How To Make a Generator - Teach kids how magnetism is used to generate electricity

Posted by Admin / in Energy & Electricity Experiments

Showing kids how to make their own small generator is a great way to teach kids about practical electricity. The generator was first invented by the English scientist Michael Faraday in 1831 through his discovery of electromagnetic induction. Faraday also went on to discover the electric motor.

Materials Needed

  • magnetic wire (40'-60') (15 meters)
  • strong bar magnet
  • hallow tube
  • voltmeter or multimeter


Step 1: Leaving approximately 6" of wire slack, start wrapping the magnetic wire around the tube. The wire must be magnetic, which is a type of copper or aluminum wire with a thin coating of insulation.

Step 2: Wrap the wire until about 6" of wire remains. Use tape as needed to secure the ends of the wire so it does not unwrap.

magnetic generator experiments

Wrap the magnetic wire around the tube to replicate the Faraday Disc Generator

Step 3: Scrape off the coating off the two ends of the magnet wire. Magnet wire has a very thin coating of enamel that must be removed to get a good connections with the multimeter. Magnet wire is solid wire, not stranded, it is is easy to scrape off the enamel. Attach both ends of the loose wire to a multimeter or voltmeter. Connect one side to the red (+) probe and the other side to the negative (-) probe. Either wrap the wire around the probes or use alligator clips to attach the wires.

Step 4: Set the voltmeter (or multimeter) to test for DC voltage.

magnetic generator experiments

Set the multimeter or voltmeter to test for DC voltage

Step 5: Move the magnet quickly back and forth inside the tube. If it helps, tape the magnet to a rod to more easily move it in and out of the tubing.

Step 6: Observe the voltmeter voltage readings.

Step 7: Set the voltmeter (or multimeter) to test for DC current.

Step 8 : Move the magnet quickly back and forth inside the tube.

Step 9: Observe the voltmeter current readings.

Science Learned

As Michael Faraday discovered after the invention of the electromagnet, that if it was possible to make a non-magnetic object magnetized by adding electricity, then it should also be possible to make electricity using magnets. Magnetic fields and electricity are related. This experiment shows how the early discovery of producing electricity from a magnet made it possible to dream up much larger production of electricity for use in factories, homes, schools, and businesses.

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  • Energy & Electricity experiments
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  • how to make a generator
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  • science electricity generator
  • generate electricity from a magnet

magnetic generator experiments

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magnetic generator experiments

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magnetic generator experiments

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The National MagLab is funded by the National Science Foundation and the State of Florida.

Electromagnetic Induction

When a permanent magnet is moved inside of a copper wire coil, electrical current flows inside of the wire. This important physics phenomenon is called electromagnetic induction.

In 1831, the great experimentalist Michael Faraday set out to prove electricity could be generated from magnetism. He created numerous experiments, including the simple but illustrious setup of the copper wire and permanent magnet . Faraday wrapped the copper wire around a paper cylinder and attached the ends of the coil to a galvanometer, which is a device that detects and measures electrical current.


  • Click and drag the bar magnet back and forth inside the coil.
  • Observe the galvanometer and see that there is only current detected when the magnet is in motion.
  • Increase the speed of the magnet’s movement (by dragging the magnet faster) to see how this increases the current.
  • Add turns to the wire and notice how the reading on the galvanometer increases.
  • Flip the magnet. Watch how the direction of the field impacts the direction of the current (depicted with black arrows.)

When the permanent magnet moves inside of the coil, the mechanical energy of the movement is converted into electricity. While this experiment was uncomplicated, it was also revolutionary. Faraday’s work was translated into an equation by James Clerk Maxwell, who went on the expand on Faraday’s findings and create other equations that are the backbone of the study of electromagnetism. Electromagnetic induction is still crucial to the modern world, and is used in devices like generators, transformers, and electric motors. It can also be used to wirelessly charge devices like an electric toothbrush or phone.

To give credit where credit is due, Joseph Henry was not far behind in his independent discovery of electromagnetic induction in 1832. Dig deeper into the history of important scientists in our Pioneers section.

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AP®︎/College Physics 2

Course: ap®︎/college physics 2   >   unit 4, electromagnetic induction.

  • Magnetic flux and Faraday's law
  • Faraday's Law
  • Faraday's law - magnitude of induced emf (average)
  • Lenz's law
  • Lenz's law - iii
  • Emf induced in rod traveling through magnetic field

magnetic generator experiments

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re and spinning magnets
  FAQ (parts list)

This is an AC electric generator which lights up a tiny incandescent light bulb. The generator is made from a hollow-ended cardboard box with a nail through the center. The box has many turns of varnished thin copper wi re wound around, with four large magnets clamped around the nail. When the nail and magnets are spun fast by hand, the little light bulb lights up dimly. I wrote this article because I found lots of projects for making a simple electric motor, but nobody gave the secret for making a generator. Well, here it is: use strong magnets, lots of fine wi re, and a special light bulb which only needs 1/2 volt. Also, don't bother making a "commutator," just hook the wi res directly to the bulb. It's much simpler that way, but the generator will produce AC (alternating current). Before you start, here are some notes: DON'T USE DIFFERENT PARTS. You must use a special light bulb. Normal flashlight bulbs will not work. Also, you must use the large, strong magnets shown in the parts list. Smaller magnets won't work. Use thin wire with varnish insulation. The wi re must be #30 gauge or smaller.
Also, you can improve the generator if you buy lots of extra kits of wi re and wind it on the cardboard, since the bulb will light up even when the generator spins slowly. Three kits of Radio Shack wire is expensive, it's cheaper to mail-order just one or two Open-frame box solenoids, but you'll, need vise-grips pliers to pry apart the steel frame and remove the spool of wire.


-      FOR KIDS

[ ]

  ! magnet: or , or , re 200ft, $6.59 , or cheaper from $1.29, or or res re down Optional: hand drill or electric drill to spin it (hand drill is best) , or or
    valve from , (need vise-grips) Also:

re to stay very close to the spinning magnets, so keep the box as small as possible. And don't use smaller magnets.]  

Use sandpaper or the edge of a knife to scrape the thin plastic coating off 2cm of the wire ends. Remove every bit of red coating, so the wire ends are coppery.

(note: the five lines of wi re shown above are not real, that's the 'equals signs' I used to draw with. The real wi re can just be wound up in a big wad in the center of the cardboard box.)

re away from the nail hole and tape it in place. Stick the nail back through the holes and make sure it can spin. Take your four magnets, stick them face to face in two pairs, Then stick the two pairs inside the box and on either side of the nail so they grab the nail. Push them around until they are some- what balanced and even, then spin the nail and see if they turn freely. If you wish, you can push 2cm squares of cardboard between the magnets to straighten them. If you wish, tape the magnets so they don't move around on the nail.
RES TOGETHER TO THE BULB Make sure that each end of the generator's wi res are totally cleared of red plastic coating. If there is a bit of plastic left, it might act as an insulator which turns off your light bulb circuit.

Twist the scraped end of each generator wi re securely around the silver tip of each wi re from the small light bulb. (If necessary, use a knife to strip more plastic from the ends of the light bulb wi res.) One generator wi re goes to one light bulb wi re, the other generator wi re goes to the other light bulb wi re, and the two twisted wi re connections should not touch together. In the twisted wi res, metal must touch metal with no plastic in between.


Spin the magnet REALLY fast and the bulb will light dimly. If it doesn't work, try spinning it in a dark room so you don't miss the dim glow. If needed, adjust the position of the magnets so they don't hit or scrape the cardboard. This thing has to spin *fast*, and if the magnets whack the cardboard and slow down, you won't see any light. (IF IT DOESN'T WORK, SEE " ")

Once you get it to work, try clamping the point of the nail into the chuck of a hand-crank drill. Spin the magnets fast with the drill and the bulb will light brightly. Don't go too fast or you'll burn out the bulb, or maybe fling magnets all over the room. You can try this with an electric drill as well, although electric drills don't spin as fast.

Note: your generator produces Alternating Current, not Direct Current. The output voltage is about 2 volts max, so there is no electric shock hazard at all.

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All metals contain a movable substance called "electric charge". Even uncharged wi res are full of charge! After all, the atoms of the metal are made half of positive protons and half of negative electrons. Metals are special because their electrons don't stay connected to the metal atoms, instead they fly around inside the metal and form a type of electric "liquid" inside the wi res. All wi res are full of electric fluid. Modern scientists call this the "electron sea" or "electron gas." The fluid charge is movable, and this lets metals be electric conductors. The movable charge-stuff is not invisible, it actually gives metals their silvery shine. The electron gas is like a silvery fluid. Sort of.
re surrounds a magnetic field, and the magnetic field then changes, a circular "pressure" called Voltage appears. The faster the magnetic field changes, the larger the voltage becomes. This circular voltage trys to force the movable charges in the wi re to rotate around the circle. In other words, moving magnets cause changing magnetic fields which try to create electric currents in closed circles of wi re. A moving magnet causes a pumping action along the wire. If the circuit is not complete, if there is a break, then the pumping force won't cause any charge flow. Instead, a voltage difference will appear at the ends of the wir es. But if the circuit is "complete" or "closed", then the magnet's pumping action can force the electrons of the coil to begin flowing. A moving magnet can create an electric current in a closed circuit. The effect is called . This is a basic law of physics, and it is used by all coil/magnet electric generators.

Generators don't have just one circle of w ire. Suppose that many circles surround the moving magnet. Suppose that all the circles are connected in series to form a coil. The small voltages from all the circles will add together to give much larger voltage. A coil with 100 turns will have a hundred times more voltage than a one-turn coil.

Why is this generator AC and not DC? When the magnets flip, they create a pulse of voltage and current. But when they flip a second time, they create an opposite pulse? Yes. So then a spinning magnet is making electric signals that go plus-minus-plus-minus? Yep. It happens because, in order to create voltage and current, a magnet pole must sweep sideways across a wire. If it sweeps a wire, nothing happens. In our little generator here, the magnet poles don't sweep constantly along the curve of the wire. Instead, first the north magnet pole sweeps across one side of the coil, and at the same time the south magnet pole sweeps across the other side. The two effects add together. But next, the magnet keeps turning around, and now the opposite poles sweep across those parts of the coil. The magnet has flipped, the magnet poles are reversed, so the coil's voltage will be backwards. And if a bulb is connected, then any current will be backwards too. Each time the magnet makes one complete turn, it creates a forward pulse and then a backwards pulse. Spin the magnet fast, and it makes an alternating wave: AC.

If you want a DC generator, you'll have to add a special reversing switch to the magnet shaft. It's a switch called a "commutator." If you look up some DC generator DIY projects, you'll see how to built the commutator switch. But those generators aren't Ultra Simple!

Now for the light bulb. If we connect the ends of the coil together, then whenever the magnet moves, the metal's charges will move and a large electric current will appear in the coil. The coil gets slightly warm. What if we instead connect a light bulb between the ends of the coil? A light bulb is really just a piece of thin wire. The charges of the light bulb's filament will be pushed along. When the charges within the copper wi re pass into the thin light bulb filament, their speed greatly increases. When the charges leave the filament and move back into the larger copper wi re, they slow down again. Inside the narrow filament, the fast-moving charges heat the metal by a sort of electrical "friction". The metal filament gets so hot that it glows. The moving charges also heat the wi res of the generator a bit, but since the generator wi res are so much thicker, and since the bulb's thin filament is slowing the current throughout the entire coil, almost all of the heating takes place in the light bulb filament.

So, just connect a light bulb to a coil of wire, place a short powerful magnet in the coil, then flip the magnet fast. The faster you spin the magnet, the higher the voltage pump-force becomes, and the brighter the light bulb lights up. The more powerful your magnet, the higher the voltage and the brighter the bulb. And the more circles of wire in your coil, the higher the voltage and the brighter the bulb. In theory you should be able to light up a normal 3V flashlight bulb, but only if you can spin your magnets inhumanly fast. Disconnect one wi re from the light bulb. Spin the magnet. While still spinning the magnet, have a friend touch the wi res together so the bulb lights up again. Is the nail still as easy to spin? Keep spinning the magnet while your friend connects and disconnects the bulb. Do you feel any differences in how hard you must spin the nail? Also try spinning the magnets while your friend connects the generator wi res directly together (with no bulb connected.)

When you crank the generator and make the lightbulb turn on, you are working against electrical friction in order to create the heat and light. You can FEEL the work you perform, because whenever you connect the bulb, it suddenly gets harder to crank the generator. When you disconnect the bulb, it gets easier.

Think of it like this. If you rub your hands together lightly, the skin stays cool, but if you rub your hands together hard, your skin gets hot. It takes more effort to rub skin hard so that it heats up; it takes work. And in a similar way, it's hard to heat the lightbulb filament, it takes work. You twist the generator shaft, the generator pushes the wi re's charge through the tiny filament, and if you don't keep spinning the magnet, the magnet will be slowed quickly.

FEEL THE ELECTRONS When your hand spins the magnet, you can feel the extra work it takes to light the bulb. This happens because your hand is connected to the flowing charge in the bulb, and when you push on it, you can feel it push back on you! How is your hand connected to the flowing charges? Your hand twists the nail, the nail spins the magnet, the magnet pushes the invisible magnetic fields, the fields push the movable charges, the charges flow slowly through the light bulb filament, and the tiny filament causes friction against the flow of charge and heats up. But then the reverse happens! The charge can't move much because of the tiny filament, so it resists the pressure from the magnetic fields, which in turn resist the pressure from the magnet, which resists the twisting pressure from the nail, which resists the twisting pressure from your fingers. So, in a very real way, you can FEEL the electrons in the light bulb filament. When you push them, you can FEEL their reluctance to move through the narrow filament!

Try changing the magnets' position. Remove the magnets, then tape them around the nail so that the two stacks are clinging side by side, rather than stacked up in a line. Spin the magnets. Does the light bulb still light up? No. This happens because The N pole of one magnet stack is very close to the S pole of the other, and vice versa. The magnetic field is now stretching between the two stacks of magnets, and isn't spreading outward. Most of the field is trapped between the neighboring opposite poles, so the field doesn't extend out through the coil. When magnets are side by side like this, they form one larger but weak magnet. On the other hand, when you make a single stack of magnets instead, the field extends outwards for many inches. The stacked magnets form a larger but very strong magnet. If you spin the single magnet stack, the field cuts through the wi res and pumps their electrons into motion.

If you can get a cheap Digital Voltmeter or DVM from Harbor Freight Tools, you can make some measurements. (Once you can see some numbers, you can perform some professional science experiments. This is great for science fair projects.) Spin the magnets to light up the bulb, then connect the meter leads across the light bulb connections. Set the meter for AC volts. Spin the magnets and see just how high a voltage your generator produces.

How high can you make the voltage just by using fingers? Or using a hand drill? Try spinning the magnets just fast enough to barely light the bulb in a dark room. How small a voltage is needed? Also try disconnecting the light bulb, then measure the AC voltage across the two ends of the coil. Can you tell if it's still the same as when the bulb was connected? Hint: to spin the magnets at a constant rate, use an electric drill with a fully-charged battery. Or perhaps hook the nail to an electric motor and connect the motor to a DC power supply with settable voltage.

Note: The light bulb has around 50 ohms resistance. Also, 250ft of #30 wire has around . Because of the wire resistance, the generator can only create around 60 milliamps current at most (0.06 amperes.) If you wind extra #30 wire onto the generator, it will increase the maximum voltage, and maximum power. But since this adds more resistance it WON'T increase the maximum possible current. To increase the maximum possible current, either spin the magnets much faster, replace the #30 wire with thicker wire, or use a stronger type of magnet material.

There is a simple way to convert your generator into a motor. It involves using paint or tape to insulate a spot on one side of the nail, then using a 6V battery and using the generator's wi res, touching the nail to form a switch. The rotating magnets turn the nail, which turns the coil on and off at just the right times. Can you discover the trick?
You can change this generator so it makes DC rather than AC. The voltage is still very low, so it's not very useful. If spun very fast, you might be able to recharge a tiny 1.2v rechargeable battery. (Maybe you could add lots more turns of wi re to the coil to increase the voltage?)

Convert to DC: res, it will only let the charges flow in one direction. It will change the Alternating Current into one-way flow (called "pulsating direct current.) Try diodes from Radio Shack such as 1N4000 or 1N4001. Unfortunately a diode needs about 3/4 volts to force any charges through, and this voltage subtracts from your generator output. If your generator only puts out one volt, then the diode will reduce this to 1/4 volt. So if you want to add a diode, try doubling or tripling the amount of wire on your generator. Also try using a special "Schottky" diode with lower voltage than 0.7V, such as 1N5819 from
While running the tech shop at the Museum of Science in Boston, I was working on new ideas for exhibits for the Electricity Hall in 1988. I knew that the Exploratorium had an electric generator exhibit where the museum visitor would yank a plastic-embedded coil plate through a row of huge magnets (magnetron horn-magnets from a military radar.) Doing so would light up a small bulb. I just knew that there HAD to be a way which uses more common magnets. So I stacked up a pile of 3" loudspeaker magnets (those black donut things) and waved it past various coils. Finally I wound about five pounds of #26 wire around a ring of nails pounded into a board, hooked up a #49 light bulb, then moved the stack of speaker magnets in and out. This easily lit up the bulb.

Around 1994 I was thinking about the ultra-simple electric motor which later became known on internet as the "Beakman Motor." Wouldn't it be cool if kids could also make an electric that simple? But it should be possible with parts from a Radio Shack store, since Radio Shack had the special light bulb as well as magnets and spools of electromagnet wire. After a few hours of experimenting I fould that I could just barely light up the 20 milliamps bulb by using a single spool of #30 wire from radio shack. But the wire had to be VERY close to a fast spinning magnet, and the magnet had to be composed of four powerful ceramic magnets in a stack.

To impress all the Physics Teachers, I tried to make the parts be easily available, and the cost as low as possible. To make a popular project, I made sure no tools were needed except scissors. I refused to use ball bearings or plastic parts. So I made my own cardboard box for the coil, and used a nail for the spinning shaft. To avoid extra parts, the nail is just clamped by the powerful magnets. If anyone else wants to try to make a cheaper or simpler electric generator, they have to do better than I did! WARNING: Keep the magnets away from computers, disks, videotapes, color TV sets, and from wallets and purses containing credit cards. Try this: Keep the generator far from your color TV, turn on the TV, start spinning the nail so the magnet is spinning fast, then bring the generator about 2ft away from the TV screen. DON'T BRING IT CLOSER!!! Keep spinning the magnets, and you'll see a cool wobbling effect in the TV picture, along with some color changes. The field from the magnet is bending the electron beam that paints the picture on the screen. Be careful, if you bring the magnet about 15cm away, the iron sheet inside the TV picture tube will become magnetized and the distorted colors will be permanent.

Want an extremely powerful motor or generator? An adult project? Those need stamped-out iron sheets for laminations. But there's another way. Look into Edison's tactic: he took the , modified it by and sold them like hotcakes.

In the Gramme dynamo, the core 'laminations' can be made from a long length of iron wire wrapped as a hoop and doused with epoxy, tar, etc. Form a solid ring. I don't know if fine iron wire is easy to find, but barbed wire and hay baling wire is common. Or buy a toroid transformer and saw all the wire off the core? Then wrap a layer of heavy copper wire around the whole iron ring and mount this on a flywheel. Grind the outer rim flat, so the copper spiral can become its own commutator. Your non-moving stator can be permanent magnets, or non-laminated solid iron blocks, since that part is DC.

Edison's early versions used "paintbrushes" made of fine iron wire as the brushes, later replaced with blocks of slippery graphite.

But then go and do as Tesla did, during his design work for Edison corp. Convert Edison's stator designs into a compact cylinder-shape that hugs the flywheel, and includes enclosed coils rather than those extremely long horseshoe-magnets like Edison's design.

Motor Triva: electric motors were mere until Zenobe Gramme developed a generator which was intended to replace battery banks, since it gave extremely smooth DC output voltage. During an inventors show, an assistant up to another one that was spinning under steam power. The second one started up and ran as a motor; as a *hundreds horsepower* motor. That moment was the start of the electrical age in industry. But it's not much mentioned in American Textbooks, perhaps because it would make Thomas Edison look less of a genius.

DON'T USE DIFFERENT PARTS. If the light bulb won't light, usually it's becaused different parts were used. Follow instructions. If you changed the magnets, it won't work. So don't use different magnets. If you used a different bulb, it won't work. Use the parts in the list, don't make changes. If you're not using very thin #30 varnish-coated wire, then it won't work. So don't use different wire. Don't use different parts. Before testing anything else, ask yourself if you used the parts in the parts list? If you used different parts, the generator will fail. Notice: it's very important that you use the parts listed, and don't use substitutes.

SPIN IT FAST, IN THE DARK. Sometimes your generator is working fine, but you're not spinning it fast enough. Or perhaps the dim glow of the light bulb is being missed in a brightly lit room. So, go into semi-darkness. Then spin the thing REALLY FAST. Try cranking it with an old-fashioned drill. (Electric drills don't turn very fast.) Or try gluing a tiny wheel to the nail, then rub the wheel on the spinning tire of an upside-down bicycle (don't go too fast or the bulb will burn out.)

ADD LOTS MORE WI RE. If your coil has more than 250 turns, then the bulb glows much brighter. The #30 thin spool of Radio Shack wire is 200 feet long, which gives about 250 turns. If you could wind more turns on your coil, then your bulb would light up at lower magnet speed. Buy two kits of wi re from Radio Shack, then use both spools of #30. Scrape every bit of the red plastic coating off all the wire ends. Then twist the end of the new spool to the end of the old one. This creates a single longer wi re. Be sure to wind the extra wire in the same direction as before.

Better source of wi re: buy a large "Solenoid" from a mail order company, then use Vice-grip pliers to pry open the metal bracket. The hole in the solenoid goes through a square steel plate, and if you pry the rest of the steel frame outwards, you can remove the square plate and take out the wire spool. Peel off the tape, and wind 600 turns on your generator. DON'T USE OTHER MAGNETS, use the large 2-inch rectangular magnets sold by Radio Shack, #64-1899, see their site. Or try Educational Innovations, or try They cost about $2 each, and have no holes through the center. Don't use the smaller 1 inch Radio Shack magnets. Most other magnets are way too weak and will not work unless you spin the magnets incredibly fast, at thousands of RPM (revolutions per minute.)

re for your generator. DON'T USE A DIFFERENT BULB. This generator cannot power a normal flashlight bulb, it needs the special 25-milliamp, 1.5-volt bulb sold by Radio Shack. Also try using a red LED. Don't use a normal flashlight bulb, since that kind of bulb requires way more energy before it starts to glow. If you simply cannot find the Radio Shack 25mA bulb, you can use a 1.5V 40mA bulb, but add twice as much magnet wi re to your coil (buy two of those kits of magnet wire.) The generator needs more than 250 turns wrapped around it. Five hundred turns is better, that way you won't have to spin the magnets so fast.

STACK THE MAGNETS SO THEY STRONGLY ATTRACT. Make sure the four rectangle magnets are stacked to create two strong poles, otherwise the generator won't work. Do this: stack up all four magnets so their widest faces are clinging together. Then jam the nail through the crack in the middle of the stack. Then take this apart, and re-assemble it inside the generator in the same way.

CLEAN THE WI RE ENDS THOROUGHLY. If the generator refuses to work, inspect the spot where the wi res twist together. The coil of wi re has a very thin red plastic coating, and you must clean ALL of this coating off the last half-inch of the wi re ends before twisting them to the light bulb wi res. Also, the tips of the light bulb wi res must be stripped clean of all plastic. The metal part of the light bulb wi re must touch the metal of the coil If there is any plastic between the metal of the generator wi re and the light bulb wi re, the circuit will be "open" and no charge will flow.

Be sure to follow the instructions and diagrams. You MUST wind the coil so the coil goes across the side of the box which has the nail hole. If you wind it so no coil is crossing the nail-hole side of the box, then the magnetic fields won't cut across the wi res, and no electric voltage will be created.

Also, don't wind the coil over the open end of the box, otherwise you won't be able to get your fingers inside to make changes to the magnet.

If you cannot spin the magnets fast enough with your fingers, try a "twist drill" or hand-crank drill. Clamp the nail in the end of the drill and spin the magnets as fast as you can. An electric drill may work too, but most electric drills don't move as fast as the hand-cranked type.

If you have an electronic voltmeter, set it to measure two volts AC, then connect it to the generator wires and spin the generator. The light bulb needs a bit more than 0.50 volts AC in order to light dimly. At 1.0V it lights brightly. If your generator's voltage is lower than 0.5V, you need to spin it much faster, or you need strong magnets, or you need to add lots more turns of wire.

DON'T SUBSTITUTE THE MAGNETS OR THE LIGHT BULB WITH A DIFFERENT TYPE. It needs strong magnets and a low-voltage, low-current incandescent bulb. If your generator doesn't work, check the parts again and make sure you have the right type of magnets and the right type of light bulb. Don't use fewer magnets. Weaker magnets may work in theory, but you won't be able to spin them fast enough by hand, and a high speed motor will be required in order to spin them. Don't use an LED. A red LED could work in theory, but you need at least 1-1/2 volts to barely light one up (the green or blue kind need even higher volts.) The light bulb is better because it lights up at less than 1/2 volt. (If you really must light up an LED, use the red kind, and also add about three more spools of #30 wi re to your generator coil.)

Perhaps your luck is bad and you got a dead light bulb. To test it, get any new, fresh 1.5V battery (the size doesn't matter.) Take the bulb off the generator, then touch one wi re form the bulb to the top of the battery and one wi re to the bottom. The light bulb should light up brightly. If it stays dark, the bulb is bad.

The generator can be improved by using more turns of wi re. You used only the spool of #30 wi re. With more wi re, the magnets don't have to spin as fast to light the bulb. Connect the thinnest of the remaining spools of wi re to one end of the wi re that's already wrapped, making sure to scrape the wi re ends totally clean before twisting them together. Make sure to wind the extra wi re in the same direction as the rest of the coil.

Or, if you want to light your light bulb REALLY bright, buy a second kit of wi re, hook the second #30 spool to the coil you have already made, then wind all the wi re onto the coil. Be sure to clean all the red plastic off the ends of the extra wi re that you've added.

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Electric Generator

How does the speed of turning rotor affect the production of electricity?

Introduction: (Initial Observation)

Electricity that we use at home is produced by electric generators. Do you know how a generators works? or how does a generator create electricity?

An electric current is created when a magnet is spun rapidly inside a coil of wire. As you see in the conceptual diagram in the right, a turbine (usually powered by water or wind) spins a magnet inside a coil

magnetic generator experiments

This action induces an electric current in the coil that can be used to power a light bulb.

In this project you will successfully build an electric generator that really works. Your electric generator will produce enough electricity to light up a light bulb or an LED lamp. You can easily spin the axle rod and show the light to others.

After you construct a working electric generator, you may study how different factors affect the production of electricity in a generator. In this project you will perform experiments to find out “How does the speed of a turning rotor affect the production of electricity?”.

Are you ready for this project?

Invention of electricity did not start with electric generators.

First, battery was made. Battery is a device that converts chemical energy to electricity.

For many years scientists used electricity from batteries and made electromagnet and devices that are based on electromagnet such as telegraph, microphone, speaker, buzzer, telephone and electromotor.

Then the idea came up that if you can use electricity to produce a magnet, maybe you could also use magnet to produce electricity. This is what Edison did. He used magnets to produce electricity. The device that he made is called electric generator.

Learning about electricity also should be in the same order.

You must first learn about simple electric circuits, batteries and electromagnets before trying to make an electric generator.

Key Advantages of this project:

  • It can be tried and presented as a science project using scientific method or as a technology project.
  • All materials for the experiments are available online and in the form of a kit. Therefore you are sure that all materials are of the right type and your project will not fail because of wrong or incompatible materials.
  • You gain a valuable experience and the outcome is exciting.
  • It is relatively low cost and quick. You can complete all your experiments in one weekend.

Information Gathering:

Find out about electricity and how it is produced. Read books, magazines or ask professionals who might know in order to learn about the factors that may affect the production of electricity in an electric generator. Keep track of where you got your information from.

Following are samples of information that you may find.

What is electricity and how is it made?

Electricity is moving electrons in a conductor such as a copper wire. But what can force these electrons to move? There are two different ways that electricity can be made.

First method is using a chemical reaction . For example batteries make electricity by a chemical reaction.

Second method is by using magnet. But how can magnet produce electricity?

For making electricity using magnet, check the following links for information:

  • How Electricity is made basic
  • How Electricity is made (general information)
  • Energy sources for making electricity
  • How Electricity is made (in an electric factory)
  • How Electricity is made (in an electric factory with a nice drawing, good for display)
  • How Electricity is made (in a power plan, similar to the above)

Making electricity using magnet is not a simple experiment, specially if you want to produce enough electricity to light up a bulb. So most likely you are not going to make an electric generator for your project; but drawings in the above sites may be reproduced in a larger size and be used in your display.

Here is also some fundamentals: All atoms of all elements are made of a nucleus and some electrons revolving around the nucleus in certain orbits.

In conductive material, some of these electrons can also move from one atom to the next. The key piece of information that we need to know is that electrons are sensitive to magnets and can be forced to move with a magnet.

This is the foundation of all power generators. Small power generators use an engine, similar to the engine of a car or engine of a lawn mower that spins a magnet close to a coil of wire and that forces the electrons inside the wire to move and that is electricity.

For larger productions, a wind turbine or water turbine is used to spin a large magnet next to multiple coils of wire.

magnetic generator experiments

In some generators, coil of wire spins between the poles of a magne t and the result is still the same or better.

Question/ Purpose:

What do you want to find out? Write a statement that describes what you want to do. Use your observations and questions to write the statement.

The purpose of this project is to demonstrate the production of electricity using a moving magnet. You will show that the mechanical force from your hand or other sources can be converted to electrical energy.

If you need to conduct an experiment using scientific method, you will study this question.

The above question can change this project from a display/ technology project to an experimental project. Students at lower grades may just do a display project; however, students in higher grades are often required to complete an experimental project.

Identify Variables: (required for higher grades)

When you think you know what variables may be involved, think about ways to change one at a time. If you change more than one at a time, you will not know what variable is causing your observation. Sometimes variables are linked and work together to cause something. At first, try to choose variables that you think act independently of each other.

For question number 1:

  • Independent variable is the speed of turning rotor
  • Dependent variable is the production of electricity, measured and described by voltage
  • Constants are the generator model and specification

Hypothesis: (required for higher grades)

Based on your gathered information, make an educated guess about what types of things affect the system you are working with. Identifying variables is necessary before you can make a hypothesis. Following is a sample hypothesis:

Amount of electricity made using magnet has a direct relation with the speed of magnet or moving magnetic field. The faster the rotor spins, the more voltage must be produced. My hypothesis is based on my common sense and observations of a bicycle generator that loses its light when the bicycle slows down.

Experiment Design:

Design an experiment to test each hypothesis. Make a step-by-step list of what you will do to answer each question. This list is called an experimental procedure. For an experiment to give answers you can trust, it must have a “control.” A control is an additional experimental trial or run. It is a separate experiment, done exactly like the others. The only difference is that no experimental variables are changed. A control is a neutral “reference point” for comparison that allows you to see what changing a variable does by comparing it to not changing anything. Dependable controls are sometimes very hard to develop. They can be the hardest part of a project. Without a control you cannot be sure that changing the variable causes your observations. A series of experiments that includes a control is called a “controlled experiment.”

Experiment 1: Making an Electric Generator.

Introduction: For your experiment, you may make an electric generator that really works and can light up a light bulb. There is a good design at that you may use. It is called wooden generator and it consists of a small box, a coil of wire wrapped over the box and a magnet spinning inside the box. Complete materials may be purchased as a kit or purchase separately.

Following are the material that you need in order to construct a wooden electric generator.

  • Wood dowel 3/8″ diameter
  • Wood Dowel 1″ diameter.
  • Strong Rod magnet (1/2″ diameter)
  • Insulated copper wire 23 AWG, or 27 AWG 200 feet
  • Low voltage, low current lamp with base
  • Small sand paper
  • 1/2 Square foot of balsa wood or any hardwood (1/8″ diameter)
  • AC Voltmeter (AC=Alternative Current)
  • Necessary wood working tools (if you are not buying a kit).


If you are buying a kit, all the wooden parts are included and they are already cut to the size. So you just need to connect them. If you don’t have a kit, prepare the wooden parts as follows:

  • Cut two square pieces from the balsa wood (3.5″ x 3.5″).
  • Make a 3/8″ hole in the center of each square.
  • Cut four 1″ x 3 7/16.
  • Cut a 3/4″ piece from the 1″ wood dowel. Make a 3/8″ hole in the center of it. Insert a 6″ long 3/8″ wood dowel in the hole, apply some glue. center it and wait for it to dry.
  • Make another hole with the diameter of your rod magnet in the center of the larger wood dowel piece for the magnet to go through.

Wood dowels after completing the step 4

Wood dowels after completing the step 5

  • Insert the magnet in the hole of the wood dowel. Center it and use some glue to secure it.
  • Use one large square balsa wood and four smaller rectangular balsa woods to make a box.
  • Insert your wood dowel into the hole in the center of the box. At this time the magnet is inside the box.
  • Place the other large square to complete the box. Apply some glue to the edges and wait for the glue to dry. By now, you have a box and inside the box you have a magnet that can spin when you spin the wood dowel.
  • Wrap 300 turns of copper wire around the box and use masking tape to secure it. (If you divide the wire equally, you will have 150 turns of wire in each side of the wood dowel. If you buy a kit, use all the wire included in the kit. DO NOT CUT THE WIRE) .
  • Remove the insulation from the ends of the wire and connect them to the lamp holder or base.
  • Insert the lamp in the lamp holder and base. Tighten the screws as needed.
  • Spin the wood dowel fast to get the light.

magnetic generator experiments

More Details:

This is similar to my final sample. In order to get light I had to turn it fast.

More detail instructions are available at website .

Experiment 2: How does the speed of turning rotor affect the production of electricity?

Connect the two wire ends of your generator to an AC voltmeter and use a device such as a multi speed electric drill set to test the output voltage of your generator.

For each trial test, record the amount of AC voltage you get in each speed.

Your data table may look like this:


Need a control?

You may use another identical generator that is connected to another AC voltmeter, but do not spin the rotor at all. This will be your control. It will show that all produced voltage on the experimental generator is caused by turning the rotor, not any other external factor.

Since it is not affordable for all students to build a second set of generator and use a second volt-meter, You can just repeat your experiments and take average from the results. For example you may measure the voltage in low speed three times and then calculate the average. You may write the average in your results table.

Materials and Equipment:

  • Wooden strips and wood dowel (Also available as a kit)
  • Magnet wire (This is just a resin coated copper wire, You can use any other shielded copper wire instead.)
  • Bar magnet (I selected a bar magnet, because it is easier to keep in hand and move. Mine was about 3 inches long, but there are many other sizes available in hardware stores.
  • A small Light bulb with base. (1.2 Volts bulb is the best and you will have more chance to see some light)
  • An AC Voltmeter to measure the output voltage
  • A multi speed electric drill that can be used to spin the rotor at different speeds.

Where to buy the materials? Always compare the prices and qualities to make sure you will get the most for your money. I think you will save time and money if you buy everything from one place. A complete materials set for experiment 2 is available at If you want to purchase locally, magnet wire may be purchased from “Motor/Generator repair shops”; Wood may be purchased from craft stores. Magnet is available at industrial supply shops and some farm suppliers.

Multimeter or Voltmeter:

Any multimeter that can measure low range AC voltage may be used to measure the output voltage of your electric generator. Two common models are AMM360 and YG188.

Multimeter model YG188:

YG188 is an analog multimeter for general electrical use.

  • 16 Position rotary function and range selector.
  • Measures AC/DC Voltage, DC Current and resistance
  • Integrated test leads.
  • Includes rugged holster and full instructions.

magnetic generator experiments

Multimeter model AMM360:

AMM360 is a desktop analog multitester for measuring DC Volt, AC Volt, DC Current and Resistance. AMM360 can be used as a very sensitive galvanometer and can show as low as 0.01 DC voltage. AMM360 can also be used to test transistors and diodes.

magnetic generator experiments

Results of Experiment (Observation):

Experiments are often done in series. A series of experiments can be done by changing one variable a different amount each time. A series of experiments is made up of separate experimental “runs.” During each run you make a measurement of how much the variable affected the system under study. For each run, a different amount of change in the variable is used. This produces a different amount of response in the system. You measure this response, or record data, in a table for this purpose. This is considered “raw data” since it has not been processed or interpreted yet. When raw data gets processed mathematically, for example, it becomes results.

Your results table may look like this:



If you are running multiple trials to measure the voltage for each speed, then you will need to calculate the average voltage for each speed.

Summery of Results:

Summarize what happened. This can be in the form of a table of processed numerical data, or graphs. It could also be a written statement of what occurred during experiments.

It is from calculations using recorded data that tables and graphs are made. Studying tables and graphs, we can see trends that tell us how different variables cause our observations. Based on these trends, we can draw conclusions about the system under study. These conclusions help us confirm or deny our original hypothesis. Often, mathematical equations can be made from graphs. These equations allow us to predict how a change will affect the system without the need to do additional experiments. Advanced levels of experimental science rely heavily on graphical and mathematical analysis of data. At this level, science becomes even more interesting and powerful.


Using the trends in your experimental data and your experimental observations, try to answer your original questions. Is your hypothesis correct? Now is the time to pull together what happened, and assess the experiments you did.

Related Questions & Answers:

What you have learned may allow you to answer other questions. Many questions are related. Several new questions may have occurred to you while doing experiments. You may now be able to understand or verify things that you discovered when gathering information for the project. Questions lead to more questions, which lead to additional hypothesis that need to be tested.

Possible Errors:

If you did not observe anything different than what happened with your control, the variable you changed may not affect the system you are investigating. If you did not observe a consistent, reproducible trend in your series of experimental runs there may be experimental errors affecting your results. The first thing to check is how you are making your measurements. Is the measurement method questionable or unreliable? Maybe you are reading a scale incorrectly, or maybe the measuring instrument is working erratically.

If you determine that experimental errors are influencing your results, carefully rethink the design of your experiments. Review each step of the procedure to find sources of potential errors. If possible, have a scientist review the procedure with you. Sometimes the designer of an experiment can miss the obvious.


Visit your local library and find books related to electricity. Most such books can be used as references for this project. List the books, magazines and the websites you use in your bibliography.

magnetic generator experiments

It is always important for students, parents and teachers to know a good source for science related equipment and supplies they need for their science activities. Please note that many online stores for science supplies are managed by MiniScience.


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Science Project

Green Life Zen

What Is the Science Behind Generating Power With Magnets?

Have you ever wondered how magnets can generate power? The science behind generating power with magnets is quite fascinating. By harnessing the power of electromagnetic induction, magnets can transform kinetic energy into electricity.

But how does this process actually work? And what role do magnets play in renewable power generation?

In this discussion, we will explore the intricate relationship between magnets and electricity, uncover the applications of electromagnetic induction, and delve into the limitations of magnetism as a sustainable energy source.

Get ready to uncover the secrets behind generating power with magnets and discover the potential they hold for the future of energy production.

Orgone Energy Motor Packages


Key Takeaways

  • Magnetic fields interact with conductors to produce electric current.
  • Electromagnetic induction creates electromotive force in electric conductors.
  • Electric generators and motors utilize electromagnetic induction for energy conversion.
  • Magnets play a vital role in renewable power generation for consistent and sustainable energy supply.

Magnetic Fields and Electricity

When discussing the science behind generating power with magnets, it’s essential to understand the relationship between magnetic fields and electricity . This relationship is established through electromagnetic induction, a fundamental process by which magnets generate electricity.

A magnetic field, created by a magnet, interacts with conductors to produce an electric current. This interaction occurs when there’s a changing magnetic field near a conductor, causing the electrons within the conductor to move, creating an electric current.

This discovery was made by Michael Faraday through his experiments, which demonstrated the direct link between magnetic fields and electricity. The ability of magnets to generate electricity is a result of this conversion process, where magnetic energy is transformed into electrical energy.

Understanding this relationship is crucial in harnessing the power of magnets to generate electricity efficiently.

Electromagnetic Induction

Electromagnetic induction is a fundamental process that creates an electromotive force (EMF) in an electric conductor through the interaction of a changing magnetic field. This process was first demonstrated by Faraday in his 1831 experiment, where he showed that moving magnetic fields induce electric currents.

The key to electromagnetic induction lies in the interaction between the magnetic field and the electric conductor. When a magnetic field interacts with the loosely held electrons in a conductor, it creates a force that causes the electrons to move, generating an electric current.

However, it’s important to note that motion is required for electromagnetic induction to occur. A stationary magnet alone can’t produce an electric current through induction.

Applications of Electromagnetic Induction

The practical applications of electromagnetic induction span a wide range of industries and technologies. One of the most significant applications is in electric generators. These devices use electromagnetic induction to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy, making them a crucial component of electric power plants.

Electric motors, on the other hand, rely on electromagnetic induction to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy, enabling various machines and appliances to function. Transformers also utilize electromagnetic induction to change voltage levels in alternating currents, allowing for efficient transmission and distribution of electricity.

Faraday’s experiments paved the way for understanding how magnets generate electricity through electromagnetic induction, leading to the development of these applications. From wind turbines to the use of permanent magnets, electromagnetic induction plays a vital role as an energy source and topic in multiple industries.

Role of Magnets in Renewable Power

Magnets play a vital role in renewable power generation, converting kinetic energy into electricity through their unique properties. Here is how magnets contribute to the production of renewable power:

  • Wind turbines : Magnets are used in wind turbines to convert the kinetic energy of wind into electrical power. As the wind blows, it causes the turbine blades to rotate. The rotation is then transferred to a generator that contains magnets. The movement of these magnets within a coil of wire generates an electric current.
  • Hydroelectric power plants : Magnets are also utilized in hydroelectric power plants to generate electricity from the kinetic energy of flowing water. The water flow turns the turbine, which is connected to a generator. Inside the generator, magnets are rotated by the turbine, producing electrical energy.
  • Efficiency and reliability : Magnets are crucial components in modern energy systems that rely on renewable sources. They contribute to the efficiency and reliability of electricity generation, ensuring a consistent and sustainable power supply.

Limitations of Magnetism as a Renewable Energy Source

Limitations arise when considering magnetism as a standalone source of renewable energy due to the Law of Conservation of Energy. While magnets play a crucial role in the conversion of kinetic energy into electricity in various power generation methods, they aren’t standalone sources of renewable energy.

Electricity generation using magnets requires the conversion of kinetic energy into electricity, which is then utilized to power various devices. Mainstream power generation methods, including renewables, utilize magnets for energy conversion. However, magnetism alone can’t generate electricity without an external source of energy.

The Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy can’t be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to another. Therefore, magnetism can contribute to renewable energy generation, but it can’t be the sole source of renewable energy, given its limitations in energy conversion.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does magnetic energy generator really work.

Yes, magnetic energy generators can work, but their efficiency analysis reveals advantages and disadvantages. Consider the environmental impact, magnet strength requirements, cost effectiveness, maintenance considerations, potential applications, magnetic field manipulation, magnet materials and their properties, and future advancements.

How Does Electricity Flow Through Magnets?

Electricity flows through magnets when a changing magnetic field induces current in a conductor. This occurs due to the interaction between magnetic fields and conductors, allowing electrons to move and creating an electric current.

Can a Magnet Produce Electricity on Its Own?

No, a magnet cannot produce electricity on its own due to the Law of Conservation of Energy. However, magnets play a crucial role in converting kinetic energy into electrical energy in various power generation technologies.

How Do Magnets Induce Voltage?

When magnets induce voltage, they create a changing magnetic field around a conductor. This causes electrons to move, generating an electromotive force. Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction explains this process, which is essential in power generation.

The science behind generating power with magnets lies in electromagnetic induction. This process involves the interaction between magnetic fields and conductors, converting kinetic energy into electricity.

Magnets serve as the catalyst for efficient energy production in various power generation methods, including mainstream sources like wind and hydroelectric power. However, it’s important to recognize the limitations of magnetism as a renewable energy source.

Like a guiding compass, magnets play a vital role in our energy landscape, directing us towards a more sustainable future.

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20.3 Electromagnetic Induction

Section learning objectives.

By the end of this section, you will be able to do the following:

  • Explain how a changing magnetic field produces a current in a wire
  • Calculate induced electromotive force and current

Teacher Support

The learning objectives in this section will help your students master the following standards:

  • (G) investigate and describe the relationship between electric and magnetic fields in applications such as generators, motors, and transformers.

In addition, the OSX High School Physics Laboratory Manual addresses content in this section in the lab titled: Magnetism, as well as the following standards:

Section Key Terms

emf induction magnetic flux

Changing Magnetic Fields

In the preceding section, we learned that a current creates a magnetic field. If nature is symmetrical, then perhaps a magnetic field can create a current. In 1831, some 12 years after the discovery that an electric current generates a magnetic field, English scientist Michael Faraday (1791–1862) and American scientist Joseph Henry (1797–1878) independently demonstrated that magnetic fields can produce currents. The basic process of generating currents with magnetic fields is called induction ; this process is also called magnetic induction to distinguish it from charging by induction, which uses the electrostatic Coulomb force.

When Faraday discovered what is now called Faraday’s law of induction, Queen Victoria asked him what possible use was electricity. “Madam,” he replied, “What good is a baby?” Today, currents induced by magnetic fields are essential to our technological society. The electric generator—found in everything from automobiles to bicycles to nuclear power plants—uses magnetism to generate electric current. Other devices that use magnetism to induce currents include pickup coils in electric guitars, transformers of every size, certain microphones, airport security gates, and damping mechanisms on sensitive chemical balances.

One experiment Faraday did to demonstrate magnetic induction was to move a bar magnet through a wire coil and measure the resulting electric current through the wire. A schematic of this experiment is shown in Figure 20.33 . He found that current is induced only when the magnet moves with respect to the coil. When the magnet is motionless with respect to the coil, no current is induced in the coil, as in Figure 20.33 . In addition, moving the magnet in the opposite direction (compare Figure 20.33 with Figure 20.33 ) or reversing the poles of the magnet (compare Figure 20.33 with Figure 20.33 ) results in a current in the opposite direction.

Virtual Physics

Faraday’s law.

Try this simulation to see how moving a magnet creates a current in a circuit. A light bulb lights up to show when current is flowing, and a voltmeter shows the voltage drop across the light bulb. Try moving the magnet through a four-turn coil and through a two-turn coil. For the same magnet speed, which coil produces a higher voltage?

  • The sign of voltage will change because the direction of current flow will change by moving south pole of the magnet to the left.
  • The sign of voltage will remain same because the direction of current flow will not change by moving south pole of the magnet to the left.
  • The sign of voltage will change because the magnitude of current flow will change by moving south pole of the magnet to the left.
  • The sign of voltage will remain same because the magnitude of current flow will not change by moving south pole of the magnet to the left.

Induced Electromotive Force

If a current is induced in the coil, Faraday reasoned that there must be what he called an electromotive force pushing the charges through the coil. This interpretation turned out to be incorrect; instead, the external source doing the work of moving the magnet adds energy to the charges in the coil. The energy added per unit charge has units of volts, so the electromotive force is actually a potential. Unfortunately, the name electromotive force stuck and with it the potential for confusing it with a real force. For this reason, we avoid the term electromotive force and just use the abbreviation emf , which has the mathematical symbol ε . ε . The emf may be defined as the rate at which energy is drawn from a source per unit current flowing through a circuit. Thus, emf is the energy per unit charge added by a source, which contrasts with voltage, which is the energy per unit charge released as the charges flow through a circuit.

To understand why an emf is generated in a coil due to a moving magnet, consider Figure 20.34 , which shows a bar magnet moving downward with respect to a wire loop. Initially, seven magnetic field lines are going through the loop (see left-hand image). Because the magnet is moving away from the coil, only five magnetic field lines are going through the loop after a short time Δ t Δ t (see right-hand image). Thus, when a change occurs in the number of magnetic field lines going through the area defined by the wire loop, an emf is induced in the wire loop. Experiments such as this show that the induced emf is proportional to the rate of change of the magnetic field. Mathematically, we express this as

where Δ B Δ B is the change in the magnitude in the magnetic field during time Δ t Δ t and A is the area of the loop.

Note that magnetic field lines that lie in the plane of the wire loop do not actually pass through the loop, as shown by the left-most loop in Figure 20.35 . In this figure, the arrow coming out of the loop is a vector whose magnitude is the area of the loop and whose direction is perpendicular to the plane of the loop. In Figure 20.35 , as the loop is rotated from θ = 90° θ = 90° to θ = 0° , θ = 0° , the contribution of the magnetic field lines to the emf increases. Thus, what is important in generating an emf in the wire loop is the component of the magnetic field that is perpendicular to the plane of the loop, which is B cos θ . B cos θ .

This is analogous to a sail in the wind. Think of the conducting loop as the sail and the magnetic field as the wind. To maximize the force of the wind on the sail, the sail is oriented so that its surface vector points in the same direction as the winds, as in the right-most loop in Figure 20.35 . When the sail is aligned so that its surface vector is perpendicular to the wind, as in the left-most loop in Figure 20.35 , then the wind exerts no force on the sail.

Thus, taking into account the angle of the magnetic field with respect to the area, the proportionality E ∝ Δ B / Δ t E ∝ Δ B / Δ t becomes

Another way to reduce the number of magnetic field lines that go through the conducting loop in Figure 20.35 is not to move the magnet but to make the loop smaller. Experiments show that changing the area of a conducting loop in a stable magnetic field induces an emf in the loop. Thus, the emf produced in a conducting loop is proportional to the rate of change of the product of the perpendicular magnetic field and the loop area

where B cos θ B cos θ is the perpendicular magnetic field and A is the area of the loop. The product B A cos θ B A cos θ is very important. It is proportional to the number of magnetic field lines that pass perpendicularly through a surface of area A . Going back to our sail analogy, it would be proportional to the force of the wind on the sail. It is called the magnetic flux and is represented by Φ Φ .

The unit of magnetic flux is the weber (Wb), which is magnetic field per unit area, or T/m 2 . The weber is also a volt second (Vs).

The induced emf is in fact proportional to the rate of change of the magnetic flux through a conducting loop.

Finally, for a coil made from N loops, the emf is N times stronger than for a single loop. Thus, the emf induced by a changing magnetic field in a coil of N loops is

The last question to answer before we can change the proportionality into an equation is “In what direction does the current flow?” The Russian scientist Heinrich Lenz (1804–1865) explained that the current flows in the direction that creates a magnetic field that tries to keep the flux constant in the loop. For example, consider again Figure 20.34 . The motion of the bar magnet causes the number of upward-pointing magnetic field lines that go through the loop to decrease. Therefore, an emf is generated in the loop that drives a current in the direction that creates more upward-pointing magnetic field lines. By using the right-hand rule, we see that this current must flow in the direction shown in the figure. To express the fact that the induced emf acts to counter the change in the magnetic flux through a wire loop, a minus sign is introduced into the proportionality ε ∝ Δ Φ / Δ t . ε ∝ Δ Φ / Δ t . , which gives Faraday’s law of induction.

Lenz’s law is very important. To better understand it, consider Figure 20.36 , which shows a magnet moving with respect to a wire coil and the direction of the resulting current in the coil. In the top row, the north pole of the magnet approaches the coil, so the magnetic field lines from the magnet point toward the coil. Thus, the magnetic field B → mag = B mag ( x ^ ) B → mag = B mag ( x ^ ) pointing to the right increases in the coil. According to Lenz’s law, the emf produced in the coil will drive a current in the direction that creates a magnetic field B → coil = B coil ( − x ^ ) B → coil = B coil ( − x ^ ) inside the coil pointing to the left. This will counter the increase in magnetic flux pointing to the right. To see which way the current must flow, point your right thumb in the desired direction of the magnetic field B → coil, B → coil, and the current will flow in the direction indicated by curling your right fingers. This is shown by the image of the right hand in the top row of Figure 20.36 . Thus, the current must flow in the direction shown in Figure 4(a) .

In Figure 4(b) , the direction in which the magnet moves is reversed. In the coil, the right-pointing magnetic field B → mag B → mag due to the moving magnet decreases. Lenz’s law says that, to counter this decrease, the emf will drive a current that creates an additional right-pointing magnetic field B → coil B → coil in the coil. Again, point your right thumb in the desired direction of the magnetic field, and the current will flow in the direction indicate by curling your right fingers ( Figure 4(b) ).

Finally, in Figure 4(c) , the magnet is reversed so that the south pole is nearest the coil. Now the magnetic field B → mag B → mag points toward the magnet instead of toward the coil. As the magnet approaches the coil, it causes the left-pointing magnetic field in the coil to increase. Lenz’s law tells us that the emf induced in the coil will drive a current in the direction that creates a magnetic field pointing to the right. This will counter the increasing magnetic flux pointing to the left due to the magnet. Using the right-hand rule again, as indicated in the figure, shows that the current must flow in the direction shown in Figure 4(c) .

Faraday’s Electromagnetic Lab

This simulation proposes several activities. For now, click on the tab Pickup Coil, which presents a bar magnet that you can move through a coil. As you do so, you can see the electrons move in the coil and a light bulb will light up or a voltmeter will indicate the voltage across a resistor. Note that the voltmeter allows you to see the sign of the voltage as you move the magnet about. You can also leave the bar magnet at rest and move the coil, although it is more difficult to observe the results.

  • Yes, the current in the simulation flows as shown because the direction of current is opposite to the direction of flow of electrons.
  • No, current in the simulation flows in the opposite direction because the direction of current is same to the direction of flow of electrons.

Watch Physics

Induced current in a wire.

This video explains how a current can be induced in a straight wire by moving it through a magnetic field. The lecturer uses the cross product , which a type of vector multiplication. Don’t worry if you are not familiar with this, it basically combines the right-hand rule for determining the force on the charges in the wire with the equation F = q v B sin θ . F = q v B sin θ .

Grasp Check

What emf is produced across a straight wire 0.50 m long moving at a velocity of (1.5 m/s) x ^ x ^ through a uniform magnetic field (0.30 T) ẑ ? The wire lies in the ŷ -direction. Also, which end of the wire is at the higher potential—let the lower end of the wire be at y = 0 and the upper end at y = 0.5 m)?

  • 0.15 V and the lower end of the wire will be at higher potential
  • 0.15 V and the upper end of the wire will be at higher potential
  • 0.075 V and the lower end of the wire will be at higher potential
  • 0.075 V and the upper end of the wire will be at higher potential

Worked Example

Emf induced in conducing coil by moving magnet.

Imagine a magnetic field goes through a coil in the direction indicated in Figure 20.37 . The coil diameter is 2.0 cm. If the magnetic field goes from 0.020 to 0.010 T in 34 s, what is the direction and magnitude of the induced current? Assume the coil has a resistance of 0.1 Ω. Ω.

Use the equation ε = − N Δ Φ / Δ t ε = − N Δ Φ / Δ t to find the induced emf in the coil, where Δ t = 34 s Δ t = 34 s . Counting the number of loops in the solenoid, we find it has 16 loops, so N = 16 . N = 16 . Use the equation Φ = B A cos θ Φ = B A cos θ to calculate the magnetic flux

where d is the diameter of the solenoid and we have used cos 0° = 1 . cos 0° = 1 . Because the area of the solenoid does not vary, the change in the magnetic of the flux through the solenoid is

Once we find the emf, we can use Ohm’s law, ε = I R , ε = I R , to find the current.

Finally, Lenz’s law tells us that the current should produce a magnetic field that acts to oppose the decrease in the applied magnetic field. Thus, the current should produce a magnetic field to the right.

Combining equations ε = − N Δ Φ / Δ t ε = − N Δ Φ / Δ t and Φ = B A cos θ Φ = B A cos θ gives

Solving Ohm’s law for the current and using this result gives

Lenz’s law tells us that the current must produce a magnetic field to the right. Thus, we point our right thumb to the right and curl our right fingers around the solenoid. The current must flow in the direction in which our fingers are pointing, so it enters at the left end of the solenoid and exits at the right end.

Let’s see if the minus sign makes sense in Faraday’s law of induction. Define the direction of the magnetic field to be the positive direction. This means the change in the magnetic field is negative, as we found above. The minus sign in Faraday’s law of induction negates the negative change in the magnetic field, leaving us with a positive current. Therefore, the current must flow in the direction of the magnetic field, which is what we found.

Now try defining the positive direction to be the direction opposite that of the magnetic field, that is positive is to the left in Figure 20.37 . In this case, you will find a negative current. But since the positive direction is to the left, a negative current must flow to the right, which again agrees with what we found by using Lenz’s law.

Magnetic Induction due to Changing Circuit Size

The circuit shown in Figure 20.38 consists of a U-shaped wire with a resistor and with the ends connected by a sliding conducting rod. The magnetic field filling the area enclosed by the circuit is constant at 0.01 T. If the rod is pulled to the right at speed v = 0.50 m/s, v = 0.50 m/s, what current is induced in the circuit and in what direction does the current flow?

We again use Faraday’s law of induction, E = − N Δ Φ Δ t , E = − N Δ Φ Δ t , although this time the magnetic field is constant and the area enclosed by the circuit changes. The circuit contains a single loop, so N = 1 . N = 1 . The rate of change of the area is Δ A Δ t = v ℓ . Δ A Δ t = v ℓ . Thus the rate of change of the magnetic flux is

where we have used the fact that the angle θ θ between the area vector and the magnetic field is 0°. Once we know the emf, we can find the current by using Ohm’s law. To find the direction of the current, we apply Lenz’s law.

Faraday’s law of induction gives

Solving Ohm’s law for the current and using the previous result for emf gives

As the rod slides to the right, the magnetic flux passing through the circuit increases. Lenz’s law tells us that the current induced will create a magnetic field that will counter this increase. Thus, the magnetic field created by the induced current must be into the page. Curling your right-hand fingers around the loop in the clockwise direction makes your right thumb point into the page, which is the desired direction of the magnetic field. Thus, the current must flow in the clockwise direction around the circuit.

Is energy conserved in this circuit? An external agent must pull on the rod with sufficient force to just balance the force on a current-carrying wire in a magnetic field—recall that F = I ℓ B sin θ . F = I ℓ B sin θ . The rate at which this force does work on the rod should be balanced by the rate at which the circuit dissipates power. Using F = I ℓ B sin θ , F = I ℓ B sin θ , the force required to pull the wire at a constant speed v is

where we used the fact that the angle θ θ between the current and the magnetic field is 90° . 90° . Inserting our expression above for the current into this equation gives

The power contributed by the agent pulling the rod is F pull v , or F pull v , or

The power dissipated by the circuit is

We thus see that P pull + P dissipated = 0 , P pull + P dissipated = 0 , which means that power is conserved in the system consisting of the circuit and the agent that pulls the rod. Thus, energy is conserved in this system.

Practice Problems

The magnetic flux through a single wire loop changes from 3.5 Wb to 1.5 Wb in 2.0 s. What emf is induced in the loop?

What is the emf for a 10-turn coil through which the flux changes at 10 Wb/s?

Check Your Understanding

  • An electric current is induced if a bar magnet is placed near the wire loop.
  • An electric current is induced if a wire loop is wound around the bar magnet.
  • An electric current is induced if a bar magnet is moved through the wire loop.
  • An electric current is induced if a bar magnet is placed in contact with the wire loop.
  • Induced current can be created by changing the size of the wire loop only.
  • Induced current can be created by changing the orientation of the wire loop only.
  • Induced current can be created by changing the strength of the magnetic field only.
  • Induced current can be created by changing the strength of the magnetic field, changing the size of the wire loop, or changing the orientation of the wire loop.

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  • Authors: Paul Peter Urone, Roger Hinrichs
  • Publisher/website: OpenStax
  • Book title: Physics
  • Publication date: Mar 26, 2020
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How Michael Faraday Discovered Induction, The Generator, and Magnetic Fields

How did Michael Faraday make electricity with magnets?  Hey, how does anyone make electricity with magnets?  And what does that have to do with the creation of the idea of magnetic fields?  Watch this short video and find out. 

Table of Contents

Faraday’s experiment: the start, faraday with electro-magnetism, making of electric generator.

In 1826, an English scientist named Michael Faraday had read that another English man named William Sturgeon had made a pretty strong magnet by wrapping wire around an iron bar and putting current in the wire.  Sturgeon had used iron that was coated in lacquer and bare wire.  Because of this, Sturgeon had to be careful that the wires didn’t touch, or the electricity would just short-circuit across the wires instead of through the wires. 

Faraday had a little 6-inch iron ring that wasn’t coated.  He decided to wrap the wires with a cloth to insulate them instead of coating the iron.  In this way, he could wrap the wires very close together and make a much stronger electromagnet.  Because his iron was a ring, Faraday wrapped two separate coils, one on the left side of the ring and one on the right.  It looks like a strange artifact from a mummy’s crypt.  Faraday used to keep this ring in his pocket while he did other research.  He was sure that it would be useful somehow, he just didn’t know how.

Then on August 29th, 1831, Faraday took a professional risk.  He quit his government research job that he hated and decided to branch out on his own.  What Faraday wanted to do was study electricity and magnetism.  Specifically, Faraday was determined to create electricity with a magnet. 

After all, it had been eleven years since a Danish man named Hans Ørsted had shown that electricity pushes magnets, it seemed logical that magnets must affect electricity. For many years he had been tinkering with magnets and wires but to no avail.  He wondered if maybe the magnet wasn’t strong enough.  For that reason, he took out his little ring from his pocket.

Faraday decided to use one side of the ring as his magnet and the other side as his “tester” to see if he could create current without directly connecting to a battery.  

He put a compass under the tester wire to see if it had any current. 

When Faraday connected a battery to the first coil an amazing thing happened, the magnet next to the second coil twitched.  Then, nothing.  When he cut off the current the magnet twitched again, in the other direction!  Then, nothing again. 

Faraday repeated this experiment multiple times and found that he created current in the second wire when the first one was charging up or discharging but never when it was flowing steadily, even when it had an incredibly large current.  In other words, an electro-magnet only creates current when the magnet was changing, if its strength is steady nothing happens.  

Faraday wrote to a friend about his accomplishment, “I am busy just now again on Electro-Magnetism and think I have got hold of a good thing but can’t say; it may be a weed instead of a fish that after all my labor I may, at last, pull up.”  He had managed to use electricity to create electricity but he still hadn’t managed to use magnets to create electricity. 

After several attempts that were (mostly) too subtle to be observed, Faraday pushed a very strong magnet into a coil of wire and retrieved it again.  When the magnet was moving, the compass moved too.   Here was the “fish” that Faraday was hoping to catch!  He had, briefly, created electricity with magnet and motion.

Faraday had another device at his disposal.  The Royal Institute where he worked had a giant magnet (actually 437 magnets stuck together) that Faraday could play with.  Faraday placed an iron bar on the great magnet, therefore making the bar a strong magnet.  Moving a coil towards and away from this bar created a strong current.  However, he couldn’t detect a current even from this incredibly strong magnet when the coil was still.

Let’s review Faraday’s discoveries.  He created current in a coil of wire if 1) the coil was moved towards or away from a strong magnet, 2) a magnet was moved towards or away from the coil, or 3) the magnetism of an electromagnet was increased or decreased connected to a coil of wire. 

Faraday needed a way to describe this new phenomenon. He was a visual thinker with no math skills so he began imagining “magnetic curves” emanating from bar magnets, electromagnets, and current-carrying wires.  For centuries people had noticed that if you sprinkle iron filings around a bar magnet, it creates patterns. 

In his paper Faraday said that the iron filings were lining up with these “lines of magnetic forces” that were always present around magnets and around current-carrying wires, the iron filings just made them visible.  In this way Faraday invented the idea of magnetic fields in 1831!  Faraday’s law is that current is created (or induced) when the lines of force are broken or “cut” by a coil of wire. 

Think about pushing the bar magnet into a coil of wire: as you push the magnet the magnetic field lines pass through the coil and induce current.  Faraday felt that it was this disturbance in the force (not to get to star wars about it) that created the current in the coil.  As strange as this seems, this is the theory we believe today! 

Faraday realized that the current he had produced was in spurts, he wondered if he could use magnets to make continuous electricity, like a battery does.  In this quest, he was inspired by something called Arago’s disk. Nine years earlier a swashbuckling Frenchman named Francois Arago had noticed that if a copper disk was rotated near a compass magnet the compass magnet would turn too. 

Faraday decided that it worked because turning the wheel moved the parts of the disk closer and farther from the magnet, which created a current in the disk.  The current then pushes the original magnet.   

Faraday tested his hypothesis using the giant magnet at his disposal.  He added metal to his large magnet to make a U shaped magnet.  He then placed a copper disk so that it could spin between the poles and connected the disk with a wire to a meter to measure current.  When he spun the wheel, the needle turned and stayed constant, Faraday had used motion to create a steady current!  He had also invented the first electric generator!

Faraday’s results were astonishing – the scientific community was especially impressed with him solving the mystery of Arago’s disk.  Faraday himself felt particularly satisfied to have succeeded without using Math, a subject he didn’t know!  He read his work on generating electricity on November 24 th , 1831.  It was so popular that the prime minister dropped by the laboratory to see Faraday’s generator firsthand.  When he asked Faraday about it’s uses, Faraday supposedly replied, “I know not, but I wager that one day your government will tax it.” (a bet he would win)

Although the generator that Faraday made was impressive for demonstrations, the current would make strange patterns in the disk (called eddy currents) that would keep it from producing large currents.  In fact, it would take another thirty years before a cast of characters managed to make a useful electric generator, and that story is next time on the Secret History of Electricity.

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Michael Faraday's generator

Faraday created the first transformer in August 1831. A few months later he designed and made this simple piece of apparatus based on his ring, developing the first-ever electric generator.


Date : October 1831

Place made : Basement Laboratory of the Ri

Alternative name : Dynamo

Materials : Wire, cotton, iron, card, copper

Measurements : H: 280mm, W: 220mm, D: 40mm

Michael Faraday's generator


This is Michael Faraday’s generator. This apparatus consists of a tube of neutral material wound with a coil of wire, insulated in cotton, and a bar magnet.

Ten years after Faraday created the electric motor he returned to his electrical research and discovered electromagnetic induction in August 1831. A few months later he successfully conducted an experiment using this apparatus and demonstrated the relationship between magnetism and motion.

Faraday connected his apparatus to a galvanometer (an instrument that detects electrical current) and discovered that when he passed the magnet back and forth through the coil of wire, which remained stationary, the needle of the galvanometer leapt into action registering a current flowing. 

As the magnet moves the lines of magnetic force repeatedly intersect with the wire exciting the electrons in the wire and generating electrical current.  So if you exchanged the galvanometer with a light bulb today you would see it light up. 

Virtually all electric power is produced using Faraday’s principles, no matter whether the prime source of energy is coal, oil, gas, nuclear, hydro, or wind: all these fuels are used to drive a generator (or turbine) which generates the electrical current.

Where can I view this?

This object is currently on display in the Lower Ground Floor of the  Faraday Museum .

More images

Michael Faraday's generator from a side angle

More about Michael Faraday

Electric magnetic rotation apparatus

History of science

Michael faraday's electric magnetic rotation apparatus (motor).

The first surviving Faraday apparatus, dating from 1822, demonstrates his work in magnetic rotation. Faraday used this mercury

iron ring covered in copper wires and cotton cloth

Michael Faraday's ring-coil apparatus

Made by Faraday in his laboratory in the basement of the Royal Institution in August 1831, thus creating the first ever electric

A magneto-optical apparatus

Michael Faraday's magneto-optical apparatus

The electromagnet used by Michael Faraday in a ground-breaking experiment showing that light and glass are affected by magnetism

Michael Faraday's generator

Faraday created the first transformer in August 1831. A few months later he designed and made this simple piece of apparatus

A painting of the exterior of the Royal Institution building

A tour of Michael Faraday in London

A walk from the Royal Institution to Somerset House exploring Faraday's life, his intellectual network and his legacy.

  • Experiments

Electric generator

How can electrical devices work without batteries?

  • Carefully review the general safety advice on the back of the box cover before starting the experiment.
  • Read the "Magnets and electricity" section of the safety guidelines carefully before proceeding. Do not let children under 8 years old handle small magnets.
  • Disassemble the setup after the experiment.

Step-by-step instructions

The magnet and the wire will only interact when there is electric current in the wire.


Let’s assemble a closed casing for the magnet that still allows it to move.


The movement of the magnet inside the coiled wire creates electric current in the circuit!


Let’s see whether the magnet’s movement is enough to light up an LED!


  • Dispose of solid waste together with household garbage.

Scientific description

Normally, a buzzer would only work when connected to a source of electricity. Curiously, in our setup, the buzzer somehow beeps without a battery! What happens when our permanent magnet moves along the wire circuit closed in a loop with just a buzzer or an LED, without any source of electricity?

Although there are numerous designs of electric generators , they all operate on the same principle. Such generators are used at hydro-electric, nuclear, and wind power stations and produce over 90% of the world's electricity.

magnetic generator experiments

Dozens of experiments you can do at home

Kids are now able to engage with science in a way that they simply wouldn’t have been able to in the past as they shrink themselves down to see the world at a molecular level ToyNews

magnetic generator experiments

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DIY: Generate your own electricity

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This content is associated with The Open University's  Science qualifications .                         

Do it yourself

A generator is simply a device that converts mechanical energy (itself derived from coal, oil, natural gas, wind, water, nuclear reactions or other sources) into electrical energy. Here, we describe how to use readily available materials to make a simple generator. Although it will only be powerful enough to light a small torch bulb, it works on the same basic principles as the power station generators that supply domestic electricity.

How a generator works

When an electric current flows through a wire, it generates a three-dimensional magnetic force field around the wire, similar to that surrounding a bar magnet. Magnets are also surrounded by a similar three-dimensional field. This can be ‘seen’ in two dimensions if iron filings are sprinkled on a sheet of paper placed over the magnet. The filings align themselves along the lines of magnetic force surrounding the magnet.

magnetic field around a bar magnet

The simplest generator consists of just a coil of wire and a bar magnet. When you push the magnet through the middle of the coil, an electric current is produced in the wire. The current flows in one direction as the magnet is pushed in, and in the other direction as the magnet is removed. In other words, an alternating current is produced. If you hold the magnet absolutely still inside the coil, no current is generated at all. Another way of producing the current would be for the magnet to be rotated inside the coil, or for the coil to be rotated round the magnet.

This method of generating electricity, called induction, was discovered by Michael Faraday in 1831. He found that the stronger the magnets were, the more turns of wire in the coil, and the quicker the motion of the magnet or coil, the greater the voltage produced. Faraday also observed that it was more efficient if the coil was wound around a metal core, as this helped to concentrate the magnetic field. 

Voltage and current

What do the electrical terms voltage (measured in volts) and current (measured in amperes, often shortened to amps) mean? Imagine the electric current flowing in a conducting wire to be like cars travelling along a motorway. The motorway is the wire and the voltage the speed at which the cars move. The current corresponds to the number of cars passing a given point each second.

When a current flows through a wire, electrical energy is converted into other forms of energy, like heat in a heating element, light from the filament of a bulb, or sound from a loudspeaker. The electric current could also be made to produce mechanical energy, which is what happens in an electric motor. A motor is therefore just a generator operating in reverse.

Making your own generator

What you'll need.

  • 15cm long iron nail with a 6mm diameter and a large head
  • 8–10cm long bolt with a 6mm diameter, and nut
  • 25m enamelled copper wire (30 swg or approx. 0.3mm diameter)*
  • E825 eclipse button magnet (with a fixing hole)*
  • 6V, 0.06A torch bulb and bulb holder*
  • a roll of insulating tape*
  • a hand drill

* Obtainable from DIY stores, or electronic shops.

a simple generator

a simple generator

Your generator will consist of a coil held close to a spinning magnet.

  • Cut out two cardboard discs roughly 3cm in diameter, and make a 4–5mm hole in the centre of each. Insert the nail in the hole and push one disc up to its head. Cover the next 2–3cm of the nail’s surface with a couple of layers of insulating tape.
  • Slide on the other disc until it butts up against the tape, and then wind more tape on the other side of it to fix it in position so that the cardboard discs are no more than 2–3cm apart. Unwind 30cm or so of wire from the reel to form a lead from the coil, and start winding the remaining wire around the insulating tape between the two cardboard discs. To keep track, it may help to make a tick mark on a piece of paper after every 100 turns. The number of turns is not critical, but the more the better; 1 500 should do.
  • Having covered the nail with a single layer of turns, continue building up layers one on top of the other. You don’t have to do a particularly neat job.
  • After about 1 500 turns, leave about 30cm of wire free at the other end and then cover the windings with insulating tape. Remove a cm or so of the insulation from the two end wires by scraping off the enamel, and connect them to the bulb holder. Fit the bulb into the holder.

Turn the drill handle as fast as you can and the bulb should light up. Generating electricity really is as simple as this!

Generators in bikes and cars

Cars need a direct-current supply to operate the ignition, lights, windscreen wipers, etc. This is generated by an alternator which is mechanically coupled to the engine. A device called a rectifier is used to convert the alternating current output to direct current. A regulator also has to be fitted to control the current, so that the alternator’s output voltage continues to match the voltage of the vehicle’s battery as the engine speed changes.

A dynamo on a bicycle, that produces electricity as you cycle, is another example of a generator. Its basic design is just the same as the home-made generator described above.

a bicycle dynamo

a bicycle dynamo

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  • Originally published: Sunday, 4 July 2010
  • Body text - Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 : The Open University
  • Image 'magnetic field around a bar magnet' - Copyright: Used with permission
  • Image 'a simple generator' - Copyright: Used with permission
  • Image 'a bicycle dynamo' - Copyright: Used with permission
  • Image 'Ethics in science?' - Copyright free
  • Image 'Assessing contemporary science' - under Creative-Commons license
  • Image 'The science of nuclear energy' - Copyright: © MichaelUtech (

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High-frequency magnetic pulse generator for low-intensity transcranial magnetic stimulation.

magnetic generator experiments

1. Introduction

2. design of hf magnetic pulse stimulator, 2.1. theory of hf magnetic stimulation, 2.2. design of hf magnetic pulse generator, 2.3. simulation of hf magnetic pulse generator, 3. fabrication and experimental results, 4. quasi-resonant lc load, 5. conclusions, author contributions, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

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(A )
(V /m)



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Share and Cite

Shin, S.; Kim, H.; Jeong, J. High-Frequency Magnetic Pulse Generator for Low-Intensity Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. Electronics 2024 , 13 , 3160.

Shin S, Kim H, Jeong J. High-Frequency Magnetic Pulse Generator for Low-Intensity Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. Electronics . 2024; 13(16):3160.

Shin, Seungjae, Hyungeun Kim, and Jinho Jeong. 2024. "High-Frequency Magnetic Pulse Generator for Low-Intensity Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation" Electronics 13, no. 16: 3160.

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Apex Legends™: Shockwave Patch Notes

Get charged up for shockwave’s launch with class perks, balance and legend updates, and more., new energy, more action.

Grab the squad, because the Games have a whole new energy! Drop back into the fight with Revivals, feel your power surge with Akimbo, use two new Battle Sense features to narrow in on your enemies in the heat of the fight, and more updates that make the Outlands legendary for all. Hone your skills in Bot Royale and hit new heights in E-District, your very own neon playground. Customize Stat Trackers to suit your needs or your ships, and you’ll automatically unlock three new ones for logging in this season. Time to Tap in, Legend.

Read the full breakdown of Shockwave’s highlights, including Revivals and Bot Royale, in our dedicated blog here .


This map was designed to offer players a fresh and innovative experience. While it retains the core elements that define a great Apex map, we also pushed the boundaries by incorporating numerous buildings, emphasizing verticality, and creating varied landscapes. These changes ensure some of the most diverse fights and end-ring locations across the map. 

Read the full breakdown of this latest map addition in our Welcome to E-District blog here .


The following maps will be available in Pubs and Ranked for the first half of this season:

  • Broken Moon
  • Storm Point

As an introduction to our newest map, E-District will be the dedicated featured map for a limited time. Let the energy of the neon lights energize your squad with each Pub match for the first week and each Ranked match for the first 72 hours of the season.


This season we’re beginning a much more intentional push on what classes mean to the core of the game by bringing new tactical class passives to the Controller and Recon classes. Both will continue to bring strategic depth to their squad via interactions with Survey Beacons and Ring Consoles, but they’ll now have new intrinsic power that better supports their role on the team.



  • The Zone automatically grants an overcharge of 25HP shield capacity
  • Overcharge is lost when leaving zone (after 5s delay)
  • Overcharge can be healed with cells, batteries and abilities while in zone
  • If a player enters the zone at full shields, the overcharge pip will fill automatically
  • If a player acquires a shield core that overcharges beyond this extra zone capacity, that additional overcharge will still drain normally but the zone overcharge will remain
  • Zone Overcharge will never enhance Legend Armor beyond maximum (red) capacity


  • Additionally, if the player abandons the area, they will prompted to recover ALL possible objects
  • Remotely recovering these objects will restore the Tactical charge

Dev Note: Controller Legends are at their best when playing for zone position. This season, we’re rewarding that behavior in Legends who don’t want to skim the edges of battle hunting for EVO, and instead allow them to maintain an equal footing on their armor when playing to their strengths. Gaining knowledge of the next ring and keeping a good position will be important to maintaining this advantage.

Additionally, we noticed that many newer players to the Controller Class struggle with management of their Tacticals. This takes a step towards making it more desirable to experiment with traps or to feel more comfortable setting up shop with less worry about having to abandon your entire setup to move to a slightly better building. We want Controller players to play with their kit more freely and not have to do extra running around to recycle charges or feel locked into their setup if they have to move.


  • Threat vision will highlight enemies that the character has Line of Sight to whenever using ADS (aim down sights) 
  • This ability will not work through walls or smoke, and it’s limited in range by the type of scope or zoom range of an ability


  • Faster to use ~3s (was ~7.5s)
  • Shortened range of ~500m (was scanning the entire map)
  • No longer randomly distributed and all will now be turned on with every map
  • Scanning now grants 75 EVO (was 200 EVO)
  • Now pulses 3 times over 15s, with each pulse taking a snapshot of enemies in range for 5s
  • Now release a large in-world scan wave that players can spot to identify an activated beacon (enemies no longer receive a scan message)
  • Enemies scanned will display along the edges of the mini-map even if not in

Dev Note: Recon Legends are defined as Legends who are about Enemy Intel & Tracking; which is a core part of each character’s play pattern, but to date, the only class benefit was something players had to seek out via Survey Beacons. We’re ratcheting up the scouting role for Recon Legends this season and putting class power directly into their hands. With ADS Threat Vision, these characters are now adept at spotting distant targets for their team, and now innately do something that no other class can.

The changes to Survey Beacons should allow players to make them a more tactical part of their play, rather than just a strategic element. The full map scan was really only useful to a small number of high level players, and often the scan messaging would turn your team into a magnet for others to hunt. Now, being more frequent, faster to use, and giving more intel for longer makes it easier to use the beacons with confidence and hunt in the immediate area or note secure paths out of a POI for rotation.


We've made a huge quality of life upgrade to Stat Trackers and are separating out the Stat and the Art. You'll now be able to set these on your Legend Banner Cards separately. The Art on your trackers have also been made universal, which means they can be applied to any Legend Banner Card. We wanted to give players more ways to customize their Banner Cards and let you show off your more than just one Legend there. It’s also a great way to show off your Legend ships!

Login at any point during Shockwave to automatically unlock three new Stat Trackers to add to your mix and match collection.


For a summary of the updated Battle Pass offerings, please check out our dedicated blog and infographic here . Here's a TLDR:

  • Play 2 matches in Trios on a specific map
  • Deal 1,000 damage as a Recon or Controller Legend in BR
  • Open 15 Supply Bins in any mode
  • Deal 500 damage in BR with a specific weapon 
  • Complete 10 levels of the Battle Pass
  • Starting with Split 2 on September 17th, you can get the Premium Battle Passes the same way as before: by using 950 Apex Coins. You’ll be able to earn enough Apex Coins via the Battle Pass to get future passes.
  • The Battle Pass options now include better rewards—and with the re-tuned Battle Pass challenges, it'll be faster to complete at only 60 levels.


Balance updates.

Care Package

  • Blast pattern size slightly increased
  • Damage increased to 7 (was 6)
  • Fire rate decreased
  • 4 shots remaining activation
  • Quick reload overflows Magazine by 2
  • Slight increase to recoil
  • ADS strafe speed increased
  • Improved recoil
  • Damage increased to 14 at close range
  • Damage falls off to 10 at 11+ meters
  • No movement penalty when equipped
  • EVO Cache Spawn Rate in the first wave increased to 100% (was 50%)

Gold Weapon Rotation

  • Mozambique Akimbo, P2020 Akimbo, R-301, Rampage, Sentinel


  • Console crossplay into PC lobbies: Aim Assist strength reduced 18%
  • Console performance mode crossplay into PC lobbies: Aim Assist strength reduced 22%
  • Controller on PC: Aim Assist strength reduced 25%

Dev Note: We value our accessibility as a cross-platform game, but it's equally important for us to monitor that ecosystem. Experiential stories from all types of players tracks with the data we're seeing when it comes to encounter win rate between different peripherals. Apex Legends is a competitive shooter, and simply put, aim assist is too strong. Aim assist will never be removed as it's a critical accessibility feature. Console lobbies remain unaffected; this only impacts players on controllers in PC lobbies (our most competitive ecosystem). This change doesn't solve the intricacies of all aim assist hot topics, but it should help level the playing ground.

  • Aim Flinch has been removed from all weapons & most abilities
  • Damage from the ring still incurs Aim Flinch

Dev Note: Let's be honest, no one really had love for Aim Flinch. We’ve made the call to eliminate it from all weapons and most Legend abilities. However there are some Legend abilities that do benefit from the added feedback like dunking on someone with a Newcastle ult. We’ll keep an eye on abilities that may need additional feedback as we see how this change affects the game.

Loot Bin Reset

Starting with Shockwave, all loot bins will close and reroll their loot with a significantly increased chance at high tier and rare loot at the mid-way point of the match.

  • Bins that have been rerolled will appear slightly differently than ones that have never been opened
  • After the reset, multiple bins will convert into Legendary loot bins that provide smart loot, guaranteeing that the contents to be relevant upgrades for a squad
  • One random Care Package weapon
  • Gold version weapons of those that the squad is running at the time of opening the bin
  • Medical supplies and grenades
  • Large XP bonus to the squad
  • Mythic bins are locked and require players to hold interact on them for a significant amount of time to crack them open for their team
  • Displayed on the map and minimap
  • Reduce the spawn rate of Purple and Gold attachments by about 50%

Dev Note: Access to high tier attachments in the early game have started to feel too common which results in squashing the power progression over the course of a match. By reducing the amount of high tier loot in the early game players will be fighting on more even terms. To compensate for this reduction, “Loot Bin Reset” improves the overall quality of loot in the world which should provide a much smoother transition to end game power. 

Reorganization: Death Boxes and Loba’s Black Market

  • Healing items now have a dedicated row and have been removed from the consumables category
  • Shield Cores have been moved to the top of the Gear category

Dev Note: These items are critical to a player’s success in the outlands, bringing them up to the top with consistent positions should expedite the looting process and eliminate some tedious scrolling for players.

  • Mantling at the same time in the same spot as a teammate no longer forces both players to drop


Better Ammo Awareness & Feedback

  • Critical Ammo state will now kick on when a player has 0 relevant ammo in their inventory
  •  Indicator also now displays the icon of the ammo type
  • Pinging for ammo will now display the ammo icon in the kill feed
  • When emptying a weapon of all reserve ammo it will now automatically ping that the player is in need of ammo 
  • When looking at ammo on the ground the tooltip now displays compatibility with any of your currently equipped weapons

Dev Note: Running out of ammo is never fun and our low ammo states were set up in a way that didn’t provide much time or information for players to action on. These changes intend to set players up for more success when it comes to maintaining their ammo economy.

Enemy Health Bars

When damaging an enemy, players are now shown the enemy’s Armor and Health state. This Health Bar is only active for a brief time after dealing damage and then fades away. Health Bars, like Enemy Highlights require direct line of sight.

Enemy Highlight

Enemy players will now be highlighted with a red outline similar to how allies are highlighted with a blue one. The highlight is most prominent at close ranges and the intensity fades as targets get farther away. Enemy Highlights require direct line of sight (you can breathe now, Bangalore mains).

Dev Note: Visual clarity and accurate information are imperative to a player’s success. These new features, Highlighting and Health Bars, are intended to level the playing field and combat the intensity of battle. No one likes mag dumping into their squadmates back because they totally thought that was the enemy Lifeline. 

Experienced players can easily develop the skill to call out health values of enemies based on the amount of damage they are dealing and the various shield levels but for newer players this can be a difficult task. Providing a visual aid for such critical information we hope evens the playing field a bit and can provide accurate and actionable information that can be relayed to the whole squad. You can really call out that “they’re one!”.


Ammo Spawn rates

  • Energy ammo: reduced individual spawn rate
  • Light & Heavy ammo: slight increase to individual spawn rate
  • Shotgun & Sniper ammo: increased individual spawn rate

Ammo Stack Changes

  • Individual brick size increased to 24 (was 20)
  • Individual brick size decreased to 18 (was 20)
  • Individual brick size increased to 10 (was 8)

Dev Note: Light ammo weapons have been overshadowed by our Heavy and Energy arsenal the last few seasons. With this set of changes we’re hoping the ammo economy for Light will improve their viability and earn back a place in player’s loadouts. 

  • Disruptor Rounds removed from floor loot
  • Usable by all LMGs (Spitfire, Rampage, L-STAR, Devotion)
  • When aiming down sights automatically deploy a frontal Gun Shield
  • Gun Shield absorbs 40 damage
  • Gun Shield is recharged 12 seconds after taking damage or breaking
  • Gun Shield health increased to 75
  • Gun Shield recharge time remains the same as his passive

Dual wield two P2020s or two Mozambiques this season by finding and interacting with a second P2020 or Mozambique to automatically enter Akimbo mode. 

  • Aiming tightens hipfire spread instead of looking down sights
  • Attachments are mirrored to the second weapon
  • Both P2020 and Mozambique are automatic in Akimbo
  • Increased rate of fire 
  • Longer reload times
  • Magazine size is doubled 
  • Optics are disabled while in Akimbo
  • Toggle select fire to holster your second weapon and re-enable your optic. 
  • All LMGs now benefit from the Reverse Hipfire mechanic found on the Care Package Devotion
  • New Hop-Up: Gun Shield Generator (see Hop-Ups section above)

Dev Note: LMGs are great at suppressing enemies and unloading huge mags of consistent damage, but they can’t compete with our more aggressive weapon types in raw damage output so we’re trying new vectors of strength—defense and consistency. The Gun Shield Generator is intended to allow players to challenge higher DPS weapons in a new way that plays into their fantasy more than just increasing damage. While the Reverse Hipfire mechanic provides a more consistent close range option.

  • Base: 19 (unchanged)
  • White: 23 (was 22)
  • Blue: 26 (was 25)
  • Purple/Gold: 28 (was 27)
  • White: 22 (was 21)
  • Blue: 24 (was 23)
  • Purple/Gold: 27 (was 26)

Devotion (Care Package)

  • Empty reload speed decreased
  • Gun Shield Generator added
  • Reverse hip fire improved; shots needed for max hipfire reduced to 14 (was 21)
  • Base: 19 (was 20)
  • White: 23 (was 25)
  • Blue: 27 (was 28)
  • Purple/Gold: 29 (was 30)
  • Hipfire accuracy significantly reduced
  • Burst Delay slightly increased
  • Damage reduced to 19 (was 20)
  • Base: 18 (unchanged)
  • White: 21 (was 24)
  • Blue: 24 (was 27)
  • Purple/Gold: 30 (unchanged)

Dev Note: Hemlock & Havoc have both been overperforming, these changes are intended to bring them more in line with the rest of the weapon roster. 

P2020 (Single)

  • Damage increased to 21 (was 18)
  • Hammer Point damage decreased to 23 (was 27)
  • Base: 10 (was 14)
  • White: 11 (was 16)
  • Blue: 12 (was 18)
  • Purple/Gold: 14 (was 21)

Mozambique (Single)

  • Hammer Point Damage for a full blast reduced to 54 (was 60)
  • Rate of fire significantly increased
  • Shotgun Bolt rate of fire multiplier decreased at all levels
  • Damage increased to 15 (was 11)
  • Pellet count reduced to 6 (was 8)
Old New

Dev Note: Shotguns have been feeling inconsistent lately so we’re taking a swing at improving that consistency without just cranking the total damage up. Reducing pellet count and increasing the per pellet damage should increase the average damage dealt.


  • Damage increased per pellet to 11 (was 9)
  • Pellet count reduced to 9 (was 11)
  • Blast pattern shape changed
Old New
  • Base: 21(was 18)
  • White: 23 (was 20)
  • Blue 28: (was 25)
  • Purple/Gold: 31 (was 28)
  • Base: 18 (was 16)
  • White: 20 (was 19)
  • Blue: 23 (was 22)
  • Purple/Gold: 26 (was 25)
  • Increase projectile size while Revved Up

New Class Perks + Adjustments

  • Class Perk - Zone Overcharge: extra shield capacity when playing in zone (see above)
  • QoL - Remote Pick-Up: remotely pick-up their undamaged Tacticals by looking back at them and pressing a button (see above)
  • Class Perk - Threat Vision: gain threat vision when aiming down sights (see above)
  • Survey Beacons: multiple updates (see above)
  • Channel time when knocked decreased to 2s (was 3s)
  • Chase portal duration decreased 8s (was 10s)
  • Chase portal opening delay increased to 8s (was 6s) 
  • Increased travel speed to void nexus by about 40% (was 1800) 
  • Ult cooldown reduced to 3 min (was 3.5m)
  • When knocked, you can travel to a friendly Void Nexus without looking at it by pressing character action (H key/D-pad down)

Dev Note: When you're knocked, you're at your most vulnerable and taking time to locate an object in the world and look at it for a period of time with no way to defend yourself is both challenging and risky. These changes should make it easier for a knocked teammate to safely use the Void Nexus, and allow you to reset your squad quicker and more safely.

  • Removed option to press character action to destroy your own Void Nexus (H key/D-pad down)

Dev note: It was a common misconception that destroying your own void nexus prevented people from following you. In actuality, it only prevented your teammates from using it. This feature was intended to be used only when Alter felt its placement was unsafe. In practice though, it was rarely used this way and mostly resulted in Alter destroying her own Void Nexus when trying to thank her teammates.

  • Ult Cooldown: removed ( Level 2 )
  • NEW Ringmaster: gain access to Ring Consoles
Ult Cooldown Reduce Ultimate cooldown by 30s Ringmaster Gain access to Ring Consoles
Ult Cooldown Reduce Ultimate cooldown by 30s
Ringmaster Gain access to Ring Consoles
  • Whistler: lock-on time decreased to 0.1s (was 0.3s)
  • Surveillance Drone: cooldown decreased to 30s (was 40s)
  • While hidden from sight, Crypto’s cloaking will still emit a close-range cloaking sound to sus his location and ability scans will still reveal his location
  • Threat Vision related skills will not reveal Crypto
  • Improved Satellite Imagery: Ult now scans anyone it hits for 4s and will track through walls
  • Quick Ping: removed, improved handling now integrated into base kit

Dev note: Crypto’s upgrades were looking pretty one-sided, so we’ve made changes at both tiers to rival the dominant choices with new options that should introduce some interesting gameplay potential. Crypto’s finally going Off the Grid; which should make players feel more safe playing in the drone and the improvement to satellite imagery gives lasting potential to follow up on your successful EMP blasts. We’ve also pushed the fun of a more responsive drone into every player’s hands.

Quick Ping Improved drone handling Off the Grid Crypto cloaks when in drone 
Satellite Imagery +1.5s scan duration Satellite Imagery +1.5s scan duration.
Scans on Ult hit.
Quick Ping Improved drone handling
Satellite Imagery +1.5s scan duration
Off the Grid Crypto cloaks when in drone 
Satellite Imagery +1.5s scan duration.
Scans on Ult hit.
  • Upgrade - Gold-Plated: replaced Gold EVO Cache with Battery

Dev note: Lifeline has been showing some dominance in her recent resurgence, but the free level from the Gold EVO caches and the gold knockdown shield from her upgraded Ultimate were compounding her strength in a cheeky way; bypassing the effort to earn that final armor tier. We feel there’s enough power in guaranteeing the Gold Knockdown Shield to retain the golden girl without the free pass to max level.

  • Ammo drains from pip charge with use
  • Maximum number of place turrets allowed is now 1
  • Need 1 PIP of Ultimate change to draw or place Sheila
  • No longer requires a full charge to equip
  • Now uses an Ammo-Style Ultimate model

Dev note: Sheila isn’t as slept-on as she once was, but we were seeing some players struggle to micro-manage the cooldown of the Ultimate - given that you had to drain the ammo or plant it to not wind up accidentally drawing a Shiela with only a few bullets remaining. Now Sheila will work off an ammo model, similar to Vantage, and constantly refill ammo when not in use. This should let players worry less about tracking the remaining ammo in Sheila, keep the weapon in the action more reliably and allow Rampart to more freely place an extra turret for a teammate behind her walls without sacrificing her Ult.

  • Focus of Attention: healthbars persist for duration of Silence
  • Passive move speed has been increased to weapon sprint speed
  • Passive is now quieter when active
  • Focus Scan: removed
  • NEW Split Focus: gain an additional Tac charge

Dev note: In this Recon-focused season, we’re making some changes to Seer to pull back on some of the sluggish sticking points around using his passive and are adjusting his Tactical to still have a unique benefit with the addition of Player Healthbars this season. We’re also experimenting with giving Seer access to more utility with his Tactical with Split Focus. Now players will get to choose to opt into the longer range with the single all-or-nothing outcome, or gain the second charge with more chances to hit at the cost of overall silence time.

Long View Increase Pas/Tac range to 75m Long View Increase Pas/Tac range to 75m
Focus Scan +1.5s scan duration Split Focus

+1 Tac Charge

-50% Silence Duration

Long View Increase Pas/Tac range to 75m
Focus Scan +1.5s scan duration
Long View Increase Pas/Tac range to 75m
Split Focus

+1 Tac Charge

-50% Silence Duration

  • Can launch when LOS is blocked
  • Can now cancel the tac mid charge
  • Tac reticle will turn red when echo is behind you and you are launching
  • Will slide-around boxes and geometry as best it can to reach Echo
  • 2nd Shot Multiplier is now 2.5x (was 2x)
  • Can hit "Reload" when in ult to use an Ult Accel
  • Waypoint on PING within Passive range will track enemy for 10s
  • Will not show within 100m (for each ally individually)
  • added to all optics
  • expanded passive scanning screen area to be more consistent
  • Upgrade - Ult Reload: now also doubles Ult Accel use speed in addition to providing 2 extra bullets

Dev Note: Vantage has a number of improvements to her kit this season to make her more effective at what she’s meant to do. Her Ult now secures more damage against weakened prey on its follow-up shots. Her Tac is now more reliable to allow for easier to reach Echo in complex areas. And her passive has expanded to all optics, making it a useful part of her kit regardless of scope and without having to go unarmed. Additionally, her passive has a new tracking feature when pinging a target in your sights at long range—allowing Vantage and her allies to track the target at a distance more easily.

  • Power Pylon: now regenerates shield charge
  • Split Current: removed
  • Increases Shield Regen Rate of Interception Pylon

Dev Note: While the Split Circuit upgrade harkened back to the old times and had interesting promise, most players found success bunkering around one stronger pylon, rather than trying to hold space with two and the upgrade was heavily outmatched. These changes aim to look into the shield generator aspect of Wattson’s Ult and the potential for either a faster reset or more resilient ultimate.

Power Pylon Double Ultimate HP Power Pylon

Doubles Ult HP

Ult shield generator recharges

Split Circuit Double Ult Accel Speed & Ult placements Emergency Power Doubles Ult shield generator Rate & Capacity
Power Pylon Double Ultimate HP
Split Circuit Double Ult Accel Speed & Ult placements
Power Pylon

Doubles Ult HP

Ult shield generator recharges

Emergency Power

Doubles Ult shield generator Rate & Capacity

  • Urban island district of the city of Suotamo on Gaea
  • Features 17 POIs
  • Designed for verticality with areas perfect for CQC
  • Pubs: for the first week after launch, August 6-12
  • Ranked: for the first 72 hours after launch, August 6-9
  • New mode for Apex’s new and learning players
  • Battle as a squad against a smaller lobby of enemy bot squads in a quicker version of a standard battle royale match
  • Game rules are the same as in standard battle royale modes
  • Play with Bots in your squad or bring your own Human friends
  • Improvements made to pathfinding, shooting, ability deployment, and interactions with game objects
  • Several Legends were added as Bots in Bot Royale including: Bangalore, Bloodhound, Conduit, Fuse, Gibraltar, Lifeline, Octane, Seer, Vantage, and Wraith

Revival: LTM ft. New Respawn Mechanic

  • Respawn into a skydive near your teammates as long as one teammate is still alive
  • If all players die, the team is eliminated
  • Respawn timers increase with each passing round
  • Respawn timers for your squad increase each time a squadmate dies
  • Deal damage
  • Earn knockdowns
  • Execute enemies
  • Killing an enemy will reveal their squadmates for a brief time
  • Players start with blue knockdown shields (knockdown shields removed from the loot pool)
  • Trios Revival: Respawning ends at Round 5
  • Straight Shot Revival: Respawning ends at Round 4

Straight Shot Revival (Starts August 20, 2024)

  • Straight Shot returns as Straight Shot Revival
  • Features new respawn mechanic found in Trios Revival
  • Akimbo P2020 and Mozambique replace the single versions in loot
  • Enemy Highlight and Enemy Health Bars are enabled
  • Purple and gold tier LMGs will include the new Gun Shield Generator hop-up
  • R99 moves out of all loadouts, replaced with akimbo weapon variants
  • TDM: Skull Town, Habitat
  • Control: Thunderdome, Production Yard
  • Gun Run: The Core, Monument
  • Control: Barometer, Lava Siphon
  • Gun Run: Fragment, Skull Town
  • Lockdown: Zeus Station, Thunderdome
  • TDM: Habitat, The Core
  • TDM: Habitat, Skull Town
  • Control: Production Yard, Thunderdome
  • Gun Run: The Core, Wattson
  • TDM: Skull Town, Zeus Station
  • TDM: Habitat, Skull Town, The Core, Zeus Station
  • Weekend of Lockdown
  • Gameplay Rules: decreased Ult charge while capturing points
  • Zeus Station, Monument, Skull Town, The Core, Thunderdome
  • 15 Minute Time Limit
  • Score limit increased to 75
  • Shield Regen activates on kills
  • Thunderdome, Habitat, Zeus Station, Skull Town, Fragment, The Core


Welcome Pass and Challenges

  • For new accounts created after the launch of Shockwave
  • Challenges can be completed in any BR mode and Bot Royale
  • Unique set of challenges designed around foundational skills
  • Welcome Challenges do not refresh
  • If the player already has the reward in their inventory, they will receive the Crafting Metals value instead
  • Unlock Bloodhound, Pathfinder, Gibraltar, and a Legend of their choice through progression

We will implement a brand new reset rule at the start of the new season.

  • No RP reset for Rookie IV to Rookie I, players will keep the RP they have from the last split
  • Bronze IV to Platinum IV will reset to Bronze IV 1000 RP
  • Platinum III reset to Bronze III 1500 RP
  • Platinum II reset to Bronze II 2000 RP
  • Platinum I reset to Bronze I 2500 RP
  • Diamond IV reset to Silver IV 3250 RP (with +250 demotion protection)
  • Diamond III reset to Silver III 3600 RP
  • Diamond II reset to Silver II 4200 RP
  • Diamond I reset to Silver I 4800 RP
  • Master and above reset to Gold IV 5650 RP (with +250 demotion protection)
  • New Players (complete onboarding and above Level 20): Starting Rookie IV 1 RP
  • Returning Players who didn't play last season (excluding Rookie tier which won’t reset): Starting RP threshold for Bronze IV 1000 RP

Dev Notes:The goal is to reset players to a tier that suits them based on their performance in the Ranked League of the previous season when the new season begins. This allows them to start battling from a rank that better suits their skill level while protecting newcomers and low-ranked players. Additionally, a portion of the achievements of high-ranked players who performed well in the previous season is retained, allowing them to compete against opponents of similar skill levels right from the start of the new season.


Ranked Rumble returns September 13-17, 2024, with a new best of 10 matches format and free rewards.

  • Players can participate in matches without 10 matches limitations
  • There is no Re-Entry mechanic; play as much as you want
  • If you get a better match score, it will replace your current lowest score


  • Improved end ring generation system
  • Can no longer use Death Boxes through walls
  • Cleaning up disconnected players in Mixtape
  • Firing Range: Mythic weapons are no longer taken away after respawning
  • Fixed a storm point zipline that could kick players off too early
  • Fixed bad actor ping crashes
  • Fixed prowler spawn den bullet collision hull

Adaptive Supersampling

  • Fixed an issue that caused screen tearing
  • Fixed an issue that caused Legend banner poses to appear distorted

Death Boxes

  • Improvements to help stop deathboxes from getting stuck in doorways and blocking exits
  • Should now be lootable in broken doorways
  • Will now contain a shield core if the enemy disconnected before dying
  • Alter's ult can no longer be used for free if you place it onto a moving object and use it immediately
  • Bangalore smoke highlights should no longer get blocked by other players
  • Fixed an issue that let players affected by Catalyst ultimate to see through Bangalore smoke
  • Movement hitch when using Seer’s passive while unarmed should no longer occur
  • No more thefts from an explosive hold without warning, destroying Loba's Black Market


  • Mantling on the same location as your teammate won’t knock you down
  • Additional starting grenade added for Control & Lockdown
  • EVA 8 back into Close-Quarters loadout
  • Faster health regen for all mixtape modes
  • Lockdown Score Limit reduced to 400 (was 500)
  • Reconnect match timer reduced to 2 minutes (was 5 min)
  • Team Deathmatch Score Limit reduced to 40 (was 50)
  • Mixtape’s Skull Town got a spawn audit (adjusting positions & angles)
  • Nessies can once again bounce to their hearts content in the firing range (just not anywhere else)
  • Speaking of, a new Nessie (with an appreciation for cinema) has appeared around the firing range
  • Xbox Series X and PS5 can expect 10 FPS or higher improvements in GPU-intensive scenarios
  • Fixed several causes of graphical corruption issues
  • Large optimizations to both CPU and GPU performance. With these changes, we expect that the  DirectX 12 beta  should now perform better than DirectX 11 for the majority of players.
  • PC: removed Adaptive Supersampling video settings option. A small percentage of players used this option and those that did received no benefit from it unless they had a powerful GPU and low res monitor
  • Mitigated performance impact of looking at Death Boxes and intermittent performance spikes from champions banners

Play Apex Legends™ for free * now on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via the EA app and Steam.

Follow Apex Legends™ on Twitter , Instagram , TikTok , subscribe to our YouTube channel , and check out our forums .

Sign up for our newsletter today to receive the latest Apex Legends™ news, updates, behind-the-scenes content, exclusive offers, and more (including other EA news, products, events, and promotions) by email.

This announcement may change as we listen to community feedback and continue developing and evolving our Live Service & Content. We will always strive to keep our community as informed as possible. For more information, please refer to EA’s Online Service Updates at .

*Applicable platform account and platform subscription (sold separately) may be required. A persistent internet connection and EA account required. Age restrictions apply. Includes in-game purchases.

†Not available in all territories.

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Take on turmoil in the temporal chaos collection event, welcome to e-district, new updates coming with apex legends™: shockwave.

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magnetic generator experiments

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  1. How to Make Free Energy Permanent Magnet Generator at Home _ Science Experiment

    magnetic generator experiments

  2. free energy generator using a magnet with copper coils _ new science experiment project

    magnetic generator experiments

  3. New experiment science projects 2018

    magnetic generator experiments

  4. Experiment Electric Generator Using Magnet Creative For 2019

    magnetic generator experiments

  5. Free energy generator Magnet Coil Work 100%

    magnetic generator experiments

  6. free energy generator device with magnet & dc motor _ science

    magnetic generator experiments


  1. Manipulating Magnets to Improve Generator Output

    An electric generator is a powerful machine that generates electrical current. Most use strong magnets. The Electricity, Magnetism, & Electromagnetism Tutorial: Magnetism will introduce you to magnets and magnetic fields, which are represented by field lines. Read it carefully; it will help you better understand this science project.

  2. 8 Experiments to Teach Electromagnetism

    An electric generator reverses the process used by an electric motor and converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. (A motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy.) These experiments involve making and testing an electric generator. 6. Shake Up Some Energy!

  3. Generator

    Generate electricity with a spinning bar magnet. Explore the underlying physics of a generator and discover how to maximize the brightness of a light bulb.

  4. Experiment with Motors and Generators Science Projects

    Scientific Method. Motors are used in many things you find around your house, like your refrigerator, coffee maker, and even a lawn mower. In this electronics science fair project, you will get to build a simple motor, using a kit, and then test how the number of batteries (amount of voltage) used to power the motor affects its performance.

  5. How to Generate Power Using Magnets: A Comprehensive Guide

    The magnetic field causes the free electrons in the copper atoms to break free, creating electricity. The speed at which the magnetic field moves affects the number of electrons set free and, consequently, the amount of current generated. Understanding electromagnetic induction is crucial in harnessing the power of magnets to generate electricity.

  6. Interactive Tutorials

    A fun way to illustrate electrostatic forces from a Van de Graaff generator. Faraday Motor. Just a year after electromagnetism was discovered, the great scientist Michael Faraday figured out how to turn it into motion. ... In 1820, Hans Christian Ørsted discovered the relationship between electricity and magnetism in this very simple experiment.

  7. How To Make a Generator

    EXPERIMENT STEPS. Step 1: Leaving approximately 6" of wire slack, start wrapping the magnetic wire around the tube. The wire must be magnetic, which is a type of copper or aluminum wire with a thin coating of insulation. Step 2: Wrap the wire until about 6" of wire remains. Use tape as needed to secure the ends of the wire so it does not unwrap.

  8. Electromagnetic Induction

    When a permanent magnet is moved inside of a copper wire coil, electrical current flows inside of the wire. This important physics phenomenon is called electromagnetic induction. In 1831, the great experimentalist Michael Faraday set out to prove electricity could be generated from magnetism. He created numerous experiments, including the ...

  9. Free Electricity Energy Generator Using Magnets

    Free Electricity Energy Generator Using Magnets _ Science Projects. for More Information visit our Site:

  10. Electromagnetic induction (video)

    When the magnet is stationary there is a magnetic field, but it is not changing with time. It remains the same. So maybe steady magnetic fields do not produce electricity, but changing magnetic fields are the one that can produce electricity. Let's see if we can apply the same logic, even to the second experiment.

  11. Science fair project: build Ultra-simple Electric Generator, spinning

    This is an AC electric generator which lights up a tiny incandescent light bulb. ... you can make some measurements. (Once you can see some numbers, you can perform some professional science experiments. This is great for science fair projects.) ... Shack 25mA bulb, you can use a 1.5V 40mA bulb, but add twice as much magnet wire to your coil ...

  12. Electric Generator

    Introduction: For your experiment, you may make an electric generator that really works and can light up a light bulb. There is a good design at that you may use. It is called wooden generator and it consists of a small box, a coil of wire wrapped over the box and a magnet spinning inside the box.

  13. Faraday's Electromagnetic Lab

    Play with a bar magnet and coils to learn about Faraday's law. Move a bar magnet near one or two coils to make a light bulb glow. View the magnetic field lines. A meter shows the direction and magnitude of the current. View the magnetic field lines or use a meter to show the direction and magnitude of the current. You can also play with electromagnets, generators and transformers!

  14. What Is the Science Behind Generating Power With Magnets?

    This discovery was made by Michael Faraday through his experiments, which demonstrated the direct link between magnetic fields and electricity. The ability of magnets to generate electricity is a result of this conversion process, where magnetic energy is transformed into electrical energy. ... Permanent Magnet Generator - Getting to Know 5

  15. 20.3 Electromagnetic Induction

    One experiment Faraday did to demonstrate magnetic induction was to move a bar magnet through a wire coil and measure the resulting electric current through the wire. A schematic of this experiment is shown in Figure 20.33. He found that current is induced only when the magnet moves with respect to the coil.

  16. Build an Electromagnet Science Projects

    Build an Electromagnet Science Projects (9 results) Build an Electromagnet Science Projects. (9 results) Build or improve a device powered by an electromagnet that forms a magnetic field when an electrical current flows through a wire. Add more wires or magnets to test if you can boost the electricity produced.

  17. How Michael Faraday Discovered Induction, The Generator, and Magnetic

    In this way Faraday invented the idea of magnetic fields in 1831! Faraday's law is that current is created (or induced) when the lines of force are broken or "cut" by a coil of wire. Think about pushing the bar magnet into a coil of wire: as you push the magnet the magnetic field lines pass through the coil and induce current.

  18. Michael Faraday's generator

    Description This is Michael Faraday's generator. This apparatus consists of a tube of neutral material wound with a coil of wire, insulated in cotton, and a bar magnet. Ten years after Faraday created the electric motor he returned to his electrical research and discovered electromagnetic induction in August 1831.

  19. Electric generator

    Once you connect the wire to the battery , electric current begins to flow.Electrons start flowing through the wire, creating a magnetic field, which in turn interacts with the inserted permanent magnet and holds it there!. Normally, a buzzer would only work when connected to a source of electricity. Curiously, in our setup, the buzzer somehow beeps without a battery!

  20. DIY: Generate your own electricity

    Your generator will consist of a coil held close to a spinning magnet. Cut out two cardboard discs roughly 3cm in diameter, and make a 4-5mm hole in the centre of each. Insert the nail in the hole and push one disc up to its head. Cover the next 2-3cm of the nail's surface with a couple of layers of insulating tape.

  21. How to Make Free Energy Permanent Magnet Generator at Home

    How to Make Free Energy Permanent Magnet Generator at Home _ Science Experiment for More Information Visit our Site:

  22. Electronics

    This paper presents a high-frequency (HF) magnetic pulse generator designed for low-intensity transcranial magnetic stimulation (LI-TMS) applications. HF pulse stimulation can induce a strong electric field with minimal current and enhance the penetration depth of the electric field in human tissue. The HF magnetic pulse generator was designed and fabricated using a microcontroller unit, gate ...

  23. Experiment with Permanent Magnets Science Projects

    Experiment with Permanent Magnets Science Projects (14 results) Experiment with Permanent Magnets Science Projects. (14 results) Explore electromagnetism, magnetic fields generated by electricity, while also using permanent magnets. Add permanent magnets to increase the electricity generated, to boost your device, or to test your device.

  24. Apex Legends™: Shockwave Patch Notes

    The full map scan was really only useful to a small number of high level players, and often the scan messaging would turn your team into a magnet for others to hunt. Now, being more frequent, faster to use, and giving more intel for longer makes it easier to use the beacons with confidence and hunt in the immediate area or note secure paths out ...

  25. Magnets and Electromagnets

    Explore the ways to change the magnetic field, and measure its direction and magnitude around the magnet. Explore the interactions between a compass and bar magnet. Discover how you can use a battery and coil to make an electromagnet. Explore the ways to change the magnetic field, and measure its direction and magnitude around the magnet.