• English Grammar
  • Direct Speech

What is Direct Speech? - Learn the Meaning, Definition, Rules and Usage with Examples

In English grammar , the term ‘speech’ refers to the process of communicating or expressing one’s thoughts. It is an exchange of ideas or even a conversation. There are two ways in which you can report speech – direct speech and indirect speech . Direct speech is used to report or rather repeat the words spoken by the speaker or writer in the way it is told by the speaker, whereas indirect speech is the way in which you convey what someone said to another person, not necessarily using the exact words of the speaker.

definition of a direct speech

In this article, you will learn the meaning and definition of direct speech. Also, go through the rules to be followed when using the direct speech and the examples given to understand how to use them accurately.

Table of Contents

Definition of direct speech.

  • Rules to Be Followed When Using Direct Speech

Tips to Practise Direct Speech

Examples of direct speech, test your understanding of direct speech, frequently asked questions on direct speech in english, what is direct speech.

Direct speech is a word-to-word repetition of what the speaker or writer has conveyed. In other words, it is a way in which you can report the exact words of the speaker. Direct speech can be used to convey something that is being said in the present or to tell someone about something that is to happen at a later point of time. Let us now take a look at how various dictionaries define direct speech to further understand what it is.

According to the Oxford Learner’s Dictionary, direct speech is defined as “a speaker’s actual words.” According to the Cambridge Dictionary, “when you use direct speech, you repeat what someone has said using exactly the words they used.” The Collins Dictionary defines direct speech as “speech which is reported by using the exact words that the speaker used” and according to the Macmillan Dictionary, direct speech is defined as “the exact words that someone has said.”

Rules to be Followed When Using Direct Speech

Like every other grammar topic, there are rules to be followed when using direct speech. Let us look at each one of them to know how direct speech can be used accurately and effectively.

  • The first point that you have to remember is that direct speech is the repetition of the exact words of the speaker and so you do not have a choice to add or remove words to and from what is said.
  • For the same reason, these words spoken by the speaker have to be enclosed within quotation marks or speech marks.
  • When using direct speech, you can follow the formula given below.
Name of the speaker says/said, “Exact words of the speaker.”
  • You can also use words like replied, asked, screamed, etc. to state what the speaker said according to the emotion in which it is being spoken.
  • Immediately after one of the above-mentioned verbs , add a comma followed by open quotation marks, the words of the speaker (capitalise the first letter of the first word) followed by a period, question mark or exclamation mark and the close quotation marks.
  • Also, make sure you close the quotation marks after the punctuation mark (full stop/question mark/exclamation mark).
  • Finally, keep in mind that you cannot change the words, or paraphrase what has been said by the speaker when you are using direct speech.

You can become an expert in using direct speech if you practise well. Here are some ways you can do it.

  • Try reading short stories and converting it into a dialogue. Change the lines of every character into direct speech.
  • Write a story on your own. Use direct speech to convey all the dialogues.
  • Narrate or write about an incident or a day in your life using direct speech.

Now that you know the rules to be followed, take a look at the following examples to have a better idea of how it is done.

  • Devi said, “I am teaching French for first year and second year college students.”
  • Freeda asked her brother, “Can you pick me up on your way home?”
  • “My friends are finally coming home this weekend”, said Sheena.
  • The students replied, “We are ready!”
  • Gayatri siad, “My father has been working as a doctor for ten years. “
  • “What are you going to do with the broken mirror?”, asked Mridula.
  • Carol said, “I have planned to wear a grey dress for the prom.”
  • The teacher says, “You have to make your submissions before 8 a.m. on Monday.”
  • The little boy said excitedly, “That was wonderful!”
  • Maduri said, sitting on the sofa, “I am really happy I finally took time to come see you.”

Rearrange the following sentences to form direct speech and punctuate them appropriately.

1. vishal / my / is / in / brother / participating / race / said / the / running

2. asked / i / devi / like / maths / problems / solving / free time/ your / in / do / you

3. friends / said / wearing / we / my / are / red / for / dresses / wedding / the / reception

4. responded / teacher / nobody / when / have / completed / the / you / project / many / of / how / asked / the

5. reach / says / tonight / bangalore / he / will / i

6. guest / the / danced / children / the / chief / said / beautifully

7. mom / Finn’s / they / all / said / singing / favourite / are / songs / his

8. Bellas / susan / are / the / said / live / performing / world / the / acapella / at / raiser / curtain

9. love / father / said / i / my / you

10. sing / asked / you / with / maria / her / me / will

Now, if you finished rearranging the sentences, check if you have done it correctly from the answers given below.

1. Vishal said, “My brother is participating in the running race.”

2. I asked Devi, “Do you like solving maths problems in your freetime?”

3. My friends said, “We are wearing red dresses for the wedding reception.”

4. Nobody responded when the teacher asked, “How many of you have completed the project?”

5. He says, “I will reach Bangalore tonight.”

6. The chief guest said, “The children danced beautifully.”

7. Finn’s mom said, “They are singing all his favourite songs.”

8. “The Bellas are performing live at the World Acapella Curtain Raiser”, said Susan.

9. My father said, “I love you.”

10. Maria asked, “Will you sing with me?”

What is direct speech?

Direct speech is a word-to-word repetition of what the speaker or writer has conveyed. In other words, it is the way in which you report the exact words of the speaker. Direct speech can be used to convey something that is being said in the present or to tell someone at a later point of time.

What is the definition of direct speech?

What is the formula of direct speech.

When using direct speech, you can follow the formula given below. Name of the speaker says/said, “Exact words of the speaker.”

How do you punctuate the sentence when using direct speech?

Immediately after the phrase mentioning who said the particular sentence, add a comma followed by open quotation marks, the words of the speaker (capitalise the first letter of the first word) followed by a period, question mark or exclamation mark and the close quotation marks.

Give some examples of direct speech.

Here are a few examples of direct speech that you can refer to.

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Direct and Indirect Speech: Useful Rules and Examples

Are you having trouble understanding the difference between direct and indirect speech? Direct speech is when you quote someone’s exact words, while indirect speech is when you report what someone said without using their exact words. This can be a tricky concept to grasp, but with a little practice, you’ll be able to use both forms of speech with ease.

Direct and Indirect Speech

Direct and Indirect Speech

When someone speaks, we can report what they said in two ways: direct speech and indirect speech. Direct speech is when we quote the exact words that were spoken, while indirect speech is when we report what was said without using the speaker’s exact words. Here’s an example:

Direct speech: “I love pizza,” said John. Indirect speech: John said that he loved pizza.

Using direct speech can make your writing more engaging and can help to convey the speaker’s tone and emotion. However, indirect speech can be useful when you want to summarize what someone said or when you don’t have the exact words that were spoken.

To change direct speech to indirect speech, you need to follow some rules. Firstly, you need to change the tense of the verb in the reported speech to match the tense of the reporting verb. Secondly, you need to change the pronouns and adverbs in the reported speech to match the new speaker. Here’s an example:

Direct speech: “I will go to the park,” said Sarah. Indirect speech: Sarah said that she would go to the park.

It’s important to note that when you use indirect speech, you need to use reporting verbs such as “said,” “told,” or “asked” to indicate who is speaking. Here’s an example:

Direct speech: “What time is it?” asked Tom. Indirect speech: Tom asked what time it was.

In summary, understanding direct and indirect speech is crucial for effective communication and writing. Direct speech can be used to convey the speaker’s tone and emotion, while indirect speech can be useful when summarizing what someone said. By following the rules for changing direct speech to indirect speech, you can accurately report what was said while maintaining clarity and readability in your writing.

Differences between Direct and Indirect Speech

When it comes to reporting speech, there are two ways to go about it: direct and indirect speech. Direct speech is when you report someone’s exact words, while indirect speech is when you report what someone said without using their exact words. Here are some of the key differences between direct and indirect speech:

Change of Pronouns

In direct speech, the pronouns used are those of the original speaker. However, in indirect speech, the pronouns have to be changed to reflect the perspective of the reporter. For example:

  • Direct speech: “I am going to the store,” said John.
  • Indirect speech: John said he was going to the store.

In the above example, the pronoun “I” changes to “he” in indirect speech.

Change of Tenses

Another major difference between direct and indirect speech is the change of tenses. In direct speech, the verb tense used is the same as that used by the original speaker. However, in indirect speech, the verb tense may change depending on the context. For example:

  • Direct speech: “I am studying for my exams,” said Sarah.
  • Indirect speech: Sarah said she was studying for her exams.

In the above example, the present continuous tense “am studying” changes to the past continuous tense “was studying” in indirect speech.

Change of Time and Place References

When reporting indirect speech, the time and place references may also change. For example:

  • Direct speech: “I will meet you at the park tomorrow,” said Tom.
  • Indirect speech: Tom said he would meet you at the park the next day.

In the above example, “tomorrow” changes to “the next day” in indirect speech.

Overall, it is important to understand the differences between direct and indirect speech to report speech accurately and effectively. By following the rules of direct and indirect speech, you can convey the intended message of the original speaker.

Converting Direct Speech Into Indirect Speech

When you need to report what someone said in your own words, you can use indirect speech. To convert direct speech into indirect speech, you need to follow a few rules.

Step 1: Remove the Quotation Marks

The first step is to remove the quotation marks that enclose the relayed text. This is because indirect speech does not use the exact words of the speaker.

Step 2: Use a Reporting Verb and a Linker

To indicate that you are reporting what someone said, you need to use a reporting verb such as “said,” “asked,” “told,” or “exclaimed.” You also need to use a linker such as “that” or “whether” to connect the reporting verb to the reported speech.

For example:

  • Direct speech: “I love ice cream,” said Mary.
  • Indirect speech: Mary said that she loved ice cream.

Step 3: Change the Tense of the Verb

When you use indirect speech, you need to change the tense of the verb in the reported speech to match the tense of the reporting verb.

  • Indirect speech: John said that he was going to the store.

Step 4: Change the Pronouns

You also need to change the pronouns in the reported speech to match the subject of the reporting verb.

  • Direct speech: “Are you busy now?” Tina asked me.
  • Indirect speech: Tina asked whether I was busy then.

By following these rules, you can convert direct speech into indirect speech and report what someone said in your own words.

Converting Indirect Speech Into Direct Speech

Converting indirect speech into direct speech involves changing the reported speech to its original form as spoken by the speaker. Here are the steps to follow when converting indirect speech into direct speech:

  • Identify the reporting verb: The first step is to identify the reporting verb used in the indirect speech. This will help you determine the tense of the direct speech.
  • Change the pronouns: The next step is to change the pronouns in the indirect speech to match the person speaking in the direct speech. For example, if the indirect speech is “She said that she was going to the store,” the direct speech would be “I am going to the store,” if you are the person speaking.
  • Change the tense: Change the tense of the verbs in the indirect speech to match the tense of the direct speech. For example, if the indirect speech is “He said that he would visit tomorrow,” the direct speech would be “He says he will visit tomorrow.”
  • Remove the reporting verb and conjunction: In direct speech, there is no need for a reporting verb or conjunction. Simply remove them from the indirect speech to get the direct speech.

Here is an example to illustrate the process:

Indirect Speech: John said that he was tired and wanted to go home.

Direct Speech: “I am tired and want to go home,” John said.

By following these steps, you can easily convert indirect speech into direct speech.

Examples of Direct and Indirect Speech

Direct and indirect speech are two ways to report what someone has said. Direct speech reports the exact words spoken by a person, while indirect speech reports the meaning of what was said. Here are some examples of both types of speech:

Direct Speech Examples

Direct speech is used when you want to report the exact words spoken by someone. It is usually enclosed in quotation marks and is often used in dialogue.

  • “I am going to the store,” said Sarah.
  • “It’s a beautiful day,” exclaimed John.
  • “Please turn off the lights,” Mom told me.
  • “I will meet you at the library,” said Tom.
  • “We are going to the beach tomorrow,” announced Mary.

Indirect Speech Examples

Indirect speech, also known as reported speech, is used to report what someone said without using their exact words. It is often used in news reports, academic writing, and in situations where you want to paraphrase what someone said.

Here are some examples of indirect speech:

  • Sarah said that she was going to the store.
  • John exclaimed that it was a beautiful day.
  • Mom told me to turn off the lights.
  • Tom said that he would meet me at the library.
  • Mary announced that they were going to the beach tomorrow.

In indirect speech, the verb tense may change to reflect the time of the reported speech. For example, “I am going to the store” becomes “Sarah said that she was going to the store.” Additionally, the pronouns and possessive adjectives may also change to reflect the speaker and the person being spoken about.

Overall, both direct and indirect speech are important tools for reporting what someone has said. By using these techniques, you can accurately convey the meaning of what was said while also adding your own interpretation and analysis.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is direct and indirect speech?

Direct and indirect speech refer to the ways in which we communicate what someone has said. Direct speech involves repeating the exact words spoken, using quotation marks to indicate that you are quoting someone. Indirect speech, on the other hand, involves reporting what someone has said without using their exact words.

How do you convert direct speech to indirect speech?

To convert direct speech to indirect speech, you need to change the tense of the verbs, pronouns, and time expressions. You also need to introduce a reporting verb, such as “said,” “told,” or “asked.” For example, “I love ice cream,” said Mary (direct speech) can be converted to “Mary said that she loved ice cream” (indirect speech).

What is the difference between direct speech and indirect speech?

The main difference between direct speech and indirect speech is that direct speech uses the exact words spoken, while indirect speech reports what someone has said without using their exact words. Direct speech is usually enclosed in quotation marks, while indirect speech is not.

What are some examples of direct and indirect speech?

Some examples of direct speech include “I am going to the store,” said John and “I love pizza,” exclaimed Sarah. Some examples of indirect speech include John said that he was going to the store and Sarah exclaimed that she loved pizza .

What are the rules for converting direct speech to indirect speech?

The rules for converting direct speech to indirect speech include changing the tense of the verbs, pronouns, and time expressions. You also need to introduce a reporting verb and use appropriate reporting verbs such as “said,” “told,” or “asked.”

What is a summary of direct and indirect speech?

Direct and indirect speech are two ways of reporting what someone has said. Direct speech involves repeating the exact words spoken, while indirect speech reports what someone has said without using their exact words. To convert direct speech to indirect speech, you need to change the tense of the verbs, pronouns, and time expressions and introduce a reporting verb.

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he saiad,” we are all sinners”. convert into indirect speech

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Direct Speech | What is Direct Speech? with Useful Examples

In English grammar, there are generally two ways of reporting a spoken text: direct and indirect . Direct speech differs in composition compared to indirect speech . This article will discuss the definition, rules, and examples of direct speech that will help you understand how it is used in writing.

Direct Speech

What is direct speech.

Direct speech is a way of reporting a spoken text that quotes the exact words of the speaker. It is also called a quoted speech as it literally contains quotation marks that enclose the actual words said. It is typically accompanied by a reporting clause or signal phrase. This type of speech is commonly observed in novels and scripts that contain dialogues or conversations between characters.

General Rules of Direct Speech

A direct speech should be written in correct composition so that it will be understood right. Here are the steps on how to do so:

1. Place quotation marks

Enclose the actual words of the speaker or writer in a set of quotation marks. They are the primary indications that your speech is in its direct form.

  • “You look familiar. Have we met before?”  the woman asks.
  • “I don’t think so,”  I answer.

2. Use a reporting clause

You should accompany the quoted text with a reporting clause, which may be placed before or after the quoted text. A reporting clause consists of a noun or pronoun and a reporting verb or signal phrase. The first word of the reporting clause should not be capitalized if it is situated after the quoted text unless it is a proper noun .

  • “Where do you want to have lunch?”  the boy asked .
  • The girl answered , “I prefer eating at the cafeteria.”

Nothing that is not part of the quoted text should be enclosed in the quotation. If you plan to put the reporting clause in between two quoted text, make sure that it is not included inside any of the sets of quotation marks.

  • “You should go home,”  her workmate says.  “You look tired.”
  • “We can continue tomorrow,”  she suggests.  “But we have to come to work early.”

3. Placement of comma

You should separate the reported speech from the reporting clause by a comma . If the reporting clause precedes the reported speech, you have to put the comma before the opening quotation mark. There has to be a space between the comma and the quotation.

  • He says,  “I want to buy some ice cream.”
  • He asks,  “Do you have some ice cream?”

If the reporting clause is found after the reported speech, the comma should be placed right before the closing quotation mark. Meaning, it should be found after the last word of the quoted text.

  • “I want to buy some ice cream ,” he says .

However, for quoted speech ending with a question or exclamation mark , you don’t need to put a comma anymore.

  • “Do you have some ice cream?”  he asks.

Direct Speech Examples

Reporting clause before the reported speech.

  • Gina says, “I think I lost my wallet.”
  • Marlon asks, “Really? Where did you last put it?”
  • Gina answers, “Here, inside my bag.”
  • Gina exclaims, “Oh, wait, here it is!”

Reporting clause after the reported speech

  • “John, where have you been?” Jane asked.
  • “I went to the nearest convenience store to buy us some snacks,” John answered.
  • “Wow, thank you!” Jane exclaimed.
  • “You’re welcome,” John replied.

Direct Speech | Image

Direct Speech

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Direct and Indirect Speech

Direct and indirect speech grammar rules vary so you need to understand them. We'll start by looking at what each one is. Note that indirect speech is also commonly knows as reported speech.

Definition of Direct Speech

Direct speech is when the words are given in exactly the way that the speaker said them. So in other words they are quoted with no change .

When presenting direct speech, the words are usually placed in quotation marks, with a comma after say(s) / said if it is used to present the speech. Say (s)  / said can also be placed at the end of the quotation, in which case a comma comes before it.

Examples of Direct Speech:

  • He said, "Don't take the car without asking me".
  • John says, "I will help you with your work".
  • "We are prepared to revise the law if we can", they said.
  • The teacher said, "You must wear the proper uniform".

Definition of Indirect Speech

Indirect speech is also known as reported speech . You may also see it referred to as indirect discourse or indirect narration .

Indirect speech is the reporting of what someone else said in your own words but without changing the meaning of what was said. 

Reporting verbs are used to present indirect speech. The common ones are:

  • say(s)/said (that)
  • told me (that)

That is in brackets as it can be omitted from the sentence, whether spoken or written.

Direct and Indirect Speech

Examples of Indirect Speech:

  • He said (that) he would definitely buy it.
  • Sheila told me (that) I had to come back in the afternoon.
  • The council said (that) they will try and clear the rubbish.
  • She told me (that) she was feeling unwell. 

So the key difference between direct and indirect speech is that with direct speech the exact words are quoted but in indirect speech it is your own words . 

Direct speech is fairly simple to use and understand as it involves just repeating what was said. There is not much to get confused about with the grammar, apart from getting say(s)/said  correct.

But indirect or reported speech is more difficult so we will look at that in more detail now.

View more examples of direct and indirect speech >>

Direct and Indirect Speech Conversion

With direct and indirect speech, there are three main things you need to be aware of when converting one to the other:

  • Changes in Tense
  • Changes in Person and Pronouns
  • Changes in Time Phrases

Changing Tenses

The tense of verbs when moving from direct to indirect speech do not necessarily change because if the circumstances of what someone said is the same, then it may be reported as that. For example:

  • "I am feeling tired" (=  Direct Speech )
  • Present Continuous
  • She said she is feeling tired (=  Indirect Speech )

However, as we are reporting what was said in the past, we often change the tense. This rule for this is related to backshifting, which means shifting back a tense. So the present will go back to the past. Some modals also change.

Here are examples using the previous examples of indirect speech, showing you how they look like in direct speech:

Direct Speech

  • "I want to meet you later".
  • "You have to come back in the afternoon"
  • "We like it a lot"
  • "I have been mowing the lawn" 

Indirect Speech

  • He said he wanted to meet me later.
  • Sheila told me I had to come back in the afternoon.
  • They said they liked it a lot. 
  • He said he had been mowing the lawn. 

There are more details on the site about changing tenses in indirect / reported speech:

Learn more about changing tenses >>

Changing Pronouns

Pronouns in indirect speech also need to be changed from what they were in the indirect speech, as well as of course adapting the first pronoun to fit the person who said the statement:

  • " I want to meet you later".
  • " You have to come back in the afternoon"
  • " We like it a lot"
  • " I have been walking with my wife" 
  • He said he had been walking with his wife. 

Changing Time Phrases

You may also need to change phrases referring to time, though this depends on the context and when you are reporting the speech. 

With these examples you have to assume the speech is being reported at a time in the future so the phrases such as 'yesterday' or 'tomorrow' would not makes sense any more in terms of the reported speech.

  • She said, "I saw her yesterday ".
  • He said, "He will bring the book tomorrow ".
  • She said, "I'm going to London today ".
  • He said, "We need your assistance now ".
  • She said that she had seen her the day before .
  • He said that he would bring the book the next day .
  • She said she was going to London that day . 
  • He said they needed my assistance   then . 


Some different rules apply when turning direct speech using imperatives or commands into indirect speech. Check out the rules here:

Rules for Reported Speech Imperatives >>

More on Reported Speech:

Reported speech tenses may differ from the tense of the direct speech. The general rule for tenses in reported speech is that it changes to the past tense. This is called backshifting.

Reported Speech Tenses Chart: How to convert tenses

Reported speech tenses may differ from the tense of the direct speech. The general rule for tenses in reported speech is that it changes to the past tense. This is called backshifting.

In these examples of direct and indirect speech you are given a sentence in direct speech which is then connected to indirect speech.

Examples of Direct and Indirect Speech

In these examples of direct and indirect speech you are given a sentence in direct speech which is then connected to indirect speech.

This reported speech quiz gives you the chance to practice converting direct speech to reported speech, also known as indirect speech. This involves backshifting with the tenses.

Reported Speech Quiz - Practice forming indirect speech

This reported speech quiz gives you the chance to practice converting direct speech to reported speech, also known as indirect speech. This involves backshifting with the tenses.

Reported speech imperatives, also known as reported commands, follow a slightly different structure to normal indirect speech. We use imperatives to give orders, advice, or make requests.

Reported Speech Imperatives: Reporting commands in indirect speech

Reported speech imperatives, also known as reported commands, follow a slightly different structure to normal indirect speech. We use imperatives to give orders, advice, or make requests.

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Say What You Mean: An Easy-to-Understand Guide to Direct Speech

As an English learner, you’ve probably heard of “direct speech,” right? But what does it really mean, and how can you use it in your own writing and speaking? In this post, we’ll explore the definition and examples of direct speech, as well as the differences between direct and indirect speech.

What is Direct Speech? 

Direct speech, or quoted speech, is when you report someone’s exact words. It’s called “direct” because you’re repeating the words exactly as they were spoken, without changing them in any way. 

Direct speech can be used in various contexts, from everyday conversation to formal writing. Here are some examples:

Example 1: Everyday conversation Direct speech: “Hey, how are you doing?” asked John. In this example, John’s exact words are being reported using direct speech.

Example 2: News article Direct speech: “We are deeply saddened by the loss of our beloved friend and colleague,” said the company’s CEO in a statement. In this example, the exact words spoken by the CEO are being reported using direct speech.

Example 3: Fictional writing Direct speech:John says, “I can’t believe we’re stuck here. What are we going to do?” In this example, John is speaking directly, and his words are placed in quotation marks. It’s pretty simple, right? It adds a layer of realism to the story, making the dialogue more engaging and believable. 

Differences Between Direct Speech and Indirect Speech 

While direct speech reports someone’s exact words, indirect speech (also known as reported speech) reports the meaning of someone’s words without using their exact words. 

Here’s an example:

Direct speech: “I’ll be home late,” said John. Indirect speech: John said he would be home late. In indirect speech, the words are changed slightly to fit into the context of the sentence. Notice that in the indirect speech example, we use “he” instead of “John” and change the tense of the verb.

So, that’s it for our discussion on direct speech! I hope you’ve learned something new and found it helpful in improving your English skills. Remember, direct speech is a useful tool in writing. So go ahead, give it a try in your own writing, and see the difference it can make!

  • Engaging: interesting and enjoyable
  • Stuck: unable to move or proceed
  • Quotation: a group of words taken from a text or speech and repeated by someone else

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Literary English

definition of a direct speech

Direct and Indirect Speech in English | A Complete Guide

Direct and indirect speech are two ways to report what someone else has said. In direct speech, the exact words spoken by a person are quoted within quotation marks. In indirect speech, the words of the speaker are reported without using their exact words and without using quotation marks. Instead, the reported speech is often introduced by verbs such as “said,” “told,” “asked,” etc. Indirect speech allows us to convey what someone else said without necessarily repeating their exact words, often to provide a summary or to integrate it into a larger narrative.

Direct Speech

Direct speech is also called reporting speech. There are two parts in a sentence in direct speech first part is known as reporting speech (in this sentence we know about reporting person) and the second part which is known as reported speech (indirect narration “example”, or indirect discourse). When we want to describe what someone said, one option is to use  direct speech . We use direct speech when we simply repeat what someone says, putting the phrase between speech marks:

  • Saif came in and said, “I’m really happy”.

As you can see, with direct speech it is common to use the verb ‘to say’ and ‘to says’ (‘said’ in the past). But you can also find other verbs used to indicate direct speech such as ‘ask’, ‘reply’, and ‘shout’.

Indirect Speech

In grammar, when we want to report what someone said, without speech marks and without necessarily using exactly the same words, we use indirect speech. It is also known as reported speech. Look at the following sentences:

  • Direct speech:  he says, “I am going to school.”
  • Indirect speech:  he says that he is going to school.

In above sentences, the reporter delivers the message of the boy using his real words (e.g.“I am going to school.”) In the indirect speech sentence, the reporter delivers his message but in his own words without any change in the meaning. Thus, both direct and indirect speeches are two different ways of reporting a statement of person. In simple words, quoting a person using your own words is called an indirect speech.

Basic Rules for Direct and Indirect Speeches

  • When we change direct speech to indirect speech always we will replace inverted commas with word ‘ that’ .
  • When we combine reporting and reported speech we use  that  between these sentences.
  • If the first part of the sentence does not include word  said  then tense will not be changed.
  • At the end of reporting speech if there is a comma then it will be removed.
  • Say  always will be changed into  tell .
  • Says  always will be changed into  tells .
  • Said  will be changed into  told  only in one condition when there is object in reporting speech.
  • Direct : You said to Saif, “you are going to Lahore”.
  • Indirect : you told Saif that he was going to Lahore. 

Changes in the Person of Pronouns

1 st  person                             2 nd  person                             3 rd  person

Subject                                  Object                                    No change

I, we,                                       you                                         he, she, it,

My, our, us, me                     your                                        they and noun.

  • 1 st person pronouns in reported speech are always changed according to the subject of the reporting speech.
  • 2 nd person pronouns in reported speech are always changed according to the object of the reporting speech.
  • 3 rd person pronouns in reported speech are not changed.

Important word changes

The above rules are mandatory for converting direct speech into indirect speech. Hence, they should be memorized thoroughly. The following examples cover all the aforementioned rules. So, focus on every sentence to know how the above-mentioned rules have been used here.

Some special words will be changed when direct speech changes into indirect speech

  • Now into then
  • Today into that day
  • Yesterday into the previous day
  • This into that
  • Last night into the previous night
  • Tomorrow into the next day
  • These into those
  • Here into there
  • Next day into the following day
  • Ago into before
  • Come into go
  • Will into would
  • Shall into should
  • May into might
  • Can into could
  • Good Morning, into greeted
  • Good Evening, into greeted
  • Good Day into greeted
  • Madam into Respectfully
  • Sir into Respectfully

Changes in Verbs

If the reporting speech is in present tense or future tense, then no change is required to be made in the verb of reported speech.

Direct Speech:  he says, “I live in Pakistan”.

Indirect Speech:  he tells that he lives in Pakistan.

Direct Speech:  you say to me, “you will go to Lahore”.

Indirect Speech:  you tell me that I shall go to Lahore.

Direct Speech:  I say, “she was ill”.

Indirect Speech:  I tell that she was ill.

How to Make Direct and Indirect Speeches in Different Tenses

Present indefinite  will be changed into past into  past indefinite  tense.

(First form  into  second form)

  • Direct:  I said, “I go to school”.
  • Indirect:  I said that I went to school.

Present continues  will be changed into  past continues  tense.

(is, am, are  into  was, were)

  • Direct:  Raza said, “I am a boy”.
  • Indirect : Raza said that he was a boy.

Present perfect  will be changed into  past perfect  tense.

(has, had  into  had)

  • Indirect : You told Saif that he was going to Lahore. 

Present perfect continues  will be changed into  past perfect continues  tense.

(has been, have been  into  had been)

  • Direct : The guard said to the passenger, “the train has come”
  • Indirect : The guard told to the passenger that the train had come.

Past indefinite will be changed into  past perfect  tense.

(second form  into  had)

  • Direct : Aslam said, “They played cricket”.
  • Indirect:  Aslam said that they had played cricket.

Past continues  will be changed into  past perfect continues  tense.

(was, were  into  had been)

  • Direct : The policeman said, “The thief has been stealing for two year”.
  • Indirect : The policeman told that the thief had been stealing for two year.

Note :  Past perfect, past perfect continues, future indefinite, future continues, future perfect, future perfect continues tense will not be changed.

Direct and Indirect Speech in Assertive Sentences

Sentences that make a declaration are called assertive sentences. These sentences may be positive, negative, false, or true statements. To convert such sentences into indirect speech, use the rules as declared above except  said  is sometimes replaced with  told . Look at the following examples:

Direct Speech:  She says, “I am writing a letter to my brother.”

Indirect Speech:  She says that she is writing a letter to her brother.

Direct Speech:  She says, “I was not writing a letter to my brother.”

Indirect Speech:  She says that she was not writing a letter to her brother.

Direct Speech:  She said to me, “I am writing a letter to my brother.”

Indirect Speech:  She told me that she was writing a letter to her brother.

Direct and Indirect Speech in Imperative Sentences

Imperative sentences are sentences that give an order or a direct command. These sentences may be in the form of advice, appeal, request, or order. Mostly, it depends upon the forcefulness of the presenter. Thus, a full stop (.) or sign of exclamation (!) is used at the end of the sentence.

When we will be convert these types of sentences into indirect speech, follow the following rules along with the above-mentioned rules:

  • Both sentences will be joined with the conjunction
  • If in the reported sentence has word do not,  then it will be changed with the word  not to.
  • Direct speech : Aslam said, “Do not beat him”.
  • Indirect speech: Aslam ordered to not beat him.

The direct verb is changed according to indirect speech in case order the speaker gives a direct command. Then said  will be changed into  ordered  For example:

  • Direct Speech:  The father said to me, “Sit down.”
  • Indirect Speech:  The father ordered me to sit down.

The direct verb is changed according to indirect speech in case request the speaker gives a request command. Then said  will be changed into  request.

For example:

  • Direct Speech:  The man said, “Please show me your pen.”
  • Indirect Speech:  the man requested to show him my door.

The direct verb is changed according to indirect speech in case guide the speaker gives a piece of advice. Then said  will be changed into  advised .

  • Direct Speech:  The headmaster said, “Write neat and clean.”
  • Indirect Speech:  the headmaster advised to write neat and clean.

The direct verb is changed according to indirect speech in case forbade the speaker stopped to do something. Then said  will be changed into  forbade .

  • Direct Speech:  The teacher said, “Don’t sit.”
  • Indirect Speech:  The teacher forbade to sit.

Optative & Exclamatory Sentences

The sentence, which expresses a prayer, keen wish, curse, happiness etc., is called an  optative sentence . This kind of sentence generally starts with ‘may’ and ‘wish’. Sometimes, ‘may’ remains hidden.

The sentence, which expresses a sudden and deep excitement, wonder, shock, or sorrow, etc., is called an  exclamatory sentence . In this kind of sentence must have exclamation mark (!) at the end of the sentence or in the central of the sentence.

  • May you succeed in the test!
  • May you get well soon!
  •   Would that I was rich!

When we will be converted these types of sentences into indirect speech, follow the following rules along with the above-mentioned rules:

In a prayer  sentence  said  will be replaced by

When we will be changed direct speech to indirect speech always we will be replaced inverted commas  that .

  • Direct speech : He said, “May you live long”.
  • Indirect speech : He prayed that I might live long.

In a  hope  sentence  said  will be replaced by

When we will be changed direct speech to indirect speech always we will be replaced inverted commas that .

  • Direct speech:  The father said, “May my son get first position”.
  • Indirect speech:  The father wished that his son might get first position.

In a glad & happy sentence, said  will be replaced by  exclaimed with joy  or  exclaimed with joyfully.  And exclamatory  mark  (!) will be removed.

  • Direct speech:  The boys said, “Hurrah! We have won the match”.
  • Indirect speech:  The boys exclaimed with joy that they had won the match.

In a sad or sorrow sentence, said  will be replaced by  exclaimed with sorrow  or  exclaimed with sorrowfully.

  • Direct speech:  The bagger said, “Ah! I am undone”.
  • Indirect speech:  The exclaimed with sorrow that he was undone.

Interrogative Sentences

Which sentences, ask questions, are called interrogative sentences. Every interrogative sentence has question mark (?) at the ends.

  • Where are you going?
  •   Where did you live?
  • Are you want to go with me?

To change interrogative sentences from direct speech into indirect speech, follow the following rules along with the above-mentioned rules:

  When we will be changed sentence direct speech to indirect  Said  will be replaced by  asked .

If interrogative sentence will be started from “ Wh ” mean when, whom, what, where, who, which, why, how, whose when we will be changed sentence direct speech to indirect speech  inverted commas  will not be replaced. Just it will be removed.

If the reported sentence will be started form helping verb, then  if will be used in place of  that .

After the changing sentence mark of interrogation (?) will be replaced with full stop (.).

Direct speech:  He said to me, “Who are you”?

Indirect speech:  He asked me who I was.

Direct speech:  He said to me, “Where are you going”?

Indirect speech:  He asked me where I was going.

Direct speech:  Sunny said to me, “will you help me”?

Indirect speech:  Sunny asked me if I would help him.

Direct and indirect Speech in Universal Sentence

Sentences which have natural truth or universal truth in the part of reported speech are called universal sentences .

  • Allah is one.
  • Honesty is the best policy.

To change universal sentences from direct speech into indirect speech, follow the following rules along with the above-mentioned rules:

When we will be changed sentence direct speech to indirect  Said  will be replaced by

When we will be changed direct speech to indirect speech always we will be replaced inverted commas with  that .

Always remember that universal truth will never change so we will not be changed reported speech portion.

Direct speech:  The teacher said to the boys, “The earth revolves around the sun”.

Indirect speech:  The teacher told the boys that the earth revolves around the sun.

Direct speech:  Saif said, “Allah is one”.

Indirect speech:  Saif told that Allah is one.

Direct speech:  She said to him, “Honesty is the best policy”.

Indirect speech:  She told him that honesty is the best policy.

Direct speech:  Sunny said to Farrukh, “The sun rises in the east”.

Indirect speech:  Sunny told Farrukh that the sun rises in the east.

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Direct and Indirect Speech

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definition of a direct speech

Direct and Indirect Speech: Direct speech quotes the exact words spoken, using quotation marks, while indirect speech paraphrases the spoken words without quotes, often changing tenses and pronouns. Both forms are essential for effective communication, emphasizing clarity and context in reporting speech.

What is Direct Speech?

Direct speech refers to the exact words spoken by someone, presented within quotation marks and often accompanied by a speech tag that attributes the statement to the speaker. This method of reporting speech is used to convey the original words and the tone in which they were spoken, preserving the personal touch and specific expressions of the speaker.

For example , if John says, “I am going to the store,” the direct speech presentation would be:

John said, “I am going to the store.”

What is Indirect Speech?

Indirect speech, also known as reported speech, is a method of conveying what someone said without quoting their exact words. Instead of using direct quotations, indirect speech summarizes or paraphrases the original statement. It often involves changes in verbs tenses, pronouns, and other elements to fit the grammatical context of the reporting sentence.

For example , consider the direct speech statement:

Tom said, “I am going to the gym now.” When converted into indirect speech, it becomes:

Tom said that he was going to the gym then.

Indirect speech does not use quotation marks and typically introduces the reported clause with conjunctions like “that,” although “that” can be omitted in informal contexts.

Rules of Direct and Indirect Speech

Rules for converting direct into indirect speech.

  • Example : Direct: He said, “I am tired.”
  • Indirect: He said that he was tired.
  • Example : Direct: She says, “I am reading a book.”
  • Indirect: She says that she is reading a book. (Note: When reporting in the present tense, as with ‘says’, the tense may not always change.)
  • Example : Direct: “I will go there tomorrow,” John said.
  • Indirect: John said that he would go there the next day.
  • Example : Direct: She said, “I can solve the problem.”
  • Indirect: She said that she could solve the problem.
  • Example : Direct: He asked, “Are you coming?”
  • Indirect: He asked if I was coming.
  • Example : Direct: He said, “Close the door.”
  • Indirect: He asked me to close the door.
  • Example : Direct: She said, “What a beautiful day!”
  • Indirect: She exclaimed that it was a beautiful day.

Rules for converting Indirect Speech into Direct Speech

  • Example : Indirect: He said that he was tired.
  • Direct: He said, “I am tired.”
  • Example : Indirect: She says that she is reading a book.
  • Direct: She says, “I am reading a book.” (Note: Sometimes the tense doesn’t need to change if the reporting verb is in the present tense.)
  • Example : Indirect: John said that he would go there the next day.
  • Direct: John said, “I will go there tomorrow.”
  • Example : Indirect: She said that she could solve the problem.
  • Direct: She said, “I can solve the problem.”
  • Example : Indirect: He asked if I was coming.
  • Direct: He asked, “Are you coming?”
  • Example : Indirect: He asked me to close the door.
  • Direct: He said, “Close the door.”
  • Example : Indirect: She exclaimed that it was a beautiful day.
  • Direct: She said, “What a beautiful day!”

Difference Between Direct and Indirect Speech

Difference Between Direct and Indirect Speech

FeatureDirect SpeechIndirect Speech
Uses quotation marks to enclose exact words.Does not use quotation marks.
Uses the tense as spoken originally.Often shifts tense back to reflect past narration.
Uses pronouns as originally spoken.Adjusts pronouns to match the speaker’s perspective.
The syntax mirrors the original spoken form.Syntax may change to fit indirect reporting (e.g., question forms are changed).
Specific to the moment of speaking.Adjusted to the time and place from the speaker’s perspective.
Simple reporting verb (“he said,” “she said”).May include that-clauses or question words (if, whether).
Directly quotes exclamations and commands.Transforms exclamations into statements; commands into requests with infinitive verbs.

This table should help you clearly see how the format, verbs, pronouns, and other elements differ between direct and indirect speech.

Direct and Indirect Speech Examples

1. Direct : “I love reading books,” Jane said. Indirect : Jane said that she loved reading books. 2. Direct : “We will go to the park,” they announced. Indirect : They announced that they would go to the park. 3. Direct : “I have finished my homework,” he told his mother. Indirect: He told his mother that he had finished his homework. 4. Direct : “Can you help me with this?” she asked. Indirect: She asked if I could help her with that. 5. Direct : “I am feeling sick today,” he whispered. Indirect: He whispered that he was feeling sick that day. 6. Direct : “I won’t be able to attend the meeting,” Laura said. Indirect: Laura said that she would not be able to attend the meeting. 7. Direct : “Please open the window,” she requested. Indirect: She requested him to open the window. 8. Direct : “Do not touch my phone,” he warned. Indirect: He warned not to touch his phone. 9. Direct : “I’ll call you tomorrow,” she promised. Indirect: She promised that she would call me the next day. 10. Direct : “What time does the concert start?” he asked. Indirect: He asked what time the concert started.

Examples of Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises with Answers

Direct to indirect speech exercises.

Convert the following sentences from direct to indirect speech:

Exercise 1 : “I am learning to play the piano,” she said. Answer 1 : How did she say she was learning to play the piano?

Exercise 2 : “Will you be attending the meeting?” he asked me. Answer 2 : How did he ask if I would be attending the meeting?

Exercise 3 : “I have seen that movie three times,” Alex told her. Answer 3 : How did Alex tell her that he had seen that movie three times?

Exercise 4 : “You should try the new Italian restaurant,” he recommended. Answer 4 : How did he recommend trying the new Italian restaurant?

Exercise 5 : “Please pass the salt,” she requested. Answer 5 : How did she request to pass the salt?

Exercise 6 : “I cannot come to your party,” Jane apologized. Answer 6 : How did Jane apologize that she could not come to the party?

Exercise 7 “Let’s meet at the mall,” they suggested. Answer 7 : How did they suggest meeting at the mall?

Exercise 8 : “Do you know where the station is?” he inquired. Answer 8 : How did he inquire if I knew where the station was?

Exercise 9 : “I must finish this book tonight,” she declared. Answer 9 : How did she declare that she must finish the book that night?

Exercise 10 : “I didn’t take your notebook,” he denied. Answer 10 : How did he deny taking my notebook?

Indirect to Direct Speech Exercises

Convert the following sentences from indirect to direct speech:

Exercise 11 : She said that she was learning to play the piano. Answer 11 : What did she say about learning to play the piano in direct speech?

Exercise 12 : He asked if I would be attending the meeting. Answer 12 : How did he ask about my attendance at the meeting in direct speech?

Exercise 13 : Alex told her that he had seen that movie three times. Answer 13 : What did Alex tell her about how many times he had seen the movie in direct speech?

Exercise 14 : He recommended trying the new Italian restaurant. Answer 14 : What did he say about trying the new Italian restaurant in direct speech?

Exercise 15 : She requested to pass the salt. Answer 15 : What did she request about the salt in direct speech?

Exercise 16 : Jane apologized that she could not come to the party. Answer 16 : What did Jane say when she apologized for not coming to the party in direct speech?

Exercise 17 : They suggested meeting at the mall. Answer 17 : What did they suggest about meeting in direct speech?

Exercise 18 : He inquired if I knew where the station was. Answer 18 : How did he inquire about the location of the station in direct speech?

Exercise 19 : She declared that she must finish the book that night. Answer 19 : What did she declare about finishing the book in direct speech?

Exercise 20 : He denied taking my notebook. Answer 20 : What did he say when he denied taking the notebook in direct speech?


How do tenses change in indirect speech.

Tenses in indirect speech usually shift back (e.g., present to past) to reflect that the speaking occurred in the past.

Do pronouns always change in indirect speech?

Pronouns change in indirect speech to match the perspective of the speaker reporting the speech, ensuring clarity and coherence.

How do you convert a question from direct to indirect speech?

Questions in direct speech are converted by introducing a clause with ‘if’ or ‘whether’, and rearranging the syntax to statement form.

What happens to modal verbs in indirect speech?

Modal verbs often change in indirect speech, with ‘will’ becoming ‘would’ and ‘can’ changing to ‘could’, for example.

Can the verb tense remain the same in indirect speech?

Yes, if the reporting verb is in the present tense, the tense within the reported clause might not change.

What are the typical introductory verbs used in indirect speech?

Common verbs include ‘said’, ‘told’, ‘asked’, ‘replied’, ‘exclaimed’, and ‘advised’, depending on the nature of the speech.

How do you handle imperatives in indirect speech?

Imperatives are converted into infinitive structures, such as changing “Close the door” to “He asked her to close the door.”


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Direct And Indirect Speech Complete Rules

We often convey a message or give information about what someone said, thought or felt to somebody else. In order to do this you can use the grammar structure named direct or quoted speech, or indirect or reported speech. Indeed this structure can be a source of confusion for ESL learners because they mix it with active and passive voice . Read the whole article to know about direct and indirect speech rules.

Direct and Indirect Speech Complete Rules

To learn more about direct and indirect speech click here.

Initially we will look at direct and indirect speech, then look at how to convert speech from direct to indirect or vice-versa.

Direct Speech / Quoted Speech Saying or quoting exactly what someone has said is called direct speech (sometimes called quoted speech) Here what a person says appears within quotation marks (“…”) a nd should be word for word.

  • She said, “Today’s lesson is about direct and indirect speech.” or
  • “Today’s lesson is about direct and indirect speech.”, she said.

Indirect Speech / Reported Speech Saying or reporting what someone said without quoting his exact words is called indirect speech. Here we don’t use quotation marks to enclose what the person said and does not have to be word for word.

  • He said that yesterday’s lesson was about direct and indirect speech.

Reporting Verb The verb in the first part of sentence (i.e. say, said, tell, admit, complain, explain remind, reply think, hope, offer, refuse etc.) before the statement of a person in sentence is called reporting verb.

How to Change Direct Speech into Indirect Speech?

Rule 1. (Adverbs of Time and Place)

If the reported sentence contains an expression of time, you must change it to fit in with the time of reporting, and adverb of nearness should be put into those of distance.

  • Today   =>  y esterday/ that day
  • This evening   =>  t hat evening
  • These (days)   =>   those (days)
  • Now   =>   then
  • (A week) ago   => (a week) before
  • Last weekend   => the previous weekend
  • Here   =>   there
  • Here after   =>  there after
  • Next (week)   => the following (week)/ a week after
  • Tomorrow   => the next/following day
  • Thus   => so
  • Last night   => the previous night
  • Yesterday   => the day before / the previous day
  • Hither   => thither
  • Hence   => thence

Note: If something is said and reported at the same time, then the time expression can remain the  same.

  • He told me today, “ I will go to Karachi tomorrow.”
  • He told me today he would go to Karachi tomorrow.
  • She told me this week, “ we gave our exam last week.”
  • She told me this week, they had given their exam last wee.

Rule 2. Tenses

A) If the reporting verb is in present or future (i.e say, says or will say) then don’t change the tense that you can find within the quotation marks.

  • He says,”I was a fool then.”
  • He says that he was a fool then.
  • I will say, “ He loves his mom.”
  • I will say that he loves his mom.

B) If reporting verb is in the past tense. the tense of the verbs in the reported speech or indirect speech must be generally changed. This is because when we use reported speech, we are usually talking about a time in the past (because obviously the person who spoke originally spoke in the past). The verbs therefore usually have to be in the past too.

  • He said,”I am going to the cinema.”
  • He said he was going to the cinema.

Tense Change As a rule when you report something someone has said you go back a tense. Present Simple  › Past simple

  • She said, ”it is cold,”   
  • She said it was cold.

Present continuous › Past continuous 

  • She said, “I’m teaching Math online.”
  • She said she was teaching Math online.

Present perfect › Past perfect 

  • She said, “I’ve lived in Pakistan since 1999.” 
  • She said she had lived in Pakistan since 1999.

Present perfect continuous › Past perfect continuous 

  • She said, “I’ve been teaching English for seven years.” 
  • She said she had been teaching English for seven years.

Past simple › Past perfect 

  • She said, “I taught active and passive yesterday.”
  • She said she had taught active and passive yesterday.

Past continuous › Past perfect continuous

  • She said, “I was teaching the lesson.”  
  • She said she had been teaching the lesson.

Past perfect › Past perfect 

  • She said, “The lesson had already started when he arrived.”
  • NO CHANGE – She said the lesson had already started when he arrived.

Past perfect continuous  › Past perfect continuous 

  • She said, “I’d already been teaching for five minutes.”
  • NO CHANGE – She said she’d already been teaching for five minutes.

Modal verb forms also sometimes change: Will › would 

  • She said, “I’ll teach English online tomorrow.”
  • She said she would teach English online tomorrow.

Can › could 

  • She said, “I can teach English online.” 
  • She said she could teach English online.

Must ›  had to 

  • She said, “I must have a computer to teach English online.”
  • She said she had to have a computer to teach English online.

Shall › › should/ would

  • She said, “What shall we learn today?” 
  • She asked what we should learn today.
  • He said, ”I shall appreciate it.”
  • He said he would appreciate it.

May › might 

  • She said, “May I open a new browser?” 
  • She asked if she might open a new browser.

Note – There is no change to; could, would, should, might and ought to.

  • “I might go to the cinema”, he said.
  • He said he might go to the cinema.

Rule 3. (After wish, would rather, had better , it is time)

  • Ali said, ”I wish they were in Pakistan.”
  • Ali said he wished they were in Pakistan.
  • Hussain said, “ I would rather fly.”
  • Hussain said he would rather fly.
  • Zahra said, ” they had better go.”
  • Zahra said they had better go.
  • Ahmed said, “It is time I got up.”
  • Ahmed said it was time he got up.

If indirect speech the words within quotation marks talk of a universal truth or habitual action or when a sentence is made and reported at the same time and the fact is still true then the tense inside the quotation marks is not changed at all.

  • He said,”My name is Ali.”
  • He said his name was Ali Or He said his name is Ali.
  • The teacher said,” the sun rises in the east.”
  • The teacher said that the sun rises in the east.
  • Shazia said, “ I am thirsty.” 
  • Shazia said she is thirsty.

You can also use the present tense if you are talking about a future event.

  • She said,”next week’s lesson is on reported speech.”
  • She said next week’s lesson will be on reported speech.

Rule 6. (Pronouns)

We have to change the pronouns to keep the same meaning of a sentence.

  • Ali said, “ We are the best players.”
  • Ali said they were the best players.

Note: Sometimes we have to use a noun instead of a pronoun, otherwise the new sentence is confusing consider the examples below:

  • Mohammad said, “He killed them.”
  • Mohammad said that the man had killed them.

(If we only make mechanical changes, then the new sentence can have different meaning)

  • Mohammad said he had killed them. (Mohammad himself killed them)

Rule 7. Reported Speech In If-Clauses.

  • Hussain: “If I tidied my room, my dad would be happy.”
  • Hussain said that if he tidied his room, his dad would be happy.
  • Teacher: “If you concentrate, you will learn about direct and indirect speech.”
  • Teacher said if we concentrate we would learn about direct and indirect speech.

Rule 8. Reported Speech of Time-Clauses.

  • Ali: “When I was staying in Quetta I met my best friend.” –
  • He said that when he was staying in Quetta he met his best friend.

Rule 9. Reported Speech of Interrogative Sentences  1.  Remove the quotation marks and question mark in the interrogative sentence. 2.  Use ‘if’ or ‘whether’ if the sentence inside the quotation marks begins with a helping verb (Auxiliary verb). 3.  Use the given interrogative word (what, when, where, why, who, whom, whose, which, now etc.) if it does not begin with the helping verb. 4. Don‘t use ‘that’ 5. Changing the reporting verb (say, said) into ‘ask, want to know wonder or inquire’ in its correct tense. 6. Omit helping verb like ‘do, does, did’. But don’t omit them when they are with ‘not’.

  • Said I to my teacher,” won’t you help me to learn about direct and indirect speech complete rules?”
  • I asked my teacher if he would not help me to learn about direct and indirect speech complete rules.
  • “ How often do you go to the cinema?” Ali said to Ahmed,
  • Ali asked Ahmed how often he went to the cinema.
  • “Where have you been?” he said. 
  • He asked me where I had been.
  • “What time did it start?” he said. 
  • He wanted to know what time it had started.
  • “Why won’t he do it?” she said.
  • She wondered why he wouldn’t do it.

Rule 10. Reported Speech of Yes/ No Questions

In yes/no questions we use if or whether in questions. If is more common and whether is more formal.

  • “Will you go?” she asked me.
  • She asked me if/whether I would go.
  • “Did he buy a car?” she said.
  •  She wondered if/whether he had bought a car.

Rule 11. Reported Speech of Commands and Requests 

1. Remove the quotation mark in an Imperative sentence. 2. Use ‘to’ if it is an affirmative sentence. (without don‘t) 3. Use ‘not to’ if the sentence begins without Don‘t. 4. Don‘t use ‘that’ 5. Omit the word ‘please’. Use the word ‘request’ instead of ‘say’. 6. If the direct speech contains a request or a command, the reporting verb (say, said) change to tell, request, order, command etc. in its correct tense. 7. The commands, requests and advice mostly have the same form in English: verb + object + infinitive (advise, ask, beg, forbid, order, persuade, recommend, tell, urge, warn etc.).

  • “Get up!” he said.
  •   He warned me to get up.
  • “Please, revise for the test,” he said.
  •  He  requested me to revise for the test.
  • “Bring me a cup of tea” said Zahra to Sara.
  • Zahrs asked Sara to bring her a cup of tea.

Negative: + object + not + infinitive.

  • “Don’t hesitate,” he said.
  • He persuaded me not to hesitate.
  • “Don’t smoke,” the doctor warned my father.
  • The doctor warned my father not to smoke.

Rule 12. Reported Speech of Advice If it contains advice the reporting verb changes into advised.

  • “Put on your coat,” I said.
  • I advised him to put on his coat.

Rule 13. Reported Speech of Exclamatory Sentences

1. Change the exclamatory sentence into statement or assertive 2. Remove the quotation marks and exclamatory mark. 3. Use the conjunction ‘that’ 4. Omit the interjections such as Oh, O, Alas, how, what, hurrah. 5. Add the word ‘very’ to the adjective or adverb if necessary. 6. If the verb is not given, use ‘Be’ form verb (is, was, are, were, am) in its correct tense according to the subject. 7. Change the reporting verb (say, said) to ‘exclaim joyfully’ 8. Use ‘exclaim’ sorrowfully for sorrowful incidents.

  • She said ,” Wow, What a beautiful car that is!”
  • She exclaimed joyfully that was a verb beautiful car.
  • He said,” Alas! I have missed the paper.”
  • He exclaimed sorrowfully that he had missed the paper.

Rule 14. Use of ‘That’ in Reported Speech

In reported speech, the word that is often used, however it is optional. We recommend you no to use it because in some cases we don’t use ‘That’ in reported speech like: question, command request and order, so its better not to use it.

  • He told me that he lived in Hazara Town.
  • He told me he lived in Hazara Town.

Rule 15. Punctuation in Direct Speech

In direct speech, various punctuation conventions are used to separate the quoted words from the rest of the text: this allows a reader to follow what’s going on. Here are the basic rules: A) We use inverted commas (also called quotation marks, quotes or speech marks) to indicate direct speech. Double quotes (“) are preferred in American English, while single quotes (‘) are more common in British English:

  • “I’m coming home late tonight,” she said. (American English)
  • ‘I’m coming home late tonight,’ she said. (British English)

B) Every time a new speakers says something, you should start a new paragraph:

  • “They think it’s a more respectable job,” said Ali.
  • “I don’t agree,” I replied.

C) There should be a comma, full stop, question mark, or exclamation mark at the end of a piece of speech. This is placed inside the closing inverted comma or commas.

  • He asked, “ Can I go outside?”
  • She shouted, “ Sit down!”
  • We said, “ They are wrong.”

D) If the direct speech is broken up by information about who is speaking, you need a comma (or a question mark or exclamation mark) to end the first piece of speech and a full stop or another comma before the second piece (before the inverted comma or commas):

  • “You’re right,” he said. “It feels strange.”
  • “Thinking back,” she said, “he didn’t expect to win.”
  • “No!” he cried. “You can’t leave now!”

Conclusion: I hope that the points that I have mentioned above about direct and indirect speech may prove beneficial for people learning English. All you need to do is to understand the crucial rules of direct and indirect speech, and don’t mix it with passive and active voice. 

Check out Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises With Answers

If you would like to know more about direct or quoted speech, or indirect or reported speech, check out more in the book below.

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definition of a direct speech

hello! I’m Abdullah and I want to ask a question related to indirect and direct speech.what would be the indirect sentence of this this speech: “I fell fed up” says trevor

definition of a direct speech

Hello dear Abdullah. When the reporting verb (He says)is in simple present tense, then we don’t go one tense back,so the statement won’t be changed in this case and remains the same in reported speech.

definition of a direct speech

Helo ,,pls let me know about one thing…if there is no object in reporting speech and “you” is used in reporting speech ,,in which pronoun v have to change “you”,,???

definition of a direct speech

Tashakkur, bisyar malumati bud 🙂

You are welcome dear Raza.

definition of a direct speech

This article is beneficial…thnkxx

You are welcome.

definition of a direct speech

Very helpful thank you soooo muchhhh

definition of a direct speech

I want a clarification for the following sentence. “Would you post this letter when you go out?”she said. She asked if I would post that letter when I go out . OR She asked if I would post that letter when I went out.

definition of a direct speech

Change the narration. 1.’I must leave at once’ I said,’because i must not be late’ 2 .Tariq said the police could not prove that the man had been murdered .

definition of a direct speech

very helpful understanding direct and indirect speech thank you very soooooo muuuuccccchhhh

You are welcome Mr. Moueez

definition of a direct speech

Thank you . It’s really helpful

Welcome dear.

definition of a direct speech

Useful article thank you.

definition of a direct speech

Hope it is useful and informative.

definition of a direct speech

Tomorrow is my English exam and this page is very helpful

Thank you Rahema. We always try to help people enhance their skills in four models: Listening, Speaking, Reading and writing.

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Meaning of direct speech in English

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  • allude to someone / something
  • allusiveness
  • as for someone/something idiom
  • bandy something around
  • quote ... unquote idiom
  • refer to someone/something
  • reported speech
  • undermentioned

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Know the Differences & Comparisons

Difference Between Direct and Indirect Speech


  • Direct : Mary said, “I am going to the US next month.” Indirect : Mary said that she was going to the US the following month.
  • Direct : The sports teacher said, “Run fast, boys.” Indirect : The sports teacher asked the boys to run fast.

In these two examples, you might have observed that when we use direct speech, we use quotations to outline the real words of the speaker. As against, in an indirect speech, there is no such thing, as the listener narrates the same in his/her own words.

Content: Direct Speech Vs Indirect Speech

Comparison chart.

  • Rules with Examples

How to remember the difference

Basis for ComparisonDirect SpeechIndirect Speech
MeaningDirect speech implies a direct discourse, that uses the actual words of the speaker to report it.Indirect speech refers to indirect discourse that delineates what a person said, in own words.
Alternative NameQuoted speechReported speech
Point of viewSpeakerListener
UsageWhen we repeat the original words of a person.When we use our own words for reporting what other person says.
Quotation MarksIt uses quotation marks.It does not use quotation marks.

Definition of Direct Speech

When a person gives a written or spoken account of the speech, by repeating the exact words of the speaker, then this is known as Direct Speech. It uses inverted commas to highlight the original statement of the speaker, which is supported by a signal phrase or say dialogue guide.

  • Alex said, “I will be there in five minutes.”
  • The teacher said to Peter, “If you don’t complete your homework, I will make a call to your parents.”
  • Paul said to me, “What are you looking at?”
  • Joseph said, “You should give him a second chance.”

Sometimes, reporting verb appears in the mid of the sentence:

  • Is that so, she asked, You don’t want to come with us?

Adverbs can be used with the reporting verb, to delineate the manner in which something is spoken.

  • “I won’t come to your party,” Kate said angrily.
  • “I will always be there to help you”, he said sympathetically.

Definition of Indirect Speech

Indirect Speech or otherwise called as reported speech is one in which a person reports on what someone else said or wrote to him, not using the actual words. The indirect speech stresses on the content, i.e. what someone stated, instead of the words that are used for stating it.

The formation of the reported clause in an indirect speech is mainly based on whether the speaker is just reporting something, or ordering, commanding, requesting, etc.

  • Alex said that he would be here in five minutes.
  • The teacher scolded Peter that if he does not complete his homework, she would call his parents.
  • Paul asked me what am I looking at.
  • Joseph advised that I should give him a second chance.

Key Differences Between Direct and Indirect Speech

The difference between direct and indirect speech are discussed as under:

  • Direct Speech refers to the literal repetition of the words spoken by someone, using a quotative frame. On the other hand, indirect speech is one that reports something said or written by another person, without making the use of exact words.
  • Direct Speech is also called a quoted speech, as it uses the exact words of the speaker. As against, the indirect speech is termed as reported speech, as it narrates what is said by the speaker.
  • Direct Speech is from the speaker’s standpoint, whereas indirect speech is from the listener’s standpoint.
  • Direct speech is when we use the exact rendition of the words of the speaker. Conversely, in an indirect speech own words are used to report the speaker’s statement.
  • The inverted comma is used in direct speech, but not in indirect speech.

Rules for changing Direct Speech to Indirect Speech

There are certain rules which need to be followed while changing from direct to indirect speech or vice versa:

Rule 1 : Backshift changes

Direct SpeechIndirect Speech
He said, "I feel great."
He said that he felt great.
The teacher said, "I have written the example on the board."
The teacher said that she had written the example on the board."
Rahul said, "I am going to the gym."
Rahul said that he was going to the gym.
She said, "I have been living here for five years."
She said that she had been living there for five years.
My mother said to me, "You watched YouTube all night."
My mom said to me that you had watched YouTube all night.

Exception : When the direct speech consists of a universal fact or truth, then the tense of the sentence remains the same.

  • Direct : The teacher said, “Human Rights day is celebrated on 10th December.” Indirect : The teacher said that Human Rights Day is celebrated on 10th December.

Rule 2 : For change in adverbs, pronouns, demonstratives and auxiliary verbs

Direct SpeechIndirect Speech
MustHad to
DidHad done
TodayThat day
TonightThat night
YesterdayThe day before
TomorrowThe next day
Last weekThe previous week
Next weekThe following week

Rule 3 : For Interrogative Sentences

Questions may be of two types: Objective questions whose answer can be given in yes or no which starts with an auxiliary verb.

On the other hand, Subjective questions whose answers can be given in detail. Here subjective question refers to the questions that begin with wh-word, i.e. when, how, who, what, which, where, why and so forth. Here, the reporting verb is changed from said to ask in the reporting speech.

  • Direct : She said, “Are you going to the party?” Indirect : She asked if I was going to the party.
  • Direct : Joe said to me, What is the time by your watch? Indirect : Joe asked me what was the time by my watch.

Rule 4 : When the direct speech contains orders, request, advise, suggestions command etc. then the reporting verb is changed to tell, request, command, instruct, order, advise, suggestion etc.

  • Direct : “Don’t make noise”, said the librarian. Indirect : The librarian told me to stop making noise.

Rule 5 : When something is said repeatedly by a person, or it is said by many people we use says/say instead of said in the direct speech. Says when it is said by only one person and say when it is said by many people. Further, in indirect speech, it is replaced by tell/tells accordingly.

  • Direct : My father says to me, “You are very naughty.” Indirect : My father tells me that I am very naughty.

The reporting verb remains in simple present tense also when the actual words are still true when it is reported.

Rule 6 : When there is an exclamatory sentence in the direct speech, first of all, the exclamatory sentence is changed into an assertive sentence. The inverted commas, interjections like oh, hurray, bravo etc. and the exclamatory mark is removed. The reporting verb, i.e. said is changed into exclaimed, and we use the conjunction that to add the clause.

  • Direct : “Oh wow! it’s beautiful” she said. Indirect : She exclaimed that it was very beautiful.

The basic tip to recognize the difference between direct and indirect speech is that in case of direct speech we use inverted commas which are not used in case of indirect speech. Further, we use the word ‘that’ in general, in indirect speech.

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josophina emvula says

July 15, 2019 at 2:37 pm

what are the rules that I must know to make the different of this direct and indirect speech?

January 26, 2024 at 2:36 am

Direct speech uses the exact words while indirect speech report what someone said without using the exact word

Ritupallab Bora says

January 4, 2021 at 6:56 pm

So good. Earlier I didn’t understand the difference between direct and indirect speech but now I got the whole concept

Arma Farooqui says

May 18, 2022 at 8:35 pm

It’s really really helpful. I understood everything very well. Thanks a lot…

Garang Chiman says

July 5, 2022 at 10:37 pm

Well illustrated. Thank you so much.

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definition of a direct speech

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definition of a direct speech

Direct Speech

Direct speech, also known as direct discourse, relays the exact words spoken. One way to tell when direct speech is used is to look for quotation marks. Another useful indicator is the presence of a reporting verb or a signal phrase.

If you’re looking for a straightforward definition of direct speech, you’re in the right place. So put, direct speech is a sentence where the exact words spoken are written in speech marks, quotation marks, or inverted commas.

Direct Speech can be used in multiple written texts. For example, it is widely used in fiction, which can help readers understand characters better.

Direct Speech Examples

If you’re struggling to picture how direct speech might work, here are some examples to help you get the hang of it.

“What are your plans for tonight?” Said Lisa.

“I don’t have any!”  Said,  Janine

“Do you fancy going out for a meal?” Said Alex.

The Rules of Direct Speech

Children typically begin to learn about direct speech when they are seven to eight. At this time, kids will learn what direct speech is, why it is used, and what general rules they should follow. Here are some of the main reasons why writers use natural speech.

  • It can be beneficial for expanding on the development of characters in a story. This is because, by showing the things that people say and the ways that they tell them, readers will learn more about their personalities.
  • It can also be beneficial for driving the plot in stories.

Several fundamental rules must be followed when writing a direct speech. Kids must master these rules to effectively and correctly use direct speech. Here is a list of the rules and some direct speech examples to help you get the hang of it.

Speech Marks

In direct speech, punctuation separates the spoken words, or dialogue, from the rest of the text. Therefore, the words directly spoken by a character, i.e., the direct speech, should be placed inside speech marks.

For example:

“Can I ask you a question?” Emily inquired.

“I’m far too tired to play football today,” yawned Sam.

There is some nuance with this direct speech rule: some writers use double speech marks, and some use single speech marks. However, don’t be thrown off by this, as both are perfectly fine!

The only rule is to decide which type of speech marks you want to use and ensure consistency throughout your work. Therefore, you shouldn’t start your work using single speech marks and end it using double ones.

A New Speaker = A New Line

Another rule that must be followed when using direct speech is taking a new line each time a new person speaks. Direct speech is designed to help the reader follow the dialogue in a text. This is why it is so important to structure it. To help the reader follow who precisely is speaking, you must take a new line for each new speaker.

“I didn’t see you at school today,” said Hannah concernedly.

“I wasn’t feeling very well, so I took the day off sick,” explained Tom.

“You poor thing! I hope you’re feeling better tomorrow,” Hannah remarked, hugging her friend.

“Me too,” Tom pouted.

It’s also important to note that each new line of direct speech should start with a capital letter.

Reporting Clauses

A reporting clause occurs after the direct speech and indicates to the reader who is speaking.

“How was your holiday?” asked Mrs. Anderson.

In the example above, the reporting clause, ‘asked Mrs. Anderson’, tells us who is speaking in the text. Reporting clauses are not always necessary if it is clear who is speaking. This is why reporting clauses are often dropped in a text once a conversation between characters gets going.

Punctuation Inside Speech Marks

A punctuation mark should always be at the end of each direct speech section. If there is no reporting clause, this punctuation mark will likely be a complete stop, question mark, or exclamation mark.

“Help! I can’t swim!”

“Hello there, Amy. Can I help you?”

On the other hand, if there is a reporting clause, the punctuation mark will likely be a comma before the final speech marks.

“I am going to walk home with Mary after school,” Lisa explained.

Then, after the reporting clause, there tends to be a complete stop. This may come later on, however, if the sentence continues after the reporting clause.

“My mum said we can walk home together,” said Lisa as she packed her school bag.

Moving the reporting clause

Sometimes, the reporting clause is placed in the middle of a direct speech.

“I am excited to play hockey at the weekend,” said James, “My favorite instructor will be there.”

Even in this instance, you will note that the punctuation still goes inside the speech marks of the first section.

After the reporting clause, a punctuation mark must be used before the second set of direct speech starts. The punctuation mark should be a comma if the reporting clause is in the middle of a sentence. However, if the reporting clause is between two separate speech sentences, it should be a complete stop.

Reported Speech

The rules above are for punctuating direct speech, but we don’t need to use speech marks when punctuating reported speech.

Reported speech (sometimes known as indirect speech) is when we summarise or reword the address instead of quoting the direct words spoken by a person. For example:

Mrs. Wood claimed it had been a tough year for businesses across the country and pledged to keep her staff well-informed of any changes.

When punctuating reported speech, we only need to punctuate the sentence as we would any other sentence, without worrying about using any specific speech punctuation.

When do Children begin to learn about Direct Speech?

Children will begin to learn about Direct Speech in their third year of primary education. Teachers of Lower Key Stage 2 will usually outline the general rules of Direct Speech, which include:

  • speech is opened with quotation marks, speech marks, or inverted commas
  • each line of speech will start with a capital letter
  • a reporting clause is used at the end of the sentence
  • a full stop is placed at the end of the reporting clause
  • each new character’s speech should begin on a new line


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  • Only direct speech should go inside inverted commas.

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  • Revising for Directness "Academic audiences value directness and intensity. They do not want to struggle through overly wordy phrases and jumbled sentences. ... Examine your draft . Focus specifically on the following issues: 1. Delete the obvious: Consider statements or passages that argue for or detail what you and your peers already assume. ... 2. Intensify the least obvious: Think about your essay as a declaration of new ideas. What is the most uncommon or fresh idea? Even if it's a description of the problem or a slightly different take on solving it, develop it further. Draw more attention to it." (John Mauk and John Metz,  The Composition of Everyday Life: A Guide to Writing , 5th ed. Cengage, 2015)
  • Degrees of Directness "Statements may be strong and direct or they may be softer and less direct. For example, consider the range of sentences that might be used to direct a person to take out the garbage: Take out the garbage! Can you take out the garbage? Would you mind taking out the garbage? Let's take out the garbage. The garbage sure is piling up. Garbage day is tomorrow. "Each of these sentences may be used to accomplish the goal of getting the person to take out the garbage. However, the sentences show varying degrees of directness, ranging from the direct command at the top of the list to the indirect statement regarding the reason the activity needs to be undertaken at the bottom of the list. The sentences also differ in terms of relative politeness and situational appropriateness. ... "In matters of directness vs. indirectness, gender differences may play a more important role than factors such as ethnicity, social class, or region, although all these factors tend to intersect, often in quite complex ways, in the determination of the 'appropriate' degree of directness or indirectness for any given speech act ." (Walt Wolfram and Natalie Schilling-Estes, American English: Dialects and Variation . Wiley-Blackwell, 2006)
  • Directness and Gender "While some of us will think that without the skills of 'good' writing a student cannot truly be empowered, we must be equally aware that the qualities of 'good' writing as they are advocated in textbooks and rhetoric books —  directness , assertiveness and persuasiveness , precision and vigor—collide with what social conventions dictate proper femininity to be. Even should a woman succeed at being a 'good' writer she will have to contend with either being considered too masculine because she does not speak 'like a Lady,' or, paradoxically, too feminine and hysterical because she is, after all, a woman. The belief that the qualities that make good writing are somehow 'neutral' conceals the fact their meaning and evaluation changes depending on whether the writer is a man or woman." (Elisabeth Daumer and Sandra Runzo, "Transforming the Composition Classroom."  Teaching Writing: Pedagogy, Gender, and Equity , ed. by Cynthia L. Caywood and Gillian R. Overing. State University of New York Press, 1987)
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      definition of a direct speech

    2. Direct Speech Definition and Examples

      definition of a direct speech

    3. Direct Speech Definition and Examples

      definition of a direct speech

    4. Direct and Indirect Speech Examples

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    5. Direct Speech Definition And Examples (FREE Worksheet)

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    6. PPT

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    1. Speaking in Style: Mastering Direct and Indirect Speech

    2. direct and indirect speech definition and examples

    3. Direct Speech Interpreting

    4. Direct Speech🗣️ Indirect Speech important words 🥰

    5. What is Direct and Indirect Speech?

    6. How to say direct speech in German? (wörtliche Rede)


    1. What is Direct Speech?

      Direct speech is a way of reporting the exact words of the speaker or writer. Learn how to use direct speech with rules, tips and examples, and test your understanding with a quiz.

    2. Direct and Indirect Speech: Useful Rules and Examples

      Learn the difference between direct and indirect speech, and how to convert them with useful rules and examples. Direct speech is when you quote someone's exact words, while indirect speech is when you report what someone said without using their exact words.

    3. Direct Speech Definition and Examples

      Direct speech is a report of the exact words used by a speaker or writer, usually placed inside quotation marks and accompanied by a reporting verb, signal phrase, or quotative frame. Learn more about direct speech, its contrast with indirect speech, and its uses in drama, conversation, and media.

    4. What is Direct Speech? with Useful Examples

      Direct speech is a way of reporting a spoken text that quotes the exact words of the speaker. Learn how to use quotation marks, reporting clauses, and commas in direct speech with useful examples.


      Direct speech is when you repeat what someone has said using exactly the words they used. Learn how to use direct speech in sentences, punctuation, reporting verbs, and compare with indirect speech.

    6. Direct and Indirect Speech: The differences explained

      Learn the difference between direct and indirect speech, also known as reported speech, and how to convert them. Direct speech quotes the exact words said, while indirect speech uses reporting verbs and may change tenses, pronouns and time phrases.

    7. Reported speech: direct speech

      Learn how to use direct speech to report the actual words someone said, with examples and explanations. Find out how to punctuate, invert, and use the present simple or continuous in direct speech.

    8. Direct and Indirect Speech

      Learn the difference between direct and indirect speech, and how to convert direct speech into indirect speech with examples and rules. Find out how to change tense, pronoun, time and reporting verb in indirect speech.

    9. Say What You Mean: An Easy-to-Understand Guide to Direct Speech

      Learn what direct speech is and how to use it in different contexts, such as everyday conversation, news articles and fictional writing. Compare direct speech with indirect speech and see the differences in grammar and meaning.

    10. Direct and Indirect Speech in English

      Learn the difference between direct and indirect speech, how to use them, and the rules for changing tenses, pronouns, and verbs. Direct speech is quoting someone's exact words, while indirect speech is reporting their meaning without quotation marks.

    11. Direct Speech

      Direct speech is when someone's words are written down exactly as they were said, using inverted commas and a reporting clause. Learn how to punctuate direct speech correctly and see examples, worksheets and videos for KS2 English.

    12. Direct and Indirect Speech

      Direct speech refers to the exact words spoken by someone, presented within quotation marks and often accompanied by a speech tag that attributes the statement to the speaker. This method of reporting speech is used to convey the original words and the tone in which they were spoken, preserving the personal touch and specific expressions of the ...

    13. Direct And Indirect Speech Complete Rules

      Learn how to use direct and indirect speech to convey a message or give information about what someone said, thought or felt. Find out the rules, tenses, verbs, pronouns and adverbs for direct and indirect speech with examples and exercises.

    14. DIRECT SPEECH definition

      Direct speech is when you repeat what someone has said using exactly the words they used. Learn how to use direct speech in sentences, compare it with indirect speech, and see related words and phrases.

    15. DIRECT SPEECH Definition & Meaning

      Direct speech is the reporting of what someone has said or written by quoting his exact words. Learn how to use direct speech in sentences with examples from various sources.

    16. Difference Between Direct and Indirect Speech

      Learn the difference between direct and indirect speech with definitions, examples, rules and comparison chart. Direct speech uses quotation marks and reports the exact words of the speaker, while indirect speech uses own words and reports the content of the speaker.

    17. What is Direct Speech?

      Learn the definition, examples, and rules of direct speech, a sentence where the exact words spoken are written in quotation marks. Find out how direct speech is used in fiction, why it is important, and how it differs from reported speech.

    18. Direct vs. Indirect Speech

      Learn the difference between direct and indirect speech, how to convert direct to indirect speech, and see examples. Direct speech is quoted verbatim with quotation marks, while indirect speech is ...

    19. Direct Speech

      Direct speech is when someone's words are written down exactly as they were said, using inverted commas and a reporting clause. Learn how to punctuate direct speech correctly and why it is important for writing narratives and dialogue.

    20. DIRECT SPEECH definition and meaning

      Direct speech is speech which is reported by using the exact words that the speaker used. Learn how to use quotation marks, tense changes and direct speech in different contexts with Collins Dictionary.

    21. direct speech noun

      Definition of direct speech noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. ... Only direct speech should go inside inverted commas. compare reported speech Topics Language b1, Literature and writing b1. Join us.

    22. Directness in Speech and Writing: Definition, Examples

      In speech and writing, directness is the quality of being straightforward and concise: stating a main point early and clearly without embellishments or digressions. Directness contrasts with circumlocution, verbosity, and indirectness. There are different degrees of directness, which are determined in part by social and cultural conventions.