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Mathematics and Statistics Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

The Effect of Fixed Time Delays on the Synchronization Phase Transition , Shaizat Bakhytzhan

On the Subelliptic and Subparabolic Infinity Laplacian in Grushin-Type Spaces , Zachary Forrest

Utilizing Machine Learning Techniques for Accurate Diagnosis of Breast Cancer and Comprehensive Statistical Analysis of Clinical Data , Myat Ei Ei Phyo

Quandle Rings, Idempotents and Cocycle Invariants of Knots , Dipali Swain

Comparative Analysis of Time Series Models on U.S. Stock and Exchange Rates: Bayesian Estimation of Time Series Error Term Model Versus Machine Learning Approaches , Young Keun Yang

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Statistical Analysis of Ribonucleotide Incorporation in Human Cells , Tejasvi Channagiri

Matrix Models of 2D Critical Phenomena , Nathan Hayford

Data-Driven Learning Algorithm Via Densely-Defined Multiplication Operators and Occupation Kernels. , John Kyei

Classification of Finite Topological Quandles and Shelves via Posets , Hitakshi Lahrani

Applied Analysis for Learning Architectures , Himanshu Singh

Rational Functions of Degree Five That Permute the Projective Line Over a Finite Field , Christopher Sze

Recovering generators of principal ideals using subfield structure and applications to cryptography , William Youmans

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Application of the Riemann-Hilbert method to soliton solutions of a nonlocal reverse-spacetime Sasa-Satsuma equation and a higher-order reverse-time NLS-type equation , Ahmed Ahmed

New Developments in Statistical Optimal Designs for Physical and Computer Experiments , Damola M. Akinlana

Advances and Applications of Optimal Polynomial Approximants , Raymond Centner

Data-Driven Analytical Predictive Modeling for Pancreatic Cancer, Financial & Social Systems , Aditya Chakraborty

On Simultaneous Similarity of d-tuples of Commuting Square Matrices , Corey Connelly

Methods in Discrete Mathematics to Study DNA Rearrangement Processes , Lina Fajardo Gómez

Symbolic Computation of Lump Solutions to a Combined (2+1)-dimensional Nonlinear Evolution Equation , Jingwei He

Adversarial and Data Poisoning Attacks against Deep Learning , Jing Lin

Exploring the Vulnerability of A Neural Tangent Generalization Attack (NTGA) - Generated Unlearnable CIFAR-10 Dataset , Gitte Ost

Statistical Methods for Reliability Test planning and Data Analysis , Oluwaseun Elizabeth Otunuga

Boundary behavior of analytic functions and Approximation Theory , Spyros Pasias

Effective Statistical and Machine Learning Methods to Analyze Children's Vocabulary Learning , Houston T. Sanders

Stability Analysis of Delay-Driven Coupled Cantilevers Using the Lambert W-Function , Daniel Siebel-Cortopassi

A Functional Optimization Approach to Stochastic Process Sampling , Ryan Matthew Thurman

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Riemann-Hilbert Problems for Nonlocal Reverse-Time Nonlinear Second-order and Fourth-order AKNS Systems of Multiple Components and Exact Soliton Solutions , Alle Adjiri

Zeros of Harmonic Polynomials and Related Applications , Azizah Alrajhi

Combination of Time Series Analysis and Sentiment Analysis for Stock Market Forecasting , Hsiao-Chuan Chou

Uncertainty Quantification in Deep and Statistical Learning with applications in Bio-Medical Image Analysis , K. Ruwani M. Fernando

Data-Driven Analytical Modeling of Multiple Myeloma Cancer, U.S. Crop Production and Monitoring Process , Lohuwa Mamudu

Long-time Asymptotics for mKdV Type Reduced Equations of the AKNS Hierarchy in Weighted L 2 Sobolev Spaces , Fudong Wang

Online and Adjusted Human Activities Recognition with Statistical Learning , Yanjia Zhang

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Bayesian Reliability Analysis of The Power Law Process and Statistical Modeling of Computer and Network Vulnerabilities with Cybersecurity Application , Freeh N. Alenezi

Discrete Models and Algorithms for Analyzing DNA Rearrangements , Jasper Braun

Bayesian Reliability Analysis for Optical Media Using Accelerated Degradation Test Data , Kun Bu

On the p(x)-Laplace equation in Carnot groups , Robert D. Freeman

Clustering methods for gene expression data of Oxytricha trifallax , Kyle Houfek

Gradient Boosting for Survival Analysis with Applications in Oncology , Nam Phuong Nguyen

Global and Stochastic Dynamics of Diffusive Hindmarsh-Rose Equations in Neurodynamics , Chi Phan

Restricted Isometric Projections for Differentiable Manifolds and Applications , Vasile Pop

On Some Problems on Polynomial Interpolation in Several Variables , Brian Jon Tuesink

Numerical Study of Gap Distributions in Determinantal Point Process on Low Dimensional Spheres: L -Ensemble of O ( n ) Model Type for n = 2 and n = 3 , Xiankui Yang

Non-Associative Algebraic Structures in Knot Theory , Emanuele Zappala

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Field Quantization for Radiative Decay of Plasmons in Finite and Infinite Geometries , Maryam Bagherian

Probabilistic Modeling of Democracy, Corruption, Hemophilia A and Prediabetes Data , A. K. M. Raquibul Bashar

Generalized Derivations of Ternary Lie Algebras and n-BiHom-Lie Algebras , Amine Ben Abdeljelil

Fractional Random Weighted Bootstrapping for Classification on Imbalanced Data with Ensemble Decision Tree Methods , Sean Charles Carter

Hierarchical Self-Assembly and Substitution Rules , Daniel Alejandro Cruz

Statistical Learning of Biomedical Non-Stationary Signals and Quality of Life Modeling , Mahdi Goudarzi

Probabilistic and Statistical Prediction Models for Alzheimer’s Disease and Statistical Analysis of Global Warming , Maryam Ibrahim Habadi

Essays on Time Series and Machine Learning Techniques for Risk Management , Michael Kotarinos

The Systems of Post and Post Algebras: A Demonstration of an Obvious Fact , Daviel Leyva

Reconstruction of Radar Images by Using Spherical Mean and Regular Radon Transforms , Ozan Pirbudak

Analyses of Unorthodox Overlapping Gene Segments in Oxytricha Trifallax , Shannon Stich

An Optimal Medium-Strength Regularity Algorithm for 3-uniform Hypergraphs , John Theado

Power Graphs of Quasigroups , DayVon L. Walker

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Groups Generated by Automata Arising from Transformations of the Boundaries of Rooted Trees , Elsayed Ahmed

Non-equilibrium Phase Transitions in Interacting Diffusions , Wael Al-Sawai

A Hybrid Dynamic Modeling of Time-to-event Processes and Applications , Emmanuel A. Appiah

Lump Solutions and Riemann-Hilbert Approach to Soliton Equations , Sumayah A. Batwa

Developing a Model to Predict Prevalence of Compulsive Behavior in Individuals with OCD , Lindsay D. Fields

Generalizations of Quandles and their cohomologies , Matthew J. Green

Hamiltonian structures and Riemann-Hilbert problems of integrable systems , Xiang Gu

Optimal Latin Hypercube Designs for Computer Experiments Based on Multiple Objectives , Ruizhe Hou

Human Activity Recognition Based on Transfer Learning , Jinyong Pang

Signal Detection of Adverse Drug Reaction using the Adverse Event Reporting System: Literature Review and Novel Methods , Minh H. Pham

Statistical Analysis and Modeling of Cyber Security and Health Sciences , Nawa Raj Pokhrel

Machine Learning Methods for Network Intrusion Detection and Intrusion Prevention Systems , Zheni Svetoslavova Stefanova

Orthogonal Polynomials With Respect to the Measure Supported Over the Whole Complex Plane , Meng Yang

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Modeling in Finance and Insurance With Levy-It'o Driven Dynamic Processes under Semi Markov-type Switching Regimes and Time Domains , Patrick Armand Assonken Tonfack

Prevalence of Typical Images in High School Geometry Textbooks , Megan N. Cannon

On Extending Hansel's Theorem to Hypergraphs , Gregory Sutton Churchill

Contributions to Quandle Theory: A Study of f-Quandles, Extensions, and Cohomology , Indu Rasika U. Churchill

Linear Extremal Problems in the Hardy Space H p for 0 p , Robert Christopher Connelly

Statistical Analysis and Modeling of Ovarian and Breast Cancer , Muditha V. Devamitta Perera

Statistical Analysis and Modeling of Stomach Cancer Data , Chao Gao

Structural Analysis of Poloidal and Toroidal Plasmons and Fields of Multilayer Nanorings , Kumar Vijay Garapati

Dynamics of Multicultural Social Networks , Kristina B. Hilton

Cybersecurity: Stochastic Analysis and Modelling of Vulnerabilities to Determine the Network Security and Attackers Behavior , Pubudu Kalpani Kaluarachchi

Generalized D-Kaup-Newell integrable systems and their integrable couplings and Darboux transformations , Morgan Ashley McAnally

Patterns in Words Related to DNA Rearrangements , Lukas Nabergall

Time Series Online Empirical Bayesian Kernel Density Segmentation: Applications in Real Time Activity Recognition Using Smartphone Accelerometer , Shuang Na

Schreier Graphs of Thompson's Group T , Allen Pennington

Cybersecurity: Probabilistic Behavior of Vulnerability and Life Cycle , Sasith Maduranga Rajasooriya

Bayesian Artificial Neural Networks in Health and Cybersecurity , Hansapani Sarasepa Rodrigo

Real-time Classification of Biomedical Signals, Parkinson’s Analytical Model , Abolfazl Saghafi

Lump, complexiton and algebro-geometric solutions to soliton equations , Yuan Zhou

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

A Statistical Analysis of Hurricanes in the Atlantic Basin and Sinkholes in Florida , Joy Marie D'andrea

Statistical Analysis of a Risk Factor in Finance and Environmental Models for Belize , Sherlene Enriquez-Savery

Putnam's Inequality and Analytic Content in the Bergman Space , Matthew Fleeman

On the Number of Colors in Quandle Knot Colorings , Jeremy William Kerr

Statistical Modeling of Carbon Dioxide and Cluster Analysis of Time Dependent Information: Lag Target Time Series Clustering, Multi-Factor Time Series Clustering, and Multi-Level Time Series Clustering , Doo Young Kim

Some Results Concerning Permutation Polynomials over Finite Fields , Stephen Lappano

Hamiltonian Formulations and Symmetry Constraints of Soliton Hierarchies of (1+1)-Dimensional Nonlinear Evolution Equations , Solomon Manukure

Modeling and Survival Analysis of Breast Cancer: A Statistical, Artificial Neural Network, and Decision Tree Approach , Venkateswara Rao Mudunuru

Generalized Phase Retrieval: Isometries in Vector Spaces , Josiah Park

Leonard Systems and their Friends , Jonathan Spiewak

Resonant Solutions to (3+1)-dimensional Bilinear Differential Equations , Yue Sun

Statistical Analysis and Modeling Health Data: A Longitudinal Study , Bhikhari Prasad Tharu

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What do senior theses in Statistics look like?

This is a brief overview of thesis writing; for more information, please see our website here . Senior theses in Statistics cover a wide range of topics, across the spectrum from applied to theoretical. Typically, senior theses are expected to have one of the following three flavors:                                                                                                            

1. Novel statistical theory or methodology, supported by extensive mathematical and/or simulation results, along with a clear account of how the research extends or relates to previous related work.

2. An analysis of a complex data set that advances understanding in a related field, such as public health, economics, government, or genetics. Such a thesis may rely entirely on existing methods, but should give useful results and insights into an interesting applied problem.                                                                                 

3. An analysis of a complex data set in which new methods or modifications of published methods are required. While the thesis does not necessarily contain an extensive mathematical study of the new methods, it should contain strong plausibility arguments or simulations supporting the use of the new methods.

A good thesis is clear, readable, and well-motivated, justifying the applicability of the methods used rather than, for example, mechanically running regressions without discussing the assumptions (and whether they are plausible), performing diagnostics, and checking whether the conclusions make sense. 

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PhD Dissertations

Title Author Supervisor
Estimation and Inference of Optimal Policies ,
Statistical Learning and Modeling with Graphs and Networks ,
Title Author Supervisor
Statistical Methods for the Analysis and Prediction of Hierarchical Time Series Data with Applications to Demography
Exponential Family Models for Rich Preference Ranking Data
Bayesian methods for variable selection ,
Statistical methods for genomic sequencing data
Addressing double dipping through selective inference and data thinning
Methods for the Statistical Analysis of Preferences, with Applications to Social Science Data
Estimating subnational health and demographic indicators using complex survey data
Inference and Estimation for Network Data
Mixture models to fit heavy-tailed, heterogeneous or sparse data ,
Interpretation and Validation for unsupervised learning
Title Author Supervisor
Likelihood-based haplotype frequency modeling using variable-order Markov chains
Statistical Divergences for Learning and Inference: Limit Laws and Non-Asymptotic Bounds ,
Methods, Models, and Interpretations for Spatial-Temporal Public Health Applications
Statistical Methods for Clustering and High Dimensional Time Series Analysis
Causal Structure Learning in High Dimensions ,
Missing Data Methods for Observational Health Dataset
Geometric algorithms for interpretable manifold learning
Title Author Supervisor
Statistical modeling of long memory and uncontrolled effects in neural recordings
Improving Uncertainty Quantification and Visualization for Spatiotemporal Earthquake Rate Models for the Pacific Northwest ,
Distribution-free consistent tests of independence via marginal and multivariate ranks
Causality, Fairness, and Information in Peer Review ,
Subnational Estimation of Period Child Mortality in a Low and Middle Income Countries Context
Progress in nonparametric minimax estimation and high dimensional hypothesis testing ,
Likelihood Analysis of Causal Models
Bayesian Models in Population Projections and Climate Change Forecast
Title Author Supervisor
Statistical Methods for Adaptive Immune Receptor Repertoire Analysis and Comparison
Statistical Methods for Geospatial Modeling with Stratified Cluster Survey Data
Representation Learning for Partitioning Problems
Estimation and Inference in Changepoint Models
Space-Time Contour Models for Sea Ice Forecasting ,
Non-Gaussian Graphical Models: Estimation with Score Matching and Causal Discovery under Zero-Inflation ,
Scalable Learning in Latent State Sequence Models
Title Author Supervisor
Latent Variable Models for Prediction & Inference with Proxy Network Measures
Bayesian Hierarchical Models and Moment Bounds for High-Dimensional Time Series ,
Inferring network structure from partially observed graphs
Fitting Stochastics Epidemic Models to Multiple Data Types
Realized genome sharing in random effects models for quantitative genetic traits
Estimation and testing under shape constraints ,
Large-Scale B Cell Receptor Sequence Analysis Using Phylogenetics and Machine Learning
Statistical Methods for Manifold Recovery and C^ (1, 1) Regression on Manifolds
Title Author Supervisor
Topics in Statistics and Convex Geometry: Rounding, Sampling, and Interpolation
Topics on Least Squares Estimation
Discovering Interaction in Multivariate Time Series
Nonparametric inference on monotone functions, with applications to observational studies
Estimation and Testing Following Model Selection
Model-Based Penalized Regression
Bayesian Methods for Graphical Models with Limited Data
Parameter Identification and Assessment of Independence in Multivariate Statistical Modeling
Preferential sampling and model checking in phylodynamic inference
Linear Structural Equation Models with Non-Gaussian Errors: Estimation and Discovery
Coevolution Regression and Composite Likelihood Estimation for Social Networks
Title Author Supervisor
"Scalable Manifold Learning and Related Topics"
"Topics in Graph Clustering"
"Methods for Estimation and Inference for High-Dimensional Models" ,
"Scalable Methods for the Inference of Identity by Descent"
"Applications of Robust Statistical Methods in Quantitative Finance"
Title Author Supervisor
"Testing Independence in High Dimensions & Identifiability of Graphical Models"
"Likelihood-Based Inference for Partially Observed Multi-Type Markov Branching Processes"
"Bayesian Methods for Inferring Gene Regulatory Networks" ,
"Finite Sampling Exponential Bounds"
"Finite Population Inference for Causal Parameters"
"Projection and Estimation of International Migration"
"Statistical Hurdle Models for Single Cell Gene Expression: Differential Expression and Graphical Modeling"
"Space-Time Smoothing Models for Surveillance and Complex Survey Data"
Title Author Supervisor
"Discrete-Time Threshold Regression for Survival Data with Time-Dependent Covariates"
"Degeneracy, Duration, and Co-Evolution: Extending Exponential Random Graph Models (ERGM) for Social Network Analysis"
"The Likelihood Pivot: Performing Inference with Confidence"
"Lord's Paradox and Targeted Interventions: The Case of Special Education" ,
"Bayesian Modeling of a High Resolution Housing Price Index"
"Phylogenetic Stochastic Mapping"
"Theory and Methods for Tensor Data"
Title Author Supervisor
"Monte Carlo Estimation of Identity by Descent in Populations"
"Bayesian Spatial and Temporal Methods for Public Health Data" ,
"Functional Quantitative Genetics and the Missing Heritability Problem"
"Predictive Modeling of Cholera Outbreaks in Bangladesh" ,
"Gravimetric Anomaly Detection Using Compressed Sensing"
"R-Squared Inference Under Non-Normal Error"
Title Author Supervisor
"An Algorithmic Framework for High Dimensional Regression with Dependent Variables"
"Bayesian Population Reconstruction: A Method for Estimating Age- and Sex-Specific Vital Rates and Population Counts with Uncertainty from Fragmentary Data"
"Bayesian Nonparametric Inference of Effective Population Size Trajectories from Genomic Data"
"Modeling Heterogeneity Within and Between Matrices and Arrays"
"Shape-Constrained Inference for Concave-Transformed Densities and their Modes"
"Statistical Inference Using Kronecker Structured Covariance"
"Learning and Manifolds: Leveraging the Intrinsic Geometry"
Title Author Supervisor
"Tests for Differences between Least Squares and Robust Regression Parameter Estimates and Related To Pics"
"Bayesian Modeling of Health Data in Space and Time"
"Coordinate-Free Exponential Families on Contingency Tables" ,
"Bayesian Modeling For Multivariate Mixed Outcomes With Applications To Cognitive Testing Data"
Title Author Supervisor
"Bayesian Inference of Exponential-family Random Graph Models for Social Networks"
"Statistical Models for Estimating and Predicting HIV/AIDS Epidemics"
"Modeling the Game of Soccer Using Potential Functions"
"Parametrizations of Discrete Graphical Models"
"A Bayesian Surveillance System for Detecting Clusters of Non-Infectious Diseases"
"Statistical Approaches to Analyze Mass Spectrometry Data Graduating Year" ,
"Seeing the trees through the forest; a competition model for growth and mortality"
Title Author Supervisor
"Covariance estimation in the Presence of Diverse Types of Data"
"Portfolio Optimization with Tail Risk Measures and Non-Normal Returns"
"Convex analysis methods in shape constrained estimation."
"Estimating social contact networks to improve epidemic simulation models"
"Multivariate Geostatistics and Geostatistical Model Averaging"
Title Author Supervisor
"A comparison of alternative methodologies for estimation of HIV incidence"
"Bayesian Model Averaging and Multivariate Conditional Independence Structures"
"Conditional tests for localizing trait genes"
"Combining and Evaluating Probabilistic Forecasts"
"Probabilistic weather forecasting using Bayesian model averaging"
"Statistical Analysis of Portfolio Risk and Performance Measures: the Influence Function Approach"
"Factor Model Monte Carlo Methods for General Fund-of-Funds Portfolio Management"
"Statistical Models for Social Network Data and Processes"
"Models for Heterogeneity in Heterosexual Partnership Networks"
Title Author Supervisor
"Models and Inference of Transmission of DNA Methylation Patterns in Mammalian Somatic Cells"
"Estimates and projections of the total fertility rate"
"Nonparametric estimation of multivariate monotone densities"
"Learning transcriptional regulatory networks from the integration of heterogeneous high-throughout data"
"Extensions of Latent Class Transition Models with Application to Chronic Disability Survey Data"
"Statistical Solutions to Some Problems in Medical Imaging" ,
"Statistical methods for peptide and protein identification using mass spectrometry"
"Inference from partially-observed network data"
Title Author Supervisor
"Probabilistic weather forecasting with spatial dependence"
"Wavelet variance analysis for time series and random fields" ,
"Bayesian hierarchical curve registration"
""Up-and-Down" and the Percentile-Finding Problem"
"Statistical Methodology for Longitudinal Social Network Data"
Title Author Supervisor
"Learning in Spectral Clustering"
"Variable selection and other extensions of the mixture model clustering framework"
"Algorithms for Estimating the Cluster Tree of a Density"
"Likelihood inference for population structure, using the coalescent"
"Exploring rates and patterns of variability in gene conversion and crossover in the human genome"
"Alleviating ecological bias in generalized linear models and optimal design with subsample data" ,
"Nonparametric estimation for current status data with competing risks" ,
"Goodness-of-fit statistics based on phi-divergences"
"An efficient and flexible model for patterns of population genetic variation"
Title Author Supervisor
"Alternative models for estimating genetic maps from pedigree data"
"Allele-sharing methods for linkage detection using extended pedigrees"
"Robust estimation of factor models in finance"
"Using the structure of d-connecting paths as a qualitative measure of the strength of dependence" ,
"Alternative estimators of wavelet variance" , ,
"Bayesian robust analysis of gene expression microarray data"
Title Author Supervisor
"Nonparametric estimation of a k-monotone density: A new asymptotic distribution theory"
"Maximum likelihood estimation in Gaussian AMP chain graph models and Gaussian ancestral graph models" ,
Title Author Supervisor
"The genetic structure of related recombinant lines"
"Joint relationship inference from three or more individuals in the presence of genotyping error"
"Personal characteristics and covariate measurement error in disease risk estimation" ,
"Model based and hybrid clustering of large datasets" ,
Title Author Supervisor
"Applying graphical models to partially observed data-generating processes" ,
"Generalized linear mixed models: development and comparison of different estimation methods"
"Practical importance sampling methods for finite mixture models and multiple imputation"
Title Author Supervisor
"Bayesian inference for deterministic simulation models for environmental assessment"
"Modeling recessive lethals: An explanation for excess sharing in siblings"
"Estimation with bivariate interval censored data"
"Latent models for cross-covariance" ,
Title Author Supervisor
"Global covariance modeling: A deformation approach to anisotropy"
"Likelihood inference for parameteric models of dispersal"
"Bayesian inference in hidden stochastic population processes"
"Logic regression and statistical issues related to the protein folding problem" ,
"Likelihood ratio inference in regular and non-regular problems"
"Estimating the association between airborne particulate matter and elderly mortality in Seattle, Washington using Bayesian Model Averaging" ,
"Nonhomogeneous hidden Markov models for downscaling synoptic atmospheric patterns to precipitation amounts" ,
"Detecting and extracting complex patterns from images and realizations of spatial point processes"
"A model selection approach to partially linear regression"
"Wavelet-based estimation for trend contaminated long memory processes" ,
Title Author Supervisor
"Bayesian inference for noninvertible deterministic simulation models, with application to bowhead whale assessment"
"Monte Carlo likelihood calculation for identity by descent data"
"Fast automatic unsupervised image segmentation and curve detection in spatial point processes"
"Semiparametric inference based on estimating equations in regressions models for two phase outcome dependent sampling" ,
"Capture-recapture estimation of bowhead whale population size using photo-identification data" ,
"Lifetime and disease onset distributions from incomplete observations"
"Statistical approaches to distinct value estimation" ,
"Generalization of boosting algorithms and applications of Bayesian inference for massive datasets" ,
Title Author Supervisor
"Bayesian modeling of highly structured systems using Markov chain Monte Carlo"
"Assessing nonstationary time series using wavelets" ,
"Lattice conditional independence models for incomplete multivariate data and for seemingly unrelated regressions" ,
"Estimation for counting processes with incomplete data"
"Regularization techniques for linear regression with a large set of carriers"
"Large sample theory for pseudo maximum likelihood estimates in semiparametric models"
"Additive mixture models for multichannel image data"
"Application of ridge regression for improved estimation of parameters in compartmental models"
Title Author Supervisor
"Bayesian model averaging in censored survival models"
"Bayesian information retrieval"
"Statistical inference for partially observed markov population processes"
"Tools for the advancement of undergraduate statistics education"
"A new learning procedure in acyclic directed graphs"
"Phylogenies via conditional independence modeling"
Title Author Supervisor
"Variability estimation in linear inverse problems"
"Inference in a discrete parameter space"
"Bootstrapping functional m-estimators"
Title Author Supervisor
"Semiparametric estimation of major gene and random environmental effects for age of onset"
"Statistical analysis of biological monitoring data: State-space models for species compositions"
"Estimation of heterogeneous space-time covariance"
Title Author Supervisor
"Spatial applications of Markov chain Monte Carlo for bayesian inference"
"Accounting for model uncertainty in linear regression"
"Robust estimation in point processes"
"Multilevel modeling of discrete event history data using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods"
"Estimation in regression models with interval censoring"
Title Author Supervisor
"State-space modeling of salmon migration and Monte Carlo Alternatives to the Kalman filter"
"The Poisson clumping heuristic and the survival of genome in small pedigrees"
"Markov chain Monte Carlo estimates of probabilities on complex structures"
"A class of stochastic models for relating synoptic atmospheric patterns to local hydrologic phenomena"
"A Bayesian framework and importance sampling methods for synthesizing multiple sources of evidence and uncertainty linked by a complex mechanistic model"
Title Author Supervisor
"Auxiliary and missing covariate problems in failure time regression analysis"
"A high order hidden markov model"
"Bayesian methods for the analysis of misclassified or incomplete multivariate discrete data"
Title Author Supervisor
"The weighted likelihood bootstrap and an algorithm for prepivoting"
"General-weights bootstrap of the empirical process"
Title Author Supervisor
"Modelling agricultural field trials in the presence of outliers and fertility jumps"
"Modeling and bootstrapping for non-gaussian time series"
"Genetic restoration on complex pedigrees"
"Incorporating covariates into a beta-binomial model with applications to medicare policy: A Bayes/empirical Bayes approach"
"Likelihood and exponential families"
Title Author Supervisor
"Estimation of mixing and mixed distributions"
"Classical inference in spatial statistics"
Title Author Supervisor
"Exploratory methods for censored data"
"Aspects of robust analysis in designed experiments"
"Diagnostics for time series models"
"Constrained cluster analysis and image understanding"
Title Author Supervisor
"The data viewer: A program for graphical data analysis"
"Additive principal components: A method for estimating additive constraints with small variance from multivariate data"
"Kullback-Leibler estimation of probability measures with an application to clustering"
"Time series models for continuous proportions"
Title Author Supervisor
"Estimation for infinite variance autoregressive processes"
"A computer system for Monte Carlo experimentation"
Title Author Supervisor
"Robust estimation for the errors-in-variables model"
"Robust statistics on compact metric spaces"
"Weak convergence and a law of the iterated logarithm for processes indexed by points in a metric space"
Title Author Supervisor
"The statistics of long memory processes"

thesis of statistics

Department of Statistics – Academic Commons Link to Recent Ph.D. Dissertations (2011 – present)

2022 Ph.D. Dissertations

Andrew Davison

Statistical Perspectives on Modern Network Embedding Methods

Sponsor: Tian Zheng

Nabarun Deb

Blessing of Dependence and Distribution-Freeness in Statistical Hypothesis Testing

Sponsor: Bodhisattva Sen / Co-Sponsor: Sumit Mukherjee

Elliot Gordon Rodriguez

Advances in Machine Learning for Compositional Data

Sponsor: John Cunningham

Charles Christopher Margossian

Modernizing Markov Chains Monte Carlo for Scientific and Bayesian Modeling

Sponsor: Andrew Gelman

Alejandra Quintos Lima

Dissertation TBA

Sponsor: Philip Protter

Bridgette Lynn Ratcliffe

Statistical approach to tagging stellar birth groups in the Milky Way

Sponsor: Bodhisattva Sen

Chengliang Tang

Latent Variable Models for Events on Social Networks

On Recovering the Best Rank-? Approximation from Few Entries

Sponsor: Ming Yuan

Sponsor: Sumit Mukherjee

2021 Ph.D. Dissertations

On the Construction of Minimax Optimal Nonparametric Tests with Kernel Embedding Methods

Sponsor: Liam Paninski

Advances in Statistical Machine Learning Methods for Neural Data Science

Milad Bakhshizadeh

Phase retrieval in the high-dimensional regime

Chi Wing Chu

Semiparametric Inference of Censored Data with Time-dependent Covariates

Miguel Angel Garrido Garcia

Characterization of the Fluctuations in a Symmetric Ensemble of Rank-Based Interacting Particles

Sponsor: Ioannis Karatzas

Rishabh Dudeja

High-dimensional Asymptotics for Phase Retrieval with Structured Sensing Matrices

Sponsor: Arian Maleki

Statistical Learning for Process Data

Sponsor: Jingchen Liu

Toward a scalable Bayesian workflow

2020 Ph.D. Dissertations

Jonathan Auerbach

Some Statistical Models for Prediction

Sponsor: Shaw-Hwa Lo

Adji Bousso Dieng

Deep Probabilistic Graphical Modeling

Sponsor: David Blei

Guanhua Fang

Latent Variable Models in Measurement: Theory and Application

Sponsor: Zhiliang Ying

Promit Ghosal

Time Evolution of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Equation

Sponsor: Ivan Corwin

Partition-based Model Representation Learning

Sihan Huang

Community Detection in Social Networks: Multilayer Networks and Pairwise Covariates

Peter JinHyung Lee

Spike Sorting for Large-scale Multi-electrode Array Recordings in Primate Retina

Statistical Analysis of Complex Data in Survival and Event History Analysis

Multiple Causal Inference with Bayesian Factor Models

New perspectives in cross-validation

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Using the sir epidemic model to infer the SARS outbreak in Beijing, 2003 | M.S. | 05/2019

Data mining to identify gene regulatory elements | M.S. | 05/2019

A comparison between logistic regression and neural networks in a constructed response item study | M.S. | 05/2019

The effect of CEO political ideology on executive succession following firm misconduct | M.S. | 05/2019

Analyses of USA birth-date distribution | M.S. | 08/2019

Sawtimber potential proportion dynamics for loblolly pine in the Southeastern U.S. | M.S. | 08/2019

Scalable individual planning in open and typed agent systems | M.S. | 05/2019

Three different approaches of missing data imputation for financial data | M.S. | 05/2019

A statistical approach for calibrating hydrologic models | M.S. | 05/2018

Prediction of peanut butter prices in the United States by tracking concept drift | M.S. | 05/2018

An application of semiparametric model estimation under shape invariance to fmri data | M.S. | 08/2018

Regularized aggregation of multiple graphs with application to FMRI data | M.S. | 12/2018

Model comparison with squared sharpe ratios of mimicking portfolios | M.S. | 05/2018

Efficient genotyping by sampling extreme individuals in a genome wide association study in plants | M.S. | 05/2018

A statistical analysis of some aspects of well-being of South Korean elderly population | M.S. | 05/2018

A statistical analysis of crime in San Luis Obispo (2009-2017) | M.S. | 05/2018

An expected outcome framework for evaluating batting and pitching performance in major league baseball with applications to the "juiced ball" and the "fly ball revolution" | M.S. | 05/2018

Modelling precipitation volumes using a weibull mixture and the gamma generalized linear model | M.S. | 12/2018

Normal and average: lexical ambiguity in an introductory statistics course | M.S. | 12/2018

The periodic solution and the global asymptotic stability for northeastern Puerto Rico ecosystem | M.S. | 08/2018

An examination of the transfer of errors to species tree estimation caused by model selection in gene tree estimation | M.S. | 05/2017

Assessment of the performance of the lasso algorithm compared to the k-nn algorithm with high-dimensional class imbalanced data | M.S. | 05/2017

A comparison of pedagogical approaches in introductory statstics | M.S. | 05/2017

A mixed effect model with feature extraction for functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data | M.S. | 05/2017

Assessing UGA transportation and parking services data collection using RouteMatch Software? | M.S. | 05/2017

Analyzing android ad-libraries | M.S. | 12/2017

Generative spatiotemporal modeling of neutrophil behavior | M.S. | 12/2017

An application of graphical models to fMRI data using the lasso penalty | M.S. | 05/2017

Skew and bias: the efficacy of an intervention in an introductory statistics course | M.S. | 05/2017

Bootstrap based measurement of serial correlation in time series objects | M.S. | 12/2017

Copula modeling analysis on multi-dimensional portfolios with backtesting | M.S. | 08/2016

Data analysis of the pattern information of the collective decision-making process in subterranean termites species | M.S. | 08/2016

Modeling NFL quarterback success with college data | M.S. | 05/2016

Comparison of data sampling methods on IRT parameter estimation | M.S. | 05/2016

Estimating precipitation volume distributions using data from the spatially dense cocorahs network | M.S. | 08/2016

Predictive biomarker reproducibility modeling with censored data | M.S. | 12/2016

Parallel matrix factorization in big data analytics | M.S. | 08/2016

Maximum monthly rainfall behavior along the front range of Colorado | M.S. | 12/2016

A study on adaptive lasso and its weight selection | M.S. | 12/2016

Predictors of secondary traumatic stress among clinical social workers: a focus on the impact of the supervisory relationship | M.S. | 05/2016

Estimating nutrient uptake in streams with pulse release | M.S. | 12/2016

Prediction of crime categories in San Francisco area | M.S. | 05/2016

Perceived importance and objective measures of built environment walkability of a university campus | M.S. | 05/2016

Mergers and network effects: understanding the recent increase in percentage of non-weather-caused flight delays in the United States | M.S. | 05/2015

A rolling analysis on the prediction of Value at Risk with multivariate GARCH and copula | M.S. | 05/2015

Analysis of climate-crop yield relationships in Canada with distance correlation | M.S. | 12/2015

False negative control for multiple acceptance-support hypotheses testing problem | M.S. | 05/2015

Big data analytic tools to detect fraud in healthcare data | M.S. | 12/2015

Genetic algorithms developed in R software for finding optimal experimental designs | M.S. | 05/2015

Bootstrap-based test for volatility shifts in GARCH against long-range dependence | M.S. | 05/2015

A rule-engine-based application for over-the-counter medication safety | M.S. | 12/2014

Household whole and low-fat milk consumption in Poland: a censored system approach | M.S. | 12/2014

Calibrating test item banks for an introductory statistics course | M.S. | 05/2014

A guide and solution manual to The elements of statistical learning | M.S. | 12/2014

Programmatic assessment for an undergraduate statistics major | M.S. | 05/2014

Global temperature trends | M.S. | 08/2014

Penalized regression models for Major League Baseball metrics | M.S. | 05/2014

Discriminant function analysis of Major League Baseball steroid use | M.S. | 05/2014

Estimation of government employment using multivariate hierarchical Bayes modeling | M.S. | 05/2014

Feasibility of small voxel sizes in canine brain 1H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 3T | M.S. | 08/2014

Improving the robustness of turbulent fluxes: an examination of the role of waves on fluxes and turbulence statistics | M.S. | 08/2014

Phylogenetic analysis of cancer microarray data | M.S. | 12/2014

Students? misconceptions about introductory statistics topics: assessing STAT 2000 outcomes using CAOS | M.S. | 05/2013

The use of bootstrapping to measure image differences in fMRI data | M.S. | 05/2013

Performance of farm level vs area level crop insurance | M.S. | 08/2013

Application of multivariate geospatial statistics to soil hydraulic properties | M.S. | 12/2013

Characterizing the socioeconomics of metropolitan transportation network expansion by mining a nationwide road change database | M.S. | 05/2013

The rise of the Big Data: why should statisticians embrace collaborations with computer scientists | M.S. | 12/2013

Undergraduate students? attitudes toward statistics in an introductory statistics class | M.S. | 12/2013

Comparison of methods of analysis for Pretest and Posttest data | M.S. | 08/2013

Drought, biofuel, and livestock | M.S. | 12/2013

A comparison of meta-analytic approaches on the consequences of role stressors | M.S. | 08/2013

Improving validity and reliability in STAT 2000 assessments | M.S. | 05/2013

Classification analysis in microarray data using biological pathway and gene family information | M.S. | 12/2013

Predicting equity returns using Twitter sentiment | M.S. | 05/2013

Monthly trends in maxima of low temperatures in Georgia, USA | M.S. | 05/2013

HIV classification using DNA sequences | M.S. | 08/2013

Double eQTL mapping method to improve identification of trans eQTLs and construct intermediate gene networks | M.S. | 05/2013

CacheMeter | M.S. | 08/2013

A study on expectiles: measuring risk in finance | M.S. | 12/2012

Design of cost-fffective cancer biomarker reproducibility studies | M.S. | 08/2012

Flux measurements in the stable boundary layer and during morning transition | M.S. | 12/2012

Predicting outcomes of mixed martial arts fights with novel fight variables | M.S. | 08/2012

Estimation in populations with rare events | M.S. | 05/2012

A Bayesian hierarchical spatial model for West Nile Virus in New York City: evaluating an approach to handle large spatial data sets | M.S. | 12/2012

The influence of measurement errors in tumor markers | M.S. | 12/2012

Statistical interpretation of experiments with laying hens | M.S. | 05/2012

Estimation of genomic copy frequency with correlated observations | M.S. | 05/2012

The appearance of Michelle Obama: an analysis of the First Lady's exposure in magazines, from January 2008 to December 2009 | M.S. | 05/2012

Case studies of clear-air turbulence: evaluation and verification of new forecasting techniques | M.S. | 08/2012

Assessment of nonparametric frontier models applied to socially responsible investment | M.S. | 08/2011

Nonparametric GARCH models for financial volatility | M.S. | 08/2011

Investigating some estimators of the fractional degree of differencing, in long memory time series | M.S. | 05/2011

A bootstrap method for fitting a linear regression model to interval-valued data | M.S. | 05/2011

Variable selection in longitudinal data with application to education | M.S. | 08/2011

Conservation genetics of the red-cockaded woodpecker | M.S. | 05/2010

Using regression based methods for time-constrained scaling of parallel processor computing applications | M.S. | 05/2010

Statistical study of the decay lifetimes of the photo-excited DNA nucleobase Adenine | M.S. | 12/2010

The interpretation of experiments with poultry | M.S. | 12/2010

Statistical identification of the quinic acid responsive genes in Neurospora crassa | M.S. | 12/2010

A content analysis of advertiser influence on editorial content in fashion magazines | M.S. | 05/2010

Derivation of the complete transcriptome of Escherichia coli from microarray data | M.S. | 12/2009

The coordination of design and analysis techniques for functional magnetic resonance imaging data | M.S. | 05/2009

A review of ruin probability models | M.S. | 12/2009

The exploration of statistical ensemble methods for market segmentation | M.S. | 05/2009

Misidentification error in non-invasive genetic mark-recapture sampling: case study with the central Georgia black bear population | M.S. | 05/2009

A time series analysis of mortality and air pollution in Hong Kong from 1997 to 2007 | M.S. | 05/2009

Penalized principal component regression | M.S. | 05/2008

Statistical methods for turtle bycatch data | M.S. | 12/2008

Sexual dysfunction in young women with breast cancer | M.S. | 12/2008

Investigation of statistical methods for determination of benchmark dose limits for retinoic acid-induced fetal forelimb malformation in mice | M.S. | 12/2008

Competing risk models for turtle nest survival in the Bolivian Amazon | M.S. | 05/2008

Exploring bidder characteristics in online auctions: an application of a bilinear mixed model to study overbidders | M.S. | 08/2007

Baseball prediction using ensemble learning | M.S. | 05/2007

Adoption and use of Internet among American organic farmers | M.S. | 12/2007

Population structure of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) nesting in the southeastern United States inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences and microsatellite loci | M.S. | 05/2007

Small-sample prediction of estimated loss potentials | M.S. | 12/2007

Applications for NIR spectroscopy in eucalyptus genetics improvement programs and pulp mill operations | M.S. | 12/2007

Lq penalized regression | M.S. | 05/2007

Estimating the demand for and value of recreation access to national forest wilderness: a comparison of travel cost and onsite cost day models | M.S. | 05/2007

Implementing SELC (sequential elimination of level combinations) for practitioners: new statistical softwares | M.S. | 12/2006

GIS-based habitat modeling related to bearded Capuchin monkey tool use | M.S. | 08/2006

Historic airboat use and change assessment using remote sensing and geographic information system techniques in Everglades National Park | M.S. | 08/2006

An evaluation of airbags | M.S. | 05/2005

Mixed effects models for a directional response: a case study with loblolly pine microfibril angle | M.S. | 08/2005

Cross-nation examination of CCI and CPI with an emphasis on Korea | M.S. | 05/2005

A new nonparametric bivariate survival function estimator under random right censoring | M.S. | 05/2005

Forecasting crop water demand: structural and time series analysis | M.S. | 08/2004

Extreme value methods in body-burden analysis: with application to inference from long-term data sets | M.S. | 05/2004

Development of a screening method for determination of aflatoxins | M.S. | 12/2004

Regression models in standardized test prediction | M.S. | 08/2004

Comparison between frequentist and Bayesian implementation of mixed linear model for analysis of microarray data | M.S. | 05/2004

Temporal autocorrelation in modeling soil potentially mineralizable nitrogen | M.S. | 05/2004

Using extreme value models for analyzing river flow | M.S. | 08/2004

Investigation of multiple imputation procedures in the presence of missing quantitative and categorical variables | M.S. | 08/2004

Monitoring expense report errors: control charts under independence and dependence | M.S. | 05/2004

Time series analysis of volatility in financial markets in Hong Kong from 1991 to 2004 | M.S. | 12/2004

Predictive modeling of professional figure skating tournament data | M.S. | 08/2003

Statistical dimension reduction methods for appearance-based face recognition | M.S. | 05/2003

Statistical analysis of 16s rdna gene-based intestinal bacteria in chickens | M.S. | 12/2003

Reconstruction of early 19th century vegetation to assess landscape change in southwestern Georgia | M.S. | 12/2003

Statistical model for estimating the probability of using electronic cards : a statistical analysis of SCF data | M.S. | 08/2003

A survey of Hill's estimator | M.S. | 08/2003

Statistical analysis of mass spectrometry-assisted protein identification methods | M.S. | 12/2003

Intra-individual variation in serum vitamin A measures among participants in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1988-1994 | M.S. | 05/2002

Application and comparison of time series models to AIDS data | M.S. | 05/2002

Are wealthier elderly healthier? : a statistical analysis of AHEAD data | M.S. | 08/2002

Statistical modeling and analysis of the polymerase chain reaction | M.S. | 05/2002

Statistical model for the diffusion of innovation and its applications | M.S. | 12/2002

Spatial pattern analysis and modeling of Heterotheca subaxillaris and Lespedeza cuneata in a South Carolina old-field | M.S. | 08/2002

Prediction of residential mortgage contract rates | M.S. | 05/2002

Palmist: a tool to log Palm system activity | M.S. | 12/2001

The grilseification of Atlantic salmon in Iceland | M.S. | 08/2001

Stochastic volatility models: a maximum likelihood approach | M.S. | 08/2000

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Home > Mathematics and Statistics > MathStat TDs > Masters Theses

Mathematics and Statistics Masters Theses

Theses from 2024 2024.

A New Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Method with Second Difference Quotients for the Wave Equation , Andrew Calvin Janes

Comparative Study of Crypto Volatility and Price Forecasting using a Mixture of Time Series and Machine Learning Models , Abhishek Kafle

The Deep BSDE Method , Daniel Kovach

The Exponential Function in Discrete Fractional Calculus under the Delta Operator , Brayton James Link

Cryptographic Algorithms, Cryptocurrencies, and a Predictive Model of Bitcoin Value by Pls Regression , Paul Kenneth O'Connor

Theses from 2023 2023

The Application of Statistical Modeling to Identify Genetic Associations with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Outcomes , Caroline Schott

Meta-Analysis of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Gene Expression Data from Obese and Non-Obese Patients , Dakota William Shields

Theses from 2022 2022

Continuous and discrete models for optimal harvesting in fisheries , Nagham Abbas Al Qubbanchee

Several problems in nonlinear Schrödinger equations , Tim Van Hoose

Theses from 2020 2020

Decoupled finite element methods for general steady two-dimensional Boussinesq equations , Lioba Boveleth

Quantifying effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive performance , Quang Nghia Le

The application of machine learning models in the concussion diagnosis process , Sujit Subhash

Theses from 2019 2019

Less is more: Beating the market with recurrent reinforcement learning , Louis Kurt Bernhard Steinmeister

Theses from 2018 2018

Models for high dimensional spatially correlated risks and application to thunderstorm loss data in Texas , Tobias Merk

An investigation of the influence of the 2007-2009 recession on the day of the week effect for the S&P 500 and its sectors , Marcel Alwin Trick

Theses from 2017 2017

The pantograph equation in quantum calculus , Thomas Griebel

Comparing region level testing methods for differential DNA methylation analysis , Arnold Albert Harder

A review of random matrix theory with an application to biological data , Jesse Aaron Marks

Family-based association studies of autism in boys via facial-feature clusters , Luke Andrew Settles

Theses from 2016 2016

Pricing of geometric Asian options in general affine stochastic volatility models , Johannes Ruppert

On the double chain ladder for reserve estimation with bootstrap applications , Larissa Schoepf

Theses from 2015 2015

Some combinatorial applications of Sage, an open source program , Jessica Ruth Chowning

Day of the week effect in returns and volatility of the S&P 500 sector indices , Juan Liu

Application of loglinear models to claims triangle runoff data , Netanya Lee Martin

Theses from 2014 2014

Adaptive wavelet discretization of tensor products in H-Tucker format , Mazen Ali

An iterative algorithm for variational data assimilation problems , Xin Shen

Statistical analysis of sleep patterns in Drosophila melanogaster , Luyang Wang

Theses from 2013 2013

Statistical analysis of microarray data in sleep deprivation , Stephanie Marie Berhorst

Immersed finite element method for interface problems with algebraic multigrid solver , Wenqiang Feng

Theses from 2012 2012

Abel dynamic equations of the first and second kind , Sabrina Heike Streipert

Lattice residuability , Philip Theodore Thiem

Theses from 2011 2011

A time series approach to electric load modelling , Matthias Benjamin Noller

Theses from 2010 2010

Closed-form solutions to discrete-time portfolio optimization problems , Mathias Christian Goeggel

Inverse limits with upper semi-continuous set valued bonding functions: an example , Christopher David Jacobsen

Theses from 2009 2009

The analogue of the iterated logarithm for quantum difference equations , Karl Friedrich Ulrich

Theses from 2008 2008

Modeling particulate matter emissions indices at the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport , Lu Gan

The dynamic multiplier-accelerator model in economics , Julius Severi Heim

Dynamic equations with piecewise continuous argument , Christian Keller

Theses from 2007 2007

Ostrowski and Grüss inequalities on time scales , Thomas Matthews

The Black-Scholes equation in quantum calculus , Christian Müttel

Computerized proofs of hypergeometric identities: Methods, advances, and limitations , Paul Nathaniel Runnion

Screening for noise variables , Lisa Trautwein

Theses from 2006 2006

Distance function applications of object comparison in artificial vision systems , Christina Michelle Ayres

Sensitivity analysis on the relationship between alcohol abuse or dependence and wages , Tim Jensen

Sensitivity analysis on the relationship between alcohol abuse or dependence and annual hours worked , Stefan Koerner

Endogeneity bias and two-stage least squares: a simulation study , Xujun Wang

Theses from 2005 2005

Local compactness of the hyperspace of connected subsets , Robbie A. Beane

A sequential approach to supersaturated design , Angela Marie Jugan

Tests for gene-treatment interaction in microarray data analysis , Wanrong Yin

Theses from 2003 2003

Pricing of European options , Dirk Rohmeder

Prediction intervals for the binomial distribution with dependent trials , Florian Sebastian Rueck

Theses from 2002 2002

The use of a Marakov dependent Bernoulli process to model the relationship between employment status and drug use , Kathrin Koetting

Theses from 2000 2000

Inverse limits on [0,1] using sequences of piecewise linear unimodal bonding maps , Brian Edward Raines

Theses from 1998 1998

A two-stage step-stress accelerated life testing scheme , Phyllis E. Pound Singer

Theses from 1997 1997

Some properties of hereditarily indecomposable chainable continua , Thomas John Kacvinsky

Theses from 1996 1996

The Axiom of Choice, well-ordering property, Continuum Hypothesis, and other meta-mathematical considerations , Daniel Collins

Theses from 1994 1994

Approximate distributional results for tolerance limits and confidence limits on reliability based on the maximum likelihood estimators for the logistic distribution , Teriann Collins

Theses from 1986 1986

Investigating the output angular acceleration extrema of the planar four bar mechanism , Matthew H. Koebbe

Theses from 1984 1984

Approximating distributions in order restricted inference : the simple tree ordering , Tuan Anh Tran

Theses from 1982 1982

Goodness-of-fit for the Weibull distribution with unknown parameters and censored sampling. , Michael Edward Aho

Theses from 1979 1979

On L convergence of Fourier series. , William O. Bray

Theses from 1977 1977

Characterizations of inner product spaces. , John Lee Roy Williams

Theses from 1975 1975

A study of several substitution ciphers using mathematical models. , Wanda Louise Garner

Theses from 1974 1974

Models for molecular vibration , Allan Bruce Capps

The completions of local rings and their modules. , Christopher Scott Taber

Linear geometry , Phyllis L. Thomas

Theses from 1971 1971

Integrability of the sums of the trigonometric series 1/2 aₒ + ∞ [over] Σ [over] n=1 a n cos nΘ and ∞ [over] Σ [over] n=1 a n sin nΘ , John William Garrett

Inclusion theorems for boundary value problems for delay differential equations , Leon M. Hall

Theses from 1965 1965

A study of certain conservative sets for parameters in the linear statistical model , Roger Alan Chapin

Comparison of methods to select a probability model , Howard Lyndal Colburn

Latent class analysis and information retrieval , George Loyd Jensen

Linear and quadratic programming with more than one objective function , William John Lodholz

Tschebyscheff fitting with polynomials and nonlinear functions , George F. Luffel

Theses from 1964 1964

The effect of matrix condition in the solution of a system of linear algebraic equations. , Herbert R. Alcorn

Estimation and tabulation of bias coefficients for regression analysis in incompletely specified linear models. , Harry Kerry Edwards

A study of a method for selecting the best of two or more mathematical models , August J. Garver

A study of methods for estimating parameters in the model y(t) = A₁e -p₁t + A₂e -p₂t + ϵ , Gerald Nicholas Haas

A parameter perturbation procedure for obtaining a solution to systems of nonlinear equations. , James Carlton Helm

A study of stability of numerical solution for parabolic partial differential equations. , Tsang-Chi Huang

A numerical study of Van Der Pol's nonlinear differential equation for various values of the parameter E. , Charles C. Limbaugh

A study on estimating parameters restricted by linear inequalities , William Lawrence May

Minimization of Boolean functions. , Don Laroy Rogier

A method to give the best linear combination of order statistics to estimate the mean of any symmetric population , Robert M. Smith

On a numerical solution of Dirichlet type problems with singularity on the boundary. , Randall Loran Yoakum

Theses from 1963 1963

A study of methods for estimating parameters in rational polynomial models , Thomas B. Baird

Investigation of measures of ill-conditioning , Thomas D. Calton

A numerical approach to a Sturm-Liouville type problem with variable coefficients and its application to heat transfer and temperature prediction in the lower atmosphere. , Troyce Don Jones

A study of methods for determining confidence intervals for the mean of a normal distribution with unknown varience by comparison of average lengths , Karl Richard Kneile

Stability properties of various predictor corrector methods for solving ordinary differential equations numerically. , Charles Edward. Leslie

Mathematical techniques in the solution of boundary value problems. , Vincent Paul Pusateri

A modified algorithm for Henrici's solution of y' ' = f (x,y) , Frank Garnett Walters

Theses from 1962 1962

An investigation of Lehmer's method for finding the roots of polynomial equations using the Royal-McBee LGP-30 , James W. Joiner

Theses from 1931 1931

The spinning top , Aaron Jefferson Miles

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  • Master's Thesis

As an integral component of the Master of Science in Statistical Science program, you can submit and defend a Master's Thesis. Your Master's Committee administers this oral examination. If you choose to defend a thesis, it is advisable to commence your research early, ideally during your second semester or the summer following your first year in the program. It's essential to allocate sufficient time for the thesis writing process. Your thesis advisor, who also serves as the committee chair, must approve both your thesis title and proposal. The final thesis work necessitates approval from all committee members and must adhere to the  Master's thesis requirements  set forth by the Duke University Graduate School.

Master’s BEST Award 

Each second-year Duke Master’s of Statistical Science (MSS) student defending their MSS thesis may be eligible for the  Master’s BEST Award . The Statistical Science faculty BEST Award Committee selects the awardee based on the submitted thesis of MSS thesis students, and the award is presented at the departmental graduation ceremony. 

Thesis Proposal

All second-year students choosing to do a thesis must submit a proposal (not more than two pages) approved by their thesis advisor to the Master's Director via Qualtrics by November 10th.  The thesis proposal should include a title,  the thesis advisor, committee members, and a description of your work. The description must introduce the research topic, outline its main objectives, and emphasize the significance of the research and its implications while identifying gaps in existing statistical literature. In addition, it can include some of the preliminary results. 

Committee members

MSS Students will have a thesis committee, which includes three faculty members - two must be departmental primary faculty, and the third could be from an external department in an applied area of the student’s interest, which must be a  Term Graduate Faculty through the Graduate School or have a secondary appointment with the Department of Statistical Science. All Committee members must be familiar with the Student’s work.  The department coordinates Committee approval. The thesis defense committee must be approved at least 30 days before the defense date.

Thesis Timeline and  Departmental Process:

Before defense:.

Intent to Graduate: Students must file an Intent to Graduate in ACES, specifying "Thesis Defense" during the application. For graduation deadlines, please refer to .

Scheduling Thesis Defense: The student collaborates with the committee to set the date and time for the defense and communicates this information to the department, along with the thesis title. The defense must be scheduled during regular class sessions. Be sure to review the thesis defense and submission deadlines at

Room Reservations: The department arranges room reservations and sends confirmation details to the student, who informs committee members of the location.

Defense Announcement: The department prepares a defense announcement, providing a copy to the student and chair. After approval, it is signed by the Master's Director and submitted to the Graduate School. Copies are also posted on department bulletin boards.

Initial Thesis Submission: Two weeks before the defense, the student submits the initial thesis to the committee and the Graduate School. Detailed thesis formatting guidelines can be found at

Advisor Notification: The student requests that the advisor email [email protected] , confirming the candidate's readiness for defense. This step should be completed before the exam card appointment.

Format Check Appointment: One week before the defense, the Graduate School contacts the student to schedule a format check appointment. Upon approval, the Graduate School provides the Student Master’s Exam Card, which enables the student to send a revised thesis copy to committee members.

MSS Annual Report Form: The department provides the student with the MSS Annual Report Form to be presented at the defense.

Post Defense:

Communication of Defense Outcome: The committee chair conveys the defense results to the student, including any necessary follow-up actions in case of an unsuccessful defense.

In Case of Failure: If a student does not pass the thesis defense, the committee's decision to fail the student must be accompanied by explicit and clear comments from the chair, specifying deficiencies and areas that require attention for improvement.

Documentation: The student should ensure that the committee signs the Title Page, Abstract Page, and Exam Card.

Annual Report Form: The committee chair completes the Annual Report Form.

Master's Director Approval: The Master's director must provide their approval by signing the Exam Card.

Form Submission: Lastly, the committee chair is responsible for returning all completed and signed forms to the Department.

Final Thesis Submission: The student must meet the Graduate School requirement by submitting the final version of their Thesis to the Graduate School via ProQuest before the specified deadline. For detailed information, visit .

  • The Stochastic Proximal Distance Algorithm
  • Logistic-tree Normal Mixture for Clustering Microbiome Compositions
  • Inference for Dynamic Treatment Regimes using Overlapping Sampling Splitting
  • Bayesian Modeling for Identifying Selection in B Cell Maturation
  • Differentially Private Verification with Survey Weights
  • Stable Variable Selection for Sparse Linear Regression in a Non-uniqueness Regime  
  • A Cost-Sensitive, Semi-Supervised, and Active Learning Approach for Priority Outlier Investigation
  • Bayesian Decoupling: A Decision Theory-Based Approach to Bayesian Variable Selection
  • A Differentially Private Bayesian Approach to Replication Analysis
  • Numerical Approximation of Gaussian-Smoothed Optimal Transport
  • Computational Challenges to Bayesian Density Discontinuity Regression
  • Hierarchical Signal Propagation for Household Level Sales in Bayesian Dynamic Models
  • Logistic Tree Gaussian Processes (LoTgGaP) for Microbiome Dynamics and Treatment Effects
  • Bayesian Inference on Ratios Subject to Differentially Private Noise
  • Multiple Imputation Inferences for Count Data
  • An Euler Characteristic Curve Based Representation of 3D Shapes in Statistical Analysis
  • An Investigation Into the Bias & Variance of Almost Matching Exactly Methods
  • Comparison of Bayesian Inference Methods for Probit Network Models
  • Differentially Private Counts with Additive Constraints
  • Multi-Scale Graph Principal Component Analysis for Connectomics
  • MCMC Sampling Geospatial Partitions for Linear Models
  • Bayesian Dynamic Network Modeling with Censored Flow Data  
  • An Application of Graph Diffusion for Gesture Classification
  • Easy and Efficient Bayesian Infinite Factor Analysis
  • Analyzing Amazon CD Reviews with Bayesian Monitoring and Machine Learning Methods
  • Missing Data Imputation for Voter Turnout Using Auxiliary Margins
  • Generalized and Scalable Optimal Sparse Decision Trees
  • Construction of Objective Bayesian Prior from Bertrand’s Paradox and the Principle of Indifference
  • Rethinking Non-Linear Instrumental Variables
  • Clustering-Enhanced Stochastic Gradient MCMC for Hidden Markov Models
  • Optimal Sparse Decision Trees
  • Bayesian Density Regression with a Jump Discontinuity at a Given Threshold
  • Forecasting the Term Structure of Interest Rates: A Bayesian Dynamic Graphical Modeling Approach
  • Testing Between Different Types of Poisson Mixtures with Applications to Neuroscience
  • Multiple Imputation of Missing Covariates in Randomized Controlled Trials
  • A Bayesian Strategy to the 20 Question Game with Applications to Recommender Systems
  • Applied Factor Dynamic Analysis for Macroeconomic Forecasting
  • A Theory of Statistical Inference for Ensuring the Robustness of Scientific Results
  • Bayesian Inference Via Partitioning Under Differential Privacy
  • A Bayesian Forward Simulation Approach to Establishing a Realistic Prior Model for Complex Geometrical Objects
  • Two Applications of Summary Statistics: Integrating Information Across Genes and Confidence Intervals with Missing Data
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Department of Statistics

Dissertations catalog.

Models and Inference for Microbiome Data Tang, Yunfan 2018 1
Geometric Methods in Statistics and Optimization Wong, Sze Wai 2018 1
Some Metric Properties of Planar Gaussian Free Field Goswami, Subhajit 2017 1
Multiple Testing with Prior Structural Information Li, Ang 2017 1
Two Problems in Percolation Theory Li, Li 2017 1
High-Dimensional First Passage Percolation and Occupational Densities of Branching Random Walks Tang, Si 2017 1
Applications of Adaptive Shrinkage in Multiple Statistical Problems Wang, Wei 2017 1
On the Optimal Estimation, Control, and Modeling of Dynamical Systems Xu, Wanting 2017 1
Estimation and Inference for High-Dimensional Times Series Zhang, Danna 2017 1
A Bayesian Large-Scale Multiple Regression Model for Genome-Wide Association Summary Statistics Zhu, Xiang 2017 1
High-Dimensional Generative Models: Shrinkage, Composition, and Autoregression Goessling, Marc 2016 1
High-Dimensional Graph Esimation and Density Estimation Liu, Zhe 2016 1
Statistical Methods for Climactic Processes with Temporal Non-Stationarity Poppick, Andrew 2016 1
Estimating the Integrated Parameter of the Locally Parametric Model in High Frequency Data Potiron, Yoann 2016 1
Extreme Values of Log-Correlated Gaussian Fields Roy, Rishideep 2016 1
Poisson Multiscale Methods for High-Throughput Sequencing Data Xing, Zhengrong 2016 1
Two Problems in High-Dimensional Inference: L2 Test by Resampling and Graph Estimation of Non-Stationary Time Series Xu, Mengyu 2016 1
Constrained and Localized Forms of Statistical Minimax Theory Zhu, Yuancheng 2016 1
Statistical Methods in Joint Modeling of Longitudinal and Survival Data Dempsey, Walter 2015 1
Residual Likelihood Analysis for Spatial Mixed Linear Models Dutta, Somak 2015 1
Two Projects in Gaussian Random Space-Time Statistics Horrell, Michael 2015 2
Exponential Series Approaches for Nonparametric Graphical Models Janofsky, Eric 2015 1
Three Essays on Statistical Models for Computer Vision Ng, Lian Huan 2015 1
Contact Processes on Random Graphs Su, Wei 2015 1
Three Essays in Mathematical Finance Wang, Ruming 2015 1
Interpretation and Inference of Linear Structural Equation Models Fox, Christopher 2014 1
Statistical Methods for Genetic Association Analysis in Samples with Related Individuals and Population Structure Jiang, Duo 2014 1
Mixed-Model Methods for Genome-Wide Association Analysis with Binary Traits Zhong, Sheng 2014 1
Statistical Methods for Climate Ensembles Castruccio, Stefano 2013 1
Inferring Effective Migration from Geographically Indexed Genetic Data Petkova, Desislava 2013 1
Functional Data Methods for Genome-Wide Association Studies Reimherr, Matthew 2013 1
Large Scale Multiple Testing for Data with Spatial Signals Zhong, Yunda 2013 1
Prediction and Model Selection for High-Dimensional Data with Sparse or Low-Rank Structure Barber, Rina Foygel 2012 1
Random Walk Metropolis Chains on the Hypercube Barta, Winfried 2012 1
Estimation of Covariance Matrix for High-Dimensional Data and High-Frequency Data Chang, Changgee 2012 1
Wavelet Analysis in Spatial Interpolation of High-Frequency Monitoring Data Chang, Xiaohui 2012 1
Infinitely Exchangeable Partition, Tree and Graph-Valued Stochastic Processes Crane, Harry 2012 1
Non-Stationary Models for Spatial-Temporal Processes Guinness, Joseph 2012 1
From Bayes Calculation to Efficient Integration of Studies: Three Statistical Problems Han, Han 2012 1
Kriging Prediction with Estimated Covariances Kwon, Darongsae 2012 1
Local Properties of Irregularly Observed Gaussian Fields Lee, Myoungji 2012 1
Estimation of Leverage Effect Wang, Dan 2012 1
Nonparametric Inference on Nonstationary Time Series Zhang, Ting 2012 1
Modeling Axially Symmetric Gaussian Processes on Spheres Hitczenko, Marcin 2011 1
An Exponential Tilt Approach to Generalized Linear Models Huang, Alan 2011 1
Online Inference for Time Series and Series Estimation Under Dependence Huang, Yinxiao 2011 1
Bayesian Analysis of Genetic Association Data, Account for Heterogeneity Wen, Xiaoquan 2011 1
Simultaneous Inference on Sample Covariances Xiao, Han 2011 1
Robust Network Inference with Multivariate T-Distributions Finegold, Michael A. 2010 1
Capacity Analysis of Attractor Neural Networks with Binary Neurons and Discrete Synapses Huang, Yibi 2010 1
Displaced Lognormal and Displaced Heston Volatility Skews: Analysis and Applications to Stochastic Volatility Simulations Wang, Dan 2010 1
Wavelet Analysis for Non-stationary Time Series Models Wang, Wenlong 2010 1
Locally Mean Reverting Processes Lynch, Phillip 2009 1
Statistical Methods for Genetic Association Mapping of Complex Traits with Related Individuals Wang, Zuoheng 2009 1
OneClass Boosting and Its Application to Classification Problems Xu, Qingqing 2009 1
Non-stationary Time Series Analysis, a Nonlinear Systems Approach Zhou, Zhou 2009 1
Generalized Parametric Models Atlason, Oli Thor 2008 1
Geometric Approaches in the Analysis of Genetic Data De la Cruz Cabrera, Omar 2008 1
Statistical Methods for Genetic Association Mapping and a Related Likelihood Approach Ke, Baoguan 2008 1
Adaptive Evolution of Conserved Non-Coding Elements Kim, Su Yeon 2008 1
Robustness of Volatility Estimation Li, Yingying 2008 2
Statistical Inference for Multivariate Nonlinear Time Series Matteson, David Scott 2008 1
Trade Classification and Nearly-Gamma Random Variables Rosenthal, Dale W.R. 2008 1
Restricted Parameter Space Models for Testing Gene-Gene Interaction Song, Minsun 2008 1
Critical Branching Random Walks and Spatial Epidemics Zheng, Xinghua 2008 1
Methods for Confounding Adjustment in Time Series Data: Applications to Short Term Effects of Air Pollution on Respiratory Health Zibman, Chava 2008 1
Point Process Models for Astronomy: Quasars, Coronal Mass Ejections, and Solar Flares Hugeback, Angela Beth 2007 1
Characteristics of Model Errors in an Air Quality Model and Fixed-Domain Asymptotics Properties of Spatial Cross-Periodograms Lim, Chae Young 2007 1
Nonparametric Inference for Stochastic Diffusion Models Zhao, Zhibiao 2007 1
Statistical Models for Object Classification and Detection Bernstein, Elliot Joel 2006 1
Likelihood Methods for Potential Outcomes Jager, Abigail L. 2006 1
Estimating Error Rates for Independent and Dependent Test Statistics Ostrovnaya, Irina A. 2006 1
Statistical Evaluation of Multiresolution Model Output and Spectral Analysis for Nonlinear Time Series Shao, Xiaofeng 2006 1
Infinite Exchangeability and Partitions and Permanent Process and Classification Models Yang, Jie 2006 1
Estimating Deformations of Isotropic Gaussian Random Fields Anderes, Ethan 2005 1
Two Problems in Environmetrics Im, Hae Kyung 2005 1
Space-Time Models and Their Applications to Air Pollution Jun, Mikyoung 2005 1
Statistical Inference for Genetic Analysis in Related Individuals Thornton, Timothy Alvin 2005 1
Two Statistical Problems in Gene Mapping Zheng, Maoxia 2005 1
Statistical and Computational Methods for Complex Multicenter Data Analysis Bouman, Peter 2004 1
Nature of Spatial Variation in Crop Yields, The Clifford, David Jeremiah 2004 1
Inference on Time Series Driven by Dependent Innovations Min, Wanli 2004 1
Modeling the Stock Price Process as a Continuous Time Jump Process Sen, Rituparna 2004 1
Statistical Inference for Multi-Color Optical Mapping Data Tong, Liping 2004 1
Epidemic Modelling: SIRS Models Dolgoarshinnykh, Regina G. 2003 1
Problem Of Coexistence in Multi-Type Competition Models, The Kordzakhia, George 2003 1
On Two Topics with No Bridge: Bridge Sampling with Dependent Draws and Bias of the Multiple Imputation Variance Estimator Romero, Martin 2003 1
Sequential Clustering Algorithm with Applications to Gene Expression Data, A Song, Jongwoo 2003 1
Likelihood Approach for Monte Carlo Integration, A Tan, Zhiqiang 2003 1
Spatial Statistics for Modeling Phytoplankton Welty, Leah Jeannine 2003 1
Bridge Sampling with Dependent Random Draws: Techniques and Strategy Servidea, James Dominic 2002 1
Nonlinear Measurement Error Models with Multivariate and Differently Scaled Surrogates Velazquez, Ricardo 2002 1
Optimal Sampling Design and Parameter Estimation of Gaussian Random Fields Zhu, Zhengyuan 2002 1
Multivalent Framework for Approximate and Exact Sampling and Resampling Craiu, Virgil Radu 2001 1
Instrumental Variables in Survival Analysis Harvey, Danielle J. 2001 1
Estimating the Large-Scale Structure of the Universe Using QSO Carbon IV Absorbers Loh, Ji Meng 2001 1
Options and Discontinuity: An Asymptotic Decomposition for Trading Algorithms Song, Seongjoo 2001 1
Statistical Problem in Human Genetics: Multipoint Fine-Scale Linkage Disequilibrium Mapping by the Decay of Haplotype Sharing Strahs, Andrew Louis 2001 1
Two Statistical Problems in Human Genetics: I. Detection of Pedigree Errors Prior to Genetic Mapping Studies. II. Identification of Polymorphisms that Explain a Linkage Result Sun, Lei 2001 1
Linkage Disequilibrium Mapping by the Decay of Haplotype Sharing in a Founder Population Zhang, Jian 2001 1
From Martingales to ANOVA: Implied and Realized Volatility Zhang, Lan 2001 1
Hedging of Contingent Claims Under Model Uncertainty: A Data-Driven Approach Hayashi, Takaki 2000 1
Categorical Imperative: Extendibility Considerations for Statistical Models, The Wit, Ernst-Jan Camiel 2000 1
Modeling Latitudinal Correlations for Satellite Data Choi, Dongseok 1999 1
Allele Sharing Models in Gene Mapping: A Likelihood Approach Nicolae, Dan Liviu 1999 1
Prediction of Random Fields and Modeling of Spatial-Temporal Satellite Data Fuentes, Montserrat 1998 1
Two-Dimensional Hidden Markov Models for Speech Recognition Li, Jiayu 1998 1
Confidence Intervals for Gene Location: The Effect of Model Misspecification and Smoothing Sen, Saunak 1998 2
At the Confluence of the EM Algorithm and Markov Chain Monte Carlo: Theory and Applications Vaida, Florin Alexandru 1998 1
Statistical Model for Computer Recognition of Sequences of Handwritten Digits, with Applications to ZIP Codes, A Wang, Steve C. 1998 1
Statistical Inference Using Estimating Functions Chen, Chih-Rung 1997 1
Estimating Treatment Effects in Observational Studies: Properties of an Estimator Based on Propensity Scores Clements, Nancy C. 1997 1
Options Pricing with Transaction Costs: An Asymptotic Approach Liang, Jennifer Bo 1997 1
Variance-Reducing Modifications for Estimators of Dependence in Random Sets Picka, Jeffrey David 1997 1
Statistical Inference in Population Genetics Pluzhnikov, Anna 1997 1
Simulating First-Passage Times and the Maximum of Stochastic Differential Equations: An Error Analysis Simonsen, Kaare Krantz 1997 1
Modeling the Correlation Structure of the TOMS Ozone Data and Lattice Sampling Design for Isotropic Random Fields Fang, Dongping 1996 1
Monte Carlo Methods in Linkage Analysis Frigge, Michael L. 1996 1
Averaged Likelihood Hung, Hui-Nien 1996 1
Some Inferential Aspects of Empirical Likelihood Lazar, Nicole Alana 1996 1
Deformable Templates and Image Compression Ambrosius, Walter Thomas 1995 1
Cross-Match Procedures for Multiple-Imputation Inference: Bayesian Theory and Frequentist Evaluation Barnard, John 1995 1
Inter-Event Distance Methods for the Statistical Analysis of Spatial Point Processes Collins, Linda Brant 1995 1
Adjustment for Covariates in the Analysis of Clinical Trials Dong, Li Ming 1995 1
Construction, Implementation, and Theory of Algorithms Based on Data Augmentation and Model Reduction Van Dyk, David Anthony 1995 1
Statistical Inference and Nuisance Parameters Zhang, Qi-Yu 1995 1
Asymptotic Expansions for Martingales and Improvement of the P-Value Estimate in the Two-Sample Problem in Survival Analysis Chan, Siu-Kai 1994 2
Discrimination and Classification Using Conditionally Independent Marginal Mixtures Lazaridis, Emmanuel Nicholas 1994 1
Fisher Information in Order Statistics Park, Sangun 1994 2
Some Results Connected with Random Effects in Logistic Models Shun, Zhenming 1994 1
Asymptotics and Robustness for Genetic Linkage Mapping Wright, Fred Andrew 1994 1
Estimation of the Nearest Neighbor Distribution for Spatial Point Processes Flores-Roux, Ernesto M. 1993 1
Method of Investigating High-Dimensional Densities, A Levenson, Mark Steven 1993 1
Using Interactive Recursive Partitioning to Improve Rule-Based Expert Systems Meyer, Peter M. 1993 1
Effect of Temporal Aggregation in Gamma Regression Models Used to Estimate Trends in Sulfate Deposition, The Styer, Patricia Eileen 1993 1
Estimation of Superimposed Exponentially Damped Sinusoids: A Weighted Linear Prediction Approach Lam, Ming-Long 1992 1
Some Topics in the Moment-Based Theory of Statistical Inference Li, Bing 1992 1
Asymptotic Theory for Linear Functions of Ordered Observations Xiang, Xiaojing 1992 1
Deconvolution and Jump Detection Using the Method of Local Approximation with Applications to Magnetic Resonance Imaging Ye, Jianming 1992 1
Collection and Analysis of Truncated Censored Data Chappell, Rick 1991 1
Estimation of Dispersion Components in the Logistic Mixed Model Drum, Melinda Louise 1991 1
Retrospective Detection of Sudden Changes of Variance in Time Series Inclan, Carla H. 1991 2
Correlation Structure and Convergence Rate of the Gibbs Sampler Liu, Jun 1991 1
Space-Time ARMA Models for Satellite Ozone Data Niu, Xufeng 1991 1
Convergence Rate of Maximum Likelihood Estimates, the Method of Sieves, and Related Estimates, The Shen, Xiaotong 1991 1
Choice of Covariates in the Analysis of Clinical Trials Beach, Michael Lindsay 1990 1
Inference for Spatial Gaussian Random Fields When the Objective Is Prediction Handcock, Mark Stephen 1989 1
On Statistical Image Reconstruction Johnson, Valen Earl 1989 1
Topics in Series Approximations to Distribution Functions Kolassa, John Edward 1989 1
Predictive Regression Estimators of the Finite Population Mean Using Functions of the Probability of Selection Rizzo, Louis Philip 1989 1
Specifying Inner Structure in Multiple Time Series Analysis Norton, Phillip Nelson 1988 1
Designing an Observational Study Using Estimated Propensity Scores Thomas, Stacy Neal Jr. 1988 1
Some Divergence Measures for Time Series Models and Their Applications Xu, Daming 1988 1
Efficient Estimation in Semiparametric Models Severini, Thomas Alan 1987 1
Laplacian and Uniform Expansions with Applications to Multidimensional Sampling Skates, Steven James 1987 0
Dual Geometries and Their Applications to Generalized Linear Models Vos, Paul William 1987 1
Analysis of a Set of Coarsely Grouped Data Heitjan, Daniel Francis 1985 1
Restricted Mean Life with Adjustment for Covariates Karrison, Theodore G. 1985 1
Hypothesis Testing in Multiple Imputation--With Emphasis on Mixed-Up Frequencies in Contingency Tables Li, Kim-Hung 1985 1
Multiple Imputation for Interval Estimation from Surveys with Ignorable Nonresponse Schenker, Nathaniel 1985 1
Bayes and Likelihood Methods for Prediction and Estimation in the Ar(1) Model Lahiff, Maureen 1984 1
Limit Theorems for Mixing Arrays Shott, Susan 1983 1
Use of the Correction for Attenuation Estimator with Judgmental Information Schafer, Daniel William 1982 1
Nonparametric Estimation of the Hazard Function from Censored Data Tanner, Martin Abba 1982 1
Missing Values in Factor Analysis Brown, Charles Hendricks 1981 1
Estimation of First Crossing Time Distributions for Some Generalized Brownian Motion Processes Relative to Upper Class Boundaries Sen, Pradip Kumar 1981 1
Convergence Rates Related to the Strong Law of Large Numbers Fill, James Allen 1980 1
Riemannian Structure of Model Spaces: A Geometrical Approach to Inference, The Kass, Robert E. 1980 1
Time Series Analysis of Binary Data Keenan, Daniel Macrae 1980 1
General Maximum Likelihood Approach to the Cox Regression Model, The Bailey, Kent Roberts 1979 1
Special Functions and the Characterization of Probability Distributions by Constant Regression of Polynomial Statistics on the Mean Heller, Barbara Ruth 1979 1
Analysis of Survival Data with Covariates and Censoring Using a Piecewise Exponential Model Friedman, Michael 1978 1
Complete Class Theorems for Invariant Tests in Multivariate Analysis Marden, John Iglehart 1978 1
Estimation of Linear Relationships Between Variables Subject to Random Errors De Wet, Andries Gerhardus 1977 2
Improved Procedures for Estimating Correlation Matrix Lin, Shang-Ping 1977 1
Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Exponential Families with Nonlinear Constraints on the Natural Parameter Space Lin, Lung-Ying 1976 1
Transformations of Multivariate Data and Tests for Multivariate Normality Machado, Stella Barbara Green 1976 2
Logistic Model for Quantal Response Data and a General Bias-Correcting Technique Verjee, Suleman Sultanally 1975 1
Statistical Considerations in Estimating the Current Population of the United States Fay, III, Robert E. 1974 1
Multivariate Rank Statistics for Shift Alternatives Koziol, James Alexander 1974 1
Functional Analogues of Iterated Logarithm Type Laws for Empirical Distribution Functions Whose Arguments Tend to 0 at an Intermediate Rate Mcbride, Jim 1974 1
Mixed-up Frequencies and Missing Data in Contingency Tables Chen, Tar 1972 1
Nonparametric Quantal Response Estimation Procedures Davis, Henry T. 1972 1
Comparison of Classification and Hypothesis Testing Procedures for Separate Families of Hypotheses Dyer, Alan Richard 1972 1
Probabilities of Medium and Large Deviations with Statistical Applications Gupta, Jagdish Chandra 1972 1
Maximum Likelihood Approaches to Causal Flow Analysis Keesling, James Wood 1972 1
Approximate Confidence Regions from Cluster Analysis Landwehr, James Marlin 1972 2
Some Statistical Methods for the Study of Quantitative Genetic Traits Wiorkowski, John James 1972 1
Counted Data Models for Some Small Group Problems Larntz, Jr., Francis Kinley 1971 1
On Some Estimators of the Parameters of the Pareto Distribution Sharma, Divakar 1971 1
Extremal Processes Weissman, Ishay 1971 1
General Log-Linear Model, The Haberman, Shelby, Ph.D. 1970 1
Estimation and Prediction from Projected Data Miller, Don H. 1970 1
On Yates's Approximation for the Missing Value Problem in Model I Analysis of Variance Marshall, Jack 1969 1
Estimating Population Size in the Particle Scanning Context Sanathanan, Lalitha Padman, Ph.D. 1969 1
General Skorohod Space and Its Application to thee Weak Convergence of Stochastic Processes with Several Parameters Straf, Miron Lowel 1969 1
Tests and Confidence Intervals from Transformed Data Land, Charles Even 1968 1
Accuracy of Seven Approximations for the Null Distribution of the Chi-Square Goodness of Fit Statistic Yarnold, James K. 1968 1
Berry-Esseen Bounds for the Multi-Dimensional Central Limit Theorem Bhattacharya, Rabindra N. 1967 1
Some Multi-dimensional Incomplete Block Designs Causey, Beverly Douglas 1967 1
Some Applications of Probability in the Theory of Orthogonal Functions Gundy, Richard Floyd 1966 1
Winsorizing with a Covariate to Improve Efficiency Snyder, Mitchell 1966 1
On the Stochastic Comparison of Tests of Hypotheses Abrahamson, Innis Gillian 1965 1
Allocation of Effort in the Design of Selection Procedures Scott, Alastair John 1965 1
Sufficient Conditions for the Weak Convergence of Conditional Probability Distributions in a Metric Space Trumbo, Bruce Edward 1965 1
Procedure for Selecting Independent Variables in Multiple Regression, A Carlborg, Frank William 1964 1
Improving the Robustness of Inferences Park, Heebok 1964 1
Block Up-and-Down Method in Bio-assay Tsutakawa, Robert K. 1963 1
On Stochastic Approximation Methods Venter, Johannes Hendrik 1963 1
Random Censorship Gilbert, John P. 1962 1
On the Comparison of the Means of Two Normal Populations with Unknown Variances Tao, Ying 1962 1
Incomplete Factorial Designs: Orthogonality, Non-orthogonality, and Construction of Designs Using Linear Programming Webb, Stephen R. 1962 1
Sample Mean Among the Order Statistics, The David, Herbert T. 1960 1
Multivariate k-Population Classification Problem Ellison, Bob E. 1960 1
Unbiased Sequential Estimation of a Probability De Groot, Morris H. 1958 1
Identification and Estimation in Latent Class Analysis Madansky, Albert 1958 1
Team Decision Functions Radner, Roy 1956 1

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Dissertations & Theses

The following is a list of recent statistics and biostatistics PhD Dissertations and Masters Theses.

Jeffrey Gory (2017) PhD Dissertation (Statistics): Marginally Interpretable Generalized Linear Mixed Models Advisors: Peter Craigmile & Steven MacEachern

Yi Lu (2017) PhD Dissertation (Statistics): Function Registration from a Bayesian Perspective Advisors: Radu Herbei & Sebastian Kurtek

Michael Matthews (2017) PhD Dissertation (Statistics):  Extending Ranked Sampling in Inferential Procedures Advisor: Douglas Wolfe

Anna Smith (2017) PhD Dissertation (Statistics):  Statistical Methodology for Multiple Networks Advisor: Catherine Calder

Weiyi Xie (2017) PhD Dissertation (Statistics): A Geometric Approach to Visualization of Variability in Univariate and Multivariate Functional Data Advisor: Sebastian Kurtek

Jingying Zeng (2017) Masters Thesis (Statistics): Latent Factor Models for Recommender Systems and Market Segmentation Through Clustering Advisors: Matthew Pratola & Laura Kubatko

Han Zhang (2017) PhD Dissertation (Statistics): Detecting Rare Haplotype-Environmental Interaction and Nonlinear Effects of Rare Haplotypes using Bayesian LASSO on Quantitative Traits Advisor: Shili Lin

Mark Burch (2016) PhD Dissertation (Biostatistics): Statistical Methods for Network Epidemic Models Advisor: Grzegorz Rempala

Po-hsu Chen (2016) PhD Dissertation (Statistics):  Modeling Multivariate Simulator Outputs with Applications to Prediction and Sequential Pareto Minimization Advisors: Thomas Santner & Angela Dean

Yanan Jia (2016) PhD Dissertation (Statistics): Generalized Bilinear Mixed-Effects Models for Multi-Indexed Multivariate Data Advisor: Catherine Calder

Rong Lu (2016) PhD Dissertation (Biostatistics): Statistical Methods for Functional Genomics Studies Using Observational Data Advisor: Grzegorz Rempala (Public Health)

Junyan Wang (2016) PhD Dissertation (Statistics): Empirical Bayes Model Averaging in the Presence of Model Misfit Advisors: Mario Peruggia & Christopher Hans

Ran Wei (2016) PhD Dissertation (Statistics):  On Estimation Problems in Network Sampling Advisors: David Sivakoff & Elizabeth Stasny

Hui Yang (2016) PhD Dissertation (Statistics):  Adjusting for Bounding and Time-in-Sample Eects in the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) Property Crime Rate Estimation Advisors: Elizabeth Stasny & Asuman Turkmen

Matthew Brems (2015) Masters Thesis (Statistis): The Rare Disease Assumption: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Advisor: Shili Lin

Linchao Chen (2015) PhD Dissertation (Statistics):  Predictive Modeling of Spatio-Temporal Datasets in High Dimensions Advisors: Mark Berliner & Christopher Hans

Casey Davis (2015) PhD Dissertation (Statistics):  A Bayesian Approach to Prediction and Variable Selection Using Nonstationary Gaussian Processes Advisors: Christopher Hans & Thomas Santner

Victor Gendre (2015) Masters Thesis (Statistics): Predicting short term exchange rates with Bayesian autoregressive state space models: an investigation of the Metropolis Hastings algorithm forecasting efficiency Advisor: Radu Herbei

Zhengyu Hu (2015) PhD Dissertation (Statistics):  Initializing the EM Algorithm for Data Clustering and Sub-population Detection Advisors: Steven MacEachern & Joseph Verducci

David Kline (2015) PhD Dissertation (Biostatistics): Systematically Missing Subject-Level Data in Longitudinal Research Synthesis Advisors: Eloise Kaizar, Rebecca Andridge (Public Health)

Andrew Landgraf (2015) PhD Dissertation (Statistics): Generalized Principal Component Analysis: Dimensionality Reduction through the Projection of Natural Parameters Advisor: Yoonkyung Lee

Andrew Olsen (2015) PhD Dissertation (Statistics):  When Infinity is Too Long to Wait: On the Convergence of Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods Advisor: Radu Herbei

Elizabeth   Petraglia (2015) PhD Dissertation (Statistics):  Estimating County-Level Aggravated Assault Rates by Combining Data from the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) and the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) Advisor: Elizabeth Stasny

Mark   Risser (2015) PhD Dissertation (Statistics):  Spatially-Varying Covariance Functions for Nonstationary Spatial Process Modeling Advisor: Catherine Calder

John Stettler (2015) PhD Dissertation (Statistics):  The Discrete Threshold Regression Model Advisor: Mario Peruggia

Zachary   Thomas (2015) PhD Dissertation (Statistics):  Bayesian Hierarchical Space-Time Clustering Methods Advisor: Mark Berliner

Sivaranjani   Vaidyanathan (2015) PhD Dissertation (Statistics):  Bayesian Models for Computer Model Calibration and Prediction Advisor: Mark Berliner

Xiaomu Wang (2015) PhD Dissertation (Statistics): Robust Bayes in Hierarchical Modeling and Empirical Bayes Analysis in Multivariate Estimation Advisor: Mark Berliner

Staci White (2015) PhD Dissertation (Statistics):  Quantifying Model Error in Bayesian Parameter Estimation Advisor: Radu Herbei

Jiaqi Zaetz (2015) PhD Dissertation (Statistics): A Riemannian Framework for Shape Analysis of Annotated 3D Objects Advisor: Sebastian Kurtek

Fangyuan Zhang (2015) PhD Dissertation (Biostatistics): Detecting genomic imprinting and maternal effects in family-based association studies Advisor: Shili Lin

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Writing with Descriptive Statistics

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Usually there is no good way to write a statistic. It rarely sounds good, and often interrupts the structure or flow of your writing. Oftentimes the best way to write descriptive statistics is to be direct. If you are citing several statistics about the same topic, it may be best to include them all in the same paragraph or section.

The mean of exam two is 77.7. The median is 75, and the mode is 79. Exam two had a standard deviation of 11.6.

Overall the company had another excellent year. We shipped 14.3 tons of fertilizer for the year, and averaged 1.7 tons of fertilizer during the summer months. This is an increase over last year, where we shipped only 13.1 tons of fertilizer, and averaged only 1.4 tons during the summer months. (Standard deviations were as followed: this summer .3 tons, last summer .4 tons).

Some fields prefer to put means and standard deviations in parentheses like this:

If you have lots of statistics to report, you should strongly consider presenting them in tables or some other visual form. You would then highlight statistics of interest in your text, but would not report all of the statistics. See the section on statistics and visuals for more details.

If you have a data set that you are using (such as all the scores from an exam) it would be unusual to include all of the scores in a paper or article. One of the reasons to use statistics is to condense large amounts of information into more manageable chunks; presenting your entire data set defeats this purpose.

At the bare minimum, if you are presenting statistics on a data set, it should include the mean and probably the standard deviation. This is the minimum information needed to get an idea of what the distribution of your data set might look like. How much additional information you include is entirely up to you. In general, don't include information if it is irrelevant to your argument or purpose. If you include statistics that many of your readers would not understand, consider adding the statistics in a footnote or appendix that explains it in more detail.

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Department of Statistics | Columbian College of Arts & Sciences

Browse names and theses by graduation year. If you are an alumna or alumnus of the program, please visit the Alumni Outcomes page to learn more about how to stay involved.

  • Advocate: Feifang Hu
  • Program: Statistics
  • Thesis Title: Covariate-Adaptive Randomization in Network Data
  • Advocate: Fang Jin
  • Thesis Title: Explainable Learning with Meaningful Perturbations
  • Advocate: Hua Liang
  • Thesis Title: Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Several Models

Xiaoyan Yin

  • Advocate: Scott Evans and Toshimitsu Hamasaki
  • Thesis Title: Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trials for COMparing Personalized Antibiotic StrategieS (SMART COMPASS): Design and Software

Fengyu Zhao

  • Thesis Title: Statistical Inference of Relative Risk and Hazard Ratio under Covariate Adaptive Randomization

Mengqiu Zhu

  • Advocate: Yinglei Lai
  • Thesis Title: Some Research Progress in Generative Modeling and the Related Applications to Single-Cell RNA-Sequencing and Spatially Resolved Transcriptomics Data

May Al-Husseini

  • Advocate: Qing Pan
  • Program: Biostatistics
  • Thesis Title: Joint Analysis of Adenoma Screening and Colon Cancer Risks with Informative Screening Times

Shuyang Gao

  • Advocate: Hosam Mahmoud
  • Thesis Title: On Some Classes of Urn Models with Multiple-Drawing
  • Thesis Title: Evaluation and Prediction of the Association Consistency between Two High-throughput Two-sample Gene Expression Datasets
  • Thesis Title: Some Research Progress on Generative Adversarial Networks
  • Thesis Title: Heterogeneous Block Covariance Model for Community Detection
  • Thesis Title: Statistical Issues of Unobserved Covariates in Covariate-Adaptive Randomized Trials

Shunyan Luo

  • Thesis Title: Statistically Consistent Interpretation of Deep Learning

Sam Luxenberg

  • Advocate: Sudip Bose and Refik Soyer
  • Thesis Title: Adversarial Risk Analysis for Decision-Making in Sports
  • Advocate: Xiaoke Zhang
  • Thesis Title: Advances in Functional Data Analysis and Reinforcement Learning
  • Thesis Title: Methodological Advances in Causal Inference for Functional Daya and Survival Data

Mingze Zhang

  • Advocate: Judy Wang
  • Thesis Title: Copula-based Analysis for Dependent Count Data
  • Advocate: Yan Ma and Qing Pan
  • Thesis Title: Meta-analysis of Rare Events
  • Advocate: Zhaohai Li and Aiyi Liu
  • Thesis Title: On Combination of Elliptically Distributed Biomarkers to Improve Diagnostic Accuracy
  • Thesis Title: Uncertainty Quantification and Adversarial Samples Detection of Neural Networks, and Single Reader Between Cases AUC estimator in Nested Data Problem
  • Advocate: Yan Ma
  • Thesis Title: Comparison of Machine Learning Methods in Missing Data Imputation for NIS Data
  • Thesis Title: Advances in Subgroup Identification and Expected Shortfall Regression

Grecio Sandoval

  • Advocate: Ionut Bebu and John Lachin
  • Thesis Title: On Cost-Efficient Designs for Clinical Studies

Lingzhe Guo

  • Advocate: Reza Modarres
  • Thesis Title: Change Point Detection of Periodic Data
  • Advocate: Colin Wu and Hua Liang
  • Thesis Title: Dynamic Conditional Density Models for Multivariate Longitudinal Data
  • Advocate: Naji Younes and Marinella Temprosa
  • Thesis Title: A Joint Model for Survival and Longitudinal Data Using Shape Invariant Models
  • Thesis Title: Nonlinear Function-on-Scalar MINQE with Application to Genetic Heritability
  • Advocate: Zhaohai Li, Barry Graubard, and Kai Yu
  • Thesis Title: Associations via Integrating Analysis of Predicted Expression from Multiple Tissues

Mohamed Megheib

  • Advocate: Sudip Bose
  • Thesis Title: Nonparametric Regression for Spatially Correlated Data

Peifeng Ruan

  • Thesis Title: Advanced Statistical Models in Cancer Research with Omics Data

Arnold Saunders

  • Thesis Title: Random Recursive Tree Evolution Algorithms: Identification and Characterization of Classes of Deletion Rules
  • Thesis Title: Model Averaging of Several Semiparametric Models
  • Advocate: Qing Pan and Dechang Chen
  • Thesis Title: Development of Prognostic Systems for Cancer Patients

Liuqing Yang

  • Thesis Title: Clustering Models with Applications in Gene Expression Profiles

Xiaoyu Zhai

  • Advocate: Tapan Nayak
  • Thesis Title: Randomized Response Methods for Privacy Protection in Data Collection and Identification Risk Control in Data Release

Lingjie Zhou

  • Thesis Title: Inverse Weighting Method with Jackknife Variance Estimator for Differential Expression Analysis of Single-cell RNA Sequencing Data
  • Thesis Title: Some New Advances in Covariate-Adaptive Randomization

Jichong Chai

  • Advocate: Tapan K. Nayak, Professor of Statistics
  • Thesis Title: Privacy Protection in Data Collection via Randomized Response Procedures

Didem Egemen

  • Advocate: Riefik Soyer, Professor of Decision Sciences and Statistics
  • Thesis Title: Bayesian Modeling of Virtual Age in Repairable Systems
  • Advocate: Huixia Wang, Professor of Statistics
  • Thesis Title: Automatic Shape-Constrained Nonparametric Regression

Jesse P. Jeter

  • Advocate: Sudip Bose, Associate Professor of Statistics
  • Thesis Title: Novel Methodologies in Categorical Data Analysis
  • Thesis Title: Copula-Based Analysis of Dependent Data with Censoring and Zero-Inflation
  • Advocate: Feifang Hu, Professor of Statistics
  • Thesis Title: Interim Analysis in Adaptive Randomized Clinical Trials
  • Advocate: Reza Modarres, Professor of Statistics
  • Thesis Title: Distribution of Interpoint Distances and Applications
  • Advocate: Zhaohai Li, Professor of Statistics
  • Co-Advocates: Aiyi Liu, Senior Investigator, National Institutes of Health & Feifang Hu, Professor of Statistics
  • Thesis Title: Using Proper Transformations to Improve Precision

Somak Chatterjee

  • Advocate: Subrata Kundu, Associate Professor of Statistics
  • Co-Advocate: Rajeshwari Sundaram, Senior Investigator, NICHD/DIPHR
  • Thesis Title: Joint Modeling of Multiple Skewed Longitudinal Processes with Excess of Zeroes and Time-to-Event Using a Shared Parameter Model
  • Advocate: Hua Liang, Professor of Statistics
  • Thesis Title: Nonlinearity Detection Using Penalization-Based Principle
  • Advocate: Dean Follmann, Assistant Advocate for Biostatistics, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
  • Co-Advocate: Naji Younes, Associate Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
  • Thesis Title: Parametric and Semi-parametric Approaches to Estimation of Survival Distributions of Treatment Strategies in Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trials
  • Co-Advocate: Michael D. Larsen, Professor of Mathematics and Statistics
  • Thesis Title: Hierarchical Bayesian Model for AK Composite Estimators in the Current Population Survey (CPS)
  • Advisor: Zhaohai Li
  • Thesis Title: Analysis for Familial Aggregation Using Recurrence Risk for Complex Survey Data
  • Thesis Title: Balancing A Large Number of Covariates via Covariate-Adaptive Randomization

Aotian Yang

  • Advisor: Qing Pan
  • Thesis Title: Constrained Maximum Entropy Models for Selecting Genotype Interactions Associated with Interval-Censored Failure Times and Methods for Power Calculation in a Three-arm Four-step Clinical Bioequivalence Study

Cheng Zhang

  • Thesis Title: Identification Risk Control in Microdata Release by Inverse Frequency Post-Randomization and Its Impact on Data Utility

Hailin Huang

  • Advisor: Hua Liang
  • Thesis Title: Semi-parametric and Structured Nonparametric Modeling
  • Advisor: Jonathan Stroud
  • Thesis Title: Particle and Ensemble Methods for State Space Models

Li Cheung

  • Advisor: Qing Pan and Hormuzd Katki
  • Thesis Title: Mixture Models for Left- and Interval-Censored Data and Concordance Indices for Composite Survival Outcomes

Wanying Zhao

  • Advisor: Feifang Hu
  • Thesis Title: Adaptive Designs Utilizing Covariates for Precision Medicine and Their Statistical Inference

Yarong Feng

  • Advisor: Hosam Mahmoud
  • Thesis Title: On Fast Growth Models for Random Structures
  • Thesis Title: Advances in Urn Models and Applications to Self-similar Bipolar Networks

Previous Years

  • Advisor: Yinglei Lai
  • Thesis Title: Modeling the Correlation Structure of RNA Sequencing Data Using A Multivariate Poisson-Lognormal Model
  • Thesis Title: Censored-Poisson Model Based Approach to the Analysis of RNA-seq Data

Panpan Zhang

  • Thesis Title: On Certain Properties of Several Random Networks
  • Advisor: Michael Larsen
  • Thesis Title: Improvements in Simulation, Convergence Monitoring, and Modeling of the Exponential Random Graph Models for Social Network Analysis

Brian Dumbacher

  • Thesis Title: Small Area Estimation in a Survey of Governments
  • Advisor: Zhaohai Li and Aiyi Liu
  • Thesis Title: Diagnostic Accuracy of Biomarkers with a Continuous Gold Standard

Joshuah Touyz

  • Advisor: Tatiyana Apanasovich
  • Thesis Title: Novel Methodologies in Multivariate Spatial Statistics
  • Thesis Title: The Generalized Relative Pairs IBD Distribution: Its Use in the Detection of Linkage
  • Advisor: Michael Larson
  • Thesis Title: Longitudinal Weight Calibration with Estimated Control Totals for Cross Sectional Survey Data: Theory and Application

Fanni Zhang

  • Thesis Title: Concordant Integrative Analysis of Multiple Gene Expression Data Sets

Mengta Yang

  • Advisor: Reza Modarres
  • Thesis Title: Depth Functions, Multidimensional Medians and Tests of Uniformity on Proximity Graphs

Mohammed Chowdhury

  • Advisor: Colin Wu and Reza Modarres
  • Thesis Title: Nonparametric Smoothing Estimation of Conditional Distribution Function with Longitudinal Data and Time-Varying Parametric Models

Bipasa Biswas

  • Thesis Title: Statistical Analysis of DNA Copy Number Variation with Sequencing Data
  • Advisor: Yinglei Lai and Gang Zheng
  • Thesis Title: Analysis of Mixed Types of Traits in Genetic Association Studies and Application to Genome-Wide Association Studies
  • Advisor: Qing Pan and Joseph Gastwirth
  • Thesis Title: Statistical Properties of Biostatistical Methods for Correlated Processes with Application to Data Arising in the Legal Settings

Ravi Kalpathy

  • Thesis Title: Perpetuities in Fair Leader Election Algorithms
  • Advisor: Zhiwei Zhang and Zhaohai Li
  • Thesis Title: Coarsened Propensity Scores and Hybrid Estimators for Missing Data and Causal Inference

Marinella Temprosa

  • Advisor: John Lachin
  • Thesis Title: An Imputation-Estimation Algorithm Using Time-Varying Auxiliary Covariates for a Longitudinal Model When Outcome is Missing by Design

Wenliang Yao

  • Advisor: Zhaohai Li and Barry Graubard
  • Thesis Title: Estimation of the Area Under the ROC Curve With Complex Survey Data
  • Advisor: Michael Larsen and John Lachin
  • Thesis Title: Methods for a Longitudinal Quantitative Outcome With a Multivariate Gaussian Distribution Multi-dimensionally Censored by Therapeutic Intervention

Anna Gordon

  • Advisor: Nozer Singpurwalla
  • Thesis Title: The Stochastics of Diagnostic and Threat Detection Tests

Sanaa Kholfi

  • Advisor: Hosam Mahmoud
  • Thesis Title: On A Class of Zero-balanced Urn Models
  • Advisor: Zhaohai Li and Aiyu Li
  • Thesis Title: Group Sequential Designs for Intraclass Correlation Coefficients in Reliability Studies

Donald Bauder

  • Advisor: Sudip Bose
  • Thesis Title: Bayesian Robustness in Finite Population Testing

Owen Martin

  • Advisor: Nozer Singpurwalla
  • Thesis Title: A Dynamic Competing Risk Model for Filtering Reliability and Tracking Survivability

John Jackson

  • Advisor: Paul Albert and Zhaohai Li
  • Thesis Title: Prediction Models for Longitudinal Binary and Count Data

Linglu Wang

  • Advisor: Tapan Nayak
  • Program: Statistics
  • Thesis Title: The Equivariance Criterion in Statistical Prediction and Its Ramifications

Haojin Zhou

  • Thesis Title: Bayesian Analysis of Case-control Genetic Association Studies in the Presence of Population Stratification or Genetic Model

Samson Adeshiyan

  • Thesis Title: Gaussian Phases Toward Statistical Equilibrium in Some Urn Models
  • Advisor: Zhaohai Li and Gang Zheng
  • Thesis Title: Unification of Randomized Response Designs and Certain Aspects of Post-Randomization for Statistical Disclosure Control

Anastasios Markitsis

  • Advisor: Yinglei Lai
  • Thesis Title: The Proportion of True Null Hypotheses in Microarray Gene Expression Data
  • Advisor: Reza Modarres
  • Thesis Title: Triangle Test and Triangle Data Depth in Nonparametric Multivariate Analysis
  • Thesis Title: Some Contributions to the Theory of Unbiased Statistical Prediction

Mark Tripputi

  • Advisor: John Kittelson and Zhaohai Li
  • Thesis Title: Use of Mediation in Designing Clinical Trials with Two Primary End Points
  • Advisor: Zhaohai Li
  • Thesis Title: Genetic Association Studies Using Complex Survey Data

Susan Warren

  • Advisor: Karen Bandeen-Roche and Samuel J. Simmensi
  • Thesis Title: Evaluating the Value of Adding Diagnostic Symptoms Using Posterior Probability and Sensitivity/Specificity Procedures

Hiroyuki Hikawa

  • Advisor: Joseph .L.Gastwirth and E.Bura
  • Thesis Title: Local Linear Peters-Belson Regression and Its Applications to Employment Discrimination Cases
  • Advisor: Zhaohai Li and Gang Zheng
  • Thesis Title: Group Sequential Robust Designs in Genetic Studies

Mark VanRaden

  • Thesis Title: Cumulative Logit-Poisson and Cumulative Logit-Negative Compound Regression Models for Count Data

Ruththanna Davi

  • Advisor: John Lachini

Dalong Huang

  • Advisor: Zhaohai Li and Joseph L. Gastwirth
  • Thesis Title: Effects of Contamination on Statistical Inference Using Sib-Pair Analysis
  • Thesis Title: Group sequential designs and inference of a medical diagnostic test with binary outcomes
  • Advisor: Efstathia Bura
  • Thesis Title: Statistical Methods for Estimating the Dimension of Multivariate Data

Philip Wilson

  • Thesis Title: On the Utility of Reliability

Joshua Landon

  • Thesis Title: A Problem in Particle Physics and its Bayesian Analysis

Xiaowu Chen

  • Thesis Title: AInference of Haploytepe Effects in Case-Control Studies Using Unphased Genotype and Environmental Data

Ainong Zhou

  • Advisor: Giovanni Parmigiani and John M Lachini
  • Thesis Title: Bayes Factors Comparing Two Multi-Normal Covariance Matrices and their Application to Microarray Data Analysis

Konstantin Gartwig

  • Thesis Title: Asset pricing under parameter uncertainty

Dennis Buckman

  • Thesis Title: Linkage Tests for Relative-Pairs with Incomplete IBD and Known IBS

Weiping Deng

  • Thesis Title: Mixture models and their properties for interval mapping of genetic loci affecting binary traits

Terrence Hui

  • Thesis Title: Bootstrap and likelihood based inference for ranked set samples

Barbara George

  • Advisor: Kaushik Ghosh
  • Thesis Title: Bayesian Regression for Circular Data

Jiaquan Fan

  • Thesis Title: Short-term cancer incidence prediction with missing data

Costas Christophi

  • Thesis Title: Distances in Random Tries via Analytic Probability: The Oscillatory Distribution

Abeer El-Baz

  • Advisor: Tapan Nayak
  • Thesis Title: Some contributions to statistical prediction theory

Pablo Bonangelino

  • Advisor: Thomas Louis and John M Lachin
  • Thesis Title: Maximin Efficiency Robust Tests for the Focused Clustering of Disease
  • Advisor: Joseph L. Gastwirth and Zhaohai Li
  • Thesis Title: Statistical studies on genetic linkage analysis based on affected Sibships

Jade Freeman

  • Thesis Title: An analysis of Box-Cox Transformed Data

Yvonne Sparling

  • Advisor: John M Lachin and Naji Younes
  • Thesis Title: Parametric Survival Models for Interval-Censored Data with Time-Dependent Covariates

Xuejun Chen

  • Thesis Title: The estimation and asymptotic theory of multiplicative Frailty model

Christopher Moriarity

  • Advisor: Fritz Scheuren and Tapan Nayak
  • Thesis Title: Statistical properties of statistical matching

Kimberly Sellers

  • Thesis Title: Vague coherent systems
  • Advisor: Joseph L. Gastwirth
  • Thesis Title: Some problems arising in observational studies: Potential effect of selection bias and omitted variables

James Cantor

  • Advisor: David Findley and Hosam Mahmoud
  • Thesis Title: Recursive and batch estimation of misspecified ARMA model

Chenxiong Le

  • Advisor: James Rochon
  • Thesis Title: Application of ARCH models to the analysis of longitudinal data
  • Advisor: Isabelle Bajeux-Besnainou and Sudip Bose
  • Thesis Title: A stochastic volatility model for option pricing
  • Advisor: Robert Smythe and John Lachin
  • Thesis Title: Simultaneous testing and estimation of trend in proportion using historical data
  • Thesis Title: Fisher information in order statistics and ordered randomly censored data

Statistical Methods in Theses: Guidelines and Explanations

Signed August 2018 Naseem Al-Aidroos, PhD, Christopher Fiacconi, PhD Deborah Powell, PhD, Harvey Marmurek, PhD, Ian Newby-Clark, PhD, Jeffrey Spence, PhD, David Stanley, PhD, Lana Trick, PhD

Version:  2.00

This document is an organizational aid, and workbook, for students. We encourage students to take this document to meetings with their advisor and committee. This guide should enhance a committee’s ability to assess key areas of a student’s work. 

In recent years a number of well-known and apparently well-established findings have  failed to replicate , resulting in what is commonly referred to as the replication crisis. The APA Publication Manual 6 th Edition notes that “The essence of the scientific method involves observations that can be repeated and verified by others.” (p. 12). However, a systematic investigation of the replicability of psychology findings published in  Science  revealed that over half of psychology findings do not replicate (see a related commentary in  Nature ). Even more disturbing, a  Bayesian reanalysis of the reproducibility project  showed that 64% of studies had sample sizes so small that strong evidence for or against the null or alternative hypotheses did not exist. Indeed, Morey and Lakens (2016) concluded that most of psychology is statistically unfalsifiable due to small sample sizes and correspondingly low power (see  article ). Our discipline’s reputation is suffering. News of the replication crisis has reached the popular press (e.g.,  The Atlantic ,   The Economist ,   Slate , Last Week Tonight ).

An increasing number of psychologists have responded by promoting new research standards that involve open science and the elimination of  Questionable Research Practices . The open science perspective is made manifest in the  Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP) guidelines  for journal publications. These guidelines were adopted some time ago by the  Association for Psychological Science . More recently, the guidelines were adopted by American Psychological Association journals ( see details ) and journals published by Elsevier ( see details ). It appears likely that, in the very near future, most journals in psychology will be using an open science approach. We strongly advise readers to take a moment to inspect the  TOP Guidelines Summary Table . 

A key aspect of open science and the TOP guidelines is the sharing of data associated with published research (with respect to medical research, see point #35 in the  World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki ). This practice is viewed widely as highly important. Indeed, open science is recommended by  all G7 science ministers . All Tri-Agency grants must include a data-management plan that includes plans for sharing: “ research data resulting from agency funding should normally be preserved in a publicly accessible, secure and curated repository or other platform for discovery and reuse by others.”  Moreover, a 2017 editorial published in the  New England Journal of Medicine announced that the  International Committee of Medical Journal Editors believes there is  “an ethical obligation to responsibly share data.”  As of this writing,  60% of highly ranked psychology journals require or encourage data sharing .

The increasing importance of demonstrating that findings are replicable is reflected in calls to make replication a requirement for the promotion of faculty (see details in  Nature ) and experts in open science are now refereeing applications for tenure and promotion (see details at the  Center for Open Science  and  this article ). Most dramatically, in one instance, a paper resulting from a dissertation was retracted due to misleading findings attributable to Questionable Research Practices. Subsequent to the retraction, the Ohio State University’s Board of Trustees unanimously revoked the PhD of the graduate student who wrote the dissertation ( see details ). Thus, the academic environment is changing and it is important to work toward using new best practices in lieu of older practices—many of which are synonymous with Questionable Research Practices. Doing so should help you avoid later career regrets and subsequent  public mea culpas . One way to achieve your research objectives in this new academic environment is  to incorporate replications into your research . Replications are becoming more common and there are even websites dedicated to helping students conduct replications (e.g.,  Psychology Science Accelerator ) and indexing the success of replications (e.g., Curate Science ). You might even consider conducting a replication for your thesis (subject to committee approval).

As early-career researchers, it is important to be aware of the changing academic environment. Senior principal investigators may be  reluctant to engage in open science  (see this student perspective in a  blog post  and  podcast ) and research on resistance to data sharing indicates that one of the barriers to sharing data is that researchers do not feel that they have knowledge of  how to share data online . This document is an educational aid and resource to provide students with introductory knowledge of how to participate in open science and online data sharing to start their education on these subjects. 

Guidelines and Explanations

In light of the changes in psychology, faculty members who teach statistics/methods have reviewed the literature and generated this guide for graduate students. The guide is intended to enhance the quality of student theses by facilitating their engagement in open and transparent research practices and by helping them avoid Questionable Research Practices, many of which are now deemed unethical and covered in the ethics section of textbooks.

This document is an informational tool.

How to Start

In order to follow best practices, some first steps need to be followed. Here is a list of things to do:

  • Get an Open Science account. Registration at  is easy!
  • If conducting confirmatory hypothesis testing for your thesis, pre-register your hypotheses (see Section 1-Hypothesizing). The Open Science Foundation website has helpful  tutorials  and  guides  to get you going.
  • Also, pre-register your data analysis plan. Pre-registration typically includes how and when you will stop collecting data, how you will deal with violations of statistical assumptions and points of influence (“outliers”), the specific measures you will use, and the analyses you will use to test each hypothesis, possibly including the analysis script. Again, there is a lot of help available for this. 

Exploratory and Confirmatory Research Are Both of Value, But Do Not Confuse the Two

We note that this document largely concerns confirmatory research (i.e., testing hypotheses). We by no means intend to devalue exploratory research. Indeed, it is one of the primary ways that hypotheses are generated for (possible) confirmation. Instead, we emphasize that it is important that you clearly indicate what of your research is exploratory and what is confirmatory. Be clear in your writing and in your preregistration plan. You should explicitly indicate which of your analyses are exploratory and which are confirmatory. Please note also that if you are engaged in exploratory research, then Null Hypothesis Significance Testing (NHST) should probably be avoided (see rationale in  Gigerenzer  (2004) and  Wagenmakers et al., (2012) ). 

This document is structured around the stages of thesis work:  hypothesizing, design, data collection, analyses, and reporting – consistent with the headings used by Wicherts et al. (2016). We also list the Questionable Research Practices associated with each stage and provide suggestions for avoiding them. We strongly advise going through all of these sections during thesis/dissertation proposal meetings because a priori decisions need to be made prior to data collection (including analysis decisions). 

To help to ensure that the student has informed the committee about key decisions at each stage, there are check boxes at the end of each section.

How to Use This Document in a Proposal Meeting

  • Print off a copy of this document and take it to the proposal meeting.
  • During the meeting, use the document to seek assistance from faculty to address potential problems.
  • Revisit responses to issues raised by this document (especially the Analysis and Reporting Stages) when you are seeking approval to proceed to defense.

Consultation and Help Line

Note that the Center for Open Science now has a help line (for individual researchers and labs) you can call for help with open science issues. They also have training workshops. Please see their  website  for details.

  • Hypothesizing
  • Data Collection
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Mathematics PhD theses

A selection of Mathematics PhD thesis titles is listed below, some of which are available online:

2023   2022   2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991

Reham Alahmadi - Asymptotic Study of Toeplitz Determinants with Fisher-Hartwig Symbols and Their Double-Scaling Limits

Anne Sophie Rojahn –  Localised adaptive Particle Filters for large scale operational NWP model

Melanie Kobras –  Low order models of storm track variability

Ed Clark –  Vectorial Variational Problems in L∞ and Applications to Data Assimilation

Katerina Christou – Modelling PDEs in Population Dynamics using Fixed and Moving Meshes  

Chiara Cecilia Maiocchi –  Unstable Periodic Orbits: a language to interpret the complexity of chaotic systems

Samuel R Harrison – Stalactite Inspired Thin Film Flow

Elena Saggioro – Causal network approaches for the study of sub-seasonal to seasonal variability and predictability

Cathie A Wells – Reformulating aircraft routing algorithms to reduce fuel burn and thus CO 2 emissions  

Jennifer E. Israelsson –  The spatial statistical distribution for multiple rainfall intensities over Ghana

Giulia Carigi –  Ergodic properties and response theory for a stochastic two-layer model of geophysical fluid dynamics

André Macedo –  Local-global principles for norms

Tsz Yan Leung  –  Weather Predictability: Some Theoretical Considerations

Jehan Alswaihli –  Iteration of Inverse Problems and Data Assimilation Techniques for Neural Field Equations

Jemima M Tabeart –  On the treatment of correlated observation errors in data assimilation

Chris Davies –  Computer Simulation Studies of Dynamics and Self-Assembly Behaviour of Charged Polymer Systems

Birzhan Ayanbayev –  Some Problems in Vectorial Calculus of Variations in L∞

Penpark Sirimark –  Mathematical Modelling of Liquid Transport in Porous Materials at Low Levels of Saturation

Adam Barker –  Path Properties of Levy Processes

Hasen Mekki Öztürk –  Spectra of Indefinite Linear Operator Pencils

Carlo Cafaro –  Information gain that convective-scale models bring to probabilistic weather forecasts

Nicola Thorn –  The boundedness and spectral properties of multiplicative Toeplitz operators

James Jackaman  – Finite element methods as geometric structure preserving algorithms

Changqiong Wang - Applications of Monte Carlo Methods in Studying Polymer Dynamics

Jack Kirk - The molecular dynamics and rheology of polymer melts near the flat surface

Hussien Ali Hussien Abugirda - Linear and Nonlinear Non-Divergence Elliptic Systems of Partial Differential Equations

Andrew Gibbs - Numerical methods for high frequency scattering by multiple obstacles (PDF-2.63MB)

Mohammad Al Azah - Fast Evaluation of Special Functions by the Modified Trapezium Rule (PDF-913KB)

Katarzyna (Kasia) Kozlowska - Riemann-Hilbert Problems and their applications in mathematical physics (PDF-1.16MB)

Anna Watkins - A Moving Mesh Finite Element Method and its Application to Population Dynamics (PDF-2.46MB)

Niall Arthurs - An Investigation of Conservative Moving-Mesh Methods for Conservation Laws (PDF-1.1MB)

Samuel Groth - Numerical and asymptotic methods for scattering by penetrable obstacles (PDF-6.29MB)

Katherine E. Howes - Accounting for Model Error in Four-Dimensional Variational Data Assimilation (PDF-2.69MB)

Jian Zhu - Multiscale Computer Simulation Studies of Entangled Branched Polymers (PDF-1.69MB)

Tommy Liu - Stochastic Resonance for a Model with Two Pathways (PDF-11.4MB)

Matthew Paul Edgington - Mathematical modelling of bacterial chemotaxis signalling pathways (PDF-9.04MB)

Anne Reinarz - Sparse space-time boundary element methods for the heat equation (PDF-1.39MB)

Adam El-Said - Conditioning of the Weak-Constraint Variational Data Assimilation Problem for Numerical Weather Prediction (PDF-2.64MB)

Nicholas Bird - A Moving-Mesh Method for High Order Nonlinear Diffusion (PDF-1.30MB)

Charlotta Jasmine Howarth - New generation finite element methods for forward seismic modelling (PDF-5,52MB)

Aldo Rota - From the classical moment problem to the realizability problem on basic semi-algebraic sets of generalized functions (PDF-1.0MB)

Sarah Lianne Cole - Truncation Error Estimates for Mesh Refinement in Lagrangian Hydrocodes (PDF-2.84MB)

Alexander J. F. Moodey - Instability and Regularization for Data Assimilation (PDF-1.32MB)

Dale Partridge - Numerical Modelling of Glaciers: Moving Meshes and Data Assimilation (PDF-3.19MB)

Joanne A. Waller - Using Observations at Different Spatial Scales in Data Assimilation for Environmental Prediction (PDF-6.75MB)

Faez Ali AL-Maamori - Theory and Examples of Generalised Prime Systems (PDF-503KB)

Mark Parsons - Mathematical Modelling of Evolving Networks

Natalie L.H. Lowery - Classification methods for an ill-posed reconstruction with an application to fuel cell monitoring

David Gilbert - Analysis of large-scale atmospheric flows

Peter Spence - Free and Moving Boundary Problems in Ion Beam Dynamics (PDF-5MB)

Timothy S. Palmer - Modelling a single polymer entanglement (PDF-5.02MB)

Mohamad Shukor Talib - Dynamics of Entangled Polymer Chain in a Grid of Obstacles (PDF-2.49MB)

Cassandra A.J. Moran - Wave scattering by harbours and offshore structures

Ashley Twigger - Boundary element methods for high frequency scattering

David A. Smith - Spectral theory of ordinary and partial linear differential operators on finite intervals (PDF-1.05MB)

Stephen A. Haben - Conditioning and Preconditioning of the Minimisation Problem in Variational Data Assimilation (PDF-3.51MB)

Jing Cao - Molecular dynamics study of polymer melts (PDF-3.98MB)

Bonhi Bhattacharya - Mathematical Modelling of Low Density Lipoprotein Metabolism. Intracellular Cholesterol Regulation (PDF-4.06MB)

Tamsin E. Lee - Modelling time-dependent partial differential equations using a moving mesh approach based on conservation (PDF-2.17MB)

Polly J. Smith - Joint state and parameter estimation using data assimilation with application to morphodynamic modelling (PDF-3Mb)

Corinna Burkard - Three-dimensional Scattering Problems with applications to Optical Security Devices (PDF-1.85Mb)

Laura M. Stewart - Correlated observation errors in data assimilation (PDF-4.07MB)

R.D. Giddings - Mesh Movement via Optimal Transportation (PDF-29.1MbB)

G.M. Baxter - 4D-Var for high resolution, nested models with a range of scales (PDF-1.06MB)

C. Spencer - A generalization of Talbot's theorem about King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table.

P. Jelfs - A C-property satisfying RKDG Scheme with Application to the Morphodynamic Equations (PDF-11.7MB)

L. Bennetts - Wave scattering by ice sheets of varying thickness

M. Preston - Boundary Integral Equations method for 3-D water waves

J. Percival - Displacement Assimilation for Ocean Models (PDF - 7.70MB)

D. Katz - The Application of PV-based Control Variable Transformations in Variational Data Assimilation (PDF- 1.75MB)

S. Pimentel - Estimation of the Diurnal Variability of sea surface temperatures using numerical modelling and the assimilation of satellite observations (PDF-5.9MB)

J.M. Morrell - A cell by cell anisotropic adaptive mesh Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian method for the numerical solution of the Euler equations (PDF-7.7MB)

L. Watkinson - Four dimensional variational data assimilation for Hamiltonian problems

M. Hunt - Unique extension of atomic functionals of JB*-Triples

D. Chilton - An alternative approach to the analysis of two-point boundary value problems for linear evolutionary PDEs and applications

T.H.A. Frame - Methods of targeting observations for the improvement of weather forecast skill

C. Hughes - On the topographical scattering and near-trapping of water waves

B.V. Wells - A moving mesh finite element method for the numerical solution of partial differential equations and systems

D.A. Bailey - A ghost fluid, finite volume continuous rezone/remap Eulerian method for time-dependent compressible Euler flows

M. Henderson - Extending the edge-colouring of graphs

K. Allen - The propagation of large scale sediment structures in closed channels

D. Cariolaro - The 1-Factorization problem and same related conjectures

A.C.P. Steptoe - Extreme functionals and Stone-Weierstrass theory of inner ideals in JB*-Triples

D.E. Brown - Preconditioners for inhomogeneous anisotropic problems with spherical geometry in ocean modelling

S.J. Fletcher - High Order Balance Conditions using Hamiltonian Dynamics for Numerical Weather Prediction

C. Johnson - Information Content of Observations in Variational Data Assimilation

M.A. Wakefield - Bounds on Quantities of Physical Interest

M. Johnson - Some problems on graphs and designs

A.C. Lemos - Numerical Methods for Singular Differential Equations Arising from Steady Flows in Channels and Ducts

R.K. Lashley - Automatic Generation of Accurate Advection Schemes on Structured Grids and their Application to Meteorological Problems

J.V. Morgan - Numerical Methods for Macroscopic Traffic Models

M.A. Wlasak - The Examination of Balanced and Unbalanced Flow using Potential Vorticity in Atmospheric Modelling

M. Martin - Data Assimilation in Ocean circulation models with systematic errors

K.W. Blake - Moving Mesh Methods for Non-Linear Parabolic Partial Differential Equations

J. Hudson - Numerical Techniques for Morphodynamic Modelling

A.S. Lawless - Development of linear models for data assimilation in numerical weather prediction .

C.J.Smith - The semi lagrangian method in atmospheric modelling

T.C. Johnson - Implicit Numerical Schemes for Transcritical Shallow Water Flow

M.J. Hoyle - Some Approximations to Water Wave Motion over Topography.

P. Samuels - An Account of Research into an Area of Analytical Fluid Mechnaics. Volume II. Some mathematical Proofs of Property u of the Weak End of Shocks.

M.J. Martin - Data Assimulation in Ocean Circulation with Systematic Errors

P. Sims - Interface Tracking using Lagrangian Eulerian Methods.

P. Macabe - The Mathematical Analysis of a Class of Singular Reaction-Diffusion Systems.

B. Sheppard - On Generalisations of the Stone-Weisstrass Theorem to Jordan Structures.

S. Leary - Least Squares Methods with Adjustable Nodes for Steady Hyperbolic PDEs.

I. Sciriha - On Some Aspects of Graph Spectra.

P.A. Burton - Convergence of flux limiter schemes for hyperbolic conservation laws with source terms.

J.F. Goodwin - Developing a practical approach to water wave scattering problems.

N.R.T. Biggs - Integral equation embedding methods in wave-diffraction methods.

L.P. Gibson - Bifurcation analysis of eigenstructure assignment control in a simple nonlinear aircraft model.

A.K. Griffith - Data assimilation for numerical weather prediction using control theory. .

J. Bryans - Denotational semantic models for real-time LOTOS.

I. MacDonald - Analysis and computation of steady open channel flow .

A. Morton - Higher order Godunov IMPES compositional modelling of oil reservoirs.

S.M. Allen - Extended edge-colourings of graphs.

M.E. Hubbard - Multidimensional upwinding and grid adaptation for conservation laws.

C.J. Chikunji - On the classification of finite rings.

S.J.G. Bell - Numerical techniques for smooth transformation and regularisation of time-varying linear descriptor systems.

D.J. Staziker - Water wave scattering by undulating bed topography .

K.J. Neylon - Non-symmetric methods in the modelling of contaminant transport in porous media. .

D.M. Littleboy - Numerical techniques for eigenstructure assignment by output feedback in aircraft applications .

M.P. Dainton - Numerical methods for the solution of systems of uncertain differential equations with application in numerical modelling of oil recovery from underground reservoirs .

M.H. Mawson - The shallow-water semi-geostrophic equations on the sphere. .

S.M. Stringer - The use of robust observers in the simulation of gas supply networks .

S.L. Wakelin - Variational principles and the finite element method for channel flows. .

E.M. Dicks - Higher order Godunov black-oil simulations for compressible flow in porous media .

C.P. Reeves - Moving finite elements and overturning solutions .

A.J. Malcolm - Data dependent triangular grid generation. .

thesis of statistics

Statistics and Actuarial Science

Graduate theses.

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Below is a list of the theses produced by graduate students in the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science.

Quang Vuong
MSc R. Altman  
2024-1 Diksha Jethnani
Msc J. Graham  
2024-1 Yanjun Liu
PhD D. Estep  
2024-1 Yirong Zhu
MSc C. Tsai  
2024-1 Yiting Chen
MSc B. Lin & X. Shi  
2024-1 Yueyang Han
MSc H. Shi  
2024-1 Nikhil Kapoor
MSc B. Sanders & J.F. Begin
2023-3 Payman Nickchi PhD Linkage fine-mapping on sequences from case-control studies and Goodness-of-fit tests based on empirical distribution function for general likelihood model R. Lockhart & J. Graham
2023-3 Gurashish Bagga MSc J. Hu
2023-3 Rina Wang MSc J. Cao  
2023-3 David (Liwei) Lai MSc An Exploration of a Testing Procedure for the Aviation Industry T. Swartz & G. Parker  
2023-3 Teng-Wei Lin
MSc R. Joy & R. Routledge  
2023-3 Nirodha Epasinghege Dona PhD J. Graham & T. Swartz
2023-3 Kim Kroetch MSc D. Estep
2023-3 Summer Shan MSc C. Tsai  
2023-3 William Ruth PhD R. Lockhart  
2023-2 Boyi Hu
PhD J. Cao
2023-2 Trevor Thomson PhD J. Hu  
2023-2 Daisy (Ying) Yu PhD B. McNeney  
2023-2 Pulindu Ratnasekera PhD B. McNeney  
2023-2 Yuqi Meng MSc T. Loughin
2023-2 Linwan Xu MSc J. Hu  
2023-2 Manpreet Kaur MSc B. Tang
2023-2 Guanzhou Chen PhD B. Tang  
2023-2 Kalpani Darsha Perera MSc B. Tang  
2023-2 Junpu Xie MSc D. Estep
2023-2 Haixu Wang PhD J. Cao
2023-2 Jesse Schneider MSc D. Stenning
2023-1 Tianyu Yang MSc J. Graham
2023-1 Hashan Peiris MSc H. Jeong
2023-1 Yaning Zhang MSc Y. Lu  
2022-3 Elijah Cavan MSc T. Swartz & J. Cao  
2022-3 Carla Louw MSc R. Lockhart  
2022-3 Wenyuan Zhou MSc J. Bégin & B. Sanders
Ryker Moreau MSc H. Perera & T. Swartz
2022-3 Lucas (Yifan) Wu
PhD T. Swartz  
2022-3 Shaun McDonald PhD D. Campbell  
2022-2 Luyao Lin
D. Bingham  
2022-2 Youwei Yan MSc D. Stenning  
2022-2 Lei Chen
MSc Y. Lu  
2022-2 Jacob (Xuankang) Zhu
MSc D. Estep  
2022-2 Hasan Nathani
MSc C. Tsai  
2022-2 Mandy Yao MSc D. Estep  
2022-1 Zayed Shahjahan
MSc J. Graham  
2022-1 Menqi (Molly) Cen
MSc J. Hu  
2022-1 Wen Tian (Wendy) Wang
MSc B. Tang  
2022-1 Yazdi Faezeh
D. Bingham  
2022-1 Winfield Chen
L. Elliott  
2021-3 Kangyi (Ken) Peng
MSc T. Swartz & G. Parker
2021-3 Xueyi (Wendy) Xu
MSc B. Sanders  
2021-3 Christina Nieuwoudt PhD J. Graham  
2021-2 Yige (Vivian) Jin MSc J.F. Bégin  
2021-2 Peter Tea MSc T. Swartz  
2021-2 Louis Arsenault-Mahjoubi MSc J.F. Bégin  
2021-2 Cheng-Yu Sun PhD B. Tang  
2021-2 Xuefei (Gloria) Yang MSc B. McNeney  
2021-2 Charith Karunarathna PhD J. Graham  
2021-1 Lisa McQuarrie MSc R.Altman  
2021-1 Yunwei Tu MSc R.Lockhart
2021-1 Nikola Surjanovic MSc T. Loughin
2020-3 Renny Doig MSc L.Wang
2020-3 Dylan Maciel MSc D.Bingham
2020-3 Cherie Ng MSc J.F. Bégin
2020-3 James Thomson
MSc G.Perera
2020-2 Gabriel Phelan
D. Campbell
2020-2 Jacob Mortensen PhD L. Bornn
2020-2 Yi Xiong PhD
J. Hu
2020-2 Shufei Ge PhD L. Wang
2020-2 Fei Mo MSc J.F. Bégin
2020-2 Tainyu Guan PhD J. Cao
2020-2 Haiyang (Jason) Jiang MSc T. Loughin
2020-2 Nathan Sandholtz PhD L. Bornn
2020-2 Zhiyang (Gee) Zhou PhD R. Lockhart
2020-2 Matthew Reyers MSc T. Swartz
2020-2 Jie (John) Wang MSc L. Wang
2020-1 Matt Berkowitz MSc R. Altman
2020-1 Megan Kurz MSc J. Hu
2020-1 Siyuan Chen MSc B. McNeney
2020-1 Sihan (Echo) Cheng MSc C. Tsai
2020-1 Barinder Thind MSc J. Cao
2020-1 Neil Faught MSc S. Thompson
2020-1 Kanav Gupta MSc J.F. Bégin
2020-1 Dani Chu MSc T. Swartz

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Home > Statistics > Dissertations, Theses, and Student Work

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Department of statistics: dissertations, theses, and student work.

Measuring Jury Perception of Explainable Machine Learning and Demonstrative Evidence , Rachel Rogers

Examining the Effect of Word Embeddings and Preprocessing Methods on Fake News Detection , Jessica Hauschild

Exploring Experimental Design and Multivariate Analysis Techniques for Evaluating Community Structure of Bacteria in Microbiome Data , Kelsey Karnik

Human Perception of Exponentially Increasing Data Displayed on a Log Scale Evaluated Through Experimental Graphics Tasks , Emily Robinson

Factors Influencing Student Outcomes in a Large, Online Simulation-Based Introductory Statistics Course , Ella M. Burnham

Comparing Machine Learning Techniques with State-of-the-Art Parametric Prediction Models for Predicting Soybean Traits , Susweta Ray

Using Stability to Select a Shrinkage Method , Dean Dustin

Statistical Methodology to Establish a Benchmark for Evaluating Antimicrobial Resistance Genes through Real Time PCR assay , Enakshy Dutta

Group Testing Identification: Objective Functions, Implementation, and Multiplex Assays , Brianna D. Hitt

Community Impact on the Home Advantage within NCAA Men's Basketball , Erin O'Donnell

Optimal Design for a Causal Structure , Zaher Kmail

Role of Misclassification Estimates in Estimating Disease Prevalence and a Non-Linear Approach to Study Synchrony Using Heart Rate Variability in Chickens , Dola Pathak

A Characterization of a Value Added Model and a New Multi-Stage Model For Estimating Teacher Effects Within Small School Systems , Julie M. Garai

Methods to Account for Breed Composition in a Bayesian GWAS Method which Utilizes Haplotype Clusters , Danielle F. Wilson-Wells

Beta-Binomial Kriging: A New Approach to Modeling Spatially Correlated Proportions , Aimee Schwab

Simulations of a New Response-Adaptive Biased Coin Design , Aleksandra Stein


A New Approach to Modeling Multivariate Time Series on Multiple Temporal Scales , Tucker Zeleny

A Reduced Bias Method of Estimating Variance Components in Generalized Linear Mixed Models , Elizabeth A. Claassen


Informative Retesting for Hierarchical Group Testing , Michael S. Black

A Test for Detecting Changes in Closed Networks Based on the Number of Communications Between Nodes , Christopher S. Wichman


A Comparison of Spatial Prediction Techniques Using Both Hard and Soft Data , Megan L. Liedtke Tesar


Estimating Teacher Effects Using Value-Added Models , Jennifer L. Green



Spatial Clustering Using the Likelihood Function , April Kerby


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Thesis life: 7 ways to tackle statistics in your thesis.

thesis of statistics

By Pranav Kulkarni

Thesis is an integral part of your Masters’ study in Wageningen University and Research. It is the most exciting, independent and technical part of the study. More often than not, most departments in WU expect students to complete a short term independent project or a part of big on-going project for their thesis assignment.

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This assignment involves proposing a research question, tackling it with help of some observations or experiments, analyzing these observations or results and then stating them by drawing some conclusions.

Since it is an immitigable part of your thesis, you can neither run from statistics nor cry for help.

The penultimate part of this process involves analysis of results which is very crucial for coherence of your thesis assignment.This analysis usually involve use of statistical tools to help draw inferences. Most students who don’t pursue statistics in their curriculum are scared by this prospect. Since it is an immitigable part of your thesis, you can neither run from statistics nor cry for help. But in order to not get intimidated by statistics and its “greco-latin” language, there are a few ways in which you can make your journey through thesis life a pleasant experience.

Make statistics your friend

The best way to end your fear of statistics and all its paraphernalia is to befriend it. Try to learn all that you can about the techniques that you will be using, why they were invented, how they were invented and who did this deed. Personifying the story of statistical techniques makes them digestible and easy to use. Each new method in statistics comes with a unique story and loads of nerdy anecdotes.

Source: Wikipedia

If you cannot make friends with statistics, at least make a truce

If you cannot still bring yourself about to be interested in the life and times of statistics, the best way to not hate statistics is to make an agreement with yourself. You must realise that although important, this is only part of your thesis. The better part of your thesis is something you trained for and learned. So, don’t bother to fuss about statistics and make you all nervous. Do your job, enjoy thesis to the fullest and complete the statistical section as soon as possible. At the end, you would have forgotten all about your worries and fears of statistics.

Visualize your data

The best way to understand the results and observations from your study/ experiments, is to visualize your data. See different trends, patterns, or lack thereof to understand what you are supposed to do. Moreover, graphics and illustrations can be used directly in your report. These techniques will also help you decide on which statistical analyses you must perform to answer your research question. Blind decisions about statistics can often influence your study and make it very confusing or worse, make it completely wrong!


Simplify with flowcharts and planning

Similar to graphical visualizations, making flowcharts and planning various steps of your study can prove beneficial to make statistical decisions. Human brain can analyse pictorial information faster than literal information. So, it is always easier to understand your exact goal when you can make decisions based on flowchart or any logical flow-plans.


Find examples on internet

Although statistics is a giant maze of complicated terminologies, the internet holds the key to this particular maze. You can find tons of examples on the web. These may be similar to what you intend to do or be different applications of the similar tools that you wish to engage. Especially, in case of Statistical programming languages like R, SAS, Python, PERL, VBA, etc. there is a vast database of example codes, clarifications and direct training examples available on the internet. Various forums are also available for specialized statistical methodologies where different experts and students discuss the issues regarding their own projects.


Comparative studies

Much unlike blindly searching the internet for examples and taking word of advice from online faceless people, you can systematically learn which quantitative tests to perform by rigorously studying literature of relevant research. Since you came up with a certain problem to tackle in your field of study, chances are, someone else also came up with this issue or something quite similar. You can find solutions to many such problems by scouring the internet for research papers which address the issue. Nevertheless, you should be cautious. It is easy to get lost and disheartened when you find many heavy statistical studies with lots of maths and derivations with huge cryptic symbolical text.

When all else fails, talk to an expert

All the steps above are meant to help you independently tackle whatever hurdles you encounter over the course of your thesis. But, when you cannot tackle them yourself it is always prudent and most efficient to ask for help. Talking to students from your thesis ring who have done something similar is one way of help. Another is to make an appointment with your supervisor and take specific questions to him/ her. If that is not possible, you can contact some other teaching staff or researchers from your research group. Try not to waste their as well as you time by making a list of specific problems that you will like to discuss. I think most are happy to help in any way possible.

Talking to students from your thesis ring who have done something similar is one way of help.

Sometimes, with the help of your supervisor, you can make an appointment with someone from the “Biometris” which is the WU’s statistics department. These people are the real deal; chances are, these people can solve all your problems without any difficulty. Always remember, you are in the process of learning, nobody expects you to be an expert in everything. Ask for help when there seems to be no hope.

Apart from these seven ways to make your statistical journey pleasant, you should always engage in reading, watching, listening to stuff relevant to your thesis topic and talking about it to those who are interested. Most questions have solutions in the ether realm of communication. So, best of luck and break a leg!!!

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There are 4 comments.

A perfect approach in a very crisp and clear manner! The sequence suggested is absolutely perfect and will help the students very much. I particularly liked the idea of visualisation!

You are write! I get totally stuck with learning and understanding statistics for my Dissertation!

Statistics is a technical subject that requires extra effort. With the highlighted tips you already highlighted i expect it will offer the much needed help with statistics analysis in my course.

this is so much relevant to me! Don’t forget one more point: try to enrol specific online statistics course (in my case, I’m too late to join any statistic course). The hardest part for me actually to choose what type of statistical test to choose among many options

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Descriptive Statistics | Definitions, Types, Examples

Published on July 9, 2020 by Pritha Bhandari . Revised on June 21, 2023.

Descriptive statistics summarize and organize characteristics of a data set. A data set is a collection of responses or observations from a sample or entire population.

In quantitative research , after collecting data, the first step of statistical analysis is to describe characteristics of the responses, such as the average of one variable (e.g., age), or the relation between two variables (e.g., age and creativity).

The next step is inferential statistics , which help you decide whether your data confirms or refutes your hypothesis and whether it is generalizable to a larger population.

Table of contents

Types of descriptive statistics, frequency distribution, measures of central tendency, measures of variability, univariate descriptive statistics, bivariate descriptive statistics, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about descriptive statistics.

There are 3 main types of descriptive statistics:

  • The distribution concerns the frequency of each value.
  • The central tendency concerns the averages of the values.
  • The variability or dispersion concerns how spread out the values are.

Types of descriptive statistics

You can apply these to assess only one variable at a time, in univariate analysis, or to compare two or more, in bivariate and multivariate analysis.

  • Go to a library
  • Watch a movie at a theater
  • Visit a national park

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A data set is made up of a distribution of values, or scores. In tables or graphs, you can summarize the frequency of every possible value of a variable in numbers or percentages. This is called a frequency distribution .

  • Simple frequency distribution table
  • Grouped frequency distribution table
Gender Number
Male 182
Female 235
Other 27

From this table, you can see that more women than men or people with another gender identity took part in the study. In a grouped frequency distribution, you can group numerical response values and add up the number of responses for each group. You can also convert each of these numbers to percentages.

Library visits in the past year Percent
0–4 6%
5–8 20%
9–12 42%
13–16 24%
17+ 8%

Measures of central tendency estimate the center, or average, of a data set. The mean, median and mode are 3 ways of finding the average.

Here we will demonstrate how to calculate the mean, median, and mode using the first 6 responses of our survey.

The mean , or M , is the most commonly used method for finding the average.

To find the mean, simply add up all response values and divide the sum by the total number of responses. The total number of responses or observations is called N .

Mean number of library visits
Data set 15, 3, 12, 0, 24, 3
Sum of all values 15 + 3 + 12 + 0 + 24 + 3 = 57
Total number of responses = 6
Mean Divide the sum of values by to find : 57/6 =

The median is the value that’s exactly in the middle of a data set.

To find the median, order each response value from the smallest to the biggest. Then , the median is the number in the middle. If there are two numbers in the middle, find their mean.

Median number of library visits
Ordered data set 0, 3, 3, 12, 15, 24
Middle numbers 3, 12
Median Find the mean of the two middle numbers: (3 + 12)/2 =

The mode is the simply the most popular or most frequent response value. A data set can have no mode, one mode, or more than one mode.

To find the mode, order your data set from lowest to highest and find the response that occurs most frequently.

Mode number of library visits
Ordered data set 0, 3, 3, 12, 15, 24
Mode Find the most frequently occurring response:

Measures of variability give you a sense of how spread out the response values are. The range, standard deviation and variance each reflect different aspects of spread.

The range gives you an idea of how far apart the most extreme response scores are. To find the range , simply subtract the lowest value from the highest value.

Standard deviation

The standard deviation ( s or SD ) is the average amount of variability in your dataset. It tells you, on average, how far each score lies from the mean. The larger the standard deviation, the more variable the data set is.

There are six steps for finding the standard deviation:

  • List each score and find their mean.
  • Subtract the mean from each score to get the deviation from the mean.
  • Square each of these deviations.
  • Add up all of the squared deviations.
  • Divide the sum of the squared deviations by N – 1.
  • Find the square root of the number you found.
Raw data Deviation from mean Squared deviation
15 15 – 9.5 = 5.5 30.25
3 3 – 9.5 = -6.5 42.25
12 12 – 9.5 = 2.5 6.25
0 0 – 9.5 = -9.5 90.25
24 24 – 9.5 = 14.5 210.25
3 3 – 9.5 = -6.5 42.25
= 9.5 Sum = 0 Sum of squares = 421.5

Step 5: 421.5/5 = 84.3

Step 6: √84.3 = 9.18

The variance is the average of squared deviations from the mean. Variance reflects the degree of spread in the data set. The more spread the data, the larger the variance is in relation to the mean.

To find the variance, simply square the standard deviation. The symbol for variance is s 2 .

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Univariate descriptive statistics focus on only one variable at a time. It’s important to examine data from each variable separately using multiple measures of distribution, central tendency and spread. Programs like SPSS and Excel can be used to easily calculate these.

Visits to the library
Mean 9.5
Median 7.5
Mode 3
Standard deviation 9.18
Variance 84.3
Range 24

If you were to only consider the mean as a measure of central tendency, your impression of the “middle” of the data set can be skewed by outliers, unlike the median or mode.

Likewise, while the range is sensitive to outliers , you should also consider the standard deviation and variance to get easily comparable measures of spread.

If you’ve collected data on more than one variable, you can use bivariate or multivariate descriptive statistics to explore whether there are relationships between them.

In bivariate analysis, you simultaneously study the frequency and variability of two variables to see if they vary together. You can also compare the central tendency of the two variables before performing further statistical tests .

Multivariate analysis is the same as bivariate analysis but with more than two variables.

Contingency table

In a contingency table, each cell represents the intersection of two variables. Usually, an independent variable (e.g., gender) appears along the vertical axis and a dependent one appears along the horizontal axis (e.g., activities). You read “across” the table to see how the independent and dependent variables relate to each other.

Number of visits to the library in the past year
Group 0–4 5–8 9–12 13–16 17+
Children 32 68 37 23 22
Adults 36 48 43 83 25

Interpreting a contingency table is easier when the raw data is converted to percentages. Percentages make each row comparable to the other by making it seem as if each group had only 100 observations or participants. When creating a percentage-based contingency table, you add the N for each independent variable on the end.

Visits to the library in the past year (Percentages)
Group 0–4 5–8 9–12 13–16 17+
Children 18% 37% 20% 13% 12% 182
Adults 15% 20% 18% 35% 11% 235

From this table, it is more clear that similar proportions of children and adults go to the library over 17 times a year. Additionally, children most commonly went to the library between 5 and 8 times, while for adults, this number was between 13 and 16.

Scatter plots

A scatter plot is a chart that shows you the relationship between two or three variables . It’s a visual representation of the strength of a relationship.

In a scatter plot, you plot one variable along the x-axis and another one along the y-axis. Each data point is represented by a point in the chart.

From your scatter plot, you see that as the number of movies seen at movie theaters increases, the number of visits to the library decreases. Based on your visual assessment of a possible linear relationship, you perform further tests of correlation and regression.

Descriptive statistics: Scatter plot

If you want to know more about statistics , methodology , or research bias , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

  • Statistical power
  • Pearson correlation
  • Degrees of freedom
  • Statistical significance


  • Cluster sampling
  • Stratified sampling
  • Focus group
  • Systematic review
  • Ethnography
  • Double-Barreled Question

Research bias

  • Implicit bias
  • Publication bias
  • Cognitive bias
  • Placebo effect
  • Pygmalion effect
  • Hindsight bias
  • Overconfidence bias

Descriptive statistics summarize the characteristics of a data set. Inferential statistics allow you to test a hypothesis or assess whether your data is generalizable to the broader population.

The 3 main types of descriptive statistics concern the frequency distribution, central tendency, and variability of a dataset.

  • Distribution refers to the frequencies of different responses.
  • Measures of central tendency give you the average for each response.
  • Measures of variability show you the spread or dispersion of your dataset.
  • Univariate statistics summarize only one variable  at a time.
  • Bivariate statistics compare two variables .
  • Multivariate statistics compare more than two variables .

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Bhandari, P. (2023, June 21). Descriptive Statistics | Definitions, Types, Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved September 3, 2024, from

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Pritha Bhandari

Pritha Bhandari

Other students also liked, central tendency | understanding the mean, median & mode, variability | calculating range, iqr, variance, standard deviation, inferential statistics | an easy introduction & examples, what is your plagiarism score.

Bachelor’s thesis in statistics

Susanne ditlevsen, august 28, 2020, regarding the contract, more information, prerequisites, overall objective, general advice.

This document outlines two thesis projects for the bachelor’s degree in mathematics or mathematics-economy at the University of Copenhagen.

There will be an info meeting on Friday, August 28, 15.00-16.00, in aud. 2 in the August Krogh Building (AKB)

Previous years project proposals are available for the spring 2020 , the spring 2019 and the fall 2019 .


The thesis is written during block 1 and block 2, 2020/2021. The start date is August 31 and the thesis is handed in on January 15 . There is a subsequent oral defense.

  • The thesis can be written in Danish or English.
  • It’s a 15 ECTS project and you should expect to write between 30 and 45 pages.
  • You should be signed up via Selvbetjeningen.
  • You will have to decide which project you will work on by August 31.
  • You will have to send me a proposed title and description of your project by September 1 at 16h (and I will give you feedback).
  • You will have to fill out and submit the contract before September 3.

Use the project descriptions below and take a look at the suggested literature to come up with a proposed title and description. I will then read and comment on your proposal and approve it afterwards. Fill out the contract formular , send the pdf to me, and I will submit it with my approval. You do not need my signature. Here follows some information that needs to go into the contract.

The meeting frequency will be once every second week for two hours during block 1 and once every second week for 45 min. during block 2. The block 1 meetings will be in groups. Here, you (the students) will present some of the background literature and theory, and we will have time for questions, both general questions as well as questions specific to what we are reading. The block 2 meetings will be individual meetings by default. There will be four group meetings (for each subject) and three individual meetings in total. The first group meeting will be in week two of the blok, so you have the first week to read and prepare for the presentation at the group meeting. It is still unknown whether meetings will be onsite or on zoom. I hope to make group meetings onsite, and individual meetings will probably be on zoom.

As a student you are expected to be prepared for the meetings by having worked on the material that was agreed upon. If you have questions you are expected to have prepared the questions and be prepared to explain what you have done yourself to solve the problems. In particular, if you have questions regarding R code, you are expected to have prepared a minimal, reproducible example ( specifics for R examples ).

As a supervisor I will be prepared to help you with technical questions as well as more general questions that you may have prepared. For the group meetings we can discuss general background knowledge, and we can also discuss ad hoc exercises if that is relevant. For the individual meetings you are welcome to send questions or samples of text for me to read and provide feedback on before the meeting. Note that I will generally not be able to find bugs in your R code.

Responsibilities and project contract

Studieordning , see Bilag 1.

Studieordning, matematik , see Bilag 3 for the formal thesis objectives.

The formal prerequisites are the course Mathematical Statistics (or Statistics 1 and 2 , or equivalent), but you are also expected to be interested in the following:

  • carry out data analysis and model validation on real data
  • implementing models and/or data analyses (e.g. by writing R scripts)
  • learning to use new software packages and functions
  • independently read up on the background theory of the project
  • write a project that reflects theory as well as applications

The overall objective of the projects is to train you in working on your own with a larger data modeling problem. This includes narrowing down the statistical theory that you want to focus on and the corresponding analysis of data.

You are encouraged to use R Markdown (and perhaps also Tidyverse as described in R4DS) to organize data analysis, simulations and other practical computations. But you should not hand in the raw result of such a document. That document should serve as a log of your activities and help you carry out reproducible analysis. The final report should be written as an independent document. Guidance on how to write the report will be provided later.

R4DS : R for Data Science by Garrett Grolemund and Hadley Wickham

RMD : R Markdown: The Definitive Guide by Yihui Xie, J. J. Allaire, Garrett Grolemund

Probably the following document can help you: Advice on writing a report . Please note that the linked document was prepared specifically for the 7.5 ECTS project course “Project in Statistics”, and it has a focus on writing an applied project. The advice on using the IMRaD structure does not apply directly to the bachelor’s thesis that you are writing, which, in particular, should contain a theory section/chapter. But most of the general advice apply.

Predicting the dynamics of covid-19

This project aims at predicting or understanding the dynamics of covid-19. One particular problem which is very important for policy makers in the current situation is to predict number of infected and number of needed health care resources in different countries and under different scenarios of interventions, such as using face masks in public places or closing schools or work places etc.

The project should focus on some specific sub-target. The aim could for example be any of the following:

Prediction of future number of infected. Here, one could start by understanding and trying to reproduce what the expert group at Statens Serum Institute has predicted, and then investigate sensitivity to missspecified parameters or model deviations.

Estimation of the reproduction number (what Statens Serum Institut calls “kontakttallet”, the number of persons that an infected person infects on average), which changes over time for example due to changed social codes for contacts or societal measures.

Estimation of the dark figure (“mørketallet”, the proportion of supposedly immune in the population) based on non-randomised data.

Estimation of disease specific parameters, such as the distribution of the latent period (period from infection until onset of symptoms), infectious period, infectiosness, proportion of infected without/with minor/with severe symptoms etc.

Parameter estimation in compartment models - which parameters can be identified, what data is necessary etc.

The project can also focus on deviations from the standard SEIR-model, such as models that include super spreaders, see e.g. this paper , which has attracted a lot of media attention.

Within each subject, the project can focus more on theoretical development and simulations, or analysis of data, and one can choose to look at subsets of data (only Danish data, or data from some specific country, either because the epidemia is more severe there or because better data is available, or worldwide data).

The first part of this project will be like a journal club consisting of reading some papers on epidemiological models and different inference tools.

There is a lot of data sources about covid-19, and many of them are being updated on a daily or weekly basis. Depending on the problem you choose to focus on in your project different data sets might be relevant. Here are some main sources giving number of effected, tested, hospitalized, deaths etc. Depending on your project, you should probably only choose one of these data sources - or you can also find your own data, since most research published on covid-19 includes access to data.

SSIdata : Statens Serum Institut opdates on a daily basis the numbers of infected, tested, hospitalized, deaths etc in Denmark. Some of these numbers are broken down by gender, age and regions. Notice that all data can be downloaded as CSV-files. You can also see the numbers from Sundhedsstyrelsen (hopefully they agree with Statens Serum Institut).

ICLdata : Imperial College London shares all data and code for all their published research.

JHdata : Johns Hopkins data resources. They collect data on covid-19 from all over the world.

There is an enormous amount of literature, and new papers on covid-19 are constantly appearing. Below are some suggestions, and in the end I provide some links to pages that have many more references.

SIR : Introductory paper on compartmental models , which explains well the mathematics behind the SIR and other epidemiological models. Here is a historical overview of this type of models. Public lectures explaining the modelling are e.g. Tom Britton and Robin Thompson . This book might also be relevant, or this book .

SSI : Statens Serum Institut has collected all the reports and background material for their estimation of the reproduction number and the predictions of the future development of the epidemic in Denmark (all in Danish). Of particular interest is the Teknisk gennemgang af modellerne .

DTU : DTU shiny app provides information and animation of the model and the predictions made by the SSI expert group on the development of covid-19 in Denmark. It includes the source code for the simulations and predictions (in Danish).

Nature : Estimating the effects of non-pharmaceutical interventions on COVID-19 in Europe by a group from Imperial College London. You can also access the paper here .

epidemia : The epidemia R package is a beta-version of the R package used in the Nature paper.

easyR : Easy R introduction to SIR models in R, how to simulate and make least squares parameter estimation.

EpiEstim : The EpiEstim R package that Statens Serum Institut uses to estimate the basic reproduction number. See also this page and the paper behind the package.

100R : Top 100 R resources on Novel COVID-19 Coronavirus provides lots of tools for visualization, downloading of data, and packages for analysis in R.

ICL : Imperial College London is in the forefront of modelling the corona virus, in particular, code, data and tools kan be downloaded. Here are pedagogical explanations of the relevant problems.

DELPHI : Developing the theory and practice of epidemiological forecasting from Carnegie Mellon University. They also have this epiforecast R package .

Johns Hopkins : Coronavirus Resource Center . Here, a lot of information is collected, among other things, they have this map that is being used widely by the press.

EMS : The European Mathematical Society maintains a page with links to covid-19 resources. Notice there is a list of public lectures.

ISI : International Statistical Institute also maintains a page with links to covid-19 resources.

Special Issue : On COVID-19 modelling.

Causal effect estimation and racial biases in US police force

This project is on estimation of causal effects from observational data. That is, data collected without carrying out a randomized allocation of “treatments” to individuals. This is a major challenge of contemporary statistics, and it’s conceptually completely different from what you have learned in previous courses.

The main purpose of this project is to work with the rigorous framework of causal models and causal inference. This can be seen as an extension of linear models as taught in Mathematical Statistics. It’s not so much a technical extension but rather a conceptual extension that clarify how we actually want to use linear models (and other methods) in practice to estimate causal effects.

The project will focus on a recent discussion on standard methods versus causal estimation of racial biases in the US police force, based on the papers EA and AR below.

The final report should include both a theoretical part and a practical data analysis using the DAT data below. Several causal models could be considered and several different methods for estimation of a causal effect could be used. You can also focus on replicating (parts of) what is done in the papers EA and AR , and discuss differences, pros and contras of the ways of doing it. The data set is huge, and you should probably choose to focus only on a part of the data set. You need to make a selection and present the relevant theory. Simulations using model examples derived from the data should be considered and used to investigate different methods.

Data for this project is the data analyzed in the two main papers EA and AR . The research question is to understand the effect of possible racial discrimination among police officers in the use of force by the US police.

DAT : Replication code and data for the article ‘Administrative Records Mask Racially Biased Policing’

EA : An Empirical Analysis of Racial Differences in Police Use of Force by Roland G. Fryer.

AR : Administrative Records Mask Racially Biased Policing by Dean Knox, Will Lowe and Jonathan Mummolo. Notice also Supplementary material .

CI : Causal Inference by Hernán MA and Robins JM.

CIS : Causal inference in statistics: An overview by Judea Pearl.

CIG : Causal Inference from Graphical Models by Steffen Lauritzen.

ECI : Explanation in Causal Inference: Methods for Mediation and Interaction

FB : A Comparison of Approaches to Advertising Measurement: Evidence from Big Field Experiments at Facebook

CI will be the main textbook for this project. In particular Part II of the book. Note that R code is available for the examples. CIS is a good supplement outlining Judea Pearl’s way of presenting the theory, and CIG is likewise a good supplement from Steffen Lauritzen’s perspective. FB is an interesting recent paper that attempts to benchmark methods for causal inference from observational data against randomized controlled trials in a marketing setting. ECI is interesting for further reading on mediation and interaction.

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Statistics (MSc)

Advance your knowledge of statistics and prepare for a career that contributes to solving problems.

Why choose this program?

Built on a solid 100-year foundation, the department of Mathematics and Statistics goes beyond traditional classroom education.

We provide you with real-world experience through participation in faculty research projects, giving you the vast set of skills necessary to become leaders. 

You’ll be prepared for careers in statistics that contribute to solving today’s problems. Here, your opportunities are almost limitless — you'll learn, explore, and create at one of Canada's best universities.

You can focus your Statistics MSc in the following areas: statistical inference, robust statistics, data mining, bioinformatics, data analysis, multivariate analysis, linear and nonlinear regression, time series analysis, statistical genetics, environmental statistics, and information theory.

Graduates work in diverse areas including manufacturing, marketing, engineering, public health and technology.

Admission requirements

You'll need to meet the  Faculty of Graduate Studies minimum requirements  as well as any program-specific admissions requirements before you can apply.

Financial information

At Dalhousie, we want our students to focus on their studies, rather than worry about their personal finances. We offer competitive tuition rates and funding programs to support graduate students in almost all of our degree programs.

Program options

Thesis : Pursue independent and original research guided by a supervisor to develop and defend your thesis. 

Standard program duration:

2 years or longer

Enrolment options:

Delivery format:.

All graduate programs at Dalhousie are collaboratively delivered by a home Faculty and the  Faculty of Graduate Studies .

Contact an admissions advisor


Email:  [email protected]

Phone:  902-494-2572

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While every effort is made to ensure accuracy on this page, in the event of a discrepancy,  Dalhousie's Academic Calendars  are the official reference.


  1. Mathematics and Statistics Theses and Dissertations

    Essays on Time Series and Machine Learning Techniques for Risk Management, Michael Kotarinos. PDF. The Systems of Post and Post Algebras: A Demonstration of an Obvious Fact, Daviel Leyva. PDF. Reconstruction of Radar Images by Using Spherical Mean and Regular Radon Transforms, Ozan Pirbudak. PDF

  2. The Beginner's Guide to Statistical Analysis

    Thesis Dissertation College admission essay APA editing Personal statement ... Example: Descriptive statistics (experiment) After collecting pretest and posttest data from 30 students across the city, you calculate descriptive statistics. Because you have normal distributed data on an interval scale, you tabulate the mean, standard deviation ...

  3. PDF Guideline to Writing a Master's Thesis in Statistics

    a master's thesis in statistics. The contents are meant to reflect the System of Qualifications in the Higher Education Ordinance. Recommendations and guidelines regarding the structure and content of a master's thesis are given. Section 2 describes a typical outline for a master's thesis and

  4. What do senior theses in Statistics look like?

    Senior theses in Statistics cover a wide range of topics, across the spectrum from applied to theoretical. Typically, senior theses are expected to have one of the following three flavors: 1. Novel statistical theory or methodology, supported by extensive mathematical and/or simulation results, along with a clear account of how the research ...

  5. PhD Dissertations

    Alex Luedtke, Lalit Kumar Jain. Statistical Learning and Modeling with Graphs and Networks. Jerry Wei. Yen-Chi Chen, Tyler Mccormick. 2023. Title. Author. Supervisor. Statistical Methods for the Analysis and Prediction of Hierarchical Time Series Data with Applications to Demography.

  6. Department of Statistics

    Department of Statistics - Academic Commons Link to Recent Ph.D. Dissertations (2011 - present) 2022 Ph.D. Dissertations. Andrew Davison. Statistical Perspectives on Modern Network Embedding Methods. Sponsor: Tian Zheng. Nabarun Deb. Blessing of Dependence and Distribution-Freeness in Statistical Hypothesis Testing.

  7. MS Theses

    Estimating the demand for and value of recreation access to national forest wilderness: a comparison of travel cost and onsite cost day models | M.S. | 05/2007. Tan Ding. Implementing SELC (sequential elimination of level combinations) for practitioners: new statistical softwares | M.S. | 12/2006. Adam J. Hinely.

  8. Mathematics and Statistics Masters Theses

    A method to give the best linear combination of order statistics to estimate the mean of any symmetric population, Robert M. Smith. PDF. On a numerical solution of Dirichlet type problems with singularity on the boundary., Randall Loran Yoakum. Theses from 1963 PDF

  9. Master's Thesis

    Master's Thesis. As an integral component of the Master of Science in Statistical Science program, you can submit and defend a Master's Thesis. Your Master's Committee administers this oral examination. If you choose to defend a thesis, it is advisable to commence your research early, ideally during your second semester or the summer following ...

  10. Browsing FAS Theses and Dissertations by FAS Department "Statistics"

    Statistics is the art of communicating with the silent truth-teller: data. More legitimate, accurate and powerful inference from data is the endless pursuit of all statisticians. ... This thesis is divided into two self-contained parts. The first part focuses on diagnostic tools for missing data. Models for analyzing multivariate data sets with ...

  11. Statistics PhD theses

    DStat thesis: Challenges in modelling pharmacogenetic data: Investigating biomarker and clinical response simultaneously for optimal dose prediction. Rungruttikarn Moungmai. Family-based genetic association studies in a likelihood framework. Michael Dunbar. Multiple hydro-ecological stressor interactions assessed using statistical models.

  12. Undergraduate theses

    Submit thesis to DukeSpace. If you are an undergraduate honors student interested in submitting your thesis to DukeSpace, Duke University's online repository for publications and other archival materials in digital format, please contact Joan Durso to get this process started. DukeSpace Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) Submission Tutorial.

  13. Dissertations Catalog

    On the Optimal Estimation, Control, and Modeling of Dynamical Systems. Xu, Wanting. 2017. 1. Estimation and Inference for High-Dimensional Times Series. Zhang, Danna. 2017. 1. A Bayesian Large-Scale Multiple Regression Model for Genome-Wide Association Summary Statistics.

  14. Dissertations & Theses

    The following is a list of recent statistics and biostatistics PhD Dissertations and Masters Theses. Jeffrey Gory (2017) PhD Dissertation (Statistics): Marginally Interpretable Generalized Linear Mixed Models Advisors: Peter Craigmile & Steven MacEachern Yi Lu (2017) PhD Dissertation (Statistics): Function Registration from a Bayesian Perspective Advisors: Radu Herbei & Sebastian Kurtek

  15. Writing with Descriptive Statistics

    Usually there is no good way to write a statistic. It rarely sounds good, and often interrupts the structure or flow of your writing. Oftentimes the best way to write descriptive statistics is to be direct. If you are citing several statistics about the same topic, it may be best to include them all in the same paragraph or section.

  16. Past PhD Theses

    Program: Statistics; Thesis Title: Fisher information in order statistics and ordered randomly censored data . Department of Statistics. Columbian College of Arts & Sciences. Rome Hall 801 22nd St. NW, 7th Floor Washington, DC 20052 [email protected] 202-994-1824 202-994-6917.

  17. Statistical Methods in Theses: Guidelines and Explanations

    Guidelines and Explanations. In light of the changes in psychology, faculty members who teach statistics/methods have reviewed the literature and generated this guide for graduate students. The guide is intended to enhance the quality of student theses by facilitating their engagement in open and transparent research practices and by helping ...

  18. Mathematics PhD theses

    A selection of Mathematics PhD thesis titles is listed below, some of which are available online: 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991. 2024. Reham Alahmadi - Asymptotic Study of Toeplitz Determinants with Fisher-Hartwig Symbols and Their Double-Scaling Limits

  19. Statistics and Actuarial Science

    Below is a list of the theses produced by graduate students in the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science. Semester Student Degree Thesis Supervisor; 2024-1: Quang Vuong: MSc: The performance of annealed sequential Monte Carlo sampling as a joint variable selection and parameter estimation method in the linear (mixed) model setting:

  20. Statistics, Department of

    It usually starts with something like "A THESIS Presented to the Faculty …" and ends with "Lincoln, Nebraska [month] [year]." ABSTRACT: Just include the body of the abstract, not the title or your name, but DO add your advisor's name at the end of the abstract after the word Advisor and a colon, like this: Advisor: ….

  21. Thesis Life: 7 ways to tackle statistics in your thesis

    Thesis Life: 7 ways to tackle statistics in your thesis. Thesis is an integral part of your Masters' study in Wageningen University and Research. It is the most exciting, independent and technical part of the study. More often than not, most departments in WU expect students to complete a short term independent project or a part of big on ...

  22. Descriptive Statistics

    There are 3 main types of descriptive statistics: The distribution concerns the frequency of each value. The central tendency concerns the averages of the values. The variability or dispersion concerns how spread out the values are. You can apply these to assess only one variable at a time, in univariate analysis, or to compare two or more, in ...

  23. Bachelor's thesis in statistics

    Formalities. The thesis is written during block 1 and block 2, 2020/2021. The start date is August 31 and the thesis is handed in on January 15. There is a subsequent oral defense. The thesis can be written in Danish or English. It's a 15 ECTS project and you should expect to write between 30 and 45 pages.

  24. Statistics (MSc)

    You can focus your Statistics MSc in the following areas: statistical inference, robust statistics, data mining, bioinformatics, data analysis, multivariate analysis, linear and nonlinear regression, time series analysis, statistical genetics, environmental statistics, and information theory. ... Thesis: Pursue independent and original research ...

  25. Full article: Teaching modeling in introductory statistics: A

    1 Introduction. When teaching statistics and data science, it is crucial for students to engage authentically with data. The revised Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education (GAISE) College Report provides recommendations for instruction, including "Integrate real data with a context and purpose" and "Use technology to explore concepts and analyze data" (GAISE ...