product research job description

How to Be Product Researcher - Job Description, Skills, and Interview Questions

  • How to Become
  • Job Descriptions
  • Skill & Competencies
  • Common Tools
  • Professional Organizations

The increased use of technology in areas such as transportation, communication, and production has had a dramatic effect on the world of product research. Companies are now able to gather more data than ever before, allowing them to identify customer needs and trends more quickly and effectively. This data helps them develop new products that meet those needs faster, reducing the time it takes to bring a product to market.

product researchers can now leverage powerful analytics software to explore customer sentiment and behaviors, enabling them to make more informed decisions when it comes to product development. this leads to more successful products and more satisfied customers.

Steps How to Become

  • Obtain a bachelor's degree in a relevant field such as psychology, marketing, or engineering. A degree in a related field such as communications, sociology, anthropology, or business may also be helpful.
  • Build up a portfolio of past research projects and any publications. This could include anything from published articles to conference presentations you have given.
  • Gain experience in the industry by working in related roles such as market research analyst, user experience designer, or market research consultant.
  • Become familiar with the tools and techniques used to conduct research including data analysis, survey design, interviews, focus groups, and usability testing.
  • Familiarize yourself with the principles of product design and user experience.
  • Develop strong communication skills to effectively communicate findings to stakeholders.
  • Look for opportunities to network with potential employers and build relationships with other professionals in the field.
  • Consider joining a professional organization related to product research and staying up-to-date on industry trends and best practices.

The key to staying updated and capable as a Product Researcher is to stay informed about the latest trends in the industry. Constant research and analysis of the current market and products within it is essential in order to identify opportunities and weaknesses. Companies must keep up to date with their competitors to understand what they are doing and how they can be better.

staying abreast of new technologies and innovations will help to ensure that the product being researched has the best chance of success. It is also important to stay connected with industry professionals and experts in order to gain insight into new developments and trends. This will help to ensure that the product researcher is able to provide accurate and up-to-date information about the product and its potential for success.

You may want to check Research and Development Analyst , Medical Researcher , and Senior Research Analyst for alternative.

Job Description

  • Product Researcher: Responsible for gathering customer feedback, analyzing customer needs and preferences, and conducting market research to identify new product opportunities and trends.
  • Data Analyst: Responsible for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting large amounts of data to determine patterns and trends in order to make informed decisions about product development, pricing, and marketing strategies.
  • UX Researcher: Responsible for understanding user behaviors and motivations through user testing and interviews, designing prototypes, and conducting usability studies to ensure user-friendly product experiences.
  • Competitive Analyst: Responsible for keeping up with trends in the market and the competition in order to inform product development and marketing decisions.
  • User Experience Designer: Responsible for designing intuitive user interfaces and experiences, taking into consideration user requirements, business objectives, and technical constraints.

Skills and Competencies to Have

  • Excellent research skills
  • Ability to analyze data and identify trends
  • Knowledge of product development processes
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills
  • Creative problem-solving skills
  • Attention to detail
  • Ability to work independently and in teams
  • Knowledge of relevant industry technologies and trends
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite
  • Ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously

Product Researchers are essential for the success of any product or service. Their most important skill is the ability to identify customer needs, behaviors, and preferences. They must be able to analyze data, conduct market research, and identify potential customer segments.

Product Researchers must also be able to communicate their findings to stakeholders in a clear and concise way. This helps ensure that the company has a clear understanding of their customer base, allowing them to create products and services that meet their customers’ needs. they must be creative in finding solutions to customer problems, as well as be able to think outside of the box.

Product Researchers are critical to the success of any product or service, as they are the bridge between customer needs and product development.

Junior Research and Development Manager , Environmental Researcher , and Statistical Researcher are related jobs you may like.

Frequent Interview Questions

  • What experience do you have in product research?
  • How do you stay current on trends in the field?
  • Describe a difficult challenge you faced while conducting research and how you overcame it.
  • What methods do you use to generate customer insights?
  • How do you capture and analyze customer feedback?
  • How do you prioritize customer needs versus product requirements?
  • What strategies do you use to identify customer pain points?
  • What is your experience with A/B testing?
  • How do you ensure accurate data is collected and analyzed?
  • How do you use customer feedback to inform product direction?

Common Tools in Industry

  • SurveyMonkey. An online survey platform for conducting market research, customer satisfaction surveys, and more. (eg: Product feedback survey)
  • Google Trends. A tool that allows users to view search trends and compare the popularity of topics over time. (eg: Trend analysis of product reviews)
  • Qualtrics. An online survey platform and research suite for creating surveys and analyzing data. (eg: Brand awareness study)
  • UsabilityHub. A platform for rapid user testing to collect feedback on website designs, prototypes, and more. (eg: User experience testing)
  • Hotjar. A suite of tools that allow researchers to capture qualitative user feedback through heatmaps, recordings, and surveys. (eg: User flow analysis)
  • Optimizely. An experimentation platform that enables researchers to test different versions of websites or apps. (eg: A/B Testing)
  • Tableau. A business intelligence tool for creating visualizations and dashboards to analyze data. (eg: Market segmentation analysis)

Professional Organizations to Know

  • American Marketing Association (AMA)
  • Institute of Packaging Professionals (IoPP)
  • Product Development and Management Association (PDMA)
  • International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE)
  • Association of International Product Marketing and Management (AIPMM)
  • International Association for Product and Brand Management (IAPPM)
  • Global Product Management Forum (GPMF)
  • European Product and Brand Management Association (EPBMA)
  • Design Management Institute (DMI)
  • International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC)

We also have Senior Research and Development Scientist , Qualitative Researcher , and Clinical Researcher jobs reports.

Common Important Terms

  • Product Design. The process of creating a product or service to meet customer needs. This includes research and development, engineering, marketing, and design.
  • User Experience (UX). The overall experience a user has when interacting with a product or service, taking into account the usability, accessibility, and overall satisfaction.
  • Usability. The ability of a product to be used easily and effectively by its intended users.
  • A/B Testing. A technique used to compare two versions of a product or service, to identify which one performs better in terms of user engagement, conversion rate, and other metrics.
  • User Research. The process of gathering data about customers to better understand their needs, preferences, and behaviors related to a product or service.
  • Market Research. The process of gathering data about the market for a product or service in order to identify potential customers and understand their needs, preferences, and behaviors.
  • Competitive Analysis. The process of researching and analyzing competitors' products and services in order to identify their strengths and weaknesses relative to one's own.
  • Usability Testing. A technique used to evaluate the usability of a product or service by having users perform tasks with it in order to identify any issues that could hinder their experience.
  • Interviews. A technique used to gather qualitative data from users or stakeholders by asking questions about their experiences with a product or service.
  • Surveys. A technique used to gather quantitative data from users or stakeholders by asking questions about their experiences with a product or service.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a product researcher.

A Product Researcher is a professional who specializes in researching and analyzing products to identify market trends and customer preferences. They use a variety of tools, such as surveys, focus groups, market research, and data analysis, to gain insights into customer needs and develop strategies to meet those needs.

What qualifications do Product Researchers need?

Product Researchers typically need a Bachelor's degree in a related field, such as marketing, economics, or business. They must also have strong analytical and problem-solving skills, as well as excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

What skills do Product Researchers need?

Product Researchers need to have a deep understanding of the product they are researching, as well as market trends and customer preferences. They must also have strong analytical and problem-solving skills, as well as excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

What do Product Researchers do?

Product Researchers are responsible for researching and analyzing products to identify market trends and customer preferences. They use a variety of tools, such as surveys, focus groups, market research, and data analysis, to gain insights into customer needs and develop strategies to meet those needs.

What is the average salary for a Product Researcher?

According to, the average salary for a Product Researcher is $60,942 per year.

What are jobs related with Product Researcher?

  • Human Resources Researcher
  • Research and Development Scientist
  • Junior Research Scientist
  • Senior Research Manager
  • Academic Researcher
  • Senior Research Scientist
  • Junior Research Analyst
  • Industrial Researcher
  • Junior Research Technician
  • Consumer Researcher

Web Resources

  • Products of Research | CORE Lab
  • Products We Research | CALS
  • Product innovation - Carnegie Mellon University

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16 Product Researcher Skills for Your Career and Resume

Learn about the most important Product Researcher skills, how you can utilize them in the workplace, and what to list on your resume.

product research job description

Product researchers work with companies to help them develop and improve their products. They use a variety of skills to understand customer needs, test products and create reports. If you’re interested in a career as a product researcher, it’s important to understand the skills that are necessary for success.


Product research, creating reports, customer analysis, time management, creating surveys, swot analysis, a/b testing, attention to detail, competitive analysis, problem solving skills, focus groups, analytical skills, usability testing.

Organization is the ability to keep track of multiple tasks and responsibilities. Product researchers often have many projects at once, so it’s important for them to be organized in order to complete their work on time. Strong organizational skills also help product researchers stay focused during long research sessions or when they’re working with large amounts of data.

Product researchers use product research skills to learn about the products they test and review. This includes understanding how a product works, what features it has and why consumers might buy it. Product researchers also conduct their own research into consumer trends and preferences so they can provide insight on what types of products companies should create.

Product researchers often create reports to present their findings and recommendations. These documents can be used by other members of a product development team, so it’s important that product researchers know how to write them. They may also need to create presentations or give verbal updates on the status of projects.

Customer analysis is the ability to understand a customer’s needs and preferences. This skill can help product researchers develop products that customers are likely to buy. For example, if a company wants to sell a new type of shampoo, they may ask their product researchers to research potential types of shampoo and determine which ones consumers would most likely purchase.

Time management is the ability to plan and execute tasks in a way that ensures you meet your deadlines. Product researchers often have multiple projects at once, so it’s important for them to be able to manage their time effectively. This means being able to prioritize tasks, set goals and track your progress. It also means knowing how long each task should take so you can estimate when you’ll complete it.

Creativity is the ability to think of new ideas and solutions. Product researchers often use creativity when developing surveys, questionnaires or other research methods. They also use this skill when brainstorming ways to gather information about a product’s features, benefits and drawbacks. Finally, they may apply their creativity in devising ways to present data in an interesting way that will help companies make informed decisions.

Surveys are a common tool product researchers use to gather information about their target audience’s preferences and opinions. Having the ability to create surveys is an important skill for product researchers because it allows them to collect data that can help inform their work. Surveys also allow product researchers to communicate with clients, managers or other stakeholders by providing them with data rather than subjective opinions.

Interviewing is a skill that product researchers use to gather information from their clients. They may conduct interviews over the phone, in person or through email to learn about their client’s needs and preferences. This allows them to create products that meet their clients’ expectations. Product researchers can also use interviewing skills when they observe users interacting with prototypes of new products.

A SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool that product researchers use to evaluate their projects. It involves identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of a project or task. For example, if you’re working on developing a new product, you might identify that your team has strong technical skills but lacks marketing expertise. You can then use this information to assign tasks accordingly.

A/B testing is a method of comparing two versions of the same product to determine which version performs better. For example, if you were creating an advertisement for a new product, you might create one version that uses a green background and another version with a red background. You could then compare how many people clicked on each ad to see which performed better. This allows you to make more informed decisions about your products and marketing campaigns.

Attention to detail is the ability to notice small details and make precise observations. As a product researcher, you may need to examine different aspects of a product or service to determine its effectiveness. For example, if you are testing a new car model, you might observe how well it performs in various weather conditions, how easy it is to drive and how comfortable the seats are. This requires attention to detail so that you can provide accurate feedback about the product’s strengths and weaknesses.

Product researchers use their knowledge of the market to analyze how a product might perform. They consider what similar products offer and why consumers might prefer one over another. This analysis helps them determine if a new product is likely to succeed in the marketplace or if it needs improvement before release.

To conduct competitive analysis, product researchers study consumer trends, sales data and other information about existing products. They then compare this information with their own research on potential new products to predict which ones will be successful.

Problem solving skills are necessary for product researchers to identify and solve issues that may arise during the research process. For example, if a customer is dissatisfied with a product’s performance or experience, it’s important for product researchers to find ways to improve the product so other customers have a positive experience. This requires product researchers to analyze data, evaluate processes and develop solutions to ensure their products meet consumer needs.

A product researcher often uses focus groups to gather feedback on a new product. This is an excellent example of how your skills as a product researcher can help you develop other skills, such as moderating and facilitating group discussions. A product researcher who has experience with focus groups may be able to conduct them more efficiently and effectively than someone without this skill set.

Product researchers use analytical skills to evaluate data and make informed decisions. For example, product researchers may analyze the results of a survey to determine what consumers like about a product or service and how they can improve it. They also use analytical skills when evaluating new products and comparing them to existing ones. This involves analyzing the features of each product and determining which one is most effective for customers.

Usability testing is a process by which you evaluate how easy it is for users to navigate through your product. You can conduct usability tests in person or remotely, and the results help you determine whether your product is user-friendly. Having strong observation skills and knowing how to conduct an effective usability test are important aspects of this skill set.

How Can I Learn These Product Researcher Skills?

There are a few ways that you can learn the necessary skills to become a product researcher. Firstly, you can read about these topics online or in books, and then try to apply what you have learned in a practical setting. Secondly, you can take courses or attend workshops that focus specifically on product research skills. Finally, you can shadow or work with a more experienced product researcher in order to learn the ropes. Whichever method you choose, it is important to be patient and to practice as much as possible in order to hone your skills.

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Product Researcher

What are we looking for: .

We’re searching for an innovative Product Researcher who can use creativity and analytical thinking to assist in the development of products. 

The successful candidate will use various research techniques to drive the innovation of new products. This position requires flexibility, organization, strong communication skills, attention to detail, and an innate commitment to meet crucial deadlines. The candidate who goes above and beyond will see enormous room for growth in this role.

The ideal candidate would have a keen eye for design and aesthetics and the ability to apply research insights to creative design solutions.

Beyond your experience, we are also looking for someone who is professional and possesses impeccable English communication in written and verbal form. 

This role is 100% work from home.

In this role, you will:

  • Conduct a variety of user research activities, including surveys, field research, analogous research, co-creation, diary studies and usability testing
  • Incorporate design and aesthetics into research tasks
  • Communicate with manufacturers and suppliers
  • Analyze the data, checking reviews and negotiating with  suppliers
  • Collect, organize, and analyze opinions and data to solve problems, explore issues, and predict trends
  • Find products from online supplier websites that could be sold through ecommerce platforms using various criteria such as profit, sales rank, and return on investment
  • Search, analyze, and evaluate online suppliers and their product categories/product range, in line with company’s profit and sales targets as well as budget
  • Consider various criteria in searching and choosing products, including competitor data, sales data, market/consumer trends, buying behavior, associated risks and overall business environment (such as pandemic)
  • Complete other related tasks in support of business operations

Core qualifications:

  • 2+ years of professional product research experience
  • Experience working in highly collaborative design teams, or other multidisciplinary teams
  • A keen eye for design and aesthetic 
  • Experience applying research insights to creative design solutions.
  • Solid communication, presentation, social, and analytical skills; the ability to communicate complex concepts clearly and persuasively across different audiences and varying levels of the organization
  • Experience with Social Media platforms for product research
  • Self-starter; ability to act autonomously

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Why MultiplyMii:

MultiplyMii, a managed recruitment services company, is growing FAST and we are currently hiring an exceptional Product Researcher .

MultiplyMii will be there with you every step of the way, providing you and the company mutual on-boarding to support your needs and the work you’ll do for them. MultiplyMii handles the unique needs of offshore hires to give you every opportunity for an optimal relationship.

  • 100% Remote work
  • Healthcare (HMO)
  • Birthday bonus upon probationary
  • Regularization bonus
  • 13th-month pay
  • Paid Service Incentive Leave(SIL) upon probationary
  • Regular holiday premium upon probationary
  • Annual performance appraisal subject for review
  • Access to our free Learning and Development programs

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Principal Research Scientist , Product Knowledge

Job ID: 2776096 | Services LLC


Does the idea of setting the strategic direction for the product ontology that supports Amazon stores sound exciting? Would it be your dream job to generate, curate and manage product knowledge highlighting all of Amazon's mammoth selection and services from door knobs to books to dishwasher installation to things that haven’t even been invented yet? Do you want to help use data to make finding and understanding Amazon's product space easier? The vision of the Product Knowledge Ontology Team is to provide a standardized, semantically rich, easily discoverable, extensible, and universally applicable body of product knowledge that can be consistently utilized across customer shopping experiences, selling partner listing experiences, and product catalog enrichment. As a Principal Research Scientist you will lead the design and build world-class, intuitive, and comprehensive taxonomy and ontology solutions to optimize product discovery and classification. Key job responsibilities - Work with Product Knowledge leadership team to set strategic direction for ontology platform development - Design and create knowledge models that leverage cutting-edge technology to meet the needs of Amazon customers - Influence across a broad set of internal and external team stakeholders (engineers, designers, program and business leaders) while delivering impactful results for both manufacturers and customers - Evangelize the powerful solutions that ontologies can to offer to solve common and complex business problems - Use Generative Artificial Intelligence (generative AI) models to solve complex schema management use cases at scale - Analyze knowledge performance metrics, customer behavior data and industry trends to make intelligent data-driven decisions on how we can evolve the ontology to provide the best data for customers and internal users - Own business requirements related to knowledge management tools, metrics and processes - Identify and execute the right trade-offs for internal and external customers and systems operating on the ontology - Support a broad community of knowledge builders across Amazon by participating in knowledge sharing and mentorship


- 10+ years of tech industry or equivalent experience - PhD in a quantitative discipline such as statistics, mathematics, economics, computer science, or any related quantitative field - Experience working effectively with science, data processing, and software engineering teams


- Experience implementing models and tools through the use of high-level modeling languages (AMPL, Mosel, R, Matlab, Julia) Amazon is committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace. Amazon is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, protected veteran status, disability, age, or other legally protected status. For individuals with disabilities who would like to request an accommodation, please visit Our compensation reflects the cost of labor across several US geographic markets. The base pay for this position ranges from $170,500/year in our lowest geographic market up to $294,700/year in our highest geographic market. Pay is based on a number of factors including market location and may vary depending on job-related knowledge, skills, and experience. Amazon is a total compensation company. Dependent on the position offered, equity, sign-on payments, and other forms of compensation may be provided as part of a total compensation package, in addition to a full range of medical, financial, and/or other benefits. For more information, please visit This position will remain posted until filled. Applicants should apply via our internal or external career site.

Job details

  • USA, WA, Seattle
  • USA, NY, New York
  • Amazon Selection and Catalog Systems (ASCS)
  • Editorial, Writing, & Content Management

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