
  • Short Speech about Engineering

Short Speeches about Engineering

Engineering is the application of science, mathematics, and practical knowledge in order to develop solutions to problems. Engineers are concerned with the design, production, and use of a wide range of materials and systems to meet human needs.

Engineering is a broad discipline which includes many sub-disciplines that contribute to the field. These include: aerospace engineering, automotive engineering, civil engineering, computer engineering (software), electrical engineering, environmental engineering (water treatment), industrial engineering (manufacturing), marine engineering (ship design), mechanical/aerospace/electrical/chemical/electronic engineering.

Engineering is a broad term that encompasses many fields. It is important to understand the importance of engineering in today’s world and how it has evolved.

Engineering is a broad term that encompasses many fields. It is important to understand the importance of engineering in today’s world and how it has evolved. The field of Engineering has evolved from its origins with the invention of the wheel, to more recent technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and automation.

Engineering is a broad term that encompasses many fields like mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, civil engineering, chemical engineering and aerospace engineering among others.

Quotes of some internationally famous personalities for Speech on Short Speech about Engineering

  • Henry Petroski : “Engineering is more than just a science; it is a skillful, imaginative endeavor.”
  • Neil Armstrong : “Engineering is the art of organizing and directing men and controlling the forces and materials of nature for the benefit of the human race.”
  • Bill Gates : “The advance of technology is based on making it fit in so that you don’t really even notice it, so it’s part of everyday life.”
  • Nikola Tesla : “The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine.”
  • Thomas Edison : “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”
  • Albert Einstein : “Scientists investigate that which already is; Engineers create that which has never been.”
  • James Dyson : “Enjoy failure and learn from it. You can never learn from success.”
  • Steve Jobs : “Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.”
  • Elon Musk : “When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.”
  • Marissa Mayer : “I always did something I was a little not ready to do. I think that’s how you grow.”

Engineering is a field that covers the design and production of tools, machines, structures and systems. It is often considered a sub-discipline of engineering which includes mathematics and natural sciences.

Engineering is the process of designing, building, testing, and using machines, engines or systems to solve problems. Some examples are: airplanes, cars, computers or bridges.

Engineering is not just a career option but it is also a necessity. We cannot live without engineering in our daily lives. It has been around since the beginning of time and will continue to be around in the future.

Engineering has been around since the beginning of time and will continue to be around in the future. Engineering is not just a career option but it is also a necessity for our daily lives.

Engineering is a process of designing, developing, and testing physical products or systems. Engineers develop solutions to problems that require creative thinking and innovation.

Engineering is an important field in the society because it has contributed to many inventions that have changed the way we live our lives. From bridges to cars, from airplanes to computers – engineering has been an essential part of every invention.

Early engineering was known as one of the most important professions in society because it provided solutions for many issues such as natural disasters, transportation and communication.

Engineering is the discipline that studies how to design and build structures, machines, devices, or systems with practical application in technology, industry, and science.

Engineering is a field of engineering that uses mathematics and science to solve problems. Engineers must consider the physical characteristics of materials and be able to analyze complex systems in order to design everything from bridges to spacecrafts.

The engineering profession is a vital one in society. It is the foundation of all modern technologies and the production of goods.

Engineers are responsible for the design, construction and maintenance of buildings, bridges, roads, railways, canals and other structures that facilitate human life.

In order to maintain their relevance in a changing world, engineers need to constantly learn new skillsets that will allow them to stay on top of the latest developments.

Engineering is the application of science, mathematics, and practical knowledge to design and build structures, machines, devices, systems, materials and processes that use energy to transform the environment or make products.

In order to innovate in this field, you need a solid foundation in engineering basics. There are a few things that every engineer should know.

Engineering is a key skill in today’s world. It is a broad and diverse field that touches on many fields, from architecture and construction to medicine, manufacturing, and computer science.

Engineering is one of the most difficult subjects to learn in school. The skills are not just limited to math or science; it involves creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, and more.

Engineers are needed for all kinds of jobs – from building bridges to designing cars to crafting new medical technologies.

Engineers are important in the construction of any building. They are responsible for designing and creating the building’s framework, ensuring that it is structurally sound.

Engineers are also tasked with taking care of all the necessary paperwork, including permits and licenses, as well as making sure that everything is being done according to safety regulations.

The importance of engineering cannot be understated in today’s world. Engineers contribute to society by performing a wide range of tasks from building bridges to designing planes.

Examples of sentences that can be used in starting of this speech

Examples of sentences that can be used in closing of this speech, speeches in english.

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Engineer Calcs

12 Ways to Improve Public Speaking Skills for Engineers

Public speaking skills for engineers can be just as important as technical skills for engineers, despite what you may think.

Many become engineers to escape the spotlight and just crunch numbers all day. But if you dream of climbing the ranks or becoming a 10x engineer , you can’t ignore public speaking. I’ll break it down and explain why it’s so essential.

speech on engineering life

Important Note: Public speaking doesn’t mean you need to address thousands of people. Speaking to even a small group of five counts!

The importance of public speaking in engineering

mastering public speaking skills for engineers

So, why is public speaking a big deal in engineering? Well, it comes in handy when:

  • Presenting your firm to potential clients for new projects
  • Introducing your firm to a prime consultant for potential partnerships
  • Pitching your idea to investors for funding
  • Presenting your design work to colleagues or clients
  • Speaking to potential employees at job fairs
  • Teaching technical subjects to crowds
  • Nailing job interviews

Sure, not every engineering job involves ticking off all these boxes. Maybe you spend most of your time tucked away behind a desk. But trust me, sooner or later, you’ll need to step up and present yourself, your company, and your projects to others.

If you can’t, you’ll be left in the dust by those who can confidently command a room. Nobody lands a top-dollar engineering gig by keeping their lips sealed. In today’s world, communication is the lifeblood of every project’s success.

Picture this: you’re putting together an NBA team, and you’ve got two 7-footers with almost identical skills. But one of them consistently nails 3-pointers from way downtown. Who would you want on your team? No-brainer, right? The 3-point shooting 7-footer! The same goes for engineers. The one with both technical and speaking chops will come out on top.

Long story short, public speaking is crucial in engineering, despite what Hollywood and the media might have you believe .

Important Note: In engineering, public speaking demands a solid technical foundation. To communicate effectively, you’ve got to know your stuff. That’s why knowledge is the bedrock of public speaking skills for engineers.

Interviewers are on the lookout for public speaking skills

When you step into a job interview, it’s not just your technical skills being put to the test. Your communication skills are in the spotlight, too. That’s why interviewers keep an eye on how well you tackle those interview questions.

If you just spew a chaotic jumble of words, you’re toast. Loads of engineering jobs demand teamwork and chatting with clients. So, interviewers want to make sure you’ve got the communication chops. I’d even say, if you’ve got both technical and speaking skills, you’ll be a rare gem in the industry.

Important Note: Public speaking does wonders for your everyday communication. No doubt, if you can wing it talking to 10 people, you can confidently chat with just one. I get it, at first, it’s nerve-wracking. But with enough practice, it’ll be like second nature.

12 tips to amp up your public speaking skills for engineers

engineers working and checking plc cabinet wiring

1) Get social

Baby steps, people. If you’re the introverted type, start by chatting more with your buddies and family. Have them listen to your presentations, even if they roll their eyes.

Talk about topics you usually steer clear of. This will push you out of your comfort zone. Better yet, connect with strangers at meet-up groups and level up your challenge. You can find cool people to hang with in nearly every city using apps like Meetup .

2) Enroll in a public speaking course at a local university

Sign up for a public speaking course at a nearby university or community college. Most schools offer at least one part-time public speaking class. It’s an awesome way to get a much-needed kick in the pants and practice speaking in public.

Plus, being in a college course keeps you accountable!

3) Give online courses a shot

I know it sounds a bit odd, but online courses can be helpful, even if they don’t quite match in-person classes. Sometimes, you’ve got to roll with the punches when only online courses fit your schedule.

Check out options on Udemy or even brick-and-mortar universities. I’d recommend courses that include plenty of digital presentations.

4) Join the Toastmasters squad

Toastmasters  is all about promoting public speaking as a nonprofit educational organization. It’s such a positive environment, with everyone striving to boost their speaking game.

You’ll deliver speeches to your fellow members and get constructive feedback in return. I’ve got friends who’ve joined, and they’re totally into it. They tell me how it challenges them and how they pick up helpful tips after every speech.

For instance, you’ll get a recording of your speech with constructive comments. Plus, you can re-listen to your speech to spot areas for improvement.

5) Set up public speaking sessions at work

At your workplace, create a weekly one-hour slot for employees to present to each other. Presentations can cover current design projects or anything else, really. The main goal? Get folks talking in front of an audience.

The cool part is, your coworkers can give feedback on your technical know-how. You won’t get that from most friends, family, or even at Toastmasters.

6) Strengthen your technical skills

Public speaking prowess doesn’t overshadow technical skills. But, the stronger your technical skills, the more confidently you can speak as an engineer. Dive deep into subjects, but don’t just memorize.

Take Elon Musk, for example. The dude knows the ins and outs of rocket theory and real-world applications. He even grasps the nitty-gritty of various engineering roles at SpaceX. That lets him talk like he’s a professor holding court in a lecture hall.

7) Feel the vibe of your audience

Get in tune with your audience’s pulse.

Imagine you’re talking to a bunch of reporters. No need to go overboard with technical jargon. Instead, simplify your content, and you’ll keep your listeners hooked. As a bonus, your confidence will soar, helping you nail your speech.

By understanding your audience, you can tailor your speech to their needs and interests. Imagine your audience is filled with engineering experts. Knowing this, you can prepare a speech that includes:

  • Information sources
  • Explanation of all analysis studies
  • Technical assumptions
  • The theory behind technical subjects

As an engineer, you’re not here to entertain but to educate. However, if you can toss in a few jokes and some personality, all the better.

8) Boost your writing skills

You might think writing is unrelated to speaking, but they’re both essential for self-expression and often go hand in hand. By sharpening your writing, you’ll enhance your speaking in areas like:

  • Content structure: In public speaking, your ideas need to flow. Well-organized written content helps create structured speeches.
  • Punctuation: Your use of periods and commas will carry over into your speaking. Proper punctuation in writing leads to well-timed pauses in speeches.
  • Conciseness: Writing highlights where you need to cut the fluff. You’ll then deliver speeches that are short and sweet, without filler.
  • Content: Writing pushes you to flesh out your thoughts, helping you spot gaps in your knowledge that need filling.

In a nutshell, writing paves the way for turning thoughts into spoken words. For writing tips, check out these articles:

  • 12 engineering writing tips you need to know
  • Engineering writing style guide – 6 things to know

Important Note: Avoid writing and reading your speech word for word, as you’ll sound robotic and fail to engage your audience. Plus, listeners might think you don’t truly grasp the material.

9) Embrace your learning limitations

Engineering subjects can be incredibly complex, and it’s impossible to know everything. So, don’t stress if you can’t answer every question from your audience. It’s totally fine to admit, “I don’t know,” or ask for a moment to think.

You won’t look foolish. Even the best of the best do it. Plus, such statements exude confidence, as you’re not afraid to pause and think in front of an audience. It shows you’re human.

10) Create your own public speaking style

You don’t need to emulate renowned speakers like Obama or Tony Robbins. While they’re amazing speakers with years of experience and a natural flair for public speaking, it’s important to find your own groove.

Figure out what suits you best. If you feel less nervous speaking slower, go for it. Need to pause more? Do it. Take a look at Elon Musk’s speaking style – it’s uniquely his own.

Some public speaking experts might criticize Elon’s style, but who cares? He communicates his ideas with confidence, and people hang onto his every word.

That said, learn from the greats. Study them like any other subject you want to master. For instance, watch Obama speaking to a large audience with the sound off. Observe how he captivates the crowd using just his body language. It’s impressive!

11) Fake it till you make it

“Fake it till you make it” has real power, no matter what some people say. At the very least, it’ll get you started with practicing public speaking.

I’m not suggesting you be dishonest about your abilities. Instead, project confidence even when you’re not feeling it. When you pretend to be at ease, you’re more likely to stay composed, creating a positive feedback loop. Eventually, that faux confidence will turn into the real deal.

12) Practice, practice, practice

It may seem obvious, but practice truly does make perfect. My first public speaking experience as an engineer was far from ideal. I remember sweating, feeling nervous, and battling uncontrollable butterflies, even though I’d had some public speaking experience before.

The problem was, I’d never given a technical speech to a room full of engineers, who I knew would pepper me with endless technical questions.

However, feeling nervous the first few times is completely natural. The trick is to learn from each speech and continuously improve. The more you practice, the better a speaker you’ll become.

Engineers are often taught to stuff their brains with equations and theories, but public speaking tends to fall through the cracks in most engineering curricula. I’d even go as far as to say it’s one of the significant shortcomings of formal engineering education .

Good public speaking skills are like a cheat code in engineering – they help you stand out from your peers and become highly sought after.

How important do you find public speaking skills for engineers to be? How do you recommend engineers improve their public speaking skills?


Koosha Profile Picture

Author Bio: Koosha started Engineer Calcs in 2019 to help people better understand the engineering and construction industry, and to discuss various science and engineering-related topics to make people think. He has been working in the engineering and tech industry in California for well over 15 years now and is a licensed professional electrical engineer, and also has various entrepreneurial pursuits.

Koosha has an extensive background in the design and specification of electrical systems with areas of expertise including power generation, transmission, distribution, instrumentation and controls, and water distribution and pumping as well as alternative energy (wind, solar, geothermal, and storage).

Koosha is most interested in engineering innovations, the cosmos, sports, fitness, and our history and future.

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speech on engineering life

Life As an Engineering Student. What can a graduate engineer teach you?

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speech on engineering life

Life is not easy as an engineering student. Over the course, the student faces many challenging and complex assignments and exams that prompt students to pull all-nighters, study until they can not open their eyes and be sleep deprived. Although that might be true most of the time, their life is not only limited to study. The experience I had as an engineering student were both challenging and enjoyable. It is certainly an extraordinary experience that teaches you many things and prepares you for life in the real world.

Life as an engineering student consists of learning to solve complex problems and engage in group assignments. The experience shape student thinking and prepare them to be effective individual to join the workforce.

To balance your life as an engineering student, we need to learn common challenges students face.

Table of Contents

Common challenges students face

No time to do everyting.

There is time for study, but you must make sacrifices if you want to fit study, work, and a hobby. What makes engineering time-consuming is the problem-solving aspect. There is a lot of time wasted thinking about a question, doing an assignment and studying for an exam. The nature of the assignments can vary from research to technical questions to practical assignments. Which can certainly reduce the time spent on other activities.

Fatigue, too tired to do anything

Fatigue is extremely common among engineering students, especially before the semester ends and during exams periods. Engineering students will pull at least one all-nighter during their course – I certainly did it twice, and it was unpleasant.

What I would do differently if I had to do it all over again?

Although that I enjoyed going to university and doing my engineering degree, I could not help but realise a few things that I could have done to achieve a more balanced lifestyle while studying and get the best university experience:

Wake up and sleep early

Because I was working and studying, I had little time on my hand and my days was not usually the same. Some days I had to work all day, some I needed to spend the entire day at uni, and some required a bit of everything. It was realy difficult to find balance and commit to a routine that could benefit me. I have never realy committed to waking up very early until I finished my degree. I have never even given it much thought because all my friends were the same – sleep whenever and wake up whenever, which make you sleep deprived.

Waking up early is good because you can get more done in the morning. I have never classified myself as a morning person. But waking up early has made me extremely productive. I get most of my work done in the first 5 hours of the day. I discovered that the brain functions very well in the morning. It is certainly not easy to wake up before 5 every day, but sleeping early has helped, making my body very accustomed to this routine.

Study to learn not the marks

speech on engineering life

Students should focus on the learning aspect rather than getting better marks. Although that was usually my goal, I could not help but get sucked in getting high marks and being extremely fixated on my academic results. You might think that getting good marks indicates exceptional abilities, which is true most of the time. But focusing too much on the marks can drive you to look for answers online or even use old assignments to do better.

Nowadays, you can pay other people to do your assignment for you, which means you can get better results, but that does not mean you learned anything. Therefore, students should focus more on learning and building their skillset; good results follow hard work.

Be more curious and branch out

During your course, you discover your true abilities, interest and superpowers; therefore, it is natural to follow your passion and go in-depth into learning the things you love. University can not teach you everything, and it usually focuses on teaching you the theory and the basics. It is your job to go deeper to increase your knowledge.

To balance your life while studying, it is important to address many issues that students face. The following are frequently asked questions that can help you to achieve a better experience:

How Engineering Students Balance Work And Study? A Guide.

How To Not Get Bored While Studying And Enjoy Your Study

How To Beat Stress, Fear & Anxiety as Engineering Student

How Can I Become a Successful Civil Engineering Student?

How can an engineering student stand out in internships?

Do We Need More Engineers? What Challenges do Engineers Face?

Are Engineers Really Smart? How Do I Know if I am fit to be one?

How Do You Know If Engineering Is Right For You?

Can Engineering Make you Rich? Are CEOs rich?

Can I Be an Engineer If I’m Bad At Math?

Is An Engineering Degree Still Worth It?

speech on engineering life

Joseph Maloyan

Hi, this is Joseph, and I love writing about engineering and technology. Here I share my knowledge and experience on what it means to be an engineer. My goal is to make engineering relatable, understandable and fun!

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Engineering as a Profession

Article in engineer’s week.

1954 Engineering training deals with the exact sciences. That sort of exactness makes for truth and conscience. It might be good for the world if more men had that sort of mental start in life even if they did not pursue the profession. But he who would enter these precincts as a life work must have a test taken of his imaginative faculties, for engineering without imagination sinks to a trade. And those who would enter here must for years abandon their white collars except for Sunday.

The profession means years on the lower rungs of the ladder-shops, works, and powerhouses-white collars are not a part of the engineer uniform. On the other hand, the engineer learns through work with his own hands not only the mind of the worker but the multitude of true gentlemen among them. And men who love a fight with nature, who like to build and see their building grow, men who do not hold themselves above manual labor, men who have the moral courage to do these things soundly, some day will be above to move to town, wear white collars every day, and send out the youngsters to the lower rungs and the frontiers of industry.

It is a great profession. There is the fascination of watching a figment of the imagination emerge through the aid of science to a plan on paper. Then it moves to realization in stone or metal or energy. Then it brings jobs and homes to men. Then it elevates the standards of living and adds to the comforts of life. That is the engineer’s high privilege.

The great liability of the engineer compared to men of other professions is that his works are out in the open where all can see them. His acts, step by step, are in hard substance. He cannot bury his mistakes in the grave like the doctors. He cannot argue them into thin air or blame the judge like the lawyers. He cannot, like the architects, cover his failures with trees and vines. He cannot, like the politicians, screen his shortcomings by blaming his opponents and hope that the people will forget. The engineer simply cannot deny that he did it. If his works do not work, he is damned. That is the phantasmagoria that haunts his nights and dogs his days. He comes from the job at the end of the day resolved to calculate it again. He wakes in the night in a cold sweat and puts something on paper that looks silly in the morning. All day he shivers at the thought of the bugs which will inevitably appear to jolt its smooth consummation.

On the other hand, unlike the doctor, his is not a life among the weak. Unlike the soldier, destruction is not his purpose. Unlike the lawyer, quarrels are not his daily bread. To the engineer falls the job of clothing the bare bones of science with life, comfort, and hope. No doubt as years go by people forget which engineer did it, even if they ever knew. Or some politician puts his name on it. Or they credit it to some promoter who used other people’s money with which to finance it. But the engineer himself looks back at the unending stream of goodness which flows from his successes with satisfactions that few professions may know. And the verdict of his fellow professionals is all the accolade he wants.

The engineer performs many public functions from which he gets only philosophical satisfactions. Most people do not know it, but he is an economic and social force. Every time he discovers a new application of science, thereby creating a new industry, providing new jobs, adding to the standards of living, he also disturbs everything that is. New laws and regulations have to be made and new sorts of wickedness curbed. He is also the person who really corrects monopolies and redistributes national wealth.

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Engineering is considered a complex field. Due to this reason, authorities plan presentations for the progressive learning of students. It is suggested to decide good presentation topics for engineering students. A pre-decided topic can help improve confidence and develop enriched understanding. Moreover, students can pre-practice and keep track of their presentation time and progress.

Presentations are a way to research and learn from a topic. Good topic, content, and delivery are essential to communicate ideas better. In this article, we will discuss paper presentation topics for engineering students . In addition to making a PPT presentation, we'll learn about an AI tool for this purpose.

In this article

  • Keys for a Good Engineering Presentation
  • Best 10 Topics for Engineering Students
  • Presentory for Your Simple and Interesting Engineering Presentation

Part 1: Keys for a Good Engineering Presentation

For an impactful presentation, the right content and graphical displays are required. To prepare a top-notch presentation, one requires a lot of time and expertise. Along with the engineering topic for presentation, other factors contribute to its success. Some of the most prominent key factors for a good presentation are discussed below:

1. Try to Keep it Brief with Data

A common mistake to avoid while preparing a presentation slide is overfilling text. Engineers should keep presentation slides content informative yet brief. People get bored with complex wording and lengthy content. It is suggested to use eye-catching slides that include bullet points.

The addition of bullet points and readable fonts puts the audience at ease. Moreover, you must avoid slang, jargon, and complex terms that can confuse the audience. Another way to achieve the audience's interest is by inserting colorful illustrations in slides.

2. Know Your Audience and the Potential Questions

Before presenting, get to know about your potential audience and their expertise level. It will be helpful in a successful presentation. You can quote relevant examples by knowing the audience's knowledge level and interests. Moreover, it enables you to memorize relevant terminologies and expected questions.

This will enhance your credibility as a presenter and maintain the audience's attention. However, due to interest, your audience will listen to the presentation with attention. Knowing potential questions enables you to create backup slides and enhance confidence.

3. Choose an Interesting Template

Slides are short notes to keep the audience attentive toward the presented topic. A visually appealing slide template is essential to engage them in the presentation. For engineering students, use a template that contains attractive infographics for statistical data. Moreover, use a template that offers complete customization options according to your choices.

In addition, a relative appearance, trending graphics, and layouts make a template unique. Despite the attractive nature of the template, it should be easy to edit to save time.

4. Enhanced Visual Effects

Compelling visual aids grab the audience's attention in seconds. These include transitions and animation in most parts. Engineering students can add icons, symbols, diagrams, and equations. Format your presentation in readable fonts and color palettes. Plus, organize your content according to the topic hierarchy.

Visualize your data through video presentation or 3D animated models. For example, you can make a 3D model of a turbine gas engine for power generation. By visualizing that motor model, you can communicate ideas well.

5. Correct Body Language and Eye Contact

Non-verbal communication is another way to express ideas impactfully. It includes eye contact, hand movements, and facial expressions. Maintaining eye contact while presenting keeps your audience attentive to the concepts.

Keep yourself confident and relaxed through body posture to not forget any information. Lastly, take short pauses while presenting, and take your time while delivering content. Plus, only stare at someone briefly and try to move your face toward the entire audience.

6. Rehearse

Remember that famous quote, "Practice makes a man perfect.” Rehearsal enhances confidence and helps argument effectively. Engineering students are advised to rehearse in front of their friends and teammates. Try to get positive and constructive feedback for positive improvements.

Moreover, while rehearsing, keep track of time and practice managing topics accordingly. Afterward, practice tone of delivery and clear pronoun cation of technical terms . Furthermore, preview slides during rehearsal and clear technical glitches, if any.

Part 2: Best 10 Topics for Engineering Students

Research and presentation play an essential role in engineering students' curriculum. Students have to present in seminars, classrooms, exhibitions, and webinars. Selecting PPT topics for engineering students is a time-consuming concern. After in-depth research, we have summarized the top 10 topics for engineering students. Read below to explore paper presentation topics for engineering students:

1. Medical Uses of Nanotechnology 

Nanotechnology can revolutionize treatment, diagnosis, and imaging in the medical field. Nano-particles are engineered to inject drugs directly into the targeted human body. It can rectify risks and side effects. Moreover, nanotechnology enables drug screening, cancer treatment, and many more.

nanotechnology engineering presentation

2. Turning Plastic Bags into High-Tech Materials

Environmental problems are dominating every region and becoming hazardous to all life forms. These issues can be addressed through mechanical engineering. The process involves meltdown, extrude, and transformation of plastic into other useful materials.

With chemical engineering, engineers can transform plastic bag particles into molecules. Moreover, you can utilize nanotechnology, polymerization, and molecular structure.

3. Money Pad Future Wallet

An advanced version of the digital wallet is the money pad future wallet. You can discuss biometric data security, hardware designs, contactless sharing, and recipient tracking. Future trends or advancements with machine learning and AI can be explored.

4. 6G Wireless Technology

In regards to cellular networks, 6G wireless technology can be discovered. This technology is yet under development. Engineers are trying to transfer data through waves in GHz and THz. With the support of AI, 6G can improve virtual communication and works up to the speed of 1 Terabit/second.

6g wireless technology

5. Night Vision Technology

Glasses of night vision technology use thermal imaging that captures infrared light. It enables you to see in dark areas. You can discuss the basic functions, engineering contributions, and night vision devices. Furthermore, future developments and ethical considerations can also be highlighted.

6. Air Pollution Monitor

Certain underdeveloped areas of the globe are facing serious health concerns. Poor air quality index is causing those issues. An air pollution monitor can detect chemical particles and gases. Developing a low-cost air pollution detector can contribute to sustainability.

air pollution monitor

7. ATM With an Eye

With facial recognition technology, ATMs can match customer's faces with available records. It enhances banks' security systems and minimizes risk caused by stolen ATM PINs. In your presentation, you can discuss future implications and development of this software.

8. Bluetooth-Based Smart Sensor Networks

Discuss how smart sensors input small devices to communicate in your presentation. Moreover, you can highlight its components and implications. Plus, advantages can be discussed that include agriculture and health fields.

9. Energy-Efficient Turbo Systems

Introduce energy-efficient turbo with machines and engines. You can focus on energy costs and resource utilization. In addition, its efficacy in vehicles and energy consumption can be discussed. Afterward, put real-life examples and challenges to turbo systems.

energy efficient turbo system

10.  Laser Communication Systems

Laser beams are used to transmit data and replace traditional methods. Define laser communication systems and explain how they operate. You can introduce its applications, like underwater and military communication. Conclude your presentation with the latest trends and challenges. 

Part 3: Presentory for Your Simple and Interesting Engineering Presentation

Along with the exciting topic, PowerPoint slides matter equally. To grab the audience's attention with impactful presentations, AI tools have proven effective. Wondershare Presentory is a solution for many engineering students. This tool can make PowerPoint presentations, record videos, and stream them online. It has built-in AI and editing features, including visual aids and stunning templates.

This AI operates on cloud tech that allows users the freedom to collaborate online. Apart from this, you can add, remove, or replace video backgrounds. Among those include a dressing room, conference room and cityscapes. Also, you can add stickers and text effects from resources.

presentory ai presentation maker

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Key Features

  • Import From Multiple Sources: It lets you import any type of media, like images, PPTs, videos, or more. You can edit the already available simple PowerPoint presentation by importing it.
  • Various Types of Font Resources: Along with other graphical features, it offers font styles. The users can have access to multi-lingual fonts. You can change the transparency or opacity of fonts as required.
  • Beautification Effects: This tool can record or stream videos on popular platforms. It can change filters, add AR effects, and beautify your face. In presentation videos, your face will be clear and automatically enhanced.
  • Background Remover: You don't have to rush about a messy background. It can change the background and focus on a portrait image of you. With its AI built-in, your background gets automatically subtracted. Afterward, you can pick any color of your choice as a background.
  • Stream or Broadcast: This AI tool also allows you to record and present a video. You can stream online at Google Meets, Zoom, and many more. This makes conferences and live broadcasts easy for engineering students.
  • DIY Teleprompter: Surprisingly, you can change the window size of your presentation screen. With this AI tool's teleprompter, you can write a script on screen as notes. Plus, you can adjust those notes' size, font, and color. You can scroll or play teleprompter notes without getting caught by camera.
  • Noise Reduction: This AI tool can automatically reduce the background voices from videos. Whether you are recording or broadcasting online, it can assist in both. Its AI-supported technology detects, diminishes, and enhances original voice in high quality.
  • Transition and Animation Effects: Lastly, it can add transition effects to your PowerPoint presentation. It contains a variety of transition resources that make slides attractive. Furthermore, you can add animation effects and set action to available elements.

As we have seen, selecting presentation topics for engineering students is essential. During the presentation, graphical communication of content is as important as physical or verbal. There are many AI tools for such purposes, but the one we suggest is Wondershare Presentory. With its AI integration, users can create presentations on complex topics like engineering. Moreover, this tool always has room for manual editing or customization.

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Ellen Roche holds a heart model in her lab filled with equipment.

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Before she had even earned her bachelor’s degree, MIT professor and biomedical engineer Ellen Roche was gaining research experience in the medical device industry. In her third year at the National University of Ireland at Galway, Roche participated in a biomedical engineering program in which students worked at companies developing new devices for patient care.

“I worked on cardiovascular implants during my placement and loved it,” says Roche, an associate professor at MIT’s Institute for Medical Engineering and Science (IMES) and Department of Mechanical Engineering. “For me, early experience in the medical device industry was very influential because it showed me the elaborate process of what happens from the time a technology is designed at the bench, as it is developed into a meticulously tested and reliable device that will actually be implanted in a human.”

In graduate school, a similar program led Roche first to Mednova Ltd. in Galway and then to its sister company, Abbott Vascular in California, initially for a six-month stay. Roche enjoyed the work so much that she ended up staying three and a half years. While at Mednova and Abbott, she worked on a carotid artery filter designed to prevent stroke during the procedure when a stent is implanted. She also investigated coating parts of the stents with drugs that prevent arteries from becoming occluded.

Roche, who earned tenure at MIT in July 2023, directs the Therapeutic Technology Design and Development Lab, which incorporates soft robotics, advanced fabrication methods, and computational analysis tools to develop novel devices that help to heal the heart, lungs, and other tissues. Some of the devices her team designs are intended for implantation into patients, such as a soft robotic ventilator, while others, such as a 3D-printed replica of a patient’s heart, enable research and testing of other therapies.

She encourages her students to find ways to collaborate and be flexible — and to get some kind of industry experience while still in school. She says she tells them, “Be open to accepting good opportunities as they arise, work with like-minded people, and work hard at what you are doing, but readapt when you need to."

“There’s so much that’s very hard to even imagine until you spend some time in industry, including regulatory submissions, quality control, clinical studies, manufacturing considerations, sterilization, reliability, packaging, labeling, distribution, and sales. It really is a concerted effort of many teams with many skills to get a device to first-in-human studies,” Roche says. “Having said that, it’s one of the most rewarding.”

Born in Galway, the daughter of a civil engineer father and a mother who was a radiographer, Roche always loved math, science, and building things, and was drawn to medicine as well. She says she chose biomedical engineering because of its interdisciplinary nature and its potential for impacting society.

Roche says her mother had a “huge influence” on her career choices.

“She brought me to the hospital to meet with people using various medical devices, and introduced me to one of my mentors in industry,” she says. “She had taught herself, as the local girls’ school she attended did not teach advanced (or honors) math.”

After working at Abbott, Roche says she found she wanted to expand her studies and learn new technologies that could be applied to medical devices. She returned to school, enrolling in a bioengineering master’s program at Trinity College in Dublin. While earning her degree, she also worked at Medtronic, where she helped develop a replacement valve for the aorta that was brought all the way from conception to clinical application in humans, a process she says she was fortunate to experience firsthand.

She also studied medicine at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland before being awarded at Fulbright Scholarship to pursue her PhD.

“Receiving the Fulbright Science and Technology award solidified my plans to pursue graduate study in the U.S.,” she says. She chose as PhD advisors David Mooney, a professor of bioengineering, and Conor Walsh, a professor of engineering and applied sciences, at Harvard University. “They were (and still are) amazingly supportive of my personal and professional development,” she says.

Roche has worked on a number of medical devices, including the soft, implantable ventilator; a mechanism that prevents the buildup of scar tissue; and the robotic heart, created by using 3D printing. For the robotic heart, Roche and her team start with an MRI scan of a patient’s heart and, using a soft material, print a replica of the heart, matching the anatomy, including any defects. With such a realistic model, the researchers can then apply different treatments, such as prosthetic valves or other implantable devices, in order to test them and learn more about the biomechanics that are involved.

“We can look at various devices and tune the heart, depending on what we’re trying to test,” Roche  said in the “Curiosity Unbounded” podcast with MIT President Sally Kornbluth.

The 3D-printed heart, and other medical simulators Roche has worked on, greatly facilitate and improve the testing of patient interventions — and may one day also be used as implantable devices in humans.

“You can envision the people who are at end-stage heart failure, who are waiting for a transplant and on these long lists, could actually have a printed, entirely synthetic, beating heart,” Roche told Kornbluth.

Roche’s work has garnered many awards, including a National Science Foundation CAREER award in 2019, and boosts to her entrepreneurship. Her medical device startup, Spheric Bio, which is developing a minimally invasive heart implant aimed at preventing strokes, won the Faculty Founders Initiative Grand Prize in 2022 and the Lab Central Ignite Golden Ticket, which supports startup founders from traditionally underrepresented groups in biotechnology.

Meanwhile, in a dual faculty appointment in mechanical and medical engineering, Roche won the Thomas McMahon Mentoring Award in 2020, which each year goes to a person who “through the warmth of their personality, inspires and nurtures [Harvard-MIT Program in Health Sciences and Technology] students in their scientific and personal growth.” She also received the Harold E. Edgerton Faculty Achievement Award in 2023, in recognition of exceptional teaching, research, and service.

The current research advances that excite Roche most, she says, include treatments and devices that can be customized to be patient-specific, such as in silico trials and digital twins where computational approaches can facilitate the investigation various interventions and prediction of their outcomes.

Roche’s expanding research on physical biorobotic simulators and computational models has attracted interest from industry and clinical teams. She was recently approached by a local hospital to build models for training heart surgeons on how to select which pump or ventricular assist device to use depending on a patient’s particular case. The models allow the surgeons to explore the efficacy of the assist devices at work.

Roche has three young daughters, whom she often brings to work, where “they love the environment, the students, and the lab,” she says.

Somehow, she also finds time to do triathlons, travel, and sample some of the local brews of New England. She’s currently planning to participate in a triathlon with her two PhD co-advisors, Mooney and Walsh. Luckily, she says she does her best thinking while running, biking, or swimming — or late at night.

Active and successful in so many realms, Roche provides seemingly simple advice to her students who want to have an impact on the world: “Find a way to combine what you love, what you are good at, and what will help others.”

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  • Ellen Roche
  • Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Institute for Medical Engineering and Science
  • Harvard-MIT Program in Health Sciences and Technology

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  • Institute for Medical Engineering and Science (IMES)
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A Great Graduation Speech For Engineers And Entrepreneurs

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My friend Krista Marks (now at Disney – which acquired her first company – Kerpoof) sent me a copy of the graduation speech she gave at the University of South Carolina College of Engineering and Computing on May 8th. Krista graduated 21 years ago and her speech embodies the amazing wisdom she’d gained over the years. I asked her if I could reprint it here – it’s applicable to any engineer or future entrepreneur, not just recent college graduates. Enjoy and be inspired! *

Twenty-one years ago I sat exactly where you sit today. In 1989, I graduated with degree in Electrical Engineering from the USC. Since then, I am proud to share that I have accomplished some extraordinary things. I have helped develop a highly effective treatment for cancer – designing custom electronics for true 3D radiotherapy. I have helped further our understanding of the physical universe by developing state of art data acquisition systems for high-energy physics experiments. Most recently, I was the CEO and co-founder of an Internet Startup – called Kerpoof – an unrivalled platform for creative software for kids – a company that was bought after 2.5 years by The Walt Disney Company.

But here is the truth. If you had told me 21 years ago that – that this would be so – that I would have such a career and such and impact – I would not have believed you. At 22, I felt uncertain about what was next – what it would actually mean to work as an engineer.

Today I’m going to share with you three things that I wish someone had shared with me then – three things that I have learned to be true.

The first is to learn from your success.

There is a belief that failure is somehow good – somehow beneficial. You hear people say, failure builds character, or fail early fail often. This is not only wrong – it is dangerous. What you learn from failure is limited at best – you learn what didn’t work. It tells nothing of what will. In contrast, what you learn from success is how to succeed. This is infinitely more valuable.

A perfect example is the success you celebrate today. How many people do you know who started with you, but aren’t sitting next to you today? How often did you have a friend or roommate who would moan and whine at the one or two times during the semester that they actually had to work hard, long hours – knowing that as an Engineer this was your daily reality? This is significant.

In fact, you now know one thing for certain. You know that with talent and determination and hard work, you can accomplish what few others can. You succeeded. In the future, taking on truly hard things – things that seem impossible – you will not be in uncharted waters. On the contrary, you will build more success.

That’s key. Success breeds success. It is not a question of whether you will achieve more success. The question is what it will look like.

The second that I know to be true is build value.

There are many many ways to create value using an Engineering degree.

Let me just tell you a story about my Grandfather and how engineering helped to fix his knees. You would be forgiven if didn’t immediately make the connection, since what actually fixed his knees was an injection.

My Grandfather has always had a hunger to learn, a passion and zest for life. He is spry, vibrant, and alive, and makes others feel the same. At 88, he received what was for him was terrible news. His knees were failing, and he would probably in a short time be limping at best or needing a wheel chair at worse. When he exclaimed that this couldn’t be, his doctor was pretty unmoved. “He was 88, for goodness sake.” “What did he expect?” My Grandfather was frustrated and sad. He went home and started searching on the Internet. Maybe someone else knew something his doctor didn’t. And in probing around, he found a clinical trial that was showing promising results. It involved shooting an experimental drug in his knees, over a period of time. He immediately ran to his doctor and together they figured out how to get him in the trial. Today he is 93 and still walking.

I first thought about this connection when my Mother out of the blue said to me, “don’t you ever wish you made a difference in the world?” At the time, I was leading a team designing 10G interfaces for routers and switches – a technology that is enables what we today view as high-speed Internet. I thought about how only a short time ago, prior to the Internet, my Grandfather simply wouldn’t have had access to this information. That it was my work that at least partly what made his story possible – what made his life better.

That, in fact, more broadly it was entirely because of engineers – that in our life time we have seen the democratization of information – a revolution only rivaled in impact by the printing press.

I suddenly realized that I didn’t only make a difference; I was part of a profession that by its very nature makes a differences. A profession that at its core is about building value – from iPads, to Electric cars, Google, MRI machines – this list just goes on and on.

So my advice here is simple – keep being an engineer – keep building value. In doing so you will not only make a difference, but you will have the kind of satisfaction that can only come from doing truly valuable work. And you will find that this kind of satisfaction will far outweigh any of the other benefits that may come from your career.

The third thing I know to be true is to follow your heart.

Often this means doing what is hard. Choosing a path not because it is easy, but despite that the fact that it is very difficult.

I know this well. Since I was 22, I have dreamed of being an entrepreneur – of creating and leading my own company. This is what my father did, and probably to a degree some of my dream is linked to my admiration for him and what he has accomplished.

Regardless, for years it was no more than a dream. I was simply not brave enough to pursue it. I had good jobs that just kept getting better. I was building great value, being rewarded with promotions, and high pay. Why would I leave? Why would I risk failure, when I already had what most people viewed as success?

Well, when I was 37, three things happened.  First, I read Guy Kawasaki’s, “Art of the Start” – an inspiring guide to becoming an entrepreneur. The thing that hit me the hardest was that he said the ideal time – the peak time – to be an entrepreneur was between age 28 and 38. I was about to turn 38. I was about to miss the optimal window.

Second, I met Jerry Fiddler on a ski trip with mutual friends. Jerry is an engineer and an uber entrepreneur – an entrepreneur who, among other things, grew a software start-up in his garage to a multi- billion business. But it wasn’t just meeting Jerry. It was that after getting to know me, he said, not just that I would be a great entrepreneur, but that I would be a great entrepreneur and CEO. And it seemed liked he believed it.

Third – and most significantly – I knew three extraordinary engineers who wanted to create a company too. And together we founded Kerpoof. We wanted to succeed, but we didn’t just want to succeed. We first wanted to build value – we believed if we did that the rest would come. We had a vision to transform the computer for kids – to ensure that it wasn’t just a dumb box and extension of the TV – but a powerful platform for creative expression and design.

I have never worked as hard as I did for Kerpoof. And I’ve never been happier.

Follow your heart. And like all great loves, you’ll know when you find it.

And don’t worry if you don’t find it right away. Because here’s another myth – the myth that life is short. Or maybe it is true for some people, but not for you. I don’t even have to know you, just the fact that you sit before me today, tells me with 100% certainty that you will do many things.

And if you are lucky, your life will sometimes be messy, confusing, and downright terrifying. It might lead you down surprising paths – paths that cause others to think you’re crazy. But I promise you this, if you keep learning from your success – if you always seek to build value – and if follow your heart, your life will not only be long, it will be rich, satisfying, and deeply rewarding.

* Krista asked me to include two additional acknowledgements. The first is that when she wrote the speech, she was reading “Rework”, and loved the idea that it is infinitely more powerful to succeed than fail. Second, she watched Steve Jobs give a commencement at Standford, and he said “f ollow your heart, and like all great loves you’ll know when you find it” which she thought was awesome.

Kamala Harris Nailed the Greatest Speech of Her Life

The effectiveness of her DNC speech lay not in its broad strokes but in its details and delivery—in the moments that best connected Harris, her convictions, and her audience.

David Rothkopf

David Rothkopf

Kamala Harris.

Photo Illustration by Elizabeth Brockway/The Daily Beast/Reuters

They saved the best for last.

In a week of speechmaking like none of us have seen in our lifetimes, with one barn-burning or heart-tugging or inspiring address after another electrifying the crowd at the Democratic National Convention, the biggest question confronting Kamala Harris before she took the stage for the final keynote of the event was “How can she top all that?”

How do you top the fire of AOC? How do you top the resonance of Hillary Clinton ? The eloquence of Pete Buttigieg ? The loved-filled words of Doug Emhoff ? The gut wrenching testimony of the women who had suffered due to Donald Trump ’s assault on their fundamental rights and bodily autonomy? The compelling remarks of one Republican leader after another, from Olivia Troye to Adam Kinzinger, who said that this year they would be voting for Kamala not as Democrats but as patriots, to protect our democracy?

The trip to church on which Reverend Raphael Warnock and then Democratic Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries took the crowd? Oprah’s searing surprise address? The big names like Bill Clinton or Nancy Pelosi? The high wattage rising stars like Wes Moore and Gretchen Whitmer? The valedictory of Joe Biden? The completely expected but nonetheless surpassing mastery of Michelle and Barack Obama? The star-is-born-yet-again vibe of Tim Walz’s remarks elevated by the pictures of his loving family? The heartbreaking personal stories of gun violence victims?

Pick the analogy that suits your era. This week in Chicago was the Woodstock or the Live Aid or the Lollapalooza or the Coachella or Burning Man of political oratory, but fortunately for all in attendance it was better stage-managed and a lot more comfortable for the attendees than all of those.

Michelle Obama described it as “magic.” Everyone spoke of the joy that lifted everyone’s remarks even more effectively and consistently and higher than even the expertly crafted playlist that accompanied the ceremonial roll call vote on Tuesday night.

All of it rose to a crescendo that itself was capping off the most remarkable month of spontaneous nationwide momentum-building in U.S. political history. Which meant that for the Vice President of the United States the pressure was on. Could she be worthy of the week of praise? Could she live up to the expectations of the crowd or the audiences watching at home?

More importantly could she serve as the bridge between her inaugural tour of the country and the festivities of the DNC and the cold hard business of the homestretch of the campaign, a campaign that will result in an election day choice between her and a man who has already pledged to gut our democracy and as Harris has so often said continue his work of his stripping away our most basic freedoms?

Kamala Harris delivers her acceptance speech during the final night of the 2024 Democratic National Convention in Chicago on Thursday, August 22, 2024.

Kamala Harris delivers her acceptance speech during the final night of the 2024 Democratic National Convention in Chicago on Thursday, August 22, 2024.

Bill Clark/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images

Harris had to top it and then she had to make the ultimate call to action. She had to somehow translate good feelings and record fund-raising and surging momentum into results, beginning with the early voting that will start in just three weeks or so, into the blocking and tackling of turning out the vote, combatting GOP efforts to suppress that turn out, and, you know, saving the country and the world from another four years of Trump.

What is remarkable and deeply consequential is that she did just that. Even if she did not reach the highest highs of the Obamas’ remarks or the emotional depths plumbed by a simple cutaway from Tim Walz to his son Gus, she delivered not only the speech of her life on Thursday night, she delivered one that in substance, tone, and historical significance surpassed all those that came before her during this week that would have had Daniel Webster sitting up and taking notes.

Harris’ speech turned out to be structured much as the New York Times had predicted. They wrote on Thursday that it would include three core goals. First, defining who she is. Second, framing the election as a contest between the past and the future. And finally, importantly, reclaiming the banner of “patriotism” for Democrats. But as for the speech itself, as is the case in all good oratory, from the moment she walked on stage at just after 10:30 p.m. on Thursday night, it was clear that its effectiveness really lay not in its broad strokes but in its details and delivery, in the moments that best connected Harris, her convictions, and her audience.

It was a virtuoso performance that unfolded as what you might have expected from the kind of big star performer who was rumored to join the stage Thursday night but in the end, did not appear. It began in close up, intimately, with warmth and humanity. Then it steadily built, each section topping the one before it. From the personal recollections of her own origin story she built to not just telling about her time as a prosecutor and attorney general but revealing the steely resolve that distinguished her in those careers.

From there, in describing the threat posed by her opponent and by bad actors around the world and her commitment to America’s strength, she grew stronger and stronger, almost transforming herself in the course of 40-plus minutes from the girl who grew up in Oakland to the woman who should be, who must be, America’s next commander in chief.

She was a very different kind of communicator than the others who starred as her warm-up acts during this convention. Her style was confident, grounded in values, built on empathy. It was not the Horatio Alger blue-collar tale of Biden nor was it the rousing, nearly-poetic rhetoric of Obama. It was much more human-scale. But it also left no doubt that she was ready to assume the role of being the most powerful person in the world. (That said, one striking fact about the speech is that at no point did she turn to the “glass ceiling” framing of Hillary Clinton.

Kamala Harris, right, and her husband Doug Emhoff.

Kamala Harris, right, and her husband Doug Emhoff.

Brendan McDermid/Reuters

She who has been a first in every job to which she has been elected—the first woman, the first woman of color, the first Asian woman—never mentioned the historical precedents she would be setting. She knew that we knew. It was a sign of the kind of confidence that suffused the speech.

Her rhetoric captured both the best of being a storyteller telling a tale about people and the role of being a leader calling a nation to rise up and act at a moment of great historical importance.

Her parents’ words to her were a refrain at the outset: “Run Kamala, run. Don’t be afraid. Don’t let anything stop you.” “Never complain about injustice. Do something about it.” “Never do anything half-assed.”

Then she laid out principles, the laws that personally guided this committed prosecutor. “A harm against any one of us is a harm against all of us.” Her commitment to “hold sacred America’s fundamental principles… from the rule of law… to the peaceful transfer of power.” “The future is always worth fighting for.”

She set the historical stakes: “This election… is one of the most important in the life of our nation.” She described Trump’s crimes like a prosecutor laying out an indictment, detailing in many of them his “explicit intent” to do harm. Her description of Trump’s intentions to strip women of more of their fundamental rights, to appoint a board to monitor state by state miscarriages and abortions, was concluded with an emphatic and unforgettable: “Simply put, they are out of their minds.”

Listening, one could not help be struck by the very real possibility that after dodging prosecutors for many of his crimes for much of his life or playing the game of running out the clock against Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice, Trump had finally met the prosecutor who would bring him down, who would signal that now his time was up.

She skillfully made the case that Trump was wholly unfit to serve as president, to be our commander-in-chief. And then she made it crystal-clear that she was ready for both roles by describing the role she had played on the most important domestic and foreign policy issues of our time. Indeed, so forceful, specific and compelling was the case she made on national security issues—building on presentations earlier in the night by former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, Sen. Mark Kelly, and Rep. Adam Kinzinger—that perhaps national security and foreign policy were the surprise guests for the evening.

And then, as all greatstory tellers do, she brought us back home, back to the beginning of the story, back to her mother and the values with which she was imbued as a child:

Our opponents in this race are out there, every day, denigrating America. Talking about how terrible everything is. Well, my mother had another lesson she used to teach. Never let anyone tell you who you are. You show them who you are.

America, let us show each other—and the world—who we are. And what we stand for. Freedom. Opportunity. Compassion. Dignity. Fairness. And endless possibilities.

We are the heirs to the greatest democracy in the history of the world. And on behalf of our children and grandchildren, and all those who sacrificed so dearly for our freedom and liberty, we must be worthy of this moment. It is now our turn to do what generations before us have done. Guided by optimism and faith, to fight for this country we love.

To fight for the ideals we cherish.

And to uphold the awesome responsibility that comes with the greatest privilege on Earth. The privilege and pride of being an American.

So, let’s get out there and let’s fight for it.

Let’s get out there and let’s vote for it.

And together, let us write the next great chapter in the most extraordinary story ever told.

She took us from the intimate to the soaring, from facts we needed to the call to action the moment demanded. And in so doing, she provided the best and only possible ending for an extraordinary convention, its greatest speech, and more than that the impetus to begin the hard but essential work of actually winning the election.

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NBC Chicago

Read and watch Kamala Harris' full speech at the Democratic National Convention

Harris' speech was one of the shortest convention acceptance speeches ever, clocking in at a little over 37 minutes., by staff • published august 22, 2024 • updated on august 22, 2024 at 11:08 pm.

Editor's note: The text of the speech below is as prepared. Her actual delivery may have varied.

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Good evening.

To my husband, Doug, thank you for being an incredible partner to me and father to Cole and Ella.

And happy anniversary. I love you so very much.

To Joe Biden — Mr. President. I am forever grateful for your lifetime of leadership and your trust in me.

And to Coach Tim Walz, you are going to be an incredible Vice President.

Decision 2024

speech on engineering life

Vance dodges on whether Trump's immigration policy would lead to family separation

speech on engineering life

Kamala Harris says these 4 lessons from her mom helped her succeed — parenting experts agree: ‘Never complain'

And to the delegates and everyone who has put your faith in our campaign — your support is humbling.

America, the path that led me here in recent weeks, was no doubt… unexpected.

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But I’m no stranger to unlikely journeys. My mother Shyamala Harris had one of her own.

I miss her every day. Especially now. And I know she’s looking down tonight.

And smiling. My mother was 19 when she crossed the world alone. Traveling from India to California. With an unshakeable dream to be the scientist who would cure breast cancer.

When she finished school, she was supposed to return home to a traditional arranged marriage. But, as fate would have it, she met my father, Donald Harris.

A student from Jamaica. They fell in love and got married. And that act of self-determination made my sister Maya and me.

Growing up, we moved a lot. I will always remember that big Mayflower truck packed with all our belongings.

Ready to go.

To Illinois.

To Wisconsin.

And wherever our parents’ jobs took us.

My early memories of my parents together are joyful ones. A home filled with laughter and music. Aretha. Coltrane. And Miles.

At the park, my mother would tell us to stay close. But my father would just smile, and say, "Run, Kamala. Run. Don’t be afraid. Don’t let anything stop you.”

From my earliest years, he taught me to be fearless. But the harmony between my parents did not last. When I was in elementary school, they split up. And it was mostly my mother who raised us.

Before she could finally afford to buy a home, she rented a small apartment in the East Bay. In the Bay, you either live in the hills or the flatlands. We, lived in the flats. A beautiful working-class neighborhood of firefighters, nurses and construction workers. All, who tended their lawns with pride. 

My mother worked long hours. And, like many working parents, she leaned on a trusted circle to help raise us.

Mrs. Shelton, who ran the daycare below us and became a second mother. Uncle Sherman. Aunt Mary. Uncle Freddy. And Auntie Chris. 

None of them, family by blood. And all of them, family by love.

Family who taught us how to make gumbo. How to play chess. And sometimes even let us win.

Family who loved us. Believed in us. And told us we could be anything.

Do anything. They instilled in us the values they personified. Community. Faith. And the importance of treating others as you would want to be treated.

With kindness. Respect. And compassion.

My mother was a brilliant, five-foot-tall, brown woman with an accent. And, as the eldest child, I saw how the world would sometimes treat her. 

But she never lost her cool.

She was tough.


A trailblazer in the fight for women’s health. 

And she taught Maya and me a lesson that Michelle mentioned the other night — she taught us to never complain about injustice.  But…do something about it.

She also taught us — never do anything half-assed. That’s, a direct quote.

I grew up immersed in the ideals of the Civil Rights Movement. My parents had met at a civil rights gathering. And they made sure we learned about civil rights leaders, including lawyers like Thurgood Marshall and Constance Baker Motley.

Those who battled in the courtroom to make real the Promise of America. 

So, at a young age, I decided I wanted to do that work. I wanted to be a lawyer. And when it came time to choose – he type, of law I would pursue – I reflected on a pivotal moment in my life.

When I was in high school, I started to notice something about my best friend Wanda.

She was sad at school.

And there were times she didn’t want to go home.

So, one day, I asked if everything was alright and she confided in me that she was being sexually abused by her step-father.

And I immediately told her she had to come stay with us.

And she did. 

That is one of the reasons I became a prosecutor.

To protect people like Wanda.

Because I believe everyone has a right to safety. To dignity. And to justice.

As a prosecutor, when I had a case, I charged it not in the name of the victim. But in the name of “The People.”

For a simple reason.

In our system of justice, a harm against any one of us is a harm against all of us. I would often explain this, to console survivors of crime. To remind them no one should be made to fight alone. We are all in this together. 

Every day in the courtroom, I stood proudly before a judge and said five words: “Kamala Harris, for the People.”

And to be clear, my entire career, I have only had one client. The People. And so, on behalf of The People, on behalf of every American. Regardless of party, race or gender. Or the language your grandmother speaks. 

On behalf of my mother and everyone who has ever set out on their own unlikely journey. On behalf of Americans like the people I grew up with. People who work hard. Chase their dreams and look out for one another.

On behalf of everyone whose story could only be written in the greatest nation on Earth. I accept your nomination for President of the United States of America.

With this election, our nation has a precious,  fleeting opportunity to move past the bitterness, cynicism and divisive battles of the past.

A chance to chart a New Way Forward.

Not as members of any one party or faction But as Americans.

I know there are people of various political view watching tonight. And I want you to know: I promise to be a President for all Americans.

You can always trust me to put country above party and self.

To hold sacred America’s fundamental principles. From the rule of law. To free and fair elections. To the peaceful transfer of power.  I will be a President who unites us around our highest aspirations.

A President who leads and listens. Who is realistic. Practical. And has common sense and always fights for the American people.

From the courthouse to the White House, that has been my life’s work.

As a young courtroom prosecutor in Oakland, I stood up for women and children against predators who abused them.  As Attorney General of California, I took on the Big Banks. Delivered $20 billion for middle-class families who faced foreclosure. And helped pass a homeowner Bill of Rights — one of the first of its kind. 

I stood up for veterans and students being scammed by big for-profit colleges. For workers who were being cheated out of the wages they were due. For seniors facing elder abuse. I fought against cartels who traffic in guns, drugs, and human beings. Who threaten the security of our border and the safety of our communities.

Those fights were not easy. And neither were the elections that put me in those offices.

We were underestimated at every turn. But we never gave up. Because the future is always worth fighting for. And that’s the fight we are in right now.  A fight for America’s future.

Fellow Americans, this election is not only the most important of our lives. It is one of the most important in the life of our nation. In many ways, Donald Trump is an unserious man. But the consequences of putting Donald Trump back in the White House are extremely serious.

Consider not only the chaos and calamity when he was in office, but also the gravity of what has happened, since he lost the last election. Donald Trump tried to throw away your votes.                                                                    

When he failed, he sent an armed mob into the U.S. Capitol, where they assaulted law enforcement officers.

When politicians in his own party begged him to call off the mob and send help, he did the opposite. He fanned the flames.

And now, for an entirely different set of crimes, he was found guilty of fraud by a jury of everyday Americans. And separately, found liable for committing sexual abuse.

And consider what he intends to do if we give him power again. Consider his explicit intent to set free the violent extremists who assaulted those law enforcement officers at the Capitol.

His explicit intent to jail journalists. Political opponents. Anyone he sees as the enemy. 

His explicit intent to deploy our active-duty military against our own citizens.

Consider the power he will have — especially after the United States Supreme Court just ruled he would be immune from criminal prosecution. 

Just imagine Donald Trump with no guardrails.

How he would use the immense powers of the presidency of the United States. Not to improve your life. Not to strengthen our national security. But to serve the only client he has ever had: Himself. 

And we know what a second Trump term would look like. It’s all laid out in “Project 2025.” Written by his closest advisors. And its sum total is to pull our country back into the past.

But America, we are not going back.

We are not going back to when Donald Trump tried to cut Social Security and Medicare.

We are not going back to when he tried to get rid of the Affordable Care Act. When insurance companies could deny people with pre-existing conditions.

We are not going to let him eliminate the Department of Education that funds our public schools.

We are not going to let him end programs like Head Start, that provide preschool and child care.

America, we are not going back.

We are charting a new way forward. 

Forward — to a future with a strong and growing middle class.

Because we know a strong middle class has alway been critical to America’s success. And building that middle class will be a defining goal of my presidency.

This is personal for me.

The middle class is where I come from. My mother kept a strict budget. We lived within our means. Yet, we wanted for little.

And she expected us to make the most of the opportunities that were available to us. And to be grateful for them. Because opportunity is not available to everyone.

That’s why we will create what I call an Opportunity economy. An Opportunity economy where everyone has a chance to compete and a chance to succeed.

Whether you live in a rural area, small town, or big city. As President, I will bring together: Labor and workers, small business owners and entrepreneurs and American companies to create jobs. Grow our economy. And lower the cost of everyday needs. Like health care, housing and groceries.

We will provide access to capital for small business owners, entrepreneurs and founders. We will end America’s housing shortage and protect Social Security and Medicare.

Compare that to Donald Trump.

He doesn’t actually fight for the middle class. Instead, he fights for himself and his billionaire friends. He will give them another round of tax breaks that will add $5 trillion to the national debt.

All while, he intends to enact what, in effect, is a national sales tax — call it, a Trump tax — that would raise prices on middle-class families by almost $4,000 a year. 

Well, instead of a Trump tax hike, we will pass a middle class tax cut that will benefit more than 100 million Americans.

Friends, I believe America cannot truly be prosperous unless Americans are fully able to make their own decisions about their own lives. Especially on matters of heart and home.

But tonight, too many women iin America are not able to make those decisions.

Let’s be clear about how we got here: Donald Trump hand-picked members of the United States Supreme Court to take away reproductive freedom.

And now he brags about it.

His words: Quote – “I did it, and I’m proud to have done it.” End quote.

Over the past two years, I have traveled across our country. And women have told me their stories. Husbands and fathers have shared theirs. Stories of women miscarrying in a parking lot, getting sepsis, losing the ability to ever have children again, all because doctors are afraid of going to jail for caring for their patients.

Couples just trying to grow their family, cut off in the middle of IVF treatments.

Children who have survived sexual assault, potentially forced to carry the pregnancy to term.

This is what is happening in our country.

Because of Donald Trump.

And understand he is not done.

As a part of his agenda, he and his allies would limit access to birth control, ban medication abortion and enact a nation-wide abortion ban with or without Congress.

And, get this, he plans to create a National anti-abortion coordinator, and force states to report on women’s miscarriages and abortions.

Simply put: They are out of their minds.

And one must ask: Why exactly is it that they don’t trust women?

Well. We trust women.

And when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive freedom, as President of the United States, I will proudly sign it into law.

In this election, many other fundamental freedoms are at stake.

The freedom to live safe from gun violence — in our schools, communities and places of worship.

The freedom to love who you love openly and with pride.

The freedom to breathe clean air, drink clean water and live free from the pollution that fuels the climate crisis.

And the freedom that unlocks all the others: The freedom to vote.

With this election, we finally have the opportunity to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and the Freedom to Vote Act.

And let me be clear. After decades in law enforcement, I know the importance of safety and security, especially at our border.

Last year, Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades.

The Border Patrol endorsed it.

But Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign. So he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal.

Well, I refuse to play politics with our security. Here is my pledge to you: As President, I will bring back the bipartisan border security bill that he killed. And I will sign it into law.

I know we can live up to our proud heritage as a nation of immigrants — and reform our broken immigration system.

We can create an earned pathway to citizenship — and secure our border.

America, we must also be steadfast in advancing our security and our values abroad. 

As Vice President, I have confronted threats to our security, negotiated with foreign leaders, strengthened our alliances and engaged with our brave troops overseas. 

As Commander-in-Chief, I will ensure America always has the strongest, most lethal fighting force in the world.

I will fulfill our sacred obligation to care for our troops and their families. And I will always honor, and never disparage, their service and their sacrifice.

I will make sure that we lead the world into the future  on space and Artificial Intelligence. That America — not China — wins the competition for the 21st century. And that we strengthen — not abdicate — our global leadership.

Trump, on the other hand, threatened to abandon NATO. He encouraged Putin to invade our allies. Said Russia could — quote — “do whatever the hell they want.”

Five days before Russia attacked Ukraine, I met with President Zelensky to warn him about Russia’s plan to invade. I helped mobilize a global response — over 50 countries — to defend against Putin’s aggression.

And as President, I will stand strong with Ukraine and our NATO allies.

With respect to the war in Gaza, President Biden and I are working around the clock. Because now is the time to get a hostage deal and ceasefire done.

Let me be clear: I will always stand up for Israel’s right to defend itself, and I will always ensure Israel has the ability to defend itself. Because the people of Israel must never again face the horror that the terrorist organization Hamas caused on October 7th. Including unspeakable sexual violence and the massacre of young people at a music festival.

At the same time, what has happened in Gaza over the past 10 months is devastating. So many innocent lives lost. Desperate, hungry people fleeing for safety, over and over again.

The scale of suffering is heartbreaking.

President Biden and I are working to end this war such that Israel is secure, the hostages are released, the suffering in Gaza ends and the Palestinian people can realize their right to dignity, security, freedom and self-determination.

And know this: I will never hesitate to take whatever action is necessary to defend our forces and our interests against Iran and Iran-backed terrorists.

And I will not cozy up to tyrants and dictators like Kim-Jong-Un, who are rooting for Trump because they know he is easy to manipulate with flattery and favors.

They know Trump won’t hold autocrats accountable — because he wants to be an autocrat.

As President, I will never waver in defense of America’s security and ideals. Because, in the enduring struggle between democracy and tyranny, I know where I stand — and where the United States of America belongs.

Fellow Americans, I love our country with all my heart.  Everywhere I go —in everyone I meet — I see a nation ready to move forward. Ready for the next step n the incredible journey that is America.

I see an America where we hold fast to the fearless belief that built our nation. That inspired the world. That here, in this country, anything is possible.

Nothing is out of reach. An America, where we care for one another, look out for one another, and recognize that we have so much more in common than what separates us. That none of us has to fail for all of us to succeed. And that, in unity, there is strength.

Our opponents in this race  are out there, every day, denigrating America. Talking about how terrible everything is. 

Well, my mother had another lesson she used to teach: Never let anyone tell you who you are. You show them who you are. 

America, let us show each other — and the world — who we are and what we stand for: Freedom, opportunity, compassion, dignity, fairness and endless possibilities. 

We are the heirs to the greatest democracy in the history of the world.

And on behalf of our children and grandchildren and all those who sacrificed so dearly for our freedom and liberty, we must be worthy of this moment. 

It is now our turn to do what generations before us have done.

Guided by optimism and faith, to fight for this country we love. To fight for the ideals we cherish. And to uphold the awesome responsibility that comes with the greatest privilege on Earth. The privilege and pride of being an American. 

So, let’s get out there and let’s fight for it. 

Let’s get out there and let’s vote for it.

And together, let us write the next great chapter in the most extraordinary story ever told.

God bless you.

May God bless the United States of America.

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Joshua Barajas

Joshua Barajas Joshua Barajas

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  • Copy URL https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/watch-tim-walz-delivers-pep-talk-in-full-speech-at-2024-democratic-national-convention

WATCH: Tim Walz delivers pep talk in full speech at 2024 Democratic National Convention

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz formally accepted the vice presidential nomination, a day before Vice President Kamala Harris takes the stage as the official nominee.

Watch Walz’s speech in the player above.

On the third night of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Walz spent time telling the audience more about his personal story, including the difficulties he and his wife Gwen faced when starting a family.

Walz presented himself as an advocate for personal freedoms, distilling his view to: “Mind your own damn business.”

Leaning into his coaching days, Walz then made a case for why Democrats “got something better to offer the American people.”

“I haven’t given a lot of big speeches like this, but I have given a lot of pep talks,” Walz said. “Let me finish with this, team: It’s the fourth quarter. We’re down a field goal, but we’re on offense and we got the ball. We’re driving down the field. And boy do we have the right team! Kamala Harris is tough!”

“Our job, for everyone watching, is to get in the trenches and do the blocking and tackling,” he added.

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You can also follow PBS News coverage on YouTube , X , Facebook and TikTok , and see highlights on our Instagram.

Find more of our DNC 2024 coverage

  • Live fact check: Night 3 of the Democratic National Convention
  • Looking back at Tim Walz’s record and past statements
  • 6 takeaways from Day 2 of the DNC
  • WATCH: Who’s going to tell Trump that he’s campaigning for a ‘Black’ job, Michelle Obama asks
  • Live updates: Tim Walz to accept VP nomination on Day 3 of the DNC
  • WATCH: Former President Barack Obama’s full speech at 2024 Democratic National Convention

Joshua Barajas is a senior editor for the PBS NewsHour's Communities Initiative. He also the senior editor and manager of newsletters.

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That Engineering Life – Story of an Indian Engineer

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Life story of a writer

When you’re young, you rarely ever dream about becoming an ‘engineer’. Some want to be a doctor, some want to be a pilot. When I was in Class 6, I wanted to be a swimmer! However, I hailed from a small town called Durgapur, where people preferred choosing the conventional ‘stable’ careers over offbeat ones like swimming. By the time I got to class 10 and had to give my career a more ‘serious’ thought, swimming wasn’t really an option for me. My friends were getting into engineering, medical, law and other traditional career options that provided a ‘stable’ future. My father is an electrical engineer, and it made sense to follow his footsteps. Not that my parents ever forced me to take up engineering. They knew about my varied interests, but didn’t know how to help me turn those into a full-fledged career. They did, however, know enough about engineering and could only guide me down that path. My marks were fairly good, too, and coaching classes pushed me to get better at subjects like Math, Physics and Chemistry. Engineering seemed like a natural choice to me back then.


Beta, Kya Banoge?

Of course, when you’re at the cusp of making a career decision, opinions are handed out like sweets during Diwali. “You should be a journalist,” said some aunts and uncles. “Engineering is the way to go,” others would say. I had so many interests, I couldn’t even begin to decide which one to follow. I liked dancing as much as imitation, snuggling up in a corner and writing as much as participating in sports. Have you ever heard the expression “Jack of all trades, master of none”? That would sum up an enthusiastic 13-year-old me. I wanted to enjoy everything I tried, which is why I made the most of my academic life and put off choosing a career until I got my Class 10 results.

Once the results were out, engineering and medicine seemed like the two most popular choices. Given my interest in computers (as well), I veered towards engineering and began prepping for all the possible entrance exams right away. Think I had a head-start? You’d be surprised to know that some of my batch mates had begun preparing for the entrance exams right from Class 8! It’s important to begin ‘pushing’ yourself to delve deeper into engineering-related subjects right from Class 7, and as I had a natural aptitude for those subjects, it seemed like a great decision at the time.

Engineer Mind

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Ain’t Nothing Like a JEE Thing

Like every other aspiring engineer I knew, I enrolled for a JEE coaching class too. I spent two years after Class 10 dividing my time between studying for junior college and prepping for various entrance exams, just so I would increase my chances of getting into a decent college. I already knew I wasn’t IIT material and my reason for getting into engineering was to get a stable job. Was I passionate about being an engineer? Probably not.

Back when I pursued engineering, we didn’t have a JEE (Joint Entrance Exams) Mains and Advanced. There was the IIT-JEE that I appeared for simply because everyone else was, and the AIEEE (All India Engineering Entrance Examination) as I wanted to get into one of the NITs (National Institutes of Technology). I also appeared for the KIITEE (Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology Entrance Examination) upon a teacher’s recommendation and the VITEEE (Vellore Institute of Technology Engineering Entrance Exam) to boost my chances of admission. I also took the WBJEE (West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination), and each of these exams had its own set of application procedures and rules, and I duly followed them.

When the time came to take the tests, I realised this wasn’t going to be easy. My JEE paper was more of a lucky guess than calculated answers and, needless to say, my results were disappointing. My AIEEE rank wasn’t all that great either, but my WBJEE rank was decent enough to secure me an admission in Jadavpur University, where I chose to study Construction Engineering, a specialisation under Civil Engineering.

Jadavpur University

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That College Life

College life was as good as having a working life. We were in class from 10 to 5:30 and the rest of our time was divided between completing assignments, participating in co-curricular activities and socialising. Ours was a campus of close-knit students who had each other’s backs through good times and bad. My classmates and my seniors had my back on tough assignments, peer problems and just about everything else. My college had some of the finest festivals that were fun to both organise and participate in.

While my social and cocurricular life was thriving, my education was sadly not at par. Some of our professors were not very good at conversing in English, and the lectures were often delivered in a casual mix of Bengali and English. There was absolutely no focus on developing soft skills, a pattern that prevails in engineering institutes across India even today. The results? A bunch of knowledgeable engineering graduates who lack the soft skills to express their talents.

I have no regrets about the years I spent in engineering school. I was given the opportunity to learn, and I was able to pursue my interests through co-curricular activities. As a result, I graduated as a self-sufficient, culturally and socially endowed individual with a good understanding of construction engineering. My interests, on the other hand, remained unfulfilled. A part of me wished to learn more about marketing, media, business management, and advertising, but that was not included in my engineering programme.

College Students

Ignorance is NOT Bliss

Looking back, I would have been much better off had I known what to pursue right from the start. I never knew about the options I had until I came across them while working. Like every other engineer in dire need of a job, I pursued an MBA to increase my hiring opportunities, immigration chances and eventual salary package. My current career path has nothing to do with either of these degrees, but I’m clearer than I have been in a long time now, and I’m a lot more aware of the opportunities that lie ahead.

If you’re thinking of pursuing engineering, I only have one thing to ask you – is this really what YOU want to do? Set everything aside for a second – parental expectations, marks, peer choices, society favourites – and think about it. Does being an engineer really interest you? Is this a field YOU are passionate about? Are you willing to dedicate at least six years of your life gaining knowledge about this field and spend the following 30 years pursuing it wholeheartedly? If the answer is a firm, resounding YES, by all means, go for it.

Follow Your Dreams

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Kaustubh Katdare

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Engineers Day Celebration Speech - Short and Simple

Engineers Day Celebration Speech - Short and Simple

I have compiled a few speech examples that you can deliver on Engineers Day. In India, Engineers day is celebrated on 15 September every year.

Read more about Engineer’s Day in India and a few celebration ideas for engineer’s day.

I have created a long, medium and short speech. Pick your favorite.

Engineer’s Day Speech (Long Form)

Ladies and Gentlemen, Distinguished Guests, Fellow Engineers, Students,

Today, we gather to celebrate the extraordinary contributions of engineers in shaping our world, in observance of National Engineers' Day.

On this day, we pay tribute to the pioneer of engineering in India, a remarkable visionary, and an outstanding engineer - Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya.

It is a fitting tribute that his birth anniversary, September 15th, is celebrated as Engineers' Day across the nation, a day to reflect on his incredible legacy and the larger importance of engineering in our lives.

Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya, fondly known as Sir MV, was not merely an engineer. He was a statesman, a scholar, and an institution builder whose contributions continue to inspire countless individuals.

He was a man of principle and perseverance who held the belief that technology and engineering are the cornerstones of nation-building.

His innovative ideas and pioneering work in harnessing water resources have been instrumental in transforming the agricultural and industrial landscape of our country.

Born in a modest family in Karnataka, Sir MV was a brilliant student who chose engineering as his career path, setting a stellar example for future generations. His engineering prowess can be seen in the flood protection system that he designed for Hyderabad and the world-renowned Krishna Raja Sagara Dam in Mysore. These marvels of engineering not only bear witness to his remarkable vision and capability but also embody the potential of engineering to bring about profound societal change.

His life and work remind us of the transformative power of engineering. Engineers, like Sir MV, are dreamers, innovators, and problem-solvers.

We strive to innovate, invent, and create, to shape our world for the better. From the bridges that connect distant lands to the water systems that quench the thirst of millions, from the electricity that brightens our nights to the technology that makes our lives easier, engineers have made an indelible mark on every facet of human existence.

Yet, as we stand in this era of rapid technological advancement, our responsibilities as engineers have never been greater.

Climate change, sustainable development, energy efficiency, digital equity - these are the challenges that call for our skills, creativity, and commitment.

As inheritors of Sir MV's legacy, we are charged with utilizing our knowledge and skills for the greater good of society.

Engineers' Day is a day of reflection, appreciation, and aspiration.

It is a day to reflect on the profound impacts of our work, appreciate the feats we have achieved, and aspire to create a world that is more sustainable, inclusive, and equitable.

As we celebrate this day, let us remember the words of Sir MV -

"Remember, your work may be only to sweep a railway crossing, but it is your duty to keep it so clean that no other crossing in the world is as clean as yours."

It underlines the spirit of devotion, dedication, and humility that should guide our work as engineers.

On this day, let us honor Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya and all engineers by committing ourselves to uphold the highest standards of professionalism and integrity, strive for excellence in our work, and use our skills to make a difference in our world.

Short Speech on Engineer’s Day

Today, on National Engineers' Day, we commemorate the legacy of Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya, a visionary engineer whose contributions continue to inspire us. His remarkable achievements, from the protective system in Hyderabad to the Krishna Raja Sagara Dam, demonstrate the transformative power of engineering.

Engineers, following in the footsteps of Sir MV, are the architects of our future, continuously innovating and problem-solving to improve our world. From infrastructure to technology, we make indelible contributions to all facets of human life.

As we stand amidst rapid technological advancement, our role is crucial in addressing pressing global challenges. We carry Sir MV's legacy forward by using our skills for societal good.

On Engineers' Day, let's honor the spirit of dedication, excellence, and humility that Sir MV exemplified, committing ourselves to make a positive impact on our world. Remember his words, "Your work may be only to sweep a railway crossing, but it is your duty to keep it so clean that no other crossing in the world is as clean as yours."

Very Short Speech for Engineer’s Day Celebrations

For those who can’t deliver longer speeches, here’s the shortest version of the speech -

On Engineers' Day, we remember Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya, a true visionary. His work, like the Krishna Raja Sagara Dam , embodies engineering's transformative power. Today, as engineers shaping the future, we tackle global challenges, innovate, and problem-solve, carrying forward Sir MV's legacy .

Let's celebrate our dedication and resilience, drawing inspiration from Sir MV's words, "Your work may be only to sweep a railway crossing, but it is your duty to keep it so clean that no other crossing in the world is as clean as yours."

I hope you find these examples useful. I’ll share more if you need.

Administrator • Sep 15, 2023

One more speech, small and simple-

Hello everyone,

Today is a special day. It's Engineers' Day! We remember Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya. He was a super smart engineer who made big changes.

Engineers are like builders and fixers. We make roads, buildings, and even computers work better. Just like Sir MV, we help make the world a safer and happier place.

Let's promise to do our best, no matter what job we do. Like Sir MV said, even if you just clean a road, make it the cleanest road ever!

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Partnership formed to responsibly dispose of end-of-life hearing devices, batteries

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26th August 2024

By: Sabrina Jardim

Creamer Media Online Writer

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Used or end-of-life hearing devices, button batteries and related electronic and electrical equipment will be diverted from South Africa’s landfills, owing to a collaboration between Producer Responsibility Organisation (PRO), Circular Energy, the South African Speech-Language-Hearing Association (SASLHA) and the Audiology Private Practice Forum (APPF).

The bodies have developed a take-back system for the equipment, which will see hearing device and button battery collection containers placed at audiology practices, private and State hospitals and schools for hearing-disabled children throughout the country, ensuring the responsible collection, recycling and environmentally sound processing of the equipment.

Circular Energy CEO Patricia Schröder says the initiative is aligned with the extended Producer Responsibility Regulations of 2020, implemented in January 2022, aimed at ensuring the effective and efficient management of identified end-of-life products.

“As a Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment- (DFFE-) registered PRO, we assist our producer members in becoming compliant with these obligations. As partner members, SASLHA and APPF wanted to not only encourage the safe and environmentally sound disposal of equipment, but also to raise awareness around the hazardous nature of some of the equipment, especially the button batteries.”

Schröder says the responsible disposal of button batteries is made more difficult because they are small and easily thrown into a bin.

Considering some button cells are made up largely of a known neurotoxin, mercury, while others contain substances that also need to be carefully managed, she argues that they should not be disposed of in the conventional waste stream or in ordinary battery bins.

Schröder further points out that many of South Africa’s general landfills are located on top of water aquifers or close to rivers, meaning that there is a danger of the highly toxic mercury leaching into the country’s groundwater or river systems.

Moreover, heavy metals, combined with other dangerous battery elements such as lithium, can result in fires at landfill sites.

“That’s why it is vital that the disposal of batteries is properly managed – to protect natural ecosystems and to prevent any direct danger to human health and the communities that drink directly from the country’s river systems,” warns Schröder.

Circular Energy’s research found that large volumes of button cells are used in medical devices or equipment, specifically hearing and other small devices.

While these types of batteries are also integrated into watches and small tech, many can only be removed using special tools and processes. The non-integrated batteries, which can easily be removed and replaced by consumers, have thus become the organisation’s most urgent priority.

In addition to placing collection containers at audiology practices, Circular Energy will place them at various hospitals and schools that are eager to collaborate.

By placing the containers in places that are convenient for consumers, Circular Energy hopes to significantly reduce the amount of button batteries and hearing devices that go to landfill.

“We had to think of a cost-effective way to do this. It would cost too much to send a vehicle to pick up two little button cells from each consumer, for example.

“When the audiology practices have collected a certain volume of batteries and devices, we then collect the containers and send their contents off for processing whereby various materials are recovered in a recycling process for supply into secondary markets and to support circular systems,” explains Schröder.

Circular Energy urges South African consumers to drop off their button batteries and spent hearing devices at their local audiologist.

Consumers can also take their end-of-life items to Hirsch’s Home Stores and Woolworths where drop-off containers have been placed for responsible disposal of portable battery waste for their material recovery and diversion from landfills to the appropriate accredited facilities.

Edited by Chanel de Bruyn Creamer Media Senior Deputy Editor Online

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Harris weaves her life story into a vision for America as she accepts Democratic nomination

CHICAGO — Amid a cacophony of cheering Democrats and a canopy of red, white and blue balloons, Vice President Kamala Harris made history.

The first woman elected vice president of the United States officially became the first Black and South Asian woman named a major-party presidential nominee, lifting Democrats’ hopes of defeating former President Donald Trump and keeping the White House for another four years. 

After three days of buildup about her work as a prosecutor and her promise as a leader, Harris emerged onstage to deafening roars from a packed arena, which cheered over her attempts to begin her speech before she told attendees they had to “get to some business.” 

“We are charting a new way forward, forward to a future with a strong and growing middle class,” Harris said in her speech.

“Because we know a strong middle class has always been critical to America’s success, and building that middle class will be a defining goal of my presidency,” she continued, calling it a “personal” thing because “the middle class is where I come from.”

“That’s why we will create what I call an opportunity economy, an opportunity economy where everyone has the chance to compete and a chance to succeed, whether you live in a rural area, small town or big city,” Harris said.

At that, thousands of Democrats inside the arena leaped to their feet, offering a thunderous reception. 

In the lead-up to Harris’ appearance, the electricity running through the party was palpable inside the United Center, where Michael Jordan famously led the Chicago Bulls to three of their six championships. All night, the arena was transformed into a rollicking party, with a sea of bodies, many of them wearing white, bouncing, dancing and singing as celebratory music blared. 

Harris spent the beginning of her speech laying out her biography, from her family’s story to the early steps of her career. Speaking about her immigrant parents, she said she’s “no stranger to unlikely journeys,” describing her upbringing in the San Francisco Bay Area and her start as a prosecutor.

“Every day in the courtroom, I stood proudly before a judge and I said five words: ‘Kamala Harris for the people.’ My entire career, I only had one client: the people,” Harris said.

Harris then wove that story into the traditional applause line accepting her party’s nomination.

“And so, on behalf of the people; on behalf of every American, regardless of party, race, gender or the language your grandmother speaks; on behalf of my mother and everyone who has ever set out on their own unlikely journey; on behalf of Americans like the people I grew up with, people who work hard, chase their dreams and look out for one another; on behalf of everyone whose story could only be written in the greatest nation on Earth, I accept your nomination to be president of the United States of America,” Harris said.

In the month since President Joe Biden stepped aside from the campaign, Harris has transformed the race, invigorating a stagnant, lackluster campaign weighed down by questions over his age and sharpness. Now, the campaign is awash with money, having raised nearly $500 million since Harris moved to the top of the ticket and later chose Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz to be her running mate.

In her remarks, Harris spoke in broad outlines about her own agenda, saying she would restore reproductive freedoms, offer a tax cut to the middle class, end America’s housing shortage and protect Social Security and Medicare. 

“They are out of their minds,” she said of Republicans and what she called their attack on women’s reproductive rights. “We trust women,” she said. 

She repeatedly hammered away at Trump, calling him a threat to working Americans, saying he would cut taxes for only the wealthy. She also cited Project 2025, a conservative blueprint by the Heritage Foundation meant to be a road map for another Trump term. Trump rejected the document after the blowback around it. 

After a program that included The Chicks singing the national anthem and a performance by Pink, pop queen Beyoncé's song “Freedom” also played ahead of the vice president's acceptance speech, reinforcing a theme Harris has leaned on to advocate for everything from voting rights to housing affordability to reproductive rights. 

“I believe America cannot truly be prosperous unless Americans are fully able to make their own decisions about their own lives, especially on matters of heart and home. But tonight, in America, too many women are not able to make those decisions, and let’s be clear about how we got here,” Harris said, pointing to Trump’s Supreme Court appointees who voted to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Harris also spoke about strengthening border security and national security, slamming Trump’s opposition to a bipartisan border deal that was proposed in Congress this year, as well as his past comments about American allies. She reaffirmed her commitment to NATO and Ukraine in its war against Russia.

And Harris spoke at length about Israel and its military action against Hamas in Gaza, an issue that has divided Democrats over the last year.

“Let me be clear, I will always stand up for Israel’s right to defend itself,” Harris said, speaking about the Oct. 7 attack on Israel by Hamas. “At the same time, what has happened in Gaza over the past 10 months is devastating. So many innocent lives lost, desperate, hungry people fleeing for safety over and over again.”

Trump, who posted on social media throughout Harris' speech, wrote on his platform Truth Socia l: "She’s done nothing for three and a half years but talk, and that’s what she’s doing tonight, she’s complaining about everything but doing nothing."

Democrats react

The conclusion of the convention capped a tumultuous period for the Democratic Party, with weeks of infighting among its leaders before Biden announced he would step aside. Biden immediately endorsed Harris, and she quickly locked down support across his delegates, avoiding what some had feared could become a messy open convention. 

But the prospect of Harris’ landing in the White House had Black leaders beaming all day. 

“There is no glass ceiling in this for us. Hillary cracked it. We’re gonna break through it,” said Daniele Monroe-Moreno, the first Black woman to chair the Nevada Democratic Party. 

She said Harris’ accomplishment sends a clear message in 2024.

“Every little girl — I don’t care what race, religious belief you are — there is nothing you cannot do,” Monroe-Moreno said. “And that’s what this means. Women. We’re here. We’re the new force in this Democratic Party.”

When Harris launched her first presidential campaign in 2019, she became the third Black woman to seek a major party’s nomination, following Rep. Shirley Chisholm, D-N.Y., in 1972 and former Sen. Carol Moseley Braun, D-Ill., in 2004.

Now, little more than half a century after Chisholm’s campaign, which challenged stereotypes and collected a handful of delegates, her party has nominated a Black woman for the most powerful post in the world.

The Rev. Al Sharpton, a civil rights leader and MSNBC host, was youth director for Chisholm’s campaign. On Thursday, he put Harris’ nomination in the context of Chisholm and a change in American attitudes on race and gender that she helped foment.

“To see this fulfilled is a long time coming,” Sharpton said. “It shows a growth in the country and in the Democratic Party, not only for Black, but for a woman — it’s a victory over misogyny, institutional misogyny and racism.”

Feelings of pride and patriotism swelled within many of the Black women at Thursday’s session of the convention.

Cathleen Trigg, founder and CEO of iWomanTV , said she had come to Chicago from New York to do everything in her power to help Harris win.

“I can’t really describe the feeling of being at this place in life where we do have our potentially first female, first Black female, first — so many firsts — that could be leading our country, the greatest country in the world,” said Trigg, 56. “It’s a miracle. It’s a blessing. It is an opportunity for change that is much needed in our country.”

Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., who was the highest-ranking Black lawmaker when he was the Democratic whip in the House, referred to the preamble of the Constitution in explaining the importance of Harris’ nomination.

“It means that we have taken another step toward a more perfect union,” Clyburn said. “It means that a significant, and I hope a majority, segment of this country wishes to continue moving forward, not interested in going backwards, not interested in reliving the past, but charting out a new way forward for our children and grandchildren.”

Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., said: “From President Biden, you had this [message of] ‘Oh, my gosh. Democracy is at stake! We can’t let this happen! Kamala Harris brought the joy back into this.”

Speaking from Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, before the convention began, Warner said that “every politician is passing through and people are almost giddy!”

Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., said in an interview: “Americans like an upbeat, optimistic, joy-filled personality, which is what she’s conveyed.”

Ann-Marie Herod, a Black woman who lives in Chicago and is originally from Mississippi, said it was difficult to put the significance of the night into words.  

“When Obama ran, I was a young girl. Now, I’m actually able to go out and be active within this process: canvassing, doing these different things,” said Herod, who was watching Harris’ acceptance from Soldier Field. “I have parents, I have friends, who never could have imagined a Black woman could be in the White House. It is amazing.”

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Natasha Korecki is a senior national political reporter for NBC News.

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Jonathan Allen is a senior national politics reporter for NBC News.

The Most Inspiring Speeches That Motivate Students

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We thrive on motivation and inspiration as people. As students, we need as much inspiration as we can to get through some of the toughest years of our lives. Succeeding in life is a goal for many and success means different things for us all. The road to success comes with a lot of ups and downs and it is in the moments when things do not go so well, that we look for inspiration. Perhaps you cannot quite figure out your reflective essay format and spend hours researching how to write a reflective essay. You might be in finals week with a load of studying to do and feel like you are going to fail before you even started. There are many reasons we look for inspiration. If you need a little inspiration right now, here are some of the most inspiring speeches you have to listen to.

2005 Stanford Commencement Speech – Steve Jobs

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This is probably the speech of all speeches for students looking for inspiration. Steve Jobs was one of the most successful people in the world and to have this speech available to us is a great gift he left behind for generations of students. Steve Jobs encouraged students to go for their dreams and to see opportunities in setbacks. We are afraid to follow our dreams these days because we always are told to rather choose a career that is stable and secure. Perhaps we should take some advice from this speech and just go for what we want.

2008 Harvard Commencement Speech – J.K. Rowling

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J.K. Rowling has succeeded in the face of adversity. As a single mother living on welfare, she managed to become one of the best authors of all time. The success she has managed to achieve makes us not only admire her, but also pay close attention to what she has to say or teach. If she could do what she did, you can find those reflective essay tips that you’ve been searching for. She said that we need to both embrace and learn from our failures. By doing that we will truly get to know who we are and also what we want in life. That is the perfect speech to inspire students because we are still trying to figure out who we are and sometimes our failures can make us feel like we are not good enough. She embraced her own failures and never gave up. That is just as important to remember.

2008 Stanford Commencement Speech – Oprah Winfrey

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This lady is one of the most powerful women in the world and she has become that by working hard and not giving up when everything seemed to be going against her. We admire her courage and her respect for all individuals, no matter what the situation may be. She spoke about the chance she took by leaving school to become a news anchor. The chance she took paid off well, I’d say. Oprah also mentioned that she finally completed her degree and how important education is. She opened a school in South-Africa, which shows how much she truly values education. The lessons we can learn from her life is immense and inspires students to this day.

2012 Strayer University – Martin Luther King III

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The son of Martin Luther King Jr made an ever important speech to the class of 2012 at Strayer University. It was both inspiring and motivating. As a civil rights activist, he knows exactly what hard work is and what it means to stand for what you believe. He mentioned how important education is and how the students of this University is making his father’s dream of higher education for all, come true. He also said that the future belongs to the educated individuals and to those who are ready to meet both the opportunities and the challenges of tomorrow. That is some powerful stuff if you really think about it. We need to know that what we are doing is not in vain and that it sets us up for a better future. This speech gives you the will to continue and the inspiration to never quit.

Look within yourself and take from these speeches what works for you in this moment and going forward. How can the lessons they teach inspire you to do better and become more successful. Standing at this point in your life, you need to want to succeed in order to find inspiration. It may seem like the journey is taking forever, but anything that is great takes time to create. This is your story and you are in charge of how the story ends. What do you want to achieve? Is anything holding you back? Answer those questions, listen to these speeches and soon, you’ll be moving forward.


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  • Pingback: Inspirational Speeches for College Students: Unlocking the Power of Motivation – Msn2U.com
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Fantastic examples and speeches of some of the greats. Everyone should look at these videos and find inspiration and ecnouragement. But, Oprah, wow! Also, there are useful things that can motivate you and show you how to get into an Ivy League School https://www.crimsoneducation.org/admission-support/ivy-league . Sometimes people need just a little bit of support.

I wish any of these people had spoken at my graduation. We had a guy who had worked for NASA & I thought, ‘Oh, he might be really interesting.’ Nope. He spoke in a monotone, had nothing to say about NASA or space or the future, & put everyone to sleep, lol.

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Speech About Life for Students in English

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  • Updated on  
  • Jun 12, 2024

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‘Life is a beautiful journey, where we see many ups and downs. Life teaches us important lessons, such as taking care of our health, focusing on our goals, spending time with family and friends, respecting everyone, etc. The most important thing is to enjoy your life, be happy and learn.’

Growth Occurs When One Goes Beyond One’s Limits With Opportunities Life Brings – Unanimous 

Life is a precious gift and each moment is equally important; whether it’s about preparing for school exams, taking care of health and family, or enjoying out with friends. Even in times of difficulty, life teaches us some important lessons. There is a famous saying, ‘Those who forget History tend to repeat it.’ A person learns from his and others’ mistakes and improves his life.

Check out our 160+ Best & Easy English Speech Topics for Students

Table of Contents

  • 1.1 Meaning of Happy Life
  • 1.2 Purpose of Life
  • 1.3 Conclusion
  • 2.1 Life is a Journey and Not a Destination
  • 2.2 Conclusion
  • 3 Top 10 Lines to Add in Speech About Life

2-Minute Speech About Life

‘Good morning Principal Sir, teachers, and my dear friends. Today, I stand before you to present my speech about life. We all want a successful life so that we can live a happy and material life. But, what is the meaning of life? Is life only about happiness, joy, and materialistic things?’

Meaning of Happy Life

‘Happiness and material needs are our desires offered by life as a reward for our hard work and luck. Life is a challenging journey. Sometimes there are clouds of darkness, lost in shadows. However, even in times like these, life teaches us to discover our inner strength, resilience, and the capacity to emerge into the light with newfound wisdom and growth.’

Purpose of Life

Everybody has a purpose in their lives and to fulfill them, we have to fight our own battles. We have to study hard to succeed in exams, practice deliberately to win a competition, etc. Life is challenging, but that is what makes life so special. 

Edmund Hillary and Tibetan mountaineer Tenzing Norgay, the first persons to climb the highest mountain peak, Mount Everest, failed 6 times. He, along with Edmund Hillary, finally climbed to the top of the Everest in their 7th attempt. They knew about the challenges and difficulties that would come with their mission, but they still did the impossible.

The happiness after completing a difficult task is immensely gratifying, a triumphant blend of accomplishment, relief, and the satisfaction that comes from conquering challenges. This is what life is about. With every challenge, there is an opportunity to learn something new. 

Life is a beautiful journey and we must be grateful for the precious moments life offers us. Remember, we only have one life. It’s a journey you would not want to miss, so embrace it and learn from it.

Thank you.’

Also Read: Speech on Pros and Cons of Capitalism

Speech About Life for Students

‘Good morning my teacher and dear friend. Today, I would like to share my thoughts through a speech about life. Our life is like a blank canvas, which we wish to dye in colours of our own choice. Easier said than done, right?’ 

‘Here is what I have learned about life: ‘Take up one idea, make that idea your life. Dream of it, think of it and live on that idea. Let your brain, the body, the muscles, the nerves, and every inch of your body be full of that idea and just leave everything behind. This is the way to a successful life.’

Life is a Journey and Not a Destination

We all have read the quote, ‘Life is a journey and not a destination’ . But what is the meaning of this quote? It means that life is a continuous process of growth, experience, and learning. Life is not an endpoint.

Life is a precious gift, as each moment carries an opportunity to learn and grow. There is a very popular saying: ‘ When one door closes, two others open.’ .It means that life is full of opportunities and even in times of adversity, there is a path to success and happiness.’

Being happy and feeling sad is part of life, but how we react is more important. Life is God’s blessing. God is the creator and destroyer of life. God has created everything perfectly. Therefore, we must embrace this precious life God has gifted us and make it worth living. Staying positive and working hard are the only options that can make our lives successful and happy.

Top 10 Lines to Add in Speech About Life

Also Read : Speech on If I Had A Superpower…

Ans: ‘ Life is a beautiful journey, where we see many ups and downs. Life teaches us important lessons like we all have only one life, live a life worth remembering, everything is possible, empathy, perseverance, etc. The most important thing is to enjoy your life, be happy and learn.’

Ans: Start by greeting your audience. For example; ‘Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Today I stand before you to present a speech about my life.’

Ans: Life is one of the best speech topics for students, as it helps them understand the reality of life and how they can turn their challenges into opportunities to lead a successful life. Speech about life can help you understand why there are ups and downs in life and why failure is an important part of life.

Ans: Academic achievement, personal growth, career development, health and wealth, financial responsibility, etc. are some of the life goals for students.

Related Speech Topics for Students

This was all about the speech about life. We hope we were able to provide you with all the necessary information you were looking for. For more information on such interesting speech topics for your school, visit our speech writing page and follow Leverage Edu .

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Harris Leans on Memory of Her Mother, as She Reintroduces Herself

The definitional power of parenthood has been an unofficial theme of the Democratic convention this week. And Shyamala Gopalan Harris, the vice president’s mother, is a main character.

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By Katie Rogers

Reporting from the Democratic National Convention in Chicago

In 1958, a young graduate student moved to the United States from her native India because she wanted to find a cure for breast cancer. She fell in love, got married and had two daughters. She named her eldest Kamala, a Sanskrit name meaning lotus flower.

Shyamala Gopalan Harris, who died of colon cancer in 2009, never got to see that daughter, Kamala Harris, win a close election to become attorney general of California, and go on to become a senator. She did not watch as Ms. Harris was chosen to run with Joseph R. Biden Jr., eventually becoming the vice president of the United States. But at the 2024 Democratic convention, Ms. Harris will credit the woman who raised her as her life’s animating force.

Ms. Harris’s headlining speech on Thursday evening is expected to focus in part on how her mother shaped her values and informed her approach to politics, according to a person who is helping with the speech who was not authorized to speak about the appearance.

“America, the path that led me here in recent weeks was no doubt unexpected. But I’m no stranger to unlikely journeys,” Ms. Harris will say on Thursday night, according to excerpts of her speech released by her office. “My mother, Shyamala Harris, had one of her own. I miss her every day — especially now. And I know she’s looking down tonight and smiling.”

In her address, Ms. Harris has to outline her biography and introduce herself to the largest audience she has had yet as the Democratic presidential nominee.

Throughout the week, family members and friends have appeared to tell the convention crowd more about Ms. Harris. Shyamala Gopalan Harris has been at the fore of many of those speeches, as Tony West, who is married to Ms. Harris’s younger sister, Maya, said on Wednesday evening.

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  • Speech on Technology


Technology in This Generation

We are in a generation, where technology has surrounded us from all sides. Our everyday life runs on the use of technology, be it in the form of an alarm clock or a table lamp. Technology has been an important part of our daily lives. Therefore, it is important for the students to be familiar with the term technology. Therefore, we have provided a long speech on technology for students of all age groups. There is also a short speech and a 10 lines speech given in this article.

Long Speech on Technology

A warm welcome to everyone gathered here today. I am here to deliver a speech on technology which has taken a tremendous role in our day to day life. We all are in a generation where everything is dependent on technology. Let’s understand what technology is through the lens of Science. 

Technology comes in the form of tangible and intangible properties by exerting physical and mental force to achieve something that adds value. For example, a mobile phone is tangible, and the network connection used by the phone is intangible. Technology has taken its place as indispensable, wherein it has resulted in economic benefits, better health care, time-saving, and better lifestyle.

Due to technology, we have a significant amount of knowledge to improve our lives and solve problems. We can get our work done efficiently and effectively. As long as you know how to access technology, it can be used and proves to benefit people of all ages greatly. Technology is constantly being modified and upgraded every passing year. 

The evolution of technology has made it possible to achieve lots in less time. Technology has given tools and machines to be used to solve problems around the world. There has been a complete transformation in the way we do things because of contributions from scientific technology. We can achieve more tasks while saving our time and hence in a better place than our previous generation. 

Right from the ringing of the morning alarm to switching off the fan, everything runs behind the technology. Even the microphone that I am using is an innovation of technology and thus the list continues. With several inventions of hi-tech products, our daily needs are available on a screen at our fingertips. These innovations and technologies have made our lives a lot easier. Everything can be done at the comfort of your home within a couple of hours or so. These technologies have not only helped us in the digital platform but have also given us innovations in the field of medical, educational, industrial as well as in agricultural sectors. If we go back to the older generations, it would take days to get any things solved, even if there were not many treatments for several diseases. 

But today with the innovations of technology, many diseases can be treated and diagnosed within a shorter period of time. The relationship between humans and technology has continued for ages and has given rise to many innovations. It has made it easier for us to handle our daily chores starting from home, office, schools and kitchen needs. It has made available basic necessities and safer living spaces. We can sit at home comfortably and make transactions through the use of online banking. Online shopping, video calling, and attending video lectures on the phone have all been possible due to the invention of the internet. 

People in the past would write letters to communicate with one another, and today due to technology, traditional letters have been replaced by emails and mobile phones. These features are the essential gifts of technology. Everything is just at our fingertips, right from turning on the lights to doing our laundry. The whole world runs on technology and hence, we are solely dependent on it. But everything has its pros and cons. While the benefits of technology are immense, it also comes with some negative effects and possibly irreversible damages to humanity and our planet. 

We have become so dependent on technology that we often avoid doing things on our own. It as a result makes us lazy and physically inactive. This has also led to several health issues such as obesity and heart diseases. We prefer booking a cab online rather than walking a few kilometres. Technology has increased screen time, and thus, children are no longer used to playing in the playgrounds but are rather found spending hours on their phones playing video games. This has eroded children’s creativity, intelligence, and memory. No doubt, technology is a very essential part of our life, but we should not be totally dependent on it. We should practise being more fit and do regular activities on our own to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

The other aspects that have been badly affected us are that since technology replaced human interference, is unemployment. Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc., were meant to connect people and increase our community circle. Still, it has made people all the more lonely, with cases of depression on the rise amongst the youth. 

There are several controversies around the way world leaders have used technology in defence and industrialisation under the banner of development and advancements. The side effects of technology have resulted in pollution, climate change, forest fires, extreme storms, cyclones, impure air, global warming, land area getting reduced and natural resources getting extinct. It’s time we change our outlook towards selfish technology and bring about responsible technology. Every nation needs to set aside budgets to come up with sustainable technological developments. 

As students, we should develop creative problem solving using critical thinking to bring clean technology into our world. As we improve our nation, we must think of our future for a greener and cleaner tomorrow. You would be glad to know that several initiatives have been initiated to bring awareness amongst children and youth to invent cleaner technology. 

For example, 15-year-old Vinisha Umashankar invented a solar ironing cart and has been awarded the Earth Shot Prize by the Royal Foundation of the duke and duchess of Cambridge and honoured to speak at the COP26 climate change conference in Glasgow, Scotland. Her invention should be an inspiration to each one of us to pursue clean technology.

The top five technologically advanced countries are Japan, America, Germany, China and South Korea. We Indians will make our mark on this list someday. Technology has a vital role in our lives but lets us be mindful that we control technology and that technology doesn’t control us. Technology is a tool to elevate humanity and is not meant to be a self-destroying mechanism under the pretext of economic development. Lastly, I would like to conclude my speech by saying that technology is a boon for our society but we should use it in a productive way. 

A Short Speech on Technology

A warm greeting to everyone present here. Today I am here to talk about technology and how it has gifted us with various innovations. Technology as we know it is the application of scientific ideas to develop a machine or a device for serving the needs of humans. We, human beings, are completely dependent on technology in our daily life. We have used technology in every aspect of our life starting from household needs, schools, offices, communication and entertainment. Our life has been more comfortable due to the use of technology. We are in a much better and comfortable position as compared to our older generation. This is possible because of various contributions and innovations made in the field of technology. Everything has been made easily accessible for us at our fingertips right from buying a thing online to making any banking transaction. It has also led to the invention of the internet which gave us access to search for any information on google. But there are also some disadvantages. Relying too much on technology has made us physically lazy and unhealthy due to the lack of any physical activity. Children have become more prone to video games and social media which have led to obesity and depression. Since they are no longer used to playing outside and socialising, they often feel isolated. Therefore, we must not totally be dependent on technology and should try using it in a productive way.

10 Lines Speech on Technology

Technology has taken an important place in our lives and is considered an asset for our daily needs.

The world around us is totally dependent on technology, thus, making our lives easier.

The innovation of phones, televisions and laptops has digitally served the purpose of entertainment today.

Technology has not only helped us digitally but has also led to various innovations in the field of medical science.

Earlier it took years to diagnose and treat any particular disease, but today with the help of technology it has led to the early diagnosis of several diseases.

We, in this generation, like to do things sitting at our own comfort within a short period of time. This thing has been made possible by technology.

All our daily activities such as banking, shopping, entertainment, learning and communication can be done on a digital platform just by a click on our phone screen.

Although all these gifts of technology are really making our lives faster and easier, it too has got several disadvantages.

Since we all are highly dependent on technology, it has reduced our daily physical activity. We no longer put effort to do anything on our own as everything is available at a minute's click.

Children nowadays are more addicted to online video games rather than playing outside in the playground. These habits make them more physically inactive.


FAQs on Speech on Technology

1. Which kind of technology is the most widely used nowadays?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the field of technology that is being used the most nowadays and is expected to grow even more even in the future. With AI being adopted in numerous sectors and industries and continuously more research being done on it, it will not be long before we see more forms of AI in our daily lives.

2. What is the biggest area of concern with using technology nowadays?

Protection of the data you have online is the biggest area of concern. With hacking and cyberattacks being so common, it is important for everyone to ensure they do not post sensitive data online and be cautious when sharing information with others.

  • Speech about Life for Students and Children

Speech about Life

Good morning one and all present here. I am standing before you all to share my thoughts through my speech about life. Life is a continuous ongoing process that has to end someday. Life is all about adoring yourself, creating yourself. A quote for you that life can be only understood backward but it must be lived forwards. Life itself is a golden opportunity to live a meaningful life and support others to do so. It doesn’t matter how many years you live. But it matters how well you live a quality life.

Speech about Life

Source: pixabay.com

The fear of death always threatens our lives. Every person has to face death sooner or later, but that doesn’t mean that it should discourage us from living life to the fullest or achieving our goals. A person is wise only when he/she is ready to meet destiny when it comes, but until that time enjoys every bit of it. It is a sense of readiness. It is a journey in everyone’s life wherein we have to cross the bridge of death to be able to wake up to a life eternal.

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Human life – A very Precious Gift

Human life is truly a very precious gift. Each moment of human life carries us an opportunity, to act to develop and express our virtues. Every moment unlocks the path to us to receive blessings. This is the truth that life gives us both positive and negative situations. What is really important is how we react.

Life is the gift of God in the form of trust that we will make it meaningful in whatever we can. We are all unique individuals. No one is born like you and no one will ever be, so cherish your individuality. Many times, I come across people accusing God of things that they don’t have. They always cursing their lives. But, do they realize that this life itself is precious? If we make it worth living and work hard towards positivity.

Life is a Journey, not a Destination

Life is nothing but a journey with lessons, hardships, heartache and special moments. It will ultimately lead us to our destination, our purpose in life. The road will not always be a plane; in fact, throughout our travels, we will face many challenges.

These challenges will always test our courage, strengths, weaknesses, and faith. Along our way, we may encounter obstacles that will come between the paths and we are destined to take.

In order to be on the right path, we must overcome these obstacles. Sometimes these obstacles are really blessings in disguise, only we don’t understand that at the time. The secret of life is best known to those who are not attached to anything deeply so much.

Therefore, they remain out of touch with worries and shifting fortunes of their lives. They are the people who do not measure their lives in terms of materialistic possessions, but by measuring their lives in terms of people they cannot live without.

Lastly, I will conclude that we should make life worthwhile. It should be with the love of our family and friends that life can be made beautiful. Life can be more beautiful and purposeful by discharging our duties in our family, at work, society and the world at large.

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16 responses to “Speech on Water for Students and Children”

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This Helped Me With My Speech!!!

I can give it 100 stars for the speech it is amazing i love it.

Its amazing!!

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Very helpful in my speech

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