The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment


Some of the advantages, the disadvantages and drawbacks.

Since the advent of humans on this planet, a long way has been passed during the journey that has progressed from the Iron Age until the present era of information technology. During this passage of time, more facilities and amenities have been developed by man, which has revolutionized and benefited the human race around the world. The invention of computers has been considered one of the major twists during the twentieth century. Approximately two decades back, most of the populace was practically unknown with the term of internet. However, nowadays, this term has been enveloped in almost all the homes, offices, malls, and several places around the world. Man has been benefiting from the abovementioned term that has powerfully provided an informative as well as an interactive platform throughout the globe. (Gattiker, pp. 55-61, 2001).

Briefly, various services and resources have been collected and provided by the internet for the improvement and promotion of humankind. In the history of humankind, the field of communication has developed a lot, and one of the most outstanding innovations is conceivable the Internet. However, everything has its advantages, as well as, disadvantages, and it depends upon the person to either benefit from it or allows the matter to harm the surroundings. Thus, the internet has also advantages, as well as, drawbacks; however, disadvantages have been outweighed by the superior enormity of its advantages.

Although, it is a common thought that the principal ingredients of the internet are e-mail, chat rooms, search engines, and the World Wide Web. However, the internet constitutes more than the abovementioned tools and resources, which will be discussed in this paper. Nowadays, the contemporary state of affairs has been benefiting from this tool, which has proved itself as one of the best among the rest of the world. Today, a single room has been presented as a new and innovative appearance of the whole globe. Currently, a student can acquire his education on the internet without even standing up from his chair. On the other hand, a businessperson can make a deal on the internet with the best suppliers around the world without any visa application, as well as, without any traveling expenses, which was not possible some decades ago.

Moreover, a South African can catch the latest news of an event occurring in an American part of the world, which has only become possible due to the availability of the internet in almost every corner of the world. In addition, thousands of books can be read and studied within mouse clicks, and without collecting these books in bookshelves that require lots of space. Interestingly, shopping can also be done within minutes with the help of credit cards without roaming in the rush of shopping malls, which has been greatly appreciated by the female populace of the globe. Thus, the internet has become a matter of just fingertips and has promoted, as well as, assisted humans in achieving a better and improved place in their lives.

In other words, a small global village has been formed by the creation and introduction of the internet into human lives. Communication has become a matter of seconds from one corner of the world to another. Reliability and speed are being innovated and improved day by day, which has changed the perceptions of humans at all. It is now just a fraction of a second to greet loved ones or study the African culture while residing in the United States. One of the biggest advantages of the internet is the plenty of information that has been provided by this platform. (Gattiker, pp. 23-29, 2001) A virtual library of millions of books has been an innovative wardrobe of the internet, which is one of the major reasons for its popularity and demand around the world. As the result, internet surfing has become one of the common and popular habits of students and children around the world. Today, research work is carried out by the utilization of internet libraries and virtual tours that are provided to internet users. One of the advantages of the internet is its reliability, as the data and information on the internet are updated within seconds. Businesspersons can be informed of trade fairs and exhibitions that would be organized shortly. Thus, the internet has become a necessity, rather than a luxury in almost every part of the world.

Until now, we have described and discussed some of the advantages of the internet, such as communication, information, entertainment, services, e-commerce, etc. Now, the disadvantages and drawbacks of the internet will be discussed in the following pages. As the internet has masses of advantages that have benefited almost every sector of the planet, it has become an addiction and a compulsion for several people. As the result, the internet has become one of the places for theft of personal information that is available on the internet. Nowadays, schools and colleges do not observe fights in their classrooms or grounds, which was a common habit in previous years. One of the reasons is that nowadays, hacking has become an alternative way for many students, and even professionals to take revenge on other persons by stealing their personal information, which can result in emotional trauma or psychological disorder.

Secondly, spamming is another disadvantage of the internet. Several experts have evaluated and noted that frustration and anxiety have been the outcomes of spamming, as the entire system of internet users is obstructed by the illegal act of spamming. Thirdly, one of the basic requirements of the internet is the utilization of computers, which is made difficult by the viruses that threaten and harm computer systems. It has been observed that several internet systems and businesses attached to the internet have been destroyed and deteriorated due to these virus programs. (Gattiker, pp. 100-107, 2001).

Moreover, pornography is another gigantic weakness and annoyance of the internet. It has been observed by several medical experts that the healthy mental lives of children are being threatened by the abovementioned drawback of the internet. One of the main downsides is that pornographic sites can be found with several easy mouse clicks and can easily endanger the lives of children, which has become a serious issue and concern of most parents around the world.

Several disadvantages have been studied in this paper, which can deteriorate human lives. Havoc and destruction can be created by the internet, and fatal outcomes can be observed by the misuse of this informative and interactive world. Moreover, it has been observed that the attractive world of the internet has resulted in the avoidance of family members by internet-addicted persons, which has worsened the emotional lives of thousands of families around the world. The time of exercise is now given to the chat rooms with unknown internet chatters, who can be nerds, professionals, and sometimes, even criminals.

It has been observed by most professionals that chatting is one of the main factors that have deteriorated and addicted masses of students, children, and internet users around the world. In this regard, different programs and activities are being introduced by the schools, colleges, and universities, to avoid any obsession related to the internet from these students. Thus, the advantages of the internet have outweighed the disadvantages, and humankind has benefited a lot from this informative and resourceful platform, which is still being innovated and improved every day.

Urs E. Gattiker. (2001). The Internet as a Diverse Community. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

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IvyPanda. (2021, September 19). The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet.

"The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet." IvyPanda , 19 Sept. 2021,

IvyPanda . (2021) 'The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet'. 19 September.

IvyPanda . 2021. "The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet." September 19, 2021.

1. IvyPanda . "The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet." September 19, 2021.


IvyPanda . "The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet." September 19, 2021.

English Compositions

Short Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

In this lesson, you will learn how you can write short essays on the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet. I will write three sets of sample essays here in very simple words for a better understanding of all kinds of students. 

Table of Contents

Short essay on advantages and disadvantages of the internet in 100 words, short essay on advantages and disadvantages of the internet in 200 words, short essay on advantages and disadvantages of the internet in 400 words.

Feature image of Short Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet

Today any mode of communication happens through the use of the internet. The internet is a gigantic network that connects the entire world and brings the world into our grip. We are aware of everything because of the internet. It has its own merits and demerits. If we think of the advantages of the internet then there are many.

It helps us to connect, learn, contact, and also send messages to the farthest places. Without it, we are simply blind. Again excessive use of the internet is dangerous. It creates an addiction in users and pulls them towards harmful circles. Their lives are destroyed. Too much internet can create mental disorders. So we must be careful in using this useful product and maintain our own safety.

Today modern systems are controlled by the Internet. Without it, we can’t even lead our basic needs. The Internet is a huge global network system that has the following advantages and disadvantages.

The Internet provides us with faster communication to connect with anyone using different calling modes. Businesses are getting benefited because of the communication facility provided by the internet. The internet is now helping in online education as well. Students can now access many books online without spending a penny. Trade and commerce are easier now. Also, we are receiving information every day through online news. Online banking, ordering foods, clothes, medicines, and groceries, all have become easier due to the internet facility.

However, every boon has its own disadvantages as well. Due to excess use of the internet people are becoming lazy and homebound. The greatest problem with the internet is the lack of privacy. At any moment private information can be leaked and exploited to harm others. Youngsters are getting into unnecessary addiction to online games and dangers. Frauds and online looting are daily incidents. Bank details are often getting destroyed and misused. 

Hence we must remember science is supposed to be a boon and not a curse. Humans are given the power to control the world of the Internet and save others from its exploitation. The internet must be used for overall well-being without any harm

The Internet is one of the most useful and important communication setups in our lives. By the internet, we mean a huge global connecting system or a network that joins everyone together in one string. The Internet has lots of facilities as well as disadvantages. Like any scientific invention, it helps in several ways and also destroys our lives. The following advantages and disadvantages are described. 

The greatest gift that the internet has given us is the facility to communicate easily with anyone around the world. Earlier it was impossible to even think about this. But now with the help of the internet, we can chat, make video calls, send voice messages, and also entertain ourselves with different sorts of communication applications. Huge business organisations and other setups are getting lots of facilities due to the internet.

The internet again is used for education. Today online education is a way of learning. Due to the internet, one can surf through Wikipedia and different documents available online and get knowledge of several things in the world. Lots of expensive books can be accessed online through the internet. So it enables many poor children to learn better.

Banking is one of the significant aspects of the internet. Earlier people has to stand in long queues and wait for banking work to be done. But now just sitting at home, one can do any bank work through the internet. Receiving groceries and medicine of any kind online is more accessible due to internet availability. 

However, the internet has several disadvantages and dangerous consequences. The world is extremely open through the internet and so anything can happen at any time. Youngsters get addicted to online games which harms them mentally and physically. They forget their studies and get involved completely in the world of the internet and suffer from severe depression and their future is destroyed. 

Online theft and fraud cases are quite common on the internet. Nowadays all official documents are available online and hence due to online fraud, many people lose their hard-earned money. Banking frauds can also create dangerous results. 

The Internet is also a place with no privacy. So people are criticized often and as a result many commit suicide for trolling. People become extremely harsh on the Internet and this lack of care for the other person pulls them away from nature. 

So it is always advisable to use the internet with caution. Anything that is good can create a disaster at any moment. So a humble use of the internet is the best choice.

Hopefully, after going through this lesson, you have a holistic idea of this topic. If you still have any doubts regarding this context, kindly keep me posted through some quick comments below.

Thank you.

23 Biggest Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet

The Internet is one of the few technologies that doesn’t have a single inventor. It is a series of processes that evolved over time through the efforts of many people. The United States first started using an early version of this connectivity during the Cold War, using it to keep scientists and researchers collaborating with each other.

Now, much of the developed world is fully connected to the Internet, with home usage rates exceeding 90% in some areas. We use this technology for almost anything, and an entire generation can’t imagine life without it because they’ve been using it for all of their lives. Altogether, about one-third of the population uses this resource regularly.

The Internet really began to take off in 1992 when a group of researchers and students at the University of Illinois developed a usable browser. That was the same year that Congress passed laws allowing for this technology to be used for commercial purposes. Now we stay connected with each other through social networking websites, email, direct messaging, and more.

The advantages and disadvantages of the Internet are numerous and individualized. These are some of the critical ideas to review.

List of the Advantages of the Internet

1. The Internet gives us access to knowledge, information, and learning opportunities. The Internet provides us with an endless supply of information that continuously updates. This resource allows us to access knowledge in ways that were never possible in the past. That means we have more learning opportunities that can help us to grow as individuals, professionals, and families than ever before.

When you use a search engine, such as Google or Bing, you can ask almost any question. Then you can be instantly taken to a webpage with relevant answers and data about your query. We can watch millions of videos on a site like YouTube to learn something new, or even take college classes with this resource.

2. It connects us to other people in ways that weren’t possible in the past. If you wanted to communicate with someone without a landline before the Internet, your only option was to write that personal letter. It could take days, and sometimes even months, to receive mail from someone else. Items could get lost during this process, which means your words might never reach the person you were trying to encourage or inform. Because of the technology that is available on the Internet, you can send an email to anyone in the world with delivery in under 60 seconds.

Other forms of communication are also possible because of the Internet, including VoIP services, chat rooms, and direct messaging so that you can have an instant conversation with anyone else who has a connection.

3. Supportive communities develop online because of the Internet. Online forums are one of the best innovations that the Internet provides us to use. These places are a spot where people who share common interests can connect with one another. They can talk about what they enjoy doing, ask questions or offer advice, and take advantage of learning opportunities from experts in their chosen field.

It isn’t a task-orientated benefit either. Forums exist that provide support for health issues, childhood trauma, and domestic violence so that we can all work together to make the world a better place.

4. The Internet helps us to find where we need to go. The Internet works with GPS technology to help map and direct us to almost every destination in the world today. You can go online to quickly route the best path to follow when finding a business in your area that provides the goods or services you require. The search engines that we use are smart enough to understand where you are, even if you are not at home when making a query.

That means the Internet provides you with the most relevant information for each search based on your needs and geographic location. If you have the need to hire a landscaper, then requesting that service will give you a list of local providers and their websites.

5. We can manage our finances more effectively because of the Internet. Instead of receiving a paper statement in the mail, the Internet allows us to access our bank account information at any time. That means you can view your available balance, transfer money between accounts, or pay your bills electronically. It prevents payments from getting lost when you send them with a postal carrier while offering immediate compensation for those who receive the funding. This benefit allows us to save money on stamps, late fees, and other potential penalties.

6. The Internet allows us to shop for what we need online. Online shopping is another significant advantage to consider when evaluating the pros and cons of the Internet. E-commerce platforms let us find goods and services of interest, giving us the option to purchase them online instead of visiting a physical store. It also provides us with an efficient way to compare prices between manufacturers, companies, or platforms to make sure that we get the best price possible.

Public reviews about companies, products, or services give us a way to be confident when making an online purchase. This structure provides us with the advantage of having a better understanding of all of the purchasing decisions we make each day.

7. We can create employment opportunities because of the Internet. The Internet provides us with several ways to find employment. You can decide to be a freelancer and offer services directly to others through a website you own or platforms like Fiverr and Upwork. If you own a business, then a domain allows you to create an e-commerce platform that you can use to buy and sell goods or services. Since the Internet is almost everywhere in the world today, you have more access to potential customers than any local store.

The Internet is always on, even if some websites experience downtime. That means you have the potential to make money at all times because there is always a place in the world experiencing normal business hours. You can advertise what you offer to everyone within the specific demographics you want to reach with very little effort.

8. The Internet provides telecommuting options for employers. Having an Internet connection available makes it possible for people to work from home or to operate a virtual office. Many businesses today allow their workers to use telecommuting as an option if their equipment meets or exceeds required specifications. When employees have an opportunity to avoid a daily commute, then it can help them to save money by avoiding childcare costs while reducing the wear-and-tear on their vehicles.

That means every small business has an opportunity to tap into a global workforce of experts. Even though competition levels are higher than ever because everyone can access the Internet, you also have more scalability options because of the greater access to expertise.

9. Charitable donations are easier to manage because of the Internet. The Internet provides charitable organizations with access to a much wider and more diverse audience. Anyone with a connection can quickly donate to a favorite cause. It is also possible to fund projects or ideas that are interesting or benefit the public in some way with only a couple of clicks. The rise of crowdfunding platforms makes it possible for us to help each other at the same time, with memorial funds and hospital bill campaigns giving us ways to manage the high costs of care – especially in the United States.

The Internet also helps charitable organizations find the online services they need to make their efforts more efficient. These connections can also help them to secure more volunteers to do good things locally.

10. The Internet provides us with plenty of entertainment options. The number of streaming services that are available on the Internet today allows us to have a never-ending amount of content to consume. Netflix, Hulu, HBO Now, CBS All Access, Crackle, and many others let us watch our favorite shows and movies for a low price.

The Internet also lets us play games on social networking sites, through platforms like Xbox or PlayStation, and on independent websites. We can listen to music while we are working online. We can even stream our favorite songs or sounds around the house with Bluetooth technology. That’s why not having access to this technology can make life feel boring in many ways.

11. Cloud computing and storage expand our abilities to keep data. The Internet connects your computers and enabled devices to cloud services that include computing and storage. That means you have access to more powerful platforms to complete complex tasks while you or your business continues to work on other tasks. The rise of quantum computing technology is expanding the influence of this advantage, making it possible to create entirely new resources because of how fast the calculations occur.

Cloud storage provides us with the opportunity to synchronize data across your devices. That means you have access to your files from almost anywhere. It is easier than ever before to backup information, making your data secure on professionally-maintained servers. If something happens to your home or business equipment, then you can restore your functionality almost immediately.

12. The Internet of Things helps us to create a smarter world. The Internet makes many of our devices become connected and smarter because of their online design. You can connect a thermostat to control the heating and cooling of your home remotely or automatically. Your locks, lights, and outlets can receive the same upgrade. These improvements lead to a world where we are more efficient with our resources, helping us to save time, energy, and money.

List of the Disadvantages of the Internet

1. What can be used for good can also be used for evil. Anyone who has ever spent some time on the Internet has encountered abusive people. There are trolls, stalkers, and cyberbullying that happens regularly on a variety of platforms. Because it feels like someone can be anonymous when they sit behind a screen or mobile device, the filters that we use when speaking with each other go away. That means a lot of people treat each other unkindly when they are online.

Hidden places on the Internet, such as the deep web, can even make it a place for criminals to conduct business. There isn’t as much of a risk of getting caught, especially when cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin can facilitate transactions.

2. Pornography and violence are prevalent on the Internet. Although not everyone would consider this issue a disadvantage, exposing children to violence or pornographic images before they are mature enough to process them can be detrimental to their development. Teens who watch movies or listen to music that glorify specific behaviors are more likely to pursue them in real-life situations. It is an issue that can lead to drug use, drinking, violence, and risky sexualized behaviors.

Children who have sexual intercourse by the age of 13 are more likely to have multiple sexual partners, engage in risky behaviors frequently, and use drugs or alcohol before sex.

3. It creates an addiction to technological devices. Using the Internet can quickly become addictive for many people. You can find a massive amount of information to review, spend time connecting with friends on social networking sites, or play games while at work. Instead of doing something productive, this technology off and promotes something that is frivolous.

21% of employees in the United States say that they spend up to five hours each week on the Internet during working hours doing something that isn’t related to their career. Even when a company has policies in place that block personal websites during working hours, employees can use their personal devices to access the information they want.

4. People struggle to disconnect from work because of the Internet. The average employee, even if they are in an entry-level position, will spend between 3 to 7 hours working outside of their usual shift because of the Internet. Managers and executives put in up to 20 extra hours per week. Being available for work at any time of day due to this technology can make it challenging to transition from professional responsibilities to personal ones.

Even if you are not on the clock, a notification that an important work email is in your inbox creates a temptation to check it. That means workers are often being productive without getting paid for their work.

5. The Internet can provide people with your private information. With billions of computers operating around the world, hackers or malicious users can access accounts through the Internet to locate and steal personal information. These connections allow for a quick scan of millions of computers simultaneously to quickly identify vulnerabilities that are open for exploitation. When someone has your identity information, they can use it in unauthorized ways to gain access to new financial resources.

6. Students can use the Internet to cheat. The Internet allows students of any age to cheat on their tests or find ways to get around assignment requirements. One of the fastest-growing areas of e-commerce that you can find online involves professional writers who get paid to produce essays for high schoolers, college students, and even doctoral candidates.

Even if a student tries to be above board with their work, the prevalence of mobile devices today allows for Internet access while seated in a classroom.

7. The Internet exposes all of us to more advertising. The Internet provides businesses with an opportunity to reach a wider audience than television, radio, or traditional print media. It occurs on such a massive scale that many people tune it out because it is present on every website today. Many find that the amount of spam that goes into their junk mail is much more likely to get sent their way than a meaningful message from someone they know.

That means the amount of information that we receive each day is primarily useless. We delete it from our accounts in the same way that we throw away junk mail when it arrives in our mailbox.

8. Going online can adversely impact a person’s focus and patience. When we use the Internet, then this technology gives us an instant gratification effect. We can find what we want, when we want it, at any time of day. When we receive information through this structure, then it rewards our ability to search for data instead of trying to recall it. This process impacts our interactions in general, making you more impatient and less focused on meaningful activities.

The best way to balance this natural disadvantage of the Internet is to spend time away from it. Focus on having productive, real-life activities that include exercise, time with your family, and other fun events.

9. Frequent Internet use can lead to social isolation. The networking websites that billions of people use regularly can lead to issues of social isolation. It can also create feelings of loneliness or begin the process of forming clinical depression. Although the Internet and online gaming facilitate communication with other people, this structure causes individuals to disconnect themselves from their real-life relationships as they make new connections with people they’ve never met online.

10. Using the Internet often requires a sedentary lifestyle. If you spend too much time sitting, then you are at a higher risk of obesity and an unhealthy lifestyle. Most people use the Internet while on a couch or sitting behind a computer. Unless conscious decisions are made to become more physically active, a host of health problems can start to develop over time.

Using a computer also means that your body must go through repetitive movements frequently. A common injury for those who use the Internet often is called carpal tunnel syndrome. It occurs when you move your hand from your keyboard to a mouse repetitively, followed by similar typing actions. Keeping a correct posture, taking breaks, and understanding the ergonomics of computing can help with these issues, but it may not prevent them from happening.

11. You might decide to purchase things that you don’t really need. The Internet does an excellent job of reducing the barriers that people have when connecting to information or other individuals in real-life situations. That also means the entire online world becomes a place where impulsive purchases become a possibility. Many users find themselves buying things without putting much thought into whether or not they need the products or services in question.

Working with e-commerce platforms can become such an addictive process that it can lead to severe debt in some situations. Since a debit or credit card facilitates these transactions, it can be challenging to some trying to avoid places on the Internet where this issue could occur.

What will the Internet be like in 50 years? In 100 years? We may not know what it can do today, but it will be a life-changing experience.

Some experts say that keyboards, screens, and the mouse will disappear entirely as we use voice-activated systems. Artificial intelligence and machine learning may be technologies that manage multiple facets of our lives. The world may very well become a mix of virtual and reality, and it might be challenging at times to decipher between the two.

We might have real-time access to information about everything. There could be more ways to communicate. It might even be possible to connect humans to the Internet of Things.

The Internet has come a long way since it crashed when trying to send the word “Login” on its first attempt at communication. When we look at its full potential, it is clear to see that we still have a long way to go.


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