Pastor Keith Battle challenges us to do more than just know the assignment on our lives, but to understand and execute it well and though the path to accomplishing this may be filled with both victories and trials, in the end, we will be blessed for our obedience.

Understanding The Assignment

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Understanding the assignment, speaker: pastor keith battle, september 26, 2021.

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understanding the assignment sermon

Understanding the Assignment

Series: conquer - commemorate - chose.

understanding the assignment sermon



Additional Scripture references:

Isaiah 9:1-8;  Matthew 4:8; Matthew 5:16; Matthew 6:28-30; Matthew 16:27 and Matthew 24:30

Speaker: Brenda Bowers PhD

February 28, 2021, proverbs 8:16-18.

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Brenda Bowers PhD

Vice-president co-founder / dr. brenda bowers phd dnp, sermon notes.

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You were not only made for such a time as this, My plan for you was set in My heart before your birth, but only you can fulfill your destiny. Come into alignment for your assignment and watch your borders expand.

The Promised Land is not just an open place, it’s an assigned territory. While the Promised Land is huge, I’ll tell you right now, there are borders to it.

God Almighty will say to you, “I want you to cultivate, steward, and to fight for what I’ve given you – not for what I’ve given to someone else. You’re grown up enough now to know this is the life I’ve given you. You can take it as deep and as far as you want to, but these are the borders.”

Everything in the   Promised Land is strategic. You go from a shotgun to a laser beam. He gives you an assignment. He assigns you things in the Promised Land. There is nothing random. You begin to walk in very specific things in the Promised Land and you begin to build up very specific skill sets.

In Promised Land living you have specific territory and specific assignments. That comes from Jesus Himself in the book of John.

“As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.” – John 17:18

Jesus came into the world for specific assignment. Just like He was sent into the world, you and I are sent out into the world in our Promised Land experience for a specific assignment.

So many people in the body of Christ are ineffective because they’re in the wrong assignment. Many people love God with all their heart and have no power at all. All their energy goes toward things that do not matter. But that’s not you!

You know how to fight for what matters. You have to fight for your assignment. Just look for the borders and steward what’s inside them.


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understanding the assignment sermon

Understanding the Assignment

understanding the assignment sermon

Amen, Sis.Pat. We’ve all been given our “marching orders!”

Amen! Thank you for this encouraging devotional sister Pat!

Amen! Thank you for this impactful devotional!!

Amen! The life of a believer is rooted and anchored in Christ Jesus Who saved us with His own blood.


Are you fully committed to God’s divine assignment for you?

(NOTE: You can scroll to the bottom to watch today’s sermon.)

Over the past couple of weeks, we have been taking a look at being a vessel of God .  From those sermons, we know that as a vessel of the Lord, God will use us for His higher plans and His higher purposes.  We have seen how in the Old Testament, God used man to teach and to prophecy to one another.  We have also seen in the New Testament, that the Lord still desires to use every last one of His children for the purpose of ministering to those around them.

In His Great Commission, we see Jesus say to those that would choose to follow after Him, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you ( Mark 16:15; Matt. 28:19-20 ).”  So, again, it is very clear to us that God’s higher plans and purposes for us is to minister to and make believers of all people.

Now, how the Lord uses us to carry out His divine assignment is unique (meaning personalized) to each of His children.  Again, some He uses to preach the word and some He uses to sing so that they may uplift the spirits of others.  Some the Lord may use to testify of their journey, and others He may use in the work of charity.  God uses us as He sees fit.

Yet, I tell you that there are times when some of us have reservations (concerns) as to how we are being used by the Lord.  Some of us question how the Lord is using us.  We question the Lord’s motive and so, therefore, we begin to question God’s divine assignment.  I want to take a look at these reservations some of us, His ‘vessels’ have and ask again today, are we truly fully committed to God’s divine assignment?

Do We Have Reservations?

I ask this question today because I truly wonder whether or not we are fully committed to being a vessel of the Lord.  Scripture is filled with people who had reservations about the divine assignment the Lord had for them.  Last week, I briefly mentioned Peter in my sermon and I felt compelled to preach a sermon focusing on him this week.

Peter, as you know, was one of Jesus’ twelve closest followers.  Of Peter, Jesus said that He was a rock and on him, He would build His church ( Matt. 16:18 ). So, the Lord had a special plan and purpose for Peter meaning Peter would be a vessel that God would use to minister to others.

Through studying scripture during the years Jesus ministered and even after His resurrection, we see that Peter had some serious flaws.  I don’t know if there is a faithful man in scripture who’s flaws and failures are put on display as much as his!  Which, honestly, is very interesting because scripture usually portrays mostly the good things of those who were righteous, especially when it comes to the apostles.  So, like many of us, Peter must have had many failures.  I want to take a look at a few examples of Peter’s flaws for just a moment.

Scripture shows us that Peter was a bold, brash, and very impulsive man.  With little hesitation, Peter brashly and impulsively cut off the ear of the high priest’s servant in the garden prior to Jesus’ arrest ( John 18:10-11 ).  At another occasion, at the transfiguration of Christ, Peter, without realizing what he was saying , impulsively asked to build three tabernacles to Jesus, Moses, and Elijah ( Luke 9:33 ).  At the Feast of Passover, the disciples argued among themselves who was greater ( Luke 22:24 ) and I believe it was Peter who was boldly believing himself to be greatest among the disciples.

Peter’s rebuke

Actually, it was at this feast where we see another character flaw of Peter rear its ugly head, and this flaw is an extremely dangerous flaw that we must focus on today.  

To teach the apostles a lesson on what those who consider themselves to be great should do for those around them, Jesus chose to wash the apostles’ feet.  This was a lesson on humility but it was also a lesson on serving others.  Scripture tells us that Peter, initially, did not understand what Jesus was doing in that moment.  When seeing Jesus approach to wash his feet, Peter rebuked Jesus.  He eventually relented from his rebuke when Jesus told him the purpose behind washing his feet ( John 13:6-9 ).

Now that was not the first time that Peter offered this sort of rebuke to Christ and to God.  Prior to His crucifixion, Jesus had been predicting his death to the disciples which really frustrated Peter.  So Peter took Jesus to the side and, again, we see him rebuke what Jesus had been saying to which Jesus responded, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men ( Matt. 16:21-23 ).”

Now, I want to direct your attention back to my scripture for today in the book of Acts.  By this point in time, Jesus had ascended to heaven, so Peter has had some time to grow, yet this character flaw is shown to us again.  We are told that while he was on the rooftop of Simon the tanner, he ended up in a deep trance ( Acts 10:9-10 ).  While in a trance, Peter saw a great sheet descend from heaven to him, and on that sheet he saw all kinds of animals.  He then heard the Lord’s voice say to him, “Rise, Peter; kill and eat ( Acts 10:11-12 ).”  

This, I want you to understand, was a direct command from God.  Yet, Peter, we see, rebukes the Lord and tells Him, “Not so, Lord ( Acts 10:14 ) !”   In fact, scripture tells us that this played out three times ( Acts 10:16 )!  So, what was the deal with Peter?  Why do we keep seeing him rebuke the Lord?  

13 And a voice came to him, “Rise, Peter; kill and eat.”  14 But Peter said, “Not so, Lord! For I have never eaten anything common or unclean.” KEY VERSE – ACTS 10:13-14 NKJV

The Great Sin of Stubbornness

Peter could not move beyond his thoughts and feelings – he was very stubborn .  This was a very great flaw that he had because as a vessel of the Lord, he was meant to be fully committed to God, yet He continued to have reservation as to what God was doing.  In a way, Peter’s stubbornness was causing him to question the motives of the Lord.  Where he should have been mindful of the things of God, as shown to us when he rebuked Jesus when He was predicting His death, Peter was too stuck on himself.

As a vessel of the Lord, the ideal response from Peter would have been to do as the Lord had commanded – no reservations, no hesitation, no delay.  As a vessel of God, the ideal response from the believer when God has commanded us, is to do as He commands.  

Something we must understand when it comes to His divine assignment, God is going to move us wherever He sees fit and use us how He pleases.  We have to learn to trust in how the Lord is going to use and we must be obedient to His command without reservation, hesitation, and delay.  We are certainly going to have time to do the things we desire, but when the Lord gives us a task, yes, we should drop what we are doing and put His divine assignment first!  If we say we desire to be a vessel of the Lord, we should be fully committed to God’s divine assignment!  

The Christian’s stubbornness

I feel like many of us actually share a lot in common with Peter in that we can be very bold, brash, and impulsive.  God can direct us to wait while He works on our blessing and we will have times when we ignore His command and act on impulse.  God can direct us to move as He desires and some of us are bold enough to question His direction.  Some of us, in fact, will flat out rebuke the Lord’s direction because we know a better way of being in service to Him.  When we do this, I want you to understand that we are saying our thoughts are better than the Lord’s thoughts.

Last week I said that there is a great sin that today’s Christian commits and that was the sin of laziness.  This week, I tell you that there is another great sin that is present in today’s Christians – the sin of stubbornness .  When we stay attached to our own thoughts and feelings, and are not mindful of the things of the Lord, we are showing ourselves not to be committed to Him.  When God has a divine assignment for us, and we choose to rebuke it because it does not fit our thoughts and feelings, we are not being fully committed to the Lord’s plans as we have so professed.

In the first book of Samuel, when we read of King Saul’s great sin, Samuel said to Saul, “Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, As in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed than the fat of rams.  For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.”  This, Samuel said, indicates that spiritual stubbornness is indeed a sin. 

Samuel continued,  “Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, He also has rejected you from being king ( 1 Sam. 15:22-23 ).”  When we reject the Lord in our spirit, we certainly know that we cannot enter into His heavenly kingdom.  Yet, I also tell you today that in our spiritual stubbornness, we find that it can not only be detrimental to us, but it can be detrimental to all of those around us.

Keep your vow to God

Again, I tell all of you that the Lord has a divine assignment for us and it is an assignment that is going to take us in directions that we could have never imagined.  The Lord’s divine assignment may have us go through some things that we never could have imagined.  God may have us speak to and minister to people that we may have never imagined speaking to and ministering to.  We cannot be a detriment to the Lord and to those around us because of our own personal thoughts and feelings – this is a sin.  We certainly should not do this if we have said that we desire to be a vessel of God for His special plans and purposes in our heart.

When we have said that we desire to be a vessel of the Lord, I want you to understand that we have made a commitment (a vow) to God in our heart!  Making a vow to the Lord is very important.

I want to direct your attention to the book of Ecclesiastes for a moment. Solomon wrote, “When you make a vow to God, do not delay to pay it; For He has no pleasure in fools.  Pay what you have vowed—Better not to vow than to vow and not pay.  Do not let your mouth cause your flesh to sin, nor say before the messenger of God that it was an error. Why should God be angry at your excuse and destroy the work of your hands?  For in the multitude of dreams and many words there is also vanity. But fear God ( Eccl. 5:4-7 ).”

You see, when we have taken a vow to be a vessel of God, we ought to stand by this commitment.  God expects us to stand by that vow!  I want you to understand that God desires to use a vessel that is fully committed to His divine assignment!  God is not going to use anybody who is going to half step when it comes to His divine assignment.  If you have said that you want to be used for the Lord’s special plans and purposes, then you must be all in and not one foot in.

Commitment Check

I tell you today that it is commitment check time for all of those that desire to be a vessel of the Lord.  I believe that all of God’s children desire to be a vessel of His so I tell you today that it is commitment check time for all of God’s children – all of those who are true worshipers and genuinely believe in Him.  

Peter’s divine assignment

I want to quickly turn our attention back to Peter for just a moment because he underwent a commitment check in the book of Acts.  While he contemplated the vision he saw in his trance, a commitment check came knocking on the door.  Three men from Cornelius, a gentile man that served as a centurion in the Italian Regiment, arrived at Simon the tanner’s house ( Acts 10:1 ).  We are told that they were there because an angel of God told Cornelius to reach out to Peter about his faith ( Acts 10:4-8, 30-33 ).

Cornelius is described in scripture as a devout man who feared the Lord ( Acts 10:2 ).  He was the first of many gentiles who would become a genuine follower of Christ.  I want you to understand that this was one of Peter’s divine assignments from God – to minister to Cornelius, therefore, to all other gentiles as well.  

We know that this was a divine assignment because the Spirit said to Peter while he was still on the rooftop, “Go down and go with them, doubting nothing ; for I have sent them ( Acts 10:20 ).”  So, now was not the time for Peter to have any reservations or rebuke about how the Lord was about to use him.  Now was not the time for Peter to be stubborn in his ways!  

When Peter arrived at Cornelius’ residence, he found not only was Cornelius present but that all of Cornelius’ relatives and close friends were also present ( Acts 10:24 ).  Peter entered the residence and initially remarked, “You know how unlawful it is for a Jewish man to keep company with or go to one of another nation. But God has shown me that I should not call any man common or unclean ( Acts 10:28 ).”

Peter continued, “But God has shown me that I should not call any man common or unclean.  Therefore I came without objection as soon as I was sent for. I ask, then, for what reason have you sent for me ( Acts 10:28-29 )?”  

So, the check was to see if Peter had learned his lesson from the trance.  A lesson, I believe, was more about being obedient and committed to following the Lord’s command than the food.  Peter could have chosen to rebuke the Spirit and not have gone to Cornelius but we see Peter ultimately learned to put aside his stubbornness.  We see that he committed himself to the task and was mindful that God was at work on His higher plans and purposes.  Peter recognized that he was meant for something far higher than his own thoughts and plans!

Committed to the Lord  

On that day, scripture tells us that the Holy Spirit fell upon all of those who Peter had ministered to. You see, we are meant for something far higher than our own feelings, thoughts, and plans.  We are meant to help build, establish, and add to the kingdom of God.  The thought never leaves my mind on what happens when we, in our stubbornness, become a detriment to those around us.  The only thing stubbornness does is hold us back and keep us from growing. 

As genuine believers, we have to be mindful and also be able to acknowledge when we are being a spiritual detriment to those around us because we do not want to hold them back from the heavenly gates.  To be stubborn spiritually, is as detrimental as it is to be lazy spiritually with the same end results.  If we have made our vow to be in service to the Lord, let us truly submit our will for God’s will and let us fully commit ourselves to God’s divine assignment.

understanding the assignment sermon

Thought: The Obedient Sheep of God

By Rev. Leo H. McCrary II – July 25, 2021 Responsive Reading – Acts 10:13-29 Key Verse – Acts 10:13-14

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When God Appoints You, He Anoints You

by Rick Warren — March 23, 2019

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“The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it” (1 Thessalonians 5:24 NIV).

Just as a lamp won’t shine unless it’s plugged in, your light won’t shine unless you’re plugged into your power source. You cannot fulfill the purpose you were created for apart from the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, “Apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5 NIV).

If you want God’s power to work through your life, you need to understand what it means to have his anointing and keep a few things in mind.

  • When God says to do it, you can count on his anointing. Jesus’ last assignment to his disciples was impossible. There was no way they could possibly take the Gospel to the ends of the earth. It could only happen through his power. God will often give you an assignment that looks physically impossible, but he will make it possible.  
  • God’s anointing makes difficult tasks easier. Your resources are limited. Your energy is limited. Your knowledge is limited. Your wisdom is limited. Your talent is limited. God’s is not. With God’s anointing, you can handle things better, last longer, and go farther.

“I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources [God] will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit” (Ephesians 3:16 NLT).

  • God’s anointing makes the impossible possible. In your business, marriage, health, and relationships, you’re going to come up against insurmountable problems. God is a competent Father. He can handle any problem you give him. Nothing is beyond his ability or his resources.

“What is impossible for people is possible with God” (Luke 18:27 NIV).

  • God anoints your life to bless others. Jesus came to comfort the afflicted, the broken-hearted, those who are enslaved to habits, those who don’t know how to get out of debt, and those who are blind. And he anoints you to comfort others as well.

“Jesus arrived from Nazareth, anointed by God with the Holy Spirit, ready for action. He went through the country helping people and healing everyone who was beaten down by the Devil. He was able to do all this because God was with him” (Acts 10:38 The Message).

  • For every new challenge, you need fresh power from God. Anointing by the Holy Spirit cannot be stored up. You cannot handle today’s problems with yesterday’s anointing. You certainly can’t handle the problems you’re going to have tomorrow, next week, and next year with yesterday’s anointing. Stay in touch with God so that he can constantly fill you with his grace, love, and power. Ask for God’s anointing again. James 4:2 says, “You do not have, because you do not ask God” (NIV).
  • If you believed God wanted to bless your life, what would you ask of him?
  • Do you try to accomplish your tasks based on your own power or God’s power? What difference does it make?
  • In what ways do you see how God has anointed you—that is, equipped you—to fulfill whatever assignment he has given you?

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What Is My Assignment From God?

understanding the assignment sermon

hat is my assignment from God? This is a question that many resonate with because God has given each one of us a direct assignment. When many in the body of Christ think of their God-given assignment, they make the mistake to understand it on a broad level that feels unreachable.  As we will unpack today, an assignment is something that God uses to start us on the path of our destiny. 

After Jesus had risen from the dead, and spent 40 days walking with his disciples, He gave them disciples an amazing assignment.  

“Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go.  When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted.  Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:16-20)

The disciples were given a direct assignment from Jesus to go and to “make disciples of all nations.”  How were they to go about accomplishing this assignment?  By “teaching them to obey everything” Jesus had taught them.  This assignment is known today as the great commission.  Why did Jesus give them this assignment? 

It is in the Father’s heart for His children to partner with Him.  In the beginning, Adam co-labored with God in stewarding the garden of Eden (see Genesis 2:15 ).  This assignment was given so that Adam could discover God’s heart and love for the earth.  Today, in the same way, God gives His children unique assignments to carry out so that they can release the love of God on the earth. 

Jesus Modeled The Perfect Assignment 

When Jesus walked the earth, he modeled the perfect assignment.  As one reads the Gospels, they understand Jesus had a clear mission - to usher the kingdom of heaven into the earth.  This mission released various assignments from God to destroy the works of the devil.  1 John 3:8 makes this assignment clear.  “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.” 

As Jesus modeled the perfect assignment, he invited others to share in this responsibility.  Many times, after healing the sick or performing a sign to inaugurate the kingdom of God, he would release the recipients with a direct assignment.  

“Jesus stood up and said to her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”  She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more.” (John 8:10-11)

When the woman who was caught in adultery was brought to Jesus, she discovered something she never expected.  In the aftermath of being forgiven and unjudged by the Son of God, he gave her a direct command, “Go and sin no more.”  

In order to release her into her God-given destiny, Jesus commanded her to walk away from her former life and to follow the direction of Jesus.  By her sinning no more and obeying the word of God, she would be released to walk in a manner that she had never once walked in before.  

Assignments Fulfill Our Purpose   

When we discover our assignments from God, we partner with Him into his divine plans for our lives.  The book of Jeremiah speaks to the intentions of God’s plans over us.  

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

God has a plan for our lives.  These divine plans are rooted in our welfare and give us a wonderful hope and a future.  Although this is an amazing promise in scripture, when many read this verse they forget that it is a conditional promise, according to the preceding verses. 

“Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:12-13)

After God reveals to us His divine plans, He gives us a direct assignment.  Those that embark upon His plans of welfare must take on the assignment to seek Him with all of their heart.  By obeying this command, one embarks upon the road of their own destiny.  

This passage of scripture makes it clear, the path of our purpose is found by saying yes to our God-given assignments.  Saying yes to God’s assignment allows His purpose to begin working in your life.  When Jesus called his first disciples, he gave them clear assignments to propel them into their future.  

“And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matthew 4:19)

Jesus could of stop after his initial calling of “follow me”, but he didn’t.  Why?  Because Jesus wasn’t looking for followers alone, he was looking for co-labors in the kingdom of heaven.  Just as God gave Adam tasks to steward the garden, so Jesus gave his disciples tasks to steward the kingdom of God.  

Jesus didn’t ask the first disciples to just simply follow him, he gave them an assignment, “to become fishers of men.”  This assignment set them on the path of their destiny.  Years later, the disciples would produce the first fruits of the great commission by spreading the gospel around the modern world.  Imagine if Jesus would have never given them an assignment, could they have taken on their destiny? 

God gives us assignments to steward His divine purpose for our life.  Sometimes, His assignments make no sense to us at first (think of Noah), but we must obey them.  Obedience releases a grace of faith that unlocks our destiny and fulfills our assignment. 

Today, know this - God has called you and has a plan for your life.  The Lord has assigned an amazing purpose for you. It can only be unlocked through your response to His assignments and developed over the course of your own spiritual life. One thing is certain, His assignments are meant to fulfill the words of Jesus in the Lord’s Prayer , 

“Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10)

Kyle Echols

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Howard Strickland avatar

Contributed by Howard Strickland on Feb 1, 2023 (message contributor)

Scripture: Matthew 28:18-20 , Luke 17:1-4

Denomination: Church Of God

Summary: Un-forgiveness is like a Beaver Dam, it backs up the waste and debris of past events. Un-forgiveness stops the flow, nothing fresh can enter. Life in general becomes tainted.

Matthew 28:18-20

Un-forgiveness is like a Beaver Dam, it backs up the waste and debris of past events. Un-forgiveness stops the flow, nothing fresh can enter. Life in general becomes tainted.

On the other hand, Forgiveness is not a feeling, it’s a decision, a choice, a crisis of the will. Hold on to this, “Nobody heals in order to forgive; they forgive in order to heal.”

Illustration, As authority becomes precedent, Authority flows down, and removes all sediment and debris.

Remember this, authority rules in the spirit. As Christians believe, and practice their God-given authority, life advances.

Nothing has the ability to hold back a Christian that believes!

“I believe we live in a day of unbelieving Christians.” PH

Authority cannot be recognized, saturated with un-forgiveness, and bitterness:

Luke 17:1-4 NLT One day Jesus said to his disciples, “There will always be temptations to sin, but what sorrow awaits the person who does the tempting! 2 It would be better to be thrown into the sea with a millstone hung around your neck than to cause one of these little ones to fall into sin. 3 So watch yourselves! “If another believer sins, rebuke that person; then if there is repentance, forgive. 4 Even if that person wrongs you seven times a day and each time turns again and asks forgiveness, you must forgive.”

Listen Saints, the millstone had your name on it, my name on it, because we’re all tempted and been tempted. -But Jesus!

You might say, where is Justice? It is in the cross. Jesus Christ died for your sins, her sins and his sins, and everyone else’s sins.

Without the cross, forgiveness isn’t possible.

Someone once said, the cross is the sternest rebuke to mankind‘s selfishness this world will ever see.

19th century, Scottish author, George McDonnell said, that man is perfect in faith, who can come to God in the utter dearth of his feelings and desires, without a glow or an aspiration, with the weight of the low thoughts, failures, neglects, and wandering forgetfulness, and say to him, “thou art my refuge.”

We limit God with our doubts, unbelief and un-forgiveness. Scripture says of Israel in, Psalm 78:14 Yes, again and again, they tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel.

Unbelief, and un-forgiveness, limit the Holy One. -Notice, Israel murmured. Murmuring is always connected to unbelief, and unbelief bloats and crowds out all God given authority.

Israel murmured continually, is God able? Sure, he made a way for us through the Red Sea, but can He give us bread? God gave them bread. But can He give us water? God gave them water from a rock. But can God give us meat? God gave them meat from the sky. But can He deliver us from our enemies? Time and time again, God provided and delivered in every area.

Yes, Israel, God’s people spent 40 years crying, “Can God…? Can God…?”

Beloved, we ought to be proclaiming, “God can, and He will do all that we ask and believe Him for. -Our God is faithful.”

When we understand, God's faithfulness, In return, we become faithful. God's love is steadfast. Unending. God’s love is eternal along with the other 8 fruit of the Spirit.

The apostles Paul states a strong fact this way:

1 Corinthians 13:13 NLT Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.

In Galatians, chapter 5, we can read of the 9 fruit of the spirit.

This is what we need to know. These fruit, these powerful characteristics are eternal.

And when walked in, give each believer powerful authority!

Galatians 5:22-23 NLT But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!

Un-forgiveness rottens fruit. Un-forgiveness makes ‘one’ turn inward. Wrong perceptions, wrong thoughts, wrong motives, cynicism and pessimism mixed with unfaithful lips, wild imaginations, strongholds develop castles and fortresses.

Paul wrote about strongholds in the mind: 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 NLT  We are human, but we don’t wage war as humans do. 4 We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. 5 We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ.

As believers, we think of, Philippians 4:8 . Whatever is good, lovely, brings a good report.

In an army, who has the most authority? The General.

-The General submits to no other rank, but exercises authority over every other rank.

Now, who in an army has the least rank? The Private.

-The private is the opposite. He submits to all other ranks and exercises no authority over any other.

This thought came to me, When does the Private have the same authority as the General? Never?

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Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 13:13 , 1 John 2:20 , 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 , Galatians 5:22-23 , John 20:20-23 , Luke 10:19 , Luke 17:1-4 , Matthew 16:13-19 , Matthew 28:18-20 , Philippians 4:8 , Proverbs 19:21 , Psalm 78:14

Sermon Topics: Vision , Sight , Assignment

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Ricardo Newbold

Recognizing Your Divine Assignment

  • March 9, 2019
  • by Ricardo Newbold

God has a divine assignment for each Christian. Your assignment is any problem that you were created to solve.  These problems are also your doors to rewards.  This is where favor comes in. But how do you recognize your divine assignment?  

God has laid out a road map for you to be successful in His plans. He has also given you His Holy Spirit to guide you to your divine destination. However, if you rebel against your assignment, God may allow painful experiences to bring you to a place of surrender.

How to Discern Your Divine Assignment

Many people believe that whatever you like doing without going through stress might be what God wants you to do. This might be true in some cases. God gave us some gifts that we can use to execute those assignments given to us. Yet, the problem might not be on how to carry out these assignments but how to recognize them.

Many of us do one work or the other and we remain confused because we don’t know if that’s the will of God for us. Most of the time we find ourselves failing some simple task.  It may be because we are not in the right place, where God wants us to be. How then do we discover the exact assignment God gave us or wants us to do?

Let us now look to the scriptures to help ascertain our assignment.

Develop A Closer Relationship With God

The only way to be sure of understanding and completing your divine assignment is through constant fellowship with God (Secret Place). You can’t know the plans of the people you don’t know – even if a third party tells us about someone’s plan, it won’t be as true or convincing as hearing it from the person directly. In this same manner, we must build a strong relationship with God to be able to know His purpose.

Firstly, we must know His word . The word of God draws us to Him. We get to know him more and more – what he likes and what he doesn’t like. To be able to grow in Christ daily, we must eat the spiritual food which is known to be the word of God. When we read His word, we get to understand our purpose.

Another way we can build a strong relationship with God is through prayer. Prayer is essential as it links us with God.  He talks to us and makes his plans known to us through prayer. When we pray in the morning before going to work or anywhere, we receive guidance from Him that will direct us through the day.

Simply Listen

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.” ~ Psalm 19:14 (NKJV)

This may look strange but yet it is important that we learn to be at peace and listen to whatever God has to say to us. After meditating on the word or after praying, we must listen to what God has to say. Listen to know why He has called you – don’t be the only one talking every time. 

God speaks to our mind and uses our thoughts to speak to us about His plans. Yet, there are different things you must pay attention and listen to, which are;

The Holy Spirit

Seeking the Lord in prayer, meditation on the Word of God and by fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit, you will discover the assignment of God for your life. The Holy Spirit talks to us in a still small voice. Hence, we must listen to get what He is passing across to us. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of God in man’s heart.

Now that you are in Christ, your heart is renewed and your thoughts are not just ordinary. Your heart is a tool God can use to reveal your divine assignment. Sometimes, you will get to ask yourself some questions about your life. 

Questions like, “How will I make it in life?” “What is the next in my life?” “How should I handle my family?”  When you ask yourself such questions, God also uses your thoughts to give you an answer. You will then notice you are thinking of possible solutions to the questions you asked yourself.

The Prophets

Listen to the ministers of God. Don’t raise a conflicting spirit against whatever they are saying – they have been anointed to speak the mind of God.

Study the Map (The Bible)

To fulfill your divine assignment, you must know God’s word. The Bible is a book of guidance to the Christian.   2 Timothy 3:16 stated that the Bible was written by the inspiration of God and it is useful for correction.  Does the result of the prayer you are seeing or the voice in your head align with the word of God? 

God exalts His word more and His word can never change. He can never say anything against what He has already spoken. His word doesn’t contradict. Matthew 24:15 “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.”

Follow Clear Instructions

God’s will won’t cause you to be confused. Particularly, the kind of confusion that causes difficulty in doing the will of God, thereby causing frequent stumbling. 

1 Corinthians 14:33 “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.” The word of the Lord is clear and direct, He will instruct you on the way to go. 

Psalm 32:8 “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.”

How Does It Affect Others?

God has told us to love our neighbors but when we are getting something that is contrary to that, then it’s not the will of God. Galatians 6:10 “Therefore, as we have the opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.”

You cannot say because it’s the will of God that you do His work and abandon your responsibility as a wife, a husband, a boss, or whatever position you are in. 1 Timothy 5:8 “But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.”  

Doing the right thing for your family and the people whom you love, including the people at your workplace is the will of God.

Build Your Life Around Your Divine Assignment

God has already placed a specific assignment in your life that only you can accomplish with His help. Your job is to discover that assignment, complete it with God’s help and be a blessing to the Body of Christ.  

Your assignment or plans can be found in studying the Word of God. (NKJV) Jeremiah 29:11 “ For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. ”  

God’s thoughts and plans for your life are for good and not evil. They are to prosper you!  God’s assignment for you will not fail when you do it His way. Continue to seek Him and He will reveal it to you.

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  • Jul 17, 2021

Take Your Assignment Seriously

And the keeper of the prison awaking out of his sleep, and seeing the prison doors open, he drew out his sword, and would have killed himself, supposing that the prisoners had been fled. (Acts 16:27)

I think many believers could learn something from this jailor.

He was willing to die for the sake of his assignment. When he saw that he hadn’t completed it acceptably, he essentially sentenced himself to death!

He was willing to die for his duty, but God wants us to live for ours.

understanding the assignment sermon

God has assignments for you. Discover what they are and take them seriously. Maybe your assignment is to serve in a particular area in the church. Be faithful. Maybe God wants you to serve Him through the workplace. Be faithful.

Decide to live for God by fulfilling the assignments He has given you.

Fulfilling your assignment involves more than simply getting the job done. It also means being faithful. In other words, fulfilling your mission has to do with attitude as well as activity.

Fulfilling your assignment means you are trustworthy to do what you said you would do.

God is not asking us to die for our assignment physically, but He is asking us to die to the flesh (our emotions, feelings, complaints, and dislikes) so that we can walk in the Spirit and fulfill our assignments to the fullest.

Practical Application – If you genuinely see the assignments God has given you as opportunities to serve Him, how should that affect how you fulfill your daily tasks? You can turn your work into worship when you actively and purposely dedicate each day and every task to honoring God through it.

Luke 16:10; Proverbs 20:6

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Understanding the Assignment Pt.1- "You've Been Called to Be"

Jesus commended us to go out into all the world, preaching and teaching the good news and baptizing in His name, but how many of us really understood the task at hand? Join us during the Lenten Season as our pastor, Rev. Dr. Jason O. Jordan-Griffin explores Christ’s most well known words through a thought provoking new sermon series entitled, “Understanding the Assignment”. Don’t miss as Pastor J unpacks the Beatitudes, The Lord’s Prayer, what Jesus had to say about fasting and so much more, but ultimately living life in a way that glorifies God!

Rev. Dr. Jason O. Jordan-Griffin Image

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understanding the assignment sermon

Understanding the Assignment Pt.1- "You've Been Called to Be"

Series: understanding the assignment, speaker: rev. dr. jason o. jordan-griffin, march 6, 2022.

Matthew 5:1-12 '> Matthew 5:1-12

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