academic writing essay research topics

1000+ FREE Research Topics & Title Ideas

academic writing essay research topics

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PS – You can also check out our free topic ideation webinar for more ideas

How To Find A Research Topic

If you’re struggling to get started, this step-by-step video tutorial will help you find the perfect research topic.

Research Topic FAQs

What (exactly) is a research topic.

A research topic is the subject of a research project or study – for example, a dissertation or thesis. A research topic typically takes the form of a problem to be solved, or a question to be answered.

A good research topic should be specific enough to allow for focused research and analysis. For example, if you are interested in studying the effects of climate change on agriculture, your research topic could focus on how rising temperatures have impacted crop yields in certain regions over time.

To learn more about the basics of developing a research topic, consider our free research topic ideation webinar.

What constitutes a good research topic?

A strong research topic comprises three important qualities : originality, value and feasibility.

  • Originality – a good topic explores an original area or takes a novel angle on an existing area of study.
  • Value – a strong research topic provides value and makes a contribution, either academically or practically.
  • Feasibility – a good research topic needs to be practical and manageable, given the resource constraints you face.

To learn more about what makes for a high-quality research topic, check out this post .

What's the difference between a research topic and research problem?

A research topic and a research problem are two distinct concepts that are often confused. A research topic is a broader label that indicates the focus of the study , while a research problem is an issue or gap in knowledge within the broader field that needs to be addressed.

To illustrate this distinction, consider a student who has chosen “teenage pregnancy in the United Kingdom” as their research topic. This research topic could encompass any number of issues related to teenage pregnancy such as causes, prevention strategies, health outcomes for mothers and babies, etc.

Within this broad category (the research topic) lies potential areas of inquiry that can be explored further – these become the research problems . For example:

  • What factors contribute to higher rates of teenage pregnancy in certain communities?
  • How do different types of parenting styles affect teen pregnancy rates?
  • What interventions have been successful in reducing teenage pregnancies?

Simply put, a key difference between a research topic and a research problem is scope ; the research topic provides an umbrella under which multiple questions can be asked, while the research problem focuses on one specific question or set of questions within that larger context.

How can I find potential research topics for my project?

There are many steps involved in the process of finding and choosing a high-quality research topic for a dissertation or thesis. We cover these steps in detail in this video (also accessible below).

How can I find quality sources for my research topic?

Finding quality sources is an essential step in the topic ideation process. To do this, you should start by researching scholarly journals, books, and other academic publications related to your topic. These sources can provide reliable information on a wide range of topics. Additionally, they may contain data or statistics that can help support your argument or conclusions.

Identifying Relevant Sources

When searching for relevant sources, it’s important to look beyond just published material; try using online databases such as Google Scholar or JSTOR to find articles from reputable journals that have been peer-reviewed by experts in the field.

You can also use search engines like Google or Bing to locate websites with useful information about your topic. However, be sure to evaluate any website before citing it as a source—look for evidence of authorship (such as an “About Us” page) and make sure the content is up-to-date and accurate before relying on it.

Evaluating Sources

Once you’ve identified potential sources for your research project, take some time to evaluate them thoroughly before deciding which ones will best serve your purpose. Consider factors such as author credibility (are they an expert in their field?), publication date (is the source current?), objectivity (does the author present both sides of an issue?) and relevance (how closely does this source relate to my specific topic?).

By researching the current literature on your topic, you can identify potential sources that will help to provide quality information. Once you’ve identified these sources, it’s time to look for a gap in the research and determine what new knowledge could be gained from further study.

How can I find a good research gap?

Finding a strong gap in the literature is an essential step when looking for potential research topics. We explain what research gaps are and how to find them in this post.

How should I evaluate potential research topics/ideas?

When evaluating potential research topics, it is important to consider the factors that make for a strong topic (we discussed these earlier). Specifically:

  • Originality
  • Feasibility

So, when you have a list of potential topics or ideas, assess each of them in terms of these three criteria. A good topic should take a unique angle, provide value (either to academia or practitioners), and be practical enough for you to pull off, given your limited resources.

Finally, you should also assess whether this project could lead to potential career opportunities such as internships or job offers down the line. Make sure that you are researching something that is relevant enough so that it can benefit your professional development in some way. Additionally, consider how each research topic aligns with your career goals and interests; researching something that you are passionate about can help keep motivation high throughout the process.

How can I assess the feasibility of a research topic?

When evaluating the feasibility and practicality of a research topic, it is important to consider several factors.

First, you should assess whether or not the research topic is within your area of competence. Of course, when you start out, you are not expected to be the world’s leading expert, but do should at least have some foundational knowledge.

Time commitment

When considering a research topic, you should think about how much time will be required for completion. Depending on your field of study, some topics may require more time than others due to their complexity or scope.

Additionally, if you plan on collaborating with other researchers or institutions in order to complete your project, additional considerations must be taken into account such as coordinating schedules and ensuring that all parties involved have adequate resources available.

Resources needed

It’s also critically important to consider what type of resources are necessary in order to conduct the research successfully. This includes physical materials such as lab equipment and chemicals but can also include intangible items like access to certain databases or software programs which may be necessary depending on the nature of your work. Additionally, if there are costs associated with obtaining these materials then this must also be factored into your evaluation process.

Potential risks

It’s important to consider the inherent potential risks for each potential research topic. These can include ethical risks (challenges getting ethical approval), data risks (not being able to access the data you’ll need), technical risks relating to the equipment you’ll use and funding risks (not securing the necessary financial back to undertake the research).

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500 Good Research Paper Topics

Bonus Material: Essential essay checklist

Writing a research paper for a class and not sure how to start?

One of the most important steps to creating a great paper is finding a good topic! 

Here’s a hand-drafted list from a Princeton grad who has helped professors at Harvard and Yale edit their papers for publication and taught college writing at the University of Notre Dame and .

What’s more, we give you some foolproof formulas for creating your own paper topic to fit the requirements of your class.

Using these simple formulas, we’ve helped hundreds of students turn a B- paper topic into an A+ paper topic.

Keep reading for our list of 500 vetted research paper topics and our magic formulas for creating your own topic!

Of course, if you want help learning to write research papers tailored to your individual needs, check out our one-on-one writing coaching or academic writing workshop . Set up a free consultation to see how we can help you learn to write A+ papers!

Jump to paper topics in:

European & Mediterranean History

African history, asian history, history of the pre-columbian americas.

  • Latin American History

History of Science

Politics & public policy, education & education policy, political theory, science policy.

  • Health Sciences & Psychology

Download the essential essay checklist

What is a research paper?

In order to write a good research paper, it’s important to know what it is! 

In general, we can divide academic writing into three broad categories:

  • Analytical: analyze the tools an author uses to make their point
  • Research: delve deeply into a research topic and share your findings
  • Persuasive : argue a specific and nuanced position backed by evidence

What’s the difference between an analytical paper and a research paper? For an analytical paper, it’s okay to just use one or two sources (a book, poem, work of art, piece of music, etc.) and examine them in detail. For a research paper, however, the expectation is that you do, well . . . research .

student writing research paper

The depth of research that you’re expected to do will depend on your age and the type of class you’re taking.

In elementary or middle school, a “research paper” might mean finding information from a few general books or encyclopedias in your school library. 

In high school, your teachers might expect you to start using information from academic articles and more specific books. You might use encyclopedias and general works as a starting point, but you’ll be expected to go beyond them and do more work to synthesize information from different perspectives or different types of sources. You may also be expected to do “primary research,” where you study the source material yourself, instead of synthesizing what other people have written about the source material.

In college, you’ll be required to use academic journals and scholarly books, and your professors will now expect that you be more critical of these secondary sources, noticing the methodology and perspectives of whatever articles and books you’re using. 

In more advanced college courses, you’ll be expected to do more exhaustive surveys of the existing literature on a topic. You’ll need to conduct primary research that makes an original contribution to the field—the kind that could be published in a journal article itself.

For a walkthrough of the 12 essential steps to writing a good paper, check out our step-by-step guide .

student writing research paper

Working on a research paper? Grab our free checklist to make sure your essay has everything it needs to earn an A grade.

Get the essential essay checklist

What makes a good research paper topic?

One of the most important features of a research paper topic is that it has a clear, narrow focus. 

For example, your teacher may assign you to write a research paper related to the US Revolutionary War. Does that mean that your topic should be “the US Revolutionary War”? 

Definitely not! There’s no way to craft a good paper with in-depth research with such a broad topic. (Unless you’re in elementary or middle school, in which case it’s okay to have a more general topic for your research paper.)

Instead, you need to find a more specific topic within this broader one. There are endless ways that you can make this narrower! Some ideas generated from this one broader topic might be:

  • Causes of the US Revolutionary War
  • Changes in military strategy during the Revolutionary War
  • The experiences of Loyalists to England who remained in the American colonies during the Revolutionary War
  • How the Revolutionary War was pivotal for the career of Alexander Hamilton
  • The role of alliances with France during the US Revolutionary War
  • The experiences of people of color during the Revolutionary War
  • How George Washington’s previous military career paved the way for his leadership in the Revolutionary War
  • The main types of weaponry during the Revolutionary War
  • Changes in clothing and fashion over the courses of the Revolutionary War
  • How Valley Forge was a key moment in the Revolutionary War
  • How women contributed to the Revolutionary War
  • What happened in Amherst, Massachusetts during the Revolutionary War
  • Field medicine during the Revolutionary War
  • How the Battle of Saratoga was a turning point in the Revolutionary War
  • How different opinions about the Revolutionary War were reflected in poetry written during that time
  • Debates over abolition during the Revolutionary War
  • The importance of supply chains during the Revolutionary War
  • Reactions to the US Revolutionary war in Europe
  • How the US Revolutionary war impacted political theory in England and France
  • Similarities and differences between the US Revolutionary War and the French Revolution
  • Famous paintings inspired by the US Revolutionary War
  • Different ways that the US Revolutionary War has been depicted in modern contemporary culture
  • The appropriation of the “Boston Tea Party” by US politicians in the 2010s

This list could go on forever!

good research paper topics about the US Revolution

In fact, any of these topics could become even more specific. For example, check out the evolution of this topic:

  • Economic causes of the Revolutionary war
  • The way that tax policies helped lead to the Revolutionary War
  • How tax laws enacted 1763–1775 helped lead to the Revolutionary War
  • How the tax-free status of the British East India Company helped lead to the Revolutionary War
  • How the 1773 tax-free status of the British East India Company helped lead to the Revolutionary War, as reflected in letters written 1767–1775
  • How the 1773 tax-free status of the British East India Company helped lead to the Revolutionary War, as reflected in letters written by members of the Sons of Liberty 1767–1775

As you advance in your educational career, you’ll need to make your topic more and more specific. Steps 1–3 of this topic might be okay in high school, but for a college research paper steps 4–7 would be more appropriate!

As you craft your research paper topic, you should also keep in mind the availability of research materials on your subject. There are millions of topics that would make interesting research papers, but for which you yourself might not be able to investigate with the primary and secondary sources to which you have access.

Access to research materials might look like:

  • To the best of our knowledge, the sources exist somewhere
  • The source isn’t behind a paywall (or you or your school can pay for it)
  • Your school or local library has a copy of the source
  • Your school or local library can order a copy of the source for you
  • The source is in a language that you speak
  • The source has been published already (there’s tons of amazing research that hasn’t been published yet, a frustrating problem!)
  • You can access the archive, museum, or database where the primary source is held—this might mean online access or travel! To access a source in an archive or museum you’ll often need permission, which often requires a letter of support from your school.

If you’re not sure about access to source materials, talk to a librarian! They’re professionals for this question.

Finally, pick a research topic that interests you! Given that there are unlimited research topics in the world and many ways to adapt a broad topic, there should absolutely be a way to modify a research topic to fit your interests.

student writing research paper

Want help learning to write an amazing research paper? Work one-on-one with an experienced Ivy-League tutor to improve your writing skills or sign up for our bestselling academic writing workshop .

Insider tips to generate your own research paper topic

Use these formulas to generate your own research paper topics:

  • How did X change over a period of time (year, decade, century)?
  • What is the impact (or consequences) of X?
  • What led to X?
  • What is the role of X in Y?
  • How did X influence Y?
  • How did X become Y?
  • How was X different from Y?
  • How is X an example of Y?
  • How did X affect Y?
  • What were some reactions to X?
  • What are the most effective policies to produce X result?
  • What are some risks of X?
  • How is our current understanding of X incorrect? (advanced)
  • What happens if we look at X through the lens of Y theory or perspective? (advanced)

A good research paper topic often starts with the question words—why, how, what, who, and where. Remember to make it as specific as possible!

student writing research paper

Good research paper topics

These research paper topics have been vetted by a Princeton grad and academic book editor!

  • How did European rivalries (British vs French) impact North American history?
  • What was the role of British and French alliances with indigneous tribes during the Seven Years’ War?
  • Reactions to the 1754 Albany Congress among North American intellectual figures
  • How the Albany Plan served as a model for future attempts at union among the North American colonies
  • How did different religious identities (Calvinist, Catholic, etc.) play a role in the aftermath of the Seven Years’ War?
  • What were the consequences of the 1763 Treaty of Paris?
  • How did the Seven Years’ War impact British debt and colonial economics?
  • What were some causes of the US Revolutionary War?
  • How did military strategy change during the Revolutionary War?
  • What were the experiences of Loyalists to England who remained in the American colonies during the Revolutionary War?
  • How was the Revolutionary War pivotal for the career of Alexander Hamilton?
  • What was the role of alliances with France during the US Revolutionary War?
  • What were the experiences of people of color during the Revolutionary War?
  • How did George Washington’s previous military career pave the way for his leadership in the Revolutionary War?
  • What were the main types of weaponry during the Revolutionary War? How did that affect the options for military strategies?
  • How did clothing and fashion change over the courses of the Revolutionary War?
  • How was Valley Forge a key moment in the Revolutionary War?
  • How did women contribute to the Revolutionary War?
  • What happened in Amherst, Massachusetts (or any other specific location) during the Revolutionary War?
  • What was field medicine like during the Revolutionary War? 
  • How was the Battle of Saratoga a turning point in the Revolutionary War?
  • How were different opinions about the Revolutionary War reflected in poetry written during that time?
  • What were the debates over abolition during the Revolutionary War?
  • What was the role of supply chains during the Revolutionary War?
  • What were reactions to the US Revolutionary war like in Europe? What does that tell us about politics in England, France, the Netherlands, etc?
  • How did the US Revolutionary war impact political theory in England and France?
  • What are similarities and differences between the US Revolutionary War and the French Revolution?
  • What are some famous paintings inspired by the US Revolutionary War? What do differences between these paintings tell us about how the artists who created them saw the war?
  • What are some different ways that the US Revolutionary War has been depicted in modern contemporary culture? What does that tell us?
  • How was the story of the “Boston Tea Party” appropriated by US politicians in the 2010s, and why?
  • What was the difference between the Federalists and the Jeffersonians?
  • How did the 1797 XYZ Affair lead to the Quasi-War with France?
  • How were loans from European countries and companies (France, Spain, Dutch bankers) key to the early US?
  • What were reactions to the Constitutional Convention of 1787?
  • Why did the US remain neutral during the French Revolution?
  • How did the Alien and Sedition acts contribute to the election of Thomas Jefferson as president?
  • What was the US’s reaction to the Haitian revolution? Why did the US not recognize Haitian independence until 1862?
  • What were the reactions to John Jay’s Treaty of 1794?
  • How have the remarks made by George Washington in his Farewell Address inspired isolationist policies?
  • How did interpretations of the Monroe Doctrine change over the decades since its creation? 
  • How did the Roosevelt Corollary and Lodge Corollary change and expand the Monroe Doctrine?
  • How did the presence of US companies like the United Fruit Company affect US military interventions in Latin America? 
  • How was the Monroe Doctrine invoked in the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962? 
  • How was US culture shaped by the Cold War?
  • How did ecology play a role in the rise of Ancient Egypt?
  • How did water management technologies impact Ancient Egypt?
  • How did bureaucracies function in Ancient Egypt?
  • How did Egyptian art influence Ancient Greek art?
  • Who could be a citizen in Athens in the 5th century BCE? What does this tell us about classical Athenian society?
  • What was the impact of the Peloponnesian War?
  • What was the impact of Alexander the Great’s attempt to create an empire?
  • How does the way that Alexander the Great is represented in art demonstrate conceptions about the relationship between the human and the divine?
  • Was there a conception of race in the ancient world? How were these ideas different from our own modern conceptions of race?
  • What was the role of debt slavery in the Roman republic? How were these policies ended, and what is the significance of the end of debt slavery? What kinds of slavery remained?
  • To what degree does the movie Gladiator accurately the Roman Empire in 176–192 CE?
  • What was the role of slavery in managing the large latifundia ?
  • How and why did the emperor Constantine I adopt Christianity?
  • How did patterns of urbanism in the latter Roman empire change? What does this tell us about challenges being faced at that time?
  • What do reactions to the Byzantine empress Theodora tell us about ideas of gender in 6th-century Byzantium?
  • How did scientific advancements in Islamic Spain influence the rest of Europe?
  • What was the relationship between Muslim, Christian, and Jewish populations in Islamic Spain? How does this compare to the experience of Muslim and Jewish populations in Christian Spain?
  • How did medieval troubadour poetry represent a new idea of romantic relationships?
  • What are similarities and differences between medieval troubadour poetry and lyric poetry in Ancient Greece? 
  • What do letters between women and popes tell us about gender, power, and religion in medieval Europe?
  • In what ways was Hildegard of Bingen groundbreaking for her time?
  • Who produced beer in medieval England, and what does this tell us about society?
  • How did the adoption of hops affect the production and distribution of beer?
  • How did beer production allow some women a way to be financially independent?
  • How was clothing used to mark religious and cultural identities in 15th- and 16th-century Spain?
  • How did print culture change relationships and courting in Georgian England?
  • How did churches function as social gathering spaces in Georgian England?
  • To what degree is Netflix’s Bridgerton series historically accurate?
  • How did ideas of love change in the 18th century? How did philosophy play a role in this?
  • When were Valentine cards first commercially available? What does that show us about cultural ideas of love and courtship?
  • What were the consequences of the desertification of the Sahara?
  • How did trade links on the Red Sea influence Nubian culture?
  • How did Carthage build power in Northern Africa around 600–500 BCE?
  • What was the impact of the Mercenary War (241–238 BCE) in Carthage?
  • How did the Roman province of Africa play a key role in financing the Roman Empire?
  • What were the consequences of the Donatist division in the 300s in Northern Africa?
  • What was the impact of the large-scale movement of Bedouins from the Arabian peninsula into the Maghreb?
  • How was Mande society organized in the Mali Empire? 
  • What was the role of the book trade in Timbuktu? What does this tell us about culture and learning in the Mali Empire?
  • How did Aksum use trade to build wealth and power? 
  • What do Nok terracotta sculptures tell us about Nok culture?
  • How did the Luba Empire create a centralized political system? How did the idea of spiritual kins ( balopwe ) play a role in this system?
  • How did tax collection work in the Lunda empire?
  • What does it mean to say that the Ajuran Empire was a hydraulic empire? How did control over water resources allow the Ajuran Empire to build and consolidate power?
  • What is the significance of diplomatic ties between the Somai Ajuran Empire and Ming dynasty China? 
  • How did the tribute system in the Kingdom of Kongo help to stimulate interregional trade?
  • What was the impact of the introduction of maize and cassava to the Kingdom of Kongo?
  • How did women wield influence in the Kingdom of Benin?
  • How did the Industrial Revolution in Europe help lead to the Scramble for Africa 1878–1898?
  • What were the consequences of the Second Boer War?
  • What happened in the Year of Africa (1960)?
  • How did the Han dynasty consolidate power in frontier regions? 
  • How and why did the Han dynasty nationalize the private salt and iron industries in 117 BCE?
  • What are the earliest records of papermaking, and what is the significance of this invention?
  • What was the role of Daoist religious societies in rebellions at the end of the Han dynasty (Yellow Turban Rebellion, Five Pecks of Rice Rebellion)?
  • What do tomb paintings tell us about ancient Chinese society?
  • What was the impact of the Sui dynasty’s standardization and re-unification of the coinage?
  • What was the role of standardized testing in Sui dynasty and Tang dynasty China?
  • Why is the Tang dynasty often regarded as a golden age of cosmopolitan culture in Chinese history?
  • What was the role of slavery in imperial China? 
  • How did the rise of jiedushi (regional military governments) undermine the civil-service system? What were the consequences of this?
  • How did Tang dynasty China exert power over Japan and Korea?
  • What was the Three Departments and Six Ministries system in imperial China and how did it work?
  • What does the appearance of Inca, Maya, and Aztec goods in North America (Utah, Canada) and the appearance of goods from the Great Lakes region in Maya and Aztec ruins tell us about trade in the Pre-Columbian Americas?
  • How did celebration of maize play a central role in Mesoamerican cultures?
  • How did the Aztec empire use relationships with client city-states to establish power? How did the Aztec empire use taxation to exert power?
  • How did the luxury good trade impact Aztec political power? 
  • How did the building of roads play a key role in the Aztec empire?
  • How and why has archaeology played a pivotal role in expanding our understanding of the pre-Columbian Americas?
  • What are some common misconceptions about the Americas in the year 1491? Why do these misconceptions exist?

Latin American History (post-1492)

  • How and why did the Spanish appropriate Aztec sites of significance (e.g. Mexico City at the site of Tenochtitlan)?
  • What were reactions among Latin American intellectuals (e.g. Luis MarĂ­a Drago, Alejandro Álvarez and Baltasar Brum) to the Monroe Doctrine?
  • How was the US’s involvement in the Venezuela Crisis of 1902–1903 a pivotal turning point in the relationship between the US and Latin American countries?
  • What were the effects of the US’s involvement in the Cuban War for Independence?
  • How did the Roosevelt Corollary of 1904 benefit the US?
  • How did Simon Bolivar’s time in Europe affect his ideas about Latin American independence?
  • How did 19th century academic societies play a role in the advancement of scientific discoveries? Who was excluded from these societies?
  • How was music connected to the sciences in medieval thinking?
  • When was the concept of zero first used, and how was it instrumental for advancements in math?
  • What role did Islamic Spain play in the spread of scientific advancements in medieval Europe?
  • What role has translation between languages played in the development of sciences?
  • Why were Galileo’s ideas about astronomy controversial at the time?
  • What was the connection between art and advancements in human anatomy?
  • Why were Darwin’s ideas about natural selection controversial at the time?
  • To what degree does the film Master and Commander accurately depict the voyages of Charles Darwin?
  • How did the discovery of quinine and other medical innovations help to facilitate the European colonization of Africa?
  • How and why was the internet invented?
  • Does Virgil’s Aeneid celebrate the new Roman Empire or subvert it?
  • Why was the poet Ovid exiled from Rome?
  • What are the pagan influences in Beowulf ? What are the Christian elements in Beowulf ? What does that tell us about late Anglo-Saxon England?
  • How does Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales reflect gender roles in late medieval England?
  • How does Dante’s Inferno draw on book IV of Virgil’s Aeneid ? 
  • How are gender roles presented and subverted in Shakespeare’s plays?
  • To what degree did Henry David Thoreau live out the ideals he described in Walden in his own life?
  • How did the serialized publication of novels affect the way that they were written?
  • Does Dickens’ novel A Tale of Two Cities accurately portray the French Revolution?
  • How did 18th-century novels propagate the idea of marrying for love?
  • What did contemporary readers think about Jane Austen and her novels?
  • To what degree do Jane Austen’s novels reflect economic realities for women in Regency England? What do they leave out?
  • How did Lord Byron’s personal life affect his poetry?
  • What do we know about the romantic life of Emily Dickinson?
  • What were the religious movements that influenced the writer George Eliot, and how do those influences appear in her novels?
  • In what ways were Walt Whitman’s writings new or different?
  • How did British poets react to the horrors of Word War I?
  • What do Tolkien’s letters reveal about the ways in which the two world wars influenced his writings?
  • How did the friendship between CS Lewis and Tolkien affect their respective writings?
  • What are the arguments for and against Catalonian independence from Spain?
  • What are the arguments for and against Scottish independence from the United Kingdom?
  • What are some risks of contact sports, especially for children?
  • What are the most effective policies for combating childhood obesity?
  • What are the most effective policies for reducing gun violence?
  • Which countries have the longest life expectancy and why?
  • What are some differences between the healthcare system in the US and in European countries? Which country has the most similar system to the US?
  • What policies for parental leave exist in different countries? What are some effects of these policies?
  • Has the drinking age in the US always been 21? What have been some different policies, and what were some consequences of them?
  • What is the debate around museum artifacts like the Elgin Marbles in London or the Benin Bronzes in Berlin?
  • How have politicians attempted to control population growth in different countries, either directly or indirectly? What have been some effects of these policies?
  • Which countries have the most gender parity reflected in national governments? How have they accomplished this?
  • How has public funding of K-12 education changed since the 1930s in the US? 
  • How has public funding of higher education changed in the US?
  • What is early childhood education like in different countries?
  • What are some effects of free or reduced-cost meals in schools?
  • How does access to menstrual products affect education outcomes for girls in different countries?
  • What was the impact of Rousseau’s writings on education?
  • How did Plato’s ideal forms of government reflect contemporary Athenian concerns about the unruly masses ( demos )?
  • How did Aristotle justify slavery?
  • How has wealth inequality increased in recent decades?
  • How is inflation calculated, and what are the implications of this methodology?
  • How have genetically-engineered crops changed the way that the planet feeds itself?
  • How has animal testing changed since 2000?
  • How is animal testing regulated differently in different countries?

Health Sciences and Psychology

  • How do different societies reflect the natural circadian rhythms of the human body?
  • How does secondhand smoke affect the human body?
  • How does lack of sleep affect the body?
  • How does stress affect the body?
  • What are some ways to reduce stress?
  • How have cancer treatments changed in the past 30 years?
  • Why is it hard to find a “cure” for cancer?
  • How has the Human Genome Project changed medical science?
  • How were the Covid vaccines developed so quickly? What is the difference between the various Covid vaccines that have been developed?

Ready to start working on your research paper?

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Emily graduated  summa cum laude  from Princeton University and holds an MA from the University of Notre Dame. She was a National Merit Scholar and has won numerous academic prizes and fellowships. A veteran of the publishing industry, she has helped professors at Harvard, Yale, and Princeton revise their books and articles. Over the last decade, Emily has successfully mentored hundreds of students in all aspects of the college admissions process, including the SAT, ACT, and college application essay. 


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113 Perfect Persuasive Essay Topics for Any Assignment

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General Education


Do you need to write a persuasive essay but aren’t sure what topic to focus on? Were you thrilled when your teacher said you could write about whatever you wanted but are now overwhelmed by the possibilities? We’re here to help!

Read on for a list of 113 top-notch persuasive essay topics, organized into ten categories. To help get you started, we also discuss what a persuasive essay is, how to choose a great topic, and what tips to keep in mind as you write your persuasive essay.

What Is a Persuasive Essay?

In a persuasive essay, you attempt to convince readers to agree with your point of view on an argument. For example, an essay analyzing changes in Italian art during the Renaissance wouldn’t be a persuasive essay, because there’s no argument, but an essay where you argue that Italian art reached its peak during the Renaissance would be a persuasive essay because you’re trying to get your audience to agree with your viewpoint.

Persuasive and argumentative essays both try to convince readers to agree with the author, but the two essay types have key differences. Argumentative essays show a more balanced view of the issue and discuss both sides. Persuasive essays focus more heavily on the side the author agrees with. They also often include more of the author’s opinion than argumentative essays, which tend to use only facts and data to support their argument.

All persuasive essays have the following:

  • Introduction: Introduces the topic, explains why it’s important, and ends with the thesis.
  • Thesis: A sentence that sums up what the essay be discussing and what your stance on the issue is.
  • Reasons you believe your side of the argument: Why do you support the side you do? Typically each main point will have its own body paragraph.
  • Evidence supporting your argument: Facts or examples to back up your main points. Even though your opinion is allowed in persuasive essays more than most other essays, having concrete examples will make a stronger argument than relying on your opinion alone.
  • Conclusion: Restatement of thesis, summary of main points, and a recap of why the issue is important.

What Makes a Good Persuasive Essay Topic?

Theoretically, you could write a persuasive essay about any subject under the sun, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you should. Certain topics are easier to write a strong persuasive essay on, and below are tips to follow when deciding what you should write about.

It’s a Topic You Care About

Obviously, it’s possible to write an essay about a topic you find completely boring. You’ve probably done it! However, if possible, it’s always better to choose a topic that you care about and are interested in. When this is the case, you’ll find doing the research more enjoyable, writing the essay easier, and your writing will likely be better because you’ll be more passionate about and informed on the topic.

You Have Enough Evidence to Support Your Argument

Just being passionate about a subject isn’t enough to make it a good persuasive essay topic, though. You need to make sure your argument is complex enough to have at least two potential sides to root for, and you need to be able to back up your side with evidence and examples. Even though persuasive essays allow your opinion to feature more than many other essays, you still need concrete evidence to back up your claims, or you’ll end up with a weak essay.

For example, you may passionately believe that mint chocolate chip ice cream is the best ice cream flavor (I agree!), but could you really write an entire essay on this? What would be your reasons for believing mint chocolate chip is the best (besides the fact that it’s delicious)? How would you support your belief? Have enough studies been done on preferred ice cream flavors to support an entire essay? When choosing a persuasive essay idea, you want to find the right balance between something you care about (so you can write well on it) and something the rest of the world cares about (so you can reference evidence to strengthen your position).

It’s a Manageable Topic

Bigger isn’t always better, especially with essay topics. While it may seem like a great idea to choose a huge, complex topic to write about, you’ll likely struggle to sift through all the information and different sides of the issue and winnow them down to one streamlined essay. For example, choosing to write an essay about how WWII impacted American life more than WWI wouldn’t be a great idea because you’d need to analyze all the impacts of both the wars in numerous areas of American life. It’d be a huge undertaking. A better idea would be to choose one impact on American life the wars had (such as changes in female employment) and focus on that. Doing so will make researching and writing your persuasive essay much more feasible.


List of 113 Good Persuasive Essay Topics

Below are over 100 persuasive essay ideas, organized into ten categories. When you find an idea that piques your interest, you’ll choose one side of it to argue for in your essay. For example, if you choose the topic, “should fracking be legal?” you’d decide whether you believe fracking should be legal or illegal, then you’d write an essay arguing all the reasons why your audience should agree with you.


  • Should students be required to learn an instrument in school?
  • Did the end of Game of Thrones fit with the rest of the series?
  • Can music be an effective way to treat mental illness?
  • With e-readers so popular, have libraries become obsolete?
  • Are the Harry Potter books more popular than they deserve to be?
  • Should music with offensive language come with a warning label?
  • What’s the best way for museums to get more people to visit?
  • Should students be able to substitute an art or music class for a PE class in school?
  • Are the Kardashians good or bad role models for young people?
  • Should people in higher income brackets pay more taxes?
  • Should all high school students be required to take a class on financial literacy?
  • Is it possible to achieve the American dream, or is it only a myth?
  • Is it better to spend a summer as an unpaid intern at a prestigious company or as a paid worker at a local store/restaurant?
  • Should the United States impose more or fewer tariffs?
  • Should college graduates have their student loans forgiven?
  • Should restaurants eliminate tipping and raise staff wages instead?
  • Should students learn cursive writing in school?
  • Which is more important: PE class or music class?
  • Is it better to have year-round school with shorter breaks throughout the year?
  • Should class rank be abolished in schools?
  • Should students be taught sex education in school?
  • Should students be able to attend public universities for free?
  • What’s the most effective way to change the behavior of school bullies?
  • Are the SAT and ACT accurate ways to measure intelligence?
  • Should students be able to learn sign language instead of a foreign language?
  • Do the benefits of Greek life at colleges outweigh the negatives?
  • Does doing homework actually help students learn more?
  • Why do students in many other countries score higher than American students on math exams?
  • Should parents/teachers be able to ban certain books from schools?
  • What’s the best way to reduce cheating in school?
  • Should colleges take a student’s race into account when making admissions decisions?
  • Should there be limits to free speech?
  • Should students be required to perform community service to graduate high school?
  • Should convicted felons who have completed their sentence be allowed to vote?
  • Should gun ownership be more tightly regulated?
  • Should recycling be made mandatory?
  • Should employers be required to offer paid leave to new parents?
  • Are there any circumstances where torture should be allowed?
  • Should children under the age of 18 be able to get plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons?
  • Should white supremacy groups be allowed to hold rallies in public places?
  • Does making abortion illegal make women more or less safe?
  • Does foreign aid actually help developing countries?
  • Are there times a person’s freedom of speech should be curtailed?
  • Should people over a certain age not be allowed to adopt children?


  • Should the minimum voting age be raised/lowered/kept the same?
  • Should Puerto Rico be granted statehood?
  • Should the United States build a border wall with Mexico?
  • Who should be the next person printed on American banknotes?
  • Should the United States’ military budget be reduced?
  • Did China’s one child policy have overall positive or negative impacts on the country?
  • Should DREAMers be granted US citizenship?
  • Is national security more important than individual privacy?
  • What responsibility does the government have to help homeless people?
  • Should the electoral college be abolished?
  • Should the US increase or decrease the number of refugees it allows in each year?
  • Should privately-run prisons be abolished?
  • Who was the most/least effective US president?
  • Will Brexit end up helping or harming the UK?


  • What’s the best way to reduce the spread of Ebola?
  • Is the Keto diet a safe and effective way to lose weight?
  • Should the FDA regulate vitamins and supplements more strictly?
  • Should public schools require all students who attend to be vaccinated?
  • Is eating genetically modified food safe?
  • What’s the best way to make health insurance more affordable?
  • What’s the best way to lower the teen pregnancy rate?
  • Should recreational marijuana be legalized nationwide?
  • Should birth control pills be available without a prescription?
  • Should pregnant women be forbidden from buying cigarettes and alcohol?
  • Why has anxiety increased in adolescents?
  • Are low-carb or low-fat diets more effective for weight loss?
  • What caused the destruction of the USS Maine?
  • Was King Arthur a mythical legend or actual Dark Ages king?
  • Was the US justified in dropping atomic bombs during WWII?
  • What was the primary cause of the Rwandan genocide?
  • What happened to the settlers of the Roanoke colony?
  • Was disagreement over slavery the primary cause of the US Civil War?
  • What has caused the numerous disappearances in the Bermuda triangle?
  • Should nuclear power be banned?
  • Is scientific testing on animals necessary?
  • Do zoos help or harm animals?
  • Should scientists be allowed to clone humans?
  • Should animals in circuses be banned?
  • Should fracking be legal?
  • Should people be allowed to keep exotic animals as pets?
  • What’s the best way to reduce illegal poaching in Africa?
  • What is the best way to reduce the impact of global warming?
  • Should euthanasia be legalized?
  • Is there legitimate evidence of extraterrestrial life?
  • Should people be banned from owning aggressive dog breeds?
  • Should the United States devote more money towards space exploration?
  • Should the government subsidize renewable forms of energy?
  • Is solar energy worth the cost?
  • Should stem cells be used in medicine?
  • Is it right for the US to leave the Paris Climate Agreement?
  • Should athletes who fail a drug test receive a lifetime ban from the sport?
  • Should college athletes receive a salary?
  • Should the NFL do more to prevent concussions in players?
  • Do PE classes help students stay in shape?
  • Should horse racing be banned?
  • Should cheerleading be considered a sport?
  • Should children younger than 18 be allowed to play tackle football?
  • Are the costs of hosting an Olympic Games worth it?
  • Can online schools be as effective as traditional schools?
  • Do violent video games encourage players to be violent in real life?
  • Should facial recognition technology be banned?
  • Does excessive social media use lead to depression/anxiety?
  • Has the rise of translation technology made knowing multiple languages obsolete?
  • Was Steve Jobs a visionary or just a great marketer?
  • Should social media be banned for children younger than a certain age?
  • Which 21st-century invention has had the largest impact on society?
  • Are ride-sharing companies like Uber and Lyft good or bad for society?
  • Should Facebook have done more to protect the privacy of its users?
  • Will technology end up increasing or decreasing inequality worldwide?


Tips for Writing a Strong Persuasive Essay

After you’ve chosen the perfect topic for your persuasive essay, your work isn’t over. Follow the three tips below to create a top-notch essay.

Do Your Research

Your argument will fall apart if you don’t fully understand the issue you’re discussing or you overlook an important piece of it. Readers won’t be convinced by someone who doesn’t know the subject, and you likely won’t persuade any of them to begin supporting your viewpoint. Before you begin writing a single word of your essay, research your topic thoroughly. Study different sources, learn about the different sides of the argument, ask anyone who’s an expert on the topic what their opinion is, etc. You might be tempted to start writing right away, but by doing your research, you’ll make the writing process much easier when the time comes.

Make Your Thesis Perfect

Your thesis is the most important sentence in your persuasive essay. Just by reading that single sentence, your audience should know exactly what topic you’ll be discussing and where you stand on the issue. You want your thesis to be crystal clear and to accurately set up the rest of your essay. Asking classmates or your teacher to look it over before you begin writing the rest of your essay can be a big help if you’re not entirely confident in your thesis.

Consider the Other Side

You’ll spend most of your essay focusing on your side of the argument since that’s what you want readers to come away believing. However, don’t think that means you can ignore other sides of the issue. In your essay, be sure to discuss the other side’s argument, as well as why you believe this view is weak or untrue. Researching all the different viewpoints and including them in your essay will increase the quality of your writing by making your essay more complete and nuanced.

Summary: Persuasive Essay Ideas

Good persuasive essay topics can be difficult to come up with, but in this guide we’ve created a list of 113 excellent essay topics for you to browse. The best persuasive essay ideas will be those that you are interested in, have enough evidence to support your argument, and aren’t too complicated to be summarized in an essay.

After you’ve chosen your essay topic, keep these three tips in mind when you begin writing:

  • Do your research
  • Make your thesis perfect
  • Consider the other side

What's Next?

Need ideas for a research paper topic as well? Our guide to research paper topics has over 100 topics in ten categories so you can be sure to find the perfect topic for you.

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Christine graduated from Michigan State University with degrees in Environmental Biology and Geography and received her Master's from Duke University. In high school she scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT and was named a National Merit Finalist. She has taught English and biology in several countries.

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150+ Best Research Paper Topics for Students

research paper topics

Samuel Gorbold

For numerous students, this academic writing poses a significant challenge. Regardless of whether you're in high school or college, there inevitably arrives a moment when writing a research paper becomes a hurdle. Whereas producing research papers may appear daunting, for many, the true hindrance lies in selecting a suitable topic. Luckily, in the article written by our essay writing service experts, you will find a selection of various points that will definitely ignite your writing passion.

How to Choose a Topic for a Research Paper?

Selecting a theme for a research paper involves considering both personal interests and the academic relevance of the subject. Use a custom research paper writing service , or begin by exploring areas that genuinely captivate your curiosity if you want to work on the assignment purely on your own. Simultaneously, assess the feasibility of the subject, ensuring there is enough scholarly literature available to support a comprehensive investigation. Strike a balance between a thesis that is broad enough to offer diverse perspectives but focused enough to allow for in-depth analysis within the scope of the paper. Here are four main tips for selecting the best research paper topics:

Identify Your Interests

Consider questions that genuinely interest you. Your enthusiasm for the theme will make the research and writing process more enjoyable and engagingIf the paper allows flexibility, narrow down the scope of your research. Focused and specific research is often more manageable and allows for in-depth explorationEnsure that your chosen problem aligns with the guidelines provided by your instructor. Clarify any specific requirements or restrictions regarding the subject matter if you want to create interesting research paper topics. Consider current events or issues in your field of study. Researching contemporary points can add relevance and significance to your paper.

Conduct Preliminary Research

Browse academic journals, books, papers, and reputable websites to get an overview of potential motifs. This initial exploration will help you gauge the availability of resources and the depth of information on different subjects. Assess the feasibility of your chosen argument in terms of the resources available, time constraints, and the scope of your paper. Ensure you can access sufficient information to support your research. Engage in brainstorming sessions and create a mind map to visualize potential topics. This visual representation can help you identify connections between ideas and narrow down your choices.

Seek Inspiration from Course Material

Reflect on your course lectures, readings, and discussions. Your research paper ideas can be an extension of or a response to the concepts covered in your coursework. Think about your target audience as well. Tailor your topic to suit the interests and expectations of your readers, whether they are your peers, instructors, or a broader academic audience.

Produce an Engaging Thesis Statement

Formulate a thesis that is debatable and allows for differing interpretations. A strong thesis will spark discussion and invite readers to engage with your perspective rather than presenting an indisputable fact. A paper thesis should be a thought-provoking assertion that encourages readers to examine and challenge their own beliefs critically. By adopting a debatable stance, one opens the door to a rich dialogue where diverse perspectives can be explored. 

how to choose a topic for a research paper

What Are Good Topics for Research Paper?

A good research paper topic meets certain criteria and is well-suited for exploration and analysis. Here are key factors that contribute to the selection of good topics for research paper:

  • The theme should be relevant to the subject or course you are studying. It should align with the learning objectives and goals of the paper.

Interest and passion

  • Choose a topic that genuinely interests you. Your enthusiasm for the subject will make the research process more engaging and enjoyable.

Significance and contribution

  • A good research paper topic addresses a significant issue or question in the field. It should contribute new insights, knowledge, or perspectives to existing literature.

Clarity and focus

  • The topic should be well-defined and focused. Avoid overly broad or vague arguments. Clearly articulate the research question or hypothesis you aim to address.


  • Consider the feasibility of researching the chosen topic within the given time frame and available resources. Ensure there is enough relevant data and scholarly material to support your research.


  • While it may be challenging to find an entirely unique point, strive for originality by approaching the subject from a new angle, providing a fresh perspective, or proposing a novel research question.

Academic significance

  • Assess whether the topic is academically significant. Will your research contribute to the broader academic discourse, and will it be of interest to your peers and the academic community?

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academic writing essay research topics

Research Paper Topics By Subject

While entering college or university listed in USA education ranking , you will definitely need to write a research paper. We have collected topics for you to choose:

Sociology Research Paper Topics

  • The role of social media in shaping contemporary notions of identity and self-expression.
  • How do cultural norms influence perceptions of mental health and help-seeking behavior?
  • Assessing the effect of income inequality on social mobility and community well-being.
  • In what ways does the criminalization of illegal substance addiction contribute to social stratification?
  • Exploring the dynamics of gender roles and expectations in modern family structures.
  • Can community-based policing strategies enhance trust and cooperation between law enforcement and marginalized communities?
  • How do social movements utilize digital platforms to mobilize and effect change?
  • The impact of globalization on cultural diversity and social cohesion.
  • How does the media shape public perceptions of immigration and contribute to the construction of national identity?
  • Investigating the role of religion in influencing social attitudes towards LGBTQ+ individuals.
  • What factors contribute to the persistence of racial and ethnic disparities in educational outcomes?
  • Analyzing the relationship between social capital and community resilience in the face of adversity.
  • How do social norms and expectations influence the career choices of individuals within different sociodemographic groups?
  • Exploring the effect of gentrification on neighborhood cohesion and social networks.
  • What role does social support play in mitigating the effects of economic hardship on mental health?

Psychology Research Paper Topics

  • The impact of social media on adolescent mental health.
  • Exploring the relationship between childhood trauma and adult attachment styles.
  • The role of genetics in the development of personality traits.
  • Investigating the influence of cultural factors on perceptions of body image and eating disorders.
  • Examining the cognitive effects of meditation and mindfulness practices.
  • The connection between sleep patterns and cognitive functioning in older adults.
  • Gender differences in coping mechanisms for stress.
  • The psychological effects of virtual reality exposure therapy for phobias.
  • Exploring the effect of parental involvement on academic achievement in children.
  • The relationship between personality types and leadership styles in the workplace.
  • The influence of early attachment on romantic relationships in adulthood.
  • Examining the psychological effects of environmental stressors on urban dwellers.
  • Investigating the efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy for treating anxiety disorders.
  • The intersectionality of race, gender, and mental health.
  • Understanding the link between personality disorders and criminal behavior.

Biology Research Paper Topics

  • Unraveling the mechanisms of CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing: Current advancements and future prospects.
  • The impact of climate change on biodiversity: Case studies from different ecosystems.
  • Investigating the role of gut microbiota in human health and disease.
  • Can plants communicate? Exploring the intricacies of plant signaling pathways.
  • The evolutionary significance of antibiotic resistance in bacteria.
  • How do neurotransmitters modulate behavior and cognitive functions in the human brain?
  • Unveiling the mysteries of epigenetics: How environmental factors affect gene expression.
  • The ecology of coral reefs: Adapting to climate change and human impact.
  • What drives the phenomenon of biological aging? Insights from cellular senescence research.
  • Examining the effect of microplastics on aquatic organisms and ecosystems.
  • How does the human immune system recognize and respond to pathogens?
  • CRISPR-Cas12: A new frontier in genome editing technology?
  • The role of stem cells in tissue regeneration and therapeutic applications.
  • Can we engineer microorganisms for sustainable biofuel production?
  • Investigating the genetics of rare diseases from diagnosis to potential therapies.

Criminal Justice Research Paper Topics

  • The impact of body-worn cameras on police accountability and public trust in law enforcement.
  • Exploring the effectiveness of restorative justice programs in reducing recidivism rates.
  • An analysis of the relationship between socioeconomic status and access to legal representation in the criminal justice system.
  • Assessing the role of technology in predictive policing and its ethical implications.
  • The influence of media portrayals on perceptions of criminality and its consequences for fair trials.
  • Examining the implementation and impact of community policing strategies in urban areas.
  • Can juvenile diversion programs effectively address the root causes of youth offending?
  • The intersectionality of race, gender, and socioeconomic factors in sentencing disparities.
  • How does the use of plea bargaining affect the fairness of the criminal justice system?
  • Evaluating the efficacy of rehabilitation programs for offenders with substance abuse disorders.
  • The impact of mass incarceration on communities and families: A comparative study.
  • Are mental health courts an effective alternative for addressing offenses committed by individuals with mental illness?
  • The influence of implicit bias in criminal justice decision-making.
  • Examining the role of forensic science in ensuring accurate criminal investigations and convictions.
  • What factors contribute to the overrepresentation of minorities in the criminal justice system?

English Research Paper Topics

  • The portrayal of gender roles in contemporary literature: A critical analysis.
  • How does bilingual education affect language acquisition and cognitive development in young learners?
  • Analyzing the influence of Shakespearean drama on modern theatrical productions.
  • Can literature serve as a tool for fostering empathy and understanding in a diverse society?
  • The evolution of the English language: A study of linguistic changes over the centuries.
  • Exploring the impact of digital technology on reading habits and comprehension skills.
  • What role do dystopian novels play in reflecting and shaping societal fears and concerns?
  • The representation of mental health in literature: Breaking stigmas and fostering awareness.
  • How do social media platforms influence language use and communication patterns?
  • Examining the portrayal of marginalized communities in contemporary British literature.
  • Does the choice of language affect the persuasive power of political speeches?
  • Investigating the cultural significance of regional dialects in the English language.
  • How do online writing platforms and blogging impact the traditional publishing industry?
  • The intersection of literature and environmentalism: A study of eco-critical perspectives.
  • Can literature contribute to the development of critical thinking skills in secondary education?

Research Paper Topics By Education Level

College research paper topics.

  • The influence of online learning on student engagement and academic performance: A comparative analysis with traditional classroom settings.
  • How do socioeconomic factors influence access to higher education in the 21st century?
  • Assessing the effectiveness of student support services in promoting retention and success in college.
  • In what ways does campus diversity contribute to a more inclusive learning environment?
  • Analyzing the role of extracurricular activities in enhancing students' overall college experience.
  • Exploring the challenges and benefits of incorporating technology in college classrooms.
  • Can mindfulness and stress-reduction programs positively affect students' mental well-being and academic performance?
  • The impact of student loan debt on post-graduation career choices and financial stability.
  • How do college admission processes contribute to or mitigate social inequality?
  • Investigating the effectiveness of peer mentoring programs in supporting freshmen transition to college life.
  • What role does the college environment play in shaping students' political and social attitudes?
  • Analyzing the impact of internship and co-op experiences on students' post-graduation career trajectories.
  • How do college athletes balance academic and athletic commitments, and what are the long-term effects on their educational experience?
  • Exploring the influence of study abroad programs on students' cultural competence and global perspectives.
  • What factors contribute to the gender gap in STEM fields at the college level, and how can it be addressed?

High School Research Paper Topics

  • The impact of social media on teenage peer relationships: A psychological perspective.
  • How does the incorporation of technology in the classroom affect student engagement and learning outcomes?
  • Assessing the effectiveness of anti-bullying programs in creating a safer environment.
  • In what ways does the curriculum address the mental health and well-being of students?
  • Exploring the historical significance and cultural impact of a specific literary work in the English curriculum.
  • Can project-based learning enhance critical thinking skills and academic performance in students?
  • How do extracurricular activities contribute to the development of leadership skills in students?
  • The impact of standardized testing on educational equity and college admission opportunities.
  • How does the representation of diverse perspectives in history textbooks shape students' understanding of the past?
  • Investigating the role of physical education in promoting lifelong health and wellness habits.
  • What factors contribute to students' decisions regarding post-graduation paths, such as college, vocational training, or entering the workforce?
  • Analyzing the influence of parental involvement on high school students' academic achievement and overall well-being.
  • How do high school science education programs address contemporary environmental issues?
  • Exploring the impact of arts education on creativity and cognitive development in high school students.
  • What are the effects of early start times on the academic performance and well-being of high school students, and should start times be adjusted?

Research Paper Topics for Middle School

  • Exploring the impact of video games on the social and cognitive development of middle school students.
  • How do school design and environment influence pupils' academic performance and well-being?
  • Investigating the role of extracurricular activities in promoting teamwork and leadership skills among middle schoolers.
  • In what ways do social media platforms shape friendship dynamics among pre-adolescents?
  • Analyzing the effects of a balanced diet and regular exercise on middle school students' physical and mental health.
  • Can interactive and immersive learning experiences enhance engagement and understanding in science classrooms?
  • What factors contribute to cyberbullying among pupils, and how can it be prevented?
  • The impact of diverse literature in middle school English classes on students' cultural awareness.
  • How do family structures and dynamics influence academic performance and social behavior in early adolescence?
  • Investigating the effectiveness of anti-bullying programs in middle schools in fostering a positive learning climate.
  • What role does peer influence play in shaping pupils' attitudes toward academic achievement?
  • Analyzing the impact of sleep patterns on cognitive function and emotional well-being in pre-teens.
  • How do students perceive and navigate the challenges of transitioning to a new school environment?
  • Exploring the influence of popular culture on the self-esteem and body image of pre-adolescent girls.
  • What are the environmental factors that contribute to stress and anxiety among middle school pupils, and how can they be mitigated?

Research Paper Topics by Category

Argumentative research paper topics.

  • The impact of social media on personal privacy: Is the convenience worth the compromise?
  • Should standardized testing be the primary measure of student and school success?
  • Are stricter firearms control laws necessary to reduce violence and enhance public safety?
  • Can the criminal justice system be reformed to address systemic racial biases?
  • The role of government in regulating and combating misinformation on the internet.
  • Should schools implement dress codes to promote a more focused and respectful learning environment?
  • How effective are renewable energy policies in mitigating the impact of climate change?
  • Is the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in agriculture a solution or a threat to global food security?
  • Should the legal drinking age be lowered or raised to address concerns about drinking-related harm?
  • The impact of affirmative action policies on achieving equal opportunities in education and employment.
  • Are single-gender schools more effective in promoting academic achievement and gender equality?
  • Should the government play a larger role in regulating the content on social media platforms?
  • Is the use of animals in scientific research justified for the advancement of human knowledge and medical breakthroughs?
  • How should society address the ethical implications of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and biotechnology?
  • Can alternative forms of energy, such as solar and wind power, replace traditional fossil fuels to meet global energy demands sustainably?

Persuasive Research Paper Topics

  • The benefits of incorporating mindfulness practices into the curriculum to enhance learners' focus and well-being.
  • Should colleges implement a later start time to better align with teenagers' natural sleep patterns?
  • What measures can be taken to encourage more widespread adoption of electric vehicles for a greener and sustainable future?
  • Is mandatory community service a valuable component of education to foster civic responsibility?
  • The importance of teaching financial literacy in universities to empower students for a financially secure future.
  • Should governments implement stricter regulations on the marketing of unhealthy foods to combat rising rates of childhood obesity?
  • How can persuasive communication strategies be employed to promote vaccination and ensure public health?
  • A need for comprehensive education in schools to address issues of consent, healthy relationships, and mental health.
  • Should the use of plastic bags be banned to reduce environmental pollution and promote sustainability?
  • Advocating for the inclusion of diverse voices and perspectives in curricula to foster cultural understanding and inclusivity.
  • How can society address the issue of income inequality to create a more just and equitable economic system?
  • Should social media platforms be held responsible for combating the spread of misinformation and fake news?
  • The importance of promoting organ donation awareness and increasing donor registration rates.
  • Should there be stricter regulations on the advertising and marketing of prescription substances?
  • Advocating for the implementation of inclusive playgrounds to ensure all children, including those with disabilities, can fully participate in recreational activities.

how to pick a topic for a research paper

Controversial Topics for Research Paper

  • The ethical implications of gene editing: Should humans have the ability to alter the genetic makeup of future generations?
  • Is the use of solitary confinement in prisons a necessary tool for maintaining order or a form of cruel and unusual punishment?
  • Can the legalization of certain recreational substances lead to positive societal outcomes or exacerbate public health concerns?
  • How does the use of artificial intelligence in autonomous firearms challenge traditional ethical norms in warfare?
  • The controversy surrounding vaccine mandates: Should governments compel citizens to receive vaccinations for public health reasons?
  • Is the concept of cultural appropriation an important consideration in creative expression, or does it stifle artistic freedom?
  • How should society balance individual privacy rights with the need for increased surveillance in the digital age?
  • The debate over reparations for historical injustices: Should descendants of those who suffered be compensated?
  • Is the use of animals in scientific experiments ethically justifiable for the advancement of medical research?
  • Should the government regulate and control the content available on social media platforms to combat misinformation?
  • The controversy over the use of capital punishment: Is the death penalty an effective deterrent or a morally objectionable practice?
  • How should society address the ethical concerns surrounding the use of CRISPR technology for human germline editing?
  • Is affirmative action an effective means of addressing historical inequalities or a form of reverse discrimination?
  • The debate over open borders: Should countries prioritize national security or embrace more inclusive immigration policies?
  • Can technology companies strike a balance between user privacy and providing law enforcement with necessary information for public safety?

Best Research Paper Topics for 2024

  • How will advancements in quantum computing reshape cybersecurity protocols?
  • Analyzing the sociological implications of widespread adoption of augmented reality technologies.
  • What strategies can be implemented to address the mental health challenges arising from prolonged periods of remote work?
  •  Assessing the impact of universal basic income on poverty reduction and economic stability.
  • How are current space exploration initiatives contributing to our understanding of the universe, and what challenges do they face?
  • Examining the environmental and economic viability of biodegradable plastics as an alternative to traditional plastics.
  • In what ways can artificial intelligence be ethically employed in healthcare to improve patient outcomes?
  • Investigating the long-term effects of 5G technology on communication networks and connectivity.
  • What role do renewable energy sources play in achieving sustainable development goals, and how can their integration be optimized?
  •  Exploring the link between education and economic inequality to identify potential areas for policy intervention.
  • How do genetic editing technologies raise ethical concerns, and what frameworks can be established to guide responsible use?
  • Examining the impact of social media on political discourse and civic engagement in the digital age.
  • What psychological factors influence decision-making in the era of information overload, and how can individuals make better-informed choices?
  • Investigating the challenges and opportunities associated with the integration of artificial intelligence in personalized medicine.
  • How can global initiatives effectively address the challenges posed by climate change, and what are the key barriers to their success?

academic writing essay research topics

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Crafting a college essay can be a pivotal moment in your academic journey. It’s an opportunity to showcase your voice, share your experiences, and stand out from the crowd. 

Picking from a vast array of college essay topics can be overwhelming. That’s why we’ve compiled an exhaustive list of 100 college essay topics. These topics are categorized to boost your creativity and help you find the perfect theme that resonates with your story. 

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We’ve also given helpful tips on how to choose and write the perfect essay for college. So let’s start by understanding how to pick the perfect college essay topic:

How to pick the perfect college essay topic

Selecting good college essay topics is more than just finding a subject that sounds impressive. It’s about finding a genuine fit for your personality and experiences. Here’s how to identify the best college essay topics for your unique narrative:

Reflect on your passions: What excites you? What are you eager to explore further?

Consider your experiences: Which life events have shaped who you are?

Identify your growth: How have challenges and obstacles contributed to your personal development?

Think about relevance: Will this topic be engaging for the admissions committee?

Be authentic: Choose a topic that allows your genuine self to shine through.

With these considerations in mind, let’s dive into a curated list of essay topics for college students, designed to spark inspiration and provoke thought.

100 Best college essay topics

We’ve created a list of the unique college essay topics that stand out to help you ace your essay!

Argumentative college essay topics

Here is a list of top argumentative essay topics for college:

1. The role of government in regulating internet content.

2. Should higher education be a right or a privilege?

3. The ethical implications of gene editing in humans.

4. Are standardized tests an accurate measure of student intelligence?

5. The impact of social media on youth and society.

6. Should college athletes be paid for playing sports?

7. The viability of a four-day workweek.

8. Is a gap year beneficial before starting college?

9. The influence of advertising on consumer behavior.

10. Privacy vs. security: How much surveillance is too much?

Persuasive essay topics for college

Here is a list of top persuasive essay topics for college:

1. The importance of arts education in schools.

2. Why volunteering should be part of the college curriculum.

3. The benefits of bilingual education.

4. The necessity of making public transport free.

5. Why we must invest in renewable energy sources.

6. The case for banning single-use plastics.

7. Should voting be mandatory?

8. The importance of preserving historical monuments.

9. Why we need stricter regulations on animal testing.

10. The need for more progressive tax systems.

Compare and contrast essay topics for college students

Here is a list of top compare-and-contrast essay topics for college:

1. Living on campus vs. commuting: Which is better for college students?

2. Online classes vs. traditional classes: A comparison of effectiveness.

3. The pros and cons of private vs. public universities.

4. Western vs. Eastern philosophies of education.

5. Fast food vs. home-cooked meals: Implications on health.

6. Traditional vs. alternative medicine: A comparative study.

7. The leadership styles of two prominent figures in history.

8. Book adaptations: When the book or the movie is better?

9. Comparing two different approaches to environmental conservation.

10. The impact of different parenting styles on child development.

Cause and effect essay topics for college students

Here is a list of top cause-and-effect essay topics for college:

1. The effects of social networking sites on communication.

2. How does consumerism affect the global economy?

3. The impact of college debt on future life choices of students.

4. The effects of global warming on polar ice caps.

5. The causes and effects of insomnia during exam periods.

6. How does stress affect health and well-being?

7. The influence of diet on cognitive functions.

8. The effects of music on mood and productivity.

9. The impact of technology on the job market.

10. Causes and effects of cultural appropriation.

Creative college essay topics

Here is a list of top creative essay topics for college:

1. Imagine a day in the life of your favorite book character.

2. If you could invent something, what would it be and why?

3. The adventures of living in a parallel universe.

4. Writing a eulogy for a historical villain.

5. A world without smartphones: Chaos or calm?

6. If you could converse with an artist from the past, who would it be?

7. The experience of time travel to your most and least favorite historical periods.

8. What if you were the president for a week?

9. If animals could form their own society, how would it look?

10. A letter to a future generation about life in the 21st century.

College essay topics about life goals

Here is a list of top life goals essay topics for college:

1. How your career goals have evolved over time.

2. The influence of a family business on your professional aspirations.

3. The importance of role models in shaping your future ambitions.

4. A major life goal and the steps you’re taking to achieve it.

5. How overcoming a significant challenge has refocused your life goals.

6. The impact of travel on your personal and professional objectives.

7. The importance of lifelong learning in your career path.

8. The role of mentorship in achieving success.

9. How do you plan to give back to your community in your future career?

10. The pursuit of happiness: Defining and achieving your life’s goals.

Informative essay topics for college

Here is a list of top informative essay topics for college:

1. The history and impact of the feminist movement.

2. The process of neural network development in artificial intelligence.

3. Exploring the causes of economic recessions.

4. The role of genetics in determining personality.

5. The significance of the Green Revolution in agriculture.

6. The evolution of space exploration technology.

7. The impact of colonialism on modern-day global relations.

8. The fundamentals of quantum computing.

9. Understanding the human impact on ocean life.

10. The rise of virtual reality and its potential applications.

Research essay topics for college

Here is a list of top research essay topics for college:

1. Analyzing the efficacy of the current educational model in fostering innovation.

2. The role of social media influencers in shaping youth culture.

3. The effects of urbanization on biodiversity.

4. The relationship between mental health and modern work culture.

5. The impact of cryptocurrencies on global finance.

6. The evolution of gender roles over the past century.

7. The influence of climate change policies on international relations.

8. The effects of diet trends on public health.

9. The future of genetic engineering in medicine.

10. The role of artificial intelligence in shaping the future of employment.

Narrative essay topics for college students

Here is a list of top narrative essay topics for college:

1. The moment you overcame a profound fear.

2. An encounter that changed your perspective on life.

3. The experience of losing something or someone important.

4. A moment of failure that turned into a lesson of success.

5. Your first day at college and how it met your expectations.

6. A journey that was more than just travel.

7. A significant memory that defines your childhood.

8. The challenge of adapting to a new culture.

9. An act of kindness that left a lasting impact on you.

10. A situation where you had to stand up for what you believed in.

Personal essay topics for college students

Here is a list of top personal essay topics for college:

1. How has a book or movie influenced your understanding of the world?

2. The role of a particular extracurricular activity in shaping who you are.

3. A personal philosophy or mantra that guides your life.

4. The journey of self-discovery during your teenage years.

5. Overcoming a personal struggle to achieve a goal.

6. A cultural tradition that holds significant meaning for you.

7. The impact of a mentor or teacher on your life.

8. A pivotal moment of realization about your identity.

9. How do you cope with stress and maintain mental well-being?

10. The importance of a work-life balance in your personal vision.

Now that we have a list of 100 college essay topics that cover many types of essays and writing styles, let’s delve into how to write an essay , perfect for college!

How to write the perfect college essay

Writing an essay for college admission is not just about showcasing your knowledge; it’s about telling a story that reflects your identity, aspirations, and the value you can bring to a college community. Whether you’re starting an essay or aiming to conclude an essay , here are steps to ensure your essay stands out:

Understanding the prompt

Before you begin writing, understand the academic writing prompt thoroughly. Make sure you know what the question is asking and how you can address it in a unique way that showcases your strengths and experiences.

Choosing your topic wisely

Select a topic that resonates with you and allows you to share something personal and significant. Know which common college essay topics to avoid, and instead, choose unique college essay topics that allow your personality and voice to shine through.

Crafting a compelling introduction

Your introduction should hook the reader and set the tone for the rest of the essay. Start with an anecdote, a surprising fact, or a thought-provoking question to draw the reader in.

Developing a clear structure

Organize and format your college essay with a clear essay structure , including an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Each paragraph should support the main thesis outline of your essay with evidence and personal reflections.

Showcasing your voice

Your essay should sound like you. Use your own voice and avoid overly formal language. The goal is to make the reader feel as though they are getting to know the real you.

Being honest and reflective

Be honest in your writing and reflect on your experiences. Admissions officers can tell when a student is being genuine versus when they’re saying what they think the college wants to hear.

Proofreading and revising

After you’ve written your essay, take the time to do essay proofreading and edit your essay if necessary. Look for grammatical errors , check for flow, and make sure your essay is clear and concise. It can be helpful to have someone else read your essay to provide feedback. You can also use tools like essay checkers to make your work easier.

Avoiding taboo topics

There are certain college essay topics to avoid, such as those that are overly controversial, inappropriate, or cliché. Choose a topic that is meaningful but also appropriate for a diverse audience.

Some examples of essay topics to avoid include:

1. Grandiose tales of heroism that seem exaggerated or implausible.

2. The story of your achievements without reflection on the journey or challenges.

3. Controversial topics that do not contribute to a positive discourse or understanding.

4. Overly polarizing political or religious topics that may not resonate with the reader.

5. Cliched volunteer experiences that don’t reveal anything unique about you.

Ending with impact

Your conclusion should wrap up your essay without simply summarizing what you’ve already said. End with a reflection on how the topic has shaped you or how you’ve grown from the experience.

Your college essay is more than an assignment; it’s a canvas for your experiences and dreams. Choose a topic that resonates with you, and let your passion shine through your words. And while AI essay writers can provide assistance with the initial stages of drafting, the real magic comes from your personal touch and insights. 

To ensure your essay truly stands out, consider the expert editing and proofreading services offered by PaperTrue. Our team can sharpen your narrative, correct any linguistic errors, and enhance your essay’s clarity, allowing your unique voice to captivate the admissions committee. Happy writing!

Keep on reading for more useful tips:

  • Guide to a Perfect Descriptive Essay [Examples & Outline Included]
  • What Is an Adverb? Definition, Types, Differences & Examples

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50 Argumentative Essay Topics for Students

50 Argumentative Essay Topics for Students

4-minute read

  • 11th June 2022

The goal of an argumentative essay is to persuade the reader to understand and support your position on an issue by presenting your reasoning along with supporting evidence. It’s important to find the right balance between giving your opinions and presenting established research.

These essays discuss issues around a range of topics, including science, technology, politics, and healthcare. Whether you’re a teacher looking for essay topics for your students or a student tasked with developing an idea of your own, we’ve compiled a list of 50 argumentative essay topics to help you get started!

●  Does texting hinder interpersonal communication skills?

●  Should there be laws against using devices while driving?

●  Do violent video games teach or encourage people to behave violently?

●  Should social media sites be allowed to collect users’ data?

●  Should parents limit how long their children spend in front of screens?

●  Is AI helping or hurting society?

●  Should cyber-bullying carry legal consequences?

●  Should Supreme Court justices be elected?

●  Is war always a political decision?

●  Should people join a political party?

●  Is capitalism ethical?

●  Is the electoral college an effective system?

●  Should prisoners be allowed to vote?

●  Should the death penalty be legal?

●  Are governments around the world doing enough to combat global warming?

●  Is healthcare a fundamental human right?

●  Should vaccinations be mandated for children?

●  Are there any circumstances under which physician-assisted suicides should be legal?

●  Should parents be able to choose specific genetic modifications of their future children?

●  Should abortion be legal?

●  Is it ethical to perform medical experiments on animals?

●  Should patients who lead unhealthy lifestyles be denied organ transplants?

●  Should doctors be able to provide medical care to children against their parents’ wishes?

Mental Healthcare

●  What causes the stigma around mental health?

●  Discuss the link between insufficient access to mental health services and the high suicide rates among veterans.

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●  Should cannabis be used as a treatment for patients with mental disorders?

●  Is there a link between social media use and mental disorders?

●  Discuss the effect of physical activity on mental health.

●  Should sports be segregated by gender?

●  Should male and female athletes be given the same pay and opportunities?

●  Are professional athletes overpaid?

●  Should college athletes be paid?

●  Should sports betting be legal?

●  Should online access to art such as music be free?

●  Should graffiti be considered art or vandalism?

●  Are there any circumstances under which books should be banned?

●  Should schools be required to offer art courses?

●  Is art necessary to society?

●  Should schools require uniforms?

●  Should reciting the Pledge of Allegiance be required in schools?

●  Do standardized tests effectively measure intelligence?

●  Should high school students take a gap year before pursuing higher education?

●  Should higher education be free?

●  Is there too much pressure on high school students to attend college?

●  Are children better off in two-parent households?

●  Should LGBTQ+ partners be allowed to adopt?

●  Should single people be able to adopt children as easily as couples?

●  Is it okay for parents to physically discipline their children?

●  Does helicopter parenting help or hurt children?

●  Should parents monitor their children’s Internet use?

Proofreading & Editing

An argument could also be made for the importance of proofreading your essay ! The reader can focus more on your message when your writing is clear, concise, and error-free, and they won’t question whether you’re knowledgeable on the issues you’re presenting. Once you have a draft ready, you can submit a free trial document to start working with our expert editors!

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160 College Essay Topic Ideas for an Outstanding Paper

160 College Essay Topic Ideas for an Outstanding Paper

Writing a standout college essay can be one of the most important aspects of your college application.  However, selecting the right topic can often be a daunting task. With countless possibilities, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. That’s why we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of  160 best college essay topic ideas  to inspire your writing.

Then, with an essay topic idea, just start your writing. You can check our ChatGPT Prompts for Essay Writing for more writing tips with the help of AI writing tool .

Also read: Top 10 Research Topics for Students [2024 Ultimate Guide]

160 College Essay Topic Ideas for an Outstanding Paper

Table of Contents

How to Pick the Perfect College Essay Topic

  • Reflect on Personal Growth : Choose a topic that highlights a significant personal experience that showcases your development and resilience. Consider challenges you’ve overcome and the lessons learned.
  • Identify Passion and Values : Write about a subject that genuinely interests you or reflects your core values. This can be an issue you are passionate about, a unique hobby, or a defining moment that illustrates who you are.
  • Seek Uniqueness : Consider less conventional topics that may not be commonly explored by other applicants. This could be an unusual interest or a distinctive family tradition that provides insight into your character.
  • Consider Future Aspirations : Connect your topic to your future goals. An essay that explains how your experiences align with your intended field of study can demonstrate motivation and clarity.
  • Ensure Authenticity : Above all, select a topic that feels true to who you are. Authenticity resonates deeply with admissions committees and can make your essay more impactful.

By focusing on these elements, you can choose a compelling essay topic that effectively communicates your unique story and qualifications to college admissions officers.

Funny College Essay Topic Ideas

  • My Most Epic Fail: Why I Should Never Attempt DIY Projects
  • Confessions of a Caffeine Addict: A Day in the Life of My Coffee Dependence
  • How I Accidentally Joined a Cult (Sort of)
  • Lessons Learned from My Cat: The True Master of Napping
  • The Day I Tried to Be Cool and Ended Up in a Tree
  • Why I Should Have Listened to My GPS (And Other Tech Disasters)
  • My Journey to Becoming a (Terrible) Influencer
  • The Great Sibling Showdown: Who Can Make Mom Laugh More?
  • My Attempt at Going Vegan: The Hilarious Results
  • The Worst Date Ever: A Comedy of Errors
  • Why My Family Should Be on Reality TV: A Series of Unfortunate Events
  • A Love Letter to My Favorite Sweatpants
  • Why I Will Never Be an Instagram Model (And What I Learned)
  • The Day I Became the Family Chef (And Why We’re Back to Takeout)
  • Lessons from Losing a Monopoly Game: A Study in Betrayal
  • How I Accidentally Ruined Thanksgiving Dinner
  • The Time I Tried to Help My Friend Move and Ended Up in the Hospital
  • My Life as a Professional Napper: The Untold Story
  • The Misadventures of My Last Haircut: A Comedy of Errors
  • Why I Will Never Make a TikTok Dance Video Again

Argumentative College Essay Topic Ideas

  • The role of government in regulating internet content.
  • Should higher education be a right or a privilege?
  • The ethical implications of gene editing in humans.
  • Are standardized tests an accurate measure of student intelligence?
  • The impact of social media on youth and society.
  • Should college athletes be paid for playing sports?
  • The viability of a four-day workweek.
  • Is a gap year beneficial before starting college?
  • The influence of advertising on consumer behavior.
  • Privacy vs. security: How much surveillance is too much?

Persuasive College Essay Topic Ideas

  • The importance of arts education in schools.
  • Why volunteering should be part of the college curriculum.
  • The benefits of bilingual education.
  • The necessity of making public transport free.
  • Why we must invest in renewable energy sources.
  • The case for banning single-use plastics.
  • Should voting be mandatory?
  • The importance of preserving historical monuments.
  • Why we need stricter regulations on animal testing.
  • The need for more progressive tax systems.

Compare and Contrast College Essay Topic Ideas

  • Living on campus vs. commuting: Which is better for college students?
  • Online classes vs. traditional classes: A comparison of effectiveness.
  • The pros and cons of private vs. public universities.
  • Western vs. Eastern philosophies of education.
  • Fast food vs. home-cooked meals: Implications on health.
  • Traditional vs. alternative medicine: A comparative study.
  • The leadership styles of two prominent figures in history.
  • Book adaptations: When the book or the movie is better?
  • Comparing two different approaches to environmental conservation.
  • The impact of different parenting styles on child development.

Cause and Effect College Essay Topic Ideas

  • The effects of social networking sites on communication.
  • How does consumerism affect the global economy?
  • The impact of college debt on future life choices of students.
  • The effects of global warming on polar ice caps.
  • The causes and effects of insomnia during exam periods.
  • How does stress affect health and well-being?
  • The influence of diet on cognitive functions.
  • The effects of music on mood and productivity.
  • The impact of technology on the job market.
  • Causes and effects of cultural appropriation.

Creative College Essay Topic Ideas

  • Imagine a day in the life of your favorite book character.
  • If you could invent something, what would it be and why?
  • The adventures of living in a parallel universe.
  • Writing a eulogy for a historical villain.
  • A world without smartphones: Chaos or calm?
  • If you could converse with an artist from the past, who would it be?
  • The experience of time travel to your most and least favorite historical periods.
  • What if you were the president for a week?
  • If animals could form their own society, how would it look?
  • A letter to a future generation about life in the 21st century.
  • A conversation with yourself from the past.
  • What would life be like on a rogue planet?
  • If you were an ancient conqueror.
  • A children’s fairy tale.
  • What if there is no money in the world?
  • A new perspective on a famous story.
  • If you lived in another era.
  • What are animals thinking?
  • A perfect world as you see it.
  • A horror story in the style of Kafka.

College Essay Topic Ideas about Life Goals

  • How your career goals have evolved over time.
  • The influence of a family business on your professional aspirations.
  • The importance of role models in shaping your future ambitions.
  • A major life goal and the steps you’re taking to achieve it.
  • How overcoming a significant challenge has refocused your life goals.
  • The impact of travel on your personal and professional objectives.
  • The importance of lifelong learning in your career path.
  • The role of mentorship in achieving success.
  • How do you plan to give back to your community in your future career?
  • The pursuit of happiness: Defining and achieving your life’s goals.

Informative College Essay Topic Ideas

  • The history and impact of the feminist movement.
  • The process of neural network development in artificial intelligence.
  • Exploring the causes of economic recessions.
  • The role of genetics in determining personality.
  • The significance of the Green Revolution in agriculture.
  • The evolution of space exploration technology.
  • The impact of colonialism on modern-day global relations.
  • The fundamentals of quantum computing.
  • Understanding the human impact on ocean life.
  • The rise of virtual reality and its potential applications.
  • What your hometown is like.
  • What you dislike about the Internet.
  • If emotions were personified.
  • How you experience art.
  • Holiday season and nostalgia.
  • Your personal teaching experience.
  • How regular workout makes you feel.
  • The impact of music on your body.
  • National holidays in different countries.
  • Traditions you observed around the world.

Read also: 350 Expository Essay Topics & Tips for Academic Success

Research College Essay Topic Ideas

  • Analyzing the efficacy of the current educational model in fostering innovation.
  • The role of social media influencers in shaping youth culture.
  • The effects of urbanization on biodiversity.
  • The relationship between mental health and modern work culture.
  • The impact of cryptocurrencies on global finance.
  • The evolution of gender roles over the past century.
  • The influence of climate change policies on international relations.
  • The effects of diet trends on public health.
  • The future of genetic engineering in medicine.
  • The role of artificial intelligence in shaping the future of employment.

Narrative College Essay Topic Ideas

  • The moment you overcame a profound fear.
  • An encounter that changed your perspective on life.
  • The experience of losing something or someone important.
  • A moment of failure that turned into a lesson of success.
  • Your first day at college and how it met your expectations.
  • A journey that was more than just travel.
  • A significant memory that defines your childhood.
  • The challenge of adapting to a new culture.
  • An act of kindness that left a lasting impact on you.
  • A situation where you had to stand up for what you believed in.
  • The life of Socrates.
  • Nero and the Roman Empire.
  • Everyday life of Puritans.
  • Events of Mexican-American War.
  • Life during the Great Depression.
  • Women in Trojan War.
  • The start of the Nuclear Age.
  • Heroes of the Space Race.
  • Pearl Harbor through the eyes of a witness.
  • The fall of the Sumer civilization.

Personal College Essay Topic Ideas

  • Your perfect date.
  • Settling an argument.
  • What’s usually in your bag.
  • Your most memorable purchase.
  • What your upbringing was like.
  • One quote that inspired you the most.
  • What you do to make the world better.
  • Where you want to spend your life.
  • When the effort was worth the result.
  • An unusual feeling you’ve experienced.
  • How has a book or movie influenced your understanding of the world?
  • The role of a particular extracurricular activity in shaping who you are.
  • A personal philosophy or mantra that guides your life.
  • The journey of self-discovery during your teenage years.
  • Overcoming a personal struggle to achieve a goal.
  • A cultural tradition that holds significant meaning for you.
  • The impact of a mentor or teacher on your life.
  • A pivotal moment of realization about your identity.
  • How do you cope with stress and maintain mental well-being?
  • The importance of a work-life balance in your personal vision.

Topics for Different College Essay Types

Below you’ll find writing prompts for problem solution, cause and effect, and definition essays. There’s also a section with personal statement essay topics. Check them out!

  • In a problem-solution essay , you need to introduce an issue and suggest several ways to fight it. Usually, each body paragraph describes a different solution. This essay aims to convince the audience that these scenarios are the best ways to eliminate the problem.
  • In a cause and effect essay , you need to discuss a problem, its reasons, and possible consequences. It’s better to pay attention to topics that involve multiple studies of the issue
  • In a definition essay , you need to explain a term, concept, or idea. Sometimes a definition is only a part of a more extensive research paper. It’s crucial to study the topic from different perspectives to provide an extended definition. Before you start working on your essay, make sure that the meaning of the word you’ve chosen is not too simple.
  • In a personal statement , you write about yourself. Writing a personal statement or a transfer essay is crucial when applying to college. How do you make it a winning paper? Read our thesis statement guide .

Steps to Write a College Essay

Writing a college essay can be a rewarding yet challenging endeavor. Here’s a structured approach to help you craft a compelling essay:

Understand the Promp t

  • Carefully read the essay prompt and make sure you understand what is being asked.
  • Highlight keywords and themes that you need to address.

Brainstorm Ideas

  • Reflect on your experiences, values, and interests that relate to the prompt.
  • Jot down stories or moments that illustrate your perspective and character.

Create an Outline

Organize your thoughts into an outline. A typical structure includes:

  • Introduction : Hook the reader with an engaging opening that introduces your main theme or story.
  • Body Paragraphs : Develop your narrative or argument, incorporating specific examples and reflections.
  • Conclusion : Summarize your main points and reflect on their significance. Consider how this ties to your future aspirations.

Write a Strong Introduction

  • Start with a compelling hook—an intriguing question, a striking fact, or a vivid anecdote.
  • Set the tone for the essay and introduce the main topic.

Develop Body Paragraphs

  • Use clear and concise language. Each paragraph should focus on a specific idea or experience.
  • Provide concrete examples that illustrate your points.

Craft a Thoughtful Conclusion

  • Reinforce your main message.
  • Discuss the importance of your experiences and how they relate to your future goals.
  • Leave the reader with a lasting impression.

Revise and Edit

  • After completing your draft, take a break before revising. Look for clarity, coherence, and conciseness. Ensure your voice remains authentic.
  • Check for grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors.

Seek Feedback

  • Share your essay with trusted peers, teachers, or mentors.
  • Constructive feedback can help you refine your essay.

Tips for Success

  • Be authentic: Write in your voice and stay true to your experiences.
  • Keep the audience in mind: Tailor your content to the values and expectations of the college you’re applying to.
  • Stay within word limits: Be concise, and choose your words carefully.

By following these steps, you can write a reflective and engaging college essay that showcases your personality and sets you apart in the admissions process.

Choosing the right topic for your college essay is crucial for presenting your authentic self to admissions committees. With 160 best college essay topic ideas , you now have a wealth of options at your fingertips, ranging from lighthearted reflections to profound personal insights.

With the help of our AI writing tool , you can streamline the writing process and craft a standout college essay with confidence.

A good subject for a college essay is one that reflects your unique experiences, values, and personality while addressing the specific prompts provided by institutions. Consider writing about a significant personal challenge you overcame, as this can demonstrate resilience and growth. Reflecting on a transformative experience, whether it relates to a hobby, travel, or a pivotal moment in your life, can also provide depth and insight into your character.

Reflect on your experiences, values, and interests that relate to the prompt. Jot down stories or moments that illustrate your perspective and character.

Some of the most common college essay topics include: Overcoming Challenges : Discussing personal obstacles and how they shaped you. Personal Growth : Reflecting on significant experiences that influenced your development. A Meaningful Accomplishment : Writing about achievements that matter to you. Passions and Interests : Sharing hobbies or activities that define your identity. Influential People : Describing someone who has greatly impacted your life. Cultural Background : Exploring how your heritage has shaped your perspective. Future Goals : Outlining your aspirations and how college fits into your plans. These topics allow applicants to showcase their individuality and experiences.

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55 Research Paper Topics to Jumpstart Your Writing


The research paper is one of the most tried and true assignments in high school or college. It's your teacher's opportunity to see how well you can research, convey, and organize that research, and assemble everything into one five-paragraph (or maybe 15-page) paper.

Before you get started on your paper, you'll need to have a comprehensive understanding of what your teacher expects out of your completed assignment, as well as a really great topic that you can spend a lot of time researching. However, with several classes filled with many students, your teachers have likely seen the same topics over and over (and over) again. Here are some research paper topics that are guaranteed to keep your interest (and theirs). Borrow one of these ideas or get inspiration from this list, which is broken down by subject category.

Social issues research paper topics

Social issues are always going to exist, unfortunately. But the more we learn about what they are, how we can solve them, and how to prevent them, the better off we'll be. Here are a few social issues topics to think about and to do research on.

  • Many children are diagnosed with ADD or ADHD and are subsequently put on medication, but some advocate that children are overly medicated and that we should instead have more patience for those who can't sit still or have minor behavioral issues. How should this issue be approached?
  • The homeless population in the United States is more than 1.5 million people. What are the conditions that lead to someone's being homeless? Are there ways to combat it?
  • Girls who have been in the foster care system are more likely to be human trafficked. Why is this? What can be done?
  • Someone who grows up in poverty is more likely to live in poverty all their life. Why is that? How can someone escape poverty?
  • Opioid addiction is a huge issue in the United States right now. What led to the widespread abuse of opioid drugs? What is being done to solve this problem?
  • Sexual assault is a hot button issue on college campuses. How widespread is sexual assault on college campuses and what is being done to stop it?
  • Each year, 1.2 million students drop out of high school. What is causing them to drop out? What can be done to combat the dropout rate?
  • Many terminally-ill patients in America are advocating for assisted suicide. What countries already allow this, and what are the pros and the cons?
  • Performance artists in public places such as beach boardwalks have their activities regulated by some local governments. Why is this? What are the pros and the cons?
  • TV shows such as "Hoarders" have shed light on people who collect tremendous amounts of items, trash, and/or animals in their house. How are these people being helped? What causes hoarding problems?

Political research paper topics

The events in politics may always be changing, but the nature of politics remains the same. There's always a lot to discuss and a lot to learn, making for a very interesting research topic for your paper. Here are a few ideas to get you thinking.

  • North Korea has recently ramped up its nuclear program. What are some ramifications of this?
  • There has been a large political divide in the country for the past few years. What factors led to the large division?
  • What is the AHCA? How is it different from the ACA?
  • The U.S. recently pulled out of the Paris Climate Agreement. What is the Paris Climate Agreement and what is America's history of involvement with it?
  • Confederate monuments are being torn down after the events in Charlottesville. Write about the history of one confederate monument that's been torn down. When was it built? What were the circumstances of it being constructed?
  • Some feel that religious liberties have been threatened in the United States for several years. Why do they feel this way? What is the history of religious liberties in this country?
  • Much of the news in the last couple of years has been the rise of populism. What is the definition of populism? How does it affect the political climate?
  • Many parents are choosing not to vaccinate their children because they have read that there is a link between vaccines and autism. Should parents have to vaccinate their children to guarantee herd immunity for all children? Even though the evidence points out that vaccines do not cause autism, why do parents still insist? How have certain celebrities contributed to this issue by being vocal on this topic?
  • Many people in "Middle America" don't feel that their viewpoints are adequately expressed in the national media. Why do they feel this way? How does this affect national discourse?

Historical research paper topics

Many of us learn a lot about the Revolutionary War or the Civil War in our classrooms, but often there's not enough time to explore everything that you might be interested in. Here are a few off-the-beaten-path research paper topics that will be sure to capture your attention as well as your instructor's.

  • What caused the market crash of 2008? How are we still recovering?
  • There were several all black towns in the United States in the early 20th century. What led to the establishment of these cities?
  • Who were the Freedom Riders?
  • What were the Tulsa Race Riots?
  • What was Female Hysteria in the Victorian era?
  • There are a lot of conspiracy theories surrounding Kennedy's assassination. Research about one in depth and discuss how the theory came about.
  • What was the Korean War over? How does it affect society today?
  • What was the Vietnam War over? How does it affect society today?
  • What was the Space Race? Who were the major players and why did it matter so much who got to the moon first?
  • Why did a lot of protesters and "hippies" gather at Haight-Ashbury in the 1960s? Write about the history of this notable neighborhood in San Francisco.
  • What were Jim Crow laws? How do they still affect society today?
  • When was Affirmative Action enacted? How does it still affect society today?
  • What was the Reconstructive era? How does it still affect the South today?
  • What was Watergate? Who were the major players and what was the result? How did it affect the country?
  • What was the Equal Rights Amendment? Why was it not ratified?
  • What was Prohibition? What were the circumstances and why did it finally end?
  • Who was the first woman to hold political office in the United States?
  • Eleanor Roosevelt was a very notable First Lady. Who was she and why was she so important?
  • What was the case Loving v. Virginia? Who did it involve and what was it about?

Environmental research paper topics

There are many things to learn and research on about the world around us. Whether it's how we can combat climate change or research alternative fuels, it's important to know the answers for a healthy global environment for our future children and grandchildren. Here are a few ideas for environmental research paper topics.

  • What is global warming? What can we do to minimize the effects of it?
  • Some people say that certain global warming studies are funded by industries that have a vested interest in the issue, such as solar energy companies. How are they funded and conducted? Should the research be conducted by impartial parties?
  • The polar ice caps are melting. What does this mean for our environment?
  • There are many endangered species throughout the world. Pick one to write about and write about conservation efforts being made.
  • What are alternative fuels? Should we use them or not? Write about the pros and the cons.
  • What are some ways you could individually reduce your carbon footprint?
  • What countries are leading the globe on combating climate change? What steps are they taking to lead the way?
  • What is deforestation and how does it affect the environment?
  • Many coral reefs are disappearing. Why is that and what kind of actions are scientists taking?
  • What are sinkholes? Why do they occur?

Film, literature, and art research paper topics

Film, literature, and art are part of what defines a culture. It's not surprising then that there is much to explore when you are thinking about these topics. Here are a few interesting paper topics that pertain to film, literature, and art.

  • Look at a list of classic films. Pick one and write about why it was so influential.
  • In the year 2017 it's still quite rare to find a female film director. Pick a favorite female film director and discuss what unique perspectives she adds to film and culture.
  • There's more of a push to ignore the traditional "canon" of literature because it features a lot of white, male writers. What do this mean and what do you think of it?
  • Female artists are highly underrepresented in art museums throughout the world. Is it just that there aren't many female artists traditionally? What are some efforts being made to include more female artists?
  • Some people feel that Hollywood is hypocritical in embracing director Roman Polanski. What makes them feel this way? What events made him a controversial figure?
  • Read a banned book and research on why the book was banned. What were the circumstances?
  • They say poetry is a dying art. What do you think? Is poetry still alive and well?

After you've chosen a topic, be sure to get a second opinion

Choosing an interesting research paper topic is often half the battle. Once you get a topic nailed down that you're really fascinated by, it's a lot easier to research and write about it.

After you've written all of the content of your research paper, it's always important to get someone to look over your paper and ensure that it's error-free and makes sense to the reader. If you have any questions, be sure to reach out to your instructor or a parent for advice. Finally, if you want to ensure that your paper doesn't contain any spelling or grammar mistakes, you should consider hiring a professional editor such as one from ServiceScape to take a look at your paper. A professional can help you spot an error that you may have missed and help you achieve clean, easy-to-read copy that is guaranteed to impress.


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As a high school or college student, you are aware that you will spend a substantial amount of your time writing not one but many research papers. If you have already done it, you know how overwhelming and exhausting this process can be.  Nevertheless, before writing, an equally daunting and slightly more difficult part is selecting research paper topics. Although sometimes teachers will provide you with titles or prompts for your works, most times, you will have to come up with interesting research topics to write about. If you encounter difficulties choosing a title for your paper, know that you are not alone because almost all students find it hard. We are here to provide you with various research topic ideas that can make your selection process more manageable. Before delving into our list of titles, we will first explain what research topics are, their characteristics, and how to choose them. Are you swamped with assignments and deadlines? Let us take the pressure off with our ' write my paper ' service! Our team of experienced writers is ready to deliver top-quality, custom-written papers.

What Are Research Paper Topics?

Research paper topics are titles for academic writings that describe an independent investigation of subjects or issues. They mainly focus on analyzing and presenting a critical view. In other words, these papers seek to draw on what other scholars have said and written about an issue and present the author’s unique perspective. Research topics can either be phrased as questions or hypotheses. Since you can conduct an investigation on any sector, selecting an interesting title can sometimes be stressful. However, if you choose topics for research papers, ensure they are well thought out and written because they can serve as a springboard for future studies.

Characteristics of Good Research Topics

Always select good research topics if you aim to achieve high grades in your essays. Refrain from being misled to think that this is a trivial task. It requires careful consideration and evaluation to come up with an exciting title. When it comes to the question “what is a good research topic,” the following are characteristics that you should look out for: 

  • Interesting You ought to choose a topic that is exciting to you and your readers.
  • Manageable Your title should neither be too broad or narrow to be sufficiently covered.
  • Has practical or theoretical significance The selected topic adds new understanding to the area of study.
  • Researchable It should also be easily investigated with an abundance of scholarly material.
  • Unique The title you pick needs to be different from others so as to stand out.
  • Precise It exactly answers all the research questions.

How to Choose a Research Paper Topic?

The first step to developing an exciting paper is choosing a good research topic. As we have said above, selecting topics to research is not the easiest of tasks, especially if you do not know where to start. However, you should not be afraid because we have you covered. Below we will give you steps to consider when picking your research paper topic:

  • First, you should explore the area you are interested in, i.e., ideas that are exciting to you.
  • Second, make a research question by analyzing what your paper will focus on and what might intrigue your readers.
  • Third, brainstorm research topic ideas by evaluating appropriate titles and eliminating irrelevant ones.
  • Fourth, narrow down your topic to one that is meaningful to you and your readers.
  • Lastly, ensure that you adhere to all paper guidelines presented by your teacher.

List of Research Paper Topics

Now that you know what research topics are, their characteristics, and how to pick them, we can delve into the selection process. Do you need help brainstorming for research paper ideas? Look no further because we have created research topic lists to get you going. We know that a catalog of titles can trigger your creative juices, making it easy to begin writing your essay. Below are top 10 research topics for your paper: 

  • How has the internet impacted freedom of speech?
  • Negative impacts of pop culture trends on youths.
  • How is the American economy affected by climate change?
  • Can AI be classified as a threat to humans?
  • Practical ways that can be used to make nuclear power safe.
  • What are the economic impacts of GMO foods in America?
  • Free education: its advantages and disadvantages.
  • Efficient ways used in disposing of waste material.
  • How effective is music therapy in managing depression among senior citizens?
  • What causes obesity, and how can it be prevented?

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Interesting Topics to Research

Reading your essays should always be a fun experience. To achieve that, you will need to find interesting things to research. This article is the perfect place to start because the following are interesting research paper topics: 

  • Impacts of the Ottoman Empire and the Barbarian slave trade on medicine.
  • Rise and fall of ancient Greek cities.
  • In what ways does the sense of smell affect taste?
  • How does room color affect students’ learning outcomes?
  • Should autism be classified as a natural variation of the norm or a disease?
  • How depression negatively impacts immunity among senior citizens.
  • What causes violent tendencies among children, and how may they be prevented?
  • Drug and alcohol abuse: cause and effect on high school students.
  • Impacts of commercials and advertisements on purchasing habits.
  • How computer dependence impacts humans.
  • Advantages that nanotechnology has on modern science.
  • How to address adolescents’ psychological needs.
  • Effective social media strategies that companies can use to boost sales.
  • Critical roles played by women during World War I.
  • Effects of prolonged steroid usage on human bodies.

Easy Research Paper Topics

Easy research topics are simple to investigate and write. Sometimes complicated titles can be exhausting and challenging, especially when you are running out of time. If you are looking to make things straightforward, below are easy topics to research:  

  • Advantages and disadvantages of school uniforms.
  • Reasons why school athletes should be paid.
  • Steps that are employed to ensure children are protected from harmful internet content.
  • What causes obesity among teenagers in the United States?
  • Ways that people can be encouraged to recycle their waste.
  • Benefits of 3D printers to society.
  • Causes and negative impacts of tornadoes.
  • Similarities and differences between Mac and PC.
  • Dangers associated with hitchhiking.
  • Should lie detectors be considered 100% accurate?
  • Should education be less expensive?
  • How does a smartphone GPS work?
  • What are the disadvantages associated with using plastic bottles?
  • Benefits of getting enough sleep every day.
  • Impacts that Bill Gates made in the field of communication.

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Good Research Paper Topics

There is a broad scope of titles to choose from, which is why finding good topics for a research paper is challenging. To make your task easier, below we have narrowed down good topics to research: 

  • Reasons why students should be encouraged to be bilingual.
  • Negative impacts brought by oil spills on water bodies and marine animals.
  • Tobacco smoking: why should it be completely banned in America?
  • Reasons why countries should ban risky sports.
  • Importance of more people embracing reading culture.
  • Should historical films be based only on facts?
  • Is democracy losing its relevance in the modern world?
  • Impacts that China’s one-child policy has on the population.
  • Key reasons and impacts brought by the UK leaving the EU.
  • Impacts of Affordable Care Act on healthcare in America.
  • History and relationship between the US and North Korea .
  • Efficient methods that can be used to lower gun-related deaths in America.
  • Key events that led to the Roman Empire falling.
  • Positive impacts associated with ecotourism.
  • Do smartphones increase or decrease work productivity?

Best Research Paper Topics

Achieving the highest possible grade in your essay may require finding the best research topics. Sometimes this may not be easy because there are so many titles to choose from. However, do not be scared because below we have the best topics to research: 

  • How does Islam play a role in oppressing women?
  • Does college education fully prepare students for their careers?
  • Structural differences between a man's and a woman’s heart.
  • How gender roles have evolved in modern marriages.
  • Benefits associated with home health nursing service.
  • Causes and effects of cybercrimes.
  • How does terrorism affect business success?
  • Measures that can be employed to aid ex-convicts in getting employment.
  • Should schools allow licensed students to carry their guns?
  • Feminist movement and its impacts in America.
  • Reasons why women should be allowed to participate in extreme sports.
  • Effective ways parents can use to monitor their children’s online activities.
  • Who should be blamed for homelessness in America?
  • Should smartphone usage in classrooms be legalized?
  • Causes of societal stereotypes.

Funny Research Paper Topics

Using humor in your essay is an excellent way to get your readers hooked. For you to achieve that, you will need funny research topics. It may not be easy to find hilarious titles, but we have come up with some fun things to research:

  • Origin and development of Halloween celebration.
  • Crows vs. parrots: which one is smarter?
  • Ways in which a person can survive with minimum wage.
  • Why is it better for people to spend more time on their phones than to hang out with each other?
  • Negative impacts of the government lowering drinking age.
  • Reasons why handwriting has lost its importance in school.
  • Efficient ways that can be used in handling a drunk roommate.
  • Cats vs. dogs: which one makes the better pet?
  • Should parents pay their children to attend school?
  • Reasons why teachers should be compelled to wear school uniforms.
  • Why have humans been considered the most dangerous creatures on earth?
  • Origin and development of April fool’s day.
  • Reasons why people who want to keep fit eat the most.
  • Most effective ways to deal with trouble during family reunions.
  • Reasons why being ignorant can bring more happiness.

Couldn't find a fitting paper idea? Give our Research Paper Topic Generator a try.  

Cool Topics to Research

Sometimes you may need cool research topics to make your readers enjoy the experience. If this is what you are looking for, below are cool things to research: 

  • Measures that can be employed to prevent corporate abuse.
  • Causes and impacts of high rates of divorce cases in Britain.
  • Origin and development of skateboards.
  • Ways in which gunpowder changed warfare.
  • Reasons why Socrates was executed.
  • Factors that promote black hole formation.
  • Ways in which sharks hunt their prey.
  • Sinkholes: what are they, and how are they created?
  • Efficient ways used in creating positive employee relationships.
  • Should students in America take a one-year gap between high school and college?
  • Differences and similarities between Charles Dickens and William Shakespeare.
  • Nuclear energy and its impacts on economy.
  • Effective ways used by film and music industries in dealing with piracy.
  • Night vision: what is it, and how does it work?
  • Theories that explain how dinosaurs disappeared.

Popular Research Topics

Are you looking for titles that are attractive to the majority of readers? Then it would be best if you looked at a popular research topic. To get you going, you can select a popular topic for a research paper from below: 

  • How instant messaging has affected literacy.
  • Negative impacts of digital learning in schools.
  • Causes and preventive measures for identity theft.
  • Cyberbullying: what is it and how can it be prevented?
  • Factors employed in preventing cases of sexual harassment at the workplace.
  • Are white-collar jobs losing their significance in the modern world?
  • Negative impacts of social networks on people’s mental health.
  • Effective ways to bridge gender inequalities at work.
  • Homeschooling: its advantages and disadvantages.
  • Differences between climate change and global warming.
  • How to overcome corruption cases in governance.
  • Reasons why police should always use body cameras.
  • Has social media changed human behavior?
  • Negative impacts of political scandals in America.
  • How did the Syrian Crisis start?

Controversial Research Paper Topics

Sometimes research ideas need to be contentious to grab your readers’ attention. If this is what you are looking for, go through the following controversial topics for a research paper: 

  • Should nurses be held accountable for their patients’ behavior?
  • Reasons why students should be permitted to go to school with their smartphones.
  • Should the presidential term limit be extended?
  • Why most domestic violence cases are related to alcohol consumption.
  • Why reducing minimum wage in America will be good for the economy.
  • Is there gender inequality in the field of medicine?
  • Should children be allowed to take care of their younger siblings?
  • Religion should be a compulsory subject in American schools.
  • Reasons why children should not be allowed to join social media sites.
  • Why should luxury parties be forbidden among college students?
  • Pros and cons of teaching women martial arts.
  • Should hospitals be allowed to treat patients with gunshot wounds without involving the police?
  • What are the benefits of tobacco advertisement?
  • Ethical aspects associated with legalizing marijuana.
  • Reasons why school uniforms should be abolished.

Argumentative Research Paper Topics

Some essays are meant to be persuasive with the readers to convince them to agree with your thesis statement. Thus, presenting a conclusive argument in your work will require a critical evaluation of different sources to present concrete evidence. Are you wondering how you can get good argument topics to do a research paper on? Do not worry because the following are argumentative ideas for a research paper: 

  • Reasons why medical professionals should be allowed to market pharmaceuticals to patients.
  • Is the level of depression among kids rising?
  • What are the health consequences associated with fasting?
  • Effective measures that are taken to make car seats safe for children.
  • Reasons why social media platforms should be banned from collecting users’ data.
  • Should unpaid internships be made illegal?
  • Should governments regulate what their citizens eat?
  • Should gun ownership by private citizens be illegal?
  • US immigration policies : have they been effective?
  • Exam cheating: should students who are found engaging in the vice be punished?
  • Do academic performances suffer when students engage in sports?
  • Four-day work week: should companies embrace it?
  • Why athletes who use steroids should be banned from engaging in sports.
  • Reasons for the legalization of death penalty.
  • How effective are curfews placed upon teenagers?
  • Should it be illegal to smoke cigarettes in public?
  • Advantages of allowing kids to play violent video games.
  • Reasons why helmet usage in American football makes the sport dangerous.
  • Are workers more productive when working from home?
  • Reasons why climate change is the cause of increasing natural disasters.

>> Read more: Argumentative Essays Topics

Research Topic Ideas for Students

As students, you will have to write different research essays before graduating. Coming up with research ideas can take time and effort. However, instead of feeling scared, you should embrace this task because we will provide clues on how to make your selection.  But in case you have any more doubts, we have created several research topics for students from different levels, including middle school, high school, and college. Go through the following lists to make your choice:

Research Paper Topics for Middle School

Students can begin writing essays as early as middle school. If you are in this category and looking for research paper ideas for middle school, you are lucky because we have you covered. The following are topics to research for middle school: 

  • Impacts of online learning on students.
  • Why conducting drug tests on animals is ethically bad.
  • Effective ways that may enhance an individual's self-esteem.
  • Sex education and its importance.
  • How the internet has changed people’s lives.
  • Reasons why dinosaurs became extinct.
  • What is spam email, and what measures can be used to prevent it?
  • Tobacco usage and its negative impacts on a person’s body.
  • Differences between homework and class assignments.
  • Key reasons why the human body needs sleep.
  • Desert mirage: what is it, and how does it affect people?
  • Appropriate punishment for students who engage in bullying.
  • Effective ways used in recognizing harmful internet content.
  • Cryptocurrency : what is it, and why is it popular?
  • Efficient ways used in conserving energy at home.

High School Research Paper Topics

If you are seeking research paper ideas for high school, then you are in the right place. After careful deliberation, we have come up with the following research topics for high school students:

  • Black holes: their definition and origin.
  • Practical ways that can be employed in protecting species that are endangered.
  • Ways in which public school systems care for students’ mental health.
  • Reasons why there are many similarities between English and French words.
  • Gender roles and how they affect human development.
  • Photosynthesis enhancement and how it improves crop yield.
  • What are the roles of black holes?
  • Origin and resolutions of the Israel-Palestine conflict.
  • Characteristics associated with effective leadership.
  • What is Obama Care, and how does it benefit Americans?
  • Russian Revolution: its social causes and impacts.
  • Ways in which stress affects the body.
  • Air pollution and its effects on people’s health.
  • Benefits that can be attributed to Plato’s mathematics philosophy.
  • Ways in which climate change can be reversed.

College Research Paper Topics

By the time you reach college, you will have written several essays. However, this does not mean that choosing research topics for college papers will be easy. If you have any problem, go through the following research topics for college students:  

  • Pros and cons of cave drawing as a method of communication.
  • Causes and impacts of the fall of the Western Roman Empire.
  • Black Death: its devastating impacts in Europe.
  • Significant scientific achievements during the Age of Discovery.
  • How literary works were used as propaganda tools in Germany during World War II.
  • Martin Scorsese: his works and contributions to the film industry.
  • Challenges faced by the Black Lives Matter movement in fighting racism.
  • Effective measures that can be employed in stopping the Crisis in Syria.
  • Negative impacts of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on the global economy.
  • Space exploration and its effect on America’s economy.
  • Pros and cons associated with genetic engineering.
  • Steps taken in ensuring proper care for the elderly in Britain.
  • Measure taken in managing depression among adults in America.
  • Causes and impacts of drug and substance abuse among college students.
  • Impacts of online streaming platforms on the evolution of music.

Research Paper Ideas in Different Study Fields

Different study fields present an opportunity for you to select an unlimited number of things to research on. This means that you are spoilt for choice. However, as you have discovered in your studies, this is easier said than done.  Sometimes all you need is research project ideas to inspire your selection. The following section aims to present titles for students studying different courses, starting from humanities and social sciences topics and ending with more technical ideas. All you have to do is select one that is specific to your study area.

Research Paper Topics on History

History is an area of study that contains an infinite number of issues to investigate. In fact, students find it to be one of their favorite subjects to research on. If you need some inspiration on history topics for a research paper, look at the following list: 

  • Impacts of Sumerian culture and traditions on modern societies.
  • Efficient ways used by Julius Caesar to inspire loyalty among his soldiers.
  • Causes and impacts of the Salem Witch trials.
  • American Civil War and its consequences.
  • The Thirty Year War: its causes and impacts.
  • Steps taken to end apartheid in South Africa.
  • Economic consequences of the Cold War on Russia.
  • Tactics used by Napoleon to rise to power during the French Revolution.
  • Major causes and impacts of the Great Depression on Americans.
  • Roles played by women during World War II.

Literature Research Paper Topics

Just like history, literature is also a favorite area of investigation for students. There are many aspects of literary works on which you can base your questions for research papers. You have to decide what you want to focus on and start your investigation. To get you going, below we have provided literature research paper topic ideas:

  • Difference between antiheroes and villains in modern literature.
  • Courage and heroism as depicted in Harry Potter .
  • Character traits of Lady Macbeth in Shakespeare’s tragedy Macbeth .
  • How modernism is portrayed in Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn .
  • Major themes in early American literature.
  • Characterization of Satan in Milton’s Paradise Lost .
  • How did Shakespeare depict love in Romeo and Juliet ?
  • How did Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer describe medieval England?
  • Friendship values between Sancho Pansa and Don Quixote as depicted in Miguel de Cervantes’ novel Don Quixote .
  • Impacts of Teresa of Avila’s work on modern literature.

Psychology Research Paper Topics

Are you seeking psychology topics for research projects? Search no more because the following topics for a research paper will go a long way in inspiring your investigation: 

  • Causes of mental health issues among teenagers in America.
  • How an adult life is shaped by childhood traumas experienced.
  • Negative impacts of social media addictions on marriages.
  • Correlation between mental health and eating disorders.
  • How does color affect an individual’s mood?
  • Effective methods used to achieve conformity in a group.
  • How do personality traits affect the musical taste of an individual?
  • How a child's psychological development is affected after facing loss at a young age.
  • Efficient ways employed in enhancing the use of reinforcement in a learning environment.
  • How self-efficacy affects long-term memory.

Religion Research Paper Topics

Religion has been in existence since the dawn of humans. As a result, it provides you with various topics for research papers drawn from different societies. If you are looking for religious topics for a research project, go through the following to select one that interests you: 

  • Origin and development of Islam as a religion.
  • Roles that can be played by religion in protecting the environment.
  • Ritual similarities between Christianity and Islam.
  • Why is sacrificing considered essential in most religions?
  • Relationships that exist between morality and religion.
  • Importance of prayer and meditation in Buddhism.
  • Practices and beliefs related to Zoroastrianism.
  • Social and moral roots of religious extremism.
  • Hinduism: its origin, development, and impacts on modern Indian culture.
  • How religious leaders used fear to maintain control over congregations.

Political Research Paper Topics

Like religion, politics has also been part and parcel of human existence. There is an unlimited number of research paper topics ideas to choose from. Nonetheless, below we have narrowed down the most popular research topics to write about politics: 

  • Differences in foreign policies between America and UK.
  • History and structure of the Chinese Communist Party.
  • Controversial issues that have plagued Amnesty International.
  • Causes and effects of the Syrian Conflict.
  • Effective methods used by the government to enhance community development.
  • Efficient ways used in eliminating corruption in America.
  • Political power plays that led to the split of the Soviet Union .
  • Pros and cons of Reagan's political agenda.
  • Causes of constant rebellion in the Central African Republic.
  • Negotiation methods that can be used to stop Ukraine's invasion by Russia.

>> More ideas: Political Research Paper Topics

Research Paper Topics on Business

The world of business is constantly evolving. As a result, you can find many great topics for research papers on this matter. Below is a list of commerce topics to do research papers on:  

  • Efficient ways to increase jobs and reduce unemployment in America.
  • Negative impacts of business participating in unethical behavior.
  • Advantages that companies can get from branding their products.
  • Challenges businesses get from using remote employees.
  • Benefits of franchising in the long run.
  • Positive and negative impacts of startups on local economies.
  • Differences in international copyright laws between America and Britain.
  • Similarities and differences between offline and internet advertising.
  • Causes and impacts of consumer behavior change on a business marketing strategies.
  • Advantages of company rituals and corporate cultures.

>> Read more: Research Topics About Business

Research Paper Topics on Education

The transformation of the education sector has been rapid, especially in recent years. As a result, you can choose any topic for research papers to write on in this area. If you are seeking inspiration on such kind of project topics ideas, look at the list below: 

  • Similarities and differences between personalized approach and group studying.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of having single-gender classes.
  • Reasons why special education teachers deserve additional payment.
  • Why are boarding schools popular in England?
  • Dangers of students engaging in drug abuse while in school.
  • Practical ways that can be employed in preventing violence in school.
  • Benefits associated with after-class activities in America.
  • Reasons why schools should provide advanced mental help for college students.
  • Pros and cons of students going to community colleges.
  • Roles played by video games in enhancing learning.

>> Read more: Special Education Research Topics

Environmental Topics for Research Paper

Scholars and experts have recently become more concerned with protecting the environment. This means that writing such research papers topics ideas has become popular. Some of the topics to write research paper on environment include: 

  • Tectonic movements and their global effects on the ecosystems.
  • Causes and impacts of air pollution on health.
  • Ozone layer depletion and the dangers associated with it.
  • Green energy definition and effective ways to achieve it.
  • Role played by the government in enhancing recycling efforts in America.
  • Efficient ways that can be employed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Causes and prevention of ocean acidification.
  • Effective measures that can be taken to protect endangered species.
  • Consequences of farming on the environment.
  • Causes and impacts of desertification in Kuwait.

>> Read more: Topics About Environmental Science

Health Research Paper Topics

Although there has been rapid development in the health sector, there are still various areas that have remained unexploited. This presents an opportunity for well-being research paper topics to be written. If this is what you are aiming for, below we have topics for a research paper that you can pick from: 

  • Speech disorder and its effect on child development.
  • Reasons why people are still afraid to get COVID-19 vaccines.
  • Health impacts of legalizing marijuana in America.
  • Causes and impacts of post-traumatic disorders in Britain.
  • Adverse effects associated with blood transfusion.
  • Ways in which nurses can manage work-related stress.
  • Types of depressions and their management plans.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of dealing with autistic patients.
  • Relationship between endometriosis and genetics.
  • Negative impacts of high heels on a woman’s health.

>> View more: Mental Health Research Topics

Medical Research Paper Topics

Medicine is an area of study that is highly investigated. However, there are still several medical research essay topics that still need to be explored. If you wish to bridge this gap, you can start with the following research paper topic ideas:

  • Challenges facing humanitarian medical missions in developing countries.
  • Pros and cons of medical research on animals.
  • Advantages and disadvantages obtained by hospitals using electronic health record systems.
  • How is chemotherapy beneficial to hospitals?
  • Effective treatment paths for Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Drugs and vaccine development in treating Ebola.
  • Advantages of having a computational oncology department.
  • What are the differences between pandemics and epidemics?
  • Negative impacts of over-the-counter prescription drugs.
  • Key reasons for insulin resistance in the body.

>> Read more: Medical Research Topics

Sociology Research Paper Topics

Sociology deals with studying the development, structure, and functioning of society and the people in it. You can choose to write any topic for a term paper on issues affecting communities. Below are examples of sociology topics to research :

  • What are some effective methods that can be used to resolve conflicts in college?
  • Challenges associated with raising a child in an unconventional family.
  • What are the negative impacts of racial stereotypes on self-esteem and work productivity?
  • Dangers associated with religious cults.
  • Effective ways that can ensure gender equality in the workplace.
  • Impacts of social network addictions on high school students.
  • How are interpersonal skills affected by teamwork in the workplace?
  • Gender roles in the family.
  • Evolution of marriage over the last 50 years.
  • Causes and effects of bullying in school .

Social Media Topics for a Research Paper

Despite the enormous strides made by social media in changing how people interact with each other, its potential remains unlimited. There are still several research paper topics you can write on this issue. Choose one of the following topic ideas for research paper to start your journey: 

  • Growth of social media and its influence in American politics.
  • Efficient methods used by parents to protect their children from online dangers.
  • Relationship between social media and cybercrime.
  • Adverse effects of social media on investigative journalism.
  • Effective methods that people can use to earn through Facebook.
  • How effective are children's protection laws from the web’s harmful effects?
  • Reasons why people post pictures online.
  • Advantages and disadvantages brought by instant messaging and communication.
  • How have reality shows impacted privacy laws in America?
  • Effectiveness of using social media as a tool for political campaigns.

>> Read more: Research Topics About Social Media

Criminal Justice Research Paper Topics

If you are looking for great research paper topics, criminal and justice system is one of the areas you can look at. The following are examples of topics for research papers that you may find in this section: 

  • What are the benefits of private prisons?
  • Similarities and differences between war and civil crimes.
  • Effective ways that can be used to prevent crime in schools and universities.
  • What are the responsibilities of incarcerated parents to society?
  • Impacts of immigration on rising rates of crime in America.
  • Advantages accrued to cyber criminology correction methods.
  • Pros and cons of forensic research identification methods.
  • Cyberstalking legislation: their history and development.
  • Reasons for human rights violations in Afghanistan.
  • Efficient methods of drug trafficking tracking methods.

>> View more: Criminal Justice Research Topics

Science Research Paper Ideas

Science has always been a fascinating area for many students. You will love research project topics we have created for you. Be free to choose any of the following science topics ideas for a research paper:

  • How can molecular biology research help scientists understand cancer and other illnesses?
  • Positive and negative impacts of space exploration.
  • Best ways to capture and use carbon dioxide.
  • Challenges involved in developing environmentally friendly plastics.
  • Best ways to use bioluminescence GFP from jellyfish in medicine.
  • How does rain contribute to the rising amount of chemicals in seawater?
  • Biomacromolecules: their definition and importance.
  • How “killer” mosquitoes are used in fighting malaria.
  • Science behind the hibernation of animals.
  • Best ways to use microelectronics in treating people with chronic diseases .

Research Paper Topics on Technology

You will find yourself spoilt for choice if you are looking for topics to write a research paper on technology. There are many of them, but below we have selected for you the most popular research writing topics: 

  • Adverse effects of living in a technological world.
  • Disadvantages of genetically engineering children.
  • How societies can use video gaming to help solve their problems.
  • What are the advantages of genetically modified food in solving world hunger?
  • History and development of self-driving cars.
  • Best ways to incorporate technology in education.
  • Impacts of drone warfare on military strategies.
  • How internet usage is affecting young people’s attention span.
  • Pros and cons of using genetic sequencing to determine future health risks.
  • Pros and cons of virtual reality.

>> Read more: Technology Research Topics

Extra Research Paper Topic Ideas

From the above title examples, it is clear that you can never wholly exhaust investigative topics. However, if you did not find any research questions or ideas that piqued your interest, we still have some examples left for you to look at. There is a catalog of great research topics below if you would like to explore other areas, such as art, music, and sports. Please go through them and select one that excites you.

Research Project Ideas on Art

Art plays a vital role in enhancing the aesthetics of society. Many artistic pieces can inspire topics to research about. If this is your area of interest, the following research project ideas can instigate your writing: 

  • Differences in arts between Northern and Italian Renaissances.
  • How does impressionist art use elements of time and light?
  • Influence of modern European art on American artists.
  • How art has been used to spread propaganda messages in France.
  • Impacts of the expressionism art movement in Western Europe.
  • Incas Empire and its influence on modern art.
  • Role played by religion and culture in Aztec art.
  • Francisco de Goya : his biography and impacts on modern art.
  • Life and career of Ludwig van Beethoven.
  • Differences and similarities between baroque and rococo.

Music Research Paper Topics

People have been creating and listening to songs since the dawn of humanity. Music is one of the most popular research paper topics for scholars. When you are stuck and considering things to write a research paper on, look for various titles like the ones below: 

  • Does listening to music affects the brain?
  • History of rap music and the changes it has gone through over the years.
  • Music genres that appeared during the Renaissance period.
  • What impacts do socio-economic classes have on the choice and taste of music?
  • How has America influenced music?
  • How can music be incorporated into education to enhance concentration?
  • How can music be applied in learning a foreign language?
  • Pop music: its history and development.
  • Differences between modern and classical music.
  • How does music affect how people dress?

Sports Research Paper Topics

The availability of various sporting activities presents an opportunity for different topics for a research paper. As an enthusiast, you can never exhaust research paper topics that deal with different games. You can check out the following examples for inspiration:

  • How are basketball players’ performances affected by signing multi-million contracts?
  • Necessary measures taken by athletes in preparation for a marathon.
  • Reasons why Lionel Messi is regarded as the greatest soccer player of all time.
  • Positive and negative influences of crowds on games.
  • History of baseball and how it has changed over the years.
  • Ways of preventing severe injuries in rugby.
  • Benefits of competitive sports on children's health and school performances.
  • Gender inequalities in boxing.
  • Economic impacts of the Olympic Games on the host nation.
  • Advantages of player unions in protecting their rights.

Bottom Line on Research Paper Topics

You may think completing an essay is hard but wait until you select what to write a research paper on; then, you will discover this is the most challenging part. Having a title makes it easier for you to develop the paragraphs. By now, you are conversant with what research paper topics and ideas are, their characteristics, and how to select them. You have also gone through 350+ research topics that will be of inspiration for you to create your own. Having these examples gives you an advantage that others may not be afforded. Use them at your own convenience.  Your next step is composing your own study. Check our step-by-step guide on how to write a research paper to nail your project. Good luck with writing!


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Joe Eckel is an expert on Dissertations writing. He makes sure that each student gets precious insights on composing A-grade academic writing.

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Sociology research topics

Top-notch Research Paper Topics List

29 November, 2020

16 minutes read

Author:  Kate Smith

You know how they say: “Be strong; the beginnings to great things are always the hardest”? And though you might not consider writing a research paper and choosing a good research paper topic a really great thing, you see our point. If you are having troubles getting started with the composition in question, we have good news for you.

Research Paper Topics

We have come up with a lengthy list of good research paper topics that will come in handy if you are running out of research paper ideas. Sounds like something you can use? Then don’t hesitate to make the most out of it!

And if you would rather order a whole piece from a professional, we can be of much help here too. Our research paper writing service can craft a piece for you at any time and on any topic. Just drop us a line!

But before we dive into various topics we have to offer, consider checking out our recommendations on how to find argumentative research paper topics all by yourself.

What is a Good Topic for a Research Paper?

good research paper topic

There are several facets of a good research paper topic. To put it short, your theme should be:

When you pose a topic for your research, be sure that it is clear. A reader should be able to understand its purpose right away. If he doesn’t, you did not do a very good job formulating the subject line.

No kidding: you should do your best to be innovative even if you are writing a paper on something as old as time. It might not be simple, but we’re sure you can find a new perspective if you dedicate enough time to the search.

The paper must contain precise figures or facts. They are at the core of your research. Don’t confuse this type of composition with descriptive writing. They have nothing in common. So, focus on precise data: that’s exactly what your readers expect from you.

How to Choose Interesting Research Paper Topics

how to choose research paper topic

Before you take one of the topics we suggest, we recommend you to try to come up with a good topic yourself. It might be easier than you think. Here are several ways to spot an interesting idea:

Think of Something You Find Interesting.

There are always things we find astonishing but don’t have enough time to explore deeper. Maybe this is your chance to give it some time and conduct in-depth research. Of course, take into account the discipline and the academic level required. Thus, it’s pretty clear that you can’t talk about the Vietnam War for the Social Studies class paper (unless you’re looking into the differences of the military operations impact on the civilians and soldiers).

Choose a Topic With Sufficient Data for the Research.

The main point of writing this paper lies in finding information at various credible sources and refining it. Therefore, if you pick a subject that is somewhat new or wasn’t studied well in the past, you’ll have no information to work with. That is why the availability of credible information is vital to the success of the writing process.

Narrow the Subject Down.

The subject you find great interest in might be too broad. Not to sound too shallow, it’s better for you to pick just one perspective of the problem and study it carefully. This way you will be able to dive deep enough into the research instead of just hitting the high spots.

These are our recommendations on how to choose a theme on your own. Now let’s look into other tips we’d like to offer to you before you get down to writing.

Related post: How to write an Argumentative essay 

How to write an outline for a research paper

While you can find all the essential information in our guide on how to write a perfect research paper outline , here we’ll introduce you to the basics.

  • Find an engaging topic. For it, read on to see what subject line we have to offer.
  • Create a list of credible sources to take a look at. You can either ask you tutor for recommendations, surf the web, or go old school and visit a library for suggestions.
  • Mark all the elements you will add to your outline.
  • Briefly explain what each of these components will be about. But don’t bury the blueprint under too many details. Keep it short!
  • Finally, find good examples to explore.

Now, that you understand how to craft a plan for your paper, have our tips to help you out along the way, your only job is to find good topic ideas to write about. And we can help you with that too!

Note that our company provides academic writing help. You can buy a research paper written from scratch by our  essay writer .

Now that you know your ways around crafting good research papers, we want to introduce you to our list of various ideas you can conduct a thorough research on. Use our ideas if coming up with your own is something you don’t want to deal with at the moment.

Psychology Research Paper Topics

  • Are people with the IQ level above the average really unhappy?
  • Eating disorders: Are they necessarily associated with the self-image issues?
  • The impact of stress on the mental health of a person.
  • The nature and causes of child violence.
  • Insomnia as a valid excuse for breaking the rules or committing crimes.
  • Race relations in the USA in the 20th century and today.
  • The nature and causes of sexual orientation: Different perspectives on the issue.

Easy Research Paper Topics

  • The glass ceiling: Myth or reality?
  • Popular ventures started without money.
  • The history of the social media boom around the globe.
  • Top tech startups of the 21st century.
  • Video games and their impact on the development of young people.
  • Animal testing across the globe.
  • Is global warming real?
  • Has the Internet become a safer place with the cybersecurity principles implementation?
  • The impact of the screen time on a child’s mental development.
  • The US election system: The history and principles behind it.

World History Research Paper Topics

  • The life and traditions of the first Gladiators.
  • Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Bits and pieces of the tragedy.
  • The history of Singapore: From worst to first.
  • North Korea: Dictatorship ideology and its complications.
  • The establishment of the League of Nations.
  • Racial discrimination origins.
  • The history of the Gutenberg Bible.
  • The most powerful opponent of Germany in the WWI.
  • Egyptian pyramids: The history and meaning.
  • The history of Christianity.

Controversial Topics for Research Paper

  • The history of modern Israel.
  • Abortion: “My body – my rules” or the discrimination of the unborns’ rights?
  • How Facebook shaped the way people communicate today.
  • Beauty pageants: Celebration of the beauty or discrimination in disguise?
  • Death penalty around the globe.
  • Implications of gun control in the USA.
  • Creationism against Evolution.
  • Physical punishment as a core principle of children’s upbringing.
  • The origins of the “invasion of privacy” notion across the world.
  • The impact of social media addiction on young people.
  • Genetic predisposition to committing a crime.

High School Research Paper Topics

  • School uniform: The good, the bad, and the ugly.
  • The effect of sexual acts displays on TV.
  • The American Dream of Generation X and the Millennials.
  • Biggest cults existing today in the world.
  • Learning disabilities: Their nature, causes, and solutions.
  • The history of Somalia.
  • The portrayal of a woman in the social media today and 20 years ago.
  • Freedom of expression.
  • The poorest nations in the world.
  • The effect of feminism on Europe.
  • The impact of classical music on one’s brain.

Literature Research Paper Topics

  • The relevance of the US Literature class choices to the modern youth.
  • Examples of literature pieces that shaped whole cultures across the globe.
  • Feminism in literature.
  • The issue of the Holocaust in the world’s literature.
  • The first translations of the Bible.
  • Literature is known to be most effective in the struggle against illiteracy in different cultures.
  • The brightest images of Death in literature.
  • The history of slavery in Africa in world literature.
  • Romanticism in Spanish literature.
  • The moralism of the British literature of the 20th century.

College Research Paper Topics

  • Success stories of college dropouts.
  • The rarest phobias and fears people have.
  • The history of e-learning around the globe.
  • Can higher education grant a successful future career?
  • Should grades be banned from the educational system?
  • The use and harm of vaccination.
  • The new emerging specializations and professions of the 21st century.
  • The most effective teaching methods today.
  • The History of the Ivy League.
  • College re-organization for the better future of education.
  • Private vs. Public colleges in the USA: Pros and cons.

Persuasive Research Paper Topics

  • Antisemitism origins.
  • Sex education pushes the youth to involve in sexual relations too early.
  • The last days of newspapers in our media-controlled world.
  • The danger of the GMO.
  • Impact of Instagram on teenagers’ self-esteem.
  • Pros and cons of studying at a single-sex school.
  • Overpopulation management.
  • Deforestation: Are we digging our own grave this way?
  • People using cell phones while driving should be held criminally liable.
  • Paying children for good grades: Different perspectives on the issue.

Sports Research Paper Topics

  • The greatest athlete in the history of the world.
  • The history of the Olympic Games.
  • Why are cybersports considered sports?
  • The history of marathons and their use today.
  • Doping in sports.
  • The use of playing competitive sports.
  • The most dangerous sports from all over the world.
  • Should sports be used as a therapy in prisons?
  • Should student athletes be paid for playing sports?
  • The effect of physical activities on the human’s brain.

Criminal Justice Research Paper Topics

  • Prisoners falsely accused and then released should receive financial compensation from the state.
  • Sexual harassment problem in Europe and the USA.
  • Should corporate abuse be considered a criminal injustice case?
  • The death penalty in different countries.
  • Hate crime history in the USA.
  • Control over the brutal behavior of guardsmen at prisons.
  • Should mental issues affect the court judgment?
  • Sex slavery: Should people buying and selling sex slaves be sentenced to the death penalty?
  • Should the criminals be allowed to vote?
  • Two sides of the Mandatory Minimum sentencing.

Topics about Technology for the Research Paper

  • Will artificial intelligence substitute humans at a workplace?
  • Saving the Earth today with the aid of state-of-the-art technologies.
  • Self-driving cars development history.
  • The history of Virtual and Augmented realities.
  • Positive use of nuclear energy and the future.
  • How does the lie detector work? Is this a trustworthy technology?
  • The history of aviation in the world.

Medical Research Paper Topics

  • Why animal testing should be stopped.
  • The history of the Placebo treatment.
  • Euthanasia: What doctors from different countries think about it.
  • The use of vegetarianism: The myth or reality?
  • Mental breakdown: Causes and prevention.
  • The notion of mood in medicine.
  • Should marijuana be allowed for recreational purposes?
  • Should vaccination be mandatory?
  • The history of plague in Europe.
  • The most dangerous virus of today.

Ethics Research Paper Topics

  • Religion and morality: Are people with strong moral beliefs more moral than atheists?
  • Should teachers be allowed to carry weapons to school?
  • Prostitution across the globe.
  • Should recycling be made mandatory?
  • Paparazzi and the invasion of celebrities’ privacy.
  • Parents should monitor their kids’ Internet use.
  • Do laws generally patronize women and discriminate against men?
  • Adoption by single parents vs. adoption by a two-parent family today.
  • Countries that use child labor: Should we use their products?
  • Should breastfeeding in public be banned?

Tips on Writing a Research Paper

  • Write an outline. An outline will help you stay focused. Since this type of writing is quite lengthy, it is easy to lose track along the way. That is why crafting a detailed outline is in your best interest. It will serve as a roadmap or a blueprint of the whole project.
  • Start bright. You only have one chance to make a positive first impression. That is why you simply cannot afford writing a dull introduction. There are certain rules on how to start a research paper, and you’d better stick to the rules as described in our guide. A bright opening paragraph will ensure the genuine interest of your audience in what you have to say about the topic and will keep them engaged as you write.
  • Use immaculate grammar and spelling. Nothing kills a good paper like poor grammar or spelling. It distracts the reader from the main point and makes him stumble while reading. And if you’re worried that grammar and spelling checking will take up too much of your time, don’t worry: you can always use technologies like Grammarly to do the job for you in seconds.
  • Compose a compelling thesis statement. A thesis statement is the central point of your research paper. You need to insert it in the introduction and make sure that this central idea is exactly one sentence long. Make it loud and clear. However, given the length of this vital part of a research paper, don’t bore readers with too many unnecessary details. This means that you should mention what issue you will look into and why but don’t explain in which ways you will achieve this. Here is a complete guide on what is a thesis statement that will walk you through the process step by step. Enjoy!
  • Stay within the word count limits. This type of writing has a rather strict word count limit. And you need to stay within it. Tutors don’t have all the time in the world to read long pieces. If you can’t stay within word count limits, they’ll assume you didn’t spend enough time filtering the most vital information out of the research (even if you did). So, not to give them that false impression, don’t make it too short or too long. Make it just right. This is the case when the size matters!
  • Ask for help. After spending long hours crafting this paper, you are likely to miss some important points. The thing is that you know exactly what you wanted to say, and mistakes seem to be left unnoticed. Not to let them slip into your text, ask your peers, friends, or family to take a look at your writing. Their fresh perspective might be of much help to you!

tips on writing a research paper

We hope our research paper topics ideas will help you pick a theme you are genuinely interested in. We promise: conducting research and diving into the search can be a lot of fun as long as you choose an engaging subject.

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200 Research Essay Topics

To prove your writing and academic research skills throughout your education, you’ll be required to write a research essay.

This form of essay writing is highly technical, requiring students to research information on a particular topic and provide an in-depth analysis in the form of an essay.

For example, students might be assigned topics such as ‘ The Invention Of The Bicycle’ or ‘The Effects Of Technology On Children.’ Then, with a research essay, students would be expected to compile their viewpoint on this topic and support it with facts and references throughout the writing.

In addition to facts that provide credible information on the topic, students should also include references to other relevant sources such as books and academic journals. These sources must be cited each time used to make the writer’s viewpoint more credible to the reader.

Even harder than writing this detailed essay is finding a good topic for a research essay. Topics too broad may not allow for a focused argument, while topics too specific may be limiting in credible sources and information.

Fortunately, this guide will provide you with 200 research essay topics perfect for any level of study, as well as helpful tips to structure your research essay, so you get the grade you deserve!

The Rules for Writing a Research Essay

Writing a research essay doesn’t have to be difficult if you follow the rules of the essay. To qualify as a research essay, students should never forget to:

  • Cite all quoted and fact-based information with the author’s name or alternative source location. Be sure quoted sources begin and end with quotation marks.
  • Use your own words throughout 80% of the research essay and factual statistics, quotes, and other cited sources throughout 20% of the essay.
  • Limit the topic to a manageable length according to the parameters of the assignment.
  • Paraphrase and summarize researched information, leaving out unnecessary detail to avoid confusing the reader.

The final rule essential to a well-written research essay is that students should pick a topic that they are passionate about when possible. This will make choosing an essay topic easier and make the research and writing of the essay more enjoyable.

How to Write a Research Paper

With a research essay, it is always helpful to outline your ideas in an easy-to-read format as follows to avoid getting stuck during the writing process.


The introduction for a research essay serves many purposes. The first is that it set the tone of the entire paper. Therefore, students should focus on crafting an engaging introduction that includes:

  • A topic sentence or ‘hook’ that entices the reader and makes them want to continue reading.
  • Definitions to key concepts and terms throughout the essay
  • Relevant background information necessary for the reader to know before transitioning into the body of the essay
  • A thesis statement that provides a roadmap to the essay’s structure in chronological order.

With an introduction that includes all of these components, students are well on their way to writing an informative and engaging essay.

Body Paragraphs

Once the introductory paragraph is complete, students should write body paragraphs that continue the discussion of the topic sentence in chronological order.

Students should use facts and statistics throughout each of these paragraphs while keeping in mind not to overuse or repeat the same information. A well-written body paragraph should follow a structure similar to this format:

  • Topic sentence
  • Explanation of examples

Be sure to close each paragraph with a transition phrase that wraps up the topic and moves the reader seamlessly into the next section. Examples of transition phrases and words include:

  • in conclusion
  • as a result
  • to summarize
  • another take
  • on the other hand
  • however, there was also

Any of these transition phrases will help move the essay forward without confusing the reader.

The final step in writing a strong research essay is to write a conclusion that provides an extended closing for your paper. This section should be no more than two paragraphs long, summarizing key points from each body paragraph and reiterating the thesis statement.

If the tone, style, and topic of the essay allow for it, students can choose to end their research essay with a thought-provoking question or insight, a general consequence of the information provided, or a rhetorical question for the reader to ponder.

Be sure not to include any new information in the conclusion paragraph, only a recap of what has already been stated or a final word or insight the reader can take with them.

With the basics of research essay writing out of the way, students can now choose any of the following 200 research essay topics from the list below.

Research Essay Topics About Science

  • The impact of asteroids on the Earth’s formation
  • How crystals form in caves
  • The geologic history of the Grand Canyon
  • How big is our galaxy?
  • What happens to the Earth’s temperature when its tilted side faces away from the sun?
  • Who is the father of astrophysics?
  • What is the lifecycle of a locust?
  • What is the average speed of a hurricane?
  • How much damage can lightning cause?
  • What is the difference between active and passive solar heating?
  • How can we harness energy from ocean currents?
  • Was there life on Mars?
  • What happens to matter during nuclear fission and fusion reactions?
  • Why do volcanoes exist?
  • How can mosquitos spread the Zika virus?
  • What is the composition of the air on Venus?
  • How does a mass spectrometer work?
  • What is climate change?
  • What is ocean acidification, and why should we care about it?
  • How was the microscope invented?

Research Essay Topics About History

  • What battle sealed the victory for Union soldiers during the civil war?
  • Who was the 32nd president of the United States of America?
  • How did the Battle of Plassey change British control in India?
  • Which books were banned during China’s cultural revolution?
  • What is a V-Day, and why does it matter?
  • What caused the collapse of the USSR?
  • What was the Cold War?
  • What spurred the French Revolution?
  • Who was Abraham Lincoln?
  • Who were the Luddites?
  • What caused World War II?
  • When did World War I start, and when did it end?
  • Why was Germany involved in WWI?
  • How did Genghis Khan shape Eurasia’s history?
  • Who are the ancient Sumerians?
  • What were the motivations behind the Salem witch trials?
  • Was Emperor Constantine responsible for converting Christianity into a state religion, and what was his motivation for doing so?

Research Essay Topics About Math

  • How does a calculator calculate?
  • How do computers recognize letters and numbers?
  • What is the Fibonacci sequence, and why is it significant?
  • How does cryptography work?
  • What are prime numbers, and how are they used in cryptography?
  • What is the golden ratio?
  • Is pi an irrational number or a rational one?
  • Why are prime numbers important for encryption?
  • Who invented calculus?
  • What is the fundamental theorem of arithmetic?
  • How do quarks affect the structure of atoms?
  • How does an induction coil work?
  • What is pi, and why is it important in mathematics?
  • What are Euler’s equations in math, and why are they significant?
  • What is quantum entanglement?
  • How do variable stars affect life on Earth?
  • How did Pythagoras contribute to math, and why is he important in the field of math?
  • What are right triangles significant in geometry?
  • How can chaos theory help study populations?
  • What are tesseracts?

Research Essay Topics About Fine Art

  • Why was art in the late 19th century so controversial?
  • Who was David Bowie, and what made him notable?
  • Why are Picasso’s paintings significant?
  • Why was Greek sculpture unique?
  • What is cubism, and how did it change the way people think about art?
  • What is feminist art criticism, and what impact has it had?
  • What makes a painting successful?
  • How did photography change the way people viewed fine art?
  • What is postmodernism, and why has it been significant in fine arts today?
  • Who were the Fauves, and what made them so unique?
  • What are dadaists significant in fine art history today?
  • What was surrealism, and why is it important to the fine arts of today?
  • How did the Impressionist movement impact the way people view art today?
  • Why was impressionism controversial for its time?
  • Where did impressionism begin, and how did it impact fine arts today?
  • How is a Pollock painting created, and why should we care about them?
  • What is the difference between modernism and postmodernism in fine arts?
  • What are watercolors, and how have different cultures viewed them throughout time?
  • Why should people care about the arts today?
  • What are trompe l’oeil paintings, and why are they essential pieces of fine art?
  • How has pop art changed the way people view artwork throughout time?
  • What is abstract impressionism, and how has it impacted fine arts today?
  • What is Van Gogh’s life story?

Research Essay Topics About Technology

  • What is a computer?
  • What is the difference between a Turing machine and a Von Neumann machine?
  • Who was Alan Turing, and why is he significant in technology today?
  • What is a linked list, and what makes them important to programming today?
  • How does artificial intelligence work, and how has it changed the way we think of computers today?
  • What are neural networks, and what role do they play in AI today?
  • How did Ada Lovelace contribute to computer science, and why is she important in technology today?
  • Who was Grace Hopper, and what were her accomplishments as a woman in STEM?
  • What is quantum computing, and how does it work?
  • Who was Nikola Tesla, and what were his contributions to the world of science?
  • How did Charles Babbage contribute to computer science, and why is he important in technology today?
  • Why are passwords critical to protecting computers today?
  • What is the Turing test, and what are its implications on artificial intelligence today?
  • How did the Turing test influence AI research in computer science?
  • How have social media sites impacted technology throughout time?
  • Who were the Luddites, and why are they significant in technology today?
  • What are the impacts of cybersecurity on computers today?
  • What is an optical computer, and what makes them unique in computing today?
  • What are the pros and cons of social media sites in technology today?
  • What is Moore’s Law, and why does it matter to modern-day computers?
  • What is the difference between real-time systems and embedded systems?
  • How has technology changed our lives for better or worse?
  • How does the cloud work?

Research Essay Topics About Pop Culture

  • How did Pokemon change the world of video games?
  • What are video game genres, and what impact do they have on society?
  • Who was Ralph Baer, and why is he significant in pop culture today?
  • What is social gaming, and where is it headed?
  • What rock icons from the ’80s had the most impact on pop musicians today?
  • Why do we need copyright laws?
  • What is dubstep, and why has it been significant in pop culture today?
  • What was grunge, and how did it change the way people viewed music?
  • Who were the Beastie Boys, and what are their contributions to pop music today?
  • What is the difference between pop music and rock music?
  • Who were the Kingsmen, and why are they significant in pop culture today?
  • Why were the Beatles’ groundbreaking for their time?
  • What was punk rock, and how did it change the world of music throughout time?
  • Who were the Black Eyed Peas, and how have they impacted pop music today?
  • Who was Bob Marley, and what are his contributions to modern-day pop musicians?
  • What is a rave, and how has it influenced pop culture throughout time?
  • What is a music video, and how does it tie into the music industry today?
  • What is famous for creating the first true digital camera in history?
  • Why was A.D.I.D.A.S by Korn significant to pop culture today?
  • What is nu-metal, and how did it impact pop culture throughout time?
  • Who was Lady Gaga, and what are her contributions to pop music today?
  • How have hip-hop lyrics changed over time?
  • What are the pros and cons of being famous in the age of social media?

Research Essay Topics About Economics & Finance

  • What is the importance of GDP in economics?
  • What is the importance of inflation in economics?
  • What are central banks, and how do they influence economies today?
  • How did Keynesian economics impact the global economy throughout time?
  • Who was John Maynard Keynes, and why was his theory significant?
  • Why is G7 important in global economics today?
  • What is the difference between G7 and BRICS?
  • What are crypto-economists, and what are their impacts on modern-day economics?
  • How has Bitcoin impacted finance throughout time?
  • What is the Euro, and why is it an influential factor in global economics today?
  • How has economic growth impacted modern-day countries around the world?
  • Why was Adam Smith’s theory of “the invisible hand” important to society today?
  • What is socialism, and what are its impacts on modern nations around the world?
  • Why did China’s economy transition from a centrally-planned economy?
  • What is the purpose of central banking, and how has it changed throughout history?
  • How did socialism feed into Marxian economics?
  • What is a commodity currency, and why does it impact global economics today?
  • What is the difference between fiat, commodity, and mixed currency?
  • What are the pros and cons of being part of the G20 in modern-day politics?

Research Essay Topics About Health & Fitness

  • What is the importance of mental health in today’s society?
  • What are some of the causes of mental illness?
  • Who was Sigmund Freud, and why is he significant to psychology today?
  • Why is smoking bad for one’s health?
  • What are the leading causes of heart disease?
  • How do cholesterol levels impact health?
  • What are the leading causes of cancer today?
  • What is an obesity epidemic, and why has it affected society today?
  • Why are antibiotics necessary to modern-day medicine?
  • How are vaccines made?
  • Who was Alexander Fleming?
  • What exercises are good for your health?
  • What is cardiovascular exercise as a form of training?
  • Why are the feet one of the most vital parts of our body?

Research Essay Topics About Politics & Government

  • What are the three branches of the US government, and how is each necessary?
  • Who was John Locke?
  • What are the core principles of capitalism?
  • What is anarchism, and how has it impacted politics throughout history?
  • What are the pros and cons of being a democratic society?
  • How did Karl Marx influence modern-day politics throughout time?
  • Who was John Maynard Keynes?
  • What are public goods, and how have they impacted economics throughout history?
  • When did the Vietnam War begin, and why was it important?
  • What are the pros and cons of being part of NATO?
  • What is a constitutional democracy? What are its benefits?
  • What is the difference between socialism and communism?
  • Why was Vladimir Lenin so significant in modern-day politics throughout history?
  • What is populism, and why has it impacted politics throughout history?
  • How does a bill become a law?
  • Where did the Korean War take place, and why was it significant in modern history?
  • What are some ways that biased media can influence politics throughout time?
  • How does voter turnout impact elections?

Research Topics About Women’s Studies

  • Who was Sojourner Truth, and what were her contributions to women’s rights?
  • Who was Susan B. Anthony and what are her contributions to women’s rights?
  • What is intersectionality?
  • What does it mean to be a feminist in today’s society?
  • How has technology impacted the lives of modern-day women?
  • What are some of the leading causes of sexual assault?
  • What is rape culture, and why does it impact society today?
  • Who was Simone de Beauvoir, and what are her influences on women’s studies?
  • What is the difference between sex and gender?
  • How has language impacted feminism throughout time?
  • What are some of the leading causes of breast cancer?
  • What is homophobia, and why does it impact society today?
  • Who was Simone Veil, and what were her contributions to women’s studies?
  • What are the leading causes of death for pregnant women in labor?
  • How have birth control options impacted society today?
  • What is slut-shaming, and how does it affect women in today’s society?
  • How have reproductive rights impacted today’s society?
  • Who was Mary Wollstonecraft, and what are her contributions to feminism?
  • What are some of the leading causes of depression in pregnant women?
  • Who was Emmeline Pankhurst, and what were her contributions to women’s rights?
  • What does reproductive justice mean?
  • Who was Lysistrata, and why is she significant in modern-day feminism?
  • What is the pay gap between men and women in different professions?

Any of these 200 research essay topics are perfect for getting students started on their writing assignments. Remember to cite all of your sources and back up any claims with credible facts that will pull the reader to your point of view.

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What Is Academic Writing? | Dos and Don’ts for Students

Academic writing is a formal style of writing used in universities and scholarly publications. You’ll encounter it in journal articles and books on academic topics, and you’ll be expected to write your essays , research papers , and dissertation in academic style.

Academic writing follows the same writing process as other types of texts, but it has specific conventions in terms of content, structure and style.

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Types of academic writing, academic writing is…, academic writing is not
, useful tools for academic writing, academic writing checklist.

Academics mostly write texts intended for publication, such as journal articles, reports, books, and chapters in edited collections. For students, the most common types of academic writing assignments are listed below.

Type of academic text Definition
A fairly short, self-contained argument, often using sources from a class in response to a question provided by an instructor.
A more in-depth investigation based on independent research, often in response to a question chosen by the student.
The large final research project undertaken at the end of a degree, usually on a of the student’s choice.
An outline of a potential topic and plan for a future dissertation or research project.
A critical synthesis of existing research on a topic, usually written in order to inform the approach of a new piece of research.
A write-up of the aims, methods, results, and conclusions of a lab experiment.
A list of source references with a short description or evaluation of each source.

Different fields of study have different priorities in terms of the writing they produce. For example, in scientific writing it’s crucial to clearly and accurately report methods and results; in the humanities, the focus is on constructing convincing arguments through the use of textual evidence. However, most academic writing shares certain key principles intended to help convey information as effectively as possible.

Whether your goal is to pass your degree, apply to graduate school , or build an academic career, effective writing is an essential skill.

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academic writing essay research topics

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Formal and unbiased

Academic writing aims to convey information in an impartial way. The goal is to base arguments on the evidence under consideration, not the author’s preconceptions. All claims should be supported with relevant evidence, not just asserted.

To avoid bias, it’s important to represent the work of other researchers and the results of your own research fairly and accurately. This means clearly outlining your methodology  and being honest about the limitations of your research.

The formal style used in academic writing ensures that research is presented consistently across different texts, so that studies can be objectively assessed and compared with other research.

Because of this, it’s important to strike the right tone with your language choices. Avoid informal language , including slang, contractions , clichĂ©s, and conversational phrases:

  • Also , a lot of the findings are a little unreliable.
  • Moreover , many of the findings are somewhat unreliable.

Clear and precise

It’s important to use clear and precise language to ensure that your reader knows exactly what you mean. This means being as specific as possible and avoiding vague language :

  • People have been interested in this thing for a long time .
  • Researchers have been interested in this phenomenon for at least 10 years .

Avoid hedging your claims with words like “perhaps,” as this can give the impression that you lack confidence in your arguments. Reflect on your word choice to ensure it accurately and directly conveys your meaning:

  • This could perhaps suggest that

  • This suggests that…

Specialist language or jargon is common and often necessary in academic writing, which generally targets an audience of other academics in related fields.

However, jargon should be used to make your writing more concise and accurate, not to make it more complicated. A specialist term should be used when:

  • It conveys information more precisely than a comparable non-specialist term.
  • Your reader is likely to be familiar with the term.
  • The term is commonly used by other researchers in your field.

The best way to familiarize yourself with the kind of jargon used in your field is to read papers by other researchers and pay attention to their language.

Focused and well structured

An academic text is not just a collection of ideas about a topic—it needs to have a clear purpose. Start with a relevant research question or thesis statement , and use it to develop a focused argument. Only include information that is relevant to your overall purpose.

A coherent structure is crucial to organize your ideas. Pay attention to structure at three levels: the structure of the whole text, paragraph structure, and sentence structure.

Overall structure and a . .
Paragraph structure when you move onto a new idea. at the start of each paragraph to indicate what it’s about, and make clear between paragraphs.
Sentence structure to express the connections between different ideas within and between sentences. to avoid .

Well sourced

Academic writing uses sources to support its claims. Sources are other texts (or media objects like photographs or films) that the author analyzes or uses as evidence. Many of your sources will be written by other academics; academic writing is collaborative and builds on previous research.

It’s important to consider which sources are credible and appropriate to use in academic writing. For example, citing Wikipedia is typically discouraged. Don’t rely on websites for information; instead, use academic databases and your university library to find credible sources.

You must always cite your sources in academic writing. This means acknowledging whenever you quote or paraphrase someone else’s work by including a citation in the text and a reference list at the end.

APA citation example
In-text citation Elsewhere, it has been argued that the method is “the best currently available” (Smith, 2019, p. 25).
Reference list Smith, J. (2019). (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Norton.

There are many different citation styles with different rules. The most common styles are APA , MLA , and Chicago . Make sure to consistently follow whatever style your institution requires. If you don’t cite correctly, you may get in trouble for plagiarism . A good plagiarism checker can help you catch any issues before it’s too late.

You can easily create accurate citations in APA or MLA style using our Citation Generators.

APA Citation Generator MLA Citation Generator

Correct and consistent

As well as following the rules of grammar, punctuation, and citation, it’s important to consistently apply stylistic conventions regarding:

  • How to write numbers
  • Introducing abbreviations
  • Using verb tenses in different sections
  • Capitalization of terms and headings
  • Spelling and punctuation differences between UK and US English

In some cases there are several acceptable approaches that you can choose between—the most important thing is to apply the same rules consistently and to carefully proofread your text before you submit. If you don’t feel confident in your own proofreading abilities, you can get help from Scribbr’s professional proofreading services or Grammar Checker .

Academic writing generally tries to avoid being too personal. Information about the author may come in at some points—for example in the acknowledgements or in a personal reflection—but for the most part the text should focus on the research itself.

Always avoid addressing the reader directly with the second-person pronoun “you.” Use the impersonal pronoun “one” or an alternate phrasing instead for generalizations:

  • As a teacher, you must treat your students fairly.
  • As a teacher, one must treat one’s students fairly.
  • Teachers must treat their students fairly.

The use of the first-person pronoun “I” used to be similarly discouraged in academic writing, but it is increasingly accepted in many fields. If you’re unsure whether to use the first person, pay attention to conventions in your field or ask your instructor.

When you refer to yourself, it should be for good reason. You can position yourself and describe what you did during the research, but avoid arbitrarily inserting your personal thoughts and feelings:

  • In my opinion…
  • I think that

  • I like/dislike…
  • I conducted interviews with

  • I argue that

  • I hope to achieve…


Many students think their writing isn’t academic unless it’s over-complicated and long-winded. This isn’t a good approach—instead, aim to be as concise and direct as possible.

If a term can be cut or replaced with a more straightforward one without affecting your meaning, it should be. Avoid redundant phrasings in your text, and try replacing phrasal verbs with their one-word equivalents where possible:

  • Interest in this phenomenon carried on in the year 2018 .
  • Interest in this phenomenon continued in 2018 .

Repetition is a part of academic writing—for example, summarizing earlier information in the conclusion—but it’s important to avoid unnecessary repetition. Make sure that none of your sentences are repeating a point you’ve already made in different words.

Emotive and grandiose

An academic text is not the same thing as a literary, journalistic, or marketing text. Though you’re still trying to be persuasive, a lot of techniques from these styles are not appropriate in an academic context. Specifically, you should avoid appeals to emotion and inflated claims.

Though you may be writing about a topic that’s sensitive or important to you, the point of academic writing is to clearly communicate ideas, information, and arguments, not to inspire an emotional response. Avoid using emotive or subjective language :

  • This horrible tragedy was obviously one of the worst catastrophes in construction history.
  • The injury and mortality rates of this accident were among the highest in construction history.

Students are sometimes tempted to make the case for their topic with exaggerated , unsupported claims and flowery language. Stick to specific, grounded arguments that you can support with evidence, and don’t overstate your point:

  • Charles Dickens is the greatest writer of the Victorian period, and his influence on all subsequent literature is enormous.
  • Charles Dickens is one of the best-known writers of the Victorian period and has had a significant influence on the development of the English novel.

There are a a lot of writing tools that will make your writing process faster and easier. We’ll highlight three of them below.

Paraphrasing tool

AI writing tools like ChatGPT and a paraphrasing tool can help you rewrite text so that your ideas are clearer, you don’t repeat yourself, and your writing has a consistent tone.

They can also help you write more clearly about sources without having to quote them directly. Be warned, though: it’s still crucial to give credit to all sources in the right way to prevent plagiarism .

Grammar checker

Writing tools that scan your text for punctuation, spelling, and grammar mistakes. When it detects a mistake the grammar checke r will give instant feedback and suggest corrections. Helping you write clearly and avoid common mistakes .

You can use a summarizer if you want to condense text into its most important and useful ideas. With a summarizer tool, you can make it easier to understand complicated sources. You can also use the tool to make your research question clearer and summarize your main argument.

Check for common mistakes

Use the best grammar checker available to check for common mistakes in your text.

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Use the checklist below to assess whether you have followed the rules of effective academic writing.

  • Checklist: Academic writing

I avoid informal terms and contractions .

I avoid second-person pronouns (“you”).

I avoid emotive or exaggerated language.

I avoid redundant words and phrases.

I avoid unnecessary jargon and define terms where needed.

I present information as precisely and accurately as possible.

I use appropriate transitions to show the connections between my ideas.

My text is logically organized using paragraphs .

Each paragraph is focused on a single idea, expressed in a clear topic sentence .

Every part of the text relates to my central thesis or research question .

I support my claims with evidence.

I use the appropriate verb tenses in each section.

I consistently use either UK or US English .

I format numbers consistently.

I cite my sources using a consistent citation style .

Your text follows the most important rules of academic style. Make sure it's perfect with the help of a Scribbr editor!

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Home — Essay Types — Research Essay

Research Essay Examples

In the realm of academia, selecting the right research essay topics is the foundation of a successful research project. These topics encompass a broad spectrum of contemporary issues, offering ample opportunities for in-depth analysis and exploration. Choose a subject that resonates with your interests and aligns with your academic goals, and you'll be on your way to crafting a compelling research essay that contributes valuable insights to your chosen field of study.

For instance, when exploring research essay topics, consider seeking out research topic essay examples related to your chosen subject. Examining well-crafted research essays can provide valuable insights into effective research methodologies, structure, and writing styles, helping you refine your own research and writing skills. These examples serve as guides and sources of inspiration as you embark on your academic exploration and contribute to the body of knowledge in your field.

To further assist your research journey, consider seeking out research essay examples related to your chosen topic. Examining well-crafted research essays can provide valuable insights into effective research methodologies, structure, and writing styles, helping you refine your own research and writing skills. These examples serve as guides and sources of inspiration as you embark on your academic exploration and contribute to the body of knowledge in your field.

Research Topics to Write About

When choosing research essay topics, it is important to consider your own interests and expertise. You should also make sure that there is enough information available on the topic to support your research. Here are some research topics that you may want to write about:

History and Society

  • The rise and fall of empires
  • The causes of revolutions
  • The impact of colonialism on indigenous peoples
  • The role of women in history
  • The history of civil rights movements

More myriad of interesting US history topics on the blog

Literature and Art

  • The influence of technology on art
  • The role of the artist in society
  • The relationship between art and politics
  • The evolution of different literary genres
  • The interpretation of famous works of art

Biology Research Topics

  • The impact of climate change on biodiversity
  • Genetic engineering in agriculture
  • Neuroplasticity and learning
  • Microbial ecology of the human gut
  • Evolutionary origins of human behavior

For more biology research topics , check out our blog where you'll discover even more intriguing ideas and research directions in this fascinating science!

Business and Economics

  • The impact of globalization on the world economy
  • The challenges of income inequality
  • The future of the workplace
  • The ethics of business
  • The role of government in the economy

Psychology and Education

  • The nature of intelligence
  • The causes of mental illness
  • The effectiveness of different teaching methods
  • The role of technology in education
  • The importance of early childhood education

Choosing a Research Essay Topics

Choosing a research topic should combine personal interest with feasibility and potential contribution. Align your curiosity with your field of study, narrowing down to a specific, manageable question. Ensure sufficient credible sources exist for your research, and consider if you can realistically complete it within constraints. Evaluate your topic's originality and importance. Consult advisors for guidance, and be open to adapting your focus as needed. Remember, finding the right topic is an iterative process, so explore and refine as you go.

The craft of writing a compelling research essay is both an art and science. Such essays are foundational to academia and the broader professional landscape. By examining solid research essay examples , writers can gain insights into structuring their own work more effectively.

Research essays play a pivotal role in academic and professional circles. Their structure, backed by clarity and robust evidence, holds the power to influence, inform, and educate readers. With a well-written research essay example in hand, students and professionals alike can better understand their role and significance.

What is a Research Essay Example

A research essay is a type of academic writing that involves an in-depth investigation into a specific topic or question. It requires the writer to gather and analyze relevant information, present arguments, and draw conclusions based on their research findings. Here’s an example of a research essay in PDF :

This research essay sample provides an example of how to structure and discuss a topic while incorporating research findings and analysis. Remember that the specific format and requirements for research essays may vary depending on the academic institution or guidelines provided by your instructor.

What Makes a Good Research Essay

1ïžâƒŁ Structure of a Research Essay

A standard research essay comprises three main segments:

  • Introduction : Presents the topic and posits a thesis
  • Body : Delves into arguments, evidence, and analysis
  • Conclusion : Wraps up the discussion and revisits the thesis

Let’s proceed with the structure guidelines for a research essay, which should encompass the following sections:

1. Introduction In this section, introduce your research topic without imposing a biased perspective on your readers. Encourage them to form their own opinions.
2. Thesis Statement This is where you articulate your central argument and provide initial evidence to support it.
3. Arguments – Arguments: Offer a comprehensive explanation of your primary argument, accompanied by in-depth analysis, quotations, and references.
– Argument: Present your secondary argument, which supports your thesis and contributes to the overall narrative.
– Argument: Address potentially controversial data or arguments, striving for a balanced perspective.
4. Analysis & Statistics Incorporate analytical insights and statistical data to bolster your argumentation and provide a solid foundation for your claims.
5. Conclusion Reiterate your thesis statement and provide a concise summary of your main ideas and conclusions drawn from the research.
6. References Page List all the sources you have quoted or referenced in your essay, following the appropriate citation style guidelines.

This research essay structure is designed to guide your writing process and ensure that your arguments are presented logically and persuasively while maintaining objectivity and integrity in your research.

2ïžâƒŁ Importance of Citing Sources

Citing your sources isn’t merely a formality; it lends credibility to your arguments and respects the original authors’ contributions. Through accurate citations, a research essay example can also avoid plagiarism and uphold academic integrity.

10 Expert Tips to Craft the Perfect Research Essay Example

Research essays require finding, evaluating, and integrating source material to support an analytical thesis. This process demands care and effort. Use these tips to write top-quality research essays.

  • Start with a Clear Thesis Statement. Your thesis acts as the guiding star of your essay. For instance, a compelling research essay example would kick off with a concise and debatable thesis, immediately grabbing the reader’s attention.
  • Use Reliable Sources. Quality over quantity always holds. Ensure your sources are credible. Perusing research paper examples can offer insights into sourcing reputable references.
  • Organize Ideas with an Outline . Outlining can serve as a roadmap, guiding you through your essay’s journey. Many sample research essay structures emphasize the importance of a coherent flow of ideas.
  • Draft with Clarity and Precision . Your words should clearly convey your message. Keeping examples of research essays as benchmarks can ensure your content is both clear and impactful.
  • Incorporate Multiple Points of View. A comprehensive essay considers various perspectives. This not only strengthens your argument but also makes for a more rounded research essay example.
  • Use Transition Words for Flow. Transition words act as the glue between your ideas. For instance, a research paper example might employ words like ‘however,’ ‘moreover,’ and ‘consequently’ to ensure smooth navigation.
  • Ensure Proper Formatting . Consistency in formatting – be it APA, MLA, or Chicago – is essential. A polished research essay example adheres strictly to formatting rules, enhancing readability.
  • Edit and Revise Multiple Times. Perfection comes with revision. Always iterate and refine your draft.
  • Seek Peer Reviews . Fresh eyes can spot overlooked errors or provide new perspectives. Feedback can also enhance the quality of your research paper example.
  • Reference Research Paper Examples . By studying multiple research paper examples and examples of research essays, you can understand common structures, styles, and tones in the field.

Over-generalization, neglecting counterarguments, or providing superficial evidence are common pitfalls in research essays. Always consult diverse research paper examples to understand and sidestep these mistakes.

Research Essay Writing Checklist

By following this checklist, you can better prepare yourself to critically evaluate research essay examples in a way that is aligned with your research goals and standards.

Be sure to review your grading rubric carefully, and consider studying at least one freely available research essay example. This will aid you in comparing the given guidelines with your specific task as you embark on the writing process.

Checklist for Research Essay Writing

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How do you write a research essay?

Just like any research paper that a college student encounters, you must follow the classic pattern of “Introduction - Thesis - 3 Body Paragraphs - Conclusion”. Some cases may differ, depending on what you have been asked to do, yet a research paper is the one where you must synthesize available information and make a strong argument regarding the main topic or subject of your research. Check our research paper example to see how the sources and evidence are incorporated and mixed with the author’s opinion. Remember about formatting and style requirements in terms of indents and the spaces.

What is a research essay?

Unlike reflective or comparative writing, the research essay will always contain a strict academic structure. An example of a research paper usually represents writing with a thesis statement that makes a proposal, assumption, or uses a strong argument about some scientific idea. It is usually not written in the first person since an author must combine various resources, include quotations, and implement evidence to support certain ideas. The presence of focus on the ideas and the analysis of information is what makes it stand apart from the author-based essay writing.

What is an example of research?

In short, research always implements a certain methodology. While there is no universal formula that would explain what does the research mean in writing, it is sufficient to say that research must contain a topic, strong thesis statement (or an argument), a list of reliable sources, a counter-argument paragraph (if relevant) and the conclusion where information is summed up and stated in a clearer or simpler way. Check our college research paper example to examine the structure in practice and see the key differences when compared to the usual college essay papers.

How do I choose a research topic?

Select a topic that interests you and is relevant to your field of study. Ensure it's specific enough to be manageable but broad enough to find sufficient research material.

What's the structure of a research essay?

Typically, it includes an introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. However, structure may vary depending on the assignment or guidelines.

What's the purpose of the introduction?

The introduction introduces your topic, provides context, and states your research question or thesis. It should engage readers and set the stage for your essay.

The most popular topics for Research Essay

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  • Police Brutality

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academic writing essay research topics

Purdue Online Writing Lab Purdue OWLÂź College of Liberal Arts

Choosing a Topic

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The first step of any research paper is for the student to understand the assignment. If this is not done, the student will often travel down many dead-end roads, wasting a great deal of time along the way. Do not hesitate to approach the instructor with questions if there is any confusion. A clear understanding of the assignment will allow you to focus on other aspects of the process, such as choosing a topic and identifying your audience.

A student will often encounter one of two situations when it comes to choosing a topic for a research paper. The first situation occurs when the instructor provides a list of topics from which the student may choose. These topics have been deemed worthy by the instructor; therefore, the student should be confident in the topic he chooses from the list. Many first-time researchers appreciate such an arrangement by the instructor because it eliminates the stress of having to decide upon a topic on their own.

However, the student may also find the topics that have been provided to be limiting; moreover, it is not uncommon for the student to have a topic in mind that does not fit with any of those provided. If this is the case, it is always beneficial to approach the instructor with one's ideas. Be respectful, and ask the instructor if the topic you have in mind would be a possible research option for the assignment. Remember, as a first-time researcher, your knowledge of the process is quite limited; the instructor is experienced, and may have very precise reasons for choosing the topics she has offered to the class. Trust that she has the best interests of the class in mind. If she likes the topic, great! If not, do not take it personally and choose the topic from the list that seems most interesting to you.

The second situation occurs when the instructor simply hands out an assignment sheet that covers the logistics of the research paper, but leaves the choice of topic up to the student. Typically, assignments in which students are given the opportunity to choose the topic require the topic to be relevant to some aspect of the course; so, keep this in mind as you begin a course in which you know there will be a research paper near the end. That way, you can be on the lookout for a topic that may interest you. Do not be anxious on account of a perceived lack of authority or knowledge about the topic chosen. Instead, realize that it takes practice to become an experienced researcher in any field.

For a discussion of Evaluating Sources, see Evaluating Sources of Information .

Methods for choosing a topic

Thinking early leads to starting early. If the student begins thinking about possible topics when the assignment is given, she has already begun the arduous, yet rewarding, task of planning and organization. Once she has made the assignment a priority in her mind, she may begin to have ideas throughout the day. Brainstorming is often a successful way for students to get some of these ideas down on paper. Seeing one's ideas in writing is often an impetus for the writing process. Though brainstorming is particularly effective when a topic has been chosen, it can also benefit the student who is unable to narrow a topic. It consists of a timed writing session during which the student jots down—often in list or bulleted form—any ideas that come to his mind. At the end of the timed period, the student will peruse his list for patterns of consistency. If it appears that something seems to be standing out in his mind more than others, it may be wise to pursue this as a topic possibility.

It is important for the student to keep in mind that an initial topic that you come up with may not be the exact topic about which you end up writing. Research topics are often fluid, and dictated more by the student's ongoing research than by the original chosen topic. Such fluidity is common in research, and should be embraced as one of its many characteristics.

The Purdue OWL also offers a number of other resources on choosing and developing a topic:

  • Understanding Writing Assignments
  • Starting the Writing Process
  • Invention Slide Presentation

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  • How to Do Research for an Excellent Essay: The Complete Guide

academic writing essay research topics

One of the biggest secrets to writing a good essay is the Boy Scouts’ motto: ‘be prepared’. Preparing for an essay – by conducting effective research – lays the foundations for a brilliant piece of writing, and it’s every bit as important as the actual writing part. Many students skimp on this crucial stage, or sit in the library not really sure where to start; and it shows in the quality of their essays. This just makes it easier for you to get ahead of your peers, and we’re going to show you how. In this article, we take you through what you need to do in order to conduct effective research and use your research time to best effect.

Allow enough time

First and foremost, it’s vital to allow enough time for your research. For this reason, don’t leave your essay until the last minute . If you start writing without having done adequate research, it will almost certainly show in your essay’s lack of quality. The amount of research time needed will vary according to whether you’re at Sixth Form or university, and according to how well you know the topic and what teaching you’ve had on it, but make sure you factor in more time than you think you’ll need. You may come across a concept that takes you longer to understand than you’d expected, so it’s better to allow too much time than too little.

Read the essay question and thoroughly understand it

If you don’t have a thorough understanding of what the essay question is asking you to do, you put yourself at risk of going in the wrong direction with your research. So take the question, read it several times and pull out the key things it’s asking you to do. The instructions in the question are likely to have some bearing on the nature of your research. If the question says “Compare”, for example, this will set you up for a particular kind of research, during which you’ll be looking specifically for points of comparison; if the question asks you to “Discuss”, your research focus may be more on finding different points of view and formulating your own.

Begin with a brainstorm

Start your research time by brainstorming what you already know. Doing this means that you can be clear about exactly what you’re already aware of, and you can identify the gaps in your knowledge so that you don’t end up wasting time by reading books that will tell you what you already know. This gives your research more of a direction and allows you to be more specific in your efforts to find out certain things. It’s also a gentle way of introducing yourself to the task and putting yourself in the right frame of mind for learning about the topic at hand.

Achieve a basic understanding before delving deeper

If the topic is new to you and your brainstorm has yielded few ideas, you’ll need to acquire a basic understanding of the topic before you begin delving deeper into your research. If you don’t, and you start by your research by jumping straight in at the deep end, as it were, you’ll struggle to grasp the topic. This also means that you may end up being too swayed by a certain source, as you haven’t the knowledge to question it properly. You need sufficient background knowledge to be able to take a critical approach to each of the sources you read. So, start from the very beginning. It’s ok to use Wikipedia or other online resources to give you an introduction to a topic, though bear in mind that these can’t be wholly relied upon. If you’ve covered the topic in class already, re-read the notes you made so that you can refresh your mind before you start further investigation.

Working through your reading list

If you’ve been given a reading list to work from, be organised in how you work through each of the items on it. Try to get hold of as many of the books on it as you can before you start, so that you have them all easily to hand, and can refer back to things you’ve read and compare them with other perspectives. Plan the order in which you’re going to work through them and try to allocate a specific amount of time to each of them; this ensures that you allow enough time to do each of them justice and that focus yourself on making the most of your time with each one. It’s a good idea to go for the more general resources before honing in on the finer points mentioned in more specialised literature. Think of an upside-down pyramid and how it starts off wide at the top and becomes gradually narrower; this is the sort of framework you should apply to your research.

Ask a librarian

Library computer databases can be confusing things, and can add an extra layer of stress and complexity to your research if you’re not used to using them. The librarian is there for a reason, so don’t be afraid to go and ask if you’re not sure where to find a particular book on your reading list. If you’re in need of somewhere to start, they should be able to point you in the direction of the relevant section of the library so that you can also browse for books that may yield useful information.

Use the index

If you haven’t been given specific pages to read in the books on your reading list, make use of the index (and/or table of contents) of each book to help you find relevant material. It sounds obvious, but some students don’t think to do this and battle their way through heaps of irrelevant chapters before finding something that will be useful for their essay.

Taking notes

As you work through your reading, take notes as you go along rather than hoping you’ll remember everything you’ve read. Don’t indiscriminately write down everything – only the bits that will be useful in answering the essay question you’ve been set. If you write down too much, you risk writing an essay that’s full of irrelevant material and getting lower grades as a result. Be concise, and summarise arguments in your own words when you make notes (this helps you learn it better, too, because you actually have to think about how best to summarise it). You may want to make use of small index cards to force you to be brief with what you write about each point or topic. We’ve covered effective note-taking extensively in another article, which you can read here. Note-taking is a major part of the research process, so don’t neglect it. Your notes don’t just come in useful in the short-term, for completing your essay, but they should also be helpful when it comes to revision time, so try to keep them organised.

Research every side of the argument

Never rely too heavily on one resource without referring to other possible opinions; it’s bad academic practice. You need to be able to give a balanced argument in an essay, and that means researching a range of perspectives on whatever problem you’re tackling. Keep a note of the different arguments, along with the evidence in support of or against each one, ready to be deployed into an essay structure that works logically through each one. If you see a scholar’s name cropping up again and again in what you read, it’s worth investigating more about them even if you haven’t specifically been told to do so. Context is vital in academia at any level, so influential figures are always worth knowing about.

Keep a dictionary by your side

You could completely misunderstand a point you read if you don’t know what one important word in the sentence means. For that reason, it’s a good idea to keep a dictionary by your side at all times as you conduct your research. Not only does this help you fully understand what you’re reading, but you also learn new words that you might be able to use in your forthcoming essay or a future one . Growing your vocabulary is never a waste of time!

Start formulating your own opinion

As you work through reading these different points of view, think carefully about what you’ve read and note your own response to different opinions. Get into the habit of questioning sources and make sure you’re not just repeating someone else’s opinion without challenging it. Does an opinion make sense? Does it have plenty of evidence to back it up? What are the counter-arguments, and on balance, which sways you more? Demonstrating your own intelligent thinking will set your essay apart from those of your peers, so think about these things as you conduct your research.

Be careful with web-based research

Although, as we’ve said already, it’s fine to use Wikipedia and other online resources to give you a bit of an introduction to a topic you haven’t covered before, be very careful when using the internet for researching an essay. Don’t take Wikipedia as gospel; don’t forget, anybody can edit it! We wouldn’t advise using the internet as the basis of your essay research – it’s simply not academically rigorous enough, and you don’t know how out of date a particular resource might be. Even if your Sixth Form teachers may not question where you picked up an idea you’ve discussed in your essays, it’s still not a good habit to get into and you’re unlikely to get away with it at a good university. That said, there are still reliable academic resources available via the internet; these can be found in dedicated sites that are essentially online libraries, such as JSTOR. These are likely to be a little too advanced if you’re still in Sixth Form, but you’ll almost certainly come across them once you get to university.

Look out for footnotes

In an academic publication, whether that’s a book or a journal article, footnotes are a great place to look for further ideas for publications that might yield useful information. Plenty can be hidden away in footnotes, and if a writer is disparaging or supporting the ideas of another academic, you could look up the text in question so that you can include their opinion too, and whether or not you agree with them, for extra brownie points.

Don’t save doing all your own references until last

If you’re still in Sixth Form, you might not yet be required to include academic references in your essays, but for the sake of a thorough guide to essay research that will be useful to you in the future, we’re going to include this point anyway (it will definitely come in useful when you get to university, so you may as well start thinking about it now!). As you read through various books and find points you think you’re going to want to make in your essays, make sure you note down where you found these points as you go along (author’s first and last name, the publication title, publisher, publication date and page number). When you get to university you will be expected to identify your sources very precisely, so it’s a good habit to get into. Unfortunately, many students forget to do this and then have a difficult time of going back through their essay adding footnotes and trying to remember where they found a particular point. You’ll save yourself a great deal of time and effort if you simply note down your academic references as you go along. If you are including footnotes, don’t forget to add each publication to a main bibliography, to be included at the end of your essay, at the same time.

Putting in the background work required to write a good essay can seem an arduous task at times, but it’s a fundamental step that can’t simply be skipped. The more effort you put in at this stage, the better your essay will be and the easier it will be to write. Use the tips in this article and you’ll be well on your way to an essay that impresses!

To get even more prepared for essay writing you might also want to consider attending an Oxford Summer School .

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As an online doctoral student, you often represent yourself and your academic work in writing.

To help you do that effectively, this assessment is designed to:

  • Identify your individual writing strengths and needs, and
  • Match your current skills to a specific writing course aimed to help you hone your skills.

By completing this writing assessment, online doctoral students can build strong academic writing habits targeted to their individual strengths and needs early in their studies at Walden.

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How Do I Complete the Writing Assessment

  • Review the Doctoral Writing Assessment (DRWA) classroom, assignment prompt, rubric, and instructions.
  • Write and submit your assessment essay to the classroom by the assignment deadline.
  • Receive your essay score from the Writing Assessment team one week after the course ends.
  • Complete any required Graduate Writing course(s) in the next term.

Writing Assessment Scores and Next Steps

You will receive your assessment score in an email one week after the DRWA Doctoral Writing Assessment course ends. Your score email will indicate if you tested out of any of the required writing courses and your next steps if you did not test out of those courses. Any required writing courses are free on the first attempt. Walden’s Writing Assessment team will automatically register you for your required writing course, alongside program courses, in the term following your DRWA course.

Scoring Outcomes

You have tested out of Graduate Writing I and Graduate Writing II by demonstrating competency in the following writing skills:

  • Central idea is focused, clear, and directly responds to the prompt
  • Relevant and accurately paraphrased or quoted evidence is provided from the reading
  • Ideas are well organized
  • Use of grammar and mechanics effectively conveys meaning

If you'd like to further develop your writing skills, consider taking Graduate Writing III: Advanced Composition Skills.

Learn about Graduate Writing III

If you'd like to take Graduate Writing III, please contact  [email protected]  to register for the free course.

You have tested out of Graduate Writing I by demonstrating the following writing skills:

  • Central idea is clear and connected to the prompt and ideas are somewhat developed
  • Clear connection to the reading is provided through paraphrase or quotation
  • Ideas are generally organized
  • Few inaccuracies in grammar and mechanics distract reader from meaning

You will need to complete Graduate Writing II, which is a free course that will help you develop scholarly writing skills such as paraphrasing and evaluating main ideas.

You will be enrolled in this course in the following term.

Learn about Graduate Writing II: Intermediate Composition

You need to complete both required writing courses, Graduate Writing I and Graduate Writing II as listed on your Program Progress Guide.

You will be enrolled in the first required writing course in the following term. In these courses, you practice and develop scholarly writing skills such as critical reading, summarizing, paraphrasing, and evaluating main ideas.

Learn about Graduate Writing I: Basic Composition

You received a score of 0 because you did not submit an assessment for review or there was evidence of plagiarism in your essay. Your score email will indicate if no essay was submitted or if plagiarism was present in your essay.

You need to complete both required writing courses, Graduate Writing I and Graduate Writing II, as listed on your Program Progress Guide.

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If you have questions about your writing assessment or your writing course, please contact us at [email protected] . We are here for you and happy to help!

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academic writing essay research topics

Writing with Inclusive Language

Becoming an inclusive writer means listening to and learning from others to recognize different perspectives. Inclusive language is about giving people authority over their own lives and experiences. As such, if you are referring to a specific person or group, it is always respectful to ask them how they would like to be addressed. For instance, some communities are reclaiming former slurs to use for themselves, but it is not appropriate for those outside the community to use those same slurs. There is even debate in diverse communities regarding which terms are acceptable and who can use them.

Writing inclusively requires you to think about both who you are writing about and how you are writing about them. As such, inclusive language is not simply following a set of prescriptive rules. It challenges you to continually reflect on your writing process, requiring you to engage critically with your own biases and assumptions. By understanding different voices, you will have a better idea of your topic, which means that you will be able to have a more nuanced perspective to share in your writing.

Ways to be More Inclusive in Academic Writing

No matter your gender identity, we all have pronouns (they/them, she/her, he/him, and many more). Avoid the use of the phrase “preferred pronouns,” because someone’s pronouns belong to them, just like their name.

In the latest edition of its style guide, the American Psychological Association (APA) accepted the singular “they.” In addition to being valid pronouns that people use for themselves, they/them pronouns can be effective in describing a single person when gender is unknown or irrelevant. For instance, instead of saying “someone forgot his or her shoes,” say “someone forgot their shoes.” In this case, you know that only one person forgot their shoes, but you are not sure who. You can use the singular they in similar ways in academic writing instead of assuming that the reader is male and using he/him pronouns.

Human-First Language

Using human-first language empowers people to be seen as people before their status or state of being. For instance, in most cases, it is encouraged to use wording like “a person with a disability” rather than “a disabled person.” It’s also best to use human-first language instead of defining someone entirely by only one aspect of who they are. For example, you would say “a person with an addiction” rather than “an addict.”

The Individual vs. The Collective

Remember that one individual cannot stand for a whole group. Avoiding all-or-nothing language, like “always” and “never,” is a good idea in academic writing, but it is especially important when considering inclusive language. Keeping diversity in mind while you are writing will also help you avoid stereotypes. For example, pointing out that the LGBTQIA+ flag is a rainbow is different from saying that all LGBTQIA+ people identify with the rainbow flag.

Anti-racist Language

The Canadian Race Relations Foundation defines anti-racism as “An active and consistent process of change to eliminate individual, institutional, and systemic racism.” Anti-racist language, then, is the process of dismantling racism through our words. This requires writers to think critically about their own biases and lived experiences and how those reflect in their research and analysis.

In addition to avoiding generalizations and stereotypes, anti-racist language encourages you to actively include BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and Peoples of Colour) voices (sometimes referred to as IBPOC) in conversations. These voices have been historically excluded in scholarly conversations, which means it is even more important to include them now!


To incorporate more diverse, individual voices, look at the different identities that coexist within each person. We all have different ways of defining ourselves, and our different identities exist at the same time. This is the idea behind intersectionality: each person’s lived experiences are unique based on all the different, varied aspects of who we are.

For instance, if you are drafting a research paper on modern feminism, consider the race, sexual orientations, gender identities, etc. of the scholars you are reading. Though the research may all be feminist, the authors will approach the work in different ways depending on their lived experiences.

Steps to More Inclusive Writing

  • Revise your work critically. Examine your work from various perspectives beyond your own point of view to question your own view of “normal.”
  • Engage with diverse sources. The more diverse your sources, the more perspectives you are including in your research. This will make it stronger!
  • Be open to feedback. Listening to community members is the best way to learn.
  • Avoid generalizations. Specificity is key when talking about lived experiences.
  • Recognize your own positionality. You are an expert on your own life, so seek knowledge from elsewhere when writing about experiences you aren’t familiar with.
  • Stay curious about inclusivity. Pay attention to ways you can write even more compassionately, and don’t be afraid to ask questions if you’d like to learn more.


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    Review the Doctoral Writing Assessment (DRWA) classroom, assignment prompt, rubric, and instructions. Write and submit your assessment essay to the classroom by the assignment deadline. Receive your essay score from the Writing Assessment team one week after the course ends. Complete any required Graduate Writing course(s) in the next term.

  27. Writing with Inclusive Language

    Writing inclusively requires you to think about both who you are writing about and how you are writing about them. As such, inclusive language is not simply following a set of prescriptive rules. It challenges you to continually reflect on your writing process, requiring you to engage critically with your own biases and assumptions.