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  • Research areas in 5G technology

Research areas in 5G Technology

We are currently on the cusp of 5G rollout. As industry experts predict , 5G deployments will gain momentum, and the accessibility of 5G devices will grow in 2020 and beyond. But as the general public waits for mass-market 5G devices, our understanding of this new technology is continuing to develop. Public and private organizations are exploring several research areas in 5G technology, helping to create more awareness of breakthroughs in this technology, its potential applications and implications, and the challenges surrounding it. 

What is especially clear at this point is that 5G technology offers a transformative experience for mobile communications around the globe. Its benefits, which include higher data rates, faster connectivity, and potentially lower power consumption, promise to benefit industry, professional users, casual consumers, and everyone in between. As this article highlights, researchers have not yet solved or surmounted all of the challenges and obstacles surrounding the wide scale deployment of 5G technology. But the potential impact that it will have on the entire matrix of how we communicate is limited only by the imagination of the experts currently at its frontier. 

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New developments and applications in 5G technologies

Much of the transformative impact of 5G stems from the higher data transmission speeds and lower latency that this fifth generation of cellular technology enables. Currently, when you click on a link or start streaming a video, the lag time between your request to the network and its delivery to your device is about twenty milliseconds. 

That may not seem like a long time. But for the expert mobile robotics surgeon, that lag might be the difference between a successful or failed procedure. With 5G, latency can be as low as one millisecond. 

5G will greatly increase bandwidth capacity and transmission speeds. Wireless carriers like Verizon and AT&T have recorded speeds of one gigabyte per second. That’s anywhere from ten to one hundred times faster than an average cellular connection and even faster than a fiber-optic cable connection. Such speeds offer exciting possibilities for new developments and applications in numerous industries and economic sectors.

E-health services

For example, 5G speeds allow telemedicine services to enhance their doctor-patient relationships by decreasing troublesome lag times in calls. This helps patients return to the experience of intimacy they are used to from in-person meetings with health-care professionals. 

As 5G technology continues to advance its deployment, telemedicine specialists find that they can live anywhere in the world, be licensed in numerous states, and have faster access to cloud data storage and retrieval. This is especially important during the COVID-19 pandemic , which is spurring new developments in telemedicine as a delivery platform for medical services. 

Energy infrastructure

In addition to transforming e-health services, the speed and reliability of 5G network connectivity can improve the infrastructure of America’s energy sector with smart power grids. Such grids bring automation to the legacy power arrangement, optimizing the storage and delivery of energy. With smart power grids, the energy sector can more effectively manage power consumption and distribution based on need and integrate off-grid energy sources such as windmills and solar panels.

Another specific area to see increased advancement due to 5G technology is artificial intelligence (AI). One of the main barriers to successful integration of AI is processing speeds. With 5G, data transfer speeds are ten times faster than those possible with 4G. This makes it possible to receive and analyze information much more efficiently. And it puts AI on a faster track in numerous industries in both urban and rural settings. 

In rural settings, for example, 5G is helping improve cattle farming efficiency . By placing sensors on cows, farmers capture data that AI and machine learning can process to predict when cows are likely to give birth. This helps both farmers and veterinarians better predict and prepare for cow pregnancies.

However, it’s heavily populated cities across the country that are likely to witness the most change as mobile networks create access to heretofore unexperienced connectivity. 

Smart cities

Increased connectivity is key to the emergence of smart cities . These cities conceive of improving the living standards of residents by increasing the connectivity infrastructure of the city. This affects numerous aspects of city life, from traffic management and safety and security to governance, education, and more. 

Smart cities become “smarter” when services and applications become remotely accessible. Hence, innovative smartphone applications are key to smart city infrastructure. But the potential of these applications is seriously limited in cities with spotty connectivity and wide variations in data transmission speed. This is why 5G technology is crucial to continued developments in smart cities.

Other applications

Many other industries and economic sectors will benefit from 5G. Additional examples include automotive communication, smart retail and manufacturing. 

Wave spectrum challenges with 5G

While the potential applications of 5G technology are exciting, realizing the technology’s potential is not without its challenges. Notably, 5G global upgrades and changes are producing wave spectrum challenges.

A number of companies, such as Samsung, Huawei Technologies, ZTE Corporation, Nokia Networks, Qualcomm, Verizon, AT&T, and Cisco Systems are competing to make 5G technology available across the globe. But while in competition with each other, they all share the same goal and face the same dilemma.

Common goal

The goal for 5G is to provide the requisite bandwidth to every user with a device capable of higher data rates. Networks can provide this bandwidth by using a frequency spectrum above six gigahertz . 

Though the military has already been using frequencies above six gigahertz, commercial consumer-based networks are now doing so for the first time. All over the globe, researchers are exploring the new possibilities of spectrum and frequency channels for 5G communications. And they are focusing on the frequency range between twenty-five and eighty-six gigahertz.

Common dilemma

While researchers see great potential with a high-frequency version of 5G, it comes with a key challenge. It is very short range. Objects such as trees and buildings cause significant signal obstruction, necessitating numerous cell towers to avoid signal path loss. 

However, multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) technology is proving to be an effective technique for expanding the capacity of 5G connectivity and addressing signal path challenges. Researchers are keying into MIMO deployment due to its design simplicity and multiple offered features. 

A massive MIMO network can provide service to an increased multiplicity of mobile devices in a condensed area at a single frequency simultaneously. And by facilitating a greater number of antennas, a massive MIMO network is more resistant to signal interference and jamming.

Even with MIMO technology, however, line of sight will still be important for high-frequency 5G. Base stations on top of most buildings are likely to remain a necessity. As such, a complete 5G rollout is potentially still years away. 

Current solutions and the way forward

In the interim, telecommunication providers have come up with an alternative to high-frequency 5G— “midband spectrum.” This is what T-Mobile uses. But this compromise does not offer significant performance benefits in comparison to 4G and thus is unlikely to satisfy user expectations. 

Despite the frequency challenges currently surrounding 5G, it is important to keep in mind that there is a common evolution with new technological developments. Initial efforts to develop new technology are often complex and proprietary at the outset. But over time, innovation and advancements provide a clear, unified pathway forward.

This is the path that 5G is bound to follow. Currently, however, MIMO technological advancements notwithstanding, 5G rollout is still in its early, complex phase.

Battery life and energy storage for 5G equipment

For users to enjoy the full potential of 5G technology, longer battery life and better energy storage is essential. So this is what the industry is aiming for.

Currently, researchers are looking to lithium battery technology to boost battery life and optimize 5G equipment for user expectations. However, the verdict is mixed when it comes to the utility of lithium batteries in a 5G world. 

Questions about battery demands and performance

In theory, 5G smartphones will be less taxed than current smartphones. This is because a 5G network with local 5G base stations will dramatically increase computation speeds and enable the transfer of the bulk of computation from your smartphone to the cloud. This means less battery usage for daily tasks and longer life for your battery. Or does it?

A competing theory focuses on the 5G phones themselves. Unlike 4G chips, the chips that power 5G phones are incredibly draining to lithium batteries. 

Early experiments indicate that the state-of-the-art radio frequency switches running in smartphones are continually jumping from 3G to 4G to Wi-Fi. As a smartphone stays connected to these different sources, its battery drains faster.

The present limited infrastructure of 5G exacerbates this problem. Current 5G smartphones need to maintain a connection to multiple networks in order to ensure consistent phone call, text message, and data delivery. And this multiplicity of connections contributes to battery drain.

Until the technology improves and becomes more widely available, consumers are left with a choice: the regular draining expectations that come with 4G devices or access to the speeds and convenience of 5G Internet. 

Possibilities for improvement on the horizon

Fortunately, what can be expected with continuous 5G rollout is continuous improvements in battery performance. As 5G continues to expand across the globe, increasing the energy density and extending the lifetime of batteries will be vital. So market competition for problem-solving battery solutions promises to be fierce and drive innovation to meet user expectations. 

Additional research areas in 5G technology

While research in battery technology remains important, researchers are also focusing their attention on a number of other areas of concern. This research is likewise aimed at meeting user expectations and realizing the full potential of 5G technology as it gains more footing in public and private sectors. 

Small cell research

For example, researchers are focusing on small cells to meet the much higher data capacity demands of 5G networks. As mobile carriers look to densify their networks, small cell research is leading the way toward a solution.

Small cells are low-powered radio access points that take the place of traditional wireless transmission systems or base stations. By making use of low-power and short-range transmissions in small geographic areas, small cells are particularly well suited for the rollout of high-frequency 5G. As such, small cells are likely to appear by the hundreds of thousands across the United States as cellular companies work to improve mobile communication for their subscribers. The faster small cell technology advances, the sooner consumers will have specific 5G devices connected to 5G-only Internet. 

Security-oriented research

Security is also quickly becoming a major area of focus amid the push for a global 5G rollout. Earlier iterations of cellular technology were based primarily on hardware. When voice and text were routed to separate physical devices, each device managed its own network security. There was network security for voice calls, network security for short message system (SMS), and so forth.

5G moves away from this by making everything more software based. In theory, this makes things less secure, as there are now more ways to attack the network. Originally, 5G did have some security layers built in at the federal level. Under the Obama administration, legislation mandating clearly defined security at the network stage passed. However, the Trump administration is looking to replace these security layers with its own “national spectrum strategy.”

With uncertainty about existing safeguards, the cybersecurity protections available to citizens and governments amid 5G rollout is a matter of critical importance. This is creating a market for new cybersecurity research and solutions—solutions that will be key to safely and securely realizing the true value of 5G wireless technology going forward.

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  • Review Article
  • Open access
  • Published: 16 March 2021

5G mobile networks and health—a state-of-the-science review of the research into low-level RF fields above 6 GHz

  • Ken Karipidis   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-7538-7447 1 ,
  • Rohan Mate 1 ,
  • David Urban 1 ,
  • Rick Tinker 1 &
  • Andrew Wood 2  

Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology volume  31 ,  pages 585–605 ( 2021 ) Cite this article

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The increased use of radiofrequency (RF) fields above 6 GHz, particularly for the 5 G mobile phone network, has given rise to public concern about any possible adverse effects to human health. Public exposure to RF fields from 5 G and other sources is below the human exposure limits specified by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). This state-of-the science review examined the research into the biological and health effects of RF fields above 6 GHz at exposure levels below the ICNIRP occupational limits. The review included 107 experimental studies that investigated various bioeffects including genotoxicity, cell proliferation, gene expression, cell signalling, membrane function and other effects. Reported bioeffects were generally not independently replicated and the majority of the studies employed low quality methods of exposure assessment and control. Effects due to heating from high RF energy deposition cannot be excluded from many of the results. The review also included 31 epidemiological studies that investigated exposure to radar, which uses RF fields above 6 GHz similar to 5 G. The epidemiological studies showed little evidence of health effects including cancer at different sites, effects on reproduction and other diseases. This review showed no confirmed evidence that low-level RF fields above 6 GHz such as those used by the 5 G network are hazardous to human health. Future experimental studies should improve the experimental design with particular attention to dosimetry and temperature control. Future epidemiological studies should continue to monitor long-term health effects in the population related to wireless telecommunications.

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There are continually emerging technologies that use radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic fields particularly in telecommunications. Most telecommunication sources currently operate at frequencies below 6 GHz, including radio and TV broadcasting and wireless sources such as local area networks and mobile telephony. With the increasing demand for higher data rates, better quality of service and lower latency to users, future wireless telecommunication sources are planned to operate at frequencies above 6 GHz and into the ‘millimetre wave’ range (30–300 GHz) [ 1 ]. Frequencies above 6 GHz have been in use for many years in various applications such as radar, microwave links, airport security screening and in medicine for therapeutic applications. However, the planned use of millimetre waves by future wireless telecommunications, particularly the 5th generation (5 G) of mobile networks, has given rise to public concern about any possible adverse effects to human health.

The interaction mechanisms of RF fields with the human body have been extensively described and tissue heating is the main effect for RF fields above 100 kHz (e.g. HPA; SCENHIR) [ 2 , 3 ]. RF fields become less penetrating into body tissue with increasing frequency and for frequencies above 6 GHz the depth of penetration is relatively short with surface heating being the predominant effect [ 4 ].

International exposure guidelines for RF fields have been developed on the basis of current scientific knowledge to ensure that RF exposure is not harmful to human health [ 5 , 6 ]. The guidelines developed by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) in particular form the basis for regulations in the majority of countries worldwide [ 7 ]. In the frequency range above 6 GHz and up to 300 GHz the ICNIRP guidelines prevent excessive heating at the surface of the skin and in the eye.

Although not as extensively studied as RF fields at lower frequencies, a number of studies have investigated the effects of RF fields at frequencies above 6 GHz. Previous reviews have reported studies investigating frequencies above 6 GHz that show effects although many of the reported effects occurred at levels greater than the ICNIRP guidelines [ 1 , 8 ]. Given the public concern over the planned roll-out of 5 G using millimetre waves, it is important to determine whether there are any related adverse health consequences at levels encountered in the environment. The aim of this paper is to present a state-of-the-science review of the bioeffects research into RF fields above 6 GHz at low levels of exposure (exposure below the occupational limits of the ICNIRP guidelines). A meta-analysis of in vitro and in vivo studies, providing quantitative effect estimates for each study, is presented separately in a companion paper [ 9 ].

The state-of-the-science review included a comprehensive search of all available literature and examined the extent, range and nature of evidence into the bioeffects of RF fields above 6 GHz, at levels below the ICNIRP occupational limits. The review consisted of biomedical studies on low-level RF electromagnetic fields from 6 GHz to 300 GHz published at any starting date up to December 2019. Studies were initially found by searching the databases PubMed, EMF-Portal, Google Scholar, Embase and Web of Science using the search terms “millimeter wave”, “millimetre wave”, “gigahertz”, “GHz” and “radar”. We further searched major reviews published by health authorities on RF and health [ 2 , 3 , 10 , 11 ]. Finally, we searched the reference list of all the studies included. Studies were only included if the full paper was available in English.

Although over 300 studies were considered, this review was limited to experimental studies (in vitro, in vivo, human) where the stated RF exposure level was at or below the occupational whole-body limits specified by the ICNIRP (2020) guidelines: power density (PD) reference level of 50 W/m 2 or specific absorption rate (SAR) basic restriction of 0.4 W/kg. Since the PD occupational limits for local exposure are more relevant to in vitro studies, and since these limits are higher, we have included those studies with PD up to 100–200 W/m 2 , depending on frequency. The review included studies below the ICNIRP general public limits that are lower than the occupational limits.

The review also included epidemiological studies (cohort, case-control, cross-sectional) investigating exposure to radar but excluded studies where the stated radar frequencies were below 6 GHz. Epidemiological studies on radar were included as they represent occupational exposure below the ICNIRP guidelines. Case reports or case series were excluded. Studies investigating therapeutical outcomes were also excluded unless they reported specific bio-effects.

The state-of-the-science review appraised the quality of the included studies, but unlike a systematic review it did not exclude any studies based on quality. The review also identified gaps in knowledge for future investigation and research. The reporting of results in this paper is narrative with tabular accompaniment showing study characteristics. In this paper, the acronym “MMWs” (or millimetre waves) is used to denote RF fields above 6 GHz.

The review included 107 experimental studies (91 in vitro, 15 in vivo, and 1 human) that investigated various bioeffects, including genotoxicity, cell proliferation, gene expression, cell signalling, membrane function and other effects. The exposure characteristics and biological system investigated in experimental studies for the various bioeffects are shown in Tables  1 – 6 . The results of the meta-analysis of the in vitro and in vivo studies are presented separately in Wood et al. [ 9 ].


Studies have examined the effects of exposing whole human or mouse blood samples or lymphocytes and leucocytes to low-level MMWs to determine possible genotoxicity. Some of the genotoxicity studies have looked at the possible effects of MMWs on chromosome aberrations [ 12 , 13 , 14 ]. At exposure levels below the ICNIRP limits, the results have been inconsistent, with either a statistically significant increase [ 14 ] or no significant increase [ 12 , 13 ] in chromosome aberrations.

MMWs do not penetrate past the skin therefore epithelial and skin cells have been a common model of examination for possible genotoxic effects. DNA damage in a number of epithelial and skin cell types and at varied exposure parameters both below and above the ICNIRP limits have been examined using comet assays [ 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 ]. Despite the varied exposure models and methods used, no statistically significant evidence of DNA damage was identified in these studies. Evidence of genotoxic damage was further assessed in skin cells by the occurrence of micro-nucleation. De Amicis et al. [ 18 ] and Franchini et al. [ 19 ] reported a statistically significant increase in micro-nucleation, however, Hintzsche et al. [ 15 ] and Koyama et al. [ 16 , 17 ] did not find an effect. Two of the studies also examined telomere length and found no statistically significant difference between exposed and unexposed cells [ 15 , 19 ]. Last, a Ukrainian research group examined different skin cell types in three studies and reported an increase in chromosome condensation in the nucleus [ 20 , 21 , 22 ]; these results have not been independently verified. Overall, there was no confirmed evidence of MMWs causing genotoxic damage in epithelial and skin cells.

Three studies from an Indian research group have examined indicators of DNA damage and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in rats exposed in vivo to MMWs. The studies reported DNA strand breaks based on evidence from comet assays [ 23 , 24 ] and changes in enzymes that control the build-up of ROS [ 24 ]. Kumar et al. also reported an increase in ROS production [ 25 ]. All the studies from this research group had low animal numbers (six animals exposed) and their results have not been independently replicated. An in vitro study that investigated ROS production in yeast cultures reported an increase in free radicals exposed to high-level but not low-level MMWs [ 26 ].

Other studies have looked at the effect of low-level MMWs on DNA in a range of different ways. Two studies reported that MMWs induce colicin synthesis and prophage induction in bacterial cells, both of which are suggested as indicative of DNA damage [ 27 , 28 ]. Another study suggested that DNA exposed to MMWs undergoes polymerase chain reaction synthesis differently than unexposed DNA [ 29 ], although no statistical analysis was presented. Hintzsche et al. reported statistically significant occurrence of spindle disturbance in hybrid cells exposed to MMWs [ 30 ]. Zeni et al. found no evidence of DNA damage or alteration of cell cycle kinetics in blood cells exposed to MMWs [ 31 ]. Last, two studies from a Russian research group examined the protective effects of MMWs where mouse blood leukocytes were pre-exposed to low-level MMWs and then to X-rays [ 32 , 33 ]. The studies reported that there was statistically significant less DNA damage in the leucocytes that were pre-exposed to MMWs than those exposed to X-rays alone. Overall, these studies had no independent replication.

Cell proliferation

A number of studies have examined the effects of low-level MMWs on cell proliferation and they have used a variety of cellular models and methods of investigation. Studies have exposed bacterial cells to low-level MMWs alone or in conjunction with other agents. Two early studies reported changes in the growth rate of E. coli cultures exposed to low-level MMWs; however, both of these studies were preliminary in nature without appropriate dosimetry or statistical analysis [ 34 , 35 ]. Two studies exposed E. coli cultures and one study exposed yeast cell cultures to MMWs alone, and before and after UVC exposure [ 36 , 37 , 38 ]. All three studies reported that MMWs alone had no significant effect on bacterial cell proliferation or survival. Rojavin et al., however, did report that when E. coli bacteria were exposed to MMWs after UVC sterilisation treatment, there was an increase in their survival rate [ 36 ]. The authors suggested this could be due to the MMW activation of bacterial DNA repair mechanisms. Other studies by an Armenian research group reported a reduction in E. coli cell growth when exposed to MMWs [ 39 , 40 , 41 , 42 , 43 , 44 , 45 ]. These studies reported that when E.coli cultures were exposed to MMWs in the presence of antibiotics, there was a greater reduction in the bacterial growth rate and an increase in the time between bacterial cell division compared with antibiotics exposure alone. Two of these studies investigated if these effects could be due to a reduction in the activity of the E. coli ATPase when exposed to MMWs. The studies reported exposure to MMWs in combination with particular antibiotics changed the concentration of H + and K + ions in the E.coli cells, which the authors linked to changes in ATPase activity [ 43 , 44 ]. Overall, the results from studies on cell proliferation of bacterial cells have been inconsistent with different research groups reporting conflicting results.

Studies have also examined how exposure to low-level MMWs could affect cell proliferation in yeast. Two early studies by a German research group reported changes in yeast cell growth [ 46 , 47 ]. However, another two independent studies did not report any changes in the growth rate of exposed yeast [ 48 , 49 ]. Furia et al. [ 48 ] noted that the Grundler and Keilmann studies [ 46 , 47 ] had a number of methodical issues, which may have skewed their results, such as poor exposure control and analysis of results. Another study exposed yeast to MMWs before and after UVC exposure and reported that MMWs did not change the rates of cell survival [ 37 ].

Studies have also examined the possible effect of low-level MMWs on tumour cells with some studies reporting a possible anti-proliferative effect. Chidichimo et al. reported a reduction in the growth of a variety of tumour cells exposed to MMWs; however, the results of the study did not support this conclusion [ 50 ]. An Italian research group published a number of studies investigating proliferation effects on human melanoma cell lines with conflicting results. Two of the studies reported reduced growth rate [ 51 , 52 ] and a third study showed no change in proliferation or in the cell cycle [ 53 ]. Beneduci et al. also reported changes in the morphology of MMW exposed cells; however, the authors did not present quantitative data for these reported changes [ 51 , 52 ]. In another study by the same Italian group, Beneduci et al. reported that exposure to low-level MMWs had a greater than 40% reduction in the number of viable erythromyeloid leukaemia cells compared with controls; however, there was no significant change in the number of dead cells [ 54 ]. More recently, Yaekashiwa et al. reported no statistically significant effect in proliferation or cellular activity in glioblastoma cells exposed to low-level MMWs [ 55 ].

Other studies did not report statistically significant effects on proliferation in chicken embryo cell cultures, rat nerve cells or human skin fibroblasts exposed to low-level MMWs [ 55 , 56 , 57 ].

Gene expression

Some studies have investigated whether low-level MMWs can influence gene expression. Le Queument et al. examined a multitude of genes using microarray analyses and reported transient expression changes in five of them. However, the authors concluded that these results were extremely minor, especially when compared with studies using microarrays to study known pollutants [ 58 ]. Studies by a French research group have examined the effect of MMWs on stress sensitive genes, stress sensitive gene promotors and chaperone proteins in human glial cell lines. In two studies, glial cells were exposed to low-level MMWs and there was no observed modification in the expression of stress sensitive gene promotors when compared with sham exposed cells [ 59 , 60 , 61 ]. Further, glial cells were examined for the expression of the chaperone protein clusterin (CLU) and heat shock protein HSP70. These proteins are activated in times of cellular stress to maintain protein functions and help with the repair process [ 60 ]. There was no observed modification in gene expression of the chaperone proteins. Other studies have examined the endoplasmic reticulum of glial cells exposed to MMWs [ 62 , 63 ]. The endoplasmic reticulum is the site of synthesis and folding of secreted proteins and has been shown to be sensitive to environmental insults [ 62 ]. The authors reported that there was no elevation in mRNA expression levels of endoplasmic reticulum specific chaperone proteins. Studies of stress sensitive genes in glial cells have consistently shown no modification due to low-level MMW exposure [ 59 , 60 , 61 , 62 , 63 ].

Belyaev and co-authors have studied a possible resonance effect of low-level MMWs primarily on Escherichia Coli (E. coli) cells and cultures. The Belyaev research group reported that the resonance effect of MMWs can change the conformation state of chromosomal DNA complexes [ 64 , 65 , 66 , 67 , 68 , 69 , 70 , 71 , 72 , 73 , 74 ]; however, most of these experiments were not temperature controlled. This resonance effect was not supported by earlier experiments on a number of different cell types conducted by Gandhi et al. and Bush et al. [ 75 , 76 ].

The results of Belyaev and co-workers have primarily been based on evidence from the anomalous viscosity time dependence (AVTD) method [ 77 ]. The research group argued that changes in the AVTD curve can indicate changes to the DNA conformation state and DNA-protein bonds. Belyaev and co-workers have reported in a number of studies that differences in the AVTD curve were dependent on several parameter including MMW characteristics (frequency, exposure level, and polarisation), cellular concentration and cell growth rate [ 69 , 71 , 72 , 73 , 74 ]. In some of the Belyaev studies E. coli were pre-exposed to X-rays, which was reported to change the AVTD curve; however, if the cells were then exposed to MMWs there was no longer a change in the AVTD curve [ 64 , 65 , 66 , 67 ]. The authors suggested that exposure to MMWs increased the rate of recovery in bacterial cells previously exposed to ionising radiation. The Belyaev group also used rat thymocytes in another study and they concluded that the results closely paralleled those found in E. coli cells [ 67 ]. The studies on the DNA conformation state change relied heavily on the AVTD method that has only been used by the Balyaev group and has not been independently validated [ 78 ].

Cell signalling and electrical activity

Studies examining effects of low-level MMWs on cell signalling have mainly involved MMW exposure to nervous system tissue of various animals. An in vivo study on rats recorded extracellular background electrical spike activity from neurons in the supraoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus after MMW exposure [ 79 ]. The study reported that there were changes in inter-spike interval and spike activity in the cells of exposed animals when compared with controls. There was also a mixture of significant shifts in neuron population proportions and spike frequency. The effect on the regularity of neuron spike activity was greater at higher frequencies. An in vitro study on rat cortical tissue slices reported that neuron firing rates decreased in half of the samples exposed to low-level MMWs [ 80 ]. The width of the signals was also decreased but all effects were short lived. The observed changes were not consistent between the two studies, but this could be a consequence of different brain regions being studied.

In vitro experiments by a Japanese research group conducted on crayfish exposed the dissected optical components and brain to MMWs [ 81 , 82 ]. Munemori and Ikeda reported that there was no significant change in the inter-spike intervals or amplitude of spontaneous discharges [ 81 ]. However, there was a change in the distribution of inter-spike intervals where the initial standard deviation decreased and then restored in a short time to a rhythm comparable to the control. A follow-up study on the same tissues and a wide range of exposure levels (many above the ICNIRP limits) reported similar results with the distribution of spike intervals decreasing with increasing exposure level [ 82 ]. These results on action potentials in crayfish tissue have not been independently investigated.

Mixed results were reported in experiments conducted by a US research group on sciatic frog nerve preparations. These studies applied electrical stimulation to the nerve and examined the effect of MMWs on the compound action potentials (CAPs) conductivity through the neurological tissue fibre. Pakhomov et al. found a reduction in CAP latency accompanied by an amplitude increase for MMWs above the ICNIRP limits but not for low-level MMWs [ 83 ]. However, in two follow-up studies, Pakhomov et al. reported that the attenuation in amplitude of test CAPs caused by high-rate stimulus was significantly reduced to the same magnitude at various MMW exposure levels [ 84 , 85 ]. In all of these studies, the observed effect on the CAPs was temporal and reversible, but there were implications of a frequency specific resonance interaction with the nervous tissue. These results on action potentials in frog sciatic nerves have not been investigated by others.

Other common experimental systems involved low-level MMW exposure to isolated ganglia of leeches. Pikov and Siegel reported that there was a decrease in the firing rate in one of the tested neurons and, through the measurement of input resistance in an inserted electrode, there was a transient dose-dependent change in membrane permeability [ 86 ]. However, Romanenko et al. found that low-level MMWs did not cause suppression of neuron firing rate [ 87 ]. Further experiments by Romanenko et al. reported that MMWs at the ICNIRP public exposure limit and above reported similar action potential firing rate suppression [ 88 ]. Significant differences were reported between MMW effects and effects due to an equivalent rise in temperature caused by heating the bathing solution by conventional means.

Membrane effects

Studies examining membrane interactions with low-level MMWs have all been conducted at frequencies above 40 GHz in in vitro experiments. A number of studies investigated membrane phase transitions involving exposure to a range of phospholipid vesicles prepared to mimic biological cell membranes. One group of studies by an Italian research group reported effects on membrane hydration dynamics and phase transition [ 89 , 90 , 91 ]. Observations included transition delays from the gel to liquid phase or vice versa when compared with sham exposures maintained at the same temperature; the effect was reversed after exposure. These reported changes remain unconfirmed by independent groups.

A number of studies investigated membrane permeability. One study focussed on Ca 2+ activated K + channels on the membrane surface of cultured kidney cells of African Green Marmosets [ 92 ]. The study reported modifications to the Hill coefficient and apparent affinity of the Ca 2+ by the K + channels. Another study reported that the effectiveness of a chemical to supress membrane permeability in the gap junction was transiently reduced when the cells were exposed to MMWs [ 93 , 94 ]. Two studies by one research group reported increases in the movement of molecules into skin cells during MMW exposure and suggested this indicates increased cell membrane permeability [ 21 , 91 ]. Permeability changes based on membrane pressure differences were also investigated in relation to phospholipid organisation [ 95 ]. Although there was no evidence of effects on phospholipid organisation on exposed model membranes, the authors reported a measurable difference in membrane pressure at low exposure levels. Another study reported neuron shrinkage and dehydration of brain tissues [ 96 ]. The study reported this was due to influences of low-level MMWs on the cellular bathing medium and intracellular water. Further, the authors suggested this influence of MMWs may have led to formation of unknown messengers, which are able to modulate brain cell hydration. A study using an artificial axon system consisting of a network of cells containing aqueous phospholipid vesicles reported permeability changes with exposure to MMWs by measuring K + efflux [ 97 ]. In this case, the authors emphasised limitations in applying this model to processes within a living organism. The varied effects of low-level MMWs on membrane permeability lack replication.

Other studies have examined the shape or size of vesicles to determine possible effects on membrane permeability. Ramundo-Orlando et al., reported effects on the shape of giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs), specifically elongation, attributed to permeability changes [ 98 ]. However, another study reported that only smaller diameter vesicles demonstrated a statistically significant change when exposed to MMWs [ 99 ]. A study by Cosentino et al. examined the effect of MMWs on the size distributions of both large unilamellar vesicles (LUVs) and GUVs in in vitro preparations [ 100 ]. It was reported that size distribution was only affected when the vesicles were under osmotic stress, resulting in a statistically significant reduction in their size. In this case, the effect was attributed to dehydration as a result of membrane permeability changes. There is, generally, lack of replication on physical changes to phospholipid vesicles due to low-level MMWs.

Studies on E. coli and E. hirae cultures have reported resonance effects on membrane proteins and phospholipid constituents or within the media suspension [ 39 , 40 , 41 , 42 ]. These studies observed cell proliferation effects such as changes to cell growth rate, viability and lag phase duration. These effects were reported to be more pronounced at specific MMW frequencies. The authors suggested this could be due to a resonance effect on the cell membrane or the suspension medium. Torgomyan et al. and Hovnanyan et al. reported similar changes to proliferation that they attributed to changes in membrane permeability from MMW exposure [ 43 , 45 ]. These experiments were all conducted by an Armenian research group and have not been replicated by others.

Other effects

A number of studies have reported on the experimental results of other effects. Reproductive effects were examined in three studies on mice, rats and human spermatozoa. An in vivo study on mice exposed to low-level MMWs reported that spermatogonial cells had significantly more metaphase translocation disturbances than controls and an increased number of cells with unpaired chromosomes [ 101 ]. Another in vivo study on rats reported increased morphological abnormalities to spermatozoa following exposure, however, there was no statistical analysis presented [ 102 ]. Conversely, an in vitro study on human spermatozoa reported that there was an increase in motility after a short time of exposure to MMWs with no changes in membrane integrity and no generation of apoptosis [ 103 ]. All three of these studies looked at different effects on spermatozoa making it difficult to make an overall conclusion. A further two studies exposed rats to MMWs and examined their sperm for indicators of ROS production. One study reported both increases and decreases in enzymes that control the build-up of ROS [ 104 ]. The other study reported a decrease in the activity of histone kinase and an increase in ROS [ 105 ]. Both studies had low animal numbers (six animals exposed) and these results have not been independently replicated.

Immune function was also examined in a limited number of studies focussing on the effects of low-level MMWs on antigens and antibody systems. Three studies by a Russian research group that exposed neutrophils to MMWs reported frequency dependant changes in ROS production [ 106 , 107 , 108 ]. Another study reported a statistically significant decrease in antigen binding to antibodies when exposed to MMWs [ 109 ]; the study also reported that exposure decreased the stability of previously formed antigen–antibody complexes.

The effect on fatty acid composition in mice exposed to MMWs has been examined by a Russian research group using a number of experimental methods [ 110 , 111 , 112 ]. One study that exposed mice afflicted with an inflammatory condition to low-level MMWs reported no change in the fatty acid concentrations in the blood plasma. However, there was a significant increase in the omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid content of the thymus [ 110 ]. Another study exposed tumour-bearing mice and reported that monounsaturated fatty acids decreased and polyunsaturated fatty acids increased in both the thymus and tumour tissue. These changes resulted in fatty acid composition of the thymus tissue more closely resembling that of the healthy control animals [ 111 ]. The authors also examined the effect of exposure to X-rays of healthy mice, which was reported to reduce the total weight of the thymus. However, when the thymus was exposed to MMWs before or after exposure to X-rays, the fatty acid content was restored and was no longer significantly different from controls [ 112 ]. Overall, the authors reported a potential protective effect of MMWs on the recovery of fatty acids, however, all the results came from the same research group with a lack of replication from others.

Physiological effects were examined by a study conducted on mice exposed to WWMs to assess the safety of police radar [ 113 ]. The authors reported no statistically significant changes in the physiological parameters tested, which included body mass and temperature, peripheral blood and the mass and cellular composition, and number of cells in several important organs. Another study exposing human volunteers to low-level MMWs specifically examined cardiovascular function of exposed and sham exposed groups by electrocardiogram (ECG) and atrioventricular conduction velocity derivation [ 114 ]. This study reported that there were no significant differences in the physiological indicators assessed in test subjects.

Other individual studies have looked at various other effects. An early study reported differences in the attenuation of MMWs at specific frequencies in healthy and tumour cells [ 115 ]. Another early study reported no effect in the morphology of BHK-21/C13 cell cultures when exposed to low-level MMWs; the study did report morphological changes at higher levels, which were related to heating [ 116 ]. One study examined whether low-level MMWs induced cancer promotion in leukaemia and Lewis tumour cell grafted mice. The study reported no statistically significant growth promotion in either of the grafted cancer cell types [ 117 ]. Another study looked at the activity of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase enzyme in rats after treatment with hydrocortisone and exposure to MMWs [ 118 ]. The study reported no effects at exposures below the ICNIRP limit, however, at levels above authors reported a range of effects. Another study exposed saline liquid solutions to continuous low and high level MMWs and reported temperature oscillations within the liquid medium but lacked a statistical analysis [ 119 ]. Another study reported that low-level MMWs decrease the mobility of the protozoa S. ambiguum offspring [ 120 ]. None of the reported effects in all of these other studies have been investigated elsewhere.

Epidemiological studies

There are no epidemiological studies that have directly investigated 5 G and potential health effects. There are however epidemiological studies that have looked at occupational exposure to radar, which could potentially include the frequency range from 6 to 300 GHz. Epidemiological studies on radar were included as they represent occupational exposure below the ICNIRP guidelines. The review included 31 epidemiological studies (8 cohort, 13 case-control, 9 cross-sectional and 1 meta-analysis) that investigated exposure to radar and various health outcomes including cancer at different sites, effects on reproduction and other diseases. The risk estimates as well as limitations of the epidemiological studies are shown in Table  7 .

Three large cohort studies investigated mortality in military personnel with potential exposure to MMWs from radar. Studies reporting on over 40-year follow-up of US navy veterans of the Korean War found that radar exposure had little effect on all-cause or cancer mortality with the second study reporting risk estimates below unity [ 121 , 122 ]. Similarly, in a 40-year follow-up of Belgian military radar operators, there was no statistically significant increase in all-cause mortality [ 123 , 124 ]; the study did, however, find a small increase in cancer mortality. More recently in a 25-year follow-up of military personnel who served in the French Navy, there was no increase in all-cause or cancer mortality for personnel exposed to radar [ 125 ]. The main limitation in the cohort studies was the lack of individual levels of RF exposure with most studies based on job-title. Comparisons were made between occupations with presumed high exposure to RF fields and other occupations with presumed lower exposure. This type of non-differential misclassification in dichotomous exposure assessment is associated mostly with an effect measure biased towards a null effect if there is a true effect of RF fields. If there is no true effect of RF fields, non-differential exposure misclassification will not bias the effect estimate (which will be close to the null value, but may vary because of random error). The military personnel in these studies were compared with the general population and this ‘healthy worker effect’ presents possible bias since military personnel are on average in better health than the general population; the healthy worker effect tends to underestimate the risk. The cohort studies also lacked information on possible confounding factors including other occupational exposures such as chemicals and lifestyle factors such as smoking.

Several epidemiological studies have specifically investigated radar exposure and testicular cancer. In a case-control study where most of the subjects were selected from military hospitals in Washington DC, USA, Hayes et al. found no increased risk between exposure to radar and testicular cancer [ 126 ]; exposure to radar was self-reported and thus subject to misclassification. In this study, the misclassification was likely non-differential, biasing the result towards the null. Davis and Mostofi reported a cluster of testicular cancer within a small cohort of 340 police officers in Washington State (USA) where the cases routinely used handheld traffic radar guns [ 127 ]; however, exposure was not assessed for the full cohort, which may have overestimated the risk. In a population-based case-control study conducted in Sweden, Hardell et al. did not find a statistically significant association between radar work and testicular cancer; however, the result was based on only five radar workers questioning the validity of this result [ 128 ]. In a larger population-based case control study in Germany, Baumgardt-Elms et al. also reported no association between working near radar units (both self-reported and expert assessed) and testicular cancer [ 129 ]; a limitation of this study was the low participation of identified controls (57%), however, there was no difference compared with the characteristics of the cases so selection bias was unlikely. In the cohort study of US navy veterans previously mentioned exposure to radar was not associated with testicular cancer [ 122 ]; the limitations of this cohort study mentioned earlier may have underestimated the risk. Finally, in a hospital-based case-control study in France, radar workers were also not associated with risk of testicular cancer [ 130 ]; a limitation was the low participation of controls (37%) with a difference in education level between participating and non-participating controls, which may have underestimated this result.

A limited number of studies have investigated radar exposure and brain cancer. In a nested case-control study within a cohort of male US Air Force personnel, Grayson reported a small association between brain cancer and RF exposure, which included radar [ 131 ]; no potential confounders were included in the analysis, which may have overestimated the result. However, in a case-control study of personnel in the Brazilian Navy, Santana et al. reported no association between naval occupations likely to be exposed to radar and brain cancer [ 132 ]; the small number of cases and lack of diagnosis confirmation may have biased the results towards the null. All of the cohort studies on military personnel previously mentioned also examined brain cancer mortality and found no association with exposure to radar [ 122 , 124 , 125 ].

A limited number of studies have investigated radar exposure and ocular cancer. Holly et al. in a population-based case-control study in the US reported an association between self-reported exposure to radar or microwaves and uveal melanoma [ 133 ]; the study investigated many different exposures and the result is prone to multiple testing. In another case-control study, which used both hospital and population controls, Stang et al. did not find an association between self-reported exposure to radar and uveal melanoma [ 134 ]; a high non-response in the population controls (52%) and exposure misclassification may have underestimated this result. The cohort studies of the Belgian military and French navy also found no association between exposure to radar and ocular cancer [ 124 , 125 ].

A few other studies have examined the potential association between radar and other cancers. In a hospital-based case-control study in Italy, La Vecchia investigated 14 occupational agents and risk of bladder cancer and found no association with radar, although no risk estimate was reported [ 135 ]; non-differential self-reporting of exposure may have underestimated this finding if there is a true effect. Finkelstein found an increased risk for melanoma in a large cohort of Ontario police officers exposed to traffic radar and followed for 31 years [ 136 ]; there was significant loss to follow up which may have biased this result in either direction. Finkelstein found no statistically significant associations with other types of cancer and the study reported a statistically significant risk estimate just below unity for all cancers, which is reflective of the healthy worker effect [ 136 ]. In a large population-based case-control study in France, Fabbro-Peray et al. investigated a large number of occupational and environmental risk factors in relation to non-Hodgkin lymphoma and found no association with radar operators based on job-title; however, the result was based on a small number of radar operators [ 137 ]. The cohort studies on military personnel did not find statistically significant associations between exposure to radar and other cancers [ 122 , 124 , 125 ].

Variani et al. conducted a recent systematic review and meta-analysis investigating occupational exposure to radar and cancer risk [ 138 ]. The meta-analysis included three cohort studies [ 122 , 124 , 125 ] and three case-control studies [ 129 , 130 , 131 ] for a total sample size of 53,000 subjects. The meta-analysis reported a decrease in cancer risk for workers exposed to radar but noted the small number of studies included with significant heterogeneity between the studies.

Apart from cancer, a number of epidemiological studies have investigated radar exposure and reproductive outcomes. Two early studies on military personnel in the US [ 139 ] and Denmark [ 140 ] reported differences in semen parameters between personnel using radar and personnel on other duty assignments; these studies included only volunteers with potential fertility concerns and are prone to bias. A further volunteer study on US military personnel did not find a difference in semen parameters in a similar comparison [ 141 ]; in general these type of cross-sectional investigations on volunteers provide limited evidence on possible risk. In a case-control study of personnel in the French military, Velez de la Calle et al. reported no association between exposure to radar and male infertility [ 142 ]; non-differential self-reporting of exposure may have underestimated this finding if there is a true effect. In two separate cross-sectional studies of personnel in the Norwegian navy, Baste et al. and Møllerløkken et al. reported an association between exposure to radar and male infertility, but there has been no follow up cohort or case control studies to confirm these results [ 143 , 144 ].

Again considering reproduction, a number of studies investigated pregnancy and offspring outcomes. In a population-based case-control study conducted in the US and Canada, De Roos et al. found no statistically significant association between parental occupational exposure to radar and neuroblastoma in offspring; however, the result was based on a small number of cases and controls exposed to radar [ 145 ]. In another cross-sectional study of the Norwegian navy, Mageroy et al. reported a higher risk of congenital anomalies in the offspring of personnel who were exposed to radar; the study found positive associations with a large number of other chemical and physical exposures, but the study involved multiple comparisons so is prone to over-interpretation [ 146 ]. Finally, a number of pregnancy outcomes were investigated in a cohort study of Norwegian navy personnel enlisted between 1950 and 2004 [ 147 ]. The study reported an increase in perinatal mortality for parental service aboard fast patrol boats during a short period (3 months); exposure to radar was one of many possible exposures when serving on fast patrol boats and the result is prone to multiple testing. No associations were found between long-term exposure and any pregnancy outcomes.

There is limited research investigating exposure to radar and other diseases. In a large case-control study of US military veterans investigating a range of risk factors and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Beard et al. did not find a statistically significant association with radar [ 148 ]; the study reported a likely under-ascertainment of non-exposed cases, which may have biased the result away from the null. The cohort studies on military personnel did not find statistically significant associations between exposure to radar and other diseases [ 122 , 124 , 125 ].

A number of observational studies have investigated outcomes measured on volunteers in the laboratory. They are categorised as epidemiological studies because exposure to radar was not based on provocation. These studies investigated genotoxicity [ 149 ], oxidative stress [ 149 ], cognitive effects [ 150 ] and endocrine function [ 151 ]; the studies generally reported positive associations with radar. These volunteer studies did not sample from a defined population and are prone to bias [ 152 ].

The experimental studies investigating exposure to MMWs at levels below the ICNIRP occupational limits have looked at a variety of biological effects. Genotoxicity was mainly examined by using comet assays of exposed cells. This approach has consistently found no evidence of DNA damage in skin cells in well-designed studies. However, animal studies conducted by one research group reported DNA strand breaks and changes in enzymes that control the build-up of ROS, noting that these studies had low animal numbers (six animals exposed); these results have not been independently replicated. Studies have also investigated other indications of genotoxicity including chromosome aberrations, micro-nucleation and spindle disturbances. The methods used to investigate these indicators have generally been rigorous; however, the studies have reported contradictory results. Two studies by a Russian research group have also reported indicators of DNA damage in bacteria, however, these results have not been verified by other investigators.

The studies of the effect of MMWs on cell proliferation primarily focused on bacteria, yeast cells and tumour cells. Studies of bacteria were mainly from an Armenian research group that reported a reduction in the bacterial growth rate of exposed E. coli cells at different MMW frequencies; however, the studies suffered from inadequate dosimetry and temperature control and heating due to high RF energy deposition may have contributed to the results. Other authors have reported no effect of MMWs on E. coli cell growth rate. The results on cell proliferation of yeast exposed to MMWs were also contradictory. An Italian research group that has conducted the majority of the studies on tumour cells reported either a reduction or no change in the proliferation of exposed cells; however, these studies also suffered from inadequate dosimetry and temperature control.

The studies on gene expression mainly examined two different indicators, expression of stress sensitive genes and chaperone proteins and the occurrence of a resonance effect in cells to explain DNA conformation state changes. Most studies reported no effect of low-level MMWs on the expression of stress sensitive genes or chaperone proteins using a range of experimental methods to confirm these results; noting that these studies did not use blinding so experimental bias cannot be excluded from the results. A number of studies from a Russian research group reported a resonance effect of MMWs, which they propose can change the conformation state of chromosomal DNA complexes. Their results relied heavily on the AVTD method for testing changes in the DNA conformation state, however, the biological relevance of results obtained through the AVTD method has not been independently validated.

Studies on cell signalling and electrical activity reported a range of different outcomes including increases or decreases in signal amplitude and changes in signal rhythm, with no consistent effect noting the lack of blinding in most of the studies. Further, temperature contributions could not be eliminated from the studies and in some cases thermal interactions by conventional heating were studied and found to differ from the MMW effects. The results from some studies were based on small sample sizes, some being confined to a single specimen, or by observed effects only occurring in a small number of the samples tested. Overall, the reported electrical activity effects could not be dismissed as being within normal variability. This is indicated by studies reporting the restoration of normal function within a short time during ongoing exposure. In this case there is no implication of an expected negative health outcome.

Studies on membrane effects examined changes in membrane properties and permeability. Some studies observed changes in transitions from liquid to gel phase or vice versa and the authors implied that MMWs influenced cell hydration, however the statistical methods used in these studies were not described so it is difficult to examine the validity of these results. Other studies observing membrane properties in artificial cell suspensions and dissected tissue reported changes in vesicle shape, reduced cell volume and morphological changes although most of these studies suffered from various methodological problems including poor temperature control and no blinding. Experiments on bacteria and yeast were conducted by the same research group reporting changes in membrane permeability, which was attributed to cell proliferation effects, however, the studies suffered from inadequate dosimetry and temperature control. Overall, although there were a variety of membrane bioeffects reported, these have not been independently replicated.

The limited number of studies on a number of other effects from exposure to MMWs below the ICNIRP limits generally reported little to no consistent effects. The single in vivo study on cancer promotion did not find an effect although the study did not include sham controls. Effects on reproduction were contradictory that may have been influenced by opposing objectives of examining adverse health effects or infertility treatment. Further, the only study on human sperm found no effects of low-level MMWs. The studies on reproduction suffered from inadequate dosimetry and temperature control, and since sperm is sensitive to temperature, the effect of heating due to high RF energy deposition may have contributed to the studies showing an effect. A number of studies from two research groups reported effects on ROS production in relation to reproduction and immune function; the in vivo studies had low animal numbers (six animals per exposure) and the in vitro studies generally had inadequate dosimetry and temperature control. Studies on fatty acid composition and physiological indicators did not generally show any effects; poor temperature control was also a problem in the majority of these studies. A number of other studies investigating various other biological effects reported mixed results.

Although a range of bioeffects have been reported in many of the experimental studies, the results were generally not independently reproduced. Approximately half of the studies were from just five laboratories and several studies represented a collaboration between one or more laboratories. The exposure characteristics varied considerably among the different studies with studies showing the highest effect size clustered around a PD of approximately 1 W/m 2 . The meta-analysis of the experimental studies in our companion paper [ 9 ] showed that there was no dose-response relationship between the exposure (either PD or SAR) and the effect size. In fact, studies with a higher exposure tended to show a lower effect size, which is counterfactual. Most of the studies showing a large effect size were conducted in the frequency range around 40–55 GHz, representing investigations into the use of MMWs for therapeutic purposes, rather than deleterious health consequences. Future experimental research would benefit from investigating bioeffects at the specific frequency range of the next stage of the 5 G network roll-out in the range 26–28 GHz. Mobile communications beyond the 5 G network plan to use frequencies higher than 30 GHz so research across the MMW band is relevant.

An investigation into the methods of the experimental studies showed that the majority of studies were lacking in a number of quality criteria including proper attention to dosimetry, incorporating positive controls, using blind evaluation or accurately measuring or controlling the temperature of the biological system being tested. Our meta-analysis showed that the bulk of the studies had a quality score lower than 2 out of a possible 5, with only one study achieving a maximum quality score of 5 [ 9 ]. The meta-analysis further showed that studies with a low quality score were more likely to show a greater effect. Future research should pay careful attention to the experimental design to reduce possible sources of artefact.

The experimental studies included in this review reported PDs below the ICNIRP exposure limits. Many of the authors suggested that the resulting biological effects may be related to non-thermal mechanisms. However, as is shown in our meta-analysis, data from these studies should be treated with caution because the estimated SAR values in many of the studies were much higher than the ICNIRP SAR limits [ 9 ]. SAR values much higher than the ICNIRP guidelines are certainly capable of producing significant temperature rise and are far beyond the levels expected for 5 G telecommunication devices [ 1 ]. Future research into the low-level effects of MMWs should pay particular attention to appropriate temperature control in order to avoid possible heating effects.

Although a systematic review of experimental studies was not conducted, this paper presents a critical appraisal of study design and quality of all available studies into the bioeffects of low level MMWs. The conclusions from the review of experimental studies are supported by a meta-analysis in our companion paper [ 9 ]. Given the low-quality methods of the majority of the experimental studies we infer that a systematic review of different bioeffects is not possible at present. Our review includes recommendations for future experimental research. A search of the available literature showed a further 44 non-English papers that were not included in our review. Although the non-English papers may have some important results it is noted that the majority are from research groups that have published English papers that are included in our review.

The epidemiological studies on MMW exposure from radar that has a similar frequency range to that of 5 G and exposure levels below the ICNIRP occupational limits in most situations, provided little evidence of an association with any adverse health effects. Only a small number of studies reported positive associations with various methodological issues such as risk of bias, confounding and multiple testing questioning the result. The three large cohort studies of military personnel exposed to radar in particular did not generally show an association with cancer or other diseases. A key concern across all the epidemiological studies was the quality of exposure assessment. Various challenges such as variability in complex occupational environments that also include other co-exposures, retrospective estimation of exposure and an appropriate exposure metric remain central in studies of this nature [ 153 ]. Exposure in most of the epidemiological studies was self-reported or based on job-title, which may not necessarily be an adequate proxy for exposure to RF fields above 6 GHz. Some studies improved on exposure assessment by using expert assessment and job-exposure matrices, however, the possibility of exposure misclassification is not eliminated. Another limitation in many of the studies was the poor assessment of possible confounding including other occupational exposures and lifestyle factors. It should also be noted that close proximity to certain very powerful radar units could have exceeded the ICNIRP occupational limits, therefore the reported effects especially related to reproductive outcomes could potentially be related to heating.

Given that wireless communications have only recently started to use RF frequencies above 6 GHz there are no epidemiological studies investigating 5 G directly as yet. Some previous epidemiological studies have reported a possible weak association between mobile phone use (from older networks using frequencies below 6 GHz) and brain cancer [ 11 ]. However, methodological limitations in these studies prevent conclusions of causality being drawn from the observations [ 152 ]. Recent investigations have not shown an increase in the incidence of brain cancer in the population that can be attributed to mobile phone use [ 154 , 155 ]. Future epidemiological research should continue to monitor long-term health effects in the population related to wireless telecommunications.

The review of experimental studies provided no confirmed evidence that low-level MMWs are associated with biological effects relevant to human health. Many of the studies reporting effects came from the same research groups and the results have not been independently reproduced. The majority of the studies employed low quality methods of exposure assessment and control so the possibility of experimental artefact cannot be excluded. Further, many of the effects reported may have been related to heating from high RF energy deposition so the assertion of a ‘low-level’ effect is questionable in many of the studies. Future studies into the low-level effects of MMWs should improve the experimental design with particular attention to dosimetry and temperature control. The results from epidemiological studies presented little evidence of an association between low-level MMWs and any adverse health effects. Future epidemiological research would benefit from specific investigation on the impact of 5 G and future telecommunication technologies.

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This work was supported by the Australian Government’s Electromagnetic Energy Program. This work was also partly supported by National Health and Medical Research Council grant no. 1042464. 

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Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Ken Karipidis, Rohan Mate, David Urban & Rick Tinker

School of Health Sciences, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

  • Andrew Wood

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Karipidis, K., Mate, R., Urban, D. et al. 5G mobile networks and health—a state-of-the-science review of the research into low-level RF fields above 6 GHz. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 31 , 585–605 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41370-021-00297-6

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Received : 30 July 2020

Revised : 23 December 2020

Accepted : 21 January 2021

Published : 16 March 2021

Issue Date : July 2021

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1038/s41370-021-00297-6

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5G, explained

Feb 13, 2020

Most Americans have yet to use a 5G-connected device, but the next-generation cellular network is already generating buzz. Ads and headlines tout a 5G revolution that will change the way people live and work, through unprecedented digital speeds, reduced lag, and better connectivity for a broader range of devices. Some say it’ll spur a fourth industrial revolution.

With experts expecting 5G to become widely available in the next few years, the full business impact of the network has yet to be seen. What’s clear is that it’s ripe with opportunity for fields as varied as entertainment, manufacturing, health care, and retail. Successful enterprises will tap 5G to boost “internet of things” applications, virtual and augmented reality, and larger-scale robot and drone deployments.

“What does this mean? It depends who you are,” said MIT electrical engineering and computer science professor Muriel Médard . For users, which includes most businesses, “it’s likely you’ll get a rich set of offerings, and you’ll get better coverage,” said Médard, who leads the Network Coding and Reliable Communications Group at MIT’s Research Laboratory for Electronics.

As the first 5G symbols begin to pop up on cellphones, it’s time for businesses to think about how to harness the possibilities. “If you’re a business leader looking to use this network to provide some new services for customers, or if [you] would like to create some new value that’s not possible today … all of this is possible with 5G,” said Athul Prasad, a student in the MIT Sloan Fellows program who is on sabbatical from Nokia, where he was the head of 5G business modeling and analytics.

Companies that embrace 5G early stand to gain, said Diego Fernandez Bardera, a principal consultant at Ericsson who focuses on 5G and the internet of things. Some 73% of 4G first-movers grew their market share after their 4G launch, and a 5G first-mover likewise will benefit, said Bardera, a graduate of the MIT Sloan Fellows program. “I urge organizations and the whole ecosystem, from industry partners to universities, to have discussions across business and operational domains to better understand how 5G will transform their industries.”  

Here’s what businesses need to know to set themselves on a course for 5G success:

From 1G to 5G

5G is the fifth-generation cellular network, as formally defined by global standards agencies . New networks have emerged roughly every 10 years since 1980, when 1G came on the scene with large cellphones that only made phone calls. Later, 2G introduced messaging, 3G brought access to the internet, and 4G, which emerged around 2009, brought a leap in data download speeds, allowing users to do things like stream movies on mobile devices.

The official definition of 5G specifies higher speeds and lower latency — the lag time between when a device asks for information and when it receives it, Médard explained. The network will use higher-frequency radio waves in addition to the range of frequencies already used, and will work with smaller, more closely distributed wireless access points instead of large, dispersed cell towers.

5G is also expected to include a suite of hybrid technologies that will facilitate seamless transitions between different Wi-Fi networks or from cellular networks to Wi-Fi, and allow networks to more easily take advantage of unused extra bandwidth.

5G should allow for higher connectivity — that is, more devices connected to a network — and significantly higher download speeds. Speed isn’t the only improvement, though.

Consistency will be key, Médard said. 5G will allow small, consistent amounts of data to be accessed on a regular basis. “If you have needs such as streaming, gaming, even more if you go to something like virtual reality, you don't need a huge amount of data delivered to you at once,” she said. “What you may need is a more modest amount, but reliably delivered, and delivered with shorter delays.”

Experts expect 20 billion connected IoT devices by 2023.

Augmented reality — overlaying virtual information over a live view of the world — and virtual reality both need reliable, low latency networks to be effective, which makes them prime use cases for 5G. (Beyond being inconvenient, high latency while using virtual reality devices can cause motion sickness.)

Shorter range radio waves and cell towers that cover smaller areas will also improve location tracking . That opens the way for businesses to use geolocation to their competitive advantage, though some advocates have pointed out it also raises privacy concerns .

Speedier and more reliable communication and reduced lag times will enable new IoT use cases that are more widely and easily deployed, according to industry experts. While some companies are already using connected sensors in the field, 5G is expected to bring the internet of things into the mainstream with new uses and massive connectivity.

Experts expect 20 billion connected IoT devices by 2023 — representing millions of usually low-cost devices with long battery lives that can transmit non-delay-sensitive data, Bardera said. 5G will also allow what’s called ultra reliable and low latency connectivity, which is required for critical applications like traffic safety, remote surgery, or precise positioning for industrial uses.

For firms, opportunities abound

Industries considered most likely to be transformed by 5G include media and entertainment, manufacturing, retail, health care, hospitality, finance, and shipping and transportation. And the new network stands to enable or improve technologies as far-ranging as holograms, artificial intelligence and machine learning, industrial robots, drones, and smart cities, buildings, and homes.

“When you think about 5G you should think, ‘Well, what doesn’t really work on 4G?'” said Nicola Palmer, senior VP of technology and product development at Verizon, who spoke on a 5G panel at the 2019 MIT Platform Summit .

For example, computer vision, augmented reality, and virtual reality for health care don’t work on 4G networks, she noted. “How do you really tie into those capabilities in a way that creates value for enterprise and consumers alike?” 5G is a key part of the answer. Bardera said organizations approaching 5G should first assess its potential in relation to their specific industry, business, and market. From there they can select and prioritize the most suitable use cases in terms of business impact, time to market, and investment required.

Some industries are already test-driving 5G internet of things ideas for business purposes. For example, in the oil and gas industry, a Houston telecommunications company recently partnered with Nokia to bid on bringing 5G to several oil and gas fields. Other companies are developing “smart harbors” in Germany and China that include automated ship-to-shore crane lifts and sensors with real-time traffic monitoring. A mobile company in South Korea is at work building a 5G infrastructure for a smart traffic system in Seoul. Ericsson has embraced new industrial IoT uses, such as increased assembly and testing efficiency at a plant in Estonia through the use of augmented and virtual reality, Bardera said. And Nokia and ARENA2036 have announced an automotive research partnership at a factory in Germany to validate 5G use cases. 

5G will also make it easier to upgrade facilities or establish new plants. “Factories tend to have a lot of wires, which limits their mobility,” said Prasad. Wired factories are costly to upgrade, he said, but those costs will diminish with wireless sensors.

In entertainment, a 2019 Deloitte Mobile Trends survey predicted 5G could have a large impact on digital entertainment, especially among younger consumers, who said they plan to use 5G to consume media with virtual and augmented reality and that they’d likely play more mobile video games using 5G. Virtual and augmented reality with 5G can be used to train surgeons, truck drivers , and other employees in high-risk professions, as well as for videoconferencing, improved online and physical retail experiences, tourism, and education.

And on the farm, 5G innovations include sensors that control a smart feeding system and open curtains depending on the weather. And a herd of dairy cows in rural England were given 5G-connected devices on their collars that connected to a robotic milking system.

One cutting-edge technology that won’t rely on 5G is autonomous vehicles, according to MIT senior lecturer Nick Pudar,  the former director of corporate strategy at General Motors Co. Pudar said vehicles must be able to make driving decisions without relying on external connections, which may or may not be available. But 5G connectivity will allow vehicles to collect data about car maintenance, road conditions, weather and traffic that can lead to higher quality maps and congestion planning, he said. 

When to expect 5G

A 5G forecast released last year predicted 5G connections around the world will grow from 10 million in 2019 to more than 1 billion in 2023.

5G is already available in limited areas in the United States and worldwide. Experts estimate that 77 service providers worldwide launched 5G commercially by the end of 2019, Bardera said, with coverage and availability varying by country or region. In South Korea, the world’s largest 5G market, there are more than 3 million subscribers, he said.

AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon, the four largest U.S. carriers, have all rolled out some   5G service to consumers, mostly in select areas of certain cities, and all of the carriers promise more is on the way.

5G devices are slowly coming out, with expensive 5G cellphones for sale. Industry experts predict that Apple could introduce its first 5G-capable phones in 2020. Major Android equipment manufacturers have announced flagship 5G mobile devices, with many already shipping.

73% of 4G first-movers grew their market share after their 4G launch.

5G also requires infrastructure, including the installation of new wireless access points that are closer together. A host of companies are also working on providing 5G hardware and equipment. The U.S. government has cited concerns that Chinese technology company Huawei, which is providing 5G infrastructure in several countries, could give the Chinese government a “back door” to the networks and access to data and information. The United States has lobbied other countries not to use Huawei, though the United Kingdom recently agreed to have the company build part of its 5G network.

There are other concerns, perhaps perceived, to overcome. Critics are raising alarms about radio waves causing cancer and other health problems. Some cities have resisted the installation of 5G poles, and politicians have introduced resolutions urging formal study into its health implications. But a widely cited study that says 5G might be harmful has been debunked .

5G will boost security in some ways, with encrypted data, segmented networks, and user authentication, but also has security vulnerabilities , including potential spying and attacks. The increase in connected devices also creates more targets and attacks on vital connected systems could become more chaotic and consequential.

Experts are estimating a widespread rollout between 2021 and 2024. “I think it’s dependent on forward-looking industries to lean in,” Palmer said. “The examples are out there … leaning in will dictate how fast it happens.”

Prasad agreed. “I think that by 2021 that's kind of the timeline where we are thinking that it would be getting more and more wide-scale,” he said.

What’s certain is that 5G is on the way — with 6G already waiting in the wings — which means businesses should start preparing for what it might bring. Just as Uber, Netflix, and Spotify were enabled by 4G’s use of data and streaming, new or established companies could prove to be the winners in a 5G world, according to Prasad.

“It’s kind of a low-risk investment,” Prasad said, pointing out that the mobile ecosystem enabled by 4G created around $4 trillion in new economic value. “I think 5G could create even more value.”

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5g network research

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5G cellular networks are expected to be the key infrastructure to deliver the emerging services. These services bring new requirements and challenges that obstruct the desired goal of forthcoming networks. Mobile operators are rethinking their network design to provide more flexible, dynamic, cost-effective and intelligent solutions. This paper starts with describing the background of the 5G wireless networks then we give a deep insight into a set of 5G challenges and research opportunities for machine learning (ML) techniques to manage these challenges. The first part of the paper is devoted to overview the fifth-generation of cellular networks, explaining its requirements as well as its key technologies, their challenges and its forthcoming architecture. The second part is devoted to present a basic overview of ML techniques that are nowadays applied to cellular networks. The last part discusses the most important related works which propose ML solutions in order to overcome 5G challenges.

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Laboratory of Technology and Smart Systems (LT2S), Digital Research Center of SFAX (CRNS), University of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia

Hasna Fourati, Rihab Maaloul & Lamia Chaari

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About this article

Fourati, H., Maaloul, R. & Chaari, L. A survey of 5G network systems: challenges and machine learning approaches. Int. J. Mach. Learn. & Cyber. 12 , 385–431 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13042-020-01178-4

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Received : 11 December 2019

Accepted : 01 August 2020

Published : 19 August 2020

Issue Date : February 2021

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s13042-020-01178-4

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5G networks are expected to revolutionize the digital economy. But with this opportunity comes major cybersecurity challenges. U.S. policymakers need to respond using technical and regulatory measures, diplomacy, and investments in cybersecurity skills training.

July 15, 2019


Fifth-generation (5G) telecommunications networks could revolutionize the digital economy by enabling new applications that depend on ultra-fast communications at industrial scale. Many of these new applications, such as driverless cars, telemedicine, factory automation, smart electric grids, and smart cities, will capitalize on advances in artificial intelligence (AI), and 5G networks themselves will be AI-enabled.

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With these opportunities come major cybersecurity challenges. Western governments are grappling with the risks posed by Huawei and other Chinese vendors of 5G infrastructure equipment. On May 15, 2019, U.S. President Donald J. Trump issued an executive order laying the groundwork for a ban on Huawei equipment in U.S. networks, a long-anticipated move that was accompanied by the Commerce Department’s even more consequential decision to restrict the company’s access to U.S. components. Excluding Huawei from U.S. networks, however, is not the same as securing those networks. Instead, U.S. policymakers need to adopt a broader strategy that includes technical measures, regulatory adjustments, a sensible legal liability regime, diplomacy, and investments in research and cybersecurity skills training.

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A 5G network is a collection of microprocessors that rapidly send packets of data among themselves. At the “edge” of the network, devices including smartphones, cars, and robots will send and receive data over radio waves at 5G frequencies by connecting to a new generation of small-cell radio units that form the radio access network (RAN). The RAN links individual devices to routers and switches that compose the “core” network, where data traffic is transported to and from other devices and the internet (or the cloud).

One way 5G networks differ from prior generations is in the physical location of critical functions. Generally speaking, the core of a telecom network is where more sensitive functions, such as user access control, data authentication, data routing, and billing, occur. The edge is where base stations and other RAN equipment connect user devices to the core network. But in 5G, the distinction between core and edge is less clear. Advanced uses of 5G will require high-volume communications with low latency (the delay in sending and receiving data): for example, the anti-collision sensors on a driverless car require instantaneous and reliable data connections. The distance between devices communicating with one another needs to be shortened to provide such high speed and reliability. Thus in 5G networks, some functions traditionally performed in the core will be performed in the RAN.

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5G networks will also be significantly more complex than previous generations, which were designed primarily for consumer voice and data services. 5G networks will support at least three different major functions. These are (1) enhanced mobile broadband, which will enable faster download speeds for consumers; (2) ultra-reliable low-latency communication, designed for autonomous vehicles and other applications requiring no gaps in communication; and (3) massive machine-to-machine communications, or the Internet of Things (IoT), in which billions of devices constantly communicate among themselves. Prior generations of mobile technology involved devices connecting to the network in a hub-and-spoke architecture; in 5G, billions of IoT devices will connect with one another in a weblike environment.

5G Cybersecurity Risks

5G networks will undergird a host of critical functions, including autonomous vehicles, smart electric grids, intelligent medicine, and military communications. As such, it is extremely difficult to distinguish “critical” 5G network infrastructure from the noncritical sort; all of 5G is arguably what U.S. officials call a “ national critical function .” As companies and individuals become increasingly dependent on these networks, they become more vulnerable to the theft of sensitive data traversing the network, attacks on and disruptions of the functioning of connected devices by other devices, and attacks that disrupt or degrade the network itself. 5G networks will expand the number and scale of potential vulnerabilities, increase incentives for malicious actors to exploit those vulnerabilities, and make it difficult to detect malicious cyber activity.

One threat is manipulation of equipment in the core network—for example, the installation of a secret portal known as a “backdoor” that allows interception and redirection of data or sabotage of critical systems. This can happen even after the systems have passed a security test, since the manufacturer will continually send updates to the equipment. Such a threat could negate front-end security measures such as inspecting source code or equipment for backdoors and other vulnerabilities. Additionally, functions of the core network will take place primarily in the cloud, depending on AI to manage complexity and network resource allocation. Hackers can attack or manipulate the algorithms that operate these AI-based systems.

The weblike architecture of IoT devices dramatically expands the opportunities for, and consequences of, such attacks.

Security is even more complicated at the edge. Backdoors can be installed in mobile base stations, enabling data interception or manipulation from one of the numerous access points in the RAN. Such activity can be difficult to detect: if, for example, data is being copied and exfiltrated, base stations could still appear to be operating normally. In addition, the devices that connect to 5G networks can themselves pose cyber threats. In 2016, major internet activities were shut down after hackers hijacked low-cost chips in security cameras and digital video recorders (DVRs) to take down multiple internet domains. The weblike architecture of IoT devices dramatically expands the opportunities for, and consequences of, such attacks.

5G Controversy: The Huawei Hullabaloo

Huawei is the world’s largest producer of the equipment needed to operate 5G networks. It is positioned to expand its market share, given the low cost of its products, its investment in research and development , and its ability to offer efficient end-to-end solutions that cover devices, networks, and data centers. But the U.S. government has significant national security concerns about Huawei because of the cybersecurity risks inherent to 5G, Huawei’s past business practices, and the nature of the relationship between Chinese tech companies and the Chinese government. Trump’s executive order lays the groundwork for the U.S. Commerce Department to prohibit U.S. firms from installing Huawei equipment, expanding on restrictions enacted last year regarding the use of Huawei by U.S. agencies and federal contractors. The Commerce Department also added Huawei and sixty-eight affiliate firms to the list of entities subject to export restrictions due to the risks they pose to U.S. national security and foreign policy interests, citing Huawei’s violations of U.S. sanctions law in support of the decision. Trump appeared to ease these export restrictions somewhat in a pledge to Chinese President Xi Jinping at the June Group of Twenty summit. However, it still remains unclear to what extent Huawei will be cut off from American-made semiconductors and chip-design tools that are crucial to the company’s operations.

The security concerns around Huawei are both specific to Huawei and structural to 5G. There is evidence that Huawei’s engineering practices are often shoddy and could be exploited by any malicious cyber actor. The UK’s Huawei Cyber Security Evaluation Centre, a watchdog that audits the security of Huawei equipment, identified in March 2019 a litany of persistent and “ concerning issues in Huawei’s approach to software development bringing significantly increased risk to UK operators.”

There is also evidence that Huawei routinely violates local laws in countries where it operates. In January, the U.S. Justice Department accused the company of fraud, money laundering, violating U.S. sanctions against Iran, and stealing trade secrets from its U.S. business partner T-Mobile. In another case in January, the Polish government arrested a Huawei sales director on espionage charges. Huawei has also been linked to the theft of intellectual property from Cisco, and U.S. startup CNEX has accused Huawei and its deputy chairman of conspiring to steal its trade secrets. These and other incidents, combined with Huawei’s secrecy and mysterious ownership structure , contribute to concerns about the company’s operations and intentions.

Huawei and other Chinese telecom equipment companies would be legally and politically required to assist the Chinese government in ‘intelligence work.’

But Western governments’ larger concern is Huawei’s relationship with the Chinese government. If requested, Huawei and other Chinese telecom equipment companies would be legally and politically required to assist the Chinese government in “intelligence work.” The Chinese party-state has in recent years expanded its presence in Chinese corporations, waged a global campaign of state-sponsored cybertheft of foreign intellectual property, and launched sweeping domestic digital-surveillance programs . Given this history, Huawei’s inability to credibly claim independence from the Chinese government is especially problematic.

Economic concerns also carry security implications. U.S. and European officials argue that Chinese telecom subsidies give companies like Huawei unfair commercial advantages and leverage in the development and deployment of global telecom networks. Similarly, Beijing has been accused of politicizing [PDF] the process of setting 5G standards by creating an expectation that Chinese companies participating in the standard-setting Third Generation Partnership Project will vote for Chinese-proposed standards whether or not they are superior. Companies whose technology becomes a global standard can gain market advantages through standard-essential patents. Market advantage can then become a structural security advantage as firms leverage the economic benefits of patent royalties to drive growth and expand their presence in global networks.

National governments face difficult cost-security tradeoffs in deciding whether to exclude or limit Huawei or other equipment providers from their 5G networks. For many developing countries focused on the economic benefits of building out these networks, espionage is likely to be a secondary concern. For the United States, keeping any particular company’s hardware out of U.S. and allies’ network infrastructure will not eliminate the threat of espionage or sabotage. Iranian, North Korean, Russian, and other hackers have already proven their ability to penetrate U.S. networks to cause harm—and the networks they broke into did not use Chinese equipment. Regardless of whether Huawei is excluded from U.S. or allies’ 5G infrastructure, Chinese networks and Chinese equipment will connect to those networks . The challenge is how to embrace interoperability and efficiency while also optimizing security.

Policy Recommendations

The complexity of ensuring the security and reliability of 5G networks calls for a multilayered approach that includes technical measures, regulatory adjustments, a legal liability regime, diplomacy, and investments in research and cybersecurity skills training.

The United States should work closely with allies and partners to develop common risk-based principles of supply-chain integrity.

On the technical front, networks should require built-in resiliency, meaning they can isolate and withstand exploitation of any single device. Where possible, they should also use multiple vendors. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is seeking to develop an open-source hardware movement that crowdsources the patching of vulnerabilities and the design and verification of protocols for the next generation of chips. In the meantime, the United States should work closely with allies and partners to develop common risk-based principles [PDF] of supply-chain integrity that mitigate the introduction of vulnerabilities in network equipment. (Notably, the supply-chain consequences of restricting Huawei’s access to U.S. technology could undercut such efforts.)

With U.S. networks inevitably connecting to “ dirty networks ,” policies should incentivize mobile service providers to identify and prevent malicious exploitations and attacks using machine learning–based tools . Risk mitigation for untrusted hardware is exceptionally complex, costly, and far from surefire . Sharing intelligence with countries that use untrusted gear is particularly risky. But dedicated network segmentation, cross-layer security standards, and end-to-end encryption and routing validation practices could mitigate some of these risks.

Regulatory policies should focus on transparency and market incentives. Perhaps most immediately, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) should work with the Department of Defense and other agencies to clear and reallocate more “mid-band” spectrum (intermediate frequencies, large portions of which are owned by the U.S. government but could be made available for commercial use), which would enable U.S. companies to compete more effectively in the global contest to shape the 5G ecosystem. In addition, the FCC could require [PDF] manufacturers to disclose their practices for ensuring the security of IoT devices throughout the life cycle of their products. It could also make spectrum licenses available to service providers only on condition that they verify they operate according to best practices, such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s cybersecurity framework . The FCC should be included in the Information and Communications Technology Supply Chain Risk Management Task Force, a multiagency initiative established under the Department of Homeland Security to develop recommendations for managing supply-chain risk.

An improved legal liability regime is also necessary to improve private-sector cybersecurity. Altaba (a successor to Yahoo) recently settled in a shareholder suit over Yahoo’s customer data breach; this should be a warning to companies. The telecom industry should work to develop voluntary standards that will inform the standards that courts will apply in cybersecurity tort cases and provide the basis for a functional insurance market to price cyber risk. Such standards can coexist alongside programs that incentivize private-sector entities to share cyber threat information with the federal government.

Diplomatic efforts will be insufficient if the U.S. government fails to bolster its investment in basic research . . . and prioritize STEM and cybersecurity skills training.

The United States should exercise leadership in setting global norms and advancing U.S. interests in cybersecurity. The supply-chain risk management efforts outlined above are a starting point. The Trump administration has created a template for codifying risk-based cybersecurity provisions in a multilateral trade arrangement under the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement. This model could be expanded in future trade negotiations with Asian and European partners. But such diplomatic efforts will be insufficient if the U.S. government fails to bolster its investment in basic research (including in the foundations of future 6G networks ) and prioritize STEM and cybersecurity skills training at home.

Finally, U.S. technology and trade policy should proactively aim to secure U.S. networks and promote U.S. technology without succumbing to self-defeating economic protectionism. The U.S. government is justified in keeping Huawei out of U.S. critical infrastructure, but thus far it has failed to articulate the strategic rationale (and downside risks) of attempting to cut the company off from U.S. suppliers. Even as the United States takes steps to protect national security in 5G infrastructure and operations, it needs to remain open to the innovation-driving investment and know-how that have made it a technology leader.

This Cyber Brief is part of the Digital and Cyberspace Policy program. The Council on Foreign Relations takes no institutional positions on policy issues and has no affiliation with the U.S. government. All views expressed in its publications and on its website are the sole responsibility of the author or authors.

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As 5G rolls out across the United States, wireless customers may be looking forward to faster downloads and seamless streaming—but the fifth-generation wireless network could impact much more than our smartphones and tablets. 5G’s increased speed and capacity, as well as new features, will open a world of possibilities for scientists working on data-driven projects, or in remote or extreme environments.

Through its 5G Initiative, the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science is funding projects at the DOE national laboratories to demonstrate how advanced wireless will benefit fundamental science research. Based on insight from scientists at the national laboratories during a 2020 workshop called “5G-Enabled Energy Innovation,” the Office of Science established the initiative and awarded $6 million in 2021.

5G networks outperform 4G in data movement, including bandwidth (data per second), latency (or lag), and density (the number of supported devices). The network can transmit up to 100 times more data with only millisecond delays, on par with many wired networks. 5G can also support about 100 times more devices within a given area because the network is built from many smaller, denser, and modular cells.

These updates mean 5G can support advances in data-rich fields such as artificial intelligence, automation, and quantum information science that 4G cannot. In particular, scientists are interested in using these capabilities to drive wireless devices in the field and in the laboratory. Wireless devices that collect data, such as sensors or drones, are at the “edge” of the digital continuum—or a series of connected electronics, from small devices to large data centers. Devices at the edge are typically programmed to perform a specific task, either sending information to or receiving instruction from a central computer. However, 5G could power more computation at the edge, making these frontline devices smarter and more versatile.

For example, 5G may support a flood of interacting, wireless devices with artificial intelligence programs, such as autonomous vehicles navigating rush-hour traffic. In laboratories and industrial settings, robots could be untethered from wires and become more agile, allowing for increasingly sophisticated movements and tasks. At large science facilities like light sources and particle accelerators, individual experiments might be autonomously optimized in real time to solve a particular science problem, rather than reconfigured hours or days later after human analysis.

Also, 5G’s low latency may let us convert traditionally wired systems to wireless, such as industrial control systems that depend on a reliable, high-speed network for performance and safety. Wireless control systems could enhance how we monitor and optimize the flow of electricity on the power grid, or how we design large, state-of-the-art experiments.

A new feature of 5G could be exceptionally useful for science. Unlike previous wireless generations, 5G networks can be sliced to provide tailored services to different connected devices. One device on a science experiment’s network may need lower latency to control the operation of experiment parts, whereas another device may need higher bandwidth to collect and share data. Network slicing also reduces energy use by not wasting power on unused services.

Overall, energy use for 5G networks is expected to drop as much as 90 percent, which presents new possibilities for experiments that have long data collection times. For example, experiments to measure the effects of climate change often place sensors and other equipment in rainforests, arctic tundra, or other remote locations for years at a time. If these devices use less energy, they may never need new batteries or hands-on maintenance—cutting costs, time, and risk for scientists.

Other features of 5G, such as high bandwidth, may also allow field sensors to be further spread out. These distributed sensors could wirelessly coordinate with each other to collect higher quality data over larger surface areas. Further, 5G’s higher frequency range may enable connectivity in extreme environments, such as underground, space, or inside hot or radioactive environments like nuclear reactors. Access to extreme environments could lead to entirely new research opportunities.

Last, but not least, security and privacy for 5G networks for science will be essential. Part of the research funded by the Office of Science explores how we can protect information relayed through 5G networks. For systems like the power grid or autonomous vehicles, securing wireless communications is not just about information protection but also physical safety.

5G has the potential to impact all areas of science research and could revolutionize our nation’s science infrastructure. In addition to the possible applications described here, scientists will likely find other innovative ways to apply advanced wireless to research and discovery.

The Office of Science is the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States and is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. For more information please visit www.energy.gov/science .

Katie Elyce Jones is a science writer for the Office of Science Office of Communications and Public Affairs, [email protected] .

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The population health effects from 5G: Controlling the narrative


The development and implementation of the fifth-generation wireless technology (5G) are currently ongoing and have largely been met with enthusiasm from the telecommunication industry, applications industries, national governments, and the public. However, 5G has also been met with resistance from anti-5G campaigning organizations supported by pockets of the general public. Concerns relate to the perception that 5G might increase total exposure to radiofrequency (RF) radiation, with further concerns around the fact that in addition to the frequency bands used in 3G and 4G, 5G will (and in some places already does) also use frequencies of >6 GHz including a new ~ 30–300 GHz “high band” with wavelengths from 10 to 1 mm [millimeter waves (MMWs)] ( 1 ). Further concerns relate to the use of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technologies and beamforming, and to the implications on infrastructure as 5G requires many additional new small cells. A cursory read of popular and social media provides interesting reading and illustrates how different interpretations of the same information can result in widely varying interpretations, not least compounded by 5G-related conspiracy theories ( 2 ). Competing narratives around 5G are also described around geopolitical debates ( 3 ). Ideally, the peer-reviewed evidence synthesis literature should be free of these and other non-scientific influences, but in practice, this is rarely, if ever, the case. To explore the narrative that formed the basis for the evaluation of health risks in the peer-reviewed scientific literature, the publications on the topic published during the first critical period of discussion are briefly reviewed and discussed.

PubMed, Ovid Medline, and Web of Science databases of peer-reviewed literature were searched for reviews, commentaries, and opinion articles related to 5G and health. Inclusion was limited to these publications as these provide overviews of the evidence and/or initiate, drive, or direct the scientific debate, and primary research studies were excluded. Only publications in English language were included, and an a priori cutoff of the first 3 years from the first publication was assumed to describe the initiation and direction of the debate. Included articles were ranked based on the month and year of online publication (often “ahead of print”) to provide a chronological timeline of when information would have become available. Articles were assigned as “industry” or “activism” depending on whether the articles report links between the authors and either industry or campaigning organizations related to 5G in particular or mobile phones more broadly, or as “independent” otherwise. In case no such links were reported, a basic internet search was performed to identify unreported links.

An overview of the 15 articles included in this review is provided in Table 1 . The set of articles covered the period of 2018–2021, thus providing an overview of the first 3 years of publications on 5G and health.

Overview of included publications.


12018 (Feb)Di CiaulaNot providedNone declaredSystematic-style reviewActivismBNo+Yes
22018 (April)RussellReported no external fundingNone declaredNarrative reviewActivismBNo+Yes
32018 (August)McClellandNot providedNot providedCommentaryIndependentCNo+Yes
42019 (August)Miller et al.Not providedOne CoI (legal counsel)Narrative reviewActivismCNo+Yes
52019 (September)SimkóIndustryNone declaredSystematic-style reviewIndustryAYes+/–No
62020 (January)HardellReported no external fundingNone declaredCommentaryActivismCNo+Yes
72020 (January)KostoffNot providedNone declaredNarrative reviewIndependent/
82020 (June)BushbergNot providedAll (industry)Narrative reviewIndustryCYes-No
102020 (July)HardellReported no external fundingNone declaredCommentaryActivismCNo+Yes
92020 (August)LeszczynskiReported no external fundingNone declaredSystematic-style reviewIndependentAYes+/–Yes
112021 (January)FrankReported no external fundingNone declaredEssayActivismCNo+Yes
122021 (March)KaripidisGovernmental and Research CouncilNone declaredSystematic-style reviewAndependentAYesNo
132021 (March)WoodGovernmental and Research CouncilNone declaredMeta-analysisIndependentAYesNo
142021 (March)JarginReported no external fundingNone declaredLetter to the editorIndependentCNoNo
152021 (June)HardellNot providedNone declaredOpinion reviewActivismCNo+Yes

The first review was published in February 2018 by Di Ciaula ( 4 ) and was based on a systematic search of epidemiological, in vivo , and in vitro studies identified in the PubMed database. Di Ciaula reported no funding or conflict of interest (CoI), but an internet search identified membership of the International Society of Doctors for Environment (ISDE), which published a 5G appeal for a moratorium on the development of 5G ( https://www.isde.org/5G_appeal.pdf ). Di Ciaula discussed the evidence for cancer, reproductive effects, neurologic effects, and microbiological effects and specifically addressed evidence in relation to MMWs. No formal assessment of the quality of the studies was included, and the author concluded that “[the evidence] clearly point to the existence of multi-level interactions between high-frequency EMF and biological systems, and to the possibility of oncologic and non-oncologic (mainly reproductive, metabolic, neurologic, microbiologic) effects” and further raises concerns regarding the increased susceptibility of children. The main aim of the review was to provide the rationale to invoke the precautionary principle, which is mentioned both in the Conclusion section and Abstract.

Russell published a similar review in April 2018 ( 5 ). Despite being the Executive Director of Physicians for Safe Technology, the author reported no affiliation, funding, or CoI. Russell does acknowledge support from Smernoff and Moskowitz; an internet search identifies the latter as being on the Advisory Board of Physicians for Safe Technology as well as being an advisor to the International EMF Scientist Appeal (and its spokesperson for the United States). The review reported effects on cancer, dermal effects, ocular effects, effects on reproduction and neurology, microbiological effects, and effects on the immune system. It further reports specific effects from MMWs, electrohypersensitivity [or, more accurately, idiopathic environmental intolerance attributed to electromagnetic fields (IEI-EMF)], and effects on children, and discusses how industry bias has obscured these facts. Scientific uncertainty is only mentioned in passing and is largely attributed to industry distortion. Russell concludes that “current radiofrequency radiation wavelengths we are exposed to appear to act as a toxin to biological systems” and “although 5G technology may have many unimagined uses and benefits, it is also increasingly clear that significant negative consequences to human health and ecosystems could occur if it is widely adopted.” It further makes specific policy recommendations that “public health regulations need to be updated to match appropriate independent science with the adoption of biologically based exposure standards prior to further deployment of 4G or 5G technology” and that “a moratorium on the deployment of 5G is warranted, along with the development of independent health and environmental advisory boards that include independent scientists who research biological effects and exposure levels of radiofrequency radiation.”

McClelland and Jaboin, who do not seem to have published on the topic of mobile phones and health before, published a commentary in August 2018 ( 6 ). They reported no CoIs, the commentary was supported by a few references to in vivo studies, and the sole aim of the commentary was to bring a 5G moratorium to the attention of the journal's readership.

Miller et al. published their review on August 2019 ( 7 ). The manuscript was initially developed as a Position Statement of the International Network for Epidemiology in Policy (INEP), but after its board voted to abandon its involvement, the authors decided to publish it regardless. They reported affiliations to universities as well as the campaigning organizations the Environmental Health Trust and the Environment and Cancer Research Foundation, but did not, for example, report their involvement in the Physician's Health Initiative for Radiation and Environment (PHIRE) (Miller, Hardell, Davis) and Oceania Radiofrequency Scientific Advisory Association (ORSAA) (Hardell, Morgan, Davis). No information is provided on the methodology of this narrative review, and no quality assessment of included references is conducted, but scientific uncertainty is discussed. Carcinogenic and reproductive effects are reported as a specific susceptibility of children to RF. Particularly in relation to 5G, skin effects, oxidative stress, altered gene expression, immune function, and other biological endpoints are mentioned. The authors make several policy recommendations, but not specifically in relation to 5G.

In September 2019, Simkó and Mattsson published a pragmatic review of in vivo and in vitro evidence for health and biological effects in relation to 6 to 100 GHz frequency range ( 8 ). Both authors were from SciProof International and reported that their review was funded by Deutsche Telekom Technik GmbH. Although described in opaque language, the review seems to be based on a systematic approach to evidence synthesis and includes an assessment of study quality. Scientific uncertainty is discussed in detail, and the authors conclude that “regarding the health effects of 6–100 GHz at power densities not exceeding the exposure guidelines, the studies provide no clear evidence due to contradictory information from the in vivo and in vitro investigations.” They further highlight that “regarding the quality of the presented studies, a few studies fulfill the minimal quality criteria to allow any further conclusions.”

Hardell and Nyberg published a commentary in January 2020 ( 9 ). Both reported university affiliations and reported that neither funding was received for the work nor do they report any CoIs. However, in addition to unreported associations already mentioned above, it has also been documented that Hardell has previously received direct industry funding as well as funding from pressure groups, while he has also acted as an expert witness for the plaintiff in hearings around brain tumors and mobile phones ( 10 ). He is the spokesperson for the International EMF Scientist Appeal for Sweden and also runs a charity, the Environment and Cancer Research Foundation, which accepts direct donations and is heavily involved in appeals. The commentary includes several strong claims, including that “RF radiation may now be classified as a human carcinogen, Group 1” and that “experience with the EU, and the governments of the Nordic countries suggest that the majority of decision-makers are scientifically uninformed on health risks from RF radiation”, and interestingly and without basis that “they [the EU and governments of Nordic countries] seem to be uninterested to being informed by scientists representing the majority of the scientific community.”

In January 2020, there was also the publication of a review of health effects of 5G under real-life conditions by Kostoff et al. ( 11 ). They reported university affiliations and declared that neither external funding was received for the work nor any CoIs. However, an internet search identified that Héroux is the spokesperson for the International EMF Scientists Appeal for Canada. There is no assessment of study quality or scientific uncertainty. They mentioned that industry influence is the cause of the lack of consensus on health effects of mobile phones. The authors claimed that “there is a large body of data from laboratory and epidemiological studies showing that previous and present generations of wireless networking technology have significant adverse health impacts”, and that, with respect to 5G specifically, “superimposing 5G radiation on an already imbedded toxic wireless radiation environment will exacerbate the adverse health effects shown to exist.”

An information statement from the IEEE Committee on Man and Radiation (COMAR) was published in relation to health and safety issues concerning the exposure of the general public to electromagnetic energy from 5G wireless communication networks in June 2020 ( 1 ). All authors report industry CoIs. The main focus of the review relates to RF exposures from 5G, but some discussion specifically on potential biological and health effects of MMWs is included. Study quality is discussed in detail, including the varying quality of narrative reviews [including ( 4 )], and research gaps regarding the bioeffects of MMWs are highlighted. The authors refer back to ( 8 ) for a discussion on bioeffects and conclude that “… while we acknowledge gaps in the scientific literature, particularly for exposures at MMW frequencies, the likelihood of yet unknown health hazards at exposure levels within current exposure limits is considered to be very low, if they exist at all.”

Hardell contributed a second commentary in this period, with Carlberg as co-author ( 12 ). In this commentary, they reported the Environmental and Cancer Research Foundation as their affiliation, but declared neither CoI nor any external funding for the work. Also, the authors discussed the involvement of certain experts in various committees related to RF health and safety in the EU and internationally and the influence of industry. In addition, they mentioned effects of RF exposure, including 5G, on cancer, reproduction, and neurology; effects on the immune system; and microbiological effects, and also mentioned the susceptibility of children to RF. The claim that “the IARC Category should be upgraded from Group 2B to Group 1, a human carcinogen” is re-iterated, referencing Hardell's earlier contribution as the basis for this claim ( 9 ). Hardell and Carlberg highlighted the appeal for a 5G moratorium sent to the EU in 2017.

Leszczynski published a review on the physiological effects of MMWs on the skin and skin cells in August 2020 ( 13 ). He reports a university affiliation, neither external funding for the work nor CoI. Leszczynski conducted a systematic review of several databases for studies of >6 GHz. The quality and uncertainty of the available evidence are specifically discussed, and he concludes that “this evidence is currently insufficient to claim that any effects have been proven or disproven”. Leszczynski addresses policy and argues that “deployment for industrial use should be the first, but the further broader deployment for the non-industrial use should preferably await for the results of the biomedical research”.

Frank published an essay on 5G and the precautionary principle in January 2021 ( 14 ). He declares neither external funding nor CoI. He is, however, a member of the PHIRE team. Frank has no previous track record in radiation epidemiology, but he has reviewed the evidence and provided support for the work by Miller et al. ( 7 ). He concluded that the precautionary principle should be applied and recommended a moratorium on 5G development.

A team from the Swinburne University of Technology and the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) published two studies in March 2021: a comprehensive review of the literature for experimental studies of bioeffects of RF fields between 6 and 300 GHz and a complementary meta-analysis ( 15 , 16 ). The authors reported Australian government and National Health and Medical Research Council funding, but no CoIs. Of relevance is that Karipidis is a member of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICRNIRP). The included studies in these publications were identified in a systematic literature search, and the authors have explicitly discussed study quality. They concluded that many studies have low-quality methods and that experimental data do not provide evidence that low-level MMWs are associated with biological effects relevant to human health.

Jargin published a letter to the editor in March 2021 ( 17 ) in which he has argued that various publications claiming there are health harms related to 5G published by interest groups overestimate any health risks from RF-EMF to hamper the technological advancement of developed nations. He further argued that excessive restrictions would only be unfavorable for the economy and add difficulties to daily life. As such, it advocates a policy recommendation of no action. He has reported neither external funding for the work nor any CoI.

Hardell also contributed a third publication ( 18 ). In this opinion piece/review, Hardell argued that evaluations by the Health Council of the Netherlands, the WHO, ICNIRP, and the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority are not impartial and that a moratorium on the implementation of 5G is urgently required. He has reported both university and foundation affiliations, but has reported neither external funding nor any of the above identified CoI.

This chronological overview of the publications published during the initial critical phase of discussions around 5G and health leads to the interesting observation that publications by authors with links to anti-5G campaigning organizations dominated the early phase in which adverse effects related to 5G were discussed. Over half of the 15 publications had links to such organizations in the initial 3-year period covered here. Such patterns of efforts to control the narrative during critical periods have been studied elsewhere, for example, in the sugar-sweetened beverage research ( 19 ); although in this example, the opposite pattern was observed in which the contribution of industry-related studies was high at the start and decreased significantly with time.

With the increasing contribution from independent and industry-linked authors over the covered time period, the narrative shifts from the exclusive reporting of increased risks of all biological or health effects covered to predominantly descriptions of mixed results and conclusions not supporting increased risks. This difference in the interpretation of the same evidence depending on the affiliation in RF research has been mentioned previously, specifically in relation to the funding source of primary studies ( 20 , 21 ), but the current overview is indicative of a similar pattern in other types of peer-reviewed publications. Reviews from independent and industry-linked authors were systematic-style reviews, rather than narrative reviews, and were of higher methodological quality because they based their inferences on a more systematic approach to the identification of relevant literature and also explicitly included some forms of assessment of the quality of these studies. They also had a narrower aim in terms of exposures or health outcomes, which will have facilitated a more systematic approach. There is evidence from various industries, including the telecommunications industry ( 20 , 21 ), of a correlation between industry funding of research and null findings. However, there is much less discussion of its mirror image: the phenomenon that independently funded studies may be biased if the authors have strong a priori beliefs about the question under study. This “white hat bias” is observable in the literature as selective referencing and the acceptance of a lower standard of scientific evidence for studies supporting the authors' beliefs ( 22 ), and was first explored in obesity research ( 23 , 24 ). The non-systematic inclusion of references (or “cherry picking”) and lack of explicit assessment of study quality observed in the publications in the current work were most prominent in the narrative reviews by authors with links to campaigning organizations and likely will have resulted in biased inferences. Importantly, since these publications made up most of the earliest publications during the critical window, these inferences will have disproportionally influenced the narrative. Given that all of these articles had the specific aim to influence policy and, in most cases, advocated for a moratorium on 5G, this provides further support for the presence of “white hat bias” influencing the initial peer-reviewed and, through that, lay literature.

Given the observed differences between publications by authors with links to campaigning organizations and those with industry-linked or independent authors, the reporting of CoI becomes more important. Direct industry funding and other financial CoIs are generally considered the main sources of potential bias, and these were reported by the publications with links to industry (either as a CoI or as a funding source) and by one of the papers with links to activism. However, no other financial CoIs were reported; for example, it is recorded that Hardell, who has contributed three publications in this critical time period, has previously received direct industry funding as well as funding from pressure groups, while he has also acted as an expert witness for the plaintiff in hearings around brain tumors and mobile phones ( 10 ). Importantly, industry and other financial CoIs are not the only potential source of CoI bias ( 25 ), and a variety of non-financial CoIs have been described, for instance, originating from particular concerns, ideals, and predilections ( 26 ). Membership of campaigning organizations or their advisory or expert boards would, presumably, constitute such non-financial CoIs and, therefore, should have been reported. Despite internet searches by the authors identifying quite a number of such CoIs, only a few of these were reported by the authors (or could be inferred from affiliations). Likewise, the membership of national or international expert organizations constitutes non-financial CoIs that ideally should have been reported, and Karipidis' membership of ICNIRP is relevant in the context of these publications.

Although the discussed timeline of publications highlights some interesting trends and areas of concern, this work has a number of limitations. Although the selected manuscripts were identified through a systematic search, it was not a systematic review of the literature, and publications that did not specifically mention 5G in the title, abstract, or keywords might have been missed. Furthermore, the search was also limited to publications in English language. Although the wider debate about health effects of 5G is much larger and also includes gray literature, popular, and social media, these were not included in this overview. It would be an interesting future exercise to evaluate similar trends in these media. Although several non-reported CoIs were identified, these were identified following cursory internet searches only and do not constitute an exhaustive list. It is likely that a more thorough systematic search would reveal additional links not reported here. It is also possible that some such CoIs did not exist yet at the time of publication.

In conclusion, the discussion around 5G as a significant human health risk in the peer-reviewed literature was initially largely driven by authors from, or with links to, various campaigning organizations and linked publications directly to appeals for a moratorium on 5G. Commentaries and letters are personal opinions and are rarely based upon a methodological appraisal of the evidence, but the narrative of the initial period covered in the current review, relied mostly on reviews of lower methodological quality compared, with the subsequently published reviews by independent researchers and researchers with links to industry. It is likely that articles in the popular media, therefore, were influenced more heavily by the initial advocacy publications than by the later higher quality contributions. Importantly, there is no clear answer (yet) whether the resulting narrative from the peer-reviewed literature describes an overestimation of risks as a result of articles with links to campaigning organizations, or whether later contributions from authors with links to industry, and possibly most independent authors, at the latter stages of the critical window describe an underestimation of true causal associations, or whether their combined evaluation will inform future evidence synthesis closer to “the truth”. It is, however, well established that not including explicit evaluation of the quality of studies included in evidence synthesis, and which was most evident in publications classified as “activism”, makes such reviews more susceptible to biased inferences. In addition to issues related to controlling the narrative and the impact of “white hat bias”, the current work further describes undisclosed non-financial CoIs that are likely to have influenced the interpretation of evidence. This was also observed particularly for those publications associated with campaigning organizations. The narrative around 5G and potential human health effects should be interpreted through this lens, in particular because many of the authors with links to various campaigning organizations in this article (Hardell, Héroux, Miller, and Moskowitz) as well as others who published works after the covered period have recently joined up formally in a new advocacy group ICBE-EMF ( 27 ).

Author contributions

FdV conceived of the study and wrote the first version of the manuscript. FdV and PA conducted the analyses. All authors contributed to the article and approved the submitted version.


The authors would like to thank Tabitha Pring, whose MSc dissertation partly informed the current work.

Conflict of interest

FdV is a member of the Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment COMARE, IRPA NIR Task Group, SRP EMFOR, and EMF Group of the Health Council of the Netherlands. FdV consulted for EPRI not directly related to this work. The remaining author declares that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

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5g network research

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Study and investigation on 5g technology: a systematic review.

5g network research

1. Introduction

1.1. evolution from 1g to 5g, 1.2. key contributions.

  • This survey focused on the recent trends and development in the era of 5G and novel contributions by the researcher community and discussed technical details on essential aspects of the 5G advancement.
  • In this paper, the evolution of the mobile network from 1G to 5G is presented. In addition, the growth of mobile communication under different attributes is also discussed.
  • This paper covers the emerging applications and research groups working on 5G & different research areas in 5G wireless communication network with a descriptive taxonomy.
  • This survey discusses the current vision of the 5G networks, advantages, applications, key technologies, and key features. Furthermore, machine learning prospects are also explored with the emerging requirements in the 5G era. The article also focused on technical aspects of 5G IoT Based approaches and optimization techniques for 5G.
  • we provide an extensive overview and recent advancement of emerging technologies of 5G mobile network, namely, MIMO, Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA), mmWave, Internet of Things (IoT), Machine Learning (ML), and optimization. Also, a technical summary is discussed by highlighting the context of current approaches and corresponding challenges.
  • Security challenges and considerations while developing 5G technology are discussed.
  • Finally, the paper concludes with the future directives.

2. Existing Surveys and Their Applicability

2.1. limitations of existing surveys, 2.2. article organization, 3. preliminary section, 3.1. emerging 5g paradigms and its features, 3.2. commercial service providers of 5g, 3.3. 5g research groups, 3.4. 5g applications.

  • High-speed mobile network: 5G is an advancement on all the previous mobile network technologies, which offers very high speed downloading speeds 0 of up to 10 to 20 Gbps. The 5G wireless network works as a fiber optic internet connection. 5G is different from all the conventional mobile transmission technologies, and it offers both voice and high-speed data connectivity efficiently. 5G offers very low latency communication of less than a millisecond, useful for autonomous driving and mission-critical applications. 5G will use millimeter waves for data transmission, providing higher bandwidth and a massive data rate than lower LTE bands. As 5 Gis a fast mobile network technology, it will enable virtual access to high processing power and secure and safe access to cloud services and enterprise applications. Small cell is one of the best features of 5G, which brings lots of advantages like high coverage, high-speed data transfer, power saving, easy and fast cloud access, etc. [ 40 ].
  • Entertainment and multimedia: In one analysis in 2015, it was found that more than 50 percent of mobile internet traffic was used for video downloading. This trend will surely increase in the future, which will make video streaming more common. 5G will offer High-speed streaming of 4K videos with crystal clear audio, and it will make a high definition virtual world on your mobile. 5G will benefit the entertainment industry as it offers 120 frames per second with high resolution and higher dynamic range video streaming, and HD TV channels can also be accessed on mobile devices without any interruptions. 5G provides low latency high definition communication so augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR) will be very easily implemented in the future. Virtual reality games are trendy these days, and many companies are investing in HD virtual reality games. The 5G network will offer high-speed internet connectivity with a better gaming experience [ 41 ].
  • Smart homes : smart home appliances and products are in demand these days. The 5G network makes smart homes more real as it offers high-speed connectivity and monitoring of smart appliances. Smart home appliances are easily accessed and configured from remote locations using the 5G network as it offers very high-speed low latency communication.
  • Smart cities: 5G wireless network also helps develop smart cities applications such as automatic traffic management, weather update, local area broadcasting, energy-saving, efficient power supply, smart lighting system, water resource management, crowd management, emergency control, etc.
  • Industrial IoT: 5G wireless technology will provide lots of features for future industries such as safety, process tracking, smart packing, shipping, energy efficiency, automation of equipment, predictive maintenance, and logistics. 5G smart sensor technology also offers smarter, safer, cost-effective, and energy-saving industrial IoT operations.
  • Smart Farming: 5G technology will play a crucial role in agriculture and smart farming. 5G sensors and GPS technology will help farmers track live attacks on crops and manage them quickly. These smart sensors can also be used for irrigation, pest, insect, and electricity control.
  • Autonomous Driving: The 5G wireless network offers very low latency high-speed communication, significant for autonomous driving. It means self-driving cars will come to real life soon with 5G wireless networks. Using 5G autonomous cars can easily communicate with smart traffic signs, objects, and other vehicles running on the road. 5G’s low latency feature makes self-driving more real as every millisecond is essential for autonomous vehicles, decision-making is done in microseconds to avoid accidents.
  • Healthcare and mission-critical applications: 5G technology will bring modernization in medicine where doctors and practitioners can perform advanced medical procedures. The 5G network will provide connectivity between all classrooms, so attending seminars and lectures will be easier. Through 5G technology, patients can connect with doctors and take their advice. Scientists are building smart medical devices which can help people with chronic medical conditions. The 5G network will boost the healthcare industry with smart devices, the internet of medical things, smart sensors, HD medical imaging technologies, and smart analytics systems. 5G will help access cloud storage, so accessing healthcare data will be very easy from any location worldwide. Doctors and medical practitioners can easily store and share large files like MRI reports within seconds using the 5G network.
  • Satellite Internet: In many remote areas, ground base stations are not available, so 5G will play a crucial role in providing connectivity in such areas. The 5G network will provide connectivity using satellite systems, and the satellite system uses a constellation of multiple small satellites to provide connectivity in urban and rural areas across the world.

4. 5G Technologies

4.1. 5g massive mimo.

  • Data rate: Massive MIMO is advised as the one of the dominant technologies to provide wireless high speed and high data rate in the gigabits per seconds.
  • The relationship between wave frequency and antenna size: Both are inversely proportional to each other. It means lower frequency signals need a bigger antenna and vise versa.
  • Number of user: From 1G to 4G technology one cell consists of 10 antennas. But, in 5G technologies one cell consist of more than 100 antennas. Hence, one small cell at the same time can handle multiple users [ 45 ]. As shown in Figure 2 .
  • MIMO role in 5G: Massive MIMO will play a crucial role in the deployment of future 5G mobile communication as greater spectral and energy efficiency could be enabled.

State-of-the-Art Approaches

4.2. 5g non-orthogonal multiple access (noma).

  • NOMA is different than all the previous orthogonal access techniques such as TDMA, FDMA and CDMA. In NOMA, multiple users work simultaneously in the same band with different power levels. As shown in Figure 3 .
  • NOMA provides higher data rates and resolves all the loop holes of OMA that makes 5G mobile network more scalable and reliable.
  • As multiple users use same frequency band simultaneously it increases the performance of whole network.
  • To setup intracell and intercell interference NOMA provides nonorthogonal transmission on the transmitter end.
  • The primary fundamental of NOMA is to improve the spectrum efficiency by strengthening the ramification of receiver.

State-of-the-Art of Approaches

4.3. 5g millimeter wave (mmwave).

  • In the technological world, everyone uses WiMax, GPS, wifi, 4G, 3G, L-Band, S-Band, C- Band Satellite, etc., for communication. The radio frequency spectrum of these technologies is minimal, which lies between 1 GHz to 6 GHz. Hence, it is very crowded. The spectrum range from 30 GHz to 300 GHz, known as mmWave, is less utilized and still not allocated to other communication technologies. After a long time, the range from 24 GHz to 100 GHz is allocated to 5G. As shown in Figure 4 .
  • The 5G mmWave offer three advantages: (1) MmWave is very less used new Band, (2) MmWave signals carry more data than lower frequency wave, and (3) MmWave can be incorporated with MIMO antenna with the potential to offer a higher magnitude capacity compared to current communication systems.

4.4. 5G IoT Based Approaches

  • IoT is termed as “Internet of Things.” It provides machine-to-machine (M2M) communication and shares information between heterogeneous devices without human interference. As shown in the Figure 5 .
  • 5G with IoT is a new feature of next-generation mobile communication, which provides a high-speed internet connection between moderated devices. 5G IoT also offers smart homes, smart devices, sensors, smart transportation systems, smart industries, etc., for end-users to make them smarter.
  • IoT deals with moderate devices which connect through the internet. The approach of the IoT has made the consideration of the research associated with the outcome of providing wearable, smart-phones, sensors, smart transportation systems, smart devices, washing machines, tablets, etc., and these diverse systems are associated to a common interface with the intelligence to connect.
  • Significant IoT applications include private healthcare systems, traffic management, industrial management, and tactile internet, etc.

4.5. Machine Learning Techniques for 5G

  • Machine learning (ML) is a part of artificial intelligence. It processes and analyses the data that automates a systematic model that finds patterns and carries out decisions with minimum human interference. As shown in the Figure 6 .
  • In ML, a model will be defined which fulfills the desired requirements through which desired results are obtained. In the later stage, it examines accuracy from obtained results.
  • ML plays a vital role in 5G network analysis for threat detection, network load prediction, final arrangement, and network formation. Searching for a better balance between power, length of antennas, area, and network thickness crossed with the spontaneous use of services in the universe of individual users and types of devices.

4.6. Optimization Techniques for 5G

5. description of novel 5g features over 4g, 5.1. small cell, 5.2. beamforming, 5.3. mobile edge computing, 6. 5g security, 7. summary of 5g technology based on above-stated challenges, 8. conclusions, 9. future findings, author contributions, institutional review board statement, informed consent statement, data availability statement, acknowledgments, conflicts of interest.

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Click here to enlarge figure

GenerationsAccess TechniquesTransmission TechniquesError Correction MechanismData RateFrequency BandBandwidthApplicationDescription
1GFDMA, AMPSCircuit SwitchingNA2.4 kbps800 MHzAnalogVoiceLet us talk to each other
2GGSM, TDMA, CDMACircuit SwitchingNA10 kbps800 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 1900 MHz25 MHzVoice and DataLet us send messages and travel with improved data services
3GWCDMA, UMTS, CDMA 2000, HSUPA/HSDPACircuit and Packet SwitchingTurbo Codes384 kbps to 5 Mbps800 MHz, 850 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 1900 MHz, 2100 MHz25 MHzVoice, Data, and Video CallingLet us experience surfing internet and unleashing mobile applications
4GLTEA, OFDMA, SCFDMA, WIMAXPacket switchingTurbo Codes100 Mbps to 200 Mbps2.3 GHz, 2.5 GHz and 3.5 GHz initially100 MHzVoice, Data, Video Calling, HD Television, and Online Gaming.Let’s share voice and data over fast broadband internet based on unified networks architectures and IP protocols
5GBDMA, NOMA, FBMCPacket SwitchingLDPC10 Gbps to 50 Gbps1.8 GHz, 2.6 GHz and 30–300 GHz30–300 GHzVoice, Data, Video Calling, Ultra HD video, Virtual Reality applicationsExpanded the broadband wireless services beyond mobile internet with IOT and V2X.
AbbreviationFull FormAbbreviationFull Form
AMFAccess and Mobility Management FunctionM2MMachine-to-Machine
AT&TAmerican Telephone and TelegraphmmWavemillimeter wave
BSBase StationNGMNNext Generation Mobile Networks
CDMACode-Division Multiple AccessNOMANon-Orthogonal Multiple Access
CSIChannel State InformationNFVNetwork Functions Virtualization
D2DDevice to DeviceOFDMOrthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
EEEnergy EfficiencyOMAOrthogonal Multiple Access
EMBBEnhanced mobile broadband:QoSQuality of Service
ETSIEuropean Telecommunications Standards InstituteRNNRecurrent Neural Network
eMTCMassive Machine Type CommunicationSDNSoftware-Defined Networking
FDMAFrequency Division Multiple AccessSCSuperposition Coding
FDDFrequency Division DuplexSICSuccessive Interference Cancellation
GSMGlobal System for MobileTDMATime Division Multiple Access
HSPAHigh Speed Packet AccessTDDTime Division Duplex
IoTInternet of ThingsUEUser Equipment
IETFInternet Engineering Task ForceURLLCUltra Reliable Low Latency Communication
LTELong-Term EvolutionUMTCUniversal Mobile Telecommunications System
MLMachine LearningV2VVehicle to Vehicle
MIMOMultiple Input Multiple OutputV2XVehicle to Everything
Authors& ReferencesMIMONOMAMmWave5G IOT5G MLSmall CellBeamformingMEC5G Optimization
Chataut and Akl [ ]Yes-Yes---Yes--
Prasad et al. [ ]Yes-Yes------
Kiani and Nsari [ ]-Yes-----Yes-
Timotheou and Krikidis [ ]-Yes------Yes
Yong Niu et al. [ ]--Yes--Yes---
Qiao et al. [ ]--Yes-----Yes
Ramesh et al. [ ]Yes-Yes------
Khurpade et al. [ ]YesYes-Yes-----
Bega et al. [ ]----Yes---Yes
Abrol and jha [ ]-----Yes--Yes
Wei et al. [ ]-Yes ------
Jakob Hoydis et al. [ ]-----Yes---
Papadopoulos et al. [ ]Yes-----Yes--
Shweta Rajoria et al. [ ]Yes-Yes--YesYes--
Demosthenes Vouyioukas [ ]Yes-----Yes--
Al-Imari et al. [ ]-YesYes------
Michael Till Beck et al. [ ]------ Yes-
Shuo Wang et al. [ ]------ Yes-
Gupta and Jha [ ]Yes----Yes-Yes-
Our SurveyYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Research GroupsResearch AreaDescription
METIS (Mobile and wireless communications Enablers for Twenty-twenty (2020) Information Society)Working 5G FrameworkMETIS focused on RAN architecture and designed an air interface which evaluates data rates on peak hours, traffic load per region, traffic volume per user and actual client data rates. They have generate METIS published an article on February, 2015 in which they developed RAN architecture with simulation results. They design an air interface which evaluates data rates on peak hours, traffic load per region, traffic volume per user and actual client data rates.They have generate very less RAN latency under 1ms. They also introduced diverse RAN model and traffic flow in different situation like malls, offices, colleges and stadiums.
5G PPP (5G Infrastructure Public Private Partnership)Next generation mobile network communication, high speed Connectivity.Fifth generation infrastructure public partnership project is a joint startup by two groups (European Commission and European ICT industry). 5G-PPP will provide various standards architectures, solutions and technologies for next generation mobile network in coming decade. The main motto behind 5G-PPP is that, through this project, European Commission wants to give their contribution in smart cities, e-health, intelligent transport, education, entertainment, and media.
5GNOW (5th Generation Non-Orthogonal Waveforms for asynchronous signaling)Non-orthogonal Multiple Access5GNOW’s is working on modulation and multiplexing techniques for next generation network. 5GNOW’s offers ultra-high reliability and ultra-low latency communication with visible waveform for 5G. 5GNOW’s also worked on acquiring time and frequency plane information of a signal using short term Fourier transform (STFT)
EMPhAtiC (Enhanced Multicarrier Technology for Professional Ad-Hoc and Cell-Based Communications)MIMO TransmissionEMPhAtiC is working on MIMO transmission to develop a secure communication techniques with asynchronicity based on flexible filter bank and multihop. Recently they also launched MIMO based trans-receiver technique under frequency selective channels for Filter Bank Multi-Carrier (FBMC)
NEWCOM (Network of Excellence in Wireless Communications)Advanced aspects of wireless communicationsNEWCOM is working on energy efficiency, channel efficiency, multihop communication in wireless communication. Recently, they are working on cloud RAN, mobile broadband, local and distributed antenna techniques and multi-hop communication for 5G network. Finally, in their final research they give on result that QAM modulation schema, system bandwidth and resource block is used to process the base band.
NYU New York University WirelessMillimeter WaveNYU Wireless is research center working on wireless communication, sensors, networking and devices. In their recent research, NYU focuses on developing smaller and lighter antennas with directional beamforming to provide reliable wireless communication.
5GIC 5G Innovation CentreDecreasing network costs, Preallocation of resources according to user’s need, point-to-point communication, Highspeed connectivity.5GIC, is a UK’s research group, which is working on high-speed wireless communication. In their recent research they got 1Tbps speed in point-to-point wireless communication. Their main focus is on developing ultra-low latency app services.
ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute)Device-to-device communication, MHN protocol stackETRI (Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute), is a research group of Korea, which is focusing on improving the reliability of 5G network, device-to-device communication and MHN protocol stack.
ApproachThroughputLatencyEnergy EfficiencySpectral Efficiency
Panzner et al. [ ]GoodLowGoodAverage
He et al. [ ]AverageLowAverage-
Prasad et al. [ ]Good-GoodAvearge
Papadopoulos et al. [ ]GoodLowAverageAvearge
Ramesh et al. [ ]GoodAverageGoodGood
Zhou et al. [ ]Average-GoodAverage
ApproachSpectral EfficiencyFairnessComputing Capacity
Al-Imari et al. [ ]GoodGoodAverage
Islam et al. [ ]GoodAverageAverage
Kiani and Nsari [ ]AverageGoodGood
Timotheou and Krikidis [ ]GoodGoodAverage
Wei et al. [ ]GoodAverageGood
ApproachTransmission RateCoverageCost
Hong et al. [ ]AverageAverageLow
Qiao et al. [ ]AverageGoodAverage
Wei et al. [ ]GoodAverageLow
ApproachData RateSecurity RequirementPerformance
Akpakwu et al. [ ]GoodAverageGood
Khurpade et al. [ ]Average-Average
Ni et al. [ ]GoodAverageAverage
Author ReferencesKey ContributionML AppliedNetwork Participants Component5G Network Application Parameter
Alave et al. [ ]Network traffic predictionLSTM and DNN*X
Bega et al. [ ]Network slice admission control algorithmMachine Learning and Deep LearingXXX
Suomalainen et al. [ ]5G SecurityMachine LearningX
Bashir et al. [ ]Resource AllocationMachine LearningX
Balevi et al. [ ]Low Latency communicationUnsupervised clusteringXXX
Tayyaba et al. [ ]Resource ManagementLSTM, CNN, and DNNX
Sim et al. [ ]5G mmWave Vehicular communicationFML (Fast machine Learning)X*X
Li et al. [ ]Intrusion Detection SystemMachine LearningXX
Kafle et al. [ ]5G Network SlicingMachine LearningXX
Chen et al. [ ]Physical-Layer Channel AuthenticationMachine LearningXXXXX
Sevgican et al. [ ]Intelligent Network Data Analytics Function in 5GMachine LearningXXX**
Abidi et al. [ ]Optimal 5G network slicingMachine Learning and Deep LearingXX*
ApproachEnergy EfficiencyQuality of Services (QoS)Latency
Fang et al. [ ]GoodGoodAverage
Alawe et al. [ ]GoodAverageLow
Bega et al. [ ]-GoodAverage
ApproachEnergy EfficiencyPower OptimizationLatency
Zi et al. [ ]Good-Average
Abrol and jha [ ]GoodGood-
Pérez-Romero et al. [ ]-AverageAverage
Lähetkangas et al. [ ]Average-Low
Types of Small CellCoverage RadiusIndoor OutdoorTransmit PowerNumber of UsersBackhaul TypeCost
Femtocells30–165 ft
10–50 m
Indoor100 mW
20 dBm
8–16Wired, fiberLow
Picocells330–820 ft
100–250 m
250 mW
24 dBm
32–64Wired, fiberLow
Microcells1600–8000 ft
500–250 m
Outdoor2000–500 mW
32–37 dBm
200Wired, fiber, MicrowaveMedium
Panzner et al. [ ]GoodLowGood-Avg---------
Qiao et al. [ ]-------AvgGoodAvg----
He et al. [ ]AvgLowAvg-----------
Abrol and jha [ ]--Good----------Good
Al-Imari et al. [ ]----GoodGoodAvg-------
Papadopoulos et al. [ ]GoodLowAvg-Avg---------
Kiani and Nsari [ ]----AvgGoodGood-------
Beck [ ]-Low-----Avg---Good-Avg
Ni et al. [ ]---Good------AvgAvg--
Elijah [ ]AvgLowAvg-----------
Alawe et al. [ ]-LowGood---------Avg-
Zhou et al. [ ]Avg-Good-Avg---------
Islam et al. [ ]----GoodAvgAvg-------
Bega et al. [ ]-Avg----------Good-
Akpakwu et al. [ ]---Good------AvgGood--
Wei et al. [ ]-------GoodAvgLow----
Khurpade et al. [ ]---Avg-------Avg--
Timotheou and Krikidis [ ]----GoodGoodAvg-------
Wang [ ]AvgLowAvgAvg----------
Akhil Gupta & R. K. Jha [ ]--GoodAvgGood------GoodGood-
Pérez-Romero et al. [ ]--Avg----------Avg
Pi [ ]-------GoodGoodAvg----
Zi et al. [ ]-AvgGood-----------
Chin [ ]--GoodAvg-----Avg-Good--
Mamta Agiwal [ ]-Avg-Good------GoodAvg--
Ramesh et al. [ ]GoodAvgGood-Good---------
Niu [ ]-------GoodAvgAvg---
Fang et al. [ ]-AvgGood---------Good-
Hoydis [ ]--Good-Good----Avg-Good--
Wei et al. [ ]----GoodAvgGood-------
Hong et al. [ ]--------AvgAvgLow---
Rashid [ ]---Good---Good---Avg-Good
Prasad et al. [ ]Good-Good-Avg---------
Lähetkangas et al. [ ]-LowAv-----------
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Share and Cite

Dangi, R.; Lalwani, P.; Choudhary, G.; You, I.; Pau, G. Study and Investigation on 5G Technology: A Systematic Review. Sensors 2022 , 22 , 26. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22010026

Dangi R, Lalwani P, Choudhary G, You I, Pau G. Study and Investigation on 5G Technology: A Systematic Review. Sensors . 2022; 22(1):26. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22010026

Dangi, Ramraj, Praveen Lalwani, Gaurav Choudhary, Ilsun You, and Giovanni Pau. 2022. "Study and Investigation on 5G Technology: A Systematic Review" Sensors 22, no. 1: 26. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22010026

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What is 5G?

Short for “fifth generation,” 5G is the latest version of mobile internet connection and an upgrade from the 4G network. Compared to earlier generations, it’s designed to be better at handling large amounts of data consumption and deployment when people are trying to access the same mobile service at the same time. New 5G also provides faster browsing and download speeds—up to 20 times faster than the 4G or LTE mobile networks, according to 5G research.

5G also promises lower latency than LTE and other mobile networks for connected devices, which can boost the performance of digital experiences such as video streaming, automated cars, virtual reality, smart factories, online gaming, and more.

Given these improvements it’s no wonder that, since hitting the market in 2019, 5G is already making a major impact around the globe. In fact, the number of 5G users is expected to hit 3 billion by 2025 , according to reports by Statista.

5G has the potential to create a smarter and more connected world, but it’s still a relatively new technology and much research is being done to understand it. This article explores the emerging research in 5G technology and its potential impact on today’s organizations.

What are Challenges Facing 5G Research?

While the future for this emerging technology seems promising, realizing its potential has come with its own set of challenges. Here are some of the obstacles facing 5G research:

5G research and development is expensive to coordinate and administer, and the potential benefits aren’t certain. On top of that, 5G wireless networks and improved tech cost billions to build. Global spending on 5G network infrastructure will total 19.1 billion in 2021—up 39% from 2020 according to 5G research. In countries like China, governments are taking some of the strain off operators to fund the upfront costs. But in the United States, mobile operators like AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile have greater pressure to sign on customers to cover the cost of a 5G buildout.

Technological Deficiencies

It’s difficult to study 5G capabilities when the technology needed to do so isn’t fully developed. Two technologies in particular—high-band technology and end-to-end network slicing—are important for network performance but aren’t yet fully developed. It's also difficult to know how the tech will work in real time, what bandwidth is truly needed to make the technology worthwhile, and more.

5G means more data—which introduces new modes of cyberattacks and expands the potential of security breaches. This presents an additional challenge for researchers to come up with solutions that will be to safely move forward with 5G technology.


Since the emergence of 5G, there has been misinformation regarding its safety—namely, the possible health effects of radio-frequency (RF) energy transmitted by 5G base stations. However, a 2019 review of environmental levels of RF signals in the environment did not find an increase in overall levels since 2012 despite the rapid increase of wireless communications. Currently, there is no solid evidence that 5G causes negative health effects in humans or animals, especially compared to LTE and other existing technologies.

5g network research

What is the Importance of 5G Research?

5G research and technology has paved the way for a powerful new communication standard that can connect billions of devices and sensors to the internet. This is referred to as the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT allows devices to communicate and share data faster than ever before, empowering industries such as healthcare, education, automotive, and more.

5G’s faster network speeds and higher bandwidth not only save organization’s time and money, but in the case of the healthcare industry, this improved technology has the power to save lives. For example, 5G allows doctors to treat patients remotely and provide care—and even robotic surgery—to remote areas.

Another industry that’s benefitting from 5G technology and research is automotive.

According to a recent article by Forbes , “Vehicle automation is expected to be a top use case for the adoption of 5G in IoT applications. This includes the capability to deliver autonomous vehicles that can guide themselves, as well as new services based on the collection of more real-time and granular data about the health and performance of a vehicle.“

5G research has also helped develop safer and more efficient cars. In fact, many of 5G’s applications relate to safety, such as automatic notifications that alert drivers to cars traveling in the wrong direction on one-way roads.

Areas for Further Research in 5G Technology

When most of us think of 5G we think of its obvious uses—smartphones and mobile devices. However, there are other important areas and industries that 5G research is currently exploring.

Healthcare organizations use telehealth more than ever before, and 5G research and technology has played a large role in empowering that growth.

According to a study by Market Research Future, telemedicine is expected to grow by 16.5% by 2023. The research determined this growth is due in large part to the increased demand for healthcare in rural areas. With more telehealth systems in place that are powered by 5G technology, healthcare systems can reach more patients and help them get them treated sooner.

Small Cells

Researchers are currently focusing on small cells to meet the higher data capacity demands of 5G networks. Small cells are low-powered portable base stations that can be placed throughout small geographical areas to improve mobile communication. Because they’re capable of handling high data rates, as well as IoT devices, small cells are well equipped to handle more 5G rollouts.

Research suggests that the speed and reliability of 5G network connectivity will enable more cost-effective and reliable energy transmission. With smart power grids, the energy industry can more effectively manage power consumption and distribution based on need. This will allow them to tap into more off-grid energy sources such as windmills and solar panels.

Smart Cities

Research into 5G and IoT is looking at the potential to create smart city networks that can benefit the lives of citizens. An article by Forbes describes an IoT-equipped smart city powered by 5G where “sports fans driving to a sold-out game could receive real-time notifications of available parking locations while they’re en route.” The article goes on to add, “Integrating video analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) could result in adjustments to traffic signals and traffic flows, reducing congestion and travel times. Minimizing the time cars idle at red lights could save time and frustration while increasing safety and lowering pollution by reducing peak traffic on roadways.”


Cybersecurity is becoming a major area of focus for 5G research. Because this new technology makes everything more software based, the rollout of 5G opens more opportunities for organizations and IT teams to enhance security measures and combat cybercriminals. Additionally, the use of 5G-enabled technologies such as AI, IoT, and cloud computing will help IT pros prevent new cybersecurity threats and operate entire business networks more securely.

5G research is also exploring ways to improve farm efficiency. By using artificial intelligence (AI) combined with 5G technology, farmers get faster, more accurate information from their fields. For example, farm equipment coupled with ground sensors, will be able to give farmers instant updates on the health and performance of their crops. Researchers are also looking into self-driving tractors paired with drones that could guide their work.

Keep in mind these are just the latest areas that researchers and IT experts are exploring. But just like any new technology, the future of 5G is changing every day. With the right training, current and prospective IT experts may easily discover even more ways to use 5G. 

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Cloud-based networks to account for half of all cellular traffic by 2028

Research reveals increased cloudification of network infrastructures with software-based services to hit tipping point for cellular traffic in five years’ time, enabling more dynamic 5g networks.

Joe O’Halloran

  • Joe O’Halloran, Computer Weekly

As operators deploy cloud infrastructure to improve network efficiency, and with hyperscalers and tech companies in general eyeing up the opportunities for software-based solutions in the market, the volume of cellular data serviced by the cloud is set to explode from 700,000 PB in 2024 to as much as 2.8 million PB in 2028, according to a study from Juniper Research.

Global telecommunications cloud strategies market 2024-2028  assessed the telecommunications cloud market in 60 countries using a dataset containing almost 11,000 market statistics over a five-year period.

Fundamentally, the study noted that the shift towards telecommunications cloudification has been triggered by virtualising network functions, replacing traditional network appliances with efficient virtualised functions using industry-standard computing equipment. As a result, said the analyst, standardised server hardware can be used for multiple purposes instead of bespoke and proprietary hardware.

Juniper believes that the expansion in cloud infrastructure will enable dynamic resource provisioning, allowing operators to increase the reliability of their 5G network services . This, it added, would enable operators to redistribute network resources to areas under strain, preventing network congestion.

Juniper calculates that operators will spend $26.6bn on telecommunications cloud in 2024, rising to $64.9bn in 2028. Driving this increase will be total cost of ownership pressured by data consumption, new 5G deployments expand cloud opportunities in telecommunications, and sustainability goals – such as net zero – necessitating the cloud.

In this, Juniper stressed that unlike in fixed wireless networks, the total cost of ownership in wireless cellular networks affected by the volume of data travelling over the network. This is because the radio access network is not dedicated to individual users, with network elements being allocated so that they are able to facilitate traffic generated by users. Juniper forecasts the total data generated over operator networks to increase from 1.929 PB in 2024 to 5.347 PB in 2028. The growth in total data was attributed to both increasing average data consumed per user and a rise in the total number of users.

An anticipated key feature is cloud-based dynamic resource provisioning , the process of distributing telecommunications network resources in near-real-time. Juniper believes that the transition to cloud-based 5G networks is key to enabling dynamic resource provisioning, allowing operators to easily reallocate computing resources for network functions. This automation Juniper predicts will enable operators to provision network resources in near-real time, due to the efficiency and speed provided.

The energy and smart cities sectors were highlighted as key market verticals for cloud-based 5G network service monetisation. Reliability was seen as essential in these market verticals due to their role as critical infrastructure, and operators must exploit this requirement by charging a premium to service providers.

“To charge a premium, operators must couple increased reliability with improved latency and throughput, providing prioritised network slices to connections where possible,” remarked the research author Alex Webb.

Going forward, the report urged operators to integrate automated dynamic resource provisioning with other forms of network automation and resource management, to ensure a unified approach. This, said the analyst, would be critical to maximising network efficiency and performance, as it prevents a chaotic collection of network resource management strategies and software.

Read more about cloud-based 5G networks

  • Nokia, A1, Microsoft claim first for enterprise 5G edge cloud network slicing : Telco teams with IT giant and comms tech provider to offer network slicing solution designed to deliver secure virtual private network services to enterprise customers integrated with edge-based enterprise cloud applications over 4G and 5G networks.
  • Tata Communications launches global, 5G Roaming Lab :  Global digital ecosystem enabler announces launch of cloud-based 5G Roaming Laboratory to allow trial of 5G standalone network use cases before introducing services to enterprise customers.
  • Open RAN investment set to surge over next five years : Research into open radio access network market shows rapidly growing and competitive market.
  • Nokia launches FWA devices, streamlines fibre connectivity : Raft of launches from comms tech provider sees subscription-based service based on AI and cloud-based to automate and optimise fibre connection process.

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Open RAN investment set to surge over next five years


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5g network research

North America leads charge as global 5G connections surge

5g network research

Global cellular IoT connections to grow by three billion in next four years

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5g network research

Faster Speeds and the Promise of New Use Cases is Driving 5G SA Adoption

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The deployment of 5G networks is progressing as demand for faster and more reliable connectivity continues to grow. The standalone (SA) deployment model marks a significant milestone in the evolution of 5G, aiming to offer lower latency, increased bandwidth, and improved reliability compared to earlier network configurations. In this article, we use Ookla Speedtest Intelligence® data to track 5G SA deployments since Q2 2023, 5G SA service adoption, and examine its impact on network performance. We also highlight key regions and countries that made notable advancements in 5G SA infrastructure.

Key Takeaways:

  • India, the U.S., and Southeast Asia are at the forefront of 5G SA adoption. T-Mobile and SK Telekom were among the first to launch 5G SA in 2020, while Chinese operators and Jio in India lead in terms of active 5G SA users. Europe somewhat lags, with operators still hesitant due to the relatively low ROI on existing 5G investments and unclear business cases for 5G SA. However, Europe has the highest number of operators planning to launch it.
  • The U.A.E. and South Korea lead the world in 5G SA performance. 5G SA download speeds reached 879.89 Mbps and 729.89 Mbps, respectively. Their 5G SA upload speeds were also impressive, at 70.93 Mbps and 77.65 Mbps, respectively. This performance is a result of significant advancements made by local operators in deploying 5G SA and testing advanced features such as network slicing and mobile edge computing (MEC).
  • The change in speed of 5G SA varied widely between countries over a year. Speedtest Intelligence data shows that 5G SA performance declined in many countries between Q2 2023 and Q2 2024, primarily driven by increased user base and network traffic. Conversely, markets such as Canada and the U.S. improved their performance thanks to access to additional spectrum.

5G SA deployments are expected to increase this year as adoption gains momentum and ecosystem matures

Most existing 5G deployments use the non-standalone (NSA) model which uses the 4G core network. This model is faster to roll out, requires less investment, and maximizes existing network assets. Unlike 5G NSA, 5G SA uses a dedicated 5G core network, unlocking the full capabilities of 5G with better speed, latency, support for large numbers of devices, and more agile service creation. It also enables new features such as network slicing where an operator can dedicate a network segment to specific customers or use cases. Furthermore, the core network functions provided by a cloud-native architecture enable more scalability and automation than physical or virtualized architectures. However, this comes with higher infrastructure complexity, investment as well as staff training costs.  Many operators use NSA as a stepping stone towards SA, with a few exceptions, such as DISH in the U.S. and Jio in India, which adopted SA from the outset. Other scenarios for deploying 5G SA include an overlay for a public 5G NSA network or as a private network for enterprise use cases. 

The Global Mobile Suppliers Association (GSA) identified 230 operators that had invested in public 5G SA networks as of the end of June 2024. 5G SA represented more than 37% of the 614 operators known to have invested in 5G either through trials or deployments. The GSA reported 1,535 commercially available devices, including handsets and fixed wireless access (FWA) customer premises equipment (CPEs), that support 5G SA, demonstrating the growing maturity of the device ecosystem. 

However, only 11 new 5G SA deployments in nine countries were recorded (out of 46 new 5G networks launched in 32 countries) in 2023, according to Analysys Mason , showing a slowdown in deployments. We expect the pace of 5G SA launches to accelerate in 2024 and beyond supported by the growing device ecosystem and commercial appetite for new 5G use cases.  To identify where 5G SA access has been activated and the network expanded between Q2 2023 and Q2 2024, we used Speedtest Intelligence® data to identify devices that connect to 5G SA. The maps below confirm that the number of 5G SA samples increased year-on-year and that coverage has expanded beyond urban centers. However, mobile subscribers in most of Africa, Europe, Central Asia, and Latin America have yet to experience 5G SA.

Speedtest Samples That Use 5G Standalone

In the following sections, we examine the year-on-year changes in 5G SA performance across different regions and identify which countries are leading in the Developed Asia Pacific, the Americas, Emerging Asia Pacific, and Europe.

The developed Asia-Pacific (DVAP) region is at the forefront of 5G SA launches

Operators in this region boast 5G SA networks, with launches happening as early as 2020. Strong government support, operators’ technology leadership, and a high consumer appetite for high-speed internet services drove this rapid adoption.

South Korea is considered a pioneer in the adoption and deployment of 5G technology, with SK Telecom deploying one of the first 5G SA services in H1 2020, and supporting advanced features such as network slicing and mobile edge computing (MEC). Speedtest Intelligence data shows that the country led the region in download and upload speeds in Q2 2024. South Korea has one of the highest median speeds among the countries analyzed at 729.89 Mbps (download) and 77.65 Mbps (upload). The other top-performing country is the U.A.E with a median download speed of 879.89 Mbps and a median upload speed of 70.93 Mbps. 

All three service providers in Singapore commercialized 5G SA services, covering more than 95% of the country . Users experienced excellent download speed with a median value of 481.96 Mbps. However, Singapore lagged in upload speed with a median value of 32.09 Mbps.

Macau and Japan are second and third in the region with median download speeds of 404.22 Mbps and 272.73 Mbps, respectively. Mainland China followed with a median speed of 236.95 Mbps. Policies and initiatives such as network-sharing agreements and government subsidies supported 5G growth.

In Australia, TPG Telecom launched its 5G SA network in November 2021, following Telstra’s announcement in May 2020. However, the country lagged behind its regional peers with median download speeds and upload speeds of 146.68 Mbps and 17.69 Mbps, respectively.

The performance of most reviewed DVAP countries remained largely stable or slightly declined between Q2 2023 and Q2 2024. The only two exceptions are South Korea and Australia where performance improved by 12% and 18%, respectively. The most substantial declines were observed in upload speeds, while South Korea stood out with a 17% boost in performance.

5G Standalone Network Performance, Select Countries in Developed Asia Pacific Source: Speedtest Intelligence® | Q2 2023 – Q2 2024 5G Standalone Network Performance, Select Countries in Developed Asia Pacific

T-Mobile and DISH Push 5G SA Coverage in the U.S.

In the U.S., T-Mobile launched its 5G Standalone (SA) network over 600 MHz spectrum in August 2020, becoming one of the first operators in the world to do so. This was followed by a faster service over 2.5 GHz mid-band spectrum in November 2022 which helped the operator to maintain its national lead in 5G performance . On the other hand, Verizon extensively tested 5G SA in 2023 but so far has been slow to deploy a nationwide SA network . DISH, another notable 5G SA operator, pioneered a cloud-native Open RAN-based 5G SA network in June 2023 and expanded coverage to 73% of the population by the end of that year . In Canada, Rogers Wireless launched the first 5G SA at the beginning of 2021, a year after introducing 5G NSA. 

In Brazil, the median download and upload speeds reached 474.65 Mbps and 32.36 Mbps in Q2 2024, respectively, exceeding those in Canada and the U.S. The main operators in Brazil, Claro, Telefonica (Vivo), and TIM have launched 5G SA over the 3.5 GHz band, making the service available to a large proportion of the population .

While download and upload speed improved in Canada and the U.S. between Q2 2023 and Q2 2024, according to Speedtest Intelligence, it declined in Brazil. The deployment of C-band has likely helped to increase download speed in both Canada and the U.S.

5G Standalone Network Performance, Select Countries in the Americas Source: Speedtest Intelligence® | Q2 2023 – Q2 2024 5G Standalone Network Performance, Select Countries in the Americas

India leads in the Emerging Asian Pacific (EMAP) region with fast expansion to 5G SA network

India is at the forefront of the Emerging Asian Pacific region’s rapid 5G Standalone (SA) network expansion. However, according to Ookla’s Speedtest data for Q2 2024, the Philippines surpasses both India and Thailand with a median 5G SA download speed of 375.40 Mbps. Globe, the first mobile operator to introduce 5G Non-Standalone (NSA) in the Philippines, expanded its 5G outdoor coverage to 97.44% of the capital by the end of H1 2023. The company also launched 5G SA private networks in 2023, along with network slicing.

India follows closely behind the Philippines, with a median download speed of just under 300 Mbps. Jio has been a leader in enhancing 5G SA coverage since its launch in October 2022, while Bharti Airtel initially opted for NSA, with plans to transition to full 5G SA. 

Jio’s rapid coverage expansion and high throughput are supported by its access to mid-band (3.5 GHz) and low-band (700 MHz) frequencies. Additionally, all new 5G handsets released in India are SA-compatible , boosting the adoption of 5G SA services, and more than 90% of them support carrier aggregation and Voice over New Radio (VoNR). 

Thailand lags behind in median download speed for Q2 2024 but outperforms India and the Philippines in upload speed. It was among the first countries in the region to introduce 5G services, with operators quickly expanding coverage to reach over 80% of the population. AIS, the leading operator in Thailand, launched 5G NSA services in February 2020 using 700 MHz, 2.6 GHz, and 26 GHz bandwidths , followed by 5G SA in July 2020. The operator enabled VoNR in 2021. 

Unlike the DVAP region, countries in EMAP have experienced a more substantial decline in 5G SA network performance compared to Q2 2023. The rapid coverage expansion and adoption have likely increased the load on 5G SA infrastructure, putting pressure on the operators to scale up network capacity in the future to at least maintain a similar performance level.

5G Standalone Network Performance, Select Countries in Emerging Asia Pacific Source: Speedtest Intelligence® | Q2 2023 – Q2 2024 5G Standalone Network Performance, Select Countries in Emerging Asia Pacific

Europe is home to the highest number of operators looking to deploy 5G SA

A growing number of European operators are offering or planning to offer 5G SA, driven by a maturing device ecosystem. However, many remain hesitant due to cost and the need to demonstrate clear business cases for 5G SA. GSMA Intelligence reports that Europe has the highest number of planned 5G SA launches, with 45 operators planning to deploy it as of Q1 2024.

Elisa in Finland was one of the first operators in the region to launch 5G SA in November 2021. Other notable examples of SA implementations include Vodafone in Germany (April 2021) and the UK (June 2023), Bouygues Telecom (2022) in France, Three in Austria, Wind Tre in Italy (both in 2022), Orange and Telefónica in Spain, and TDC Denmark in 2023. 

The recent 5G SA launch in Spain may explain why that country saw such high speeds, with Speedtest Intelligence reporting download and upload speeds of 614.91 Mbps and 56.93 Mbps, respectively, in Q2 2023. However, Spain experienced a significant drop in performance in 2024, with speeds falling to 427.64 Mbps (download) and 30.55 Mbps (upload). Despite this decline, Spain continued to outperform the UK and Germany.

5G Standalone Network Performance, Select Countries in Europe Source: Speedtest Intelligence® | Q2 2023 – Q2 2024 5G Standalone Network Performance, Select Countries in Europe

While 5G SA deployments appear to have slowed in 2023 compared to previous years, we expect momentum to increase from 2024 due to rising enterprise demand for private networks and interest in network slicing, as well as consumer demand for immersive gaming and VR applications.  The ecosystem’s maturity and the availability of more network equipment and devices supporting 5G SA will also stimulate the market. According to the GSA, 21% of operators worldwide investing in 5G have included 5G SA in their plans .

Interestingly, the growing popularity and adoption of 5G SA have impacted its performance, with many markets seeing some degradation compared to 2023, according to Speedtest Intelligence.  Nonetheless, 5G SA still offers a markedly faster download speed than 5G NSA. Beyond speed, 5G SA promises new capabilities, such as network slicing, that have started to emerge in the most advanced markets but will take time to become a reality for most consumers and enterprises worldwide.

We will continue to track the deployments of 5G SA and monitor their impact on network global performance. For more information about Speedtest Intelligence data and insights, please contact us .

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About the Author

5g network research

Karim Yaici

Karim Yaici is the Lead Industry Analyst at Ookla covering the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region. Previously, he directed Analysys Mason's MEA research program, where he was responsible for telecoms forecasts, market reports, consumer surveys, and custom research.

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5G Evolution

Ee tops reliability chart as new research reveals the uk’s best network.

Aug 5, 2024

  • New research analysing the consumer mobile experience finds EE is the UK’s most reliable network for customers.
  • Rankings also show EE has regained the award for the UK’s best 5G experience following improvements in the availability of its 5G network in the last six months.
  • EE retains its crown as the UK’s best network for an 11th year in a row, demonstrably providing the best network for video streaming and mobile gaming.

Independent testing of the everyday mobile experience across the UK has demonstrated EE is the most reliable network for mobile customers, being named the UK’s best network for a record 11 th year in a row.

To provide a robust and definitive picture of the performance of all four of the UK’s mobile network operators – EE, Three, O2 and Vodafone – RootMetrics® analysts have conducted more than 625,000 tests across every region of the country in the last six months, including the sixteen largest UK cities and more than 22,000 miles of roads.

These tests examined the mobile network experience in real-life situations in a variety of locations and scenarios using a Samsung Galaxy S23 smartphone. EE was found to deliver:

  • 47% less call setup failures than any other network 1
  • 33% more high-speed data downloads (above 25Mbps) than any other network 2
  • The most reliable network for mobile internet connections 3

Marc Allera, Chief Executive Officer at EE, said : "The average internet user in the UK spends more than six hours every day online, using multiple connected devices. This makes having reliable connectivity at home and on the move more important than ever. This research gives every person in the UK a trusted source of insight into the performance of all mobile operators, including in the busiest cities where we all compete every day to provide the most reliable experience.

“With that in mind, for EE to be crowned the UK’s best mobile network for eleven years in a row is a remarkable achievement. We’ve worked tirelessly to deliver the fastest and most reliable mobile network in the UK and we will continue to put network quality at the heart of our customer experience.”

A recent separate piece of research from Farrpoint demonstrated the social and economic value of reliable connectivity to communities across the UK, especially in rural areas – making EE’s performance in RootMetrics® UK-wide reliability testing even more important.

5G for neighbourhoods and nations

When analysing 5G performance across the UK, RootMetrics® testing focuses on two main criteria: network availability and performance. The results found EE provided the best 5G experience across the UK, with its 5G availability increasing 8.5% in the last six months and its 5G network delivering 50% faster download speeds for the widest number of consumers. 4

EE’s 5G network now provides coverage to more than 78% of the entire UK population and has been made available in a further 1,531 locations - from rural Scotland to central London - since the end of 2023. This includes major event venues such as Wembley Stadium, Murrayfield, Vicarage Road and Villa Park.

This expansion in network availability is part of EE’s ambition to offer a 5G connection anywhere in the UK by 2028.

Taking mobile gaming to the next level

More than 32% of consumers in the UK state that mobile is their top gaming platform 5 , making it one of the fastest growing areas for RootMetrics® to analyse. Its testing focuses on core network connectivity issues that create the optimal gaming experience, including latency, packet loss, jitter and download speed.

The results found:

  • EE has the fastest UK-wide average download speeds (79.8 Mbps)
  • EE had the lowest packet loss among all operators in the UK at just 1.8%.
  • EE’s jitter rate of 0.03 milliseconds will deliver a smooth and responsive mobile gaming experience.

The fight for first

The mobile industry in the UK is one of the most competitive in the world. To understand which network is living up to its claims, RootMetrics H1 2024 test results are available to read in full here: rootmetrics.com/en-GB/content/uk-mobile-performance-review-1h-2024

Here is a snapshot of the network awards EE has won following the independent testing conducted by RootMetrics® throughout the UK:

The UK’s best network for 11 years in a row

The UK’s most reliable network

The UK’s fastest network

The UK’s best 5G experience

The UK’s best network for mobile gaming

The UK’s most reliable network for mobile gaming

The UK’s best network for video

The UK’s best network for calls and data

The UK’s most accessible network

The best network performance in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

The best network performance in 16 of the largest cities in the UK

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Here's the download on new 5G SA uplink features

  • SRG just completed a benchmark study of new 5G uplink features
  • We’re talking really new – because the features aren’t prevalent in a lot of handsets outside of China 
  • Until recently, the uplink in 5G networks has taken a backseat to the downlink

A new study by Signals Research Group (SRG) gives operators more reasons to hasten their transition to 5G standalone (SA) networks. That's because the study shines a light on new 5G SA uplink features that can drastically improve throughput, coverage and/or spectral efficiency – all big deals when it comes to social media and AI applications. 

In the study, SRG focused on features that amplify the uplink data transfer. Usually, it’s the downlink that gets all the attention and rightfully so, because the majority of mobile data traffic resides in the downlink.

However, “the times, they are a changin’,” wrote SRG President Michael Thelander, quoting a  fellow Minnesotan .

Thelander, a 20-year wireless industry veteran who last year famously chronicled how he turned off 5G on his phone, said AI is an oft-cited use case that’s driving interest in the uplink channel. But perhaps a more prevalent driver right now is plain old social media – with or without the AI.

Thelander cites his favorite walleye fisherman who on YouTube is now streaming his adventures from remote lakes in Wisconsin where there isn’t a reliable Wi-Fi hotspot for miles. 

“We’re thinking his mobile operator should sponsor him and display their logo on his fishing boat,” Thelander quipped in his latest report.

Infrastructure vendors like Ericsson and Nokia might also want to jump on board. Both of them emphasized the importance of uplink at their recent analyst events, Thelander noted.

UP MIMO requires 5G SA 

One of the features that figures prominently in SRG’s report is 5G uplink MIMO, or UL-MIMO. Outside of China, it’s a feature that remains mostly on the sidelines from a device perspective, but it’s now available in bands 1.9 GHz and 2.5 GHz. Like other features SRG tested, UP MIMO shows promise for extending the phone's battery life. 

UL-MIMO can double the speed/spectral efficiency of a data session. Like it sounds, it’s very similar to downlink MIMO but in the opposite direction.

“It basically means that over a given radio channel, you’re sending essentially two data streams, so in theory, you can double your capacity,” he told Fierce. “You can get twice the data speeds in an individual phone and you can double the efficiency of your radio channel.”

UL-CA might be easier

The other up-and-coming feature is UL-Carrier Aggregation, or UL-CA, which serves as a nice complement to UL-MIMO, he said.

UL-CA delivers higher throughput by using two uplink channels, and it proves very effective in increasing the uplink data speeds, especially when the smartphone doesn’t support UL-MIMO.

UL-CA might be easier to implement in a device, probably because it’s been done with LTE, he said. UL-CA is somewhat comparable to Evolved Non-standalone Dual Connectivity (EN-DC), which involves a combination of data traffic on a 5G radio bearer and LTE radio bearer.

SRG’s executive summary doesn’t include exact data speeds achieved in the tests. But  earlier this year , T-Mobile boasted about the record uplink speed of 345 Mbps it achieved on its 5G SA network using a new feature called UL Tx switching. SRG’s report mentions that feature, which Thelander said is right around the corner but wasn’t available when he conducted his tests.

Testing, testing

SRG’s tests focused on 5G handset features that are designed to improve throughput, coverage and/or spectral efficiency, but generally require a 5G SA network, which are few and far between.

In the U.S., T-Mobile is the sole incumbent wireless operator with a nationwide commercial 5G SA network. Verizon and AT&T are lagging but working toward nationwide 5G SA status. The financially strapped Dish Network also boasts a 5G SA network, albeit with far fewer customers.

So, SRG conducted its tests in early July using T-Mobile’s network in the Seattle area, which uses radio access network (RAN) gear provided by Nokia. The devices– the razr 2024 and razr+ 2024 – were provided by Motorola.

Neither T-Mobile nor Motorola company had any direct involvement in SRG’s tests or analysis, although they were given a heads up just before the July 31 report was published, Thelander said.

Advantages of not being first

The upshot for the other two incumbent U.S. carriers that haven’t yet launched nationwide 5G SA is that by the time they’re ready to introduce these new features, it’s probably going to be a lot easier than it was for T-Mobile, Thelander said.

“All the heavy lifting has been done,” such as interop testing between chipsets and infrastructure, he said. “There was probably a lot of pain that was felt to get to this point,” so when a vendor wants to install UL-CA, for example, the learning curve is much better than it was when T-Mobile started.

All of this begs the question of whether we’re ever going to see handsets more closely aligned to networks. In the past, operators like  AT&T and  Verizon have said they’re in no hurry to widely deploy 5G SA until there’s a sizable number of compatible devices in customers’ hands that can take advantage of the new features.

“I guess you have to build the house before you put the roof on it,” Thelander said, noting that if you take the most advanced network solution and most advanced chipset, the network in most cases is still going to be ahead of the handsets.

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    Jake Saunders, vice president for Asia, from ABI Research, led the roundtable discussion by reporting that 5G SA MBB operations in Northeast Asia, irrespective of enterprise private network deployments, have been a mainstream revenue generator for leading Asian operators once their large-scale deployments have been achieved.