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Five Teaching Ideas for Whole School Learning this Orange Shirt Day

Posted by Erez Zobary and Jasmine Wong on September 26, 2019

some words before the video

As your school commemorates Orange Shirt Day this year, we hope these 5 resources and teaching ideas will equip you to teach your students (and colleagues) about Canada's Residential Schools, and inspire and empower students to create a meaningful response. 

   “September 30th has been declared Orange Shirt Day annually, in recognition of the harm the residential school system did to children's sense of self-esteem and well being, and as an affirmation of our commitment to ensure that everyone around us matters.”


orange shirt day

Below you'll find 5 teaching ideas to help you and your students connect to, learn from and respond to Phyllis' story and to the history and legacies of Residential Schools.  For 5 more ideas, you can also read our post for Orange Shirt Day 2017 here.

Teaching Idea #1: Understanding the Symbolic Orange Shirt 

(grades k-4); 30-45 minutes.


This Orange Shirt Day, invite Indigenous voices into your classroom(s) so that students gain an understanding of the diverse civilizations that lived and continue to live on Turtle Island.   Look for stories of Indigenous writers, art pieces, songs, invite an Elder into your classroom to enable students to connect to the humanity and diversity of Indigenous peoples and civilizations since time immemorial to today. See Dr. Pamela Toulouse 's post for more on Being a Conscious Ally to learn more .

  • Discuss with your students: What makes you, you? Who and what things, stories or traditions would you say are important to you? What do you have that reminds you of - or helps you feel close to - your favourite place and favourite people? (Remind students that all people have arts, stories, histories, etc. that are important and help us feel included, and make us unique and special.)
  • If you have a student who self-identifies as First Nations, Métis or Inuit, ask their parents or care givers if they would like to share about something that's important to them;
  • Ask your board’s Indigenous learning coach/coordinator or your board’s website for suggested resources;
  • Go to your local band or Friendship Centre's website,
  • Go to your province's First Nations, Metis, Inuit Education Association website,
  • Check out CBC Kids' Indigenous resources
  • Take a look at Indigenous owned and run Goodminds Bookstore. 
  • Read OISE Librarian Desmond Wong's curated K-12 book suggestions here
  • Ask students how together you can make sure that all students can feel welcome and be themselves.  What do students notice about what’s special to the authors/artists/inventors/people they learned about?
  • Ask students how you can all work together to help each person in the class or school feel welcome, special and important.  What should the classroom look like, sound like and feel like?

Teaching Idea # 2: Responding to Phyllis’ Story

(grades 3-6); 30-45 minutes.

phyllis screen grab

Screen capture of orangeshirtday.org website

  • Share a part of Phyllis' story: Phyllis is a girl from Stswecem’c Xgat’tem First Nation who grew up on Dog Creek Reserve (BC); take a look at the Native-Land.ca map to locate the traditional territory of the Secwepemcúl’ecw (Secwépemc) .  
  • Visit the Orange Shirt Day website , read the first two paragraphs and the "Today" section of Phyllis’ story.  Help students connect to her by sharing her photographs with students.
  • Invite students to connect with Phyllis' story: What did having her orange shirt taken away mean to her? What does the shirt symbolize for her?  Why do you think Phyllis shared this story?  What sorts of things do people say and do to make others feel they don't belong?  that they do belong?  What can we do today to let Phyllis know that we've listened to her and are learning from her story?
  • Ask students to create a response to learning Phyllis’ story, and to share that response with Phyllis.

Teaching Idea #3:  Exploring Themes of Identity and Belonging

(grades 5-9); 45-50 minutes.


Introduce students to The Bear That Wasn’t , a story that invites us to think about the power of others’ perceptions, of institutions and of stereotypes in shaping our sense of identity, self-concept and belonging.

After watching the video or reading the story , discuss these connection questions using a variety of discussion strategies :

  • Why do you think Frank Tashlin titled this story The Bear That Wasn’t ? How did the factory officials and other bears define his identity? What were the consequences for the bear?
  • How do you relate to the story of The Bear that Wasn’t personally?  
  • Listen to the story of Phyllis Webstad.  How does Phyllis’ story connect to The Bear that Wasn’t ? 
  • The bear re-discovered his identity when he entered into the cave. Where do you go to feel safe and reminded of who you are? What do you do that makes you feel at your best?
  • If your classroom was a cave that reflected each of your students, what does your cave looks like, sound like, and feel like? How might you construct a classroom that reflects this?

Teaching Idea #4: Begin a Deeper Study of the History and Legacies of Residential Schools

(grades 8-12 and with colleagues); 1-2 weeks.

stolen lives screen grab

Take a look at three resources that we have created to help you teach about Residential Schools with your students:

The French translation Vies volées: Les Peuples Autochtones au Canada et le régime des pensionnats is available now!

Teaching Idea #5: Defining Meaningful Reconciliation on Orange Shirt Day

(grades 10-12); 60-75 minutes.

Orange Shirt Day provides teachers and students an opportunity to consider how we respond with action after learning about the history of the Residential Schools.  

  • What do you think the term “reconcile” means?  
  • What might reconciliation look like? Sound like? And feel like?  (You may want to ask students to begin by thinking about a time when they had a falling out with a friend.  What did they need to reconcile with their friend? What do we expect from others who have hurt us?)
  • If you have established a reflective community for dialogue , invite students to also consider:  What examples can they think of where authority figures or institutions have broken the trust of - or harmed -  those they are intended to serve. What would it look like, sound like or feel like for the victims and perpetrators reconcile?  What reparations would we expect from institutions such as schools, the government, religious communities? Does institutional wrongdoing warrant a different response than a personal falling out? If so, why? 
  • Gathering these threads together, invite students to share their working definitions and develop a whole class working definition for what reconciliation looks like, sounds like and feels like.

Watch the video below to hear Indigenous scholars, Elders, knowledge keepers and educators talk about how they define reconciliation

  • How do the ideas shared in this video connect to, extend, and challenge your understanding of reconciliation?
  • What is one commitment that you and your community can make to enable meaningful reconciliation to happen?

This day invites us to honour the stories of Residential School survivors and their communities, but also pushes us to take action. What can you, your class and your school do to enable a space where reconciliation can happen, not just on Orange Shirt Day, but throughout the rest of the year and beyond? 

Tweet us with how you commemorate Orange Shirt Day on Twitter @FacingCanada .   We’d love to see and learn from what you do!

Topics: Choosing to Participate , Teaching Resources , Truth and Reconciliation , classroom lesson , Indigenous , Lesson Ideas , stolen lives , Orange Shirt Day , cross curricular teaching and learning

Written by Erez Zobary and Jasmine Wong

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Orange Shirt Day Designs

By MARISSA DESPINS Updated June 18, 2024

September 30th is rapidly approaching, and that means it is time to start thinking about ways to acknowledge Orange Shirt Day in your classroom. One of my favorite activities for honoring this important day asks students to create their own Orange Shirt Day designs that symbolically reflect their commitment to Truth and Reconciliation.

Interested in having your students design their own orange shirts? Click on the image or button below to download the activity!

orange shirt day presentation template

Why should I incorporate Orange Shirt Day Designs into my classroom instruction?

Orange Shirt Day designs play a crucial role in commemorating and spreading awareness about the historical injustices faced by Indigenous peoples in Canada and the broader message of truth and reconciliation. These designs are not merely decorative but serve as powerful visual representations of the movement.

One common feature of many Orange Shirt Day designs is, of course, the vibrant color orange itself. The orange shirt, which has become a symbol of remembrance and solidarity, often serves as the primary canvas for various artistic expressions. It signifies the story of Phyllis Webstad , whose orange shirt was taken from her on her first day at a residential school, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging this painful history.

Looking for a FREE resource to teach about Phyllis Webstad and Orange Shirt Day? Click here.

To read more about Phyllis Webstad and her orange shirt, be sure to check out post about the orange shirt story!

To read more about the residential school system, check out our post on residential schools in Canada.

Orange Shirt Day designs

Beyond the color, Orange Shirt Day designs frequently incorporate Indigenous art forms, symbols, and cultural elements. Indigenous artists often infuse their creations with traditional patterns, motifs, and imagery that hold deep cultural and spiritual significance. These designs not only honor Indigenous heritage but also serve as a visual testament to the resilience and strength of Indigenous communities in the face of historical adversity. The incorporation of Indigenous languages and symbols further emphasizes the importance of preserving and revitalizing Indigenous cultures, which is a core aspect of the truth and reconciliation process.

In addition to clothing, Orange Shirt Day designs extend to various mediums, including posters , banners, and digital graphics. These designs are instrumental in creating a visual identity for the movement, making it accessible to a broader audience. They convey the message of remembrance, respect, and solidarity, helping to educate and engage people from all backgrounds about the significance of Orange Shirt Day and the ongoing journey toward truth and reconciliation.

Quotes about truth and reconciliation

Ultimately, Orange Shirt Day designs serve as a powerful means of promoting dialogue, reflection, and healing within Canadian society and beyond, contributing to a more inclusive and empathetic future.

Looking for some free classroom posters to help teach your learners about Orange Shirt Day? You won’t want to miss this post!

Orange Shirt Day Design Project

To complete this activity , I begin by discussing the history behind this important day with my learners. We then brainstorm a variety of different symbols related to Truth and Reconciliation that students may want to include in their designs. It can be helpful to show student a variety of different shirt designs currently being sold – you can see a variety on amazon by clicking here, or use the image below to help guide your brainstorming.

Orange Shirt Day designs

When our brainstorming is complete, I pass each student a copy of a blank t-shirt template . Students can draw their designs directly onto the templates.

Activities for Orange Shirt Day

Once colored, these make gorgeous classroom of hallway bulletin board displays to demonstrate student understanding in a way that is both meaningful and impactful.

Interested in trying orange shirt day design activities in your classroom?

Grab a copy of this engaging, no-prep resource by clicking here or on the image below.

Orange Shirt Day activity book

Looking for additional information For teaching About Orange Shirt Day?

Check out these related posts below.

Orange Shirt Day Activities

Canadian Heroes to Inspire Your Learners

Residential Schools in Canada

Favorite Indigenous Read Alouds

All About Orange Shirt Day 2023

The Orange Shirt Day Story

Interested in a free resource to help you teach about Orange Shirt Day?

Click on the image below to sign up for my email list and download this FREE set of  Orange Shirt Day 2024   bookmarks and coloring pages . By signing up for my email list you will also gain access to periodic emails with free resources, teaching tips, and exclusive deals.

Free bookmarks and coloring pages for Orange Shirt Day

Interested in signing up for my email list?

If you are interested in signing up for my  email list , you can do so by clicking on the link below. I periodically send out emails with free resources, teaching tips, and exclusive deals. Signing up will also give you immediate access to some of my best selling Interactive Notebook resources – foldable activities, graphic organizers, and other fun activities.

Creative Classroom Core email sign up information

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September 30th is Orange Shirt Day

September 30th is Canada’s National Day for Truth and Reconciliation or Orange Shirt Day. Read the personal story of Phyllis Webstad and find out more about why wearing an orange shirt honours the survivors and families of the residential school system https://www.orangeshirtday.org/phyllis-story.html

You can also listen to Phyllis Webstad in this Orange Shirt Day presentation.

Phyllis encourages us to read and listen to the stories from survivors and their families. If you are looking for books to read written by First Nations, Metis and Inuits authors, GoodMinds.com is a great place to start.

More online resources to share

There are also more resources to use and share in a tutoring session on the CBC Kids website .

Highlighting a Montreal community organization

The Montreal Indigenous Community NETWORK is an organization that “supports the ecosystem of individuals and groups committed to improving the quality of life of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis communities living in the greater Montreal area.” Their website hosts some useful resources including: The Indigenous Ally Toolkit, and The Montreal Aboriginal Reference Guide.

You can find these resources on their website https://reseaumtlnetwork.com/resources/

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orange shirt day presentation template

TEACHERS:  Download  our FREE Orange Shirt Day Resource Package  and register for our 2023 Orange Shirt Day Event with award-winning author,  David A. Robertson – author of When We Were Alone, On The Trapline, and many more! 

Freebie - Orange Shirt Day Template Activities

Show preview image 1


FREE Orange Shirt Day Printable Templates and Activities

Use these ready-made printable templates and activities in your classroom to support and extend your classroom lessons about Orange Shirt Day and its' meaning.

This freebie includes:

  • 2 informational pages about Orange Shirt Day, Residential Schools, and the "Every Child Matters" statement
  • 1 style of "Every Child Matters" "Orange Shirt Day" t-shirt template
  • 4 styles of "Every Child Matters, I Matter" t-shirt template
  • 1 style of "Every Child Matters means" t-shirt template
  • 1 style of "Orange Shirt Day is important because" t-shirt template
  • 2 styles of "I can show people they matter by" t-shirt template
  • 6 colouring pages of Indigenous animals/symbols

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Orange Shirt Society Logo

2024 Official Merchandise

In one simple action, by wearing an orange shirt, you are acknowledging the pains of residential school, while contributing to create a future where indigenous communities are included and honoured.  

Want to order shirts for your school, organization or business? We have partnerships to supply shirts and other merchandise across Canada! Get in touch , or order from one of our official retailers:

Premiere Retailers

Kit and Kaboodle

McCabe Promotional

Canadian Tire

London Drugs – Available in stores, while supplies last

Mark’s – Unisex adult

Mark’s – Unisex youth

Thrifty Foods – Available in stores, while supplies last

Other OSS Retailers

Turtle Lodge Trading Post

South Island Crafts

Orange Shirt Day T-Shirt

Beaded Lapel Pins

We also have a partnership with Tribal Roots Inc. to produce beaded Orange Shirt lapel pins.

orange shirt day presentation template

The 2024 Orange Shirt Design Contest is Now Closed!

About the 2024 Design

We are extremely excited to announce our 2024 Every Child Matters Orange Shirt Design! A HUGE congratulations to our contest winner, Aliyah Bautista, for her beautiful design.

Aliyah is a grade 11 student from Ponoka, Alberta. Her design features a child in the middle to represent the “I” in child. However, it is also to honour those who have died as a result of the Indian Residential Schools or are healing from them. It’s to remind people that all children are important. To Aliyah, Orange Shirt Day is an opportunity to recognize how many individuals have lost their families and cultures as a result of residential schools. Participating in Orange Shirt Day honours those who have lost their freedom, language, and worth, and raises awareness about the damage done by the schools and respects those that attended them.

Thank you again, Aliyah, for your meaningful design and for your help in raising awareness on the impacts of Indian Residential Schools.

orange shirt day presentation template

The Society owns the rights, including copyright, to the official Orange Shirt Designs for the years 2020, 2021 and 2022. None of our official Orange Shirt designs can be used in any way without prior written consent. The Society has filed for ​Canadian and United States Copyright for these Designs.

Get creative with your own designs!

Those wanting to design their own shirts are encouraged to do so.

Feel free to put a design on an orange shirt that means something to you or to your Nation, but please be sure to use our slogan, Every Child Matters.

You also may want to wear an orange bandana, scarf, button, (or whatever else you like) and those can be fun to design too!

Please make sure you are in compliance with our Branding and Copyright Policy when creating your own shirts.

The Orange Shirt Society was formed in Williams Lake by the founders of Orange Shirt Day to encourage and support communities to recognize Orange Shirt Day and to support reconciliation events and activities. Our goal is to create awareness of the individual, family and community inter-generational impacts of Indian Residential Schools through Orange Shirt Day activities, and to promote the concept of “Every Child Matters”.

To contact Orange Shirt Society in Williams Lake, BC email: [email protected]

We gratefully acknowledge that Orange Shirt Society is located on the unceded traditional lands of the T’exelcemc, or Williams Lake First Nation (WLFN), a member of the Secwepemc Nation (Shuswap people) located in the central interior of British Columbia.

Copyright © Orange Shirt Society / Orange Shirt Day / All Rights Reserved

A Bloom + Brilliance Website


  1. Five Orange Shirt Day Ideas

    orange shirt day presentation template

  2. FREE Orange Shirt Day Primary PowerPoint

    orange shirt day presentation template

  3. Orange Shirt Day Awareness Presentation [Gr. 4-12] by Teacher In the Six

    orange shirt day presentation template

  4. Orange Shirt Day Presentation + Activity by Earning a Learning

    orange shirt day presentation template

  5. Orange Shirt Day Kindergarten Writing Templates Activities

    orange shirt day presentation template

  6. National Truth and Reconciliation Day/Orange Shirt Day

    orange shirt day presentation template


  1. Orange Shirt Day

    Why does this template have orange slides? Well, it's time for history. September 30 marks "Orange Shirt Day" a celebration honoring Phyllis Webstad, a girl of Indigenous descent who was sent to a residential school in Canada like many others. On her first day, she wore an orange shirt, but the school took it away.

  2. Resources

    Orange Shirt Day. Orange Shirt Day is a legacy of the St. Joseph Mission residential school commemoration event held in Williams Lake in the spring of 2013. It grew out of Phyllis's account of losing her shiny new orange shirt on her first day of school at the Mission, and it has become an opportunity to keep the discussion on all aspects of ...

  3. Indigenous Resources- Orange Shirt Day

    Sept 30th Orange Shirt Day Reflect 5 Orange Shirt Day 2020-21 Updates Five Teaching Ideas for Whole School Learning this Orange Shirt Day 6. Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action 62. We call upon the federal, provincial, and territorial governments, in consultation and collaboration with Survivors, Aboriginal peoples, and educators, to: Make ...

  4. Five Teaching Ideas for Whole School Learning this Orange Shirt Day

    ETFO Orange Shirt Day Every Child Matters logo. This Orange Shirt Day, invite Indigenous voices into your classroom (s) so that students gain an understanding of the diverse civilizations that lived and continue to live on Turtle Island. Look for stories of Indigenous writers, art pieces, songs, invite an Elder into your classroom to enable ...

  5. FREE Orange Shirt Day PowerPoint

    Informative Orange Shirt Day PowerPoint for Grades 4-6. These resources have been proudly made in partnership with the Orange Shirt Society for Orange Shirt Day.. September 30th is a National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in Canada. Have students learn about Phyllis Jack Webstad's story and the significance of the orange shirt and what it represents.

  6. Activities for Orange Shirt Day

    Check out some of my favorites below. Phyllis Webstad's Orange Shirt Day Presentation. Every Child Matters. Activities for Orange Shirt Day - Paper Chain Connections. The motto for Orange Shirt Day is "Every Child Matters". For this activity, students create a paper chain to string across the classroom.

  7. FREE Orange Shirt Day PowerPoint

    These resources have been proudly made in partnership with the Orange Shirt Society for Orange Shirt Day. September 30th is a National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in Canada. Have students learn about Phyllis Jack Webstad's story and the significance of the orange shirt and what it represents. Learn the history of Indian residential schools in Canada and ways to show support for survivors ...

  8. PDF Orange Shirt Day Resources

    ABOUT. Orange Shirt Day is a legacy of the St. Joseph Mission (SJM) residential school commemoration event held in Williams Lake, BC, Canada, in the spring of 2013. It grew out of the account of a young girl, Phyllis, having her shiny new orange shirt taken away on her first day of school at the Mission. This has provided us with an opportunity ...

  9. FREE Orange Shirt Day Primary PowerPoint

    Amazing Orange Shirt Day Primary PowerPoint. These resources have been proudly made in partnership with the Orange Shirt Society for Orange Shirt Day.. Use this Orange Shirt Day Primary PowerPoint to launch your class' inquiry into the history and significance of Orange Shirt Day. Designed to be used with younger children, this resource will help you assess your pupils' knowledge and engage in ...

  10. Orange Shirt Day Powerpoint Teaching Resources

    This is a powerpoint/slide presentation is meant to introduce students to Orange Shirt Day. It was created for in class or assemblies for students in grades 4-12.It describes what orange shirt day is. Provides background on Phyllis Webstad. It also provides background on residential schools. A short video is included.

  11. Homepage

    The Orange Shirt Society was formed in Williams Lake by the founders of Orange Shirt Day to encourage and support communities to recognize Orange Shirt Day and to support reconciliation events and activities. Our goal is to create awareness of the individual, family and community inter-generational impacts of Indian Residential Schools through ...

  12. Orange Shirt Day Designs

    In addition to clothing, Orange Shirt Day designs extend to various mediums, including posters, banners, and digital graphics. These designs are instrumental in creating a visual identity for the movement, making it accessible to a broader audience. They convey the message of remembrance, respect, and solidarity, helping to educate and engage ...

  13. Orange Shirt Day

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  14. Orange Shirt Day

    You can also listen to Phyllis Webstad in this Orange Shirt Day presentation. Phyllis encourages us to read and listen to the stories from survivors and their families. If you are looking for books to read written by First Nations, Metis and Inuits authors, GoodMinds.com is a great place to start.

  15. PDF Orange Shirt Day

    • Supplemental Resource list: https://www.tcdsb.org/ProgramsServices/SchoolProgramsK12/FirstNationsMetisAndInuit/Docu ments/Orange%20Shirt%20Day%20Resources.pdf

  16. Orange Shirt Day Resources

    Ojibwe language resources for Truth and Reconciliation Day September 30 th Rankin Daycare- Batchewana First Nation. Birch Bark Canoe & Basket- Preschool; Sugar Cookie Flashcards- Science/Cooking/Language Activity

  17. FREE Orange Shirt Day PowerPoint

    These resources have been proudly made in partnership with the Orange Shirt Society for Orange Shirt Day. September 30th is a National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in Canada. Have students learn about Phyllis Jack Webstad's story and the significance of the orange shirt and what it represents. Learn the history of Indian residential schools in Canada and ways to show support for survivors ...

  18. Orange Shirt Day

    TEACHERS: Download our FREE Orange Shirt Day Resource Package and register for our 2023 Orange Shirt Day Event with award-winning author, ...

  19. FREE Orange Shirt Day Primary PowerPoint

    Amazing Orange Shirt Day Primary PowerPoint. These resources have been proudly made in partnership with the Orange Shirt Society for Orange Shirt Day.. Use this Orange Shirt Day Primary PowerPoint to launch your class' inquiry into the history and significance of Orange Shirt Day. Designed to be used with younger children, this resource will help you assess your pupils' knowledge and engage in ...

  20. Freebie

    FREE Orange Shirt Day Printable Templates and Activities. Use these ready-made printable templates and activities in your classroom to support and extend your classroom lessons about Orange Shirt Day and its' meaning. This freebie includes: 2 informational pages about Orange Shirt Day, Residential Schools, and the "Every Child Matters" statement.

  21. Free Orange Google Slide themes and PowerPoint templates

    Flaticon. Slidesgo. Wepik. Videvo. Download our Orange-colored Google Slides themes and PowerPoint templates to create inspiring presentations Free Easy to edit Professional.

  22. Official Merchandise

    To contact Orange Shirt Society in Williams Lake, BC email: 2024 Official Merchandise In one simple action, by wearing an orange shirt, you are acknowledging the pains of residential school, while contributing to create a future where indigenous communities are included and honoured.