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Essay 248 – Computer games are bad for children

Gt writing task 2 / essay sample # 248.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people think that computer games are bad for children, while others believe that they are useful.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of computer games for children and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer:

Computer games have become the most desired playtime activity of modern children. When playing computer games is widely considered as a useful leisure activity, it has some negative impacts on children as well. This essay outlines some specific benefits and drawbacks of playing electronic games.

Computer games bring decisive advantages to children. These games sharpen their sense of engagement and responsibilities. When children, for instance, play a racing game, they use their minds to drive their cars without getting involved in any accidents and without violating traffic signals. The more safely they drive, the more chances they have to make points and win the race. Apart from that, many digital games require two or more players. Playing together these games boosts sportsman spirits, trustful companionship, and a friendly atmosphere, thereby encouraging good teamwork and communication. Last but not least, digital games increase children’s focus and attention as well. Put simply, these games need a certain amount of competence and memory so as to clear the stages of the game, and as children keep playing the game, their concentration and focus will not only improve in the game but also in doing daily tasks in their lives.

Computer games, however, have severe demerits, especially when children play them excessively. Spending an excessive amount of time playing electronic games will lead to various health-related issues among children. Put simply, these games are full of adventures, thrill, and action. Consequently, children usually do not move from the seat and stare at the screen till the end of the game no matter how long it takes. This, in turn, will cause several problems such as joint pain, back pain, and short-sightedness. Besides, violent games can negatively impact children’s behaviour. This is because children actively govern the narrative, make decisions and choices to win the games. Recent research, for instance, shed light on the fact that when children spend a great deal of time playing violent games, their tender minds are likely to adopt a quarrelsome attitude.

In conclusion, computer games confer both advantages and disadvantages to children. It is difficult to avoid technology in this tech-savvy epoch, and therefore, parents should select those games which provide children with education and fun together, rather than those which drive them to the road to destruction.

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  • Computer Games for Children


are computer games good for children's essay 200 words

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write at least 250 words about the following topic:

Numerous parents express discontent about the perceived lack of educational value in computer games for their children’s studies. Additionally, they raise concerns about the negative impact of online games on their children’s mental and physical development. What is your perspective on this matter? 

Sample Answer, C1 English Level, Advanced, Band Score 6.5-7.5

  • Paraphrase: Numerous parents express concerns about the perceived lack of educational value in computer games and the potential negative impact of online games on their children’s development.
  • Main opinion/idea: Computer games can offer both educational benefits and risks, depending on how they are utilized and monitored.
  • Supporting sentence: Computer games can provide valuable educational opportunities, enhancing problem-solving skills, strategic thinking, and creativity.
  • Supporting sentence: However, excessive gaming and prolonged screen time can lead to physical health issues and sedentary lifestyles, warranting attention to the potential risks.
  • Summarize: While computer games offer educational benefits, parents’ concerns about negative impacts on children’s development are valid.
  • Restate main opinion/idea: Striking a balance between educational gaming, monitoring content, and promoting diverse activities can help ensure responsible and enriching gaming experiences for children.

Parents’ concerns about the perceived lack of educational value in computer games and the potential negative impact of online games on their children’s development are widespread. As a real-life person who has navigated this issue, I believe that computer games can offer both educational benefits and risks, depending on how they are utilized and monitored.

On one hand, computer games can provide valuable educational opportunities. From my own experience, I have seen how certain games can enhance problem-solving skills, strategic thinking, and creativity. Some educational games are designed to align with school curricula, reinforcing academic concepts in an engaging manner.

However, it is essential to address the potential risks associated with excessive gaming. Prolonged screen time can lead to physical health issues, such as eye strain and musculoskeletal problems. Moreover, excessive gaming can contribute to sedentary lifestyles, which can negatively impact children’s physical health.

Additionally, there are concerns about the potential impact of violent or inappropriate content in some games on children’s behavior and emotional well-being. As a responsible parent, I understand the importance of monitoring the content and setting appropriate time limits for gaming activities.

To strike a balance, parents can actively engage with their children’s gaming experiences. Encouraging a diverse range of activities, including outdoor play and social interactions, can help counterbalance the effects of screen time. Moreover, discussing the content of the games and promoting critical thinking can empower children to make responsible choices.

In conclusion, computer games can offer educational benefits, but parents’ concerns about the potential negative impact on their children’s development are valid. Striking a balance between educational gaming and other activities, along with vigilant monitoring and open communication, can help ensure that computer games become a valuable and enriching part of children’s lives.

As a parent who has grappled with the issue of computer games and their impact on my children’s education and well-being, I hold the perspective that a balanced approach is essential. While some computer games can offer educational value, it is crucial to be mindful of their potential negative effects and to set appropriate limits on screen time.

Firstly, I recognize that certain computer games can indeed have educational benefits for children. From personal experience, I have observed how some games can improve problem-solving skills, stimulate creativity, and even introduce academic concepts in an engaging manner. These educational games can be valuable supplements to traditional learning methods.

However, it is essential to address the concerns raised by numerous parents regarding the negative impact of online games. Excessive screen time can lead to physical health issues, such as eye strain and sedentary behavior, which can affect children’s overall well-being. Moreover, some online games may contain violent or inappropriate content that could potentially influence children’s behavior and emotional development.

To strike a balance, I have found that setting clear guidelines for screen time and content is crucial. I make sure that my children have ample time for outdoor play, social interactions, and other non-screen activities to promote a well-rounded upbringing. Additionally, I engage in open communication with my children about the games they play, discussing the content and encouraging critical thinking.

In conclusion, as a parent, I believe that computer games can offer educational value, but it is essential to be aware of the potential negative impact and take appropriate measures to ensure a healthy balance. By providing access to educational games while setting limits on screen time and monitoring content, we can maximize the benefits and minimize the risks of computer games in our children’s lives.

In today’s digital age, the issue of the educational value and potential negative impact of computer games on children has become a subject of concern among numerous parents. As a real-life parent who has grappled with this matter, my perspective is that computer games can offer both educational benefits and potential risks, and it is crucial to strike a balance to ensure their appropriate usage.

Firstly, I acknowledge that certain computer games can have educational value. From my own experience, I have witnessed how some games can enhance problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and creativity in my children. These games can complement traditional learning methods and provide an interactive and engaging platform for acquiring knowledge.

However, it is equally important to address the concerns raised by parents about the potential negative impact of online games. Excessive screen time can lead to physical health issues, such as eye strain and a sedentary lifestyle, affecting children’s overall well-being. Additionally, some online games may contain violent or inappropriate content, which could potentially influence children’s behavior and emotional development.

To navigate this issue, I have found that setting clear boundaries and guidelines is crucial. I make sure my children have designated screen time and encourage them to engage in other activities like outdoor play and social interactions. Open communication about the content of the games they play is essential, and I actively participate in their gaming experiences to ensure they are engaging in appropriate and beneficial games.

In conclusion, my perspective as a parent is that computer games can have both educational value and potential negative impacts. Striking a balance by setting limits on screen time, monitoring content, and actively engaging with our children’s gaming experiences can help maximize the benefits while mitigating the risks. By fostering a responsible and balanced approach to computer games, we can ensure that our children’s development is enriched rather than hindered by digital entertainment.


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Task 2 Essay # Children and computer games

Ielts task 2 essay.

Nowadays many people have access to computers on a regular basis and a large number of children play computer games. What are the positive and negative impacts of playing computer games and what can be done to minimize the bad effects?   Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Sample Answer

Technology and its reach in human life have significantly increased over the past few years. This has had a lot of implications, including a dramatic increase in the number of children playing computer games. This essay will examine various impacts of this change and discuss possibilities to avoid any negative effects.

Talking about the positive aspects, playing computer games has numerous benefits. These can range from helping children develop cognitive skills to increase their logical reasoning. Games have developed into a whole industry. These have allowed children to test their abstract and logical thinking skills. Many of these games require children to follow various commands and try to solve complex problems with the use of logic. Such games are surely advantageous for a child’s mental progress.

On the other hand, people are raising concerns over the prolific use of violence and sanguinary elements that these games contain. These may be highly addictive, in the sense that they reward the players for being more violent, thereby setting a wrong example. Apart from being addictive, they contribute to arresting a child’s social development and lead to the inculcation of aggressive feelings of anger and hate in their thoughts and habits.

However, there are many steps that can be taken to minimize negative impacts. Firstly, video games are rated for different ages and parents can choose them for the children in order to avoid unsuitable content. Secondly, parents can limit the duration of playing games for the children to keep addiction at bay. Finally, parents should take an active interest in the children’s activities and encourage them to play outdoor games.

To sum it up, video games have a lot of advantages along with an array of disadvantages. Parents should supervise their children and take precautions to avoid any negative effects these might have on children.

(320 Words)

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Essay on Computer Games

Students are often asked to write an essay on Computer Games in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Computer Games

What are computer games.

Computer games are interactive activities played using a computer. They are created by game developers who use different types of software. These games can be played alone or with others online. They come in many styles, like puzzles, adventures, or sports games.

Types of Computer Games

There are many types of computer games. Some are educational, helping you learn new things. Others are just for fun. Action games, strategy games, and simulation games are some types. Each game has its own unique story and challenges.

Benefits of Computer Games

Playing computer games can have benefits. They can improve hand-eye coordination and problem-solving skills. Some games also help to learn new languages or facts. They can even help to make new friends when played online.

Drawbacks of Computer Games

Too much time playing games can be harmful. It can lead to less time for homework or physical activity. It’s important to balance game time with other activities. Parents should monitor their children’s gaming habits.

In conclusion, computer games can be fun and educational. They can help to develop skills and make learning enjoyable. But, they should be enjoyed responsibly. Too much gaming can lead to problems. It’s all about balance.

Also check:

250 Words Essay on Computer Games

Computer games are fun activities played on a computer. They are a popular form of entertainment that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. These games come in many different types, like action, adventure, puzzle, and sports games.

How do Computer Games Work?

A computer game works by following instructions given by the player through a keyboard, mouse, or game controller. The game responds to these instructions by showing changes on the computer screen. This could be a character moving, a puzzle being solved, or a ball being kicked.

Benefits of Playing Computer Games

Playing computer games can have many benefits. They can help improve skills like problem-solving and hand-eye coordination. Some games can also help in learning new things, like history or science. They can even help in making new friends when played online with others.

While computer games can be fun and beneficial, playing them too much can cause problems. Spending too much time playing games can lead to less time for studies, physical activities, and socializing. It’s important to balance game time with other activities.

Computer games are a fun and popular form of entertainment. They can help improve skills and can be a source of learning. But, it’s also important to remember not to spend too much time playing them and to balance game time with other activities.

500 Words Essay on Computer Games

Computer games are interactive entertainment where you control what happens on the screen. You can play them on many devices, like computers, consoles, or smartphones. They are designed to challenge and entertain you. You can play them alone or with friends.

There are many types of computer games. Some are called action games because they need fast reactions. Adventure games take you on a journey, and you must solve puzzles to move forward. There are also sports games where you can play football, basketball, or other sports. Strategy games make you think and plan your moves carefully. In simulation games, you can create your own world or drive a car or plane.

The Good Side of Computer Games

Computer games can be fun and exciting. They can help you relax after a hard day at school. They can also help you learn new things. For example, some games teach you about history or science. Others can help you improve your problem-solving skills or reaction time.

The Bad Side of Computer Games

While computer games can be fun, they can also cause problems if you play too much. Spending too much time playing games can make you forget about other important things like homework, sports, or spending time with family and friends.

Also, some games can make you feel angry or upset if you lose. It’s important to remember that it’s just a game, and losing is part of playing.

How to Enjoy Computer Games Safely

It’s also important to play games that are suitable for your age. Some games have violent or scary content that is not good for young players.

Remember, computer games are meant to be fun. If a game is making you feel upset or angry, it’s a good idea to stop playing and do something else for a while.

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Many people have access to computers and a large number of children play computer games-Band 9 Essay

Updated: Mar 14

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Nowadays many people have access to computers on a wide basis and a large number of children play computer games.

What are the negative impacts of children playing computer games and what can be done to minimize the bad effects?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experiences.

You should write at least 250 words.

IELTS Task 2 Essay Sample Band 9 - Nowadays many people have access to computers on a wide basis and a large number of children play computer games.

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Sample Essay 1

In the digital era, the rise in computer access has significantly boosted video gaming among children, leading to concerning physical and mental health effects. This essay will examine the negative impacts, such as increased obesity, vision issues, social isolation, and emotional problems, and will propose mitigation strategies, including parental control, physical activity promotion, and digital literacy education, to counterbalance these adverse outcomes.

Firstly, the immersion in virtual gaming can significantly impair physical health. Children, ensconced for hours in front of screens, fall prey to sedentary lifestyles, leading to obesity, vision problems, and reduced physical fitness. For instance, a study by the World Health Organization found a direct correlation between increased screen time and a rise in childhood obesity rates globally. Furthermore, the mental health of young gamers is at risk, with increased exposure contributing to issues such as anxiety, depression, and social isolation. The immersive nature of these games often substitutes real-life interactions and experiences with virtual accomplishments, diminishing the development of critical social skills and emotional intelligence.

To counteract these adverse effects, a multifaceted approach is necessary. Parents and educators play a crucial role in setting and enforcing limits on screen time, ensuring a balance between digital entertainment and physical activity. Implementing 'tech-free' zones or times can encourage children to engage in physical play or hobbies that foster social connections and physical health. Additionally, educational institutions could integrate lessons on digital literacy and health into the curriculum, teaching children the importance of moderation and the risks associated with excessive gaming.

In conclusion, while computer games offer a form of entertainment and can have educational benefits, their overuse poses significant health risks to children. By implementing structured guidelines and fostering awareness around the importance of balance and moderation, it is possible to mitigate these negative impacts and promote a healthier, more balanced lifestyle for the younger generation.

Sample Essay 2

In the contemporary digital age, the pervasive access to computers has catalyzed an upsurge in video gaming among the youth, raising concerns about its effects. This discourse posits that such engagement, while seemingly benign, harbors potential negative ramifications on both the physical and psychological well-being of children. It further advocates for a balanced approach, through parental guidance and institutional support, to mitigate these effects.

Central to the discourse is the alarming trend of diminished physical activity among children, attributed largely to prolonged gaming sessions. This sedentarism precipitates not only obesity but also contributes to musculoskeletal disorders and a myriad of vision ailments, including digital eye strain and myopia. For instance, research in the Journal of Pediatric Health noted a 30% uptick in childhood obesity correlated directly with increased screen time. Equally perturbing is the psychological domain, where excessive gaming is linked to elevated instances of social isolation, anxiety, and depressive symptoms. The virtual worlds become sanctuaries, detracting from real-world interactions and the development of essential social skills.

To counterbalance these adverse impacts, a dual-faceted approach is imperative. Foremost, parental control mechanisms should be rigorously applied, encompassing both the regulation of gaming duration and the curtailment of age-inappropriate content. Concurrently, educational frameworks must prioritize digital literacy, ensuring children understand the importance of a balanced lifestyle. Extracurricular activities, particularly those fostering physical exertion and social interaction, should be promoted to divert attention from virtual engagements.

In summation, while video gaming is an indelible aspect of modern childhood, its unchecked proliferation poses significant health risks. Through judicious parental oversight and educational reforms aimed at instilling digital prudence, it is feasible to safeguard our youth's health, ensuring they thrive in both virtual and real worlds.

Sample Essay 3

In this modern age, with the ubiquitous access to computers, video games have become a popular activity among children. This trend is causing childhood obesity and other related diseases that arise from too much computer gaming. However, proper familial and institutional interventions by engaging the children in outdoor activities can significantly prevent this damage.

With the easy access to computers, children are increasingly preferring onscreen gaming to outdoor recreational activities that involve physical movement. This sedentary video gaming habit is leading them to develop childhood obesity, a well above the normal and healthy weight range for their age. These children are at increased risk of breathing problems and other high blood pressure related diseases. Studies suggest that children, who weigh 20 percent more than their standard average weight, are 50 percent more likely to become obese adults, which is associated with a number of serious health conditions including heart disease, types 2 diabetes, and even cancer.

However, family members can address it smartly by attracting their children

to outdoor sports and entertainment that involve enough physical movement. They can enrol them at art/cultural schools for extracurricular activities which divert the children's attention from too much video gaming. By providing these facilities to the youngsters, parents can help prevent or compensate the damage occurred by the excessive computer gaming. Studies support the idea that the children, who spend at least 8 hours a week for outdoor physical activities, are 40 percent less likely to become obese adults than the children who do not do this.

In conclusion, obesity is the major problem that children develop from incredibly easy access to computers which eventually lead to an excessive gaming habit. However, regular outdoor family hangout and institutional involvement for extra-curricular lessons could be the best possible measures to address this issue.

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Video Games and Its Positive Effects

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Words: 1248 |

Published: Jun 20, 2019

Words: 1248 | Pages: 2 | 7 min read

Table of contents

Introduction, positive effects of video games, works cited.

  • Ferguson, C. J. (2015). Do angry birds make for angry children? A meta-analysis of video game influences on children's and adolescents' aggression, mental health, prosocial behavior, and academic performance. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 10(5), 646-666.
  • Granic, I., Lobel, A., & Engels, R. C. (2014). The benefits of playing video games. American Psychologist, 69(1), 66-78.
  • Green, C. S., & Bavelier, D. (2012). Learning, attentional control, and action video games. Current Biology, 22(18), R197-R206.
  • Kühn, S., & Gallinat, J. (2014). Amount of lifetime video gaming is positively associated with entorhinal, hippocampal and occipital volume. Molecular Psychiatry, 19(7), 842-847.
  • McGonigal, J. (2011). Reality is broken: Why games make us better and how they can change the world. Penguin.
  • Russoniello, C. V., Fish, M., & O'Brien, K. (2013). The efficacy of casual video game play in reducing clinical depression: A randomized controlled study. Games for Health Journal, 2(6), 341-346.
  • Subrahmanyam, K., & Greenfield, P. (1998). Effect of video game practice on spatial skills in girls and boys. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 19(3), 463-472.
  • Van Rooij, A. J., Ferguson, C. J., Colder Carras, M., Kardefelt-Winther, D., Shi, J., Aarseth, E., ... & Saunders, J. (2018). A weak scientific basis for gaming disorder: Let us err on the side of caution. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 7(1), 1-9.
  • Wang, H. Y., & Peng, W. (2017). The benefits of playing video games. In Media Exposure and Risk (pp. 197-210). Springer.
  • Yee, N., & Bailenson, J. (2007). The Proteus effect: The effect of transformed self-representation on behavior. Human Communication Research, 33(3), 271-290.

Image of Dr. Charlotte Jacobson

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Essay on Games

Games are an essential part of everyone’s childhood. Games are a fun way to keep kids entertained. They provide an interactive and engaging way to learn something new while considering themselves and others. They give children a break from daily study routines. Playing games improves kids’ immunity and helps them stay strong. BYJU’S essay on games allows the little ones to understand the difference between indoor and outdoor games and the importance of playing games.

Essay on Games

Table of Contents

Indoor games, outdoor games, importance of playing games.

The essay on games is an article that explains why playing indoor games is vital for the development of kids in their early years. Indoor games are essential for kids who spend a lot of time indoors. There are many benefits to playing these games, like improving a child’s vision and developing memory skills. These skills help them in academics. While playing indoor games, kids can have a friendly competition.

The importance of indoor games is something that many people have probably not thought about. Indoor games can teach children how to move a coin, improve coordination, and use their imaginations. Examples of indoor games are carrom board, table tennis, chess, scrabble, charades, paper games, ludo, etc.

Outdoor games are essential to children’s health and development. Children who play outdoors experience nature, which is good for their physical, social, and mental health. Outdoor games are a fun way to get out of the house, meet new people, and take an opportunity to bond with new friends.

The little ones need to engage in physical activities to stay healthy. They help children develop problem-solving, teamwork, communication, cooperation, flexibility, and physical activity skills. Outdoor activities can be more beneficial than indoor activities because they provide more exposure to sunlight. Examples of outdoor games are kabaddi, cricket, football, kho kho , etc.

Playing games is an excellent way for kids to learn about the world and make new friends. Games improve kids’ learning experience and interest in studies, which helps them score better grades. Experts say playing games has cognitive benefits and can help increase social skills.

When playing games, kids’ brains grow stronger and wiser. Games teach children how to interact with others and think strategically while they are still young and learning new things. They also provide a safe place for kids to learn and explore without fear of judgement. You can also use games to teach your child how to communicate using a game board or cards.

To conclude, games are an essential part of early childhood, and an essay on games helps children understand the value of playing games. When kids soak in the sun while playing, they become strong, improving their vitamin D levels. In addition, playing games keep the kids engaged and entertained. For more kid-friendly activities, stories , GK questions and other games visit, BYJU’S website.

Frequently Asked Questions on Essay on Games

What are the benefits of playing indoor games.

Indoor games provide kids with a way to exercise their minds while playing. Solving puzzles or educational games help children learn new skills, strengthen maths skills and improve memory. Research is also being conducted to see how playing indoor board games can improve children’s literacy skills.

Why are outdoor games important for children?

Parents should encourage their children to participate in outdoor games to teach them the importance of teamwork and cooperation. Games like kabaddi, cricket, and hockey are fun ways for children to stay active during the summer. They also help children build their physical strength.

Why is BYJU’S essay on games vital for kids?

BYJU’S essay on games is essential for children because it explains the significance of playing and how games allow them to release stress, have fun, and learn valuable skills.

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The Negative Effects of Video Games on Children Essay

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Hazards of video games: essay thesis statement.

All over the world, children and adolescents play video games nearly every day. Could this seemingly harmless hobby be harmful? Below, you will find a negative effects of video games essay.

Video games are games in which people interact with electronic devices like computers and small handheld devices like mobile phones to create tactile and visual displays. Tactile displays are important for blind people, whereas visual display is understood by those who can see.

With improvements in technology, video games are played in many countries over the world. The number of children playing video games increases from time to time. This is because the cost of electronic devices has been lowered, making them affordable to many families. Many parents are also willing to buy these devices for their children (Rideout, Vandewater & Wartella, 2003).

Recent studies have concentrated on the effects that video games have on children. Video games have positive and negative impacts on individual children playing them and society at large. The paper will discuss the negative impacts of playing video games on children and society, like poor performance in schools and diseases.

Performance in schools

Playing video games has negative impacts on a child’s education. Studies have shown that out of four children, playing video games interferes with the academic performance of one child. Some children spend most of their time playing games to the extent of not sparing some time to do their homework. Others dedicate all their time to playing games so that they do not study.

Because of failure to take their studies seriously, most of them perform poorly in their academic work. This affects their lives because, without education, there are no good jobs for them. Studies have shown that poor performance in school is directly proportional to time spent playing games. The more the time, the poorer the child’s performance in school will be (Block, 2008).

Playing video games has negative effects on the health of young people. Some youths tend to spend most of their time sitting and playing games without engaging in physical activities like sports. In addition, youths tend to feed on junk foods like cakes that supply the body with much energy.

Consumption of excess energy-giving foods and lack of exercise results in overweight. Obesity is a common disease among youths who spend most of their time playing games.

Other healthy related problems include knuckle pads, seizures, muscle, postural, and skeletal disorders like carpal tunnel syndrome, nerve compression, and tendonitis (UK, House of Commons, Culture, Media and Sport Committee, 2008).

According to Rushing, Sheehan, and Davis (2006), knuckle pads are painful keratotic, circumscribed, and fibrous growths that develop on the joints of the figures. Knuckle pads continue growing, become permanent, and they have no cure. The development of knuckle pads in children is associated with addiction to playing video games.

An input device called a game controller, which varies from one platform to another, manipulates video games. Some controllers may contain one or more joysticks and many buttons, whereas others may have a joystick and a button. Chronic use of a joystick may lead to the development of knuckle pads and other figure-related diseases.

Violent/Aggressive Behavior

Recent studies have concentrated on the effects that video games have on children. Studies have shown that the likelihood of children who play violent video games to be violent is high.

Most children cannot differentiate between right and wrong, and they tend to copy what they see and put it into practice. With continued exposure to violent video games, many children become more aggressive (Rideout, Vandewater & Wartella, 2003).

In most of the games that children watch, violence is used as a method of solving problems. The result of this is many children accepting violence as an appropriate way of solving conflicts. For instance, some will be found to engage in fights when trying to solve minor differences with their friends instead of using a better conflict resolution approach.

In some games where people winning in conflicts are recognized as heroes, children tend to see this as an achievement such that whenever in conflict with other children, they will use all means, however exploitive and dangerous they are, to win. There are incidents in which characters are rewarded for violence (Block, 2008).

Inadequate Lessons

Playing video games is confusing to young children since they cannot differentiate between fantasy and reality. Most young children tend to think that what they see in video games is a reality.

Some videos, like adult videos, are not good for youths because the content is not fit for them. Children learn vices from videos in which women are sexually abused and displayed as helpless and weaker characters (Bryant, 2006).


Bryant (2006) argues that playing video games affects children’s socialization. Children spend much of their time playing games, such that they lack time to socialize with their peers and parents. The activity contributes to antisocial behaviors among the youths.

For instance, children borrow behavior and abusive language from characters. Abusive words are common among children who play video games compared to those who do not.

A study conducted by National Institute for Media and the Family based in Minneapolis showed that children become addicted to watching videos that they cannot do without them. Addiction to video games increases anxiety and depression in children. Moreover, social phobia characterizes addicted children.

Children should be discouraged from playing video games because of the negative effects they have been found to have on children. Instead, outdoor games should be preferred because engagement in physical activities helps in the proper physical development of children.

Block, J. (2008). Issues for DSM – V: Internet addiction. Journal of clinical psychiatry , 67(5), 821-826.

Bryant, J. (2006). Playing video games: motives, responses, and consequences . London: Routledge.

Rideout, V., Vandewater, E. & Wartella, E. (2003). Zero to six: Electronic media in the lives of infants, toddlers and preschoolers . Menlo Park (CA): Kaiser Family Foundation.

Rushing, M., Sheehan, M. & Davis, L. (2006). Video Game induced knuckle pad. Pediatric Dermatology , 23(5), 455-457.

UK, House of Commons, Culture, Media and Sport Committee. (2008). HC paper 353-ii House of Commons culture, media and sport committee: harmful content on the internet and in video games, volume ii . London: The Stationery Office.

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IvyPanda. (2019, April 7). The Negative Effects of Video Games on Children Essay.

"The Negative Effects of Video Games on Children Essay." IvyPanda , 7 Apr. 2019,

IvyPanda . (2019) 'The Negative Effects of Video Games on Children Essay'. 7 April.

IvyPanda . 2019. "The Negative Effects of Video Games on Children Essay." April 7, 2019.

1. IvyPanda . "The Negative Effects of Video Games on Children Essay." April 7, 2019.


IvyPanda . "The Negative Effects of Video Games on Children Essay." April 7, 2019.

Benefit of Playing Video Games

This essay will discuss the benefits of playing video games, challenging the common negative perceptions. It will cover cognitive, social, and emotional advantages, such as improved problem-solving skills, enhanced hand-eye coordination, and opportunities for social interaction. The piece will also consider the educational potential of video games and their role in skill development. Moreover, at PapersOwl, there are additional free essay samples connected to Video Game.

How it works

Video games are seen as a useless entertainment to many parents and even some educators believe that they damage a child’s brain. Over the years, violent video games have been blamed for leading people to a life of crime because they believe that games are the cause of kids becoming violent or develop an antisocial behavior. In reality many psychologists and scientists have found that playing video games can actually have benefits towards a person’s brain. Video games can eventually teach kids skills that they will need and use in their lives.

Today everyone has played video games for fun, but some have put it to the test to use video games for research purposes. In a study done in New York, one set of surgeons played video games for 3 hours a week, while the other set played none. The set who played the video games made 37 percent fewer mistakes during laparoscopic (Medical bag). In another study, those who play action video games on a regular basis can process visual information faster and can track 30 percent more objects than non gamers. Action video games are shown to increase one’s contrast sensitivity, or the ability to notice minute changes in color against a uniform background. One group of gamers played action games, like Call of Duty, while the others played The Sims. The Call of Duty group showed a 38 percent increase in aforementioned sensitivity, whereas the Sims group showed none whatsoever. Video games can also slim you down. Wii Fit, for example, has players doing yoga, stretches and other exercise in order to unlock fun and exercise. Dance Dance Revolution requires players to dance by placing their feet on the corresponding arrows. After a while, players work up a sweat due to the required rapid movement. Gaming can also make you smarter. People who play video games display fluid intelligence and problem solving. Managing multiple objectives and multiple resources is one of the goals that helps you become smarter. Learning the rules of the game and what strategy works best for you also helps you.

When playing video games, the coordination and concentration can physically, socially, and mentally benefit the user. Research today shows that certain video games can reduce fat and therefore promote weight loss. Other sources state that doctors have instructed parents to let their children play video games to help control focus. Active video games are also being marketed for adults. New Gaming companies have been turning their gaming systems into exercise machines. The workout levels are increasing stamina causing weight loss and health awareness. The new video machines can drastically change an adults workout routine.

Video games can also improve visual skills and brain function. Action video games train the brain to better process certain visual information. When people play action video games, they’re changing the brain’s pathway responsible for visual processing. When people play action games, they’re changing the brain’s pathway responsible for visual processing. These games push the human visual system to the limits and the brain adapts to it, and we’ve seen the positive effect remains even two years after the training was over. By playing Action video games, vision improves up to 58 percent. Video games that involve high levels of action, such as first-person-shooter games, increase a player’s real-world vision, according to research in today’s Nature Neuroscience. The ability to discern slight differences in shades of gray has long been thought to be an attribute of the human visual system that cannot be improved. But Daphne Bavelier, professor of brain and cognitive sciences at the University of Rochester, has discovered that very practiced action gamers become 58 percent better at perceiving fine differences in contrast. Normally, improving contrast sensitivity means getting glasses or eye surgery. However, this will need further testing in people with this condition. As a treatment for poor eyesight generally though, gaming is unlikely to replace conventional approaches in the near future. Bavelier had previously found that game players had better vision when compared with non-game players. She says that these video games, and spending time in front of the computer, may not be harmful to our vision. The researchers suggest that this indicates that playing video games could have potential for improving some conditions such as amblyopia ( Additionally, evidence has shown that gaming can help with psychological problems and games reduce symptoms of depression more than conventional treatment. Another research team at Oxford University found that playing Tetris shortly after exposure to something very upsetting in the experiment, a film of traumatic scenes of injury and death was used, can actually prevent people from having disturbing thoughts ( Therefore playing games can also help in releasing tension and help a person to have lighter thoughts.

The effects are not always so positive, however. Indiana University researchers carried out brain scans on young men and found evidence that violent games can alter brain function after as little as a week of play, affecting regions in the brain associated with emotional control and causing more aggressive behaviour ( But Daphne Bavelier, one of the most experienced researchers in the field, says that the violent action games that often worry most parents may actually have the strongest beneficial effect on the brain (Bavelier). Games like Mortal Kombat, Grand Theft Auto, Doom and others, have taken the blame for various heinous crimes (Gross). Certain government officials have even gone as far as filing lawsuits against the developing companies in an attempt to outlaw video games in general. Not only that, but they have also been under inspection for supposedly causing a gaming “”addiction””.

Some of the other controversial video games are also the ones with the greatest potential benefits. Fast-paced, FPS like BioShock Infinite, Halo, Half-Life, Borderlands and third-person equivalents like God of War: Ascension, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, and Force Unleashed have all been accused of being too violent, but the benefits gamers gain from playing them are astounding. Researchers like Daphne Bavelier and C. Shawn Green have been able to demonstrate in multiple laboratory tests that playing these fast-paced games increases a person’s ability to try multiple pieces of visual information and decrease reaction time. They also have worked with another researcher, Alexandre Pouget, and showed that fast-action games also decrease decision making time. Basically, these games have so much going on all the time that for someone not used to following and tracking so much information it can be overwhelming. Gamers have no trouble keeping up with this information overload. The players are able to assess, make decisions and react quickly because they have learned how to do so in order to play and advance. If they are playing by themselves they may have to give orders to their computer allies. If they are playing with other humans then they have to be able to communicate effectively with them while tracking all the other data. This shows how playing video games cna help a person be more confident in telling others what to do and helps their communication skills and interact with others better. The brains of gamers adapt so quickly, that they can keep track of all the information they need to. Bavelier and her team found that a video gamer’s brain physically changes so that the player can process all of this information, and, most importantly, use it. A video gamer is capable of making accurate, informed decisions faster than a non-gamer with the same percentage of right answers. Bavelier and Green demonstrated that this benefit from fast-action video games sticks around for at least six months after a test subject has played only 10 hours over the course of 2 weeks. This means that every person can gain this benefit without actually being a gamer, as long as he or she is willing to put in a few hours a week to train his or her brains. This is really exciting because many of these changes have immediate benefits other senacios such as driving because when driving, the increased awareness, ability to track the many things going on around us and to make correct, fast decisions about likely outcomes of movements is invaluable in the prevention of car accidents. Playing video games has a huge impact on an individual’s brain and as a result has a direct impact on how gamers interact with and navigate our world.

Many gamers are told over and over that they have trouble focusing, but they do so well in focusing when there is so much happening on their screens all the time. Exciting new research, again from Daphne Bavelier and her team, is showing that gamers’ attention and focus is actually better than that of non-gamers. They are capable of resolving visual conflicts faster, which is frequently used in the lab to determine attention and focus capabilities. However, video game detractors point to information released by the Centers of Disease Control (CDC) regarding increased Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) diagnosis rates since 1997 with growth rates as high as 22% between 2003 and 2007. They argue that more and more children are being exposed to video games and more and more educators and parents are complaining that their children are unable to focus on things like classroom instruction the female orgasm and homework (Sucutti). What has been found, though, is that these child gamers’ brains, as well as the brains of their already adult counterparts, are very capable of focusing and they can maintain the same level of performance in what we find in many video games like World of Warcraft, much of the Final Fantasy series, and the previously mentioned first person shooters for hours. However, Gabe Zicherman, a leader in the development and application of “”gamification””, disagrees with such views. He suggests that it is adults that need to catch up and keep up with kids, not slow down kids to their slower pace.

Today’s kids play games in which they’re expected to chat in text and voice, operate a character, follow long and short term objectives, and deal with their parents interrupting them all the time to talk to them. Kids have to have an extraordinary multi-tasking skill to be able to achieve things today. It should then not be a surprise to discover that children who have become excellent learners in high-stimulus virtual environments may have trouble settling down into a sedate classroom with other children who are also conditioned to learning through video games. Tom Chatfield has written multiple articles and a book on how video games are the perfect education and motivation tools. He points out that children are constantly learning in a virtual environment where there are consequences to not accomplishing a task, losing a life, a tool, or not meeting a time requirement. There are also clearly stated rewards to completing the task as well as possible unexpected rewards that are doled out at calculated increments. Video game designers have been fine tweaking the ratio of difficulty, rewards and consequences to being a dumbass so that they know exactly how much to throw at a gamer at what level in each game in order to keep that person engaged and coming back for more. Educators could learn a lot from what these designers already know; children who are engaged and rewarded in an interactive learning process can and do give their entire attention and focus.

The fact that video games are a tool that can be used for education, and therefore do have an impact on the human brain, means we do need to be aware of what the potential negative impacts of those changes could be. What most every person has heard as an argument against video games is that they encourage violence and aggression in the people who play them. Multiple studies have been published on the topic, but when those studies have been reviewed and compared, it was found that they contradicted each other, and in many cases, used flawed methods to reach their conclusion regardless of the results. Christopher J. Ferguson with Texas A&M University used meta-analysis to review 12 studies available to him at the time of his publishing and found that researchers often used flawed methodology, drew conclusions that were not supported by their evidence, or in general could find no link between video games and violence. Holly Bowen and Julia Spaniol of the Dept. of Psychology with Ryerson University found that there is no indication that people who play violent video games have any long-term emotional desensitization to violence in their immediate surroundings. They do acknowledge that there may be a period immediately after playing these violent games that a gamer may be desensitized, but it is not an effect that could be attributed to an increase violence and aggressive behavior in those test subjects. Essentially, the evidence so far is showing that video games have a short-term impact on how people respond to violence and are likely desensitized to violence and possibly even reading for a short period after they play violent video games, but there is little evidence that there is a long-term impact. The heart of the argument against violent video games is based on the idea of a long-term, negative impact on gamers. Research just does not support that position.

Video games have become a part of our culture and a part of our lives in many ways. As a society we need to focus our energy and attention on is how to use them to make our lives better. We’ve already seen research that shows how video games can be used to help with several tasks with real world applications. We can use video games to increase our ability to track multiple objects and thus be able to monitor more of our surroundings while driving. They teach people how to be able to focus and maintain attention in situations where there is a lot of information to absorb in very short period of time. Video games can help us to better analyze what is going on around us and make quick decisions about the best action to take in a variety of situations. New research about the benefits of video games is coming out every year. It is time for us all to step forward and embrace the technology around us that has so many benefits and work together to mitigate the deficits that are present. Our society will not be ruined by this action, but will instead be enhanced further. There is one further thing we need to do. We need to sit down and pick up a controller. We leave ourselves at a disadvantage if we refuse to play out of false concerns regarding violence and aggression. Video games are a form of media that is often believed to be associated with negative health consequences. However, they are a great source of stress relief and improvement and development of mental health for social skills. They are engaging and immersive on a level different from traditional board games and other forms of entertainment. The player actively contributes to the level of satisfaction they attain because of the willingness to engage in the elements of the video game. The amount of play time can also be an important factor to the effects of playing certain games. In other words, excessive screen time can have its negative consequence, but if used correctly, video games possess advantages not present in other learning environments and can be a powerful tool to help children improve and develop life skills. Playing video games has become a normal part of childhood for many children and gaming in its proper manner can be healthy, fun, and educational to all ages.


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"Benefit of Playing Video Games," , 16-Aug-2019. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 10-Aug-2024] (2019). Benefit of Playing Video Games . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 10-Aug-2024]

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IELTS sample essay about the use of computers

Home  »  IELTS BAND 9 ESSAYS  »  IELTS sample essay about the use of computers

Is it good for children to start using computers from an early age and spend long hours on them? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages.

In recent years, children, like adults, have become increasingly exposed to computers. While some child psychologists have claimed that this is a good thing, others have claimed that it has an overwhelmingly detrimental impact on children. In this essay, I shall draw upon a number of studies in cognitive science and industrial psychology that reveal the positive and negative aspects of this phenomenon.

To begin with, there are clearly reasons why computers do not allow children to develop long attention spans. This is because computers are packed with many supposedly child-friendly games that require minimal levels of concentration in order to be enjoyed.

For example, a study by the New York Child Learning Association found that children who read from picture books were 50% less likely to get distracted than children who played educational computer games. Therefore computers almost certainly have a negative impact on young children.

However, since the world has become heavily reliant on computers, there are also clearly advantages to exposing children to computers. This is because children with such exposure will stand a better chance of finding employment.

For example, after being interviewed by Yale psychologists, over 70% of young office workers admitted that they had spent long hours on computers in their middle and late childhood years. Therefore it is clear that computer exposure can be beneficial to children.

In conclusion, there are advantages and disadvantages to early computer exposure. However, if, in the future, the quality of educational gaming is increased, there is good reason to believe that these negative consequences will fall entirely away.

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Home / IELTS, CAE, FCE Writing Samples / IELTS Writing Task 2: Video Games and Children Nowadays

IELTS Writing Task 2: Video Games and Children Nowadays

Most of the children these days are spending their time playing computer games and spend less time playing outdoor sports. Why is this? Is this positive or negative?

In modern times, a majority of kids are indulged in playing computer games for long hours and dedicated less time for playing out of door activities  (1) . This trend is the result of reduced social interaction, and I believe this tendency has a negative impact, in terms of children lacking the behaviour of socialization (2) . The main reason for children being too much involved in video games is not having supporting environment that can help kids to play with other children. This can be attributed to the fast phase of urban life where most of the people are completely involved in a day to day activities and does not have time to spare for interaction with others (3) . As a result, almost all families are leading an isolated life. Thus kids growing in these families have rare interaction with their neighbours and this promotes them to spend most of their time in the home (4) . All these factors lead to children investing more time in video games which can be played alone and in fact looks very attractive to kids (5) . In my view, the trend of kids getting immersed in computer game leads to adverse ramifications. This is because kids who start playing video games get addicted to it and rarely show interest in other activities. This kind of behaviour and attitude gradually leads to children lacking interest in activities played in open space. In addition, due to limited interaction with the society, kids are even showing a lack of involvement in community functions. In conclusion, modern society has witnessed a change in the pattern of activities played by kids (6) . This is purely a matter of change in the lifestyle of the whole society which has an adverse effect on children in terms of lacking social behaviour. 297 words

The commentaries are marked in brackets with number (*). The numbered commentaries are found below. The part in italics is taken from the text, the word underlined is the suggested correction. Words in (brackets) are the suggested addition to the original phrase or sentence.

  • In modern times, a majority of kids are indulged in playing computer games for long hours and dedicate less time to out-of-door activities — ‘out-of-door’ is spelled using dashes, it is also somewhat old-fashioned, maybe the more-widely accepted ‘outdoor’ would be better; you don’t “play” an activity (this mistake will repeat itself in the last paragraph).
  • This trend is the result of reduced social interaction, and I believe this tendency has a negative impact, in terms of children lacking social skills  — normally, complex constructions seem more favourable from a student’s perspective — an examiner ought to get impressed with the verbal intricacy. However, I’d take a simple and clear ‘social skills’ over a more sophisticated ‘behaviour of socialization’ any day.
  • This can be attributed to the fast phase of urban life where most of the people are completely involved in a day-to-day activities and do not have time to spare for interaction with others. — ‘Day-to-day’ is an adjective here so it should be hyphenated. The verb ‘to do’ refers to ‘people’ and therefore should be plural.
  • this encourages  them to spend most of their time at  home (or inside ) — you can’t use ‘promote’ in the sense ‘make do something’. Secondly, if you mean the opposite of ‘out-of-doors’, then stick to two suggested words.
  • All these factors lead to children investing more time in video games which can be played alone and in fact looks very attractive to kids  — consider rephrasing the second part of the sentence after ‘and’ (e.g. All these factors lead children to invest more time in video games, which are fun to play even alone ).
  • In conclusion, modern society has witnessed a change in the pattern of activities chosen/favoured  by kids  — this inaccuracy was explained in #1.

This text could use a more diverse vocabulary: word ‘activity’ was used 6 times, ‘interaction’ and ‘lack’ – 4 times each, ‘children’ – 8 times. As some words can be problematic to paraphrase, try building your sentences with verbal variety in mind. You might want to try

Another issue is use of Continuous Tense — there are 15 verbs that use this tense in the text. The author has to make sure to use it with a purpose in mind. I didn’t correct any of it assuming (sic!) that the tenses are used intentionally.

1 thought on “IELTS Writing Task 2: Video Games and Children Nowadays”

this writer is outstanding due to the fact that advance vocabulary. thank you so much for showing this vital essay template.

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Nowadays, more and more children play computer games. Why do you think this is the case? Is it a positive or negative development?

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An Escalating War in the Middle East

Tensions are on a knife edge after israel carried out a strike on the hezbollah leader allegedly behind an attack in the golan heights..

are computer games good for children's essay 200 words

Hosted by Sabrina Tavernise

Featuring Ben Hubbard

Produced by Rachelle Bonja and Sydney Harper

With Shannon M. Lin and Will Reid

Edited by Lexie Diao and Patricia Willens

Original music by Dan Powell and Sophia Lanman

Engineered by Chris Wood

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Warning: This episode contains audio of war.

Over the past few days, the simmering feud between Israel and the Lebanese militia Hezbollah, has reached a critical moment.

Ben Hubbard, the Istanbul bureau chief for The New York Times, explains why the latest tit-for-tat attacks are different and why getting them to stop could be so tough.

On today’s episode

are computer games good for children's essay 200 words

Ben Hubbard , the Istanbul bureau chief for The New York Times.

A pile of rubble with a city skyline in the background. A man in white trousers and a black T-shirt is standing atop the pile.

Background reading

Israel says it killed a Hezbollah commander , Fuad Shukr, in an airstrike near Beirut.

The Israeli military blamed Mr. Shukr for an assault on Saturday that killed 12 children and teenagers in the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights.

There are a lot of ways to listen to The Daily. Here’s how.

We aim to make transcripts available the next workday after an episode’s publication. You can find them at the top of the page.

The Daily is made by Rachel Quester, Lynsea Garrison, Clare Toeniskoetter, Paige Cowett, Michael Simon Johnson, Brad Fisher, Chris Wood, Jessica Cheung, Stella Tan, Alexandra Leigh Young, Lisa Chow, Eric Krupke, Marc Georges, Luke Vander Ploeg, M.J. Davis Lin, Dan Powell, Sydney Harper, Michael Benoist, Liz O. Baylen, Asthaa Chaturvedi, Rachelle Bonja, Diana Nguyen, Marion Lozano, Corey Schreppel, Rob Szypko, Elisheba Ittoop, Mooj Zadie, Patricia Willens, Rowan Niemisto, Jody Becker, Rikki Novetsky, Nina Feldman, Will Reid, Carlos Prieto, Ben Calhoun, Susan Lee, Lexie Diao, Mary Wilson, Alex Stern, Sophia Lanman, Shannon Lin, Diane Wong, Devon Taylor, Alyssa Moxley, Olivia Natt, Daniel Ramirez and Brendan Klinkenberg.

Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landsverk of Wonderly. Special thanks to Sam Dolnick, Paula Szuchman, Lisa Tobin, Larissa Anderson, Julia Simon, Sofia Milan, Mahima Chablani, Elizabeth Davis-Moorer, Jeffrey Miranda, Maddy Masiello, Isabella Anderson, Nina Lassam and Nick Pitman.

Ben Hubbard is the Istanbul bureau chief, covering Turkey and the surrounding region. More about Ben Hubbard



  1. Essay 248

    Write at least 250 words. Model Answer: Computer games have become the most desired playtime activity of modern children. When playing computer games is widely considered as a useful leisure activity, it has some negative impacts on children as well. This essay outlines some specific benefits and drawbacks of playing electronic games.

  2. Computer Games for Children Task 2 Writing Essay

    IELTS WRITING TASK 2. You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write at least 250 words about the following topic: Numerous parents express discontent about the perceived lack of educational value in computer games for their children's studies. Additionally, they raise concerns about the negative impact of online games on their ...

  3. Task 2 Essay # Children and computer games

    This essay will examine various impacts of this change and discuss possibilities to avoid any negative effects. Talking about the positive aspects, playing computer games has numerous benefits. These can range from helping children develop cognitive skills to increase their logical reasoning. Games have developed into a whole industry.

  4. 100 Words Essay on Computer Games

    Conclusion. In conclusion, computer games can be fun and educational. They can help to develop skills and make learning enjoyable. But, they should be enjoyed responsibly. Too much gaming can lead to problems. It's all about balance. Also check: Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer Games. Paragraph on Computer Games.

  5. The Negative Effects of Video Games on Children

    Children who spend long hours playing video games have less time for physical activity, leading to a lack of exercise, weight gain, and health risks such as heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Additionally, prolonged exposure to screens can cause eye strain and other vision problems, such as nearsightedness or myopia, due to the ...

  6. Effects of Video Games on Children

    The evidence that video games increase violence among children is overwhelming. For example, a study in 2001 found that a high number of violence cases in high schools and universities were orchestrated by persons who confessed to playing violent games regularly. An explanation for this is that aggression is mainly based on the learning ...

  7. IELTS Essay # 1222

    This essay will examine the negative effects of children playing computer games and suggest strategies to minimize the harmful effects. One of the major negative impacts of children playing computer games is the potential for addiction. Children can become so engrossed in gaming that they neglect other important activities, such as homework ...

  8. Many people have access to computers and a large number

    Sample Essay 2. In the contemporary digital age, the pervasive access to computers has catalyzed an upsurge in video gaming among the youth, raising concerns about its effects. This discourse posits that such engagement, while seemingly benign, harbors potential negative ramifications on both the physical and psychological well-being of children.

  9. Video Games and Its Positive Effects

    Introduction. "Video games foster the mindset that allows creativity to grow", said Nolan Bushnell. Video games, a highly debated subject for many parents, have been the subject of social stigmas for a long time. Many believe that video games do more harms than goods, and waste precious time for kids and adults alike, time that could be ...

  10. IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

    Young children who play games more than 7-8 hours or do unproductive tasks in a computer are actually bringing more negative points that learning the miracle machines. But think about a child who learns programming, play games, learn advanced computing 3-4 hours a day would become a great computer professional someday.

  11. Essay on Games

    The essay on games is an article that explains why playing indoor games is vital for the development of kids in their early years. Indoor games are essential for kids who spend a lot of time indoors. There are many benefits to playing these games, like improving a child's vision and developing memory skills. These skills help them in academics.

  12. The Negative Effects of Video Games on Children Essay

    Performance in schools. Playing video games has negative impacts on a child's education. Studies have shown that out of four children, playing video games interferes with the academic performance of one child. Some children spend most of their time playing games to the extent of not sparing some time to do their homework.

  13. Nowadays, more and more children play computer games

    has always been one of the favourite children's leisure. Nowadays, due to technological improvements, computer. games. have gained much popularity. The present essay will showcase the causes behind. this. trend and demonstrate the reasons why. this. is considered a negative development.

  14. Advantages and Disadvantages of Video Games

    Video games: advantages and disadvantages. Firstly, it is argued by many that video games can cause a lot of health problems. For instance, looking at the screen for long hours can harm eyes and cause vision impairment because the cornea and iris of the eyes are not intended for viewing electronic devices for a long time. Moreover, using video games for too long may also cause headaches ...

  15. Benefit of Playing Video Games

    When playing video games, the coordination and concentration can physically, socially, and mentally benefit the user. Research today shows that certain video games can reduce fat and therefore promote weight loss. Other sources state that doctors have instructed parents to let their children play video games to help control focus.

  16. IELTS sample essay about the use of computers

    Discuss the advantages and disadvantages. In recent years, children, like adults, have become increasingly exposed to computers. While some child psychologists have claimed that this is a good thing, others have claimed that it has an overwhelmingly detrimental impact on children. In this essay, I shall draw upon a number of studies in ...

  17. Are computer game good for children 200 word essay

    Children who play video games that involve tennis, cricket, football or basketball are more likely to play these games outdoors. Computer games may also improve memory and other cognitive skills. Puzzle games, for example, may improve brain function in children. On the flip side, computer games have their fair share of disadvantages.

  18. Positive Effects of Video Games on Children

    This is one of the very positive effects of video games on children. Some of the mental skills enhanced by video games include which is planning, resource management and logistics. The player learns to manage resources that are limited, and decide the best use of resources, the same way as in real life. For example, developing reading and math ...

  19. 'Playing computer games is a waste of time

    In my opinion, each nation should be banned to some extent. writing9. In the current times, with the increased use of technology and electronic devices, computer games have gained popularity amongst youngsters. Some argue that this activity should be limited, as it is seen as a waste of children´s time | Band: 8.

  20. Nowadays many people have easy access to computers and a ...

    In this day and age, a vast number of children who have computers at home enjoy playing video games on a daily basis. Some experts have mentioned that his activity could cause certain negative consequences, including a reduction in the time spent with the family and in the development of social skills in the young ones | Band: 5.5

  21. IELTS Writing Task 2: Video Games and Children Nowadays

    In modern times, a majority of kids are indulged in playing computer games for long hours and dedicated less time for playing out of door activities (1).This trend is the result of reduced social interaction, and I believe this tendency has a negative impact, in terms of children lacking the behaviour of socialization (2).. The main reason for children being too much involved in video games is ...

  22. Nowadays, more and more children play computer games

    Computer games are becoming popular among children. This. is mainly due to accessibility as well as the lack of space to play outside. This. essay will discuss in the forthcoming paragraphs why it is not a beneficial development for the younger generations. On the one hand, the usage of computers is gaining popularity among young boys and girls.

  23. Short essay on computer games are good for children 200 words

    Computer games became a passion among people, particularly the children of the new generation. Although there are so many reasons behind this trend, I strongly believe that it will adversely influence people in numerous ways. People are indulged in computer games, because of various reasons. Chief among these is addition to these games.

  24. An Escalating War in the Middle East

    Warning: This episode contains audio of war. Over the past few days, the simmering feud between Israel and the Lebanese militia Hezbollah, has reached a critical moment.