
My Greatest Fear Essay

Throughout my entire life I have been in many situations in which I have to give a speech. Whether it is for school, for a social event and even in our homes we have many situations where we have to speak. When it is with family members, it is easily to speak fluently because your ideas and thought flow naturally. However, when talking to someone new or giving a speech in front of new people , our confidence drops dramatically. A little help for this is getting prepared or even plan what are you going to say, but you still have that feeling of anxiety and terror when speaking in front of a lot of people. That is what we call the fear of public speaking. There are many ways of overcoming this fear, but it’s not easy. This was my greatest fear …show more content…

Everyone know what fear is, a part of life is having fears and learning how to overcome them. While some people have a variety of fears others only have one, but at the end they all have the same struggle that fear can overpower you and in the worst cases start affecting your personality. Many of us have probably experienced this feeling at one time or another. It can causes us to do nothing, to stop ourselves from improving and makes us miss some great chances that life gives us. It’s important for us to understand that fear is something normal and at the end can we can overcome it, our …show more content…

I just couldn’t bare that I was so coward to overcome the fear of public speaking. The anxiety was driving insane and made me lose many opportunities of showing what my true potentials were. Fear is something no one wants to admit, not even me. I couldn’t admit it, but I knew I couldn’t do it alone. Life could get easier if I just could overcome my fear. Also, my grades started to lower because of my bad presentations and public speaking, I kind of knew if I said what was happening with me will make the teachers help me, but I wasn’t convinced and I couldn’t accept my fear. I think that was what cause my fear to

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All Speeches have there ups and down Its how you present it that really matters. If you have an organized speech your speech will present itself because it will flow out naturally. Making sure that you have constant eye contact with the audience will help sound you more credible. Most importantly making sure that the topic that you have chosen makes sense to what you are doing. While listening to the current even speech that Napoleon Dynamite did and the speech that SpongeBob Square Pants did it is clear that one has practiced more and demonstrated better speech concepts.

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I do not let fear stop me from doing what is right. In school, I try not to become discouraged when I do not understand lessons being taught or homework. I will ask the teacher for assistance if I am having difficulty learning. Also, I grew up to hate being scared. During Halloween, I would never want to go to a haunted house.

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Fear is common in everyone and can be classified as a disease, but we must understand what fear is and how it is

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It is more difficult if the fear is from someone who one should be able to trust. “Fearing the chronic angers” (41), that judgment brings and fuels society. Along with the judgment, society begins to treat others different for having those fears. Society “speak[s] indifferently” (41), to those who fear because they do not care what happens to them. They believe they should all be strong and have no fear.

Examples Of Fear In The Crucible

Fear is perhaps the strongest force within humans- something that is an undeniable influence on our decision making process, whether those decisions may be major or minor. Fear comes into play both consciously and subconsciously; both practically and non practically; it is not always 100% apparent but it is the drive behind so much more of our thought process than we actually realize. This is not only human nature but the nature of animals, too. It is a force we cannot escape, whether is comes in reflexes or is something we avidly dwell on, so we’ve instead explored and embraced the wonders of this thing called fear.

Fear And Dehumanization In Night And The Truman Show

When realizing what you fear, you are more likely to be scared and hurt by the fear. Since it has been feared for so long that idea of fear starts to fade without realizing it because it is normal at some point. Fearing something for so long can make someone lose hope in certain accomplishments and fights. Some people will live in fear because of the thought that what they fear will eventually catch up to them, “ Tis harder knowing it is due, Than knowing it is here.”

The Step Not Taken

Fear is a powerful human emotion, it's built in within all humans and controls the human behaviour. It is human nature to allow fear to control people’s thoughts and behaviors, preventing them from being their true selves, as seen is “The Step Not Taken”, “A Nonsmoker with a Smoker” and Bowling for Columbine. In the essay “The Step Not Taken” Paul was followed into an office-building by a well-dressed young man carrying a briefcase. Shortly after, the young man burst into tears, Paul stepped out of the elevator very confused as to why the young man was crying.

Fear In The Crucible By Arthur Miller

Carolyn Rodriguez believes one can outsmart his or her brain, as she presents that, “If you keep at [facing your fear], you’ll be amazed at what you can do”(Rodriguez 14). Rodriguez’s point is that by facing one’s fears they will be enabled to live life to its fullest. This is substantial, since it conveys how it is imperative to face one’s fears to reap its full benefits. In fact, Rodriguez also elaborates on how facing one’s fears can actually improve his or her life. As Rodriguez suggests that, “The more we face our fear, the stronger the links become between our biggest challenges and safety”(Rodriguez 6).

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I’m not an orator, nor am I a scholar. Though I do enjoy a good debate and engaging in intellectual conversations ; I feel like I am never “good-enough”. I always seem to find myself comparing myself to others. Whether it’s my grades or appearance. I never feel worthy.

The Crucible Essay About Fear

Fear is a powerful emotion which causes individuals to act and react in concerning or reckless manners that could lead to hurting others. These reckless manners may be made as an attempt to protect or save themselves. Although fear is seen by many people as a rush of excitement, there are more people who react to fear in not so positive manners. Fear is an emotion that can break you physically and mentally depending on how it was brought up to you. “consequences of long-term fear include fatigue, clinical depression, and PTSD”.

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After being chosen as the President of National Honor Society, the most active club at my school, one of my duties was inducting the new members each year. I remember the butterflies in my stomach as I looked out at all the NHS members and their parents sitting in the huge auditorium. My principal and head of school were both keenly listening to me speak as I prayed not to stutter on any words. However, with every word that left my mouth, I felt my level of confidence rising. After finishing off strong and hearing the roar of applause, I realized that effective public speaking is a vital leadership skill that I definitely

Fear Is Learned Behavior

Once you learn your fears, you develop regular responses to those fears. We make choices. We decide to either remain afraid or to challenge the concepts we created to protect ourselves from the unknown. When we decide to be afraid of something, we practice our responses in our minds and every time we run into those fears.

Informative Speech Self-Evaluation

I will practice more to gain confidence before giving any speech. It will help me to deliver any speech with more confidence and less stress. Practicing in front of the mirror is one of the ways that helps me to reduce my stress level. Thus, I will remember to look at the audience while speaking instead of looking down in the notes.

Definition Of Fear

By the definition of fear things such as losing control qualify as forms of fear. Since most people don’t think deeply enough to consider their own struggles is why my “fears” are out of the

Reflective Essay On Presentation

As students, presentations are something that is required in most classes yet, students do not see themselves as public speakers. Throughout high school and now in college, I have had to present material in 80 percent of the classes that I have taken. Presenting was, and still is something that I struggle with no matter how big or how small the group is that I am presenting to. I knew that Public Speaking was a required class for me so, rather than putting it off, I decided to go ahead and get it out of the was as soon as possible. Speaking in front of people is out of my comfort zone.

More about My Greatest Fear Essay

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8 Biggest Fears You Face in Life (& How to Overcome Them)

Fear is natural, but you shouldn’t let it get in your way of success. Here are eight life fears we all face and how to overcome them.

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Are your greatest fears holding you back from achieving your biggest dreams? People who hold themselves to high standards may accidentally self-sabotage their success by fearing things like failure, rejection, or vulnerability. But with some daily practices and mindset shifts, you could transform your biggest fear into one of your greatest assets. 

Whether you’re on the path to self-improvement, entrepreneurship, or accomplishing a big goal, you’re probably interested in courageously facing whatever is holding you back. Here are the 8 most common life fears and how to beat them once and for all.

8 Biggest Fears In Life

Fear is an innate emotion that humans evolved to protect us from danger. But in the modern day, fears can prevent you from achieving your biggest dreams or leading a happy life. 

Fear can rear many ugly heads. In more extreme situations, people often mark it as:

  • Stress : The most obvious reaction to fear is stress. This is how our brains naturally register danger and catapult into “fight or flight” mode. Much of this reaction occurs in the amygdala. 
  • Panic : When intense anxiety triggers physical reactions, panic attacks can occur. These are often in response to intangible and imaginary situations that feel very real inside your mind. 
  • Phobias : Some of the most common phobias include a fear of snakes, spiders, germs, agoraphobia (wide open spaces), claustrophobia (enclosed spaces), and ghosts.
  • Avoidance : When we fear failure or vulnerability, we avoid it altogether. This can perpetuate the fear because you never face it or try to dig into its origins in your psyche. 

Regardless of its form, fear can feel like an inescapable mental prison. Fear brings about self-imposed limitations, negative thoughts, low self-esteem , and self-doubt. Instead of seeing all the possibilities, you can achieve, fear takes over your vision and sends your brain the message that these things may harm or even kill you. 

Whatever the reaction may be, rest assured that fear is completely normal . Everyone feels it in some way or another. 

Many of these fears have psychological roots that likely protected us from harm in ancient times. But in the modern day, your fears may not work in your favor. 

Use this actionable guide to identify and overcome the 8 biggest fears you may face in life.

#1 Fear of Failure

We’ve all heard motivational speeches about failure. Thomas Edison conducted over a thousand failed experiments before he finally completed the light bulb. Denzel Washington received a lot of rejections after auditioning for dozens of plays and movies before getting a role. 

These are grand, obvious examples that successful people can delineate in hindsight. But when you look at your own life, a fear of failure may disguise itself as:

  • Setting goals that are too easy to attain 
  • Setting goals that are too high so you aren’t hurt if you don’t accomplish them
  • Creating low expectations for yourself
  • Avoiding new hobbies, sports, or career endeavors (sticking with what you know)
  • Hiding your creative talents 
  • Coming up with lots of ideas and never executing them
  • Getting easily discouraged by setbacks and giving up too soon
  • Perfectionism (working forever to “make something perfect” as a means of procrastination because you don’t want the project to be a failure)

Fear of failure keeps you in your comfort zone . It prevents you from doing anything your brain thinks is risky. 

“Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.” —Dale Carnegie

How to Overcome It : Overcoming the fear of failure sounds nice in inspirational quotes, but how do you beat this fear daily? 

Try the “Fail at Something Everyday” Method. This is perfect for someone disguising their fear of success as a fear of failure. If you’ve always been good at what you do, you’re probably staying in that comfort zone because it feels good. You like winning, and you don’t have many losses under your belt. 

The premise is simple: do something every day that you can fail at. Sounds painful, right? Don’t worry. These can be little things utterly unrelated to your bigger goals. For example:

  • Obsessed with perfection? Create a totally abstract, imperfect painting and hang it on the wall. 
  • Bad at writing? Do a journal entry every day for a month. 
  • Out of shape? Try joining an adult sports team with other novices.
  • Always wanted to try surfing or skiing? Take lessons and keep getting up after every fall.  
  • A horrible dancer? Bring a friend out to let loose on the dance floor.
  • Bad at singing? Go out for a karaoke night.
  • Here are another 20 Simple Ways You Can Step Out of Your Comfort Zone . 

This process can boost your confidence because it helps you build resilience to failure. Awkwardly trying something, embarrassing yourself, and laughing it off are crucial steps to sharpening your failure sword. You’re trying something awkward every day and getting used to that feeling of sucking. 

Most people are afraid to be bad at something, so they never try. Denzel Washington said it best—you will be bad at something, so why not practice building up your failure immunity in advance? You can see his infamous speech at the University of Pennsylvania here: 

#2 Fear of Rejection

Fear of rejection is among the most common fears in the world. Science tells us that rejection and physical pain signal the same pathways in our brains. 

It’s no surprise that getting rejected is one of the most ancient fears amongst our species. In the primal part of your brain called the limbic system or “lizard brain,” any form of denial or exclusion sounds an alarm: your tribe has left you behind to fend for yourself. Next thing you know, you’re in “fight or flight” mode. Stress and loneliness skyrocket while motivation and self-esteem plummet.

Whether you’re dealing with social awkwardness , letting go of someone who doesn’t want to be your friend , or getting denied an essential professional opportunity, remember that everyone has gotten rejected at some point in their life. For example, JK Rowling’s Harry Potter manuscript was rejected by 12 different publishing houses before she finally found a publisher for the book. You can conquer this fear of rejection by boosting your confidence and adjusting your mindset. 

How to Overcome It : Reframe rejection as redirection . Imagine your life as a long hallway filled with doors. You knock on one (perhaps a romantic partner or a new job ) and whoever answers thoroughly rejects you. They slam the door in your face. 

While so many of us wind up standing there and wallowing in that sadness, the best way to move forward is simply to knock on another door. Maybe that person or opportunity wasn’t meant to be because something much greater lies ahead behind a different door. 

Why want something that doesn’t want you?

Overcoming the fear of rejection means holding yourself to the highest standards so you can let go of opportunities that aren’t for you. 

Of course, this doesn’t mean rejection won’t hurt. Here’s more about Why Rejection Hurts So Much and How to Heal the Pain .

#3 Fear of Change

Change is indeed the only constant in life. Even the same routine repeated over and over will encounter minor changes daily. Psychologically speaking, a predictable routine satisfies our primal needs for comfort and familiarity. Predictability makes us feel safe. 

Yet, many fear change because they feel out of control and out of their comfort zone. On a small scale, a fear of change can manifest as getting frustrated by unexpected changes or plans for feeling overwhelmed by new job assignments outside your everyday responsibilities.

It may also show resistance to changing bad habits or developing new routines. The fear significantly worsens when enormous upheavals arise, such as a major breakup, moving to a new place, or trying to start a new business endeavor.

As you push back against change, it also pushes against you and tries to keep you stagnant. You may feel stubborn or blocked in trying to face your patterns and improve yourself. The fear of change ultimately prevents you from growing and evolving.    

“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.” —Henry Ford

We all have to face the fundamental truth: your reality can shift overnight or even in a single moment. One phone call. One conversation. One positive or negative event. That’s all it takes! 

Developing an adaptable attitude is essential to shield you from the anxieties and stress of changing circumstances. Instead of resisting change, you can embrace it as part of your evolution.

How to Overcome It : Adaptability is the capacity to adjust to new conditions. It has allowed certain animal species to evolve while others have gone extinct. It’s also one of the most coveted job skills amongst employers. 

If you want to become more adaptable, try a few of these simple practices:

  • Switch things up : One of the easiest things you can do daily to adapt to change is simply switching up tiny parts of your routine. If you usually brush your teeth with your right hand, try using your left. If you always take the same route to work, try some backroads. If you notice yourself repeating certain words you don’t like, substitute them with new vocabulary. This can help build mental elasticity and improve brain function so you can be a better problem-solver who is more equipped to approach the ever-changing reality.
  • Try something new : ​​Exposure to new stimuli links to better memory , more creativity, improved brain health and longevity, and greater overall happiness. Here are 60 new things to spark your creativity and get used to change. 
  • Be spontaneous : Spontaneity is probably the greatest enemy of someone who fears change. You want a solid plan that unfolds exactly how you thought it would in your head. But getting out of your routine can drastically improve your flexibility around plans and expectations. Try spontaneously heading out on a hike, going for a long drive, or inviting friends for drinks. 
  • Read a new book: Pick a book in a genre or on a topic you’d likely ignore. Go in with an open mindset and try to understand why the author wrote the book or how you can learn from it.
  • Adopt a growth mindset : As opposed to someone with a fixed mindset that thinks intelligence is set-in-stone, someone with a growth mindset believes that intelligence is ever-evolving. This mindset allows you to embrace and even seek change by learning new things. The result is a positive feedback loop— learning new things alters the neurology of your brain, so you feel more prepared to learn more and adapt to changing circumstances.

#4 Fear of Public Speaking

Nearly 30% of Americans rank glossophobia (the fear of public speaking) as one of their biggest fears. Getting up in front of a crowd may awaken nightmare visions of people throwing tomatoes at you or “booing” every word you say. 

While it may seem easy for “glossophobia” to avoid speaking in front of crowds, this fear can significantly hinder your success in the workplace and your social life. After all, public speaking isn’t just something you do on stage at a TED Talk . 

Whether you’re a high achieving student, C-level executive, or small business owner, speaking is integral to everything from meetings to business pitches to dinner toasts . Finding comfort when speaking in front of a group of people can help you become more popular and a better leader . 

How to Overcome It : Ultimately, the fear of speaking is rooted in the fear of criticism. Nobody wants to feel like their words, stories, or perspectives are being picked apart by an audience (whether that audience is 2 or 2,000). However, more often than not, your inner critic is the most ruthless of all. 

To conquer the fear of speaking publically, you have to face it. Thankfully, you can start small and approach it with these public speaking resources from the experts behind Science of People:

  • 15 Science-Based Public Speaking Tips To Be A Master Speaker , including how to warm up your voice, how to use a “what is-what could be” sparkline framework, and the reason you should avoid touching your own body while talking (hint: it shows that you’re nervous).
  • 10 Presentation Ideas that will Radically Improve Your Presentation Skills , like how to leave a solid first impression with a sparkling one-liner and why you should save your best ideas for the beginning and end of the presentation.
  • 5 Incredible Public Speakers Show You How to Improve Your Speeches , such as Malala Yousafzai and Brene Brown’s top secrets for speaking slowly and creating a strong non-verbal stage presence.

Want to sharpen your presentation skills and make your ideas more impactful? Whether it’s a video call, conference call, or sales presentation, check out our ultimate science-backed course, People School:

#5 Fear of Imperfection (or not being good enough)

Perfectionism is just a pretty mask for fear. It may look like perfectionists seek flawlessness because they hold such high standards for their work. But when you peek behind the curtain, people who claim perfectionism as a strength often struggle with:

  • Procrastination : The main problem with perfectionism is how it delays us from putting our work out into the world. If seeking the ultimate unblemished final product, an artist could paint over little details indefinitely. You may do the same thing in your work projects, hobbies, or relationships. 
  • Poor time management : If it takes an hour to write, edit, and re-read a simple email, you may have an issue with perfectionism. Because you badly want everything to be flawless, you waste a lot of time on things that may not matter in the long run. 
  • Unreasonably high standards : Perfectionists tend to hold themselves to impossibly high standards and beat themselves up for minor setbacks. This can quickly harm your self-esteem and prevent you from celebrating your wins. 

How to Overcome It : If you have been putting off a particular project because it isn’t perfect yet, this is the method for you. Whether it’s developing a product, learning to paint, or creating social media content, try the “Throw Spaghetti at the Wall” Method and “see what sticks”:  

  • Stop overthinking and take imperfect action : You can always go back and edit later. If you’re writing a book, try these 10 Ways to Stop Writer’s Block Dead in its Tracks . If you want to start a YouTube channel, set a goal to put out 1 or 2 imperfect videos per week. Look back on the first videos ever released by prominent Youtubers and see how far they’ve also come. While you can still work to put out your best work, try to avoid seeking perfectionism every step of the way. 
“Done is better than perfect.” — Sheryl Sandberg
  • Set strict deadlines : One of the keys to overcoming perfectionism (especially in creative endeavors ) is starting every project with a strict deadline for completion. This will help you focus on the largest, most important tasks instead of getting stuck on the details. 
  • Toss ideas around and execute them instead of ruminating : Get a stack of index cards and make a “brain dump” stack. On each card, write down an idea you’ve been thinking about but not taking action. Then shuffle the cards, grab one, and take action without hesitation.  
  • Ask people you admire about their mistakes : When trying something new, it often seems like all the successful people in your field have it all figured out. They probably had to undergo much trial and error to get to where they were. Reach out to someone you admire and ask them about their biggest lessons from failures in their business, hobby, or career. 

Watch our video below to learn how to be more interesting:

#6 Fear of Vulnerability

In her book Daring Greatly , shame and vulnerability expert Brene Brown defines vulnerability as “uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure.” There is no denying that exposing your deeper emotions to friends, coworkers, or a significant other can be utterly terrifying.

But the caveat is that this fear can hold you back from major personal and professional opportunities. Science tells us that:

  • Vulnerability improves employee motivation and connection with managers 
  • Vulnerability improves trust in leaders (especially when leaders are vulnerable enough to admit their shortcomings or mistakes)
  • Self-disclosure can make others more likely to open up to you
  • Vulnerability strengthens interpersonal relationships   

Nonetheless, being open about your emotions or deepest fears is super hard. If you’ve been betrayed, shamed, or publicly embarrassed in the past, you’ve probably put up some walls to protect yourself emotionally. 

This creates a paradox where:

  • On the one hand, we are afraid of being lonely or without meaningful relationships
  • On the other hand, we are also scared to open up and be vulnerable because we might get hurt. 

Vanessa Van Edwards calls this the “Relational Paradox” that can lead to a vicious cycle of unfulfilling relationships. Watch our video below for her tips to stop hiding your true self, like using a “slow opening” to announce your true self, plus why you should tell people you care about them so you feel freer to be yourself around them:

How to Overcome It : Many mainstream efforts have been to “rebrand” vulnerability as courage, but the American culture still ingrains the idea that vulnerability is a weakness. Conquering this mindset requires shifting your mindset and practicing small forms of self-disclosure with people you already trust. Watch this famous TED Talk by Brene Brown to learn more about transforming vulnerability into strength: 

#7 Fear of Time

Time anxiety or productivity shame is the feeling that “there’s never enough time.” Perhaps you feel rushed through life or like you can’t get enough done in a day. 

“Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.” —William Penn   

But time is the one great equalizer: everyone has the same amount of hours in a day, no matter their class, race, career, or location. Time is the one thing more valuable than any amount of money or a rare precious jewel. It holds this value because, once it is gone, you can never get it back. That is understandably daunting.  

However, the fear of not having enough time can cause undue anxiety and stress. Harvard’s infamous happiness study found that people nearing the end of their lives regret working too much . Rushing through life is no way to live. You have to stop and smell the flowers! Plus, you need to be sure you’re using your time to the best of your ability. 

How to Overcome It : While a feeling of urgency can be great for the ultra-ambitious, it can also distract you from enjoying life in the present moment. Yes, time is passing with every tick of the clock. But you can take solace in knowing that life is long and you don’t have to accomplish everything right this very moment. Instead:

  • Slow down and practice mindfulness : Mindfulness is simply being more present and aware of yourself as you perform daily tasks. It can help you slow down and realize that you have as much time as you need. Research shows that mindfulness meditation can significantly reduce anxiety and improve productivity . Try a daily meditation practice or a phone-free nature walk. 
  • Monitor your screen time : Mindlessly checking your email or social media every 15 minutes can quickly eat up your most important hours of the day. Start monitoring your screen time or try a digital detox so you can focus on productivity in your own life (instead of watching the lives of others). This alone will help you feel like you’ve magically created more time. 
  • Improve time management : Little time-wasting habits can quickly devour your waking hours. Do you catch yourself multitasking and taking twice the necessary time to complete a project? Get a planner and start planning your day for the greatest productivity possible.
  • Use a productivity hack : Monitoring your rhythms or learning to speed read are little-known hacks for making your time work for you. Try these 14 Unique Productivity Tips: How to Be More Productive with Less Effort .   

#8 Fear of Loneliness 

Humans are undeniably social animals with a need for companionship. Fear of loneliness is practically wired into our physiology. After all, ancient humans separated from their tribe were unlikely to survive. 

However, without the risk of saber tooth tigers or starvation, spending time alone in the modern day is scientifically proven to improve your health and well-being. Studies show that spending time in solitude is correlated with: 

  • Higher confidence
  • More creativity
  • Higher emotional intelligence
  • More emotional stability in challenging situations 

This is likely because alone time allows for deep reflection on yourself and your life. You can metaphorically clear the mirror of your mind to see yourself as you are rather than how others perceive you. If you fear aloneness, you may inadvertently become clingy or unsure of your identity in the absence of other people. 

How to Overcome It : The best way to start valuing your alone time is to find something you genuinely enjoy and take yourself out on a date to do it. Get dressed up in your favorite outfit, head to a delicious restaurant or a place where you can do your favorite hobby, and enjoy the act of being you. Practice positive affirmations and celebrate a few things you love about yourself.

Caveat : However, if you feel chronically alone, it may be time to pick up a social hobby or take an inventory of your relationships to develop ways to feel less alone.  

Learn more in our video below and in this guide: Are You Afraid of Being Alone? How to Overcome Your Fear  

Key Takeaways: How to Overcome Your Biggest Fears 

The key factor all these fears have in common is their sneaky tendency to sabotage our success. 

In her inspiring TEDx Talk about overcoming your biggest fears, New York Times bestselling author Ruth Soukup describes why identifying and understanding your inner fears is so important. She asserts that every fear has two components: 

  • What is serving you 
  • What is holding you back

For example, a fear of vulnerability can serve you by protecting your heart from getting betrayed or hurt again after a terrible divorce. But it can also hold you back by preventing you from opening up and finding love again. 

Similarly, a fear of imperfection may protect you from putting out sub-par work, but it can also hold you back from taking action necessary to reach your goals.

Her insights help us remember that fear doesn’t need to be embarrassing or shameful. It is part of your psyche for a reason. 

Ultimately, analyzing your fears through this perspective and using the action tips above can help you build the courage to face life’s fears head-on. Learn more about How to Overcome Fear and Conquer Self-Doubt .

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The Greatest Fear in My Life

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1. "The Greatest Fear in My Life." Kibin, 2024. http://www.kibin.com/essay-examples/the-greatest-fear-in-my-life-cN7Lan3h.

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"The Greatest Fear in My Life." Kibin, 2024. http://www.kibin.com/essay-examples/the-greatest-fear-in-my-life-cN7Lan3h.

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97 Fear Essay Topics & Examples

🏆 best topics about fear & essay examples, 📌 good fear essay topics, ❓research questions about fear.

If you study psychology, you will probably have to write a fear essay at some point. The emotion is strong and can significantly affect any person, with effects potentially impairing his or her judgment and performance.

It can also result from a variety of sources, such as phobias or trauma, and manifest in many different conditions, taking the person by surprise. As such, it is essential to study the topic of how a person may deal with fear, with the most well-known one being courage.

However, there are many ideas on how the trait can be developed that can be used as fear essay hooks, but not all of them are viable. This article will help you write a powerful essay on the various topics associated with fear.

Fear is an emotion triggered by a perceived threat as a response that prepares the person to address it in an appropriate manner. As such, it is a reaction that helps people cope in the short term, but its effects when the person is constantly in a state of fear can be dangerous.

Examples include physical health deterioration due to the hormone production associated with the reaction and permanent mental health effects, such as PTSD.

As such, people who are affected by chronic fear should try to escape the state to avoid threats to their well-being. The first step towards doing so would be to discover and investigate the causes of the emotion.

Fear triggers in response to danger, whether real or perceived, and the nature of the reaction can provide you with ideas for fear essay titles. While it may be challenging to alleviate real conditions of real danger, not many people have to live in such situations.

Most chronic fear comes from various phobias, or persistent fear reactions to situations that may not warrant such a response. There are numerous variations, such as acrophobia, the fear of heights, and they are interesting topics for an investigation.

Between the many tall buildings designed by people and travel methods such as airplanes, a person with the condition may find it challenging to avoid stressful situations. However, they can generally avoid worrisome conditions with careful planning and the help of others.

Courage is a well-known quality that helps people overcome their fear, one that is described in many stories and images. However, it should be noted that courage is not the absence of fear, but rather a willingness to acknowledge it and confront the source.

The act involves a conscious effort of the will, and many people believe they do not have the capacity to do so. You should discuss the ways in which people can learn to be courageous and the methods that can be used to inspire them to try.

Here are some additional tips for enhancing your essay:

  • Focus on the positive implications of fear and courage, as they are responsible for many of humanity’s great successes, and provide fear essay examples. Our society is safe from many different dangers because people were afraid of them.
  • Make sure to cite scholarly sources wherever appropriate instead of trying to rely on common knowledge. Psychology is a science that has developed considerably since its inception and can offer a wealth of knowledge.
  • Follow standard essay formatting guidelines, such as the use of academic language, the separation of different essay parts with appropriate titles, and the use of an introduction and conclusion.

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IvyPanda. (2024, February 24). 97 Fear Essay Topics & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/fear-essay-examples/

"97 Fear Essay Topics & Examples." IvyPanda , 24 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/fear-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '97 Fear Essay Topics & Examples'. 24 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "97 Fear Essay Topics & Examples." February 24, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/fear-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "97 Fear Essay Topics & Examples." February 24, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/fear-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "97 Fear Essay Topics & Examples." February 24, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/fear-essay-examples/.

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Student Essay: Biggest fears

  • Anthony Zhang Bregy Elementary School
  • Mar 7, 2017
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Did you know that most Americans share the same 10 fears? Heights, losing loved ones and spiders are among them. Some people are born with fears and others develop them from experiences. Personally, I am afraid of three things. My top fears are heights, darkness and public speaking.

My first fear is heights. Whenever I’m in a really high place, I get dizzy and uncomfortable. I also feel nauseous. These physical reactions are a result of my fear. The idea of falling from an extreme height drives my phobia of experiencing heights. I have always been afraid of heights my whole life. I avoid going to high places whenever possible.

My second fear is darkness. When it is dark, you can’t see anything that is around you. You also can’t see where you are going. This creates a very dangerous situation. The feeling of being vulnerable is the basis of this fear. There is no way of knowing what might be just beyond what you can see. Your mind creates all types of scary scenarios that are probably scarier than what is actually hiding in the dark.

My third fear is being in front of a huge audience. I am afraid of being in front of a huge crowd of people watching me. I get nervous and sweat when I’m in a situation like this. It makes me feel like each and every person is judging me and saying bad things about me. I avoid situations where I have to speak in front of many people. This is a fear that I would like to conquer because I know I will encounter things in life where I will need to address a crowd.

While many people share the same types of fears, I am especially scared of heights, darkness and being in front of a huge audience. I am sure that one day, I will overcome all of my fears. It is suggested that the best way to get over a fear is to confront it. My fears are all things I can confront and work through. Hopefully, this will allow me to no longer fear these things.

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My Greatest Fear

My biggest fear is something that keeps me up many a night. I have a fear of heights, of drowning and of several other tangible things. However, I believe that when confronted with those, I will probably be able to deal with them in some form or another (don't ask me how you deal with a fear of heights, but I will). This one that I consider to be my biggest is like a disease, something I haven't figured out how to deal with. The worst part is that I am not sure there even exists a solution to it.

For me, the fear of nonperformance, the fear of failure, the fear of not living up to expectations (my own, more than anyone else's) is what I consider to be my biggest in life. I can attribute a lot of my personality traits and obsessive behaviors to this fear. It may be a convenient excuse, but without any other valid or obvious reasons, I would like to apportion a significant part of the blame to this fear!

I think as the years have gone on and as I have moved from one job to another, from one country to another, the pressure has only mounted and the fear of not stepping up has only increased. I mean, you spend thousands of dollars on an education and then several more thousand on another... All you expect is for that to pay off, for your skill set to broaden, for your knowledge base to widen and for you to only rise and grow in life. How can you not know the answer to something? How can you not be able to step up to a challenge or a question posed by someone? How can you not perform a certain job that you should have received the training for?

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And the funny part is that I never realized this until very recently... until it was pointed out to me by a friend. I was grumbling about not enjoying my job (a fairly recurring theme these days) and my current role, and one of my closest mates from the MBA simply asked me, "Is it the job? Or is it your desire to be perfect and to expect to always want to outperform that is not making you like it?" And then I thought about it -- yes, maybe he was right.

Maybe I was expecting to know it all and to hit the ground running right from the outset; I thought I had the skill and knowledge to do it all and didn't want to take the intermediary learning step... And when I didn't, I suddenly felt as though I was underperforming! I wasn't living up to expectations... And worst of all, I was failing! Fear realized, multiple sleepless nights followed.

Having this fear may be a good thing (to some extent). It could also, however, be a bad thing, but it is something that has come to frame my thought process, my actions and my drive over time. I am thankful for it in many ways, and believe that I may not have done all that I have over the last several years without this sense of fear... But now that I know, maybe it is time to develop a method of controlling it, of reining it in! Too much of something is never a good thing, right? Or at least that's what I was always told when I went to the fridge for more candy! Is there then another fear that surpasses the fear of failure?

So, even though I call this my biggest fear, and admit to it being so, I ain't jumping off planes or climbing the Himalayas... So for those who have tried to convince me to do some of these wacky things in the past, you may want to try again!

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Essay on Biggest Fear

Students are often asked to write an essay on Biggest Fear in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Biggest Fear

Understanding fear.

Fear is a feeling we all experience. It is an emotional response to danger or threat. It can be real or imagined. Fear can be small like fear of bugs, or big like fear of heights. Everyone has their own biggest fear. It is different for everyone.

Impact of Fear

Fear can affect our daily life. It can stop us from doing things we want to do. It can make us feel anxious or stressed. It can even cause physical symptoms like a fast heartbeat or sweating. So, it’s important to manage our biggest fear.

Overcoming Fear

Overcoming our biggest fear is not easy. It takes time and effort. We can do it by facing our fear little by little. We can also seek help from adults or professionals. Remember, it’s okay to be scared. But don’t let fear control your life.

250 Words Essay on Biggest Fear

Fear is a feeling we all experience. It is a response to danger, a way our body tells us to be careful. It can be scary, like when we see a snake, or it can be less direct, like worrying about a test at school. But what is our biggest fear?

The Biggest Fear

Dealing with fear.

Even though fear can be scary, it is a normal part of life. Everyone feels fear at some point. The important thing is not to let fear control our lives. We can learn to face our fears and overcome them. This might mean asking for help, practicing something until we get better, or talking about our fears with someone we trust.

Fear is a powerful feeling that can make us feel bad and stop us from doing things we want to do. But remember, it’s okay to be scared. The key is to not let fear stop us from trying new things or achieving our goals. Our biggest fear might be big, but we are bigger. We can face our fears and overcome them.

500 Words Essay on Biggest Fear


Fear is a feeling we all experience. It is a response to danger or threat. Our biggest fear is the one that scares us the most. It can be anything from spiders, heights, darkness, to the fear of failure. This essay will talk about the concept of ‘biggest fear,’ its causes, effects, and ways to overcome it.

Fear is a natural feeling. It is our body’s way of telling us to be careful. When we sense danger, our body reacts. Our heart beats faster, we start to sweat, and our mind focuses on the threat. This is called the ‘fight or flight’ response. It helps us to either stand and fight or run away from the danger. Our biggest fear is the one that causes this reaction the most.

Causes of Fear

Our fears can come from many places. Some people are scared of things because of a bad experience in the past. For example, if you were bitten by a dog as a child, you might be scared of dogs now. Sometimes, we learn to be scared of things from the people around us. If your parents are scared of spiders, you might learn to fear spiders too. Other times, our fears can come from our imagination. We might be scared of monsters under the bed, even though we know they are not real.

Effects of Fear

The good news is that we can learn to overcome our fears. One way is to face our fears little by little. If you are scared of dogs, you might start by looking at pictures of dogs. Then, you could watch a dog from a distance. Finally, you might try petting a dog. This is called ‘exposure therapy.’ It can be very helpful.

Another way to overcome fear is to talk about it. You can talk to a trusted friend, family member, or teacher. They can give you advice and support. Sometimes, just talking about our fears can make them feel less scary.

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greatest fear of my life essay

Building a community garden brought my neighbours together

greatest fear of my life essay

Illustration by Drew Shannon

First Person is a daily personal piece submitted by readers. Have a story to tell? See our guidelines at tgam.ca/essayguide .

Gardening is not for the faint of heart. It requires an iron will to keep weeds at bay and plants alive. To garden in a public place requires an even stronger vision, as inconsiderate people abound. They leave their garbage and dog poo and seem to have no respect for those who want to create something beautiful.

Two years ago, I decided to rally some neighbours to create a community garden. The inspiration were two beds at the top of the street that had been created by the city. They were planted with young trees that were left to their own devices. Now, they were full of weeds, garbage and the detritus left behind by dogs that had passed through. The branches of the honey locust hung so low over the street that you had to duck underneath to get by. In the city, where space is precious, I thought, “Why were we wasting this?” I figured anything we did would be an improvement.

Luckily, the neighbours were all in. We removed needles, glass, masks and tons of odd garbage, including pillows and clothing. Garbage accumulation has proven to be as rampant as the weeds.

Reminding myself of the good that has come from this project helps to keep me motivated. It has been a catalyst for getting to know the neighbours. Because we are doing this on our own, we started with the smaller of the two beds. Though we applied for a city grant, we did not receive any funding, so we had to get creative. We split plants from our gardens, so this space is a reflection of us as a street.

Martha, a chef and accomplished gardener, split her hosta and bachelor’s buttons and planted them near the base of the honey locust. Sandy, who had just moved to our street, brought coral bells and Soloman’s seal. Emma, a busy mom of two, planted daffodils, crocus, ferns and echinacea. Kishore, who had an amazing front garden of various ground covers, planted phlox and flax and two other plants we don’t know the names of. Louie, a guerrilla gardener with an eye for colour, brought meteor shower and rudbeckia. I planted violets, anenomes, goldenrod and chrysanthemum, most of which were growing out of the concrete in my parking spot. With a few interesting rocks well placed, before we knew it, there was a garden.

The larger bed was still a mess. I would weed whack it in an attempt to stop the weeds from spreading. The soil was hard and compacted and the bed is much shadier because it is next to a building. I tried to get a mulch drop from a tree service to smother the weeds and to help improve the soil, but the site was deemed unsuitable for a large truck to access. Just when I was thinking about giving up on it, neighbours across the street had a large tree serviced. A giant pile of mulch was now on the street. The neighbours were happy to help our project along, so Mark, my ever-obliging husband, and I moved the enormous pile of mulch onto the bed, using two wagons and a bunch of buckets.

The momentum kept going when we received a plant donation from the Maple Cottage Community Garden, a neighbourhood historic site and community garden located a few blocks away. They gave us seedum, more coral bells and the hellebore or Lenten rose, which was the first plant to emerge this spring. Sandy and Bob gave us some flagstone to make a meandering path from the benches the business improvement association had installed long before we started this project. One morning, a large sign appeared made out of the pieces of wooden pallets. We installed it along the open side hoping it would deter the dogs from going in – it hasn’t. Emma painted it in the same colours as the BIA’s rainbow benches, which has brightened up the corner nicely.

It is a vast improvement to the weeds and garbage. Every time I walk past, I am amazed at how quickly we reclaimed the space. It is far from complete, but no garden really is. It is a work in progress, which is where the beauty lies.

Anne Hynes lives in Toronto.

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Essays on Fear

Hook examples for fear essays, "the anatomy of fear"" hook.

"Fear is a powerful and primal emotion that has shaped human survival for millennia. Explore the intricate anatomy of fear, from its psychological triggers to its physical manifestations."

The Fear Factor in Literature and Film Hook

"Fear is a common theme in literature and cinema, captivating audiences with suspense and terror. Journey through the pages and screens of iconic horror stories and analyze the art of fear portrayal."

Facing Fear: Personal Stories Hook

"Fear can be a paralyzing force, but it can also be a catalyst for personal growth. Listen to the inspiring stories of individuals who confronted their deepest fears and emerged stronger."

Fear in the Modern World Hook

""In an era of rapid change and uncertainty, fear takes on new forms. Examine the fears that dominate the modern world, from technological anxieties to global crises, and their impact on society.""

The Psychology of Fear Hook

"Fear is deeply rooted in the human psyche. Delve into the psychology of fear, exploring its evolutionary origins, cognitive processes, and the ways in which it influences decision-making."

Fear and Resilience Hook

"Fear can be a formidable adversary, but it can also reveal our capacity for resilience. Investigate how individuals and communities have harnessed fear to drive positive change and build resilience."

Overcoming Fear: Strategies for Empowerment Hook

"Fear is a universal experience, but it doesn't have to control our lives. Explore strategies for overcoming fear, building confidence, and living a life guided by courage and empowerment."

A Fear of Phobias: Understanding and Addressing Irrational Fears

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Report on Fear: Responses, Causes, Types and Main Triggers

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