Fast Plants Program’s new varieties are tailored for classroom use

A UW–Madison program built around plants that mature quickly enough to engage the scientific curiosity of elementary through college students is releasing two new varieties that make the popular plants even better suited to classrooms.

The Wisconsin Fast Plants are relatives of cabbage and broccoli that progress from seed to plant to flower in just 14 days, then on to seed by 40 days. Introduced by plant pathologist Paul Williams in 1987, the plants allow students to explore the effects of cross-breeding. In a single semester, students can emulate the experiments that Gregor Mendel used to set out the elementary principles of inheritance.

One of the new varieties clearly shows the successful transfer of pollen, which fertilizes the egg to start breeding and reproduction. The second variety shows, within a week, whether genes have moved, allowing quick interpretation of the effects of breeding different plants.

Students at Hawthorne Elementary School in Madison work with plants that grow fast enough to captivate their attention and allow a range of new classroom experiments.

Students at Hawthorne Elementary School in Madison work with plants that grow fast enough to captivate their attention and allow a range of new classroom experiments. Jenna Stoughtenger/Sunshine Marigold Photography

These speedsters help teachers satisfy new science standards related to inheritance, and the growth and development of organisms, but the roots of Fast Plants are much deeper than that.

Williams, who was hired at UW–Madison in 1962 as a cabbage specialist to support Wisconsin’s vibrant sauerkraut industry, began collecting and cross-breeding thousands of Brassica varieties from around the world. Brassica is a broad genus that includes mustard, cabbage, rutabaga, broccoli and rapeseed, the source of canola oil. Members of the genus are also called crucifers, after the shape of the flower.

“One February morning in the early 1970s,” Williams recalls, “snow was on the ground outside the greenhouse that was built for me by the National Sauerkraut Packers. I was looking at several hundred Brassicas , and there was this one that was flowering — the descendant of a seed collected in North India.”

Williams started breeding that plant in a way that eliminated some genes unrelated to early flowering while favoring a short, stocky stature suited to the classroom and research laboratory. The eventual result was a plant that would flower within 14 days of planting, and yield a crop of seeds within 40 days.

Paul Williams, founder of the Fast Plant program at UW–Madison, holds bumblebees that are used to pollenate the rapid-cycling Brassica plants.

Paul Williams, founder of the Fast Plant program at UW–Madison, holds bumblebees that are used to pollenate the rapid-cycling Brassica plants. David Tenenbaum

With support from the National Science Foundation, Williams tapped science teachers to develop a curriculum based on the fast Brassica , and in 1987 initiated the Wisconsin Fast Plants Program to spread the word — and the seeds.

Fast Plants are licensed to Carolina Biological Supply, based on seed that is still cultured at UW–Madison. Dan Lauffer, Williams’ successor, estimates the plants are being used in at least 20,000 classrooms to teach genetics, biological development and evolution.

At one of those classrooms, in the Downtown Montessori Academy in Milwaukee, Jenny Aicher teaches a combined class of 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders. “Every year, we use Fast Plants to study the life cycle of plants,” she says. “We do environmental experiments: no light, no water, growing in sand or watering with salt water.”

Since kids are in the class for three years, “I was apprehensive about doing the same thing each year, but in the second year, I laid out the material, and the older kids started jumping up and down and cheering. That was pretty magical, and I thought, ‘I guess I’ll be doing this every year.'”

The Rapid-Cycling Brassica Collection is a component of the Fast Plants Program that makes about 190 strains of Brassicas available to researchers. The original patent on the fast-cycling Brassica , held by the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, has expired, but WARF maintains the Wisconsin Fast Plants trademark, so it continues to earn money on Williams’ discoveries and leadership.

Williams, who retired 18 years ago, and Lauffer continue to breed Brassicas at the Biotron building on campus and in Williams’ basement, working to keep Fast Plants relevant.

Lauffer is anticipating how changes in classrooms will affect the plants. “Dan’s had the brains to wonder, ‘What is going to be the classroom lighting 10 to 20 years from now,’” says Williams, “and so he’s embarked on a program to breed plants and develop light boxes for the LED future.”

Dan Lauffer, a longtime Fast Plant employee and Brassica expert, in a UW–Madison greenhouse. Seeds from these mature Brassicas will help improve the fast-cycling plants.

Dan Lauffer, a longtime Fast Plant employee and Brassica expert, in a UW–Madison greenhouse. Seeds from these mature Brassicas will help improve the fast-cycling plants. David Tenenbaum

Meanwhile, Williams has focused on new, improved plants for the classroom. “Teachers tell us that when students deliberately pollenate the plants, they sometimes don’t make a connection between the movement of pollen and the genetic changes, because they can’t observe the yellow pollen on the yellow pistil. But yellow pollen is obvious on the new variety, with the red pistil, which clarifies how genes carried on the pollen alter the next generation of plants.”

In this digital era, “next generation” is much on Williams’ mind, as he persists at producing and promoting plants that portray some of the wonders of biology. All it takes is a cup, soil, water and light — and some amazing seeds.

Tags: genetics , outreach , plants , WARF

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Dan Lauffer, [email protected], 608-770-4293

The Fast Plant Life Cycle

wisconsin fast plants

Let Wisconsin Fast Plants® Grow on You!

Wisconsin Fast Plants ® are so captivating to watch as they grow and develop that even students who are tough to reach become engaged and attached to them. Time after time, I saw students I least expected to be interested in anything science come to my class during a unit with Fast Plants ® and head straight to the grow lights to check on their plants. If you think plants are boring, think again. Try teaching with Wisconsin Fast Plants ® . I know you’ll be glad you did.

fast plant growth experiment

A speedy life cycle

The Fast Plants ® life cycle is quick. Just 14 days after planting seeds, students experience firsthand how plants reproduce as their plants develop buds that open into bright yellow flowers. Kindergarten through high school students (and college students too!) smile and learn when they “fly” their bee sticks from plant to plant to pollinate them. They can see the pollen on their bees and watch seeds develop inside the elongating pistils of their plants’ flowers. No reading on life cycles, video, or simulation can come close to the experience of learning by growing these plants.

If your class can’t spare 2 weeks for growing plants, students can observe Fast Plants ® seedlings germinated in a petri dish in just 72 hours. Carolina Biological Supply Company has Wisconsin Fast Plants ® seeds available in seed disks: petri dish—sized paper disks embedded with seeds for easy planting in soil or germinating in a petri dish. Seed disks are available for the standard variety of Wisconsin Fast Plants ® and several of the specially bred genetic inheritance stocks.

Fast Plants ® and genetics

Wisconsin Fast Plants ® genetic stocks show the inheritance pattern that results when a parent homozygous for a dominant trait (like purple stem) is crossed with a parent homozygous for a recessive trait (non-purple stem, in this example). It’s genetics you can easily observe, even in 72-hour-old seedlings!

One of the great characteristics of Wisconsin Fast Plants ® is that they don’t self-pollinate (unlike many flowering plants), so every Fast Plant ® had 2 different parents (sexual reproduction without the complication of self-pollination). This means that students can actually calculate and explain the ratio of dominant to recessive traits they observe, much like Gregor Mendel did. It is no surprise that students are far more invested in figuring out what their own 3:1 or 9:3:3:1 ratios mean than studying a textbook or worksheet on Punnett squares.

Fast Plants ® for every level

In many school districts, Wisconsin Fast Plants ® materials are a part of the science curriculum in elementary, middle, and high school biology and environmental science courses. Elementary Fast Plants ® investigations typically integrate strong English language arts elements with mathematics instruction about measurement, units, and data representation and interpretation. Continuing into middle and high school levels with Fast Plants ® investigations can foster three-dimensional teaching–weaving together opportunities for learning the practices of science and engineering with crosscutting concepts and disciplinary core ideas.

Don’t worry if you lack a green thumb. Wisconsin Fast Plants ® materials have been tested and refined by classroom teachers for nearly 30 years, and the support team at Carolina is just a call away. Plus, the Wisconsin Fast Plants® section at is packed with helpful tips and resources.

Ready to get started? See the following tables for recommended kits and investigations at the elementary, middle, and high school levels.

fast plant growth experiment

Recommended kits and investigations for elementary school (K—5)

Wisconsin Fast Plants® Elementary Exploration of Plant Life Cycles Kit

A complete classroom kit for getting started with Wisconsin Fast Plants ® . Includes step-by-step instructions for planting, tending, pollinating, and producing seed. Kit includes seeds and planting materials for 8 student groups. A light source is required (sold separately).

Reading Green™: Investigating the Life Cycle and Growth of Flowering Plants Kit

A complete classroom kit for growing Wisconsin Fast Plants ® with lessons that integrate English language arts, mathematics, and science. Includes seeds and planting materials for 8 student groups. A light source is required (sold separately).

Recommended kits and investigations for middle school (6—8)

Wisconsin Fast Plants® Growth, Development, and Reproduction Advanced Classroom Kit

A complete classroom kit for getting started with Wisconsin Fast Plants ® , written for the middle or high school teacher. Includes step-by-step instructions for planting, tending, pollinating, and producing seed for an offspring generation (optional). A light source is required (sold separately).

Wisconsin Fast Plants® Who’s the Father? Investigating Genetics Monohybrid Kit

This kit includes everything needed for students to use observations and plant breeding to figure out why non-purple stem plants occur infrequently in Fast Plants ® offspring generations compared to purple stem plants. All materials and seeds for the parent plants and first generation offspring are included. A light source is required (sold separately).

Recommended kits and investigations for high school (9—12)

Wisconsin Fast Plants® Growth, Development, and Reproduction Advanced Kits

A complete classroom kit for getting started with Wisconsin Fast Plants ® , written for the middle- or high school—level teacher. Includes step-by-step instructions for planting, tending, pollinating, and producing seed for an offspring generation (optional). A light source is required (sold separately).

Wisconsin Fast Plants® 72-Hour Monohybrid Genetics Kit

This monohybrid (1 trait) kit has students germinate Wisconsin Fast Plants ® seeds without using soil and observe the stem color of 3-day-old seedlings. Can be used successfully with natural window light or a lamp containing a compact fluorescent bulb (24-hour light is not necessary for this activity).

Fast Plant ® activities without kits

If you don’t need a kit, many activities can be completed with a planting system, a light, and one of our many varieties of Wisconsin Fast Plants ® Seeds. The confetti seed mix is great for looking at the variation that can exist within a species. Standard seeds lend themselves well to studies of environmental effects, such as:

Light (light vs. dark conditions)

Moisture (allow 1 or 2 plants to dry out or try to germinate seeds without water as evidence that plants need water)

Fertilizer (no fertilizer or too much fertilizer vs. the recommended amount)

Along the way students at every level can learn to make observations, collect data and analyze the data in an age-appropriate way.

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Detailed Description of the Experiment

  • Introduction (written for students)
  • Materials and Methods (written for faculty)
  • Questions for Further Thought and Discussion
  • References and Links
  • Tools for Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes
  • Tools for Formative Evaluation of this Experiment

Introduction (written for students):        This experiment is designed to study biotic/abiotic factors affecting seedling growth. Biotic factors are interactions between the living components of a community (i.e., predation, competition); abiotic factors are those between living organisms and the non living portion of the environment (i.e., pH, wind, water, and solar radiation). To study these factors, we will use genetically bred, 7-day old Rapid cycling Brassica's (RCB's), which have rapid growth to maturity (i.e., approximately 30 days).        Rapid-cycling Brassica's (RCB's: Brassica rapa L.) were designed for use inside the classroom with adequate lighting provided at all times. However, this project is conducted outdoors, where a variety of environmental factors could have an impact on growth. These include exposure to and intensity of light, insect herbivory, air temperature, competition for light or resources with other plants, etc. There are also many factors that you, the student can manipulate such as fertilization, clipping, and growth inhibitors. You (and a partner) are to formulate an hypothesis and design an experiment to test your hypothesis. (i.e., think about why it is important to measure 1 variable at a time when conducting an experiment). In addition, there are two different types of RCB's to choose from - a dwarf type (rosette) and a wild type. These two types can be used separately or compared against each other. Your assignment is to come up with an hypothesis to test the affect of a biotic and/or abiotic factor in our environment that may affect seedling plant growth in real-life situations, not just for RCB’s. This must be completed during the next two lab periods. An example is: "We hypothesize that seedlings of RCB's located in areas of dense grass will not be shorter after 2 weeks than those in a less dense area.” Or, perhaps you think the number of flowers that your plants produce, or their biomass, would be a better gauge of the growth of these plants. It is up to you to determine what will be appropriate for your experiment. The only stipulation is that your effect must produce measurable data. We will provide instruction in the use of various equipment (light meter, etc.), and will be available for assistance in refining your hypothesis, if necessary. After spending 2 weeks collecting data, you will then write your own scientific paper, using the data collected. It will be due at the beginning of the next lab period.


Materials and Methods (written for faculty): Study Site(s).        You will conduct your experiment in a field setting chosen by your instructor. You should notice the heterogeneous plant cover that could be utilized in your experimental design. Hypothesize about which area may have greater levels of wind velocity, solar radiation, predation, or competition. For example, you may compare seedling growth in a shaded area vs. a sunny area to measure the effects of solar radiation on seedling growth. Overview of Data Collection and Analysis Methods. Week 1.        You should come to class ready to begin your experiment. In your work group, you should discuss the hypothesis with the instructor before conducting your experiment. This allows your instructor to determine if your group hypothesis is testable and to guide you to the proper equipment or plant variety best used in your experiment. For example, students that want to investigate the effects of gibberellic acid on their seedlings may not be aware that they will achieve better results with the dwarf variety of Brassica rapa .        Once your hypothesis is approved by your instructor, the experiment needs to be set up and baseline "before" measurements should be taken. For example, many students measure the height of the plant, the length of the longest leaf, and count the number of leaves. After these measurements, you should subject your plants to the specified treatment (example: applying 3 sprays of gibberellic acid solution to the plants). Then place your plants in their pots on the ground in a predetermined area. You should water your plants. Place a flag next to them with your name and the treatments you used written on it with a magic marker. A laboratory supervisor or student worker will maintain the plants throughout the week because the study site is a considerable distance away from the university (approx. 15 miles). The plants will be watered daily. If you would like additional applications of a substance applied to your plants by the laboratory supervisor, affix a piece of flagging tape to your flag with detailed instructions. Week 2.        During the second week of lab you will collect "after" data from the plants and remove your experiment from the field site. You will use this data to write a scientific paper which will be due the next class period. The scientific paper should include an abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, and references section. The structure of your paper should be based on the guidelines in Appendix A of the lab book Investigating Biology by Morgan and Carter, 1999.

Questions for Further Thought and Discussion:

  • What abiotic and biotic factors can affect seedling growth?
  • How do different abiotic and biotic factors affect seedling growth?
  • What constitutes a testable hypothesis?
  • What is the value and/or limitation of field experiments?
  • How does scientific research help us understand better the natural world?
  • Why are native ecosystems useful for ecological research?
  • What is a control and why is it important?
  • Why is it difficult to measure more than one variable simultaneously?

*** Note: Answers to many of these questions and numerous other comments by the contributing author can be found in the " NOTES TO FACULTY " page.

References and Links:

The oral in-class presentation was worth 20 possible points.

Tools for Formative Evaluation of this Experiment:        We asked the students to write hypotheses/finish sentence stem before and after the intervention. Before the lab sequence we asked the students to following related to the Brassica experiment:

       * We then lead the students down the “succession trail” which is maintained to demonstrate the various stages of plant succession.        * After the labs, we ask the students to answer the same questions again.        * Peer-review of another student’s hypothesis using a grading rubric will facilitate a better understanding of hypothesis development. An extensive discussion on Evaluation appears in the Teaching section of this site.

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Plant Growth and Osmotic Potential

Water is a critical element for plant growth. All water used by land plants is absorbed from the soil by roots through osmosis. Osmosis is the movement of a solvent (e.g.water) across a semipermeable membrane from low solute (e.g.salt) concentration towards higher solute concentration. Excess levels of salts in soils makes soil water solute concentrations higher than in the plant root cells. This can limit plant water uptake, making it harder for plants to grow. (See Appendix A for more information)

A diagram showing osmosis uproot water

About the Experiment

For this experiment, we’re going to test the effect that high salt soil concentrations have on plant growth and root development.

 What You'll Need

  • 7 clear plastic cups (Solo cups)
  • 7 non-clear plastic cups
  • Potting soil (small bag)
  • Wheatgrass or cat grass seed (250 seeds, can be found online or at local pet store)
  • Baking soda
  • Measuring spoons
  • Drill & small bit

Materials needed for experiment

When using table salt (sodium chloride) and baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) to create saline and alkali soils, you can observe the germination and growth of grass leaves at increasing levels of salt and ph. Then you can treat the salt/alkali effected soils with "leaching" and observe plant growth.

Let's Do This!

1 . Drill 3 small holes in 7 clear plastic cups. Have an adult help with this step for safety.

Holes drilled in plastic cups

2 . Fill 1 clear cup (with holes) with soil 1” from top of cup and place cup inside non-clear cup (without holes).

Pour ½ cup of water into the soil cup and allow to absorb. Pour another ½ cup of water into the soil cup.

Place 30 grass seeds on top of the wetted soil and cover with 1/8” of new soil and gently wet. Make sure seeds are covered with soil (Label cup “Control”).

Cups filled with soil and water

3 . Fill 3 clear cups (with holes) with soil 1” from top. Add 1 teaspoon of salt to the soil of 1 cup (label cup “salt 1”). Add 1 tablespoon of salt to the 2nd cup (label cup “salt 2”). Add 3 tablespoons of salt to the 3rd cup (label cup “salt 3”).

Place each cup in a non-clear cup (no holes) and add ½ cup of water to each and let absorb. Add another ½ cup of water.

Place 30 grass seeds in each cup and cover with 1/8” of new soil and moisten new soil. Make sure seeds are covered with soil (Image 2).

Adding salt to cups filled with soil

4 . Fill 3 clear cups (with holes) ¼ full with soil. Add 1 tablespoon of baking soda to 1st cup and add more soil to fill cup 1” from the top. Hold your hand over the cup so soil does not spill and shake the cup to mix the baking soda with the soil (label cup “alkali 1”).

Add 2 tablespoons of baking soda to the 2nd cup and fill with soil 1" from top. Again, with hand over cup, shake to mix baking soda and soil (label cup “alkali 2”).

Add ½ cup of baking soda to the 3rd cup, fill with soil 1" from top and shake to mix (label cup “alkali 3”).

Place each cup in a non-clear cup (no holes). Add ½ cup of water to each and let absorb, then add another ½ cup of water. Place 30 grass seeds in each cup and cover with 1/8" of new soil and moisten new soil. Make sure seeds are covered with soil.

Baking soda being added to cups

5 . Let grass germinate and grow for 1 week.

Let’s Look At The Results!

After 1 week count the number of plants in each cup and measure the tallest blades of grass in each cup. Record the numbers for each on the data sheet . Remove the clear cups and observe root growth.

Results of experiment

After 1 week, remove “salt 2” and “alkali 2” clear cups from red cups and place in the sink or outside (where water can drain) and slowly pour 6 cups of water through each, making sure to not over-fill (pour ½ cup at a time and let drain).

Observe which cups drains fastest (alkali soils have poor drainage). Make sure seeds are still covered with soil (add some on top if necessary) and let them grow for 1 more week.

2 Leached cups showing the difference between saline and alkali soils

After 1 week (2 weeks total) observe if “leached” cups now have plants that are growing. Did leaching help the same for saline vs. alkali soils?

After 2 weeks , measure the height of plants in each cup and record the results. Again, observe the roots and record observations on the data sheet.

Summarize your data and observations.

  • Why did plants grow or not grow in each cup?
  • What effect did leaching have on plant growth and why?
  • Did leaching work on both salt and baking soda equally and why?

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Science project, what kinds of water yield fastest plant growth.

fast plant growth experiment

Grade Level: 5th - 6th; Type: Botany

Students will discover whether distilled water, spring water, or regular tap water yield faster plant growth; in this case, we will use beans. Beans have a fast germination time (2-5 days depending on conditions) so we won't be waiting too long to see results.

Research Questions:

  • What is condensation? What happens during this process?
  • What do plants need to grow?

Plants grow through a process called photosynthesis. This requires sunlight to take place. The chlorophyll located in the chloroplast of the plant cells grabs sunlight and starts the reactions (such as sugar) that are needed to make the plant grow. Water is also needed in the growth equation, because like humans and animals, plants need moisture to quench their thirst.

Tap water is basically just water that comes from indoor plumbing. This water is controlled directly by the water main from the city and runs through a series and network of pipes until it finally reaches the home, of which the faucet is one outlet. This water is treated with chemical compounds and chlorine to kill harmful bacteria, toxins, and other contaminants that cause water-bourne diseases.

Spring water, however, contains natural minerals and as the name suggests, comes from a natural spring and the water comes from beneath the surface of the earth and flows to the surface. Distilled water contains close to none of the minerals nor impurities found in the other 2 types of waters. All of that has been filtered out through the distillation process which involves first boiling water and then allowing the steam to condense.

(from the grocery store/gardening store)

  • 3 beans (i.e. lima beans, lentils, pinto beans)
  • 3 pots with soil
  • distilled water, spring water, and regular tap water

Also required

  • Pen and paper for notes

Experimental Procedure:

  • First we will pot the beans. Use your finger and make a small hole about 2 inches deep into the soil of each of the 3 pots. Put a bean into each hole and cover it up with soil. Give it a pat.
  • Label each pot with the type of water the plant is going to receive- tap, distilled, or spring.
  • Take the pots to a windowsill with the same amount of sunlight.
  • Give the plants their first taste of water. Just give them a little water. Just a sprinkle, spritz, or “rain” would do. Do not overwater them with too much! You will water them the same amount at least daily or when they are dry. You can test if they are getting too much water by just sticking your finger to the side of the bean and into the soil. If your finger comes out muddy, they have too much water and you shouldn't water them. The soil should be a nice dampness or dry.
  • The beans should germinate in 2-5 days, depending on location and conditions. After this, you should start monitoring their daily growth for 2 weeks and measure how tall the sprout is for each sample. Which one is growing at a faster rate? Is there any difference? Any other things you see like a difference in plant healthiness?
  • After 2 weeks, analyze your results.

Terms/Concepts: Plant growth process; germination; Photosynthesis; Distillation; Condensation; Water



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Which Seeds Will Germinate the Fastest for a Science Fair Project?

Which Seeds Will Germinate the Fastest for a Science Fair Project

Plants That Grow Fast for Science Projects

When time is important – like planning for a science fair project – picking seeds that germinate quickly can be a key to success. Radishes push up through soil quickly, as do melon and squash plants. For flowers, choose zinnias or marigolds, also quick growers.

Radishes Are Super Fast

To begin germinating, a seed needs to absorb a large amount of water through its outer coat. This activates an enzyme within the seed that's vital for germination and later growth of the seedling. Radish seeds absorb water quickly and seedlings appear above the soil in short order, usually taking between six and eight days. However, because they're small, radish seeds can challenge small children's hands. Also, radish shoots are tiny and not very dramatic compared to some of the other options.

Melons Pop Up Quickly

The most common melons used in science projects are watermelons, although other melons including cantaloupe and honeydew are also good choices. All these seeds are generally big enough for little hands to handle with ease, and their bright green shoots are moderate-sized and easy to see. They also germinate in 5 to 10 days.

Squash or Pumpkins

Squash seeds are quite sturdy and fairly simple to grow, germinating in 6 to 10 days. Although many types of squash seeds work well, pumpkin seeds are a good choice because they're large and children usually know about them from Halloween.

Beans and Peas

Green beans are common choices for science projects. They germinate dependably in 7 to 10 days and are easy to handle. The beans themselves also resemble beans that children recognize from their food, helping them learn what seeds are and how plants create them. Beans also produce a good-sized, sturdy shoot that's easy to use for projects that require observation of the plant's later growth. Pea seeds are also dependable growers and look like a vegetable that children know. A little harder to handle than beans, they're still a good option and germinate in 7 to 10 days.

Flowers Also Work

Science projects don't often include flower growing because the seeds are usually very small. But they can be a good option if you choose carefully. For example, marigold seeds are relatively large and super-fast, only needing 5 to 7 days to germinate. Other good choices include zinnia, poppy, morning glory and cosmos, all germinating in 7 to 10 days.

Speeding Germination

After selecting seeds for your project, take a few easy steps to speed up germination. Gently scratch the surface of the seed on sandpaper – called scarification – and then soak the seed in warm water overnight. This helps speed water absorption. Once you plant your seeds, keep them evenly watered and in a warm spot to continue germination.

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  • Penn State University: Seed and Seedling Biology
  • Yankee Gardener: Flower Germination

About the Author

Sarah Sweetman has been writing and copy-editing for more than 20 years. She is a holistic life and wellness coach as well as an avid crafter specializing in beading, wire work and fiber arts. Sweetman has a Master of Interdisciplinary Studies degree and is a doctoral candidate in cultural studies.

Photo Credits

John Foxx/Stockbyte/Getty Images

Find Your Next Great Science Fair Project! GO

23 Plant Experiment Ideas

ThoughtCo / Hilary Allison

  • Cell Biology
  • Weather & Climate
  • B.A., Biology, Emory University
  • A.S., Nursing, Chattahoochee Technical College

Plants are tremendously crucial to life on Earth. They are the foundation of food chains in almost every ecosystem. Plants also play a significant role in the environment by influencing climate and producing life-giving oxygen.

Plant experiments and studies allow us to learn about plant biology and its potential usage for plants in other fields such as medicine , agriculture , and biotechnology . The following plant experiment ideas provide suggestions for topics to be explored.

Plant Experiment Ideas

  • Do magnetic fields affect plant growth?
  • Do different colors of light affect the direction of plant growth?
  • Do sounds (music, noise, etc.) affect plant growth?
  • Do different colors of light affect the rate of photosynthesis ?
  • What are the effects of acid rain on plant growth?
  • Do household detergents affect plant growth?
  • Can plants conduct electricity ?
  • Does cigarette smoke affect plant growth?
  • Does soil temperature affect root growth?
  • Does caffeine affect plant growth?
  • Does water salinity affect plant growth?
  • Does artificial gravity affect seed germination?
  • Does freezing affect seed germination?
  • Does burned soil affect seed germination?
  • Does seed size affect plant height?
  • Does fruit size affect the number of seeds in the fruit?
  • Do vitamins or fertilizers promote plant growth?
  • Do fertilizers extend plant life during a drought ?
  • Does leaf size affect plant transpiration rates?
  • Can plant spices inhibit bacterial growth ?
  • Do different types of artificial light affect plant growth?
  • Does soil pH affect plant growth?
  • Do carnivorous plants prefer certain insects?
  • Guide to the 6 Kingdoms of Life
  • Phases of the Bacterial Growth Curve
  • Gram Positive vs. Gram Negative Bacteria
  • Animal Studies and School Project Ideas
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  1. Wisconsin Fast Plants of the University of Wisconsin: Homepage

    Wisconsin Fast Plants were developed as research tool at the University of Wisconsin - Madison and have been used by K-16 teachers around the world for nearly 30 years as an educational model-organism. Wisconsin Fast Plants are perfect for teaching, learning & research. Find here everything about growing Fast Plants plus Open Source lessons.

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  8. Fast Plants Program's new varieties are tailored for classroom use

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  12. Seedling Growth of Wisconsin Fast Plants in Field Environments ...

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    development and growth of the Wisconsin Fast Plants™ will be inhibited. METHODS This experiment was conducted between July 2, 2009, and July 14, 2009, in Compton 225 on the Frostburg State University campus. The experiment was conducted over an 11-day period. On July 2, 2009, one Wisconsin Fast Plant™ seed was planted in each section of five

  14. PDF Seedling Growth of Wisconsin Fast Plants (Brassica rapa) in Field ...

    experiments using previously prepared Wisconsin Fast Plant seedlings. One week later students harvest their plants during a return field trip after which they collect their data, write individual scientific reports, and present their findings in-class. This experiment is unique because Wisconsin Fast Plants are used in a field experiment ...

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    Fast Plants are a model organism that was developed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison through artificial selection (not genetically engineered).Fast Plants were bred to have a uniform, short flowering time (14 days), grow well in a small indoor space, require only a small substrate volume, and thrive under continuous (24 hours per day) exposure to light from a cool white fluorescent or ...

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