Blackboard (Faculty) - Turnitin Assignments: Access and Grade Student Submissions

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Turnitin Feedback Studio is an online tool that is used for grading papers, presentations, and other student work. Work submitted through Turnitin can be marked up with Feedback Studio using the standard as well as customized grading marks. While Feedback Studio itself does not analyze or identify spelling, grammatical, or citation style errors, if e-rater has been enabled during the Turnitin assignment creation process, e-rater will analyze spelling and grammar.

Feedback Studio can be utilized within a Blackboard course. It does not have to be used in conjunction with the Turnitin originality reporting capability. Instructors must first set up a Turnitin assignment before using Feedback Studio features. Once assignments have been submitted, papers can then be graded using Feedback Studio. See the Create a Turnitin Assignment knowledge base article for detailed instructions regarding how to set up a Turnitin assignment.

  • Go to the assignment link in the coursework/content area or folder. Click on the assignment link. The Turnitin Assignment Inbox will open.

grade pencil icon

  • A new window with Feedback Studio will open.

Feedback Studio Tools 

Feedback Studio incorporates the originality checker and the grading tools in one screen. When entering a student's paper, Feedback Studio will default to the Instructor Comment panel, located in blue on the right side of the screen. The red panel are the tools for the Originality checker. 


Instructor Feedback

Inline comments.

Comment icons

  • The "Check mark" icon allows you to add a QuickMark.

click on comment

  • Type in your comment.
  • Click outside of the comment box to close.

Inline icons

  • Type in the text box.
  • Click outside of the text box to close. The comment will remain visible.

Feedback Summary

The second icon in the Instructor Feedback panel is the Feedback Summary.  Within the Feedback Summary icon is the Voice comment and the Text Comment boxes.

Feedback summary

Click on the blue record circle to record up to 3 minutes of audio.

Click in the text box to leave a written summary of the feedback to the learner.


The red panel is the Similarity layer. This replaces the Originality Checker.

Match Overview

The first icon in the Similarity panel is the Flags for Review.

This will check for hidden text. Students attempting to lengthen the word count in a paper will often add white text that can't be seen while reading the paper but will added to the word count.

This will also check for replaced characters. Students may try to replace an "a" with a Cyrillic letter "a" that looks similar but fools the algorithm within Turnitin from identifying direct quotes.

Flags for review icon

The second icon in the Similarity panel is the Match Overview.  This number indicate the percentage of materials matched to outside sources.  Note: This does not mean that the source has been plagiarized. This includes quotes, bibliography materials, and similar phrases as determined when setting up the Turnitin Assignment.

Click on the number to expand the panel.

simiarity match

All Sources

All sources

Filters and Settings

The third icon in the Similarity panel is the Filters and Settings. This allows to to filter out Quotes and Bibliography without returning to the original assignment setting. Filtering out some of the sources will reduce the match percentage and allows you to concentrate on the paper. 

Filters and settings

Exclude Sources

The fourth icon in the Similarity panel is the Exclude Sources. This displays any sources that have been excluded in the search.

Exclude sources

The first gray icon is the Download icon. Here you can download:

  • Current view of the paper, including the markup and comments.
  • A PDF file of the Digital Receipt - which include when the paper was uploaded, student's name, file size character count and the Paper Submission ID. If you ever need to contact Turnitin due to a problem with this paper, you will need the Submission ID of the paper.
  • Originally Submitted File - the paper in its original format, Word Doc, PDF file, etc. with no markup.  


Submission Information

The second gray icon is the Submission Information.

submission information

  • Blackboard (Faculty) - Turnitin Assignments: About Turnitin Feedback Studio
  • Blackboard (Faculty) - Turnitin Assignments: Create a Turnitin Assignment
  • Blackboard (Faculty) - Turnitin Assignments: Create a Turnitin Rubric
  • Blackboard (Faculty) - Turnitin Assignments: Feedback Studio Tools
  • Blackboard (Faculty) - Turnitin Assignments: Create A PeerMark Assignment
  • Blackboard (Faculty) - Turnitin Assignments: View Student PeerMark Reviews
  • Blackboard (Faculty) - Turnitin Assignments: Access Class on iPad
  • Blackboard (Faculty) - Turnitin Assignments: Manually Upload a Paper
  • Blackboard (Faculty) - Turnitin: Download Student Papers
Keywordsblackboard, black board, bb, grade, turnitin, turn it in, plagiarism, grades not showing up in grade center, grades not appearing, roster sync   Doc ID62086
OwnerCenter I.GroupSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Created2016-03-21 15:22:50Updated2024-03-25 07:36:19
SitesSouthern Illinois University Edwardsville
Feedback 1   0      

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You are viewing Original Course View content

This information applies only to the Original Course View. Your institution controls which tools are available.

Turnitin ® , a third-party tool, improves the student writing cycle by promoting originality and providing rich feedback to students.

Visit the Turnitin website

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Online Assignments in Blackboard

  • Benefits for Teaching & Learning
  • Online Tutorials
  • Quick Guides
  • Additional Resources & Troubleshooting
  • Information on Purchasing Equipment & Support Statement

You can create assignments within Blackboard and provide feedback using rubrics and annotations. Blackboard assignments offer greater support for group submissions and delegated marking than Turnitin assignments but have more limited annotation tools.

→ Click on the titles below to view information and guides on using Blackboard assignments.

Online assignments allow students to submit essays in Blackboard and provide you with the functionality to give detailed feedback to your students using annotations, rubrics and text. Click on the video below for a brief overview of how you can use rubrics in Blackboard assignments to provide detailed feedback to enhance student learning. A separate page is available for  Turnitin in Blackboard assignments .

If you are planning to use the Blackboard Assignments tool for summative online exams, we have an overview page on online exams giving general advice on using Blackboard Assignments, Tests and Turnitin for exams.

Notice regarding the SafeAssign Similarity Score : You can enable SafeAssign when creating a Blackboard assignment - this allows you to check a student's submission against the SafeAssign database of papers. The similarity score in the SafeAssign report is not a measure of plagiarism within a piece of work but represents where there are similarities to other sources (journals, essays, books etc.). A submission with a high similarity score might be satisfactory once the bibliography, cover sheet etc. are accounted for whereas a submission could have a low score but could be heavily paraphrasing other sources without citation.

You can use online assignments to:

• Create, manage, and circulate assignments within Blackboard for formative and summative learning
• Check for potential originality issues using a Similarity Report
• Grade using rubrics
• Manage how and when grades and feedback are released to students
• Provide video and audio feedback to students

how to grading turnitin assignments on blackboard

Quick Guide 1: Creating an Online Assignment

This Quick Guide gives IT Services' recommended settings for creating a standard individual or group assignment in Blackboard.

Quick Guide 2: Grading Student Submissions

This Quick Guide gives IT Services' recommended settings for grading individual or group assignment submissions in Blackboard.

Quick Guide 3: Releasing Assignment Results

This Quick Guide gives IT Services' recommended settings for releasing results for an assignment in Blackboard.

how to grading turnitin assignments on blackboard

Webinar Recording: Assignments in Blackboard (Oct 2022)

This webinar recording covers how to create and grade individual or group assignments in Blackboard and the Bb Annotate tools for providing feedback.

Webinar Excerpt: Weighted Total Column

This brief excerpt from the Assignments in Blackboard webinar covers how to set up the Weighted Total column in your Blackboard module.

how to grading turnitin assignments on blackboard

Submission Guide for Your Students

An online guide for students is also available to help them with the submission process. Refer your students to the 'Student Help' tab in Blackboard (top right of the screen after logging in) to access this and other guides on using Blackboard.

Blackboard Vs Turnitin Assignments

This interactive guide gives an overview of the pros and cons of using Blackboard or Turnitin assignments.

Procedure: if a student has issues submitting we would advise them to contact the module instructor so there is a record of this and because the instructor would need to make a determination as to whether to allow an additional attempt based on the different circumstances. Clearing/resetting attempts needs to be done by the instructor of a particular module in the first instance. We also strongly recommend that if there are submission issues due to account/access problems etc. with an individual student, please accept the submission via email as proof of submission until the issue is resolved. If an instructor cannot resolve the issue themselves, the instructor can contact us for advice via [email protected]. We recommend therefore when you create an assignment to allow more than one attempt. More details on granting an additional attempt are available on the Blackboard website.

Video Guide:

Below is a video guide covering the steps required to create a Panopto Student Video Assignment. You can also find a text version of the instructions on this page below the video.

Instructions: Create a Panopto Student Video Submission Assignment in Blackboard

  • Choose a Location:
  • Navigate to your Blackboard module, then select a folder in the left-hand menu where you would like to add the Panopto Student Video Submission Assignment (you could create a folder called Assessments and include it there if you do not already have one).
  • Set Up the Assignment:
  • Go to the menu bar within the folder and select Assessments > Assignment .
  • Give the assignment a clear and descriptive name and enter instructions (refer to our Blackboard Assignments page for general advice on creating an assignment and the available options).
  • Enable Panopto Submission:
  • In the < Instructions > field, click the < + add content > button in the editor bar.
  • An < Add Content > pop-up window will appear. Scroll down and select the < Panopto Student Submission> option. Important Note: This will open the Panopto Student Submission window, which creates an assignment subfolder within the module's Panopto folder. Students can use this subfolder to create and edit their video recordings before submitting them. Students cannot see each other's work in this folder. When the student is ready to submit, their recording is moved from the assignment's subfolder to a Student Submissions subfolder for review and marking via the Blackboard grade centre.
  • Information for Students for recording: Student Submission
  • Students will use the Panopto Student Submission tool to record their videos.
  • They can save drafts of their work in their personal " My Folder " location within their Blackboard Panopto account to revisit the video and make edits.
  • Once they are happy with their video, students will submit it through the Panopto Student Submission tool, which will move the final version from the interim Assignments subfolder (their own my Panopto folder) to the "Student Submissions" folder. Why not show the interim subfolder? The assignments subfolder may not be visible to students as it's a subfolder of the module's parent Panopto folder, which the lecturer may have hidden as the Panopto parent folder contains the lecturers' lecture recordings, which they may not want students to see. It's recommended that students use their " My Folder " for drafts to avoid confusion.
  • Finalize the Assignment Settings:
  • Close the Panopto Student Submission window by clicking on the X button to close and the Add Content window.
  • Add any additional instructions for students in the instructions field in the assignment window. We advise that you insert the URL link to the Instruction Guide for Students Submitting their Video Assignments.
  • Set the due date, point marks (always mark out of 100 if you are using Grades Journey), and <submission details> (allowing one attempt is recommended).
  • Decide on your < marking options > and < display of marks > settings.
  • Define when the assignment will be available and for how long with the availability settings.
  • Click the Submit button to create and save the student video assignment, completing your setup.
  • Grading Submitted Videos: Grading
  • When students submit their video assignments, they will be stored within the Panopto folder (your Panopto link in the left-hand menu) –> Module Assignments –> Student Submissions Folder.
  • Review in Blackboard: The easiest way to review submissions is via the Blackboard grade centre. Clicking on the student's video assignment in the grade centre will open the video player. You click on the student video to play it back and add your points, marks, and comments to record it in the grade centre for that student's attempt. The Blackboard grade centre will be updated with your marks for the student's video assignment.
  • When drafting their submission, students create their videos in their My Folder (private to them) and can continue to edit this until they click on Submit. Once they submit their video, the file gets copied into a Student Submissions subfolder within your module's Panopto folder, thus preventing further editing. Important Note: We recommend they instead save their work-in-progress video recording to their own Panopto "My Folder" location until they are finally ready to submit the video assignment. The added advantage is that the student keeps a copy of their video recording in their My Folder Panopto account for future reference.
  • Students can only see their own submissions - not each other's by default within the Student Assignment subfolder in your module's Panopto folder. 
  • The best way to grade student submissions is using the Grade Centre, as you would with a standard Blackboard assignment.
  • Steps for your students are available in the Student Help tab . There is also an  Instructor Guide: How to set up a Student Video Submission Assignment in Blackboard  available to download above to attach to the assignment.
  • Please consider the type of content students are asked to create and be mindful of potential risks associated with video assignments. Generally, the Panopto Student Video Submission option allows students to create recorded presentations. Consequently, there can potentially be data protection (GDPR) or privacy-related issues if students are asked to record videos involving themselves or third parties. Students should always be provided clear guidance and instruction before content creation. For example, avoid tasks leading to students creating videos containing sensitive or confidential information. Instructors should give students specific instructions regarding recording confidential data or special categories of personal data. Essentially, this type of data should not be recorded. For further information, please see this page on Special Category Data on the Data Protection website .
  • If a student video assignment contains personal data of other individuals (e.g., a visual or audio recording of a person or other identifiable information), the student should obtain permission/consent from relevant individuals before recording. Permission should be obtained in a recordable format and retained on file.
  • Caution should always be exercised when recording video assignments, and it may be a good idea to have students run their ideas past you if they are different from a standard presentation. Moreover, staff should review content and delete unnecessary, excessive or inappropriate data if included in a video assignment.
  • Further information is available from the College Data Protection Officer - [email protected] or via the College Data Protection website - .
  • Not all students will be comfortable creating and editing videos of themselves, so you should consider alternative assessments for those students who may not feel able to create a video.
  • The Student Video Submission tool is provided by Panopto as part of their video hosting solution - if College ever changes to another video hosting provider (for example, as part of a tender process approximately every five years), we cannot guarantee that the new video hosting provider will have an equivalent assignment feature - however, staff would be notified well in advance of any change and workarounds may still be possible. 

Terms of Use:

Please refer to our Terms of Use document   for further guidelines and information on the Data Proctection aspects of using the Panaopto Student Video Submission Assignment option.

Below are external links and additional resources to help you get started with Blackboard Assignments.

If you are new to using online assignments we would recommend that you create a standard online assignment as above before using some of these features as options like Delegated Marking can add significant complexity to the marking workflow.

  • Official Blackboard Assignments Hub Page
  • Rubrics Guide
  • Creating Weighted Total Columns
  • Anonymous Grading
  • Navigating the Grade Centre
  • Viewing Grade History
  • Creating & Managing Groups
  • Delegated Grading

Latest Updates:

how to grading turnitin assignments on blackboard

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how to grading turnitin assignments on blackboard

Help & Support

For queries related to the content on these pages please contact the Teaching & Learning IT team via: [email protected]

Blackboard Assignments vs Turnitin: Which tool should I use?

An image showing the Blackboard logo, on the left. next to the Turnitin logo, on the right, and separated by the letters 'VS'.

When setting up online coursework submissions, instructors can choose between the Blackboard Assignment tool and Turnitin. The choice of tool should be guided by specific considerations concerning the overall assessment process – from submission of work to release of grades. Instructors should ensure that the assessment and marking requirements are aligned with the features avaialble in the technology of choice.

The sections below consider the four stages associated with the online submission and marking of coursework – pre-submission, submission, marking and post-marking – and compares the features available in Blackboard and Turnitin assignments.


Submitting files Any file type can be submitted but only supported file types can be graded online.

More information .

File size limit: 2GB

Any file type can be submitted but only supported file types can be graded online or checked for similarity. 

More information .

File size limit: 100MB*

* If the file only contains text, it must be less than 2MB.

Submitting multiple files Yes No
Setting up individual assignments Yes Yes
Setting up group assignments Yes No
Allowing multiple attempts Single, multiple or unlimited attempts allowed Either 1 or unlimited attempts allowed
Releasing submission link to specific sets of students Yes, through adaptive release Yes, through adaptive release
Checking submissions for originality and generating similarity reports Not recommended  Yes, recommended
Enabling anonymous marking Yes Yes
Revealing anonymous student’s names Yes

Turning off anonymous marking will show student names for all attempts. Once anonymous marking is disabled, it cannot be re-enabled.


Anonymous marking can be turned off for selected, individual students. Requests to reveal a student’s name are logged.

Enabling blind double marking Yes No

Workaround for double marking: set up separate Turnitin assignments for first and second marker, reconcile grades manually outside Blackboard, and upload final grades manually to the Grade Centre.

Allowing late submissions Yes Yes

Late submissions are allowed but not late resubmissions. If a student has already submitted once before the deadline, they won’t be able to submit again once the deadline has passed.

Tracking late submissions Yes, via Grade Centre > View Mark History Yes, via Assignment Inbox
Identifying non-submitters Yes Yes
Sending submission reminders to non-submitters Yes, via Grade Centre Yes, via Grade Centre
Setting exception rules for specific students (e.g. applying different deadlines to different students) No

Mitigating circumstances and agreed extensions can be managed by setting up separate assignments.


Mitigating circumstances and agreed extensions can be managed by setting up separate assignments.

Submitting on the student’s behalf No Yes
Ability for students to view a submission receipt On-screen notification at point of submission and email confirmation sent to submitter. All submission receipts available in My Marks > Submitted. Submission receipts cannot be downloaded. On-screen notification at point of submission and email confirmation sent to submitter. Students and instructors can download a copy of the digital receipt.

Marking and feedback

Offline marking  No Only via the iPad app
Adding overall text feedback on student work Yes Yes
Adding inline text feedback on student work Yes Yes
Marking via reusable in-line comments  Yes

Limited feature – comments are owned by the person who creates them and cannot be exported or shared with other markers.


This feature is called Quick Marks. Quick Marks can be exported and shared with other users by the owner.

Providing feedback on student work via an online rubric Yes Yes
Linking an inline comment to a rubric criterion No Yes
Drawing on student work Yes No
Highlighting text on student work Yes Yes
Adding audio feedback Built-in tool (5 min max)

Recordings created in the feedback editor cannot be downloaded, shared or reused. Students can play the recordings on most modern browsers and devices without any additional plugins or extensions.

Built-in tool (3 min max)

Recordings created in the feedback editor cannot be downloaded, shared or reused. Students can play the recordings on most modern browsers and devices without any additional plugins or extensions.

Adding video feedback Built-in tool (5 min max) Only through external URL
Attaching files as feedback to student work Yes Only via the Grade Centre or through an external URL directly in Turnitin
Grading without submission Yes, via Grade Centre Yes, via Grade Centre
Automatic grade sync to the Grade Centre Yes Yes
Reconciling provisional grades into a final mark Yes No
Compatible with single marking Yes Yes
Compatible with double marking Yes No
Compatible with marking group assignments  Yes No
Setting an indefinite number of criteria and levels of achievement Yes Yes
Specifying criteria descriptions No, only heading Yes
Specifying feedback for each cell in advance Yes Yes
Markers can add personalised feedback to each cell during marking. Yes Only via Grading Forms
Manually overriding marks if required Yes Yes
Automatically adding up rubric scores Yes Yes
Auto-save No

When adding comments to a Blackboard rubric, remember to save your work often to avoid losing your work in the event of a time-out or computer crash. 

Attaching multiple rubrics to same assignment. Yes No
Re-use with future assessments Yes

Blackboard rubrics are course-specific. Any user enrolled on the course with editing permissions can use, reuse or modify an existing rubric.


Turnitin rubrics are owner-specific. Any user can use an existing rubric for marking, once it is attached to an assignment, but only the user who created the rubric can reuse or modify it. Rubrics can be exported and shared with other users by the owner.

Students can see the rubric Optional, with or without scoring Yes, always
Hiding rubric scoring from students Yes, optional No
Qualitative rubric

Descriptive criteria and levels of achievement, with no points. Used to provide qualitative feedback only.

Yes Yes
Points rubrics

Descriptive criteria. Each level of achievement has a single point value.

Yes Yes
Points weighted rubrics

Weighted criteria – each criterion is worth a % of the total score and the criteria percentages combined must equal 100%. Each level of achievement has a single point value.


Percentage rubrics could be used instead.

Custom rubric

Descriptive criteria and level of achievements. Each rubric cell is allocated a single point value as well as written feedback.

No Yes
Grading form

Descriptive criteria and no level of achievements. Numerical scoring can be manually entered for each individual criterion, and these will be added together to create an overall grade. Personalised feedback can also be added for each criterion during marking.

No Yes
Point-range rubric

Descriptive criteria and a point range is associated with each level of achievement.

Yes No

Workaround via Turnitin Grading Forms. Potential risk of marks being overallocated.

Percentage rubrics

Weighted criteria – each criterion is worth a % of the total score and the criteria total percentage must equal 100%. For the levels of achievement, one column must have a value of 100%.

Yes No

Points weighted rubrics could be used instead.

Percentage-range rubrics

Weighted criteria – each criterion is worth a % of the total score and the criteria total percentage must equal 100%. Each level of achievement has a range of % values.

Yes No


Releasing final marks and feedback via Grade Centre Yes Yes
Releasing feedback and grades at the same time Yes Yes
Releasing feedback and withholding grades Yes, controlled by Grade Centre column

In Blackboard, this can be achieved by editing the Grade Centre column and setting the Primary Display to ‘Complete/Incomplete’. Make sure both the Blackboard Assignment and Grade Centre column are correctly set up to avoid accidental release of grades (see )

Double marking

Releasing both the reconciled and provisional marks and feedback (including rubrics).

Yes No

Workaround: set up separate Turnitin assignments for first and second marker, reconcile grades manually outside Blackboard, and upload final grades manually to the Grade Centre.

Double marking
Releasing the final, reconciled grade and comment AND the provisional comments, with provisional marks and rubrics withheld.
Yes No
Double marking
Releasing only the final, reconciled grade and comment, with provisional marks, feedback and rubrics withheld.
Yes No
Downloading originally submitted files Yes

Bulk download possible.


Bulk download possible.

Bulk downloading final marks Yes

If Delegated Marking is enabled, final marks can only be downloaded once the provisional marks have been reconciled.

Downloading annotated PDFs of assignments Yes

Annotated PDFs can be only downloaded individually. 


Bulk download possible.

Downloading annotated PDFs of assignments including graded rubric No

Graded rubrics cannot be exported.


Bulk download possible.

Export feedback comments to a single file Only what has been entered in the ‘Feedback to Learner’ box. No
Downloading or printing graded rubrics No No
Downloading voice or video feedback No No
Downloading originality reports N/A Yes

Full originality reports can only be downloaded individually. Bulk download possible for ‘cohort report’ containing a summary of the similarity reports for each student/submission. 

Accessing previously submitted attempts Yes No

Turnitin keeps track of the number of submissions made by a student but only the most recent submission is available.

Requests to access information about earlier submissions can be submitted to Turnitin via the Support Portal.

Check out Turnitin Frequently Asked Questions for links to guidance and resources.

For further advice, contact your eLearning Team via the   support portal .

Blackboard comparison marking resources Teaching Academy Turnitin

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  • Turnitin Guides
  • Administrator hub
  • Release notes and known issues
  • Welcome to Turnitin Guides

Welcome to Turnitin’s new website for guidance!

In 2024, we migrated our comprehensive library of guidance from to this site, During this process we have taken the opportunity to take a holistic look at our content and how we structure our guides.

This page is here to help you orientate yourself with these changes and update your resources

What's new?

We have restructured the content to help you navigate it more efficiently.

We are consolidating numerous pages to make our individual guides more valuable as well as removing duplicated content.

For example, our Similarity Report guidance on help.turnitin is repeated in numerous places to cater for each individual integration and license type. On guides.turnitin this content will exist in a single place to allow for users of all integrations and licenses to find it easily. We have made slight modifications to these guides to help you understand which guides are pertinent to you and your institution.

Our guidance search has greatly improved

As a result of our content restructure, the search functionality for guides.turnitin has improved. Use the search bar at the top of any page to locate the guidance you’re searching for.

Dedicated student and administrator guidance hubs

Visit the Student hub area to locate student guidance. For students who access Turnitin via an LMS or VLE, check out the subsection Submitting to Turnitin .

Visiting the Administrator hub area to locate administrator guidance and release notes. 

iThenticate and Crossref Similarity Check guidance is now located on a separate site

To improve the experience for our iThenticate and Crossref Similiarity Check customers we have move their help content onto a separate help site, . This will improve the search for all users.

We have also created an orientation page for this site to help users become acclimatised.

Some guidance is no longer grouped within the LMS umbrella

Some guidance which was previously provided under each LMS has been moved to sections that reflect those workflows’ outcomes. Use the table below as a cheatsheet to quickly locate guidance.

Student guidance
LMS guidance for administrators and instructors
Similarity Report and AI Writing guidance
Creating PeerMark assignments guidance
Creating and managing QuickMarks, rubrics and grading PeerMark assignments guidance
User profile guidance for administrators and instructors

Administrator account settings and migration help
Release notes and known issues

Articles in this section

  • Turnitin release notes
  • Integrations release notes
  • Known issues
  • Integrations known issues

eLearning Support and Resources

  • Staff guides
  • Latest News

Blackboard Ultra Updates – June 2024

You will see these changes in Blackboard Ultra from June 2024. Read the full details on the Blackboard release notes webpages.

Turnitin Integration

You will shortly be able to use Turnitin similarity checking tool within a Blackboard Ultra assignment. This is an optional new setting which enables the use of Turnitin within your Blackboard Ultra Assignment.

  • See our full news article about this new assignment setting available soon in Ultra courses.

Linkedin Learning LTI available

The new LinkedIn Learning LTI (Learning Technology Integration) allows you to search for and embed content from the LinkedIn Learning library into an Ultra course without leaving Blackboard. You can embed content at a video, course, collection or learning path level. For example, you could include a video about using a particular function in Excel, producing better data visualisation or developing better presentation skills; or a whole course about using R or Python. Students can also view the content inside an Ultra course without needing to log on to LinkedIn Learning. Your students will have access to:

  • The content with play controls
  • The presenter’s exercise files
  • Closed captions in over twenty languages
  • A full searchable transcript of the content in English

Find full details about this new Ultra tool can be accessed at  Blackboard Ultra – add LinkedIn Learning content

Students can find out more about using LinkedIn Learning content in Blackboard Ultra at  Blackboard Ultra – engaging with LinkedIn Learning content

Full details of  LinkedIn Learning at the University . 

Courses page filters

This update includes an improvement to the way you filter your list of current courses on the courses page.

You can set filters, make term choices, and add text searches. All of these are clearly displayed below the search box. Remove these search settings or filters to see more courses. Remove them by selecting the close icon “x” on each.

Your selections and filters are remembered automatically even if you log out or switch devices. Set up the pages the way you like and keep it that way until you change it.

Screenshot of the courses page. The person has searched for "Medical" in their current courses. You can see these search filters applied by the black pill indicator below the search bar.

Printing for tests

You will be able to print (or save to PDF) tests with questions. This will show a blank copy of the test.

You will not yet be able to print questions from question pools, nor will it show any answer keys, but watch out for these updates in the future.

Screenshot of the process of printing a test

Marker Notes on student grades

Instructors will be able to add private notes to student marks, after a score is assigned. These notes may serve as documentation for a marking decision or adjustment. Marker notes are private to certain course roles such as Instructors, Markers, External Examiners, but will not be visible to students. This feature will be available for Blackboard Tests, Assignments and Forms.

Those with marking privileges will be able to access Feedback & Notes from two places:

  • The Marks tab in the Gradebook by selecting a specific score.
  • The Submissions list page for an assessment, select the More menu for a student.

Screenshot of the gradebook. The Grade and Feedback panel is open and you can see some grader notes.

Filter out marked responses when grading by question

The Needs Marking filter will filter out marked student responses by default. Filtering this way helps instructors to focus on any remaining unmarked responses for a given question.

Prevent auto-assigning members in self-enrolment group

Before June 2024, any students would be automatically assigned to self-enrol groups at the enrolment end date. This will now be optional, and you can opt-out using the tick box.

Screenshot of the create a self-enrol group page. There is a tick box for "Auto-enrol members at the end of the enrolment period".

Post immediately when creating announcements

Instructors will be able to post announcements as part of the drafting and editing processes. This makes the process of creating and posting announcements simpler. 

You can continue to schedule announcements or save announcements as draft.

Improved visibility of new grades and feedback in the student gradebook

New indicators to notify students of released marks and feedback.

Screenshot of an Ultra course. The Gradebook has a new purple number indicator. There are 3 unseen marks or feedback for the student to review.

Weighted calculation usability improvements

For advanced users using the New Total Calculation feature in the Gradebook. See the Blackboard guide on calculating grades .

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  1. Grade a Turnitin Assignment from Blackboard Learn

    how to grading turnitin assignments on blackboard

  2. Blackboard for Instructors

    how to grading turnitin assignments on blackboard

  3. Turnitin Rubrics & Grading Forms

    how to grading turnitin assignments on blackboard

  4. Marking Turnitin Assignments in Blackboard Ultra

    how to grading turnitin assignments on blackboard

  5. Creating and Grading Turnitin Assignments in myCourses/Blackboard

    how to grading turnitin assignments on blackboard

  6. Turnitin Grading

    how to grading turnitin assignments on blackboard


  1. Using Turnitin for Ultra assignments

    Grading Ultra assignments with Turnitin. When grading assessments, the Turnitin Originality score will appear in the Assessment Content panel of a student submission. The score is a percentage out of 100. For example, if Turnitin finds no similarities between a student submission and material it is compared against, it will receive a score of 0%.

  2. Turnitin Assignments

    You can use online assignments to: • Create, manage, and circulate assignments within Blackboard for formative and summative learning. • Check for potential originality issues using a Similarity Report. • Grade using rubrics. • Manage how and when grades and feedback are released to students. • Provide audio feedback to students.

  3. PDF How to use Turnitin to create and grade an assignment on Blackboard

    Turnitin. How to use Turnitin to create and grade an assignment on Blackboard. Creating the assignment for student submission: Click on Optional settings and mark any other appropriate settings. You can show the results of the report to the student. It is turned off by default.

  4. Grading with Blackboard LTI 1.3

    If the Instructor has supplied a grade in the Blackboard Grade Center, it will not pass back to the Turnitin inbox and if a different grade is given in Feedback Studio than has already been entered in the Blackboard grade column, the Blackboard grade will be updated to match the Feedback Studio grade. For assignments with anonymous marking ...

  5. Creating a grading form

    Click the menu icon in the top left of the Rubric and Form Manager. Click Create new grading form from the menu. Enter a name for your grading form by clicking on Enter grading form name here in the top left of the Rubric and Form Manager. To save your title, click anywhere outside of the text field. Edit the criterion titles and descriptions ...

  6. Blackboard (Faculty)

    See the Create a Turnitin Assignment knowledge base article for detailed instructions regarding how to set up a Turnitin assignment. Go to the assignment link in the coursework/content area or folder. Click on the assignment link. The Turnitin Assignment Inbox will open. Click the Grade button (pencil icon) in the toolbar at the top of the ...

  7. Attaching a grading form to an assignment

    Attaching a grading form to an assignment Click the rubric icon from the online grading tool bar to navigate to the Grading Form side panel.. Click the cog icon in the Rubric/Form side panel to open the Rubric and Form Manager.. Click the menu icon in the top left of the Rubric and Form Manager.. If the grading form you wish to attach is selected, move to step 5.


    The TurnItIn Assignments page will display all of the TurnItIn Assignments in the course. To grade an assignment, click on the assignment title. The View Assignment page will list the student names, the titles of the papers that were submitted, the originality summary, grade, file, paper ID number and submission date. The paper can be ...

  9. Grading Handwritten Assignments

    Managing your Turnitin classes, student rosters, and a variety of assignment types

  10. Turnitin

    On the Course Content page in a course, open Assignment Settings for a new or existing assignment. Select Originality Report. 7. In the Originality Report panel, turn ON Enable Turnitin (ON is denoted with a green checkmark). 8. The first time Turnitin is enabled, a Turnitin prompt opens that asks you to select your platform. Select Global. 9.

  11. Turnitin

    Your institution controls which tools are available. Turnitin ®, a third-party tool, improves the student writing cycle by promoting originality and providing rich feedback to students. Visit the Turnitin website.

  12. PDF How to Create a Turnitin Assignment Link on Blackboard

    1. Log in to the Course on Blackboard. Go to a content area in your course where you want the students to find the Turnitin Assignment link, like Course Documents. 2. Click Assessments, and then click Turnitin Assignment from the drop down menu. 3. Select Paper Assignment, and then click Next Step.

  13. Using Handwritten Assignments in Blackboard LTI 1.3

    Enabling Handwritten Assignments. Handwritten Assignments are an assignment type included in the Paper to Digital add-on. Once Paper to Digital is made available to your institution, the Handwritten Assignment type is enabled by default. In your account settings, you will see the Paper to Digital option checked in the Allow these features section.

  14. How to create and attach a rubric or grading form in Turnitin

    Quick Steps. From the Assignment inbox, click on the Settings icon and then on Optional Settings. Under Submission Settings, select the Attach a Rubric option. Click the blue Launch Rubric Manager button to open the rubric manager in a pop out window. From here click the menu icon in the top left-hand corner and choose either Create New Rubric ...

  15. Blackboard Assignments

    You can use online assignments to: • Create, manage, and circulate assignments within Blackboard for formative and summative learning. • Check for potential originality issues using a Similarity Report. • Grade using rubrics. • Manage how and when grades and feedback are released to students.

  16. How to Set Up a Turnitin Assignment in Blackboard

    and that it contains links to the Turnitin student guides. 3. Make sure that the edit mode is switched on. 4. Click Build Content and select Turnitin Assignment (Current) from the menu. 5. On the New Assignment form (see below), enter the required information: a) Assignment title - enter the title of the assignment. We recommend you do not ...

  17. Blackboard Assignments vs Turnitin: Which tool should I use?

    When setting up online coursework submissions, instructors can choose between the Blackboard Assignment tool and Turnitin. The choice of tool should be guided by specific considerations concerning the overall assessment process - from submission of work to release of grades. Instructors should ensure that the assessment and marking ...

  18. Creating and attaching a rubric or grading form at assignment creation

    From the Optional Settings area of the Assignment Inbox, scroll down to Attach a rubric field and select the blue Launch Rubric Manager button. Select the menu at the top left of the Rubric and Form Manager. From the dropdown that appears, select Create new grading form. A blank grading form template will open.

  19. Creating a Turnitin Assignment

    In Blackboard, the post date relates to the availability of Online Grading papers only and has no bearing on when grades are posted to the Blackboard grade book. Each time you create a Blackboard Basic assignment, a class is created within Turnitin with an end date set to a fixed point in the future.

  20. Creating an assignment with the Blackboard Ultra Assignment integration

    In Blackboard Ultra, select the course you'd like to add an assignment to. Create an assignment as usual. For more information, view Blackboard's assignment setup guidance. On the Assignment Settings panel on the right, under the Originality Report section, select the Enable Turnitin link. Select the Enable Turnitin toggle from the right sidebar.

  21. Turnitin


  22. What admins need to know about the Blackboard gradebook

    Original view. With LTI 1.3, the Blackboard grade column is visible by default, and grades are automatically updated when given in Turnitin. The feedback given in Feedback Studio will remain hidden from students however until the feedback release date. For instructors wanting to release the grade at the same time as the feedback, they need to ...

  23. Attaching a grading form to an assignment

    Attaching a grading form to an assignment Click the rubric icon from the online grading tool bar to navigate to the Grading Form side panel.. Click the cog icon in the Rubric/Form side panel to open the Rubric and Form Manager.. Click the menu icon in the top left of the Rubric and Form Manager.. If the grading form you wish to attach is selected, move to step 5.

  24. PDF Analyze historians' research and arguments concerning the American

    Testing and Grading: Grades are assigned on a ten-point scale: A- 90-100%, B- 80-89%, C-70-79%, D-60-69%; F- ... Turnitin: You will submit your papers to the turnitin assignment in blackboard. Once submitted, you will get a report with a percentage. Lower is better, and zero is best. But, the number

  25. Configuring Originality, Similarity and SimCheck with D2L LTI 1.1

    In the LTI Key and LTI Secret fields, enter the key and secret that you created in Turnitin.. For OAuth Signature Method, select HMAC-SHA1 from the dropdown. (Optional)Add a description and/or an icon for the tool if you'd like. Under Make available to, make sure to select the box(es) next to all relevant Org Units or select the Add Org Units button to add more.

  26. Blackboard Ultra Updates

    This is an optional new setting which enables the use of Turnitin within your Blackboard Ultra Assignment. ... Marker Notes on student grades. Instructors will be able to add private notes to student marks, after a score is assigned. ... This feature will be available for Blackboard Tests, Assignments and Forms. Those with marking privileges ...

  27. Integrations Known Issues

    When updating the assignment grading schema via the Blackboard Ultra Gradebook from points to percentage, the Turnitin assignment max points are updated to 100 and an incorrect score calculation is displayed in the Gradebook. ... There was an issue where instructors were unable to edit the due date for a Turnitin assignment in the Blackboard ...

  28. Using the Analytics Dashboard with Moodle LTI 1.3

    Online Grading Report. The Online Grading Report panel shows summary statistics about the QuickMarks, Rubric/Forms, and grammar marks that have been used to grade an assignment. The online grading report will give you a breakdown of the number of grading marks used from each of the libraries in your account.

  29. What's new in Blackboard and Canvas?

    Instructors can now create a grade center column when adding a LinkedIn Learning video. Once students complete the video or course, students are automatically given credit in the grade center column. Blackboard Annotate Bb Annotate, the tool which allows instructors to to comment on Assignments, now allows for anonymous comments.

  30. Accessing Archived Classes

    On your homepage, click the briefcase icon at the top right. This will take you to the Archived Classes page. Use the dropdown menu to choose the school year you'd like to view. Then, scroll to find the class you'd like to revisit. Select the assignment you'd like to view from that class. This will take you to the Student Progress page for that ...