
MATLAB Short Course

2. Simple Mathematics

Assignment statements.

The preceding MATLAB commands that assign the value of the expression after the ’=’ sign  to the variable before the ’=’ sign are assignment statements. Note that all variables in the expression after the ’=’ sign must have previously been allocated a value, or else an error occurs. For example, enter the following commands:


You will see the error message ??? Undefined function or variable ’b’ .  Consider the following:

The last line has nothing at all to do with a mathematical equation. It is a MATLAB  assignment statement that calculates x 2 −12 at x = 7 and stores the result in the variable x , thereby over-writing the previous value.



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Chapter 5: Commands


Commands will serve as tools that complete defined tasks within a MATLAB code. Often represented as puzzle pieces in introductory programming guides, commands enable the code to interact with the user, finish tasks in response to user inputs, or serve as a road map within the code. By piecing together commands with instructions a “map” will be created which enables the code to complete the user’s desired operation. This chapter will introduce several functions which will be prevalent within ME 160 and will drastically expand the number of applications for MATLAB.

The Display Command (disp)

The display command (typed “disp”) allows the user to instruct the program to display a message in the command window. The display command is an excellent way to give instructions or other information in the command window for the user of the code. This can include instructions about the code’s function that appear when the user runs the code, greetings for the user, error messages, or conclusions determined by the code.

The display command appears in the following format in MATLAB. To use the display command, type disp followed by a set of parentheses with single quotations inside of them. Everything else in the quotations will be displayed in the command window by the program.

disp (‘Message Here.’)

assignment command in matlab

The Input Command (input)

assignment command in matlab

The method of using the input command introduced is designed for inputs that are strictly numeric. There are many applications where the user would like to input a value that is not a number and instead is letters or words. Many programming languages refer to a series of characters that consist of letters as “strings”. MATLAB follows this convention and has modifications to the input command for string inputs. The example below shows that the input command can receive strings by modifying the end of the command with ‘s’ after a comma after the standard input prompt. Several examples in the MATLAB script shown below compares numeric and string inputs.

>> example = input(‘Prompt typed here’, ‘s’)

assignment command in matlab

The fprintf Command

The disp and input functions enable the user to display information and input information into the code. However, these functions will be insufficient if the user wants to output information that changes based on inputs or other values in a script. As an example, let’s say a code was written to find the square of user input. The code may use a display function to inform the user of the code’s function and an input function to prompt the user to input a value. However, since the output changes depending on the input, a display value is unable to update to show this calculated output. The function fprintf is designed to display the value assigned to a variable inside of a text output message. The format for the fprintf is as follows:

>>fprintf ('Text text text %f text text text %f text text text %f \n',x,y,z)

Place a “ %f ” in each location where the value assigned to a variable should be displayed amongst a fixed message. The values of each variable input by the user are listed at the end of the function in a list separated by commas. Note that the included example is with three variables that happen to be named x , y , and z , respectively. fprintf follows the same format as the example when different numbers of variables are present.

The following example demonstrates input , and fprintf functions used together to provide the user instructions, allow the user to input data, and to output the processed data in a text message.

a=input('insert a:   ');

b=input('insert b:   ');

fprintf('%f multiplied by %f is %f \n and \n %f divided by %f is %f \n', a,b,p,a,b,n)

When using fprintf, the %f placeholder in the text output is specific to numeric variables. This means that it can only output numeric values. Alternative placeholders exist for different types of outputs that the user desires. The most common alternative to %f that may be encountered is %s, which outputs a string variable. String variables, as introduced previously, are letters or phrases assigned to a variable. Using %s allows users to output specific words within the defined output message. This is shown in the following example. Alternative placeholders can be viewed within the fprintf documentation on the MathWorks webpage that allows customization of everything from the decimal length in output to scientific notation to integer outputs.

Common Placeholder in fprintf Usage
%f Fixed point output (Most commonly used placeholder)
%s Outputs a series of characters or a string
%i Outputs an integer
%e or %E Scientific notation with “e” displayed as a lowercase or uppercase, respectively
%g Fixed point output (like %f) without trailing zeros.

Modification of the %f operator can allow the user to control the precision of the output number. By default, the output number will include a large series of zeros at the end, which can be visually distracting and incorrect if that level of precision is not actually known.

assignment command in matlab

MATLAB has functions developed to round integers or array values within a code. The following functions are useful for rounding with standard rounding conventions, rounding to the floor, and rounding to the ceiling. These functions operate by modifying a variable and creating a new rounded variable. The following example shows how to round some variable a conventionally, to the floor, and to the ceiling and create a variable, b.

b = round(a)

b = floor(a)

b = ceiling(a)

if Statements

if statements enable you to write code that will only be executed if predetermined conditions are met. A real-world comparison can be made with shopping. When you go shopping you only will purchase an item if it below a certain price. In other words, IF the item is below a price, you will buy it. Otherwise, you will not buy it and proceed to get something else. This example demonstrates the general format of an If statement.

If condition is true

    first result occurs

Else second result occurs

When applied to the shopping example:

If orange juice is below a specified price

    Purchase orange juice

Else purchase milk.

In this example, if the initial condition is true, then the first result will occur. When the initial condition is false, then the code will skip over instructions nested under the “if” statement and will execute instructions nested under the “else” statement. The “end” denotes the end of the if statement. Every “if” statement you write must have an “end” command.

When more than two options are required for a code the “if” and “else” structure can be modified to also include “elseif” options. “elseif” functions as an additional option that can be executed after the “if” and before the “else”, which is always the last option. The user can have as many “elseif” elements within an if statement as required. An example expanding on the grocery example using multiple “elseif” elements is shown below.

If orange juice costs less than 1 dollar

    Purchase 3 cartons of orange juice

Elseif Orange juice costs between 1 dollar and 1.50 dollars

    Purchase 2 carton of orange juice

Elseif orange juice costs between 1.50 and 2 dollars

    Purchase one carton of orange juice

Switch Statements

When coding in MATLAB, you will encounter situations where you want to execute a command when specific conditions are true. For example, if a code is to repeat an operation a, it would use the conditional statement known as a for loop. The structure of a for loop is provided below. This example runs the code included under the for line repeatedly for x = 1 through x = n. After the code is ran for n iterations the code goes after the end line and runs the remainder of the code.

for x = 1:n

    Task here. This could be a mathematical operation, for example.

The following is an example of a for loop that is being used to sum all prime numbers between 1 and 1000. This code includes the use of the “isprime” function, which checks if the input (in this case k is prime). The for loop cycles every number between 1 and 999 through the isprime function, which will proceed to add together only the numbers that are prime. The isprime function will not be included in the scope of ME 160, but I am including it as a supplementary piece of information which may benefit you as you write codes.

Notice how the code starts with a variable called “total” which initially is assigned the value of zero. As the for loop runs over and over the value for total is over written by the value of total in the previous iteration summed with any new prime number that is found in the current iteration.

Another example of a for loop is included below. This code uses a series of integers that are stored in an array named m. The dimension of the matrix is determined by using the “size” command. This creates another array that lists the number of rows and columns, respectively in a matrix or array. The second value in this size array is pulled out, informing us of the number of columns (and quantity of numbers) present. The objective of the code is to sort through the array and decrease all odd numbers by one so that every value ends up being positive. Two images are included, one with just the MATLAB script and another with comments added walking through the code.

Include section on nesting for loops and show pseudo code and real code examples of this. Show 3d plot using this.

The next example shows two for loops that are nested within each other. This means that for every time the outer for loop runs once, the inner loop runs its entirety of iterations. This example is used to populate values within a 2-dimensional matrix.

While Loops

As you learn more commands in the MATLAB language, you will find that loops are a powerful tool to ensure your code runs under the correct parameters. In addition to for loops, MATLAB contains the while loop, which operates similarly to the for loop. When coding with the while loop, the user defines a parameter that must be true for code nested inside the while loop to run. Within ME 160, while loops will be used often to add a way to rerun or end your code. An example of a rerun option using a while loop is listed below.

While loops are frequently used in conjunction with a for loop as a way to control how long the for loop runs. For example, in optimization problems a for loop may be used to attempt to find a minimum value in a quadratic function using a line search method where values are checked until the slope of the function equals zero. A for loop can search every value within a desired range of the function. A while loop placed outside the for loop can be used so once the minimum point with zero slope is found, a variable is changed which stops the while loop, and the for loop within, from running.

Create a code which can prompt the user to input the year they graduated from high school, calculate the year that they would receive a bachelor’s degree (assuming a four-year program), and display that year for the user. Use input and fprintf functions to complete the script.

A company wants to know how much it costs to pay an employee each year. If the employee receives some raise each year they work, create a calculator which will determine the pay the employee receives for each of 5 years and in total. Allow the user to input the worker’s initial pay and how many hours they initially work. Assume the worker works 40 hours per week for 52 weeks a year.

Examples in previous chapters have created codes which can calculate the hypotenuse of a right triangle using the Pythagorean Theorem. These codes had to be written to accommodate each triangle and was not practical. Create an improved Pythagorean Theorem calculator which:Informs the user what the code does using a display command.

Prompts the user to input the length of both short legs of a triangle using an input function.

Displays the length of the hypotenuse using a fprintf command.

The following equation converts between degrees Fahrenheit (°F) and degrees Celsius (°C):


Create a MATLAB code which converts temperatures in Fahrenheit to Celsius. Use a display function, input function, and fprintf function to create the code. Test the code with any temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.

When solving various engineering problems, it is useful to easily convert from various units. Create a code which can convert seconds to hours and days. For example, 3600 seconds should equal 1 hour and 1/24th of a day. Use an input function and at least one fprintf function to complete this code.

Modify the script written in problem 1 such that the user is asked if they would like to run the code again. Either repeat the code or end the code with a loop depending on the user’s selection.

Create a code which enables the user to determine the density of a specific volume of a material. Have at minimum the following components:

The ability to select between aluminum or 1020 steel, with respective densities of 2.7g/cm^3 and 7.87 g/cm^3.

Have the user input the volume of the object. Ensure they are informed of the units they are expected to use.

Objects fall at different rates on the Earth and the moon as a result of their gravitational attraction having different magnitudes. Create a code that calculates how much longer it takes an object to fall from an input height on the moon than the Earth. The gravitational acceleration of Earth is 9.8 m/s^2 and 1.62 m/s^2 on the moon. The following kinematic equation will prove useful to write the request.


A Guide to MATLAB for ME 160 Copyright © 2022 by Austin Bray and Reza Montazami is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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  • Yossi Farjoun


  • Mathematics

As Taught In

  • Programming Languages
  • Computational Modeling and Simulation
  • Applied Mathematics

Learning Resource Types

Introduction to matlab programming, unit 1 the basics.

Exercise 1 (PDF)

Exercise 2 (PDF)

Exercise 3 (PDF)

Unit 2 Root-Finding

Exercise 4 (PDF)

Exercise 5 (PDF)

Exercise 6 (PDF)

Exercise 7 (PDF)

Exercise 8 (PDF)

Exercise 9 (PDF)

Unit 3 Basic Plotting

Exercise 10 (PDF)

Exercise 11 (PDF)

Unit 4 Vectorization

Exercise 12 (PDF)

Exercise 13 (PDF)

Exercise 14 (PDF)

Exercise 15 (PDF)

Unit 5 Fractals and Chaos

Exercise 16 (PDF)

Exercise 17 (PDF)

Exercise 18 (PDF)

Exercise 19 (PDF)

Unit 6 Debugging

Unit 7 conway game of life.

Exercise 20 (PDF)

Exercise 21 (PDF)


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Class: matlab.mixin.indexing.RedefinesDot Namespace: matlab.mixin.indexing

Object assignments with combined parentheses and dot indexing

Since R2022b

updatedObj = parenDotAssign(obj,indexOp,varargin)


updatedObj = parenDotAssign( obj , indexOp , varargin ) handles assignment operations that begin with built-in parentheses indexing immediately followed by customized dot indexing. Examples include:

obj(idx).prop = val

obj(idx).(field) = val

[obj(idx).prop] = val

[obj(idx).(field)] = val

This method handles assignments that are combinations of parentheses and dot indexing for classes that inherit from matlab.mixin.indexing.RedefinesDot but do not inherit from matlab.mixin.indexing.RedefinesParen . The indexOp object contains the indexing operations and the indices of the values being changed. varargin is a cell array of values to be assigned to those indexed locations. The method returns the updated object.

Input Arguments

Obj — object that implements customized dot indexing object.

Object that implements customized dot indexing by inheriting from matlab.mixin.indexing.RedefinesDot .

indexOp — Types of indexing operations and indices referenced array of IndexingOperation objects

Types of indexing operations and indices referenced, specified as an array of IndexingOperation objects.

varargin — Values to be assigned in indexing operation cell array

Values to be assigned in the indexing operation, specified as a cell array. For example, in the assignment operation obj(idx).prop = B , the value of varargin is {B} .

Output Arguments

Updatedobj — updated object after assignment operation object.

Updated object after assignment operation.

To learn about attributes of methods, see Method Attributes .

Version History

Introduced in R2022b

matlab.mixin.indexing.RedefinesDot | parenDotListLength | dotAssign

  • Customize Parentheses Indexing for Mapping Class

MATLAB Command

You clicked a link that corresponds to this MATLAB command:

Run the command by entering it in the MATLAB Command Window. Web browsers do not support MATLAB commands.

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Introduction to MATLAB

Welcome to the MATLAB component of Math 18! If you are reading this, you have probably successfully logged in to a PC; if not, go here for instruction on how to do that. You now need to run both MATLAB and a word processor—we'll assume you're using Microsoft Word or google docs. Instructions for that are here .

In the header of your document, be sure to include your name, lecture code (e.g., Math 18 A00) & your PID .

As you complete a lab assignment, you should read along, enter all the commands listed in the tutorials, and work through the Examples . However, in your Word/google document, you need only include your responses to the Exercises . Each response should clearly indicate which exercise it answers. The exercises will require different kinds of responses; the type of answer we are looking for will be marked by some combination of the icons described below.

Icon Item Comments
Commands entered in MATLAB & resulting output You should copy relevant input and output from MATLAB and paste it into your document. You need only include commands that worked. Screenshots are always ok!
Plots & graphs Include all graphs generated in an exercise unless the problem specifically tells you which/how many to include. Screenshots are always ok!
Full sentence response Answer questions with at least one or two complete sentences. Even if you're stuck, write down any reasoning or ideas you've had.
Requires manual work Do scratch work without using MATLAB. Record this work in your Word document, either by typing it or scanning it.

It is good practice to save your work as you go, in case of computer crash, power outage, etc.

We encourage you to talk to your fellow students while you work through the assignments. If you're stuck, try introducing yourself to your neighbor. Feel free to discuss responses to difficult exercises. However, in the end, you must submit your own work written in your own words!

Identical responses will be penalized at the grader's discretion!

Finally, there is one last important thing you should be aware of: the MATLAB quiz. It will take place in Week 10. Information about the quiz is available on the main page .

Include full-sentence response.

  • What is the date of your MATLAB quiz? What day of the week is that?
  • When is each homework due? What day of the week is that?
  • What time is your MATLAB quiz?
  • Where is your MATLAB quiz?
  • When does registration for an alternative time close? If you miss the deadline, will you be able to sign up for an alternative time if there are still spots available at that time?
  • If you miss the quiz for any reason other than an emergency, will you be able to make it up?
  • At the top of this page, make sure to include your name, your TA's name, and your section number and time.

First Steps

Our goal in this first lab is to get acquainted with MATLAB and learn how it handles matrices. After you've run MATLAB, it should be sitting there with a prompt:

When working through examples or exercises, you should omit the prompt ( >> ) and just type the commands that follow it (which are displayed like this ). When you are given commands in either examples or exercises, instead of typing them into MATLAB yourself, you may want to consider copying the text from the webpage and pasting it into MATLAB next to the prompt. This can help avoid inadvertent errors.

Basic Operations

We can use MATLAB to do simple addition ( + ), subtraction ( - ), multiplication ( * ), division ( / ), and exponentiation ( ^ ).

Let's use MATLAB to calculate 100 3 ⁄ 2 + (2·8 - 50) ⁄ 2 . We enter this as

and press the Return key. MATLAB responds

Notice the use of parentheses! MATLAB respects the usual order of operations. Namely, if no parentheses are used, then exponentiation is done first, then multiplication & division (from left to right), and finally addition & subtraction. If you're ever in doubt about how something will be evaluated, use parentheses .

Strictly speaking, we don't have to put spaces between the numbers and the symbols, but they help make our code more readable.

By far the most common source of errors in this course will be data entry errors—that is, errors made by typing commands or data incorrectly. Make sure you understand how MATLAB works with the order of operations, and use parentheses as needed to designate the correct order of operations. This will save you a lot of trouble down the road.

Naming Variables

MATLAB allows us to use letters (or more generally, a letter followed by any string of letters, numbers, and underscores) to assign names to variables. This allows us to easily reuse past results.

Suppose we'd like to assign the value 5 to the variable x . In MATLAB, we type

Unless we later redefine x , MATLAB will replace x with 5 every time x appears in a calculation. Let's define a few more variables by their place in the alphabet:

Notice that when you run this code, you don't get any output. The semicolons here after each command tell MATLAB to suppress output.

You can also assign names that are longer than a single letter, like so:

Using the variables we just defined, we can do some calculations and assign names to the results. >> leapyear = DaysPerYear + 1 leapyear = 366 >> linearalgebra = l+i+n+e+a+r+a+l+g+e+b+r+a linearalgebra = 105

Include input and output.

Define each letter of your first and last names to be the number corresponding to its place in the alphabet. Then set your name, without any spaces, equal to the sum of the letters.

Hints & Tips

MATLAB has a number of time-saving features that are worth learning now.

The semicolon. We've mentioned this already, but it's important enough to highlight again. You'll notice while working with MATLAB that some commands will generate extremely long output. For example, try typing the following:

On the other hand, if we enter the following: (notice the semicolon!)

there is no output. MATLAB has carried out the command, but the semicolon tells it not to print the result. If at some point later on, we'd like to see the output, we can do so by typing

For this course, we will usually include the semicolon in the example code if the output is excessively long or if the output is routine (for example, if we are just assigning a name to a constant and we already know what the output is going to be). Except in these two cases, you need to include any outputs related to the exercises.

Shift+Enter. We haven't had any need to do this so far, but it will be useful later to be able to run multiple inputs all at once, without typing out and running each line in sequence. You can jump to a new line without running your code by typing Shift+Return or Shift+Enter.

The up-arrow key. Bring up the main MATLAB window and try pushing the up-arrow key on the keyboard once. Then push it a few more times. Notice that this is bringing your previously-entered commands back onto the command line. You can also use the left and right arrow keys to position the cursor in a command in order to edit it. This is a great way to correct a command that had an error in it.

Suppose we want to evaluate the expression

Enter the command

You will get an error message. (or the code will autocorrect this). If you get the error use the up-arrow to bring this line back, and then use the left and right arrow keys to correct the error(s). Include the wrong command, the error message (or autocorrect), and your fix/(autocorrected version) in your homework. [Hint: Multiplication and parentheses are good things to check.]

Computer Algebra

One of the most useful features of MATLAB is its ability to do what is known as symbolic manipulation , which includes things like solving an equation for a particular variable. But first, we must declare what variables we are going to be using. Do this by the syms command:

Note that you will receive an error message if you failed to first input syms x y as above. If we wanted to expand the cubic here, we could now type

Conversely, you could start with this last expression and factor it:

MATLAB also does differentiation and integration with diff and int . To take the derivative of, say, sin(x) , type in:

MATLAB also allows us to differentiate functions of more than one variable. Let us use MATLAB to differentiate sin(x + 3y) :

Note that MATLAB takes the derivative with respect to x and not y ; by default, it will choose whichever symbol is closest to the letter X in the alphabet. If we wanted to take the derivative with respect to y instead, we would type

Compute the derivative of log(sin(t)+2*s) with respect to t . Next, differentiate the same function with respect to s instead. Include the input and output in your Word document.

We will not be using these particular tools for the rest of the Math 18 MATLAB course, but they might be useful to you in other settings.

MATLAB's Built-in Help

While these labs are written to be as self-contained as possible, you may find that you've forgotten what a MATLAB command does, or you may wonder what else MATLAB can do. Fortunately, MATLAB has an extensive built-in help system. If you ever get stuck or need more info, one excellent way to get help in MATLAB is by entering

This command will take you to MATLAB's searchable documentation, where you can learn how to use all the built-in MATLAB commands by reading their help files. This is a particularly good resource when you know what you want to do but don't know which commands to use. For example, if you want to integrate something but don't know how, a search for "integral" will suggest both integral and int .

Compute arcsin(4) using MATLAB. Include the outputs in MATLAB. [Hint: Start by looking at help sin , or perhaps doc arcsine .]

If you are ever looking to get help with more general math topics, Wikipedia is an excellent resource.

Matrices in MATLAB

If we want to do any linear algebra with MATLAB, we first have to learn how to construct a matrix (or vector) in the program. To do so, we use the square brackets, [ and ] . The left bracket [ tells MATLAB that we are starting a matrix, and the right bracket ] tells MATLAB that we are finished. The entries of the matrix are entered in rows from left to right. To separate the entries in a row, we can use either a space or a comma ( , ). To mark the end of a row, use a semicolon ( ; ). (This is not the same as using the semicolon to suppress output.)

So, to construct the following matrix in MATLAB,

we have two possibilities:

Both will yield the desired matrix:

Input the following matrix into MATLAB:

Include your commands and outputs in MATLAB.

Matrix Operations and Manipulation

We often wish to take a matrix that we have defined and have MATLAB tell us information about it. For example, maybe we want to know what number is in the third row and fourth column, or maybe we want to view the whole fifth row. These tasks are done with regular parentheses, ( and ) .

To see the (1, 2) entry of the matrix A above (that is, the entry in the first row and second column), we use the command

We can also use the colon : to mean "all," as in the command

which will give us the entire second row of the matrix A . The colon can also be used to represent a range of rows or columns: the command

will give us the entries of Fibonacci from the second through fourth rows in the first column.

Using the commands introduced above, construct a new matrix with whatever name you like from Fibonacci that consists of the elements in the last two rows and the middle two columns of Fibonacci . (The result should therefore be a 2×2 matrix.) Be sure to include the command you used and the resultant output in your Word document.

Two matrices A and B can be added together or subtracted from each other only if they are the same size. If they are not, MATLAB will respond with an error.

Random Matrices

From time to time, you will want to work with matrices whose elements are random. However, when you need a random matrix, it's not good enough to just make a matrix with numbers that pop up in your head—humans are notoriously bad at generating randomness. In fact it's also difficult for computers to create truly random numbers, but MATLAB includes algorithms that generate "pseudorandom" numbers. These are close enough to being truly random for many purposes.

We will generate random matrices with the rand() command. Notice the parentheses here; when a command requires some type of input (an argument ), that argument must be put in parentheses. In this case, the argument for rand() indicates the size of the matrix that MATLAB should create. Hence, typing

will tell MATLAB to create a random n × n matrix whose entries are decimal values between 0 and 1. If we type

we will see something like the following (but with different numbers):

Create two random 5×5 matrices named A and B . Do you expect A + B and B + A to be equal? Compute those two sums using MATLAB. Are they in fact the same?

This tutorial was overhauled in Fall 2016. In order to continue improving this lab, we need some (required!) feedback from you, the student.

Please answer the following questions on a separate page at the end of your assignment.

  • How long did this assignment take you to complete?
  • Have you had a course besides Math 18 that used MATLAB? If yes, which course?
  • Did you encounter any errors or potential errors while working through this lab?
  • Were there any typos or unclear statements? Please tell us where.
  • Do you have anything else you'd like to say about the lab?

Please be as specific as possible. If you have any suggestions to submit at a later time, you can also email the head MATLAB TA at [email protected] .

Conclusion: Submitting Labs

That's about it for Lab 1! At this point, your document should be ready to submit. In order to submit your document, you need to be enrolled in this course at Gradescope . This should happen automatically during the first week. However, if at the end of week 1 you do not yet have access to your class's MATLAB Gradescope page, you should contact your regular discussion section TA and explain the situation. Give them your name, UCSD email address, and PID, and they'll be able to add you to the course manually.

Please note that when submitting HWs on gradescope, you're required to assign correct pages to your problems. i.e. after you upload your pdf Gradescope will ask you to assign problems to specific pages of the pdf. If your solution to a problem consists of a few pages, you should include all of them. This will greatly help the graders find your work. Otherwise they have to scroll up and down to look for your answers and this is a lot of work since there are usually hundreds of HWs to grade. We should warn you that a few points will be deducted if you don't assign the pages correctly. (note: this happens after submiting the pdf)

To do so, you'll need to set up an account there and then click "Enroll in Course." You'll be asked for an entry code; find the one that matches your class in the table below. When you enroll manually, make sure to include your entire student ID (including the "A") and use your UCSD email address.

A 10 am Ying 92J4G9
B 12 pm Eggers MR2EWM
C 1 pm Kemp 9PB4X9
D 4 pm Xin M6NYGM

To turn in your work, your document needs to be in PDF format. If you're using Word/ google doc, once you've saved your document, you can print it as a PDF or export it in the File ❯ Export menu; alternatively, you can go to File ❯ Save As and choose "PDF" in the drop-down menu near the bottom. Once you've done this, open the Math 18 MATLAB course on Gradescope, find Assignment 1, and submit your PDF for this assignment.

After you have saved and uploaded your lab document, remember to log out of your PC .

A few final comments and warnings:

  • TAs are available for help during lab time, not via email the night before the assignment is due.
  • No emailing labs to TAs.

The future labs will contain most of the applications of linear algebra to be found in Math 18. These problems can take a little while to work out. Be warned that future labs will be longer than this one! Don't wait until the last minute to start.

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How to issue and execute commands in the Command Window of another MATLAB instance


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  • Open a first instance of MATLAB in the usual way from the Window desktop
  • From the first instance of MATLAB open a second instance of MATLAB (ideally without another user interface opening up)
  • From the first instance of MATLAB tell the second instance of MATLAB to run a .m file
  • Run some code on the first instance of MATLAB
  • From the first instance of MATLAB tell the second instance of MATLABt to run another .m file
  • From the first instance of MATLAB close the second instance of MATLAB e.g. run the quit command

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How to do multiple assignment of vectors in MATLAB?

Please I want a help from you . I have 3 vectors with values x=[2,4] y=[5,6] z=[2,1] I want to say that [u,v,c]=[x,y,z] and I want to use (obligatory) this formula : [u,v,c]=??? I can say for example : a=[x,y,z] but this is not allowed for our assignment . I tried many time but Matlab said (too many arguments). please help me.

Tobias's user avatar

  • 1 what is [u,v,w] - does this mean that u=x , v=y , or that each of u , v , w should become [x,y,z] ? –  Jonas Commented Nov 15, 2012 at 21:13
  • You can use [u,v,d] = deal(a,b,c); . –  H.Muster Commented Nov 15, 2012 at 21:15
  • 1 Possible duplicate "How do I do multiple assignment in MATLAB?" . –  Tobias Commented Nov 15, 2012 at 21:28
  • 1 @Tobold That question deals with scalars. The answer doesn't work for vectors. –  Tim Commented Nov 15, 2012 at 21:39
  • Thanks ,every thing is good now –  Ibrahim Ghalawinji Commented Nov 16, 2012 at 2:27

Use deal , which matches up input and output lists:

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assignment command in matlab


  1. PPT

    assignment command in matlab

  2. MATLAB Basic Commands and How to use them, explained with Examples

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  6. Basic commands in Matlab : Skill-Lync

    assignment command in matlab


  1. MATLAB Operators and Special Characters

    Uses: Cell array assignment and contents. Description: Use curly braces to construct a cell array, or to access the contents of a particular cell in a ... Run the command by entering it in the MATLAB Command Window. Web browsers do not support MATLAB commands.

  2. Assign value to variable in specified workspace

    To assign values in the MATLAB base workspace, use 'base'. The base workspace stores variables that you create at the MATLAB command prompt, including any variables that scripts create, assuming that you run the script from the command line or from the Editor. To assign variables in the workspace of the caller function, use 'caller'. The caller ...

  3. Comma-Separated Lists

    You can assign any or all consecutive elements of a comma-separated list to variables with a simple assignment statement. Define the cell ... You clicked a link that corresponds to this MATLAB command: Run the command by entering it in the MATLAB Command Window.

  4. How do I do multiple assignment in MATLAB?

    So the following works as expected: > [x,y] = deal(88,12) x = 88. y = 12. The syntax c{:} transforms a cell array in a list, and a list is a comma separated values, like in function arguments. Meaning that you can use the c{:} syntax as argument to other functions than deal. To see that, try the following:

  5. Assignment vs Equality

    In Matlab, the statement shown above is called an assignment statement. It is not an equation as you might be familiar with from your math classes. Assignment statements are used to store the results of calculations. Use an assignment whenever you need to calculate a value that will be used in a later command or operation.

  6. MATLAB: Assignment statements

    Undefined function or variable 'b'. Consider the following: clear all. x=7. x=x^2-12. The last line has nothing at all to do with a mathematical equation. It is a MATLAB assignment statement that calculates x 2 −12 at x = 7 and stores the result in the variable x, thereby over-writing the previous value.

  7. 1.6: Variables and Assignment Statements

    MATLAB responds with the variable name and the computed value. There are a few rules when assigning variables a value. In every assignment statement, the left side has to be a legal variable name. The right side can be any expression, including function calls. Almost any sequence of lower- and uppercase letters is a legal variable name.

  8. assignin (MATLAB Function Reference)

    Assign value to variable in workspace. Syntax. assignin(ws,'name',v) Description. assignin(ws,'name',v) assigns the variable 'name' in the workspace ws the value v. 'name' is created if it doesn't exist.ws can be either 'caller' or 'base'.. Examples. Here's a function that creates a variable with a user-chosen name in the base workspace.

  9. Assign value to structure array field

    Assign a value to S.a.b.d using the setfield function. When you specify a comma-separated list of nested structure names, include the structure names at every level between the top and the field name you specify. In this case, the comma-separated list of structure names is 'a','b' and the field name is 'd'.

  10. Lab 8A. Commands

    You can execute commands by entering them in the command window after the MATLAB prompt (>>) and pressing the Enter key. TASK. Try multiplying the numbers 3 and 5 together with the command 3*5. SOLUTION. ... in MATLAB is the assignment operator, meaning that the expression on the right of the equals sign is assigned to the variable on the left ...

  11. Chapter 5: Commands

    The Input Command (input) The input function, typed input, operates as a way for the user to assign a value to a variable. With the input command, the user can have MATLAB provide a prompt in the command window. The user is then able to respond to the prompt by entering in their input directly after the prompt in the command window.

  12. Exercises

    Command Prompt and Expressions Lists, Vectors, and Matrices Variables Root-Finding ... Introduction To MATLAB Programming. Menu. More Info Syllabus The Basics ... assignment_turned_in Programming Assignments with Examples. Download Course.

  13. Assign value to column in matlab

    A(1:4, 3, 3:9) = B(5:8, 1:7) is valid because both sides of the equation (ignoring the one scalar subscript 3) use a 4-element subscript followed by a 7-element subscript. When you look at your example, it follows the last point in the above: although you are assigning to X(:,2) which is a 2x1 column vector, and the right hand side is a 1x2 row ...

  14. Object assignments with combined parentheses and dot indexing

    This method handles assignments that are combinations of parentheses and dot indexing for classes that inherit from matlab.mixin.indexing.RedefinesDot but do not inherit from matlab.mixin.indexing.RedefinesParen.The indexOp object contains the indexing operations and the indices of the values being changed.varargin is a cell array of values to be assigned to those indexed locations.

  15. Cell array

    C =. 0x0 empty cell array. To create a cell array with a specified size, use the cell function, described below. You can use cell to preallocate a cell array to which you assign data later. cell also converts certain types of Java ®, .NET, and Python ® data structures to cell arrays of equivalent MATLAB ® objects.

  16. 1 ︱ Introduction to MATLAB

    As you complete a lab assignment, you should read along, enter all the commands listed in the tutorials, and work through the Examples. However, ... you may find that you've forgotten what a MATLAB command does, or you may wonder what else MATLAB can do. Fortunately, MATLAB has an extensive built-in help system. If you ever get stuck or need ...

  17. Matlab multiple variable assignments

    4. Matlab's output arguments are interesting this way. A function can have a variable number of outputs depending on how many the 'user' asked for. When you write. [m,n] = size([0 0]); you are requesting two output arguments. Inside the function itself this would correspond to the variable nargout equal to 2. But when you write.

  18. How to issue and execute commands in the Command Window of another

    From the first instance of MATLAB tell the second instance of MATLAB to run a .m file; Run some code on the first instance of MATLAB ; From the first instance of MATLAB tell the second instance of MATLABt to run another .m file; From the first instance of MATLAB close the second instance of MATLAB e.g. run the quit command

  19. Basic Matrix Operations

    If you don't assign a variable to store the result of an operation, the result is stored in a temporary variable called ans. sqrt(-1) ans = 0.0000 + 1.0000i ... Run the command by entering it in the MATLAB Command Window. Web browsers do not support MATLAB commands.

  20. variable assignment

    I created this very useful bit of code to assign variables dynamically from a struct : function getParam(param) % this function extracts the fields of structure param and assigns them % to variabl...

  21. 638 ASB Command Sergeant Major Vacancy

    CLOSING DATE: 31August2024 (1600hrs) PROJECTED BOARD DATE: 7Sep2024 Applications are being accepted for the following position: Unit: 638th ASB Duty Title: Command Sergeant Major Grade: E-9/CSM MOS: 15Z Associated CMFs (If applicable): Vacancies Authorized: 1 Female Assignment Eligibility: Yes Projected Entry Date: 1October2024 SOLDIER MUST MEET THE REQUIREMENTS LISTED BELOW TO APPLY: Military ...

  22. Declare function name, inputs, and outputs

    In a function file which contains only function definitions. The name of the file must match the name of the first function in the file. In a script file which contains commands and function definitions. Functions must be at the end of the file. Script files cannot have the same name as a function in the file.

  23. function

    I can say for example : a=[x,y,z] but this is not allowed for our assignment . I tried many time but Matlab said (too many arguments). please help me. function; matlab; vector; arguments; formula; Share. Improve this question. Follow ... Assign multiple function outputs to a vector using indexing in MATLAB. 0. Add the same value to multiple ...

  24. Error with find Function in MATLAB: "Incorrect number or types of

    If you have a function with optimization variables as input and there are operations/functions within this function that cannot be applied to optimization variables (like "find" in the case posted), you have to use "fcn2optimexpr". I think @Walter Roberson gave you a link where the possible operations on optimization variables (without using "fcn2optimexpr") are listed.