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  • Jul 19, 2023
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Disturbing Films for a Curious Mind: The Guinea Pig Series (1985-1989)

*Warning: Extreme content and spoilers ahead*

guinea pig devil's experiment based on true story

Post by: Jessica, Spinster # 1

If you have been following the Spinsters of Horror since our inception in 2018, you will know that my co-host/close friend Kelly has been broadening my horizons in the horror genre in various ways. This first started with “Let’s Scare Jessica To Death '' which was a monthly challenge in which Kelly would select a film she knew would make for a difficult viewing experience. The films would be shocking, weird, macabre or downright disturbing. These challenges forced me to explore other films of the genre that were not in the mainstream and were often transgressive, artistic, or had some sort of cult status due to its reputation in the horror community. Here I was introduced to films of the New French Extremity like Martyrs (2008) , Trouble Every Day (2001) and Inside (2007); experimental films like Begotten (1990) (listener’s choice); German splatter films like Premutos (1997) and Asian extreme films like Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989) and Ichii the Killer (2001). But something unexpected occurred from viewing these films - my interest and curiosity peaked. I wanted MORE!

guinea pig devil's experiment based on true story

When Kelly started the podcast series Shock Talk for Taboo Terrors, we talked about my interest in these more transgressive and extreme films. I would often ask Kelly about various films and which ones she thought I could watch. We then started the podcast series Disturbing Films for Curious Mind, where Kelly and I would watch an extreme film and then we would record my reactions. We have done a few of these episodes and you can go back and listen to my reactions to American Guinea Pig: The Song of Solomon (2017) , Nekromantik 2 (1991), Salo: 120 Days of Sodom (1975) and American Guinea Pig: Sacrifice (2017). Only one of these films I could not finish and I bet you can guess which one that was!

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We have yet to do more of these episodes, however, I have started to branch out on my own. I have always had an interest in cult, foreign, subversive and obscure cinema, and many extreme films fall into these categories. This is particularly true when it comes to Japanese cinema. It is not a secret that I am a big fan of Japanese cinema and for the past year I have been working through the Japanese Horror Iceberg that I found online. I have come a long way from watching supernatural folk horror films from the 1960s like Kuroenko (1968) and Onibaba (1964), to the extreme absurdity of Takashi Miike in films like Visitor Q (2001), Yakuza Apocalypse (2015) and more. This dive into Japanese horror cinema has introduced me to a variety of directors, styles and subgenres such as Japanese Cyberpunk (my favorite so far) with films like Burst City (1982), Akira (1988) and Anatomia Extinction (1995).

But the one thing I have discovered that I hadn’t realized before with Japanese horror is that there are a lot of extreme films, particularly ones that were shot on video, that not only have lots of blood and gore, but also brutal violence and disturbing imagery. And while I could stop my exploration at any time, I feel I would be missing out on those films and the various ways in which they influenced other Japanese horror films that are more “mainstream” or that they were films part of a director’s filmography.

Which leads me to the intent of this piece: the original and infamous Guinea Pig Series (1985-1989). This film series is considered essential for fans of extreme cinema. After a couple of years of listening to Kelly talk about these found footage style films, and intrigued by the perspective of other fans during Kelly’s 2022 Visceral Pleasure and Extreme Cinema panel focused on the series, I decided to kick off my journey into Japanese extreme cinema with finally watching these films for myself. Now, just to note, I watched three out of six films with Kelly because sometimes you need the guidance of someone who knows what you are getting into to make the experience a little less trepidations.

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As well, I recently obtained a copy of the book Japanese Horror Cinema edited by Jay McRoy, which is a collection of academic film essays about various trends and themes in Japanese horror films. In this one particular essay, “Aesthetics of Cruelty” Traditional Japanese Theatre and The Horror Film” by Richard J. Hand, he discusses how Japanese horror films and their elements of cruelty have been inspired by the cultural styles of Noh and Kabuki theater. These were traditional theater styles in Japan that presented audiences with unrealistic art and devastating plots.

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He discusses the lengths stage actors would go to in Kabuki theater to make the “unreal look real” (Hand 21). He defines the “aesthetic of cruelty” as “highly aestheticized, even fantastical world where the inherent sadism is muted by artistic techniques” (Hand 21). Often the narratives would be straightforward with an emphasis on the “uncanny” in sequences of violence, torture, suicide and elaborate fight scenes. These scenes would be brought to life with stage tricks to create moments of an irrational scene that the audience would need to ingest and make sense of. What really piqued my interest in this discussion on the style elements was how the author equates t he scenes of cruelty that are displayed in the Guinea Pig Series as “modern Kabuki” for a digital audience. Instead of watching women being tortured (simulated) on stage in inventive ways, which was a common trope in Kabuki theater, people could now watch it in the comfort of their own homes. He describes the Guinea Pig films as “a disturbing yet obviously aestheticized spectacle” which really struck a chord for me. The displays of violence and cruelty have been a part of their culture of entertainment exploring the taboos of sadism through stylized art such as Kabuki theater. That what was being depicted on screen in these films was not anything new for the Japanese audience.

guinea pig devil's experiment based on true story

Yet to North American audiences, this is not something we are used to witnessing on the stage or on screen, unless you are familiar with the horrific and sensational theater experience of the French Grand Guignol (1897-1962). Art of this nature is either heavily censored, shoved into the underground or outright banned. We are not used to such levels of cruelty acted out in such mesmerizing and stylized performances. Even the found footage elements adds to the film's allure. This is why we would see other extreme films coming out to imitate them, especially in Unearthed Films’ own American Guinea Pig series .

Now granted, not all of the Guinea Pig films are in the same style and their stories each address a different taboo subject. The narrative is used in such a way that allows for its creators to experiment new ways to make their audience spend hours processing what they have just seen. The following section is a brief write up of my thoughts on each of the films as I watched them.

Guinea Pig: The Devil’s Experiment (1985) directed by Satoru Ogura

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The first film of the series is one I personally think is the more brutal of the six. You spend an hour watching three unnamed Japanese men brutalize a captured unnamed woman. Filmed in found footage style, you watch several acts of torture being inflicted upon the woman that assaults all of her senses from sight, sound and touch. The only times she gets any relief is when she is left overnight suspended in air in what appears to be a fishing net. It was definitely a hard watch as the violence towards her escalates and appears unmotivated other than for an experiment.

In watching The Devil’s Experiment , I couldn’t help but be reminded about the history of torture and the various methods created over the centuries to gather information, whether for punishment or sadistic pleasure. I was also reminded of the unethical experiments done during the Holocaust, how mental patients were treated to further the advances of science, and particularly the brutal torture Japanese soldiers enacted on Chinese POWs during WW2. It’s heart wrenching and chilling the extent humans will go to hurt others.

Guinea Pig 2: Flowers of Flesh and Blood (1985) directed by Hideshi Hino

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The next film in the series and the most infamous because of Charlie Sheen, where he came across it and firmly believed he was watching a snuff film so he reported it to the FBI. The investigation took them to Japan and revealed that it was just a film written and directed by famous horror manga artist Hideshi Hino. His works are a bizarre world of horror stories that involve blood, gore, sex, and torture, as well as stories based on some of his real life events during World War II and the life of his Yakuza grandfather. He created the television series, Hideshi Hino’s Shocking Theater (2004), which has each episode being an example of the bizarre world of horror filled with devil children, lizard babies, and decaying corpses. To dispel the public’s fear around Flowers of Flesh and Blood , he created a “making of” documentary to alleviate people’s discomfort around the subject matter. The subject matter being, the kidnapping, drugging and dismemberment of a young woman by a clearly deranged man.

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Flowers of Flesh and Blood has a loose narrative which you piece together as you watch. A man dressed in traditional Samurai garb ritualistically dismembers a woman he has kidnapped, reciting poetry about feminine beauty and flowers. This one is very different from the The Devil’s Experiment, which displays the torture with a sense of detachment to it. This unnamed man is participating in some sort of artistic devotion to the beauty that is female flesh. Before dismembering the woman, she is drugged with a concoction that allows her not to feel pain as she is taken apart one piece at a time.

In each stage of the dismemberment he changes the lighting to enhance the altar in which the woman is placed upon, and while this is all happening to her, she does not scream in pain yet moans in pleasure. At the end of the film, he takes the remaining body parts to a room that displays a tapestry of demons taking a woman apart and you see various body parts on display creating a grotesque vignette. You then find out that this film is actually part of a larger criminal investigation tracking down a serial killer.

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Special Note: I watched these first two films back to back with Kelly and it was a visceral experience. I definitely needed a palate cleanser after the fact to get my mind off the image of eye gouging that not only happened once - but twice!

Guinea Pig 3: He Nevers Dies (1986) directed by Masayuki Hisamzumi

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The third entry in the series goes into a completely different direction from the first two that were displays of grungy brutality. While still a display of gory practical effects, they are portrayed in a comedic way, as we watch an unhappy salaryman Hideshi trying to end his life, but discovering that he can’t die. He is disillusioned by his life and experiences beratement and verbal abuse from his superiors at work. When he misses work several days in a row, no one even calls to check in on him, let alone fire him for his unexcused absences. Hideshi decides to end his life.

When he slits his wrist, which he had attempted to do earlier but he chickened out, he notices that not only does he bleed very little but doesn’t experience any pain. He then continues to experiment with slitting his throat, stabbing his arms and legs, and then impaling a protractor into his head, all with the realization that he can’t die. When he calls a co-worker over to deliver gardening shears and a hatchet so he can continue his self mutilation, he then disembowels himself in front of the shocked co-worker. The entire time all this is happening he is laughing in disbelief.

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The film gets so ridiculous that it ends with his co-workers shaming him for not being able to die, cleaning his apartment and having his severed head sitting atop the table laughing along with them. This one definitely reminded me of Bloody Muscle Builder from Hell (1995) with its bloody practical effects and comedy that focuses more on the absurdity of it all rather than how sad it is.

Guinea Pig 4: Mermaid in a Manhole (1988) directed by Hideshi Hino

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This entry into the series was the only one that made me lose my appetite The first two made me uncomfortable with the torture and violence, three and six made me laugh with their outrageous stories and practical effects, but this one had me both entranced with its sad story, and nauseous from the scenes of rot and decay. It is moist, gooey, slimy, bloody, full of bile, boils, pus, insects, worms, maggots and viscera that will make your stomach turn.

This film would be Hideshi Hino’s return to the franchise since the controversial Flowers of Flesh and Blood , and it is a welcomed one. It is based on his manga story of the same name that follows the story of a depressed artist who finds a mermaid in the sewers that he once befriended as a child. Noticing that she is ill he brings her home to paint her as she slowly dies. Boils and worms develop all over her skin and fins. The audience spends the next hour in this one room that would smell overwhelmingly of death, as the artist slowly loses his grip on reality and the mermaid pleads to end her suffering. In the climax of the film, the artist completes his painting and releases the mermaid by dismembering her.

What becomes even more shocking about this story is that the dismembered mermaid was a delusion - she was actually his wife who had been eight months pregnant and dying of stomach cancer. Mermaid in a Manhole is a story about a man who can not let go of what he has lost - his wife, child, and his mind - all to disease. We learn from the police investigation that he was suffering from schizophrenia.

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The film is a physical representation of how diseases can ravage both the mind and body - transforming someone beyond recognition and altering reality. When you look past the gross out factor of this film, it can be seen as a beautiful, sad story about grief, loss, obsession, and love. As well as the lengths someone will go to end the suffering of someone they loved and the price that comes with it.

Guinea Pig 5: Android of Notre Dame (1988) directed by Kazuhito Kuramoto

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This was the first film of the Guinea Pig series that I watched once I decided I was ready to. I had just discovered the subgenre of Japanese Cyberpunk and after a weekend of watching films and doing some research, I discovered that Android was considered to have some cyberpunk elements. After checking in with Kelly first, I was given the green light to proceed since it has been described as the least favorite of the series. At first, I had no reference to go by since I hadn’t seen the first five, but after having seen them all, I can definitely see why it's the least favorite, as I also find it the weakest of all them

The story focuses on a scientist with dwarfism who is trying to find a cure for his dying sister by manipulating DNA with computer science. However, he lacks access to human bodies to continue conducting his experiments beyond using animals. This changes when he is blackmailed by a corporate suit who wants to profit off the scientist's medical research, not realizing that he will provide to him exactly what he needs. This is where the Japanese Cyberpunk elements of the film come to play, however light they are. The audience is given an extensive scene of the scientist trying to reanimate the corpse of a dead woman with circuits and computers. He also decapitates the man trying to black mail him and attaches it to a computer as he continues his experiments to push the body past its physical limits and conquer death. This is a classic theme in cyberpunk cinema with the amalgamation of the human body and machine to create an android. But, that really is the extent of it. The rest of the film focuses on the relationship of the brother’s unethical actions in denying the reality of his sister’s desire to die.

guinea pig devil's experiment based on true story

The title Android of Notre Dame is in reference to the French Gothic novel, The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by Victor Hugo published in 1831. Considered a cruel romance between the deformed bell ringer Quasimodo and the Romani dancer Esmeralda, who’s dire fate of death is sealed when the religious Chief of Justice Frollo sets his sights upon her and Quasimodo is unable to save her. The film is also toying with the themes of unrequited love and doom despite all efforts to avoid it. It follows along the same lines as the other Guinea Pig films with blood and gore, I just found its story not very effective.

Guinea Pig 6: Doctor Devil Woman (1990) directed by Hajimbe Tabe

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This first shot of the sixth entry of the Guinea Pig series sets the tone for what Doctor Devil Woman is all about. A striking woman dressed in black holding a scalpel stands poised in front of a geyser of blood coming from a child’s doll hints to the absurd ride you are about to embark on over the next 48 minutes. We are introduced to the very stylish Devil Doctor Woman (played by Peter the infamous queer drag actor, known for his role in the 1969 cult film Funeral Parade of Roses , a film about the underground gay scene in Tokyo). Named by her patients, she is an unlicensed doctor who specializes in curing “heretical” ailments by unconventional means. She breaks the fourth wall as she explains that we will be following her as she relates the history of dealing with real devils - who she calls her patients.

She demonstrates her various treatment methods with different cases almost like a variety show. We have various ailments such as congenital brain or heart disease that causes people to have their head or heart explode from either getting mad or scared. It is beyond ridiculous watching an exploding mannequin, a man display both Jekyll and Hyde mannerisms, a stomach tumor with a human face/identity and more. The Doctor Devil Women’s help doesn’t come without a price. She tends to create new terrible situations to help her patients overcome their pre-existing affliction by either focusing on new suffering or inescapable death. Each case is a display of cheesy and over the top practical effects with each method of treatment becoming more absurd than the next, as someone gets flayed alive in a tattoo removal experience.

guinea pig devil's experiment based on true story

This film uses stories of the uncanny intermixed with comedy and splatter that are subtle commentaries on politeness, identity and loneliness with the Devil Doctor Woman as your sadistic guide.

Mainstream audiences tend to get upset when people call extreme horror films like the Guinea Pig Series works of art. The movie's transgressive nature defies the mainstream conception of what art is “supposed to be'' which is appealing, beautiful, peaceful and inspirational. The art displayed in the Guinea Pig series is grotesque, dark, cruel and disturbing, but still art nonetheless! I consider The Guinea Pig series modern works of art replicating the tradition of Kabuki theater and the concept of the “aesthetic of cruelty” in a digital format. I find them fascinating displays of cultural ingenuity and insight. These films are considered extreme horror classics and you can see their influence in various other Japanese horror films that like to border along the edges of the extreme, or dive right into the excessive side of artistic cinema. Each film in its own uncomfortable way tells a story and gives a peek into Japanese culture, and philosophies. I honestly enjoyed watching and learning more about them, so I would highly recommend them to people interested in exploring the transgressive side of film and especially international cinema.

Hand, Richard J. "Aesthetics of Cruelty: Traditional Japanese Theatre and The Horror Film" in Japanese Horror Cinema edited by Jay McRoy, University of Hawai'i Press, 2005

Redfield, Neil. "Violence in Kabuki" 22 September 2019

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Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment

Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment (Film)

Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment is a 1985 Japanese found footage horror film written and directed by Satoru Ogura, notorious for its incredibly graphic violence.

The film is presented under the In-Universe guise of being a real recording that was sent to Ogura on tape several years prior to its release, as is explained in its opening text. The tape shows three men having kidnapped a woman, who they then subject to absolutely vicious torture under the purported goal of measuring the human pain threshold and seeing how much suffering she could tolerate before dying .

This film has 5 sequels, a 1991 Clip Show of the goriest scenes, and a 4-film Spin-Off series made in the US.

  • Guinea Pig: Flower of Flesh and Blood (1985)
  • Guinea Pig: He Never Dies (1986)
  • Guinea Pig: Mermaid in a Manhole (1988)
  • Guinea Pig: Android of Notre Dame (1988)
  • Guinea Pig: Devil Woman Doctor (1990)
  • Guinea Pig: Slaughter Special (1991)
  • American Guinea Pig: Bouquet of Guts and Gore (2014)
  • American Guinea Pig: Bloodshock (2015)
  • American Guinea Pig: The Song of Solomon (2017)
  • American Guinea Pig: Sacrifice (2017)

The film series garnered a good deal of controversy in its day because of its violence. Several of the films are suspected to have influenced Serial Killer Tsutomu Miyazaki, a.k.a. the Otaku Murderer, whose murders led to a moral panic against otaku in Japan similar to the Satanic Panic in America. The second film of the series in particular, Flower of Flesh and Blood , was famously mistaken for a Snuff Film by Charlie Sheen and reported to the authorities, which earned the movie in question a fair share of notoriety.

The 1990 film Lucky Sky Diamond is sometimes grouped with the series as Guinea Pig 7 , despite having no "official" connection to the other Guinea Pig films.

This film contains examples of:

  • The Bad Guy Wins : See Downer Ending
  • Big Bad Duumvirate : The torturers who kidnap Yegg are a group of three men.
  • Bunker Woman : Yegg is trapped in a house by sadists who want to see how much pain she can take.
  • Direct Line to the Author : According to the Opening Scroll , the director found the film years ago and decided to release it to the public.
  • Denser and Wackier : The Sequels He Never Dies and Devil Woman Doctor are Black Comedy films rather than straight horror movies.
  • Downer Ending : The film ends with Yegg's presumably-dead body hanging from a tree in a bag, and the men getting off scot-free. There is a slight Hope Spot in a text scrawl stating the text is under investigation, but nothing comes of it due to the sequels having no plot connection.
  • Eye Scream : The final experiment is one of the men slowly shoving a needle through Yegg's eye.
  • Fingore : The third experiment involves Yegg having her knuckle skin twisted with a pair of pliers. The sixth has her fingernails being ripped off.
  • Gorn : Surprisingly little for a Torture Porn , with there being very little blood barring a few experiments. That said, there are scenes that feature closeups of maggots eating flesh, the eighth experiment has the men throwing animals guts on Yegg while she sleeps and the final one has a Gross-Up Close-Up of Yegg's eye being stabbed with a needle.
  • Loud of War : The fifth experiment has Yegg forced to listen to a piercing shriek for 20 hours.
  • Messy Maggots : The seventh experiment has Yegg's flesh burned and maggots placed on the wounds.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown : The first experiment has the men hitting Yegg a hundred times with various objects. The second is them doing similar, but with kicking.
  • No Name Given : While the victim is named Yegg, the torturers are never identified.
  • No Plot? No Problem! : The film presents itself as experiment footage, so narrative isn't really a concern.
  • Sadist : The three unnamed men abduct a random woman and gleefully torture her so they can test the limits of human pain.
  • Torture Porn : The film's based entirely around a bunch of sickos torturing a woman to test the limits of pain.
  • Torture Technician : The antagonists are a group of men torturing a woman to test the human body's pain limits.
  • Vomit Indiscretion Shot : The fourth experiment, which involves spinning Yegg hundreds of times, ends when she vomits everywhere.
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Guinea Pig: Devil’s Experiment (1985)

In the Devil’s Experiment we witness a young woman being tortured by a group of people while someone filming the whole act handheld in found-footage style. The torture happens in several stages/segments. They start soft by smacking her in the face while being tied to a chair. After she’s been bruised up they kick and throw her around the floor like a rag doll. In the next segment she sits on a rotating chair as they are spinning her a hundred times or so, which seems more like a harmless prank than torture, but whatever. They shove a bottle of whiskey down her throat to make her puke so we can go over to the next segment.

And already some minutes in there ain’t a single moment of realism here and I have a hard time to believe that anyone who saw this on VHS in the 80s thought they were witnessing a real snuff, because … bro, c’mon, seriously… This is amateur hour-boolshit on its lowest to such extent that it just made me shake my head and chuckle. This shit was actually promoted as a real snuff film when it circulated on the VHS market in Japan, you see, and still to this day it rises concerned questions from naive numbskulls if this is authentic or not.

Then there’s the acting, and oh my lord, haha …

The lady who portrays the victim couldn’t care less. She seems bored most of the time and acts more as if she’s sitting on a vibrating chair on The Howard Stern Show while she makes some cute moaning sounds such as:

uuhh … iuuing … uhh … tahh … iiimghh …

Then they peel her skin and rips off her fingernails with a plier. An her only reaction is:

ahh … ehh … uhn … 

There’s also a moment where she smiles. Director Ogura auditioned a bunch of women who was eager for this role and this was the best he could pick.

In another segment they pour some frying oil over her while she’s tied to a bed. Her reaction is some orgasm and growling sounds. She’s either the worst actress of all time or she’s supposed to have a larger pain threshold than Rambo. I’d guess my first assumption.

They also toss some fresh animal intestines on her while they laugh and giggle like a bunch of schoolyard bullies. Watching blurry still images of this scene would make every gorehound cream in their pants and assume she’d been brutally butchered up, but don’t get fooled.

The scene with the eye at the end was well done though, I give it that. But besides from that the whole package is so bad, sloppy, tame as a newborn duckling and downright laughably inept that it actually makes Hostel look like a legit snuff film straight from the deepest dark web. Woof.

Director: Satoru Ogura Original title: Ginî piggu – Akuma no jikken Country & year: Japan, 1985 Actors: A group of uncredited amateurs IMDb:

Sequels: – Guinea Pig 5: Mermaid in a Manhole (1988) – Guinea Pig 2: Flower of Flesh and Blood (1985)

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Guinea Pig

Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment

Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment (1985)

Directed by satoru ogura.

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Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment is a 1985 Japanese horror film written and directed by Satoru Ogura, and the first film in the Guinea Pig film series.

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Home > Guinea Pig: Devil’s Experiment Ending Explained

Guinea Pig: Devil’s Experiment Ending Explained

  • UPDATED: September 25, 2023

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The Guinea Pig film series is notorious for its extreme and graphic content, pushing the boundaries of horror cinema. One of the most controversial entries in the series is “Guinea Pig: Devil’s Experiment,” which has left viewers puzzled and disturbed by its shocking ending. In this article, we will attempt to unravel the mysteries behind this disturbing conclusion.

Released in 1985, “Guinea Pig: Devil’s Experiment” is a Japanese horror film directed by Satoru Ogura. The movie centers around a deranged scientist who kidnaps a young woman and subjects her to various sadistic experiments in an abandoned warehouse. Throughout the film, the woman endures unimaginable torture and mutilation, leading up to the climactic ending that has left audiences questioning its meaning.

The final scene of “Guinea Pig: Devil’s Experiment” depicts the woman being completely dismembered by the scientist. Her limbs are severed one by one, and her body is mutilated beyond recognition. As she takes her last breaths, the scientist revels in his sadistic triumph, seemingly satisfied with his gruesome experiment.

At first glance, this ending may appear gratuitous and devoid of any deeper meaning. However, upon closer analysis, it becomes evident that “Guinea Pig: Devil’s Experiment” is not simply a mindless gore-fest but rather a commentary on human nature and the depths of human depravity.

One interpretation of the ending suggests that it represents the darkest aspects of humanity. The scientist symbolizes mankind’s capacity for cruelty and sadism, while the woman represents innocence and vulnerability. Through his heinous acts, the scientist exposes the inherent evil that lies within all humans.

Another interpretation suggests that “Guinea Pig: Devil’s Experiment” serves as a critique of voyeurism and our fascination with violence. The film forces viewers to confront their own morbid curiosity by subjecting them to the graphic and disturbing images on screen. The ending, in particular, challenges the audience’s complicity in consuming such violent content.

Furthermore, the film can be seen as a metaphor for the dehumanization and objectification of women. By reducing the woman to a mere object of torture and mutilation, “Guinea Pig: Devil’s Experiment” highlights the pervasive issue of violence against women in society.

It is important to note that “Guinea Pig: Devil’s Experiment” is not for everyone. Its extreme and graphic nature has led to its ban in several countries and its classification as an underground cult film. However, for those willing to delve into its disturbing depths, it offers a thought-provoking exploration of human nature and the boundaries of horror cinema.

In conclusion, “Guinea Pig: Devil’s Experiment” is a film that leaves a lasting impact on its viewers. Its shocking ending may initially seem senseless, but upon closer examination, it reveals deeper themes and social commentary. Whether one interprets it as an exploration of human depravity or a critique of voyeurism, this controversial film forces us to confront uncomfortable truths about ourselves and society at large.

Picture of Endante


  • Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment Ending Explained


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guinea pig devil's experiment based on true story

Guinea Pig 1: Devil’s Experiment (1985)

June 18, 2020 Gravereviewer 1 Comment

Guinea Pig 1: Devil’s Experiment (1985) Written By: Grave Reviews Staff

guinea pig devil's experiment based on true story

Film Information

Director: Satoru Ogura Screenwriter: Satoru Ogura Date Released: September 5, 1985

Cast: (No names assigned in film) Man 1 Man 2 Man 3 Captured Woman

Rating = 1/5 Graves

Guinea Pig 1: Devil’s Experiment (1985)

***May contain some spoilers***

Guinea Pig is about three men who abuse a woman through a serious of “experimental” torturing tactics starting at the least painful tactic of hitting to the most severe pain of cutting.

Gore Factor

As the torture tactics become more severe, the three men start to use tools such a wrenches and syringes to make the woman endure more pain. As the scenes grow in intensity, so too will the amount of blood and gore.

The Grave Review

There are little words needed to describe this film. This is nothing more than a snuff film with no story line that shows three men torturing a captured girl and letting her remains lie in a net in the forest. The runtime of the film is about 43 minutes. So without further ado, we will go into detail what actually happens in this film. The film starts with the woman already captured tied to a chair and is divided into various segments each displaying a different form of torture. Here is a list in order of the torture scenes:

1. Three men start hitting her continuously. 2. Men start kicking her continuously. 3. Pliers are used to pull and twist her skin. 4. She is forced to drink alcohol and spin her in a chair causing her to vomit 5. She is tied with a rope and headphones are placed on her head with what sounds like static waves for 20 hours. 6. Her fingernail is ripped off. 7. Tie her two wrists and put her on a table – her elbows appear to be ripped up and bruised 8. Worms (or maggots) are placed on her face whereby they eat at her wounds. 9. Her hand is sliced open with a syringe and a hammer is used to hit the wound. 10. The men throw what appears to be guts or bloody organs at the woman. 11. A chain is placed over her neck and a needle-like tool is inserted through her head to her eye causing her eye to fill up with blood

This is 43 minutes of a disgusting, thoughtless production. But we will be generous and give it credit for its grotesque but effective special effects work because there is still skill required for that element.

This is the first of seven Guinea Pig films consisting of six different conceptual films and the seventh being a mash-up of the previous films.

For the foregoing reasons, Grave Reviews Guinea Pig 1: Devil’s Experiment (1985) one grave out of five graves.

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Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment (1985) Stream and Watch Online

Yearning to watch ' Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment ' in the comfort of your own home? Searching for a streaming service to buy, rent, download, or view the Satoru Ogura-directed movie via subscription can be confusing, so we here at Moviefone want to take the pressure off. Below, you'll find a number of top-tier streaming and cable services - including rental, purchase, and subscription choices - along with the availability of 'Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment' on each platform when they are available. Now, before we get into all the details of how you can watch 'Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment' right now, here are some particulars about the Sai Enterprise horror flick. Released September 4th, 1985, 'Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment' stars The NC-17 movie has a runtime of about 43 min, and received a user score of 47 (out of 100) on TMDb, which compiled reviews from 131 well-known users. Want to know what the movie's about? Here's the plot: "A duo of guys capture and brutally torture a young girl to the point of piercing her retina." .

'Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment' Release Dates

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The Guinea Pig films are a series of six controversial Japanese horror films from the 1980-90s. The series achieved global notoriety mostly for the first two films as the producer needed to prove that nobody was actually hurt or murdered. The producer Hideshi Hino's original concept was to create a film adaptation of his manga work.

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Film review: guinea pig 4: devil doctor woman (1986).

Sean Leonard 11/19/2019 CAT III- Asian , Extreme Cinema , Film Reviews

guinea pig devil's experiment based on true story

A mad doctor displays a selection of her more gruesome case studies. Starting with one family whose heads explode if they get angry and a woman whose heart explodes if she’s surprised, the doctor then presents us with a man whose right half wants to kill his left. Other subjects put on display are the effects of going to a sauna if you’re a man who sweats blood, the possibilities of romance between woman and zombie, and a game of one- upmanship between hospital patients.

The Guinea Pig series is widely known as one of the more grisly, upsetting, intense displays of blood and gore around. The series is highlighted by Devil’s Experiment and Flower of Flesh and Blood , two movies that could easily be mistaken for snuff films if you’re not paying attention. Mermaid in a Manhole , He Never Dies , and Android of Notre Dame continue the tradition, adding in bizarre, twisted stories to the extreme gore content. And then there’s Devil Doctor Woman . The fourth of the series, this film was directed by Hajime Tabe (the only other film he’s been a part of is Star Virgin as a co-writer, a quirky, straight to video sci-fi film from 1988) and written by Tabe and Satoru Ogura (see also Devil’s Experiment ). And while this might not be a very popular opinion – in fact, I know it isn’t – I have to say that Devil Doctor Woman is an amazing experience.

guinea pig devil's experiment based on true story

The film opens with a woman (who appears to be a man in drag) cutting a baby doll open, blood spraying out like a geyser. She quickly explains that she is an underground doctor, one who treats the more abnormal maladies. If this one already feels a little different than the other Guinea Pig films, there’s a reason for that. Guinea Pig 4: Devil Doctor Woman is absolutely hilarious. It is very rare that someone calls Devil’s Experiment “hilarious,” and when someone does, well, maybe keep your distance from them. But this one takes a dramatically different tone right from the beginning and sticks with it. This doesn’t mean that the gore is diminished, but it is different and, at times, completely ridiculous.

The first patients we meet are a family of four. According to the doctor, they all suffer from a rare disease that affects their brains: when they become too irritated, their brains explode. Luckily, they have been going through treatment, and the doctor is testing how well they have responded. She begins insulting them, and very quickly, one by one, their brains explode. By the time she scares a woman who suffers from a similar sickness, but one affecting her heart, and the patient’s chest explodes, we’ve already figured out she’s not a very good doctor. Things only get crazier from here.

guinea pig devil's experiment based on true story

Devil Doctor Woman continues forward with a handful of mostly unrelated scenes (aside from the doctor’s presence, of course) showing a variety of bizarre, bloody, and batsh*t crazy events. We meet a man who suffers from a Jekyll and Hyde disease in which he has two personalities that seem to control each half of his body simultaneously, leading to painful results. Another man has a tumor on his stomach in the shape of a human face, one that happens to also be able to talk. We drop in on a human flesh eating party, scanning over the various delicacies like something out of a Mondo film (or maybe Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom ). Other “sicknesses” include the bloody face disease, which causes the sufferer to sweat blood, and a tattoo that manages to move around the body and change form. We also get a short skit featuring a woman and her recently deceased husband. He is slowly decaying, not exactly a zombie, but a guy who stopped living but refuses to die. Right after that short story, we get a warning about dangerous pets, and are shown an example in the form of a pile of bloody organs following a woman home. I mentioned that this whole thing is ridiculous, right?

guinea pig devil's experiment based on true story

There’s something special about a movie that is able to combine horror and comedy in a way that actually works. I’m not talking about that Scary Movie garbage here, where cheap jokes are made at the expense of movies that someone saw the trailer for. Is Devil Doctor Woman scary? No, not really, but it is violent and very bloody. And even more than that, it is absurd, from beginning to end. Those two aspects combined, in this case, equal something special. It’s important to point out that at no moment does this film take itself too seriously, and I feel like all the silliness really builds well to bring us an ending to remember: It’s not only the four guys sitting around bragging about who has the worst (and most bizarre) condition, but add in the end credits pie throwing contest (with a twist).

guinea pig devil's experiment based on true story

Devil Doctor Woman isn’t what you’d expect to see from a Guinea Pig film. Instead, it provides a moment or two of levity to an otherwise ultraviolent, sadistic series of gory movies. It still brings the nasty stuff, but in a very light-hearted kind of way. I wouldn’t recommend this film to people who are only looking for another pseudo-snuff film or to anyone who doesn’t enjoy fun. But if you like a bizarre edge to your horror, check this one out. I wish there were more movies like this.

Tags 1986 Devil Doctor Woman Ginî piggu 4: Pîtâ no akuma no joi-san Guinea Pig Guinea Pig 4: Devil Doctor Woman Hajime Tabe Kobuhei Hayashiya Masami Hisamoto Mitsuru Fukikoshi Natsumi Ogawa Nezumi Imamura Tamio Kageyama

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Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment

Wow. I had been warned that Devil's Experiment was pretty graphic and gory, but my imagination failed to conjure up anything close to the sheer visual torture that is contained in this movie.

The Guinea Pig series contains seven films, two making-of documentaries and the Slaughter Special , a best-of-the-best compilation from the films. Devil's Experiment (1985) is the first of the extremist series from director/producer/writer Satoru Ogura, who wanted to make a series of films tailor-made for hardcore horror and gore fans. Oh yes, did he succeed at that goal...

The set-up for Devil's Experiment is that the Tokyo police have received a mysterious videotape, showing the brutal torture and killing of a young woman by three men. Is this snuff film fake or real? The film is actually the snuff film, and we are left to ponder with the narrator-detective on whether the events that we have seen are real or merely fantasy. Apparently, we finally decide that it's fake, as the detective says that they have not found the men or the victim. Personally, that's not really a definitive statement, but maybe I'm just too cynical.

The Guinea Pig series ended in 1991, when actor Charlie Sheen began his personal crusade against the series, believing that the fake snuff movies were real. Sheen reported the films to the MPAA and FBI, and tried to stop all exportation of the series. Many countries have since seized imports of the films. Unearthed Films has acquired the worldwide rights to the Guinea Pig series, and this Region 0 DVD, which includes Devil's Experiment and Android of Notre Dame , is their first release of the series in the US. Apparently, they have had problems in acquiring a DVD authoring and replication company, as these films are still that controversial, and no one wants to invite a lawsuit.

There is something to be said when Japanese horror has turned almost entirely into gore-less psychological thrillers since then. Part of the untouchable nature of the Guinea Pig series is due to its connection to infamous "Otaku Murders" in late 1988. Tsutomo Miyazaki murdered four young girls and was caught by police while attempting to abduct another girl. Police discovered a huge video collection, mostly hentai and gore films, and they found that Miyazaki had acted out some of his favorite gore movie scenes in the murders, one of them being from the Guinea Pig series. Much like how video games are thought to cause people to be violent, the film was blamed for inspiring these gruesome murders.

Now back to this particular film. The style is very reminiscent of The Blair Witch Project with its jerky amateur camerawork. Unlike that later movie, there is gore everywhere, and psychological horror plays a subtle role. In fact, the opening torture scenes made me think more of bad vintage porn, with the woman cowering as the group of men approach her, the camera only showing them from the waist down. Very much like pornography, there is no plot in the snuff tape portion of the film, except the torture of the unnamed young woman through various methods. It starts out mildly enough, with slaps, the rubbing of salt into wounds and kicks, then it upgrades to pinching her arms with vice grips. Around this time, I was more than ready to turn it off. Matt paused it to inform me that he was watching this against his will, purely out of a sense of comfort and camaraderie for me, as I had to continue watching this horrible piece of S&M fantasy that had me twitching in agony. Devil's Experiment is low on dialogue and high on seemingly endless repetitions of painful acts. One close-up pinch and twist is enough for me, thanks. I get the idea.

The next few scenes were less horrifying, as the victim is spun around in an office chair, with whiskey forced down her throat periodically. However, we are forced to watch her vomit for a good solid minute afterwards. Additional torture segments include burning with hot oil, tossing worms all over her body (not that bad; Fear Factor prepared me for that), ripping out her fingernails and hair, torture through sound, and tossing animal guts onto her strapped-down body. I really didn't understand what was so horrifying about that act in particular; after scalding hot oil, raw flesh shouldn't be that bad. I found the giggling by the men thorough the scene annoying, as well as the sound effect of water sloshing in a bag, then splat, as the piece of flesh lands on her body.

In the culminating minutes, the victim's hand is cut open and broken by a hammer, which is also used to ultimately kill her. Of course, since this is just a movie, Devil's Experiment ends with the victim, still alive or resurrected as a zombie, having her eye pierced by a sharp needle and removed. We think that's what happened; we fast-forwarded through that final torture. Vivid amateur eye surgeries are just not our thing.

The visuals and acting are more than lacking, as Devil's Experiment shows its age and low budget. The actress who plays the victim is very passive and non-vocal for someone suffering a lot of pain. The music is almost nonexistent, and the subtitles are few and simple; I really feel that Unearthed Films did a lackluster job in that department. However, you really don't need a good translation in a gore film with little dialogue. As for the horror... Oh yes, it inspired feelings of disgust and stomach-twisting empathy in me, as well as in Matt. Two hours later, and he is still shaking his head, saying that this is just a fucked-up film. Perhaps that is the reaction that Ogura desired when he made Devil's Experiment . We were both so disgusted that we didn't want to see the second film on the DVD, Android of Notre Dame .

This DVD is unrated, but it should definitely be considered NC-17, adults only, and only for those who are prepared for full-throttle gore and torment.

About This Item

  • Format: Bilingual DVD / 43 mins.
  • Production: Satoru Ogura / JHV / Unearthed Films
  • Rating: 1/5

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Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment (1985)

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A duo of guys capture and brutally torture a young girl to the point of piercing her retina.

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in particular because out of all the films in the Guinea Pig series, this one is by far the most sadistic and cruel in terms of its sheer disregard for human life and suffering. This would be one out of two films out of the six film Guinea Pig collection to go for a 'snuff' feel. With that little bit of background out of the way, I'll get to my opinion of the film.

   is a short film with absolutely no plot other than torture. A group of men capture a girl and perform various 'experiments' on her to test the limits of human pain endurance. The filmmakers cleverly set up their faked snuff film by leaving out a list of credits, and starting the film with a story about how the movie was found as an unmarked VHS tape with absolutely no clues as to where it came from. This may have worked back when the film was released on VHS in 1985 but watching the film on restored DVD quality took a bit of that mysticism away.  It is very clear that this whole thing is acted, particularly with some of the scenes in the beginning when the perpetrators slap and kick the victim. It is hard not to notice how fake this looks with the actors slapping their hands under the girls chin. I think it's safe to say that the victim adds to the flaws of the film because she does not scream or show pain, EVER. If someone captured me and tortured me the way these guys did in this film, you can bet your last dollar that I (or anyone for that matter) would be screaming bloody murder the whole time.

The film does not waste any time getting into the torture scenes, but most of the movie is rather dull. There are many long, drawn out scenes with the victim getting slapped, getting spun in an office chair while drinking Jack Daniel's, and being subjected to sound torture that honestly just bored me to the point that I didn't care too much by the time the later scenes rolled around. As the film progresses, the victims abuse gets more and more severe, culminating with the famous "eyeball" scene at the end that makes it very clear that the filmmakers spent 90% of their budget on this one scene. That being said, the eye scene was terrific for such a low budget.

In conclusion, this was not an awful film for what it was meant to be. I probably wouldn't watch it again, as it was far from the best in the Guinea Pig series. It does have its place in history though and if you are going to seek out this series, I would not recommend skipping this one as it is one of the more brutal, sadistic, and well-known of the series. It is far better than some of the later entries but all-in-all I really did not find it too spectacular. For a movie with no plot that relies heavily on shock factor, many of the scenes were just boring. Out of all the Guinea Pig films,  plays out the most like a genuine snuff film, if such a thing exists. Check it out for the history and to say you've seen it, but don't waste too much money on hunting this one down. The Unearthed Box Set of the whole series is a nice set, but it can be rather costly on sites like Ebay and Amazon.


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Guinea Pig: Devils Experiment (1985)

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Guinea Pig - Devil's Experiment

Satoru Ogura


Za Ginipiggu (Japanese Title)

43 mins


UnEarthed films

Taglin e: None

Possibly one of the most famous of the few Asian gore films and probably the most famous of the snuff films, Guinea pig received quite a bit of attention when Charlie Sheen handed a copy over to the FBI shortly after viewing it, believing it to be a genuine snuff film.

As the term snuff suggests the film is about the torture and eventual murder of a young girl. The films 42 minute length is divided into around ten chapters, each on depicting a different ‘torture’. However after viewing this film you cannot help feeling that you are the one under going the torture, not be because it’s so horrifying to watch but because for all but a few scenes it’s so boring. You have to sit and watch about 25 minutes of pretty petty abuse involving, and I think I’ve got the order right, slapping, kicking, unconscious (which involved the girl being spun around in an office chair), the claw (a flat headed industrial spanner being tightened and twisted around the girls arm) oh and ‘noise’ which involved the girl having to listen to a really irritating sound for a couple of days. I suppose that all of this would seem pretty harrowing but it just doesn’t seem convincing. The slapping and kicking reminded me of ‘school play’ stage combat, the chair was just amusing and the claw thing looked uncomfortable but by no means torturous. I think above all it’s the girls reaction to her ordeal which is the least convincing. For the most part she stays silent or whimpers – if this was really happening you would be screaming your ass off. The main problem is up to this point is that you don’t actually get to see a great deal, the camera either cuts away before any wounds are revealed or it’s positioned so you cannot see anything! – This film relies heavily on insinuation.

Thankfully the last few torture scenes are a bit more up tempo. She gets animal guts thrown at her, hot oil dripped onto her, a sledgehammer to her hand, and slashed with a scalpel. The best and probably most realistic part of the film is a needle in the eye, this part is pretty gruesome.

Overall Guinea pig is the sort of film which sounds better on paper than in reality. I’m sure that if you were a casual viewer you might find it a little shocking but if you are a fan of gore films in general you probably will just find it a bit boring. This film doesn’t prove that there are limits to what should be put onto film (as certain sites suggest) it does however prove how gullible Mr Sheen is, because there’s no way you will think this is real!

Gore 4/10 – The eyeball scene stands out but other than that it’s not very bloody

Nudity 0/10 – None, amazing really she isn’t even topless

Story 5/10 – Fair enough a snuff film is a snuff film but you would have thought they could have elaborated a little rather than having a series of torture scenes one after another. Perhaps a bit of insight into her torturers, or even the girl herself

Overall 4/10

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    Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment is a 1985 Japanese found footage horror film written and directed by Satoru Ogura, notorious for its incredibly graphic violence.. The film is presented under the In-Universe guise of being a real recording that was sent to Ogura on tape several years prior to its release, as is explained in its opening text. The tape shows three men having kidnapped a woman, who ...

  5. Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment (Video 1985)

    Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment: Directed by Satoru Ogura. A duo of guys capture and brutally torture a young girl to the point of piercing her retina.

  6. Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment (1985)

    In the mid-1980's the amateur filmmaker Satoru Ogura wanted to shock and disgust with a series of grotesque films. Sounds cool enough. His first (and only) film was Devil's Experiment, a 40 minute " faux snuff film " which became the start of the notorious, bizarre, goofy and overhyped Guinea Pig film series.. In the Devil's Experiment we witness a young woman being tortured by a ...

  7. Guinea Pig 1: The Devil's Experiment

    Guinea Pig 1: The Devil's Experiment. 1985. 43 minutes. 18 April 2011. It's the first in the Guinea Pig series, which are internationally infamous for being sick torture films. They became notorious in Japan for a different reason, thanks to their prominence in the video collection of Japanese serial killer Tsutomu Miyazaki and the (apparently ...

  8. Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment (1985)

    Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment is a 1985 Japanese horror film written and directed by Satoru Ogura, and the first film in the Guinea Pig film series. Movie Info. Themes. Cult. Tags. Cult, Gore, Torture . Related Movies. Similar To . Similar To . Similar To ...

  9. Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment Ending Explained

    Released in 1985, "Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment" is a Japanese horror film directed by Satoru Ogura. The movie centers around a deranged scientist who kidnaps a young woman and subjects her to various sadistic experiments in an abandoned warehouse. Throughout the film, the woman endures unimaginable torture and mutilation, leading up to ...

  10. Guinea Pig 1: Devil's Experiment (1985)

    Guinea Pig 1: Devil's Experiment (1985) Written By: Grave Reviews Staff. Film Information. Director: Satoru Ogura Screenwriter: Satoru Ogura Date Released: September 5, 1985. Cast: (No names assigned in film) Man 1 Man 2 Man 3 Captured Woman. Rating = 1/5 Graves ***May contain some spoilers*** Synopsis

  11. Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment (1985) Stream and Watch Online

    Released September 4th, 1985, 'Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment' stars The NC-17 movie has a runtime of about 43 min, and received a user score of 47 (out of 100) on TMDb, which put together reviews ...

  12. Film Review: Guinea Pig 4: Devil Doctor Woman (1986)

    Guinea Pig 4: Devil Doctor Woman is absolutely hilarious. It is very rare that someone calls Devil's Experiment "hilarious," and when someone does, well, maybe keep your distance from them. But this one takes a dramatically different tone right from the beginning and sticks with it. This doesn't mean that the gore is diminished, but it ...

  13. Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment (with English subtitles)

    A group of guys capture a young girl with the intent of hurting her. They torture her in many ways, from beating her to putting a sharp piece of needle-like ...

  14. Guinea Pig

    The Guinea Pig films were the brainchild of Japanese director/producer Satoru Ogura, who wanted to make a series of gritty, realistic snuff like films that would appeal to Japanese gore hounds. The film was a huge success on home video in Japan and outsold everything else, including all the mainstream Hollywood titles, for 2 consecutive months ...

  15. My Review Of Guinea Pig 1 And 2 : r/DisturbingMovies

    Disturbing Rating: 7/10 Film Rating: 2.5/10. Most Memorable Moment: The woman being spun around in a chair twin hundred times has to get one of the funniest things I've seen in a while as it just seems so odd to not cut away or speed it up and just have on that for ten slightly torturous minutes. Guinea Pig: Flowers Of Flesh And Blood.

  16. Animefringe: April 2005

    Wow. I had been warned that Devil's Experiment was pretty graphic and gory, but my imagination failed to conjure up anything close to the sheer visual torture that is contained in this movie.. The Guinea Pig series contains seven films, two making-of documentaries and the Slaughter Special, a best-of-the-best compilation from the films.Devil's Experiment (1985) is the first of the extremist ...

  17. Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment

    What is the movie Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment about? Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment is a movie about Extreme, Kidnappings, Abductions, Disappearances, Torture Movies. Trailer. Only registered users can leave comments. Login or register an account. Legend; Relevance grade = low = medium = high.

  18. Guinea Pig: The Devil's Experiment (1985)

    The Devil's Experiment is a short film with absolutely no plot other than torture. A group of men capture a girl and perform various 'experiments' on her to test the limits of human pain endurance. The filmmakers cleverly set up their faked snuff film by leaving out a list of credits, and starting the film with a story about how the movie was ...

  19. Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment (1985)

    Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment is a film directed by Satoru Ogura with . Year: 1985. Original title: Ginî piggu: Akuma no jikken (Za ginipiggu: Akuma no jikken). Synopsis: A group of guys capture a young girl with the intent of hurting her. They torture her in many ways, from beating her to putting a sharp piece of needle-like metal through her eye which pierces across her retina.You can ...

  20. Guinea Pig: Devils Experiment (1985)

    Guinea Pig: Devils Experiment (1985) Publication date 1985 Topics mondo, exploitation Item Size 2004329132---Archived by runner_up. Addeddate 2023-11-01 23:17:26 Identifier guinea-pig-devils-experiment-1985 Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.7.0 ... SIMILAR ITEMS (based on metadata)

  21. Guinea Pig Devils Experiment actor? : r/horror

    There was a Guinea Pig box set released a few years ago which had a documentary showing the making of the movie (along with a few others in the series) so you could see how all the prosthetics and stuff was done. Also clips with the people involved talking about it. They all looked like they had a blast with it.

  22. Guinea Pig

    Guinea Pig - Devil's Experiment. Director: Year: AKA: Satoru Ogura 1985 Za Ginipiggu (Japanese Title) Runtime: Genre: DVD distibrutor: 43 mins Gore/Snuff ... Story 5/10 - Fair enough a snuff film is a snuff film but you would have thought they could have elaborated a little rather than having a series of torture scenes one after another ...

  23. Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment (Video 1985)

    Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment (Video 1985) - Movies, TV, Celebs, and more... Menu. Movies. Release Calendar Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Movie News India Movie Spotlight. TV Shows.