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...hereinunder:“Incentives for Ph.D ./ M.Phil .6.16. Four and two advance increments will be admissible to those who hold Ph.D . and ..., respectively at the time of recruitment as Lecturers. Candidates with D. Litt./D.Sc. should be given benefit on par with Ph.D . and M. Litt. on par with M.Phil .6.17. One increment will be adm...eligible for two additional advance increments . Therefore, a Lecturer who possessed an M.Phil . degree at the time of recruitment, but later acquired a Ph.D . degree and is placed in the selection grade...

...writ petition). For convenience, the relevant paragraph 4 of the Government Order is being quoted below.“4. Incentives for Ph.D / M.Phil (i). Four and two advance increments admissible to those who hold Ph.D and M.Phil degree respectively at the time of recruitment as Lecturers.(ii). One increment will be admissible to those teachers with M.Phil who acquire ....13. The purpose of grant of advance increments to Lecturers/Teachers, who have specialized degree of M.Phil and Ph.D , is to give incentive to those who are Ph.D / M.Phil The present...

...the learned Single Judge.Regulation 6.0.0 of UGC Notification dated 24.12.1998 provides for following incentives for Ph.D / M.Phil :-“6.1.0 Four and two advance increments admissible to those who hold Ph.D and M.Phil degrees, respectively, at the time of recruitment as Lecturers. Candidates with D.Litt/D.Sc should be given benefit on par with Ph.D and M.Litt on par with ...awarded four advance increments , and in case of M.Phil , he/she will be awarded two advance increments . Respondent No. 1 at the time of his initial appointment was possessing the degree of M.Phil Accordingl...

.... Incentive for Ph.D / M.Phil :(a) Four and two advance increments will be admissible to those who hold Ph.D And M.Phil degree respectively at the time of recruitment as Lectu...are in the form of incentive for Ph.D & M.Phil and as per clause (b), one increment will be admissible to those teachers with M.Phil , who acquire Ph.D within two years of the recruitment and as pe... increments as and when acquires a Ph.D degree in his service career provided that he/she has not availed the advance increment admissible for possessing M.Phil degree at the time of recruitment...

...non compounded advance increments to the petitioner for acquiring Ph.D . while in service with effect from 30-11-2006, in addition to the one increment granted for M.Phil and re-fix the Petitioner's..../ M.Phil . and other Higher Qualifications. In view of that petitioner is entitled to three (3) non-compounded increments , while obtaining the Ph.D . during the employment. State of Kerala vide its order...respondents have not granted the 3 increment by relying upon Clause 7 of the Government Order dated 03.09.2013 Ext.P9, which provides that teachers who have required both M.Phil . and Ph.D . shall be eligible for advance ...

... for seeking extra increments on account of Ph.D . and M.Phil and a pointed query is posed to the counsel whether in... increments being a holder of Ph.D . and M.Phil qualifications though made in this petition, the same was not entertained as notice has been issued on prayer (a) of the petition...claim the same. 3. In view of the order dated September 21, 2020, it is clarified, the issue of claim of increments as a holder of Ph.D and M.Phil apart from a...

...therewith is the aforesaid U.G.C. Notification/ Guidelines. Regulation 6 thereof is extracted hereunder:- 6.0.0. Incentives for Ph.D ./ M.Phil . 6.1.0 Four and two advance increments will be admissible to...those who hold Ph.D and M.Phil degrees, respectively, at the time of recruitment as Lecturers. Candidates with D.Litt./D.Sc. should be given benefit on par with Ph.D . and M.Litt on par with M.Phil ...above extracted Regulation would indicate that it conceptualized only one-time grant of four/two advance increments for the holders of Ph.D and M.Phil degrees respectively. Further, the grant thereof...

...before the respondent authorities the same will be considered in accordance with law and a reasoned order will be passed regarding extending the benefits of AGP, increments of Ph.D / M.Phil and arrears of...considered and granted the benefits, the petitioners having fulfilled all the eligibility criteria/terms and conditions, there is no occasion as to why the benefits of AGP, increments of Ph.D / M.Phil ..., increments of Ph.D / M.Phil and arrears of 6th Pay Commission. Needless to say that if the petitioners are found entitled for the benefits of AGP, increments of Ph.D / M.Phil and a...

...Higher Education, Haryana, Chandigarh and addressed to all the Principals of Government/Non- Government Colleges in the State, wherein it is stated that the benefits of M.Phil / Ph.D . increments and length... M.Phil , who acquired Ph.D . within two years of recruitment. Respondent-plaintiff applied for grant of increment on 8.12.2003 on the ground that he had completed Ph.D within 2 years of his above, that incentive of one increment is admissible to those teachers with M.Phil who acquired Ph.D . within two years of recruitment. It was established on record from the evidence that the...

...1st, 2ndand the 3rdrespondent to implement the 7thCPC pay, Career Advancement, Annual Increments , M.Phil & Ph.D increments etc and all other legal entitlements to the...

... M.Phil or Ph.D degree. 5. The petitioners are working as Post Graduate Teachers and received two incentive increments already as per the Government orders. This being be granted to teachers acquiring qualifications of M.Ed, M.Phil or Ph.D . It is clearly stated in the Government order issued in the matter of grant of incentive increment that a teacher through out...his/her service is entitled to get two incentive increments for acquiring additional educational qualification. 3. The very purpose of granting incentive increment to...

...-2 speaks as follows:“2. Teachers who have entered into service on and after 01.09.2008 with Ph.D / M.Phil and other higher qualifications in his/her relevant subject shall be awarded advance ...corrigendum replaces Clause-2 of the Memorandum dated 04-11-2016 in the following manner:“2. Teachers who have entered into service on and after 01-09-2008 with Ph.D / M.Phil and other higher qualific...initial Scale of Pay at the entry or Lower Scale of Pay on the day of award of Ph.D / M.Phil and other higher qualifications in the following manner.”15. In terms of the said corrigendum read with the Memo dat...

..., under Para-4, the following provisions have been accommodated : "4. Incentives for Ph.D / M.Phil and other higher qualifications. ...respect of the incentives of Ph.D /M. Phil and other higher qualification in the following manner : "7. Incentives for Ph.D / M.Phil and other higher qualification: ...incentives/non-compounded advance increments for acquiring Ph.D / M.Phil Degree meant for eligible college teachers according to this Notification be allowed w.e.f. 01.09.2008 following the UGC Regulat...

... increments under the earlier Scheme of the UGC like the petitioner for possessing Ph.D / M.Phil at the entry level shall not be entitled to the benefit of non- compounded increments provided for under the Sixth UGC S...service while Ext.P2 order was in force, is not in dispute. Incentives for Ph.D and M.Phil as provided for in Ext.P2 order read thus: "INCENTIVES FOR PH.D / M.Phil ..., respectively at the time of recruitment as Lecturers Candidates with D.Litt/D.Sc. should be given benefit on par with Ph.D and M.Litt on par with M.Phil . 6.17 One increment will b...

...providing for granting incentive on acquisition of Ph.D / M.Phil The same are extracted in para 2 of the writ petition, which are reproduced below:“6.16 Four and two advance increments admissible to those who hold Ph.D and M.Phil degrees respectively at the time of recruitment as Lecturers. Candidates with D.Litt/D.Sc should be given benefit on par with Ph.D and M. Litt on par with ...(ii) of para 1 of the Scheme, 1998 reads as follows:“(ii) Incentives for Ph.D / M.Phil (a) Four and two advance increments will be admissible to those who hold Ph.D ... illegal.3. We heard the learned counsel appearing on either side.4. Clause 6.16 to 6.19 of Ext.P1 Government order deals with incentives for Ph.D / M.Phil , which read as follows:6.16 Fou.... Litt.D.Sc should be given benefit on par with Ph.D and M. Litt on par with M.Phil 6.17 One increment will be admissible to those teachers with M.Phil who acquire Ph.D within 2 years of admissible to those who hold Ph.D and M.Phil degrees, respectively at the time of recruitment as Lecturers. Candidates with D...

.... 3. We heard the learned counsel appearing on either side. 4. Clause 6.16 to 6.19 of Ext.P1 Government order deals with incentives for Ph.D / M.Phil , which read as follows:.... should be given benefit on par with Ph.D and M.Litt on par with M.Phil . 6.17. One increment will be admissible to those teachers with M.Phil who acquire Ph.D within 2 years of recruitment. 6.18. A admissible to those who hold Ph.D and M.Phil degrees, respectively at the time of recruitment as Lecturers. Candidates with D.Litt.D.Sc...

... and two advance increments will be admissible to those who had Ph.D and M.Phil degrees, respectively, at the time of recruitment as lecturers, candidates with D.litt/D.Sc should be given benefit at par...with Ph.D and M.Litt at par with M.Phil (ii) One increment will be admissible to those teachers with M.Phil who acquire Ph.D within two years of recruitment.(iii) A lecturer wi...that a person who is a holder of Ph.D degree at the time of recruitment of Lecturer shall be given benefit of four advance increments . The relevant instructions are as follows:-(i) Four...

.... 5. The Government Resolution dated 12.08.2009 takes retrospective effect from 01.01.2006. Clause 7(i) and Clause 7(iv) reads thus: “(7) Incentives for Ph.D ./ M.Phil . and other highe...-compounded advance increments on the ground that the petitioner possesses Ph.D . qualification. 3. The learned counsel further submits that the petitioner joined at Junior college as a Commerce. Thereafter petitioner acquired Ph.D . on 14.08.2002 and joined as Assistant Professor at Senior college on 23.06.2010. 4. We have considered the submissions canvassed...

...admissible arrears of salary after giving him permissible four increments for M.Phil and Ph.D qualifications from due dates and after granting annual increments on due dates by treating his joinin...Justice Kurian Joseph, C.J (Oral)The writ petition is filed with the following prayers:-“(i) That the respondents No. 1 and 2 may be directed to pay due and ...year 2009. The issue basically pertains to the fixation of pay, granting the benefit of advance increments . Without treating it as a precedent and as a special case, the Institute has now fixed the pay...

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The 14th international conference of the university librarians association of sri lanka (icula-2024) on the theme 'artificial intelligence revolutionizing library services: challenges and opportunitie at sri lanka, applying 7th cpc to the person who already got m.phil. / ph.d. increment as per 6th cpc.

  • Posted by Kankana B Badan on April 19, 2018 at 1:52 in Discussion

UGC accepted the Pay Review Committee (PRC) recommendations on 22nd February, 2017.

The MHRD issued the notification on 2nd November, 2017 vide No. 1-7/2015-U.II(1).

According to the new notification "The Date of Implementation of the above revised pay shall be 1st January, 2016" (Refer. Point 7, Page 4, MHRD Notification No. 1-7/2015-U.II(1) issued on 2nd November, 2017).

Again, as per the 7th CPC notification there shall be no advanced increment for M.Phil. and Ph.D.

Now the question is

If a person is awarded his/her M.Phil. / Ph.D. degree after 1st January, 2016 but before 22nd February, 2017 (the date of acceptance of the PRC by UGC) and also join an institute within that period in a permanent post,  he/she already got increments for M.Phil./Ph.D. applicable at that time as per 6th CPC.

Now his/her M.Phil./Ph.D. increments will be denied or his/her pay will be restructured in the light of 7th CPC?.

As notifications don't have retrospective effect and in the clause 8 of the 7th CPC notification on increment of the M.Phil./Ph.D. no specific date is mentioned, I feel that the person who already got increment for M.Phil./Ph.D. shall be entitled for the increments.

Kindly suggest me if I am wrong.

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Hindi me bataiye, iska kya matlab hai?

librarian हो तो ट्रांसलेट करना आता होगा

Actually, this depend on the interpretation of the rule by the concern admin, I know one of the case where phd increments have awarded in June 2016 despite the 7th CPC apply w.e.f. 1st Jan 2016.

Yet, the admin may denied to give phd benefits.

Madam I want Ph.D increment related Go kindly send me

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Difference Between M.Phil. and Ph.D.

mphil vs phd

On the other hand, M.Phil. , i.e. Master of Philosophy , is only a post-graduate degree, which is both research-based and has a syllabus too, for the coursework. In this article, you will find a complete description of the differences between M.Phil. and Ph.D.

Content: M.Phil. Vs Ph.D.

Comparison chart.

Basis for ComparisonM.Phil.Ph.D.
MeaningM.Phil. is an academic research degree, that allows the student to master is a particular subject, and provides proper knowledge for further research.Ph.D. is an internationally acknowledged, highest level research degree course, offered by the universities, that attempts to add something new, in the already existing knowledge.
Duration2 Years3 Years
StipendNot paidPaid
Concerned withResearch basicsOriginal or fresh research
Programme StructureCourse work and Dissertation workCourse work and Thesis work

M.Phil. Programme

M.Phil. or otherwise called as Master of Philosophy is a postgraduate degree based on advanced academic research work, offered by the University. It is also considered as a second degree or intermediate degree programme between post-graduate degree and doctorate.

The total duration of the programme is two years, of which one year is coursework, followed by dissertation work, in which the learner has to refer to the research performed by the other scholars and look for latest research on the respective subject, to recreate it. The evaluation of the dissertation is done by the internal supervisor and external examiner, which will lead to viva-voce. Once the candidate qualifies the viva-voce, he/she is awarded the degree of M.Phil.

Before the final submission of the dissertation, the student has to give a seminar presentation on the research work performed.

Ph.D. Programme

PhD expands to Doctor of Philosophy, is the topmost degree awarded by any university to its scholars, who have completed their original research, in the topic or field selected. It prepares the postgraduate students for faculty and research positions at universities.

To get admission to this programme, first of all, the aspirant has to qualify certain entrance exam, in their respective subject opted for pursuing Ph.D., such as NET, GATE or similar another equivalent exam. After which he/she has to choose the University for admission to the programme, then one year of coursework needs to be completed, prior to the confirmation of PhD registration. After that they become eligible for the submission of the thesis, after two years from the date registration is confirmed.

By the end of the first year of the programme, the scholar needs to consult with the supervisor, regarding the identification, preparation and submission of the synopsis. The topic of the research work must be an approved one.

Once the thesis is complete under the guidance of the supervisor, the scholar has to give two seminar presentations, followed by the submission of the thesis, to the relevant committee. Next, the thesis will then be sent to the examiner for the purpose of evaluation. If the examiners so appointed recommend the acceptance of the degree, then the thesis needs to be published in the research journal.

After publishing it, the candidate is required to defend the thesis in the viva-voce, in front of the panel of examiners. On the successful completion of the viva, the scholar is recommended for awarding the degree.

Key Differences Between M.Phil. And Ph.D.

The difference between M.Phil and PhD can be drawn clearly on the following grounds:

  • M.Phil. is described as a second master’s degree course, that is pursued by the students to gain full-fledged knowledge on the subject and also provides a platform for advanced research. In contrast, Doctor of Philosophy, abbreviated as PhD is a professional degree course, that allows the degree holder to get a faculty position and teach the respective subject at the university level, or work in that field.
  • The m.phil programme is a two years course, whereas the minimum time duration to complete PhD is three years but the time can extend depending on the submission and acceptance of the thesis.
  • While stipend is not paid in M.Phil., in PhD fellowship is awarded to the student as a stipend, for conducting research work.
  • In M.Phil. programme, the course includes research basics. Conversely, in the PhD programme, the students are required to produce their own original work and perform research in a particular field.
  • The programme structure of M.Phil. has two components, i.e. coursework and the dissertation work which is performed under the guidance of the expert. On the contrary, PhD programme encompasses the coursework, for one year, followed by thesis work under the guidance of the expert supervisor.

At the end of the discussion, it can be said that M.Phil. is a less advanced research degree as compared to Ph.D., because in M.Phil. The student can read a model research paper and go through the latest researches made on the subject to recreate it. But, in case of PhD, the research work moves around the concept of creating something new and original to the subject, for which continuous experiment and studies is to be performed by the student, under the guidance of the supervisor.

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Difference Between M.Phil and PhD

Keerthana R Image

Keerthana R ,

Mar 4, 2024

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Confused about the difference between M.Phil and PhD? Get insights on key differences, courses, top colleges and much more.

Difference Between M.Phil and PhD

When choosing to be a doctor as your career, you might be wondering what stream to choose or go in. People have this misconception when choosing a doctoral degree, but it is not just for medical people but for engineers and other people. It is essential to do so initially, as it will be hard to do so later if you want to switch between streams because you would have already acquired the knowledge for that particular field.

We will help you tell the difference between M.Phil and Ph.D. as both these courses are something related to philosophy, you might think. Read on to know more details about the differences between the two.

Table of Contents

  • Key Highlights

Difference between M.Phil and Ph.D.

  • Benefits of Pursuing
  • Popular Courses
  • Job Opportunities

M.Phil vs Ph.D.: Key Highlights

The following table lists out the critical difference between M.Phil and Ph.D. as we have listed out the highlights in a neatly arranged table given below for your understanding.

Degree Leads to a degree equivalent to a Master’s. Leads to a doctorate.
Duration 1 to 2 years At least 3 to 4 years. May go beyond ten years.
Structure Could be both coursework and research Only research oriented
Content Focuses on the fundamentals of research and research by other scholars Focuses on original and fresh research studies by the researcher.
When After Masters and before a Ph.D. Ph.D. is generally done after a Master’s, and sometimes an M.Phil could be done after Bachelors’s in some cases.
Guidance Does not include working under an experienced researcher Includes working under the expert guidance researcher
Stipend M.Phil students are not usually paid a stipend during their studies. Ph.D. candidates are paid a stipend by the university or the investor funding the.

M.Phil vs Ph.D.: Overview

M.Phil, otherwise called Master of Philosophy, is a postgraduate academic research program with a valid degree for two years’ duration. Candidates can join this course from any stream, be it in Humanities, Commerce, Science, Law, or even Teaching, as they can pursue an M.Phil course without any trouble. In an M.Phil course, candidates are expected to study theory and as well as practical subjects. Apart from this, the aspirants are also needed to conduct research and present their research findings.

Ph.D. is ahead of what we discussed above, and it is a doctoral degree with an academic focus. A Ph.D. course, in general, is usually of a maximum duration of three years and candidates need to complete the course within a given time of five to six years accordingly. Candidates can continuously pursue a Ph.D. program in any stream of their choice. In a Ph.D. course, aspirants have the option of needing to select a topic or a subject, and then they need to do in-depth research on it and answer any of the given queries related to the topic or the subject that they choose.

Difference Between M.Phil and Ph.D: Admissions

Although both courses provide better career prospects and opportunities, enrolling in either of them requires a different but specific channel, which aspirants need to follow. 

Prerequisites for M.Phil

  • The requirements can vary under different universities, but the basic eligibility is always the same. It is specified that candidates need to have secured at least a percentage of 55% marks in the subject they want to pursue an M.Phil degree at the postgraduate level.
  • Candidates who are usually shortlisted for admission in an M.Phil course are mainly based on their performance in an entrance exam followed by a Personal Interview called PI round.

The following are some of the most important M.Phil entrance exams:

Prerequisites for Ph.D.

  • In previous times, candidates could pursue a Ph.D. course simply through the distance mode; however, as per recent changes, a circular issued by UGC in 2017 has made it compulsory that a Ph.D. course pursued through the distance education mode is no longer recognized. 
  • Candidates who have cleared entrance exams like UGC NET, GATE, JEST, and similar exams are usually offered fellowships while pursuing a Ph.D. course because it is excellent. 
  • Apart from this, famous universities such as IGNOU and Delhi University (DU) also offer scholarships to concerned students pursuing full-time Ph.D. courses.

The following are some of the most important Ph.D. entrance exams:


M.Phil, as most of us know, means Master of Philosophy, and Ph.D. means Doctor of Philosophy just for clarifying. Both of these degrees are research-based and can be opted after one completes the master’s degree. Aspirants can pursue a Ph.D. after a bachelor’s degree with an excellent academic record in some universities. The students have to submit their research paperwork in both the courses of M.Phil and Ph.D. to sit for them. The study structure is almost the same in both M.Phil and Ph.D. courses as things are research-oriented, but still, there are some differences between them. The Main Difference between M.Phil and Ph.D. Degree is:

  • Generally, when we consider an M.Phil degree, it is a two-year course, but in some cases, it can be for three years as well. The M.Phil degree is mostly a thesis-based course, and it is also known as a Senior or Second Master’s Degree between a Ph.D. and an entirely taught Master’s Degree.
  • A student can get a valid M.Phil degree after a few years’ original research before the giving dissertation. This degree may work as a pre-requisite for enrolling in a Ph.D. degree as well.
  • A Ph.D. degree, on the other hand, has a higher edge over an M.Phil degree because of its nature. M.Phil is nowadays used as training in advanced research work. Currently, people say an M.Phil degree means that the research work generally has to be original. The research work in the dissertation should not be compulsorily original, and it can replicate research that has already been done.
  • Ph.D. is a Doctorate that selects university awards. The education level needed to pursue a Ph.D. course depends on your country, institution, and time.
  • In India, a student who completes a Ph.D. degree is known to be a Doctor. But the term Doctorate of Philosophy does not necessarily relate to the field of Philosophy as it is used in the broader spectrum. 
  • The requirements for completion of a Ph.D. degree differ from university to institute. Like those of the US, Canada, and Denmark, some universities abroad need additional coursework to write a thesis. Some universities need the author of the thesis to defend the work before going to a panel of experts for examination.
  • The M.Phil degree is generally considered as a pre-requisite to doing a Ph.D. degree. The dissertation for an M.Phil does not have to be based on originality; instead, it can be replicated as stated above on someone else’s research.
  • Whereas the thesis for a Ph.D. degree must be entirely original, this is the crucial difference as a panel of judges will examine it to give a doctorate. Ph.D. has more of a value on a higher note than an M.Phil degree. M.Phil is only a Master’s degree, but Ph.D. is termed a Doctorate.

Difference Between M.Phil and Ph.D: Benefits of Pursuing

Students can build outstanding careers and pursue the proper employment for them in either M.Phil or Ph.D. fields. Both courses provide considerable opportunities for students to pursue successful employment in fields where these degrees are in high demand.

Benefits of Pursuing M.Phil

  • Research Oriented : Graduates of M.Phil undergo a tedious procedure of engaging in research and imparting answers to pain factors over their 2-yr period. It permits a sense of legitimacy amongst recruiters who would want to hire an individual who had finished an MPhil.
  • Qualified for a Job : Graduates with an M.Phil can find work in a range of settings and organizations. For M.Phil freshers, different concentrations provide diverse job opportunities. Consultancies, research organizations, academic institutions, commercial companies, government organizations, legal firms, and other professional paths are all possible with an M.Phil

Benefits of Pursuing Ph.D.

  • Gaining Knowledge: The most significant advantage of pursuing a Ph.D. in management, literature, or any other field is the extensive knowledge gained while performing research. You can use this information not just to write your thesis, but also to solve problems and make decisions in your daily life.
  • Job Growth : A Ph.D. candidate is significantly more qualified and fit for a particular career than a master's degree holder in the same field. You'll be among the top 10 candidates a corporation would choose for itself when you finish your Ph.D.

Difference Between M.Phil and Ph.D: Popular Courses

We have listed out below some of the popular M.Phil and Ph.D. programs that candidates can pursue in different streams:

Popular M.Phil Courses

  • M.Phil in Biology
  • M.Phil in Life Sciences
  • M.Phil in Computer Science
  • M.Phil in Mathematical Sciences
  • M.Phil History
  • M.Phil English
  • M.Phil in Political Science
  • M.Phil in Humanities & Social Science
  • M.Phil in Applied and Regional Economics

Popular Ph.D. Courses

  • Ph.D. in Engineering and Technology
  • Ph.D. in Electronics and Communication Engineering
  • Ph.D. in Ceramic Engineering
  • Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering
  • Ph.D. Economics
  • Ph.D. in English
  • Ph.D. in Humanities & Social Sciences
  • Ph.D. in Arts
  • Ph.D. in Public Policy
  • Ph.D. in Clinical Research
  • Ph.D. in Bioinformatics
  • Ph.D. in Environmental Science and Engineering
  • Ph.D. Zoology
  • Ph.D. in Mathematics

Difference Between M.Phil and Ph.D.: Job Opportunities

Graduates with an M.Phil can find work in a range of settings and organizations. Consultancies, research organizations, academic institutions, commercial companies, government organizations, legal firms, and other professional paths are all possible with an M.Phil Lecturer, Consultant, Scientist, Teacher, Assistant Professor, and other M.Phil fresher positions are only a few examples.

Ph.D. graduates have several options for a rewarding and successful profession. Because of the education that students receive, they are more employability oriented, making it simpler to find work after completing a Ph.D.

Magazines, Newspapers, Publishing Houses, Private Companies, Law Firms Chemical and Pharmaceuticals Industry, Oil and Gas Industry, Research Industry, NGOs
Lecturer ,Assistant Professor, Assistant Researcher, Consultant, Scientist Chief Research Manager, Senior Professor, Senior Consultant, Scientific Writer, Assistant Professor, Research Assistant

Difference Between M.Phil and Ph.D.: Salary

According to Payscale, the average M.Phil pay in India is INR 4.9 LPA. When determining an M.Phil pay, many aspects come into play, including the individual's educational background and skill set. The scope of M.Phil is available in both public and private organizations. The following are some of the most common designations and associated M.Phil salaries:

Technical Specialist INR 7.1 LPA
Finance Managers INR 9.5 LPA
Lecturer INR 8 LPA
Research Scientist INR 6.2 LPA

In India, Ph.D. salaries vary depending on a variety of characteristics like experience, area of specialization, and location. A Ph.D. graduate's average pay is roughly INR 3.4 LPA. The following are the average salaries for Ph.D. graduates:

Assistant Professor INR 3.3 LPA
Senior Engineer Officer INR 15 LPA
Professor INR 10 LPA
Principal Scientist INR 7 LPA

Difference Between M.Phil and PhD: Top Colleges

To help you decide between an M.Phil and a Ph.D., we've listed the best colleges for each course below:

Top Colleges for M.Phil

  • Delhi University, Delhi
  • IGNOU, Delhi
  • St. Xavier's College, Mumbai
  • University of Calcutta, Kolkata
  • Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
  • Stella Maris College, Chennai

Top Colleges for Ph.D.

  • Amity University, Noida
  • BITS Pilani
  • MIT Manipal
  • Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh


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M.Phil. vs Ph.D.: Difference and Comparison

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An M.Phil. (Master of Philosophy) is a postgraduate research degree that involves coursework and a research project but is shorter in duration and less extensive in scope compared to a Ph.D.

A Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) is the highest academic degree one can earn and involves original research, taking several years to complete, leading to the creation of new knowledge in a specific field.

Key Takeaways M.Phil is a postgraduate research degree with a shorter duration and less rigorous requirements than a Ph.D. Ph.D. is the highest academic degree, demanding in-depth research and a significant original contribution to a specific field. An M.Phil can serve as a stepping stone to a Ph.D., as some institutions require an M.Phil before pursuing a Ph.D.

M.Phil. vs Ph.D.

M.Phil. aka Master of Philosophy and is a 1-2 year program. M.Phil. programs require students to complete a research project or dissertation, but the project’s scope is smaller. Ph.D. aka Doctor of Philosophy and takes 3-5 years to complete. Ph.D. candidates are expected to make an original contribution to their field of study and produce a thesis or dissertation that is publishable in a peer-reviewed journal.

M.Phil . vs Ph.D.

Comparison Table

Master of PhilosophyDoctor of Philosophy
Advanced academic studyOriginal research and contribution to knowledge
2-3 years3-5 years (may vary depending on field)
Required, based on existing knowledgeRequired, focused on original research and knowledge contribution
May be required, depending on programUsually minimal or not required
LimitedMay include teaching assistantships
Academia, research institutions, government agencies, industryAcademia, research institutions, industry leadership, policy development
Master’s degree, strong academic record, research proposalMaster’s degree, exceptional academic record, strong research proposal, research experience
Usually lower than Ph.D. programsTypically higher than M.Phil. programs
Limited scholarships and fellowshipsMore research funding opportunities available
CompetitiveHighly competitive

What is M.Phil.?

M.Phil. stands for “Master of Philosophy.” It is a postgraduate academic degree that is positioned between a bachelor’s degree and a Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) in terms of educational levels. M.Phil. programs are offered in various fields of study, including the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and more.

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Here are some key points about M.Phil.:

  • Purpose: The primary purpose of an M.Phil. program is to provide advanced research training and the opportunity for students to explore a specific topic or area of study in depth. It serves as a bridge between undergraduate and doctoral studies.
  • Duration: The duration of an M.Phil. program varies by country and institution but takes one to two years of full-time study to complete.
  • Coursework: M.Phil. programs include a combination of coursework and research. Students complete coursework in their chosen field of study and engage in independent research under the guidance of a faculty advisor.
  • Thesis: A significant component of an M.Phil. program is completing a research thesis or dissertation. The thesis represents the culmination of the student’s independent research efforts and is a substantial academic work.
  • Career Path: While M.Phil. graduates can pursue careers in academia or research, the degree is also recognized in other sectors such as industry, government, and non-profit organizations. It can lead to various career opportunities depending on the field of study and individual goals.
  • Entry Requirements: Admission to an M.Phil. program requires a bachelor’s degree in a related field and, in some cases, relevant research experience or a strong academic background.
  • Geographic Variation: The term “M.Phil.” and the structure of M.Phil. programs may vary in different countries. In some regions, it is a common academic degree, while in others, similar programs may have different names or structures.

m phil

What is a Ph.D.?

A Ph.D., or Doctor of Philosophy, is the highest academic degree awarded in many fields of study. It is a terminal degree that signifies a high level of expertise, original research, and significant contributions to a specific field of knowledge. Ph.D. programs are rigorous and demanding, and they are undertaken by individuals who aspire to become experts in their chosen fields or who are passionate about conducting advanced research.

Here are some key characteristics and aspects of a Ph.D.:

  • Research Emphasis: Ph.D. programs are primarily research-focused. Candidates are expected to engage in original, independent research that contributes significantly to their field of study. The research conducted during a Ph.D. program is extensive, in-depth, and aimed at advancing knowledge.
  • Duration: The duration of a Ph.D. program varies by country, field of study, and individual circumstances. On average, it takes three to five years of full-time study to complete a Ph.D., although some programs may take longer.
  • Thesis/Dissertation: A central component of a Ph.D. program is completing a doctoral dissertation or thesis. This comprehensive document presents the results of the candidate’s research, analysis, and findings. The dissertation undergoes a thorough examination and evaluation by experts in the field.
  • Originality: Ph.D. research is expected to be original and contribute new knowledge. It involves exploring uncharted territory or addressing previously unanswered questions.
  • Academic Rigor: Ph.D. candidates must meet high academic standards and demonstrate a deep understanding of their field. They take advanced coursework related to their research area.
  • Specialization: Ph.D. candidates specialize in a specific subfield or area within their chosen discipline. They become experts in that area and significantly contribute to advancing knowledge in that niche.
  • Career Opportunities: Ph.D. graduates are well-prepared for academic careers, research institutions, and specialized roles requiring advanced expertise. They hold positions as university professors, researchers, scientists, policy analysts, consultants, and experts in various industries.
  • Academic Titles: Upon completing a Ph.D., individuals are awarded the title of “Doctor.” For example, someone with a Ph.D. in biology is addressed as “Dr. Smith” or “Dr. Johnson.”
  • Interdisciplinary Study: Ph.D. programs may allow for interdisciplinary study, where candidates draw from multiple fields to address complex research questions.
  • Global Recognition: The Ph.D. is a globally recognized academic degree, and holders of this degree are respected for their expertise and contributions to their respective fields.

doctorate degree

Main Differences Between M.Phil. and Ph.D.

  • M.Phil.: M.Phil. programs primarily serve as a stepping stone between a bachelor’s degree and a Ph.D. They provide advanced research training and the opportunity to explore a specific topic in-depth. M.Phil. candidates refine their research skills and narrow their research interests.
  • Ph.D.: A Ph.D. is the highest academic degree awarded and is designed to enable students to conduct original, groundbreaking research. The primary purpose of a Ph.D. program is to significantly contribute to the field of study through original research and the creation of new knowledge.
  • M.Phil.: M.Phil. programs are shorter in duration compared to Ph.D. programs. They take one to two years of full-time study to complete.
  • Ph.D.: Ph.D. programs are longer and more comprehensive. They take three to five or more years of full-time study to complete, with a significant portion dedicated to research.
  • M.Phil.: While M.Phil. programs include a research component, the research requirements are less extensive and may not be as original or in-depth as Ph.D. research.
  • Ph.D.: Ph.D. candidates are expected to conduct original, independent research that contributes significantly to their field. The research undertaken during a Ph.D. is more extensive and rigorous than in an M.Phil. program.
  • M.Phil.: M.Phil. candidates must write a research thesis or dissertation, which is shorter and less comprehensive than a Ph.D. dissertation.
  • Ph.D.: A Ph.D. dissertation is a substantial and original piece of research that must demonstrate a high level of expertise and significantly contribute to the field. It is a comprehensive document that undergoes rigorous examination.
  • M.Phil.: M.Phil. graduates can pursue careers in academia or research, but they may also find opportunities in various sectors, including industry, government, and non-profit organizations.
  • Ph.D.: Ph.D. graduates are well-prepared for academic careers, research institutions, and specialized roles requiring deep expertise. They are recognized as experts in their area of study.
  • M.Phil.: Admission to an M.Phil. program requires a bachelor’s degree in a related field and, in some cases, relevant research experience or a strong academic background.
  • Ph.D.: Admission to a Ph.D. program requires a strong academic record, a master’s degree in a related field (although some programs accept exceptional bachelor’s degree holders), and a well-defined research proposal.
  • The structure and nomenclature of M.Phil. and Ph.D. programs may vary by country and educational system. Some regions may have different names for similar programs.

Difference Between M.Phil . and Ph.D.


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By Emma Smith

Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page .

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Grant of Incentives for Ph.D/ M.Phil/ LL.M., M.Tech etc.

Government of West Bengal Higher Education Department 6th Floor, Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700091

No. 892-Edn(U)/1U-79/13 Dated, the 4th Day of November, 2016

Whereas the issue of grant of incentives for Ph.D /M.Phil and other higher qualifications like LL.M., M.Tech etc. Degree, recognized by the relevant statutory body/council, was under active consideration of the State Government;

And whereas the State Government has, after due deliberation, come to a view that in order to attract and retain the best talent in the teaching profession, incentives such as advance increments for acquiring Ph.D./ M. Phil and other higher qualifications, shall be awarded to the University and College teachers, College librarians and librarians as specified below:

Whereas the University Grants Commission, New Delhi, hereinafter called UGC, had notified on 30.06.2010, its Regulations on Minimum Qualifications for Appointment of Teachers and Others Academic Staff in Universities and Colleges and Measures for the Maintenance of Standard in Higher Education, 2010, hereinafter called UGC Regulations, 2010;

And whereas the Higher Education Department, Govt. of West Bengal vide its Order no. 1196-Edn(A) dated 31.12.2012 , No. 920-Edn(CS) dated 31.12.2012 and No. 1197(28)-Edn(U) dated 31.12.2012 adopted the guidelines prescribed by the UGC for the Appointment, Promotion including Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) of the Teachers, Librarians, Physical Instructors of the State Aided Universities, Government Colleges and Non-Government Aided Colleges in the state and extended all the benefits of UGC Regulations 2010 except the incentives for Ph.D/ M.Phil and other higher qualifications;

And whereas the incentives for Ph.D/ M.Phil and other qualifications as per Regulation 9.0 of the UGC Regulations, 2010 was so far not granted to the teachers, librarians, physical instructors of the State aided Universities, Government Colleges and Government aided Colleges in the State;

Now, the Governor is pleased to pass the following orders for the grant of incentives to the teachers, librarians, and physical instructors of the State aided Universities, Government Colleges and Government aided Colleges:

1. Teachers who have entered into service with Ph.D/ M.Phil and other higher qualification in their relevant subject between 01.01.2006 and 31.08.2008 and the teachers who have acquired Ph.D., M.Phil and other higher qualifications while in service during 01.01.2006 to 31.08.2008 shall be awarded advance increments in their initial scale of pay at the entry or lower scale of pay on the day of award of Ph.D/ M.Phil and other higher qualifications as follows:

a) Four and two non-compounded advance increments shall be admissible to those who hold Ph.D and M.Phil Degree, respectively, at the time of recruitment as Assistant Professor (Stage-I) (erstwhile Lecturer). Candidates with D. Litt./ D. Sc. shall be given benefit on par with Ph.D and M. Litt on par with M.Phil.

b) Two non-compounded advance increment shall be admissible to those teachers College Librarians/ Assistant Librarians who have acquired Ph.D Degree while in service.

c) Teachers, who had joined with M. Phil Degree and subsequently acquired Ph.D Degree within two years of his /her joining, shall be entitled to one advance increment.

2. Teachers who have entered into service on and after 01.09.2008 with Ph.D/ M. Phil and other higher qualifications in his/her relevant subject and the teachers who have acquired Ph.D., M.Phil and other higher qualifications while in service on and after 01.09.2008 [Corrigendum vide No. 896-Edn dated 08.11.2016 ] shall be awarded advance increments in their initial Scale of Pay at the entry or Lower Scale of Pay on the day of award of Ph.D/ M.Phil and other higher qualifications in the following manner:

a) Five non-compounded advance increments at the entry level of recruitment as Assistant Professor (Stage-I) /College Librarian /Assistant Librarian possessing Ph. D Degree;

aa) Two non-compounded advance increments at the entry level of recruitment as Assistant Professor (Stage-I)/ College Librarian/ Assistant Librarian possessing M. Phil. Degree; [Corrigendum vide No. 910-Edn dated 20.09.2018 ]

b) Three non-compounded advance increments from the day of award of Ph.D Degree to those who have acquired Ph.D Degree while in service;

c) Two non-compounded advance increments at the entry level of recruitment for possessing post-graduate Degree in a professional course such as LL.M./ M.Tech etc. recognized by the relevant statutory body/ council;

d) Those who acquire M. Phil/ LL.M/ M. Tech etc. degree, recognized by the relevant statutory bodies/ councils while in service shall be entitled to one advance increment.

3. For the present, the above Order shall not apply to individuals in the pay band of 37400-67000 +9000 AGP for acquiring Ph.D/M.Phil etc. while in service, since a clarification from UGC is essential. Upon receipt of UGC’s clarification necessary instruction for this category shall be issued from this end.

4. This Memorandum is being issued with the concurrence of the Finance Department, Govt. of West Bengal vide its UO No: Group P1/2016-2017/0238 dated 29.09.2016.

By Order of the Governor,

Sd/- M. Ray Secretary to the Government of West Bengal Higher Education Department

No. 892-Edn dated 04.11.2016 , Source

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Advance increments for M.Phil, Ph.D teachers

Published - July 10, 2011 10:53 am IST - NEW DELHI:

In a Delhi University Executive Council meeting held on Saturday, it was decided that teachers will receive advance increments for Ph.D. and M. Phil at the entry level and acquire these degrees in service, as proposed in the 2008 notification of the Union Human Resource Development Ministry, with effect from January 2006.

The aim is to attract talent into the university system. Teachers eligible for promotion to the Senior Grade and Reader's Grade up to June 30, 2010, will be covered under the old Career Advancement Scheme 1998. The process will start with immediate effect.

The issue of conversion of Contributory Provident Fund to General Provident Fund was also raised as were grievances against some college Principals.

Semester-based syllabus approved

The EC meeting also approved the semester-based syllabus recommended in the Academic Council meeting held on Friday. The syllabi of Economics, Sociology, History and Political Science were approved in the semester mode. However, some courses, including Economics and Sociology, have the syllabus ready only for the first semester. The syllabus for the remaining semesters is to be submitted by September 30. The syllabus for the first semester is ready for all undergraduate courses of the university.

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6th UGC Scheme - Teacher Who Availed Advance Increments Based On M.Phil Can't Seek Increments Based On Subsequently Acquired Ph.D : Kerala HC

Navya benny.

15 Feb 2023 6:51 AM GMT

6th UGC Scheme - Teacher Who Availed Advance Increments Based On M.Phil Cant Seek Increments Based On Subsequently Acquired Ph.D : Kerala HC

The Kerala High Court has held that a teacher, who entered service with M.Phil and was awarded two advance increments on the basis of the M.Phil degree, and who subsequently acquired Ph.D while in service, would not be entitled to three additional non-compounded increments provided in the State Government order based on the Sixth UGC Scheme.A Division Bench comprising Justice P.B. Sureshkumar...

The Kerala High Court has held that a teacher, who entered service with M.Phil and was awarded two advance increments on the basis of the M.Phil degree, and who subsequently acquired Ph.D while in service, would not be entitled to three additional non-compounded increments provided in the State Government order based on the Sixth UGC Scheme.

A Division Bench comprising Justice P.B. Sureshkumar and Justice C.S. Sudha , observed that the teacher  could not be regarded as a teacher in service who has been awarded Ph.D at the time of coming into force of the subsequent Government Order in terms of the Sixth UGC Scheme entitling teachers who completed their Ph.D. in service to three non-compounded increments. 

"The pointed question is as to whether the petitioner could be regarded as a teacher in service who has been awarded Ph.D at the time of coming into force of Ext.P4 order. If a person like the petitioner who has been awarded Ph.D about two years prior to the coming into force of Ext.P4 order and who was governed by Clause 6.17 of Ext.P2 order is regarded as a teacher in service who has been awarded Ph.D at the time of coming into force of Ext.P4 order, then all similar teachers who were governed by Clause 6.19 of Ext.P2 order would also fall under Clause 10.5, as the Sixth Scheme of the UGC .... only precludes teachers who have already availed the benefit of advance increments from possessing Ph.D at the entry level under the earlier Scheme, from claiming advance increments under the Sixth Scheme in terms of Clause 7(xxi) therein. If that be so, they can also claim three non-compounded increments in addition to the two advance increments which have been granted to them in terms of Clause 6.19 of Ext.P2 order. Such an inference, according to us, cannot be made, for if such an inference is made, those who have entered service with Ph.D when Ext.P2 order was in force will have to be satisfied with four increments, whereas those who have entered service without Ph.D, but acquired Ph.D while in service, will be able to claim five increments, two under the Fifth Scheme and three under the Sixth Scheme", it was observed. 

Brief Facts

As per the factual matrix, the petitioner, who was a teacher in an aided college affiliated to the Calicut University, had entered service as Lecturer and retired as an Associate Professor. When the petitioner entered service, he had M.Phil degree, along with the other requisite qualifications. During this time, it was the State Government order based on the Fifth UGC Scheme that had been applicable, as per which two advance increments would be admissible to those who hold M.Phil. degree at the time of recruitment as Lecturer. The petitioner was accordingly granted the benefit. It was while the petitioner was in service that he acquired Ph.D degree. Although aforementioned order issued by the State government in terms of the Fifth UGC Scheme provided for one more advance increment for those teachers with M.Phil who acquire Ph.D degree within two years of recruitment, the petitioner was not extended the benefit of the said additional increment, as he could not acquire Ph.D degree within two years of recruitment.

During this time, the Government implemented the Sixth UGC Scheme in the State, with effect from September 1, 2008. As per the subsequent order, teachers who complete their Ph.D degree while in service were to be entitled to three non-compounded increments, if such Ph.D is in the relevant discipline and had been awarded by a University complying with the process prescribed by the UGC for enrolment, course work, evaluation, and so on.

It is the petitioner's case that since he was a teacher in service who had been been awarded Ph.D degree at the time of coming into force of the Sixth UGC Scheme, he would be entitled to three additional non-compounded increments as stipulated in the subsequent order, as well. However, his request regarding the same before the Director of Collegiate Education (DCE) was rejected stating that since he had already been given two advance increments on the strength of his M.Phil degree, he would not be entitled to any more increments for the Ph.D. degree since he couldn't acquire the latter within 2 years of the recruitment. After 4 years, the petitioner made a fresh application before the DCE, for one more additional increment, which was also rejected. 

Thereafter, the petitioner filed a writ petition after 2 years of his retirement, challenging these orders of the DCE. He also sought for a direction to the State and its officials to sanction to him three non-compounded increments also on the strength of the Ph.D acquired by him while in service and disburse the consequential benefits. 

The Single Judge allowed the writ petition, and issued the direction sought for by the petitioner. It is challenging the said decision of the Single Judge that the present writ appeal was filed. 

Division Bench Ruling

The Division Bench noted that after the petitioner's initial request had been turned down by the DCE, he had not pursued the matter again for a period of 4 years. After the fresh representation to the Principal was also turned down, he only filed the writ petition again after almost 2 years of his retirement. 

"In light of the facts narrated above, according to us, the claim of the petitioner is per se stale and this Court ought not have entertained the writ petition" , the Court noted. It thereby embarked to ascertain the correctness of the decision rendered by the Single Judge. 

The Court in this case observed the the various clauses of the two Schemes of the UGC and discerned that the case of the petitioner could not be regarded as a teacher in service who had been awarded Ph.D at the time of coming into force of the subsequent government order falling within the scope of Clause 10.5 of the said order. It is noted that Clause 10.4 of the order deals with teachers who acquire Ph.D while in service after the implementation of the said order, while Clause 10.5 provides that teachers in service who have been awarded Ph.D at the time of coming into force of the Sixth Scheme of the UGC are also entitled to award of three non-compounded increments even if the University awarding such Ph.D has not yet been notified by the UGC as having complied with the process prescribed by the UGC.

"We take this view also for the reason that it has been clarified by the Government in Ext.P5 order that those who have already availed the benefit of advance increments at the earlier scheme for possessing Ph.D/M.Phil at the entry level or for acquiring Ph.D/M.Phil in service shall not be entitled to the benefit of increments under the Sixth UGC Scheme, except as provided therein specifically. The effect of the said clause is that those who are governed by the earlier scheme for claiming advance increments on the strength of their Ph.D either at the entry level or while in service will not be entitled to claim increments as per the Sixth Scheme except as provided for in Ext.P5 order. Ext.P5 order is not under challenge. It does not also confer any right to persons like the petitioner to claim the non-compounded increments in terms of Ext.P4 order", the Court clarified. 

It therefore allowed the writ appeal, and set aside the impugned judgment of the Single Judge. 

The appellants in this case were represented by Senior Government Pleader B. Vinitha . The respondents were represented by the Standing Counsel of Calicut University Advocate P.C. Sasidharan , and Advocates Abhay Ferdinand and C.V. Alexander . 

Case Title: State of Kerala rep. by Additional Chief Secretary & Ors. v. Dr. Louis J. Kattady & Ors. 

Citation: 2023 LiveLaw (Ker) 80

Click Here To Read/Download The Judgment 


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Veliky Novgorod Region: Why you need to see the jewel in Russia’s ‘Silver Necklace’

Valday Iversky Monastery

Valday Iversky Monastery

For those of you making the trip to Veliky Novgorod Region, here is a list of unmissable activities and places of interest to really get you acquainted with the area and its history.

1.    Learn the history of the Russian state in Veliky Novgorod

Of course, this city is unmissable; being the historical center of Russian statehood with the most ancient cathedral in the country, Sophia Cathedral, erected more than one thousand years ago, is a place of power for the whole of Russia. The city was the first-ever Russian settlement straddling both sides of a river (Volkhov), with the imposing Kremlin on one side, and medieval churches and buildings in the historic market district on the other.

Veliky Novgorod Kremlin

Veliky Novgorod Kremlin

You can spice up the historical tour with various custom ones available, including the ancient cemetery at night or an alco-tour of the city (where you get to try local food and drink). For more information on the city excursions, you can go here .

2.  Explore traditional folk craft at the workshop in Kresttsy settlement

Krestetsky stitching is a traditional Russian pattern - a folk craft that was born and developed in this area since the 1860-s. In Soviet times a small factory producing original unique linen products was built here. During Perestroika it was nearly closed due to the catastrophic economic crisis in the country. The risk for the Krestetsky stitch being completely forgotten was quite real. It is now a private factory and shop with guided tours.

NOVGOROD REGION, RUSSIA - JANUARY 24, 2019: Linen products of the Kresttsy Stitch clothing factory reviving and implementing the Kresttsy stitchery, a traditional local embroidery technique dating from the 1860s, in the village of Kresttsy, Novgorod Region

NOVGOROD REGION, RUSSIA - JANUARY 24, 2019: Linen products of the Kresttsy Stitch clothing factory reviving and implementing the Kresttsy stitchery, a traditional local embroidery technique dating from the 1860s, in the village of Kresttsy, Novgorod Region

The pattern is very beautiful and difficult to master, so the possibility to observe the birth of a masterpiece is quite unique. Head over to the factory website for more details.

3.  Meet the old believers in the village of Lyakova

Russia’s so-called ‘old believers’ did not accept the reformation of Orthodox Christianity in Russia in the 17th century, choosing instead to keep the old traditions in church services and rites, in defiance of the state’s persecution, lasting centuries. Old believers are divided into two groups, those who accept the church hierarchy and those who do not accept priests at all, pray in their own houses, and are governed by the community leaders. At this time there are about one million old believers scattered around the country with no official statistics to confirm that figure.    

m phil phd increment

The old believers of Lyakova village will gladly welcome you in the old traditional peasant’s house, explaining how it was organized, and how life, in general, looked in the distant peasant past.  This immersion is accompanied by a traditional dinner with borsch, salo (pork scratchings) and tea brewed in a traditional samovar. Book your ticket here .

4.  Take the eco-trail at the Valdai national park 

This national park is one of the largest specially protected natural areas in the European part of Russia. Russian president Vladimir Putin has one of his ‘datchas’ here. The territory of the park that covers an area of 159 thousand hectares includes several lakes (Borovno, Valdai, Velje, Seliger) as well as rare animals and plants.

m phil phd increment

Many nature lovers come here to hike, swim in the lakes and camp. This year the big eco-trail was opened. If you enjoy hiking, you can walk all 59 kilometers in five days, starting from the town of Valdai and covering around 12 kilometers a day. On the way, you will have all the facilities needed for camping and spending time in nature, from toilets to camping equipment and various amenities. Visit the park’s website for more info.

5.   Visit the Valday Iversky Monastery

Located on an island 10 kilometers from the town of Valday, this monastery appears to be floating on the lake, when you look at it from a distance.

m phil phd increment

This is a male Orthodox monastery established in 1653. It was one of the three monasteries founded by the Patriarch Nikon (his reformation of the Orthodox Church in Russia and its unification with the Greek Orthodox church caused the split between ‘old’ and ‘new’ believers). The icon of the Mother of God – Iverskaya – is the treasure of the monastery and the reason for the active pilgrimage to this place.

6. Ring the bells at the Valday Museum of Bells

The region of Novgorod was the center of Russian statehood under the rule of the Rurikovich dynasty. After the collapse of Kievan Rus’, the region was an autonomous Russian state with a republican form of government, the symbol of which was a big Bell that every citizen could ring in order to gather the townspeople for a vote or resolve a community issue. So it is not by accident that the first-ever Museum of Bells in Russia was opened here.

Valday Museum of Bells

Valday Museum of Bells

If you manage to get Nadezhda Yakovleva for a guide, you are guaranteed a one-person performance along with your historical facts, it’s fascinating and great fun as well.

 7.   Immerse yourself in 10th-century life at the settlement in Lyubytino village

This village of ancient Slavs has been restored in order to give tourists the impression of life centuries ago. Different types of Russian wooden cottages (izba) are represented here, as well as utility buildings and the ancient burial mounds, used by Slavs for burial rites.

Lyubytino is an urban locality (a work settlement) and the administrative center of Lyubytinsky District of Novgorod Oblast, Russia, located on the Msta River. Municipally, it serves as the administrative center of Lyubytinskoye Urban Settlement

Lyubytino is an urban locality (a work settlement) and the administrative center of Lyubytinsky District of Novgorod Oblast, Russia, located on the Msta River. Municipally, it serves as the administrative center of Lyubytinskoye Urban Settlement

For those seeking total immersion, there is the possibility of getting dressed in the traditional clothing of the time and have a photo session.


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    m phil phd increment


  1. PDF Ministry of Education University Grants Commission New Delhi

    2.2.1 A person whose M.Phil. dissertation has been evaluated and recommended for award of the degree, may be admitted to the Ph.D. programme in any Institution on a provisional basis even before the viva-voice or final defence. 2.3 A relaxation of 5% of marks, from 55% to 50%, or an equivalent relaxation of grade, may be

  2. m.phil and ph.d increments

    M.Phil .6.16. Four and two advance increments will be admissible to those who hold Ph.D. and ..., respectively at the time of recruitment as Lecturers. Candidates with D. Litt./D.Sc. should be given benefit on par with Ph.D. and M. Litt. on par with M.Phil .6.17. One increment will be adm...eligible for two additional advance increments.

  3. Order of Advance Increments for obtaining M.Phil/ Ph.D

    Order of Advance Increments for obtaining M.Phil/ Ph.D. Order-Adv.-Inc.-PhD._M.Phil_ Download

  4. Applying 7th CPC to the Person Who Already Got M.Phil. / Ph.D

    As notifications don't have retrospective effect and in the clause 8 of the 7th CPC notification on increment of the M.Phil./Ph.D. no specific date is mentioned, I feel that the person who already got increment for M.Phil./Ph.D. shall be entitled for the increments. Kindly suggest me if I am wrong.

  5. PDF Admission Guidelines for M.Phil./Ph.D. Students

    t 55% marks shall be eligible for appearing directly for interview. A relaxation of 5% of marks, from 55% to 50%, or an equivalent relaxation of grade, may be allowed fo. those belonging to SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer)/differently-abled.Candidates who have cleared coursework of M.Phil. from University of Delhi with at least 55% marks in ...

  6. PDF UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION New Delhi-110002, The February, 2018

    for Award of M.Phil./Ph.D. Degree) Regulation, 2009 or University Grants Commission (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of M.Phil/Ph.D. Degree) Regulation,2016 and their subsequent amendments from time to time as the case may be, shall be exempted from the requirement of the minimum eligibility condition of

  7. Difference Between M.Phil. and Ph.D. (with Comparison Chart)

    Meaning. M.Phil. is an academic research degree, that allows the student to master is a particular subject, and provides proper knowledge for further research. Ph.D. is an internationally acknowledged, highest level research degree course, offered by the universities, that attempts to add something new, in the already existing knowledge. Duration.

  8. Welcome to UGC, New Delhi, India

    The minimum standards and procedure for the award of, Ph.D have been revised according to the recommendations of National Education Policy 2020 and the UGC has notified the new UGC (Minirnum Standards and Procedure for award of Ph.D.) Regulations, 2022 in the official Gazette on 7th November 2022. These new regulations are framed to encourage ...

  9. PDF HANDBOOK OF INFORMATION M.Phil. and Ph.D. in Economics

    ble for regularly checking the portal for any updates. Further inform. tion on Delhi University is available at This Handbook provides additional information for candidates intending to a. ly for the M.Phil. and Ph.D. programmes in Economics.For information about the application process and date, time and venues of the Entrance ...

  10. Regarding Restoration of advance increments of M.Phil/Ph.D after ...

    Regarding Restoration of advance increments of M.Phil/Ph.D after 01-10-2014 as per UGC norms. 645.14 KB: 03/10/2017 - 17:56. Last modified date : 17-07-2018 Updated On: 16/08/2024 - 15:48. Registered Office. Directorate of Higher Education Himachal Pradesh - Shimla-171001

  11. Dr. Ruma Bhattacharya vs The State Of Tripura on 19 January, 2022

    (a) Four and two advance increments will be admissible to those who hold Ph.D. and M. Phil degree respectively at the time of recruitment as lecturers. (b) One increment will be admissible to those teachers with M. Phil degree who acquire Ph.D. Degree within two years of recruitment. Page 9 of 14. 14.


    Stagnation Increment Exercise of Option to Continue in the Scales of Pay of Lower Post -Extension of Time Limit ; ಕಾಲೇಜು ಶಿಕ್ಷಣ ಆಯುಕ್ತರಿಂದ ವಲಯವಾರು 'ಅದಾಲತ್' ಕಾರ್ಯಕ್ರಮ

  13. Difference Between M.Phil and PhD

    M.Phil, as most of us know, means Master of Philosophy, and Ph.D. means Doctor of Philosophy just for clarifying. Both of these degrees are research-based and can be opted after one completes the master's degree. Aspirants can pursue a Ph.D. after a bachelor's degree with an excellent academic record in some universities.

  14. M.Phil. vs Ph.D.: Difference and Comparison

    Here are some key points about M.Phil.: Purpose: The primary purpose of an M.Phil. program is to provide advanced research training and the opportunity for students to explore a specific topic or area of study in depth. It serves as a bridge between undergraduate and doctoral studies. Duration: The duration of an M.Phil. program varies by country and institution but takes one to two years of ...

  15. Grant of Incentives for Ph.D/ M.Phil/ LL.M., M.Tech etc

    b) Two non-compounded advance increment shall be admissible to those teachers College Librarians/ Assistant Librarians who have acquired Ph.D Degree while in service. c) Teachers, who had joined with M. Phil Degree and subsequently acquired Ph.D Degree within two years of his /her joining, shall be entitled to one advance increment. 2.

  16. Advance increments for M.Phil, Ph.D teachers

    In a Delhi University Executive Council meeting held on Saturday, it was decided that teachers will receive advance increments for Ph.D. and M. Phil at the entry level and acquire these degrees in ...

  17. 6th UGC Scheme

    The Kerala High Court has held that a teacher, who entered service with M.Phil and was awarded two advance increments on the basis of the M.Phil degree, and who subsequently acquired Ph.D while in ...

  18. PDF Welcome to UGC, New Delhi, India

    Created Date: 12/7/2018 2:55:48 PM


    qualifications i.e. M.Phil./PhD. Etc., are given here under. The Principals of all Government Degree Colleges/ Correspondents of Aided Degree Colleges are informed that while revising UGC Pay Scales to the teachers Government also ordered incentive increments to the teachers for having Ph.D./M.Phil. and other higher qualifications, as under.

  20. PDF Office of The Registrar::Dibrugarh University::Dibrugarh

    for availing advance increments on obtaining M.Phil/Ph.D. The Committee examined the case as per relevant proviso of D.U. Teachers' Service Conditions Ordinance, (1974) amended upto 12.08.2021 and UGC Regulation 18.07.2018. Clauses of the Ordinance under which eligible: 1) The Article 14 of D.U. Teachers' Service Conditions

  21. Veliky Novgorod Region: Why you need to see the jewel in Russia's

    Krestetsky stitching is a traditional Russian pattern - a folk craft that was born and developed in this area since the 1860-s. In Soviet times a small factory producing original unique linen ...

  22. Veliky Novgorod

    Veliky Novgorod (Russian: Великий Новгород, lit. 'Great Newtown', IPA: [vʲɪˈlʲikʲɪj ˈnovɡərət]), [10] also known simply as Novgorod (Новгород), is the largest city and administrative centre of Novgorod Oblast, Russia.It is one of the oldest cities in Russia, [11] being first mentioned in the 9th century. The city lies along the Volkhov River just downstream ...

  23. Veliky Novgorod

    Veliky Novgorod - the Birthplace of Russian Statehood. The Novgorod land is the only place where you can take a breath of the air that once filled the chest of the emerging Rus (Old Russia). Veliky Novgorod was the first to introduce Russia to running a republican state, and its historical example has always attracted the supporters of ...