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Egg in Vinegar Experiment – Make a Rubber Egg

Egg in Vinegar Experiment

The egg in vinegar experiment is a fun way of learning about egg structure, chemical reactions, osmosis, and the scientific method . It’s a safe and non-toxic project, so it’s perfect for young investigators. Other names for the egg in vinegar experiment are the naked egg, rubber egg, or bouncy egg. The “naked” part is easy to understand, because you’re removing the shell from the egg using chemistry. The “rubber” or “bouncy” description implies the egg bounces rather than breaks. Does it work? You be the judge!

The Chemistry of the Egg in Vinegar Experiment

Vinegar contains acetic acid (CH 3 COOH), which is a weak acid . Egg shells are calcium carbonate (CaCO 3 ). Acetic acid reacts with calcium carbonate, making calcium acetate and carbon dioxide. Here is the balanced chemical equation for the reaction:

2 CH 3 COOH(aq) + CaCO 3 (s) → Ca(C 2 H 3 O 2 ) 2 (aq) + H 2 O(l) + CO 2 (g)

The calcium acetate dissolves in water, while the carbon dioxide is a gas and forms bubbles. So, the egg shell dissolves and bubbles away, leaving a naked egg.

What You Do

All you need for this project is an egg, vinegar, and a cup:

  • Cup large enough for the egg
  • Food coloring (optional)

Use either a raw egg or hard-boiled egg. The advantage of using a raw egg is that you can see into the inside of the egg when you are done. The advantage of using a hard-boiled egg is that it bounces after pickling in the vinegar. The raw egg bounces a bit too, but if you use too much force it breaks open and makes a mess.

  • Place the egg in a cup.
  • Pour vinegar over the egg until it is just covered. It’s okay if the egg floats a bit. If you like, add a few drops of food coloring. After about 15 minutes, observe the bubbles forming around the egg. The bubbles are carbon dioxide gas. They form from the chemical reaction between the acetic acid in the vinegar and the calcium carbonate of the egg shell. You may also feel that the cup is slightly warm. The reaction is exothermic, meaning it gives off heat. The bubbles and temperature change are two signs of a chemical change .
  • Wait a day. Also note that the liquid becomes cloudy or scummy. This is the dissolving egg shell.
  • If you remove the egg after 1 day, use a spoon. Otherwise, a raw egg easily ruptures. At this point, if you remove the egg, you can easily rinse away any remaining shell. But, you get better results if you pour off the liquid and add fresh vinegar. This is especially true if you want a rubber egg or bouncy egg. Wait another day or two, giving the vinegar time to get all the way into the egg.
  • Remove the egg and rinse it off using water.

Why Rotten or Bad Eggs Float

Why Rotten Eggs Float in Water

Learn the scientific reason why bad eggs float in water, while good eggs sink.

Science Experiments to Try

Now that you have a rubber egg, what do you do with it?

  • Examine the internal structure of the egg. This only works if you started with a raw egg and not a hard-boiled one. Identify the egg membrane, yolk, egg white (albumin), and chalaza.
  • Compare the egg without its shell to a normal egg. Notice that the egg soaked in vinegar is slightly larger than the egg with its shell. Why is this? The reason is because water entered the rubber egg via osmosis . The concentration of salts, proteins, and other molecules inside the egg is greater than the concentration in the cup. The egg membrane is semipermeable. It allows the movement of water, but not larger molecules. So, the egg swells with water to try to dilute the inside of the egg so it has the same concentration and outside of the egg. Experiment : Predict what happens if you soak the rubber egg in corn syrup, salt water, or sugar water. Compare the size of this egg with a normal egg and a rubber egg. Corn syrup, salt water, or sugar water shrink the egg because the liquid is more concentrated the interior of the egg. Here, water leaves the egg via osmosis.
  • Try bouncing the egg. In addition to dissolving the egg shell, vinegar also pickles the egg. It changes the conformation of protein molecules in the egg white. Because vinegar has a low pH, it also helps preserve the egg. Experiment : Compare how well a rubber egg bounces depending on whether you started with a raw egg or hard-boiled egg.

Can You Eat the Egg?

Eating an egg after soaking it in vinegar is not a great plan. First, it won’t taste great. Second, it could make you sick. If you must eat your experiment, soak a hard-boiled egg in vinegar in the refrigerator for a few days.

Does the Egg in Vinegar Smell Like Rotten Eggs?

Mostly, the egg comes out of this project smelling like vinegar. Vinegar pickles the egg, which preserves it. But, once you remove the egg from vinegar it starts decomposing. After enough time, if you break the egg, it will stink. The odor comes from hydrogen sulfide gas, which is a product of the decomposition reactions in the egg.

Of course, if you start the project with a rotten egg, all bets are off. Rupturing the membrane releases any trapped gases. Bounce these egg with care!

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Egg in Vinegar Science Experiment – How to Make a Bouncy Egg

Hold on to your eggs because this egg in vinegar science experiment might have your kids bouncing along with these bouncy raw eggs. Kids will discover how a chemical reaction can dissolve what seems solid into something that feels more like a bouncy ball! 

Watch the video, print out the instructions, then try it for yourself. Our simple scientific explanation helps kids see and feel the results of chemical reactions while learning how it works. 

egg and vinegar experiment

JUMP TO SECTION: Instructions | Video Tutorial | How it Works

Supplies Needed

  • Glass or Jar

Bouncy Egg Science Lab Kit – Only $5

egg and vinegar experiment

Use our easy Bouncy Egg Science Lab Kit to grab your students’ attention without the stress of planning!

It’s everything you need to  make science easy for teachers and fun for students  — using inexpensive materials you probably already have in your storage closet!

Egg in Vinegar Science Experiment Instructions

Experiment Setup – Start with some observations about the egg. Explain that it is a raw egg and that that the shell is fragile and can easily be cracked. Demonstrate this with another egg. Then ask some questions. Does it seem possible that we can get the egg to bounce? Next observe the supplies for the experiment. What do you think will happen if you put the egg in vinegar? Write down your hypothesis (prediction) and then follow the steps below.

Step 1 – Get a raw egg and carefully place it into a glass or jar. Then fill the glass with white vinegar until the egg is completely submerged.

egg and vinegar experiment

Step 2 – Leave the egg in the glass for 2-3 days. Each day, check back on the egg. Make some observations. Do you notice any changes to the egg? Is anything happening to the vinegar? Write down your observations each day. After about 3 days the egg will start to become translucent and you will know it is ready to move to step 3. 

egg and vinegar experiment

Step 3 – Carefully remove the egg from the glass and rinse it under some tap water. While rinsing the egg, gently rub the outside of the egg and the white film will come off leaving you with a translucent egg. Examine the egg and make some observations. Does the egg look different from when you started the experiment? Does the egg feel different? Perhaps you notice that it feels rubbery (like a bouncy ball). Write down your observations. 

Step 4 – Over a plate or other container, lift the egg 1-2 inches in the air, let go, and watch it bounce. Make some observations. What happens to the egg? Does it bounce? Is this different than what you expected?

egg and vinegar experiment

Step 5 – When you are ready for some messy fun, lift the egg a little higher in the air and let it go…SPLAT!

Wondering what caused the egg to bounce? Find out the answer in the how does this experiment work section below.

Video Tutorial

Watch the Bouncy Egg in Vinegar Science Experiment Step by Step Instructions

How Does the Bouncy Egg Science Experiment Work

The egg becomes bouncy as a result of a chemical reaction between the eggshell and the vinegar. The eggshell of a chicken egg is made of calcium carbonate, and vinegar is a weak acid. If you’ve ever mixed baking soda and vinegar together, you know the violent reaction that results. The calcium carbonate that makes up the eggshell will react with the vinegar the same way baking soda reacts with vinegar (just a lot less violently). You know the vinegar and calcium carbonate of the eggshell are reacting because of the small bubbles that form around the egg when it is placed in the vinegar. These small bubbles are carbon dioxide gas, which are the result of the reaction between calcium carbonate and vinegar.

Once the shell of the egg is gone, all that is left covering the egg is a thin membrane. The vinegar begins working on the egg’s membrane. The membrane of a chicken egg is selectively permeable . The vinegar is able to cross the selectively permeable membrane of the egg through osmosis . The vinegar toughens up the membrane of the egg making it bouncy!

The selectively permeable membrane of the egg means that some substances can pass through the membrane while others cannot. Osmosis is the diffusion of solvent molecules through a selectively permeable membrane.

Other Ideas to Try

Try other acids like lemon juice. Does it have the same effect on the eggshell? Try other types of eggs – white vs. brown shells, regular vs. organic eggs, maybe you can even find some unusual egg types at your local grocery store to experiment with (turkey, duck, quail eggs).

I hope you enjoyed the experiment. Here are some printable instructions:

Bouncy Egg Science Experiment

Bouncy Egg Science Experiment


  • Get a raw egg and carefully place it into a glass or jar. Then fill the glass with white vinegar until the egg is completely submerged.
  • Leave the egg in the glass for 2-3 days. Each day, check back on the egg. Make some observations. Do you notice any changes to the egg? Is anything happening to the vinegar? Write down your observations each day. After about 3 days the egg will start to become translucent and you will know it is ready to move to step 3. 
  • Carefully remove the egg from the glass and rinse it under some tap water. While rinsing the egg, gently rub the outside of the egg and the white film will come off leaving you with a translucent egg. Examine the egg and make some observations. Does the egg look different from when you started the experiment? Does the egg feel different? Perhaps you notice that it feels rubbery (like a bouncy ball). Write down your observations. 
  • Over a plate or other container, lift the egg 1-2 inches in the air, let go, and watch it bounce. Make some observations. What happens to the egg? Does it bounce? Is this different than what you expected?
  • When you are ready for some messy fun, lift the egg a little higher in the air and let it go…SPLAT!

Bouncy Egg Experiment Steps

Reader Interactions

' src=

October 8, 2017 at 5:08 pm

this website was extremely helpful

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December 13, 2017 at 8:42 am

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January 28, 2018 at 3:22 am

How long should I wait accurately to turn the egg bouncy

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March 13, 2018 at 11:54 pm

You need to wait at a minimum of two days before bouncing the egg.

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October 1, 2018 at 8:17 pm

Hi you have to wait for a maximum of 1-3 days till it bounces.

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December 5, 2018 at 12:18 am

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April 18, 2018 at 9:55 am

thank you for this useful information guys. always fun to get my hands messy and do a science experiment with with reuban and max 🙂

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May 16, 2018 at 6:09 pm

my daughter did this for her science fair project and she left it in for 24 hours and it was perfect

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November 12, 2018 at 8:47 pm

We think the calicium on the egg shell dissolves with the vinegar which is an acid.

Are we correct?

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December 18, 2018 at 9:42 am

This is so cool.

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January 8, 2019 at 8:22 am

Thanks! It helped me a lot for my science project at school!

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January 27, 2020 at 4:13 am

Can you add food colouring? ??

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February 3, 2023 at 12:32 pm

Yes you can, when i did this experiment in class we did food coloring and highlighter and we made glow in the dark and colored eggs.

' src=

February 25, 2020 at 5:12 pm

The acid from the vinegar made the elasticity in the egg.

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Egg and Vinegar Experiment: How-To Plus Free Worksheet

It’s so easy you’ll want to do it again and again.

Elementary school girl looks amazed observing egg and vinegar science experiment alongside a printable experiment recording sheet.

You and your students are going to love the Egg and Vinegar Experiment. It’s an easy project you can complete in a few days, and it makes a good science fair experiment too. We asked 3rd grader Hazel from Baltimore, Maryland, to help us put this one to the test, and she did a great job. Be sure to check out her video for step-by-step instructions, and then keep reading to learn how to do the experiment on your own.

Also grab your free, printable Egg and Vinegar Experiment recording sheet when you fill out the form on this page.

How does the Egg and Vinegar Experiment work?

The Egg and Vinegar Experiment, also known as the “Naked Egg Experiment,” demonstrates osmosis. Placing an egg in vinegar triggers a reaction between the eggshell’s calcium carbonate and the vinegar’s acetic acid, producing carbon dioxide bubbles. As the acetic acid dissolves the eggshell over time, the semi-permeable membrane remains, permitting water molecules to enter via osmosis. This influx causes the egg to swell.

Check out this video tutorial of the experiment, featuring 3rd grader Hazel:

How do you do the experiment?

First, get your materials together..

Supplies for the egg and vinegar science experiment

You’ll need an egg, a graduated cylinder, and white vinegar.

Put your egg in the vinegar.

Put your egg in the vinegar

Pour white vinegar into a graduated cylinder. Fill it high enough so that your egg will be completely submerged. Gently add your egg.

Observe the egg.

Observe your egg

Keep an eye on it for a couple of days to notice the changes. Then after a few days, you can remove the egg from the graduated cylinder.

Examine the results.

See the results of the experiment.

Pour out the vinegar and give your egg a gentle rinse. You can try bouncing the egg. Also take time to look for the yolk inside.

Break the egg.

egg and vinegar experiment

After you’re done examining the egg, try breaking it to find the yolk. This will also help you find the egg’s membrane.

What does the Egg and Vinegar Experiment teach?

This experiment teaches several important scientific concepts:

Students learn about the movement of water molecules across a semi-permeable membrane from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. In this case, water moves from the vinegar solution into the egg.

Chemical reactions

Students observe a chemical reaction between calcium carbonate (present in the eggshell) and acetic acid (present in the vinegar), leading to the dissolution of the eggshell.

Structure and function

By removing the eggshell, students can observe the structure and function of the egg’s semi-permeable membrane, which allows certain molecules to pass through while restricting others.

Experimental procedure

Students gain experience in following a step-by-step experimental procedure, making observations, and drawing conclusions based on their observations.

Can this experiment be done for a science fair?

egg and vinegar experiment

Absolutely! The Egg and Vinegar Experiment is not only educational but also visually captivating, making it an excellent choice for a science fair project. Students can explore variations of the experiment by changing variables such as the concentration of vinegar, the duration of immersion, or the temperature of the vinegar solution. Additionally, they can research the scientific principles behind the experiment and present their findings in a clear and engaging manner. Overall, this experiment offers a hands-on opportunity for students to learn about osmosis and chemical reactions while showcasing their creativity and scientific inquiry skills at a science fair.

Get your free Egg and Vinegar Experiment recording sheet:

Just fill out the form on this page to get instant access to your free, printable Egg and Vinegar Experiment recording sheet.

Looking for more science experiment ideas? Check out our  big list of experiment ideas here.

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Egg In Vinegar (Rubber Egg) Experiment

Find out why this rubber egg or bouncy egg experiment is a classic must-try science activity you can set up in minutes in the classroom or at home! How can you make an egg bounce? What happens to the shell? Does light pass through it? There are so many questions and one easy experiment using everyday supplies. All science experiments should be this exciting, easy, and fun!

Rubber egg experiment for kids with dissolving eggshell science. Easy egg in vinegar chemistry for kids.

Egg In Vinegar Experiment

💡 This experiment is quick to set up, but it must be left for 48 to 72 hours to dissolve the shell and create a bouncy egg!

  • Household Vinegar
  • Jar or a Vase

STEP 1:   Place an egg in the jar and cover with vinegar.

Optional: You can color the vinegar with food coloring for rainbow-colored rubber eggs too!

egg and vinegar experiment

STEP 2:   Wait and watch!

Notice the bubbles on the eggshell! The acid in the vinegar reacts with the calcium carbonate in the shell. This reaction produces a gas called carbon dioxide!

egg and vinegar experiment

STEP 3:   After 48 hours, remove the egg and rinse it off. Ours had a layer of brown scum that was easily washed away!

The hard outer shell is gone and the egg white and yolk are surrounded by a thin membrane.

egg and vinegar experiment

Why Does An Egg Become Bouncy In Vinegar?

Eggshells get their hardness from a mineral called calcium carbonate similar to our bones. When you place the egg into the vinegar, you will observe bubbles.

These bubbles or gas are produced because of the chemical reaction between the vinegar (an acid) and the calcium carbonate (the base) in the eggshell.

When an acid and a base mix, they form carbon dioxide, a gas. Learn more about acids and bases.

The eggshell breaks down, leaving a soft, bendable, squeeze-able, rubber egg. Does it bounce? Kids can gently squeeze the egg and bounce the egg. However, be prepared for the eggs to burst! See our suggestions below.

Try our seashells in vinegar experiment for another variation of this chemistry lesson.

How does osmosis work?

You may have noticed that the egg gets larger as the shell disappears. The process of osmosis is the reason the inside of the egg increases in its size!

Osmosis is the movement of water through a semi-permeable cell membrane. The water from the vinegar moved inside the egg because of the tiny holes in the membrane.

However, the holes are not big enough to allow the egg to come out, so now the egg and water are inside the cell membrane together! The cell membrane is called semi-permeable because only some materials can pass through. Learn more about osmosis here!

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egg and vinegar experiment

Fun Things To Do With Your Rubber Egg

Now for the fun part: exploring the naked egg with students! We gathered a few supplies such as a magnifying glass and a large flashlight. However, first, we talked about what our naked egg felt and looked like. We had made a cool, rubbery feeling egg!

💡 TIP: Help your child learn to explore by asking questions to spark curiosity!

All of these questions encourage exploration and hands-on learning. Have kids use their senses to observe ! What does it smell like? What does it look like? There are so many ways to explore. Grab the magnifying glass too!

egg and vinegar experiment

Can an egg bounce?

Yes!! How high can an egg bounce?

TEST IT: How high can your egg bounce before it breaks? Watch out! This might get messy!

Naked Egg Rubber Egg Bouncing

Can you see through an egg?

In general, you can’t see through a raw egg but what about a rubber egg? What happens when you put the naked egg up to a flashlight?

TEST IT: You can see through it! You can even see the yolk rolling around inside. Why is this? Because the hard outer shell is no longer there, you can see through the membrane of the egg.

egg and vinegar experiment

Will a rubber egg eventually burst?

Of course, we were prompted to wonder what would happen if you burst the naked egg. WOW! With a quick prick from a skewer, the egg burst! We were all quite surprised. The images below show what the naked egg looked like afterward.

egg and vinegar experiment

Turn It Into An Bouncy Egg Science Project

This basic version below is perfect for younger kids. It includes the right amount of play and learning . For older kids, apply the scientific method by using variables . For example…

  • Eggs – Are there differences in eggshells between brown and white eggs? How about organic eggs versus regular eggs?
  • Liquid – What happens when you put the rubber egg back in vinegar or another liquid? How about corn syrup? Test different liquids and explore osmosis once the shell is dissolved!

Want to turn this fun science experiment into a science project? Then check out these helpful resources.

  • Easy Science Fair Projects
  • Science Project Tips From A Teacher
  • Science Fair Board Ideas

More Fun Science Experiments To Try

  • Take egg drop STEM challenge
  • See if you can make an egg float
  • Test the strength of the shell
  • Make a crystal eggshell .
  • Set up a potato osmosis lab.
  • Dissolve a seashell!

egg and vinegar experiment

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egg and vinegar experiment


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my my bursted my rubberr egg im very upset

is this a fair test?

too many pages to print out….not easy to be able to do .keeps saying click below but get the cards on hypothesisi…dont want that

This is an awesome activity.

This was amazing! in the end it turned out great! my sister popped it tho :c

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Written by Brenda • Jan 30, 2024 • Leave a Comment

Easy Egg in Vinegar Experiment

rubber egg science experiment

One of our favorite science experiments to do at home with kids is the egg in vinegar experiment! This rubber egg science experiment is a lot of fun for kids of all ages and it is a highly visual science experiment that is exciting for kids. Keep reading to learn how to do the experiment and to read about the science behind the egg in vinegar experiment!

Be sure to check out my Fizzy Egg Dyeing Science Experiment – The Best Way To Dye Easter Eggs as well!

naked egg in vinegar experiment to make rubber eggs

Follow along with these directions to learn how to make a rubber egg!

All the details on how to complete the naked egg experiment from start to finish are listed below, including supplies too.

Here is what you need to complete this science experiment:

  • Regular eggs (raw white eggs)
  • White Vinegar
  • Clear cup, mason jars, or other container (plastic or glass will both work)

What happens when you put eggs in vinegar?

This is what this simple experiment is going to show! The combination of the vinegar with the raw eggs and water is nothing sort of “magic”. This is one activity that does an amazing job of combining learning and fun in a way that will keep the kids engaged and ready for more.

Video of the rubber egg experiment

The science behind the naked egg science experiment.

When you place a raw egg in vinegar, the shell will dissolve overnight, exposing the membrane of the egg and the yellow yolk inside the egg.

The shell dissolves because of the acidic nature of the vinegar which triggers a chemical reaction with the shell of the egg.

Eggshells are made from calcium carbonate, which is a base. The acid in the vinegar (acetic acid) reacts with the calcium and breaks down the eggshell overnight. The acid in the vinegar reacting with the calcium carbonate in the shell produces Carbon Dioxide gas (co2.)

After the shell dissolves, the membrane of the egg remains. This is called a “semipermeable membrane” because the membrane can absorb some water.

Have the kids compare the size of the naked eggs with a shelled egg to see how the membrane absorbed some of the water from the vinegar and became larger.

The flow of water through a semipermeable membrane is called “osmosis.”

Directions for the Egg Soaked in Vinegar Experiment

Place 1-3 eggs in a clear container. Be careful not to crack the eggshell or the experiment might not work properly.

adding a raw egg to vinegar and water

Pour enough vinegar over the eggs to cover them. You can add food coloring to the vinegar if you like.

Place the solution in an out-of-the-way place. While the egg sits in the vinegar some of the water in the vinegar will travel through the egg’s membrane

Check on the eggs in about one hour. You should see bubbles forming on the outside of the shell.

At the end of the day, stir the eggs gently with a spoon to help release the shell from the egg.

The next day, check on the eggs. The shell will appear as scum on the top of the vinegar.

making a bouncy egg with vinegar

Take out the egg and inspect it. You may have to gently rub it to remove the last bit of the shell.

If the shell comes off easily, the egg is ready to inspect. If not, put it back in the vinegar and remove it the following day.

Rinse the egg carefully with cool water to remove any shell residue.

Another variation on how to do the activity:

  • Place the egg in vinegar
  • After 24 hours change the vinegar. Drain the old vinegar carefully then add the fresh vinegar.
  • Place the egg in vinegar in the refrigerator untouched for 7 days. After 7 days, pour off the vinegar, rinse the egg, and the shell will be gone. All you will be left with are naked eggs.

hand holding an egg that has transformed with vinegar

Inspect the egg under bright lighting to see the parts of the egg. Gently squeeze the egg to test the strength of the membrane!

The kids will love this rubber egg experiment! We also refer to this as our bouncy egg experiment because it does have a little bit of bounce to it, too!

What to do with the rubber egg

Do a bouncing eggs chemistry experiment. Can your rubber egg bounce?

Try placing your naked egg in a glass filled with corn syrup. The egg will shrivel up. The reason for this is that corn syrup has a lower concentration of water than the egg does. The water in the egg moves through the membrane into the corn syrup in order to equalize the water concentration levels on both sides.

Fun Ideas To Extend this Rubber Egg Activity

The fun part about creating science at home is that you can easily try out other hypotheses and ideas. Use this STEM activity as a way to get the kids to think outside the box. Talk to them about what they think is going to happen if other liquids are used and have them write out their thoughts.

Even if you don’t actually do the activity, this will show them the process of how a scientist’s mind works!

I hope you enjoyed this fun science activity. Simple science experiments are a great way to encourage curiosity in children by asking them questions, asking them to make a hypothesis on what will happen and will encourage further exploration.

egg in vinegar science experiment

Brenda MacArthur is a STEM curriculum writer, STEM author, and STEM accessibility advocate. She founded the site in 2012 which offers hands-on STEM activities for kids and STEM lesson plans for teachers.

View all posts from this author

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Enjoy our range of fun science experiments for kids that feature awesome hands-on projects and activities that help bring the exciting world of science to life.

What happens if you leave an egg in a glass of vinegar? Let’s find out with this easy science experiment for kids.

Learn about simple chemical reactions and have fun with the results!




The egg you placed in water stayed the same, but the egg you placed in vinegar now looks more like a rubber bouncy ball (you might need to rinse it under warm water first).

So what’s going on? The acid in the vinegar (acetic acid) reacted with the calcium carbonate in the eggshell, breaking it down and leaving the membrane exposed underneath.

You may have noticed bubbles coming off the eggshell as soon as you submerged it in the vinegar, these are bubbles of carbon dioxide, a gas that is produced during the reaction (the same gas you find in bottles of soda).

The egg also gets larger during the experiment through the process of osmosis. The vinegar slowly moves through small holes in the membrane, which aren’t big enough to allow the egg to escape in the other direction.

Don’t be afraid to have some fun with your new rubber egg. Softly squeeze it and try dropping it from a small height to see if it bounces. It may burst at some point, but that's ok, you can always make more bouncy rubber eggs!


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Eggs are often thought of as delicate and fragile, but this activity will show that with a simple chemical reaction we can give them a bit of bounce.

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Follow these steps….

You will need: a raw egg, glass or other transparent container, gloves and vinegar.

Think and talk about…

  • What can you see happening?
  • Did you see any bubbles appearing?
  • Why do you think changing the vinegar halfway helps to speed up the process?


  • What happens if you give the egg a gentle squeeze?
  • How high can you drop the egg from before it breaks?
  • What happens if you put the naked egg into other liquids? Try putting it in water or golden syrup and see what happens.

What’s the science?

egg and vinegar experiment

This membrane is surprisingly strong, and the egg can be dropped from a small height without damaging it: it can bounce.

The membrane is ‘semipermeable’: water can pass through it, but substances dissolved in the water cannot. When the egg is immersed in golden syrup, a strong sugar solution, water leaks out of it.

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egg and vinegar experiment

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How to make bouncy and glowing Egg

What can we do with an egg great omelet for one but did you know that this frail-looking egg is actually very durable  we will show you how to explore its properties and make a fun toy out of it in this cool egg in the vinegar experiment, article contents.

If you are looking for some fun and easy kitchen science experiment, the naked egg experiment is the right one for you. It has a great teaching power and your children will learn a lot about how cells in all living organisms work. All we need is some common kitchen supplies and we will be able to look inside of an egg, see what hides behind that thick shell and play some fun games afterward.

Anatomy of an Egg

The main parts of an egg are a shell, membrane, albumen (egg white) and yolk . 

Eggshell is made primarily out of calcium carbonate crystals (95-97%) which are connected by a protein matrix. That protein matrix gives strength to a shell, without them shell could break apart. Eggshell is protecting an egg from mechanical damage but also bacteria and dust.

Parts of an egg - anatomy of an egg

The membrane is made out of proteins and it protects the inner part of an egg from bacterial infections. There are actually two membranes: outer and inner and they are surprisingly strong.

Albumen or egg white consists of 40 different proteins in addition to water (90%). Its main purpose is to provide additional nutrition to the embryo as well as protecting it. The yolk is the main source of nutrition for an embryo. It consists of proteins, vitamins, minerals, fat and some water.

The science behind the naked egg experiment

If we soak an egg in vinegar, we will start an acid-base reaction. The acetic acid from vinegar reacts with calcium carbonate (base) from an eggshell. Products of that reaction are calcium acetate, water , and carbon dioxide . 

You can notice bubbles forming on the eggshell surface, that’s the sign of newly created carbon dioxide. After some time, the shell is completely dissolved and all that keeps an egg together are its membranes.

After the hard, outer shell is dissolved, the egg becomes translucent (hence, the name “naked egg”) and when we put an egg on the source of light, it looks like it’s glowing and we can see the yolk inside. All that is keeping the egg together is a thin membrane called a semipermeable membrane.  

This is important for the next side effect of putting the egg in vinegar. You will notice how an egg becomes a little bigger. That is because of some of the water in the vinegar solution (even the strongest household vinegar is made from more than 80% of water) traveled trough the egg semipermeable membrane to equalize the concentration of water inside and outside of the egg. The process of water traveling through a semipermeable membrane is called osmosis and is characteristic of all living beings.

On the other hand, if we put our naked egg into corn syrup, the egg will shrink. That is because corn syrup has a lower concentration of water and water would move from inside of an egg to equalize the water concentration.

If you are interested in watching how we did it, check the video for making the bouncy egg at the start of the article. Or if you prefer reading, continue with step by step instructions below.

Materials needed for naked egg experiment

How to make a naked Egg - Materials needed

  • Source of light (flashlight, mobile phone)

Instructions for bouncy glowing egg

How to make an elastic egg - Reaction between vinegar and egg shell

  • Carefully put an egg into a glass.
  • Pour vinegar over it, it should cover an egg completely. Instead of vinegar, we can use cola, rubbing alcohol or orange juice since they are acidic enough. They should produce the same effect. Leave it for at least 24h, depending on vinegar strength (9% takes 24h). If the egg is fresh it will probably rise up, so try to rotate it gently using a spoon. 
  • After 24h, remove an egg from the solution. Rinse it with water.

Congratulations! You now have a rubbery, transparent egg. This is also commonly called the naked egg.  Experiment with it! How high can it bounce? Can it survive 1m fall? We advise you to do your experiments outside! 🙂

How to make a glowing Egg - egg glowing on the source of light

If you put your naked egg on the source of light, you will see a cool glowing egg! In addition to that, you can investigate the anatomy of an egg, since you can see parts of an egg very clearly through the transparent membrane.

What will you develop and learn

  • Anatomy of an egg
  • Chemical reactions
  • Scientific method

Don’t forget to experiment! Discover new things you can do with your egg and keep notes on all your findings. That’s the best way to learn! We would like to hear all about your experiments, so share in a comment.

And if you are interested in more similar STEM activities, check out a simple but great orange density experiment . Also, be sure to check how to demonstrate osmosis with gummy bears and learn about pressure with can crush experiment .

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Bouncy Egg Experiment

February 10, 2021 By Emma Vanstone 8 Comments

Eggs with no shells are definitely one of the things my children find most intriguing. I’ve made bouncy eggs for nursery children to look at and for secondary school children to use as part of an osmosis experiment .

This fun bouncy egg experiment is great fun for kids of all ages and fascinating for adults too!

I also have a huge collection of egg experiments you might like.

bouncy egg with no shell coloured blue with food colouring

What happens to an egg when you drop it? It smashes.

So how can you make an egg bounce?

How to make an egg bounce

Place an unboiled egg in a container of vinegar for about 24 hours. The vinegar should completely cover the egg. If you want to remove the shell faster, take it out of the vinegar every couple of hours and rinse the egg under cold water while gently rubbing away the shell.

Egg with the shell removed by vinegar in a child's hand

Once the whole shell has dissolved, you have a naked egg which should bounce. Some eggs seem to break more easily than others, so you could try experimenting with different kinds of eggs to see if a certain type or size makes a difference.

To bounce your egg, drop carefully from a low height, the egg should bounce up from the surface. Can you measure at what height it breaks? Or try bouncing on different surfaces?

egg with no shell - from Snackable Science book. the shell has been removed by soaking the egg in vinegar

How about drawing a table to demonstrate your results?

If you don’t want to break the eggs, how about shrinking an egg ?This is a fantastic way to learn about osmosis .

More Egg Experiments

Use eggs to learn about tooth decay !

Find out why an egg can seem to be unbreakable .

Make an egg shell bridge .

egg and vinegar experiment

Key Stage 1 Science

Investigative skills.

Ask the child to predict if an egg can bounce using past experience of the properties of the shell.

Obtain and present evidence

Did you draw a table to demonstrate how high the egg bounced?

Consider and evaluate evidence evidence

Were the results as expected?

Bouncy Egg Experiment - remove the shell from an egg with vinegar and watch it bounce! Easy science for kids! #EggExperiments #NakedEgg #Scienceforkids #ScienceExperimentsforkids

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Last Updated on March 2, 2022 by Emma Vanstone

Safety Notice

Science Sparks ( Wild Sparks Enterprises Ltd ) are not liable for the actions of activity of any person who uses the information in this resource or in any of the suggested further resources. Science Sparks assume no liability with regard to injuries or damage to property that may occur as a result of using the information and carrying out the practical activities contained in this resource or in any of the suggested further resources.

These activities are designed to be carried out by children working with a parent, guardian or other appropriate adult. The adult involved is fully responsible for ensuring that the activities are carried out safely.

Reader Interactions

' src=

January 30, 2013 at 2:24 pm

Oh my what fun!!! What a brilliant experiment.

Thanks for sharing on Kids Get Crafty.

' src=

February 07, 2013 at 11:20 pm

VERY cool! I love stretching their minds =-)

Thanks for linking up to TGIF! I hope to see you again tomorrow! Beth =-)

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April 02, 2013 at 7:20 pm

Love this! Please can you explain the science behind this? Many thanks!

' src=

April 03, 2013 at 3:06 am

That’s really AWESOME! That’s a really great experiment to do!

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April 03, 2013 at 4:16 am

I have not ever heard of someone able to make a egg bounce. How did you get the idea and how long did it take you to do this? I have never done any type of experiment like this before so I was really interested when I saw this post about the egg bouncing.

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March 19, 2017 at 11:21 pm

My name chef

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June 15, 2018 at 7:31 pm

This was a grate experiment my kids really had fun with it!

' src=

March 27, 2023 at 1:14 pm

Cool! I’ve always wanted to make a bouncy egg – now I have! It’s very fun to play with 🙂

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Egg in Vinegar Science Experiment – How to Make a Bouncy Egg

Mar 31,2023 by Edulab

Are you ready to take your egg game to the next level?

With a few simple supplies and a bit of patience, you can turn a regular raw egg into a bouncy ball-like object. This is a great experiment to do with kids or for anyone who loves a good science experiment.

Supplies needed:

  • Glass or Jar
  • White Vinegar


Step 1 – Get a raw egg and carefully place it into a glass or jar. Then fill the glass with white vinegar until the egg is completely submerge

Step 2 – Leave the egg in the glass for 2-3 days*. Each day, check back on the egg. Make some observations.

  • Do you notice any changes to the egg?
  • Is anything happening to the vinegar?

Write down your observations each day.

After about 3 days, the egg will start to become translucent, and you will know it is ready to move to step 3.

*You can speed up the process by changing the vinegar halfway through.

Step 3 – Carefully remove the egg from the glass and rinse it under some tap water. While rinsing the egg, gently rub the outside of the egg, and the white film will come off, leaving you with a translucent egg. Examine the egg and make some observations.

  • Does the egg look different from when you started the experiment?
  • Does the egg feel different?
  • Perhaps you notice that it feels rubbery (like a bouncy ball).

Write down your observations.

Step 4 – Over a plate or other container, lift the egg 1-2 inches in the air, let go, and watch it bounce. Make some observations.

  • What happens to the egg?
  • Does it bounce?
  • Is this different than what you expected?

Step 5 – When you are ready for some messy fun, lift the egg a little higher in the air and let it go… SPLAT!

So, what’s happening here?

The vinegar in the glass is acetic acid, which reacts with the calcium carbonate in the eggshell, producing carbon dioxide gas. The carbon dioxide gas creates the bubbles you see forming on the eggshell when you first place it in the vinegar. Over time, the reaction causes the eggshell to dissolve, leaving behind the egg’s membrane. This membrane gives the egg its rubbery texture, and the lack of a hard shell allows the egg to bounce like a ball.

In conclusion, the Egg in Vinegar Science Experiment is a fun and educational way to explore chemical reactions and the properties of eggs. Kids and adults alike will love seeing the transformation of a raw egg into a bouncy ball-like object. Just be prepared for a little bit of messiness!


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Science Project Ideas

egg and vinegar experiment

Egg in Vinegar Experiment

The egg in vinegar experiment, though pretty simple, gives your child the foundation knowledge on reactions between acids and bases. It goes on to change the chemical composition of an egg, making it rubbery on being dipped in vinegar for a few days. There are minor changes in the size of the egg too which can be measured over the period and plotted in a graph.

Egg in Vinegar Experiment

Rubber Egg Science Project

On soaking an egg in vinegar, the liquid dissolves its hard shell while exposing the thin membrane that is the only thing that holds the egg yolk and white.

  • White vinegar
  • A clear jar or tall glass
  • A big spoon
  • Place the egg in the jar or glass such that it does not touch the walls of the container.
  • Pour vinegar so as to cover the egg completely.
  • Watch the egg closely. You should see bubbles forming on its surface. Note down your observations.
  • Let the egg soak in the vinegar for one day.
  • Use the spoon to scoop out the egg from the vinegar. You need to be very careful while doing this as the shell should already be partially dissolved by this time, leaving the egg tender.
  • Now pour out the old vinegar, put the egg back in the container and cover it with fresh vinegar.
  • Let the arrangement sit for another week.
  • Scoop out the egg and rinse it carefully.
  • Now you are left with an egg without a shell. Though it still looks like an egg, it has a translucent covering membrane that flexes when you squeeze it. If you shake it, you can see the egg yolk sloshing about in the egg white. You can even bounce it gently over hard surfaces.

Egg in Vinegar Project

Things You Can Try

  • Perform the experiment on a hardboiled egg
  • Try other variations of vinegar such as concentrated or apple cider vinegar. You can also replace vinegar with vinegar and baking soda solution, coke, corn syrup, salt water, tap water, etc. and look for any difference in the results.

Egg and Vinegar Experiment Video

Explanation for the bouncy egg.

Eggshells are made of calcium carbonate (chemical formula CaCO 3 ) while vinegar is acetic acid (chemical formula CH 3 COOH). The two chemically react to separate the calcium and carbonate parts. The calcium ions freely float in the vinegar while the carbonate ions form carbon dioxide that you can see in the form of bubbles.

Since the egg membrane is semi-permeable, it allows some of the vinegar to enter the interiors by osmosis, a process by which molecules of a solvent pass through a semi-permeable membrane to land themselves in a more concentrated solution from a less concentrated one. This makes the egg bigger and more delicate when you handle it. If the membrane ruptures, the insides of the egg will spill into the vinegar.  After the experiment, if you leave the nude egg exposed to air, the atmospheric carbon dioxide reacts with the leftover calcium in the egg to make it regain rigidity after some time.

In the lab, it can also be used as a tool to grow dental health awareness in children. Teachers can explain that a similar reaction occurs when the bacteria sticking to their teeth create acids on reacting with sweets or coke (soda) when they have it. Their enamels get destroyed in the process. The fun yet educative activity has all the ingredients to become a favorite science fair project.

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Egg in Vinegar Experiment

egg and vinegar experiment

Want to see a chemical reaction in action? With this egg in vinegar experiment, we observed and followed a regular egg through a transformation to become a bouncy egg. You can too with just a few repurposed ingredients you may have around the house for Easter!

This experiment allows you to see how two common household materials react — eggshell and vinegar. When these materials come in contact, a (safe) chemical reaction takes place and creates new compounds. This easy experiment is great for children to do on their own, and fun to observe how the egg changes over time.

Want to explore more kitchen science experiments? Explore the tastier side of learning with Science of Cooking: Ice Cream from the KiwiCo Store !

Ages: 5 - 11

Materials you'll need

Step-by-step tutorial.

Carefully put your egg into a jar and fill the jar about three-quarters full with the egg completely submerged in the vinegar.

egg and vinegar experiment

You should be able to see bubbles form around the egg immediately. Where do you think they come from? Wait 48 to 72 hours. We found it exciting to check in on the egg as we went as the egg grows and changes over time.

egg and vinegar experiment

After waiting, use a spoon to take out the egg. Carefully rinse it thoroughly under the faucet using warm water.

egg and vinegar experiment

Your egg is now ready to bounce! Hold your egg about 3 inches from the table and gently let go. If bounced too hard the egg will break. This means you'll get to see the membrane of the egg!

egg and vinegar experiment

Final result!

Compare your transformed egg to a regular egg. What do you think happened to the eggshell? What other differences can you observe? What's Going On? If you look closely at the egg while it's submerged in the vinegar, you can see bubbles forming on the surface. Those bubbles are full of carbon dioxide, just like the bubbles in a glass of soda. You're seeing a reaction between a compound in the eggshell (calcium carbonate) and an acid in the vinegar (acetic acid). This reaction creates carbon dioxide (and some other things) and breaks down the eggshell in the process. The membrane underneath the shell doesn't react, so it's left behind. Once the shell is completely gone, all that's left is the flexible membrane, giving you a bouncy "rubber" egg!

egg and vinegar experiment

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Egg in Vinegar Experiment

Did you know you can study cells by examining eggs? Chicken eggs are essentially one big cell making it much easier to study than the teeny tiny cells that make up our body. With this cells unit study on cells we examined raw eggs to learn about their parts. This was a great introduction into the concept of the cell, but we decided to take our study of the egg up a notch. It was time to do an egg in vinegar experiment and the always fun rubber eggs study.

Naked Egg Experiment and Cell Study

What you will discover in this article!

egg and vinegar experiment

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To start off our unit study we discussed cells and how they make up all living things. Then it was time to get hands on! We decided to bring some chemistry to our biology lesson and do a simple experiment – the egg in vinegar experiment.

This science experiment has a few names: Rubber Egg Experiment, Bouncy Egg Experiment, Naked Egg Science Experiment or Egg in Vinegar Experiment. No matter what you call it, this is one of our all time favourite simple science experiments. And it pairs perfectly with an egg cell study.

With this experiment we remove the shell of a raw egg with a chemical reaction, leaving us with a naked egg. The inside of this naked egg provides an excellent opportunity to study cells.

Here is a Quick Video Showing the Process

Hands on exploration .

We kicked things off with each child taking an egg and exploring. We encouraged their curiosity as they explored the shell, how fragile the eggshell is, and what it looks like when cracked open.

Surprisingly, we were able to remove some of the shell from one of our eggs revealing the membrane! This made the kids even more excited about our experiment to create naked eggs.

Raw eggs with a small part of the shell removed to show membrane

To remove the shell of a raw egg we need to do a little chemistry experiment. For this you will need:

  • Eggs (regular eggs are perfect)
  • White Vinegar
  • Mason Jars (other wide mouth jars or plastic cups work too)
  • Food Colouring
  • Large plates or bowls

Extra items you may want available for further investigations:

  • Magnifying glass
  • Kitchen scale
  • Fabric tape measure
  • Towels or protective covering for the area while exploring with the naked eggs

Start by testing to make sure your eggs will easily fit into (and out once enlarged) easily. I recommend using wide mouth mason jars for at least one of the eggs so kids can really see the reaction. But if you want to do lots of eggs you can do them in large plastic cups or even do big batches in large bowls.

I recommend doing extra eggs. Some may not survive the experiment and even once the shells are removed the membranes are still quite thin and easy to break. Having lots of naked eggs will provide kids with plenty of opportunity to explore and learn with the resulting bouncy, rubbery eggs. 

Set the egg carefully in the container, pour vinegar over the egg until it is submersed. The egg may float, this is OK. Add a little food coloring to the vinegar. Now let it sit for 24 hours.

Bubbles form immediately on the shell as the chemical reaction begins. These carbon dioxide bubbles are formed by the vinegar reacting to the calcium in the egg shell.

egg in vinegar showing bubbles of CO2

After about 24 hours you will end up with foam on top of your vinegar and the remaining liquid is mostly water. You will end up with a foam on top and eventually you will have only liquid water left.

Egg in blue vinegar chemical reaction to remove shell of raw egg showing foam build up on top

After 24 hours drain off the liquid and replace with fresh vinegar. You can also add more food colouring if you wish. It is very important to replace the vinegar to ensure there is enough acid for the chemical reaction to finish.

Tip – Getting Vibrant Colours

To get really vibrant colours in your Bouncy Eggs, add a few drops of gel food colouring to the initial vinegar soak. Gel colouring is much more intense in colouration. Then let it soak for 24 hours.

We then soaked our eggs in plain vinegar for the second soak. And our eggs came out very saturated in colour.

Naked Rubber Egg in Vinegar Experiment

What is the Chemical Reaction When You Place an Egg in Vinegar? 

Here is the chemical reaction:

CaCO 3 + 2 HC 2 H 3 O 2   →  Ca(C 2 H 3 O 2 )2 + H 2 O + CO 2

To break this down you have:

Egg Shell (Calcium Carbonate) + Vinegar (acetic acid) → Foam Floaties + Liquid Water + Carbon Dioxide Gas Bubbles

The result – naked eggs.

After another 24 hours (2 days in total) your naked eggs should be ready! Carefully drain off the liquid and rinse your eggs under a gentle stream of water.

The membrane of the egg is still quite thin and fragile. So handle with care and do it in a place that is easy to clean!

A naked egg in mid-splat

Studying Naked Eggs

Start by letting the kids handle the eggs. their curiosity should lead them to lots of neat discoveries. Some questions you can ask are:

  • What do you notice about the eggs?
  • How do the eggs from the vinegar experiment feel compared to eggs still with their shells?
  • Can you see anything moving inside? Try holding it up to a light or flashlight.
  • How does the size of the naked eggs compare with eggs that have not been through the chemical reaction?

Bouncy rubber egg in vinegar experiment

Why does the egg feel rubbery after being in vinegar?

Egg shell is basic and vinegar is an acid. When you place an egg in vinegar it reacts causing the shell to dissolve leaving only the rubbery membrane holding the egg together. If you are lucky enough to get some of the shell off a normal raw egg, you can see the membrane.

Bouncing Eggs

My kids had a great time bouncing eggs in a large bin. As long as you don’t add too much force, you can bounce a raw egg. So cool!

What can you see inside naked eggs?

Hold the eggs up to a flashlight or bright light and move the egg around or gently squeeze it. You should be able to see the yolk and other parts inside the egg floating around.

Why does the egg get bigger in Vinegar?

Did you notice the eggs are larger than before you placed them in the vinegar? This is why we recommend using a wide mouth jar. Otherwise your naked egg could get stuck in the jar! But why does this happen? It’s because of a process called osmosis. Through osmosis some of the liquid (water) moves through the semi-permeable membrane into the egg. It does this until it reaches an equilibrium between the amount of water inside the egg membrane and the surrounding liquid. If it didn’t stop at equilibrium the egg would get so large it would eventually pop! Since there is no hard shell to keep the egg small, it expands and grows.

Learn more about Osmosis with our Rainbow Water Beads Experiment or Gummy Bear Experiment .

Getting Inside – Studying Cells with Eggs

I recommend working over a large bowl or plate as kids explore the eggs. Undoubtedly, some will break. This isn’t the end of the world though, it just means it is time for some new lessons on cells.

If you don’t have any broken eggs take a knife or tooth pick and gently poke the egg to rupture the membrane.

The food dye travels through the membrane into the egg white (this is part of the osmosis process we discussed that also caused the egg to grow), but a special membrane around the yolk stops the dye from traveling into the yolk. This is a great visual for permeability and osmosis.

Naked Egg Cell Unit Study - Learn about cells and eggs in this cool experiment involving permeability, cell structures, chemistry and more.

But closer inspection shows that some very special parts of our egg have taken in quite a lot of the dye. The chalaza, stringy bits on either side of the yolk that help to hold it in place, and the blastodisc, a circle in the middle of the yolk, this is where the sperm enters to fertilize the egg and is the nucleus of the egg (just like a cell!).

Dying the egg makes it much easier to see all these parts of the egg compared to when we just cracked open a raw egg. Now kids can see the cells and structures more clearly.

Digging Deeper Science Activities

This is such a fun experiment, why not take it further with some scientific investigative studies? Answer questions like:

What happens if you let the eggs soak in vinegar for a week instead of only 2 days? Compare the differences.

What happens if you boil the egg before placing it in vinegar?

What can you change in your experiment to make the resulting egg more bouncy and less prone to breaking?

Compare before and after. Take measurements, weights and work out how much the eggs changed during the experiment.

What happens if you take a naked egg and place it in corn syrup? (Tip! The result has to do with the process of osmosis).

Explore osmosis further… What happens if you soak a naked egg in water?

Don’t have time to do all of these experiments? Use your critical thinking skills and lessons learned from this experiment to predict what you think will happen. Create your hypothesis then do some research to see the answer when you have time, either by experimenting yourself or reading about experiments done by others.

Rubber Eggs with a Halloween Twist – Monster Eyes!

Looking for a fun twist on this activity for Halloween? Why not make a bowl of Monster Eyes ! The kids LOVED this Halloween Egg in Vinegar project.

Halloween Egg in Vinegar Monster Eyes

Looking for even more exciting egg science and STEM activities? Why not try:

Creating an Egg Crystal Geode (so gorgeous!)

An Oobleck Egg Drop Challenge

Or check out all of our Egg Science Projects for even more inspiration!

Naked Egg Experiment

More STEM Activities

Science Experiments for 5th Graders

Naked Egg – Egg in Vinegar Science Experiment

Learn how to make a rubber egg with this classic chemistry experiment.

  • 2 cups Vinegar
  • 10 drops Food Colouring


Carefully place the egg in the jar using the spoon. Cover the egg with vinegar (about 1 cup, just enough to cover it).

Add 4 or 5 drops of food colouring.

Let sit for 24 hours.

After 24 hours, carefully drain off the liquid.

Cover with fresh vinegar (add a bit more food colouring if you wish).

Let sit for another 24 hours.

Remove from vinegar solution and rinse gently with water.

Play and explore your rubbery, squishy, bouncy, naked eggs!

Bubbles will form while the egg is soaking in the vinegar. This is the chemical reaction taking place that removes the shell of the egg, leaving just the membrane. Encourage your kids to explore their naked, rubber eggs as they learn about chemical reactions and osmosis. Examine the eggs with magnifying glass or flashlight. Try bouncing the eggs on a tray (be prepared, some may break!). Break open the eggs to learn about the parts of cells. Dig deeper by measuring the chemical reaction and exploring how osmosis works. Most of all, have fun with your rubber eggs! Learn more about the chemistry and extension activities in the article. 

5 Days of Smart STEM Ideas for Kids

Get started in STEM with easy, engaging activities.


  1. Egg in Vinegar Experiment

    Learn how to dissolve an egg shell with vinegar and make a bouncy or rubber egg. Explore the chemistry, osmosis, and structure of eggs with this fun and safe science project.

  2. Egg in Vinegar Science Experiment

    Learn how to dissolve the eggshell with vinegar and make a bouncy egg with this easy science experiment. Watch the video, follow the instructions and find out how osmosis and chemical reactions work.

  3. Egg in Vinegar Experiment

    Learn how to make a bouncy egg by dissolving its shell in vinegar. This simple STEM activity shows acid-base reactions, osmosis and more.

  4. Egg and Vinegar Experiment: How-To Plus Free Worksheet

    The Egg and Vinegar Experiment, also known as the "Naked Egg Experiment," demonstrates osmosis. Placing an egg in vinegar triggers a reaction between the eggshell's calcium carbonate and the vinegar's acetic acid, producing carbon dioxide bubbles. As the acetic acid dissolves the eggshell over time, the semi-permeable membrane remains ...

  5. Egg in Vinegar Experiment (Aka Rubber Egg)

    STEP 1: Place an egg in the jar and cover with vinegar. Optional: You can color the vinegar with food coloring for rainbow-colored rubber eggs too! STEP 2: Wait and watch! Notice the bubbles on the eggshell! The acid in the vinegar reacts with the calcium carbonate in the shell. This reaction produces a gas called carbon dioxide!

  6. Easy Egg in Vinegar Experiment

    Learn how to make a rubber egg by soaking a raw egg in vinegar overnight. Discover the science behind the reaction and the fun activities you can do with naked eggs.

  7. Egg in Vinegar Experiment

    Learn about simple chemical reactions and have fun with the results by leaving an egg in vinegar for 48 hours. The egg will become a bouncy rubber ball that you can squeeze and drop.

  8. Bouncy egg activity

    Learn how to make an egg bounce with vinegar and explore the science behind it. Find out what happens when you put the egg in different liquids and why the ocean is becoming more acidic.

  9. Egg in Vinegar Experiment

    Learn how to dissolve an eggshell in vinegar and make a transparent, rubbery egg that can bounce and glow. Explore the anatomy of an egg, chemical reactions, osmosis and more with this fun kitchen science experiment.

  10. Egg In Vinegar Experiment

    Learn how to make a bouncy, naked egg with vinegar and food coloring. Discover the science behind the egg in vinegar experiment and have fun with your kids.

  11. The Egg In Vinegar Experiment: AKA How To Make A Bouncy Egg!

    Learn how to do the egg in vinegar experiment and create a bouncy egg with science. Follow the steps, watch the video, and explore the science behind this fun activity with your kids.

  12. Bouncy Egg Experiment

    How to make an egg bounce. Place an unboiled egg in a container of vinegar for about 24 hours. The vinegar should completely cover the egg. If you want to remove the shell faster, take it out of the vinegar every couple of hours and rinse the egg under cold water while gently rubbing away the shell. Once the whole shell has dissolved, you have ...

  13. Egg in Vinegar Experiment

    For the full instructions visit: a naked egg with this simple egg and vinegar experiment. This is...

  14. Egg in Vinegar Science Experiment

    This is a great experiment to do with kids or for anyone who loves a good science experiment. Supplies needed: Raw Egg; Glass or Jar; White Vinegar; Instructions: Step 1 - Get a raw egg and carefully place it into a glass or jar. Then fill the glass with white vinegar until the egg is completely submerge. Step 2 - Leave the egg in the glass ...

  15. Egg Experiment with Vinegar and Two Cool Twists

    Cover the eggs and set them aside for 24 hours. We gently stirred the soda and fluoride egg a few times during the 24 hours to make sure all sides were getting soaked with the rinse and the soda. Yes, soda and fluoride are our two variations on the traditional egg experiment with vinegar. 🙂.

  16. PDF Egg In Vinegar Experiment

    • Step 3: After 2 days, remove the eggs from the colored vinegar solution. It might have a thin layer of brown scum on it, just rinse it off under cold water. • Step 4: Drain the old vinegar, clean the jar and refill it with vinegar. Place the egg back in the jar and leave it undisturbed for 1 week. • Step 5: After 7 days, drain the jar ...

  17. Egg in Vinegar Experiment for Kids

    Step 1: Take a clean glass jar and place a raw egg carefully inside it. Step 2 : Gently add vinegar to the jar so there is enough vinegar to immerse the raw egg completely in the vinegar. Step 3 : Optional - Add some food coloring into the cup for added effects. Step 4 : Leave the egg in the vinegar for 48 hours that is 2 days.

  18. Egg in Vinegar Experiment

    Learn how to make a rubber egg by soaking it in vinegar for a few days. Find out the chemical reaction between acids and bases, and try different variations of vinegar and other solutions.

  19. egg in vinegar experiment

    This is an experiment showing what happens to an egg when put in vinegar. It shows the acetic acid in vinegar dissolving the shell of an egg by eating away t...

  20. Egg in Vinegar Experiment

    Ages: 5 - 11. 2+ hours. Messy. This experiment allows you to see how two common household materials react — eggshell and vinegar. When these materials come in contact, a (safe) chemical reaction takes place and creates new compounds. This easy experiment is great for children to do on their own, and fun to observe how the egg changes over time.

  21. Egg in Vinegar Experiment

    Make a naked egg with this simple egg and vinegar experiment. This is such a classic science experiment and a super fun STEM activity for kids to study acid-base reactions and osmosis.

  22. Egg in Vinegar Experiment

    Instructions. Carefully place the egg in the jar using the spoon. Cover the egg with vinegar (about 1 cup, just enough to cover it). Add 4 or 5 drops of food colouring. Let sit for 24 hours. After 24 hours, carefully drain off the liquid. Cover with fresh vinegar (add a bit more food colouring if you wish).

  23. Egg Shell Science Experiment

    How to make a bouncing egg by dissolving the egg shell in vinegar. Fun science experiment to try with kids. Life Hacks Videos:

  24. Bouncy Egg Science with Free Egg in Vinegar Experiment Worksheet

    Kids are going to love this crazy cool bouncy egg experimert!Children will be amazed by this egg experiment where they will literally dissolve the shell of a raw egg to create a bouncy egg.This bouncy egg vinegar project is fun for preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and 4th grade students. Plus our version of this egg in vinegar experiment has a fun, colorful twist!