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  • Orbis , Yale Online Catalog Search for all Yale theses using Orbis by including the words "Yale" and  "thesis" as keywords in your search.  Items cataloged in Orbis will have both a call number and a "handle" URL for the catalog record. Please include both if if you make an email inquiry about access.  
  • Dissertations & Theses - Full Text  Digital Dissertations contains more than 1.6 million entries with information about doctoral dissertations, including Yale MD/PhD dissertations. It is the same database as Dissertation Abstracts, but with the significant advantage that titles published since 1997 are available in PDF digital format.  
  • Yale Medicine Thesis Digital Library Project Starting in 2006, each YSM graduating class is required to deposit an electronic thesis. Theses from 2011-onward are also accessible through Dissertations & Theses - Full Text . Note: If a medical student selects a temporary or permanent embargo for campus-only access, the full-text will not be available in the Proquest system during the embargo. Thesis abstracts should be available in either EliScholar or Proquest.  
  • EliScholar Alumni theses can be found in Yale University’s institutional repository. If you would like to have your thesis added to EliScholar, please complete this form .

Theses in the Library

The Medical Library receives one copy of each Yale School of Medicine thesis and two copies of each School of Nursing thesis. School of Public Health theses are in the Medical Library through 2008. In 2009, SPH theses are electronic only and available in the Proquest Dissertations & Theses - Full Text  product. Each thesis is cataloged with author and subject entries for Orbis, the Yale online catalog. In addition, a historical list of theses arranged by year , indicating the call numbers for requesting the thesis, is shelved in the Medical Library Information Room. To view a print thesis, thesis request forms are available at the Circulation Desk. Theses from 1974 to the present are shelved within the Medical Library and are retrieved twice a day, at 11:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Earlier theses are stored in the Library Shelving Facility (LSF). Theses at LSF may be delivered to the Medical Library via the campus library delivery service. The second copy of the School of Nursing theses may be checked out for home use, but all other theses must be used in the Library. For more information, please call the Circulation Desk 203-785-5354.


Yale Medical School Secondary Essays: Tips To Stand Out & Prompts

  • Cracking Med School Admissions Team

Getting accepted to Yale School of Medicine is hard. Very hard. Submitting OUTSTANDING Yale Medical School secondary essays is vital to receiving an interview invite, which ultimately can lead to an acceptance. Yale loves to recruit the best of the best , students from all backgrounds. While you still need to have a solid academic background, the Yale Admissions Committee is more interested in how you will become one of  the next leaders in healthcare . Therefore, almost all med school applicants receive a Yale secondary application because the admissions committee wants to see what you have to offer as an applicant. 

Secondary essay questions for Yale School of Medicine do not change year to year. This is  a good med school secondary to pre-write.

Our Cracking Med School Admissions team has a track record of helping our mentees receive interview invites and acceptances to Yale School of Medicine year after year, including the Yale MSTP program. Get started and read our Yale Medical School secondary application tips below.

  • To learn more about student life, the curriculum, and Yale School of Medicine admissions, read our Cracking Yale School of Medicine Admissions: Tips to Stand Out . 

Cracking Med School Admissions - 1 School Secondary Essay Edits

  • Personally Tailored Essays
  • Edits by Stanford & Harvard-trained Doctors
  • We study your application strengths to see what unique attributes we’ll bring to the medical school

Yale Medical School Secondary Application Essay Prompts: 2023 – 2024

  • Yale School of Medicine values diversity in all its forms. How will your background and experiences contribute to this important focus of our institution and inform your future role as a physician? (500 words max)
  • While there is great emphasis on the physician-patient relationship, Yale School of Medicine also emphasizes the importance of training future physicians to care for communities and populations. Describe how your experiences would contribute to this aspect of the mission of the Yale School of Medicine. (500 words max)
  • Research is essential to patient care, and all students at Yale School of Medicine complete a research thesis. Tell us how your research interests, skills and experiences would contribute to scholarship at Yale School of Medicine. (500 words max)
  • (Optional) This section should be used to bring to the attention of the Admissions Committee any important information (personal, academic, or professional) not discussed in other sections of your Yale Secondary Application. If you are a recent graduate, please also list your post-graduation plans/activities in the “Additional Information” section and submit any relevant updates for finalized plans/activities as the application year progresses. (500 words max)

Tips to Answer Yale Medical School  Secondary Essays

Yale Secondaries Pre-writing Guidance: Secondary essay questions for Yale School of Medicine do not change year to year. This is a good med school secondary to pre-write. However, this is not a time sensitive school; Yale really wants to give every medical student applicant a chance to show his or her strengths. We have advised and met many students who have submitted well into the application cycle (even late October) who receive Yale interview invitations! Of course, we don’t recommend submitting later than Labor Day, but we want to tell you our experiences so you can plan your secondary essay writing accordingly. 

Yale Medical School Secondary Essays Tip #1: Answer as many questions as possible. Our Cracking Med School Admissions team does not view Yale secondary application questions as optional. What can you write about in the last essay (optional Yale Med essay)? You can literally write about anything. But write about something that will show the admissions committee another perspective about you.

For the Yale secondaries optional essay, many of our mentees who have worked with us through our medical school application packages have discussed topics related to: family background, cultural / gender identity, unique leadership opportunities, and extra-curricular activities they were not able to discuss in other Yale med school secondary application essays. The Yale secondaries optional essay should also complement the AMCAS primary application personal statement.

Many of the students we help through our application packages or secondary essay editing packages will answer the optional question like a hybrid “ diversity ” + “what they will do in their upcoming gap year” essay. 

Yale Medical School Secondary Essays Tip #2: It is very important to note that diversity DOES NOT mean you have to talk about your ethnicity. In fact, we think most of the strongest essays we’ve read for Yale secondaries have been not related to applicants’ cultural backgrounds or heritages. So, what should you write about for the Yale Medical School secondary application diversity essay? Write about what’s going to make you stand out the most as a future healthcare leader: What are you going to uniquely bring to Yale that will allow you to improve healthcare?

Examples of topics for Yale’s diversity secondary essay: Creating health programs for underserved communities and conducting research to evaluate the health programs; Advocating for disabled individuals; Improving the health of incarcerated juveniles; Supporting Alzheimer patient care and create treatments of Alzheimer’s; Using artificial intelligence for drug discovery; Creating support groups for autoimmune patients; Understanding the social determinants of health to improve health education programs in underserved communities; Founding new health initiatives, such as vaccine clinics, at free clinics.

  • For more help with diversity essays and an example diversity essay, read our blog post: Medical School Diversity Essay Examples and Tips  
  • Read more strong secondary essays in our Cracking Med School Admissions book.  

Yale Medical School Secondary Essays Tip #3: If you choose to answer the question, “ Research is essential to patient care, and all students at Yale School of Medicine complete a research thesis. Tell us how your research interests, skills and experiences would contribute to scholarship at Yale School of Medicine, ” make sure you show how YOU drive your research forward. Yale (and all medical schools) care a lot about your independence as a researcher. For this essay prompt, many strong applicants will clearly describe their research question and hypothesis. They will also discuss the methodology, analysis, and results. Additionally, students may discuss how they overcame challenges in their research project.

A strong research essay for Yale Medical School’s application will link the research that you’ve done with research you want to do as a medical student at Yale. 

A common question we get from med school applicants: Can you write about the same research project you wrote about in your AMCAS work & activities section or primary application  personal statement? Definitely! In fact, many students will pick the same research to discuss for both the primary and secondary because that is the research that is most important. Once again, make sure the response you give on this Yale Medical School secondary research essay and the AMCAS complement one another. 

If you have questions about how to write a strong research essay or want our help with editing, please email [email protected] or contact us below!

Yale Medical School Secondary Essays Tip #4: Highlight your leadership, passion to change healthcare, and impact on society. Yale Med recruits the next generation of healthcare leaders . Tell stories to convey your impact and leadership. For example, if you conducted research over a gap year, tell a story about a challenge you faced or a patient you met while conducting a clinical trial. If you started a program to improve health education in a community clinic, then talk about the program that you started. Then, discuss your future goals to become a healthcare leader; tie your previous experiences with the type of future healthcare leader you wan to be.

Yale Medical School Secondary Essays Tip #5: Include at least one patient story from a clinical experience. Yale’s Admissions Committee cares deeply about the extent an applicant has been involved with direct patient care. Additionally, strong applications will not only include a story (or stories) with patients, but also discuss how they’ve impacted a patient’s life. 

Yale Medical School Secondary Essays Tip #6: Understand Yale’s Open Curriculum and discuss how you will thrive in this environment. How will you take advantage of the Pass/Fail system and opportunities at Yale? In addition to discussing the curriculum, you have a lot of space to convey “ Why Yale Medical School ?” Successful applicants have included specific research projects, internships, and extra-curricular activities they hope to pursue as a medical student at Yale. 

  • Read our HIGH-YIELD blog post:   Why this Medical School? Secondary Essay Example

Yale Medical School Secondary Essays Tip #7: Yale School of Medicine requires its Yale Med students to write a thesis. Because research is a vital cornerstone of the Yale Med curriculum, discuss research that you have pursued as a premed student clearly on the Yale Med School secondary application. If you are planning to answer the research question (see Tip #1 above), then this is easy to accomplish! However, even if you are not answering the research question, you should plan on at least mentioning research you were involved with as a premedical student in the other essays. 

Yale Medical School Secondary Essays Tip #8: Yale medical school secondary essays are like medical school personal statements. Contact us below if you want our help to STAND OUT. Several of our students receive interview invitations each admissions cycle. Need editing help on your secondary? We can help you through our secondary essay packages .

[ Read more secondary essay tips: Columbia University Vagelos ,  Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine , Harvard Medical School , Stanford School of Medicine ]

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Yale Medical School Secondary Application Essay Prompts: 2022 – 2023

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Yale Medical School Secondary Application Essay Prompts: 2021 – 2022

Yale med school secondary application essay prompts: 2020 – 2021.

  • Yale School of Medicine values diversity in all its forms. How will your background and experiences contribute to this important focus of our institution and inform your future role as a physician?  (500 words max)
  • While there is great emphasis on the physician-patient relationship, Yale School of Medicine also emphasizes the importance of training future physicians to care for communities and populations. Describe how your experiences would contribute to this aspect of the mission of the Yale School of Medicine.  (500 words max)
  • Research is essential to patient care, and all students at Yale School of Medicine complete a research thesis. Tell us how your research interests, skills and experiences would contribute to scholarship at Yale School of Medicine.  (500 words max)

Yale Med School Secondary Application Essay Prompts: 2019 – 2020

  • (Optional)  This section should be used to bring to the attention of the Admissions Committee any important information (personal, academic, or professional) not discussed in other sections of your Yale Secondary Application. If you are a recent graduate, please also list your post-graduation plans/activities in the “Additional Information” section and submit any relevant updates for finalized plans/activities as the application year progresses.  (500 words max)
  • (Optional) There is also an activities/achievements section, questions about your academic background (multiple choice), and parental/diversity questions (multiple choice).

Yale Med School Secondary Application Essay Prompts: 2018 – 2019

  • (Optional) This section should be used to bring to the attention of the Admissions Committee any important information (personal, academic, or professional) not discussed in other sections of your Yale Secondary Application. (500 words max)
  • Your reasons for wishing to undertake the combined MD/PhD program, rather than the MD program alone.
  • The specific PhD program that you propose to follow at Yale.
  • The strengths of that Yale graduate program and its faculty as they relate to your career goals.

Yale Med School Secondary Application Essay Prompts: 2017 – 2018

  • Please use this space to write an essay in which you discuss your interest in Yale School of Medicine. (500 words max)

Yale Med School Secondary Application Essay Prompts: 2016 – 2017

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Graduating medical school students to showcase their thesis research on may 2.

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All departments at the School of Medicine will cancel their classes and conferences during the afternoon of Tuesday, May 2 so members of the community can attend Student Research Day, the annual showcase of thesis studies by members of the graduating class.

Since 1839, Yale School of Medicine has required that students seeking an M.D. write a dissertation based on original research in order to graduate — a requirement found at few other medical schools today, according to Dr. John N. Forrest Jr., professor of internal medicine and director of the Office of Student Research. The M.D. thesis is designed to develop critical judgment, habits of self-education, and application of the scientific method to medicine. The students work closely with full time faculty on their projects and receive stipends to help them complete their research.

Posters and presentations

Student Research Day 2017 will begin at noon with a poster session where soon-to-be-graduates will present the results of their research. This will take place in the lobby of the Anlyan Center, 300 Cedar St.

This will be followed at 2 p.m. by a plenary scientific session chaired by Robert Alpern, Dean of the Medical School, featuring five winners of prize-winning theses, who will give oral reports on their research. This will take place in the Anlyan Center auditorium.

The students, their projects, and their thesis advisers are:

  • Jake Wang: “UV-Induced Somatic Mutations Elicit a Functional T Cell Response in the YUMMER1.7 Mouse Melanoma Model” (Dr. Marcus Bosenberg, Dermatology)
  • Jason Weed: “Development of an in vitro  platform for screening targeted molecular agents for cutaneous T cell lymphoma, and the Hansel and Gretel immunosurveillance algorithm” (Dr. Michael Girardi, Dermatology)
  • Ravi Gupta: “Generic Drug Policy in the U.S. — Impact on Drug Prices and Shortages” (Dr. Joseph Ross, Internal Medicine)
  • Jack Turban: “Transgender Youth: Evolving Treatment Paradigms” (Dr. Andres Martin, Child Study Center)
  • Muhamed Hadzipasic: “Cell and Circuit Studies in a Mouse Model of ALS” (Arthur Horwich, Genetics)

Farr Lecture

The day will conclude at 4:30 p.m. with the 2017 Farr Lectureship, “Some Reflections on Sharing Life with a Laboratory,” presented by Dr. Eric G. Neilson, vice president for medical affairs and the Lewis Landsberg Dean at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.

Now in its 30 th year, the Farr Lectureship has become the most prestigious lectureship at Yale Medical School. It is named in honor of the late Dr. Lee E. Farr, a 1933 graduate of the school.

Neilson’s research has furthered understanding the cell fate of fibroblasts in fibrogenesis, the expression of the nephritogenic immune response, the biochemical characterization of nephritic antigens, and the mechanisms of renal hypertrophy. He has published over 300 scientific articles, reviews, commentaries, editorials, and books, and co-edited, with Dr. William Couser, a major medical textbook titled “Immunological Renal Diseases.” His work has been funded by The National Institutes of Health, the American Heart Association, and the March of Dimes.

yale medical school thesis

He also is an active teacher of clinical medicine and has trained nearly 40 graduate students or postdoctoral fellows in his laboratory. He has a special interest in the training of physician-scientists; has edited a book titled “What’s Past is Prologue — The Personal Stories of Women in Science at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine” to help mentor women interested in biomedical research; and helped initiate the Vanderbilt Prize for women scientists.

A medical graduate of the University of Alabama in Birmingham, Neilson trained in internal medicine and nephrology at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. After 23 years at UPenn as the C. Mahlon Kline Professor of Medicine, chief of the Renal-Electrolyte and Hypertension Division, and director of the Penn Center for Molecular Studies of Kidney Diseases, he moved to the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine to serve for 12 years as the Hugh Jackson Morgan Professor and chair of the Department of Medicine.

Neilson is a member of the American Society for Clinical Investigation, the Association of American Physicians, and the Association of Professors of Medicine, among other professional organizations. He has been a member of the scientific advisory board of Biostratum Inc., and NephroGenex, Inc., and holds two patents. He is the former editor-in-chief of the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, the leading kidney journal in the world.

His numerous honors include the Distinguished Professor Award from the Association of Subspecialty Professors, now renamed the “Eric G. Neilson, M.D., Distinguished Professor Award.” He was elected a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2016.

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Yale School of Medicine Physician Associate Program Theses

Starting with the Yale Physician Associate (PA) Program’s Class of 2020, the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library and the Yale PA Research Program have collaborated to publish the digitized full text of PA student theses on the web as a valuable byproduct of Yale student research efforts. Please review the Terms & Conditions in the left-hand column in order to avoid copyright infringement.

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Effect of Intranasal Insulin for Anosmia and Hyposmia in Parkinson’s Patients , Eden Anonye

Clinical Outcomes of Revision Hip Arthroscopy with Remplissage for Treatment of Cam Overresection , Sawyer Badey

Comparing Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Outcomes with and without Mycoplasma Genitalium Testing , Jena Chalmers

Auricular Acupressure on Depression and Anxiety in Mothers with Peripartum Depression , Jane Chan,

The Use of Semaglutide for the Treatment of Negative Symptoms and Cognition in Schizophrenia , Mathew Chiang

The Role of Exoskeletal Robotic Legs in Improving Lipid Profiles in Spinal Cord Injury Patients , Ben Christopher

The Efficacy of Anti-Il-5 Therapy in Reducing COPD Exacerbation Rate in Patients with Refractory Eosinophilic COPD Using Serum Il-5 Biomarker , Jordan Dorelus

Efficacy of Psychotherapy-Supported MDMA in the Treatment of Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder , Danielle Dubois

The Effect of Concurrent Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on Quality-of-Life in Patients with Psoriasis , Lauren Enes

Sensory-Informed Care to Minimize Restraint and Seclusion in Schizophrenia Inpatients , Shelby Fundin

Telemedicine Slashes ‘No Show’ Rates and Achieves Comparable Outcomes in Diabetes Care , Jay Gandhi

Use of a Decision Aid in Medication Initiation Among Patients with Opioid Use Disorder and HIV , Katrina Gateley

Lipid Profiles in Patients with Descending Aortic Aneurysms , Nicholas Gokey

Spinal Fusion for Adult Degenerative Scoliosis: RCT of Robot-Assisted Versus Navigation Guidance , Kyle Hanks

From Gridiron to Pitch: A Prospective Cohort Study of Concussion Risk in US Rugby , Charles Heaton

Remote Data Monitoring: Titration of Beta Blockers in Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction , Kayla Hodges

Providing Trauma Informed Care for Individuals on Opioid Agonist to Increase Contraception , Devon Knight

Promoting Behavior Change: Utilizing Motivational Interviewing to Improve Adherence to Lifestyle Recommendations in Breast Cancer Survivors , Amanda Knoll

Dichloroacetate as a Metabolic Treatment for Glioblastoma , Megan Macia

Differences in Predicted Risk of Mortality after Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Between Black and White Patients with Identical Clinical Profiles Using the Society of Thoracic Surgeons Calculator: an in-silico Cohort Study , Kiara Marmolejos

Comparison of Oral Carotene Supplementation and Oral Polypodium Leucotomas in Preventing Photodamage , Jazmin Martinez

A Cross Sectional Review: Effects of Dehydration on Subdural Hematoma Risk in Athletes , Lina Nguyen

The Impact of Social Determinants of Health on Quality of Life in Bariatric Surgery Patients , Audrey Oweirmrin

The Effect of Neurologic Music Therapy on Speech Intelligibility in Children with Cerebral Palsy , Paulina Perez-Curiel

Brief Interventions in Adult Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass Patients with At-Risk Alcohol Use , Ruth Seok

Managing Refractory Status Epilepticus with Early Ketamine Administration , Ashlyn Shavers

Effects of a Gluten-Free Diet on Thyroid Autoantibodies in Children with Autoimmune Thyroiditis , Allison Shilanski

Decision Making in Patients with Initial Positive Deep Margins on Diagnostic Biopsy of Melanoma , Ana Eliza Souza Cunha

Linkage to Outpatient Treatment in Inpatients with Alcohol Use Disorder Started on Naltrexone , Stephanie Stamatis

Human Papillomavirus Self-Sampling and Cervical Cancer Screening Among Sexual Trauma Survivors , Jessica Taets

Sensor-Monitored Compliance Following RCR and Effects on Postoperative Prognosis , Phillip Westbrook

Narrative Therapy and Quality of Life in Functional Neurological Disorder , Amber Wilder

Functional Luminal Impedance Probe Metrics to Guide Length of Gastric Per Oral Endoscopic Myotomy , Peter Yang

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

The Effect of Platelet-Rich Plasma on Recovery in Athletes with a Grade III Lateral Ankle Sprain , Matthew Attolino

Effects of Positive Airway Pressure in Adolescent and Young Adult Patients with Cystic Fibrosis , Caroline Bell

Adjunct Fecal Microbiota Transplant for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth , Nicholas Bender

Effects of Individual Placement and Support on Employment in Borderline Personality Disorder , Lauren Betancourt

Online Behavioral Intervention in Adolescents with Migraine and Transitioning to College , Madison Clinton

Sibling Mediation in an Executive Function Intervention for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder , Lara DeCastro

Impact of Acculturation in Mediating Barriers to Screening Mammography Among Arab American Women , Nour Ebid

Topiramate for Weight Loss in Adults with Obesity and Loss of Control Eating after Bariatric Surgery , Amanda Faxon

Fecal Microbial Transplant for Weight Loss in Adults Living with Obesity and Diabetes , Nathan Franks

Computerized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Patients with Post-Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome , Katherine Fry

Examining the Relationship Between Primary Care Provider Emotional Intelligence and Glycemic Control , Mary Cate Gallagher

Depressive Episodes in Patients with Newly-Diagnosed Early-Onset Dementia versus Late-Onset Dementia , Alex Jay Hauptli

Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Facilitated-Resuscitation for Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest , Gloria Ho

Online Yoga for Children with Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders: A Randomized Control Trial , Olivia Hollyer

Hispanic Ethnicity and Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease , Elizabeth Hurtado

Advanced Practice Providers to Resolve Kidney Waitlist Inactive Status: A Cluster-Randomized Trial , Virginie Larouche

Time to Surgical Referral in Non-Hispanic White and Black Patients with Primary Hyperparathyroidism , Jordan Lidsky-Everson

Prehospital Head Trauma: Training Providers to Use the Canadian Computed Tomography Head Rule , Nicholas Martirossian

Quality of Life in Patients Treated for Post-Sleeve Gastrectomy Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease , Lauren Masayda

The Effects of Mindful Meditation Skills-Training for Healthcare Providers on Patient Satisfaction , Gaia Mohr-Tonachini

Endoscopic Decompression versus Open Laminectomy for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: A Prospective Safety Study , Drake Myers

Efficacy of Topical Silymarin in Melasma Treatment During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding , Warunee Nowak

Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy for Perinatal Women at Risk for Bipolar Disorder , Aubrey Presnell

Intermittent Fasting as Adjuvant to Topical Therapy in the Management of Mild to Moderate Psoriasis , Grace Queiroz

Combination of Donepezil and Memantine to Mitigate Electroconvulsive Therapy Induced Cognitive Effects , Ryan Christian Rogers

Use of Telehealth Maintenance Pulmonary Rehabilitation in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease , Joanna Schumann

Salpingectomy for Sterilization in Patients with a Documented Ovarian Cancer Family History , Shera Shevin

Personalized Meal Plans as An Intervention to Enhance Dash Diet Adherence in Hypertensive Adults , Christopher Shimwell

Potassium Supplements versus Hydrochlorothiazide in Hypertensive African Americans: Noninferiority Trial , Marshall Walters

Cardiac Rehabilitation Adherence Rates in Elderly Patients Using a Mobile Application , Amanda Wilson

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Drama Therapy as a Quality-Of-Life Intervention for Persons with Dementia and Family Caregivers , Abner Arias-Olson

Computer Aided Diagnosis with Ultrasound to Improve Detection of Triple Negative Breast Cancer , Isabel Burick

Efficacy of Educational Seminars in Increasing Skin Cancer Screening in Asian Americans , Kathy Chen

Tucked In: Weighted Blankets to Improve Sleep in Intensive Care Unit Patients , Jaime Conway

Recorded Maternal Song to Reduce Crying Duration in Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome , Alecia Cunniff

The Clinical Role and Activity of Advanced Clinicians in the Out-of-Hospital Environment , Kyle Deaver

Efficacy of QuikClot Combat Gauze When Used by Immediate Responders in a Simulated Gunshot Wound , Brenden Feingerts

Effects of Dialectical Behavior Therapy on Body Modification in Borderline Personality Disorder , Tyler Godek

Culturally-Adapted Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Bilingual Latinx with Depressive Symptoms , Leanne Gonzalez

Vitamin E Alpha-Tocopherols to Prevent Recurrent Stroke in Patients with a Minor Neurovascular Event , Veronica Guirguis

Behavioral and Emotional Changes Across COVID-19 School Experiences in Children and Adolescents , Brittney Gunneson

Effect of Aerobic Exercise on Seizure Frequency in Children with Comorbid Epilepsy and Migraine , Ashley Harris

Diet and Strength Training Interventions to Decrease Insulin Resistance in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome , Ariana Hartoonian

Preventing Postpartum Preeclampsia with Low-Dose Aspirin: A Randomized Controlled Trial , Katrina Jimenez

Efficacy of Rimegepant Plus Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide Monoclonal Antibody for Migraine , Carina Leggio

Impact of Social Isolation on Depressive Symptoms in Perinatal Women During the Coronavirus Pandemic , Jasmine Li

Coronary Angiogram Plus Invasive Physiologic Tests in Women with Nonobstructive Coronary Dysfunction , Megan McCauley

Complications of Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 Use in Open Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion , Allison Miller

Guidelines for Influenza Vaccination Uptake in Pregnant Women: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial , Jenna R. Moscarelli

Metformin and Statin’s Effect on Prostate Cancer Risk in Diabetics with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia , Kevin Mugno

Back to Basics: The Effects of Buffered Crystalloids on Mortality in the Setting of Severe Trauma , David Seth Murphy

Video Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to Prevent Depression in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease , Monica Narsolis

Spiritual Direction Practice in Physician Associates , Nicholas Nielsen

Sexual Function in Women Undergoing Risk Reducing Salpingo-Oophorectomy With or Without Hysterectomy , Madeline Perez

Computerized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Adolescents and Young Adults with Substance Use Disorder , Madeline Sadlowski

The Use of Surgical Prehabilitation to Augment Enhanced Recovery Protocols in Gynecologic Oncology , Stephanie Salas

The Effect of Plasma Levels of Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 on Intracranial Aneurysm Progression , Peter Stampfel

Training Pediatricians to Support Families of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Youth , Siena Tice

Sudarshan Kriya Yoga and Alteration in Depression Severity and Default Mode Network Connectivity , Elizabeth Togneri

The Effects of Yoga Versus Mindfulness on Anxiety in Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease , Winifred Tung

Early Use of Vaginal Progesterone and Cervical Pessary to Reduce Preterm Birth Rates in Twins , Thomas Vulaj

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Vaginal Progesterone Supplementation on Preterm Birth in Women Following Cervical Conization , Mara M. Anderson

Administration of Canagliflozin for the Remission of Metabolic Syndrome in Nondiabetic Adults , Corrie Asseo

Prenatal Marijuana Use and Potential Adverse Neonatal Outcomes , Tracy L. Buechele

Community Doula Support for Promoting Healthy Gestational Weight Gain: A Randomized Controlled Trial , Meghan Burns

Evaluating the Utility of Atorvastatin for Best Medical Therapy in Stable Aortic Dissection , Tinley Chen

Magnesium Exposure in Very Preterm Neonates and Adverse Gastrointestinal Outcomes , Giavanna G. Chirico

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August 21, 2022

Yale School of Medicine Secondary Application Essay Tips [2022 – 2023]

Yale School of Medicine Secondary Application Essay Tips [2022 - 2023]

“The mission of Yale School of Medicine is to educate and inspire scholars and future leaders who will advance the practice of medicine and the biomedical sciences.”

As a top research institution, Yale is not simply interested in training students to practice good medicine. It is searching for physician-scientists who will take medical knowledge to the next level. Yale provides countless opportunities to do research and makes them available early on. They also have an optional 5th year, which is taken between years 3 and 4, and can be used to complete a research project.

If you are applying to Yale’s MD/PhD program , you probably already know a unique feature of the program is that students do 6 months of clinical rotations at the end of their second year, to solidify their clinical knowledge before undertaking PhD work. This can theoretically make your research more clinically based and increase your potential to solve real-world medical problems. They also have a program called Start@Yale . This program encourages interest in physician-scientist careers among entering medical students. With all this back and forth between clinical and research education, Yale helps students connect the dots between medicine and science while furthering their overall mission.

Yale Medical School 2022-23 secondary application essay questions

Below are some suggestions for the Yale Medical School secondary essay prompts.

Please submit answers to the following questions. Please limit your responses to approximately 500 words each.

Yale Med School essay #1

Yale School of Medicine values diversity in all its forms. How will your background and experiences contribute to this important focus of our institution and inform your future role as a physician?

While this is a chance to highlight something that makes you unique, many premeds who have followed a traditional track wonder if they can write about anything genuine. The answer is, find something about you that has changed. First, make a list of possible topics , including academic and non-academic experiences, humanitarian or research work, and challenges you faced. Choose one that has a different angle from your primary application and which highlights a personal strength. Now, bring the focus of your essay to the present. What skills or self-insight have you gained as a result, and how are you different from the person you were before? Lastly, take your self-discovery to the future. Show how this self-awareness has equipped you to work well with others, to solve problems, or to effect changes. How will your colleagues and patients benefit from what you learned? What you are bringing to your interactions with others? Ultimately, diversity is about being able to thrive in settings with people who are different from you, and to create an environment in which others’ strengths complement your own. Your diversity does not have to be extraordinary. It just needs to be meaningful.

Yale Med School essay #2

MD applicants:  Please answer either one of the following questions. MD/PhD applicants:  Please answer question 2 as it pertains to your proposed PhD research. Option 1. While there is great emphasis on the physician-patient relationship, Yale School of Medicine also emphasizes the importance of training future physicians to care for communities and populations. Describe how your experiences would contribute to this aspect of the mission of the Yale School of Medicine.

If you tend to think about big-picture issues, such as improving access to care, funding for underserved populations, and research on environmental determinants of health, then this question is for you. Show the Yale admissions committee that you have thought deeply about the effect of environmental variables on individual health and how to change risk factors by impacting population dynamics. This is an opportunity to discuss your interest in public or global health, so if you have an interest in these fields, include your preparation and future goals.

Option 2. Research is essential to patient care, and all students at Yale School of Medicine complete a research thesis. Tell us how your research interests, skills and experiences would contribute to scholarship at Yale School of Medicine.

If your research interest takes a more basic science approach, you can use this question to highlight your understanding of research methodology and study design and your awareness of the potential pitfalls of research. Be sure to go into possible clinical implications of your work. There is currently a big focus on translational research, and Yale is at the forefront of this movement. Show your ability to not only delve into the fine details of science, but to make this knowledge applicable to clinical problems. Discuss your long-term research goals and what you hope to accomplish at Yale.

Yale Med School additional info section

This section is optional. It should be used to bring to the attention of the Admissions Committee any important information (personal, academic, or professional) not discussed in other sections of your Yale Secondary Application. If you are a recent graduate, please also list your post-graduation plans/activities in the “Additional Information” section and submit any relevant updates for finalized plans/activities as the application year progresses. 

If you are applying during a gap year, list any changes in your activities since your primary was submitted. Ideally you want to show how you have grown in your research or clinical skills.

If you are still in school, you might write about changes in your activities since you submitted your primary. You could also touch on how the COVID pandemic impacted you. Either way, be careful not to focus too much on your challenges, but rather emphasize how you found new ways to learn and grow.

Applying to Yale Medical School? Here are some stats:

Yale Medical School average MCAT score: 520

Yale Medical School average GPA: 3.90

Yale Medical School acceptance rate: 4.8%

U.S. News  ranks Yale Medical School #10 for research and #68 for primary care.

Check out the Med School Selectivity Index for more stats.

Has this blog post helped you feel more confident about approaching your Yale Medical School secondary application? We hope so. It’s our mission to help smart, talented applicants like you gain acceptance to your top choice medical school. With so much at stake, why not hire a consultant whose expertise and personalized guidance can help you make your dream come true? We have several flexible consulting options— click here to get started today !

Yale Medical School application timeline 2022-23

Yale Secondary Application Deadline
Letters of Recommendation Deadline
Decision Notification

Source: Yale School of Medicine website

***Disclaimer: Information is subject to change. Please check with individual programs to verify the essay questions, instructions and deadlines.***

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Dr. Suzi Schweikert has served on the UCSD School of Medicine’s admissions committee and has mentored students in healthcare programs for more than 20 years. She holds a BA in English literature from UCLA, an MD from UCSD, and an MPH from SDSU. Want Suzi to help you get accepted? Click here to get in touch with Dr. Suzi Schweikert ..

Related Resources:

  • How to Create Successful Secondary Applications , an on-demand webinar
  • 7 Simple Steps to Writing an Excellent Diversity Essay
  • 16 R’s for Medical School Essay Writing

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Yale University School of Medicine Secondary Essay Prompts

These are the secondary application essay prompts for Yale University School of Medicine. To put your best foot forward and maximize your chance of an interview invitation, visit our secondary application editing page .

aBout Yale University School of MediciNE

Secondary Deadline :  Secondary Fee :  FAP Waiver :  CASPer Required :  Screens Applications :  Accepts Application Updates : 

As a preeminent academic medical center that supports the highest quality education, research, and patient care, the Yale School of Medicine will: Educate and inspire scholars and future leaders who will advance the practice of medicine and the biomedical sciences, Advance medical knowledge to sustain and improve health and to alleviate suffering caused by illness and disease, and Provide outstanding care and service for patients in a compassionate and respectful manner.

If you are not currently in college, what are your plans for this year?

Required Essay 1 (Please limit your response to 500 words): Yale School of Medicine values diversity in all its forms. How will your background and experiences contribute to this important focus of our institution and inform your future role as a physician?

Essay 2 (Please limit your response to 500 words): MD applicants : Please answer either one of the following questions MD/PhD applicants: Please answer question 2 as it pertains to your proposed PhD research. 1. While there is great emphasis on the physician-patient relationship, Yale School of Medicine also emphasizes the importance of training future physicians to care for communities and populations. Describe how your experiences would contribute to this aspect of the mission of the Yale School of Medicine. 2. Research is essential to patient care, and all students at Yale School of Medicine complete a research thesis. Tell us how your research interests, skills, and experiences would contribute to scholarship at Yale School of Medicine. Essay 3 (Please limit your response to 500 words): This section is optional. It should be used to bring to the attention of the Admissions Committee any important information (personal, academic, or professional) not discussed in other sections of your Yale Secondary Application. Please limit your response to 500 words.

1.REQUIRED ESSAY Yale School of Medicine values diversity in all its forms. How will your background and experiences contribute to this important focus of our institution and inform your future role as a physician?

2.REQUIRED ESSAY (please select one of the following): MD applicants : Please answer either one of the following questions MD/PhD applicants: Please answer question 2 as it pertains to your proposed PhD research.

1. While there is great emphasis on the physician-patient relationship, Yale School of Medicine also emphasizes the importance of training future physicians to care for communities and populations. Describe how your experiences would contribute to this aspect of the mission of the Yale School of Medicine.

2. Research is essential to patient care, and all students at Yale School of Medicine complete a research thesis. Tell us how your research interests, skills and experiences would contribute to scholarship at Yale School of Medicine.

This section is optional. It should be used to bring to the attention of the Admissions Committee any important information (personal, academic, or professional) not discussed in other sections of your Yale Secondary Application. If you are a recent graduate, please also list your post-graduation plans/activities in the “Additional Information” section and submit any relevant updates for finalized plans/activities as the application year progresses. Please limit your response to 500 words.

1. Yale School of Medicine values diversity in all its forms. How will your background and experiences contribute to this important focus of our institution and inform your future role as a physician? MD applicants:  Please answer either one of the following questions MD/PhD applicants:  Please answer question 2 as it pertains to your proposed PhD research. 1. While there is great emphasis on the physician-patient relationship, Yale School of Medicine also emphasizes the importance of training future physicians to care for communities and populations. Describe how your experiences would contribute to this aspect of the mission of the Yale School of Medicine. 2. Research is essential to patient care, and all students at Yale School of Medicine complete a research thesis. Tell us how your research interests, skills and experiences would contribute to scholarship at Yale School of Medicine

Please submit answers to the following questions. Please limit your responses to approximately 500 words each.

1. REQUIRED ESSAY  Yale School of Medicine values diversity in all its forms. How will your background and experiences contribute to this important focus of our institution and inform your future role as a physician?

2. REQUIRED ESSAY  (please select one of the following)

MD applicants: Please answer either one of the following questions MD/PhD applicants: Please answer question 2 as it pertains to your proposed PhD research.

3. This section is optional. It should be used to bring to the attention of the Admissions Committee any important information (personal, academic, or professional) not discussed in other sections of your Yale Secondary Application.

Please limit your response to 500 words.

additional MD/PhD essay:

Write a statement (approximately 500 words) concerning:

4. Your reasons for wishing to undertake the combined MD/PhD program, rather than the MD program alone. The specific PhD program that you propose to follow at Yale. The strengths of that Yale graduate program and its faculty as they relate to your career goals.

1. Please use this space to write an essay in which you discuss your interest in Yale School of Medicine. (500 words)

2. This section is optional. It should be used to bring to the attention of the Admissions Committee any important information (personal, academic, or professional) not discussed in other sections of your Yale Secondary Application. (500 words)

Disclaimer: The information on this page was shared by students and/or can be found on the medical school’s website. Med School Insiders does not guarantee the accuracy of the information on this page.

yale medical school thesis

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Chronic disease epidemiology, climate change and health concentration, environmental health sciences, epidemiology of microbial diseases.

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Master of Public Health (MPH) Degree

How is the mph curriculum structured.

  • 20 course units (two years)
  • The MPH core curriculum
  • The 2-part Professional Skills Seminar
  • Departmental courses
  • Electives and/or concentrations and tracks
  • The applied practice experience and the summer internship
  • Master's thesis or capstone course

What does the MPH Core Curriculum consist of?

The core curriculum for the MPH program consists of 5 courses and two Professional Skills Seminars. Our foundational classes in biostatistics, epidemiology, social and structural determinants of health inequities, and health policy and health care systems ground students with the breadth of skill sets and perspectives essential to careers in public health. "Major Health Threats" is an interdisciplinary course that uses a combination of lectures, case studies, and vignette approaches. Students learn to actively apply concepts, hone data interpretation skills, and frame research and health solution projects.

  • EPH 505a - Biostatistics in Public Health (not required for BIS)
  • EPH 507a - Social Justice and Health Equity
  • EPH 508a - Foundations of Epidemiology and Public Health
  • EPH 510a - Health Policy and Health Care Systems
  • EPH 513b - Major Health Threats: Ethics and Practice -----------
  • EPH 100a - Professional Skills Seminar
  • EPH 101b - Professional Skills Seminar

Departments and Programs

Health care management program, health policy, social and behavioral sciences, concentrations and tracks.

The following concentrations and tracks are available for students to customize their elective courses in the MPH program. They are 3-5 courses each and are added once students have begun the MPH program. Concentrations offer the opportunity for students to direct their internship experiences, whereas tracks are exclusively course based.

Global Health Concentration

Here at YSPH, we believe that Global Health is Public Health. This means that it is not just a one department of study but rather an important theme that is woven throughout the program. Students in any department may also participate in the Global Health Concentration . YSPH GHC faculty is on the front lines of global health responses.

Maternal Child Health Promotion Track

The Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Promotion track is a cutting-edge promotion-education program that takes a multidisciplinary approach to implementing evidence-based practices to improve outcomes. The MCH Promotion Track faculty trains students on the importance and application of implementation science to maternal-child health promotion.

YSPH Public Health Modeling (PHM) faculty is on the cutting edge of developing and assessing public health through mathematical modeling. Students in any department may also pursue the modeling concentration .

U.S. Health and Justice Concentration

Vast, persistent, and avoidable health inequalities by race, geography, class, gender identity, and sexual orientation are well documented. YSPH USHJ faculty realize that addressing these inequalities is both a critical challenge and a critical objective for public health researchers and practitioners. This U.S. Health and Justice (USHJ) Concentration is for students who want to not only research and understand health inequities but to be agents of change for a new generation.

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  1. (PDF) The medical student thesis at Yale

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  2. Yale Thesis Template

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  3. Yale Thesis Template

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  4. The Yale School of Medicine and the New Haven Hospital

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  5. Add your thesis to the Yale Medicine Thesis Digital Library!

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  6. Yale Thesis Template

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  1. MD Thesis < MD Program

    Class of 2025 Thesis Deadlines - MD Students. Deadline. Details. August 22, 2024, at 5 pm*. Deadline for students to provide information regarding thesis title and thesis mentor/advisor to the OSR via Medtrics. August 23, 2024 - December 23, 2024. Student finishes research and writes thesis draft.

  2. Yale Medicine Thesis Digital Library

    The digital thesis deposit has been a graduation requirement since 2006. Starting in 2012, alumni of the Yale School of Medicine were invited to participate in the YMTDL project by granting scanning and hosting permission to the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, which digitized the Library's print copy of their thesis or dissertation.

  3. PDF OSR Student Thesis Guide Ay 2024-2025

    dissertation-style thesis ("MD thesis") reporting original, health-related research conducted under the supervision of YSM faculty member during medical school. Presentation of a thesis has been one of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Medicine at Yale for over 180 years. Initially, case reports and literature reviews ...

  4. Search for Theses

    The Medical Library receives one copy of each Yale School of Medicine thesis and two copies of each School of Nursing thesis. School of Public Health theses are in the Medical Library through 2008. In 2009, SPH theses are electronic only and available in the Proquest Dissertations & Theses - Full Text product. Each thesis is cataloged with ...

  5. Browse Dissertations and Electronic Theses

    The digital thesis deposit has been a graduation requirement since 2006. Starting in 2012, alumni of the Yale School of Medicine were invited to participate in the YMTDL project by granting scanning and hosting permission to the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, which digitized the Library's print copy of their thesis or dissertation. A grant ...

  6. Student Research Resources < MyYSM

    In 2006, the digital copy became a graduation requirement. Starting in 2012, alumni of the Yale School of Medicine were invited to participate in the YMTDL project by granting scanning and hosting permission to the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, which digitized the Library's print copy of their thesis or dissertation. Yale School of ...

  7. Yale Medical School Secondary Essays: Tips & Prompts

    Yale Medical School Secondary Essays Tip #3: If you choose to answer the question, " Research is essential to patient care, and all students at Yale School of Medicine complete a research thesis. Tell us how your research interests, skills and experiences would contribute to scholarship at Yale School of Medicine, " make sure you show how ...

  8. Graduating medical school students to showcase their thesis ...

    Since 1839, Yale School of Medicine has required that students seeking an M.D. write a dissertation based on original research in order to graduate — a requirement found at few other medical schools today, according to Dr. John N. Forrest Jr., professor of internal medicine and director of the Office of Student Research.

  9. Resources to Find Dissertations: Home

    Dissertation Express Online version of Dissertation Abstracts from UMI Proquest. Good for US theses. ... Yale Divinity School Library 409 Prospect Street New Haven, CT 06511 L-203. 203-432-6374. ... Cushing/Whitney Medical Library. Divinity Library. East Asia Library. Gilmore Music Library.

  10. Yale School of Medicine

    The Yale School of Medicine is the medical school at Yale University, a private research university in New Haven, Connecticut. It was founded in 1810 as the Medical Institution of Yale College and formally opened in 1813. ... Prior to graduation, students are required to submit a thesis based on original research. [5] Rankings. For 2024, ...

  11. Now online, decades of medical student theses available for download

    The theses are available at both the Medical Heritage Library, an online consortium of major medical libraries that digitizes materials and makes them freely available via Internet Archive, and from Yale's in-house repository, Eli Scholar. With the first evidence of a thesis requirement appearing in an 1839 catalog, the Yale School of ...

  12. Yale School of Medicine Physician Associate Program Theses

    Theses/Dissertations from 2020. Starting with the Yale Physician Associate (PA) Program's Class of 2020, the Cushing/Whitney Medical Library and the Yale PA Research Program have collaborated to publish the digitized full text of PA student theses on the web as a valuable byproduct of Yale student research efforts.

  13. How to Get Into the Yale School of Medicine: Requirements and

    Part 1: Introduction. Established in 1810, the Yale School of Medicine is known as one of the oldest medical schools in the United States, as well as one of the best. It currently sits at #10 on U.S. News and World Report's Research rankings, and its daunting admissions standards reflect its illustrious reputation.. With 5,000 applicants vying annually for about 100 slots, aspiring Yalies ...

  14. Yale School of Medicine Secondary Application Essay Tips [2022

    Here are some stats: Yale Medical School average MCAT score: 520. Yale Medical School average GPA: 3.90. Yale Medical School acceptance rate: 4.8%. U.S. News ranks Yale Medical School #10 for research and #68 for primary care. Check out the Med School Selectivity Index for more stats.

  15. Yale University School of Medicine Secondary Essay Prompts

    Describe how your experiences would contribute to this aspect of the mission of the Yale School of Medicine. 2. Research is essential to patient care, and all students at Yale School of Medicine complete a research thesis. Tell us how your research interests, skills and experiences would contribute to scholarship at Yale School of Medicine.

  16. 2019-2020 Thesis Defenses < Yale School of Medicine

    2019-2020 Thesis Defenses. March 27, 2020. Shivani Bhatt, " Imaging the Neural Immune and Stress Systems in PTSD " Mentor: Kelly Cosgrove, PhD; Interdepartmental Neuroscience Program. Dimitri De Kouchkovsky , " Diminished activation potential of naïve CD4+ T cells in helminth-infected hosts " Mentor: Carla Rothlin, PhD; Immunobiology.

  17. Master of Public Health (MPH)

    Furthermore, the second academic year usually includes a master's thesis or capstone project, allowing you to work on a small research project independently with the guidance of faculty advisers. ... Yale Cancer Center and other schools and institutes give students unparalleled access to leading experts throughout the medical school and Yale ...

  18. A thesis in three minutes < Yale School of Medicine

    Graduate students and postdocs would have just three minutes to boil their research down to its basics, with just one slide to illustrate their thesis. On April 13 the 11 finalists in Yale's first ever three-minute thesis competition made their elevator pitches before about 50 people in The Anlyan Center auditorium.

  19. Yale Radiology Medical Student Thesis Program Annual Update

    August 22, 2019. Academic 2018-2019 year was exciting for Yale Radiology Medical Student Thesis Program. Four medical student candidates successfully completed their thesis requirements this year; the quality of the scientific work led to multiple journal publications. There was an emphasis on artificial intelligence (AI) methodology.

  20. Here Comes the ITE < Yale School of Medicine

    Hi everyone, From this week into next month, many of you will take the In-Training Examination, aka the "ITE," a marathon test of medical knowledge, from heartburn to heart attacks.The questions are realistic, similar to those you'll see on the Boards.