
Essay on Inequality Between Rich And Poor

Students are often asked to write an essay on Inequality Between Rich And Poor in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

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100 Words Essay on Inequality Between Rich And Poor

What is inequality.

Inequality means not being equal, especially in status and chances to succeed. When talking about rich and poor people, it’s about the big gap between them. Rich people have more money, better houses, and can go to good schools. Poor people struggle for basic things like food and a place to live.

Why It Matters

This gap is important because it can make life unfair. If you’re born poor, it’s harder to get rich. This means not everyone gets the same start in life. Some have lots of help and chances, while others have very few.

What Causes Inequality?

Many things cause this gap. Rules that favor the rich, not enough good jobs, and poor access to education are some reasons. Sometimes, where you’re born or your family can decide if you’ll be rich or poor.

Effects on Society

A big gap between rich and poor can hurt everyone. It can lead to fewer people being happy and more crime. It can also make it hard for a country to grow strong because not all people can help build it.

What Can Be Done?

250 words essay on inequality between rich and poor.

Inequality is when people have different amounts of money, resources, or power. Some individuals have a lot, while others have very little. This difference is most clear when we look at rich and poor people.

Money Matters

Rich people can buy what they want, like good homes, education, and healthcare. Poor people often struggle to buy even basic things like food and a safe place to live. This difference means that rich and poor people live very different lives.

Education and Opportunities

Rich people can afford better schools, which often lead to better jobs and more money. Poor people might not go to school as much, which makes it hard for them to get good jobs. This makes it difficult for poor people to earn more money and improve their lives.

Health and Happiness

Rich people often have better health because they can pay for doctors and healthy food. Poor people may get sick more often because they can’t afford these things. Being sick can make it hard to work or go to school, which can keep people poor.

Why It’s a Problem

When rich and poor people live so differently, it’s not fair. Everyone should have a chance to live a good life. If only a few people have most of the money and power, it can make others feel left out or unhappy. It’s important to find ways to make things more equal so that everyone has the same chances in life.

500 Words Essay on Inequality Between Rich And Poor

Inequality between rich and poor is like a big gap or difference in what people have. Think of it as two groups of people: one group has a lot of money, nice houses, and can buy anything they want, while the other group has very little money, might not have a good place to live, and can’t always buy what they need.

Why Inequality Exists

Many reasons cause this gap. Sometimes, it’s because people are born into families with lots of money, so they start off with more than others. Other times, it’s because of the different chances people get, like better schools or jobs. Also, some places in the world have rules that make it easier for rich people to keep getting richer, while making it hard for poor people to get ahead.

The Effects of Inequality

Rich people, on the other hand, can do a lot more things. They can travel, eat healthy food, and go to the best schools. This can make them even richer as they grow up, because they have more opportunities.

There are ways to make this gap smaller. One way is to make sure everyone gets a good education, no matter how much money their family has. Another way is to have rules that help poor people get better jobs and pay them fair wages. Also, rich people can help by sharing some of their money with those who need it.

People Making a Difference

Inequality between rich and poor is a big issue that affects many people’s lives. It’s important to know about this gap so we can work together to make it smaller. By giving everyone the same chances to learn and work, and by helping each other, we can make the world a fairer place. Remember, even small actions can make a big difference in someone’s life.

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Gap between Rich and Poor

How it works

Many people think of the Americans ideal life is vigorous decent but they got it wrong, in facts income inequality is on the top of the list despite its developing country. In reality, there are roughly about 40 million people in America experiences that is 10 to 15 percents of the U.S. populations. In the constitution states “that as Americans entitled to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness” (Jefferson, et al), but yet I don’t see everyone have that benefits besides the obvious wealthy class.

This lead to widening the gap between the rich and the poor, while the rich continue to gain wealth and on the other hand, the poor have to endure under poverty. The gap between the rich and poor is a significant problem that Americans have to tolerate, there are various reasons of causes for instances, racial discriminations, background prejudice, and government policy. A certain group of immigrants is the targets to most likely to suffer from poverty in the United States.

Many reasons could be a result for immigrants to endure poverty and can even be extreme poverty. Professor of sociology, Amie Bostic, who earned her Ph.D. in sociology from Duke University notes “ Some immigrants group are at a considerably greater risk of poverty than other. This is a result of a split in the immigrant population in the United States between those with high skills and those with low skills” (738). It stakes that other groups besides immigrants are less likely to tolerate destitution. From another support claim by an in-progress Ph.D. professional in sociology from Duke University responds “ because immigrant’s education and experience are often devalued in the United States, many immigrants families turn to entrepreneurship or work multiple jobs to increase their income” ( 519). This connects the claim that immigrants face more penury than any other group because due to their low-skill and backgrounds which place them into one of the categories of a group that most likely tolerate low-income financial struggle. Likewise situation between race’s privilege and disadvantage.

For many years different ethnicity group of people excludes white people are most likely to experience a certain type of discrimination that led them into many disadvantages. An Associate Professor of Public Policy, Ann Chih Lin, who received her Ph.D. in political science from the University of Chicago confirms “ For example, geographic steering of black and Hispanic homebuyers remains common and 50% of black respondents in a recent Gallup Poll reported incidents of discrimination within the month prior to the survey. In a two-city audit study, employers were twice as likely to hire a white applicant as an equally qualified black applicant for an entry-level position” (Lin). The speaker is asserting that there are racial injustice and unfairness simply due to individuals race that stood out to the norm. This is a direct strike towards minorities and different ethics groups indicate that their opportunity in the society are slim and more distinctly possible to suffer impoverishment. In the light of the racial inequity is not only a serious complication in the United States but also background prejudice is another cause of factors to make ends meet for certain people.

I am confident that there is more constituent of widening the gap between rich and poor, in fact, discrimination on background and criminal history is a crucial unfairness for ex-convicts to get back to their normal lives in the society after incarceration. Lack of employment opportunity generates a collateral effect on individuals lives. In the course of life human being ultimately will make a blunder, and some may even imprison. A second chance should always provide to us, however, the reality is not optimistic to what we seek for. An associate at DLA Piper, Elizabeth Westrope, who earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and Government from the University of Notre Dame implies a great example: In 2003, a twenty-one year old man lost control of his car after a night of drinking, killing his close friend.1 The man, “Jay,” was convicted of involuntary manslaughter and sentenced to thirty-eight months in state prison. Jay wrote to the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), detailing his struggles of re-entering society as a convicted felon. Jay described the hard work he had put forth to turn his life around since his release: he had been sober for more than eight years, was succeeding in college, and had shared his story in schools, treatment facilities, and correctional institutions so that others could learn from his mistakes. Yet he also told the DOJ that he had “nothing to show for it,” since he was repeatedly denied job opportunities because of his felony.

Jay explained that he had participated in numerous interviews and sent out more than 200 resumes for positions that he was more than qualified to fill, but employers routinely denied his applications because of his criminal record. (369) A person committing a crime is an unpleasant deportment thereby punishment must take place. When the person had finished their sentence behind bar, they deserve to receive a second chance to reintegrate in the society because they served their time in prison already. Clearly in Westrope statement is not the optimistic case that we seek and hope for. In fact, one in three people in America have some sort of criminal records and those victims are more likely to endure many disadvantages than people without a record in the record ( Americans With Criminal Records). For those who are employed are only taking home 40 percents of the annual salary, thereby criminal records impact people for the rest of their lives. Genders is also a topic that we frequently bring up to dispute about the wage gap. It becomes an unfair common sense in the United States that women certainly earn less than men. As years go by, there definitely have improvement but on gender education wise. By the fact that recent decade women enrolled in college is about 57 percents. It’s exceeding more than men in the term of education wise. Although now women are in the upper hand of education but pay wage is still a long way to be balanced, even though both genders should be equally distributed in wage but the reality is not that positive. “ [which] refers to the difference in wages and salaries between men and women. On average, women make about 80 percent of what men do. There are also racial disparities — white women and Asian American women, on average, make more than Hispanic, African American, or Native American women”( Cummins ). T

his demonstrates that women undergo the wage gap which distinctly possible lead them to experience financial struggles. We can not put out of one’s mind that women eventually become mothers, their hardship in the family is a paramount job. Unfortunately that many married couples may end up a single parent. With this in mind, wage gap and single parenting for a woman to live through is the principle that they are more likely to go on poverty at some point. Furthermore to the concern of widening the gap between the rich and the poor, that government certainly plays a crucial part of the problem. Government’s obligation is to protect and serves the people but they are not doing so well in reality. The government conducted many actions to reform the lives of people who live in poverty, but nothing had really made a major impact on low-income family and people who are under poverty. As former speaker of the United States house of representatives Newt Gingrich, in his one article Rethinking Our Approach to Poverty proclaim “ Over the past thirty years, we have waged a five-trillion-dollar War on poverty. And yet, when we look at the murder rate in our inner cities; the cocaine, heroin, and crack addiction destroying countless young lives; the illiteracy rate…we can see clearly that the current approach to helping the poor has exacted a cost far greater than mere money”(Gingrich). This clearly illustrates that government actions are not effective nor impact for the better good. The funds from federal government usage must have been misused the support finance because it said “destroying countless young lives” (Gingrich), or otherwise, the community would not have suffered from these destructions.  


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Gap Between Rich and Poor. (2021, May 09). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/gap-between-rich-and-poor/

"Gap Between Rich and Poor." PapersOwl.com , 9 May 2021, https://papersowl.com/examples/gap-between-rich-and-poor/

PapersOwl.com. (2021). Gap Between Rich and Poor . [Online]. Available at: https://papersowl.com/examples/gap-between-rich-and-poor/ [Accessed: 21 Aug. 2024]

"Gap Between Rich and Poor." PapersOwl.com, May 09, 2021. Accessed August 21, 2024. https://papersowl.com/examples/gap-between-rich-and-poor/

"Gap Between Rich and Poor," PapersOwl.com , 09-May-2021. [Online]. Available: https://papersowl.com/examples/gap-between-rich-and-poor/. [Accessed: 21-Aug-2024]

PapersOwl.com. (2021). Gap Between Rich and Poor . [Online]. Available at: https://papersowl.com/examples/gap-between-rich-and-poor/ [Accessed: 21-Aug-2024]

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Modern Technology Is Increasing The Gap Between Rich and Poor - IELTS Essay

Modern Technology Is Increasing The Gap Between Rich And Poor, Or It Is Helping Reduce The Gap - IELTS Task 2 Band 9 Sample Essay

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Model Essay 1

The advent of modern technology has sparked a debate on its impact on socio-economic disparities, with opinions diverging on whether it widens or narrows the gap between the affluent and the underprivileged. This essay contends that while technology can indeed exacerbate inequality, its potential to democratize access to information and opportunities predominantly serves to bridge the socio-economic divide.

Proponents of the view that technology aggravates inequality argue that the high cost of cutting-edge technologies and the skills required to harness them create significant barriers for the less affluent. This phenomenon, known as the "digital divide," implies that wealthier individuals and nations can leverage technology to gain even more wealth, thus exacerbating the socio-economic disparities. For instance, access to high-speed internet, indispensable for many modern professions, remains a luxury in numerous parts of the world. This disparity is further highlighted by the digital literacy gap, which prevents the underprivileged from fully participating in the digital economy, underscoring the widening gap.

Conversely, the argument that technology acts as a great equalizer is both compelling and supported by numerous global success stories. Online education platforms, for example, offer free or low-cost courses to millions, providing a vital ladder for socio-economic mobility and bridging the knowledge divide. Furthermore, mobile banking and fintech innovations have revolutionized financial inclusion in regions previously underserved by traditional banking systems, enabling small entrepreneurs in remote areas to access credit, manage finances, and grow their businesses efficiently. These advancements not only underscore technology's potential to level the playing field but also illustrate its role in fostering entrepreneurial spirit and innovation among the economically disadvantaged.

In conclusion, while it is undeniable that technological advancements can initially deepen socio-economic rifts due to unequal access and capability gaps, the broader perspective reveals a trend towards inclusivity and empowerment. As we harness technology responsibly and inclusively, its capacity to dismantle barriers and foster equality becomes increasingly apparent, making it a pivotal tool in the quest to narrow the gap between rich and poor.

Model Essay 2

In the contemporary era, the role of modern technology in shaping socio-economic disparities has sparked a polarizing debate. Some argue it exacerbates the divide between the affluent and the destitute, while others believe it bridges this gap. This essay contends that technology serves both to widen and narrow these disparities, depending on its accessibility and application.

On one hand, technology's proponents highlight its democratizing potential. The advent of online education platforms, for instance, has rendered knowledge more accessible, enabling individuals from underprivileged backgrounds to acquire skills and education that were previously beyond their reach. Such platforms have not only democratized education but have also empowered individuals with the tools necessary for socio-economic advancement, thus potentially leveling the playing field. Moreover, digital financial services have facilitated greater financial inclusion, allowing people in remote areas to access banking services, thereby fostering economic empowerment and reducing geographical barriers to financial services.

Conversely, the critics of technological advancement point to the digital divide as a significant factor that exacerbates inequality. Access to cutting-edge technology often requires substantial financial resources, making it a privilege of the wealthy. Consequently, while the affluent have the luxury of leveraging technology to amplify their wealth, the poor are left further behind due to lack of access. This disparity is evident in the job market, where high-paying roles increasingly demand advanced technological skills, thus marginalizing those without the means to acquire such education. Moreover, this gap widens as technology evolves, requiring constant upskilling that disproportionately favors the economically advantaged.

In conclusion, while technology has the potential to bridge the gap between the rich and poor by democratizing access to education and financial services, the prevailing digital divide underscores its role in widening socio-economic disparities. Ultimately, the impact of technology on socio-economic inequality is contingent upon efforts to ensure equitable access.

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Home — Essay Samples — Economics — Income Wealth Gap — Money Gap Between The Rich And The Poor In America


Money Gap Between The Rich and The Poor in America

  • Categories: Economic Inequality Income Wealth Gap

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Published: Jan 28, 2021

Words: 1040 | Pages: 2 | 6 min read

Image of Prof. Linda Burke

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Ielts essay # 1480 - modern technology is increasing the gap between rich and poor, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, some people believe that modern technology is increasing the gap between rich and poor, while others disagree and say that it is helping reduce the gap., discuss both views and give your own opinion..

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Study Shows Income Gap Between Rich and Poor Keeps Growing, With Deadly Effects

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By Lola Fadulu

  • Published Sept. 10, 2019 Updated June 11, 2020

WASHINGTON — The expanding gap between rich and poor is not only widening the gulf in incomes and wealth in America. It is helping the rich lead longer lives, while cutting short the lives of those who are struggling, according to a study released this week by the Government Accountability Office.

Almost three-quarters of rich Americans who were in their 50s and 60s in 1992 were still alive in 2014. Just over half of poor Americans in their 50s and 60s in 1992 made it to 2014.

“It’s not only that rich people are living longer but some people’s life expectancy is actually shrinking compared to their parents, for some groups of people,” said Kathleen Romig, a senior policy analyst at the liberal Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

Income inequality has roiled American society and politics for years, animating the rise of Barack Obama out of the collapse of the financial system in 2008, energizing right-wing populism and the emergence of nationalist leaders like Donald J. Trump, and pushing the Democratic Party leftward. Senator Bernie Sanders, a self-described democratic socialist who is seeking the Democratic presidential nomination, commissioned the report from the Government Accountability Office, Congress’s independent watchdog, and seized on its findings.

“Poverty is a life-threatening issue for millions of people in this country, and this report confirms it,” Mr. Sanders said in a statement .

The Census Bureau reported on Tuesday that the poverty rate declined last year to 11.8 percent, the lowest level since 2001. But median household income was $63,200 in 2018, essentially unchanged from a year earlier, and income gains slowed last year from the increases posted in 2015 and 2016.

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The ‘Rich’ and ‘Poor’: The Widening Income and Development Gap Between Rich and Poor Nations Worldwide

  • First Online: 25 June 2019

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  • Richard J. Estes 10  

Part of the book series: Social Indicators Research Series ((SINS,volume 76))

1013 Accesses

1 Citations

Wealth inequalities both within and between nations has reached an extreme point and is continuing to increase (Collier P. The bottom billion: why the poorest countries are failing and what can be done about it. Oxford University Press, New York, 2007; Henneberg S, The wealth gaps. Farmington Hills: Greenhaven Publishing, 2017). Today, approximately 8% of the world’s population owns approximately 85% of the world’s wealth, much of it held just by the upper 1% of the global population, whereas the “bottom” 92% of the world’s population hold somewhat less than 15% of global wealth (Burton J, 25 Highest income earning countries. World Atlas; Economics , April 25. Retrieved March 23, 2018 from https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/the-highest-incomes-in-the-world.html , 2017a; Countries with the lowest income in the world. World Atlas: Economics , April 25. Retrieved March 23, 2018 from https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/countries-with-the-lowest-income-in-the-world.html , 2017b; Frank RH, Falling behind: how rising inequality harms the middle class. University of California Press, Berkeley 2007; Piketty T, Capital in the twenty-first century (A. Goldhammer, Trans.). Belknap Press, Cambridge, 2017). Further, contemporary trends in the global wealth patterns contribute to a high sense of subjective ill-being among large segments of the global population, even within economically advanced countries (Clark A, Senik C, Happiness and economic growth: lessons from developing countries. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2017; Helliwell J, Layard R, Sachs J, World happiness report, 2017. Sustainable Development Solutions Network, New York, 2017). The present scenario can be improved upon however, but it will require a more equitable flow of net national wealth to a larger share of the world’s national and global populations (Estes RJ, Sirgy MJ, Chapter 20: Well-being from a global perspective. In R. J. Estes & M. J. Sirgy (Eds.), The pursuit of well-being: the untold global history. Springer, Cham, 2017b; Graham C Happiness around the world: the paradox of happy peasants and miserable millionaires. Oxford University Press, New York, 2012; Stiglitz JE, The price of inequality: how today’s divided society endangers our future. W.W. Norton Books, New York, 2013).

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Estes, R.J. (2019). The ‘Rich’ and ‘Poor’: The Widening Income and Development Gap Between Rich and Poor Nations Worldwide. In: Brulé, G., Suter, C. (eds) Wealth(s) and Subjective Well-Being. Social Indicators Research Series, vol 76. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-05535-6_21

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-05535-6_21

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The Gap between the Rich and the Poor is Becoming Wider- IELTS Writing Task 2

Janice Thompson

Updated On Aug 21, 2024


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IELTS problem solution essays, like 'Gap between the Rich and the Poor is Becoming Wider', require identifying issues such as unequal wealth distribution and increased crime and solutions include government intervention in education and quota systems.

Gap between the Rich and the Poor is Becoming Wider

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One of the various types of essays that can be asked in the IELTS Writing Task 2 is a problem solution essay. IELTS problem solution essay requires candidates to talk about a specific problem or its causes and suggest possible solutions to the same. The problem-solution essay topics like 'Gap between the Rich and the Poor is Becoming Wider' are based on real-life situations and issues and are essential to be familiar with the pattern of the essay topics in order to perform well in Writing Task 2. If you want to practise regularly, check out the Writing Task 2 practice tests .

Given below is an example of a problem & solution essay. Let’s understand how to frame the essay from the ideas we have.

The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming wider; the rich are becoming richer. and the poor are even getting poorer. What problems can the situation cause? What can be done to reduce this gap?

Problem Solution Essay


Sentence 1: Unequal distribution of wealth is one of the common problems faced by developing nations.

Paragraph 1: ( answer some of the reasons for which situation arises ) The main problem caused by unequal distribution of wealth, is that education has become inaccessible to the poor.

Paragraph 2: ( what can be done to reduce the gap ) However, there are some measures that can be taken to tackle inequality.

Summarize your answers

Unequal distribution of wealth is one of the common problems faced by developing nations. There is no doubt that the gap present clearly today between the poor and the rich is getting wider by time and is affecting our way of life. This affects the Economy causing disparity and hinders the overall economic development of a nation. The government should always strive towards minimizing this gap.

The main problem caused by unequal distribution of wealth, is that education has become inaccessible to the poor. Quality education has become very expensive. There are schools and colleges which are very costly and not within the reach of the poor. Due to this, a certain population of people are not able to compete for high paying jobs and it becomes a fundamental disadvantage for them.

Another important issue is the increase in crime rates, As marginalized groups most often do not make enough money to meet their basic needs, they resort to heinous acts like burglary, theft etc.

However, there are some measures that can be taken to tackle inequality. Firstly, the government should develop schemes by building new government schools for children and providing scholarships which will help people from the poor section afford quality education.

Reserving seats for marginalized groups or quota systems can also be one of the solutions. This will give them a fair chance to compete with rich people.

Governing bodies should review their policies in regards to the tax sector and should update them to remove the economic disparities in the country. This will help enable the increase in development of the life standards of the poor and will develop the nation as a whole.

In today’s materialistic world, economic inequality, also known as the gap between rich and poor, is one of the most prevalent problems. It can be characterized by the aphorism “the rich get richer while the poor get poorer”. Undoubtedly, the wealth gap is expanding over time, affecting the economy, causing inequities, and limiting a country’s overall economic success. As a result, the government and authorities should take the required actions and enact laws to solve these pressing problems. The following essay will discuss the problems and possible solutions for this escalating situation.

To begin with, there is a multitude of problems caused by economic disparity. The inaccessibility of education, increased crime rates, and deteriorating public health are the main concerns caused by the spreading inequality. The high levels of economic inequality are associated with increased crime and poor public health, both of which impose a burden on the economy. It is becoming more difficult for the less privileged to pursue higher education since quality education has become increasingly expensive. As a result, they are denied employment opportunities, ultimately leading to squalor and poverty. Furthermore, the rising crime rate is a significant source of concern, as minorities who lack the financial means to meet their fundamental necessities resort to delinquency.

However, some steps can be taken to address these unsettling concerns, such as the government allocating more resources to overcome the economic divide. Firstly, the government can provide financial help to economically disadvantaged people. Second, governments should ensure that individuals have access to high-quality education and job opportunities. This will surely assist in reducing poverty and enhancing the living standards of financially disadvantaged households. Thirdly, developed countries should make more efforts to reduce poverty worldwide.

To sum up, economic disparity is a major concern for growing countries since it leads to lower levels of education, greater crime rates, and poorer public health. It may be tackled if the government passes legislation and enacts laws. I believe that everyone has an equal right to higher-quality education and a better life. Furthermore, education is the most powerful weapon for overcoming poverty. In this regard, the government and higher regulating bodies should join hands and make joint efforts to bridge economic disparity.

Have a look at the IELTS Vocabulary for the sample answer on IELTS Writing topics like 'Gap between the Rich and the Poor is Becoming Wider'.

Definition : not equal in quantity, size, or value. Eg. The unequal distribution of food caused problems for the people

Definition: a great difference. Eg. economic disparities between different regions of the country

Definition: make it difficult for (someone) to do something Eg. language barriers hindered communication between people

Definition: make great efforts to achieve Eg. The nation strives to eradicate poverty

  • Marginalized

Definition: group, or concept) treated as insignificant or peripheral. Eg. There are members part of marginalized cultural groups in rural india

Definition : person committing a wrongful act, especially a crime Eg. a battery of heinous crimes had been committed by the people of Gotham city

Definition : a fixed share of something that a person or group is entitled to receive or is bound to contribute. Eg. the county is falling short of its reserving its quota for the rural people in education institutes

  • Inaccessible

Definition : unable to be reached. Eg. Education in india is inaccessible to the poor

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Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

Soon after graduating with a Master’s in Literature from Southern Arkansas University, she joined an institute as an English language trainer. She has had innumerous student interactions and has produced a couple of research papers on English language teaching. She soon found that non-native speakers struggled to meet the English language requirements set by foreign universities. It was when she decided to jump ship into IELTS training. From then on, she has been mentoring IELTS aspirants. She joined IELTSMaterial about a year ago, and her contributions have been exceptional. Her essay ideas and vocabulary have taken many students to a band 9.

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