disrupt industrial operations and kill crop production all together.Storm water runoff (if it rains) not reduced, but increased which'll contribute to small floods and topsoil erosion. Furthermore, trees add humidity into the air through transpiration ---but the lack of trees results in the lack of moisture in the air.

NO TREE-BASED PRODUCTS: Of course, if there aren't trees, there won't be any products you can get from them. We use and waste paper everyday without realizing we're helping to kill four billion trees cut down every year. Due to global deforestation, there'd be no paper, baseball bats, barrels, books, blocks, benches, crutches, coffee filters, guitars, grocery bags, pencils, pine oil, beds, billboards, buttons, fuelwood, charcoal, industrial roundwood, candy wrappers,chewing gum, cork, crayons, spices, egg cartons, kites, linoleum, luggage, paper, pingpong balls, wooden chopsticks, rubber, tambourines, telephone books, tires, bark, fiber, dyes, incense, latexes, oils, resins, shellac, tanning compounds, waxes, toilet paper, turpentine, xylophones or wooden yo-yos. Food harvested from trees like fruits, nuts, berries (and maple syrup) would be nonexistent as well. Other causes of deforestation today include agricultural expansion, infrastructure expansion, conversion to cropland/pasture and the construction of roads. Moreover, countries are forced to increase the rate of forest loss by population pressures, profits, and internal social/political influences.

WATER WARS: And at one point in the future, the level of freshwater resources available will become as scarce. There are already many debates over whether we currently abuse non-renewable resources, but the most important of these resources is probably freshwater. Freshwater is the basis of human survival, and agricultural/industrial operations. Future politicians are going to have to make ground-breaking decisions on how to preserve enough freshwater resources for their country, and one option would be to wage war against others---to the death.

Image Credit : Deforestation, a collage of NatGeo photos by adriansalamandre (via Flickr)

References :

1. Rhett A. Butler, "Global Consequences of Deforestation in the Tropics ."

2. University of Michigan, " Global Deforestation ."

3. NASA Earth Observatory , " Causes of Deforestation "

4. Werth and Avissar , Journal of Geophysical Research , " The local and global effects of Amazon deforestation "

5. J. Shukla, C.Nobre, and P.Sellers, Science, " Amazon Deforestation and Climate Change ."

6. Steve Nix,, " Top 10 Reasons Why Trees Are Valuable and Important . "

Post your comments/suggestions/thoughts or answer these discussion questions:

1. What can we do to prevent deforestation? Hearing all these devastating affects of deforestation certainly makes me shiver and hope we never have to meet such ends...but it's coming. In fifty years or so, when the Amazon's gone, we'll be introduced to the beginning. The Amazon rainforest is currently the host of half the world's species and is a ‘natural sink' for ozone. If complete and rapid destruction of the Amazon occurred, it would be irreversible. The key plant/animal interactions in its tropical forests can't be re-established, and there'd be significant reductions in precipitation, evapotranspiration, and cloudiness. The effects on species diversity and atmospheric chemistry would be cataclysmic. Such conclusions leave people to wonder what we can do about it...

2. Right now, one mature leafy tree produces enough oxygen for the lifetime of ten people each season! There are 400 billion trees, 6.7 billion people on Earth — every person has 60 trees. If you did the math, how much oxygen do you think we'd have if there were no trees at ALL?

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This is an interesting question and the answer might be quite long. It is hard to imagine our life and our planet without trees, because trees have had a great influence on the shaping of the ecology and in determining the present arrangements of life on earth.

Of particular importance for us has been the role of trees in the Just after the demise of the dinosaurs, a small rat-like species of mammal (now known as a prosimian) left the ground and took to life in the trees. Eventually after 50 million years had passed, this creature returned to the ground as the ancestor of man. The period spent in the environment of the trees was of great formative importance because it promoted many physical changes. These changes included a massive increase in body size, the development of paws into hands and 3D color vision. The physical changes were mapped by an increase in the size and the capability of the brain. It was these changes which led to the descent from the trees and eventually to Homo sapiens. So it can be seen that without trees the evolution of prosimian into man would never have taken place. Without trees we would not be here.

On the other hand, trees are of continued importance to the environment. Tropical rain forests have of particular significance; although they now occupy less than 6 per cent of the land surface of the earth they probable sustain more than half of the biological species on the planet.

Trees provide us with the following:
1. Building materials
2. Fuel
3. Sap
4. Food such as fruit and nuts
5. Rubber
6. Alcohol
7. Coal from decayed remains and
8. Pulp for paper ( to name just a few)

Trees also:
1. Slow down runoff by holding or absorbing water
2. Provide shelter for people, animals, and other plants
3. Reduce the devastating effects of flooding
4. Provide nutrients and shelter for a variety of organisms while decomposing
5. Protect the worlds climate by absorbing carbon dioxide (too much contributes to the Greenhouse effect)
6. Provide certain habitats with the stable conditions necessary for life, and offer us beautiful scenery.

In order for you to know more about the importance of trees, try to read the next link on the internet:

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Essay On Importance Of Trees In Our Lives | Importance Of Trees In Our Lives Essay for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay On Importance Of Trees In Our Lives: Trees play a very crucial part of our lives. We are indebted to trees in many ways. Apart from providing us with the two most essential things required for survival- food and the air we breathe, trees have gone a long way to provide us with shelter, medicines and are continuously coming up with more benefits. It would not be wrong to consider trees synonymous to life.

Although trees are essential, we cut down trees to make industries with modernization reach their peak. It is high time, we should realize that cutting down trees poses a significant threat to the survival of all living organisms, and we should stop it to sustain the lives of all organisms on earth.

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Long and Short Essays On Importance Of Trees In Our Lives for Students and Kids In English

In this article, students will be provided with two essay samples, i.e. a long essay sample of 500 words and a short essay sample of 150 words on the topic “The Importance of Trees in our Lives” for reference.

Long Essay on Importance Of Trees In Our Lives 500 Words in English

Long Essay On Importance Of Trees In Our Lives is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

Trees play a significant role in balancing every aspect of our earth. Without trees, survival would have been impossible. Trees help in keeping the ecological system working fine.

Trees purify the air we breathe. With increasing cars and construction of industries, the level of harmful gases like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, Sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides etc. is shooting up in the atmosphere. Tress absorbs these gases and gives out oxygen which is the key for our survival. Apart from polluting the air, excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is leading to climate change. By absorbing the carbon and giving out oxygen, trees help in reducing climate change.

Trees act as a source of shelter. They provide a resting place to tired travellers. Sitting under a shady tree and taking a power nap is the boost required to continue with a journey. Besides providing travellers with a place to relax, trees serve as home to many birds and animals, which gives rise to biodiversity. With increasing deforestation, hundreds of birds and animals lose their habitat and find it tough to survive.

They act as food for living beings. They are at the necessary level of our food chain. Herbivores feed on plants, and they are in turn consumed by carnivores and vultures prey on these carnivores. Thus, trees balance the food chain of the ecosystem.

Prevention of soil erosion is one of the most important contributions by trees. On hillsides, trees help slow down runoff, and the far-reaching roots of the trees hold soil in place. Soil erosion hampers marine life and at times leads to flood, increases water level of rivers. The trees’ root system is so advanced that they hold the soil in place and prevent landslides in enormous rain cases.

Trees are a source of medicines. Many herbs have medicinal aspects to them and serve as rich resources of ingredients for various drug development. Traditionally herbs like Tulsi, Neem, Turmeric etc. have been used to treat many common ailments. They have no side effects, and we can use them as effective home remedies. The leaves and barks of many trees are used for preparing herbal medicines.

Areas surrounded by trees are much more relaxed and cool. They act as a soothing sensation for our eyes. Trees have a healing effect and reduce mental weariness. Trees act as a guard to unwanted noises and prevent noise pollution.

Due to increased population, cutting down trees have become imperative to make way for residential areas. We are cutting down trees for establishing industries to furnish the increasing modernization and construction of concrete jungles. However, we must spread awareness to plant more trees and make this earth a more livable place for our future generation. Fewer trees would mean a significant plunge in the atmosphere’s oxygen amount, raising difficulty for our survival. Trees are providing us with impeccable services for countless decades, and it is high time we should address their importance.

10 Lines on Importance Of Trees In Our Lives Essay

Short Essay On Importance Of Trees In Our Lives 150 Words In English

Short Essay On Importance Of Trees In Our Lives is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Trees are the backbone of our very survival. Besides providing us with fresh air for breathing, trees give us food, shelter and help us with our mental well-being.

Trees through the process of transpiration bring rainfall. Through evaporation, trees increase the moisture content of the atmosphere and fasten the process of precipitation. They provide us with wood which in turn provides us with fuel.

Trees cool down the atmosphere and are the vital lungs of the earth. Trees accelerate wildlife- they are the home to many animals and birds. Trees boost up economic opportunities. Jobs such as fruit harvesting, production of material for making books, furniture is created. Trees also have an added financial advantage to themselves.

The presence of trees in a property increases its value by twenty percent. Trees help us to relax and reduce blood pressure significantly. So, planting trees should be of utmost concern to us in this appalling situation of increasing deforestation.

10 Lines On Importance Of Trees In Our Lives Essay In English

  • Trees play a crucial role in the survival of all living beings on earth.
  • Trees make their food by photosynthesis and provide us with food.
  • Trees help in reducing soil erosion and air pollution.
  • Trees boost up rainfall by adding to the moisture level of the atmosphere.
  • Trees provide various job opportunities.
  • Trees clear the air of unwanted gases and odours.
  • Trees provide shade to tired travellers.
  • Trees provide shelter to hundreds of animals and birds.
  • Trees shield us from the harmful UV rays.
  • Trees fight noise pollution.

Importance Of Trees In Our Lives Essay

FAQ’s On Importance Of Trees In Our Lives Essay

Question 1. What are some of the medicinal plants?

Answer: The plants are aloe vera, basil, neem, lemongrass, etc.

Question 2. Which are the tallest trees in the world?

Answer: The redwoods are the tallest trees.

Question 3. What is the practice of using herbs as medicines known?

Answer: The practice is known as Ayurveda.

Question 4. Which tree has the longest life span?

Answer: Old Tjikko trees found in Sweden have the longest life span.

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Imagine A World Without Trees?

Can you imagine what your neighbourhood or this country would look like if there were no trees covering the countryside or dotted around our cities, towns or villages?

In her novel The Twelve Tribes Of Hattie , author Ayana Mathis describes this scene perfectly when she writes, “ She smelled the absence of trees before she saw it…"

There was a time in the past when the UK was covered in wild forests, where trees would live for up to 2000 years. Surely the ancient trees that have survived, who have worked so hard on our behalf, providing wood, habitat for animals and shelter should be afforded the same status as listed buildings? Should they not be preserved in the very same way and awarded protection orders so that we protect these national treasures and keep them alive as long as we can for the future generations?

The human race owes its own very existence and survival to trees around the world.

The roots of my love of trees stemmed from childhood. I grew up in an area in South London called Norwood, which was once a huge ancient forest called the Northwood. But what is it about trees that make them a requirement of our landscapes? What are their botanical benefits and what is to be made of the sacred and mystical energies of the native and inherited trees that adorn the treescape in the UK today? The human race owes its own very existence and survival to trees around the world. Trees stabilize the soil, store carbon and generate oxygen into the air. The bottom line is the human race would barely survive if trees disappeared.

Many ancient trees situated in communities and forests were deemed natural temples, meeting places, places where courts and trials would be held and important ceremonies and events within communities would take place under the glorious crowns of some of the great many trees that have existed throughout the years. Trees were an important source of survival, providing wood for homes, food and medicine and blessed because of their significance and importance in community life.

Trees were an important source of survival, providing wood for homes, food and medicine and blessed because of their significance and importance in community life.

Traditionally the Oak tree is associated with the quality of 'strength' , the Weepy Willow tree with 'emotions'  and Apple trees with ' love, harmony and trust'. What's more, the Yew trees growing in churchyards were thought to protect the dead (Yews have an uncanny ability to renew themselves from decay) and the Pine is one the oldest trees native to Britain, having flourished here well before the great Ice Age, it is associated with birth .

One of the practical ways I connect with the energies of different trees is to spend time with that particular tree, with the intention of tapping into the specific energy it is aligned with. So there have been times when my energy was low or I was going through a difficult period when I have intentionally gone and sat with my back against the bark of a notable (a tree that has personal or local significance) oak tree, or I have hugged the tree (yes! I'm a tree hugger) or I've chosen to sit quietly in the tree's presence soaking up the energy of 'strength' that the oak tree is associated with. Doing this really works for me.

Years ago a spiritual teacher taught me to always ask permission to be with the tree (which originates from the Celtic custom of knocking on wood for good luck) and as often as is possible to leave a small gift with the tree as a sign of appreciation. Many of the trees alive in our neighbourhoods, parks and common lands are fighting for survival in the wild. We owe it to our trees to protect them as they have protected us over thousands of years.

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Essay On Save Trees Save Earth

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Table of Contents

Short Essay On Save Trees Save Earth

Trees play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of our planet’s ecosystem, and it is imperative that we take steps to save them. Deforestation, urbanization, and other human activities have led to a decline in the number of trees, which has had devastating impacts on the environment. To ensure a sustainable future, it is crucial that we take action to save trees and preserve the Earth’s natural resources.

One of the primary benefits of trees is that they act as carbon sinks, absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and helping to mitigate the impacts of climate change. They also help to regulate the Earth’s temperature, preventing heat waves and other weather-related disasters. Furthermore, trees are essential for the production of oxygen, which is necessary for all living beings to survive.

In addition to their environmental benefits, trees also have significant social and economic benefits. They provide shade, shelter, and beauty, and are often used for recreation, such as hiking and camping. They also provide habitats for wildlife, preserving biodiversity and maintaining the delicate balance of the ecosystem.

To save trees and preserve the Earth’s environment, individuals can take several actions. Planting new trees is one of the most effective ways to increase the number of trees and help to mitigate the impacts of deforestation. Supporting sustainable forestry practices, such as selective logging, can help to preserve the natural forest while still allowing for the harvest of forest products. Additionally, reducing the use of paper products, such as books and newspapers, can help to reduce the demand for paper, which is a major driver of deforestation.

In conclusion, the importance of trees cannot be overstated, and it is crucial that we take action to save them. By planting new trees, supporting sustainable forestry practices, and reducing the use of paper products, we can help to preserve the Earth’s environment and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come. By working together, we can make a difference and help to save the trees that are so critical to the health of our planet.

long Essay On Save Trees Save Earth

The Earth we live in today is the only planet that has an environment suitable for human life. This makes it necessary for us to take care of our planet and its resources, particularly trees. In this essay, we’ll explore the importance of preserving trees, why they are vital to the health of our planet, and how we can all help to save them.


As we know, trees are important to our planet and our existence. They provide us with the oxygen we need to breathe, the food we need to eat, and the wood we need to build our homes. They also help to regulate the climate and protect us from the sun’s harmful rays.

But despite all their benefits, trees are being cut down at an alarming rate. According to the World Wildlife Fund, an area of forest the size of Panama is lost every year – that’s around 20 million hectares! And as the population continues to grow, so does the demand for timber and land. This means that even more trees are being chopped down.

Deforestation has many negative impacts on the environment. It contributes to climate change, as trees play a vital role in absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Without them, greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide build up and trap heat in the atmosphere, leading to rising temperatures and climate instability. Deforestation also causes soil erosion, which can lead to floods and landslides. And it destroys habitats, putting animals at risk of extinction.

Thankfully, there are things we can do to help save trees and protect our planet. Planting trees is one way to offset the effects of deforestation. And supporting sustainable forestry initiatives can help ensure that forests are managed in a way that minimizes environmental impact. We can also reduce our own consumption of wood products by recycling or using alternatives made from other materials.

By working together

Reasons for Saving Trees

There are many reasons for saving trees, as they play a vital role in our environment. Trees produce oxygen that we breathe, help to purify the air, provide homes for wildlife, help to regulate the climate and provide us with shade and shelter. They also help to prevent soil erosion and can be a valuable source of food and medicine. In addition, trees are beautiful and have been an important part of human culture for thousands of years.

It is estimated that we lose around 27,000 trees each day due to deforestation. This is a huge problem as forests play a key role in maintaining the balance of our planet’s ecosystem. Deforestation can lead to habitat loss, climate change, soil erosion and even more devastating consequences. It is therefore crucial that we do what we can to save trees and prevent further deforestation.

One way to save trees is by planting more of them. This can be done on an individual level or as part of a community project. Another way to save trees is by preventing deforestation through campaigning or direct action. This may involve working with local people to stop illegal logging or raising awareness about the importance of forests. Finally, we can all help to save trees by using less paper and wood products in our daily lives.

How to Save Trees?

We all know the importance of trees and plants in our daily life. They help us in various ways like providing us food, shelter, oxygen, and also help in controlling pollution. But still, we are cutting down trees and destroying them at an alarming rate. We need to understand the importance of trees and take some measures to save them. Here are some tips which can help you in saving trees:

1) Plant more trees: This is the most obvious and simplest way to save trees. The more trees we plant, the more we will be able to save. Trees not only provide us with various environmental benefits but also have many other uses like providing shade, acting as windbreaks, etc. So, whenever you get a chance, plant a tree or two.

2) Do not cut down healthy trees: Many people cut down healthy trees for various reasons like construction purposes, making furniture, etc. This is one of the major reasons for the decreasing number of trees on earth. If possible, use recycled wood or wood from fallen trees instead of cutting down a healthy tree.

3) Use paper wisely: One of the major reasons for cutting down trees is to make paper. As much as possible use both sides of a paper before throwing it away and recycle used paper instead of throwing it away. This will help in reducing the demand for new paper and eventually help in saving trees.

4) Educate others about the importance of trees: Many people are not

Benefits of Saving Trees

Saving trees has many benefits that help both people and the environment. Trees produce oxygen that we need to breathe, filter the air of pollutants, provide homes for wildlife, and prevent soil erosion. They also offer shade and shelter from the sun and wind, help regulate the climate, and provide us with food, fuel, and other products.

In addition to all of these practical reasons for saving trees, they also have aesthetic and symbolic value. Trees are beautiful and have been revered by cultures around the world for centuries. They are symbols of life, growth, and fertility. Planting a tree is often seen as a way to make a positive impact on the environment and leave a lasting legacy.

In conclusion, trees are an invaluable resource that can help save our planet. Trees provide clean air, prevent soil erosion and floods, act as a habitat for wildlife, and produce oxygen. By planting more trees, we can reduce the effects of global warming and create healthier environments for future generations to enjoy. We must take responsibility now to ensure the Earth’s environment is protected before it is too late. Planting just one tree today can make a difference in saving our planet!

In this essay, we will discuss the importance of trees and what they mean to our environment. We will also look at ways we can help save trees and prevent them from being cut down.

Manisha Dubey Jha

Manisha Dubey Jha is a skilled educational content writer with 5 years of experience. Specializing in essays and paragraphs, she’s dedicated to crafting engaging and informative content that enriches learning experiences.

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Essay on Plant a Tree to Make Our Planet Safer

Students are often asked to write an essay on Plant a Tree to Make Our Planet Safer in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Plant a Tree to Make Our Planet Safer

Why trees are important.

Trees are very important to us and our planet. They give us oxygen, which we need to breathe. They also take in carbon dioxide, a gas that can harm our planet. By doing this, trees help to clean our air and keep our planet healthy.

How Trees Help Our Planet

Trees are also great for our planet in other ways. They give homes to many animals and insects. Trees also stop soil from washing away when it rains. This helps to keep our land strong and healthy. Without trees, our planet would be a very different place.

Planting Trees for a Safer Planet

By planting more trees, we can help to make our planet safer. More trees mean more clean air and more homes for animals. It also means less soil washing away. So, if we want to help our planet, one of the best things we can do is plant a tree.

250 Words Essay on Plant a Tree to Make Our Planet Safer


Trees are our best friends. They clean our air, provide shade, and make our planet beautiful. Planting trees is a simple yet powerful way to make our planet safer.

The Role of Trees

Trees and water.

Trees also help to keep our water clean. They act like sponges and soak up water when it rains. This helps to prevent flooding. The tree roots also act like filters and clean the water before it goes into the ground or into rivers and lakes.

Shade and Coolness

Trees provide shade and coolness. On a hot day, standing under a tree can make you feel much cooler. This is because trees absorb the heat from the sun. This helps to reduce the overall temperature of the Earth, making our planet safer.

Home for Animals

Trees are also homes for many animals. Birds build nests in trees, and many animals live in the forest. By planting more trees, we can provide more homes for these animals.

In conclusion, planting trees is a simple and effective way to make our planet safer. So, let’s all plant a tree and do our part to protect our beautiful planet.

500 Words Essay on Plant a Tree to Make Our Planet Safer

The importance of trees.

Trees are the lungs of our planet. They breathe in carbon dioxide, a harmful gas, and breathe out oxygen, which we need to live. Without trees, our planet would become a dangerous place. This is why planting trees is important for making our planet safer.

How Trees Help the Environment

Trees also help to keep the soil healthy. Their roots hold the soil together, stopping it from being washed away by rain or wind. This prevents soil erosion, which can damage farmland and make it hard for plants to grow.

Trees play a big role in the water cycle too. They take up water from the ground and release it into the air as vapor. This process is called transpiration. It helps to keep the air moist and cool, which is good for other plants and animals.

Trees and Wildlife

Planting trees is one of the best ways to make our planet safer. It’s something that we can all do, no matter how old we are or where we live. Even just one tree can make a big difference.

When we plant a tree, we’re not just helping the environment. We’re also creating a better future for ourselves and for future generations. Trees can live for hundreds of years, so the trees we plant today could still be around for our great-great-grandchildren to enjoy.

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Importance of Trees Essay in English for Students and Children

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Table of Contents

Importance of Trees Essay: Trees play a vital role in our environment. They help purify the air we breathe, filter the water we drink, and provide habitat for countless species of plants and animals. They also play an important role in mitigating climate change by sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

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Target Exam ---

Trees are necessary for our survival. They provide us with the oxygen we need to breathe, the food we need to eat, and the materials we need to build our homes and furniture. They also help to regulate the climate, protect the soil, and provide homes for wildlife.

Long and Short Importance of Trees Essay in Our Life

Here are long and short essay on Trees in our Life to help you with the topic in your exam. After reading this Essay on tree gives you Importance of Trees in our Life essay you will know the importance of trees in our life and how they help us by providing oxygen in exchange of other harmful or unwanted gases, how trees are important for providing nourishment and shelter to the planet etc.

Trees yield fruits and medicine, contributing to economic growth through exports. They offer wood, paper, and natural cooling in summer, cutting AC bills and preserving the environment.

Trees bear fruits and medicinal products, which are exported to various countries, contributing to economic growth. Growing and selling trees’ products is a source of livelihood for many. Trees also supply wood and paper and serve as natural cooling agents in summer, reducing energy bills and maintaining a natural environment.

Short Essay on Importance of Trees (200 words)

Importance of Trees Essay: Trees are extremely important for us. It is because of plants and trees that we are able to survive on this planet. Trees exhale the life-giving oxygen without which it will not possible for the human beings or other species to live. However, this is not the only reason why trees are important for us. They have a lot to offer to the environment as well as the living beings. Apart from giving oxygen, trees also absorb various harmful gases from the environment thereby reducing the effect of global warming.

Trees also provide us food and shelter. Many trees bear the fruits that serve as food for birds and animals. Human beings also relish various fruits such as mango, apple and banana to name a few. The leaves, roots and bark of trees are used to prepare medicines. Trees also provide shelter to animals and humans. Forests filled with huge, dense trees serve as habitat for wild animals and contribute towards rich biodiversity. Wood and other material extracted from trees is used to craft several things that are essential for a comfortable living.

Trees also make the environment calm and peaceful. They help people meet and socialize. Parks with beautiful green trees and plants are a favourite among small kids and elderly people. They often gather here to indulge in different outdoor activities.

We must save trees and plant more of them to keep our environment clean and promote a healthier and happier life.

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Importance of Trees Essay 300 Words

Trees are an essential part of the environment. They make the environment beautiful and fit for the survival of various species of fauna. Life on Earth would not be possible without trees. They are important to us in many ways. It would not be wrong to say that trees give us life.

  • Trees Give Us Oxygen

One of the prerequisites for the survival of human beings is oxygen and this is made available by trees. Trees inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen. The more trees we plant the more oxygen we get. This is the reason why going for morning walk in a park full of green trees and plants helps rejuvenate our senses and makes us feel fresh.

  • Trees Absorb Harmful Gases

Trees do not only inhale carbon dioxide but also absorb other harmful gases such as carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide from the environment. Various other pollutants are also absorbed by the trees. This process purifies air and keeps the atmosphere clean. The growing pollution in the atmosphere can be undermined by planting more and more trees.

  • Trees Provide Food

Trees bear fruits that quench our hunger. Different trees bear different types of fruits rich in various micronutrients. Fruits are eaten raw and fresh and even in their dried forms. Other parts of the trees such as leaves, roots and bark are also used to prepare different food items. The leaves, fruits and bark of trees are also used to prepare herbal medicines that help cure various illnesses.

  • Trees Provide Shelter

Trees provide shade and serve as shelter for people as well as animals. They offer a cool place to sit on a hot summer day. Trees also provide wood that is used to build houses and furniture.

Trees are life saviours. We can enjoy good quality life only when we have abundance of trees around. We should avoid cutting trees and plant more of them. We must also encourage those around us to plant trees.

Importance of Trees Essay in our Life 400 Words

Trees make our environment beautiful and soulful. They help build a healthy community life. A neighbourhood with green and shady trees exudes positive energy and is happier compared to one that lacks greenery.

Trees Provide Peaceful Environment

Trees have the power to calm our senses and bring positivity. We travel far and wide to spend our holidays amid nature. Lush green trees, high mountains and gushing streams make for a serene environment that rejuvenates us. While we cannot get the same ambience in the cities, however we can certainly plant more trees to make our surroundings peaceful and beautiful.

Areas that are greener offer a more peaceful environment. The air here is fresher and the atmosphere is cooler. People residing in such areas experience less stress and are happier which forms the basis of a healthy community life.

A Meeting Ground for Children and Elderly

Essay on Tree: A park with lush trees and beautiful plants brings the neighbourhood people closer. Neighbourhoods that have beautiful parks see people gathering around during the early morning and evening hours during the summer months and during afternoon time on the cold winter days. These parks serve as a meeting ground, especially for kids and elderly people. It helps them make new acquaintances and socialize.

Place to Impart Education

During the ancient times, children were imparted education under the tree. Many under tree schools were opened in different areas. An entire classroom was set under the tree and students sat there to take lessons from their teacher. Even today, many rural areas run such schools. These schools offer education at nominal charges and sometimes even free of cost.

Trees Provide Shelter to Travellers

Trees provide shade to the travellers. They offer a cool place to sit and relax. Taking nap under cool, shady tree helps one re-energize. Trees often serve as a meeting ground for travellers headed in the same direction.

Trees – A Respite for Farmers and Labourers

Farmers, labourers and other workers who toil hard under the sun usually sit under the tree to have their lunch. They also chit-chat with their fellow workers and strengthen their bond with them as they sit in the shade of the tree.

So, we see trees render positivity and help people socialize. Beautiful parks with array of green trees and plants serve as a place to meet new people. They are also a great place to indulge in outdoor activities with our near and dear ones and deepen our connection with them.

Importance of Trees Essay in our Life 500 Words

Trees: Essential for Balancing the Ecological System

Essay on Tree: Trees play a significant role in balancing and maintaining the ecological system of Earth. Green trees and plants fill the atmosphere with oxygen, purify air, prevent soil erosion, support wildlife, and aid in climate control. Here is a brief look at how trees help in all these processes to keep the ecological system intact.

Purification of Air

Our atmosphere is filled with all kinds of harmful gases including carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide to name a few. The increasing number of vehicles on the road and the growing number of factories around the world are increasing the level of these harmful gases in the atmosphere. Trees inhale carbon dioxide and exhale the pure and fresh oxygen that we human beings require for our survival. Trees also absorb other harmful gases to keep our environment clean. This is the reason why areas with greater number of trees are less polluted.

We must plant trees to purify and clean our environment.

Promote Biodiversity

Forests serve as a habitat for the wild life. Trees give shelter to numerous species of birds and animals. Thus, they promote biodiversity. Deforestation, which is one of the main concerns these days, has led to loss of biodiversity. Animals and birds are losing their habitats and finding it hard to survive. Researchers claim that, further loss of biodiversity can impact the ecological system adversely. This is because animals and plants are dependent on each other for the fulfilment of many of their needs. Planting more trees and avoiding deforestation can help boost biodiversity and maintain the ecological balance.

Prevent Soil Erosion

Heavy rains cause soil erosion that disrupts life of people living in effected areas. The roots of trees hold the soil and keep it from eroding as it rains. Big trees absorb substantial amount of water and reduce the chances of sediment deposits in the rivers. Soil erosion causes several problems such as increased level of water in rivers and streams. This harms the marine life and often even results in flood. By preventing soil erosion, trees help in maintaining the ecological balance.

Conserve Energy

Areas surrounded by trees are cooler. People living in such areas do not require keeping their air conditioners on constantly. This helps in the conservation of energy. This is also a good way to reduce the emission of harmful gases and pollutants.

Balance the Water Cycle

Trees help in balancing the water level in the atmosphere. Big trees release a good amount of water into the atmosphere. This process replenishes the clouds and results in rain. Forests around the world play a major role in the water cycle and help in maintaining the ecological system. Planting trees is the way to balance the water cycle which is important for keeping the environment intact. Deforestation, on the other hand, disrupts the water cycle which in turn has negative repercussions such as dryer soil, loss of crops, etc.

Thus, trees are extremely important for the environment. They help in maintaining the ecological system and make living possible on Earth. The more trees we plant the better environment we create for ourselves.

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Importance of Trees Essay 600 Words

Trees are extremely important for us. They give us oxygen and keep our environment clean by absorbing various harmful gases and pollutants from the atmosphere. We can breathe freely and live a healthy life because of the presence of trees around. However, even as trees are so important, humans are cutting trees ruthlessly without realizing that cutting trees means putting our lives in danger.

Deforestation – The Bitter Truth

Humans are cutting forests rapidly in the name of development and urbanization. Many forests and green patches around the world have been cut in the last few decades to make place for the growing human population and to fulfil their ever increasing material demands.

More and more people, these days, are moving from rural areas to urban cities. In order to accommodate them, the residential areas in the cities are being expanded and this is being done at the cost of trees. Trees are being cut and concrete jungles are being constructed in their place. Factories, offices and residential societies are being established at places that were once surrounded by beautiful green trees.

Trees are also being cut rapidly as the requirement for wood and other materials extracted from them is increasing by the day. Houses, tools, furniture, paper, medicines and a whole lot of other things are crafted from wood. While all these things are essential for living, we must not forget that our first and foremost need for survival on Earth is oxygen. If we continue to cut forests at this rate, the required supply of oxygen will dip and it would become difficult to live on this planet.

Deforestation also means loss of habitat for wild animals. Several species of animals have gone extinct from the face of Earth in the past and numerous others are on the verge of extinction. One of the main reasons for this is deforestation. This has also increased contact between humans and wild animals and the two stay in constant fear of each other. Other impacts of deforestation include disruption of water cycle, soil erosion and increasing pollution and heat. These are all equally bad for human beings as well as animals.

Plant Trees – Promote Life

Essay on Tree: Human beings have grown accustomed to a comfortable life. Many of the things we get from trees have become a necessity for us so much so that we have become deaf and blind to the repercussions of deforestation and the forthcoming danger.

While cutting trees has become necessary to fulfil many of our essential demands it must be done in moderation. Besides, to balance the act we must take it as our responsibility to plant more and more trees. Each one of us must plant trees regularly and also take care of them. Every neighbourhood should conduct regular tree plantation activity.

Students must be given lessons on the importance of saving and planting trees. School management must also conduct regular tree plantation activity and every student must be encouraged to take part in it. The more trees we will plant the better environment we will create for ourselves and the future generations. Likewise, regular activities must also be carried out to water the trees and boost their growth. This will help them bloom faster.

The importance of trees has been stressed upon time and again. It is time we should realize that cutting trees means a threat to our own lives. Deforestation must be stopped to sustain life on Earth. The loss of trees must be replenished by planting many more of them. Every individual should plant trees and contribute towards keeping the environment clean.

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Essay on Tree FAQs

How do you write a tree essay.

Start with an introduction, describe tree benefits, and conclude with its significance.

What are the 10 importance of trees?

Trees provide oxygen, shelter, food, shade, and more. See an essay for details.

What is trees in 10 lines?

Trees offer oxygen, homes for animals, and materials for humans, supporting our environment.

What is the importance of trees in Class 7th?

Trees teach Class 7 students about ecosystems, oxygen production, and environmental balance.

What is the essay on trees?

The essay discusses the vital role of trees in our lives and the environment.

What is the importance of trees in Class 6 essay?

The essay explores how trees provide us with oxygen, resources, and a healthier planet.

What is a tree for Class 4?

For Class 4, a tree is a big plant that gives us air to breathe and many other useful things.

Why are trees important in Class 4?

In Class 4, we learn that trees are vital because they provide clean air, shade, and homes for animals.

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New York City’s Trees Work Hard. Still, They Could Use a Little Help.

A chemical reaction involving emissions from cars and buildings can negate their environmental benefits. New research shows what big cities can do about it.

People walking on a foot path in a park with large trees on either side.

By Austyn Gaffney

Oak trees with leaves like outstretched hands and thick, stately trunks reduce the effects of extreme heat around New York City’s five boroughs by shading sidewalks and sucking up planet-warming carbon.

These workhorses also naturally emit a chemical called isoprene. Alone, it is harmless. But when isoprene meets nitrogen oxides, a group of gasses emitted when fossil fuels are burned to power buildings and vehicles, the chemical reaction creates ground-level ozone, a harmful pollutant that can cause respiratory issues.

“The trees themselves don’t create any problems, in fact they solve a lot of problems for us in cities,” said Andrew Reinmann, associate professor of environmental science at the City University of New York and an author of a new study examining the isoprene emissions of city trees. “The problem is cars and fossil fuel combustion in cities that can essentially start to negate or take away some of the benefits that trees are providing us.”

The study, published in July in Environmental Science and Technology , looked at citywide data for every six-by-six-inch square of tree canopy across the five boroughs. The researchers analyzed the types of trees and modeled what could happen to ground-level ozone pollution if the city grew enough trees to cover 40 percent of its land.

In one scenario, if the city only planted oaks, ground-level ozone in Manhattan could increase more than 30 percent. In a second scenario, continuing to plant a mixed canopy like the one that exists today could increase peak ground-level ozone by about 10 percent, depending on the borough.

New York City repeatedly violates federal health-based air quality standards for ozone on hot days, according to the study. Every year more than 400 New Yorkers are estimated to die from ground-level ozone pollution , and more than 4,300 adults and children in the city visit emergency rooms for ozone-related asthma.

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