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Osmosis Experiment: Dissolving Egg Shells With Vinegar

How does osmosis keep you healthy.

Right now, as you read this, there are millions of things happening throughout your body. The food you ate just a bit ago is making its way through a watery slurry inside your stomach and small intestines. Your kidneys are working hard to excrete waste and extra water. The lacrimal glands near your eyes are secreting tears, which allow your eyelids to close without damaging your eyeballs. What’s one thing that all of these processes have in common? They all rely on osmosis: the diffusion of water from one place to another.

Osmosis factors heavily in each of these processes and is an important force for keeping every single cell in your body healthy. Osmosis is hard to see without a microscope. But if we create our very own model of a cell, using a shell-less chicken egg, we can see what happens when we manipulate the osmotic balance in the “cell”!


  • 3 glasses (large enough to fit the egg plus liquid)
  • 3 butter knives
  • White vinegar (about 3 cups)
  • Distilled water (about 2 cups)
  • Light corn syrup (about 1 ¼ cups)
  • Slotted spoon
  • Measuring cup (1 cup)
  • Measuring spoons (1 tablespoon and ½ tablespoon)
  • Sticky notes and marker
  • Scale (optional)

Note : It’s okay to touch the eggs, but remember to wash your hands afterwards to avoid any nasty surprises!

1. Place one egg in each glass. Pour in enough vinegar to cover each egg. Bubbles will start to form around the egg, and it’ll float up. To keep it submerged, put a butter knife in the glass to hold it down.

2. Put the three glasses in the refrigerator and allow to sit for 24 hours.

3. Gently holding the egg in the glass, pour out the old vinegar. Replace with fresh vinegar, and let sit in the refrigerator for another 24 hours. Repeat this process until the shells are fully dissolved and only the membrane remains. This should take about 2-3 days.

4. Gently remove the eggs using the slotted spoon and rinse with tap water in the sink. Rinse out the empty glasses as well.

5. Gently put the shell-less eggs aside for a moment on a plate.

6. Prepare three different sugar-water solutions as follows, labeling with sticky notes:

Glass 1: Label “hypertonic”. Pour in one cup of corn syrup.

Glass 2: Label “isotonic”. Add 1 ½ tablespoons corn syrup to the one cup measuring cup, and fill the remainder with distilled water. Pour into glass (make sure you get all the corn syrup out!) and stir to dissolve.

Glass 3: Label “hypotonic”. Pour in one cup of distilled water. Gently put one shell-less egg in each of the glasses, and let sit in the refrigerator for another 24 hours.


7. Remove the glasses from the refrigerator, and gently put the eggs on a plate. If you weighed the eggs before putting them in each solution, weigh them again. What happened to each of the eggs?


How does osmosis work?

Osmosis is the scientific term that describes how water flows to different places depending on certain conditions. In this case, water moves around to different areas based on a concentration gradient , i.e. solutions which have different concentrations of dissolved particles ( solutes ) in them. Water always flows to the area with the most dissolved solutes, so that in the end both solutions have an equal concentration of solutes. Think about if you added a drop of food dye to a cup of water – even if you didn’t stir it, it would eventually dissolve on its own into the water.

In biological systems, the different solutions are usually separated by a semipermeable membrane , like cell membranes or kidney tubules . These act sort of like a net that keeps solutes trapped, but they still allow water to pass through freely. In this way, cells can keep all of their “guts” contained but still exchange water.

Now, think about the inside of an egg. There’s a lot of water inside of the egg, but a lot of other things (i.e. solutes) too, like protein and fat. When you placed the egg in the three solutions, how do you think the concentration of solutes differed between the inside of the egg and outside of the egg? The egg membrane acts as a semipermeable membrane and keeps all of the dissolved solutes separated but allows the water to pass through.

How did osmosis make the eggs change size (or not)?

If the steps above work out properly, the results should be as follows.

In the case of the hypertonic solution, there were more solutes in the corn syrup than there were in the egg. So, water flowed out of the egg and into the corn syrup, and as a result the egg shriveled up.

In the case of the isotonic solution, there was roughly an equal amount of solutes in the corn syrup/water solution than there was in the egg, so there was no net movement in or out of the egg. It stayed the same size.

In the case of the hypotonic solution, there were more solutes in the egg than in the pure water. So, water flowed into the egg, and as a result, it grew in size.

experiment in osmosis

Osmosis and You

Every cell in your body needs the right amount of water inside of it to keep its shape, produce energy, get rid of wastes, and other functions that keep you healthy.

This is why medicines that are injected into patients need to be carefully designed so that the solution has the same concentration of solutes as their cells (i.e. isotonic). If you were sick and became dehydrated, for example, you would get a 0.90% saline IV drip. If it were too far off from this mark it wouldn’t be isotonic anymore, and your blood cells might shrivel up or even explode , depending on the concentration of dissolved solutes in the water.

Osmosis works just the same way in your cells as it does in our egg “cell” model. Thankfully, though, the semipermeable membrane of the egg is much stronger, so you don’t have to worry about the egg exploding as well!

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Lindsay graduated with a master’s degree in wildlife biology and conservation from the University of Alaska Fairbanks. She also spent her time in Alaska racing sled dogs, and studying caribou and how well they are able to digest nutrients from their foods. Now, she enjoys sampling fine craft beers in Fort Collins, Colorado, knitting, and helping to inspire people to learn more about wildlife, nature, and science in general.

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  • Study Of Osmosis By Potato Osmometer

Understanding Osmosis Using Potato Osmometer

To study by demonstrating the osmosis process by potato osmometer.

What is Osmosis?

Osmosis is the phenomena in which solvent molecules pass through a semi-permeable membrane from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. The process continues until the quantity of fluid is balanced or equalized in both regions, the region of higher concentration and the region of lower concentration of the semipermeable membrane. In other words, osmosis is the diffusion or movement of water from a region of higher water potential to a region of lower water potential.

In osmosis, what are solvent and solute?

The fluid that permeates through the semipermeable membrane is called the solvent, whereas the solute is the dissolved particles in the fluid.

What is the solution?

The mixture of solute and solvent form the solution.

List the different types of solutions.

The following are the types of solutions:

  • Hypertonic solution – It is a solution with a high solute level. If living cells are placed in a hypertonic solution, because of lower concentration water moves out of the cell causing it to shrink and becomes plasmolyzed.
  • Hypotonic solution – It is a solution with low concentration levels of solute. If living cells are placed in this solution, water passes into the cells because of higher water concentration in comparison to the cell causing the cells to swell and turn turgid.
  • Isotonic solution – A solution is said to be isotonic if both solutions have an equal concentration of solute. If living cells are placed in an isotonic solution, no change is shown as there is the equal concentration on both the regions hence the cell retains its original shape.

Material Required

  • A fresh large-sized potato tuber
  • 20% sucrose solution
  • Scalpel/blade
  • A Bell pin needle that is labelled with a waterproof ink

Potato Osmoscope

  • Slice the potato tuber into two equal halves with the help of a scalpel or a blade. The outer skin is to be peeled off. Since the tuber shape is irregular, slice the halves into squares
  • From the mid-region of the tuber, scoop from the soft parenchyma, so as to form a tiny cavity of a square or a circular shape. At the base, the cavity prepared should have a minimum thickness.
  • Fill up half the cavity with the freshly prepared 20% sugar solution. Into the cavity, fix a pin in a way that the mark is in the same line with the layer of the sucrose solution.
  • Set up the osmometer in a Petri dish/beaker that is filled with water in a way such that 75% of the potato osmometer is immersed in water
  • The set up should remain uninterrupted for close to 1 hour.
  • Notice the sugar solution in the osmometer towards the end of the experiment
  • Carry out the experiment with the help of water in the cavity and the sucrose solution in the petri dish/beaker.


After a period of time, within the osmoscope, the sugar solution rises and is seen coloured.

  • An increase in the level of sucrose solution is observed in the osmometer. It is because of the entrance of water due to endosmosis from the beaker.
  • Also, a water potential gradient is built between the sucrose solution in the external water and the osmometer.
  • Though both the liquids are divided by living cells of the potato tuber, they allow the entrance of water into the sugar solution.
  • This demonstrates the entrance of water into the sugar solution through the tissues of potato serving as a selectively permeable membrane.

Viva Questions

Q.1. What is plasmolysis?

A.1. It is a process, wherein the protoplasm of the plant cell turns round as a result of contraction when placed in a hypertonic solution due to exosmosis resulting in the decline in the tension of the cell wall.

Q.2. What is the significance of osmosis?

A.2. Osmosis maintains cell turgidity. It causes the transportation of nutrients and discharge of metabolic waste products. It preserves the interior environment of a living entity to maintain an equilibrium between the intracellular fluid levels and water.

Q.3. What is diffusion?

A.3. The movement of molecules from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration. Osmosis is a type of diffusion.

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Science Experiments on the Osmosis of a Potato

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Osmosis Experiments With Potatoes for Kids

Osmosis, the process in which solvent molecules move from an area of lower solute concentration to an area of higher solute concentration, can easily be demonstrated with potato experiments. Potatoes are full of both water and starch, and will gain water when immersed in watery solutions. Conversely, they will lose water when in concentrated solutions, such as those containing a great deal of starch. You can use potatoes to set up osmosis experiments for students of all ages and levels.

Potatoes in Saltwater

Cut a potato in two, and immerse one of the halves in a very salty solution of water — one containing a quarter cup of salt in a cup of water. Immerse the other piece in tap water containing no added salt. Leave both in their respective solutions for half an hour, then remove the potato halves from their solutions and observe their differences. The one in the salty solution will have shrunk, indicating that water is diffusing from a less concentrated solution to a more concentrated solution. The one in the tap water solution, in contrast, will actually swell slightly, indicating that it is taking in water.

Salt, Sugar and Pure Water

This experiment helps students to differentiate between different degrees of concentration gradients. Make one salt water solution, one sugar water solution, and for the third solution, simply use tap water. Make three thin potato slices — 1/2 cm thick. Place each potato slice into each of the solutions, and leave the slices in the solutions for a half hour.

Observe that the slice placed in salt is very flexible, while the slice placed in sugar is flexible, but less so. Since potatoes already contain sugar, less water will diffuse out of the potato placed in sugar water. The slice placed in water will be rigid, since it will absorb water.

Potato Lengths in Saline Solutions

Give your students potato "cylinders" that are uniform in length and size: for instance, you could cut them to be 70 mm in length and 7 mm in diameter. Make solutions of saline in three different concentrations, 20 percent, 0.9 percent and 0.1 percent. Have the students measure the lengths and diameters of the potato cylinders before and after soaking them in the saline solutions for half an hour. Then, have them calculate the changes in the lengths and diameters of the cylinders, and plot the saline concentrations versus the changes.

Potato Cube Weights

Cut potatoes into four groups of small, uniform cubes measuring 1/2 cm by 1/2 cm. Make four different solutions of sucrose: 10 percent, 5 percent, 1 percent and 0.01 percent. Weigh each group, on a mass balance, before immersing it in the appropriate sucrose solution for half an hour. After immersion, weigh each group again and have your students calculate the changes in the potato masses. Ask them to comment on why a group gained mass, lost mass or retained the same mass.

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About the Author

Tricia Lobo has been writing since 2006. Her biomedical engineering research, "Biocompatible and pH sensitive PLGA encapsulated MnO nanocrystals for molecular and cellular MRI," was accepted in 2010 for publication in the journal "Nanoletters." Lobo earned her Bachelor of Science in biomedical engineering, with distinction, from Yale in 2010.

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Simple Candy Osmosis Experiment

Demonstrate Osmosis Using Gummy Bears

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Osmosis is the diffusion of water across a semipermeable membrane. The water moves from an area of higher to lower solvent concentration (an area of lower to higher solute concentration). It's an important passive transport process in living organisms, with applications to chemistry and other sciences. You don't need fancy lab equipment to observe osmosis. You can experiment with the phenomenon using gummy bears and water. Here's what you do:

Osmosis Experiment Materials

Basically, all you need for this chemistry project are colored candies and water:

  • Gummy bear candies (or other gummy candy)
  • Plate or shallow bowl

The gelatin of the gummy candies acts as a semipermeable membrane . Water can enter the candy, but it's much harder for sugar and coloring to leave exit it.

What You Do

It's easy! Simply place one or more of the candies in the dish and pour in some water. Over time, water will enter the candies, swelling them. Compare the size and "squishiness" of these candies with how they looked before. Notice the colors of the gummy bears starts to appear lighter. This is because the pigment molecules (solute molecules) are being diluted by the water (solvent molecules) as the process progresses.

What do you think would happen if you used a different solvent, such as milk or honey, that already contains some solute molecules? Make a prediction, then try it and see.

How do you think osmosis in a gelatin dessert compares with osmosis in candy? Again, make a prediction and then test it!

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Naked Eggs: Osmosis

Activity length, 10 mins. plus 24 hours, activity type, discrepant event (investigatable).

Diffusion is the spontaneous movement of any substance spreading from a higher concentration to a lower concentration, attempting to reach equilibrium.

Osmosis is similar, but is particular to solutions (dissolved mixtures) separated by a membrane.  Osmosis is the process in which water moves through a membrane. The natural movement of water is from the side of the membrane with a high concentration of water to the side with a low concentration of water.

After dissolving the eggshell, we are left with a membrane that holds the insides of the egg. This membrane is selectively permeable . This means that it lets some molecules move through it and blocks out other molecules. Water moves through the membrane easily. Bigger molecules, like the sugar molecules in the corn syrup, do not pass through the membrane.

You may have noticed that the egg expanded in the initial vinegar solution when you dissolved the shell. This is because the vinegar has a higher concentration of water than the inside of the egg.

To reach equilibrium , water molecules move from the vinegar into the egg through the semi-permeable membrane. If the membrane were completely permeable, water molecules would move in and protein would move out until both solutions were the same concentration. Since the egg membrane is semi-permeable, water can move in but proteins cannot move out.

If a naked egg is placed in the corn syrup the egg will shrink . This is also due to osmosis, but in the opposite direction. The corn syrup is mostly sugar. It has a lower concentration of water (25% water) than the egg (90% water). To reach equilibrium, osmosis causes the water molecules to move out of the egg and into the corn syrup until both solutions have the same concentration of water. The outward movement of water causes the egg to shrivel.

Describe osmosis.

Determine the direction of water movement based on solution concentrations.

Describe the function of a semi-permeable membrane.

Per Class: corn syrup or simple sugar solution (enough to cover each group’s egg_ scale (optional)

Per Group of 3–4 students: “naked” (shell-less) egg from Naked Eggs: Acid-Base Reaction activity jar or bowl slightly larger than the egg big spoon water

Key Questions

  • Why is your naked egg that was soaked in vinegar bigger than a shelled egg?
  • Why does the egg in corn syrup change shape and weight?
  • Does the egg soaked in water change shape and weight?
  • What could you do to return the egg to its original form?

Prior Experiment – make a  Naked Egg


  • Designate a “corn syrup pouring station” at your desk so that you can monitor the amount of corn syrup students are using (to avoid wasting).
  • Place a naked egg in a jar of plain water to use as a “control”. Treat it the same way as the corn syrup-covered egg.
  • Weigh your egg and note the measurement.
  • Put your naked egg in a jar and add enough corn syrup to cover the egg.
  • Store the egg in a refrigerator (or somewhere cool) for 24 hours.
  • After 24 hours, scoop out the egg and observe the changes.
  • Weigh the egg again and note the measurement.
  • Draw a diagram of your egg in the corn syrup. In what direction is osmosis occurring (the movement of water molecules across the membrane)?
  • Return the corn syrup-covered shriveled egg to its non-flabby former shape! Carefully lift the flabby egg from the corn syrup and place it in a container of water. Leave the egg in the water for 24 hours. Osmosis will occur; that is, the water will migrate from the side of the membrane where water molecules are abundant (i.e. outside the egg) to the side where water molecules are less abundant (inside the egg). After 24 hours, the egg will be plump again!
  • Experiment with naked eggs by soaking them in other solutions. What happens if you put the egg in water with food colouring? Or salty water?

About the sticker

Artist: Jeff Kulak

Jeff is a senior graphic designer at Science World. His illustration work has been published in the Walrus, The National Post, Reader’s Digest and Chickadee Magazine. He loves to make music, ride bikes, and spend time in the forest.

Comet Crisp

T-Rex and Baby

Artist: Michelle Yong

Michelle is a designer with a focus on creating joyful digital experiences! She enjoys exploring the potential forms that an idea can express itself in and helping then take shape.

Buddy the T-Rex

Science Buddies

Artist: Ty Dale

From Canada, Ty was born in Vancouver, British Columbia in 1993. From his chaotic workspace he draws in several different illustrative styles with thick outlines, bold colours and quirky-child like drawings. Ty distils the world around him into its basic geometry, prompting us to look at the mundane in a different way.

Western Dinosaur

Time-Travel T-Rex

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How to Understand Osmosis with Eggs

Last Updated: August 10, 2021 References

This article was co-authored by Meredith Juncker, PhD . Meredith Juncker is a PhD candidate in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center. Her studies are focused on proteins and neurodegenerative diseases. There are 10 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 28,354 times.

Osmosis is a biological and chemical process that describes the movement of water from a less concentrated solution to a more concentrated solution. During osmosis, water molecules move through a semipermeable membrane to create an equal distribution of water on both sides. The growing and shrinking egg test uses eggs, distilled vinegar, corn syrup, and water to demonstrate this important and complicated natural process. This fun experiment helps showcase osmosis in a fun, exciting, and visual way! [1] X Research source

Dissolving the Eggs’ Shells

Step 1 Weigh the eggs.

  • This number will be important as you compare other data that you will collect throughout the project.

Step 2 Fill a cup with white vinegar.

  • Keep the eggs out of direct sunlight and be sure that the temperature is stable.
  • Carbon dioxide bubbles will cover the eggs as the vinegar dissolves the shells. [4] X Research source Beneath an egg’s shell lies the egg membrane, which is a layer that is made up of proteins that help protect the egg’s center from bacteria. [5] X Research source

Step 5 Remove and rinse the eggs.

  • If you use a spoon to remove the eggs, you may risk breaking or damaging the eggs. [6] X Research source

Step 6 Record the weights of both eggs.

Growing One of the Naked Eggs

Step 1 Submerge one of the naked eggs in water.

Shrinking One of the Naked Eggs

Step 1 Soak one egg in corn syrup for 24 hours.

  • Corn syrup has a high density due to its high concentration of sugar molecules, and it is denser than both water and vinegar. This disparity in density will demonstrate how osmosis can have a different effect on the appearance of the egg.

Step 2 Take the egg out of the syrup.

Following the Scientific Method

Step 1 Label your containers.

  • Record the egg’s circumference. You may wish to observe how the circumference of the eggs changed throughout the experiment as well. Use a flexible tape measure to measure the widest part of the egg. Record this data and gently measure the egg in the same place after each section of the experiment. [10] X Research source
  • Measure the amount of liquid used. Keep track of how much water, vinegar, and corn syrup you placed in each cup. When the egg has been removed, pour the remaining liquid into a beaker or a measuring cup. Record the amount of liquid lost or gained during the experiment.

Step 3 Make observations.

  • Was the temperature outside particularly hot that day? Did you accidentally spill some of the vinegar when retrieving your egg? Make note of anything that could have altered the data.

Step 4 Summarize the data in your conclusion.

Community Q&A


  • Take before and after photos during each section of the experiment. This will help you observe how osmosis can affect the size of the eggs in various environments. [12] X Research source Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Place the naked eggs in salt water and sugar water and record how osmosis affects the eggs in those solutions. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Do not eat the egg. Remember that the egg is raw and has been sitting in a mixture for several days. [13] X Research source Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0

Things You'll Need

  • White vinegar
  • Notebook or computer
  • Faucet and sink
  • Flexible tape measure (optional)

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  • ↑ http://www.science-sparks.com/2011/08/29/shrinking-eggs/
  • ↑ http://imaginationstationtoledo.org/educator/activities/how-to-make-a-naked-egg
  • ↑ https://www.stevespanglerscience.com/lab/experiments/growing-and-shrinking-egg/
  • ↑ https://www.exploratorium.edu/cooking/eggs/eggcomposition.html
  • ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrON0nEEWmo
  • ↑ http://www.aeb.org/images/PDFs/Educators/g6-9-shrinking-and-growing-eggs.pdf
  • ↑ https://www.csub.edu/chemistry/_files/Egg%20OsmosisAO.pdf
  • ↑ http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/projects/thescientificmethod.html

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Meredith Juncker, PhD

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What is Osmosis?

September 21, 2018 By Emma Vanstone 1 Comment

I still remember learning about osmosis at school many years ago. I don’t know why that particular memory has stayed with me so strongly, maybe because it was hard to understand. Whatever the reason, osmosis is a term I’ve never forgotten the meaning of.

Definition of Osmosis

Osmosis is the net movement of water molecules across a partially permeable membrane from a region of higher water concentration to a region of lower water concentration.

Osmosis is the net movement of water molecules across a partially permeable membrane from an area of lower solute concentration to an area of higher solute concentration.

The important thing to remember is that osmosis is the movement of WATER MOLECULES ( or other solvent ) not the particles dissolved in the water. For example if you split a beaker of water into two halves with a semi permeable membrane and added salt to one side, water would move from the side of the beaker with no salt into the salty side.

Diagram showing water molecules moving across a semi permeable membrane by osmosis

What is a partially permeable membrane?

A partially permeable membrane has very small holes in in. Tiny water molecules can fit through, but not bigger molecules like sugars.

Osmosis Example

Try soaking a raisin in water, what happens? It should swell up a little, this is because the water moves from where it is in high concentration ( the water ) into the raisins which have a low water concentration. Water keeps moving by osmosis until equilibrium is reached, this is when the concentration of both solutions is the same.

Another fun way to illustrate osmosis is with eggs as they have a handy semi-permeable membrane.

Easy Osmosis Experiment

You’ll need.

Two glasses or jars

Remove the shell from two eggs

Place two egg in a container of vinegar for about 24 hours. The eggs should be completely submerged.

After about 24 hours, removed the eggs and gently rub the shell under cold running water. You should be able to remove most of the shell.

If it won’t all rub off put the eggs in fresh vinegar for another few hours.

egg with no shell after soaking in vinegar

Shrink an egg

To shrink the egg you need to put in in a concentrated solution so water molecules will move from the egg into the solution..

Stir about three tablespoons of sugar into a glass of water and stir until all the sugar has dissolved.

Place one egg in this solution.

Grow an egg

Place the second egg in a glass of plain water.

Leave the eggs for about 24 hours. Can you predict what will happen?

Note how the egg in water sinks to the bottom of the glass while the one in the sugar solution floats. This is because the sugar solution is more dense than the water.

Osmosis investigation using a concentrated sugar solution

Our egg in the water expanded while the egg in sugar solution shrank. I used dark sugar which is why the solution looks brown/red but any sugar will work.

Osmosis investigation making a shrunken egg after soaking in a sugar solution

Prick the egg from the water with a fine needle and watch a jet of water shoot out!


How do you think you could rehydrate your shrunken egg?

experiment in osmosis

Why does the egg grow and shrink?

Our concentrated solution was the sugar solution. The dissolved sugar molecules cannot pass through the semi permeable membrane of the egg, but the smaller water molecules can. Water molecules move from where they are in higher concentration ( inside the egg ) to where they are in lower concentration ( the sugar solution ) until the equilibrium is reached. Therefore water molecules move from inside the egg to the sugar solution. This makes the egg shrink as the net movement of water is out of the egg.

To rehydrate the egg, place it into plain water. In this instance the concentration of water molecules is higher in the water than inside the egg so the net movement of water molecules is from the water into the egg!

When we pricked the egg soaked in water, water shot out of the egg. This is because the egg had absorbed so much extra water the pressure inside increased.

Why does egg shell dissolve in vinegar?

The egg shell dissolves in the vinegar as the acetic acid in the vinegar reacts with the calcium carbonate of the the shell. Carbon dioxide is given off during this reaction which is the bubbles of gas you see.

More osmosis experiments

Weigh the eggs at each stage to monitor the loss and gain of water.

Add food colouring to the water and watch as the eggs absorb the coloured liquid.

What do you think would happen if you left an egg in a glass of golden syrup?

naked egg soaking in golden syrup as part of an osmosis investigation

Try measuring the egg at each stage of the investigation.

We used thread to measure the diameter of the egg at its widest point after the shell was first removed, after soaking in vinegar and after soaking in golden syrup.

The longest thread is from when the egg egg was soaked in water, this is because the concentration of water inside the egg was lower than outside the egg so water moved into the egg.

The shortest thread is from the egg soaked in golden syrup as water moved by osmosis out of the egg into the golden syrup as the concentration of water inside the egg was higher than outside.

Osmosis investigation where the diameter of an egg is measured at several stages

Don’t forget to wash your hands after handling raw eggs

More egg experiment for kids

Learn about tooth decay with eggs . Did you know an egg shell is similar to the outer coating on our teeth?

Tooth decay experiment with egg shells

Find out how to transform egg white into meringue and make a tasty dessert at the same time.

Finally, did you know you can make an egg bounce ?

bouncy egg with no shell coloured

Last Updated on November 19, 2021 by Emma Vanstone

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Experiments on Osmosis (With Diagram)

experiment in osmosis


The below mentioned article includes a list of four simple experiments on osmosis.

1. Experiment to demonstrate the osmosis by using sheet of cellophane or goat bladder:


Beaker, thistle funnel, goat bladder or sheet of cellophane, thread, water and sugar solution.

1. Cover the lower opening of the glass tube with the goat bladder or sheet of cellophane and tie it with the thread.

2. Fill in the interior of the tube with molasses, a concentrated sugar solution in water.

3. Place the whole apparatus in a beaker containing water, preferably distilled water.

4. Note the level of the water in the thistle funnel and keep the apparatus to note the results.


Level of the water in the thistle funnel increases (Fig.2).

Demonstration of osmosis by using sheet of cellophane

1. Movement of water through the goat bladder or cellophane sheet into the thistle funnel takes place.

2. Water concentration in beaker is 100% while in the sugar solution it is less than this, and, therefore, the water from the region of higher concentration moves towards the region of lower concentration. The movement is through a semipermeable membrane and so the experiment shows the phenomenon of osmosis.

3. The force, with which the solution level in the tube increases, arises from the pressure exerted by the diffusion of water molecules into the tube. This pressure is called osmotic pressure.

4. Stability of the water level in the funnel indicates that water concentration in both the beakers as well as funnel is same and thus osmosis stops.

2. Experiment to demonstrate osmosis with the help of potato osmometer:

Petri-dish, water, potato, sugar solution, cork and capillary tube.

1. Take a potato tuber, remove its outer covering from one end and cut the same end flat.

2. Scoop out a cavity from the other end of the tuber running almost upto the bottom.

3. Fill the cavity with the sugar solution and fit an airtight cork fitted with a capillary tube on the upper end of the cavity (fig. 3).

Potato osmometer

4. Place the capillary- fitted potato tuber in the water- filled petri-dish.

5. Mark the solution level in the tube and watch the experiment for some time.

After some time the level of the solution in the tube increases. Mark the level of solution when it stops to move.

The level in the capillary tube increases because of the fact that osmotic pressure of the sugar solution is higher than that of the water, and the water moves through the semipermeable membrane of potato from petri-dish into the cavity. So the experiment shows that phenomenon of osmosis.

3. Experiment to demonstrate the osmosis by the egg osmometer:

Egg membrane, dilute HCI, water through, graduated tube, sugar solution and stand.

1. Prepare an egg membrane by carefully removing waterproof shell of egg with the help of dissolving it away in dilute HCI.

2. Remove all the fat and protein-containing yellow material of the egg by making a hole on its one end.

3. Fill the sugar solution in the egg membrane through the hole and fit a graduated tube in the hole.

4. Place the complete apparatus in a water-filled trough (Fig. 4).

Demonstration of osmosis by egg osmometer

5. Note the level of sugar solution in the graduated tube and keep the apparatus undisturbed for some time.

Level of the sugar solution increases in the tube.

The level in the tube increases because of the fact that osmotic pressure of the sugar solution in the egg membrane is higher than that of water, and so the water from the trough passes through the egg membrane into the sugar solution thus increasing its level. Egg membrane is a semipermeable membrane.

4. Experiment to demonstrate the phenomenon of exosmosis and endosmosis:

Potato tubers (2), knife, conc. sugar solution, water, pin, beakers (2).

1. Remove the outer skin of the tubers and cut their one end flat with a sharp knife.

2. Scoop out a cavity from the other end of the tuber running almost upto the bottom as in experiment No. 14.

3. Fill the concentrated solution of sugar in the cavity of one tuber, and water in the other.

4. Mark the level of the sugar solution and water in the cavities with the help of pins.

5. Place the potato containing sugar solution in a beaker containing water, and the another potato containing water in its cavity in the beaker containing sugar solution (Fig. 5).

Demonstration of osmosis

6. Keep and observe experiment for some time.

The level in the cavity containing sugar solution increases while the level decreases in the another tuber, i.e., in the cavity filled with water.

The level of the sugar solution in the first tuber increases because of the fact that water moves from the beaker into the cavity through the semipermeable membrane of potato. Thus it shows the phenomenon of endosmosis.

The level of the water in the second tuber decreases because of the fact that water moves from the cavity into the beaker through the semipermeable membrane of potato tuber. Thus it shows the phenomenon of exosmosis.

Related Articles:

  • Experiment on Osmosis in Potatoes | Botany
  • Top 6 Experiments on Osmosis (With Diagram)

Experiment , Chemistry , Osmosis , Experiments on Osmosis

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experiment in osmosis

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Magical Eggs

Have you ever made an eggshell disappear? You can.  In this osmosis egg experiment , you will explore chemical reactions, plasma membrane, and osmosis.

Eggs are specialized cells called gametes.  Eggs have a membrane and a hard outer covering that function to protect the developing embryo and behave similarly to a cell’s membrane.

This can be divided into several parts and is a great lab to come back to again and again adding deeper science context each time.  You start by making the shell disappear .


Osmosis Egg Experiment

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What are the signs that a chemical reaction is occurring?

You are going to use vinegar to cause a chemical reaction. For this reaction how will you know it is happening? BUBBLES.

Scientists know that bubbles in a liquid either come from air escaping to the surface. This air was either trapped in the liquid, to begin with, or a chemical reaction has occurred. In this case, the vinegar reacts with the shell of the egg and causes the release of carbon dioxide .

Using the scientific method

I’m a big believer in the scientific method so we did an experimental egg and a control egg. The question my kids had was, what will happen to an egg in vinegar?   Their hypothesis was, an egg in vinegar will behave the same as an egg in water.  As Dwight Schrute would say, “False”.

As mentioned above, the vinegar reacts with the components of the shell and causes the shell to disappear. This leaves the membrane behind and you get a rubberized egg.

Our initial results.

We played with them for a little while (over the sink) and even dropped it to watch it bounce, but eventually, it broke. Leaving the membrane behind. Then we were able to see that the inside of the egg was still raw.  Of course, we had to “see” what would happen if we threw our control egg into the sink.

This is an experiment that we have circled back around to and added more concepts in.   The first one was about the cell membrane.

Why is the plasma membrane known as a semi-permeable membrane?

Semi-permeable membranes allow some things to pass through the membrane and don’t allow others.

Using the naked egg as a model for the cell with the membrane around the egg acting as a cell membrane we could test the permeability of the membrane.

What happens to a cell surrounded by water?

We were able to test three different eggs in three different solutions to see if the eggs gained or lost weight.  The weight was caused by the movement of water across the membrane (either into or out of the egg).  The results were dramatic.

Grab our entire osmosis egg experiment so you can run your own experiment.

experiment in osmosis

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Study of Osmosis by Potato Osmometer

A study of osmosis can be done using a potato osmometer. Osmosis is a phenomenon in which water moves from high solvent to low solvent concentration. The movement of water occurs between two compartments, separated by a semipermeable membrane .

The cell membrane of living organisms behaves as a semipermeable or selective membrane. The permeability of a selective membrane differs based on the size, charge and mass of different molecules.

Biological membranes are impermeable to large biomolecules and polar molecules like ions. But, non-polar molecules (lipids) and small molecules (oxygen, carbon dioxide etc.) can cross the selective barrier.

Water is the solvent that travels down or up the cell concentration gradient through osmosis. We can study water diffusion by creating two compartments and a semipermeable membrane in between.

The difference in the concentration of solutes or solvents between two compartments is the driving force responsible for water movement. Here, we need to note that only solvents can pass the selective barrier, not solutes.

Thus, the diffusion or distribution of water is related to osmosis . This post describes the meaning, requirements, procedure and results of the potato osmometer experiment.

Content: Study of Osmosis by Potato Osmometer

Potato osmometer, materials required, precautions.

It is a common experiment to demonstrate both endosmosis and exosmosis using a potato. Using a potato Osmoscope, we can study osmosis in a living system.


Here, a potato is used because the porous outer surface of the potato acts as a selective membrane .

  • The contents within the cell form one compartment.
  • The solution surrounding the cell forms another compartment.

Thus, a selective membrane separates two compartments and allows the process of osmosis .

procedure to study endosmosis

  • High solvent concentration in the cell surrounding.
  • Low solvent concentration in the cavity of potato tuber.

Following the rule of osmosis, water in the cell surrounding enters the tuber cavity via the cell membrane.

procedure to study exosmosis

  • High solvent concentration in the cavity of potato tuber.
  • Low solvent concentration in the cell surrounding.

Following the rule of osmosis, water in the potato cavity enters the surrounding solution via the cell membrane.

Requirements of potato osmometer

  • Peeled off potato
  • Concentrated sugar solution
  • Petri plate

Video: Study of Osmosis

To perform the potato osmometer experiment, we need to follow the given procedure:

  • First, peel off the large-sized potato using a peeler or knife.
  • Then cut the upper and lower portions of the peeled potato using a knife. Through this step, we can easily place the potato on the Petri plate.
  • Using a knife, make a cavity from the centre of the potato deep into the bottom, leaving some space. Here, the bottom of the potato will function as a selective membrane.
  • Then, keep the potato on the Petri plate.
  • To study endosmosis , pour water into half of the Petri plate. Next, pour the concentrated sugar solution into half of the cavity created in the potato.
  • To study exosmosis , add concentrated sugar solution on the Petri plate and water into the cavity of the potato tuber.
  • Then, fix a pin into the potato tuber-A and B to mark the level of sugar solution and water added into the cavity.
  • Leave the plate undisturbed for some time until you notice any change.


  • Observe the level of sugar solution in the cavity of potato tuber-A.
  • Notice the level of water in the cavity of the potato tuber-B.

potato osmometer diagram

Potato Osmosis Experiment Results

  • The level of sugar solution in the cavity of potato tuber-A increases . It occurs because the water in the Petri plate will move towards the cell with a high solute or low solvent concentration. This experiment shows endosmosis , as water goes into the cell or potato tuber.
  • In contrast, the level of water in the cavity of potato tuber-B decreases . Here, water in the cavity moves toward the solution in the Petri plate due to the high solute concentration in the surrounding. This experiment shows exosmosis as water leaves the cell or potato tuber.
  • The cavity should be deep enough by leaving a minimum thickness at the bottom.
  • The sugar solution should have a high osmotic concentration.

The water movement from the Petri plate to the potato cavity or vice versa is due to the difference in the solvent or solute concentration between the two compartments.

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experiment in osmosis

Osmosis Eggsperiment


Water passes into and out of cells by a special type of diffusion called  osmosis . Osmosis is the diffusion of water molecules across a selectively permeable membrane from an area of higher water concentration to an area of lower water concentration. All of our cells are surrounded by a selectively permeable membrane through which water molecules can pass. In this simple experiment, your students will use an egg membrane to model how osmosis works in animal cells.

Next Generation Science Standards

  • LS1.A: Structure and Function.  Within cells, special structures are responsible for particular functions, and the cell membrane forms the boundary that controls what enters and leaves the cell.
  • Science and Engineering Practices:  Developing and Using Models
  • Crosscutting Concepts:  Structure and Function


This activity works best for students working in groups of 2 to 3 and takes place over 3 days as follows:

  • Day 1: Dissolving Eggshells 15minutes
  • Day 2: Setting up the experiment 30minutes
  • Day 3: Recording data and completing a lab report 45minutes

experiment in osmosis

Per Student Group:

  • 2 Fresh Eggs
  • White Vinegar (about 600 mL)
  • 2 Containers (large enough to hold an egg and completely cover it with liquid; 600-mL beakers work well)
  • Large Spoon
  • Distilled Water (about 300 mL)
  • Corn Syrup (about 300 mL)
  • 2 Small Paper Plates
  • Grease Pencil

Preparation and Procedure

The first step is to dissolve the eggshell and expose the membrane. To do this, students soak the eggs in vinegar for 24 hours. Vinegar contains acetic acid that reacts with the calcium carbonate in the shell. When students first place the eggs in vinegar, have them observe the tiny bubbles forming around the eggs. This is evidence that a chemical reaction is taking place. The procedures below include the steps for dissolving the shells and completing the experiment.

  • Use the grease pencil to label one container and one paper plate “Egg 1” and the other container and paper plate “Egg 2.” Carefully place an egg into each container.
  • Pour enough vinegar over each egg to completely cover it.
  • Observe the eggs for a few minutes and note any changes.
  • Leave the eggs in their containers for 24 hours.
  • Observe the eggs the next day and record your observations.
  • Slowly pour the vinegar out of each container. Be very careful not to rupture the egg membranes.
  • Carefully remove the eggs using the tablespoon, rinse them with water, and place each on its own labeled paper plate. Set the containers aside for now.
  • Measure and record the mass of each egg, then place each egg back into its original container.
  • Pour distilled water into the Egg 1 container until the egg is completely covered.
  • Pour corn syrup into the Egg 2 container until the egg is completely covered.
  • Put the 2 containers in a safe place overnight.  Note:   Have students make a prediction about what they think will happen to the mass of each egg .
  • After 24 hours, observe each egg and record your observations.
  • Slowly pour the water or syrup out of each container. Be very careful not to rupture the egg membranes.
  • Carefully remove the eggs using the spoon, rinse them with water, and place each on its own labeled paper plate.
  • Measure and record the mass of each egg. Calculate and record the change in mass.

Sample Data Table

Egg Mass After Soaking in Vinegar (g) Mass After Soaking in Water or Corn Syrup (g) Change in Mass

Students should observe that the egg in distilled water was plump and gained mass, while the egg that was in corn syrup was shriveled and lost mass.

After the experiment, share with your students that egg white is about 90% water and discuss with them how the egg membrane (like a cell membrane) is selectively permeable. It lets some molecules move through—such as water, while it blocks larger molecules—such as sugar.

From students’ understanding of osmosis and diffusion, they should be able to explain that placing the egg in distilled water caused water to move from outside of the egg, where the concentration was higher, to inside of the egg, where the concentration was lower. The reverse happened for the egg placed in corn syrup. Because corn syrup contains a high amount of sugar, water molecules moved from the inside of the egg to an area of lower concentration outside of the egg.

  • Have students think of a way to make the shriveled egg plump again.
  • Have students plan and conduct investigations using other solutions such as salty water, and also with food coloring.
  • Have students create a drawing showing how osmosis works. They may also create a physical model using candy pieces to represent water molecules.

Shop the Kit

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Additional Reference Kits

  • Carolina® Osmosis Chamber Set #684270

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Basic science: understanding experiments

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1.5 Experiment 2: Cucumbers and osmosis

experiment in osmosis

In the previous experiment, you determined the water content of a potato and illustrated the rate at which the water is driven off in your graph. You also developed skills in carrying out an experiment. You’re now going to carry out a second experiment looking at the way water gets in and out of cells.

In this experiment, you will be measuring changes in the water content of two slices of cucumber as they are left in two different liquids; distilled water and salty water.

To carry out this experiment, you will need:

  • two slices of cucumber
  • two glasses
  • distilled, deionised or boiled water
  • two tablespoons of salt.

It is best to use distilled water for this experiment, available from most petrol stations and car spares shops. Distilled water is simply water that has had most of its impurities removed by boiling it, then collecting the steam and condensing it in a clean container. An alternative is deionised water, sometimes called demineralised water. This is similar to distilled water, but the manufacturing process does not significantly get rid of organic molecules, viruses or bacteria. If you can’t get hold of either of these, you can use boiled water that has been left to cool to room temperature instead.

While it’s okay to drink small quantities of distilled and de-ionised water, we don’t recommend it. Why do you think the purest form of water might not be good for you? Perhaps you’ll be able to see why at the end of the experiment.

Follow Janet’s instructions in the video (or use your  activity booklet [ Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. ( Hide tip ) ]   PDF) and remember to keep clear and accurate notes in your journal. Once again, think about the variables that could affect your results.

experiment in osmosis

Based on her initial findings, Janet decided to change the parameters of her experiment and leave her cucumber slices overnight. You may find that you have to do the same. If so put the experiment somewhere where no-one can knock it over, and no pets try and drink it.

You’ll have the opportunity to discuss your findings in the next section.


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Osmosis Experiment: Seeing Osmosis in Action (with video!)

What is osmosis.

Before we do an osmosis experiment, let’s first understand what osmosis is. Osmosis is the movement of water through a semi-permeable membrane see the .  During osmosis, the water moves from an area of low-concentration (i.e. where there’s only a little bit of solute) to an area of high-concentration (i.e. where a lot of solute is present).

That means that there are 2 key points to remember about Osmosis:

  • It’s the movement of water.
  • It requires a semi-permeable membrane .

One way you can think about this concept is that the water is trying to dilute whatever is nearby, and that there is some sort of barrier (the semi-permeable membrane) between the water and the “stuff” being diluted. The water has to be able to move through the barrier, but not the particles being diluted.

Osmosis vs Diffusion

Osmosis can be easily confused with Diffusion, especially when you are beginning your nursing studies (or if it’s been a while since you’ve studied Anatomy & Physiology!).

Unlike Osmosis, which is the movement of water through a semi-permeable membrane, diffusion is the movement of particles  (solute) and doesn’t necessarily involve a semi-permeable membrane

( Need a quick review about what solute, solvents, and solutions are ?).

One of the main reasons that these two processes are frequently confused is because they are often happening simultaneously in the human body. Osmosis and Diffusion are both essential processes in the body that work together to help maintain homeostasis.

Osmosis Experiment

One of the reasons why it’s really difficult to understand complex processes occurring in the human body is because they are invisible to the naked eye. I can’t see my blood flowing through my veins and arteries, and I can’t see how the processes of osmosis and diffusion effect that blood flow. I certainly can’t see the electrolytes that are dissolved into my blood!

That is why I believe it’s sooo much easier for nursing students to understand these concepts when we can actually SEE a real life example in action! So here’s an osmosis experiment I developed that shows the effects of hypertonic , isotonic , and hypotonic fluids on eggs. (Spoiler alert: I broke an egg! ?‍♀️)

(Scroll past the video for more examples of osmosis, as as well as instructions on how to do this experiment for yourself!)

How to Do Your Own Osmosis Experiment at Home

So how can you do this Osmosis Experiment for yourself? Here’s the simple plan (with some explanations of what I would do differently next time!)

Make sure you have on-hand:

  • 3-4 eggs of similar size (use 4 if you’re klutzy like me and might break one!)
  • 3 containers (one for each egg)
  • White vinegar (enough to cover all the eggs)
  • Isotonic (Saline solution, or make your own 0.9% saline solution by mixing salt and distilled water)
  • Hypotonic (I used tap water, but if I did it again I would use distilled water instead)
  • Hypertonic (I used high-fructose corn syrup)
  • A towel…just in case you break an egg, too 😉

Step 1: Dissolving the egg shells

Side note : Dissolving egg shells in vinegar is way fun, and worth doing even if you don’t plan on trying the rest of the experiment. Squishy raw eggs are way cool. Just don’t try to bounce them. You’ve been warned ?

In order to get your semi-permeable membrane, you need to remove the egg shells without breaking the delicate membrane underneath. The best way I’ve found to do this is by soaking them in vinegar. Simply put all the eggs in a container together, cover them with vinegar, and wait. 

For the osmosis experiment in the video, I left the eggs in the vinegar for several days after the shells had dissolved. After seeing the final results, I realized that vinegar acts as a hypotonic solution to the eggs , which means that the eggs probably absorbed quite a bit of water before I even started the “official” osmosis experiment.

Next time, I would check on my eggs more frequently, and pull them out of the vinegar solution as soon as the egg shell has dissolved.

Step 2: Applying the hypertonic, hypotonic, and isotonic solutions

Place each egg in its own, individual container. Label each container with the solution you will be adding. Then pour each solution into the container until the egg is completely covered:

  • Isotonic (saline solution)
  • Hypotonic (distilled water)
  • Hypertonic (high-fructose corn syrup)

This part of the experiment is definitely not time sensitive. Once osmosis has caused as much water movement as is possible for this set-up, it will stop and wait patiently until you have time to check it 🙂

Step 3: Evaluate your results

Fluids and Electrolytes are hard for nursing students to understand because they are usually hard to visualize. This experiment shows you exactly what can happen to red blood cells when you administer isotonic, hypotonic, and hypertonic solutions.

Remove the eggs from their solutions and compare their sizes. Did you get the same results that I did? Did the egg from your hypertonic solution shrink? Did your egg in the hypotonic solution get fatter? Is your egg from the isotonic solution still look normal egg sized?

Now let’s apply these results to nursing school. Think about the different IV solutions we use in the body. What if that egg had been a red blood cell?  What would happen to a patient who got too much hypertonic IV solution?

Osmosis is a real phenomenon that has real consequences for our nursing practice, so it’s important to make sure you understand what’s going on at the molecular level.

Osmosis Examples

Osmosis doesn’t only happen in our bodies (or only in eggs, for that matter). It also happens all around us everyday! Here’s some examples of osmosis in action, both inside AND outside of the body

The kidneys filter our blood and make urine. It’s a pretty complex process that involves many moving parts, but two of the major processes are osmosis and diffusion. This is a perfect example of how they work together in the human body.

Salting a Slug

The cells of slimy slugs contain a relatively large amount of water. If you were to sprinkle salt onto a slug, that water would start exiting the cells in an attempt to “dilute” the salt. If enough salt is applied, then the slug will get extremely dehydrated and die. Eww.

Pruned and Wrinkly Fingers

Ever noticed how wrinkly your fingers and toes can get after you’ve been soaking in the pool or the bathtub for too long? That’s osmosis! The water in pools and tap water generally has a lower concentration of solute than our skin cells do. This causes the water around us to try and dilute the solute in our skin.

So the next time you notice your wrinkly skin after a bath, you’ll know it’s because your carrying some of the bath water in your skin cells!

Salting Vegetables

You can easily do another osmosis experiment while you’re cooking! Some recipes call for dicing, salting, and resting your veggies before cooking. When you do this, you’ll find that the salt triggers the process of osmosis. Just like the example with the slug, water from inside your veggies will start exiting in an attempt to “dilute” the salt on the surface.

Not only is this a fun experiment, but it can concentrate the flavors of your vegetables and make the final dish less watery.


When you have too many sodium ions in your blood vessels, then the water in your body will work to bring you back to homeostasis. The water can move into your blood vessels from the interstitial space, or even from your red blood cells! A little bit of movement is totally normal, but as you can imagine, you don’t want a ton of water leaving your red blood cells or they will quickly end up looking like a salted slug!!

There are many, many more examples of osmosis all around us. Share your ideas in the comments below!

(Article updated 7/21/2018, Originally published 6/26/2012)

experiment in osmosis

Nicole is a Professional Nursing Tutor with over 15 years experience, and the founder of Your Nursing Tutor. She has a BSN, and an MA in Clinical Psychology. Nicole specializes in providing easy-to-follow, proven study methods (like the Silver Bullet Study System ) that transform frustrated nursing students into calm, confident nurses! When she’s not helping students through her Live Tutoring Membership , Nicole loves spending time with her husband, homeschooling their 6 kids, and staring at sunflowers.

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Free hesi study tips, this is your brain on hesi – how to think when you’re studying, memorize erikson’s stages of developments in less than 20 minutes, 33 thoughts on “osmosis experiment: seeing osmosis in action (with video)”.

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love it .Thx

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I was wondering how you would make the isotonic solution?

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I really liked this article. However, I am still unclear as to how osmosis really works. What causes the water containing little solutes to move into an area of higher concentration? Does it have to do with some form of magnetic attraction between negative and positive charges? Is there less pressure inside an RBC compared to the inside? I would like to learn more about this. Also, how does one calculate the tonicity of saline to insure that it is safe to inject, such as those used in simulations? I am guessing that one should not make normal home-made saline, as it would not be sterile, yet I’d like to see a solution having a good salinity with no additives or preservatives.

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LOL on the first egg… LOVE you video.. went thru LPN school and now in Med-Surge for RN… I FINALLY understand the concept.. THANK YOU… I will def follow u

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HI! Can you please send me a link for article ” what happens to pt. with diff. types of solutions”. Thank you Namka

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Thank you so much, I have been struggling with the idea of osmosis and the different solutions but your visual helped to make it clear for me!

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Thank You! That was just what I needed to completely understand this concept. I am just about done with the prerequisites for the RN program and will apply in the fall. I will continue to use your great website for tutoring! 🙂

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Love it and shared it with the kids!!

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Thankyou. It is very informative and helpful to understand the process of Osmosis as well as the action of hoypotonic,hypertonic and isotonoic solution. Its a practical example which help to understand easily for weak students like me….. 🙂

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this video helped a bunch that you for doing it

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The concept of osmosis as shown with egg experiment was kinda easier to understand. Thanks so much for this vid.

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This is really good stuff. Well done!

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Great Video!

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Makes a lot more sense now….THANK YOU !!!

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Studying this in Med-Surg. After having seen your experiment I have a bigger understanding of it, seeing that hypertonic can be danger when trying to balance the water within the body/blood vessels causing RBC TO BECOME DEHYDRATED.

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Great experiment. Love your site. I run at 100mph all the time and never take the time to tell you that your tutorials are very useful and I enjoy perusing this site. Darling kids too, just love those sweet babies! Bless you, Deborah

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Thanks! I love those babies too 🙂 Glad you find the resources helpful!

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Thank you for the video demonstration it really helped for me to understand the concept of the different types of IV solutions.

Glad you found it helpful!

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Nicole, I am going to teach an IV class at work and I was looking to clear up isotonic, hypotonic, and hypertonic solutions in my own mind and I am glad I found your site, Osmosis and the differences between the soulutions can be very confusing, This helped me to understand better than anything I have ever read.

It can definitely be confusing. Even I have to pause sometimes and think it through again in my own mind each time I teach it! Have fun teaching your IV class!

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You’re so pretty and smart, you have thought to do that. Thanks for sharing and I could see the zeal in your heart to nursing and hope you won’t get tired sharing your unique skill and knowledge. Wish to be like you 🙂 more power!

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why did the water stop flowing to the bag even when osmotic pressure still occurs in the system?

There are multiple types of pressure interacting that influence which direction the water flows: oncotic pressure, osmotic pressure, and even just water pressure. When the forces pushing water IN are equal to the forces pushing it OUT, then the water will stop flowing and stay where it is unless something changes.

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You are an angel . Finals this week and I have not getten this all semester . Thank you so much !!! How do I follow your post I want more helpful info?

Thanks again

Hi Bridget, So glad I could help! The best way to follow my posts is to sign-up for the email newsletter, which you can do by entering your name and email in the sign-up box to the right of the webpage. Good luck with finals! Let me know how they go for you!

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Thanks for the video, great experiment, and great rationale behind why the isotonic and hypotonic solutions didn’t show that much of a change compared to the egg in the hypertonic solution! This would have been a great vid while I was in nursing school – but I’m still glad that I found it now! 🙂

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hi there, loved the experiment. i was trying to find the answer to this: A hypertonic solution is likely to contain … many / no electrolytes? and stumbled across your page. i’ll be saving this im my favs. I have just started my Bachelor of nursing and hope to do my post grad in midwifery. please feel free to explain if a hypertonic solution contains electrolytes. Cheers, Erin

Hi Erin, Thanks for your question, and for your compliments! The hypertonic IV solution usually contains more electrolytes than human blood. Check out this other article I wrote on hypertonic IV solutions for me info: https://www.yournursingtutor.com/hypertonic-iv-solutions/

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Very informative!! Helped to clear a lot of things up for me. Thanks!!

Glad it helped! Osmosis is such an important concept because it can be used to understand so many other medical conditions.

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