Kampung Inggris Pare

45 Contoh Soal Past Continuous Tense dan dan Jawabannya

Kumpulan Contoh Soal Past Continuous Tense dan dan Jawabannya

Mengerjakan soal latihan past continuous tense dapat membantu kamu mempertahankan memori terhadap materi tersebut. Oleh karena itu, kamu harus rajin mengerjakan latihan soal secara berkala. Nah, berikut adalah artikel contoh soal past continuous tense dan dan jawabannya yang bisa kamu gunakan untuk latihan. 

Secara khusus, dalam artikel ini terdapat soal past continuous tense pilihan ganda dan juga soal past continuous tense essay . Kedua tipe soal ini akan membantu kamu dalam mengingat-ingat kembali materi past continuous tense yang sudah kamu pelajari sebelumnya. Yuk, kerjakan soal-soal latihan ini dan tingkatan lagi memori kamu!

Contoh Soal Past Continuous Tense Pilihan Ganda dan Jawabannya

Belajar Mengerjakan Contoh Soal Past Continuous Tense Pilihan Ganda dan Jawabannya

Berikut adalah 20 soal exercise past continuous tense dalam bahasa Inggris dalam bentuk pilihan ganda. Tentukan pilihan jawaban yang paling sesuai untuk setiap soal dengan cermat dan teliti!

  • Lisa : What just happened? I heard you got robbed last night.

          Bill : Yeah, I ___ in my room when the robber sneaked into the house and took my computer and television.

The correct answer to fill in the sentence is ___

  • was sleeping
  • were sleeping
  • Mother : What did your father do when I arrived home last night?

          Daniel : Well, he ___ television in the living room.

The perfect  answer to fill in the blank is ___

  • was watching
  • has watching 
  • I ___ my homework when my brother, Liam, played PlayStation in his room.

Which of the choices is the suitable expression to complete the sentence?

  • is finishing
  • has been finishing
  • was finishing
  • has finishing
  • Police Officer : Sir, where were you last night? A murder has been committed, and we suspect you.

          Leo : Last night at 9, I __ dinner with my girlfriend.

Which of the following options is the correct answer to complete the sentence?

  • was  having 
  • were having 
  • Jason and I ___ a motorcycle when you called me, so I could not answer your phone. 
  • have ridden
  • were riding 
  • They were not ___ music when the actor said his dialogue. 
  • She ___ at the restaurant last night. 

The suitable answer to fill in the sentence is ___

The following dialogue is for questions number 8 and 9

Oliver : Paul, I sent you a message a few hours ago. Why have you not replied to it?

Paul : What message? I’m sorry! I was having class when you sent this message. Is there anything I can help you with?

Oliver : Yeah, did you know where Noah was drunk last night? He lost his phone but could not remember where he had been last night.

Paul : Lucas and I was partying at Michele’s house. So probably he lost his phone there. 

      8. Based on that dialogue above, why did Paul not reply to Oliver’s message? 

  • Paul was taking a break.
  • He was not checking his phone when Oliver sent the message. 
  • It’s been a while since Oliver sent the message. 
  • He was having a class when Oliver sent the message.

      9. The underlined phrase in the dialogue above is wrong. Which of the options below is the correct choice to replace it?

  • is partying
  • were partying
  • Will : Were you watching Power Ranger when I came?

          Nick : Yes, I was.

What does the underlined sentence mean …

  •  Nick was watching a movie called Power Ranger when Will came.
  •  Nick was not watching anything when Will came.
  •  Nick was watching Will when he came.
  • Nick was not paying attention to Power Ranger when Will came.
  • Timmy was ___ inspiration by visiting an art gallery in the city a few days ago. 
  • was seeking
  • were seeking
  • has seeking 
  • Yesterday at this time, Julian __  in his office. 
  • was not teach
  • is not teaching
  • was not teaching
  • is not teach

The following text is for questions number 13 and 14

Last night, Mr. Henry’s house caught on fire. Mr. Henry is a retired soldier who currently lives alone. He is 75 years old, so his body is not as agile as before.

Sadly, the incident happened late at night, and most neighbors were sleeping. But Jacob and I were studying when the incident happened to Mr. Henry, so we called the firefighter as soon as we saw the fire. 

When I was accompanying Mr. Henry in my front yard, one of the firefighters told me that the fire happened because Mr. Henry forgot to turn off his stove. The fire started to catch when Mr. Henry is sleeping in his room upstairs . 

  • From the text, what is the cause of the fire?
  • The house owner forgot to push the switch off on his stove.
  • Mr. Henry forgot to turn off his electric switch.
  • The house owner caught his house on fire because his stove was off.
  • Mr. Henry ignores that his stove is on. 
  • “ Mr. Henry is sleeping in his room upstairs . ” is incorrect. Which option below is the correct past continuous form?
  • Mr. Henry was sleeping in his room upstairs.
  • Mr. Henry was sleep in his room upstairs.
  • Mr. Henry has sleeping in his room upstairs.
  • Mr. Henry was slept in his room upstairs.
  • ___ Jessica sleeping at this time last night?
  • Were Tommy and Wendy ___ to this cafe last week?

The following text is for questions number 17 to 20

Aron: ___ (17) Patrick and Rue ___ (18) in this library yesterday?

Ellen: I don’t know, but When I was ___ (19) my essay yesterday at this time, I was by myself. 

Aron: How about you, Dean?

Dean: Patrick and Rue ___ (20) using the computer lab to study yesterday. They were not learning in this library.

Soal Past Continuous Tense Essay dan Jawabannya

Contoh Soal Past Continuous Tense Essay dan Jawabannya

Berikut adalah beberapa contoh soal past continuous tense dalam bentuk esai. Isi bagian kosong pada soal ini dengan jawaban yang tepat dan benar!

  • I ___ with Tommy last night when you called me. (play)
  • Was Jenny ___ in this cafe at around 6 p.m. last Sunday? (sing)
  • Were Susan and Phoebe ___ a uniform this morning? (wear)
  • He was not ___ his car at uncle Joe’s workshop. (repair)
  • Simon and Bella ___ here before. (date)
  • I ___ when my mom called me to fix her hair. (shower)
  • Brandon and Chuck ___ Netflix last night when you were looking for them. (watch)
  • Well, we ___ to that girl the night before. (talk)
  • Last Monday, Alex and Fred ___ me at the gas station. (help)
  • We ___ lunch when the earthquake hit, so the food flew everywhere. (have)
  • I ___ my motorcycle when it began to rain heavily. (ride)
  • I didn’t mean to show off, but Johnny Depp ___ at my restaurant a few weeks ago. (show)
  • Lucas ___ outside when it was raining. (wait)
  • Ned was not ___ the plants when I came home. He lied. (water)
  • My sister ___ with her Barbie doll when my mother made food for dinner. (play)
  • While I was outside ___ the floor, my brother was ___ on his homework. (sweep, work)
  • Were you ___ this wall a day before today? (paint)
  • Was Jeremy ___ to Korea yesterday? (go)
  • Cindy and I ___ at the nearby mall when the storm hit. (shop)
  • She was not ___ at the house when I arrived. She ___ in her room. (clean, sleep)
  • Henry ___ his dog when the neighbor’s dog attacked him. (feed)
  • I ___ flowers on the street when a robber stole someone’s bag. (sell)
  • Police officers ___ the mugger when suddenly Superman came. (chase)
  • He ___ in the closet when the killer entered his house. (hide)
  • She was not ___ a cake when I was around. She was cooking a pie. (make)

Kunci Jawaban Contoh Soal Past Perfect Tense

Kunci Jawaban Contoh Soal Past Perfect Tense Untuk Bahan Koreksi

Menyambung pembahasan terkait contoh soal dan jawaban tentang past continuous tense , berikut adalah kunci jawaban untuk soal-soal di atas. Lihat dan bandingkan dengan hasil pengerjaan kamu!

  • was playing
  • were dating 
  • was showering
  • were watching
  • were talking
  • were helping
  • were having
  • was showing
  • was waiting
  •  sweeping, working 
  • were shopping
  •  cleaning, was sleeping 
  • was feeding
  • was selling
  • were chasing

Baca juga : Contoh Kalimat Past Continuous Tense Positif Negatif Interogatif

Nah, itulah contoh soal past continuous tense dan jawaban nya. Ingatlah mengerjakan soal latihan seperti di atas secara berkala. Tujuannya, agar bisa kamu tetap mengingat beragam materi bahasa Inggris yang telah dipelajari sebelumnya. 

Semoga contoh soal past continuous tense dan dan jawabannya  ini dapat bermanfaat dan juga membantumu dalam meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris lebih baik lagi. Selamat mengerjakan!

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  • Contoh Soal Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense dan Jawabannya
  • 50 Contoh Soal Past Perfect Continuous Tense dan Jawabannya
  • 20 Contoh Soal Present Continuous Tense dan Jawabannya
  • 45 Contoh Soal Future Continuous Tense dan Jawabannya
  • 50 Contoh Soal Past Perfect Tense dan Jawabannya

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Arti Wife, Spouse, Woman, Consort, Housewife, dan Mate

Beajar Memahami Arti Rich dan Wealthy serta Contoh Kalimatnya

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5 Soal (Essay) Past Perfect Continuous Tense Beserta Jawaban

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🏠 / Verb & Verbal / Past Perfect Continuous Tense: Penjelasan dan Contoh Soal

Past Perfect Continuous Tense: Penjelasan dan Contoh Soal

Pengertian past perfect continuous tense.

Past perfect continuous tense atau disebut juga past perfect progressive tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu aksi (dengan durasi waktu tertentu) telah selesai pada suatu titik waktu tertentu di masa lalu.

contoh kalimat past perfect continuous tense dan artinya: I'd been swimming for half an hour when they started swimming. (Saya sudah berenang selama setengah jam ketika mereka mulai berenang.)

contoh kalimat past perfect progressive tense

Lihat juga:

  • Present Perfect Continuous Tense
  • Future Perfect Continuous Tense
  • Past Perfect Tense
  • Past Continuous Tense
  • Simple Past Tense

Rumus Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Past perfect progressive tense dibentuk dengan auxiliary verb  had dan been dan  present participle . Secara umum tense ini hanya terjadi pada aksi berupa dynamic atau action verb , tidak stative verb karena umumnya hanya dynamic verb yang memiliki bentuk progressive.

  • Stative Verb dengan Bentuk Progressive

Rumus past perfect continuous tense: had + been + present participle. Umumnya present participle berupa action verb.

rumus past perfect progressive tense

Rumus Contoh

S + had + been + -ing/present participle

Lia had been walking
The labors had been working

S + had + not + been + -ing/present participle

Lia had not been walking
The labors hadn’t been working

had + S + been + -ing/present participle

Had Lia been walking
Had the labors been working

Fungsi dan Contoh Kalimat Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Contoh kalimat.

  • When the guests came, we had been waiting for an hour. (Ketika para tamu datang, kita telah menunggu selama satu jam.)
  • He had been standing in front of the door for thirthy minutes before it was opened. (Dia telah berdiri di depan pintu selama tiga puluh menit sebelum dibukakan.)
  • She was annoyed since she had been waiting for 2 hours on the bus station. (Dia kesal karena telah menunggu selama 2 jam di halte bus.)
  • By the time the teacher came, the students had been reading a half part of the text. (Pada waktu guru datang, para siswa telah membaca separuh bagian dari teks.)
  • I had been working with my computer all day, and all I wanted to do was eat some chocolate. (Saya telah bekerja dengan komputer sepanjang hari, dan yang ingin saya lakukan adalah makan coklat.)

Contoh Soal Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi bagian yang kosong dengan mengetik a atau b.

My nephew was sick since he … outside in bad weather all day.

  • has been playing
  • had been playing

Your answer:

His skin became darker because he … something under the scorching sun without sunscreen..

  • had been doing
  • has been doing

When you … the room, we … the matter of our wages for 10 minutes.

  • entered, had been discussing
  • had been entering, discussed

By the time I asked, my home assistant …

  • had been getting rid toxic household items of
  • had been getting rid of toxic household items

The senior engineer ... the project for a year before he resigned.

  • had been being managed
  • had been managing

Shasa … the diet plan for more than two weeks when finally recognizing it didn’t work.

  • has been trying
  • had been trying

Vina was sad since you … her for a long time.

  • had not been contacting
  • had been not contacting

… his mobile phone conversations for a few minutes when he suddenly opened the door?

  • Had been you overhearing
  • Had you been overhearing

I … on the railway station waiting room for an hour before the train arrived.

  • had been being sit
  • had been sitting

Javascript diperlukan untuk menjalankan quiz ini.

  • Past Perfect Continuous vs. Past Perfect Tense
  • Soal Tenses Bahasa Inggris
  • Rumus Passive Voice Berbagai Tense


  • Grammar Handbook: Perfect and Progressive Verb Forms. http://www.cws.illinois.edu/workshop/writers/perfectforms/. Accessed on February 22, 2013.
  • esl.about.com . Accessed on November 24, 2013.
  • englishpage.com . Accessed on November 24, 2013.
  • englishclub.com . Accessed on November 24, 2013.

About Wilma Yulia

Wilma is a grammar enthusiast. She loves learning about things and writes about them.

View all posts by Wilma Yulia

49 thoughts on “ Past Perfect Continuous Tense: Penjelasan dan Contoh Soal ”

Coba perhatikan no.1 itu jawabannya A atau B yah???kalau jawabannya A kenapa di kata katanya tertulis HAS been sedangkan di Opsi A nya yg disoal tertulis Has been

jdi gmna tuh???mohon di balas yah supaya yg lht gk salah jga

Halo Bryan, Maaf ya saya salah menulis a/b nya. Sudah saya perbaiki. Terima kasih informasinya 🙂

kak itu jawabannya kenapa gak muncul yaa

Saya coba muncul Ika 😕

kaa…ini jawabannya ga muncul (?)

Mohon maaf Ch0ra baru balas dan baru saya perbaiki. Makasih ya dikasih tahu.

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30 Contoh Soal Past Continuous Tense PG dan Essay beserta Jawabannya

Contoh Soal Past Continuous Tense Pilihan Ganda dan Essay beserta Jawabannya

Sonora.ID -  Simak sejumlah contoh soal past continuous tense pilihan ganda dan essay disertai jawabannya berikut ini yang dapat menjadi latihan untuk belajar.

Namun, sudahkah kamu tahu apa itu past continuous tense  dalam bahasa Inggris ?

Dilansir dari laman Grammarly, past continuous tense adalah tense yang menggambarkan tindakan yang sedang berlangsung di masa lalu.

Misalnya, "Aku sedang tidur saat kau menelpon," maka akan menggunakan past continuous tense menjadi, "I was sleeping when you called me."

Adapun format atau rumus dalam past continuous tense yakni subjek + was/were + kata kerja (verb)+ing + sisa kalimat.

Baca Juga: 30 Contoh Kalimat Simple Past Tense, Lengkap dengan Rumusnya

Contoh Soal Past Continuous Tense dan Jawabannya

Kerjakan terlebih dahulu soal di bawah ini kemudian koreksi bersama-sama pada jawaban yang tersedia di akhir.

1. We didn’t go out because it . . . . A. is raining B. rains C. was raining D. raining

2. Last night I . . . TV when suddenly I heard a scream. A. watch B. watching C. am watching D. was watching

3. My sister was watering...

Bahasa inggris, past continuous tense, soal past continuous tense, contoh soal past continuous tense, contoh soal past continuous tense pilihan ganda, contoh soal past continuous tense pilihan ganda dan essay, contoh soal past continuous tense dan jawabannya.

  • 25 Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice Simple Past Tense dan Terjemahannya
  • 51 Contoh Kalimat Present Perfect Tense dan Artinya: Positif, Negatif, Interogatif
  • 25 Contoh Kalimat Simple Past Tense dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Artinya
  • 50+ Contoh Kalimat Verbal Simple Past Tense Beserta Penjelasannya
  • 30 Contoh Kalimat Simple Past Tense, Lengkap dengan Rumusnya

contoh soal past perfect continuous tense essay dan jawabannya

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#General Competency Test v.4

#bahasa indonesia, #berita terkini, #shio kerbau.

Intan Aulia Husnunnisa

April 11, 2022 • 7 minutes read

Past Perfect Continuous Tense: Pengertian, Rumus, Fungsi, dan Contoh Kalimat

Past perfect continuous tense? Hmm, tense masa lampau untuk apa lagi, sih? Tenang, artikel ini akan menjelaskan pengertian hingga contohnya! —

Hai pembaca setia blog English Academy! Jangan sampai bosan untuk belajar grammar yang satu ini ya. Seperti yang kita tahu, tenses adalah salah satu materi penting dalam bahasa Inggris agar kita dapat menceritakan suatu kejadian dengan menyesuaikan berbagai kondisi yang ada.

We know , kamu pasti sudah cukup bingung dengan jenis tense dalam bahasa Inggris yang sepertinya nggak habis-habis. Padahal, kuncinya kamu hanya perlu memahami kondisi seperti apa yang ingin dituangkan ke dalam sebuah kalimat.

Oke , setelah sebelumnya membahas tentang present perfect continuous tense , kali ini kita akan membahas bagian past -nya, nih . Yap ! Tense selanjutnya adalah past perfect continuous tense , yaitu tenses yang mengandung “past” dan juga “continuous.”

Biar nggak makin bingung, yuk , baca pembahasan yang lebih rinci melalui artikel di bawah ini. Lengkap, mulai dari pengertian, fungsi, hingga contoh kalimatnya. Check this out!

Definisi/Pengertian Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Past perfect continuous tense adalah tenses atau bentuk kata kerja untuk mengungkapkan suatu aksi (dengan durasi waktu tertentu) atau kejadian yang sudah dimulai dan sedang berlangsung pada masa lampau, tapi sudah tidak terjadi lagi saat ini. 

Intinya, past perfect continuous tense digunakan untuk menceritakan sebuah kejadian atau aksi yang dimulai di masa lalu, terjadi di masa lalu, dan juga selesai dalam periode waktu di masa lalu. 

Jika dilihat dari paparan di atas, maka aksi dan kondisi yang diceritakan dalam tense ini berarti tidak ada kaitannya sama sekali dengan masa sekarang. Oh ya, tense ini juga memiliki nama lain, lo , yaitu past perfect progressive tense.

Formula/Rumus Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Rumus past perfect continuous tense dibentuk dengan auxiliary verb “had” , lalu disusul oleh “been” , kemudian present participle . Hayo, kamu masih ingat kan apa itu present participle ? Untuk lebih jelasnya, kamu bisa lihat rumusnya melalui gambar di bawah ini!

Rumus Past Perfect Continuous Tense

As usual , kamu perlu perhatikan beberapa penjelasan terkait rumus past perfect continuous tense agar lebih mudah untuk memahaminya, okay ?

  • Present participle biasa dikenal juga dengan verb-ing .
  • Secara umum, bentuk progresif atau verb-ing dalam past perfect continuous tense hanya terjadi pada aksi dengan bentuk kata kerja dynamic ( dynamic verbs ) atau action verb . Dynamic verbs ini “kebalikan” dari stative verbs . Kalau kamu lupa dengan jenis-jenis kata kerja, bisa cek lagi materinya di 11 Tipe Kata Kerja Bahasa Inggris (Verb) Beserta Contohnya
  • Rumus past perfect continuous tense adalah penggabungan dari tiga macam tenses, yaitu simple past tense , present perfect tense , dan present continuous tense .

Sampai sini, apakah kamu sudah cukup memahami pengertian dan rumus past perfect continuous tense ? Kalau belum, yuk , tanya sama Tutor di English Academy! Kamu bisa tanya di kelas yang sesuai dengan kemampuanmu. Kalau belum tahu kemampuanmu ada di level mana, ikut Placement Test aja dulu. Gratis dan bersertifikat, lo !

[IDN] CTA Placement Test English Academy

Baca Juga: Teks Eksplanasi dalam Bahasa Inggris: Definisi, Struktur, dan Contoh

Contoh Kalimat Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Agar kamu dapat memahami penggunaan rumus dalam berbagai bentuk dan pola kalimat, yuk, lihat beberapa contoh di bawah ini!

Kalimat Positif ( Positive Sentence )

Sesuai dengan penjelasan sebelumnya, untuk membuat kalimat yang menyatakan sebuah aksi bersifat positif, maka rumusnya adalah S+had+been+-ing/present participle . Begini jadinya apabila diaplikasikan dalam sebuah kalimat:

  • Rasya had been working at the international hospital for five years when he got the promotion . (Rasya telah bekerja di rumah sakit internasional selama lima tahun ketika dia mendapat promosi.)

Kalimat Negatif ( Negative Sentence )

Seperti biasa, karena dalam kalimat ini mengandung kata “tidak” di dalamnya, maka kamu cukup untuk menambahkan “not” di tengah-tengah rumus. Susunannya menjadi S+had+not+been+-ing/present participle . Contoh dari pola kalimat ini yaitu:

  • Lia had not been playing before she finished her exam. (Lia tidak telah sedang bermain sebelum dia menyelesaikan ujiannya.)
  • My mom had not been cooking when Rara walked into the kitchen. (Ibuku tidak telah sedang memasak ketika Rara berjalan ke dapur.)

Kalimat Interogatif/Tanya ( Interrogative Sentence )

Jika ingin membuat kalimat tanya, maka kamu bisa menggunakan rumus Had+S+been+-ing/present participle . Contohnya sebagai berikut :

  • Had Alfi been working? (Apakah Alfi telah sedang bekerja?)
  • Had they been driving? (Apakah mereka telah sedang menyetir?)

Time Signal (Keterangan Waktu) dalam Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Ada beberapa tanda keterangan waktu ( time signal ) yang menjadi ciri khas dalam past perfect continuous tense . Nah , time signal ini biasanya digunakan untuk membuat kalimat past perfect continuous tense yang menceritakan lebih dari satu kejadian/aksi berlangsung di masa lampau. Berikut keterangan waktunya:





Fungsi dan Contoh Kalimat Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Seperti tenses yang lainnya, past perfect continuous tense pun memiliki beberapa fungsi dan kegunaan yang bisa kamu aplikasikan dalam percakapan sehari-hari. Yuk , simak fungsi dan contohnya di bawah ini!

1. Menyatakan suatu aksi atau peristiwa yang terjadi terus-menerus pada waktu lampau

Contoh kalimat:

  • We had been working in education non-government organization .  (Kami telah sedang bekerja di sebuah yayasan pendidikan.)
  • I had been studying in English Academy online course . (Aku telah sedang belajar di kursus online English Academy.)

2. M enceritakan aksi yang sudah terjadi dan sedang berlangsung di masa lampau sampai titik waktu tertentu di masa lampau juga (merujuk aksi yang panjang)


When my mom came, her friends had been chatting for two hours. (Ketika ibuku datang, teman-temannya sudah menunggu selama dua jam.)

Kalimat di atas tentunya menceritakan kejadian masa lampau. Maksudnya adalah, pada saat Ibu datang, teman-teman dari sang Ibu sudah mengobrol selama dua jam. Kegiatan mengobrol telah dimulai sebelum Ibu datang, kemudian berlanjut setelah Ibu datang, yang mana semuanya telah selesai di masa lampau.

3. Memberitahukan periode dari suatu aksi atau kejadian

Periode di sini artinya menjelaskan sebuah aksi atau peristiwa yang sedang berlangsung di masa lampau secara spesifik. Contoh:

  • They were annoyed since they had been waiting for the instructor for three hours at the gym. (Mereka kesal karena telah menunggu instruktur selama tiga jam di gym.)
  • By the time the lecture came, the students had been presenting the materials twenty minutes . (Pada waktu dosen datang, para siswa telah menyajikan materi selama dua puluh menit.)

4. Menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang berlangsung selama beberapa waktu di masa lampau

  • She had been living in California for ten years. (Dia telah sedang tinggal di California selama sepuluh tahun.)
  • He had been traveling to Europe for five years. (Dia telah sedang bepergian ke Eropa selama lima tahun.)

5. Menyatakan suatu aksi yang dikerjakan dan berlangsung di masa lampau

  • I had been going to the cinema with my best friends . (Aku telah sedang pergi ke bioskop bersama sahabatku.)
  • They had been riding from Malang to Bandung for fifteen hours. (Mereka telah sedang berkendara dari Malang ke Bandung selama lima belas jam.)

6. Kalimat tidak langsung ( indirect speech )

Pada fungsi ini, yang bisa dibentuk dengan past perfect continuous tense adalah kalimat tidak langsung dari present continuous tense . Contoh kalimat:

  • Direct speech (kalimat langsung): He was writing the article . (Dia sedang menulis artikel.)
  • Indirect speech (kalimat tidak langsung): He said that he had been writing the article . (Dia mengatakan bahwa dia telah sedang menulis artikel itu.)

Kalimat di atas menyatakan kalimat tidak langsung yang diucapkan oleh seseorang untuk menceritakan aktivitas orang lain.

Yeay ! Akhirnya selesai, guys . Indeed , kalau kamu perhatikan, ada beberapa fungsi past perfect continuous tense yang mungkin hampir mirip dengan fungsi beberapa tenses lainnya. Namun, konteks kalimatnya sudah pasti berbeda, kok .

Oleh karena itu, agar kamu dapat membedakan dan memahami betul fungsi setiap tenses secara mendalam, jangan lupa untuk terus berlatih membuat contoh kalimat  ya!

Kalau butuh bantuan tutor untuk berdiskusi langsung terkait tenses dan materi bahasa Inggris lainnya, kamu bisa memanfaatkan berbagai fitur yang ada di kelas English Academy by Ruangguru !

Nggak tanggung-tanggung, kamu bisa belajar bareng  native speaker, lo . Penasaran gimana caranya?  Yuk ,  konsultasi gratis  sekarang!

contoh soal past perfect continuous tense essay dan jawabannya

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contoh soal past perfect continuous tense essay dan jawabannya


contoh soal past perfect continuous tense essay dan jawabannya

Kumpulan Soal dan Jawaban materi Past Perfect Continuous Tense

contoh soal past perfect continuous tense essay dan jawabannya

adjar.id -  Apakah Adjarian tahu bagaimana penggunaan  tenses past perfect continuous ?

Rumus dari  past perfect continuous, di antaranya:

S + had + been + -ing/present participle,  untuk kalimat positif.

S + had + not + been + -ing/present participle,  untuk kalimat negatif.

Had + S + been + -ing/present participle (?),  untuk kalimat tanya.

Past Perfect Continuous tense mirip dengan Past Perfect tense , lo.

Namun, tenses  ini untuk mengungkapkan tindakan yang terjadi lebih lama di masa lalu sebelum tindakan lain terjadi, misalnya:

Siska started waiting at 9am, I arrived at 11am. When I arrived, Siska  had been waiting for two hours.

Untuk lebih jelasnya, yuk, kita simak kumpulan soal dan jawaban materi ini!

Baca Juga: Contoh Soal Materi Grammar Past Perfect Tense dan Jawabannya

1. My dad ________ smoking in the garage.

Bahasa inggris

Past perfect continuous, promoted content.

Penulis :
Editor :


Percakapan bahasa inggris menggunakan present continuous tense, contoh kalimat simple present tense, contoh soal dan jawaban, serta pembahasan materi present tense, contoh kalimat menggunakan to be is, am, dan are dalam bahasa inggris.

29 Juli Diperingati sebagai Hari Harimau Sedunia, Ini 3 Jenis Harimau Asli Indonesia

29 Juli Diperingati sebagai Hari Harimau Sedunia, Ini 3 Jenis Harimau Asli Indonesia

Link Daftar Ulang KIP Kuliah 2024 serta Syarat dan Tata Caranya

Link Daftar Ulang KIP Kuliah 2024 serta Syarat dan Tata Caranya

Tag populer, #contoh soal dan jawaban, #bahasa inggris, #pembahasan soal, #bahasa jawa, #pangan lokal, #bahasa indonesia kelas x.

Contoh Soal Past Perfect Continuoustense Dan Jawabannya


Di bawah ini 10 contoh soal past perfect continuous tense dan jawabannya. Pilihlah jawaban yang menurutmu paling tepat untuk melengkapi bagian yang kosong.

My nephew was sick since he … outside in bad weather all day.

had been playing

has been playing

Rate this question:

… to quit your job before getting fired?

Had you been being asked

Had you been asking

His skin became darker because he … something under the scorching sun without sunscreen.

had been doing

has been doing

… his mobile phone conversations for a few minutes when he suddenly opened the door?

Had you been overhearing

Had been you overhearing

 Vina was sad since you … her for a long time.

had not been contacting

had been not contacting

Shasa … the diet plan for more than two weeks when finally recognizing it didn’t work.

had been trying

has been trying

The project … by the senior engineer for a year before he resigned.

had been being managed

had been managing

By the time I asked, my home assistant …

had been getting rid toxic household items of

had been getting rid of toxic household items

When you … the room, we … the matter of our wages for 10 minutes.

entered, had been discussing

had been entering, discussed

I … on the railway station waiting room for an hour before the train arrived.

had been sitting

had been being sit

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  • Mar 22, 2023 Quiz Edited by ProProfs Editorial Team
  • Jul 22, 2016 Quiz Created by Bahyudinnorblog

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70 Contoh Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Past Perfect Tense Beserta Jawaban

LabBahasaInggris.co.id – Artikel hari ini kalian akan menemukan latihan tingkat menengah (Intermediate Level) dalam   70 Contoh Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Past Perfect Tense Beserta Jawaban.

Yuk, kita simak bersama…

70 Contoh Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Tentang Past Perfect Tense Beserta Jawaban

Part 1 – Past Perfect Tense

PAST or PAST PERFECT (Simple and progressive) – Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb!

1. When I _______ (WALK) through Bologna I _______ (THINK) about the wonderful times I _______ (SPEND) there as a student.

2. They _______ (ALREADY LEAVE) the village before the sun _______ (RISE).

3. As soon as she _______ (FINISH) cleaning the floors she _______ (START) gardening.

4. After I _______ (POST) the letter I _______ (REALISE) I _______ (WRITE) the wrong address.

5. We _______ (DRIVE) for two hours when we saw the hotel.

6. It was the first time that he _______ (INVITE) me for lunch.

7. John _______ (ASK) me if I _______ (BE) away on holiday.

8. When I _______ (GET) home last night my family _______ (ALREADY GO) to bed.

9. We _______ (BE) worried about John because we _______ (CALL) several times but he never answered.

10. When I _______ (ARRIVE) home I _______ (SEE) that someone _______ (BREAK) into my house.

11. She _______ (MEET) James on the street yesterday and he _______ (TELL) her that he _______ (BE) ill for the past two weeks.

12. I _______ (LOOK) out of the window last night because I _______ (HEAR) some noises.

13. I _______ (INVITE) Susan to the party but she couldn’t come because she _______  (ALREADY MAKE) other plans.

14. They _______ (WATCH) TV when the earthquake occurred.

15. When room service arrived, we _______ (ALREADY WAIT) for nearly half an hour.

1. When I WAS WALKING  through Bologna I THOUGHT/ WAS THINKING  about the wonderful times I HAD SPENT  there as a student. 2. They HAD ALREADY LEFT the village before the sun ROSE . 3. As soon as she HAD FINISHED cleaning the floors she STARTED gardening. 4. After I HAD POSTED the letter I REALISED I HAD WRITTEN the wrong address. 5. We HAD BEEN DRIVING for two hours when we saw the hotel. 6. It was the first time that he HAD INVITED me for lunch. 7. John ASKED me if I HAD BEEN away on holiday. 8. When I GOT home last night my family HAD ALREADY GONE to bed. 9. We WERE worried about John because we HAD CALLED several times but he never answered. 10. When I ARRIVED home I SAW that someone HAD BROKEN into my house. 11. She MET James on the street yesterday and he TOLD  her that he HAD BEEN  ill for the past two weeks. 12. I LOOKED out of the window last night because I HAD HEARD some noises. 13. I INVITED  Susan to the party but she couldn’t come because she HAD ALREADY MADE  other plans. 14. They WERE WATCHING  TV when the earthquake occurred. 15. When room service arrived, we HAD ALREADY BEEN WAITING  for nearly half an hour.

[su_box title=” Read More ” style=”default” box_color=”#333333″ title_color=”#FFFFFF” radius=”3″ class=””] 150 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Present Tense Beserta Jawaban [/su_box]

Part 2 – Past Perfect Tense

PAST or PAST PERFECT Tense: Fill in the correct verb forms!

1. They _______ (GO) home after they _______ (FINISH) their homework.

2. She just _______ (JUST GO) out when I called at her house.

3. The sun had set before I _______ (BE) ready to go.

4. When she came into the room she saw that her husband _______ (ALREADY DRINK) a lot of alcohol.

5. He _______ (LEARN) English before he left for England.

6. When my husband came home I _______ (ALREADY BE) in bed for two hours.

7. My friend _______ (NOT SEE) me for many years when I met him last week.

8. After I _______ (HEAR) the news, I _______ (HURRY) to see him.

9. He thanked me for what I _______ (DO).

10. They drank small cups of tea after they _______ (FINISH) dinner.

11. He told me _______ (CATCH) a young lion and _______ (SHOOT) two others.

12. When I _______ (GET) there everyone _______ (ALREADY GO).

13. When I saw him last he _______ (BE) married for 6 years.

14. We heard that a fire _______ (BREAK OUT) in the neighboring house.

15. After he _______ (READ) the letter he _______ (BURN) it.

16. He wanted to go to London because he _______ (NEVER BE) there before.

17. When Queen Victoria _______ (DIE) in 1901 she _______ (REIGN) for over 60 years.

18. She told me that she _______ (NEVER GO) to Canada.

19. The results were better than I _______ (EXPECT)

20. Mr. Smith retired last year after he _______ (BE) with his company for over 30 years.

1. They WENT home after they HAD FINISHED  their homework. 2. She HAD JUST GONE  out when I called at her house. 3. The sun had set before I WAS  ready to go. 4. When she came into the room she saw that her husband HAD ALREADY DRUNK a lot of alcohol. 5. He HAD LEARNED/ HAD BEEN LEARNING  English before he left for England. 6. When my husband came home I HAD ALREADY BEEN  in bed for two hours. 7. My friend HAD NOT SEEN  me for many years when I met him last week. 8. After I HAD HEARD  the news, I HURRIED to see him. 9. He thanked me for what I HAD DONE . 10. They drank small cups of tea after they HAD FINISHED  dinner. 11. He told me he HAD CAUGHT  a young lion and HAD SHOT  two others. 12. When I GOT  there everyone HAD ALREADY GONE . 13. When I saw him last he HAD BEEN  married for 6 years. 14. We heard that a fire HAD BROKEN OUT  in the neighboring house. 15. After he HAD READ  the letter he BURNED it. 16. He wanted to go to London because he HAD NEVER BEEN  there before. 17. When Queen Victoria DIED in 1901 she HAD REIGNED/ HAD BEEN REIGNING  for over 60 years. 18. She told me that she HAD NEVER GONE  to Canada. 19. The results were better than I HAD EXPECTED. 20. Mr. Smith retired last year after he HAD BEEN  with his company for over 30 years.

[su_box title=” Read More ” style=”default” box_color=”#333333″ title_color=”#FFFFFF” radius=”3″ class=””] Contoh Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Present Perfect Tense Beserta Jawaban [/su_box]

Part 3 – Past Perfect Tense

Past or Past Perfect Tense – Simple: Fill in the correct form.

1. Mary _______ (give) me Tony’s address before she left.

2. When the boys arrived at the cinema, the film _______ (already, start).

3. Before we reached the station we saw that we _______ (lose) our way.

4. All the tickets _______ (be) sold before the concert began.

5. They took a shower after they _______ (finish) the game.

6. I asked Mr. Green how many books he _______ (read)

7. Mum asked me why I ___________________ (not tidy) up my room.

8. Bob was sorry that he _______ (told) me the story.

9. Alan watched TV after he _______ (have) lunch.

10. The sun _______ (shine) yesterday after it _______ (be) cold for many weeks.

11. Uncle David _______ (go) to the doctor after he _______ (be) ill for a month.

12. Before the police _______ (catch) the thief, he _______ (steal) two more watches.

13. Mum once _______ (paint) a picture although she _______ (never, learn) it.

14. I _______ (not tell) my teacher that my mum _______ (help) me with my homework.

15. I _______ (be) very angry when I _______ (see) that my brother _______ (eat) my apple.

16. The bike _______ (be) much more expensive than he _______ (think) at first.

17. Dad _______ (drive) me home after I _______ (fall) into the water.

18. Marion _______ (ask) me what _______ (happen) to me last week.

19. We _______ (eat) two Big Macs before we _______ (go) home.

20. Paul _______ (not say) that he _______ (take) Albert’s watch.

21. The days _______ (become) colder after it _______ (snow).

22. Martin _______ (tell) me that he _______ (be) in London.

23. I _______ (feel) great after I _______ (pass) the exam.

24. It _______ (be) Freddy who _______ (clean) the room.

25. When I _______ (get) off the bike I _______ (see) that one of those tires _______ (lose) air.

26. I _______ (be) sorry that I _______ (not be) nicer to him.

27. Nobody _______ (come) to the meeting because Angela _______ (forget) to tell them about it.

28. I know that I _______ (see) her somewhere before.

29. Because she _______ (not check) the oil for so long, the car _______ (break) down.

30. She couldn’t find the book that I _______ (lend) her.

31. They never _______ (never find) where he _______ (hide) the money.

32. It was a firm that I _______ (never hear) of.

33. When she _______ (come ) in we all knew where she _______ (be)

34. The lesson _______ (already start) when I ___________________ (arrive).

35. When I _______ (get) to the park I found out that I _______ (lose) my car.

[su_box title=” Read More ” style=”default” box_color=”#333333″ title_color=”#FFFFFF” radius=”3″ class=””] Contoh Soal Passive Voice Beserta Jawaban dan Penjelasannya [/su_box]

Semoga contoh soal di atas dapat menambah wawasan kalian dalam menjawab soal-soal di sekolah.

25 Contoh Soal Past Perfect Tense dan Jawabannya, Pilihan Ganda dan Essay

25 Contoh Soal Past Perfect Tense dan Jawabannya, Pilihan Ganda dan Essay – Salah satu materi tenses dalam Bahasa Inggris yang Mamikos akan bahas kali ini yaitu past perfect tense.

Tense ini sering digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang sudah selesai sebelum kejadian lain terjadi di masa lampau.

Nah, agar lebih memahaminya, yuk kita lihat contoh soal past perfect tense berikut beserta jawabannya!

  • Penjelasan Past Perfect Tense 

Rumus Past Perfect Tense

Fungsi past perfect tense, contoh soal past perfect tense dan jawabannya.

Belajar Bahasa Inggris memanglah tidak mudah karena kita dituntut untuk terus berlatih, terutama dalam hal menguasai grammar. Untuk bisa menguasai tenses, ada berbagai cara yang bisa kamu lakukan salah satunya dengan rajin mengerjakan latihan soal tense. 

Hal ini tentu akan sangat berguna untuk mengasah kemampuan kamu. Semakin sering kamu mengerjakan berbagai latihan soal-soal tense, kamu akan semakin mengenali berbagai jenis tense dengan mudah.  

Past perfect tense adalah satu di antara 16 tense yang perlu kamu kuasai di luar kepala. Memang tidak mudah menghafal ke-16 tense ini namun jika kamu sudah mengenali masing-masing tense kamu akan cepat mengerti pola dan jawabannya. Lalu apa yang dimaksud dengan past perfect tense?

Baca Juga :

Materi Past Continuous Tense Kelas 10 SMA, Pengertian, Fungsi, Ciri, dan Rumusnya

Jadi, past perfect tense adalah bentuk waktu dalam Bahasa Inggris yang mengindikasikan suatu tindakan atau kejadian yang telah selesai sebelum kejadian lainnya yang terjadi di masa lalu. Biasanya, kejadian pada past perfect tense ini diceritakan dengan spesifik. 

Selain itu, kejadian yang telah selesai tersebut bisa terjadi berulang kali ataupun terjadi hanya sekali. Kamu juga bisa menggunakan tense ini ketika ingin bercerita peristiwa masa lalu dan telah selesai saat itu juga.

Kenapa perlu menggunakan past perfect tense? Sesuai penjelasan sebelumnya pada tense ini akan menunjukkan dua kejadian di masa lalu, sehingga tense ini akan membantu mendefinisikan atau mengurutkan urutan kronologis suatu peristiwa di masa lalu.

Ciri Utama dari past perfect tense yaitu kalimatnya dibentuk dengan auxiliary verb “had” dan past participle atau verb 3, serta dilengkapi dengan keterangan waktu seperti kata when, before, until, dan lainnya.

Agar bisa menggunakan past perfect tense dengan benar, kamu perlu memahami rumus dan penggunaannya. Past perfect tense terdiri dari subject, Auxiliary verb “had”, dan Past participle (V3).

Kalimat Positif Past Perfect Tense

Subject + had + past participle (V3)

Contoh : 

  • She had already eaten dinner when I arrived

(Dia sudah makan malam ketika saya tiba)

  • They had completed the project before the deadline

(Mereka telah menyelesaikan proyek sebelum batas waktu)

  • We had visited Paris twice before we moved to London

(Kami telah mengunjungi Paris dua kali sebelum kami pindah ke London)

  • He had finished reading the book before the library closed

(Dia telah selesai membaca buku sebelum perpustakaan tutup)

  • The team had won the match before the rain started

(Tim sudah memenangkan pertandingan sebelum hujan mulai turun)

Kalimat Negatif Past Perfect Tense

Subject + had + not + past participle (V3)

  • She had not visited her grandparents before they moved to another city

(Dia belum mengunjungi kakek neneknya sebelum mereka pindah ke kota lain)

  • She had not finished her homework when the teacher collected it

(Dia belum menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumahnya ketika guru mengumpulkannya)

  • They had not left the office when the meeting started

(Mereka belum meninggalkan kantor ketika rapat dimulai)

  • We had not seen that movie before we went to the cinema

(Kami belum pernah melihat film itu sebelum kami pergi ke bioskop)

  • He had not prepared for the exam when the test day arrived

(Dia belum mempersiapkan diri untuk ujian ketika hari ujian tiba)

Materi Simple Past Tense Pengertian, Rumus, Ciri, dan Jenisnya Dalam Bahasa inggris Kelas 10 SMA

Kalimat Tanya Past Perfect Tense

Had + subject + past participle (V3)?

  • Had your father watched the movie before they gone home? 

(Apakah ayahmu sudah menonton film ketika mereka pulang?)

  • Had she finished her homework before the teacher collected it?

(Apakah dia sudah menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumahnya sebelum guru mengumpulkannya?)

  • Had they left the office when the meeting started?

(Apakah mereka sudah meninggalkan kantor ketika rapat dimulai?)

  • Had you seen that movie before you went to the cinema?

(Apakah kamu sudah melihat film itu sebelum kamu pergi ke bioskop?)

  • Had he prepared for the exam before the test day arrived?

(Apakah dia sudah mempersiapkan diri untuk ujian sebelum hari ujian tiba?)

Time Signal yang Digunakan Pada Past Perfect Tense

Sama halnya dengan tenses yang lain, past perfect juga kadang diikuti oleh keterangan waktu dalam kalimatnya sebagai complement. Berikut di bawah ini beberapa time signal yang sering kali digunakan di past perfect tense. Yaitu : 

  • Before = sebelum
  • After = setelah
  • When = ketika
  • Until = hingga
  • Just = baru saja
  • As soon as = secepatnya
  • By the time = pada saat itu
  • Earlier = lebih awal
  • Previously = sebelumnya
  • Already = sudah

Sebagai catatan, bahwa penggunaan adverb of time/time signal pada kalimat past perfect suatu hal yang tidak wajib untuk kamu masukkan yah! Pasalnya, terkadang juga beberapa kalimat tidak perlu memasukkan time expression. Sebagai contoh :

  • He had slept

(Dia sudah tidur)

  • He hadn’t slept

(Dia belum tidur)

  • Had he slept?

(Apakah dia sudah tidur?)

Setelah membaca pengertian dan rumus past perfect tense di atas, apakah kini kamu sudah memahaminya? Untuk mengukur kemampuan kamu, cobalah kerjakan contoh soal past perfect tense di bawah ini, lalu kemudian cocokkan dengan jawaban yang sudah Mamikos sediakan.

Seperti dengan jenis tenses lainnya, pada past perfect tense juga mempunyai beragam fungsi dalam Bahasa Inggris. Diantaranya yaitu :

1. Menjelaskan suatu kejadian yang telah selesai

Seperti yang sudah kita bahas sebelumnya, fungsi Utama dari tenses ini yaitu kita dapat menyatakan peristiwa, kejadian, atau aksi yang telah terjadi dan selesai di masa lalu.

2. Menyatakan Suatu Tindakan yang Selesai Sebelum Tindakan Lain di Masa Lalu

Past perfect tense juga berguna ketika ingin menunjukkan peristiwa yang telah selesai sebelum tindakan yang lain di masa lalu. Peristiwa yang selesai lebih dulu dalam bentuk past perfect, sedangkan peristiwa yang terjadi kemudian disusun menggunakan simple past.

3. Menunjukkan Bahwa Peristiwa di Masa Lalu Sering Terjadi

Pada past perfect continuous yang diikuti dengan time signal menunjukan fungsi lainnya yaitu peristiwa yang sering kita lakukan di masa lalu. Contohnya saja I had read the book two times before I watched the movie.

4. Digunakan untuk Membuat Reported Speech

Reported speech pada berita baik secara lisan dan tulisan yang belum pernah kamu dengar sebelumnya biasanya menggunakan past perfect tense. Contohnya She told me that they had left the party early.

Materi Past Perfect Continuous Tense Bahasa Inggris beserta Fungsi dan Rumusnya

Kunci untuk memahami past perfect tense yaitu sering mengerjakan contoh latihan soalnya, dengan ini kamu bisa mengasah keterampilan dalam menggunakan tense ini dengan benar. Yuk, coba kerjakan latihan soal di bawah ini kemudian cocokkan dengan jawaban yang sudah Mamikos siapkan!

Soal Pilihan Ganda

  • Aisyah _________ all the Harry Potter novels by the time she was fifteen years old.

A. had read

C. was reading

Correct Answer : A. had read

  • I ________ my work when my parents arrived.

A. had not completed

B. did not complete

C. was not completing

D. have not completed

Correct Answer : A. had not completed

  • When we were in school, we ________ this song live.

A. had performed

B. performed

C. were performing

Correct Answer : A. had performed

  • My friend, Rian ________ already ________ the movie before we met.

A. had / watched

B. has / watched

C. was / watching

D. did / watch

Correct Answer : A. had / watched

  • ________ you ________ at CTS before you started working at this company?

A. Had / not worked

B. Did / not work

C. Were / not working

D. Have / not worked

Correct Answer : A. Had / not worked

  • My mom told me that we ________ Priyanka already but I don’t think so.

C. were meeting

D. have met

Correct Answer : A. had met

  • My brother ________ five math problems before I completed two.

A. had solved

C. was solving

Correct Answer : A. had solved

  • The place ________ by the time we got there.

A. had closed

C. was closing

D. has closed

Correct Answer : A. had closed

  • ________ he ________ all the documents when you reached?

A. Had / brought

B. Did / bring

C. Was / bringing

D. Has / brought

Correct Answer : A. Had / brought

  • We felt sad that the movie ________ already ________ before we got there.

A. had / started

B. has / started

C. was / starting

D. started / started

Correct Answer : A. had / started

  • When I _______ the new teacher, I was so surprised. I _______ his class before!

A. Met, had taken

B. Had met, took

C. Had taken, met

D. Took, had met

Correct Answer : A. Met, had taken

  • Fraser _______ sushi before he _______ to Japan.

A. Never ate, had come

B. Came, had never eaten

C. Had come, never ate

D. Had never eaten, came

Correct Answer : D. Had never eaten, came

  • I _______ any money on the weekend because I _______ my wallet on Friday.

A. Didn’t have, had lost

B. Hadn’t had, lost

C. Didn’t lose, hadn’t had

D. Hadn’t lost, didn’t have

Correct Answer : A. Didn’t have, had lost

  • When Lutfi _______ washing the dishes, she _______ the TV on.

A. Finished, had turned

B. Turned, had finished

C. Had finished, turned

D. Had turned, finished

Correct Answer : C. Had finished, turned

  • When we went to Bali, my friend _______ a lot about the city because she _______ there many times.

A. Was, had known

B. Had known, was

C. Knew, had been

D. Had been, knew

Correct Answer : C. Knew, had been

Ubah kalimat di bawah ini menjadi Bahasa Inggris menggunakan past perfect tense

  • Dia sudah menyelesaikan tugasnya sebelum pergi ke sekolah

Correct Answer : She had finished her homework before going to school

  • Mereka sudah makan malam sebelum tamu datang

Correct Answer : They had eaten dinner before the guests arrived

  • Kami sudah melihat film itu sebelum dia mengundang kami menonton

Correct Answer : We had watched the movie before he invited us to watch it

  • Dia sudah tiba di stasiun sebelum kereta berangkat

Correct Answer : He had arrived at the station before the train left

  • Mereka sudah meninggalkan pesta sebelum hujan mulai turun

Correct Answer : They had left the party before it started to rain

  • The children …. (hide) and seek in the park before their parents arrived.

Correct Answer : Had Play

  • She….(study) for the exam before she took it last week.

Correct Answer : Had studied

  • He….(read) the entire book before the class discussion began.

Correct Answer : Had read

  • By the time the committee reviewed the final proposal, the team…. (submit) several drafts for approval

Correct Answer : Had submitted 

  • The director was pleased with the film because the crew….(complete) all the scenes on schedule.

Correct Answer : Had completed.

Demikianlah beberapa contoh soal dan jawaban Past Perfect Tense. Dengan sering mengerjakan contoh soal, kamu dapat menguasai tenses ini dengan lebih cepat dan efektif. 

Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat dan menambah wawasanmu tentang penggunaan Past Perfect Tense. Jika kamu mencari informasi tambahan atau artikel bermanfaat lainnya, jangan ragu untuk mengunjungi blog Mamikos. Temukan berbagai informasi dan tips menarik lainnya.

8 Macam Parts of Speech Bahasa Inggris beserta Contoh dan Penjelasannya

Simple past tense merupakan tenses yang fungsinya menunjukkan aksi yang terjadi di masa lampau dan telah selesai juga pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau.

he visited her childhood hometown last weekend. (Dia mengunjungi desa masa kecilnya akhir pekan lalu.) He finished his homework before dinner. (Dia menyelesaikan pekerjaannya sebelum makan malam.) Bentley designed a website for a local business. (Bentley mendesain situs web untuk bisnis lokal.) Henry bought a vintage record player at a flea market. (Henry membeli pemutar rekaman vintage di pasar loak.) Sungjin learned to play the guitar over the summer. (Sungjin belajar bermain gitar selama musim panas.)

Past perfect continuous tense merupakan salah satu dari tense atau disebut pula sebagai bentuk kata kerja yang bisa mengungkapkan sebuah aksi. Biasanya jenis yang satu ini memiliki durasi waktu kejadian tertentu.

Verb adalah kata kerja. Contoh verb: Cook, Read, Play, Eat, Write, etc.

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English Online

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Contoh Soal Past Perfect Continuous Tense dan Jawabannya

  • A. We have been studying English.
  • B. We has been studying English.
  • C. We had been studying English
  • A. Dina had been in the class.
  • B. Dina had been be in the class.
  • C. Dina had been being in the class.
  • A. Agus had not been living in Yogyakarta.
  • B. Agus had been not living in Yogyakarta.
  • C. Agus not had been living in Yogyakarta.
  • A. Had been you visiting Bali?
  • B. Had you been visiting Bali?
  • C. Did you visiting Bali?
  • A. Had they not been buying a book?
  • B. Had not they been buying a book?
  • C. Had they been not buying a book?
  • A. I hadn’t been being in the library for an hour before Dina came.
  • B. I hadn’t been being in the library for an hour before Dina come.
  • C. I had been being in the library for an hour before Dina come.
  • A. Had you been sleep for an hour when I came?
  • B. Had been you sleeping an hour when I came?
  • C. Had you been sleeping an hour when I came?
  • A. Had not Faisal been living in Yogyakarta for five years before he moved to Jakarta?
  • B. Had Faisal not been living in Yogyakarta for five years before he moved to Jakarta?
  • C. Hadn’t Faisal been living in Yogyakarta for five years before he move to Jakarta?
  • A. I had been sleeping for three hours before I take a bath.
  • B. I had been sleeping for three hours before I taken a bath.
  • C. I had been sleeping for three hours before I took a bath.
  • A. I had been repairing my car for a few minutes before I attend a party.
  • B. I had been repair my car for a few minutes before I attended a party.
  • C. I had been repairing my car for a few minutes before I attended a party .
No.Jawaban Penjelasan
1CRumus yang digunakan untuk past perfect continuous tense (bentuk positif) adalah S + Had + Verb.ing. Jadi untuk have dan has tidak digunakan untuk tense ini.
2CRumus bentuk positif dari past perfect continuous tense adalah S + Had + Verb.ing. Jika dalam kalimat tidak terdapat kata kerja utama, maka gunakan be + ing, maka menjadi being.
3AJika kalian ingin mengubah kalimat positif menjadi negative, maka gunakan rumus S + Had not + Been + Verb.ing. Had not dapat disingkat menjadi Hadn’t.
4BRumus yang digunakan untuk bentuk interogatif adalah Had + S + Been + Verb.ing. sedangkan penggunaan did dalam kalimat interogatif hanya digunakan untuk simple past tense saja.
5AJika kalian ingin mengubah kalimat past perfect continuous tense menjadi bentuk negative interogatif, maka gunakanlah rumus Had + S + Not + Been + Verb.ing.
6ASeperti yang telah saya sebutkan diatas bahwa untuk kalimat negative, gunakan rumus S + Had + Not + Been + Verb.ing. Had not dapat kalian singkat menjadi Hadn’t. Untuk peristiwa lain yang terjadi, gunakanlah verb2. Come menjadi came.
7CRumus yang digunakan untuk kalimat interogatif adalah Had + S + Been + Verb.ing. Dan untuk peristiwa atau kejadian lain yang datang, gunakanlah verb2 seperti halnya kalimat negative yang telah saya sebutkan tadi. Come menjadi came.
8BRumus yang digunakan untuk past perfect continuous tense bentuk negative interogatif adalah Had + S + Not + Been + Verb.ing atau Hadn’t + S + Been + Verb.ing. Dan untuk peristiwa atau kejadian lain yang terjadi juga menggunakan verb2 seperti bentuk kalimat yang telah dibahas diatas. Move menjadi moved.
9CBentuk positif menggunakan rumus S + Had + Been + Verb.ing. Untuk kejadian atau aktivitas lain yang terjadi sama seperti bentuk yang lain yaitu menggunakan verb2. Take a bath menjadi took a bath, kata kerja ini merupakan kata kerja irregular (tidak beraturan) sama halnya come. Jadi hati-hati dengan perubahan kata kerja irregular.
10CSeperti halnya soal nomor 9, ini adalah kalimat bentuk positif, menggunakan rumus S + Had + Been + Verb.ing. Untuk kejadian atau aktivitas lain yang terjadi sama seperti bentuk yang lain yaitu menggunakan verb2. Attend menjadi attended.

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contoh soal past perfect continuous tense essay dan jawabannya

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60 contoh soal pilihan ganda past continuous tense disertai jawabannya



Berikut adalah 60 soal pilihan ganda tentang Past Continuous Tense lengkap dengan jawabannya.

  • While she ________ her homework, her sister ________ on the phone. a. does / talks b. was doing / was talking c. did / talked d. do / talk Jawaban: b
  • They ________ to the beach when it started raining. a. go b. were going c. goes d. went Jawaban: b
  • What ________ you ________ at 10 PM last night? a. do / watch b. are / watching c. were / watching d. is / watch Jawaban: c
  • At this time yesterday, she ________ a cake for her friend. a. bakes b. baked c. baking d. bake Jawaban: b
  • While I ________ the news, my sister ________ a book. a. watch / reads b. watched / read c. am watching / is reading d. watching / is reading Jawaban: c
  • They ________ a play when I visited the theater. a. practice b. practicing c. were practicing d. practiced Jawaban: c
  • What ________ you ________ when the teacher entered the classroom? a. do / talk b. are / talking c. were / talking d. is / talk Jawaban: c
  • At 8 AM this morning, I ________ breakfast. a. eat b. eating c. ate d. eats Jawaban: c
  • While he ________ for the train, it ________. a. waits / rains b. waited / was raining c. wait / is raining d. waiting / rains Jawaban: b
  • They ________ a new language when I met them. a. learn b. learning c. learns d. were learning Jawaban: d
  • What ________ you ________ when your friend called you? a. do / do b. are / doing c. were / doing d. is / do Jawaban: c
  • At this time last night, he ________ his car in the garage. a. park b. parks c. parked d. parking Jawaban: c
  • While they ________ the game, the lights ________. a. play / went out b. playing / go out c. played / goes out d. were playing / went out Jawaban: d
  • She ________ a book when the doorbell rang. a. reads b. reading c. read d. is reading Jawaban: d
  • What ________ you ________ at this time yesterday? a. do / study b. are / studying c. were / studying d. is / study Jawaban: c
  • What ________ you ________ when the phone rang? a. do / talk b. are / talking c. were / talking d. is / talk Jawaban: c
  • While they ________ for the bus, it ________. a. wait / rains b. waited / was raining c. waits / is raining d. wait / is raining Jawaban: b
  • He ________ his car when the accident happened. a. drive b. drives c. drove d. driving Jawaban: c
  • At this time last week, I ________ in the mountains. a. am hiking b. hike c. was hiking d. hiked Jawaban: c
  • What ________ you ________ when I saw you in the park? a. do / read b. are / reading c. were / reading d. is / read Jawaban: c
  • They ________ basketball when it started raining. a. play b. playing c. were playing d. plays Jawaban: c
  • While I ________ my room, my friends ________ a surprise party for me. a. clean / organize b. cleaned / organized c. am cleaning / organizing d. cleans / organizes Jawaban: b
  • At this time yesterday, he ________ a novel. a. reads b. is reading c. was reading d. read Jawaban: c
  • What ________ you ________ when the phone suddenly rang? a. do / talk b. are / talking c. were / talking d. is / talk Jawaban: c
  • She ________ her homework all afternoon. a. does b. is doing c. did d. was doing Jawaban: d
  • They ________ lunch when I visited them. a. have b. having c. had d. have been having Jawaban: c
  • While I ________ in the garden, it ________. a. am sitting / is raining b. was sitting / was raining c. sit / rains d. sits / is raining Jawaban: b
  • What ________ you ________ when the accident occurred? a. do / see b. are / seeing c. were / seeing d. is / see Jawaban: c
  • At this time last week, they ________ a new recipe. a. try b. tries c. tried d. trying Jawaban: c
  • While she ________ for her flight, her friends ________ her a goodbye party. a. waits / throws b. waiting / throw c. waited / threw d. wait / throws Jawaban: c
  • He ________ a song when I walked into the room. a. sing b. singing c. sang d. sings Jawaban: b
  • What ________ you ________ when the earthquake struck? a. do / feel b. are / feeling c. were / feeling d. is / feel Jawaban: c
  • They ________ the marathon when it started raining heavily. a. run b. running c. runs d. were running Jawaban: d
  • While I ________ my car, my neighbor ________ me for a chat. a. wash / approaches b. washed / approached c. am washing / approaches d. wash / approached Jawaban: b
  • At this time yesterday, she ________ her favorite TV show. a. watch b. watched c. watching d. watches Jawaban: b
  • What ________ you ________ when I phoned you? a. do / do b. are / doing c. were / doing d. is / do Jawaban: c
  • They ________ a road trip when their car broke down. a. plan b. planned c. planning d. plans Jawaban: b
  • While she ________ her presentation, the computer ________. a. prepares / crashes b. preparing / crashed c. prepared / crashes d. was preparing / crashed Jawaban: d
  • What ________ you ________ at this time last Saturday? a. do / study b. are / studying c. were / studying d. is / study Jawaban: c
  • They ________ to a concert when the singer forgot the lyrics. a. listen b. listening c. listens d. were listening Jawaban: d
  • While I ________ my lunch, the phone ________. a. eat / ring b. ate / rang c. am eating / is ringing d. eating / rings Jawaban: b
  • What ________ you ________ when the earthquake occurred? a. do / feel b. are / feeling c. were / feeling d. is / feel Jawaban: c
  • At this time yesterday, they ________ a documentary on TV. a. watch b. watched c. watching d. watches Jawaban: b
  • While she ________ her car, the kids ________ in the playground. a. washes / playing b. was washing / played c. wash / plays d. washed / play Jawaban: b
  • He ________ his phone when it suddenly ________. a. checks / rings b. checked / rang c. check / ring d. checking / is ringing Jawaban: b
  • What ________ you ________ when I called you yesterday evening? a. do / do b. are / doing c. were / doing d. is / do Jawaban: c
  • They ________ a picnic in the park when the rain ________. a. have / starts b. having / started c. had / starts d. were having / started Jawaban: d
  • While he ________ his favorite song, his sister ________ her homework. a. listens / doing b. listened / did c. listen / does d. was listening / was doing Jawaban: d
  • What ________ you ________ at this time last year? a. do / study b. are / studying c. were / studying d. is / study Jawaban: c
  • At 6 PM yesterday, she ________ dinner for her family. a. cooks b. cooked c. cooking d. is cooking Jawaban: b
  • While they ________ the play, the audience ________. a. watch / applauds b. watched / applauded c. watches / applaud d. were watching / were applauding Jawaban: d
  • She ________ her book when her friend ________ her a surprise. a. reads / gives b. reading / gave c. read / give d. was reading / gave Jawaban: d
  • What ________ you ________ when the storm hit? a. do / hear b. are / hearing c. were / hearing d. is / hear Jawaban: c
  • They ________ in the garden when it started snowing. a. play b. playing c. played d. were playing Jawaban: d
  • At this time last week, he ________ his new bicycle. a. rides b. riding c. rode d. ride Jawaban: c
  • While she ________ the news, her brother ________ music. a. watch / is playing b. was watching / played c. watches / plays d. watched / plays Jawaban: b
  • What ________ you ________ when the accident happened? a. do / see b. are / seeing c. were / seeing d. is / see Jawaban: c
  • They ________ their project when the professor entered the room. a. complete b. completes c. completing d. were completing Jawaban: d
  • At this time yesterday, I ________ a delicious meal. a. cook b. cooks c. cooking d. cooked Jawaban: d
  • While they ________ at the beach, the sun ________. a. are swimming / sets b. swimming / set c. swam / sets d. were swimming / was setting Jawaban: a
  • 20 contoh soal pilihan ganda past continuous tense beserta jawabannya 6 months ago


25 Contoh Soal Past Continuous Tense Essay dan Jawabannya

Kalimat Past continuous tense juga dikenal dengan kalimat past progressive adalah kalimat yang mereferensikan kegiatan atau keadaan berlanjut yang sudah terjadi di beberapa kondisi di waktu lampau. Rumus kalimat Past Continuous tense adalah Subject + was/were+ verb 1-ing + Object. Contoh kalimat past continuous tense sebagai berikut : I was  visiting Tamara at this morning last week  artinya saya mengunjungi Tamara pada pagi hari minggu lalu. It was eight o’clock yesterday, I was watching youtube. artinya pada pukul 8 kemarin, saya melihat youtube. Tenses past continuous tense dibentuk dengan mengkombinasikan kalimat past tense pada to be was/were dengan kata kerja participle (menggunakan verb –ing).

Gambar 1.0 Conoth Soal Past Continuous Tense Essay dan Jawabannya

Salah satu cara mempelajari kalimat past continuous tense adalah dengan mengerjakan latihan soal tentang past continuous tense , semakin kita sering mengerjakan soal latihan past continuous tense maka kemampuan kita di dalam bahasa inggris akan semakin mahir.

Berikut adalah 25 contoh soal Past Continuous Tense Essay, adapun kunci jawaban berada di akhir soal

Contoh Soal Past Continuous Tense Essay dan Jawabannya

Use the words in the brackets to complete the questions (Gunakan kata-kata yang terdapat di dalam kurung untuk melengkapi kalimat di bawah) 

  • Were you … this picture at 8 o'clock yesterday?  (paint)
  • This morning, Yesterday, The rain … Harder and harder. (get)
  • My mother …This fruit to Farikha at eight o'clock last night. (give)
  • We … the chicken in front of the bridge at seven o'clock last night. (catch)
  • Was Salisa … my house at this time yesterday? (visit)
  • I … a new car at this time last month. (buy)
  • Tamara and Silvia … to Malang at this time last month. (go)
  • Sabrina … English at 8 o'clock last night. (learn)
  • Yesterday morning, They … me in this market. (help)
  • My mother … a bowl of rice when I bought a banana. (cook)
  • Tamara … a letter to his boyfriend at 7 o'clock yesterday. (write)
  • Was usman … in this store at 10 o'clock last night? (eat)
  • Were they .. this recipe at this time yesterday? (make)
  • I invited Sabrina at this event last, but Sabrina … to us. (come) 
  • At this time last month, Farida … new clothes for this meeting. (wear)
  • Was she … John at this time last week?  (know)
  • This time last year, I … in Bali. (live)
  • At 4 o'clock yesterday, I … on a train on my way to Malang. (am)
  • Reza Pahlevi … this flower at 7 o'clock yesterday. (water)
  • John … me when you arrived. (call)
  • Tamara opened her hijab when she … in the kitchen. (cook)
  • I … this event, but my husband wanted to go home. (enjoy) 
  • My teacher taught me this formula yesterday, But Abdillah  … to understand it. He couldn't use it. (confuse)
  • Were they … to the USA at this time last week? (travel)
  • I … al Qur'an when I met my teacher. (read)

Kunci Jawaban Soal Past Continuous Tense Essay.

Adapun warna kuning kami berikan kepada kata yang menunjukkan kunci jawaban daripada soal essay di atas.

  • Were you painting this picture at 8 o'clock yesterday? 
  • This morning, Yesterday, The rain was getting Harder and harder. 
  • My mother was giving This fruit to Farikha at eight o'clock last night. 
  • We were catching the chicken in front of the bridge at seven o'clock last night. 
  • Was Salisa visiting my house at this time yesterday?
  • I was buying a new car at this time last month. 
  • Tamara and Silvia were going to Malang at this time last month. 
  • Sabrina was learning English at 8 o'clock last night.
  • Yesterday morning, They were helping me in this market. 
  • My mother was cooking a bowl of rice when I bought a banana. 
  • Tamara was writing a letter to his boyfriend at 7 o'clock yesterday. 
  • Was usman eating in this store at 10 o'clock last night? 
  • Were they making this recipe at this time yesterday? 
  • I invited Sabrina at this event last, but Sabrina was not coming to us. 
  • At this time last month, Farida was wearing new clothes for this meeting 
  • Was she knowing John at this time last week? 
  • This time last year, I was living in Bali 
  • At 4 o'clock yesterday, I was on a train on my way to Malang. 
  • Reza Pahlevi was watering this flower at 7 o'clock yesterday.
  • John was calling me when you arrived. 
  • Tamara opened her hijab when she was cooking in the kitchen.
  • I was enjoying this event, but my husband wanted to go home 
  • My teacher taught me this formula yesterday, But Abdillah was not confusing to understand it. He couldn't use it. 
  • Were they traveling to the USA at this time last week? 
  • I was reading al Qur'an when I met my teacher. 

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40 Contoh Kalimat Present Perfect Tense yang Bisa Dipelajari Siswa

contoh soal past perfect continuous tense essay dan jawabannya

JAKARTA, iNews.id - Contoh kalimat present perfect tense adalah salah satu materi yang biasa kita temukan di mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris . 

Present perfect tense merupakan bentuk kata kerja atau verb yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu aksi atau situasi yang telah dimulai pada masa lalu dan masih berlangsung hingga saat ini. 

25 Contoh Soal Present Perfect Tense untuk Latihan Grammar, Lengkap dengan Jawabannya

Baca Juga 25 Contoh Soal Present Perfect Tense untuk Latihan Grammar, Lengkap dengan Jawabannya

Menurut Nurjaman, dalam bukunya yang berjudul Joyful Learning Bahasa Inggris, kalimat present perfect tense biasanya menggunakan bentuk verb auxiliary verb bentuk ketiga, have atau has. 

Rumus Present Perfect Tense

Beberapa bentuk atau rumus present perfect tense yang perlu diketahui oleh siswa, Jumat (2/8/2024). 

10 Contoh Soal Present Continuous Tense, Lengkap dengan Rumus dan Jawabannya

Baca Juga 10 Contoh Soal Present Continuous Tense, Lengkap dengan Rumus dan Jawabannya

Kalimat Positif

Subject + have / has + past participle (V3)

Contoh Dialog Present Perfect Tense Berbagai Tema, Bisa Latihan Bersama Teman

Baca Juga Contoh Dialog Present Perfect Tense Berbagai Tema, Bisa Latihan Bersama Teman

Contoh: Utari has repeatedly sung this love song since yesterday

Kalimat Negatif

74 Contoh Kalimat Present Continuous Tense, Begini Cara Belajarnya

Baca Juga 74 Contoh Kalimat Present Continuous Tense, Begini Cara Belajarnya

Subject + have / has + not + past participle (V3)

Contoh: They have not told me about this story before

Contoh Kalimat Present Continuous Tense, Lengkap dengan Rumusnya

Baca Juga Contoh Kalimat Present Continuous Tense, Lengkap dengan Rumusnya

Kalimat Tanya/Interogatif

Have / has + subject + past participle (V3) + ?

Contoh: Have you called him twice?

Contoh Kalimat Present Perfect Tense Positif

1. I have finished my homework. (Saya telah menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumah saya)

2. She has traveled to many countries. (Dia telah mengunjungi banyak negara)

3. They have lived in this city for five years. (Mereka telah tinggal di kota ini selama lima tahun)

4. He has just arrived at the airport. (Dia baru saja tiba di bandara)

5. We have already eaten dinner. (Kami sudah makan malam)

6. The team has won the championship. (Tim tersebut telah memenangkan kejuaraan)

7. She has read that book before. (Dia pernah membaca buku itu sebelumnya)

8. I have seen that movie twice. (Saya sudah menonton film itu dua kali)

9. They have finished their project. (Mereka telah menyelesaikan proyek mereka)

10. He has bought a new car. (Dia telah membeli mobil baru)

11. My friends and I have worked hard this month. (Teman-teman saya dan saya telah bekerja keras bulan ini.)

12. You have forgotten your lunch box. (Anda lupa kotak makan siang Anda.)

13. A car has just stopped in front of me. (Sebuah mobil baru saja berhenti di depanku.)

14. You have told me about this story three times. (Anda telah memberi tahu saya tentang kisah ini tiga kali.)

15. This is the first time she has written a love letter. (Ini pertama kalinya dia menulis surat cinta.)

Contoh Kalimat Present Perfect Tense Negatif

1. I have not finished my homework yet. (Saya belum menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumah saya)

2. She has not traveled to many countries. (Dia belum mengunjungi banyak negara)

3. They have not lived in this city for long. (Mereka belum tinggal di kota ini lama)

4. He has not just arrived at the airport. (Dia tidak baru saja tiba di bandara)

5. We have not already eaten dinner. (Kami belum makan malam)

6. The team has not won the championship yet. (Tim tersebut belum memenangkan kejuaraan)

7. She has not read that book before. (Dia belum pernah membaca buku itu sebelumnya)

8. I have not seen that movie twice. (Saya belum menonton film itu dua kali)

9. They have not finished their project yet. (Mereka belum menyelesaikan proyek mereka)

10. He has not bought a new car. (Dia belum membeli mobil baru)

11. You have never forgotten your favorite bottle. (Anda tidak pernah melupakan botol favorit Anda.)

12. The car hasn’t stopped in front of the man. (Mobil belum berhenti di depan pria itu.)

13. You have never told me about your girlfriend. (Kamu tidak pernah bercerita tentang pacarmu.)

14. She hasn’t written any words yet. (Dia belum menulis sepatah kata pun.)

15. The weather hasn’t been warm lately. (Cuaca akhir-akhir ini tidak panas.)

Contoh Kalimat Present Perfect Tense Pertanyaan

1. Have you finished your homework? (Apakah kamu sudah menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumahmu?)

2. Has she traveled to many countries? (Apakah dia pernah mengunjungi banyak negara?)

3. How long have they lived in this city? (Berapa lama mereka tinggal di kota ini?)

4. Has he just arrived at the airport? (Apakah dia baru saja tiba di bandara?)

5. Have you already eaten dinner? (Apakah kamu sudah makan malam?)

6. Has the team won the championship? (Apakah tim tersebut memenangkan kejuaraan?)

7. Have you read that book before? (Apakah kamu pernah membaca buku itu sebelumnya?)

8. How many times have you seen that movie? (Berapa kali kamu sudah menonton film itu?)

9. Have they finished their project? (Apakah mereka sudah menyelesaikan proyek mereka?)

10. Has he bought a new car? (Apakah dia sudah membeli mobil baru?)

Demikian ulasan mengenai contoh kalimat present perfect tense. Semoga bermanfaat!

Editor : Komaruddin Bagja


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  17. Contoh Soal Past Perfect Continuous Tense dan Jawabannya

    2. C. Rumus bentuk positif dari past perfect continuous tense adalah S + Had + Verb.ing. Jika dalam kalimat tidak terdapat kata kerja utama, maka gunakan be + ing, maka menjadi being. 3. A. Jika kalian ingin mengubah kalimat positif menjadi negative, maka gunakan rumus S + Had not + Been + Verb.ing.

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  21. 25 Contoh Soal Past Continuous Tense Essay dan Jawabannya

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  22. Contoh Soal Essay Past Continuous Tense dan Jawabannya (Penjelasan)

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  23. 40 Contoh Kalimat Present Perfect Tense yang Bisa Dipelajari Siswa

    25 Contoh Soal Present Perfect Tense untuk Latihan Grammar, Lengkap dengan Jawabannya. ... 10 Contoh Soal Present Continuous Tense, Lengkap dengan Rumus dan Jawabannya. Kalimat Positif. Subject + have / has + past participle (V3) ... Subject + have / has + not + past participle (V3) Contoh: They have not told me about this story before.

  24. Contoh Soal Pilihan Ganda Past Perfect Tense dan Jawabannya (Penjelasan

    29. a. had. Karena dalam past perfect tense to be yang dipakai adalah had apapun subject yang dipakai. 30. c. read. Karena rumus yang berlaku di past perfect tense adalah s+had+V3+o/c. Demikianlah soal beserta penjelasan dari past perfect tense semoga dapat membantu anda yang memang sedang belajar tentang tenses ini.