Human Trafficking - Essay Samples And Topic Ideas For Free

Human trafficking, a grievous global issue, involves the trade of humans for forced labor, sexual slavery, or commercial sexual exploitation. Essays might delve into the mechanisms, global networks, and the socio-economic or political conditions enabling human trafficking. Moreover, discussions could extend to international and local efforts to combat human trafficking, support victims, and the legal frameworks surrounding human trafficking and modern slavery. A vast selection of complimentary essay illustrations pertaining to Human Trafficking you can find at PapersOwl Website. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Human Trafficking

Illegal Immigration and Human Trafficking

Human trafficking comes in many different forms such as sex trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation. Sex exploitation is based on the interaction between a trafficker selling an individual, victim being smuggled to customers for sexual services. Labor trafficking includes situations of debt bondage, forced labor, and involuntary child labor. Labor trafficking uses violence, threats, lies, and other forms of coercion to force people to work against their will in which most cases have no knowledge on the activities […]

Human Trafficking in the Age of Social Media

Human trafficking is an everyday recurrence. Lots of people have heard about Human trafficking, but aren't sure how much of a global issue it truly is. The average age a teen enters the sex trade in the U.S. is 12 to 14-year-old(Do something-Human Trafficking), better known as your teenage or adolescent years. Human trafficking is a problem that must be solved for people at any age, though it starts with adolescents as a result of social media platforms and vulnerability […]

Modern-day Slavery in the United States

Human trafficking is a global issue and is often referred as modern-day slavery, in the United States there is an estimate of 244,000 to 325,000 minors that are at risk for sexual exploitation, with an estimated 199,000 incidents of sexual exploitation of a minor. (In Our Backyard) These victims come from all walks of life, looking for love or hopes of a new life. Minor victims are vulnerable and considered an easy target by their traffickers. (Carpenter) As one trafficker […]

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Preventing Individuals from the Dangers of Human Trafficking

A topic that most people probably go through their day without paying much attention to is that of human trafficking. Many individuals do not think that human trafficking will ever affect them nor their families. However, the reality is that such a tragic event could happen to anyone regardless of age, race, or gender, it could occur at any given place or time, and the perpetrator could be absolutely anyone. Human trafficking has become a prominent problem in the United […]

Human Trafficking in the Philippines

What if you were given the most appealing chance to escape poverty and took it, just to find out your efforts landed you into the hands of human traffickers? Human trafficking is a large issue dealt with by countries all over the world, including the Philippines, a tier 1 country that is actively changing their methods of the battle against it. For example, one instance of this took place in 2003 where the country passed the "Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act, […]

Modern Slavery – Prostitution, Labor, and Debt Bondage

Human trafficking is a form of modern slavery that serves involuntary solitude, forced prostitution, labor, and debt bondage that happens in the shadows of Charlotte, NC. Involuntary solitude takes away the personal freedom that you have a right as a person. Out of all crimes, Human Trafficking is the fastest growing business of organized crime which can include transnational, national, or local groupings of highly centralized enterprises. It happens through fraud; initiating false promises and/or working conditions, being forced; any […]

Human Trafficking in the United States

Some people have a fear of heights, spiders, or even the dark but in America, the level of fear is far greater. Lions, tigers, and bears are the least of the worries for Americans due to the multiplicative issue of sex trafficking. Sex trafficking includes the purchase of women, children, and in some cases men to be used as sex slaves. Instead of recognizing victims and giving them proper assistance, United States citizens and lawmakers disavow human trafficking. Among the […]

What is Human Trafficking?

Well, human trafficking is any form of recruiting, transporting, or kidnapping, in which the intent is to be held against will, threat, or coercion with payments or benefits to control another person for exploitation. Human trafficking can be practiced in various ways, such as forced labor, sexual exploitation, slavery of different forms, and organ trafficking (1). One issue the U.S. has with this topic is that there is such a small number of victims and their traffickers, which creates contradicting […]

The Impact of Slavery

The participation of England in the slave-trade began in the early 16th century, with the country, on par with Portugal, being the most successful in the trading business until the abolishment of Slavery in the UK in 1807. The original interest of the British traders was more-so with the produce from within Africa, such as ivory and gold, rather than the people of Africa itself. The interest shifted however when the demand for labourers increased and rich British figures became […]

What is Human Trafficking

When people bring up the topic of crimes, the first thing that comes to their mind is gun violence, theft, rape, and murder. A major crime that is not discussed enough is Human trafficking and many people do not recognize that it is not only happening in the middle east, but also in South America and other third world countries. This misdeed can happen to anyone no matter their race, financial background, gender, or sexual orientation and still goes on […]

Human Trafficking and its Relationship with Sex Trafficking

This paper is about Human Trafficking and its relationship with Sex Trafficking. The best way to understand what Human Tracking is would be to define Human Trafficking and give a brief history of Human Trafficking and how long it has actually been going on and what has changed since the early days of Human Trafficking and who is affected by it. This paper will cover which states are the worst for Human trafficking and if there is clearly one state […]

Illegal Immigration and Crime

The United States border is always a topic when the subject is the illegal entry ( entering into a country ) in the United States. Some people defend that building a wall will reduce the criminal activities in the country, while others defend that to stop illegal entry, ( entering into a country) could lapse the United States economy (the process of people making, selling, and buying things). To state that whether criminal activities increases by illegal ( entering into […]

The Construction of Human Trafficking as a Big Social Issue

Specific Purpose: Cognitive, To inform my audience about what is human trafficking and its importance, how human trafficking works, and the statistics on human trafficking. Thesis: Human trafficking is a big social issue, so today, I will explain my knowledge about what is human trafficking and why is it serious, how human trafficking works, and the statistics on human trafficking. Preview: In today's society, It is very scary to be going out anywhere because you never know what is going […]

Human Trafficking in Venezuela

Abstract This research examines the injustices and dehumanization of Latina/os in Venezuela, focusing on its phenomenon of human trafficking. The nation has become a victim of its own economic, social, and political corruption. The trafficking of persons is believed to be the third-largest organized crime worldwide, encompassing many demographics. Human trafficking has plagued Venezuela for many years. This paper ultimately concludes and exposes the extent of the dilemma. The sources used for our research were found through the databases of […]

Societies Role in Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking is defined as the action/practice of illegally transporting people from one country/area to another, typically for the purpose of forced labor or sexual exploitation. Human trafficking is a $32 billion-a-year industry, with 300,000 Americans that are under the age of 18 being allured into the commercial sex trade every year. Society should begin educating the signs of a trafficked victim, go through trainings of how to help a victim, figure out where their products that they use come […]

Celebrity Influences on Human Trafficking

For years human trafficking has been an ongoing problem that people have been unaware of and now many celebrities stepping up to bring awareness to the cause, like Jada Pinkett Smith. Pinkett Smith, displayed in the image on the right, is an American actress who is married to actor Will Smith. In the image we can see Pinkett Smith at an event where her media influence is large. She heard about human trafficking through her daughter who had recently become […]

Spain Criminal Justice

Spain, one of the oldest and most successful countries in the world. One of the biggest countries in all of Europe, and one of the biggest tourist attractions in the world. The history of Spain can be traced back hundreds of years when monarchs ruled the country. Of course, over time many things have changed. The economy, politics, tourism, etc. But, one thing that obviously changed over time is there criminal justice system. How it has developed from the past […]

Human Trafficking in the Tampa Bay Area

The City of Tampa our beloved home where we should feel safe and together as one community. No matter which gender, race or age you are, living in Tampa overall portrays to be a peaceful city where families can stabilize their life and grow with successful opportunity. Tampa is home to multiple suburban communities where kids are raised with their neighbors and play together in their parks. However, when you sit on the park bench and lose sight on your […]

Human Trafficking and Child Welfare

Child victims of human trafficking are more likely to suffer from long term affects rather than adults due to the critic stages of development they may be going through. As time persists after the abuse occurred, strong defensive emotions, like anger and fear, can be associated within relationships the individual has that have no correlation to the abusive event (McCammon, McCammon, & Ramby, 2006). Children who have been abused or trafficked can begin to develop a sense of hypervigilance in […]

Inside the World of Human Trafficking

Have you ever been in a situation where you felt like an object being forced to do things you don't like or feel comfortable? Human trafficking is a big problem in the US and all over the world. Older women, even young girls, are being slaved to participate in a sex labor, labor trafficking, and even forced marriage. In the article, Human Trafficking: A Call for Counselor Awareness and Action it mentions Human Trafficking described as a form of modern-day […]

Human Trafficking in Arizona

Human trafficking is happening here Arizona, right in front of our noses. Let's start off by telling you a little bit more about human trafficking. Human trafficking is criminalized under the United States law, also under federal law, it is a crime to compel another person to provide labor, services, or commercial sex. Human trafficking is a form of modern slavery that is happening in every state, including Arizona. NHTH (National Human Trafficking Hotline), has been working with providers, law […]

How did Slavery Shape Modern Society?

Slavery has never been abolished from America's way of thinking. (Nina Simone) Slavery still exist till this day, from forced labor, sex trafficking, debt bondage, child soldiers, and domestic servitude. Although slavery was abolished in 1865 in the United States, slavery continues to be a worldwide issue from forced child labor, sex trafficking, and debt bondage. Thousands of people suffer every year resulting in injury, kidnapping, and even death so the question remains does slavery still exist to this day? […]

Combating Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is a problem that affects every country in the world, big or small. This practice has become very popular throughout the world because of labor needs and the want to have sex. People are frequently needed to perform labor and a lot of people struggle to meet their sexual needs and as a result they turn to human trafficking to get their fix. While the majority of people in the world recognize that this is a serious global […]

Victims of Human Trafficking and their Access to Healthcare

Access to healthcare has been a dilemma for many years in underdeveloped countries and communities. One reason is the feeble economical dynamics that people are faced with in that territory. However, one of the big issues that tends to hide in the shadows is the global epidemic of human trafficking around the world. There is an inadequacy of access to healthcare for the millions of victims where many of which are frequently predisposed of due to the horrendous conditions they […]

Confronting Human Trafficking in Bulgaria

Overview Human trafficking is a substantial issue in Bulgaria because Bulgaria is a country of transit for migrants who are leaving Eastern Europe to seek a better life and better socioeconomic conditions in wealthier countries in Western Europe (Central Intelligence Agency, 2018). Migrants are the most commonly targeted group for human traffickers in Bulgaria (Petrunov, Weitzer, & Zhang, 2014). Promoting just, peaceful and inclusive societies is a sustainable development goal established by the United Nations (United Nations, 2018). Addressing human […]

The Effects of Human Trafficking and Healthcare Providers

Freedom is inarguably the most treasured right in the United States. But each year, roughly 18,000 men, women and children are trafficked in the United States. Human trafficking is a public health concern that affects individuals, families and entire communities across generations. The health care system plays an important role in identifying and treatment victims of human trafficking; however, how trained are the medical professionals on how to identify and properly treat the victims to ensure a successful recovery? What […]

Why does Drug Trafficking Cause Gun Violence

There is a strong relationship between drug trafficking, drug use, and gun violence. The research attempts to come up with a solution for the research question why does drug trafficking cause gun violence. Most youths have been involved in the use of drugs like marijuana, stimulants, hallucinogens, crack cocaine, heroin, and cocaine hence being involved in violence including gun violence (Johnson, Golub, Dunlap, 2000) This research will play a major role in improving academic research, sow the existing causal effect […]

Victims of Human Trafficking

Limiting victimisation of human trafficking only to the period of traffic or transit of the victim would narrow the true essence of anti-trafficking laws. A sex worker, who was abducted/kidnapped, then trafficked and finally forced into the flesh trade, continues to be a victim of human trafficking and prosecuting him/her under prostitution laws would be penalising a victim of human trafficking. A criminal record for charges such as prostitution, disorderly conduct etc., under general criminal laws as well as specific […]

Human Trafficking in the Textile World

For thousands of years forms of slavery and human trafficking have existed; however, the it was noted best in the 1400s when the European slave trading industry began in Africa (""Timeline of Human Trafficking ). Slavery is defined as a condition in which individuals are owned by others, who control where they live and at what they work (What is Slavery?; the Abolition of Slavery Project ). Many argue that slavery does not exist today because it has been globally […]

Heinous Crime and Global Problem – Human Trafficking

Human trafficking, one of the most heinous crimes, is a global problem that is flourishing in many areas of the world including our local college campuses. The problem has infiltrated Arizona State University (ASU ) as female students have reported exploitation and coercion at university events by traffickers promoting prostitution. Aside from prostitution, students could be at risk of being abducted and exploited for other human trafficking crimes such as drug trafficking, enslavement, organ transplants, or forced labor. Human trafficking […]

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  • How the Roles of Women and Men Were Portrayed in "A Doll's House"
  • Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Illnesses

How To Write an Essay About Human Trafficking

Introduction to the complex issue of human trafficking.

Writing an essay on human trafficking requires a comprehensive understanding of its multifaceted nature. Human trafficking, a form of modern-day slavery, involves the illegal trade of humans for exploitation or commercial gain. In your introduction, outline the various forms of human trafficking, including labor trafficking, sex trafficking, and child trafficking. Acknowledge the global scope of this crime and its impact on individuals and societies. This introductory section should provide a clear foundation for your essay, highlighting the significance of the issue and the necessity of addressing it through various lenses, including legal, social, and human rights perspectives.

Analyzing the Causes and Consequences

The body of your essay should delve into the complex causes and consequences of human trafficking. Explore the various factors that contribute to human trafficking, such as poverty, lack of education, political instability, and demand for cheap labor and sexual exploitation. Discuss how human trafficking violates basic human rights and results in severe psychological, physical, and social consequences for victims. This part of your essay should be supported with facts, statistics, and real-life examples to provide a thorough understanding of the issue. It's crucial to maintain a respectful and sensitive tone, considering the severity and personal nature of the crimes involved.

Addressing Legal Frameworks and Global Responses

In this section, focus on the legal frameworks and global responses to human trafficking. Analyze the international laws and treaties, such as the Palermo Protocol, and national legislations that have been implemented to combat human trafficking. Discuss the roles of various international and non-governmental organizations in prevention, protection, and prosecution. Additionally, consider the challenges in enforcing these laws and the gaps that still exist in the global fight against human trafficking. This part of your essay should highlight the importance of a coordinated international response and the ongoing efforts to strengthen legal and practical measures.

Concluding with a Call to Action

Conclude your essay by summarizing the key points and emphasizing the critical need for continued attention and action against human trafficking. Highlight the importance of raising awareness, improving legal frameworks, and supporting victim rehabilitation. Encourage readers to consider their role in combating human trafficking, whether through education, advocacy, or supporting relevant organizations. A strong conclusion will not only provide closure to your essay but also inspire a sense of responsibility and urgency in addressing this global issue.

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Memorable Human Trafficking Essay: Topics & Outline [2024]

Memorable Human Trafficking Essay: Topics & Outline [2024]

Human trafficking is a controversial and highly disputed topic. If your task is to write a text about this serious problem, we will help you! This article will look at essential tips for a well-written human trafficking argumentative essay. Also, you will get a comprehensive list of 75 topics for your research paper or essay on human trafficking. For even more content, you can take a look at our database of essays .

Let’s start!

What Is Human Trafficking?

How to write essay on human trafficking.

  • Research Topics

Human trafficking is the process of forcing people to work or have sex against their will. Every year, millions of people worldwide become victims of criminals. No one can be sure that this will not affect them. Traffickers are not interested in the victim’s age, gender, or race — anyone is nothing more than a commodity.

Causes of Human Trafficking.

Causes of Human Trafficking

Now, for better writing of human trafficking essay, it is worth understanding the topic’s causes. Here are the most common of them:

✔️ Poverty and lack of stability.  The primary victims of traffickers are migrants and the population suffering from wars, disasters, etc. They simply do not have the opportunity to defend their rights and protect themselves. This makes them potential crime victims .

✔️ Devaluation of women and children rights.  Some societies have specific cultural norms about women and children. Examples include early forced marriage or lack of birth registration. This further compromises the rights of vulnerable groups of the population and leads to dire consequences. USAID states that 27.6 million people, including children, are trafficked and bought for criminal purposes. Moreover, 98% of victims of sexual exploitation are women and young girls. You should definitely investigate this information in your essay. Causes of human trafficking could be different, but that`s one of the most common.

✔️ Cheap labor. A stable job with a good salary can be a tempting proposition for the poor. Traffickers are well aware of this when they offer employment in restaurants, in the fields, etc. Unfortunately, some employers do not prevent human rights violations and cooperate with criminals.

✔️ Big profit. Human trafficking is the second largest industry in the underworld, with a turnover of $150 billion. Naturally, some do not hesitate to commit a crime for the sake of such earnings. To get more information, you could check more essays about organ trafficking .

✔️ The complexity of detecting crimes. Of course, criminals have learned to hide their actions well, but there are other reasons. It should be understood that victims often do not report violations of their rights. A report from the Canadian Center to End Human Trafficking lists more than five main reasons for this behavior, including a warped perception of the judicial system and fear.

Next, we will look at the types of human trafficking you may encounter in your research of this topic.

Types of human trafficking.

Types of Human Trafficking

Let’s delve deeper into the issue and find out about the kinds of trafficking:

🔥 Sexual exploitation

Sexual exploitation is one of the most common and lucrative types of human trafficking. About two-thirds of crimes are committed in this direction. In pursuit of a better life, women and children from all over the world fall into the traps of criminals. The victims are issued with forged documents and forced to live and work in inhuman conditions.

🔥 Forced labor

Often, scammers guarantee their victims a stable job in another city or country, promising good conditions and security. But as soon as people get to traffickers, they are immediately sold for slave labor . They can be sent to plantations, mines, construction sites, or to do other hard work.

🔥 Ilegal orders

In this case, the victims, being captured, become forced executors of the plans of the of criminal gangs’ leaders. Due to the constant terror and threats, they have no other choice. For example, victims may be involved in drug cultivation, begging, or selling counterfeit goods.

Human Trafficking Awareness Month

There is no reliable way to protect yourself from crime or stop human trafficking at the moment. That is why every January, a human trafficking awareness month takes place in the United States. During this period, the U.S. Department of State raises awareness of human trafficking at home and abroad. Also, many international organizations hold seminars and workshops aimed at helping people identify crimes.

What does this mean for you?

It should be understood that knowledge in this topic is essential not only for writing an essay but also in everyday life. After all, everyone can help the world to get rid of human trafficking.

Human Trafficking Movies

How about watching a movie? We have compiled a list of 5 human trafficking movies to help you finalize your thoughts on the topic. Sure, some of them have a share of fiction, but they fully reflect the actual situation.

Here`s the list:

The Whistleblower (2010)

The Whistleblower is a crime drama based on actual events. The main character, as part of the U.N. peacekeeping mission, arrives in Bosnia. In the process of completing the assignment, she discovers an illegal network selling people. Katherine Bolkovats, played by Rachel Weisz, will not sit idly by and will arrest the intruders. However, not everyone shares her enthusiasm. Corruption and apathy become the reasons for the dismissal of the human rights defender.

Tricked (2013)

Tricked is a documentary film about the fight against trafficking in large cities in the United States. You have the opportunity to observe the activities of the Denver human trafficking police squad, which persecute criminals. However, budget cuts and poor court performance make their work meaningless. This movie can help you before writing an essay on human trafficking.

I am Jane Doe (2017)

A Netflix documentary shows the story of the lawsuit against This site has been displaying ads for the sale of people for sexual slavery for years. After a private screening of the film in Congress, the FBI blocked Backpage’s activities. This story could become a good research topic for a human trafficking essay.

Girl Model (2011)

Girl Model is a documentary focusing on the Japanese human trafficking markets. In this film, one can observe how traffickers lure victims in. The authors also raise the burning topic of the relationship between the modeling business and the human trafficking industry.

Priceless (2016)

Priceless is a romantic drama from the director of “For King and Country,” sheding light on the role of conventional transporters in human trafficking. Priceless is a romantic drama from For King and Country sheds light on the role of conventional transporters in human trafficking . In this film, the fictional character of James Stevens is carrying a load of people without knowing anything about it.

We hope our selection will help you, but we will go directly to learning how to write a human trafficking essay for now!

Human trafficking college essays are similar to other academic papers. However, if you have no idea where to start, don’t worry! We have prepared a detailed plan, following which will help you remember the procedure once and for all.

The human trafficking essay outline is an essential preparatory step before writing the main body of an essay. It is crucial to organize your arguments and evidence and write a short structure of the academic work at this stage. It will not be superfluous to think in advance what you will write in each section and paragraph.

Here’s an example of a possible structure:

Essay Outline Structure.

Now let’s move on to the analysis of each element!

Human Trafficking Thesis Statement: Examples & Tips

After choosing a topic and preparing a plan, it’s time to formulate the essay’s main idea. The human trafficking essay thesis is a clear statement, mainly at the end of the introduction. The introduction should smoothly lead to this thesis, and the rest of the article should prove or refute it.

Here are some examples of what a thesis statement for human trafficking paper might look like:

“Trafficking in human beings violates the basic rights of victims so that it can be equated with a crime against humanity.”

“Trafficking in human beings is a problem that has not been addressed in the past, so it still has an impact on the international community.”

“The condemnation of the international community has not helped solve the problem of human trafficking in recent decades.”

If you would like more examples of thesis statements, there are dozens of 500 words human trafficking essays on our site.

Human Trafficking Essay Introduction

As mentioned earlier, the entire human trafficking essay introduction should lead the reader to your main point. Therefore, don’t add new and important information here. A good option would be to tell a little about the term’s history or provide general statistics. In addition, you can write a couple of introductory phrases to hook the reader and acquaint them with your thoughts on this issue. At the end of the introduction paragraph, you should insert your thesis statement. After that, you can move on to the next section.

Human Trafficking Argumentative Essay Body

You should put all the vital information obtained during the research in this section. The reader will appreciate it if you refer to sources or even quote famous people!

The main section also has some unspoken rules. It will be much better if, after the introduction, you immediately show your main argument. It should be followed by evidence based on other research, statistics, etc. This cycle can be repeated until you run out of ideas. By adhering to this structure, you’ll make the essay more understandable for the reader.

Essay on Human Trafficking: Conclusion

A human trafficking essay conclusion is an equally important part of the whole work. At this point, you should consider everything you have written and restate a thesis. A competent conclusion will allow the reader to understand that you know the topic.

75 Human Trafficking Research Topics

Now you can confidently say that you have a well-written, well-reasoned human trafficking essay almost ready. To give you some inspiration, we have compiled a selection of 75 human trafficking essay topics. Read them, and feel free to start writing!

If you want more ideas, read other human trafficking essay examples on our website.

  • The main reasons why human trafficking is still relevant today.
  • How can you fight illegal human trafficking ?
  • Explore the history of child labor in America.
  • How can we prevent human trafficking ?
  • Which countries are most affected by illegal human trafficking ?
  • What are the three types of human trafficking in the modern world?
  • How does prostitution relate to human trafficking?
  • Which organizations are successful in fighting trafficking ?
  • What is human trafficking awareness month?
  • The problem of using child labor by big companies.

Human trafficking for forced labor statistics.

  • How is the international community fighting human trafficking ?
  • How is human trafficking related to modern slavery ?
  • Investigate terrorists as subjects of human trafficking .
  • How has globalization affected human trafficking?
  • How is the film industry helping to combat human trafficking?
  • Human trafficking problems in China.
  • Will human trafficking ever end?
  • What is the situation with human trafficking in the Philippines?
  • What are the possible solutions to human trafficking ?
  • Analyze the trafficking situation in Mexico.
  • How Mexican cartels are involved in human trafficking.
  • What are security issues on the border between Africa and Europe?
  • Which segments of the population are most affected by traffickers?
  • Does international legislation help to combat human trafficking ?
  • How does the human psyche change after slavery ?
  • Is human trafficking a problem for all humanity?
  • Why are children and women vulnerable to traffickers?
  • Why are migrants often victims of slave traders?
  • The moral side of the problem of human trafficking.
  • How to understand that a person is in bondage?

Sexual expiloitation statistics.

  • The role of corruption in human trafficking .
  • How to protect yourself from human traffickers?
  • Countries that actively use forced labor .
  • Assess organs trafficking as a component of human trafficking.
  • How does the war affect the situation with human trafficking ?
  • How do natural disasters affect the human trafficking situation?
  • The Impact of the Internet on the human trafficking industry.
  • How is the modeling business related to human trafficking ?
  • Linking child pornography to the human trafficking industry.
  • Who are major buyers in captive markets?
  • What is the reason for the popularity of illegal human trafficking ?
  • Who is interested in the prosperity of human trafficking ?
  • Are the government’s anti-trafficking campaigns effective?
  • How has technology affected the sexual exploitation situation?
  • How does community culture influence the spread of human trafficking?
  • Is human trafficking a problem for each country or the world as a whole?
  • How does poverty affect the trafficking situation?
  • Human trafficking as a national security risk.
  • What modern slavery looks like, or what is human trafficking?
  • Does the U.S. government succeed in combating human trafficking ?
  • The role of regular cargo transportation in human trafficking.
  • How does human trafficking interfere with human development ?
  • How does international police fight human trafficking ?
  • The history of human trafficking in Europe.
  • The role of social security in the anti-trafficking process.
  • Why do victims of human trafficking not talk about their problems?
  • What are the main causes of human trafficking?
  • How psychotherapy helps victims of slavery?
  • The problem of child slavery in the United States.
  • How is drug addiction related to human trafficking?
  • Why are children an easy target for traffickers?
  • Human trafficking and modern society.
  • Why can’t society fight human trafficking?
  • How is the practice of early marriage linked to human trafficking?
  • Consequences of human trafficking for the economy.
  • How human trafficking affects the demographics of countries?
  • How human trafficking relates to the practice of international adoption ?
  • The problem of human trafficking in Thailand .
  • The problem of human trafficking in Eastern Europe.
  • Human trafficking as a manifestation of antisocial behavior.
  • How do the police identify criminal networks for the sale of people?
  • The phenomenon of slave markets on the Internet.
  • What is the tragedy of human trafficking?
  • How the economic situation in the country affects human trafficking?
  • Why is it so difficult to identify trafficking networks?

It’s time to choose one of the human trafficking research topics and get started. Remember all the nuances mentioned in the article and share them with your friends!

  • What Is Human Trafficking? Homeland Security .
  • 5 Prevailing causes of human trafficking. The Borgen Project .
  • Types of human trafficking. Interpol .
  • National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month. U.S Department of State .
  • 10 Movies About Human Trafficking. Human Rights Careers .
  • Writing a Paper: Outlining. Walden University .
  • Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling. United Nations .
  • The Worst Countries For Human Trafficking. RadioFreeEurope .
  • Child Labour. International Labour Organisation .
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Human Trafficking

1 exploring the complexities of human trafficking networks and victim dynamics.

Dynamics of Human Trafficking and Exploitation The below-referenced article is a substantial research project on human trafficking. The study revealed some facts about the problem and the lack of specific statistics because of the largely secretive nature of the problem with an in-depth analysis of the individual, criminal, network, and structural factors that influence trafficking […]

2 The Complex Reality of Human Trafficking in Southeast Asia

Battling Complex Human Trafficking Threats When it comes to security, it no longer revolves around traditional threats such as military confrontations or territorial disputes. The present world’s threats arise from modern, non-traditional threats such as natural disasters and transnational crimes. In the case of transnational crimes, human trafficking is seemed to be one of the […]

3 Exploring the Complexities of Human Trafficking

The Complex Dynamics of Labor Trafficking Victimization Labor trafficking involves the victimization of people through involuntary labor (De Vries & Farrell, 2018, p. 630). It is considered a form of human trafficking under U.S. Federal law, codified in the Victims of Trafficking Violence Act (TVPA) of 2000, as the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining […]

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4 The Dual Role of Technology in Combating and Facilitating Human Trafficking

Introduction Did you know sex trafficking is one of the fastest-growing criminal enterprises in the world? Many of us are blind to the fact that sex trafficking goes on in our society every day, and many of us have little knowledge of what sex trafficking and human trafficking are. Sex trafficking is the illegal business […]

5 Human Trafficking: Risk Factors and Ethical Responsibilities

Introduction The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (USDHS, n.d.) defines human trafficking as “modern-day slavery and involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act” (p.1). Millions of people are said to suffer from being in forced labor. (Zimmerman and Kiss, 2017, p. 1) It is […]

6 Addressing the Urgent Need to Combat Human Trafficking

Introduction Human trafficking is when someone is forced into sexual behaviors. Human trafficking is known as “white slavery.” Human trafficking should be prohibited in the world, and traffickers should serve a reasonable time in jail. No one should ever get used for sex against their own will if they don’t feel comfortable doing it. It […]

7 Human Trafficking: A Growing Epidemic and the Urgent Need for Awareness

Introduction Human trafficking is the new age version of slavery. It involves forcefully taking a person using fraud, lies, and coercion to get some work (labor) or sexual activity in return. Human trafficking does not discriminate against race, ethnicity, male, female, thin, fat, old, or young. There is no concern about one’s religion, income, or […]

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Human Trafficking Essay Examples

Analysis of urgent issue: human trafficking.

 Imagine living every day in constant fear and anxiety over whether or not you would live to see another day, while at the same time being constantly watched, threatened, and manipulated into performing actions against free will. Imagine living this life only to continue living...

The Pitfalls of Migration for Sex Work to Thailand

Two diametrically opposite views exist regarding the question of whether prostitution is voluntary or not. The first view, known as the abolitionist perspective, deems all prostitution to be exploitation of women and advocates for its criminalisation and abolishment. The second view came from the sex...

The Reasons for Legalizing Sex Tourism in Thailand, Caribbean and Latin America

Sex tourism involves travel across national or international borders in order to take part in a non-reproductive sexual encounter. The sexual encounter may be with an adult or minor, man, woman, transsexual or transvestite. Seeking sex tourism has increased tremendously in the past, a notorious...

Sex Trafficking Must Be Stopped

Sex trafficking is human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation, including sexual slavery. Sexual slavery is attaching the right of ownership over one or multiple people with the intent of coercing. The human sex trafficking is a serious global issue that needs the awareness...

Legalizing Sex Work - Eradicate Sex Trafficking

Overs (2002) defines sex work as “the provision of sexual services for money or goods” (p. 2). According to a report from Fondation Scelles, there are an estimated 40 to 42 million sex workers in the world, 75% of them are between the age of...

World-wide Epidemic: Human Sex Trafficking in Alabama

By definition human trafficking is “the illegal practice of procuring or trading in human beings for the purpose of prostitution, forced labor, or other forms of exploitation” (Dictionary. com). This paper will focus on the aspect of sex trafficking. The state of Alabama is in...

Physical and Mental Violence: Global Issue of Sex Trafficking

When hearing the word sex trafficking, most individuals instantly think of children and women abroad that are forced to perform sexual acts without their consent. Sex trafficking is similar to slavery where individuals across the world are kept in captivity and receive unwanted intercourse. In...

Overcoming of Human Trafficking

Maksym Krippa is renowned for taking intense stands against illicit practices around the globe. He has constantly worked to remove corrupt officers who work in the direction to receive illegal gratification. He even rejected acknowledgments for the wrongdoings and had worked in different districts to...

Anti-trafficking Vs Immigration Control

Ever since concepts like the nation-state, citizenship, borders, sovereignty were established, there have been barriers for international movement demonstrated by physical constraints such as border control and systematic constraints such as immigration laws and visa restrictions. Both types of constraints embedded in a set of...

The Rise of Sex Trafficking and Epidemic of Hiv/aids

Slavery has always been a big issue from the beginning of time, it started with human slavery and now has gotten to the point of sex slavery. In Half the Sky, the author lists out the reasons for the rise of sex slavery which are...

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About Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is the trade of humans for the purpose of forced labour, sexual slavery, or commercial sexual exploitation for the trafficker or others.

The 3 most common types of human trafficking are sex trafficking, forced labor, and debt bondage.

Political Instability, poverty, racism and the Legacy of Colonialism, gender Inequality, addictions, mental Health,Demand for cheap labor/demand for sex

Human trafficking can have long-term and short-term psychological consequences for victims (stress, trauma, stigmatization, social exclusion, and intolerance, etc.), health effects (high risk of contracting HIV/AIDS), and also global economic impacts.

Human trafficking earns global profits and happens in every country Globally, an estimated 71% of enslaved people are women and girls, while men and boys account for 29%. 16 million people are trafficked for forced labor in the private economy uses cookies to offer you the best service possible.By continuing we’ll assume you board with our cookie policy .--> -->