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case study of circular economy

Circular Economy in Action: Real-life examples and case studies

Circular economy in action

  • January 24, 2023

The circular economy in action is a model that emphasizes prolonged resource use, maximizing value during use, and recovering and regenerating resources at end-of-life. It is gaining popularity for its economic and environmental benefits, and is projected to result in $624 billion in savings by 2050 in sectors such as food and agriculture, building, and mobility.

This blog will take a closer look at the circular economy in action and explore real-life examples and case studies across various industries like textile, construction, automotive and packaging, leading the way in this transformative field.

Closed-loop supply chain management in the fashion industry

Imagine a world where your clothes are stylish, trendy, and sustainable. That’s the power of closed-loop supply chain management in the fashion industry. It’s a circular economy where every thread and fibre is used to its fullest potential, reducing waste and pollution. 

  • The use of sustainable materials and innovative technologies, along with recycling and upcycling programs, ensures that resources are kept in use for as long as possible. 
  • It’s good for the environment and leads to cost savings, new business opportunities and jobs, and, most importantly, a more sustainable future.

Circular economy in action: Renewable energy in the building sector

The building sector significantly impacts the environment, accounting for a substantial portion of global energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. However, the circular economy and renewable energy offer solutions for reducing the environmental footprint of the building sector.

  • It leads to more energy-efficient and resilient buildings requiring less maintenance and a longer lifespan.
  • Incorporating renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and geothermal into building design can reduce the reliance on fossil fuels and decrease greenhouse gas emissions.
  • The use of passive solar design maximizes natural light and heat and can also be used to reduce energy consumption in buildings.
  • Building-integrated renewable energy systems, such as green roofs, etc., generate clean energy and also improve the thermal performance of the building.

Product-as-a-service model in the automotive industry

The circular economy in the automotive industry shifts the focus from selling cars to providing mobility services, using shared, electric, and connected vehicles. 

  • This approach reduces the industry’s environmental impact and leads to cost savings and improved flexibility for customers.
  • This can reduce the number of cars on the road, reduce traffic congestion and lower pollution levels.
  •  It also offers new business opportunities and jobs in fleet management, vehicle maintenance, and data analysis.

Recycling and circular economy in the packaging industry

The circular economy in the packaging industry focuses on recycling and reusing materials to reduce waste and decrease the environmental impact of packaging production. 

  • Creating new packaging products reduces the need for virgin materials and decreases greenhouse gas emissions associated with producing new materials. 
  •  Reusable packaging, such as refillable containers, can further decrease waste and the need for constant production of new packaging. 

Case studies of the circular economy in action:

Circular economy in action demonstrates the economic model’s effectiveness in reducing waste, increasing resource efficiency, and promoting sustainable growth in product design and policy development.

Here are the details of the two case studies that serve as models for other cities and organizations looking to implement similar initiatives and transition to a circular economy.

The city of Amsterdam’s circular economy in action program

Amsterdam has implemented a circular economy in an action program to promote sustainable economic growth and reduce waste. The program focuses on reusing and recycling materials and resources and encourages using renewable energy. 

The program has achieved several results, like

  • Reducing waste from landfills, increasing recycling rates, and reducing the city’s carbon footprint.
  • The city has implemented a food waste reduction program that encourages businesses and households to compost food scraps and donates surplus food to charities. 
  • Actively working to build a circular economy in action by fostering collaboration between the public and private sectors, supporting innovation, and creating a favourable environment for circular economy businesses to flourish.
  • The program has been recognized as a leader in circular economy development and serves as a model for other cities looking to implement similar initiatives and promote sustainable development.

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s circular economy in action initiatives

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation is a UK-based charity that aims to accelerate the transition to a circular economy. 

  • The foundation’s circular economy in action initiatives focuses on several key areas, including product design, business models, and policy development.
  • The Circular Design Guide initiative provides a set of principles and practical guidance for designing products and services that can be reused, refurbished, or recycled at the end of their life. 
  • The guide intends to help businesses and designers create more circular products with a smaller environmental footprint and are more economically sustainable.
  • The foundation’s Circular Design Guide has been used by companies such as Google, Philips, and Unilever to design more circular products.

The circular economy in action has continued growth and development of circular business models, product design, and policies that will provide new opportunities for innovation, job creation, and sustainable growth.

It will also help to create a more resilient and sustainable economy that can better withstand the challenges of the 21st century.

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Case Study: Driving the circular economy on a university campus

Case study reprinted with permission from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation

If US higher education expenditure was a country, it would be the 21st largest economy in the world.

There is no doubt that higher education plays a vital role in the global transition to a circular economy. From teaching and learning, through research and into student action, across the globe there is growing momentum from the sector to move into the circular economy space. But, it isn’t only in the classroom or laboratory where real change is possible - how higher education institutions choose to use their immense purchasing power can have significant effects on making campus activities and supply chains more circular. More circular procurement decisions can significantly help to shift the economy and support universities in their net zero carbon ambitions.

The challenge

MIT is a 168 acre, urban, university campus with almost 170 buildings. Only 40-50% of MIT’s material waste currently leaves campus in a form that is clean enough for reprocessing. This results in almost 60% of waste going to landfill or being incinerated ,  contributing to a number of downstream, negative environmental and social impacts.

The MIT Office of Sustainability (MITOS) is committed to designing out waste and finding ways to reduce waste and feed the circular economy.  “By utilizing the campus as a testbed and incubator, we aim to transform MIT into a powerful model that generates new and proven ways of responding to the challenges of our changing planet”  

The solution

By utilizing MIT research capacity as well as taking a multidisciplinary approach, a suite of solutions was identified. This revealed the need for a campus waste hauling partner that shared the campus commitment to design out waste and grow a data-driven platform of strategies. In 2019, the Department of Facilities and MITOS teamed together to develop a Request For Proposal (RFP) for Waste Management Services, and took a fundamentally different approach to redesigning their waste contract. Doing upfront research and collaboration work helped to create a shared understanding and vision which made developing the appropriate RFP easy. Focusing on the data required to drive upstream decision-making was key to unlocking a new relationship with a waste hauler.

As Brian Goldberg at MIT says “In waste, often the data is collected by haulers as a means of billing the higher education institution. So, it’s data that is really just serving as a billing technique. Part of our partnership is developing a data collection framework that involves some technology and data that is useful for our purposes and not just for guiding the waste haulers operations. So by embedding data and tech as a core piece of our new waste hauling partnership we are ensuring we can try and test the collection framework to give us the data to drive decision-making down to building scale”.

What makes it circular

MIT has developed a range of solutions all contributing to changing the waste system on campus. By partnering with a data-driven waste hauling company, they are able to use the data to help make upstream decisions that help design out waste, keep products and materials in use, and regenerate natural systems.

What are the benefits

By having access to the right data and partnering with a waste contractor in a new way, MIT is able to make upstream decisions to:

reduce contamination in waste streams

divert materials from landfill or incineration

regenerate soil health

influence consumer and behavior change

cover image featuring MIT dome in blue and title of cast study


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Case Studies in Circular Economy

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Here we present the ‘Case Studies in Circular Economy’, a Research Topic series dedicated to showcasing research papers that demonstrate direct applications of sustainability research methodologies, concepts, and hypotheses. Case Studies provide an opportunity for researchers to assess phenomena ...

Keywords : circular economy, case study, circularity, business models, circular design, circular applications

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Circular economy business case study: hp inc..

The Circular Economy is driving a new approach to business around the world and will transform the way our economy produces and consumes goods and services. Leading companies are embracing this idea to create value for their business, customers and society. The Circular Economy Business Case Study: HP Inc provides an overview of the journey taken by one company to address these trends and become a circular business.

Circular Economy Business Case Study: HP Inc. provides insights into the drivers and product innovations of circular economy businesses.

Circular Economy Business Case Study: HP Inc. shows how HP is reinventing the way its products are designed, manufactured, used and recovered as it shifts its business model and operations towards a materials and energy-efficient circular economy.

As the Circular Economy Business Case Study shows, at HP a key concept in the circular economy is a materials cycle where plastics, metals, and other durable materials are used over and over without being “down-cycled” into lower-grade uses, eventually becoming waste. To achieve a healthy materials cycle, and reduce its product-related environmental impact, HP works to find alternatives to substances of concern, offers robust product recycling systems, designs for upgradeability and repairability and uses recycled content in new products. Together, these approaches drive its sustainability-driven materials management strategy. Equally, HP sees a business opportunity in designing products and services which meet and enable circular economy applications for its customers. It is committed to stimulating the development of recovered materials markets by using recycled content in new HP products.

The company’s overall long-term and enduring ambition is to take responsibility for its products throughout the lifecycle – to understand and own the impacts of its products along the value chain. The vision is to keep its products and materials in circulation for as long as possible. The company wants to lead the industry in driving circular design and practice. Circular Economy Business Case Study: HP Inc. profiles the company’s circular business model, its journey and the challenges it faced and lessons it learned along the way.

Circular Economy Business Case Study: HP Inc.

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Amsterdam’s Circular Economy Roadmap: Lessons Learned and Tools for Upscaling

The programmes Amsterdam Circular: Learning by Doing and the Circular Innovation Programme 2016-2018 are based on Amsterdam Circular: Vision and Roadmap . Learning by Doing engendered 20 circular projects for the municipality, including procurement and land development. Within the Circular Innovation Program , the municipality works closely with market parties and knowledge institutes on 30 innovative projects.

The board of Mayor and Deputy Mayors has commissioned the evaluation of Learning by Doing and the Circular Innovation Programme . In this evaluation, a total of 73 projects were assessed.

This case study wants to show the lessons learned from the Amsterdam experience, and indicate which action perspectives are possible to further accelerate cities transition to a circular economy.

Projects evaluation and lessons learned:

The evaluation of the projects shows that the transition to a circular economy is realistic and profitable. Realistic, because the technical possibilities are great: existing projects, as well as new innovations, show that resource loops can be closed locally and are of a high quality. Profitable, because circular projects are financially more competitive than traditional projects when external costs are taken into account.

From the evaluation of 73 circular projects and a validation with businesses, it becomes evident that three value chains (Construction, Biomass & Food, and Consumer goods) and two instruments (Procurement, and Research, Information provision, and Newtworks) in particular are very promising to scale up. For the sake of brevity, only these will be taken into account, but further in-depth information on the evaluation of these and other value chains and instruments are available here .

Value chains

Construction value chain:

Together with market parties, the Municipality of Amsterdam developed the Roadmap Circular Land Issue . This Roadmap was successfully applied in four circular tenders. These circular starting points – included in the development strategy of the City-Port area – can now be applied in other areas as well.

Research, networking and the exchange of information and experiences have shown to be the most important tools in the construction chain. Market parties are willing to build in a circular way. They need clients who specifically demand circular ambitions. Every building that is constructed in a non-circular way hinders high-value reuse of building materials in the future and slows the looping of the value chain. For the near future, instruments like spatial planning policy, land issue and regulations are indispensable.

Biomass & food value chain:

Within this chain there are several successful projects: sugar extraction from biomass in Biopark Havengebied; ammonia extraction from sewage water by Power to Protein; and phosphate extraction from urine at De Nieuwe Stroming. The municipality focuses mainly on research, networking and information exchange and, in some cases, offers financial support.

The chain is often closed in a low-value manner, including the use of biomass for heat production. There is a need for scaling up initiatives that make high-value reuse possible. In addition, logistics, financing, and unclear or restrictive regulations are still obstacles for scaling up. There is a need for the deployment of spatial planning, business support, financing and regulations in order to achieve a successful upscaling of this chain.

Consumer goods value chain:

The municipality started supporting second-hand shops with a payment for the collection of specific products. Progress has also been made in the further development of municipal waste points to resource hubs. In addition, waste points De Pijp and Toetsenbordweg are in full preparation. The municipality is also critically examining the way in which textiles are being collected in the city (less pollution) and if by means of post-sorting a more valuable processing can be reached. Apart from municipal interventions, dozens of sharing platforms have been developed, which enable consumers to initiate a dramatic mentality shift; from valuing the possession of products, to using them. The municipal organisation itself has also taken steps towards further closing the Consumer goods value chain, by, for instance, establishing an internal marketplace for street furniture.

However, several parties in the chain have conflicting interests. New financial models also require a change in the behaviour of consumers, not to mention suppliers. Furthermore, the municipality needs to communicate and create awareness for consumers to change their behavior, also by investing on the role of Primary education, incorporating schools into its network approach.



Procurement is the instrument par excellence that connects the municipality with physical products. It enables the municipality to create a market for circular products. In recent years, there have been a number of procurement processes in which circular principles have been applied, with circular procurement of office furniture as the best known example.

A further deployment of the procurement instrument can make a major contribution to the transition to a circular economy. This requires, among other things, a coordinating role of the lead buyers in the purchasing process, a different organisation of budgets and more functional questions.

Research, information provision, and networks & information exchange:

With its knowledge tools, the municipality has both developed knowledge as well as shared it between market parties. These instruments have helped to acquire knowledge on all value chains.

The instruments have been used successfully to increase the level of knowledge in the city, both within the municipality and with market parties and consumers. Especially the Living Lab approach and the public-private-people partnerships stand out as successful. Therefore, the continued deployment of these instruments is important for all value chains.

Tools for upscaling

The three promising value chains and the two mentioned instruments, together, form five action perspectives. These action perspectives are based on what is needed to scale up to the next phase of the transition.

A. Upscaling the Construction value chain:

In Amsterdam, the challenges in the construction sector are great: they are not restricted to new construction, they also include renovation/transformation, public space, and infrastructure. Should these projects not be built in a circular way, renovation or disassembly becomes difficult, or even impossible. It hinders the future high-value reuse of building products.

The municipality of Amsterdam can accelerate the transition by a further deployment of the instruments of land issue, spatial planning, and legislation & regulations. In order to realise circular projects in the short term and to guarantee circular performance in the long term, a good cooperation with market parties is essential.

B. Upscaling the Biomass & Food value chain:

This chain has seen many activities in recent years, thanks to the Circular Innovation programme in particular. These innovative projects prove that there are many opportunities within this chain for high-value reuse.

A further deployment of the instruments of spatial planning and business support by the municipality offers the greatest contribution. After all, in this chain it is the private sector that has to take the largest steps, and these need support. Continuing the commitment to the Biomass & Food chain ensures scaling up of innovations for high-value reuse. In this action perspective, for example, attention will be paid to activities that specifically focus on food and physical space in the city for decentralised solutions.

C. Upscaling the Consumer goods value chain:

As in any urban area, many consumer goods are being consumed in Amsterdam. With the continued growth of the city, the demand only increases further. Even more than transport and living, these consumer goods constitute the greatest environmental burden of households.

Continued focus on this value chain will mainly be in the fields of business support and information provision. The current emphasis on the end of the chain (waste phase) can be transformed into a structural approach for the entire chain. This leads to a lower environmental pressure.

D. Expanding the Procurement instrument:

Both at the European and the national level, procurement is seen as an important government tool to drive the circular economy. An integral circular demand from the Municipality of Amsterdam drives suppliers to involve the complete chain.

The procurement instrument can be applied to all value chains. The greatest potential for municipalities, however, lies in the value chains of Construction (in the physical city) and Consumer goods (for own management). Structural circular procurement of Amsterdam creates an incentive for suppliers to produce circularly, and also offers them a secure market.

E. Expanding Research, Information provision,  and Networks:

The transition to a circular economy shows, in many areas, a need for more knowledge and for sharing experiences. This does not only hold for technological knowledge, but also for knowledge on economic and financial incentives.

By means of research, it should be feasible to chart technical and economic opportunities. Education & information provision should enable the municipality to involve new stakeholders and organisations in the transition. Furthermore, the municipality should also share knowledge and experiences in its networks, enabling all those involved to engage.

The importance of working together

Stating that the transition to a circular economy is realistic and profitable, there is still a demand for many changes in as many areas. The importance of intensive cooperation should not be underestimated. This concerns both internal cooperation within the municipality (both within and between departments) and cooperation with external parties, including between the triple helix of government, business, and science. For this cooperation to be successful, an open attitude, transparency and a willingness to share knowledge and experiences are essential. Learning from each other not only entails sharing successful projects, but failures as well . Learning by doing and the formation of valuable networks are good first steps. However, we need to step up our efforts to make scaling up to the next phase possible. The philosophy of Learning by Doing could therefore be supplemented with Learning by Sharing.

Links to further Information

Please find a comprehensive list of ‘Sources of Information’ here .

  • Environmental

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Stepping into Sustainability: A Case Study on Nike’s Circular Economy Initiatives, Operational Strategies, and Societal Impact

Sakhawat Hossain

Sakhawat Hossain

I have completed a course on Interaction Design Foundation called “Design for a Better World with Don Norman”. Where I learned about the circular economy and its positive impact on the economy and nature. I wrote a case study on Nike’s circular economy practice as part of the course.

Nike is committed to creating a circular economy for its products. This means designing products that can be reused, recycled, or composted at the end of their life. Nike is also working to reduce its use of virgin materials and to increase its use of recycled materials.

What makes it circular?

Using recycled materials: Nike is committed to using 50% recycled materials in all of its products by 2025. The company has already made progress on this goal, and in 2021, recycled polyester made up 38% of Nike footwear’s total polyester usage.

Designing for longevity: Nike is designing its products to last longer both in terms of durability and style. This will help to reduce the need for frequent replacements and extend the product lifecycle.

Repair and refurbishment: Nike offers repair and refurbishment programs for customers to extend the life of their products. These programs allow customers to send back worn-out shoes or apparel to be repaired or refurbished for resale.

Nike Grind: Nike Grind is a program that turns old athletic shoes and manufacturing scraps into recycled materials. These recycled materials are then used to create new products, such as Nike Grind shoes and Nike Grind flooring.

Closed-loop manufacturing: Nike is exploring closed-loop manufacturing processes where old products are used as inputs for creating new products. This would reduce the reliance on new resources and minimize waste.

Nike’s circular economy initiatives have a significant impact across various dimensions:

Environmental Impact: By incorporating recycled materials and implementing closed-loop manufacturing, Nike reduces the demand for virgin resources and minimizes waste. This leads to a lower carbon footprint, reduced water usage, and decreased overall environmental strain.

Waste Reduction: Repair and resale programs, along with initiatives like Nike Grind, extend product lifecycles and divert items from landfills. This contributes to decreased waste generation and promotes a more sustainable waste management approach.

Resource Conservation: The use of recycled materials and closed-loop manufacturing conserves valuable resources like petroleum and minerals, as well as reduces energy consumption required for producing new materials.

Innovation and Research: Nike’s circular practices drive innovation in sustainable materials and production methods. This fosters research and development of new technologies that can benefit not only Nike but the broader industry.

Economic Opportunity: Circular practices open up new business opportunities, such as refurbished and recycled product lines. These initiatives can lead to additional revenue streams and diversification of Nike’s product offerings.

Social Impact: Nike’s circular economy efforts contribute to improved labor conditions and ethical practices within its supply chain. This positively impacts workers’ lives and supports fair labor practices.

Consumer Engagement: Sustainability initiatives resonate with environmentally conscious consumers, enhancing brand loyalty and attracting a growing market segment seeking eco-friendly products.

Industry Leadership: Nike’s commitment to circular practices sets an example for the sportswear industry, encouraging competitors and peers to adopt similar sustainable strategies.

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Resources I collected from:

Nike Embraces Circular Economy | Recycling Council of Alberta

Nike claims 71% of its footwear is made with materials recycled from its own manufacturing process. in 2015, the brand….

About Nike Grind

High-performance, recycled nike grind materials, including rubber, foam and leather, provide a premium foundation to….

Seven ways circularity is transforming Nike, Inc

Nike, inc. is laser-focused on circularity, with a long-term aim of developing a true circular system and closing the….

Sakhawat Hossain

Written by Sakhawat Hossain

Product Designer at Hishabee Technologies Limited

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Circular economy in cities and regions

Today, cities demand almost two-thirds of global energy, produce up to 80% of greenhouse gas emissions and 50% of global waste. The circular economy is based on three principles: i) design out waste and pollution; ii) keep products and materials in use; and iii) regenerate natural systems. It can provide a policy response to cope with the above challenges, as a driver for economic growth, jobs and environmental quality.

case study of circular economy

Key messages

Cities and regions are key actors in the circular economy transitio.

By 2050, the global population is estimated to reach 9 billion people, 55% of which will be living in cities. The pressure on natural resources will increase, while new infrastructure, services and housing will be needed. Already, cities represent almost two-thirds of global energy demand, produce up to 50% of solid waste and are responsible for 70% of greenhouse gas emissions. It is estimated that globally by 2050, the levels of municipal solid waste will double.

The circular economy is about the economy

While the circular economy is expected to generate positive impacts on the environment, projections show that shifting from a linear approach of “take, make and dispose” to a circular system is estimated to have as much as USD 4.5 trillion potential for economic growth by 2030. The circular economy could be worth as much as USD 700 billion in global consumer good material savings. Moreover, with activities such as repair, maintenance, upgrading, remanufacturing, reuse, recycling of materials and product-life extension, more labour intensive than the mining and manufacturing of a linear economy, the circular economy is likely to provide job creation opportunities. 

The potential of the circular economy to support sustainable cities, regions and countries still needs to be unlocked

Achieving this requires going beyond solely technical aspects. It requires setting the right governance and enabling environment framework. The 3Ps framework (“people”, “policies” and “places”) argues that the circular economy implies a shift towards sustainable production and consumption pathways as well as new business and governance models (people). It also requires a holistic and systemic approach that cuts across sectoral policies, and a functional approach going beyond the administrative boundaries of cities and linking them to their hinterland and rural areas to close, narrow and slow loops at the right scale (places).

What to do? Promote, Facilitate and Enable!

Cities and regions have a key role to play as promoters, facilitators and enablers of circular economy. The OECD Checklist for Action identifies 12 key governance dimensions, as key conditions for the transition to the circular economy. The OECD Scoreboard on the Governance of the Circular Economy helps governments to self-assess existing enabling conditions for a circular economy, identify challenges and set priorities towards a more effective, efficient and just circular-economy transition.

case study of circular economy

What can the OECD offer?

Description: The OECD  Programme   on the Circular Economy in Cities and Regions supports cities and regions in their transition towards a circular economy through multi-level dialogues to identify challenges and opportunities; peer-to-peer learning and key indicators for decision making and evaluation of the circular economy strategies. A number of cases studies highlight the need for place-based policies.

case study of circular economy

The OECD Roundtable on the Circular Economy in Cities and Regions

The Roundtable will bring together key circular economy stakeholders from cities, regions, national government, business, academia and international organisations to share knowledge, experiences and best practices

  • The Circular Economy in Groningen , the Netherlands
  • The Circular Economy in Umeå , Sweden
  • The Circular Economy in Glasgow , United Kingdom
  • The Circular Economy in Valladolid , Spain
  • The Circular Economy in Granada , Spain
  • The Circular Economy in Ireland
  • The Circular Economy in Tallinn , Estonia
  • Vers une stratégie d’économie circulaire à Montréal

The Roundtable will bring together key circular economy stakeholders from cities, regions, national government, business, academia and international organisations to share knowledge, experiences and best practices.

  • Event: Highlights of the 5th OECD Roundtable on the Circular Economy in Cities and Regions
  • Highlights of the 4th OECD Roundtable on the Circular Economy in Cities and Regions
  • Highlights of the 3rd OECD Roundtable on the Circular Economy in Cities and Regions
  • Highlights of the 2nd OECD Roundtable on the Circular Economy in Cities and Regions
  • Highlights of the 1st OECD Roundtable on the Circular Economy in Cities and Regions

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Please contact Oriana Romano , Head of Unit, Water Governance, Blu and Circular Economy

Exploring Antecedents, Consequences, Research Constituents and Future Directions of Circular Economy: A Predictive Analysis in the Preview of Text Mining

  • Published: 20 August 2024

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case study of circular economy

  • Manoj Kumar Mishra 1 ,
  • Chetan Sharma   ORCID: 2 ,
  • Shamneesh Sharma 2 ,
  • Sunil Kumar 3 &
  • Arun Lal Srivastav 4  

The organization uses traditional models, but a circular economy has emerged as an alternative to achieve the environmental sustainability goals. In the struggle against the depletion of global resources and environmental damage, frameworks for a circular economy have arisen as a significant issue for discussion and intervention. Scopus provides the data used to execute topic modeling in this research. For information modeling, we employ Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) to extract the study topics in environmental sustainability from the corpus of 4488 research articles published between 2005 and 2023. Predicted research subjects for the circular economy, which requires further study in the future, include 2, 5, and 10 and are based on a bag of words identified by clustering techniques. The academic community needs more investigation of these tendencies for their long-term viability. The circular economy aims to reduce or eliminate waste. It's a system that creates lots of money for the economy yet doesn't harm the environment too much. Of the 17 research trends identified by the applied LDA techniques, 5 are the most explored by the researchers, while 4 have received the least attention.

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Mishra, M.K., Sharma, C., Sharma, S. et al. Exploring Antecedents, Consequences, Research Constituents and Future Directions of Circular Economy: A Predictive Analysis in the Preview of Text Mining. J Knowl Econ (2024).

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Received : 13 April 2023

Accepted : 07 June 2024

Published : 20 August 2024


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Supporting circular economy principles by recycling window frames into particleboard.

case study of circular economy

1. Introduction

2. materials and methods, 2.1. materials, 2.2. preparation of panels, 2.3. characterization of the elaborated panels, 2.4. statistical analyses, 3. results and discussion, 3.1. fraction share and bulk density of particles, 3.2. relative hardness and density profile, 3.3. modulus of rupture and modulus of elasticity, 3.4. internal bond, 3.5. screw withdrawal resistance, 3.6. water absorption and thickness swelling, 3.7. density profile, 3.8. formaldehyde and tvoc emission, 4. conclusions, author contributions, institutional review board statement, informed consent statement, data availability statement, acknowledgments, conflicts of interest.

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Click here to enlarge figure

Test TypeAlternative Raw Material Particles Share [%]
[N mm ]
[N mm ]
[N mm ]
[N mm ]
TS 2 h
TS 24 h
WA 2 h
WA 24 h
[mg m ]
n.b.t. n.b.t.n.b.t.n.b.t.n.b.t.n.b.t.n.b.t.n.b.t.0.075
[mg m ]
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Wronka, A.; Kowaluk, G. Supporting Circular Economy Principles by Recycling Window Frames into Particleboard. Materials 2024 , 17 , 4132.

Wronka A, Kowaluk G. Supporting Circular Economy Principles by Recycling Window Frames into Particleboard. Materials . 2024; 17(16):4132.

Wronka, Anita, and Grzegorz Kowaluk. 2024. "Supporting Circular Economy Principles by Recycling Window Frames into Particleboard" Materials 17, no. 16: 4132.

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    case study of circular economy


  1. Case studies and examples of circular economy in action

    We develop and promote the idea of a circular economy, and work with business, academia, policymakers, and institutions to mobilise systems solutions at scale, globally. Our curated collections of case studies present circular economy success stories from around the world, showing how businesses, governments and cities are transforming our ...

  2. A circular economy for food: 5 case studies

    A circular economy for food: 5 case studies. ... This is the third in a series of articles accompanying the publication of thematic groups of new case studies collected from a particular region or ...

  3. 9 circular economy examples that are accelerating transition

    These nine circular economy initiatives from across the globe show that the circular transition is underway. Today, circularity has fallen from 9.1% to a meagre 7.2%. This means that of the more than 100 billion tonnes of materials extracted from the planet annually, only 7.2% are cycled back into the global economy.

  4. Circular Economy in Action: Real-life examples and case studies

    Circular economy in action demonstrates the economic model's effectiveness in reducing waste, increasing resource efficiency, and promoting sustainable growth in product design and policy development. Here are the details of the two case studies that serve as models for other cities and organizations looking to implement similar initiatives ...

  5. Six circular economy case studies from the USA

    These are just a selection of the US case studies that the Foundation has added to its case study library recently. In the spirit of the circular economy, feedback is welcomed to help us optimise ...

  6. Circular Economy Case Studies

    Case studies showing the implementation of a circular economy model and circular economy thinking. Discover our other sites An action-oriented set of methods, mindsets and thought starters to help innovators design circular solutions that are fit for the future.

  7. Circular design case studies

    This collection of examples and case studies illustrates how some companies are embedding the principles of the circular economy circular economy A systems solution framework that tackles global challenges like climate change, biodiversity loss, waste, and pollution. It is based on three principles, driven by design: eliminate waste and pollution, circulate products and materials (at their ...

  8. PDF Kowszyk, Yanina AC Case studies on Circular Economy models and

    3. CASE STUDIES ON CIRCULAR ECONOMY 35 Case Study 1: Ananas Anam 36 Case Study 2: Better Future Factory 44 Case Study 3: Closing the Loop 56 Case Study 4: Donar 64 Case Study 5: LATU 72 Case Study 6: Neptuno Pumps 82 Case Study 7: Pulpo SA 92 4. IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE FOR THE SUSTAINABLE

  9. Frontiers

    A major gap in the literature, is the shortage of best cases and applications of the CE paradigm ( Ferrante et al., 2024 ). The editorial of the Research Topic series " Case studies in circular economy " is dedicated to showcasing research papers that demonstrate direct applications of sustainability research methodologies, concepts, and ...

  10. Understanding circular economy transitions: The case of circular

    The circular economy has been proposed to transform global textile supply chains which are currently challenged by a complex nexus of sustainability issues related to the dominant fast fashion trend. ... The case study of the Dutch circular textile transition reveals that there is a good match between the formal Dutch mission (100% circularity ...

  11. Circular economy examples

    The Circular Transformation of Industries initiative engages leaders from industry, government, academia, and civil society to drive circularity across sectors and economies. It consolidates information from previous efforts, shares best practices and creates new partnerships. Learn more about Unlocking New Value in a Resource-Constrained World.; The Circular Cars Initiative aims to create a ...

  12. Circular economy in manufacturing companies: A review of case study

    Case study analysing potentials to improve material efficiency in manufacturing supply chains, considering circular economy aspects Sustainability , 10 ( 3 ) ( 2018 ) , p. 880 , 10.3390/su10030880

  13. Case Study: Driving the circular economy on a university campus

    Case study reprinted with permission from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. If US higher education expenditure was a country, it would be the 21st largest economy in the world. There is no doubt that higher education plays a vital role in the global transition to a circular economy.

  14. Case Studies in Circular Economy

    Keywords: circular economy, case study, circularity, business models, circular design, circular applications . Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements.Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at ...

  15. Unleashing circular economy potential in agriculture: Integrating

    The DVs were developed based on previous conceptual and case studies of circular economy, as well as other studies utilizing the ReSOLVE framework (see Table 1). While the general hotspots indicated in Figure 3 can be included in most agricultural value chains, some will need to be removed/added depending on the specific sector under study.

  16. The Unique Case Study of Circular Economy in Vietnam Remarking

    Vietnam's economy will be the fastest-growing in 2023 and 2024 compared to ASEAN-5 countries. Since the country is following a development pathway, it is in a position to bet on a Circular Economy (CE), which is a widespread phenomenon for Sustainable Development.

  17. Circular Economy and Internet of Things: Mapping Science of Case ...

    This study investigates the "Internet of things" (IoT) and "Circular Economy" (CE) relationship in the current scientific literature focused on case studies or use cases on manufacturing context. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to map the science centered on "case studies" with respect to the "IoT" and "CE" connection, contributing to fill the gap of ...

  18. Circular Economy Business Case Study: HP Inc.

    November 2016. The Circular Economy is driving a new approach to business around the world and will transform the way our economy produces and consumes goods and services. Leading companies are embracing this idea to create value for their business, customers and society. The Circular Economy Business Case Study: HP Inc provides an overview of ...

  19. Circular economy: A brief literature review (2015-2020)

    Although the study was not conclusive on how the evolution of Circular Economy will take place, authors suggest future studies to assess the transition towards an economic circularity. Also, it is recommended that future studies consider case studies as a model for assessing Ciruclar Economy progress in the light of legislation and economic ...

  20. Amsterdam's Circular Economy Roadmap: Lessons Learned ...

    This case study wants to show the lessons learned from the Amsterdam experience, and indicate which action perspectives are possible to further accelerate cities transition to a circular economy. Projects evaluation and lessons learned: The evaluation of the projects shows that the transition to a circular economy is realistic and profitable.

  21. The Circular Economy: Case Studies about the Transition ...

    The Circular Economy: Case Studies about the Transition from the Linear Economy explores examples of the circular economy in action. Unlike other books that provide narrow perceptions of wide ...

  22. Stepping into Sustainability: A Case Study on Nike's Circular Economy

    Where I learned about the circular economy and its positive impact on the economy and nature. I wrote a case study on Nike's circular economy practice as part of the course.

  23. Sustainability

    The circular economy (CE) has emerged as a crucial paradigm in recent years, advocating for a shift from the traditional linear economic model—characterized by a take-make-dispose approach—toward a regenerative system where waste and resource use are minimized [1,2].This transition is particularly relevant in the agri-food supply chain, which faces significant sustainability challenges ...

  24. Circular economy in cities and regions

    Today, cities demand almost two-thirds of global energy, produce up to 80% of greenhouse gas emissions and 50% of global waste. The circular economy is based on three principles: i) design out waste and pollution; ii) keep products and materials in use; and iii) regenerate natural systems. It can provide a policy response to cope with the above challenges, as a driver for economic growth, jobs ...

  25. Resources

    How is the circular economy policy utilised to transform mining facilities? This paper analyses projects undertaken under increasing pressure for economic and energy transformation (transitioning away from coal), using the example of the municipality of Brzeszcze in Poland. ... A Case Study of Brzeszcze, Poland" Resources 13, no. 8: 112. https ...

  26. Circular Economy Innovations: Balancing Fossil Fuel Impact on Green

    The transition to a green economy is essential for sustainable development, yet the reliance on fossil fuels poses a significant challenge. This study investigates the impact of fossil fuel consumption on green economic development and examines circular economy innovations as a potential solution. Focusing on the period from 2000 to 2022, we employ the CS-ARDL model to analyze data from twelve ...

  27. Exploring Antecedents, Consequences, Research Constituents and Future

    Predicted research subjects for the circular economy, which requires further study in the future, include 2, 5, and 10 and are based on a bag of words identified by clustering techniques. The academic community needs more investigation of these tendencies for their long-term viability. The circular economy aims to reduce or eliminate waste.

  28. Materials

    The aim of the study was to identify limiting factors for reusing wood through the recycling of window frames by conducting research under fully controlled conditions. The research involved manufacturing new window frames, seasoning them, and then shredding them into wood particles to prepare a three-layer particleboard. The proportion of wood particles in recycling was 0, 5, 10, 25, 50, and ...

  29. The MTGO Virtual Economy: A Case Study on a "Play-to-Earn" Game That

    In this case study, it is shown that the different facets of the MTGO economy have enabled it to thrive while avoiding or naturally addressing problems such as hyperinflation that have commonly arose in other virtual game economies, including those that fall under the contemporary and at times controversial concept of play-to-earn model games ...

  30. Rwanda case study on economic transformation: report for the African

    Rwanda's economic growth over the last decade has been remarkable. With a government that is committed to achieving sustainable economic growth coupled with growth in employment opportunities for its people, Rwanda has made impressive progress in rehabilitating and stabilizing its economy to exceed pre-1994 levels. The overall economy is growing at a significant rate. The average annual ...