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Research Article

Globalization and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence on the Role of Complementarities

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Affiliations Faculty of Management, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Johor, Malaysia, Department of Management, Mobarakeh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran

Affiliation Applied Statistics Department, Economics and Administration Faculty, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

  • Parisa Samimi, 
  • Hashem Salarzadeh Jenatabadi


  • Published: April 10, 2014
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Figure 1

This study was carried out to investigate the effect of economic globalization on economic growth in OIC countries. Furthermore, the study examined the effect of complementary policies on the growth effect of globalization. It also investigated whether the growth effect of globalization depends on the income level of countries. Utilizing the generalized method of moments (GMM) estimator within the framework of a dynamic panel data approach, we provide evidence which suggests that economic globalization has statistically significant impact on economic growth in OIC countries. The results indicate that this positive effect is increased in the countries with better-educated workers and well-developed financial systems. Our finding shows that the effect of economic globalization also depends on the country’s level of income. High and middle-income countries benefit from globalization whereas low-income countries do not gain from it. In fact, the countries should receive the appropriate income level to be benefited from globalization. Economic globalization not only directly promotes growth but also indirectly does so via complementary reforms.

Citation: Samimi P, Jenatabadi HS (2014) Globalization and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence on the Role of Complementarities. PLoS ONE 9(4): e87824.

Editor: Rodrigo Huerta-Quintanilla, Cinvestav-Merida, Mexico

Received: November 5, 2013; Accepted: January 2, 2014; Published: April 10, 2014

Copyright: © 2014 Samimi, Jenatabadi. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Funding: The study is supported by the Ministry of Higher Education of Malaysia, Malaysian International Scholarship (MIS). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.

Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


Globalization, as a complicated process, is not a new phenomenon and our world has experienced its effects on different aspects of lives such as economical, social, environmental and political from many years ago [1] – [4] . Economic globalization includes flows of goods and services across borders, international capital flows, reduction in tariffs and trade barriers, immigration, and the spread of technology, and knowledge beyond borders. It is source of much debate and conflict like any source of great power.

The broad effects of globalization on different aspects of life grab a great deal of attention over the past three decades. As countries, especially developing countries are speeding up their openness in recent years the concern about globalization and its different effects on economic growth, poverty, inequality, environment and cultural dominance are increased. As a significant subset of the developing world, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) countries are also faced by opportunities and costs of globalization. Figure 1 shows the upward trend of economic globalization among different income group of OIC countries.


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Although OICs are rich in natural resources, these resources were not being used efficiently. It seems that finding new ways to use the OICs economic capacity more efficiently are important and necessary for them to improve their economic situation in the world. Among the areas where globalization is thought, the link between economic growth and globalization has been become focus of attention by many researchers. Improving economic growth is the aim of policy makers as it shows the success of nations. Due to the increasing trend of globalization, finding the effect of globalization on economic growth is prominent.

The net effect of globalization on economic growth remains puzzling since previous empirical analysis did not support the existent of a systematic positive or negative impact of globalization on growth. Most of these studies suffer from econometrics shortcoming, narrow definition of globalization and small number of countries. The effect of economic globalization on the economic growth in OICs is also ambiguous. Existing empirical studies have not indicated the positive or negative impact of globalization in OICs. The relationship between economic globalization and economic growth is important especially for economic policies.

Recently, researchers have claimed that the growth effects of globalization depend on the economic structure of the countries during the process of globalization. The impact of globalization on economic growth of countries also could be changed by the set of complementary policies such as improvement in human capital and financial system. In fact, globalization by itself does not increase or decrease economic growth. The effect of complementary policies is very important as it helps countries to be successful in globalization process.

In this paper, we examine the relationship between economic globalization and growth in panel of selected OIC countries over the period 1980–2008. Furthermore, we would explore whether the growth effects of economic globalization depend on the set of complementary policies and income level of OIC countries.

The paper is organized as follows. The next section consists of a review of relevant studies on the impact of globalization on growth. Afterward the model specification is described. It is followed by the methodology of this study as well as the data sets that are utilized in the estimation of the model and the empirical strategy. Then, the econometric results are reported and discussed. The last section summarizes and concludes the paper with important issues on policy implications.

Literature Review

The relationship between globalization and growth is a heated and highly debated topic on the growth and development literature. Yet, this issue is far from being resolved. Theoretical growth studies report at best a contradictory and inconclusive discussion on the relationship between globalization and growth. Some of the studies found positive the effect of globalization on growth through effective allocation of domestic resources, diffusion of technology, improvement in factor productivity and augmentation of capital [5] , [6] . In contrast, others argued that globalization has harmful effect on growth in countries with weak institutions and political instability and in countries, which specialized in ineffective activities in the process of globalization [5] , [7] , [8] .

Given the conflicting theoretical views, many studies have been empirically examined the impact of the globalization on economic growth in developed and developing countries. Generally, the literature on the globalization-economic growth nexus provides at least three schools of thought. First, many studies support the idea that globalization accentuates economic growth [9] – [19] . Pioneering early studies include Dollar [9] , Sachs et al. [15] and Edwards [11] , who examined the impact of trade openness by using different index on economic growth. The findings of these studies implied that openness is associated with more rapid growth.

In 2006, Dreher introduced a new comprehensive index of globalization, KOF, to examine the impact of globalization on growth in an unbalanced dynamic panel of 123 countries between 1970 and 2000. The overall result showed that globalization promotes economic growth. The economic and social dimensions have positive impact on growth whereas political dimension has no effect on growth. The robustness of the results of Dreher [19] is approved by Rao and Vadlamannati [20] which use KOF and examine its impact on growth rate of 21 African countries during 1970–2005. The positive effect of globalization on economic growth is also confirmed by the extreme bounds analysis. The result indicated that the positive effect of globalization on growth is larger than the effect of investment on growth.

The second school of thought, which supported by some scholars such as Alesina et al. [21] , Rodrik [22] and Rodriguez and Rodrik [23] , has been more reserve in supporting the globalization-led growth nexus. Rodriguez and Rodrik [23] challenged the robustness of Dollar (1992), Sachs, Warner et al. (1995) and Edwards [11] studies. They believed that weak evidence support the idea of positive relationship between openness and growth. They mentioned the lack of control for some prominent growth indicators as well as using incomprehensive trade openness index as shortcomings of these works. Warner [24] refuted the results of Rodriguez and Rodrik (2000). He mentioned that Rodriguez and Rodrik (2000) used an uncommon index to measure trade restriction (tariffs revenues divided by imports). Warner (2003) explained that they ignored all other barriers on trade and suggested using only the tariffs and quotas of textbook trade policy to measure trade restriction in countries.

Krugman [25] strongly disagreed with the argument that international financial integration is a major engine of economic development. This is because capital is not an important factor to increase economic development and the large flows of capital from rich to poor countries have never occurred. Therefore, developing countries are unlikely to increase economic growth through financial openness. Levine [26] was more optimistic about the impact of financial liberalization than Krugman. He concluded, based on theory and empirical evidences, that the domestic financial system has a prominent effect on economic growth through boosting total factor productivity. The factors that improve the functioning of domestic financial markets and banks like financial integration can stimulate improvements in resource allocation and boost economic growth.

The third school of thoughts covers the studies that found nonlinear relationship between globalization and growth with emphasis on the effect of complementary policies. Borensztein, De Gregorio et al. (1998) investigated the impact of FDI on economic growth in a cross-country framework by developing a model of endogenous growth to examine the role of FDI in the economic growth in developing countries. They found that FDI, which is measured by the fraction of products produced by foreign firms in the total number of products, reduces the costs of introducing new varieties of capital goods, thus increasing the rate at which new capital goods are introduced. The results showed a strong complementary effect between stock of human capital and FDI to enhance economic growth. They interpreted this finding with the observation that the advanced technology, brought by FDI, increases the growth rate of host economy when the country has sufficient level of human capital. In this situation, the FDI is more productive than domestic investment.

Calderón and Poggio [27] examined the structural factors that may have impact on growth effect of trade openness. The growth benefits of rising trade openness are conditional on the level of progress in structural areas including education, innovation, infrastructure, institutions, the regulatory framework, and financial development. Indeed, they found that the lack of progress in these areas could restrict the potential benefits of trade openness. Chang et al. [28] found that the growth effects of openness may be significantly improved when the investment in human capital is stronger, financial markets are deeper, price inflation is lower, and public infrastructure is more readily available. Gu and Dong [29] emphasized that the harmful or useful growth effect of financial globalization heavily depends on the level of financial development of economies. In fact, if financial openness happens without any improvement in the financial system of countries, growth will replace by volatility.

However, the review of the empirical literature indicates that the impact of the economic globalization on economic growth is influenced by sample, econometric techniques, period specifications, observed and unobserved country-specific effects. Most of the literature in the field of globalization, concentrates on the effect of trade or foreign capital volume (de facto indices) on economic growth. The problem is that de facto indices do not proportionally capture trade and financial globalization policies. The rate of protections and tariff need to be accounted since they are policy based variables, capturing the severity of trade restrictions in a country. Therefore, globalization index should contain trade and capital restrictions as well as trade and capital volume. Thus, this paper avoids this problem by using a comprehensive index which called KOF [30] . The economic dimension of this index captures the volume and restriction of trade and capital flow of countries.

Despite the numerous studies, the effect of economic globalization on economic growth in OIC is still scarce. The results of recent studies on the effect of globalization in OICs are not significant, as they have not examined the impact of globalization by empirical model such as Zeinelabdin [31] and Dabour [32] . Those that used empirical model, investigated the effect of globalization for one country such as Ates [33] and Oyvat [34] , or did it for some OIC members in different groups such as East Asia by Guillaumin [35] or as group of developing countries by Haddad et al. [36] and Warner [24] . Therefore, the aim of this study is filling the gap in research devoted solely to investigate the effects of economic globalization on growth in selected OICs. In addition, the study will consider the impact of complimentary polices on the growth effects of globalization in selected OIC countries.

Model Specification

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Methodology and Data

example of research paper about globalization

This paper applies the generalized method of moments (GMM) panel estimator first suggested by Anderson and Hsiao [38] and later developed further by Arellano and Bond [39] . This flexible method requires only weak assumption that makes it one of the most widely used econometric techniques especially in growth studies. The dynamic GMM procedure is as follow: first, to eliminate the individual effect form dynamic growth model, the method takes differences. Then, it instruments the right hand side variables by using their lagged values. The last step is to eliminate the inconsistency arising from the endogeneity of the explanatory variables.

The consistency of the GMM estimator depends on two specification tests. The first is a Sargan test of over-identifying restrictions, which tests the overall validity of the instruments. Failure to reject the null hypothesis gives support to the model. The second test examines the null hypothesis that the error term is not serially correlated.

The GMM can be applied in one- or two-step variants. The one-step estimators use weighting matrices that are independent of estimated parameters, whereas the two-step GMM estimator uses the so-called optimal weighting matrices in which the moment conditions are weighted by a consistent estimate of their covariance matrix. However, the use of the two-step estimator in small samples, as in our study, has problem derived from proliferation of instruments. Furthermore, the estimated standard errors of the two-step GMM estimator tend to be small. Consequently, this paper employs the one-step GMM estimator.

In the specification, year dummies are used as instrument variable because other regressors are not strictly exogenous. The maximum lags length of independent variable which used as instrument is 2 to select the optimal lag, the AR(1) and AR(2) statistics are employed. There is convincing evidence that too many moment conditions introduce bias while increasing efficiency. It is, therefore, suggested that a subset of these moment conditions can be used to take advantage of the trade-off between the reduction in bias and the loss in efficiency. We restrict the moment conditions to a maximum of two lags on the dependent variable.

Data and Empirical Strategy

We estimated Eq. (1) using the GMM estimator based on a panel of 33 OIC countries. Table S1 in File S1 lists the countries and their income groups in the sample. The choice of countries selected for this study is primarily dictated by availability of reliable data over the sample period among all OIC countries. The panel covers the period 1980–2008 and is unbalanced. Following [40] , we use annual data in order to maximize sample size and to identify the parameters of interest more precisely. In fact, averaging out data removes useful variation from the data, which could help to identify the parameters of interest with more precision.

The dependent variable in our sample is logged per capita real GDP, using the purchasing power parity (PPP) exchange rates and is obtained from the Penn World Table (PWT 7.0). The economic dimension of KOF index is derived from Dreher et al. [41] . We use some other variables, along with economic globalization to control other factors influenced economic growth. Table S2 in File S2 shows the variables, their proxies and source that they obtain.

We relied on the three main approaches to capture the effects of economic globalization on economic growth in OIC countries. The first one is the baseline specification (Eq. (1)) which estimates the effect of economic globalization on economic growth.

The second approach is to examine whether the effect of globalization on growth depends on the complementary policies in the form of level of human capital and financial development. To test, the interactions of economic globalization and financial development (KOF*FD) and economic globalization and human capital (KOF*HCS) are included as additional explanatory variables, apart from the standard variables used in the growth equation. The KOF, HCS and FD are included in the model individually as well for two reasons. First, the significance of the interaction term may be the result of the omission of these variables by themselves. Thus, in that way, it can be tested jointly whether these variables affect growth by themselves or through the interaction term. Second, to ensure that the interaction term did not proxy for KOF, HCS or FD, these variables were included in the regression independently.

In the third approach, in order to study the role of income level of countries on the growth effect of globalization, the countries are split based on income level. Accordingly, countries were classified into three groups: high-income countries (3), middle-income (21) and low-income (9) countries. Next, dummy variables were created for high-income (Dum 3), middle-income (Dum 2) and low-income (Dum 1) groups. Then interaction terms were created for dummy variables and KOF. These interactions will be added to the baseline specification.

Findings and Discussion

This section presents the empirical results of three approaches, based on the GMM -dynamic panel data; in Tables 1 – 3 . Table 1 presents a preliminary analysis on the effects of economic globalization on growth. Table 2 displays coefficient estimates obtained from the baseline specification, which used added two interaction terms of economic globalization and financial development and economic globalization and human capital. Table 3 reports the coefficients estimate from a specification that uses dummies to capture the impact of income level of OIC countries on the growth effect of globalization.




The results in Table 1 indicate that economic globalization has positive impact on growth and the coefficient is significant at 1 percent level. The positive effect is consistent with the bulk of the existing empirical literature that support beneficial effect of globalization on economic growth [9] , [11] , [13] , [19] , [42] , [43] .

According to the theoretical literature, globalization enhances economic growth by allocating resources more efficiently as OIC countries that can be specialized in activities with comparative advantages. By increasing the size of markets through globalization, these countries can be benefited from economic of scale, lower cost of research and knowledge spillovers. It also augments capital in OICs as they provide a higher return to capital. It has raised productivity and innovation, supported the spread of knowledge and new technologies as the important factors in the process of development. The results also indicate that growth is enhanced by lower level of government expenditure, lower level of inflation, higher level of human capital, deeper financial development, more domestic investment and better institutions.

Table 2 represents that the coefficients on the interaction between the KOF, HCS and FD are statistically significant at 1% level and with the positive sign. The findings indicate that economic globalization not only directly promotes growth but also indirectly does via complementary reforms. On the other hand, the positive effect of economic globalization can be significantly enhanced if some complementary reforms in terms of human capital and financial development are undertaken.

In fact, the implementation of new technologies transferred from advanced economies requires skilled workers. The results of this study confirm the importance of increasing educated workers as a complementary policy in progressing globalization. However, countries with higher level of human capital can be better and faster to imitate and implement the transferred technologies. Besides, the financial openness brings along the knowledge and managerial for implementing the new technology. It can be helpful in improving the level of human capital in host countries. Moreover, the strong and well-functioned financial systems can lead the flow of foreign capital to the productive and compatible sectors in developing countries. Overall, with higher level of human capital and stronger financial systems, the globalized countries benefit from the growth effect of globalization. The obtained results supported by previous studies in relative to financial and trade globalization such as [5] , [27] , [44] , [45] .

Table (3 ) shows that the estimated coefficients on KOF*dum3 and KOF*dum2 are statistically significant at the 5% level with positive sign. The KOF*dum1 is statistically significant with negative sign. It means that increase in economic globalization in high and middle-income countries boost economic growth but this effect is diverse for low-income countries. The reason might be related to economic structure of these countries that are not received to the initial condition necessary to be benefited from globalization. In fact, countries should be received to the appropriate income level to be benefited by globalization.

The diagnostic tests in tables 1 – 3 show that the estimated equation is free from simultaneity bias and second-order correlation. The results of Sargan test accept the null hypothesis that supports the validity of the instrument use in dynamic GMM.

Conclusions and Implications

Numerous researchers have investigated the impact of economic globalization on economic growth. Unfortunately, theoretical and the empirical literature have produced conflicting conclusions that need more investigation. The current study shed light on the growth effect of globalization by using a comprehensive index for globalization and applying a robust econometrics technique. Specifically, this paper assesses whether the growth effects of globalization depend on the complementary polices as well as income level of OIC countries.

Using a panel data of OIC countries over the 1980–2008 period, we draw three important conclusions from the empirical analysis. First, the coefficient measuring the effect of the economic globalization on growth was positive and significant, indicating that economic globalization affects economic growth of OIC countries in a positive way. Second, the positive effect of globalization on growth is increased in countries with higher level of human capital and deeper financial development. Finally, economic globalization does affect growth, whether the effect is beneficial depends on the level of income of each group. It means that economies should have some initial condition to be benefited from the positive effects of globalization. The results explain why some countries have been successful in globalizing world and others not.

The findings of our study suggest that public policies designed to integrate to the world might are not optimal for economic growth by itself. Economic globalization not only directly promotes growth but also indirectly does so via complementary reforms.

The policy implications of this study are relatively straightforward. Integrating to the global economy is only one part of the story. The other is how to benefits more from globalization. In this respect, the responsibility of policymakers is to improve the level of educated workers and strength of financial systems to get more opportunities from globalization. These economic policies are important not only in their own right, but also in helping developing countries to derive the benefits of globalization.

However, implementation of new technologies transferred from advanced economies requires skilled workers. The results of this study confirm the importance of increasing educated workers as a complementary policy in progressing globalization. In fact, countries with higher level of human capital can better and faster imitate and implement the transferred technologies. The higher level of human capital and certain skill of human capital determine whether technology is successfully absorbed across countries. This shows the importance of human capital in the success of countries in the globalizing world.

Financial openness in the form of FDI brings along the knowledge and managerial for implementing the new technology. It can be helpful in upgrading the level of human capital in host countries. Moreover, strong and well-functioned financial systems can lead the flow of foreign capital to the productive and compatible sectors in OICs.

In addition, the results show that economic globalization does affect growth, whether the effect is beneficial depends on the level of income of countries. High and middle income countries benefit from globalization whereas low-income countries do not gain from it. As Birdsall [46] mentioned globalization is fundamentally asymmetric for poor countries, because their economic structure and markets are asymmetric. So, the risks of globalization hurt the poor more. The structure of the export of low-income countries heavily depends on primary commodity and natural resource which make them vulnerable to the global shocks.

The major research limitation of this study was the failure to collect data for all OIC countries. Therefore future research for all OIC countries would shed light on the relationship between economic globalization and economic growth.

Supporting Information

Sample of Countries.

The Name and Definition of Indicators.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: PS. Performed the experiments: PS. Analyzed the data: PS. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: PS HSJ. Wrote the paper: PS HSJ.

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The impact of economic, social, and political globalization and democracy on life expectancy in low-income countries: are sustainable development goals contradictory?

  • Published: 18 January 2021
  • Volume 23 , pages 13508–13525, ( 2021 )

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The 17 Sustainable Development Goals announced by the United Nations are important guides for the development processes of developing countries. However, achieving all of these goals is only possible if the goals are consistent with each other. It has been observed in the literature that possible contradictions between these goals are ignored. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to investigate whether two sustainable development goals (SDGs) of the UN are contradictory or supporting each other in low-income countries. These SDGs are “Good Health and Well-Being” (SDG3) and “Partnerships for the Goals” (SDG17). For this purpose, the role of globalization and democracy in life expectancy is empirically investigated in 16 low-income countries over the period 1970–2017. While globalization has been used as an indicator of the partnership between countries, democracy has been used as an indicator of accountability and cooperation between governments and societies. According to estimations of the continuous-updated fully modified (CUP-FM) and bias-adjusted ordinary least squares (BA-OLS), globalization and its subcomponents such as economic, social, and political globalization affect life expectancy positively. Democracy also increases life expectancy in those countries. The GDP per capita is also used as a control variable. Our results show that a higher level of per capita income is positively associated with higher levels of life expectancy. In conclusion, no contradiction was found between SDG3 and SDG17 in those countries. Achieving a healthier society requires economic, social, and political integration between governments and societies.

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1 Introduction

The main problem of economics is to increase economic development and social welfare. Increasing the social welfare level is a complex process that depends on economic and non-economic factors. Achieving economic development or increasing the level of welfare depends on achieving and sustaining the main objectives in political, economic, and social areas. Today, development is no longer a process that can be realized through policies implemented by governments alone. It requires cooperation between governments and societies. While cooperation between different countries requires globalization in the economic, social, and political fields, democracy is the way to ensure cooperation between governments and societies.

Health is one of the most important indicators of social welfare. Besides being one of the indicators of development, it is one of the determinants of human capital formation which is necessary for economic development. Individuals living in developed countries live a healthier life compared to those living in less developed countries. While the differences between the levels of development of countries determine the health conditions, at the same time, improvement of public health paves the way for economic development. Healthy people have higher opportunities to earn a higher income than unhealthy people. Individuals with higher incomes can benefit from better nutrition and access to health services. Therefore, economic development and improvement of health conditions represent a two-way process. In this context, the determination of the variables that will enable the achievement of the goal of a healthier society is especially important in explaining the economic differences between developing countries and developed countries. Because of its importance, health-related goals have an important place both among the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) announced by the United Nations.

The world leaders with the support of international funding organizations announced the Millennium Declaration in September 2000 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. They committed their nations to a new international partnership to achieve some development targets having with the final deadline of 2015. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) consist of 8 goals, 21 targets, and 60 related indicators covering a wide spectrum of development areas such as “End Poverty and Hunger (MDG 1),” “Universal Education (MDG 2),” “Gender Equality (MDG 3),” “Child Health (MDG 4),” “Maternal Health (MDG 5),” “Combat HIV/AIDS (MDG 6),” “Environmental Sustainability (MDG 7),” and “Global Partnership (MDG 8).” As we see, three of the goals are directly associated with the health status of the people. In the deadline of 2015, according to “Health in 2015: From MDGs to SDGs” report of the World Health Organization (WHO), there are improvements in health-related targets such as child health, maternal health, and combat with HIV/AIDS. Globally, HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria targets have been met. Also, the child mortality rate was reduced by 53% and maternal mortality by 43% (WHO 2016 ). On a global view, although health-related problems are largely resolved, the situation is not as good for low-income countries. As shown in Fig.  1 , significant differences exist between developing countries and developed countries in achieving health-related goals.

figure 1

Source Halisçelik and Soytas (2015)

World Bank Income Groups’ MDGs Index Values in 2015.

According to MDGs, indexes in the context of health status show that the goals desired in terms of health are not attained in low-income countries compared to other income groups. After the deadline of MDGs, the United Nations has announced 17 SDGs, and “Good Health and Well-Being” takes its place as the third goal. Since achieving these goals requires the cooperation of countries and societies, “Partnership for the Goals” is determined as the seventeenth SDG. According to the United Nations ( 2019 ), the main indicators of global partnerships are trade, foreign direct investments, remittances, financial integration technology transfers, data monitoring and accountability, internet usage, and political integration among countries. In our study, while globalization is used as a proxy indicator of global cooperation, democracy is an indicator of cooperation between societies and governments. Democracy also refers to accountability levels of governments.

Globalization can simply be defined as the process of international integration which has economic, social, and political dimensions (Dreher 2006 ). Many countries have adapted to this process and have enjoyed the welfare effects of globalization by implementing necessary economic and institutional transformation. However, some countries still suffer from poor adaption to global markets. According to the KOF Globalization Index published by the Swiss Economic Institute ( 2020 ), low-income countries have the lowest globalization level compared to other income groups. They also suffer from bad health conditions such as low life expectancy, communicable diseases, and high mortality rates according to MDG indexes given above. At this point, the literature is divided into two parts. The first one blames globalization and argues that poverty and as a result of this, low life expectancy derives from the inequality created by globalization itself (Buss 2002 ). The second group mostly focuses on the benefits of free trade, capital mobility, and technology transfers (Rao and Vadlamannati 2011 ). The low-income countries also suffer from low institutional quality in the context of democracy and political rights. According to Freedom House’s list of electoral democracies, the countries without electoral democracy are mostly the low-income countries in the Middle East, North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Southeast Asia (Freedom House 2019 ).

The main question of our study is to determine whether the problem of low life expectancy in low-income countries is due to the low levels of globalization and weak political institutions in these countries. To answer this question, the role of economic, social, and political globalization and democracy in life expectancy in those countries is empirically investigated. This study provides several contributions to previous literature. First, we provide a new perspective in the context of sustainable development goals. Previous studies mostly focused on how to achieve SDGs, while possible conflicts between the goals were mostly ignored especially in the context of health. Such conflicts between sustainable development goals in the literature have mostly focused on the impact of economic growth and globalization on the sustainable environment (Ulucak and Bilgili 2018 ; Zafar et al. 2019a ). Those studies are mostly addressed the relationship between SDG7, SDG8, SDG13, and SDG17 (Zafar et al. 2019b ). To the best of our knowledge, it is the first study that investigates the relationship between SDG3 and SDG17. It is also important to examine this relationship in low-income countries since they still suffer from low levels of life expectancy, less adaptation to globalization, and poor democratic institutions compared to other income groups. Previous works mostly provide global evidence, while only a few studies focus on less developed countries. Achieving these 17 goals put forward by the United Nations at the same time is possible only if these goals do not conflict with each other. Second, empirical works in previous literature consist of traditional estimation methods called first-generation tests. In the analysis of panel data, the estimators considering cross-sectional dependence are called the second-generation estimators. Cross-sectional dependency simply refers to the situation when the shock that occurs in one country affects other countries as well. The source of this problem encountered in panel data analysis is the economic, financial, and political integration among countries (Menyah et al. 2014 ). The ignorance of cross-sectional dependence results in biased and inconsistent estimates and wrong inferences (De Hoyos and Sarafidis 2006 ; Chudik and Pesaran 2013 ). Low-income countries are mostly African countries where there is a rising trend in terms of integration to global markets and institutions (Beck et al. 2011 ). Using estimation techniques that consider cross-sectional dependence in those countries prevents misleading results. As the literature is divided into two parts about the effects of globalization on human well-being, fresh evidence via robust estimation methods is required in order to provide proper policy implications. To fill this gap, our work provides second-generation estimations.

2 Literature review

To improve the health conditions of a country, the welfare of the poor should be improved as well. Poverty is detrimental to access to health services. Therefore, the positive impact of globalization on health first emerged with its positive effects on economic growth (Labonté et al. 2009 : 10). The effects of globalization on growth were mostly driven by free trade, international specialization, technology transfers, knowledge spillovers, and competitive markets. It also offers broader opportunities for entrepreneurs and paves the way for innovation (Grossman and Helpman 2015 : 101). As expected, poverty rates significantly reduced in the last two decades because of the integration of developing economies to global markets (Harrison 2006 ). When trade liberalization and income increases are considered together, people's access to treatments and medications can be easier and life expectancy may be prolonged. However, we should consider other possibilities in the context of spreading communicable diseases. As Deaton ( 2004 ) mentioned before, access to cheap and easy travel can increase the rate of spread of communicable diseases. Migration is also another fact to take into account. Particularly rising sexual tourism and migrant sex workers increase the spread of sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV/AIDS. But today there are improved treatment methods to solve these problems. Even HIV-infected people can survive with antiretroviral therapy, and it also reduces sexual transmission of the infection (Dollar 2001 ; Cohen et al. 2011 ). Due to the high cost of advanced drugs as in the case of antiretroviral therapy, it should be accepted that people in low-income countries will have trouble accessing the drugs (Buss 2002 ). There are approaches known as the unequal exchange that globalization increases inequality among countries and that developed countries are more profitable from the globalization process (Love, 1980 ). It may also increase domestic income inequality. There are a few studies that came with the conclusion that globalization rises inequality (Dreher and Gaston 2008 ; Ha 2012 ), but Bergh and Nilsson ( 2010 ) suggested a different perspective. Due to extensive R&D investments and scientific activities, developed countries can find new treatment methods and supply advanced drugs. The only way to access that knowledge and these drugs are trade and integration between developed and underdeveloped countries. Globalization can play an important role in improving the health conditions of low-income countries to the extent that it can provide these linkages. One should also notice that wider markets and higher returns are important factors that motivate entrepreneurs. Buss ( 2002 ) claimed that the intellectual property rights of advanced drugs belong to private firms in developed countries, and because of the strong protection of property rights, less developed countries have trouble accessing them. However, rising global human rights became an important step to advance public health issues against economic concerns in the trade of pharmaceutical products.

The human rights approach focuses on how globalization affected disadvantaged people worldwide (Chapman 2009 ). It is an important instrument in the suppression of the inequality created by economic globalization. Because of the pressure on the government about human rights, disadvantaged people are becoming able to meet their basic human needs. The role of political globalization on this point is forcing governments to adopt global institutions. It increases the number of international organizations in which a country is a member. This makes governments more accountable in the global area and forcing them to pay attention to protect human rights. Gelleny and McCoy ( 2001 ) also claimed that integration among countries leads to political stability. Therefore, governments' tendency to violate human rights in order to maintain their power becomes lesser. Moreover, as social dimensions of globalization expand and communication opportunities among people in different countries increase, the possibility of human rights violations being discovered by other people increases (Dreher et al. 2012 ). Governments that know the international sanctions required by these violations have to be more cautious against human rights violations. Social globalization also provides cultural integration among the world’s people, and it changes lifestyles and consumption patterns worldwide. The consequences of this change can have positive and negative effects. First, increased urban population and sedentary lifestyles may enhance prepared food consumption and reduce daily movements which result in rising obesity and diabetes (Hu 2011 ). Second, although rapidly increasing consumption options and diversity are known as welfare indicators, they also can cause stress which is known as an important determinant of many diseases both psychological and physical (Cutler et al. 2006 ). Third, due to knowledge spillovers and communication technology, people can learn about healthy nutrition and protection from communicable diseases. Thus, unhealthy but traditional consumption patterns and lifestyles may change. These days we experience the coronavirus epidemic and we see once again the importance of globalization. Countries are aware of infectious diseases in different parts of the world in a very short time and can take measures to stop the spread of the virus. The changes created by social and political globalization play a major role in this emergence. Social globalization enables people in very remote areas of the world to communicate with each other, while political globalization forces governments to be transparent about infectious diseases.

With economic globalization, increased economic activity may lead to urbanization. One may think about unhealthy conditions of an urban area such as environmental degradation, air and water pollution, higher crime rates, and stress which reduce life expectancy. However, according to Kabir ( 2008 ), people living in an urban area can benefit from improved medical care, easy access to pharmacy, and to the hospitals that use higher technology. They can also get a better education and can enjoy better socioeconomic conditions.

Democracy can be considered as another determinant of life expectancy. In order to solve the health problems of the poor, people should draw the attention of the government. Sen ( 1999 ) claimed that the instrumental role of democracy in solving problems is enabling people to express and support their claims. Thus, the attention of politicians can be attracted to the problems of the poor. Politicians who have never tasted poverty do not have the urge to take action against the problems of the poor at the right time. Another linkage can be established through accountability (Besley and Kudamatsu 2006 ). In democracies, governments have an obligation to account to citizens for what purposes the resources were used. Thus, resources can be allocated to solve important public issues such as quality of life, communicable diseases, and mortality.

Compared to theoretical discussions, previous literature provides a lack of empirical evidence. Barlow and Vissandjee ( 1999 ) examined the determinants of life expectancy with cross-sectional data available in 1990 for 77 developed and developing countries. According to regression results, per capita income, literacy rate, and lower fertility are important determinants of life expectancy while living in a tropical area decreasing it. Another finding in this study shows that health expenditures in those countries failed to increase life expectancy. Following this study, Or ( 2000 ) analyzed the determinants of health outcomes in 21 industrialized OECD countries covering the period 1970–1992. This study presents gender-specific estimates separately for men and women. Fixed effects estimation results reveal a significant negative relationship between public health expenditure and women's premature death. The relationship also occurs for men, while GDP per capita dropped from the regression model due to high collinearity. Furthermore, GDP per capita and the proportion of white-collar workers reduce premature death for both men and women, while alcohol consumption increases it.

Franco et al. ( 2004 ) analyzed the impact of democracy on health utilizing political rights data of 170 countries. Empirical results show that people living in democracies enjoy better health conditions such as longer life expectancy, better maternal health, and lower child mortality. Following this, Besley and Kudamatsu ( 2006 ) investigated the nexus between democracy and health outcomes utilizing panel data from the 1960s to the 2000s. In their study, they used life expectancy at birth and child mortality variables for 146 countries as indicators of health outcomes. According to results, democracy has a positive and significant effect on life expectancy at birth and it also reduces child mortality. Safaei ( 2006 ) also investigated the impact of democracy on life expectancy and adult and child mortality rates with the data of 32 autocratic, 13 incoherent, and 72 democratic countries. According to the OLS estimation results, improving democratic institutions increases life expectancy and reduces child and adult mortality rates. Another finding of the study is that socioeconomic factors such as income, education, and access to health care services are important determinants of health status.

Owen and Wu ( 2007 ) found a positive relationship between trade openness and health outcomes using a panel of 219 countries. Health outcome measures of this study are infant mortality and life expectancy. Trade openness is one of the most important dimensions of globalization.

Kabir ( 2008 ) analyzed the determinants of life expectancy in 91 developing countries. Empirical results obtained are the opposite of the expected. According to results, per capita income, literacy rate, per capita health expenditure, and urbanization have no significant impact on life expectancy. On the other hand, the number of physicians has a positive and significant impact on life expectancy, while malnutrition reduces it. As a dummy variable, living in Sub-Saharan Africa is another factor that reduces life expectancy due to communicable diseases like HIV, malaria, etc.

Bergh and Nilsson ( 2010 ) used a panel of 92 countries in the period 1970–2005 to investigate the relationship between globalization and life expectancy. They used social, political, and economic globalization data separately, and the results show a significant positive effect of economic globalization on life expectancy at birth. But no significant relationship was found between social globalization, political globalization, and life expectancy. They also used average years of education, urban population, the number of physicians, and nutrition as control variables and the effect of economic globalization was still positive and significant.

Welander et al. ( 2015 ) examined the effects of globalization and democracy on child health in their panel data analysis for 70 developing countries covering the period 1970–2009. According to the results, globalization significantly reduces child mortality. In addition, democracy improves child health and it also increases the beneficial effects of globalization on child health. Following this study, Tausch ( 2015 ) analyzed the role of globalization in life expectancy in 99 countries. The results of OLS estimates show that globalization leads to inequality, and therefore, it reduces health performance in terms of life expectancy and infant mortality. These results are contradictory to positive views on the role of globalization in public health. However, in 19 of 99 countries, globalization increases public health performance. Ali and Audi ( 2016 ) also analyzed the role of globalization in life expectancy in Pakistan. According to ARDL estimation results, life expectancy is positively associated with higher levels of globalization. Another study on the Pakistan case proposed by Alam et al. ( 2016 ) concluded that foreign direct investment and trade openness which are important indicators of economic globalization affects life expectancy positively.

Patterson and Veenstra ( 2016 ) concluded that electoral democracies provide better health conditions compared to other countries. Their analysis includes annual data from 168 countries covering the period 1960–2010. Empirical results show democracy has a significant positive impact on life expectancy and it reduces infant mortality.

In their recent study, Shahbaz et al. ( 2019 ) investigated the impact of globalization, financial development, and economic growth on life expectancy. The authors used nonlinear time series analysis methods utilizing the data of 16 Sub-Saharan African countries over the period 1970–2012. Their results show that globalization, financial development, and economic growth affect life expectancy positively in 14 of 16 Sub-Saharan African countries.

The previous literature provides a lack of evidence in the context of globalization, democracy, and life expectancy relationship. There are also methodological weaknesses in previous empirical studies. First, it can be observed that previous studies are mostly based on traditional estimation methods. Second, the panel data analyses are based on the first-generation estimators that assume cross-sectional independence. This assumption is hard to satisfy due to integration among countries. In addition, ignoring the cross-sectional dependence results in inconsistent estimations. Particularly in empirical work in the context of globalization which refers to economic, political, and cultural integration among countries, considering the cross-sectional dependence becomes more important. Therefore, in order to make a methodological contribution to previous literature, we used second-generation panel time series methods considering cross-sectional dependence.

3 Methodology and data

According to the United Nations, achieving sustainable development goals requires global cooperation and partnership. Therefore, “partnerships for goals” has taken its place as the 17th sustainable development target. However, it was emphasized that some sub-goals should be realized in order to reach this goal. These include improving international resource mobility, helping developing countries to attain debt sustainability, promoting the transfer of information and technology between developed and developing countries, an open and rule-based free trade system, encouraging public–private and civil society partnerships, increasing transparency and accountability, and high quality and reliable data (United Nations 2019 ). In our empirical work, economic, social, and political globalization and democracy variables were used as proxies of the subcomponents of SDG17. In addition, the life expectancy at birth variable that mostly used in related literature as a proxy of health status and well-being, it is used in our study as a proxy of SDG3. In this study, we investigated the role of globalization and democracy in life expectancy in 16 low-income countries. Footnote 1 Following Barlow and Vissandjee ( 1999 ) and ( 2000 ), GDP per capita is used as a control variable in order to mitigate omitted variable bias. Our dataset is covering the period 1970–2017. Following the related literature, we present our model as follows:

where lex is life expectancy at birth which refers to the average number of years a newborn is expected to live. Life expectancy at birth data is provided by World Bank ( 2019 ) World Development Indicators. Life expectancy at birth indicates the number of years a newborn infant would live if prevailing patterns of mortality at the time of its birth were to stay the same throughout its life. The dataset is consisting of a weighted average of collected data from several co-founders. In Eq.  1 , X refers to the KOF Globalization Index developed by Dreher ( 2006 ). This index has been used in previous literature as a proxy of SDG17 (Saint Akadiri et al. 2020 ). The current version of the data published by the Swiss Economic Institute is revised by Gygli et al. ( 2019 ). The globalization variables are between 0–100, and 100 refers to the highest globalization level. In our analysis, we used subcomponents of globalization index such as economic (EC), social (SOS), and political (POL) globalization in addition to overall globalization (GLB). Due to high collinearity, the effects of different types of globalization are analyzed separately. Models 1, 2, 3, and 4 represent the estimations with overall, economic, social, and political globalization indexes, respectively. The democracy variable ( dem ) is provided from the Polity IV project dataset (Marshall and Jaggers 2002 ). While the increases in this indicator represent a more democratic regime, the decreases represent a more autocratic regime. Finally, gdp is real GDP per capita (constant 2010 $) and it is provided from World Bank World Development Indicators. All variables transformed to the logarithmic form except democracy due to negative values. In the estimation of the model, the panel data analysis methods are used.

3.1 Cross-sectional dependence

Traditional panel data methods are based on the assumption that no cross-sectional dependence exists among cross section units. However, this assumption is hard to satisfy due to rising economic, social, and political integration between countries. The estimations do not take this process into account may cause inconsistent results. Such results may also lead to incorrect inferences (Chudik and Pesaran, 2013 ). The existence of cross-sectional dependence in variables and the error term is obtained from the model analyzed with Pesaran ( 2004 ) \({\text{CD}}_{{{\text{LM}}}}\) and Pesaran et al. ( 2008 ) bias-adjusted LM test. These techniques are robust whether N > T and T > N. Therefore, \({CD}_{LM}\) and bias-adjusted LM ( \({LM}_{adj})\) tests are found to be appropriate and their test statistics can be calculated as follows:

Equation  2 shows the calculation of Pesaran ( 2004 ) \({CD}_{LM},\) and Eq.  3 is Pesaran et al. ( 2008 ) bias-adjusted LM test statistic. \({V}_{Tij}\) , \({\mu }_{Tij}\) , and \({\widehat{\rho }}_{ij},\) respectively, represent variance, mean, and the correlation between cross section units. The null and alternative hypothesis for both test statistics; \({H}_{0}\) : No cross-sectional dependence exist; \({H}_{1}\) : Cross-sectional dependence exist.

In the selection of stationarity tests and long-run estimators, the existence of cross-sectional dependence will be decisive. If the null of no cross-sectional dependence is rejected, second-generation methods that assume cross-sectional dependence should be used in order to provide unbiased and consistent estimation results.

3.2 Slope homogeneity

Pesaran and Yamagata ( 2008 ) proposed a method to examine slope heterogeneity in panel data analysis based on the Swamy ( 1970 )’s random coefficient model.

The calculation of the test statistic of Swamy’s model is given in Eq.  4 .

In Eq.  4 , \({\stackrel{\sim }{\beta }}_{i}\) and \({\overbrace{\beta }}_{WFE},\) respectively, indicate the parameters obtained from pooled OLS and weighted fixed effects estimation, while \({M}_{T}\) is the identity matrix. The test statistic obtained from Swamy’s model is improved by Pesaran et al. ( 2008 ) as follows:

where \(\stackrel{\sim }{S}\) is the Swamy test statistic and k is a number of explanatory variables. \({\stackrel{\sim }{\Delta }}_{adj}\) is a bias-adjusted version of \(\stackrel{\sim }{\Delta }\) . \({\stackrel{\sim }{Z}}_{it}\) =k and \(Var\left({\stackrel{\sim }{Z}}_{it}\right)=2k(T-k-1)/T+1\) . The null and alternative hypothesis for both test statistics is given below.

The rejection of the null hypothesis shows that slope coefficients of Eq. 1 are heterogeneous. In the selection of panel data estimation methods, the results of those preliminary analysis are taken into account.

3.3 Unit root test

Pesaran ( 2006 ) suggested a factor modeling approach to solve the cross-sectional dependency problem. This approach is simply based on adding cross-sectional averages to the models as proxies of unobserved common factors. The Cross-sectionally Augmented Dickey–Fuller (CADF) unit root test developed by Pesaran ( 2007 ) is based on that factor modelling approach. This method is an augmented form of Augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF) regression with lagged cross-sectional average and its first difference to deal with cross-sectional dependence (Baltagi, 2008 : 249). This method considers the cross-sectional dependence and can be used, while N > T and T > N. The CADF regression is:

\({\stackrel{-}{y}}_{t}\) is the average of all N observations. To prevent serial correlation, the regression must be augmented with lagged first differences of both \({y}_{it}\) and \({\stackrel{-}{y}}_{t}\) as follows:

After the calculation of CADF statistics for each cross section ( \({CADF}_{i}\) ), Pesaran ( 2007 ) calculates the CIPS statistic as average of CADF statistics.

If the calculated CIPS statistic exceeds the critical value, it means that the unit root hypothesis is rejected. After the preliminary analysis of unit root, the existence of a long-run relationship between the variables in our model will be investigated via Westerlund and Edgerton ( 2007 ) cointegration test. After this, the long-run coefficients will be estimated using the continuous-updated fully modified (CUP-FM) estimator developed by Bai and Kao ( 2006 ) and Bias-adjusted OLS estimator developed by Westerlund ( 2007 ).

3.4 Cointegration test and long-run relationship

In this study, the cointegration relationship was investigated by Westerlund and Edgerton ( 2007 ) LM bootstrap test. This method considers cross-sectional dependence and provides robust results in small samples (Westerlund and Edgerton, 2007 ). This method is based on the following equation

where \({n}_{ij}\) is an independent and identically distributed process with zero mean and var( \({n}_{ij})\) = \({{\sigma }_{i}}^{2}\) . Westerlund and Edgerton ( 2007 ) suggested following LM test in order to test the null of cointegration

where \({S}_{it}\) is partial sum process of the fully modified estimate of \({z}_{it}\) and \({\widehat{w}}_{i}^{-2}\) is the estimated long-run variance of \({u}_{it}\) conditional on \(\Delta {x}_{it}^{^{\prime}}\) . If the calculated LM statistic is below the critical value, the null of cointegration will be accepted. The critical values will be provided using the bootstrap method in order to prevent cross-sectional dependence.

In the estimation of long-run coefficients, the CUP-FM estimator was used and this method is based on the following regression

where \({\widehat{\lambda }}_{i}^{^{\prime}}\) refers to the estimated factor loadings and \(\hat{y}_{{i,t}}^{ + } = y_{{i,t}} - \left( {\lambda _{i} ^{\prime } \hat{\Omega }_{{F \in i}} + \hat{\Omega }_{{\mu \in i}} } \right)\hat{\Omega }_{{ \in i}}^{{ - 1}} {{\Delta }}x_{{i,t}}\) indicates the transformation of the dependent variable for endogeneity correction. According to Bai and Kao ( 2006 ), CUP-FM estimator is robust under cross-sectional dependence. However, the assumption that the number of common factors (k) is known cannot be satisfied in practice (Westerlund, 2007 ). Therefore, Westerlund ( 2007 ) suggested a bias-adjusted estimator (BA-OLS) following the methodology of Bai and Kao ( 2006 ) except in the context of determining the number of common factors. The author suggested the estimation of k using an information criterion as

where \(IC\left(k\right)\) is the information criterion. In this study, we determined the number of common factors via the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) as follows.

In the equation above, V(k) is the estimated variance of \({\widehat{u}}_{it}\) based on k factors. By minimizing the BIC, we obtain \(\widehat{k}\) . Westerlund ( 2007 ) showed that the estimation of k provides better results compared to CUP-FM estimator assuming k is known. Both of the estimators require cointegrated variables in the long run.

3.5 Empirical results and discussion

The results of Pesaran ( 2004 ) \({CD}_{LM}\) and Pesaran et al. ( 2008 ) bias-adjusted LM tests are given in Table 1 .

The results given in Table 1 show that the null of no cross-sectional dependence is rejected at 1% according to both \({CD}_{LM}\) and \({LM}_{adj}\) test statistics in all variables. In addition, in the error terms obtained from models 1, 2, 3, and 4 the null of no cross-sectional dependence is rejected at 1%. These results show that the methods to be used in the analysis of the stationarity of the variables and the determination of the long-run relationship should consider the cross-sectional dependence.

The results of homogeneity tests developed by Pesaran and Yamagata ( 2008 ) are given in Table 2 . According to the results, the null of homogeneity is accepted at %1 in all models. Therefore, estimators assume parameter homogeneity are used in our analysis.

After the preliminary analysis of cross-sectional dependence, the CADF unit root test developed by Pesaran ( 2007 ) is found to be appropriate for our model because of its robustness under cross-sectional dependence. The results of the CADF unit root test are given in Table 3 .

In the analysis of unit root, constant and trend terms are both considered at level, while only constant term is added at first difference. Maximum lag level is determined as 3, while optimum lag level is determined by F joint test from general to particular. According to results, the null of unit root is accepted for all variables, while calculated CIPS statistics of first-differenced variables exceed 1% critical value. All variables have a unit root, and their first differences are stationary ( \({I}_{1})\) . Therefore, in order to determine the existence of a long-run relationship, we applied Westerlund and Edgerton ( 2007 ) panel cointegration test. This method considers cross-sectional dependence and can be used, while the series are integrated in the same order. The results are shown in Table 4 .

Constant and trend are both considered in the analysis of cointegration, and critical values are obtained from 5000 bootstrap replications. The results show that the null of cointegration is accepted for all models. There is a long-run relationship between life expectancy, globalization, democracy, and GDP per capita. After determining the cointegration relationship, we estimated long-run coefficients utilizing CUP-FM and BA-OLS estimators proposed by Bai and Kao ( 2006 ) and Westerlund ( 2007 ), respectively.

The long-run estimation results given in Table 5 show that overall, economic, social, and political globalization are positively associated with life expectancy at 1% significance level according to both CUP-FM and BA-OLS estimators. The results show that a 1% increase in globalization index increases life expectancy %0.014 and %0.015 according to CUP-FM and BA-OLS estimators, respectively. The impact of economic, social and political globalization indexes is 0.013%, 0.011%, and 0.015% according to CUP-FM estimation results while 0.014%, 0.012%, and 0.017% according to both estimators, respectively.

Our results confirms the findings of Owen and Wu ( 2007 ), Ali and Audi ( 2016 ), and Shahbaz et al. ( 2019 ) who found a positive relationship between globalization and life expectancy. Our empirical work also supports the evidence of Bergh and Nilsson ( 2010 ) in terms of positive effect of economic globalization on life expectancy. While the authors found no significant impact of social and political globalization on life expectancy, our results show that life expectancy is positively associated with both social and political globalization. The results we found contradict Tausch ( 2015 )’s evidences in 80 of 99 countries. However, according to his results, in 19 of 99 countries, globalization affects health positively. When these countries are examined, it is seen that 14 of them are countries in the low and lower-middle income groups. In this sense, it can be said that the evidence we found for low-income countries is in line with the author's evidence. As Dreher ( 2006 ) mentioned, despite its possible inequality effects, the net effect of globalization on development is mostly positive and our empirical work supports that idea. The effect of democracy on life expectancy is also positive and significant at 1% which confirms the findings of Franco et al. ( 2004 ) and Besley and Kudamatsu ( 2006 ). In electoral democracies, people living in poverty and suffering from health problems can easily attract the attention of policymakers compared to autocracies. This leads to the reallocation of resources to solve the primary problems of the society. In the context of sustainable development goals, our results show that there is no conflict between SDG3 (good health and well-being) and SDG17 (partnerships for the goals). The improvement of the health conditions of the poor countries depends on global partnership and economic, social, and political integration among countries. In addition, democracy is an important tool in achieving the goal of a healthy society, as it fosters accountability, transparency, and partnership between governments and the societies they rule. As stated in the introduction section, low-income countries show low performance in terms of health-related sustainable development goals, and their connections with global markets are weak compared to other countries. At the same time, democratic institutions are not developed. Our work supports the idea that in order to achieve SDG3, global partnership and democracy are required.

The GDP per capita that used as a control variable has a positive impact on life expectancy at a 1% level. These results support the evidence of Barlow and Vissandjee ( 1999 ), Or ( 2000 ), and Shahbaz et al. ( 2019 ). Individuals living in countries with high per capita income are expected to have higher welfare and have a longer life expectancy (Judge, 1995 ). In low-income countries where people still suffer from having difficulty in meeting basic human needs, increasing per capita income may lead to better nutritional status, easier access to advanced treatment methods and technology.

4 Conclusion

In this study, the effects of globalization and democracy on life expectancy are empirically investigated in low-income countries. While globalization and democracy indexes are used as proxy indicators of “Partnerships for the Goals (SDG 17),” life expectancy used a proxy of “Good Health and Well-Being (SDG 3).” With this, it is aimed to examine the existence of contradiction between those SDGs. In the estimation of the long-run relationship between the variables, second-generation panel data analysis methods that consider cross-sectional dependency are used. According to the results, the globalization index and its subcomponents such as economic, social, and political globalization are important instruments to achieve a healthier society. In addition, higher levels of democracy lead to higher levels of life expectancy. Finally, GDP per capita growth improves health status of countries.

The findings obtained from our study show that economic, social, and political integration of countries and democracy accelerate the process of achieving a healthier society. Therefore, it is seen that SDG3 and SDG17 targets are compatible with each other. In order to achieve SDG3, economic, social, and political integration between countries should be encouraged and democratic institutions should be improved. Policy makers should remove the barriers on globalization, and they should promote participation on international organizations and public–private and civil society partnerships.

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Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Hatay Mustafa Kemal University, Hatay, Turkey

Arif Eser Guzel, Unal Arslan & Ali Acaravci

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About this article

Guzel, A.E., Arslan, U. & Acaravci, A. The impact of economic, social, and political globalization and democracy on life expectancy in low-income countries: are sustainable development goals contradictory?. Environ Dev Sustain 23 , 13508–13525 (2021).

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Received : 30 April 2020

Accepted : 04 January 2021

Published : 18 January 2021

Issue Date : September 2021


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The State of Globalization in 2021

  • Steven A. Altman
  • Caroline R. Bastian

example of research paper about globalization

Trade, capital, and information flows have stabilized, recovered, and even grown in the past year.

As the coronavirus swept the world, closing borders and halting international trade and capital flows, there were questions about the pandemic’s lasting impact on globalization. But a close look at the recent data paints a much more optimistic picture. While international travel remains significantly down and is not expected to rebound until 2023, cross-border trade, capital, and information flows have largely stabilized, recovered, or even grown over the last year. The bottom line for business is that Covid-19 has not knocked globalization down to anywhere close to what would be required for strategists to narrow their focus to their home countries or regions.

Cross-border flows plummeted in 2020 as the Covid-19 pandemic swept the world, reinforcing doubts about the future of globalization. As we move into 2021, the latest data paint a clearer — and more hopeful — picture. Global business is not going away, but the landscape is shifting, with important implications for strategy and management.

example of research paper about globalization

  • Steven A. Altman is a senior research scholar, adjunct assistant professor, and director of the DHL Initiative on Globalization at the NYU Stern Center for the Future of Management .
  • CB Caroline R. Bastian is a research scholar at the DHL Initiative on Globalization.

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620 Inspiring Globalization Essay Topics & Examples

Struggle with picking up the right topics for essay? In this article, you will find some useful writing tips, ideas, and globalization research questions for your paper.

Let’s dive in!

🌎 How to write an Outstanding Globalization Essay?

🏆 best globalization topics for essay, 👍 good essay questions about globalization, 🎓 simple & easy globalization research topics, 🥇 most interesting globalization topics for discussion, 💡 globalization topics for presentation, 📌 good research topics about globalization, ❓ globalization research questions.

Writing an essay on globalization is an interesting task that will require you to learn a lot of information about the issue.

Globalization affects all countries and their populations significantly, and it is vital to discuss its impact. You can study globalization from the perspective of many topics, such as politics, ecology, countries’ economies, and political sciences.

Globalization essay topics may include:

  • Positive and negative effects of globalization
  • The correlation between globalization and democratization: The perspective of developing countries
  • The link between globalization and economics
  • The effect of globalization on the world’s political realm
  • The link between globalization and the development of technologies
  • The significance of environmental awareness from the perspective of globalization
  • Globalization and intelligence sharing
  • Globalization essay: Advantages and disadvantages of globalization

Regardless of what issue you have selected, you should follow several simple rules while writing your paper. Here are some key points for writing outstanding globalization essays:

  • To write an excellent paper, you should work on the globalization essay outline first. Think of how you want to structure your paper and remember that a good outline should help the reader to understand the information better.
  • Search for the information that may be related to the problem you have selected. Remember to ask your professor about the types of sources you can use. As a general rule, students can always use peer-reviewed articles not more than five years old. However, do not forget to check credible websites to see if you can find useful information there.
  • Remember not to include facts that you cannot support with evidence. This common mistake can make your essay look less credible.
  • Checking out examples of essays online can help you to see how you can organize the information. This step is also important because it can help you to analyze the points other students have made in their essays.
  • Include an introductory paragraph that will present the topic you have selected and outline the ideas you will discuss in the paper.
  • Remember to present the definition of globalization. You should also discuss its effects even though your essay is focused on a different issue. It is important to help readers understand the significance of globalization and the problem you discuss.
  • Do not focus on the information you have found during your preliminary research solely. It is important to state your personal opinion in the paper and support it with evidence. Avoid repeating the points mentioned in the literature without adding your commentary on them.
  • Remember that an outstanding essay should be easy-to-understand. Avoid using unnecessary complex sentences, and define all terms that you want to include. Your goal should be not to show your knowledge but raise the audience’s awareness of the issue you are discussing.
  • A globalization essay conclusion should include all of the important points you have made throughout the paper. You can also provide recommendations in this paragraph if necessary.
  • Make sure that you use correct grammar and sentence structures in your essay. Grammatical mistakes may make the reader think that your opinion is not credible. It is better to check the essay several times before sending it to your professor.

Remember that you can check out our free samples and get the best grade for your works!

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  • Globalization Impact on Modern World In turn, the American youth is becoming more inclined to emulating the leading proponents of the culture. Moreover, this has started manifesting in the adoption of a single pop culture in the entertainment industry.
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  • Globalization and Food in Japan We have the McDonalds in the developed countries and it has influenced food market in Japan, so continued globalization will affect cultures in all countries in the world, including developing countries.
  • Christianity and Globalization – Relationship By demonstrating the values behind each religion, globalization leads to greater understanding and tolerance of humanity’s leading religious traditions, one of which is Christianity.
  • Effects of Globalization in the Contemporary Japanese Art They have in turn influenced the art of painting in Japan to develop it and push it to a global level.
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  • Threats of Globalization on Culture of Individual Countries The world has become a “global village” this is due to the expansion of communication networks, the rapid information exchange and the lifting of barriers of visas and passports.
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  • The Main Drivers of Globalization: The Economic Scope In conclusion, it seems reasonable to claim that there are three primary drivers of the process of globalization that were discussed demography, technology, and political decisions.
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  • Sociological and Economical Viewpoints of Globalization In the world, economic globalization has become the most adaptable feature in economics giving birth to anti-globalization and pro-globalization which have enabled everyone to compete effectively in the economical world and manage their businesses in […]
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  • Business Ethics, Globalization and Sustainability Companies adhering to business ethics attract investors, thus boosting the economic growth of the business. It is the change of business boundaries from local to international.
  • HRM Globalization’ Cause and Effects The transformation witnessed in the hospitality industry aims at boosting the tourism business to benefit from the resulting competitiveness by capitalizing on human resource perspective.
  • Globalization and the Economics of Child Labor In his article “Globalization and the Economics of Child Labor”, Edmond Eric advances that globalization has resulted in a significant reduction in child labor throughout the world.
  • Flattening of the World: Globalization and Outsourcing The rate of affordability of the IT hardware and software on the other hand pushed the need for its adoption of the process and hence the realization of the economic gains that had become elusive.
  • How Globalization Has Affected Americans Moreover globalization leads to foreign investment which negatively affects the average wages of workers in America and American families at large.
  • Critical Review of Chapter 1 and 2 of the book Globalization: A Very Short Introduction, by Manfred B. Steger The uneven distribution of natural and human resources is the major source of forces of trade, some countries can produce a certain commodity that is required in another country and export the commodity: in return […]
  • How Is Globalization Impacting Citizenship? Thus, the concept of citizenship under the new trend of globalization has led to a change in the concept of citizenship. Globalization has led to the decline of citizenship and the authority of the nation-state.
  • Globalization Is Inevitable or Not? Living in a World With No Defined Borders According to an article that appeared in, although this international reliance and exchange has been there for quite some time now, the recent past has seen the escalation of these aspects, a phenomenon that […]
  • Globalization and Its Impact on the 21st Century Global Marketplace Among the key causes of globalization, the improvement of global infrastructure and a drop in the number of tariff barriers needs to be mentioned.
  • Globalization: Good for People, Bad for Humanity According to Parker and Pearson, globalization seems to be striving to serve the interests of a few individuals and damaging the interests of everyone else in the global environment.
  • Globalization in business Thanks to globalization, there has been improvements in employee training and education in the fast food industry, as a result of the stiff competition in the industry.
  • Globalization of the Local Globalization of the local is a concept developed by Thomas Friedman in his book “The World is Flat”. In conclusion, the cases of Dell’s supply chain and European Union are only two of many examples […]
  • The Role of Globalization in Education and Knowledge The article is focused on the problem of the failure to distinguish between the notions globalization, globalism and cosmopolitanism that leads to the failure to consider the place of the current education in the modern […]
  • Anti-Globalization Movement’s Goals and Power The movement works with the destruction of the legal status of “legal entities,” the disappearance of commercial fundamentalism liberated, and the necessary actions of economic privatization by the World Bank, the Foundation International Monetary Fund, […]
  • Multinational Corporations and Globalization As there is increased usage of science and technology across the world, many businesses are thriving through the application of the innovations and therefore making them more efficient.
  • Nature of Health and Illness: Social Determinants and Globalization Due to a variety of factors, the nature of health problems that plague modern day societies have become more of a chronic case as compared to the acute cases of the past.
  • What Is the Role of E-Commerce in Globalization? These are the advantages concerning the service providers; however, there are many characteristics of e-commerce that appeal to customers in saving their time and energy.
  • Globalisation in the Construction Industry The globalization of construction industry provides the opportunity for the Australian companies to enter the international market and deliver the projects, for example, in the Middle East or Africa.
  • Theodore Levitt: The Globalization of Markets The article written by Theodore Levitt on the globalization of the market mainly focuses on the difference between amultinational’ and ‘global’ corporations operating throughout the world today.
  • State Sovereignty in the Globalization Process Globalisation has become the most overused and under the specified term in the international scene since the end of the Cold War.
  • Influence of Globalization, Intuition and Diversity on the Role of the Manager In this article, the global manager is referred to as “global business manager” and it is pointed out that there are three roles “at the core” of such a person’s job.
  • Economic Globalization: Arguments For and Against Globalization has been defined as the collapse of time and space, but more detailed explanations distinguish between “interdependence of markets and production in different countries;” ” living and working in a world-wide context;” and a […]
  • The Concept of Globalization To begin with, the inception of globalization in a given country is perhaps thought to be costly economically as well as socially.
  • Globalization and Increasing Competition in the World When we look at some of the businesses in the world that are on the forefront in the world of successful business, we find businesses such as the banking institutes, medical providing institutions, academic institutions, […]
  • Globalization Impact on Life Career and Future The world in the recent past has witnessed fast flow of information, people and materials from one part of the globe to the other, thanks to globalization.
  • Threats to Globalization For instance, people can be reluctant to use the benefits of globalization, and try to limit access to their states. People can try to limit cooperation between countries which will inevitably threaten the process of […]
  • Globalization and Workforce Diversity A community should recognize diversity, ensure the accessibility of resources and uphold equity in the treatment of its constituent individuals with complete disregard of race, ethnicity, abilities and even sexual alignments.
  • Globalization in Australia Through globalization, Australia has realized a rapid growth of industrial competition hence increasing both the quality and the quantity of production, and the consumers are left to enjoy the lower prices for the goods they […]
  • Fashion and Gender: Globalization, Nation and Ethnicity Today, fashion is changing drastically to compose fashion trends, which is very relevant in the contemporary society as it’s reflected in the new colorful and stylish designs.
  • Four Factors that Accelerate Globalization This paper is an, in depth, exploration of the reasons why these factors are contributing to accelerated globalization. As it has been stated above, among the reasons why globalization is growing at an accelerated pace […]
  • The Impact of Globalization on Indigenous Communities As a way to attract more tourists, the Mexican government seeks to develop facilities in the indigenous areas to the appeal of the visitors.
  • The Meaning of Sustainability and Globalization Sustainability refers to meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, while globalization refers to the increasing interconnectedness of the world’s economies, cultures, and populations.
  • Globalization and Its Key Drivers The news articles examine the issue of globalization drivers through the lens of the recent shock to the global economy with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the subsequent political, economic, and social consequences from global […]
  • Globalization as Growth Driver for Society and Economy From the start, Levitt argues that the globalization of markets is a phenomenon like never seen before, where the international market becomes one whole and there is a demand for modern, popular, standardized products which […]
  • The Hidden Face of Globalization Video Due to the unstructured international relationship between India and the US, the labor laws balance is threatened by sudden changes in the social systems of the Bangladesh society introduced by the foreign companies.
  • Effects of Internet and World Wide Web on Globalization Before trying to understand the effects of the World Wide Web and the Internet on globalization, it is worth explaining the meaning of the term globalization in order to get the clear picture of the […]
  • Globalization: Not a Threat to Cultural Diversity It can therefore be authoritatively stated that globalization is not a threat to cultural diversity and may in fact result in diversification and/or more appreciation of local cultures.
  • Lifelong Learning is Necessarily Essential to Globalization A good example of this form of upgrading is learning computer related skills to integrate well with the current dynamic technological platforms.
  • Impacts of Globalization on Labor The globalization of labor leads to the availability of much-needed expert workers in an economy. The UAE is one of the best case studies of the positive and negative effects of labor globalization.
  • Humanity’s Collective Health Impacted by Globalization The strict control of borders and a self-centered foreign policy are outdated methods of dealing with global health disasters such as an epidemic or a pandemic.
  • Protectionism in the Age of Globalization On the one hand, globalization erases many international boundaries to stabilize fair trade and cooperation, and protectionism is necessary to maintain the national identity and economic prosperity of each country separately.
  • Globalization Impact on Energy Consumption: Article Critique Energy consumption will increase until a particular level of globalization is achieved and then starts to fall, according to the link between globalization and energy consumption over the long term. The inverted U-shaped link between […]
  • How Globalization Forces Affect Quality of Life For example, globalization can boost the economy and raise living standards while posing risks to the economy’s health and the welfare of workers.
  • Background About Globalization and Apple Products The fact that these children are supposed to be in school further highlights the gravity of the situation, as it endangers their health and prospects.
  • Globalization: Deeply Rooted in The Present by Kenny The influence of globalization on culture and the problem of preserving cultural diversity is a phenomenon due to which the experience of everyday life, affecting the dissemination of goods and ideas, reflects the standardization of […]
  • Globalization in the Environmental Sphere To date, the problem of globalization is relevant, and with it the question of the impact of globalization on the environmental sphere is also of great interest.
  • Globalization: London as a Global City Globalization, as a set of processes through which the incorporation of the planet’s population into a single world community, the global community, gives a significant impetus to the development of the knowledge economy and the […]
  • Globalization or the Age of Transition However, when people understand globalization in the political and economic developments within the last century, it becomes clear that it has contributed to the spread of the long history of the capitalist world economy. On […]
  • Globalization Influence on Australia’s Policies Australia’s economy is thriving, and people’s standard of living is higher since the country has the policy settings to benefit from the advantages of food security, human rights, and skilled migration.
  • Globalization and the Dominance of Market-Centered Economic Strategies The main differences between liberal and coordinated market economies can be summed up as follows: in liberal market economies, hierarchies and competitive market structures coordinate the activities of businesses, whereas, in coordinated market economies, the […]
  • Globalization in Education: The Gap in the Accessibility Globalization has significantly improved the quality of education: the exchange of knowledge between the countries has led to the teaching of empathy through the interpenetration of cultures.
  • Impact of Globalization on the Bankruptcy in Detroit The rise and fall of Detroit are considered to be the rise and fall of the US auto industry. In any case, the current positive impact of globalization on the city is beyond discussion.
  • For the Advantages of Globalization, the Pandemic Has Highlighted Its Drawbacks Thus, for instance, among the prominent negative aspects of globalization in the context of the international situation, it is essential to highlight the increase in unemployment and the decline of several industries, the monopolization of […]
  • Globalization in Education Through Social Sciences Lens In this case, globalization in education will be analyzed using the lens of the social sciences, which focuses on how people act in their social environment, such as schools and universities.
  • Globalization: Benefits and Challenges On the other hand, the netizens’ society also needs to understand globalization and how to interact respectfully. Therefore, it is vital to analyze and understand globalization to enhance the social interactions of people with varied […]
  • The Globalization Influence on Dubai The three facets of globalization taken into account in this report are trade, movement of people, and capital movements and their effects on the people of Dubai because they often impact a region’s economy and […]
  • The Globalization Impact on the European Region The increase in migration flows to Europe is one of the two most important demographic trends on par with the aging nation in the region. Thus, aspects of globalization such as migration, trade, and the […]
  • Globalization and Development of Contemporary Cities The emphasis on sustainability and the associated changes, including the increased mobility of the city and the update of the infrastructure of the urban landscape, can also be considered some of the central elements of […]
  • Globalization and Japanese Cultures This map is in that book and this course because of demonstrating the movement of goods and people across the world from Afrique to Patagonia and Nouvelle-Guinee.
  • Transportation and Globalization in North America and Europe: Comparison In the United States, transportation is presently the second biggest energy consumer, and in Canada, it is major. It should also be noted that supply chain management in the United States has changed into a […]
  • Globalization Debates and Pressures on Companies A global organisation that may have a significant impact on the economy and the administration of a state has also been effectively developed as a result of the growth of the MNC.
  • Outsourcing and Globalization in Indian Society The bottom line of the video is that globalization took advantage of Indian labor market and created thousands of high-tech and call center jobs that contributed to the economic development of India.
  • Globalization and Organizational Communication As such, the firms reduce the promotion and sales of ‘green’ products and address environmental issues on a larger scale that is related to the fuel use of planes. Situational leadership aims to modify a […]
  • Globalization: Benefits and Drawbacks As the exchange of goods and services speeds around the world, globalization brings more innovations to our daily lives. The primary function of layout planning is to fill the space within a facility efficiently, considering […]
  • Globalization in Business and SWOT Analysis In modern studies, SWOT analysis is a helpful tool to evaluate the main idea of the offered business and examine organizational internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats.
  • Globalization and its Effect on Different Generations In the documentary film, Globalization is Good, directed by Charlotte Metcalf, the author argues the negativity of global capitalism’s impact on the world.
  • Zapatismo, Globalization, and Neoliberalism The Zapatismo movement fights for the distribution of power within the public sector. The spreading of the ideas of power distribution and equality, the representatives of the movement, try to minimize the impact of neoliberalism […]
  • Globalization from Theoretical Perspectives One of the major theories on perspectives of globalization is presented by Held and McGrew it is called “the theory of trans-formationalism”.
  • Globalization, Politics, and Economic Reforms The history of globalization dates back to the 1960s during the revolution period. The idea of nationalism in the 19th century led to present-day politics defined by the legitimacy of a country.
  • Women’s Work and Impact of Globalization Both the article on sex tourism and the film on Maquilapolis deal with the problem of women having to harm their health, bodies, and reputation for escaping poverty and providing better lives for their families.
  • Japan After Globalization: Culture and Ethnocentrism The isolated territorial position of the country, geographical and climatic features, frequent earthquakes, and typhoons had a significant influence on the culture and mentality of the Japanese people.
  • Current Trends in Globalization of Crime Hence, the major cause of the drugs smuggling routes over the U.S.-Mexico border is still the discrepancies between the U.S.and Mexican drug enforcing legislation as well as the lack of cross-border cooperation.
  • Globalization, Immigration, and Class Division It includes the widespread globalization of countries, diverse economic perception of each, and the acute ethical and legal side of the immigration issue.
  • Modern Globalization in Business In particular, people from different countries and cultures have become more integrated into a common, emerging culture in which there is room for the traditions of all peoples. Globalization does have advantages and disadvantages, but […]
  • Nationalism in the Context of Globalization It is important to understand the idea of nationalism through the relationship between the concepts of state and nation. In other words, the crisis of citizenship is rooted in the notion of the disappearance of […]
  • Aspects of Globalization Concept Exporting is an entry strategy in which the company’s production facilities remain in the home country, while produced goods are transferred to other countries for sale.
  • Is Globalization Reducing Poverty and Inequality? & How to Judge Globalism
  • Economic Globalization: Positive and Negative Sides
  • Globalization and Its Impact on Culture
  • Blockchain Decentralized Systems and Intellectual Property Globalization
  • Globalization in Latin America
  • Social Inequality, Capitalism, and Globalization
  • Climate Change as Systemic Risk of Globalization
  • West African Maritime Trade and Globalization
  • Analysis of Globalization and Inequality in “For Sama” Movie
  • The Roman Empire: Globalization and Religious Power
  • How Is Globalization Affecting Rates of Disease
  • The Economic Aspects of Globalization
  • Internet and Globalization Effects on Marketing
  • Future of Globalization From Economic & Political Perspectives
  • Significance of Globalization to Human Resource Management
  • Is Globalization Responsible for Shaping the Global Crisis?
  • Globalization and Humanitarian Development Across the Globe
  • The First Wave of Globalization
  • The University of West Indies, the Caribbean Identity, and the Globalization Agenda
  • Sociology and Globalization or Modernity
  • Globalization and Its Effect on Minority Cultures in Tom O’Neill’s “Heart of Helambu”
  • Market Globalization and Technological Advances
  • Analysis of the Globalization of Cemex
  • Globalization. World Trade Organization
  • Strategic Marketing Plan for Globalization Move
  • Globalization and Inequity in Global Maternal Mortality
  • Tendencies That Were Caused by Globalization
  • Globalization Influence on Career and Cultural Competence
  • Globalization: Non-Western Countries; Nigeria and India
  • Globalization: Good, Bad, and Ugly
  • Educational Preparation of Nurses in the Globalization of Healthcare
  • The Global Challenges for Ongko Furniture Brought Up by Globalization
  • Globalization: The Case of Ongko Furniture
  • Impact of Globalization and Neoliberalism on Crime and Criminal Justice
  • The Era of Globalization in Canada: Employment Standards
  • Globalization and Foreign Direct Investment: The A.T. Kearney Study
  • Healthcare System: Future Prospects in the Era of Globalization
  • The Future of Global Crime: Globalization and Integration
  • The Criminal Justice Funnel and Globalization
  • Globalization and the Internet: Change of Organized Crime
  • Technological Progress, Globalization, Feminism Roots
  • Analysis of Globalization and Its Impact on Life: Medicine, Economics, Politics, Science
  • The Impact of Globalization Today and Polarization of the World Economy
  • Globalization’s Impact on Women in South Africa and Peru
  • Consequences of Globalization on Society: Culture, Norms, and Moral Values
  • Globalization: What Globalization Is and Its Impact
  • World History: Globalization in the 1970s-2000s
  • Globalization and Health Trends: Impact by Globalization Trends in All Aspects of Human Life
  • Impact on Social-Economic Relations: Is Globalization Good or Bad?
  • Globalization: The Transformation of Social Worlds
  • The Influence of Modern Technologies and Globalization
  • Globalization: The First Phase in 1840-1910
  • “Globalization: Debunking the Myths” by Hebron & Stack
  • “Globalization and American Power” by Kenneth Waltz
  • Political Sciences. Globalization and Its Downside
  • Globalization and Its Impact on the International Economy
  • Globalization Emerged as an Outstanding Phenomenon
  • Globalization and the Workings of the International Environment
  • Stress at Work: Main Aspects, Globalization Influence
  • Educational Change in Globalization Times by Yong Zhao
  • Framing the Cultural Industries and Globalization
  • School of Business IT and Logistics, Globalization and Business IT
  • Globalization Phenomenon: Development and Social Change
  • Cultural Diversity in the Media and Globalization
  • International Political Scene: Globalization and Peace Relations
  • Social Development: Globalization and Environmental Problems
  • Weak Economy and Its Impact on Globalization
  • The Internet, Globalization and Network Society
  • Jihad vs. Mcworld Article: How Globalization Hinders Democracy
  • The Process of Globalization: Impact on Business
  • Globalization and Imperialism in the Third World
  • Globalization in Eastern Europe: Foreign Investments and International Trade
  • History of Globalization: Past and Present
  • Social and Economic Policy Program: Globalization, Growth, and Poverty
  • Globalization a Dynamic Force in International Business
  • Asian & Chinese Organic Medicines in Globalization
  • The State, Democracy and Globalization
  • Globalization in Terms of Media and Cultures
  • The History of the Music Industry and the Impact of the Advancement of Technology and Globalization
  • Globalization & Moving Towards a Global Culture
  • Globalization: Challenges and Relevance of the State System
  • Joseph E. Stiglitz ”Globalization and Its Discontents”
  • How Globalization Is Seen in Turkey
  • Globalization and Its Contents in the Middle East
  • Globalization and Its Economic Aims
  • Viability of the Globalization Process Necessarily Imply the Hegemony of a Great Power
  • Influence That Globalization Has on the Manager’s Role
  • Convergent and Divergent Impacts of Globalization on the World
  • Globalization Features and Issues
  • The impact of Globalization on the China
  • Generation G: Globalization and Gaming
  • Globalization in Asia: Sky of Love & Lust, Caution Films
  • Self-Renewal & Globalization
  • The Future of Globalization: An Optimistic View
  • Globalization Through the Ages
  • Cross-Cultural Management: Globalization and Localization
  • Globalization: ”A World on the Edge” by Amy Chua
  • Globalization: Knowing Two Sides of Global Phenomenon
  • Expatriate Adjustment and Globalization
  • Globalization Effects Upon International and Domestic Affairs in Developed Countries
  • Globalization: Conditions for Market Contraction
  • Level of Globalization in Thailand
  • New Zealand: Globalization and Employment Relations
  • Women in Developing Countries: Globalization, Liberalization, and Gender Equality
  • Globalization Reduces Rather Than Contributes to Inequalities
  • Globalization: The World is Flat
  • “Victims of Progress”: Problems With Globalization
  • Influence of Globalization on the Petroleum Industry
  • Motorola Company’s Globalization
  • Social Psychology and Globalization
  • How Has Globalization Impacted on Issues of Human Rights?
  • Globalization and Regulation: Balancing US Interests
  • Women Against Globalization and Anti-Nuke Movement
  • Mexico: Transnationalism, Neoliberalism and Globalization
  • Globalization Issues Effect on Organization Behavior
  • Global Migration and Economic Globalization
  • A New Approach for the Age of Globalization
  • Culture, Globalization and Intercultural Adaptation
  • Buddhism Spread as Globalization of Knowledge
  • Ethical Decision-Making and Globalization
  • The Force of Globalization and Technology
  • Influences of Globalization on Modern Society
  • Globalization of Bollywood and Its Effects on the UAE
  • Globalization and Democratization Effects on Libya
  • Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization
  • The Book “Globalization” by Manfred B. Steger
  • The Book “Globalization: A Very Short Introduction”
  • Globalization: “The World Is Flat” by Thomas Friedman
  • Facebook Network Globalization
  • Risks of Globalization in Developing Countries
  • Globalization Concepts and the World Markets
  • Democratic Globalization and Its Benefits
  • Thomas Friedman on Globalization and Information Technology
  • Fire and Rescue Services and Globalization Effects
  • Globalization Benefits and Challenges
  • Globalization, Its Opportunities and Threats
  • Globalization of the Financial Flows and Market
  • Globalization Era and Internationalism Politics
  • Mondragon Company’s Globalization and Cooperative Values
  • Globalization in Bentham’s Panopticon and Postman’s “Amusing Ourselves to Death”
  • Cross-Cultural Leadership: Globalization Methodological Challenges
  • Globalization, Food, and Ethnic Identity in Literature
  • Apple Inc.’s Dominance and Globalization
  • Globalization and Language Teaching
  • Globalization and the World Economy
  • Globalization and Nation States
  • Public Perception and Globalization
  • “Globalization and Its Discontents” by Joseph Stiglitz
  • Foreign Direct Investment and Globalization
  • Globalization Evolution in the UAE
  • Globalization and the Issue of Import in a Store
  • Globalization in Friedman’s “The World Is Flat”
  • Globalization in the United Arab Emirates’ Culture
  • Globalization in Thomas Friedman’s Ideas
  • The Globalization of Markets
  • India’s Regional Development and Globalization Benefits
  • Globalization and International Trade
  • Globalization’s Benefits in Kazakhstan
  • Globalization: An Economic Perspective
  • Globalization of the Chinese Manufactories
  • Old World Long-Distance Trade and Globalization
  • Globalization in Economics and International Relations
  • Capitalism and Its Influence on Globalization
  • Globalization and Income Inequality Relationship
  • Globalization, Its Winners and Losers
  • Globalization in “The World is Flat” by Friedman
  • Globalization, Art and Capitalism
  • Is Taobao Company’s Globalization Possible?
  • Globalization and Slavery: Multidisciplinary View
  • Cultural China in the Context of Globalization
  • Views on Globalization: Negative and Positive Affect
  • Globalization and Economic Integration Effects
  • Ethical Leadership in the Period of Globalization
  • Globalization and Islamic Societies
  • Globalization’s Effects on the UAE Development
  • Globalization: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities
  • Globalization’s Impact on China and the USA
  • Hyundai Motor Company: Globalization and Environmental Impacts
  • Ecological Dimensions of Globalization
  • Modern Terrorism and Globalization
  • Globalization as to Health, Society, Environment
  • Ecocide, Human Social Evolution, and Globalization
  • Globalization and Its Significance to Business
  • “Globalization 2.0” a Book by David Rieff
  • Globalization and Foreign Currency Exchange
  • Globalization vs. Glocalization in Belgium
  • How Immigration Relates to Post-Human and Globalization?
  • Globalization Effects on Fundamentalism Growth
  • Globalization in the New Product Development Context
  • Effects of Globalization on Sexuality
  • New Urban Inequalities and Globalization
  • Globalization: Cultural Fusion of American Society
  • Afro-French Expatriate Company and Globalization
  • Equality and Globalization: Changing Gender Expectations
  • Gender Equality and Globalization’ Issues
  • Globalization Effects on Business, Economy and Health
  • Globalization and Its Impact on Capitalism
  • Globalization Forces on the Asian Economies
  • Globalization Impacts on System’ Engineer Career
  • From World War One to Globalization
  • Joseph Stiglitz’s Making Globalization Work
  • Management: Competitiveness and Globalization Concepts
  • Role of Food in Cultural Studies: Globalization and Exchange of Food
  • Jeff Rubin’s Economics: Oil and the End of Globalization
  • Positive Impact of Globalization: Real-Life Example
  • Product Globalization: Toyota Premio Vehicle
  • The Anthropological Approach to Globalization Aspects
  • The Globalization of Coffee Production and Consumption
  • Multinational Corporations, Globalization and State Sovereignty
  • Facilitating Globalization in Australian Companies
  • Globalization’s and Business Relationships and Responsibilities
  • Heriot Watts University Globalization Strategy
  • Reflective Thinking – Globalization
  • Globalization and Gay Tourism: Learning to Be Tolerant
  • Gender Role in Sweden Society in Education and Workplace Before and After Globalization
  • Economical Globalization in the United States
  • Globalization and the Issue of Poverty: Making the World a Better Place
  • Globalization Has Meant That the Local Is No Longer Important
  • Globalization Effects on the Economies of the Third World
  • Impacts of Globalization in the World
  • Globalization is not a Peaceful Process
  • Reaction Paper in Globalization and Its Discontents: Face the Heat
  • Disadvantaging Families: Diversity, Inequality and Globalization
  • The Effects of Globalization on the Future of Turkish Economy
  • Globalization Potential Benefits and Costs
  • The Implications of Globalization and Technology on Negotiation
  • Globalization and Culture: Possibilities and Anxieties
  • Globalization and Its Implications
  • Who Benefits from Globalization?
  • Globalization and IT Business
  • Challenges to Build Feminist Movement Against Problems of Globalization and Neoliberalism
  • Leadership Decisions and Globalization
  • The Challenge of Globalization 5 Years into the Future
  • Aramark Corporation and Globalization
  • Globalization of Logistics and Supply Chain Management in Wales
  • “Globalization and the Unleashing of New Racism: an Introduction” by Macedo and Gounari
  • Financial Effects of Globalization
  • International Business Environment: The Benefits and Risks of Deeper Globalization for Guidia
  • Sharia System and Globalization
  • Contemporary Stage of Globalization and Neo-liberalism in Europe
  • International Trade and Its Effects on Globalization
  • African Diaspora and Globalization
  • Williams-Sonoma, Inc. and Globalization
  • Why Did Globalization Cause a Demand For Business Process Management?
  • Globalization and business IT: ECommerce models
  • McDonalds Globalization in America
  • Competitive Advantage and Globalization
  • Economic Globalization and its Limitations
  • Religion, Politics and Globalization: Effect of Middle East Wars on Shia-Sunni Alliances
  • How Can We Account for the Globalization of Production?
  • The devastating Globalization effects on State Sovereignty
  • New Technologies and Globalization: Public Administration
  • Globalization and International Approach in Management
  • “The Globalization Paradox: Democracy and the Future of the World Economy” by Rodrik, D
  • The Efficient Sustainability of Globalization
  • Foreign Markets as Means of Expansion and Globalization
  • Peculiarities of the Landscape of Unions within the Process of Globalization
  • Anti-Globalization Movement Impact on Business Environment
  • Business Globalization: Dorchester, Inc.
  • Isoftstone: the Globalization of a Chinese IT sourcing and Services Powerhouse
  • Globalization of Business and Culture
  • Globalization and Cultural Background
  • Globalization Effects on Business: Controlling Systemic Risks
  • Why Globalization is seen as a Polarizing Factor in the International Community
  • In what ways did Globalization affect financial management?
  • Globalization Impacts on Developed and Developing Countries
  • General Electric Company: Globalization Impact on Business Strategies
  • Globalization, Social Policy, and Social Provision
  • Globalization and sustainable development
  • Globalization, Its Effects and Theories
  • Impact of globalization on the market power
  • Globalization and its influences
  • World Trade Organization and Globalization
  • Negative Effects of Globalization in Developing Nations
  • Globalization as a change process
  • Effects and Nature of Globalization
  • Costs and Benefits of Free Trade and Globalization
  • Is Globalization a Threat to US Supremacy and Power in the World?
  • Recommended Globalization Strategies for Moonglow Acres
  • The Intellectual Capital in Globalization Practices
  • Globalization Negative Effects: Developed and Developing Countries
  • The Polarized World of Globalization
  • Backlash against Globalization
  • Globalization and the Study of International Security
  • Globalization and Race: The Black Other and African Diaspora
  • Globalization Effects: The Privatization of Institutions
  • International Economics in the context of globalization
  • The impact of globalization
  • eBay’s Globalization Strategy
  • Concept of Globalization and Its Impact on the International Trading Order
  • The Effects of Globalization on the World
  • Globalization Arguments and Impacts
  • Globalization, Survival, and Empowerment in the African Diaspora
  • Impact of Globalization on the American Worker
  • The Question of the Distributed Workforce under the Impact of Globalization Tendencies
  • Effects of Globalization in Health Care Administration
  • Globalization, Struggle, and Empowerment in the African Diaspora
  • Globalization and Empowerment in the African Diaspora
  • African Diaspora: Gender Hierarchies and Global Race
  • Globalization’s and Culture Relationships
  • Contemporary Globalization and the American Worker
  • Cultural Diversity in International Trade and International Business Management Through Globalization
  • Globalization and Regional Business
  • Globalization: a Blessing in Disguise
  • Effects of Globalization on Developed and Developing Countries
  • Globalization and Racism
  • Implications of Globalization for Korea
  • Contemporary Globalization and its Impact on the American Worker
  • Globalization Demerits in the Modern World
  • Gendered Globalization and Social Change
  • Consequences of Globalization
  • Globalization and Internet
  • International Relations: Globalization and State Power
  • Indigenous Struggles from the Ages of Conquest to Globalization
  • How Technology Has Affected Globalization, International Trade, and Financial Stability
  • Globalization of the US Media
  • P&G Japan Globalization Project
  • Youth Culture Under the Globalization Time
  • Globalization and Survival of Smaller Companies
  • Modern Globalization in Africa
  • Globalization Effects on the System of Governance in the World
  • Production, Competition and Globalization
  • Development and Globalization in Africa
  • Globalization Issues: A Summary of an Article on Local Management and Globalization
  • Disasters in the Bangladesh Garment Industry and the Role of Globalization
  • Globalization’ Economic and Political Dimensions
  • Globalization and Its Discontents
  • Taming Globalization as Painted by Rodrik
  • Globalization and Security Environment: Visions of Prosperity and Peace
  • The Reasons of Globalization Companies
  • Effects of Globalization on Native Non-Western Cultural Practices
  • Globalization Process and Its Effects
  • Critical Examination of the Impacts of Globalization on National Sovereignty
  • Globalization and IT Industry
  • Embracing the Entire Globe: Globalization Is not to Be Feared!
  • Advertizing and Globalization
  • Not Everyone Experiences Globalization in the Same Way
  • Indesit Co. Global Operations
  • The Impact of Human Right on Globalization
  • Challenges of Globalization
  • Disasters in the Bangladesh Garment Industry & the Role of Globalization
  • Effects of Technology and Globalization on Gender Identity
  • Increasing of Globalization in the Contemporary Era
  • Relationship Between Modern Imperialism and Economic Globalization
  • Globalization and Its Impact on the UAE
  • Is Globalization Beneficial or Tyrannical?
  • Influence of Globalization on Employment Opportunities
  • Problem(s) Globalization Presents to Your Future Career
  • Effects of American Media on Legal and Social Barriers to Globalization
  • Globalization Features and Consequences
  • Globalization in Today’s Business Environment
  • Language as a Peculiarity of Human Geography within the Globalization
  • Concept and History of the Economic Globalization
  • Youth Culture Under Globalization
  • Globalization Effects on Food Industry, Trading, Education
  • Concept of Globalization
  • Globalization in Politics and on the World Peace
  • The Effects of Globalization on Management and Engineering
  • Globalization Sociopolitial and Economic Impacts
  • Impacts of Globalization on Strategies of International Businesses
  • Financial Globalization in Modern Business
  • Politics of Globalization
  • Globalization: An Agent for Cultural Conflicts
  • Humanizing Globalization’ Professional Analysis of Speech
  • Globalization Argument of Anna Tsing
  • Globalization in South America
  • International Business: The Challenges of Globalization
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  • Doha Round Development Failure and its Impact on Globalization
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  • Globalization Process for the Sovereignty Nations
  • Future Perspectives of Globalization
  • Globalization Theory, Its Benefits and Shortcomings
  • Ethical Frameworks in the Era of Globalization
  • Does the Idea of National Cinema Still Have Relevance in the Age of Globalization?
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  • Imperialism and Globalization
  • Politics of Globalization in Taiwan
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  • The Economics of Globalization In South Korea
  • The Impact of Globalization in Malaysia
  • Globalization: Metaphysical Perspective of the Western Industrialized World
  • Globalization and Administrative Reform: What Is Happening in Theory?
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  • What Are Sources of Resistance to Globalization?
  • How Globalization Creates Systemic Risks, and What to Do About It?
  • Does Cultural Globalization Have Mean Cultural Homogenization?
  • Globalization What Difficulties Are There in Defining Globalisation?
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IvyPanda. (2024, February 26). 620 Inspiring Globalization Essay Topics & Examples.

"620 Inspiring Globalization Essay Topics & Examples." IvyPanda , 26 Feb. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '620 Inspiring Globalization Essay Topics & Examples'. 26 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "620 Inspiring Globalization Essay Topics & Examples." February 26, 2024.

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IvyPanda . "620 Inspiring Globalization Essay Topics & Examples." February 26, 2024.

Social and Economic Aspects of Globalization Research Paper

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Since the 1970s and 1980s, the increasing intensity of international economic exchange, the rising prominence and influence of international organizations, the diffusion of cultural products across national boundaries, the spanning of social ties across international borders, and global environmental problems have all placed globalization prominently on the agenda of social science. The definition of globalization remains contested, but globalization can be conceptualized as a multidimensional process of international network formation. (Globalization could also be understood as an ideology, but this would more accurately be termed globalism .) The network metaphor clarifies the concept of globalization by highlighting both the nodes (e.g., people, organizations, and states) and the relations (e.g., trade, investment, organization membership, consumption, and migration) that are central to the globalization process. Thinking about globalization as multidimensional network formation is also a useful heuristic for understanding the established facts and unresolved debates surrounding the phenomenon. Moreover, it helps differentiate the multiple levels of analysis inherent in the process: globalization involves local, regional, national, international, and world levels of social life.

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Below, this entry employs the network heuristic to discuss the central issues in the social science of globalization. The discussion begins by exploring relatively settled terrain: the multiple dimensions of globalization. From there, the entry moves to rockier ground: the questions of whether globalization is really new, how extensive it is, and precisely what effects it has.

Five Dimensions of Globalization

Cross-national connections are created in the economic, political, cultural, social, and environmental domains. Although these dimensions necessarily overlap, it is analytically useful to distinguish them. Economic globalization results when corporations go multinational, either by selling their products in other countries, buying corporations located in foreign countries, or opening branch offices or subsidiaries outside their home country. Multinational corporate expansion, and the consumption of foreign-sourced goods and services, aggregate into exports, imports, and investment relations among national economies. Political globalization, or the formation of international connections among elected officials, bureaucrats, judges, social movement activists, and states, has also generated intense interest. Political globalization results in part through the formation of intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) like the United Nations and the World Trade Organization, and international nongovernmental organizations (INGOs) like the International Committee of the Red Cross. For instance, Anne-Marie Slaughter (2004) shows how political officials, especially regulators and judges, weave a web of global governance and “world order” through international ties formed by these organizations.

In the cultural field, the major world religions, media conglomerates, multinational corporations, and international tourism transmit and translate meaning (embedded in faith traditions, ideas, products, and practices) and symbols across international boundaries. The development of the international communication infrastructure (radio, satellites, intercontinental telecommunication cables) and the rapid expansion of communication technologies (Internet, cell phones, television) foster this process. Closely related is social globalization, or transnational connections formed by mobile individuals as they create social relationships. For instance, the density of international ties across countries grows as migrants maintain connections to their origin countries (e.g., through remitting money back home) while building new relationships in their destination countries (e.g., through work, community, and family).

Many identify the environment as a fifth dimension of globalization. If nations are the nodes in international networks, then environmental problems create connections by crossing borders: global warming, ozone depletion, and acid rain have all been defined by social movement activists and scientists as international problems that require international solutions. Indeed, environmental problems illustrate how the various dimensions of globalization sometimes reinforce one another: social movement activists bind together through international social movement organizations (social globalization) to spread awareness of environmental problems (cultural globalization) caused in part by multinational corporations (economic globalization), and urge the adoption of international agreements like the 1997 Kyoto Protocol on greenhouse gas emissions (political globalization).

When and Where is Globalization?

While the example of the Kyoto Protocol illustrates how the dimensions of globalization can cohere, intense international debate over the protocol raises questions about the pace and periodization of globalization, and, more fundamentally, about how “global” globalization is. Indeed, debate over the timing and extent of globalization animates much research. For instance, world-systems theorists such as Immanuel Wallerstein and Christopher Chase-Dunn trace the millennia-long evolution of international economic and political systems, and world-society theorists such as John Meyer and John Boli view social and cultural globalization through a long historical lens that looks back over a century. Social scientists have not reached consensus on when globalization in its various forms began, but there is an emerging consensus that the world has experienced a renewed and possibly distinct economic globalization since the mid-1970s (i.e., after the oil crises and the collapse of the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates in 1973). Only during this period did the level of international trade surpass its previous peak in the early twentieth century. Thus, economic globalization may follow waves, with crests of integration followed by troughs of separation.

In the political dimension, there is also evidence that globalization substantially intensified in the latter half of the twentieth century. With the establishment of the United Nations and related IGOs (including the International Monetary Fund, World Bank Group, International Labour Organization, and World Health Organization), a global governance framework emerged. It has fostered the creation of thousands of intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations that generate a network of international association (Boli and Thomas 1999). Key nodes in this network include regional organizations like the European Union (EU) that liberalize trade and create common policies among nations within negotiated geographical boundaries. The EU has progressed furthest toward the creation of a regional market and government, as it has allowed the free movement of people across borders, eliminated barriers to trade, created a supranational court, and established supranational policies. The EU, established as the European Economic Community in 1957, may have inspired regional integration efforts in other parts of the world, including Southeast Asia—the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN, 1967); South America—Mercado Común del Sur (Southern Common Market or Mercosur, 1991); North America—the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA, 1994); Central America—the Central American Common Market (CACM, 1960); and Africa—the Organization of African Unity (OAU, 1963). These organizations may transform world politics by changing how states interact and by generating new layers of policy and politics.

The accelerating economic liberalization and polity construction within geographical regions fuels the debate over where globalization actually happens (indeed, a large literature addresses whether regional integration creates “stepping-stones” or “stumbling blocks” to a fully integrated global system). Here again, the network heuristic helps. Some images of globalization depict a world where national nodes worldwide are increasingly interconnected without regard to place, while others allow for a more fragmented and uneven network where some nodes are linked much more densely than others. These contrasting images manifest in research that has shown, for instance, that Western Europe is much more densely intertwined in both the economic and political dimensions than nations in other world regions.

What Does Globalization Do?

Setting aside controversies of period and place, social scientists blame or credit globalization for a panoply of social ills and goods, from economic inequality to economic growth, from political domination to democratization, from the decline of national sovereignty to the renaissance of the state, from social engagement to xenophobia, and from cultural homogenization to ethnic conflict. Meanwhile, others see a feeble globalization. Here, this entry reviews some of the key arguments for what globalization does.

Globalization, advanced partly by IGOs like the World Trade Organization and the International Monetary Fund that compel economic liberalization, has been the subject of vigorous debate about growing income gaps between rich and poor. The argument is that, in the name of international competitiveness, government revenue and expenditures are cut, and industries are deregulated and privatized. Globalization is also blamed for lowering the wages of less-skilled workers by shifting manufacturing jobs to lower-wage countries, and by enlarging the pool of low-wage labor through immigration. In turn, in low-wage countries of the “Global South,” globalization is blamed for proliferating sweatshops owned by multinational corporations, producing an underclass of nonunionized labor, and generating an exploitive transnational capitalist and entrepreneurial class. Moving from individuals to countries, globalization arguably benefits rich countries at the expense of poor countries, by further concentrating wealth in rich countries as profits are repatriated from the Global South to the Global North. On the other hand, much of the literature has been skeptical of the criticisms that have been leveled at globalization. Just to take one example of the potentially salutary effects of globalization, it has been argued that globalization actually reduces disparities among rich and poor countries in their overall levels of economic development, by spreading industrialization to poor countries.

Social scientists also disagree intensely over whether globalization brings about political convergence among states. There is evidence that states adopt increasingly similar policies in areas such as education, welfare, the environment, human rights, and population as they interact more with international organizations. International organizations, it is argued, create and diffuse policy models (or “scripts”) to states, and states adopt these models, in part, to appear as legitimate members of a world society. This process may reflect the spread of modern, Western culture (e.g., individualism, universalism, rationalism, science, and progress) around the globe. These claims remain controversial, and some argue that international organizations serve national interests and as such have strictly limited independent influence. It is a major challenge to contemporary social science to bring some resolution to the varied, contradictory, and multivalent picture of globalization that has emerged.


  • Alderson, Arthur S., and Francois Nielsen. 2002. Globalization and the Great U-Turn: Income Inequality Trends in 16 OECD Countries. American Journal of Sociology 107: 1244–1299.
  • Boli, John, and George M. Thomas, eds. 1999. Constructing World Culture: International Nongovernmental Organizations Since 1875 . Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  • Boswell, Terry, and Christopher Chase-Dunn. 1999. The Spiral of Capitalism and Socialism: Toward Global Democracy . Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner.
  • Brady, David, Jason Beckfield, and Martin Seeleib-Kaiser. 2005. Economic Globalization and the Welfare State in Affluent Democracies, 1975–2001. American Sociological Review 70: 921–948.
  • Chase-Dunn, Christopher, Yukio Kawano, and Benjamin D. Brewer. 2000. Trade Globalization Since 1795: Waves of Integration in the World System. American Sociological Review 65: 77–95.
  • Firebaugh, Glenn. 2003. The New Geography of Global Income Inequality . Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Guillén, Mauro F. 2001. Is Globalization Civilizing, Destructive, or Feeble? A Critique of Five Key Debates in the Social Science Literature. Annual Review of Sociology 27: 235–260.
  • Held, David, Anthony McGrew, David Goldblatt, and Jonathan Perraton. 1999. Global Transformations: Politics, Economics, and Culture . Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
  • Meyer, John W., John Boli, George Thomas, and Francisco Ramirez. 1997. World Society and the Nation-State. American Journal of Sociology 103: 144–181.
  • Slaughter, Anne-Marie. 2004. A New World Order . Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.


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272 Globalization Essay Topics & Globalization Research Topics

Welcome to our list of globalization topics and essay ideas! Here, you will find plenty of current topics about globalization trends, benefits, and challenges. But that’s not all of it! In addition to topic ideas, you will also find examples of research papers and globalization essays. Check them out below!

🔝 Top 7 Globalization Topics for Research

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  • Contemporary Globalization and Its Impact
  • Globalization’ Positive and Negative Effects
  • Globalization and Its Impact on Society
  • The Effects of Globalization to Employment and International Trade
  • The Impact of Technology on Globalization
  • Impacts of Globalization on the Developing Countries
  • Apple Inc. Affected by Globalization and Technology
  • Is Globalization a Threat or an Opportunity to Developing Countries? The topic on the effects of globalization has generated a lot of debate in trying to analyze its contribution to either the success or failure of some aspects of economies.
  • Evaluating Cultural Dimensions of Globalization The objective of the current paper is to explore the cultural dimensions of globalization from the perspective of its relation to countries and nations.
  • Communication Technology and Globalization Growth in communication networks brought out by information technology witnessed a stream of expansion of products and ideas breaking geographic boundaries.
  • Globalization and Human Resource Policies and Practices The current paper aims to discuss the concept of globalizing HR policies and the potential positive and negative outcomes of this process.
  • Peru – Globalization, Environment, Crime and Disease The paper synthesizes a number of legitimate sources to focus on globalization and its effects on Peru with special relation to environmental issues, crime, and diseases.
  • Globalization and Health A planned urban society has access to safe and clean drinking water with appropriate sanitation and waste removal mechanisms.
  • The Effects of Globalization on Sports For many people in the world, globalization is the revolution of the future. Conversely, this is not true as globalization exists in the present day.
  • How Globalization Affects Governance? The process of globalization inevitably affects governance all over the world. In this paper, the peculiarities of the process of affecting governance by globalization will be addressed in detail.
  • Globalization Impacts on Trade and Employment Globalization refers to the integration of the world markets. It facilitates smooth movement of goods and people from one country to another.
  • Pros and Cons of Globalization The advantages of globalization outweigh the disadvantages. The concept has enhanced the rapid developments of impoverished nations.
  • The Impact of Globalization on World Politics Globalization as the process that creates preconditions for the eventual emergence of World Government, which will exercise an authority over planet’s natural and human resources.
  • Globalization Affecting the Role of Leaders in Organizations Globalization is influencing leadership because of the way it affects society through its processes. It has caused changes in the political, social, and economical aspects.
  • Apple Inc.’s Globalization Strategy and International Trade This paper will discuss Apple’s globalization strategy, global actions advocated for by this company, and how it facilitates international trade.
  • Globalization in Anthropological Perspective The anthropological perspective is a powerful model that guides scholars to analyze human diversity and empower individuals from different backgrounds.
  • Ford Motor Company’s Globalization Strategy This paper assesses Bangladesh and Rwanda as the two potential countries for Ford to globalize its operations. They are among the best fast-growing economies.
  • Globalization and Cultural Hybridization Globalization affects all spheres of human activity starting from education, policy, management, and ending with art, culture, etc.
  • The Advantages of Globalization Globalization is the process of growth and interconnection of world economies and cultures, which are aided by transport and trade.
  • Globalization’s Impact on International Marketing Strategies International marketing strategies are influenced by globalization. The operations of multinational firms are shaped by the confrontation between standardization and adaptation.
  • Leadership in the Context of Globalization This paper aims to outline the issue of leadership in the context of globalization, conduct a GAP analysis, offer recommendations for developing necessary leadership competencies.
  • The Globalization of Walmart Back in the 1990s, Walmart planned to conquer nations with large populations and growing purchasing power: Mexico, Argentina, and Brazil, and China.
  • Globalization’s Impact on Education Globalization will likely diversify educational opportunities while diminishing the competitive advantages of weaker educational systems.
  • Globalization and Corporate Social Responsibility The topic chosen for this research is globalization and corporate social responsibility because it is a unique and novel concept for transnational businesses.
  • Globalization’s Role for Developing Countries: Zambia In this paper, the results of globalization and its positive and negative consequences are discussed through the case of Zambia and the condition of its economy.
  • Ethics and Globalization in Business A business will only manage to keep up its reputation if it recognizes the established business ethics in its environment. Every firm must follow to the letter the code of conduct.
  • Dell Business Model: Globalization & Corporate Strategy The Dell Computer company research and development department is mandated with the task of advising the company on the nature of products it should manufacture.
  • Netflix’s Globalization in Brazil The modern world has become more connected due to globalization and multinational dependence on areas that support socioeconomic development.
  • Impact of Globalization on Netflix Company Netflix made two significant strategic moves that led to its success. The company did not explore all the available markets at once but in phases.
  • Americanization Is Not a Synonym for Globalization Globalization is the process of international integration, whereas Americanization means the influence of American culture on other countries’ cultural development.
  • Coca-Cola Company’s Strategy & Globalization Issues Multinational corporations are increasing day by day and they are usually criticized because of issues like environmental stability, sustainability etc.
  • Globalization and Diversity in TEDx Talk Shows This paper examines TEDx talk shows that discuss diversity and globalization issues and how globalization can reduce poverty levels in developing economies.
  • Globalization in Media: Pros and Cons Globalization in the media sphere is influenced by changes in political and cultural spheres bringing new economic opportunities and financial capitals to media giants.
  • Globalization Theories in the Business Environment The paper elaborates on the neo-classical, Marxist and structuralist perspectives on globalization before closing with the most concurrent theorem out of the three perspectives.
  • Effects of Globalization: The Case of LuLu Group Int To summarize this paper, globalization is an unstoppable interstate integration process, leading to the erasure of national boundaries and the formation of a single cultural layer
  • Globalization of the SK-II Brand SK-II Brand has been said to concentrate on its core business through innovation, expanding penetration in developing countries and restructuring its existing business.
  • Bauman’s Concept of Globalization in Understanding the Rise in Human Displacement This paper discusses the concept of globalization as viewed by Bauman, assesses the concept of increasing numbers of refugees, asylum seekers, and economic migrants in the world.
  • Globalization Impact on Sustainable Agriculture The emphasis on globalization has continued to undermine the pursuit of sustainable agriculture due to the many environmental, social, and economic consequences.
  • Social Media Impact on Globalization Among the many drivers of globalization, the advancement of digital social media platforms has been one of the most influential.
  • The Historical Context of Globalization The goal is to answer the study question, “What is the most important historical event that may have given rise to present globalization?”
  • Ways of Eating Around the World: Impact of Globalization Globalization is essentially to blame for the rapid rise in obesity and foodborne illness resulting from improved access to a diverse range of healthy foods.
  • Globalization of Video Games and Its Influence in the Society The research paper describes the positive impact of gaming, such as reducing flashbacks from posttraumatic stress defects and chronic pain reduction.
  • Why Youth and Community Workers Should Understand Globalization?
  • What Has Been the Effect of Globalization on Terrorism?
  • Who Are the Main Losers in the Process of Globalization?
  • Why Is Customer Service Needed in the Globalization of Logistics?
  • Why Resisting Globalization Can Be Reasonable?
  • Why Are the Critics So Convinced That Globalization Is Bad for the Poor?
  • What Would Our Nation Do Without Globalization and International Trade?
  • What Are the Costs and Benefits of Globalization?
  • Why Globalization Manufacturing Since the 1980s Has Changed Labor Relations?
  • Why Did General Motors fail to Compete With Globalization?
  • What Are the Challenges of International Development in the Age of Globalization?
  • What Impact Does Globalization Have On E-commerce?
  • Does Globalization Benefit Both Developed and Developing Countries?
  • What the Public Should Know About Globalization and the World Trade Organization?
  • What Are the Positive and Negative Effects of Globalization?
  • Why Did Germany’s Hidden Champions Succeed in Globalization?
  • Who Benefits From Globalization of Labor?
  • Does Economic Globalization Affect Interstate Military?
  • What Does the Globalization of Drug Trade Benefit?
  • Why Does Globalization Generate Winners and Losers?
  • Globalization as a Phenomenon and Its Impacts Globalization is a phenomenon, which has been made possible due to the development of communication technologies and multifaceted relationships among countries.
  • Importance of Globalization on International Business Globalization is very important in that it promotes worldwide growth as well as promotes peaceful coexistence globally through understanding.
  • Impact of New Technologies and Globalization on Literature The issue of globalization’s effect on the development of different countries has always been rather controversial.
  • Issues in the International Politics: Globalization Globalization in the international political system is considered to be centralized due to its impact on external links and close connection with political structures and mechanisms
  • Globalization and the Social Interest of Workers The paper sets out to demonstrate that globalization is not in the social interest of low-wage workers in developing nations and factory workers in the developed countries.
  • Globalization and Its Ethical Implications The paper states that the negative implications of globalization result in ethical dilemmas as people with diverse backgrounds participate in world development.
  • Relationship Between Urbanization, Globalization, and People The relationship between urbanization, globalization, and people is one of the most interesting and provocative topics in many discussions.
  • “The Globalization of Eating Disorders” by Susan Bordo This paper analyzes the text of an article written in 2002 by Susan Bordo, an American professor, and philosopher, whose works are marked by several prestigious awards.
  • Globalization: More Positive Effects Than Negative Ones Globalization refers to the “increasing interconnectedness of people and places through the converging process of economic, political and cultural change.”
  • The Impact of Globalization on Labor Market and Trade Globalization is the process that refers to the coming together of the international markets. This report examines the impacts of globalization on trade and employment.
  • The Impact of Globalization Discussing globalization objectively in its entirety is a challenging endeavor, since it touches upon almost every aspect of the modern world, and its influences differ from one region to the other.
  • Globalization: Challenges and Opportunities for Culture This paper explores the impact of globalization on cultural identity, highlighting both its challenges and positive aspects, and suggests solutions.
  • Effects of Colonialism and Globalization During the era of colonialism, colonies were perceived to be a major source of raw materials for the industries of the developed nations.
  • Pop Culture as a Potent Globalization Tool Pop culture popularizes different ideas and makes them familiar to people from various countries, which helps to minimize the number of misunderstandings.
  • Economic Globalization and Daily Life The stated factors belong to the concept of economic globalization, which implies the process through which states and corporations expand to the global scale.
  • The Impact of Racism on Globalization Racism is a great impediment to globalization, the bad blood between the said people of color and those of no color has dealt a big blow to development.
  • Regional Integration Inconsistency with Globalization With the term of Globalization being in vogue and regional integration agreements being signed across the globe, the coalition of the concepts has been questioned.
  • Impact of Globalization on Australia Globalization has enhanced the quality of life in Australia due to the fact that foreign investors are allowed to open up ventures in the country.
  • TNCs Contribution to Globalization of Retail Industry Transnational corporations make a great contribution to globalization issues and development of the global industry structure.
  • International Economy. Oakley’s Globalization Theory In “International Political Economy,” Thomas Oakley discusses globalization, its drivers, and its effects on various actors in the international scene.
  • Three Areas of Concern for Committee on Globalization This report aims to explore the three major problems that are a result of globalization, and that can have a negative impact on the nations in the Global North.
  • Globalization and Knowledge Management This paper outlines the knowledge management in the context of globalization and using personal experience with virtual learning.
  • Globalization and Democratization Relationship This paper explores the existing relationship between democracy and globalization. It focuses on democratization, globalization and their imperativeness.
  • Globalization Advantages and Negative Cultural Impact This paper focuses on globalization. Drivers of the globalization agenda are multinationals corporations, international financial markets, and transnational agencies.
  • Globalization and Cultural Diversity in the Workplace Cultural diversity should be incorporated into the company’s policies combined with teaching workers this fundamental issue in the business environment.
  • Globalization and Technology Impacts on Ethics The evaluation will center on analyzing how technology and globalization have contributed to the spread of poverty in third-world nations, violated individuals’ rights to privacy.
  • John Deere Company in View of Globalization John Deere is one of the most successful agricultural machinery companies in the world today. In 1963, the company became the world’s largest manufacturer.
  • How Residents of Georgia Understand and React to Globalization In the case of the state of Georgia, the understanding and reaction to globalization focus on economic integration and social well-being.
  • Globalization and Its Effects on World Economies The interconnectivity of the global community has had its fair share of both positive and negative impacts with either of them producing different outcomes.
  • Economic Globalization: The Role of Geography Globalization is by no means a modern phenomenon closely connected with the geographical structure of the world and location of a particular country.
  • Human Resources Management and How It Is Affected by Globalization and Technology? HRM functions have been widely affected by the changing trends around the world: various parts of the world are integrating, newer technologies and better concepts are evolving.
  • Coca – Cola: Business Strategy and Globalization The presence of the globalization phenomenon in the Company’s strategy can be proven by its effective presence in more then two hundred countries around the world.
  • Globalization Influence on Product Development This essay presents a critical analysis of the marketing strategies as they apply to the international marketing efforts of firms in the context of globalization.
  • Globalization Essence by M. Steger and N. Bisley Globalization: A very short introduction by Manfred Steger and Rethinking globalization by Nick Bisley define the necessity to treat the globalization and consider its complexity.
  • Impact of Globalization on Norms and Experiences around Gender Inequality is one of the most prolonged global debates that have refused to go away despite the great strides made through globalization
  • China’s Aviation Industry: Impact of Globalization This paper investigates the impact of globalization on China’s aviation industry. The report covers a wide range of topics, including history, global treaties, and critical forces.
  • Globalization and Its Pros and Cons It is hard to disagree that there is probably nothing universally positive or negative in this world. Everything has a price.
  • The Social Media Impact on Globalization This paper explains the impact of media on globalization and how it has affected businesses. Many people are currently using social media to run business organizations.
  • Globalization and Christian Mission Globalization has changed the landscape of industrial and business environments, and religion was inevitably affected by it, as well.
  • Globalization: Impact on Modern Society Globalization contributes to establishing relationships between individuals, independent social objects, and phenomena, embracing all spheres of people’s lives.
  • Globalization Opportunities and Challenges for Companies A company that adheres to the market development strategy should analyze the opportunities and challenges of globalization.
  • Reflection of “Globalization of Missions” Article The “Globalization of Missions: An Exegesis on the Great Commission” article is the author’s call for making proselytizing more aware of non-Western cultures.
  • Evaluation of the Meaning and Impact of Globalization in Relation to Criminal Justice The globalization process has a significant impact on criminal justice. Globalization has led to increased interdependence among various economies.
  • Globalization and Health Systems in India This research paper examines the effects of globalization on India’s healthcare system. It explores various areas such as healthcare delivery, acquisition, financing, and ethics.
  • Motivation and Globalization in Multinational Companies Motivation in the case of globalization becomes a burning issue of multinational companies as they should establish the most appropriate way to motivate their employees.
  • Globalization and Immigration: Globalization Policies Leaders and citizens in such nations feel threatened by the influx of both legal and illegal immigrants into their nations.
  • Qualitative Threshold: Globalization and Communication Technologies Globalization is a long-term phenomenon involving a gradual change of events. This process has occurred in distinct phases with each having unique characteristics.
  • “The Globalization of Markets” by Theodore Levitt In his article “The Globalization of Markets,” Theodore Levitt anticipated the effects of globalization and advancement in technology to international business.
  • Globalization: Managing Across Cultures Managing across culture is a product of globalization, that expatriate from a foreign culture moves to a totally new culture and is required to manage people from diverse cultures and backgrounds.
  • The Effect of Globalization in Economic Development Globalization has influenced modern life in many ways. Economists support the argument that individual economies are facing growth in respect to the prevailing globalization.
  • Child Labor Role in Westernization and Globalization Child labor is one of the many ways in which monetization of necessities due to globalization has led to an obsession with money and disregard for human rights in different parts of the world.
  • The Effect of Globalization on Healthcare Globalization is the phenomenon describing tight relationships between global cultures and economies. It increases the interdependence of the countries.
  • Costa Rica and Education Globalization The report will illustrate the background of the trend of remote learning as well as elements correlating with its implementation in the context of Costa Rica.
  • How Globalization Influences Citizenship Concept The one force that drives modernity most inescapably is globalization. Globalization led to a reimagining of the concept of citizenship in the context of modern developments.
  • Globalization in Education: The Impact of Lockdown on the Learning Gap Using the humanities approach could transform the main focus of the work on how people perceive their own culture and practices.
  • Religion, Globalization, and Language in China This research paper examines the problems of religion, globalization, and language from the Chinese perspective.
  • Globalization and Use of Fossil Fuel as Environmental Threats Both the process of globalization and the burning of fossil fuels have been significant contributors to the deterioration of the environment’s health on a worldwide scale.
  • Reshaping Globalization and Digital Media Over the decades, distinctive events and activities have contributed to the construction of the current global spectrum.
  • Education Under Impact of Globalization The negative impact of globalization was the widening gap in access to education. Globalization has made English the main language of education, which can lead to discrimination.
  • Globalization and Technological Development Technological development continues to facilitate globalization, with individuals from third-world countries coming to the forefront of the modern workforce.
  • The Globalization Impact on Cultural Production Human culture is evolving in the context of globalization, as many states are no longer in colonial relationships. It leads to global hegemony and diminishing diversity.
  • Addressing Global Inequality in the Era of Globalization While globalization has led to social, political, and economic increase, it has also given rise to global inequality, particularly through the exploitation of developing countries.
  • Globalization and Indigenous Communities in Canada In Canada, indigenous people feel both the austerities of environmental and cultural destruction and the potential for development.
  • Netflix: Globalization and Information Research In a three-stage expansion process, Netflix could make strategic decisions and establish effective policies in those markets
  • Globalization: Impact on International Business With higher levels of globalization, the overall international business will be safer as there will be more suppliers and manufacturers on the market.
  • Response to Globalization Pressure This paper aims to introduce a plan of action to ensure my continued employability as a professional in the sphere of international affairs.
  • Globalization and its Impact on the World A phenomenon that gathered speed after World War II, globalization has tremendously impacted the international economy, society, and culture by enabling greater interconnectedness and cross-border exchange of people and ideas. Globalization is a complex phenomenon that has benefited developed countries economically while unfairly distributing wealth to underdeveloped nations and disenfranchising…
  • The Globalization Impact on the US Foreign Policy The ability of the US to use its influence to alter international events is limited by globalization. America cannot deal with the issues brought on by globalization on its own.
  • Globalization Challenges in Developing Countries and Japan The participation of nations in global trade has several benefits, even though various problems impede countries from accessing global markets.
  • The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Globalization The fourth industrial revolution has made it possible for countries and manufacturing companies to produce and stabilize their economies.
  • Globalization and Geographic Information System Globalization is the process by which the globe becomes increasingly interconnected due to the exchange of commodities and services, information, knowledge, and cultural values.
  • Globalization and Democratic Peace Theory In the context of globalization, it is necessary to consider the theory of democratic peace, which recognizes democracy as the best form of government for society.
  • Globalization: Climate Crisis and Capitalist Ideology One of the main features of the development of the world community in recent decades has been globalization as part of integration processes that are changing the world structure.
  • Project Management Analysis and Globalization Technological supply chain management strategies and the development of dependable distribution systems in globalization are crucial components.
  • The Phenomenon of Terrorism and Its Relation to Globalization This paper states that the phenomenon of terrorism is tightly connected to the concept of inequality of globalization.
  • Interconnection of Globalization and Culture Despite serious issues, globalization has encouraged the funding of various initiatives in contemporary acts, contributing to the development of the market.
  • Globalization and Its Scale in the World Regardless of all opportunities provided by technological progress, the world remains less globalized than the majority of people expect.
  • Globalization and Poverty: Trade Openness and Poverty Reduction in Nigeria Globalization can be defined as the process of interdependence on the global culture, economy, and population. It is brought about by cross-border trade.
  • The Impact of Globalization on Business in India and the USA Since globalization started to affect the economy of the USA and India, it has had various positive and negative impacts on business.
  • Impact of Progressive Globalization One of the key processes in the development of the world economy on the verge of the XX-XXI centuries is the progressive globalization.
  • Globalization After World War I The emergence of the global economy corresponds to the aftermath of World War I, and the battle of governments and markets for control over the field brought unexpected results.
  • Researching the Concept of Globalization The paper aims to analyze the global playing field and support it with arguments why it is considered to be level.
  • Globalization: Beauty Sculpt for You Today society is filled with the obsession with promoting a self-image of beauty and perfection. Individuals take extreme measures to reach the goal of a flawless body.
  • Ethnic Violence in the Era of Economic Globalization Economic globalization refers to the interdependence of the world’s financial giants due to increased technology and trade across the borders.
  • Globalization Impact on Socioeconomic Inequality This paper analyzes the link between globalization and socioeconomic inequality, and how the inequality problem can be mitigated.
  • Food and Water Security as Globalization Issues Globalization has several implications for the business environment, among which are the expanded access to resources, and the interdependence of international companies.
  • Globalization in Modern Business Along with the development of technology, communication, and transportation, it becomes easier for companies to expand the scope of their operations and enter new markets.
  • Solving Problems Through Globalization The paper discusses the importance of uniting to create a global world. Globalization makes it easier to solve universal challenges that affect populations.
  • Globalization and Personal Identity Intersection The conditions dictated by globalization actualize the problem of cultural uniqueness and cultural self-determination, including identity.
  • Negative Sentiments Against Trade and Globalization Although the authors’ views are robust and applicable to developed economies, rising negative sentiments against trade and globalization remain relevant in developing countries.
  • Anthropocene and Its Role in Globalization The role of the Anthropocene in globalization can hardly be overestimated since, due to human activities, the world is becoming more and more interconnected.
  • Globalization Strategies for Multinational Enterprises This report will aim to understand the different approaches to regional and global expansion through strategy, and how they can be implemented by multinational enterprises (MNEs).
  • Human Sense of Place in the Context of Globalization In this study, complex questions about rethinking the human sense of place in the context of globalization are posed.
  • History of Globalization and World Integration The process of globalization is often viewed as an exclusively modern phenomenon that has arisen due to the development of multinational corporations.
  • American Dominant Minority Relations and Impact of Globalization To understand globalization’s effects on American dominant minority relations, it is necessary to turn to the global perspective and look beyond the US.
  • Hip Hop’s Globalization and Influence of Hip-Hop Music in Japan This paper reviews the Southern Rap Songs era’s influence on hip-hop music development in Japan during the 20th century.
  • The Effects of Globalization on the Environment The consequences of globalization can be very obscure. Globalization contributes to civilization as a whole but also inconveniences others.
  • The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Globalization The paper explains why the FDA has created a global strategy for fulfilling its mission and what are the costs and benefits to society of a more globalized food market.
  • Wireless Industry and Globalization for US Economy Various aspects can be analyzed to show that the wireless industry, America’s population growth, and globalization have significantly changed the United States’ economy.
  • Globalization: Arguments For and Against The process of globalization continues today, and arguments both in support and against this phenomenon are expressed regularly.
  • Global Poverty and Economic Globalization Relations Globalization is a necessary change in our history, as it has endowed us with abundant and fruitful life and various facilities and possibilities.
  • “Globalization” by Peter Temin: Article Analysis The current essay is a report on the given article “Globalization,” written by Peter Temin and published in Oxford Review of Economic Policy in 1999.
  • Globalization Effect on Social Movements Adapting to communication trends is a common theme in successful movements, which is only a small part of the process known as globalization.
  • Globalization and Technology in Health Care The critical change that has to be implemented to improve the process and quality of health care is further reliance on globalization and technology.
  • Globalization, Its Defenders and Critics Globalization is an ambiguous process with its advantages and disadvantages. It is impossible without significant changes in the ordinary life of people.
  • Economics: The Impact of Globalization As the borders between countries erode and different economies and cultures start to interweave, the world begins to be more and more defined by globalization.
  • Globalization of Nursing: Infant Mortality Rate in the US and Other States Among the health care issues, infant birth and death indices are of considerable importance. The paper is concerned with highlighting the infant mortality rate.
  • Foreign Direct Investment: Globalization of Production The report advises on the attractiveness of the USA and China for Australian companies interested in developing their international markets.
  • Globalization: On the Importance of ICT & Transnational Corporations Globalization is the process of increasing cooperation between different nations, and ICT is one of the factors that allows people from different nations to share their culture.
  • Geographical Diversification and Globalization With current terms of business operations between countries, it has been possible for businesses to diversify their market by venturing into other local and international markets.
  • Economic Globalization and Labour Rights The comprehensive study investigates the impact of economic globalization on labour rights in developing countries.
  • The Facets of Globalization in Internet Security This paper aims to outline and define interconnections between Internet security and the process of worldwide integration.
  • Process of Globalization and Nationalist Movements The transition between globalism and nationalism is frequently perceived as a threat to the government and its people.
  • Cultural Globalization as the Americanization of the World’s Cultures Americanization as a significant part of globalization may still be possible major industries vow it as a source of financial rewards.
  • International Finance and Globalization The monetary authorities of a country can use monetary tools to keep the value of their currencies lower than the value which would have been set by the market forces.
  • Globalization and American Productivity Economic globalization is reflected in such trends as foreign sourcing, global markets, and multinational corporations. It has positively shaped many countries.
  • Globalization and Economic Inequality The debate on the issue of economic inequality mitigation has been one of the central aspects of global discussion for decades.
  • Globalization and Competition: The USA, Western Europe, Japan The leading tendency of globalization is its presence even in those countries where other trends of the current world economy are weakly and hardly noticeable.
  • Tangible & Inevitable: Globalization as a Worldwide Phenomenon Globalization may be defined as the process of integration and interaction among countries worldwide and the growing interdependence of their economies, populations, and cultures.
  • The Financial Crisis and Its Connection With Globalization This essay examines two audio interviews that raise the issue of globalization and its impact on the economic security and policies of international banks.
  • The Effects of Globalization on Trade
  • Capitalism, Climate Change, and Globalization
  • Why Globalization Causes Turbulence and Disruption
  • Globalization of Healthcare in the US and Haiti
  • The Positive and Negative Aspects of Globalization
  • Globalization and Related Environmental Issues
  • Globalization and the Formation of New Claims
  • Overcoming CSR Challenges in the Age of Globalization
  • The Dark Side of Globalization
  • Outsourcing and Globalization as Driving Force
  • Present Day Resistance Historical Roots to the Trade Globalization
  • Energy Crisis: The Processes of Globalization and the Unification
  • Long-Term Impacts of the Chinese-American Trade War and Globalization of the World Economy
  • Free Trade as a Fundamental Principle of Modern Globalization
  • Chinese Companies and Globalization Issues
  • Global Governance Institutions in Context of Globalization
  • Leadership and Organizational Change: Diversity and Globalization
  • Globalization and Career of University of East London’s Students
  • Globalization: Impact and Consequences
  • Role of Globalization in Asian Market
  • “Globalization, Lifelong Learning and the Learning Society: Sociological Perspectives: 2” by Peter Jarvis
  • Globalization and Education – Economic, Political and Cultural Dimensions
  • Globalization and Transformative Process Drivers
  • “The Globalization of American Law” by R. D. Kelemen and E. C. Sibbitt
  • Globalization Negative Effects on Canadian Labour Union
  • Globalization in a Global Economy
  • Education With Regard to Globalization Issues
  • Whether Globalization Makes Consumer Powerless?
  • World Is Flat: Globalization Effect
  • Globalization and Its Impact on Firms
  • Environment: Rapid Increasing in Industrialization and Globalization
  • Ethics In The Business Globalization
  • Total Quality Management: Impact of Globalization on Quality
  • International Organizations Role in Globalization Process
  • Contemporary Globalization Since 1914
  • Asian Film Industry Globalization
  • Survival of Minority Ethnic Groups in Globalization
  • International Marketing – Impact of Globalization
  • “Globalization, Poverty and Inequality” by Kaplinsky
  • Globalization’s Impact on Banks in Canada
  • Global Politics: Women’s Rights, Economy, Globalization
  • Globalization and Cultural Difference of Societies
  • Globalization, the Sex Trade and HIV-AIDS
  • Media Production and Connections in Globalization
  • China’s Impact on Globalization and International Security
  • Geographical Conditions’ Affect of Globalization
  • Moving Away From Globalization: Consequences
  • Globalization and Russian Influence
  • Market Globalization and Global Marketing Pitfalls
  • “The Globalization of Markets” Book by Levitt
  • American Popular Culture and Globalization Effects
  • Globalization’s Role in Improving Women’s Rights
  • Supply Chain Management in Globalization Era
  • Chapters 2 and 9 of “Sociology of Globalization” by Smith
  • Air Transport and Its Benefits for Globalization
  • Human Rights, Globalization and Economic Development
  • Globalization Influences Discussed in TED Talks
  • Education History and Globalization
  • Globalization and Its Consequences: Economic Crossroads
  • Globalization and National Security Issues
  • Germany’ Sovereignty in the Age of Globalization
  • Globalization Concept and Its Impact on the State
  • Globalization vs. Traditions in Eastern Culture
  • Ethics in Reporting: Globalization and Media
  • Globalization Effect on Small and Medium Size Business
  • Globalization Effect on Developing Countries’ Business
  • Hard Rock Café: E-Commerce and Globalization
  • Globalization Impact on Trade and Employment
  • Leadership and Globalization in the US and Japan
  • Identity Politics as a Response to Globalization
  • Globalization and Cultural Knowledge of China
  • Millenium Development Goals and Globalization
  • The Pitfalls of Globalization
  • Aspects of Globalization: Positive and Negative Effects
  • The Impact of Globalization on Immigration Control
  • Spiritual Perspectives on Globalization by Ira Rifkin
  • Globalization and Its Benefits for the United States
  • Globalization and Businesses in New Economies
  • The Globalization Index and Singapore as the Leading State
  • Evaluating the Effects: Advantages of Globalization
  • Modern Imperialism and Economic Globalization
  • Singapore Globalization: Criterias and Ranks
  • Globalization Impacts on the United Nations Institution
  • Globalization and Citizenship in EU

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Globalization, Research Paper Example

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Globalization, the “process of enabling financial and investment markets to operate internationally, largely as a consequence of deregulation and improved communications” helps in making the world within the scope or application (Homann et al., 2007, p. 131). Visualized to be as the simplest way of performing business or running financial markets, the practices of globalization possess relative potential in replacing domestic economic life with heavily prejudiced from overseas. Regardless of its working efficacy, the exact definition of globalization may still persist to be a subject of debate amongst professionals who oppose, support or simply witness it. The theories on Free Trade, Mercantilism, New Trade and Porter’s, Comparative advantage, Trade liberalization and Neoliberalism support the concepts and facts of globalization. It is highly necessary to bear in mind that businesses are the key drivers to globalization (Homann et al., 2007). Presence of multinational companies, rise and falls in trading (like selling software) and encouraging domestic businesses can be certain examples for the proposed barrier. Besides, the developments in technology and communication (use of Internet and e-commerce for distributing the documents within split seconds across borders), reduction in trade barriers and their shift from closed to open end economy (like NAFTA, USA and Indian reorganization) together with the social changes (such as the availability of superior products and services worldwide and enhanced purchasing power) act as prime drivers for globalization. Furthermore, market move (after Europe reunification, global liberalization revolution and financial crisis), declining costs (transportation, communication and development) and global entry of billions of individuals in to the market economy with the rise of US, Germany, UK and Japan in early 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, can also be considered as some of the globalization drivers (Michie, 2003).

Ensuring globalization as a positive benefit for all the individuals in the world-wide market economy, its possible effects (such as increased employment opportunities, enhanced output, higher incomes and advantages) aids in creating a better economy amongst the various developing countries (Homann et al., 2007). Economically speaking, the standard of living, competition and income gap can be widened with the individuals gaining awareness on foreign culture. Additionally, the loss to local culture can be minimized with environmental issues getting resolved.

Homann, K., Koslowski, P., & Leutge, C. (2007). Globalization and Business Ethics. United States of America: Auflage Publishers.

Michie, J. (2003). The Handbook of Globalization. United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.

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Globalization - Free Essay Samples And Topic Ideas

Globalization refers to the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale. Essays on globalization could explore its economic, political, and cultural dimensions, analyzing its impact on trade, communication, and societal norms. They might delve into the advantages and disadvantages of globalization, its role in accelerating technological innovation and cultural exchange, and its impact on state sovereignty, inequality, and global governance structures. A substantial compilation of free essay instances related to Globalization you can find at PapersOwl Website. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

The Impact of Globalization in Italy

Abstract Italy is in the midst of a huge transformation. The country is often associated with having extraordinary food and romantic adventures, but today Italy's image is changing as it is becoming a leader in productions of machinery around the world. This is due to globalization, the process of social, political, economic, cultural, and technological integration among countries around the world. Businesses throughout the world come together to trade goods that are not easily accessible in the country they are […]

The Impact of BTS on Globalization

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Human Rights in the Era of Globalization

Human rights embody ore values. Among them, there is the dignity of all human beings their equality of fundamental worth and their need to live in this community, with respect and empathy for others, but also with some measure of industrial liberty. Mostly west world countries don't have any monopoly on these values, but people feel that they are always influenced by western countries. In a greater or lesser degree, they embraced the world's major religious and philosophical tradition from […]

Can Islamic and Global Terrorism Ever be Defeated

Terrorism is a word which is often talked about in the modern day due to events which have happened in the recent past. In this essay I will discuss about the factors which explain the rise to Global Terrorism and Islamic Terrorism. The main question which is posed to people everyday is that, can terrorism ever be defeated? Over the last 30 years, we have seen devastating acts of terrorism occur all around the world. 9/11 being a good example […]

Mass Globalization

It is no secret that technology is the 21st century has resulted in mass globalization for many western countries offering education, ideology and socialization. Considering its affordability, in 2010 Janet McIntosh wrote the article Mobile phones and Mipoho's prophecy where she conducted ethnographic fieldwork in the town of Malindi, Kenya where she analyzes the sociolinguistics in the society when cell phones were introduced. McIntosh's research has contributed to anthropology and economic development by exhibiting how cell phones globalized Kenyan culture […]

An Important Role of Globalization

Recently, globalization has played an important role in the national market economies of various countries. It not only enhances economic integration but also motivates trade liberalization. However, many debates still exist regarding the "side effects" of globalization on the development of countries. Therefore, globalization is a controversial issue that consistently receives significant attention from governments around the world. Firstly, according to Chernotsky & Hobbs (2018), globalization is defined as a political, economic, and cultural exchange among nations that enhances trade […]

The Globalization of Baseball

Globalization is the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale. The influences of globalization can be felt in every city around the world. Technology has enabled individuals as well as organizations the ability to immerse themselves into another culture virtually at the speed of light. Understanding of different societies and cultures has become one of the leading processes of a business. Primarily there has been a greater focus on understanding […]

Pink Globalization: Hello Kitty

Hello Kitty's trek across the Pacific is an ethnography that shows how an anthropologist mainly focused on the growth of Hello Kitty throughout time. Throughout the book, we are able to see how Yano does her research based on Sanrio a Japanese company that has design merchandise that emphasis on the kawaii segment of Japanese popular culture. The anthropologist studies the creation of Hello Kitty and how it has developed through many parts of the world she explains how it […]

Contemporary Global Issues

Globalization has had an effect on just about every state in the world. The effects vary from social, political, and economic, all aspects of everyday life. By definition, globalization is "the process of increasing interconnectedness among societies such that events in one part of the world more and more have effects on peoples and societies far away" (Lamy, 2015). Many people have argued that this causes more harm than good, as it can create worldwide consequences from the mistakes or […]

Globalization’s Results in the Global North and South

Globalization has created a real pathway for businesses to penetrate and exploit the potential of the Global South. It has also encouraged the emergence of a new working class with shared characteristics. The social class champions for better working conditions using unique and different ways from the structured processes that dominate the home countries of most global enterprises. For instance, the rise of wildcat strikes in the emerging economies defies the spirit of collective bargaining that defines employer-employee relationship in […]

Globalization’s Effects on Salta’s Viticulture Industry

Today's world economy is constantly shifting, changing, and adapting. With the increased interconnectedness of markets and communication, effectively every current industry looks remarkably distinct from what they looked like a hundred years ago. The distribution of these changes, however, are not uniform, and agricultural industries in particular see this imbalance. Globalization and technological advances may diminish agriculture's intrinsic variability, but this inconsistency can never be completely erased. This is most exemplified in the grape growing industry. Grapes are a sensitive […]

Globalization of Cricket

Sports in society has become an essential part of everyday life. We eat, breathe, and live on sports. Wherever we go in the world, we are surrounded with sports culture. In the United States, we love our American Football. College or professional, you will see that society here treats Football as like a religion, and Sunday as the day of the Sabbath. We buy merchandise, start fantasy teams, hold game day parties, attend the actual game, and much more. It's […]

A Study on Influence of Globalization

Abstract The roles and obligations of Human Resources departments are changing as the modern business confronts challenges of globalization. The global supply of talent falls short of its long-term demand, and the disparity between demand and supply is a challenge for employers everywhere. The shortage between the demand and supply of talent is likely to continue to increase, notably for highly-skilled workers and the next generation of business managers. Currently, organizations need to place greater emphasis on attracting human capital […]

Global Terrorism and New Media

“The post – Al Qaeda generation” Philip Seib and Dana M. Janbek in their book Global Terrorism and New Media have relied on years of research to provide this insightful insight into how terrorist groups have comprised and exploited the new media, and its “success has been enabled in part by clever use of new media, principally the numerous tools provided by the Internet” (p. viii). “Philip Seib is Professor of Journalism and Public Diplomacy, Professor of International Relations, and […]

Globalization in Context: Diminishing Religious Differences

The idea of globalization doesn't just apply to the modern day spread of economic and political benefits to individual countries, but it also applies to the diffusion of culture or even the combination of cultures. It is known that globalization isn't static, as it promotes change, but also creates more awareness in areas. An example of a cultural attempt to assimilate is the Cherokee who began merge into western society, however all attempts of pluralism or resisting the influence of […]

What Really is Globalization?

What really is globalization? The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines globalization as the act or process of globalizing: the development of an increasingly integrated global economy marked especially by free trade, free flow of capital, and the tapping of cheaper foreign labor markets. However, there is also another view on globalization as the growth of the sizes of social systems and the increase in the complexity of intersocietal links. Thus, in certain respects, globalization may be regarded as a process connecting the […]

Economic and Cultural Transformation as a Result of Globalization in the Philippines

Globalization is associated with not only advancements in communication and ever-expanding trade routes but also transformation in political systems and the enhancement or destruction of cultural heritage (Block, 2004; Lieber & Weisberg, 2002). Indeed, it is apparent that globalization in developing countries has a significant impact on political, economic, and cultural aspects. Globalization arises from several factors which may include colonialism (Korobeynikova, 2016). The expansion in power and territory that is characteristic of colonialism may promote communication and technological advancements, […]

Additional Example Essays

  • Positive Effects of Social Media
  • Interpersonal Communication and Cultural Stereotypes
  • Enlightenment Ideas Reflected in the Declaration of Independence
  • Social Media Make Us Lonely
  • Overcoming My Fear of Public Speaking
  • The Importance of Cultural Heritage
  • Titanic: A Closer Look - Film Summary and Analysis
  • Compare And Contrast In WW1 And WW2
  • Followership and Servant Leadership
  • Why Abortion Should be Illegal
  • Death Penalty Should be Abolished
  • Logical Fallacies in Letter From Birmingham Jail

Essay About Globalization Globalization can be defined as the process of integration among individuals, corporates, and governments in the world (Pieterse, 2019). The term is also used to describe the spread of goods, technology, culture, and information across country boundaries. Globalization has served to reshape the economic landscape of the United States with the introduction of new technologies, the exchange of business ideologies, and corporate culture. Through globalization, local companies are also expanding their operations, opening outlets, and acquisition strategies in foreign countries. Globalization has also significantly changed the internal environment of many businesses with organization managements forced to develop strategies that would accommodate the changes associated with it. One of the ways through which globalization has changed the internal environment of organizations is through organizational diversity (Borjas, 2015). With the increase in immigration as facilitated by globalization, the organization that I worked for was characterized by staff members from different ethnicities and cultural backgrounds. The human resource in the organization responded to office diversity through several team-building strategies to enhance cohesion and coordination among the staff members. The organization's Human Resource Management also responded through the inclusion of minority groups in various leadership positions as a strategy to motivate employees and also accommodate them in the overall goal of the organization. A code of ethics was also developed that served to promote employee integration and tolerance while harsh penalties for any employees that propelled any form of racial or cultural segregation. Also, as a strategy to accommodate the minority groups, the organization regularly celebrated the various cultures while employees were also given a holiday off to celebrate their respective holidays. The organization was also able to use diversity to enhance decision-making and utilize more creative approaches in problem-solving. Cultural diversity also played a significant role in the marketing operations of the organization whereby the organization was able to reach out to foreign cultures within the country with the help of employees from the organization who are more conversant with the behavior of the market from their cultures. Employees were also able to attend to clients from their cultures and this also helped in service delivery and customer retention.

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  1. Globalization Research Paper

    Globalization Research Paper. This sample globalization research paper features: 6400 words (approx. 20 pages), an outline, and a bibliography with 45 sources. Browse other research paper examples for more inspiration. If you need a thorough research paper written according to all the academic standards, you can always turn to our experienced ...

  2. Globalization and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence on the

    In this paper, we examine the relationship between economic globalization and growth in panel of selected OIC countries over the period 1980-2008. Furthermore, we would explore whether the growth effects of economic globalization depend on the set of complementary policies and income level of OIC countries. The paper is organized as follows.

  3. Understanding Globalization and its Future: An Analysis

    Brief description of each dimension is given for understanding globalization from different aspects. Last and most important part of this paper is comprised of current events, statistics, reports ...

  4. (Pdf) Contemporary Issues of Globalization

    Abstract: Globalization contemporarily, can be seen as the intensification, widening and deepening of international. networks across the economic, military, technological, ecological, health ...

  5. PDF Globalization: Current Issues and Future Research Directions

    First, globalization refers to a state of being more conscious of the world as whole (Robertson, 1992). Second, it refers to new self other relations in light of global connectivity (Delanty, 2012b). Both ideas suggest a. -. more central role for psychology in research on globalization.

  6. Globalization, de-globalization, and re-globalization: Some historical

    Globalization of production accelerated with the ascent of shareholder capitalism. In the search for efficiencies, multinational firms began scouring the globe looking for centralized and low-cost production locations. In parallel, technological advancements enabled global value chains where China, with its hard work ethic and then seemingly ...

  7. Full article: Globalisation and public policy: bridging the

    The review was followed by a search of key terms in the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI). I limited the search to 'title' only as including abstract/keywords brings about thousands of results. The search terms included (globalisation OR globalization) AND (10 research terms given in the Table 1).

  8. Does Globalisation Influence Employment? Empirical Investigation on

    Journal of Globalization Studies, 1(1), 166-185. Google Scholar. Eichengreen B., Gupta P. (2011). The service sector as India's road to ... Unit root tests in panel data: Asymptotic and finite-sample properties. Journal of Econometrics, 108, 1-24. Crossref. Web of Science. Google Scholar. Maddala G. S., Wu S. (1999). A comparative study ...

  9. The impact of economic, social, and political globalization and

    The 17 Sustainable Development Goals announced by the United Nations are important guides for the development processes of developing countries. However, achieving all of these goals is only possible if the goals are consistent with each other. It has been observed in the literature that possible contradictions between these goals are ignored. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to ...

  10. Globalization and Growth in Recent Research

    2. In this paper we survey the recent rese arch on globalization and growth, with an. emphasis on research undertak en at these two institutions. Globalization refers to the gr owing integration ...

  11. PDF The Social Impact of Globalization in the Developing Countries

    country income inequality (WCII). Another example of this kind of diversity of opinions is the debate about poverty indicators: supporters of globalization underline the fact that worldwide absolute poverty has decreased over the last two decades, while critics of globalization show that this result is almost entirely due to statistical artefacts

  12. The State of Globalization in 2021

    Cross-border flows plummeted in 2020 as the Covid-19 pandemic swept the world, reinforcing doubts about the future of globalization. As we move into 2021, the latest data paint a clearer — and ...

  13. How globalization is changing digital technology adoption: An

    Globalization, for example, also has a critical impact on global competition and multifactor productivity. We have provided empirical evidence using the random effects panel data model for 183 countries on globalization Granger-causing digital technology adoption across countries. Our study is the first to our knowledge to use multidimensional ...

  14. Globalization: Benefits and Challenges Research Paper

    According to Awoyemi et al. (2021), the main challenge of globalization is cybercrime. Some of the main forms of cybercrimes discussed in their study include hacking, spoofing, identity theft, password sniffing, and credit card fraud, among others (Awoyemi et al., 2021). This drawback makes many people fear interacting freely on the internet.

  15. 620 Inspiring Globalization Essay Topics & Examples

    You can study globalization from the perspective of many topics, such as politics, ecology, countries' economies, and political sciences. Globalization essay topics may include: Positive and negative effects of globalization. The correlation between globalization and democratization: The perspective of developing countries.

  16. Globalization and Communication Research Paper

    Globalization, according to The Economist magazine, is one of the 10 most overused words of this decade.Phrases such as global corporations, global media, and global economy clearly reflect the term's popularity, but often its true meaning and implications become lost or obscured.. Nayan Chanda, editor of the online newsletter Yale Global, says that globalization means "reconnecting the ...

  17. Social and Economic Aspects of Globalization Research Paper

    Five Dimensions of Globalization. Cross-national connections are created in the economic, political, cultural, social, and environmental domains. Although these dimensions necessarily overlap, it is analytically useful to distinguish them. Economic globalization results when corporations go multinational, either by selling their products in ...

  18. (PDF) Globalization

    Globalization is an important asset of the world, effects incre asing by day by on economic, social, political, cultural, environmental and technological dimensions so on. The scope of ...

  19. 272 Globalization Essay Topics & Globalization Research Topics

    This research paper examines the effects of globalization on India's healthcare system. It explores various areas such as healthcare delivery, acquisition, financing, and ethics. ... These essay examples and topics on Globalization were carefully selected by the StudyCorgi editorial team. They meet our highest standards in terms of grammar ...

  20. Sample Research Paper On Globalization

    Sample Research Paper on Globalization - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Globalization is a complex topic that poses significant challenges for students writing a thesis on it. The document discusses some of the main difficulties, including the vast amount of literature available, the diverse viewpoints among scholars, and conducting empirical ...

  21. Globalization, Research Paper Example

    Globalization, Research Paper Example. Pages: 1. Words: 339. Research Paper. Hire a Writer for Custom Research Paper. Use 10% Off Discount: "custom10" in 1 Click 👇. HIRE A WRITER! You are free to use it as an inspiration or a source for your own work. Globalization, the "process of enabling financial and investment markets to operate ...

  22. Globalization Free Essay Examples And Topic Ideas

    58 essay samples found. Globalization refers to the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale. Essays on globalization could explore its economic, political, and cultural dimensions, analyzing its impact on trade, communication, and societal norms.