
Topics for The Great Gatsby Argumentative Essay

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When it comes to writing an argumentative essay , there are a lot of topics to choose from. However, if you’re looking for something on The Great Gatsby you might want to consider writing about one of the following Topics for The Great Gatsby Argumentative Essay

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Possible Topics for The Great Gatsby Argumentative Essay

Is Nick a reliable or trustworthy narrator? How does his point of view affect the story?

Is the story of The Great Gatsby believable? Why or why not?

Where is the climax of the story? Explain your choice.

Are the characters in The Great Gatsby stereotypes? If so, explain why Fitzgerald used stereotypes in  the novel. If not, explain what makes the characters individuals.

What is the most essential symbol in the novel? What does it represent?

Analyze Gatsby’s relationship with Daisy.

Are Gatsby’s actions believably motivated? Explain why or why not.

What makes F. Scott Fitzgerald’s writing style unique and/or effective?

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Compare and contrast various characters.

Explain how F. Scott Fitzgerald uses the minor characters–Owl Eyes, Mr. Wolfshiem, Pammy, Michaelis, and George Wilson–in the novel. What does each character add to the story?

Explain how the title, The Great Gatsby, is appropriate.

Why do Daisy and Tom stay together?

What does it mean to be wealthy? Do responsibilities come with money?

Does Gatsby’s money bring him happiness?

Interpret one of the novel’s key symbols (the green light, the eyes of Dr. T. J. Eckleburg, the valley of ashes, etc.).

Suppose this novel had been written from Gatsby’s (or another’s) point of view. How would the story have changed?

Read a sample The Great Gatsby 46 Essay

Analyze each of the novel’s locations (West Egg, East Egg, the Valley of Ashes, and New York City), and explain how each corresponds to the social position, lifestyle, and personality of its residents.

What traits does Nick find admirable about Gatsby? What traits does he dislike?

Is The Great Gatsby an outdated novel, or is it relevant today? If it is relevant, what specific elements of current society does the book describe or explain?

What motivates Daisy, Myrtle, and Jordan? Is there a common thread?

Surprisingly, Tom Buchanan and George Wilson are actually similar in many ways. Be sure to focus on their attitudes toward women, their approach to violence, and their reactions to being cheated on.

How does Fitzgerald use weather in the novel?

How does the state of the current financial markets resemble the economic problems of the 1920s? How does Fitzgerald highlight and predict those problems?

Which characters are static and which are dynamic? Why did Fitzgerald choose to portray them this way?

In the final chapter, Nick describes Tom and Daisy as “careless people.” Are they? Are they each careless in their own way?

Explore ONE of the following themes: alienation, friendship, identity, the American Dream, materialism, corruption, fate, the past, love, hope, etc.

Additionally, feel free to explore your own topic regarding the novel. If you do so, please discuss the topic with me so I can help you verify that it is practical, as well as help you brainstorm how to proceed.

Read more on 5 Tips for a perfect Discussion Post (How to Write a Discussion Post)

Argumentative Essay Topics For The Great Gatsby

How The Novel “The Great Gatsby”, Examine Complex Ideas about Identity, others and The World

Essay Prompts: The Great Gatsby that was published in the year 1925 has been rated as one of the best fiction stories about American during its time. The Great Gatsby was written by one of the celebrated American Authors called F. Scott Fitzgerald.

A Comparison and Contrast of Tom and Gatsby

Essay prompts: Compare and contrast Gatsby and tom. how are they alike? how are they different? given the extremely negative light in which tom is portrayed throughout the novel, why might daisy choose to remain with him instead of leaving him for Gatsby?

Nick or Gates?

Essay prompts: The question pertains to The Great Gatsby story and actually it is more of Nick because he lists down all the attendees of the party that summer. The list includes all of the powerful and rich people in the nation.

Comparison of The Characters of Hamlet and Jay Gatsby

Essay prompts: Hamlet is the main character in the play “Hamlet,” the son of King Hamlet and Gertrude. He was brought up in the palace and his family was wealthy. Jay Gatsby, who is the main protagonist in the novel “The Great Gatsby” is different from Hamlet because he came from a humble background.

When it comes to writing an argumentative essay, there are a lot of topics to choose from. However, if you’re looking for something on The Great Gatsby you might want to consider writing about one of the following Topics for The Great Gatsby Argumentative Essay

The Great Gatsby and The American Dream

Essay prompts: The American dream is essentially dishonest in the Great Gatsby, where Gatsby rises from humble beginnings to be a wealthy man through dubious means. When compared to the ‘old money’ people like Tom Buchanan, who did not flaunt their wealth Gatsby, wanted recognition.

An Analysis Of Gatsby Based On Color Green

Essay prompts: The following analysis will focus on Gatsby as a character from the novel and the analysis will be based on color green.

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Write an Essay analyzing a character from The Great Gatsby, based on one of The colors associated with that character.

The Imagery of a Passage in Great Gatsby

Essay prompts: Scott Fitzgerald writes the book titled The Great Gatsby. It Is appropriate to conclude that Fitzgerald conveys both good and sinister qualities of Gatsby in the passage.

The Role of Women in The Great Gatsby

Essay prompts: The Great Gatsby is novel composed by Scott Fitzgerald around 1922 in New York. It is a love story, loss and scandal during the social unrest.  

The Impact Of The Social Context In Great Gatsby And Elizabeth Barrett Brownings Sonnets

Comparative Themes of Eiger Dreams and The Great Gatsby

Essay prompts: Eiger Dreams is a non-fiction book written from a collection of articles and essays based on rock climbing and mountaineering. It takes place in two different locations. One is the Swiss Alps, the other location is in Alaska (Krakauer, 2012).

The Great Gatsby: The Corrupt Nature of The American Dream

Essay prompts: The focus of this paper is on the nature of the American dream as depicted by Fitzgerald. Therefore, the withering of the American dream is the central thesis of this paper

The American Dream as portrayed in The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald

Essay prompts: Fitzgerald has illustrated American dream by use of several characters to show how elusive the dream has been to some people whilst others are already living it.

How Trauma is Represented in Fitzgerald’s Work “The Great Gatsby”

Essay prompts: Trauma is a motif in The Great Gatsby, a novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald published in 1925. The novel narrates the tragic story of Jay Gatsby, who happens to be a millionaire in pursuit of the love of his youth, Daisy, which he lost while serving in the army.

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Best essay topics for the great gatsby

Social Constructs of The American Society on The Narrative “The Great Gatsby”

Essay prompts: The Great Gatsby is a narration about an individual struggling to create an identity for himself that will elevate his status to that of a wealthy man of stature and hence realizing his American dream that takes the form of a woman he so desires to marry.

Analysis of “The Great Gatsby”

Essay prompts: This is just one among many such examples that unravels how a man’s wealth would affect his relationship and social relations as a major theme throughout Fitzgerald’s novel, “The Great Gatsby”.

How would a man’s wealth affect his relationship and social relation?

Franklin’s Almanac: The Way to Wealth vs. The Great Gatsby

Essay prompts: The American dream is the notion that one can be anything they wish to be in the United States. Chance and opportunity are there for the taking, but these are limited to those willing to work hard, and set forth for what they believe.

Similarities between “The Great Gatsby” and The “Generation Wealth”

Essay prompts: We are going to discuss the similarities between “The Great Gatsby” and the film, “Generation Wealth”, while at the same time elucidating on the main theme of money.

Analysis of Fitzgerald use of language and symbolism in Gatsby

Essay prompts: The inability to win Daisy’s love undermines Gatsby’s success. That is why Fitzgerald’s writing language uses irony in explaining how impossible it was for Gatsby to achieve his dream.

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Great Gatsby essay prompts

Masculinity in The Great Gatsby Novel

Essay prompts: Undergraduate Essay: Masculinity in The Great Gatsby Novel…

Gatsby Does Not Truly Love Daisy:

A Misunderstanding Of The American Dream Leads To The Tragedy Of Love

Essay prompts: The American Dream refers to the belief that everybody, disregarding their social class or birthplace, can achieve the success they dream of when living in a society that promotes upward mobility for everyone.

War Trauma in The Great Gatsby

Essay prompts: The casualties of war are not only those who fall on the battlefield but even those that walk away dead from the inside. In the Great Gatsby, the effects of war are felt through Jay Gatsby, who comes back from a different man. His war trauma is worsened by losing his love while he was at war.

The American Dream in The Great Gatsby and The House on Mango Street

Essay prompts: This paper will give invaluable insights concerning how the American Dream as an ideology has been presented in the Great Gatsby and The House on Mango Street.

Great Gatsby Quotes About Money Can’t Buy Happiness

Essay prompts: He quote money can’t buy you happiness is never truer than when viewed through the storylines of The Great Gatsby and Wolf of Wall Street. This conflicts with the notion that living the American dream translates to happiness.

How Manifestation and Materialism are Related to The American Dream

Essay prompts: This article seeks to draw on real-life examples as well as textual evidence to showcase how the American dream is closely associated with manifestation and materialism….

The Great Gatsby vs The Godfather

Love in Th Great Gatsby

Essay prompts: The idealized conception of love is one in which individuals are committed and faithful to each other unconditionally.

The Symbolism of Time in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Essay prompts: Time is of the essence, and it waits for no man. Therefore, humans should concentrate their minds on the present and neither dwell on the past nor dream about the future. In Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald explores the roaring twenties and their American dream. In this novel, the main character, Jay Gatsby.

Representations And Discourses Of The American Dream In Film

Essay prompts: The “American Dream” means that as long as the person starts working hard and follow their dream, thus it can lead to a better life. Equal opportunity is the soul of the “American Dream.”

Symbolism in The Great Gatsby and its significance in modern society

Essay prompts: F. Scott Fitzgerald’s story, “The Great Gatsby,” has used symbolism depicting the city where the story is set. Further, the author has also used symbolism in representing individuals characters and Gatsby’s problems, among others.

The Futility Of Human Dreams: Independence

Essay prompts: The author successfully manages to show how we can dream in vain by demonstrating from the characters. George and Lennie dream of a better life full of freedom and independence.

Representation And Discourses Of The American Dream In Film

Essay prompts: The American Dream can be achieved by individuals who exercise hard work, independence, courage, determination, creativity, and diligence.

“Winter Dreams” and “The Great Gatsby” mirror into S Fitzgerald’s life

Essay prompts: These two novels have been widely read, and The Great Gatsby was even adopted into a movie. Often, people say that the story Winter Dreams was merely a draft for The Great Gatsby. The two are very similar and encompass similar themes.

Comparison Between East Egg and West Egg

Essay prompts: The novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald is narrated by Nick Carraway, one of the main protagonists in the book. Nick lives in West Egg, a new village in New York with upcoming millionaires and billionaires.

Analysis Of Movies That Portray The American Dream

Essay prompts: The paper aims at discussing the American Dream by analyzing films that portray the accomplishment of the dream as well as the factors that make it difficult for individuals to achieve their version of the American Dream.

Representation and Discourses of The American Dream in Film

Essay prompts: This paper aims at conferring the American Dream by analyzing films which portray the accomplishment of the dream as well as the factors that make it difficult for individuals to achieve their version of the American Dream.

Why Economies Succeed or Fail during The Great Depression

Essay prompts: The Great Depression was an austere worldwide financial depression in the 1930s, starting in the United States. One major cause of the Great Depression was the ensuing global crisis. Europe had not settled after the First World War and faced severe consequences.

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The Great Gatsby - Essay Examples And Topic Ideas For Free

The Great Gatsby is a novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald that explores themes of the American dream, wealth, and social stratification in the 1920s. Essays could analyze its central themes, character relationships, or the symbolic elements used by Fitzgerald to critique the excesses and superficiality of the Jazz Age. A substantial compilation of free essay instances related to The Great Gatsby you can find at Papersowl. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

The Theme of the American Dream in the Great Gatsby

The American dream is a concept that many strive for and will not be deterred from. Within The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Jay Gatsby longs to create the most ideal lifestyle with Daisy, someone he has taken an interest in. Gatsby’s attraction to Daisy, who is married to Tom Buchanan, makes him go to extreme lengths to win her over. Ultimately, this leads to his downfall as this fantasy will not be the reality. Although his dream is […]

The Use of Color Symbolism in the Great Gatsby

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Corruption of the American Dream

The Great Gatsby is a story of a man's quest for an unachievable goal based off the social and economic repercussions around the 1920's. Although Gatsby's journey to win over Daisy came to a screeching halt with his death, his life story of wealth along with the other characters represented the corruption of the original American Dream derived from Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography. Fitzgerald used West Egg (new money) and East Egg (old money) to show the growing divide between "old […]

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Symbolism in the Great Gatsby

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How are Women Portrayed in the Great Gatsby

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Pursuit of the American Dream

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The Great Gatsby and Prohibition

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Character Analysis: Nick Carraway in the Great Gatsby

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The American Dream in USA

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Love in the Great Gatsby

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Analyzation of Women in “The Great Gatsby”

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Who is the Worst Character in the Great Gatsby

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The Loss of Identity in the Great Gatsby

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The Death of the American Dreams

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Examples of Diction in the Great Gatsby

Fitzgerald uses diction to convey that Tom uses his power to manipulate and control Daisy ultimately proving Tom's ability to force Daisy to drive. Tom becomes suspicious of Daisy's and Gatsby's affair and addresses Gatsby. Daisy is terrified because she doesn't like how the confrontation occurs: But with every word she was drawing further and further into herself, so he gave that up, and only the dead dream fought on as the afternoon slipped away, (Fitzgerald 134). When Fitzgerald refers […]

Summary and Analysis: the Great Gatsby

Fitzgerald's, The Great Gatsby is a 1920s novel based off of characters living the American Dream. The main character, Jay Gatsby, has a growing love for Daisy Buchanan, who has contradicting thoughts over a life with Tom, her husband, or with Jay. Daisy married Tom because she feels that the money he was born into will not fade, and Gatsby is nouveaux rich, and therefore is not backed by the family wealth Tom can provide. Jay Gatsby is known throughout […]

The Women of the Great Gatsby

In today's society, women are viewed very differently from when they were 100 years ago. Today, women have the opportunity to stand up for themselves and voice their opinion, but it has not always been that way. The women in The Great Gatsby have just gained the ability to vote, but they still aren't taken seriously. They are still looked at as someone who will cook, clean, and have children. Women in the society of The Great Gatsby were viewed […]

Comparing the Great Gatsby and the Scarlet Letter

In choosing to compare and contrast the works The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald and The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, both novels feature characters who have hidden secrets which are revealed, but the societies surrounding them are in stark contrast to one another. The novel The Scarlet Letter is set in a Boston Puritan society, during the seventeenth century, with components of scandal and disguise. Meanwhile The Great Gatsby also features scandalous accounts, but set in a contrasting […]

The American Dream, Fact or Fiction?

The American dream is an idea held by an abundance of people in the United States of America that with hard work, courage and determination one can achieve prosperity. These were morals held by plentiful early European settlers and have been passed on to many generations. What the American dream has become is a question often under discussion. In the 20th century, the American dream had its obstacles. The Depression caused a lot of difficulties during the late Twenties and […]

The Great Gatsby Era

The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, was published in 1925 as a novel that attempts to describe that time period of society in America. The book provides an idea of frenzied society during post-war commonly referred to as the Jazz Age. Today, it offers the readers with a portal in which they can reflect on the life in American society during the 1920s. This paper will provide a discussion about the people in 1920s through looking into consideration on […]

The Great Gatsby: Movie and Novel Adaptations

When was the last time you read a book then watched the movie? How about the other way around? Have you ever read a play, then actually seen the play? And while watching it, you find yourself saying excitedly, ohh I think I have read this part in the book, but why is the movie different from what I imagined!. Well you are not alone.That is exactly how I felt after reading Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald's, The Great Gatsby. The […]

American Dream and the Great Gatsby

The American Dream has changed since Fitzgerald wrote The Great Gatsby. Now, most people think the American Dream means happiness through money and what it can buy. Whereas Fitzgerald thought it meant happiness in any way possible. If you asked me what I believed the American Dream was before reading this book I would have said that I did not know what the American Dream was but after looking it up I would have thought it meant happiness through money. […]

A Class Structure in the Great Gatsby

"The Great Gatsby" is a pessimistic critique of the variability and variability of the American dream, as the viewer witnesses the rise and fall of the very manifestation of a noble imperative: Jay Gatsby. It soon turns out that his imperishable dream is based on greed and crime, which in itself is representative of the American dream; the pursuit of happiness, which has grown into a search for simple wealth by any means necessary. According to this theme, viewers see […]

What is Recognition?

Recognition is the action of being acknowledged for something's existence. Recognition is important in one ' s life when their goal in life is to work hard for something to receive acknowledgment. There are certain individuals who will go above and beyond in order to receive this recognition from one or many others. However, the desire in receiving this attention can also have its consequences in one ' s life. If one ' s desire for recognition becomes too strong, […]

Analysis of the Great Gatsby

Throughout the novel Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, it is thought that love and happiness can be bought, but in reality love comes from inside. Happiness is something that one discovers in oneself and money is a material asset. Money can't buy love and happiness is a saying that is used to make one understand that there is more to life than wealth. During this time period, it was known as The Roaring 20s, where most people were […]

American Dream in “Death of a Salesman” and “The Great Gatsby”

Over 25 million people immigrated to the United States during the 1920s in order to achieve the magnificent American dream. Although many people believe there is a classic version of the American dream that consists of gaining money and success, the play Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller and the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald describe them in two different manners. In Death of a Salesman, one interpretation is that the dream can be accomplished, but […]

Women Oppression and Social Class in the Great Gatsby

Daisy; though actually not a fool, was the stigma of foolish women from the upper class whose views and ideals were molded by society’s expectations. She burned down her hopes and dreams to dedicate her life to household duties in exchange for luxury and social status. She was also the representation of the amoral values that the East Eggers seemed to have and was the embodiment of women transitioning towards empowerment. Similarly, Myrtle and Daisy were both unhappy in their […]

Originally published :April 10, 1925
Author :F. Scott Fitzgerald
Genre :Tragedy
Text :The Great Gatsby at Wikisource
Followed by :Tender Is the Night (1934)
Characters :Jay Gatsby, Nick Carraway, Daisy Buchanan
Adaptations :The Great Gatsby (2013), The Great Gatsby (1974)

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One of the best classics in American history, the Great Gatsby is a masterpiece whose value becomes more significant as years go by. The novel is a satire on the ideals prevalent in the US in the 1920s, and no one has captured them better than F. Scott Fitzgerald. The author provides a vivid peek into the lives and struggles of three different strata in American society a century ago. He closely depicts some of the worst traits of human character, including greed, lust, betrayal, and hedonism, and how these affect collective thought. As a result, the novel abounds with essay topics that make students wonder and question various social phenomena. Moreover, teachers often assign a literary analysis, argumentative or persuasive papers on a theme from The Great Gatsby book or movie. If your professor lets you select the focus of your work, your options are endless. The dominant aspects include the American Dream, the battle between the social classes, moral conflict, symbolism, and the consequences of materialism. Revealing the true intentions and traits of characters is also viable. Hence, you can write about the mysterious millionaire Jay Gatsby or the superficial and cynical Daisy Buchanan. Eventually, consider elaborating on the plot of this tragic story and show how past aspirations can affect the future. So, how do your structure your paper, and what should you include? Depending on the topic, The Great Gatsby research paper must have a proper essay introduction that briefly describes the novel. Thesis statements are other vital elements one must not neglect at the onset. In the introductory part, consider questioning specific beliefs and behaviors or touch upon the dominant themes. When you cover all aspects of the essay, end your work with a conclusion that is a summary of your main points and messages. Overall, Fitzgerald’s style is not easy to comprehend. So, if you struggle with the outline of your paper, it might be wise to read a few free argumentative essays about The Great Gatsby. Like always, PapersOwl is always ready to assist whenever you have writer’s block or need to polish your writing skills. The prompts and essay examples on The Great Gatsby you’ll find on our website are of high quality and provide a limitless source of inspiration.

Essays on The Great Gatsby Unfortunately, F. Scott Fitzgerald didn’t survive long enough to see his masterpiece receive the appraisal it deserved. Now, every school curriculum requires at least an essay on The Great Gatsby. Set in the decadent ages of the 1920s, the novel serves as a character analysis of the prestigious rich and famous of those times, with numerous examples of moral decline, amplified by a luxurious environment, as the background setting. The narrative thread manages to create an outline of the Jazz Age while focusing on the household drama of Tom Buchanan and his wife, Daisy Buchanan. Their existence is perturbed when eccentric millionaire Jay Gatsby enters their lived. The novel’s characters are caught up in a swirling world of exhausting nightlife, intense partying, promiscuity and lack of sound values, which catastrophically tends to end in drama. The author was inspired by real moments in his own experience of living in the society he depicts. However, he still questions the lack of a moral compass, the vices and the hypocrisy altogether. We’ve taken a keen interest in the topics presented in this novel, as they seem to have an echo reverberating in today’s society as well. Any research paper on the Great Gatsby covers a large selection of subjects, from being able to write a full book review, to more specific tasks. For instance, a literary analysis of the characters, depicting the courage to follow their dreams by any means, as opposed to those unable to take upon themselves the responsibility of their own actions. Another example sees an argumentative essay on whether it’s society at fault for the way things unraveled, or rather the actions of a mad-driven individual.

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The Great Gatsby

By f. scott fitzgerald, the great gatsby essay questions.

Analyze Fitzgerald's conception of the American Dream. Does he view it as totally dead, or is it possible to revive it?

Is Nick a reliable narrator? How does his point of view color the reality of the novel, and what facts or occurences would he have a vested interest in obscuring?

Trace the use of the color white in the novel. When does it falsify a sense of innocence? When does it symbolize true innocence?

Do a close reading of the description of the "valley of ashes." How does Fitzgerald use religious imagery in this section of the novel?

What does the green light symbolize to Gatsby? To Nick?

How does Fitzgerald juxtapose the different regions of America? Does he write more positively about the East or the Midwest?

What is the distinction between East and West Egg? How does one bridge the gap between the two?

In what ways are Wilson and Gatsby similar? Disimilar? Who is Nick more sympathetic to?

How does Fitzgerald treat New York City? What is permissable in the urban space that is taboo on the Eggs?

Is Tom most responsible for Gatsby's death? Daisy? Myrtle? Gatsby himself? Give reasons why or why not each character is implicated in the murder.

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The Great Gatsby Questions and Answers

The Question and Answer section for The Great Gatsby is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.

describe daisy and gatsby's new relationship

There are two points at which Daisy and Gatsby's relationship could be considered "new". First, it seems that their "new" relationship occurs as Tom has become enlightened about their affair. It seems as if they are happy...

Describe Daisy and Gatsby new relationship?

What are some quotes in chapter 1 of the great gatsby that show the theme of violence?

I don't recall any violence in in chapter 1.

Study Guide for The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby is typically considered F. Scott Fitzgerald's greatest novel. The Great Gatsby study guide contains a biography of F. Scott Fitzgerald, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.

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Essays for The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

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  • The Eulogy of a Dream
  • Materialism Portrayed By Cars in The Great Gatsby
  • Role of Narration in The Great Gatsby
  • A Great American Dream

Lesson Plan for The Great Gatsby

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Published: Jun 13, 2024

Words: 1205 | Page: 1 | 7 min read

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The power of imagery, the art of persuasion, the elegance of language, introduction, body paragraph, works cited.

Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. Scribner, 2004.

Image of Dr. Charlotte Jacobson

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The Great Gatsby Argumentative Essays Example

Type of paper: Argumentative Essay

Topic: Literature , Character , Thinking , Novel , The Reader , Understanding , Integrity , Events

Words: 1100

Published: 03/15/2020


“The Great Gatsby” is a 1925 novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Though the novel focuses on Jay Gatsby predominantly, Nick Carraway the novels’ narrator has a considerable role to play. As the novel advances, Nick gradually transforms to become the most interesting character and a major player. He changes overwhelmingly during the course of the novel a fact that makes the novel even much more interesting (Lee 40). Nick Carraway being the narrator of the novel plays a very imperative role owing the fact that the events are narrated from his perspective. Considering that the narration incorporated in this novel for the most part is shaped by the views and temperament of the narrator. This paper will scrutinize the character of Nick Carraway and subsequently merge his character and values in a bid to establish how the same matter to our understanding of the action in the novel. Apparently, as the story in the novel advances, we gradually get to know the values and character of Nick. At the onset of this novel in chapter one, we get to know that Nick is an open minded person, tolerant, quite, and a good listener (Lee 41). Though he is the one who claims to have the aforementioned characteristics, his development in the novel ascertains that he is indeed a tolerant, open minded and a good listener. As the story advances, the relationship between Nick and Gatsby develops. This relationship in effect establishes the fact that Nick is indeed a trustworthy person. Despite the fact that the two differ in many apparent ways as established in the novel. They were able to form good relationships that developed to a level where Gatsby could consider Nick as his confidant (Pelzer 84). Being well educated and a person that has since learned a lot from his past experiences, Nick is portrayed to be a person with personal integrity (Tredell 59). The very fact that he has a profound and well-established sense of right and wrong elevate and place him above other characters in the story. Apparently, Nick is apparently the only person who is moved and concerned with the death of Gatsby. While Gatsby’s close allies go on with their normal chores and activities subsequent to Gatsby’s death. Nick is the only person who takes the initiative of paying his last respect to Gatsby. Though other people wind after the death of Gatsby, Nick alienates himself and decides to be different owing his personal integrity. Additionally, through the course of the novel, Nick grows to be a man of high integrity dreaming of a fortune. Another value of Nick that is well established in is aptitude to remain inclined to reserve judgment. Apparently, though Nick has differing perceptions and thinks differently, he is seen to remain quiet and composed even in instances where he perceives his partner’s perception to be right (Pelzer 85). He always finds a way to justify every action to avoid being judgemental. Additionally, Nick is an observant person, and plain. Apparently, the aforementioned character and values of Nick from the novel establishes that Nick is arguably a character that is best suited to make the narrations in this novel. Firstly, Nick being the narrator facilitates the understanding of the novel in the sense that; Nick is close two main characters, Daisy and Gatsby. Being in this position enable him to narrate the novel from a perspective where we can easily record his personal memoir. In regards to the experience, he had with Gatsby the main character, particularly during the summer of 1922 (Tredell 60). The character and values in Nick are also perceived imperative to the understanding of the novel owing the fact this defines his temperament. In chapter one of the novel, he defines himself as tolerant, god listener, open minded, and quiet. Based on this, Nick can easily manipulate other characters in the story to an extent where they can easily tell them their secrets. Gatsby in particular as established in the story perceives Nick as his confidante and a person whom he can share his secrets. Owing this character, Nick in the novel act the secondary role of commenting and describing events as it unfolds rather than dominate the events in the story. Being observant and close to the main character of the story make nick the most suitable narrator of this story. Additionally, Nick helps the reader understand the novel insightfully owing his tolerant character and the aptitude to reserve judgment. The reader is predisposed to understanding the novel in a more profound way owing the fact that the narrator in the novel does not judge other characters. Being the narrator, alienate himself from critiques for the reader to draw and make his or her perceptions regarding the story without influencing the reader’s perceptions regarding the story. Being an open minded person and a good listener, Nick is the most suitable character in the Novel that can help the reader understands the Novel insightfully (Bloom 25). With the above said, it is apparent that the events narrated in the story are narrated from critical and insightful perspective considering that the narrator is open minded and a good listener as well. Merging good listening skills, good communications skills, personal integrity and the aptitude to reserve judgments make Nick a significant character in the novel that enables the reader understand the events in the novel more insightfully.

Summarily, as the events unfolds in the novel, the reader is predisposed to understanding these events in a discerning way. Owing the fact that the narrator in this story has some peculiar characters and values that in essence define a good story teller. Apparently, it is imperative to note that Nick can enlighten the reader owing his character and values. Nick is an open minded person, tolerant, observant, and a good listener. With these values, it is apparent that the story is told with all the necessary detail. Finally, it is imperative to denote that Nick is placed close to the main character a fact that foster the acquisition of negligible details in the story.

Works Cited

Bloom, Harold. F. Scott Fitzgerald's the Great Gatsby. New York: Bloom's Literary Criticism, 2010. Internet resource. Fitzgerald, F S. The Great Gatsby. , 2012. Print. Lee, Virginia. The Great Gatsby. St Kilda, Vic: Insight, 2011. Print. Pelzer, Linda C. Student Companion to F. Scott Fitzgerald. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press, 2000. Print. Tredell, Nicolas. Fitzgerald's the Great Gatsby. London: Continuum, 2007. Print.


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The Symbolism of the Green Light in The Great Gatsby

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Romantic Aspirations: The Essence of the Green Light

Sweet V

Wealth Acquisition: The Corrupt Dream

Social status attainment: the elusive dream, the disintegration of dreams: a broader societal commentary, conclusion: the lingering echoes of the green light.

The Symbolism of the Green Light in The Great Gatsby. (2016, Apr 20). Retrieved from

"The Symbolism of the Green Light in The Great Gatsby." StudyMoose , 20 Apr 2016,

StudyMoose. (2016). The Symbolism of the Green Light in The Great Gatsby . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 18 Sep. 2024]

"The Symbolism of the Green Light in The Great Gatsby." StudyMoose, Apr 20, 2016. Accessed September 18, 2024.

"The Symbolism of the Green Light in The Great Gatsby," StudyMoose , 20-Apr-2016. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 18-Sep-2024]

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The Symbolism of the Green Light in The Great Gatsby essay

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The Great Gatsby: Essay Topics & Samples

No novel is written for the sake of writing. You can be immersed in the plot and feel sympathy toward the protagonists, but there is something more about every great book. A good The Great Gatsby essay should question the narrative to determine what the text’s broader purpose is.

Are you out of ideas? Our topics and The Great Gatsby writing prompts can kickstart your creative process. They won’t limit the flight of your thought in any way: instead, they’ll show you the right direction to follow. You can also use our essay samples for inspiration or apply for professional writing help .

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💡 The Great Gatsby Essay Topics & Prompts

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    In F. Scott Fitzgerald's revered novel, The Great Gatsby, symbols abound, among them the omniscient eyes of Dr. TJ Eckleberg, the mysterious Valley of Ashes, and the captivating green light that mesmerizes Jay Gatsby. This essay explores the profound symbolism of the green light, situated at the end of Daisy's East Egg dock, and its ...

  19. The Great Gatsby: Essay Topics & Samples

    The novel is full of flashbacks. Explain why the time is non-linear in the story. The Great Gatsby themes might also be a great as an essay topic. The novel is multifaceted and profound, with several layers of meaning. Money and wealth, society and class, love and marriage, hope, morality, time, and the American Dream in The Great Gatsby are to ...

  20. The Great Gatsby Argumentative Essay

    The Great Gatsby Argumentative Essay. Decent Essays. 976 Words. 4 Pages. Open Document. It's time to get rid of the idea of the "American Dream" we once cherished. The "American Dream" has strayed so far from the true, original meaning and has instead become a convoluted, argumentative point for politicians to use in their speeches.

  21. AITA for writing a Gatsby argumentative essay from the ...

    So I decide to write my essay on how Fitzgerald Does Not Use Color as a Motif in The Great Gatsby. Now, for many years in my English classes, I usually write my argumentative essays from the point of view opposite of mine, to make it more fun and to challenge myself. So there I am, and I write a pretty damn good essay, if you ask me.