Employment Law
Jul 07, 2014
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Employment Law. Objective 3.01 Understand employment law. Employment Law Basics. Employment law Division of law that governs the relationship between employers and employees Employment law stems from various forms of law including tort, criminal, contract, and labor law.
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- fair labor standards act
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- Employment Law Basics Employment law Division of law that governs the relationship between employers and employees Employment law stems from various forms of law including tort, criminal, contract, and labor law
- Employment Law Basics Employer Person or company who pays a person for a wage, salary, payment or fee in exchange for supervising and controlling the employee’s activities
- Employment Law Basics Employee Person who works for an employer for a wage, salary, payment or fee, guided by an express or implied agreement The employee is under the control and supervision of the employer
- Employment Law Basics Independent contractor Person who works for an employer for a wage, salary, payment or fee, guided by an express or implied agreement Person is not subject to the control or supervision of an employer
- Employment Law Basics Express employment agreement A formal contract, either oral or written, that specifically states the terms and conditions of employment
- Employment Law Basics Implied employment agreement An employment contract in which the terms and conditions may be inferred through the actions, comments, promises, and employment practices of either the employer or employee.
- NC Department of Labor Promotes the general well-being, safety, and health of NC workers by: Enforcing occupational and health standards Setting the minimum wage and maximum number of work hours per week Providing apprentice programs for the skilled trades Conducting inspections for mines, boilers, elevators, amusement rides, and quarries
- Fair Labor Standards Act Also referred to as the Wage and Hour Act Federal law that sets the minimum wage, overtime pay, and age requirements for certain types of employees This act does not apply to the minimum wage or overtime pay of professional workers, executives, administrative, and outside sales employees
- Fair Labor Standards Act North Carolina Youth Employment Provisions of the Wage and Hour Act for Nonagricultural Occupations Law that establishes labor standards and labor guidelines for youth 17 years old and younger In general, children of any age are permitted to work for business owned by parents
- Occupational Safety & Health Act Federal act that establishes and promotes workplace safety standards for businesses Employers should undertake specific precautions to ensure that the workplace is free of hazards that would lead to harm, permanent injury or death Violators may be fined up to $7,000 per day
- Americans with Disability Act Federal act that prohibits discrimination based on a person’s disability if the person with the disability is able to perform the essential functions of the job requirements
- Age Discrimination Act in Employment This act prohibits discrimination against applicants and employees 40 years of age or older throughout the employment process This act only apply to businesses employing 20 or more employees
- Family and Medical Leave Act This act provides eligible employees with unpaid, job-protected leave for certain family or medical conditions, such as: The birth or adoption of a child The employee is diagnosed with a serious health condition The employee needs to care for a close relative with a serious health condition
- Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 This act prohibits employment agencies, employers, and unions from discrimination against applicants and employees on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or sex Discrimination is prohibited throughout the employment process including hiring, compensation, promotion, training, and termination
- The Civil Rights Act of 1991 The purpose of this act was to strengthen civil rights law, in particular disparate impact Disparate impact Occurs when an employer creates a seeming fair employment practice that has a negative impact on members of a protected class Under this act, employers must prove that their practices are based on job qualifications
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25 th February 2012. EMPLOYMENT LAW. The body of laws , administrative rulings, and precedents which address the legal rights of, and restrictions on, working people and their organisations. Mediates many aspects of the relationship between trade unions, employers and employees
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Employment law
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O’Connor, Parsons, Lane & Noble has the honor of being listed as a Best Law Firm in the United States by US News & World Report. That includes our individual attorneys who are recognized as Best Lawyers in America or as Super Lawyers or both, accomplishments about which we are very proud. Every partner on our team has successfully obtained multi-million dollar verdicts and settlements on behalf of plaintiffs in their respective areas of medical malpractice, personal injury and employment law. Our legal team is comprised of some of the best lawyers in New Jersey. As thought leaders and problem solvers, our work is informed by fairness, humanity and justice. Are we passionate about fighting for our clients? Count on it.
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Labour & employment law
Published by Mildred Townsend Modified over 6 years ago
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