Civil and Environmental Engineering

MS Programs

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Our Master of Science (MS) programs are terminal degree programs for those seeking advanced knowledge in a focused discipline of civil and environmental engineering to pursue a career in industry or another professional degree. The MS degree is a coursework-based degree. No research or thesis are required. However, in most programs students may elect to conduct independent research for course credit if they wish. Our Master’s degrees are offered under the general regulations of the university as set forth in the Stanford Bulletin .

The Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering offers Master’s degrees in five areas of specialization as shown below. There are many fundamental skills and bodies of knowledge that are foundation to all areas of specialization in a modern CEE graduate education and these cross-cutting courses are accessible to students in any program.

(1) Atmosphere/Energy

Stanford University’s Atmosphere/Energy MS degree program bridges the gap between the two key disciplines of Civil and Environmental Engineering. This program aims to mitigate atmospheric problems by increasing the efficiency with which energy is used‚ optimize the use of natural energy resources and understand the effects of energy technologies on the atmosphere.

(2) Environmental Engineering

The Environmental Engineering MS degree program emphasizes the application of fundamental principles to analyze complex environmental problems and to devise effective solutions. With this education, graduates of our program are able to deal effectively with new environmental problems as they emerge and meet the challenges created globally by increasing urbanization, population growth and ecological degradation.

(3) Structural Engineering & Mechanics and Computation

Previously called Structural Engineering & Geomechanics; there are no changes to academic requirements for current students already admitted to Structural Engineering & Geomechanics. The Structural Engineering and Mechanics and Computation MS degree programs offers courses in a broad range of areas related to structural analysis and design, geomechanics, engineering informatics, hazard risk and reliability, structural mechanics and materials, and structural sensing, monitoring and data analytics for the built environment.

(4) Sustainable Design & Construction

The Sustainable Design and Construction MS degree program prepares students for careers in the built environment: designing, building, and managing sustainable buildings and infrastructure to maximize their lifecycle economic value as well as their net contribution to environmental and social functions and services.

(5) Sustainable Engineered Systems

The Sustainable Engineered Systems MS degree program, available exclusively in a hybrid online/on-campus format, is designed for students who want to gain advanced knowledge of the sustainability of civil and environmental engineering systems and data science along with a specialization in structural and material systems, sustainable construction systems, environmental engineering systems, or atmospheric and energy systems.

Cross-Cutting Curricula

Cross-cutting curricula are accessible to students in any program. The CEE MS Cross Cutting Course List covers both fundamental skills and bodies of knowledge foundational to modern CEE graduate education. The four areas are 1) Probability, statistics, & data analysis for infrastructure analysis; 2) Public policy, decision analysis, & economics of infrastructure systems; 3) Ethics, equity, and environmental justice in the built and natural environments; and 4) Scientific computing and numerical methods.  The current course offerings in each area are summarized below.  While some courses will be more relevant to students of specific programs than others, we hope this list is valuable as you select classes.



Course Number

Course Name


Probability, Statistics, & Data Analysis


CEE 203

Probabilistic models in CEE

A foundational, conceptual course in probabilistic methods. Good introductory class for MS students.


CEE 154/254

Data Analytics for Physical Systems

An introductory course for undergraduates or graduates with less data analysis experience than required for CEE 322.


CEE 322

Data Analytics for Urban Systems

A more advanced course, oriented toward applications in transportation, water management, electricity. Python based.


CEE 362A

Uncertainty Quantification

Follow up on CEE 203. Uncertainty quantification in computational models.

Public Policy, Decision Analysis, & Economics


CEE 146S

Engineering Economics and Sustainability

Good for students with no undergrad econ background interested in taking more advanced coursework later in degree program.


CEE 206

Decision Analysis in CEE

Case study based, strong applications focus.


CEE 226

Life Cycle Assessment for Complex Systems

Life Cycle assessment methodologies for emerging technologies, building products, energy systems, design strategies, etc.


CEE 275M

Environmental Policy Analysis

Very heavy on theory, upper level MS and PhD focused, heavier policy focus.


CEE 263H

Sustainable energy decisions

Follow-on quantitative methods course to 275M. Stronger focus on Energy, whereas 275M covers all environmental policy.

Ethics, Equity, &   
Environmental Justice


CEE 330

Racial Equity in Energy

Historic basis for environmental injustice and contemporary strategies for a just energy transition


CEE 245E

Equitable Infrastructure Solutions

Prominent theories of equity and environmental justice with a focus on implementation for infrastructure.


CEE 330B

Quest for an Inclusive Clean Energy Economy

Innovative business models that are responsive to calls for equity and inclusion in clean energy finance rulemaking in the utility sector.


CEE 330

Racial Equity in Energy

How systemic racial inequity in the U.S. has produced a clean energy divide and a heritage of environmental injustice.

Scientific Computation &   
Numerical Methods

Take either CME 193 or CS106 or any other python course if no prior familiarly; students interested in this area are also advised to take one optimization course.

ACEE 201DComputations in Civil and Environmental EngineeringComputational and visualization methods, taught in Matlab


CS 106A

Programming Methodology

Introduction to programming methodology using Python. No previous programming expertise required.


CS 106B

Programming Abstractions

Introduction to object-oriented programming, data structures and data-directed design using C++.   
Prereq: CS106A


CME 193

Introduction to Scientific Python

Become proficient in the scientific computing and data science stack, offered during first four weeks of fall. Prereq: CS106A


CME 211

Software Development for Scientists and Engineers

Basic usage of Python and C/C++ to solve representative computational problems from various science and engineering disciplines.


EE364A/C ME364A

Convex optimization

The basics of convex analysis, convex programming and optimization, including applications.   
Prereqs: Linear algebra and statistics



Engineering Design Optimization

Design of engineering systems within a formal optimization framework.   
Prereqs: Some probability, programming and multivariable calculus

Senior Fellow,
Senior Fellow,
Co-Founder, , , and the 100% Clean, Renewable Energy Movement

B.S. Civil Engineering , B.A. Economics , and M.S. Environmental Engineering (1988) Stanford University M.S. (1991) and Ph.D. (1994) Atmospheric Science, University of California at Los Angeles

Full Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Scientific Background Mark Z. Jacobson’s career has focused on better understanding air pollution and global warming problems and developing large-scale clean, renewable energy solutions to them. Toward that end, he has developed and applied three-dimensional (3-D) atmosphere-biosphere-ocean computer models and solvers to simulate and understand air pollution, weather, climate, and renewable energy systems. He has also developed roadmaps to transition countries, states, cities, and towns to 100% clean, renewable energy for all purposes and computer models to examine grid stability in the presence of 100% renewable energy. Jacobson has been a professor at Stanford University since 1994. He has published over 185 peer-reviewed journal articles , given ~750 invited talks, published six books, and founded (in 2004) and still directs the Atmosphere/Energy Program at Stanford. His research crosses two fields: Atmospheric Sciences and Energy, each discussed next.

In 2000 and 2001 , Jacobson applied his model to discover that black carbon, the main component of soot air pollution particles, may be the second-leading cause of global warming in terms of radiative forcing, after carbon dioxide. Several subsequent studies, including the highly-cited review by Bond et al. (2013) , confirmed his finding.

Jacobson’s finding about black carbon’s climate effects resulted in his invitation to testify to the U.S. House of Representatives in 2007 and formed the original scientific basis for several proposed laws and policies. These included U.S. Senate Report 110-489 (Black Carbon Research Bill of 2008), U.S. House Bill 7250 (Arctic Climate Preservation Act of 2008), U.S. House Bill 1760 (Black Carbon Emissions Reduction Act of 2009), U.S. Senate Bill 849 (2009 Bill for the U.S. EPA to research black carbon), U.S. Senate Bill 3973 (Diesel Emission Reduction Act of 2010), European Parliament Resolution B7-0474/2011 (Resolution calling for black carbon controls on climate grounds), the 2012 multi-country Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short-Lived Climate Pollutants, led by Hilary Clinton, California Senate Bill 1383 (2016 Bill to reduce black carbon), and California’s 2002 rule to not allow diesel vehicles to have higher particle emissions than gasoline vehicles.

For his black carbon discovery and modeling, Jacobson received the 2005 American Meteorological Society Henry G. Houghton Award , given for his "significant contributions to modeling aerosol chemistry and to understanding the role of soot and other carbon particles on climate" and a 2013 American Geophysical Union Ascent Award for "his dominating role in the development of models to identify the role of black carbon in climate change."

Jacobson’s 2008 and 2010 findings that carbon dioxide domes over cities have enhanced air pollution mortality through its feedback to particles and ozone resulted in another invitation for him to testify in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2008 and to testify twice in U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) hearings. In the first EPA hearing he was called as the State of California’s only expert witness to testify on how carbon dioxide can damage health locally by increasing temperatures and water vapor. This testimony served as a direct scientific basis for the EPA’s 2009 approval of the first regulation in U.S. history of carbon dioxide (the California waiver ).

In 2008, he carried out a review of proposed energy technologies to address air pollution, global warming, and energy security, concluding that wind-water-solar (WWS) technologies resulted in the greatest benefits. In 2009, he coauthored a plan, featured on the cover of Scientific American , to determine if powering the world for all purposes with WWS was possible. In 2010, he was invited to participate in a TED debate . From 2010-2012, he served on the Energy Efficiency and Renewables advisory committee to the U.S. Secretary of Energy. In 2011, he cofounded The Solutions Project non-profit, which combined science, business, culture, and community, to educate people about science-based 100% clean, renewable energy roadmaps for 100% of the people.

In 2013, 2014, and 2016, he and his students developed roadmaps to transition New York , California , and Washington State , respectively, to 100% WWS. Jacobson’s New York energy roadmap resulted in an invitation for him to appear on the Late Show with David Letterman on October 9, 2013. Jacobson was then asked by the New York governor’s office to provide more information about a possible transition of New York to 100% WWS. In 2016, the governor proposed and passed a 50% renewable law (the New York Clean Energy Standard ). Also in 2016, and in 2018, the New York Senate proposed New York Senate Bills S5527 and S5908A , respectively, for the state to go to 100% renewable electricity. The texts of both bills state, "This bill builds upon the Jacobson wind, water and solar (WWS) study." In 2019, New York State implemented Jacobson’s goal for the electricity sector by passing a law to go to 100% renewable electricity.

Similarly, on October 27, 2014, after the publication of Jacobson’s California WWS roadmap, the California governor’s office invited Jacobson to meet with the governor’s policy advisors to discuss the roadmap. In January, 2015, the governor proposed and, shortly after, obtained passage of a law ( SB 350 ) for California to move to 50% renewable electricity. In 2018, this law was updated for the state to go to 100% renewable electricity ( SB 100 ).

In 2015, Jacobson and his group published WWS plans for all 50 states and a continental-U.S.-wide grid study assuming 100% WWS. The grid paper earned Jacobson and his coauthors a 2016 Cozzarelli Prize from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, given for "outstanding scientific excellence and originality." The plans and grid study were updated for the 50 U.S. states and individual U.S. regions in 2022. The publication of these roadmaps, together with their dissemination by the Solutions Project and dozens of other nonprofits, resulted in the widespread awareness of Jacobson’s plans and the growth of the 100% renewable energy movement. Jacobson’s science-based plans resulted in all three Democratic presidential candidates for the 2016 election making 100% renewable energy part of their platform. Senator Sanders included Jacobson’s roadmaps on his web site and, after the election, wrote an op-ed with Jacobson in the Guardian calling for a transition to 100% renewables.

To date, activists inspired by Jacobson’s plans have encouraged 19 U.S. states (CA, CT, HI, IL, ME, MI, MN, NC, NE, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OR, RI, VA, WA, VT, WI), the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico to pass laws or Executive Orders requiring a transition of up to 100% clean, renewable electricity. At the federal level, eight laws and resolutions were proposed calling for the U.S. to move to 100% renewable electricity or all energy. These included House Resolution 540 (2015), House Bill 3314 (2017), House Bill 3671 (2017), House Bill 330 (2019); Senate Resolution 632 (2019), Senate Bill 987 (2019), House Resolution 109 (2019), and Senate Resolution 59 (2019). All were inspired by Jacobson’s plans. For example, the first, House Resolution 540 , states: "Whereas a Stanford University study concludes that the United States energy supply could be based entirely on renewable energy by the year 2050 using current technologies."

House Resolution 109 and Senate Resolution 59 are the proposed U.S. Green New Deal. As stated by Dr. Marshall Shepherd , "Professor Mark Jacobson at Stanford University has been a longtime leader in climate science and renewable energy transition. Many of the assumptions in the Green New Deal seem to be anchored in his scholarship." The main goals of the Green New Deal, to transition the U.S. to 100% renewable energy by 2030, came from Jacobson and Delucchi’s 2009 Scientific American paper.

In 2009 and 2011 , Jacobson developed plans to transition the world to 100% WWS. In 2017-2018, he developed more detailed plans and grid studies for 139 individual countries. These were updated for 143 countries in 2019 and 145 countries in 2022. To date, 61 countries have enacted policies calling for 100% renewable electricity.

The Sierra Club supported the Jacobson roadmaps, and in 2013, asked him to help with a campaign to encourage cities around America to adopt 100% WWS laws. Ultimately, he and his students published plans for 53 towns and cities (2018) and 74 metropolitan areas (2020). To date, about 160 U.S. cities and over 400 cities worldwide have enacted policies to transition to 100% renewable electricity. Also, over 400 international companies have committed to 100% renewables in their global operations. In 2023, Jacobson served as an expert witness on behalf of 16 youth plaintiffs in the first climate case in U.S. history, Held v. Montana , to discuss the ability of Montana to transition to WWS. The plaintiffs prevailed. In 2024, Jacobson served as an expert witness on behalf of youth plaintiffs in Navahine v. State of Hawai’i , which was the world’s first constitutional climate case to reach a settlement, in this case requiring the state effectively to electrify all land, sea, and inter-island air transportation.

For his research and leadership in Energy, Jacobson received the 2013 Global Green Policy Design Award for the "design of analysis and policy framework to envision a future powered by renewable energy." In 2016, he received a Cozzarelli Prize . In 2018, he received the Judi Friedman Lifetime Achievement Award "For a distinguished career dedicated to finding solutions to large-scale air pollution and climate problems." In 2019 and 2022, he was selected as "one of the world’s 100 most influential people in climate policy" by Apolitical. In 2022, he was recognized as "World Visionary CleanTech Influencer of the Year" by the CleanTech Business Club. In 2023, he was named one of the top 100 people globally "who have made an impact on the world this year" among "innovators across various industries, including art, entertainment, business, and philanthropy," by Worth magazine

New Book: No Miracles Needed (2023)

book cover of "No Miracles Needed"

100% Clean, Renewable Energy and Storage for Everything (2020)

book cover of "100% Clean, Renewable Energy and Storage for Everything"

Air Pollution and Global Warming: History, Science, and Solutions (2012)

book cover of "Air Pollution and Global Warming: History, Science, and Solutions"

Atmospheric Pollution: History, Science, and Regulation (2002)

Fundamentals of Atmospheric Modeling, 2d ed. (2005)

book cover of "Fundamentals of Atmospheric Modeling, 2nd ed"

Some papers organized by topic (please see Curriculum Vitae for full list)

  • A path to sustainable energy by 2030 ( Scientific American , 2009)
  • Providing all global energy with wind, water, and solar power, Part I: Technologies, energy resources, quantities and areas of infrastructure, and materials ( Energy Policy , 2011)
  • Providing all global energy with wind, water, and solar power, Part II: Reliability, System and Transmission Costs, and Policies ( Energy Policy , 2011)
  • Examining the feasibility of converting New York State’s all-purpose energy infrastructure to one using wind, water, and sunlight ( Energy Policy , 2013)
  • A roadmap for repowering California for all purposes with wind, water, and sunlight( Energy , 2014)
  • 100% clean and renewable wind, water, sunlight (WWS) all-sector energy roadmaps for the 50 United States ( Energy & Environmental Sciences , 2015)
  • A 100% wind, water, sunlight (WWS) all-sector energy plan for Washington State ( Renewable Energy , 2016)
  • 100% clean and renewable wind, water, and sunlight (WWS) all-sector energy roadmaps for 139 countries of the world ( Joule , 2017)
  • Impacts of Green-New-Deal energy plans on grid stability, costs, jobs, health, and climate in 143 countries ( One Earth , 2019)
  • 100% clean and renewable wind, water, and sunlight (WWS) all-sector energy roadmaps for 53 towns and cities in North America ( Sustainable Cities and Society , 2018)
  • Transitioning all energy in 74 metropolitan areas, including 30 megacities, to 100% clean and renewable wind, water, and sunlight (WWS) ( Energies , 2020)
  • Optimizing solar and battery storage for container farming in a remote Arctic microgrid ( Energies , 2020)
  • WWS and storage to help operate expeditionary contingency bases and remote communities ( J. Defense Modeling and Simulation , 2021)
  • Zero air pollution and zero carbon from all energy at low cost and without blackouts in variable weather throughout the U.S. with 100% wind-water-solar and storage ( Renewable Energy , 2022)
  • Low-cost solutions to global warming, air pollution, and energy insecurity for 145 countries ( Energy and Environmental Sciences , 2022)
  • On the history and future of 100% renewable energy systems research ( IEEE Access , 2022)
  • Supplying baseload power and reducing transmission requirements by interconnecting wind farms ( J. Applied Meteorology & Climatology , 2007)
  • Power output variations of co-located offshore wind turbines and wave energy converters in California ( Renewable Energy , 2010)
  • A Monte Carlo approach to generator portfolio planning and carbon emissions assessments of systems with large penetrations of variable renewables ( Renewable Energy , 2011)
  • Reducing offshore transmission requirements by combining offshore wind and wave farms ( IEEE Journal of Ocean Engineering , 2011)
  • The carbon abatement potential of high penetration intermittent renewables ( Energy & Environmental Sciences , 2012)
  • Effects of aggregating electric load in the United States ( Energy Policy , 2012)
  • The potential of intermittent renewables to meet electric power demand: A review of current analytical techniques ( Proceedings of the IEEE , 2012)
  • Features of a fully renewable U.S. electricity-system: Optimized mixes of wind and solar PV and transmission grid extensions ( Energy , 2014)
  • Variability and uncertainty of wind power in the California electric power system ( Wind Energy , 2014)
  • A low-cost solution to the grid reliability problem with 100% penetration of intermittent wind, water, and solar for all purposes ( Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. , 2015)
  • Flexibility mechanisms and pathways to a highly renewable U.S. electricity future ( Energy , 2016)
  • Temporal and spatial tradeoffs in power system modeling with assumptions about storage: An application of the POWER model ( Energy , 2016)
  • Optimizing investments in coupled offshore wind-electrolytic hydrogen storage systems in Denmark ( J. Power Sources , 2017)
  • Matching demand with supply at low cost among 139 countries within 20 world regions with 100% intermittent wind, water, and sunlight (WWS) for all purposes ( Renewable Energy , 2018)
  • Development of a tool for optimizing solar and battery storage for container farming in a remote Arctic microgrid ( Energies , 2020)
  • The cost of grid stability with 100% clean, renewable energy for all purposes when countries are isolated versus interconnected ( Renewable Energy , 2021)
  • On the correlation between building heat demand and wind energy supply and how it helps to avoid blackouts ( Smart Energy , 2021)
  • Impacts of green hydrogen for steel, ammonia, and long-distance transport on the cost of meeting electricity, heat, cold, and hydrogen demandin 145 countries running on 100% WWS ( Smart Energy , 2023)
  • Batteries or hydrogen or both for grid electricity storage upon full electrification of 145 countries with wind-water solar? ( iScience , 2024)
  • On the energy, health, and climate costs of "all-of-the-above" versus 100% wind-water-solar (WWS) climate policies: Analysis across 149 countries ( Scientific Reports , 2024)
  • Effects of firebricks for industrial process heat on the cost of matching all-sector energy demand with 100% wind-water-solar supply in 149 countries ( PNAS Nexus , 2024)
  • Review of solutions to global warming, air pollution, and energy security ( Energy & Environmental Science , 2009)
  • Exploiting wind versus coal ( Science , 2001)
  • The effect on photochemical smog of converting the U.S. fleet of gasoline vehicles to modern diesel vehicles ( Geophys. Res. Letters , 2004)
  • Cleaning the air and improving health with hydrogen fuel cell vehicles ( Science , 2005)
  • Switching to a U.S. hydrogen fuel cell vehicle fleet: The resultant change in emissions, energy use, and global warming gases ( J. Power Sources , 2005)
  • Effects of ethanol (E85) versus gasoline vehicles on cancer and mortality in the United States ( Environ. Sci. Technol , 2007)
  • Effects of wind-powered hydrogen fuel cell vehicles on stratospheric ozone and global climate ( Geophys. Res. Letters , 2008)
  • Examining the temperature dependence of ethanol (E85) versus gasoline emissions on air pollution with a largely-explicit chemical mechanism ( Atmospheric Environment , 2010)
  • Examining the impacts of ethanol (E85) versus gasoline photochemical production of smog in a fog using near-explicit gas- and aqueous-chemistry mechanisms ( Environ. Res. Letters , 2012)
  • Worldwide health effects of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident ( Energy & Environmental Science , 2012)
  • Carbon emissions and costs of subsidizing three New York nuclear reactors instead of replacing them with renewables ( Journal of Cleaner Production , 2018)
  • The health and climate impacts of carbon capture and direct air capture ( Energy and Environmental Sciences , 2019)
  • How green is blue hydrogen ( Energy Science and Engineering , 2021)
  • Toward battery electric and hydrogen fuel cell military vehicles for land, air, and sea ( Energy , 2022)
  • Should transportation be transitioned to ethanol with carbon capture and pipelines or electricity? A case study ( Environmental Science & Technology , 2023)
  • Spatial and temporal distributions of U.S. winds and wind power at 80 m derived from measurements ( J. Geophys. Res. , 2003)
  • Evaluation of global wind power ( J. Geophys. Res. , 2005)
  • Large CO2 reductions via offshore wind power matched to inherent storage in energy end-uses( Geophys. Res. Lett. , 2007)
  • California offshore wind energy potential ( Renewable Energy , 2010)
  • U.S. East Coast offshore wind energy resources and their relationship to peak-time electricity demand ( J. Wind Energy , 2012)
  • Where is the ideal location for a U.S. East Coast offshore grid ( Geophys. Res. Lett , 2012)
  • Saturation wind power potential and its implications for wind energy ( Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. , 2012)
  • Geographical and seasonal variability of the global "practical" wind resources ( J. Applied Geography , 2013)
  • Taming hurricanes with arrays of offshore wind turbines ( Nature Climate Change , 2014)
  • World estimates of radiation to optimally tilted, 1-axis, and 2-axis tracked PV panels ( Solar Energy , 2018) Summary ( link )
  • Installed and output power densities of onshore and offshore wind turbines worldwide ( Energy for Sustainable Development , 2021)
  • Onshore wind energy atlas for the United States accounting for land use restrictions and wind speed thresholds ( Smart Energy , 2021)
  • United States offshore wind energy atlas: availability, potential, and economic insights based on wind speeds at different altitudes and thresholds and policy-informed exclusions ( Energy Conversion and Management , 2023)
  • India onshore wind energy atlas accounting for altitude and land use restrictions and co-located solar ( Cell Reports Sustainability , 2024)
  • On the causal link between carbon dioxide and air pollution mortality ( Geophys. Res. Lett. , 2008) .
  • The enhancement of local air pollution by urban CO2 domes ( Environ. Sci. & Technol , 2010) .
  • Short-term impacts of the Aliso Canyon natural gas blowout on weather, climate, air quality, and health in California and Los Angeles ( Environ. Sci. & Technol , 2019) .
  • Development and application of a new air pollution modeling system. Part III: Aerosol-phase simulations ( Atmos. Environ. , 1997)
  • Isolating nitrated and aeromatic aerosols and nitrated aromatic gases as sources of ultraviolet light absorption ( J. Geophys. Res. , 1999)
  • A physically-based treatment of elemental carbon optics: Implications for global direct forcing of aerosols ( Geophys. Res. Lett. , 2000)
  • Global direct radiative forcing due to multicomponent anthropogenic and natural aerosols ( J. Geophys. Res. , 2001)
  • Strong radiative heating due to the mixing state of black carbon in atmospheric aerosols ( Nature , 2001)
  • Control of fossil-fuel particulate black carbon plus organic matter, possibly the most effective method of slowing global warming ( J. Geophys. Res. , 2002)
  • The effect on photochemical smog of converting the U.S. fleet of gasoline vehicles to modern diesel vehicles ( Geophys. Res. Lett. , 2004)
  • The short-term cooling but long-term global warming due to biomass burning ( J. Climate , 2004)
  • The climate response of fossil-fuel and biofuel soot, accounting for soot’s feedback to snow and sea ice albedo and emissivity ( J. Geophys. Res. , 2004)
  • Effects of externally-through-internally-mixed soot inclusions within clouds and precipitation on global climate ( J. Phys. Chem. , 2006)
  • The influence of future anthropogenic emissions on climate, natural emissions, and air quality ( J. Geophys. Res. , 2009)
  • Short-term effects of controlling fossil-fuel soot, biofuel soot and gases, and methane on climate, Arctic ice, and air pollution health ( J. Geophys. Res. , 2010)
  • Microphysical and radiative effects of aerosols on warm clouds during the Amazon biomass burning season as observed by MODIS: impacts of water vapor and land cover ( Atmos. Chem. Phys. , 2011))
  • Comparing results from a physical model with satellite and in situ observations to determine whether biomass burning aerosols over the Amazon brighten or burn off clouds ( J. Geophys. Res. , 2012)
  • The effects of rerouting aircraft around the Arctic Circle on Arctic and global climate ( Climatic Change , 2012)
  • Investigating cloud absorption effects: Global absorption properties of black carbon, tar balls, and soil dust in clouds and aerosols ( J. Geophys. Res. , 2012)
  • The effects of aircraft on climate and pollution. Part II: 20-year impacts of exhaust from all commercial aircraft worldwide treated individually at the subgrid scale ( Faraday Discussions , 2013)
  • Effects of biomass burning on climate, accounting for heat and moisture fluxes, black and brown carbon, and cloud absorption effects ( J. Geophys. Res. , 2014)
  • Particulate filters for combustion engines to mitigate global warming. Estimating the effects of a highly efficient but underutilized tool ( Emission Control Science and Technology , 2024)
  • Recent shift from forest to savanna burning in the Amazon basin observed from satellite ( Environmental Research Letters , 2012)
  • Effects of soil moisture on temperatures, winds, and pollutant concentrations in Los Angeles ( J. Applied Met. , 1999)
  • GATOR-GCMM: A global-through urban scale air pollution and weather forecast model. 1. Model design and treatment of subgrid soil, vegetation, roads, rooftops, water, sea ice, and snow ( J. Geophys. Res. , 2001)
  • The short-term effects of agriculture on air pollution and climate in California ( J. Geophys. Res. , 2008) .
  • Effects of urban surfaces and white roofs on global and regional climate ( J. Climate , 2012)
  • Ring of impact from the mega-urbanization of Beijing between 2000 and 2009 ( J. Geophys. Res. , 2015)
  • Short-term impacts of the mega-urbanizations of New Delhi and Los Angeles between 2000 and 2009 ( J. Geophys. Res. , 2019)
  • Analysis of emission data from global commercial aviation: 2004 and 2006 ( Atmos. Chem. Phys. , 2010)
  • Parameterization of subgrid plume dilution for use in large-scale atmospheric simulations ( Atmos. Chem. Phys. , 2010)
  • Large eddy simulations of contrail development: Sensitivity to initial and ambient conditions over first twenty minutes ( J. Geophys. Res. , 2011)
  • Vertical mixing of commercial aviation emissions from cruise altitude to the surface ( J. Geophys. Res. , 2011)
  • The effects of aircraft on climate and pollution. Part I: Numerical methods for treating the subgrid evolution of discrete size- and composition-resolved contrails from all commercial flights worldwide ( J. Comp. Phys. , 2011)
  • Effects of plume-scale versus grid-scale treatment of aircraft exhaust photochemistry ( Geophys. Res. Lett. , 2013)
  • An inter-comparative study of the effects of aircraft emissions on surface air quality ( J. Geophys. Res. , 2017)
  • Evolution of nanoparticle size and mixing state near the point of emission ( Atmospheric Environment , 2004)
  • Enhanced coagulation due to evaporation and its effect on nanoparticle evolution ( Environmental Science & Technology , 2005))
  • Development and application of a new air pollution modeling system. Part I: Gas-phase simulations ( Atmospheric Environment , 1996)
  • Development and application of a new air pollution modeling system. Part II: Aerosol-module structure and design ( Atmospheric Environment , 1997)
  • Development and application of a new air pollution modeling system. Part III: Aerosol-phase simulations ( Atmospheric Environment , 1997)
  • GATOR-GCMM: 2. A study of day- and nighttime ozone layers aloft, ozone in national parks, and weather during the SARMAP field campaign ( J. Geophys. Res. , 2001) .
  • Examining feedbacks of aerosols to urban climate with a model that treats 3-D clouds with aerosol inclusions ( J. Geophys. Res. , 2007) .
  • Effects of soil moisture on temperatures, winds, and pollutant concentrations in Los Angeles ( J. Applied Meteorology , 1999)
  • Wind reduction by aerosol particles ( Geophys. Res. Letters , 2006)
  • Effects of ethanol (E85) versus gasoline vehicles on cancer and mortality in the United States ( Environ. Sci. & Technol. , 2007)
  • Effects of wind-powered hydrogen fuel cell vehicles on stratospheric ozone and global climate ( Geophys. Res. Lett. , 2008) .
  • The enhancement of local air pollution by urban CO2 domes ( Environ. Sci. & Technol. , 2010) .
  • Global-through-urban nested three-dimensional simulation of air pollution with a 13,600-reaction photochemical mechanism ( J. Geophys. Res. , 2010)
  • SMVGEAR: A sparse-matrix, vectorized Gear code for atmospheric models ( Atmospheric Environment , 1994)
  • Computation of global photochemistry with SMVGEAR II ( Atmospheric Environment , 1995) .
  • Improvement of SMVGEAR II on vector and scalar machines through absolute error tolerance control ( Atmospheric Environment , 1998)
  • Modeling coagulation among particles of different composition and size ( Atmospheric Environment , 1995)
  • Simulating condensational growth, evaporation, and coagulation of aerosols using a combined moving and stationary size grid ( Aerosol Science & Technology , 1995)
  • Numerical techniques to solve condensational and dissolutional growth equations when growth is coupled to reversible reactions ( Aerosol Science & Technology , 1997)
  • Enhanced coagulation due to evaporation and its effect on nanoparticle evolution ( Environmental Science & Technology , 2005)
  • Simulating equilibrium within aerosols and nonequilibrium between gases and aerosols ( J. Geophys. Res. , 1996)
  • Studying the effect of calcium and magnesium on size-distributed nitrate and ammonium with EQUISOLV II ( Atmospheric Environment , 1999)
  • A solution to the problem of nonequilibrium acid/base gas-particle transfer at long time step ( Aerosol Science & Technology , 2005)
  • Studying the effects of aerosols on vertical photolysis rate coefficient and temperature profiles over an urban airshed ( J. Geophys. Res. , 1998)
  • Isolating nitrated and aeromatic aerosols and nitrated aromatic gases as sources of ultraviolet light absorption (1999)
  • A refined method of parameterizing absorption coefficients among multiple gases simultaneously from line-by-line data ( J. Atmos. Sci. , 2005)
  • Analysis of aerosol interactions with numerical techniques for solving coagulation, nucleation, condensation, dissolution, and reversible chemistry among multiple size distributions ( J. Geophys. Res. , 2002)
  • Development of mixed-phase clouds from multiple aerosol size distributions and the effect of the clouds on aerosol removal ( J. Geophys. Res. , 2003)
  • A mass, energy, vorticity, and potential enstrophy conserving lateral fluid-land boundary scheme for the shallow water equations ( J. Comp. Phys. , 2009)
  • A mass, energy, vorticity, and potential enstrophy conserving lateral boundary scheme for the shallow water equations using piecewise linear boundary approximations ( J. Comp. Phys. , 2011)
  • Numerical solution to drop coalescence/breakup with a volume-conserving, positive-definite, and unconditionally-stable scheme ( J. Atmos. Sci. , 2011)
  • Studying ocean acidification with conservative, stable numerical schemes for nonequilibrium air-ocean exchange and ocean equilibrium chemistry ( J. Geophys. Res. , 2005)
  • Coupling of highly explicit gas and aqueous chemistry mechanisms for use in 3-D ( Atmospheric Environment , 2012)

Features of GATOR-GCMOM, the model used for the above studies

Current PhD Graduate Students:

  • Kirat Singh

Graduate Student Alumni:

  • Cristina Lozej Archer
  • Mary Cameron
  • Mike Dvorak
  • Frank Freedman
  • Bethany Frew
  • Ann Fridlind
  • Elaine Hart
  • Yves (Meyer) Gulda
  • Diana (Ginnebaugh) Gragg
  • Scott Katalenich
  • Gerard Ketefian
  • Alice (Ryan) Mount
  • Daniel J. Sambor
  • Ana E. Sandoval
  • Eena Sta. Maria
  • Eric Stoutenburg
  • Amy L. Stuart
  • John Ten Hoeve
  • Anna-Katharina von Krauland
  • Jordan Wilkerson

Current Postdoctoral Researchers:

Postdoctoral Researcher Alumni:

  • Whitney Colella
  • Jinyou Liang
  • CEE 063/263C Weather and Storms
  • CEE 064/263D Air Pollution and Global Warming: History, Science, and Solutions
  • CEE 263A Air Pollution Modeling
  • Testimony to U.S. House Committee on Black Carbon and Global Warming, October 18, 2007
  • Testimony to U.S. House Committee on Air Pollution Health Impacts of Carbon Dioxide, April 9, 2008
  • Testimony to U.S. EPA to Reconsider a Denied Waiver to Allow California’s Control of Carbon Dioxide, March 5, 2009
  • Testimony to U.S. EPA on Proposed Endangerment Finding, May 18, 2009
  • TED Debate on Renewables Versus Nuclear February 10, 2010, and Worldwide Health Effects of Fukushima
  • Interview on Late Show with David Letterman, October 9, 2013
  • Testimony to U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee on Transitioning U.S. & World to 100% Clean, Renewable Energy, Nov. 19, 2015
  • MSNBC Interview on why 100% Wind-Water-Solar and Green New Deal cut consumer costs and unemployment ( Op-Ed )( Graphic )

Links To: ,


Stanford University PhD in Civil Engineering

How much does a doctorate in civil eng from stanford cost, stanford graduate tuition and fees.

In StateOut of State

Does Stanford Offer an Online PhD in Civil Eng?

Stanford doctorate student diversity for civil eng, male-to-female ratio.

Women made up around 44.4% of the civil eng students who took home a doctor’s degree in 2019-2020. This is higher than the nationwide number of 28.2%.

Racial-Ethnic Diversity

Of those graduates who received a doctor’s degree in civil eng at Stanford in 2019-2020, 16.7% were racial-ethnic minorities*. This is higher than the nationwide number of 9%.

Race/EthnicityNumber of Students
Black or African American0
Hispanic or Latino2
Native American or Alaska Native0
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander0
International Students14
Other Races/Ethnicities2

PhD in Civil Eng Focus Areas at Stanford

Focus AreaAnnual Graduates

Majors Related to a PhD in Civil Eng From Stanford

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Civil Engineering

Main navigation, 2023-24 civil engineering ug degree programs (ce-bs, bas, bash, bsh, secondary, minor).


Civil engineers plan, design, construct and sustain the built environment including buildings and bridges, energy and water systems, and coasts and waterways.  Civil engineers work to protect society from natural catastrophes and risks, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and sea-level rise, as well as help to manage our natural resources

As their work is crucial to the day-to-day lives of most people, civil engineers bear an important responsibility to the public. The civil engineering field is both technical and people-oriented, requiring excellent communication skills and an ability to manage both people and multi-faceted projects. Students in the major learn to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and the primary areas of civil engineering to conduct experiments, design systems to solve engineering problems, and communicate their ideas effectively to the scientific community.

UG Director : Greg Deierlein, [email protected] Student Services : Jill Filice, 316 Y2E2,  [email protected] Departmental Chair : Sarah Billington, 313 Y2E2, [email protected]

For instructions on how to declare the Civil Engineering major,  jump to the bottom of this page .

Objectives and Outcomes for Civil Engineering

Objectives: Graduates of the civil engineering program are expected within a few years of graduation to have the ability to:

  • Establish themselves as practicing professionals in civil engineering or a related field
  • Pursue graduate study in civil engineering or other fields
  • Work effectively as responsible professionals independently or in teams handling increasingly complex professional and societal expectations
  • an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
  • an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
  • an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
  • an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts
  • an ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
  • an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze, and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
  • an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

Planning Sheets

CE Program Sheets

CE Flowchart

CE 4-Year Plans

CE 4-Year Plans for Going Abroad

The Curriculum

The undergraduate civil engineering curriculum includes a core to be taken by all declared majors that provides a broad introduction to the major areas of civil engineering. Subsequent coursework is grouped into 7 focus areas, allowing students to tailor their studies to align with their interests. Undergraduates potentially interested in the Civil Engineering major should also consider the Environmental Systems Engineering major as a possible alternative; a comparison of these two alternative majors is presented in the  Environmental Systems Engineering  page.

For more information on civil engineering, students are encouraged to visit the  CEE website , talk to a CEE faculty member, or contact the CEE Student Services Specialist, Jill Filice, in room 316 of the Jerry Yang and Akiko Yamazaki Environment & Energy (Y2E2) Building.

Research Experience for Undergraduates

The department of Civil and Environmental Engineering welcomes student participation in the VPUE Undergraduate Research Programs. Interested students should check the  VPUE  website and the  CEE  website for announcements regarding the application procedures. Annual program announcements appear in January with application due dates in February.

Exploring Civil Engineering as a Major

Are you wondering whether a Civil Engineering major is for you? If so, here are some courses accessible early in your undergraduate career that will help you explore your interest in our major. If you end up joining our program, this early start on fulfilling requirements will pay off by giving you more flexibility in class scheduling for your junior and senior years.

1-The following electives are accessible to frosh/sophomores, and can count towards the major:

CEE 41Q: Clean Water Now! Urban Water Conflicts  (3, W; Soph Introsem) CEE 63: Weather and Storms (3 units, A)

CEE 64: Air Pollution and Global Warming: History, Science & Solutions (3 units, W)

CEE 80N: Engineering the Built Environment: Intro to Structural Engr (3, A; Freshman Introsem) CEE 83: Seismic Design Workshop (A)

CEE 107A: Understanding Energy (3 units, A, S)  (or CEE107S, 3 units, Sum) CEE 120A: Building Modeling for Design and Construction (3 units, A, Sum) CEE 131C: How Buildings Are Made: Materiality and Construction Methods (4 units, S) CEE 162F: Coastal Processes (prereq: PHYSICS 41) (3 units, W)

2-For an introduction to Civil Engineering, classes required for all of our declared majors that are readily accessible to you are

ENGR 14Introduction to Solid Mechanics, 3 units (prereq: PHYSICS 41)A,W,S
ENGR 90 (same as CEE 70)Environmental Science & Technology, 3 unitsW
CEE 100Managing Sustainable Building Projects (WIM), 4 unitsA

Requirements: Civil Engineering Major

Mathematics and science (45 units minimum).

MATH 19/20/21Calculus (or 10 units AP BC Calculus)10A,W/A,W,S,Sum/A,W,S,Sum

CME 100 or


Vector Calculus for Engineers or

Linear Algebra & Differential Calculus of Several Variables





CME 102 or


Ordinary Differential Equations for Engineers or

Ordinary Differential Equations with Linear Algebra




A,W,S, Sum

STATS 110Statistical Methods (or STATS 101 or CEE 203 or CME 106)4-5 
PHYSICS 41Mechanics (or AP Physics C)4A,W
CHEM 31A or 31MChemical Principles 5A
PHYSICS 43 or PHYSICS 45Electricity & Magnetism, or Light & Heat



W, S


At least one of:   
EARTHSYS 11Intro to Geology (req’d for depth focus in Structural Engineering, Construction Engineering, Urban Systems, Energy/Climate, or Sensing/Analytics)5S

CEE 177*

or CEE 170*)

Aquatic Chemistry & Biology  (req’d for depth focus in Env. Fluid Mechanics/Hydrology, or Environ. Quality Engineering.)

Aquatic & Organic Chemistry for Environmental Engineering, offered SUMM, 3 units)






*Approved as science classes only for the CE major.

‡ Required for depth focus in Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Construction Engineering, Urban Systems, Energy and Climate, or Sensing, Analytics, and Control

‡vRequired for depth focus in Environmental Fluid Mechanics and Hydrology or Environmental Quality Engineering

Technology in Society (this course required):

CEE 102A Legal/Ethical Principles in Design, Construction, and Project Delivery, 3 units, W

Engineering Fundamentals (2 Courses minimum)

  • ENGR 14 Introduction to Solid Mechanics 3 units, A, W, S
  • ENGR 90 Environmental Science and Technology (same as CEE 70) 3 units, W

Engineering Depth

At least 68 units of Fundamental + Depth courses are required by ABET and by the Department.

Required Core Courses (17-19 units)

CS 106A/B Programming Methodology/Abstractions (or CEE101D, 3 units, Aut, if not counted as a Focus Elect.)A,W,S,Sum 
CEE100Managing Sustainable Building Projects (fulfills WIM requirement)4A
CEE 146S

Engineering Economics and Sustainability (offered on-line only)

Same as ENGR 60

CEE 183Senior Capstone Design4S
ME 30Thermodynamics (or CHEMENG 110A)3A,W,S

Focus Area Electives (at least 30 units)

(1) To satisfy ABET criteria, students MUST choose at least TWO of the following 4 classes: CEE 101A, 101B, 101C, and 101D. CEE 101A, 101B, and/or 101C will count as Focus Area Electives. CEE 101D may count either as a Focus Area Elective, or as a Required Core Course (replacing CS 106A).

(2) Students must take at least 12 units in one focus area as their depth area.  Students must also take at least 6 units each in 3 other  focus areas for breadth. Courses cannot double-count. 

Classes important for professional licensing are marked with *; classes needed as preparation for coterm studies in CEE are marked with a # – see bottom of next page for more details.

Structural Engineering & Mechanics Focus

Mechanics of Materials (or ME 80, A/W/S/Sum; prereq: ENGR 14)4W
CEE 101C *#Geotechnical Engineering3-4A
CEE 101DComputations in CEE3 A
CEE 180*#Structural Analysis (prereq: CEE 101A)4S
CEE 182* #Structural Design (prereq: CEE 180)4W
CEE 192Lab Characterization of Rocks and Geomaterials3-4S
ME 151Introduction to Computational Mechanics4 

Environmental Fluid Mechanics and Hydrology Focus

CEE 101B *#Mechanics of Fluids4A
CEE 161IAtmospheric Circulation3A
CEE 162DIntro to Physical Oceanography4W
CEE 162ERivers, Streams and Canals3S
CEE 162FCoastal Processes3A
CEE 162IAtmosphere, Ocean, & Climate Dynamics...3W
CEE 166A *#Watershed Hydrologic Processes & Models3A
CEE 166BWater Resources and Hazards3W
CEE 175ACalifornia Coast: Science, Policy, & Law (offered alternate uears)3-4S

Construction Engineering Focus

CEE 101C*#(1)Geotechnical Engineering4A
CEE 120ABuilding Modeling for Design & Construction3A,Sum
CEE 122A+BComputer Integrated Arch/ENGR/Construction + Computer Integrated A/E/C2+2W+S
CEE 131CHow Buildings are Made -- Materiality and Construction Methods4S
CEE 141A #Infrastructure Projects Development3A
CEE 141BInfrastructure Projects Delivery3W
CEE 241Managing Fabrication & Construction  (prereq: CEE 100)4A

Energy and Climate Focus

CEE 63Weather and Storms3A
CEE 64 #Air Pollution and Global Warming3W
CEE 107A # or  CEE 107SUnderstanding Energy                    or Energy Essentials3-5 or 3-4A,S or Sum
CEE 107RExtreme Energy Efficiency3W
CEE 156 #Building Systems Design & Analysis3-4W
CEE 172 *Air Quality Management3W
CEE 176AEnergy Efficient Buildings3W
CEE 176B100% Clean, Renewable Energy and Storage for Everything3-4S

Environmental Quality Engineering Focus

CEE 172 *Air Quality Management3S
CEE 173Urban Water3S
CEE 178Intro to Human Exposure Analysis3-
CEE 179DProviding Safe Water for the Developing & Developed World (formerly 174A)3-
CEE 179E *Wastewater Treatment: From Disposal to Resource Recovery (formerly 174B)3W

Sensing, Analytics, and Control Focus

CEE 101DComputations in CEE3A
CEE 154Data Analytics for Physical Systems (prereqs: CS106A, CME100)3A
CEE 155 #Introduction to Sensing Networks for CEE3-4S
CEE 156 #Building Systems Design & Analysis4W
ME 161Dynamic Systems, Vibrations & Control (prereq.: ENGR 15*, which may count under Other Elective Courses category)3A
ME 210Introduction to Mechatronics (prereq: ENGR 40M, which may count under Other Elective Courses category)4W

Urban Systems Focus

CEE 120A #Building Modeling for Design & Construction3A, Sum
CEE 133AArchitectural -- Space, Light, Movement5A,S
CEE 156 #Building Systems Design & Analysis4W
CEE 176AEnergy Efficient Buildings3W
CEE 177LSmart Cities and Communities3Sum
CEE 243Introduction to Urban Systems Engineering (open to Seniors)3-

* The first step towards professional licensing is the FE (Fundamentals of Engineering) exam. To prepare for a career as a practicing civil or environmental engineer, your elective choices should prepare you for at least one of these choices of FE exam:

Civil FE: CEE 101A, 101C, 180, 182 Environmental FE: CEE 101B, 166B, 172, 174B, 177 (or 170). General FE: Physics 43, CEE 101A, 101B; ENGR 15 (which may count under Other Electives)

# If you are aiming to apply to a CEE coterm program, your elective choices should include, at minimum: Atmosphere/Energy: CEE 64, 107A Environmental Engineering: CEE 101B, 177 (or 170) Structural Engineering & Mechanics: CEE 101A, 101C, 180, 182 SDC (Sustainable Design & Construction) – Energy: CEE 120A, 156, 176A SDC – Management or SDC – Structures: CEE 101A, 101C, 180 SDC – Urban Systems:  CEE 120A, 141A, 155


Students must take at least 68 units of engineering science and design courses (Engineering Fundamentals + Core + Electives) in order to satisfy ABET and departmental requirements to graduate.  For the remaining engineering elective units: (1) Additional electives may be selected from the 7 focus areas listed above.  (2) The following additional Engineering Fundamental courses may count: ENGR 10, 15, 21, 25E, 40M (or 40A), and 50 (or 50E or 50M). (3) Students may also count up to 4 units of CEE199/199L in this category, and the following introductory CEE classes: CEE 41Q, CEE 80N, and CEE 83.  (4) Students seeking to count an engineering elective course not covered in (1), (2) or (3) must petition the CEE Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, requesting confirmation that the course will satisfy ABET requirements, (by emailing [email protected] ).  Some CEE courses do not satisfy ABET requirements, for example:  CEE 31, 102W and 151.

Coterm Deadlines and Contact

Civil Engineering3  Friday of Winter quarter

Jill Filice

Instructions for Declaring a Major in Civil Engineering

  • Enter your major declaration as Civil Engineering in Axess.
  • Download and complete the Excel major  Program Sheet   
  • To open a new program sheet, start by choosing the academic year for the major you wish to use (Example: 2020-21 or 2021-22; must be from a year you are matriculated at SU)
  • Be sure and list all courses already taken and those you plan to take -- you will have the opportunity to revise this later, so please fill in as many courses as you can and print out.
  • Email your Stanford transcript (unofficial is fine) and completed program sheet to Jill Filice, CEE Student Services, [email protected] , and request to have a CEE major faculty advisor assigned to you. You may request a specific advisor if you wish. Office hours are 10 a.m. to noon and 2 to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. 
  • Schedule a Zoom meeting with your CEE major faculty adviser and email them your program sheet and unofficial transcript so that you may both review your course study plan, and so that they may approve/sign off on your program sheet.
  • Email your signed program sheet to Jill Filice ( [email protected] ), who upon receiving your signed sheet will approve your major declaration in Axess.
  • You are encouraged to meet with your CEE undergraduate adviser at least once a quarter to review your academic progress. Changes to your program sheet can be made by printing out a revised sheet, obtaining your undergraduate adviser’s signature, and returning the approved sheet to the CEE Student Services Office. NOTE: Be sure to revise your program sheet, print, and have signed by your advisor during your senior year and at least one quarter prior to graduation.
  • Other Information:
  • Procedures for requesting transfer credits and program deviations are described in detail in  Petitions . The online forms may be filled out electronically. If you are requesting transfer credits or program deviations, you should bring your completed petition form with your transcript to the CEE Student Services office. Attach your program sheet on file in CEE.
  • Check with the CEE Student Services Office to make sure that you are on the CEE undergraduate student email list for important announcements about department events and activities.
  • View Stanford-only Results

School of Engineering

Showing 101-110 of 178 results.


Jessica MacDonald

Ph.d. student in civil and environmental engineering, admitted winter 2021.


Theodore MacMillan

Ph.d. student in civil and environmental engineering, admitted autumn 2021.


Rima Makaryan

Masters student in civil and environmental engineering, admitted autumn 2021.


Isandro Gutierrez Malik

Masters student in civil and environmental engineering, admitted autumn 2019.


Dulce'Celeste Martinez


Wilfrido Martinez Alonso

Ph.d. student in civil and environmental engineering, admitted autumn 2017.

  • Contact Info Mail Code: 4020

Kevin Mayer

Kevin Mayer

Ph.d. student in civil and environmental engineering, admitted autumn 2021 ph.d. minor, computer science.

Zahra Mazlaghani

Zahra Mazlaghani

Ph.d. student in civil and environmental engineering, admitted winter 2023.

Current Research and Scholarly Interests I work on advanced numerical methods that harness the massive parallelism of GPUs, i.e., real-time computer chips originally developed for graphics rendering, to overcome computational bottlenecks in structural simulations, specifically in the real-time hybrid simulation (RTHS) of tall buildings in order to enable more realistic and faster simulations. I use graphics processors, for the first time, to accelerate RTHS to enable higher-fidelity "on-the-fly" simulation of civil structures.

Lorelay Mendoza Grijalva

Lorelay Mendoza Grijalva

Ph.d. student in civil and environmental engineering, admitted autumn 2019.

Bio Lorelay is an environmental engineering PhD candidate working in the Tarpeh lab at Stanford University. Her research is centered around recovering valuable resources from wastewater and other pollution streams. She earned her undergraduate degree at San Diego State University, where her research focused on detecting river water contamination during storm events.

Zachary S Meyer

Zachary S Meyer

Masters student in civil and environmental engineering, admitted autumn 2024.

Nicest Suburbs

Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

stanford university phd civil engineering

Elektrostal is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, located approximately 40 kilometers east of Moscow. It has a population of approximately 150,000 inhabitants, making it one of the largest cities in the oblast. The city was founded in 1916 and became a major industrial center during the Soviet era, with a focus on the production of steel, machinery, and chemicals.

One of the nicest areas in Elektrostal is the city center, which has undergone significant renovation in recent years. The central square, Pobedy Square, is a popular gathering spot for locals and features a large fountain and a monument to the Soviet soldiers who died in World War II. The surrounding streets are lined with shops, restaurants, and cafes, making it a vibrant area to spend time in. Housing prices in the city center are generally higher than in other parts of Elektrostal, with apartments ranging from 2 million to 10 million rubles (approximately $27,000 to $135,000 USD).

Another popular suburb is Kuchino, which is located on the outskirts of the city. It is known for its quiet, leafy streets and proximity to the Klyazma River, which provides ample opportunities for outdoor recreation. Housing prices in Kuchino are generally lower than in the city center, with apartments ranging from 1 million to 6 million rubles (approximately $13,500 to $81,000 USD).

One of the outstanding aspects of Elektrostal is its transportation infrastructure. The city is well-connected to Moscow and other neighboring towns via a network of buses, trains, and highways. The Elektrostal railway station is a major transportation hub, with regular trains to Moscow and other destinations. In addition, the city has an extensive network of bike lanes and pedestrian walkways, making it easy to get around on foot or by bicycle.

In terms of safety, Elektrostal is generally considered to be a safe city. The crime rate is relatively low, and the city has a well-trained and equipped police force. However, as with any city, it is important to take basic safety precautions and be aware of your surroundings.

Elektrostal is home to several landmarks and cultural institutions that are worth visiting. The Elektrostal Museum of Local Lore is a popular destination for history buffs, with exhibits on the city's history, culture, and industry. The city also has several parks and green spaces, including Park Pobedy and Central Park, which are great places to relax and enjoy the outdoors.

In terms of public figures, Elektrostal has been home to several notable people over the years. One of the most famous is Sergei Prokofiev, the renowned composer who was born in Sontsovka, a small village near Elektrostal. Other notable people who have lived in Elektrostal include Alexei Leonov, the first person to perform a spacewalk, and Viktor Zin, a world champion weightlifter.

The people of Elektrostal are known for their industriousness and love of culture. The city has a thriving arts scene, with regular concerts, theater performances, and art exhibitions. In addition, the city is home to several annual festivals and celebrations, including the Day of the City, which takes place in early September and features a parade, fireworks, and other festivities.

Elektrostal is a vibrant and dynamic city that offers something for everyone. With its rich history, cultural institutions, and natural beauty, it is a great place to live, work, and play. Whether you are interested in history, the arts, or outdoor recreation, you are sure to find something to love in Elektrostal.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Student looking into water tank in lab

Main navigation

Civil and Environmental Engineering uses technologies from materials science, physics, biology, mathematics, computing and the social sciences to ask how we can best design and manage the buildings and cities, dams and water systems, highway networks and energy grids that support our daily lives.

Woman in lab looking at equipment

What are we researching?

CEE focuses on the theme of engineering for sustainability, including three core areas: built environment, environmental and water studies and atmosphere/energy.

Woman adjusting camera

What is it like for undergraduate students?

The built and natural environments are interdependent and inseparable, requiring that the next generation of civil and environmental engineers work jointly as never before. We are dedicated to producing professionals up to the task of wise and efficient use of resources while creating the next generations of the built environment.

Woman at desk with paperwork

What is it like for graduate students?

Our MS program is intended to be a terminal degree for those seeking advanced knowledge in a focused discipline of civil and environmental engineering to pursue a career in industry or another professional degree (e.g., law, business).

Information For

  • Prospective Graduate Students
  • Current Graduate Students  (login required)
  • Prospective Undergraduate Students
  • Current Undergraduate Students  (login required)

CO2 converted to ethanol in a photobioreactor.

Turning carbon pollution into ethanol

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Stanford Online

Civil and environmental engineering graduate certificate: virtual design and construction track.

Stanford School of Engineering , Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability

Get Started

The architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry is rapidly evolving. Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) is increasingly used to translate client building performance objectives into measurable project and production plans. Building Information Modeling (BIM) tools are now a common communication and collaboration platform across the design, construction, and delivery phases of complex projects. This Graduate Certificate track will provide you with a strong foundation in building information modeling that is augmented with deep knowledge in parametric system design and optimization and virtual design and construction practices.

You Will Learn

  • Basic Building Information Modeling (BIM) skills and best practices to produce models used in architectural design, construction planning and documentation, rendering and visualization, simulation, and analysis.
  • Advanced Building Information Modeling (BIM) skills for design, analysis, and modeling of building systems including structural, envelope, mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire protection.
  • Parametric design modeling and optimization platforms and scripting environments that enable rapid generation of 3D models for rapid evaluation of parametrically-driven design alternatives.
  • Management practices for concurrent orchestration of multiple disciplines to design useable, operable and sustainable buildings.
  • Techniques to integrate project information that's made seamlessly accessible to support a diverse project team.
  • Broader engineering and economic context of BIM and VDC within operations management, decision-making theory, and sustainability-focused design

Explore Other Tracks

Virtual Design and Construction is one of three tracks in the Graduate Certificate in Civil and Environmental Engineering. You may also be interested in these tracks:

  • Project Risk Analysis and Assessment
  • Venture Creation for the Real Economy

Foundational Elective Courses (complete at least 2)


  • Online, instructor-led

Advanced Building Modeling Workshop

Capstone Course (complete 1)

Virtual Design and Construction

Elective Courses (complete at most 1)


How Much It Will Cost

How long it will take.

  • Complete four graduate courses within 3 academic years. At least two courses from the Foundational electives, the capstone course and one elective.
  • Your time commitment will vary for each course. You should expect an average of 15-20 hours per week for the lecture and homework assignments.
  • Most students complete the program in 1-2 years.

What You Need to Get Started

Before enrolling in your first graduate course, you must complete an online application .

Don’t wait! While you can only enroll in courses during open enrollment periods, you can complete your online application at any time.

Once you have enrolled in a course, your application will be sent to the department for approval. You will receive an email notifying you of the department's decision after the enrollment period closes. You can also check your application status in your my stanford connection account at any time.

Learn more about the graduate application process .

What You'll Earn

Civil and Environmental Engineering: Virtual Design and Construction Graduate Certificate Sample

You’ll earn a Stanford Graduate Certificate in Civil and Environmental Engineering: Virtual Design and Construction when you successfully earn a grade of B (3.0) or better in each course in the program.

With each successful completion of a course in this program, you’ll receive a Stanford University transcript and academic credit, which may be applied to a relevant graduate degree program that accepts these credits. If admitted, you may apply up to 18 units to an applicable Stanford University master’s degree program (pending approval from the academic department).

This Stanford Graduate Certificate is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC).

Graduate Certificates are delivered as a digital credential document, verified on the blockchain. You’ll be able to share your accomplishments, verify your credential, and communicate the scope of your acquired expertise.

What You Need to Apply

  • General familiarity with the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry.
  • Limited familiarity with Building Information Modeling (BIM) software (i.e., Revit) is preferred, but not required. 
  • A conferred Bachelor’s degree with an undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or better.

Teaching Team

Derek  Fong

Senior Research Engineer

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Derek Fong's research in environmental and geophysical fluid dynamics focuses on understanding the fundamental transport and mixing processes in the rivers, estuaries and the coastal ocean. He employs different methods for studying such fluid processes including laboratory experiments, field experiments, and numerical modeling. His research projects include studying lateral dispersion, in stratified coastal flows, the fate and transport of freshwater in river plumes, advanced hydrodynamic measurement techniques, coherent structures in nearshore flows, bio-physical interactions in stratified lakes, fate of contaminated sediments, and secondary circulation and mixing in curved channels.

Derek teaches a variety of classes at both the undergraduate and graduate level. Some of the classes he has offered include Mechanics of Fluids; Rivers, Streams and Canals; Transport and Mixing in Surface Waters; Introduction to Physical Oceanography; Mechanics of Stratified Fluids; Dynamics of Lakes and Reservoirs; Science and Engineering Problem Solving using Matlab; the Future and Science of Water; Hydrodynamics and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics.

Prior to coming to Stanford, Derek spent five years at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution studying the dynamics of freshwater plumes for his doctoral thesis. He has also served as a senior lecturer at the University of Washington, Friday Harbor Laboratories in Friday Harbor, Washington.

Glenn Katz

Glenn Katz is a Lecturer in the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at Stanford University specializing in Architectural Design Studio, Building Information Modeling (BIM), and Parametric Design. Also, he has been with AutoDesk since 2011 as an AEC Education Specialist where he conducts technology product training through AutoDesk University. With CSDGC, Mr. Katz is collaborating on the Sustainable Urban Systems project as well as the Youth Leadership Program. He received his B.S. in Civil Engineering (1981) from MIT, and his M.S. in Civil Engineering (1982) from Stanford University.

Michael Lepech

Michael Lepech

Michael Lepech is a Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment at Stanford University.  He is a distinguished figure at the intersection of civil engineering, sustainability, and business innovation. Holding a Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Michigan, alongside an MBA specializing in Finance and Strategy, he possesses a unique blend of technical expertise and business acumen. 

In addition to his research and teaching, Michael currently directs a number of research centers across the Stanford School of Engineering.  For over 15 years he has led the Stanford Center for Sustainable Development and Global Competitiveness, a research center exploring the abilities of advanced computing, including artificial intelligence, to improve business practices and products to increase firm competitiveness around the world.  For the past 5 years he has led the Stanford Center at the Incheon Global Campus, focusing on the development and deployment of new smart city technologies to enhance urban sustainability, making significant strides in research, demonstration, and innovation in sustainable urban development.  Most recently he has been named a faculty lead of the Stanford Technology Ventures Program, the entrepreneurship center in the Stanford School of Engineering.

His research, teaching, and practice have taken him around the world teaching engineering design and entrepreneurship topics. As an instructor, he has taught numerous executive education and professional education courses on topics of finance, leadership, sustainability, product management, venture capital investing, and entrepreneurship in the US, Brazil, France, Korea, South Africa, and China.  He has co-founded 4 companies based on his research and scholarly activities.

Irene Lo

Assistant Professor

Management Science and Engineering

Irene is an Assistant Professor in Management Science & Engineering at Stanford University. Her research is on designing matching markets and assignment processes to improve market outcomes, with a focus on public sector applications and socially responsible operations research. She is also interested in mechanism design for social good and graph theory.

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stanford university phd civil engineering


News release, national park service and partner agencies award $25.7 million to preserve significant historic sites and collections.

The front of a stone church with steps leading up to three doorways with ornate arches and stone columns.

Gil Gilbert for St. Bartholomew's Conservancy, Inc.

Contact: [email protected]

WASHINGTON – The National Park Service (NPS) today announced $25.7 million in Save America’s Treasures grants to fund 59 projects that will preserve nationally significant sites and historic collections in 26 states and the District of Columbia.  “The Save America’s Treasures program began 25 years ago and continues to enable communities across the United States to preserve and conserve their nationally significant historic properties and collections,” said National Park Service Director Chuck Sams . “It’s fitting to celebrate this milestone anniversary through a wide range of projects that help to pass the full history of America and its people down to future generations.”  Since 1999, the Save America’s Treasures program has provided over $405 million from the Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) to more than 1,400 projects to provide preservation and conservation work on nationally significant collections, artifacts, structures, and sites. Previous awards have gone toward restoring the Park Inn Hotel , designed by Frank Lloyd Wright; the USS Intrepid , an Essex class carrier on display in Manhattan; and the Saturn V Launch Vehicle , a three-stage rocket designed for a lunar landing mission.  Today’s award of $25,705,000 will be matched by almost $50 million in private and public investment. NPS partners with the National Endowment for the Arts, National Endowment for the Humanities, and the Institute for Museum and Library Services to award the grants.  Established in 1977, the HPF has provided more than $2 billion in historic preservation grants to states, Tribes, local governments, and non-profit organizations. Administered by NPS, HPF grant funds are appropriated by Congress annually to support a variety of historic preservation projects to help preserve the nation’s cultural and historic resources. The HPF, which uses revenue from federal offshore oil and gas leases, supports a broad range of preservation projects without expending tax dollars. The intent behind the HPF is to mitigate the loss of nonrenewable resources through the preservation of other irreplaceable resources. Applications for next year’s round of the Save America's Treasures Grant Program will open in the fall of 2024. $25.5 million in funding will be available. Examples of today’s awarded grants include:

  • Historic Hudson Valley will use grant funding to address water penetration and deteriorating masonry at the historic Ivy Cottage located at Sunnyside, the New York home of early American author Washington Irving. Irving lived at Sunnyside from 1835 until his death in 1859. As an author, Irving helped to build a truly American literary landscape; as a property, Sunnyside became one of the physical landmarks of the American Romantic movement. The grantee will provide $640,365 of matching funds.  
  • The Oklahoma City National Memorial Foundation will digitize 2,000 videotapes from their archival collections which document the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Building, the largest domestic terrorist attack on U.S. soil. This digitization will update the outdated formats the collection currently consists of and will provide video stabilization work. The grantee will provide $89,428 in matching funds.  
  • Michigan Technological University will digitize and organize historic copper mining records. While mining on the Keweenaw Peninsula began at least 8,000 years ago, improved excavating technology and increased demand for copper wire in the 1800s drove thousands to northern Michigan to work in the mines. Improved access to mining records will make historic data from the late 1800s and early 1900s accessible to the public. The grantee will provide $118,898 in matching funds.

For more information about NPS historic preservation programs and grants, please visit .  

About the National Park Service.  More than 20,000 National Park Service employees care for America's 430+ national parks and work with communities across the nation to help preserve local history and create close-to-home recreational opportunities. Learn more at , and on Facebook , Instagram , Twitter , and YouTube .

FY2023 Funded Save America's Treasures Grant Projects

FY2023 Funded Save America's Treasures Grant Projects
State Grant Recipient & Amount Project Title Project Description Type

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Last updated: August 21, 2024


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Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

Coordinates of elektrostal in decimal degrees, coordinates of elektrostal in degrees and decimal minutes, utm coordinates of elektrostal, geographic coordinate systems.

WGS 84 coordinate reference system is the latest revision of the World Geodetic System, which is used in mapping and navigation, including GPS satellite navigation system (the Global Positioning System).

Geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) define a position on the Earth’s surface. Coordinates are angular units. The canonical form of latitude and longitude representation uses degrees (°), minutes (′), and seconds (″). GPS systems widely use coordinates in degrees and decimal minutes, or in decimal degrees.

Latitude varies from −90° to 90°. The latitude of the Equator is 0°; the latitude of the South Pole is −90°; the latitude of the North Pole is 90°. Positive latitude values correspond to the geographic locations north of the Equator (abbrev. N). Negative latitude values correspond to the geographic locations south of the Equator (abbrev. S).

Longitude is counted from the prime meridian ( IERS Reference Meridian for WGS 84) and varies from −180° to 180°. Positive longitude values correspond to the geographic locations east of the prime meridian (abbrev. E). Negative longitude values correspond to the geographic locations west of the prime meridian (abbrev. W).

UTM or Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system divides the Earth’s surface into 60 longitudinal zones. The coordinates of a location within each zone are defined as a planar coordinate pair related to the intersection of the equator and the zone’s central meridian, and measured in meters.

Elevation above sea level is a measure of a geographic location’s height. We are using the global digital elevation model GTOPO30 .

Elektrostal , Moscow Oblast, Russia


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  1. PhD Program

    PhD Program in CEE. The Doctor of Philosophy degree is offered under the general regulations of the University as set forth in the Stanford Bulletin. This degree is recommended for those who expect to engage in a professional career in research, teaching, or technical work of an advanced nature in civil or environmental engineering. A PhD at ...

  2. Graduate Degrees

    CEE Graduate Degree Programs. Stanford Civil and Environmental Engineering offers master's, engineer, and doctoral programs, which lead to an MS degree, ENG degree, and/or PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering. The Master's program consists of core courses, technical electives, seminars, and unrestricted electives to deepen knowledge ...

  3. Civil and Environmental Engineering

    We create sustainable solutions for cities, communities, and nature to thrive. Students in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering make a lasting impact in the world as they launch careers in which they design and apply innovative solutions that foster sustainability in the natural and built environments.

  4. How to Apply

    The Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering accepts applications to our graduate programs once per year for fall quarter entry. ... a nonrefundable application fee of $125 is required for each application submitted to a graduate program at Stanford University. The fee must be paid through the payment section of the online application.

  5. CEE-PHD Program

    This funding is at least equivalent to Stanford's 20-hour-RA salary plus tuition to cover the department's required enrollment (summer enrollment requirements vary by department. It is 3 units over summer for CEE PhDs). Arranging for this funding is the responsibility of the department and the faculty PhD advisor, and can include ...

  6. Graduate Admissions

    Not Required for Admission to Graduate Programs in Civil & Environmental Engineering. We do not require: We invite excellent students from all backgrounds, including those from historically underrepresented groups in engineering, to consider Stanford University for their graduate studies. In making admissions decisions, the Civil and ...

  7. Graduate Degree Programs

    Curricula in the School of Engineering. Our nine departments and the Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering (ICME) offer dozens of graduate programs that align academic course work with research. Related aspects of particular areas of graduate study are commonly covered directly from the department.For further details about the following programs, see the department sections ...

  8. Faculty

    Associate Dean for Integrative Initiatives in Institutes and International Partnerships, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, at the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability and Higgins-Magid Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute

  9. MS Programs

    Our Master of Science (MS) programs are terminal degree programs for those seeking advanced knowledge in a focused discipline of civil and environmental engineering to pursue a career in industry or another professional degree. The MS degree is a coursework-based degree. No research or thesis are required. However, in most programs students may ...

  10. Civil and Environmental Engineering Graduate Program

    Stanford's Civil and Environmental Engineering Graduate Certificate combines cutting-edge research in materials science, physics, biology, mathematics, computing, and the social sciences to create a global understanding of the future of engineering. This certificate will help you create a unique set of skills that will empower you to build ...

  11. Civil and Environmental Engineering MS Degree

    The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering has two distinct advanced degree programs: MS and PhD. Our Master of Science (MS) program is intended to be a terminal degree for those seeking advanced knowledge in a focused discipline of civil and environmental engineering to pursue a career in industry or another professional degree (e.g., law, business). It is based on the completion ...

  12. Stanford University Professor

    Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering The Jerry Yang and Akiko Yamazaki Environment and Energy (Y2E2) Building 473 Via Ortega, Room 397 Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305, USA Tel: (650) 723-6836 Fax: (650) 723-7058 Email: [email protected] Twitter: Follow @mzjacobson.

  13. Civil and Environmental Engineering Graduate ...

    What You'll Earn. You'll earn a Stanford Graduate Certificate in Civil and Environmental Engineering: General when you successfully earn a grade of B (3.0) or better in each course in the program.. With each successful completion of a course in this program, you'll receive a Stanford University transcript and academic credit, which may be applied to a relevant graduate degree program that ...

  14. Stanford University PhD in Civil Engineering

    The main focus area for this major is General Civil Engineering.For more details on this concentration, visit its profile page. Civil Engineering is a major offered under the engineering program of study at Stanford University. We've gathered data and other essential information about the doctor's degree program in civil eng, such as diversity of students, how many students graduated in ...

  15. Engineering Graduate Education

    Stanford Engineering's online and hybrid graduation education portfolio offers working professionals the opportunity to take graduate courses, enroll in a graduate certificate program, and earn an online or hybrid master's degree. ... Civil and Environmental Engineering Graduate Certificate: Venture Creation for the Real Economy Track ...

  16. Civil Engineering

    Students in the major learn to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and the primary areas of civil engineering to conduct experiments, design systems to solve engineering problems, and communicate their ideas effectively to the scientific community. UG Director: Greg Deierlein, [email protected]. Student Services: Jill Filice, 316 Y2E2, jill ...

  17. Browse School of Engineering

    Alberto Tono Ph.D. Student in Civil and Environmental Engineering, admitted Autumn 2021 Ph.D. Minor, Computer Science. BioTono Alberto is a current PhD Student at Stanford under the supervision of Kumagai Professor: Martin Fischer.He is currently exploring ways in which the Convergence between Digital and Humanities can facilitate cross-pollination between different industries within an ...

  18. Browse School of Engineering

    Lorelay Mendoza Grijalva Ph.D. Student in Civil and Environmental Engineering, admitted Autumn 2019. BioLorelay is an environmental engineering PhD candidate working in the Tarpeh lab at Stanford University.Her research is centered around recovering valuable resources from wastewater and other pollution streams.

  19. Nicest Suburbs

    Elektrostal is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, located approximately 40 kilometers east of Moscow. It has a population of approximately 150,000 inhabitants, making it one of the largest cities in the oblast.

  20. Civil & Environmental Engineering

    Civil & Environmental Engineering. Civil and Environmental Engineering uses technologies from materials science, physics, biology, mathematics, computing and the social sciences to ask how we can best design and manage the buildings and cities, dams and water systems, highway networks and energy grids that support our daily lives.

  21. Civil and Environmental Engineering Graduate ...

    What You'll Earn. You'll earn a Stanford Graduate Certificate in Civil and Environmental Engineering: Virtual Design and Construction when you successfully earn a grade of B (3.0) or better in each course in the program.. With each successful completion of a course in this program, you'll receive a Stanford University transcript and academic credit, which may be applied to a relevant ...

  22. National Park Service and Partner Agencies Award $25.7 Million to

    News Release Date: August 20, 2024 Contact: [email protected] WASHINGTON - The National Park Service (NPS) today announced $25.7 million in Save America's Treasures grants to fund 59 projects that will preserve nationally significant sites and historic collections in 26 states and the District of Columbia. "The Save America's Treasures program began 25 years ago and continues to enable ...

  23. Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Geographic coordinates of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia in WGS 84 coordinate system which is a standard in cartography, geodesy, and navigation, including Global Positioning System (GPS). Latitude of Elektrostal, longitude of Elektrostal, elevation above sea level of Elektrostal.

  24. Elektrostal

    Elektrostal is a center of metallurgy and heavy machinery manufacturing. Major companies include: Elektrostal metallurgical factory; Elektrostal chemical-mechanical factory; Elektrostal Heavy Engineering Works, JSC is a designer and manufacturer of equipment for producing seamless hot-rolled, cold-rolled and welded steel materials and metallurgical equipment.

  25. Moscow Oblast

    Moscow Oblast (Russian: Московская область, romanized: Moskovskaya oblast, IPA: [mɐˈskofskəjə ˈobləsʲtʲ], informally known as Подмосковье, Podmoskovye, IPA: [pədmɐˈskovʲjə]) [11] is a federal subject of Russia (an oblast).With a population of 8,524,665 (2021 Census) living in an area of 44,300 square kilometers (17,100 sq mi), [12] it is one of the most ...