Ellin Lolis Consulting

2024-2025 Wharton MBA Essay Tips and Example Essays

Jun 17, 2024

wharton undergraduate admissions essays

  • Who is Wharton looking for?
  • How should I answer Wharton essay questions?
  • Get into the Wharton MBA
  • Wharton Deadlines

UPDATE : This article was originally posted on July 10, 2018. It has been updated with new information and tips below.

In 1881, Joseph Wharton started the world’s first collegiate business school. In the more than 100 years since, Wharton has maintained its position as one of the world’s top destinations for talented business professionals. 

With numerous opportunities (many of them overseas) to develop your leadership skills and build relationships with fellow students, Wharton offers a highly challenging yet highly collaborative approach to business education. 

However, with increasing competition to join this innovative, collaboratively-minded university, it’s more difficult than ever to successfully apply to Wharton. 

That’s why we’ve prepared this guide to help you use your Wharton admissions essays to stand out . We’ve rounded up our best tips and links to Wharton MBA sample essays to ensure you give your Haas application your best shot.

1. Who is Wharton looking for?

wharton undergraduate admissions essays

“Our mission is to develop leaders who act with a deeper understanding of themselves, their organizations, and their communities, and contribute positively to the growth of each.” Wharton Admissions

As one of the most consistently top-ranked business schools, Wharton has become almost synonymous with elite business education. With a strong focus on innovation and their unique Lauder dual-degree program in international studies and Health Care Major , it’s no surprise that Wharton is at the top of many applicants’ lists of dream schools. 

Each year, Wharton selects just under 900 students from 70 countries to take part in its two-year program. Though there is no one “perfect” type of Wharton student, the university does favor high test scores. The median GMAT for the Class of 2025 was 728 (slightly down from 733 for last year’s class) and the average GRE score was 162 Quant, 162 Verbal.  

Though often called a “finance factory,” Wharton builds a diverse class each year by looking beyond traditional investment banking professionals to fill its class. In fact, the number of Wharton post-MBA graduates breaking into industries like tech has only increased over the past few years. With the launch of Tangen Hall last year, that number is only likely to continue growing. 

Beyond the numbers, Wharton tends to value students who demonstrate a collaborative personality, leadership potential, global mindset, and an ability to think outside the box and innovate. 

If this sounds like a community in which you’d be right at home, you’ll first have to prove you’ve got what it takes by successfully answering Wharton’s admissions essay questions. 

2. How should I answer Wharton essay questions?

2.1. essay 1.

Essay 1: How do you plan to use the Wharton MBA program to help you achieve your future professional goals? You might consider your past experience, short and long-term goals, and resources available at Wharton. (500 words)

Before starting, you might want to review the tips the Wharton admissions committee gives on how to approach the essays. 

In this essay, you have a big task. In around 500 words , you need to discuss:

  • Context for your goals
  • Your specific-post MBA goals and why you are pursuing them at this moment
  • Why you believe an MBA is necessary to reach these goals
  • How a Wharton MBA will help you reach these goals

Each of these elements must be included and must build off of each other. 

First of all, many candidates think they do not need to specifically state their goals, or that it’s better to leave “their options open.” If you are applying to elite business schools, however, you must have and present absolute clarity about your goals. 

TOP TIP : If you’re having trouble figuring out what your post-MBA goals are, we’ve prepared this post to help you decipher this essential part of the application process! 

However, goals without context can be a little confusing to decipher or understand (or they can just seem a bit lackluster). For this reason, we suggest starting your essay with context. 

For example, a client last year initially started his essay by saying: 

“I want to become a Business Development Director at a Brazilian company.”

While interesting, it’s better to give a little bit of context to help these goals come to life. Check out the final version of the same essay’s introduction:

“In the 1970s, the phrase “think global, act local” came into use, suggesting that to have global impact, one must be active locally. With this mindset, I focused my career on Brazilian multinational companies to start creating global change at home. While at Company 1, I led a diverse global team, which showed me that clear communication is essential. I later accepted a finance position at a real estate company where I learned how new technologies can impact traditional local industries and that leaders must adapt to these trends to maintain competitiveness. Most recently, I joined Company 2 to participate in its daring globalization plan. At Company 2, I have learned how challenging it is to formulate effective global strategies to thrive in diverse markets. I have also developed management skills since becoming Financial Coordinator, learning how important establishing a culture of collaboration is to providing stability for organizations.

I now seek to take the next step to becoming a “global” leader by becoming Business Development Director at a Brazilian company pursuing globalization, giving me the experience to assume my long-term goal of CEO of one such company.”

Second, you should clearly demonstrate why you need an MBA. 

An MBA is not a catch-all degree that serves a purpose for all career paths. As such, you need to demonstrate that the goals you have set for yourself require the additional training an MBA can provide. 

Be thoughtful about this particular section. If you don’t need to improve in any meaningful way, you might be presenting the argument the admissions committee needs for why you can’t actually benefit from an MBA. 

Furthermore, if you show fluffy or unsupported reasons you need to hone your skills, you’ll also likely see your application tossed aside in favor of an applicant who was able to clearly demonstrate how they plan to leverage their time at business school. 

Third, add how Kellogg can specifically help you grow in the areas you’ve identified. Mentioning that you want to go to Kellogg because of its ranking will not cut it here. 

Instead, show that you understand the unique offerings Wharton’s curriculum provides (I highly suggest you mention the pathway or major you’re interested in) and have done significant, thoughtful research into how the opportunities both inside and outside of the classroom can help you grow. If you have space, it’s also highly recommended that you mention how you can contribute to the community. 

End with a winning conclusion statement that reinforces your personal brand and ties the whole essay together. 

Need more guidance? 

Our MBA Resource Center has dozens of Wharton MBA essays that worked to get our clients admitted to help you plan out a winning Wharton essay. 

Our library also includes guides for all top global MBA programs, detailed essay brainstorms, interview tips and mocks, CV templates, and recommendation letter guides. Click to join ! 

2.2. Essay 2

Taking into consideration your background – personal, professional, and/or academic – how do you plan to make specific, meaningful contributions to the Wharton community? (400 words)

For this essay, we highly suggest that you focus on multiple examples. In our experience over the years, 3 ways you plan to contribute tends to work best, though we have seen essays with 2 examples and 4 examples work in very special circumstances.  

There are many different ways you can contribute to the Wharton community, so many different stories and “lessons” you can apply at Wharton are valid here.  

For example, if you have worked extensively as part of an international team, highlighting a specific experience where diversity was the key to “winning the day” and showing how you would promote diversity while at Wharton could work very well. 

Or, you might have a specific ability that has proven valuable in analyzing business challenges, might be an outstanding communicator, etc. There really are endless opportunities for this essay. 

When telling your stories, make sure to use the STAR method to ensure you clearly demonstrate what happened, your role in the events, and what you learned. Then, link this lesson to specific resources and opportunities at Wharton, showing how you will improve the overall community. 

To create an amazing essay, stay focused, do your research on Wharton, and choose your examples wisely. Showing you’re a leader and team player who fully understands the Wharton experience and who is prepared to contribute to the Wharton community is the key to success. 

2.3. Reapplicant Essay

Required Essay for All Reapplicants: Please use this space to share with the Admissions Committee how you have reflected [on] and grown since your previous application and discuss any relevant updates to your candidacy (e.g., changes in your professional life, additional coursework, and extracurricular/volunteer engagements). (250 words)

We have written two extensive posts on how to approach reapplying to business school and on how to handle the reapplicant essay . Make sure to check them out!

2.4. Optional Essay

Optional Essay: Please use this space to share any additional information about yourself that cannot be found elsewhere in your application and that you would like to share with the Admissions Committee. This space can also be used to address any extenuating circumstances (e.g., unexplained gaps in work experience, choice of recommenders, inconsistent or questionable academic performance, areas of weakness, etc.) that you would like the Admissions Committee to consider.

As with nearly all elite business schools, Wharton does not want to see a summary of your profile or a restatement of why you want to attend Wharton. 

However, if you have extenuating circumstances that merit additional explanation (a good overview of what kind of circumstances quality can be found here ), make sure to explain them clearly and directly. 

Looking for Wharton MBA essay examples? Check out our real sample essays that got our clients admitted here .

wharton undergraduate admissions essays

3. Get into the Wharton MBA

One of the most common mistakes we see in MBA essays is that candidates fail to tell compelling stories . This is important because if your stories are not compelling, they will not be persuasive. At the same time, they must be backed by strong examples that establish a track record of success and prove to the admissions committees why you belong at their school. 

Striking this balance between content and creativity can be tough, however, as succeeding means not only choosing the right stories but ensuring they are told in an optimal manner. 

This is why our iterative developmental feedback process here at Ellin Lolis Consulting helps you mold your message through the application of our storytelling expertise until it reflects exactly what makes your profile stand out and show fit with your target program.   

Not only can you take advantage of our iterative feedback process through multiple edits – you can also benefit from it after a single review! If your budget is tight, our editors will be happy to help polish your text as much as possible and leave “bonus comments” so you can keep working on it on your own!

wharton undergraduate admissions essays

No matter how long we work with you, we will always ensure your essays shine . Sign up to work with our team of storytelling experts and get accepted.

4. Wharton Deadlines

The deadlines below apply to the 2024-2025 application cycle. You can start your online application here . 

Wharton Round 1 Deadlines

Application Deadline : September 4, 2024

Interview Notification : October 24, 2024

Decisions Released : December 10, 2024

Wharton Round 2 Deadlines

Application Deadline : January 3, 2025

Interview Notification : February 19, 2025

Decisions Released : April 1, 2025

Wharton Round 3 Deadlines

Application Deadline : April 2, 2025

Interview Notification : April 18, 2025

Decisions Released : May 13, 2025

Wharton Deferred Admissions Deadlines

Application Deadline : April 23, 2025

Interview Notification : May 29, 2025

Decisions Released : July 1, 2025

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Wharton Essay Questions and Strategic Guidance, 2024-2025

When you hear “Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania,” the first thought that pops into your head might be “Finance!”—and understandably so, given the Wharton MBA program has been a leading institution in the subject of finance since the school was founded in 1881. But what you may not realize is how much of a powerhouse UPenn Wharton is in other business domains. Its marketing and customer analytics courses are cutting edge, while aspiring entrepreneurs will find loads of resources in Wharton’s new Tangen Hall, the largest student entrepreneurship hub in the world.

UPenn Wharton asks candidates to submit two essays as part of its application. As you will see once you examine the essay prompts (as we do in detail below), Wharton really wants to know two things: What can Wharton do for you, and what can you do for Wharton? To compose an effective response, you will need a strong grasp of Wharton’s offerings as well as which of those offerings will be most valuable for you. Though you should demonstrate in these essays that you have done your homework on the program, remember that the admissions committee ultimately uses the essays to learn more about you.

Essay 1: How do you plan to use the Wharton MBA program to help you achieve your future professional goals? You might consider your past experience, short and long-term goals, and resources available at Wharton. (500 words)

Wharton does us by favor sharing exactly what we would recommend for a career-oriented essay. In short, one of the easiest ways to approach this question is to present a brief overview of your relevant past experiences, share what you hope to do after business school, and then explain how Wharton will help get you from where you are now to where you want to go.

  • Your past: Do you have a defining professional experience from your past that you can share, perhaps something that clarifies how you became interested in your target career or reveals what motivated you to apply to business school? You might even highlight a story or vignette that relates to one or more of Wharton’s key values.
  • Your goals: Give the schools a sense of where hope to head after graduating from Wharton. Contrary to what you might hear from others, you do not need to be overly specific (though if you have clearly defined goals in mind, by all means, communicate them!). What is more important is that you have at least a general sense of where you are headed and that your plans make sense in the context of your past experiences.
  • Why Wharton: You should dedicate approximately one-half of the allotted word count to the “Why Wharton?” element.  Before you begin working on your essays, do some in-depth research on the Wharton MBA experience and identify specific reasons the program appeals to you. For example, which classes are you excited to take? What will you major in? Which skills and experiences do you need to have to be able to achieve your career goals, and which offerings at Wharton will provide them? Which clubs will you join, and what role(s) will you play in them?  Remember, Wharton wants to know specifically what you hope to gain professionally from the Wharton MBA (not just any MBA program in general). Give Wharton every confidence that you can clearly imagine yourself on campus and that you fully understand why it is the right MBA program to help you advance toward your professional goals.
  • When researching Wharton, go beyond the school’s materials and website and also sign up for virtual classes and contact and speak with students and alumni. As you do your research, your goal is not to find the most unique or little-known classes or resources; instead, you want to identify several offerings that will enable you to close the gap between where you are now and where you want to go after business school.

Essay 2: Taking into consideration your background – personal, professional, and/or academic – how do you plan to make specific, meaningful contributions to the Wharton community? (400 words)

While the school’s first question is about how Wharton can help you, this second one is about how you can help Wharton.

  • To start, let us share a potentially uncomfortable truth, but one you need to keep in mind with respect to this essay. All of the following contributions are incredibly valuable, but you should assume that many—even most—other Wharton applicants can offer them as well: analytical skills to help classmates who might struggle with some of the initial coursework (this scenario is actually extremely rare), a robust network, a willingness to help (other) international/LGBTQAI+/minority/etc. classmates get settled, and an interest in being an alumni mentor and/or interviewer. Does that mean that under no circumstances should you mention any of these? Of course not! But if you do, you absolutely must offer clear stories and reasons that substantiate why you are (or will be) especially adept at what you propose.
  • Regardless of what you choose to highlight, your essay should not end up being just a laundry list, in part because you do not have enough space to enumerate a large number of ideas, but more importantly, because this is about quality , not quantity. In your mere 400 words, you want to highlight two or three examples (not referenced in Essay 1) of how you will participate in the community—the Wharton community, the Penn community, and/or the Philadelphia community more broadly. How can you make an impact? Have you identified a gap in the school’s offerings that you could help fill or a way of improving something that is already available (innovation!)? Can you offer something relatively unique based on your personal experiences and background? What would you do, and what role would you take?
  • A key part of this essay question that applicants often overlook is the intro phrase: “Taking into consideration your background.” Wharton is asking not just about what you expect to do, but why . What is motivating you to participate in the activity you mention? How does it connect with your life experiences, good or bad? Of all the many things you could choose to be involved in at Wharton, what has prompted you to focus on this one?
  • And to set the record straight, you do not have to avoid getting personal or worry about being “basic.” The main thing is to be authentic. For example, if you are an expert skier or a wine connoisseur, stating that you plan to join the ski club or wine club is perfectly acceptable, but you need to then go a step further and explain what you specifically can bring to the table.

To summarize, the key with this essay is not just telling the admissions committee how you anticipate being involved as a Wharton student but also why doing so is important to you and what impact you will have.

More about Wharton:

We have added this section because too often, we hear candidates dismiss Wharton because they assume Wharton is either too competitive or too focused on finance. While Wharton is full of driven, ambitious students, so is every top business school; collaboration on campus is still pervasive. Likewise, Wharton’s finance curriculum is top-notch, but so is its prowess in marketing, strategy, entrepreneurship and more. See below for more thoughts on what Wharton is really about and what it seeks in applicants. These notes can be helpful as you consider what to write about in your essays.

At Wharton, collaboration is crucial to success. From its team-based admissions interviews to the structure of its learning teams, Wharton demonstrates again and again that working with others to achieve a mutual goal is held in high regard. With respect to its essays, highlighting teamwork examples can therefore be useful, but note that a team involves people in many different roles, and various types of leadership are valued. Do not feel you must present an example of professional success or a team you “led” to be able to submit an effective essay; examples that demonstrate other types of leadership, or other roles on a team, can be equally or even more effective. (Note: If you are not familiar with the McNulty Leadership Program and what it offers, quickly reviewing it would be worth your time.)

Wharton has tried hard to break free of its former reputation as mostly a “finance school,” and one of the ways it has succeeded is by embracing innovation , through its courses, venture conferences and competitions, and student body. Demonstrating that you have an interest in being innovative, or in engineering change in any form, can help convince Wharton that you will be a good fit with its program.

Your analytical skills can be communicated through your GMAT/GRE scores and your undergrad coursework and GPA, but if your skills are lacking—and even if they are not—your essays (and/or your resume) can offer additional avenues through which to show the admissions committee your analytical prowess. Wharton wants to see quantitative proficiency, so make sure to show evidence of such. Note that we are using the word “show” here intentionally; you want to include examples that effectively “show” the admissions committee that you possess these skills, not just tell the schools that you have them.

In an effort to create future leaders with a global mindset , Wharton prides itself on the diverse makeup of its student body, with members hailing from around the globe. Describing the experiences you have had across different regions and cultures, and explaining what you learned/gained from those experiences, can reveal your ability strengthen the student body.

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2024-2025 Wharton MBA Essay Tips + An Example

wharton undergraduate admissions essays

Originally published on July 13, 2023. Updated on July 3, 2024.

The Wharton MBA essay prompts are confirmed for 2024-2025 and they remain unchanged from last year. The questions are direct and allow enough word count to paint a robust picture of who you are and why Wharton is right for you (and vice versa). As such, this application can be a good one to tackle early in the process. The deadlines are also early in each round, which lends additional credence to this approach.

To help you get started, we’re sharing a Wharton MBA essay example as well as some tips to use while crafting your own. 

Wharton MBA Essay Questions

  • How do you plan to use the Wharton MBA program to help you achieve your future professional goals? You might consider your past experience, short and long-term goals, and resources available at Wharton. (500 words)
  • Taking into consideration your background – personal, professional, and/or academic – how do you plan to make specific, meaningful contributions to the Wharton community? (400 words)

Wharton MBA Essay Advice

While the Wharton essay questions read as fairly straightforward, don’t let them lead you down the path of writing bland essays.  Run of the mill essays do nothing to help you stand out from the sea of applications Wharton receives. Additionally, despite the generous word count, you will absolutely need to be strategic about what you include – and don’t.

Your Career Goals Are the ‘Anchor’ For Essay One

When it comes to the first essay, the critical thing to keep in mind is that all of your content should be ‘anchored’ by your short – and long-term career goals . If you haven’t given robust thought to these and done your due diligence to ensure they are sound, now is the time to do so.

Once you have defined and refined your career goals, you need to think backwards and forwards.

By thinking backwards, we’re encouraging you to think about the formative experiences that led you to your post-MBA career goals. Perhaps in your work as a consultant you were staffed on a healthcare project that opened your eyes to how complex yet exciting the healthcare industry can be. This sparked your interest in shifting to a strategy role within a healthcare company where you can make a lasting impact on the industry and those it touches. Tell the story of that case, focusing on why it was so eye-opening, so the adcom can really feel your passion and the authenticity behind your goals.

By thinking forwards, we’re recommending that you think very specifically about the skills you need to build to be successful in your target career. Then, research and describe the unique elements of Wharton’s program that will help you to build them. If the examples you cite are offered by other business schools, they are not specific enough to make a compelling argument as to why Wharton will best position you for success. Getting this part right takes work and that is exactly why it matters.

Focus Essay Two on Being a ‘Giver’ Not a ‘Taker’

When it comes to the second essay, take a cue from what Wharton professor extraordinaire Adam Grant’s concept of ‘ givers and takers ’. Whereas the ‘why Wharton’ section of the first essay can cover what you will ‘take’ from the experience, this essay should focus on the ways in which you will be a ‘giver’ while at Wharton and even after graduation. A giver ‘…[looks] to help others by making an introduction, giving advice, providing mentoring, or sharing knowledge, without any strings attached.’

To be in a position to ‘give’, you need to have a unique knowledge base, personality trait, or past experience from which others will benefit. This is the crux of the essay. It is, first and foremost, the place to share what distinguishes you from other applicants. Because the first essay is so career focused, we urge clients to write about something personal here.

For example, a past client discussed how she would use the determination that had helped her overcome personal challenges to motivate her peers in Wharton Women in Business. She went on to describe a specific area of programming she would bring to the club that tied in with some of the personal challenges she had conquered.  The essay was strategic, specific, and thoughtful (and it was successful in earning her an acceptance with full scholarship).

Wharton MBA Essay Example

Because it’s often hard to put theory into practice, below is a Wharton MBA essay example from one of our clients who was accepted (with scholarship!).

Wharton MBA Essay Example – Essay 1

My experience advising consumer products companies at [company x] and driving strategic go-to-market decisions at [company y] have sparked a fascination with strategy at the intersection of consumer and technology. Coupled with a Wharton MBA and a post-MBA role at a consumer technology startup, I plan to leverage these experiences to, one day, lead the strategy function of a company that disrupts a previously-established market by understanding and changing consumer behavior, like Airbnb or StitchFix.

In my work to date, I have seen both ends of the innovation spectrum, which has driven home the importance of responding to quickly evolving customer needs. At [company x], while interviewing company executives on a project for a multinational food manufacturer, I was surprised to find that they were focusing investment on legacy products that, while historically lucrative, would not position the company for future success in the face of changing consumer trends. In contrast, [company y] makes every strategic play based on customer needs. When customers became increasingly segmented by industry, we reorganized the sales team into industry verticals. When COVID-19 struck, we released [product], a product that helps customers evaluate how to safely restart operations. Combining my [company x] and [company y] experiences, I see an opportunity to leverage a deep understanding of consumer trends, based in data and analytics, to disrupt a consumer market with technology.

To succeed in this journey, I need to build the core business principles that were not a part of my liberal arts undergraduate education and develop my personal leadership style. At Wharton, a double major in Business Analytics and Strategic Management will provide a deep understanding of business fundamentals while teaching me to be an innovative strategic leader. Classes like Managing the Emerging Enterprise with Exequiel Hernandez will provide hands-on experience analyzing high-growth organizations, teaching me the fundamental principles of managing a disruptive consumer technology firm, from early competitive positioning to organizational structure and the strategic and operational art of expansion.

Further, understanding and developing my personal leadership style will be paramount to my future career. By taking part in the McNulty Leadership Program’s Leadership Ventures, such as the Quantico Intensive, I will apply my existing teamwork skills to a fast-paced problem-solving exercise. As someone who has always found growth in situations outside my comfort zone, I am excited to explore my personal leadership traits in this intense, hands-on environment, which will prepare me for the dynamic pace of the consumer technology industry.

Lastly, a leadership position in the Technology Club will provide access to Wharton’s broad industry resources and alumni base, preparing me to hit the ground running in a post-MBA role at a consumer technology start-up. Joining an existing but early stage company will expose me to the ins and outs of my target industry and, as is the nature with start-ups, provide experience playing multiple roles in a dynamic format. This breadth of experience will provide a holistic perspective on a consumer technology company’s growth levers and industry dynamics, solidifying my preparation to serve as a strategic leader.

Wharton MBA Essay Example – Essay 2

My parents nicknamed me “the quiet giant” because I was always the underdog whose determination surprised those who underestimated me. I grew up smaller than my peers, so when my softball coach told me that my size would prevent me from being competitive, I was crushed by his quick judgment of my size. Rather than letting this criticism deter me, I became resolved to prove him wrong. I persistently practiced my pitching technique and, two years later, was the best pitcher in the league, going on to win the all-star championship. In this pivotal moment, I was overcome with pride and realized that success was possible if I kept my will to persevere and pushed past my ‘limits’.

Throughout my life, I have leveraged this determination to benefit the communities and teams of which I have been a part. At [company y], I led a team of ten to create an automated headcount dataset that saved the strategy organization hundreds of hours of manual work each quarter. While this project required strategic alignment and technical creativity, my biggest contribution was my ability to motivate the team. We hit many roadblocks, but I took on every challenge with an open mind, encouraging my team to think creatively and listening receptively to each person’s perspective. As a result, our solution transformed the way the organization reports on headcount growth.

These same motivating principles and teamwork skills will allow me to make valuable contributions to the Wharton community. I look forward to using my determination to help motivate my learning team when coursework is challenging or the demands of recruiting wear on us. Through core classes like Corporate Finance, the difficulty of which has been emphasized by current students, I will work closely with my learning team and encourage my peers to persevere.

As a leader of WWIB, I look forward to working alongside my female peers to build our confidence in business settings and otherwise. As a woman in the male-dominated field of consulting, I have unfortunately felt the impact of being overlooked. After joining [company y], I attended courses on public speaking for women and was encouraged to voice my opinions. As a result of my determination to grow in this way, my confidence and presentation skills improved, which enabled my promotion to Manager. I look forward to continuing to develop these skills within WWIB alongside my diverse and talented female peers.

We hope you found this Wharton MBA essay example helpful and can apply our essay writing tips to your own personal narrative. We’re here to help if you’re struggling. Click here to request a free consultation . 

Katie McQuarrie

Katie is a passionate mentor and coach, helping her clients craft a unique, compelling story by leveraging her experience as a corporate executive, alumni interviewer, and campus recruiter. Before completing her MBA at Kellogg, Katie spent five years in banking where she learned practical finance skills as well as how to operate in a demanding, high pressure environment. She pursued an MBA in order to transition to an industry role where she could utilize her finance knowledge to drive change within an organization. Post-MBA, she worked in finance and strategy for a leading CPG firm, progressing to an executive role leading the finance function for a $2B business segment. Her experience managing diverse teams led to a passion for developing others. In addition to her day-to-day responsibilities, she led her firm’s MBA recruiting efforts and served as an alumni admissions interviewer for Kellogg.

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Tips For Your Wharton Application Essays

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For its application essays, Wharton doubles down and asks two questions that require you to present your knowledge of its program. In short, Wharton really wants to know that you want to be at the school. So, thoroughly do your homework before you start writing—talk to students and alumni and attend online or (if possible) in-person admissions events. Really dig in! Wharton wants to be sure you didn’t just look at a ranking when choosing a school or that it’s not just your backup option if you don’t get into Harvard Business School or the Stanford GSB. Wharton wants to feel confident that you will accept a place in its next class. Be ready to prove it!

Free : Download Stratus Admissions’ Guide to Getting into The Wharton School

Essay 1: how do you plan to use the wharton mba program to help you achieve your future professional goals you might consider your past experience, short and long-term goals, and resources available at wharton. (500 words).

A strong essay response to this prompt will start by contextualizing your future goals. Although there is no room here for an extended autobiography, by revealing growth and development professionally or potentially through a particular interest, you can set the stage to reveal the leap you aspire to take in your career—one that will be dramatically accelerated via the Wharton MBA.

Your goals should be true to who you are; there is no Wharton-specific goal that the school is hoping for you to say. However, it is very important that the admissions committee really believes you need an MBA from Wharton in particular. The school’s question makes this a focal point. Here is where you need to share your research on the program—not as a data dump, but as a thoughtful discussion of how you will use the Wharton experience to grow. You might almost think of this as an opportunity to share your Wharton game plan. You can show the admissions committee that you are coming to campus on a clear educational mission (and remember that education can occur  outside  the classroom as well!) and that the school can count on you to execute both during and after your Wharton experience. You can also make it clear how you plan to leverage their alumni network, which is the largest of any business school. If the admissions committee believes you are going places, they will want to attach their brand to you!

Essay 2: Taking into consideration your background – personal, professional, and/or academic – how do you plan to make specific, meaningful contributions to the Wharton community? (400 words)

This essay is a challenge for many because it has two distinct parts, and if you divide them roughly equally, you have 200 words, or only a few sentences, for each! In the first, you need to share an anecdote or experience that is formative or that clearly helped define who you are or how you walk through life. The experience you describe should clearly illuminate specific values that you hold, and you should explain how you would apply these values for the better at Wharton. It isn’t enough for you to just say, “I will bring this characteristic with me to Wharton!” Instead, you need to show that you have a deep understanding of the applicability of this trait at Wharton. (Where will your impact be felt? How will you contribute?) For example, will your trait come alive in planning or executing the Wharton Follies, in helping your cohortmates or clustermates with their job hunt, as a William P. Lauder Leadership Fellow, or all of the above? It doesn’t matter where it manifests; again, it just matters that you have a clear game plan and that you know how you will execute it!

Required Essay for all Reapplicants: Please use this space to share with the Admissions Committee how you have reflected and grown since your previous application and discuss any relevant updates to your candidacy (e.g., changes in your professional life, additional coursework, and extracurricular/volunteer engagements). (250 words)

This is an opportunity to explain how you have grown since you last applied. Ideally, you have improved on some aspect(s) of your profile—whether that is a higher test score, more work experience, a promotion, or something similar. Be sure to explain what it is about the school that motivates you to apply again. This can be a great way to show the specific and sincere reasons you value a Wharton MBA.

Optional Essay: Please use this space to share any additional information about yourself that cannot be found elsewhere in your application and that you would like to share with the Admissions Committee. This space can also be used to address any extenuating circumstances (e.g., unexplained gaps in work experience, choice of recommenders, inconsistent or questionable academic performance, areas of weakness, etc.) that you would like the Admissions Committee to consider. (500 words)

This question only needs to be addressed if there are gaps in your employment or some specific situation where providing background or context would be helpful. Some other examples would be if your recommender is not your direct supervisor, or maybe your transcript is riddled with holes or bad grades. If you have any special extracurricular causes or work that you believe would further illustrate who you are, this would be a good place to share this aspect of your profile with the admissions committee. Whatever your topic, there is no need to make this essay any longer than it needs to be to explain your answer. Just briefly provide the necessary explanation or information without a lot of extraneous commentary.

In  Stratus Admissions’ Guide to Getting into the Wharton School , you will find information on a variety of the MBA program’s offerings, such as the Field Application Project, the Venture Initiation Project, Wharton Follies, and the MBA Pub.   Download our brand-new guide to learn more about the Wharton School!

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Essays and Short Answer Prompts

The Penn application process includes a personal essay —which is sent to most schools you apply to—as well as a few short answer prompts . We read your words carefully, as they are yet another window into how you think, what you value, and how you see the world. Through your writing, we get a glimpse of what you might bring to our community—including your voice and creativity. 

Remember, you are the expert on your story. This is an opportunity for you to reflect and understand who you are now, and who you want to be in the future. You have the agency to choose the information you want to share. This is your story: your experiences, your ideas, your perspective.   

A Few Writing Tips

  • Review the prompts thoroughly.  Be sure you’re answering the question or prompt being asked. Topics are chosen because the Admissions Committee wants to know specific things about you. If you don’t address them directly, we are left to make decisions regarding your application with incomplete information. 
  • Consider your response carefully.  We understand that you may be writing responses for different schools and you may want to reuse material, but be sure to read through your response to make sure it is relevant to the prompt. 
  • Double-check your writing.  Give yourself time to revisit your response. Try to avoid rushing your writing process so you have time to revise your work. Ultimately, it is up to you to polish and proofread your writing before you submit. 
  • Do your research. Are there classes you’re eager to take? Research opportunities you’d love to pursue? A group or club you want to be a part of? This kind of specificity shows us you’re serious about Penn and have thought about how you’d spend your time here. 

2024-25 Short Answer and Essay Prompts

When answering these prompts, be precise when explaining both why you are applying to Penn and why you have chosen to apply to that specific undergraduate school. Some of our specialized programs will have additional essays to complete, but the  Penn short answer prompts should address your single-degree or single-school choice.  

  • Write a short thank-you note to someone you have not yet thanked and would like to acknowledge. (We encourage you to share this note with that person, if possible, and reflect on the experience!) (150-200 words, only required for first-year applicants) 
  • How will you explore community at Penn? Consider how Penn will help shape your perspective, and how your experiences and perspective will help shape Penn. (150-200 words) 
  • The school-specific prompt is unique to the school to which you are applying. (For example, all applicants applying to the College of Arts and Sciences will respond to the prompt under the “College of Arts and Sciences” section). Considering the undergraduate school you have selected for your single-degree option, please respond to your school-specific prompt below.  

Transfer Essay (required for all transfer applicants): Please explain your reasons for transferring from your current institution and what you hope to gain by transferring to another institution. (4150 characters) 

Undergraduate School-Specific Short Answer Prompts

For students applying to coordinated dual-degree and specialized programs, please answer this question about your single-degree school choice; your interest in the coordinated dual-degree or specialized program may be addressed through the program-specific essay.  

Penn Nursing intends to meet the health needs of a global, multicultural world by preparing its students to impact healthcare through advancing science. How will you contribute to our mission of promoting equity in healthcare and how will Penn Nursing contribute to your future nursing goals? (150-200 words)

To help inform your response, applicants are encouraged to learn more about Penn Nursing’s mission and how we promote equity in healthcare here . This information will help you develop a stronger understanding of our values and how they align with your own goals and aspirations.

The flexible structure of The College of Arts and Sciences’ curriculum is designed to inspire exploration, foster connections, and help you create a path of study through general education courses and a major. What are you curious about and how would you take advantage of opportunities in the arts and sciences? (150-200 words) 

To help inform your response, applicants are encouraged to learn more about the  academic offerings within the College of Arts and Sciences .  This information will help you develop a stronger understanding of how the study of the liberal arts aligns with your own goals and aspirations. 

Wharton prepares its students to make an impact by applying business methods and economic theory to real-world problems, including economic, political, and social issues.  Please reflect on a current issue of importance to you and share how you hope a Wharton education would help you to explore it.  (150-200 words) 

To help inform your response, applicants are encouraged to learn more about  the foundations of a Wharton education . This information will help you better understand what you could learn by studying at Wharton and what you could do afterward. 

Penn Engineering prepares its students to become leaders in technology by combining a strong foundation in the natural sciences and mathematics with depth of study in focused disciplinary majors. Please share how you plan to pursue your engineering interests at Penn. (150-200 words)

To help inform your response, applicants are encouraged to learn more about Penn Engineering and its mission to prepare students for global leadership in technology here . This information will help you develop a stronger understanding of academic pathways within Penn Engineering and how they align with your goals and interests.

Coordinated Dual Degree and Specialized Program Essay Prompts

For students applying to coordinated dual-degree and specialized programs, please answer the program-specific essay below. 

** Numbers marked with double asterisks indicate a character count that only applies to transfer students applying through Common App.  

Discuss how your interests align with the Digital Media Design (DMD) program at the University of Pennsylvania? (400-650 words / 3575 characters**)

We encourage you to learn more about the DMD: Digital Media Design Program .

The Huntsman Program supports the development of globally minded scholars who become engaged citizens, creative innovators, and ethical leaders in the public, private, and non-profit sectors in the United States and internationally. What draws you to a dual-degree program in business and international studies, and how would you use what you learn to contribute to a global issue where business and international affairs intersect? (400-650 words) 

The LSM program aims to provide students with a fundamental understanding of the life sciences and their management with an eye to identifying, advancing, and implementing innovations. What issues would you want to address using the understanding gained from such a program? Note that this essay should be distinct from your single degree essay. (400-650 words) 

  • Explain how you will use the M&T program to explore your interest in business, engineering, and the intersection of the two. (400-650 words) 
  • Describe a problem that you solved that showed leadership and creativity. (250 words) 

Discuss your interest in nursing and health care management. How might Penn's coordinated dual-degree program in nursing and business help you meet your goals? (400-650 words) 

How do you envision your participation in the Vagelos Integrated Program in Energy Research (VIPER) furthering your interests in energy science and technology? Please include any past experiences (ex. academic, research, or extracurricular) that have led to your interest in the program. Additionally, please indicate why you are interested in pursuing dual degrees in science and engineering and which VIPER majors are most interesting to you at this time. (400-650 words) 

Sharing Additional Information

To be your own best advocate, you may give our Admissions Committee more context about you by sharing additional information in your college application. While this is not required, it can help give admissions officers a fuller picture of who you are if you are concerned about any missing information or context. Consider the following guiding questions as you decide to share any additional information:

  • Is there additional context you want to provide about how your time is spent outside of the classroom?
  • Do you have a long commute to school, or responsibilities within your home or community that may prevent you from engaging in certain activities?
  • Has there been a big change in your life that has impacted your grades or participation in activities?
  • Is there missing context about your school that you want to provide? 

Wharton MBA Application Essays: Prompts & Expert Tips

Tips and tricks to writing a stand-out essay for your Wharton MBA application, including an overview of the questions, expert advice, and how to get started.

Posted August 14, 2024

wharton undergraduate admissions essays

Featuring Jordan M.

Why You Should Consider Getting an MD/MBA

Starting friday, august 23.

1:00 AM UTC · 60 minutes

Table of Contents

The essay portion of your business school application is arguably the most important part. It gives the admissions committee a personal look at the candidate and allows the candidate to present themself as an individual, rather than a set of numbers. The essays for the Wharton school emphasize one of its goals: to foster a symbiotic relationship between the students and the school. The essay questions are as follows:

1. How do you plan to use the Wharton MBA program to help you achieve your future professional goals? You might consider your past experience, short and long-term goals, and resources available at Wharton. (500 words max.) 2. Taking into consideration your background – personal, professional, and/or academic – how do you plan to make specific, meaningful contributions to the Wharton community? (400 words max.)

You can also find them on the University of Pennsylvania’s website here . With these prompts, Wharton is asking how it will help you and how you will be able to help it. It recommends its applicants try and be succinct, honest, and self-reflective. It’s important to fully be yourself–your essays should not be applicable to anyone else.

Before you begin the writing process, start by structuring your essay. You don’t necessarily need all the parts of a formal piece of writing, such as a thesis statement or topic sentence, but you should make sure that your point is clear, everything is tied together and relevant, and the writing flows smoothly between body paragraphs.

The nature of the first essay requires applicants to have a very clear understanding of their goals, both personal and professional. In responding to this, Wharton wants to see that the applicants can clearly articulate the specific ways that the school will benefit them. This is not the place to list out the many classes you want to take; dig deeper and talk about the characteristics that are unique to Wharton. Options include professors that teach there, clubs and activities, or any unique development opportunities, among others.

On the flip side, the second essay is about explaining to Wharton how you will benefit them. The school emphasizes that the class size is small, so they want every MBA candidate to bring something to the table. The Wharton essays are often referred to as the “give and take” because you are trying to show what you will give to Wharton and what you will take.

With this essay, prove to Wharton that you will be an asset to the program. What do you bring that’s different than everyone else applying? This answer should be completely unique to you. Before you begin to write, research the program so that you have an idea of what the school wants. It will be difficult to argue that you’ll become an ROI for them if you don’t know what they’re looking for. Ideas may involve starting a new club or conference, or what you can bring to your cohorts.

wharton undergraduate admissions essays

MBA Essay Guide

Download our free MBA essay guide for school-specific deep-dives, examples, insider tips, and common mistakes

Wharton Essay Tips

1. answer the question.

When the topic is so broad and the word limit so low, it can be difficult to remain on-task. When you’re writing the essay, remember to step back and ask yourself whether you are actually answering the question. Are you explaining how you will benefit from Wharton or are you on a rant about everything you want to do with your life? This is why it’s important to start writing early. That way, you’ll have time to revise, get feedback, and read it from a fresh perspective multiple times before submission.

2. Do Research

The admissions committee will be able to tell if the applicant has spent time researching the school and the program. They want to know that you care about getting into Wharton specifically, and not just any MBA program. By supporting your thesis with well-researched facts, you’ll demonstrate an understanding of the program and present a more convincing argument to the AdCom. A full-time MBA is a commitment–show that you are ready for it by acknowledging what you’re getting into.

3. Be Yourself

As we’ve stated above, your essay should not be something that anyone else could have written. For the class of 2023, there were 7,338 applications. You need to show that you are different from the 7,337 other individuals vying for one of the coveted acceptances. Now, this also does not mean that you should grossly exaggerate any achievements or hobbies. Simply remain true to yourself as your write your application. Maybe you are an amateur beekeeper and this has helped you understand the power of working in a team, or you were scuba certified in Indonesia and want to make more affordable equipment. Whatever the case, be unique and be yourself.

4. Be Concise

You only have a combined 900 words to answer both essays, meaning your essay will likely need to go through several stages of edits. One alum on Wharton’s website recommends that you write out your essay, including everything that you’d like to say, without thinking about the word count. That way, you’ll be able to start to pare down the information to the highlights from the top-down. Every word in your essay should have a purpose–don’t go off on tangents or try and be verbose. Show off your writing skills by getting to the point and conveying the required information in a simple, understandable manner.

5. Don’t Restate Your Resume

Your essays should not be a rehashing of the information on your resume and the rest of your application. It’s commonly said that the essay portion should be where you “make visible the invisible.” This is your chance to write about something that can’t be found anywhere else in the application. The AdCom already has your resume, academic record, recommendations, and standardized test scores. What else is there to you beyond that? Whatever it is, write about that.

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Get Into Wharton With the Help of an Expert

Applying to Wharton? Get started today with these articles:

  • How to Write a Powerful MBA Essay
  • Wharton Interview Guide: The Team-Based Discussion
  • The Wharton School--MBA Program and Application Overview
  • Wharton Moelis Advance Access
  • Wharton MBA Application Deadlines (2023-2024)

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October 17, 2023

What’s New at Penn’s The Wharton School. And How to Get In. [Episode 545]

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Welcome to the 545th episode of Admissions Straight Talk . Thanks for tuning in. Are you ready to apply to your dream business schools? Are you competitive at your target programs? Accepted’s MBA admissions calculator can give you a quick reality check. You’ll not only get an assessment, but tips on how to improve your chances of acceptance. Plus it’s all free. 

It gives me great pleasure to have back on Admissions Straight Talk , Blair Mannix, Executive Director of Graduate Admissions at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School. Blair first came to Penn as a graduate student where she earned her master’s in higher education management in 2010. She joined Penn’s undergrad admission staff in 2008. She’s been at Wharton since 2012 and became Director of Admissions in 2017 and the Executive Director in 2022. She was last on Admissions Straight Talk almost exactly two years ago . Let’s learn what’s new and exciting in the Wharton MBA program and admissions process. 

Blair, welcome back to Admissions Straight Talk . [1:50]

Awesome. Thank you so much for having me, Linda. It’s great to be back.

It’s great to have you. So first question, can we start with a basic overview of Wharton MBA program for listeners who may not be that familiar with it and focusing on its more distinctive elements? [1:56]

Absolutely. So the Wharton MBA program is a two-year graduate program in the city of Philadelphia starting in August of the year that you enroll through to the summer where you go on an internship away from campus. And I think the thing that really makes the Wharton MBA program stand out amongst peer programs is its flexibility. We offer a lot of flexibility within our core curriculum and 200 electives that students can choose from. We really feel passionately that we want people to chart their own course through the MBA program and not just get classes taught in similar ways to the same people in the same cadence over and over again. We really want people to get, the way I describe it is wringing every ounce of utility out of this program, and we think the flexibility of curriculum really does that.

Another thing that Wharton does really well is that the Wharton MBA program is a very tactile degree, meaning that our students really are getting into the guts of understanding models or marketing strategic plans. And we’re not just teaching students to be leaders and managers, which of course we are, but we do really believe that you need to understand the inner workings and core operations of a company in order to lead it well. And so our degree is very hands-on in that respect as well.

One of the things that always struck me about Wharton is not only that you have this incredible plethora of options and flexibility, but the support that you give your students to take advantage of all that wealth of opportunity. [3:21]

Thanks for saying. That’s something we’re really proud of. I say it in jest, but I really do not think there’s going to be a time in your adult life that you are more supported than when you’re at the Wharton MBA program. We call it your personal board of directors, our advising support network. You’ll have advisors and support across all of our main components, the leadership program, career management of course, advisors, and how to navigate your career search and beyond, of course academic advisors and even student life advisors. So you do have this particular board of directors to help you navigate what is a lot. Wharton is a lot. There’s a lot of resources and how do you take advantage and again, wring that utility out of your two years.

Right now in preparing for the call, I noticed that Wharton seems to have in my mind, clarified its vision, namely in defining the Wharton Way, which boils down to, according to your website, elevate research impact, innovate through your pedagogy, collaborate through disciplines and divides, all to be accomplished through a data-informed approach aiming towards scalable solutions and equitable outcomes. Can you dive into the impact of these principles on students’ MBA experience? Sounds great, but they’re general and out there. [4:13]

I’m very happy for the question. I’m happy to talk about the Wharton Way. I’m really happy to talk about the Wharton Way. So this is Dean Erica James’ vision for her tenure of the Wharton School. So it’s something that of course is near and dear to my heart as it is near and dear to her heart. And so the three pillars, elevate research and impact, innovate through pedagogy and collaborate across disciplines. A couple of examples under that. First and foremost, the University of Pennsylvania and the Wharton School are research universities. That’s the bread and butter of what we do. And I think something that’s interesting that a lot of folks probably don’t think about is we have deep ties to government and obviously business. So a lot of the research you see coming out of government organizations or a lot of the research that’s cited across Fortune 500 companies is Wharton research and that pipeline and those pipelines through our centers of innovation and our centers of research already exist.

So when she says elevate that research impact, she just wants to continue that and continue doubling down on faculty research, getting out into the business and government community. So I think that’s something that we’re really excited about internally, and how do we create opportunities, mechanisms, and operations to get that done? So that’s something that has a lot of energy behind the scenes, so that’s exciting. And then of course innovating through teaching, innovating through teaching. Here’s an example I think is great. We have a fabulous professor by the name of Ethan Molik who runs our Wharton Interactive News Center. He’s a faculty member that teaches through games, and Wharton Interactive is now a revenue center. So we are trying to bring this pedagogy through innovative games to the world. And so that’s an example of what we’re trying to do there. Basically what the Wharton way is when everything boils down is that we don’t want to gatekeep Wharton resources.

I’m not saying we’ve been doing it a lot in the past, but we really want to give that to the world. So Wharton Interactive is an example. We have a great program called Wharton Global Youth that we’re trying to bring Wharton classes down to 16, 17 year olds and making sure that is just a lot more in the community. And the last thing, collaboration across disciplines is, the problems of society are not going to be solved by business faculty, business students and people within the business world operating alone. Public private partnerships, collaborating across governments, collaborating across medical, engineers, all of those things that’s going to be at the core. The University of Pennsylvania does a really good job of that just naturally through its own history and culture, and I think Dean James really wants to double down on that. And so that’s the third pillar of the Wharton Way.

Now in addition to the Wharton Way, what’s new at Wharton? I mean, there’s always something new at Wharton. [7:15]

Yeah, so let me start with this. So one of the organizations I’ve been privileged to be a part of for the last 12 to 18 months is our Wharton Executive MBA. And about a year ago, so about 12 months ago, we launched the Wharton Executive MBA Global cohort. So we’re allowing folks to take an Executive MBA, living and working out of their homes, but the key metric of this is that they actually are coming together nine times throughout their time. So it’s not a fully online MBA, they’re coming together nine times across the world globally, to learn from each other and be part of an in-person cohort. So that’s really exciting. I’ve been at the forefront of obviously the admissions and recruiting for that, and it’s just been a privilege to talk about. I would encourage folks that are listening if they’re interested, do a quick Google on the Wharton Executive MBA WAVE classroom because we’re not just teaching this on Google.

I keep saying it’s not your grandma’s Google or excuse me, we’re not teaching this on Zoom. It’s not your Grandma’s Zoom. Technology is actually amazingly cutting edge and groundbreaking. And so faculty are teaching in the round and there’s a screen for every student and the camera follows the faculty member looking at a particular person. And so it’s very much a synchronous experience. You have to show up for class at nine o’clock on a Monday morning. And so that’s very exciting. But I would say otherwise, when I was thinking about the answer to this question, Linda, AI, the research around AI that I see pumping out of the Wharton School every week, it seems there’s another faculty authorship on –

I just saw an article in the Wall Street Journal that I think was Wharton professors on AI. [8:46]

Thank you. Thank you for calling attention to that. So you’re seeing what I’m seeing.

It was fascinating. [8:52]

Right. And it’s coming from all angles. And so I just think that’s another hallmark of the Wharton School. So let’s just use research on AI as an example, but it’s coming from the marketing space, it’s coming from the management space, it’s coming from the finance space. And so all of those things combined is just pumping out this research that is being cited all over the globe. So I think that’s really exciting. Research in AI, publications on AI and what Wharton is doing there. The last thing that I’ll say before I stop belaboring the question about what is new at Wharton is just the analytical powerhouse that Wharton always has been and continues to be.

Our analytics at Wharton hub for innovation has just been churning out really interesting pieces of content. We just had our third annual, I think, Women in Data Science Conference that’s bringing women in data science from all across the world to Philadelphia, the Future of Work through our Wharton People Analytics Conference, like what are we all expecting in a post Covid world, that’s really exciting. And we actually just launched our first class through Wharton Interactive called Machine Learning and Business Decisions through actually our sports business initiative. So it’s like the machine learning, the gamification, the pedagogy and the innovation are all coming together in the analytic space. So that’s pretty exciting too.

That’s always fascinating. But the article that I was citing, if I remember was about human beings versus AI and innovation and basically saying that AI has a lot to offer in terms of innovation, and it went through the steps, different steps. I’m a lay person, I’m not an expert in innovation, and it was something that I could really understand. It was just a very interesting article. [10:06]

Did it have a title, something like Is AI a Better Entrepreneur than Humans? I feel like I-

Innovator. [10:36]

Innovator, yeah. No, I’m right there with you. Yeah, it’s a really exciting time. I think it’s a really exciting time to be at Wharton when all of that’s swirling. So I’m happy you noticed that as much as I do.

What trends are you seeing in terms of interest from applicants in different sectors and geography? What trends would you like to see? [10:47]

I’ve been a member of the Wharton Adcom for 12 years. I think I’ll just maybe expand on the question slightly to see how I’ve seen it change over the last 12 upcoming 13 years. I think the main hallmark I’ve seen in the applicant pool is just a pure play diversification of where students are coming from. That doesn’t answer your question, but when I came to the admissions committee, it was a lot of more consultants, a lot more investment bankers, and I just think the ROI of an MBA has really expanded and I think that’s really important. For me, I don’t really have a specific answer, and I’m not trying to dodge the question. I really just don’t think I have an answer on what I want to see more of. But I’ll say this, this is what we want to see more of.

The MBA is transformative. It is a degree that can be utilized for the rest of your life across sectors. It’s not super specialized, clearly it’s not a credential. And so I think that my goal, at least in this role, is to try to continue to communicate that an MBA is valuable and can be valuable across sectors, from education to technology to energy to NGOs. I mean, a lot of applications say I get from the nonprofit sector that are really successful, they’ll say I’m in nonprofit, but even in nonprofit, you need to know how to run a business. You need to know how to pay people and do the accounting and things like that. And so I think that it’s a transformational experience that my goal is to get to as many different types of work experience backgrounds as possible. So that would be my goal, but not targeting a specific one per your question.

I was just thinking about my own MBA path and experience. Obviously the MBA has changed enormously since I got mine. I’ll admit I got it in 1979, but I did not follow a classic MBA path. And when I started Accepted, I had been doing different things. I’d taken off time for family and I questioned whether I got value out of it until I started Accepted, which was in the mid-nineties. And then I started a small business and it was valuable, it was invaluable. And I don’t mean the network and all that stuff. I mean the principles. I didn’t remember the formula for who knows what for a put or anything like that. I didn’t remember that at all. I didn’t need that. But the basic framework, the principles I had, and that helped me enormously. [12:22]

I mean for me, that goes back to the Wharton way, like innovation through pedagogy because people come for different reasons and you’re right, networking, meeting the people, getting your first job out of the MBA. We work hard at that, getting your first job, but that’s not what it’s really all about. It’s about what skills do you need in 20 to 30 years that you’re going to pop up from a classroom innovation in the types of things you’re learning in the classroom by faculty that you’re going to use in 20 years. And so Wharton works really hard at making sure that we’re being current in the marketplace of skills and ideas that students need to know. So it just makes me happy that you had that MBA experience ’cause what we hope to deliver.

Now what don’t people know about Wharton that you would like them to know? Or is there a common misconception that you’d like to dispel? [13:49]

Yeah, I have a common misconception. And the first is that it’s a very competitive place, very cutthroat, very competitive. The MBA program in particular, and I’ve said this over the years, but I always joke that when people meet me or the team or they come to campus and they say, “Oh, this is not what I thought this was, and it’s very different.” And I say, “Well, then that means I’m not doing my job. My job is to communicate to you in your own hometown or when you come to campus that what Wharton really is, not what you think it is.” And so I like to put out there that it’s actually a very collaborative place.

We have a system of grade non-disclosure, and we’ve had that for decades where there’s groups vote that they’re not going to share GPAs with potential employers, and that’s sexy and interesting to talk about, but really what that is: we want you to take chances. You’ve probably never taken a chance in your whole life. If you were admitted to Wharton, you got good grades, you had the right majors, you went to the right companies, you had the right political maneuvering and to get promoted and whatever you did, but we really want you to take chances because the business world is won by people that take chances. And so that’s why the curriculum is set up like that

Risk reward. [15:03]

Exactly. So that’s something we’re really proud of. Another thing that I think people sometimes lose in their maybe external opinion of Wharton, and it’s something we have struggled with internally, the duality of we are the best school to study finance in the world> Period. That’s something we’re really proud of. That’s something that’s been part of our DNA since our inception, but we’re also quite good at a lot of other things. We have top 10 programs and management and marketing, and these great dual degree programs like the Lauder Institute or our healthcare management program are groundbreaking. And so sometimes what makes my job difficult is finance, and we are very good at other things because a lot of times folks think, “Oh, Wharton’s not for me. I want to study marketing.” And we’re like, “Actually, it is for you.” So that’s something that I like to put out there as well.

Let’s turn to the application and start with testing. Now, Wharton requires either the GMAT or the GRE, no Executive Assessment for the full-time MBA. Is it okay for the Executive MBA, since you are now in charge of the- [16:04]

Yes, we do accept the Executive Assessment for the Wharton MBA for executives.

Could you review the rules surrounding the new GMAT Focus? Am I correct that you only really accept it for around three applicants? [16:07]

Yes, and I actually saw that you did a LinkedIn post about this Linda and I actually put in my to-do list to email you and I never did. So I’m happy we’re getting this chance. I mean all positive because-

Thank you. [16:24]

No, all positive. You got it right. Right now, the GMAT focus is launching this fall, but our deadline for round two is the first couple of days of January, and so it was too late for me to really have an evaluation selection process that felt fair and unbiased and equal. And so I just said we’re happy with the GMAT Focus. I believe in the efficacy of the test, I believe in the GMAT corporation, but we will be accepting the GMAT Focus starting in round three of this year, so April 2024, as well as with our Moelis candidates who apply in the same month. And so I won’t go into it, but there’s been a lot of mixed messaging. There was even a change on my website, which you very correctly noted when we were going to accept it, but I think the dust has settled. Final decisions are made. If you’re applying to the Wharton MBA program in the fall of 23 or the winter of 24, no GMAT Focus, but if you’re applying in round three or the Moelis Advanced Access round in April of 24, ready to go.

And obviously for the next application cycle. [17:20]

Exactly right.

What’s new in the MBA application? [17:23]

Nothing. And actually that’s very purposeful. There’s a lot of change. The MBA, excuse me, let me back up. The admissions business is changing. I have done nothing but this. I’ve been in this line of work for 18 years, and I have seen some shifts in the business and some ebbs and flows of changes. But I think, and there’s a couple of things to say under this, of course, the Supreme Court decision, but the GMAT changes as well. The market pressures on testing organizations, the GRE changes, and there’s questions, but I would love to talk about ChatGPT for college essays-

It’s next. [18:02]

Great. I have a lot to say about that.

How that works. I’ve been calling it admissions… We did something with our evaluation and selection process about eight years ago that I called Admissions 2.0. So internally, I’ve been calling this admissions 3.0, because the whole business is changing. And so given that scope and given that umbrella, I felt really strongly about not changing our application because enough is changing. Let’s not torture these applicants. And that’s where we’re at.

Or maybe the application readers also, I don’t know. [18:30]

Yeah. Maybe that too, but really it was for the applicants.

So you mentioned ChatGPT. What do you feel is the appropriate role of ChatGPT and AI in the application process? Obviously Wharton’s going all in on machine learning. You mentioned that a second ago. So what is the appropriate role? [18:34]

Faculty have done great work on the use of ChatGPT and passing Wharton exams. There’s a couple of fun articles about that too, but this is where the office of MBA admission stands. This is where I stand. My view personally is being fearful of ChatGPT and what it means for society is like being scared of email. It’s coming, it’s here. It’s an efficiency tool. People will be using it. I don’t believe it’s the right move to gatekeep using an efficiency tool, especially if we say that we’re cutting edge business leaders. Cutting edge business leaders outside of our walls should be using ChatGPT to speed up their work. Now ChatGPT, as we all know, has limitations. There’s studies in law schools that they put fake legal precedents on some of the answers they do.

You have to check it. [19:35]

Of course you have to check it, but I think it’s only going to get better. And so I think it’s an efficiency tool. Behind the scenes we use it for our own work. Faculty at Wharton use it for their own work. I think people should use it going forward. And so I have no reason to or no plans to put a disclaimer on our application saying, “Please don’t use ChatGPT” because we all know it’s not good. You’re going to have to work with it. And I think that’s okay.

I think it’s going to be another sign of judgment on the part of applicants. If they use ChatGPT wholesale and they don’t check it and they don’t add their own personal perspective to whatever ChatGPT produces, then they’re going to have very generic, superficial and substandard essays that will not enhance their chances of admissions. If they use it as a tool like spell check or grammar check, but the essay is still theirs, then it might just have a good place. It might take them some time. [19:59]

I was talking with some colleagues recently and they expressed concern about the tragedy competition or pity essays that seem to be proliferating. so two questions. do you feel that, a, it is proliferating do you feel that people may be revealing much more than you need to know of their personal private lives in essays so that’s question number one. and related, can you give some guidance as to what is too much information [20:35], talking about the changes in admissions. okay, there’s a change. [21:01].

Well, so let’s address the change and let’s address some history. For me, I’ve been reading applications in some form or another. I definitely have my 10,000 hours in for18 years. So saying, putting sad stories and essays is not a new phenomenon. It’s just not. And so anybody who’s newer to the business I think may think that, but it’s not a new phenomenon. So that’s going to exist. Admissions is changing. That hasn’t changed, at least in my experience. So I’ll just say that. In terms of advice, this is the advice I always give, and it’s not exactly to this, but I think we’ll hit the point. I always say, finish your application, close it, meaning click it off, walk away. Walk away for a week. Do you think there’s a story, and it gets to the optional essay, which I want to talk about. If you think there’s a story that you’re like a human being reading this really needs to know this story in order to understand me, I want you to write that story in the optional essay.

And it’s not a sad story, it could be a happy story, but I would say 50% of you have a story that explains who you are. And sometimes it’s a childhood story, sometimes it’s a promotion story, sometimes it’s a sickness story. Sometimes it’s how I found my passion story. But I would say if you don’t feel like you have a story, don’t write a story like that. So I would say about 50% of students write some additional component to their application that would be kind of addressed in the premise of your question and 50%. But that’s the advice I use. If you think that there’s a piece of you that somebody needs to understand to evaluate your candidacy, write it. But if you don’t, I don’t think I need to know that story.

I think just in terms of what I’ve seen and reality is that we frequently grow from the most difficult experiences and in order to show resilience, which is I think a quality that is increasingly valued, you have to overcome something. If you haven’t overcome something, you have nothing to be resilient from or to or whatever. So I think that’s part of what you’re seeing. But the point that others have made is sometimes people are revealing too much personal information or going into too much detail about the difficulty and less about the overcoming part of it. Have you seen that? [22:34]

Our essay questions are not geared towards that.

So you’re not seeing it. [23:18]

Yeah, as I think about it live, they’re not geared towards that. So I don’t really think I see a lot of that. But there are. I mean, listen, I’m a proponent and a student of this business. One of my favorite things to do is just talk admissions shop with people. People are in my email all the time. I’m like, “I will take a half an hour to talk shop with you.” And I say that because something I do regularly, but also people have questions on their applications from undergrad to grad school to professional schools, all of which I know and talk to that would draw you to those answers. And so my suggestion would be, if you don’t want to hear about these types of stories, maybe you don’t have essays that are geared towards that.

Now Wharton has two required questions and one optional. The optional asks, please use the space to share any additional information about yourself that cannot be found elsewhere in your application and that you would like to share with the admissions committee. It gives a lot of latitude and space. Number one, is it truly optional? How would you like to see it used? Do most admitted students write one? And you said you wanted to address the optional question on your own. So if there’s something else you want to say that’s not included in those three questions, go for it. [23:51]

No, I answered that question like what I want people to use it for. If you close your application, feel like there’s a story you need to tell, please put it in that optional essay. But I would say people use it for two different reasons and I encourage people to do it in two different reasons. And I’ll take this moment and put a quick plugin for some admissions’ application tips webinars we do that are on the Wharton YouTube channel. I did one that has a ton of views that I’ve gotten some nice feedback on, but our teams does great ones and it talks about this. It talks about what you should use your optional essay for. But really what they say is this a lot of students are like, “I have some things to say” and I’m like, have a couple bullet points if you want to say, “Hey, listen, I was sick in senior year and that’s why I have a C in statistics.” Put it in a bullet point.

“I want you to know there’s a gap in my career because they pushed all the hiring back to January.” “Boom, boom, boom, boom.” Bullet points are great. That gives me context. I’m happy with it. But then there’s a lot of people that want to tell this story. So I would say half use bullet points, half use a story. It’s fully open and optional because I really want you to use it to just tell me what you need to tell me. There’s no hidden agenda with me. I just want to know what I need to know because I would rather you tell me than me have to go find it.

Or guess. [25:28]

Yeah. Or there was a pass-fail grade. What happened at Brown in the summer of 2018? I don’t want to have to go find it. I would rather you tell me.

March 2020. [25:35]

Well, that one, I know what happened. We all lived together. I was there for that.

We all remember that one. Do most admitted students write the optional or is there any data on that? [25:42]

I don’t know. That’s a good question. I really don’t know, but you can tell how much it matters. It matters, but I don’t not track that stuff. Yeah.

How do you review an application? What do you start with? [25:55]

Transcripts. Transcripts, resume. Those are the two most important things. I think applications, they have a natural cadence. When you open the application, you’re immediately, the way I describe it and the way I train our readers, you’re just trying to take the student in. You’re like, “Okay, they’re 27, living in Boston, working in healthcare, living in the Back Bay, taking in the student, taking in the student. And then you click on the transcript and you’re like, “Okay, and then they went to Duke and they majored in mechanical engineering”, and then you’re just watching them walk through your life. Our whole job is figuring out how you walk through your life. And so you’re like, “Oh, they were a member of the swim team and they did this at Duke and they did community service. Okay, great. And then they graduated in 2020, good year to graduate.”

Okay, great pivot. I always call it the pivot moment. All right. Then they went out into the world, then we read the resume. What did they do? Where did they move? What did they make? How did they feel about it? What are their things? And then that natural discovery process leads you most often to the essays, but sometimes to the letters. For example, if there’s a student that has a little bit less years of work experience, I might be like, “What do people say about this person?” So I’ll go to the letters first before the essays. But then sometimes if you’re working in consulting and you’ve been there for three years and you’re applying to the Wharton MBA, which is more commonplace, not bad, but just more common, I might go to the essays to see what you want to do here. So it’s a pretty standard path. And then it diverges between essays and letters and then that’s it.

How many people review an application? [27:27]

Two. [27:33].

We have two read each application before interview, and that’s really something I’m proud of. We have a “blind read” process, and so one reader does not know what the other reader says, and that’s to cut down on bias. There’s a lot of processes, and I’m a big student of decision analytics and decision science, and there’s a lot of not just admissions offices, but people that are hiring for jobs at scale that have one commentator’s comments read by another, and of course that influences you. So ours is blind. And then we do a full committee before interview to make sure that the decisions we’re making are strong and make sense. And then of course, robust interview, another read and then final committee.

What can an applicant expect if lucky enough to interview and participate in the team-based discussion? [28:12]

Yeah, so we’re on year 12 of the team-based discussion. So we’ve gotten good at it. I was part of some of the first waves, so I’m proud to say that. So this is what I like to say about the team-based discussion. I’m like, “We want to take the stress and the energy from here to here.” I’m like, “I’m never going to take it down here.” I know. Especially coming from my lips. I was like, “But I’m going to try.” So basically what the team-based discussion is when you’re invited to interview, you will know it. And I put on our website that we will be releasing decisions. I don’t quite know it off the top of my head, sometime in late October, but let’s just call it October 30th at noon. You’ll get your decision October 30th at noon. And that’s the story.

And so there’s no harangues, there’s no fear, there’s no waiting every week. It’s not rolling decisions. And then when you get invited to interview, you’ll get your prompt. We’re not going to spot prompt you and make you totally freak out, and you’ll get a one-page PDF on how you could prepare. But I think more importantly how you don’t prepare, because we don’t want people to be over preparing for something they can’t really prepare for. So you’ll get the discussion prompt, you’ll get how to prepare, more importantly not to prepare. And then it’s a 35-minute group discussion with four to five other applicants. So everybody’s in the same boat. Everything is on Zoom. We were actually Zoom beta users all the way back in 2018, 2019 before Covid. We’ve been doing this for a long time. Everything is on Zoom now, and you have a 35-minute discussion. I mean, and that discussion feels like a discussion at work.

How do you solve problems? How do you bring in different resources? How do you drive towards deadlines and decisions? And there’s a lot of academic and career research that says when people do certain things, they tend to get along better in groups. And that’s the type of stuff we’re looking for. So I always just tell people, imagine you’re walking into a conference room at work and you’re right about to take that left, and you’re thinking about who is in the room, and there’s some people that you’re like, “Yes.” And there’s some people that are ugh. Just think about what those people do, that’s a skill. Running a room and knowing how to work with people is a skill. And I think one of the things I’m proudest of in our process is that at the Wharton MBA Admissions Process, it’s not that you crest to the interview stage and then you interview and you either do really well and get in or you don’t do well and you don’t get it.

The skills of running a room are very different than the skills most times to get a 4.3 in physics at MIT, they just are. And so we’re a school and we want to have the room runners and we want to educate them to be the 4.3 In physics or finance, and then we want the 4.-

Marketing. [30:53] 

Then we want the 4.3s in finance, and we want to teach them how to run a room. And so that’s what it looks and feels like. After that, you’ll do a one-on-one with your interviewer, and the whole thing will be about an hour, hour and 20 of your life.

What’s the most common mistake that you see applicants make in the team-based discussion? [31:08]

The mistake questions are always tough for me because I don’t, it’s just like my brain isn’t oriented like that.

You’re much more positive than that. [31:20]

Yeah, I think I am. But of course, I’ve been in this chair for six years. I’ve just gotten asked the mistake question a lot, and I always don’t have a good answer. I don’t really think of it. I don’t think of it like that. I don’t know. I’m not talking at all –  want to be part of it. There’s a book that I think-

How about trying to hog airtime? [31:39]

Maybe. I mean, maybe. But there’s a lot of research on different ways to be successful in groups. And so this is my thing. I’m like, it’s just be a normal person. Be the person that you are at work for 35 minutes. Keep it together.

Be the person you’d like to work with. [31:55]

Yeah, maybe that. Well, that’s another thing. So we were training our interviewers last year and I said, “I don’t do interviews. I don’t do them.” And someone said, “Why?” And I said, “Listen, I can’t do them all. So if I did only a couple, that wouldn’t be fair or accurate”, which is two of my guiding principles for this work in this office. Because if I interviewed, let’s say seven to 10 people, I would have a predisposition to admit the seven to 10 people if they did well, and who’s in the driver’s seat? Me. So that’s just not fair if you’re not one of those 17 people that’s randomly assigned to me. So that’s just an aside, but that’s how we work it behind the scenes.

What advice do you have for applicants wanting to join the class of 2026? In other words, those applying this cycle and probably preparing for a round two application. [32:35]

Take a look at the resources we put online. We really do try to democratize all the information that it takes to put a strong Wharton MBA application together and a strong, I believe, business school application. So there are application tip sessions. They’re an hour long. We go through what it means when you select the dropdown menu to apply to a healthcare management major versus the Water Institute versus a JD MBA. And if you do what that means and who reads it and what the timeline is. And so we give you all of that information. We even talk about essay structure, how to write those essays and give you real guideposts on how you’re supposed to spend your time and your pros. So we try really hard to put that out there. So go check it out. Just it’s on the Wharton YouTube channel.

We touched on this just a little bit in a previous question, and I didn’t send it to you ahead of time, but I’m wondering, for people belonging to underrepresented groups, do you have any special advice for them in light of the Supreme Court decision or for the applicants, it doesn’t really make that much difference in terms of what they say. [33:29]

Doesn’t really matter. The only change in that is that we no longer will be asking the race question on the application, but it’ll be suppressed for all readers, evaluators, staff members, and for the entirety of the cycle. And so for me, I don’t think it changes applicants’ head space, what they write about, what they talk about. They’re going to put together the same application that their soul wanted them to put together before. So no real advice.

Well, you mentioned the Moelis program- [34:14]

I was pronouncing it incorrectly. any tips for applicants applying to that program, the deferred admit program at wharton [34:20].

Yeah. First of all, that program has grown like gangbusters since we launched the global audience. Yeah. We launched it to the global audience in the summer of 2019 and started receiving applications for the first cohort that is external to the University of Pennsylvania in the summer of 2020. And we just think it’s a beautiful pipeline and it’s a beautiful representation of talent. This is what I would say, if you are thinking about applying to an MBA program through a deferred enrollment program, you’re already there. You’re already talented. You know what’s going on. You’ve done your research, you have some sort of direction. So I would just say, be really confident in your application because the fact that you’re even thinking about this, you’re already top 1% of the population. So we’ll just say that. Second thing is that, again, with these deferred enrollment programs, we want you to take risks.

That’s one of the points of them that you can lock in your admission, and we don’t want you to go backpacking and never work for two to four years, but you can take a little bit more risk. So think about that when you’re thinking about lining up your second job or your third job or what you want that deferment period to look like, because we really do want you to take risks because again, business favors risk-takers. It just does. There’s a reason that the American culture produces more entrepreneurs than most of the rest of the world, and that’s our tolerance for risk and some loss, but that’s who we are and that’s what we want to be part of.

The Moelis program has been in existence now for several years, so obviously some of the people that were admitted via that program already in Wharton, right? [35:55]

Yeah. Yeah.

Are most of those people actually coming for the MBA? Are they deferring additionally, or are they just saying, “I said I don’t want it?” [36:04]

Good question, Linda. That’s a great question. So yes, you’re completely correct in saying that some of the first admits are starting to trickle back. So for the last couple of years I’ve had, I think, about 20 Moelis admits come back to the class. So about 20 in the class of 25, 20 in the class of 24, 20 in the class of 23. Next year is the year it’s going to skyrocket. They have a two to four year deferment. So numbers wise and statistically, we’re expecting about 60 to 80 come back next year.

So we’re really going to start to see that come back. You’re correct. We’ve had a couple of years to see if students get accepted through the MBA and decide, this is what I’m going to do or decide, “No, I don’t want an MBA.” And so far data says over 80% of our students are coming back. That’s something that they absolutely are committed to and want to do. That’s an interesting question. I feel like now I want to have a focus group about that. I’m serious. I’m like, I’m going to email someone. “Did you think of not coming back? Was there a moment where you thought like, “Oh, I’m just going to go out on my own and start my own company, whatever.”

I’m interested in the reasons that they came back or thought of not coming back. But the industry is one, meaning the industry of deferred enrollment programs is doing very well. So I think a really, it’s something that people were clamoring for because most of the top 10 MBA programs right now have deferred enrollment programs, and they’re all doing very well.

Now let’s turn to the applicants, which are, I guess, the other end from deferred admits. When you review a re-applicant’s application, and that would not be somebody who applied to Moelis and then applies later on, when you review a reapplication, do you look at the previous application, the notes on the previous application? Both. None. How do you approach a reapplication? [37:34]

I love that. Both. None. Yeah. We actually very, as a point of process, do not. We don’t want to be biased against a previous application because a lot of times with programs like this, it’s not that your application was not strong, it’s just the pool is so deep and we have a low admit rate. And so the way we read applications is not looking for your flaws. I say this all the time. We have a read-to-admit culture. We’re not looking for your flaws. And so it’s not like if I looked at the previous note, I would see a listing of your flaws. It’s just culturally, it’s not something that would ever happen. But we found over the years that if you do not put the old application in any way in the new application and a reader and a decision maker is not biased against the fact that they’re a re-applicant, the re-applicant admit rate actually goes up. So per round, our re-applicant admit rate is actually a couple percentage points higher than the overall admit rate.

In that. And so we fully credit that just to not being biased against reading your old application. So statistically, it actually is more beneficial for re-applicants for us not to read it.

Also, you would expect re-applicants, they have a year more work experience, they made some mistakes maybe on their application last time, they would be stronger applicants. [38:59]

Absolutely. Another really good point.

What advice would you like to give to someone thinking ahead to a fall 2024 application or even a later application? In other words, they’re not applying this cycle, they’re applying next cycle or later cycle. [39:12]

I would say really hunker down and think, and then speak to the people that you trust in your life, mentors, bosses about what you really want to get out of an MBA. We found, and this is anecdotal, there’s no data on this for us, but it’s like we found that if someone can come in pretty crystallized, and I’m not saying with exactly the type of company industry location that they want to work at post MBA, but I mean, what you want to do during your two years, what clubs you want to leave, what skills you want to learn, what do you want to use the program for, the more you’ll get out of it. And so it’s not necessarily a piece of advice towards applying. It’s a piece of advice on navigating, and that’s the advice that I’ve given over the years, and I’ve gotten some feedback that it’s been helpful.

It’s great advice. And what would you have liked me to ask you? [40:07]

Oh, goodness. I just think I’m excited for where… This is maybe not a question, but it’s an answer to a question you didn’t ask. I just want to say I’m excited for where the business of admissions and where the MBA admissions world fits into the grander ecosystem is going. I think with the changes to testing profiles and the bringing online of AI resources, most notably ChatGPT, which people use more often, as well as just the ecosystem of what’s been going on around the country, I think it’s really interesting moment to be a part of as someone that’s a student of the business. And so I’m really excited to be a part of it, and I’m excited to be a change agent within the four walls of an admissions office to hopefully the betterment of society applying to schools across the country. And that’s just where I will be putting my energy for the next 12 to 18 months. So stay tuned.


I want to thank you very much for joining me today, blair. where can listeners and potential applicants learn more about wharton’s mba program [41:05].

On the Wharton MBA website.

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  • How to get into Yale SOM – podcast Episode 542
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  • Admissions Directors Reveal the Most Common Mistakes Applicants Make – podcast Episode
  • How to Get an MBA at Columbia Business School – podcast Episode 528
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A Wharton applicant begins drafting their Wharton MBA Essays

Everything You Need To Know About The Wharton MBA Essays

The Wharton MBA essays are an essential aspect of your application. By allowing a deeper look into your values, experiences, and motivations, your essay submissions significantly affect the way Wharton’s admissions committee views your MBA candidacy. This information can cause the writing process to seem extremely intimidating, but you don’t need to fret. This article outlines everything you need to know about the Wharton MBA essays.

What Are the Wharton MBA Essays?

Typically, there are two essay prompts in the Wharton MBA application, along with one optional prompt. There are also essays specifically for those applying to joint-degree programs and an additional essay for reapplicants.

The Wharton MBA essay prompts can change from year to year. However, you can find many of the same themes and ideas in the various essay questions. Here are some examples of past Wharton MBA essay prompts: ‍

What do you hope to gain professionally from the Wharton MBA? (500 words)

This essay is pretty straightforward – How will Wharton benefit you?

How to Approach this Essay

Start by outlining specific short-term and long-term career goals, demonstrating a clear connection between these objectives and the Wharton MBA program. Highlight the program's unique features, emphasizing how these elements will contribute to your professional development. 

Showcase a keen understanding of the skills and knowledge gaps you aim to address through the Wharton MBA, stressing the program's experiential learning opportunities and collaborative community. Conclude by explaining the long-term impact you envision, both on your career trajectory and your ability to make meaningful contributions to your chosen industry. 

‍ Taking into consideration your background – personal, professional, and/or academic – how do you plan to make specific, meaningful contributions to the Wharton community? (400 words)

This prompt might take a bit more thought. What qualities, experiences, or skills can you use to contribute to the Wharton School?

This prompt might take a bit more thought. What qualities, experiences, or skills can you use to contribute to the Wharton School? ‍

Begin by reflecting on specific aspects of your background that have shaped your perspectives and values. Identify key themes or experiences that highlight your commitment to diversity, collaboration, and innovation. 

Be concrete in outlining your plans for active participation in cultural or affinity groups, as well as your contributions to student-led initiatives or clubs. Demonstrate an understanding of Wharton's community and how your skills and experiences will enhance it. 

Whether it's through leadership in projects, workshops, or events, emphasize the tangible and specific ways you plan to contribute to the dynamic and collaborative environment at Wharton. Conclude by expressing a genuine enthusiasm for being an integral part of the Wharton community and contributing to its continued success and growth.

Essay 3 - Required Essay for all Reapplicants:

Please use this space to share with the Admissions Committee how you have reflected and grown since your previous application and discuss any relevant updates to your candidacy (e.g., changes in your professional life, additional coursework, and extracurricular/volunteer engagements). (250 words)

This essay is an excellent way for reapplicants to highlight any growth they have had since the previous application cycle.

When addressing changes and growth since a previous application, focus on key areas of improvement. Clearly outline any additional coursework you've pursued for skill enhancement and highlight the impact of changes in your professional role on your skills and perspectives. 

Mention relevant extracurricular or volunteer engagements to showcase personal and societal contributions. Use concrete examples to illustrate growth and conclude by expressing ongoing enthusiasm for the program, emphasizing how these developments strengthen your candidacy. 

Essay 4 - Optional Essay: ‍

Please use this space to share any additional information about yourself that cannot be found elsewhere in your application and that you would like to share with the Admissions Committee. This space can also be used to address any extenuating circumstances (e.g., unexplained gaps in work experience, choice of recommenders, inconsistent or questionable academic performance, areas of weakness, etc.) that you would like the Admissions Committee to consider.

While this essay is optional, it can be a good space to clear up any issues that the admissions committee could have with your candidacy.

As you can see, these essays are meant to be relatively brief yet provide personal insights into who you are as a person. Using these prompts as examples, this article will outline the best ways to approach your Wharton MBA essays.

When addressing this essay prompt, use space to provide unique insights not covered elsewhere in your application. If there are gaps or inconsistencies, address them transparently, emphasizing the lessons learned or steps taken to overcome challenges. 

Use the opportunity to highlight distinctive strengths, experiences, or perspectives that contribute to your candidacy. Maintain a professional tone and focus on offering valuable information that enriches the admissions committee's understanding of your journey and qualifications.

Purpose of the Wharton MBA Essays

You can find the following statement on Wharton’s website regarding their MBA essays :

“The Admissions Committee is looking to understand more about you and your unique personality and how that can ultimately contribute to the Wharton community. We are a student-driven campus and need each and every MBA to bring something to the table.”

There are many essential pieces of information that you can glean from this statement about the purpose of the Wharton MBA essays. 

1. The Wharton MBA essays allow the admissions committee to see your personality.

The admissions committee has your resume and test scores, meaning that they already know the basics of your education and experience on a professional level. Essays are a way for them to dig a bit deeper and learn about who you are as a person, the events that have impacted you, and the values that you have gained through your experiences.

2. The Wharton MBA essays portray what you can contribute to the community and how well you can collaborate with others.

Business school is a great place to strengthen your skills and further your career on an individual level. However, what ideas or experiences can you bring to Wharton that will benefit your classmates or the program as a whole? The essays show the admissions committee how you will serve as an addition to the Wharton MBA program.

3. The Wharton MBA essays portray your leadership capabilities.

By stating that they are a “student-driven campus,” the admissions committee shows that they are looking for people that can carry out plans and lead their classmates toward goals that will benefit the program overall. This statement also indicates that the committee is looking for individuals who can find problems and work to solve them, creating change effectively.

By keeping these ideas in mind, you can then begin crafting your own essays.

Top Tips for Crafting the Wharton MBA Essays

Now that you understand the primary purpose of the essays and the possible themes, here are some tips to help you determine how to craft your Wharton MBA Essays.

Wharton’s website outlines these three tips for writing your MBA essays:

1. Write out everything first, then worry about word count.

‍ The essays are pretty short, and when it comes to your career aspirations or your background, you might have a lot more to say than just 400 or 500 words. The short word count can make the writing process intimidating, as you might be constantly checking the word count and hesitating to write anything out in detail.

When writing your first draft, ignore the word count; just get your ideas out there. Then, once you’ve finished, start looking for areas to cut out or shorten. By doing this, you can get through the writing process while also ensuring that you include everything you want to portray.

2. Connect the “Three Career Dots.”

Wharton’s website outlines these “three career dots” as follows:

image of Three Career Dots

“What have you done to date, what unique things do you already know, and what do you have still to learn? How can Wharton help you and how can you help the Wharton community? How does that all connect to your goals post-MBA?”

Basically, in the Wharton MBA Essays, your past, present, and future should connect. What are some unique skills and experiences that you have gained through your studies or career that you can bring to Wharton’s MBA program? What do you hope to gain from Wharton, and how does that relate to your future career goals? By answering these questions, you can begin to paint a holistic picture of your hopes and aspirations for the Wharton MBA program. ‍

3. Be yourself.

‍ Writing these essays is a process that will already be difficult enough, and being anything but authentic will only make it more challenging. Don’t write what you think an admissions committee wants to hear; be true to yourself and your goals in your essays, and it will pay off in the long run.

Here are some additional tips for crafting your essays: ‍

1. Do your research.

Why are you applying to Wharton? What makes this school a suitable program for you? Which classes are you hoping to take, or which faculty members are you excited to meet? By being specific about Wharton’s program, you will show an admissions committee that you have extensively researched the program, know what you are getting into, and understand how Wharton can help you achieve your goals. ‍

2. Make sure you are answering the prompt.

‍ This tip might seem like a no-brainer, but it is a common mistake that many applicants make. Maybe there was an impactful experience in your career that made you want to pursue an MBA, or you have a unique background that you want to express in your essay.

These are important details about who you are , but are those experiences applicable to the essay prompts' specifications?

Sometimes, the most exciting or unique stories aren’t the most relevant. Everything in your essay should serve a purpose, and if you cannot relate that purpose to the question Wharton is asking, then it might be time to cut some things out.

3. Less storytelling, more concrete points. ‍

This tip relates to the previous one. You have a minimal amount of space in these essays, so make sure that every word has a purpose. Don’t fill your essay with a long story about the moment you decided to pursue an MBA or a detailed history of your childhood. If these events are important, you can briefly mention them, but try to focus on your skills, goals, and why Wharton is right for you.

Wharton MBA Essay Examples and What Made It Successful

The following is an excerpt from a successful Wharton MBA Essay written for the 1st previously mentioned example prompt.

Essay 1: What do you hope to gain professionally from the Wharton MBA? 


Innovation in healthcare has historically existed in two spheres: the sophisticated yet aspirational, and the simple yet practical. I’ve experienced both sides of the coin; from developing AI for cancer detection and intensive care while at [University] to now dissecting commercially-successful healthcare businesses at [Company]. The bridge between aspiration and result in healthcare is fraught with well-known obstacles to innovation.

In this introduction, the writer brings up their past and present career experiences and explains how those experiences have shaped their understanding of the healthcare field. They also introduce an existing problem, thus setting up the rest of the essay for how they hope to solve this problem.

Body Paragraph 1:

My overarching goal is to bridge this gap and develop next-generation AI to mitigate physician and nurse burnout. By building and commercializing tools that reliably automate routine elements of patient care, I wish to create a more resource-efficient and outcome-centric global healthcare system. I’ve cultivated the raw engineering and business skills at [University], [Company], and [Company], and the Wharton MBA will equip me with the venture toolkit, network, and relevant healthcare entrepreneurship skills to succeed.


Having established the existing problems that the writer has observed in the healthcare field, they now drive the essay forward with how they hope to solve those issues. They also outline the skills they’ve learned through their past experiences and explain how the Wharton MBA will further develop those skills.

Body Paragraph 2:

Central to the lasting success of my MBA experience would be the Wharton community. The prospect of developing lifelong relationships and collaborating with accomplished peers through the cluster model inspires and excites me. I also look forward to mentorship opportunities from professors like Christian Terweisch. I often used his concept of innovation tournaments to drive collaboration at client organizations as a management consultant.

Here, the writer explains in detail how Wharton will help them to achieve their goals. By mentioning the cluster model and the mentorship opportunities that Wharton offers, the writer shows the admissions committee that they have done their research. Also, by naming professor Christian Terweisch, the writer further establishes that they understand how the Wharton MBA program, in particular, will assist them in pursuing their aspirations.


Wharton startups such as Burrow and Harry’s have revolutionized numerous industries, transformed value chains, and changed millions of lives worldwide. Standing at this critical juncture in my career, I am excited to follow in their footsteps, realize my true potential, and build an organization that improves healthcare around the world. For that, I see no better platform than a Wharton MBA.

In this conclusion paragraph, the writer gives examples of successful products of the Wharton MBA program and how those startups specifically benefited the world. This connects to the writer’s previously mentioned goal of creating change in the healthcare field. The writer shows that they understand how Wharton can help them take the necessary steps in building their career.

Overall, this essay incorporates all of the tips mentioned above. The writer briefly summarizes their past experiences, what they learned, and the issues they observed in the healthcare field. 

Then, the writer links the past to the present, detailing how their experiences have contributed to their current goals. They then discuss the future, outlining how specific aspects of Wharton’s MBA program will help them achieve their career aspirations. 

Each sentence has a purpose, and overall, the writer connects past, present, and future to concisely answer the prompt.

Essay 2: How do you plan to make specific, meaningful contributions to the Wharton community?

As a Wharton MBA, I plan to seek opportunities that exploit my strengths contributing to team environments. First, I thrive in settings where I can leverage my broad knowledge base and strong analytical foundation to help solve problems across a number of functions. Similarly, my empathetic style of leadership has been effective in engaging a range of perspectives and voices towards a common goal. Both aspects position me uniquely to take on roles where I can bridge Wharton with the surrounding community.

In this introduction, the author talks about their strong skills and how they’ll use them to contribute to the community. The author mentions specific skills and sets up a scene of how effective their skills are. 

Dance education is an initiative I’m highly motivated to support, as dance has been an amazing therapeutic outlet for me. The countless hours I’ve spent bhangra dance moves have been both highly meditative and endlessly entertaining. Dance is also perhaps the most powerful unifier of people I’ve ever experienced. All personal differences seem to wash away when people can join around their common love of dance. While at Wharton, I plan to combine my appreciation for performance and excitement to engage with the community by working with Wharton Dance Studio, which brings Wharton students together in a broad variety of styles and and cultures, for events such as the Wharton Dance Studio & India Club’s joint Bollywood Fusion Diwali Dance Workshop. Whether teaching, organizing live events for the community, or even taking the stage as a dancer myself, I am excited about the range of ways I can spread the joy of movement through the Wharton Dance Club.
Another area of personal interest where I intend to contribute meaningfully to the Wharton community is golf. I played golf extensively growing up, but talents lie less on the fairway and more in the front-office. For years, I have maintained an avid interest in the advanced analytics of golf as a scouting / decision-making tool, even going so far as to create my own statistical models. As a widget industry professional, I’ve become well-versed in the emerging technology companies advancing the applications of data analytics to the golf handicap industry. 

In this body paragraph, the author uses personal anecdotes and connects it to how they have contributed to those interests. The author also explains how they plan on using those experiences and use them to contribute to the Wharton community. 

Working with the Wharton Golf Club, I am eager to help lead the Wharton team competing at the MBA Masters tourney at Duke University and the annual Spring Scramble, and I would love to organize teams of Wharton golfers to work with inner-city Philadelphia high school and collegiate kids, helping to promote the adoption of advanced golf statistical handicapping to elevate athletic performance at the amateur level.

The author does a great job using their working experience at the Wharton Golf Club and explaining their dedication to helping the golf team succeed. The author also uses a specific example of how they’d support the community with this specific experience. 

If you still have questions, check out these frequently asked questions. 

1. Should I answer the optional Wharton MBA essay prompt?

The optional essay prompt is a great way to address any discrepancies you might have in your application, including poor academic performance, gaps in your resume, or low test scores. Use this essay to clear up any lingering questions that an admissions committee might have regarding your candidacy.

2. I’m reapplying to the Wharton MBA program; Do I have to answer essay prompts 1 and 2? Or can I resubmit my previous essays?

Wharton requires reapplicants to answer both essay prompts 1 and 2 and a prompt specifically for reapplicants. The writing prompts may change from year to year, so your previous submissions may not be entirely relevant anymore. If the prompts haven’t changed, it is still a good idea to reevaluate the quality of your past essays.

3. Is it okay to submit essays that I used for other applications if the prompts are similar?

Generally, you should avoid submitting the same essay that you’ve used for another school. You can use pieces from other essays you’ve written, but you need to make sure that you tailor your Wharton MBA essays explicitly to the Wharton MBA program.

Different programs have varying missions and values, so using the same essays for every application will not benefit your application.

4. What should I talk about in my Wharton MBA essays?

Generally, the purpose of essays is to “make the invisible visible,” meaning that they are a place to show the admissions committee a side of you that they cannot see anywhere else in your application. Rather than listing experiences that the admissions committee can already find in your resume, try to focus on things you’ve learned or your future goals.

5. If I’m applying to a joint-degree program at Wharton, do I have to write additional essays?

Those applying to the Francis J. & William Polk Carey/JD MBA program “are strongly encouraged to answer the application essay questions in relation to the Carey JD/MBA Program as opposed to only the Wharton MBA Program.” Those applying to the Wharton/Lauder Institute Joint-Degree Program must answer one additional Lauder prompt.

6. Can I write about my undergraduate experiences in the Wharton MBA essays?

Your undergraduate years were likely full of learning opportunities and growth, which is why briefly mentioning them could be insightful in your essays. However, don’t make them the focus of your essay, especially if you have several years of work experience.

Use your undergraduate experiences to establish where you came from and how much you’ve grown, and then connect them to your present motivations and future goals.

The Wharton MBA essays offer the admissions committee a brief glimpse into your personality and motivations. The writing process may seem intimidating at first, but just make sure to stay true to yourself and don’t focus on word count in your first draft. Then, in the editing process, you can evaluate areas to cut and refine, focus on connecting the past, present, and future, and highlight why you chose Wharton in particular.

By following these tips and tricks, you can craft an essay that genuinely portrays who you are and why you would be a great fit at the Wharton School of Business.

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Why Wharton

Explore business and more, wharton is more than just a business school. you will take one quarter of your classes outside of wharton, in penn’s other 11 schools. our flexible program combines the study of business and arts and sciences with dynamic professors and hands-on experiences. when you follow your interests and gain knowledge of the leading edge of business practices, you can succeed in any career you choose., flexible curriculum.

You can customize the curriculum to pursue a minor , study abroad , earn another undergraduate degree, or get a jump-start on graduate school . You can enhance your education with courses and programs in anything from art history or music to chemistry or political science, following your interests and passions wherever they lead.

When you graduate, you’ll be prepared to make an impact in any field – in any part of the world. Start a business, manage a clothing brand, or even build a new car – with a degree from Wharton you can go wherever your path leads you and be more effective in the career you choose.

Top 10 reasons to come to Wharton

Why come to Wharton? Check out our top 10.

Innovative Learning

Learning at Wharton is not just academic. Our classes are challenging and intellectually rigorous, but at the same time, they’re collaborative and full of interaction. Our  top professors  customize their teaching method for each class, from seminars, case studies, and lectures to Wharton’s  learning lab simulations , which help you experience what business situations are really like instead of just reading about them in a textbook. Manage a billion-dollar stock portfolio, participate in a fare war, allocate raises among employees, control a country’s fishing fleet, or prepare a marketing plan for a totally new product.

What’s the difference between a BS in Economics at Wharton and BA in Economics in a liberal arts program? Here’s how we are different .

Leadership Development

We’re serious about working together to achieve common goals. In fact, our team-based curriculum makes it difficult to succeed if you’re only in it for yourself. You’ll learn to lead and work in a team through a suite of leadership courses that spans all four years. Gain communication, interpersonal, and leadership skills and integrate knowledge for action across the curriculum.

The Leadership Journey

Leadership learning is integrated over four years throughout the Wharton experience.  Here’s how it works .

Knowledge for Action

Wharton gives you the knowledge and skills to change the world. Learning continues outside the classroom when you apply valuable skills through teamwork, co-curricular activities, conferences, research, and club life. Try a Wharton Leadership Venture for hands-on experience, start your own business with Venture Lab , run a student conference, or study abroad. Spend your summer with an internship in a field that intrigues you, or solve a problem and find answers through a research program .

Individual Support and Career Services

You’re never on your own at Wharton. You can always find support for any problems that may come up while at Wharton. There are accessible professors, professional advisors, upperclassmen, and alumni to help you with anything from roommate troubles to questions about concentrations or careers. As a member of the wider campus community, you have access to all the resources that Penn has to offer — from integrated career services to the Weingarten Center to the Penn Women’s Center . Whatever your needs, there’s always someone ready and willing to help.

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Moelis Advance Access Program

Apply in final year of study. work for two to four years. get a wharton mba..

Application Deadline: April 23, 2025

What is the Moelis Advance Access Program?

The Moelis Advance Access Program is a deferred enrollment program that offers students in their final year of undergraduate and full-time graduate degree programs a guaranteed pathway to the Wharton MBA. After admission, admitted students pursue two to four years of quality work experience before matriculating in the full-time MBA program.

The program seeks students who are ambitious, innovative, and prepared to use a sense of professional liberty to maximize their early career experiences while impacting the world. Students from all academic fields and disciplines are encouraged to apply, and the program accepts a highly selective cohort of students, named Moelis Fellows, whose academic and career interests expand the traditional notions of business education.

The program was established in 2017 with philanthropic support from Ken Moelis, W’80, WG’81, and Julie Taffet Moelis, W’81. Read the news release .

Download a Program Guide.

This guide covers everything you need to get started on your MBA application journey.

Why Consider a Deferred MBA Program?

The first years of full-time work include a range of exciting and challenging opportunities, experiences, and decisions. Whether you are a student who wants to explore your dream career, pursue a non-traditional path, launch a business, or join a start-up, we know that you have long-term goals of changing careers or industries. You already know that an MBA will strengthen your skills and provide you with knowledge that you might not find in your first job. Deferred MBA programs offer the opportunity to secure a guaranteed seat at a top MBA program two or more years down the road so that you can pursue these early years with increased confidence and risk-tolerance.

How does Deferred Admission work?

wharton undergraduate admissions essays

Apply during the final year of your undergraduate or full-time graduate degree program during the Deferred Admission Round (late April). The application process for the Moelis Advance Access Program is similar to the application during Rounds 1, 2, and 3; however, deferred admission candidates are only evaluated relative to peers applying to the Moelis Program.

wharton undergraduate admissions essays


Follow your professional passions and obtain substantive work experience for two to four years. Wharton deferred admission students are encouraged to take professional risks, such as starting their own company, working for a nonprofit, or pursuing global externships while working in traditional business industries.

wharton undergraduate admissions essays


Your professional and personal development begins the moment you are admitted to Wharton. During the two to four years before you begin your MBA, you will have access to a network of scholars having an impact professionally across the globe and will remain in contact with Wharton through Slack and email, in-person and virtual events for the Moelis Program, and access to other student conferences and alumni initiatives.

wharton undergraduate admissions essays


You and other Moelis Fellows will represent about 10% of the 900 full-time MBA students at Wharton. Once on campus, you’ll be able to maximize your career trajectory and elevate your potential through the leadership, career, student life, and academic programs offered by a global leader in business school.

Application Process

Ways to connect, deferment period benefits.

The Moelis Advance Access Program accepts applications from students who are in the process of completing or recently completed their bachelor’s, full-time master’s, or other graduate degree. The Moelis Fellows cohort consists of more than 100 universities, including liberal arts, professional schools, and many other degree programs from around the world.

Application DeadlineInterview InvitationsInterview DatesDecisionsDeposit Deadline
Wednesday, April 23, 2025Thursday, May 29, 2025Monday, June 2 – Friday, June 13, 2025Tuesday, July 1, 2025Friday, August 1, 2025

Application Components

  • Reduced application fee of $100 (active-duty military, veterans who have received an honorable discharge, and applicants for whom the fee presents a financial burden can have their application fee waived with proper documentation)
  • Unofficial copy of college transcript(s) with final year courses listed
  • Self-reported GMAT or GRE exam scores (both tests administered at a test center or online/at-home are acceptable)
  • Current resume with all internships, part-time positions, and future full-time position listed
  • Two letters of recommendation from any of the following: college faculty, supervisor from an internship or employment, campus or community leader, advisor, or coach
  • Two essays ( same essays as general MBA applicants )
  • Virtual Team-Based Discussion and one-on-one interview with a member of the Wharton MBA Admissions Office

Students accepted into the Moelis Advance Access Program have a split enrollment deposit. The initial $1,000 deposit is due on or before the enrollment deadline; the final $1,000 deposit is submitted the year they matriculate to Wharton. All Moelis Fellows submit a yearly declaration of their intent to enroll and verification of work experience.

We encourage you to connect with us to learn more about the Moelis Advance Access Program.

Moelis Advance Access Program Information Sessions and Webinars

Throughout the year, we will host periodic informational sessions designed to educate about the benefits of applying to an MBA via deferred enrollment programs, the value of an MBA, and distinctive features and benefits of the Moelis Advance Access Program.

Application Tips and Ask the Adcom Q&A Sessions

In the months prior to the application deadline, we will provide advice about applying to Wharton, tips to strengthen your application, and respond to prospective candidates’ questions through a range of virtual sessions.

Connect with Current Students

There are 55 current second year MBA students across many backgrounds, careers, and interests that are available to speak with you about their experiences at Wharton. Browse the profiles of the Admissions Fellows and find someone who shares personal, career, and/or academic background with you.

College and University Information Sessions

Over the course of the year, we will host virtual and/or in-person informational sessions at many colleges and universities around the world. If you wish to help coordinate an informational meeting at your school, please email us at [email protected] .

Undergraduate Visit Days and Campus Visit Program

We will host several specialty visit days focused on exposing undergraduate students to the MBA experience and Wharton community. If you are unable to attend an Undergraduate Visit Day, come see campus, learn about the admissions process, attend classes, meet current students, and get a firsthand look at our diverse and collaborative culture during one of our Campus Visit Programs. 

The Moelis Fellows cohort is comprised of a diverse group of students who attended institutions around the globe, majored in a wide range of academic disciplines, and are pursuing various professional career paths during their deferment period. On the day you are admitted, Moelis Fellows immediately become connected via the Moelis Program’s Slack network.

Recent years benefits and opportunities for Moelis Fellows have included:

  • Social and professional development events and retreats, held in person and virtually
  • Mentoring and networking with current Wharton MBA students and Wharton alumni
  • Complimentary tickets to select Wharton conferences and events
  • Professional workshops hosted by current Wharton MBA student clubs
  • Access to select Wharton Interactive simulations
  • Biannual Q&A sessions with Wharton’s MBA Career Management advisors


Any student in a bachelor’s degree or full-time graduate degree program who completed or will complete their academic program within 8 months of the Moelis Program’s application deadline (Deferred Admission Round).


Yes, all students graduating early are eligible to apply. If you graduate between October 1 and December 31, you must apply during the Moelis Round (same application deadline as Round 3) in spring after you graduate. If you are graduating between January 1 and September 30, you must apply during the Moelis Round of your graduation year.


Yes, any graduate degree student is eligible to apply to the Moelis Advance Access Program so long as: (1) the graduate degree program was conducted full time, and (2) you matriculated into your full-time graduate program immediately following completion of your bachelor’s degree.


Yes, you are eligible to apply as long as you did not work full-time between your undergraduate and graduate studies. This includes any candidate that sub-matriculated into their graduate program.


There is a $100 application fee. Active-duty military, veteran who have received an honorable discharge, and applicants for whom the fee presents a financial burden can have their application fee waived with proper documentation. If you have any questions about the application fee or are seeking a fee waiver, please email [email protected] .


Yes, we accept both tests and do not have a preference for either. Additionally, we will accept scores from exams that were completed in person at a test center or online from home. We accept self-reported scores at the time of the application deadline, but require official scores to be sent by those who enroll in the Moelis Program.


We require two letters of recommendation for each applicant. Applicants to the Moelis Advance Access Program can have letters submitted from any combination of the following individuals: college faculty, supervisor from an internship or employment, campus or community leader, advisor, or coach.


The Admissions Committee invites a select number of candidates to interview; only those who interview for the Moelis Program will be considered for admission. During the 2024 application round, all candidates will learn if they are invited to interview on Tuesday, May 28, 2024. Wharton’s interview includes a virtual Team-Based Discussion as well as a virtual one-on-one with a member of the Wharton MBA Admissions Team.


Admitted Moelis Fellows are eligible to apply to the Lauder MBA/MBA, Carey JD/MBA and Health Care Management programs through their Intent to Enroll form the year before matriculation at Wharton.


Yes, Wharton offers 15+ joint and dual degree programs and we support any Moelis Fellow who decides to apply to any of these programs during their deferment period. The process to apply varies by program, but Moelis Fellows can apply during the year immediately before their matriculation to Wharton. The admission decision at any of these programs will not impact their offer of admission to the Wharton MBA.


No, we look to admit promising candidates across all academic disciplines, any accredited college or university, and all professional areas of interest.


No, your future application will not be disadvantaged. The Moelis Program is only one early pathway to the Wharton Full-Time MBA Program, and it is highly selective. We hope that any candidate who does not gain admission to Wharton via the Moelis Program will apply to Wharton again after several years of full-time work experience.


Admitted students are asked to pay an initial $1,000 deposit by the enrollment deadline to secure their space in the Moelis Fellows cohort. A final $1,000 deposit is due in the year immediately before matriculating into the Wharton MBA. The entire $2,000 deposits are applied to first year tuition and fees at Wharton.


You can defer for two, three, or four years. During those years, you still need to pursue career options that develop professional and leadership skills. All Moelis Fellows are required to submit a yearly Intent to Enroll form, which informs the Wharton MBA Admissions Committee your current professional endeavors and when you plan to matriculate.


University of Pennsylvania undergraduate students will automatically have their application fee waived to the Moelis Advance Access Program. Additionally, graduates of any of Penn’s undergraduate degree programs who are admitted into the Moelis Advance Access Program are eligible to receive a $10,000 Moelis Fellowships for each year of the Wharton MBA. All recipients of the Moelis Fellowship are also automatically reviewed for additional merit-based fellowships from Wharton during their year of matriculation.


All candidates admitted to the Moelis Advance Access Program will be automatically reviewed for all possible merit-based fellowships (scholarships) during their year of matriculation. Moelis Fellows complete their Intent to Enroll form each year following their admission – this information is used alongside their original application to inform scholarship awards. Moelis Fellows are equally likely to receive scholarships as all other students who gain admission to Wharton in Rounds 1, 2, and 3.

Moelis Fellows Admitted Cohort of 2023 Profile

Every year, we admit a truly outstanding, diverse cohort of students across all academic backgrounds from around the globe to join the Moelis community.

Countries Represented

International Students

U.S. Students of Color

First Generation

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Wharton emba admissions directors share tips on writing strong essays.

“Take time to be thoughtful and be yourself. We want to really get to know you through these essays,” advised Admissions Director Barbara Craft.

“I have already made this paper too long, for which I must crave pardon, not having now time to make it shorter.”

Applicants to Wharton’s EMBA program can probably relate to this famous Ben Franklin quote. After all, we are asking you to be thoughtful and condense a lot of important information about yourself into three short essays .

The key is taking the time to reflect on the questions. Don’t miss the opportunity to think about how you want to frame your personal and professional experience and how this program can help your future career.

 Philadelphia Admissions Director Diane Sharp advises applicants to start the essay writing process early. “The questions are posted in advance to give you plenty of time to draft and rework answers before submitting your application. We want to see thoughtful essays, and it takes time to figure out what you want to say and how to convey that in the framework of the essays.”

Just as important as giving yourself time is ensuring that the essays reflect the real you. “Being honest in your responses and staying true to who you are as a candidate is essential,” said San Francisco Admissions Director Barbara Craft .

This is when asking a colleague or friend for help is useful. “Have someone who knows you well read your essays and then ask them if the essays sound like you,” she advised.

And ask that same person – or perhaps another friend or colleague – to help proofread your final drafts. “There is no excuse for essays with grammar errors and typos,” said Barbara.

Diane noted that another pitfall to avoid is plagiarism. “The number one reason to deny an application based on an essay is plagiarism,” noted Diane. “We run plagiarism checks on all essays and expect professionalism.”

If you are ready to start your application, here are tips for tackling each specific essay, including one that is new this year.

The First Essay

The first question asks about your career objectives and how this program will help you achieve your goals.

“We want to see that you have thought about your career and how this program will add value. We want to make sure you have done your due diligence both on our program and why it is the right fit for you and your goals,” said Diane.

She added that applicants should focus on where they currently are in their career and what they would do with an MBA. “Your plans may change, but we want to make sure you have been thoughtful about this program and why you want to come here now.”

The Second Essay

The second essay is new to the application this year and relates to diversity and inclusion. Applicants are asked what intentional steps they have taken or would recommend to support an equitable and inclusive environment at work or elsewhere. The prompt suggests that applicants take a moment to learn how the University of Pennsylvania endeavors to make everyone feel welcome: Diversity at Wharton .

Diane said, “Not everyone has the same experiences in this area. Some applicants may choose to write about a personal situation or professional experience. Others may opt to describe a more general way they have made an impact or been an ally in diversity and inclusion. Our students come from a variety of backgrounds and everyone’s perspective adds value and enhances the learning environment.”

Barbara noted, “What is most important is to be authentic and thoughtful about how you embrace diversity and inclusion in your life. There is no perfect answer, and it’s OK if the question makes you realize that you’d like to do more in this area.”

The Third Essay

The final required essay asks applicants to explain how this program will fit into their lives. Applicants need to describe their plan for handling the additional demands on their time, as EMBA students spend approximately 20 hours per week outside of the program studying for class.

“We want to see that you’ve been mindfully planning for this program. That you have talked to your stakeholders and are really thinking about how you will carve out time to dedicate to this program and your personal and professional growth,” said Barbara.

Diane added, “Being enrolled in the program means candidates will need to realign responsibilities, as it requires a substantial commitment of your time and resources.”

The Optional Essay

The optional essay is an opportunity to share information that may be missing in other parts of the application.

Diane explained, “This essay is truly optional. Don’t feel compelled to use this space unless you have something to share that can’t be conveyed in another part of the application, such as circumstances that impacted your undergraduate academic performance.”

The Bottom Line

“The biggest piece of advice for all of the essays is to take time to be thoughtful and be yourself,” said Barbara. “We want to really get to know you through these essays. So, make sure they are in your voice, give strong examples, and tell us about you instead of what you think we want to hear.”

— By Meghan Laska

Posted: October 18, 2021

  • Admissions and Applying

EMBA Program

Wharton MBA Program for Executives

Barbara Craft

Admissions Director Wharton MBA Program for Executives, San Francisco

wharton undergraduate admissions essays

Diane Sharp

Admissions Director Wharton MBA Program for Executives, Philadelphia

wharton undergraduate admissions essays

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