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Awesome Experiments You Can Do at Home Part 1 | Science Max

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Awesome Experiments You Can Do at Home Part 1 | Science Max with tags science max, experiments, science, awesome experiments, home experiments, educational, science max experiments at large, science experiments, extreme science, science for everyone, interesting experiments, science education, learning from home, home school

Here are some great experiments that you can do with everyday household items!

Have you ever done a science experiment and wondered “What would this be like if it were HUGE?” Welcome to Science Max, the exciting series that turbocharges all the science experiments you’ve done at home.

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making a slime pool more experiments at home science max new compilation

Science Bob

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“Shocking” results from a Leyden jar experiment.

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A Leyden jar is able to store large amounts of static electricity. The more it is charged with static, the stronger the voltage becomes in the jar. In this clip, actor Marc Evan Jackson is really getting shocked by the Leyden jar, and his reaction is quite real. While the charge in this clip was harmless, a large leyden jar can hold enough of a charge to kill a person.

Ben Franklin would connect several Leyden jars to create a powerful shock. All of the leyden jars lined up reminded Franklin of of a battery of cannons side by side. Franklin would later be the first to call stored up electricity a “battery.”

Experiment yourself with electricity kits available HERE .

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5 Favorite Home Experiments with Science Bob and Mark Rober

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Guinness World Record – Bernoulli Toilet Paper Launchers!

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New Elephant Toothpaste World Record with Science Bob!

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On a recent episode of Live with Kelly & Mark. Science Bob walked away with his third Guinness World Record involving his favorite science demonstration; Elephant Toothpaste! This time the record was for the MOST simultanous elephant toothpaste eruptions. The record to beat was 200.

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Here’s a Behind-The-Scenes SLOMO video!

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Mark Rober & Science Bob Prank Jimmy Kimmel!

For instructions on the HOME VERSION of this experiment CLICK HERE !

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Video – Science Bob’s Film Canister Rocket Guinness World Record!

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Watch Science Bob attempt a new film canister rocket Guinness World Record.


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Film Canister Rocket Guinness World Record!




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Mark Rober’s World Record Elephants Toothpaste for Brodie!

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Watch the video! Anyone who saw Mark Rober’s epic Elephant Toothpaste video that broke the Guinness World Record for “Tallest Elephant Toothpaste Reaction” knows that despite its record-breaking reaction, there was also a CRITICAL OVERSITE in the way the base and the flask ultimately failed, sending the majority of the foam out the bottom instead of the top.

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Now we wondered what it would take to make it fully work. That means it was time to get back to the lab for Attempt #2! It took six months, over fifty people, and LOTS of testing to make this giant chemical reaction a success.

FIRST, What is Elephant’s Toothpaste… The classic Elephant’s Toothpaste Reaction requires 3 things:

  • Hydrogen Peroxide
  • A catalyst (often potassium Iodide or yeast)

THE CHEMISTRY Hydrogen peroxide is basically water ( H 2 O ) with an extra oxygen atom (making it H 2 O 2 ) But don’t be fooled into thinking it is close to water. Concentrated hydrogen peroxide can result in a strong chemical burn if it gets on your skin. To create the elephant’s toothpaste reaction a second chemical is added (know as a catalyst) which basically tears-apart the hydrogen peroxide into the water while releasing Oxygen gas inside the bubbles.

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This was a test of a special formula of Elephant’s toothpaste that was so powerful that it basically turned to steam before it could make foam.

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This video demonstrates just how finicky chemistry can be. With just a difference of 10ml of soap and everything else the same, you can get very different-looking reactions.

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This is the test we did for the Devil’s toothpaste box used outside the house. The new mixing device worked flawlessly.

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The giant Orbees were expanded in a HUGE tank of water and then added to the top of the pool of small Orbees using a custom release and tube system.


Building the steel flask

Now it’s YOUR turn – try out the elephant’s toothpaste experiment at home!

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Color the Spectrum Livestream Event with Mark Rober

Now that you’ve met Mark’s son, please consider sharing and donating to impact his life and so many others like him.

Mark will be joined by Jon Stewart, Conan O’Brien, Chris Rock, Adam Sandler, Stephen Colbert, John Oliver, Jack Black, Andy Samberg and a stellar collection of stars, YouTube creators, entertainers, comedians, musicians, athletes, (and me!) in a three-hour, interactive, livestreamed event as they raise money to support NEXT for AUTISM.

Livestream link (April 30th- MARK YOUR CALENDAR NOW!)-​

Learn more about the charity NEXT for Autism here-

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Building a Hovercraft – Video

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Ever want your very own hovercraft? It’s not that hard to make your own. Check out the video and then click HERE to get full instructions.

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Giant Volcano Experiment!

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Sometimes ya gotta go big. For this fun demo I created a volcano from foam and aluminum foil and used a PCV tube to mix up the chemical reaction in.

Need a home version of this experiment, click HERE .

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Giant Devil’s Toothpaste Experiment!

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Perhaps the only thing better than the classic elephant’s toothpaste experiment, is the elephant’s toothpaste experiment at an absolutely colossal scale! After a record breaking science experiment last year with YouTuber, and NASA engineer Mark Rober, we teamed-up once again along with engineers and fabricators to try for another World Record attempt while highlighting a very special young cancer survivor. Watch the full video here:


So much testing…. We knew we wanted the flow from the flask to be laminar, meaning it stays in a column of foam and does not break up into “confetti” when it leaves the flask – this was one of the biggest challenges from a chemistry stand point. (Breaking the world record by going confetti would have been much easier, but it does not look like the classic experiment.)

We conducted well over three dozen small scale tests to find the best chemical ratios, food coloring brands, chemical temperatures, flask designs, as well as testing whether tubes in the neck create a better stream or not, whether objects on the flask affect the flow, and other factors. After each test, Mark and the team would get on a call, review footage, and figure where to go next. Each attempt was tracked for every variable we could test and cataloged on an ever growing database.

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The Elephant’s Toothpaste Reaction requires 3 things:

THE CHEMISTRY Hydrogen peroxide is basically water ( H 2 O ) with and extra oxygen (making it H 2 O 2 ) But don’t be fooled into thinking it is close to water. Concentrated hydrogen peroxide can result in a strong chemical burn if it gets on your skin. To create the elephants toothpaste reaction a second chemical is added (know as a catalyst) which basically tears-apart the hydrogen peroxide into water while releasing Oxygen gas inside the bubbles.


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Above is what we considered to be an ideal small scale version of the experiment – we got height, good color, and it stayed laminar. The question was whether we could crank up the scale and keep everything looking good. Next up was the 5 foot version.

MEDIUM SCALE We ran the medium scale, 5 foot flask five times and quickly discovered our biggest enemy was, in fact, pressure…lots of pressure. It was all about pressure and flow to keep it laminar and keep the flask intact.

In this 5 foot test, the chemistry worked well, and we got the laminar flow down, but the foam created so much pressure it split apart the plastic connection points held together by screws.

Here the neck size caused the foam to go confetti.

Nailed it! LARGE SCALE We figured that we had enough information from our five footer to go ahead and ramp it up to the 10 foot version, heavily secured with Flex Tape, screws and straps. We were confident is was indestructible, and it turns out we underestimated chemistry.

GIGANTIC VERSION! After months of designing and testing, and hours of Skype calls, it was time to build the gigantic flask over 3 days on a walnut farm in Gridley California.

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The Devil’s Toothpaste demonstration was basically the elephant’s toothpaste demo on steroids. We discovered some unexpected chemistry that really bumped up the output and energy even more than the David Dobrick version of the experiment. The added reaction also came with added danger and we were constantly reminded just how much we need to respect the power of chemistry which is why we’re not sharing it publicly just yet. Oh sure, foam looks all fun and harmless…that’s what it wants you to think, but we saw another way-more powerful, (and beautiful) side of the soapy fluffiness.

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In the end, of course, this video was much more than a large scale science experiment, it was a chance to celebrate a strong and brave young man, as well as embrace the good and joy that comes when people collaborate and work hard to create something special for others.

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Elephant Toothpaste Experiments with Mark Rober!

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What you don’t see in the video, however, is the days of testing  that went on behind the scenes to pull these demonstrations off. It turns out that, at a large scale, Elephant Toothpaste can be a fickle demo; slight variations to the chemistry, and the reaction can increase, or decrease significantly. If you change the temperature of chemicals a bit, or mix the chemicals a little longer, it can be the difference between filling a pool, and, well, overflowing it.

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This was a test of the Elephant Toothpaste filled balloon. A piece of scrap wood with a needle on it acted as a spear. The result was beautiful.

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This carousel of foam was one of our experimental surprises. The foam was supposed to go higher, but we top-loaded the reaction with food color which diluted the peroxide. It is one of my favorite shots in the video. Here’s an extended clip.

SCALING UP We scaled up using a 5 gallon bucket, and then a kiddie pool with the hope of getting the foam to just reach the top of the pool and this first scaled up test was promising:

OVERFLOW! Why did our foam overflow the swimming pool? There are many variables in this experiment that ranged from the temperature of the chemicals, to the addition of water from food coloring, to the efficiency of the mixing of the yeast and water. We’re still not exactly sure what bumped up the amount of foam, but let’s face it, it was better to overflow the pool than have it come up short.

The Flask Army

CLEAN-UP One of the nice things about the reaction is that it breaks down into generally harmless,  bio-degradable components when the chemistry is correct. (Basically you end up with soapy water with small amounts of  either iodine or yeast in it) Cleaning the pool was simply a matter of hosing down the coloring and soap and disposing of what was left down the drain like you would after doing the smaller, home version.

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Hydrogen Balloon Explosions

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Creating an exploding hydrogen balloon chain reaction was one of the most challenging things I’ve done on Jimmy Kimmle Live. It failed many more times than it worked, but on the show, we got lucky!

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Liquid Nitrogen Hero’s Engine

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A Hero’s engine is an ancient device usually powered by steam. I decided to make one using the expanding power of liquid nitrogen to a gas. Since most engines do some sort of work, I decided it would be the perfect device to make some chocolate milk using an attached blender.

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The Film Canister Gatling Gun!

You can read more about the Gatling gun HERE .

Science Bob's Foam eruption on Jimmy Kimmel Live!

Elephant Toothpaste with Jimmy Kimmel

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Science Bob’s Tedx Talk – Chaos

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More Science on Jimmy Kimmel Live!

I had another exciting appearance filled with explosions, tornados, and, well, salad. Let’s break down some of the science.

First watch the video!

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TOILET PAPER TORNADO This easy-to-do demonstration allows you to have a visual representation of the centripital energy of the spinning blades and the opposing energy of the moving air created by the blades. This creates a simulated vortex of toilet paper. If you plan on trying this out, here are some tips:

  • Use cheap, lightweight toilet paper for the best results
  • If you use a smaller fan, you may have to trim the toilet paper lengthwise
  • Experiment with different lengths of toilet paper to get the best vortex.

If you make your own Toilet Paper Tornado, (and you should) be sure to tag it #toiletpapertornado in your social media posts so I can shout it out.

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EXPLODING HYDROGEN Many of you may have seen a sign in a hospital that reads, “NO SMOKING – OXYGEN IN USE” and would logically assume that oxygen is flammable. This demonstration showed two traits of oxygen; first, that oxygen is NOT flammable at all, and second, that oxygen can intensify any fire. (the reason for the hospital warning) The balloon filled with hydrogen and oxygen burned very fast and very loud. I could easily feel the shockwave of the the last balloon where I was, and many of the crew said they could as well. Incidentally, the explosive reaction of the hydrogen and oxygen likely produced some water (H2O) during the reaction.

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VACUUM CANNON The vacuum cannon is a simple concept: remove most of the air from a tube, and then use air rushing back in to propel any object in the tube. In our early tests with a ping pong ball, we were able to use a chronometer to clock the ping pong ball leaving the barrel at 845 feet per second – over 350 miles per hour! We were even able to blast the ping pong ball right THROUGH a ping pong paddle. Since we were able to move a ping pong ball faster than a “speeding bullet,” we thought it would be fun to see if we could actually get a model of Superman to faster than a speeding bullet. A model of Superman was sculpted by Jon Neal specifically for this demo and then cast in rigid foam. While it it never got through the brick wall, it certainly did quite a bit of damage to Superman.

Fine tuning the Salad Cannon on Jimmy Kimmel Live.

SALAD CANNON The salad cannon was an epic build that brought together several talented people to make it happen. The original idea was to build basic “potato” cannons, fill them with veggies, and trigger them all at once. My crew determined it might work even better if we used a piston-style system which creates a more intense release of air through the barrel. We also decided to build an ‘Electronic Menu” that would allow Jimmy to select the items he wanted in the salad and then trigger them on command. We used some commercially available chopping blades at the end of each cannon to slice the vegetable instantly as they exited the barrel. The only exception was the lettuce which got cut to the perfect size just from the force of the air blast. The array required lots of custom parts and electronics and it took over a week to build and test.

It was a lot of fun putting these demos together and working with the uber-talented team at JKL. Science onward!

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Explore the Science on Jimmy Kimmel Live!

Ready to learn more about the science seen on Jimmy Kimmel Live? Watch the segments below and then dig in and check out the science behind the demos!


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Below you can get the instructions and equipment list to make your own string thing. Play around and explore device and post a video telling me how you think it works. Be sure to put Science Bob in the video title so I can find it easily.



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The Venturi Effect Ping Pong Ball Blaster

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This was a lot of fun to develop. I was based on a design by Adam Savage, but his version was limited to the amount of ping pong balls in the tube. By adding a hopper I was able to shoot 600 ping pong balls in about 2 minutes.

The original design was a little…aggressive.

That prototype used the strongest bouncy castle blower I could find. It worked great but the balls traveled way to fast to be safely used on stage.

Stay tuned for more details and build photos!

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Science Bob’s SoFi Commercial

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This was a fun national commercial I got to shoot for a finance company. Since it involved wrecking balls, flame throwers, and high speed cameras, we had a lot of fun when the camera was not rolling.

Science Bob Sets a Science World Record – Largest Elephant’s Toothpaste!!

On a recent appearance on Live With Kelly & Ryan, Science Bob performed his messiest and biggest demonstration yet! In the process, he also established a new Guinness Book World Record! His demonstration was based on the classic Elephant’s Toothpaste demonstration which uses some decomposition chemistry to create a LOT of foam from a small amount of liquid.

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When it came to the record breaking version of the experiment, Science Bob scaled everything up, from the size of the container to the concentration of the chemicals. In all, over 40 liters of hydrogen peroxide and more than 8 liters of catalyst were used. In addition, Bob constructed a bucket tipping system so that the demonstration could be done without the change of getting him covered in foam.

Three adjudicators from the Guinness World Record offices were on hand to quickly jump in and began taking measurements of the foam as soon as the commercial break started. The record to beat was 5 cubic meters, and the final calculation for this demos was over 13 cubic meters!

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Tesla Coil Guns!


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To bring these Tesla Coil Guns to life on Jimmy Kimmel Live, I elicited the help of Steve Ward and Philip Slawinski who had previously built Tesla Coil guns for fun. While the guns were impressive, they were also too powerful to use indoor since they could possibly damage the electronics in the cameras and stage equipment which costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. To get around this problem we brought in engineers to design a custom grounding system for the studio. We also made custom grounding footwear out of snowboard bindings so that the units did not have to be grounded directly through the building.

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For fun, I wondered if the coils might be able to ignite balloons filled with explosive hydrogen. In a late night test session, it was discovered that they wonderfully exploded with just the microsecond spark of the guns.

While the arc from the gun would not likely kill someone if they were to get hit by a bolt, I can tell you it is certainly uncomfortable. In fact, it you were to hold the gun too close to your body, the arcs of electricity could turn and hit you.

I’m not sure Nikola Tesla would have ever imagined a Tesla coil gun, but I bet he would like it if he saw it.

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My Sci-Fi Themed Classroom!

What do you do when you’re an elementary school science teacher and you’re given a room with NO WINDOWS!? If your a bit of a geek and a maker like me, you turn the room into your very own STARSHIP CLASSROOM.



Sensor Array



The panels used numeric counters, LEDs, buttons and switched that I had, or sourced on eBay. The lighting effects were done using a modified Arduino controller to create the blinking and patterns. The video monitors were some hacked video panels that used to be part of a store display. I found these on eBay for about $8 each. I created the displays from some templates I found on-line, and then, for fun, modified them with some hidden easter-eggs of teachers names and school locations.




I should probably point out here that I do not own a laser cutter or CNC router – I am part of a wonderful community maker space that gives me access to an amazing amount of equipment and talent that I am lucky enough to utilize every day.



Command center

I then rewired and replaced many of the lights and completely reorganized the wires. For fun, I also added a sound unit which allowed me to add 8 computer-voice sound effects when various buttons were pushed.

New Console Wiring

If you’re thinking it would be cool to do this in your house or shop, go for it! I learned (and failed) a lot along the way and the internet is filled with wonderful resources to get you started. Keep exploring, keep making!

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Juggling in Lunar Gravity!

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This video shows what it would be like to juggle on the moon (without a space suit.) This was filmed aboard a plane that makes parabolic flights up and down. As the plane descends, it can simulate partial or complete weightlessness for about 20-30 seconds.

The moon’s gravity is about 1/6th of the earths gravity. That means things fall a lot slower. It also means if you wanted to learn how to juggle, the moon is the best place for sure!

Science Experiments, Experiment Videos, and Science Fair Ideas from Science Bob

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  • Nanogirl's Lab

Science Experiments & Videos

  • Nanogirl's Podcast
  • Nanogirl and The Imaginauts

From explosive science to awesome engineering, watch some of Nanogirl's favourite experiments!

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What are ocean currents?

Learn the science of ocean currents with Nanogirl marine biologist, Katey Fish.

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How to crush a steel drum using air pressure

Go behind the scenes of a Nanogirl Live! show to see how this amazing experiment works!

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Nanogirl's Witches' Brew Halloween Experiment

Double, double, toil and trouble—fire burn, and cauldron bubble. Experiment with our Nanogirl Witches’ Brew this Halloween!

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Make a harmonica

Try this simple experiment at home to make your own noisy harmonica using the science of vibration.

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Fireworks get their colour from different metals mixed in with the gunpowder, which burn brightly when ignited.

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How to engineer an Airzooka

Go behind the scenes of a Nanogirl Live! show to see how Nanogirl and Boris can turn an old rubbish bin into an Airzooka that sends smoke rings flying!

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How to make rocks and shells fizz

Did you know you can make rocks fizz and bubble? Try this easy experiment at home!

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How salty is the sea?

We know sea water is salty - with this easy experiment you can find out just how salty it is where you live!

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What is COVID-19?

COVID-19 explained, for kids!

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There are 100,000 miles of blood vessels in an adult human body. If you laid them end to end, they would stretch around the Equator twice.

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Make your own virus-fighting soap

Learn how to make your own, personalised soap to make hand washing fun!

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How does soap work?

Ever wondered how soap gets all those nasty germs off your hands when you wash them?

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What’s sand made of?

Use an experiment to find out what’s in sand with this easy experiment you can do at home or at the beach!

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Halloween Floating Eye Science Experiment

A spooky experiment to learn all about Bernoulli’s Principle with your children this Halloween!

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The Eiffel Tower in Paris is 15 cm taller in the summer than it is in the winter due to thermal expansion. It is engineered with special ‘expansion points’ to allow it to grow larger in the heat without damaging itself.

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Why do animals have different shaped ears?

Learn the science behind why different animals have different shaped ears, then design and make your own animal ears!

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Why do stars twinkle?

Do stars actually twinkle, or is it just an illusion? Find out with this easy experiment using a torch, a bowl of water, a pen and some tin foil.

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How to catch ice with string

Use the power of science to catch an ice cube using a piece of string.

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Make a balloon rocket

How fast must Santa's sleigh travel to deliver presents to every child in just one day? Practice measuring speed by making a balloon rocket!

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Why do boats float?

Nanogirl visited Fern on The Moe Show to reveal the science of why boats float.

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Make a ping pong ball fly

Wow your friends with this amazing feat of science - it’s easy when you know how!

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Make plastic from milk!

Did you know plastics can be made from lots of different things? Try this easy experiment at home to make your own plastic from milk!

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How to make a lemon battery

Nanogirl and Fern the Fairy make a lemon battery using science on The Moe Show.

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Make your own blubber

Have you ever wondered how some animals survive in the cold? Well for some, blubber is the answer! Why not try this experiment to see how blubber can protect you from the cold?

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Make a dinosaur fossil

Make your own pretend dinosaur fossils at home, all you need is some clay, plaster of paris and of course a dinosaur!

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Make your own buzzing bee!

Make this simple toy that really does sound like a buzzing bee.

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Make a mini windmill

Make and decorate your very own mini windmill.

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Make your own Hoop Glider

Learn how to make your own Hoop Glider and see how far it can fly!

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Make your own hydrophone

Learn how to make your own hydrophone to detect underwater sounds!

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How to make window wobblers

Follow this easy experiment to make your own wobbly window decorations.

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Make your own animal puzzle

Have you ever wondered which animal might be the smartest, and how we might measure intelligence? Make this memory game at home and see how your memory compares to your friends!

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How to make a spinning top

What makes a spinning top keep on spinning without falling over? Hint - it's the same type of force that keeps a spinning black hole turning too!

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How to make a volcano

Nanogirl and Fern the Fairy make a volcano using the power of baking soda and vinegar on The Moe Show.

Join us for more videos and fun over at Nanogirl’s Lab!

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Making Science Fun, Easy to Teach and Exciting to Learn!


Best YouTube Channels with Science Experiment for Kids

Best YouTube Channels with Science Experiments for Kids

Science experiments are fun and educational and there are many books filled with various experiments that you can do at home. And while the books and pictures are great, a lot more can be learned by watching the experiments being conducted. Because science is so visual, watching a video tutorial of an experiment being conducted is often much more helpful that just reading about the experiment.

Because of that, I put together a list of the best YouTube Channels that walk you through science experiments so you can follow along at home.

Best YouTube Channels with Science Experiments for Kids

Hoopla Kids Lab

This is a great channel that has been around for more than 2 year and contains 100+ experiment videos. The videos on the individual experiment are narrated making it easy to follow along to the instruction while doing the experiment at home. While the videos showing multiple experiments are great for watching and observing what happens.

Sick Science!

All of Steve Spangler’s YouTube channels are worth watching, but this is our favorite. The videos are short, catchy, educational and there are 500+ to choose from. The instructions are written on the screen and they aren’t narrated, so children who are able to read along will get the most benefit from watching them.

Doctor Mad Science

This channel shares simple science experiments, hosted by an 13 year old autistic boy named Jordan. My kids have fun watching experiments that are being conducted and explained by another child.

I’d like to think I’ve saved the best for last! You know I couldn’t create a list of the best Science YouTube Channels without mentioning Cool Science Experiment Headquarters. On the channel you will find simple experiments that you can do at home. You’ll see my kids and I conducting the experiment and the videos are narrated so you can easily follow along at home. I’d love for you to subscribe so you can join in the fun too!

Do you have a favorite YouTube Channel that shares experiments that isn’t on the list? Leave a comment and let me know so we can check it out too. Thanks!

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July 18, 2017 at 9:46 am



Home Science


Hope this help

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