Identity - List of Essay Samples And Topic Ideas

Identity is a complex interplay of individual, social, and cultural factors. Essays could explore personal identity development, the impact of societal expectations, or how identity intersects with other social categories. A substantial compilation of free essay instances related to Identity you can find at PapersOwl Website. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Gender Identity & Sexual Orientation Essay

Gender identity is how someone feels inside, which could be expressed in many ways, for example, by clothing, appearance, and behavior. There are a few gender identities other than the common two, female and male. When it comes to both terms, people tend to confuse the two, and although they may seem similar, it is two completely different things like being a masculine female or a feminine male, transgender and gender fluid. Some may not feel female or male and […]

The Loss of Identity in the Great Gatsby

In the novel The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald many themes and thoughts are expressed through subtlety and secrecy of characters and objects. With these underlying conceptions Fitzgerald is able to reveal Gatsby, the main character, as someone with a loss of identity which ultimately leads to his attempt to restore the past and failure to grasp the present before it’s overdue. Gatsby masks his old identity through speculation and contemplation in hope to reinvent his status and rebuild […]

New Country, New Life

Traveling, exploring, and moving are life changing experiences. The new things that individuals are able to explore gives them the chance to learn about the ways of life in another culture. People move to a new country for various reasons. I, along with my family, moved to the United States from England in 2004. However, long before this it all started with the Scandinavians who discovered native people in North America around A.D. 1000. Short lived as their stay was, […]

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Themes of Identity and Relationships in Young Adult Literature/ MLA

The key themes from the book are the themes of identity and relationships. These themes are valuable to young readers as these themes not only keep readers engaged through the personal connections that can be made, but they also help teach readers important core values and help readers develop an identity of their own. In the theme of identity, it is possible to look deeper into LGBTQ+ themes and within the theme of relationships follows themes of peer, family, and […]

Fight Club: Search for Identity

Fight Club is a famous novel by Chuck Palahniuk, telling the story of an unnamed protagonist, who has to manage the problem of insomnia. This novel has caused a lot of critical debates and controversies. The novel was characterized as revolutionary and cynical and it explores the theme of journey of the main hero towards his identity through his personality disorder. The protagonist is to manage various challenges in his life, his own emotional troubles, his homophobia, his desire for […]

The Revolution and a Beginning to have the Rights to Live and Life

In the book To Kill Mockingbird, the writer's intention was to talk about the amount of racism in Alabama history, where there were many events that show how aggressive the whites are toward blacks. Their definition and belief is that differing ideas, beliefs, convictions, and actions are what elevate the value of a particular group or category at the expense of other groups, based on inherited things related to people's abilities, typologies, or habits. Their reliance on skin color, culture, […]

Identity Formation in the Odyssey

Identity is what makes us who we are. The Odyssey by Homer is a story about a man named Odysseus who goes to war for 10 years, then decides to make trouble for himself, which leads him to face many obstacles to find his way back home. Odysseus’s identity is shaped by the people he meets, the things he does, and by the gods. One way Odysseus’s identity is shaped is by the people he meets. One of the people […]

Willy’s Struggle for Identity in “Death of a Salesman”

Willy Loman is a 63-year-old salesman, father, and husband. Willy believes that all you need to live the American dream is wealth which comes from being well-liked by others. Never have succeeded in his sellings, Willy is unable to face the truth, expects his sons to do great things and fulfill his own - dreams the ones he couldn’t fulfill himself. In Arthur Miller’s play, Death of a Salesman, parent’s deluded definition of the American dream can affect their relationships […]

Democratic Society and Racism

I think identity would be the most difficult political conflict to resolve because unlike the others, identity is something nobody can change. Your ethnic background, your race or sexual identity is something that is permanent. Identity influences and shapes people, and because we all have different identities this can create conflicts that cannot easily be resolved because the source for that conflict is unchangeable. Power, for example, can change through elections, or in the case of authoritarian regimes there is […]

Controversial Topic : Gender Identity

Transgender Identities bring up the controversial topic of gender identity in society. Gender identity is important because it is a way to self-identify based on expression of the internal self rather than just by the assigned gender at birth. Individuals who identify as transgender women are born male who later in life transition to female. Some argue that transgender women face the same oppression and sexism as cisgender women. Others, such as radical feminists, disapprove of transgender women entirely being […]

Perspective on Gender Roles and Identity in Family

Since the beginning of time, gender roles have been a major part of what made up the general rules of society. Gender roles can be seen in every aspect of living such as workplace, marriage, schools and the way society functions. As much as gender roles dominate in society, the rules of gender roles dominate even more in marriages. In heterosexual marriages, when men and women are married, gender roles are expressed more than in just regular societal situations. The […]

The Moment that Changed Everything in my Life: Self-Discovery

The 'Moment That Changed Everything': Understanding the Self through Philosophy and Experience I always thought of the idea of the self as something intangible, a given that I assumed everyone understood and therefore didn’t have to question. After reading Descartes’ Meditations, I found that my experiences and understanding of my “self” directly involved how I interpreted my past and how I decided that it would determine my future. Schechtman’s paper on “Personal Identity and The Past” was a really thought-provoking […]

Theme of Personal Identity to Socially Protest

"Langston Hughes utilizes the theme of personal identity to socially protest how blacks were treated in America during the modernism time period. There was strong racism in most parts of the country. Throughout his work “I, Too,” he tries to establish his identity as a black man. He uses “I, Too” to reveal the racism he experiences as a black man and combats racism by demonstrating how he is a proud black man in spite of how he’s treated. In […]

Gender Ruining Identity

Men, women, and anyone in between all know what it feels like to have to do something that isn’t them because of their gender. The novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston follows the main character Janie throughout her life displaying the social pressures black women were forced to live by. The novel also displays what gender roles did to the men in her life and how they treated her because of it. In the lives of […]

Exploring Identity Conflicts in Langston Hughes’ Poem

In this essay we will analyze Langston Hughes’ poem “Theme for English B.” This poem was published in 1951 and forms part of Hughes’ poetry book Montage of a Dream Deferred. Most of Hughes’ poetry focuses on African-American people, their lives, their struggles, their fight for justice, and their culture. In this particular poem, the speaker is an African-American student in a prestigious university. The poem is a response from the student to his English professor’s assignment. Hughes uses rhyme, […]

The Theme of Familial and Social Identity

One of the biggest ideas in the soliloquy in Act 1, Scene 2 is the theme of familial and social identity. This theme is seen through Edmund’s emotions and opinions towards the social laws put forth by man in regards to parent-child legitimacy. Edmund criticizes the core logic behind these social laws which spite him, “Why “bastard”? Wherefore “base,” When my dimensions are as well compact, My mind as generous and my shape as true as honest madam’s issue? Why […]

Five Sources of Conflict

When evaluating, one can easily identify the one prevailing issue affecting conflict on a global scale. To date, I consider identity issues to be the most difficult to resolve. For one, the struggle for power can at times be easily solved through government elections or even overthrowing a weak regime. While the struggle to acquire an abundance of resources can easily be resolved through a state’s brute military strength or strategy. So those two are out of the question. Finally, […]

Virtual Reality and Identity

Virtual reality as a simulation of a real or imaginary phenomenon allows freedom for the individuals within the environment. The virtual reality has no defined gender roles and defies society's definition of gender and boundaries. This is illustrated in the films the matrix and her the characters exhibit a form of freedom and no clearly defined boundaries. Virtual reality allows the change of identity and total control of the identity of the character. This is displayed by trinity in the […]

Racial, Gender and Sexual Identity

In the article "Fluid and Shifting: Racialized, Gendered, and Sexual Identity in African American Children," by Denise Isom, the author talks about a study on African American children and racialized gender identity. The researchers used various methods to conduct their research, including: 1) questionnaires, 2) face-to-face interviews, 3) ethnographic observation. The first part of the study was conducted from 2001-2002 in a "lower/working class African American community near a large mid-western city" (Isom, 2012). The subjects of this study were […]

Gender Identity and LGBTQ Rights

In this piece I’m going to explain how the LGBTQ community are being treated because of their Sex/Gender/Gender identity/sexuality an article that shows this was the privileges article a how people that comes out as straight or gay can help the gay community’s when they come out. I’m going to do this by explaining the way Carbados thinks that there’s a new way that heterosexual people tailored as “coming out” as heterosexual and this could affect the homosexual community in […]

Sex Education and Gender Identity

Could you imagine a society in which we are all separated by gender? Single-sex schools might be the first step in this direction. Gender-segregated schools have both advantages and disadvantages, but the downsides are more notable. Although some people believe that single-sex schools are better for both male and female students, research has shown single-sex schools promote sexism and gender stereotypes, offer no significant benefits (,) and often cause students to be ill-prepared for life outside of school. One reason […]

Beginning in the 1990s, a New Group of American Directors Emerged.

They were individuals with distinct styles, a fondness for pop culture, and new ideas about the relationship between art and audience. Critic Armond White dubbed them the 'American Eccentrics' distinguishing them from other filmmakers saying they are “ drawn to exploring American experience and pop tradition in order to understand their place in the world” (2007). Although their styles and subjects differed, each of their films is a variation on the basic theme of identity. The overriding concern is a […]

Gender Roles and Identity in Children

Gender roles have always been a focused topic throughout cultural history. Theoretical and empirical work on family gender roles focuses on the process in which parents convey behavior to their children. The family unit and gender roles that are played can directly affect society. There are people who believe there is a role set for them. Traditional American culture has identified a male as the head of the house hold. He is to be considered the Breadwinner . The female […]

Gender Identity & Roles

Abstract From birth, we as humans are grouped into two categories: male and female. Gender is the first and most basic way to define a person, not only in terms of physical attributions, but also through roles structured by culture and society. Gender roles are social constructs developed by cultures that put various expectations on each sex. They set a standard of what behavior is appropriate for a person according to whether they are male or female. These roles represent […]

Gender Identity and Freedom of Speech

The views of professor of psychology, Jordan Peterson at the University of Toronto on the issue of gender identity and his beliefs, position and refusal to use gender-neutral pronouns has sparked debates. The arguments by the professor have arisen a lot of objective and subjective intuition on his stand that his freedom of speech and need to become politically correct cannot determine by use of pronouns. Discussions are presented in different articles by Ellen Brait, a staff reporter for the […]

Gender Dysphoria & Identity: Teens

Have you ever wondered what harsh cruelties that some teens have to face, because of their gender identity? Gender fluidity is the belief that you feel male one day but feel like a female another day regardless of what sex you were born. Teens that discover they are gender fluid can experience bullying from peers and family. There are many cases of injustices against gender fluid teens experience. The older generations are usually unaccepting of the younger generations gender identity. […]

The Immensity of Political Activity 

 Human rights are rights to which all human beings are entitled, regardless of ethnicity, religion, skin color, or sex. One can defend the essential human rights of all people by being politically active. Martin Luther King jr was a minister and civil-rights activist who had a seismic impact on race relations in the United States by proclaiming and vigorously defending his beliefs. Martin Luther King became frustrated with the constant racial discrimination in the United States during the 1900s. In […]

Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Inequality

Social class has been traditionally defined by an individual’s occupation, education, and/or income and are then compared between individuals, if you fall somewhere within the same category as another you are then thought to be a part of the same social class (Hurst, 2013, p. 15). Something overlooked in terms of how we see the social class is the ignoring of intersectionality and its effects on a person’s social class.  Now, what is intersectionality? Intersectionality is how different aspects of […]

Gender Identity and Expression

Deep inside the young minds of our students are the seeds of growth and responsibility. They would like to foresee themselves as being productive and effective members of their community and our society. Parents and guardians of our young adolescents have profound provision of commitment of guiding and supporting them to reach their greatest potentials and significance to the nation. They offer their limitless and boundless care during the most precarious stage of being an adolescent; their identity and development […]

Heritage Identity and Resiliency

In her book Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome, Joy Degruy contrasts the resident populations of two small villages in South Africa. She then goes on to draw similarities between the South African tribes with Black Americans, presenting a argument for her concept of the post traumatic slave syndrome. This comparison shows the benefits of a shared cultural tradition and the detriment that losing that Identity can have on a population. I have seen a similar transition in my own life when […]

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Essays on Personal Identity

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Essays on Identity

What makes you you: unraveling the complexities of identity.

Identity is a concept both profound and enigmatic, encompassing the intricate web of characteristics, experiences, and beliefs that define who we are as individuals. This essay embarks on a journey to explore the multifaceted nature of identity, delving into the interplay of genetics, culture, personal...

What is Family in Modern America

The concept of family in America has undergone significant changes in recent decades, reflecting shifts in societal norms, demographics, and cultural diversity. In this essay, we will explore the evolving definition of family in modern America, considering various family structures, roles, and the impact of...

What is America for Me: Identity and Belonging

For centuries, America has been a land of dreams and aspirations for people from all corners of the globe. It is a nation founded on ideals of freedom, opportunity, and equality. However, the question, "What is America for me?" can yield a myriad of answers,...

What It Means to Be an American: then and Now

The identity of an American has evolved over centuries, shaped by historical events, cultural diversity, and shifting societal values. What it means to be an American now differs in many ways from what it meant in the past. In this essay, we will explore the...

How Can I Be a Good American

Being a good American involves much more than merely holding citizenship or residing within the borders of the United States. It entails active participation in the democratic process, upholding core values, and contributing positively to society. In this essay, we will explore the various dimensions...

The Dynamics of Social Class: Exploring Inequality and Mobility

Social class is a fundamental concept that underpins the structure of societies and shapes individuals' life experiences. It refers to the hierarchical divisions of society based on factors such as economic resources, occupation, education, and cultural capital. This essay delves into the complexities of social...

Understanding What It Means to Be a Woman

Exploring what it means to be a woman delves into the intricate tapestry of identity, experiences, and roles that define the feminine journey. This essay contemplates the multifaceted nature of womanhood, touching upon the societal, cultural, and personal dimensions that shape the essence of being...

The Interplay of Language and Culture

The relationship between language and culture is a complex and fascinating topic that has captured the attention of linguists, anthropologists, and scholars from various fields. Language serves as a fundamental means of communication and expression, while culture encompasses a society's shared beliefs, values, practices, and...

Is Sexual Orientation Determined at Birth: Exploring the Nature

The question of whether sexual orientation is determined at birth or influenced by environmental factors has sparked considerable debate. This essay delves into the complexities of the nature vs. nurture discussion surrounding sexual orientation, examining scientific research, personal experiences, and the broader implications for society....

The Significance of Fashion: Exploring Its Impact on Culture and Identity

Fashion, often dismissed as a superficial pursuit, holds a much deeper significance in our lives. This essay delves into the importance of fashion, its role in expressing individuality and cultural identity, and its influence on societal norms and perceptions. Fashion is not merely about following...

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  • Cultural Identity
  • Transgender
  • American Identity
  • Americanism
  • Social Class
  • Gender Identity
  • Homosexuality
  • Masculinity
  • Gay Adoption
  • Human Sexuality
  • Ethnic Identity
  • Social Mobility
  • Nation Building
  • Personal Life
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Human Sexual Behavior
  • Middle Class
  • American Family
  • American Values
  • Animal Cruelty
  • Animal Ethics
  • Identity Imagination
  • Labeling Theory
  • Social Inequality
  • National Identity
  • Same-Sex Parenting
  • Bisexuality
  • Modern Society
  • Individual Identity
  • Self Identity
  • The Perils of Indifference
  • Animal Abuse
  • Gender Criticism
  • Sociological Theories
  • Communication
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