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How to create a great investor pitch deck for startups seeking financing.

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This post has been updated. To read the latest version, click here . 

Startups frequently prepare a “pitch deck” to present their company to prospective angel or venture capital investors. The pitch deck typically consists of 15-20 slides in a PowerPoint presentation and is intended to showcase the company’s products, technology, and team to the investors.

Raising capital from investors is difficult and time consuming. Therefore, it’s crucial that a startup absolutely nails its investor pitch deck and articulates a compelling and interesting story.

In this article, I provide important advice for creating a strong, thorough, and engaging investor pitch deck, along with guidance on presenting to angel and venture capital investors. I also provide links to sample pitch decks you can check out for reference as you begin the process of building your own.

Important Do’s and Don’ts for Investor Pitch Decks

Too many startups make a number of avoidable mistakes when creating their investor pitch decks. Here is a list of preliminary do’s and don’ts to keep in mind:

When trying to raise capital for your startup, it's crucial to nail your investor presentation.

Pitch Deck Do’s

  • Do include this wording at the bottom left of the pitch deck cover page: “Confidential and Proprietary. Copyright (c) by [Name of Company]. All Rights Reserved.”
  • Do convince the viewer of why the market opportunity is large.
  • Do include visually interesting graphics and images.
  • Do send the pitch deck in a PDF format to prospective investors in advance of a meeting. Don’t force the investor to get it from Google Docs, Dropbox, or some other online service, as you are just putting up a barrier to the investor actually reading it.
  • Do plan to have a demo of your product as part of the in-person presentation.
  • Do tell a compelling, memorable, and interesting story that shows your passion for the business.
  • Do show that you have more than just an idea, and that you have gotten early traction on developing the product, getting customers, or signing up partners.
  • Do have a soundbite for investors to remember you by.
  • Do use a consistent font size, color, and header title style throughout the slides.

Pitch Deck Don’ts

  • Don’t make the pitch deck more than 15-20 slides long (investors have limited attention spans). If you feel you need to add more information, include it as an appendix.
  • Don’t have too many wordy slides.
  • Don’t provide excessive financial details, as that can be provided in a follow-up.
  • Don’t try to cover everything in the pitch deck. Your in-person presentation will give you an opportunity to add and highlight key information.
  • Don’t use a lot of jargon or acronyms that the investor may not immediately understand.
  • Don’t underestimate or belittle the competition.
  • Don’t have your pitch deck look out of date. You don’t want a date on the cover page that is several months old (that is why I avoid putting a date on the cover page at all). And you don’t want information or metrics in the deck about your business that look stale or outdated.
  • Don’t have a poor layout, bad graphics, or a low-quality “look and feel.” Think about hiring a graphic designer to give your pitch desk a more professional look.

Make Sure to Review Other Pitch Deck Examples

In creating your pitch deck for investors, it’s extremely helpful to view other sample pitch decks. A great many pitch decks are available online, including:

  • Google’s Template Pitch Deck for Startups
  • LinkedIn’s Pitch Deck for Its Series B Round
  • Facebook’s Original Pitch Deck from Spring 2004
  • Airbnb’s Pitch Deck for Its Angel Round
  • Pre-Launch Investor Pitch Deck

Check out this  sample investor pitch deck  for that I created, which incorporates the advice I give in this article. This sample can be downloaded for free and used as a template for your own investor pitch.

What Are the Key Slides You Want In Your Investor Pitch Deck?

You want your investor pitch deck to cover the following topics, roughly in the order set forth here and with titles along the lines of the following:

  • Company Overview
  • Mission/Vision of the Company
  • The Problem
  • The Solution
  • The Market Opportunity
  • The Product
  • The Customers
  • The Technology
  • The Competition
  • Business Model
  • The Marketing Plan

1. The “Company Overview” Slide of the Pitch Deck

I’m a big believer that the page after the cover page should be a “Company Overview” where you summarize in 4-6 bullet points your business, what problem it solves, where you are located, the experience of the management team, and any key traction already established.

For example, here is what your “Company Overview” page could say:

Example of a strong "Company Overview" slide.

Your company overview page should grab the reader and convince them that your company has the opportunity to grow big.

2. The “Mission/Vision” Slide of the Pitch Deck

In this slide, you want a crisp summary of the mission/vision of the company. Some examples of a mission include:

  • “Our mission is to be the enterprise solution for cybersecurity holes in a company’s data storage.”
  • “We are the mobile solution for millennials wanting to invest in the stock market.”
  • “We are the Uber-like on demand solution for house cleaners.”

The “vision” can be the goal you think you could become, such as “Our vision is to become the leading e-commerce company for individuals recuperating from injuries.”

Think of this slide as your 15-second compelling elevator pitch.

3. “The Team” Slide of the Pitch Deck

Many investors believe that a company’s team is the most important determinant of whether or not to invest. “The Team” slide will typically include:

  • Pictures of the key team members
  • Titles of the team members
  • Short summary of prior employment of the team showing domain experience and relevant expertise
  • Advisors, consultants, and Board members (sometimes included in this slide to bolster credibility)

4. “The Problem” Slide in the Pitch Deck

You need to define the problem or need your startup is solving, including:

  • How big is the problem?
  • Why is it important?
  • Who are you solving the problem for?

5. “The Solution” Slide in the Pitch Deck

Since the prior slide articulated the problem, “The Solution” section of your investor pitch deck should articulate your proposed solution and why it’s better than other solutions in the market. This deck should be carefully coordinated with the “Product” slide of the pitch deck, as there may be some overlap.

6. The “Product” Slide of the Pitch Deck

You must clearly articulate what your company’s product or service consists of and why it is unique, so “The Product” slide of the pitch deck should answer:

  • What are the key features of the product?
  • Why do users care about the product?
  • What are the major product milestones?
  • What are the key differentiated features of the product?
  • What additional product features are planned?

Images, visuals, and videos can play an important role here—don’t just have lengthy written explanations.

7. The “Market Opportunity” Slide of the Pitch Deck

Investors want to invest in big opportunities with large addressable markets. On your “Market Opportunity” slide you want to:

  • Define the market you are in.
  • Set forth the dollar market size.
  • Include graphs showing that your company will be addressing a large part of the addressable market.

8. The “Customers” Slide of the Pitch Deck

If the company has early customers, a “Customers” slide can be powerful and add credibility. Normally, the logos of customers that are well known are included in this slide page. Here is an example of this page, which highlights both customers and partnerships of the company:

The "Customers & Partners" slide should show investors the connections you've already established.

9. “The Technology” Slide of the Pitch Deck

Investors will be particularly interested in your underlying technology (both existing and that in development). This slide of the investor pitch deck can address:

  • The basic technology backbone
  • Key intellectual property rights the company has (patents, patents pending, copyrights, trademarks, domain names)
  • Why the technology is or will be superior
  • Why it will be difficult for a competitor to replicate the technology

10. The “Competition” Slide of the Pitch Deck

The company’s competitors will always be an issue to investors. Your “Competition” slide should anticipate the following questions:

  • Who are the company’s competitors?
  • What gives your company a competitive advantage?
  • What are the key differentiating features from your competitors?

You really have to show an understanding of the competitive landscape and be prepared to answer questions about your competitors. If you don’t understand your competitors, then the investor may conclude that you really don’t understand the market.

11. The “Traction” Slide of the Pitch Deck

A company that has obtained early traction in some way will be viewed positively. A “Traction” slide is sometimes, but not always, included in the pitch deck (sometimes the company’s progress/traction is just sprinkled through other slides). The “Traction” slide can cover the following:

  • What early traction has the company gotten (sales, traffic to the company’s website, app downloads, growth metrics, etc., as relevant)?
  • What strategic partnerships have been consummated?
  • How can the early traction be accelerated?
  • Press and accolades
  • Testimonials

12. “The Business Model” Slide of the Pitch Deck

The investors will want to understand your business model. So this slide can address key issues like:

  • How do you make money?
  • What is the pricing model?
  • What is the long-term value of a customer?
  • What are the customer acquisition channels and costs?

13. The “Marketing Plan” Slide of the Pitch Deck

No matter how good your product is, you will need to have a good marketing plan to get customers or users. The “Marketing Plan” slide of the pitch deck can cover:

  • What key marketing channels will you use (paid search, social media, TV, radio, email marketing, etc.)?
  • What early successes have you had and what channels have worked?
  • What are your preliminary customer acquisition costs per customer (and, correspondingly, what is the projected lifetime value of a customer)?
  • What PR will you be employing?
  • What early press or buzz have you gotten?

14. The “Financials” Slide of the Pitch Deck

Investors will want to understand the company’s current financial situation and proposed future “burn” rate (monthly or yearly cash loss while the company is developing and marketing its product).

The “Financials” slide sometimes includes the following:

  • Three- to five-year financial projections
  • Unit economics
  • Key metrics that are important to the business (such as annual recurring revenue)
  • Total revenue and expenses
  • Key assumptions

Make sure your projections are not unrealistic; you don’t want prospective investors to immediately question your projections as absurd or just not believable. Avoid the trap of saying you will grow revenues by 10x in one year but only increase sales and marketing costs by 2x.

15. “The Ask” Slide of the Pitch Deck

Near the end, you should have a slide entitled “The Ask.” On this slide you should address:

  • How much money you are you seeking (a range is fine, such as “we are seeking $2-$3 million in financing”)
  • How long you think the financing will last (15-18 months)
  • What major milestones you think you will be able to reach with the financing
  • What your key use of proceeds from the investment will be (e.g., technology and product development, new hires, capital expenses, marketing, etc.)
  • Who your existing investors are (highlighting any well-known investors)

Here is a sample slide from my sample investor pitch deck:

"The Ask" slide should spell out exactly what you are asking the investors for.

For related information, see:

  • 28 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make When Pitching to Investors
  • 17 Key Lessons for Entrepreneurs Starting a Business
  • 10 Reasons Why Your Startup Idea Sucks and Won’t Get Funded
  • 65 Questions Venture Capitalists Will Ask Startups
  • Sample Investor Pitch Deck  [downloadable template]

A great investor pitch deck can make obtaining financing for your startup much more likely. But you need to make sure the story is compelling and interesting. You must address the topics that investors expect to see.

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How to Create an Effective Investor Presentation

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Investor presentations are a crucial tool for entrepreneurs and business owners seeking funding or investment opportunities. A well-crafted presentation can captivate potential investors, showcase your business's potential, and ultimately secure the financial support you need. To help you create an effective investor presentation that stands out from the crowd, we've compiled some essential tips and strategies.

Understanding Your Audience

Before diving into the details of your presentation, it's crucial to understand your audience. Investors have specific expectations and interests, so tailoring your pitch to their needs is essential. Research the individuals or firms you will be presenting to, and consider their investment preferences, industry focus, and track record. By understanding your audience, you can customize your presentation to resonate with their specific interests and increase your chances of success.

Crafting a Compelling Story

Every great investor presentation tells a compelling story. Start by clearly articulating your business's mission, vision, and unique value proposition. Describe the problem your product or service solves and how it addresses a market need. Use storytelling techniques to engage your audience emotionally and make your presentation memorable. By connecting with investors on a deeper level, you increase the likelihood of their investment in your business.

Presenting a Solid Business Plan

A well-structured and comprehensive business plan is the backbone of any investor presentation. Start with an executive summary that provides a concise overview of your business, highlighting key aspects such as market opportunity, competitive advantage, and financial projections. Then, dive into the details of your business model, target market, marketing strategy, and sales projections. Be prepared to answer questions and provide supporting data to back up your claims.

Creating Visually Engaging Slides

Investor presentations often rely heavily on visual aids, such as slides, to convey information effectively. When creating your slides, keep them clean, concise, and visually appealing. Use high-quality images, charts, and graphs to support your key points and make complex information more digestible. Avoid overcrowding your slides with text and opt for bullet points or short phrases instead. Remember, your slides should complement your presentation, not overshadow it.

Demonstrating Market Potential

Investors are often interested in the market potential of your business. Clearly articulate the size of your target market, its growth rate, and any emerging trends that support your business's viability. Use market research and industry data to back up your claims and demonstrate a thorough understanding of your industry's dynamics. Present a compelling case for why your business is well-positioned to capture a significant share of the market.

Highlighting Your Team's Expertise

Investors not only invest in ideas or products but also in the people behind them. Showcase your team's expertise, experience, and track record to instill confidence in potential investors. Highlight key team members and their accomplishments, emphasizing how their skills align with the business's goals. Demonstrating a strong and capable team can significantly enhance your presentation and increase investors' trust in your ability to execute your business plan successfully.

Addressing Potential Risks

No business is without risks, and investors understand that. Acknowledge and address any potential risks or challenges your business may face. Be transparent about your mitigation strategies and contingency plans, showing investors that you have considered potential obstacles and have a plan in place to overcome them. This demonstrates your preparedness and commitment to ensuring the long-term success of your venture.

Crafting an effective investor presentation requires careful planning, research, and attention to detail. By understanding your audience, telling a compelling story, presenting a solid business plan, creating visually engaging slides, demonstrating market potential, highlighting your team's expertise, and addressing potential risks, you can create a presentation that stands out and captures the attention of potential investors. Remember, practice makes perfect, so rehearse your presentation thoroughly to deliver a confident and impactful pitch. Good luck!

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Investor pitch deck: what are they and how are they made?

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Anete Ezera December 26, 2023

Let’s say you have a big idea – a new invention, a product launch, or a smarter way of doing things. To get your idea heard you need a way to showcase it to people. Not just any people – investors. They’re the ones who could potentially fund your new project or business. For this to happen, you need to be convincing and show them why investing is a good opportunity for them as well as you. This is what the purpose of an investor pitch deck is. What’s more, there are platforms out there that can assist in making your investor pitch, like Prezi . 

new work investor presentation

What is an investor pitch deck? 

An investor pitch deck is basically a presentation that entrepreneurs use when they’re talking to potential investors. The main idea is to show off your business or startup in a way that gets these investors interested. So, you create a presentation for investors that covers the key parts of your business.

You start off your investor pitch deck by introducing your business and then talking about the problem you’re solving. Next, you show how your product or service is the solution. You also include information about your target market, how you plan to make money, and your strategies for marketing and sales.

It’s also important to talk about who’s on your team and what makes them great for this business. Then, you go into the financial stuff – like how much money you expect to make and what you need funding for. The goal of an investor pitch deck is to make a strong case for why investing in your business is a good idea. It’s all about grabbing their attention and convincing them that your business has great potential.

How investor pitch decks have changed overtime

Investor pitch decks have drastically evolved. Fifty years ago, they were mostly verbal, using simple charts and focusing on substance over style. But as technology advanced, so did the way we present ideas. Now, tools like Prezi allow for visually engaging presentations, where we can include things like colors, themes, and graphics. This modern approach to investor pitch decks showcases ideas in a way that captures and holds the attention of investors, blending visuals with the core message for a more effective pitch. In the past, pitches were solely about how the presenters presented themselves, whereas now, we have the support of pitch deck presentations to back up our ideas. 

A picture of a sales training session with a team.

What makes a good investor pitch deck? 

To know how to pitch an idea to an investor, you need to know what goes into creating a good investor pitch deck. To resonate and persuade, be sure to include these key elements: 

A strong introduction

You need potential investors to be captivated from the very first slide. There are ways you can make them sit up, and come to attention. You can do this by asking a rhetorical question to get their brains ticking or using a dramatic statement to make them listen. It also helps if your opening slide is clear and straight to the point, so they know you mean business. 

Throughout your investor pitch deck, the information should be clear and precise. Not everyone in the audience will relate to industry-specific terms and phrases, so be sure to keep it simple. The last thing you want is to put investors off by confusing them with over-complicated language. 


Keep it brief. Cover all the essential points, but don’t overload your investor pitch deck with too much information. The simpler it is, the more chance of investors knowing exactly what you need and what your intentions are. They’re also more likely to remember brief content compared to overbearing information. 

Compelling story

The best investor presentations should tell a story. Your pitch deck should clearly show the problem, how your product or service solves it, and why it matters. Explaining your goals in this way is more likely to resonate with the audience, as people much prefer an interesting narrative rather than just listing facts and figures. 

This Prezi is a great example of a compelling story. The SMITH & STARR Elevator Pitch grabs our attention with its simple yet highly effective visuals and narrative. Not only does the presentation look good, but it starts by presenting a problem and then goes on to explain how they can fix it and what they plan on doing to achieve this. The way that each section contains a key block of information is really good for keeping the story easy to follow. This kind of storytelling is good for audiences, as they can keep up and understand what you’re trying to accomplish as a business.  

Solid market research

Show that you understand your market. Include data on market size, growth potential, and your target customers. This is one way to really wow your audience, and improve your chances of getting investments. If you don’t feel comfortable with this yet, then you need to do your research. Remember, data and figures can change all the time, so be sure to collect the most accurate information to date. 

Clear business model

In your pitch deck, you’ll want to explain how you plan to make money. Investors are really interested in seeing a clear path to profitability. So, you should lay out your business model in a way that makes it easy for them to understand how your business will generate revenue and become profitable. It’s about showing them that there’s a solid plan for making the business successful financially.

Competitive analysis

It’s important to acknowledge your competition and explain what sets you apart. Point out what they do well, but how you can do it better. Show what your plans are to dominate your specific field, this can help potential investors feel more confident in taking a chance on you. 

Capable team

Investors know the success behind any brand or business model is the team working behind the scenes. You should highlight your team’s strengths to show that they’re right for the job. If possible, include evidence of this. If your team is particularly good at making sales, show off real examples and figures that back this up. 

Realistic financial data

Provide realistic financial projections and clear explanations of how the investment will be used. Some entrepreneurs might think that falsifying figures is going to persuade investors, but this can turn sour as it’s going to raise questions and catch you out, which would cause your credibility to plummet. So stay honest, and keep your integrity. 

Visual appeal

When it comes to the design of your investor pitch presentation, visuals matter. This type of presentation typically includes lots of data information, so make it easy to digest by using graphics or charts. Be careful when selecting your designs, you want them to be appealing but not too flashy or distracting. Also, for entrepreneurs, think about which colors and fonts you want to associate with your brand, and incorporate them into your slides to create an identity for yourself. 

Take this Prezi for example . It’s a presentation by Max Lytvyn, the co-founder of Grammarly. It uses the well-known color scheme of Grammarly that aligns with the brand’s identity. He also uses compelling visuals and charts to showcase data which makes it easier to understand. Overall, the design is simple yet highly effective, which is important for keeping the audience focused on the message. 

Call to action

End your investor pitch deck with a clear call to action. What do you want from your investors? Be explicit about the funding you need. If potential investors can’t grasp what you’re asking for, they might not bother to invest. 

Remember, the goal of your investor presentation is to make them excited about your business and confident in your ability to deliver results.

Famous examples of investor pitch decks

Every business has to start somewhere, and it’s inspiring to think that some of the biggest companies that we see every day started with an investor pitch presentation. 

LinkedIn’s pitch to Greylock in 2 004 is a great example of startup fundraising, especially for its approach to overcoming challenges. At that time, LinkedIn faced a tough scenario – it wasn’t leading in any market trend, lacked substantial organic growth, and had no revenues. Despite this, the investor pitch led by co-founder Reid Hoffman proved successful. The deck’s effectiveness lay in its clear and strategic presentation. It began by explaining LinkedIn’s unique proposition as a network based on trusted connections, immediately setting it apart from other platforms. This clarity in defining the platform was pivotal.

Key to the investor pitch deck’s success was how it was structured. The investment thesis was presented upfront, laying out the essential beliefs needed for investment. The presentation methodically built up investor confidence, supporting each claim with data and projections. Even without a revenue model at the time, LinkedIn detailed potential revenue sources, focusing on the recruitment sector.

The presentation included a ‘show, don’t tell’ approach, which reinforced investor confidence and got them on board with LinkedIn’s vision. The pitch deck actively tackled possible challenges and stressed the importance of a different but effective approach, which was key to their business strategy. Hoffman highlighted that a good financing strategy is vital for a startup’s success. LinkedIn’s plan moved from building its network to making money, and then towards growing and making profits. This strategy is what led to their success in raising funds.

Basically, LinkedIn’s investor pitch deck teaches effective pitching and shows how important it is to plan strategically and communicate well to get investment and grow a startup.

Snapchat’s pitch deck in 2014 was quite interesting because it wasn’t really for investors. Instead, it was aimed at businesses to show them how Snapchat could be used for advertising. The deck gave a detailed rundown of how the app works, focusing on its unique feature where messages disappear after a short time. This was all about mimicking real-life chats.

By 2014, Snapchat had already grown to 46 million users and by early 2021, it was up to 280 million. They were pretty successful in raising funds too, pulling in $4.9 billion by August of 2018.

The investor pitch deck also showed how celebrities and other companies were using Snapchat. This wasn’t just about getting money- it was more about getting businesses on board with using Snapchat for their ads. The deck was quite text-heavy, which is usually more common in longer corporate presentations than in quick investor pitches. But it worked well for what Snapchat was trying to do – getting businesses interested in their platform.

Elon Musk’s pitch for Twitter is a good example of a strong and clear investor pitch deck. He bought the well-known social media company in 2022, and he had big plans for it, like making a lot more money by 2028 and bringing in new revenue streams from things like payments and a new product called ‘X’. He also predicted Twitter’s user base getting a lot bigger. What makes this pitch a standout example for entrepreneurs is the way Musk set out bold, clear goals and showed how different parts of his plan fit together. This kind of strategic thinking is key in winning over investors and mapping out a company’s future. 

These investor pitch presentation examples are a great source of inspiration if you’re about to create your first-ever pitch. Knowing that the outcome could be as successful as this is a great motivation. With this in mind, ensure you carefully plan your pitch deck and put everything you have into it- It may be your only chance. 

How Prezi can help in making your investor pitch deck

Prezi offers a unique way for you to create dynamic presentations. Its features are particularly useful for investor pitch decks. And here’s why:

Non-linear approach

Prezi’s quite different from traditional slide-based presentations. It uses a canvas instead of slides, which lets you move around freely between different points. This creates a more engaging story as you’re not just moving from one slide to the next, but actually navigating through your content. It’s a more fluid way to share your ideas.

Zooming interface

With this feature, you can zoom in to focus on the details and then zoom out to see the overall picture. It’s really helpful for clearly explaining complex ideas. You can show the finer points and then pull back to show how everything fits together, which makes understanding intricate concepts a lot easier.

Visual storytelling

Prezi allows for the visual storytelling of ideas and their links. This is useful for laying out business models and strategies, helping to show how different aspects relate and form a bigger picture.

If you don’t know where to start, Prezi offers a range of design templates that help you quickly create a professional-looking investor pitch. They are designed for ease of use, so you can focus more on your content without worrying about the design aspect. 

To find an investor presentation template that suits you, you can browse Prezi’s business templates here . 

Prezi templates


With Prezi, you can collaborate in real-time on presentations, which is really handy for team projects. You and your team can work together on the pitch deck simultaneously, making it easier to combine ideas and make quick edits.

AI text editing features

Prezi now has an AI text editing tool that helps create the right content that matches your slides. This feature is especially handy if you struggle to explain points clearly, as it can easily generate and arrange text into readable and visually appealing segments.

These features help in crafting a pitch deck that not only looks good but also communicates your business idea to potential investors.

Using Prezi video for virtual investor pitch decks

Prezi offers more than just presentation creation, it also has a special function that allows you to present your investor pitch deck virtually. With Prezi Video , you can appear live on the screen right next to your slides. This creates a more personal experience for your audience. You can maintain eye contact and interact with your content as if it’s right there with you. This helps in keeping your audience’s attention and making a stronger and more persuasive pitch. 

Prezi Video

Tips for presenting your investor pitch deck

Now you know how to make a business presentation for investors, it’s time to think about presenting one. Here’s some tips to help you master your pitch delivery:

  • Body language: Your body language should convey confidence. Stand straight, make eye contact, and use gestures to emphasize points. Avoid crossing your arms or fidgeting, as these can look defensive or make you appear nervous.
  • Voice projection: Speak clearly and at a steady pace. Vary your tone to keep the presentation engaging. Practice speaking loudly enough to be heard without shouting. A clear speaker is a confident speaker. 
  • Tackling nerves: To manage nerves, take deep breaths and focus on your material, not on yourself. Remember, you’re the expert on your business.
  • Question preparedness: Anticipate questions investors might ask and prepare clear, concise responses. This shows that you have thought through various aspects of your business.
  • Show enthusiasm: Let your genuine enthusiasm for your project shine through. Passion can be infectious and may help to convince investors of your commitment and belief in the business’s potential.
  • Practice: Rehearse your pitch multiple times. This is going to help you remember your content and ensure you’re comfortable with your delivery. Consider practicing in front of a mirror or recording yourself to check and improve your presentation skills.
  • Use of pauses: Pauses can give the audience time to absorb information and help you emphasize key points. When used well, they can improve the overall delivery of your message. 
  • Audience engagement: An effective way to make your audience listen is to address them. You can do this by making eye contact or using rhetorical questions or brief interactive elements. This keeps the audience involved and attentive.
  • Use appropriate language: Depending on who your potential investors are, you’ll need to use a language style that’s universal and simple to grasp. Avoid using overly complicated words and technical phrases- this can be off-putting rather than impressive. 

Confident businessman presenting an investor pitch deck.

By combining these tips and using the help of Prezi to create a stand-out investment pitch presentation, you’re bound to make a glowing impression on possible investors. 

Final thoughts on creating and presenting investor pitch decks

Wrapping up, a strong investor pitch deck is crucial for entrepreneurs to properly communicate their business ideas. From the clear, engaging introduction to the detailed financials, each element plays a key role. Notable examples like LinkedIn, Snapchat, and Twitter’s pitch decks show the importance of clarity, strategic planning, and a strong narrative. 

Prezi enhances this process with its unique features, enabling a dynamic, visually appealing presentation. Using Prezi Video adds a personal touch to virtual pitches, making them more engaging. Remember, successful pitching also depends on the presenter’s delivery – confident body language, clear voice projection, and enthusiasm are essential. By combining Prezi’s tools and following the presentation tips, you can create a pitch that resonates with investors and effectively showcases your business potential. 

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How to Create an Investor Presentation [Templates + Tips]

How to Create an Investor Presentation [Templates + Tips]

Written by: Aarushi Singh

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When you’re about to raise capital for your startup, having a great investor presentation can grab the attention of VCs and angel investors.

Potential investors often look for information like the problem you’re trying to solve, the business model, the financials and how you plan to spend the money you’re raising.

To make sure your pitch is just right, we’ve shared proven ways to create an investor presentation. This article is for founders who are actively looking for fundings and reaching out to investors.

Here's a short selection of 8 easy-to-edit investor presentation slides you can edit, share and download with Visme. View more below:

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Before diving in, let’s take a quick look at what an investor presentation really is.

Ready to create an investor presentation? Use our startup pitch deck theme with 70+ pre-made slides and put together a stunning investor presentation in minutes. It's fast, easy and works in your browser!

What is an Investor Presentation?

An investor presentation provides a clear, concise yet informative overview of your business to potential investors. It covers key points of your business such as your vision, market opportunity, products and services, high-level financials and funding needs.

A winning pitch deck needs to be both short and complete at the same time. Investors only spend an average of 3 minutes and 44 seconds on a pitch deck. This means you need to strive for quality, not quantity in your investor presentation.

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Investor Presentation Theme [Edit and Download]

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The beginning of your investor presentation can make or break the opportunity. Within the first four slides, potential investors begin to evaluate your business idea and determine whether you’re someone they want to invest in or do business with long-term.

In the next section, you'll learn how to put together an investor presentation that helps you make it to the next meeting and secure the funds you need to grow your business.

How to Create the Perfect Investor Presentation

Investors come across several investor presentations every single day. The challenge is to make your pitch deck stand out and hook them right off the bat. You want to strike the right balance between the psychological, business and financial aspects of your presentation.

If you know how to provide a narrative, you can easily create a stellar pitch deck that can communicate your proposal effectively. Here are eight tips that will help.

1. Build a Compelling Story to Hook Investors

It’s important to create a cohesive story that grabs the attention of the investors right off the bat. It’s an opportunity to show how you came up with that idea and why you’re so passionate about it.

The best pitch decks start with a real problem. For instance, you might be working as a customer success rep and recognize a lack of data visibility that you can improve with a simple solution. By sharing why you decided to launch your startup, you can create a powerful narrative.

new work investor presentation

While there’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to the “art of storytelling” in investor presentations, there are a few ways you can make sure that you have a compelling story:

  • Be concise. Investors make their decisions in just under a few minutes of your presentation. You need to create a crisp and effective story that communicates your idea clearly. Make sure you have a visually appealing presentation design for your pitch deck - not too cluttered with just the right amount of information.
  • Differentiate.  Start out by showing why you are different, gaps in the existing market, and how your solution is more poised for success than any competitors. Quantify wherever possible. Emphasize the financial upside of your idea.
  • Validate your solution. Provide real-life examples of the problem and use-cases of your solution. Share how many people are struggling with the same challenges, give evidence that your solution works. Client reviews, testimonials, data, case studies, and customer success stories can make investors more inclined and confident.

2. Discuss Target Market and Opportunity

Use this slide to cover your solution’s market potential. Answer questions like:

  • What is the need for your product or service?
  • What is the total market size?
  • How do you plan to transform this into a business opportunity?
  • What are the financial outcomes you expect?

Investors will want to know specifics like how many buyers exist and how much money they are willing to spend on your solution. If you’re serving various verticals or industries, divide your market into segments and explain them using different types of your product offerings.

new work investor presentation

Now, this slide is a bit tricky because every entrepreneur likes to boast about the size of the problem they’re dealing with. Overinflated market size and blanket statements leave the impression that you have not fully understood your market and cause ambiguity.

Instead of saying, “eCommerce is a trillion-dollar industry,” try saying, “We’re aiming to offer our services to a niche-eCommerce vertical which is currently a million-dollar industry, but expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 25.3%.”

Instead of saying, “Hospitality is a billion-dollar industry.” Try saying, “Our solution is specifically built for luxury properties with a market size valued at USD 93.37 billion.”

If you want to learn how to give a good presentation , especially when it comes to a pitch desk, lead with solid metrics that reflect you’ve put a good deal of thought into understanding the opportunity.

3. Highlight Your USP and Value Proposition

Investors are trying to find exceptional businesses and you might even have one, but the key is to communicate the value of your startup. Describe the technology behind it, the frameworks you use or the secret sauce behind your solution. When you share this, you are cutting through the noise and establishing the USP of your startup.

You may want to talk about the existing solutions in the market, but avoid spending too much time on competitors. Instead, transition to what makes you better.

new work investor presentation

One of the most powerful ways to convey your value proposition is by framing use-cases based on real-life scenarios. This is generally where founders like to put up numbers on the presentation slides to engage investors — and the latter love to see the quantifiable value!

This number is usually related to time or cost (or both) that potential buyers can save with your solution. Here are a couple of ways to say this:

  • We can reduce manual efforts by X times in the IT industry.
  • We can enhance sales metrics for logistics companies by X times.
  • We can offer rich data visibility to distributed teams at an affordable price.
  • We offer X times more speed than Y solution.

Short, direct statements like this are a great way to provide specifics to the investors. The idea is to use less text and more schematics, diagrams, and flowcharts in your presentation structure . If you have a prototype or demo, this is where you use them in your investor presentation.

4. Showcase Who Needs Your Product and Why

Explaining exactly who needs your product is critical to your investor presentation. It’s much easier to gloss over buyers based on industry trends such as “a product manager in the SaaS industry uses X product or service.” But these findings only reveal the top-level information and are quite far away from what actually happens in real-life sales.

One of the best presentation tips is to share the roadmap for your product adoption. A great way of doing this is by wrapping your stats in a story. So, rather than just presenting stats or saying you can save X amount of monetary value or time for your buyers, explain the behavior or preferences you are overcoming with your solution. This supports your value proposition and immediately grabs the attention of your audience.

new work investor presentation

Describe their day-to-day wants and needs. Create a journey to show the frustrations of your customers and what your stats mean in practice for them. The goal is to convey the essence of what your solution can achieve.

If you already have early adopters or sales, mention customer success stories and talk about the challenges they have overcome. If you’re still in the ideation or development phase, talk about your strengths or a unique angle that’s going to give you an edge over your competitors.

It can be helpful to bring out features of your product or service at this point in your investor presentation. For instance, if your biggest competitor offers features like complex automations for lengthy workflows, make it a case and talk about how smaller companies would prefer using an easy-to-use software that offers decent automation for shorter workflows.

Remember, your investor presentation is not about pretending you know it all and your competitors are doing everything wrong. You want to fill in the gaps, or cater to a niche audience, or address specific pain points. Unless you’re actually solving a trillion-dollar problem. Then you will have to prove that business case to your investors.

5. Prove You Are the Right Founder and Team

When you’re a growing startup, you must convince people that your vision is the right one and that you have the right team to execute it. Especially when you’re in the early life of your startup where you might not have a lot of “customer success stories” and all you have is people.

Your team slide should feature your founders. While it’s crucial to display a team’s skills and experience, the founding team’s attitude is a big differentiator for investors.

new work investor presentation

Generally, founders that have first-hand experience with the challenges they’re trying to solve are more passionate about their business idea, challenges they want to overcome, and their target customers are more likely to succeed in the long term.

“Yes, seed investors understand that early-stage companies have many unknowns and the idea will change a lot, so they look carefully at the people to see whether the team will be able to adapt.”

Reid hoffman, linkedin co-founder, and greylock partner.

Think of it like a well-oiled machine - each part has its own function and role that compliments every other part. So, it’s important to put together a team with diverse skills and expertise that is capable of handling different sides of the business.

A good example of a team slide is for the LinkedIn pitch which showed a stunning bench that not only had a substantial entrepreneurial knack and technical expertise but was also experienced in the inception stages of the social networking industry.

6. Current Status, Financials, Timeline and Metrics

Dealing with financial data is a tricky beast of its own. In a CB Insights report about the top 20 reasons startups fail , the second most common reason, behind lack of product-market fit, is “running out of cash.”

When you’re preparing an investor presentation, it’s important to create this slide with just the right amount of details. You shouldn’t dive into in-depth spreadsheets that are too complex to understand. Use visually appealing and concise graphics such as charts to show total customers, sales, expenses and profits.

new work investor presentation

Walk your audience through your financials such as income statement, sales forecast, and cash flow forecast. You might also want to highlight metrics like customer acquisition cost (CAC).

Explain the current status of your product or service, what future milestones look like, and how you will use the money you’re trying to raise. It can also be persuasive to ask investors for their help and expertise in certain areas as this offers more transparency to them.

7. Finally, Make a Lasting Impression

Now that you’ve collected and structured your investor presentation, it’s time to make a brief, actionable statement that sums up your deck. You may only have 30 minutes with these investors. So, it’s crucial to make a lasting impression that will solve any doubts they may have.

The best pitch decks place traction numbers here or some type of hook to get investors interested. Figures like prototypes ready, existing customers, MRR, ARR, market and predicted growth are great ways to make a last impression.

new work investor presentation

Another good way of wrapping it up is by providing an executive summary, also called a summary memo, to the investors. Simply put, it’s a two-to-three-page summary of your business that they can share with their partners and other stakeholders to provide an overview of your pitch deck and business.

new work investor presentation

At the end of it, ask them if they need any additional data or information from your side and set a realistic ETA for when you can deliver them. While sending this information, add the summary of the deck and your investor presentation.

Next Steps For Your Investor Presentation

Creating an investor presentation is intimidating but incredibly important.

There are a lot of things you need to take care of while designing your pitch deck. To make it easier and quicker for you to get started, you can use our pitch deck style presentation theme .

Mix and match slides, customize each and every element, drag and drop built-in graphics or upload your own, add music, interactivity, animation and much more. Create new and custom Dynamic Fields to ensure key information across your project doesn't fall through the cracks.

Sign up for a free account today and create a great investor presentation with all the resources Visme has in store for you.

Create beautiful presentations faster with Visme.

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About the Author

Aarushi is a B2B SaaS copywriter and content strategist. Being a software engineer, she has a knack for tech products and truly understands SaaS which helps her create value-packed content for B2B audience.

new work investor presentation

Improving lives in Latin American and the Caribbean countries by supporting efforts to reduce poverty and inequality in a sustainable, climate friendly way.

A woman sitting at a desk with a computer. Financial Markets - Inter-Amercian Development Bank - IDB

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) is owned by its 48 member countries and finances its diverse operations by issuing bonds in international capital markets. 

Since 1962, it has held the highest-possible triple-A credit rating.  The rating reflects its strong shareholder support, quality loan portfolio (Preferred Creditor Treatment), strong governance, conservative risk management, and substantial liquidity.  

IDB bonds provide an opportunity to invest in a high-quality debt instrument and make a positive impact in Latin America and the Caribbean. 

Forest view from sky - Investors - Inter American Development Bank - IDB

The broad and global distribution of this transaction is once again testament to IDB’s firm support within the global investor community.

IDB Launches Australian Dollar - Investors - Inter American Development Bank - IDB

Taiju Life Insurance Company is the sole investor of the bond with SMBC Nikko Capital Market Ltd. being the arranger.

Sunrise - Investor - Inter American Development Bank - IDB

Recent updates for IDB Investors

Person taking hands - Financial Investment - Inter American Development Bank - IDB

With this bond, IDB raises awareness for the Sustainable Development Goals, including projects supporting women’s maternal health.

Since 1962 the IDB has held the highest possible triple-A credit rating


Moody's Investors Service ("Moody's") affirms its Aaa long-term and P-1 short-term ratings on the Inter-American Development Bank's (IADB). IDB's credit profile is supported by a robust intrinsic financial strength, reflected in strong capital adequacy and liquidity metrics.

Rating Update                  Full Report 

Standard and poor's

S&P Global Ratings affirms its 'AAA/A-1+' ratings on the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) based on their assessment of the IDB’s extremely strong enterprise risk profile and very strong financial risk profile.

Rating Update    Full Report

Total Subscribed Capital

Outstanding borrowings

Total Equity

Total Assets

* Updated figures as of December 31, 2023

Paneles solares para electrificación rural. Desarrollo sostenible- Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo

IDB is actively supporting countries in Latin America and the Caribbean to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals through the issuance of Sustainable Development Bonds.

Niñas en el colegio sonriendo. Educación - Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo - BID

The IDB's EYE bond program focuses on a “life cycle” approach. It seeks to build human capital, starting from early childhood care and education through formal primary and secondary education, as well as programs that facilitate labor market placement by improving the transition from school to work through vocational training.


Explore the IDB's financial statements and other reports.

Explore our financing for public sector projects in Latin America and the Caribbean and other resources.

Explore our financing for private sector projects in Latin America and the Caribbean and other resources.

This Web Site contains materials relating to IDB securities which are provided for information purposes only. 

This Web Site also includes the ratings analyses of the IDB and related press releases (collectively, the “Reports” and each, a “Report”). The Reports are provided with the permission of each of the rating agencies that have published the Reports.  The IDB makes no warranties as to the accuracy, adequacy, completeness or timeliness of the contents of the Reports.  Providing access to a Report from the IDB Web Site does not imply endorsement or approval of its contents by the IDB.

None of the aforementioned materials or Reports constitutes an offer of or an invitation by or on behalf of the IDB to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any IDB securities. The IDB does not intend to solicit and is not soliciting any action with respect to any IDB securities through this Web Site.

Nothing included in this Web Site shall be deemed to be incorporated into the IDB’s Global Debt Program Prospectus dated January 8, 2001, the IDB’s Global Debt Program Prospectus dated July 28, 2020, or into any other offering document for IDB securities. 

All materials contained herein relating to IDB securities should be read in conjunction with the appropriate offering document or prospectus and any applicable supplement thereto, and any other materials that they supplement or that are incorporated by reference therein.  IDB securities mentioned herein may not be eligible for sale in certain jurisdictions or to certain persons and may be subject to other restrictions.

Nothing in this Web Site or any materials therein shall be construed, explicitly or implicitly, to contain any investment recommendations.  The IDB is not registered under the U.S. Investment Advisers Act of 1940.  Accordingly, nothing in this Web Site or in any materials therein should be considered investment advice.  Investors considering purchasing IDB securities should consult their own financial, legal and tax advisors for information about such securities, the risks and investment considerations arising from an investment in such securities, the appropriate tools to analyze such investment and the suitability of such investment in each investor’s particular circumstances.


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How to Create an Investor Presentation

How to Create an Investor Presentation

There is no right, wrong or definitive way to get the attention of investors.

Sometimes chance encounters at events or cocktail parties lead to meeting invitations. Sometimes years of press mentions and a good track record get you in the door. And on rare occasions, a well-written cold pitch email to the right person at the right time might be just the ticket.

No matter how you get your foot in the door, the real challenge is selling investors on why they should commit their capital. While there are many tips for the best ways to go about negotiating a deal, I thought it best to first cover the investor presentation contents

I am a firm believer in show, don't tell. But there are still several items that must be covered in any investor presentation.

Here are a list of presentation slides and data you should have with you on the big day.

1. Overview . Include a simple slide with a brief series of points you intend to cover during the presentation.

2. Facts About Your Business .  This slide should feature a list of your unique selling propositions, real historical revenue data, the names of current big name clients or contracts that your company owns, and a list of any intellectual property you might own.

3. Immediate Sales Growth Opportunities. Show the lead and sales funnel you currently own along with the potential (or determined) revenues for each transaction.

4. Competition & Industry Analysis .  Include a general overview of your competitors, why you’re better, and how the market share and overall industry revenues look.

5. Game Plan. This should be a series of points about your strategy and action plan to attain your goals.

6. Use of Proceeds, ROI and Terms. Layout how you intend to use the money by breaking it down into big-ticket, top-level line items (e.g. Marketing, Salaries, etc.). In addition, include your anticipated break-even point and a series of financial projections that show your best, moderate, and worst cases.

7. Management Team. List your core team members and 2 or 3 bullet points about their relevant expertise.

8. Big Picture . This is a series of bullet points that show off your long term vision, new market segments where your business can diversify revenues in the future, and other points that demonstrate how your company can be a grand slam for investors that jump on board now in the long term.

Note: Each of the following slides should be short, sweet, to the point, and highly supported by research, data, and defensible assumptions. The order can be rearranged, however, look to keep the sexy stuff up front.

In addition, as I mentioned earlier, always look to show, don't tell. Be visual. Demo your product whenever possible. Have a conversation, not a lecture. Never let your deck or presentation be the main focus of your pitch. You always need to sell the jockey before the horse. Remember, investors buy into amazing people first and amazing ideas third-- second is always about how much money they'll earn and how fast the ROI will be.

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Investor Presentation Best Practices

October 26, 2018 | Strategy , Investor Relations ,

We have created a myriad of investor presentations and slides, sat through countless investor meetings and attended numerous conference presentations. As we think about preparing for the annual J.P. Morgan conference in January – having a good investor deck is on the priority list.

We have captured some of the most frequently asked questions, and how to address them, with our take on best practices.

1 | Content – what should be included in a public company investor presentation?

We don’t believe that all investor decks need to follow the same template. In fact, effective decks communicate, not only the key messages of the company, but they also convey corporate culture and style. For example – there is quite a bit of variability between how transparent and granular the information is versus staying at a high level. Similarly, not all companies choose to start their presentation with the traditional “Investment Highlights” slide, in fact, many are opting to begin with a mission statement, patient story or comment on culture.

Despite the many choices and variability, a public company investor presentation does typically contain between 15 to 25 content-slides, which collectively present a simple and compelling message about your company to potential investors. Importantly, we believe the deck should both stand on its own and be a reference for more in-depth discussions. Similarly, we believe it should be tailored so that a generalist investor can understand your value proposition but also open the door for more granular conversations with sector specialists.

A strong investor presentation should …

  • Identify the problem that needs to be addressed
  • Outline the addressable market opportunity
  • Explain what is differentiated about your technology
  • Map out a commercial strategy
  • Delineate upcoming milestones and opportunities for growth
  • Summarize financial highlights

2 | Timing – how often/when should it be updated? How often/when should you overhaul?

Throughout the year, slides are often updated to reflect new product launches, reimbursement decisions, FDA approvals, quarterly financials, etc. At least once every 12-18 months, we find it helpful for companies to reflect on their comprehensive progress and strategic objectives moving forward and ensure those core messages are incorporated into their investor presentation.

Often, companies will want to create a new look and feel of their deck, update the strategic message and overhaul the presentation in preparation for a large analyst meeting. From a calendar perspective, one of the best times to review a corporate deck is in the later summer while things may be quiet, or in the fall when the calendar year is coming to a close. The fall can be particularly appropriate since much of the strategic planning for the following year is well underway and companies are preparing for a week of meetings at the annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference at the start of the new year.  But don’t leave it until the last minute – it can take several iterations to create a good investor presentation, and as a non-critical path item, it’s usually not on the top of management team’s priority list. (Luckily, it’s on the top of ours!)

3 | Ownership – who should update it?

Investor presentations are most typically updated by a member of the investor relations team, working collaboratively with the management team. In addition to basic updates with new information, your IR team will suggest the introduction of new slides or formats to convey major milestones, shifts in strategy, etc. For major overhauls – we usually will have investor relations project manage, but rely on heavy input from the management team, bringing in folks from several divisions within the company to share ideas and content.

Once a deck is final, it is important to have it reviewed by members of the company’s senior leadership teams across R&D, Commercial, Marketing and Legal to confirm information is correct and up to date across the board.

4 | Appendix – should you have one, and if so, what should be included?

When thinking through the content on your investor presentation, as we mentioned earlier, we believe the deck should both stand on its own and be a reference for more in-depth discussions, while also serving as an effective tool for both generalist investors and sector specialists. While not necessary, an appendix can help guide discussions in 1×1 meetings, but generally will not be used as part of the podium presentation. Examples of slides in the appendix, which can provide helpful back-up information, could be further delineation of the market opportunity, disease state, clinical trial design and data, the reimbursement landscape, or any area where a familiar investor may want to delve further into the weeds. As a point of reference, about 40% of investor decks on which we work contain Appendix slides.

5 | Accessibility – should your investor deck be accessible on the IR website?

An investor deck needs a form 8-K filed if it discloses any new material information, but it does not need to appear on a company’s website. That said, posting presentations is a great way to make information accessible to interested investors and is a practice adopted by many large-cap companies. Similarly, it’s considered best practice to webcast conference participation. Our strong recommendation is to include both the audio and the slides as part of the webcast, as well as a PDF version of the slides so investors can download them. Finally, from a convenience standpoint, it’s simply easier to provide a download link to anyone who requests your investor deck.

In our experience, one of the first steps analysts and investors will take when learning about a new company is to review the investor deck. This means that we want it to be accessible with a clear message on your value proposition. We have worked with hundreds of healthcare companies as they work on iterating their investor deck, overhauling it with a new strategy or content, or just wanting a fresh new look and feel. With our Street backgrounds, coupled with our immersion in the sector, we are uniquely positioned to share what makes decks effective and why. We will roll up our sleeves to help both strategically and logistically to ensure the message is as clean as possible. Our ultimate goal is to maintain and build credibility to create shareholder value. For more ideas and help on your investor deck, contact us .

Carrie Mendivil, Principal

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Top 10 Investor Presentation Templates with Samples and Examples

Top 10 Investor Presentation Templates with Samples and Examples

You are a dogged entrepreneur about to seize a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity: presenting your concept to prospective investors. You need the people to believe in your idea to get that funding.

Did you know that 75% of investor presentations bomb in their investment pitch ? Which means, you need the right Investor Presentation Template to be a part of the 25%. SlideTeam is here to help, providing you with the best means to capture your audience. With our Top 10 Investor Presentation Templates that will wow your backers, you will stand out.

Want a short, customizable investor pitch to get your idea funded anyway? Read out blog on investor pitch deck slides

Unleash Your Investor Pitch with SlideTeam's Investor Presentation Templates

Believe us; YOU WILL ROCK IT! Try our templates and increase your chances of getting the money you need. Are you ready? Here we go!

Template 1: Investor Presentation to Raise Capital from Series C Funding PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Renowned business author and industry expert Brian Tracy once said, " Investment in knowledge pays the best interest ." This sentiment holds true with this Series C funding comprehensive template that covers all the essential elements, starting with an agenda for the company's operational overview, highlighting key metrics such as store count and revenue split.

Present current business statistics, showcasing the market opportunity, and the problem your company solves. Highlight your unique selling points and the vision and values ​​that drive your organization forward. Showcase your achievements with detailed descriptions, and delve into your product categories and features. Convey your value proposition and attract potential investors for Series C funding today.

Investor Presentation to Raise Capital from Series C Funding


Template 2: Investor Presentation to Raise Private Equity Funds PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Want to grow your company by investing in private equity? This PPT Deck of 47 slides contains everything you need, including a detailed agenda, an in-depth company analysis, convincing figures, and a concise summary of the key issues and core values. Demonstrate why your business idea is the greatest investment opportunity, lay out your team's organizational structure, and emphasize your venture's competitive advantages. Get your message through with a download of this this impressive set of slides.

Investor Presentation to Raise Private Equity Funds

Template 3: Investor Presentation to Raise Capital from Series A Round PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Is your business prepared to take the next step by participating in a Series A round of funding? We've got you covered! 

This comprehensive deck includes various issues crucial to your success, with captivating backdrop graphics and pertinent material. It includes everything you need to make an impression for capital fundraising , including an agenda that sets the scene, information that grabs attention, pictures of your team in action, discussion of obstacles and triumphs, and an emphasis on your core values.

Investor Presentation to Raise Capital from Series A Round

Template 4: Multiplayer Gaming System Investor Presentation PPT Template

In the competitive gaming industry, a fascinating investor presentation is essential. This amazing template attracts gamers with a mission statement that encapsulates your brand and highlights the exponential audience growth.

You'll see your gaming platform's potential with data-driven presentations on product development, sales, distribution methods, and revenue. Introduce your leadership team to platform performance metrics using this template. SWOT analysis features may reveal the gaming industry's landscape and top companies' advantages. Ready to jump in? Elevate your investor presentation and dominate the gaming industry!

Multiplayer Gaming System Investor Presentation

Template 5: Sustainable Farming Investor Presentation PPT Template

Do you belong to the agriculture segment and require a presentation to attract capital? This deck simplifies your company's value proposition, enticing investors. It highlights your farm goods, services, plant health monitoring, and preventive measures that can attract investors.

This strong template includes investment prospects, a worldwide capital market platform, a successful company strategy, attractive financial highlights, and a competitive evaluation of industry leaders. Finally, it discusses significant players, the acclaimed board of directors, and future agricultural company stakeholder management efforts. Get this powerful template to have better financing options!

Sustainable Farming Investor Presentation

Template 6: Bio-Processing Firm Investor Presentation Complete Deck

Augment your investor presentations! Use our pitch deck template! It informs investors with convincing data and highlights your firm's value proposition, massive potential market size, and lucrative business strategy.

Showcase industry leaders to compete. Show investors your company's chronology. Present confident financial predictions and capital requirements. Introduce your bio-processing firm's key clients, capable leaders, and renowned board members and advisors. Download the deck to begin your success journey.

Learn more about the same presentation templates Amazon uses to lure investors. Read blog Amazon investment templates .

Bioprocessing Firm Investor Presentation

Template 7: Supply Chain Logistics Investor Presentation Template

Chris Caplice, author and logistics expert, said, "Supply chains compete, not companies." Logistics efficiency can make or break a firm. And this is the presentation template you need to make it.

Show investors how your courier management solution addresses industry challenges using slides. Promote automated shipping tracking and customer services. It comprises logistics industry data, market forecasts, and a sound corporate strategy with significant revenue streams. Present your company's mission, values, target audience, premium services, significant clients, headquarters, and experience.

Supply Chain Logistics Investor Presentation

Template 8: Investor Presentation for Software Development PPT Template

Software development funding requires a good investor presentation. And this template emphasizes application pitch essentials.

Start with your company's history and product value propositions. Lists your app's main concerns. The deck analyzes your software and monetization strategies. This presentation identifies your ideal customer, analyzes the industry landscape, and shows major competitors' market share and application information. It shows your organization's overall fundraising and assets . Use this template to shine as software development success awaits!

Investor Presentation for Software Development

Template 9: B2B SaaS Investor Presentation PowerPoint Complete Deck

This PPT Template lets you explain your solution's concept, business approach, and the huge market potential. Showcase your talented and dedicated workforce and explain why investors should select your B2B SaaS above the competition.

Discover growth-guaranteed client acquisition tactics and show how you're different from the competition. Present your vision and product roadmap . Give your audience the best presentation with this deck and watch their enthusiasm increase.

B2B SaaS Investor Presentation

Template 10: Investor Presentation PowerPoint Template Bundles

A well-designed presentation influences 65% of investors' decisions. Don't take a chance on success.

You may communicate your vision with these 12 slides. This template is ideal for expert talks and gatherings. Explore the company overview, portfolio , investor-specific client composition dashboard, competitive analysis, and 2030 vision. Track profitability and growth with a dashboard and share your strategic objectives to generate confidence. Avoid mediocrity. Improve investor presentations to stand out and boost your pitching with this PPT Template.

Investor Presentation

Get Desired Investments with Us!

Level up your investor pitches with SlideTeam's Investor Presentation Templates . Unleash your creativity, captivate investors, and secure the funding you deserve. Get access to the ultimate toolkit for successful presentations. Revolutionize your pitch today!

You can also try out the beverages presentation template if you own a beverage business. Find out more by reading the blog.

FAQs on Investor Presentations

What is in an investor presentation.

Attracting investors and securing cash may be accomplished with the help of a well-crafted investor presentation. The company's history, goals, and values ​​are all staples of any such document. The presentation emphasizes the issue addressed, the company's USP, and its intended audience. Details on the market, its potential, the company's management, its finances, and its future forecasts are all included. The product or service, expansion plans, and early successes may all be highlighted in a presentation to potential investors.

How do you structure an investor presentation?

To convince investors to back your company, you must give them a well-organized presentation. Get them interested immediately by opening with a strong statement of your value offer. Then, please explain the issue your company is trying to tackle and how it differs from any other. The market study should be included, highlighting the current size, projected growth, and intended audience. Then, present your company plan, income sources, and financial forecasts. Draw attention to your team's expertise and distinguishing features.

How do you conclude an investor presentation?

It's important to make a strong impression on investors when you wrap up your presentation. Summarize your main arguments, stressing the possible ROI and reiterating your value offer. Focus on the market's potential and highlight any progress or accomplishments you've made to bolster your argument. Reaffirming your team's knowledge and competence is important to carry out the company strategy. Give investors a glimpse into your plans and explain what you want to do next, whether that's more conversation or asking for their financial backing. In closing, thank investors for their time and attention and give them a clear call to action.

What are the key highlights of a good investment pitch?

Following are the highlights of the investment pitch:

  • A concise description of the company's offering, including its value proposition and distinguishing features.
  • development potential and market opportunity are already apparent
  • Knowledgeable about and empathic with the intended audience
  • Good financial estimates and a well-defined revenue strategy.
  • Team with a proven track record of achievement, backed by years of expertise
  • in market distinctiveness and competitive advantage, were emphasized
  • Proven success with a combination of measurable objectives and user feedback
  • Excellent preparation, interesting delivery, and stimulating imagery.
  • Direct appeal to the interest of possible backers.

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  1. How to Create an Investor Presentation [Templates + Tips]

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  2. Investor Presentation on Behance

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  3. Example Investor Presentation Powerpoint Presentation Slides

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  4. Presentation For Investors Template

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  5. Investor Presentation with 3 Steps. Best for Slideshow, Diagram or

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  6. Template For Investor Presentation

    new work investor presentation


  1. Investor Relations

    VP Investor Relations. New Work SE has been listed on the stock exchange since 2006. Headquartered in Hamburg, it employs a total of around 2,000 people at other locations from Berlin to Vienna and Porto.

  2. Presentations

    Results: Conference Call 3Q 2007, 11/20/07. Presentation. Analyst and Investor Conference. Results: Conference Call 1Q 2007, 05/22/07. Presentation. Press and Analyst Conference. March 29, 2007. Presentation. Presentations on New Work SE: Find all documents and information on the analyst and investor conferences, further links to the webcasts ...

  3. PDF Title of the Presentation

    24 New Work SE Investor Presentation Pro-forma net income 39m New XING profile / CV +0.6m registrations Pro-forma EBITDA margin 32% Workplace Insights @kununu +2.3m. 2023: Financial KPIs flat or down YOY on back of weak macro 25 New Work SE Investor Presentation Pro-forma service revenues in €m 313 306 2022 2023 Pro-forma EBITDA

  4. How To Create A Great Investor Pitch Deck For Startups Seeking ...

    The "Market Opportunity" Slide of the Pitch Deck. Investors want to invest in big opportunities with large addressable markets. On your "Market Opportunity" slide you want to: Set forth ...

  5. Investor Relations

    Investors. Investor Relations. ... Q2 2024 Earnings Presentation. Q2 2024 10-Q. Q2 2024 Prepared Remarks. Link to listen to the webcast . 2023 Annual Report . 2023 Annual Report. Annual Meeting on April 24, 2024 at 11am ET. ... The New York Times Company is a trusted source of quality, independent journalism whose mission is to seek the truth ...

  6. How to Create an Effective Investor Presentation

    Start by clearly articulating your business's mission, vision, and unique value proposition. Describe the problem your product or service solves and how it addresses a market need. Use storytelling techniques to engage your audience emotionally and make your presentation memorable. By connecting with investors on a deeper level, you increase ...

  7. PDF Investor Presentation

    Investor Presentation Q2 FY24. This presentation may contain forward-looking statements for which there are risks, uncertainties, and assumptions. Forward-looking statements may include any statements regarding strategies or plans for future operations; any statements concerning new features, enhancements or upgrades to our existing ...

  8. How to Create a Pitch Deck for Investors [Templates + Design Tips]

    The aim is simple: keep your copy simple, succinct and to the point. A presentation deck is no place to be wordy. Instead, limit to 6-8 lines per slide — roughly 30 words per slide. You can also try the 5 x 5 x 5 rule of writing presentation copy: 5 lines of text per slide with. 5 words per line and placing only.

  9. Create Game-Changing Investor Pitch Decks

    To find an investor presentation template that suits you, you can browse Prezi's business templates here. Collaboration. With Prezi, you can collaborate in real-time on presentations, which is really handy for team projects. You and your team can work together on the pitch deck simultaneously, making it easier to combine ideas and make quick ...

  10. PDF NEW WORK SE Q3 23 earnings presentation

    4 New Work SE Q3 2023 investor presentation Pro-forma (4%) net income Relaunch of Oct 18 Q3 2023: Financial KPIs down YOY on back of weak employment market 5 New Work SE Q3 2023 investor presentation Pro-forma service revenues in €m 78.7 75.7 Q3 22 Q3 23 Pro-forma EBITDA in €m 27.0 28.1 Q3 22 Q3 23

  11. How to Create an Investor Presentation [Templates + Tips]

    1. Build a Compelling Story to Hook Investors. It's important to create a cohesive story that grabs the attention of the investors right off the bat. It's an opportunity to show how you came up with that idea and why you're so passionate about it. The best pitch decks start with a real problem.

  12. BioCryst to Present at Upcoming Investor Conferences

    BioCryst to Present at Upcoming Investor Conferences. August 22, 2024. PDF Version. RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK ... H.C. Wainwright 26th Annual Global Investment Conference in New York on Monday, September 9, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. ET. ... Links to the live audio webcasts and replays of the presentations may be accessed in the Investors & Media section ...

  13. IDB

    We are the main source of financing for development in Latin America and the Caribbean, and we work together with our member countries on improving lives. ... Investor Presentation and HQLA Factsheet. Rating Agency Reports Sustainable Development Bonds Financial Information Offering Documents The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) is owned ...

  14. How to Create an Investor Presentation

    4. Competition & Industry Analysis . Include a general overview of your competitors, why you're better, and how the market share and overall industry revenues look. 5. Game Plan. This should be ...

  15. PDF Investor Presentation

    Investor Presentation Q3 FY23. This presentation may contain forward-looking statements for which there are risks, uncertainties, and assumptions. ... concerning new features, enhancements or upgrades to our existing applications or plans for future applications; any projections of revenues, gross margins, earnings, or other financial items ...

  16. PDF NEW WORK SE FY 23 earnings presentation

    NEW WORK SE FY 23 earnings presentation Feb 27, 2024. Disclaimer This presentation was produced in Feb 2024 by NEW WORK SE (the "Company") solely for use as an information source for potential business partners and is strictly confidential. ... its investors are urged not to rely solely upon the pro-forma results when making their investing ...

  17. Investor Presentation Best Practices

    That said, posting presentations is a great way to make information accessible to interested investors and is a practice adopted by many large-cap companies. Similarly, it's considered best practice to webcast conference participation. Our strong recommendation is to include both the audio and the slides as part of the webcast, as well as a ...

  18. Top 10 Investor Presentation Templates with Samples and Examples

    Template 7: Supply Chain Logistics Investor Presentation Template. Chris Caplice, author and logistics expert, said, "Supply chains compete, not companies." Logistics efficiency can make or break a firm. And this is the presentation template you need to make it.

  19. PDF Investor Presentation

    Safe Harbor Statement. This presentation may contain forward-looking statements for which there are risks, uncertainties, and assumptions. Forward-looking statements may include any statements regarding strategies or plans for future operations; any statements concerning new features, enhancements or upgrades to our existing applications or ...

  20. How to Prepare a Successful Investor Pitch Deck and Presentation

    Be sure to answer each question thoroughly but concisely; if you don't know the answer to a question, be honest and say so. Speak slowly and clearly - An investor presentation is not the time to speed up your talking or try out a new vocal fry. Make eye contact - With each person in the room, if possible.

  21. PDF NEW WORK SE investor presentation

    11 New Work SE Q3 2023 investor presentation Sources: Handelsblatt, ifo, IAB, BA-X BA-X Index 1,98 1.73 12/2022 09/2023 179 140 12/2022 09/2023 Avg. vacancy duration in days in Germany Unfilled positions in Germany (13%) (22%) 1,000 But -the overall demographics-trend plays in our favor

  22. Investor update template: Essential slides

    Pitch · Updated Jun 11, 2023. Use this template. Keep investors up to speed with this free Investor Update template. Show them how you've built, tested, and refined your product or service. Then ...

  23. Reports

    Here you will find documents of all previous annual and quarterly reports as well as the CSR reports of the last years.

  24. Colgate-Palmolive Webcasts Presentation at the Barclays 2024 Global

    NEW YORK --(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug. 21, 2024-- Colgate-Palmolive (NYSE:CL) Chairman, President and CEO, Noel Wallace , will present on Wednesday, September 4, 2024 at 10:30 a.m. ET at the Barclays 2024 Global Consumer Staples Conference . Investors may access a live webcast of this presentation and