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Buying College Essays Is Now Easier Than Ever. But Buyer Beware

Tovia Smith

buying essay plagiarism

Concern is growing about a burgeoning online market for essays that students can buy and turn in as their own work. And schools are trying new tools to catch it. Angela Hsieh/NPR hide caption

Concern is growing about a burgeoning online market for essays that students can buy and turn in as their own work. And schools are trying new tools to catch it.

As the recent college admissions scandal is shedding light on how parents are cheating and bribing their children's way into college, schools are also focusing on how some students may be cheating their way through college. Concern is growing about a burgeoning online market that makes it easier than ever for students to buy essays written by others to turn in as their own work. And schools are trying new tools to catch it.

It's not hard to understand the temptation for students. The pressure is enormous, the stakes are high and, for some, writing at a college level is a huge leap.

"We didn't really have a format to follow, so I was kind of lost on what to do," says one college freshman, who struggled recently with an English assignment. One night, when she was feeling particularly overwhelmed, she tweeted her frustration.

"It was like, 'Someone, please help me write my essay!' " she recalls. She ended her tweet with a crying emoji. Within a few minutes, she had a half-dozen offers of help.

"I can write it for you," they tweeted back. "Send us the prompt!"

The student, who asked that her name not be used for fear of repercussions at school, chose one that asked for $10 per page, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

"For me, it was just that the work was piling up," she explains. "As soon as I finish some big assignment, I get assigned more things, more homework for math, more homework for English. Some papers have to be six or 10 pages long. ... And even though I do my best to manage, the deadlines come closer and closer, and it's just ... the pressure."

In the cat-and-mouse game of academic cheating, students these days know that if they plagiarize, they're likely to get caught by computer programs that automatically compare essays against a massive database of other writings. So now, buying an original essay can seem like a good workaround.

"Technically, I don't think it's cheating," the student says. "Because you're paying someone to write an essay, which they don't plagiarize, and they write everything on their own."

Her logic, of course, ignores the question of whether she's plagiarizing. When pressed, she begins to stammer.

"That's just a difficult question to answer," she says. "I don't know how to feel about that. It's kind of like a gray area. It's maybe on the edge, kind of?"

Besides she adds, she probably won't use all of it.

Other students justify essay buying as the only way to keep up. They figure that everyone is doing it one way or another — whether they're purchasing help online or getting it from family or friends.

"Oh yeah, collaboration at its finest," cracks Boston University freshman Grace Saathoff. While she says she would never do it herself, she's not really fazed by others doing it. She agrees with her friends that it has pretty much become socially acceptable.

"I have a friend who writes essays and sells them," says Danielle Delafuente, another Boston University freshman. "And my other friend buys them. He's just like, 'I can't handle it. I have five papers at once. I need her to do two of them, and I'll do the other three.' It's a time management thing."

The war on contract cheating

"It breaks my heart that this is where we're at," sighs Ashley Finley, senior adviser to the president for the Association of American Colleges and Universities. She says campuses are abuzz about how to curb the rise in what they call contract cheating. Obviously, students buying essays is not new, but Finley says that what used to be mostly limited to small-scale side hustles has mushroomed on the internet to become a global industry of so-called essay mills. Hard numbers are difficult to come by, but research suggests that up to 16 percent of students have paid someone to do their work and that the number is rising.

"Definitely, this is really getting more and more serious," Finley says. "It's part of the brave new world for sure."

The essay mills market aggressively online, with slickly produced videos inviting students to "Get instant help with your assignment" and imploring them: "Don't lag behind," "Join the majority" and "Don't worry, be happy."

"They're very crafty," says Tricia Bertram Gallant, director of the Academic Integrity Office at the University of California in San Diego and a board member of the International Center for Academic Integrity.

The companies are equally brazen offline — leafleting on campuses, posting flyers in toilet stalls and flying banners over Florida beaches during spring break. Companies have also been known to bait students with emails that look like they're from official college help centers. And they pay social media influencers to sing the praises of their services, and they post testimonials from people they say are happy customers.

"I hired a service to write my paper and I got a 90 on it!" gloats one. "Save your time, and have extra time to party!" advises another.

"It's very much a seduction," says Bertram Gallant. "So you can maybe see why students could get drawn into the contract cheating world."

YouTube has been cracking down on essay mills; it says it has pulled thousands of videos that violate its policies against promoting dishonest behavior.

But new videos constantly pop up, and their hard sell flies in the face of their small-print warnings that their essays should be used only as a guide, not a final product.

Several essay mills declined or didn't respond to requests to be interviewed by NPR. But one answered questions by email and offered up one of its writers to explain her role in the company, called EduBirdie.

"Yes, just like the little birdie that's there to help you in your education," explains April Short, a former grade school teacher from Australia who's now based in Philadelphia. She has been writing for a year and a half for the company, which bills itself as a "professional essay writing service for students who can't even."

Some students just want some "foundational research" to get started or a little "polish" to finish up, Short says. But the idea that many others may be taking a paper written completely by her and turning it in as their own doesn't keep her up at night.

"These kids are so time poor," she says, and they're "missing out on opportunities of travel and internships because they're studying and writing papers." Relieving students of some of that burden, she figures, allows them to become more "well-rounded."

"I don't necessarily think that being able to create an essay is going to be a defining factor in a very long career, so it's not something that bothers me," says Short. Indeed, she thinks students who hire writers are demonstrating resourcefulness and creativity. "I actually applaud students that look for options to get the job done and get it done well," she says.

"This just shows you the extent of our ability to rationalize all kinds of bad things we do," sighs Dan Ariely, professor of psychology and behavioral economics at Duke University. The rise in contract cheating is especially worrisome, he says, because when it comes to dishonest behavior, more begets more. As he puts it, it's not just about "a few bad apples."

Felicity Huffman And 12 Other Parents To Plead Guilty In College Cheating Scandal

Felicity Huffman And 12 Other Parents To Plead Guilty In College Cheating Scandal

"Instead, what we have is a lot ... of blemished apples, and we take our cues for our behavior from the social world around us," he says. "We know officially what is right and what's wrong. But really what's driving our behavior is what we see others around us doing" or, Ariely adds, what we perceive them to be doing. So even the proliferation of advertising for essays mills can have a pernicious effect, he says, by fueling the perception that "everyone's doing it."

A few nations have recently proposed or passed laws outlawing essay mills, and more than a dozen U.S. states have laws on the books against them. But prosecuting essay mills, which are often based overseas in Pakistan, Kenya and Ukraine, for example, is complicated. And most educators are loath to criminalize students' behavior.

"Yes, they're serious mistakes. They're egregious mistakes," says Cath Ellis, an associate dean and integrity officer at the University of New South Wales, where students were among the hundreds alleged to have bought essays in a massive scandal in Australia in 2014.

"But we're educational institutions," she adds. "We've got to give students the opportunity to learn from these mistakes. That's our responsibility. And that's better in our hands than in the hands of the police and the courts."

Staying one step ahead

In the war on contract cheating, some schools see new technology as their best weapon and their best shot to stay one step ahead of unscrupulous students. The company that makes the Turnitin plagiarism detection software has just upped its game with a new program called Authorship Investigate.

The software first inspects a document's metadata, like when it was created, by whom it was created and how many times it was reopened and re-edited. Turnitin's vice president for product management, Bill Loller, says sometimes it's as simple as looking at the document's name. Essay mills typically name their documents something like "Order Number 123," and students have been known to actually submit it that way. "You would be amazed at how frequently that happens," says Loller.

Using cutting-edge linguistic forensics, the software also evaluates the level of writing and its style.

"Think of it as a writing fingerprint," Loller says. The software looks at hundreds of telltale characteristics of an essay, like whether the author double spaces after a period or writes with Oxford commas or semicolons. It all gets instantly compared against a student's other work, and, Loller says, suspicions can be confirmed — or alleviated — in minutes.

"At the end of the day, you get to a really good determination on whether the student wrote what they submitted or not," he says, "and you get it really quickly."

Coventry University in the U.K. has been testing out a beta version of the software, and Irene Glendinning, the school's academic manager for student experience, agrees that the software has the potential to give schools a leg up on cheating students. After the software is officially adopted, "we'll see a spike in the number of cases we find, and we'll have a very hard few years," she says. "But then the message will get through to students that we've got the tools now to find these things out." Then, Glendinning hopes, students might consider contract cheating to be as risky as plagiarizing.

In the meantime, schools are trying to spread the word that buying essays is risky in other ways as well.

Professor Ariely says that when he posed as a student and ordered papers from several companies, much of it was "gibberish" and about a third of it was actually plagiarized.

Even worse, when he complained to the company and demanded his money back, they resorted to blackmail. Still believing him to be a student, the company threatened to tell his school he was cheating. Others say companies have also attempted to shake down students for more money, threatening to rat them out if they didn't pay up.

The lesson, Ariely says, is "buyer beware."

But ultimately, experts say, many desperate students may not be deterred by the risks — whether from shady businesses or from new technology.

Bertram Gallant, of UC San Diego, says the right way to dissuade students from buying essays is to remind them why it's wrong.

"If we engage in a technological arms race with the students, we won't win," she says. "What are we going to do when Google glasses start to look like regular glasses and a student wears them into an exam? Are we going to tell them they can't wear their glasses because we're afraid they might be sending the exam out to someone else who is sending them back the answers?"

The solution, Bertram Gallant says, has to be about "creating a culture where integrity and ethics matter" and where education is valued more than grades. Only then will students believe that cheating on essays is only cheating themselves.


Buying Essays Online but Caught: 7 Tips to avoid Detection

caught buying essay online

Buying essays online is a common phenomenon among students seeking academic help. Submitting purchased essays as one’s own work is a serious academic offense that can result in severe consequences.

Now that you can buy essays online, teachers, academic institutions, and policymakers are worried about academic integrity and ethics. In this post, it is important to understand the implications of buying essays online and its associated risks.

Can you be Caught Buying Essays Online?

If you buy an essay online, it can be difficult to tell whether or not they copied it from somewhere else. However, there are many ways to check if someone has plagiarized your work. 

plagiarism caught

Yes, you can get caught buying essays online. Many institutions use plagiarism detection software to examine originality. If a student submits a purchased essay without proper citation, it will likely get flagged as plagiarism.

Some essay writing companies may also sell the same essay to different students, increasing detection chances.

Also, if caught, they could face serious consequences, such as failing the class, being suspended or kicked out of school, or even being taken to court.

It is always better to seek help from reputable sources like academic writing centers or tutors rather than getting into the moral concerns of buying essays or risking the consequences of plagiarism.

 How Teachers Catch Students Buying Essays Online

Teachers and professors usually catch students who buy essays online. There are multiple ways in which they can detect such practices such as:

1. Plagiarism Detection Software

Universities and colleges widely use Turnitin or SafeAssign, to check for originality. The software scans it for similarities when a student submits an essay with other texts online, including other student papers, published works, and websites.

If a student buys an essay online, it is highly likely to be flagged as plagiarism because it may be identical or similar to a previously submitted work.

Plagiarism detection software would have an algorithm to detect plagiarism even if the student altered a few words or phrases.

2. Differences in Writing Style

Teachers have skills that can detect differences in writing style between a student’s previous work and an essay that one bought online. Experienced teachers are familiar with their students’ writing styles and abilities.

stop copying

In case of slight changes, they will notice if a student’s writing suddenly improves or changes significantly.

The writing style will likely differ from the usual style if a student buys an essay. For example, the student may suddenly begin using more advanced vocabulary or sentence structures than previously demonstrated.

Alternatively, the writing may be very polished and professional, indicating that someone with more experience or expertise has written it.

3. Inconsistencies in knowledge

Another formula teachers can use to detect students who have bought essays online is looking for inconsistencies in their knowledge.

It may raise suspicions if a student submits an essay covering a topic they have not previously studied or shows an in-depth knowledge of a subject beyond their current level.

In such cases, teachers may ask the students questions about the topic to assess their knowledge further. It may indicate that the essay was bought online if the student cannot answer the questions or lacks understanding.

4. Same Essay Submitted by Multiple Students

Some essay writing companies have been known to sell the same essay to multiple students, increasing detection chances. If two or more students submit identical or similar essays, it will raise suspicions and prompt the teacher to investigate further.

If you are using a writing service, ensure that you know its reputation well to prevent falling into such a trap. Be sure to buy original essays online that are not sold to anyone else.

5. Unusual Sources

If a student submits an essay that includes references or sources that are unusual or irrelevant to the topic, it may indicate that the essay was bought online.

For example, suppose a student submits an essay on the history of the United States and includes references to a Russian history book or a blog about football. In that case, likely, the student did not write the essay.

6. Unfamiliar vocabulary or syntax

If a student submits an essay that includes vocabulary or syntax that is unfamiliar to them, it may indicate that the essay was bought online.

no jargon

Teachers are often familiar with their students’ writing styles and abilities and can easily detect if the student did not write the essay.

7. Lack of Personal Experience or Examples

A student submitting an essay without personal experience or examples may indicate that it was bought online. A student who has written an essay based on personal experience or research will likely include specific examples or details to support their arguments.

However, if the student has bought an essay online, it may not include personal experiences or examples, making it less convincing and less likely to receive a good grade.

In conclusion, teachers and professors have several ways of detecting students who buy essays online. Plagiarism detection software is the most common method.

Still, experienced teachers can also spot differences in writing style, inconsistencies in knowledge, unusual sources, unfamiliar vocabulary or syntax, and lack of personal experience or examples.

Safety Steps to Avoid Being Caught Buying Essays Online

Although buying essays online may be illegal in some countries, students find themselves looking for reliable writers to write for them. Here is how you find one:

1. Choose a reputable service provider

The first step is to choose a reputable service provider. Look for a company with a reputation for providing quality academic papers that have been in business for a while.

The secret is in reading reviews and testimonials from other clients who have used the service in the past. Checking the company’s policies and guarantees is vital to protect you if something goes wrong.

2. Use a VPN

using a vpn

One of the ways that universities and schools catch students who purchase essays online is by tracking their IP addresses. Therefore, using a virtual private network (VPN) effectively hides your IP address and makes it difficult for anyone to track your online activities.

A VPN encrypts your internet connection, making it hard for anyone to see your online activities.

Use a Secure Payment Method

Another safety step when buying essays online is using a secure payment method. Avoid using credit cards or other payment methods. This is because they can be that can be traced back to you.

Instead, consider using a digital currency such as Bitcoin prepaid card, which can be used anonymously.

Use a Fake Name and Email Address

When registering with an online essay writing service, use a fake name and email address. Such will make it hard for anyone to trace your online activities back to you.

However, remember the login credentials you use for the website since you will need them to access your paper once completed.

Do not Submit the Paper as your own work

Facing serious consequences is one of the biggest risks of buying essays online is the possibility of getting caught. You can overcome this trap by avoiding submitting the paper you receive from the essay writing service as your own work.

Use it as a guide or a reference for writing your paper. Alternatively, you can rewrite it in your own words. Doing so will make it hard for your tutor to tell you that it was from a different source.

Check the Paper for Plagiarism

Check it for plagiarism before submitting the paper you receive from the essay writing service. You can use many online tools, such as Turnitin and Grammarly.

check for plagiarism

Be sure to rewrite those parts of the paper in your own words if you find any plagiarism.

Keep the Paper Confidential

Keep the paper you get from the essay writing service confidential. Do not share it with anyone else because it increases the risk of getting caught.

If you need to discuss the paper with someone, do so in person or over the phone instead of by email or text message.

Cases in the News of Students Caught Buying Essays

A news article published by Business Insider on 19th May 2019 suggests many students depend on essay mills to complete their assignments. The news article indicated that contract cheating is becoming a common phenomenon whereby for every six students, one could have ever participated in contract cheating.

Furthermore, the article shows that it is becoming hard for universities to detect this cheating because most of the essay mills are using anti-plagiarism software to may their products plagiarism free. Also, essay writing services offer affordable services, attracting many students to cheat. Notably, the US and New Zealand have enacted legislation to prevent contract cheating.

On another note, there are newspaper reports which revealed that some students rely on essay writing services and get failing grades due to shoddy deals. Some essay mils give poor quality work, full of basic writing and composition errors.

The Guardian newspaper indicated that an independent body in the UK investigated these essay-writing services, revealing that some were producing substandard work. Generally, varying essay services would generally charge a paper based on length and agency.

The assessment by external examiners also revealed that most of the papers from these essay-writing mills work poorly.3.

About the Author: Pesh Pally

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buying essay plagiarism

15% of students admit to buying essays. What can universities do about it?

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New research on plagiarism at university has revealed students are surprisingly unconcerned about a practice known as “contract cheating”.

The term “contract cheating” was coined in 2006 , and describes students paying for completed assessments. At that time, concerns over the outsourcing of assessments were in their infancy, but today, contract cheating is big business.

In 2017 alone, the UK’s Daily Telegraph reported more than 20,000 students had bought professionally written essays from the country’s two largest essay-writing services.

According to a 2018 study , as many as 31 million university students worldwide are paying third parties to complete their assessments. This staggering figure was drawn by reviewing 65 studies on contract cheating. Since 2014, as many as 15.7% of surveyed students admitted to outsourcing their assignments and essays.

The growth in contract cheating speaks volumes about the modern view of education as a commodity.

Read more: Buying essays: how to make sure assessment is authentic

Who’s cheating?

A recent survey , led by the University of South Australia, found international students demonstrated proportionately higher cheating behaviours. So did students who spoke a language other than English at home.

In 2013, a large online survey on academic honesty at six Australian universities found international students were significantly less aware of academic integrity processes, and much less confident about how to avoid academic integrity breaches.

A 2015 study of US student demand for commercially produced assignments found students with English as their first language who liked taking risks were about as likely to buy an assessment as students who were reluctant risk-takers, but who spoke English as a second language.

It’s no surprise that students whom we aggressively court for their higher fees and who are working in a less familiar language environment are turning to these services at higher rates.

A recent study on contract cheating in Australia concluded that the over-representation of non-native English speaking students in cheating surveys is linked to the failure of universities to provide support for language and learning development. Students are tasked with completing assessments for which they lack the basic English language skills.

buying essay plagiarism

What’s being done about it?

Widely used plagiarism-detection companies, such as Turnitin , can detect similarities to material that already exists. But essay-writing companies loudly promote the fact their product is original.

In February this year, Turnitin announced plans to crack down on contract cheating. Its proposed solution , authorship investigation, hopes to automate a process familiar to any human marker: detecting major shifts in individual students’ writing style that may point to help from a third party.

But despite these technological advancements, students who are turning to such services have reasons far more complicated than laziness or disregard for personal responsibility.

Read more: Universities run as businesses can't pursue genuine learning

Is it worth it?

Despite the moral panic over grades for cash, there’s some evidence to suggest students turning to essay mill services are not getting what they pay for. A 2014 mystery shopping exercise in the UK revealed the astonishingly low standard of commissioned work produced by essay mills. Of all the essays purchased, none received the requested grade, and many fell dramatically short of expected academic standards.

Rather than buying top grades, desperate students are being exploited by companies that take advantage of the very shortcomings (lower literacy and an ignorance of plagiarism protocols) students are hoping to mitigate.

One less obvious aspect of contract cheating that can’t be fixed by intelligent software is the predatory nature of essay mill companies. According to a 2017 study on cheating websites, commercial providers rely on persuasive marketing techniques. They often repackage an unethical choice in the guise of professional help for students who are weighed down by a demanding workload.

How can we discourage it?

In recent years, several scholars have explored the legality of contract cheating, along with the possibilities of defining a new offence under criminal law of providing or advertising contract cheating.

In 2011, for example, a law was introduced in New Zealand that makes it a criminal offence to provide or advertise cheating services. Yet the criminalisation of such services leads inevitably to the prosecution of cheating students, something the legal system has so far been reluctant to do.

But even discounting the possibility of legal action, plagiarism has hefty consequences for university students under misconduct policies, including revoking course credits, expulsion, and a permanent record of cheating.

Redesigning assessments is the primary way to tackle the growing problem of contract cheating. Recent suggestions focus on the development of authentic assessments: tasks that more closely mirror the real-world demands students will face after they graduate from university.

Rather than simply completing an essay, for example, a history student might be tasked with interviewing a local non-profit organisation, and producing a podcast episode.

Teachers who use authentic assessments hope to reduce cheating by tying learning to student’s hopes for their futures, but one obvious benefit is the difficulty of cheating in such individualised tasks. One key problem for overhauling assessment design is the troubling proliferation of casual labour in universities. The development of assessments is rarely, if ever, accounted for in casual teaching rates.

Turnitin works to reduce students’ work into patterns and algorithms, weeding out supposed cheats and frauds. But a more considered response must take into account the complex reasons students turn to these services in the first place.

Understanding why students are willing to pay for assessments might also illuminate a problem at the heart of tertiary education – one that is related to our present repackaging of knowledge as a resource to be bought, rather than an ennobling pursuit that is worthy of all the energy, time, and attention teachers and students can devote to it.

Read more: Assessment design won’t stop cheating, but our relationships with students might

  • MyMaster cheating scandal
  • Contract cheating

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Plagiarism

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This page outlines just some of many frequently asked questions regarding plagiarism. For more information about how to avoid plagiarism, as well as best practices, visit some of our additional plagiarism resources.  

When is it Plagiarism? 

There are instances when something is clearly  intentional  plagiarism : buying, stealing, or borrowing a paper from someone else. This includes:  

  • C opying a blog post or stealing an article from online.   
  • Hiring someone to write your paper for you.   
  • Copying a large section of text from a source without making it clear it comes from somewhere else through quotation marks or proper citation.   
  • I ntentionally  failing to  cite someone else’s work,  to claim  that the ideas and words belong to you .  
  • It is possible to plagiarize from yourself . In academia, if you repurpose a paper from previous class or write one paper for two classes without the instructor’s permission  this is plagiarism .   

Writers may also  unintentionally  plagiarize. This usually happens for a few common reasons:  

  • The writer doesn’t fully understand the citation system they are using and ends up missing key elements of the source attribution.  
  • The writer thinks they are paraphrasing (restating a source’s point in their own words) and ends up accidentally directly quoting words or phrases without realizing; in this case there is usually some attribution to the source, but not the right kind (paraphrasing vs quoting).  
  • The writer misattributes a quote or idea to the wrong source; this is especially common in larger research projects where the writer is dealing with a lot of source material.

What could happen if I plagiarize?  

Students who unintentionally plagiarize often (but not always) have a meeting with their teacher, who usually goes over the issue with the student and explains how to avoid it in the future. Many teachers understand that citation practices are complex and can be difficult for beginners to learn, and therefore treat one instance of accidental plagiarism as a learning opportunity.    

However, this is not always the case. Program or department policy may force teachers to begin disciplinary proceedings about plagiarism immediately; you should always be aware that this issue is serious and not to be brushed off or ignored. The best defense against disciplinary proceedings is knowledge —  fully understanding citation practices and employing them in your writing so that you don’t plagiarize is always going to be your best option. You can find our extensive citation resources here.

The corporate world and universit ie s in particular have very strict guidelines for those accused of plagiarism. It is important to familiarize yourself with your university policy, because the consequences can be serious, which includes:  

  • Automatic failure of the paper  
  • Automatic failure of the class  
  • A report to the Dean of Students  
  • Some universities make it their policy for it to appear on your Official Transcript, which are usually needed when applying for jobs or graduate school   
  • Some programs will dismiss you; for example, the English department at your university may tell you to apply to a different area of study  
  • The university may dismiss you completely   
  • In the corporate world, you may face litigation depending on who the victim is  
  • Your job may fire you in order to avoid the company being associated with a plagiarist

Some of these consequences may seem harsh or extreme, but they are meant to stop students from plagiarizing. This is a crime and it is also an ethical dilemma. You are in school to learn and produce original work; you are doing yourself a disservice by paying someone else to write your work or reuse an old paper.   

If you find yourself in a situation when you are out of time to work on a research project, which is usually one of the common reasons why well-meaning students plagiarize,  it is always better to have an open communication with your professor  before you turn to plagiarism. Professors are there and want to help students, but they cannot help you if they do not know you need it.   

When should I cite a source to avoid plagiarizing?  

  Always give credit where credit is due. If the words that you are including in your research belong to someone else, give credit.   

Here is  a brief list of what needs to be credited or documented :  

  • Words or ideas presented in a magazine, book, newspaper, song, TV program, movie, website, computer program, letter, advertisement, or any other medium  
  • Information you gain through interviewing or conversing with another person, face to face, over the phone, or in writing  
  • When you copy the exact words or a unique phrase  
  • When you reprint any diagrams, illustrations, charts, pictures, or other visual materials  
  • When you reuse or repost any digital media, including images, audio, video, or other media  

There are certain things that  do not need documentation or credit, including :  

  • Writing your own lived experiences, your own observations and insights, your own thoughts, and your own conclusions about a subject  
  • When you are writing up your own results obtained through lab or field experiments  
  • When you use your own artwork, digital photographs, video, audio, etc.  
  • When you are using "common knowledge," things like folklore, common sense observations, myths, urban legends, and historical events (but  not  historical documents)  
  • When you are using generally accepted facts (e.g., pollution is bad for the environment) including facts that are accepted within particular discourse communities (e.g., in the field of composition studies, "writing is a process" is a generally accepted fact).  

What if I am accused of plagiarism, but I didn’t plagiarize?

It is important to keep notes and previous drafts of your paper, especially if you become a victim of theft yourself. This can happen in many different ways (a roommate copying your files, using a computer from a lab that still has someone else’s log in, etc).

There are some simple and easy tips to keep your intellectual property safe:

  • You might have research_paper001.doc, research_paper002.doc, research_paper003.doc as you progress.
  • Do the same thing for any online files you are working with. Having multiple draft versions may help prove that the work is yours (assuming you are being ethical in how you cite ideas in your work)
  • Do not rely only on your hard drive, it can crash.
  • Do not rely only on a USB drive, you can lose it.
  • Do not rely only on cloud services, you might not be able to gain access for whatever reason.
  • Many students typically use one or more of the methods above to secure their files, including emailing themselves or emailing a friend, with their permission.
  • If you have to leave the computer lab for a bathroom break, lock or log out of your station
  • This is possible in all sorts of programs, from Adobe Acrobat to Microsoft Word
  • Just don’t forget your password
  • If you have never tried this method before but would like to, use a different file for a test run to see how it works.
  • If this is a habit you currently, you can make sure you have a Master Copy that you will eventually turn in, and open or create new documents and save them in the filing method mentioned above.

Plagiarism and Academic Honesty

  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Plagiarism @ Jefferson College
  • 3. Examples of Plagiarism
  • Citing Sources Guide This link opens in a new window
  • Academic Success Center- OWL This link opens in a new window

Why Students Plagiarize

buying essay plagiarism

  • Why Do Students Plagiarize? This infographic covers five of the most common reasons that students commit plagiarism.

Test Yourself!

Introduction to plagiarism.

At Jefferson College, academic dishonesty encompasses two things: cheating and plagiarism.  

This guide is to introduce you to the concept of plagiarism : what it is and why it’s something worth caring about. The resources and information provided here are meant to help you avoid plagiarizing (and, therefore, the potentially severe consequences), or if you’ve intentionally or accidentally plagiarized, help give you knowledge and tools to avoid plagiarizing again in the future. 

If you’ve been referred to this course due to intentionally or accidentally plagiarizing, please follow the guide based on the numbered pages on the left. Be sure to read each page thoroughly.

As you work your way through this course, test your understanding by taking the poll on each page. At the end of the guide, you will find the link to take your formal quiz and answers to the polls. 

What is Plagiarism?

Plagiarism is taking the words or ideas of someone else and passing them off as if they are your own. This can include:

  • Turning in someone else's work with your name on it
  • Copying large pieces of text from a source without proper, or any, citation
  • Piecing together text from multiple sources and turning it in as your own
  • Copying from a source but changing some words or phrases
  • Paraphrasing (rewriting something in your own words) from a number of different sources without citing them
  • Buying a paper and turning it in as your own work
  • Turning in some of your previous work that you did for another course -- this is self-plagiarism! 

Plagiarism can happen even if you've attempted to cite things properly, too. This can happen if you:

  • Mentioned an author or source but didn't provide a bibliographic citation
  • Cited a source incorrectly so it's impossible for others to find or verify
  • Used a direct quote and cited it, but didn't put quotation marks around the text
  • Paraphrased from multiple cited sources, but didn't include any of your own work

Basically, if you’re incorporating anyone else’s words into your own work, you must give them credit and offer your audience a way of finding the original source of the information . The source should be indicated within the content of your work (in-text citations) and also at the end (bibliography, references, notes, etc.)

Why You Want to Avoid Plagiarizing

Getting caught plagiarizing is actually a pretty serious problem. The consequences of plagiarism can be personal, professional, ethical, and even legal. 

Students that commit plagiarism may face:  

  • Failure of an assignment or class
  • Disciplinary actions like suspension or expulsion
  • Being barred from attending other colleges or universities

Professionals that commit plagiarism may face:

  • Ruined reputations
  • Loss of a job/career
  • Legal action
  • Financial losses

No one is above getting caught plagiarizing -- not students, academics, journalists, or other successful creators. Consider these famous examples of people whose reputations suffered as a result of being caught plagiarizing:

  • Marks Chabedi -- Former academic who plagiarized an entire dissertation by Dr. Kim Lanegran ( read her side of the story here ). He was fired from his professorship at a university in South Africa and his Ph.D. was revoked.
  • Alex Haley, author of  Roots: The Saga of an American Family  -- Acclaimed author accused of copying passages from Harold Courlander's book,  The African.  He was sued, settled out of court for $650,000, and released a statement acknowledging that he plagiarized. Read more about that here . 
  • Jonah Lehrer -- A (now disgraced) journalist forced to resign from the New Yorker after he was found to have fabricated quotes for a book and self-plagiarized multiple times. Read more here . 

More Resources

  • Plagiarism FAQ - University of Oxford
  • Plagiarism in One Page - Purdue OWL
  • Plagiarism Overview - Purdue OWL
  • Next: 2. Plagiarism @ Jefferson College >>
  • Last Updated: Sep 12, 2024 8:44 AM
  • URL: https://libguides.jeffco.edu/plagiarismguide

Exploring the World of Online Essay Purchasing

In the realm of academic writing, the practice of buying essays online has become a subject of much debate. You may have come across platforms like Quora discussing the legality and ethics of such services. This comprehensive guide delves into the core of this issue, addressing your concerns about whether it's legal to buy essays, the implications for students, and the safety of using online writing services. With an unbiased approach, we aim to provide clarity and guidance to help you navigate this complex topic.

Is It Legal to Buy Essays Online?

One of the most pressing questions you might have is about the legality of purchasing essays online.  The legal landscape varies by country and institution. Generally, buying essays isn't illegal, but schools and universities often have strict policies against plagiarism and submitting purchased work as your own. Understanding these nuances is crucial in making an informed decision.

Perceptions and Ethics of Buying Essays

Beyond legality, the ethical aspect of buying essays sparks heated debates on platforms like Quora. Is it fair to buy an essay instead of writing it yourself? This question touches on academic integrity and personal ethics. Reflecting on the purpose of education and your own values is essential before considering this route.

Do Schools Detect Purchased Essays?

A common concern is whether schools can identify if a student buys an essay. Modern plagiarism detection software has become sophisticated, increasing the risk of getting caught. It's important to consider the potential academic consequences and the impact on your academic journey.

The Role of Online Writing Services

Online writing services offer various services, from editing to writing custom essays. While some argue these services can be a learning aid, others view them as a shortcut undermining academic efforts. It's vital to scrutinize the nature of these services and their impact on your educational experience.

Why Students Turn to Essay Buying

Understanding why students buy essays online is key to comprehending this phenomenon. Pressure, lack of time, and difficulties in understanding the material are some reasons. This insight offers a broader perspective on the challenges faced by students in the academic landscape.

Risks and Consequences of Essay Buying

Buying essays online comes with risks, including plagiarism, poor quality, and potential legal issues. The dangers extend beyond immediate academic consequences to long-term ethical implications. Weighing these risks is a crucial step in making a responsible decision.

Alternatives to Buying Essays

If you're considering buying an essay, exploring alternatives is beneficial. These can include seeking help from tutors, improving time management skills, or using writing aids to develop your own work. Such alternatives can offer learning opportunities and personal growth.

Final Considerations Before Buying an Essay

Before you decide to buy an essay, reflect on the legal, ethical, and academic implications. Consider the purpose of your education and the value of original work. It's a decision that should be made with careful thought and awareness of all potential outcomes.

Dos and Don'ts in Essay Purchasing

  • Do research the legality and school policies regarding essay buying.
  • Do consider the ethical implications and your personal values.
  • Don't overlook the risks of plagiarism and academic dishonesty.
  • Don't rely on purchased essays as a substitute for learning.

Final Thoughts

Navigating the world of online essay purchasing is complex. While it's not illegal to buy essays, the academic, ethical, and personal implications make it a decision that requires careful consideration. Reflect on your goals, values, and the importance of academic integrity before taking this step. Remember, education is not just about grades but about learning and personal development.

Useful Resources:  https://quotelicious.com/no-motivation-to-write-paper/

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Buying College Papers Online from Professionals

buying college papers

1: Introduction

1.1: brief introduction to the growing trend of buying college papers.

In recent years, the trend of buying college papers has gained significant traction among students worldwide.

1.2: Overview of What the Article Will Cover

This comprehensive guide aims to explore the nuances of purchasing college papers online, addressing concerns, benefits, and ethical considerations.

2: Where to Buy College Papers Online

When it comes to purchasing college papers online, there are several platforms and services available to students seeking academic assistance. These platforms range from specialized websites dedicated to academic writing to freelance marketplaces where students can connect with individual writers. Reputable online platforms often offer a wide range of services, including essay writing , term paper assistance, thesis and dissertation support, and more. Additionally, these platforms may provide options for selecting writers based on their expertise, academic background, and customer reviews. By exploring these diverse platforms, students can find the right fit for their specific academic needs and preferences. It’s essential to research and vet each platform carefully, ensuring reliability, quality, and adherence to academic standards.

2.1: Discussion on Various Platforms Offering College Papers for Sale

There is a plethora of online platforms catering to students seeking college papers, ranging from specialized websites to freelance marketplaces.

2.2: Mention of Affordable College Paper Buying Services

Several services offer affordable solutions for students seeking academic assistance, ensuring quality without breaking the bank.

3: The Benefits of Buying Custom College Papers

Purchasing custom college papers offers several benefits for students navigating the challenges of academic life. One of the primary advantages is the opportunity to receive tailored solutions to individual academic needs. Custom papers are crafted specifically for each student, addressing their unique requirements, preferences, and learning styles. This personalized approach ensures that the content of the paper aligns perfectly with the course objectives, assignment prompts, and academic standards. Additionally, custom papers allow students to explore complex topics from fresh perspectives, incorporating original insights and innovative ideas. By investing in custom college papers, students can save time and effort while maximizing their academic potential.

3.1: Explanation of the Advantages of Choosing to Buy Custom College Papers

Custom papers offer tailored solutions to individual academic needs, providing unique perspectives and insights.

3.2: How Custom Papers Can Be Tailored to Specific Needs and Requirements

Custom papers can align perfectly with course requirements, addressing specific prompts, formats, and academic standards.

4: Ensuring Quality: Buy Plagiarism-Free College Essays

Ensuring the quality of purchased college essays is paramount for students seeking academic assistance. One crucial aspect of quality assurance is purchasing plagiarism-free essays. Plagiarism, the act of using someone else’s words or ideas without proper attribution, undermines academic integrity and can have serious consequences. By choosing to buy plagiarism-free essays, students can trust that the content is original, authentic, and free from unauthorized copying. This guarantees that the essay reflects the student’s own thoughts and insights, demonstrating their understanding of the subject matter. To ensure plagiarism-free content, students should opt for reputable service providers that employ stringent quality control measures and utilize plagiarism detection tools. Investing in plagiarism-free essays not only upholds academic standards but also promotes ethical writing practices and fosters a culture of integrity within the academic community.

4.1: Importance of Purchasing Plagiarism-Free Essays

Plagiarism-free essays guarantee originality and authenticity, crucial for academic integrity and success.

4.2: Tips on How to Ensure You Buy Plagiarism-Free College Essays

Vetting services and utilizing plagiarism detection tools are essential steps in ensuring the authenticity of purchased essays. Well come everyone to our a grateful platform “THE WRITING PLANET” . Here we sale out the blog. The main content is Nitch and plagiarism free. If anyone is interested do contact us we feel pleasure to help you out.

5: Tips for Buying College Papers Online

When venturing into the realm of purchasing college papers online, it’s vital to proceed with caution and strategic planning. Firstly, meticulously research various online platforms, delving into their credibility, customer reviews, and track record for delivering quality work. Look for services with a proven history of reliability and customer satisfaction. Additionally, scrutinize sample papers provided by these platforms to gauge their writing style, depth of research, and adherence to academic standards. Effective communication with the assigned writer is paramount; clearly articulate your expectations, provide detailed instructions, and maintain open dialogue throughout the process. Prioritize quality over cost, as exceptionally low prices may signal compromised integrity or substandard work. Ensure transparency in pricing and opt for secure payment methods to safeguard financial transactions. Lastly, anticipate the need for revisions and provide constructive feedback to refine the paper to your specifications. By employing these strategic tips, students can navigate the online marketplace for college papers with confidence, ensuring a seamless and rewarding experience.

5.1: Practical Advice and Tips for Buying College Papers Online

Researching service providers, examining sample papers, and communicating clearly with writers are fundamental strategies.

5.2: Considerations for Selecting the Right Service

Factors such as reputation, pricing, customer support, and revision policies should inform the selection of an online service provider.

6: How to Pay for College Papers Safely

Ensuring secure payment methods when purchasing college papers online is paramount to safeguarding both financial information and personal data. Firstly, opt for reputable platforms that utilize encrypted payment gateways to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access. These gateways employ industry-standard security protocols, such as SSL encryption, to encrypt data transmitted between the user’s browser and the platform’s server. Additionally, consider utilizing trusted payment options, such as credit cards or reputable third-party payment processors like PayPal, that offer additional layers of fraud protection and buyer guarantees. Avoid sharing sensitive information, such as social security numbers or bank account details, through insecure channels or with unverified service providers. By prioritizing security in payment transactions, students can confidently navigate the process of purchasing college papers online , mitigating the risk of financial fraud or identity theft.

6.1: Overview of Secure Payment Methods When You Pay for College Papers

Utilizing secure payment gateways and avoiding sharing sensitive information are paramount for financial security.

6.2: Avoiding Scams and Ensuring Financial Safety

Vigilance against fraudulent schemes and verifying the legitimacy of service providers are crucial precautions.

7: College Papers for Sale

When browsing through college papers for sale, it’s essential to know what to look for to ensure you’re getting a high-quality product that meets your academic needs. Firstly, scrutinize the content of the papers carefully. Look for thorough research, clear writing, and proper citation of sources. A well-written paper should demonstrate a deep understanding of the topic and adhere to academic standards. Secondly, consider the reputation and reliability of the service provider. Opt for platforms with a track record of delivering quality work and positive reviews from satisfied customers. Additionally, assess the level of customization offered. A reputable service should allow for personalized adjustments to meet your specific requirements and preferences. Lastly, evaluate the pricing structure and value proposition. While affordability is important, prioritize quality over cost to ensure you’re investing in a worthwhile academic resource. By considering these factors, you can make informed decisions when selecting college papers for sale, ultimately maximizing your academic success.

7.1: Key Features to Look For When Browsing College Papers for Sale

Thoroughly examining paper samples, assessing writer credentials, and verifying academic qualifications are essential steps.

7.2: Criteria for Evaluating the Quality of Available Papers

Assessing coherence, relevance, depth of research, and adherence to academic standards are benchmarks for evaluating paper quality.

8: Legal and Ethical Considerations

Navigating the legal and ethical considerations surrounding the purchase of college papers requires careful attention to academic integrity and legal obligations. From a legal standpoint, it’s crucial to understand the copyright laws and institutional policies governing academic submissions. Purchasing papers that are misrepresented as one’s own work can violate these regulations and lead to severe consequences. Ethically, students must balance the need for academic support with the principles of honesty and integrity. It’s essential to acknowledge the ethical implications of submitting purchased papers and strive to uphold the standards of academic honesty in all academic endeavors. By prioritizing legal compliance and ethical conduct, students can navigate the complexities of purchasing college papers while maintaining integrity and accountability.

8.1: Discussion on the Legal Issues Buying Papers

Navigating the legal landscape surrounding the purchase of academic papers, including copyright laws and institutional policies.

8.2: Ethical Implications and How to Navigate Them

Balancing academic integrity with the need for academic support, emphasizing ethical writing practices and accountability.

9: High-Quality College Papers

High-quality college papers are characterized by thorough research, clear writing, and adherence to academic standards. These papers demonstrate a deep understanding of the topic, incorporate original insights, and cite sources accurately. Reputable service providers offer customization options to meet individual requirements, ensuring personalized and tailored content. While affordability is important, prioritizing quality over cost ensures that students invest in academic resources that enhance their learning experience and academic success.

9.1: Characteristics of High-Quality College Papers

Comprehensive research, critical analysis, original insights, and adherence to academic conventions distinguish high-quality papers.

9.2: How to Identify Well-Written and Thoroughly Researched Papers

Scrutinizing writing style, references, argumentation, and clarity of expression are indicators of well-crafted academic papers.

10: College Paper Buying Reviews

When considering purchasing college papers, it’s crucial to consult reviews from previous customers to gauge the reliability and quality of the service. These reviews provide valuable insights into the experiences of others, including the professionalism of the writers, the accuracy of the content, and the efficiency of the service. By reading reviews, students can make informed decisions, choosing reputable platforms that prioritize customer satisfaction and deliver high-quality academic papers.

10.1: The Importance of Checking College Paper Buying Reviews

Utilizing peer feedback and review platforms to gauge service quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction.

11: Best College Term Papers

When seeking the best college term papers, it’s essential to prioritize quality, relevance, and reliability. Look for papers that demonstrate thorough research, critical analysis, and clear articulation of ideas. Opt for platforms or services with a reputation for delivering high-quality work and positive customer feedback. Additionally, consider the level of customization available to ensure the paper aligns with your specific requirements and academic standards. By selecting term papers that meet these criteria, students can access valuable academic resources to enhance their learning experience and achieve academic success.

11.1: Where to Find the Best College Term Papers

Exploring reputable sources and platforms renowned for delivering high-quality term papers.

11.2: Tips on Evaluating Term Papers for Your Specific Needs

Aligning paper topics, styles, and formats with course requirements and personal preferences.

12: Buy College Research Papers

When considering the purchase of college research papers, it’s essential to prioritize quality, authenticity, and relevance. Opt for reputable platforms that offer well-researched and professionally written papers tailored to your academic needs. Ensure that the papers are plagiarism-free and adhere to academic standards. Additionally, consider the expertise and qualifications of the writers to guarantee the credibility and depth of the research. By investing in high-quality college research papers, students can access valuable academic resources to enhance their learning and achieve their academic goals.

13: Conclusion

In conclusion, navigating the realm of buying college papers requires careful consideration of various factors, including quality, ethics, and authenticity. By adhering to the guidelines outlined in this guide, students can make informed decisions and access reliable academic support. Well come everyone to our a grateful platform “ THE WRITING PLANET ” . Here we sale out the blog. The main content is Nitch and plagiarism free. If anyone is interested do contact us we feel pleasure to help you out.

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How To Avoid Plagiarism When Buying Essays Online

When it comes to academic or professional writing, the demand for buying essays online has increased significantly. Many individuals seek assistance in completing their assignments or securing well-written papers. However, it is crucial to navigate this path with caution to avoid plagiarism and ensure the authenticity of the purchased essays.

In this article, we will explore valuable insights and strategies on how to avoid plagiarism when buying essays online. Whether you are looking to buy an essay paper or buy essays for academic purposes, understanding these guidelines will help you maintain academic integrity and obtain original, high-quality content that meets your requirements.

buying essay plagiarism

Article structure

Understand What Plagiarism Is

Plagiarism is a serious offense that can have detrimental consequences in academic and professional settings. Understanding what plagiarism is and how to avoid it is crucial, especially when buying essays online.

Plagiarism refers to the act of presenting someone else’s work, ideas, or words as your own without proper acknowledgment or citation. It is an unethical practice that undermines academic integrity and can lead to severe penalties, including academic sanctions, damaged reputation, and even legal repercussions.

When you decide to write my collage essay online, it is essential to be aware of the risks associated with plagiarism and the importance of ensuring originality in the content you purchase. Plagiarism can occur in various forms, including direct copying and pasting of text, paraphrasing without proper citation, and even using someone else’s ideas or concepts without giving credit. It is crucial to remember that buying essays does not mean buying the rights to someone else’s work; instead, it is acquiring assistance in creating original content that meets your specific requirements.

To avoid plagiarism when buying essays online, it is essential to choose reputable and reliable platforms or services. Conduct thorough research and read reviews to ensure that the service you select has a positive reputation for delivering original and high-quality content. Look for platforms that have strict policies against plagiarism and emphasize the importance of originality in their work.

When you do my research paper for me , make sure to carefully review the purchased content before submitting it. Familiarize yourself with the essay’s content, structure, and main ideas to ensure that it aligns with your requirements and doesn’t contain any plagiarized material.

buying essay plagiarism

Use plagiarism detection tools like Turnitin or Grammarly to check the uniqueness of the essay. These tools compare the purchased content against a vast database of existing texts and highlight any potential matches or instances of plagiarism.

By understanding the concept of plagiarism and taking proactive measures to avoid it, you can confidently buy essays online without compromising academic integrity. Remember, the goal is to obtain original and high-quality content that contributes to your learning process and meets your specific needs.

Choose reliable services, review the content carefully, and utilize plagiarism detection tools to ensure that the essay you purchase is free from any form of plagiarism.

When you buy an essay, it should serve as a valuable resource to enhance your understanding of the topic and guide you in creating your unique work.

By adhering to ethical writing practices and prioritizing originality, you can make the most out of the opportunity to buy essays online while maintaining academic integrity.

Choose A Reliable Essay Writing Service

When it comes to essay editing service online, choosing a reliable essay writing service is crucial. With the increasing demand for academic assistance, numerous platforms and services have emerged, making it challenging to identify trustworthy providers.

By selecting a reputable essay writing service, you can ensure that you receive high-quality, original content that meets your requirements. In this article, we will outline the key factors to consider when choosing a reliable essay-writing service.

Choosing a Reliable Essay Writing Service

1. reputation.

Look for platforms or services with a positive reputation. Read customer reviews and testimonials to gauge the experiences of others who have used the service. A reputable service will have a track record of delivering quality work on time.

2. Experience

Consider the experience of the essay writing service. Look for providers that have been in the industry for a considerable period. Experienced services often have a better understanding of academic requirements and can deliver essays that meet the expected standards.

3. Writers’ Qualifications

Review the qualifications and expertise of the writers associated with the service. Ensure that the writers possess relevant educational backgrounds or expertise in your field of study. Skilled and knowledgeable writers are more likely to deliver well-researched and accurately written essays.

4. Plagiarism Policy

Check the service’s policy regarding plagiarism. A reliable essay writing service should have strict measures in place to ensure the originality of the content they provide. They should emphasize the importance of creating plagiarism-free essays and offer guarantees of authenticity.

5. Communication

Evaluate the service’s communication channels. A reliable essay writing service should have clear and prompt communication channels to address any concerns or inquiries you may have. Effective communication ensures that your requirements are understood and followed during the writing process.

6. Customization

Assess the level of customization offered by the service. Each essay should be tailored to your specific needs and requirements. Reliable services will provide options to personalize the essay according to your instructions, ensuring that it meets your expectations.

7. Customer Support

Consider the availability and responsiveness of customer support. A reliable service should have a dedicated support team that is available to assist you throughout the process. Prompt and helpful customer support can address any issues or queries that arise during the essay writing process.

8. Confidentiality

Ensure that the service guarantees the confidentiality and privacy of your personal information. Reliable essay writing services prioritize the protection of customer data and employ security measures to safeguard sensitive information.

While cost should not be the sole determining factor, consider the pricing structure of the service. Compare prices among different providers to ensure that you receive a fair and competitive rate for the quality of work offered.

10. Samples and Portfolio

Request samples or explore the service’s portfolio to assess the quality and style of their work. This will give you an idea of their writing capabilities and help you determine if they align with your requirements.

By considering these factors, you can confidently choose a reliable essay writing service that meets your needs and delivers high-quality, original essays. Taking the time to select the right service will ensure a positive and successful experience when buying essays online.

Review The Writer’s Credentials

When you decide to buy an essay online, it’s crucial to review the credentials of the writers associated with the essay writing service. The qualifications and expertise of the writers play a significant role in the quality of the content you will receive.

By assessing the credentials of the writers, you can ensure that your essay is being handled by a knowledgeable and competent professional.

Here are key considerations when reviewing the writer’s credentials:

1. Educational Background

Look for writers who have relevant educational backgrounds in the subject area of your essay. For instance, if you are purchasing a history essay, it is beneficial to have a writer with a background in history or a related field. Their educational expertise will enable them to provide accurate and well-researched content.

2. Expertise and Experience

Consider the expertise and experience of the writers. Determine whether they have specialized knowledge in the subject matter of your essay. Experienced writers have a deeper understanding of the topic, which enhances the quality of the content they produce. Look for writers who have a track record of delivering high-quality essays and positive customer feedback.

3. Writing Skills

Assess the writer’s writing skills by reviewing samples of their previous work. Look for clarity, coherence, proper grammar, and a compelling writing style. The ability to convey ideas effectively is crucial in producing a well-written essay that engages the reader.

4. Research Abilities

A strong research foundation is essential for creating a well-informed and comprehensive essay. Review the writer’s research abilities to ensure they can gather relevant and reliable sources to support their arguments. Skilled writers will demonstrate the capability to conduct thorough research and cite credible references.

5. Adaptability and Customization

Determine whether the writer is adaptable and can tailor the essay to your specific requirements. The ability to follow instructions and customize the essay according to your needs is crucial. A writer who can understand your expectations and incorporate them into the essay will deliver a more personalized and satisfactory result.

6. Feedback and Ratings

Consider the feedback and ratings provided by previous customers. Reliable essay writing services often provide customer reviews and testimonials that highlight the writers’ performance. Positive feedback and high ratings indicate a higher level of customer satisfaction and a greater likelihood of receiving a well-written essay.

By reviewing the writer’s credentials, you can ensure that your essay is in capable hands. It is essential to choose a reputable essay writing service that employs writers with the necessary qualifications and expertise.

The expertise and skills of the writers significantly influence the quality of the essay you will receive when you buy essays online. Taking the time to evaluate the credentials of the writers will help you make an informed decision and secure a well-crafted and tailored essay that meets your academic needs

buying essay plagiarism

Communicate Clearly with The Writer

When it comes to buying essays online, clear communication with the writer is crucial. By establishing effective communication channels, you can ensure that your expectations and requirements are properly conveyed. Here are some key points to consider to communicate clearly with the writer:

Firstly, provide clear and detailed instructions for the essay. Clearly state the topic, specific guidelines, and any formatting requirements. The more specific you are, the better the writer can understand your expectations.

Secondly, establish timelines and deadlines for the project. Communicate your preferred delivery date and consider any additional time you may need for review or revisions. By setting clear timelines, both you and the writer can have a shared understanding of the project’s timeframe.

Additionally, be responsive to the writer’s queries and messages. Promptly address any questions or concerns they may have, as this helps to ensure smooth progress and avoid misunderstandings.

If you have any doubts or questions regarding the essay, don’t hesitate to seek clarification from the writer. Clearing up any ambiguities or uncertainties will help both parties align their understanding of the project.

Once you receive a draft or a completed version of the essay, provide constructive feedback. Communicate areas that require improvement or modification, as well as any specific changes you would like to see. This feedback will help the writer understand your preferences and make necessary revisions.

Maintaining professionalism in your communication is also crucial. Be respectful and considerate in your interactions with the writer. Express your expectations and feedback clearly and politely, fostering a productive working relationship.

Lastly, ask for updates on the progress of the essay. Regular updates will keep you informed and allow you to provide timely input or guidance as needed.

By following these guidelines and maintaining clear and open communication with the writer, you can ensure that the final essay meets your requirements and expectations.

Request Originality Reports

Requesting originality reports is an important step to take when buying essays online. These reports provide evidence of the essay’s originality and help ensure that the content is not plagiarized. By requesting originality reports, you can have peace of mind knowing that the essay you receive is unique and authentic.

When engaging an essay writing service, inquire about their policy on originality reports. A reliable service should be transparent and willing to provide such reports upon request. Here are some key reasons why requesting originality reports is crucial:

1. Plagiarism Prevention

Originality reports act as a safeguard against plagiarism. By requesting these reports, you can verify that the essay has been written from scratch and is not a copy-paste job from existing sources. This helps you avoid any potential consequences or academic misconduct associated with submitting plagiarized content.

2. Quality Assurance

Originality reports indicate the level of effort and dedication put into crafting the essay. By reviewing the report, you can assess the originality and uniqueness of the content. A high-quality essay should have a low similarity index, indicating that it is an original piece of work.

3. Academic Integrity

Requesting originality reports demonstrates your commitment to academic integrity. It shows that you value and prioritize producing authentic and original work. By choosing an essay writing service that emphasizes originality, you align yourself with ethical practices and uphold the standards of academic honesty.

4. Personal Confidence

Having an originality report gives you confidence in the essay you are submitting. It assures you that the content is not duplicated or plagiarized, strengthening your belief in the integrity of your work. This confidence can positively impact your academic performance and overall satisfaction with the essay.

5. Proof of Authenticity

Originality reports serve as proof that the essay is an original creation. They provide tangible evidence of the essay’s authenticity, protecting you from any potential accusations of plagiarism. These reports can be particularly useful when submitting the essay to academic institutions or for professional purposes.

6. Revisions and Refunds

In the rare event that an essay is flagged for plagiarism, an originality report allows you to request revisions or seek a refund. By having documented evidence of the plagiarized content, you can present a valid case for rectification or reimbursement.

When requesting originality reports, ensure that the service uses reliable plagiarism detection tools. Industry-standard tools, such as Turnitin or Grammarly, can accurately identify similarities and provide detailed reports. The reports should highlight any matched content and provide sources or references for comparison.

By actively requesting originality reports, you demonstrate your commitment to original and unique work. It adds an extra layer of assurance that the essay you are purchasing is free from plagiarism. Emphasizing originality not only aligns with academic integrity but also contributes to a positive learning experience and personal growth.

What steps can I take to ensure the essay I purchase is plagiarism-free?

To ensure a plagiarism-free essay, choose a reputable essay writing service that guarantees original content. Request an originality report to verify the authenticity of the essay. Additionally, carefully review the essay for proper citations and references to ensure that all sources are properly acknowledged.

How can I assess the credibility of an essay writing service regarding plagiarism?

Before selecting an essay writing service, consider its reputation and customer reviews. Look for services that have a strong policy against plagiarism and offer measures such as originality reports. Check if they have plagiarism detection tools in place and inquire about their writers’ qualifications and expertise in avoiding plagiarism.

Can I trust that the essay writing service will not resell my purchased essay to others?

To avoid the risk of your essay being resold, choose a trustworthy and reliable essay writing service. Read their terms and conditions carefully to ensure they have strict confidentiality policies in place. You can also inquire directly with the service about their commitment to protecting customer privacy and the unique nature of the essays they provide.

What should I do if I suspect plagiarism in the essay I purchased?

If you suspect plagiarism in the essay you have purchased, gather evidence such as originality reports or instances of copied content. Contact the essay writing service immediately and express your concerns. Reputable services should have a process in place to address such issues and may offer revisions, refunds, or other appropriate resolutions.

How can I develop my understanding of the essay’s content to avoid unintended plagiarism?

It is important to read and understand the essay you have purchased. Familiarize yourself with the content, arguments, and references used. This will help you avoid unintentional plagiarism by ensuring you do not unknowingly replicate or use the essay’s ideas without proper citation.

If you need to include any concepts or arguments from the purchased essay in your work, make sure to attribute them correctly.

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Is buying an essay online safe.


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As finals approach, it can feel tricky to squeeze more into your schedule. Essay assignments are a critical part of most students’ grades. So, despite the business, ensuring you are ready to hand in top-notch essays is key.

By now, everyone knows how online essay writing services help people . But, many students question whether they should buy essays online, and whether or not it is safe. For instance, what if you receive a paper that does not follow your instructions? How can you know that your identity stays confidential Or, what about plagiarism concerns?

First, buying essays online is safe, if you know what to look for.

If you are wondering whether it is safe to buy essays online, how to ensure your information is kept confidential, and how to avoid plagiarism, this post will cover what you need to know to stay safe.

Avoiding Plagiarism When You Buy Essays

Don't copy stamp

Plagiarism is one of the main concerns students have when it comes to writing essays and considering whether to buy essay papers online. Plagiarism is a costly academic offense, which is why top essay writing services, such as Ultius, take it so seriously.

Starting a new essay free from plagiarism? Learn how to choose the best topic for your research paper.

Top quality essay writing services will provide 100% original, plagiarism-free essays. For instance, if you buy essay papers from a site like Ultius, your draft is run through plagiarism-checking software before it is delivered.

If you buy essays from a high-quality online essay service and are still concerned about plagiarism, you can always check your draft by running it through a program called “Copyscape.” Copyscape is an online plagiarism-detection software that checks your draft’s similarity with all other content available online.

Avoiding plagiarism by working with professionals

Ultimately, if you decide to purchase an essay online, you are much safer working with professional essay writers than getting an essay from a free service. This is because some free essay services actually reuse and recycle content. Contrary, high-quality essay sites only hire professional, highly-skilled writers to write each draft from scratch. Also, these top sites do not even allow their writers to plagiarize. If a writer is caught plagiarizing, they are immediately dismissed.

Keeping your Identity Private When You Buy Essays

Confidentiality is a big concern for many students who choose to buy essays online to save time and ensure they hand in a polished final draft.

For instance, knowing exactly where to buy term papers can seem tricky when you want to be sure everything is kept private. For students simply using a writing service to assist them in the learning, writing and editing process, exposing confidential information can be extremely damaging to one’s academic career. This is why top essay writing sites are careful to take every measure possible to protect clients’ personal information.

This is also why writing service sites such as Ultius use third-party vendors to process your payment information when you place an order. This means that your personal identifying information is not disclosed to your writing team or linked to the subject matter of your order. It also helps to ensure your payment details and financial information are securely and privately protected.

What If the Wrong Paper is Delivered?

Ultius Client Success Specialist

Trusting a writing service when you buy academic essays can, no doubt, cause a little apprehension. Especially if it is your first time using an essay service. You might be a little nervous and want to make sure:

  • Your writer follows instructions to a T
  • Your writer is familiar with your topic and experienced in writing about the subject
  • Knows where to find credible, recent sources
  • That you will be able to request a revision if you are not happy with your draft
  • Will be provided with a refund (or revision) if the wrong paper is delivered

These are all valid concerns, and a top tier writing service will connect you with a professional writer who is a match for your order. This means your writer will be able to:

Teacher meeting with students.

  • Follow all instructions
  • Be experienced in your topic
  • Find and correctly site recent, scholarly sources
  • Directly message you through a message or chat platform to let you know if they have questions

Also, top writing sites will allow you to request a free revision (usually within a specified time frame) if you are not happy with your draft. And if the wrong paper is delivered, a top tier service will make the error right by providing a refund and/or the correct draft.

Still, finding the best essay writing service to fit your needs can take some careful thought, especially if you are needing help with a large project. If you have questions, consider calling the site’s customer service department to sort out any questions with a representative who can help.

Finding a Safe Writing Site You Trust

Ultius Client Success Specialist

In review, here are 3 helpful tips to use as a guide when searching for the best place to buy essay papers online.

1) Make sure the service checks for plagiarism

If you are not sure if the writing service you are considering checks drafts for plagiarism, call the site’s customer service department and ask about their process.

2) Keep your identity confidential

A professional writing services should always keep your information 100% confidential. The only time you may be asked to disclose identifying information is to verify your identity for payment purposes, (which is to protect your identity and financial information from theft). But again, top sites like Ultius will use third party payment vendors to complete this step so that your identity still stays hidden from your writing team. We recommend to look for red flags in essay writing review .

3) Choose a top-tier writing service for safety and quality

Working with a top-tier writing service helps to ensure that:

  • Your instructions are followed, on-point
  • You receive the correct draft, written by a highly skilled writer
  • Revisions are an option should any issues come up
  • Your identity is protected
  • Your draft is 100% original, and plagiarism-free

Ultius is a top-rated and reviewed professional essay writing service, and a great option for undergraduate and graduate students who buy essays online--and want to make sure they stay safe in the process.


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Ultius, Inc. "Is Buying an Essay Online Safe?." Ultius | Custom Writing and Editing Services. Ultius Blog, 31 May. 2019. https://www.ultius.com/ultius-blog/entry/buying-essay-online-safe.html

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Ultius, Inc. (2019, May 31). Is Buying an Essay Online Safe?. Retrieved from Ultius | Custom Writing and Editing Services, https://www.ultius.com/ultius-blog/entry/buying-essay-online-safe.html

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Ultius, Inc. "Is Buying an Essay Online Safe?." Ultius | Custom Writing and Editing Services. May 31, 2019 https://www.ultius.com/ultius-blog/entry/buying-essay-online-safe.html.

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buying essay plagiarism

Buying College Essays Is Now Easier Than Ever. But Buyer Beware

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buying essay plagiarism

As the recent college admissions scandal is shedding light on how parents are cheating and bribing their children's way into college, schools are also focusing on how some students may be cheating their way through college. Concern is growing about a burgeoning online market that makes it easier than ever for students to buy essays written by others to turn in as their own work. And schools are trying new tools to catch it.

It's not hard to understand the temptation for students. The pressure is enormous, the stakes are high and, for some, writing at a college level is a huge leap.

"We didn't really have a format to follow, so I was kind of lost on what to do," says one college freshman, who struggled recently with an English assignment. One night, when she was feeling particularly overwhelmed, she tweeted her frustration.

"It was like, 'Someone, please help me write my essay!' " she recalls. She ended her tweet with a crying emoji. Within a few minutes, she had a half-dozen offers of help.

"I can write it for you," they tweeted back. "Send us the prompt!"

The student, who asked that her name not be used for fear of repercussions at school, chose one that asked for $10 per page, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

"For me, it was just that the work was piling up," she explains. "As soon as I finish some big assignment, I get assigned more things, more homework for math, more homework for English. Some papers have to be six or 10 pages long. ... And even though I do my best to manage, the deadlines come closer and closer, and it's just ... the pressure."

In the cat-and-mouse game of academic cheating, students these days know that if they plagiarize, they're likely to get caught by computer programs that automatically compare essays against a massive database of other writings. So now, buying an original essay can seem like a good workaround.

"Technically, I don't think it's cheating," the student says. "Because you're paying someone to write an essay, which they don't plagiarize, and they write everything on their own."

Her logic, of course, ignores the question of whether she's plagiarizing. When pressed, she begins to stammer.

"That's just a difficult question to answer," she says. "I don't know how to feel about that. It's kind of like a gray area. It's maybe on the edge, kind of?"

Besides she adds, she probably won't use all of it.

Other students justify essay buying as the only way to keep up. They figure that everyone is doing it one way or another — whether they're purchasing help online or getting it from family or friends.

"Oh yeah, collaboration at its finest," cracks Boston University freshman Grace Saathoff. While she says she would never do it herself, she's not really fazed by others doing it. She agrees with her friends that it has pretty much become socially acceptable.

"I have a friend who writes essays and sells them," says Danielle Delafuente, another Boston University freshman. "And my other friend buys them. He's just like, 'I can't handle it. I have five papers at once. I need her to do two of them, and I'll do the other three.' It's a time management thing."

The war on contract cheating

"It breaks my heart that this is where we're at," sighs Ashley Finley, senior adviser to the president for the Association of American Colleges and Universities. She says campuses are abuzz about how to curb the rise in what they call contract cheating. Obviously, students buying essays is not new, but Finley says that what used to be mostly limited to small-scale side hustles has mushroomed on the internet to become a global industry of so-called essay mills. Hard numbers are difficult to come by, but research suggests that up to 16 percent of students have paid someone to do their work and that the number is rising.

"Definitely, this is really getting more and more serious," Finley says. "It's part of the brave new world for sure."

The essay mills market aggressively online, with slickly produced videos inviting students to "Get instant help with your assignment" and imploring them: "Don't lag behind," "Join the majority" and "Don't worry, be happy."

"They're very crafty," says Tricia Bertram Gallant, director of the Academic Integrity Office at the University of California in San Diego and a board member of the International Center for Academic Integrity.

The companies are equally brazen offline — leafleting on campuses, posting flyers in toilet stalls and flying banners over Florida beaches during spring break. Companies have also been known to bait students with emails that look like they're from official college help centers. And they pay social media influencers to sing the praises of their services, and they post testimonials from people they say are happy customers.

"I hired a service to write my paper and I got a 90 on it!" gloats one. "Save your time, and have extra time to party!" advises another.

"It's very much a seduction," says Bertram Gallant. "So you can maybe see why students could get drawn into the contract cheating world."

YouTube has been cracking down on essay mills; it says it has pulled thousands of videos that violate its policies against promoting dishonest behavior.

But new videos constantly pop up, and their hard sell flies in the face of their small-print warnings that their essays should be used only as a guide, not a final product.

Several essay mills declined or didn't respond to requests to be interviewed by NPR. But one answered questions by email and offered up one of its writers to explain her role in the company, called EduBirdie.

"Yes, just like the little birdie that's there to help you in your education," explains April Short, a former grade school teacher from Australia who's now based in Philadelphia. She has been writing for a year and a half for the company, which bills itself as a "professional essay writing service for students who can't even."

Some students just want some "foundational research" to get started or a little "polish" to finish up, Short says. But the idea that many others may be taking a paper written completely by her and turning it in as their own doesn't keep her up at night.

"These kids are so time poor," she says, and they're "missing out on opportunities of travel and internships because they're studying and writing papers." Relieving students of some of that burden, she figures, allows them to become more "well-rounded."

"I don't necessarily think that being able to create an essay is going to be a defining factor in a very long career, so it's not something that bothers me," says Short. Indeed, she thinks students who hire writers are demonstrating resourcefulness and creativity. "I actually applaud students that look for options to get the job done and get it done well," she says.

"This just shows you the extent of our ability to rationalize all kinds of bad things we do," sighs Dan Ariely, professor of psychology and behavioral economics at Duke University. The rise in contract cheating is especially worrisome, he says, because when it comes to dishonest behavior, more begets more. As he puts it, it's not just about "a few bad apples."

"Instead, what we have is a lot ... of blemished apples, and we take our cues for our behavior from the social world around us," he says. "We know officially what is right and what's wrong. But really what's driving our behavior is what we see others around us doing" or, Ariely adds, what we perceive them to be doing. So even the proliferation of advertising for essays mills can have a pernicious effect, he says, by fueling the perception that "everyone's doing it."

A few nations have recently proposed or passed laws outlawing essay mills, and more than a dozen U.S. states have laws on the books against them. But prosecuting essay mills, which are often based overseas in Pakistan, Kenya and Ukraine, for example, is complicated. And most educators are loath to criminalize students' behavior.

"Yes, they're serious mistakes. They're egregious mistakes," says Cath Ellis, an associate dean and integrity officer at the University of New South Wales, where students were among the hundreds alleged to have bought essays in a massive scandal in Australia in 2014.

"But we're educational institutions," she adds. "We've got to give students the opportunity to learn from these mistakes. That's our responsibility. And that's better in our hands than in the hands of the police and the courts."

Staying one step ahead

In the war on contract cheating, some schools see new technology as their best weapon and their best shot to stay one step ahead of unscrupulous students. The company that makes the Turnitin plagiarism detection software has just upped its game with a new program called Authorship Investigate.

The software first inspects a document's metadata, like when it was created, by whom it was created and how many times it was reopened and re-edited. Turnitin's vice president for product management, Bill Loller, says sometimes it's as simple as looking at the document's name. Essay mills typically name their documents something like "Order Number 123," and students have been known to actually submit it that way. "You would be amazed at how frequently that happens," says Loller.

Using cutting-edge linguistic forensics, the software also evaluates the level of writing and its style.

"Think of it as a writing fingerprint," Loller says. The software looks at hundreds of telltale characteristics of an essay, like whether the author double spaces after a period or writes with Oxford commas or semicolons. It all gets instantly compared against a student's other work, and, Loller says, suspicions can be confirmed — or alleviated — in minutes.

"At the end of the day, you get to a really good determination on whether the student wrote what they submitted or not," he says, "and you get it really quickly."

Coventry University in the U.K. has been testing out a beta version of the software, and Irene Glendinning, the school's academic manager for student experience, agrees that the software has the potential to give schools a leg up on cheating students. After the software is officially adopted, "we'll see a spike in the number of cases we find, and we'll have a very hard few years," she says. "But then the message will get through to students that we've got the tools now to find these things out." Then, Glendinning hopes, students might consider contract cheating to be as risky as plagiarizing.

In the meantime, schools are trying to spread the word that buying essays is risky in other ways as well.

Professor Ariely says that when he posed as a student and ordered papers from several companies, much of it was "gibberish" and about a third of it was actually plagiarized.

Even worse, when he complained to the company and demanded his money back, they resorted to blackmail. Still believing him to be a student, the company threatened to tell his school he was cheating. Others say companies have also attempted to shake down students for more money, threatening to rat them out if they didn't pay up.

The lesson, Ariely says, is "buyer beware."

But ultimately, experts say, many desperate students may not be deterred by the risks — whether from shady businesses or from new technology.

Bertram Gallant, of UC San Diego, says the right way to dissuade students from buying essays is to remind them why it's wrong.

"If we engage in a technological arms race with the students, we won't win," she says. "What are we going to do when Google glasses start to look like regular glasses and a student wears them into an exam? Are we going to tell them they can't wear their glasses because we're afraid they might be sending the exam out to someone else who is sending them back the answers?"

The solution, Bertram Gallant says, has to be about "creating a culture where integrity and ethics matter" and where education is valued more than grades. Only then will students believe that cheating on essays is only cheating themselves.

Millions of students are buying 'plagiarism-free' essays for as little as $13 — and it's nearly impossible for teachers to prove

  • An estimated one in six students is buying school assignments from "essay mills" that claim to offer original, "plagiarism-free" essays, term papers, dissertations, and more for payments of as little as $13 per page.
  • "We write your papers, you get top grades!" Extra Essay advertises on its website.

Lawmakers in the US and globally have recently started cracking down on contract-cheating services as their usage has proliferated.

  • "There's a whole economy around this. Hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent on contract cheating," Bill Loller, the vice president of product management for the cheating-detection service Turnitin, said.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Insider Today

Millions of students are paying companies to complete their school work in a widespread epidemic known as contract cheating that has a potentially far greater reach than the recent US college-admissions scandal .

The companies that provide work for purchase are widely referred to as "essay mills." They claim to offer original, "plagiarism-free" essays, term papers, dissertations, speeches, and other assignments for payments of as little as $13 per page.

"We write your papers, you get top grades!" one of the companies, Extra Essay, advertises on its website.

Pay for Essay's website says: " No one will find out about you using our service. The whole world will think you write all assignments by yourself!"

The rise of contract cheating is a growing global phenomenon, with research suggesting that as many as one in six students — or an estimated 31 million — has engaged in the practice.

And it's more difficult to detect than plagiarism, which has become relatively easy to identify through the use of software programs such as Turnitin.

"There's a whole economy around this," said Bill Loller, the vice president of product management for Turnitin, which provides cheating-detection services to more than 18,000 institutions globally. "Hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent on contract cheating."

Ads for the services are showing up where students spend a lot of time: on YouTube , WhatsApp , LinkedIn, and other social-media and messaging apps. 

Some services offer to match customers' writing style, in an implicit — and sometimes explicit — promise to avoid detection.

"We offer the option to live chat with the chosen author who will make sure to take care of all your individual needs," Essay Service says on its website. "Now you can work directly with the paper writer to make sure that every given requirement is fulfilled while also mimicking your personal writing style!"

Costs range from under $20 for a single-page assignment to hundreds of dollars for longer assignments due on short deadlines. 

BuyEssays.net, for example, charges $13 per page for an assignment with a two-week deadline, or $39 per page for an assignment due in four hours.  

New Zealand and several US states have implemented laws banning them. Similar legislation is being considered in Australia and Ireland.

University leaders in the UK last year urged the education secretary to make essay mills illegal, and the UK Advertising Standards Authority ruled in January that Oxbridge Essays, which says it has sold more than 70,000 essays, posted misleading claims on its website that its services are risk-free for students.

Detection is difficult, but proving cheating is harder

It's harder for teachers to detect contract cheating than other forms of cheating, such as plagiarism.

So Turnitin has updated its software to help identify signs that students purchased their assignments. 

The software detects inconsistencies in students' writing, such as the sudden appearance of Oxford commas or double spaces after periods in cases where students had previously used single spaces.

The software also analyzes the education level of the writing — from high-school level to the postgraduate one — and reads documents' metadata, which can reveal clues about unusual editing activity.

Loller said this is an effective strategy for identifying problematic essays. But there's a much bigger problem than detection, which is proving that a student actually cheated.

"There's all these little clues that point to contract cheating," Loller said. "But actually taking that to a conclusion and saying in some kind of quasi-judicial process that 'Hey, you cheated. And we know it.' That's very hard to do."

So, in some ways, contract cheating carries little risk. And if left unchecked, it could put the millions of students who complete their own schoolwork at a disadvantage.

Watch: Almost 80% of the textbook industry is dominated by 5 publishing companies that make books so expensive most students skip buying them

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Has Anyone Bought an Essay Online: Pros and Cons of Paid Essays

Pros and Cons of Paid Essays

Pros and Cons of Paid Essays

In the age of digital convenience, the practice of buying essays online has become increasingly prevalent. 

It is essential to delve into this trend’s pros and cons to understand its impact on education, ethics, and the academic landscape. 

The ease of access to custom-written essays and the demand for academic success have created a thriving market. 

buying essay plagiarism

Exploring this topic is crucial as it raises questions about academic integrity, the quality of education, and the moral implications of outsourcing one’s academic responsibilities. 

This article aims to shed light on the complex dynamics surrounding the purchase of essays online and its broader consequences.

Understanding the Online Essay Market

The online essay market has seen significant growth in recent years. It is driven by the increasing demand for academic success, the ease of internet access, and the availability of custom writing services. 

online essay buying

Various types of essays are readily available within this market, including research papers, term papers, and even theses.

The customers in this market are diverse, ranging from overwhelmed students seeking assistance to individuals lacking the time or expertise to craft essays themselves. 

Additionally, some students may resort to these services due to language barriers or other personal challenges.

Exploring the dynamics of this market provides insight into the motivations and consequences of online essay buying.

Advantages of Purchasing Essays Online

1. time-saving convenience.

Online essays can be a lifeline for students with busy schedules, allowing them to meet deadlines without compromising quality.

2. Access to Expertise

Custom writing services often employ subject-matter experts who can deliver well-researched and informed essays.

3. Customization Options

Students can tailor their essays to their specific needs, ensuring that the content matches their academic requirements and personal style, enhancing the learning experience.

Disadvantages of Buying Essays Online

1. ethical concerns.

Using online essays raises ethical questions about academic integrity and personal growth, as it may foster a culture of shortcuts rather than learning.

2. Risk of Plagiarism

There’s a real risk of submitting plagiarized content, which can result in severe academic consequences and damage one’s reputation.

3. Quality and Reliability Issues

Not all online essay providers deliver quality work. Some may need more expertise or commitment to produce essays that meet academic standards, leaving students with subpar results.

Reasons Why Students Pay for Essays

The decision to purchase essays online is often driven by a combination of factors, primarily shaped by students’ challenges and expectations in their academic journeys.

1. Academic Pressures

academic pressure

Modern education often pressures students to excel academically. The fear of underperforming can lead to anxiety and stress, prompting students to seek external help.

2. Lack of Time

Students frequently juggle multiple responsibilities, including part-time jobs, extracurricular activities, and family obligations.

The demands on their time can make it difficult to dedicate sufficient hours to essay writing.

3. Difficulty in a Subject

Some subjects are inherently challenging, and students may need help to grasp or express complex concepts coherently. In such cases, seeking expert assistance can be a valuable educational support.

4. Desire for Better Grades

Students’ aim for better grades is a common aspiration. They may turn to online essay services to access well-crafted, high-scoring essays that can improve their academic performance.

Providers who sell Essays Online

Freelance writers and independent platforms.

Choosing freelance writers or independent platforms offers flexibility and potential cost savings. However, quality control can be inconsistent, leading to reliability issues.

Thorough vetting and communication with chosen writers are essential

To ensure a positive experience.

Customer reviews and samples of previous work can guide decision-making.

How do you Choose a Reputable Provider? 

Begin by looking for customer reviews and testimonials to gauge the provider’s reliability and quality of work.

the best

Reputable providers should offer plagiarism-free content and provide proof through plagiarism reports.

Ensure transparent and open communication channels with the provider to discuss requirements, revisions, and concerns.

Ask for samples of the provider’s previous work to assess their writing style and quality.

Be cautious of providers offering meager prices, which may indicate subpar quality or plagiarism.

A reputable provider should have responsive customer support to address your queries and concerns. Check for guarantees related to on-time delivery, revisions, and confidentiality. Reputable providers often stand by their work and offer these assurances.

Essay Mills and Writing Services

  • The wide availability of essays on various topics.
  • Quick turnaround times for urgent orders.
  • Relatively consistent quality and adherence to academic standards.
  • Ethical concerns regarding academic integrity.
  • The risk of plagiarized or recycled content.
  • Limited customization options.

Choosing a Reputable Provider

  • Look for established and reputable services with a track record of delivering quality work.
  • Read customer reviews to gauge the experiences of others.
  • Ensure the provider guarantees plagiarism-free content and provides proof through reports.
  • Clear and responsive communication channels are crucial.
  • Providers should offer guarantees for revisions, on-time delivery, and confidentiality.

Legal and Ethical Implications of Buying Essays Online

The legality of buying essays online is a contentious issue. While it’s not inherently illegal, it may breach academic institutions’ policies if submitted as one’s work, potentially leading to disciplinary actions or expulsion.


Ethically, it raises concerns about plagiarism and undermines the principles of academic integrity.

The consequences of getting caught can range from failing grades to a tarnished reputation, impacting future educational and career opportunities.

From academic institutions’ perspectives, it’s seen as a breach of trust, compromising the educational process.

They often employ plagiarism detection tools and emphasize the importance of original, honest work to maintain academic standards.

Case Studies and Experiences

Real-life case studies of students who have bought essays online reveal mixed outcomes. Some share positive experiences where these services helped them manage heavy workloads, learn from expertly crafted papers, and achieve academic success. 

However, there are also cautionary tales, with students facing severe consequences like academic penalties, reputation damage, or expulsion.

Negative experiences often center on the risk of getting caught due to plagiarism detection tools and faculty scrutiny. 

These stories teach us valuable lessons about the importance of academic integrity. They also expose the risks involved in outsourcing academic work and the need for better time management and study skills. 

While essay buying may offer short-term relief, they underscore that it can lead to long-term academic and personal setbacks, emphasizing the importance of ethical and responsible learning.

Preventing Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty

Preventing plagiarism and academic dishonesty is crucial for upholding educational standards. To avoid unintentional plagiarism, students should:

  • Cite Sources Properly:  Ensure all sources are cited following a consistent citation style (e.g., APA, MLA).
  • Use Plagiarism Detection Tools : Tools like Turnitin and Grammarly can help identify potential issues before submission.
  • Paraphrase and Summarize:  When using others’ work, practice proper paraphrasing and summarizing techniques to convey the information in your own words.
  • Manage Time Effectively:  Procrastination can lead to desperation, increasing the temptation to plagiarize. Manage your Time well to avoid last-minute shortcuts.

To maintain academic integrity:

academic dishonesty

  • Understand Academic Policies:  Familiarize yourself with your institution’s policies on academic honesty.
  • Seek Help When Needed:  It’s acceptable to seek assistance from tutors, professors, or writing centers as long as it’s within the institution’s guidelines.
  • Plan and Organize : Start assignments early. Break them into manageable parts. Seek help when you are struggling.
  • Reflect on Ethical Considerations:  Ask yourself if your actions align with academic and personal integrity.

Balancing the need for assistance with ethical considerations requires thoughtful decision-making.

While seeking help is acceptable, ensuring that the work you submit is your own and that you’ve learned and grown from the experience is essential.

Alternatives to Buying Essays Online

Instead of resorting to buying essays online, students have several constructive alternatives to improve their academic performance and knowledge:

Seeking Help from Professors or Tutors

Professors and tutors are valuable resources for clarifying doubts, understanding course material, and receiving guidance on assignments. Their expertise can significantly enhance your learning experience.

Peer Support and Study Groups

Collaborating with peers through study groups or peer support can provide different perspectives.

Furthermore, they enhance your understanding of the material, and help you work through challenging assignments.

Time Management and Organization Tips

Developing effective time management and organization skills can alleviate the pressure of deadlines and ensure a systematic approach to your studies.

Mostly, this includes setting priorities, creating schedules, and staying on top of assignments.

Utilizing Online Resources and Academic Libraries

The internet offers many resources, from scholarly articles and e-books to academic databases. Use your institution’s library services and online platforms to access research materials.

These alternatives promote genuine learning and foster academic growth and integrity, enhancing your overall educational experience.

Many students have bought essays online, but the practice has many pros and cons. On the positive side, it can provide a temporary solution for managing heavy workloads and tight deadlines.

However, the cons are significant, including the risk of plagiarism, academic and personal integrity damage, and potential consequences like failing grades or expulsion.

Ultimately, the use of paid essays undermines the core purpose of education, which is to foster critical thinking, independent research, and personal growth.

Exploring alternative approaches, seeking support from professors and peers, and utilizing available resources to ensure a genuine and ethical learning experience is wiser.

Josh Jasen working

Josh Jasen or JJ as we fondly call him, is a senior academic editor at Grade Bees in charge of the writing department. When not managing complex essays and academic writing tasks, Josh is busy advising students on how to pass assignments. In his spare time, he loves playing football or walking with his dog around the park.

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Scribbr Plagiarism Checker

Plagiarism checker software for students who value accuracy

Extensive research shows that Scribbr's plagiarism checker, in partnership with Turnitin, detects plagiarism more accurately than other tools, making it the no. 1 choice for students.


What you get with a premium plagiarism check

Plagiarism report

Plagiarism Checker

Catch accidental plagiarism with high accuracy with Scribbr’s Plagiarism Checker in partnership with Turnitin.

AI detector

AI Detector

Detect AI-generated content, like ChatGPT3.5 and GPT4, with Scribbr’s AI Detector.

Grammar checked document

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* Only available when uploading an English .docx (Word) document

How Scribbr detects plagiarism better

Scribbr is an authorized Turnitin partner

Powered by leading plagiarism checking software

Scribbr is an authorized partner of Turnitin, a leader in plagiarism prevention. Its software detects everything from exact word matches to synonym swapping .

Exclusive content databases

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Your submissions are compared to the world’s largest content database , covering 99 billion webpages, 8 million publications, and over 20 languages.

Upload documents to check for self-plagiarism

Comparison against unpublished works

You can upload your previous assignments, referenced works, or a classmate’s paper or essay to catch (self-)plagiarism that is otherwise difficult to detect.

Turnitin Similarity Report

The Scribbr Plagiarism Checker is perfect for you if:

  • Are a student writing an essay or paper
  • Value the confidentiality of your submissions
  • Prefer an accurate plagiarism report
  • Want to compare your work against publications

This tool is not for you if you:

  • Prefer a free plagiarism checker despite a less accurate result
  • Are a copywriter, SEO, or business owner

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University applicant checking their essay for plagiarism

University applicants

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  • Avoid having your essay flagged or rejected for accidental plagiarism.
  • Make a great first impression on the admissions officer.

Student checking for plagiarism

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Detect plagiarism using software similar to what most universities use.

  • Spot missing citations and improperly quoted or paraphrased content.
  • Avoid grade penalties or academic probation resulting from accidental plagiarism.

Academic working to prevent plagiarism

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  • Turnitin-powered plagiarism checker
  • Access to 99.3B web pages & 8M publications
  • Comparison to private papers to avoid self-plagiarism
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Volume pricing available for institutions. Get in touch.

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Institutions interested in buying more than 50 plagiarism checks can request a discounted price. Please fill in the form below.

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Avoiding accidental plagiarism

You don't need a plagiarism checker, right?

You would never copy-and-paste someone else’s work, you’re great at paraphrasing, and you always keep a tidy list of your sources handy.

But what about accidental plagiarism ? It’s more common than you think! Maybe you paraphrased a little too closely, or forgot that last citation or set of quotation marks.

Even if you did it by accident, plagiarism is still a serious offense. You may fail your course, or be placed on academic probation. The risks just aren’t worth it.

Scribbr & academic integrity

Scribbr is committed to protecting academic integrity. Our plagiarism checker software, Citation Generator , proofreading services , and free Knowledge Base content are designed to help educate and guide students in avoiding unintentional plagiarism.

We make every effort to prevent our software from being used for fraudulent or manipulative purposes.

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Support team - Nina

Frequently asked questions

No, the Self-Plagiarism Checker does not store your document in any public database.

In addition, you can delete all your personal information and documents from the Scribbr server as soon as you’ve received your plagiarism report.

Scribbr’s Plagiarism Checker is powered by elements of Turnitin’s Similarity Checker , namely the plagiarism detection software and the Internet Archive and Premium Scholarly Publications content databases .

The add-on AI detector is powered by Scribbr’s proprietary software.

Extensive testing proves that Scribbr’s plagiarism checker is one of the most accurate plagiarism checkers on the market in 2024.

The software detects everything from exact word matches to synonym swapping. It also has access to a full range of source types, including open- and restricted-access journal articles, theses and dissertations, websites, PDFs, and news articles.

At the moment we do not offer a monthly subscription for the Scribbr Plagiarism Checker . This means you won’t be charged on a recurring basis – you only pay for what you use. We believe this provides you with the flexibility to use our service as frequently or infrequently as you need, without being tied to a contract or recurring fee structure.

You can find an overview of the prices per document here:

Small document (up to 7,500 words) $19.95
Normal document (7,500-50,000 words) $29.95
Large document (50,000+ words) $39.95

Please note that we can’t give refunds if you bought the plagiarism check thinking it was a subscription service as communication around this policy is clear throughout the order process.

Your document will be compared to the world’s largest and fastest-growing content database , containing over:

  • 99.3 billion current and historical webpages.
  • 8 million publications from more than 1,700 publishers such as Springer, IEEE, Elsevier, Wiley-Blackwell, and Taylor & Francis.

Note: Scribbr does not have access to Turnitin’s global database with student papers. Only your university can add and compare submissions to this database.

Scribbr’s plagiarism checker offers complete support for 20 languages, including English, Spanish, German, Arabic, and Dutch.

The add-on AI Detector and AI Proofreader are only available in English.

The complete list of supported languages:

If your university uses Turnitin, the result will be very similar to what you see at Scribbr.

The only possible difference is that your university may compare your submission to a private database containing previously submitted student papers. Scribbr does not have access to these private databases (and neither do other plagiarism checkers).

To cater to this, we have the Self-Plagiarism Checker at Scribbr. Just upload any document you used and start the check. You can repeat this as often as you like with all your sources. With your Plagiarism Check order, you get a free pass to use the Self-Plagiarism Checker. Simply upload them to your similarity report and let us do the rest!

Your writing stays private. Your submissions to Scribbr are not published in any public database, so no other plagiarism checker (including those used by universities) will see them.


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  3. Avoiding Plagiarism.

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  6. Unbelievable Secret to Plagiarism-Free Essays! #shorts


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  10. How to Avoid Plagiarism When Buying an Essay Online

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  12. Plagiarism Checker

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  14. How To Avoid Plagiarism When Buying Essays Online

    To avoid plagiarism when buying essays online, it is essential to choose reputable and reliable platforms or services. Conduct thorough research and read reviews to ensure that the service you select has a positive reputation for delivering original and high-quality content. Look for platforms that have strict policies against plagiarism and ...

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    Whether we're proofreading and editing, checking for plagiarism or AI content, generating citations, or writing useful Knowledge Base articles, our aim is to support students on their journey to become better academic writers. We believe that every student should have the right tools for academic success.

  17. Buying College Essays Is Now Easier Than Ever. But Buyer Beware

    Obviously, students buying essays is not new, but Finley says that what used to be mostly limited to small-scale side hustles has mushroomed on the internet to become a global industry of so-called essay mills. ... The company that makes the Turnitin plagiarism detection software has just upped its game with a new program called Authorship ...

  18. Millions of students are buying 'plagiarism-free' essays for as little

    An estimated one in six students is buying school assignments from "essay mills" that claim to offer original, "plagiarism-free" essays, term papers, dissertations, and more for payments of as ...

  19. Academic Integrity vs. Academic Dishonesty

    Academic dishonesty refers to deceitful or misleading behavior in an academic setting. Academic dishonesty can occur intentionally or unintentionally, and varies in severity. It can encompass paying for a pre-written essay, cheating on an exam, or committing plagiarism.It can also include helping others cheat, copying a friend's homework answers, or even pretending to be sick to miss an exam.

  20. Has Anyone Bought an Essay Online: Pros and Cons of Paid Essays

    Disadvantages of Buying Essays Online 1. Ethical Concerns. Using online essays raises ethical questions about academic integrity and personal growth, as it may foster a culture of shortcuts rather than learning. 2. Risk of Plagiarism. There's a real risk of submitting plagiarized content, which can result in severe academic consequences and ...

  21. Scribbr's College Essay Editing & Coaching

    Amy. Originally from Maryland, Amy headed west to attend Scripps College in California, where she earned a bachelor's degree in music and gender studies. In 2009, she began working for the admissions office of her alma mater, where she focused on reviewing applications and interviewing prospective students. Excellent Based on 13,688 reviews.

  22. Free Plagiarism Checker in Partnership with Turnitin

    The free plagiarism checker, in partnership with Turnitin, will give you a heads-up if your writing is similar to the content in our database. 📚 Largest database. 99B web pages & 8M publications. 🌎 Supported languages. 20 languages.